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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may bo filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included In one expouure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etic, peuvent Atre fiimAs A des taux de rAductlon diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cllchA, II est filmA A partir de I'angle supArleur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcesssire. Les diegrammes sulvants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^ljy>^ K, T\ g-^Wvi^y^ /tSS-, Circular No. 73. May 1858. BoABD OF Trade. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS OFFICElliS IN THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS ABROAD. ' {Referring to Paragraph 18.) 68. In consequence of the frcciucnt instances of loss and destruc- A new Certi- tion of the present Disclmrecs and Certificates of Character of *'^"*^"^^'^" charge and Searaec, the Board of Trade have prepared a new Form called a character has " Certificate of Discharge and Character, E 2," printed on jmrch- '>een issued. ment, and sufficiently large to contain entries for a considerable number of voyages. These Certificates will bo issued to men of good character only, and the issue is confined to Forts in the United Kingdom. A paper copy of the Certificate is annexed. It is expected that they will be of value to the Seamen in assisting them to procure employment, and also to Masters of Vessels, in tending to check desertion, and to make men more careful to preserve good characters. The following Instructions witli respect to the new Certificates are issued for the guidance of the Officers appointed in the various British Possessions to superintend the Engagement and Discharge of Seamen. 69. Whenever aScanuui possessing a Certificate E2 is engaged On the Engage- in the Oflicer's presence, the number of such Certificate must be ^^ ** ' **' entered in tlie Articles of Agreement, opposite to tlio man's name, in the Column headed "No. of Fund Ticket," (until a proper column is provided for tiie purpose,) and the particulars must be entered in the proper columns of Iho List CC 20. 70. On the Discharge of a Seaman possessing a Certificate E 2, On the Di«- the Officer Vi'iW, if the man so rer/uirc, cause the particulars of^^'"'^^"^ Discharge and Character to be very legibly and accurately entered in such Certificate instead of in the present Form CC 5, and will see that the E 2 is signed by the Master in the proper Column. Of course where the discharge is entered in the Certificate E 2, no other discharge is to be given. '2 •X \'.Y ivX'rfS'^ ' Services in dit- 71. If the holder ol' a Certificate E 2 has been promoted to a l» entS " *** superior rank in the course of the voyage, the Character and separately. Period of Service in each grade sltould be given in a separate line. Indifferent Characiers, 72. It is to bo remembered that " Tlie Merchant Shipping' Act, 1 854," (s. 1 76.) does not mnke it necessary that the Character should be inserted in the Certificate of Discharge unless the Seaman Avishes it ; consequently, if, on account of the Character being indifferent, or for other reasons, the Seaman requires the entries of Character, or any of thcni, to be omitted from the Certificate E 2, they must be omitted ; and with a view of giving him this option, his attention sliould always be called to the point whenever it is pro- posed to insert a bad or indifferent Character. If the entries of Character arc omitted, the Officer must always cross out the blank . ;-v ' '' spaces, so as to prevent any entries being made in them subse- quently. Entries to be ^^^ "^''^ Master must enter in the Official Log Book, opposite made in Official to the man's name in the columns headed "Report of Cha- racter " in tho List of Crew at the beginning of the Jjog Book, the three particulars of character entered in the Certificate E 2, as well as the Number of the Certificate, Log Book. Officer to sign eertificate. List of trans- actions con- nected with Certificates to be sent to the Registrar General of Seamen. 