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Y(, , J ■^ ^^^i||F\#|n .^-fev^J' * '■*>^'<"J«,V% THE TORONTO GENERAL OFFICES AND TRTI^T^ TO SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS i i^ '>^ »-> A O \j\J. SouTrf-EAST Cor. Yonge & Colborne Sts. TORONTO CAPITAL, - - RESERVE FUJfD, .000,000 250,000 .directors : Freeldenlr-HON. BOWARD BLAKB, Q.O.. M.P. Vloe-Presidente— ( B. A. MBBBDITH, Bsq., Lli-D. JOHN HOSKIN, Esq.. Q.O., LUO. W. H. Bkattt, Esq., Vioe-Preaident Bank of T(»ontn. W. R. Brook, E'oration and Letters Patent the Company has arthoril^y to ondertoke and execute every kind of trust, and financial agencies of all descriptiona. Among tiie more important trusts, agencies and other offices whioh the Company is autho1^ Bed to discharge, the follomng may oe speoially mentioned :— 1. TniBtee under the Appointment o! Courts, Corporations and Private Individaab. 2. Executor, Administrator, Qnardian, Oommittee, Beceiver, or other otticail fiduciary functions. ■ 3. Agont for aayporson holding any of the foregoing offices. 4. Agent and Attorney for the management and Winding up of Estates. 6. Agent for investing money, collecting interest, dividends, mortgages, and generally for managing eny financial offices. 0. Beceiver and Assignee. Y^^ 7. Agent for the Issuing oad Oonntersigning of Stocloi, Bonds «nd othsr obligations, and for receiving and managing sinking fnnu. 8. Management of a Safe Deposit establishment for the secure custody of documents and valuables. The services of Solicitors who bring estates or business to the Company are retained. AU iKudiisss sntnistad to the Company will be aoonomleally and promptly attsndsd ta LOANS AND INTESTBIENT8. The Company has always at its disposal a lai^ge amount of funds whioh will be investsd at the lowest oa'.Tent rates of interest. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director, 5 V !AL CO. TT if .s- too ^00 rident Landi J Dirootor c Son, Ltd. >f Titles. President dOo. inion Bank. . i t NT r.thorily to Mcriptions. 'is author* ndividoals. ihm offioia)^ SitgM, and and otiisr custody of e retained. ndedta •ainrestod Director. THE LIBRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Ml if 'f^K''. r^^^ifff^t^^my^' • !• 1896] jt&f ',.4 .**< Il 11 1896] ADVERTISEMENTS. Imperial Bank of Canada CAPITAL AUTHORIZED, $2,000,000. CAPITAL PAID-UP, $1,963,600. REST $1,156,800. Slrcctorg : H. S. HOWLAND, Presiden^ T. R. MERRITT, Vice-President. St. Catharines, WILLIAM RAMSAY. tOBKRT JAFKRAY. HUGH RYAN. T. SUTHERLAND 8TAYNER. Hon. JOHN FERGUSON. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. D. R. WII.KIE, Cashier. ESSEX FERGUS (iALT INQERSOLL NIAGARA FALLS PORT COLBORNE RAT PORTAGE yAULT STE. MARIE B. JENNINGS, Amdaut Ccuthkr. BRANCHES IN OHIAKIO: TORONTO, 34 Wel'gUin St. E. do. Cor. Yonge & Queen do. Cor. Yonge & Bloor E. HAY, Jnaptclor^ ST. CATHARINE* ST. THOMAS WELLAND WOODSTOCK WINNIPEG, Man. CALGARY, Albta. BRANDON, Man. EDMONTON, Albta. Brahches in Manitoba, North-West Territories and British Columbia : I PORTAGE I^ PRAIRIE, Man. I I PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. | VANCOUVER, B.C. Agents in Great Britain :— LLOYD'S BANK. Drafts on NEW YCtK and STERLING EXCHANGE Bought and Sold. DEPOSITS received and Interest allowed. MUNICIPAL and other BONDS and DEBENTURES Purchased. PROnPT ATTENTION PAID TO COLLECTIONS. Agents in Canada for the CHEQUE BANK, Ltd LONDON & CANADIAN Loan and Agency Co., Limited- President . . Col. Sik CASIMIR GZOWSKI, K.C.M.G., A.D.C. to the Queetr Vice-President— G. R. R. COCKBURN, Esq., M.A., M.P. Capital Total Assess $5,000,000 4,800,000 Money Lent on improved Real Estate at Lowest Current Rates. Municipal Debentures Purchaseu. DEBENTURES AND DEBENTURE STOCK ISSUED. Batv3s on application to J. F. KIRK, Head Oftice-103 Bay Street, TORONTO. MANAGER. 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. [1896 siiEiiiRjw E. mnm Public Accountant, Auditor, Assignee \PATTER50M&M&WARa/| «V\ t-'MP-fir.-jiU'j Dii s /^ 1 HEtabere ^mxk (Ehambere T A M BRASS SI6NS 1 xUMUJu oXKJulSJ. - - lUKUMlU Telephone Office, 1641. Cable Address, "SEVMOUH." " Residence, 1971. X — --■_■■ CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY 83 YONGE ST.. TORONTO ELCCTROTYPERS STEREOTYPERS . ^^ ENGRAVERS ... Ready Set Plates for Newspapers. Advertisements placed in American and Canadian Newspapers and Periodicals at Publishers' lowest rates. Estimates furnished free. Telephone 1871. P- DIVER, Manager. can-be foundattheShel Publishing' .snew 28A0ELAIDE WEST. building. :fi^Printinii$^Piibli5hinii&^. DESIGNERS, ENGRAVER5„AND, PHQTQGRAPHER5. [1896 1896] ADVKRTISEMBNTS. .1 ROTYPERS OTYPERS . VERS ... papers. nd Periodicals se. ',R, Manager. 3i (Xm, tohcn beginning the bccor- ation for a jgrcgcntation Jlb- brcfi0, is not mcrcig to attract the OMttoarb cge, but also to appeal to the nttnb ; to illuetrate anb tjibc abbi- tional point to the subject matter, bg meang of gptbolical ornament, appro- priate emblems anb miniature pictureB encrusteb in the initials, or tooOen into the borberings ; so that eberg besign beribcs a peculiar Oalue, from the fact that it coulb not, toithout absurbitg, be reprobuceb on ang other abbress. ADVKRTISKMKNT8. [1896 LAW BOOKS FOR MAOIftTRATEfi CLARK (S.R) magistrates' manual, 3rd Edition, ■TI#%\»I9 ■ ri#% ■ K9 iH5,3 under the Criminal Coile, etc., W 00 TASCHEREAU'S (HON. MR. JUSTICE) CRIMINAL LAW OF CANADA under the new Code and itn AniendmentH, 1893, 3rd Edition, 910 00. CORONEltS ^"^^ (JUDGE) ON OFFICE AND DUTIES OF CORONERS. ^'^'■•^^■^^■■^ A new 3rd edition juHt ready nearly double the size of former edition. Cloth, $3 50. Half calf, W 00. CONSTABLES JONES- (J. T.) constables' manual, pointing out ^^^^'^^ ■ »«^^^^ duties and quoting extracts of Statutes applicable to the various cases that arise. A new revised and enlarged edition. Cloth, 75c. Bound, >1 00. INftURANCE l_AVI# HUNTERS insurance corporations ACT ir«9Wn#%l'«WK k#%VV OF Ontario, giving the law of Ontario as it stands to-day for Fire and Life Insurance and Friendly Societies' Insurance, 1893. Cloth, $5 00. Half calf, $5 50. BUSINESS MEN '^'''''>''^,'^^^^i^'i:iZjeir ^ A new book of Practical Forms for ordinary transactions in a Conveyancer's Office. The »nost complete for Canada, 1893, $5 00. PlJRt_IA MEET INfifi I'he Chairman's Guide at Meetings of Directors, r%^^9mt\^ ITIKB I II^^HO Shareholders, Councils, etc. The procedure at all classes of public meetings, by J. G. Bourinot, LL.D., Clerk of the House of Commons. Cloth, 83 00. Half calf, »3 75. A new work, just ready, by S. R. Clarke, Barrister, etc., 1120 pages DOMINION COIIVEYANCER LANDLORD AND TENANT Half calf, $10 00. If price i« tent with order, any of the above boolct will be tent pott or exprei* prepaid to any part of Canada. Address, THE CAR8WELL CO., Ltd., TORONTO, CANADA CAJ TH£ RISK TEACHERS' AGENCY BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO We supply teachers with positions and School Boards with suitable teachers. Terms to teachers on appli- cation. No charge to Boards. When in the city call and see us. ' W. 0. McTAGGART, B.A. (TOR. UNIV) Manager D EBENTURES PURCHASED We are always open to make offers for Municipal Bonds, and Municipal Officers will find it to their interest to communicate with U8 before selling, as we are among the largest buyers. STOCKS We buy New York, Toronto and Montreal on margin carrying them at the lowest rates of interest. H. O'HARA & GO. Member Toronto Stock Exchange 24 TORONTO ST. - TORONTO CONTAININ( DEP^ C THE A8TR0N PUl Entered according TriR Copi [1896 FORTY'HINTU TEAM OF PVBLICATIOH, ■d Edition, ler the new >RONERH. leof fonner • ointing out 3able to the nd, »1 00. IONS ACT intrtfio as it 893. Cloth, should buy cticttl Fonn» (isactionH in ^ of Directors, •ocedure at all of Commons. iy by S. R' ic, 1120 page» prepaid to , CANADA RES THE CANADIAN ALMANAC, AMD ^i0cdlaneott0 girectarg, rnn tub vbar 1896, BEING LEAP YEAR. CONTAINING PULL AND AUTHENTIC COMMERCIAL, STATISTICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, DEPARTMENTAL, ECCLESIASTICAL, EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL, AND GENERAL INFORMATION. to make 5ond8, and find it to licate with are among THE ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE EXPRESr.LV FOR THIS PUBLICATION AT THE MAGNETIC OBSRRVaTORY IN TORONTO. foronto and Irying them berest. 00. |Exchani:e ?OBONTOi TORONTO: THE GOPP, CLARK COMPANY (LIMITED). Entered according to Act of Parliament in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-flve, by Tnii CoPH, Clark Oompant (Limitkd), in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. 6 ADVRRTISEMENTS. L1896 1896] ANNUAL CLEARING SALE FURNITURE NEXT THE MAIL BUILDING. Largest and Cheapest Stock in the City. Fine Upholstered H Furniture ■ a Specialty. S China Closets, H Music Cabinets, v B^^BI ^m^ Fancy Parlor and Library Tables, Bedroom Suites, Mahog:any, Curly Birch, Oak and Walnut. LARGE ASSORTMENT. The whole of our present Immenee St jok of CHOICE, ARTISTIC NEW FURNITURE, will be offered at Special Reduced Prices to make room for New Pall Shipments next month. EXTRA VALUES IN OFFICE FURNITURE, TABLES AND CHAIRS. Toronto Furniture Supply Co., Limited. 56 KING STREET WEST, (Next the Mail Building.) NELSON 95, 96, [1896 1896] ADVEBT1SEMKNT9. •E ARE YOU RUPTURED? THEN TRY THE WILKiNSON TRUSS Kor safely, comfort and durability it cannot be beaten, and is warranted to hold any- reducible hernia. This Tru8!, on account of the pivot point, adapts itnelf to any motion or position of the body, ho that when a proper flt is Mecure2 Solicitors k Barristers, Ont 28H Sons of England 265 Sons of Ireland Protestant AM'n. 265' Stanstead Wesleyan College 244 Star Table 14 Stxrs, Mean places of Zi Secretary of State, Departm'nt of 99 Steamship Lines in the Dominion 162 St. Andrew's Society 265 St. George's Society 26fr St. Hilda's College 247 St. Jerome's (>ollege 246 St. Michael's College 245 Stuarts and Hanoverian Succes'n i 6 Sundays in 1896 16 Sun on Meridian IS. Sun, Times of Rising and Setting 16 Sun's Declination 16 Sunshine, hours of 40 Supreme Court of the Dominion 267 Sup. Court of Judicature, Ont. . 268 Surrogate Courts 269 Tariff of Customs 45 Tariff of Excise 5» Temperature, Average 41 Temperature at Principal Cities 283 Thunder Stonns, Number of 40 Time at Various Places 14 Tide Tables, Halifax ;14 Tide Tables, Quebec 35 Toronto Church School 246- Toronto College of Music 247 Toronto Collegiate Institute 246 Toronto Conservatory of Music. 247 Towns and Officials of 27» Township Municipalities 274 Trade and Commerce, Dept. of . . 9» Trades and Labor Council 264 Treasurer, Provincial, Ontario.. 113 Treasurer, Provincial, Quebec .. 118 Treasurers, County, Quebec 286 Trinity College School 246 Trinity University 241 Trinity Metlical College 249' United Brethren in Christ 156 United Workmen, Ancient Order 265- Universalist Church 156 University of Ac^ulia College 243 University of King's College, Windsor 243 University of Bishop's College Lennoxville 242 University College Corporation 239 University of Mt. Allison College 247 University of Manitoba 243 University of New Brunswick,. 243 University of Ottawa 242 University of Toronto 239 Upper Canada Bible Society . 262 Upper Canada Tra<^t Society 262 Upper Canada College 245 Upper Transit Polar Star 10 Value of Foreign Coins 60 Venus and Mars, Disc of 14 Viftoria University 241 Villages and Officials of 279 VVentworth Pioneer & His. Soc . . 264 ' Wesleyan Ladies' College 248 I Wesleyan Theological College . . 244 Western Ontario .Shorthand Aca- demy 248 Western University and College Lon" 10 = +0' 19" Moon's Phases.— This Table gives the times (standard 75th meridian)* when the Moon passes the geocentric longitudes of 0°, 90°, 180°. and 270° east of the sun. It gives also the times of her greatest and least di.stance from the earth. From the time of the upper transit of the Pole Star may lie found the time of its greatest western or eastern elongation, by adding or subtracting the constants given in the annexed Table. Latitude h Constant ,6 Difference for 10' of latitude. 42' 1 m s 'h 54 31 5 —1.7 8 !h 54 2115 -1.7! 44' I m S'h 64 11,6 —1.7 45° m s h 54 1 6 —1.8 46° ni s h 53 60 5 —1.8 47° m 8 h 53 39 6 —2.0 48" m s h 53 27 6 —1.8 49" 50' ni s h m s 63 10 5 63 3 -2. 'J * In the present .Vlmanac, the liuurs arc uumbeied from u (midnight) to 23. t Although these times are calculated for Toronto, Quebec and Winnipeg only, the standard times at other places not differing much from them in latitude may be obtained with suffloient accuracy for ordinary purposes by adding four minutes for every degree west, and subtracting four minutes for every degree east of these places [13] 14 THE CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1896 1896] Star Table. From the times of the upper transit of ti.e Pole Star may be derived, with the aid of the following Table, the times of culmination, and of the rising and setting of the principal fixed stars, as seen from the parallel of 46* north latitude. To ascertain when any star foui.d in the following Table will be on the meridian, add the number in the left- hand column of fiKures to the prec ' din:; meridian transit of the pole star sriven in the calendar. To And th? time «f rising of the star, subtraei the number opposite to ii. in the right-hana column of figures from the time of its meridian passage. For the Sfttinp of a star, add the n.inie number to the time of its meridian passage. Thoae stars marked ( ) revolve in a circle of perpetual apparition, and do not rise or set at places in and to the north «f latitude 45*. Nahb of Star. On Meridian. « Andromedn «r Pegasi (Algenib). a Cassiopeiie pCeti ■§ Arietis « Arietis aCeti • Persei « Tauri (Aldebaran) « Auriggs (Capella) fi Orionis (Rigel) Tauri i Orionis f Ononis a Cc^umbn a Orionis a Conis Majoris (Sirius). . . f Canis Majoris alGeminorum (Castor) « Oaiiis Minons(Prooyon). fi Geminorum (Pollux) a Hydro ■a Leonis (Regulus) 7* Leonis A. m. 22 38 22 43 23 10 23 14 28 40 1 3(1 1 M 3 9 3 47 3 48 3 68 6 9 14 29 20 33 6 6 12 6 17 8 8 41 8 52 Rises and Sets. A. m. 8 10 6 59 4 40 7 26 7 39 « 13 "7 "7 5 25 8 10 6 67 6 54 3 9 6 29 4 no 3 40 8 34 6 21 8 9 6 26 6 60 7 26 Name of Star. o Ursw Majoris j8 Leonis ^Corvi a Virgiiis (Spica) 1) UrsjB Majoris a Bootis . Arcbunis) P Ursie Minoris 3 Librw a Coronce Borealis a. Serpentis 3' Soorpii a Scorpii (Antares) o Heroulis B Draconis V Dranonis o LyrsB (Vega) a Aquila (Altair) o Cygni a Cephei fi Aquarii a Aquarii a Piscia Aust. (Fomalhaut). o Pegasi On 1 Meridian. A. m. 9 35 10 21 11 6 11 57 12 21 12 48 13 2« 13 48 14 7 14 16 14 36 16 16 46 IC 5 16 31 17 10 18 22 19 14 19 62 20 2 20 36 21 27 21 35 Risee and Sets. A. m. "i'i 4 20 6 16 7 23 5 23 8 2 6 26 4 36 4 2 6 59 9 31 6 38 11 22 "s'si 5 66 3 36 7 Table showing the Illuminated Portions of the Discs of Venus ai|d Mars. 1896. Venuf). Mars. 1896. July 15. Venus. Mars. January.. 16. 0.70^ 0.972 1.000 0.856 February. 14. 0.794 0.953 August .. 15. 0.984 0.860 March ... 16. 0.865 0.932 September 15. 0.949 e 860 April .... 15. 0.924 0.909 October .. 15. 0.900 0.896 May 15. 0.967 0.888 November 16. 0.836 965 June 15. 0.993 0.869 December. 16. 0.768 0909 Eclipses. In the year 1896 there will be two Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moor, I.— An annular eclipse of the Sun, February 13Ui, iuvisible in Canada. II.— A partial eclipse of the Moon, February 28th, invisible in Canada. III.— A total eclipse of the Sun, August 8th, invisible in Canada. IV.— A partial eclipse of the Moon, August 12tb, visible in Canada. First contact with the penumbra 22d. 231i. 8m. First contact with shadow 23d. Oli. 24m. Middle of eclipsf/ 23d. Ih. 57ra. Last contact with sliadow 23d. Sh. 31m. Last contact with penumbra 28d. 4h. 47in. Magnitude of the eclipse (Moon's diameter=:l) 0'734. The tirst contact with the shadow. 100° from the nortli point of the Moon's limb towards the east, the last contact, 163° towards the west : in each case for direct image. Twelve O'Clook Noon Toronto Standard Time (11-42 Mean Time)— Toronto Standard Time 17m. 34*88. fast of Mean Time, as compared with a Ciocit shewing Mean Time at the following places: Athens Berlin Bombay Boston Calcutta Cape of Good Hope Chicago Constantinople Dublin Edinburgh Glasgow Jerusalem HBAN TIMB. A. m. 6 35p 6 64p 9 51p 15 p 10 64 p 6 14p 11 10 a 6 66p 4 3flp 4 47p 4 43p 7 21p Lisbon London, Eng . . . Madras Madrid Mellxiurne, Aust. Montreal Moscow New Yoric Paris Philadelphia ... Pekin, China • . . . Quebec MEAN TIHB. A. in. 4 23p 5 Op 10 21 p 4 46p •2 40 a 6p 7 30p 4p 6 9p 11 69 a *0 46 a 16p Rome Rotterdam San Francisco St. Petersburg St. John's, Newfoundland a^ez Svdney, Aust Vienna Vancouver Victoria, B.C Winnipeg MEAN TIMB. A. m. 5 60p 18p 8 60 a 7 IP 1 29p 7 lOp *3 5 a 6 up 8 48 a 8 47 a 10 32 a 1. Ciroumoidoi i 28 "Purim 14 September 8 'First day of New Year llsri 1 ■1 29 Schuscham Purim " 15 11 9 "Second Feast for New Year " 2 March 16 New Moon Nisan 1 11 10 Fast of Ouedaliah " 3 ■ 41 29 "Festival of Passover " 15 •i 17 "Fast of Reconciliation " 10 '«! 30 * " " 2nd day " 16 11 22 "Feast of Tabernacles " 16 April 4 ♦ " •' 7th day " 21 •* 23 "Second feast of Huts " 16 K" 6 • " " ends 22 11 28 Feast of PalniB Hosana Raba " 21 ■n ^ ■* ^ « ci ?i *! 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Cl Cl Cl re re 3 O a o w^ »^ - ^ ^ »^ — ^ ^ - — « ^^ "^ ^ -'^ •*■/ ■* ' -g^ t^^ XI- — ^ V ■ in — re — r- • ci t- re x re © © ci © © © x © m re re © — re re Cl re Tt< ci re "t •* • m o — ci — — in Cl in — re in — re in re — ^ ee ■<*<•* in © 1^ © © — CI re • © — re "f in © t^ x x © © c: e © — — — ci re .^ ~s in — in t-~x"— ""(N re ©"—":— m — © © re~re~— "rh^M re ©~c > t- »i © ^"©^^t i re" "* '- — •«*< cirere — ■* ci Tcm- ci'^ — ■rj-ci cirem ci'*- -inci-t i cc ■* © i^ X © © © — — — — CI Cl Cl re ^: -* • 1^ 1^ t-' t^ t- 1- X X X CO © © © © — CI Cl re ?e "* 1" © " <- in in m in in w in in in in m m m o in m in m in m in •••'■» m in 1^ I--. fl = © © © © © © © i> l-~ 1-- t~» t-- I-- 1^ t^ r^ r-« t— r- I" t-~ r- 1^ 1^ r- I- 1-^ I- I- !■- i~ r - i ~ r- r~. t,. i^ i^ j^ 3, — CII^CI _ 3 n in © 1^ X un in in m re re re re ©© — in © © re .-e ce Cl re © © re re -f in © © © © re re CO 28 I MOONS PHASES — OCCULTATIONS OF STARS. 1S96] - RIOON'S PHASES FOR THE YEAR 1896, EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Lost Quarter. New- Moon. First Quarter. B'uU Moon. Perigee. Apogee. U. II. M. I). II. M.I D. II. .M. D. n. M. D. II. n. II. Jnny . . 7 10 26Jaiiy.. 14 17 lOJany.. 22 21 42'Jany. . 30 3 55 Jany 3 23 Jniiy.. . lit 2:i 1 Jany.... 31 21 Febv . 5 10 SSFehy.. 13 11 13 Fehy . . 21 16 16 Febv. . 28 14 51 Febv.... 29 6 Feby... 13 ir. March . 6 « -19 March . 14 6 48 March. 22 6 67 i March . 29 21 March... 28 18 March.. . 14 -21 » April.. 4 19 24 April.. 12 23 23 April.. 20 17 471 April. . 27 8 47 April.... 26 4 April... 10 •.':^ May . . 4 10 25 1 May .. 1? 14 17 May .. 20 1 21 May . . 20 16 56 May 24 6 May . . . 3 11 June. . 3 3 2 June. . 11 3 43 June.. 18 6 41 June. . 25 1 55 June.... 20 10 June... 5 4 July . . 2 20 23 July . . 10 14 35 July .. 17 11 4 July . . 24 12 45 July .... 15 13 July . . . 30 17 Autr .. 1 13 34 Aug .. 9 2 Au^ . 15 16 3 Aug . . 23 2 4 Aug ... 11 13 Aug .. 27 10 Aujr . . 31 5 55 Sept . . 29 20 .58 Sept . . 7 8 43 Sept .. 13 23 10 Sept . . 21 17 49 Sept 8 15 Sept ... 23 2-> Oct. .. 29 10 21 Oct .. « 17 18 Oct.... 13 9 47 Oct .. . 21 11 17 Oct 7 Oct ... 21 1 Nov... 27 21 44 Nov .. a 2 27 Nov. . . 12 41 Nov . . 20 6 25 Nov .... 4 12 Nov ... 17 4 Deo .. 27 7 ODec .. 4 12 51 Dec .. U 19 29 Dec , . 19 23 5 Dec .... 2 21 Dec . . 14 19 1 Dec ... . 30 10 OCCULTATIONS OF STARS BY THE MOON^ISSB. The time given for the disappearance and reappearance is the easteni standard time of the Washingtoit occurrence, the hours being numbered from (niidnignt) to 23. Ph b 1 a.' X 4J r.^ » i1. 11 i »■ V S"? !zi c C Sz; Date. Name. 1 1 a 2 1 Date. Name. "2 1 .2 a S 2 s bo B lis S <3 S 1 c < < < < h. in. ' h. m. ' II. M. " H. M. " Jan. 2 80 Cancri 7 22 09 91 23 13 311 Aug. 3 22 Tauri 7 22 81 1 16 23i 3 a Leonis 1 22 49 101 23 52 313 16 T Scorpii 3 20 38 124 21 45 242 8 83 Virginis . . . 6 5 28 173 6 22 259 21 31 Capricorni . 7 18 49 55 19 1 263. 24 7Tauri 6 17 49 16 18 45 291 21 I Capricorni.. 4 21 59 13 22 59 284 25 ISTauri 6 7 95 1 10 253 22 e' Aquarii 6 22 32 49 23 58 237 28 K Geminoruni. 4 21 48 158 22 37 234 23 B. A.C. 7740.. 7 27 14 1 34 2ti(i 31 y Leonis 5 6 7 80 6 48 341 24 B. A.C. 8017.. 6 3 58 57 5 8 212 31 49 Leonis 6 19 31 87 20 20 322 30 7 Tauri 6 4 6 61 5 37 253 Feb. 19 26 Arietis . . . 6 21 16 50 22 18 179 Sept. 3 A Geminoruni 6 5 21 107 6 40 271 21 p Tauri 6 19 33 20 4 302 18 M Capricorni . 5 19 22 29 20 34 268 22 W. ir. 1421 .. 6 19 31 109 20 53 246 21 12 Piscium . . . 7 2 54 3 15 233 25 A Geniinonim. 6 2 14 175 2 38 226 25 26 Arietis K 5 91 fi 15 231 26 80 Cancri 7 19 9 86 20 12 320 30 39 Geminoruni 6 3 46 89 5 10 28i> 27 o Leonis 1 18 5V 82 19 48 331 30 44 Geminorum 6 4 16 123 6 36 ■Ibb. 28 44 Leonis 6 5 13 151 6 00 270 Oct. 1 82 Geminorum 6 56 172 1 10 201 29 75 Leonis 6 4 6 174 4 48 257 15 44 Capricorni. 6 21 5 55 22 25 230 Mar. 5 4Scorpii 6 55 91 1 56 317 18 21 Piscium 6 16 51 54 17 54 243 21 136 Tauri. ».... 5 22 13 136 ■■i.^ 50 226 22 B. A. C. 920.. 7 23 39 133 (23) 6 l(i9 23 39 Geminoruni 6 54 137 1 41 257 23 g Pleiadum . . . 6 20 25 87 21 26 226 23 40 Geminoram 6 1 26 174 1 46 219 23 19 Tauri 5 20 44 57 21 50 2.50 23 K Geminorum . 4 17 32 149 18 31 240 23 20 Tauri 5 20 58 92 22 22(> 26 23 Leonis 6 52 140 151 207 23 21 Tauri 7 21 7 53 22 14 259 26 49 Leonis 6 17 41 87 18 36 331 23 22 Tauri 7 21 9 71 22 18 251 27 37 Sextantis... 6 1 1 138 2 4 295 29 35 Cancri 6 6 36 164 7 35 25.") 27 38 Sextantis . . 8 1 34 104 2 32 327 29 B. A.C. 2899.. 7 8 13 158 9 12 264 April 2 r Scorpii 3 1 49 137 3 10 257 Nov. 9 h' Sagittarii . . 5 17 11 07 18 .W 24i> 15 19 Tauri 5 20 48 122 21 33 228 9 Ji' Sagittarii . . 7 17 15 15 IS 5 299' 15 18 Tauri 6 21 1 21 21 35 329 12 B. A.C. 7740.. 7 18 27 99 19 31 183 20 T) Cancri 5 23 7 143 23 59 271 20 19 Tauri 6 5 32 98 6 30 2.54 23 44 Leonis 6 1 25 118 2 20 302 20 g Pleiadum . . . 6 5 30 150 6 2 201 24 75 Leonis (i 1 19 134 2 18 291 20 21 Tauri 7 5 52 80 49 23 ( 24 76 Leonis « 2 21 154 3 7 265 20 20 Tauri 5 5 55 126 (i :t9 227 30 B. A.C. 6127.. 5 22 10 83 11 17 291 20 22 Tauri 7 5 56 87 6 53 266. May 18 71 Cancri 8 19 15 179 19 57 247 23 B. A.C. 2303.. ( 22 32 126 23 33 242 19 V Leonis 5 18 7 78 18 .57 357 23 52 Geminoruni 6 22 32 85 23 44 284 23 75 Virginis 6 22 35 173 23 24 254 24 H Cancri 6 22 6 129 23 1 251 July 1 11 Pibcium 6 1 26 73 2 41 213 25 B. A. C. 2788. 6 6 46 89 50 331 1 13 Piscium . . . 6 3 56 37 5 20 239 25 08 Cancri .... 7 23 7 172 23 42 231 4 104 Piscium . . 7 1 39 84 2 37 215 26 B. A.C. 3103.. 7 1 11 68 2 6 338. 5 26 Arietis .... 6 5 16 178 5 58 295 29 V Leonis 4 1 21 99 2 16 321 12 Jupiter 7 6 120 8 271 Dec. 8 9 Capricorni. . 4 19 43 3.50 20 7 .308 •26 44 Capricorni . 6 2 12 179 3 1 286 14 101 Piscium. . . 18 27 54 19 53 232 26 45 Capricorni. 2 9 109 2 53 176 16 26 Arietis 40 102 1 46 227 Aug. 'I g Pleiadum . . . 6 23 .54 ns (3) 30 203 20 37 Geminorum 6 20 36 131 21 32 233 3 19 Tauri 5 80 54 239 25 48 Leonis 5 1 20 75 2 8 35ft. 3 21 Tauri 7 19 73 i 14 225 25 35 Sextantis . . 6 8 10 165 9 203 3 20 Tauri 5 19 118 56 201 \ - 1>. 11. 1 13 ® .» 8 V 12 ?; .', 3 9 11 19 1'. 1(1 4 6 11 V 12 6 10 2 « -24 9 •24 5 » 24 8 'J 26 8 ir 2.S 19 « 20 16 :; 30 ■1 5 i>. u. t; 4 1: rf ( 11 y d ' m h n ( s 3 5 Gre s 13 9 (J ( !) 15 9 6 Ill 2 6 << 10 3 9 6' 12 13 ? 6 '. i:f n ¥ n ( 13 '.-) Eel •20 13 Sta 22 17 ffl 23 'eby . . . 13 l.-» larch . . . 14 -lit ,pril... 10 •Jl.t lay . . . 3 li line.. . 5 4 uly ... ■> 22 ulv ... 30 17 "(,' . . 27 10 ept ... 23 2-.? ot .... 21 1 ov .. . 17 4 ec ... 14 19 the Washington C C i S5 o a . — > u m s. o ; a^H { ^ P K) 1 = . ! < H. M " 81 1 It ! 23i 24 21 4£ 242 55 1 19 1 26a 13 22 5i 284 19 23 5& 237 14 1 34 266 57 5 8 212 81 5 37 253 97 6 4C 271 29 20 34 268 54 3 15 233 n fi 15 231 39 6 10 285 23 5 36 255i J2 1 10 201 55 22 25 230 )4 17 54 243 13(23) G 169 17 21 20 22(i )7 21 50 2.10 2 22 22(> 3 22 14 2.'J9 1 22 18 251 4 7 35 255 8 9 12 264 7 18 no 245 6 18 5 2119' 9 19 31 183 8 6 30 254 6 2 201 6 49 237 6 39 227 7 6 53 266. 23 33 242 5 23 44 284 23 ] 251 3 6 ,10 331 2 23 42 231 8 2 6 338. 9 2 16 321 20 7 308 4 19 53 232 2 1 46 227 I 21 32 233 ) 2 8 35.5. 5 9 203 ince on the left. EollpsM, Plaiiotary Con|unotioni, etc., \t\ the Year 1886. 1(1 II 12 It; -24 •24 24 26 2S 20 3" I>. 1 1 .) S 10 12 17 18 10 20 21 24 25 28 28 January. 11. 13 ® s 9 12 11 3 5 10 W 4 6 (i li •2 5 8 8 19 16 'J 2 ? in Perihelion. (Irea; st Hel 6 'I Greatest Hel 6 i 6 1 6 1 .5 i 6 <[ Lat. 2/ 1 53 . Lat. !• 7 31 . II. *i 4 i\ 11 1 19 8 3 s 13 II 15 111 •) 111 3 !2 13 13 9 13 20 13 •O.J 17 24 10 25 oo 27 1 27 10 27 16 28 t>. II. .1 13 B 4 10 h 4 18 ¥ 5 3 m 15 B III 2 6 11 9 9 11 19 S 12 IS 5 14 8 9 1!) 21 ® 21 m 24 6 li 24 19 11 31 18 I: Febi'uary. h 6 i H 7 48 N. ^ t 1 ^ 5 40 N. h a ©• 9 Greatest Hel. Lat. N. B (J ® Inferior. 9 6 i 9 1 38 N. i f i (J 3 27 N. 9 6 1 9 5 3 N. ^ 6 'I !> 5 41 N. ¥ □ ©. V) Eclipse not visible. B Stationary. •H <5 ( m 6 39 S. !Ji Stationary. 1/ (5 d II 2 J8 S. h Stationary. 9 in U. $ Stationary-. 15 24 1 24 14 9 4 16 18 3 15 1 2 V 14 I^ d B 8 i 6 i 6 X n ©• n i 9 Eclipsed d d 6 ( i d ■• ®. c ©. Greatest Hel. Lat I 9 9 B 9 i 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 18 m 11 6 9 15 Z! October. 6 1 I; 1 40 X. d d 9 2 3X. i i 9 fi 18 N. 6 ® Inferior I: 7 2.-I X. i '{ in y. i 1 in ft. in ft. 6 h Stationary. in Perhelion d ¥ Greatest elong. W. 18 26 6 '[ II! 5 51 S. 6 i d 3 29 S. Greatest Hel. Lat. N. 6 d I 2 25 N. y 5 32 X. 25 S. 9 43 S. November. II. 1 ,5 Stationary. 7 9 d d 17 h d ( 21 d d d 8 9 -•' ( 11 9 in Aphelion. 9 h d ©• 10 ¥ d ©• 15 B lie!ioii. 9 1-. (5 ( h 7 n N. 11 ¥ d i y 5 21 X. 19 9 d d 9 3 2X. 23 9 Greatest Hel. Lat. S. 9 9 d d 9 3 H. 4 T S '•-. « 6 8 7- d d d d I ;i4 S. i 1 6 < t 5 45 S. 2 G enters V3 Winter com. 9 Greatest Hel. Lat. S. 12 li d d 20 Z Stationary, 8 h d ¥ 22 y d d 23 I: d d 7 ® in Perihelion- Z! 3 38 \. I' 1 49 N. ¥ 5 25 N. 1' 7 15 N. 30 ECLIPSES OF JUPITERS SATELLITES. [1890 91896] ECLIPSES, Etc., OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES, tS86. In eMtern standard time (0h.-23h.) tr in, denotes tranxit of satellite ; tr eg, transit ejrress ; nh in, shadow in freM ; ih eg, shadow egress ; ec din, disappearance o( satellite behind planet ; oc di*, disappearance of satellite in planet's shadow. January. D. H. M. 1 2 69 11 eedis 2 2 68 \\ oe re 3 20 3 11 »h eg 3 21 4 11 tr eg 4 2 41 IV ee dii 4 6 62 I fh in 6 4 3 1 ecdi* 6 6 49 1 oc r« U 1 21 I sh in 1 47 1 tr in 3 40 1 nh eg .647 I treg 6 22 32 1 eediM 7 1 16 1 oc re 7 6 26 11 »h in 7 19 49 1 ah in 7 20 18 1 tr in 7 22 9 I sheg 7 22 83 1 tr eg 7 23 17 111 ec di* 8 4 29 111 oe re 8 19 41 1 oc re 9 1 36 11 ec dia 9 6 13 11 oc re 10 19 44 11 >h in 10 20 23 11 tr in lO 22 38 11 sh eg 10 23 18 11 tr ei 12 6 67 1 ee dis 13 3 16 1 *h in 13 3 31 1 tr in 13 6 36 1 »h. eg 13 5 62 1 :r eg 14 26 1 ec dig 14 2 69 1 oc re 14 21 43 1 gh in 14 21 57 1 tr in 15 3 I gheg 18 18 1 tr eg 15 3 16 1 ec dig 15 18 54 1 ec dis 15 21 25 1 oc re 16 4 11 11 ecdis 16 18 31 1 gh eg 16 18 44 1 ((■ eg 17 22 18 11 «/i in 17 22 37 11 tr in 18 1 13 11 ah eg 18 1 32 11 tr eg 18 20 66 111 ah eg 18 21 31 111 tr eg 19 20 35 11 oc re 20 5 9 1 «/i in 20 5 16 1 tr in 20 20 42 IV ec dis 21 2 7 IV oe re 21 2 20 1 ec dis 21 4 42 1 oc re 21 23 38 1 sh in 21 23 41 1 tr in 22 1 J8 1 sh eg 22 2 1 I treg '22 20 48 1 ec rft» 22 23 8 1 oc re 23 20 26 1 sh eg 23 20 27 1 tr eg 25 51 11 tr in 25 53 11 sh in 26 3 46 11 tr eg 25 3 48 11 sh eg 25 21 6 111 tr in 25 21 18 111 sh in 26 46 111 tr e'l 26 56 111 sh eg 26 19 54 11 oc dis 26 22 55 11 ec re 27 4 6 1 ocdi« 29 1 26 1 trin 29 1 32 1 sh in II. M. 3 45 3 47 3 62 6 29 22 32 30 68 30 19 61 30 20 1 SO 2 J n 30 22 20 31 19 26 1 IV 1 IV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 treg tr in sh eg ah in oc dia ec re tr in ah in tr eg sh eg ec re February. 1 3 5 11 «r in 3 29 \\ sh in 2 23 111 tr in 1 27 111 sh in 4 2 111 tr eg \ 65 HI sh eg 22 8 11 oe dig 3 1 30 11 ec re 4 5 60 1 oc dis 4 19 42 11 sh eg 6 b 9 \ trin 3 26 \ sh in 5 29 1 tr eg 5 46 \ sheg 18 42 111 ec re 6 16 1 oc dis 2 52 1 ec re 19 17 IV ec re 21 35 1 tr in 21 65 1 sh in 23 66 1 tr eg 7 16 \ gheg 18 41 1 oc dig 21 21 1 ec ) o 8 18 21 1 tr eg 18 43 1 sheg 9 3 40 111 tr in 5 16 111 sh in 10 23 11 oc dia 4 6 11 ec re 11 18 28 11 tr in 19 23 11 ah in 21 23 11 tr e>i 22 18 11 sh eg 12 4 53 1 tr in 22 41 111 ec re 13 2 1 oc dii 4 47 1 ec re 23 20 I tr in 23 60 1 sh in 14 1 40 1 tr eg 2 10 1 sh eg 20 26 1 oc dig 14 22 \S IV tr eg 23 IV gh in 23 i6 1 ec re 16 3 40 IV gh eg 18 18 1 sh in 20 6 1 treg 20 38 1 gh eg 17 2 39 11 oe dis 18 20 46 11 tr in 21 59 11 sh in 23 40 11 tr eg 19 54 11 sh eg 20 32 111 oc dig 20 2 42 HI ec re 3 45 1 oc dig 19 59 11 ec re 21 1 4 I tr in 1 44 \ sh in 3 24 1 *>• eg 4 4 1 sh ea 22 12 1 oc dia 22 1 11 1 ec re 19 31 1 tr in 20 13 1 sh tn D. II. M. 21 61 22 33 23 1 59 19 39 25 23 4 26 35 1 69 3 30 23 67 27 22 84 28 2 60 3 39 23 68 3 5 21 17 22 7 28 37 29 1 treg 1 sheg IV oc dig 1 ec re 11 tr in II sh in 11 ireg 11 gh eg 111 oc dig 11 ec re 1 tr in 1 sh in 1 oc dis 1 ec re 1 tr in 1 sh in 1 treg March. 27 1 gh eg 18 2G 1 oc dis 20 53 111 sh eg 21 34 1 ec re 18 66 1 sh i"j 21 34 IV sh eg 1 24 11 tr in 3 11 11 ah in 4 21 i: tr eg 3 26 111 oc dis 20 27 11 oc dis 11 ec re 1 oc dis 11 ah eg 1 tr in 1 9 1 46 19 2u 23 S 2 1 26 2 22 20 13 1 ah in 1 trej; 1 ah eg 1 oe dis 20 67 111 tr eg 21 12 111 ah in •J3 29 1 ec re 9 62 111 sh eg 18 31 1 ah in 19 62 1 treg 20 61 1 sh eg 10 21 54 IV oc re 11 2 49 IV ec dia 11 3 60 11 trin 12 22 60 11 ocdig 14 19 7 11 sh in \9 57 11 tr eg 22 2 11 sh eg 15 53 1 tr in 1 57 1 sh in 20 64 111 tr in 22 3 1 oc dis 16 32 111 tr eg 1 12 111 sh in 1 25 1 ec re 19 21 1 //• in 20 20 1 sh in 21 41 1 treg 22 44 1 sh eg 17 19 53 1 ec re 19 35 1\ tr eg 18 41 111 ec re 20 1 19 11 oc dig 21 19 30 11 tr in 21 44 11 treg 22 25 11 treg 22 40 11 sh eg 2 43 1 tr in 23 53 1 oc dig 23 34 111 tr in 19 38 11 ec re 21 11 1 tr in 22 30 1 sh in 23 31 1 treg 24 40 1 sh eit 21 49 1 ec re D. II. SI. 26 10 9 26 19 9 22 41 27 3 42 20 63 1 33 21 69 19 62 30 22 13 23 3 16 1 23 20 13 23 44 28 29 31 1 sh eq 111 ee dia III ec re 11 oc dii IV ec dia IV ec r« 11 trin 11 aA in 11 treg 11 ee re 1 tr in 1 ah in 1 tr ea 1 oc dia 1 ee re April. 1 19 61 1 tr eg 21 4 1 ah eg 2 21 43 HI oc re 23 8 111 ec dia 4 21 56 IV tr eg 5 32 11 tr in 2 68 11 sh in 6 19 26 11 oc dia 7 48 11 ec re 65 1 tr in 2 11 1 ah in 22 6 1 ocrfi* 8 1 40 1 ec re 19 13 11 ah eg 19 23 1 tr eg 20 39 1 ah in 21 43 1 treg 22 59 1 ah eg 9 20 8 1 ec re 21 57 111 ocdi» 10 1 35 HI oc re 13 19 38 IV ec re 20 21 111 ah eii 21 69 11 oc dia 15 19 19 11 tr eg 21 17 1 trin 21 50 11 ah eg 22 34 1 ah in 23 37 1 tr eg 16 54 1 ah eg IS 29 1 oc dig 22 4 1 ec re 17 19 23 1 gh eg 20 19 37 HI tr eg 21 9 111 gh m 21 37 11 oc dis 51 111 sh eg 23 3 IV sh in 22 21 32 11 sh in 21 57 11 tr eg 23 12 1 tr in 23 28 11 sh eg 29 1 sh in 23 20 24 1 oc dis 23 59 1 ec re •Z4 20 1 1 tr eflr 21 17 1 sh eq 27 20 111 tr in 23 38 111 treg 29 20 49 IV oc dig 21 40 11 tr in 30 10 11 sh in 22 21 1 oc dis May. 1 19 37 1 tr in 20 62 1 ah in 21 50 n ecre 21 57 1 treg 23 12 1 sh eg 2 20 24 1 ec re 5 5 111 tr in D. II. 8 21 21 22 22 23 9 22 16 21 21 23 23 10 20 20 17 20 21 21 22 22 23 22 24 19 21 21 22 22 25 20 26 20 31 21 21 M. 33 1 56 IV 42 111 47 1 63 1 19 1 44 11 66 HI 8 111 30 1 24 IV 46 1 20 1 30 1 41 11 29 111 44 1 68 1 6 1 22 11 6 11 18 1 39 1 49 111 67 11 67 1 tr in sh eg ee re sh in tr eg ec re 00 dia oc re ec dis tr in oc re oc din tr eg ah eg ah eg oc dii or dif tr in sh in sh in treg treg ee re ah eff trin ir in June. 1 22 34 2 20 34 21 6 21 6 21 26 8 21 13 9 20 47 2." 15 10 20 13 16 20 26 21 18 17 20 63 18 21 29 19 10 66 25 20 1 1 ec re 111 treg 111 sh in IV ec din- 11 ec re 1 oc (tiV 1 treg HI tr in IV tr in 1 tr in 1 sh in 1 ec '•e 11 sh eg IV ec re 1 sh eg July. 4 21 1 11 ec v 8 20 44 HI sh err Septembei". 11 4 47 HI sh iit 12 4 43 11 ah e>f 15 4 6 1 tr in 10 4 22 11 «A 171 22 6 9 111 oc re 5 28 1 sh in 28 6 31 11 oc re 30 4 44 1 ec dis October. 1 4 10 1 sh en 4 56 1 treii 5 3 44 11 ec dis 7 3 27 11 tr eg 8 8 43 1 sh in 4 36 1 tr in 9 4 16 1 oc re 10 3 69 111 tr er; 14 3 17 11 tr in 4 i7 11 »A eg 15 5 37 1 sh in 16 2 59 1 ec dia 17 3 24 1 tr eg 4 20 111 «/i eg 4 37 111 tr in 21 3 55 11 sh in 6 1 11 trin 23 3 12 11 oc re D. n. M. 4 52 4 65 24 3 C 4 19 4 36 1 5 22 2.'> 2 41 28 2 42 1 30 6 56 31 3 63 6 Noven 1 1 57 1 4 38 2 1 49 4 2 12 11 3 16 11 « 3 23 1 7 5 46 8 3 6 3 37 1 9 2 34 ■ Ris jH II. llfl 8 11 fl Jany 11 8 3'. ■ 8 2V Feby 17 44 11 6 34 21 5 48 Mar 11 21 5 35 5 2; 6 24 Apr May June July 15 1( 11 5 II 21 5 1' 5 2 5 3 5 3 Aug 11 21 5 1 4 -i 3 4 3 3 3 : 4 ' 5 i Sept Oct Nov Dec 1 11 21 1 11 21 1 11 21 17 118 2l|8 [189(> Jl896j RISING, SOUTHING AND SETTING OF .THE PLANETS. 