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Laa diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 GENERAL REGULATIONS Ml ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE cy CAI^^DA. KINGSTON, ONT. JUNE, ISSO. OTTAWA: PaiNTED BY MacLeAN, RoGEK & Co., WELLINGTON StKCKT. 1880. m^ k GENERAL REGULATIONS. SECTION I. OIUECTS OF THE COLLEGE. 1. The Military College is established for the purpcse of imparting a complete education in all branches of militar/ tactics, fortification, engineering, and general scientific knowledge m subjects connected with, and necessary to, a thorough knowledge of the military profession, and for •quaUfying Officers for command and for Staff appointments. SECTION II. •* (JOVERN'MEXT AND ORGANIZATION. j 2. The General Officer Commanding the Militia will be ex-offlcio President of the Militaiy College. 3. An independent inspection by a Board of Visitors appointed by the Governor in Council, and re|)ortingto the Minister of Militia will be made once a year. Such Board will not be p. permanent body, but will consist of five members of whom three shall be i^.embers of the Militia Staff, not less than two to retire annually. 4. The Commandant shall have power to suspend any Professor, Instructor or other Officer or employee pending i the result of a report to the Governor in Council through ^ the General Officer Commanding. 5. The College and Staff to be organized on a military basis. The Gentlemen Cadets as a cadre battalion in separate companies. 6. The Commandant to be solely responsible for disci- pline n'id for the general superintendence of the studies. 7. The Commandant to have power to Issue such stand- ing orders as he may deem necessary, provided that they -pre not opposed to anything contained in the Act for the establishment of the College or to the regulations approved 8. Tlie Comnv.ndant will be assisted in tlie arran -einent of the .studies oy a Board, composed of the Professors or senior Instructors of the different branches. The head of each branch will liave the general power of supervision and inspection of the studies in his de/artment, u^Urthe dutv of reporting on them to the Commandant. ^ 9. The Commandant will, from time to time, assemblf^ and confer with all the Professors and Instructors ofTach separate branch on matters relating to it. ^J^;^ T/'® military and civil officers of the superior staff nf the College and Cadet N. C. officers will haveX poVer of placing any Cadet in arrest pending the decision of thi Commandant to whom a report in writing opersonaUv m^presence of the Cadet, of the cause of the aiTe^st w'h b^ fJ!\^^^ -^r'^'T^''''^ '^'""^ ^^ ^^^^ f one hun(lrey them to the Department of Militia and Defence, or College ?\m^ <^l)tained under para- graphs 02, 33 and 34, provided he is not indebted to the ©•apartment of Militia and Def.nce, or the College Funds. 40. In the cacessarily absent from his home for tbe purpose of attending t le annual ti'aining, and travelling ex}>oiisos to aur lnl;intiy. These who have ob'.iined 2nd class eertiiicates will ho (Migll)le loi- ' ' .vah y and Infantry only. (/) So soon as theic are a .-uffic: -nt numbor of eligible iiradiKitcs, a].!)ointiuents t<-i jiornianout military corps will b.? .nade -ob^ly tV.nn this li-t; and after sufficient, lengili of >e; vice .lud rank li f^ b.M'u ob- Militin (^tllces wiU l)e filled ami : i 1 ^ 1 1 i '- 1 ! '.itM'etVoin. V6 1 53. Certain prizes will be oflfered annually, the conditions for the award of which will be : — (a.) A sword will be awarded to the Cadet who, at the end of his full service, has, from the date of his joining to the date of his leaving the Royal Military College, obtained the greatest number of marks for conduct and N. C. Officer's discipline, combined. (6.) A prize will be awarded in each annual term to the Cadet who, at the end of his full service, has recorded the greatest number of marks from the date of his joining to the date of his