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Districts EASTERN ALGOMA, NORTH NIPISSING, RAINY RIVER and , ; the TEMISCAMING '^ SETTLEMENT. Their CUHATE, SOIL, PRODDCTS, AGRICDLTURAL, TIIIBER and MINERAL ^j RESOURCES and CAPABILITIES, together vith STATISTICS SHOWING the PROGRESS MADE, and INFORMATION REGARDING the ^ METHODS of ACQUIRING LANDS. phmheo undm tN«TiuoTiONa pnoM Hon. A. S. HARDY, CommUstonor of Crown Land«. J ■3o/i7^f^ ^59 lXC>&^f^ ■T- .kfct,; -■•.Mi M :^- 4/ 'TSe CANAOiANA from the ~ *' y ^■^"-^i^rt. COLLeCTlON quecN's Fund UNiveRsiiy AT tivincrz-iv Chancellor ■«,%^i,»,^v. » i\ Si"/ queeNrs AT klNQSTON ONTARIO CANADA ■^ ■^". The EDITH //W LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION o/CANADIANA ^een's University at Kingston UbflU Eastern /^l| TOW] EASTERN AU Uidtr Ftm Oruts Aat PLUMMM W. L. NICHOU, Crawn ST. JOUPH ISLAND GEO. Hamiiton, PRINCE do. < fiieai' ■^ -> I K m: ■Ti:-: j^:. t^yi:-:':- For Sato at M «ta. an Aom. ^9f £11 .i-.: *• •- NICHOU. CroM GALBRAITH da HAUGHTON do. JOHNSON do. lEFROy da *OSE da TARBUTT. da URir.HT da DAY da ALARSTONE da EWOOl) da INSON da ^ _ ON da AlOMPSON da fELLS da Victoria i>. c. mcuonalo^ cw lALLAM da SMLTEK da lAV da SHEUDEN da Por Sd* at 60 eU. an Aer*. lALFOUR . . QOWLINC. ItAYSIDE... . . . J. U. COCKBUKN, Crow ...da ' ... T. J. Ryan, For Si^ at 9S.00 aa Aera. ludar laUwajr Aid » •ALDWIN D. G, McDonald, Cro SOUTH HALF OF NAIRN. da FOSTER da SOUTH HALF OF LOKNE. do . MERRITT da •OfrMAP OF<^ Algorqa ar|d Northerq fl ■*•■>»* T0WI8HIP8 OFEH FOR SETTLEIEHT. EASTERN ALQOMA. Its A0t. ISLAND Gko. HAMivrON, " •• Kidwnh UMiiat, W. TOTmii, « « Swilt SM. Mute. da " " " ita. an Aom. W. L. NiCHOiJ. Crown Und Agmt, TbMnlon. da .. .1 41 do. M u 1. da •< H >i da H « » da M u a da u 11 H da MUM do. M il M da " » •• da " " ** da *• " •• da •• M M do. f U M da « » M l>. G. McDonald^ Crawa Uad Agent, Mmmv Sutioa. do. u u U da M I. M da •« « II da H « » U. an A«i«. . . . J. U. COCKBURM, Crown Land Ageni, Stoigcon Faltab ...da « 1. „ ... T. J. Ryan, •• » Sndbuiy. D aa Aera. midar laUinjr Aid Aat FOF NAIRN. "• V^"""*'-'" C^r ^ *«««. M-n;S««'^- da •' " " i'OFLOKNE. do. •• m u do. " « H NORTHERN NIPIMINa CHISHOLM BONFIKLU...... CALVIN FERRIS MATTAWAN PAPINKAU.. LM L S, 3c UU.... k J. Gil da ScA*i.vr, Crawa GILUOAM, <■ A|flM, Mattawa. Fop Sate at 50 eta. aa CALDWELL SPRINGER McKIM J. D. CocKauRM, Crown Land Agnit, Smrgaaa Falh. da ** ■* ** da MUM Pop lala at 91.00 «b Aaro. WIODIFIELD atflwajr AM Aot . . . J. D. CocKBtiKM, Crawa Land Agent, Stnifeon FaUs. TKMIS04MINa POP Mo at M Ota. aa Aoro. ■yCK'' JoHH Aamraoiio, CrowB Land Agent, Uikatd. CASBV da " .. ^ - DYMOND da .. « „ HARRIS da « « « HUDSON do. " " " . PARRY soun: ^ivtriot, Uadop Ppoo Oranta Aot. HARDY HIMSWORTH NIP1S8ING LAURIBR PATTERSON J. S. ScAKLrr. Crown Land AgaM, FttwaMaa. da « ,, ^ M da <• u k da " " ■■ da 1. « ,1 Department of Crown Lands ^ Toronto^ December, 1894 ', -"' ^--^t h i.t \^\ ,.A' t:.- jiscoT* s ( N a ,u.^* ,.♦•*' ,(ll» ^* ^ BISC OT* i / N O ipissing PI88INa CrowB Land Agent, PowMiMi) ^ Matuwik own Land Agent, SturtMn Fallt. •I «r u 4* M M * Aet |mi. Crown Land Agent, Sturgeon Falli. RONO, Crown Ijmd Agent, Uskard. MSTRICT, Crown Lacd Agent, Powasian. Crown Lands ^ ttOf Daxmher, i8g4 ,"■ -h ■if' , &3 '■-iSt -^;-:/ ..f $:> i tBV OTTO r • BLAIN MARQUIS I O' " ' I SHARrC •AVAMO CN . -:■ ROaiLLARO - \ BRVCE M ,; ^ tt L.*-* EBV BLAIN OTTO MARQUIS •AVAHD ■ RVCE CHAMMHLAIN DACK BCRUCHAMP /^ tVANTUMUV INaRAM ARMSTROM KCRNS HARLCV BRtTHOUR fig ^ 'j»^. m ..^ Ak./J 'm ':iu^\ Scale 6 Mile* to an Inch. fi^biS M. >*^ r*^^«i2. >g^^ iS^jLsr T\\ 11 OUR .,\ ^ NORTHERN DJ8T11ICT8. EASTERN ALGOMA NORTH NIPISSING, RAINY RIVER AND THB li TEMISCAMING SETTLEMENT. THEIR CLIMATE, SOIL, PRODUCTS, AQRICULTUKAL, TIMBER AN1> MINKRAI* RESOURCES AND CAPABILITIES, TOGETHER WITH STATISTICS, EUOWINQ THE PROGRESS MADE, AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE METHODS OF ACQUIRING LANDS. l-KBrAHED I'NDKR INSTKUOTIONS FROM Hon. A, S. HARDY, Commissioner of Crown Lands. TORONTO : WARWICK BROS. & RUTTER, PRINTERS, 63 and 70 FRONT ST. WEST. 1894. ■ '" * ■ . if'"- i'!i.tjiSf,iiAx^ik vM^i^M^^isi^tsiH, i^mmm''' I'heae ptujes, tvhUc applicable in great measiore to the ivhole of the Free Grant Territory, are intended to have special reference to that part of the Algoma District hetiveen Saalt Ste Marie and Sudbury, to the part of Nipissiny District bordering on the Canadian Pacific Raikvay, to the Temiscaniing Settlement, and to the Rainy Hirer District. -.-•SSSW!--' l'. EASTERN ALGOMA AND NORTH NIPISSING. It is the object of this pamphlet to render better known the capabilities of those parts of our undeveloped lands which for brevity's sake we are accustomed to call our Northern Districts, — namely, Eastern Algoma, North Nipissing and the Kainy River country. The statements hereafter made are drawn principally from official sources, or other accurate information, and in most cases the authority is cited. Great pains have been taken in order that an entirely trust- worthy account of the country may be given. And from the testimony adduced and the arguments legitimately based thereon, the reader can scarcely avoid arriving at the followring conclusions : 1. That Northern Ontaiio is the best field now opei> for settlement by per- sons of small capital willing and able to work for themselves. 2. That the abundance of well paid employment outside of agriculture renders it easy for a settler to establish himself by his own labor on his own land. Not only are there good wages to be earned in the winter in the lumber camps and elsewhere, but the settler has abundant opportunity to realize ready money all the year round by working on his own account at such industries as Cutting and hauling pulpwood and cordwood. Railway ties, posts and telegraph poles. Tiuibark. Getting out pine logs under contract for lumbermen. Contracting for government roads, bridges, etc. , 3. That independence can be achieved there by o. poor man sooner than the same position can be attained elsewhere. 4. That whether for dairying, stockraising or general agriculture the country presents a combination of advantages that are presented in few localities. 5. That there is as great a range and variety of products there as anywhere. 6. That in yield per acre of the principal crops the Northern Ontario lands actually excel the most fertile states of the American Union. 7. That the advantages of having cheap fuel and building material more than counterbalance the disadvantage of having to clear the land. 8. That the country is near to the great markets of the world and has water communications unrivalled, and railway advantages such aa no other country ever possessed in its early days. p ( 9. That the climate is temperate when compared with that of many thickly- inhabited parts of the new and old world. 10. That there is an entire absence of fever and ague, there in no malarial disease whatever, and in fact there is no healthier country under the sun. 11. That our Northern Districts are capable of maintaining hundreds of thousands of people in agriculture, mining, manufacturing and general industries 12. That already a surprising development has taKen place. 13. And that our Nort'iern Districts possess all the advantages and qualities necessary to render them attractive to, and suit them for the home of the most progressive races, namely : Cheapness of land. Fertility of soil. It is a first-class live stock and dairy country. Ability to produce all the crops of the temperate zone. Incalculable forest wealth. Vai'iety of industries. Winter employment. Good wages for labor. Immense mineral resources. Cheap building material. Fuel for the cutting. Fruit for the picking. t Fine fisheries. Game plentiful. Great range of products. Water communication. Good railway accommodation.. Religious and educational advantages. A healthy country. Pure and plentiful water. Regular rainfall. Temperateness of climate. Local markets. Nearness to foreign markets. Many causes ure combining to direct renewed attention to the forest lands of Northern Ontario as a field for settlement. Chief among these causes are the following : The merits of tii3 lands themselves as proved by the experience of those who have settled upon them. The almost complete absorption of the homestead lands of the United States. There is now no agricultural land to be had in the United States, except on pay- ment of all it is worth or more. There are now no large tracts of fertile land anywhere in that country which have not fallen into the possession of railroads, alien landowners, land companies, and syndicates or other corporations who hold it for speculative purposes. -^>? !iat of many thickly The dealings of purchasers with these companies and corporations have been [extremely unsatisfactory to the purchasers. Many thousands of their purchasers have failed in their attempts to pay oft mortgages given as part payment for their farms and have lost all their substance well as the most valuable part of their lives. <• Experience has shown there is a limit to the distance from the seaboard at t^hich exportable crops, or crops whose price is.wttled in competition with foreign {products, can be profitably raised — and this limit has been passed. A very large proportion of the western plains of the United States, which heretofore have been supposed to possess inexhaustible fertility are found by experience to be so cursed with drouth as to render agriculture too precarious a Icalling. Contempoi'aneousiy with the discovery of these facts, there has occurred, Ifrfnu cause or causes which are as yet somewhat obscure, a world wide fall in the Iprices of agricultural produce, of itself sufficient seriously to embarrass all pro- Iducers whose farms lie beyond the limit from which their crops can be cheaply triinsported to the places of consumption. And most important of all it is clear that there has set in a reaction from Ithat rush to the cities which has characterized the last fifteen years. It now looks probable that many of the cities on the continent will have difficulty in maintaining their own populations, and will not for some time to come be able to aVi.sorb the surplus population produced by the country districts, to say nothing of the foreign immigration. the forest lands of ie causes are the ence of those who From the above, among maiy other causes, it has come to pass that thousands lof industrious, persevering and intelligent luen have had it borne in upon them [that thei'e is no longer any hope in their present situation. Many have arrived at the conclusion that to go upon the land is the only resource that promises them at once safe present employment for their little savings and the prospect of an independent subsistence for the future. The land being the only visible resource of many thousands of unemployed [artisans, struggling traders and starving laborei-s, and also for the immense yearly j output of thrifty farm hands and farmers' sons who cannot possibly find employ- ment in the older settled districts, the question arises. Where is the land to be found ? It must be cheap land for such persons as have been mentioned possess little or no capital. It is a mere aggravation of their anxieties to place Viefore them beautifully printed and illustrated pamphlets showing a well-fed farmer driving a i$200 team hitched to a SlOO reaper through 30J acres of wheat, while his $1,000 barn and $2,000 house smile upon him in the near distance. That is all very well for the skilled farmer with capital. But common sense protests that it requires much capital and a high degree of knowledge to enable one to enter into farming of that class. What is wanted is land that can be had for the performance of settlement duties or for little more than that ; land on which a man possessing good health, strong arms and a resolute heart can go with only a rudimentary knowledge of agriculture, and from which, as can be seen from examples around him, not only a mere living but a competence can be wrested ; land which is not so distant from market that the crops grown on it are valueless to the grower ; and in a district possessing all the necessaries and comforts of civilization. AGRICULTURAL CJAPABILITIES OF OUR NORTHERN DISTRICTS. At our own doors in the districts of Algoma and Nipissing we have a vast tract of land which possesses all the qualities and advantages just described as necessary. Not only do the lands of Algoma and Nipissing comprise millions of acres in extent, but they are easy of access, cheap, and a very large proportion of them are of remarkable fertility. As will be shown hereafter and proved by the official records of actual achievemdnts, the lands in these districts will yield in abundance .almost every article of agricultural produce proper to the temperate zone. The crops of cereals and grasses will be proved actually to exceed the yields of the most favored sections. of the United States, and even the average of our own fertile Province. The capabilities of the districts for live stock and dairy produce will be shown to be very great. As to length and severity of the winters it will be proved that Northern Ontario has nothing at all to be afraid of in comparison with other sections sup- posed to be more favored by nature. The winters in Algoma and Nipi-ssing are infinitely more pleasant and less trying than the winters in the Western States, even ko far south as the States of Illinois, Missouri and Kansas ; and Algoma and Nipissing are paradise itself compared with the Dakota^ and Minnesota. The parts of Algoma and Nipissing of which this is written are in fact further south than a large part of the states last named. Latitude for latitude the Canadian climate is more temperate than the American. In the excitement that has attended the absorption of the good land of the Western States, the railroad-building and the rush to the cities, this northern land of ours has been somewhat overlooked— but by no means entirely so, for many thousands of industrious settlers have gone in there during the last few years, notwithstanding the apparently greater attractions offered elsewhere. It is now seen and realized that for solid sterling merit the bushlands of Northern and Western Ontario offer inducements which if not as great as those offered by the far-famed western peninsula of our own Province, are actually greater than those offered by any other now unoccupied body of land, when all things are taken into account. It is the object of this work to show that not only have Algoma and Nipiss- ing all the incidental advantages necessary for the satisfaction of every reasonable want of the settler, but that they furnish actually the best field now open on P, nion sense protests ge to enable one to nance of settlement messing good health, itary knowledge of )und him, not only a not so distant from r ; and in a district RN DISTRICTS. ing we have a \'aflfc !s just described as omprise millions of large proportion of and proved by the itricts will yield in. r to the temperate |ally to exceed the ven the average of ive stock and dairy ed that Northern )ther sections sup- and Nipissing are le Western States, ; and Algoma and Minnesota. The fact further south ade the Canadian good land of the ■ies, this northern ,is entirely so, for ^ing the last few elsewhere. It is of Northern and ?e offered by the greater than those igs are taken into Igoma, and Nipias- levery reasonable leld now open oa which an industrious man can start with practically nothing, and, securing a com- fortable living from the first, can achieve in a few years a position beyond comparison more stable and agreeable than anything which lies in front of the average wage worker. It is not claimed this desirable position of independence can be attained with- [ out continuous hard work, privation and self denial. New .settlers everywhere have to suffer hard-ships and to perform labors which weaklings .should not attempt. The .settled part of this Province has only been wrested from the forest at the cost of hard.ships almost inconceivable to us who benefit by the labors of the early pioneers. In these days the labor of chopping out a bush farm, though sevei'e, is child's play compared with that which the former generation had to undergo. In the old times it was not uncommon for .settlers to have to carry in on their backs for .several days' journey their furnitrre, flour and general supplies, In the districts of which these pages treat, a settler would have to try very hard in order to get more than a few miles from a base of supplies and usually the greater part of his transportation can be done by water. The old pioneers had frequently to wait many years before they could establish churches, schools and municipal organizations. Now, so admirably organized are the missions of the various Christian denominations that Vf3ry few indeed are the settlers who do not have an opportunity of hearing the Word of God every Sabbath. As to education, schools spring up as soon as the children are there, and the excellent municipal laws of this Province provide a form of local self- government cheap, efficient, easily worked and entirely adapted to the needs of a new and struggling community. THE BROKEN CHARACTER OF THE LAND THE ONLY SERIOUS DRAWBACK. A disadvantage of Algoma and Nipis.sing, of which much is made by persons accustomed to level lands, is the broken character of parts of the country through which it is necessary to travel in order to reach the large tracts of really excell- ent agricultural land with which the country is dotted over. It is not sought to minimize the .seriousness of this drawback. Had it not been for the obtrusiveness of certain rocky ridges and escarpments, our northern townships woald doubtless have been settled long ago. The fact that the immediate shores of Lake Huron are rocky has led to the supposition that all behind was barrenness and desolation. But as a matter of fact, some millions of the best acres in Ontario lie a few miles beyond rocky coast lines. Many very prosperous farmers are living there and thriving settlements are growing up. Many of the smaller lakes and rivers have rocky and uninviting shores, and in some parts of the country outcrops of granite occur. It is not desired that anyone should settle on these ridges. On the contrary, it is the earnest de.sire of the Government of Ontario that these rocky lands should be left clothed wiih forests in their natural condition, for the shelter and protection of the adjacent country and the conservation of our summer rains. But — and it is easily understood when pointed out — a ridge of rocks is often more conspicuous than formidable So evident an object fills the eye ard limits tlie horizon. At the same time the space occupied in the country may be quite insignificant in comparison with that occupied by the valleys and unobtrusive jilains. Taking out a few parts of the country which are not fitted for settlement,. ..W%W'*S*M*j««''>«»'-»'Wi"»"'''"''^""* ' 8 the remainder may be accurately described as well fitted for agricultural purposes. Many thousands of lots can be fouml with little or no surface rock upon them — and, a word to the wise, first come first served. Other lots will 'be found having perhaps more rock upon the surface ; yet they may be very desir- able lots. B'or the truth is when this great natural drawback of broken land is looked into, it is seen to have .some compensating features. The fact of the manv fertile tracts being interspersed with lakes, rivers and forest-crowned ridges of rock is by no means wholly disadvantageous. Many a farmei- in Southern Ontario would conceive himself blest indeecl if he had a hundred acres of hill or bush pasture attached to his farm; if he could have his fuel and fencing and building material for the cutting; if, in short, he had to own two hundred acres instead of one hundred, which is practically all the disadvantage entailed by the broken character of the land. The existence of the bush land, the lakes and the rivers, is in many ways most beneficial to the settler. The bush will furnish him with work that will be increasingly well paid, as the forests further south are depleted; and the lakes and rivers are not only a 4neans of communication, but servo to temper the climate, warding off frost for days and weeks after it has appeared in localities remote from the water. The lakes and rivers also furnish an abundant food supply, which only needs i-oasonable treatment to be permanent. HOME .MARKETS AND EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE AGRICaLTURE. Among other advantages which tiie pioneer settler of to-day has over those •of the last generation is that the market for hardwood is growing very rapidly. The getting out of hardwood is likely to be a regular business, and, conjoined with the pine lumbering, pulp-wood and other industries, is likely to furnish the settler with work tor himself and his teams, and a ready market for his products for an indefinite period to come. Large mills for the manufacture of wood pulp are being established at Sault Ste. Marie, where an immense water power has just been made available bv means of a canal, and at Sturgeon Falls. This will ^wmish a market for a large quantity of pulp wood, and having such an immense field to draw from, the indiastry can hardly fail of success. It will furnish employment directly and indirectly for hundreds or thousands of persons. The business of getting out railway ties, tan-bark, cedar posts and telegraph poles is one the magnitude of which few outsiders can realize. When it is stated that the Canadian Pacific alone has purchased from settlers and others since 1883-4 the enormo'is number of 7,81)7,871 ties, some idea may be formed as to the amount of money that has gone into the bush to pay for labor, etc. The po.ssibilities in front of the Algoma .settler in producing suppliea for miners appear to be unlimited. Good authorities say that there is no other part •of the world in which rich mineral lands and tracts of rich agricultural land are so mixed up together as they are in Aigoma. To set on foot and develop a gigantic mining industry in Algoma, nothing is wanting but a market for the product — which inarket will some day be opened up, either rapidly by the admission of our mineral pi'oducts to the United States, or moi-e slowly by the expansion of ouv •own industries. EXTENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COUNTRY. The name Algoma is commonly applied to all that large teriitory stretching from a little west of >Su(lbnry to the Lake of the Woods, and from the Great Lakes, including the Manitoulin islands, etc., to the Albany Hver, one of the prin- cipal affluents of Hudson'.s Bay. The Nipissing District bounds Algoma on the east, and extends northward to the limits of the Province on Hudson's Bay and the AU)any river. It includes •the Temiscaming .settlement, hereafter described; Algoma and Nipissing together form a territory of immense si/e. It is larger than almost any of the United States, larger than the New England States with New York added ; larger than any European country except Russia, and larger than a half dozen of tlie smaller European states put together. It is a region of considerable diversity of climate, of bountiful summer rains and moderate summer heat. The thousands of lakes are giving up constantly of their moisture to the air. The alternations of temperature over the land and the water cause freciuent condensation and precipitation, and thus such a calamity as that summer drouth which in the summer of I8d4i reduced the crops of the Western States by many millions of bushels is unknown. It exhibits an variety of hill and dale, rapid and cascade, lake, river and forest. Its lakes and rivers furnish unrivalled waterways. Its numerous wood-crowned rocky ridges furni.'^h shelter for the fertile valleys they enclose, and free pasturage for the cattle that roam therein for nearly seven months of the year. The lower lands are almost always cultivable, and frequently possess a degree of richness that surprises the beholder. The soil is of all varieties; clays of many kinds, clay loam, santly loam, rich black vegetable mould, and not a little sand tiiat is too light for agricultural purposes, though supporting a heavy timbar growth, and presumably adapted excellently for bush pastures sub- sidiary to other richer land. No country could be better drained. The irregular surface provides for a rapid How of the water, which soon finds its way into the rivers and lakes lying on the lower levels. Thu>t, though the rains are frecjuent and bountiful, the crops are not subject to be drowned, or the land soured '>y stagnant water lying in the :aoil. (JENERAL ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY. The country is l)est described as an undulating plateau or table land elevated some 600 to 1,000 feet above sea level. Ridges of rock, sometimes burned off an<l bare, but oftener clothed with a vigorous forest growth, traverse it in some sections. Naturally these ridges fill the eye and the beholder is apt at first to underesti- mate the extent of the good land lying between them. As a matter of fact tho proportion of the country which consists of bare or scantily covered rock is much smaller than is generally supposed. Observations made at the river p(utages are ncces.sarily misleading as these always occur where some ridge of rocks has altered the level of the country. Generally, on the establishment of a settlement it ttu-ns out that the propor- tion of cultivaltle land is larger than was at first supposed. The best land will visually be found in the valleys between the ridges. Frequently these valleys are 10 of large extent curving round tho ridges, Hcparating and reuniting, forming good arable tracts of thousands of acres in extent, while the rocliy land furnishes bush range for cattle and a base of supplies for building, fencing and ftiel purposes. The constant succession of hill and vale and the sparkle of the water illuminating its own sotting of manyshaded green, viewed under a sky of Italian blue Hocked here and there with the most wonderful ticecy clouds and lit up by a sun whose rays fall uninifiedoii throtigh the singnlarly clear air, form a vision of entiancing loveliness. It is the world-famed .scenery of the Muskoka lakes produced over and over again but ever with new and surprising variaticms. WATER EVKRYVVUHRE. No cotintry could be more abundantly bl&ssed than Algoma and Nipi.ssing in this respect. The water of the rivers and lakes is of crystal purity and almost uniformly .soft. Fre<iuently it is of a brownish tint, the consequence of its action as an almost perfect .solvent, aided perhaps by the presence of a little iron, on the bark and roots of fallen trees. The coloration docs not affect the pleasantness of the taste nor the perfection of the water for drinking purposes. Its .softness ren- ders it most valuable to all who are atfectcid with rheumatic or kidney troubles. As many of the thousands of summer vi.sitors to Muskoka knew, rheumatism commonly di.sappears within a few days of their coming in, to reappear as soon ns they have returned to their hard water at home. And the soft water apjiears also to have a permanently, beneficial effect on many obstinate cases of constipa- tion and diarrha^a. Almost everywhere are to be found springs apparently icy cold but which never freeze up, maintaining the .same temperature all the year round. CHEAP FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIAL. The possession of cheap building material is a boon beyond price to the .set- tler. It more than offsets the cost of clearing the land. Whereas on the prairies the settler must be prepared ta pay out in cash several luxndred dollars for lum- ber for house, outbuilding.'-, barn, stable and .some fencing, in the forest he can build for himself structuies more convenient and etticient and infinitely more com- fortable at a outlay quite insignificant in comparison. Especially is this the case with relation to buildings for housing live stock. Jt is not an inaccurate statement that the cost of the buildings necessary to shelter cattle on the western prairies is almost equal to the value of all the cattle they will hold. Again, the woodland settler has an immense advantage in not having to pay out cash for fuel. In the Western States, it is not uncommon for a farmer to have to lay out $100 or more for his year's fuel. Even in Ontaiio in the older settled parts, there are many farmers on whom the cash outlay for fuel is one of the most serious demands. But in our newer districts, the farmer wl o chooses to profit by the experience of the older countries, and to lay out his farm properly, need have no apprehension that fuel will be .scarce in his day or that of his children. The ridges and the poor land should never be cleared at all, but maintained as a pasture and fuel reserve, from which only those trees should be removed which have attained their growth and are about to be set aside by nature in the ordinary couri^e. 11 AS A DAIRY (X)UNTI{V. ■ Algoina and Nipissitig poNscss adviintages t.liat arc absolutely unrivallod as the scene for dairyin},' (ipomti(»ns. While, on account of the lirokon character of the country, the locations for lartje ohoeHe factories ami croanicrii-s may ho few, yet there are undoubtedly some ])lae('s where the milk of a sutlieient number of eows can be j^fot toi,'ether to render possible the establishment of enterprises of the largest kind. But particularly where this district will shine will bo in those j»ilt-ed<(ed articles of dairy produce which are not necessarily made on a laruo scale. (Jiven, a country where miasmatic exhalations are unknown ; whore the water is abundant, pure, free from minc^ral contamination and of unvarying t|uality the year round ; wh(!re the pfras,<es are Juicy, sweet and frngrant and the forests fidl of aromatic leaves and herbs ; where the eattle arc as a rule exempt front all ailments except broken le<j;s and such troubles as nuiy l)e bro\i}^lit on by •areless exposure, or its opposite too little ventilation ; where feeding is necessary not for a longer but for a shorter pei'iod that at the fi'ont ; where ice can be had for hauling and stored in buildings eosting practically nothing; where transpor- tation to market is easy and (rheap ; tli<Me is no reason why our noi'thern butter and cheese should not soon establish for themselves a reputation tluit would enable their makers practically to dictate tlieir own prices. AS A STOCK COUNTRY. The prime recjuisites for proKtable stock raising are : Cheap land, good water, •heap transpoitation, cheap building material, cheap food, a healthy country and a mild climate. Algoma and Nipissing all these to a remarkable degree. The land can be had for free grants ; also for settlement duties and in some cases for twenty cents an acre and in others 50 cents an acre additional. The excell- ence and abundance of the water and the nheapness of building material have been spoken of elsewhere. As to transportation there is no reason why the resident of Algoma and Nipissing shoulil pay appreciably more than is charged to the farmer 200 miles west of Toronto. In i'act the probability is that from the frequency ol the water routes, the northern farmer will eventually get his stuff to market cheaper than his western competitor will. Cattt,e. Tlie breed of cattle best suited for the settler in his early days is the Devon, which is hardy, light, active, early to mature, fuinishes an excellent article of beef, and is tractable and intelligent. The last named (|ualities are important, in- asmuch as the settler being often poor i.s compellcfl to rely much on the labor of working oxen, and Devons make the best. Well trained oxen are easily and •heaply bought throughout the district. Not only do many of the settlers make a business of breeding and training them, but there are constantly yokes of oxen for sale by settlers who having Ixcome rich enough to purchase horses, have •eased to rely upon the slower and cheaper animals. In these days, however, horseflesh is phenomenally cheap — cheaper in some places pound for pound than oxen ; a condition which is quite unnatural and •annot last. The probability is that oxen will continue to be u.sed in Northern Ontario just as they still are used in New England, and that therefore the Devon will continue to bo a most desirable breed. Where dairying is the specialty, the Ayrshires would doubtless bo more profitable, and in particularly rich .spots the JtiiirifiiitiliWj ! ): 12 Hliorthorns, Ilerofords ami Jerseys could l»e made to develop their pecidiarities to perfection. In fnct oxliibitors from the free grant countries frequently cap- ture some of the best pri/os iit the principal exhibitions in the Province. Shkki'. The supreme excellence of tlu! mutton in the Muskoka and Parry Sound countries and in the Manitoulins and other parts of Algoma \h a matter of sur- prise and satisfaction to the visitor. Travelled Canadians and foreigners say there is nothing to ciimparc with it elsewhere, even the famous Welsh and Cheviot products being held to be distinctlv inferior in flavor. An immense business lies ready to the hand of the genius who will or<.;ani/,e the production and placing on the markets of the large Ainerieaii and Canadian cities of a regular supply of Northern Ontario mutton and lamlis guaranteed to V)e such and chargetl for accordingly. JMie sheep is by nature exactly adapted to Northern Ontario, the larger breeds of Downs succeeding best They thrive admirably, picking up a living for them.selves, and even getting fat on the jmorest of land and needing but little care and attention, except during the breetling season. The greatest drawback to this iudustiy is the depredations of the dogs, with which all nev ■settlements are usually overrun. In Algoma and Nipissing this drawback ir- accentuated by the visits of a lot of hunters who bring in hounds not sufficiently trained to enable them to distinguish between mutton and veni.son. The do;, difficulty, however, is not an insuperable one, and it should not be allowed to .stand in the way of a most profitable branch of agriculture. IfO(iS. Within the last few years there has been a great change in the views of the Ontario farmtM- as to hogs. Whereas a few years ago he was indiif 1 to abandon hog raising to the Western States, and it was a common thing to find Chicago pork all the year round on an Ontario farmer's table, now it is seen that the Western States cannot comjiete with us in raising .snuvli, (pack maturing, not overfat animals to be turned over to the packers at 100 to 120 pounds. Canadian bacon and hams from such animals have already made such a mark on foi-eign markets that the future of this is assured. Tlie product of corn-fed animals cannot enter into competition with its, and the market is one that can hardly be glutted. The farmers of Northern Ontario have great advantages in this The breeding sows will be easily sheltered anil fe<l, the young pigs will pick up a great part of their own living almost from the .start, and in the fall and early winter, after a few weeks of pea ami barley" feeiling, will be brought to the knife in splendid condition for the packei'. It is possible that the lumber camps will continue to import the thick, heavy product of the Western States, and that Northoi-n Ontario will never be able to compete with that on even terms. Why attempt to compete with it. when a better and higlier priced article can be easily produced ' CEREALS, ORASSES AND VK({KrABLES. No one tract of country will grow every crop \aluable to man. Each grass and each grain has its favorite habitat wherein it grows to its greatest perfection. The belt of latitude comprising Algoma and North Nipissing will grow to per- fection as great a number of the grasses and grains as can be growji anywhere. :4V' 18 Timothy and recltop .succeed admirably, especially the t'oi'iiua'. White clover in natural to the Hoil, coming in uf its own accord along the road.sidos and in the pasturt's everywhort'. Red clover yields prodigious cronn. I'otatoes in tliis soil HO rich in potash give enormous yields of a (]uality that cannot \w surpassed. Root crops art' of such iinifonn excellence arul certainty as put th(! district's future for stock raising beyond all doubt. Corn yields very profitably as a forage plant and with care and attention can be ripenoil, but not so cheaply as to compete with land farther south. Wheat of superb quality, both winter and spring, and with a yield equal to any part of the Province can be grown hoie. Tne barley almost equals that of the Lake Ontario counties in l>rightness and often exceeds it in ynld. The oats are heavier in the head, cleaner from rust and brighter in the straw than the oats of the, southern counties, and yields of fifty bushels to the acre are not uncomnion. Peas flourish exceedingly, the straw being abundant and clean, and the peas bright, large, sound and free from weevil. From thirty to thirty-five bushels to the acre is a fri'(|uont crop. Huckwheat succeeds well ; so do beans as i garden crop. » WILL) BUIUIT. Raspberries grow freely around the edges of the cU^ariiigs, along fences and roads, in any waste places, and after fire.s. The yield of this fruit is incredibly great. Hlueberiies and huckleberries of several kinds grow on the rocky shores of the lakes, on the islands and occasionally in swamps and old beaver meadows. Cranberries are found in the marshes and will always bring a good price. Another species called the high bush cranberry is a very palatable fruit, but does not occur in quantity suflicient to make it couimevcially valuable. Blackberries and dewberries occur in great quantities. Strawberries are scattered almost everywhere in the open parts. Wild cherries, plums, currants, gooseberries, and in sunny sheltered spots, wild gi-apes grow luxuriantly. There are many other kinds of edible wild fruit which have no familiar names. . , COUNTRIES INCLUDED IN BELT OK LATirUDE, 40 TO 55 DEGREES. In the New World, as well as in the Old, the grains and grasses attain their best development between latituiles 40 and 55. These latitudes include : Old Worhl Part of Spain. France. Germany. Switzerland. Netherlands. Austria. Denmark. Russia. Great Britain, most of, and the influ- ence of the Gult Stream so modifies the climate of the northern part of Great Britain and of the Scandina- vian countries as to make their pro- ductions similar to those of countries further .south. New World. New World, nineteen-twenti- of the lands that can be profit- In the eths ably cultivated between the 40th and 55th parallels of latitude are in C/anada. Nearly all of that part of this land which is in the United States is either, as in the west, affected with summer drouths, or, as in the south, has too high a summer temperature to favor the prod\ictions of the temperate zone. i-JMitniiiitiii'fiiiffriiiMttiTiiiti^iiMirri^^ >:!