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Mapa, platea, charts, etc.. mey be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right aiid tc^ to bonom. aa many frames aa required. The following diagrama illuatrata the method: Laa cartas, planchae. tableeux. etc.. peuvent itre film4e A dee taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document eet trop grand pour *tre reproduit en un saut eiieh4. il eet film* A partir da I'angia sup4rieur gauche, de gauche A droita. et da haut en baa. en prenant la nombre d'imacaa n4ceeaaire. Lee diagrammea suivants iiluatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 - ■- «-'■ B U L JE 8 ^XD CONSTITUTION OF THE ISC I c 1 BENEVOLENT JIMISM SOCIETY. February 17th, i8o(?. N »7 A • ' %f. 7oI)M',<, D:!t);"oiiiiMjiini I'ljilril In ?c!):i Uy:n •» <(;»q„ I'llntru ta tlic kisr.'i Moix l^XCILlt NT Maj isi y, 1607. r ■s 4 i K 3 ) At a Meet.ng held at the London Tavern, m i' i i^' Ne^vfoundland, on Wednefday the 5th i^c/irz/^ry, i8o6. cf a number of IriHi Gentlcmea defirous of rehevir.g the wants and Ai^ircffcs of their Countrymen and fcllovz-crcaturcs at large— It was unanimoully agreed, that a Society formed upon true principles ot Benevolence and Philanthropy would be the moftefredual mode of eaabliHiing a permanent relief to the wretched and diHrelfed. Under this convidion it was propof^d to clcd a Committee from the Gentlemen prcfent to form a code of Rules and Kcgulations for the government of the Society— the cxtenfion and regulation of the Charity— and to con- fu t with the Right Reverend Dodor O'Donel and others, whole local kno,vL.dge of this Country could beft inform them as to the moft efrcctual and hcneh- Cial mode of cAal)lifin-ng a Charitable Irilh Society upon firm principles of Loyalty, true Benevolence and i hilanthropy, when the following Gentlemen were nominated and unanimoudy chofen. Lieut. Col. John Murray, James Macbrairc, Efquirc. John M'Killop, Efq. Mr. Jofopli Church, Capt. Winckwortli Ton^e. TIic Committfc appointed to m. at the Lon- don i AVEKN, ca S-tuiJiy ihc Sth inflant, at 12 o'clock. LONt)ON / \ 4 ) London Tavern, Feb. 8ih, .Jo6. The Committee halving met agreeable to the Re-!, folution pail'ed on VVednefday the^ 5th inst. beg to" fubmit the following Rules and Conllitution for the Society. . . '^tdc.y.° The benevolent IRISH SOCIETY, »«9««9« Scat. The figure of St. Patrick bearing the Cross, with the Motto encircling the Seal, '• ile that gives to the Poor lends to the Lord." Natives of Ireland, Sons of Irifiimcn, or Women *^tioi1w' *!^^S^"'^^''^** <^^^"y prc'fent or futiu;: Member of this Mttuboij. Society, are qualiiied to become Members. A p3rfon defircus of becomin': a Member of this ^.lodcrtf Society, mufl be prcpofed by u Member thereof at a Juccoon. ^^..^pr^i oj. fpccial meeting of the Society, 'i'hc KIcmbcr who propofes another for admilnon, mufl give ill writin^'?^ to tlic Secretary the n.^ir.e, r-e, ohcc cf nativity and place of refulerce, which dcilription the Secretary mufl enter in a Book for that purpofo, vitji tlie time and proceeding of fuch elcdlion ; tlie election mud be by ballot, and cwo-thirds of tlic JMcnibers prcfcnt mufl confent or the elcitio;i is dil- npprovcd : no Member \<, propofc another for elec- tion of whole chiuadler and qualir.cations he is ret inforned, as he is in a certain degree plcdpcd to t;:c Society for his good condud. rnfranrn Evcry Member f^iall fubfcribe liis Name to the Jiicri. ^"'" *''"^' Confliiuticn cf the Soci-ty, and Hiall |)-.y ■•■MK«aM»— .