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 The Right Rev., The Lord Hishop of Ontario. 
|i.» »i'i ».yp' 
 I ' 
 Delivered in Christ Church, Ottawa, Feb. 24th, 
 Printed by Request. 
 LECTURE of mine on Agnosticism has 
 been criticised in a pamphlet styled 
 A Defence of Modern Thought. On perus- 
 ing it I was unable to find out what the 
 modern thought is which the writer is de- 
 fending. He agrees with me that "Ag- 
 nostic" is an unfortunate name for those like himself 
 who believe that the existence of God is a problem 
 that does not admit of* solution. Agnosticism, in 
 that sense, is not modern. It has existed in all ages* 
 Neither is the hypothesis of Evolution, to which I 
 attributed the recent popularity of Agnosticism, 
 modern. It is as old as Democritus and Lucretius. 
 I accounted for the rather sudden outburst of all 
 that is implied by Agnosticism by saying that Evo- 
 lution led to Materialism, and Materialism to 
 Agnosticism, some men believing Darwinism a de- 
 liverance from the necessity of a Creator, though 
 Darwin himself postulated a Creator to begin his 
I am glad to find that my critic agrees with me 
 in my suspicion that Agnostic ethics are not of a 
 kind to inspire some men with the '* courage neces- 
 sary to take up a decided position." We can 
 scarcely bring ourselves to admire the principles of 
 men who, while holding to Agnostic belief, act 
 as though expediency justified hypocrisy, and there- 
 fore advise conformity to the usages ofreligion. 
 God and Immortality, say they, are rationally un- 
 tenable, but we cannot do without them. They are 
 necessary for the present till the world is better 
 educated. Religious beliefs are useful ; Mr. Herbert 
 Spencer says, " We cannot avoid the inference that 
 they are needful accompaniments of human life." 
 They should have the "widest possible toleration " ; 
 and again, " As certainly as a barbarous race needs 
 a harsh terrestrial rule, and habiwually shows attach- 
 ment to a despotism capable of the necessary rigour, 
 so certainly does such a race need a belief that is 
 similarly harsh, and habitually shows attachment 
 to such a belief." * That is to say, the false is 
 necessary for the elucidation of the true. You 
 cannot get men to act as they should, without 
 deceiving them. We have heard a good deal about 
 the unworthy tricks of Divines in dressing up phan- 
 toms in order to frighten mankind and keep them 
 under priestly influence, but now we have one of the 
 most eminent Philosophers of the day, himself no 
 friend to Revelation, informing us that it is the only 
 way to deal with men whose mental development is 
 * First Principlea, pp. 119- 122. 
imperfect, t My critic seems to agree with Mr. 
 Spencer's ethical teaching ; for he says, "There are 
 many lines of argument which can be used to prove 
 how natural and how serviceable in many w&ys is, or 
 has been, the thought of God as the Universal 
 Father, the source of all good and of all law" ; and 
 again, " Let the mind therefore, we say, weave 
 freely for itself such conceptions as for the moment 
 are serviceable, and let it be free to modify them with 
 the growth of knowledge, and the increasing defini- 
 tiveness of thought." Truly a melancholy basis of 
 ethics in the nineteenth century ! 
 But my critic is so dissatisfied with the name of 
 Agnostic that he advises all earnest men who think 
 more of their beliefs than their unbeliefs to disown 
 it. He seems to forget that the name is not a nick- 
 name given by opponents, but by a sincere friend 
 and champion of Agnosticism, Professor Huxley, 
 who borrowed it from a heathen altar at Athens, the 
 inscription on which was, "To the Unknown God" — 
 ^AfV(b<ntp 6e(fj. 
 And here I must observe that my critic ought to 
 have known that it is beneath the dignity of a 
 scientific writer to impute motives, particularly 
 that of "manoeuvring," and of using a "controver- 
 sial artifice of an unfair kind." I am accused 
 of standing forth simply as the champion of the 
 two great doctrines of God and Immortality, but 
 that in reality I am the champion of much more. 
 "The manoeuvre is first to make a formidable demon- 
 stration as champion of two cardinal doctrines 
 t Transactions of Vic. Inst, Vol. 17, p. 119. 
 which in themselves arouse little opposition even 
 when they do not command assent, and then to 
 apply the results of the proceeding to the benefit of 
 those parts of the system which had been kept in 
 the background" ; and it is said to my discredit, 
 that " what I have at heart is that men may believe 
 as I do." I wonder what my critic has at heart 
 when he writes a pamphlet ; but whatever I had at 
 heart, I certainly had no such design as that im- 
 puted to me, as I was not so foolish as to believe 
 that the two tenets, God and Immortality, led 
 necessarily up to that '* elaborate theological system 
 of which I am exponent." He says that I "do not 
 profess that these doctrines can stand by themselves 
 apart from a belief in revelation." Of course I did 
 not profess that they could, because all the world 
 knows that they can. I admit that it is much easier 
 to make a theist a Christian, than to make an atheist 
 one. But I did not forget that a large proportion 
 of the human race, such as Jews and Mahomme- 
 dans, believe in God and Immortality, and yet 
 cannot be led on to accept Christianity. 
 In fact, so little was the ** elaborate system of 
 which I am exponent" present to my mind, that I 
 argued as if Christianity were not in existence. 
 Well then, why does rny critic, knowing this as well 
 as I do, attribute to me sinister motives ? Simply 
 that he might have a pretext for introducing into his 
 pamphlet a sneer at miracles and " Hebrew legends 
 of a most monstrous kind." That this was his 
 object is evident, because I alluded to miracles only 
 once, and that was to suggest that they may have 
 been in accordance with natural laws, though they 
 proved superhuman knowledge of those laws. As 
 to the "monstrous Hebrew legends," I dealt with 
 but one of them, — "In the beginning God created 
 the heaven and the earth." But because I did not 
 treat of others, is this one not to be discussed or 
 believed ? In my treatment of it, any reference to 
 the other "legends" he mentions, so far from being 
 " in order," would have been as much out ol place 
 as a defence of the Crusades. 
