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I.es diagrammes suivants lllustrant le m4thode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 u ^ 1 INCOBPORATED CHXJilCH SOCIETY Wmm of tdrottto. t^nt (to^leirejid&ig 3(^ April, l^^^ tsiimumm bocwiy of the i^|Mi of ijwhto. ,s ' ^ THIR CH FOR TB INCORPORi FOR THE THE THIRTEENTH AMUAL REPORT :'i or THK INCORPOEATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE Moast of Coront0, FOR THE YEAR ENDING ON 30th APRIL, 1855. I ' is ESTABLISHED 28th AFBIL, 1842. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 7 VICTORIA CAP. 68. i' TORONTO: PRINTED BY HENRY ROWSELL, FOR THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO. MDCCCLV. /f1 Md»*:: i ■: ;'■ >i M Tho Depository and the Office of the Guuacn Sociexy of the Diocese of Toronto is at No. 8, Wellington-Buildings, King street, Toronto. Benefactions from any persons, •whether members or not, towards the Society's general objects, or to any particular branch of them, and all payments on the Society's account, will be received by remittances, or by payment at the Society's Office, or by the Secretary or Treasurer of any of the District Branches. It is requested that the Annual Accounts of District Branches, and a list of all members in their respective Districts, may be transmitted by or before the last day in February in each year. Forms of Conveyance for securing the title of Lands to the Bishop, the Church Society of tho Diocese of Toronto, or the Incumbent or Rector of any particular living, may be obtained at the Society's House. A General Meeting of the incorporated members is held at three o' clock, p. m., on tho Second Wednesday in every month, (August and September excepted.) The stated Monthly Meetings of the Standing Committee are held at thr9e o'clock r. M., on the first Wednesday in each month, August and September excepted. During Lent these meetings are held on the Thursday subsequent. The quarterly collections to be made in the several churches, chapels and stations •will be applied to the following objects :— General Purpose Fund, or any special object the Society may determine on, in the month of January. Students' Fund, in April. Mission Fund, in July. Widows and Orphans' Fund, in October. ^A\ •t^ Ti r S: B ■ n 1 ' ■ ■ ! • ■ OFFICERS . OF THE • '-■■.' v^ CtiurtH Socfeti? of tUf 19fot(»e of s:otonto. ! Patroiu: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL ; THE VEN. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE ; THE VEN. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. *v ) PrwiJifnt: THE HON. AND RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE. 1Di(r-Prc0t>(nt0 : THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON OF KINGSTON, THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON OF YORK; Thb Hon. the CHIEF JUSTICE, Rev. provost WHITAKER, M.A. ' " " MACAULAY, T. MERCER JONES, Esq. * Vice-Chanckllob ESTEN, G. C. WOOD, Esq. ?^ .f « ' " » SPRAGGE. FREDERICK WIDDER, Esq. « Mr. Justice DRAPER, Mb. Shbeipf JARVIS, ' P. B. DeBLAQUIERE, Mb. Sheeiff RUTTAN, « JOHN MACAULAY, JUSTUS S. MERWIN, Esq. « JAMES GORDON, JOHN ARNOLD, Esq. ' Z. BURNHAM. J. W. GAMBLE, Esq. ' GEORGE CROOKSHANK, GEORGE CRAWFORD, Esq. « R. C. WILKINS, D. B. 0. FORD, Esq. ' PHILIP VANKOUGHNET, L. LAWRASON, Esq. / ' HENRY SHERWOOD, SYDNEY JONES, Esq. ' G. S. BOULTON, T. C. STREET, Esq., ' ROBERT BALDWIN, ADMIRAL VIDAL, • J. H. CAMERON, GEORGE KEEPER, Esq. « G. J. GOODHUE. F. TALFOUR, Esq. SiE ALLAN N. MACNAB, ABSALOM SHADE, Esq. Rbv. JOHN McCAUL, LL.D. De. G. H. LOW. * Ii CONSTITUTION. " OoD, from Whom all holy desires, all good counsejii, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we beseech Thee to visit with Thy favour our Sovereiga Queen Victoria, and so rule her heart, that she may in all things seek Thy honour and glory. Prosper with Thy blessing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace those benefactors who contribute to its support. Bless the ministry of Thy servants, the Clergy ; the endeavours of all who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in thin Province, and the labours of those Missionaries who are promoting the same in foreign parts. And may Thy IIolv Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Joaus Christ our Lord. Amen. " O Merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatost nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live : have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, infidels, and heretics, and also upon all those heathen nations upon whom the light of Thy glorious Gospel hath not yet shone ; especially the Indians of this continent. Bless the means used for their civilization and conversion, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word : and so fetch them homo, Blessed Lord, to Thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. '< OuB Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom oome. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen." AND WIIKN UUSINESS 18 ENDED : " Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving-kindness to us and to all men : more particularly for the providential support by which this Society hath been enabled to spread abroad the knowledge of Thy sacred truth. But above all, for Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by Thy blessed Son ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory, which Thou hast given us, in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; to Whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. « The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen," n. That all those who are now, or who shall hereafter become Members of the Association, and who shall subscribe Ten Shillings annually to the Funds of the Society, or contribute as much as Five Pounds in one sura, shall be associated Mem- bers of the Society, and shall be eligible to be Members of the Corporation. in. That every Incorporated Member subscribe not less than One Pound Five Shill- ings annually to the Funds of the Society, or contribute not less than Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings in one sum, or land to the value of Twenty-five Pounds ; and tha^ the Standing Committee be empowered, with the sanction of the President, to recom- mend persons, whether Associated Members or not, to be elected into the Corpora- tion as Life Members, who shall have contributed through any of the Parochial Associations in connexion with the Society, in money, the sum of Twenty-Pounds, or in land to the value of Thirty Pounds, for any of the following special purposes : To be invested or held in trust for the endowment of a Church, Rectory, or Living within the Diocese ; to be invested or held in trust for the Widows and Orphans' f i CONSTITUTION. vii ' » Fund ; to bo hiTestcd or huM in trust for the endowment of a Ghuroh-iohool, and that it Bhall bo ttio duty of tho Secretary at tlio Meeting in tlie month of October in each and every year to malte a return of those wlio have not paid up tho 268. for the year ending the iiUt day of March previous, and tlint lie Bhall propose that such names bo eruyod from tho list of incorporated member.':!. w. I That the Corporation sliall consist of the Bishop of Toronto for tho time being, of the Members appointed by the Charter, and of so many of tho other Associated Members of the Society as sliall bo elected by ballot Members of the Corporation, at the meetings to be from time to time holden on tho days and at the place appointed by the By-laws of tho Corporation for its stated meetings. Provided always that tho whole number of Members of the said Corporation, in addition to those wiiu are made Members by the Statute, shall at no time exceed three hundred, and that the whole number of Members of tho Corporation sliall never be less than one hundred. y. That tho Standing Committee of the Society, to be appointed as provided in one of tho following By-laws, be empowered, with tho .^auction of the President, to recommend persons, whether Associated Members or not, to be elected into the Corporation, without reference to the limitation of numbers. VI. That the Lord Bishop of Toronto for the time being shall bo Presiuont of the Society, and the Vonerablo the Archdeacons within the Diocese shall be Vice- Presidents, r VII. ¥fe^K..^^ ' That the Society shall, at their Meeting on theiln^ Wednesday in June in each year, choose one or more Vice-President or Vice-Presidents in addition to the Arch- deacons ; one or more Treasurer or Treasurers ; two or more Auditors ; one Secre- tary ; and such other officers, ministers, and servants, as shall be thought convenient, to serve in the said offices for the year ensuing. Provided always, that no person not a member of the Society be eligible to any office. VIII. That the paid officers of the Society to be appointed by the foregoing rule, shall be a Secretary, and a subordinate officer to be selected by himself; that the former shall be in Holy Orders, uncharged with Parochial cure, and that he shall furnish security to the satisfaction of the Solicitor to the amount of £1000, himself in £500, and two sureties in £260 each. Also the Auditors. ^•^ IX. That the Standing Committee shall propose to tho Board at tho General Meeting in October a list of seven Members of tho Society, to form the Tract and Book Committee for the year ensuing ; that at that meeting any member be at liberty to propose another list of seven members of the Society, instead of that proposed by the Standing Committee ; and that tho election of the Tract and Book Committee take place at the General Meeting in October. That if it shall happen that any of the persona at any time chosen into any of the said offices shall die, or on any account be removed from such office at any time during the period for which he was elected or appointed to serve, in such case the President, or any one of the Vice-Presidents, shall convene a meeting, to be held at the usual place of meeting of the Society, at such time as shall be specified in the notice of such meeting ; and that such Members of the Corporation as shall be pre- sent at the meeting, or a majority of them, shall and may choose an officer or officers Tiil CONSTITUTION. in the room or place of such person or persons so dead or removed, as to them shall seem meet. Provi'iad, that it shall not be necessavy for any such Meeting to be called for supplying a vacancy in the office of Vice-President : but the President may do so in his discretion. XI. That the Bociety shall and may, on the second Wednesday in every month, excepting the months of August and September, forever hereafter, and oftener if occasion requires, meet at the place heretofore used for the transaction of business of the said Society, or such other place as may be hereafter appointed for that piir- pone ; and that the President or Standing Committee have power to call a Special Meeting of the said Society at any time. In Lent the meetings to be holden on Thursday instead of Wednesday. XII. That no act done in any meeting of the said Society shall be valid and effectual, unless the President, or some of the Vice-Presidents, shall be present at such Meeting. XIII. And with regard to all meetings of the Society, and to the making, altering or repealing any By-Laws, Rules or Regulations, at such Meetings, it is to be specially noticed, that by the Act of the Legislature incorporating this Society, (7 Vic. ch. 68) it is enacted that no act done in such Assembly or meeting of the Corporation shall be valid or effectual, unless six persons of the Corporation, at the least, shall bA present, and the major part of them consenting thereto. And further, that no Constitution, Bj^Law, Rule, .or Regulation of the Society, nor any abrogation, repeal, change or alteration of the same, shall be passed, except notice of such intention shaU have been given at the previous monthly meeting, and then it shall not be of* ati/ fof% or effect until it shall have been sanctioned confirmed by the Bishop of,i writing under his hand. dministering, the Diocese for XIV. and the time being, by That there shall be a -Standing Committee (three of whom shall be a quorum), to prepare the business for the Monthly Meetings of the Society. That the President, Vice-Presidents, Rural Deans and Secretary, be ex officio members of the Standing Committee. That the other members of the Standing Committee, not exceeding twenty in number, shall be elected by the Society out of its incorporated Members residing in the City of Toronto and its vicinity, also of a Clerical and Lay Member from each of the several District Branch Associations in connection with the Parent Society, to be elected annually by such Branch Association. That of the non-official Members of the Standing Committee residing in the City of Toronto and its vicinity, the four who having been on the Standing Committee for one entire year, have attended the fewest meetings of the Standing Committee during the twelve months ending on the first Wednesday in March, shall go out at the Annual Meeting in June ; and if any doubt shall ariso under this rule, which Member of those who have attended the fewest meetings is to retire, then the one who has served the shortest time on the Committee shall be considered to have vacated his seat. \ That the Standing Committee shall recommend to the Society at its Meeting in March in each year, four Members to be elected in the place of the four retiring Members, who shall not be eligible for the ensuing year. That any Member of the Society wishing to propose other candidates for election on the Standing Committee, be required to give in the names of such candidates to be proposed by him, at or before the Monthly Meeting in March. XV. That Minutes of all the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at each meeting of the Society the Minutes of the preceding meeting be read by the Secretiu7, and signed by the Chairman. ]• CONSTITUTION. XVI. ix That the accounts of the Society be closed on the thirtieth day of April in each year ; and that the same be audited Trithin one month from that date. XVII. That the Secretary conduct the correspondence of the Society, take Minutes of the proceedings of the General Meetings and Committees, prepare the Annual Report of the Society, attend meetings of the Branches throughout the Diocese under the direction of the President, and take the general siiperintendence of the offairB and accounts of the Society in all its departments. XVIII. In connection and correspondence with the Society, District Associations shall be established, comprising one or more Districts, (as shall be approved by the President), the same to be composed of the Clergy resident within the bounds of the same, and all other Members of the Church who shall contribute in aid of the Society's Funds : the Archdeacon, or Senior Clergyman resident within its bounds, shall ex officio be Chairman of such District Branch Association, with whom shall be associated, as composing a Committee of Management, the Clergy of the several Parishes or Missions within the bounds of such District, and one or more Laymen from eacli of the same, and a Secretary and Treasurer. A General Meeting of eaoh Branch District Association shall be hold in each year, at any time and place which may be agreed upon at a previous Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of ]\Ianagement, and Quarterly Meetings of the Committee of Management — not less than five to form a quorum — shall be held for the trans- action of the ordinary business of the Branch Association. In order the more fully to carry out the objects of the Society, each Parish, in the person of its Clergyman and Churchwardens, shall be a Sub-Association, in correspondence, through its Chairman, (the Clergyman) with the District Branch Association, and may be denominated. The Parochial Committee of the Church Society. The Committee shall meet so often, and at such periods, aa they shall themselves decide to be most convenient, inviting the co-operation of all the Parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavour by every means in their power to augment the resources of the Society. All moneys raised to be transmitted to the Treasurer of the District Association. The Treasurer of each District Association shall transmit annually, the full sum of £1 5s for each duly recognized Clergyman, and also for each incorporated member within his district, and in case of life membership the full sum of £12 10s., together with one-fourth of all the moneys paid into his hands, to the Treasurer of the Society at Toronto to be at the disposal of the Central Board, and the remaining three- fourths of all such collections shall, when required, be expended within the Parish or District in which they have been made, for such objects only as are specified in the Constitution of the Societj' — the allotment to be made at the Quarterly Meetings of the District Branch Association. All moneys not required to be expended for local purposes, and remaining unappropriated at the General Annual Meeting of the District Association, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Treasurer of the Society at Toronto. The District Associations, through their respective Secretaries, shall communi- cate to the Secretary of the Parent Society at Toronto a minute statement of all receipts and expenditures within the sphere of their operations, embodied in the form of a Report, oace in each year, so soon as convenient after the General Annual Meeting of such District Branch Associations. XIX. That four Sermons be preached annually in the several Churches, Chapels, and Stations in this Diocese, in aid of the funds of the Society, at such times as the Lord Bishop shall appoint ; that of these collections the proceeds of one shall be for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen deceased ; of another, for the B ll S '. CONSTITUTION. maintenance of Travelling or Resident Missionaries in tliis Diocese ; of another, to aid Theological Students ; and that the proceeds of the fourth shall be appropriated to any other object embraced within its Constitution, as the Society may from time to time direct. XX. That no application for a grant, loan, or other assistance, be entertained from any Rectory, Incumbency or Mission, in which there shall not have been established a " Parochial Committee" of this Society under the provisions of the article of the Constitution thereof, reporting to and in communication with the Parent Society, and in which all the requirements of said Constitution shall not have been complied with, unless upon the omission of such requirement a special written dispensation shall have been obtained within three months of tho date thereof; and further, that accompanying such application there be a distinct accurate de.< Orphan of any deceased Clergyman of this Diocese who shall not have conformed to the provisions and requirements of a certain By-law entitled a " By-law for the due administration and improving the Widows and Orphans' Fund of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto," and also of any amendments to the said By-law, which may be enacted from time to time according to the provisions of the Constitution of the said Society, unless upon the omission of any of the said requirements a special written dispensation had been granted by his Lordship the President, and forwarded to the Secretary for registration within three months after the date thereof. Pro- vided, nevertheless, that it shall be at all times competent for the President to recommend to the Standing Committee any case which in his Lordship's opinion may require special consideration, and should the Standing Committee report favourably thereon, that then the Society may grant such proportion of any annuity as to said Society may seem fit, and that it be the duty of the Secretary after each Annual' Meeting of the Society to notify to each Clergyman whether he have or have not complied with the requests which would entitle his Widow and Orphans to the pension. XXL That tho Charter and these By-laws do together form the Constitution of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, and that nothing which is contained in the Constitution of the Society established on the 28th day of April, 1842, or in any By-law, Rule, or Regulation, amending or altering the same, shall apply to or be in force in respect to, the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, except such provisions thereof as are above continued in force. * bee of( hisi con off the am not Ult( the all ser ade ma imj cor hui wh b«i ze{ co^ sic of hei ov cle thj THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT ' I or ®l)e IncorporateD €l)urcl) 0o(!etB •I i OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO; PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AT TORONTO, H£LD ON WEDNESDAY, June 6th, 1856. ! The Society's thirteenth year, which has just closed, has been rendered memorable by an event in which future generations of Canadian Churchmen will recognise an important crisis in the history of our branch oi the Catholic Church of Christ. The consummation of the long-agitated plottings for the secularization of property set apart specially for religious purposes, has stamped the times with the indelible mark of a sacrilegious age. Yet amidst the storm of irreligious violence, the voice of justice has not been wholly overpowered ; that which would have been utterly denied to the cause of God has been partially yielded to the claims of men. Hence, in the Providence of Him who is over all things to the Church which is his body, there has been pre- served, through the commuted claims of individuals, a fund, not adequate indeed to the extension of our Zion, nor yet equal to the maintenance of even her present limited ministry, but still of vast importance as forming a permanent nucleus, round which the contributions of her children may accumulate. While we humbly bow before the will of the Great Head of the Church, who has permitted for wise ends an act of spoliation, we cannot bttsgive glory to him also for having raised up energetic and zealous friends in perilous times, to stem the torrent of vindictive covetousness which threatened to sweep away the whole provi- sion for the support of the ministry. Nor has the secularization of the Church's property been in itself an unmitigated evil ; for here again we must acknowledge with grateful hearts a gracious over-ruling Providence which has removed for ever, irom the clamour of party, the funds, which, however diminished, from this time will form the basis of the maintenance2|of the Church in ! J: 12 llEPORT. Western Canada. Furthermore, the hearty goodwill with which the clergy have united in commuting their claims for the benefit of the body, at a time when it was a matter of doubt with some whether the assertion of their claims, separately, would not have been better for their private interests, has afforded to this Society subject of deep congratulation in this tangible proof of zeal and unanimity. A new duty now devolves on this Society, and calls for increased exertions on the part of its officers and members — the proper administration of the Commutation Fund. We may humbly and confidently hope that the same Divine Power to whom we gratefully attribute that measure of success which has attended the efforts of those who have so nobly battled for the rights of the church, will give also such sound judgment to this Society in the management of the Commuted Fund, that it may remain a partial endowment of the Church for ever — a lasting monument of the goodly portion originally bestowed on her by a pious Government, and an enduring memorial of the energies of those who under God have saved this remnant for her. Your Committee regret to say, that those Clergymen who have been added to the list since the passing of the Imperial Act of 1853, have as yet been unable to obtain a commutation of their claims on the Clergy Reserve Fund. The injustice of this will be apparent when it is considered that, if the Canadian Govern- ment, by withholding immediate action on that bill denied the Church the instant benefit of the Commutation of its then claims, they should not in common fairness have objected to meet any new claims consequent upon the legitimate growth of a living body, during the interval of their inaction, and this injustice will be the more palpable when it is considered that those whose claims are disallowed were for the most part appointed to supply the immediate wants of the Church and to fill the places of those who have since demised, but who were serving the Church in 1853. With this allusion to the wrongs which the Church in this Province has sustained, your Committee would now recomm nd the Society to forget the injury in the earnestness of action to repair it. v Your Committee is unhappily not able to report any increase in the general income of the Society for the past year. Perhaps the storm which was lowering on the temporal interests of the Church, may have had a uepressing effect upon some, so as to cause them to withhold their support for a while. Perhaps, as in the awful moments which precede the encounter of mighty hosts, " the bravest hold their breath for a time ;" so Churchmen may have been waiting the result with expectation too anxious for t REPORT. 18 •' \f yJ energetic action. But now that the crisis is past, now that the ship has outridden the storm /your Committee would call earnestly on Churchmen not only to return devout thanks to Him who has preserved from alienation a portion of the temporalities of the church, but to show the reality of their gratitude by taking effec- tive means to replace what has been lost, enabling the Society to pay all the stipends of the Clergy who have commuted, and so far as human prudence may, to prevent those evils which might threaten the Church in days to come, if her necessities compelled her to diminish the capital so generously contributed by the clergy. The Church is a perpetual Society, is a living^ and therefore a growing Society. In providing for the temporal wants of such a body we must not consider merely the present day, the present generation ; we are led by the consideration of the immortality of the Church, by that looking forward which characterises those whose highest hopes are placed in futurity, to provide for a future generation, trusting that that generation will in its turn provide for those who are to follow, even as we ourselves have benefited and are benefiting by the labours and bounty of those who have gone before us. The following details will on comparison show that in many parishes the amounts raised have not been equal to those of the preceding year. The income of the Parent Society, exclusive of monies received for Special Trusts, the noble bequest of the late Dr. Burnside, of £1750, and the sum of £156 belonging to the previous year's income, and acknowledged in the Appendix though received too late for the audited accounts, amounted To JE2587 4 10 To this may ba added amount received siace books were closed this year 174 16 2 £2712 1 Some collections and proportions of Parochial Branch Subscriptions have not yet been received. The esti- matec income of the several branches and Parochial Associations, so far as has yet been ascertained, amount to £2624 12 4 Of which, £30 6s. lOd. was received after the Books were closed; deduct as remitted to Parent Society, something on an average over } 783 111 £1741 10 5 To which add moneys received on account of Instalments on Loans, Dividends and rents paid in for particular trusts £294 18 3 £4748 9 8 The income of the Society last year, inclusive of the bequest of the Hon. W. Allan, (£200), amounted to £5419 4s. 7d., so that if we add the bequest of Dr. Burnside (£1750), the income of the i ' m^ 14 REPORT. ^. Society will appear to be much greater this year ; but your Com- mittee cannot, considering all the circumstances, represent the case in any other light than as an actual falling off of income, and a result far different to what they might have expected, con- sidering that new Branches had been organized, that some Branches remitted in full, and the great prosperity of the country, particularly in the rural districts. While other countries are being desolated with war, or drained of men and money to supply its insatiable demands, and while in the Mother Country an increased taxation weighs heavily upon the people, our favoured land has been receiving large accessions of population, capital has flowed into it profusely, the harvest has been bountiful, agricultural industry has been rewarded in an unprecedented degree, and property has in most places risen in value beyond what the most sanguine could have expected. In all these general benefits, Churchmen have fully participated, and your Committee would earnestly call on them to consider seriously from whom this pros- perity flows, and to honour with their substance in increasing proportion. Him to whom we owe it all. " Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase, so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. j» DEPOSITORY. A large sum is apparently still due to the late Depository ; and the Society, out of its General Purposes Fund, has, during the past year, paid all the liabilities, amounting to £183 Is. 9d. SERMONS. The proceeds of the Quarterly Collections remitted during the past year amounted to £1,316 8s. 6d., and were taken up at 73^) stations ; last year £1391 9s 7d., was received from this source, and the number of collection reported were 868. Some of the Collections on account of the Students' Fund are yet to be received. Collections for the Mission Fund, made at 214 Stations, amounted to... £345 6 Collections for the Widows and Orphans' Fund, made at 192, Stations, amountedto , 467 2 3 Collections for the General Purpose Fund, made at 181 Stations, amountedto t. 302 16 11 Collections for the Students' Fund, made at 138 Stations, amounted to 201 4 MISSION FUND. Your Committee are gratified to find that the Mission Fund Collections exceed those of the past year in amount by £135 18s. lid. ; this may be accounted for by the fact, that they were taken up at i,45 more stations. On this Fund the Church must now chiefly depend for the maintenance of her Missionaries, and your REPORT. 16 [f Committee feel confident that the Missionary cause has only to be prominently brought forward in every Parish from the pulpit, and at parochial meetings, to ensure to it the hearty ^sympathy and co-operation of every one. as even the most careless can readily be made to feel the miserable position of those who are, especially in times of sickness or calamity, debarred the comforts, which they know can then only be derived from God's Holy Word and Sacraments, and it may be hoped that some may thus be led to follow the example of the late Dr. Burnside, who bequeathed the sum of £1,000 for the furtherance of this object. £238 has been paid out on account of salaries to Missionaries, Catechists, School Masters and Interpreters, chiefly for the benefit of the Indian Missions. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' FUND. Your Committee cannot forbear to express their surprise at the falling off which there appears to have been in the number of stations at which collections were made for this object ; the pre- vious year collections were reported from 227 stations, whereas during the past year, it appears that they have been taken up at only 192 stations. The amount remitted being only very little less than that of the last year, your Committee are led to believe that had the collections been made at the same number of stations they would have had to report a large increase of this fund. There is now invested on account of this object the sum of £6,369 16s. lOd., including £750 bequeathed by the late Dr. Burnside. Four widows and fourteen orphans are on the relief list. GENERAL PURPOSE FUND. The collections made for this object were, your Committee regret to say, taken up at only 176 stations, being 33 fewer than the preceding year, and as might be expected, the amount falls short by £64 7s — only £299 7s. having been received ; to which add £783 Is lid., proportion received from the Parochial Branches, and the Society has only £1,082 8s. Ud. wherewith to defray all the expenses incurred in the management of all the other funds, and meet the numerous and urgent demands con- tinually made upon it. During the last year grants were made from this fund amounting to £183 17s. 6d. Some of the branches appear to have lost sight of the alteration made last year in the by-iaws of the Society, which requires the whole of the subscrip- tion of all incorporated members to be remitted intact to the Parent Society. It has been painful to your Committee to be forced to decline making grants sought for, month after month, by missions which had a right to expect aid from the Society ; and to be unable even to attempt to carry on some important objects embraced in its constitution. "ir i I Id HEPORT. STUDENTS' FUND. A similar falling otf has occurred in the receipts of this Fund, collections having been made at 138 stations, instead of 165, and the receipts have been made £201 4s. to £249 14s. 3d. in the former year. The same number of scholarships, namely eight, have been paid over to Trinity College. LANDS. The following deedi4 of sites fur churches, burial-grounds and trusts have been made out during the year in trust to the Society : — Henry Strange and wife, to Lord Bishop, part 5, con. 1, Eramosa, for church and burial-ground ; one acre. Jacob Fillman, to Lord Bishop, part 19, con. 6, Barton, for church and no other purpose. Part lot 15, 8th concession Barton, 10 acres, purchased from Silas Bond ; deed to Lord Bishop, for a parsonage site. Joseph C. Gibson, Esq., et al., have sold part of north-easterly quarter of lot 16, lake con., south shore of Lake Simcoe, for J612 10s. ; benefit of the Incumbent of Georgina ; 15^ acres. James Ingersoll et ux.,to Lord Bishop, lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14< and 15, 'on the north side of Elgin Street ; lots 4, 5 and 6, on east side of Church Street ; lots 4, 5 and 6, on west side of Peel Street ; twelve lots, forming a square 300 feet, in the village of St. Mary's, Blanshard. Part of lot 18, con. 17, between Jones and Elgin Streets, and C[iurch and Peel Streets, 150 feet in front, and 150 feet in rear, on either lot. Lot 18, on the 10th con. St. Mary's, township of Blanshard; block No. 1, south side of Elgin Street; 260 feet in front, 255 feet in rear. Three of the lots to be selected for the erection of a Church of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto; three of the other lots for the erection of a parsonage.house, and the remaining six lots to be either sold or leased, proceeds to be applied towards the erection of the church and the support of a clergyman. Block No. 1 for a cemetry. Thomas Huntingford et ux., to Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, part of lot No. 14*, in the 11th con., township of East Zorra; benefit of the Incumbent of Huntingford Church; one acre. Thomas Huntingford et ux., to Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, west half of lot 13, con. 12, East Zorra: support of the Rector of Huntingford Church ; 100 acres. Lord Bishop et ux., to Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, lots 174, 175 and 176, on the north'side of Heber Street; lots 186 and 187, in the Village of Trenton East, formerly called Ann wood, township of Sidney, county of Hastings; for the use of the Incumbent; 11^ acres. Henry Rolls, sold to the Church Society of the Diocese o'* Toronto, lots IIEPOIIT. 