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Htm Torti l«ao« us» (716) 4a2-0]aO-PlioM (716) 3M-S9M-Fai c/9 3 f^^^^ ^^'^ t9i*)f<^ TOBACCO CULTURE IN CANADA n* giowiat of toUeeo ia Guada b ■ tmufmfla^ Ment indwtiy wUdi lun Bwrii wh ly aupMidad tinw • parte of the northern ihora of lake Erie. Tobaooo growers deeiring to specialise in the production of flne-oored tobacco in Canada must be very earefnl not to utilise for this purpose land too hoary in texture or too fertile^ whidi generally givoa a rank growth and yields a tobaooo rery hard to cure the right oolonr. The production of White Burley in Canada, at present at least, seema to have reached the limit of the home consumption for that type of tobaoco. It is claimed th«t if the quality of the leaf could be iminroTed, more of it could be used by the Canadiai DOMxirzoir expebzmevtaz. farms. C S. ARCHIBALD, B.A., B.S.A. Director. F. CHARLAN. Dominion Tsbacce Husbandman. 14S85 XZHZBinOV CIXCULAB Vo. M aj. m- .k..,^ ....^..n^ AMft^ VMBttty of QwtoB einr kaf oovU to «9orNI t* Sai^aad, b«t tto doMw) ftcn ttoi aaotfa wndd to liaritod to tto oompuntiT^r nHdl ib* of tto dooMtfa «iyi>Iiil^ TtoBfittAd«»»df»d^tatoetoo£ MouM M davotod to tto laqptoTciMBt of tto qoalitgr ttoa to tfi* aKtauira dl tto nJ^iri^ is^iT"^, ^ *"*'^ ^*'** rw.) *«• tto nw kti teMi.. Homw^tfafa dotaad fa ««taiii]jr bmn than Mtfatod braaropufaiivuthitof lt», and aa ttora fa no ontfat fo? ttot totooeo ontaida ol Otoada, it fa tottar to ^^SiZ£jTJ!i*lI*^ 5« to takan itt ortar to aToid aa orarprodaetion wUek ^^ii!!nSL ^ ''^ "* **'^ '•*^ faaa to tto totoeoo gnwm. Tha Tobaoao DMdoa wffl fonUh tto totooeo oowera on aiiplioatioa all iafoniii- pm iaMOBaottMi with tto ■nmiaf of tto Tuiatfaa of tobMoo oboro nlemd to. audi aa fiwiaf aaadUaga, tnuuplaatiiiff. onltiTotiiit tto tobaooo plant, harraatiiw, lariat, aio> BiOa^ dariiaff with tto rariooa phaaaa of tobwioo onltino ia Ooaada mn to !J*2!^S!!L2L'*?!!fi"'T^*^ ^*^ ^^W"- "«p««»«*«i F.nn. ch»JI or itm PobUertiona Kaaali. Dapartmant of Aflrioahare^ Ottowiu b apMfal oaa« forttor iafonaatioa wiU to aapplfad by eomapoadanoe. A fan* aoMoat of aaloetod tobaooo aaad fa dfatribatod fna to tto tobaooo mnwm !!S'S?^v ^ """"^ *** "^ dfatritotod ara aooompaaiad by a apaaid aoto for wtat pntpoaa tto faaf aiii^t to naad, otoi |iHblMi«d by aiitliortty of Hon Or. •. F. TOLMIl, M nlaur of AgrleuKuro, Ottawa. OiM.