 My critic quite misapprehends my object when 
 he says, that " in arguing against the doctrine of 
 Evolution, I labour to establish the opposite doc- 
 trine of the creation and government of the world 
 by miracle." I was labouring for nothing of the 
 kind. While I do believe in the creation and gov- 
 ernment of the world by God, my main object v/as 
 to show that Evolution was as yet a mere hypothe 
 sis — I might have said a scientific romance — and I 
 considered that it was useful to make this known, 
 because men were building too much upon it, — 
 putting it, in fact, in the place of a Creator. Mira- 
 acle as such did not e- gage my thoughts at all, be- 
 cause I regard Evolution quite as great a miracle 
 as Creation. So far as miracle is concerned, the 
 legend might as well have read thus : " In the 
 beginning God evolved the heaven and the earth." 
 I can no more imagine an evolution without an 
 Evolver, than I can a creation without a Creator. 
 My object was to remind my hearers that what 
 multitudes were taking for granted was untrue, or 
 at least unproved. 
 We live in an age of intellectual terrorism when 
 men are afraid and ashamed of being thought un- 
 scientific. Even religious people bow down too 
 much to the conjectures of science. Only utter the 
 words, "all scientific men are agreed," and people 
 will swallow almost anything. I therefore instanced 
 great scientists who did not believe that man 
 was evolved from the ape by natural selection, and 
 among them Sir C. Lyell. In doing so, I made a 
 mistake. I ought to have borne in mind that in a 
 Science like Geology, not yet fifty years old, scien- 
 tific Geologists are constantly revising or retracting 
 their theories, and I should therefore have quoted 
 from the last edition of Ly ell's worL. But my mis- 
 take has no bearing against my argument. Lyell does 
 not think that Darwin has proved his theory,but that 
 he has made it in the highest degree probable. He 
 regards Evolution simply as ** the best explanation 
 yet offered of the connection between man and ani- 
 mals." But probability even in the highest degree 
 is but probability still. It is not demonstration. 
 Lest however the weight of authority against 
 Evolution should be diminished by my inability to 
 claim Lyell on my side, let me substitute for him 
 the eminent professor Virchow of Berlin, who says, 
 " We cannot pronounce it to be a conquest of 
 science, that man descended from the ape or from 
 any other animal. We can only indicate it as an 
 hypothesis, however probable it may seem. Let us 
 hope the men of science in England will not fail to 
 examine this most serious question, — whether the 
 authority of science will not be better served if it 
confines itself strictly to its own province, than if it 
 undertakes to master the whole view of nature by 
 the premature generalization of theoretical combi- 
 nations. We must really acknowledge that there is 
 a complete absence of any fossil type of a lower 
 stage in the development of man. I am bound to 
 declare that any positive advance which has been 
 roade in the province of prehistoric anthropology 
 has actually removed us further from the proof of 
 such connection, viz., with the rest of the animal 
 Kingdom."* I may add that the great Palaeon- 
 tologist, Professor Barande, agrees with Virchow. 
 Bearing in mind that my aim was to show that 
 Evolution was but an unproved hypothesis, let me 
 strengthen my appeal to authority still further. Dr. 
 Dawson, the learned Principal of McGill College, 
 writes : — 
 "I regard the doctrine of spontaneous evolution 
 of living beings, and of man especially, as equally 
 at variance with science, revelation, and common 
 sense. It belongs, in truth, to the region of those 
 illogical paradoxes which have ever haunted the 
 progress of knowledge, and have been dispelled only 
 by increasing light. For this reason I have always 
 refused to recognize the dreams of materialistic 
 evolution as of any scientific significance, or indeed 
 as belonging to science at all." t 
 One more authority, — the great Agassiz. His 
 words are : — "The theory is a scientific blunder, 
 untrue in its facts, unscientific in its methods, and 
 ruinous in its tendency." X 
 * Leisure Hour, ;1878, p. 334. 
 t Ibid. 
 t Transactions Vic. Inst., Vol. 16, p. 220. 
 Here I desire to correct a mistake of my critic, 
 in asserting that "Huxley would not claim more for 
 the theory than Darwin or Lyell." He has for- 
 gotten that Huxley, in his lectures in New York in 
 1876, asserted "the demonstrative evidence of Evolu- 
 tion," In his third lecture, he maintained that "the 
 doctrine of Evolution at the present time rests upon 
 exactly as secure a foundation as the Copernican 
 theory of the motions of the heavenly bodies did at 
 the time of its promulgation." This is certainly 
 more than Darwin or Lyell would assert, as any 
 reader of their works knows full well. 
 I must now refer to the accusation against me of 
 misrepresenting Huxley as well as Lyell, because I 
 said that materialistic evolution was discredited by 
 him. I fail to see how I have done so. Huxley 
 made two statements : the first was, that he had 
 "a philosophic faith in the probability of spontaneous 
 generation" ; and the second was, that "Biogenesis, 
 or life through the action of life, i. e., the contra- 
 dictory of spontaneous generation, was victorious 
 along the whole line at the present day." * Now 
 I cannot see how any man can believe in the proba- 
 bility of a fact, and at the same time admit that all 
 experiment and induction are against it. Faith, 
 however "philosophical," in a probability against 
 universal experience and experiment, is not the 
 inductive science of Lord Bacon, but rather un- 
 philosophical credulity. I feel therefore warranted 
 * The law of Biogenesis is justly regarded by Professor Huxley as the 
 great principle underlying all the phenomena of organized existence. 
 Vide "Unseen Universe," p. 229. 
 in saying that materialistic evolution is discredited 
 (not only in the sense of being disbelieved because 
 unproved, but) as having been brought into disrepute 
 by Huxley's inconsistency of statement, as well as 
 by Sir W. Thompson's far-fetched theory of an 
 aerolite having brought the first germs of life to this 
 In every exact science, we reason from the known 
 to the unknown. We infer, from what we see going 
 on now, what went on yesterday, and backwards for 
 ever. Thus in Geological science we see how land 
 is laid down in the estuaries of rivers, and how mud 
 and stones are deposited by the action of water. 
 We see glacial action at work in the Arctic regions, 
 in the Alps, and in other mountain ranges. The 
 processes which we witness in action, changing the 
 configuration of continents, we naturally suppose 
 to have been always at work, and sometimes on a 
 vastly greater scale than at present ; that mountains 
 have been upheaved, and again submerged, and 
 that continents and oceans have changed places 
 more than once. Thus, by reasoning from the 
 known to the unknown, all the phenomena of the 
 earth's crust are explainable, and Geology, by the 
 help of fossiliferous strata, becomes an exact science 
 in its general results. 