leaving the Royal Military College, in any of the following subject : (1.) Mathematics and mechanics. (2.) Geometrical drawing and descriptive geometry. (3.) Fortification and military engineering. (4s) Military topography, surveying reconnaissance. (5.) Artillery, (theory and construction.) (6.) Military history, strategy, tactics, militaiy admi- nistration and law. (7.) French. (8.) German. (9.) Physics. (10.) Chemistry. (11.) Geology and mineralogy, (12.) Freoliand drawing and painting. (13.) Civil engineering. (14.) Architecture. (15.) Military drills and exercis'^s and >. C. Officers Drill Instructors, combined. (c.) A Pnze will be awarded in each class to the Cadat ^vho, ai the end of each annual Tcrni, has recorded the greatest number of ma>l^ during that Term in all the theoretical subjects ol iu.^truc- tion, obligatory and voluntary of that class. 14 SECTION V. REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSICN". 54. Admission to the College as Cadets will be granted to the successful candidates at an open competitive Examination, 55. The examinations will be conducted by Examiners appointed by the Governor in Council. 56. Xotice will be given from time to time of the day and place of the examinations, and of the vacancies to be competed for at each examination. 57. Boards will be appointed by the Governor in Council in each Military District to supervise the examination of candidates. 58. No Person will be accepted as a Cadet who is not considered eligible as to stature and physical power. The limits of age will for the present be from ' 5 to 18, the candidates being required to be within those limits on the 1st day of January preceding the examination. (a.) The selections will be made by the Governor in Council from the lists of names forwarded by the Board of Examiners, having reference to the order of merit in which the candidates pass their examination. 5" Each candidate for o Amission must send to the Ad, r nt General of Militia, Ottawa, not less than one moi before the examination is held, an application accompanied by the following papers in duplicate. (a.) A certified abstract from the register of his birth (giving date an^0. The position of a Cadet, on finally leaving the Royal Military College will be determined by the addition of all marks he has counted for obligatory and voluntary subjects Irom the date of his joining to that of his leaving. 81. The seniority of Cadets while fc tbe Royal Military. (Jolleg(^ will be determined as follows : Cadet non-commis- sion offii'ci's according to their rank and date of appoint- ment to that rank, senior to all other Cadets. Cadets lu'corduig to their classes and their position in tlieir classes, us determined 1>y the aggregate of the marks they may have counteil from the date of their joining the Royal Military College, to termination of their most recent examination. ■^1:. A Uaiicl, who (.iiinng ill^ cOUtse IvVice iiiiis TO >iUriiiiy tor class promotion, or who fails at his final examination to qualify fc a certificate of graduation will be removed from i'-^iw * 2d the College and will not be entitled to consideration for employment in the Public service on account of Iiis service at the Royal Military College. 83. To qualify or count for class pioniotion,or at the final examination for certificate of graduation, a Cadet muBt obtain. (a) One halj the marks allotted to him in obligatory sections of the course in the following subjects, viz : — Mathematics and Mechanics. Fortification and military engineenng. Military History, i.e., (Strategy, Tactics, Military Admi- nistration and Law combined.) (Military Topograpliy, Surveying and Reconnaissance, combined.') Military Drills and Exercises, i.e., (Artillery, Engineer, Infantry, Equitation, (jymnastics and Swiruming combined), (6) One third marks in the other obligatory subjects, viz : (Geometrical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry corn- bined.) French. (Freehand Drawing and Painting combined). Physics. 