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KNIGHT, BOSTON, MASS. MUSQUASH, N. B. Treasurer and Assistant Secretary: HENRY b. CUTTER, BOSTON, MASS. Directors : Andrew S. March Boston, Mass. Henry B. Moore ...... Boston, Mass. Leroy S. Brown Boston, Mass. Samuel Shaw Boston, Mass. E. NoYES Whitcomb Boston, Mass. J. Nelson Parker Boston, Mass. Henry E. Cobb Boston, Mass. S. Fredk. Hicks Boston, Mass. Joshua Knight Musquash, N. B. House Committee : Leroy S. Brown, 6o Commerce Street, Boston. Samuel Shaw, i8 Beacon Street, Boston. S. Fredk. Hicks, Bowker Street, Boston. i INGLEWOOD MANOR. This preserve, including its many lakes and streams, was granted from the Crown in 1836 to Moses H. Perley, and he, being an admirer of Sir Walter Scott, named these lakes from those mentioned in his writings, namely, " Belvidere," *♦ Loch Alva," '* Robin Hood," "Little John," " Brittain," " Radcliff," " Menzie," " Rostherne Mere," etc. Mr. Perley lost his Hfe in Labrador, and in 1839 the estate was deeded to E. Barlow & Sons, of St. John, N. B., and by them to Dempsy, Frost & Co., Liverpool, Eng., in 1846, who, in 1847, exchanged it for real estate in the city of Liverpool, Eng., with Herman E. Talk, Esq., a salt merchant, who, up to almost the present time, was in active business in that city. He it was who built the Manor House, situated in the southwestern part of the manor. The next owners were Dresser & Co. in 1849, and from them it passed to the present owners, the heirs of J. E. Knight, Messrs. Joshua and Leonard B. Knight. No cyclones or fires have ever invaded this charmed spot, anri '*: is still a virgin forest of spruce, pine, bal- sam, fir, and cedar. In about the centre of the preserve, ten miles from two railways, on the westerly bank of Loch Alva, stands the commodious Club House. ■il » •■ PROSPECTUS. The property, situated on the Musquash River, in the counties of St. John and Kings, in the province of New Brunswick, D. C, contains about 38,000 acres of land, with twenty-six lalces and connecting streams. The main Club House is 25 ft. x 50 ft., has a dining- room and sitting-room, with large open fireplace in each, and second story devoted to large and well- ventilated chambers ; adjoining the dining-room is a commodious cooking camp with guides' rooms and ice- house. In close proximity are camps No. i, suitable for two persons ; Nos. 2 and 3 will care for six each comfortably. These, together with a large ballasted wharf and boathouse, comprise the buildings at this point, situated about halfway on Loch Alva, one of the most beautiful sheets of water in New Brunswick. It is some nine miles long, and one to two miles wide, surrounded by a charming rolling country covered with a growth of hard wood, spruce and fir, making one of the most delightful and picturesque camps imaginable.. Within easy access are some of the many lakes,, namely, Deer, Eagle, Rostherne Mere, Brittain, Little John, Robin Hood, West, Turtle, and Labrador; near this latter lake is the ideal sportsman's camp. While nature has provided and well stocked these waters, the club, since taking possession, has placed in the streams and springs 200,000 landlocked salmon from Grand Lake stream, 205,000 square-tail trout,. 25,000 English brown trout ; nearly every year from. \^ 8 1892 to 1898 sea salmon fry have !)een clistril)utecl, i\g- grc«;alin^ 398.200. Extensive fish ways, costing some $1,200, were constructed by the cliil) at Knij^ht's clam on the Mus- quash River, to give the sahiion access to and fron': the sea. This river is said to have been, years ago, one of the best for sahiion on the coast ; we should have in two or three years salmon fishing on our i)reserve. The stocking with landloci<ed from Grand Lake is already felt, the largest taken weighing 4/4^ pounds; square-tail trout weigliing 4 pounds have been caught. The forests furnish all the game usually found in Maine or New JJrunswick. Partridge, duck, yellow- legs, and small game abound. The annual stockholders' meeting is held at the Club House on the first Wednesday in June- All lakes inaccessible by boat or canoe are reached by fine trails. All lakes of importance are provided with boats and canoes. Tents and folding and light canoes and full camp outfits are free to members. The preserve can be reached from Boston by the Boston & Maine Railroad, also by the International Steamship Company's fine line of steamers. Guests can leave camp in the morning and arrive in Boston the same evening; there also is a fast down train, leaving Boston in the morning (see time-table), arriving