 Evolution, however, does not reason from the 
 known to the unknown, but from a conjecture to the 
 unknown. No one ever saw one species pass into 
 another. Evolution, as accounting for the origin of 
 species and the creation of man, has no basis in ex- 
 perience or experiment. It is a most ingenious 
 hypothesis, and, being only that, is as yet unscien- 
 tific. In the historic period of 4000 years, no one 
 has never seen, or has had reason for beHeying, that 
 one species changed itself into another by what is 
 called natural selection. The cats and crocodiles of 
 to-day are the same as those preserved as mummies 
 for 4000 years ; and reasoning from the known to 
 the unknown, it is rational to infer that they had 
 been the same 4000 years before the Pyramids were 
 built. Indeed it is conceded by Evolutionists that 
 some species have, been so persistent that fossil 
 lizards of the age of the New Red Sandstone are 
 found to-day crawling about in New Zealand. 
 Charles Kingsley calls these Sphenodons the oldest 
 conservatives in the world, who have remained all 
 but unchanged while the whole surface of the globe 
 has changed around them once or twice. * Sir 
 Roderick Murchison tells us that the bivalve called 
 the Lingula has lived on from the Silurian or primae- 
 val days to the present time in Wales. So that this 
 genus has remained unevolved from well nigh the 
 beginning of animal life. Huxley says that "there 
 are found remains of animals in perfect preservation 
 and among them shells belonging to exactly the 
 same species as those which at present inhabit the 
 waters of Lake Erie in the immediate vicinity of 
 the whirlpool of Niagara, and again upon Goat 
 Island. This involves the conclusion that they had 
 lived and died before the Falls had cut their way 
 back, and indeed it has been determined that when 
 these animals lived, the Falls must have been at 
 ♦ Town Geology, p. 95. 
 least six miles further down the river than they are 
 at present, that is, about 30,000 years ago." More- 
 over, Huxley admits that "when we examine rocks 
 of the Cretaceous epoch, we find the remains of 
 some animals which the closest scrutiny cannot 
 show to be in any important respect different from 
 those that live at the present time." He adds, 
 "Even among the higher animals, some types have 
 had a marvellous duration. In the chalk, for ex- 
 ample, there is found a fish belonging to the highest 
 and most differentiated groups of osseous fishes 
 which goes by the name of Beryx, which is repre- 
 sented at the present day by closely allied species 
 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. We may go 
 still further back. The Carboniferous formations 
 in Europe and America contain the remains of 
 scorpions in an admirable state of preservation ; 
 and those scorpions are hardly distinguishable from 
 such as now live." Again, "The same truth is ex- 
 emplified if we turn to certain great periods of the 
 earth's history, — as, for example, the Mesozoic 
 epoch. There are groups of reptiles, such as the 
 Ichthyosauria and the Plesiosauria, which appear 
 shortly after the commencement of this epoch, and 
 they occur in vast numbers. They disappear in the 
 chalk,and throughout the whole of the great Mesozoic 
 rocks they present no such modifications a-j can be 
 safely considered evidence of progressive modifica- 
 Now what are we to infer from these admitted 
 facts ? Surely, reasoning from the known to the un- 
 known, we come to the conclusion that all species 
 are persistent in type, unless we can see one species 
 passing into another by various stages and grada- 
 tions, so that the process of metamorphosis is evi- 
 dent. "But no transformist can show any species 
 gradually losing its peculiar characters to acquire 
 new ones belonging to another species, and thus 
 transforming itself. However similar the dog may 
 be to the wolf, no one has found any dead or living 
 animal or skeleton, which might as well be ascribed 
 to wolf as to dog, and therefore be considered as 
 the link between the two. One may say exactly as 
 much concerning the extinct species ; there is no 
 gradual and imperceptible passage from one to the 
 Evolutionists are thus driven to explain the per- 
 sistence of some types which is admitted by all, and 
 the supposed transformation of others which is denied 
 by all but Evolutionists ; and they do so very in- 
 geniously, but not convincingly. The hypothesis, or 
 guess, is that, no matter what variations in them 
 may have taken place in the lapse of epochs, there 
 was no permanent change of structure, because the 
 surrounding conditions were always such that the 
 parent forms were more competent to deal with 
 them than the derived forms ; that in the struggle 
 for existence, the parent form maintained itself, and 
 the derived forms were exterminated. But a diffi- 
 culty arises here. How came it to pass that these 
 derived forms which arose spontaneously (that is, 
 by chance) escaped being fossilized ? Did they, as 
 [{liisiis naturcBj revert to the pp'ent type immediate- 
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 ly while yet two minute to be discernible, and be- 
 fore Geology could stereotype them ? One would 
 suppose that we ought to find in the rocks variations 
 from the parent type lying side by side with the 
 original from which they sprung. But no such varia- 
 tions, small or great, are to be found. Moreover, 
 we are asked to believe that some forms have con- 
 tinued unchanged during the transformation of 
 three or four worlds, because that, during all the 
 changes and chances of those countless ages, they 
 were unable by means of natural selection to find 
 conditions of life more favourable than those by 
 which they were originally environed ; and that they 
 held their own, while thousands upon thousands of 
 other types were being extinguished, because in 
 their case there was no possibility of improved con- 
 ditions of life. 