84. In (.Geometrical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry combined), in (Fortification and Military Engineering), and in (Military Topography, Surveying and Reconnaissance, combined), a Cadet in order to qualify or count marks, must complete a specified number of plates in each, also obtain •the reqviired pioportion of marks for these plates, and further, the necessary proportion in the examination. 85. In the 2nd class, Physics and Flemeniary Inorganic Chemistry will be combined for qualifi(^ation. 86. In the 1st and L'nd classes })ainting from copies will be combined for qualification with drawing from copies, object, or nature. 87. Y^n SActidn r>f n vnlnnforv cnKi«/->f clioll iroin o ('o.l/if •Dy marks in that section unless he obtains one third i I 21 marks If a voluntary subject is not divided into sections Te muk. obtain one third mark, in the subject. S8 \o voluntary section of a subject of i^^^mction shall be c;mme;ceills and exercises, and for Xon rom- mission Officer's Drill fnstructors, Cadets will b<^ clas^i- hed in each branch at the end of every term, in one of {bur grades of expertness A. B.C. D. The i 'oportion of ni.rks tor encli orrnJA ivill Kp. . I 23 i A. or very good lOOp. c.'\ Qf ^^^^ maximum E. " ffood lo 'J V. m.^ri^^ allotted to each C. '' Inditterent. oO description of drill. D. " Bad 25 ^' j ^ 97 A Cadet ^^ho fails to (lualify for class promotion in any obligatory subject, will forfeit all marks for examinatioi;, note ^ and drawi-.ucs which he may have obtamcd for all ol>ligatory sul.jects (Conduct, Drill, Discipluie and Mditary Exercises excepted^ durifig the term m which he lails, but he will be allowed to retain any marks which he is entitled to count for voluntary work. <)8 Marks for drawinae, notes &c., executed in any class which a Cadet fails to (luaiify out oi, n-U1 not counfc towards qualilication ai a second examination m that class 5 Out should he succeed at a second exannnation m passing up, the marks for notes an.l drawings which lapsed in conse- (luence of his previous failure will be reassigned to him, to-cthor with such others as shall when adde.l thereto not to'-etlu-r .'xceed the maximum allotted to that class, pro- vided that the Cadet has executed sufficient notes, draw- ini;s, itc, in each subject during his second term in the Class to satisfy the several Professors. 09 \ C-det who fails to qualify at any t-rm or Hnal examhiation cannot receive any prize for any subject at tlie. examination in which he fails. 101). \ Cadet although he may bq, highest in a cla,ss or Hrstinany sutject of instruction will not be eligible to receive any pru'-e unless the Commandant reports tliat the work, etc., etc., of the Cadet is of sidticientiy high quality to merit such recognition. 101. Ifa Cadetfails t0(iuaUfy for promotion at the end of any term, but from excoj^tional circumstances, other than sickness, is allowed f- be prouiOted during the follow- mg term, the marks he obtained in the subjects he did ,,° KAr iv, «-ui ^^cs vaatnvA.i to hiiii, an tliat examination altogether, but if specially recomuKMide 1, and jxMinitied to b<> promoted, he will bo allowed to count the quahfying minimum of marks only in such obligatoiy subjects as he may have missed being examined in, and in addition marks for drawings, notes, etc., obligatory and voluntary executed during the term. I N 103. If a Cadet is absent from sickness ut any intennc (Hate examinatioii. marks will l>e allotted to him at the end of the term in each sultject which he has missed in such }>roi>ortion as he may obtain at some of the otlier examina- tions during the term. H>4. The marks for Civil Enghieering and Architecture will be recorded separately. Marks counted for sections of either course which are conmiou to botii subjects, such as, *' Nature, production hi'., of matei-ials for construction" and " Esthnatmg " will be credited to