81 etrresii ; #A in, shadow in ippearance of Mtellite ii» ECLIPSES, Etc., OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES— Ccmi 11 tr eg 1 treg 1 ec re 111 »h etr \l tr in 1 i." in 1 ec re 111 tr eg 111 gh in IV ec diK l\ ec re 1 Of (?)■» 1 tr en III (/• in IV tr in 1 tr in I gli in I ec ■••e II gh eg IV ec re I gh eif July. 4 21 1 11 ff re 8 20 44 111 gh rrr September. 47 111 gh ill 43 11 */( e/r 6 1 tri'n 22 11 gh in 9 111 Of re 28 1 sh in 31 11 oc re 44 1 ec dig October. 4 10 4 56 3 44 3 27 8 43 69 111 17 11 i7 11 37 1 59 1 24 1 20 111 37 111 3 55 11 6 1 11 3 12 11 gh eij tr eg ec dig tr er, gh \n tr m oc re tr eij tr in gh eg sh in ec dig tr eg gh eg tr in gh in tr in oc re D. n. u. D. H. M. D. H. M. D. II. M. D. II. M. 4 62 1 eedi* 3 43 IV sh eg 24 1 21 1 ec dii 3 30 1 tr in 18 68 I sheg 4 65 IV gh in 3 44 I treg 111 ec dis 8 16 11 oc re 4 30 1 sheg 2 9 1 treg 24 3 r 1 'r in 11 2 38 24 4 62 1 oc re 6 49 1 treg 23 24 1 oc re 4 19 1 gh eg 6 9 111 ec re 26 60 I sh eif 10 12 11 tr in 19 14 11 oc re 4 m 111 gf. in 13 6 68 11 ec dig 2 3 1 treg 42 11 sh eg 21 I 45 IV ec re 6 22 1 tr eg 16 3 21 11 tr in 26 4 44 IV tr in 2 57 111 oc re 23 6 3 I sh in 2.') 2 41 1 oc re 3 47 11 sh eg 29 4 5 111 «A eg 3 5 1 ocre 34 i 23 111 ecdig ■M 2 42 111 oc re 4 69 I ecdis 6 31 111 tr in 3 12 11 tr eg 2 64 11 sh in ;)(! 5 55 11 oc re 3 14 11 tref, 6 59 U sh in 11 17 I treg 3 21 1 ec dig :U 3 53 1 gh in 16 2 8 1 gh m 30 6 65 1 gh in 13 2 63 IV trea 11 ec dis 1 sh in 6 16 11 tr in 5 1 tr in 3 21 4 28 1 tr in I sheg December. 16 6 40 16 4 10 5 48 11 sh eg 6 52 111 ec re November. 6 40 1 treg 1 3 14 1 ec dis 6 22 I trin « 44 1 oc re 17 2 58 1 acre 2 23 I sh in 6 30 1 gh eg 26 32 1 gh in 1 1 57 IV oc dis 18 1 33 IV oc re 1 88 1 trin 17 21 n sh in 1 40 1 «r in 4 38 1 oc re 6 35 111 ec dis 2 43 1 sh eg 1 28 1 ec dis 2 62 1 sh eg' •2 1 49 1 tr eg 22 1 30 111 tr in 3 68 1 tr eg 1 56 111 ec re 3 59 1 tr eg 4 2 12 111 ec re 3 26 U sh in 3 41 11 tr eg 2 49 11 trin 26 118 1 oc re 3 16 111 OC dis 6 4 111 tr eg 1 14 1 oc re 3 15 111 0C<||« ? 43 11 oc re 6 3 23 11 ec dis 6 67 11 tr in 4 3 12 IV ecdis 3 16 11 sh eg 28 (1 19 111 f'eo 7 5 46 I »h in 6 20 11 sh eg 6 4 23 111 sh in 4 56 1 ocre 29 4 43 IV sh in 8 3 6 1 ec dis 23 4 1 1 sh in 8 3 4 11 eo dis 6 41 11 treg 81 5 13 1 ecdis 3 37 11 tr eg 6 16 1 tr in 6 6 1 ec dig a 44 111 oc re 6 27 11 sh in a 2 M 1 gh eg 6 21 1 sheg 9 2 16 I sh in 17 23 60 1 trin 6 21 111 ee dis RISING, SOUTHING AND SEHING OF THE PLANETS, 1896. 1 1 11 21 Mercury 9 Venus « Mars i Jupiter u |{ Saturn % RiseSj S'uthH Sets. Rises. II. M. 4 4 4 23 4 43 S'uths II. M. 8 57 9 5 9 16 Sets. II. M. 13 60 18 47 13 49 Rises. S'uths Sets. Rises. II. M. 18 28 17 42 16 66 S'uths II. M. 1 56 1 12 28 Sets, j H. H. 9 21 1' 8 39 7 5« Rises. S'uths Sets. Jany II. M. 8 19 1 8 32 8 27 H. M. 12 36 13 6 13 26 II. H. 16 62 17 40 18 26 II. M. 5 45 5 44 5 85 II. M. 10 10 10 1 9 54 II. M. 14 35 14 19 14 12 II. M. 8 14 2 39 2 3 II. M. 8 16 7 40 7 3 H. H. 13 18 12 41 12 4 Feby 1 11 21 7 44 34 6 48 13 3 11 43 10 46 18 21 16 66 15 43 6 2 5 12 5 18 9 30 9 42 9 64 13 69 14 12 14 31 6 27 5 17 5 6 9 45 9 38 9 31 14 4 13 .59 13 .56 16 4 15 19 14 34 23 38 22 49 22 5 7 8 1 22 6 25 45 6 43 6 6 22 5 44 5 6 11 22 10 44 10 .- Mar 1 11 21 5 32 6 27 6 24 10 29 10 32 10 46 15 26 16 35 16 7 5 18 6 14 6 5 10 4 10 14 10 23 14 61 15 15 15 40 4 53 4 38 4 20 9 24 9 16 8 13 55 13 .55 13 55 13 54 13 12 12 31 21 27 20 46 20 6 5 5 ; 23 27 : 4 24 22 47 3 44 22 5 4 31 8 51 8 10 9 3O1 8 51 8 11 Apr 1 11 21 6 16 5 15 5 14 11 6 11 37 12 14 17 59 19 14 20 20 4 64 4 41 4 27 10 31 10 37 10 42 16 7 16 32 16 67 3 59 3 88 3 17 8 58 8 48 8 37 13 56 18 57 13 68 11 49 11 11 10 86 19 22 18 44 18 8 3 ; 21 20 2 22 20 37 1 45 19 66 2 25 1 43 1 1 7 20; 6 45 6 4 May 1 11 21 5 20 5 30 5 32 12 55 13 24 13 26 20 30 21 18 21 21 4 14 4 12 3 53 10 48 10 55 11 3 17 22 17 38 18 14 2 64 2 30 2 8 8 27 8 14 8 4 13 59 13 58 13 69 10 2 9 29 8 57 1- 33 16 59 16 25 1 9 19 11 32 ' 18 28 23 53 17 45 19 23 83 22 51 5 23 4 42 4 June 1 11 21 5 11 4 28 3 40 12 52 11 53 11 20 32 19 19 18 19 3 47 3 47 3 53 11 15 11 26 11 40 18 42 19 7 19 27 1 41 1 17 1 4 7 50 7 38 7 26 14 13 .59 13 58 8 23 7 58 7 24 15 49 15 17 14 46 23 16 10 .58 22 41 16 12 22 7 15 34 22 5 21 20 20 42 3 15 2 30. 1 a July 1 11 21 3 7 3 2 3 34 10 34 10 42 11 19 18 18 21 19 3 4 1 4 25 4 39 11 .54 12 8 12 21 19 48 19 51 20 4 30 8 23 43 7 13 7 1 6 48 13 ,56 13 53 13 60 (1 .55 6 27 6 59 14 14 13 43 13 12 21 33 14 54 21 14 15 20 26 13 51 20 1 19 22 18 38 1 13 33 •.!3 4t4 Aug 1 11 21 4 4G 5 54 49 12 12 12 .50 13 14 19 .88 19 46 19 39 I 5 18 1 5 44 6 12 12 33 12 42 12 50 19 49 19 41 19 28 23 19 i22 57 ;22 36 6 33 6 19 li 13 45 13 39 13 31 5 28 4 58 4 33 12 38 12 5 11 37 19 49 12 63 19 12 12 15 18 41 11 89 18 17 2? 16 44 23 'AI 22 28 21 50 Sept 1 11 21 7 34 8 1 8 7 13 27 l-? 31 13 18 19 21 18 69 18 30 ! 6 40 ' 7 7 i 7 33 12 57 13 2 13 8 19 13 18 57 18 43 22 12 21 50 21 27 5 47 6 30 5 10 13 20 13 7 12 50 4 3 3 34 3 5 11 3 10 32 10 18 4 17 30 16 56 10 69 10 24 9 40 16 4 15 27 14 .51 21 8 20 31 19 54 Oct 1 11 21 7 19 5 45 4 48 12 30 11 22 10 40 17 42 17 1 16 32 1 8 i 8 27 1 8 54 1 13 15 13 23 13 33 18 30 18 19 18 11 21 2 20 34 20 1 4 48 4 22 3 52 12 31 12 7 11 89 2 37 2 7 1 37 9 29 8 57 8 24 16 21 1 9 15 15 46 j 8 41 15 10 1; 8 8 14 16 13 41 13 6 19 17 18 40 18 4 Nov 1 11 21 5 13 5 69 6 50 10 46 11 6 11 30 16 20 16 13 16 10 ! 9 23 i 9 46 10 3 13 40 14 14 15 18 9 18 14 18 26 19 19 18 34 17 42 3 13 2 31 1 43 11 3 10 24 9 38 1 3 30 23 53 7 47 7 13 6 ;J8 14 n 13 .55 1 13 19 7 31 6 58 6 25 12 28 11 53 11 19 17 24 16 48 16 !•> , Dec 1 11 21 7 33 8 13 8 42 11 66 12 25 12 55 16 18 16 37 17 8 10 13 10 15 10 11 14 29 14 42 14 .52 18 45 19 b 19 33 16 47 16 50 A .56 49 23 47 22 52 8 46 7 50 6 66 23 19 22 42 22 4 6 2 5 25 4 47 12 42 12 4 11 25 5 51 5 23 4 34 10 44 10 10 9 36 16 37 15 14 21 32 MEAN PLACES OF HTAIIS. [1896 1 f MEAN PLACES OF 142 STARS FOR JANUARY, d '13. N'anie of BUr. ' UiKht ' Ann'al Aiceimi'n Variat. a Aiiclroiiiedii).. . .I'l y PeifUHi Aliienib.]-^ L'l'tl . liCi'ti a Ca8iiio|ieii8 . a Ceti. 'irti'iuin 5 Amlromi'da'.. . . 2 C'cti 3 a risn!>fiii./'(i/f('* ri I'isciiim ;} PiHciuin i C'oti a Ariftix -i y AtKlrntiu'dir . . . a Ariel is yaCeti :i ■a \t\etU ."> 6 Arit'tts 4 a Pei'sei o Tfturi 4 ■n Tam-i A Tnuri '> •y Tniiri a TiiimAlilebni'an, ( Avirigii' I a Aurigie CayeUa.i $ OrioniH liiijel. . . [ $ Tauri •S Orionis < Orionis K Orionis 3 a. Orionis 3 A\iriKH) tf Geniinoruni. II Cteminormn. ■y Geniinoruni 2- a CanisMai.Si'ciiw SlCephei llev • C'linis Majoris . . V Cani8 Majoris . . & Cania Majoris . . 8 Geniinoruni. .. .'3 Canis Minoris a 'Geniinor Ca»tor\'2 a CanisMin.Pocj/'n B Geniinor Pollux \l « Cancri B Cancri 14 T| Cancri 1 I'rste Majoris. . . a Cancri a HydrsB 9 TrssB Majoris. . . I i I ( Leonis.. . a. Leonis i y' Leonis M H.vdrie p Leonis t Leonih a Leonis a I'rsa! Majoris X Leonis i Leonis 2 T Leonis. A Draoonis 3' 1' Leonis 5 fi, Leonis y Ursie Majoris. . . f Corvi T) Virginus |3 h m $ U 3 0' 7 52- 14 7' 24 43' 34 no- 38 22' 57 32' 1 3S4' 18 49' 20 54' 28 55- 30 64- 4610' 48 .W' 57 3tf 2 1 IS' 37 54' 45 45- 3 5 40' 10 63' 19 12' 41 18' 58 32' 4 13 52' •29 57' 5018' 5 9 0' 9 32' 19 43' 26 41' 30 56' 42 49' 49 32- 6164 8 36' 16 40' 31 42 40 33 5144' 54 32 59 03 7 4 9 13 54 21 30 27 58 33 51 38 57 57 7 8 10 52 26 41 52 5 52 48 9 22 28 25 54' 39 56' 10 2 50' 14 14 21 3 27 20' 43 47 5511 5718' 59 .39 8 34' 22 35 2613 3137 43 46 48 21 12 4 46 14 35' 6 51 3 11 5 4 ■i 2 3 3 4 ■7i + 8 5 8 ;) .» I. :?! ■oi 1, 7 (I; 8 (1 (! 7 8 9 8 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 4 6 •2 2 •9 ■2 '3 1 •7 •7 '7 ■0 '5 ■2 •9 ■3| ■8i i •0 91 oi '4 ■2! ■6 '3 •6 •2! '7 '3 ■7 ■4 3 •7 •5 1 « 3-09 3-08 3 '().') •A-m 3 '38 li'dl' 3'Ut 3-35; 3'(M(' 24'45| 3'2(); 31(1 2'IW 3'3l) 3'6« 3 37 1 3-10 3'3(.| 3-42 4 '2(1 1 3' 22 3'5fl 3'5» 3 '41 3-44 3-90| 4-43 2-88 3-70 306 3 04 2-84 3'25 4-40 3-62 3'B3 3-47 2-64 29-74 2-36 2-71 2-44 3-59 3-26 3-84 3-14 3-68 3-69 3-26 3-48 4-13 3-29 2-95 4-04 3-41 3-20 3-31 2-90 3-16 316; 3-I0I 3-74] 3-10 3-20! 3 09 3 '62 3-07 3-06 3-18 3'08 3-07, Declina'tn An'l Var. t // « 1 28 30 68-4 10-9 14 36 19 2 20 '0 - 9 24 2-8 •20'() - 4 31 54 '» 19-9 55 58 O'S 19'8 -18 33 27-3 1»'«! 7 19 4S'6 19-4 , 3.'-. 4 8-7 11»'2 ' - 8 43 12-2 i8'7|; 88 45 11-5 18'8l '■ 14 48 34-7 18'7 8:« 2-5 18-2 -10 51 00 17-8 20 17 68-4 17-7 41 49 500 17 '4 22 68 14 '0 17-2, 2 47 60'5 15-3' 14 39 11-8 15-0 1 19 19 32-3 13'8 49 29 20'8 I3-1I 8 39 45-0 12-9 ; 23 40 5»'9 11-4 , 21 47 .^0-2 10-1 15 22 34-7 8-9 1 1018 0-0 7-6 38 4-3 6-0 45 53 30-8 4-0; - 8 19 19-2 4 '4 28 31 0-5 3-4 - 22 34-9 2-9 - 1 16 6-7 2-5 - 9 42 24-4 1-6! 7 23 14-7 0-9 44 56 11-3 0-7 22 32 12-2 -0-7 22 33 59-9 - 1-6 16 29 16-1 - 2-8 -10 34 25-0 - 4-7 87 12 m-1 - 4-6 -28 49 50-9 -4-7 -15 28 47-4 - 5-1 -2613 41-2 - 5-5 22 10 24-9 - 6-3 8 29 55-0 - 7-0 32 6 59-7 - 7-6 6 29 28-7 - 9-0 28 16 37-9 - 8-4 28 6 9-3 - 9-8 9 30 20-9 -10-9 20 47 39-4 -12-0 48 26 69-2 -13-9 12 15 36-6 -13-7 - 8 12 28-6 -15-5 62 9 3-9 -16 '2 24 16 10-7 -16-4 12 -28 31-6 -17 '5 20 22 3-2 -181 -16 18 20-9 -18-3 9 50 29-9 -18-4 11 5 43-6 -19-0 4 10 32-8 -19-3 62 18 44-8 -19-4 7 53 63-4 -19-4 21 5 36-3 -19-7| 3 26 44-1 -19-8 i 69 54 18-1 -19-81 - 14 58-8 -19'9| 15 9 12-1 -20 -Ij 54 16 22-3 -200 -22 2 28-9 -20-0 - 5 20-2 -20-0 Name of Star. fl Corvi 2 y' Virtflnis 3 6 Virginis o CanuniVenatic'r c VirKiiii§ 3 VirginiH 4 o Virwrinis (Spica) T) I'rsii' Majoris. . . r) lloolis IMacoiiis 3 Ho<)iiM(i4ri'cntis 3. i rrsii) Minoris. . . 4' fl' .Scorpii ' 5 Ophinc'lii | y Herculis ' a Scorpii AntareuX i Hercnlis 3' « Trsm Minoris.. .4' 1) Ophinohi '2- o' Hercnlis- 3' B Draconis '3 9 Scorviii 2 o Optiinchi. B Ophinohi fl Hercnlis. ■y Draconis '2 6 UrsH) Minoris.. . 4 m' Siigittarii . . . >) Serpentls A Saifittarii a LjrsB Veya . . . fl' LyrtB e Aquilee i Aquilce S AquiliB y Aquilifi a Aquiln Altoir B Aqullie o^ Capricorni . . . e Delphini o Cygni < Aquari 32 VulpecultB. . . 9 Capricorni 61' Cygni i Cygni a Cephei B Aquari fl* Cephei e Peprasi S Capricorni . . a Aquarii 9 Aquarii y Aquarii >) Aquarii i Pegasi A Aquarii o PisAusf'ojnaWi't PegaHi Markah. 1 Pisciuni V Cephei Sculptoris « 3-14 3-04 30^ 2'8l| 2 09; 3-10 3-15; 2 '37 2'8U| 1'62' 2 •73! 2 '69! 2-«2! 10 M 27 21 40 26 45 7'4'-f 3'31|- 61 68 1 2,15 11 -24 2 3 4] ■5\ 2! 316 3 30 17 ao 8 45 87 47 46 50 23 8 53 17 19 2 23 1 2 87 20 5i 56 37 3117 4 24 ■7' + 6 i ■6,— 0'23 2 '26 1 3 22 2-54 1 2 '95! 2-991 2-25' 4' 4- 3-48 7 4' •21 '3 2 31 41 .31 5|18 4 3 3 1 4 3- 2- 9 64 28 6 29 60 30 6 38 20 42 23 54 11 5 50 7 32 15 55 2133 33 25 4614 64 64 19 3' 2016 4118 46 42 5012 20 12 17 28 K 37 63 42 2 60 7 21 5 21 214 8 30 16 6 26 5 27 19 o9 4 4'. 18 20 120 617 JO ,1616 47 11 61 54 59 34' 23 34 86 36 4 43 30 3-14 2-64 3-67 -I- 2-26 — 6-31 + 3-43 2-73 1-35 4-30 2-78 2-06 2-34 1-39 4 1 8 '5 + 8 —19-48 6 + 3-5» 3-10 4 4 1 3 6 4 6 3| 21 3: 31 3i 31 3 22 -5! 3! -4! 4! -2 2 •5 -4 3-70 2-03 2-21 2-72 2-76 3-02 2-85 2-98 2-95 8-33 2-87 2-04 3-26 2-66 3-87 2-68 2-66 1-44 3-16 0-79 2-95 3-32 3-08 31 3-10 3 08 2-99 3-13 3-32 2-98 3-08 2-42 313 22 49 18-0 • 52 46-2 3 65 44 '3' 38 52 4V'9i 11 31 5'll ■ 4 59 1 •8- 10 37 6 7, 49 49 .Itl'O 18 56 8-7 64 52 21-9 19 43 -25-8 30 49 40-3 27 30 45 '4 15 36 34 '6 74 34 49'7 40 48 2'5 8 59 57-0 27 3 52'9 6 45 lO'O 4 47 27-3 78 « 51 6 19 31 14 7 3 25 351 19 23 0'8 2612 3-9 31 47 28-5 82 12 29-4 15 36 45 '9 14 30 32'2 52 22 41-7 42 66 41-0 12 38 88 4 36 38'7 27 46 68 1 51 30 8-7 86 86 45-7 21 6 9-2 ■ 2 56 81-4 •26 28 46-4 38 41 12-4 33 14 80'5 14 65 7-6 18 42 82-1 2 64 27 10 21 35-4 8 86 87-1 6 8 49-1 ■12 52 1-6 10 56 59-8 44 54 31 - 9 52 45-4 27 39 43-1 -17 38 46-3 38 14 16-4 29 47 48-1 62 8 41-6 • 6 1 43-4 70 614-6 9 23 53-5 •16 36 47-1 ■ 49 30-4 ■ 8 18 4-1 - 1 64 41-1 - 39 12-7 10 17 18-5 -87 58-6 30 10 24-3 14 38 44 3 6 3 46 3 77 3 6'4 ■28 42 18-8 -200 -19-8 -19-6 19-5 19-4 -19-3 -18-9 -18-1 -181 -17-3 -18'8 -15'9 -1.')'3 -15-1 -14-7 -14-3 -13-5 -12-3 -U'5 -11-0 -10-9 -10-1 - 9-6 - 8-e - 8'3 - 6-7 - 5 '5 - 4-7 - 4 .! - 2'B - 2-0 - 2-8 - 1-7 - 2-3 - 0-5 -fO'6 0-7 0'7 1-7 3-'J 4'0 4-7 61 7'0 8-6 9-3 8-8 lO'W 121 12-7 13-0 18-5 14-1 17-5 14-6 15-2 15-7 15-8 16'4 16'2 17-4 17'8 180 18-6 18-7 19-1 190 19'3 19'5 20 1 19-9 Tbe Dominion of Canada has an area of about 3,315,647 square miles, or. including its water surface, 3,456,383 8-98 5-08 !-42 i-13 6 1 43-4 70 6 14-6 9 23 53-5 16 36 47-1 49 .-JO-4 -8 18 4-1 - 1 64 41-1 39 12-7 10 17 18-5 8 7 58-6 30 10 24-3 14 38 44 3 5 3 45 3 77 3 6-4 28 42 18-81 0-7 1-7 3"J 4-0 4-7 5-1 7-0 8-6 9-3 8-8 10-H 12-1 12-7 13-0 13-6 14-1 17-5 14-6 15-2 16-7 15-8 16-4 16-2 17-4 17-8 18-0 18-6 18-7 19-1 19-0 19-3 19-5 201 19-9 (f its water surface, iiith. and consists of ninswick, Manitolia, in the vast territory ole of the northern nest, and Labrador, n the north bv the the United States, 1890] SEMI-DIAMETER OF SUN AND MOON — MUNICIPAL STATISTICS. 38 SEMI-DIAMETER OF THE SUN AND MOON. POLAR DISTANCE AND GREATEST ELONGATION OF a URS/E IIINORIS ON THE lit, 11th AND flat OF EACH MONTH, IS86. i Semi Diameter. Pole Htar. Month. i 'Ocmi-Dlameter. Pole Star. Month. Oreatest nreate«t Sun. Moon. Polar Elongation Sun. Moon. Polar KloiiKation — Distance. Ut. 46 . DUtuioe Ut. 46*. . .. f *' • f ff . t» , „ • / n • 1 t* January. 1 16 18 16 10 1 14 23 1 45 12 , July. 1 IB 46 14 61 1 14 63 1 4B 55 u 16 18 15 •XI 1 14 22 1 46 11 1 11 IB 46 15 57 1 14 52 1 45 54 21 16 17 14 «) 1 14 22 1 45 11 i 21 16 47 15 49 1 14 61 1 45 52 Feb. 1 16 16 16 •Si 1 14 -22 1 45 11 1 Auif. 1 15 48 14 53 1 14 60 1 45 ,50 11 16 14 15 3 1 14 23 1 45 13 1 11 16 60 16 26 1 14 47 1 45 47 21 16 12 16 12 1 14 lb 1 46 16 1 21 16 61 15 13 1 14 46 1 46 43 Marrh. 1 16 10 16 40 1 14 27 1 46 18 Sept. 1 16 64 16 10 1 14 42 1 45 38 11 16 8 14 61 1 14 30 1 45 21 11 15 .56 16 20 1 14 38 1 45 .iS 21' 16 5 15 22 1 14 3:{ 1 45 26 21 15 69 14 48 1 14 86 1 46 28 April. 1 16 2 16 12 1 14 36 1 45 31 Oct. 1 16 •I 15 45 1 14 31 1 46 -23 11 16 59 14 44 1 14 39 1 45 35 1 11 16 4 16 1 1 14 27 1 46 18 21 15 57 16 1 14 42 1 45 39 21 16 7 14 44 1 14 23 . 46 12 Mav. 1 15 54 15 44 1 14 45 1 45 43 Nov. 1 16 10 16 23 1 14 10 1 46 6 11 16 52 14 54 1 14 48 1 45 47 11 16 12 15 21 1 14 16 1 45 1 21 15 50 16 16 1 14 .50 1 45 ,50 21 16 14 14 59 1 14 12 1 44 67 June. 1 15 48 16 5 1 14 51 1 45 52 1 Dec. 1 16 16 16 31 1 14 9 1 44 62 11 15 47 14 52 1 14 52 1 45 54 11 16 17 15 1 1 14 6 1 44 48 21 IB 46 16 2 1 14 63 1 46 56 1 21 16 18 15 23 1 14 4 1 44 46 l{AILWAY STATISTICS, 1894. The /iMuu'iiiif tmuiinai'!/ for the >iea>' IHUI, (jhi'ii thf pi-iiicipal utatinticii .tor the liailwajit in the Dominion of Canada. The numtier of mileii of rotnidi'lftl lailwnii shoifn an inereuKg / /«W miles over last i/ear :— Summary for year endeil 30th June, 1891 ; — Miles of railway completed (trai-k laid) 15,768 do sidingrs 2,017 do iron rails on main line 400 do steel do 15,368 do do (double track) 526 v'apital paid (including the four following items) 887,943,088 iiovernnient bonuses paid 156,716,(J38 do loans j)aid 21, .569,149 do subscriptions to shares paid. . . 300,000 Municipal aid paid 14,1.53,611 I .Miles in o(>eration 15,627 I l-:arning8 «40..5.52,528 I Working expenses 35,218,433 j Net earnings 14,334,095 Passengers carrieer of grain elevators ilo guarded level road crossings . . . do unguarded do ... do overhead bridges do level crossings of other railways do junctions do do do branch lines do engines owned and hire7 48,083,-243 47,166,962 43,888,853 40,7-20,985 38,988,332 34,729,527 31.943,3-20 •29,924,863 $c. 28 17 24 70 22 83 21 -24 20 44 18 47 17 28 16 37 t 6,796,422 6,469,890 7,6-29,730 8,387,186 6,493,619 6,437,363 5,645,-208 4,841,717 9 2,508,691 2,482,156 2,498,294 2,240,69-2 2,057,988 1,999,760 !,8-20,590 1.715,620 1892 1891 1890 1S89 1888 1887 1S86 The ))opulation and assessed values remain almost the same as compared with 1892, but the tax bills have in- <^reased at the rate of 38 cents per head of population over 1892, or nn advance of *l.e3 or 33 per cent, since 1886. The debenture debt show-s an increase of ^,362,268 in the past three years. Over 60 per cent, has been added to this item since 1886. The interest charges are equivalent to one-fifth of the taxes imposed. o 34 TIDE TABLES, HALIFAX. [189(> 1896] TIDE TABLES, HALIFAX, 1896. i TIDAL DIFFERENCES, or Corrections, applicable to the time of High Water at Halifax, for other points- on the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, obtained from the Admiralty Tide Tables. The time given by these differ- ences will be Standard Time for the ( 23 Th. 1 19 5-9 13 41 5-3 7 58 2'6 19 56 27 23 Su. 2 16 5'8 15 17 51 9 17 2-2 21 23 2"> 24 P. 2 06 b9 14 44 5-2 902 24 20 56 2-8 24 M. 3 24 5-8 16 36 5-3 10 24 1-9 22 39 2T 25 Sa. 3 03 59 15 56 52 10 04 2'2 22 00 2'8 25 Tu. 4 38 6'0 17 40 5'8 U 25 17 23 41 2-3 26 Su. 4 06 61 17 04 5'3 1.1 00 1-9 23 01 27 26 W. 5 47 6',S 18 35 62 12 19 1'3 27 M. 5 10 6'2 18 06 57 11 54 16 23 59 2-5 27 Th. 6 46 67 19 24 67 38 19 13 10 11 28 Tu. 6 11 6-5 19 03 61 , . 12 47 1-3 28 P. 7 39 6 9 20 11 70 1 31 15 i3 59 08 29 W. 7 08 6'8 19 52 6-3 56 2 '2 13 38 10 29 Sa, 8 28 7'l 20 53 7 '2 2 20 1-2 14 46 08 30 Th. 8 00 6-9 20 38 6-7 1 51 V9 14 27 fl'8 31 F. 348 71 21 22 6-8 2 44 1-7 15 13 0'8 The time is Standard Time for the 60th meridian ; or four hours slower than Greenwich Mean Time. The heig' t is measured from a datum plane which is about 1 foot 6 inches below the level of low water at Or, For a Q a Tmi H.J 1 w. 10 ii 2 Th. 11 1 3 P. 12 ( 4 Sa. 01 n Su. 1 I 6 M. ■2 ] 7 Tu. 3; 8 W. 4' 9 Th. 5 ' 10 F. 65 11 Ha. 7 ( 12 Su. 7 C 13 M. 8 : 14 Tu. 8- 13 W. 9 ! 16 Th. 10 1 17 P. 10 18 Sa. 11 ; 19 Su. 20 M. 0! 21 Tu. 1 ' 22 W. 2. 23 Th. 3 , 24 F. 5 25 Sa. 6 26 Su. 7 27 M. 7 28 Tu. 8 29 W. 9 30 Th. 10 The time The heigl Ordinary Spr Admiralty Da [189f> 1896] TIDE TABLES, HALIFAX. 35 , for other poiiilx ;n by these diSfer- approximate only RlHE. Neaps. Feet. 9 I' 6 5 6 and Fisheries of Low Water. enooii. Afternoon e. Ht. F't. Time. Ht tf. H.M. F't IS 1-5 15 58 0!» 25 1-4 16 43 II 6 1-4 17 31 1-3 ly l-fi 18 24 17 J5 1-7 19 21 21 15 1« 20 21 24 « 19 21 25 2T 6 19 22 29 2-8 9 1-9 23 31 28 12 13 1-8 !9 27 13 03 IT a '2-5 13 48 17 « 2-4 14 27 17 7 2 3 15 GO 17 7 22 15 28 18 4 2-2 15 53 I-9 ■2 2 2 16 17 20 2 2-2 16 43 22 6 22 17 14 2-3 i8 2-2 17 54 26 >5 23 18 51 2-8 M 23 20 02 2',> 7 2-2 21 23 2» 4 1-9 22 39 2T 5 1-7 23 41 2'3 12 19 1-3 8 1-9 13 10 11 1 1-5 i3 59 0-8 •0 1-2 14 46 0-8 tn Time. rel of low water at '. height above the II TIDE TABLES, HALIFAX -Continued. MARCH • MAY. " 1 1 HiOH Water. 1 Low Water. 1 1 HioH Water. Low Water. 1 Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. { Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Time. H.M. Ht F'l Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. 1 Ht. F't. Time. Ht, F't! Time. Ht. F't. Time. H.M. Ht. F't, Time. H.M. Ht. H.M. H.M. H. M. F't 1 Bu. 9 14 71 vl 35 7-2 308 10 15 31 09 1 p. 10 55 6-4 22 59 67 455 13 17 10 2'6 ? M. 9 59 6-9 22 19 7-2 3 57 09 16 17 11 2 Sa. 11 47 61 23 48 6-2 5 52 17 18 10 28 3 Tu. 10 46 67 23 04 6-9 448 10 17 05 1'4 3 Su. 12 43 5-8 6 52 1-9 19 16 2-9 4 W. 11 36 6-3 23 51 6-6 5 41 1-2 17 57 1-8 4 M. 41 5-8 13 44 5-6 7 51 22 20 22 3'1 5 Th. 1 12 29 5-9 6 37 1-5 18 53 2-2 5 Tu. 1 41 5-5 14 49 5-6 8 49 2'3 21 26 30 6 P. oii 6-2 13 29 5-5 7 38 1'8 19 58 26 6 W. 2.tO .V3 15 53 5'6 9 45 2'4 22 22 2'8 7 Sa. 1 39 5-8 14 41 5-2 8 45 1-9 21 10 2'8 7 Th. 3 58 5-3 16 44 5-8 10 36 2'5 23 11 27 8 Su. 248 5-6 16 02 5 2 9 52 21 22 17 2-8 8 P, 4 57 54 17 25 5-9 11 19 2'6 23 53 2'5 9 M. 3 59 5-4 17 17 5-3 10 54 20 23 19 28 fl Sa. 544 5'5 18 02 6'2 11 57 2-6 in Tu. 5 14 5-5 18 14 5-5 11 51 1-9 10 Su, 627 57 18 38 6-3 32 2-3 12 31 2'6 11 W. 6 13 57 18 54 57 16 2-6 12 40 1-9 11 M. 7 08 .5-8 19 13 65 1 08 21 13 02 2'6 12 Th. 656 5-8 19 26 58 1 04 2-4 13 21 1-8 12 Tu. 7 47 5-9 19 47 67 1 42 1-9 13 32 26 13 F. 7 33 5-8 19 57 60 1 43 2-3 13 55 1-8 13 W. 8 27 5 9 20 22 67 2 16 1-8 14 05 2-6 14 8a. 808 5-9 20 27 6-2 2 15 2-2 14 24 1-9 14 Th. 9 08 60 20 59 67 2 52 17 14 42 27 15 Su. 8 41 60 20 56 6-3 2 41 21 14 50 20 15 P, 9.51 60 21 40 6-7 3 31 17 15 24 88 16 M. 9 13 61 21 24 6-3 3 09 20 15 13 21 16 Sa. 10 36 60 22 26 6-5 4 12 17 16 13 2-8 17 Tu. 944 60 21 53 63 3 36 20 15 37 2-2 17 Su. 11 25 59 23 17 6-3 500 1-8 17 10 29 18 W. 10 17 5-8 22 27 6-3 4 06 1-9 16 04 2-3 IS M. 12 17 5-9 5 56 It9 18 20 30 19 Th. 10 55 57 23 06 6-2 444 20 16 39 2-5 IJ Tu. 15 6-i 13 12 60 655 2-1 19 35 2'i> W F. 11 40 5-6 23 48 6'2 5 31 21 17 23 2-8 2( W. 1 20 ,5-9 14 10 61 7 59 21 20 47 27 21 Sa. 12 35 5-3 6 28 2-2 18 22 2-9 21 Th. 226 5-8 15 09 6-2 902 21 2149 2-3 22 Su. 40 5-9 13 39 52 7 33 2-2 19 46 31 22 F. 334 ,V8 16 07 65 10 03 21 22 47 2-0 23 M. 1 44 5-8 14 53 5-3 8 54 2-2 21 17 2-9 2.' Sa. 4 40 6'0 17 03 6-8 10 58 j 20 23 39 16 9A Tu. 302 5-8 16 08 5-6 10 01 20 22 26 27 24 Su. 5 40 6-2 17 55 7-0 11 48 1-9 25 W. 4 18 60 17 11 60 10 58 1'8 23 24 2-2 25 M. 6 37 6-3 18 46 7-2 28 1-3 12 36 1-9 26 Th. 526 6-3 18 09 6-5 11 52 15 26 Tu. 7 30 6-5 19 35 7 '2 1 16 1-2 13 23 2 27 F. 6 27 6-6 18 59 6-9 18 17 12 43 1-2 2'i W. 8 16 65 20 20 7-2 2 03 n 14 11 21 28 Sa. 7 21 6-8 19 45 7-2 1 09 1-3 13 30 12 2f Th. 9 01 6-5 21 04 71 250 M 15 00 22 29 Su. 8 07 71 20 28 7-4 1 58 10 14 16 1-2 2{ P. 9 46 6-4 21 46 6-8 3 39 12 15 51 23 ,10 M. 850 71 21 11 7-4 2 46 08 15 02 1-2 » Sa. 10 32 63 22 32 65 429 1'3 16 47 2-6 31 Tu. 9 35 6-9 21 53 7-3 3 33 0-8 15 49 15 31 Su. 11 19 61 23 19 6-2 5 21 16 17 47 2-8 , APRIL. JUNE. 1 HiuH Water. Low Water. i 1 HioH Water. Low Water. oon. .• Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon.' Forenoon. Aftern a Time. Ht. F't, Time. H.M. Ht. F't, Time, Ht. Ft Time. Ht F't Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. H t. Time. H.M. Ht. F't! Time. H. M. Ht. H.M. H,M. H.M. H.M. F't. F't, 1 W. 10 23 6-8 22 37 7-1 4 21 0-9 16 38 I -8 1 M. 12 08 5-9 6 14 1'8 18 46 2-8 2 Th. 11 14 6-4 23 23 67 5 12 I -2 17 30 2-2 2 Tu. 11 5-8 12 59 5-8 7 07 21 19 42 29 3 F. 12 08 6 6 08 1-5 18 27 2-6 3 W. 1 04 5 6 13 51 57 8 00 23 20 37 2-9 4 Sa. 12 6-2 13 08 57 7 11 18 19 40 2-8 4 Th. 2 01 5-3 14 44 5'7 8 50 2'5 21 30 2-8 .T Su. 1 09 5-8 14 16 54 8 23 21 20 49 30 5 F. 302 5-2 15 36 5-8 936 2-6 22 20 27 6 M. J 18 5-5 15 36 5-4 9 28 22 21 54 29 1 6 Sa. 4 01 5-2 16 26 5-8 10 19 2'7 23 07 2 5 7 Tu. 336 5-4 16 48 5-5 10 24 2-2 22 54 2-8 ! 7 Su. 4 57 5-2 17 13 61 U 02 28 23 52 2'2 8 W. 4 48 5-4 17 41 57 11 17 22 23 46 27 8 M. 5 51 5-3 17 56 6-2 11 43 27 9 Th. 5 U 56 18 13 5'8 12 01 2-2 9 Tu. 6 40 5-5 18 37 65 35 20 12 25 27 10 P. 6 26 57 18 47 61 29 25 12 40 2-2 10 W. 7 26 57 19 19 6-6 1 17 1-8 13 08 2-6 11 Sa. 7 04 5-8 19 18 6-2 1 05 23 13 14 2-2 11 Th. 8 10 5 8 20 02 67 1 59 1-6 13 52 2 6 12 Su. 7 39 5-9 19 49 64 1 38 2-2 13 44 2-3 12 P. 8 53 6-0 20 46 67 240 14 14 37 2-6 13 M. 8 13 61 20 21 6-5 2 09 20 14 10 2-3 13 Sa. 9 37 61 21 32 67 322 1-3 15 24 2-6 14 Tu. 8 47 61 20 54 6-6 . 2 38 1-9 14 35 24 14 Su. 10 23 62 22 21 6-6 4 06 13 16 14 2'5 15 W. 9 23 6'0 21 28 67 3 09 1'9 15 04 2-5 15 M. 11 11 6-2 23 12 6-3 4 54 14 17 08 2 5 16 Th. 10 01 59 22 04 6-6 3 43 1-8 15 40 27 16 Tu. 12 01 62 5 47 1-6 18 16 2 '5 17 F. 10 43 5-8 22 43 6-4 4 23 19 16 22 2-8 17 W. 006 6'2 12 53 62 6 43 1-8 19 24 24 18 Sa. 11 30 5-8 23 27 6'2 5 10 21 17 11 30 18 Th. 1 05 5-9 13 47 6-2 7 40 1-9 20 27 2-2 19 Su. 12 23 57 606 2-2 18 U .31 19 F. 208 57 14 42 62 8 38 21 21 28 21 20 M. 23 6-1 13 26 5-6 7 15 2-2 19 40 3-2 20 Sa. 3 15 5'6 IS 38 6-3 9 35 2 2 22 24 1-8 21 IM. 1 27 59 14 33 5-8 8 28 2-2 21 01 2-9 1 21 Su, 4 21 5'6 16 33 6-4 10 29 2-2 23 17 I '6 22 W. 238 58 15 39 60 9 34 21 22 09 2'6 I 22 M, 5 23 57 17 27 6-6 11 22 2-2 L'3 Th. 3 54 60 16 41 6-4 10 33 1-9 23 11 2-1 23 Tu. 6 22 5-8 18 19 67 09 14 12 14 22 24 F. 5 07 6-2 17 38 68 11 26 1-8 24 W. 7 15 5'9 19 09 67 1 00 12 13 05 22 25 Sa. 6 10 66 18 29 7 '2 05 17 12 15 17 • 25 Th. 8 01 61 19 57 67 1 50 12 13 56 2 2 26 Su. 7 00 6 8 19 16 7 '4 53 1'2 13 01 1'6 26 F. 8 46 6-1 20 44 6-6 2 39 11 14 48 2 2 27 M. 7 49 6-9 20 02 7 '5 1 38 10 13 48 1-6 27 Sa. 9 30 62 21 30 65 3 27 1-2 15 39 2 3 28 Tu. 8 36 6-9 20 46 7 5 2 24 0-9 14 36 r8 28: Su. 10 13 61 22 14 62 4 14 1-3 16 29 24 29 W. 9 22 68 21 29 7 3 3 12 09 15 25 I '9 29, M. 10 54 60 22 57 60 1 4 59 15 17 18 2 5 30 Th, 10 07 67 22 13 71 4 02 11 16 16 2'2 30: Tu. 11 36 59 23 41 5'8i 5 42 1'7 18 08 2-6 The time it) Standard Time for the 00th meridian ; or four hours slower than Greenwich Mean Time, The height is measured from a datum plane which is about 1 foot inches lielow tlie level of low water ut Ordinary Spring Tides; which is the Datum of the Admiralty Charts, Ji«rice to obtain the height above tlie Admiiulty Datum, de: Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. 1 Afternoon. Forenoon. 1 Afternoon. Forenoon. } .A.fternoon. ?L ^ 1 Time, i H't. Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. H. M. Ht. Ft. Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. Wt. F't. Time. Ht. Time, i Ht. F't! Time. H.M. Ht. t H. M. P't. H. M. H. M. Ft. : H. M. Ft 1 W. 1 12 19 5-8 6 24 20 18 57 27 1 Tn. 1 32 50 13 45 57 1 7 23 2-8 20 46 2'3 2 Th. 1 025 oi> 13 02 5-7 7 05 2-2 19 45 27 2 W. 2 41 49 14 54 57 8 46 2-9 21 59 2-? 3 F. i 1 10 b-2 13 46 5-7 7 45 2 '4 20 33 27 3 Th. 405 bl 16 11 5-8 10 11 2-8 23 05 18 4 Sa. 1 1 59 5'^ 14 32 5-7 828 2'6 21 24 2-5 4 F. 5 20 5-5 17 22 61 1 11 20 2-4 5 8u. 1 300 4-9 15 23 57 9 16 27 22 17 2-3 5 Sa. 6 16 5-9 18 22 6-4 00 1-5 12 16 ?-o 6 M. 1 409 4-9 16 20 5-8 10 08 2-8 23 11 2-1 6 Su. 7 04 6-4 19 17 6-8 1 49 1-2 13 09 1-6 7 Tu. 1 5 11 bU 17 16 60 11 02 27 24 04 1-8 7 M. 7 49 6-8 20 06 6-9 i 1 35 10 13 58 1-3 8. W. 6 10 52 18 10 6-2 11 56 2-6 8l Tu. 8 32 71 20 51 71 2 20 0-9 14 45 11 9 Th. i 7 03 bo 19 02 6-4 05t 1-5 12 48 2-4 9' W. 9 14 7 '2 21 35 70 304 0-9 15 32 fl-9 10 F. : 7 51 b-8 19 54 6-6 1 40 13 13 39 3-2 10 Th. 9 57 7-2 22 20 6-8; 3 49 11 16 22 l-(» 11 8ii. 8 37 61 20 40 6-7 2 25 11 14 29 21 11 F. 10 41 71 23 09 6-5, 436 1-4 17 14 V? 12 Su. 1 922 b-2 21 27 67 309 0-9 15 19 1-9 12 Sa. 11 27 6-8 529 18 18 09 1-4 13 M. 10 06 64 22 13 6-6 354 Ot* 16 10 1-9 13 Su. 002 6'1 12 17 6-4; 6 26 2-2 19 10 17 14 Tu. 10 49 b-b 23 00 6-4 4 41 11 17 04 1-8 14 M. 59 57 13 12 6-1, 7 29 2-6 20 18 19 15 W. 11 33 b-b 23 48 6-2 5 30 1-2 18 01 1-8 15 Til. 209 b-3 14 21 5-8 1 8 40 2-8 21 28 2-0 16 i Th. 12 20 6-4 6 21 1-4 19 02 rs 16 W. 330 5-2 15 35 5-6 1 9 52 2-8 22 31 ?-l 17 P. 41 t'*' 13 11 6-2 7 14 1-8 20 03 1-8 17 Th. 4 46 5-3 16 47 5-6 1 10 54 2-8 23 26 2 18' Sa. 1 44 b-6 14 05 61 809 21 21 04 1-8 18 F. 5 45 5-6 17 48 5-8 11 50 2-6 19 Su. 250 b-3 15 02 6() 907 2-2 22 05 1-8 19 Sa. 633 5-8 18 37 5-9 16 1-9 12 40 2'4 20 M. 400 b-2 16 04 5-9 10 09 2-4 23 04 1-6 20 Su. 7 10 5-9 19 17 60 1 UO 1-8 13 23 2-2 211 Tu. 5 08 b-2 17 09 60 11 10 2-4 21 M. 7 41 6'1 19 52 6-1, 1 37 1-9 13 58 ?:?. 22 W. 6 11 ' b-3 18 07 61 00 1-5 12 07 2-4 22 Tu. 8 10 6-2 20 25 6-1 1 208 20 14 28 2-1 23 Th. 7 04 5-6 18 59 6'2 53 13 13 02 2-3 23 W. 838 6-3 20 57 6-2 1 2 33 21 14 56 'n 24 F. 1 7 47 V7 19 46 6-2 1 43 1-2 13 54 2-2 24 Th. 908 6-4 2130 61 ; 2 57 2-2 15 23 21 9S> 8a. ! 828 5-8 20 29 6-2 2 29 1-2 14 42 2-2 25 F. 939 6-4 22 05 5-9 322 2-3 15 51 21 26 8u. '\ 9 07 5-9 21 09 6-2 3 10 1-2 15 25 21 26 Sa. 10 13 6-4 22 43 5-8' 350 2-4 16 24 2-2 27 M. 9 44 60 21 49 60 3 47 1-3 16 04 21 27 Su. 10 51 6-3 23 25 5-6 4 23 2-7 17 05 ?,?. 28 Tu. 10 20 60 22 28 5-8 4 20 1-5 16 40 2-2 28 M. 11 33 6-2 ! 5 03 2-8 17 54 2-3 2<> W. i 10 57 5-9 23 10 57 4 50 17 17 16 2-2 29 Tu. 14 5-5 12 20 6-i' 5 52 !»1 18 57 ■?-4 30 Th. 1 11 34 58 23 47 5-5 5 19 1-9 17 54 2-3 30 W. 1 10 5-3 13 18 5-9, 7 02 3-" 20 23 2-4 31 F. ! .. .. 12 11 5-8 5 52 2-2 18 38 2-3 M AUGUST. 1 OCTOBER. HiuH Water. i liow Water. HioH Watfr. Low Water. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. ^ Time. H. M. Ht. Time. !H't. Time. H.M. Ht. F't Time. Ht. Ft ^ S Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. H.M. Ht. Time. Ft. H. M. Ht. F'T Time. H.M. Ht. H. M. Ft. H. M. Ft 1 Sa. 027 5-2 12 50 5-8 6 32 2-3 19 3) 2-4 1! Th. 2 19 5 3 14 30 5-8 8 40 3'2 21 32 2-3 2 Su. 1 12 50 13 35 57 7 22 2-6 20 32 2-4 2 F. 337 5-6 15 46 60 9 54 2-9 22 31 ?1 3 M. 2 10 4-8 14 29 5-6 8 19 27 21 34 2? ;■ Sa. 4 42 6-0 17 01 62 , 11 00 2-5 23 25 1-8 4 Tu. 3 23 4-8 15 30 5-6 9 23 2-8 22 33 2-0 ■( Su. 540 6-5 18 05 6-6 1 11 55 20 5 W. 4 38 4-8 i 16 36 5-8 10 30 27 23 31 17 5 M. 6 33 6-9 18 58 6-9 16 1-6 12 46 1-6 « Th. 5 42 5-2 17 41 61 11 36 25 6 Tu. 7 21 7-3 19 47 71 1 04 1-4 13 33 1-? 7 F. 638 5'6 18 41 6-3 1 27 14 12 31 2-2 7 W. 8 07 7-6 20 34 7-2 1 49 1-3 14 19 ro 8 Sa. 7 28 6-0 19 34 66 ; 1 18 11 13 23 V9 8 Th. 8 51 77 21 20 7-2 2 33 14 15 06 0'9 9 Su. 8 15 6-3 20 23 68 204 08 14 13 1-6 9 F. 9 34 7-6 22 06 70 1 3 20 1-6 15 58 11 in M. 8 59 6« i 21 09 6-8 2 48 0-8 15 03 14 10 Sa. 10 18 7-3 22 50 67 4 10 1-8 16 52 1-? 11 Tu. 9 42 6-8 i 21 54 6 '8 i 3 32 0-8 15 53 12 Hi Su. 11 03 7-1 1 23 42 6-3 5 04 2-?! 17 49 V6 12 W. 10 24 6-8 1 22 41 6-6 1 ■* 17 or 16 44 1-2 121 M. 11 51 67 605 2-6 18 50 18 13 Th. 11 08 6-8 i 23 31 6-2 ! 5 04 11 17 36 1-3 13 Tu. 038 60 ! 12 48 6-2 7 17 2'8 19 54 21 14 F. 11 54 6-6 , 5 53 1-4 18 31 1-4 14 W. 1 47 5-8 1,13 53 5-8 8 24 3-0 20 57 2-2 15 Sa. 025 5-8 1 12 43 63 1 6 47 V8 19 30 1-6 15 Th. 3 02 57 1 15 07 57 9 29 3-0 21 57 2-3 16 Su. 1 22 5-5 13 35 60 7 44 2-2 20 34 1-8 16 F. 4 18 5-8 i 16 22 57 10 30 2-9 22 54 ?-3 17 M. 2 28 5-2 14 35 5-8 8 48 2-4 21 42 1-8 17 Sa. 5 16 5-9 1 17 29 5-8 11 28 2-8 23 44 2-4 18 Tu. 3 42 51 1 15 53 5-6 9 55 2-6 22 47 1-8 18, Sn. 600 61 ! 18 17 5-8 .... 12 16 2-6 19 W. 5 06 51 ' 17 00 57 1 11 04 2'6 23 46 17 19; M. 6 34 16-2 18 53 60 27 2-4 12 53 2 4 2(1 Th. 606 5 3 17 59 j5'8 12 04 2-5 2 i| T«. 7 06 6-4 19 27 61 1 02 2-5 13 26 2-3 21 K. 6 53 5 6 18 49 .5'9 039 1-5 12 56 2-3 2 1 W. 7 37 66 20 00 6-2 1 33 2 6 13 57 2-2 22 Sa. 7 35 5-8 19 33 1 60 1 27 V4 13 43 2-2 2! ! Th. 8 07 6-6 20.34 6-2 . 1 59 3-6 14 27 2-2 23 Su. 8 11 5-)i 1 20 14 , 61 209 14 14 24 2-1 2. 1 F. 8 38 6-7 j 21 10 6-2 2 24 27 14 58 22 24 M. 844 6 20 51 1 61 2 46 1-4 15 00 20 2< • Sa. 9 10 67 21 47 61 2 50 2-8 15 31 2-2 25 Tu, 9 16 61 : 21 26 i 60 3 16 1-6 15 32 2 2. 5 Su. 9 43 67 1 22 25 60 3 22 2-9 16 07 2'2 26 W. 9 47 61 22 00 1 59 3 41 17 16 01 2'0 26 M. 10 19 6-6 ; 23 08 5-9 4 00 3-1 16 48 2-3 27 Th. 10 18 «'i i 22 35 5-8 4 05 1-9 16 29 21 27; Tu. 11 02 6-4 23 57 5-8 4 45 32 17 37 2'4 2i F. 10 50 61 23 11 5'6 430 21 16 59 22 28 W. 11 56 6-3 1 • .. 5 46 3-3 18 41 2-5 2« Sa. 11 24 6( : 23 51 1 5-3 4 57 2-2 17 38 2-2 29i Th. 056 6-8 ■ 12 ud 6-2 7 06 3-3 19 49 2-5 3t Su. . • • 1 12 02 : 5-9 5 31 25 18 28 2-3 30 F. 1 58 5 9 14 08 ; 61 8 23 3-2 20 58 2-4 31 M. 37 ' 5'2 12 47 ' 58 6 19 127 19 34 ! 2-3 1131' Sa. 3 02 1 6-2 15 23 i 6-2 9 36 2 9 22 00 2-3 The time is Standard Time for the 60th meridian ; or four hours slower than Greenwich Mean Time. The height is measured from a. datum plane which is about 1 foot (i imhes below the level of low water at Ordinary Sprlnjr Tides; which is the Datum of the Admiralty Chorts. Hence to obtain the hei^rht above the Admiralty Datum, de 50 2-8 15 31 2'2 22 2 9 16 07 2'2 m 31 16 48 2-3 45 3-2 17 37 2'4 ) 46 3-3 18 41 2-5 06 3-3 19 49 2 5 i 23 32 20 58 2'4 3 36 ' 2-9 1 22 00 2'3 :eaii Time. evel of low water at he h ei(rh t abov« ' the NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. 1 High Water. \ Low Water. 1 Hi(tH Water. | Low Water. ^ Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. 1 Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. ' 1 Afternoon. ft Time. Ht. F't. Time. Ht. F't Time. Ht. F't. Time. Ht. F't Time. Ht. F't. Time. Ht, F't, Time. H.M. Ht F't. Time. H.M. Ht. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H.M. H.M. Ft. 1 Su. 406 6-4 16 31 6-3 10 37 2-5 22 55 2-2 1 Tu. 432 6-9 17 11 6-3 11 05 20 23 16 2-3 2 M. 505 6-8 17 34 6-6 11 32 20 23 46 20 2 W. 5 26 71 18 08 6-5 11 56 17 3 Tu. 558 7-2 18 30 6'9| 12 23 1-6 3 Th. 6 17 7 '3 19 01 67 008 2'2 i2 47 1-4 4 W. 648 7-6 19 23 71 034 1'8 13 11 1-3 4 F. 708 7-4 19 52 68 59 2'2 13 38 1-2 Th. 7 36 77 20 13 7-2 1 20 1-8 13 58 12 i 5 8a. 758 7-4 20 41 6-8 1 1 49 2-2 14 29 1-2 6 P. 822 7-8 21 01 7-2 206 1-9 14 46 li 6 Su. 846 7 '3 21 29 6-8 2 40 2-3 15 19 1'2 7 8a. 909 77 21 47 7 254 21 15 36 1-2 7 M. 1 933 7 -2 22 16 6-8 3 33 2-4 16 10 1-4 8 Su. 956 7-4 22 33 6-8 3 46 2'2 16 29 T4 8 Tu. ! 10 20 6-9 23 04 6-6 4 29 2-5 17 03 16 9 M. 10 44 71 23 23 6-6 444 2-6 17 25 17 9 W. 1108 67 23 53 6'4 5 30 27 17 57 1-8 10 Tn. 11 32 67 548 2-8 18 24 T9 10 Th. ! 11 58 6-3 628 2-8 18 50 2'2 11 W. 19 6-3 12 22 6-3 654 30 19 25 2-2 11 F. 41 6-2 12 50 6-0 7 25 29 19 42 2-4 12 Th. 1 20 61 13 24 6-0 7 58 31 20 26 2-4 12 8a. 130 61 13 44 57 820 2-9 20 31 27 13 F. 222 60 14 30 5-8 8 59 31 21 22 2-6 13 Su. ! 