 It is said, however, that Evolutionists do reason 
 from the known to the unknown, — that they reason 
 from the known possibility of producing permanent 
 varieties in animals by artificial selection to the 
 possibihty of the same being effected by natural 
 selection. Huxley gives an instance of this : — A 
 Massachusetts farmer possessed a small flock of 
 sheep and a ram of the ordmary kind. Oneofthe- 
 ewes presented her owner with a male lamb differing 
 for no assignable reason from its parents by a pro- 
 portionably long body and bandy legs, whence it 
 was unable to emulate its relatives in those sportive 
 leaps over the neighbours' fences in which they were 
 in the habit of indulging. The farmer bred from 
 the newly arrived type, and the result justified his 
 anticipations. When sufficient Ancon, or Otter, 
 sheep (as they were called) were obtained to inter- 
 breed one with another, it was found that the off- 
 spring was always pure Ancon sheep. From this it is 
 argued that what the farmer did by artificial selec- 
 tion, the struggle for existence does by natural 
 selection. But the analogy does not hold ; because 
 what the farmer pioduced was not a new species, 
 but a variety in a species ; the new sheep were sheep 
 still, not goats or horses. What was effected by the 
 farmer could not have been brought about by 
 natural selection, first, because the long body and 
 bandy legs would not have been beneficial, but 
 rather injurious, in the struggle for existence with 
 the sheep's more active companions. Secondly, be- 
 cause all artificial varieties in our herds of cattle, in 
 our horses, dogs, and pigeons, when left to them- 
 selves, — that is to nature, — revert to the original 
 type. Thirdly, because all artificial varieties produc- 
 ed by man are fertile and interbreed with one 
 another, while species produced by natural selection 
 are infertile and will not interbreed. There is 
 nothing in artificial selection akin to what Evolu- 
 tion teaches, viz., that all species are descended 
 from the same original, and that there are links con- 
 necting them all, even the cainiverous with the 
 herbivorous animals. Fourthly, because the slow 
 transformations by means of which any creature, 
 while in a state of unfitness for one mode of life, is 
 passing on to the development of perfect fitness for 
 another, would not conduce to the survival of the 
Jtified his 
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 fittest, but the reverse. The condition of an infant 
 while teething, that is, passing through the transi- 
 tion state from nursing to eating, does not, as all 
 mothers know, conduce to its survival. 
 Professor Huxley, however, gives us what he 
 calls demonstrative evidence for Evolution, — evidence 
 as clear, he says, as that for the Copernican theory. 
 He has traced the horse of the present day through 
 the Hippar ion of the FViocene age, and through the 
 Anchitherium of the earlier Tertiaries. His hy- 
 pothesis IS, that the horse must have been derived 
 from some quadruped which had five complete digits 
 on each foot. He traces the succession of the forms 
 of the horse's le^^s and feet from the top to the 
 bottom of the Tertiary strata, and he finds that the 
 observed facts fit into the theory. First, we have 
 the true horse; next, the Pliocene form of the horse, 
 slightly differing from the ordinary horse. Lower 
 down we come to the Protohippus with one large 
 digit and two small ones on each foot. Further 
 down we come to the Miohippus with three complete 
 toes and a rudiment of a digit which answers to a 
 man's little finger. Next we arrive at the Mesohip- 
 pus in the American Miocene formations, with three 
 toes in front, a large rudiment representing the 
 little finger, and three toes behind. Lower still, 
 in the Eocene formation, we have Orohippus with 
 four complete toes on the first limb and three toes 
 on the hind limb. The Professor tells us that when 
 still lower deposits have yielded up their remains of 
 ancestral equine animals, we shall come at last to 
 the five-toed animals in which, if the doctrine of 

 Evolution be well founded, the whole series must 
 have taken its origin. 
 This then is the highest evidence adducible. Hux- 
 ley calls it as demonstrative as the Copernican 
 theory. And yet there is a simple answer to this 
 so-called demonstration, viz., that it is based on the 
 assumption that all these extinct forms belong to 
 the same species. But Professor Owen, in his 
 Anatomy of Vertebrates* says, " These extinct animals 
 differ from each other in a greater degree than do 
 the horse, the zebra, and the ass, which by Professor 
 Huxley are acknowledged to be true species." 
 Again, the evidence is not to be depended upon, 
 because remains of the horse, in nearly every respect 
 resembling the wild horse of to-day, are found in 
 the upper Miocene formation, and remains of the 
 Hipparion are found in the same deposit ; proving 
 that the Hipparion could not have been the ancestor 
 of the horse, t 
 Another objection to drawing conclusions in favour 
 of Evolution from this supposed development of the 
 horse is, that the whole account is inconsistent with 
 what Huxley tells us an imaginary spectator of the 
 events which constitute the history of the earth 
 would have seen. He says, ''Preceding the forms 
 of life which now exist, our observer would see 
 animals and plants, not identical with them, but like 
 them, increasing their differences with their 
 antiquity, and at the same time becoming simpler 
 and simpler." But in the case of the horse, the 
 ♦ Vol. Ill, p. 792. I Transactions Vic. Inst., Vol. 16, p. 277. 
 es must 
 e. Hux- 
 to this 
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 J forms 
 jld see 
 >ut like 
 e, the 
 development is not from the simple to the complex, 
 but the reverse, — from a five-toed to a one-toed 
 animal. The evolution must have followed the law 
 of natural selection, and the five-toed animal must 
 have found it beneficial in the struggle for existence 
 to get rid of one toe, and the four-toed to divest 
 itself of another, and so on till we come to the 
 present horse. "It is," says Mr. Wallace, "a funda- 
 mental doctrine of Evolution that all changes of 
 form and structure can only be brought about in as 
 much as it is for the good of the being so modified." 
 We cannot, however, see how this evolution of the 
 horse's legs and feet, or rather this degradation and 
 shrivelling up brought about by the struggle for 
 existence, could have been profitable to the preserved 
 nimal. He lost the power of seizing hold of any 
 thing, — a serious loss in a struggle ! — but however 
 this may be, this accumulation of profitable modifi- 
 cations did not prevent the horse from becoming 
 extinct in America. The extinction may, it is true, 
 have been caused by the glacial period having de- 
 stroyed all horses ; and if not from that cause, we 
 must admit that Nature failed to adapt the horse to 
 its environments. 
 On the whole, it would have seemed much more 
 like what we mean by Evolution, had the horse of 
 the present day been found in the Eocene formation 
 and developed upwards through the Miocene and 
 Pliocene into a horse with five toes. That would 
 have looked more like development from the simple 
 to the complex. 
