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Un das symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de chfique microfiche, selon la caa: le symbole — ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as ^squired. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea certas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvant dtre filmte & das taux da reduction diffdrents. Lorsque la document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gajche ^ droite, et de haut en bas, an pranant la nombro d'images nice&saira. Las diagrammes suivants iKuatrant la mdthode. 'rata o )elure, I a 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 London Opera House C. J. WHITNBY, Lessee. A. B. ROOT. ManiMrsP- PROORAMUE, TUESDAY, MARCH 20th, 1900. The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels PART I. A NIGHT IN THE PARK. COMKDIANS. Al. (;. Field, Harry Shunk, Tommy Dimncily, JnUe Welby, Doc Qui(;ley, Roli Keys, Tom Hyde, I.*;5s Kairman. VOCAL CHOIR. lohn C. Dickens, Harry Sheldon, Keese I'rosscr, Ceorse Hassell, C. C. Pearl, F !•'. Snell, Paul LaLonde, (leorue Marshall, A. Fred Acikens. I'AUKS. Ijiriis Kau.sl, Ruhy Faust, Ceorgin Faust, Arthur Faust and Master Carroll. The Chesterfield of Mo lern Minstrelsy, MR. DAN i.iUINLAN. Incidental to the action of " A Night in the Park," th? following musical numtiers will be introducetl : Overture, Sparks Irom the Opera ;,;^"'VP*1'' Raton Exercises Kddre Doyle •• My ()ucen Irene, ind " Rose, Sweet Rose " A. Freii Aeikens Medley o. Coon Melo.lies Timuny D.mnelly "One Liltl- Word," "For Lou \lone," and "I Love Vou, Yes I Do' (love balad) Keese Prosser "The Corsair" John C Uicl.enj " You Haven't Treated Me Right " .■,""">'.,^ ■ ."'' " The Hlue and the Grey," and " A Bir.l in a IJilded Cage " I latry Sheldon A Dancing Divertisemcnt Echoes from the South Two Swell C.)ons Hyde and Fairman The Eccentric Nig ''"^9";?'^:; Pj,, .li„ Al. G. Field An arrangement of " Les Kanieaux " (Palml, the wonderful male soprano, Geo. Ha.sseli, and the Al. G. licld vXlctle. AN ECHO OF THE PAST. Senator ■■ ■^*- ^^- *'"lf jmjge Tommy Donnelly PART II. AN OLIO OF HIQH-CI..ASS NOVELTIES. EVERHART. The German Jongleur/' Performance entirely dillcrent from all others. WELBY, PEARL, KEYS, AND MASTER OARROLL. A Terpsichupean Symposium. HARR +,..t*naM VK. Yrjgfsi. ^ * The Marvtla. THE FAUST F * MIL Y— Seven in Number. Kcprescntaticiis of Ancient and M("lern Slatuary and Paramount Production ol Heroic Athletics. Mr. Field presents in conclusion the Nondescript Trio's latest absurdity, A MYSTERIOUS HOTEL. i^l^j\^ Harry Shunk Count No'ArcounI .".','.".'.'.'.'.'. Tommy Donnelly Hirdie Feather George Hassell Lawyer Kum Tom '/"Cketl Mr. Drink 1 lard (^eorge PMarshall Charles Umnger John W.Norton Bell Hoy I-<=55 '■■'|""»,n Boy Himself N. li —While the waiters are preparing dinner, Welliy, Pearl and Keys will present their FAMOUS CALFDOXIAN PASTIME. EXECUTIVE STAFF. Dan (>uinlan . . Manafrer Treasurer Jre. R. Reider • • W C Justice General Agent Joe liatlield Advertising Agcnl Fdilie Conard ■ ' '«" H"'^ Burt M. Cutler Hand Le.idcr George I la.^sell \ ocal Director loe Nort, n I.eadcr ol Orchestra Fied Gray .■.'.'.'..'■ •'.'.'.'.' '''•■'i;^' M»"»B'^^' The PUno ussd In lhl» The«r« ■• the celebrated Helntzman & Co. Trenipotlnr Pleso. IMext Attraction. TWO LAUGHING NIGHTS, stertin, Moiiday, March 26th, -^s:X":VT.«.. Now CciMK^ iiiii 111'. CiTV Snow— Tiif; Rf..\l., Okhinai,. Nuw, rsKJUB MULDOON'S PIGNIG. Under per-onal Hii.tiimm nl Mr. Vai.k N.well anil :i. ,.rii;ioaliy pmduivd l.y Harry and Fay, A Host of Clever Comediani, including the World's Famous Clown and Pantominiist, GEORGE H. ADAMS, (King oi Siiii<.) A Bevy of PiettT Girls, - - A Galaxy of up-to-date Spedaltiea, An Kftevescent Concoction of Mirthful Frivolity. FUNNIER THAN THE FUNNIEST. PRICES NjgM, 160,, 250., 35o., BOo.H*" Mghoi" M«tlnc6. IDC, Ua. SMITH BROS. 265 DuNDAS Street TtLIFMONF fl38. jding Plur