| u NORTHERN LIMITS OF PRODUCTION Ob CEREALS. • Nearly all ut' tlie district treuteil in this pamphlet is situated between the 4r)th and 47th decrees of north latitude. On another page will be t'ouitd a table showing that the countries from which have issued nearly all the progressive races in the world are north of latitude Mi". The facts given next below prove that all the principal crops of the temperate zone can bo grown successfully some hundreds of miles — even more than a thousand miles north of Algouia, Nipissing and Tenniscaming. From Hudson Bay records and the reports ot explorers, it in proved that many kinds of crops are grown in the far north localities hero men- tioned : liKCuiitifi). Fort Yukon, Alaska 06.87 New Fort Good Hopi', on Mackenzie riverj 60,16 I Fort Norman, on Mackenzie river 64.64 Fort Simpson, •• " 61.6'J 1 Fort Providence, near Great Slave lake. . Ul .30 Fort Chipewynn, Lake Atliabaitcu M.42 Fort Liard, Mackenzie river I 6U.00 Fort Dunvegan, on Peace river , 66.08 Edmonton, on t\v' North Sit.skatchewan. . . ' 63.36 i I Cumberland House, 426 miles northwest' 68.66 from Winnipeg ' Agricultural products. Barley, with various cereals, fruit, etc. Turnips, onions, lettuce, potatoev, etc. Barley, potatoes, turnips and other vegetables. Wheat, barley, potatoes, turnips, onions, lettuM. Wneat sometimes succeeds. Wheat, barle>, potatoes, turnips, onions, lettuce. Barley is a t>ure crop. Wheat 68 to 69 pounds to bushel won prize M Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. Wheat, barley, ryri, oats, Indian corn, potatoes, turnips and other vegetables. Wheat, barley, peax, corn and potatoe.t have beun raised here for 100 years and have seldom failed. Ked Fife and Club wheat, beitides other grain and a variety of vegetables, are grown succeHsfully. Luxuriant crops of wheat, barley and corn, with all sorts of vegetables, are raised here. THE QUESTION OF LATITUDE. Now taking 46.30, the latitude of Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury as the aver ace latitude of the district treated of in this pamphlet and taking the geographi- CH.1 di^gree at G9 statute miles, the stations above mentioned are situated at the following distances further north : o Fort Yukon is 1,388 miles further north than Sault Ste. Marie. New Fort Good Hope .. 1,:163 Fort Norman 1210 Fort Simpson 1,050 Fort Providence 1,035 Fort Chipewyan 842 Fort Liard 862 ' " " • Fort Dun vegan 664 Edmonton 488 Cumberland House ... . 512 in onioiiH, lettuce. It will ^ive the al)ovo Hgui-e^ a ({ruat deal more HigniHcance when it is pointed out that Hault Ste. Marie is only lOU miles north from the latitude of Toronto. An far an latitiidu in concerned, Al^oma and NipiHsing districts and the Tern- iHcaming Ht'ttleinent are in that Itell of the world vhich has ever been the moat famods for the production of granse.s, vegetables, fruits, cereals and — men. It is true that in Wosti-i i Europe the different crops can l)o .successfully cultivated two or three dcgroes farther north than thoy can here. Making all allowances on that .*core, we have in Algoma and Nipissing an immense tract of latid .situated as choicely with respect to latitude as any portion of the earth. COUNTIIIES AND PaKTS OF COUNTRIES LyINO NoKTH OF LATITUDE 46°. In Canada — The whole of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assiniboia, Manitoba, Keewatin, part of Algoma and Nipi.ssing, Prince Edward Island, half of Cape Breton Island, three-quarters of New Brunswick and nearly all of Quebec. In United States — More than half of Minnesota, the whole of North Dakota, threeMjuarters of Montana and Idaho together, and 99-IOOths of Washington Territory. In Europe — The whole of CJreat Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, more than half of France, four- fifths of Austria-Hungary, a small part of Italy, four-tifths of Moldavia, 99-l()(»ths of Russia. 1 wun iirize M FOREST PRODUCTIONS. A dense forest growth covers the whole of the land in these districts. The general character ot it is— in the low-lying parts, cedar, black and white spruce, tamurac, alder ; in the drier parts of the valleys and wherever there is depth enotigh of soil, a mixed growth of evergreen coniferoe and deciduous trees. Among them are white and red pine, black and white spruce, hemlock, red and white oak, maple of several species, white, yellow and black birch, ash, basswood, elm, beech, poplar, aspen, etc. The ridges are usually crowned with a majestic growth of pines, but where this has been interfered with by tire or other cause, it has been usually succeeded by poplars and white birch. The cutting and bringing to market of these woods employs armies of men. The work is rough and laborious but well paid. Great activity is now being manifested in the lumbering districts and the prospects for employment never looked brighter than they do now. Pine and Other Timijeu on Free Grants. The pine is not sold to the free grant settler, but the settler has the privilege of cutting pine in the course of clearing, also for building purposes and fencing upon his lot. If he sells any of the pine cut in the course of clearing, he must pay timber dues upon it. On the issue of the patent, the title to the pine remains in the Crown, but the patentee is entitled to receive one-third oi the timber dues paid by the licensee on pine cut on the patentee's lot after the 30th of April next following the issue of the patent. On the 30th of April next following the location of any lot, the right of the timber licensee to cut any timber other than pine on the settler's lot ceases. *. i.;5*i«6J*«ak'»ia» V < k; H: , , Pjne and other Timbeu on Lands Sold. The pui'cbasers of land under tho twenty cents an acre and fifty cents an acre regulations take the land subject to any timber license covering the land at the time of sale or granted within three years from the date of such sale. But the purchaser may cut pine for building, fencing and fuel, and may dispose of pine required to be removed in clearing, but on such pine sold he must pay timber dues. The pine trees remaining on the land at the time the patent issues will pass to the patentee. On the 30th of April next following the sale of any lot, the right of the timber licensee to cut any timber other than pine on the settler's lot ceases. New Forest Industries. Within the few years there has been a great change, immensely advan- tageous to the settler, in the value of the woods other than pine. For instance, the pulp wood trade is assuming great proportions. For this purpose, spruce and poplar, which may be said to be the prevailing kinds in these districts, and of which the quantity standing is simply unimaginable, have now a ready market, and the settler can find steady work in cutting and hauling these woods to the sides of the railways or the water's edge where a good price is paid for them. It is evi- dent, too, that the manufacture of the wood into pulp will soon become a large industry in Algoma and Nipissing, where the grinding, crushing or other treat- ment can be accomplished cheaply by water power, and the carriage of the pro- duct and the raw material eflected by the same^means. Another industry that has expanded rapidly in the last few years is the getting out of hardwood. The use of hardwood for flooring and finishing may be said to be just becoming general. The consumption has increased enormously of late, and as is often the case when production takes place on a large scale, the price to the consumer has gone down considerably, while the price to the first pro- ducer has gone up. In the early days of the settlement of this province, hard- wood that would now be worth the farms it was on many times over, was burned up to get rid of it, or for the sake of the few miserable cents that could be had for the potash leached from the ashes. Even in the Muskoka country, in which set- tlement dates back some 25 to 30 years, the hardwood had to be destroyed to get rid of it. JNow, the settlers around Lakes Muskoka, Joseph and Rosseau, and pro- bably in other parts are getting $6.50 to S8 per 1;000 feet for hardwood logs delivei'ed on the shores — a rate which pays them handsomely to work for. The Algoma and Nipissing settler will not have to wait long before all his standing merchantable hardwood is as good to him as so much money in the bank. THE PRINCIPAL FOREST TREES AND THEIR USES. The pine is not sold to the settler with the land but is reserved by the Crown and dealt with in another way, of which more elsewhere. The species found are P%nu8 Strobus, white pine ; P. resinosa, red pine ; P. Banksiana, Banksian or Scrub Pine ; pitch pine, P. rigida. The black tirch grows in these districts to a size which astonishes persons familiar with the tree farther south. Specimens of two to three feet in diameter are common, and occurring as they do in clumps, the cost of handling is reduced to a minimum. At present there is a great demand for ih'ic. wood as a substitute for cherry, which when cut properly and stained it resembles so closely that only jVt„-^.T.-j.-ijk-. 'ty cents an y the land at h sale. But ly dispose of e must pay patent issues right of the ceases. nsely advan- For instance, e, spruce and itricts, and of r market, and to the sides m. It is evi- come a large r other treat- 3 of the pro- 1 years is the inishing may 1 enormously rge scale, the the first pro- jvince, hard- ', was burned lid be had for in which set- ,royed to get |eau, and pro- ,rdwood logs Irk for. The his standing lank. |y the Crown les found are iBanksian or Ishes persons in diameter is reduced [a substitute ly that only mm lOMiiiiiiiwHW mminiirinff I ^jm i-^WWH o a OS Ed OO So n o Si; ta H H i5 «< 5§ <M I 00 cq Ml i I Uf. 17 m expert can tell them apart. The white birch also grovfa hero to a very large size. This is not the same species as the white birch {Betula alba) which grows |.as a small tree over the Eastern Provinces and New England, but is a large, ] straight growing tree (Betula papyracea) furnishing sheets of bark sometimes [large enough in a single sheet to make a good sized canoe. The white cedar {Thuja occidentalis) is common and grows to a large size Jits wood is soft, light, fine-grained and easily worked. It splits easily to almost pny thinness. The Indians use it. split very thin, for lining their bark canoes. It lis the most durable of northern woods, standing exposure in tl'-e most trying situ- Ixitions. Indoors, it is almost imperishable. The consumption is so enormous for [fence posts, building posts, sidewalks, railway ties, telegraph poles, paving blocks, [stnall boat building and other purposes that the value of it in the bush is sure to I increase rapidly. The balsam fir or balsam spruce {Abies hahamea) grov.3 witha very straight I trunk and the outline of a slender cone. It is a very useful tree to the settler, but has ho great commercial value. Its resinous juice, hardened by exposure fur- nishes the chewing gum affected by schoolgirls, and the Canadian balsam used [inediciDally and as an antiseptic application to wounds. The hemlock (Abies CanadensU), is a tree of great and increasing value Its bark is now being got out in vast quantities for tanning purposes, and is I worth about $3.00 to $3.50 per cord according to situation. Ihe wood is of poor |<iuality but is superior to pine for purposes in which .strength is wanted and 1 weight is not an objection. The grain is coarse, crooked and splintered. It makes excellent bridge timber, and its cheapness compared with pine brings it into use I for the covering of roofs, barns, rough flooring, etc. Spruce, black and white (Abies nigra and A. alba) are very abundant, their frequency increasing as we go north. Spruce wood is strong, light and elastic. For masts and spars it has no superior. has come into 1 use for paper-making. It is probable that the paper on which this is printed is [composed of at least eighty -five per cent, of spruce or poplar pulp. The business |of getting out logs for pulp has assumed great dimensions. The poplar is the commonest tree in the north, and is one of the most valu- J able for pulp wood. The commonest species are Popvlus tremuloides, aspen [•common poplar, the thick bark of which is used by fishermen as a 8ub.<»titute for I cork for net floats ; /*. balsamijera, balsam poplar, balm of Gilead, rough barked I poplar, cotton wood, white wood, and P. grandidentata, large toothed poplar. The tamarac {L'lrix Americana) is the one native coniferous tree which sheds j its leaves in the fall. It attains large size in this district, its straight, slendertrunk rendering it very useful for many purposes. Its wood is light-colored, strong, durable and close-grained, and has the property of not splitting, so that it is much used for mauls, beetles, etc. It makes good ship-knees, i-ailway ties, and ship tim- ber, while for joists and rafters it is unexcelled. The beech (Fagus /erraglnea) is used for those lasts, tool handles, agricul- Itural implements, planes, mallets, etc. As this tr<;e is becoming scarcer in the south the factories will have to resort to the abundant supplies in the north for 1 material. The oak (Quercus alba and rubra) has miny uses, its wood being well suited [for implements, carriages, sleighs and cooperage. The wliite oak, which attains a height of 60 to 80 feet is the best variety. Its grain is straight, and the wood ] light-colored, strong, elastic and very durable. The wood of the red oak varies [anore according to locality, and the tree is more generally diffused. 2 (n.d.) N m\ 18 The inaple (Acer) gives a wood which is vcy hard and close-grained and is now much used for floorini and finishing in house work, as it is highly orna- mental when polished. It is not durable when exposed to the weather, but for heavy furniture, carriages, railway cars, etc., it is excellent. Peculiar twisted grains are frequently found, called curly and birdseye maple, which make hand- some cabinet work and are worth a good price. The Sfip of the tree is boiled down into syrup and sugar, and a good price can be obtained in the cities and towns for any that can be warranted genuine. The elm is one of the handsomest of Canadian trees. Grown in the forest it is one of the tallest with a straight stem and an umbrella top. It prefers low humid soil. Its wood is tough, resists the wedge, is not so strong as oak and less elastic than ash. It has many uses and is especially valuable for piling or wharf- buiiding. The white or swamp elm {Ulmus Americana) goes very far north. It reaches a height of 70 or 80 feet and a diameter of 6 to 8 feet. The slippery or red elm {U. fulva) is a smaller tree found along streams. Its wood is hard, reddish and very tough. The inner bark is mucilaginous and is much used in household medicine as an alterative and for the making of poultices. Rock elm (U. racemosa) is a large tree. Its wood has fine grain and is heavy and suscep- tible of good polish. It is largely used in making waggons, wheels, agricultural implements and heavy furniture. Basswood (lilia Americana) is now being taken out in considerable quan- tities. The wood is light, tough and durable, soft and easily worked. It possesses the pi'operty of not warping. It is used for piano sounding boards, refrigerators, carriage panels and chair seats; by carvers, turners, wooden ware makers and for any purpose where lightness is wanted. The white ash (Fraxinus Americana) is another of the northern trees that yield valuable timber. The wood is light, tough, elastic, very strong and easily separable into thin layers. It is used largely in basktt making, cibinet work, farm implements, heavy oars, barrel staves and hoops. All of the above trees possess considerable commercial value at any pluce not too remote from market. Having in view the rise that is taking place in their- value and the increasing scarcity nearer the manufacturing centres, it will be folly for the Canadian to burn up any more straight logs for the sake of getting rid of them. Pkeservation of Forests from Fire. The Provincial Legislature has taken steps to prevent for the future the waste of our forest resources by fire. No one must set fire in the woods between 1st April and 1st November except for the purpose of clearing land, cooking, obtaining warmth or some industrial purpose. Everyone setting a tiie between those days for the purpose of clearing land is to take every reasonable care that the fire shall not extend into the bush. Everyone setting a fire for any other purpose is to select a place m the neighborhood in which there is the smallest quantity of vegetable matter, or of resinous trees ; to clear tlie place of all loose vegetab'e matter for a radius of ten feet from the fire; and to exercise due care to prevent the tire from spreading. Any person who drops any lighted match, or burning tobacco ashes, or discharges any firearm, must extinguish the fire caused by these substances before he leaves the sprit. All locomotive engine? must be equipped with spark arresters. Any infringement of the above pro- vision prison ■grained and is is highly orna- eather, but for 'eculiar twisted ich make hand- le tree is boiled the cities and I in the forest it It prefers low r as oak and less piling or wharf- very far north. The slippery bs wood is hard, much used in ces. Rock elm bvy and suscep- }ls, agricultural siderable quan- ed. It possesses Is, refrigerators, makers and for Lhern trees that )ng and easily cibinet work, it any not place in their ,it will be folly i' getting rid of he future the ft'oods between land, cooking, fire between ible care that or any other the smallest e of all loose cise due caro ghted match, 3[uish the fire otive engine? le aViove pro- 19 visions subjects the offender to a penalty of SoO and costs or three months im- prisonment. 'I'he Crown Land agents, forest agents, free grant agents and bush rangers are to prosecute in every case of infringement of the Act that comes to* their knowledge. County councils may pass by-laws that whenever the woods are on fire in any township, the fire-guardians, fence-viewers, overseers of highways or path- masters appointed by the township councils may call out as many ot the persons- liable to |)erform stitute labor as are necessary to assist in quelling the tire^ Every day's work done in attempting to quell fire shall count as one day of next season's road work. Where there are no county councils, the township council may pass the necessary by-law. Where persons not liable to statute labor are called out, the council may direct that they shall be paid out of the municipal funds. Any person liable to perform statute labor who is called out to quell a- tire and does not obey is liable to a fine of twenty dollars and costs, or to im- prisonment for twe^itj'-one days. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. A very large part of the Algoma and Nipissing Districts are of the ancient formation known by the name of Upper and Lower Laurentian. Dr. Robert Bell,, of the geological survey of Canada, describes the Lower Laurentian rocks as con- sisting almost entirely of primitive or fundamental gneiss, which is supposed by many geologists to have been originally of an igneous nature, but to have under- gone alteration which has produced its more or less foliated character. The Upper Laurentian appears to consist, to some extent at least, of sedimentary strata that have been changed by pressure and heat and probably electricity acting slowly or through a very long time, and causing them to become to a gn-ater or less degree crystalline in structure. I'he Lower Laurentian rocks consist of gray and red gneiss of many shades of color, usually much di.-toi'ted. These rocks are almost destitute of valuable minerals. The Upper Laurentian comprises a greater variety of rocks and minerals. It possesses mure regularity in its strata and in- cludes great banded masses of crystalline limestones, vitreous quartzitcs, mica and hornblende schists, massive pyroxene, and both massive and foliated labradorite rocks. Considerable area? of granite and syenite occur in the formation. Up- wards of sixty diflierent minerals have been found in the Upper Lnuientian, among them graphite, apatite, mici.. serpentine and limestone marbles, limestones, fels- par, porphyry and other ornamental stone, pyrites, sulphates of barium and strontium, asbest os, crysotile, building stones, and iron and other ores. The Lower Laurentian gneissi s are the oldest rocks known. '1 heir thickness, says Dr. Bell, must be enormous, and there is no means of making even a guess at it. The thickness of the Upper Laurentian rocks is roughly estimated in the Ottawa V^alley at from 50,000 to 100,000 feet, or nearly twenty miles. A little west of Lake Nipissing the Huronian, amore recent formation comes in and continues for about a hundred miles west. The dividing line between the two formations runs northeastward from the head of Shibaonaning or Killarney bay. Northeastwardly the Huiouian formation widens out till it reaclus Lake Temiscaming and it occupies the whole country thence westward to the head waters of the Montreal river. Northeastward it proceeds for an unknown dis- tance into the Province of Quebec. This is the largest known of the Huronian areas. The rocks of this forma- tion comprise the principal mineral wealth of Canada. The whole of the Huronian rocks are more oi- less, but not uuifoimly, metalliferous. Some deposits i HMi 20 of copper, silver, gold and nickel of immense value have been found and are now being worked. From discoveries which have been made at various points it appears probable that a belt of nickeliferous copper pyrites extends irom the «hore of Lake Huron northeastward through the Sudbury district and onward for several hundred miles, giving reason for expectations that this region will become one of the greatest copper and nickel producing countries in the world. Oopper is found in con.siderable (piantities along the Sault line of the Canadian Pacitic, around Sudbury J unction, in the townships of Drury, Dcnison, Graham, Waters, Snider, McKim and Blezard, on the west side of Wahnapitae lake, near the north end of Lady Evelyn lake, on Montreal river, on Blanche river, near Abbitibbe lake, and as far as the north end of Lake Mistassini in Quebec. Rich finds of gold have been made in this district, in Dcnison — the Vermilion mine — in adjacent townships .southwest of Sudbury, also on the south and east shores of Lake Wahnapitae. Silver-bearing galena has been found at Garden river, at the Sudbury mines, Also in tiic township of Creighton and at Lady Evelyn lake which lies Detween the Montreal river and Temagami lake. Iron, magnetic and hematite, occurs in very large quantities in many places. Zinc, antimony, arsenic, tellurium platinum, tin, molybdenum, bismuth and oobalt have also been found. Of non-metallic minerals, in which the Huronian formation is rich, the fol- lowing occur in this district : fine granites for buildings, monuments and orna- mental purposes, sandstones, quartzites, flagstones, roofing slates, serpentine and -dolomitic marbles, jasper, mica, asbe^stos, graphite, actinolite, barytes, etc. The exploration for minerals is as yet in its infancy. Vast tracts of the country have only been seen from the canoe routes or the surveyors' lines. What has been discovered is sufficient to give the brightest hope that this dis- trict will become one of the greatest mineral producers in the world. The land north of Lake Temiscaming is geologically of the same character AS southern Ontario, the rock being of the Niagara limestone formation with sandy beds and or boulder conglomerates at its base. Several islands near the head of the lake consist of stratified limestone, and flagstones of extraordin- ary size and quality are obtainable on ^he east side ot the Take about seven miles flbove the Galere. Roofing slates are found about five miles up the Montreal river. The limestone formation extends from the islands just mentioned to a great distance northward. It is overlaid by rich, level, alluvial land. An area of many thousands of acres, the equal of any in the province as respects fertility, is there to be founl. ELEVATION OF THE LAKES AND COUNTRY. El>EV> Chief! and J^ Lake Ontario 235 ft. above the sea. Lake Huron 578 Lake Superior 586 Lake Temiscaming 612 Ottawa river at junction of the Mattawa 519 '• " Upper Trout lake, source of the Mattawa river 690 " " Height of land between Lake Nipissing and Ottawa. .714 ft. o in. above the sea. Lake Abbitibbe 857 ft. above the sea. 21 IElevation ok Points along the Northern and Pacihc Junction Railway* AND Northward. The following figures are taken from actual levels made by Mr. J. C. Bailey^ I Chief Engineer ol the Northern and Pacific June*" .. Railway and the Toronto land James Bay Railway : Miles from Feet above Gravel} hurst. Lake Ontario.. Platform of station at Gravenhiirst .... /" I Lake Muskoka .... 500.4 I Caswell's lake 29 758.0 Vernon river at Huntavill*- 35 092.0 I Opposite village of Cyprus 45 839.0 At village of Em.sdale 51 . 708.0 Magnetawan river near Burk's Falls r4i 724.0 Doe lake at village of Katrine 55 723.0 Berridale village 64 894.0 Stony Lake, off Sundridge 71 841.0 South River t-tation 77 902.0 Mar^h lake 79^ 947.0 Highest point on the line is at 80 952.5 Beaver Creek 88 782.0 Powtissan village 9ol- (ill. 5 Wistawahaing rivei 104A 483.5 Callander station, on track 107 426.