^. ( 5 ) d fum not Icfs tlian Four Dollars, to be applied to the purpofes of the Society, and the fum ot' Two Sbiliings and Sb: Pence as a fee to the Secretary. Any perfon qualified by birth as a Member, and who is a temporary Inhabitant cf this Ifland, dcfirous Membcri, of joining liis Countrymen, may be admitted by his qaahfication being handed by a Member to the Prcfi- dcnt, who on fuch occafion will proceed to immedi- ate ballot J fuch perfon fo admitted will be filled an honorary "Member^ and mufl pay on admifTion the entrance fecS as efiablifhedj but he will not be cal- led upon for quarterly Donations unld's he fliall be- come a rcfident, and of courfe a permanent Member, in which cafe he miifl pay all the arrears of quarterly Donations during his rcfidence in the Ifland. The Ofikers of this Society fliall confiftof a Pre- fidcnt, Vicc-Prefident, and two Allillanis, a Treafu- Mclc of fer and a Secretary, who fliall be chofen annually by S!'"'"'"^ the majority or the Society pref^nt, on the 17th day of Fei-nia/y. The Officers fhall enter on their du- ties on the 17th day of Alarc/j> The Prefident, or in his abfence the Vice, or Afliitants, accordln'J to feniority, Ihall in cafes of^l!.'^**' nccefiity, have power to allcmblc the Society at the iifual place appointed for meeting in the Town of Saint John's. The prcfiding Officer fhall at all times flatc to the Society all queflions arifing for debate or ccnfiJeration, and fliall declare the opinion of the Society according to the majority, but if duubts fliall arifc they fliall be fetilcd by ballot. The prcfiding Officer is inverted with full power and authority to prefcrvg fikncc, order and decorum, and >^Uk. •iiMia MtMMkl^., I I / 1 •( 6 ) an^ to check all irregularity ;• to impofe Fines at his .•dilt reticn, not exceeding One S.bilii::g for each offence. The Secretary is to keep a Book with a correct lift ^ccrcUry. of all the Members, by whom propofed, the time admitted and the fum paid ; he fh.all at each ftated mcetin'T of the Society, take r corredt lift of all the MemK^rs prefent and abfcnt, t'nd carefully iniert all paym..nts made and debts due by abfcntces ; in cale of any extra meeting, he is to fumnion all Members that can pofTibly attend j he ftiall keep a regular en- try oi all bye- laws or regulations of the SocTety from tunc to time ; he fhall have charge of all Books and •Papers of the Society ; he fliall be a conftant Mem- ber of the Committee of Cha.ity, and fl ill aid and atfift in entering all their proceedings in a Bock for that purpofc, and ftnll at every annual meeting of the Society in February, lay fuch Look before them, accounting for all relief granted to perfons in difti CIS during the year, with the prefent ftnte of the perfons fo relieved, which, when approved by the Society, he 'will enter in their proceedings ; he will keep a public fubfcription Book, where the names of all charitable difpoftd perfons who may think fit to fubfcribc for t!ie benefit of the Charity will be entered, together with communications from the other perfons 'of the Society authorised to receive Subfcriptions or Dona- tions. As the Secretary muft necdiurily devote much time and trouble to liis duty he il)-lf be exempted from paying his Quarterly dues ; he Hiall be paid 'T'lio Guineas annually lor his attendance on tl^.e Commit- tee of Charity from tiic Funds ; lie (hall receive from each Member fcr tlic copy of the Uulcs and Conftitu- ticn T:rco Shillings and ^V.v Pence, and fur every Cer- tificate granted, Fixe SbiUings, ' The / ( 7 ) The Prcfident, VJcc-Prefident