 But I am concerned with the doctrine of Evo- 
; t 
 I ! 
 lution only so far as it is used as a device to elimi- 
 nate God from the Universe. My critic says, "The 
 scientific world is not aware that Nature has any 
 ends in view, or is capable of having any ends in 
 view which she needs the help of man to enable her 
 to realize. Science does not attribute purpose to 
 Nature." This is a very dictatorial utterance. Let 
 us consider it awhile. Mankind will not, because 
 thev cannot, give up their belief in purpose, design 
 and foresi ght in Nature. Why ? Because the al- 
 ternative belief is that "the earth and the million 
 spheres in space came from mechanical necessity 
 and for no end, and that life and consciousness came 
 from the same mechanical necessity, supplemented 
 by chance as the acting, shaping agency and real 
 divinity."* For this reason, the mass of mankind 
 guided by common sense, as well as the masters of 
 thought who have meditated most deeply on the 
 subject, continue to believe in purpose and final 
 Aristotle, with the other great thinkers of his day, 
 came to the conclusion that the intelligence which 
 existed in connection with matter involved a higher 
 Intelligence independent of matter. 
 Cicero held that the man who believes that the 
 world, with all its beauty, and fittedness for man as 
 well as for animal and vegetable life, was made by 
 the chance meeting of atoms, would believe that if a 
 countless number of the letters of the alphabet were 
 * Creed of Science, p. 51. 
 thrown in a mass in some place, from these letters 
 shaken out on the ground there can be formed the 
 annals of Ennius arranged in such order as to read 
 continuously, t 
 Lord Bacon declared : "I had rather believe all 
 the fables in the Legend and the Talmud and the 
 Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without 
 a Mind." 
 Sir Isaac Newton affirmed : "The world is not 
 God. It did not arise from a fortuitous concourse 
 of atoms, nor by the spontaneous energy and evolu- 
 tion of self-developing powers, as some have affirm- 
 ed, but it was created by one, almighty, eternal, wise, 
 and good being, — God." 
 The great Kepler, as he watched the skies, 
 was compelled to exclaim : *'0 God, I think Thy 
 thoughts after Thee." 
 Whatever, then, may be the causes which render 
 some men unable to see purpose or design, and 
 consequently God, in the Universe, of one thing we 
 may be absolutely sure, that superiority of intellect is 
 not one of them. 
 But it would be tedious to dwell longer on the 
 philosophical authority for purpose in Nature* 
 Apart altogether from that, can any rational or 
 candid man doubt that there was a purpose in the 
 course of the evolution of the Universe ? Can any 
 one really doubt that the ej'e and the ear, which 
 open out the world to all the animals and man, 
 were not somewhere in Nature's aims ; or can they 
 f De Natura Deoruiu. 
! ! 
 believe the other alternative, that the first rudi- 
 mentary eye came one day as the result of a lucky 
 chance, — a fortunate meeting of the atoms, — that it 
 only appeared after infinite combinations had in 
 vain been tried, at one happy moment vvrhen the 
 right number and due arrangement of particles were 
 hit upon ? Is this credible ? And then the same 
 origin must be assigned for all the oth er organs of 
 sense, — the origin of chance, — a perpetual shifting 
 and re-arrangement of the atoms by chance and 
 mechanical necessity, till the new and startling 
 phenomena appeared. 
 And granting that the right arrangement made 
 the physical organ, there is still a great gulf between 
 the organ and the seeing power. What is this new 
 phenomenon, — the fact oivision, — which one moment 
 came, having been non-existent just before ? Is not 
 this new thing somethinr like creation ? It is, says 
 the materialist, the product of the atoms, the effect 
 of molecular changes. Then the atoms are literally 
 creative. They have produced from nothing a most 
 wonderful thing. For the fact of vision is wholly 
 different from the material particles v/hich compose 
 the organ. It is a thing not made up of them, nor 
 of anything but itself, which one moment was not, 
 and the next moment was ; and this is creation, — 
 call it evoltUion if you please. It is creation, and 
 moreover it is very like creation ex nihilo pronounced 
 so absurd, — only that the blind atoms, according to 
 the materialist, have accomplished the miracle. * 
 Now all this weight of philosophical authority,. 
 • Creed of Science, p. 48. 
 and this reasoning from common sense, cannot be 
 set aside by the flippant dictum, "Science does not 
 attribute purpose to Nature." This means, if it has 
 any meaning, that scientific men do not attribute 
 purpose to nature ; but the assertion is untrue. Or it 
 may mean that no science, such as Botany.Geology, 
 or Astronomy, attributes purpose to Nature. True, 
 these sciences have neither speech nor language, 
 yet their voices must be heard. Let us select from 
 a multitude of instances, which in their number and 
 their richness are embarrassing, one from Botany, 
 and see whether we can detect purpose in the adap- 
 tatioii of structure to function. 
 A more wonderful, complicated, and effective 
 insect-trap could hardly be imagined than the 
 pitcher-plant. In the first place, it attracts its 
 victims from afar by its conspicuous color, — red, or 
 blue, or purple, — which makes it stand out boldly 
 from the inconspicuous shrub which produces it. 
 In the next place, its jug-like shape is as good a 
 device as can be employed for a trap in which the 
 captured flies are to be drowned. It has a close- 
 fitting lid which is not opened till the arrangements 
 are complete, and when once opened never shuts 
 again. When all is ready within, the lids opens ; 
 and we see a bait, a danger, and a destiny. The 
 bait is a honey secretion produced by glands situ- 
 ated just in the neck cf the pitcher. Below this 
 zone are glaucous walls of glassy smoothness, and 
 below these again is the water poured forth by 
 thousands of glands. The insects eat their fill of 
 the honey, then slip hopelessly down the precipitous 
i Hill 
 sides, and are drowned at the bottom. In addition 
 to these striking features, some of the pitchers have 
 external fringes calculated to lead insects the right 
 way to destruction.* 
 Now can any reasonable man deny that the pur- 
 pose, the design of the pitcher-plant is to kill flies ? 
 Or can any rational being imagine that it was evolv- 
 ed by the blind chance of the concurrence of atoms, 
 or that the plant made itself? And if the mind 
 designing this adaptation of structure to function 
 does not exist inside the plant, surely it must be 
 somewhere outside. 
 Such illustrations are omnipresent in nature ; but 
 let us select another striking one. In South Ameri- 
 ca there is a strange plant, a species of club-moss, 
 endowed with very remarkable properties. In the 
 dry season, when every particle of moisture is 
 extracted from the soil, it is detached from its grow- 
 ing place, rolled up into a ball and carried away by 
 the equinoctial gales, often to a very great distance. 
