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Hti Tlii- -tar '.. =- is'' (17 .')'". 5 = -f-7'.l .V.T one 111 tlic lii^t twcKc liinarics ili-coNcnMl at at \ ictiiiia. !^.('., tlic ;uin(iuii('i'ni('iit (if wliich \-t Kiiiiiiincal S<ici('ty oi ('aiiada" for Ni)\('inl) 1)|'. .1. S. lMa>k(tl -(■(•ilfrd live platr- di' I ilrlciiiiiiiati(iii>, hctwccii .luiic l".i and .liil\ _M, iiiiiiii- icvtalrd ilic liiiiai'\' chafacici' nt' the >t is, ntl'.t, I'S i.latcs were x'cilivd. All <if tlic-i ill I'.Ms, wrvr iii('a>iift'd <m the Hartinaiui ('di I"i-iMn till' iiica-iifcs dt' the first 14 nr !.") nf tli inca-iin'- cit' I'.llS the i)('fi<id was t'lniiid tn li pii-— ihlc to irt't the fciiiaiiiiiif; jilato \v<'ll di \ clucit if- did not, howcNcr, atjrct' well witli a the -.•iiiic phase shnwcd a- n-asonaMc .aiifccn plate iiuiuher '_",t'j:? (Ill tlie Haftiiiaiiii ( 'uiiipai a elo-er e\aiiiinat ion of the plate rcNcaleij cli lines. A re-e\ainination of all of the previo IMaskett in 1',I1S, -liowed that mi seven of these Since the lines of the two eiiiiiponent> at'e jn Ill'.ll '^^^ '4i^^:iii r^ ..-^^^ ^'^^ v/^--/?^!;' . ■•\ ^. LICATIOXS op!)|>sical 0bitx\}atovv K rORIA .1. I, N.I. .'() OUf u»>( oi'ic ('<»Mi'()\i:N rs or boss itioj 1.. mMiiiiKo'^i) T'.l .V.r, |)liiit()t;r;ti)lii(' iiiatrnitiKlc tid. \\]h- V't i- Tcil at I he I )(iiiiiiU()n \-tr<ipliv~ic:il ( )l)s(>r\ alnr\' wliich ai)))('aic(l lir>l in the ■.iDunial nf the l^nyal ommiiImt HUS. tr- <ii' tlic -la!', in llic |ir(ii;i-ainni<> nt' radial \cliicily ul\ _M. I'.MS. \\\- nicaMin- "I' llic>c li\i' s|)cctro- llii' ^lar, Kclwccn .lul\- 1. I'.M'.I. ami Scplcinhcr [if lli(-i\ a> well as llui.-c mtuiciI tiy Dr. Pla-kctl nil ( '(ini|iai;Uiir. u>iiij; a -ky oi- a .Mar~ -taiiilard. :> n\ the I'.tl'.t plate- toKclluT witli Dr. IMa>kc!I- il til lie \cry clox' til It)-,') (lay^. 'riii> made it well ili-triliutcd ainnjr the \i'l(icii.\' cui-vc. 'I'lic witli any c'lli|)tic curM'. altliuuy:li tliixc at nearly aiirciMncnt a> \\a> to he cxpeelrd. Mca--lir<'> (if 'imijiaratdr pniM'd an cNccptiDn to lhi> rule and [ilcij close coiniiaiiion lines to at li'a>t ten of the previous jilates. including tlio-e -ecured l»y Di'. if these plates from four to ten line- showed double, are ju-t separat)l<-. for one-prism disper-ion. and ki'tm ''^^^jf'jt^. -Ml. 1111, lioMIMiiN \STUnCilV-K \l. MH^I.IU A Idl! V, VH I'olil^ Im-ii1«- till- i.iiIn Ilio-.' V'.uv- whicli aiv ino-i \u\rv.