220 60 14 41 5-5 9 14 2-9 21 18 2'8 14 Sa. 3 24 6-0 15 38 57 9 57 30 22 14 27 14 M. 3 10 5-9 15 40 5-4 10 05 2-8 22 02 2-9 15 Su. 4 21 6'1 16 41 57 10 48 2'9 23 00 2-8 15 Tu. 4 01 60 16 41 5-4 10 53 2-8 22 47 30 16 M. 506 6-2 17 30 58 11 35 2-8 23 42 2-8 16 W. 4 51 61 17 38 5-5 11 39 2'6 23 32 31 17 Tu. 5 43 6-2 18 13 5-8 12 16 2-6 17 Th. 5 39 6-2 18 27 5-6 12 22 !i'3 18 W. 6 19 6-4 18 54 5'9 20 2-9 12 54 2-4 18 P. 624 6-4 19 12 5-8 16 3'i 13 02 2'a K Th. 654 6-6 19 33 60 055 2-9 13 29 2'3 19 Sa. ! 708 6-5 19 55 5-9 59 30 13 40 20 2U P. 7 30 67 20 12 61 1 26 2-9 14 03 2-2 20 Su. ; 7 51 6-7 20 37 61 141 2-9 14 19 1-8 21 Sa. 807 6-8 20 53 6-2 1 57 30 14 38 21 21 M. 833 6-8 21 19 6-2 2 23 2-8 14 59 1-8 22 Su. 8 45 6-8 21 35 6-2 2 31 30 15 15 21 22 Tu. 9 16 6-8 22 03 6-3 306 2-8 15 40 17 2.1 M. 925 6'8 22 18 62 3 10 31 15 54 21 2;; W. 10 01 6-8 22 48 6-4 3 52 2-8 16 23 17 24 Tu. 10 07 67 23 02 6-2 354 31 16 37 2-2 24 Th. 10 50 6-6 23 35 6-4 442 27 17 09 1'8 25 W. 10 53 6-6 23 49 62 4 45 3'2 17 26 2-2 25 F. 11 41 6-4 5 37 27 18 00 1-9 26 Th. 11 48 6-4 5 44 3-2 18 23 2-3 26 8a. : 023 6-4 12 35 6-2 6 42 2-6 18 59 21 27 F. 39 6-2 12 47 6 2 6 53 3'1 19 24 2-4 27 Su. ; 1 13 6-5 13 32 60 746 2-4 20 01 2'2 2f Ha. 1 33 6-3 13 49 61 806 2-9 20 26 2-4 28 M , 206 6-5 14 34 5'9 8 49 2-3 21 00 2'4 20 Su. 2.% 6'4 14 56 C. 1 9 15 27 21 27 2-4 29 Tu. 1 302 6-5 15 40 5-8 950 21 21 56 2't> !K1 M. 333 67 16 08 6-2 10 12 2-3 22 23 2-3 .36 W. 4 01 6-6 16 45 5-8 10 47 1'8 22 51 2'b ! 31 Th. 500 6-7 17 49 5-9 11 42 17 23 45 2'4 The time is Standard Time for the 60th meridian ; or four hours slower than Greenwich Mean Time. The height is measured from a datum plane which is about 1 foot 6 inches below the level of low water at Ordinary Sprinar Tides ; which is the Datum of the Admiralty Charts. Hence to obtain the height above the Admiralty Datum, deduct 1-5 feet from the height above given. TIDE TABLES, QUEBEC, 1896. TIDAL DIFFERENCES, or Corrections, applicable to the time of High Water at Quebec, for points alonu- the Lower St. Lawrence, obtained from the Admiralty Charts. The time given by these differences will be East- ern Stundard Time (for the 76th Meridian) and will be correct at full and change, and approximate only at other times in the month. :> XiOCALITY. Correction to be subtracted from Quebec Tables. Rise, Springs, Neaps. Quebec H. M, 0-00 1 - 28 1 -38 3-02 4-04 4-34 4-39 Feet. 18 18 18 174 16 14 13 Feet. 124 Urosae Isle 13 L'Islet 13 Orignaux Point 13 Oreen IslaMd it Bic Island Little Metis River 8 NoTB.— The Tidal Streams in the Vpver and Lower Traverses are referred, on Admiralty Chart No. 314, to High and Low Water at Orignaux Point. Wm, p. Andbrbon, Chief Engineer. Ottawa. 38 TIDE TABLES, QUEBEC. [1896 ■,s96] TIDE TABLES, QUEBEO-Continued. These tables are supplied by the Tidal Survey Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the Dominion of Canada. Q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 .10 Ij W. 2 Th. F. Ha. Ou M. Tu W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. 6| W. 18; M. 19i Tu. 20; w. 21 1 Th. 22 F. 23| Ha. 24 1 Su. 25; M. 26; Tu. 27l W, 28 Th. 29' F. ;io; Sa. ■AV 8u. APRIL. High Water. Forenoon. Time. H't, H. M. 8 2 8 41 9 24 10 14 11 15 036 1 58 3 5 3 53 4 33 5 11 5 47 6 21 655 7 29 8 2 834 9 9 9 56 10 59 19 1 33 2 45 3 44 4 29 5 9 5 47 6 23 6 .58 7 35 F't, 17'S 17-5 16-8 Afiernoon. Time. H't. H. M. 20 34 21 20 22 16 15-9| 23 21 14-9 11-3 119 12-8 13-9 150 15-9 16-5 16-8 170 171 17-2 171 170 16-5 159 127 131 14-2 15'5 16'8 17-6 183 18-5 18-4 lS-2 F't. 14-9 13-9 12-9 120 12 36 14 1 15 8 15 59 16 46 17 29 18 9 18 48 19 26 20 3 20 39 21 16 22 1 23 6 12 26 13 49 15 4 16 16 48 17 31 18 13 18 54 19 36 20 19 14'2 14 li 14-5; 15'll 15-6; 15'9 15-9 15-6 15'l| 14'6; 14'2, 13'7 13'2 12-8 15'4 15'5 16'0 16 '6 16'9 16-9 16'5 15'9 15'2 14'3 IjOW WA.TKR. Forenoon. Time. H't. H. M. 2 52 3 37 4 25 5 16 6 11 7 13 8 21 9 30 10 29 11 20 31 1 7 1 43 2 20 2 56 3 32 4 9 4 49 5 36 6 39 7 49 9 3 10 9 11 6 11 59 14 59 1 44 2 30 Afternooa. Time. H't, H. M. 15 32 16 24 17 18 18 14 19 14 20 20 21 27 22 25 23 14 23 54 12 8 12 53 13 36 14 18 14 59 15 39 16 18 16 59 17 45 18 40 19 44 20 50 21 49 22 42 23 29 ■i2'56' 13 39 14 27 15 15 Ft. 10 18 2-8 3-7 44 4-5 4 3-3 2-6 23 21 19 20 2-3 2-8 3'3 3-8 4-2 46 4-8 4-6 41 3-3 2'5 19 0-8 0'8 1-2 18 MAY. HiuH Water. Forenoon. Time. Ht H.M. 8 15 8 39 9 48 10 48 5 1 20 2 19 3 12 4 4 43 5 22 5 58 6 31 7 3 7 35 8 9 8 48 9 36 10 36 11 54 57 2 9 3 7 3 56 4 42 5 24 6 3 6 41 7 19 7 58 8 42 Afternoon Ti lie. Ht. Ft. 17-7 171 16-3 15-4! 12-6i 12-91 13-8; 14-8; 15 81 16-61 17-1 17-3 17-4 17-5! 17-5, 17-6, 17-51 17-2 16-6 15-i), 14-41 15-11 16-2 17-2 17 '9 18-2 18-2 180 17-7 17-4 16-8 H.M. 21 4 21 53 22 48 i2 '9 13 26 14 34 15 33 16 25 17 11 17 51 18 28 19 4 19 39 20 14 20 51 21 33 22 29 23 36 is i? 14 36 15 38 16 3). 17 18 18 2 18 43 19 23 20 4 20 47 21 32 F't. 13-8 13-2 12 8 i4-7 14-4 14-6 15-0 15-4 15-5 15-4 150 14-6 14-2 14-0 13-9 13-9 13-9 13-9 i5-6 15 6 15-9 16-0 15-8 15-4 149 14-3 13-9 13-6 13-5 Ldw Water. Forenoon. Time. H t. li. M. 3 17 4 4 4 52 5 42 6 39 7 46 8 56 10 1 11 2 11 54 37 1 14 1 50 2 27 3 6 3 47 4 30 3 17 6 12 7 19 8 34 9 43 10 46 11 44 48 1 33 2 20 3 4 3 49 F't. 2'9 3-5 4-1 4-7 3 1 51 4-8 4-0 3-2 2-7 3-3 3-6 3-9 4-1 4-2 4-1 40 4 41 4-0 3-6 2-9 21 1-5 2-'3 2-3 2-8 31 3 5 Afternoon. Time. H't, Ft. 2-5 3-3 3-9 4-5 4-7 4-5 40 3-5 32 59 3-1 37 i 2-6 17 i 2-7 56 I 2-9 36 ' 3-2 3-5 3-8 3-8 4-0 4 4-0 3-8 3-3 2-8 2-4 2-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 20 2-5 2-9 Q M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. Q W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su. M. Tu. W. Th. JUNE. HiuH Water. Forenoon. Afternoon Time. H't. H. M. 9 30 10 27 11 35 31 1 37 2 36 3 26 4 10 4 51 529 6 5 6 40 7 16 7 54 8 35 9 21 10 16 11 23 10 1 25 2 29 3 25 4 16 5 1 5 44 6 Gfi 7 7 7 47 8 29 9 15 Time. H't F't. 16-2 15-5 14-8 13-8 14-3 14-9 15-7 16-4 16-6 16-9 17-0, 171 17-4 H.M. 22 22 23 23 12 si 14 4 15 6 16 16 45 17 26 18 4 18 41 19 17 19 54 17-5 20 32 17-5 21 12 17-2 16-6 15-8 151 15-5 160 16-6 170 17-2 17-2 17-0 21 59 22 59 i2 45 14 4 15 13 16 12 17 17 44 18 26 19 7 16-71 19 47 16-5 20 28 16-2 21 11 15-8, 21 57 F't. 13-5 13-5 i4-2 141 14-2 14-4 14-5; 14-4 14-0 13-8 13-81 13-91 14-1] 14-5 14-8! 14-9i is-o 14-5 14-4 14-3 14-1 140 13-7 13-5 13-5 13-7 13-9 141 Low Watbk. Forenoon. Afternoon, Time. H't. H.M. 4 35 5 23 6 16 7 16 8 21 9 29 10 32 11 26 '6 S 50 1 29 2 7 2 46 3 26 4 9 4 .57 5 51 7 8 11 9 22 10 30 U 32 '6 23 F't. 3-8 41 4-5 46 4-5 4-2 3-6 31 3-8 3-9 3-9 3'8 3-5 31 2-9 2-7 2-8 30 3-0 2-8 2-3 1-6 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 Time. H't, H. M. 17 18 18 4 18 54 19 4£ 20 45 21 42 22 34 23 23 12 14 12 57 13 36 14 14 14 52 15 30 16 9 16 51 17 38 18 31 19 30 2u 32 21 36 22 37 23 32 12 24 13 14 14 2 14 47 15 28 16 8 16 49 F't. 3-4 3-9 4-2 4-4 4-2 40 3-9 3-8 2-9 2-9 2-9 3-0 3-0 2-9 2-8 2-6 2-7 2-9 3-0 3-0 2-9 2-6 2-5 1-3 1-2 13 1-3 1-8 21 2 •5 JULY. HioH Water. 17 F. i 18 Sa. 1 19 Su. 2) M. 21 Tu. i22 W. 23 Th. 24 F. 25 Sa. 26 Su. 27 M. 28 Tu. 29 W. 30 Th. 31 F. Low Water. Forenoon. Time. H't H.M. 4 39 5 47 6 40 7 46 8 53 9 59 11 11 54 '6 29 1 9 1 48 2 26 3 5 3 45 4 33 5 30 6 33 7 43 8 37 10 13 U 20 Afternoon. Time. H't 6 56 1 43 2 28 3 11 3 52 4 33 5 16 i 2-5 F't. 30 3-4 3-8 4-1 4-2 3-9 3-3 29 3-5 31 2-6 21 1-6 1-3 1-3 16 2-2 2-7 2-8 2-4 1-7 11-6 f20 H.M. 17 32 18 18 19 9 20 4 21 2 21 59 22 54 23 44 12 38 13 17 13 54 14 29 15 3 15 39 16 19 17 6 17 58 18 54 19 57 21 6 22 11 23 12 12 13 12 58 13 41 14 22 15 2 15 40 16 16 16 52 17 31 F't. 2-9 3-3 37 4-1 4 3 4-2 40 3-7 2-6 2-4 21 1-9 1-6 1-4 1-3 I,-) IV 2-4 2-9 3-1 2-9 2-5 11 0-8 0-8 10 11 13 1-6 2-0 2-6 The time is Kastern Standard Time for the 75th meridian, 5 hours slower than Greenwich Mean Time. The hei)(hts are above Low Water Spring Tides, and are measured from the sain datum as used for the Admiralty CliartK. H Fore Time H.M • 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 3 5 4 62 7 7 5< 83 9 1 10 11 1 4 [1896 s96] TIDE TABLES, QUEBEC. 39 le and Fisheries of the Low Watek. Forenoon. Afternoon Time. Ht. H. M. 4 35 5 23 6 16 7 16 8 21 929 10 32 11 26 '6 8 050 1 29 2 7 2 46 326 4 9 4 .57 5 51 7 8 11 9 22 10 30 1132 23 1 12 1 59 244 3 28 4 IS P't. 3-8 41 4 '5 4-6 45 4-2 36 31 3-8 39 3 9 3-8 35 31 29 27 2-8 30 30 28 2-3 16 2-4 2-4 2-4 2 5 2-6 27 Time. Ht H. M. P't 17 18 3-4 18 4 3 9 18 54 4-2 19 4*; 4-4 20 45 4-2 21 42 40 22 34 3 '9 23 23 3-8 12 14 2-9 12 57 2-9 13 36 2-9 14 14 30 14 52 30 15 30 2-9 16 9 2-8 16 51 2-6 17 38 27 18 31 2-9 19 30 30 io 32 30 21 36 2-9 22 37 2-6 23 32 2-5 12 24 13 13 14 1-2 14 2 1-3 14 47 1-5 15 28 1-8 16 8 21 16 49 2'S Low Water. Forenoon. Afternoon Time. Ht. Time. Ht M. 4 J9 5 47 6 40 46 53 59 11 54 11 29 1 9 1 48 26 5 45 4 33 5 30 6 33 43 8 57 I) 13 20 F't, 30 34 38 41 4-2 3 9 3-3 29 3-5 31 2-6 21 16 1-3 13 1-6 2-2 27 2-8 24 17 21 19 1-6 1-5 15 6 56 43 28 11 52 33 f20 16 I 2"5 \" H.M. 17 32 18 18 19 9 20 4 21 2 21 59 22 54 23 44 12 38 13 17 13 54 14 29 15 3 15 39 16 19 17 6 17 58 18 54 19 57 21 6 22 11 23 12 12 13 12 58 13 41 14 22 15 2 15 40 16 16 16 52 17 31 Ft. 2-9 3 3 37 41 4 3 42 40 37 2-6 2-4 21 19 I'ti 1-4 1'3 i:, !'•' ! 2'4 I 2-9 3-1 J2-9 2 5 11 0-8 08 10 11 13 1-6 2-0 2-6 TIDE TABLES, QUEBEO-Continued. AUGUST. OCTOBER. V 1 1 HioH Water. IjOw Water. 1 I_ Hi«H Water. Low Water. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Time. H M. Ht. F't Time. Ht. F'V Time. hTiii Ht. Ft Time. H. M. Ht. F't Time. H. M. Ht. V~t. Time. Ht. F't. Time. H. M. Ht F't. Time. Ht. H. M. IH. M. Ft. 1 a 4 Hu 11 34 1?9 23 55 142 6 4 ,3-1 18 16 3'3 1 Th. 33 13-9 13 54 iV? 8 3 4 5 19 54 4-6 Hu. M. Til. W 1 12 45 120 7 5 38 19 9 3'9 2 F. 1 55 Wt 14 56 12' 1 9 6 40 21 4 40 1 2 1T9 13 57 11-5 8 16 41 20 9 4 '4 3 Su. 2 .58 14-6 15 50 13-3 10 31 22 8 30 2 8 11-9 15 3 11 -5 9 28 41 21 14 4-5 4 Su. 3 51 15-3 16 34 14-6 10 49 2-2 23 3 19 3 5 14? 16 2 118 10 29 35 22 16 40 5 M. 4 40 15'9 17 14 15-8 11 33 14 23 53 0-9 3 55 4 40 14-8 15-3 16 46 17 25 12-4 12-9 11 21 12 2 2-8 ?,■?, 23 8 23 54 3-5 2-8 6 7 Tu 5 26 16'3 17 51 167 12 IvJ 08 Th. ; F W.' 6 9 16-3 18 27 174 42 0-2 12 58 0'5 8 10 11 12 13 Sii 5 22 159 18 2 13-5 12 42 17 a Th. 6 51 160 19 3 IV -7 1 30 -0-2 13 40 0-5 Sii ' 6 3 16-3 18 37 14 1 38 20 13 21 13 9 F. 7 32 lo-5 19 40 17-8 2 17 -01 14 23 07 m' ! 6 43 16-6 19 13 14-9 1 22 1-4 14 OK 10 SB. 8 14 14 7 20 20 IV ■.'> ' 4 0-2 15 9 1-2 T>1 7 24 Ifi-7 19 51 15-5 2 6 07 14 39 0-6 11 Su. 9 13-8 23 4 16'9 ^ 54 0-8 15 58 1-8 W 8 6 16'6 2C 31 161 2 51 0-3 15 18 0-4 12 M. 9 52 12-8 21 ii3 160 4 47 IV 16 50 2-6 Tli 8 50 lfi-1 21 14 16-4 3 37 0-2 15 58 0-4 13 Tu. 10 53 11-9 22 51 14-9 544 2-6 17 45 34 ^n 938 10 32 15-3 140 22 22 52 16-3 15 7 4 25 5 15 0-4 1'1 16 39 17 23 0"8 14 W 12 8 II '3 6 45 3-3 18 46 4 1 14 15 1-5 15 Th. 6 9 13-9 13 29 11-3 7 49 3-6 19 53 43 lb Sii 11 40 1?-7 23 57 14 9 6 9 20 18 18 2'4 16 F. 1 34 13-5 14 39 12 8 54 3'b 20 59 4 17 IS M 13 8 11-6 7 18 ^■8 19 25 3'1 IV Sa. 2 47 137 15 33 131 9 53 3-0 22 3 3-2 Tu 1 11 14-4 14 23 11-2 8 36 30 20 37 3-5 18 Su. 3 39 141 16 16 14-2 1 10 43 H 23 2-3 11 W 2 33 142 15 34 11-5 9 54 2-6 21 49 3-2 19 M. 4 27 14-6 16 55 \^'^i 11 28 1-9 23 52 1-6 Th. F 339 4 31 14-5 14-8 16 26 17 10 120 12-8 11 2 11 50 1'8 1-1 22 55 23 50 2 6 1-9 20 21 Tu 5 11 14'1 17 31 15 '9 12 7 V7 JO W 5 52 14 9 18 5 16-4 39 1-2 12 44 It .>.J Sii. 5 16 15-1 17 51 13-4 12 32 0-8 22 Th. 6 31 14-7 18 38 Ibo 1 22 1-2 13 22 20 •l'^ 8n. 5 55 15'4 18 29 139 36 1-4 13 12 0-6 23 F. 1 7 9 14'3 19 12 166 2 3 1-b 14 2-4 •>1 M. 6 33 15-4 19 5 14-5 1 19 10 13 50 0-8 24 Sa. 748 13-9 19 47 16-6 2 43 18 14 39 2-8 •'', Tn. 7 11 15-3 19 39 150 2 08 14 25 0-8 25 Su. 8 28 13-4 20 24 16-5 3 22 2-3 15 18 3-2 •)fi W 7 50 15-1 20 12 15-4 2 40 09 14 59 1-1 26 M. 9 9 12-9 21 3 16-2 4 2 2-9 15 56 3-» •'7 Th. 8 30 14-8 20 45 15-5 3 19 1-2 15 33 1-5 27 Tu. 9 52 12-5 21 46 158 4 43 3-4 16 35 3-8 •>H F. 9 12 143 21 22 15-5 4 16 16 9 20 28 W. 10 41 120 22 36 15' 1 5 28 3-V 17 17 40 •X) Ha. 9 57 13-5 22 5 151 4 45 2-3 16 48 25 t\iy Th. 11 56 11-9 23 47 14o 6 18 4 18 11 4-2 30 -Jl 8n. 1 M. 1 , 10 52 11 59 12-4 114 22 57 14 '5 5 34 6 28 30 3'8 17 32 18 22 3-2 40 30 F. 13 8 12 ? 7 14 41 19 17 4-1 311 Sa. i io 14-4 14 13 130 8 14 3'8 20 32 37 SEPTEMBER. NOVEMBER. C High Water. Low Watek. 1 HioH Water. I..0W Water. 3 Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon. Forenoon. Afternoon, j Forenoon. Afternoon. 1 Time. hTm! Ht. Ft, Time. H.M. Ht. F't. Time. Ht. Ft. Time. Ht. F't Time. Ht. Ft. Time. H.M. Ht. Ft. Time. H.M. Ht. Ft. Time. H.M. Ht. H.M. H. M. F't. 1 Til. 2 13-9 13 18 10-9 7 33 4-4 19 21 4-5 1 Su. 2 24 14-7 15 9 14.3 9 16 3-1 21 40 2-8 2 W 1 12 135 14 28 109 8 43 4-3 20 33 4fi ? M. 330 15 '2 15 58 15-6 10 13 2-3 22 42 1-8 ■A Th. 2 30 13-8 15 29 11-5 9 47 38 21 42 41 3 Tu. 422 15-7 16 43 167 11 5 1-6 23 35 0-9 4 P. 3 28 14-4 16 19 12-5 10 43 30 22 39 32 4 W. 5 9 15-8 17 24 17-5 11 52 1-1 .') 8u. 4 19 151 17 2 13-5 11 30 21 23 31 2'2 5 Th. 5 52 15-6 18 2 17-9 24 0-3 12 37 09 (• Sii. 5 5 15-8 17 39 14-5 12 12 1-4 6| F. e 34 15 1 18 39 , 17-9 1 12 01 13 21 1-0 7 M. 5 48 164 18 15 15-3 19 13 12 52 08 7| S«. 81 Su. 7 16 14-5 19 17 17-7i 2 0-2 14 J 1-3 8 IV. 6 29 16-5 18 50 16-1 1 6 0-5 13 31 04 7 59 1 13-8 19 .57 i 17 -31 2 49 0-6 14 54 17 '. W. 1 7 9 165 19 26 16-8 1 52 00 14 10 02 9 M. 8 45 1 13-2i 20 40 ' 167, 3 39 11 15 42 2-2 10 Th, 7 50 16-1 20 4 17-1 2 37 -0'3 14 51 0-2 10 Tu. 9 35 12-6; 21 28 15-91 4 29 1-8 i 16 31 1 2-8 11 F. 8 32 15-5 20 44 17-1 3 23 -0-1 15 33 0-5 11 W. 10 29 ' 12-2 22 24 14-9; 5 20 ' 2-5 1 17 22 3-4 12 Hn. 9 15 14-5 21 27 167 4 10 0'4 16 17 1'1 12 Th. 11 39 1 11-9 23 38 1 140' 6 12 : 3-1! 18 18 3-9 13 Su. 10 3 13-3 22 15 15-9 4 59 1-2 17 5 1-9 13 F. 14 Sii. 1 1 12 ,50 12- 1 7 6 1 3-5' 19 21 4-1 14 M. 11 10 120 23 18 14'9 5 56 2-2 18 2'9 58 13-4 13 51 : 12'7i 8 3 3-6 1 20 25 4 15 Til. .... 12 34 11' 7 4 .31 19 8 37 15 Su. 2 9 13-4; 14 46 137i 9 4 1 3-3' 21 29 3-4 1« W. 6 40 13-9 13 58 10'9 8 14 3-4 20 18 40 16' M. 3 8 137 15 36 14-61 10 2 i 2-9 22 31 . 27 17 Th. 2 3 13'6 15 7 11-5 9 23 30 21 25 37 17! Tu. 4 1 ; 140' 16 20 15-5S 10 51 : 2-6 23 27 , 20 18 F. 3 8 139 16 4 124 10 27 2 3 22 28 29 18 W. ' 4 47 ; 14-3' 16 59 161! 11 34 2-4 1 [ 19 .Su. 4 3 144 16 48 13-4 U 22 1-6 23 23 2-0 , 191 Th. 5 29 ; 142 17 36 16-41 17 17 1 12 15 i 2-4 •JO Su. 4 51 14-8 17 26 14-2 12 6 1-2 2o! F. 6 9 : 13 9 18 12 I6-5! 1 3 ' 1-6' 12 .55 2-6 •n M. 5 35 15 '1 18 1 150 12 1-3 12 43 10 21 Sa. 8 48 : 13-5 18 47 I6-5: 1 45 1-8 13 34 2-9 'I'll. 6 15 15-2 18 35 15'5 57 09 13 19 10 n Su. 7 26 ■ 13' 1 19 22 - 16 51 2 25 2-1 1 14 12 31 ■23 W. 654 15-1 19 8 15-9 1 40 0-8 13 55 1'2 23 M. 8 3 12-9 19 58 ' I6-5 3 3 2-4 14 .50 3-3 •J4 Th. 7 32 14-9 19 41 16-2 2 22 1-0 14 30 16 24 Tu. 8 41 128 20 36 1 16-4 3 39 27 ' 15 28 3-3 •-'5 F. 8 10 145 20 16 16-3 3 3 1'3 15 6 2'0 25 W. 9 23 12-8 21 18 16- 1 4 17 2-9 16 8 32 ■.'6 Sii. 8 50 139 20 53 16- 1 3 43 19 15 43 2 5 261 Th. 10 10 1 12-8 22 10 15-6 4 58 30 16 .55 32 ■21 Su. 933 13' I 21 33 158 4 24 2-5 16 21 30 271 F. 11 4 130 23 15 150 5 43 3-0 17 4'.i 3 2 •J8 M. 10 20 12-4 22 18 15- 1 5 8 3 3 17 2 36 28 Sa. 1 12 12 13-4 6 34 3-0 18 :,■> 3-2 ■J!l Tu. 11 17 11-5 23 12 14'4 5 57 3 9 17 49 4'2 29i Su. 34 14-5 13 28 13-91 7 32 30 20 2 3 .ill W 12 39 111 6 56 44 1 18 47 4-6 1 30 M. 1 55 14.4 14 31 14-9 833 27 21 10 2 5 lich Mean Time, mil US used for the The thne is Eastern Stniidard Time for the 75th meridian, 5 houre slower than Greenwich .Mean Time. The heights are above Low Water Spring Tides, and are measured froui the same datum as used for tlie Admiralty Charts. life ii ■;■!■ -1 40 METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. [1896- 1896] Averaffe lenip« ture of the y« Warmest montl Aver. temp, of wannest mon Coldest month . Aver. temp, of coldest mont Difl. hetw. tei of the wannei coldest mont Aver, of deviatl of monthly n»e Month of grea deviation .... Correspond mai tude of devial Warmest day , Aver. temp, of warmest day Coldest day .. Av. temp, of col Date highest te Highest tempe Date lo vest te Lowest temper Range of they Aver. pres. of ; Month high, a' Highest nion. a Month lowest a Lowest mon. a Date of the hig pressure in j Highest pressu Dateof lowest] sure in the j Lowest pressM Range of the j Av. humid, of Month of gre humidity . . Or'st. av. mor Least av. mon Month of leas e; Av. cloud, of Most cloudy n G'st monthly Least cloudy Least month! [1896- s 1 -1 ss »1M 859 ^ 535 »« i ^1 22? 155 5 3SS§ 55 S 2|^ 1-H ^ '•f CO •>«• so il ?5i ss US S5 c-i ©•* ■a 1-< Oi-i — i ceo 1-H >H0» r^ CO O *'?3 i^t- si IM — ■* i ?555 IT) •• 'a f 1 •* ■ 2S 2:s ■ ta *i s s ^1 'S t" c a 1 ■^ i ' o s> oiS X 3 . 1896] METEOROLOGICAL REGISTER. 41 TEMPERATURE. Average tempera- ture of the yeor. Wannest month . . Aver. temp. o( the warmest month. ColdeBt month — Aver. temp, of the coldest month . . Diff. hetw. temp, of the warmest & coldest month . . Aver, of deviations of monthly means Month (>f greatest deviation Correspond magni- tude of deviation Warmest day Aver. temp, of the wannest day. . Coldest day 1894. Average S* Years Av. temp, of cold, d Date highest temp. Highest temperat. Date lo vest temp. Lowest .^mperat. . Range of the year. 46' 75 July 69 10 Feb. 2()'74 48-36 3 36 Mar. 7-28 28 July 78-00 -24 Feb. - 318 22 June 90-7 24 Feb. — 9-9 100-6 Extremes. 44-16 47-09 I 40-77 I in 1878 I in 1873 July !July, '68!Aug.,'60 67-62 Jan. 22-33 46-29 2'66 Jan. 4-09 77-91 1 I — 217 90-87 —1216 103-C" 75-80 ' 04 46 Feb., 76 Feb., '48 1010 I 26-00 3-62 I Feb.,'7.'> 12-53 July 14, 1868 84-60 Feb. 6, 1866 Jan. 22, 1869 —14-33 Aug. 24, 1864 99-2 Jan. 10, 1859 —26-5 118-2 July 31, 1844 72-75 Dec. 22, 1842 9-67 Aug. 19, 1840 82-4 Jan. 2, 1842 1-9 87-0 BAROMETER. 1894 Average iatf4. 63 Years Extremes. Aver. pres. of year .29-6-246 296189 Month high. av. p. Feb. Highest mon.av.p.j 296997 Month lowest av. p. j Oct. Lowest mon. av. p.i 29-6367 Date of the highest j pressure in year.! 24 Feb. Highest pressure.. 30516 Dateof lowestpres- sure in the year. 2 June Lowest pressure . . , 29-035 Range of the year . ! 1-481 Sept. 29-6672 June 29-6697 I 30-359 •28-684 1-671 I 29-6779 I in 1849 (Jan., '49 ! 29-8046 Mar., '69 29-4143 .Ian. 8, 1866 30-940 Jan. 2, 1877 28-166 2-240 in 1893 29-6602 in 1864 June. '64 29-6526 Nov., '59 29-6886 Mar. 7, 1878 30-139 June 2, 1894 29-035 I 1-303 in 1845 RELATIVE HUMIDITY. 1804. Av. humid, of year; 76 Month of greatest humidity Jan. Feb Or'st. av. mon. hu. 81 Least av. mon. hu. April Month of least hu. 66 Average 53 Years 77 Jan. 83 May 70 Extremes. 82 in '61 Jan., '67 89 Feb., '43 68 73 in '68 Dec, '58 81 Apr., '49 76 EXTENT OF SKY CLOUDED. Av. cloud, of year. Most cloudy mi >nth G'st monthly aver. Least cloudy mon. Least monthly av. 1894. Average 41 Years Extre 0-60 Nov. 0-78 0-46 0-61 Dec. 0-76 July 0-49 0-66 in '69, '76 0-89 0-29 0-67 in 1866 0-73 O-bO WIND. 1894 'Average I 1894. 117 Years' Extreme*. ResulUnt direcfn N. 78' WN.Ol" W Resultant velocity j in miles . . '. i I'll Av. velocity with-j outreg.todirec; 5-67 Month of greatest average velocity Feb.No\'. March Greatest monthly ' average velocity 7-86 J Month of least av. ' ' velocity \ June 1 Least monthly av. > velocity 1 3-10 ! Day of greatest av. j velocity '> Feb. 8 i Greatest daily av. velocity 3010 Day of least aver. velocity \ July 15 Least daily aver.« ' velocity , 092 Hour of greatest. Feb. 12 absolute velocity 6-7 p.m. ' Greatest velocity .. ' 68-0 I 2-51 9-64 11-49 July 7 -.16 28-98 '{ 10-54 8-32 in 1880 in 1873 Apr.,'80!Dec.,'W 13-88 July, '78 5-93 Nov. 17, 1870 41-67 II) '4t July, '81 8-4S Feb. 10, 1886 22-79 April 20 1893 45-67 Jan. 17, 1886 8-9 a.m. 10-ll»u» 600 390 RAIN. !«»*• L^'S' Extreme.. Total depth of rain; in inches 25-786 ! 27 451 Number of days on 1 which rain fell.., 1-44 i 114 Month in which the , greatest depth of, i rain fell I May Sept. Greatest depth of I rain in one month 9365 ' 3248 Month in which the I days of rain were! May | most frequent . . 1 Oct. Greatest nuniberof rainy days in one month 21 13 Day in which the greatest amount of rain fell May 21 Greatest amount of rain in one day.! 2-696 1923 ! 43-565 : in 1843 146 in '90 Sep., '43 I I 9-760 Jan., '69 Oct., '90 23 Sep., 14, 1 1843 ! 3-466 17-574 in 1874 80 in "41 June,'8T 2-66^ May, '41 11 Sept. 14, 1848 1-000 SNOW. 1894. [Average 51 Years Extremes. Total depth of snow in inc les 37-8 691 122-9 34-6 Number of days in in 1870 in 1888 which snow fell. S3 67 87 in '59 33 in '49 Month in which the greatest depth of snow fell Feb. Jan. Mar., '70 Dec, '51 Greatest depth of snowinonemon. 16-2 17-2 62-4 10-7 Month in which the daysofsnowwere most frequent . . Nov. Jan. Dec, '72 Feb., ■4» Greatest nuniberof days of snow in one month 14 16 24 8 Day in which the f Feb. 6, greatest amount J 1863 4-6 Jan. of snow fell 12 Feb, ...A Mar. 27, 1888 Gr'test fall of snow I 1870 in one day 6-6 8-9 16-0 8-» 42 AREA AND POPULATION — EXPOllTS AND IMPORTS. [1896 ■ 1896] AREA AND POPULATION Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, Etc. 'itatUtie Provinces, Districts, Tbrkitories. Mauitoba, Province Saskatchewan, District Assiiiiboia, do Korth-West Territories . Athabasca, District Alberta, do British Columbia, Province Ontario lii New Brunswick do Nova Scotia do Prince Edward Island, d Ouebec do Territory east of Hudsqn's Bay Islands in Arctic Ocean & Hudson's Bay Keewatin, District Territory east of Keewatin and south of Hudson's Bay 'Great Lakes and Kiver St. Lawrence east to Long. 66°. and )iortioii8 within United States, not included in above areas. . . . Entered Confederation or Organized. Entered (Jonfederation 1870, Organized 1882 Do Organized, 1882 Do. Entered Confederation 1871, Entered Confederation 1867. Do. Do. Entered Confederation 1873, Entered Confederation 1867. Organized 1876. Totals . 8<)UARK Milks. Land. 65,000 101,400 89,6S0 859,600 103,300 105,850 382,300 219,650 28,100 20,550 2,000 227,500 352,300 800,0l'0 267,000 194,300 Water. 9,000 7,000 650 46,400 1,200 250 1,000 2,350 100 60 'i',460 I 6,700 , isioo'o j I 2,600 I 47,400 Total. 74,000 108,400 90,200 906,000 104,500 106,100 883,300 222,000 28,200 20,600 2,000 228,900 358,000 300,OOn 282,000 196,800 47,400 Populat'n Census 1891. 152,606 98,067 98,173 2,114,321 321,263 450,396 109,078 1,488,536 Unknown Do. Do. Do. ]3,3i8,.500 ! 139,900 I.abrador Newfoundland Do. French Shore, fiom Cape Ray to Cape St. Joliii, sav . 3,458,400 41,000 42,734 4,8.33,239 4,000 187,411 10,000 6,034,650 NoTB.— The population of the Dominion of Canada, excliisi\'e of Labrador and Newfoundland, is estimated to a>e now 6,021,476. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, DOMINION OF CANADA. Statement of the Aiigregate Value of the Imports (including Coin and Bullion), and Exports into and from Canada, of (ioods entered for Consumption, and of the Customs Duties collected, during each Fiscal Year ending 30th June, from 186H to 189lt, inclusive. Yenr. ;868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. .1.874. 1876. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. J 88,1. 188«, 1887'. 1888. 1889. 1890. i891. 1892. 1893. 1894. I. M PORTS. Dutiable. Free. 45,256,538 44,085,8;i3 48,669,64a 70,299,276 72,426,774 74,432,622 77,073,783 81,507,398 .'58,799,826 63,989,566 61,703,740 57,065,218 68,895,483 85,,il6,908 9:i,339,93U 100,827,816 88,349,492 79,614,108 75,536,768 85,479,40(1 77,784,037 80,0,59,966 86,258,633 81,286,372 81,190,844 77,378,091 73,341,506 I 23,203,106 26,329,332 26.144,697 25,793,695 39,000,7.53 63,678,659 61,139,799 41, .562,886 34,410,520 35,338,896 31,378,047 24,909,209 17,594,264 19,813,932 26,079,670 31,426,206 28,047,551' 29,327,378 28,887,803 27,412,836| 33,110,693 35,104,965 35,,599,608' 38,681 ,266 46.215,224 51,696,177 60,133,434 Total. 73,469,644 70,415,165 74,814,330 i)6,092,971 111,430,527 128,011,281 1'?8,213,682 123,070,^83 93,210,346 99,327,962 93,081,787 81,964,427 86,489,747 105,330,840 119,419,500 132,254,022 116,397,043 108,941,486 104,424,561 112,892,236 110,894,630 115,224,981 121,8.58,241 119,967,638 127,406,068 129,074,268 123,474,940 I Total Exports. [Imports & I Exports. I .57,567,888 60,474,781 73,573,490 74,173,618 82,639,663 89,789,922 89,351,928 77,886,979 80,966,435 75,876,393 79,323,667 71,491,2,55 87,'ni,458 98,290,823 102,137,203 98,085,804 91,406,496 89,238,361 85,261,314 89,515,811 90,2'i3,00O 89,189,107 96,749,149 98,417,296 113,963,375 118,564,352 117,624,949 131,027,532 130,889,940 148,387,829 170,266,589 194,070,190 217,801,203 217,56.5,510 200,957,262 174,176,781 175,203,355 172,405,454 1,53,455,682 174,401,205 203,621,063 221,5.56,703 230,339,826 207,8ll3„539 198,179,847 189,675,875 202,408,047 201,097,630 204,414,098 218,607,390 218,384,934 241,369,443 247,638,620 240,999,889 Entbrkd for Consumption. Dutiable. Free 43,661,839 41,073,612 45,131,517 60,098,415 68,549,939 71,413,128 76,235,853 78,141,432 60,243,3461 60,919,960 .59,776,589 55,430,012 54,182,967 71,620,725 85,757,433 91,.588,339 80,010,498 73,269,618 70,658,819 78,120,679 69,645,824 74,475,139 77,106,286 74,536,036 69,160,737 69,87.1,571 62,779,182 28,323,467 26,328,5.58 26,106,086 26,849,067 39,1.59,177 56,101,466 51,168,316 41,477,225 34,489,872 35,380,523 31,422,988 »19,«33,466 17,.599,382 19,990,879 26,891,494 31,548,680 28,170.146 29,440,401, 28,943,875 27,518,749 33,201,276 35,198,308 35,659,298 38,8(«),088 47,818,206 51,831,459 50,314,811 Total. 71,985.306 67,402,170 71,237,603 86,947,482 107,709,116 127,514,594 127,404,169 119,018,657 94,733,218 90,300,483 91,199,577 *75,063,478 71,782,349 91,611,604 112,648,927 123,137,019 108,180,644 102,710,019 99,602,694 105,639,428 102,847,100 109,673,477 112,765,584 113,345,124 116,978,943 121,705,030 1113,093,983 Duty Collected. 8,819,431 8,298,909 9,462,940 11,843,655 13,045,493 13,017,730 14,421,882 15,;!61,382 12,833,114 12,,548,451 12.795,693 12,939,640 14,138,849 18,500,785 21,708,837 23,172,308 20,164,963 19,133,.558 19,448,123 22,469,706 22,209,641 23,784,523 24,014,908 23,481,069 20,650,581 21,161,710 19,379,822 63 71 44 76 50 17 67 12 48 09 17 66 22 97 43 97 37 99 70 83 53 23 07 13 53 93 82 COUNTRIW) iBritish Empire Great Bntaii British E. In British Guiai British Hone Bri. Poss. in . British W. Ii Australia . . Gibraltar . . Hong Kong Newfoundlar New Zealand Total Brit. Em Argentine Rep Austria . . . Belgium . . Brazil Oen. Am'n Stat Chih Ohina Denmark . Dutch East Inc France French Poss., J Germany .... Greece Hayti Holland Italy Japan Madeira Mexico Nonvay and Sw Peru Portugal Russia St. Pierre Sandwich Islaii Spain Spanish Possesi T\irkey United States U. S. of Colom Uruguay W. Indies— Dai do. — Fre do. — Spt Venezuela Other Countrit Total all other Coin and Bullii Estimated amo short Additional Dul Grand totals . . *95,278,130 less than shown in Trade and Navigation Return, ^oods entered (or consumption. Value of re Exjiorts erroneously included with No. 2. Ontario t.'uebeo Nova Scotiii . . New Brunswic Manitoba Hritish Ooluin Prince Edwan Northwest Te Total! [1896 ■ 1896] re. s. Populat'n Cengug 1891. Total. 74,000 152,606 108,400 \ 90,200 906,000 y 98.967 104,500 106,100 ) 383,300 98,173 222,000 2,114,321 28,200 321,263 20,600 450,396 2,000 109,078 228,900 , 1,488,536 358,000 Unknown 300,non Do. 282,000 ; Do. 196,800 Do. 47,400 1,458,400 40,000 42,734 4,8^^3,239 4,000 187,411 10,000 5,034,660 and, is estimated to ADA. orit into and from ring each ON. tal. 8 35.306 )2,170 J7,603 17,482 )9,n6 14,,')94 )4,169 .8,657 13,218 10,483 19,577 13,478 «,.'i49 1,604 8.927 7,019 0,644 0,019 ,694 9,4:^8 ,100 3,477 5,584 5,124 8,943 5,030 3,983 Duty Collected. $ 8,819,431 8,298,909 9,462,940 11,843,655 13,045,493 13,017,730 14,421,882 15,;:61,382 12,833,114 12,.'-.48,451 12,795,693 12,939,540 14,138,849 18,500,785 21,708,837 23,172,308 20,164,963 19,133,ii58 19,448,123 22,469,706 22,209,641 23,784,523 24,014,908 23,481,069 20,550,581 21,161,710 19,379,822 63 71 44 75 60 17 67 12 48 09 17 66 22 97 43 97 37 99 70 83 53 23 07 13 53 93 32 COMMERCE — SUMMARY BY PROVINCES. 48 isly included with COMMERCE, DOMINION OF CANADA. 'itatiitieal VUw of tKt Commerce oj the Dominion of Canada during flecal year ending SOIh Jvnt, 1891,. COUNTRIKti. iBriti»h Empire, viz. : Great Britain British E. Indies . . British Guiana . . . British Honduras. Bri. Poss. in Africa British W. Indies . Australia Gibraltar HonK Kon); Newfoundland .... New Zealand Total Brit. Empire.. Argentine Republic. Austria Belgium Brazil Uen. Am'u States . . . Chili Ohina lienniark Dutch East Indies. . . France French Posh., Africa. Germany Greece Hayti Holland Italy Japan Madeira Mexico Norway and Sweden. Peru Portugal Russia St. Pierre Sandwich Islands . . . Spain Spanish Possessions . Turkey United States C 8. of Colombia . . Cr\iguay W. Indies— Danish. . do. —French . do. —Spanish . Venezuela Othtr Coiuitries Total all other Coun. Coin and Bullion . Estimated amount short Additional Dutie.s COMMBRCR. Exports. Enfd for [ Consump- tion, i Duty. $ 68,538,856' 2,846 385,917 713 . 45,997 2,015,866 323,279 14,700, . 1,224 2,819,0821 23,8961 . 1- 74,172,376 411,163: 9221 708,45.'-. 458,808 9,628 82,391 511,531! 134,287 38,717,267 114,837, 487,546 8HIPP1N0. Tonna);e of British and Canadian Vessels. Tonnage of Foreign Vessels. Entered Inwards. $ c. 8,245,845 87i\ 8,760 93 73,413 91 Tons. 16,819; 1,227,436 143,317 171 68 86,209 62 15,962 09 814,662 1,623 12 544,986 215; 2,046,052: 41,621,784; 7,733 162,4311 660,2371 138,005! 8,956 78! 1,113,351 4,364 1,006,861; 2,536,0641 8,431,987 22 48,556 10 119,020 54 16 60 220,688 78 546 83 l,'J«i 86 1,019,568 12 11,575 281,058 109,188 29,318 16,854 57,781 180,180 6,440, 79,363 11,180 197,051] 100,422 56,274 18,641 2,169 30,705,649 26,826 20,146 47,909, 45,846 1,331,141 5,841,642j 110,738 344,''06 402,4 '3 1,411,568 143i 611 41,317; 978,224 53 46,771 89 42 60 879,107 86 49,073 63 63,124 19 93 44 533 50 8,062 17 47,106 4,346: 2,772, 14,584' 389,293 1,135,773; 294,478 53,034,1001 l,267j 22. 894 36 i>^ 15 960 66 296 94 207,724 63 9,066 10 30,721 65 6,960,950 68 60 10 5,835, 6,264 5,019 2,438,251, 236,863 278,921 Grand totals . 38,248,282 71,572,199 1,839,380 471 07 "205,783 '97 1 74,746' 94' 10,937,726 78; 3,264,9111 10,108 32 117,524,949 113,093,983 10,379,822 32 Entered Entered Outwards. Inwards. Tons. V3,361,643 Tons. Entered Outwards. Total. Tons. 3,119,183 I 2,414,267 I 2,385,543 Tons. j-O t- = c c cose*. c o_2 111 i a 'f 3 C 1 3 hi •e s £ !';<■ NoTK. — The iigures given in this table show the registered tons of the shipping which arrived at and cleared from the various ports in the Dominion during the year ending 30th June, 1894. The total shows an increase oxer last year of nearly 2,000,000 tons. The imiuber of vessels was 66,006, manned by a crew of J 829,004 men, and the quantity of freight carried was 5,706,409 tons weight, and 3,054,241 tons nieasurement. No. 2.— SUMMARY BY PROVhICES DURINC THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 30th JUNE, 1894. Provincbs. Total Kxports. Total Imports. Entered for Consumption. Duty. < 'Mtario ai32.726,074 56,151,102 10,713,440 6,635,487 1,864,964 8,142,561 1,211,324 79,494 .*i42,025,638 58,731,069 9,355,555 5,086,360 2,3.53,768 5,269,617 550,992 101,941 !|<41, 882,853 48,962,984 9,069,163 4,928,731 2,392,222 5,190,369 665,633 102.138 .