 It remains rolled up in this form for a considerable 
 time ; but if carried to a marsh or any other moist 
 place, it begins slowly to unfold and spread itself 
 out flatly on the soil, assumes its former vigour, 
 takes root, develops its fructification, and casts 
 abroad its seed npon the air. When this new situa- 
 tion is dried up, it resumes its old unsettled habits, 
 and like an adventurous pilgrim takes advantage of 
 the wind to emigrate to a more favourable locality, t 
 Here we see plainly purpose and design. Did the 
 plant design itself, or was chance its architect ? 
 * Vide Transactions Vic. Inst., Vol. 17, p. 89. 
 f Bible Teachings in Nature, p. 215. 
 ' 1 
 11. m:, 
 In addition 
 ditchers have 
 cts the right 
 hat the pur- 
 to kill flies ? 
 it was evolv- 
 ice of atoms, 
 if the mind 
 to function 
 it must be 
 nature ; but 
 3uth Ameri- 
 ies. In the 
 moisture is 
 ni its grow- 
 ed away by 
 It distance, 
 ther moist 
 •read itself 
 ler vigour, 
 and casts 
 new situa- 
 led habits, 
 vantage of 
 ; locality, t 
 Did the 
 itect ? 
 The wealth of illustration of purpose in the Ani- 
 mal Kingdom is so great that it is hard to select 
 one from it. One of the most striking, however, is 
 the marsupial modification by means of which the 
 mother is enabled to feed and carry her offspring 
 with her in the long migrations necessitated by the 
 scarcity of water. The greatest living authority on 
 Comparative Anatomy, Professor Owen, says, t 
 "The correlated modifications of maternal and 
 foetal structures, designed with special reference to 
 the peculiar conditions of both mother and off- 
 spring, afford, as it seems to me, irrefragable evi- 
 dence of creative foresight." 
 I must now speak of some strange perversions of 
 my argument when I spoke of the necessity of obey- 
 ing laws of nature, and as a consequence abolishing 
 all hospitals for the idiot and the insane, the blind 
 and the dumb. What I meant and said was that 
 if "survival of the fittest" be a law of nature, we 
 should imitate and help nature, as we do in sickness 
 by nurse-tending, and in gardening by pruning and 
 weeding. On evolutionary principles, I hold that it 
 is plainly intimated to us that if we desire the per- 
 fection of our race, we ought to do artificially what 
 Evolution does naturally, and let the unfit perish, — 
 that is, allow all deformed and imperfect specimens 
 of our race, and all tainted with the germs of heredi- 
 + "When the helpless progeny is first presented to the nipple, it is utterly 
 incapable of the muscular effort of sucking ; the mother is therefore fur- 
 nished with a muscle which presses the nipple and causes the milk to flow. 
 The act of swallowing, however, might not always take place at the same 
 instant as the injection, and the throwing of the fluid into the wind-pipe 
 might be fatal. This danger is provided for and obviated by an express 
 contrivance : the air-passage is completely separated from the throat, and 
 the milk passes down in a double straam on each side of the larynx into the 
 stomach."— Gos-se's Zoology, Vol. I, p. 125. 
 tary disease, to die ; because "the law of heredity 
 is such that a microscopic portion of seemingly 
 structureless matter contains such an influence, 
 that the resulting being shall fifty years after become 
 gouty or insane." 
 Evolutionists do not like this logical deduction 
 from their principles ; and so they justify the exist- 
 ence of hospitals and asylums for those "smitten 
 with cruel and hopeless maladies," — how think you ? 
 Because, forsooth, if we let those so smitten perish, 
 the world might lose a genius or two in a century ! 
 Or, because it is well for us to have occasional 
 examples of "fortitude and resignation" before our 
 eyes, — as if "resignation" were not an utterly un- 
 meaning word in the mouth of an Agnostic ! If we 
 wait till such motives as these influence men to 
 build and endow hospitals, we shall wait till dooms- 
 Herbert Spencer says, "The uniform principle 
 has been that better adaptation shall bring greater 
 benefit ; which greater benefit, while increasing the 
 prosperity of the betteradapted, shall increase also its 
 ability to leave offspring inheriting more or less the 
 the better adaptation." * I repeat therefore that 
 on Evolution principles, if we could so manage it 
 that those best fitted for their surroundings should 
 survive, and that the members of our race should 
 become more and more adapted to the conditions of 
 life, we should be conferriiig the greatest boon on 
 mankind ; and as the ancients tried to bring about 
 this result by destroying all puny and superfluous 
 * Data of Ethics, aec. 60. 
 infants, so all Positivists and worshippers of 
 Humanity should do the same, so that eternal pro- 
 gress should be the law. For in spite of all that has 
 been said about Evolution not requiring this constant 
 progress and improvement of our race, its funda- 
 mental principles are, — that there has been pro- 
 gression from the primitive protoplasm through 
 type after type to the highest of all — man ; that no 
 variation caused by nature ever became permanent 
 unless for the good of the animal or plant ; that the 
 same forces that were at work in ages past are now 
 working in the same way as ever ; and that Man is 
 destined to reach a higher type than his present one, 
 unless we adopt the theory that Evolution, having 
 reached Man and the Elephant, then stopped short, 
 and quitted the stage of the Universe. 
 To my contention that laws of Nature, if they be 
 really such, should be listened to and obeyed, the 
 following pleasantries are no answer. It is asked, 
 "When a conflagration rages, do we obey and 
 co-operate with Nature by adding fuel to the flames ? 
 When pestilence is abroad, do we try to increase its 
 deadly activity ? When we stumble, do we make a 
 point of yielding to the law of gravitation and 
 throwing ourselves headlong ?" These foolish ques- 
 tions are based on the supposition t hat all laws of 
 nature are positive, whereas some are negative. 
 Some say, "Thou shalt" ; others, "Thou shalt not." 