17 S and 9, situate on the north Hide of Mill Street, Village ol* Thorold, for £100; for St. John's Church, Thorold ; two-tifihs of an acre. Walter O'Reilly, to Lord Bishop, part of lot No. 14", con. 1, of the township of Blenheim; for a Church in the village of Princetown, county of Oxford ; one acre. William A. Baldwin ct ux., to Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, lots 15 and 16, Bradford Street; lots 15 and 16, Cumberland Street, Barrie, township of Innisfil, being parts of township lot number S, con. M, Innisfil ; for the use of the Incumbent; four-fifths of an acre. Allan Maclean Howard, Esq., to Lord Bishop, south-east part 9, con. 10, St. Vincent, County Grey ; for the endowment of a church in Meaford ; 45 acres. Reports have been received from 93 Parochial Branches, extracts from which will be given in the appendix. Reports have been also received from the sister Societies in the other North American Colonial Dioceses as well as from the venerable societies at home, which give abundant cause for thankff *ness that cmid the many new calls which have been made within the last year upon the inhabitants of all parts of the British empire, those societies have all been enabled to carry on their great work with increasing vigor and success. i t I i nto, lots ots 186 mwood, of the A.' = --;ii^.. M DISTRICT AND PAROCHIAL BRANCHES. St. Jameses Parochial Branchy Toronto. The Collector's return exhibits a total of £124 17s. 6d., but his work is not yet completed, and, when the whole is gathered in, it is believed that the amount will compare favourably with former years. Your Committee recommend that, after the pay- ment of the usual proportion to the Parent Society, the balance applicable under the constitution of the Church Society to paro- chial purposes may be distributed in the same manner as before, to aid the Parochial and Sunday Schools and the Parish Library. * St. George's Churchy Toronto. The past year has not witnessed any progress in Church labor in this parish which calls for special notice ; but your Committee are glad to say that, at the same time, there has been no actual diminution in the receipts. The collection for 1854 shewed a total of £87 2s. 6d., of which £20 16s. 3d. was paid to the Parent Society; £15 for the first year's rental of the schoolhouse lot ; £5 10s. to the Sunday-school library ; and the balance, less expenses, to the Church Debt Fund. Of this burden much still remains — guaranteed and arranged, it is true, in the way that former Reports have explained ; but still not extinguished, or likely to be entirely closed until the Building Society shares (kept up by a few zealous members) are realized. This may not lake place for a couple of years ; meanwile, the assistance derived from this Society, and the liberal response of the congregation to the annual sermon, have mainly enabled the Churchwardens to proceed with the good work ; and although there are many objects connected with Church progress which your Committee would gladly have engaged in, still the paramount importance, nay, the sacred duty of paying the debt, has hitherto prohibited any other application of the funds. The rental of the schoolhouse lot, to which £15 was applied, it will be remembered was guaranteed by the Association when it was deemed desirable to secure the ground. Church of the Holy Trinity ^ Toronto. After mature deliberation, the Committee resolved to apply the funds at their disposal towards the purchase of a lot of land, on which to erect a Parochial day and Sunday school, so soon as the necessary funds can be raised. & KEPOUT. |9 They secured 60 feet front by 112 feel deep, in the immediate neighbourhood of the Church, for the sum of £300, of which £50 has been paid, with ihe assistance of £25 added by the Church> wardens ; but the many demands upon the funds of the Church will prevent any further aid from them, and the Committee feel that they will have to rely entirely in future upon the liberality of the congregation in contributing to the Parochial Association. The following statistics connected with the congregation the committee are satisfied will prove very interesting : 1. The number of Baptisms have been 115 j. 2. *' Marriages 26 3. " Burials 4. Average Sunday morning congregation 650 5. " evening " 500 6. ** communicants 135 7. '' school scholars 145 8. Parochial visits paid 1400 The Secretary has since reported amount collected £36 16s. 3d. and paid to Parent Society £8 19s. 4^d. St. George's Churchy Etobicoke. Total collected, £15 14s. 9d. Retained for parochial purposes, £8 8s. Gd. Remitted to Parent Society, £7 6s. 3d., and to be applied to the following purposes, as designated by the contribu- tore, viz: General Purpose Fund, £5; Widows and Orphans* Fund, Ids.; Missionary Fund, £1 I Is. 3d ; Total., £7 6s. 3d. Christ Church, Mimico. Total collected, £3 ; remitted to Parent Society for the General Purpose Fund. Also, for Divinity Students' Fund, collected Sun- day, May 9th, 5s. Summary of the collections in Etobicoke and Mimico: From St. George's Church, £7 6s. 3d. ; Christ Church, Mimico, £3 ; Divinity Students' Fund, 5s.; total, £10 lis. 3d. Weston. By this Branch the sum of £19 17s. 4d. was collected, and remitted in full to the Parent Society, as was the case last year, on the understanding that an application would be made, if necessary, for a grant of books and tracts. Thornhill and Vaughan. In presenting their Annual Report to the Subscribers, your Committee beg to state that the operations of these united Parochial Associations for the past year have proceeded with the same uniform steadiness and success which marked their progress during previous years, and do not offer any thing calling for especial notice or remark on the present occasion. t I . II IE 20 REPOllT. Notwithstanding u scriouH diminution in the number of the original subscribers to the funds of these associations by death or removal, your Committee an? happy in being enabled to report that the amount of annual subscriptions has not in consequence materially declined, nor in any degree at all approaching the extent which, from this cause, might reasonably have been anticipated. Of annual subscriptions to these associations for the past year, the gross amount has been £36 10s., of which the sum of £12 13s. was remitted to the Parent Society previously to the close of its fiscal year, as will appear from the Society's annual report ; a sum considerably more than a fourth of the annual subscriptions within the year, and exceeding by a small fraction the remittance to the Parent Society, from the same source, for the year preceding. The residue of this fund, after paying sundry small accounts properly chargeable upon it, was divided proportionably between the associations. The Thornhill managin^r committee have this year placed the proportion of their funds arising from this source, making a clear balance of £18 4s. 9d., to the credit of the Parsonage Building Fund, in accordance with a resolution passed some years since, appropriating the available balance of the three-fourths of the annual contributipns to this branch to that purpose, as long as may be required, to secure the accomplish- ment of the object for which the fund was originated, viz., the erection of a parsonage-house within the limits of thit» mission. The Vaughan Association have appropriated the available balance of their funds, this year, amounting to £5 12s. 9d., to the repair of St. Stephen's Church, Vaughan. ' i' • SUHMABT or ACCOUNTH. Parsonage Building Fund. Balance for last year £19 •) 10 1854. ' April 24. Gash from f of Parochial Associations 18 4 OJ Total in hand, exclusive of 1 year's interest duo April 28, 1855 37 14 7^ Burial Ground Enlargemmt Fund. Mr. £. Seager's debenture, exclusive of 1 year's interest due May 24, 1855 £52 8 8 Total in hand 62 8 8 Amount collected within the year for various objects b'j voluntary contributions. To pay balance due for repairs of Trinity Church £47 1 lOJ Episcopal Fund (collection not yet completed) 250 Subscriptions, donations, &c., to Church Society, total 51 Pew Rents, about 32 Offertory collections to defray current expenses, about 30 ,;' .! Total voluntary contributions 410 1 10 J liKl'OUT. ^ Christ^a Churchy Scarboro\ ... So far as the collections have gone there is an increase of subscriptions, and no doubt exists that the whole amount will be greater than that of lust year. And certainly, when we consider the recent spoliation of the Church's property, which makes the extension of the Church beyond her present bounds entirely to depend on the voluntary offerings of her children, there is a call upon us all for increased diligence, lest the souls of our fellow countrymen in distant settlements perish for lack of spiritual knowledge. This Branch has since reported £12 15s. 6d., and remitted £3 3s. 9d. St. PauVa and St. Jude'a Churchea^ Scarboro\ The united contribution of the two congregations of St. Paul's and St. Jude's Churches is, as was to be expected, considerably larger than from St. Paul's alone ; yet vour Committee have the gratification of stating that the St. JPaul's contributions alone are greater than they were last year, being £6 14s. 4Jd. against £6 13s. Id. cy. last year; and the St. Jude's Church contributions are £3 16s. 9d. cy. against nothing last year — a commendable mark of progress, which it is to be hoped will be repeated in every future year. St. PauVa Churchy Newmarket. The annual meeting of this Association was held on Easter Monday, April 9, 1855. ft was resolved that after April 30, 1856, the entire sum col- lected by the association should be forwarded to the Parent Society. The receipts are not quite equal to last year, in conse- quence of demands of a local character. Amount collected for the year ending April 30, 1855, £11 10s. lOJd. Remitted to Parent Society, £2 17s. 9d. Markham. In presenting the report of this Parochial Branch, your Com- mittee have to announce that the amount collected is £8 4s. 4id., being an increase over the income of last year of £2 15s. TJd. This branch has determined to forward, as it did last year, the whole amount collected to the Parent Society, believing that the Society will never be able to carry out all its objects in a satisfac- tory manner until the whole Diocese pours its offerings into the common fund, and thus the strong will be enabled to help the weak. Under the present system of each parish retaining three- fourths, the more wealthy a parish is, the more it receives from the Society, while the poorer branches only receive in proportion u 22 REPORT. to their poverty a very small sum. This Parochial Branch is happy to be able to say that its offerings to the Parent Society do not interfere in any way with the carrying out of matters of local importance. Last year the congregation of St. Philip's Church purchased a melodeon ; this year they are painting the church ; while the congregation of the Church in Markham village are raising by local subscription a sum of money to pay off the debt of the church, and also to erect a fence around the churchyard. Lloydtown. The Commitie, in bringing the affairs of the mission of Lloyd- town and Albion under the notice of this meeting, would invite all to unite with them in giving expression to the gratitude due to Almighty God for causing his face to shine upon them, and blessing the means used for the attainment of so good an end. The past year has not only witnessed an increase of kindly feeling towards the Church, in the number and regularity in attendance on her ministrations, but the contributors to Church objects have increased in proportion ; nor has this been the result of any par- ticular exciting cause, but rather, as it is hoped, from an increas- ing sense of the responsibility to God as stewards of his gifts, leading the members of the various congregations to offer to God, through his Church, a portion of their substance as a thank-offering for mercies received. In the year 1850, as shewn in the accounts made up prior to the Easter vestry meeting, the whole amount collected through the cffortory, the parochial branch of the Church Society, and by churchwardens, towards the clergyman's income, amounted altogether to the sum of £81 17s. lid. By the Easter accounts for 1854, the funds received from the same source amounted to £156 15s. 6^d., shewing an increase in the four years of £74 17s. 7^d. The regular services performed during the past year at the different churches and stations number 215. There have been 61 baptisms, 1 1 marriages and 1 1 burials. There are two Sunday schools, one at Lloydtown with 70 children on the registry, the other at Bolton Mills with 39. The amount col- lected after the last diocesan and missionary meeting held at Lloydtown was £15 5s. 6d., £4 16s. of which was forwarded to the Parent Society ; £10 Os. 4id. was expended in paying off a debt on the shed and church, leaving a balance in the hands of the treasurer of 9s. l^d. The amount collected in Albion was £23 73. lid., which includes what was obtained from Christ Church, Bolton, English Wilson's station, and Roley's station : to this must be added a balance of £8 6s. 9d. from former year, making altogether £31 14s. 8d. From this £6 4s. was forwarded to the Parent Society; £1 13s. 2d. expended in the purchase of rewards for sunday school children; £16 12s. 5d. for making H.:^ IIEPORT. 23 pulpit, painting the church, providing for the proper furnishing of the chancel, pulpit and reading-desk, leaving a balance in the hands of the treasurer of £7 5s. Id. At the station known by the name of English Wilson's, steps have been taken to obtain the funcfs for the erection of a church, the place in which the service has been performed being too snnali to accommodate the congregation. Notices are at present posted up, requiring tenders to be forwarded to the treasurer of the building committee for its erection. At Lloydtown, steps have been taken towards providing the means for the erection of a parsonage-house ; a portion of land of about 4J acres has been purchased for the sum of £116 lis. Sd. A subscription list is open to receive subscriptions towards the parsonage-house fund. Taking all these matters under considera- tion, your Committee cannot but thank God and lake courage. Much has been already done, but much remains to be accom- plished ; and as there are many who have hitherto done little or nothing towards the furtherance of the Church in this extensive parish, they lake this opportunity to invite the cordial co-operation in works of piety and love of every professed member and friend of the Church. They would invite every one to be a co-worker with God ; to devote a portion of their influence, of their time and of their property to the advancement of Christ's religion on the earth, remembering God's promise, That the liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that walerelh others shall be watered also himself. Orillia. In making this report it will be necessary to notice some objects of a purely local character which have been advanced in the mission, as well as that more particularly connected with the 'church Society, inasmuch as the one has a direct bearing on the other, and local undertakings must necessarily circumscribe the income of the Society. Shortly after the appointment of the Committee, in February, 1854, the names of sixty-four subscribers were enrolled, and a total amount of £22 3s. collected, of which £6 was sent to the Parent Society at Toronto, and the balance (£16 3s.) applied to the liquidation of the debt upon the parsonage. This last amount was afterwards increased by £2 17s. from ten other subscribers, making £19, to which £5 was added by the industry of the ladies of the congregation, and the whole £24 sent to the Indian Department, through the Rev. T. S. Kennedy, Secretary of the Church Society, as an instalment on the parsonage. A second instalment of the same amount has since been paid by the laud- able exertions of the Ladies' Industrial Society. i 24 REPORT. l! ft During the period to which this report refers, four collections have been made for the Church Society in the various churches of the mission, amounting to £8 4s. 3d. The Committee also desire to call the attention of the church- men of this parish to their indebtedness to the Parent Society for its generous aid in securing thf parsonage house. The sum of £38 12s. 6d. had in previous years been advanced by the Society to the Indian Department ; and in reply to a request made by the clergyman and wardens, the Society, in June last, with its usual liberality, consented to make this sum a grant to the parish, provided all future instalments were punctually paid. Taking into account that, in addition to the local objects already mentioned, considerable sums of money have been raised within the mission during the past year for the completion of the Coldwater road and Oro churches ; that the former has been opened for divine service, and the opening of the other will shortly follow ; that a list has been subscribed for a new church in this village ; and that the duty of providing for the support of the clergyman has been cheerfully responded to ; the Committee feel that there is abundant cause for gratitude to Almighty God and encouragement to go on with zeal and faith in every good work that may tend to the promotion of God's service. Mono. As unscrupulous assertions have been occasionally made with respect to the decrease of the church here, and the corresponding increase of dissent, the Committee consider it necessary to make the following comparison of the census reports of 1848 and 1852, in order to shew the falsity of such assertions. The Church, in 1848, numbered 1595 members ; in 1852, 2190; increase, 38 per cent. Dissenters, &c., in 1848, 2887 members; in 1852, 3751; increase, 30 per cent. The Church has thus an increase of 8 per cent, more than Dissenters and Roman Catholics, within this mission. As it may interest the members of this Association to learn the relative growth, through the province, of the Church and the different bodies of Protestant Dissenter^ having teachers in these townships, the Committee call their attention to the following published statistics of the numbers of those bodies at the time of taking the census in the years before mentioned. 1848. 1852. The Church 171,751 223,190 increase 30 per cent. Church of Scotland 67,900 67,542 decrease 15', •« FreoChurch 64,729 65,807 increase (» J Wesleyan Methodist 90,363 96,640 increase 7" Episcopal Methodist 36,893 43,884 increase 19 " REPORD. ^5 But in order to ascertain the real growth of these denomina- tions during this period, we should t&ke into consideration the increase that they should have received from natural causes, which may be set down as 3| per cent, per annum ; and thus we shall arrive at the actual increase from extraneous sources. According to this mode of calculation, the increase of the Church, from immigration and other causes, is 15.19 per cent. ; and of the Episcopal Methodists, 4.10 percent.; while the other deno- minations decreased as follows : Church of Scotland, 30 per cent. ; Free Church, 13 per cent. ; Wesleyan Methodists, 7.8 per cent. The amounts collected for church purposes in the mission, during the year, are as follows : Subscriptions to Church Society £12 18 8 Collection for Qeneral Purposes 14 4 " Students' Fund 16 «« Mission Station 10 3 " Widows and Orphans 1 10 Towards Minister's stipend — Subscriptions £38 12 G Presents 14 9 G 53 2 £70 17 3 The above shews a very gratifying increase over the amounts collected last year for the Society, viz., £12 Os. 7^d. ; but a trifling decrease in your minister's stipend, viz., £>l 9s. l^d. The number of services performed during the year was 192, at 14 stations ; being an increase of 41 services and 3 stations over those of 1853. The number of baptisms was 104, of marriages 21, and of burials 10; being an increase in the year of 19 baptisms, 13 marriages, and 2 burials. As difficulties stood in the way of the survey of the Mono side of the village of Orangeville, the site of the church referred to in our last report was not given in till late in the year; it was how- ever then presented in a very excellent situation, and Mr. Kelchum, in addition to giving it, has increased his subscription to £50 ; the foundation has been prepared and the stones raised, and, as the contract for the mason work has been let out, the committee trust that early in the i^ring the building will be commenced. Advertisements were published in one of our county papers, and notices posted up in the neighbourhood, requiring tenders for the erection of St. Luke's Church, but none were received, consequently nothing has yet been done lo it. The committee acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a font for Trinity Church, from Mr. James Ekins, of Toronto, and trust that this act of considerate liberality on the part of a stranger may D 26 REPORT. induce some of the members of the different congregations in the parish to emulate his example, and provide suitable vessels for the administration of both sacraments, in their respective churches. t The lending library, at Mr. John Atkinson's, in connection with St. John's Church, has been revived, and an addition made to it of 23 books, making the number at present 181. Subscrip- tion to the library is fixed at half a dollar per annum. • , Depositories for the sale of books of common prayer have been established at the following places : Messrs. Atkinson & Hut- chinson, Mono ; Mr. James Kelly, Orangeville ; and Mr. John Little, Mulmur. An addition of Id. per quarter dollar is made to the Toronto price, in order to pay for any expenses that may be incurred, and to assist in increasing the stock. The slate of the payments on the Glebe, which during the incumbency of the late Secretary of the Church Society had been neglected, has, during the last year, been looked into, and four additional instalments paid, leaving four still unpaid, with inte- rest ; towards the payment of which there is a small balance in the hands of the society. St. Jameses Churchy Penetanguishene. Your Committee are happy to state that the proceedings of the two last annual meetings have shewn that the members of this branch of the Church Society are gradually preparing for that time (the time when they will have to provide the entire support for their minister) by appropriating the greater part of the Church Society funds at their disposal to the purchase of land ; and they strongly recommend that this plan be persevered in till this important object (the endowment of the church) be attained. Though no land has yet been met with suitable for the purpose, yet the object of endow- ing the church has been steadily kept in view, and since the last annual meeting the churchwardens havfe petitioned the Govern- ment for the privilege of purchasing some town lots on certain terms which would bring the purchase of them within the means annually at our disposal. Your committee have reason to think that the small assistance which we gave to the inhabitants of Victoria Hill, and the obser- vations which were made in connection with it in their last report, have been the means of encouraging the inhabitants of that station to renewed exertions for the erection of a church. They have already about £16 on their subscription list, which is a proof that they are in earnest. Your committee would therefore recommend that the same amount which was awarded last year be given this year, provided the intended church be set apart for the Church of England, and be erected on land secured or to be secured to the F REPORT. 2T Church Society. As the collections for this year are not yet com- pleted, your committee can say nothing definite with respect to them, but can only hope that they will not fall short of former years. As to other collections for church purposes, your commit- tee take this opportunity of stating that the offertory collections for the year 1854, including the collections arising from the four annual sermons for the Church Society, amounted to £22 5s. lid. They would also beg leave to mention that a lady of the congre- gation while absent from home raised subscriptions to the amount of £18 15s , with which she purchased a well-toned bell, and that the inhabitants have subscribed about £12 to build a bell-turret for it. Your committee, in concluding their report, would endea- vour to impress on their fellow-christians and on themselves, the deep responsibilities which rest on the members of our Church Society, and the necessity of their using their influence to extend its usefulness by endeavouring to increase the number of sub- scribers; and they hope that all will bear in mind that the chief purpose of our meeting together on these occasions is to quicken our zeal in the cause, and to encourage each other in the pious work of extending, by means of this Society, the benefits of the Church of Christ to all around us. The secretary has since reported the suitj of £12 3s. 8d. col- lected, and remitted £3 10s. 8d. Barrie. The acting secretary stated that the following sums had been paid into his hands, making together £24 18s. IJd. — viz., collected by Mrs. Bernard and Mrs. Go wan, £8 18s. l^d. ; collected by Mrs. Boys and Miss Ardagh, £11 2s. 6d. ; collected by Miss Ardagh at Shanty Bay, £3 12s. 6d. ; the annual subscription of the Rev. S. B. Ardagh, £1 5s. ; — whereupon it was resolved unanimously — Thai the thanks of this meeting be presented to the committee of ladies for the zeal with which they have fulfilled the duties imposed upon them, and for the exertions which they must have made to secure such ample success. Mr. Whitby moved, seconded by Mr. Lally, that three-quarters of the collection made be transmitted to the Parent Society, and that one-quarter be retained for parish purposes. Dr. Boys moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Georgen, that two-thirds of the amount collected be applied to the wants of the parish, and that the remainder be transmitted to the Parent Society, accompanied with a list of the contributors and the amounts they have severally contributed. The amendment being put was carried. Moved by Dr. Boys, seconded by Dr. Ardagh, that the two-thi'^ds of the collection retained for the wants of the parish be applied, 28 REPORT. first, to the payment of a small bill for printing, and the femaincler to the liquidation of the debt on the schoolhouse. Moved in amendment by Mr. Lally, seconded by Mr. Bernard, that, inasmuch as the appropriation of any portion of the amount retained towards the debt on the schoolhouse would be contrary to the constitution of the Church Society, the sum so retained be applied towards the payment of any small claims against this branch, and the balance applied to the debt on the parsonage- house. The amendment being put \vas lost. The original motion being put was carried. Tecumseth, The great object which we have long kept steadily in view has been to relieve the spiritual destitution of those poor people who reside in the more backward townships of this county. Year after year we have hoped to obtain for them a missionary ; but, ovi^ing to the deaths amongst the clergy, and the pressing wants of other places, the bishop was unable to spare one. Whilst thus unable to procure a clergyman your committee engaged the ser- vices of a faithful catechist, and during the year 1853, T. Duke labored with much success in that capacity, until obliged by ill health to resign the appointment. During part of 1854 Mr. Brereton was temporarily appointed to perfom the same duties, which he faithfully executed. Now your committee rejoice in be- ing able to state that the Rev. J. Langtry, a graduate of Trinity College, lately ordained, has been appointed to labour in the townships of Nottawasaga, Essa and Cookstown, anc[, the hopes we long entertained are about to be realized. " In clue season ye shall reap if ye faint not," is the language of inspiration. We are about to experience the fulfilment of the promise ; may we learn from it ever to trust and not be afraid. But the Lord hath ordained that those who preach the Gospel shall live of the Gospel ; and having obtained for our poorer brethren the blessing of the ministration of religion, the next important consideration is to support it. Hitherto very material assistance towards the support of travelling missionaries has always been afforded from the Clergy Reserve Fund : of that the Church is now deprived ; her lawful patrimony has been taken away, and her enemies indulged in the vain hope that by depriv- ing the Church of her endowments she would soon be laid low ; but they remembered not that the Lord is with her ; she must go forth and prosper; anditdevolvesupon the members of the Church in this Province to make up by their individual contributions the loss which has been sustained. We have ever devoted our Church Society funds to the furtherance of the Gospel, and now more cheer- ^ REPORT. 29 luUy than before you will cast into the treasury of the Lord, with the knowledge that what you give will be appropriated towards the support of the travelling missionary ; and the Church people of this and the neighboring township of West Gwillirabury have the gratification of kno\ving, that owing to their liberal contri- butions to the Church Society and the manner in which those funds have been appropriated, a duly ordained missionary is now about to go forth to preach to those long perishing for lack of knowledge the unsearchable riches in Christ. It has been a source of much sorrow to your minister that during the past year the Sunday schools have not been in a prosperous state. The protracted and dangerous illness of one who had indefatigably superintended the female department, the want of suitable teachers, and the heavy Sunday and parochial duties of your minister, will account for it ; in a little time it is hoped they will be resumed with energy ; and qualified young persons, both male and female, are earnestly requested to take part in this good work. The Sunday and week-day services in the different churches and stations have been kept up during the pastas in the preced- ing year. In pecuniary matters your committee have the ^[ratifying fact to announce an increase of £14 on the subscriptions to the Church Society during the past year ; this may be attributed to the more systematic manner in which subscriptions were asked for, in- creased love to the Church, and especially the activity and zeal displayed by our young friends who kindly acted as collectors. There was received in the united parishes of Tecumseth and West Gvvillimbury the sum of £64 125. ll^rf.; viz : in Tecumseth £41 18s. 11|(/., and in West Gwillimbury £22 14s. It is hoped that the subscriptions this year will again show an increase, so that the liabilities incurred for the travelling mission- ary may be readily met. Let your prayers accompany your contributions, ever remembering, that a Paul may plant, and Apollos water, but God alone can give the increase. Since the above report was read at the annual meeting, held February 1st, the sum of £01 has been received in this township as subscriptions to the Church Society, being an increase of .£19 over those of last year. X18 has been remitted to the Parent Society, and the remaining <£43 is retained to meet our liabilities for the travelling missionary. Thus we find in this purely rural parish the people give more willingly and liberally to the parochial branch of the Church Society, as they know that their contributions are applied, not to local wants, of which there are always many in every parish, but to relieve the spiritual destitutions of those poorer than them- selves, A I • i M ■ 7 \^ i if. 80 REPORT. Wzsl Gwillimbui'y. The amount subscribed did not reach quite to the sum it did last year, but this was in a great measure owing to the heavy drain upon the people in support of the Patriotic Fund the week previous to our meeting; however, I may remark that the Church is steadily gaining ground in this mission. Our new church on Coulson's hill will be opened for divine service early in May. The number of communicants at Trinity Church, Bradford, has much increased ; and at the late vestry meeting four of the con- gregation undertook to liquidate the remaining debt of this church, so that we hope to have it soon consecrated. The amount of money raised and expended on account of the church generally in this mission during the past year was £135 8s. 9d., besides the collection on behalf of the Patriotic Fund, £16 lis. 5d. During the early part of last summer we were visited by a dreadful storm, which did so much damage to Christ Church that repairing the building is impossible ; it is therefore in contem- plation to pull it down, and erect a brick or frame one on the same site. To carry out this plan subscriptions have already been promised to a considerable amount, and we are only watting for the drawings and specifications of the proposed new church before commencing active operations. 1 would only further remark, that the three-fourths of subscrip- tions retained will be paid to our missionary stationed atCremore Mills as a part of his stipend. Collected £21 ; remitted to Parent Socieiy £7 Os. 5^. Meetings were held at York Mills, Yorkville, Burwick, Georgina and Springfield. For the particulars of subscription and amounts remitted, vide Appendix. GORE AND WELLINGTON DISTRICT BRANCH. The twelfth anniversary of the Gore and Wellington Branch of the Church Society, your Committee are happy to report that they find its affairs in a sound, healthy, and efficient state. The following is a comparative statement of receipts : — Whole sum credited £570 4 lOJ Last year 659 12 10| Increase £10 12 No report from Paris or Binbrook.