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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■r^ ROYAL Military College ' A <35 5 .Kid GjLjkIX By-laws and Constitution. Ottawa : ED BY Mason & Jones, 48 and 50 Queen-st. 1889. /^ ,£ \n i i i 1 ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OLHTB. 4 By-laws and Constitution. Ottawa : I'KiNTEi) BY Mason & Jones, .8 and 50 Queen-st. 1889. n Royal Military College Club. OFFICERS FOR 1889. president : W. M. DAVIS. Esq., C.E., Woodstock. lDtcc»iprc6iDcnt A. K. KIRKPATRICK, Esq., C.E., Kingston. Sccrctar^sHrcasurct: : FRED. W. WHITE, Es()., C.E., OTTA^v.^. Committee of /iftanacjemeut : L. n. IRVING, Esq., Toronto. I). MACPHERSON, Esq., C.E., Montreal. R. W. LEONARD, Esq., C.E., Sprino Hii.l, N.S. P. W. VATES, Esq., C.E., Detroit. Cai'T. S. DENISON, Ineantry S< fiooi., London. i'^ I BY-LAWS AND CONSTITUTION -AS Amended and Corrected to Date. I. The name of this club shall he the Royal Military College Club. II. The objects of the club are the bringing together of its members for their mutual benefit and support, the encouiagement of the maintenance of that brotherly and friendly feeling which has always existed among cadets, and the advancement of the welfare of its members and the graduates of the Royal Military College generally. III. The headquarters of the club shall be at Ottawa. IV. The annual meeting of the club shall be held some time during the winter months. V. To be eligible for membership, gentlemen must have served for at least two years at the Royal Military College of Canada as cadets. VI. Tho officers of the club shall oe a president, a vice president, and a secretary-treasurer, who shall be elected at the annual meeting. VII. In addition to the officers of the club (who shall, ex-officio, be members of the committee) there shall be elected at the annual meeting a managing committee com- posed of five members. I ViTI. The Commandan^iof the Royal Military College may be elected at the annual meeting honorary President ct' the club. IX. The senior cadet in the Royal Military College should be an honorary member of the club. X. Honorary members are entitled to no privileges in the committee ov club exce[)fc to speak for the good and welfare of the club. XI. The annual subscription shall be one dollar ^$1.00) payable in advance. Xil. Any member shall be eligible for election "S a life member on payment of twenty-five dollars {$'25.00) in one sum. N.B. — Fees d:}rived from life members shall be invested, and the interest only shall be used for ordinary ]nirposes. XIII. — The president, or in his absence the vice-presi- dent, shall take the chair, or in their absence a chairman shall be elected at any meeting of the club. XIV. A majority of those presen*^. at a meeting and voting shall decide all questions except the alteration of the constitution. XV. The chairman of a meeting shall sign the minutes of the previous meeting after they have been confirmed and adopted. XVI. The duties of the secretary- treasurer shall be to keep correct minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the club, and to receive all moneys. (2). He shall keep a l)ook, showing the names, ad- dresses and eniployineiits of all the inembers of the club. (3). He shall coudi'ct all the conespondenco of the club. (4). He shall furnish members desiring it the names and atldresscs of any members. (5). He shall, when so required, wiite to members and otheis obtainin uiy information v/hich may facilitate the tinding of employment or the advancing of the welfan^jf Hny member. ((5). He shftU furnish all members with a copy of the }uoceedings of the annual general meet* kg. (7). He shall notify all members of the time and place of holding meetings. (8). He shall })iiy out all moneys u[»on voucheis certi- fied by anil approved of by the ijresident or chairman of ♦he coiuMiiltee. XVII. Tlie ntnnaj^ing committee shall meet at such times as they may think necessary, or the business befoit them may require, ^'hey shall fill up any vacancies in thu committee. XVIII. Three shall form a quorum at a committee meeting. XIX. No member shall be allowed to take part in any proceedings of the club, or vote on any .subjecc connected therewith, until he shall have j)aid all airears and K^abscrip- tions which may be due by him. ^r ^ . 8 XX. Any niember wishing to withdraw froi*i the club shall give notice tr- that effect to the secretary-treasurer, and shall pay all arrears dne by him np to the dale of such notice. XAI. Each member nui.st notify the secretary- treasurer at lenst once a year of his address and any change thereof. XXII. The constitution of the club may be added to, altered or amended by a two-thirds vote at the annual general meeting. XXII. Any niember who shall conduct hin)selt in siich a manner as to bring discredit or dishonor upon the club shall be liable to be struck off the list of members. The case must be investigated and decided on by the committee, subject to apj)eal to the club at the next annual 1 ! i' iieneral meeting. i i i , I ■