*7, 475, 142 22 ','uebec Nova Scotia New Brunswick 7,723,380 18 1,203,789 45 1,012,781 80 Manitoba 602,466 iV4 British (;!olumbia 1,189,414 13 Prince Edward Island Aorth-west Territories 161,836 13 11,012 47 Totals «117,624,949 «123,474,940 8113,093,983 !i«19,379,8-22 32 44 CONSOLIDATED FUND — PUBLIC DEBT. [189<> 1»9()] t RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS, CANADA. Stnteuient of the Kcceipfg and Paipneiitti/rom the Cojuolidated Ftiiul for the year ending SOIh June, 1H9I,. The receipts from the sources of the ordiimry revenue o( the country are paid Into what is called the Con- ■olidoted Fund, and payments therefrom are niofle to ••o\er the ordinary expenses. These receipts and payments, *>crefore, constitute what may be considered as the retfular Income and expenditure of the country ; receipts from and expenditure out of loans and all other extraordinary transactions heinx excluded. RECEIPTS. Customs «19,nfl,030 20 * 8,977 79 79,601 .59 3,844 60 63,974 67 6,795 00' 14,638 96' 22,417 36 20,109 73| 3,005 00' 4,791 99 210,096 50 36,374,693 07 1,210,332 45 37,585,026 52 P.W.MRNTS. Interest on Public; Debt Charges of .Management Sinking Funds Premium, Discount and Exchange Civil Government Administration of Justice Dominion Police Legislation Penitentiaries Arts, Agriculture and Statistics hnmigration (Quarantine Pensions Superannuation Militia Mounted Police Public Works Consolidated Fund Railways and Canals Consolidated Fimd . .Mail Subsidies and Steamship Subventions Ocean and River Service Lighthouse and Coast Service Fisheries Oeolo(fical Survey Scientific Institutions , Subsidies to Provinces Indians Ocvernment of the North-west Territories Miscellaneous Customs Excise Weights, Measures and Gas Post Ofllloe Public Works Railways and Canals Minor Revenues Dominion I.Ands Trade and Commerce 10,212,ii9ti I:; 166,444 .'1 14 531 4i» 1,402,279 4'.t 74.5,.504 IHI 21,947 47 698,0(HS ti4 446,134 It; 264,879 W> 20S,235 .V.' 113,1,71 43 86,927 Is 262,302 or 1,284,517 17 611,263 21 2,033,945 01 133,996 6ti 530,702 <)(; 211,922 67 476,635 07 466,7.50 "i; 60,1,59 Ofp 97,850 lf» 4,206,654 77 968,563 17 276,951 *l 375,261 8.'i 921,039 02 484,949 7J 94,975 r.H 3,517,261 31 164,2&7 24 3,760,649 82 5,532 27 133,305 116 9,249 m 37,585,0*5 PUBLIC DEBT OF CANADA. Debt of Canada from Ut July, 1S67, to 30th Ju ne, 1891,. i Interest Interest rec'd Rate of Rate of Net Rate Year. Total Debt. Total Assets. Net Debt. paid from Interest Interest of Interest 1 on Debt, Investment. paid on Gross Debt. rec'd from Inves'cnt. paid. « f. 9 c. 9 c. S c. S c. 1867 93,046,051 73 17,317,410 36 75,728,641 37 1868 96,896,696 20 21,139,631 46 75,757,134 74 4,601,668 33 126,419 84 4-64 •59 4 '.51 1869 112,361,998 39 36,502,679 19 75,859,319 20 4,907.013 71 313,021 20 4 •36 •85 4 '08 1870 115,993,706 76 37,783,964 5l 78,209,742 45 5,047,054 24 863,955 91 4'35 •96 4 '02 1871 116,492,682 76 37,786,166 11 77,706,517 65 5,165,304 24 554,383 72 4-47 1-46 3'99 3872 122,400,179- 36 40,213.107 32 82,187,072 04 5,267,230 64 488,041 54 4-29 121 3-89 1873 129,743,432 19 29,894,970 66 99,848,461 64 5,2f)9,205 97 396 408 94 4-01 132 3-70 1874 141,163,551 33 32,838,586 91 108,324,964 42 5,724,436 31 619,863 00 4-06 1^85 3-61 1875 161,663,401 62 35,655,023 60 116,008,878 02 6,.590,790 19 840,886 65 4 '84 2 •35 3-7g 1876 161,204,687 86 36,663,173 78 124,551,514 08 6,400,902 07 798,905 95 3-97 217 :i-4r 1877 174,675,834 97 41,440,.525 94 133,285,309 03 6,797,227 25 717,684 31 3'89 1^73 8-47 1878 174,957,268 96 34,595,199 05 140,362,069 91 7,048.883 55 605,774 22 4-02 1-76 8-68 1879 179,483,871 21 36,493,683 85 142,990,187 36 7,194,734 14 592,500 04 4-00 1^62 8-67 1880 194,634,440 68 42,182,852 07 152,451,588 61 7,773,868 75 834,792 67 3-99 V97 3-.56. 1881 199,861,537 51 44,465,757 11 1 56,395,780 40 7,.591,144 88 751,513 49 3'79 J -69 3 42 1882 205.3n5,251 97 61,703,601 19 153,661,650 78 7,740,804 47 914,009 27 3-76 1-76 3^82 1883 202,169,104 30 43,692,389 84 168,466,714 46 7,668,552 89 1,001,192 96 3-79 2^29 3 •29 1884 242,482,416 21 60,320,566 95 182,161,850 26 7,7(MI,180 61 986,698 37 3-17 163 2'76 1885 264,703,607 43 68,295,915 29 196,407,692 14 9,419,482 19 1,997,036 61 3-55 2-92 3 -SO 1886 273,184,341 11 50,006,234 02 223,169,107 09 10,137,008 66 2,299,078 91 3-71 4^59 2-86 1887 273,187,628 43 45,872,8.50 99 227,314,776 44 9,682,928 87 990,886 69 3-54 2^16 3-18 1888 284,613,841 89 49,982,483 73 2i:4,5,31,358 16 9,823,313 00 932,025 85 3-45 1^86 •i-v> 1889 287,722,062 76 50,192,021 11 237,530,041 65 10,148,931 97 1,305,892 25 3-62 2^60 3-07 1890 286,112,295 10 48,679,083 33 237,.533,211 77 9,656,841 16 1,082.271 36 3-37 2^23 2-9* 1891 289,899,229 62 62,090.1(»9 11 237,809,030 51 9,.584,136 74 1,077,228 14 3-36 2^07 2-93 1892 295,333,274 10 .54,201,839 66 241,131,484 44 9,763,978 34 1,086,419 93 3-30 2^00 2-93. 1893 300,064,624 74 68,373,48., 13 241,681,089 61 9,806.888 46 1.160,166 51 3-26 1-97 2-88- 1894 3C8,348,023 96 62,164,994 48| 246,183,029 48 10,212,596 13 1,217,808 97 3-31 1^96 2-91 c> Absinthe, 12.2.'- Acetate of Lime . Acetate and Niti not ground . . . Acid, Acetic and n. e. H., and vl strength not ( strength of proi degree of strei of the strengtl additional duty .ind Acid, Acetic an( of an V strength, by dyers, call inanufacturers colours, for e; dyeing or prim manufacture ol or colours, in tl ies, 25 per < Acid, Muriatic ai all mixed acids Acid, Oxalic and Acid, Phosphate. Acid, Sulphuric. Acids used for mi cal ormanufact not specially { this .\ct Aconite Root . . . Acorns as Nuts. . Advertising BIIIg Folders .. 15 ci Advertising Pam and Pictorial St Adv'ng Period! Lists, Adv'ngC Almanacs, Tail Makers' Foshic Agaric ...... Alabaster, Spar, Composition ( Ale, Beer & Pc (6 q. or 12 p. t Ale, Beer and Po otherwise thai Albumenized ai chemically pr« graphers' use Albums, insides Albums or book out reading n lb. and Ale, Ginger Alkanet root, c ground Almonds, shelle not shelled, 3 Almond Paste i Aloes, ungroun Alum, in bulk unground . . . Alum, burned c Aluminum, or Alumina and minium orCh of Alumina g Chloralum.. Ambergris . . . Ammonia, Sul' Aiu-itomical I Skeletons or Anchors Animals livlnf Animals, for Stock [189«) 1n9<)] CANADIAN TARIFF <»F CUSTOMS. 45 Hh June, IHB/,. i is called the Con- iptR and payments, e country ; receipts iind . itions tories 10,212,5»(i 168,444 2,131,S6() UiiSl l,4fl2,271) 745, ,104 21,047 698,0(V! 446,134 •264,879 ■202,235 113,i.71 8«,927 262,302 1,284,317 611,263 2,033,945 133,996 530,702 211,922 476,635 466,750 60,159 97,850 4,206,654 96i',563 276,951 375,261 921,039 484,949 94,975 3,517,281 154,257 3,760,549 5,532 133,805 9,249 1:; ;in M 4it 4'.» IMI 47 04 ii; ")** 43 Is »' 17 •21 01 80 8(1 87 07 "Ii 05 1ft 17 S3 0-2 7-2 58 31 24 ^■2 07 118 30 37,585,025 Rate of nterest c'd from ives'cnt. Net Rate of Interest paid. •59 4 51 •85 4-08 •96 4-02 1^46 3^99 1^21 3-89 1-32 3^70' 1^85 3^61 2-85 3'7g 2-17 .•i-4- 1^73 3 47 1^75 ?.m 162 3-87 T97 ■s-m- J -69 3-42 l-7« 3-32 2^29 3-29 163 2-76 2^92 3'80 4^59 2^86. 216 3^18 1^86 312 2^60 3^07 2^23 2^9Sr 207 2^93 200 2-9* 1-97 2-8S- 1'96 "•91 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. Revi»»d and Corrteted to latett date. V e. ad lal. Abeinthe, 12.25 per Imp. Gal. Acetate of Lime 20 Acetate and Nitrate of Lead, not jfround Free Acid, Acetic and Pyroligneous, n. e. H., and vinegar, of any Btrent(th not exceed int; a strength of proof, and for each de^rree of strength in excess of the strength of proof an additional duty of two cents and 15c. per. gal. Acid, Acetic and Pyroligneous of anv strength, when Imported by dyers, calico printers >.. nianufacturers of acetates or colours, for exclusive use in dyeing or printing, or for the manufacture of such acetates or colours, in their own factor- ies, 25 per cent Acid, Muriatic and Nitric, and all mixed acids 20 Acid, Oxalic and Boracic Free Acid, Phosphate 2c. per lb. Acid, Sulphuric ,^ cent per lb. .\c'ids used for medicinal, chemi- cal or manufacturing purposes, not specially provided for in this .\ct Free Aconite Root ... Free Acorns as Nuls ... 2 ots. per lb. Advertising Bills, Stickers, and Folders .. 15 cents per lb. and 25 Advertising Pamphlets, Pictures and Pictorial Show Cards, illus. Adv'ng Periodicals, Illus. Prlje Lists, Adv'ngCalendars, Adv'ng Almanacs, Tailors' and Mantle- Makers' Fashion Plates. .6 ots. per. lb. and 20 Agaric ... Free Alabaster, Spar, Terra Cotta or Composition Ornaments 35 Ale, Beer & Porter, in Bottles (6 q. or 12 p. to Imp. gal.) 24c. Imp. gal. Ale, Beer and Porter, in Casks, or otherwise than Bottles 16c. Imp. gal. Albumenized and other papers chemically prepared for photo- graphers' use 30 Albums, insides of paper Free Albums or books of views with- out reading matter, 6 cts. per lb. and 20 Ale, Ginger 20 Alkanet root, crude, crushed or ground Free Almonds, shelled. 5 cents per lb. not shelled, 3 cents per lb. Almond Paste as Confectionery. 35 Aloes, unground Free Alum, in bulk only, ground or unground Free Alum, burned or calcined 20 Aluminum, or Aluminium and Alumina and Chloride of Alu- minium orChloralum,Sulphate of Alumina and Alum Cake.. Free Chloralum Free Ambergris Free •Xmmonia, Sulphate of Free Anatomical Preparations and Skeletons or parts thereof Free Anchors Free Animals living, n.e.s 20 Animals, for improvement of Stock Free V e. od 0(t{. Animals, live hogs, l)c. per tt>. . . Animals brought into Can. temp. Si for a period not exceeding 3 months, for the purpose of ex- hibition Free Aniline Dyes and Coal Tar Dyes, in hulk or packages of not less than one pound weight, includ- inij; Alizarine and artificial Alizarine Free Aniline Oii, Crude Free Aniline Salts, and Arseniate of . . Free Annato, liquid or solid and seed. Free Antimony not ground, pulverized or otherwise matuifactured. . . Free Antiquities, collections ol Free Anvils 27i Apricots, green 30 Apparatus and Philosophical Instruments, imported by and for use of Colleges, Schools, Scientiflo, and Literary Socie- ties, such as are not manu- factured m Canada Free Ap'atus for Colleges and Schools, which are manufactured in Canada, to be rated according to material. Apparel, wearing, and other per- sonal and household effects (not merchandise) of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada Free Apples, including the barrel 40c. per barrel. Apples, dried 25 Apple trees of all kinds. .3c. each Argols, not refined Free Artist color l)Oxes .lapanned 25 Arms, includin;: ..litskets. Rifles and other Are . ms, n.e.s 20 Army and Navy and Canadian Military Arms, Clothing, Mus. Instruments for Bands, Mili- tary Stores and Munition of War Free Arrowroot 20 Artificial Flowers 25 Arsenic Free Ar8enint« of Aniline Free Articles for the use of Governor- General Free Articles imported by and for the use of the Dominion Govern- ment or any of the Depart- ments thereof, or by or for the Senate or House of Co 1- mons Free Articles for personal use of Con- suls-General, who are natives or citizens of the country they represent, and who are not engaged in any other business or profession Free Articles ex-warehoused for ship's stores Free . . Asbestos, in any form other than Crude, and all manufactures thereof 25 Ashes, Pot and Pearl, in pack- ages of not les" thon twenty- five pounds weight Free Asparagus 25 Asphalt or Asphaltum, and Bone Pitch, Crude only Free Awnings and Tents 25 Axle Grease 25 Babbit Metal 10 Bacon and Hams, Shoulders and Sides 2 cents per lb. 36 V e. ad val. Bagatelle Tables or Boards, with Cues and Balls 35 Bft^giige, Travellers Fre« Bags, Cot., Seamless 20 Hags, Cotton, made up by the use of the needle 32J Bags, Carpet Bags 30 Bags, paper seed bags, illustrat- ed 6 cents per lb. and 20 Bags, paper 25 Bags, Jute or Hemp 20 Baking Powders 8 cents per lb. Bamboos, unmanufactured Frea Bamboo Ke.ds, not further roanfd. than cut into suitable lengths for Walking Sticks, or Canes, or Sticks for Umbrellas, Parasols, or Sunshades Free Barilla Free Bark, Oak and Tanners Free Barley 15 cents per bushel Barometers 25 Barrels, Can. manuf.,exp. filled & ret'd umpty, under such reg'ns as the Min. of Cus. shall direct. Free Barrels, cont. Petroleum, or its products, or any mixt.of which petroleum is a part, when such contents are chargeable with a specific duty '200. each Beads and Bead Ornaments Beans 15cts. per bush. Bean, Tonquin, Vanilla & Nux Vomica, crude only Free Bed Comforters, or Quilts of Cotton white 25 colorea 30 Beef, salted in barrels, the barrel containing the same to be free of duty 2o. perlb. Bees Free Belladonna Leaves Free Bells, when imported by and for the use of churches Free Bells, n e s 25 Belts, leather 30 Belts, silk 30 Belts, cotton 30 Belting of leather or other ma- terial, n. e. 8 20 Benzole, n.e.s., 6c per Imp. gal. Berries for dveing, or used for composing dyes Free Bicycles, Tricycles or Velocipedes 30 Billiard Tables, with or without pockets, and bagatelle tables or boards, cues, balls and cue racks 35 Billiard Balls, papier niache, when importied separately . Billiard Balls, bone or ivory, when imported separately Billiard Balls celluloid, when im- ported separately Birds, Canary Birds and n.e.s. Birds Ski' IS, for taxidermic pur- pc -s Free Bird Ca {es 35 Biscuit I of all kinds, not sweet- ened 25 Biscui' s, sweetened '1~K Bisinu'ih, Metallic in its natural stati Free Bitter I (n.e.s.), 82.25 per Im. gal. Black >ng. Shoe and Shoemakers' Ink, shoe, harness and leather dressing, and harness-soap 25 Black Lead,plumbagomanufac're 25 Black Book Muslin 30 Blackberries, gooseberries, rasp- 35 35 35 20 11 46 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [189<» ■ 1896] Vc. ad val berries, strawberries, cherries and currants, n. e. s. the weight of the padtatre to he included in the welKht for duty 20. per. lb. Bladders 20 Blanlceting and lapping, and discs or mills for enirravini; copper rollers, imported by cotton manufaoturen, calico printers and wall paper manufacturers, for use in their own factories only Free BloocI alliunien, tannic acid, an- timony salts, tartar emetic and Krey tartar Free Blueinsr, Laundry, of all kinds. . 26 Blue V itriol Free Bolt!n)( Cloth, not made up Free Bone Dust and Ash for manuf. of Phosphate and Fertilizers . . Free Bone Dust, utunanufactured. . . . Free Bone Black Free Bones, crude, not manuf., burnt, calcined, ground, or steamed. Free Bones, burnt, calcined 20 Bone, manufactures of, fancy. .. 35 Bone, manufactures of, (n.e.s.). 20 Bone Pitch, crude only 20 Bone, Cuttle Fish Free Bonnets, n.e.s 30 Booklets, printed on paper, etc 6c. per lb. Book Covers, illustrated paper, 6 cents per lb. and 2U Books (n.e.s.), printed in two lan^fuages, one of which is English or French. . .6c \v.t lb. Books, printed in any of the lan- guages or dialects of any of the Indian tribes of the Do- minion Free Books, Printed Periodicals and Pamphlets.n.e.s, not being for- eign reprints of British Copy- rightworks, norblank ace. bks. nor copy bks, nor bks to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm, and Hymn Books . . 6c, per lb. Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm Books and Hynm Books Free Books, imp. for the use of schools for the deaf and dumb, and blind, and embossed for the blind Free Books, not being printed or re- printed in Canada, which are mcludeil and used as text books in the curriculum of any University or incorporated Col- lege in Canada for the use of students thereof Free Books, British Copyright works, reprint of 6c. per lb. and 12 J Books, printed by any Govt.or by any Sclent. Ass. and siipplied gratuitously, not for trade — Free Books specially imported for use of public free libraries, not more than two copies of one book ; and books which shall have been manufactured more than twelve years, bound or unbound Free Books, Blank Books, Account Books, Copy Books or books to be drawn or vvritten upon 35 Book Binders Cloth Free Book Binders tools and imple- ments,ir olud. Ruling Machines 10 Boots anil Shoes, Leather or Rubber 25 Boots and Shot-t, Rublier with tops or uppers of cloth, etc. . . 30 I |) e. od vut. I Boot and Shoe Counters, made from Leather Board 20 Boot and Shoe Dressing 25 Boot, Shoe and Stay Laces, of any material 30 Botanical Specimens Free Borax, ground or unground, in Inilk of not less than twenty- five pounds only Free Box Wood Rules 2(i Boxes, paper boxes labelled, empty . . . . 15 cents per lb. ana 25 Boxes, paper boxes, empty, plain. 35 I Boxes, cash 26 { Boxes and Writing Desks, fancy and ornamental 35 I Braces or Suspenders and parts ' thereof 35 Braids of all kinds 30 Bran, Mill Feed 20 Brass, drawn, plain and fancy tubmg not bent or otherwise manufactured in lengths not less than six feet Free Brass, old, scrap, and in sheets or plates Free Brass Bars & Bolts, drawn, plain and fancy tubing Free Brass Cups, being rough blanks, tor the manufacture of brass and paper shells and cartridges for use in their own factor- ies Free Brass Wire 10 Brass, ribs of iron or steel, run- I ners, rings, caps, notches, fer- rules, mounts and sticks or ! canes in the rough or not I further manufactured than cut into lengths suitable for um- brellas, etc., imported by manu- facturers of umbrellas, para- sols and sunshades for use in their factories in the manufac- ture of umbrellas, etc., only. .Free Brass Pumps 80 Brass, twisted Brass and Copper Wire, when imported by manu- facturers of boots and shoes for use in their factories Free Brass, in strips, for printers' rules, not finished Free Brass and copper nails, rivets and burrs 30 Brass tubing, cased 30 Brass, manufactures of, n.e.s... 30 Breadstuffs, Grain and Flour, and Meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in transitu, upon the appraised value .... 20 Brick, hollow and porous 20 Brick, Building 20 Brick, Bath Brick 20 Brick, Fire Brick, not to include stove linings Free Brimstone, crude or in roll or flour Free Brim Moulds, for gold beaters . . Free British Gum, Dextrine, Sizing, Cream and Enamelled Sizing. 10 Bristles Free Britannia Metal in pigs and bars Free manufactures of, if not plated. 25 manufactures of, if plated .... 30 Bromine Free Brooms 20 Brushes 25 Broom Corn Free Bronze or Dutch Metal 30 Buckskins, tanned or dressed (Glove leather) 10 Bronze Statuettes 35 Buckwheat 10c. per bushel meal or flour i c. per lb. Buchu Leaves Free Buckles, tin, for suspenders 35 V e. ad val Buckram, for the manufacture of hat and bonnet shapes i\tv Builders Hardware 82« Bulbs, Flower Free Bullion, gold and silver, in lutrs, blocks or ingots and bullion fringe Free Burr Stones, In blocks, rough unmanufactured, not bound up or prepared for binding into mil! stones Free Burgundy Pitch Free Butchers" Steels 3' Butter 4 cents per pound ButterTriers 35 Butterine, or other substitute for Butter, importation prohibited. Buttons of Vegetable Ivory, Pearl or Horn ... .8c. per gross, and 2i' Buttons of hoof, rubber, vulcanite or com(>osition. .4c.pergr.and 20 Buttons, Pantaloon, and all other, n.e.s i» Button, Shoe, papier moche. . . Free Cabinet of Coins, collection of medals and other antiqui- ties, including collection of Postage Stamps Free Cabinet Ware or Furniture (wood or iron) 80 Calcareous tufa Free Calumba Root Free Camwood and Sumac, and Ex- trict of for dyeing or tanning, Free Candied Peel, lemon, orange and citron iic per lb. and 'i^ Candles, Tallow. . .'. 25 Candles, Paraffine Wax, 4c per lb. Candles and Tapers, all others, including Sperm 25 Candle Wick and Lamp Wicks. , 25 Cane or Rattan, split or other- wise mainifactured 17} Canton Flannel, white 25 Canton Flaimel, printed or dyed 30 Canvas for manuf. of Floor Oil Cloth, not less than 45 in. wide, & not pressed nor calendered. Free Canvas, "Jute," when imported by manufacturers of Floor Oil Cloth, for use in their factories. Free Canvas of flax or hemp and sail twine, to be used for boat and ship sails 5 Caoutchouc, unman\ifactured . . .Free Caplins,unflnished Leghorn hats. Free Caps, Hats and Bonnets, n.e.s.. 3ii Caps, Percussion, for guns, rifles and pistols 30 Caps, Percussion Copper for blasting 30 Capsules for Bottles, to be rated according to material Carbons, «2.n0 per 1,000 of 12 inches— less in proportion Cardboard 36 Cards, show cards, 6 cents per lb. and 20 Cards, for playing, 6 cts. per pack. Carpet Bags, Trunks, and Valises 30 Carpet, treble ingrain, three-ply and two-ply carpets, composed wholly of wool, 5c. per sq. yd. and 2,^ Carpets, two-ply and three-ply ingrain carpets, of which the warp is composed wholly of c< tton or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca goat, or other like animal, 3c. per sq. yd. and 25 Carpets, Brussel, tapestry, Dutch, Venetian and damask ; carpet mats and rugs of all kinds. [1894» ■ 1896] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUUTOMS. 47 lie. ad. val. n.e.t.; ami printed felU and driiKitetH and all other carpets and )i<|iiare« n.o.p 30 Car]ieti4, Smyrna niatti and ru^. 30 Carpetinic Mattiiiff and Mats of Hemp, Cocoa, Jute and Stair Pad» 21) Cartrid|;e«, (or gwm, rifleH and plHtols, ami C'urtri'lKe CuMesi.. 'M) Carriatrt'g, lUigKies and I'luaHiire Cartu, and Mimilar vehlcIeM, n.e.8., coHting not more than •50, 45 each and 2fi Cogtinir more than WO 36 Kann & Krei)(ht VVavfoiiH, ('artR, brays and similar vehicles. ... 26 Carriuices, Children's Carriages of all kinds 36 Carrioles, parts of, or other manufactured articles, shall tie chart^ed with same rate of duty, on a proportionate valu- ation, as that chargeable upon the finished article. Carriage Hardware 82^ Carriages of travellers, and Car- riages laden with merchandise, and not to include circus troupes or hawkers Free Cash Hexes 26 Casts, as models for the use of schools of designs Free Catgut Strings, or Out Cord (or Musical Instruments Free Catgut or Whipgut, unmanufac- tured ... Free Caustic Soda Free Cases, for Jewels, watches, silver and plated ware, cutlery, and other like articles of any ma- terial 6 cents each and 30 Celluloid, Xylonite or Xyolite, in sheets, lumps, balls, or blocks, in rough Free Celluloici moulded into sizes (or handles o( knives and (orks, not Irored nor otherwise man(. 10 Celluloid balls and cylinders, coate (Joffee Mills or Boasters 27i Collins and Caskets, of any ma- terials 2S Coins, Silver Coins from the U.S. '.'.'i Coins, Gold and Silver, except U.S. silver coins Kre» Coir and Coir Vani Free' Collars of linen, cotton, celluloid, xylonite, or xyolite, 24c. per doz. and -fn Collars, lace collars :lt> Collodion, 20c. per I. (». and 20 Cologne water, alcoholic i>cr- fumes, and perfume<> When in bottles, flasks, or other packages weighing more than 4 oz. each. $2.2.'i p. gal and 40 Combs, dress and toilet, all kinds 3.> Combs, curry combs, as Sad- dlers' hardware 32^ Commercial blank forms 36 Communion Plate imported by and for use in Churches Free Composition Metal for the nianu- Cctureof fllledgi'ld watch-cases. 10 Compasses for ships Free Composition Nails, Spikes and Sheathing Nails 16 Composition Fuel, in blocks 20 Concentrated Lye 20 Condensed Coffee 30 Condensed Milk 3J cents Confectionery and Sugor Candy, Jc. per lb. and 35 Copper, old and scrap in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, over six feet in length, ingots and sheating not planished or coated, and copper seamless drawn tubing Free Copper Wire 15 Copi> Wire twisted for manu- facture of boots and shoes. . Free Copper Hollers, for use in calico printing, when imported by calico printers for use in their factory in the printing of calico and for no other purpose, such rollers not being manufactured in Canada Free Copper, in sheets Free I Copper Bath, flni.'ihed 30 Copper,all manufacturesof,n.e.H. 80 Copper, precipitate of, crude . . Free Copperas, Sulphate of Iron Free Copy Books a5 Copying Presses 30 Cords and Tassels of silk or any other material ,sn Cordage. Cotton, of all kinds . . 25 Cordage, n.e.s. IJc per Ib. and . 10 Cordials (see Spirituous Liquors) Corduroy, white, 26 per cent. colored 30 Corn, Indian TJc. per bush. Cornmeal 40c. per bbl. Corks and manufactures of Cork- wood or Cork-bark 20 Cork -wood or liark, unmanufa..Free Corkscrews and Cork Drawers.. '27 i Cornice Poles , 30 Corsets 324 Corset clasps, spoon clasps or busks, blanks, side steels and other corset steels, whether 48 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [1896 ■ xs9e] V c. ad val. plain, japanned, lacquered, tinned or covered with paper or cloth; also back, bone or corset wires, covered with paper or cloth, cut to len^hs and tipped with brass or tin, or un- tapped, or in coils, 60. p. lb. and 9,0 Cottolene, sub. for lard, '2c. p. lb. Cotton, raw Free Cotton covered Wire 30 Cotton Seed in bulk 10 Cotton Bed Quilts, white 25 ■Cotton Quilts with woven col'd border 30 Cotton Belting 20 Cotton and .lute Tapestry 30 Cotton and Linen Damasks 25 Cottons, grey or unbleached, Fabrics 22J Cotton fabrics, white or bleached n.e.s 25 Cottons, Fabrics, printed, dyed, or colored 30 Cotton, Linen and Silk Clothing, Corsets and other articles made from cotton fabrics 32i •Cotton Handkerchiefs.printed or plain 30 Cotton or Linen Shirts, cosHmk more than 83 per dozen, 25 per cent., and a specific duty of *1 per dozen Cotton Shirts, n.e.s 35 •Cotton Undershirts and Draw ers knitted 35 Cotton-covered flat stt,', cut to lengths, with brass on ends 5o. per lb. , and 20 Cotton warps and cotton yarns, dyea or undyed, n.e.s 25 Cotton Yarns, number forty and finer fm Cotton Lamp Wicls 2b Cotton or Linen Collars, 24 cts. per doz. and 25 Cotton Parasols and Umbrellas.. 35 Cotton Prunella Free Cotton Pillow Cases 32i Cotton, seamless bags 20 Cotton, sewing thread, in hanks, black, bleached, or unbleach- ed, three and six cord 12J •Cotton, se^ingthread, and crochet cotton on spools or in balls 25 Cotton thread, all other, n.e.s .. 25 <:otton Twine 25 Cotton Towels and shawls 25 Cotton Velveteens, Cotton Vel- vets and Cotton Phish 30 Cotton iUe Hose, lined with rubber 32J Cotton wadding, batting, batts dyed or not 22i Cotton warps and cotton yarns, dyed or undyed, n.e.s. . . — 25 Cottons, Jeans and Coutilles, for corset and dress stay makers, for use in their factories 26 Cottons, manufactures cf, n.e.s. See Cotton fabrics. Cotton Waste and Cotton Wool.. Free Cotton Seed Cake Free Cow Hair, unmanufactured — Free Cow Hair manufactures, n.e.s. . . 20 ■Cracked Corn and Wheat 20 Cranberries, plums and quinces 25 Crapes, black 20 •Crocus, Compositon' 25 Crocks, earthenware, per gallon holding capacity 3 cts. Crop end of steel rails for the manuf. of steel, $4 per ton — Crowbars 30 Cream of Tartar In Crystals — Free Creamof Tartar, other, n.e.s 20 •Crucibles of Plumbago Free V c. ad val Crucibles, B^rthenware SO Cucumbers 85 Cuffs, of Paper 86 Cuffs of Linen, Cotton, Celluloid, Xylonite or Xyolite, 4 cts. per pair, and 26 Cultivators and parts thereof ... 20 Cup3 or other prizes won in bofM fide competitions Free C\\ y Cards and Combs 82} Curry Powders 25 Curling stones of granite Free Curtains, trimmed or un' rimmed 30 Cutlery: Knives, wholly or in part plated 85 Cutlery, not elsewhere specified. 26 Cut Flowers 20 Damask of Cotton, or linen 25 Decaloomanie, or transfer pict's. 6c. per lb and 20 Deer, (glove leather) tanned or dressed, colored or not colored 10 s'serHair Free Degras 20 Dp^ras and Oleo-Steariiie, w ^cii imported by manufacturers of leather for use in the manu- facture of leather in their factories Free Dental instruments, of all kinds. 15 Diamonds, set 26 Diamonds, unset, dust or bort, and black Diamonds for borers. Free Diamond drills for virospecting for minerals, not to include motive power Free Dice, Ivory or bone, fancy 35 i^Cjr 20 Doors, for safes and vaults, of ircnorsttel 80 >.>oor Knob Tops 82} b.'agon's 1 ,od Free Dri-in pipes, sowerpipes, chimney nings 01- vents, anrt inverted blocks glazed or u: glazed, and earthenware tiles 35 Draugh'ui utA Ciitssmen of Ivory or bone, fancy 36 Drawing Paper, mounted 30 Dtawings, n.e.s 2'< Dried Flowers 20 Dried Roots, n.e.s Free Dried Vegetables 25 Druggets (dyed cotton) 80 Drugs, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning Free Dryer's Japan, 20c. per gal. and.. 20 Dualin, Dynamite, Giant Powder and Nitro 4c. per lb. Duck, for belting and hose, when imported by mfrs. of rubber goods for use in their factories. Free Dutch Metal or bronze 25 Dye Wood, ground logwood and fustic Free Dyes, patent prepared Frea Dyes, Aniline, and coal tar dyes, in bulk or packages of not less than 1 lb. weight, including alizarine and artificial aliza- rine Free Dyes, Aniline, n. e. s., less than lib 20 Dye, jet black Free Dyeing or Tanning Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, n.e.s , Free Barth Closets 30 Earthenware Tiles 85 Earthenware Drain Tiles, not glazed 20 Earthenware and .Stoneware Demijohns or Jugs, Churns ¥ c. ad val. and Crocks, per gal. holding capacity, 3 cents per gal Earth enware and Stoneware, brown or col'd, and Rocking- ham ware, white granite, or iron stoneware and C.C. ware, decorated, printed or sponged, and all earthenware n.e.<4.... 30 Eggs 3c. per doz. Elastic Rubber Thread Free Electric and Oalvanic Batteries. 25 Electric Lights, apparatus, parts of, when imported separately'. 25 Electro-plated Ware, wholly or in part electro or gilt 80 Electrotypes, Stereotypes, and celluloids of books and bases, and copper shells for the same, whether composed wholly or in part of metal or celluloid. Free Electrotypes, Stereotypes, and celluloids for almanacs, calen- dars, illustrat«d pamphlets, newspaper advertisements or engravings, and all other like work for commercial, trade or other purposes, n.e.s. ; and matrices or copper shells of the same 2c. per. sq. in. Eleotrotypes.Stereotypes.andcel- luloidsof newspaper columns, and bases for the same, com- posed wholly or partly of metal or celluloid, gc. per sq. in. , and matrices or copper shells of the same '2c. per sq. in. Embalming Boards 30 Embossed Paper, extra heavy, for cracked and damaged walls 35 Embroideries, n.e.s 30 Emery in bulk, crushed orgroundFree Emery and Sand Pape" 20 Emery Wheels 25 Enamelled Iron Hollowware 35 Engines, Locomotives 35 Engines, Fire 35 Engines, Fire, Chemical 3;'> Engines, steam, of ships or other vessels built in any foreign country, etc 25 Engines, all others, and boilers, n.e.s 27} Engravings and Prints 20 Entomology, specimens of Free Envelopes, paper, of all kinds. . . 35 Ergot Free Esparto, or Spanish Gross, and other grasses and pulp of, in- cludingfancygi'Ra8es,dried,but not colored or otherwise mf'd.Free Essences or Extracts, mixed with spirits ^.25 per LO., and 30 Essential Oils 10 Ether, Sulphuric 5c. per lb. Excelsior for Upholsterers use. . 25 Extract of Logwood, fustic, oak, and of oak bark Free Extract of Malt, for medicinal purposes, n.e.s 26 Extract of Fluid Beef, not medi- cated 25 Eyelets of Brass Free Eye glasses, finished 80 Eye glasses, unfln'd, and parts of 20 Fancy Orasses, dried, but not colored nor otherwise mf'd — Free Fancy workboxes, writing desks, glove - boxes, handkerchief boxes, manicure cases, per- fume cases, toilet coses and fancy coses for smokers' sets, and oil similor fancy articles made of bone, shell, horn, Ivory, wood, leather, plush, satin, silk, satinette, or paper ; [1896 ■ 1896] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS, 49 ¥ c. ad val. gal. holdinv rr gal Stoneware, kiid Rocking- I granite, or d C.C. ware, d or sponged, are n.e.s. ... 30 3c. per doz. read Free ic Batteries. 25 >aratus, parts d separately. 25 e, wholly or gilt 30 eotypea, and ks and bases, for the same, ed wholly or or celluloid . Free eotypes, and lanacs, calen- pamphlets, rtisenients or all other like rcial, trade or n.e.s. ; and er shells of the 2c. per. sq. in. Dtype9,an(lcel- aper columns, le same, com- partly of metal >er sq. in. , and er shells of the 2c. per sq. in. 30 extra heavy, damaged walls 85 ,8 30 shed orground Free 'ape- 20 25 ollowware 35 tives 35 35 emical 35 [ ships or other 1 any foreign 25 rs, and boilers, 27i rints 20 imensof Free of all kinds. . . 35 Free ish Grass, and nd pulp of, in- a38es,dried,but itherwise mf'd.Free 3ts, mixed with 25perI.O.,and 30 10 .5c. per lb. olsterers use. . 26 od, fustic, oak, : Free for medicinal 25 3eef, not medi- 25 Free ed 80 'd, and parts of 20 }, dried, but not irwise mf'd Free writing desks, handkerchief re cases, per- ilet cases and smokers' sets, fancy articles , shell, horn, eather, plush, lette, or paper ; ¥ 0. ad val. ilolls and toys of all kinds, incliidins sewing machines, when not more than $2 in value ; and toy whips, orna- ments of alabaster, spar, am- liir, terra cotta or composition statuettes and bead ornaments n.e.s 35 Fans, to be rated aocor. to mat. Farma IJc, per lb. Feathers, Undressed 20 Feathers, n.e.s 30 Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows 30 Felt, pressed of all kinds, not filled or covered by or with any woven fabrics 17i Felt, adhesive, for sheathing (L'ssels Free Felt, printed as carpets 30 Felt, Roofing, tarred or coated 25 Felt Roofing, not tarred 25 Felt Cloth, n.e.s., 5 c. per lb. and 28 Ferro - manganese and Ferro- silieon 5 Fertilizers, Artificial and Mineral 10 Fibre, Mexican, Tampico or Istle. Free Fibre Ware, indurated fibre ware, vulcanized fibre ware and all articles of like material 25 Fibre, vegetable, for manufactur- ing purposes Free Fibrilla Free Filberts 2 cents per lb. Files and Rasps 35 Jr'illets of Cotton and Rubber not exceeding 7 inches wide, for manufacture of card clothing. Free Firearms 20 Fire Bricks, for use exclusively ill processes of manufactures, not to include stove linings. ..Free Fire Clay gas logs 20 Fire Clay gas retorts 20 Fire Clay retorts, crucibles 30 Fire Clay Free Fire Works 25 Fire Hose, of cotton or linen, lined with rubber, or of rubber 32^ Fire Dogs, iron 27| Fish, ,and the products thereof, from Newfoundland Free Fish Skins and fish offal Free Fish.— Mackerel, fresh, Ic. p. lb. Free Herrings, Pickled or Salted, i cent, per lb .Salmon, pickled or salted, Ic. per lb. Salmon, Fresh Free All other Fish, pickled or salted, in bbls. . .Ic. per lb. Foreign caught fish, import- ed otherwise than in bbls. or half bbls., whether fresh, dried, salted or pickled, n.e.s , 50 cents per 100 lbs Smoked and Boneless Fish, 1 cent per lb A n c ho V ies and Sardines, packed in oil orotherwise, in tin boxes, measuring not more than 5 in. long, 4 in. wide, and 3J in. deep, 5c. per box In half boxes, measuring not more than 5 in. long, i in. wide, and 1| deep 2Jc. per half box In quarter boxes, measuring not more than 4^ in. long, 3i in. wide, and IJ deep, 2c. per quarter box Imported in any other form. 30 Fish preserved in oil, except Anchovies and Sardines . . 