* A lively interest has been exhibited in the welfare of the Society throughout the various Parochial Associations, where the usual * Saltfleet and Binbrook bare since reported— amount collected HVi 10s., and remitted Parent Society £4 Is. 3d. '( k REPORT. ai Annual Meetings have been held, and your Committee desire to express their thanks to those gentlemen who have aided the resi- dent clergy on these occasions, as well as to those who have come to assist this night in the proceedings of this anniversary. Your Committee refer with mingled feelings of gratification and regret to the missionary operations of this association. They are gratified to think of the happy results which have thus far attended the self-denying labors of their missionaries, evinced as they are by increasing congregations, rising Church edifices, numerous baptisms and confirmations, and a growing feeling of attachment to the Church. They regret that the good work cannot be more widely extended and more efficiently carried on ; that the crying wants of hundreds and thousands not a hundred miles from our doors cannot be satisfied ; and that in one of their missions the work has been unfortunately suspended in consequence of the well-merited promotion of one of their missionaries to a settled charge, and the difficulty of getting another to fill his place. The only remaining Missionary, the Rev. Mr. Mulholland, of Owen Sound, whose Report will shortly be submitted to this meeting, implores additional assistance, and represents the destitution of the settlers as most deplorable. Your Committee are of opinion that this state of things cannot be permitted to continue, that some vigorous and important action must be taken. The allowance to travelling missionaries must be augmented, and experienced men brought into the field, if the Church expects to retain the affections of her people, and to keep pace with the rapid settlement of the country. Truly ** the fields are white unto the harvest, but there are not laborers enough to send forth into the harvest." The whole of the Parochial Reports are of the most gratifying nature, and shew that the hearts of the members of the Church are sound to the core :— Cruelph. The large attendance at the annual meeting of this Parochial Association, and the liberal contribution to its funds, evince that the interest of the members of the Church at Guelph in the cause of the Church Society continues unabated. The sum of JC55 10s. has been remitted to the Treasurer, being a small increase over the receipts of any former year. GalL The Committee of this association have great pleasure in stating that the sum contributed to the funds of the Church Society in this mission is greater than in any preceding year, which is one of the best proofs that the members of the Church within the bounds of the association continue to feel the deepest 11 I I \ 32 REPORT. I interest in the success of the society, and the accomplishment of the all-important object which it has in view. They cannot omit to stato, however, that the increase in the sum contributed this year is chiefly owing to the liberality of the congregation which assembled in the church at Beverley, and the exertions made by the members of the Church in that neighborhood. The amount subscribed this year is £48 Os. l^d. Elora. In presenting their annual Report the Committee have the gratification to announce a large increase in the amount of sub- scriptions, and, what is of far greater importance, a corres- ponding amount of zeal in the congregation of St. John's Church, as regards furthering the objects of the Society. There is a deter- mination on the part of this congregation that the Church of England shall, so far as they are concerned, not be c Ippled by the recent act of the Legislature, which doubtless originated in a desire to weaken her influence. The more the Egyptians afflicted the Israelites, the more they multiplied and grew; and so will it be with our beloved Church. The Committee are much indebted to the eight ladies who kindly undertook the task of calling at the houses of such members of the Church as profess to belong to this congregation, in order to solicit subscriptions. Everywhere, with the exception of one or two, they were received with a cordiality highly gratifying, and the most lively interest evidently taken in the success of their work. It appears to be the general wish of the subscribers, in which the Committee most cordially concur, that the whole amount of subscription should be paid over to the Church Society, and no part expected back for local objects. The proceeds of the ladies' sale in October last amounted to over £50, which sum was appropriated to our own local objects. When it becomes neces- sary to raise anything more for ourselves, we would prefer setting on foot a subscription with that avowed object. OakviUe. The Parish of Oakville reports— From Oakville, £27 13s. 4d. ; from Palermo, £17 6s. ; total, £44 19s. 4d. ; being a considerable increase in both places over the collection of any former year. Nelson. The Committee, although they cannot report any increase over the last year, are glad to say that the same deep interest in all the affairs of the association continues to be felt by the members of the Church in this mission, and tney rejoice in the success of a Society which, under the Lord's blessing, may largely aid in the \ IIEPORT. m f -K ■I building up of Zioii and amnlioiaiion of hor wants. The sum collected in £32. Mohawk and Tuacarora. The Committee report a considerable increase, the amount being JG32 5s. It is very satisfactory that this increase is owing chieHy to additional Indian subscribers; while most have contri- buted according to their ability, it is, but justice to make particu- lar mention of the liberality of a small tribe of Delawares who, during the last few years, have been converted from paganism to the Christian faith, and brought into the Church through the zealous efforts of their excellent missionary the Rev. A. Elliott. On account of their recent conversion to Christianity, as well as their poverty, for they are very poor, it was considered inexpedient to call upon them for anything towards the Church Society till this year, and though their number is but small, they have con- tributed the sum of £7 d.''. Barton and Glandford, The amount of contributions from this new Parochial Branch is reported to be J&ll 8s. l^d. The completion of the second Church, the purchase of ten acres of land, and the erection of a parsonage-house, engage the efforts of the parishioners in this mission, and for the present hinder a larger donation to the Church Society. Ancastcr and Dundas. The unavoidable absence of the Rector of this parish from home will readily account for the fact, that no report has as yet been received from either of the»e associations, which have always held a respectable place in the returns oi this Branch of the Church Society. The collections, it is conjectured, may have fallen off during the past year in Dundas, but a corresponding increase is anticipated in Ancaster, the other section of the parish. The Dundas congregation, the Rector remarks, have contributed£26 towards the purchase of a bell, and are called upon to raise that sum annually to defray the expense of the second Sunday service in that parish. Taking these matters into consideration, it is expected that the aggregate amount from the two parishes will be about £50. Norval and Georgetown. An association having been formed last month in Georgetown, the sum of £8 18s. 6d. has been collected, which, together with £14 4s. 4Jd. collected at Norval, amounts to £23 Os. lO^d. The sum shows an increase of more than £8 over the collection of last year. S! 11 REPORT. Hornby. Owing to the severity of the weather the attendance at the annual meeting was small, but the few who attended shewed themselves to be zealous advocates of the Society. Immediately after the meeting the collectors visited each house, and notwith- standing the absence of some who were the largest contributors the past year, the amount collected exceeds that of the former year by £>2 3s. lOd. Cayuga Heights and Mount Pleasant. The parochial associations of Cayuga Heights and Mount Pleasant conjoined have much pleasure in remitting to the Gore and Wellington District Branch of the Church Society the sum of jei7 18s. l^d. for the year ending in 1865. The sum exceeds that of last year; and the Committee of the above mentioned associa- tion are confident that much satisfaction and interest prevail within their mission as to the success of the Church Society, inasmuch as an inquiring and cheerful spirit was evinced during the time the collections were being taken up in aid of its funds. Ascension Churchy Hamilton. The Committee, in returning the Report of their parochial association for the year just expired, have to slate that, while the number of their subscribers has slightly increased, the amount collected continues about the same as that of last year. The sum of £36 5s. has been contributed for the general objects of the Society ; at the same time their collectors have received the further sum of £80 3s. — the amotint of subscriptions specially contributed towards the very pressing local wants of their own church. The amount available last year for local objects was expended in support of the Sunday-school and in completing the purchase of the lot of land adjoining the church. This lot is now free of debt, and secured for the erection of a schoolhouse— a want to which the attention of the congregation has been directed, and which they trust ere long to see supplied. It may possibly at first sight appear that the sum subscribed for the general purposes of the Society is not so large as it might be ; but when it is considered that the requirements of a new church such as theirs is are so very numerous, that many of these demand immediate attention, the Commitlee hope that the efforts of the members of their church will not be deemed unsatisfactory ; for, while anxious to help forward every institution which has for its object the propagation of their most holy faith, they are of neces- sity constrained to direct their main exertions to the due ordering of the sanctuary in which they themselves assemble for worship. ' I < > REPORT. 85 < > It is not for tlio Committee of this association to eulogize the objects which are embraced within Iho constitution of the Church Society ; they feel them to be the chiefest which engage the attention of men after they have fulfilled their first duty — the believing on Him whom God hath sent ; and therefore they cannot but desire to co-operate with their fellow-Christians throughout the diocese in carrying into execution designs which so entirely accord with the precepts of the Christian faith. Christ Church, Hamilton. The amount collected by the parochial Committee is £121 10s. The diminution apparent in this as compared with last year's collections the Committee can satisfactorily account for — no less a sum than from £15 to £20 being lost by deaths and removal of old subscribers. Strangers newly arriving are not solicited until they have been upwards of one year resident in the parish. The congregation have likewise during the past year, with much liberality, added £150 to the income of their pastor, and presented the late curate with a purse of upwards of £60 ; they have likewise incurred large expenditure connected with warming and heating the new church, the furnaces and gas fittings requiring an outlay of between two and three hundred pounds ; they have also pur- chased the property adjoining the church for £1250, of which sum £250 has been paid. Under these circumstances, and considering the fact that Hamilton, being a commercial place, feels most sensitively the fluctuations of trade and the scarcity of money, your Committee are not at all discouraged at the small falling on which appears in this year's collections. The funds returned to this parochial Committee for local expenditure were laid out in supporting the parochial school library. The former institution has for a time been suspended, but only that measures may be matured for opening it again on a larger and more efficient scale, and rendering it more nearly adequate to the wants of this popu- lous parish. Milton, December 5, 1854. Rev. and dear Sir, — I beg to send you a report of the state of the Waterloo Mission at the time of my removal to another sphere of duty, and likewise an account of my duties therein during the past year. The progress of the Church in this Mission during the past year has been very satisfactory and gratifying to the missionary. There has been a visible increase in almost every congregation, which should call forth the thanks of those interested in missions to the Almighty, in whom alone we may hope for permanent increase. A few years, if missionaries are continued in these townships, will, I believe, with the blessing of God, sufHce to make many of them strongholds of the Church. il 86 REPORT. A more lively interest ihan formerly seems to be taken in Church matters, not only by churchmen, but also by dissenters, who are beginning to look upon the Church with more favorable eyes. Old prejudices against us, arising in a great measure from the peculiar situations in which many were placed at home, are fast dying away, and the last journey of the Lord Bishop through the mission seems to have aided much in loosing the prejudice of dissenters : his kindness and affability towards all have divested the minds of many of the idea so prevalent in the back townships, that pride and arrogance are the general accompaniments of the Episcopal office. During the past year I have held regular services in nine town- ships — viz., Wallace, Maryborough, Peel, Wellesley, Woolwich, Egremont, Arthur, Garafraxa, and Erin. The stations are as follows: — . Wallace Taggart's, 4th Concession Monthly. ^ «« Orange Lodge, 9th Concession Every eight weeks. ; Maryborough ...HoUin's Village Monthly. «« ...Morgan's, 9th Concession Every eight weeks. Wellesley Harris's Schoolhouse , Monthly. Hawksville " Occasionally. Woolwich Brisleau's Corners " Egremont Brown's Schoolhouse Monthly during winter. Garafraxa McKee's Schoolhouse Monthly. Peel Church, 12th Concession " Peel Alanville Monthly. Wellesley Erwin's Schoolhouse " " Rush's Meeting-house " Woolwich Cox's Creek " Egremont Smith's Hotel '* Arthur Church " ", Smith's House " Garafraxa Donaldson's Schoolhouse " Erin Erinville •' ra > 02 a Ji OS 13 CG In these several places your missionary has held 167 regular services, and preached, besides many occasional services — such as baptism in private in case of sickness, or, when the distance was too great from the usual place of service, catechizing and preparing candidates for confirmation ; in the performance of . which duties the distance travelled was 3,9.S6 miles. I have had about 150 baptisms during the past year, but very few marriages . or burials. The Lord Bishop held confirmations at six stations, where those of the adjoining stations also assembled. At the six places 99 persons were confirmed. ' Churches. — One church, the frame of which was up last year, hhas been covered in, and will I believe be fit for service this "Winter — viz., centre of Arthur. A church has also been con- tracted for at Ar'hur village, which is, according to contract, to be ready for worship this winter also. A subscription has also REPORT. 87 2n in iHers, trable from .', are rough iidice ested ships, )f the I . been taken up for erecting one at Ervvin's, Wellesley, next sumnner ; and another subscription is on foot for the erection of one at Alanville, PeeJ. This mission is now vacant, but will, 1 hope, be filled ere long. There should be at least two missionaries sent into it — one to be stationed at Alanville, and one at Arthur. This number is not, however, nearly sufficient to supply the mission. And besides these nine townships which have been mentioned, several others have during the past two years so increased as to need regular ministrations — viz.. Grey, Elora, Harwick. Minto, on the south- western side of the Owen Sound Tract, and, in another year, Luther, north of Garafraxa, will require to be visited. The people in these places are willing to aid in supporting those sent among them, and in some of the townships I think from £50 to £100 per annum could now be raised for that purpose. May God of his mercies grant a supply for their spiritual wants, for they " are as sheep without a shepherd." I remain yours truly, Francis Tremayne. The Rev. T. S. Kennedy, Sec. Church Society, Toronto. NIAGARA DISTRICT BRANCH. Public meetings in furtherance of the objects of this association, and the very important object of making provision for the support of the episcopate after the demise of our venerable and indefati- gable Diocesan, were held during the last autumn in St. John's Church, Stamford, attended by the Rev, W. Leeming, Rev. C. L. Ingles, and the Secretary ; in St. George's Church, Drummondville, attended by the same ; in Trinity Church, Chippawa, by the same, with the addition of the Rev. A. Nelles of the Mohawk Mission, and the Rev. E. H. Dewar, rector of Sandwich ; in St. Paul's Church, Fort Erie, by the Rev. E. Grasett, rector, the Rev. A. Townley, the Rev. C. L. Ingles, the Secretary ; in St. John's Church, Bertie, by the same ; in St. Peter's Church, Thorold, by the Rev. A. F. Atkinson, the Rev. A. Townley, the Rev. T. T. Robarts, and the Secretary ; in St. Paul's Church, Fort Robinson, by the Secretary; in St. Mark's Church, Niagara, by the Rev. T. Creen, rector, the Rev. A. Townley, Rev. H. N. Phillipps, and the Secretary ; in St. Paul's Church, Dunnville, and Christ's Church, Port Mailland, by the Rev. A. Townley, incumbent, and Rev. B. C. Hill, missionary at York and parts adjacent ; and in January last at Cjirist's Church, Grantham, attended by the Rev. H. N. Phillipps, incumbent, and Rev. T. Creen. These three last meet- ings the Secretary was unable to attend in consequence of indis- I ;} •'•ntf»:» -.i^f ' I -i ^ circumstances, but a hard working farmer from the North of Ireland, now occupying a rented farm, has kindly offered to your Secretary to afford your travelling missionary his board and lodging, and provender for his horse, free of charge, if he would be satisfied with the best he could place before him. This is a spirit worthy of a churchman, and your managing committee desire it to be known, that others may emulate so good an example. The following places have been supplied during the past year with occasional services : — Port Colborne once a month, by Rev. E. Grasett, rector of Fort Erie ; Queenston once a month each, by Rev. T. Creen, rector of Niagara, Rev. T. B. Fuller, rector of Thorold, Rev. C. L. Ingles of Drummondville ; the Junction once a month, by Rev. T. B. Fuller; and Marshville three times a year by the same. The Parish of St. Catharines reports that the collections for the current year (including the sum of £2 10s. which goes to the Parent Society intact) amount to £52 10s. This is somewhat less than the amount collected last year ; but the diminution is not so great as might have been expected, when the following circumstances are considered — namely, the death and removal of some regular subscribers, the extreme scarcity of money, and the pressure of local claims. The Parish of Niagara reports the total amount of their collec- tions for the past year at £50 15s. Id. The parochial Committee attribute the diminution in the subscriptions of this parish to two causes — first, and chiefly, to the removal of the greater portion of the military, by whom the garrison was in former years occupied; and, secondly, to a liberal subscription-list which the congregation have entered upon for the erefction of a parsonage-house. The Parish of Chippawa reports that the subscriptions of this parochial association for the past year amount to £45 18s. 9d., being a slight decrease on the contributions of the preceding year, occasioned in part by the removal of some few of the subscribers to other parishes. The parochial Committee, however, have no reason to apprehend a crowing indifference to the prosperity of the institution, but have every reason to hope that their association will continue to give it a gradually increasing support. The Committee of the Stamford and Drummondville Branch Association (within the Parish of Chippawa) report, that while the subscriptions and donations do not amount to a sum which ought to have been raised by the united association (but which, however, will be found to be £2 lis. 6d. in advance of last year*s amount) ; yet they feel assured that this does not arise from any want of confidence in the Society, or of interest in Christ*s Holy Church. J I I - 40 REPORT. The subt^riptions for general purposes amount to £11 6 lOJ T'jc donations for do. do 1 7 6 The do. for speciftl objects do. 6 4 10} £18 19 3 The parochial Committee assure the District Branch that great exertions are made to keep up the quarterly collections in this portiA/n of the parish. The Parish of Thorold reports that, owing to the failure of crops during the past year, and the stagnation of certain branches of business on which some of the contributors to this parochial branch depend, strong fears were entertained that there would be a large decrease in the collections for the current year ; they have therefore the greater pleasure in reporting that, owing to the faith- fulness of several of the collectors, this large apprehended decrease has been changed into the considerable increase of £7 2s. 6d, above that of last year, the amount for the current year being £39 13s. 9d., whilst it is believed that other contributions will yet be received. When it is taken into consideration that the people of this parish are engaged in erecting a very substantial, elegant, and costly church, it is hoped that this contribution to the funds of \\\e Chuich Society will be received as a favorable omen of what will be done by them for the support of Church institu- tions, when they shall have been more fully taught their duty in this respect, and shall have realized more fully than they have yet done their privileges and their duties as Churchmen. The parochial Committee of Dunnvilley Port Maitland^ and South Cayuga report that a portion of the largest subscribers having left Dunnville, and the heavy local depression commer- cially, leaves the absolute amount less than last year, when a special effort was made ; still it is a steady increase upon most former years, and the subscribers more general. Port Maitland shows, on the contrary, an increase of about one-third, and is again, I trust, beginning to revive after its severe suffering in former years from removals and deaths. The hopeful little con- gregation of St. John's Church, South Cayuga, has again nearly doubled any previous year's subscriptions. The amounts are — Dunnville, £8 Os. 2d. ; Port Maitland, £13 12s. 6d. ; South Cayuga, £4 15s. 7^d. • The Parish of Fort Erie reports that the sum qf £14 has been collected during the past year. The Parish of Louth reports the sum of £3 10s., including the Rector's contribution to the Widows and Orphans' Fund. Grimsby reported direct to the Parent Society the sum of £20 10s. collected, and remitted £8 10s. m sea REPORT. 41 Appended is the Treasurer's account of receipts and disburse- ments for the past year : — Dr. 1864. December 9. To paid Chairman's check, dated 'u July last, in favor of the Rev. Mr. G- sett... Jei2 10 1855. January 25. Ifb. do. do. ... 12 10 Balance 56 8 2 £81 8 2 Cr. 1854. January. By balance, per account £28 18 3 March 17. Collections retained for Missionary purposes 52 9 11 £81 8 2 February 26. By balance brought down 56 8 2 Georqe Rykert, Treasurer. St. Catharines, 2Gth February, 1855. TALBOT DISTRICT BRANCH. This Branch remitted the whole amount collected to the Parent Society. LONDON DISTRICT BRANCH. Delaware and Caradoc. Meetings were generally held throughout this district d- ".'ng the past year with good results. Branches have been formed i ihe following places, and subscriptions forwarded for the first time, at Port Stanley, Warwick, Port Burwell, Stratford, and Mersea. The Committee of the Delaware and Caradoc Church Asso- ciation, in presenting their brief report to the members of this association, would remark, that although the subscriptions and quarterly collections have not been much less than those of the preceding year, yet they have every reason to believe from past experience that steady advances will be made in proportion to the growth and prosperity of this settlement. Hitherto contributions have been made to this association, with few exceptions, by the stated members of the congregation attending this church, w^ho also have been contributing towards their minister's salary by pew-rent. Now, your Committee are of opinion, that since the majority of the population of this province have decided by their sutfrages at the hustings, during the past year, that endowments from the Crown for the support and advancement of the Christian faith is injurious to the cause of divine truth, and that the volun- tary system is belter calculated to effect that end, your Committee therefore entertain the most sanguine hope that assistance will be afforded henceforth by the people at large, who will place the churches and mini[|^rs in a better position than hitherto, since the allowance from the Clergy Reserve Fund never gave the clergy, at least of this church, a half support. F i ■ ; !! 42 REPORT. In conclusion, the Committee are happy to add that the sum raised by this association during the past year, and which was remitted to the Parent Society without any deductions, amounted to in subscriptions, £13 10s. ; quarterly collections made at Christ Church, Delaware, and the Caradoc Academy, £11 8s. 2id.; total, £24 18s. 2^d. BROCK DISTRICT BRANCH. A meeting of the Brock District Branch of the Church Society, Diocese of Toronto, was held pursuant to notice at the town-hall, Woodstock, on the evening of Thursday, the 1st of March. The attendance on the occasion was good, although smaller than it undoubtedly would have been but for the coldness of the weather. The clergy present were the Rev. W. Bettridge, B. D., chairman of the district ; the Revs. Messrs. Palmer, Cronyn, Flood, Brough, Revell, Boomer, Marsh, Fauquier, and the secretary. The report shewed that a great amount of zeal exists among the members of this branch, a proof of which may be gathered from the fact that the subscriptions in the Woodstock Parochial Association alone exceed those of last year by £77 7s. 6d., the whole of which it was resolved to remit intact to the Parent Society. Woodstock. In transmitting the amount collected within this Branch, the Committee are thankful to be enabled to state that the number of subscribers to the Church Society, and also the amount subscribed by many individuals, has this year very materially improved. This evidence of increased interest in the operations of the Society may, it is to be hoped, be considered as a harbinger of still further exertions in so holy and good a cause. This parochial branch has this year adopted the rule of sending the whole amount subscribed, without any deduction whatever, to the Parent Society. The amount of the subscriptions this year is £94 1 Is. 3d. ; but, owing to the difficulty in obtaining money, the committee regret to say that of this sum £10 10s. yet remains unpaid ; so that the whole amount remitted amounts to'£84 Is. 3d. The collections in Huntingford exceed tbose of the former year, and were remitted in full to the Parent Society. A branch was formed at Burford, and remittance made to the Parent Society. WESTERN DISTRICT BRANCH. A branch of the Society has been formed in Windsor, and a sum remitted, though the church has been a|Iy lately established there, and the congregation are struggling© erect a handsome stone church. , = ■V, • i REPORT. 43 Sarnia. « The Committee have the satisfaction of presenting a favourable Report of this branch of the Church Society. The annual contri- butions to the general purposes of the Society amount to £11 5s. 3d. The quarterly collections during the past year have amounted to £9 9s. lOd., being in each ease an increase over those of the preceding year; but these we believe might be greatly augmented. Much more would be contributed, both towards supplying the wants of the parish and maintaining the cause of the Church throughout the Diocese, did we occupy a different position from that in which we are at present placed. Although this is a rapidly increasing town, we are as yet without the advantage of a resident minister or a regular service ; the consequences have been a feeling of discouragement, a growing apathy regarding the general interests of the Church, and the congregation has not increased proportionately with the increase of the population. It has pleased Almighty God during the past year to remove from amongst us one, by whose devoted zeal and energy the Church in our neighbourhood was much benefitted, and whose loss many amongst us have deep reason to deplore. We trust that his deeds of kindness towards his neighbours and liberality towards his Church, the fruits, as we truly believe, of an humble and living faith in the Lord Jesas, may have the happy effect of prompting others to the performance of similar acts of love and mercy. Through the liberality of the late Captain Vidal, the deed of a building erected for a church will be given to the Society as soon as the necessary arrangements can be completed, and thus every facility will be afforded, as far as the people can minister to their own wants, for the public worship of Almighty God. The church has been supplied with a handsome communion service by Mr. '^. Vidal, the father of the late Bishop of Sierra Leone, with service books by Admiral Vidal, and with a stove, &c., by Mr. G. Durand. All that has been done for the Church amongst us, has been done by our own people, unassisted by those at a distance ; and while we can but count ourselves to be unprofitable servants, still we think that we have no reasonable ground for dissatisfaction in the fact that the contributions from this parish towards the general funds of our Church Society will bear comparison with many parishes in the Diocese far more favourably circumstanced. Moore, We have but little to report from this Branch. During the past year there has been a slight but satisfactory increase, both in the numbers of subscribers and in the amount subscribed. We trust, that as the people become more sensibly alive to the fact that the 44 REPORT. Church, deprived of all endowment and external aid, depends entirely for support upon the exertions of her members, they will be led to be more active and zealous in maintaining the efficiency of the Church Society, as the proper agent for dispensing those funds which are employed in the extension of the ministrations of the Church. Amount subscribed, £20 I4s. 4d. Sent to the Parent Society, £10 Is. 6d. NEWCASTLE DISTRICT BRANCH. The limits usually assigned to a District Report, especially where the different missions consist of settled parishes, affords little scope for novelty of matter or variety of detail. Your Committee thererore now proceed to lay before you a financial statement of the proceedings of each Parochial Committee as far as they have been reported during the past year;— premising that no change in the number or appointment of the Clergy labouring within the district has taken place during that period. In the course of the winter parochial meetings were held in all the front townships, which were generally well attended ; and the result, so far as yet ascertained, may be considered satisfactory. Your Committee deeply regret, that by reason of a heavy fall of snow, which for a time completely shut out the roads and rendered them impassable, they were unable to extend their visits to some of the townships ; and the same cause prevented their brethren in those missions from attending the meetings on the front. Cobourg. Since the last Annual Meeting of the Church Society this parish has completed what was then in progress — the new Church of St. Peter. This handsome and substantial structure, capable of containing 1000 persons, and which it is expected will be sufRcient for the congregation of the town and neighbour- hood for some years to come, — was opened for Divine Service on the 15th October last. The whole cost, from the commencement of the tower, will exceed £4000 ; and this large sum, with the excep- tion of about £180, has been raised entirely within the parish. After the best exertions on the part of the Building Committee, a debt of about £500 still remains to be discharged ; but it is confidently believed that, by the application of a portion of the ordinary Church revenue, two annual collections in Church, and some aid from the local Church Society, this incumberance can be entirely removed in the course of two or three years. It would reasonably be anticipated that lhe,very large oipenses attending the undertaking would have the effect of partially dim- inishing the contributions for general objects : for, in addition to REPORT. 46 # the payment of subscriptions, the offering on Easter Sunday towards the building fund amounted to £70, and those on the day of the opening of the new Church to £53 lis. besides nearly £100 obtained by a sale of useful and ornamental articles furnished through the exertions of the Ladies of the parish. Notwithstand- ing this large outlay, the quarterly collections for the Church So- ciety have nearly maintained their average ; and the subscriptions for the present year amount to £90 6s. 5d. The expenditure on the part of the Parochial Board since the last annual meeting has been For Sunday Sch, )1 reward and other books, £11 11 8 " Scholars paid for at Mr. Ejwn's School, 3 8 9 «' Wood for Sunday School 16 " Incidental expenses 5 8 Total, £16 1 il After making this deduction, and remitting one-fourth to the Parent Society, there will be a balance available of about £50, which it is proposed to apply towards the liquidation of the debt of St. Peter's Church. Port Hope. — From this Parochial Association no Report has been received. Grafton. Great exertions have been made during the past year to increase the funds of the Parachial Committee ; and the appeals which have been made to the people have, with scarcely an exception, been met with the most generous and liberal spirit. A small congregation in the 6th concession of Haldimand, about eight miles back of Grafton, have shown their appreciation of the .ser- vices which they occasionally receive, by very freely contributing to the support of the Church' Society. And they have evinced a disposition to receive instruction from their minister in the prin- ciples and doctrines of the Church which is exceedingly encour- aging, and may well stimulate us to further missionary exertion on behalf of our spiritually destitute brethren. There is one very gratifying feature in this congregation, which deserves to be noticed ; and that is, that the men will lay aside their occupations and intermit their daily business on those occasions when their minister visits them, in order that they may attend Divine Service. Surely such people may humbly hope that the blessing of Al- mighty God may rest upon themselves and their families. A venerable and highly esteemed member of the congregation at Grafton has also been exceedingly liberal in his contributions to the Church Society ; and altogether this committee has been enabled to raise the sum of £31 15s., being a much larger amount than has ever been raised in the parish for similar i 46 REPORT. I purposes. The proportion allotlcd to be expended for local pur- poses will be reserved to assist in making a payment upon a small endowment for the parish, recently purchased from the Hon. George S. Boulton. When the smallness of the congregation is considered, the result of their contributions appears very satisfactory ; and it can be said with truth, that they abound in good works. Colborne. The people of this parish continue to be occupied in paying for their glebe ; and gladly avail themselves for this purpose of the proportion of the Society's funds appropriated to local objects. During the past year a large payment has been made to the Government on this land, which leaves yet due another and final instalment, which it is hoped will be paid oft in the course of a few months. The amount collected for the Society by this Parochial Com- mittee during the past year is, £32 12s. 6d., being the largest amount yet contributed ibr this purpose. Those gentlemen who have kindly undertaken the work of collection in this parish deserve the special thanks of the Committee ; as, but for their untiring exertions during the last two or three years, many sub- scriptions which now appear on the list would never have been received by the Society. It thus appears that there has been raised in the Mission of Grafton and Colborne the sum of ,£64 7s. 6d. for the Society during the past year. If a few faithful and zealous members of the Church in each parish would only give a little time and attention every year to the promotion and duly car- rying out of the various excellent objects of the Society, its in- # come might easily be doubled or trebled ; and the efficiency and usefulness of such an institution, for all such purposes, be very greatly improved and increased. Clarke. This Parochial Committee have nothing of a special nature to report respecting their operations during the past year. Their exertions have been chiefly confined to the removal of the large debt still due upon the parsonage. When the parish shall have been relieved of this heavy responsibility, the committee will gladly turn their attention to the furtherance of those objects, both of a local and general nature, which come more properly within the scope of the Society's operations. The subscriptions for the past year amount to £25 : the usual proportion of which will be transmitted to the Parent Sociely. The Committee regret that their pledged engagements require all the available funds at their dis^ ^sal for local purposes : as REPORT. 