74. If all is straightforward, and the above requirements are complied with, the Officer will sign the Certificate E 2 in the proper column, and return it to the Seaman. 75. A copy of the Entries made in the Certificate E 2 should be entered in the List CC 20, of which a model is annexed, and care must be taken that the number of tlie Certificate is correctly noted in it. This List must contain, — - < 1st. The cases in wliich men possessing Certifieates E 2 have been engaged in the Officer's presence. 2d. Copies of the entries made in Certificates E 2 in the case of men discharged in the Officer's presence. 3d. The cases in which Seamen who are known to have pos- sessed Certificates E 2 have died or deserted on the voyage, or otherwise, stating what has become of their Certificates. If the, man possessed a Certificate E 2, its number will be found entered against his name in the Articles of Agreement. The List must be sent to the Registrar General of Seamen, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, London, E.C., by the first- Mail after any entries are recorded in it, as in the case of Notice! 3 ■ i-^'a^ iff , of Desertion, &c.; and in order that the Registrar may he satis- iied that none of the Lists have miscarried, they should be numbered so as to form a consecutive series for each Fort, com- mencing with Number One on the ist January of each year. These particulars are required for the purpof^e of keeping up a Register from which a dup^'cate Certificate containing entries similar to those in the original can at any time be obtained in case of the loss or destruction of the original. 76. Should the Certificate of a Deserter come into the OflScer's Certificates of hands, he will detain and annex it to the List CC 20. Deserter*. 77. Should any Seaman die at the Port, or should it appear. Certificates of on the discharge of a Crew, or otherwise, that a Seaman has died ^'^'^Med Sea- ou the voyage, the Officer will demand and take possession of his Certificate E 2 (if he had one), and will enter on it a Certificate of the man's death, with the name of the place and date, and will then annex it to the List CC 20, to be sent to the Registrar General of Seamen. It is very important to obtain and cancel such Certificates so as to prevent their being improperly used, \ 78. As regards the old Form^^f Discharge CC 5, no change no change in will take place by reason of this new Certificate E 2 coming into Discharge on .. old Form. operation. ■■-*■:■■■ ..' As an Addition to Paragraph 29. The latter jwrtion of the 29th paragraph of Instructions fixes Kelief ofDis- the subsistence in the case of a Master at the same rate as that tressed Seamen, for a Seaman. It is, however, found necessary to make some distinction between Seamen and Masters for the purpose of marking tho diff'erence in -ank. Tn future, therefore, in the case of a Master who is shipwrecked, an allowance equal to twice as much as that given to a Seaman may be granted. The amount also allowed for conveyance home may be increased in a like proportion, provided additional accommodation is afforded, but the rate allowed, as double that of the Seaman, must be specified in the order for conveyance. It is expressly to be understood, that althougli this allowance is granted, it is only in cases of shipwreck, and in which tho Mas- ters are really destitute, that relief is to be aiforded. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, makes no provision for relief being afforded to Masters of British Merchant Vessels who may be in distress abroad. I % 78. Seamen hurt or iqjured in the Service of the Ship in (Referring to Parayrapht 21 and S2 of Inslructums and to Circular No, 42.) Circular No. 42 directs tlint no doilnclion is to be made from the Wages of Seamen hurt or injured in llie Service of the Ship, but that the Wages, wliether received in Cash or by Bill, are to certain Cases to 1)0 delivered to the Seaman on hia leaving the Port or getting bear Expense r> i i. of Clothing. Employment. Tlie 228th Section of '• The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," however, appears to confine the liability of Owners of Vessels to expenses incurred in providing Surgical and Medical Advice