 Some command, others forbid. When our property 
 is on fire, we do see a law of nature at work, — the 
 law by which carbon and oxygen combine to form 
 fire ; and the knowledge of this \^w forbids our call- 
 I ; 
 ?i Mm I 
 i ■• 
 ing it into operation so as to burn our houses, and 
 commands us to use it in cooking our food. Pestilence 
 is not a law of nature, but the result of disobedience 
 to laws of nature, especially sanitary laws, which 
 we do well to obey. To throw ourselves headlong 
 when we stumble is not to obey, but to disobey, 
 the law of gravitation, which warns us against 
 Indeed it seems to me that Agnosticism itself is a 
 resultant of disobedience to the laws of Nature. 
 Thus when my mind meditates on itself, and on 
 minds superior to itself, I am led on till I reach 
 what seems to me the highest of human minds ; 
 and then I find that highest describing itself as only 
 a child gathering pebbles on the shore of the Ocear; 
 of Truth ; and so I cannot help soaring to a recog- 
 nition of mind above mind, till necessity compels 
 me to take refuge in Infinite Mind. And this is 
 not the playfulness of fancy or imagination. It is 
 as much a part of my nature as my consciousness, 
 my appetites, or my memory. Were I to resist 
 the process by means of which I am drawn to re- 
 cognize an Infinite Mind, I should be disobeying 
 a law of my nature as much as if I resisted memory, 
 or struggled against a belief in my own identity. I 
 should ue brought to the awful standstill of intellec- 
 tual confusion ; for I can no more help coming to 
 recognize Infinity in connection with mind, than 
 Infinity in connection with space or time. I cannot 
 conceive a point beyond which there is no space or 
 no time ; and yet we are gravely told that this law 
 of Nature is as absurd as "one horse exceeding 
 another in size or strength leading to a behef in an 
 infinite or supreme horse." Who but an Agnostic 
 would think of reasoning from mind in the abstract 
 to Si horse in the concrete ? Just as if intelligence 
 and a horse were synonymous terms, and material 
 size and strength constituted intelligence ! As- 
 suredly, if the horse's mind were constituted as 
 man's is, and he could see one equine intelligence 
 exceeding another as man sees human intelligence, 
 the horse would come to the same conclusion as 
 man ; and all this means, if a horse were a man — 
 not a very solid foundation on which to build an 
 argument ! 
 To sum up : Since we cannot imagine a mind 
 arriving at that point beyond which there is none 
 higher, we must come to the conception of Infinite 
 Mind — God. And Agnostics partly admit this; for it 
 is said, "If we see signs of an intelligence higher 
 than the human, we have simply to acknowledge 
 the fact." The great difference between us is that 
 they do not see this Higher Intelligence in the Uni- 
 verse, — we do. 
 All my reviewer's dissertation on Intelligence is 
 irrelevant, as he treats of it as a condition of mind, 
 whereas I spoke of it as mind itself. If in each of 
 the questions he asks concerning intelligence and its 
 creator, the world, we substitute Mind and Matter 
 respectively, the questions will show their own ab- 
 surdity : — It is asked, "Does it follow, because the 
 world by the variety of its appeals to consciousness 
 creates intelligence, that intelligence must have 
 created the world ? " which being interpreted 
ft . -f< 
 1 ! 
 means, Does it follow that, because matter makes 
 mind, mind makes matter? The question is there- 
 fore a reductio ad absurdum. Again, we are asked, 
 " Because the grindstone gives sharpness to the axe, 
 does it follow that the sharpness of some greater axe 
 made the grindstone ?" In this question, the 
 presence of intelligence, or mind, is conveniently 
 left out, and therefore is absurd, as not bearing on 
 the subject under discussion. Suffice it to say, that 
 if we could see an intelligent grindstone going about 
 sharpening axes, we should argue that reason points 
 to a higher mind to account for the existence and 
 adaptation of both the grindstone and the axe. 
 But we are told that ** we can recognize works of 
 human intelligence because they stand out distinct 
 from unorganized nature." We have something 
 wherewith to contrast them, viz., "the raw ma- 
 terials furnished by nature." In the case of the 
 works of Infinite Intelligence, or Mind, we have 
 nothing wherewith to contrast them ; they don't 
 stand out distinct from unorganized nature. Now 
 it is quite true that the works of Infinite Mind do 
 not stand out distinct from unorganized nature, 
 because there is no such thing in existence as un- 
 organized nature. The very atoms are complex and 
 manufactured. It is very true that we cannot con- 
 trast the works of Infinite Mind with the raw ma- 
 terial of which they are mide, because human 
 science has not yet discovered the ultimate structure 
 of atoms and molecules. But for all that, the works 
 of Infinite Mind stand out in bold relief as contrasted 
 one with another, whether they be revealed to us in 
 the telescopic or the microscopic universe. ** The 
 sea is His, and He made it" ; and it stands out in 
 as well defined contrast to the oxygen and hydrogen 
 of which it is composed, as does a cathedral to the 
 quarry. In neither case was raw material used, 
 because both the gases and the stones were manu- 
 factured articles. 
 The great difference between the works of an In- 
 finite and a finite mind is this (and it is urged as an 
 objection), — that the works of the Infinite are uni- 
 versal and unlimited ; those of the finite, partial 
 and limited. That is to say, because the evidence 
 of Infinite Mind is omnipresent, it is not present ; 
 because it is everywhere, it is nowhere ; because we 
 cannot point it out in particular, we cannot point it 
 out at all ; and therefore its very universality com- 
 pels us to deny its existence. The. Universe is so 
 crowded with proofs of intelligence, like a multitude 
 of rays bent to one focus, that therefore^ it is said, 
 there is no proof of an universal Intelligence. We 
 have but to state such reasoning in order to refute 
 We are informed by Agnostics what are the terms 
 or conditions on which they will admit the evidence 
 of Infinite Mind. It is said, ''Give us the same 
 means of affirming intelligence in the case of the eye, 
 the ear, or the hand, that we have in the case of the 
 watch ; show us first where a Power not elsewhere 
 exemplified in the Universe steps in, and it sufficeth 
 us." This is equivalent to saying, Show us a miracle, 
 and it sufficeth us. This, it seems to me, can be 
 shown. The bringing in or creating of new things, 

 or a break in the continuity of nature, is our general 
 notion of a miracle. Now it is a determinate fact of 
 exact science, proved by the law of the dissipation 
 of energy "as certainly as a mathematical demonstra- 
 tion, that the present order and laws of nature,if left 
 to themselves, must end in the entire Universe arriv- 
 ing sooner or later in a state of death, — of absence of 
 all motion, physical and vital." Professor Thompson 
 has well pointed out that a process of degradation 
 cannot be eternal. If we could view the Universe 
 as a candle no' lit, then it is perhaps conceivable to 
 regard it as being always in existence. But if we 
 regard it, as we must, rather as a candle that has 
 been lit, we become absolutely certain that it cannot 
 have been burning from eternity, and that a time 
 will come when it will cease to burn. * 
 If it be thus certain that the Universe, if left to 
 itself, must have an end, it is equally certain that it 
 must have had a beginning. In other words, some- 
 thing outside Nature and her laws has interfered in 
 times past, and will again interfere in time to 
 come, t Here, then, was a miracle, — "an instance 
 of a Power not elsewhere exemplified in the Universe 
 stepping in." There was a break in the continuity 
 of nature when the visible Universe was produced 
 from the invisible ; though, on Agnostic principles, 
 it seems incongruous to use the words visible or 
 invisible in relation to the Universe at its original 
 production, because no earthly eye had as yet been 
 evolved, and the Eye of GOD did not exist. 