-r -li(,u at all ln|- lli.- -.(..iplarv r,,iii- ,„„,. 111. It I- ia~y In -rr \\ llV llirV W.Tr . ,\ cih m ikr, I un ihr tru plat.- nil whi.ll IMMII l\V. 1,, t,.:i -linu at all 'llic lal.lr n|' nl.-rrvat iull- llM- only lllu-r l.latr- wllii'h -ll"U .l..iil.lr liiir- Hh(v lli.-r unr I l.r ..l,lv l.lati - u -i il ii; ihr tiha! ilrtrniiinalion -f the ,.rl.iN- 'riic -,■(•(, ml (■(.Iniiiii uu'- Itir initial of til. ■ p.'i.-..n -.•. iiiiiiK tli.' -p.'.'t r.iirraiii. Ml nl tli.' iii.'aMiivs \\..|.' ma. I.- l.\ 111.' autlK.r .ac'IiI tliat tli.' liii.- ..f tli.' -.•.•iiii.lary .■.iiiip.iii.ni .m |>lati'- ■JIM aii.l 'J'.t:'.: ««'ic aK.. iii.a-iir.'.l Ia Mr. Ilai|i.r. tli.- iii.aii .il' tii- iii<-a-iiiv- an. I tli.' aiitli"i'~ iM-int; ii-i.l. Til.. wntiT lia.l 1.1 Ifav.' \ :.■!.. iia ..n ^.^pLinlua 1^, p.M'.i, t.. r.-uinc hi- .lull.- at tlir riuMi-ilv ..I' \\a-liintit..n an. I lia.l w.alli.T piv\ .'lit.'.l -.■.airiiiu: in..iv plat.-, .at plia-<- ulii.-li w.iiil.l -li.iu tli.' .Ii.ul.l.' lull-. iM'f.Hv O.'t.ili. r I."., an. I alter that it ua- iiia.K isiM.' t.. attempt I.. ixr\ ali\ liHiic plait- in l'.»l'.i. ,,\uu<ji t.. tli.' iiiilav.iiuaM.' p.-iti,,ii ..1 the .-tar l.ir <.Iimt\ at i..n. llnwevr. in ,\pnl I'.t-'lt. .Mr. Harper aii.l Dr. I'la-k.tl kindly .-eeiiiv.l llir.e 111.. re |ilat.- at -ucli |.lia-.- a- \n -li..u the liiii- .l..uM.'. \uaiii in \iimi-l I'.ijo. tniii- 111.. I.- plat.- were a^iaiii -e.anv.l at -u.'h iiha-i- a- t.. -how -.un.' d tii.' Inie- .l.iiiMi'. Sivt.'.n plat.- in all were tlier. nnv -.•laire.l whi.'li -Imw .i..ul>li' lim- a.n.l tlie .,il,ii 1- l.a-.-.l .■ntiivly ..n th.' ineaMii.- ..I tl;.-.> -ixteeii plati-. 'I'll.' r.'iiiaininu iw.iity- -i\ plat.- weiv m.'a-iire.l ..a .■illiei- tli.' llailmaiin < ■..niparai..r ..r lli.' ( iaeilii.r m. a-uniin: ,i,;„.li,ne ..r ..11 iK.th. liul n..ne ..I th.-,' ni.'a-nr.- were ii-.m1 in lli.' final e.impuiai h.ii- lur the .irliital element-. 'The liiK- ..t till' -ei.iii.lary .•..iiip..nent aiv .|i!it.' iaint wlieiva- tli..-e ..I' ill.- prill. apal i.,,inp.iiient alv rath, r .lilTn-e and liilieh in..ie mim.'ri.il-. The pr.il al.le ermr ..I ;i plate lur th.' i.riii.i|)al c.mpi.n.'ni i^ ±'J-:>(i aial Inr \\\r -.■e..ii.lary ■_ 1 ti:> km. p.r -.■c.ii.l. 'I'he ma- ..f 111.' -ec.n.lary e.iiiiix.iieiil i> H '.Ml.; tiiia- that ..f the principal e.inip..niMit . In the f.ill.iwinn table <>i' ..l)>erviiti.