and theii- AfllflantS — the Committer ot' Charity— the Conimittce of Re^ ,J}""^'/"' View and Corrclpondcncc, together with the Secretary, UouaiDus. are alone authorized by tlie Society to receive Sublcrip- tions or charitable Donations in its name — the names of the Suhicribers to be lundcd to the Secretary in writing, and alfo the Monies received to be paid the Treafurer on account cf the Society as loon as pollible. _ The Trcafurcr fliall hold all the Money of the So- ciety unappropriated in his hands, he finning and Treasurer, fcaling an inlh-ument in writing, declaring the ufes, ' and giving the Secretary a receipt for the amount thereof. Wiien it fhal'l be deemed ncceflary by a majoi-ity of the Society to vefl: furplus Money in the Funds, or lend it to a Member at intercrt:, the Trca- furer of the Society, with two otiier Members cho- fen by tlic majority, OvAl be confiiicrcd as Truftccs for fuch in\ cdment, and fucli fums fliall be fccurcly pla- ced for the folc uib and benefit of the charitable in- tentiors of this Society. All rccci{)ts and p.Tvments /lull be made by the Trcafiirer, and his Books iliall be exhibited to the Society at each meeting, correct- ly Ibtiiig all receipts and payments, and on the an- nual meeting he ihall lay before the Society an ab- flrad ofr.ll the Accounts, Hiewing the Hate of the runds. When liic Trcafurcr Ihall have Tiiu-nty Pcun.ls ill \\.\n(\, ho ihall report to the Prcfident, v.hu will at i!ie ne\t nKviing inform the Society .thereof. The Funds will coiifid of the entrance Fee from Membcrs--the Dcnuions of rliai itabic :;nd well dil- l'i"'I». pofed pel I'ons, i-i addition to which each Member v ill pay h'o::7- Srilii^igs and Six Po'cc jier quarter, to-, wards the Fui'.ds of the Sueicty.— The Fund,, it is hoped f ( 8 ) Iiopcd will exceed the expcnccs — All Monies fo arl- finjj inall be placed at Intcrcft, at the option of ths majority of the Society, whether placed in the public Funds or lent to Members on good fecurity. The Society ihzll zt each anrju.il meeting in Fe- YoJ« fo: inuiry, devote fuch i'ums as the majority lliall think #.inaaiciia. their Funds Can afrbrd, to the C:ommictce of Charity, to fulfil the benevolent intentions of the Society., The Committee of Cliurity fliall confifl for the CoromiHrc prcfent of five Members, bcfiue the Secretary, wliicli ofCiuri;^. j]5p][ t«g chofcn annually by the mi'.jority of tiic we- ekly. This Committee ihall meet as, often as it /hall think nccciTary, ?.nd fliall ci'lributc the relief of the Society to fi.'.ch pcrfons r.s ihcy ihall think de- fervin^, keeping a ccrrcfi: account for the Society of the relief voted : no relief to he rzranted but by a ma- jority of the Cnnimittcc, and in cafe of ditliculty or ral Pliiianthroiv/ js the oh'-rt.":; of t!ic ^(X.ii.tv as iAt ai. ]"OUJbIe. Tjiis Ccnimilti, ib ali') required to conniiur.icatc i mmm» --"- ■ «- II iitei 1i II C 9 ) communicate with all other Charitable Inftitutions in this Illand, and to exchange hlh of the objcdls prc- fented for Charity, with the rehef -ranted to prevent impofition, and to obtain" information of dirtreU'ed perfons, in order togivcanirtance as far as the Funds of this Society will ?dmit. This Committee has full power to draw from tho Treafurer as they re- quire it, the fum voted for the Charity of the year. The Committee of Review and Correfpondence will confift of three Members refident in tliis Town ^'""'"'t'e" and of as many Members at Out-ports as ihall froin ?Cort,T time to time be admitted by the Society : it is the