47 they are thereby prevented from recommending the appropriation of a larger sum to the use of the parent Society, than the propor- tion required by the constitution. They regret this the more, because they are deeply sensible that the present position of our ecclesiastical afi'airs demands the united and vigorous efforts of the Church throughout the Diocese. Darlington. The Committee of the Darlington Branch of the Church Society have nothing special to record at the close of the present year. Impressed, however, with a deep sense of the vast importance to our common country and the Church of Christ iij this land of the various operations of our noble Church Society, Ihey have rejoiced to find th t the contributions in aid of the funds of that institution within the parish during the year have far exceeded those which were obtained in the previous year. The sum collected is nearly £30. To the Ladies who voluntarily undertook the task of col- lecting, and who have succeeded so admirably, even in the midst of some opposition, great praise is due — and it is hoped as each succeeding year rolls round, that there will be those to be found who will nobly imitate their example, and address themselves in earnest to the blessed work of thus replenishing the treasury of the Lord. In conclusion, your committee cannot help but remember that great responsibility rests upon the members of the Church gene- rally in this Diocese, in relation to the Church Society. With such it rests to say, whether that Society shall be crippled and fall powerless to the ground, or whether it shall have such a place given to it in their prayers, and be so sustained by their exertions, that it shall prove the grandest auxiliary which the Church in this country has ever had. Cavan. The Churchmen in this mission have set a good example of Christian enterprise and beneficence ; for, in addition to the sum of £24 contributed by the Parochial Committee, in £13 10s. from St. John's Church, and £10 10s. from St. Paul's, they are taking active measu' is to erect a Church in the thriving village of Mill- brook. For this purpose the sum of nearly £400 has already been subscribed by the parishioners, about £300 of which is contributed by the inhabitants of the village. Besides these liberal contributions a suitable building site has been procured, valued at £100, the joint offering of three individuals. During the past year the people of this flourishing township paid £100 towards their Minister's salary ; and from what your Committee can learn, there is every probability of a like sum being contributed this year also. 1 48 REPORT. I I IL Let us hope ihat tlio Divine blessing may rest upon the zealous labours of the Churchmen of Millbrook ; and that they may soon bo privileged to behold, in addition to other marks of prosperity, the Village Church, where they and their families may regularly assemble to worship God after the manner of their fathers. Manverii. In consequence of the severity of the weather, the annual meeting in this township was very small. The collectors of last year were re-appointed. The lists have not yet been completed ; but the incumbent has been authorized to say that a sum not less than last year wuU be transmitted to the Parent Society. The Committee have to report a very important local improve- ment, viz., the fencing of one side of the church-yard. This has been accomplished with a balance of £12, which remained in hand over liquidating the debt on the church. There are also funds in hand to fence the otlier side. Up to this date, the sum of £>6 ITs. 6d. has been paid towards the salary of the clergyman for last year. Annual subscriptions £0 Donations in money, 17 tS Total, £C 17 Cartivright, The annual meeting in this township was well attended. Several of the laity present forcibly advocated the claims of the Society. The people came forward and paid down £6 5s. on the table. This sum has been increased to £8. One-fourth of this sum is now ready to be sent to the Parent Society. The Committee have to report the painting and seating of tho Church since last year. This has been done at an expense of £42 5s., one half of which has been collected in the township. The sums collected and expended in the township are as follow : Annual subscriptions for last year's salary of tlio Clergyman ... J£36 1 Donations for the same in money, 14 6 Subscriptions for seating and painting the church, including f of the Society's annual subscription, 20 One-fourth of subscriptions for the Parent Society, 2 Total, £72 8 3 A balance on hand of £24 68., giyen by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 13 Collected in the village of Bowmanville 9 Total, £94 8 8 Seymour. This Parochial Committee, in consequence of the heavy burdens still pressing upon the congregation, have not felt justified in *■ ) REPORT. 49 .► incurring any additional pecuniary responsibility, in the shape of contributions to the Church Society. Engaged almost exclusively in agricultural pursuits, and for the most part struggling to obtain a livelihood from such occupations, they have not at any time been capable of accomplishing very much for the advancement of true religion ; but during the last year, especially, they have been rendered less able by the direct withurawal of the bounties of Providence on what they particularly lejRi for support. There has been a general failure of their wheat crop, which is their staple article of commerce. But, notwithstanding these drawbacks, they have been by no means niggardly in their contributions: for, in addition to paying o650 towards the maintenance of their missionary, they have expended upwards of £30 upon their yet unfinished church, which, until fully completed, must necessarily cause a heavy drain upon their very limited resources. Your Committee have learned with sincere grief that it has pleased Almighty God to arrest the excellent and devoted mis- sionary of this parish in the midst of his active and zealous labours, by a most pn'^fnl visitation of severe illness, from which he has been suffering for many months past, and which has almost incapacitated him for active exertions, and consequently precludes him from that pastoral intercourse with his people which, under the Divine blessing, may be viewed as the mainspring of minis- terial success. But, notwithstanding this sad and grievous affliction, your Committee feel warranted in cherishing the belief that, amongst the people of his charge there exists an increase of vital godliness and of warm aflfection for our beloved Church. And they earnestly hope and pray that it may please the Great Head of the Church to restore their brother again to health and strength, and enable him to labour with increasing success in the vineyard of our Divine Master. Rice Lake. This Parochial Association presents nothing calling for special remark ; but the Committee have agreed to send to the Parent Society the sum of £2 10s. as their contribution for the past year. From this abstract of the Society's labours in the different missions comprising this District, it will be seen that the result, if not equal to what might reasonably be expected, is, on the whole, encouraging. But, when your Committee consider the admirable constitution of the Society, and the various excellent objects which it is intended to promote, they cannot avoid expressing their regret that a more decided and united elTort is not made on the part of both clergy and people to sustain and foster so valuable an insti- tution. And they feel persuaded that this backwardness of which G 60 REPORT. I I they complain does not arise from any opposition on the part of our people, but from the want of a better acquaintance with its organization and working ; and from the fact, that their duties in this respect are not sufficiently explained and forced upon their attention. Our people must be exhorted to lay aside all sectional differences, to avoid party spirit, strife and contention, and to give their hearty and zealous support to those Church Institutions which have for their aim an4 object the advancement of the Redeemer's Kingdom, by promoting the edification and salvation of the souls of men. We should feel deeply thankful, that in order to meet the press- ing necessities of our Church and to unite all our people in missionary enterprise, we have established among us such an institution as the Church Society. And various instances are mentioned in this report, where individual parishes or missions gladly avail themselves of the medium thus afforded them of promoting and sustaining Church objects of a purely local char- acter. For it is a most important feature of our excellent Society that, while it enables us to unite with the Church at large in promoting the general good of the whole, it also affords us the best means of carrying on in our respective missions the various objects which it was instituted to accomplish. And here your Committee would venture to suggest, that the Church Society affords to every Parish or Mission in which a branch is established a most valuable means of procuring a small endowment or Glebe, which might be gradually paid for, by allotting from year to year the three-fourths of all monies raised within the parish, together with whatever donations and subscrip- tions might be collected for that purpose. It should be well borne in mind that in all great undertakings much may be accomplished by regular combination and methodical management. And none should feel themselves excused from assisting in the extension and support of Church ministrations, when we consider the peculiar and trying position of our ecclesiastical affairs at the present time. That prosperity v/hich was intended for the sustenance and extension of true religion has been alienated and applied to secular uses. This circumstance, therefore throws upon us the responsi- bility of averting, as far as possible, the direful results which might otherwise ensue from this act of cruel injustice. To fulfil this duty, we must all bear our part, both in securing to ourselves, and extending to others, the ministrations or that branch of the Church Catholic to which we belong. To carry out this noble design, and to give additional efficacy to our contributions in aid of this great work, we feel persuaded that we cannot do better than employ the agency of the Church Society : its organization REPORT. 51 enabling it lo give utility to the smallest offering, and to accom- plish objects beyond the reach of individual effort. In the pre- sent exigency lukewarmness would be a disgrace^ and indifference a crime. Something more is required from us than mere profession, or the scanty offering doled out by worldly prudence ; and which is at once disproportionedto the magnitude of the object for which it is solicited and unworthy the cause to which it is to be ap- plied » Rather, as God has prospered us, so let us give ; and, as good stewards of his monifold gifts, let us be found faithful in the use and improvement of the talents committed to us. If we all do this, the cause of the Church will notlanguish ; the enemy willnot prevail against us ; the destitute will not want spiritual nourish- ment, nor the vineyard of the Lord faithful and devoted labourers, to collect the scattered and wandering sheep in the highways of the world, and to labour among them in the word and doctrine. VICTORIA DISTRICT BRANCH. Emily is the only parochial branch existing is this district. The congregation are engaged in building a parsonage house and in paying for iheir glebe, but they have notwithstanding contributed as usual to the Society. In the Parish of Peterboro*, and the Mission of Lakefield, the quarterly collections have been regularly made. , , MIDLAND DISTRICT BRANCH. The following parishes have reported the amount of their sub- scriptions and remitted their quota to the Parent Society: St. George's, Kingston ; St. Paul's, Kingston ; Bath, Adolphustown, Napanee, and Camden. , , . ., PRINCK EDWARD DISTRICT BRANCH. The Secretary of the Prince Edward District Branch of the Church Society respectfully submits to the Annual Meeting his accustomed report, and in doing so rejoices to note the signs of improvement which have been witnessed in the several parishes of the county during the past year. The Parochial Association of the St. Mary Magdalen Church, Picton, state that the objects of the association have been ad- vanced in the following manner — First, by the purchase of a new organ at an expense of more than £130 currency. — Secondly, by the gift of tho former organ, valued at from £20 to £25 to the con- gregation of St. Philip's Church, Milford ; and thirdly, by the purchase of a lot of land at an expense of £40 or £50, and by the erection of a shed thereon for the horses of the country attendants at the Parish Church, at a further outlay of £39. I I ^ \ i i .1^8 REFOBI. The Maryburgh Parochial Committee "have great pleasure in being able 19 report great progress in our onward march for the church's good. Under God's providence, we have been able to stir up an interest among the church inhabitants of the Parish of Milford, which promises to eventuate in a great public benefit to the parish. St. Philip's Church needed repairs and enlargement, the sum necessary being £200, and your Committee have the satisfaction of being able to report subscriptions in hand for this purpose to the amount of £100. "The Committee would also beg to direct attention to the fact that country parishes»need the fostering care of the District Branch of the Church Society to enable them successfully to maintain their churches and the public worship of Almighty God within their bounds. "The Parochial Committee of Christ's Church, Hillier, desire to express their gratitude to the Almighty Giver of every good and perfect gift, for the agricultural and commercial prosperity which its members, along with other inhabitants of the Province, have enjoj^ed. " The said Committee take great pleasure in reporting the erec- tion of a suitable and ecclesiastically correct building for the worship of God in Wellington — towards which many of our generous fellow-churchmen in various parts of western Canada have contributed, and that had it not been for the unprecedented severity of the weather, the said church would at this time be open for divine service — a result which they trust speedily to ac- complish. " A subscription for the building of sheds has been commenced, and it is believed that in the ensuing season they will be com- pleted. The Committee, in closing, have to express their regret that nothing has been done towards rendering the vestry-room of Christ Church, Hillier, more suitable as a robing-room for the clergyman : but trust that before the inclemencies of another wintry season are upon us something may in this way also be accomplished." The Clergyman recently appointed to Sophiasburgh reports the establishment of a Parochial Association, and that subscriptions to the amount of £3 153. O^d. were obtained and directed to be transmitted in full to the Parent Society. ^ . \ • BATHURBT DISTRICT BRANCH. .■i\ . ' '. Perth. It will be remembered that this association has, after a discon- tinuance of eleven years, been only now resuscitated. The obstacles which accordingly present themselves are not only I be i r / UEPOBT. 53 various, but the circumstances under which the association is now called into existence are most untoward. There is, in the first place, a pressing debt of £100, also a large deficiency in the voluntary portion of the clergyman's salary ; whilst •' the times'* are proverbially the hardest ever known in this section of the province. Feeling these difficulties, the Committee undertook their task of collecting more from a sense of duty than from any hopes of the least success ; they accordingly beg leave to rieport a beginning, and hope, if spared for another year, the cause of the Society may gain ground, and the number of contributors be increased : at present they report 64 contributors, and the amount ^1^ ios. 7|d. ; half of which they beg leave to transmit to the iV: of th^ Parent Society. Ottawa. A subscription list was presented, all of which had been col- lected, amounting to £64 6s. 7d. currency; the sum of £1 7s. 6d. of this being specially given for the Widows and Orphans' Fund, leaves £62 18s. Id. at the disposal ol the subscribers for parochial purposes, after one-fourth has been remitted to the Parent Society. The sum of £15 15s., being one-fourth of the collection, and £1 78. 6d., specially subscribed to the Widows and Orphans' Fund, was remitted to the secretary of the Parent Society. Resolved, That in consequence of the inclemency of the wea- ther, this meeting cannot, in justice to the absent subscribers, proceed with the disposition of that portion of the funds set apart for local purposes, but that a meeting be called for that object on Monday, the 16th instant. ' The following parochial branches have all reported amounts collected, and remitted to the Society: — Carleton Place, Ramsey, Ennisville, Franktown, Richmond, North Gower, and Ashton. The sums collected, in every instance, exceeded those of former years. • Pakenham and Fitzroy Harbor. It is now a little more than twelve months since the Secretary of the Parent Society visited the mission for the purpose of assist- ing the late incumbent in organizing a branch. Those who were present at the meeting then held and heard the character and ob- jects of the society explained at large by the Secretary, and the immense benefits clearly laid before them that must necessarily result to the church in those places where a branch is established and continued in operation, could not fail to be deeply impressed with the importance of the subje;ct, as well as with a sense of their own individual obligation to sustain so excellent a system by every means in their power. . That such an impression was the I 54 EEPORT. result of the Rev. gentleman's zealous appeal seems to have been very fairly evidenced in the amount contributed by the mission to this sacred cause. The object for which the Secretary of the Society undertook the great labour of visiting us was not accomplished when that meet- ing dissolved. It was intended to secure a permanent result — a lasting effect. He merely put a ball in motion, and then left us to preserve that motion. This intention we are now met to execute, for the intention of the Society is that the members of each Par- ochial Branch shall meet annually to receive a report of its past operations, and devise such wholesome measures as may most conduce to advance the interests of the society. The Church Society is not a body of which we hear much but see nothing ; but it is a body with which we are acquainted inti- mately. We ourselves here assembled constitute a true Church Society, though in subordination to the Parent Society — we are a branch. The Parent Society is the stem or trunk from which we spring and by which we are upheld. It permits us not only to retain the three-fourths of our contributions to it for our own local purp6ses, but also lends us its aid when we require it and its funds permit. During the past year we have much reason to be thankful for the liberal grant by the Society of £4 worth of books and tracts to us, although not of even twelve months' existence as a branch. These books are at present in circulation throughout every part of this extensive mission ; and I have been much gratified with the many assurances I have received of the pleasure with which they have been read, and of the great profit derived from them by the members of the Church. The Society has reason to be gratified with the response which this mission has made to its first appeal. I find on referring to its last annual report, that £36 5s. Od. has been raised for the Society, of which £10 5s. was forwarded to the Secretary, and the balance expended in the mission. With a portion of this sum, the church in Pakenham has been enclosed with a substantial fence, and serviceable additions made to the furniture of the interior; while Fitzroy Harbour has applied one portion of its share to the increase of the fund collected for the erection of a handsome stone church in that locality, and the other to the purchase of a Sunday School Library. These are visible, substantial, and permanent benefits, which we have already derived from a single colleciion. What future results may we not then anticipate from this Society when its objects being more fully known and appreciated by the mem- bers of the church amongst us, their contributions will increase, and grow more in proportion to these objects, and, it is to be hoped, to their own means ? With regard to the amount above stated as the contribution of this mission for the last year to the { I ' » "^ t y t ' 1 ♦ REPORT. 55 Society, it must be said that it was considerably swelled by the addition of the pew rents of the PaUenham Church. Members holding pewsJianded in as their subscriptions the amount of their year's rent. This was not strictly correct, because, in the first place, pew rents should be appropriated by the vestry; and secondly, it gives a false estimate of the strength of the society in the mission, which should rather be tested by the direct contributions of its members, than by the application of funds derived from other sources to swell its income. This mission is a most extensive one, and the members of the Church in it very numerous, numbering in the township of Fitzroy alone in the years 1852, 1,172. Taking these facts, in connection with their prosperous circumstances, it is not unreasonable to ex- pect a proportionate expenditure upon religious objects. It will, then, be interesting to know what has been done during the pre- ceding year. We will first give the figures, and then proceed to detail those projects in contemplation, and which are necessary for the more efficient ministrations of the church in the mission. The entire sura contributed by the mission during the year 1854 — that is, from the 31sl of December, 1854, to the 1st of January, 1855, — exclusive of the sala'ry of the incumbent and sundry sums subscribed towards the erection of the church in Fitzroy Harbor,, amount to £75 10s. Id. Of this sum, £13 15s. was contributed to defray the expenses of the delegates to attend the meeting of the Synod lately held in Toronto. As, however, this amount was not sufficient, the mission was represented in the person of the incumbent only, thus leaving the entire amount subscribed by Fitzroy Harbor, £4 6s. 3d., still on hand, to be applied to the same purpose whenever the Synod meets again, which, there is reason to suppose, will be some time during the ensuing summer. The offertory collections in the several stations stand thus : Fitzroy Harbour, £10 14 5^ St. Mark's, Pakenham, 7 5 2| Ninth Lino Church 3 5 9| The sums collected for the special objects of the Church Society are as follow : Fitzroy Harbom*, Mission Fund £ 14 10 W. and 0. Fund, 10 St. Mark's, Pakenham, Students' Fund, 14 10 W. and 0. Fund 16 8J The balance, £37 5s. Od., is composed of the Church Society Collection, of which, as was above observed, £10 5s. Od., was forwarded to the Parent Society, and the balance applied in the way already stated. From these figures let us now turn to a brief consideration of the state of the mission in regard to its requirements. The m. BEPORT. most obvious disadvantage it labors under is the want of Church accommodation. As respects one end, Filzroy Harbour, there is much reason to hope, owing mainly to. the persavering, well directed and energetic efforts of our Church Warden, W. P. Tavlor, Esq., and the zeal of the building committee associated with him, that the numerous and respectable congregation which now attends divine worship in the school house in that village will shortly be enabled to assemble in a more suitable building. It were much to be desired that we could congratulate the mission on the equally near prospect of a Church in the vicinity of the Fourth Line. It is now generally felt that the necessities of the mission require one somewhere in that locality, as it is the most thickly peopled by the members of the Church. The Pakenham Church is most inconveniently situated for the great majority. An united effort will be required to erect a building of a character that will reflect credit upon the religious sentiment of the mem- bers of the Church, and contrast more favorably with their own substantial stone houses, than that which now speaks to them so reprovingly from its unpainted interior as well as from its black and neglected wooden walls. The first difficulty usually felt in the erection of a Church is to secure an eligible site. This difficulty does not now exist with us, as Mr. Thomas McCormack has liberally offered to make a grant of one acre for this purpose, and to sell five acres adjoining, upon which to erect a Parsonage and for the purpose of a glebe. Mr. Robert Harris has, unasked, likewise expressed his intention to add one acre of well wooded land to the glebe from that end of his farm which adjoins Mr. McCormack's. No more suitable situation could be selected for both objects, and therefore it is to be hoped that these offers will be thankfully accepted. EASTERN DISTRICT BRANCH. The District Secretary, in forwarding this abstract of the several Parochial Reports, has the pleasure of stating that the contributions to the Church Society from this district exceed the amount reported last year by the large sum of £102 12s. 6d. It is the more grati- fying to call attention to this increased liberality to the Church Society, inasmuch as the Episcopal Fund and local wants have in several parishes been liberally responded to without infringing on the claims of the society. , ^ , Brockville. ^ ^ ;- The Parochial Committee report jE53 9s. lOd. as subscribed in this parish. Of this sum £2 10s. was specially given to the Parochial School Fund, and £2 10s. to travelling missionaries. Of the balance, one-fourth has been remitted to the Parent Society, as well as the rector's subscription. REPORT. 5T The offertory collections for the society for the past year amounted to £67 7s. 8d., including £'^\ 12s. 6d. collected on Thanksgiving day, and appropriat j) Rector to the W. c '' '~>. Fund. The total sum thus contributed the Society being 'ii!5 17s. 6d — exceeding that of the past year by £38 2s. li^d. It is a subject for congratulation and a motive for increased encouragement thus to record an increase in aid given to the Church Society, inasmuch as the local expenditure in this parish for the past year exceeded .£700, exclusive of £600 subscribed to the Episcopal Fund. It may not be out of place to mention that the thanks of the vestry were gratefully tendered to the children of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Ford, for the presentation of a handsome triplet win- dow of stained glass for the chancel of St. Peter's Church, as an appropriate memorial of filial affection, and a grateful offering to the church of Christ. Thanks were also unanimously voted to Mrs. Sidney Jones, for the munificent Easter offering of [£100 to the Parochial School Fund. Prescott. The subscriptions made in the united branches of Prescott and Maitland amounted to £32 8s. 2d. — one fourth of which has been transmited to the Parent Society. The offertory collections for the Society amounting to £38 10s., as also the Rector's subscription, and £7 contributed for synodal purposes, have also been remitted. Cornwall. The Committee of the Cornwall and Moulinette Branch report that, owing to the death or removal of thirteen subscribers, there is a trifling falling off in the list of subscriptions. Among those whom Providence has removed by the hand of death, we have to regret the loss of one, an estimable lady who for 12 years had been a subscriber of £3 per annum, and a member moreover of a family most conspicuous for liberal contributions to the charity of the parish. Another cause of diminution may probably be traced to the fact that greaj^ exertions were made for the Episcopal Fund, nearly £400 having been subscribed, and £52 of this sum paid into the hands of the Treasurer. Financial Statement, Subscriptions £34 Donation of Fees by Rector 18 1^ Parochial School Missionary Box 10 9 Proceeds of four Annual Sermons 19 7 9 Total £56 6 7} It may bo added that £30 was expended on the church-yard, fence and shingling the parsonage, objects embraced in the con* 68 BEPQRT, stitution of the Society. May God's blessing rest upon the Society and all contributing to its funds. Merrickville. The Missionary at Merrickville reports £9 3s. 9d. as subscrib- ed, the whole of which has been forwarded to the Parent Society. Theofferlory collections for the Society amounted to £5 Os. 9d. Total £14 4s. 6d. Elizabethtown and North Augusta. The Rector reports £10 2s. 6d. as subscribed in New Dublin, and £7 17s. 6d. in Augusta, one fourth of which, together with the Rector's subscription, has been sent to Toronto. The quarterly collections for the Society are— New Dublin, £4 4!<. 6d.; Au- gusta, £4 Is. lid. Total contributions to the Church Society, £26 6s. 5d. The Rector adds, " a few trifling repairs were made upon the church at New Dublin, but the congregation at North Augusta have very creditably drained and enclosed with a good and sub- stantial fence their church-yard, at an expense of £21 6s. 7^d., which has been paid. Elizabethtown has also subscribed £24 15s. to the Episcopal Fund, and Augusta £46." Hawkesbury. This Branch has raised £19 3s. 4d. for the Society's objects, including the Incumbent's subscription, and that of John Hamilton, Esq., an incorporated member. The quarterly collections made at Hawkesbury and Vankleek Hill were £7 14s. 4d. The Incumbent reports that £110 has been contributed towards his stipend, of which sum £50 is subscribed by the Messrs Hamilton, who also provide a residence for him. These gentlemen have also offered £30 towards the completion of a spire for the church, when a similar amount shall have been raised by the congregation. A lady at Vankleek Hill has obtained subscriptions of £25 towards procuring a bell for for St. John's Church, and by the aid of funds raised in Kingston and Brockville, together with £12 10$. from the Church Society, it is hoped that this church will soon be completed, the congregation having subscribed towards reducing the debt £12 2s. Id. This mission has succeeded in procuring subscriptions to the amount of ''150 to the Episcopal Fund. KemptviUe. The Incumbent reports as follows : Subscriptions to the Church Society. KemptviUe ......' £15 6 lOJ Burritt's Rapids 8 3 7| . Quarterly Collections 6 5 Total £28 15 6 1 REPORT. 69 r £73 15s. has been subscribed in the parish to the Episcopal Fund. The mi£!sioi:ary at Mountain reports £6 3s. 9d. as collected for the different purposes of the Society ; and the Rector of Williams- burg £6 15s., the proceeds of the quarterly collections. The Rev. Mr. Tremayne reports offertory collections amounting to £2 2s. Id., while £37 10s. has been raised towards finishing St. John's Church, New Boyne, and £40 at the several stations in his mission towards his stipend. From the above Report the Secretary draws the pleasing in- ference that the Church is becoming more and more alive to her duties and responsibilities, while the increasing liberality of her members forbids us to doubt but that, notwithstanding the tyranny and spoliation to which she has been subjected, she will become more and more an instrument of good, more self-sustaining and blessed in her exertions. As a summary of the above Parochial Reports, we find that this district has in subscriptions and offertory collections contributed to the Church Society for the present year £362 2 2^ To this, add sums subscribed for local purpoi:,es, and which do not include the full expenditure in all the parishes 2,419 9 10 , *i i i, 5 '• -J, • I ' ■ . 