with attendance, medicine.o, and subsistence, until the Seaman is cured or dies, or is brotight back to the Port of Shipment, either in the United Kingdom or some British Possession, and of his conveyance to such Port, and the exjiensc (if any) of burial. All expenses incurred in providing clothing not absolutely necessary for Medical purposes must therefore in future be defrayed out of the balance of Wages (if any) due to the Seaman. As an Addition to Paragraph 54. Wages and I" ^W cases in which the effects of deceased Seamen are sent to Effects of De- the United Kingdom, the receipt of the Master of the Vessel by ■ which the effects are conveyed should be obtained on the Form CC 16 ; and an endorsement of the fact of their being on board sliould be made on the Articles of the Vessel conveying them. T. H. FARUER, Assistant Secretary. D CHARACTER. N' ;'() with the Seaman to the Shipping Office, and be prcpai'ed loamcn. Any peculiar Marks on Person. Signature of Seaman. 3 is to be entered in a separate line. luiractiT. !!onduct. Sobriety. Signature of Master of Ship. Signature of Shipping Master, Consul, or other UlBcer before whom discharged. \o dctiiK'd fiiiiHy of ii niiFcldiu'jiiHir, (v may le siuiimnrily i)tniif>hed by ificate ?li(juld tiaiitinit it Ibitlnvith by i)Okt to the lu-gifetrar Central t i I. ■) ■t-i f" " from iheir Ships have established Seamen's Savhujs Banks at the ^ufcs. Seamen are ihcrc/orc recommended to take from the pay tahlei 'the i)iterest luhich the Board of Trade allow. When Seamen require ^ptiiij those ahova ouinicd), when the lohole or a portion of their '''.Utoiis residiioj at any of the Ports cati do so, free of expense, by l\ [Over CEO.) CERTIFICATE OF DISC N.B. --Whenever Kntrics urc to be inado in lliis ('ertiflcatc in respect of services in tlie IIoi to show his right to give tlu S,\XCTIOXED nY TUB UclAUD OF TnADE, JL'LY1837. In pi'rauniiro of 17 * 18 Vict. 0. m. Clirlstiiui and Surnames of Seaiimu at full K'ngth. No. ofCortificate of Coiupetoncy or Wcrvici- (ifniiy). Vear wlicn iKirn. riaco of Birth. Town of_ County of_ Ildight. If a Man in the course of a voyage is promoted to a superior rank, his character and p^ Name of Ship. Official Number. Port of Kogistry. Capacity on board. Date of Entry, I)c!6criptIon or Nature of Voyage. Date of Discharge, N.B. — Any Person who fraudulently makes use of any Certiilcato -wliic-h i« fcrj^ecl, or altered, or does not Lolong to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not cxcecdint;- six months ; and any other than the person it belongs to of Seamen, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, London. Seamen's Wages. — The Board of Trcule hcuuj desirous of preventinr/ as far as jwssible the risic of Seamen losing th Shipping Ojjices, at ang of which ojjiceH {Kirkwcdl, Lcrtvlcic, aud, JStornow(tg cxcepled) Seamen can pay and with d.raAv, free of sufficient only for their immediate expenses, a,nd deposit for safety the renitiiukr of their Wages in tlte Seamen's Savings Be to withdraw any of their money, all they will have to do tuill be to apply to the Skipping Masters at any of the Ports vjIu 'i)io)iey will he returned free of expense, 'ivith any interest that m'ly be due. Seamen desirous of I'emitting a portion of the <-q>plyiny to the Shipping Masters for Money Orders. For farther particalars apply to the Shipping Master. L()N]3(JN : Printed by Georoe E. Evbe and William SroiiiswooDE, Print >F DISCHARGE AND CHARACTER. N° _ services in the Home Trade, the Master must go with the Seaman to the Shipping Office, and be prepared his right to give the Soatnaii a Discharge. 1. JInrks for Idenfiflcation of Soamcn, Signature of Seaman. Ilitiglit. Complexion. Colour of Hair. ' Kye8. Any peculiar Marks on Pergon. his character and period of service in each grade is to be entered in a separate line. Date of Discharge. riace of Discharge. Cliaractcr. Signature of Master of Ship. Signature of Sliipping Master, Consul, or ether Officer before whom discharged. Ability. ('onduct Sobriety. / f 1 — -- • • -.-... -— - - , .■ does not Loloiig to liiin, Avill iVn- cncli siicli oH'ciice 1 e ckcii:ocl giiiHy of a nii.