>ii- the plia-t- are reekf.ne.l t'r..iii the liiial value <il' peria>tn.ii pa^-atte usinn tlic (•(irnTted peri. id 1(1 .VJIT day-. TUK fiiiniTs or Tur. si'k< thoscopic < omi-onknt-^ oc iio^-; I'i'U -J' iit>i,i{\ \'i h>\.- di i'.<i» iM.j I'lllt.- («.- !):,>. iiIIiIm'I' .-<-!\t I 1 l|v •JI7 1' IlllM 1 >|'l .'.•:;v !■ lulv 1 JIM i; ■JJ ■J .".in \ -■> J.')!*.* ^ \ ' i L.' t; -'71 1 II 1.". j7''s ■i -'.' ■J'l'J'l II -. Il' IJ _"t.»7 \ 1 |:; ■ IJII ni:i7 II Npi 1 '1 Ills II -'■i ll'in II :!() I7:"P ;■ \':l! :. IMIJ r ~ .lull,,., h ri. ( Ml! ]i"n< hi I \.l l.i'r ■ I ■_' l.'l 7i.7 ■•'II - I'i'i't t :i> .'111 7'*^ s s'l^M i:; '1 '1 J ll.j 7."' V 77sM ij :; "I J !•■■■ 7i'!' .1 S|~(l 11 7 1. J 177 7|i. ■J 7.'|ii • 17 II 1 .' IM' 7'iii 1 J7l'i • U 7 ■J I'l.; 1.71 ^ r.i'i :;7 J 7 J J 1 1 i.M s 1 1-. 1 .", ■ ':> 1 M ■J Ji". I.:;; (1 1171.". 11 '. (■,.„.l...Mni \.l |..'.- .1 7 . I.I ■! I--1 1 ^ ;ji 'I'l.; , 'I' I' 1.1 i:^ '..".J II 'ii.".i 11". ''.".v 7 'UN .IJ 7 I'.' I" 111'. I .".11 1,7',' 1 I J." I ,". 1.". 7111 J l".iil .'.|i; i.'ii, ;; i ijl J o I J I I. 1 I. J 1 'I 1 'I . J I I J J n III 'I ;'i '.I ;'i 1. .".7 1 II I .\ \ ^ ;j I I ; ■> I J ^ II Ji I" 1 . in I 1 1 ■; I'niiii thr incliiniiiarv clciiicnt -. -iivcii laicr. uli-ci-, al imi niuat imi- \\<iv I'Uili up acciinliny: to llir iiotatiuu nf l.cliiii:in-l''illH'-. incliiinl t.i -uit t!ir ra-r uf duulili' -ii.Tiia.* and a Ira-t Miuan- Mihuiuii cl'lcctrd. Since tlir (ili-crvatimi- cxtcndiMl uvcr pail- n| tiiirc^ vca-oiis, the pciiod \va< al>'> inchidrd in ;lic si.'mtion. Thi- nrcc-itali-d tn-atinn all the ()l)S('rvali(in> x'liaiatcly. Hy making the fnllowinn translurinalion a >f1 <it' :VJ oli-riAat ion (Miuation- involvmi: tlie scvrn unknowns 7, K,. K> ' . cc. P. and T wnv imilt dp. The wci'^ht- an- niv.-n in the la-t <'ohunn. X = 5-y y = 8K, 7. = 6K: t = ')() Be u = [2 -SI ."MM)] bV V = .")() 5a) w = [i-r):w2,s] 5T *niiiiiini..ii I lli.^(Tv;iti.r\ rulilicalinii-. \'..l. 1. p:ii!'' :!-'7. 00925710 ' ■■■(■- ^^fr^^v:E^ ^::i^m:mwt ■2\^ IDh. lixMlM"^ V-lHolll^-" ^, ,,M-KU\ M"in. \1' 1'>1"^ iiii-i r.\ \ 1 II i\ \\i\ \ ri(i\- ii'i: ii">- KJIJ 1 1 (KHK ■J 1 (t(H> ;; 1 (Mill I I DIM) :, 1 oun C. 1 t«»» 7 \ (H«> N I IXIU <.i I noi) 1(1 II (Kill (I til . : II '.I'. Ml II '.l>7 II '.ii> II s.V.t (I '.rjl> II sii'.t II SIS -- 1 iilio -II T'.ts HI iVI'.t 1 i> II T'.f.' 1_> 1 IIOO i;; 1 niti" 1, ) mill Ht '.'»