1 ; ■ ' 1^ \ RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT TPIE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING, Jiild at Toronto, on Wedimday, June Qlh, 1855. The IIonorablg and Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Toronto in the Chair. Moved by G. W. Allan, Esq., seconded by Rev. Arthur Palmer : Resolved, — That this Society adopt the Report, and desires thus publicly to acknowledge its gratitude to the Almighty Disposer of all things for any measure of success which has attended the operations of this Society, and more especially that he has been E leased to preserve to the Canadian Church, out of the wreck of er property, a small endowment to assist her in diffusing and perpetuating the blessings of true religion in this extensive Diocese. Moved by J. W. Gamble, Esq., M. P. P., seconded by J. H. Hagarty, Esq., Q. C. : Resolved, — That this Society, considering the g'eatly increased prosperity of the country, and the urgent necessity for prompt exertion consequent upon the imperfect provision y,et made for the maintenance of even the present Ministry of the Church, calls upon Churchmen seriously to consider their responsibility, that as the Commutation Fund has been formed by the spontaneous action of the clergy, so the laity should do their part in the good w ork of endowment, by, with equal zeal, creating and maintain- ing a Sustcntation Fund. Moved by P. M. Vankoughnet, Esq., Q. C, seconded by Ab- salom Shade, Esq. : Resolved, — That the thanks of this Society are warmly tendered to the Clergy of the Diocese, for their readiness in commuting their individual claims for the benefit of the Church — to all those who have in any way during the past year furthere'd the Church's interests ; and more especially to those who, in our Legislative Assembly, have maintained her rights. Moved by Rev. E. L. Elwood, seconded by J. W. O. Clarke, Esq., Resolved, — That the earnest sympathies of this Society are with the sister societies of Quebec, Montreal, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the venerable Societies for promoting Christian _r REPORT. !■, Knowledge and for the Propogalion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and that ue lool< with the same interest upon tlieir efforts in the service of our common Lord and Master as we cordially believe they ff'el towards us. Moved by the Hon. G. S. Boulton, seconded by Rev. B. Crony n :• Resolved, — That an address be presented to his Excellency the Governor General congratulating his Excellency upon his assumption of the Govcnment of this Province, and requesting his Excellency to be pleased to become the patron of this Society. The hon. mover then read the following address, which was adopted : ADDRESS. " To His Excellency Sir Edmund Head^ Bart. "The Bishop, Clergy, and Laity of the Church Society of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto, take the opportunity afforded by their first annual meeting since your Excellency's assumption of the government of this Province, to approach your Excellency with the expression of their undi- minished loyalty to the Crown, of their personal respect to yourself, and their confidence in the wisdom which has guided Her Most gracious Majesty in the selection of your Excellency to fill the high and responsible office which you now occupy. " Although the course of legislation latterly pursued by the Im- perial Parliament in reference to this portion of the Colonial Church, has not in its character been so favourable to what we deem our just rights and interests as we might reasonably have expected, nevertheless we assure your Excellency that our principles of loyalty to our beloved Queen and of attachment to the Mother Country have not been in any degree shaken, nor have we been led thereby to entertain with the slightest favor any prospect, however remote, of severing the ties which bind this Province in affection and in duly to the magnificent empire of which it is so favoured a portion. "We would also assure your Excellency, that in whatever steps we have taken or may yet take to obtain and secure for the Church that amount of local ;2clf-government and internal self- regulation necessary for her well-being, we have not been actuated nor will we permit ourselves to be actuated by dny desire to separate ourselves from the Mother Church of England and Ire- land, which has indeed been a nursing mother to us, and to which we feel ourselves united by the bonds of a hallowed com- munion, which neither time nor distance should be allowed lo obliterate. "While we acquiesce with a spirit of Christian submission to the disposition which the Provincial Legislature has made of the KEPORT. 63 endowments of the Church, acknowledging that at least your Excellency's Government is relieved of an embarrassing question which has been made, however needlessly, to assume a difRcult and disturbing aspect, we, at the same time, look forward witrt confidence to receiving at your Excellency's hanc sthat protection in our guaranteed rights and that immunity from further op-ires- sion, to which every subject of Her Majesty is entitled. "The course of events has precluded the United Church of England and Ireland in this Province from asserting or exticising any claims or privileges as an established church, with anv especial preference or precedence; but no course of events ca.i destroy her claims to a perfect equality in all respects wi ' every or any other religious body in this Province ; those rightf we shall ever assert, but without ^)rejudice to the rights or liberties, civil or religious, of any other denomination of Christians. In the pre- servation of those rights we look to your Excellency as to one to whom the interests of all classes of her Majesty's subjects here, and the maintenance of the great principles of justice inherent in Jlhe British Constitution, have been safely entrusted. "We express our hope that your Excellency, by becoming our patron, will continue to the Church Society of this Diocese that countenance which it has invariably received from your prede- cessors ; and while, in looking forward to the future, we cannot but participate in the anxiety with which '^e present war has overcast the minds of all reflecting person^; . e will ever pray that the Sovereign Ruler of all earthly events may so guide all the acts and councils of your Excellency end your advisers that your Excellency's Administration may lung be distinguished by the progress of true religion amongst us — by the growth of ou^^ Provincial prosperity, and by the stability of every institution conducive to the welfare and happiness of our community." About half-past ten o'clock, His Lordship concluded the pro- ceedings with prayer. ■:i i f ' ^^f'%'i''yS^,'- 'F'.'.' if"; '■■■i .»;-<'- *::;/:;■;'" 'i li APPENDIX. <— T-l i-HiHrHrHr-ti-l ^ 1^ o t^ w '!f (M ^ ^-i ••: ^ ~r — - — . ■» O iM 1-1 (M 00 (M ;-( O -H -1< 00 oo 00 CO I OO H 02 OS .sa §1 tn g o ei S t< fM O cs a CD o H -a 3 9 o " S3 ;2 tn . o § s CO o T-l 00 o es a) 2 -^ a •So" ^ o a O S 03 a a o s s s s. >» » a 2 « s !,•« O ft O " « «o t— CO c,g I-H on 5^ ^(3 '-'3 ra ■B5 fttfJrHOi-HOMOOOeOOiMOI^OOO© I-H 03 .•? O O M O i—t T-t I— I T— I tH r^ • •^'H»C5C5l^rHe'S!H©w51t* -O I- C-4 r-l IS C-l es IM r-4 CO lO eO rH CI -^ - 4> .s "S a o s OB a 9 oi -OH09': i « • INVESTED FUNDS. WIDOWS AND orphans' FUND. 146 shares stock Bank of Upper Canada £1794 13 9 6 do. Commercial Bank 153 3 3 British American Insurance stock 123 15 H. Rowsell's bond 490 2 1 Loan Monvers' Parsonage 88 Do. Elora do 100 Bond, Dr. Hunter— balance 150 Amount assumed by H. Bowsell on account of Diocesan Press — balance 141 10 Rev. J. W. E. Morris, balance 12 10 Loan Clarke Parsonage 50 Amount paid upon account of lands 284 6 6 Debentures Grand Trunk Telegraph 1220 Do. County Middlesex 581 5 Loan to Rev. M. Green 100 Do. Jubilee Fund 384 Bequest by Dr. Burnside 750 6423 5 . 7 Add amt. paid dosing instalments Toronto Building Soc. 60 11 3 6483 16 10 MISSION FUND. Britisli American Insurance stor^k 437 10 3 shares Bank of Upper Canada stock 37 10 Loan Parsonage, Warwick 100 1 share Diocesan Press 5 Bequest by Dr. Burnside 1000 1580 GENERAL PURPOSE FUND. Balance amount assumed by H. Rowsell on account of Diocesan Press... 200 KENT TESTIMONIAL FUND. 14 shares Bank of Upper Canada stock 175 3 do. British American Insurance Company stock ... 14 17 -& 189 17 CORNWALL PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. 7 Bhores stock Commercial Bank 175 ■-.m ArPENDIX. SUMMARY OF SUNDRY ACCOUNTS FOR THE XIII. YEAR. Dr. 1855. £ s. April 30. — To paid ou this account during the year ending this date— Cash 676 2 Office expense account 615 11 To balance to next account 379 14 GENERAL PURPOSES. 7 £1671 8 9]4 Cr. 1855. £ s. D. April 30.— By balance to credit from last year 322 16 6}^ Received on tills account during the year 1344 12 3 JE1671 8 914 WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' RELIEF FUND. lSo5. £ s. D. I 1S55. April 30.— To puid on this account £ s. D. AprilSO.- Bybolancolnstaccount ... »o3 11 8'^ during year to dato 2565 17 3 ! Received on this account To balance to next account 952 2 4i^ during the year 2564 7 11 43517 19 7>^ ; £3517 19 7Vj 1856. MISSIONARY FOND. £ S. B. AprilSO— To paid on this account during year to date 376 H 9 To balance to credit 325 5 i\^ £701 14 ly. 1865. £ fi. s. April 30— By balance from last year's account 431 7 11^ By receipts on this account 270 6 2 £701 14 1 «4 I 1 BISHOI'S STUDENTS' FUND. 1865. C s. April 30— To paid on this account during year to this date ... 404 10 I 1S55. £ 8. D. I April 30— By balance Inst account ... 36 12 4^ I lly receipts on this account 213 6 7 By balance to next account 163 12 Oi^ £404 10 9 I £403 11 KENT TESTIMONIAL. H. 1865. £ AprilSO— To paid on this account during year up to this dato 33 £33 1855. £ s. D. April 30— By receipts on tliis accou t 29 15 1 By balance 3 4 11 £33 DEPOSITORY. 1855. £ 3. I) April 30— To payments on this ac- count 14o 19 3 Balance to next account trans- ferred to General Purposes 332 1 £478 19 4 1855. ^ £ H. D, April 30— By balance from last year 450 5 4 Received on this account during the year 10 14 £478 19 4 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, TORONTO, FOR PARSONAGE. 1855. £ 8- »• I 1855. * 8 l». April 30— Balance to next account ... 74 llJi April 30— By balance from last year 43 14 SJ^ > Received on this account... 80 6 3 £ 74 11'^ £74 11^ 68 APPENDIX. CORNWALL PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. 1865. * »• »• April 80— To amottnt paid on account 2S 2 6 1866. By balance from last year ReeelTcd on thii account... £20 2 £ s. D. 4 17 OU 21 5 £26 2 01 4 L fc= CATHEDRAL ESTABLISHMENT. 1866. * 8- »• April 80— To balanco to next account 13 6 9 1855. £ ». D. April 30— By balance from last year 9 10 9 Receired on this account during the year 3 15 £13 5 9 1 £13 5 9 186S. April 30— To payment per Widows' and Orphans' Inveetment fund-. 384 JUBILEE FUND. £ 8. 1855. £ s. D. April 30— By old balance 383 19 S]4 By balance up to date 3i^ £384 £384 ! 1856. £ 8. April 30— To cash paid on this ac- count for the year to date 615 11 8 OFnCE EXPENSE ACCOUNT, £616 11 8 1855. £ B. D. April 30— By transferred to General Purpose Fnnd 615 11 8 £616 11 8 :i ] "m 2 OK 6 9 B. I APPENDIX. W -« kW i-iN «.W -,« KA f-H »>H "H ciincocooe»ifiot>'0 oo JOOT00Q0COC0CO'-iC»J> t' «*i? c» in -f< m T-i ^ rH rt 69 o ^ CO ;o o ift M ;o 00 O O »H CO O 1-H ■* CI Tfl -3 c o o Eh / .S c =••3 -3 c s c S u c o -3 c OO rh !^ o H c o p o -3 -3 C s e '55 o o -3 O 3 3 "« s o i:3 a ' S § W :^as -3 H n ^. c cs o 'S CS o '^ cs ,." 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S a o 5 b 5 ?- -f. be 4> » lO 5^ gpii^ >«nC5GQ OS I I I ir MEMBERS THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY I or THE DIOCESE OP TORONTO. Allan, O. W. Anderson, Captain Anderson, Robert Arnold, John, V. P. Askin, J. n., V. P. Bnldwin, lion. Robert Baldwin, W. A. Bethunc, Van. A. N., V. P. Blako, Rev. D. K., A. SI. Boultoa, lion. II.. 1.. V. P. Boulton, Hon. Q. S., T. P. Boulton, Mrs. Bouslield, Rev. T. Cameron, Hon. ,7. 11., V. P. Cameron, Dugald Cayley, Hon. W. Cliewett, J. O. Clarice, .Jas. W. 0. Crawford, George, V, P. Crookshanks, Hon. Q., V. P. LIFE MEMBERS. UlS EXCELLGNCT LORD ELQIN. Donro;^ho, Rev. E., A. M.; DenrocUe. Mrs. Deui.v. Dr.G. H., V.P. Ljwis, (lev. R. Macaulay, Hon. Thos. Maeaulay, Hon. J., V. P. \ Macaulay, Mrs. (Elmsle/ Villa) I Macaulay, Rev. W. I Mcl/eod, Capt. I Merwin, J. S., V.'P. I Slurney, Edmund , M' Mullen, R. C. O'Brien, E. G. ' Palmer, N. j Riddell, Lieut. R. A. ; RobinAon, Hon. Sir J. B., Chief i Justice, V. P. Ruttan; Mr. Sheriff, V. P. [ Scadding, Rev. H., D.D. ! Seagar. Edmund i aprngj,'-. .'. 0., Vice-Chanc»llor, < V.P. lStratfor..,S. J.. M. D. j Toronto I,ord Bi.<)Uop of INCORPORATED MEMBERS. Ardagh, Rev. S. B., A. M, Rurnham, A. A. Aske.v>, T. Burritt, H. Atkinson, Re.v, A. F. Baldwin, Rev. E. Alexander, Rev. J. L. Bock, Rev. J. W. Allen, Rev. T. W. Blackman. Rev. J. Anderson, Rev. 0. A. Bleasdell, Rev. W., A.M Adams, P. £ Boucher, H. P. Armstrong, Rev. J. A. Boyd, F. Armour. Robert Brown, W. M. Bikfr,n. C. Bacon, W. V. BarlUlt, Rev. T. JS., M. A. Baldwin, Admiral Barron, F. W. Belt, Rev. W. Baj/lc.i/, BenJ. Bull, Rev O.A. Beckett. Joseph Roulton, 11. J., Jr. Batcher, C. R. Bower, Jos. Betlev, M. Butler, Rev. J. Bf.avr.n, Rev. J., D. D., V, P. Bower, Rev. E. C. Betlridge, Reo. W. Brown, Rev. E. BCrchall, T. W. Burnham, Rev. M. Slahey, Rf.v. R. Burns, Hon Judge Boomer, Rev U. Bovoll, J.os . M. D. Boswell, a M., Judg* Chesley Solomon Boswett, J. V. Covert, HeU' y Boswell. Rev. E. Campbell, Meyor Bottom, W H. Clarke, Dr. Boulton, D. E. Corbctt, Sheriff Boulton, Jama Cnrngal. W. Bo!,le. Andrew CraiJfntd,Jolm Brant, Rev. I£. Creen, Rev. Thos. Brent, J. W. Cronyn, Rev, S , A. M. Brent, C. Cummings, Jam'.t Brooke, I,. P. Cameron, Allen Brotigh, Rev. C. C, A. M. Cameron, J. D. Brown, Edward Coidson, A. H. Burnlium, Hon. Z., K P. i, r Cooper, Rw. IT. C, B.A. Cooper, Robert Crawford, Dalrymple Campbell, Rev. R. F. Carroll, R«v. J. Caultleld, Rev. St. Geo. Clarke, Rot. J. A. Clarke, Rev. \V. 0. Oox. Rev. R. G. Cnmpbell, Rev. T. S. Burling, Rev. W. S. Deacon. II. Deedes, E Dieli'., Dr. Deedri, Robert Dewar, Rev. E tf ,M. A. Diclunson, Dr. Dixon, Rtv. A., B. A. Dixon, T. C. Donalds.in, C. Duggan, George Dnrtnell, E. T. Dickson, W. 11. DeBla(iuiere, Hon. P B., Y. P. DoBlaquiere, H. DuRgan, John Dewson, Dr. David, ;, Thomas Read, Rev. T. B. Ridout, G. P. Ridout, T. G. Robinson, J. L. Robinson, Hon. IK B. Robison, Dr. Rogers, Rev. R. V. . Ross, C. S Roxvsell, Henry Ranncy.JohnL. Ramsey, Rev. S. F., M, A. Robarts, T. P. Ruttan, Rev. Clmrles Rutherford, E. II. Rykert, Oeorgo Ritchie, Kev. W. Rcvell, Rev. H. Robarts, Rev. T. Rolph, Rev. K. RothwelJ, Rov. J, Salmon, Rev. George Sanson, Rev. Alex, Scobel, R. Sherwood, Honble. H , V. P. Shortt, T. S. Short, Rev J. Simpson, Joipt SmuU, C. Smilli, //., M.P.r. Spragge, IK Stanton, Robert Slinson, Thomas Strachan, J. M. Strachan, Alex. Street, R. P. Street, IK. IK Slreet, T. C, V. P. Steele, R. Stuatf, Ven. O. O. K., V. P, Salter, Rez. J. G., B. A. Shanklin, Rev. R. Shirley, Rev. Paul Stonuett,Rev. W.M.A. Stimson, Rev. E. R. Sootberan, George Spratt, Robert Sandys, Rev. F. Smy\he, Rev. J. Smithurst, Rev. John Stephenson, Rev. R. L. Stewart, Kev, E. M. Strong, Rev. S. 8., D. D. Shade, Absalom, V. P. Thompson, S. Tiffany, G S. Ttwnley, Rev. A. Talfourd, Oeorgo Twohy, 11. G. Tooke, l;nv. J. R. Tremayne, sen., Rev. F. Tremayne, Jun., Rov. P. l/kher. Rev. J. O, Vinkouglitiet, Hon. V. P. V,mkouiihaft, P. M. Vankuughnet, M. R. Vidal, Alex. Adm., K. P. Vnnlinge, Rov. J. Vidal, N.. Esq. hfikcjield, W Watkins, Jnhn IVebster, Joseph Weitmacott, \V M. irickstet,J IK mikins, Hon. R. G. V. P. Wilson, Rev. J. Willon.i. Wxid, G. C. Wyalt. Hen y WUltaker, Rov. Provost, M, A. Williams, Jos. M'orell, Bev. J. «. SPECIAL DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. XIII. YEAK. i WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' FUND. 1854. £, s. d. A Widow, Sydeuhani, Credit 10 Allen, Ilev. T. W 1 5 Armstront,', Uov. F. 15 Baker, W. G., Esfl 1 5 1)0 iisfiold,ReT.T. (Life member) subscrip. 12 10 Beaven, Kov. Dr .'. 2 10 Brough, Rev. C. 15 Boswell, Rev. K. .T 1 5 Butler, Rev. K I'or anonymous parties 2 10 Butler, Mrs 5 Blakely, Rev. Robert 15 Blackman, Rev. J. M. W 15 Beck, Rev. John 15 Brent, Uov. II 16 Blake, Rev. D. E 15 Browne, Rev. C 15 Cronyn, Rev. Benjamin 15 Clarke, Rev. William 15 Caulfleld, Rev. St. George 15 Clarke, Rev. J. S 15 DfcBlaquiere, Ilon.P. B 5 Dobbs, Rev. F. AV" 1 5 Deni'oehre, Rev. E 15 Elwood, Rev. E. J 15 Fletcher, Rev. J 15 Flood, Rev. J 15 Gunne, Ilev. John, Life subscription ... 12 10 aroves, Rev. J. S 15 GatTctt, Rev. R 15 Oaviller, Alexander, Esq 5 Godfrey, Rev. .Tames 15 Grcig, Rev. W 15 Itallen, Rev. G 1 5 Hardin?, Rev. R 15 Uayward, Rev. Henry 15 Hilton, Rev. J 15 Holland, Rev. il 2 JO Harper, Rev. W. F. S 16 Hill, Rev. A 15 mil, Rot 15 18.54. Harris, Rev. James Irving, Rev. O. C, M.A Jamieson, Rev. Andrew .Tohnson, Rev. C. C Kennady, Rev. John Kennedy, Mrs., Bath, England liccch. Rev. Thomas Lewis, Rev. J. Travers Lewis, Rev. R Lauder, Rev. J. S Lampman, Rev. A Langtrey, Rev. J Marsh, Lewis R., Esq Jlarsh, Rev. J. W Marsh, Mrs Marsh, Miss Mack, Rev. J Macnab, Rev. Dr Missionary's Wife, per Rev. N. Watkius Muloch, Rev. J. A Mulholland, Rev. A. H. E Osier, Rev. II. B Osler,fRev. F. L TarUe, Mrs., ditto Rogers, '(ev. R. V Ramsay, K.iv. Septimus Ritchie, Rev. William Sacramental offering of the Congregation at Oak Ridges Sandys, Rev. F. W Shcwman, Mr. B Shirley, Rev. Paul Smyth, Rev. J Stephenson, Rev. B. L Thank offering, Easter Sunday, at Holy Trinity Church, Toronto, per J. W. Brent, Esq Whitaker, Provost Wilson, Rev. J Worrell, Rev. J. B s. d. 5 5 6 4 2 e loo 2 10 15 16 GENERAL PURPOSES' FUND. Baker, G. W., Esq 15 Baxter, J., Esq , Quartermaster R.C.R.C. 10 Bottom.W. IL, Esq 15 Bower, J, Esq 16 Brent, J. W., Esq 15 Campbell, C. J., Esq 15 Corneil, Mr. Charles 5 De Blaquiore, Henry, Esq 15 Dixon, Alexander, Esq 15 Oeddes, W. A., Esq 15 Oooderham, W., Esq 15 Hamilton, George, Esq 16 Hamilton, J., Esq 16 Mortimer, Mrs , Thomhill 2 10 Mortimer, H., Esq 2 10 Robinson, Sir John Beverley 12 10 Saunders, Thomas, Esq 10 Wilson, Lieutenant, R C R.C 5 Wostmacott, John, Esq 1 5 o Wilkins, B. A., Esq 16 Williams, J. B. Esq., 16 MISSION FUND. Marsh, U'W.'s R., Esq «6 f.1 I r ?T ^ g ,i 1 g»: r ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS TO IHI CHURCH SOCIETY, DIOCESE OF TORONTO. HOME AND SIMCOB DISTRICTS. CITY OF TOBONTO. iSS!. JiiMM' Birochial Branch. The Lord Biihop of the Dioceso £5 The Rector of St. James Church 2 10 G.W. Allan. E(iq..Mayor 2 10 ChiefJurtice Maraulay 2 10 Andrew Mercer Esq 2 10 .T.H.HagartyEsq.Q.C. 2 10 John Crawford Esq 2 10 Kon'ble.JamosGoraon 2 10 Hon. Geo. Crookibank 2 10 Hon. Judge Draper C.n. 16 Hey. B. Ualdwin, M. A. 1 10 Mrs Johns. Baldwin... 1 6 T. D. Harris, Esq 16 Henry Thompson 16 F. W. Jarvid 1 .') Jaines 8. Howard 15 GeorneDa|jgi..i(Rec'dcr) 15 Charles Magrath Esq... 15 Matthew Betley 15 James McCutchon 15 LarrattW. Smith 15 O. Boyd, Esq 15 W.L.Perrin 16 John Harrington 16 E.C.Jones 1 8 H.S. Bennett 1 5 Wm.Froudfoot 15 E. H. Rutherford 15 A Friend. G. T. D 10 D. L. McPherson 1 5 Col. C. Muter 15 Uev. Dr. McCaul 15 MiJS Powol 15 F.Cumberland 15 Duncan Macdonoll 15 Fruderick Widder 15 Hon. K. Baldwin, C, B. 1 5 John Hector 15 A.Brunei 10 Alex. Dixon 15 0. Stuart .Murray, Esq. 10 Mrs. Heward 10 RicoLewis _ lo W. Harris 10 E.Cooper 10 ThomaaGalt 15 Augustus Nanton 10 C. S. Gzo\YSki 1 6 S. C. Collans 10 Di-.Bad,?loy 10 0. Perkins 16 Alra. V t 1 ■ « P. Patv-.pon. :i iu Uoo .?.. .;.P-u.ton... . t J .^ i\ iV)>S'? , , N i> A.Paf.'i-'K.^ ■: » Q Mrs. !i. Sprcat 10 0. .'lion >r JMrl!" 10 The Hon. Sir John B. Robinson, Bart £2 10 James L Robinson Esq. 2 10 H. Mortimer 2 10 Mrs. Marsh 10 Miss Marsh 6 5;. Georgei' Church. Names thus marked (♦) are Subscribers also to the Building Society Stock to redeem the debt oil tho Church. ♦Arnold, John 2 10 Aldwell.J.C 1 A Man 10 Barnes, T 1 5 Brough. Seeker 1 5 Burns, Mr. Justice 1 6 *BovolI,Dr 1 6 Barber, G. A. Junr 1 6 Burn8,David 0>10 Boulton. W. SomurvlUo 1 Bright, Wm 1 •Cameron, J. H 2 10 Cameron, Mrs. J. H 2 10 Cameron, Alan 1 5 Cameron, R. Swlby I 5 Crookshank.HonGeo.. 1 5 Coulson, A, H 1 5 Cayley, Mrs.W 1 5 Campbell, W. A Dalton, R. G Denison. Robt.B.... Evans, Geo'ge Henning.A Good, 8 Givens, Miss Gray, Christopher. Gray, .Tohn *Harniuii, J. B Heath, Mr Harrison. Richard. Hodder, Mrs Hawkins, Mrs Lett.Rev.Dr Lindsay John Mercer, A Miller, R. B Munro, George Murray Mrs Moffatt, James 10 McDonald, James 10 Perkins F 1 5 Pettit,Wm 5 Robinson, J. Lukin 1 5 ^in»on,.I.B 1 6 ; ■ u.ion, Christopher. 1 5 f. ,D. B 10 Hijwwjll, Henry 1 5 Robart8,T. P 2 5 Reeves, Arthur 5 Reeves William 8 ShortesB, Thomas 1 i 10 1 ■i 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 2 10 15 10 10 10 2 10 5 10 1 I 10 Spiaggo,VieeChanceUor£l S Spragge,Mr8 10 Stanton, Robert U 15 Small, Rev. J 16 Sproat, Mrs 6 Tulloch, Col 2 TuUey, Klvas 16 Tate, George 2 10 Thompson, J 10 Villiers,T 5 Vankoughnet Mr. M.... 16 Widder, F 2 10 Wilson, A 16 WilUiams, Miss 6 Church of the Holy Trinity. Adams, Jas 10 Alexander, Eobt. and Daughter 7 6 Anonymous 2 6 " 2 8 « 10 " 6 3 Brown, J 10 Rrcnt, J. W 10 Barnett, Mrs 6 Bird. Mrs. Jo 6 Bannister, F 6 Brett, .Tas 6 Brine, P. C 10 Buckland.Geo 10 Cunningham, Helen.... 5 Coate, F. W 15 Camerov, Arehd 10 Charles, Henry 6 Crawford, D 15 Catto, John 10 David, Mrs 5 Darling, W. S. Rev I » Devlin, Arthur 10 Doyle, Catharine 10 Edgar, Jai 5 Fox, Wm 5 Gale, Mrs and fumily... 15 Gold, Quivrter Eagle... 12 « Hin(\. Helen 2 6 UvA^on, Ed 10 Hay, VViUiam 10 Hill, Thomas 5 Inco.Mrs 10 Ince, William 16 Lock wood. Amelia 2 Mitchell, Wm 10 Munday, Mr. aud Mrs. (University) 10 Munday, W. .lunr 2 Maddisou.J. L 10 Moore. Mr. A Mrs 10 McKnight 2 6 \elson, John 15 (VBiiuii. K. 16 Peggan 2 Parr, Jane 6 * i I 86 APPENDIX. i t Parr, Ilpiiry 6 Powell, Illchard 5 PowellJohn 1 3 PowBll, Klchard 13 Keed, Ilunry 5 Ilcfd, Arthur 6 Ramlolpl), Honry S Scadding, Kev. 11 16 Smith. Mro 6 Scaddlng,C. and family 1 Hcott,M 2 6 Scott, M. Mm 2 6 Seal, Honry Charles 13 SIiaw,Mrii 2 Thomas, C.J 5 Townley, A.B 5 " Mrs 2 6 « Thog 5 " Miss 6 Westmacott Wm. M.... 15 Widow's Mite 2 6 Wheoler. Mrs 1 Weed, Wm 16 Walker, T 6 3 Young, J. W 7 6 St. IhuVs ParocJiial Branch James Brown 2 10 ThomafiFord 5 James Denham 2 F. Thoinpgon 2 6 Catherine Hawk 2 6 Fredurtck Dunster 2 6 John Lyon 10 Professor Chapman 10 J. O. Brown 10 AFriend 10 Mrs. Bartlott.... 10 John Lea 10 Wm. Conlan 1 3 George Lewes 5 Thomas Somera U 2 6 George W. Allan 2 10 James Henderson 2 10 William Tclfitr 10 Mrs. S. P. Jaryis... 10 W. V Bacon 16 Capt. Twohy 2 J.Evans 10 John Kerney 5 Dr. Clark 2 10 Admiral Baldwin 1 10 William Lea 10 Alexr. Murray 10 Mr.Carruthers 10 Alexr. Rennie 15 Peter Hutty 10 a. W. Sootheran 10 Mr. Patrick 3 Miss Patrick 2 6 Walter Mackenzie 15 R.A.Parker 10 o Mr. Howard 10 Rev. Mr. Schreiber 10 W. 0. Whitney 10 F.A.Whitney 10 T.J. Preston 16 Professor Croft ... 100 Mr. Barrett lu Mr. Bnrwick 5 Mr. Hill 10 Mr. Beard 10 Mr.Ince 10 Mr. Hirsohfelder 5 ETOBICOKB. (Collected br Mrs. Gamble.) Gamble, Mrs. W 10 Gamble, Mr. W 10 Gamble, Miss 10 Brenchley,Mr 18 1^ Hilman,Mrs 2 Howard, Mrs 7 J. Hurst. M' 13 Jae, Wm 13 Merton, Wm 13 Morton, Mrs 13 Fee,W 2 Fee, K 1 3 Stinson. R 1 3 Stinson.Mrs 13 Thorburn, .Mrs 13 Montgomery, J 1 3 Montgomery, Mrs 1 3 Tuesbury, W 2 6 Buolgrove,R 13 (Collected by Mrs. G. Thompson.) Thompson, Mrs. G 10 Scarlett. S 10 Fi»her,T 10 Fisher, Miss 6 Howland, F 6 D. W 5 Bontty, Dr 10 Stuart, J 2 6 Bryan,J 2 6 Whitney, Mrs. W 3 Denison, R. L 10 Scarlett,E C 5 Fisher, E.C 5 (Collected by Miss Campbell.) Campbell, Mrs 5 Campbell, Miss 2 Campbell, Miss J 2 6 Campbell. Edward 13 Shaver, W 2 6 Robinson, Mrs 13 Fpathor.stone, Mrs 13 Howland, Mrs 2 6 Bonner, .Mrs 7i Clayhorn.J 13 Gilmore,J 7i Clin8by,Mr.andMiss... 2 Montgomery,! 2 .Moore, John 5 Moore.Q 13 Bagwell, Mrs 2 6 Clayton, Mrs 13 Chambers, Mrs 7i Dewe,Mr8 7} Friend, A 2 6 Friend, A 2 6 Thompson, Mrs. A 5 Southwell, Mrs 2 Smith, Mrs 5 Musson, T 2 Mupson,Mr. E 2 6 Musson, Mi,ss 2 6 Thomas, Miss 2 Musson, Mrs 1 3 Robinson, A ."> McDonald, R 2 6 Field, J 13 .Scarlett, E. C 5 Martin, H 2 lOi Thompson, A 13 Thistle, Mrs 1 lOi (Collected by Miss Moore.) .\Toore, C. Senr 5 Moore,C.junr 5 Moore, JaraoM 5 Moore, Miss 6 Moore, Miss C 5 Moore, Miss E 5 (Collected by Miss Ward.) Ward, A n 10 Cenke,Mrs 13 Friend, a 13 Heinplebe«,Mr 13 (Col. by Sunday School Teachers.) Sunday Schoolchildren 2 Jllimico. (Collected by Miss Giles.) Giles, Mr. J 2 6 Giles, Mrs. J 13 Oiles.Mr.C 13 Giles, Mrs. C 13 Giles, Miss 13 Giles, Miss J 13 Tanner, Mr 2 6 Gouldthorpe, Mr 1 3 Variy, W 1 S Tuesbury, W 13 Coons, *Ir 2 Notle,Wm 6 Notle, L....V 13 McDowel, J 2 Strong. W.H 2 Hubbnid,W.P 2 6 Bond, B iJ 6 Clark, Miss 2 6 Vimevcry, Mr 2 6 Vanevery, Mrs 2 6 Vanevory, Mrs. W 2 6 Theakston, J 2 6 Scott, Mrs 2 6 Linton, Mrs 1 lUJ Linton Mr 13 White, S 7i Thompson, Mrs 5 Hipwell, Mrs 6 Rhodeknight, Mrs 13 fVkston. (Collected by Mrs. Do La Ilooke.) C. Denison, 2 Mrs Denison 5 John Gowland 3 9 HansGrncy 2 6 Dr. DoLaHooke 3 9 .Mrs Do La Hooke 3 9 J. AclandDe La Ilooke. 13 E. Dillon De La Hooko. 13 Rev. T. S. Kennedy 15 Mrc.T. S.Kennedy and fami'y 15 (Collected by Mrs. Kertland.) A Friend IJ A Friend Jos. Ashdown 5 3 J. U. Banks 13 Mrs. .Tohn Conran 13 Jiis. Conrun 6 Mrs. John Cunningham 3 IJ Mrs. Donaldson •'i 8 J. Eagle 5 Jas. Orary o .'J .Maria Dennis 10 Mary Dennis 6 JoiiephDennis 2 6 Crifisie Dennis 2 Mr. Heath 13 Mrs Holly 2 tt T. Holly 2 6 E.H. Kertland 10 MiB. Kertland 5 David Maguire 2 Miss McLean 2 6 Mrs. Moguire 13 Wm. Nason 5 Mr. Newbey 5 Mrs. Noble 13 .Mr. Paul 2 Mrs. Robinson 5 John Robinson 5 C. S. Seymour 2 6 A. Stenett 6 2 u 1 a 1 3 1 3 1 3 u 1 3 2 n 1 3 u 1 K> 1 3 2 5 1 3 2 U 2 2 6 2 (i 2 2 6 u 2 6 2 « 2 s 5 5 5 2 6 2 fi 1 3 2 2 6 6 •2 (! 2 6 1 3 5 5 U L 3 2 5 3 ■ DuacuB, M'illlam S Duncombo. WllliBm.... lU Purlo, Wllllnni 15 Falrnnbrldpn. J. K il 10 Ilnrrl*. Thom»« 1 Kacuwlll.Cillfi A family J Korbv, WIIMiim 2 6 Langntiiff, .1' • " 5 LanKStad', I '■'< 5 Lawrence. Cii.. "n 10 o McUol, Mrs 5 Mcl/'iJ. Nonnsn 15 Mortimir, Mrs. (Widow and Orphons; 2 10 Mortiraor. Misn 16 Parnons, Willlain 16 I'MJOiif, Mm 15 p. S. G 3 y Ryal, Griicn 6 Sfiigcr, Kdmund I Si'ngiT.MrH.Kdmund.. 6 c'beppard, Edward 5 Thome. Mr« 16 WatBon, Willlnm 5 Willtamion, Eliza 13 St. Stephen's Cliurvh, Vavghan. Michael Kvffer 10 Mrs. M. Ki>n ;.' 1.l> Louisa KeCur ;• ri Jann Ann Keffur 2 Bonjnmin KolTer 13 TbomiiR KolTur 13 Harriett Keffer 13 Joseph KclTer U 10 Mrs. J. Kcffer 10 Albert E. Kcff^r 13 Valuntine KoCTor 5 Mrs. V. Keffer 2 SuBcnnah Keflur 13 Qeorgu KelTcr 2 6 Anthony KcfTor 13 George KofTvr, jun 13* Edmund Dyer 1 3 Bichard Dywr 7i Ephralm Dyer 13 Fanny Dyer 1 3 Mary K. Dyor 13 Charles II. Dyer 2 6 Edmund Dyer, Jun 13 Mrs. JackBon 13 James Jackson 13 Bobert Uarwick 13 William Dyer 13 Henry Porter 2 6 Wm. McDougull 2 G John McDougall 1101 John Cooptr 13 John Calvert 1 3 Thomas Cook 2 G Wm. Cook 2 6 John Holland 13 Edward Welch 5 U Hiram Wllte 10 Mrs. H. White 10 Henry White 13 Mrs. 11. White 13 Isaac White 2 6 Peter MiisRelman, S. S. 2 6 Mrs. Hadden 7i Mrs. Parkins 1 3 John Sellars 10 George Sellars '1 3 John Ireland 5 Thomas Stevens 5 James Watson 1 .3 Wm. Troyer 6 13 Johu Vleming 7i Mr. Hunt 7j[ Mrs. Hunt 7^ Mrs. Kluge 7^ J.Oliver J .' 8 :\!r-. Oliver tJ fi I Wm. Tretzlur « "i I .John llluctt 7J I! HUrtI 2 \. Klughy 7J A Friend 2 " 1 3 " a " 1 3 •' 1 .T " a c ' (Collected by Mr Armstrong ) Thoma/i Armptroug 10 Donald Kinner U 7i A. Hamilton 5 Mrs. Hamilton 1 3 Joseph Lund 1 3 Mrs. Lund 1 .'i Thomas Wutson 1 IS .Mis. WatKon 1 3 John Lockhart 13 Mrs. Lockhart 13 Christopher Murray ... 2 6 Isaac Murray II 5 I William Hill 2 6 I John rtcri'.iensoa 10 I Jami't^ Uiicbv 5 I Mrs. Biiibv 13 nuthr>'liioI£(nry 13 .(amcn Dodd 13 I Jamc.. Dunham 13 Mrs Diiniiam 13 ! Mattb.^ Holmes 2 6 . Mi(s.r:'olmes 13 ' Louisa Holmes 1 3 liJoborl. Killfeather 1 3 Joxeph Steward 2 Johuliii'by 2 6 I Garrat DK ugh 13 Mrs. Blough 13 I William Nixon 13 I Andrew Ramsey 5 ' Mrs. KamFey .■■> ; William Lund 13 Mrs. Lund 13 I Thomas Stickney 13 I Mrs. Stickney 13 ;.lolm Parks 13 I Mr. McCormlck 13 I Mrs. McCormick 7i I LLOVDTOWX, Wjoarow's Station. I Armstrong, Ciipt 15 j Armstrong, Mrs 10 I Armstrong, A 2 !Agnew,W 1 3 i Austin, M U 1 3 i Burton, J 13 Bryder, W 2 iBastard,U 7i I Brown, Mr. J 2 t5 I Brown, Mrs. Jno 2 I Brown, Mrs. Jos 2 Brown, Mrs. A 2 Boddy, W (I l! Boiidy. Mrs. AV 2 I Bull, Mrs 2 6 I Chamberlain, J 1 3 Cook.C.W 5 Christian, K 2 C Carson, J 13 Cronyn, Mrs 2 6 Bearing, W 1 3 Dall, L 10 Dall, Mrs. L 10 Dole, J 13 Eastwood, A.. 10 U Eastwood, Mrs P 10 Q Eastwood, A fl Tl Eastwood, K 7t Ellis, H.B in ElliN, .Mrs 6 Ellis, A. J 2 6 Kills, A. B 13 i;.lward, Mrs 3 6 Fletcher, Mr 13 Friend 2 " 13 " 2 6 " 2 6 " 13 " 13 aaml)lo,0 2 6 Gamble, Mrs. G 2 6 Graham, J 1 3 Humilion, E. J 1 3 Huucock. E 2 6 Hulse, T 2 6 lloUingshcad, J 1 3 Hughes, C 13 Hoclgkinson, ti. 1 3 Jcnnln^rs, Mrs 5 Jennings, T 2 6 Jenning.0, 13 Jennings, J. II 13 Jennings, IX 13 Jewell, D 13 Jones, Dr. C 10 Jones, C 1 3 Jarvis, J 13 Johnson, W.., 2 6 Johnson, Mrs. W 2 Lawrence, J 5 Larkings, J U 5 Lawrence, E 2 6 Liun, E 7i Maguire, M 1 3,; Manning. J 2 6 Moore, W 10 Mulloney, S 13 Osier, llev. H. B 10 Osier, Mrs 10 Osier, E. II 5 Osier, F. II 2 6 Osier, M 13 Perry, J Perry, Mrs. It 2 6 Perry, Mrs. II 2 6 Perry, G 13 Kenton, E 7^ Raper, J. S B Raper, Mr 2 6 Raper, T.G 7J Ramsyy, M 1 3 Ramsey, Q 2 6 Rainie, J 7i Kay, W 5 Robinson. E 13 Robinsonj H 2 6 Robinson, Mrs. II 2 Ross, Mr 2 6 Smith, W 5 Smith, J 6 Smith, Mrs. J 2 6 Sprowle, Miss 13 Sprowlc. ,T 7* Stead. I" 5 Stead, J.... ... 7* Stead, M. .i ... 13 Skelton, J .... 2 6 Skelton. E .... 7i Steele, J... 13* Simpsou, \\ 1 3 Somerset, J 13 Street, Mr 13 Street, Mrs 1 3 Street, J. M 7i Street, II. W 7i Street, E. F 7j APPENDIX. 89 Jt 3 'i fl 1 3 3 6 6 3 3 e 3 3 « n 8 3 3 n 3 3 3 3 o 3 Q 6 6 n 3,: 6 3 6 3 6 6 3 6 '^ G 5» 3 6 (i 6 6 3 5* I* 6 fltrBcUW. f 7i' Str«i't, T. A "4; fitrc.it. O.n 7r etrcft. M t> 7i Btrcnt, A. M li ^ Street, O. II 7t SJilRlpy, J 5 Thompson, AV 5 Thornton, T 6 0! Tcirart, A 13' TrBln,F 13 Unhor, M 74 Vflfpoo, 11 6 0; Vnrroe, J 1 3 i Vnnhorn, >ir« o «< " ' Wilfon, II 13 Whlttpn«. M. J 13 WilKoii, Mrs 6 0, Wood. Mrs. M 6 1 WriRht,.; 13 Wright, II ,. 6 1 Whc-.-.lnn. J 1 3 I Wulknr, W 2 Woodrow. — 13 Woodrow, — 13 X. Y Z 1 7i. ALBION. Christ's Church, Jkilinn, St. Jamei and 0. Jioley's ttation. Adams, Dr. & Mr? 16 Adams, K 2 6 Adams, W 13 Armstrong, W 6 Arthurs, Mrs 13 Austin, R 13 Austin, J 13 Atcheson, J 13 AldridRo, 11 13 Brownlco, «; 13 Brownloe, J 1 3 Brownlcoi J 13 Brownlco, Iv 1 3 Buemish, Mrs 1 3 Buemlsh, U 1 3 Ueemish, Mrs. T 1 3 Bcumish, J 13 Bccmish, F 2 Beemish, J. 7i Bell, J 13 Bolton, L 2 Bolton, A 2 6 Bolton, J 2 7 Beatie, W 13 Bowes, Mr 13 Barton, n. II 2 6 Barton. J 13 Byrnes, T 13 Byrnes, T 2 6 Bradley, J 3 9 Brown, W 19 Booth, R.U 10 Curlis, W 6 Curlis. Mrs 2 6 Crisp, Thos 2 6 Clarke, M 13 Clarke, R 2 6 Clarke, J 5 Colley,J 5 Chynne. Mr 5 Copeland,W 13 CarofootjJ 7i Catherwood, A 1 3 Catherwood, Mrs 10 Catberwood, J 13 Carbery. J 1 3 Caldwdl, S 5 Caldwell, W 3 9 Caldwell, C 2 6 Caldwell, M. J 13 CaldweU, E 13 Caldwell, 8 Caldwell.W Duke, ¥ Duke, Mils Imke, E Duke, Mrs. E DaTln, T Davison, T Dwyor, Mri Dliinls, K Devlin, U Devlin, J Devlin, A Dunken, J Dunkon. Mrs Dixon, J Donsmore, J Dobdon, T Dobson, J Dobson, U Kvans, a F.vani, Mrs. Q Kvans, T Elliot, Mr. 4 Mrs Klllot, J Edwards, — Freeman, J Fullerton, Mr. Fuller, W Friend, A " >' " « « " « << " " " " " " Gardiner, Mr Garbert, Mr Oott, W fore, W Green, AV aoldsmitb, II Orier, T Gardbouse, J Goinn. G Hamilton, W Hamilton, J Harper, .1 Harper, H Hllllard, Mrs Hanna, H Ilanna, J Hanna, W , Sonr Hanna, W Ilanna, Mrs. W Ilanna, J Hall, Mrs Hall, Mrs Hall, J. B Hall, J Holmes, J Holmes, A Hutchifon, G Hutchison, J Irwin, M Jone8,T Jones, Mr. & Mrs Johnston, J U Johnston, Mrs Johnston, J Johnston, Mr. ii Mrs. II .Tobnston, I Johnston, R I Jamieaon, Mr Kitchsn, Mrs Keating, Mrs Keating, M Keating, Mr Kidney. M Kidney, Mrs Lawrence, G.T 1 3 I Lundy, Mrs 1 3 ' I.undy, J r^ " ipsle, J 2 Lloyd. B Lyn. . W ■11' \; IMrs 1(1, D 1(1. R ad.D - oil, . M. Mrs. D .{ I LoU|;hi'aiJ, J a LounhcaJ, W 3 McCutcheon, W 0. 3 .Mcrutcheon, W. J 9 Mutry, Mr 3 Muorit, J T. O'Ncil 13 W. Barnhart 13 Adaw Cook 5 15 Georije Hawkins 2 6 Mrs.G. nawlENDlX. 93 h I 3 > i 8 ! I 6 I 6 : 6 (t a 3 7* 3 9 a 3 I* Ti ti 3 H 3 3 a 3 3 6 3 9 « li Murray. J 1 8 Magrath, W 10 NeIiioii,Mra 2 6 Hoffer, Mary Ann 2 6 Patch, Mrs. A 13 Stevans, W 7 Stead, J. Junr 6 0| Steven, Styles 2 Stanton, R 2 6 Taylor, E 2 6 Taylor, Mrs. E 1 3 Wolfe, Mrs 2 6 Wilcox, 13 Wooding, 7 Wire, J 6 Oi Wilson, Mrs. J 2 6 Youle, Mrs Oil* (Collected by Mrs. F. Foster and Miss Holbrooke.) Andrews, Mr. J 5 Collingsworth, Mr 13 Cottell, Mr 6 Crozier, Mrs 5 Farrell, P 7i Forster, P 10 Fowter, W. B 10 llickey, Mr 13 Hickey, Mrs 13 Holbrooke, Miss 5 Lawrener,MrB 13 Mitchell, Mr 10 Mayher,Mrs 2 6 Shane, Mr 13 Shane, Mrs 1 3 Stafford, Mr 13 Skynner, Mr 5 Shooh Miss 13 Shepherd, Dr 13 (Collected by Mrs. Vanostrand.) Friend 13 Friend 7^ Friend 1 3 Friend .2 Friend. 2 6 FMond 13 Friend 13 Hurst, Joseph 13 King, Chos 2 6 Mitchell, Mrs 10 Sanders, Wm 2 6 Sanders, Mrs 2 6 Sanders, K. B 7i Sanders. II 7i Taylor, Elenor 7* Woodruff, Mary 7} Wright, Qeorge 10 (Collected by Mrs. ReTcl.) Aldridjte Mrs 2 6 Braddoll, Miss 10, Oodby, Mrs 7i King, Thomas 2 6 Price, Mr 1 ?• Revei.Mrs 5 (Collected by Churchwarden. Oirins, Rev. S 16 Oivins, Charlotte U 6 Oivins, Saltern 2 6 Oivins, Charles 2 6 Oivins, ILCartwright... 1 3 Oivins, Edmund 13 Magrath, James 10 (OoUected by Mrs. Ellingham.) Appleby, Mrs 13 Beharrell, Mr 2 Combs, Mrs 2 6 Dennison.Ann 7| Klliugham, Mrs 2 6 FMrr, Mrs 2 6 Friend 7i Friend 7* Friend 7* Friend 1 3 Graham, Mrs <> ^ 6 Jolly, Mr "^ J 5 Leonard, Joseph '^ „ Leonard, Mrs 13 Leonard, Miss •> ^ ? Newlove, Mr. J 5 Watts, Mrs 13 Watts, Miss 13 WiUson, Mrs 13 (Collected by Mr. F. Jennings.) Brunt,Mary 13 Crowe, Mrs 10 Crew, Miss 2 6 Cornwall, Mr. 2 6 Cox, Wm 13 Fisher, W 2 6 Oalbraith, John 2 6 Jennings, W 5 Jennings, Frank 2 6 Morley, Frank 2 6 Morley, John 16 Parker, Albert 5 Parker, Henry 6 St. FUtiPt, Nevmarket. Bere8ford,Capt. Wm.H 1 5 Boultbee,A 10 Cawthra, .Toseph 10 Conron John 2 6 Curry, Thomas 5 Darby, C. L 5 Davison, John 5 Dudley, Walter 2 6 Ksten, Major 15 Evans, John 5 flamble, Mrs. James ... 5 U Gamble, N. Allan 10 Hewitt,Joseph 5 Hodge, WUliam 5 Hoffmann, L 2 6 Hogaboom, J.C 10 Jarvis, William 2 6 Kirkpatrick, Robert 6 Lloyd, Mrs 13 Magniro, Kllen 5 Maguirc, John 5 Morris, James 13 Nash, Dr 6 Porter lOi Pyne, Thomas, M.D.... 16 Raper, Thomas 5 Held, William 5 Sason, John 2 6 Sharp, William 10 Stephens, Captain 5 p Stephonf<,Shadrack 5 Scott, Mrs 2 6 Scott, Seth 2 6 I Townly, John 3 6 White,George 7 6 Septimus F. Ramsay... 16 Chria's Chunh, St. Alban't. Ayerst, Francis 6 Boyer, Charles 5 Croxon, Henry 6 Ellaby, David. 10 Harrison, Marsh k Co. 1 (I Jakeway, Caron 5 Lane Thomas 6 Lloyd, Elwyn 5 May, Thomas 2 6 McMaster, Arthur 10 Millard, Mordeeai 5 Oliver, L 5 o Parioni, John 10 Playter 2 Raper, Mrs 2 Selby, Captain 10 o Selby, Johr Captain.... 5 Selby, Wellington 6 Selby, Thomas 6 Tait.Adam 6 Thorn, Wiliiam 1 Wayling, Richard 5 U Wayling, Thomas 10 West, Amos u 5 Wilcocks, Miss 1 Wilcocks, Horace 15 ilarkham. Armstrong, Mary 2 6 Barnes, William 10 Hill, Rev.George 16 Reesor, John 5 Ward, Mrs 6 (Collected by Miss Mary Gillespie.)' Davidson, Miss J. E 13 Eakin, George 2 Gillespie, A 15 Gillespie, Mrs 5 Gillespie, Mrs. E 5 Gillespie, Mary 6 Hebard, Mrs. G 5 Ilebard, R. H 13 Hubertus, W. L 6 Keller, Maria 2 Reed, Mrs. Doctor 2 6 (Collected by Mrs, Wm. Pringlo.) Cooke, Mrs 1 S Davison, George 5 Davison, Mrs 2 Davison, John. F 13 Davison, George J 13 Godfrey, Dorothy 2 6 Jennings, H 13 Lownsbrough, Thos 6 Pringle, William 6 Pringle, Mrs. Wm 6 Pringle, Senr. Henry... 