& Lake Nipissing opposite this station, level of water 107 :598.5 Crossing of C. P. By. at La Vase Ill 434.5 At North Bay station ground of C. P. Ry. the elevation aljove Lake Ontario is 420.0 Marten lake, 38^ miles from North Bay (394.0 Teniagami lake, 68i miles from North Bay 721.7 THE RIVER SYSTEMS. At a distance of about, on the average, 150 miles nortlf of Lakes Huron and Nipissing occurs the " divide " or watershed which separates the streams that- flow norfhward into Hudson's bay from those which run southward into the^ great lakes or into the Ottawa river, thence into the St. Lawrence. Of the rivers flowing north, the Albany, Jig-a-wa, Moose, Mis.sanibi, Abbitibbe,: etc., and of the country through v\rhich they run it is not the intention now to speak. Suffice it to say that very little is known of the country e.xcept in the immediate neighborhood of the rivers and lakes. Of the rivers flowing south the principal one is the Ottawa, a magnificent- stream, the boundary (south of the head of Lake Temiscaming) between Ontario and Quebec. Formerly Lake Temiscaming was considered the source of the Ottawa, but better explorations .show that the lake receives several large streams, to one of which coming from the northeast under the various names of River des Quinze, Lac des Quinze, Lac Expanse, etc., the source of the Ottawa must be ascribed. Lake Temiscaming receives, on the Ontario side, the Blanche river,, the Montreal river, each draining a considerable area, also Wahbe's creek, Meta- betchouan, Opinicon and smaller creeks and streams without number and thus- far without name. IS J • I The large Lake Temagami, said to contain 1,300 islands and to be with its picturosauo scenery and its deep, clear crystal waters a very elysiuni for ■aport^men, aischarges both ways, into the Ottawa and into Lako Huron. The Mattawa river drains the district between Lake Nipissinf^ and the Ottawa into which river it flows at Mattawa villa^^e, traversing or drr.ining the •towuNhips of Mattawan, Papineau, Calvin, Olrig, Phelps, Bontield, Fsrris, and Widdifield. Lake Nipissing, a fine body of water of about forty miles long by eighteen ^wide, receives the drainage of a large area which is pourtd into it from the /north by the Sturgeon river, Veuve, Duchesnay, La Vase, etc., and on the south by the South river. The outlet of this lake is by a perfect maze of channels ^known as the French river. Next west of Lake Nipissing comes the Wiihnapitae river flowing out of Wahnapitae lake and passing through the townships of Dryden and Dill among •others crossing the C. P. R. at Wahnapitae stiition and falling into the French .river a short distance from its mouth in Lake Huron. Then comes the Whiteflsh river which discharges into Lake Huron back of Oloche Island and within a few miles of Little Current, the most northerly point -of the Grand Manitoulin. The Whitefi«h river consists of a series of long lakes •connected by short and frequently rapid streams. The next considerable stream is the Spanish river. This is navigable to five- foot craft for thirty miles from its mouth. It traverses the townships of Albert, Victoria, Salter, May, Hallam, Merritt, Foster, Nairn, Lome, Drury, Hyman, Baldwin, Shakespeare, etc. In the township of Foster there unites with it the Vermilion river, a fine broad deep ..ream rising in the height of land and flowing through Vermilion lake, a long narrow sheet of water which takes its name from -the beautiful autumnal coloring put on by the maple, oak, birch, popular, etc., 'which line it throughout its course to the water's edge. The Serpent river, the mouth of which is in the township of Lewis, flows into a deep landlocked inlet of Lake Huron, about ten miles west of the Spanish river. About twenty miles further west is the Blind river forming the boundary -of an Indian reserve ^ind draining the townships of Cobden, Scarfe, Patton, etc. The Misaissaga river is a very important stream entering Lake Huron in an excellent harbor formed by outlying islands. The river is at present, however, navigable for only four miles from its mouth. The next large river is the Thessalon, draining a chain of lakes and entering Xake Huron at Thessalon Point. Garden river empties into the St. Mary's river a few miles east of Sault Ste. .Marie. It is a fine stream of some three charns in width. CHARACTKR OF THE PEOPLR— EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. In common with all the newly-settled parts of Canada, Algoma and Nipis- rsing are being settled up with a quiet, orderly and distinctly religious-population. Whereas on the other side of the line, rowdies seem to gravitate naturally to Ahe frontier settlements, with us there always has been in our remotest back- 23 wouda a Qod-fearing and law-abiding sentitnent thai has mode life and property aa aafe as anywhere in the world, civilized or uncivilized. In Canada, the horder-ruiBan ia unknown. Tho older parts of the free grant districts are well supplied with churches and piaces of worship for all the principal Christian denominations. The newer sections are taken care of by very active home missionaries sent out by the different bodies. These worthy men travel great distances in the effort to reach the scattered settlors. It is not uncommon for one man to hold services on one Sunday in three different places ten or fifteen miles apart, the distance from place to place being travelled by canoe or road between services. As far as religious or educational advantages are concerned, no one need hesitate to take up his habitation in these new districts. The educational system of Ontario is known all over the world for its thoroughness and progressivcuess. At no point is it more completely adapted to its environment than in its appli- catian to tne newer districts of the Province. No sooner has the settler gone iu than the teacher follows him, As soon as a handful of children can be gathered together the school is opened. And such is the efficiency of our system that many of th«se same children, taught within the four bare walls of a backwoods school, step <Tut into life equal at most and superior in many points to those who have had tie benefit of training at the larger centres. Our legislative chambers, our pulpits, universities, ba»ks, warehouses, and offices are full of men whose entire schooling was received in backwoods schools. When a municipality has been formed it is the duty of the township council to divide the township i .to school sections so formed that no part of a section «hall be more than three rudes in a direct lino from the scboolhouse. Township councils are required to provide SlOO per annum for each school section by assessment over the whole «ownship. In unorganized townships, on the petition of five heads of families residing in a certain district the Stipendiary Magistrate and the Public School Inspector, or either of them if there is only one such ofliicial in existence, can set apait a school section not to exceed five miles in length or breadth. Any person whose house is more than three miles from the schoolhouse is exempt from school tax unless he sends children to the school. Three trustees are elected for such districts and these make an assessment and levy taxes, out of which schoolhouses are erected and teachers paid. The Legislative Assembly annually makes a grant in aid of the cost of education, which grant is apportioned according to population. Each county ■council has to levy a tax sufficient to furnish a sum equal to that distributed by the Legislature, and the combined sums have to be paid over to the town- ship treasurers on or before I4th December in every year. The Legislative Grant for the year 189.S in aid of schools was thus appor- Aioned as respects schools in the Free Grant Districts : Algoma District $2,000 Nipissing " 600 Little Current 116 Mattawa 209 North Bay 62 " Separate school 38 Sault Ste. Marie 142 " Separate school 27 24 In hiH ro(.ort to the Ivlucation Departinont, 1893, Mr. D. McCaig, Public School Inspector of Algoma District, Mtates that 12U Hchool HuctionH have been formed ana 108 schools wore open for the whole year and 7 otheni for fcix months. In theae schools 136 teachers was «n)ploved. Five new Hchix)l sec- tions were formed and four new schools opened during the year. Ho «tatos. that in the rural sections alone, $4r),00U were npent on education during the yenr. In the seven towns of the District about $2r),000 more were spent, making; 170.000 spent in Algoma in a jear on education, of which $40,000 went iu paying teachers' salaries. Rev. Geo. Qnmt, Inspector for Nipisaing, reports two new .school sections formed and another reorganized as a Roman Catholic Separate school ; four new schoolhoi'ses built during the year. Altogether there are now thirty Publit* schools in the distritt, twenty-eight of wliich were open during the year. PARTLY (JLKARED FARMS FOR SALK. As in all new countries there are in Algouiaand Nipissing many settlers who prefer the rough work of pioneering before the more huiiulruin business of airm- mg. These people make a practice ot taking up land, clearing a few acres, put- ting up a small nouseand Tieces.sary buildings, then selling out to some newcomer and starting again in a new place. Tlii.s is an arrangement mutually advanta- geous to all parties. The one party necessarily acquires great expertnoss and bodily endurance, as well as considerable judgment in the .selection of claims, while the other gets done for him, iit u cheap rate compared with that at which he could do the work for lum.self, tho very part of the work which bristles with terrors for the newcomer — namely, fclie fatiguing tramp through the bush in search of a location, and the very trying Hist few days before a shelter is provided. It is therefore frecjuently tho case that persons who have a little money can avail themselves of an opportunity to a paiUy-cleared location. Thoy shoukl take care of course that the location is a suitable one and also that the .seller ha* a title to that which he proposes to sell. And very great care .'•hould be taker, that the location is not one which the seller wishes to abandon because he ha?s discovered that he made a mistake in selecting it. MEANS OF ACCESS. There is probably no equal area of undeveloped land on the earth which \>- so easy of access. It has a coast line of many hundred miles indented with many safe and commodious harbors accessible to the rajjidly growing commerce of the United States and Canada, and within a few months, on the completion of the enlargemsnt of the St. Lawrence canals to fourteen feet, now almost within sight will be open to the smaller class of ocean-going ves.sels. Communicating with the Great Lakes are the several considerable rivors already mentioned, the outlets of large lakes which expand and ran)ify until they furnish water routes through almost every township. Possession of these water- ways renders the settlers, in a measure indcj endent of the railways as the latter must always be limited in their freight rates by the proximity and ease of water carriage. Therel'ore the fact that two of the main lines of the Canadiat) Pacific Railway pa.s8 through the district can only be regarded by the settler as w..olly 2ft VtencHcial to him. From oant to west the main line of the (.'anadian Pacific tra- vemcs the Algoma district throughout it» 800 miles of longitude. The conncciintf line from the Sault to Sudbury, some 175 miles, which \h likely to become one of the most important rouds on the cotttinont, also pasHos its whole length through this district near Mattawa, the Canadian Pacitio's northern extension boeins. It i» already nearly complete as fur as the foot of Lake Temiscaming. In due time it will doubtless be extended northwarrl to Hudson's bay. Connection is had »i North Bay at the head of Lake Nipissing with the Northern and Northwestern Division of the Grand Trunk Railway, which brings Toronto and southern Ontario in close touch with Algonia and Nipissing. It is in faet a run of only about 10 hours from Toronto to North Bay, so that the lands in question may bo said tJ ha at our very doors ' What a contrast with the times still fresh ir\ the memory of middle-aged men when the then backwoods of Upper Canailasay 50 miles from Toronto cnuld only be reached from the ocean by weeks of slow and laborious travel. TOKONTO AND .IaMKS Bav HaII-WAV. within .siuht And soon there will be under construction a line from North Hay, projccteJ northwards until the shores of that ;;r^at inland sea, Hudsoti's V)ay, shall be reached. This line is already located for a considerable distance. It will striko tlie northeastern arm of Lake Temaganii and the northwesterly arm of Lake Tenii^caming and will thence proceeil northward by the best available route. It will pass through a country in which there are .some rough places, but it is stated that it will not l)0 of difficult construction. The company has been granted bonuses by the Ciovernments of Canada and Ontario. The point it is intended to reach is Moose Factory, an old Hudson's bay trading place situated upon an island in the m<nith or estuary of the Moose river. This will be a voiy important lino. Even as a colonization road only it would open up an immense country, the resources of which are probably as great as those of any ecpial area in the Pro- vince. It would beside put this Province in contact with the rich fisheries and the whaling and sealing industries of Hudson's bay. There are known to be extensive deposits of coal— brown and black lignite — at many places between Lake Abbitibbe and the Hudson bay. Pieces of anthra- cite have been found along the rivers south of James bay, but so far no mine ha» been located. The known deposits of iron are of great wealth. Porcelain clay or kaolin, of the linest quality is found. In short, an explorer says : "I have no hesitation in pronouncing the James Bay district the richest mineral region in tho Dominion, perhaps on the continent." The distance between James Bay and the Canadian Pacific at North Bay xa* about 350 miles, in sections as follows : First section, North Bay to head of Lake Tomiscaming. . 81 miles. Second section, Lake Temiscaming to Lake Abbitibbe. . 04 " Third section. Lake Abbitibbe to Moose Factory.. 17-^ " Total TnO h;li' III il il V I'll* 1 r'li 5 FISH, GAME AND WILD ANIMALS. There is no easily accessible part of the world where better sport with the rod or gun can be obtained. The virgin waters teem with fish of all kinds, salmon trout, speckled or brook trout, gra;^ trout, lake trout, river trout, black bass, rock basH, green bass, sturgeon, maskinonge, pike of several kinds, the jean d'oree and other pickerel, whitefish, herring, etc. Nearly all the different kinds of fish take the fly or bait or trowl freely. The various rivers and lakes difi'er strangely in the species of their finny inhabitants. In some, only bass will be found, in others «losely adjacent, only pike, or only pickerel. 'J'he last-named is a very ferocious fish which has m; le a clean sweep of all other kinds from many a lake. He does not furnish i >■. ;ch sport, but it is to be said in his favor that he is a very fair fo jd-fish, and grows to great size. Chief among the wild animals is the lordly moose, the largest surviving species of the elk tribe. The moose is still rather abundant in Algoma and Nip- issing. In this Province the killing of moose and caribou has been foibidden until Octobei', 1895, thanks to which provision a notable increase in their num- bers has lately been observed. This district, with the adjacent parts of Quebec, is almost the last home of this gigantic deer, but a few scattered head remain in New Brunswick and part of Maine. A large moose will stand over 16 hands in height, will weigh 1,600 to 2,000 pounds, and his horns will spread eight to ten feet at the tips. The caribou, wapiti or reindeer is quite common, so also is the "/irginia deer* the smaller one that was once so abundant throughout the northern part of the continent. Black bears are often found in the berry patches, or along the shores of lakes after a wind storm, looking for fish cast up by the waves, or in the spring near the dens in which they have hibernated. They are also seen occasionally in the spring actually fishing, and showing great dexterity in throwing out of the water the suckers and other fish that run up the creeks at that season. Bears are not dangerous to man except in the spring when the cubs are small. Then a she bear will attack anything in defence of her young. Black bears are frequently captured of a weight exceeding 400 pounds. The meat is excellent, having a taste somewhat between pork and beef, and according to the testimony of lum- bermen and othei*s, who have to undergo great exertions, bear meat is the strongest and heartiest food a man can eat. In the far northern part of Nipissing district there is a brown bear, inters mediate in size between the black and the polar or white bear. The last-named formidable animal is found on the shores of Hudson's bay in great numbers. There -ire not many wolves in the inhabited parts of Algoma and Nipissing, and from the abundance of their food they are not dangerous to man except in the more remote parts, and towards the end of the winter when they hunt in packs, and may become very formidable antagonists. A bounty of $10 a head is now paid for every wolf destroyed. The head of the wolf with the ears attached has to be produced before a Justice of the Peace, who, on proof being made to him that the animal was killed in his county, or within a mile of a settlement in his county, issues a certificate of the fact of the killing, and cuts off the eais from the wolf's head. On presentation of the certificate, the county treasurer pays $10. The Provincial Treasurer refunds $4 of this sum to the county. And where the wolf is killed in the provisional county of Haliburton. or in any dis- trict of the Province which does not form part of a county, the wolf's head w 27 }rt with the rod 1 kinds, salmon black bass, rock jean d'oree and ads of fish take ['er strangely in "ound, in others I very ferocious ly a lake. He lie is a very fair rgesjt surviving Igoma and Nip- been forbidden I in their nuin- •ts of Quebec, is head remain in ver 16 hands in ad eight to ten B Virginia deer, ern part of the shores of lakes the spring near ionally in the it of the water Bears are not Then a she are frequently ent, having a imony of lum- is the strongest produced before a stipendiary or police magistrate, sheriff, crown land or free grant agent or Division Court clerk, who issues the certificate, for which on pre- sentation the Provincial Treasurer pays $10. Beaver are still to be found, also red, black and silver-grey fox, mink, fisher, marten, otter and other fur-bearing animals. The settlers in the remoter dis- tricts make a good deal of money by trapping, a business which is also carried on by persons who give up their whole time to it, and freauently amass consi- derable sums of money. No beaver, otter or fisher is to be killed until 1st Novem- ber, 1897. Among the birds are several species of wild geese and swans, many of ducka, teal, rail, loons, divers, crane, woodcock, snipe, cranes, bitterns, herons, plovers, partridge or grouse ; hawks, ravens, crows and eagles ; and a multitude of small migrating birds which render the woods beautiful and lively from snow-time to snuw-tiine. Among these are several species of humming birds, the scarlet tana- ger, the oriole, the bluebird, several kinds of blackbird, the robin or thrush and several other thrushes, the kingfisher, the swallow, the indigo bird, many kinds .of woodpeckers, the goldfinch, the jays, the titmouse and many others. GAME AND FISHERY LAWS. The Dominion and Provincial Parliaments have passed laws to prevent the wanton destruction of fish and game and for the establishment of close seasons. The principal points so far as the unsettled districts are concerned are : Moose, elk, reindeer or caribou are not to be killed before 25th October, 1895. No deer, elk, moose, caribou, partridge, (luail, woodcock, snipe, ducks oranj' other game bird shall at any time be hunted or killed for the purpose of exporting the same out of Ontario. No person shall in any one year take more than two deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, except that Indians and settlers in the unorganized districts may kill for their own immediate use and for food only. Hunting or killing deer by crusting or while they are yarding is forbidden. No beaver or «tter is to be killed before Ist November, 1897. ivn bear, inter- le last-named numbers. and Nipissing, man except in they hunt in $10 a head is ears attached )eing made to settlement in I oflf the eais nty treasurer county. And or in any dis- kvolf's head w 28 CENSUS STATISTICS. Here follow a number of very interesting and convincing statistics relating to the free grant townships, taken from the Dominion Census, the Ontario Bureau of Industries Reports and other official sources. It will be seen that these districts have made, and are making, very great progress : i .1. ■ 1. ! 11 II 1: POPULATION RETURNS, DOMINION CENSUS, 18<»1. Algoma, Eastern Division. Population.. Algoma Mills •. . . 620 Bruce Mines 750 Day 834 Echo River 499 Garden River GOG Goulais Bay 2a9 Grande Pointe 137 Hallam and Graham 702 Hilton 389 Killarney 501 Kirkwood 185 Mamainse 104 Michipicoten 115 Missisagua 789 Otter Tail 873 Port Findley 795 Root River and Korali 591 Sault Centre 991 Sault Eastern 471 Sault Western , . . . 952 Spanish River 1,400 St. Joseph , 367 Tenby Bay 369 Thessalon 1,160 14,439 Algoma, western division 17,124 Manitoulin 9,093 Unorganized territory 1 ,200 Total of Algoma 41,856 9» NlPISSINO. PopuUtion. Camden, Deacon and Fitzgerald 2412 Mattawa village 1,437 Papineau and Mattawu 094 Calvin, Lauder, Ballantyne, Wilkes, Pentland, Paxton, Biggar, Osier, Lister and Boyd 649 Bontield, Chisholrn, Boulter and Ferris 2,249 North Bay (town), Widdifield, Phelpa and Olrig 2,210 Nipissing, Indian Reserve, Springer, Field, Badgerow and Caldwell 1 ,480 Kirkpatrick, Hugel, Ratter and Dunnetl. . . . 535 Appleby, Hagar, Awrey, Hawley, Df yden, Dill and Nelson 1-55 Blezard, McKim, including Sudbury and Broder 2,358 Finlayson and Peck 204 Unorganized territory 910 13,02a Occri'iv :«i OF Land and Lands Occupied — 1891. Algoma. Nipiasingf. Total number or occupiers of land ... . 6,068 1,162 Of whom are owners 4,477 1,064 " tenants 662 78 " employees 39 20 Acres occupied 760,062 198,242 '• improved 144,891 26,148 " under crops 112,462 17,552 " in pasture 29,848 8,277 " woodland and forest 015,171 172,094 " gardens and orchards 2,581 319 Comparison of Population with Former Censuses. 1871. 1881. 1891. 41,856 13,020 26,616 81,891 Increase per cent. »1881 to 1891. 7,018 1,791 3,684 12,393 24,014 1,959 17,636 43,609 74.3 NipUsing; Miiskokft and Parrv Sound 564.6 50.3 86.6 Increase frem 1881 to 1891 37,782 " 1871 to 1891 68,998 It should be mentioned that the figures given above are for the Domlnioa [constituencies as thej' existed in 1891, the figures for 1871 and 1881 having berti 30 •ecast to suit the altered boundarieR. The figures above, therefore, do not give any true idea of the very gitiat progress which has been made by the Muskoka and Parry Sound districts. The following is a comparison of the population of the Muskoka and Parry Sound districts ot 1871, with the population of the same townships in 1891 : Population of Muskoka and Parry Sound districts in 1871 . . 0,919 Population in 1891 of the same territory as was comprised in tlie Muskoka and Parry Sound districts in 1871 30,818 That is to say, the population of the free grant townships, formerly com- prised within the limits of Muskoka and Parry Sound, has been multiplied by five and H half in the period named. From causes set forth at the commencement of this pamphlet, it appears almost certain that the increase in the free grant townships will be even greater in the future than it has been in the past. CKNTRES OF POPULATIOM. Eastern Algoma and North Nipissing contain the following towns : NOHTH NlPlS-SING — MunioiD»l OenBU^ North Bay 2,3(i'l Mattawa 1,7«0 Sudlury 1,417 Kastehn Algoma — Gore Bay '. 3.'59 Little Current 7uO Sault Ste. Mario 2,l;^0 Thossaion 020 MUNICIPAL STATISTICS. lH'Xi. 'Jhe Bureau of Industries has collected the following statistics relating tc AlgoiDa and Nipissing: Assessment and Taxation. Taxes imiiored for all No. of acted |iurix)Kei). «BHPH:4ed. A8f<e88inent. Total. Per head. NipiHfiing, rural 197.1.^0 S44:{,0-8 $1 1.976 2.34 uiban 'S.hGO 801,011 19,208 3.60 Algoma, Manitoulin, IJniny liivfr and Thunder Bay, rural 762,300 2,275,009 45,249 4.13 Algoma, Manitoulin, Rainy Kiver and Thunder Bay, urban 29,288 4,913,077 115,377 9.S0 The above figures relate only to those townships and towns which have been organized for municipal purposes. Before organization, no taxes are levied except for school purposed as set forth elsewhere. ire, do not give y the Muskoka 9 population of ion of the same . (5,919 1 3C,818 , formerly com- n multiplied by coramencemeDt the free grant he past. bowns : 4. )1 SO 17 )0 {0 JO sticu relating to iHi|»oi>ed for all l<urix)He«. Per head. '6 08 49 77 2.34 3.60 4.13 9.30 ^hich hnve been ire levied except 31 CROPS OF 189:^- NORTHERN D13TRI013 COMPAKKI) WITH THK WHOLE PROVINCE. NoT>.— In these Ubleii, the term " Northern Diatriotit " inoludeii AlK»:nii, Ni|iiHitinf(, Mnekoka anrt r»riy Honnd. F»U wheat Hpriug wheat . . . U.trley Ua(8 Kye Peas Corn Buckwheat Buitnii Pottttiies . Mangel wuraeU. CarroM Tnrnipi Oirn for fodder Uay and olovt*r Buihels Buihela Acr«M, BuKhnN, per acre, l>er acre. northHrn northern northern whole dJHtriot. d intrict. diitriot. province. 084 14,212 32.4 19.3 e,n«4 105,979 15.9 11.7 8,127 67,960 31.7 31.0 81,503 941,867 39.9 80.8 961 14,963 16.7 14.6 14,682 840,896 33.4 19.3 418 ' 17,670 43.8 64.8 966 17,626 18 2 17.8 187 8,114 16 7 18 6 8,669 430,141 114.6 90.6 101 40,183 386.0 899.0 834 87.919 363.0 320.0 2,212 668.901 303.0 417.0 tonn. ton*. tonii. 106 1.675 8 55 10 95 71.603 120,988 1.69 1. 79' 1 COMPARISON OF NORTHERN DISTRICTS OF ONTARIO WITH PRIN CIPAL GRAIN OKOWING STATES OF THE AMERICAN UNION AND MANITOBA. Chops of 1893 pku Ache. Fall wheat bUHll. Spring whnat biiHh. Barley biiKh. OaU bunh. Northern Districts of Ontario New y.rk S2.4 14.6 14.0 14.6 13 2 14.1 11.5 9.5 8.4 13.3 lA.O 21. T 20.3 29.0 24.0 26.8 Ohio 28.6 Michigan TViiliiiiia 26.0 27.6 27.3 MiKKniiri 38.4 18.4 111 A • . . . . • ■ . 15.0 13.3 9.6 11.6 8.7 9.1 22.1 24.0 22. J 22 6 12 22.6 25.8 WirirDiHin • 27.6 \1ihru*RiitA . 24.6 24.8 15.0 DakotBH It will be seen from the above that the northern districts of Ontario show up remarkably well in compariBon with the most fertile districts of the United i i i. I ]■ 3^ States. The comparison would have been even more favorable to Northern Ontario had it been made with the figures of any other year than 1893 as tho following shows : NORTHEKN OnTAUIv-) CuOPS OK 189;'> CoMl'ARKD WITH AVF.RACiK OK FoitMEB Years. Averag^o of twelve 1893. years, 1882-1893. Spring wliwit, bushels pt^r acre 15.9 17.7 Barlov " 21.7 23.5 Oats' " 29.9 31.0 VALUK OF FARM PiioPEHTY IN THE NORTHEKN DISTRICTS IN 1893 AXl) 1883. 1893. 1883. Farm land S6,274,308 S4.GS 1,435 Buildings 1,881,870 998,065 Implements 659,850 330,570 Livestock 1,904,970 978.015 Total farm property 1$10^21_,004 S0,99 8,685 The above .shows that in the face of the great decline in farm values which has taken place in Britain, the United States, and other parts of the world, the free grant districts of Ontario have made very satisfactory during the vdecade. LIVE STOCK. Number ok Head in the Northern Di.stricts ok Ontario in the Yeak 189.-'.. No. Working horses 5,173 Breeding mares 1 ,005 Unbroken L*,5G2 Total hor.M's 9,340 Hogs, over 1 vear . 4,09;') under 1 year 11,443 Total hogs 10,138 Wool clip, fleeces 25,205 pound.s 141,897 " pounds per fleece . . 5.63 No. Working oxen 1 ,295 Milch cows \ 12,756 Store cattle over i years 6,627 Young and other cattle 19,670 Total cattle 40,348 Sheep, over 1 year 25,397 under i year 19,»12 44,909 Poultry— turkey .s 11,002 geese 7,268 other fowl', !'8,460 116,736 e to Northera n ]8f)3 as the K OF FOKMER Average of twelve years, 1882-1893. 17.7 23.5 31.0 STJJTCTS TN 1883. GS 1,435 998,065 330,570 978,015 998,685 I values which the world, the ■ess durinor the L\ THE 00 o o O Ik u pa o o '^ S3 •< >« s u o H o o as d I H CO Q ■"1 H Ed. jim&. ■J 1 x. P^ < ■^ f' < O H •< as I S5 -«1 O M Sh n S 7 ■r. © •AKJ O •^ H ^ o' < Ph S5 © >< pa , B 1^ Pn eo ■< tf *r a ^ g © •* s O " O' ■«! <! s o ^ H ■< 3< («5 mmmm 33 iLivf stock sold in 1S93, horses, 858 cattle.. 7,488 sheep.. 10,920 hogs.... 13,594 poultry 34,482 • ' 07,339 tl Value ok Live Stock. Horses '. ?f824,85a Tattle 754.393 Sheef 187.142 Hogs 102.2^3 Poultry 3(1.29G el »1, 904,970 IV.u.UE Per Head of Live Stock Sold or Killed in Northern Districts IN 1893. Value per head. ' Horses sold .... S84 00 Cattle sold or killed 36 12 Sheep " 4 52 Hogs " 10 56 Poultry " 37 (;i WAGES OF FARM LABORERS IN NORTHERN DISTRICTS IN I.s93, Northern Average of districts. whole province. With board, per year $185 00 S160 00 Without board, per year 295 00 255 00 With board, per month in working season 19 23 17 13 Without board, per month in working season .... 27 00 25 97 Note. — During the season of 1894, in the northern districts, good men I readily obtained $22 per month and their board. It should be borne in mind, though, that only the best men oan get such high wages. An inexperienced hand would have to be contented with less pay. NORTHERN FRUIT STATISTICS. Returns to the Ontario Department of Agriculture (Bureau of Industries) in 1S93 by farmers and fruit-growers give the following as the number of fruit trees in Algoma, Nipissing, Muskoka, Parry Sound, Manitoulin, Thunder Bay and Rainy River : Trees of Young bearing age. treen. Apple trees 17,426 31,839 Pear trees 838 1,153 Plum trees 9,477 7,539 Peach trees 16 Cherry trees 1,659 1,449 Grapevines 1,118 1,141 3 (n.d.) It' M The nuiiihei' of acroH in orclianl and ^'anloiiH in tlio northern <lir<trictM. wa^ In IHMI) 526 acren. In 1S!)3 1,109 " An incrtfiiHC of more than 100 per criit. Al'I'LES AND (iHAPKS H»H NollTIIKlCN DiSlllUTS. Tljt' Ontario Krnit Urowers" AsHociation in thoir rt-port for iHdli, recoinu)en> tlie following' vari«)tios ol applcH and <j;ranes uh nioNt de8iral)l<' for plantin^^ Al^onia, Nipissing, Sinicoe, \ln8i<(>ka and rarry Sonnd : Al'i'l.Ks. — Siimmn; Duclicss of Oldenhurj^h and Vol low TranHpansnt. Aidainii, Aloxandor, Ci)lvert, Kutl Hiotifjhoiniijr and St. liawronco. Wintrr, Pewaukiif, Golilcn Rnssot, Scott's Winter, LaKuo, Wealthy. OuAPEs. — Bldck, Wordon, Mooro'.s Karly, Champion. Red, iJolaware, Lindloy, WyoniinjL; Ri'd. iy^/ti/«, -lessica. Moore s l3ianion<l, Lady. FltUir AND OliNAMKNTAL TUKKS KOK TIIK NoKTll. Ontario Fruit Growers' Aw.sociation Report for 181)1, Mr. .). In the (.'ockburn of Qravenhurst, says No rosidont of Miiskoka need send to the uirherv for trees wherewith tl decorate his lawn or j^arden, while such shrubs as the dogwood, junoberrieij arrow- wood, black alder, high bush cranberries, striped maple, mountaiij maple, witch hazel ami a dozen other sorts may be had for the digging ; buj whex'e there is no taste there is no knowledge It is tin; few who have had desire for these things, and more espeeially the wives of the settlers who havJ persistently tried to grow the fruits they formerly enjoyed in their " Old home at the front," that we owe much of our success at the present time, and it i| much to their credit that they have shown us the possibilities of Muskoka as fruit-growing district. . Still the great majority are " regarding the winds] although many have planted a few trees in the most careless manner and withou| any enclosure other than the rude structure which encircles the barn and hous in the same field. The trees grow well the first season, but after the cows havtl browsed and scratched themselve.s against the stumps the first winter, becausJ the trees fail to gtow the pooi' settler utters vengeance against the treJ agent tor selling trees that do not bloom the following season. These aii troubles and prejudices it takes time to overcome in a new country ; bul now the most dubious are convinced that apples, of the best qualit| can be grown in Muskoka of such varieties as Duchess of Oldenburg, Yellovi Transparent, Wealthy, Haas, Tetofsky, Walbridge, Alexander and uuxny of thJ standard winter sorts, together with several hardy seedlings of great merit. Ouj long warm days and cold dewy nights develop all the beauty of form and coloring possible, and there is room for the product of many orchards in the district ta supply the local demand at good prices, and no man need be afraid of the ventuitj \v)io will make a judicious selection of varieties. The much abu.sed Champion grape grows to great perfection beie. Our soil seems to almost change the vai'iety, the skin gets thin, the pulp juicy, sweet an{ sprightly. All the early Kogeis, Concord, Je.ssicn, and Brighton, ripen well in the oped air. Cujrants and gooseberries gi-ow here to great perfection, and on our wnriij soil mildew is unknown except in some damp and shady nooks. >w...irfl 3:) n tliNti'iets, wa.s TON. Htrawborrics neod littlo or no protection in winter as tho snow mukon a more .'tiective jirotoctioii than any other. For lioiiio use I tind tho ManohoHtur, bubiiuh ami JuHsio arc all that is <lo.siri>(l. Ila-spburrics, hiuuhcrrius and hlavklH)rriti,s of the; l)O.Ht (|iiality grow wild and nil) he had for thu picking. IHd'.i, reconunenJ ' for planting \i igfiinat the trej I h(ne. Our soil juicy, sweet ani well in the opeJ id on our wnriii TKMPKRATURK AND KAINFALL. For the following information this de|)artment is indebted to the Mcteoro- loLjieal Office, Toronto. It will be found very interesting and it eH'ectUMlly dis- |iijHes of any idea that these northern districts of Ontario Hhould be Hhunned on uceoiint of extremes of climate, the fact being that the weather in Algoma and Nipi.ssing compares favorably with that of any part of Canada, except South Western Ontario, and with tiiat of a very largo part of the Uniteil States. i > .Tan. Fob. HUJIIEST 1 'KMI'EUATUUE. ' — Mar. Apr. May. •funp. July. Aug. S«pt. Oct. Nov. Deo. 1800 38.0 42.0 43.9 65.3 71.0 87.0 86.9 80 7 79 79 to. 8 47.- 1N91 41.7 42.3 62.0 7B.7 83.0 88.3 86.7 00.6 876 71.9 49.9 48.0 Saiilt Ste. Marie. ; 189-2 42.0 41.8 47.0 67.6 74 3 87.4 88.0 89.7 86.6 09.8 47.8 37 6 18))3 32 3H.« 48.0 69 3 77.4 02.6 87.2 90.8 77. ll 69 8 01. 6 38.0 1804 40.0 41.0 04.0 70.0 71.0 90.2, 80.4 06.3 liittlf Ciirr»)nt . . •! 1800 42 43.0 42.0 ! 84.0 70.0 61.0 4h 181)2 18»3 .... 01.0 01.0 80.0 70.0 61.0 47.0 67.0 77.6 1890 50.0 44.8 43.8 HO.O 83.0 IK). 9; 03.0 8U.9 77.0 86.9 30.0 1 .0 1801 34 48.0 40 01 .0' 87 4 87.7 8.5.91 80.0 81.8 48.0 M.ittawft ■ 1802 34.5 ftO.O 44.0 70.8 78.5 01. 9i 89.0 88.9 81. Oi 76.6 47 38.0 1 1893 34.0 41.0 r)4.o H2.8 81.5 04.5] 87.0 91.4 79.0 78.0 60.0 39.8 I 1894 1803 1804 43.0 40.0 ti2.8 ?3.0 91.4 93. '2 81.0 83.9 •■ 87.8 llailtiylmry 30.B m.9 40.7 76. « 80.6 88.7 93.8 8i.i 80 9 Lowest Temperature. .S.iiilt Ste Marie. Little Currmit . 1890, 1801 18931 I 1803 I 1804 ( 1800 < 1802 [ 1803 I 1800 I 11801! M;ittawa ; ;1802 I 1893 I 1804 Hail-ylmry [ '[^jl'j -16. 0- -21.0, -26.8|- -30.0 -20. til- -12 0| -16.7 -21.4 -26.5 -30..") -27.5 -12.0 .1. -26.0 -43. 0|- -33.0 -40.5 26.0 •i- -31.3 -20.3 -82.5 -32.6 -43.0 -24.01 -12.5 -13.0 0.6 0.0 -24.0 0.6 2.9 10 5 (J.l 30.0 15.0 -12.01 -32.3 -18.0 -16 51 -20.5 -15.0' 8.0 4.0 22 23 29 28 •JO 32 35.4 30.1 40.2 32.2 30.0 40.1 26.9 40.2 40.2 37 6 31.3 88 8 38 8 80.0 46.0 49.0 19.8 ■I- 4.0 5.0 «.0 23. 28. 30.0 21.6 36.5 .39. 5 31.0 35.0 33.6 36.0 41.0 41.0 —28.0 -29.01- 7.71 0.5' 27.0 30.61 38.3 27 27.4 81.3 26.3 26.8 30.0 35.0 24.6 20.8 27.3 21.2 29.0 81.0 16.0- 7.1 - 2.8'- 1.4 1.0-16.7 0.8—10.3 36 34.1 40.0 86.0 30.5 22.6 34.". 81.0 28.0 27.0 ir 34.11 ..2 3 4 ;i.O 18.0 12.0 5.0 -14.0 3.0,-27 0.5- 0.1 7.0-26.0 -28 - 1.5 -85.1 Mean Tempekature. . ( 1800 15.2 16.6 16.7 35.9 4.) 62.6 63.0 69.3 54 46 9 32.8 20 1801 17.1 10.2 22.7 39.5 48.7 62.1 58 6 63 2 63.6 43 9 31.2 30 9 Siiiilt .Sti'. Miirie j 1802 12.0 18.4 22.3 :{5.o 50.3 60.6 64.0 63 7 57.2 43 29.9 19 4 1 1803 4.0 0.2 18.5 34 3 47.2 61.7 63.8 62.0 53.1 46.2 32 6 18.6 I. 1 18!)4 1800 1802 IS<|» 14.9 19.5 10.0 19.31 30.0 19.8 35.3 46.0 57.6 56.0 56.0 57.8 68.1 47.8 46.0 34.4 31.5 19.2 Little Current . 68.7 66.8 'o'o 'i4'7i 19.9 16.6 33.7 35.5 48.6 45.6 ( 1890 63.5 64.1 58. C 63.0 45.8 29.6 8.i 1 ,1891 8.3 12.3 • . • .*.. . 61.8 61.5 60.2 69.7 41.3 29.6 26.8 .Miittawa ■i il802 3.5 11.6 19.4 36.1 49.3 62 5 60.7 65 55.3 42.1 28.0 10.6 1 ,1893 - 2.3 2.4 17.2 34.1 60.8 66.9 63.6 51.4 46.5 30.4 5.6 ;_ 1801 6.3 4.21 26.5 40.5 63.3 66.1 58.6 57.0 f I 180S 8.2 Haileybuiy ... 1894 1 25 9 37.6 50 6 62 7 6« 2 S8 8 kh 36 Precipitation — Kainfall and Snowfam. i >l 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1890 1892 1893 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1893 1894 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 4.79 2.18 1 82 3.26 May. 6.47 0.60 2.70 3.95 ■ June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, f 3.60 1.14 2.92 8.39 6.21 2.76 1.80 4.46 3.73 3.12 1.62 1.81 3.34 0.72 2.39 4.64 2.95 3.34 4.73 0.82 2.49 2.68 2.32 2.38 5.28 3.88 4.04 2.9ft Sault Ste. Marie. -1 1 I, 2.55 2.10 3.20 6.45 6.84 4.90 1.20 3.10 0.20 3.35 4.10 0.20 0.60 0..54 1.05 3.17 6.90 5.90 ( 4.32 2.60 2.49 3.94 1 56 Little Current . . < 2.47 1.36 1 .'>.62 3.92 •i.oe 0.07 1.00 0.98 4.01 r Mattawa -( 1 L Haileybury 3.56 0.77 3.60 4.29 2.61 3.11 4.16 0.75 ""6'.80 1.42 4.54 3.18 2.64 0.76 2.64 1.95 4.43 3.26 2.95 1.66 1.C7 1 64 1.67 1.26 2.77 2.27 1.68 1.90 1.90 2.87 3.62 3.88 6.50 1.47 1.71 1.55 1.15 0.85 1.28 1.37 2.02 1.67 2.25 0.68 1.05 2.52 3.50 slsr 6 6S i.33 3.39 i.29 4 JO 2.69 2.53 2.08 3.08 Avekage Annual Rainfall. The returns from these newly .settled districts are of neces.sity fragmentary. Fuller information is available with respect to Muskoka and Parry Sound, where it appears from observations, extending back several years, the average rainfall and snowfall (one inch of rain counted as ten inches of snow) has been 36.95 inches per annum. COMPARISON OF TEMPERATURES. Take the coldest month, February. The mean temperature of that month in 1894, at Sault Ste. Marie, was 10.9, but the average mean temperature of that month in a series of years was 17°. For purposes of comparison the February mean temperatuie of a number of United States and Canadian places is here given 1894. Febuuary Mean Te.mfehatures. Toronto 22.(J Montreal 15. G Quebec 12.3 Fredericton i'>.H Winnipeg — 2 Gravenhur,st 15.7 Ouelph 17.4 Flora 19.2 Lindsay 17.1 Kingston 18.4 Barrie 19.(> Woodstock 1H.3 London 19. ') Brantford 21.6 Ottawa 9.8 Peterborough 12.;i Orillia 10.7 Collingwood 1.5.6 Halifa.K 19.3 Portland, Maine 20.2 ! Boston, Mass 26,6 Albany, N. Y 21.2 Buffalo, N. Y 22.8 Oswego, N.Y 20.6 Chicago, 111 23.0 Milwaukee, Wis 21.0 | Duluth, Minn 14.6 Port Huron, Mich 21.61 Moorhead, N. D 8.8 St. Vincent, N. D 4..^ Bismarck, N. D 10.3 Minneapolis, Minn 15.7 j St. Paul, Minn 14.2 I La Cro,sse, Wis 18,7 Davenport, Iowa 22,1 Desmoines,Iowa 20.5 I Dubuque, Iowa 20.0 I Crookston, Dak 7.