at VVestfield in the evening, so that an early start could be made for camp the following morning if desired. It takes about three hours to reach camp from West- field on New Brunswick Railway, and the same time from Musquash station on the Shore Line Railway. r > c o n > •z o filW m o n > •z o li^i M Mjumairf'iiiii ifirtiiiiiwi i ■tij INCORPORATION. The INGLEWOOD Fish AND G\me Corporation is incorporated under the laws of the Province of New Biunswick, by which the liability of each member is limited to the par value of the stock held by him. The capital stock of the Corporation is $20,000, divided into 400 shares of $50 each. Each member shall be entitled to any number of shares, and one share only shall be assessed and voted on at any meet- ing of the stockholders, and to all the rights and privileges of the Corporation, subject to the following By-Laws and such amendments and a<iditions thereto as may hereafter be made. i m V-. BY-LAWS. OFFICERS. I. The property and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of nine Directors, elected annually by ballot from among the shareholders, and the Directors shall elect from their number a President and a Vice-President. Vacancies in the Board may be filled by the remaining Directors, the substitute hold- ing office until the next annual general meeting. Qual- ified shareholders may vote by proxy, whose appoint- ment shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary. ANNUAL MEETINGS. II. The annual general meeting of the shareholders shall be held on the first Wednesday in June in each year, at the Club House of the Corporation, Inglewood Manor, Kings County, New Brunswick, to hear the an- nual report, to elect Directors, and to do such other business as may properly come before the meeting. SPECIAL MEETINGS. III. Special general meetings may be called at any time by the President, or in his default by any two Directors, or in their default by any ten shareholders. QUORUM. IV. At meetings of the Directors three, and at meetings of the shareholders nine, shall constitute a T mm 13 V-. a quorum, but any smaller number in either case may ad- journ from time to time. ORDER OF BUSINESS. V. The order of business shall be as follows : — I . Reading the minutes of the preceding meeting. - 2. Reports from committees. 3. Reports from Treasurer. 4. Communications and reports from the President. 5. Unfinished business. 6. Miscellaneous business. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. VI. Notice of the time and place for holding any meeting of the shareholders shall be given at least fourteen days previously thereto in some newspaper in the county where the chief office or place of business is situate, and a copy of the same shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member at least ten days previous to date of such meeting. Notice of any Directors' meeting shall be mailed by the President to each Director at least five days before the date of such meeting. All notices of meetings shall specify the object for which such meeting is called. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT. VII. The President shall have the general direction and supervision of the affairs of the Corporation, sub- ject to such regulations and orders as the Board of Directors may from time to time make ; he shall pre- side at all meetings ; in his absence the Vice-President shall serve, and in the absence of both the Board shall appoint one of the Directors as President pro \ \ ? m 14 tern. He shall see that all yearly and other reports required from the Corporation by the proper authority are duly prepared and transmitted ; that all orders and resolutions in respect to the business of the Corpora- tion are duly executed ; and that the duties imposed by the Corporation on the officers are properly performed. He may, during the intervals of the meetings, for suf- ficient cause, by and with the consent of the House Committee, suspend the power of any officer until the next meeting of Directors and shareholders, when he shall report the fact and cause of such suspension. He shall, together with the Treasurer, sign all bonds, deeds, certificates of stock, and all contracts other than those appertaining to the House Committee. SECRETARY. VIII. The Directors shall annually elect a Secre- tary, who shall keep all records, books, and documents of the Corporation, other than those appertaining to the Treasurer; he shall give notice of all meetings, and communicate to officers, agents, and committees all resolutions and orders affecting them in the dis- charge of