pondcnce. duty of tliis Committee to explain to the benevolent and humane, the nature of the Society and tiie objedt It has in view : it ihall receive communications from all Members, and all others which has a tendency to promote the welfare of the Inftitution and hold Cor- refpondence with its Members at Out-ports, tc 'ir- fher the Eenevoient views cf the Society. The 17th day of Fc/^n/ary, the 17th day of May llie 17th of ^%;^//, and t!ic 1 7th of November • thef- ?,"'''''"'r are confidcrcd as the rtatcd times of Meeting, at each -^"■■""°** of which eacli xMcmber of the Society pays Four S/jlll.-n^^s and Six Pe?uc, termed Quarterly dues, and One Sbillmg to defray the txpcncc of the Meeting, but as the ridury and other nccellary avocations! may preclude Members from attending all tl)c Men- angs, fuch Members mull (htc the caufe of ncin- attendancc to the IVefuicnr, which if deemed a fulli- cicnt exxufe by a miijority of the Socieiv, it will be admitted.— Any Member whoablents hiin.felf with- out a lurhcient c.uife (hall W. fined One Sbil/inr for each offence; bat Members of tiiis Socicty,''\vho fioiu I ( lO ) from various calls of life quit this Illand, and areab- fcnt from it mor< than one year, fhall on their quit- ting, write and ftate their probable abfence to the Preiident, fuch Members flull be exempt from pay- ing dues till they return, they thcri mull pav for their iirft year of abfence ; but any Member rcfidcnt in this Ifland, who Oiail neglect to pay his Hues within the year, that is to %, iroin one Annual meeting to the other, Hiall at the enfuing Quarterly mcetinif on the 17th Mc>y, be reported by the Secretary and ftruck off the lill: of Subfcribers ftating the' rcalbn ; and he fliail not be re-admitted, but by a majority ot Votes in his favour, paying one half the annual Sub- fcription as a Fine, in addition to his Quarterly ^lues in arrear. Thoroughly fenfiblc of the blefllngs of the'Chris- kS' ^'^" i^eligion, the Society will celebrate their annual • Ftltival the 17th day ot"/.L'rc7', being the day that imm.cmorial cultom h.i? ll-t apart for t'hc commemo- ration of the Holy Sr. Patkick, who firlt preach- ed the Chrillian Rcli-ion to our Anceflors.— On that day the Members of the Society are to wear on their brcalis a fprig of the Shamrock which many of the firfl Chnllians wore as a fvmbol of their belief in our Holy Religion, it iiwiiig been ufcd by St. Pa- TKicic as a type to cxpLiiii to his hc.avrs a part of our Religious ccrcnionKs. If the 171!) (^f >Miy ofthe C^iartcrly Mcctin-s or of the FeAiva! happe'ns on a Sund..y, it (hall take j.lacc on the iby lolKnsing.— The mode of ccle^.rr.ing the Feflival ai;iu:.illv, to be regulated at the Mccti;;^ on 'he 1711. lubnu'iry. As the profpciity (;rt!:c f.xicty uilj entirely de- pend on the good cuiuluct of thc'Mtmbci:>, it is fit tim I. \ ( u ) the Rules and Conftltution HioJd he minutely at- tended to ; it is therefore the duty of all Members to >P"*^ "^ aid and aflift the Omcers of the Society in their re- "' fpeftive duties, to be as pundual as pollible in their attendance of the Meetings of the Society, and in all refpe^s to promote its wcltarc— they are in all c?- ' res to behave as good and Loyal fubjeds, zealoufiy to exert themlelvcs in fupport of the Laws of our Coun- try, to avoid all controvcrfy on Religious or Political fubjeds, to conduct themfelves with kindnefs and fricnddnp to their brother Members, and to promote harmony and good will in the Society .