<* I 87 Oct. Nov. 2.38 5.28 3.88 4.04 Dec. 0.82 2.49 2.68 2.32 2.90 3.17 6.90 5.90 4.82 2.60 2.49 3.94 1 55 1.66 1.C7 1 64 1.57 i.26 2.77 2.27 1.68 1.90 1.05 2.52 3.60 3.37 r fragmentary. J Sound, where verage rainfall has been 36.95 [ that month in •erature of that the February places is here 20.2 26. C 21.2 22.8 20.6 23.01 21.0 1 14.6 21.6] 8.8 4.0 10.3 15.7 j 14.2! 18.7 22.1 20.5 j 20.0 7.n LAND TITLES— TORKENS SYSTEM. The Land Titles Act, or Torrens sy.stein, applies to Algoma, Thunder Bay, Kainy River, Muskoka, Parry Sound and Nipissing. All patents issued since 1887 have been entered in the Land Titles Office, and as to patents issued before ihat time the land can, at the option of the owner, be put under the Land Titles Act at any time. Under this system, dealing with land is very simple and expe- ditious, as each successive owner, on registration, acquires an estate in fee simple, and the laborious and costly investigation of the titles of preceding owners is dispensed with. FKEE GRANTS AND HOMESTEADS. Persons desiring to take the benefit of the Free Grants Act must apply to the Crown Land Agent tor the district in which they intend to settle. The agent will give them information as to what land is open for settlement and will furnish tliem with printed forms of affidavits which are necessary to be made by the applicants. On being properly located by a Crown Lands Agent and on performance of settlement duties, a single man ovei- eighteen, or a married man without children under eighteen residing with him, or the female head of a family having children under eighteen residing with her, is entitled to a free grant of 100 acres. If the 100 acres selected consists of a considerable portion of rock, swamp or waste land, the Commissioner of Crown Lands may make an allowance for such waste, land and may increase.the quantity of land located to any number of acres not exv ceding 200 acres. The male head of a family, having a child or children under eighteen residing with him or her may be located for 20(> acres as a free grant. And such male head of a family is permitted to purchase another 100 acres at 50 cents per acre cash, at the time of location. In the townships which are laid out in sections or lots of 320 acres or 160 acres, the locatee will be entitled only to IGO acres, and he or she may purchase another IGO acres for 50 cents an acre cash. Upon being located, the locatee may enter and improve his land, and he is rtiquired to do so within one month. Settlement duties as follows must be performed by all locatees and purchasers. (1) ^1/ lead fifteen acres to be cleared and had under cultivation, of which two acres at leant are to be cleared and cxdtl rated annually during the five years. (2) lo have built a habitable howic, at least 16 by 20 feet in size. (3) And to have resided actually and continuously upon and cultivated the land for five years after location and thence to t/ie issu,e of the patent. The locatee, however, may be absent from the land on business or at work t'oi- not more than six months in any one year. V> :.erc the locatee owns tv.'o lots the impi-oveuients may be made on either *i' both. A locatee purchasing an additional iOO acres must within five years clear fifteen ncres and cultivate the same. If the lot is adjacent to the lot on v/hich he resides the patent may issue for the purchased lot at the expiration of the time re(iiiired by law, provided he has 30 acres cleared upon his homestead. f'tM-*»i •-'•^.te', ••" ' *»»'>'; ■^,^ 'f yri' , ^ ■■'■• MS R : i pi it: I ' fU The pine trees and minerals are not sold to the free grant settler, but the settler has the privilege of cutting pine in the course of clearing, also for building jmrposes ami fencing upon his lot. If ho sells any of the pine cut in the course of clearing he must pay timbt>r dues upon it. On the issue of the patent, tho title to the pine remains in the Crown, but the patentee is entitled to receive one- third of tlie timber dues paid by the licensee on pine cut on the patentee's lot after the :iOth of April next following the issue of the patent. On the 30th of April next following the location of any lot, the right of thi- timber licensee to cut any timber other than pine on the settler's lot ceases. (For ail abBtract of the law concernin^ir pine and otiier timber on lands pureliased at 20 and 50 c«nt.s an acre, Bee on former pagf- under the headm;; " Forest Productions.") Holders of timber licenses have the right to haul timber over the uncleared portion of any land located or sold, tc make roads for that purpose, to use all slides, portages and roads and to have free access to all stieams and lakes. The Crown reserves the right to construct on any land located or sold, any colonization road or any deviation from the Government allowance for road ; and to take without compensation any timber, gravel or material leciuired for such road. Before the issue of the patent, any assignment or mortgage of a homestead is invalid. This does not apply to devise by will nor to transfer of land for church, cemetery, or school purposes or the light of way of railroads. After the issue of the patent and within twenty years from location, any conveyance mortgage or alienation by a locatee will be invalid unless it be by deed, in which his wife is one of ,the grantors. But if the wife is a lunatic, or living apart from her husband for two years, under such circumstances as dis- entitle her to alimony, or if the wife has not been heard of for seven years, a Judge of the High Court may order tliat her concurrence be dispenseil with. The land is not liable for debts created before the issue of the patent. The land, while owned by the locatee, his widow, heirs, or devLsees i.s exempt, for twenty years after location, from liability for debts except debtn .secured by mortgage made after the issue of the patent, and except from sale for taxes. When a locatee dies, whether before or after issue ofpfitent, leaving a widow, she is entitled to take the land during her widowhood unless she prefers to take her dower insteatl. 4^' TOWNSHIPS OPEN FOR LOCATION UNDER THE FREE GRANTS AND IIOMESTKAD ACT The following townships have been opened for location as fiee grants in the districts treated of in this book : Nii'i'ssiNc; DisTiuoT. a Hardy, Nipis.sing, Patterson. Himsworth, Laurier, Chisholm. Agent, J. S. Scarlet, Powa.ssan. The route from Toionto is by Northern Railway ; from eastern points by Canadian Pacific to North Bay, thence by Northein Railway to Powassan. 39 Mattawa Ackncv. iontieltl, Ferris, Pa|»incau, palvin, Mattawan. Agent, B. J. Gilligan, Mattawa. The route from Ton)nto to Mattawa is by the Northern Railway to Nortli ky, tlience by (^anarlian Pacific. TllES.SAI.ON ACJKNCV. Plinninor. Agent, W. S. Nichols, Tliessalon. The route i.s from Toronto to Collingwood or Owen Sound hy railway, thence by steamer ; or from Toronto hy Northern Railwaj' to ISortli Bay, thence hy \niidijui Prtcific. St .losEi'ii Island Agency. St. Jo.seph Lsland. Agent, George Hamilton, Richard '.s Landing The route is the same as to Biace Mines. Saui.t Ste. Marie Agency. iorali l'arl<(!, Prince, Agent, Wm. Turner Sault Ste. Mai'ie. The route is from Toronto to Collingwood, thence to the Sault by stean\er ; iv from Toronto by the Northern Railway to North Bay, thence by Canadian :'acific. >nants in thc- LANDS WHICH ARE OPEN FOR SALE. In the following townships in the District of Algoma, tlie lands are .sold at |hc rate of twenty cents per acre cash, subject to conditions of (I) actual residence |ii the land purchased for three years from date of purchase ; (2) clearing and laving undei- cultivation and crop at least 10 acres for every 100 acres purchased ; Ind (;}) building a habitable house 10x20 ft. at least. Pine trees are re.served ivoMi sueh sales imtil the 30th April ne.xt following the issue of the jiatent : At :i(i cents per <icve arid settlevieni dndcs. Thes.saeon Agency. bright and Bright additional, [loftin and ('offin additional, pay, palbraith, Gladstone, Hautrhton, patton. Johnson, Rose, Kirkwood, Tarbutt and Tarbutt additional^ Lefroy, Thompson, Parkinson, Wells, Agent, Wm. L. Nichols, Thessalon, 'I I i 4(' Spanish Riveh Acjkncv. Victoria, Salter, Sliedden. llallam, May. Agent, Duncan G. McDonald, Massey Station. Massey Station is on the Sault Stc. Marie Branch of the Canadian Pacific, I At ''0 cents per acre and settlement duties. The lands in the following townsliips in the Districts of Nipissing and Algoma are open for sale at 50 cents per acre, one-half cash and the balance in two years with interest at six per cent., subject to the conditions of (1) actual residence on the land purchased for four years from date of purchase ; (2) clear- ing and putting under cultivation ten acres for every 100 purchased ; (3) build- ing a habitable house 16x20 ft. at least. Pine trees are reserved from .such sales until the 30tli April next following the issue of the patents. Sturgeon Falls Agency. Caldwell, Springer, McKim. Agent, J. D. Cockburn, Stuj-geon Falls. Sturgeon Falls is a station ion the Canadian Pacific west of the Northern and Pacific Junction. SuDifUuv Agency. Balfour, Dowling, Rayside. Agent, Thos J. Ryim, Sudbury. Sudbury is a station on the C. P. R., at the junction of the main line with the Sault branch. RAILWAY LANDS FOR SALE. At S2 'per acre and settlement dutiei< ; alno at the 2yrices fixed under the Minesl Act. Under the Railway Aid Act 18S9, the undermentioned townships have been withdrawn from the Free Grants Act and set aside to be sold, the pro- ceeds to be applied to forming ;i fund t'> recoup the Province in respect of moneys expended in aiding railway.s. The terms of sale are : When such lands possess a mineral value they will be sold at the prices set forth in the Mines Act, which see. When suited for agricultural purposes the lands will be sold at $2 per acre payable one-third in cash and the balance in two equal annual instalments with interest at six per cent. The purchaser will be entitled to a patent at the expiration of twu years from the date of sale upon completion of settlement duties, viz : two year-. 41 actual ocoupation ; clearing and having under crop ten acres for every 100 acres ; and the erection of a habitable house 16x20 ft. at least. The pine and minerals are reserved except what pine may be necessary to the purchaser for building and fencing. Spanish Riveu. Baldwin, 8onth half of Nairn. Foster, South half of Lome. Merritt. Agent, D. G. McDonald, Massey Station Sti'hokon Falls A(jencv. Widdifield. Agent, J. 1). f'ockburn, Sturgeon Falls ier the Mines] MINERAL LANDS. Mines and minerals are not included in grants or sales under the Free Grant Act, or .sales under the Public Lands Act for agricultuial purposes after May 4th, 1891. The grantees of such land are, howevci-, entitled to compensation for all in- jury to their surface lights caused by mining operations. Mining lands may be acfjuinsd from the Crown either by purchase or lease. A brief explanation of the mining laws of the Province follow.s. Anyone wi.shing for fuller information should ap|)ly to the Director of the Bureau of Mines, Toronto. Mining Locations. Mining locations in unsurveyed territory in Nipissing, north of the Mabtawa, Lake Nipissing and French river, and in Algoma, Thunder Bay and Rainy River are to be rectangular, 80x40 chain.s (.■J20 acres) ; or 40 chains square, (IfiO acres); or 40x20 chains, (80 acres), or 20x20 chains, 40 acres. One chain in width is to be reserved along lakes or rivers. In surveyed townships, the mining locations shall be one-half, one-cjuartev, one-eiglith or one-sixteenth of a .section or lot, but not less than 40 acres. Price of Mining Land.s. The j)rice of mining lands in the above districts is: (1. If in a surveyed township and within six miles of any railway JJS 00 b. If elsewhere in surveyed tenitory 2 50 c. If within six miles of any railway but in unsur- veyod territory 2 50 d. If situate elsewhere in unsurveyed territory 2 00 ^..mmmmmmmm L^iaea^ 42 iMi ; (2) The prico per aero of all other (^rown lands sold as mining lands or lora- tions and lyinjj; south of tlio aforesaid hike and rivers shall ho : <(. If in a surveyed township and within six iriiles of any railway !if2 00 f). If situate (dse where 1 50 In any locality set apart hy the liientenant-(jlovernor in (.'oiineil, the price may be fixed at a j^reater sum. Teni'iik ok Locations. The patentee, durinjj; the seven years followinj:; the issue of the patent, nuist spend in development where the area rjranted exceeds 1(10 ;ieres, S4 an acre ; 1(50^ ncroH or less, Jf^n an aero. Lkasks or MiNiNo Lani).s. Mining lands may be leased for ten years with ri{.jht of lenewal for another ten years. Rent in the above-named distriets for first year $1 per acre ; succeovl- inrf years, 25 cents per acre ; el.sewhere, GO cents an acre the first year and J T) cents per acre sueceediiif^ years. Such lease cau aftei*wai»ls be i'<>newed for successive terms of twenty years. A condition of the lease is that there shall be spent in deve]o])ment, tljc .same sum as is recjuireil to be .spent in case of land sold. I'lNK llESEIlVKl). Tlie pine on mineral lands is reserved from tlu; sale or lease. It may, how- ever, be cut for buildinfj;, t'encinfj and I'uel on the land patented. As to lessees, they can only cut dry pine for fuel, and before enterint;' upon clearinff, they nuist five the timber licensee three months' notice in writing of the intention to clear, f lessees wi.s^i to cut other timber than pine except for use on the lot, applica- tion for permissitMi to cut must b(> made to the C^omnii.ssioner of Lands Crown. MiN'INCi HKiUTS. The owner of the surfaee rights has priority in respect of the mining rights under <?ertain comlitions. The price of mining rights is .")() per cent, of the rates foi- the ])urchase or lease of mineral lamls. <■ llKiHTS OK DlSt'OVKUKK 0|" NkW Mi-NK. The di.scoverer of a vein or lode of ore or mineral distant at least thi'ei" miles from any known mine on the same vein, or of a new vein or lode distant at one mile fronj any other jireviously known vein or lode, is entitled to exemption from royalty on such mine for fifteen years. HovAi/riKs. The following royalties are payable on all ores and mineral.-' mined : On lands .sold On lands sold Uetween let May, IS'.d after IhI Janiiarv, !ind l9t Jan., 'lilOO. 1900. Silver, nickel, or nickel ami copper .... 2 per cent. ') per cent. Iron ore, not exceeding 2 ' 2 All other ores, not exceeding 2 " o " j)ater I !»()0.[ vaisirl wil I'rovil •he al i-. K ffMlffi"*^'-'*"'^' 43 lands or loca- l 00 I 50 K'il, tilt' price patont, must an ncro ; HJO Tlic royalty is not to ho iniposikl until after sovon years from tho date of tlu; patent or lease, and in respect of lands sold oi leased previous to Ist January, IIIOO. the charnre is to lie based on the value of the ore less the actual cost of MiisinfT the same to the <nrface and its subsequent treatment for the market. Bounty on I'kj Iron. An " iron Minin^r Kund ' of #r2r),000 has been formed, out of which there will be paid for everj- ton of iron ])rodue"d from ore mined and smoked in tho Province for a period of live years from 1st .July, liS!>4, the sum of one dollar, to '.hv amount of not mori' than $2'),()00 in any one vear. I for another Bre ; succeed - and J f) cents or successive snt, the .same ' may, liow- ■< to lessees, ,they must ion to clear. ot, applica- Is Clrown. lunj,' riirhts )urchase or hoMlNlON INDIAN LANDS. From the latest report ol the Departjnent of Indian AHiiirs, (Ottawa), it is learned that on SOth June, ISil.S, the Dominion Government held the following ■surrendered surveyed lands in the part of Ontario to which this pamphh't relates: Acres. • iouhiis Hay and l>atchiivvanin<f Hay, townships of Aweres, Archibald, D ins, I'isher, Heirick.Havi- laiid, Kars, I'ennefatl r, 'rilley.l'upper, Fenwiek, Vankou;L,dinet 107,577 Missisa(pia lieserxc \,l7'i Thessalon :!,r)87 Laird '.•,72J) Maedonald "2,4'57 Mer(«(lith 7,«!)5 Maiiitoulin District 22.'},158 The 1,erms of sale of the above lands are ")0 cents to $1.00 per acre, tvvo- tifths cash and balance in three annual instalments with si.x per cent, interest. Further particulars can be had fi(Uii W. Van Abbott, Indian Agent, Sault Sto. Marie; H. VV Hoss, Indian Ayent, (lore Bav ; S. Hai-an, Hi'uce Mines. thj'ee miles mt at least 'xemption CHAHArTFi; OF ALOOMA AND Nl PISSING TOWNSHIPS. Here follow |)articulars as to the soil and characteristics of the ditt'erent town- sliips mentioned in the forejjoing lists, such particulars being taken mainly from the reports of the surveyors who laid out the said townships. The arranfrement of the towjiships is alphabetical, • Baldwin. nrls sold •liinuarv, poo. !nt. A township on the Saiilt branch of the t.'anadian Paeitie. The land in thi.s township is f<*r sale at !?2 an acre and settlement duties under the Railway Aid Act. The Spanish river rujvs easterly across the northern part. The sui'face is broken, but there are many patches of jT;ood land. The best ])arts are in the north and northwest. The southern part has been pretty generally Inu-ned over, and is grown up with poplar, bii'ch, etc. The lots are 820 acres. ■~*'"'"^^'"" IH' 14 <ii ! i i 1 1 si l! )' % \ ii Hai.kouh. This townsliip is on tiu; U. I*. II. iniiin liiu-, Cliolinsfoni station hoiii^^ on thf oast honlor, and Uic Larchwood station outside its west limits. About oiio- liaU'of it is j,'ood land, imiiioly, that portion lyinjr .south ol" tho railway, which is UiMici-ally day or sandy h)ani, with a I'nw narrow lcdf,'t's of rock. This part iw fovorcd with a .second <,nowtli of poplar, hirch, l)iilsain and tanuinic. North of the tiiird concession, and for two miles west of the custom boundary, the country is a of hare rocks. 'I'o the west of this, the country i.s well timhorod with Imlsaui, spruce, tamarac, cedar, birch and poplar, with occasionally j)ino. 'J'he Vermilion rivor i.s the only stream of any importiince. The rock i.i princi- pally «j; The lots are .'J2() acres. For .sale at r)0 cents an acre and scttlo- ment duties. l^oNI'IKI.l). About To per cent, of this township i.s <,'ood ai,'ri(;ultiiral land, the best being betvveen eoncossion linos three and four and the Kaibu.skonj^f river, the soil boinj^ clay loam. The greater portion of this tract is already taken up. Some very tine tracts of land lie north of Lake Nasbonsini; and Kaibuskon"' river. Lots * y • • • one to eight Ml concessions eii^dit to twelv»>,, form a good tract of land, the soil biaiiff clay and sandy loam. The northern point lyinj; betweun Pine lake and the Mattawan river is also a tine tract of land, the .soil being [»rincipally clay loam. About live tlu)usand acres in the .southeast ])art have been l)wrned : over this a dense <,'rowth of jioplar, cherry, e^c., is i^rowing up. To the north of this, and south of eoneession lines six ami .seven, the tindier is birch, maple, hemlock and j)iiie. Tht^ balance of the township, about two-thirds, has been several times over- run by tire, leaving only a few i)atehes of gK'en wootl.s ; the burned portion being covered with poplar, cherry, white bircli, etc. The township is well watered b}' nun)erou.s .springs and .small streams. The Kaibuskong river, and the Mattawan river, forming the north boundary, being; the principal streams. The principal lakes are Nasbonsing, Talon, Pino, and Turtle lakes. The general face of the country' is undulating. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free (i rants Act, The main line of the C. R K, the town.'^hip, and the Rutherglen ami ('allander stations are within its limits. I'liiKiirr .\.\i) IjIUOiit,. The greater portion of the townshi]) is covered with cedar, pine, tamarac, s|)ruco and balsam, mixed with birch, ])oplar and hemlock. The pine is very much soattereil. In the northeast portion of Bright there is a district which has been burnt over some ten or twelve years ago. In IJright Additional there are several hard- wood ridges, very heavily timbi'ied with maple, birch, and hemlock : in the valloy.s and tiats considerable a.sli antl elm. Nearly all of Hright is of clay loam, but rather wet and cold, with the excep- tion of a portion of the burnt dihtrict which is more rolling, and<|uently drier and more porous. In Bright Additional the soil is not so good, in many l)laces nothing but blowing sand, and in the swamps (piick.sand bottom. Water is of good (]ualitv, and al)undant. In the lakes the water is clear and good, but soft. )i ■-•f K 46 Nearly nil the rock in this township is arf^illucctous. lit tin; tiurtlifiist por- tioi\ of Hrijj;ht there are Hovtinil r'd^^es of this rock protriuliiij^ in many pUices over fifty feet in height, hut narrow. The soil hotwoon these ridges is of (sxcellent qnality. Red granite crops out here and there along the shore of Lake Huron. The greater portion of the township is level and lit for cultivation. The lots are M20 acres each. Kor .-^ale at 20 ctjnts an acre and settlenjetit iluticH. The Dayton station of the Sault. Itranch of the < '. I*. II. is in this town- .ship. CaIJ)WKI,I,. Caldwell is on the northwest shore of Lake Nipissing. Vcnve river crosses it in a southeasterly direction, anil the ('anadian Pacific runs along the valley of bhe river, the Verner station l)eing within the lindts of the township. The soil of this valley is a heavy white clay, in some places coated with .sandy loam and well adapted for ngrieulture. The south part of thci town.ship is rough, rocky and swaujpy. The northern portion consists of a high range of Laurentian rocka. Lots are 320 acres each. Kor .sah; at ')() cents an acre ami .scttienfcnt duties. C'ai,vi.n. ('alvin has lieen traver.sed hy repeated and severe lires. With the exception «r an insignificant portion, scarcely a vestige of the original timl)er remains. In its place has sprung up a second giowth of hirch, poi)liir, cherry, etc. The ,«outhern portion of the township and some of the northeast corner are good — the surface is either level or undulating in long and gradual slopes. The soil consists (»f clay, clay-loam, and sandy loam. There is no douht the lire has consumed much of the richness of the soil, but care and culture will restore it, while the ease with which the land can he cleared must be taken as an important offset. The country is admirably adapted for cattle raising, then; being excellent pasturage through the wood, while the beaver- nicadows are both large and numeroiis. The northern portion of this townshij), especially in the neighborhood of the lakes and Mattawan river, is utterly unfit for settlement, being mountainou.s, rugged, and sbirile to a degree ; the hillsides ure covered with sliarp broken lioulders, while the more level portions are bald rock. The geological formati«m is chiefly gneiss and .sandstone. The country is abundantly supplied with springs and small spring creeks. The principal streams are the Pautois creek an(l Amable du Fond ; the former flows into tlie latter. The Amable is much the larger, and within some miles of its mouth is alternate lake and river. On it are many costly dams and slides. Both these streams arc the watciy highways by which a large (|uantity of timljer is floated to the Mattawan, thence to the Ottawa. It is estimated that (iO per cent, of ( /alvin is fitted for agricultural, and much more for grazing purposes. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. The main line of the C. P. R. traverses the township, and the ICaii Claire station is within its limits. 411 ■[i ! ■, ( ^ iiL, I Coffin and (Coffin Auditionai,. (JoHin is much liroken l)y rocks uml iiumntuiii.s, rising t'ru(|Uontly to ')()0 t'uet liigli. Along the Thcssalon river, Hats of ten to twenty chains wide exist ol' good land. The timber is principally maple with some birelKss, cellars, etc. No pine fit for lumht'ring. In ("oHin Additional, the country is n(jt 5o rocky ami considenvblo goo<l land cnii be found. The lots are ;!20 acre^ ench. Kor sale at 20 cents an aerf and settle- ment duties. Day. The township has more than a third of its .surface covert'd with lakes, whicb all atfbrd abundance of good fish. All that portion south of Lake VVaquekobing, is well iidapted for settlement, excepting a narrow strip bordering that lake. No l)etter agricultural land exists than a large portior. of this <le.scribed belt. North of that lake is much broken with rocks. Some five or six lots only, in the nortli eastern poition, near the Mis.si8.sauga river, are of fair (juality. The timber is generally compo.sed principally of maple. Some considerable swamps are met with in the southern part of the town.ship. The lots ai'o H20 acres each. lAjr sale at 20 eent- an acre and settle- ment duties. DowLiNf;. A township on the Canadian Pacitie main line west of Sudbury Junction, and haviiig the Onaping and Larchwood stations within its limits. Windy lake is the only considerably body of water in it. The township is traversed from northeast to .southwe-st by a broken chain of hills, leaving two valley^s of fair agricultural land. The boil is generally clay and sandy loam, and the prevailing rock formation is clav slate. The timber is mostly white birch, balsam, spruce, tai, vrac, maple, cedar, ash and ironwood. The V^ermilion and Onaping rivers ore the chief streams. On the latter there are good powers. On the banks of the both rivers there are c xtensive tracts of arable land, the soil bein„* a rich alluvial de|)osit. The lots are 1)20 acres. For sale at .50 cents an acre and settlement duties. FEnius. This townshij) is situated on the east shore of Lake Nipi.ssing. The Wista- wasiug river tlrains its southwestern part, and the La Vase the north, both How- ing into Lake Nipissing. Lake Nasbonsing occupies the southeast part — a fine sheet of water well stocked w'th and fiowing into the Mattawan. The Canadian Pacific crosses it from southeast to northwest, Nasbonsing station be- ing on the north of the lake. The Thornclitfe station, the junction of the North- ern and Northwestern extension of the Grand Trunk .system is also in this town- ship. To the north of and around Nasbon.sing lake, the land is good clay loam. Some very fine clay flats exist in the southern part of the township. Toward Trout hi e, a rocky area comes in. The portion between Trout lake and Nipis- sing is an alternation of rocky ridges and tamarac swamps, with occasional patches of good land with nuxed timber. The lots are 100 acres. Open for location under the Free Grants Act 47 UOI'i' llllll ScttU'- (lALHKAITH AND I l<H '(JMTON. These townsliii»H are j^ituatetl about twelve miles back from Thessalon, on tlie north shore of Lake Kiiron. I'lie surveyors' reports state that these townships present the appearance of low detached foothills to ranges of mountains, in some places f^radually falling oft' into valleys covered with mixed timbers and a good deep soil, in other places abruptly falling oH' into valleys of hardwood timber with some very good deep black soil, but most covered with boulders. Again in other places rising perpendicularly into rot^ky ridges. In Houghton, one prairie table land of several thousand acres of red sandy loam covered with balsam, spruce, etc., presents the appearance of having at one time been covered by a lake. The township is surveyed into lots of .'{20 acres . cli. for sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. aero and settle - lemeJit duties. Ol-AI).ST()NK. Situated immediately north of Bright on the north shore of Lake Huron. The prevailing timber is pine (which has been cut over), maple (chiefly bird's eye), black birch (veiy large, frequently forty inches across the butt), balsam, spruce, cedar and tamarac, alder and willow; swales frequent. Soil red, sandy loam, underlaid by heavy blue clay. Formation, Huronian and Laurentian. The township is abundantly watered, the Mi.ssissauga river traversing it from southeast to northwest. It is a fine river, varying in width from three to ten chains. The banks are high, in places cliffs, at others an exposure of the soil takes place. Here and there along the south and west banks, good llats of arable land are to be found. The river in places is very deep, at othera tiuite shallow, with numerous .sandy shoals. It is very rapid over all the shallow points. Quite a number of falls are within the limits ot this township. The principal lakes are Pakawamengan or Mud lake, Wabtpiekobing or Basswood lake, and Clear lake, all well stocked with tish. A great many small springs are found. Very rich mineral deposits have been found in this township. About fifty per cent, of the township is fit for settlement. The lots are 320 acres each. For gale at twenty cents an acre and settle- ment duties. Hallam. The Spanish river traverses this township from east to west, and is navigable to the first falls in the township of Merritt. The Webbwood .station of the Cana- dian Pacific, Sault branch, is in the township. There are no large lakes, and the only other ccmsiderable streams are the La Cloche and Birch creek. South of the Spanish river the land is covered with a thick 'second growth, following an extensive burn. South of the river there is a considerable quantity of pine, birch, maple, balsam, cedar, etc. The soil in the valleys is sandy, or .sandy loam or clay. On the north siile there is a fair percentage of arable land with a clay subsoil. About twenty per cent, of the total area is tit for agriculture. The formation is Huronian. The lots are 'MO acres each. For sale at 20 cents an acre and .settlement duties. mm M Hahmv. Situated on the soutli western slion^ of Lake NipiHsin;,'. Kroiii fifty to seventy-Hvo percent, of this tovvuHiup coPHists of '^ood lieli eliiv. ll()cl<y ridges abound, hut the land hetwecn tlx'in is ot extiaordiriuiy liclmes.s. The timber i>. large and healthy blacl< birch, maple, spruce, hemlock, baisain and cedar, with a considerable (pumtity of lar<,'e pine internungled. Aloui,' the eastern boundary from concession three to et)rcession ten, and extern lin;,' westward to about lot ten, there is a tract of land which is {generally hilly ami rough, but through here the pine is tolerably plenty anil generally ot a good (juality. Memesogamasing lake is a beautiful sheet of water, and the largest lake in the township. IMke, pickerel, bass and grey trout are very plentiful. The formation is gneiss and a Kind of clay slate. The township is laiilout in lOO-acro lots. Ojjen for location under the Kree Grants Act. HIMSWOKTII. This township is situated on the .southeast shore of Lake Nipissing, and i.n drained partly by hranches of the South river, on which many good mill sites are to be had. There are no large lakes in it. The northern portion has been burnt over, the remainder is timbered with maple, birch, l)eeei), oak, iroiiwood, bass- wood, hemlock, cherry, and in the river valleys cedar, balsam and spruce. Along the river.s, good clay .soil exists. On the uplands it. is mostly sandy loam. In this township large tracts of good land are to bo found. The oidy swamp of any extent is one in the third and fourth concessions, timbered with spruce and balsam. One-half of the land in Himsworth is regarded as tit for settlement. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location undei the Free Grants Act. •\ ill JOIINSOX, TaIMU IT .VNI> TAUnUTT ADDITIONAL. Many excellent agricultural lots are to be foutul in these town.ships, but there are no extensive .sections of unbroken good land. In thi; northern part of John- son where the surface is very broken and hilly, yet the .soil is rich as is evidenced by the I'emarkable gi-owth of the crops raised by the settlers. North of Bear lake in Tarbutt Additioiud, ami iji the southern part of Tar- butt, the land is more level, and a considerable area is found without rock or hills, besides there are here a number of excellent lots which would be veiy easily cleared and prepared for cultivation, as the most of the tind^er has been destroyed years ago, and grass has now taken its place. This is more particularly the case along the west .•lide of these two townships, The lots in these townships are 820 acres. B'or sale at 20 cents au acre and settlement duties. The Sault branch of the C. P. R. crosses the town- ship, and the Stobie station is in Johnson, and the Tarbutt stiition in Tarbutt. KoHAH. Korah is on the north .shoi-e of the St. Alary river, immediately west of Sault Ste. Marie. Such an enormous volume of traffic now passes this point by water and by I'ail that an excellent local market for all kinds of pioduce can be con- fidently looked for. H. Kroiii nay to tv. Kocky ri(|oe I'*. The t'iiiilujriv. imd ct'diir, with a t'aMtcni houndary ■ an! t(i about lot '•lit throii^rl) |,,,|.^. Mi!meso<,'Hina.siiin township. \'\kv, I is yiieisH and ii n under the Free *Ji|)i.s,siiiu, (111,1 [jn :<>od mill sites are ri has been burnt , ironwood, l)as.s- 1 spruce. Alon^' ■laiidy loam. lu y swamp of any rvitli spruce and iettleiiient. s Act. The- iships, but there 1 part of John- 1 asisevidejiced " piirt of Tar- ithout rock or d be veiy easily been destioyed two townships, it 20 cents an sses the town- in Tarltutt. nvest of 8ault 3oint by water e can be con- •A a 3 CO . so « 5 CO M o ri H •A . < Z X /; r o o t^ . 'Jt i as - < < > a r i. ■< Id ^% > r. < X M 2 a 2; o ■r. o m CO S3 2a*«ia> 1 i' 1 i 1 > ■ 1 1 1 1 1 t<ii a ill I I I t . 49 Koiah contains (with the little township of Awenge) 25,000 acres. The I quality of the land is generally good. For a mile back from the river it is marshy, then gradually rising becomes dry, and is principally a good strong clay I loam for two miles back. The surface then becomes rolling, the soil a fair sandy loam, and the timber chieriy maple for three miles further. From thence to the northerly limit of the township the land is more or less broken with rocky ridges. The timber is principally hardwood. The lots are 320 acres. The Canadian Pacific Sault branch crosses the river at Sault Ste. Marie, close by. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. KiRKWOOD. . ' Is situated immediately north of Thessalon. About sixty-five per cent, of this township is fit for settlement. Soil, good sandy loam. It con«^ains very fair hardwood timber consisting of maple, birch, pine and hemlock. The formation is Huronian. The largest lake .is Waquekobing on the east boundary. A branch of the Thessalon river Hows through the centre of the township. Lots are 320 acres each. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. Laurier. This township is hilly, many of the elevations being of from two to threo hundred feet, timbered principally with hardwood. Several thousand acres in the southeast were burnt over about twenty years ago. Spruce and cedar swamps of considerable extent exist along the west boundary and in the northwestern quarter. The South river is the principal stream. The soil is sandy loam ; the rock gneiss. The timber is principally mixcvi hardwood, spruce, balsam and pine. Txie lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. The township is situated on the Northern and Northwestern Extension Railway. Lefroy. V Lefroy is on the north shore of Lake Huron immediately east, oi Bruce Mines. The Sault branch of the Canadian Pacific crosses it along tiie iVont. The land along the front is rocky and broken, but about a mile or two trvck there is first- class soil capable of producing any kind of crop. Toward the eastern limit the land is broken and hilly and the soil light. The nortl)er°tern portion is gener- ally good rolling land, broken occasionally by a ridge oJ rock. The timber is mixed. In this portion also are rich alluvial flats on the banks of the Thessalon river. Towards the northwestern portion the land becomes level. There are several good powers on the river. The lots are 320 acres. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. Lorne. The south half of this township is open for sale under the Railway Aid Act at $2 an acre and settlement duties. It is on the line of the proposed Manitmlin and Little Current Railway. The Canadian Pacific Sault brancn crosses the northwest corner, and the station of Nelson is located therein. The surface of the township is much broken with hills and lakes. The Spanish river and the Vermilion river traverse it. The lots are 320 acres. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. 4 (N.D.) . . I 60 McKiM. This townshin has been almost wholly burnt over. The greater part of it is rough and rugged, being cut up by high hills with swamps intervening. There are, however, some good Hats along the line of the C. P. Railway, and a few patches of good sandy loam are scattered elsewhere. Most of the good land in the township is in the vicinity of the important town of Sudbury, which is the point of junction of the Canadian Pacific main line and the branch to Sault Ste. Marie. This township is vrry rich in minerals. Extensive mines of copper, nickel, etc., are already being worked. The good local market thus provided will ren'Ier the arable lands in this neighborhood very valuable. The lots are of 320 acres each. For sale at lO cents an acre and settlement ■duties. Mattawan. Mattawan — meaning "The Forks" — is situated at the junction of the Mat- tawa and Ottawa rivers. It is bounded northerly by the Ottawa and on the south by the Mattawa. It contains an area of 49,593 acres. The Canadian Pacific station Mattawa is at the village of that name on the south side of the river. The trade of the place being good and capable of very great increase, there is naturally a good local market for all produce, and this renders the adjacent land tiiougb of poor quality of greater value than it otherwise would be. The town- ship consists of the usual rocky ridges of the Laurentian formation, alternating with valleys in which the land is capable of cultivation and sometimes rich. The timber is mixed hardwood and pine, the best of the latter having been cut long ago. The lots are of 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. May. The Spanish river flows through this township southwesterly, LaCloche west- erly, and Sable i-iver from the northwest to the Spanish river. There are a few small lakes on the north side of the Spanish river. A large proportion of the area of this township has been burnt over. Tlie surface is broken with hills which rise occasionally to 200 feet. In the valleys, the soil is frequently good sandy loam and sometimes clay. In the southwest part there is a block of about 1,000 acres of good land entirely devoid of timber, which has been swept away by frequent fires. About 30 per cent, of the township is fit for cultivation. The lots are 320 acres each. The Canadian Pacific Sault branch crosses the township near the line of the Spanish river, and the Massey station is on the line between May and Salter. Land in May is for sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. Merritt. This township is open for sale under the Railway Aid Act at $2 per acre and settlement duties, it being on the line of the Manitonlin and iSorth Shore Rail- way. The Canadian Pacific Sault branch goes through the centre of it. This is a poor township, the land fit for agricultural purposes being only in two or three places in sufficient quantity to make it worth cultivation. The soil in the northerly part is a coarse red sand, and most of it has been burnt over. What good soil there is, is to be found in the south part of the township, but this sr part of it is ining. There r, and a few : good land in which is the to Sault Ste. IBS of copper, provided will id settlement of the Mat- l on the south adian Pacific ! of the river, jase, there is xdjacent land The town- 1, alternating les rich. The been cut long Fiee Grants Cloche west- e are a few ortion of the with hills uently good )ck of about ept away by pn. The lots ■MP line of the r and Salter. 5er acre and Shore Rail- it. iing only in n. The soil burnt over, lip, but this 51 is intersected with many rocky ridj^es and numerous lakes. The timber is prin- cipally birch, tamarac, cedar, spruce and an occasional pine. The rocks are trap and granite. The Canadian Pacific Sault branch runs through the northwest corner of the township. • Nairn. The southern half of this township is for sale under the Railway Aid Act «t at $2 per acre and settlement duties. The Sault branch of the Canadian Pacific intersects the township and has a station in it, and it will also be served by the projected Manitoulin and North Shore line. The Spanish and Vermilion rivers cross it from northeast, and the latter expands into a considerable lake -called Wabigizig. The part traversed by the C. P. R. is an extensive tract of level sandy land, lightly timbered with spruce and pine. The remainder of the town- ship is broken and rocky. N I PISSING. The southeastern portion, in the vicinity of South river, is level, interspersed with a few swamps and ridges of sandy loam. The southwestern portion is broken by rocks. The central and westerly parts are high table-land, timbered chiefly with fine hardwood. In the northwest corner, in cons. 11 and 12, the land is poor and. broken. Some years since a heavy fire swept over the entire coun- try on the north side of the South river. There is a belt of choice land along the valley of Beatty's creek. There are beaver meadows of considerable extent, which yield a heavy growth of excellent wild hay, most of it fine blue joint grass. The soil is chiefly a sandy loam on the elevated portions. Where not rocky, it is frequently a dark rich loam of the finest quality. In the more level portions — bottom-land — ii is mostly a clay loam of a whitish texture. On the north side of South river, after leaving its banks, the soil is principally sand}' or sandy gravel. This township on the whole is well timbered. In the central and westerly portions there are large tracts of fine hardwood, consisting of very fine maple, birch, beech anu ironwood, .some basswood, with a mixture of hemlock, where the land becomes broken. Dirch is the prevailing timber, and abounds in every sec- tion of the township, on high as well as low land. It is generally large, and frequently found from three to four feet in diameter. The town.ship is well watered. The South river traverses a considerable part of it, and is from one to four chains in width. It is navigable from its mouth on Lake Nipissing to the first chute on lot 13. llth con There are sev- eral fine waterpowers on the South river, also on the North creek. The rocks are principally gneiss. About 70 per cent, of the township is adapted for agriculture. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Fiee Grants Act Papineau. This township is well watered ; on the north boundary by the Matta r. A range of rocky hills borders the river. Elsewhere the township the Mattawan river. A range of rocky hills borders the river. Elsewhere the township pre- sents no well-defined ridges except those forming the watershed of Boom creek and Little Pantor's creek. The only lake of any size is Sturgeon lake. Nearly !(■ 58 I [ih all the township has been burnt over, and a thick growth of poplar and birch has come in. The soil generally is sandy loam, with tracts of whitish clay loam which is very productive. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. The Mattawa station of the Canadian Pacific is in the northeast corner of this township. ' Parke. Parke is a small township south of Prince, and abutting on Lake Superior and St. Mary's river. It contains 0,064 acres. The surveyor reports it to be nearly all swamp, cedar and tamarac, with sand ridges running through it. The south portion of the township is nearly all marsh. The beach i.s sandy and the water is shallow except at Pointe aux Pins, where the channel runs close to shore. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. Parkinson. The generri ihcvacter of tins township is rocky and mountainous, broken up into an {uihO.;>f. ; "idless variety of blufts. Near the south boundary there are a few lotc> of ;^ood land. There is a good deal of hardwood, principally maple. The only tn '.m t v consequence is the Little White river. On the left bank there are a i'ey m'l.:.s of open prairie, but the soil is a ver}' light sand. About 10 i'v .;*iit. of this town.ship is fit for settlement. For sale at 20 cents an acre ana . - l-tlement duties. Patterson. The township is on the south shore of Lake Nipissing. It is intersected northwesterly by a chain of lakes, communicating with French liver. The land in the south half of the township is above average, a large poition of it being verj' good, presenting a deep fertile clay soil, occasionally mixed with loam ; it rests generally on a subsoil of clay and coarse gravel. There is a considerable propor- tion of swamp land containing deep alluvial soil, which, in time, will, by clearing, draining, etc., become highly productive. The pi-evailing upland timber is a mixed growth of maple, birch and hemlock, with a fair scattering of pine in places. The north half of the township, as a whole, is not so well adapted for farming, although it contains several blocks of good land. A rather extensive area of this part has been burnt over. Scattered over this half are isolated tracts of low lands, or " balsam fiats," yielding a fat loamy soil, which, from the character of the timber, can be readily and easily cleared and cultivated. The lakes in the township are very b-^autiful and u^ef A. Restoul lake,, especially, is exceedingly fine. The water i clear and deep, and is abundantly stocked with maskinongo, bass, pickerel and white fish. The rock formation is Laurentian. The lots are 100 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. P ATI ON. This is a township immediately north of Thompson, which is on the north shore of Lake Huron. The soil and lumber in this township are varied. In the north are several lakes. The township is traversed by the Blind river, which is navigable for canoes from Lake Huron to Canoe lake. This river pi*esents a 63 and birch clay loam irants Act ner of this Superior ts it to be jh it. The dy and the se to shore. >us, broken y there are ally maple. left bank sale at 20 intersected The land being verj' n ; it rests ble propor- y clearing, d hemlock, aship, as a blocks of Scattered Iding a fat md easily toul lake, bundantly Open for the north I In the which is }resents a splendid spectacle before it enters Cataract lake, falling in a mass of snow-white foam from a height of nearly fifty feet in an inclined plane of about 200 feet in length, forming, with the grim rocks and dark forest, such a picture as would delight an artist, All the lakes on the course of this river teem with fish. In the neighborhood of Marsh river and Denman lake there is some good land. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. , Plummer and Plummeh Additional. The country north of Ottertail lake and east of Rock lake is rocky, as a general thing. The prevailing lumber is maple, birch and hemlock. There is good hardwood on the west and southwest sides of Rock lake. The land on both sides of the Thessalon river is good ; the timber is principally softwood, cedar, ash, etc. About two-thirds of the land lying between the south boundary of Plummer and Lake Huron is fit for settlement. The lands along both sides of the Great Northern road, from the foot of Ottertail lake to Garden river, are good. The Bruce Mines station of the Sault branch of the C.P.R. is in Plummer Additional. The lots are of 320 acres each. Open for location under the Free Grants Prince. Act. Prince is situated on Lake Superior, at the entrance to St. Mary river. Most of the land in this township is good. The Gros Cap range of granite runs through it from east to west. South thereof, the land is swampy and broken. North, there is good loamy soil and heavy hardwood timber, birch and maple, intersected by cedar and black ash swamps. It is well watered with small creeks and springs. The lots are 320 acres. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. Rayside. Rayside is on the main line of the Canadian Pacific, a little west of Sudbury Junction. The Rayside station is in its limits ; Chelmsford station is just out- side its western limits. This township is generally level, with only a few rocky ridges here and there, mostly in the southeast and northwest corners. The south half of the township is rather low, and in some places needs surface drainage. The soil in the 1st concession, which borders on White Water lake, is very rich, and the part of the township traversed by the Canadian Pacific is quite fit for cultivation. The 6th aud part of the 5th concessions are rocky. A branch of the Spanish river runs through the township. The lots are 320 acres. For sale at 50 cents an acre and settlement duties. Rose. A township about six miles northeast of Bruce mines, on the north shore of Lake Huron. The southwestern portion is generally good rolling land, timber mixed, and hardwood generally of large growth. The soil is principally clay botton and sandy loam. The southeastern portion is generally level with mixed timber ; the soil light and sandy. In the centre portion are several tracts of low and level land ; timber, tamarac and spruce ; soil, light and sandy, marshy in some places. On both eastern and western limits the land is broken, rocky ridges are frequent. The two northern ranges are rough and broken, with bare rock on the hills, and good but shallow soils in the valleys. The lots are 3?0 acres. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. "•»■-'« T'^^ffm^S^tSii^i 54 St. Joseph's Island. St. Joseph's Island is situated to the northwest of Lake Huron, at the entrance to St. Mary's river, the connecting; link with Lake Superior, about thirty miles by water from Sault Ste. Marie. It is about twenty miles by twelve to fourteen, and contains 86.000 acres. Fully two-thirds of the island are fit for settlement, the remainder being swamps. The soil is mostly red sandy loam ov clay and sand mixed with mould. The surface is stony in many parts, but this does not prevent the soil from being very pioductive. Nearly all crops of the temperate zone succeed well here. The interior of the island is a large hill rising abruptly on the west, north and east sides to a height of 400 or 500 feet. The top of the hill is a .slightly undulating tableland of 5,000 acres of e.Kcellent land, timbered with fine hardwood. The island is well watered with creeks and small springs. Along the shores there are a number of small swamps, and in the interior there are large swampy tracts, some of which, however, can be easily drained, and will then be fine land. The island is densely wooded, principally with maple. A great deal of the maple is of the bird's-eye or curly variety. There are also beech, birch, hemlock, cedar, spruce, basswood and elm; in tl ^ swamps balsam and tamarac. The snow is usually off early in April, and thi lake freezes over about the middle of December. The climate is not very severe, the lowest range of the thermometer being — 25^ in February, the average for the coldest month being from 10° above to 10° below. The fish«^ries on and around the island are excellent. The rock is principally limestone of the Hudson River formation. It has been used for a number of years part as building stone and for burning. There is also a white sandstone in some places, and here and there a mass of granite. The lots are 100 acres. Being in the main steamship channel, the means of access are excellent. Open for location under the Free Grants Act. Salter. This township is similar in character to Victoria which adjoins it on the west. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. Shedden. This township has been nearly all burnt aver, but there are a few belts where the original bush stands. These are mostly in the eastoly portion, and northeasterly parts ; in the low parts the soil is a whitish clay, or clay loam, and on the higher levels dark or sandy loam. The Serpent river traverses this town- ship. The Canadian Pacific, Sault brand), luiis along the front, and the Spanish River station is in the township. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties, SviUMiKK. Springer is situated on the north sliore of Lake Ni pissing. Mc Loud '.s bay, an arm of the lake, runs back into the heart of the township. At the head of the bay the Canadian Pacific main line strikes the water, and the Cache Bay station, is located there. The township is traversed by the Sturgeon river, and the Sturgeon Falls station is at the crossing thereof by the railway. The part southeast of the river is generally sandy loam, nearly all ot it fit for cultivation, and timbered with small cedar, hemlock, birch and pine. That part west of the Sturgeon river is heavy clay loam, and timbered with maple, black and white birch, pine, cedar, balsam and hemlock. About 80 per cent, of this section is fit 65 on, at tho out thirty twelve to ire fit for y loam or s, but this ops of the hill rising feet. The lent land, and small nd in the Vje easily principally variety, HI ; in tl • il, and tht not very he average es on and he Hudson ding stone 1 here and steamship • the Free * it on the fow belts Drtion, and loam, and thin town- le S|>anish settlement -.eod's bay, ead of the lay station, •, and the The pait iiltivation, est of the and white etion is fit for cultivation. Tho north part of the township, being concessions four, five and six, is more broken and rocky, and about 40 per cent, of it is fit for cultivation. The river is navigable for about four miles back, and that and the bay make the town- ship very easy of access throughout, cents an acre dnd settlement duties. The lots are 320 acres. For sale at 50 Thompson. A townsliip on tho north shore of Lake Huron, traversed a couple of miles back from the shore by the Sault branch of the Canadian Pacific, the Dean Lake station of which is in the township. The Mississagua river crosses the township from the northwest, navigable throughout the town.ship for four-feet vessels in the summer. The river teems with fish ; sturgeon of large size abound. Much of the laud along the river is good, timber d with maple, black birch, ironwood, red oak and hemlock. The swamps are generally tamarac. The lots along the lake have j)oor light soil, and between this and the river the land is not first-class. Along the Blind river in the north of the township there is good land, also at the Lake of the Mountains. The lots are 320 acres each. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties. Victoria. The surface of this township is broken by rocky rid^^es, and ten lakes are embraced within its area. It contains much good arable land, but it was burnt over about twenty years ago. The area of arable land is estimated at one quarter of the whole. The township is crossed by the Sault branch of the C. P. R. and the Watford station is in its limits. The lots are of 320 acres each, duties. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement Wells. The Mississagua river Hows through the township, averaging from 200 to 250 feet in width, and generally shallow. There are large tracts of hardwood, and along the river are some excellent Hats of good land. The southeast corner is light and gravelly. In the south- west corner there is a rocky barren tract of 200 acres. North of this rocky belt there is a hardwood tract of soTne 12,000 acres of excellent sandy loam, but stony. ToMards the north the timber is mixed. A most remarkable feature in this section of the township is a large open plain or prairie eml)racing about 2,000 acres. On this plain there ax'e occcasional clumps of spruce, pitch pine and poplar, but in places it is like an open field. The soil on this plain is generally gravelly, but in some places it is a very good yellow loam. To the north of this plain the mountain ranges occur through which the Mississagua cleaves its course, and these ranges form a very marked feature in the nortliern portion of the township. There are some very high hills in thi.s. township. The rocks are of Huronian slate and quart/ite and Laurentian gneiss. The lots are 320 acres each. For sale at 20 cents an acre and settlement duties ''■'+,-.--**«-iV " >^-.1 -: ■ ^ '?^^' 5(1 WiDDlKIEl.D. Land in 'his township in for sale at $2 per acre and settlement duties under the Railway Aid Act. The greater part of tlu.s townsliip is hanhvood land, having a fair loam > soil. The northwesterly part is ver\ level with numerous swamps, and the easterly portion is hilly. The soil generally is a rich loam, but i=^ in man^ places sandy and stony. The northeastejly part is hlLfh uiid rocky. Tlio timljer is maple, black birch, ironwood, basswood, balsam, hemlock, bet i u, cedar, and tamarac, with a fair scatti ring of pini". The township is well watered. Trout lake, forming the southern bnundary, i-^a fine sheet of cfc .r water, lamous for Hsh and with man} islands. The north shore of the lake is hilly. North Bay, an importaat station of the C. P. R., and the junction with the Northern and Northwestern Division cf the Grand Trunk, is situated in this township on the sho ') of Lake Nip'ssing. Tho rock is granite. Tlie lots are 1^20 «,cres. About two-thirds of the entire town.ship are fit for settlement. TEMAGAMI LAKE. There is veiy little agricultural land on tlie .shores of this lake, and it is unlikely that the district comprising it will be opened for settlenn-nt. Nevertheless this work wouW be incomplete without some mention of Lake Temagami, which some explorers have declared to be. fro'n a picturesfjue point of view, the finest lake in America, It Is .siti;,ited on iiie Iieight of land or watershed between the waters that flow into Lake Hiuvni and those that go to the Ottawa. It has two outlets, one flowing north to the RLtiitreal river, thence into the Ottawa ; the other at the south end by the Sturgioii and Frencli rivers into Georgian bay. formerly had another outlet on the east toward the Ottawa river, and yet .. . 'ier on the west to Lake Huron, and if anything should occur to raise the i' of tha lake a few feet these two outlets would again flow. ' se Temagami lies northwesterly about forty-five miles from North Bay .^.. ..^..a on the C. P. R. It is aL)0ut thirty miles long and thirty in breadth. Its waters are translucent as crystal. Its shores in most places bold and precipitous, with mtiuy bays and arms running off" for mil''s in all directions. Its surface is studded with most beautiful islands to the number of thirteen hundred, or as some estimate sixteen hundred. Its waters are filled with all kinds of game fish. Altogether with its elevation, bracing air and ''omantic scenery, it appears to h'lve the makings of an ideal summer resort in it. On Bear Island, a large island about the centre of the lake is a Hudson Bay post which has been established some sixty or seventy years. The rocks around its shores are felsites holding pebbles of syenite, quartzites, clay slates, massive diorites and crystalline schists. The timber around its shores is small, following a burn, and consists of poplar, jack pine, small red pine and white birch. The shores are nearly all rocky. The country between Lake Temagami and North Bay is, says Mr. J. C. Bailey, chief engineer of the Toronto and James Bay railway, rolling land with a good depth of soil and very little rock. " We could see the soil along the streams and in nearly every case there was about three feet of thick black loam with a day subsoil. We could tell we were in a goDd country by the timber." 0T lies under lair loam ' and the Lny [)la(L;os timher is ledar, and Id. Trout lis for Hsh |i with tho ted in this ), and it is jvertholess imi, which , the finest .^tween the It has two itawa ; the )rgian bay. er, and yet raise the North Bay iadth. Its )recipitous, 1 surface is dred, or as game fish. irs to h'lve land about ished some tig peVjbles lists. The oplar, jack BETWEEN NORTH BAY AND TEMISCAMING. The Provincial Government has cut out a road through to Lake Temiscaraing from Nortli Bay. This road passes throu^di WiddifieUl, thence into Merrick, ana on the line between tluit townsliip and Mulock; thence through Stewart when, owing to lakes intervening, a course of N. 9° W. was taken, and followed to the waters of the Metabetchouan. Thence a course due north was followed till the road struck Lake Temiscaraing opposite the Hudson Bay post. This road through a very fair countr}' until the Otter Tail river is passed, whence to the Montreal river the country is very rough and broken. Says Mr. J. C. Bailey, before mentioned : " Coming down by the Government road from Ijike Temiscaming to North liay the land is excellent, but five in'os south of the Montreal river it is vtjry rough. After that, however, tht A^as a reach of .seventy or eighty miles of splendid land. The timber in ■> ie;.''ion is mainly white pine, black and yellow birch, and there is a largi . 'it of spruce and tamarac. The largest birch trees I aw were from three to f' -nd a half feet through. They grow to a height of seventy or eighty feel L-.. ui .ome of these trees you could get on an average three good logs of sa\ twelve fee in length, The tamarac is sometimes found 24 inches in diameter, but a good uveiage would be 15 or 20 inches. The smaller si^e 10 or 12 inches through, is u.sea for ties. There are also patches of good young second growth poplar growing on land that had been burnt. We also found lots of maple, the trees running from 10 to 20 inches through. We saw considerable white ash growing up to 50 or (JO feet and about 12 inches in diameter, and it commanded admii'ation. We noticed some whitewood, too, such as formerly grew in the Lake Erie counties ; it grows from 24 to 30 inches in diameter and is very handsome. I am satisfied that as regards soil and climate that coun '/ is well suited for agricultural purposes. The country is full of moose. They are there by thousands. They used to tread the roads so heavily that it made travelling by snowshoes very difliicult for us. We often saw them playing on the ice and sometimes came across their stamping grounds. We also tracked the caribou, and the Indians say there are plenty of them. There are red deer too, and we often came across wolves. There is an abundance of fur-bearing animals, such as the beaver, marten, fox, mink, and others." i Mr. J. C. sind with a lie streams am with a itaMil Mlia ^^.^ .0^, %% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A ^/ K^ /- y^ 1.0 II 1.1 11.25 •50 "^^ ■■■ ■^ 1^ 12.2 ^ 1^ 12.0 lUUt. U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 iV iV A <^ 6\ ^J^ '^ V THE TEMISCAMING SETTLEMENT. Commencing at Mattawa and goinj? northward up the Ottawa, the course of the river is through a rough and precipitous country of gneiss and syenite rocks. In the first 14 miles of the journey there are four rapids, called the Demicharge, the Caves, the Erables and the Mountain rapids. The total fall is 28 feet. Then commences a stretch of about 20 miles of deep water navigation, through what is called Seven League lake. Soundings show that the water here is sometimes 400 feet deep. At the head of Seven League lake, a formidable rupid^ the Long Sault, commences. Through it the river makes a long and violent leap of seven and a quarter miles, during which it descends fifty-three and a half feet. At the head of the Long Sault commences Lake Temiscaming (" deep waters " — it is said to be several hundred feet deep in some parts). The lower end of the lake is distant from North Bay station about forty miles northeastwardly. Thi& lake is 68 miles long, has an area of about 113 square miles, and is 612 feet above sea level. The shores of its .southern parts are bold and rockj', and the tributaries* in that part have rapid descents, thus furnishing a great number of water powers which will be invaluable for saw milling and pulp grinding pumoses. The difference between high water mark in the end of May and the lowest, which occurs in October, averages twelve and a half feet. Near the head of the lake the character of the country entirely changes. The bluffs and precipices fade out, a very fine quality of limestone, similar in. composition to the Niagara limestone sets in. The land becomes level and rich. Three rivers flow in here, the Blanche from the north, a river with a width of about 400 feet and a depth of 16 to 20 feet, and flowing through so level a land that there is hardly ''ny perceptible current. Otter creek discharging into it is of a similar character. The Blanche is navigable at low water for vessels drawing about three feet for a distance of 24 miles. Then a fall of about 10 feet occurs, followed by another stretch of smooth deep water for six or seven miles. At high water the river is navigable for 30 miles, forming with Lake Temiscaming the longest continuous stretch of navigation on the Ottawa waters. The Quinze, so called because it has fifteen rapids, enters from the east. It is a much larger stream than the others, and is, in fact, the Ottawa river under an alias. The lake receives several other large tributaries — the Montreal river^ Metabetchouan and Wahbe's creek on the west, and the Kippewa on the east. The average date of the entire disappearance of ice during the last 30 years has be^n from the 10th to the 14th of May. In connection, it may be mentioned that at Montreal since 1870 the earliest opening of navigation has been on April 8th, and the latest on May 5th. , As has been said, the country around the head of Lake Temiscaming is of a totally different character geologically and otherwise from the lower parts of MM 59 ■rM NT, the lake. The land at the head consists of a level tract of many thousands of acres of the richest calcareous clay, some lighter and some heavier, with a plentiful covering or admixture ot vegetable mould. The soil is described by experts as equal in fertility and staying quality to any in the world. Such land will grow anything, and will stand cropping for year after year without showing signs of exhaustion. The timber is small, owing to the whole district having been swept by lire about sixty years ago. The labor of clearing is therefore light. First-class local markets are furnished by the lumber camps, working in the country tributary to this lake. The supply of pulp wood is practically inex- haustible. A great industry in the making of that article is sure to be soon established. Cedar grows to a large size here. Perfectly straight, sound poles of 40 to 50 feet, or even longer, can be obtained in quantities. Of railway ties and fence posts the bupply is ample. In shoit, there will be for many years to come plenty of forest and allied industries to bring money and work into the country, while the settler is subduing the land to its proper and more profitable agricultural purposes. Mr. C. C. Farr, of Haileybury (township of Bucke), who, from his experience of twenty years, has become an enthusiastic Temiscamingian, gives the following as a list of vegetables, cereals and fruits that succeed to perfection in his neighborhood : Vegetables: Beans, beets, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumbers, corn, lettuce, melons, onions, parsnips, pea^, pumpkins, potatoes, radishes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes, tobacco, turnips. - • Cereals : Barley, oats, peas, wheat. Fruits: Apples, plums, grapes, goosebeixies, currants, raspberries, straw- berries. The above list is given in Mr. Farr's pamphlet on " The Lake Temiscaming District, 1892." In it he also says : Tbb Seasons. Seeding time cominenceg about the first week in May aud ends, ao far as oata are concerned, abont the 4th cif June, though oata have been gown as late as the 30th of June and have done fairly well. Potatoes can be planted as late as the 20th of June, and it does not profit much to put them in before the 24th of May. Corn, cucumbers and melons can be sown about that date. The buow begins to melt about the 12th of April, and is all gone by the first week in May, sometimes earlier. Navigation opens not later than the 10th of May. Haying commences about the 14th of July, harvest the 15th of August. The fall is open, and the lar^e lake is seldom frozen before the second week in December. The steamers ran last fall until the 12th of December. He also says : " Temiscaming is less afflicted by summer frosts than were many parts of Southern Ontario when they were first open for settlement." Mr. Farr recommends incoming settlers to bring their household effects, but not their live stock, as the latter can be procured on the spot cheaper than it can be taken, up and kept. A suflScient nrmber of mineral finds have been made in the neighborhood of Lake Temiscaming, to justify the hope that this will prove a vei y rich section. All experience goes to prove that where granite and limestone formations meet mineral ores are abundant and rich. So far, argentiferous galena, nickel, gold, iron, coppei-, mica and asbestos have been found in quantities that would pay handsomely for working. ■■Ml HO Analysis op Temiscaming Clay or Undersoil. The foUowirifj is the result of the analysis of two specimens of the clay undersoil of the Temiscaming district, made in October, 1894, by Prof. Shuttle- worth, Professor of Chemistry at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph : , 1 2 Average. Moisture ... Insoluble matter 1.7C0 74 660 3.660 0.812 5.820 4.000 0.292 . 