30 Salmon and all other fish pre- $ c. ad val. pared or preserved,includ- ing oysters, n.e.s 25 Oysters shelled in bulk, 10 cents per gal Oysters, canned, in cans not over one pint, 3 cents per can, including the cans . . Oysters in cans.over one pint and not over one quart, 5c per can including cans. . . Oysters in cans exceeding one qt., 5c. for each qt. or fraction of a qt. of the capa- city including the cans 5c. jier quart Oysters in the shell 2h Oysters— Seed and Breeding imported for the purpose of being planted in Cana- dian waters. Free Packages containing Oysters or other Fish, not other- wise provided for 25 Oils, spermaceti, whale and other fish oils, and all other articles the produce of the fisheries, n.e.s 20 Cans or packages made of tin or other material, con- taining fish of any kind admitted free of duty un- der any existing law or treaty, not exceeding one qt. in contents, 1^. on each can or package, and when exceedmg one qt. an aer lb Fruits, Bananas, plantains, pine- apples pomegranates, guavas, mangoes, and shaddocks ; wild blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries Free Fruits, green. Grapes, 2c. per lb. Fruits, Green, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Cherries, and Currants. The weight of the package to be included In the weight per duty. 2c. per lb, n.e.s Fruits in air-tight cans or other l>a('kage8. The weight of the cans or packages to be included in the weight for duty, 2\ cts. per lb Fruits preserved in brandy and other spirits $2.00 per I.G. Fuller's Earth Free Fuller's Earth, prepared 30 j Furniture, of wood, iron or any other material, for house, , cabinet or office, fin. or in parts, I including hair and spring and other mattresses, bolsters and j pillows 30 Fur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Free Fur Skins, wholly or partially dressed 15 Fur hats, caps, muffs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks and other manufactures of fur 25 Galvanized Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed. 30 Galvanized sheet iron, number 17 gauge and thinner 6 Galvanic Batteries 25 Game 20 Oannister Free Gas and Coal Oil, or Kerosene Fixtures, or parts thereof 27J Gas Coke Free Gas Meters 35 Gas, for dentists and others 20 Gelatine 25 Gentian and Ginseng Root Free German spirits of nitrous ether (sweet nitre), $2.25 imperial gallon, and 30 German and Nickel Silver, manu- factures of, not plated 26 German and Nickel Silver, plated n.e.s 30 German Silver, and Silver in sheets Free Giant powder, dualin, dynamite and other explosives 4c. per lb. Gilling Twine, imported for the use of the fisheries Free Gilling Twines, linen thread 20 Gilt ware, of all kinds, except jewellery 30 Gin. See Spirituous Liquors . . . Ginger, Preserved 30 I 1 60 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [1896 V c- ad vtU. Glacier, window decorations. . . . 6c. per lb. and 20 Glass, crystal and decorated table-ware, mode expressly for mounting with silver-plated trimmings, when Imported by manufacturers of plated ware . „„ Glass, ornamented, fiifured, and enamelled colored glass; paint- ed and vitrified glass ; figured, enamelled and obscured white glass; and rough rolled plate glass 25 Glass Stained Windows 30 Glass, Carboys and Demijohns, empty or filled bottles and de- canters, flasks nnd pliials . . 30 Olaas, Flasks and Phials. Tele- graph and Lightning Rod In- sulators, Jars and Glass Balls, and cut, pressed or moulded tableware 30 Giass, Lamp, Gas and Electric Light Shades, Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, side lights and head lights. Globes for Lanterns, Lamp8,Gas and Electric Lights, n.e.s 30 Glass bulbs for electric lights. .. 10 Gloss, common and colorless window glass ; and plain color- ed, stained, tinted or muffled glass in sheets 20 Glass, imitation porcelain shades, and colored glass shades, not figured, painted, enamelled or engraved 30 Gloss and Emery Paper 20 Glass, Plate, not coloured, in panes of not over 12 square feet each, 4 cts. per square ft., and when bevelled, 2 cts. per sq. ft. additional Glass, German looking glass, un- silvered 17i Glass, Plate, not coloured, in panes of over 12 and not over 30 sq ft. 6c. per sq. ft. , when bevelled, 2c. per sq. ft. add'l . . Glass, Plate, in panes over 30 under 70 sq. ft., Sc. per sq. ft, when bevelled, 2c. per sq. ft. additional Glass, Plate, m panes o\er 70 sq. ft. i»o. p. sq. ft., when lo veiled 2c.per sq. ft. additional Glass, Silvered 27 Glass, silvered, bevelled 321 Glas8,all other, and manufac- tures of, n.o.p., including bent plate glass 20 Glazier's hacking and putty knives 36 Gloves and Mitts, of all kinds.. 3S Glue, sheet, broken sheet and ground 25 Glue, liquid 25 Glucose and Glucose Syrup, l^e. per lb Glycerine 20 Goat Hair, uimianufactured — Free Gold Beaters' moulds and skins Free Gold Laces, Gold and Silver Cloth or Thread 30 Gold and Silver Bullion, in Bars, Blocks or Ingots, and Bullion Fringe Free Gold and Silver Ware, plated, n.e.s 30 Gold Medals 25 Gold and Silver leaf, and Dutch or schlag metal leaf 25 Gold and Silver, manufactures of, n.e.s 25 Gongs for doors, as bells 25 Gooseberry bushes 20 Ve ad val. Grafting Stock. (See Seedling Stock) Free Grape Vines 20 Grain, of all kinds when dam- aged by wbter in transitu (on appraised value) 20 Granite Ware, Enamelled Iron Ware 35 Grass, Manilla and Sea Grass . . . Free Grass, manufactures of, n.e.s 20 Gravels Free Grease, rough, the refuse of ani- mal fat, when imported by the manufacturers of soap for use in their own factory only Free Grease, Axle 25 Grease, Foot, refuse of cotton seed after oil is pressed out . .Free Grease, other, n.e.s 20 Grindstones, not mounted, and not less than twelve inches in diameter i$1.75 per ton. Grindstone Fixtures 27^ Guano, and other animal and vegetable manures Free Qum8,Amber, Arabic, Australian, Elemy, Copal, Damar, Kaurie, Mastic, Sandarac, Senegal, and Shellac ; and White Shellac in gum or flake, for manufactur- ing purposes ; and Gum Tra- gacanth. Gum GeddaandGum Barberry Free Gum, British, Dextrine, Sizing Cream and Enamel Sizing. . . 10 Gum, sappato and chicle, crude. Free Gum Opium, powdereil 31.35 per 11). Gum Opium, prepared for smok- ing iJS per lb Gum, opium (drug), $1 per lb . . Gums, Assafoetida, Camphor and others n.e.s 20 Gunpowder, Gun, Rifle,Sporting, Cannon and Musket, Canister. 3c. per lb. Gunpowder, blasting and min- ing 2 cents per lb. Guns, Rifles and Muskets 20 Gut and Worm Out, manufac- tured or unmanufactured, for whip and other cord Free Gutta Percha clothing or cloth- ing made waterproof with Gutta Percha 35 Gutta Percha, criide Free Gutta Percha, manf. of 25 Gypsum,orude (sulphate of lime)Free Hair, cleaned or uncleaned, but not curled or otherwise manu- factured Free Hair, curled 20 Hair Cloth of all kinds 30 Hair Mattresses 30 Hair, Plasterers' and manufac- tures of, n.e.s 20 Hair Oils, Pomatums and Pastes, and all other perfumed prep- arations used for the hnir, mouth and skin 30 | Hair Pins .30 Hammers, Blacksmith Hammers, 35 Hammers, other, n.e.s 35 Hammocks and lawn tennis nets and other like articles manu- factured of twine, n.e.s 30 Hams, salted, dried or smoked. 2 cts. per lb. Harness and saddlery of every description, and parts of same 30 Hatchets, n.e.s 35 Hat Boxes 30 Hat Covers of rubber 25 Ilats, caps and bonnets, n.e.s 30 Hatters bands, bindings, tips and V e. ad ual. sides, linings, both tips and sides, hat sweats, when im- ported by hat manufacturers for use in their factories in the manufacture of hats Free Hatters' plush, of silk or cotton, and furs, not on the skin Free Hay 12 per ton. Hemlock, Bark Free Hemp Paper, made on four- cyhnder machines and calen- dered to between .006 and .008 inch thickness, for manufac- ture of shot shells, primers for the manufacture of shot shells and cartridges, and felt board, sized and hydraulic pressed and covered with paper or uncovered for the manufac- ture of gun-wads, when snch articles are imported by the manufacturers of shot shells, cartridges, and gun-wads to be used for these purposes only in their own factories ; provided always that the said articles when imported shall be entered only at such port or ports as may be named by the Controller of Customs and at no other place Free Hemp undressed Free Hemp, manufactures of, n.e.s. . . 20 Hickory Spokes, rough turned, not tenoned, mitred, throat- ed, faced, sized, cut to lenfth, round tenoned or polished . . Free Hides, raw whether ciried, salted or pickled Free Hob Nails .30 Hoes 35 Holly -20 Hominy, in bbls., 40 cts. per bbl. Honey, in the comb or other- wise, and adulterations and imi- tations thereof . . 3 cts. per lb. Hoofs, horns and horn tips Free HoopSkirts&similargooas,n,e.s. 32) Hops, 6 cents per lb Hop extract and hop roots 20 Horns, in the rough Free Horn Strips Free Horse Clothing, shaped, n.o.p., 5o. per lb. and 30 Horse clothing of jute, shaped or otherwise manufactured 30 Horses, n.e.s 20 Hosiery, of Silk 35 House Furnishing Hardware, rated according to material. Hubs, rough hewn or sawn only, Free Hymn Books Free Hvdrants, Valves and Wateryates (iron) 2"i Ice Free Ice Boxes 30 Illuminating Oils, composed wholly or in part of the pro- ducts of petroleum, coal, shale or lignite, costing more than 30c. per gal 25 Incense 20 Indian Corn of the varieties known as " Southern White Dent Corn," or horse tooth ensilage corn, and " Western Yellow Dent Corn," or horae tooth ensilage corn, when ini - ported to be sown for soiling and ensilage only 1- re* Indian Corn, 7^ cents per bush . , Indian Corn Meal, 40c per bbl, IndianCorn and Corn Meal, when damaged by water in transitu on appraised value 20 i ■1 1896] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. 51 ^e. cut val. India Rubber Boots and Shoes with tops or uppers of cloth or of material othet than rubber. 30 India Kubber Boots and Shoes and other manufactures of India Rubber, n.e.s 26 India Rubber Clothing, or cloth- in); made waterproof with India Rubber, n.e.s 36 India Rubber Hose, Belting, Packing, Mats and Matting, and Cotton, and Linen Hose, lined with rubber 32J India Rubber, unmanufactured. Free India Rubber, Crude and Hard Rubber in sheets, but not fur- ther manufactured, and re- covered Rubber aud Rubber substitute Free Indigo Free Indigo Auxiliary or Zino Dust . . Free Indigo Paste and E-xtroct of Free Infants' Food, all Iclnds 30 Ink, for writing 20 Ink, for printing 20 Inkstands, n.e.s 30 Insect Powdf r, n.e.s 20 Iodine, crude Free Iodine, resublimed 20 Iris, (Jrris Root Free Isinglass 25 Iron Sand or Globules and Dry Putty, for polishing granite. . . 20 Iron Borings Free Iron Liquor, solution of acetate of iron for dyeing and calico printing Free Iron, < »xide of, drv 25 Iron & Steel &, Manupac. of: — Adzes 36 Anchors Free Angles, rolled iron or steel Angles, Channels. Structural Shapes and Special Sections, weighing less than 35 lbs. per lineal yd. , 35/^, but not less than JlOper ton Angles, rolled iron ' steel an- gles, channels a. I special sections, weighing not less than 36 lbs. per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel beams, joists, girders.column sections, trough sections, and other building or bridge structural sections, weighing not less than 25 lbs. per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel bridge plate not less than J of an inch thick, nor less than 15 inches wide, and flat eye bar blanks, not punched or drilled 12i Angles for iron or composite ships or vessels Free Axes, chopping axes 35 Axes nf all kinds. Adzes, Hatchets, and Hammers, n e s 35 Axles, springs and V)art8 there- of, axle bars and axle blanks of iron or steel for railway or tramway vehicles, $2.0 "per ton, but not less than 35 Axles, springs and parts there- of, axle bars and axle blanks of iron or steel, not else- where specifled, Ic. per lb. and 20 Balances 30 Bars, Crowbars 30 Bar Iron, rolled or hammered, comp. rounils, squares, and bars and shapes of rolled iron or steel, not more than four inches in diameter, and flats not thinner than No. 16 V e. ad val. gauge, whether in coils, bundles, rods or bars, n.e.s., tlO per ton Barbed Wire Fencing of iron or steel } cent per lb. Steel rails, weighing not less than 45 lbs. per lineal yard, for use in railway tracks ; but this item shall not ex- ten'l to rails for use in the tracks of railways used or intended for private pur- poses only, nor shall it ex- tend to rails which are not used or intended to be used in connection with the busi- ness of common carrying of either goods or passengers nor shall this item extend to rails for use in the tracks of street railways or tramways. Free Iron or steel railway bars or rails of any form, punched or not punched, n.e.s., for railways, which term for the purposes of this item shall mclude all kinds of railways, street railways and tram- ways, even although the same are used lor private purposes only, and even al- though they are not used or intended to be used in con- nection with the business of common carrying of goods or passengers 30 Boiler tubes of wrought iron or steel, including corrugated tubes or flues for marine boilers 7i Bowls for Cream Separators, steel Free Bolts with or without threads or nuts, and bolt blanks, Ic. per lb. and 20 Bridges, iron and structural iron works, 30 per cent., but not less than Ic. per lb. Bridge Plate not less than gths of an inch thick, nor less than 16 mches wide 12^ Canada plates 5 Cast Iron Vessels, Plates, Stove Plates and Irons, Sad Irons, Hatters' Irons, Tailors' Irons 27i Castings, other, n. e. s., iron. . 25 Chain Traces, iron 30 Chains, iron or steel, .fg of an inch in diameter 5 Chains, other, n.e.s 27^ Clock 26 Clock Springs and Corset Steels to be flat wire of steel of No. 16 gauge *r thinner, to be used in the manufac- < ture of dressed stays, crino- line and corset wire ; steel of No. 20 gauge and thinner, but not thinner than No. 30 gauge, to be used in the manufacture of corset steels, clock springs & shoe shanks, when imported by the manu- facturers of such articles for use in their factories Free Crowbars 30 Cniciblo cast steel wire Free Crucible Sheet Steel, 11 to 16 gauge, 2J to 18 in. wide, when imported by manufac- turers of mower and reaper knives for the manufacture of such knives in their own factories Free Wrought Scrap Iron and Scrap V c. ad val. Steel, being waste or refuse wrought iron or steel, flt only to be re-manufactured, the same having been in actual use, not to include cuttings or clippings which can be used as iron or steel without re-manufacture, and steel bloom ends and crop ends of steel rails, 93 per ton ; and on and after the flrst day of January, 1896, W per ton. Iron or Steel, being pieces, punchings, or clippings of boiler plate or other plates, sheets or bars of iron or steel, whether the same have had the ragged or cropped ends or edges sheared off or not, and crops from iron or steel rails having both ends sawn or sheared off , the same not having been in actual use and being flt for re- rolling or re-manufacture only, !J4 per ton. Engines, Locomotive 35 Engines, Steam Engines, boil- ersand machinery, composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, n.e.s 27J Fencing, Buckthorn and Strip, iron or steel, J cent per lb. Ferro Manganese, Ferro Sili- con, Speigel 5 Files and Rasps 30 Files, Steel, for the manufac- ture of, when imported by flle manufacturers for use in their factories Free Fishplates, Railw'y Fish Plates and Tie Plates, ilO per ton. Forgings of iron and steel, of whatever shape, or in what- ever stage of manufacture, n.e.s., 35 per cent., but not less than !S15 per ton. Forks, table, cast iron, not handled nor ground or other- wise further manufactured.. 10 Furniture of any material 30 Garden Rakes, Hay Knives, Scythes, Lawn Mowers, Rakes, n.e.s., pronged Forks of all kinds and hoes 35 Hinges, T and strap, and Hinge Blank, Ic. per lb. and 20 Hollowware, of cast or wrought iron, n. e. s 27i Hollowware, enamelled 35 Horse Shoes, and horse shoe nails 30 Hoop Iron, not exceeding three eighths of an inch in width and being No. 25 ga\ige or thinner, used for the manu- facture of tubular rivets.. Free Iron or Steel Sheets, Hoops, Bands and Strips, n.e.s., other iron or steel of all widths, sheet iron, .common or black, smoothed, polished, coated or galvanized, and Canada plates, No. 17 gauge and thinner 5 Iron or Steel Hoops, Bands and Strips 8 inches and less in width,. No. 18 gauge and thicker 810 per ton. Iron or Steel Plates or Sheets, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves, and iron or steel of all widths thicker than No. 17 gauge, n.e.s , i?10 per ton. 52 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [1896 1896] ^c. ad val. Iron or Steel Ingots, Cogged Ingots, Blooms and Slabs, billets and puddled bars, loops or other forms less flnished than iron or steel bars, but more advanced than pig iron, except cast- ings |i5 per ton. Iron or Steel Beams, Sheets, Plates, Angles and Knees, for iron or composite ships or vessels Free Iron Masts for ships, or parts of Free Wrought Iron or Steel Nuts and Washers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt blanks, less than J of an inch in diameter, lo. per lb. and 25 Wrought Iron or Steel Nuts and Washers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt and hinge blanks, n. e. s,, and T and strap hinges, and 20 Iron, ail articles rated f?iron or manufacture of iron shall be charger ble with tiie soiiie rate of (luty, if nia'Jc of steel, or of steel and iron com- bined, unless otherwise pro- vided for. Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, for use by electro-platers 10 Knives, Reapers and Mowers' Knives 20 Locks 32J Locomotive and Car Wheel Tires of Steel, in the rough. Free Manufactured articles of iron, brass or steel which at the time of their importation are of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada, imported for use in the con- struction or equipment of ships or vessels Free Manufactures, Articles, or Wares not specially enumer- ated or provided for, ccm- posed wholly or in part of iron or steel, and whether partly or wholly manufact'd. 27J Mattocks 36 Nails and Spikes, wrought and pressed, gulvanized or not. Horseshoe Nails, and all other Wrought Iron or Steel Nails, n. e. s., and Horse, Mule or Ox Shoes 30 Nails, cut Nails and Spikes of iron or steel, including rail- road spikes Jc. per lb. Nail liods, Swedish rolled iron, under i in. in diameter, for the manufacture of horse shoe nails and Swedish rolled iron, rods, under J in. in diameter and of not less than Ifc. per lb. value 16 Nails, composition, spikes and sheathing nails 16 Nam? Plates, enamelled 35 Needles, steel, viz.. Cylinder Needles, Hand Frame Need- les and Latch Needles 30 Needles, steel, n.o.p 30 Other Steel, n.e.s 27i Picks, niattocka, grub-hoes, adzes, hatchets, and eyes or poles for same, and tools of all descriptions, n.e.s 35 Pig Iron, Iron Kentledge and Scrap Iron 14 per ton. ^ c. ad val. Pipes, cast iron, $10 per ton, but not less than 36 Planing Mills and parts of in any stage of manufacture. . . 30 Pl-tes, Scraper Plates 27i Plates engraved on steel 20 Plates, Steel Plates, less than 30 inches wide and not less than i of an inch thick 12^ Plates, cast-iron plates, and stove plates, and irons, sad irons, batters' irons and tailors . uns 27J Plate, Canada Plate 5 Plates, Saw Plates, cut to shape only, not otherwise man'f'd..Free Plough Plate, mould boards, and land sides, and other plates for agricultural im- plements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel, but not moulded, punched, polished or otherwise manu- factured and being of a greater value than 4c. a lb . . 6 Portable Steam Engines, Threshers, Separators, Horse Power, Portable Saw Mills and Planing iUlls, and parts of 30 Puddled Bars, 86 per ton Pumps of all kinds and wind mills 30 Railway B'.rs and Rails, iron ov steel, for railways and tramways. (See Steel Rails. ) Rivets, iron or steel. Bolts with or without threads, or nut or bolt blanks. (See wrought iron or steel nuts, etc.) Rods, of steel, rolled, under half an inch in diameter, or under half inch square, im- ported by knob or lock manufacturers, or cutlers, for use exclusively in such manufacture in their own factories Free Rolled iron tubes, not welded, under IJ inch in diameter, Angle Iron, 9 and 10 gauge, not over li inch wide. Iron Tubing, lacquered or brass covered, not over IJ inch diameter, all of which are to be cut to lengths for the mt.iufacture of bedsteads, and to be used for no other purpose ; when imported for the manufacturers of iron bedsteads, to be used for these purposes only, in their own factories, until such time as any of the said articles are manufactured in Canada Free Rope, Raw Hide, as Belting, being so used 20 Safes, doors for safes and vaults, scales, balances and weighing beams of iron or steel 30 Saws of all kinds 32i Scrap iron and scrap steel, old, and only flt to be remanufac- tured, being part of or re- covered from any vessel wrecked in water subject to the jurisdiction of Cane/la. . Free Screws, commonly oalled Wood Screws. 2 inches or over in length, 3 cents per lb 1 inch and less than two inches in length, 6c. per lb. Wc. ad val. Less than 1 inch, 8c. per lb. , provided that the duty shall not be less than 35 per cent. Screws, iron, steel, brass, or other metals, n.e.s. . . , 30 Scythes 36 Sheet Iron, common or black, No. 17 gauge and thinner. . . 5 Sheet Iron Signs, not framed. 25 Slieet Iron. (See iron or steel sheets, etc.) Sheet Iron, for iron or compo- site hips Free Sheet ^Irucible Sheets, steel, 11 ';o 0gauge,2i to 18 inches wide, imported Toy manufac- turers of mower and reaper knives for manufacture of such knives in their own fac- tories Free Shoes, horse, mule and ox shoes 80 Shovels and spades, shovel a-1 spade blanks, and iron steel cut to shape for sai. a, 50c. per doz. and 25 Skates, 10 cents per pair and. . 30 Skates, steel for, valued at 2^ cents per. lb. and over Free Sledges 30 Steels, table and butchers' steels 85 Steel of No. 12 gauge and thin- ner, but notthinnerthanNo. 30 gauge, imported bymanu- facturers of buckle clasps and ice-creepers, to be used ill the manufacture of such articles only in their own factories Free Steel for the manufacture of Hammers, Augurs, and Au- gur Bits, when imported by the Manufacturers of such articles for use in their own factories only Free Steel, Nos. 24 and 17 gauge, in sheets 63 inches lon^ and from 18 inches to 32 inches wide for the manufacture of Tubular Bow Sockets, when imported by the Manufac- turers for their own factories only Free Steel, manufactures of, orparta of iron and parts steel, n.e.s. 27} Stoves 27* Stove Plates 27} Swords 27} Wedges 30 Iron and manufactures of, or part iron or part steel, n.e.s. . . 27} Strips specially imported for the manufacture of buck- thorn and plain strip fencing' for use in their factories Free Tucks, cut, brads or sprigs, not exceeding 16 ounces to the thousand, 1} cts per 1,000. Tacks, shoe, } to 4 oz. to the thousand, Ic. per thousand. Tacks, cut, brads or sprigs, ex- ceeding 16 ounces to the thousand, 1} cents per lb. . . Track tools, wedges, crowbars and sle than 1} in rolled stei Tubes or pip iron or ste and . . . . Washers, n.e Provided tha steel bars, steel shee shape, am steel bars c or section, hammered way, in ordinary pi ing or hi shall be pai cent per p( to the rate said niateri And provided articles ra manufactui be chargeal rate of dutj or of steel t ed, unless c ly provided Ivory Knives i fancy nianufa Ivory and Ivor, factured and only Ivory Veneer, c Ivory, manufact Ivory Vaccine P Jack ScrewE tion, n.e.s. . . . Jalap Root Jams, Jellies, 3J cts. per lb . Japanned and S ic Jerseys, ladies' and Jewellery and gold and silve Jews Harps.. Junk, old Jute and Jute E Jute, carpeting Jute Clotii, as loom, neither ed, calcnderef finished Jute, coloured l ton yarns or Jute, nianufiu'ti Jute Yarn, Hax dyed or cole ported by n carpets, rugs, bing or cloth use in their o Kainite, or salts for fertil Kelp .. Kerosene and or parts there Knives, oyster I Knitting Machii Knitting Needl Needles and kinds .... Kryolite or Cry( Labels, for meat, flsh, co other goods posters, adve folders, whet or printed, 15 [1896 1896] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. 53 ^c. ?*'• Paris Green, dry 10 Dry White and Red Lead, Orange mineral and Zinc white 5 White Lead in Pulp, not mixed with oil 25 Painters metal graining combs.. 35 Painters pallet kni\ es 35 Paintings in Oil or Water Colors, by artists of well-known nierit, or copies of Old Masters by such artists Free Paintings in Oil or Water Colors, production of Canadian artists. Free Paintings, prints, engravings, drawings and building plana, photographs and pictures, n.e.a 20 Palm Leaf, unmanufactured Free Palra Leaf, when manuf., n.e.a. 20 Paper Weighta, glass 30 Paper Cutters & Printing Presses 10 Paper Bags, plain, n.e.a 25 Paper Boxes, with chroinos, but whhout any printed matter, 6 pts. per lb. and 20 Paper Coxes, labelled.empty, 16c ]VT lb. and 25 P'per, drawing, mounted, ena- melled or Parchment 35 Paper Hangings, all other, and borders, per roll of 8 yds and imder, and proportionately for Kreater lengths, IJc. pcrrolland 25 Paper, Wall, not including borders, printed on plain ungrounded paper, and colored with any material except bronze, jifilt or flitter 35 Paj or files, clips 30 P."4p<;r Mache, manufactures of. . 35 Paper of all kinds, n.e.s 25 Pajier kites, as toys 35 Paper, ruled, oiled or waxed 35 Paper, Tarred 25 Paper.'Union Collar Cloth, in rolls or sheets, not glossed or finished 15 Paper, Union Cloth, in rolls or sheets, glossed or finished 20 Paper, filter paper, in sheets 25 Paper, fly paper 35 Paper Letters, gummed, plain, or colored, in bulk 36 Paper Letters, gunnned, put up in envelopes, with printed des- criptionsfor special advertising purposes, aigna or labels, 15 o. per lb. and 25 Paper Sacks or bags of all kinds, ITinted or not 25 Vc ad val. Paper waste or clippinga Free Paper, pressed, in sheets 36 Paper, Glazed, Plated, Marbled, Enamelled Paper, and Card Hoard, similarly finished, n.e.s. 35 Paper, manufactures of, include ing ruled and bordered papers, papeteries, lioxed papers and envelopes and Blank Books . . 35 Parasols. (.See Umbrellaa). I'assover Bread for free distribu- tion among the Hebrew com- nnmity in connection with their religious rites Free Patterns of brass MO Patterns of iron 27i Paving blocks, made from slag of blast furnace 20 Peaches, n.o.p., the weight of the package! to be included in the weight for duty . . Ic. p. lb. Peach Trees 3c. each. Pears, green fruit 20 Pear Trees of all kinda . . 3c. each. Peas, 10c per bush Pearl, mother of, not manu- factured Free Pearl card cases 35 Pearl Collar Buttons or Studs as jewellery 25 Pearl, manufactures of, fancy . . 35 Pelta, raw Free Pencils, Lead, wood or otherwise 25 Pencils, slate 25 Penholders, wood 25 Pens, ateel, 27i p.c; gold 20 Pen racks, iron 27i Perfumery, including toilet prep- arations (non-alcoholic), viz :— Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, poma- tums, pastea and all other per- fumed preparationa used for the hair, mouth and skin . . 30 Perfumed Spirits in bottles or flasks not weighing more than 4 ounces 50 Perfumed Spirits in botMes, flasks or other packages, weighing more t' 4 oz., J2.25 per i,ir.& 40 Persis orext. Archill and Cudb'r.Fre* Petroleum, crude, fuel and gas oils (other than Naptha, Ben- zine or Gasoline), when im- ported by manufacturers (other than refiners), for use in their factories for fuel purposes, or for the manu- facture of gas, 3c. per gal. Petroleum. (SeeOils) Pheasants for improvm'tof stock. Free Pheaaants, other 20 Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus, not manufactured in the Dominion, and when im- ported by or for the use of universities, colleges and schools, and scientific societies Free Philosophical, Photographic, Optical and Mathematical In- struments and Appavutus, n.e.s 25 Phosphorus Free Phosphor Bronze in blocks, bars, sheet and wire 10 Photograph Albums 35 Albums, insides of paper Free Photographer's atbumenized paper 30 Photographic Dry Plates 30 Piano covers, rubber and cotton 27i Piano Stools 30 Pianofortes 35 Pianofortes, parts of 25 Pickers, raw hide, for cotton looms 20 ^ e. ad vol. Pickles, Saucea and Cataups, including Soy 36 Pictorial illustrationa of insect*, jcG., when importe m f c. ad val. PrintiriK presses and printing machines, such only as are used in newspaper, book and Job printing otiices ; folding machines and paper cutters used in printing aiid bookbind- ing establishments, and Htho- graphic presses 10 Prunella Free Pulp, wood 25 Pulp of grasses Free Pumice or Pumice Stone, ground or iinground Free Pumps, all kinds 30 Pumps, Steam 30 Putty 15 Putty, dry, for polishing granite. Free Quills, in nat. state or unpVd.Free Quills, other 20 Quince Trees of all kinds. . 3c. ea. Quinine, sulphate of, in powder. Free Baers of cotton, linen, jute, iiemp and woollen, paper waste or clippings, and waste of any kind except mineral waste .... Free Rags from Europe, except Great Britain, Prohibited Railway Rugs of all materials.. 30 Raisins, Ic. per lb Raspberry and Black h-ii-ry bushes 20 Rattans and reeds manf. or partly manf 17i Rattansandroedsintheir natural state Free Red Liquor for dj'g. & calico ptg. Free Refrigerators 30 Rennet, raw, or prepared Free Resin, in pkgs not less than lOOIbsFree Resin or Rosin Oil Free Uesin, other, n.c.s 20 Ribbons of all kinds and ma- terials 30 Rice, uncleaned, unhuUed or paddy, y\, of a cent per lb., but not less than 30 Rice, other ijc per lb. Rice and Sago Flour and Sago . . 26 Rice, when imjwrted by makers of rice starch, for use in their factories — J of a cent per lb. , Rope, Iron Wire 25 Rope, or Cordage, IJcper lb. and 10 Roots, medicinal, viz : Aconite, Calumba, Ipecacuanha, Rhu- barb, Sarsaparilla, Squills, Taraxicum and Valerian Free The same ground or powdered 20 Rose bushes 20 Rotten Stone 20 Rove, when imported for the manufacture of twine for har- vest binders 10 Ruling Pens 10 Rye, (see grain) 10 c. per bush. Rye Flour, 50 e per bill. Saccharine or any product containing over one-half of one per cent, thereof 20 Saddlers' Soap 25 Saddlery of every description . . 30 Saffron and Safflower, and ex- tract of, and Saffron Cake Free Sago 26 Sago Flour 25 Sails, for boats and ships, also tents and awnings 25 8; l-Ammoniac and Sal -Soda Free Sa °ratu8 20 Sai imported from the United K igaom ov any British pos- se, 'ion, or imported for the w\ of the sea ot gulf fisheries, n.e. 1 B'ree I* r. ad val. Salt, fine, in bulk, and course salt, n.s.s 5c per 100 lbs. 8alt,in bag8,bb;s.,or other pkgs., 7Jc per Itio lbs. [Pckgs. same d uty as if imported empty. ] . . Saltpetre Free Salt Cake sulphate of 8oda)crude. Free Sand Free Sand, colored 20 Sand Cloth 20 S^nd (iron) or globules for polish- ing granite Free Sand, Glass, Flint and Emery Paper 20 Satchels 30 Sateens, for usl of corset nianu- faoturers, etc 26 Sauces, Catsups and Pickles, in- cluding Soy 35 Sausage Casings, n.e.s 2'i Sausage SkinsorCasings.not cl'd.Free Saw dust, of the following woods :— amaranth, oocoboral, boxwood, cherry, chesput, wal- nut, gumwood, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandal wood, sycamore, 8pan;;.ii cedar, oak, hickory, whitewood, Afri- can teak, black heart ebony, lignum vitiD, red cedar, red- wood, satin wood, wnite ash, persimmon and dogwood Free Scales, and Weighing Beams.. .. 30 Scenery, Theatrical and other. 20 School Ink Wells 30 School bags 30 Screws commonly called wood screws.2 in. and over in length, 3c fier lb 1 in.and less than 2, 6c per lb. Less than 1 in., 8c. per lb. provided that the duty shall not be less than 35% Screws of brass, or other metals, n.e.s 30 Screw Jacks of every description 35 Seeds — Beet, Carrot, Turnip, Annatto, Flax, Mangold, and Mustard Free Seeds— Flower, garden, field and other seeds for agricultural or other purposes, when in bulk or large parcels, n.o.p 10 The same in small parcels,. 