—Finally, ;t is the duty of every Member by his pundual attendance at the Service of the fevernl Religious Societies to which they belong, and by the regularity of their hves to fet a good example tc others, and thereby encourage the well difpofcd to unite in the fupport of a Society that has no other objed in view but to fuccour the diftreflbd and promote Benevolence and good will to all Men. On Public days the Officers of the Society will wear a Safh with the Harp and Crown, agreeable to ufngeinall Irilh Societies ^ thcfe, together with the Seal and Books neccfTary, are to be paid for from the Funds of the Society, and to be confidercd their pro- perty. ^ ^ It is fully undcrAcod and hereby made a perma- nent L-aw of this ^'ocicty, that no pt-rfon havin- once iiiblcribcd as a Member, ihaW withdraw himloif from the Society without tiic confcnt of the Prclldcnt. to whom he mnfl nddrefs himklf in writinf;, Hntin^'his je.Uons for To doing, which if deemed rutiiciciitt he ih\n be infilled to apply for his Certificate. Any Member Badge. \ ( 12 ) . Member withdrawing himfelf In oppofitlon to tliig Rule, his cafe Hiall be reported to the Society, and his Name ftruck off the 11(1 as an expelled Member. It is alfo made a permanent Law revocable only by fivc-fixti^s of all fublcribing Members agreeing there- to, that this Society Ihall not be diffolvcd or broken, or its Funds othcrwifc applied or ufed but for the jnirpofes above declared in our Rules and Conftitu- tion, and no vote or votes of any particular number of this Society, lliall in any way have power over the Funds or other property of this Society, except as directed in the Rules and Conflituiion, as " Votes for Annual Charity;" — but it is to be fuily and clearly iindeiftood, that two- thirds of the fubfcribing Mem- bers arc prcfcnt at fuch .Meeting, they can only have poser to vote as f.ir as the Annual income of the So- ciety may amount to— but Money funded or at in- tercft for the Society, cannot be taken but by the con- fent of two-thirds of the fubfcribing Members. All bye-Laws or Regulations muil be paffed by a Motloof "■^-''joi'^^v of votes at the Meeting at which it is pro- enactin- poJcd, and ,,.vj continue in force until the Annual bjc-Laws. meeting in February, when it is to he fubm.itted to the Society, and if approved, entered in its Records. (Signed) John Murray, John M'Killop, Jofcph Church, Wintkvorth Tongc, James A^ubraire. A Meeting of the Members of the Benevot-fn'T Irish Societv was recjusfted and held at the Lo\- PON >:w 4 1 ( ^3 ) bb.v Tavern, in St. Jo/jn's, on Monday tlie 17th oi February^ when it was requelled that the Right Reverend Doctor O'Donel would take the Chair, when Capt. Winckwortii Tonge, in the name of the Committee, prelented and by leave read tlie Rules and Conftitution compiled and framed by the Committc-, when the following Subfcriber^ unani- moiilly approved, ratified, and bound themielves by their fignatures to fuppjrt and obey in all thing:, and to their utmofl power maintain inviolate. James O'Donel, T'los. Coflello, ^ mes Readigan, Mich. O'Donel, Pat. Redmond, .vi.,h. Mara, Fade Goff, Mich. Murphy, James Power, Thomas P ,an, Willi.im Walth, Mich. Parrel, Dan. Coughlan, John B'ophcy, Gar. Meade, Wni. Elmes, V/iliinm ivicicy, Thomas Codd, David Dug;!an, Tim. Flannery, John Brifcoe, Patrick Ry.m: Edw. Condon, Lt. Bowerman, Luke Maddock, William Pov.'cr, Robt. Hammel, Thos. Meagher, James Leanc, Adj. Moore, Jofeph Power, Wm.M'Carthy, William Haly, John Murray, Pat. Warren, W. Armftrong, John Dowlley, Mich. Kelly, James Foaley, Pat. M'Grath, John Murpliy, Daniel