0.192 0.683 0.977 '/.180 1.980 0.331 1.710 74.880 3.690 0.266 6.619 4.000 0.203 0.213 0.644 0.732 1.860 1.705 74.770 OrftAnio 3.670 Soluble silica Alumina .... 0.288 6.719 Peroxide of iron Phosphoric acid 4.000 0.247 Sulphuric acid Br. Ox. of manganeiKe Lime 0.202 0.663 0.864 Magnesia 2.010 Potash 1.980 SfKla 0.331 Undetermined 3 666 100. Nitrogen in clay=U 160 per cent. The above analysis shows that the cLy is very rich in phosphoric acid and ; and, for a subsoil, is unusually rich in nitrogen. Such a soil might be cropped for many years before its richness was seriously trenched upon. Means of Access. The easiest way to the Temiscaming settlement at pre.sent is from the Mattawa station of the Canadian Pacific Railway, up the Ottawa by steamers running on the water stretches. Freight is carried on light tramways round the different rapids. A line of railway is being built from Mattawa along the east bank of the river some thirty miles, so as to overcome all these rapids, and land the passenger at the foot of Lake Temiscaming. This will be completed and ready for traffic by the end of 1894. When it is finished, the journey from Mattawa to Haileybury will be performed in about 12 hours. 'At present, it takes the best part of two days. This line will doubtlf due time be pushed north- ward to the shores of Hudson's bay. A more direct means of access to Temiscaming from Western Ontario will l.e furnished by the Toronto and James Bay Railway, before spoken of. 61 f the clay )f. Shuttle- Iph: Average. 1.706 74.770 3.670 0.283 6.719 4.000 0.247 0.202 0.663 0.864 2.010 1.980 0.331 3 666 100, TEMISCAMING LANDS At the head of Lake Temiscaming about 30 townships have been surveyed and laid out as follows : Lorraine, Bucke, Hudson, Dymond, Harris, Casey, Harley, Bucke. Dymond, T0WN.SHIPS Surveyed. Kerns, Henwood, Ingiam, Evanturel, Marter, Pecaud, Bryce, Beauchamp, Armstrong, Hilliard, Dack, Robillard, Sharp, Savard, Marquis, Blair. Brethour, Chamberlain, , Opkn for Settlement. * Hudson, Harri.% Casey, ic acid and il might be on. is from the by steamers 1^8 round the 3ng the east ds, and land Dpieted and ourney from lent, it takes iished north- Ontario will of. Tekms of Purchase. The land in the five last-named townships is open to purchase by bona fide settlers at the price of fifty cents per acre, one-half cash and the balance in two yearly instalments with interest, subject to the following conditions : Actual residence upon the lanu purchased for four years from the date of pur- chase, clearing and having under cultivation and crop at least ten acres for every hundred acres, and building a habitable house at least sixteen feet by twenty- feet, such conditions to be fulfilled before issue of patent ; also subject to the following regulations respecting pine timber : All pine trees growing or being upon the said land so sold shall be considered as reserved from such sale, and such lands shall be subject to any timber license covering or including such land in force at the time of such sale, or granted or renewed within four years from the date of such sale, or granted or renewed prior to the filing of the proof of the completion of the settlement duties in the Department of Crown Lands, and such trees may be cut and removed from such land under the authority of any such timber licenses, while lawfully in force ; but the purchaser at such sale, or those claiming under him, may cut and use such trees as may be necessary for the purpose of building and fencing on the land so purchased, and may also cut and dispose of all trees required to be removed in actually clearing said land for cultivation ; but no pine trees, except for the necessary building and fencing as aforesaid, shall be cut beyond the limit of such actual clearing, Mfore the issuing of the patent for such lands, and all pine trees so cut and disposed of (except for the uecessary building and fencing as aforesaid), shall be subject to the payment of the same dues as are at the time payable by the holders of licenses to cat . timber or sawlogs. Provided, however, that this order shall not apply to any land to be sold as mining land under " The General Mining Act of 1869," and amend- ments thereto. •MiMiiH ■ifeiliiifci NiliiiH Township of Bucke. The following are extracts from the reports of the surveyors concerning this township : The greater part of this township is adapted for agricultural purposes — being a good clay soil, comparatively free of stone or rock. Roads could easily be made to nearly any lot. It is well watered with beautiful spring creeks. There are no large streams, the main creeks being Little Wahbe's creek and Mill creek. The Little Wahbe is about thirty links wide. There are only two small lakes in the township. The timber generally along Lake Temiscaming, on concessions two, three and four is cedar of excellent quality ; the balance of the township is timbered princi- pally with poplar, whitewood, tamarac, spruce and balsam, with in places a thick maple undergrowth. No indications of the presence of any minerals were observed. The geological formation is principally Huronian. Township of Hudson. This township is divided by a series of rocky ridges, running northwesterly from the southeast corner. These ridges rise to a height of from 150 to 200 feet, and often afford very fine views. Excellent Huronian slate is found in vast quantities in this hilly region, and the broken fragments are strewn over all the adjacent vallpvs. Another remarkable feature is the presence of limestone and freestone, bea ling a striking resemblance to the Niagara formation, and apparently the origin of the extensive white clay deposits of this and adjoining townships. In the southwestern portion of the township are several beautiful lakes, with an abundant supply of fish. Here the soil is a sandy loam, and the country is attractive as a point for new settlements. North of the ridges, the soil is white clay, the surface generally level, and the general appearance of the country rather fiat and swampy. The timbers are not large, being a second growth, probably about seventy-five years old. The remains of an older and heavier forest are often seen, and in a few localities the fires have left it untouched. The most valuable timber is the cypress or pitch pine, which grows ohickly and is smooth and tall, and averages from six to eighteen inohes. Township of Harris. With the exception of the low lands at the mouth of the Blanche river and the lowest portions of the lands on the creek emptying into the head of the lake about two miles northwest of the mouth of the Blanche river, the township of Harris is composed of first-class farming lands, being timbered with spruce, tamarac, birch, balsam, excellent cedar, a great many of the latter being three feet in diameter and of very fine quality, some hard maple and red and white pine. Wahbe's point, which runs out into the lake between Wahbe's bay and the bay at the mouth of the Blanche river, is very high and steep on the east side, one hun- dred and seventy-five feet in some places, and falls gradually to the west, where the hill on the east side of Wahbe's bay is not more than thirty feet in average height. The soil is clay loam and a clay sub-soil, Huronian rock underlying, sand loam overlying. Clay sub-soil is found in the northwest portion. Numerous springs are found along the shores of the lake, and some creeks run westward into Wahbe's bay. ling this rposes — lid easily creeks, md Mill ^0 small [hree and id princi- a thick lals were ivvesterly 200 feet, in vast er all the tone and )parently jwnships. ), with an ountry is level, and Tibers are old. The ilities the s ohickly river and i the lake vnship of h spruce, three feet hite pine, he bay at one hun- ist, where n average ying, sand Numerous )ward into 63 The township is admirably adapted for agriculture and timbered with such woods as render the lands easily cleared ; and although in southern Ontario land on which tamarac, spruce, balsam and cedar grow is not considered of much value, in this district the reverse holds good. The lakes and rivers abound with fish, and the forests are full of game ; at present this portion of the country is a sportman's paradise. Township of Dymond. This township is admirably adapted to agricultural purposes, the soil being chiefly good clay, and in places sandy loam with clay sub-soil. Fully ninety per cent, of the land in the whole township is of excellent quality. AH that part lying to the northeast of Wahbe's creek, with the exception of one stony lidge, may be considered superior farming land — it being fairly level. The portion of the township lying southwest of Wahbe's creek is somewhat rolling, with a wet tamarac and spruce swamp in the northwest portion thereof, and a few small stotiy tracts in the vicinity of the south boundary. With these two exceptions all this part may also be considered excellent for farming purposes. Wahbe's creek, which enters the township near the northwest angle, and crossing it in a southeasterly direction, enters into Lake Temiscaming, has bankp varying from ten to twenty feet in height, thus affording a fine channel for car- rying off the water from the numerous smaller streams which drain the township. Chief among its tributaries is a stream of about equal volume, though not more than one-third its width, entering Wahbe's creek about three miles from the lake. This stream has a good w«ter power on lot number four, concession three. The tiuiber throughout this township is small, and consists principally of spruce, tamarac, poplar, whitewood, cedar and balsam, with some black birch, white oak, black ash, elm and soft maple. The northerly portion was burnt over many years ago, and has now very little merchantable timber. A dense growth of underbrush covers nearly the whole township. Township of Casey. The south boundary of this township is about three miles up the Blanche river from its mouth at the head of Lake Temiscaming. The river traverses it in a southeasterly direction, entering at the northwest angle and leaving about three-quarters of a mile west of the southeast angle. With the exception of a few hundred acres of high land in the southeasterly portion of the township, the land is a level flat, mostly spruce and tamarac swamp, in some places very wet and in othera nearly dry; but all excellent agri- cultural land, none that could not be easily cleared and drained. In fact, it seems that most of the swamps are caused by the extra height of the land on either side of the present drainage outlets — the Blanche river and its tributaries — into which the whole township could be easily drained. The subsoil is clay with good clay loam and black muck overlying. The hills in the first and second concessions are very stony, with a slightly sandy soil, the top of the hill in the second concession being almost bare rock. The township is well adapted for agricultural pursuits, and with the facili- ties afforded by the Blanche river, one of easy access to intending settlers. u LAKE ABBITIBBE. Almost due north of Lake Temiscaming, and on the route of the projected Toronto and James' Bay railway, lies Lake Abbitibbe, 60 miles long by from 3 to 15 miles in breadth, and containing 512 square miles — nearly twice as large as Lake Simcoe. It lies in latitude 4S.38 to 49*^ ; elevation above sea level 857 ft. There is an Indian population of about 320 around the lake. Lake Abbitibbe is surrounded by level clay land of excellent quality, almost unbroken towards the north and northwest. Wheat has been grown success- fully at the Hudson Bay posts, and barley, oats, rye, peas and beans succeed well. White and red pine arc found scattered along aU the distance between Temis- caming and Abbitibbe, and on the height of land between the two lakes pine is found in abundance and of large size. White spruce, yellow birch and cedar are also abundant and of good size. Elm and ash occur occasionally. Ipi'ojected ])y from 3 large as [el 857 ft. y, almost success- Iceed well, sn Temis- ^es pine is cedar are ■h! a M O ti 'A n o >< H a< 1) M U o F-l O a Si) o a y H u •«! o H 3 S5 H a a (rl o qpMM Tl by Mi: Superi betwet flquare tiiral I about river c from t a littU spruce cultur T meter settled as far and i\ \ and s\ Houria 1 Malig the ii are pt sprucf large also a draw doubt come. ininin THE RAINY RIVER DISTRICT. This name is applioil to that part of western Algoina, bounded on the south by Minnesota, west by Manitoba, and east by the height of land west of Lake Superior. It gets its natne from the Rainy river, which forms the boundary between Ontario and the United States. 'Die aren of tiie district is ahnost 22,fiOO square miles, and it is estimated to contain about GO(),OUO acres of good agricuU tural la id, principally in the valley of the Rainy river. This river runs for about 80 miles through a rich alluvial tract. Nearly all the land fronting on the river on the Canadian side is suitable for settlement. The arable area runs back from the river some ten to twenty miles, the soil being clay and clay loam with a little gravel and sand. There are occasional swamps timbered with tamarac, spruce and cedar, that require some surface draining before they are tit for agri- culture. The whole of this tract is remarkably free from atones and rocks. I Climate and Crops. The climate is nimilar to that which has before been described, the thermo- meter legistering a few degrees of greater cold than is experienced in the older settled districts of Ontario, but there being no practical difference in the winters as far as healthfulness and pleasantness are concerned. The snowfall is not deep and the sleighing can be counted upon as good from December to March. Vegetation is extremely luxuriant in the Rainy river valley. All the cereal and grass crops common to Ontario are grown here, and all the garden crops iiounsh exceedingly. There is also a great abundance of wild fruits. Forests. There is a great deal of red and white pine between Sagimaga, Seine and Maligne rivers, with occasional large pine in the Rainy river valley, and much on the innumerable islands of the Lake of the Woods. The other common woods are poplar, birch, basswood, oak, elm, ash, soft maple, balm of Qilead, balsam, spruce, cedar and tamarac. Lumbering operations are being carried on on a very large scale, and there are well equipped sawmills on Rainy river and Rainy lake, also at Rat Portage, Norman and Keewatin. As the Province of Manitoba must draw its principal supplies of pine from this quarter, an extensive business will doubtless be carried on, and employment will be easily had for many years to come. Centres of Population. Rat Portage is the principal town of the district. It has a population of «>'>oo, two newspapers and a pushing spirit, and is sure to grow. It is a .)oint of the C. P. R., the principal port on the Lake of the Woods, has nbering and tish exporting industry, and will be the centre of a large mining industry. The prodigious water power at the northern outlet of the 5 (N.D.) )■"•;, .gfefc; ..„-j .a&sMv, 66 Lake of the Woods, which is now about to be developed by arrangement between the Keewatin Milling and Manufacturing Company and the Ontario Government will add to the prosperity of Rat Portage, as well as of Keewatin and Norman. The two last named places are situated near at hand. At the town of Keewatin is the establishment of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, the largest flour mill in Canada, with a capacity of 2,000 ban-els a day. A barrel factory, with an output of a thousand barrels a day, and elevators, one of which will hold 400,000 bushels, are some of the allied industries. Keewatin's population is about 1,.)00. Norman is situated midway between Keewatin and Rat Portage. The water power available here is enormous, and there are excellent openings for factories of all kinds. The population is about 800. All of these places are becoming fav- orably known as summer resorts. Fort Francis is the principal settlement on Rainy river. It is an ancient fort, or post, of the Hudson Bay Company, and is delightfully situated on a strip of land near the outlet of Rainy lake, immediately below the falls, and between the lake and the head of navigation on the river. The appearance of the wooos on either bank of the river near here is described as quite park-like, the tall trees standing far apart and having the natural outline of those grown in the open. The town has a sawmill and several flourishing stores and industries. The popu- lation' in 1891 was about 1,400. What is Said of the District. A settler who has lived thirteen years on the Rainy river says he has never known a failure of crops. He has gathered seventy bushels of potatoes from one bushel planted, and has known oats to ripen well when sown as late as the mid- dle of June. Another settler says that the summer is generally moist, with clear sunshine most of the time. The fall is beautiful and November all through about the best month of the year. The winter is very dry, the snow loose, yet it sel- dom drifts. Hon. a. S. Hardy. Hon. A. S. Hardy, Commissioner of Crown Lands, said in an interview printed in the Globe ct)nceriiing the Rainy River stretch : " It is of unparalleled fertility. I know of no stretch of eighty miles in Ontario that can compare with it in richness or fertility of soil. It is easily cleared, the timber upon it being of second growth and the stumps are easily removed, indeed come out readily in about three years from the dealing. It is capable of sustaining 500,000 people, perhaps more. The crops are uniformly of the best quality, wheat running from 30 to 8o and 40 bushels per acre and other grains in proportion. I have never seen early settlers more comfortable." Concerning the coimtry traversed by the Port Arthur and Western Railway, Hon. Mr. Hardy said : " I was delighted to tind that the railway ran through some very rich farming lands. The valley of the Kaministiquia and further west and south of the Whitefish valley .show some as fine soil as is to be found in many of the finest counties of the province. We saw here and there crops growing indica*^ing great fertility and productive capa- city. As the road proceeds it reaches and runs through some of the richest iron- producing districts in the Dominion, and it is thought it will ultimately prove -a great mineral road." Hon. John Dryden. In the same paper, Hon. Mr. Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, said : " As I told the people at Port Arthur and Fort Francis there are some things they can -f , lent between Government tnd Norman, of Keewatin largest flour ory, with an lold 400,000 about l.oOO. The water for factories scorning fav- s an ancient d on a strip md between »f the wooos ihe tall trees in the open. The popu- le has never )es from one as the mid- t, with clear rough about i, yet it sel- n interview unparalleled ompare with a it being of t readily in ',000 people, iinning from . have never ersed by the delighted to le valley of y show some •vince. We uctive capa- richest iron- ;ely prove -a 5aid: "As I gs they can ,-■(■ ■ ^7 grow up there that we cannot grow in the older parts of Ontario, and in which they can beat us. The clover does .not seem to heave in the winter as oura does and is as good the third year, 1 was told, as the first. The advantage of this will be understood by practical farmers, because we think if we can raise a good crop of clover we can grow anything. Corn grows up there much better than in Ontario county. I saw some eight feet high which had been sown on 7th Juno, They have fine roots and I saw a field of turnips as good as I saw anywhere in my travels. In addition to that several settlers tokl me that they can grow two crops of timothy in one season. While clover grows wild on the roadside like our June grass and has bits of red clover in it, an unhear<l of thing down here. They can also grow good barley and spring wheat and vegetables of all kind.s. These things being established, I come to the conclusion that there is the oppor- tunity there for the production of live stock as profitably as anywhere in the Dominion. It means that it is a good dairying country, and if I were a farmer in that district I would devote myself to that branch of farming." Mr. James Conmee, M.P.P. Mr. James Conmee, M.P.P. for West Algoma, siiid ; " The belt of good land ia not confined to the valley of the river, but extends northeasterly along the shore of the Lake of the Woods, and for a considerable distance along the northern shore of Rainy lake. I estimate the agricultural belt as etiual to an area of 140 miles in length by 40 miles in width, or 4,0S4,000 acres. There are other vallev s of excellent land, but none so large as the Rainy River viilley. The valleys of the Kawawiagamog and Seine rivers emptying into Rainy lake both contain large areas of agricultural land. The same is true of Grassy and other rivers emptying into Lake of the Woods." Mr. Wm. Maugach. Mi'.Wm. Margacb, of Rat Portage, says : " The soil is good and free from stone while the timber is light. As to getting employment in the camps in the winter the wages are good for men and horses. The good land is not confined to Rainy river, however. From the outlet of the river north to Grassy river a distance of 25 miles, is very fine land and the land on Big and Little Grassy riveis ia equal to that on Rainy river and is within sixty miles of Rat Portage. Rainy River Free Grant Townsiiii's. The following townships are now open for location under the llainy River Free Grants and Homesteads Act : Curran, Diike, Shenston, Devlin, At wood, Pattullo, Rosebery, Woodyatt, Blue, Morley, Barwick, Crozier, Worthington, S. of Morley, Livsh, Roddick, Nelles, Tait, Aylsworth, Mclrvine. Agents for Sale and Location of Lands. T. J. F. Marsh, Rainy River P.O., agent for the townships of Rosebery^ Shen&ton, Tait, Pattullo, Morley, Dilke, Nelles, Blue, Worthington, Curran and Atwood. Wm. Wilson, Fort Francis P. 0., agent for the townships of Barwick, Lash, Aylsworth, Devlin, Woodyatt, Crozier, Roddick and Mclrvine. 68 Archibald Campbell, Rat Portage, who will furnish intending settlers with the number of lots open for location, as well as valuable general information regarding the district. Rainy River Frke Grants and Homesteads Act. , The general provisions of the Free Grants and Homesteads Act before given Upply also to free grants in the Rainy River district But there are these dif- ferences: The limit of, a Rainy River free grant is IGO acres. The male head of a family or the sole female head of a family having a child or children under eigh- teen residing with him or her may locate for 16<> acres, and may also purchase un additional 80 acres at $1 an acre. A male of 8, without children may locate for 120 acres and may purchase en additional 80 acres at $1 an acre. The settlement duties are : (1) To have at least fifteen acres cleared and had under cultivatiov, of which two acres at least are to be cleared and cultivated annually during the three years; (S) To have built a habitable house, at least 16 by 20 feet in size ; (3) And to have actually and continuously resided upon and cultivated the land for three years after location. A locatee who purchases an additional 80 acres must, within three years tjlear fifteen acres and cultivate the same. Patents may issue at the expiration of three years from date of purchase, or sooner if the settlement duties have been performed. Pine trees and minerals are reserved from the sale. The locatee may cut and use such pine trees as he requires for building, fencing, and fuel on his land, and may also cut and dispose of any pine required to be removed in the process of clearing ; but he must pay timber dues on pine so disposed of. Trees remaining on the land at the time the patent issues pavss to the patentee. I. Mineral Lands of Rainy River District. Very important discoveries of gold have been made in this district lately. The islands in Lake of the Woods, especially Sultana island, show gold bearing veins of great promise. On the shores of the lake and along the line of the C P. R. gold has been faund, and considerable bodies of ore have been taken. A band of rocks running from Lake Shebandowan across the international boundary to Lake Vermilion in Minnesota is said to be very rich in gold. Gold locations have also been made on Manitou lake, north of Rainy lake. Iron ore is plenti- ful in many sections, and silver, copper and nickel have been found in large quantities. Altogether it looks as though the mineral wealth of the Rainy River countrj' will equal its agricultural wealth. A brief epitome of the Mining Laws of the Province will be found elsewhere. "•m "^-f" 69 lers with formation ore given ihese dit'- ead of a ider eigh- purchase purchase }ation, of iring the vated the ree years 'chase, or y cut and land, and rocess of Bmaining it lately. [ bearing le of the .ken. A oundary locations 3 plenti- in large ly River sewhere. Mkans of Access. ' Rat Portage on the Canadian Pacific at the northern extremity of the Lake of the Woods is the point to. aim for. It is distant by rail from Toronto l,154i miles. From Rat Portage to Rainy Lake is 180 miles. The Rtjiny river is 80 miles long and the length of the Lake of the Woods from north to south is lOft miles. The steamboat fare for an adult from Rat Portage to Rainy Lake is $4. EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESS Algoma Pioneer : " There is a larmer in the township of Parkinson wha moved in there three years ago without one dollar. He now informs me that ha has forty acres cleared, and the last year he raised 100 bushels of good wheat, a good crop of oats and peas, 600 bushels of turnips, and 350 bushels of potatoes He has ten head of cattle and one horse all paid for and is out of debt. His boys. . earn $20 a month this winter in the lumber shanty, and they intend to chop and clear a large fallow this coming summer." Correspondence, 'Toronto Globe : " The climate is very healthy. There are no disastrous storms, no drought, no wet seasons. I speak from twelve years' experience. There is the best of drinking water. People who can command $800 to $3,000 can buy at secondhand farms from 80 to 200 acres with clearings from twenty to sixty acres. Taking out ties, wood and sawlogs is the winter work, as there is a great demand, and every farmer is busy and earns from $200 to $500." Correspondence, Sault Ste. Marie Express : " Algoma excels for the follow- ing reasons : The abundance of all kinds of grasses and clover and their rapid growth. The white clover is natural to the soil of Algoma and is always a sure crop. This year 1 expect to have two tons of hay to the acre, and my oat crop, forty bushels to the acre, and ujy peas twenty bushels to the acre. As to hog- raising, it will pay very wdl here. You can sell your young pigs five to six weeks old at $5 to $6 per pair right here in my own township, and we have a good market for pork at Sault Ste. Marie all the year round. My brood sow and pigs run out all sun;m<>r iu the patsture. I sold eighteen young pigs this spring at $5 a pail". In the Globe of Noveniber 4th., 1893, there is a report of an interview with Mr. Archibald Blue, director of the Uureau of Mines. He says that the pioneer farmei* at Laichwood who has been hunter, trapper and farmer there for fourteen years, claims tliat he cut this year sixty-eight ton* of red clover oft a measured seventeen acres, and having sold the whole of it he knows the weight. A seed crop is often gathered in Algoma too, and so well does the clover reseed itself that in four or five years it roots out the timothy. This being so, and water being so plentiful everywhere, Algoma ought to become a banner district for beef, mutton, cheese and butter. It is also a great country for peas and oats. There is no bug in the pea and the yield runs from thirty to thirty-five bushels per acre. Larchwood is in the middle of a tine belt of land about eight miles in width, which stretches thirty miles along both sides of the Vermilion. The soil of this tract is rich, and a thriving settlement is growing up along the railway, but especially around Chelmsford. Oats, peas and clover are the principal crops. ' I never saw,' says Mr. Blue, ' more luxuriant clover for an aftermath at this time of the year, and as lor the peas, I was told of one farmer who threshed 1,000 bushels from thirty acres."* iii' 70 NOTES OF A T0U1{ IN THE NORTH. The Globe of November ;{rd., 1894, contains a letter from Mr. T. W. Gibson, of the Ontario Bureau of Mines, giving the result of his observations in the dis- tricts. He says of the Temiscaming settlement : Thk New " Qu ken's Bush." This district oftors the nearest parallel to the famous " Queen's Bush " of Western Ontario forty or fifty years ago which the province presents to-day ,with two points of difference in favor of Temiscaming. One of these is that the timber, which in the "Queen's Bush ' was mostly heavy hardwood and had to bo thopped down, cut up and burned with infinite labor, is here small and light, be- ing mostly poplar, balsam, spruce, birch, balm of Gilead and tamarac, and is con- sequently cleared with much less labor and expense. The other is that while for years the pioneers of the " Queen's Bush " wore many miles from the sound of a railway whistle, in Temiscaming a railway precedes the settlers, who can thus take in their goods under modern conditions, and not on their backs or in an ox sleigh as the first inhabitants of the Huron tract were obliged to do. To any- one who remembers the rush for the lands in the " (.Queen's Bush " when they were opened for sale, it may seem sti'ange why so little interest is being taken by our Ontario farmers and fai'mers' sons in the new tract. Unless civilization has sapped the energies of the race, it surely requires only that the merits of this region should be made known to ensure the setting in towards it of the tide of migration. It is beginning to draw settlers from the Province of Quebec, whose people, more awake to the advantages of the country, or less averse to the rough- nesses of pioneer life, are coming in increasing numbers, bringing with them their language and their customs. On Lake Nipis.sing. In the immediate vicinity of North Hay, on Lake Nipissing, particularly in the township of Widdifield, there is a considerable area of arable land, much of which, convenient to the railway, is being taken up by squatters. A little farther west several townships along the railway are comprised in the agency of Mr. J. D. Cockburn, of Sturgeon Falls, the lands in which are open for sale to actual settlers at fifty cents an acre. The land in this neighborhood is good, and a fine farming district surrounds the village of Sturgeon Falls. All kinds of grain grow and do well, and I was informed by Father Ferron, parish ])ricst, that both Indian corn and tobacco como to perfection. Father Ferron's garden is as fine and well-ordered a garden as one will find anywhere, and in it may be seen all manner of fiowers and vegetables. Potatoes do excellently well, and I was told that at the agricultural exhibition held at Sturgeon Falls last autumn the display of farm products of nearly every kind was very fine. Wheat is little grown, not because it will not ripen, but because there is no mill in the district to grind it, and because of the very low price it brings. This is the case throughout the whole of this northern Ontario, and, infleed, the cheapness of the fine Manitoba flour with which the district is universally supplied renders the task of raising wheat at fifty cents a bushel an unnecessary as well as an unprofitable one. 71 Gibson, the (Uh- AllOUND THK iSlJDftUUY MiNES. The lumber industry is hero roiiii'orced by mining to create a market for i'arui products, and everything grown by the setthjrs finds quick sale at good prices. Hay was selling at $12 to $15 a ton at the date of my visit, potatoes Hoventy-Hvo cents a bag, and oats us high as fifty and fifty-five cents a bushel. The price of oats was expected to fall when the new crop was reaped, but I was informed it was seldorti loss than thirty-five cents per l)U8hel. Hay grows naturally, that is to say, wherever the seed is thrown by chance on the ground, as along the "cadge" roads, over which supplies for the lumber camps are teamed, it takes root, thrives and extends itself. The townships of Ray- side and Balfour are almost completely settled, mostly by Froiioh-Canadians, and there are some farms in an excellent state of cultivation. \ considerable percentage of tho land in Balfour is taken up, and in Waters t,he lands are also being quickly settled upon, English-speaking farmers being probably in the majority. TirESSAi.oN ANi> BiiucE Mines. The settlements in the neighborhood of Tnessalon and Bruce Mines are of longer standing than any in the districts already mentioned, and in con- sequence tho country presents a more civilized and agreeable appearance. 'I'he soil in general is good and fertile, and a iaihire of crops is almost unknown. Hay, oats, peas and potatoes are here, as elsewhere, the principal crops. Well-cleared farms and comfortable houses are to be seen on every side. Towards the front the beat lands have Ijuen taken up, but there is yet an almost unlimited area of equally good land lying untouched further back from the railway. There is also a good local market for a^iicultural ^roiluce at higher prices than can be had in older Ontario, and in the winter time ready money can be earned in the lumber shanties if the work on the farm is not press- ing. Tho .settlement here pre.sonts nearly every feature of that in Huron or Bruce twenty-five or thirty years ago, the English-speaking people largely preponderating. TEMISCAMING AS SEEN IN THE FALL OF 1*594.