>'.' ,- ) (iiii) • II '.i.'.r. is I 11(111 1 iinii 1 nun m 1 nnn ■j(i I nnn ■jl 1 nnii ■J J I nnn j;', 1 nnn Jl 1 nnn ■_>;, 1 -nnn 2C, 1 nnn j7 1 nnn js innn -M \ nnn ;;n I m"' :,\ 1 ont> ;;j I (inn (I "Its (1 nnn n nnn (I (inn n (inn (I (Kin (Minn (I (ini) II (UK) ODD II niK) nnnn n (KMI n linn n nun (KK) n(UKi n nni)/ n mil) n nnn II (KK) n (KK) (KKI (KKI (KK) n nnn U IKK) II nun (1 (KKI (1 nnn n (Kin n (KK) n (KK) -n iiTT . (I '.I'.iii . '.isT . I) T'.ir. - s:)',) -n '.ijii 4 OSC.'.) , S-lS , 1 (KKI , 7'.)S -n CI'.) -. n 77;') . I) 7'.»:i --() '.Kl'.l --() '.):>(■> -I) 71)^ n -11.".! • " ^1'" n 171) II ;1J1 - 1 i)s:, -n s.^s . n 7'K) , (I sjj I I) S.'il - 1) ii;i:'. . (I 'Kll (I (Kl.i () (K)(i (I nils II (III . (I n7'i (1 111.7 -^1) 11)7 HI (K).'> :ii.'> (1 ll()^ . (I jn:'. . II i;;i) . II S.'ll n I'.i'.i . n (..'>() -II isl -I) JUi , I) •J'.i7 'is.') n i.Miu I •'"" " n 07 1/ II nl . n Ul K.l i-i) :;;57 ,11 ■.'>:..' -n ()!.■> . (I :isi (1 •l'.))i -I ii7s n '.117 1 (IS) (I s,',| II :..vj n nj;; . (I ',i7 1 -n |sl - n '.UJ - 1 i:.:. . (I S'.lJ n sio n s7.". -0 '.Kl'.) , no:;.'. - I) '.)iiJ - 1 Jl)'.) (I '.)7i> . 1 I. v.) -n ssi , .")S7 . II 'IS'J .., :u:) 4 1) :v.ii I) ',ii>. u MS SO'.) H) M.'J I) (K),'. . (1 (Kir. (I nil . (I (14;'. --n (ISO . n 071 H) ir.'. -n (Ki:. , (I n.'i.") 1 ii;v,? > (ins - 1 (■>:.( i - 1 O'i'.) . 170 . S(i(l .(|.S,-)4 -0 sol Mir.7.; HI I'.).'. ,„(K)S fO J-Js -I) :;s'j H) ir.' -0 117 i;;c. I nnn '_' jnii I I jnn 1 S(K» _> KK) I siin ■ 1 inn n .'.on 1 '.KKI . I ;;nn . J S(KI :\ i'i(Ki . 1 noil . I l.(KI - I mill , ■_' 700 K. -n.(iM) in Joo -Ol.iS -0 111' -0 '.K).'. H) JIJ (IC.'.IJ 1 noil -0 si:. - If. .400 I) 1 '.)!■> -0 ;5('.i'. . I) I'.K) -I) :•,.".') I) (I ;ni) «() -0 -OOll'. 'r {) MV.^ -0 40.'. _1 Olio .();«.". -O'.K)'.) -I) 7lii _n oos (1 4I)C. r 1 l»7 -n 4ir> J s.'vJ 4 .'.•_'7 -0 ^4;; -II r.^s -^Kl 1 'JOO , n- 101) . 1 700 -.'. 200 .nioo . ;VJno rS 400 - r.r(KKi . (I ;;(K) -;Mnn - rj jno oni)\ \(.KM\1. 1' il ATION- 4s7v . InJ/. ,-n(KH) ^4 •J7C. , 1 0171 - I'.ISS - 1 ISO - !,'. JJO ^ 1 o;v.;ii 4- 1 -IW + 7s4 4- 0-.">(K) 4-11 O.'.l -;- 1 '.cj.tv -0 O.'.l) -rO ;ii« H-l) 1)7.') ^.', 4.'.S r .'. I'.r.'. -0 .'.lOw -0-7'.)7 -0 494 -0 177 - .") I)'J.") -.-..•J7'.) - 10 s-J.. (. + .)■..' ,K) 14;; - (-.(Wi - C. 141) - ;;'.).">.') -i7-4'2:4 -i:;s;i7 IX^ 'mm^.M-rnm^mms m yp^i 34 -^^s*^ .v.*r;irp TIIK OHHIT S ..K TIU; SPK. TK-.S. on.- . ..M.