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Les diagrammea suivants illustrant la mtithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 8 LECTURE BUREAU. Recognizing the fact tbat some action was necessary on tbe part of the Grange and its institutions, to awaken and keep up interest, a Committc was apporaUd at tlie last meeting of the Dominion Grange to consider and report upon the advisability of sending lecturers into tbe field. Their report is as fol- lows :— REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON LECTURES. To the Worthy Master and Officers of Dominion Grange : Your Committee on I^ectures beg to report as follows : That tbe subject has occupied our best attention, and we approve of the suggestion made to send Lecturers into tbe field, and recommend tbat the Executive Committee of this Grange be instructed to correspond oflBcially with tbe Secretaries of the Insurance Company, the Grange Trust, the Wholesale Supply Company, and tbe Mutual Aid Association, with the view of carrying tbe propositions into efifect, believing that the tendency will be to promote the best interests of and strengthen the Grange, and secure more general patronage of the various institutions organized under its authority. All of which is fraternally submitted. JR. J. Doyle, S. W. Hill, Jesse Trull. W. P. Page, Wm. Axdekson. Tpon the above recommendation a joint oommiltee was formed from the Dominion Grange, the Canadian Mutual Aid Association, the Grange Wholesale Supply Company, and the Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of tbe following persons representing each association respectively : Bros. Trull, Page, Harris and Doyle ; Bro. H. U. Hunt being appointed Secretary-Treasurer. This committee met on the 17th November, and prepared a plan for carrying into effect the proposed lecture By correspondence with the Lecture Bureau of the United States we learn tbat the scheme there has met with universal approval, and they express a desire to co-operate with us in the matter— exchang- ing lecturers, etc. Our committee, therefore, have determined to tixke advantage of tne offer, and will secure a number of lectures to be delivered throughout the country bjr our United States Brethren. How ever, to extend information directly relating to those institutions which are the outgrowth of tbe Grange in Canada, speakers will necessaiily require to be thoroughly posted on all these, hence our effort will be largely directed towards tbe sending of such parties as are thoroughly posted in the work- ings of these several institutions. The matter of expenses for the work is of great importance to meet; the Dominion Grange and each association have set apart a certain amount of funds to cover this, and in order to assist the Bureau, Division and Subordinate Granges will be asked, whenever lectures are called for, to contribute something, say $5 for each lecture, towards these expenses; the committee, however, re- serving the privilege of sending lecturers into those sections where they deem their services most needed. In order to make traveling expenses as light as possible, the Bureau propose arranging for a series of lectures in such way tbat speakers may take tbe different points iu rotation as they pass along. With this in view we ask Granges who desire lectures to correspond with us early, that we may arrange the course. It is hoped, in the interest of the Grange, and the associations organized under its banner, that every assistance will be extended to us in order that we may tbe more sucoesfifuUy carry out tbe object in view, namely : spreading the principles of the Grange organization, and a knowledge of its aims and purposes among tbe people ; also to extend tbe usefulness of those brandies which have sprung out of the natural requirements of the farming community, as a result of the Grange institution. Sicned on behalf of the Lecture Bureau, Address, H. B. HUNT. Secretary, TonoxTO, November 25, 1881. 74 Frouv Street East, Toronto,