6 Pringle, Snr Mrs.Henry 5 Pringle. Joseph Edwin.. 13 Pringle, Junr. Henry... 6 Pringle, Jr. Mrs Henry 1 lOi Pringle, Jacob 10 Pringle, Mrs. Mary 5 Pringle, John 5 Robinson, John 5 Truscott, Robert 2 6 ChrisCs Church, Scarlioro'. Anthony, Wm 2 6 Anthony, Mrs 2 6 Auburn, Mrs 2 6 Auburn, Miss 5 Anderson, Daniel 5 Andrews, Wm 2 6 Andrews, Mrs 18 Anonymous 1 1 3 Belt, Rev. Wm 16 Bell, Wm 5 Bell, Mrs. W 5 Booth, Wm. Senr 5 Booth, Thomas 2 6 Booth, Mrs. F 2 6 Baxter, Mrs 13 Brines, Wm O 2 6 Oann, George 10 Chamberialn, Mr 13 Craren. C 7 Dyer, John 2 Cj Gould, Mr 5 Gould, Mrs 6 Galloway, Wm 2 Oalloway.Mrs 13 ] 94 APPENDIX. V < I I Gnlloway, Iiniatius '0 B Oalloway, Juhn 2 Oalloway, Sarah ^ '■^ ^ Iluraphroy, J. Sonr 6 Humphrey, Mrs. J ^ 'i ^ Humphrey, Jos. Jr 2 Huinphroy, Wm » H U . Humphrey, Mrs. W 2 6 HockriilRo, lUohard 5 Helliwell, Wm. Ksq. ... 10 HelHwell. Mrs <> 1? 2 Konny. John A « J ^ Koril, Percival « 2 U-ppor, Mr 10 Upper, Mrs o LeHlie, Joseph 2 Nellson, James 13 Ormerod, Thos. Senr.... 2 6 Ormerod, Mrs 2 Ormerod, Isabella. 1 ;t Ormerod, Mary 7i Pcnrice, Thomas 5 Purvis, Thos 2 6 llichnrdson; James 2 6 Richardson, Mrs. M. ... 1 3 Richardson, Mary Jauo 2 Richardson, Mrs. J 1 3 Reynolds, Oeorgo 6 Scheldon, (Jeorge 15 Scheldoa, Klizabeth ... 2 Scheldon, Thomas 2 6 Smith, J. II 2 Smith, Mrs 2 Shackloton, Mr 13 Stephenson George 13 Stephenson ,W.G 13 Sadler, Stephen 2 Taylor, Archibald 13 Thompson, A 2 6 Thompson, Mrs 3 2 6 Taber, John 10 Taber, Mrs 2 6 Tahcr, Stephen 2 Wostney, Wm "20 We8tncy,Mrs 2 6 Westney, Sarah 1 3 Westney, Wm, Jr 113 Westney, Stephen 7A Westney, Hannah Tj Willis, Martin 13 Willis, Samuel 13 Young, Thomas 13 Young.IsaboUa 13 St Paid'i. lIoppcr,John 2 Long, James 2 Long, John 1 3 Long, Elizabeth 13 Sheppard, Paul 2 Sheppard, Mrs 2 6 (Collected by Mr. IL Mason.) Armstrong, James 6 Bolton, Mrs 1 lOj Crowther. Mrs 2 6 Gardner, Mrs 2 6 Mason, Wm 6 Mason, Mary Ann 1 3 Mason, Sarah 13 Mason, Henry 2 6 Mason, Mrs H 2 6 Moon, Thomas 1 3 Murphy, Wm TJ Myers, John 2 Myers, Mrs 8 McKinless James 5 Steers, Richard 2 Steers, Mrs 2 6 Waddtland, Henry 2 6 WaddUand. Mrs 2 6 (Collected by Mr. J. Cutle.) Castle, John 2 Castle, Wm 2 6 Castle, ThPS 2 6 Castle, Mary 2 6 Hardy, Francis 6 Smith, Joseph 6 Smyth, John 5 West, Eliiabcth 2 6 West, Hannah 2 6 West, Joseph 2 Wride, Wm 5 (Collected by R. Y. Burk.) Burk, Wm. B 2 6 Burk, Mrs, W. B 2 Burk, Mary Jane 13 Burk, Sarah E 13 Burk, Oeorgo H 1 3 Burk, John 13 Burk, Mrs. J 13 Burk, Richard Y 13 Breckon, Joseph 2 6 Breckon, Mrs 2 BreckoR, Mis.o 1 3 Breckon, Alice 13 Breckon, James 13 Breckon, Qeorge 13 Harrington, J. D 1 3 Harrington, Mrs 13 Muir, Alexr 13 Symons, Wm 7i (Collcc cd by Mr. Roberts.) Ilarcly, Robert 6 Morgan, ,lohn 5 Roberts, Wm 5 Stainton, Wm 13 St. Jwle's Church. Addison, Wm 6 Armstrong, Edward.... 1 »i 11 «> H 6 6 5 2 6 1 3 15 2 1 3 3 « 1 3 2 1 3 5 2 6 6 1 3 o « 2 e 1 3 2 6 o 6 1 :t 1 3 10 5 1 3 1 a 2 6 2 6 13 U Bingham, John 6 Graham, Alex 2 Hunter, Wm 2 MoVctty, W. B 1 Scott. Mrs 2 Strathy, John 2 Bell, John 2 APPENDIX. 95 3 3 3 ti II (I ti :i u r. a !» 3 u .1 ! rt < 3 I : 6 a (i a a (I (> a 3 6 « a Chaloupka, 7 > 2 6 CroM, Wm. Junr 2 Croan, Wm 13 Colvltt, Wm 2 Osier, F.L 2 Coleman, Tbomos 2 Jiesliu, Jo!) 1 a Crooko, iMisg 13 Oarnfl, Kliza U 1 3 Warron, Samuol 13 Whitebrcad, Hlchard... 13 Somora, Joseph 13 Martin, Johnson 13 Creasor, John 2 Nelley, Arabella 13 DaTlc8,Mr8. M 1 lOJ Martin, Xhos 5 liowe 2 Ozenbam, lUch 2 I'iper, Oeorge 13 Johnson, Joseph 2 Lang, Mrs 2 C Sybil, Alexr 13 Tiwo, Mrs 2 Wright, James 2 Raikus, Charles 7 lioon, John 2 Neily, Mary 13 Wesley, Mrs 13 Bacon, /3hn 2 Brewer, JaniPH 2 Bingham, Mrs. II 2 From Shanty Bay. Anderson, Miss 15 O'Brien, Mr. Wm ion Chalmers, Mr 10 Astluy, Mr T 10 Heard, Mr. W 2 Ardagh, Miss 5 Uev. S. B. Ardagh'B annual subscription. 1 & Oriilia (part of col.) Rev. T.B. Read 10 Mrs. White 6 William Frezier 6 Thos. Fitzgibbon 6 Thos. Campbell 6 iCdward llyall 6 MissRynll 13 Anne Ryall 2 6 F. Ryall 13 William Hodi^es 2 Richard Crook, 2 6 William Baskeville 13 Mrs. W. Bastovilio 7i Mrs. Snider 1 3 John Wilson 2 6 Thos. Shaw 2 « Mrs. Whiting 7i Qeorge Crawford 2 6 Henry Shaw 2 6 Mrs. H. Shaw 2 A Friend 2 6 Mrs. W. Simpson 13 Richard Crook 2 6 Henry Leigh 18 Samuel Tearny 2 Rev F. Fisher 15 A Churchman 16 Two Church Uirls 13 John Ardagh 10 Richard O'Brien 10 Alese K. Smith 7 6 George Lewis 5 John Leigh, Sonr 2 Mrs. J. Leigh 13 Harriet Leigh 7i Beoj Wheeler 6 J. Murphy 5 George Booth 5 J. Ooss 2 George UoUen 1 PetttUuiguUhene, James Wright 6 Samuel FriiKcr 5 W. B. Hamilton 10 Mrs. Hamilton 6 1). J. Mitehell 5 J.A. Hurlburt 6 Archibald Dunlop 6 Mrs. L. A. Darling 6 A Friend (Pine Grove) 6 Thomas Parker 3 William Parker 2 Captain T. HoUgetts... 1 Wm. U. D. llore lo Mrs. Keating 2 Mrs. Scott 2 William Jenkins 1 Mrs. Oxley 2 John Smith (Pensioner) 1 Mr, Graham 1 Mrs. Graham 1 Mrs. Stalker 1 Andrew Woods 1 Oeorge Shapcott 1 James Caughy James Morton 1 RolK-rt Baker 1 William Allen 1 Preston Hallen Richard Hullen Kdgar Hallen 2 John Smith, (Cooper)... 2 William Wilson 10 William Simpson 10 John Simpson 2 C. E. Simpson 1 J. Cradock Simpson... 1 HenriettaC. Simpson... 1 Robert Simpson 1 Mrs. Adam Smith 5 Mrs.H McLfauRoss... 6 A. A. Thompson 5 H. H. Thompson 2 Kdward Jefl'ry 5 John Smith (Farmer)... 1 William Wright 2 Stephen Jeffry 6 Victoria HiU. Mrs. Bannister 2 Thomas Kettle 2 Sarah Harvey 1 William Harvey 1 John Kowly 1 Sarah Rowley I William Rowley 1 Mrs. John Rowley 1 James Jeffry 2 Mrs. Jamos Jeffry 1 Robert Farncy 1 Kobinson Davenport ... 1 Mrs. Alwir. Rowet 1 Alexander Kettle 1 Charlotte Kettle 1 Margaret Hamilton .... 1 John Hamilton 1 James Preston 1 George Leonard 1 Sarah Leonard 1 (ieorga Clark 2 James Bowden 1 Abigail Bannister Ksther Bannister AnnBan.aster John Bannister Rer.G.Uallen'sBUbs... 1 6 Ticuxsnn. ((^llectcd by Misi Thompson.) MrsThompson 2 Miss 'Thompson 2 (i Thomas Tliompson Snr. 2 Thomas Thompson 1 3 Miss M. Thompson 1 3 Mr.J. H G. Tliompson 1 3 Mr. A. Thompson 13 Mrs W. Thompson 13 A Friend 2 Mr. Smith 13 Mr. Clark 1 3 Mrs. Peter Crcgho 2 ti Mrs Wm. Alien 13 Miss Adelaide Dowson 5 o Mr. Thomas Denison... 6 Mrs. J. Atoheson 71 Mrs. John Conroy 2 Mr. Henry Payne 2 Mrs. I'ayno 13 Mrs. Maxwell 13 MissPringle 2 Mrs.l'ringic 13 Mary Tringlo 2 Mrs. 10. Perry 2 Mrs. W. Proctor Ola Mrs. G.Walker 2 Mrs. John Walker 2 (! Mr. Robert Carsen 1 3 Mr. Wm. D Ola A Friend 7i Mrs. Lynn 1 3 Mrs. W. Moore 2 A Friend 1 3 Mr. Thos. Gowan 2 Miss June Hure 2 Mr. John Hnre 2 Mr. Jamieson o 6 Mr. Jas, Matthews 1 ,•» Mr. Jas. Brady 1 3 Mrs. G. Brady (i 7i Mrs. W. Walker 2 Miss Martha Martin... 7i A Friend Ola Mrs. W. Boddy 2 (i Mr. J. Doane 1 s Mrs. George Hare 2 Mr. John Devitt 6 Mr. Wm. Devitt 1 a Miss Mary J. Devitt... 13 Mr. Robt. Little i a Mrs J. Brandon 2 Mrs. Widow Brandon... 6 M. James Willis 5 Mr. James Willis, Jr... 2 6 Miss Willis 13 Mrs. Stinson 2 6 Mr. John Ferguson 2 6 Miss Mary Walsh 13 Mrs. Richd. Sheppard 2 6 AlissG. Sheppard 2 Mr. Fred. Thompson... 7i Charles Mollay 13 Mrs. Susanna Bell 13 Miss Bell 13 Mrs. 0. Mulloy It. Sundry Friends 4 ll" (Collected by Miss Coffey.) Mr, Gilbrit Coffey 7 Mrs. O.Coffey 2 Richard H. Coffey 13 Richard Coffey 2 6 .Mrs Coffey 13 Miss Susanna Coffey... 13 Miss S'arah Jane Cotfey 1 3 Miss Mary Coffee 7} Mr E Brown 13 Mr.Rlchard Evans 2 6 Mr. Fbilip Evans 2 6 —-* 1 I 96 Mr. Alex. Thorapron... Mr. Thos.GooUfellow.. Miss Ilannoh Smith.. Mr. Philip Dunham... Mini S. aoodfcllovr MlssJaiioaoodfolIow... Mr. W. Wm. Watts Miss Maria MlUer Mr. Uugh Richudson A Friend A Friend A Friend Mr. Isaac Stono MrDayldMcCurdy Mr.Ucnry Hathery Mr. Henry Stono John Anderson Mrs.Fcnton Mr. McCurdy Mrs. A. Oillett A Friend A Friend A Friend Mr. Courtney Mr. J> Ausinan Mrs D. Ausinan A Friend A Friend S 3 7* 3 3 3 n ' 3 u 1 10 7i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 6 7i 7i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (Collected by Miss Monckman.) Mr. Thos. Giimblo 10 Mrs. Thos. Oamblo... 10 Master N. Oamblo Miss Fanny Gamble... Miss Susannah Gamble MissIUchael Monkman Mr. Samuel Walker... Wm. Cooper Chas. Wheeler Mr. S Washbourn Mr. John O. Scott Mr. Ijawrenco Dall Mr. W. Wm. Kogers... Stephen Washbourn... Mr. JohnLevingston... Mr. Wm. Monkman... Wm. Walker Senr Miss Elizabeth Murray. Mrs. Kichard Mills Miss Jane Mills Miss Ann Mills Mr Joseph McGurr Mrs. Joseph McGurrr, Mrs Ilarelock Mr. PatrickCullen Mr. John Lavary Mr. A. Stewart Mr. George Ilarmal... Mrs. Gamble Senr Mrs. Mill'b Son Wm. Atkinson A Friend V 1 1 5 2 2 3 2 S 1 10 6 13 2 6 2 6 6 1 3 (Collected by Miss E. Cross and AnnaNewsom.) K. Cross 5 Kliza Cross 13 Sarah Cress 1 3 Jane Bennett 13 Robert McDermit 13 James McDermit 1\ A Friend 1 3 A Friend 13 Selby Evans 6 LydiaEyans 13 Richard Bell 13 Mrs. Richard Bell 2 6 DavldEvans 10 Mrs. David Evans 6 ThomM Ward 71 APPENDIX. Mts. T. Ramsey S James IliU 2 Edward Stewart Mary Jauo Stewart Rosanna Stewart Mrs. Chamlcy 1 A Friend John Stewart Jo.I. Banting.) Revd. J. Langtrey 2 Dr. Norrls 6 Mr. W. Bower 6 Mr. Falkner Stewart... 6 Mr. Robt. Coleman 6 " Buckley 6 " John Ilarpen 5 " Isaac Ferguson... 6 " James Wilson .5 " Christopher Nixon 6 " Thomas Cook 6 '> Joshua Dowls 6 " Samuel Patterson 5 " M. Goodwin 5 «« John Goodwin 5 « Jojieph Goodwin... 2 8 « Robert Goodwin... 2 Mrs. Goodwin 2 Mr. Andrew Ferguson 2 « J. Ferguson 2 « W. McMilkln 13 « Thos. Sutherland . 13 « James Wilioughby 18 <• Thomas Banting... 2 « John Patterson... 13 Miss Sarah J. Paterson 13 " Marg't M. Paterson 13 Mrs. P. Paterson 2 6 Acwced 2 T. BMley 13 Mr. James Bradshaw... 2 6 William Henderson .. 2 « A Friend 13 A Friend 13 Wm. Douglas 2 6 John Battey 13 Wm. Brooks 2 .John Coleman 2 6 Wm Cantrell 13 Francis Thompson 5 Eliza Garden 2 6 Robert Gardner 13 Charles Chapman 5 James Rellcns 13 (Collected by Masters E. Carter and Briton B. Osier.) Hugh Hatton 2 Henry Car.«en, Senr... 6 Mary Ann Leu 1 3 MasterThorne k 5 la 5 ttoraon 5 1 5 In 5 iwin... 2 6 Iwin... 2 2 rguaon 2 2 1 13 riand . 13 ughby 13 ting... 2 «on ... 1 3 terson 13 terson 13 2 2 13 law... 2 ion .. 2 8 13 13 2 6 .... 13 2 G 2 13 n 6 2 13 i 5 1 a iters E. Carter B. Osier.) 2 !nr... 5 13 74 2 7i 13 7i 7* 13 7i 13 5 13 13 13 13 10 5 74 C 5 2 6 2 5 (I 10 13 13 13 6 0- 2 3 .... 1 3 .... 13 .... 3 6 s- Miu K. Woolcock 2 Mr. Leo 71 MIm 8u«anna Carter... MloM Bunnett 13 Kllen Ttirram 7^ Mr. Baycroft 2 6 (ieo. Unycroft 6 'i'hos. Iliiycrort 2 6 Mm. FIshor 2 Margaret Baron 7i Rev. F. li. OMi'r I 5 « Misslonnry Box 3 7 .Tobn Colbourn U. lUnimfl n 10 J. Pearson 5 Edward Jclf 1 a Anna UavlUer 13 Wm. Bennett 5 John IVrram 5 (Collected on IlituimeH's Station.) J . Rtchardi^on n AIUs J Itichnrilson 1 .') « A. Hiclmrddon 71 " 1». MoCnrtliy 10 Mrs McCarthy 1 :J Mrs A. Lilly 2 6 Mr.Colrns ti Mrs Cairns 1 :i W. IlamnuU 10 n Mary llnnimell 71 Thomas llummcll 5 o Mrs. Ilammull 2 Miss Mtiry Ilammull... 1 :i Michael IlanimcU 2 Irwin Ilammell 2 6 Mrs. Woods 1 ;i E. .Mitchell 7* K. Daniel 13 W. II Ilammoll o t 3 Miss Ellen Ilammull... 2 M. A. Ilammell 13 (Col. on Whiteside's Station.) Mr. Whiteside 5 Mrs. Whiteside 2 Robert Whiteside 5 Henry Whiteside 2 6 Thomas W'hitesidu 5 R. Whiteside 13 Sarah Whiteside 13 Margaret Whiteside... 2 G R. McUride 2 M. J. McBrido 71 Mr. Bradcn 2 D. McLean 5 D. Bruce 5 J. Chapman 5 J.Whiteside 6 (Collected on UaTls's Station.) B.DaTls 10 B. Martin.; 5 E. Turner 2 W. Kenney 2 6 Selby Evans 71 Selby Evans 7i J. Mitchell 2 W. Bennett 5 A. Mitchell 13 £. Morris 5 Mm, Austin 5 (Collected by Miss Hiiiwell.) Mr C. Cook 2 6 John Thompson 2 6 EliJsa Jane McCoy 13 James Jones 2 6 Humphrey .loncs 2 6 Mary Ann Jones 6 Isatiella Oardenor 2 6 Geo. Fisher o 1 KJ A Friend 13 N APPENDIX. W. Coleman, Senr 5 W. Coleman Junr 13 Margnri't Coleman 13 Kllzubiith Coleman 13 Ann .lane Columan 2 Bllza Colemiin 13 Wm. Colemon 6 Wm Lawrence 6 I'et.-r Donald 5 A Catholic 3 .lohn Harper 13 The Misses tlipwell 6 Mr. J. It Wiliiams 15 Mrs. J. Williams 15 J. I'erram 1 f Wtit GtoiUimbury. (Collected by Miss Barry.) Algeo,Mrs 2 Alpeo, Master 71 A Friend 2 6 Barry, 5Ir» 6 Barry, Miss 2 Brown, Mrs 1 3 Brown, Arch 13 lrl8cilla 6 Bnc, sVUliam J, P... 10 Bestwe Iwlck, Wm, ... 2 6 Brcreto.i,C 2 6 Cumberland. Fred 13 Collier, Charles 13 Coulson, Mrs 2 6 Dcnison.C 13 Dodds, George 10 Dewson, Julius 10 Evans, James 6 Evans, William 13 Ferguson, Mrs 74 Friend 10 6 Gilpin, B 13 Gilpin, Robert 5 Grear, Jane 2 6 Grear, Catharine 2 6 Grear, Matthew 2 6 Gilpin, J 13 Oibbs, Mrs 6 Grear, Patrick 8 6 Hill, Mrs. A 10 Hill, Helen E 6 Hill, Arthur Price 18 Hill, A, Miss 2 6 Hill, E. M. Miss 2 6 Hastings, C 13 Johnston, Eleanor 7 6 Moberley, Arthur 2 6 Martin, James 2 6 Magee, Elizabeth 6 Robinson, David 2 6 Robinson, T. Barkly... 6 Ridout, J.B 5 Sutherland, A 6 Stoddars, James 5 Stoddars, W. D 2 6 Stoddars, Hugh 2 6 Tyrwhitt, Mrs. W 6 Tyrwhitt, Richard 13 Tyrwhitt, John 13 Thurgar, J V 6 Thorne, Richard 13 Thorpe, Oeorgo 5 Woods, Robert 6 I Collected at Coulson's I School House 18 2 98 lma1l,0.B 13 Lftwrence, Jkmti 3 IiM, Uenrjr I > 511. John't C/iureh, Mene. (Collected by Joseph Alexander.) Alexander, Joieph 6 Fletcher, Joneph 2 Morrifotk, Kobert 2 Wilton, John 1 3 (Collected by John Alexander.) Alexander Jamei 2 Alexander, John 6 Colbert, Jamei 3 Lesitatt, Oliver ft Montgomery, George... 1 3 Morrinon, Jamen Penalton, William 5 Quin, James 2 Kewbottom, Thomas ... 2 6 Spears, William 2 Webb, John 6 (Collected by Tbomai Allen.) Allen, John 1 Anderson, James 1 Carton, Henry 5 Donelly, Henry 2 Holmes, Thomas 2 Jaekson, James 2 MeKion, William 1 MeKion, Robert 3 O'Loughlin, Carton ... 1 Patterson, William 1 Ferry, George 1 Robinson, William 2 Sleator, Peter 2 (Collected by John Kidd, Jun.) Henderson, Thomas ... 2 6 Holmes, Richard 6 Kidd, John 6 Milburne, Joseph 6 Milbume, Samuel 5 Strype, Joseph M 6 (Collected by Henry Laverty.) Anderson, James 13 ConoUy, Joseph 1 grnes, William 1 utehinson,A.ft family 6 Jones, William 1 Laverty, John 2 Iiaverty, Henry 1 Lewis, William 1 Lindsay. James 1 UeCoppin, George 2 Partridge, Henry 1 Waller, Robert 1 Wilson James 1 WUson, William 1 (Collected by John McManus.) Atkinson, John 6 Carson, Charles 6 Carson, Charl,!s, Mrs. 1 Carson,Jane 1 Carson, William l Carson, Margaret 1 Carson, Eleanor U Carson, David Henderson, Thomas ... 6 Lee, Charles 2 Lively, Jane McManus, George 6 !MeMannfl,Mrs 2 McManus, John 2 McManus, Anne 1 McManus, Margaret ... 1 McManus, William H. 1 McManus, George C. ... 1 APPENDIX. 3 3 6 6 10* 3 3 3 6 MeManut, James R. ... McManus, Kobert H.... (Colleeti'd by Rol;«rt Fletcher, Rev. John ... Fletcher, Mrs Fletcher, Sarah J Fletcher, John, Jun. ... Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher, Thomas Fletcher, Robert J Flelehsr, John Fletcher, Joseph Mills, Robert Mills, Mrs Mills, Samuel Mills, Rachel A Mills, William J Mills, Joseph A Mills, Robert J 7* 7* Mills.) 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 SL Mark't Ckureh. (Collected by .Tohn Armstrong.) Armstrong, .Tohn 6 Armstrong, John, Mrs. 13 Armstrong, Michael ... 1 3 Armstrong, Mich. Jun. 2 6 Armstrong, Mich. Mrs. 13 Ellis, Edward 2 McKim, Daniel 2 (i Reburn, James 2 Heburn, James, jun. ... 13 Reburn, William 6 Reburn, William. Mn. 13 (Collected by Hugh Duffy.) Duffy, Hugh 2 Woodland, Joshua ii 6 (Collected by James Kelly.) Brackers, William 2 6 Corbert, Joseph. Dr. ... 6 Jackson, Thomas 6 Kelly. James 6 Ketchum, Jesse 6 St. Luke's Church. Allen, Edward 5 Ekirs, James 6 Hard, Thomas 13 Little, James 13 Little, John 13 Mitchell, James 2 6 Murphy, Robert 13 Chritet Church, llamilum. Acraman, Mrs 6 o Anderson, F. II 10 Anderson, W. H 2 6 Ambrose, Mrs 10 Armstrong, Mrs. Ciipt.. (i 10 Armstrong, W 2 6 Armstrong, John 6 Amitage, James ... 5 Arbron, W 2 6 Arthur, James 13 Anster,C. J 6 Atkinson, George 10 Austin, John 6 Awty, John 6 Ball, Mrs 2 6 Baine, J. Wv 5 Baynham, T. W 1 3 Beatty, 5 Beasley, R. S 2 6 Best, T.N 10 Billings, Dr 5 o Binings, Mrs 6 o Btakeney, Thomas 10 o Bkkeney, Mrs 10 Blackford, John o 6 Rlythe, T. A 10 Brcnnan, L 2 S Brough, C ft Ilrowue, M. W «. 1 ft Browne, Mrs. W. W. ... 15 Browne, Miss K 10 Browne, Master J. B.... 6 Browne, Mitster J. M... 6V Browne, £ 16 Brucv, R. G 10 Burns, J 2 9 Bull, U. B 1 6 Bull, Mrs. H. B 6 Burgess. John 6 Carpenter, Joel 6 CarlMe, Goorge 2 8 Carlisle, Mrs. George... 2 Carter, James F 10 Carter, Mrs. James F... 6 Cahill, Mr 10 Campbell, Elixa 6 Carroll, Peter 16 Cash 2 6 Cofh 13 CHsh 7* Case, Horatio N 10 Case, Mrs. Horatio N... 10 Case, Dr 10 Cose, Miss E. K 5 Case, W. H 5 Cook, Hiram 16 Cook, Mrs 10 Counroll, 0. 10 Counsell, G. S 6 Corboy, L. R 10 Connor, Mary Ann 13 Crickmorc, C. 12 Crelghton, James 2 Crosier, St George B... 6 Croiicr, Mrs 6 Crozier, John A. G 2 Crosier, Leaf Newry F. 1 S Crozior, Andrew D. W. 1 3 Ores well. 'Frederick 6 Creech , Richard 6 Daly, Michael 7 Daby, Nangle George... 2 Day, James 18 Dawson, Turner 13 Davidson, John 10 Davidson, H. E 10 Dartnell, George 12 6 Dallas, Dr 6 Denroche, Christopher 5 Dickenson. Dr 10 Dodds, William 6 Dowker. J. P 6 Dixon, F. E 6 Duffleld, Mrs 2 Dr. Duggan 15 Evans, D 6 Fairfield, Walter 5 Fairclough, Richard ... 2 6 Fairclough, Mrs 2 Fergusson, Robert 1 5 U Feri{usf>on, Peter 10 Fish, Mrs 6 Fisher, Stephen 5 Fidlcr,Mr 15 Fisher, Julia 5 Forster, George James. 10 Ford, Nchcmiah 10 Forrest, W. J 1 6 o Footner, William 5 Fothergill. Mrs 2 6 French, John 3 9 Friend, A 13 Friend, A 7* Friend, A 2 6 Friend, A 2 Friend, A 1 S APPENDIX. 99 Friend, A 6 Frlsnd. A ft Oatei, F.W 3 10 Oatui, Mri F. W 10 Oetldea, K^r. J. 0.0. ... 2 lU U GttJdKit, .MrK 16 Ottddvii, llunnah d U 10 Oeddca, Sunm » ID Geddon, Mnry A 10 OwldcK. J. U.Jiin lU Olllvtpif, William 6 OilleHby, William 2 Ollleiiby, Tboma» lu Ollkl*on. J. T 16 Gott. W. A 16 Oordon, K.h 5 amen, William 10 OriMt, Peter t 10 Ouan.Anne Ounn, Alt'nd Charles.. 6 o Uiinn, MaryEllun 6 Ounn, Jnmus, O'Urion 6 Ounn, Ualpli L««ming 5 Uarper. Kicbard 6 Uardiker, Juhn 2 Ilardlkur. Mm. John... 2 Ilardlkor. Klchard 5 Hardiker. Mrs. Richard 6 Uardikur, Klizabuth ... 2 Hajor.J. H 6 Ilajor, Mrs. .1. B 6 Halt, John 0.?ilTy 15 Ilatt, Mrs. JohnUgilvy 15 UarToy. 11. W lU Harvey. Mrs. W A. ... 6 Hall. John 2 6 Hallet. Mrs 6 Heminjt.O. £ 2 6 Ileise. Hot. Theodore... 15 Helllwell. Thomas 5 Hinds, Mr Hinds. Mr 5 Holdea, John R 10 Uoodless, Joseph 10 Uolcombe, S. F I Hockaday.T 5 Hunting, Samuel 5 Hughes, Thomas 5 Jackson. Eliza 6 Jarvis. R 6 Jarvis, Herbert C 6 Jeffry, Mrs 2 6 Jenkins, John 13 Jones, C. T 5 Johnson, Oeorge 6 Judd. John 1 5 Judd. Mrs. John 6 Kerr. R 8 Kerr. R. W 10 Kelk, William 5 Kelk.Mrs 6 KoUog, S. B 10 Kidner. Charles 6 Knox. W 6 Kirby. John 6 Langdon, II 2 6 Law.R. N 10 Land. Robert A lU Land, Mrs. Robert A... 10 Land, Abel 2 6 Land, Allan 2 Land, Alfred 2 G Land, Louisa 13 Land, Susan 13 Lester, James 6 Leggo, William 6 Leggo, Mrs. William ... 6 LiUey, James S 1 Lord. Mrs 6 Matthews, J. B 5 Matthews, Mrs. J. B.... 5 Martrn. Mri 3 4 MacNab, James 6 MacNab, Alexander ... 6 MacNab. U U 6 Mnrtin, Richard 6 MacPonald. VV. II i 6 Mac(till, MfK 10 MhcNab. Miax H 6 MHcDonnJd, Mrs. H. 1'. 1 6 Malins, William 2 Martin, .lames 1 S Macrae, John 5 MaKuy. K 2 Melnnis, D 6 McInnlH. D 16 McQuolg, Mr 10 McKVhltllold 1 Ilobcon, Cliarlai 6 Kelly, Jennett LlkloK. John 6 Leaninn, .lane U Loonnrd, .Mrs 1 Lincoln, Mr 2 LInuoln.Mr* 2 Merrftll, Mm 2 Herrall, Maria 2 Marrall, Joiieph 2 Merrall. Ebi-nciar 2 Mlllln, Margaret 1 Mllnv, F 1 Noel, Ambroie 1 Smith, Asa 6 Bquiri-i, K, It 6 Bouthwcll, Mm Bmlth, Jeremiah 5 Smiih, Mrs 1 Smith, Kno« D 1 Smith, Stvphon 8mith, Kobert Smith, K.Cl SmitbDon, llobort 2 Thomoa, Captain 6 Thomiu), Mrs 2 TbomaD, Mlgn 2 VInco, Mary II 1 Wustbrook, Mra. Leyl ..0 6 Wiitbrook, Kujtono ... Wvfltbrook. IIoi tengo ..0 Wright, William 1 Woodf, James 2 Wo8tbrool{, Peter 6 WeBtbrook, Martha ... 1 WiUon, U 1 Wentlaku, Walter !i Whiting, iHaac 1 Mount I'leasant. Buckley, Mm 5 Bingham, John I Bingham, (Icorgo Cooper. C. W 10 Creighton, M'illlam ... Cox, James 2 Cox, Mrs 1 Cook, A 5 Chapin, Lyman 6 Cook, William 1 Cook, John 1 Cook, Alexander 1 Cleaver, Uichard 5 Cook, Oeorgo 1 Daughbertain, Mary ... U Draper, Oeorgc 2 Dooley, William 1 Kills, J 1 Ellis, Mrs 1 Kills, B' 1 Kills, Ilirnm 2 Ferguson, Dempster ... 5 Ferguson, Mrs 1 Ferris, James 2 Ferris, Mrs 2 Ferris, Caroline Ferris, Mary Foster, C, and family .. 15 Hall, fhomas, senr. ... 2 Hall, Mrs 2 Hall, Henry Hall, Kdmund Hall, Helen Hall, Alfred Jones, W.L 1 Kerby, Abraham 1 APPENDIX. Kenaedr, Jamei 71 7| Kcrby, Mll.-a 1 3 S Morriaon, Jamel A 3 I Morrl»oii. Mrs 2 « I Morrison, M. A 74 7 J Morrison, Charles 7J MurUow, Joseph 2 71 McAlistir, 1 13 3 Peatman. Ot'u.& family 10 lliiry, Mrs 6 Uiicy, Miss 6 Ilncy, Thomas 6 Hary, JamHH 10 lUcy, Kobert 10 Kalns, Thomas 1 3 Uaini, Mrs I 3 lluth, John U 7t Btinson, K. U 1 6 Btinson, Mrs 6 Smith, Thftddeus 10 ^\ I Toyne, John 10 Thomas, Mr and Mri. 10 3 3 7J Thompson, Robert 7i Viiughan, Mrs 6 Walters, John 7J I Walters, Mr| 7J!Wr- " • alters, ."arnh Wedgcrileid, George ... Wilson, A. B Mnluivikaixd Tutcarora. Alger, Mrs. W X f. Anthony, Olive/ 3 Anthony, William 1 3 Anthony, A 5 Anthony, Iluonah 6 Anderson, C 13 Butler, J 5 Buekwell.W 2 Hoyce,/, 1 3 Boycc, » 13 Bone, P 2 Batoman, J 6 Burning, Nicholas 10 Burning, 1" 2 6 3 Burning, S o 7i I Burning,! { Burning, J 11 1 Burning, Mrs..J Cavendish, D Ciscam, Julia Ann 10 Cornelius, .Mary 6 Cockrill,It 13 Cayuga, John 10 Carpenter, Joseph 6 Carpenter, M'idov 5 Carpenter, J 13 Clause, J 13 Carrick, A 13 Dunbar, W 13 Day, B., and family ... 5 Dalrymplo, Kenneth... 6 Day, L 13 Day, D 13 Dennis, D 13 Dee, Dr 10 Dennis, D. L 2 6 Douglas, Nancy 5 Davids, Widow 1 7J , Davis, Peter 101 7i j Davis, Isaac I Doctor, Josiah I Doctor, Mrs 6 Davids, J 1 10* 7i Davids. Mrs 1 Hi 'i\ \ Davis, Samuel 2 6 71 ' Elliot, Rev. A 2 7* I Elliot, Mrs. W 1 3 3 I Eaton, J 2 6 3 French, John 10 Frascr, J 3 (Irlffln, H., and family .. 10 Uriffln, A 6 Oriffln, Mrs, A o Uriffln, C. II Gordon, N Orern, Widow Griffith, U llerdiimun, K IliTdimaii, Mrs 2 llerdi>uian. Mr. K 2 Harris, Kichard Harris, Thomas Harris, Sarah Hale, Thomaa Hale, T Huskison, T Hill. J Hill, V, Hill, J. W Hill. Widow U Hill. D Johnson. J. 8 Johnson, Mrs. J. S Johnson, Miss Johnson, O. H. M Jolinson, Mrs Johnson, II. Beverly ... Johnson, A Johnson, Mrs. A Johnson, Johnson, Mrs. U Johnson. Z Johnson, Mrs. Z Johnson, Jos Johnson, Mrs, J 2 John, William 6 Johnson, Widow 13 Joliii, Wm., senr 2 6 John, Mrs. W John, Wm.,junr 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 fl a 8 8 3 6 e 6 •\ *i Jordan, J. 13 Isaac, Jacob 2 6 Kingston, J. S 10 Lines, J 6 Ludlow, A 13 \jott.'A 2 Latham, Jane 5 Latham, John 6 Latham, Wm 6 Lock, George 5 Uwls, Wm 13 Lottridge, J 13 Marlett,N 2 6 Miller, J 18 Miller, Mrs 16 Moses, Q 0^6 Monteere, J 6 Monteere, Mary U 2 6 Monteoro, S 13 Moses, Margaret 6 Moses, Cornelius 6 Martin, Jacob 6 Martin, 6 13 Martin, Adam 1 8 Martin, M 2 Martin, A 13 Martin, 1 3 Martin, Mrs. 13 McKoy, M 13 Nelles, Rev. A 2 Nelles, Mrs. A 10 Nelles, It. B 6 NichoU, W 6 Nichols, J 18 Nollop, H 2 6 Plewi8,G 2 Pattison, U 18 P^etup, E 2 6 Peters, Wm 6 Peters, H 2 6 f I 102 m Petcra, J 5 P«teri, Mary, 6 Powlas Jtmel 6 Powloi, Mn. J 13 "owlf- . 2 6 f owlaa, InaHc 6 PowlM, Mrs. J 6 Qulvur, J 13 RodB, J 18 Souli, W. D 6 Southwell, It 13 Smith, Cbnrlotte 6 Smith, F 2 Smith, E 1 3 Smith, Widow A 13 Styres, Geo 2 6 Styres, Jas 2 6 Styreg, Miss 1 3 Snal(o, 5 Simon, Jacob 6 3 Stoals, Henry 2 Skimmons, A ID Sliimmons, Mrs ] 3 Street, N 13 Street, AV 13 Tyson, Henry 6 Tyson, Mrs. H 6 Thomson, Tunis 2 6 Wado, R 6 Walker, R 5 Wt-ymes. J 1 3 Williams, Sampson ... 6 Wampum, J 1 H Workman, U 6 Young, T 7 6 Sums under Is 12 4 Wdlingion Sguart and Nelson. Allen, James £0 1 3 Allen, John 2 6 Allen, Joseph 2 6 Alton,Thoa. and family 10 Alton, G. S 7 6 Barchard,W 13 liarnby, John 13 Benwell, John 2 Blake, Wm 13 Bowden, Mrs 2 6 Braham, John 2 6 Breaekon, John 13 Buckley, John 6 Buchan, Thos 1 3 Buuton, Henry 7 6 Buntou, W., Senr 6 Bushby Henry 2 6 Carter, Samuel 10 Carter, Mrs. 8 10 Carter Arthur 2 6 Carter, Margaret 2 6 Carter, Maria 2 6 Carter, Ada 2 6 Chapman, W 10 Cbrisholm Mrs. A. M... 16 Clark, John 6 Cline, Jacob 1 3 Cooper, T » CottriU George 2 6 Coulson, R. D 10 Crossen, Nancy 13 Crossen, Thos 13 Crygler, Mrs 2 6 Crysler, John 6 Date, Joseph 2 6 Dales, J 13 Davidson, J 13 Davidson, Hannah 13 Davidson, William 13 Day, William 5 Dent, Mr. and Mrs 10 Dynes, 3. £. and family 6 APPENDIX. Dynes, S. and flunily... 6 Featherstone, Jackson 6 Featherstone, Mary ... 1 3 Featherstone, Ralph... 2 6 Fiiher, Peter A family 6 Fotbergill, Mrs 6 Freeman, Mrs. Joseph 13 Freeman, Mary 6 Friend 1 furnace, W 1 Gage, Andrew 6 Gage.Asahel 6 Gage, Eliza 5 Graham, Thomas 2 Greene, Rev. Y 1 6 Greene, Mrs 6 Hawkins, John 6 Haggarth, Mn 2 I Honey, George 1 Ireland, James, Senr... 6 Ireland, James, Jur.... 10 Ireland, John 6 Ireland, Joseph 10 Ireland, Mary IV James, W 1 Johnson, Miss 1 KimbalU J- N 2 Lucas, Mrs 1 McCartney, Joseph ... 2 McCartney. John 6 McCay, IHr. and Mrs. 10 M<<3ay, A. Q 6 McUec, M. C 1 MeOregcr, Moses 2 6 McKenzie, D 2 6 McKonzie, Mrs. D 2 6 McReady, Ann 2 6 Markle, Henry 2 6 Middlcton, Isaac 6 Minhinnich, Mrs 2 6 Moment, James 2 6 Morrison, Mrs. Senr... 2 6 Morrison, Robert 2 6 Naisbit, Bright 5 Xaisbit, John 5 Naisbit, Mrs 5 Nello.1, li 13 O'Reilly, Mrs. D 2 6 O'Reilly, Walter 6 Parker, William 1 Peart, V 2 Petitt, A. F 10 Wyatt, H 2 10 Prewse, Airs 2 Railton, Edward i 1 Routledgc, Miss 2 Sharp, James 6 Smith, Hiram 5 Smith, Mrs 7i Spence, Mr. & Mrs U 10 Spence, Anne 1 Spence, William 1 Spence, S.G 1 Spence, Robert...; 1 Stitt, Joseph 5 Stinson, Samual 5 VanNorman, H. B 2 Walker, Mifs M 1 Walton, Thomas 1 Walton, Miss C 6 Warrener, Charles 2 Watts, W.R 6 Welch, Mrs 2 Williamson, W 2 Wilson, Abraham 5 Wil8on,Robert n 1 Wilson Jane 1 Winskill, James 6 Gait. Andrews J. K. t family 15 Ashton, Mn Andrews Boomer, Rev. M Blain, R. and family... Blain, Mrs. J Barbour, John Barbour, W Barbour, Amelia Bailie, Kli Busby, T. J. Q Blackney, J Barnaby, Mrs Arnold, E. and family Cheeseman, John Chee«eman, Mrs, J ... Cheeseman, Charles ... Cheeseman, Mrs. C Craig, .lames Craig, Mrs Crombie, Mrs Collins, Mrs Cutten, Mr Date,H.H Date, Mrs Davi3,J.W.andfamilv Dockir, E Davidson, John Davidson, James Davidson, Miss Digby, A Dlgby,J Ferric, Mrs Friend Friend Gooding, £. R Gooding, Miss Oedde.", J. and family... Geddcs, Mrs. J. & family Griffith, R Harriii, A. A., & family Howell D Howell, Mrs Huntly, Mr Ives, Mr Jackson, James S Jaffray, P. and family Johnson, Mrs Reefer, Peter Reefer, Mrs Lowell, Mrs. and family Longan, Mrs Miller, John and family McNaughton,J.&family More, Miss Mann, Mrs Menie, Mrs McCrum. II. and family Mumford, Mr Murphy, John Phillips, William Phillips, Master W.... PhillipsGeorge Preston, Miss Poppelton, W. H Peoples, J Pope, Mr Rich, Thos. and family Riclmrdson, Dr. k fam. Robertson, William ... Seagram, Dr. & family Shade, Absalom Shade, Mrs Smith, Sidney Smith, J. H Smith, Mrs. J. II Smith, Mr Sproul, Jas. & family... Tassie, Mrs Tye. Mr Tye,Mrg Wetenhall, H 9 10 1 1 6 10 6 10 6 I 10 6 3 6 6 ? 9 G « 6 I* 2 6 1 3 3 74 6 6 6 6 6 5 1 5 2 2 6 2 2 10 2 5 5 10 2 1 15 10 6 7i ' " 6 8 U 5 10 5 13 2 6 2 6 2 5 6 12 6 1 6 10 2 10 2 10 2 1 1 2 6 3 3 6 3 10 2 6 2 6 7* 9 10 1 3 1 5 10 6 5 2 6 2 5 5 ti 1 3 3 9 5 5 6 2 6 (1 2 « 7 6 j> 10 5 fi 5 n 1 U 5 6 2 6 1 3 10 U 6 2 6 r, 5 5 1 3 6 7* 2 6 2 6 6 2 6 2 6 10 2 6 5 6 10 2 1 15 1 6 fl 7i (1 2 e 8 n 6 10 5 1 3 2 6 2 U 2 6 9 6 12 e 1 5 10 2 10 2 10 2 6 1 3 1 S 2 6 3 10 2 6 ) 2 e n APPENDIX. 108 Wetentaall.P JaineR, Mrf 10 Qttnn, Mrs 1 Uarill, Jamei, & fdinlly fi Furnlns, Mr* 5 McMillan, Mri 5 SteTcnron, Mrs 6 Rennie, Alexander 2 Clarke, F 2 Walker, Mr 2 Mann, Frederick 2 Battle, Mr 1 Scott, Mrs. F 2 Mcintosh, Mrs 10 Seagram, £ 1 Jkverljf. Holcomb, S 10 Holcomb, Mrs. 5 Holcomb, John 2 Holcomb, Charles 2 Winslow, Ann 1 Vanerery, A. A 14 Coolcy, Andrew 5 Cooley, Mrs 5 Cooley, Jr., Preserved Coolef, Jr., William ... C!ooley,Mary Cooley, Clarissa Whetham, Oeorge 5 Whetbam, Mrs 2 Dairy, James 2 Babcock, Mrs. H 2 Oarroch. James 1 Lamb, Henry V 5 Cooley, Preserved 5 Cooley, Mrs. P o 2 Bond, Richard 10 Lamb, Mrs. C 2 Handcoek, Mrs. J 1 Fisber, Joseph 1 Becket, Richard 1 Parsons, W. P 1 Briee, Ennis 2 Cooper, J. H 2 Conga, Samuel 6 Tindall, Thomas 2 McCom, Robert I MeCom, William 1 Bowman, Sartkh 1 Chandler, Mrs 2 Cranly, Michael 1 Barlow, H.0 3 Barlow, Mrs 2 Barlow, Miss 2 Chandler, Mrs 1 Barry, Miss 1 Barlow, W.W 5 Barlow, Mrs. W.W 2 Barlow, Jr., H. a 1 Barlow, John 1 Roberts, Miss 2 Roberts, Mr 6 Edwards, Oeorge 2 Edwards, Mrs 1 Edwards, Miss 1 Edwards, Mary 1 Edwards, F 1 Hoascieo, John Allerton, Tbomaa 1 AUerton, Mrs 1 Allerton, Joseph 1 AUerton, Miss 1 Allerton, Mary 1 MeComb, Mr 1 McComb, Mrs 1 McComb, William J. ... 1 MoComb, Miss 1 Lowery, James 3 Lowery, Mn 2 7} Young, Mrs.. 6 3 7* 7t ;t « 6 6 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 e 3 S 3 3 3 e 3 9 6 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 I' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 e Parker, Robert Parker, Mrs Parker, Miss Parker, Jr., Robert Stalker, John Kersingham- Andrew Kirkland, Miss Howard, Mrs Armstrong, Walter Tuple, CO Burt, James Atkins, William PettingcT, Mrs Smith, James Burrell, George Smith, Mrs Blalsdall, Mrs Dunn, Mrs. Lundy Friend Sweet, Oeorge Sweet, Mrs Lamb, Mrs. L Lamb, Mrs Harrison, Mr Harrison, Mrs Uifhith, Frederick Cornell, David Cornell, Miss Cornell, Simon Hinn, William Casts, Michael Falkener, James Shea. Widow & Orphan Harrison, Wabom Hunt, Mr Jamss, Reuben Babcsck, Nelson Little, Thomas Yates, C. * R St. Ctjorge. Stanton, M Stanton, Mrs Stanton, Mr. S Stanton, Mrs. S Manwaring, Mrs Hudson, Mr Nicholson, R. S Nicholson, Mrs Kennedy, Mary « 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 n Ti 3 3 3 3 1 lOi 1 lOi 2 6 I* 3 6 3 3 3 2 6 2 6 5 6 6 6 5 10 6 5 2 OakviUt. Baker,G , Barclay, J Beaty, A Bigger, C Bigger, Mrs Bigger, Miss Bigger, J. L Bigger, Mrs Bigger, Ann Bigger, Sarah Bigger, Robert D Bigger, John H Bigger, Jane E Bigger, Charles H Bigger, Mrs. 0. U Boon, I , Brethom, John Brethom, E Brethom, Joseph Butler, F Camp, V,' Cantley, W Cantley, Mrs I Chisholm. Mrs. J I Qhisholm, Mrs. O. R... 1 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 S Close, Rebecca 18 Coates, R., and family 16 Coulson,R 5 Coyne, A 6 Crooks, F 0-0 Crooks, Mrs 2 6 Crooks. T. A 7i Dolamore, Miss 2 8 Donaldson, J. S 6 Douglas, A 2 6 Dowdle, R 2 6 Duff.D i 6 Evatt, Mrs 2 6 Flock, Mrs. C. W 6 Friend, A 6 " 13 « 7i Grantham, A 6 Grantham, Mrs 6 Gulledge, H 2 6 Hammll, £. A 13 Harley, J 2 6 Harrington, Mrs 6 Hatton, J 13 Halton, W 13 Hewson, Miss 2 6 Hilton, R 2 6 Hingston, J. B 6 Jarvis, A 10 Jarvis, Mr< 6 Jones, W.H 6 Langtrey, W 6 Langtrcy, Mrs 5 Langtrey, Miss C 2 6 Langtrcy, Miss M 3 6 McR».'ady,Mr 5 Mcrigold, D 2 6 Merigold, Mrs 13 Mills, J 13 Mills, James 13 Murphy, J 13 Murphy, Rlrs 13 Murphy,E 13 Murphy, G.W 13 Nixon, W 2 6 Patriarch, Mr 2 6 Patriarch, Mrs 13 Patriarch, P. C 2 6 Patriarch, W 13 Patriarch, Miss 13 Patriarch, Master H.... 7i Patriarch, Master C. ... 7{ Pettit, Jonathan 6 Pettit, Mrs 6 Pettit, Elizabeth 2 6 Pettit, Ann 2 6 Pettit. Mary 2 Pettit, Sarah 2 Pettit, W. J 10 Pettit, W.Y 16 Pettit, Mrs 15 Pettit, S. A 2 6 Pettit, M. H 2 6 Post, H 5 Post, E., & family, 5».> ^ m a Prev'sly subscribed 6». ; " ^o O Potter, Mrs 13 Raines, W.R. 5 RaineB,G. W. J 2 6 Reid, J., and son 10 Romaine, W. J 2 6 Shanklin, Rev. R 1 6 Shaw, Miss 2 6 Smith.R 10 Smith, Mrs 5 Smith, W 2 6 Smith, II 13 Steele, Margaret 1 3 Steele, Mary 13 Tbompson,0 6 Thompion,pB 7 6 'i. ^ 104 APPENDIX. :-•-■ L 1 Urquhart, S 2 6 Verner, A. C, .t family 10 White, 1 10 Williams, J. W 10 U Williams, Mrs 2 6 Williams, J. A 16 Williams, M. 11 3 9 Williams, J B U 1 3 Willson, J 5 Wright, W 2 6 Wright, Mrs 2 6 Palertito. Ailcman, A U 1 3 Alder, H 1 3 AndursoD, A. II 13 Anderson, A. II 2 6 Askin.J 13 Bell, J 2 6 Bell. Mrs 13 Bulyea, J 2 Bigjjer, W. 5 Bigger, II 5 Bigger, Mrs. A 13 Book, W 13 Bowman, Mrs 1 lOi Back, Mrs. A 1 3 Buck, Mrs. P 1 3 Buck.0 13 Burkboldor, H. M 13 Burns, M Ti Butler, W 2 6 Calton, T 13 Cameron, A 0.. 1 3 Campbi-ll,J 13 Campbell, P 13 Carr, A 13 Carrique, T 2 6 Carrique, W 13 Carrique, II 13 Carrique, Miss U 7i Chapman, T. A 1 3 Clemens, S 2 6 Cornell, Mrs 7i Crooks, Mrs 5 Crooks, W 8 6 Crow, J 2 6 Culloden, L. P 5 Debarest, J 2 C Dennis, L 2 6 Dobson, T 2 6 Doriand.K 1 3 Dorland,0 13 Borland, Mrs 13 Borland, A 1 3 Douglas, D 5 Drummnnd, II 13 Elliott, R. 13 Ellis, Mrs 13 English, W 13 Forbes, M 13 Friend, A 10 «' 4 « 1 KH " 2 6 « 2 6 « 71 Fryers, Mr 13 Hablethwaite, Mr 2 Uagaman, B 13 Hager,W 2 6 Ilager, Mis 13 Ilager, A 1 10^ Uager, W 2 6 llager, L 2 6 Hamburg, R 13 Ilardinir, Mrs 13 Harrison, H S Harrison, Mrs 2 Harrison, 2 6 ; Harrison, Mrs I Harrison, R I Hart, Mrs Uarwood, H., & family Henderson, Mrs Hissoo, J Howell, W I Howell, J.T ; Jarvis, W j Jebger, Mrs j Jortin,J Joyer, A King, G I Langtrey, Q Langtrey, R Langtrey, Mrs Langtrey, Miss M Langtrey, Miss E Lawrence, L Ludlow, Lunney, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, Mrs McCartney, Miss McClenegan, T McKnight, Mrs Mclardy, R McLeod, D McMiohael, D *0 Mc.Vlicbael, Mrs Mfltherall, Mills, Mrs Miller, R Moore, W Moore, J Nesbett, W. R Purmenter, II Partridge, W Peacock, Mr. and Mrs... Peacock, Miss Peacock, E Peacock, R Peacock, G P.-acock, Mrs. S Reid, Mrs.E Kiggs, W. A Shaw, Miss S. A Sheridan, R Stuart, N Stuart, Mrs Simmerman, H. P Simmerman, P Simmerman, P. B Simmerman, J Simmons, J Smith, J. D Smith, Mrs Smith, Miss E Smith, Miss A Smith, J Smith.E. B Smith, J. B Smith, J. H Smith, W Stelwcod, J Stelwood, G Stevenson, Mrs Street, Mrs. G. A Switzer, II. M. & family 1 Switzer, Master H Thompson, E. C Thompson, Mrs Tolrine, H Vernon, J Wallace, J Ward,D Watkins, S Wilkinson, F Williams, E Wilson, Ii Willson, R WilJ.«)n,T 2 6 1 3 7t 5 1 3 6 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 • t U 3 3 5i 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 C 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 O 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 1 5 2 6 5 6 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 7i ti Willson, M 6 Winter, H 2 6 Winter, Mrs 13 Winter, J 18 Winter, Jacob 7i Wright, W 13 Milton. Collected by Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Uolgate. Robert Anderson 13 Mrs. Armstrong 2 6 Mrs. Bell 13 Mrs. A. Brown 2 6 Mrs. Britton 5 William Butchart 2 6 Mr8.Chi8holm 13 Mrs. D. Cobban 2 Mr. CuthberUon 13 Mrs. Dodge 2 6 W. L.C. Kayer 7 6 C. H. Foreman 13 Wm. McFerran 13 Mrs. D. Freeman 1 3 .Mrs. Hugh Foster 13 Mrs. Farley 13 Samuel Fleming 5 Mrs. Fleming 7 6 Mrs. Horner 13 Mrs. Hawthorne 2 6 T. Houston 1 3 Mrs. Hunt 2 6 Mrs. Howitt 2 6 George Inglis 13 Miss John.^ton 71t John Kennedy 2 6 WilliBm Kennedy 2 Mrs. J. Kennedy 13 W. D. Lyon 13 R. A. Lyon 13 Maria Marauley 13 Mrs. Morse 13 Mrs. E. Martin o 5 Peter McKay o 1 3 Mrs. Minckton 7i Mrs. Moore 2 6 Edward Xowton 13 James Xash 1 3 Mrs. Orcutt 13 Miss Purden 2 6 Thomas Racey 7 6 Mrs. Itacey 7 6 Miss Racey 5 Helen Rncey 13 Fanny Racey 13 Charles Racey 2 6 .Tohn Stewart 13 Susannah Spcirs 13 Mrs. James Stewart ... o 1 3 Klarlan Sproat 13 Mr. Thorn 1 3 Mrs. Tuck s 7| Rev. F. Tremayne — Annual ISO Bible & Tract Fund 5 Henry VVinter 2 6 .Mrs. T. Wright 2 6 A Friend 3 11 A Friend 2 6 Collected by Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Tremayne. Mrs. Armstrong 2 William A. Vgar 10 John Brown 2 Thomas Bradley 5 Absalom Kcll 2 George Brown 5 .TacobBuck 1 John Bowes 1 APPENDIX. 