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The liberal and extensive encourage- ment which it has experienced during that short interval, affords the most satisfactory proof of the accuracy of those principles upon which it was offered to the i>ublic, and of that solici- tude, which, to the credit of this country, is so generally evinced for the Welfare of honest indus* Iry. Encoura.rcd by the generous pattonage which has already been given, the propnetor is induced to issue this prospectus with the view of soliciting subscriptions in those parta of this and the sister province to which this publication might proVe of utility or interest, either as a commer- cial or political Journal. In submitting these proposals to the public, the Editor conceives it pro* per again to state, that he has no desire whatever to interfere with any similar establishment, either existing or which may be proposed. Actuated by no other moUye than that of render* ing himself useful in his own department, his only View U to furnish t^ie public with a work, which, from the judicious and impartial manner in which it shall ever be his aim to conduct it, may prove wortliy of their countenance. He shall spare neither pairiS nor expense to provide for them a fund of Iniormation ou every important and interesting Subject,— acceptable to his read- ers and of adviiiitage to the community at large. On these r/i ounds alone tlie Publisher is induced to issue this l>rospectuS,— Neither allied to party nor influenced by prejudice, he will make it hi^ study to give as correct an account of every occurrence, as his knowledge and oppoi tunlties may enable him to produce. In dis- charging tlie duties of hia office, the Editor is determiuud that truth, impartiality and candor, ghall e/cr be the leading principles of his} condua, and he hopes that his steady adherence to these piiudiile.-, will acquire him tlie kind approbatijn of his^ patrons and fellow citizens. — Such are the objects o^, aad outline of the manner in which it is intended to conduct the Meb. CANTILE JotftNAL. As it shall adva.rce and the publisher*s means increase, his exertions shall not be wanting to add to itb uswialiit:js, and render it more deserving of the BUpport anv* enccarr.gciTxnt of the public* CONTENTS. In Rctcctmg the malter for t'lif. publication, it shall be the Editor*s ccftiStant endeavour to form m''"^- .rraii.?emcnts as may render it extensively and permanently useful* It will embrace In 5^e!cc,tini? the mnlter for tliin ttuhii ration, it shall be tne Editor's constant endeavour ta In Rc!ccting the matter lor tliir: publication, it shall be the Editor's c(ftwtant endeavour ta form RU^ '^^ .rrait.C'emcnts as may re julcr it t^tcnsively and permanently useful* It will embrace ation, It sliali be tile Editor's cdnstant endeavour to form f)uch '»rraiij:^ements as may render It extensively and permanently useful* It will embrace whatuver h important or mtk'.tvnxh'r; In the political occurrences of Europe and America. The proceedings of the Piovlntlil Ltgl^lature and eur Domestic Intelligence, &c, occfasioually, Report' 'jid Pppers on the I'radj, Ceuntierce and Agriculture of this country and Iheir rela- tioii wi'J: olhcr colonies ; — 4*s (»/rrcH't i\ situtemtrnt of the Prices Current d* articles of import and crpo) I at iliis aiarktt a:-j it imy be ]» icticable to olrtain ;— crttracts from the Priccb Current of otise; }.;]ac».s ; — a carrtvt i\A c>i' the ai ri\al and departure i>f ^e«;sel» at Quebec, with a gene- ral siatt kiicnt of their cargoes, t^Mi the niuncs, of the diiHerent CotMignees, Or shippers eoiM^emed in the same, v, itli every informati()il on that av Other hviuh, trhlch may prove of utility to, err inte- ri'St the Mercantile Body in thi?^ cttiuMry, and whic h nwry renJer it a complete and general reposi- tory for Commercial and PoVii.iil IindllgenLt'.*- The publisher trusts, that his exertions, combi- jied vvitli theasj^istance which wi!i h* affiyrdeii, ivlil enable him to realise the princiintl object of his dv ign, which is to rendtt hh. jj'pcr ofp.-JtliG tdiJiti/ and deserving of general encouragement* The MEHCATfTiri? JorR?*.4t is i/uWJ>hea on tlie WEDNESDAY of each WeeL At pre^-eut in the Engliah lan^uasge only. It is primed on good paper, with new and elegant type* Tlift • ii e, for the present, is Dtmy, which will be increased to a sheet of Royal, as soon as a number of h uvertisements sufticient to supply the difference of labour, have been received. The subscription is Four Dollars per anmmi, exclusive of postage, payable half-yearly, in advance, Tlie first half-yearly subscription to be paid on subscribing.' The 1- (Jitor now respectfully submils the merHs of his proposals to the impartial judgment Ola discermngpuWic, and looks with confidence to their decisi(ori, in whish, he is convinced, they wil. acknowledge the utility i^f his undertaking, and afford it their generous approbation and encouragement. OcxQBEK, 1816» GEORGE J. WRIGHT.