25 Seeds — Aromatic, which are not edible and are in a crude state, and not advanced in \'alue or condition by grinding or refin- ing or by any other process of manufacture. Anise, Anise-star, Curaway, Cardamon, Corian- der, Cummin, Fenneland Fenu- greek Free Seedling stock for grafting, viz. : Plun., pear, peach and other fruit trees Free Senna leaves Free Settlers' effects, viz. : Wearing apparel, household furniture, books, implements and tools of trade, occupation or em- ployment, musical instru- ments, domestic sewing ma- chines, live stock, carts and other vehicles and agricultural implements in use by the settler for at least six months before his removal to Canada ; not to include machinery, or articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for sale ; also books, pic- tures, family plate or furni- ture, personal effects and heir- looms left by bequest ; provid- ed that any dutiable article Vi e. ad. vai entered as settlers' effects may not be so entered unless brought with the settler on his first arrival, and shall nor. be sold or otherwise disposel Silk Hosiery, 10c. per doz. pairs and 3.T. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in any way, silk cocoons, and silk waste Free Silk twist, sewing and embroid- ery silk 25 Silk, in the gum or spun, not more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown organzine, not coloured i^ Silk Velvets and all manufac?- turea of silk or of which silk is the component part of cliief value, not elsewhere specified, except church vestments 30" Silver Leaf 2."> Silver-plated Ware 30 Skins, Bird, and skius of animals not native to Canada for taxi- dermic purposes, not further manufactured than prepared for preservation Free Slates, roofing, HO per cent., pro- vided that the duty on roofing slate shall not exceed V5c. per square for black or blue slate, and 90c. for slates of other colors. Slates, school and writing.... 30 Slate Mantels 30 Slate Pencils 2f, Slates and manufactures of, n.e.s .'iO Sledges :iO Sleighs'. 3i> Soap, commrn or laundry, not perfumed Ic. per lb. Soap, Castile, Mottled or White, 2c. per lb ■! i . ; [189f> 1896] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. at V e. ad rai ettlere' effects may ) entered unlesit th the settltr on ival, and shall nor, jtherwiae dispo8e-ighing not more 4 oz. ea . . 50 When in bottles, flasks or other packages weighing more than 4 oz. ea., 82.25 per gal. and 40 Nitrous ether, sweet spirits of nitre and aromatic spirits of annnonia, 8'2.25 per gal. and 30 Vermouth,containing not n>ore than 30 per cent. , and ginger wine, containing not more than 20 per cent, of proof spirits, 80c. per gal. ; if con- taining more than these per- centages, respectively, of proof spirits, 82.26 per gal. In all cases where the strength of any of the foregoing arti- cles cannot be correctly as- certained by the direct ap- plication of the hydrometer, it shall be ascertamed by the distillation of a sample, or in such other manner as the Controller of Customs may direct. Sponges 20 Spurs and Stilts, used in the manufacture of ear'.hen ware . . Free Square Keeds and r.iw-hide cen- tres, textile leather or rubber heads, thumbs a, id tips, and steel, iron, or nickel caps for whip ends, when imported by whip mantifacturers for use in the manufacture of whips in their own factories Free Starch, including farina, com starch or flour, and all prepar- ations having the qualities of starch, Ijo. per lb., the weight of the package to be uicluded in the weight for duty. Stereotypes, see Electrotypes. Stones, Burr, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured and not bound up or prepared for binding into millstone Free Stone, rough Freestone, Flag- stones, Granite, Sandstone, and all building stone, (except marble) from the quarry, not hammered or chiselled 2(i Stone, Granite, Flagstones and Freestones, dressed, all other building stone dressed, except marble, ana all manner of stone, n.e.s 30 Stone, I.itliographic, not eng'ved 20 Stone, Grindstones, not mounted and not less than 12 inches in diameter, 81.75 per ton. Strawand manufactures of, n.e.s. Straw Boards in sheets or rolls, plain or tarred, 30c per 100 lbs. Sugar of Milk 20 Sugar of Milk Tablets, not fur- ther sweetened Sugar, glucose or grape sugar, 1} cent per pound. Glucose Syrup, Syrup and Corn Syrup, or any S'ynips contain- ing any admixture thereof He jter 11). 20 20 V e. aii val. Sugar, all above No. 10, Dutch standani in color, and all re- fined sugars of whatever kinds, grades or standards (the usual packages in which they are imported to be free, 1 j'n^c. jier II) Sugi>r, Maple 'J') Sugar Candy, l)rown or ■.vhite, and Confectionery, including sweetened gums, candied peels, and pop corn, Jc. per lb. anil 3.'i Sugar Beet Seed Free Sulphate of (juinine (in j)«»der)Free Sulphate of Iron (Copperas) and Sulphate of Copper (Blue Vit- riol) Free Sulphur and Brimstone, in roll or flour Free Sulphuric Ether 5c. per lb. Surgical and Dental Instruments of all kinds 15 Surgical belts or tniases and sus- pensory bandages of all kinds. 25 Syrups — See Molasses. TagrSi tin, for plug tobacco 25 Tagging, Metal, plain, japanned or coated, in coils, not over 1} inches in width, when imp. by manufs. of Shoe and Corset Laces, for use in their factories Free Tails, nndressetl Free Tallow and Stea. ie Acid 20 Tallow Oil -Ji Tape Measures 25 Tapioca 2( i Taraxicum Root Free Tarpaulin, Cotton, plain or coated with oil, paint, tar or other composition 3i > Tar (Pine), in packages of not less than fifteen gallons each . . Free Tarred Paper 25 Tassels 30 Teas and Green Coffees, import- ed direct from the country of growth and production Free (This item shall include teas and coffees purchased in bond in any country where tea and coffee are subject to customsduty, provided there be satisfactory proof that the tea or coffee so purchas- ed in bond is such as might be entered for home con- sumption in the country where the same is pur- chased.) Tea and Green Coffee, n.e.s 10 Teasels Free Telephones and Telegraph In- struments ; telegraph, tele- phone and electric lightcables; electric and galvanic batteries, electric motors, generators, dynamos, sockets and electric apparatus, n.e.s 25 Telescopes 25 Tents and Awnings 25 Terra Japonica, Gambier or Cutch Free Terra Cotta panels, mouldings and cornices 30 Terraline, Vases and Plaques . . 35 Theniiometers, all kinds 25 Terra Alba 20 Thimbles, steel 27.* Thimbles, brass 30 Thread, Linen, n.e.s 20 Tin, ill ))locks, pigs, bars & sheets, and plates and tinfoil and tin strip waste Free Tin, Crystals and Tea Lead Free Tin Plates in sheets or strips, de- corated 25 m 58 CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS. [1896 W c. ad val. Tin Whick Holders, lacquered .. 25 Tinned Iron Kettle Ears 27} Tinware stamped. Japanned ware and galvanized iron ware tS Tinware, and manufactures of tin, n.e.s 2fi Tobacco, Ciifan and CiKaretten ti per lb. and 25 Tobacco manufactured and Snuff ;i5 cts. per lb. and 1'2A Tobad by the Minister of Customs Free Trees, n.e.s Free Treenails Free Tripoli 20 Tninks 30 Trunk Trimmin;,'s 30 Turmeric Free Turpentine, raw or crude Free Turpentine, Spirits of 5 Turtles Free Twine for harvest binders, of hemp jute, manilla or si.sal, and of manilla and sisal mixed 12i Type, for printing: 20 Type Metal 10 Type Writer 27i Typewriters, Tablets with move- able fltrurcii, Geographical Map and Musical Instruments, when imported by and for the use of schools for the blind, and be- ing and remaining the sole property of the governing bodies of said schools, and not of private individuals, thi above particulars to be veri- fied by special affldavit on each entry when presented. . . Free Ultramarine Blue, dry or in pulp Free I'mbrellas, Parasols and Sun- Shades of all kinds and ma- terials 35 'I'mbrella and Parasol, steel and iron or brass ribs, runners, rings, caps, notches, tin caps and ferrules, for the use of manufacturers of umbrellas. . . Free Umbrella, Parasol, and Sunshade sticks or handles, in the rough, not further manufactured than cut into suitable lengths'. Free i'nenumerated Articles 20 Vaccine and Ivory Vac- cine Points Free Valerian Root Free Varnishes, n.e.s., 20c. per gal., and 20 Varnish, black and bright for ship use Free Varnish and Colours ground in spirits 81. 12i per gal. Vaseline, and all similar prepara- tions of petroleum for toilet, medicinal or other purposes. 35 Vases, glass, plain or fancy 20 Vases, China and Porcelain 30 Vases, Earthenware 30 Vegetables, when fresh or dry salted n.e.s ". 25 V e. ad val. Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes and Yams 10c. per bush. Vegetables, Tomatoes, fresh, 20c. per bush, and . . 10 Vegetables, Tomatoes and other vegetables, including Corn and I Kaked Heans, in cans or other packages, n.e.s. . . .I)c. per lb. the weight of the cans or other packages to be included in ^he weight for duty Vegetables, Unions, sets for plant- ing, not fit for table use 20 Velveteens, and Cotton Velvets and Cotton Plush 30 Veneers of Wood, not over one- sixteenth of an in. in thickness. 5 Veneers of Wood, not over 1-10 of an inch thick, mode from woods native to Canada 10 Velocipedes 30 Veneers, Ivory, sawn only Free Veneers, Ivory, other, n.e.s 20 Vents, Fireclay Chimney Linings glazed or unglazed 35 Verdigris orsub-ac'te cop'r (dry)Free Vinegar, 15c per imp. gal., of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof, and for each degree of strength in ex- cess i)f the strength of proof, an additional duty of 2 cents. Vices 35 Wagon and Cart Bushes 35 Wall Uecorations, Liiicrusta Wal- ton lie roll of 8 yds and. . 25 Walking Sticks and Canes of all kinds, n.e.s 25 Washing Crystal 20 Watches 25 Watch Cases 35 Watch, composition metal for the manufacture of filled gold watch cases 10 Watch Keys, of brass 30 Watch Keys, of steel 27i Watch actions or movements .... 10 Water Meters 30 Wax, Parafltne, and Animal Stearine of all kinds, 2o. per lb. Wax, manufactures of, other... 20 Webbing elastic 20 Webbing, non-elastic .- . . 20 Whale Bone, unmanufactured.. Free Whale Bone, manuf'res of, n.e.s. 20 Wheat, 15c per bushel Wheat Flour 7.5f per bbl. Wheels, parts of. Hubs 6i Spokes, in the rough Free Wheelbarrows and other like art. 30 Whips, of all kinds, including *hongs and lashes 35 V .iting or Whitening, gilders' Whiting and Paris White Free Willow for basket makers Free Willow and Osier Works, n e.g.. 25 Window Curtain Poles 30 Window Blind Rollers, finished or mounted 35 Window Shades, made of paper. 35 Wines of all kinds, except spark- ling wines, including orange, lemon, strawberry, rasp- bsrry, elder and currant, con- taining 26% or less of spirits of strength of proof imported in wood or bottles 25c per I.G. & 30 Wines for every degree above 26 up to 40 p. c, 3c more for each degree of strength and 80 Champagne and all other spark- ling wines, in bottles contain- ing each not more than 1 qt. and more than 1 pt., ^.30 per dozen bottles Ve. ad val. In bottles, containing not more than a pint and more than one-half pint, $1.05 per doz. In bottles, conl:aining one-half pint each or less. 82c per doz. I', bottles, containing more than one quart each shall pay, in addition to 13.30 per doz., bottles, at the rate of 91.65 per gallon nn the quan- tity in excess of one quart per bottle, the <|uarts and pints in eat^h case being old wine measure ; in addition to the above specific duty, there shall an ad valorem duty of 30 j)er cent Wire Cloth of brass or copper ... 20 Wire Cloth, iron or steel i»d Wire, Iron nr Steel, and all kinds, n.e.s 25 Wire Ferrules (Iron, or Steel) . 27J Brass) 30 Wire phosphor, bronze blocks, sheets and wire 10 Wire, covered with cotton, linen, silk or other material 90 Wire Kigging for shios and ves- sels Free Wire, Barbed Wire Fencing, Jc. per lb Wire, Buckthorn and Strip Fen- cing Jc. per lb. Wire, Brass and Copper Wire twisted, when imported by manufacturers of boots and shoes for use in their own factories Free Wire, Crucible Cast Steel ..... Free Wire of Iron or Steel, No. 13 and 14 gauge, flattened and corrugated, used with the wire grip machine for the manufac- ture of boots, shoes and leather belting, imported bv manufac- turers of such articles to be used for these purposes only in their own factories Free Wire Rods, Brass, Copper, Iron or Steel, rolled round, under g an inch in diameter, when imported by wire manufac- turers making wire for use in their own factories Free Wire, Soft Drawn Bessemer spring steel wire of Nos. 10, 12 and 13 gauge, and Homo spring steel wire of Nos. 11 and 12 guage respectively, when imported by manufacturers of wire mattrasses, to be used in their own factories Free Wire, flat strip and flat steel, when imported into Canada by manufacturers of buck- thorns, plain strip or other fencing, and sifety barb wire fencing, for use in their own factories in the manufacture thereof Free Wire Nails Ic. per lb. Wire, brass rods cut to special length 30 Wire Rope, of iron and steel, n.o.p 25 Wire Screw Hooks and Eyes (iron> 2"i Wire, Platinum Sheets ; retorts, pans, condensers, tubing and pi)ie made of platinum, import- ed by manufact'ersof sulphuric acid for use iu the maiif. or concentration of sulphuric acid Fres Wire work, and maiifs. of Iron Wire, n.e.s 27i 1896.] CANADIAN TARIFF OF CUSTOMS — EXCISE TARIFF. 59 Ve. ad val. ntaininpr not more it and more than Int, H.6d per dot. >n:alniiitr one-half ir lesH, 82c per cloz. containini; more quart each shall ntion to«3.30 per 68, at the rate of nllon on thequan- ceHH of one quart I, the <|uart9 and t!h caHe beinif old lure ; in addition )ve spccifip duty, 1 an ail valorem I per cent l)raMS or copper ... 20 an or steel iW ir Steel and all 25 1 (Iron, or Steel) . 27i 30 ir, bronze blocks, vire 10 with cotton, linen, r material 90 for Bhios and ves- Free Wire Fencing, }c. orn and Strip Fen- Jc. per lb. and Copper Wire hen imported by •era of boots and use ill their own Free le Cast Steel Free 1 or Steel, No. 13 lujre, flattened and . used with the wire ie for the manufao- ts, shoes and leather ported bjV nianufac- uch articles to be sse purposes only in actories Free irass, Copper, Iron )lled round, under in iliameter, when by wire manufac- [i'nff wire for use II factories Free Drawn Bessemer 1 wire of Nos. 10, 12 mjte, and Homo 1 wire of Nos. 11 and respectively, when y manufacturers of isses, to be used in actories Free rip and flat steel, orted into Canada icturers of buck- lin strip or other id sifety barb wire use in their own the manufacture Free ic. per lb. •ods cut to special 30 of iron and steel, 2.'-) Hooks and Eyes -iTV _ni Sheets ; retorts, ^lensers, tubing and of platinum, import- ifact'ersof sulphuric se in the manf. or ion of sulphuric Free and manfs. of Iron 27i V e. ad val. Wood. Cord Wood 20 Wire Window Screens 30 Wood Furniture, house, cabinet or office, including bedsteads, hair, spring and othei- mat- tresses, holsters and pillows, and picture frames 80 Wooars to his satisfaction that *> e. ad val. similar lumber from Canada mav bo importeollen Socks and Stockings, lui. per doz. pairs, and 35 Wooli'-n Wf^te, fit only for the manuiacture of paper Free XyoUte, or Celluloid, in sheets, lumps or blocks, in the rough n.e.s Free Yarns, Cotton and Cotton Warps, dyed or undyed, n.e.s. 25 Yarns, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the Alpaca Goat, or other like animal, costing 20c. per lb. and under, 5c. per lb. and 20 Yarns, Woollen and Worsted, (." ■?. aii ittt. n.e.g ao Yarn, lute, flax or liemp, plain, dyeo or colored, whe i im- ported by the manufat turers of carpets, rugs and nats, an and condor (iii9.12.3). Silver, peso and divisions. Nicaragua Salvador ; Chili Gold and Silver. Silver Peso China Tael: Shanghai Halkwan (Customs.).. . . Tientsin Chefoo Colombia Silver Gold, condor (*0. 64. 7) and double condor. Silver, peso. Gold, doubloon (:?f..01.7). Silver, pe«o. Gold 10 and 20 crowns. Cuba Gold and Silver. Gold Denmarlc Crown • . Ecuador Silver Sucre Gold, condor (*0. 64. 7) Olid double condor. Silver, sucre and divisions. Gold, pound (100 piastres), 5, 10, 2»and 6<> piastres. Silver, 1, 2, fi, 10 and 20 piastres. Gold, 20 marks («3. 85.0), lo marks (#1.93). Gold, 5, 10, 20, 60 and lOO francs. Silver, Egypt Gold Pound ... Finland Gold (1(!0 piastres) . Mark France Gold and Silver. Gold Franc Mark German Empire Greece 6 francs. Gold, 5, 10 and 20 marks. Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver. Silver Drachma Gold, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 drachmas. Havti Silver, 5 drachmas. Silver, gourde. Gold, mohur («7.10.6). Silver, rupee and divisions. Gold 5 10 20, 50 and 100 lire. Silver, 5 India Rupee Lira . Italy Gold and Silver. Gold and Silver. Gold Japan Yen: Gold lire. Gold, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 yen. Silver, yen. Liberia Silver Dollar.. Mexico, Silver Dollar Gold, dollar (ieo.98.3), 2i, 5, 10 and 20 Netherlands Gold and Silver. Gold Florin dollars. Silver, dollar (or peso) and divisions. Gold, 10 florins. Silver, Jl, 1 and 2J florins. Norway Peru Portugal Russia Gold, 10 and 20 crowns. Silver Gold Sol Milreis Ruble : Gold Silver Silver, sol and divisions. Gold, 1, 2, 5 and 10 milreis. Silver Spain Gold and Silver. Gold Gold, imperial (87.71.8)&iimperialt(«:j.S6). Silver, J, J and 1 ruble. Gold, 25 pesetas. Silver, .'> pesetas. Gold, 10 and 20 crowns. Sweden Crown . . Switzerland Gold and Silver. .Silver Franc Mahbub of 20 piastres. Piastre Bolivar Gold, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs. Silver, Tripoli 5 francs. Turkey Gold Gold, 25, 50 100, 250 and 5(K) piastres. Gold, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 bolivars. Silver, Venezuela Gold and Silver. 5 bolivars. Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Foreign reprints of British Copy- righted Works, copyrighted In Cana(la,and of Canauian Copyrighted Works. ARTICLES PROHIBITED TO BE IHIPORTED INTO CANADA. Coin, base or counterfeit. Goods manufactured or produced wholly or in part by prison labor, or which have been made within or in connection with any prison, Jail or penitentiary. Oleomargarine, Butterine, or simi- lar substitutes for butter. Rags from Europe, except Great Britain. Tea adulterated with spurious leaf, or with e.\hau8ted leaves, or which contains so great an admixture of chemical or other deleterious suli- stances as to make it unfit for use. PLACKS. Ailsa Craig . . . Alexandria . .. Alligton,0 ... Almonte Amherst, N.S. Annapoli8,N.S Antigonish . . . Arnprior Aurora Aylnier, O (I Ayr ;::: Barrie BarrVton,N..S. Bathurst, N.B. Beauharnois . . Bedford, Q.... Belleville Berlin....'!'!! Berthier, Q.!! P ...iieiin Boissevain, M. Bownianville. . Bradford Brampton Brandon, M. .. K Brantford Bridget'n.N.S. Bridgew'r, N.S (I Brighton ... Brockville Brussels Buckingham Q Calgary, Alb.. Campbellford.. Campbellton . . Cannington . , . Canning, N.S. Canso Carberry, M.. Carleton Place. Cayuga .4)»nd i Argentine. lonH. florins, (#1.02.9), » •at (»2.28.7), and 4 ver, 1 and -1 florins. , 2(1 crowns (W.i'S.'2) .0). Silver, 5 franc*, ivislons. »l8. Silver, J, 1 and , doubloon (*4.5«.1> 1). Silver, peso and and double condor. 7). Silver, peto. ). and double condor, isions. res), 5, 10, 2»and f)'^ , 2, 5, 10 and 20 9), 10 marks (tl.P3). KX) franco. Silver, and 100 drachmas. I. Silver, rujtee and 1 100 lire. Silver, & (yen. Silver, yen. I), 2J, 5, 10 and 20 allar' (or peso) and ;r, 1, 1 and 2i florins. i. 18. heis. )&iimperiaU($:5.S6). B. t'er, .'i pesetas. s. 1 100 francs. Silver, nd 5(X) piastres. 100 bolivars. Silver, !\irope, except Great [1 with spurious leaf, listed leaves, or which reat an admixture of other deleterious sub- to njake it unfit for /7MD Their Sr/jmches PLACKS. NAMK8 or BANKS. MA.VAOKR OR AOKNT, PLACUI. NA.ME8 OP BANKS.: MANAORR OR AQIMT. Ailsa Craig . . . Coinineree G. M.Wedd Charlotte town Ml!RCIIANTS,PEI. J. .M. Davison. Alexandria . . . ' Union J. R. Proctor. II Merchants' H ; I>. A. Hornsby, Acl'g Alli9ton,0 ... Almonte II Chatham, 0. .. Bank of N.S....! Commerce ' J. Pitblado. Montreal E. P. Winslow. J. E. Thomas. Amherst, N.S.iNova Scotia John McKeen. " ... * Merchants' .... A. St. L. Mackintosh. Illrtlifaxnk.Co... J. II. Morrison. II iilontreal ' D. F. B. Glass. Annapoli8,N.S Nova Scotia J. II. Lombard. II Standar 1896] ! r i I ■■' It ' i if- FLACB8. NAMIIS OF BANKB. Ouelph Commerce Guysboro'N.S. MerchanU' H . . . Halifax, N.S.. Halifax B. Co. . . it Bank of B.N. A.. H Nova Scotia 41 Union. Halif'x.. If Mbrciiantb' H.. it People's H (( North End . . If Montreal Hamilton Hamilton It do Barton St. Br •1 do East End Br. .... B. N. America, . . ti Montreal ti * Merchants' — It Traders It Commerce It Molsons Harriston — Standard Hawkeab'ry, O Hespeler *Merehaiit8' Hochelaga, Q. Ville Marie Hull. Q Jacq. Cartier . . . Huntingdon, Q E. Townships. .. Iberville, Q... St. Hyacinthe . . IngersoU Tradeis It * Merchants' .... ti Imperial Iroquois Union Bank Jarvia Commerce Joliette D'Hochelatra Kamloops.B.C. British Columbia Keewatin. 0. . Ottawa Kemptville, O. Ottawa Kentville, N.S. Nova Scotia t( Kincardine. . . . * Merchants' .... Kingston * Merchants' . . . Stamliird 11 B. N. America... t( Montreal (( Ontario Kingston.N.B. Merchants' H . . . L'Assoniption. St. Hyacinthe . . lialce Megan tic People's of H . . . Lftcliine, Que. Ville Marie It Ville Marie Laprairie Ville Marie Laurentides, Q Jac. Cartier L'Epephanie.. Ville Marie Leamington . . Lethb'dge, Alb I-ovis Traders Union Peoples' of H... Ontario Lindsay It Montreal «( Dominion Listowel, Ont. Hamilton Lt. Glace Bay. Union of Halifax Liverpool.N.S. Nova Scotia « Union of H Lockport,N.S. Halifax Bk.Co. . . London B. N. America. . . It * Merchants' .... II Montreal II Commerte.. .. II Molsons 11 Toronto Londond'y N.S Merchants', H. . . Lucknow Hamilton Louiaeville, Q. L»>nenb'g,N.S. D'Hochelaga Merchants' H . . Halifax Bk.Co.. II Peoples, Halifax Maitland, N.S. Merchants' H. . . Uarkham Standard Mattawn Ottawa Meaford Molsons Merrickville . . Union Hiddleton.N.S Com. B.of W'nd'r Midland Western Milton Hamilton Mitchell * Merchants' Moncton Montreal manaobr or aobnt. J. M. Dufr. T. G. A. Parkes. H. N. Wallace. A.E.Ellis. Thomas Fyshe. K. L. Thome. D. H. uiincan. John Kni|,'ht. W. Henry Uichey. F. M. Cotton. J. TumbiiU. W. J. Lindsey. T. H. Brown. J. J. Morrison. .\. D. Braithwaite. J. Pottenger. Stuart Strathy. Wm. Roberts. W. H. Draper. J. E. Gray. John Hood. H. Wurtele, Acting. D P. Riopel. J. P.. de Martigny. W. H. Robinson. C. L. Ledoux. A. B. Ord. H. Irwin. J. A. Richardson. A. G. Smith. W. C. T. Morson. A. A. Larocque. W. H. Pegram. H. Swan. Jas. Martin. L. D. V. Chipman. J. W. Borden. A. M. Smith. G. E. Hague. W. D. Hart. G. A. Robinson. R. J. B. Crombie. A. J.Macdonell. John Trainer. SI. N. Jarry. W. H. Gossip. C. Langlois. H. Frost. T. J. Bourdeau, Mgr. H. H Ethier. J. H. Dus'ault, Mgr. Jas. Watson. Philip Vibert. Jean Tach6. E. Flood. A. F. D. MacGaohen. Bobt. Ross. J. H. Stuart. A. D. McRae. Wm. Haliburton. E. R. Mullhall. E. A. Capstick. R. Iiiglis, F. S. Jarvis, Asst. A. H. Beddome. D. B. Dewar. P. W. D. Brodriok. J. Pringle. E. Walsh. J. D. Nichol. F. X. Lacoursifere. R. S. Currie. D. I. Forbes. G. N. C. Hawkins. D. Cameron. F. A Reesor. F. R. Go Geo. H. Balfour. H. Stikeman, Gen. Man. J. Penfold, Manager. L. DeGuise, Pro. Man. E. L. Pease. W. W. Ruthven. E. A. McCurdy. F. Kennedy. A. E. Christie. C. R. Dunsford. L. W. Howard. R. S. Bredin. E. R. Niblett. G. Williams. T. E. Merritt. E. H. Baines. Thos. McCaflry. G. N. Holt. A. H. Buchanan. G. R, Murray. R. C. Wright. Boies Deveber. J. K. Allen. Blair Robertson. John McKane. A. E. Allin. E. A. Wyld. G. D. Brymner. Wm. Beith. J. A. Langmuir. L. Belair. L P. Snyder, Mgr. H. E. Robertson. S. D. Boak. W. Thomson. J. R. Waiiiwright. H. A. Mallory, Mgi. S. L. Forrest. H. T. Wills. H. H. O'Reilly. J. Scott. E. W. Strathy. T.H. McMillan, Cashier. L, G. Cassels. :'.Z^,'. ■ « Geo. Burn, Gen. Man. 1). M. Finnic, Manager. J. H. Neeve. V. C. Mulkins. D. Robertson. W. J. Anderson. Robt. Gill. A. Simpson. W. L. Maricr. FIiACE. Ottawa ti It It Owen Sound. . Oxford, N.S. . Paisley Paris II Parkdale Parkhill Parrsboro' Parry Sound . Pent'ng'sh'ene Perth Pembroke ] Peterborough. I Petrolia Pickering — Picton I II Pictou.N. s!!! It Plessisville, Q. Pt.St.Chari'sQ Port Arthur . . Port Colborne. Port Elgin.... P.Hawkesbury PortHood,C.B Port Hope it Port Perry Portneuf Prt. la Prairie. Prescott Preston P. Albert, Sask Quebec Rat Portage . . II Regina Renfrew, O. . . Richmond .... Ridgetown. . . . It Robetval Sackville,N.B, Samia SaultSte Marie Seofor^h . Shediao.N.B.. Shelburne, NS Sherbrooke Simcoe . Smith's Falls. 1896] BANKS IN CANADA WITH THEIR BRANCHES, ETC. (33 .NAOKa OR AOENT. PLACE. KAMRB OF BA.NK8. MANAQBR OR AOKNT. PLACK. NAMES OF BANKS. MANAGER OR AOENT. Ottawa Quebec H. V. Noel. Smith's Falls.. Union J. H. Henderson. LaBanq. Nat... " Union A. A. Taillon. M. A. Anderson. A. B. Brodriok. M. S. Hodder, Acting. Sorel Molsons D'Hoohelaga .... Union J. McMahon, tt W. L. M. Desv '" . . Molsona Souris Springhill .... F. W. S. Crispo. E. B. Fairbanks. Owen Sound . . i * Merchants' Halifax nk.Co. . . " . . iHaniiltoii Ewing Buchau. Stanstead E. Townships. .. S. Stevens. " ..iMolsons E. W. Waud. St.Andr'w'sNB Nova Scotia Sub. to St. Stephen. Oxford, N. S. . iNova Scotia .... H. F. Arnold. Ste. Anne de Paisley Western S. M. Hutchinson. la Perade. Jacq. Cartier. . . . J. A. Rousseau. Paris B. N. America. . . J. Cran. St. Catharines. Imperial C. M. Arnold. ti Commerce Standard R. C. Macpherson. H. T. McMillan. ft tt Commerce Toronto F. 0. Cross. Parljdale G. W. Hodgetts. Parkhlll : Commerce G. M. Wedd. Ste Cesaire, Q. St. Hyacinthe. . . J. A. Bernier. Parrsboro' Halifax Bk.Co. A. S. Townsend. St. Cunegonde Jacq. Cartier G. N. Duchamie. Parry Sound . Ottawa C. 0. Pennock St. Francois B. La Banq. Nat . . N. A Boivin. Pent'ng'sh'ene ; Western J. B. Jennings. St. Henri, Q.. Jacq. Cartier H. Dorion. Perth * Merchants'. . . . H. D. Wells. St. Hyacinthe. La Banquk de.. " ^Montreal B. J Drummond. St. Hyacinthe. E. R. Blanchard. Pembroke 'Quebec T. F. Cox. ft E. Townships.... J. Laframboise. ... Ottawa Hector Fraser. It Jacq. Cartier A. Clement. Peterborough. Toronto P. Campbell. ti La Banq. Nat . . . J. E. Coti-. " Montreal F. J. Lewis. St.JeanBapt'te Jacq. Cartier A. Bover. " Commerce W. Manson. 8t. John, N.B. N. BRUNS' ICK... G. A. Scl">fleld. " iOntario W. D. Parker, Acting. 1 J. ClawBon, Cashier Petrolia Toronto W. F. Cooper. ' St. John, N.B B. N. Amcrrca. . . H. A. Harvey. Pickering — jOntario Geo. Kerr. It Montreal E. C. Jones. Picton iMontreal Geo Drummond. tt Nova Scotia T. B. Blair. " Standard W. T. Shannon. II Halifax Bk.Co... Jas. G. Taylor. Pictou, N. S. . INova Scotia .... A. D. Munro. St. John's, Q.. Bk. de St. J ran. . J. N. Gauthier. " . . IMerchants' G. R. Chisholm. •t ^ * Merchants' E. H. Heward. Plessisville, Q. Jac. Cartier E. C. P. Chevreflls. ti Du Peuple H. St. Mars. Pt.St.Chari'sQ Villa Marie W. J. E. Wall. St. Jerome Du Peuple J. A. Theberge. Port Arthur . . iOntario W. H. Nelson. St. Laurent... Ville Marie O. W. Legault. Port Ciilborne. Imperial E. C. F. Wood. ' St. Marie, Q.. LaBanq. Nat.. . L. Drouiii. Port Elgin Hamilton A. H. Ridout. 1 St. Mary's ... Montreal J. Leslie. P.Hawkesbury Merchants, H. .. J. A. Mclsaac. ti Traders C. S. Runisev. PortHood.C.B People's Halifax. Traders R. H. McDonald, St.Remi, Q .. Du Peuple C. Bedara. Port Hope — J. L. Willis. St. Sauveur . . Jacq. Cartier. . . . A. Dion. Toronto E. B. Andros. StStephenNB St. Stephen's. . . J. F. Grant. Port Perry — Western Win. McGill. 4» Nova Scotia J. Black. I'ortneuf Ville Marie ... J. H. Theoret. St. Thomaa... * Merchants' W. Pringle. M. A. Gilbert. Prt. la Prairie. Imperial N. G. Leslie. It Imperial Mo sons Prescott * M erchants' F. Jeminett. tt L. E. Tate. Preston *Merchants A. D. Pringle. SteTherese. Q. Ville Marie M. Boisvert. P. Albert, Sasb Imperial J. E. Young. Stellarton.N.S. Nova Scotia .... .1. Mcintosh. Q\iebec QUKBRC F. McDougall, G. Man. Stouff ville ... . Standard John Elliott. UNION E. E. Webb, Gen. Man . Stratford "Merchants' . . . W. C. Young. It do J. O. Billetl, Local. " Montreal Thos. Plummer. .i do St. Louis St. Geo. Veasey. do 1 II Commerce Wni. Maynard, Jun. ** La Banq. Nat. . . Geo. Crebassa, G. Man. Strathroy Commerce L. H. Dampier. W. T. Smit 1. It do St. John St.. C. Cloutier. tt Traders '• do St. Joseph St. N. Lavoie. Sudbury, 6. . . Ontario W. J. C. Harvev. It B. N. America. . . I). Cumberland. Sum'side, PEL Bk.Sum'erside.. R. McC. Stavert. Montreal J. Macara. It Bank of N.S.... D. R. Laird. '* •Merchants'.. . . J. C. More. tt Merchants' H... P. W. Morrison. " Du Peuple P. B. Dumoulin. Sussex, N. B.. Nova Scotia G. S. Moore. It Jacq. Cartier. . . . N. Dion. : Sydney, C.B.. Merchants' H . . . J. E. Burchell. 11 do St. John St. C. S. Powell. . Thorold Commerce F. 0. Cross It People's of H . . . Jean Tachd. «t Quebec D. B. Crombie. Rat Portage.. Imperial W. A. Weir. Three Rivers . . Quebec T. C. Coffin. Ottawa A. H. Dickiiis. It Du Peuple P. E. Panneton. Regina Montreal J. A. Paddon. It D'Hochelaga. . . . C. A. Svlvestre. Renfrew, 0. . . * Merchants'. . . . F. A. W. Lister. Tilsonburg. . . Traders E. C. Jackson. Richmond .... E. Townships... . W. L. Ball. tt Western F. Biette. Ridgetown Molsoiis E. E. Ward. Toronto Commerce B. E. Walker, 0. Mr.n. It Traders John Pool. J. H. Plummer, Asst do Robetval LaBanq. Nat. . . L. Couet. It do. Branch, . . J C. Kemp, Man. Sackville.N.B. Merchants' Fulton McDougall. John Aird, Asst. ** Halifax Bk.Co. . . W. H. Harrison. *' do. E. Br E. M Playter. Sarnia Commerce A. D. McLean. 1 It do. N. Br R. J. Montgomery. (1 Traders J. F. Wii.low II do. N.W.Br... G. A. Holland 11 Montreal G. H. Griffin. It do. Q'nSt.W. Br.. do.Yn.&Col.Br.. H. C. Secord. SaultSte Marie Commerce D. McGregor. 11 T. S. Harrison. ** Imperial J. M. Wemyss. It do.Parl'tSt.Br... V. E. Hart. Seafor^h Commerce M. Morris. tt do. Market Bi. . . R. C. McHiiirie (1 Dominion W. K. Pearce. It Ontario Chas. McGill, (ieii. M-ir. Shediao.N.B.. People's Halifax. Halifax B. Co. . . F. A. Borden. It do. BraiK'li. . . W, H. Smith. Shelburne, NS T. W. Magee. " do. Q'nSt.W. Br. R. B. Caldwell Sherbrooke . . . E. TOWNBIIII'S. . . Will. Farwell, 0. Man.' II 1 ...... Standard Geo. V. Reid. S. Edgell, Local. 1 1 Dominion R. D. Gamble, G. M.iii. 11 • Merchants' J. A. Ready, .Acting. T. (J. Brough, Man. La Banq. Nat. . . W. Gaboury. It do. Q'nSt.E... R. M. Gray. Simooe Commerce E. Cowdry. tt do. Q'nSt.W.. do. Hk'tBr.., J. Price. Hamilton J. Butterfleld. tt W. W. Nation, Smith's Falls.. Molsons F. A. Bethune. Wi. >■ m BANKS IN CANADA, WITH THEIR BRANCHES, ETC. [1896 FLACK8. Toronto. . NAMB8 OK BANKS, Dominion. D'ndas & Q'n St. Br. . . do. Spall. Av... & Col.St.Br.. IMPRRIAU do. Cor.Y'npe. . & Queen St.. do. N.Toronto. . Toronto do. Branch . . . . do.KingSt.W.Br. Thadkrs Montreal B. N. Ainerioa. . . * Merchants' .... Toronto Jun . . Trenton, O Truro, N.S Uxbridge Viille.vfleld, Q. Vancouver, BC Vankl'kHill.O Vernon, B,C . . Victoria.B.C. Victoriaville.Q Walkerton . . . Walkerville. .. \Vallaceburgh. Waterford Waterloo, Q . , Waterloo, Ont. Welland .... Westville. . . Weymouth, NS Whitby ,... Wiarton, O. Winchester. Windsor, O. Windsor, N.S. Win(,'hani Winnipeg WoodstockOnt Woodstock NB Wolf ville, N.S Yarmouth, N.S Quebec Molsons Union Hamilton Connuerce Molsons Molsons Merchants' H. . . Halifax Bk.Co... Com. of Windsor Dominion Jac. Cartier .... D'Hochelaga . . . Bk. B. Columbia B. N. America, Montreal D'Hochelaga . Montreal .... B. Columbia . . B. N. America. Montreal Jac. Cartier . . * Merchants' . . Commerce . . . do Montreal Commerce .... E. Townships. Molson's Commerce Imperial Nova Scotia. . . Merchants' . . . Dominion . . . Western Union Union * Merchants' . . Traders Commerce . . . Commercial . . Halifax Bk.Co. People's Halifax. Hamilton La Banq. Nat . . . * Merchants' Molsons Montreal Imperial D'Hochelaga Ottawa Commerce Union B. N. America. . . Commerce Imperial Molsons Nova Scotia People's.IIalifax Merchants', H. People's, Halifax Varmoutii Nova Scotia . . HANAQBR OR AORNT. F. O. Cay ley. J. H. Horsey. D. R. Wilkie, Cashier. 