106 Mr a. Bowes 1 3 William Cunningham 2 6 John Clements 2 6] Samuel Clarke 2 6 Hugh FoRter 2 C Nicholas Forbes 2 3 Thomas Follis 1 3 Mrs. Freeland 1 lOJ Henry K. Farrell 2 6 Dr. Gardner 10 Mrs. Gardner 5 William Hill 5 Edward Hampton 5 John Holgate 5 Clarke Holmes 2 6 John J. Humphrey ... 2 6 Mrs Johnston Harrison 6 William Hatrison 2 6 Benjamin Jones 5 Wm. Joyce, for Indian Mission, Oardeu Isl. 5 William Joyce, Sen 1 3 Richard Montgomery... 2 6 John Manary 2 6 William McCartney ... 1 3 Henry McCartney 6 Henry Mc.Murray 2 6 Kobert McDowall 6 Hugh McDowall 13 John McFarren 13 Miss Patterson 5 Richard Ruxon 2 6 James Riach 5 Andrew Robinson 2 6 T. B. Ross 13 John Rixon 13 William Robson 3 Andrew Suter 5 71 William Smiley 2 3 Mrs. W. Simpson 1 3 John Snider 7i James Sawyer 2 6 John Stout 13 Robert Simpson 5 William Smith 2 6 Mrs. T'emayne 5 Thomas H. Thompson 5 John Thompson 6 Mrs. R. Thompson 6 Robert Vigcon 1 3 R. L.Whyte 13 J. L. Watson 5 Mrs.Willmott 2 6 W.Willmott 2 6 Austin Willmot 2 6 William Wright 2 6 8. Zeeple 2 6 Collected by Miss Rixon and Miss Trotter. Mary Brown 13 Mrs. R. Bowes 13 Thomas Coates 2 6 James Coates 13 Margaret Deforest 13 James Ford 1 3 Mrs. L. Ford 13 John Oarbit 13 Mrs. W.Green 7'.- Mary Hogg 13 Richard Harrison 7i Mrs. Jacob Newell 13 Mrn.Orr , 13 James Rixon 7 6 Thomas Rixon 13 Miss Sherwood 7} John Trotter, Sen 2 6 Richard Trotter 2 6 PhUip Walker 2 6 7J " 3 3 6 3 6 5 1 3 1 3 2 6 5 2 6 5 5 2 6 2 6 CoUscted by Mits Demptey and MissCuUoden. Miss Black 18 Mi.«s Culloden 2 6 William Coutes 2 John Dcmpsey 5 Mrs. Dempsry 2 6 Thomas Dcmpsey 13 Miss Dempsey 13 George Dcmpsey 2 6 Mrs. G. Dempsey 2 6 John T. Elliott 13 Friend to Church & State 6 Friend to Missions Mrs. Forrest Samuel Furmidge Charles T. Hill Thomas Joyce Mrs. Reid Jeremiah Reid Miss Ruxton 1 lOi .1. Soules 2 6 Matthew Wilson 5 John Wiman 13 Co'iiectod by Andrew Bigger. John Bigger Almira Bigger Mrs. J. Bigger Robert Bigger Andrew Bigger Richard Bigger Jacob Cook Mrs. J. Evans Thomas Howden W.Henderson ; Zowville. Collected by Mr. H. Richardson. Joseph Foster 5 A Friend 13 William Ga.stle 5 Agnes Gastlu 1 3 Elizabeth Gastlo 1 3 Jane Oastle 13 Thomas Gastle 13 OliverGreen 13 Margaret Green 13 Davis Green 1 3 John Richardson, Son. 5 John Richardson, Jun. 5 Henry Richardson 2 6 William Rouse 13 James Tooker 2 6 Collected by Mr. W. Foster. George Cowley 6 Mrs. Eliz. Foitcr William Foster Mrs. C.Kelly Francis M. Kelly Thomas Stoukes .^0 Collected by Miss "Dice. Isaac Armstrong 13 Mary A. Armstrong ... Mrs. Agnew Mr. Addison 2 6 George Dice 5 Mrs. Dice 13 Mi» S. Dice 13 Matthew Dice 2 6 William Erwin 2 6 I Jane Fields 7i I Mrs. McClinton 13 ' Hornby. i Collected by Mrs. R. Cowan. EdwardAndrews 5 Mrs. Alton 6 Edward Armstrong ... 2 Mrs. D.Brooks 5 David Beatty 5 Mrs. J. Bell 6 William Bell 5 Richard Cowan In 5 5 3 9 1 3 6 71 1 3 Mrs. R. Cowan 12 James Cunningham ... 5 Mrs. A.Cunniugham... 2 Mrs. J. Cunningham... 5 John Carr 2 Thomas Dent 5 William F. Earls 3 William Forest 1 A Friend 2 Mrs. Forest 2 James Ferguson 1 William Gibson 1 William House 1 Joseph Hall 2 Mrs. J. HsU 2 William Hamilton 2 Mrs. J. Holl 2 Mrs. K. Hall 1 John Jackson 5 Mrs. Jackson 2 Samuel King 1 David Lindsay, Jun 2 Mrs. D. Lindsay 2 Henry Madden 2 Mrs.McDool 1 James Mason 2 Charles Noakes 5 James Newcomb 2 John Newcomb 3 James Preston 2 Thomas Preston 2 Mrs. Preston 2 Robert Rutledge 1 Mrs. Robson 1 Mrs. Story I James Smith 2 Isaac Wilson 6 Ferguson Wright 5 Collected by Miss Cowaa. Mrs. Buscll 2 Mrs. J. Brain 2 John Brain ...'. 2 John Brain, Jun 2 Miss Brain 1 David Brooks 6 John Cowan 10 William Cowan 5 Mrs. J. Griffin Mrs. M. Griffin Joseph Griffin MissGipson F. Ilowson Mrs. Huntley J. May Mrs. K. Moy Mr. Morrison George Mason John Switzer Mrs. J. Switzer Abel Switzer Mrs. Switzer Mrs. Thompson Mr. Waring Mrs. John Whaley William Whaley Collected by Miss Switzer. Joseph Cowan 7 Ellen Edwards A Friend A Friend Francis Kent A Friend Aaron Ladlow Mn. H. May 6 6 II 6 6 9 3 6 6 8 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 6 1* 6 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 6 S 3 3 101 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 7* 7* 3 6i 3 3 6 « 8 8 7i 6 « 106 APPENDIX. Jobn Piekard 1 101 8»muel Switier 10 Collected by HIm Atkinion. JoMph AtkinMO 5 Mrt. Atkinson 13 CoIIorted hj Miif Cordinglee. John CordinRlM 2 Mw. CordlnnlfO 2 6 DaTldCordlnicleo 2 Mnrtha CordinRlfio 2 6 Pnlumon Cordinffle* ... S ChnrloK Cordingloe 5 UiM Cordingleo 2 6 Robert Forett 1 3 Asa Kindnr 7} J. Kennedy 13 OeorgH May 5 Mm. May 2 6 John Miles a 2 6 StnoarMown. A Trie Id 1 irmstrong, Jobn 2 Vroln. GaorKe n 10 Ball.Wm.W 2 Parneii, C 6 BHnnett.C 5 Cook,Itobert 2 Curry, John 2 Cunningham, W 1 CroM, Mri« 1 Henry, John 1 Henry. MrK 1 Kt-nt, Francis 5 Leifihton, John 2 Lind.iny, James D 6 IiindMty, Mrs 2 6 IididlHW, James S 13 Murray, .lohn 10 klorrow. Thomas 13 Smith, Thomas S 6 Smith, Mrs 2 Sargison, Wm 1 Thompson, John P 5 Thoropfon, Iloiiry P... 5 Thompson, Oeorge 5 Thompson, Mrsi 2 Thompson, VVilliant ... 2 ThompFon, MIsk Sarah. 1 Thompson, Mins 1 Thompson, J. It 1 Thompson, noorge 0... 1 Thompson, William T. 5 l1 yorvaL Beatty, Miss 2 6 Booth, Mary C I 3 Bradner. Samuel 13 Brady, Cro-by 10 Cook, P»ter 2 6 Clay, William 1 1 Clay, Annie 1 3 Cunningham, D. 5 Cunninghsm, Mrs 2 6 Cunninj^ham, Dr 10 Cunnlnithiim, Miss 2 Paniul, Thomas 2 6 BaTidson, Sirs 13 Donaldiion, T 2 6 DonaldKun, Mrs 13 Bonaldnon, Mary J 1 3 Pry, Mrs 6 GInty, William 2 6 Oooderham, H 10 Oreenswonl, T 2 6 Greensword Mary 13 OiMOiwoid, Ellen 13 HaniOB,Mrs 2 HanPon,SarabA 2 Howse, Mr 6 Johnson, Mrs. J 1 Kent, Francis 10 Utile, Arthur 2 Little, Edward Manning. Henry Manning, John Marks John Marsh, Rbt. \V 1 Marsh, Mrs.T.W., W.O. 10 Marsh, T. H., W. 0.... 2 Matthews Hugh Miller, James Mothersill, U Nelson, John Nixon Mrs. Mary 1 Pearson, Thomaa Pxek, Mr Pettigrew, James Pettierew, Mrs Pettigrew, W. J PettlKrow, Henry Pettigrew, Isabella ... t Pettigrew, Robert 1 Pettigrew, Jobn Pettigrew, 8nmn«l Pettigrew, William ... Pettigrew, Robert Pezton, William Pexton, Mrs Richardson. T Richardmn, J Ross, Henry Ros4, Mrs Ross, Henry, jr Ross, Mary Ann Ross, John Ross, Susan Smellier, Paul Smeltxcr, Mrs SiitciifT. Joseph t Thornbury, W Watfon, William Watson, Mrs Watson, W. jr Watson, Mrs. W Watson, Robert M'atson. Mrs. R Webster, Henry Wilson, Jobn U Gforgetown, Barnes, Peter Bamer, George Briton, Richard Brit >n, John Burnet, Jane Clark, John Coates, Robert D Cook, .lohn Cook, John Cook. Agnes Craine. Thomaa Delmage, Mrs Fleming, Ann Fleming, Mary o 1 Forbes, David 10 Freestone, A. M 5 Freestone, Joseph Gleendeery, James Godfrey, Mr Graham, .Tohn Graham, Samuel Graham, John Graham, William Graham, Ephraim Hunter, Jobn Jones, Robert JonM, W. n S 6 Long, R 6 lx>ng, M 2 6 Long, Elicabetb 1 3 tiong. J 13 r^ng, Susan 13 Love, Mr 2 6 Marks, James 13 PhllllpH, Samuel 2 6 Phillips. Mrs. S 2 6 Phillips, Miss 13 Price, ETan 2 6 Roe, W. W 6 Roe, Mrs 2 6 Roe, William 13 Roe, Walker 18 Ruddle.Jnmes 2 6 Says, Elisabeth 2 6 Smith,John 7 6 Smith, Mrs. J 2 6 Stuli, John A family... 10 Stull, Julia A 13 Stull, Mnry Ann 1 3 Stull, William 13 Stull, Stephen 13 .Stull, George W 1 3 Switzer, Mr 2 6 Switcer, Mrs 2 6 Thompson, George 3 G Vance,Tbomas 2 6 Walker, Mr 6 Walker. Mrs 5 Watson, Mrs 13 Young, James S Young, Mrs 6 Young, Charles 5 Guelph. Arkell, T., and fitmily 10 Atkinson, G 5 Atkinson, Mrs 2 6 Atkinson, J 13 Atkinson, M I 3 Atkln!>on, Mrs. J 5 Atkinson, M. A 7i Uaker, A. A 10 Baker Mrs 10 Benham,J 10 Bilby, Mrs 2 6 liidget, Mr 2 6 Brock, Mrs S Brock, W. B 5 Brock, T 5 lii^ul, .Mrs., and family a Brl«ht.T 13 Bilby. Mr 8 6 Bolton. T 13 Holton, .1 3 Bolton, H 13 Clarke, W 5 Clarke, L 5 Catchpole, Mr 2 6 Catchpole, Mrs 2 6 Cunningham, Mrs 6 Cunningham, Miss 2 6 Cunningham, S. A 13 Cunning am, E 13 Card, Mr 5 Card, Mrs 2 6 Carter, Mrs 13 Card, T 10 Card, M 2 6 Clements, J 2 6 Caranah, T., & family 5 Clay, L 13 Chadwick, Mrs 10 Cowans, R 5 Cooper, Miss K 13 Cooper, Miss J 5 Ca^Ufleld, J 6 APPENDIX. 107 Otrt«r,T.,and&mny... 6 Daviu, Mr 6 Davii, Mr. W 3 Decker, W. II. A family 5 Dennx, .1.. I 3 Deane, li 13 Daiiii, .Mr., lonior 2 6 DatIk, iMr4. U 2 6 DavIs. J 2 Da?l», F 2 6 Davis, I 3 Diamond, Mr< 2 6 Eiliott, 10 Elllcii, R 2 Edwards, S 2 6 FeritUKson, A. J 5 U Feathurfitaobaugh, Mrs 10 Francl<, J 10 Orange, Mr. ShorllT 5 Orahntn. Mrs. 11. D 10 Oeorg', V 6 Oeori?e, Mrs 6 Olxnnio, Miss 6 Hitginbotljam,N 5 Ilog^, J 6 Herod Dr 5 Ilarvuy.J 10 Hewutt, Colonel 15 U HewHtt. Mrn. A 6 Harrison. Mr« 6 Ilnmmer.sly.J.&family 5 Herbert, W 2 6 HorbiTt. Mrs 2 6 Hewer. J U 2 6 Hewer Mr« 2 6 Herd, Mr 2 6 Herd, Mrs 2 6 Howes, R 2 6 HoggB, A 6 Hogge, Mrs 6 Hoggo. A. B 6 Haines. II 5 Ho^g J 6 Hariand.J 6 Harland Airs £ 5 lies J., and family 7 6 Irwin B 6 Jarvis W. D 10 Jones, Mrs 13 Jones J 13 Jackson, K 10 Jonc-j, A 1 Johnson R 13 Jon s IVIrs 13 Keating.T 6 Keating, Mr.4 6 Keating T.A 2 6 Kench.Mr 6 King. Mr 6 King, Mrs 6 Kurby. K.. and family 2 6 Knowles. R 13 Knowles. Mrs 1 3 Knowles, Wm 1 3 Leggett, J 2 6 Leggi'tt, Mrs 2 6 Laight, Mrs 13 Laigbt, W 13 Lamprey. Mrs 10 Lynch, 2 6 LawRon, Mrs 6 Lemon, A 6 Mackenzie,J 6 Hackencie. H. M 10 Martin, B. R 10 MeWilliams.R 2 6 Macdonald. Mrs 6 Marcon, P. E 1 Murton. Mrs. E 6 Marsh. Mr 2 6 M«nh,Mr8 2 6 Miydfw.J 13 Mellisb, Mrs S U Melliah, A 13 Napier. Vf. H. £ 6 Noeve, J ft 10 Neeve, Mrs. J 10 Neeve. F 2 6 N'ickell O.. and family 2 6 Overfleld.C. £ 10 Oliver, Mrs 2 Oulton. J 6 I'Himer. Key. A 1 6 Polmer.Mri^ 1 6 Palmer. Miss 6 I'almer, Mifs F 5 Palmer. Miss M. A U 2 6 Palmer, Miss U 13 I'almer, Master A 2 Palmer, Master R. P.... 13 Parker, W. II 6 Parker, Mrs 6 Parker, Miss 2 6 Parker, Miss F 2 6 Parker. Mrs. Dr. 6 I'ortor. Mr 3 9 3 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 Pelty J 1 Pipe, J 7 Robins. Mr 2 Robins. Mrs 2 Rust. Mr. 6 Sayers.T.. and family... 7 Stewart. Rev. £. M 1 6 I Stone. F.W 10 S'one, Mrs 6 Stone. J 1 Stone. F. W., junior ... fl 1 Stone, K.J 1 Stone. M. H 1 .Steele, J 2 Smith. M 1 Smith E 1 Sockett. Mr 10 Tracy. J. T 6 Thurtell Mrs 6 Tburtell, Miss 6 Terry. J., and family... 2 Tolton.T 1 ITolton.W. and H 7 I Tolton. John and J. ... () 2 I Vale. Copt 10 Wilson. Mrs. J. 5 2 6 2 2 3 ! Williams. J. "...'... .'..!!!!!'. Wilson. Mr Wakefield H Wakefield, Mrs Wakefield. W 2 6 Wakefield. 0.,& family 2 6 Watson, C 2 Watsriu. Mrs. 2 6 Watson. T 6 Ward, J 6 Ward, ,Tcan 6 Ward, James 6 Ward, Henry 6 Wata Tohn 6 Haynes, Mrs 6 Haynes, Mrs Curtis... 6 Helliwoll, Thos. h 5 Helliwell, Mrs 6 Honshaw, John 6 Hodgkinson, Robt 5 Hodgklnsun, Mrs 6 Holloway. Mrs 10 Howso, Richard 6 o Howso, Mrs 2 6 Jukes, Mr 6 Jukes, Mrs 6 King, W. D 10 Kelly, Mrs 6 Kelly, Elizabeth 2 6 Lauder, George 10 Lepper, James 5 LepD«r, John 5 Leslie, Mrs 6 I.eslie,J.P 2 Mack, Dr. 1 MacDonald, R 1 6 McOiven, W 10 McGlTcn, Mrs 6 McVeigh, Miss 5 Mclntyre, Tbos 6 MacPherson, J 6 Merrygold, Wm 6 Merritt, Mrs 1 6 Merritt, Mrs. W. M.Jr 1 6 Merritt, Thos. R 1 6 Merritt, Mr Thos R... 10 Miller. Mrs. R 1 Nobie, J Noble, Mrs 2 6 Noble, Wm 2 Osborn, T. Sonr 6 Osborn, T. Jur. 6 Osborn, Wm 5 Osborn, Mrs 2 6 Osborn, Anne 2 6 Osborn, Fanny J 2 6 Osborn, Edith 2 6 Paffard, F 6 I'aflbrd, Mrs 6 Parnall.Wm 2 Parnall, Mrs 2 Parnall, Elizabeth 1 I'arnall, Jane 1 Parnall, Adelaide 1 I'arnall, Wm. A 1 Parsons, G. F. A Wife... 1 I'ettec, Dr 5 Pcttec, Mrs 5 Peterson, Robt 5 Peterson, John 5 Powell, Henry C O 5 Kanncy, John L 1 5 Reynard, Jas 5 Robarts, Rev Tbos. T. 1 6 Rolls, Charles 5 RollB, Mrs 5 Ross,Jobn 6 Rykert, Geo. Penr 2 Rykcrt, Mrs. J. C 1 6 Sandham, John 6 Sandham, Mrs 5 Sanders, Thos. W 6 Saxon, Frederick U. wmmmm .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... a .... 6 .... 6 .... 10 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 g... 6 .... 6 .... n 6 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 ... 10 ...0 6 .... 2 6 .... 6 .... 6 ... 10 ...0 6 ...0 2 6 .... 10 .... 6 .... 6 ... 6 ... 2 ... 1 ... 1 6 ... 10 .... 6 ...0 6 ...0 6 ...0 6 ...0 6 ... 1 .•( Jr 1 6 ... 16 ... 10 ...15 ...0 2 6 ... 2 6 ... 2 ...0 6 ...0 6 ...0 5 ...0 2 6 ... 2 6 ...0 2 6 ... 2 6 ...0 6 .. 6 ...0 2 6 ..020 ... 1 .3 ..0 1 3 ..013 ...0 13 ..100 ..060 ..060 ..060 ..050 ..050 ..160 ..060 \ 1 5 ..060 ..060 .050 ..200 ..160 ..050 .060 ,.050 .060 Slate, n 6 Slate, Mn 5 Smiirt, Mrs 5 Smith.Gco 5 Smith, Mrs. Geo 5 Smlih, Francis 5 Smyth, John It 10 Ta> lor, Copt. Wm 10 THylor, .1nmc8 10 Wond, Robt 6 Wand, Mrs ft Woodiuff, B 5 Woodruff, Mrs S 6 Starnford and Dntmmondville, Anon 6 Anon 5 Brownrig, Mbs J 2 Crowther, G. U. Esq. ... 5 U Crowther, Mrs 5 Davidson, Mrs. M 10 Sanforth, Mrs. (1854). 5 Donation 5 « 2 " O. P. F.-l'S. 5 « M.F.— Pars. 5 •< S. F.-ror S. 5 « W. and O.PS. 6 Foster, Mrs 3 Foster, A 7i Fostur,C 7* Foster, K 7i Ingles, Kev. C. L., P.S.. 15 Ingles, Mrs IV Ingles, K.C ii C Karr, .Mrs i: C Karr, Mary.! 71 KlrkwoodjDr 6 Laccy, Mr. WilUnm ... 5 liofferby. Miss— W.& 0.1 Leggett, William, Ksq.. 5 Leonard. Mn? 10 Lid.lell, Mr. G 6 McGlafhKn, Mr 5 McGlashan, Mrs 5 M 2 Mewlmrn, Dr 2 lo Mewburn, .Mr. II 5 Mewburn.J. II 7J Mewburn, Mr. F 5 Mpwburn, Dr. F. C. — W.andO 15 Mewburn, Mrs.-W&0. 5 Mewburn, J. M. " 1 .1 Mewburn, A. "013 Mewburn, K. A. C. " 13 Mewburn, II. T. « 13 Missionary box, St G.'s Sunday School 4i Ditto St. .Tohn''s ditto .I Murray, Mrs 10 Nowmnn, William 2 6 PidRcon, Mr. E.-don.. 2 6 llooth, W. A., Ksq. " 10 Ross, Mr. S. F— M. F... 5 Ross, Mr. OG 5 Sacramentnl offering C. St. John's on Clirlst- mas day for M. F. ... 15 Thynno. Mrs 5 Trice. Mr 5 Watling. Mrs 2 Wilson, Miss 2 Wilson, Mr. « 5 Woodruff, Mrs 10 Woodtuir,Mr AV.W 6 Chippawa. Kev.W.Lceming,w.&0.12 10 ReT. W. I«eming, O.P.. 16 APPENDIX. Thomai C. Street, Eiq. 3 Mrs. Street 3 James Macklem, Ksq... 2 10 Oliver, T. Macklem ... 1 10 Mrs. 0. T, Mooklcm ... 1 10 Dr. T. 0. Macklem 1 6 .Mrs. T. C. Macklem ... 1 10 Anna Macklem 10 Anna Ho«mcr 1 John Kirkpiitrick 1 10 William Duff 10 Mrs, Sawbridgo 10 James Anderson 10 3 John Kapeljlo 10 Jai.ics Cumniings, Ksq. 10 James Macklem, Jun... 10 V. II Haycock 10 .TohnKo,«s 10 Henry Bond 10 John Usher 15 Dr. George MoMicking 10 Hichd, II. Klrkpatrick. 10 C. & W. Nicholson 10 J C. Nellcs 10 James McKcnzle 10 George Gordon 6 Gavin Nicholson 5 James A. Wilkinson ... 5 John Rousseau ,'> James McOlashan 5 Charles Ilurrel 10 John Phillips 5 John llurno 5 Henry Rogers 5 Christopher Rogers .... 5 John Starke 5 I-. M Harper 6 Jonathan Slater 5 William Macklem 6 John II. Mvrriam 5 Alexander Smith O 15 .lames Amm 5 Henry Hoshal 5 licwis Durham 2 6 J, Pierce 2 6 Alexander Emmons ... 1 3 Robert Sater 2 6 Richard Deakers 2 6 George McKinley 13 Fort Eric. A Friend 15 Anderson, Mrs 5 Anderson, VVm 5 Anderson, John 5 Anderson, Helen 2 6 Anderson, Caroline 1 3 Anderson. Iledley 13 Drown, Harry 2 l)ougla.s, Alexander 10 l)o«Bla»,Mrs 5 Dou;;las, John 5 nousias, William 5 Graham, Richard 6 (irasett, Rev.E 1 5 (irasett, Mrs 10 Hoyt, Timothy 5 Hoyt, Mrs 5 Hoyt, Leah 2 McConnell, John 5 McConnell, Mrs 6 Hainisford, William 2 6 Stanton, .Tames 5 Stanton, Mrs 2 6 TliomRon, William A... 5 Thomson, Mrs 6 Tutton, Joseph 1 lOJ Tutton, Mrs 13 Warren, Thomas 6 Wellwisher 10 109 Streettvitle and LitUt Irttand. (Collected by George Buck and Hamilton Stovenion.) Allan, J, II 2 6 Beam, Aaron 1- Rcam, H, J 1^ Beam, L, M 1** Benner, Edward 1 3 Buck, Oeorgo 2 Buck, Martin 13 Hendershot, Peter 1 3 Hendershot, P. II 13 Ilnuso, Benjamin 2 6 House, Mrs 2 House, Elizabeth 1 3 Huffman, Leonard 1 it Huffman, G H 13 James, Georgina 18 James, Mary 13 Johnson, John 1 3 Lepper, Gocrgo 1 3 Mar, Francis 13 Mar, Mrs 18 Richardson, Thomas... 13 Sherk, Benjamin 13 Spellings, Tuttio 13 Stevenson, Robert 18 Stevenson, Mrs W 18 Stevenson, Hamilton... 18 Stevenson, Mary 13 Stevenson, Samuel 13 Strohm, James 13 Sertie. (Collected by Isaac Haun and Henry Laur.) Buck, Widow 13 Buck, Isaac 13 Buck, William W 74 Graham, George 13 Graham, Francis 7^ Hardison, Andrew 13 Haun, Isaac 2 6 Haun, Mrs 2 Kral't, Francis 13 Kraft, Catharine 18 Kraft, Louis 7i Kraft, Charles 7* Laur, Henry 2 6 Laur, Mrs 2 Laur, Margaret 13 l4kur, William 13 Lnur, John 18 Miller, Jacob 13 Miller, Mrs 13 Miller, Andrew 2 Miller, Mrs 2 6 Miller, John 13 Miller, Edward, Junr. 13 Miller, Mary M 13 Miller, Edward 2 6 Miller, Mrs 18 Miller, Benjamin 16 Miller, Mrs 2 6 Miller, Francis 13 Rooth, James 13 Rooth, Mrs 13 Rooth, Agnes 13 Rose, Widow 13 Rose. Hugh 13 Sager, Frederick 7i Snger, Mrs i\ Sager,IIiram 13 Spedding, John 13 Spedding, Mrs 13 Spedding, Henry 13 Spedding, Robert 13 Spedding, Mary 7{ Spedding Thomaa 13 110 APPENDIX. SpeddlnfTi Mrs 13 Thompson, WlUow 13 Weeks, James 2 Weeks, Mrs 2 6 Wilson, Widow 1 a Wilson, Alexiindor Ola Wilson, Powell 1 a Dimnville. Samuel Arosdon 2 fi Johi'z Amsdun 13 A. Urpnfon. J'" ii fi Mrs. Bronson 6 J. B « 1 a Mrs. Onsli 2 B.Oreybid 2 John .lolinson 2 John Lognn fi Knbert Murdy '. Jnmes McN'k'holl f) John Mlchell 6 Rlehnrd Michell 6 Mrs. I'enny 3 9 F.Ramsey 5 B. Rlchiird80n..r. 5 J. Scwell 5 H. Sewell 5 Theo. Shcehan 2 Wr^. Weiitherby 13 Collected by Messrs. J. Johnson and Uobi-rt Kamscy. Mrs. Ames 2 6 Mrs. Armour 13 Mrs. Adnms 13 Mrs. Bird 13 A.Cooper 6 Mrs Kdftur 2 Mr. Fleminp 2 Mrs. Klemin;? 2 II. II. Gib>on 5 Mrs. Ilodder 2 John C. Kirkpntrick... 6 Mrs Plinsondvr 5 Alexander Lngun 10 George hngan 6 Richard Jlay 5 Solomon Minor 13 James Mclndoe 2 6 Mrs. Hopp 13 John Schofleld 5 Joseph t'chofield 2 Edward Siiyers 5 Mrs. ^purling 13 Charles Weekly 1 fil Frederick Walsh 13 Mrs. Weatherby 1 3 Pm-t JUaitland. William Benson 5 Mrs. Benfon 5 Sarah Benson 2 C Anna K. Benson 2 James II, Benson 2 Frances A. Benson 1 William T. Benson 13 Frederick T. Benson ... 1 3 Mary II Benson 13 Albert Benson 2 Miss Ilaidv 15 Ii. W. llcrmonco 2 6 Mrs. Col. Incloch 10 " « " W.O. 10 Wm. J. Imloch, Esq ... 1 6 Henry T.lmloch 5 (i Wm. Johnson 5 Jo.vhitn.^, £.;:;;:;;;;:;:;:; I ^ • Chmnborg, Mm « - ,V>«y. .Mr; _; S pnT' /,'«>'"■'' ..■.■::;■■■■ 2 ? trimtilock: Alexiindnr, o Irt Adam.-., R ;; „' " Bowditch, 0.,.. ? 9 Brimncouib.. MrV n * ^ Cottle, Mrs. ? ,? " Cottle Tho" ::::;: J' ^ ^ f'Htle, J. nr «,,. ';'«'o. JunJ.'^'': " 1 5 jMi-Donald, John ^ ^ -^ '•"•^Js vMdor:: 2 } " !,i^;^!°»i f7'«rie..;;::::;; ^ j « <) I 3 1 a 1 3 <) 2 H •' a i< n«,(JenrRo. !? '^ » « nff, Janius..." Miiiinn, iiobt.....;;;-- JfW N'y, John.... Kockut, H..nry.. '<«WG, Thomns... :; „ , - Shndwink, Mr^i H '' " Shadwick, lVIr«.' ij 9^0 " ft fi 5 2 6 » .on, Ell,„,^th' W-on, Arnold..." " lldon. ir....... ■ 1 ■ 1 <» 1 Clarke, B ^ " Skcdton, oJor™ " " Crooks, C. J... n ? 2 «keIton Josenh " » M IJMon, Ifcnry.'.' " "on, Androw.. MilHon, Mr.. H:iI'. IVtop.. „ } 3 rcnry... 1 3 . John .;; " \ 3 ", iiofiort.;; ,? « • f "ii«m :"•• ;' f » ^/;:;S:: l } ^ -^|-.:::::;::J«5* KolH-rt.'"; I } 3 •;-n«ra m^ 3 ^ -z: " 3 ]^ T" « 2 « «t:::::::;:::;Sj; s (I a » 1 3* IS ^ i> ''■«n>».".'.".".".'.'.'.' ? 3* ««on::;:;:;:: " « ^ - /, « ii 6 " 6 -ii •::::::;: o 1 2 " s r^ -• 6 U 6 onasnh... () •> ,! ^"' 3 "••••• 2 (J rachiin... 1 6 cponaH. 10 ''' 6 3 9 1 3 " 3 6 ; 1 3 ' •; 2 6 "^ 1 5 lU 10 5 a 6 loo 15 5 6 lf» 3 7 6 10 5 6 ■■•.... C 6 »t ... 2 « Calkor, Elizabeth 5 Dfwar, Ucorgu 2 rrunk, Juhn 6 I'oronmn, Mrs :> Fletchur, Mm 2 6 ailmour. TbomuB 2 U UvorKo. Mr !1 Illbburt. Mn 6 Ilineii. Mri 2 Helm, Mrs 6 Hambly, J 2 Ilundenon, JuDioii 1 3 lliaos. A 10 Heal, John 13 JelTTya Johu 2 JonoR. Mrs 6 Low. Dr 16 Lacblan, Ueorjio ... 6 MacNab, Kcv.Ur 1 5 Mann. Jainen 5 Sianning. liobort 6 MulrH, J amen, sen 3 Maynard Joseph 10 Milne, J 5 Mclntyru. A 2 McLean. J 6 Neville, C.C 5 Neville, Mrs 5 Norrls W. G 6 o Nosworthy. Tliomaa ... 10 Oliver, Stephen 2 O'llara, Uobert 6 Porter. Mrs 5 Polhick, William I 3 Reld, MrB 3 Kamsbay. J 6 Speiice, Jamv!! 1 5 Simpson, .lohu 15 Sutton, Mrs 6 Sutton, Mrs. .T, « 16 Sutton, Mrs. r 5 Sutton Miss 6 Stott, Mr 6 Stott, — 5 Stott. O 6 Stott, David 6 toper, Mrs 2 Shaw.T 13 !;liaw, Jano 13 Sbopheard, Wm o '-^ •» Shepheard, Martin 2 6 Scobcll, K. W 6 Tunnery, Mrs 3 9 Thomson. Hannah 2 Usher. John 6 Vancitmp, Mrs. £. J ... 6 \Vinstanley,Kdmund... 15 Welch. Mrs 5 o Wilmot, Jiimes 3 9 St. George's Church, Clarke, Armstrong, J. .T 2 Allin,Mi.-B 13 Allin.C 5 Allin.Wm 13 Allen, KUen 1 3 Arnot, Daniel 1 3 Babcock, John 13 Brock. Mrs 5 Bethell. R 13 Itrock, Joia, A 6 Ilolnmn.J " * 2 Ilorton, Mm » 6 llulI.K.0 t ? «. Kutehlnpon. Mn 1 10| Jallrtt, MorjM 6 Jon.% n. >V. }0 .Tonfii.O. K 10 Kerlvr Mli-i « « Kenni'dy.J » * Kowh»w, Mm .. Llndwy. Mr 10 M»K)n, II 10 M»rUn,J.J « 6 Manlonald, A 10 McCloml. iViM tt 10 McKpchnln, II 10 McKyci, W 1 MoKvi'n. D 1 McKyep. MiM Moore. Mr 10 MorrlHOD, A 5 Nuwton.Mrii.F C 10 NIchoU, ChMluf 2 Nixon, John 6 Noune, W , G3 and S4. 2 10 Nouno, Joiepb S NoTvUi Jaub S OuRh.J 1 OuRton, William 6 Page, Oldcon U 2 PaK«, Thomas Ifl Philp. 8 6 Plokealntt. W. P 10 PoUcoo, Mrn 5 Powell, Sir Edward 1 & Powell, K 5 Pureer, M 11 ReUlllok, S 5 RoNTere, MIm 3 Rowe, Lli«ut 1 RutUn, Sheriff 6 Ruttan, II. J 1 Sallobury, Jonathan ... 6 SallKbury, John 5 Salt, Ann 2 6 Smith, Sidney 16 Smith, John 2 6 Sowden, William 10 U Soloman, William 10 Stileii, L 10 Stock, L 6 Stock, 13 St. Qulntln, Major 2 10 Tame, Job 2 Tate, Maritaret 13 Teney, Robert 2 6 Teney, John 2 6 Throop, Mr* 10 ThompHon, N 5 Tonney,Jamea 6 Unher, F 2 6 Vanlncen, A.J 10 Waddell, Willinm 5 Wallace, Captain 1 10 Ward, MIm 2 Wfller. W II 10 WickcK, C 5 Wilcocka, J. II 10 Wilkinson, MUs 2 10 WilKn, N 2 6 Winans, K. S 15 Wright, MUs 10 St. PauTi Churth, Cavan. ReT. J. W. Allen 1 6 • Jowph Armrtrong 6 Michael Akttt 13 William Brown 6 William Beny 6 JohnBatcman 2 t*nao Hatvion 2 John n«o 2 MiM Cowan I James Collins 2 William Campbell 2 James Klliot 2 James I'nlr 2 John Fair .'i Mrs. Fair O 2 William Fair a Itubert Fortune 2 Susan Fortune 2 Jose|ih FIMiur 1 Mrs. Fixlu-r 1 John FItsgerald 5 Mm. FltsK<-rnld 2 •Tames Flj>hvr o - Robert Gibnon 2 Joneph Oraham MIm J.Oaray RibertUraham ThomasOraham I Mrs Hall i Dnvld IllHlik ! James Kennedy i Margarvt Kerr I John Kvrr Jnmos Kerr , Wtllism Kerr j Isaac Lonny I Mrs. lionuy [ Kobert liOney ! Robert McCaniis I Mrs. MeCamis John Merlfleld .lohnMcCamis I IIu|(h D. Mowcrief. Martin KleLywort Kichard Nurs Walker Needier Mrs. S. Needier GeorRo Needier VVilllBm Needier U William Northcoto Qcoritu Osborne Jane Osborne John I'errin n Bathsheba Perrin James Porrin Johns. Perrin Thomas Perrin Susan Perrin Henry Perrin Martin Parker Mrs Parker Miss Parker William Reynolds Ocorge Koynolds Miss S. Reynolds Richard Robinson Richard Smithson Sarah 8mithson William Smithson Thomas Smithson Ann Smithson Ksthur Smithaun llohert Story John Thorn Mrs. J Thorn Ocorge Thorn William Thorn Kdward Thorndyko ... William White Thomas White James Wood Mrs Wood John Wood Elijah Were O'l Kobert Willln 2 John Waterman 5 1 o I I 2 1 2 5 6 5 1 5 2 I I 1 5 1 1 1 • * 2 I .1 :i 1 2 1 ft 5 St. Jultn't Churth. nurk, Dnnli'l Uo;'K. Ali'xnndcr lUiMi-l, William >' ll.'«t, T»atld lU'-f, S.U llri>wiii>, John I'nlii.Ocortf" Cooldiiiin. MiHS Dawson, IVtiT Diiwsun, Willinm Diiwson, Mn. W Karl. John Fee, Henry, sen Fee, Mrs « Fee, /, Fee, Henry, Jun U KuR, Alonzo I FnstiT, William ' Oarnet, Anthony, sen.. (Irabnm.Williiiin Hootcii, William llopwnod, .liimi'S Hayi:artli, Edward lliioey. James I> Hale, Henry j. U HiKlitson, .lunathan ... o Irwin, KolH-rt Johnston, William u Keoun, Julin Knowlson, Mrs Kitelien, William Lowes, C'uleb Low" s, Mrn Lloyd. Ellis Lloyd. Edward Lawron. .^Irs liOUKh. Diivid Lnnib, DiiTld liouith, William, reii.... Lou)ch, Mrs Lough, William, jun... Lundy. Ja.«on MnKill, JamoM Mclndoo, Matthew () Morrow, William A. ... McCull, Mi\ry Moore, William Muttchett, Mrs Morton, John Mltohel, William Macon, ChrlHtopher ... Martin. John McNeil, Cliarlo«: McNeil, Jumes Mulligan, Joshua Mulligan, Mrs McIiOiighlin, Hugh ... McCall, Edward MnrrlHon, Jolin MlUson, Thomas Porter John liiehiirdson, Edwnrd ... Uownn, Dr Knm-y, Willinm Sonderson, Edward ... Sutcliffo, John I) Sutcliffe, Kobert Soolhoron, J. W Sanderson, Kobert Seott William Staples, Thomas, sen... rtisson, Henry Sisson, Jiimes, sen .Sisson, James, jun Syer, Thomus Sispon, Tlioma.s SiHSon, lllcliard Taylor. Nelson 5 Thompson, Robert 2 Thompson, John 6 1 6 .'■) 5 f) 5 :> I 2 1 I 1 1 1 5 2 f> •2 5 ,'■. 1 1 1 1 ., 1 2 I 1 1 » :i II :i )) 6 :i II 6 3 a a a 3 .1 I'l (i :: u 1) a 3 n ti n 3 II II II o i\ r, 3 li ItlJ li 3 3 3 li B 6 « 3 I li 3 I APPENDIX. 116 Thomp'on, Jn<[eph 9 Thuxton, KlrliiirU 3 TlK'Xtoii, Itiib^rt t> Tlmp-iiti. Ilothta 'i \itiii'». Ilobi-rl & WiiUh. Uli'hnrJ t WlliirKii !t Wtlkliiiiou llubi'rt -J Wiil-li..l(>lin ■.' Wllioii, Dr. .1 1! JUce Lake. A. AndiTH'iii t A J. U. UiitiiilKtoun U '.' Mv». Ilriiwii, t Mr. Mlllur MrK. IK'niiintouii, 1 Mm. Kyri', a MlN.4 lti-ov> It h V. .Innib', 6 Mr-i. Ilriilthwnltu, U .^IrH. AnavrKun C. Trnlll, .,... 'i A. Tmill, a .M Triilll 1 J. D.D.-iiiilxtouii. J. U. Kortiinc •) .Mri). Kui'tiiiie U 'i A I MontKomnrjr, llobcrt... o 3 *l A I iMorton, ()uiir){i) o 1 "i ; MoAdiitn, I'. II., K'li . to fl { McUtiiiili', A ft I i)'('oniii-r, TImUilouii ... 6 " .'I lli'ld. Wlllliim tt I 3 lliia, .Mm V 1 a TiiptiiT, Willow U ft I) WuoUi, M» U 6 I , iV :i ti 11 7J 74 U U llrownluK, Mrn 1 :i Clarku, Ks(i., William... 5 U (.'orni'll, Cluirlos 5 Corndl, K. T 1 :i Cornull, i-'aruh 1 i! Corniii!, Willliim 1 » Coniril. David f. Cottlnuham, MrH. W... !> Oottln^fham, Sntnuul ... 5 U Curry, William 2 DnvidKon, .MrH Cnptalu A DavidDon. Wlllium U 2 Dunnn, Thomas Ti Knglish, Mrs. A 1 .'! Knglish, Mrs. William... ft Kiiglisb. Jiimcs ft J-'inli'y, Humphry 5 Cialbraith, F ft Oraiidv, Kobt 2 (i Humllton, Charles U 1 :i llanna, .Mrs 'i Harding, .Mrs 5 llartloy, Charles f. Itawkliis, Mrs -i ti IlQnd(!r.4on, Uotwrt 2 fl Ituldikopcr.J.. Ksq 10 llun^crford, Kichard... -Z fl llungerfurd, Kev. junr. ii fl Irons, Doctor 1 Irons. M K ft Jackson, 3aa 2 Jones, John 2 Jonos, James U 3 Kells, John 2 6 Kulh, WllllRm 5 KnowUon, C, blsq 10 Mtttchett, William 5 Mitchell, MUa 13 CiuSton. Allan, Mr< ft .\llan. Aimlla 2 Arkland, Mrs 2 AriiHtroni;, James ft Aspd<'ii,Mi'fi 10 llaility, I) V ft Uiiker, C, » 1 tiakur. Mrs 10 tiariiiini, Kliaklm !> Ilarnum JiiniuH ft llarnuiii, Mrvi Ilarnum, .MIks h llinglry. Thomas I) *fi lloyd. Mary lOllcn 1 llrewstiT, lohniion ft llruttstor, Mrs 2 llruwstur, Thomas ft Ilri'WHtcr, Mrs 2 Cuddy, K. C ft Cameron, J D ft Cameron, Mrs 2 Cumernn, Mis.s 2 Cameron, Ilu^sh I Cumoron, Mni/|{i>* '> Chappill, llobert 6 Clolhoro!tt, Koburt 2 Leggett, Mrs 2 Mate, C. S ft Mangan, John 2 Mason, itichardson 6 .Mason, Mrs 6 .Massie, J. G 5 McDrian, Jeremiah ... ft McUrian, Mrs 2 McCoruiick, Dennis ... ft McCormlck, Mrs 1 McNeil, Mrs 6 Xetr, Edmund 1 n fl « , u , I , 3 1 « ! i "i I ; ' I I " I I n a 3 G ;t 3 3 6 fl « 3 fl U 6 6 6 6 3 3 Nobl«, A1«iand«r 10 Nohla, VMIIlam 3 « 1*011*7, Robort ft I'olley, Mrs 3 « Itym, W. V 10 Kngnrt, J. ft llogitrs, Mrs ft rtpalding J. M U ft .xpaidiiig, MIsi ft Htnwart, Mrs ft Muwart, John 3 i Howell, Mrs 5 Ingles, Geovgo 6 Jaquos, Cbrl^tophor 6 Jaques, John 6 Jaques, William .1 Koeler, Mra. Joseph... 10 Ketchum,T. II 5 Lane, William 2 6 Lane, Mrs 2 6 Linton, James 2 Linton, Mrs 2 Linton, Miw 2 6 Lockwood.Mrs.R 6 Male, James 13 Manners. George 2 MarkE<, Miss 2 6 Mason, James t) 2 6 Matthewson, M. J 2 C Mnybee, A. F .') :Maybpe, Mrs. A, F 5 Merriman. .T. M 5 MorRiin, William 1 3 MacDonnld, Mrs 7 6 MacDonalil, 5;i(lncy 5 MacDonalil, William... 2 6 MncLclonil. William ... 2 6 MacLelona, Mrs 2 6 MacL(Onn(l. Charlotte... 13 MncNiflf, James 2 Nilcs, W. ir 5 NilPS, Mrs. W. II 5 Nobles, W.H 5 Parish, Kammo^ 1 3 Philips. Mi-is 2 6 Piatt, Mrs. S 10 Pomeroy, Henry 5 Pomcroy, Mrs 2 6 Piimeroy, Miss 2 Pomeroy, Miss L.V 2 6 Pott, J. ftl 5 Pott, H. P 2 6 Powers, Mrs. Dr 2 6 Proctor. J. E 5 Pugh, Dr 10 Pu-ih, Mrs 5 Hathburn, John C 5 Heddick, Wellington... 6 Heed, Mrs (I 6 Itoed, Miss 6 Reed. Roby 13 i'. B 16 6 Martin, James 2 McOricr, Mlaa 2 6 Perry, Mrs. J. W 6 Peck, Samuel 2 6 Parish, William 2 6 Shannon, Henry 2 Shorey, Miles 13 Schermprhorn. Mrs. A. 6 Schormerhorn, Amos. . U 6 o Shaw. S. U 6 Stephenson Andrew ... I 3 Wilson, George 5 Worswick, Mrs 2 St. George's Church, Kingston. Anonymou.s, 6 subs. ... 14 4^ Bamford. W. 11 5 Bowen, Captain 10 Bowen. Mrs 10 Bowen. Mr 10 Bartlett. Rev. T. H. M. 5 Bartlett, F 13 Boot Mrs 13 Bunt. R 10 Barnes, Mrs 2 Coxworthy.T 2 Carson, R 2 Carson, Mrs 2 Cassaday, Mrs 1 •'i Crookshank, J 1 6 Campbell, J 13 Cliff. O 5 David Rev. W 3 Durnford J 1 5 Deacon, R 1 Dnacon, Mrs 12 Deacon, Andrew 13 Deacon, .M.ary 1 3 Deacon, Amand 13 Deacon, Florence 1 3 Deacon, Robert 13 Deacon. B A 13 Deykoa, Mr 10 Deykcs, Mrs 10 Dupay.G 12 Davis, J 2 C Elmer, Vr 2 Elmer, Mrs 2 Foster, A 10 Ferns Mrs 6 Ferns, Miss 2 Forsyth, J. B 1 5 Friend. A 1 3 Ferguson, W 2 Gordon. A., Coi. R. E... 10 Garratt, A 10 Garratt, U. N Irt Gilderslieve, 0. S 10 Gealc. J 5 Grant, W 2 Giiskin, B 10 llerchmer. Rev. W. M. 5 Herchmor.Mrs 2 10 T) llerchmer, L 10 llerchmer, F 10 Herihmcr, W. M 10 Herchmer, J 10 Herchmer, Mr 6 Herchmer, G.F 5 nuchins,ll 2 6 Henderson,!' 5 Henwood,D '.> Ilorsev, R. M 2 Hunter. 5 Innes, R 2 Jones, W. R 10 jones, Mrs 5 Kirkpatrick, 'f 15 Kecley 10 Kent, R 5 Kilpatrlck, Mr. 13 Longucil, Baron de 10 Llnter,C 2 Linter, Mrs 2 Lindsay, P 2 Little, .Mrs 1 Linter. C.jun 2 Macaulay, Hon. J 10 .Mugurn, Alexander ... 2 .Miigurn, Sarah 2 Moyle, Granville 10 .Marten, Mrs. William.. 6 Millar, C 1 5 Millar. Mrs 1 6 Markland.Hon.Q. U.. 1 6 Markland, Mrs 10 Mc.Ninch, Mrs 7 Moore, W 2 Moore, Mrs 2 Martin J H 2 .MacPherson, J 2 MacPherson. Mrs 2 Muckloston 1 5 Muckleston 1 5 Muttlebury, F. C 5 Mills, Mrs 2 McCormick, R 5 Morley, i) 5 Oliver. G, H 5 Palmer, E W 5 Palmer, Mrs 5 Palmer, N 1 5 i Pellatt, Henry 10 i Perkins,!' 5 Parker, E. II 5 I Power, J 2 i Patterson, Mrs ' Rudston, W 1(1 j Rice, Ml-s 5 i Rowlands, S 5 •: Uobifon, T. W 1 6 I Hobbs, W 1 ; Robbs, J - i Uowau.Mrs t 5 1 Spangenberg, 2 j Spaugenberg, Mrs 2 I Sellars. O. 11 5 I Stvnson. Mrs 5 Seale, J 2 yhwrs, J 1 i Sellars, R :.... 2 ; Taylor, S 1 j Thomson, T 2 j Thom-son. Mrs 2 I Thirtull, Mrs 5 ' Vaughan, Mr 10 1 Watkins, John 2 10 1 Watkins Mrs 2 10 i Wentz, Philip 1 5 ; Wilson, W 10 Wilkinson, G. M 10 1 Wickstead, Mr 1 i WilkinKOn,G.W 5 I Wilmot, Edward 5 ; VVilkin.-on, W 1 ■ Wright, J 2 Wright, i; 5 Wright, Mrs 2 Wilson, G. W Warden, R. C. N. Capt. 1 Yarker.O. W 2 Yatas. l»r 10 Yates, Mrs 10 St. PaxWs Church. Adam, Mrs 1 Boyd, .Mrs 2 Boyd, W Hurley, Miss 1 Boot, Mrs 1 Brown, Mrs 1 Brown, Miss o 1 3 6 7i 3 3 3 3 Campbell, James Campbell, Jane Campbell, Robert Campbell, Eliza Campbell, Mary Campbell, Thomas Carrutbers, Mrs Carruthers, Mi»s Cooper, Mrs Cooper, C Cooper, U Cooper. W. II Cooper, Kate Dennison, Mrs Edic, Mrs Ferres, Mrs Ferrea, C. J Finkle, Airs Finkle. Miss Forsyth, iVIm Geddes, W. A [an. sub ] Geddes, Mrs Uediles, J. A Geddes, H. L Geddes.O. A. M Geddes, R. B Geddes, K II. A Gibson, J (iibson, Mrs Gibson. Mrs. W Goldsmith, W Graham, Miss : Greg, Rev. W Greg, Mrs Hart, Mrs Hart, E Hart, M HenJLTson, R. S Henderson, Mrs Hoborough, Mrs Howard, Edwin Howard, Mrs Howard, C Howard, R Howard, E Howard, M Hope, J Harmer, Mrs Harmer, W Kemp. Mrs Kelly, Mrs Lincgan, Mrs Lutton,J Lutton, Mrs Lutton, J Lindsay, P McCunilTe. Mrs Meneilly, W Meneilly,Mrs Meneilly, M. C Meneilly, C. .M Meneilly, T.F Mclllroy, Mr McCleod, J McGricr, MihS McKenzio Mrs Mnyno, Miss Mostyn. G Owen, Mrs Patterson, Mrs PhiMpps, r«;r3 Phillipps. A Phillipps. Agnes Phillipps, M.J Phillipps. W.J Phillipps, M Rudson, Mrs .' 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 « 6 3 5 1 5 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 •> 6 1 6 10 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 V* n 7i 7* o 6 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 7i 1 3 7* 7i 2 6 1 3 6 u 5 U 6 *> 6 2 6 1 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 5 1 3 7* 1 3 1 3 7i 7j 7,^ 7i 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 8 1 3 f 118 APPENDIX. i 1 h I i WiUls, Mrs 1 ^\ilkiDl:o^, Mrs 1 Walker, Mrs 1 Tanner, Mrs 1 Tanner, K ^ Camden East. Andrews, D 2 Armstron?, Mrs •> ^ Caswell, Mr." 1 Caswell 11. W 1 Close, II 1 Corneallan, h 1 Clark, McCoy 1 Clarke, S 6 Duncnn, Mrs ,.• ^ ^ Bowling, Mrs 1 Dulmage, Mrs. A 2 Freoman, B ^ Grier, T 5 Glen, T 2 Grant, Mr 1 Ham, Mrs. J. D 2 nam, Mrs. J. II 1 Ham.J. D 10 Ilinckcy, T 2 IlineUey, Mrs 2 Hinckey, M. A 2 Hinckey. N 2 Hinckey. S 2 Hooper, Mrs. I>. 2 Hooper, Mrs. A 2 Hooper. Mrs. F 2 Huffman, ' 2 Huffman, K 10 Kennedy, VV 1 Lockwood, 1 X Lew, J 1 Martin, Mrs 2 McDowal, Mr 2 McEgan, F 1 McNeil. A 2 Jlcl'hcrson, Mrs 1 Mcl'herson, Miss !Mcl'her.son, A U 1 Ximmo, Mrs 2 Neeley, H 2 Kuttan, Dr 2 Robin.son, 1 Sproul, Mrs i> Shane, .1 5 Seymour, B tt Shirley, Kcv. r 1 5 Temple, M 1 Wellington, Mrs 2 Whit«lock,J 2 William!). L 2 Wilson, Mrs o i'l City of Ottawa. Judge Armstrong .'> Mrs. Armstrong 5 Master Armstrong o Master II. Armstrong... 5 Mr. Richard Austen... 5 Mrs. Kichnrd Austen,.. .'■ James Ashfleld 10 Mrs. Charles Aumoud. 2 Mr and iViiss .\tkins.., 2 iMr. N. .1. Ault 2 Mrs.Armstroug (widow) 1 Thomas Armstrong 1 John Armstroag () 1 Jiimes Armstrong 1 Mr. F. Abbott 6 >lr. Peter Armstrong... h Mrs. Peter Armstrong... 10 Mr. Geo. Armstrong ... 2 MasterJc8Se Armstrong 1 I Master T. Armstrong... 13 Mr.T.M. BlasdelKW.O) 1 Mrs. T. .M. Ulasdell 6 : Mrs. X. S. Hlasdeil 2 C I iVIr. and Mrs. Bishop... 5 I W. N. Burrows 2 j Mrs. Burrows 1 ;i I Mr. Chiirlis Bates 2 I Mrs. Charles Bates 2 Mr. and Mr,^. Burnett... 5 Captain G W Baker... 1 5 Mr. 0. I'. Baker 10 Mrs. G. P. Baker 6 MasttrU. W.Baker 6 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bate... 10 Mr. and Mrs H. Hate... 5 Mrs. Bradley 2 Miss Klizabeth Br.idluy 2 Miss Sarah Bradley 2 6 Miss Julia Biadlcy 2 Master Richard Bradley 2 Master Fred. Bradley... 2 Master Benj'n Bradley 2 Mrs. Bowman 15 Mr and Mr.s. Baroiirni'j i) 5 o IMiss Caroline Bradley 2 (i Mrs. Gumming 2 Mrs. A. Chri-stic 5 Mr. A. Christie, jr 2 Mrs. S. T. Christie 6 D. VanCortlandt 6 Col Chaytor.K.C 10 Mrs.Chaytor 10 .MissChayfor 10 Master Edward Chaytor 5 Master Robert Chaytor 5 Miss Alice Chaytor 7J- Master Charlie Chaytor Vi Mr. Cousins 10 Mr. Garden a Mr. Cowan 1 :! I.ukeCuzner 2 Mrs. Cozncr 2 C Mi.'ss Colo I 6 Miss F.Colo 1 5 Jliss Chapman 5 Robert Clayton 5 Mr. Crysdale 10 Miss A. Clements 5 i Thomas Clark 2 I Mr. James Boran 5 Mrs. Doran 2 Miss Doran J Miss Anne Doran 2 (i Mr. Dougall 5 Mr. Dyke 10 Mrs. Dyke ]o o Mrs. Douglas 5 Mr.&Mrs.DulTy(W&0) 2 6 Kllen Klton 5 Mr. Robert Flliott 2 i John and Kliz'th Klliot .'> Mr. and.Mrs.Fitzgibbon 1 Mrs. Frost 2 Mr. Charles Fro.st .^ Mr. and .Mrs. Foxtou... 5 Mr. James Forsyth 5 o Mrs. .lames Forsyth... 2 Ditto Children (live; (i 2 Mr. Foster 2 Mr.i. Foster 1 ;i Ditto Children 2 Mr. and Mrs Freluigh 2 Mr. andMrs.Fraser 2 Mr. John Forzie 5 Mr. Gray 5 Mr. Grant 5 Ditto Children 8 Mr. Glassford 13 Mr. Andrew Graham... 6 Robert Gilpin 2 .Mrs. Graham (Widow) '0 *t 6 Mary Anne Graham... 1 3 .Mr Thomas Green 5 .Mr. T. A. Green & Wife r. Mr, Harris n Mrs ll:irris 10 2 Master Harris 11 .Miss Hiirrir, 1 :i .Miss M Harris 1 .•i Dr.llamr.ettllill 10 .Mrs. Hill 10 .Master Hill 10 l^ Mr. Henry Mr. and Mr.j. llcnback 5 Mr. Hume 2 George Hunton 7i Mr. .fames McLashlan o 6 McCarthy and Wife fi 6 A. McGibny & Family... 