their duties. The Directors may elect an Assistant Secretary, who may or may not be a resident of the Province of New Brunswick. TREASURER. IX. The Directors shall likewise elect a Treasurer, who shall receive all aioneys collected for or accruing to the Corporation; he shall keep correct books of account of all moneys received and disbursed by him, and at the annual meeting of the Corporation shall '^f ^5 present a detailed statement of his receipts and ex- penditures since the last annual meeting at which he rendered his account, and shall also show the balance remaining in his hands. No money shall be paid by the Treasurer except on bills approved by the House Committee, to whom he shall submit his accounts when called on by them. He shall, with the President, sign all bonds, deeds, and certificates of stock, and all contracts as set forth in By-Law No. 7. The Secretary and Treasurer may or may not be Directors, and the offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined and filled by the same person. HOUSE COMMITTEE. X. The Directors shall name from their number a House Committee of three, who shall prepare a schedule of such charges for board, etc., as in their judgment shall be equitable for each member to pay while at the Club House, and who shall have charge of all matters relating to the buildings of the Corpora- tion wherever located. They shall select, hire, and appoint, and displace and replace all servants, and regulate the pay of each. They shall direct and con- trol the domestic affairs of the Club House and all matters relating thereto, and make all necessary re- pairs, alterations, and additions to the buildings and other property of the Corporation. \ SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND AUDITORS. XI. The Directors may also name committees from amongst themselves to attend to such matters as may need special supervision or attention ; and they shall i6 appoint three auditors whose audit of the books and affairs of the Corporation shall be submitted to the shareholders at the annual general meeting. ANNUAL DUES. XII. For the maintenance and support of the Cor- poration an assessment may be levied on the first day of March in each year to the amount of twenty-five (25) dollars on each membei, payable within thirty days ; and, if necessary, a further assessment may be levied on the first day of October in each year, payable as aforesaid. Should any member neglect to pay any assessment within the time limited as aforesaid, his membership may be declared lost, and his shares forfeited to the Corporation by a vote of a majority of the stockholders present at any general meeting. In case of any such declaration as aforesaid, a new member or members may be elected at the same or subsequent general meeting, and in manner aforesaid, to fill the vacancy so caused, and new stock may be issued in place of that so declared forfeited. The liability of members to be assessed for the purposes aforesaid shall attach to membership in the Corpora- tion, and shall be a liability upon all members of the Corporation, independent of and in addition to the liability at law in respect of unpaid stock. GUESTS. XIII. Each member may be accompanied by a friend as the guest of such member, but the same per- son shall not be permitted as a guest to visit the Club House or grounds oftener than once in two years. i mt' 'l^^W M 17 QUANTITY OF FISH. XIV. No member or guest shall, during or after any visit, take or cause to be taken from the Corpora- tion premises more than twenty-five pounds of fish. No member shall kill in any one day more than thirty- five fish, or keep a trout less than six inches, or aland- locked salmon less than ten inches in length. i CHARGES. XV. Every member shall, before leaving the Club House, pay to the person for that purpose selected such charges for guides, etc., for himself and fcr any friend accompanying him, as shall be regulated by the House Committee. Each member shall be responsible for the acts and debts of his guest while on the grounds of the Corporation. EXTINGUISHING FIRES. XVI. Any member or members of the Corporation found guilty of leaving a camp without having first thoroughly extinguished all fires made by them shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars and not more than two hundred dollars for each and every oifense, and in addition shall be liable for all damages resulting from their neglect. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. XVII. Members shall be personally responsible for all damages to boats and other property of the Corpo ration while being used by them or their guests. M i8 MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE, ETC. XVIII. In case of malfeasance in office of any officer, or of conduct on the part of any member in- jurious to the best interests or harmony of the Corpo- ration, or in case of any violation of any of the By-Laws, it shall be the duty of the officers of the Cor- poration, onappHcationofthree members, in writing, to any of said officers, stating the cause of complaint, and specifying the charges against said officer or member, immediately thereafter to serve a copy of said charges, and convene the shareholders for the purpose of in- vestigating the same. Should the majority of mem- bers present find said officer or member guilty of said charges, such officer or member may be expelled from the Corporation by a vote of the majority of the mem- bers present. In case of expulsion, the members so expelled shall forfeit all privileges in the Corporation, and their stock shall revert to the Corporation. DISPOSAL OF STOCK. XIX. Any member, or the legal representatives of any decease'd member, desiring to dispose of their stock, shall offer the same at the market value to the Board of Directors first. If they fail to purchase, then outside, provided the name of the purchaser shall be submitted in writing to one of the officers of the Cor- poration, and his election as a member secured in con- formity with By-Law 20. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. XX. No person shall be admitted a member of the Corporation, or entitled to the rights and privileges as such, unless he be the owner of one share, nor unless 1 .Jy^^ X*. '9 he shall have been first proposed and seconded by two other members, and shall have been duly elected by a majority of the votes at any meeting of the Directors. TRANSFER OF STOCK. XXI. Shares in this Corporation shall be transfer- able by recording in the Transfer Book of the Corpo- ration as provided by law, but no transfer shall be valid until the person making the same shall have fully paid all calls thereon, and shall have discharged all indebted- ness due from him to the Corporation. GENERAL. XXII. Authority over all matters not embraced in these By-Laws is vested in the Directors. ABUSE OF PRIVILEGES. XXIII. There shall be no target shooting on the grounds of the Corporation, and no loaded firearms shall be allowed inside the Club House. AMENDMENTS OF BY-LAWS. XXIV. These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a vote of two thirds of the members pres- ent at a general meeting of the Corporation, provided that a notice of the motion to amend and of the pro- posed amendment shall have been sent to each member of the Corporation. NUMBER OF SHARES OF STOCK THAT MAY BE HELD BY MEMBERS. XXV. Each member may hold any number of shares, but can vote only upon one share, and shall be H \ 20 assessed upon one share only for the purpose of ena- blinii said member to vote. CHIEF PLACE OF BUSINESS. XXVI. The chief place of business of The Ingle- wood Fish and Game Cori'Oration shall be the Parish of Musquash, in the County of St. John, New Brunswick. <,'-Vi":g':-c-'J=^' wm^m^' n > o r o n > r I ■f r v> HOUSE COMMITTEE CIRCULAR. t/' The Club House will bo open May 20. Usual charge for board, $1.50 per day. Guides, $2.00 per day. Camps, boats, and canoes are free for members and guests. Members should report to the Treasurer their in- tended visit to the preserve at least ten days in ad- vance, stating number in the party and guides required, that guides may be secured and arrangements made for conveyance to camp, that their convenience and com- fort may be assured. Arrangements for transfer have been made with George Crawford at Westfield, and J. & L. B. Knight at Musquash. The charge for transportation to the lake (including baggage) from Westfield or Musquash, — one person, $2.50; two persons, $3.00; three or more, $1.00 each. Guests will be met by a boat at the lake and taken to camp. Those going via Westfield will take Boston & Mmne R.R. (Eastern Division). Those via Musquash car vo 'ty rail or Internaiional S. S. Line to St. John ; ihence 10 Musquash, via Shore Line R. R Excursion rates. May i to November i . A charge of 50 cents per day will be made for each person over twelve years of age accompanying a mem- ber as guest to the Club preserve. Members taking guests must report to the Treasurer, on their return, the time spent on the preserve. This is necessary to verify the Warden's report. ^Jl^ 24 Members will be permitted to erect buildings on the preserve