-ONKNT^ »r HOS> l.-..> 2«) ;,,V,. rnrir.tl,.!.^ t- tl.r pivlinHMlilN rlriu-ht-, :.- •n,r ^..l.lti.m i.l ll..-.. r.iU..tlnM- Hil |.., ,11 , l,.,t « „ « Mil lll.l r,l I n .in II ll -'; : ";;■ ;; :r':r ;x:. .: - ■.^■■.- < "- •■ "■ ■:-""""- -"; ,1,.. ,v-i.l..MUlnltl..'ul.-...vr.l pllHT- sva- 1. 1 \1U,I. <'l 111 Ml^' au.Tcl In.i" IT" '-' K'SJ. HI :ii |.|> III! Ill I'l-. hluMlllV I im:iI 1'. I I .■..•hiniii\ l.onuitiuli- iif :i|iv LiiiiHilii'li' III' ■•>l'*' N.liicily 111' ~\>liiii Scini-Miiipliliiil'' I'riiiKii> SiMii-iiiiilililiiili' ^ mill I'iMiii-triiii piifj-uili' ^.iiii-riKiJor !ixi~ Si Mii-iiiajiir ^ixis. \l;i~- [iniiiary Mii>,-. siToiiilary Ill .'ijT ■l.i"'- 1 II Ui OJ Ki l< r ll, -in I ll; ■'III i mi -iii'i »!■ -Ill''' . 1 s^ km liil -I' IT kill .'ill km I I) JIJI Till ■.I'-' III •iji: 1) IMI|^ i| l\ - ill II III 1 .•.Vi Til 1 ^ 71. 7i. 1 i^ • J ■•■■■ Hi 111 II li.' km |"'i 'I'l' II s:; km .-,1 •ifl ■ 1 :;j km .1 1) -M-' ,7 ,1 i.lM • II Hi- ,,,.ill.lNNI kl ll. 7,llV|INMI k II. II l.".7 oil! C R;,.liiil Vi-lo. ity ' 4 5 6 7 urv.-n of »o*f 46112 Slmwiim ImlivMu:.! OliS'iratiniu. -xv*,-..-»r'«»tM'l .'.'•n IIU iMlMISHiS \^||<l.|'l|>>|i rill' l£IM|ili -liiiwii li|i|i'»i III- llir M'lnrit' oli-ir\ alliill- ;ili' lilnlli'il \|i llitiTc-lilin I lr-(!ili'l inilif ihr-r iiiliil- li'iiin |i|,ilf- iilil:i|iii I Wl-ll lull In rApIc-- lli\ IpIHi rial |ii| :iliil all the MhiiiIh'I •. ,,i In- -tall at tin- l)<>ii ''nillili lii\ -I: \ al till- ( tj.-.'iA al.ij \ |,,i l\\r|\ 111 llir -lllllllli'l III I'l.'O l!\c|\ |iii.-|li|i. lai III the |)rii-i'iiitii>ii III tlir wiirk i>ii Hn-- JiidJ I am wiirkiMi:. tln' n-iili- nl' which wmk will I iii\ci-ii\ III \N a-limnliiii. Sfiiltic . U :i-li. IKIuIm-i I I'lJII. ^arjiVif^Jfrv* ,'^ V- t-v.V-*"-': '' 3 3286 08890556 3 >fn>H|i \i iipt->h.ll\ \ liiu V \ |( |IIKI\ M'l.inl\ ciiiM- il-ilii', llir I.iimI I'liiiichl- Iih1i\ i.lu:il -linn pf.il.litn. i.-.r\ii| i,,r thr liiiiin-. will Ik n\i\:\t\,i,\ 4\ || li liiiili, I .||-|i.'i-|iin. ■'■I:lll t llli- kllhilU— ^l,,i\Ml nil' ll\ III I'll j,,.!! "• l>'illlll 1 \-ll(.|i|i\ -lial ( >l.,r|\;il,,i\ .It \|,|,,il;i I l\\rl\< W.rk- 111 ttlc. -IIIMIIH'I Ml I'll!" IIIkI -I\ «.c'k» ''!'• MilllM ;ili.| .i-M-l:!! \M'|v lAlciidr.j In ,imI iiii' - »tKI.' ;iImI .>ii .illiir -|Mil|.i-r',,|);r I.iiimh,- ,i|| uIihIi Ilk uill .iiijirar a- -iiiiii a- iiiiiipicliil. .'( V ■■.\ ass^^^^t^' .s»^ay«9i^:>fiaaec£ssiL ■