5 t) Mr. Robert Mosgrove... i> Mr. McCarthy i} Mr. H. V. Noel 1 Mrs. Noel 1 i Mr. Chiirles Noel 10 ' Mr. Perkins 15 15 n 1 Mrs. I'erkins 1 Mi.-'a I'erkins 10 1 .Miss Adeline Perkins.. 5 Miss Victoria Perkins. 5 Master George Perkins .) .Master Nel.son Perkins 2 (i Master Albert Perkins 2 r> Mr. & Mrs. E. Perkin* 5 1) Master Lyman Perkins n Master Winter Pe.-kins 71 Mi.'fs S. Perkins 7i Mrs. Geo. Patterson .. 1 3 Ditto Children 1 3 ■ Mr. Proud u 5 Mrs. Proud 3 Mr. Proderick 2 Mr. Charles I'lnhufT.. . 5 Mr. John Pinhuff 5 Sarah Piclow o 6 Mr. and Mary Piekcn.. . 5 Sarah and John Pirkeu I 3 I Mr. P. Robertson . u 6 : Mrs. P. Robertson . 10 Miss Robertson . 2 a 1 Mr. IlobinBon . 6 APPENDIX. 119 Jas. nobin«on & "NVif*... 2 1 Thomas Uourko 1 loj | ]Jr. Sewell 10 Mrs. Suwell n -I Master Henry St'wull... 5 >iiB!* Charlotte Suwnll 5 U i Mm. Stulibs 15 j Mr. Thomas Storey 5 (I ; Mrs .storey U U : Mr. Gcori,'o Storey 5 o i Mrs. .Storey 2 ti .Mr. Smith 2 .Mr. KJward SherwooJ 15 Mrs. Sherwood 15 .Mr anil Mrs. .«turmor and Kiimily 5 Mrs. Strong 5 Mrs. Sproul 2 Mrs. Stethnm " 2 6 Mr. Sparkes 10 Mr. SwKCtman 2 C Mrs. Fred. Sparkes 1 3 Mr. Sweet 2 Margaret Sparkes 7J- ftlr. I'hilipThompson... 1 5 Mr. and Mrs. Turner... li) Mr. Traey 5 .Mr H. Traveller 5 Klizabeth Trivett 5 John Trineer 7f Mr. Kuggles Wright, jr 1 f> Mr R. v> right 10 Mr. Wehljer 10 Mr. F D. Wood « 5 Mr. W Wills 2 6 John Wills 1 S John Walker and Wife 2 6 Mrs. Whitehead 7i Mr. Yielding 15 Mrs. Yielding 1 5 Miss Yielding 5 Mr. John Yielding 5 Miss A. Yielding 5 Miss Belinda Yielding... 5 Miss Agnes Yielding... 2 Miss. H Yielding 2 Miss Mary Yielding 2 fi Miistcr A. Yielding 2 Miss Alexina Yielding 2 Sundry small sums 2 (Collected by Mrs. .MucMartin.) l?pv. A. Pym 1 5 Mrs. Thorn 2 Mrs. MacKcnzie 2 Mrs. Bacon 5 Mr. Humphreys 5 A Wiseman 5 Mrs. l'atter.>. MacMartin... 13 M. MacMartin 1 3 Miss MaeMartin 7J -Miss <;. MacMartin 7i .MifsK. lUce 13 Mifs S. l{ic^ 2 B.CuUon 13 (CoIUm ted by Miss P. Smith.) lion. K. .Mathcson 5 Miss Mathfflon 1 3 Miss F. Matheson 1 3 Miss E. Mathesoa 7^ Miss J. Matheson .Ma'itcr.\. .Matheson ... Must. Arthur Matheson ) K. H.Uronn 10 K. Weekos 5 Mr. Butler 1 T Wciithorbead 2 .Mrs. J Wordil » 5 iMiRS Woidil .'. J. Hicks 5 J. lludd 2 Mrs. Williams 2 .Mr. Brookes 1 Mr.s. I'ublae 2 Mr.". Walker 1 W. I'laylUir 5 Mr. McGillivry 5 A. MacMillan 5 .Mr. Douglas 1 .1. Slorris 5 Mrs. Kadeuhurst 1 W. Ilieks 2 J. Bayley 1 J. B. Louff 1 Miss Smith 5 (Collected by Miss Staccy.) E.Collins 2 .I.Dobson 1 J. Davlin 1 W. Cavanagh 1 J.Barnard 5 Mrs. .Moore 2 Mrs. .Morris Mrs. C. Bell 1 Mrs. Oliver 1 Mr.«. Harvey 1 J.. Jam(^8 1 S. Frizell 1 W^ Mooro 1 G. Wrathnll 1 MncNcely, J MacNculy. N Moore, Wni Moore, Arthur .Moiphy, .Mrs Morphy. Wm Morpliy, Oi^rge Xi'cbitt, John . Pittard, Mrs I Pittard. Joseph liosamond, James ' Itosamond Mrs. J . Itosamond, Miss j Kosamond Miss U U ! Itosamond Wm ' Itosamond, James Itosamond, Bennett ... ; Itosamond, Mrs B ! Smith, Thomas I Smith, Mrs. T Smith, Jane ; Smith, Henry ■ Smith, Nancy ! Spencer, Dr Spencer, Mrs ! Spencer, Miss j Spencer, It ' Spencer, Charlotte i .Scott, Benj Scott, Mi.«s Kmma j Scott, Miss Kliza Wutchoru, Thos ' Watchorn. Mrs. T i Whaley. Isaac Wilson, Henry Willis, George Willi.s, JIr,«. G Willis, Catou :{ 6 .1 3 3 3 6 6 3 » 6 10^ 3 7i 5t 6 6 74 3 6 3 2 6 2 6 2 1 U 2 Carklnn Place. (Collected by Miss Itosamond.) Barker, Wm 13 Boulton,Thos 1 3 Boulton, .Mrs. M 13 Burgess, Mrs. T 13 Burgess, Nathaniel 13 Campbell, Mrs. D 2 Douglass, Mrs. W 13 Douglass, Anna 13 Dougherty, H. N 13 Dougherty, James 13 Dougherty, Mrs. J 13 Dougherty, Jos jr 1 3 DrapcT, lienrietta 2 Fanning, Duuiel 13 Gilhooly. Jo.-! 2 6 Gilbooly, Kichiira 1 lOj Goir, Mrs. G 13 Hawkins. .Mrs II 13 Hawkins, Mrs. Thos.... 1 3 Hawkins, .Mrs. Wm ... 1 3 Hawkins. .Miss M 2 Hilburn Hen'y 2 James. John *.... 2 Lauder, llev. J. S 1 10 Lavallee, N 13 Lavallee. Mrs. N 2 6 Leach, Mrs 2 6 Leach, Mi.ss V a Leach. Wm. jr 13 .MacDermot, Mrs. Jas... 2 Melcalf, Itobert 13 .Metealf, Mrs 13 Metealf, II 13 MacNeely.Bryce 1 3 MacXeoly, John 1 3 MacNeely,ll 13 "o* (Collected by Miss E. Houston.) Drumraond. Daniel 13 Houston, Wm 2 Houston, Wm jr 1 Houston, Mrs. W...... 1 Houston, .Miss E '.. 1 Houston, Mi-s M ■ 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 u 3 3 3 6 3 3 Hawkins, Miss II Hawkins, Miss M Leckio, Wm iMcCarton, John Pollard, Mrs Scott, Thomas St. John's. (Collected by Miss M. Eathwcll.) Atkinson, Wm 13 Code, Abraham, jr 2 6 Code, George 2 6 Code, .Mrs. W 13 Code, .Miss Kllen Crampton, John Cramptou, lOd. .S: James Crampton. George Doyle, J. M Dawson, Chri.stophcr... Eunis, Sirs. James King, Wm Lett, Miss McDouHld, as 2 MdihicJas 2 Bathwell, Thomas 1 liathwoU, Miss M 1 Itathwell, Mrs. S 1 Itathwell, Susan &, Ben. 1 Rathwell, Samuel 1 Itathwell, Edward 1 Stitt, Miriam 1 Stewart, John 1 3 Nobody 6 (Collected by Miss Eliza Code.) Atkinson, Mrs. W 18 120 APPENDIX. Code, William 2 Code, Km. \V 1 Code, Abrfthain,8i'a ... U 1 Code Josvph 1 Ci'impton, Samuel 1 Crninptnii, Thomas 1 Crampton, 8iisau Cu-ark, .loUn Doyle, J. M 1 Knnlij, Mrs. Jafi.gen ... '2 EnniB, .lames, jr 2 Kiinifl, Mrs. .I.jr 1 EnniH, David Ilalpcnny. .loUn 1 Hopkins, Wm ] Hopkins. Kliza Hicks, Kobert 1 Hicks, Mrs. K 1 Ireton, William 2 .lackson.Wm 1 Kiilonch, Thomas 1 King, Wm 1 Martin, Henry, jr 1 Stewart Charles 1 Tennnnt, George I Tennnnt, Thomas 1 Tonnant, Miss A 1 York, Dr 1 Wier. James 1 Wallis, Henry 1 St. George's. (Collected by Mrs. Gedde.s. Abbey, Wm 2 Belton, .Tcihn 1 Bellamy, Hiram 1 Butler, John 2 Belton, Charles 1 Bulger, Wm 1 Coulter, Thomas 2 Coulter, Mrs. James ... 2 Coulter, James, jr I Cimlter, .7oIm 1 Collins, Francis 1 Collins, Edward 1 Dockrill, Edward 1 Dockiill, Mrs 1 Dockrill, Joseph 1 Dane, Kobert 1 Evans, Wm, son 1 Evans, Wm,jr 1 Evans, George Eviins, lUehard 1 Gcddes, Andrew 2 Oeddes, Mrs 2 Guthrie. I'eter 1 Giles, Bob Tt I Qibbs, Robert 1 James, Thomas 2 James, Mrs. T (! 2 James, John 1 James, Mrs. John 1 James, Wm 2 James, Mrs. Wm 2 James, Edward 1 Jackson, John 1 Kirk, Thomas » Leary, Wm 1 Leary, Mrs. Wm.... 1 LongntalT, Robert 1 Lumsden, John 2 Manley, James, sen 1 Manley, James, jr 1 Manery. James 1 Martin, Abel 1 McMunn, Wm 1 McMunn, Hinry 1 Mc Mil lien,' Thorn as 2 MeWilliams, Hugh U 1 MoWniiams, Mrj. H.... 1 MeWilliams, Joseph ... 1 C 3 7i 7i a 3 7J 3 3 Ti 8 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) G 3 3 3 3 « O 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 VJ 3 6 3 3 3 (i O 3 6 3 3 7i McCallum, Malcolm ... I 3 Proctor Richard 13 Rash, Henry 13 Hash, Mrs. il 13 Ra.«h, John 13 Rash, Mrs. J 13 Richards, Albert 13 Shian, John 2 Shean, I'eter (\ 1 3 Sutherland, John, sen. 13 Sanders. Henry 13 Scott, .Tohn 13 Sutherland, Mrs. J. jr. 1 3 Terriff, Peter 7i Warren, Joseph 13 Wilson, Martha 13 Wilson, Thomas, sen... 13 Wilson, Thomas, jr 13 M'healan, Thomas 13 James, Airs. Wm. sen. 13 Moulton, Thomas 13 (Collected by Miss C. Bowland.) Bowland, .John .'i Bowland, Mrs. J 2 6 Bowland, MissE 2 G Rowland, Miss C 2 Itowland, Hugh 13 Bowland, Mrs H 13 Bowland. Hugh 13 Bowland, W. J 7i Collins, Mrs 13 Coulter, Jamas 2 6 Foster, Thomas 2 6 Foster, Mrs. T 2 Foster, Edward 13 Friends, (2) 1 lOj Giles Wm 1 lOi Hilliard,Thom!is 13 Hilliurd. Mrs. T 13 Halpenny, Mrs 13 Hopkins. Miss E 13 Ireton, Thomas 1 3 James, Wm 1 3 James, Benj 2 6 .I.imes, Mrs. B 2 Kearney, Patrick 1 3 Kearney, Peter 13 Leary, Edward 1 3 Lennon, Mrs 2 Mnngomery, Oswald ... 13 .Mont?omery, Mr 13 Moulton, Robert 13 Moulton, John 5 Moulton, Thomas 13 Martin, Miss 13 Marin, Jos 1 3 Minions, Stephen 13 Macpherson. Adam 13 '"cCienncn, Samuel ... 1 3 Gates, John 13 Gates, Miss A 13 Proctor, Richard 1 3 Parsley, Thos 13 Parsley. Richard 13 Riley, Mrs 13 Sanderson, Henry 13 Tennant, R.?. 2 fi Wilson, John 13 M'ilson, Mrs. M 13 Watehorn, Henry 13 AsJtlon. (Collected by Mrs. Shore.) Acres, Mrs. F 2 Acres, Thos 13 Acres, George 18 A Friend 13 Argire, Mrs 7i Bell,Ja« 13 Boobiar, Gregg 13 Bolriar, John 7| Fadden, Samuel 13 Garland, N 13 Garland, And'w 13 Holland, >!is8 Jane... 13 Mulligan, Susan 7| Mulligan, Francis 7^ Shore, John W 1 it .Shore, Mrs 13 Sykes, Haram 2 6 Sykes, Mrs 2 (Collected by Miss £. Garland and Mary Boobear. ) Bleakes, Tho-s 2 6 Boobear, Mary 2 6 Boobear. Lisha 13 Coyle, Elizabeth 2 « Coyle. Mrs 1 3 Davidson, Mrs II 1 3 Drummond, John 16 Dunfleld, Jas 2 6 Dunfleld, Mary Ann... 13 Dunfleld, Mrs 13 Ewen, Wm 13 Ewen, Ann 13 Garland, R 2 6 Garland, N 2 6 Graham. John 13 Haley, Wm 1 3 Jcnkinson, Mrs 2 6 Lindsay, Robt 1 3 Lindsay, Mary 13 Lonev, Thos 13 Lyo.i8 Mrs 13 Lyons, Nancy 1 3 Mears, Mrs 13 Mercy, Mrs I 3 McGivern, Mrgt 13 McCaffrey. Thos 13 \calen, Jos 1 3 Nowlan. John 13 Scott, Archd 2 6 Teabrrok, Anthony ... 2 « Shannon, John 2 6 Simpson, Wm 2 6 Simp.scn, Sarah 2 6 Simpson, John 2 6 Fimpron, J,is 13 Simp.son, Thos 13 Simpson, Wm 13 Simpson. Mary 13 Stett. Wm 2 6 Switcher, Harriot 7i Switcher. Valentino ... 1 3* (Collected byHiss M. E.Garland.) Beaman.John 1 3 Brown, Mary 13 Coal. Maria 13 Coogan, Dennis 13 Crampton, Robt 13 Edwards, P .1 6 Euogh, Sirs 1 3 Fadden. Mrs 13 Fadden, Miss. M 71 Fadden, Mrs S 13 Fadden, Eltzabcth « 7i Farlane, Donald 13 Garland, Iklward 13 Garlan'J. John 1 .S Garland, Thos. (11 Con.) 1 3 Garland, Mrs 1 3 Garland Wm 1 3 Garland, Edwd 13 Garland, Thos 13 Garland, Mrs 13 Garland, Mar'gt E. ... 1 3 Garland, Emilia 13 Garland, Lydia, M 13 Garland, Mary A 7i k " APPENDIX. 121 rcpg 18 ohn 7} nmucl 13 N 13 Anil'w 13 y.ii>a Jane... 1:; Suxan 71 Francis 7i nW 1 ;i 13 ^Hin 2 s 2 by Miss £. Qarland SInry Boobear. ) 'hos 2 6 lary 2 ixlia 13 abcth 2 13 Mrs 13 (1, John 1 (i Jna 2 Mary Ann... 13 Mrs 13 n 13 n 13 1 2 6 J 2 6 ohn 1 3 m 1 3 Mrs 2 obt 1 3 lary 13 08 13 5 13 ncy 13 I 3 fs 13 Mrgt 13 Thos 13 s 1 3 ohn 13 id 2 6 Anthony ... 2 John 2 6 Vm 2 « ?arah 2 6 John 2 6 r.is 13 rhos 13 Vm 13 Mary 13 2 6 Harriot 7i Valentino ... 1 s' tyMiss M.E.Garland.) )hn 13 ary 13 a 13 ennis 13 RoM 13 F 5 6 rs 1 3 r» 13 1S3. M 7i rs S 1 .T Itznbeth (I 7i lonald 13 ilward 13 ohn 1 fl 408. (11 Con.) 1 3 Irs 13 I'm T 3 (Iwd 13 "hos 13 !rs 13 Har'Rt E. ... 1 3 Imilia 13 ydia, M 13 tlary A 7J Garland, Geo. M Garland, Wm. 11 Errine, Margt. Ann... 1 Horklns, Mrs Hawthorn, Patrick 1 Highland, Jas 1 Huston, Hugh 1 Moore. .Mrs. Jas L 2 Stansel, Mrs. T 1 Simpson, Kobt 1 Sumerner. Mrs 1 Sykcs, Mrs 1 Torroncc, Mrs 1 Young, W'm o 1 (Collected by Mrs. Fleming, A Friond 2 Campbell, Archd 2 Drummond, Wm Dumphy. Wm o ^ Ewan, Mrij. Dunson... o 1 Fadden, Is^iac U 2 Faddrn.Josh 2 Faddi II, Wm. Simr. ... 1 Fadden, Wm.. Jur 1 Fariane, Mrs. D. M 1 Fleming, Ja!! 2 Fleming, Jlrs. Jas 2 Fleming, Mrs. Andw... 2 Fleming, Elizabeth 1 Fleming, Margt 1 Garland, VVra 1 Garland, Mrs. Thos Gcrvon Moses 1 Goth, John 1 Oregor, Peter 1 Klncado, Robt 1 Kineade, Mrs 1 Learn, U Nesbit, Hugh 1 Nesbit, Margt Prcsly, Uobt 1 Simpson, Hugh 1 Simpson, Mrs. Hugh... 1 Stansel, Thos 1 Switcher, Chas 1 Switcher, Mrs. E. W... Sykes, Thos 1 Sykes Wm Torronce, Kobt 1 Whitlow, Wm 2 Xorth Gouier. Barrows, R. G 5 Blakoly, Josh 10 Seaman, Ja') 10 Rrowlee, Hugh 1 Craig, Robt 10 Craig, Jas 5 Cowan, Wm 7 Collins, Thos 5 Craig, Wm. Junr 1 Davis, Robt 5 Eastman, John 10 Eastman, Cyrus 10 Eastman, Joel U o Eastman, John Estir... 5 Eastman, Samuel 1 Eastman, Mrs 1 Eastman, Mrs. John... 2 Grifflth, Richard 2 Uoiden, C 2 Hoe, Gardiner 2 Uughes,Mr8 2 Pettiproo, Cicilia 1 Petti preo, Sarah J 2 Polock, John 2 Polock, Thos. E 2 Ewen, David 2 Justray, Jos 5 a 7i| 7i! 3 ; 7i' 3 i ^ 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) G 7J 3 3 « 3 3 3 6 G 3 3 3 7i 3 3 3 3 3 Vi 2 3 3 3 3 3 7i 3 7i 3 6 Johnson, G. E 10 ! James, William 1 Mills, Wm 2 Montgomery, Hugh ... 2 Neilan. John 7 Scott, Wm 5 Qunde. John 5 Whitaker, Hugh 1 Whitaker, M'm 1 liichmond. A Friend A Friend Baigs, Mrs llirtch,Mr3 Birtch. W Brownlee, John Butler, Wm.n Butler, Mrs Campbell, .Mrti Car.'jar, M. E Cray, Jas Davis, Robt 1 Egar, K. R 10 Flood, John 1 10 Good Jane 1 Guire, Mrs. M .^0 Hill, Jas Kcrragan, R Lewis, Thomas 1 Liudsay. Mrs Lyou, Mrs. W. R 1 10 Lyon. Mrs 2 Maxwell. Mrs 5 MathesoTi, W I Aiillcr, Thos 2 Moore, Christina 1 Philips, Mr 1 Scott, Jehu 1 Stanley, Jas 5 Forney, Archd 7 Forney, Mrs. W 1 Veety, Fanny () 1 Veety, Jane 1 Leoch, Samuel 2 Saunders, RobHrt 1 Tomlinsou, Samuel 1 FranlUown. Davis, Robert 1 Edwards, John 1 Errol, William 1 Joues, Peter 1 Jones, Mary Ivilfoyle, Francis Lewis, Rev. Richard ... 5 May, John 1 May, William o May, Mrs. John Mason, Thomas McCarty, James 1 Roe, Thomas 1 Saunders, Henry 16 Sutton, Edward 1 (Collected by Mrs. Uughton.) Bow, Michael 13 Conners, Margaret Friend, A Caranagh, RobtTt Fox, Elizabeth Gibson, William 1 Hughton, John 1 Leech, Thomas LofforJ, John Low, I'hcneas 10 Morris, John 10 Nesbit, William 6 Nolan, Ann Saunders, James 6 (Collected by Miss Jamos.) Craig, James 5 Edwards, Mary 13 MerrielviUe. (Collected by Mrs. A. Merrick, and Miss Verral.) Mr. Holden 10 .Mrs. A. Merrick 10 Miss Verral « 10 (WO.) 6 (Collected by Mrs. Whitmarsh.) W. S. Burchel ...(W 0.) 5 Mrs. Cunan (W.O.) 6 .Mrs. Johnston...(W.O.) 10 ; Mrs. Whitmavsh(VV.().) 7 6 Mrs. Whitmarsh..(S.F.) o 7 « : Air. Whitmarsh 10 I (Collected byMrs.it; Miss Merrick) ; Mrs. Campbell, senr. ... 5 Mrs. Campbell, junr.... 5 ! Mrs. W. Merrick(W.O.) 6 I (Collected by Mrs. W. C. Read aud Miss Blackburn.) ; Miss Blackburn, (W.O.) 5 i J. F. Read, Esq 10 I Mrs. W. C. Read (W.O.) 10 i (Collected by Mrs. & Miss Slorris) i A Friend (W.O.)... 2 6 i Mr. Abbot 2 6 Mr. Boyd 6 ii .Mr.Clune 5 ' J. Duke (W.O.)... 5 I Mr. Cunningham 2 6 I Mr. Forbes (W.O)... 2 6 i Mr. J. Forbes... ... 2 8 iMr.Gilroy — ... 5 i Mrs. McOee 2 6 ; Mrs. Jakes (W.O.)... 2 6 Mrs. Kelly 5 Mr. Lonsdale 5 1 Mr. AV. Mussel 8 I Mr. Russel 6 i Mr. Woods 5 1 Mr.Whitmoro 13 titzroy Harbor. (Collected by Mrs. W. P. Taylor.) Acres, W 2 6 Amm. Mrs 2 6 Anderson, G 2 6 Baird, J 5 Baird, S 5 Ball, Mrs 13 Bate, V. E 2 6 Bateman, C 2 Bradly, J 13 Buchanan, J 5 Campbell, W 13 71 I Craig, J 1 3 6* ! Craig, John 13 ' Craig, Mrs. John 7^ Craig, Mrs. James I 1 3 Craig, W 13 Day. Mrs 13 Fctberston, James 2 6 Ferguson, J 3 Fetherston, Miss 13 Fethcrston, R 2 6 Fetherston, Mrs 13 F. A 2 6 Fraser.A. C 71 Fra«er, G 7} Fraser, J. A 2 6 Fraier, MaryM 13 3 ; 1 3 3 {) I I ! 122 *■. rtKKt, N 1 8 Vraier* Mri. N 1 3 Fraaer, K. A 3 Friiwr.T 6 Fraser, Mm. T 2 Frowr, V. 13 Fraier, L. M 7i Frlfnd 2 13 13 13 6 Gourljr, S 13 Grcon, K 13 Green. T 2 Griffith, D 13 Groven, W 2 Hamilton, J 13 Hamilton, Mrs. J 13 U.'a(lly,J 5 Hodgins, B 6 Uumphries, Mrs 2 Hunt.T 6 landon, J 2 6 Landon, Mrs. K 13 IIct.«od, N 13 Muhr, AV 2 6 Morris, Mrs 8 Poole, Mrs 2 6 I'oole, n 2 6 8a>Ucr, K 3 9 Sndlir.0 13 SherriCr, L. B 2 .Smith, E. M 13 Smith,! 2 Snath, K 2 6 Smith, W 2 6 St«venaon, Mrs 2 6 StylcH, A 13 Tay'or, W. P 10 3 Taylor, Mrs. \V. I' 5 Tripp. K.J 13 Tripp, F 13 Tripp, 11 6 Tripp, H 5 Tripp, 8.8 2 Wilson, C.B 5 WilBon, J 6 (Collected by Mira N. I'igott.) Aylwin, G 5 Cameron, J 2 6 Friend 16 2 Lane, R ft McCarthy, n 13 McDougle, A 5 McMnhon. U 5 MonsclUC 5 Perry, Mrs 5 Pigott, W. D % 5 Pigott, Mrs 5 Ualph, W 13 Smith, E 13 Smiih. Mrs 2 6 Uoodward, H 10 (Collected by Mrs. Hubbell.) Body, James OKI Body, T 10 Body,\V 6 Burr, Mrs 6 Conu, S 13 Conn, Mrs, S 1 3 Deane, W .,*. 5 Deane, Mrs.W 1 3 Kdy, Mrs 2 6 Fergu^n, Mrs 13 APPENDIX. Forbes, Mrs. A 2 fl Forbes, E 2 6 Forbes, M 1 3 Forbes, Mrs. W 6 Grant. Mrs 6 llowo, W 6 Ilubboll, A. C 1 3 Ilubbcll, E 1 U Hubbell, M.C 13 Hubb«ll,J 10 Hubbell, Mrs 10 Hubbell, G. H 1 U Hunt, J 6 P 'nt. Mrs 6 Jo. -^ton, J 13 Johnb..>n, Mrs. J 13 Johnston, T 2 Lyon.T 6 May, 8 2 6 McKeloy. W 13 Milton, A 1 3 Mohr, J 10 Mohr, Mrs 5 Murphy, Mrs 2 U Kead.E 13 Head. Mrs 13 Road, M 2 6 Kiddle, Mrs 5 Kiddlo, E 13 Kiddle,Jnmvs 6 Riddlo,John 13 Scrson, M 2 6 Stecn, J 5 Stuart, J 5 Willis, Mrs 2 6 WilliB, W 2 6 Third Linn, Pitzroy. (Collected by Mis.i E. Harris and Miss E. Owccs.) Armstrong, C Armstrong, Mrs Armstrong, C Armstrong, J Armstrong, J Armstrong, R Armstrong, Mrs. R Armstrong, J Armstrong, R Armstrong, T Armstrong, Mrs. T Carry, H Cockles, G Foster, J Fulford. P Oillan, F tiillan, F., jun Grainger, T Graini,-.;r, W Green, W Green, Mrs. W Harris, R Harris, Mrs. It Howard, J Howard, Mrs Howo,J Hunt,G Hunt, J John.ston, J Lyon, David Lyon, Mrs McCormacIt, T McCormack. Mrs McOinly, .Miss McGinly, Mrs McGinly, R McGinly, W McGinly, Mrs. W Mills, J Mills, Mrst.J Murphy, J Neil.F NtU.J 1 3 1 3 1 3 'i 1 3 2 2 7i 1 3 2 6 1 3 6 5 2 6 2 b 5 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 5 2 2 2 6 O 6 1 3 2 ti 5 o 6 •> 2 6 2 fi 1 3 2 2 6 1 3 1 3 2 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 Nell, Mrs 3 Neil, Mrs 2 Nell, W 6 Owens, E., sen 6 Owens, E,, Jun 2 Owens, E 13 Owens, Mrs 1 S Owens, Mrs. W 2 6 Owens, Mrs. R 2 Owens, Mrs. E 2 6 Owens,J 2 Owens, R 2 6 Owens, W 2 6 Wilson, G 13 Wilson, J 2 6 Wilson, J 18 Wilson, Mrs 13 Wilson, Mrs 13 Fittroy. (Collected by Miss Shaw.) Gillan, Mr 10 Griffith, Mr 2 6 Hunt, Francis 2 6 Hunt, John 13 Latimer, James 2 6 Richie, William 13 Shnw, James 2 Shaw, Margaret 1 3 Shaw, Mrs 18 Wilson, Robert 18 (Collected by Margaret St Eliza Chcckly.) Booth, John 7| Booth, Mrs 7* Booth, Robert 1 8 Boyle, Chs 13 Boyle, Mrs. Chs 13 Henderson, John 2 6 Homes, Ale.K 2 6 Homes, Mrs 13 King, Robert 2 6 Moorhouse, Henry 17 Moorhouse, Mrs 7 J Ring,JaiiH's 2 3 Ring, .Mrs. J 13 Rndlcy.Jano 13 Story, Uavid 2 6 Story, .Inmcs 2 6 Story, Mrs. Wm 1 3 Storj', lioliort 2 6 Story, William C 2 6 ElJis SctOtment, Paltnhain. (Collected by Miss Ellis and ?liss 'i'immins.) Drew, John 13 j Ellis, C 13 ■ Ellin, Thomas 1 3 I Kili:;, William 13 I Kcidliam, Mrs C 13 Ncoilham, Elizabeth ... 1 S Nco'lham, Ocorgo 13 Nenlhnm, Mrs (Scorgo 2 6 ?adli>r, Thomas 13 SndW, William 13 Timmius, Janu'4 1 3 Timmius, Miss 2 6 (Collected by Miss Burleigh.) Ayrcs, Mrs 1 3 Hdford.J 13 Burleigh, Mary A 13 Ellis, Robsrt 13 Friend, A 13 Friend, A 13 Krlond, A 13 Ncudham, Samuel 10 Shaw, H. D 6 (Collected by Miss Mills.) £ainos,C.1 2 6 APPENDIX. 128 a « 2 6 6 en 6 an 2 13 13 W 3 K 2 E 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 18 2 6 13 13 1 S Filtroy. i by Miss Shavr.) 10 2 6 is 2 6 13 ties 2 6 lam 13 s 2 arot 13 18 ort 18 >y Morgnrot & Eliza :hcckly.) 7t 7* rt 1 8 18 Clis 13 John 2 6 2 6 13 t 2 6 lenry 17 Irs 7i 2 8 13 13 2 6 2 6 Vm 13 ; 2 6 n ,. . C 2 6 m(nt, Paltnlmn. by Misa Ellis and Vimmins.) 13 13 I 1 3 > 13 s C 13 zabelh ... 1 s orgo 13 s (leorgo 2 6 Us 13 m 18 u^ 1 3 s 2 6 y Mios Burleigh.) 13 13 ry A 18 13 13 13 13 nuel 10 6 by UlBB Mills.) 2 6 Bradley, Elliabeth 13 BradlVi Hannah 1 3 Bradly, Michaul 13 Bradiy, Surah 13 Uradly, Thomas 5 Bradly, Thomas, Jun... U 1 3 Carr.ThomHS 1 10 Cowan. Maigarvt 1 3 Cowan, Jamvs 1 3 Clarku, 8ufan I 3 Ellis, Thomas 6 rrlead,A 13 Oreen Park 13 J. W.O. II 13 Mavnnagh, John 13 MeAdam, John I 3 Mills, James 13 Mills, JanoH 2 Morrison, Elizabeth ... 1 3 Needham, Quorge 2 Neil, John 13 Wilson, Frances 6 (Collected by William Scott.) Clarke, William 2 l/>we, Andrew 5 Lowe, Duvid 5 Meredith, Henry 2 6 Scott, William 2 Siiott, Mrs 13 Shannon, Willinm 2 emitb, John 2 BroeJivilk. R. F.Steele 2 10 D. U. O. Ford 2 10 T. Webster 1 Ormond Jones 2 Fred A. Wise 1 K. B. Sparliam 1 Thos. Notter 5 E. Burniston 5 •lohn Uvyuolds 1 IUt. Dr. Luwis 1 5 John Tiiylor 6 Charles E. Jones 1 5 T, D. Campbell 15 Miss II. Campbell 5 Mrs. Denroache 1 5 Mi»s Ucnronche 5 Mary Shcppnrd 2 Georgi) Crawford 1 5 Mrs. Sidney Jones 3 Mrs. Bogui't 1 6 Catherine Jones 2 Fanny Burres 2 E. Perry 10 U. Bradfield 10 James Lawdcr 10 fleorge Easton 10 Mrs. JamcA Morris 1 J. L. Schofield 1 James Jessup 1 Mrs. D. JIair 1 E. Loucks A.Poulton 11 J. C. Potter 10 Thos. Camm 5 J. Wcatherhead 1 C. Fletcher Thomas Price R. Fltzsimmons R. Oiffln John McMuliin Wm. Fitzsimmons O. Sherwood 1 Samuel Keet'er 1 J.D.Bucll 10 W.B. Simpson 3 10 E. Back 2 E. Taylor 1 Thomas Eyro c "i Junes Taylor 6 Samuel Ross 1 E. Lawless 10 Samuul Freyne 5 Mr« T. FInlay 6 W. Ilazlewood 2 R. Bracken 2 Richard Bolton 10 M. Murphy 6 Rich. Ilozlewood 6 W. A. Bacon 3 E.Joblin 6 N. Webster 2 A. White 6 Luke Leach 10 Mrs. Crali? 1 C. Dlckention 6 Kdwin Lee 5 W. Whitehead 5 Wm. Morris 10 James White 5 Wm. White 6 J. U. Stevens 5 W.F. Moore 2 Mrs. Rieley o 2 C. W. Foster 10 SidneyJones 3 Henry Jones 1 10 Mrs. Phillips 2 Mrs.Deflin 2 Mrs. Rorko 2 R. A. Kelly 10 John Steacy 5 George M'Clean 5 Edward Coward 5 William Baker 7 Robert Stewart 5 Mrs. Bennet 2 Mrs.Mowatt 2 William Uorill 3 William B. M'Clean ... 10 Thomas Reynolds 10 Samuel Ilazluwood 5 J.G. Leavitt 10 James A. Street 5 Thomas Bennet 6 .Icssio Andrews 2 J.J. Dunlop 5 J.M. Shriver o 6 o 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 u 6 Ilorton, Racbael Ilorton, Anne Ilorton, Henry Ilorton, Susan Ilorton, S., widow llollinKHWorth,Tbomas Jelly, John, and family Kendrick, Thomas LangstafT, John Langataff, John McCrorken, Sarah A. .. MoBrabney, Samuel ... Moore, James Moore, Martha P. ... Moore. Anne Mooibouse, William Pelow, Joseph Pearson, Francis Pearson, James Pearson, Sarah Rowson, Edwnrd RowKOn, John Thackaborry, Ben. T, Thackaberry, Mrs. B.T Thackaberry, Racbattl. Thackaberry, Foss .. Thackabt.rry, Nath. Thackaberry, Mrs. N Tynan. John Welsh.. Watt, Duncan R Webster, Eliza Webster, Martha Welxh, William Welsh, George M'cUh, Catherine lU I* l» 3 a 3 3 6 3 3 6 6 t 8 8 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 2 6 Cornwall and JioulineUe, ElUdbethtcwn. Vnon, 1 3 B;,>r, William 13 Bnktr, Sarah 13 BakBr,Kachael 13 Harry, Edward 5 Bolton, Chancey 13 Bolton, John 2 6 Bolton, Thomas 5 Brown, Jacob 5 Brown, Mary 5 Brown, .''arah 1 3 Clarke, Rev. W. C 15 Cossrove, Michael 2 6 Davis, Edward 7 6 Davis, Mrs. E 2 6 Davis, Joseph 13 Davis, Henrietta 1 3 Davis, John 1 3 Davis, I'cter 6 Davis, Mrs. P 2 6 Davis, Eliza 13 Davis, Martha 1 3 Davis, Ralph 5 Davis, Mrs. R 6 Eyre, John 2 6 Eyre, Ellen 2 6 Free, Rico 2 C Oodkin, Benjamin 2 6 Qodkin, Joseph 2 6 Galbroitb, Arthur 13 Oreen,Thomas 2 6 Horton, Abraham 5 ilorton, Mrt. A 6 Adams, P E I Appleton, Thomas Appleton, Mrs T V Armstrong, Widow ... Armstrong, George ... Armstrong, George E... Armstrong, Wm. Dd... Armstrong, Mary Jane Armstrong, Emma M.. Barnhart, George, sen. Barnhart, Mrs. Q ,sen. Barnhart, Wm. Geo. ... Barnhart, Mrs W. G... Barnhar^ W. Norman Barnhart, George Barnhart, Adelaide ... Barnhart, Apnph J. ... Barnhart, Mrs. A. J. ... Bartley, Henry Browne, Miss E Brooks, Israel Carr, John Clough, John Cooke, George Dickinson, J. J,, M D.. Dickinson, Mrs. J. J ... Dickinson, Salter Mn... Eastman, Nadab,54-5... Eastman, Robert P. ... Eastman, Mrs. Robt. P Edgar, James Edgar, Andrew Farlinger, Edward French, Cordon B French, Mrs. Gordon B French, George French, Catharine French, Mrs. B Gallinger, Jacob Gallinger, Mrs. Jacob. . Gallinger, Mary Gallinger, William Gill, Widow Hart, S. Esq Rartle, John HarUe, SlidiMl 2 6 2 6 1 1 5 5 6 6 6 6 10 5 1 6 1 5 2 10 6 5 10 6 5 5 2 1 1 6 6 3 3 6 2 6 1 1 1 6 6 5 /' ■■MM If I 124 HcMel, William 5 Hopper, Mm 10 Jarvln, Oeorjo 8. p;«q.., 16 Jarvln, Mrs 16 OlrU MUsibnury box... 10 Kowiu.John 0-2 Kowtn, Mri. John 2 U Llndfiay, Iluriot 10 Lindsay, Alfred 5 Mountain, Mm 2 10 Mulbern, P. O. & fumy. 10 Mulbern, Alexander ... 3 Fatton, Kcv. S. II. & fy 3 Patton, Rov. 8. II., don. 18 1 Poole, Charles 10 Parcel, Miss 15 Kaymond, S— widow ... 6 Itaymond, Gcorgo 6 Raymond, James 2 Robertson, Ueorgo lU SuctRlneer, Michael ... 2 SuetMnger,JohnO 2 Stafford, Charles 5 Tanner, Joseph 5 Waffoner, William 5 Welch, Jacob M 5 WilroD, Hugh 5 Wilson, :Mrs. Hugh ... 2 6 Wood, J. Esq 15 Wrlfiht. widow 6 Vanliougbuet, Hon. P. 3 North Augusta. Anon 2 6 Bonnywell, Elizabeth... 2 6 Thoma-i ... 2 William ... 2 8 Chapman, Mrs 13 Cox, Mrs 2 Crafts, Thos. & family 5 Davis, John 5 Ralph 8 Fletcher, John & family 2 G Frances, James 2 Thomas 2 Humphries, James 5 William... 1 5 Johnston, John 2 6 McLaren, Margaret 5 William 5 McLean, Mrs. & family 10 Morton, Dr 5 Murray, (senr) & family 12 Oaks, Edward 13 Oxby, Luke 5 Mrs 5 John 2 Thomas Dymock 2 6 Elizabeth 2 Sarah 2 6 Thomas 2 6 Nancy 2 6 PerciTal, Mr. & family 10 o Ralph, John 2 6 Maria 13 Stacey, John 1 3 William 2 6 Willoughby, Charles ... 2 Workey,Mrs 2 6 Charlotte 2 6 Jlawkesbury. (Collected by Mis3,J.C.Higginson) Atkinson, Mrs 1 3 Byers, Mrs. Captain... 13 Byers.M 13 Byers, W. N 2 6 Byers, E 13 Byers, W. H 71 Byers, B.C 7i AidUl and iSunUy, Bt. M.; R. APPENDIX. Campbell, R 2 Dandy, Mrs 13 Dandy, E 7i Dandy, Thomas 2 6 Friend, A 5 Giles, Mary 13 Hamilton, J., Esq 15 Hamilton, Mrs. J 10 Higginson, J 10 HIgginson, T. T 2 Higginson, M 13 Higgin8on,C.T 1 .3 Hiirginson, J. G 13 Higginson, A. T 13 Higginson, W. W 2 ti HiK»;in8on, E. L 13 Higginson, Mr. O 2 6 Higginson Charlotte... 13 Higginson, H. B 13 Ilodgins, Mrs 13 Holiday, Mr 2 6 Holiday. Mrs 1 3 Jamieson, R. C 1 3 Klrby, Wm 10 Klrby, W. S ...•. 2 6 Lough Wm Mooney, S Mooncy, Alexander ... Ray, Jowph gpratt, George Sprntt, William Spratt, .Tames Spratt, Margaret Spratt, Christopher Spratt, Joseph Spratt, Mary o Steel, Thomas Stephenson, Rot. R. L. 1 Stevens, Samuel Tweed, C. II., Esq Wallis, Henry (Collected by the Misses Ramsey.) Allen, Richard, sen ... 2 6 Allen, Isaac Allen, Eliza Jane Allen, Isabella Allen, Henry Allen, Richard, jr Barton, Oustavus Cremin, D Coffin, Mrs Crn.as, J Cross, Dickficn, Mrs Dickson, Miss ; Fricl, Peter .lohnson, P. Edward^.. Johnson C.jr Leavitt, Mr Lcavitt, Mrs Leavitt, Jano Leavitt, John McDonald, D McDonald, Mrs McDonald, J McDonald, Mary McDonald. Hugh McNally, Mrs McLean, J. II Marston, Robert Marston,W 1 Mathews, H 1 Metoalf, W Mitchell, J Murray, James Murray, Mary Pattee, David Ramsay, Mrs J Ramsay, Miss Reed,0. D Smith, Stephen Georgina (additional.) IlZmu,U.sa.; Mn.Qrahun, U 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 6 3 3 5} 3 e^ 6 I Walker, 2 6 ' Walkur.W 2 « Winters, H 7J Vankluk Hill, (Collected by Miss HlgglnFon.) ; Barton, Thomas 2 Barton, William; 2 I Barton, Acbuson 2 6 i Cass, Mr 3 I Cass, Miss 7J ! Cass, .S 71 : Cuss, Idubolla 7i I Dodd, Mrs 13 I Fitzpatrick, Mrs 2 Ilaggarty, 11 2 6 Higginson, Thos 5 I Higginyon, W 10 Higginson, J 5 ! Higginson, Miss 3 ' Higginson, E 1.') ' Higginson, M 13 \ Higginson,!! 13 I Jamieson, J S Johnston, E 5 JohnKOD, ti 2 6 Lough, U 2 )> McCuuig. M 6 Mcintosh, D 2 6 McVane, Maria 13 Mathews, U 13 Potter, J 2 6 Potter, S 7, Potter, R 7; Potter, A. J 7, Potter, John 7; Simpson, G 1 3 Stewart, J. U 2 Stewart, J. D 2 6 Vogan, Mrs. U 13 Vogan, J 7j Vogan, Jane 7i Vogan, Q 13 Vogan M 13 (Collected by Mr. Beaton.) Albright. Arch'd 7 Albright, L 7i Albright M 7, Albright, Margaret 7 Beaton, A. A 2 6 Render, P 7, Bender, C 7i Burwayh, N 7i Burwash, M 1', Burwash, S 7i Burwash, Stephen 7i Eastman, A 1 6 Leroy, 1! 13 Leroy, M 7i Leroy, A 71 Leroy, J 7; Uroy, W 7j Leroy, Abisail 7J Leroy,R 7; Leroy, Murtin 7- Lighthall, C.J 5 O' Ligbthall, Mrs. E 2 6 Lighthall, Mrs. S 2 Ligbthall, Eliza 13 Lighthall, Charles 13 McCann, 11. M.P.P 10 McCann, Mrs 5 McCann, A 2 « McCann, J.C 2 6 McClean, Mrs 5 Ogden, Wm 7, Ogden, A 7! Ogden, M 7j Ogden, C 7, Odgen,E 7i Sargint, T 7] 3d. i MiM RicbardBon, 1<. 3d. Walker, 3 « Walktir.W a fl t Wintors, II 7| yanJcuoc inn, (Oollectod by Miss Illt^lnron.) ; Barton, Thomas 2 ■ UartOD, William; 2 Barton, Acbuson 2 H { Cass, Mr ;i U j Caas, Misg 7* i Cagg, ,S 7i I Cuss, Jciibolla ^i I Dodd, Mrs 1 3 I Fitzpatrick, Mrs 2 (1 I IlaKgarty, 11 2 fi Higginson, Xhos 5 ' IligKinwon, W 10 HlKginson, J 5 { Itiecinson, Miss 3 ; lligKlnson, K I a HigBlnson, M 13 . UlgglnRon,II Ola IJamk'Son, J 5 I Johnston, G U 5 Johnson, G 2 liOUgfa, II 2 ti McCuaig, M 6 SIcIntosh, D 2 6 WcVane, Maria i 3 Mathews, II 1 S Potter, J 2 6 Potter, S 7i Potter, It 007} Potter, A. J 74 Potter, John 7i Simpson, O l .'j Stewart, J. K 2 6 Stewart, J. D 2 C Vogan, Mrs. U 13 Vogan, J 7i ) I \ogan, Jane 71 Vogan, G 13 Vogan M 13 (Collected by Mr. Beaton.) Albright. Arch'd 7i Albright, h 71 Albright .AI 7i Albright, Margaret 7? I Beaton, A. A 2 ti Bender, P Bender, C Burwach, N Burwash, M Burwash, S Burwafh, Stephen Kastmnn, A 1 I^roy, II 1 I.eroy, M Iieroy,A 0.. Leroy, J 7i Uroy, W 0^ Loroy, AbiEtoil i ->i 7i 71 I I'eroy.K 7} Lcroy, Martin 7; Lighthall, C.J 5 Lighthall, Mrs. K 2 6 Lighthall, Mrs. S 2 C Lighthall, Kliza 1 .T Lighthall, Charles 13 McCann, II. M.P.P 10 (i McCnnn, Mrs 5 McCann, A 2 6 McCann,J.C 2 6 McClean, Mrs 5 Ogden, Wm 7i Ogden, A 7j Ogden, M 7I Ogden, C 7i Odgen,£ 7* Sargint, T 71 !. 3d. I Miss Richardaon, It. 3d, APPENDIX. 125 Lists received too late for insertion in their proper places* ytagara. Addison, Mrs 15 AHhurst, Mr, 10 Anderron, AV & Abdy,Wm 1 .T Bonner, liever 6 Best. Robert 5 Huron, Major 10 Biifton, J 2 Ball, John W U 10 BbU, MrsJ.W 010 Ball, B. M Ball, Marrrt 6 Ball, Charles U & Ball, Miss Catharine... !J U Burke, T 2 Creon, Rev. T. (W 4 0.) 1 6 Clement, Geo A 10 Carnathan, R U Crouch, Mrs & Campbell,K.C 10 Campbell, Mrs. K. C... a U Campbell Miss E. S... 2 6 Campbell, R. D 2 Campbell, E.C.,Jr 2 Campbell, Miss K. F... 2 Campbell, Miss U. B... 2 C Cummings, Mrs 5 Covgau, Robt 13 Dickson, Hon. W. II... 2 10 Dickson, Mrs 2 10 Dugdale, John 5 Dority, Mrs 5 Frazer, Mrs. James... 12 Friend, A 5 Friend, A 10 Hall, Mrs 10 Hall, Miss 8. A. M 5 Hall.J.M.S 2 6 Hamilton, John 10 Hall, John 5 Huffa,F 3 Ilisoott. Richard 12 10 Iliscott, Mrs. R 10 Iliscott, Miss M 5 Iliscott, Th08 5 Hiscott, James 5 Hopkins, Capt 5 Hopkins, Mrs 5 Ingleby, Mrs 10 Johnston, J. 11 5 Kirby, Wm 10 Kingsmlll,W 2 10 lieathorby, II 3 6 Long, Mrs 2 6 MeCormick, Thomas... 15 Moffatt, Wm 2 6 MolTatt, Mrs. R 10 Miller, Gage 5 Moffatt, Wm. Jr 1 3 McFarland. Mrs J 10 McFarland, ftliss 5 McKie, Miss 2 6 Mercer Lawrence W.... 15 Mercer, Mrs 10 Mercer, W K 5 8 Petrte, Mrs 5 Priekett, Mn 2 6 Paff»rd,H 10 Powell, John 10 I>owell, Mr Powell. KlKm Powell, Kmlly Powell Florence Read, Sanil Stewart, Miss SaTage, John SaTOge, Mrs Senior, Wm .Senior, Mrs Senior, T Senros, P. C Servos, Mrs. Col Simpson, John Simpson, Mrs Simpson, Johnli Simpson, Klisabcth ... Simpson, MaryB Simpson, Jane S Simpson, Wm SlmpKon, Francis •Sampson, Mrs Winterbotton, W. B... Adams, Eliza U Lowe, Mrs. M. W Roipil Canadian Rifle JUgimtnt, Niagara. J. Weyland, Lleuteu't 5 J. Coughlan, Bugler... U 1 3 W.Clalnbert,Lce.Corpl. 7i J. Herbert «• 13 W. Day, IMvate 13 O. Gllby, " 71 .T. Groves, « 13 J. Kelley, " 13 J. Large, " W. Lunn, '• J. Masters, " R. Prior, «' 1 3 T. Sadler, " 71 R.Smith, " 13 W. Willctt, « 7* 12 2 6 1 3 I 3 2 2 6 10 10 2 2 u 1 3 10 10 10 5 *> 6 »i 6 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 10 1 3 7i 7| 7J LOKDOS. D. Lawraaon Mrs. Lawrason P. M. A. Lawrason ... B. Bayly Miss Bayly H. Hordes P. S.Pomroy F.Rowland G.Taylor A. A. Vennor H. Chlsholm (yi. & O.) J. M. Bennett do. J. Hamilton H. C. Banrlck Mr. Bell N.M'Kinnon T. 11. Buckley W. L. I^awrason Hon. G. J. Goodhue Mrs. Goodhue II. Klrkpatrick Mrs. Ledyard Master W. £. Ledyard Master J. E. Ledyard... 5 5 2 10 10 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 1 5 5 .") 10 1 5 1 10 10 5 1 3 4 4 W.W. Street 16 Mrs. Street 16 W. Elliott 2 10 A. Lefroy 16 R. C. Stoneman 10 C. M 15 L. Ridout 16 W. Robinson 6 J. Horsman 5 II. Palmer 2 J.Smith 10 H. Roots 10 J. K. Labatt 10 S. Peters, sen 1 J. Carling 2 *i F. Westluko 1 n T. Peel 3 9 B. P. Aimltagc 5 F. H. Peters 10 H. Going 16 Il.Coombs 5 J. W. Magary 2 R. Kennedy 2 9 W. Smith 5 E. Labatt 3 9 J. Powell 2 6 S. Morley, jun 2 B. A. Mitchell 5 C.T. Priddies 6 B.Dawson 5 Master II. S. Ledyard... 7J E. T. Ledyard 6 J. Doylo 6 MissThorpo 2 6 Mr. Fordo 2 6 J. Shanly,jr 12 Mrs. J. Shanly 12 6 O.Goldle 10 H. C. R. Bechcr 16 J.McRoberts 2 G. Jackson, jr 2 E.Emery 1 II. Burwell 15 T.IIaskett 10 M7s.IIaskett 10 Miss E. V. Uaskett 5 J.Ecclos 3 T. Iiai 2 6 A Friend 2 H. Hilliard 5 E. C. Dickson 6 C. Rich 6 N. Jeffrey 6 W. Geary, jr 5 C. IIutcbini :> >• .1. Ilunttr U ti T. Carter :i » W. OokUy 5 Mr*. Mmoii a ,T. Mllno 2 Mr. Wallace 1! 6 J. L. Dampler 1 Darid A. Young 10 I>. Macdonald Ti T. SIoMullan :> Mr. Tracy Ola Mr». Dr. VVilliams 5 C. Wallington U Q 0. Hunter 1 d Mrs. II.O. Kriell r> Matter F. Cronyn 'J n J. Tlbb« 1 10 W. Warner 13 Col.Asklii lu Mr. Sheriff Hamilton... 1 T). Perrin 6 E.W. Hymau ID o Mn. VIcan 5 Mr. Coyne 2 J.M.Park 10 W. Oilmore 5 K. Fuller 5 Mr. Winter 13 Mm. Wood 1 :■. MlBg Purdom 2 6 Mra. Brandon 5 U Mr. Brandon 5 MiKS M. Brandon 1 S MiM A. Brandon 1 3 K.T. Booth 5 Moroer, Brothers 5 W. B. Leather 2 Mn. Scheam 5 O.Oarth 2 J. Ooucher 5 0. Jackson, len 5 Capt. Hennessy 5 J. Antbistle o 1 ,3 W. Howard 13 J.Umb 2 J.A.Ward 10 J.Smith 5 A. Strong 5 0. Coomha 2 6 APPENDIX. W.Oorolamy 5 Mrs. Uortop 5 W.C. Hyman 10 8.W. Hmyth 5 F. LImprecht 5 J.W.Crawford 5 W. Hilllard 13 MrN. ."parllng 2 J. Hall 13 T.Hall 7i J. Short 13 W. Hhnrt 1 3t J. Sat;n 2 Mr. Bernard 5 H. lA'ttthom 2 J. Loary 1 C. Dyde 13 J. Holmes 1 3 B. Mills 7| J. Ferguiou 2 J. McDonough 5 T. Scatcherd; 10 Mrs. Abbott 2-0 J.Westley 2 Kev. H. Hayward 15 R. Jennings 5 J. Wallington 5 It. Arkell 5 0. Kolston I 3 Miss Browne 5 Mr. Valuer 10 Ur. C. Moore 10 J. Boattio 13 Mrs. J. Gray 2 Mrs. Mackenzio 2 6 A. A. A 10 J.Crook 2 B. 0. GalTin 5 Mrs. Mathews 5 Mr. Cousins 1 3 B. Stephans 2 S. Browne 13 J.Ilos 6 A Friend 13 Miss Carter 2 6 T.Conway 13 W. Leo 13 1>. C. Uinnard 6 Rov. B. Cronyn 2 Mrs. Cronyn 15 Master J. A. Mitchell... 13 Master F.A.Mitchell... 74 Mrs. B. A. MitcheU 2 6 Mrs. Bamford 2 6 Mr. Williams 13 B. Higgins 13 J. Whitehead 'i T. Sturdy 5 F. Talbot and family... 1 10 O.Riddell U 2 J. MeI«od 5 R. Brett 2 Mr.Daway 2 A Friend o F. Piatt 5 W. KUiott 1 T. Clarke 1 Mrs.Pannell 5 D. Main 15 J. Anderson 10 R.Rich 5 J. Fowler 1 O. Goodane 2 Mrs. Balkwill A F. McGill 1 Mrs. Wallace 2 Mrs. Loxley N.Low 5 J. Fititangley 1 J Qeoghegan 2 H.Shadwell 1 Mrs. H. Friendship 2 W.Wehb 5 W. Noden 2 >i 7. Macbeth 1 Mrs. Code 1 W.Chauben.jr. 3 J.SUles 5 J.D.Reid 5 R. Morton 2 A Friend 2 W. Nixon 10 V.B 5 J. Browne 10 W.TurrUl I Capt. Cronyn 1 W. McClary .'» P. Moran J Mrs. Peeler 2 Mr. N.Wilson 5 Mr. Moore 10 Mr. J. Wilson, jun U 5 D. Battle 5 Mrs. Leathom 1 W.Wlnslow 5 M. Lennon o .1 Mrs. Gamble o 1 Mrs. Beatty 1 Mrs. Hamilton Mrs.McNeUI o 1 Mrs. Blair 2 J.W.Lester o lo « •I 7i :i 3 .'I li 7i 3 fl 3 3 6 U 6 II (I n II I lituhead 2 «i IHiT 5 ibot and Unilj... 1 10 Idell U 2 A I«od U a Btt -i II •way Vi tl >nd U 7i tt A () liott 1 :i rko U 1 !J annell .,., r> o in 15 l( lanon 10 h 5 ler 1 ,J dane J 6 •Ikwill A mi 1 i^allsee U 2 H oxley 7i r 5 langley 1 ;t began 2 6 dwell 1 a .Friendiblp 2 l>b 5 len U 2 U acbeth 10 )do 1 a uben.Jr. 3 e « 5 II Bid 5 ton 2 9 Id 2 on 10 5 fne 10 II fill I ronyn 10 uwy r. (I «» L* rt K'e' 2 Wilson 5 II are 10 nisonjun u 5 6 athom J ;; •low 5 ion U ,n mble 1 y »tty 1 ,T milton 9 Nelll 1 3 »ir 2 6 st«r 10 u V I. 9' y^i ■•^Ir •'■v- TABLE OP CONTENTS. KoTicis and DlrMtloot U OfflMrs of tbe Sooicty „ iil Conititution of the Sodfltjr h v BiPOBT for 1854-6 11 Income ; „ 18 Pepoeitorjr 14 Anniul Sermons » » 14 MiMione , 14 iTidowe and Orphans 18 General Purposes 18 Studento 18 Lands 16 DtsTBiCT Bbanohis , /.... 18 'Honeuvl Simooe 18 • • "* U^"' anof Wellington 80 Niagara 87 Talbot ^*«.*.«.itxr'''41" London, Western, and Huron •' 41 Netrcastlo 44 Victoria 61 Midland 61 Prince Edward t 61 Batbttrst i,.^ 62 Eastern 60 Besolutions, TUjrteendk Aannal Meeting ..» w.... 61 APPENDIX. , Abstract of Accounts 86 Inrested Funds , 66 Summary of Tarions Accounts ; 67 Balance Sheet.,.., , 69 Summary of Cdlections.. '. 70 List of Life Members 81 Incorporated Members „ 81 Subscriptions receiyed by Parent Society 88 Subscription Lists „, 86 • mm