— A VISITOR'S VIEWS. Mr. T. A. (iregg, of Toronto, a member of the Empire staff, visited tho Teniiscaming settlement in October 1894. He gives a (juito enthusiastic des- cription of the country in his letters to the Empire. The following extracts are made from that journal of 17th November, 1894: " I am satisfied from what I .saw and heard during my visit to Ontario's New North that as soon as it becomes generally known that there are in that region, leas than .'300 miles north of Toronto, in a straight line, hundreds of thousands of acres of land of as fine a quality as any in Canada, which settlers can secure for fifty cents an aero, there will be a rush thither such as this province has not seen in years. I do not moan to say that this new land will ofiTer any attractioti or advantage to those who own productive farms in southern Ontario, and ai'e com- fortably situated. To them the change would not be profitable, for it would mean beginning life again. But to the sons of farmers ; to who know how to farm, but lack land; to those of small means who would get a home easily, and that in a district whore their holding must become more valuable as tho land is taken up; and to those from abroad who look for land nearer to the business centres of the oast than Manitoba and the westor^i territories, the Tomiscaming district 72 should be an attractive subject and worth oncjuiring into. Within the past few years labor-saving machinery has displaced many men in the industrial centres, which in a measure accounts for a great many who are out of employment. These men are trusting to chance for a livelihood, and chance is precarious. Better for as many of thera as are able to get on this land, where they can at least make independent livings. The work will be hard and the return meagre at first, but they will be working for themselves, and every tree they fell or rod they cultivate will add to the value of their holding. A quarter of a section, 160 acres, will cost $80; an eighth section, half a mile long and quarter of mile wide, 80 acres, will cost S40, and a sixteenth section, a quarter of mile square, 40 acres, will cost $20. The terms are half down and the remain- der in two yearly instalments; so for $10 one can get 40 acres of good land, with two years in which to pay the balance, and the settler is privileged to take a« much pine timber as he needs to build his h(>use and fences, no matter whether the timber rights be sold or not. A man of slender means can easily become a landholder up there and lead a much more useful life than in the cities. There are two printers running a farm on Wahbe's Bay, north of Haileybury, and making a success of it, too. One was sickly when he went up there, but during the summer he gained 4J pounds in weight, which shows the southern slope of the height of land to be a health resort of peculiar efficacy to those who make work their medicine. One of these printers went to the new settlement because he was deprived of employment through the introduction of type-setting machines, and, while possessing land, they will both be there when, in the natural order of things, Haileybury has a news- paper. " From the Sault to the Oi)emicon river the streamis narrow and the scenery uninteresting, but above that point broadens and assumes the proportion of a lake a few miles north of the outlet of the Montreal river. Late October is not the time to see this Cf)untry at its best. The autumn haze hung over the hills, where the birch and aspen stood out gaunt and bare, rocky ridges upon both sides of us here and there opening out to give us views of others far beyond. Here n stream trickling down the moss-covered boulders, there a great rent in the mountain side where an avalanche of rock had come down, cutting a deep straight path to the river side. " There is nothing to excite interest on the Ontario side^ until the Montreal river is reached. Here on a point of land is a cluster of substantial looking farm houses, the holdingsof several industrious Swedes, who settled there some years ago. The land hereabouts is of good quality and fair crops are secured. While an active little housewife in one of the farm houses was preparing dinner for us, and an excellent dinner it was, we walked inland a quarter of mile or so to see the gorge of the Montreal river. This strciiin rises in the northern part of the district of Algoma and in places is a broad, rapid river. Alter many turnings and a turbulent career it comes in almost a straight line from the northwest, and just before it loses itself in Lake Temiscaming it is crowded into a gorge 16 feet wide and 140 feet dee]), a sij^ht well worth seeing. The settlers here seem well- to-do. They are comfortably housed and there is an air of prosperity about the place which speaks of thrift. These settlers are not in the newly surveyed district, but several miles south of the township of Lorraine, the most southerly of the new townships. This is an important point on the lake. The Bronsons, who own limits all through this district, have a farm a short distance up the Montreal river and their depots in the neighborhood are many. All their sup- plies pass in by the Montreal river road. tT^P^^ T8 past few industrial e out of nd chance this land, hard and every tree A quarter long and quarter of remain - jood land, vileged to 'ences, no er means iseful life ibe's Bay, kly when n weight, resort of e printers t through and, they IS a news- le scenery ti of a lake )er is not ' the hills, upon both .r beyond. it rent in g a deep Montreal :ing farm me years 1. While er for us, so to see rt of the turnings west, and 3 IG feet em well- ibout the surveyed southerly ?ronsons, 3 up the leir sup- " The visitor will not be impressed with Haileybury at the first glance, because there isn't enough of it yet to excite remark. But it is in the middle of the good land, and is certain to become a centre of traffic in the district. The land slopes down to the water; a rich brownish-black loam, in which they grow enormous potatoes, cabbages and other roots worthy to be prize-winners any- where. Half way up the slope between the water and the rocky ridge which makes the background of Haileybury is the Farr homestead, to the left the nent and comfortable looking dwelling of Mr. Lawlor, to the right a house built by a settler from Orillia, while not far distant is the new home of the Rev. D. A. Johnston, an earnest and zealous young Episcopalian clergymen of Bolton, who is enthusiastic about the country, and hopes some day in the near future to adminis- ter to a large parish there ; with praiseworthy energy he is losing no time in pre- paring for his congregation. Next year the most striking building in Haileybury will be the church which is now in course of construction. There is some fine building stone hereabouts, the most attractive ot which is a pale yellow or straw-colored freestone, as well as I could make out, and of this the church will be built. The corner stone was laid this season by the Bishop of Moosonee, and the walls are now several courses above the foundation. The stone is the gift of John Mann, of the Hudson Bay Company, at Baie des Peres. The island where it is quarried, which is the property of Mr. Mann, is not far away and can be seen from the heights, as can another island where an American millionaire, named Brown, ot Phil»delphia, has put up a cedar log mansion which cost him S8,00(i. Here he and his friends spend the summer fishing and boating and in visiting the many picturesqut^ spots on both sides of the lake. Father Paradis, who has a mission at Lake Temagami, and who was one of the party for a considerable portion of the journey, wrote the name of the island, Monz-o-minitik, in my note book and said it meant moose. " A considerable area in the townships of Bucke, Dymond and Harris has been taken up. As far as I could learn about 25 settlers went' in during the summer, and altogether there are about 40 settlers in the three townships outside of Haileybury. Few know that there is surveyed land there running from lower Temiscaming, 50 miles north to the height of land, and 30 miles across at its widest part. TwRuty-five townships are plotted, and six have their boundaries defined. Nearly all the water front sections from Haileybury around by Wahbe's bay to the mouth of the Blanche river have been taken up, but I think that the land back from the lake is to be preferred, as it is not exposed to the overflow when the lake rises in the spring bej'ond ordinary bounds, as is often the case. There is no lack of water in any part and small lakes abound in all directions, 3'^et there is little rock to be met with and in some sections none what- ever. In the 500,000 acres which lie there waiting the settler to make them productive, there is little bad land. Men who have been over it have found it imiform in quality, with little variation from Temiscaming to the top of the southern watershed. Tt has been probed with irons to a considerable depth without i"ock being found and been tested in many places, with the result that the subsoil of calcareous clay was found to carry in some instances as nuich as five feet of black and grey loam, composed principally of vegetable mould, the accumulation of centuries of decay. Like the prairie soil, this must be most productive and will not require stimulant in the shape of manure for many vears to come. . . " The -jlay plain of the upper Temiscaming is a peculiar feature of this region. To the south is a large area of Laiireniian rock, but this disap- WMW" ■MMMrlM«li*i[ $ 7i pears above the Montreal river, and level country with fine soil takes its ?ilace. The clay formation reaehe< over the height of land to lake Abbittibi, 276 eet higher than the Temiscaminff plateau. " The land is lightly timbered. On some of it thero is no pine whatever, the ■principal growth being white spruce, cedar, yellow birch, the sugar maple, swamp mapio and white oak, but the most abundant tree is the aspen. The growth is light in most places, and clearing can be done easily. ' I would rather clear five acres up here,' said a loc iter from North Siincoe to me, 'than one acre down below.' He had been over the land, and it suited him. He had secured a quarter section on Wahbe's creek and wa-< filled with the merits of his purchase. " Having the land, what will it produce ? is the question. Father Thereau at Baie des Peres told me that he thought they could produce anything there which could be produced along the St. Lawrence. If this can be done at the Baie, where the soil is not oF such fine quality as that on the Ontario side, the settlers in Bucke, Dymond and Harris should be able to do better. The Ontario townships should.produce wheat, a crop of the first importance in a region where fiour and even bread are freighted up from below. Tliat the soil is fit is evident and I was assured by authorities on both sides of the lake, who would have no object in deceiving me, that summer frosts rarely affected cereal crops, though vegetable crops occasionally suffered. But the frosts are not a yearly visitation, and some- times are so light as to do little damage. What effect the breaking up of the land will have upon the frosts remains to be seen. "Cultivation of the land is said to have brought about favorable climatic changes in Manitoba and th-i Northwest, and why not here ? It should, too, be a good country for stock. There is abundance of hay, and with a soil which has been known to yield phenomenal roots, such as beets, turnips and potatoes, there should be no difficulty in carrying cattle through the winter, which is no longer than it is with us, although Temiscaming is about five degrees of latitude further north. As to fruits, hardy apples, pears and plums shoidd do well if the right stock is secured. Oats have given satisfactory yields, and so have barley and peas. These are raised on the Quebec side and find ready sale at the lumbering depots. But it strikes me that if the settler whu takes up land on the Ontario side can produce enough for the support of himself and his family for the first few years he should be content. His market will be growing all the time, and when he has a surplus to sell he will not lack customers at profitable prices. A dollar a bushel is an easy price in that district where all supplies are dear. West of the lake are vast lumber areas as yet untouched. The Booths, Bronsons and McLaughlins have limits in there, and other firms have tracts known only to their timber cruisers. The axemen and loggers are employed elsewhere, but in time they will be turned into these forests. There are many thousands of them and while they work the Temiscaming farms will help to feed them. And this market the Temiscaming farms will have for years. This is also a mineral region, undeveloped as yet, but carrying valuable deposits of useful metals and minerals, which will be found profitable to work as soon as the country has rail- way facilities. So when the timber is gone the mining depots, which are sure to spring up, will look for their supplies to the surrounding country. " The Ontario Government land agent, Mr. Armstrong, is located on Wahbe's ba}', in the township of Dymond, four miles north of Haileybury. Mr. Armstrong expects an influx of settlers next year, and the indications are that his expecta- tions will be realized. "I trade w to expe open u lake T« would ernmer and t neighb section who w the f ut for agi with the nor attract tend ir 76 " In regard to the opening up of this country, if Toronto wishes to share in the trade which must follow, her duty is plain. Her best efllorts should be put forth to expedite the building of the Toronto and James Bay Railway. The line would open up a large territory. It would not only bring Toronto within a day's run of lake Teinagauii, the 1,800 islands in which throw Muskoka into the shade, but would make Toronto the feeder of the new district beyond. " There is something whicli the Qovernmentd should do. The Ontario Gov- ernment should set aside the island-studded lake of Temagami as a national park, and the Dominion Government should establish an experimental farm in the neighborhood of Haileybury. This promises to become one of the most important sections of the Dominion, and such a farm would be of great use not only to those who will be on the land next season, but to those who will be attracted thither in the future. The land around lake Temagami and on the islands is not suitable for agriculture, and there could be no objection to reserving it as a national park, with rights to cottagers to locate there on lease. It is the best fishing water in the nortii. With Temagami a pai'k and Temiscaming well settled it would be an attractive summering ])lace for the people of Ontario, and tourist travel would tend in that direction." mititmUlm A .-.ra^a;. WHAT thp: settlers say. acres Wo U we lit hiinsel iiionei The followinj^ notos are oxtmcted from a piunphlet pn'iiared by Alt,'onia settlers in 1892, entitled " Ali,'oina. Fanners Testify, " and from other mnircos : Any settlor in Al<i;oina can testify to the followin;:^ facts : The abundance of <food water, the absence of drouth or sunnuer frosts, or blizzards. The fertility of the soil, and the rapid <,'rowth in summer. The abun- dance of good wood and timber. The fact that directly the snow goes otl' 4ho grass ia green, and that cattle and sheep can pasture outside in the woods and commons, etc. till very late in the fall or early in the winter and will thrive on the wild grass and herbage ; that the rocky riilges are covered with grass and herbage very suitable anil nourishing for .sheej) and that while clover is indige- nous everywhere and that there are thousands ol" acres of magniticent lands along tlie different rivers suitable for ranching or pasturing cattle. That wlieat, spring and fall, oats, barley, peas and other crops do e.xtreniely well and yield largely. That the hay crop is enormous. That roots of all kinds, potatoes, turnips, man- golds, etc. do exceedingly well. That gardening pays here, that everything which can be or u.sually is grown in a garden can be successfully and profitably grown here. That fruits of different kinds can be grown here in abundance. That the strawberry, raspberry, huokleberry, cranbe-ry, etc., grow wild here in abundance. That currants of the different kinds do well here.also plums,cherries,apples and crab apples. And further that the farmer coming here with a little means and a prac- tical knowledge of farming would escape a great many hardships and privations, as he would find here roads, schools, churches, stores, etc., and would not have to undergo a great many of the privations which the pioneer in other countries had to endure. Here follow a number of statements by settlers as to their experience : " Land fertile. Good yields of wheat, peas and oats. Roots of all kinds do well. " Grows good grain of all kinds ; grows good roots also. The very best fruits such as cherries, plums, currants and apples. Cattle ind sheep do extra well here. Have a large number of bees which do well also. Have handled bees for forty years and I never saw them do so well." " Directly the snow goes away in the spring the grass comes up green and it stays green and luxuriant all summer — does not wither or get parched or brown as in other countries." " Farmers are commencing to set out orchards all over the district, and the trees are doing well. There were more splendid exhibits of apples, pears and other fruits at the recent fall exhibition at Sault Ste. Marie." " One good thing about Algoma is that there is a home market and good prices for all a farmer, stock-raiser, fruit-grower or market gardener can raise or grow." 77 rcos : frosts, ()!• 'ho abuii- OH off 4ho oods and thrive on ^ra.s8 iind is indif,'!'- tids along it, spring I largely, ps, nian- ig which y grown That the undanco. and crab 1 a prac- ivations, have to ries liud e: :inds do St fruits tra well bees for n and it [' brown md the irs and d prices grow." From Mr. Andrew McAuloy, Uoulais Hay: "I bought (Mav, 1H86) ItiO ncroH and, since, another I'M acres. There was not one tree chopped on the land. We liave now 7!) acre? cleared, and a cluurdeeil of the property and not a cent against it, with sutKcient stock to use all the feed we can grow. Hesidesall this we have raised twelve children, all living and healthy." Mr. McAuley descril)08 himself as having been " a novice in farming who came here, with hardly any money at all." " Lots of men in Algoma came hero and started without any means at all. Those who were hard-working and persevering have got on well and are (^oing well now, and are in comfortable circumstances, even though they had very little numey when they came here. I think that this is the experience of nearly every farmer in Algoma. R. A. Lyon, Sault Ste. Marie : "I have seen clearing commenced in March, the land cleared and sown in May, and off the same land came thirty buahels of spring wheat to the acre harv(jste<l in September." " Hog-raising pays very well here. You can sell your young pigs from five to si.\ weeks old at !|^5 to $G per pair right here in my own townsliip, and we have a good market for pork at Sault Ste. Marie all the year round." " Have done well here. Made more property in one year than I ever made in my life before." " I like the country well. It is the best I know for stock-raising as well as grain of all kind,s." " I have been running a grist mill for a number of years, and find farmem doing well in this part, and also find quality of grain first-class." " Can grow good crops of grain and roots and garden stuff. Have made a good living from the first." " I think this district second to none in the world for mixed farming." " I think sheep-raising would be very profitable. Sheep and cattle run wild through the woods and wild commons and beaver meadows. I have two orchards planted, both doing well." " Came here with hardly any money at all. Now would not take less than $1,000 for stock and property." " After having travelled over all the Western States in search of a home, I came here with small means. * I am now doing well, with a good stock of cattle sheep and horses of my own, and, thank God, all paid for." " Climate particularly adapted for stock." " Have raised the best wheat here I ever.did." From a miller : — " All kinds of grain do well here. We can raise better grass- fed beef in Algoma than can be produced in any part of Ontario (or Canada). As for grain, I never milled better wheat than I have done in Algoma." " I came here (St. Joseph's Island) thirteen years ago with hardly any money, and did not know anything about the bush. Now I have fifty acres of cleared land and a good stock of cattle and a team of horses.' " When I name (St. Jo.seph's Island) I had one cow and about $50 in cash. Now I am worth $2,000 and I am only here fourteen years." " I came here four years ago. Had $700. Now I am worth $2,000." " Came here thirteen years ago. I did not have $5. Now I have three I 7H I don't think I liiul 912 wlnit I ill lilt) woiM. Tlio wintt'iM I iM)n- hnndred howh of ymxl lnnt1, ono liortto, ono yokt* «»f oxon, anti a j^ond ntock of Bht!up, cattlu and pi^M. I tliink St. .lost'pli'M iNlimd is {\w plum to H«>ttl«) in." " I Ciunt^ Ih'I'o Ion y«>ai'H a^'o. I only liad '^51 wli*>n I landed. Now liavo two hundr(>(| acroH and am doin^ well. Al^onia iH tlir iilui'c f«ir a poor man or a mnik with Homi> capital." "Tlu^rc JH lotn of monoy in stiick-iaiNin^; in Al-^'onia. Krom oarly ,Humm«>r till latu in tht' fall cattlf run wild and <lo well, liny i.n a ^ood crop, I often havo two to two and a half ton.s to tlu) anc. The farmerH now in Alyoma came with out money, i came here twelvti yearn a;,'o. landud at Sault Ste. Mari(> dock." " I think Alj^roma the lu>althieNt cliniati I'idor very healthy for man and .stock. The air is exhilaratiiij.; and dry in winter In Hummor it \n never very hot, the niyhts are always cool iind very heavy dews HH a jjenoral thin;;. InduHtrioUN men have always succeeded here, and I can tell you dozens of them. As to fruit I have a ^ood orchard, hearin)^ for Home years." " 1 have heen up here two years, an<l durin;; that time have seen and rai.seil aH tine (!rops of peas and oats as ev(>r I .saw ^rown in Huron, ami for roots of all deHcription.s it cannot he Hurpassed in any coinitry," " ft is a ^ood country for farmers." "Good for roots, apples, grain, hay, stock, and one of the hest markc^ts iit Ontjirio," " [ am getting- along well for a man of small means. I don't know where I c uld go to get along better if I was going to farm." " My expenses left me in debt when \ came here with my wife and live children. Now I am well olf. Thank (lod for it. I have a liorso and buggy for my own iise. Camo from Warwicksldre, lOnglaiwl." " Alter having travcilled over all the Western States in seaich of a home, I came her« with sn)all means. I am now doing well with a g«jod stock of calile, sheep and liorses of my own, and, thank (Jod, all paid for. 1 prefer this place to any other." " I got a free grant lot tlurtecn years ago, and then had otdy one, ono cow and no money. Now I have three horses, five cows, and a good niwU. of young cattle, six sheej), three pigs, thirty hens, a mowing m^ichine, wagttn, harrow, plow, good, a bank Itarn .'{(ixGO, thirty acre.t cleared and don'toweuny man a dollar." * " I came to St. Joseph six year.s ago, ^',]00 in debt. Hy this .spring I have cleared myself of debt and liave in addition got stock and cattle arouiul mo of my own, and good land of my o\Vn. Am doing well, satislied and contented." "I would not want to live in a prairie country. In a prairie country you have to buy any tind)er you need. Here when one goes on a farm, you Iind valuable timber of all kinds. The timber is a great protection against the wind also. We have no blizzards in winter or hurricanes in summer, and we have excellent .s])ring water for man and beast. I like the climate, winter and summer, and would not want to live anywhere else." " Industiious men have always succeeded here, even if they had no capital, and I can tell you dozens of them in Algoma. As to iruit, I have a good orchard of apples (some are seedlings grafted by me and Homo are from nurseries), pluin.s and cnerries ; they are all thrifty trees. My trees have been bearing for .some years." of t whe Alg< to c< a ve and stan men 7l> (K)»l niock oF ••ttio in." f(tw linvti two iiiiii or H tiiMit V siimiiiciMIl I <»l(<'ii Iinv(> I niiiiit vvitli $\2 wli.n I itciH I con- 17 ill witifti lit'iivy (lows 11*1 I ciiii U>\\ Hoiiii! years." I Hiiri'il roolH i)f nil inai'kctN ill ow wlud'o I H'u and tivo hI biijrjry for >l a lioiiit', I L'k of faille, tliis place to hor.Hc, Olio )0(l Htock of f,'on, liariow, •Wuttiiy mail cirif? 1 liavii ituiul ii)« oF 1 tented." ountry you »i, you iind it the wind id wo liavo nd suiniiier, no capital, Dod oicliard ries), plums g for Hoiii(« " I never ^<uw Itetter Maiiittles of I'outN niiywhoro than I h*w overy fall at tho DiMtrict Kail Sliow a^ Simit Ste. Mnrie" " A iimii I'oniiii;^ lieie witliunt inuie y. if he wi rk-i hard and liasn knowled((<) of tlio liiisiiM'' M, can peihapH i^et >>t\ lietter in Al^jdina than in nther ediintrieH where there in no work or eiiiplo\ Mint in tie' winter iiMtntliM, iim there iH in Al^oniii ill tho woodi and inines and un the piiMic wnt kM ; hut the kind of farniern to e.oiiio here, ami tli<' men who would limki thi;liiselves indepilldently well oil ill a very hhoi t time aie temmt rmmeiM and otheiH with a little uK^aiiH or capital and II, ^'ood practical knowledge of i'ariMiii;.; or stoitk-rnisin;; ; nieii who under- stand it lis a hiisiiieH.s and who have a little money to huy ^ood stock an<l implu- ineiits and ^et well stail/cd." " [ am satiHlied with this place for fiirmin;^' and stock-iaiMin^. I ;;row tin ;^'ood fall wheat and oro[H of all kinds as in the (*ouiity of York." " No placi) II ({ood man ciiii do hui 'r in that I know of." " IVas lifty-two, oats forty, wheat thirty, l>iickv\lieat twcnty-fivo hiiHlielH per acre were ^rown on my placi;." " Sixty liiiMhels of oats, twenty wheat, lifty peas to the acre. F j(row j^ood apples and fruit. Am doiii;,' w« II." Tiyi'onhi Itii'ilij Nt'.ii'H: " KnorniouM advanta<,'es are oifert'd in this new country. The climate is unsurpassed; the country is well waten-d; there is ahiindance oT timiH-r; the soil is paitiiniiarly well adapted for the pr(j(i iction ot roots and hay ; fruits of the hiirdier varietit .^t yield ahiindantly; and there in, owin;^ to the lar;^'e lumhei'iii;!^^ and miniii;^; industries, always an iinlimiteil <lemand for lahor, and a Ikhiii' market at hi;^di prices for ev«uy thin;; a farmer can produce." Ah/dinii /I (/»(;( (i,i!r corrcspondciHM! : Timothy and clover now (2(Hh iMay), m('nsuiiiij.f from ci^^ht to ten imdies in height. We can f^'iow root crop.s and vc;;ctahles iiiiei|ualled ill all}' other part of < )iitaiio, and wheat, peau and oatH ^row in alauidaiKte," Sii.idt Hlf. Miirhi ICi'iirrHx: "'{'here is not a, hundred acres that is not watered l>y livin;^ ntrenins, nor in there a settler's farm that is not henefitted to the e.xtent of at least SiOO per yijnr by haviiii^' the hrokeii land lyiti'^ near for pastura;,'e," " This is a <^oo<l country and I advise Knu;lish tenant farmers to come and huy land and setth; in AI;.(oiiia, and not \^n out on the lileak prairies and plains where they will not find ^ooil water and wooil." Mr. Win. Allan! in F^irm ami, Fhxx'tda.' " For the last siiven years I have drawn my wood as [ cleared my land to the Sault, and I ;,'et SS"» per cord for f^reen four foot wocmI. If T held it over to suniiiier and could j,'et it in f could ;;et !S4 to S>.') per coid for it. in addition to the settler h(!in|f ahle to sell hi.s luniher for cordwood as ln! clears the land, it is expected tliat the water jiower canal at the Canadiiin Sault will he in operation thi.s yijar, and then the .settlers expect to Iind a ready sali! fcu" their hiich and maple in the lo^ lor manufactur- ing; purposes. I only started seven years a<;o. 'i'liere was not an ncie cleared on my farm then. I hail .so little money when I started that I nii<;ht Le.said to have none at all. Hut I worked hard and know how to use an axe and to lo<; up and clear land, and perhaps hest of all I have a ffood wife, something every pioneer .settler should liave if he wants to succeed in Algoma. I now have fifty- five acres cleared and under cultivation, and half of it free from stumps and on which I can use machinery. My average crop Ita.s been per acre: (Jats thirty-five to forty- 80 five bushels; spring wheat about twenty bushels; fall wheat twenty-five bushels peas, always free from worms, thirty to thirty-five bushels ; barley about forty bushels; potatoes 150 to 200 bushels, and Swede turnips 400 to 500 bushels. And then grass and clover grows, as a rule, on the bluft", so the blutt" on a man's land makes the best cattle and sheep ' runs ' one could get. And for sheep rais- ing I would not want any better ' run ' than the high rocky bluffs covered with short grasses and clover. The clover is natural to the soil in Algoma, and seems to grow everywhere. If a man wants a ' soft ' time lie had better not come to Algoma; but if he is hard working and saving and can use an axe, and has any knowledge of farming, or really desires to learn it, and if he can bring with him just enough money to make a start in such a country as I have described, he will find many advantages in New Ontario, rough looking though it may be. And he can rely on getting plenty of sweet pure water for man and beast from springs and creeks all over the country, and the timber and rocky blutts he will find will protect him from bliz/ards and the storms he would mtet with on the lonely prairies." Abbil bI cl ll Abbil Abiel C Abse Accel 1 I Acre, Acres o ii u ii o ii Actio Adva o ri c< Agem K !*/ ^ p I I ¥ 8 G 1 Agri( Agn Air, Alba Alba Ales Alijo Algc Alg. -five bushels about iorty 500 bushels, on a man's r sheep rais- iovered with a, and seems not come to ind has any g with him •ibed, he will ly be. And irorn springs vill find will I the lonely INDEX FAOE. Abbitibbe lake 63 Bituation and dimensions 64 character of land 61 copper : 20 elevation of 20 lignite coal . . 25 Abbitibbe rivnr 21 Abiea balsamea 17 alba 17 nigra 17 Ganadensifl . . 17 Absence of malarial diseases 4 Access, means of 24 Temiscaming 6U Rainv River 6!) Acre, yield per 3, 31 Acres assessed 30 occupied 29 improved 29 under crops 29 in pasture 2!) occupied in woodland and foreat 29 in i^ardens and orchards 29, 31 Actinolite 20 Advantages summed up 3, 76 of water communication 3 railway 3, 24, 59, 69 compensating, of rooky land 8 Agencies and agents — Fort Francis 67 Massey Station 40 Mattawa 39 Powassan 38 Rainy River 68 Rat Portage 68 Richard's Landing 39 Sault Ste. Marie 39 St. Joseph's Island 39 Sturgeon b'alls 40 Sudbury 40 TemiHcaming 74 Tht-atalon 39 Agriculture, only rudimentary knowledge necessary 6 employments outside of 3, 8, 16, 69, 79 Agricultural produce, fall in prices 6 Air, purity of 10 Albany river 21 Albany, New York, winter temi)eratnre. . 36 Alexander apple 31 Ali/oma Advocate, extract from 79 Alguma, boundaries of 9 assessment 30 character of townships 43 ninnber of -choolo 21 scliiiol expenditure in 1893 %\ population in 1871, 1881, 1891 23, 29 varieties of apple<i for 31 Eastern Division, population .... — . 28 Western " " 28 Algoma and Nipissing, agricultural capa- bilities of .. _ 6 ^ millions of acres in 61 di»ad vantages of ... 7 [ extent and characteristics of !> comparison of area 9 ' 6 (N.D.) HAOK. 69 7fl 28 46 36 4 4 Algoma Pioneer, extract from " Aigoma Farmers Testify," extract from , Algoma vlillH, impulation Amable du Fond American cities, under tnmperature homestead land'* exhausteil land in hands of speculators and com paiiies dealings with land companies unsatis factory ft land, much of it too far from seabun'-d, A " " troubled with drouth. ft States, crops exceeJed by Algoma and Nipissing ._ H Analysis of Teiniscaming cl^iy 60 Animals, wild, game and tixh ... 20 Apatite 19 Appleby township, pDpulitim 29 Apple trees, number of 33 list of, for northern districts 31 Archibald township 43 Armstrong " 61 Asbestos 19, 20, 69, 63 Ash, white 18, 66 Asiiect of the country 9 Assessment, Algoma 30 Nipihsing 30 Athabasca lake, crops at 14 Attention renewed, causes . . 46 Atwood township 67 Aweiige " 48 Aweres " 43 Awrey " 29 Aylsworth " 67 Ayrshire cattle 11 Bad^erow township, population 39 Baldwin township 41 description of 43 Balfour township 40, 71 description of 44 Ballantyne townihi|>, population 29 Buli<am, Canada 17 «r •. 17,6.> gum 17 poplur 17,65 f pruce 17. ()3 Pianksi m pine 16 Barley 13 acres under 31 yield per acre in northern di'>trict't 31 " o\ or whole province... . 31 " cuuipiivd with best Ameriuau States .... .HI crops of 1893 31 " CO iipared with former yearn M Barrie winter tHinperaturc. 3ij Barwick township 07 Baiyte« 19,20 HaHnwood 18, 65 Bfihswo id lake 47 B ttuhawaning bay 4$ Beans IS acres under 81 yield per acre in northern (il^triuts ... 31 '■ over whole province. ., . 31 82 J'AOE. Bear*, black and brown 2ii " white 26 Bear Island, Temagami lake 4S Bear lake 48 ^eauchamp township (il Beaver 27 not to be killed before ist October, 18U7 27 Beaver creek, Northern Ry., elevation of. . 21 Beech 17 Bee» in Alffoma 76 Bnll, Dr. Robert, on Laurentian rocks. ... 19 Berridale village, elevation of . 21 Best field for small capitalists •'^. 6, 7 Betula alba 17 papyracea 17 Biggar township, population 29 Birch, canoe 17 black IC, ti5 substitute for cherry 16 white 17 Birch creek 47 Bismarck, N. Dak., winter temperature . . 8(> Blackberries 13, 34 Black biroh 17, 57 Blair township Blanche river 21, 58, 73 copper 20 Bl^zard township 29 population . . 3l> copper and nickel 20 Blind river ?2. 52 Blue township 67 Blue, Mr. A., opinitms of 69 Blueberries 13, 34 Bonfield township 39 population 29 description of -14 Boston, Mass., winter temperature 3(i Boulter township, populutiun 39 Bounty on pig iron 42 Boyd township, population 29 Brantford, winter temperature . . 3() Brethour township 61 Bright and Bright Additional 39 description of 44 Broder township, population .... ...... 39 Broken cliai act«r of land thi) only serious drawback 7 Broken character of land, eoinpenaating advantages of 8 Bronann farm at Teuiiscaniing 72 Bruce Mines 53, 71 population 28 Bryce towusliip 61 Bucke " 61,73 characti.'r of 62 Buckwheat 13 acres under 31 yield ptsr acre in northern districts. ... 31 " over whole province .... 31 BulFalo, N. v., winter temperature 'Mi Building material cheup 3, 10 heavy coat of, in woodless countries ... 10 Buildings, co-it of in Western States ex- V-ceeds value of cattle sheltered 10 Bushland. !<ce " Forests " Caldwell township 29, 40 description of 45 California crops o-mpared wit!) northern Ontario 31 Callander Station 44 elevation of 21 Calvin township 29 ■population ' 29 description of ... 45 PAOK. Camden township, population 29 Canada balsam 17 Canadian cities, winter temperature 36 Canadian Pacific Railway 25, 60 elevation at North Bay 21 1,030 miles of it in these districts 24 Sault branch 24 northern extension along Ottawa 24, 60 bill for ties 8 Canoe birch 17 (>anoe lake , 63 Capable of maintaining large population . . 4 Capitalists, land for small 3, 6 Caribou 26 not to be killed before October, 1896 . . 27 Carrots, acres under 31 yield per acre in northern districts 31 " over whole province .... 