whiciiever subject is studied, and if 6o//i are taken up then one halt marks of those common sections to each. •/» 10"), If any CadiL allbi'ds to, or ol)tains fiom, another <^'a(let, any assistance during an examination, or if he makes use of any improper niearjs of obtaining information relative to an examination, his examination will be can- celled, and he will not be promoted to a higher class, or, if for ills final examination, be permitted to qualify. lOf'). The subjects of instruction, obligatory and voluntary, lor eacli class, throughout the entire course, is shown in 'J'able A. 25 The weekly attendance available for course of instraction, obligatory and voluntary, in Table B. The marks assigned lor every subject in the full course, obli^atSy and voluntary, and for the obligatory and vo- tnt^ZLiion., respectively, of such subjects, in Table. G andD / fTV- I'M!" m^'SS^^^ '16 1 1 1 > -- ^_ o c -^ c c en C < c • 5 *-> i is . C V f i^ -^ "^ bJc c o - 5 ,; -J ^ ■ii.iii'iit'fi r? *' 5 £? li! EI :^ il > 1 Mathematics and Me- chanics- 1 2nd Class. si w ^ r-^ "^ — ""^ L^ r/ si • rr, C F C _ Mathematics and Me chanics. >. 3rd Class. Mathematics. (Geometrical Drawing Descri|)t5ve (Jecme^ry Fortification and Mili- tary Engineering. Artillery. Theory and 1 Construction of [Military Administra : tion and .Military Topoi)rn]di3 i and Surreying. '.French. 'Freehand Drawing- 1 Mathematics. Mathematics. Geomeirical Drawing. Descriptive Geometr Cm o -M O 0) to •S '^ c 1 4th Class. Mathematics. Geometrical Drawing. Fortiticrttion and Mili- tary Engineering, French. Freehand Drawing, 1 \ t 27 f I ;- — C i? -^ ■- a, r - ■^ - fct i; > •- ^ . - .- . •-■ "-,.>. ^ ^ z. oC c &: < ;: ^^ •-_ — fcC C be ~ >» — '.J ■-^ - r c u _: -^ w— Ul Tz -■— o — 'o ^ '^ • . — — c .- ~. "^ ^ - t , --• — — — ^.. '*^ ^ ^ .— ..v* ■•' ■ *-• "u-- = '_• ^ .2 ' !-^ li: :j >: x. o at I c^ cr, .^ < K 5 >"- 5^. o) " o 5 i:. r ^ t: ;- x :^' c ^ v !- r. H C «J tC -»-j *- ^ J_J !/; ^^'r'S -i 1—1 c: ^ C 'C ^ £ •- c ^= >.is := ,:; u X ;, - •/■ >vi^''^'""4v.lW-^'-^'^' ''^ 28 • s c pq c ^ as i-^-S oe 0/ ■^ c «) £ - = -•-' as -^ a- <.b-i -^ - sS^ ^ o; «:: as T o iJ 1-9 C O pi H O o • ^ ^ •- -> m OS S C3 00 C C<1 OB (U TAI'.I.T SiiEWiN' ai'l'iopiuitif" to Oiu'li sulijorc of tliooi'tical ln-truction, of iii;ixiiniiin ii thio\ii;li'"it tbfi i-iitiif^ ci"'iir:-(', aii'l to tli>^ < )!.li_';y SUBJKOT. Maxiniui ■lib 3i (1) Maihf-matU? >v.\<\ Mccl (2) Geunielriiul Dmwinpl-^ ami OpBcri] tive (Jeu- mctry Plurn Geomi. try., 150» r.oo Dpscrijlive or Solid Geo- metry (3) Forlificatinii and Villiary Fnginef ring.. (4) Ariill'Tv (Theiry and Construction of). (6) Militarv nistory SUrntegy arid Tuctics., UKW _ © Militory AiminietraUon; (in ) fjHW.. '. .Mililfiry Topogiiifiiy '''^'^ SJ'H'Oying : Zf Ri KCnnH, -siinrp [• Frrncl (7) Mddc V 1 L.iiig;.::^'> 50'J (8) rliy.-i-iil Sen u'c ( Glf-S . inoo u rt II d N ,- ., — Frdin oliji (.•!.= iiiid I I ! £^J nature 12f"! t i V\ m voyxvi 8(t' \ I'll ID i.bji CIS iind :iatiire. 5lii /Naiiap jirodiut'on nnd use of MHt>- / rials tor Ktitrint-oiirjr and l!iiild-i 3(10 :»! 1I..JI C'oiiftMution \Hy(!rhi-.!'r EntiinctriniJ Mrdiftiii^ni iind rriiiie movtr-. ....... (10) Civil I';nj!inoiin(r Ai\liilifluii (llisHTy and ['f'"- nnd .\i\liitcctiire \ c:|di-) _ /Di sign lind Kuc.i- ( Engineering . I til n 1 fHtruettirea. ( Bmldint; tErtininting f^r Engiiii-eriiig iin-' \ Uuil'liiig Stiiiclurci . Totil 'I lieoi-ical Siiliji;ot3 3,800 600 .")00 500 1,500 5,300 2000 100 400 1500 1500 1500 1400 600 4'* 9,40C NoTK.— «a Coliibirifd lur iiuuiiicLMiitjU ui :;i'.ii ( >,:i:y. i I Comliiucd lor iniulilicutiua in 1-t and 2ud Classes. 80 TAI'.I.". "C." „;,xiinnin in.iik- for No,os ■Hr.v.ving., Hoitation, an-l Kxaminatinn. oxo.utc-l in my Clu^. ■ <»!.li_':.i.):\- airl Volr.iitaiy Sci'tinns rerii.<'!y ol -^iich sui.j.H't^. TIIK'IRKTICAL 'SlBJt. I •^. Maximum marks allotlfJ to eaih c'.it .ilii\iuiiira iiiaiks Hllott-ii to entire lonrjc I'fcacli 8i,l)j 'Ct. /