Traccy, Ant. Godfrey, W. Mahon, Corn. Quirk,"' John Wail, Dan, Ryan, Mich. Murphy,' John Scott, Pal. Douglafs, Wm. Morlcy, T. Mullowncv, John Murphy, John Chancey, V/illiam Wal'lh, Mat. Gl-ecfon, John Flood, Edward Molloy, Jofeph Collcllo, Laurence Kiclcy, Jere. Ilcarn, Henry Shea, W. Mullowncy, John Power, James Mr.rphy, Pat. Murphy,' John Ryan, Pat. Flannery, Dennis Murphy, ben. Kennedy, John Phclan, Mich. Walih. Barring. Pcrrin, Pat. Walili, The - >l (Hi. > The boeicty then proceeded to the eleiTlion of Its Ollicers agrcc.blc to the Rules, when tlie following Gentlemen were prcpofed and unanimoufly chofen to fill the OrHccs and Committees, as fet oppolite their Names. Capt. Winckworth Tonge, Prcfidcnt. Lieut. Col. John Murray, Vicc-Prefident. Mr. Jofeph Church, ift Affilhnt. Lieut. John M'Killop, zd do. Mr. Henry Shea, James Macbrairc, Efq. Secretary. Treafurer. .;::■* »VV...>:" C O M .M I T T E E of C II A R I T Y. ift Mem her, 2d do. -^d do. 4th do. 5 ill do. William Elmes, l-Tq. Major William I lalcy, Dodor David Du-jgan, Mr. I-adc Goff, Mr. John Murray, The Right Rev. Do^lor O'Donkl, unanlmoiiriy voted as a permanent Honorary Mejnl)cr of tins Committee. CoMAriTTF.r ofRF.virw and CoKursroNDENt r. Rev. Ml. Mich. O'Donel, \{\ MtinlKT. Doi.Uo • CouL^hl.in, 2( Mr/l^it:u:.^Rv,i!i, ■;( Lieut. Jolin M'Killop, R. N. an Ilor.or.uv Membe- dr.. ' vv\.Vv\VV\%SS\V\\.v^ No part o| (lie lortvM'iir^ liulft; ,uid Rcui^ififin": is to I^e rclLii;ded, or aii\ ne\v ones m.ule, e.\Le]>t ji.ilkd thu r ( lO ^y the majority at the Annual meeting, nnlcfs It Hiall • ^^»pear that at a Qtiarterly meeting a majority of the Committee is prelent when the alteration 'may be propoJcd, and if approved, it is then to be fiibmitted to the Magiitrates in SelTion, and if finally approved, by them recorded ; and is then to be confidered part of the standing Rules and Regulations. An A&. of Parliament having been paTcd for Ic- galifing and protecting all friendly Societies afi'ociated for Iknevolent piirpofes. and requiring that they fubmit their Ruks and Regulations to the xMagif- trates aflcmbled in Sctfjons, to be by them approved and entered on the Records of the Court. The Benevolent Irish Society, defiring to place themfclvcs under the protection of the Laws fo provided, fuLmit the forcgoini' Rules and Rc;:ula- tions, WLNX^KWORTII TONGE, Pnyu/crit, B, I. S. NEWFOUNDLAND. St. John's,) /Vrr- r r^ i ^ « . [d/JT t/jc Grncrnl Quarter Ses- sious of the Pcdcc of cur l.jrd the km::;, holJ.cn in and f:r the siV.l nistrict, on the fifteenth day of Ai'Ri:., /// the j\rty-sixth year rf the rer^n cf our Sorer, ij^n J^ord i^ruwi, v. the -Jhird, /r,- tie (h'ace of Con, (f the Vi.ited Ki/r^doni rj Cireat- IJrit lin and Ii'J.iiid, A'%, Defender of the l-.iith; mid in the year cfoiir LoKD, Viw tfj.usiuid Eigit /jutuiud ,i>:d'Si.'.\ iefci c / ( |6 ) IxforeTuoM.M, Coote, Esquire, the Reverend Jonii Harries, Clerk, John Rennell, a/ul Jomm Broome, Esjuires, justices of our Lord the King, assigned to keep the Per-ce, and also to hear and deter- mine divers Felj'^des, ''trespasses and Misdemeanors, ivithin the Ishmd and DistriCi ojcresaid committed, t£c. ^c. ^c. The foregoing "Rules and Regulations for insti- tuting a Friendly Society, having been this day pre- sented to the Magistrates, assembled at their General ^larter Sessions of the Peace, for the Districl of Saint ]o}ir.'$,Jor their approval and concurrence, the same icere accordingly approved, and ordered to be entered on the Record: of the Court. Per. Cur. LIONEL CHANCE 1', Clerl: of the Peace.