6. Jennings, Asst. O. V. Rice. C. H. Stanley-Clarke, i Duncan C'oulson,G.Mai) Hugh Leach, Asst. do W. R. Wadsworth. H. S. Strathy, Gen. M. C". Brough. Wm. Grindlay. D. Miller, Manager, E. F. Hebdeii, Asst. W. P. Sloane. C. W. Clinch. J. 0. Buchanan. F. J. Gosling. R. C. Jennings. S. R. Graham, A. Mgr. H B. Wilson. Martin Dickie, J. Moorman. C. A. Armstrong. W. E. Carswell. L. (le Martigny. S, Fortier. Wm. Murray. W. Godfrey. C. Sweeny. W. H. Painbrun. G.A. Henderson. G. Gillespie, Man. R. L. Ker. Asst. Man. Gavin H. Burns. A. J. C. Oalletly. A. Marchand. W. E. Butler. G. W. McKee. H. B. Walker. J. W. DeC. O'Grady. E. Cowdry. W. I, Briggs. J. Hespeler. H. J. Grasett, S. D, Raymond. Sub Ag'cy to Stellarton D. Kemp, E. Thornton. E. D. Warren. E. W. Bourinot. R. A. McLelland. J. E. Durand. Geo. Mair. H. B. Walker. Walter Lawson. J. A. Russell. E. J. Cochrane. R. Willson. J. H. Baker, Pro. Man. A. Wickson. T. B. Phepoe. Angus Kirkland C. S. Hoare. H. N. Boire. J. B. Monk. F. H. Mathewson. F. L. Fatten. D. Simpson. D. H. Charles. S. B. FuHer. C M. McCuaig. Geo. Sanderson. G. A, White, O. A, Taylor, Geo. W. Munro. T. W. Johns. H. A. Richardson, Merchants' Bank of Canada, FOREIGN AGENTS. In the foUoiving Iwt the Banks are arratiged alpha- beticalbj. British Columbia, Bank or— London, Head Office ; San Francisco, Portland {Oregon), Seattle and Ta- coma, Branches. — Eastern Provin i of Canada, Mer. Bank of Canada ; Bank of Comu.ercc ; Molson's Bank ; Imperial Bank ; Bank of Nova Scotia; iVeif York, Can. Bk. of Commerce ; Chicago, Bank of Nova Scotia ; Mexico and South .America, London Bank of Mexico and South America; China, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation; Australia, Bank of Australasia. British North America, Bank of — London, England, Head Otlicu. Xeiv i'nrk, W. Lawson and F. Brownfteld, Agents ; Boston, U, S., Merchants' National Bank ; San Francisco, H. J. ^IcMichael and J. C. Welsh, Agents; England, Union Bank of Manchester, and Bank of Liverpool ; Scotland, National Bank and Commercial Bank ; Ireland, Provincial Bank and N.itional Bank ; Paris, Mar- cuard, Krauss & Co. ; IVest Indies, Colonial IJank ; Australia and New Zealand, Union Bk of Australia. Canadian Bank ok Commkrck — London, Bank of Scot- land, London and County Bank, German Bank of London; /reJajid, Northern Banking Co.; Paris, France, Credit Lyonnais, Lazard, Freres & Cie ; Germany, Deutsche Bank ; Brussels, Belgium, J. Matthieu & Fils; Indui, China and Japan, The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China; Australia and New Zealand, The Union Bank of Australia; Neiv York, The Canadian Bk. of Commerce, The • American Exchange Nat. Bank ; British Columbia aiui San Francisco, Cal., The Bank of British Columbia ; Chicago, The American Exchange Nat. Bank of Chicago ; Buffalo, Bank of Commerce in Buffalo; //a»m7fw 3 ; Chicago, Banlc of th America, London nerica; China, Honji^ )oration; Australia, —London, Etigland, V. Lawson and V. If, S., Mercliantti' II. J. McMiciiael and nd, Union Banlc of iverpool ; Scotland, ial Banlc ; Ireland, Bank ; Parig, Mar- iieg, Colonial Bank ; nion Bk of Australia. ndon. Bank of Scot- ik, German Bank of tanking Co.; Paris, zard, Frcres & Cie ; frtissels. Ilelijium, J. m and Jupun, ihe istralia and China; i, The Union Bank le Canadian Bk. of ;chant;e Nat. Bank ; '<\andiico, Cal., The dcago. The American JO ; Buffalo, Bank of ^,B«r»H(rf«, The Bank , The Bank of British ;, The Bank of Nova 1 Bank. ondon, Union Bank New York ; Halifax, , N.B., Bank of New Its' Bank of C^anada, Bank of Scotland ; North America, the t, National Bank of h. Bank ; Nevi York, )f Canada, Molson's if Canada ; Bonton, )rk. Fourth National anking Co. and The ourth Nat. B. and lo, Marine Bank of ink of England, Ld.; National Bank of inal Bank ; boston, s City, The National 071, Lloyds Bank, Xfetv Vork, Bank t National Bank ; ik ; Detroit, Detroit of Buffalo ; Boston, lonwealth: Oswego, First National Bk. Clydesdale Bank tfew Vork, National ink of Redemption, Live Stock Bank. 'arr's Banking Co. ed ; Paris, Credit il Bank of the Be- Molsoiis Bank and Bank of Montreal; SI. Albiins, Vt., J, A BAXyi'K Jacqueh Cartibr— io«do», Le Credit Lyon- iiuis, Le Comptoir National d'escomptes de Paris ; Paii-i, Le Credit Lyonnais, Le Comptoir National li'escomptei de Paris ; New York, National Bank of the Republic, Bank of America ; Boston, The Merchant's National Bank; Chicago, Bank of Mont- real. Correspondents in Canada— 'The .Merchants' Ba.ik of Canada, Bank of British North America, The Molsons Bank. La Banqie Nationalk— Lomio?i, National Bank of Scot- land ; Pan's, Credit Lyonnais; Griimebaum, Frcres « Co.; New York, National Bank of the Re- public ; Boston, The National Revere Bank. iLa Banquk Villk-Marie — London, Bank of Montreal ; Paris, Le Credit Industrie! ; New York, The National Bank of the Republic ; Ladenbicrg, Thal- iiiann & Co.; Chicago, Bank of Montreal. Mkiuiiasts' Bank of Canada— Loudon, Glasnow, Edin- burgh, and other points in Great Britain, The Cly- dewlale Bank (Limited) ; Sew York, American Ex- change Nat. Bank and -Merchants' Bank of Canada, hi William St., H. Hague and J.B. Harris, .Jr., Agts; Chicago, American Exchange National Bank ; St. Paul, Minn., First National Bank ; Detroit, First National Bank ; Buffalo, Bank of Buffalo ; San Francisco, Bank of British Columbia and Anglo- Californian Bank ; POrtland,Tacoma, Seattle, Wash- ington Territory, Bank of British Columbia ; New- foundland, Bank of Nova Scotia ; Nova Scotia, .Merchants' Bank of Halifax ; IJeiv Brunsu'ick, Bank of Nova Scotia and Merchants Bank of Halifax ; British Columbia, Bank of British Columbia. Mkrciiaxts' Bank ok Halifax— Onfano and Quebec, Merchants' Bank of Canada; St. John, N.B., Bank of New Brunswick ; New York, Chase National Bank, N. Y. ; Boston, National Hide and Leather Bank ; St. John's, Newjoundland, F. H. Arnaud, Man. Branch ; London, Eng., Bank of Scotland, London ; Hamilton, Bermuda, The Bk. of Bermuda. Mkrciiants' Bank ok P. E. I.— London, City Bank ; Boston, The Boston National Bank ; Montreal, Bank of Montreal. MoLsoN's Bank— iondoH, Parr's Banking Co'y and The Alliance Bank (Limited), Glynn, Mills, Currie & Co., Morton, Rose «Si Co. ; Liverpool, Bank of Liverpool ; Cork, Munster and Leinster Bank (Limited) ; Paris, France, Credit Lyonnais ; Ant- werp, Belgiwii, La Banque D'Anvers; Hambxirg, Germany, Hesse Newman & Co'y., Portland, Casco National Bank ; Butte, Montana, First National Bank ; Great Falls, Montana, North-Weatern National Bank ; New York, Mechanics' National Bank, W. Watson and R. Y. Hebden Agents, Bank of Montreal, Morton, Bliss & Co. ; Boston, State National Bank ; Cleveland, Com. National Bank ; Milwaukee, The Wisconsin Na- tional Bank of Milwaukee ; Chicago, First National Bank ; Detroit, Commercial NationaJ Bank; Toledo, Second National Bank; Buffalo, City Bank; Nova Scotia, Halifax Banking Co.; New Brunsivick, Bank of New Brunswick; Newfoundland, Commercial Bank of Newfound- land, St. John's Nfld. ; /Vuw* Edward Island, .Merchants Bank of Prince Edwani Island and Summerside Bank ; British Columbin and San Francisco, Bank of British Columbia; Quebec, Eistern Townships Bank; Ontario, Dominion Bank, Imperial Bank of Canada and Canadian Bank of Commerce ; Manitoba, Imperial Bank of Canada. MoNTRKAL, Bank of— />o»irfoji, Bk. of Montreal, A. Lang, -Manager, H. Haylock, sub-manager ; Bank of Englaud, London and Westminster Bunk, Union Bank of London; Liverpool, Bank of Li\erpool ; Scotland, British Linen Company ; New York, W, Watson, R. Y. Hebden; Boston, Merchants' National Bank ; Chicago, Bank of Montreal, W. Munro, Mgr.; SaK Francisco, Bank of British Columbia, Anglo- Californian Bank ; SI. John's, Newfoundland, Bank of .Montreal, I, M. Greata, .Manager. Nkw Bri'nswick, Bank of— Lnurfoji, Williams, Deacon and Manchester and .Salford Bank, Limited; New York, Mechanics' National Bank ; Boston, Eliot National Bank ; Prince Edward Island, Charlotte- toivn. Merchants' Bank of Halifax ; Fredericton, People's Bank ; Halifax, N.S., Merchants' Dank of Halifax ; Montreal, Molson's Bank. Nova Scotia, Bank or— Chicago, H. C. McLeod, Manajfer, Alex. Robertson, Asst. Mgr.; Kingston, Jamaica, W.I., W. P. Hunt, Agent; St. John's, Newflnd, W. E. Stavert, Manager. (;orrespondent8— Can- ada, Canadian Bank of Commerce and Branches ; Bank of British Columbia ; (}reat Britain : London, Royal Bank of Scotland : Scotland, Royal Bank of Scotland and Branches; U.S. :New York, Bank of New York, N. B. A., Boston, Slerchants' National Bank, San Francisco Bank of British Columbia ; St. Pierre, Miquelon, Banque des lies St. Pierre et Miquelon. Ostario Bank— iondon. Parr's Banking Company and The Alliance Bank (Limited), Cheque Bank (Limited); Neio York, The Agents Bank of Montreal, The Fourth National Bank of the City of New York; France and Europe, Credit Lyonnais; £oHton,Tremont National Bank; Oswego, First National Bank ; Chicago, Bank of Montreal ; St. Paul's, Merchants' National Bank ; Nova Scotia, People's Bank of Halifax ; New Brunswick, Bank of Montreal, St. John, N.B.; P.E, Island, Merchants' Bank of Halifax at Charlottetown. Ottawa, Bank of -toJidon, England, Parr's Banking Co. and The Alliance Bank (Limited); Neto York, Chicago and Canada, Bank of Montreal ; Boston, National Bank of the Republic ; Massachusetts National Bank and Manufanturers National Bank. Pkople's Bank of Halifax ■ London, Union Bank ; Boston, New England National Bank ; New York, Bank of New York, N. B. A.; Montreal, Bank of Toronto ; St. John, Bank of New Brunswick. PuoPLF.'s Bank of N. B.— London, Union Bank ; New York, Fourth National Bank ; Boston, Eliot National Bank ; Montreal, Union Bank of Can. and Branches. QuKBKC Bank— Loytrfon, Bank of Scotland ; New York, Agents, Bank of British North America St. Hvacintiik, Banquk— i\^cM) York, National Bank of the Republic, Importers and Traders; Boston, Merchants National Bank ; Canada, Merchants' Bank of Canada and Branches. St. Stkphkn's Bank— Boston, Globe National Bank ; New York, New Y'ork Bank and National Banking Asso- ciation ; London, Glyn, Mills, Currie and Co.; Montreal, Bank of Montreal. Standard Bank— iVe«) York, Importers and Traders National Bank ; Montreal, Can. Bank of Commerce ; London, Eng., National Bank of Scotland (Limited). SuMMF,R8iDS 'B^L^sy^— Montreal, Molson's Bank; Halifax, Union Bank of Halifax ; St. John, Bank of New Brunswick; Boston, Blackstone National Bank. Toronto, Bank or— London, City Bank (Limited) ; New York, Nat. Bk. Commerce ; Osivego, Second Nation- al Bank; Halifax,Vmon Bank Halifax ; New Bruns- wick, British Columbia and Manitoba, Bank of B. N. A. ; Quebec and Ottawa, La Banque Nationale ; Chicat Russia is abnormal in the Europe of to-day, as abnormal as that of the Turk, — "abelatetl example of those crude forms of politics which the rest of Europe has outgrown." Otherwise the monarchies of Europe are limited by the resolutions of the popular parliaments. While monarchy is more or less limited and aristocracy seems on the point of disappearing, democracy, as a form of government, is in a fair way to prevail universally. Ever since tlie rise of popular education in the last century, and the success of parliamentary government in 1896] FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 67 England, and popular government in bi.e United States, the forces of popular thought have made a steady headway throughout the world. But we have seen that democracy may mean license and anarchy, as Aristotle long ago foresaw, and none but a Ctesar or a military leader can at times bring it back to reason and order. Citizens under monarchical rule may be, and often are, more fortunately placed as far as personal liberty is concerned than the citizens of pure republics in South America. In those countries tyranny as brutal as that of Caligula or Commodus has reigned. Out of fourteen presidents of the Bolivian republic, thirteen have died assassinated or in exile, and no one can si fely conjecture the final fate of any of the former colonies of Spain. Even in, the United States, despite the influence of English institutions and the English governing instinct for law and order — the saving principle always in that great federal republic — democracy at times, under the sway of mob rule and party spirit, has seemed clearly dangerous to public security and good government. But a close studj' of forms of government is encouraging since it "^hows on the whole a steadjr growth of representative institutions, and the extension of popular rights under hopeful conditions of law and order. The theory of national sovereignty has been fully accepted in France, Italy^ Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Gitece, and the Scandinavian States. In Germany it has not been yet acclimatized but while the emperor's will is still a powerful factor in government and legislation, we ccn see the influence of the English principles of parliament- ary and popular government. In Spain we still see the influence of the military spirit, and no one would be surprised to see bayonets in the Cortes at certain political crises. In France, the results of late have been encouraging, and it is quite possible that France may still give us additional evidences of the strength of parliamentary government outside of countries of English origin. England is the mother of free governments throughout the world, even among nations that do not speak her tongue. Her principles have more or less influenced the great com- munities of Europe, as I have just shown. Her self-governing dependencies have closely followed her parliamentary system of government, and year by year we see colonies emerging from a state of pupilage and assuming large rights of self-government. It is true that in Jamaica there has been a step backward, but it has been forced by abnormal conditions of depressed trade and the existence of a large and idle coloured population, not equal to the requirements of freedom and citizenship. The British empire now comprises forty-two I distinct and independent governments. In addition to these there are a number of scattered dependencies under the dominion or protection of England, which do not possess regularly j formed administrations and vast territories controlled by English chartered companies pro- tected by ihe queen. Of the forty-two administrations, eleven have elected assemblies and responsible government ; the others are (1) crown colonies in which the crown " has the sole I coatrol of legislation while the administration is carried on by public officers under the cou- Itrol of the home government"; or (2) colonies "possessing representative institutions but not {responsible government, in which the crown has no more than a veto on legislation, but the [home government retains the control of public officers." While the old world is the home of the parliament and a responsible ministry, the new Iworld is that of a congress, and an executive not having seats in or directly responsible to the Jegislature. In some countries of Europe, and in England's dependencies, the English modtl lis directly followed, but the South American republics have taken the American system with some modifications. In Canada alone, in America, is responsible or English parliamentary government seen in complete operation. Nevertheless it is England that has given represent- ative government to the world at large. The system of the United S ates is based on English Institutions of a century ago, and on the . jgislative system of the old English colonies. It is Ihe principle of federation that has been fully expanded in the United States. It has formed [ho model for even Switzerland and Canada, and developed the idea all throughout the world. In Germany, Austria, Hungary, ^^orway and Sweden, the West Indies, and in a few South American republics, we see this federal idea solving important problems of political govern- bent. In Australasia there is now before the legislatures and people a scheme of union based OH FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. [1896 on that of the United States and Canada, and the time is probably not far distant when those distant English communities will enter into the rank of fedenvtions with a great future before them as a united dominion of the empire. I'he federal idea in co-operation with responsible or representative government must sooner or later rule the world. In every country possessing representative government we see a parliament or diet or congress, or some other assembly conveying the same political thought in the particular language of a nation or state. In the majority of cases, two houses prevail. Canada occupies an exceptional position among English dependencies with responsible government, since five out of the seven provinces of the dominion have abolished their legislative councils or upper branches of the legislature. Those countries in America that have followed the model of the United States possess a senate or upper chamber (Nicaragua excepted). One chambered legislatures prevail in Servia, Bulgaria, Greece, in the landtags of Austria, and in the diets of the minor German states except those of the free cities. Apart from these legislative bodies, the European communities have two chambers, varying from that of Norway (where, after a single general election, a certain number of the deputies returned are told to make an upper house, ) to the ultra-aristocratic house of magnates, established from the earliest time under the ancient Hungarian constitution. Hereditary peers, generally mixed with life peers and elective peers, are still common in the second chambers of the continent of Europe ; they are found in Cisleithan Austria, in Prussia, in Bavaria, in some of the smaller German status, and in Spain and Portugal. Life peers also occur by themselves but the crown is generally directed by the constitution to select them from certain classes of distinguished men. The best example of an upper house formed by this method is the Italian senate. In many states the mode of electing senators or peers is indirect, either the electorate is different, or pro- vinces, or states or communes elect, while the deputies of the popular branch are taken from the nation at large. Even the senate of the United States is founded on inequality of repre- sentation. This distinction between the elections of the two houses shows a fundamental doubt as to the safety of the democratic theory. The second or popular chamber, however, is the most powerful. All elected or second assemblies have the initiation of money votes, and taxation. The senate of the United States is probably the sole instance of a legislative body which is not inferior in legislative importance to the lower house, and possesses special functions — the approval or rejection of important appointments and the confirmation of treaties — not enjoyed by any similar body in the world. In the Spanish cortes, however, either house may take the initiative in all cases of legislation. In the Netherlands, the upper house cannot amend the bills of the lower branch, but must accept or reject them in their entirety. The British house of lords cannot initiate or amend a money bill ; neither can the Canadian senate nor the upper houses of any of the British dependencies. The senate of the United States, however, may amend while it cannot originate a revenue or money bill. The upper house of the Prussian landtag cannot amend the budget. In somo countries there is a union of the two houses to consider and pass bills on which one or the other disagrees. This is a useful precedent, though it is borrowed from the system of the United States. In some German states a permanent committee represents the house or houses then not sitting — a quasi responsible government in practice. Universal suffrage prevails generally in North and South America, including the provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. In a few South American states, and in Massachusetts some educational tests are necessary. Costa Rica limits the franchise to those who can live respectal)ly, and Mexico to " all respect- able male adults." Hayti requires her negro citizens to have "some vocation" — a mere euphemism certainly. In Wyoming, women can vote at state, as well as at municipal elections, and the same is true of New Zealand. In Europe, property, income, and the payment of taxes govern. 'l"he German reichstag and French chamber of deputies are chosen by general suffrage. But in no part of Europe except Austria can women vote even on a property qualification. In some countries a premium is placed on learning or education, viz : Victoria, Tasmania, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chili, Cape of Good Hope, Malta, Hawaii, Hungary, 1896] FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 69 Bremen, and other states. In Montenegro, men capable of bearing arms are the electors. In a few countries the age of electors is limited to 25, but the ordinary age of manhood, 21, may be considered the rule. Qualifications for members of the housea are required generally on the lines of age, but except in a few of the older states of Europe property qualification is now not necessary for the popular chamber. The age of the elected or appointed members of the upper houses is generally greater than that of the lower, 30 being the average. The number of members in upper houses — chiefly those elected or appointed — is, as a rule, lower than that of the popular chamber. The English house of lords, however, is not very much less than that of the commons, but, it must be remembered that only a small proportion of peers ever take their seats or vote. The Hungarian house of magnates actually counts a few more than the popular branch, while the new Japanese parliament preserves a parity. The relations to the executive show great divergence. Countries of the English type, as I have already intimated, display the ministerial responsibility well developed. On the continent generally the coimection i? somewhat slighter. In Sweden and Norway it is unde- fined. To be sure the German constitution does not create a ministry responsible to the legislature. But the system of government "seems to be in a transition stage between the one-man rule of quasi absolutism under constitutional forms, and the liberal regime of modern times." There is no ministerial responsibility in Switzerland. Between the anglo-continental system and the congressional plan, there is a very wide divergence. The sovereign of a monarchy and the president of a republic has, with a few exceptions, some share, often considerable, in legislation. The German emperor has vast powers ; — the other European constitutional sovereigns far less. The American president has far greater power in legislation than the queen of England, since he can stop any congressional legislation when there is not a two-thirds majority in both houses to over-ride his veto. The king of Sweden has an absolute veto in Sweden, and promulgates various laws, though in his office as king of Norway he has a suspensive veto only, and possesses some temporary powers when the storthing is not sitting. The French national assembly has the important duty of electing the president of the republic, while the Swiss federal republic — the home of the "initiative" and the "refer- endum" — chooses the entire executive or federal council. Members of this council can sit and speak but not vote in the chambers. The federal assembly elect the president and vice- president from among the members of this council. Here are more illustrations of distrust of democracy. It may be said that the principles of representative and popular government have, indeed, made remarkable strides within the latter half of this century. The latest acquisition is Japan, which has already made a claim for a high place among civilized nations and proved its capacity to understand the principles of parliamentary government as well as the rules and conditions of modern warfare. Another half-century must witness an extraordinary develop- ment in the same direction of popular government. The great English poet wrote a p olitical truth when he told us years ago : — " For through all the ages an increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns." II.- GOVERNMENT OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Population, 345,000,000 ; with protectorates, about 382,000,000. Area without protected territory, 9,144,- 736 square miles. Great Britai.n and Ireland.— Monarchy under par- liamentary government. Population in 1891, 37.740,283: England, 27,560,0(X) ; Wales, 1,610,034 ; Scotland, 4,025,- 064; Ireland, 4,704,760. Area, 121,115 square miles: England, 61,000 ; Wales, 7,378 ; Scotland, 30,0('0 ; Ire- land, 31,759. ExECL'TiVR Power. A sovereign, at present a queen, exercising all powers of executive government through a cabinet composed of certain sworn privy councillors, who act as advisers of the crown, ann conduct the public administration in accordance with law and constitutional usage. The crown is hereditary, but subject to such limitations as mav be imposed by parliament— i.e., by the crown, lords and conunons. The head of the administration is the 70 FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. [1896 ,H i'jU premier, or first miniater, who is the choice of the crown ; he selectH the members of the cabinet and min- istry, with tlie approval of the sovereign. The cabinet consists, at present, of 16 ministers, of whom the first lord of the treasury is ii^enerally ))rumier. In addi- tion to the inner or ad\ isory council, called the cabinet, there arc other ministei-s holding subordinate positions in the (fovernnient, but who also retire with the cabinet in cose of resignation or defeat. The whole number of persons comprising the governiuciit of England, includ- ing the chief ofllcials for Scotland and Ireland, is fiO. The government hold office as long as they retain the confidence of the house of conunons. The common law is the basis of justice in Great Britain ai.d Ireland, ond in all colonies and dependencies of the crown. Wher- ever, in the latter, the civil or other law is in force, it will be stated below in the case of tlie particular colony. Lboislative Vowkr and Loc nOVr.NMI'/TT. The parliament of Great Britaii ■ ■nrcis'^'i of the crown, I i.ds and commons. The i.i; '■ j'tsi ^ "t pre- sent of .'■<(**! -archbishops (2), bishops > and e> s, the latter divided into 22 dukes, 22 mat ; sees, lis. e«*-'s, 26 viscounts, and 308 barons. Six priin .'s of the . ,; " blood have also seats in the house. Scotland is rej . scnted by 16 peers, elected for each i)ar!iament, and Ireland by 28 representative peers elected for life. The speaker is the lord high chancellor of Kngland, who is a member of the cabinet, and retires with a change of government. The house of lords has co-ordinate powers of legislation with the house of conunons. except as re- spects taxation or money bills. It cannot initiate or amend such bills, but it may under exceptionol condi- tions reject them as a whole. The house of commons is the body where the chief political power rests. It con- sists of 670 members, elected by the legal electors of Great Britain and Ireland, as follows : England 465, Wales ;!0, Scotland 72, Ireland 103. All elections are now by ballot. Since the reform bill <,f 1832 the fran- chise has been widely extended to all classes who have a stake in the country. The suffrage is now divided among freeholdere. copyholders, leaseholders, occupants of lands and tenements, and lodgers of a specified value. The house of commons lasts for seven years, unless sooner dissolved by the crown with the advice of the cabinet. Parliament is summoned, prorogued and dis- solxed by the 80\ereign. The speaker and deputy speaker of the commons are elected by the house for the duration of the parliament. Sleinbers do not re- quire a property qualification, but they must be English citizens of the age of 21 years, not bankrupts, or idiots or criminals. Members are not paid. The system of local government has been much Hiuiplifled quite re- cently. England and Wales are now divided into 61 administrative counties, including the city of London. In every county there is a council composed of alder- men and councillors. Aldermen are elected for six years, half of them retiring every third year. A coun- cillor is elected for three years. The counties are again divided into " urban districts" and "rural districts," in which councils are elected. The parish continues to be a unit of local government, and the duties formerly ))erforined by "vestries" are now discharged by "parish meetings" and "parish councils." In cities and towns the affairs are administered by municipal corporations, consisting of mayor, aldennen and bur- gesses ; the mayor and aldermen are elected bj- the council, and the burgesses by ratepayers. Women can he elected only to district councils and ])3rish councils, including the London vestries. Married as well as single women can vote at parochial elections. In Scotland there are parish councils, and municipal bofiies in towns and cities. The councils of the latter consist of a provost and bailies. In Ireland there is no system of representative local government, but in counties the authority is the grand jury. In some towns and boroughs there are corporations consisting of mayor, aldermen and councillors. In the majority of towns local government is entrusted to commissioners, appointed by the Irish government. BRITISH COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES, Viz.: Aden, a British v>roteotorate ; estimated population, 42,000, mostly Bedouins ; area, 75 square miles. PcRiM, a dependency of Aden, has five square niUes, and a population of 2,0tX). ExKct'TivR PowBR. — Under the lieutenant-governor and council of Bombay, who are represented by a presi- dent or political resident, who is the commandant of the English troops in the peninsula. Andaman and Nlcobar Islands, a penal settle- ment ; estimated population, 27,00 civil code and t Legislative <|iieen, senate, composed of 78 crown, possess the age of 30 crown. It has the iiouse of co taxation, or mo amend such hi ordinary circun session of ovei expenses at the inc. The hous« memliers— 213 a very liberal fra wage-earning, v leqyire no pro) the age of 21 a Iiiw. Tlie 8])eal iiieiit has a legi 6] FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROl GHOUT TlfE WORLD. 71 08 five square miles, teutorate ; estimated commissioner, ap- tlie direction of tha colony ; population, initinictions of the secretary of state tor foreign affairs, uikI the territory beyond, under British influence, by a <'omniissioner directed by the British South Africa vhurtered company. British North Borneo, a British protectorate ; estimated i>opulation, iOOiCXM) ; area, 30,(H)0 square miles. KxEcnivK PowKB.— The affairs of this protectorate ;in', under a royal charter, administered by a court of directors in London, with a (governor, treasurer-jfencral ;(iiil residents appointed by them, but in the case of tiie [{(ivernor the appointment must he approved l)y the foreign secretary of state. The Indian penal and otiier laws are administered with such niodittcations as are necessary. English magistrates are stationed in the i^everal provinces. Barbadoes, with representative, b\it not responsi- lile government ; population, 185,000 ; area, Kit) square miles. KxEci'TivK PowKR. — Govcmor, assisted l>y an execu- tive connnittee, officials, military officers, and such other iiersons as may be nominated by the tpieeii, one member of the letfislative council, and four members of the assembly, nominated by the governor. I,KoiHL\TrvK PowKK .*Nn LocAL GovKR.s.MRNT. — A legis- lative council of nine members, appointed by the queen, ;iMd a house of asse? ihly of 24 members elected annually liy the people on a very liberal fratichise, including per- •os8ess a very complete system of municipal government uhick entrusts certaiti ijuairi legislative powers to councils id municipal divisions known as cities, counties, town- ships, towns, villages and parishes, and elected ))y rate- payers. The rules and usages of procedure of the Canadian parliament and of the legislatures are bat>ed on those of the imperial parliament. The closure does not exist in Canada. Provinces and Territories of the Dominion, viz. — Nova Scotia, population, 4.')0,3iKi ; area, 20,(iOO stjuare miles. New Brunswick, |)opula'.ion, 321,203 ; area, 28,200. Prince Edward Island, population, 100,078 ; area, 2,(HJ0. Quebec, population, 1,4S8,535 ; area, 228,- 900. Ontario, population, 2,114,321 ; area, 222,000. Manitoba, population, l,^2..'>0(i ; area, 110,021. British Columbia, popidation, 98,173 ; area, 407,300. ExRciTivK i'owBu.— In all these provinces there is a lieutenant-governor, appointed for five years by the governor-general of the Dominion in council, and aided by an executive council of eight or less members, who have seats in the legislature, and are responsible to the popular house in accordance with the 'I'-'nciples of English parliamentary goverrmient. Lkqislativk Power and Local Gov. .^mb Nova Scotia and Queliec there is a legislal e c 20 and 24 members respectivel.v, appointed lieutenant-governor in council of eac; irovin assembl.v in these provinces coiisists of 3o a. id 73 mem- bers respec'.ively, elected for four years in ilova Scotia, and for five years in Quebec, on a limited franchise based on property anci income. The s: -vker of the legislative council is appointed by the cown. In the five other province!" there is only of ■ house, an elected assembly, viz., Ontario. 