«d( ineiiiior, or may be svimiiarily ijxiiiished by le person it belongs to bccoiuiiig liOf^.HSfrid ol' tliis Ceitilicate should tiaiituiit it lurthwith by pcbt to the lUgifctrar General k of Seamen losing their money after hung ^^ paid off " from their Ships have established Seamen's Savings Banks at the uul ivith(!nnv,free of avpense, any portion of their Wages. Seamen are therefore recommended to take from the pay table Seamen's Savings Bank ivhcrc it tuill ho increased by the interest vjhlch the Board of Trade allow. When Seamen require any of the Ports vjhcre they may h/ippcn to be (exuepting those above itaniad), xohen the tvhola or a 2)ortion of their '.ting a portion of their ^Vages to their frienis or relations residing at any of the Ports can do so, free of expense, by 'Mer. ILUAM SroXTlSWOODJS, I'fiuters to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. [Over Deicription or Nature of Voyage. Date of Discharge. signature of Mwter of Ship. Signature of ShippinK Master, Consul, or other Officer before whom discharged. Character. lity. Conduct. \l f Sobriety. Signature of Master of Ship. Signature of Shipping Master, Consul, or other Officer before whom discharged. ('}:(! L< (Jf/hiii lit the Ji.vrsf pof<KihJc rnic, thry have the odvaiifar/e of hemrj able (<ic t/imions nf ■I'l^hiii (II ihcir 'fir('/c:-.'-'n>ii the oppnrtu'tiHy of qualifying 'h i^liicklt:, JAraj'vol, iJi'tNltil, Cdi'difl, Faiinuvlh, JJcvunport ri>nnoidh, Dover, j\ ? SI if Disci Cert or Des I [i [over BA to o- such Certificates. 18 Nu if Discharge Cert or Desertion. 1 \ ■ einfj able | uallfymg 4 th, Dover, \ [over Character. Ability. Conduct. Sobriety Name of Master of Ship. liEMARKS. (If the Entry relates to a Death, or Desertion, the Word "Dead," or "Deserted," as the Case r.iay be, must be entered in this Column.) [See other Side for Partloulare of ■nvaTements. CC 20) Port of [.1ST of Entries made in Certificates of Discharge and Character (E 2), in the Officer also of Particulars of Death or Desertion, in the Cases Xiimbcr of Certificate, E.2. Christian and Surnames of Seaman. Particulars of Ship. Name. Official Number. Port of Registry. Capacity on Board. Date of Entry. Description or Nature ill the Officer's Presence, from to ill the Cases of Seamen possessing such Certificates. 18 try. Description or Nature of Voyage. Date of Discliarge or Dcatli or Desertion. Place of Discliarge or Dcatli or Desertion, Character. Ability. Conduct, sobriety, Name of Master of Ship. Keuarks. (If the Entry relates to a Death, or Desertion, the Word "Dead," or "Deserted," as the Case may be, must be entered in this Column,) [See other Bide for Partioulars of BiiraffemeDta. (CO 20) No. List of Men possessing Certificates of Di Port of Number of Ce»lificate, E.a. Christian and Surnames of Seaman. Name. Colonial. LIST OF ENTRIES, &c. IN CERTIFICATES OF DISCHARGE AND CHARACTER, E2. The List tnttst be sent to the Registrar General of Seamen, Adelaide Place, iMndtm Bridge, London, E, C, by the first Mail after any Entries are recorded in it, as in the case of Notices of Desertion, S(C. ; and in order that the Registrar may be satisfied that none of the Lists have miscarried, they should be numbered so as to form a consecutive series for each Port, commencing wit/t No. I. on the 1st of January of each year. A correct Return. Signature. ; [/fere state Title of Office.'] LONDON : Printed by GnoncE Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Miyestj. rtificates of Discharge and Character, E 2., ENGAGED in the Officer's Presence, fro to 18 . Farticulan of Ship in wliich enga^jd. Name. Official Number. Port of Registry. Name of Master. Capacity in which engaged. Date of Engagement. Remauks. I [See other Side for Vartioulars of BUoharKor. Death., and De.ortion. •acter, E 2., ENGAGED in the Officer's Presence, fro 18 . lit gaged. if r U" i-^l y Name of Ataster. Capacitv in wliieh engaged. Date of Engagement. lilCMAUKS. [Bee ottaer Side for Partloulara ot'SUcUarfrer, OeatliB, and Besortlom 3nce, fro He, and Besortloiu LONDON: Printed by Georgk E. Eyre and William Sfottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. For Her ^lajesty's Stationery Office.