31 Casey township 61 Caswell's lake, elevation of 21 Cataract lake 52 Cattle ., 3, 11 breeds of ] i requisites for raising 11 transportation of . ... H number (jf .32 value of 32 sold in 1893, number 33 " value 33 " value per head 33 Caves rapids 58 Cedar, white 17,65 Census ttatistics 2», 29 Centr^s of population , 30, 66 Cereals and grass crops 6, 12, 13, 14 " northern limits of 14 Chamberlain township oi Character of tlie people 22 Cheap fuel and building material 3, 10 Cheese factories locations numerous 11 Chelmsford station 43, 53, 69 Cherry trees, inimber of 33 " wild IS Chicago, winter temperature i(i Chii)ewyan I'ort, crops at 14 latitude of 14 Chisholm township 3s " population 29 Churches 23 _ and schools 7 Cities, rush to, reacti(m against 5 Cities, Canadian and American, winter temijerature g(j Clay, Temiscaming, analysis of ,. (JO Clear lake *. 47 Clearing less laborious tlian formerly 7 Climate temperate 4,69 influence ot large bodies of water .... ' S less seveie than Western States ..... more teniper,at(! than American of saiim latitude a Temiscaming 51) Rainy River 05 Cloche creek 47 50 Clover, acres under . . 31 yield pfr acre in northern districts ... 31 " over whole province 31 white, indigenous 13, 09, 78, 79, 80 red.. 13_ 69 Coal, lignite on James B.*y 25 " north of Abbitibbe 25 Coffin and Coflin Additional 30 description of 40 Colliiigwood winter temperature 3(j Col vert apple 34 Compensating advantages of rocky land . . 8 Conmee, Mr. James, on Rainy river 67 Cop COK Corn Cour Com ^^ PAOB. 29 17 36 , . . . 25, 60 21 24 24 ... 24, 60 8 17 6a 1 .. 4 3, 5 26 i .. 27 31 31 31 61 21 52 3,11 n 11 11 32 32 33 33 33 58 . . . 17, 05 • . 2«. 2!) . SO, 65 >, 12, 13, 14 14 01 22 3, 10 11 . 43, 53, 6!) 33 13 oO 14 14 38 2i» 23 30 00 47 7 4, 0!) 8 5!) 05 47,50 31 31 31 78, 7!), 80 13, 0!) 25 25 3!) 40 30 34 8 67 83 PAGE. Copper in Huronisn rocks 10 Sudbury district 19 several pletces named 19, '-9 Coidwood, sale of 4, 79 Com as forage 13 as crop 13 acres under 31 yield p«'r acre in northern districts . . 31 " over whole province .... 31 Country, asppct of 9 Connty councils to pass by-laws to prevent fires 19 township councils to do so where no county council 19 Cranberries 13 highbush 13 Creiff hton, galena 20 Crookaton, Dak., winter temperature 30 Crop, acres under 29, 31 CropH, general 78, 79 Crcps of 1893 31 bushels per acre northoin districts .... 31 " whole province 31 " Temiacaming 59 " Rainy River 05 Crown land agencies. Sen " Agencies." Crown land agents to prosecute in case of neglect to observe fire laws 19 Crozier township 67 Cryaolite 19 Cumberland House, crops at 14 latitude of . . 14 Curran township 67 Currants 13, 34 Cyprus, elevation of Northern Railway at. 21 Dack township 61 Dairying 3,11 unrivalled advantages for 11 Ayrshires 11 Dakota crops compared with northern On- tario 31 Davenport. Iowa, winter temperature 30 Day township 39 population 28 description of 4'> Dayton station 45 Deacon township, population 29 Dean Lake station 55 Debt, free grants exempted from seizure for 20 years after location 38 Deer 20 regulations about killing 27 Demicharge rapids .56 Denisun, copper 20 gold, Vermilion mine 20 Denman lake 52 Dennis township 43 Desmoines, Iowa, winter temperature 30 Development, great already 4 Devlin township 07 Devon cattle 11 Dewberries 13 JJilke township 67 Dill township 29 Doe lake, elevation of 21 Dogs and sheep 12 Doniinion Indian lands. Sec "Indian lands." Dowling township 39 description of 40 Drained naturally, well 9 Drawback, broken land, the only serious . . 7 Drouth never afflicts these districts 9 Drury, copper and nickel 20 Dryden, Hon. John, opinions on Raioy River 60 Dryden township Dubuque, Iowa, winter temperature. Dtichesnay river Duchess of Oldenburgh apple Duluth, Minn., winter temperature . Dunnett township Dunve^an, crops at latitude of PAOB. 2!> 3ft 22 84 36 2» 14 14 Dymond township 61, 78 Early settlers, hardships of 7 Ean Claire station 45 Echo river, population ... 28 Edmonton, crops at 14 latitude of 14 Education 22 " outline of system, as to new districts . . 23 Elevation of lakes and country 9, 20 " points along Northern Railway. 21 Elm, white 18, 65 rock . 1» swamp 18 slippery 18 red ; 18 Elora, winter *-,emperature 36 Empire, extract from 71 Employees on land, number of 29 Employment outside agriculture 3, 8, 15, 17 69, 79, 80 Emsdale, elevation of 21 Erables rapids 53 Evanturel township 61 Expans lac 21 Fatfus ferruginea 17 Farm and Fircniile, e.xtrucc trmri 79 Farm laborers, wages of, northern districts 38 " " whole province 33 Farm property, value of 32 land .32 buildings 32 implements 32 establishing, less laboriousthan formerly 6 Farms partly cleared for sale 24, 09 Farr, C. C 58 February temperatures compared 36 Felspar 19 Fencing materials cheap 3, 10 heavy cost of, in woodless countries . . 10 Fenwick township 43 Ferris 39, 43 population 29 description of 46 Fertile tracts among the ridges 8 turn out larger than expected 9 Fever and ague not known 4 Finlayson township. . 29 Fir, balsam 17 Fire, precautions to be used in setting 18 not to be set in woods between let April and 1st November 18 penalties for infringement 18 Crown land and other agents to proeo- cute 18 county councils to pass by-laws 18 township councils to pass by-laws where there is no county council 18 power to call out taxpayers 19 how to be paid 19 penalty for refusing to assist in quell- ing fire 19 Fish, game and wild animals 26 for food supply 8 strange differences in adjacent waters. 26 ■iiiitoyi^Kitfa 84 Finher ni)t to tw killed b«?fore l«t Oct., 1897. 27 Kiwher township 43 Kitr.^erald t<iwniiliip, population 28 Fodder corn, ftcron unrler 81 yield per acru in northern dii«tricta . . 31 " over whole province. ... 31 Korent productions 16, 1(1, 17, 18, 10 iniliiMtriex, new Iti hnrilw(H)d indiixtry expanding 10 jMilpwood . , 3, 8, 1(5 uurdwo il lofifH in Muskuka ,10 acrcH occupied under 2il Fr.fust trees mid theiru-cfl 10 Kiire-t'<, prehervat<>m of, from fite 18 precimt ioiin to bo used 18 ixmiltieH on indinKeinent 1!) RMJiiy river 05 TeiuiscBniiiipr B9 Fort KraiiLis .... 00 ttXency 07 Foster towuHhip 41 Vox, rt (I, black ami grpy 27 Kraxinua An\criuiuia 18 Free unintH, liindi. ojwn for location as 38 Free triaiitH iimt l)oni(!»tuadH rogulationB. . . 37 wlio may Ioc;,tc 37 location must, Ixj through af(ont 37 Rin^le uiiiii over olKhtet-n 37 married innn without children 37 female head of family 37 male head of family 37 " may purchase 109 acres ad- ditional 37 additional land if lot selected \n bn)ken 37 where loi8 or sections are 3J0 aoien. ... 37 looiitee muxt enter within a mon'h ... 37 " may be absent hix mouths yearly 37 Hettlf-mHiit du'ies 37 pine trei'.s on free KrantH l.*), 38 " title remains in Crown 10, 38 '' settlerH may cut for dealing, buildinir and fencing. . . " if pine cut during clearing is sold it mu^tpay timberduea when patentee of fiee grant lot entitled to one-third of timlntr dues " on lands .-told " " when they i)a«9 to patentfo " on railway land " on minernl hinds " on Kainy River grants pass to patentees timber other than pine on free grants . tiuilmr licensws, rights of reserve i'ln for roadn inMrignpeor as.signment before patent invalid mortgdge, wife must j. iu land not liable for dcbu created before patent land •xempt for 20 yoaiw from seizure for debt riwhts of wid"W of looatee ... Itaiuy River freo giants cont-iht I f 100 acres . ditffreiices from general " Fieu Grants Act " settlrment duties piuo tiecs pap.s to p.iteiitees Krederic'on, N.B., winter temperature. . . . Freiioli river Fniit ftatistics tre<'s for northern districts Fnel cl.eap Kur-I)i.';ii-ing animak 16 16 16 16,38 16 41 42 68 16,38 16, 38 37 38 37 38 :w 38 OS 08 68 08 (■.8 30 22 33 34 3, 10 PAOK. ( ialbraith, townnhip of 3tt deccription of 47 Galena 20, ft9 Game and Hshing laws as to unsettled dis- trict 27 Game, fish and wild animal* 85 Garden river 22, 53 galena at 20 p<")uli'''<'n 28 Garaens and orchards, acres in 188!) 2tt 18!)4 84 Geology and mineralogy 19 (libson, Mr. T. W., opinions 70 Gladstone township 39 description nf 47 (Itdlip, extracts fn)m . . . . _. 09, 70 (inei.saes. Lower Laurnntian 19 tS.ild 20, 59, 08 Golden russet apple 34 Good Hope, New Fort, on Mackenzie river, crops at 14 latitude of 14 Gooseberries 13, 14 (?ore 15ay, population 30 (Joulais ha>r 43,70 population • 28 Graham, copjier and nickel 20 population 28 Grande I'ointe, population 28 Granite 19 Gra|)0 vines, number ol 33 varieties for northern districts 34 Graiies, wild 13 Graphite 19, 20 Gravenhurst, winter temperature 3(i oleval ion of 21 Grass and cereal crops 0, 12, l.S, 69, 76 Great northern road 53 Great Slave Lake, crops at 14 latitude of 14 Gregg, Mr. T. A., notes of a tour in Temis- caming 71 Gro.t Cap range 58 Quelph, winter temperature 30 Haas apple / 34 Hagar township, population 29 Haileybury 59, 73 temperature at 30 rainfall at 35 Halifax, winter temperature 36 Hallam township 40 population 28 <lescriptiim of ,. 47 Hardshi|>s of early settlers. 7 Hardwood industry cvpaudiiij^ 16 logs ill Muskoka, hiirh price 16 Hardy, Hon, A. fc'., on Rainy River 00 Hardy township 38 description of 48 Harley township 61 Harris township 01, 73 Ilaughton township 89 description of 4f Havilaiid township 43 Hawley township 29 Hay, acres under 31 yield per acre in nortiiern districts .... 31, 09 ' ' over whole province 31 Healthful ness 4 Height of land, elevation of 20 position ot 21 Henwood township 61 Hemlock 17 bark 3, 8, 17 Herrtck town"hip 43 Herring Hillianl ililton ti Hiinswoi desvi lldg-rais 86 PAOK. 31» 47 20, 59 ed diH- 27 26 .... 22, 53 20 28 21) 34 19 70 39 47 .... G9, 70 19 . . 20, 5!), fi8 34 river, 14 14 13,14 3» .... 4.), 70 28 20 28 28 19 33 ... 34 13 19, 20 21 12, l.S, 09, 70 • .. 53 14 14 inis- 71 58 30 . / 34 29 59, 73 30 3.> 3(i 40 28 « 7 10 16 GO 38 48 01 01, T3 39 47 43 29 31 31, 09 31 4 20 21 01 17 3, 8, 17 43 HnrriiiR Hiiliaril townMliip Hilton townnhii), ropulation HiinRWorlh townHhip d(iHi:ri|ilion of II<i(;-rai(tinif, advantHKes fur " Rinall iiogii vory profitaliln UogR, nunibpr of vaIiip of Hold in 1893 " value of " " iMir head inark'tt fur HoniH niiirketH .... HomeHtoadH. Scr " Free Orantu." IIurncH, nuinber uf ValllH nf sold ill 1893 " vidiie of , " " per head Hucklt'bpirieH Ilud on H»y poot, Fort Franoix Bear Inlund Tfinj.^-ainint; Abbitibbo , HudH >n towiiHhip charncter of Hii^el towiiRhi]), r><>pulation Huron lako eU'vation Rhort'H rocky " f^oiid land beyond ooaHt Huh, . Uuronian r ickR diviHioti bftwenn Laurimtian and to Lake TeiiiiHcaiiiinK to head of Montreal rivrer the Inr^'est known area of rich in inin'-rulH Hiintsville, elevation of Illinois crops compared with Northern On tario Imnrovrtl acreB, nmnher of ludepoiidence aohiuvnblu by a maii'rt own labor Indiana Htnte crop I compared with Norl,li' ern Ontario Indian lands acrenxe at^onciex lint of townxhipf termt of Hale tiif^ram township luw* or >pi) compared with Northern On tano iron bounty on \ng James liay, rich mineral district railway " route to Mor>H« Factory " length of routi) .FaHpar Jean d'oree Jig a-wa river Johns'm township dencfip'ion of JohnRton, Rev. U. A Knibn«kon(r r'vor KaminiKtitpiia » iDey Kunsas oompired with Northern On- tario ICnolin KurH townnhip ., I'AOK. 2rt 01 28 88 48 12 13 82 82 83 83 33 09 8,70 32 32 33 .'18 33 13 m 5(i 59 04 01 02 29 •M 7 7 19 19 19 19 in 19 21 81 29 ■•i,7 31 42 a 42 42 01 31 L'O, 5!) 42 26 25 25 25 20 20 21 80 4S 73 35 4J Kntrine, elevation of Keewatiii Kt-rm township Killarney, i.opulation KilUrney bay, Keolnify of KinK^t>ln, winter temperature KipjiewH river Kirkpatriek towni-hip KirkwiMid townnhip dpHcrip ion of Korah township population PAQI. ai 68 fll 28 19 8« 68 39 39 49 39, 19 28 LabonTH* wages in northirn districts " over whole |«oviuc« La ClocliB creek \t\% Grii^<-n, Wis., winter temperature La'iy ICvelyn lake, copper Kalenii Laird towuHhip Lukt" (if 1 liH Woods MillngOo Land the great reHiitiroe bi'iketi churactor of, the only drawback Land Titles Act Liinls open for location Its free grants .... LauiN occupied, acre.) occupiers of, number owiiern of, numlHir tenant! of " einployees on " ini|irove{1, acres under cr;)|is ... '^ in pHMture Woodland nnd f.)rcst giiif!.-!! and orchards Land^4 open for sale at 211 cents an acre .... at 50 cents an aoifj as rsi way lund.4 as mineral lands terniH of sale s<-ttlemeiit duties pine on . . when pine trees pi^s to patentuos. ... 16, timber other than pine " " when it passes to purchas- «.ri " " when tinder licensees' rights ceaHe pine and ininer.ils lesei vrd in railway lands . Larchwood station 43, Lanx Americana 17, Tja Fine : fn-le L'l^h t iwnstiip La'.itu te countries iM'tween 40 and 65 daijB. ^J!ths of c'.iltivub.e parts thereof in C.inada coiiioariKonH rf . . of further north places where agricul- ture succesKiul Nortlurn Ontario in the most produc- tive bnlr, of pfirti of Oiinada lying north of 40 deg. " i;nit.t.d States " " Old World Lauder township, p;ipulation Lauri'iit an, I iwer .... thick iii'MH of Or. K..,bi)rc Boll ou UpO'T rn neraln in Lauriff t'lwn.-liip di'.<(;! p()l,ii)u of r>a Viise ri ver 88 3» 47.60 80 20 20 48 05 W A 7 87 38 ao 29 29 29 29 M 29 29 29 89 40 40 40 1«. 17 80 IS 39,40 10,38 10,40 10 41 40, 09 59,05 84 07 13 18 14 14 15 15 15 15 2i) 19 19 19 19 10 3» 49 '22, 46 .i^ iitMk 80 Lefroy townHhip detcription of Liard, Fort, oropa at latitudt) of LimeBtonea . Lindsay, winter temiieraturc . Li»ter townHhip, population Little Current population . . . : achonl grant in 1803 temperature at rainfall at and Manitoulin railway . . . Little Pantoin creek Little White river Live Btock rrquiaiteH f(ir raising transportation of value of Hold in 1893 Lonf; Sault Rapids London, winter temperature Lome township description of Lorraine township Mclryine township McKiin township , ccpner, nickel, etc description of population Macdonitjd township . Mackenzie river, crops at forts on Macdonald township Magnetawan, elevation of Northern rail- way at Malarial dieuasea not known Mamainse, population Mangel- wurzels, acres under yield per acre in northern districts. . . . " over whole townships . . Manitoba crops compared with northern Ontario Manitou lake Manitoulin population acreage of Indian lands and Little Current railway 49, Maple Marble Margach, Mr. Win., on Rainy lake Markets, proximity to home Marquis township Marsh lake, elevation of Marten lake, elevation of Marter township Marsh lake Maakinongo Massey agency and agent station Mattawa agency and a^ent town school grant m 1893 pop;.lation, 1891 1894 township " population " description of Mattawa river 22, 44, 45, 46, elevation of mouth of " source of May township Means of acccsa Temiscaming Rainy River Memeaogamasing lake Meredith tov/nship PAOK. SO 49 14 14 19 :«i •211 22 30 23 36 36 40 51 62 3. 11 11 11 32 33 r.8 3U 41 49 01 «7 40 20 50 29 43 14 43 21 4 28 31 31 31 31 68 28 43 50,61 18, 65 19, 20 67 3 8 61 21 21 61 52 2(i 40 .50 39 23 29 30 39 29 50 50,51 20 20 40,50 24 69 69 48 43 I H.VOB. Merritt township 41 deHcription of .50 Metabetchonan river 21, 68 Mica 10, 20, 69 Michigan cropa compared with northern Ontario 31 Michipicoten, population 28 Milwaukee, Wis., winter temperature 36 Mineral lands 41 abstract of mining lawa 41 mineraU not inchidcd in free granta or Hales 41 owners of aurface rights entitled to damages 4) may be purchased or leased 41 milling locations, area of, north of Lake Wipissing, etc 41 " areaof, south of Lake Nipissing, etc 41 " in unsnrveyod town- ships . 41, 42 " in surveyed town- ships 41, 42 ■' pricuof 41 " tenure of 41 leases of 42 " renewals of 42 " lesfoes can (mly cut dry pine for fuel 42 pine reserved -Vi '* may be cut for building, etc .... 42 mining rights, price of 41 " surface owner has priority 42 new mine, rights of discoverer 42 new vein " 42 vein distant three miles from kncwii mine on sanid vein 42 royalties 42 " not imposed till seven years after patented or leused . . 42 " as to lands patented before 1st Jan., 1900 42 in Rainy River district 68 Mineralogy 19 exploration of these districts in its in- fancy as yet 20 Minerals reserved on free grant lands .... 37 on lands Kold 39 on railway lands 41 at Tumit'cuming 50 in Upper Lnurentian rocks 19 in Huronian rocks lit non-metallic ' 19, 20 Miners, supplies for 8 Mining Act abstract .. 41 Mining locations. See " Mineral lands." Mining leases. Sec " Mineral lands." Mining rights. Sec " Mineral landa." Mining royalties. See " Mineral lands." MinneapMis, Minn., winter temperature . . 36 Minnesota crops compared with northern Ontario 31 Missanibi river 21 Missionaries, home 23 Missisagua reserve 43 Missisagua river 'i'i, ij, 47, 64 Missiaagua, population 28 Miesouri crops compared with borthern Ontario 31 Mustassini lake, copper finds extend to . . 20 Montreal winter temperature 36 Montreal river 21 , 57 copper 20 roofing slates 20 Moorhead, N. Uak., winter temperature . . 36 Moose 26 not to be killed till let Oct., 1895 .... 26 Moose riN Morley t(| south Mountiiiij Mud lakd Municipu inatitl Muskokal coiniiT vaciel averaT mutti harder Muskokal 87 HAOK. 41 50 21, 68 1«,20, 69 northern 31 28 ture 8« 41 41 grrants or ■; 41 titl(-d to 41 41 1 of Lake , etc.... tl 1 of Lake , otc 41 ill town- , 41,42 41,42 41 41 42 42 pinb for 13 42 to . . . 42 41 ity .... 42 42 42 ktK'WIl 42 42 n vearH ased . . 42 before 42 ti8 ...... 1!) its ill- ^ 20 8 .... a? 3<) 41 f)0 1!> 1!» .... 19, 20 8 41 ds." ds." ure . . 3(5 rthern 31 21 23 43 2'i, 1;/, 47, 64 28 'them 31 Ito .. 20 36 ... 21, 67 20 20 lire . . 30 2t> 2(; Mooie river .... Morley townahip . . Houth of Moiiatiin ravids Mud lake Municipal Btatiatioa institutions Muskuka, population comparison with former censuui*. varieties of apples and grapes for average annual rainfall mutton hardwood logs, value of Muskoka lake, elevation of IMCK. 21 07 07 68 47 «0 7 20 30 34 38 12 16 21 Nairn, south half description of Nasbensing lake Nebraska crops compared with Northern Ontario. Nelles township Nelson btation township New mine, rights of discoverer of New York State crops compared with Northern Ontario Ifeioi, Toronto, extracts from Niagara formation at LakeTemixcainiiig . . Nickel, where found _ NipiHsing dJHtrict, boundaries agricultural capabilities millions of acres in extent population rornpari8on with former consusoi varieties of apples for character of towiwhips Gibson, T. W., on school grant in 18!)3 school expenditure in 18'J3 number of schools Nipissing lake 22,45,46,48, elevation of Nipissing township NipiKsing village, population Indian reserve, population Norman Norman Fort, on Mackenzie river, crops. . latitude of ". North Bajr station elevation of town population school grant in 18!)3 separate do North bay and Temagatni, country Ijetwc^en North bay and Teniiscaming, country lii'- tween road to Teniiscaming ..•.■• iS'iirlhern districts, agricultural capabilities of crops compared with whole of Ontario and best American State.') crops of 18'J3 compared with former years farm wages in 18'J3 fruit Btatiatics varieties of apples for " grapc'4 " ornamental trees for . Northern Extension Railway, elevation of points along tli<' line highest point on Northern limit of cereals 41 61 44, 6li 31 07 49 29 42 31 79 20 19, 59 9 6 (i 2!t 29 34 4:< 70 23 24 24 52, n\ 21 ;w, 61 29 21) 06 14 14 66 21 29, 30 23 23 67 57 67 32 33 33 34 34 31 21 21 14 Oats aorei under yield per acre in northern dlstriots .... " over whole province .... Comparison withWent American States crop of 1893 comparison with average of former years Occur>ied acres, number of Occupiers of land, number Ohio State crops compared with Northern Ontario Olrig township Onaping station river Ontario lake, elevation of Ontario, northern districts, agricultural capabilities of Ontario, crops of, whole province compared with northern districts Opinicon river Opinions of settlers Hon. A. S. Hardy Hon. J, Uryden A. IJhiB T. W. (Jibson T.A. Uregg J Cunmee W. Margach ( )i'chard8 and gardens, acres in, 1889 " 1894 < irillia, winter temperatiini OrnaioKntal trees for northern districts . . . ( Islc'r township, population Oswego, New York, winter temperature . . Ottawa, winter temperature < )itawa rivor 21, at Mattawa, elevation of source of from Mattawa to Teniiscaming Otter not to be killed before Is-; N()v., 1897 Olter (.'reek Ottortail, |>!>puIation Olturtail lake Ottertail river Owners of land, iiuii.ber < )x«n, use of PAOB. 18 81 31 31 31 91 32 29 2» 81 20 46 46 20 « 31 21 76 7« 68 69 60 71 07 67 76. 79 31 34 38 34 29 .% 36 45, 50 20 21 r,s, 72 27 68 28 62 57 29 11 Oak, red 17, 65 white 17 I'ac.uil township .... (Ji I'akawaiiiengan lake 47 Pantois creek 45 Papitieau township 39 population 29 dt'Hcription of 51 I'arke township 31) (lescription <,f 5] Parkinson towiiKhip 39, 62, (i9 Parry So'iud district, poiiulation 29 " comparison with former cen- (■"•ios :,o T'artly cleared farms for sale 21, 69 Pasture, acres under 29 Patterron town-hip 3jj description of 52 Patton township ,39 description of .'•)2 Pattullo tov/nsliip aj Paxton cowiii-hip, population 29 Peace river, crops at ... 14 Poach trees, number of 33 Pear trees, number of 33 Peas i;{ acres under. , 31. yield per acre in northern districts ... 31 " over whole province.. . . 31 >^%:<: juenj-iLJ^ 8f* FACiK. Peae, near Ghelinsford (»1) Peck tuwDRbip 2!) Peiincfnthor tuwnahip 43 Pennxylvhiiia oropN cumpartd with Nur- tliero Uiitario 31 Pentlaiiil toMinHhip. (lopulatiou 21) People, char a ter of 22 no row d\ ism 23 Pfitei borough, winter temporaturn 80 Pewaukee apple 31 PhelpB tuwiiAhip 21) FhoHphate of lime 10 Pigs. Hfe " Hogs " Pike and pickeuil 20 Pine lake 44 Pine, white 10 rnd 10 pitch 10 Uank^ian . 10 Pine tree regulations 10 Pine tieeH on f ite grants 15, 38 " title remain* in Crown 16, 38 on lauds sold 10, 38 " when they pafts to pHtentee. . . 10 on railway lundH 41 on mineral iHudx 42 settierx may cut for clearing, building and fencing 10 cut dining Clearing, if sold, muht pay timber due^t 10 patentee < f free grant lot entitled t<> one-thi'd of timb«r dnes 10 on Rainy River grants, pus.-i to patentcoN <iK Pinuf sti <)bu» 10 rigidtt Hi resiiiiiaa 10 Bunkiiiana 1(1 Plnm troff, number of 33 Pjumh. wild 13 Pluminer «iid Plummer Additional 3!) descriptinn of 52 Pointe anx I'ius Ov! Poplar, a>pen 17, 05 baistiiu 17 laigu toothed 17 for pulpwood 10 Population, centers of 30, 05 returnii 28 compariBnn with former 2!( iiicreasH Biiice 1871 30 Populus, tieniulo.dos 17 balsainifura .... 1 7, <i6 grandidentata 17 Porcelain cay 25 Porphyry lit P<)rta.;»'p, obhervation at, niiflt-ading 9 Poit Arthur and WnBtern Kailway Oi» Port Findlay, tiopulatiiiii 28 Port Huron, Aiich., winter ternpeiature. . 30 Portland, Maine, winter teniptrauire .... .'j(! Potatoes 13 acren under 31 yield ler acre iu norihern districts. ... 31 " over whule province .... 31 Poultry, number of 32 vulue of 32 sold in 1803 33 " value of ... . ;a " " per head 33 Powas.«an agency and agent 3K village, elevation of 21 Preservation of forests from fire 18, lU Press extract^' from fi'.f, 79 Prices, agricultural, world-wide fall of 5 Prince towni-hip y.'.t, 53 Products of forest 15 PAOK. Produetw, range of 3 variety ol 3,0 Providence Kort, crops at It litlitude oi It Pio.viiniiy til market 3 1-ublic m lio il inspector to set a]iart ichiiol rectiuns 23 report on Altroma and Nipissing 21 PuIpwiHjd induriry 3. 8, 10, 17 CjualititH necessary to attract settlers . t^u. bee, winter temperature (^ui'en'H hui-h, the new IjucrcuH ulna Cjiieiciih rubin t^iiinze des, Luc C^uiuzedts, river 4 80 70 17 17 21 21,58 Railway odvantages 3, 24, 26, CO nites coiiti oiled by water routoii 24 Rail wtiy laud.i fur sale 40 pi ii.u and terius of sale 40 Meitleinuiit dm es 40 pine and minerals lowrved 40 Railway tiei>, number bought by Canadian i'ac.tiu ill Aigoma 8 Rainfall, Lioiii.tiful 9 at, il.iileyliuiy 30 at I. iltio Current 3(^ at M..t awa 30 at fjauit Hio. Mario 30 avei agu annual 30 Uainy lake 00, 08 Kumy Uiver townships 07 i- 1 eo Grants Act 08 Rainy River district 05 acres »H^eHl<ed 30 ncies of arab.e land 66 ag*'UCieH and agents 07 a»re>.-nient 30 centres ot population Ori clim.tte and crops 05, 00, 67 V^ iiioee, Mr. .lames, opinions 07 exltiit i>f food land unaerestiniateJ ... 07 extracts fr. .Ill proas 0!* 1' OI t 1' rauciH 00 Ftet: liiaut agents ...'. 07 ■' and Homestead Act ti8 Hon. J. Drydeii's.oiiin ons 60 lion. A. f<. Hardy's opinions 6l> Kiiiniiiihtiquiu valley 00 Kenw«tin 60 Luke ot the Woods 65 " Milling Co 00 Manitou lake 68 Riui'natli'o, Mr. Wm., opinions 07 menus of access O'J niiiieiul lands 68 ^«olUlan GO \)\uf. on Uainy River grants puHses to 1 atei.tei-h 68 Port Ai ihur and Western Railway. . . , 00 R.II..J l,.kn 66,08 It.ioy liner agtncy 07 Rill lA rt.ige 65 agency 68 seasons 00 bhe^'iiiidowiin lake 68 sitiiai Hm and liouiiilarieA 05 tax ttioii, Mliiuiint of 30 I)t;r hta«l 80 timb-r 05 townships, list of, open f jr location ... 67 Vrmiilionlake .. 68 %wi;tku- powers, large 65' 8tf PAOE. 3 3, tt U 14 3 \tt ich'iol 23 Dg 21 3.H,1«,17 ers 4 Hi 70 17 17 21 21, &(J 3,24, 26, GO i» 24 40 40 40 40 Janadian » 9 30 «t> 3« 3l> 36 66,08 07 08 65 30 65 67 80 eri 66,66, 67 67 ated ... 67 ... 6!» 66 67 t 68 66 6l> 66 66 65 66 68 67 6!> 68 CO Bses to C« ►ay .... 66 .... 66, fW 67 65 68 66 68 65 30 80 65 ion ... 67 . .. 68 65 PAOK. RMifffl of produoti 3 KM|iberriei 13, 34 R«t PottaKe «ft •genoy ancl agent A7 Kfttter townihin 20 Raytide townthip 30, 68, 71 Red Bietigheiiner apple 31 Red clover 13 Red pine 16 Red top 13 Reindeer 26 not to be killed before Cotober, 1805 . . 27 Religion* advantageit 23 River ayitems 21 Robillard townnhip 61 Rook lak« 53 Rocky ridgei more prominent than formid- able 7 Hhould not be cleared 7, 10 extent of, ove eiitimated compensating advantages 8 usually forest-crowned 16 Roddick township ■ 07 Root River, population 28 Roots, extraordinary yields 13, 78 Rose township SO, 63 Rosebery township 67 Royalties, mining. See " Mineral lands ". Rush to cities, reaction against 6 Rutherglen station 44 Rye, acres under 31 yield per a(.:e in northern districts 31 " over whole province 31 St. Joseph's Island 39, 64, 77, 78 population 28 agency and agent 39 St. Lawrence apple 34 St. Mary river 48, 62, 63, 64 St. Paul, Minn., winter temperature 36 St. Vincent, N. Dak., winter temperature. Sable river 60 Sale, terms of, Temiscaining ... 01 Sales. See " Lands open for sales " Salter township 40, 64 Sault. Long 68 Sauli Jte. iViarie, (xipulation, 1801 28 1804 30 temperature at 36 rainfall at 35 agency and agent 30 wniid pulp industry 8 latitude of 14 school grant in 1803 23 separate do 23 express extracts from 60, 70 Saskatchewan, North, crops in 14 Savard townnhip 61 Scenery, variety of 0,10 Schools and churches 6, 7 School sections 23 in I' -or^aniztd districts 23 to\vii8i..,>.s to assist 23 stiiwudiary magistrate or school in- spector to set apart 23 Legislative Asvenibly grant 23 amiiunt of, in 1893 23 Scott'H winter apple 34 Sciub pine 16 Seaiioufl at Temiscaining 50 Rainy River 66 Serpentine 19 Serpent river 22, 54 Settlement proceeding rapidly 6 bettleraent duties in respect of free grant:!. 37 lauds sold 39 ; — • ^; PAor. Settlement railway landi i(f Settlers, hardships of the early 6 " opinions 76 to 00 Seven League lake 6A Sharp township 61 Shebnndowan lake 68 Shedden township 40,64 Hhenston township 67 Sheep, number of 8S value of 83 sold in 1898 88 " value (5f 88 " " per head 88 raising 77 districts noted for extraordinary mutton 13 and dogs 13 Shibaoaning bay 19 Silver-bearing galena 20 Simpson, Fort, crops at 14 latitude of 14 Slates, rooting 30 Slave lake, crops at Great 14 Small capitalists, best Held for. ... 8, 6, 6, 76, 77, 78 Snider, copper and nickel 30 Sold lands. ,S<e "Lands sold." South river 22, 48, 49, 61 station, elevation of 31 Spanish river 22, 43, 47, 49, 60, 51, 68 agency and agent 40, 41 population 28 station 64 Springer township, population . . 39 descrifition of 64 Springs everywhere 10 Spruce for pulpwood 16, 17 Spiuce, balsam 17 black 17,65 white 17,66 Stipendiary magistrate to set apart school sections 38 Stobie station 48 Stock raising 8, 11 requicites for 11 transportation of H Stony lake, off Sundridge, elevation of 21 Strawberries 13, 34 varieties for north 84 Sturgeon 2tf Sturgeon lake 61 Sturgeon Falls 70 agency and agent 40, 41 station . 64 wood pulp industry g Sturgeon river 22, 64 Sudbury industries .... agencies and agent minerals gold, copper, nickel .... galena popuK-vtion, IHOl 1894 Sultana island Superior, Lake, elevation of Swine. See "Hogs." Syenite 49 71 40 20 20 20 29 80 68 20 19 Tait township 67 Talon lake 44 Tamarao 17. 57, 65 Tanbark 3, 8, 17 Tarbutt and Tart)utt Additional 39 description of 48 station 48 Taxation, amount of 80 - per head 30 7 (N.D.) 90 I'AOI. 'Tcmaffami Uke 66, 75 and Nnrth bay, country between fi7 ulevation n( 31,33 islands in 33 'T«^iiii«OHmit)K xettlement 68 analyHJit of clay from Hi) Hoie ilt-H I'erei 74 UlaiichH rivflr 58, 02, (IS KronKon fariii 72 ]{iii'k« towHHhip, character of 01, 7'A Canadian Pacitic, nurthnrn oxtnnsion. . 36, 00 CaHey tuwnihip, character of 01, 03 clay, analyaiH of 00 crops of 50 depth of soil 79 ])yniund township, character of 61, <i\ 78 ea>) ly cleared 61(, 74 Episcopal Cliuroh 7A excellence of local markets 74 Farr, Mr. C. 60 Father Thereau 74 Father Paradls 73 ilatfKtones from islands V.O Ke'Angy of 20, 68 Gibson, T. W 69 GreKfr> "^^ ^-t notes ot a tour 71 Haileybury 5ft Harri-i t'>wnRhip, character of 61, 02, 73 Hiiirton township, character of 61, 02 HudRon Bay post 17 Hunmian rocks . . 19 Johnston, Rev. D. A 73 Kippewa. 68 lake, dimensions of 58 list of townships 01 " open for settlement. . . 01 Long Sault 5« means of access 00 Metabptchonan 58 mineral finds 69 Montreal river 57, 72 " Korge of 72 New Queen's Bush GO Niagara limestone foimation 20, 68 North Bay, country between 67 North Bay, road from 67 opening of navigation 58, 59 Ottawa river, from Mattawa up 58, 72 Ottf r creek Ottertail river Quince, river des rapids on Ottawa seasons 8even League lake situation of Temiscaming , terms of purchase timber Walibe's bay . 68 67 58 68 59 58 58 01 59 Wahlm's creek 58, 61, 63 (12 20 20 4 36 35 35 35 WahbftVjioint. 'TemiBcaniinglake, geology of lands north of elevation of Tt^mperate climate Tenipet'ature at Sault Ste, Marie Little Current Mattawa Haileybury winters of Canadian and American cities 3(i Tenants of land 29 Teiibv hay, p'>pulation 28 Tetofski apple 34 Thessalon river 22, 46, 49, 63 TheSi^alon town, population SO TheHsalon township 39, 43, 71 population 28 agency and agent 39 PAdl. Thnmp'on township 39, 64 Th'iriicliffe station 4S Thuja iKsoidenfali* 17 Tilia Americuna 18 Tilley township 48 Timber at Temi'caming 69 Timber licensee's rights lA, 88 " " when timy cease. . . 10,88 Timber other th:ui pine" on frt^i grants 10, 38 " on iindsHold 10 " when it pasres tolncatoe or purchaser 16, 38 Timothy 13 Toronto, winter temperatU'o 36 and James Bay Kailway 25, 09 " " route to Moose factory . 36 " •' length of line. 26 Torrens system of land titles 37 Townships, character of 43 open for location under " Free lirant Act " 38 open for salo at 20 uents an acre 39 " at 60 cents sn acre 40 " an railway land 40 " " pine on. . 39,40 Trout, kinds of 20 Trout lake 46 elevation of 20 Tupper township 43 Turnips, acres under ._ 31 yield per acre in Northern Ontario. ... SI " over whole province .... 31 Turtle lake 44 UlmuB American » 18 fulva 18 racemnsa 18 United States compare I with Northern Ontario 4, 31 homeHtead lands aluoHt oxhuusted 4 land in hands of speculators and land companies _. . 4 dealings with such companies unsatis- factory 5 much of their land too far from seaboard 5 " troubled with drouth 6 Unorganized tt>rritory in Algoma and Nipis- sing . .... 28 schools in 23 no taxes except for schools 30 Value of farm land 32 buildings •! 82 implements 32 live stnck 32, 38 total farm property 83 Vankoiighnet Unvn-hip 43 Varieties of apples for northern districts. . . .S4 grapes for northern districts 34 strawbei rifs 84 Vatit-ty of products 3, 6 " scenery 9 Vas», River la 22, 40 Vegetables 13 Vermilion Uke 08 Vermilion river 22, 44, 40, 49, 51, 09 Veroer station 45 Vernon nver, elevation of 21 Veuve liver 22, 45 Victoria township 40, C4 Wabizigig lake 51 Wages of farm laborers in northern d.s tricts 33 Wag« Watib Wftbb Wahb Wahn la ■^ew ^■w-<»*« 91 rAOC. Wagei ol (»rin Uboren over whole province 8S WiSibeVb^y 7a Wfthbe'4 creek 81, M, 63 Wahbc'H point 72 Wkhnapitn river 23 Uke, copper and nickel 20 Kolrt 20 Wklbrid^re apple 84 Wapiti 2rt not to be killed bofiire Ootober, 1896 . . 27 WaqufkobinK lake 40, 47, 49 Water conmvinicationii 8,7,21 ■■ 8 8 10 10 10 10 71 20 21 21 54 84 Wat«>r, lar^o bodici of, influence on olinnnte food diippiy from pverywlioio imrity and Hoftnes-t iieiifttioial uSect of luftneHii. . p iwern Watnri townihip._ copper and nickel Waternlied, elevation of poeition of Watford atation W«aitliy apple Weather. See "Temperature." WpbhwoiKl Htation 47 Welle township 'M\ 64 Weetern States, farmere' fuel bill 10 Wheat 13.77 Whrut, fall, acre* under 81 yield jier acre 81 apring, acreii under 81 yield [>«r acre 81 " ia iiorthorn dittricta 81 *' over whole province 31 " iu bo8t American States. 81 crop of 1803, northern dii*triota 82 " oom{>ared with average of former yean 82 ^Vhiteath 18,66 Whitebiroh IT cedar 17 clover IS " indigeooui 18,99.78, 79, »« oak IT pine 16 Whitefl h : M Whitefl«h river SI Whitetinh valley 6S Whitewater lake 6S WidditiHld township 29, 41, 64, 69 population 29 Wildfruitd IS Wilkne townnhip, population 99 Windyluke 46 Winni;.>>ff, winter temperature 86 Wintero Ie«» Revere than Western Statei . . 8 WiBcon<*in cro|Mi compared with Northern Ontario SI Wiatawaning river 46 elevation of 31 Wolves 36 bounty for killing 36, 27 " in Algoma and Nipiuing.... . . 37 Woodland . See " Foreete. " Woodland, acre* occupied under 99 WoihIs, (jukH of the 66 Woo(ly«tt township 67 Wool clip, fleeces SS pounds ', 89 Work plentiful 8,8 Worthington township 67 Yellow Transparent apple 84 Yield iier aero S " exceeds that of best American States 8 Yukon, Fort, crops at 14 latitude of 14 INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Op|X)4ite page F»rni of I >i.ncuu A. McLean. Markslay P.O. 16 Farm of Aicliie lirown, Warren 16 Farm near (>ailftmlor Sta inn 32 Farm of W. N. Murphy, Mattawa 32 Farm of S. B. 0<«burne, 'Macdi>iiaid 48 Oppoate pas* House of G. C. Farr, Haileybnry, Temia- caming 48 Steaniors of Lumsden Line on Lake Temia- Cuming k 64 House of John Armstrong, Dymond 64 Ekraiom.— On pa^e 8, the IStli line froir cbe bottom should rekd, " working on govaraasat rotdi, <Iiridge8,otc.^ ■ . '' '1 ii«ii ««' T j»»«pv.< ". H" 'ir fi" ! i' «! m -^^;-(.: ^^^ Its OUR 1 1 W Northern District t f^^ur b