 ♦ Conservation of Energy.— Stewart, 
 in MontreaL 
 f Professor Haughtou's Sermon 

 Haughton's Sermon 
 Again, there was a break in the continuity of 
 nature when a power stepped in at the original pro- 
 duction of life. That dead matter cannot produce 
 a living organism is the universal experience of the 
 most eminent physiologists. The law of Biogenesis, 
 — that a living thing can only be produced from a 
 living thing, — is regarded by Huxley and others * 
 as the great principle underlying all the phenomena 
 of organized existence. The introduction of original 
 life on this planet is therefore another instance of 
 "a Power not elsewhere exemplified in the Universe 
 stepping in." 
 Another illustration of the interference of this 
 Power is found in the creation of vision ; for be it 
 remembered that the fact of vision is quite a distinct 
 thing from the mechanism of the eye, or the undula- 
 tion of light. That man of common sense and real 
 science too, the great John Hunter, saw that the eye 
 did not make itself,nor man make it, nor his parents, 
 nor any other man. Yet it was made by One Who 
 understood the transmission, reflection, and refrac- 
 tion of light ; how to make lenses of different powers, 
 adjust them for clear perception of near or distant 
 objects ; how to make and use most ingenious 
 mechanical contrivances in order to turn the eye in 
 every direction, and increase or diminish light ; 
 how to place the eye so as to be of most service, 
 protected from injury, moistened from time to time, 
 and able to open and shut. Common sense is sure 
 that Intelligence made the eye, t and Darwin con- 
 fesses that to suppose the eye could have been formed 
 * Unseen Universe, p. 229. t Supernatural in Natxire, p. 13. 
 by natural selection is absurd in the highest degree. X 
 But whether the eye was created or evolved, the 
 moment vision resulted from the joint action of the 
 . mechanism of that organ and of the brain, under 
 the influence of the undulation of light, a Power had 
 stepped in as a Creator ; and again, according to 
 Wallace and his school of Evolutionists, this Power 
 stepped in once more at the original production of 
 To draw to a conclusion, — I hope my hearers will 
 not think that the topics I have brought before 
 them are unsuited to this place or to this day. The 
 Christian's Book is full of texts which my words are 
 intended to enforce. " He that made the eye, shall 
 He not see ?" "It is He that hath made us, and 
 not we ourselves." "Consider the lilies and the 
 ravens." "The heavens declare the glory of God." 
 " I will consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy 
 fingers ; the moon and the stars which Thou hast 
 ordained." These passages need enforcement from 
 the pulpit. We should sing the Benedicite, not only 
 with the spirit, but with the understanding also. I 
 do not therefore apologize for calling attention to 
 "the works of the Lord, praising and magnifying 
 Him for ever." 
 And let me add, before I conclude, that in a con- 
 troversy with those that say, "There is no God,"— 
 or, which comes to the same thing, that they do not 
 ktiow whether there is a God or not, and that it 
 does not matter, — Ihave nothing but the kindest 
 I Originof Species, p. 156. 
 feelings towards involuntary Agnostics ; but it is 
 hard to bear with blatant and aggressive ones. The 
 issue is too serious in a moral, social, and political 
 point of view ; for I agree with that robust intellect, 
 Thomas Carlyle, who says, "The Agnostic doctrines 
 are to all appearance like the finest flour from which 
 you might expect the most excellent bread ; but when 
 you come to feed upon it, you find it is powdered 
 glass, and you have been eating the deadliest 
 poison." But we have grounds for believing that 
 the poison is finding its antidote. There are indi- 
 cations that materialistic Evolutionists are about 
 to modify, or reconstruct, their scientific guesses. 
 The last utterance of the High Piiest of Agnosti- 
 cism, Herbert Spencer, is a step in the right direc- 
 tion. He says, "Amid the mysteries, which become 
 the more mysterious the more they are thought 
 about, there will remain the one absolute certain- 
 ty, — that he is ever in the presence of One absolute 
 and eternal Energy from which all things proceed." 
 But surely Mr. Spencer cannot rest here. He can- 
 not be satisfied, now that he has arrived at the 
 conclusion that there is an Infinite, Absolute, and 
 Eternal Energy, from which all things proceed, let 
 loose in the Universe. He must go on to ask. Is 
 this Energy without aim or direction ? Is it under 
 control ? Is it beneficent, or maleficent ? Is it 
 governed by wisdom, or by chance ? We know 
 sortjething of the awfulness of the effects of finite 
 energy, or force, in the volcano, the hurricane, and 
 the lightning. But who can gauge the results of 
 Infinite Energy without aim or control ? 
 The result of such questioning^s must be the 
 answer, — that Infinite Energy is guided by Infinite 
 Wisdom, and Infinite Goodness ; and so we reach 
 the First Article of the Christian Creed by means 
 purely scientific, and we "believe in God the Father 
 Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth." 
 [■•V- ."i'"/ 
 British Whig Steam Presses, Kiiigstou. 