at their own expense, provided application for such privilege, stating location desired, shall be pre- sented in writing to the Board of Directors, and meets with their approval. During the close season for game the use of fire- arms on the Club property is positively forbidden, and the Deputy Warden is instructed to enforce this rule. The open season for moose, caribou, deer, etc., is from September i to January i. Partridge, snipe, woodcock, from September 20 to January i. Wild geese, brant, and black duck, from September I to December i. Open season on fish from May i to September 15. The specified charges are subject to change, as oc- casion requires. Members will please confer with the House Com- mittee in regard to dutiable goods. For further information, inquire of the Treasurer. i 1? ) A DAYS CATCH. "il > LIST OF MEMBERS. Avery, Samuel P., 368 Fifth Avenue, New York. Atwood, Q. A., 120 Kingston Street, Boston. Ayer, F. W., Exchange Street, Bangor, Me. Brigham, Est. of Henry P., 16 CeHtral Wharf, Boston. Blake, Thomas D., 185 Devonshire Street, Boston. Brown, Leroy S., Chamber of Commerqe, Boston. Brown, Albert C, 89 South Market Street, Boston. Brown, Albion H., Chamber of Commerce, Boston. Barker, Hon. Fred. E., St. John, N. B. Barnhill, George E., Fairville, St. John, N. B. Bates, Jacob P., 680 Washington Street, Boston. Brigham, Charles, 24 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston. Barnhill, A. P., St. John, N. B. Chipman, J^hn D., St. Stephen, N, B. Cobb, Hon. Henry E., Newton, Mass. Cobb, Morton E., 95 Milk Street, Boston. Cutter, Henry O., 5 Tremont Street, Boston. Cabot, Francis Elliot, 55 Kilby Street, Boston. Crocker, Hon. George G., 19 Milk Street, Boston. Dunham, William II., N. E. Conservatory of Music, Boston, Evans, John, 77 Huntington Avenue, Boston. FoUett, William J., 154 Federal Street, Boston. Faulkner, John A., Lowell, Mass. Foote, E. H., 31 Commercial Street, Boston. Finlay, George D., 11 1 First Street, Jersey City, N. J. 28 Ganong, G. W., St. Stephen, N. B. Hopkins, Col. Charles A., 95 Milk Street, Boston. Houston, James A., 477-481 Washington Street, Boston. Houston, Ernest, 477-4S1 Washington Street, Boston. Houston, William C, 477-481 Washington Street, Boston. Hearn, Edwin R., 158 West 77th Street, New York. Hicks, S. Frederick, Bowker Street, Boston. Hunt, Henry H., 166 Devonshire Street, Boston. Holly, A. B., St. John, N. B. Hersey, Ira G., 166 Devonshire Street, Boston. Hollingsworth, Z. T., 28 High Street, Boston. Jouett, I. W., 680 Washington Street, Boston. Knight, Joshua, Musquash, N. B. Knight, Leonard B., Musquash, N. B. Kendall, Ralph M., 374 Washington Street, Boston. Kilbourne, James, Columbus, Ohio. Kidder, Francis M., 79 Chauncy Street, Boston. Leeson, Robert A., 226 Devonshire Street, Boston. March, Andrew S., 125 Kingston Street, Boston. Mason, James H., 75 Cornhill, Boston. Mitchell, William H., Province Court, Boston. Moore, George C, North Chelmsford, Mass. Moore, Henry B., Chamber of Commerce, Boston. Marshall, L. C, East Walpole, Mass. Mcintosh, David, 166 Devonshire Street, Boston. Neill, Col. \. E., Calais, Me. Potter, J. S., 24 Commerce Street, Boston. Pew, John J., Gloucester, Mass. I f.l k 29 Pray, William, 166 Devcnshire Street, Boston Parker, J. Nelson, 680 Washington Street, Boston Porter, Henry K., 66 Beverly Street, Boston. Pierce, Henry B., 19 Commercial Street, Boston. Russell, Est. of D. W., 113 Devonshire Street, Boston Russell, Charles, 103 State Street, Boston. Rimbach, George H., Crawford House, Boston. Rivers, William M., St. John, N. B. Shaw, Samuel, 156 Boylston Street, Boston. Strout, A. A., 53 State Street, Boston. Stewart, John, Woodstock, N. B. Sparrow, Herbert F., 62 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Mass Stetson, Frankhn, St. John, N. B. & » • Slack, Rev. Ezra A., Brookline, Mass. Stanley, Sumner C, Lawrence, Mass. Turner, Edward C, Arlington, Mass. Tolman, George, Brockton, Mass. Vose, Charles, 28 High Street, Bost on. Whitlock, Julius T., St. Stephen, N. B. Whitcomb, E. Noyes, 53 Wareham Street, Boston. Willard, Erastus, 56 Summer Street, Boston. Warner, Gen. D. B., St. John, N. B. Whiting, Fred. E., Boston Herald, Boston. Wingate, James I., 336 Boylston Street, Boston. Wingate, Frank E., 336 Boylston Street, Boston. Willcutt, Lyman D., 166 Devonshire Street, Boston Wright, Henry E., 154 Castle Street, Boston. Walker, George W., 31 Union Street, Boston. Yerxa, Henry D., 680 Washington Street, Boston. ijt,^^ifmm,uv. ' mmm mf'*mi$'miiifB ) ' ir I ^ ..^ K g ii Mmmi f.n T n mi f ■ g ^■|Spp8P*»"«*w»'''