94 membi • New Brunswick, 41 ; P. E. Island, 30 ; Munitoba, 4t >ritish Columbia, 33. In all these provinces there is manhooer8 are paid. Members require no property qualification. The legislative powers of the legislatures are defined by the British North America Act of 1867. — In loil of the The North-West Territories, divided into districts, viz. : Alberta, Assiniboia, Athabasca, Saskatchewan, with representative but not responsible government ; population, about 75,000; area, 2,497,427 square miles. ExEci'TivB Power. — A lieutenant-governor, apiminted for fi\e yeai-s by the governor-general of Canada !■ council, and assisted by an executive committee of four persons, chosen by the assembly for financial pur|)ose8. Legislative Power and Local Government. —An assembly of 26 members chosen by ballot on a very liberal franchise based on residence and household qualification, Indians being excluded. It elects its owa speaker, has a duration of four years unless sooner dis- sohed, and meets once every year. Members do not retpiire a propert,\- qualification. The legislati\ e powers are defined by a dominion act, and are, as nearly as practicable, those of provincial assemblies. Munici(>al institutions have been established in towns and rural districts, in imitatit/ii of the Ontario system. Cape of Good Hope, with responsible govern- ment; population, ],,')28,000; area, 222,(X)0 square miles. ExKciTiVE Power. — A governor, assisted by an execu- tive council of six or more members, having seats in the legislature aner8 of the legislative council must have a property qualifi- cation, but anv person not an alien or otherwise dis- qualified may tie elected a member of assembly. Mem- bers of both houses art elected by ballot on a veiy ' See Bourinot's " Hew Canada is Governed," p. 166. 72 KORMS OF (il)VERNMENT THROUdHOUT THE WORF.l). [l-sfM; literal franchise, l)a9eaitl. The debate may he eitlier in Kniflish or Dutch. The assembly elects its ova\ speaker, meets annually, and has a duration of five years unless sooner dissolved. A niunii.'iiial system has been established, and councillors are electodto t)oary on executive council chosen from members of the court of policy. The jurisprudence is the English criminal law and the Roman-Dutch code. Lkuimlative Powkr and I-ocal Govkrnmknt.- -Com- bined court, c;onsi8ting of a court of policy of seven official and eight elective members, and also of six flnancial representatives, the elected meml)ers being chosen by a very liberal franchise based on property, income, taxes and residence Membership to the com- bined court and court of policy is basetl on a property ond income qualification. Taxation and fiimin'e are dealt with by the combined court alone. Municipal institutions have been introduced into this colony. Honduras, British ; crown colony ; population, 32,(H)0 ; area, 7,. '162 square miles. ExKciTiVK Power. — Lieutenant-governor, assisted by an executive council of seven niembers, three of whom are unofficial. Lkoislativk Powkr and Local Govern.mknt. -Legis- lative council appointed by the crown, and consisting of three official and five unofficial members. The lieu- tenant-governor is president, ex-offlcin. Hon(ir-Kongr, crown coloii.\' ; population, 230,000 ; .'irea, 30 square miles. EXECCTIVE Power.— Governor, aided by an executive council of six official persons. Lf;oislativk Power and Local Govkrn.mknt.— Legis- lative council, composed of the governor (pre.-iident), six official and five non-official members, three nomi- nated by the crown, one by the justices of the peace, and one by the chamber of commerce. A Chinese is chosen one of the three non-official menibei-s. Isle of Man, represenlivtive dependency ; popula- tion, 5,1,600 ; area, 227 square miles. ExEciTivK Powkr.— Governor and council of erclesi- astical and judicial dignitaries, appointed l)y the crown. Lkoihlative Power and Local Government.— Court of Tynwald, composed of the governor, the council, which is also an upper house, and house of keys, con- sisting of 24 members, elected on a property (lualitica- tion. The island has its own laws and customs, hut tin- approval of the English crown is essential to ever> enactment. India.— 1. British provinces, population, 221,172,095. 2. Feudator.v or native states, under British protection, population, 00,050,574. Total population of India. 287,223,574 ; area, 1,000,000 sipiare miles. Executive Powkr.— 1. In England, a secretin^' ot state for India, a member of the cabinet, aided li\- a council of 15 members, mostly former residents of India. 2. In India, a governor-general (or viceroy noininally) apjiointed by the queen, acting under secretary of state for India, and aided by a council of six members, also appointed oy the queen. 3. British India is divided into 13 local governments and administrations. The governors of Madras and Bombay (still called presi- dencies) and their councils are appointed by the queen l«!MiJ FORMS OF (JOVERNMEXT THROUGHorT THE WORM). lony ; popululion, I tiy ftii pxti luivf 011(1 foiii' (illu'ialH. IKHNMKNT. — Lf^'iti- hief justice, lufin- tlii'i'i- noii-otticial nisi ration the IS ler by a coinniis- ony ; population. )en(leiicy ; popula- ur secretary of ntate ; the lieiitenont-ptovernors of Ben- L'al anil the iiorth-wcBt provinces with Omili anil the T'unjaut). I)y the ({overnor-Keneral ; the chief coinniis- lioners of tifie other provinces by the name. 4. In the native and feudatory itates the ((overninent in adniinis- tereil liy the native princes with the assislanee of an ICMk'lisli resident or |)olltlcal a^ent. Lk(i'-.:ativk I'owkr ani> Locai, Oovkknmknt. - For India Kcxcrally there is a legislative council, composed of the viceroy's council and some 12 or 10 other appointed members, lor the purpose of making laws and reKulations. In Bombay and Miulras there are hoth executive and leKislative councils. In the north- west provinces and Oudh there are only le);islative ■ duncils.' The chief commissioners have no letfislative powers. In all the lar^e towns there is a municipal system and committees or councils are elected by the ratepayers, but they cannot levy new taxes or pass by- laws without the assent of the provincial iirovernment. Jamaica, crown colony ; population, ors withanxediriconu-, and elected by a libenil fronchise based on proper! \. The council has u duration of five vcf.r ■■ I the presi- dent and vice-president are appointed . tfie crown. 2— St. CiiHisroi'MKH (St. Ki.ts), and Anunilla : population, 4.''i,(H)0; area, St. ("hristopher, 40 square miles; .Nevis, .'id ; Aiigiiilla, 3.'). ExEii TiVE Power. Governor for the imited presi- dency, ai nominated unofficial members, seven of the latter being selecteii; area. fiH square miles. ExECfTivE Power. -Administrator, representing the governor of the Leewai-d Islands, and aided by an ex- ecutive council of three official members. Leoinlativk Power and Local (Jovernment. — Legis- lative council of two official and three non-officiul members, presided over b.y the administrator. Malta, partly representative governniunt ; popul.i- tion, lO.'i.OOO ; area, 122 square miles. ExEciTiVE Power.— Governor, aided by an executive council of 10 members. LEaisLATivB Power and Local Government.— Coumil of six official and 14 elected members, and having a duration of three years. Four of the elected iiieiiilierH are returnetl by special electors, having rental or income qualification and chosen from noliles, e<'clesiastic.s, university graduates, and members of the chamber of commerce respectively. The other elected members are chosen by electors paying rental or having u certain income, or competent to serve on a common jury. Members of the council must have property (pialification or pay a fixed sum for board and lodging aimually. The governor presides ex-nffuun. The vice-president is appointed by the crown. Either functionary may authorize an official member to preside when necessary. Mauritius and dependencies, partly representative government; population, 372,000; area, l,0t;3 sc|uare miles. ExEci'TivK Power.— Governor, aidej a fraiichiHc, himed on a pro- |Kirty, reiiUl or income (luulifloalioii. It hux a duration of (our yuurH, iinleNH iiooner (IIh8al syMteni exititii in »hf settled diHtrictM. Newfoundland, with roHimnHilile ifovernment. A |iiiition of Lubriulor witliiii its JuriKdiction ; populiitioii, 2u;i,(KJ(l ; nrea, 42,-Jii(t Mijuare niileH. ExKiiTivK r. Natives vote on a freehold qualification. The i>rinciple of " one man one vote" prevails. Mem- bers are only reqtiired to have qualification of electors Members of both houses arc paid. Women can vote, liut cannot be chosen to the houses. A municipal system has been in operation for years in counties, lioro\ighs, ridings. Niger Coast Protectorate, population un- known. ExKCi'TiVE Powkr. — Imperial conunissioner, consul general and consuls have a general supervision, but a council composed of chiefs manage inincipally the affairs of the natives, subject to ai>|)eal8 to the consular courts. Elf npeans can appeal from tlie latter to the l.uu'os supre ne court. Niger Territories, British protectorate; estim- ated population, 36,000,000 ; area, 500,00(t square miles. ExKci'TivK Powkr.— Governor, and council in London administering the ivfTairs of the Hoyal Niger Company, under a royal charter by which their sovereign rights in the territories are recognized. Nyasaland. (Hee British Central Africa.) Queensland, with res|)oniible government ; popu- lation ,<05,0UO ; area, 6(l8,.'i00, stjuare miles. ExBci TivK PowKK. -Governor, aideerty (|Ualit1cation is required for members of either house. Mend>ers of the asseinblr arc |Niid. A municipal system prevails. Sarawak, a British protectorate ; estimated |)opu- lation, 30(),IMNl ; area, ,'>(K),ulation, 17,000 ; area estimated at 120 square miles. ExKCiiTiVK I'OWKR. -Administrator, aided by an execu- tive council of three officials. Lkoisi.ativk Powkr and Local Govkkn.mknt.— Legis lative council, com)>ose and residence. Members only re(|uire to l)e electors. Both legislative councillors and representatives- are paid and receive a free pass over goveriunent railways. The municipal system estab lishes elected councils for counties, liundreds, munioi- palities and districts. Straits Settlements (Singapore, Penang and Malacca), crown colony : population, 513,000 ; area, 26,000 square miles. Tasmania, IMK)] FORMS OF OOVEKXMENT THUOUGHOrT THE WOULD. 75 )r, aided liy an exeoii- KxKct'TivK P<)WF.R.— Oovernor, aided by an executive ('i>uti''ll of ei^lit oMuiaU and otflcur in coninmnd. I.M.tHliATlVK I'OWKK AND Ix)CAL UoVKRNMKNT. I,e(fis- latiM' council (^oni|io8ed of the governor (]>renidcnt .'.r iijllcio), executive councillors and gevt-n unotflclal j iiifiiitier!*, of whom two ore nominated by the clmniheri* ' <>r(j, and live ! :i|i|ioiiited by the crown. A nuinicipul NyHtcui ha* been ! cjfablished with certain reiitriction§. | Tasmania, with reHimnHiblc government ; popula- I tinii. IKl.lNM); urea, -2(1,215 Hi|uare milcN. j KvKiiTiVK I'oWKR. -(Jovernor, aided by an executive i ('(iiiiici) of nIx iniMiHter!<, responNible to and havitiM^ 8e»tM | in |>nrliiinient. I I.MlllHI-ATlVK I'oWKK AN'II IjOCAl, OoVKRN.MKMT. — LefflH- i Lain e council of 18 memtHjrM, elected for hIx yeaix and ! <|iiulitled by residence and citizenship and of the atre of < :)(! years. The electors for the house nmst be freeholilers, leuMtbolders, Imrristers, ;;raerty or by income. Members are paid and receive free railway parses. A liberal nuinicipal system existM and women Mite. TobagfO, now a dependency of Trinidad (see below) ; po|MiluUtion, lO.fNK) ; area, 114 8(|uare miles. KxKcniVK PowKR. — Conunissioner, appointed by the governor of Trinidad, and a member of the le^fislative council of the united colony. He is aided by a financial lioard of five members, two appointed by the governor .iiid three elected. Trinidad, crown colony ; population, 210,00(1 ; area, l,71.''i square miles. ExK.ti'TiVK I'owBR.— Oovernor, aided by an executire (Muicil of seven members, of whom the majority are aid. Init travel free over government railways. A municip«l system exists. - Western Pacific Islands, viz., Scmthern Solo- mon 1., New Hebrides, Tonga, or Kriendh I., Samoa, (.'ook, or llervey 1., Navigators' I., anii Melanesia, liritish protectorates; estimateil population, 10(1,000. KxEciTiVK Power. — Kngland has appointed high com- missioners, judicial commissioners, ami deputy com- missioners for the puriMise of guarding Knglisb interestH in these sens. Courts exist for the purpose of settling disputes between Ih'itish subjects on these islands. In the (?ook 1., there is a president, acting unopulation, 50,0(Ml; area, I'i'S s<|uare miles. Executive Power.— Oovernor, exercising Jiirisriiction over the united islands, and aided by an executive council of five members, including the governor, for administrative inirposes. Legislative P(»wer and Local (iovKKN.MENT.- Legis- lative council, composed of the governor (i)resident ex-offlfio), six official and seven unofficial members, all appointed by the iTown. 2— St. LiciA, as above ; population, 45,000 ; area, l.'I'i 8<|uare miles. ExEciTiVE Power. — Administrator, subordinate to the governor of the Windward Islands, aided by an executive council of four members, including the ad- ministrator. The French civil law and the English criniinal law )>revail. Legislative Power and Local Goveiin.ment.- I.egi«- lative council, composed of the administrator (as presi- dent ex-ojliciii), seven official and six unotticial members, all appointed by the crown. 3 — St. Vincent, as above; population, 41, (KX); area, 243 square miles. ExKciTivE Power.— Administrator, subordinate to the governor of the Windwanl Islands, aided by an executive council composed of five members, including the ad- ministrator. Legislative Power and Ix)cal Government.— Legia- lative council, composed of the administrator (president ex-'fflciit), four official and four unofficial members, apiibinted by the crown. Zululand.— Dependency of Natal ; estimated pop- ulation, 165,000; area, 13,000 square miles, Execctive Power. — Governor of Natal, who is repre- sented by a resident commissioner. The customar,^' native law prevails as to the natives, Lkoibhtive Power and Local Government.— Oo^er- nor of Natal, legislating by proclamation. Zanibesia (or Uhodesia), nritish, including Muta- beleland and Mashonaland. nritish protectorate ; pop- ulation unknown, but whites probably number 7,OjO ; area, about 750,0()0 square miles. ExRciTivE Power.— The affaii's of the territory are a; area, about 1,000,000 square miles. Execitive Power. — Forms part of the territory on the east coast of Africa under the infiuence uf the charter incorporating the Imperial ISritish Africa Com- pany. Uganda is now administered by an imperial commissioner. For names of other islands and rocks which are under British protectorate, but are not includecl in any colon.v or separate protectorate, see "The Colonial Office List " for 1895, p. 296. 7(j F(MIMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. [18!)(; I m\ '' k, III.-aOVERNMENT OF ALL OTHER COUNTRIES. Abyssinia, absohite monarchy ; viopulation, 3,000,- 00() ; area, 150,000 siiuare miles (see Italj). Afgrbaiiistan, absolute nionarcliy ; population, triba;, 4,000,000 ; area, 270,000 8(inii-i miles. ExEC'TivK Power.- -Hereditary k'nu (an ir), with a (fovernor (hakim) in each province. Leoislativk P'iwke and Local Oovkiin ':\t. - No rep- resentative or legislative bodj'. All la. L, ei :anate from the monarch. Andorra, repn'oVc w ler 1oint sovereignty of France and Spain ; pjpulation, a,!,'.") ; area, 175 square miles. ExKciTiVK I'o.i'RR.— .Syndic elected l)y a council of 24 members, elect .d for four .\eais by the heads of families in each comnnijie or ,)ar s'.j. A French prefot is ap- pointed Ijy the French ^^overmnent to supervise the • sfeiieral iiittreats of the i-epublic. France and the Hishop of IJrffel, in Sf>ain. alternately appoint a civil ulge and a vicar u exeicise judicial functions. Lkoislativk Powkr a:ers in all— derive their power from the Austrian reichsrath, and the Hungarian r'iclista);, 20 from tlie upper and 40 from the lower house of the parli.inients in question •'. The Austrian reichsrath or imperial parliament, con- sists of an upper and lower house. The upper house consists of princes, nobles, archbishops, bishops, and life members disting' islieJMRNT.— Coll- OniomberH ; a clmnilitr le franchise is in tin' write. For the depart- Bornu, Central Soudan, absolute monarchy ; esti- mated [lopulation, 5,000,000; area about .'0,000 square miles. . . , , , •! ExKci TivB PowKR.— Mai or sheik, aided by a council of chiefs, or kokenawa, for all legislative and adminis- ti-ative purposes. Brazil, United States of, federal republic with representative government; population, 9,930,478 ; area, :!, 209,878 square miles. ExKCiTiVK PowRR. —President, elected for four years, but not eligible for a second term. Both the president and vice-president are elected directly by universal suffrage, and aided by a cabinet of six secretaries of state, to be appointed and dismissed by the president, ami not having seats in congress. Lkoislativb Powkr and Local Govrrn.mbnt.— Con- gress of two houses ; a senate of 63 members chosen for nine years— one-third renewable every three years. The vice-president is president of the body. The chainlier of deputies comprises -105 members elected for three years by universal suffrage. Members of both houses are paid. Kach of the 20 states of tlie republic must have administrative, legislative and judicial author- ities in accordance with the American model, followed by the new constitution of 1891. The federal district lias an elected council and a prefect appointed by the president. There is a system of local or municipal government in parishes and municipalities. Chili, republic, with representative government ; po|nilatioii, 3,000,('00 ; area, 293,»7ii square miles. ExKciTiVK PowBR.— President, elected for five years by delegates chosen for the purpose by ballot of the full electorate (the American system practically). He is aided by a responsible council of state of 11 members, five chosen by the president and six by congress. In addition there is a caliinet of six secretaries of state. Lboihl.\tivb Power and Local Govkrnmkst.— National •congress of two houses ; a senate of 40 members elected every six years by cumulative voting. Senators must have a certain income and are not paid ; the chamber of 11(1 deputies elected every three years by all male persons who can read and write ; deputies must have a small income. In legislation the president has a veto, liut it may be over-ruled by a two-thirds vote of the members present in the two houses. The republic is divided into provinces, and the provinces into depart- ments for purposes of local government. Intendants and governors appointed by the president preside over the provinces and departments respectively. In the town districts there are elective councils. China, absolute monarchy ; population, 403,000,000 ; area. 4,218,400 square miles. ExKCUTivB Power. -— Emperor, who rules by quasi hereditary right, though the succession is not from father to son necessarily, but it is left to the reigning sovereign to appoint his successor from his relatives of imperial blood. He is aided by a grand council (chun chi ch'u) of notables, summoned as occasion demands. The duties of administration are under the direction of the iieiko or executive council, composed of seven heads of departments. The emperor's power is despotic except so far as it is controlled by the supreme or grand council. The public service is based upon superior education and literary attainments. Lkoislativb Power and Local Govkrn.mbnt. - No system of legislative government exists in the Euro- pean or American sense, but all laws and edicts are framed and promulgated by the emperor with the aid of liis councils. Columbia, federal republic, on United States plan, liut with a responsible ministrv ; population, about 4,11(111.000 ; area, .513,940 scpiare miles. ExKci'TiVK Power.— President, elected for six years by tiiiiversal suffrage througli electoral colleges, and aided by a cabinet of eight secretaries responsible to congress. LwiisLATivE Power and Local Govkrn.mbnt.— Con- «i'?9s of two houses ; a senate of 27 members chosen by the representatives of the nine deparlinents or states. The house of representatives includes 66 members elected for four yeain by universal franchises. The depart- ments are under the administration of presidents or governors chosen by the federal executive, and have control of financial and other local matters. Congro, indev>endent state under the sovereignty of the government of Belgium; population, 14,000,000, the whites being about 1,000 in all ; area, 900,000 square miles. ExBCiTivE Power.- The central authority is at Brus- sels. The local government is in a governor-general and other offlcials, appointed by the Belgian authori- ties. Affairs of the provinces (12) are administered by officials appointed by the governor. Legislative Power and Local Govkrn.ment. — AH legislative power is in the hands of the local govern- ment, under the instructions of the Belgian authorities. Corea, absolute monarchy ; population probably from 15,000,030 to 17,000,000 , area, 82,000 8()uare miles. ExEciTivK Power.— Hereditary king, called li-hi in Chinese, and aided by seven departments of state. The Chinese emperor was for years nominally suzerain of Corea, but the recent war with Ja]mn for supremacy in the promontory has given the latter practically abso- lute control. Its government will be henceforth carried on under Japanese supervision. Costa Rica, federal republic, with only one legis- lative (thamher ; population, 243,205 ; area about 24,000 square miles. Executive Power.— President, elected for four years by electoral assemblies, chosen by all persons who live "respectably," and aided by a cabinet of four ministe.s. Legislative Power and Local Gover:«.mknt.— House of representatives of 26 members, chosen in the same manner as the president, forfouryears, one half retiring every two yeai-s. Denmark, limited monarchy, with parliamentary government; population, 2,185,335 ; area, 15,289 square miles. Executive Power. — Hereditary king, aided by a coun- cil of state of eight responsible ministers, who can sit and debate in the legislative assemblies, but \ote only in that of whicn they are actually members. Legislative Power and Lo(;al Govrrn.mrnt. — Parlia- ment (rigsdag) of two houses. The landsthing or senate consists of 68 members, partly appointed by the crown and partly elected by the people for eight years on a tax-paying franchise. The folkething, or lower house, consists of 102 members, elected for three years by universal suffrage. The limitation being that' elec- tors must be 30 years of age and residents. Members of both houses are paid. Denmark has a system of local government in counties, towns, hundreds, and parishes. Danish Colonies and Dependencies : St. Cr(>iX, St. Tiiomab and St. .John (Danish West Indies); population, 32,000; area, 118,0(K) scpiare miles. The government i« under a governor and other officials at St. Thomas. Greenland; population, 10,510; area, 46,740 square miles ; is governed by a board at Copenhagen and by offlcials in two inspectorates or districts. Iceland has a legislative assemlily (althing) of 36 members, and the chief administration of the govern- iiieiit is under a minister at Copenhagen and two resi- dent governors (amtmands) or eastern and western divisions. Faroe Islands ; population, 2,500 ; area, .''lU s(|uare miles. An amtmand, or governor, administers affairs. Dahomey, absolute monarchy, now under French influence, an i likely to be annexed by Fiance at any time; estimated population, 200,000; area, 4,000 siiuare miles. ExRci'TivK Power. — Elected king, with absolute power. Bcuador, republic ; population, about l,.'iOO,(KKi, the majority Iiulians ; area, 120,(il)0 s(|uare miles. 78 FOKMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. [l.SIM> 1896] ft ifSi Executive Power. — President, elected for ftw»_ by direct vote of the people who can read and write an* are Roman Catholics, and aided by a cabinet of five minisrers. A vice-president is also elected and acts as president of the council of state, which is composed of the cabinet and seven other members. LeoislatlE Power and Local GovBii:;iiE!»T.— Con- gress of two houses ; senate of 32 members elected for four years, one-half retiring ever>' second year ; a house of 42 deputies, chosen for two years. The electorate is the same as that for president. The government of the 16 provinces is entrusted to governors appointed by the federal executive. The cantons are regulated by politi- cal chiefs, and the parishes by political lieutenants. France, republic, with representative government and res^wnsible ministry ; population, about 40,000,000 ; area, 204,092 square miles. ExEOi'TivB Power.— President, elected for seven years by a majority of the votes of the senate and chamber of deputies meeting as one assembly. He chooses his cabinet of responsible ministers from the chamber of deputies. In case of a vacancy by death or resignation a new president is immediately elected by the united houses. He has the right of dissolving the chamber with the consent of the senate. His ministrj', who are Biembers of and responsible to the chamber, consists of nine heads of departments. In connection with the work of administration there is also a council of state, of which the minister of justice is president. Its special duty is to act as a consultative body in administrative matters. Members have the right of speech in both houses. Leoislativb Power and Local Government.— Con- gress or national assembly of two houses ; a senate of 300 members and a chamber of 584 deputies. Senators must be 40 years old, and are elected for nine years— one-third retiring every three yeai's. They are elected indirectly by an electoral body. The senate still con- tains a number of the life members originally elected by the united chambers, but now all senators are elected. The chamber of deputies is elected for four years by universal suffrage. Both senators and deputies are paid. Both houses have the same powers of legis- lation except in the case of financial measures, which must be first presented in the chamber of deputies. The departments of France ha\e a system of local government in which the connnune is the unit. The prefect or warden of the departments is appointed by the central government. In the communes there are elected courcils, but their acts are subject to the approval of the prefect. Centralization is the govern- ing principle in France. French Colonies and Dependencies : Algeria, colony ; population, 4,200,000 ; area, 184,474 square miles. Executim Power. — Governor, appointed by the French government (as in all other cases of colonies), aided bv a consiiltative council. LegMative Power and Local GooenndeHf.— Repre- sented by three senators and six deputies in the national assembly of France, which legislates for all the colonies. Annam, French protectorate ; population, from two to three millions ; area, 27,000 squaie miles. Executim Pou'ec— King, called tham thaii. French interests are protected by the presence of troops. Cambodia, French protectorate ; populatioii, 2,000,000; area, 88,000 scjuare miles. Executive i'mce/-.— King. Legislative Poicer ami Local (lovernment. — The country is divided into arroiidisseuients for local pur- poses. Cochin China, colony ; population, 2,100,000 natives, with a small French population of about 3,000 ; area, 23,082 square miles. LegiKlatiee Poiver and Local Ooverument. — One deputy. The local government is exercised in provinces and arrondissements. French Conao and Gabi'N, colony ; population, 7,000,000 of natives ; area, 300,000 square miles. Executive /'oicer.— Military commandant in present unorganiztwl jtate of the country. Frb.nch Guinea and Dependencies, colony ; popula- tian, 60,000 ; area, 25,000 square miles. EndMiqi'elon, fishery station; population, 6,000 ; area, 90 square miles, Executive Pcioc)'.— Governor. Legislative Power and Local Government.— Ho repre- sentation. TosQiiN, cole si|!iare miles. Kx<'i-iitive Pd colonial gover| country. Ti.Nis, FrencI including nearl:| Hiliiare miles. Hxecutire P' liereditary righl are guarded by I two secretaries,! stnu'tions of tha liegiitlative Pot lative Hiid exectl France has a vetT Otiikr FrenciI Kar^Tielan, Oboif too insignificant! (Jermany ( sentalive instit 208,670 sciuare lorate through i certain countrie I'oftoland, Cam Oennan East Af l>,^nd, Bismarck Island, with a 990, (MX) square n EXKCITIVK Po' kinc of Prussia kaiser nr eniperi bined administra states. He has t departments. ! not constitute a legislative feders trative powrs w bffllSLATIVE P l)inidi\srath or fe of the realm. T senting the indiv' tor each session reichstag is com ■\t'nrs in the sti Both parliamenti cnipcror. The c All laws must rei of both bodies ai (Jermany, ! .\LSACE-L0RRA square miles. Executive Pot })oiiited by the three members, are recommend below). heiiL^lative P sausschuss, or p Asiialt ; popi Executive Po> tcr of state. Legislative F 36 members, tw diosen by certa Badkn : popi miles. Executive Po an executive co Legislative F of two chamber tarics, princes Ifrand duke ant' univci'sities, eti rectlv by the t one Imlf (•ctl>'ii wnen they are hereilitary rigli 1896] FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. pulation, over 3,Wi), - es. iniandant subjeol to 3oIony ; population^ 0,000; area, 46,850 vetiviient.—'So reii- sOOO ; area, l,(»i» ToNQiiN, colony ; population, 9,000,000 ; area, 34,740 »(|uarc miles. ExiriUive /"oioec. —Still without a flxe\et of '.m members, two appointed by the di'.ke and the rest Wiosen by certain classes of the population. IUukn: population, 1,700,000; area, .5,821 square miles. Kxecntive Power. — Hereditary grand duke, aided by an executive couni!il of responsible ministers. l.eilittatire I'ower ami Local frOl•('(•llm('ll^ -Landtag of two cliamboi's ; an upper house of ecclesiastical digni- taries, princes and nobles, partly iiominnled by the grand duke and the rest representative of the nobility, univei'sities, etc. The second chamber is elected iiuii- rectly by the towns niui rural districts for four years, one half retii'ing every t\'0 years. Meiiitiers are paid when they are elected or appointed, and do not sit by hereditary right in the upper house. Bavaria; population, 5,700,000; area, 29,282 square miles. Executive Poicer.— Hereditary king with a responsi- ble ministry and a council of state. Legislative Power and Local Government.— Va,r\i&- ment of two houses ; a chamber of reichsriithe or upper house of princes, hereditary and appointed ; peers and ecclesiastical dignitaries ; a house of 1.59 representa- tives chosen indirectly hy electors. Members are paid and receive passes over railways. Bremen, state and city of ; population, 182,000; area, 99 square miles. Executive Power. — Burgomasters and a senate from which is formed a ministry. Legislative Power and Local Government. --Riivj^er- schaft or convent of 150 burgesses, elected by the citizens, university men being one of the classes of voters. Brunswick ; population, 405,000 ; area, 1,424 square miles. Executive Power. —At present a regent, through the failure of the rightful heir, a duke, to claim the throne. He has the assistance of a responsible ministry of three heads of departments. Legislative Power and Local CTO»«ni«i««f.— Legisla- tive assembly of 46 members, elected by taxpayers, clergy, towns and rural districts for four years,' and meeting every two years. Hambiiro, state and free city of; population, 623,(KK) ; area, 158 square miles. Executive Power. -Senate of 18 carefully selected members, with special legal, financial, and other qualifi- cations, and elected for life by the house of burgesses. Two burgomasters, chosen by ballot, preside. Legislative Power and Local Government.— House of burgesses of 100 members, elected by ballot for six years, one-half retiring every three years, by taxpayers, guilds, courts of justice, corporations, etc. " The ssnate has a veto over legislation. In case of conflict tiiere is a court of arbitrators chosen equally from the two chambers. Hesse ; population, 1,0(X),0«M); area, 2,965 square iniles. Executive /"wtwr.— Hereditary grand-duke, aided b\ a ministry. Legislative Po^ver and Local Government.— \ .egM&- ture of two chambers ; an upper house of princes, cccle siastical dignitaries, elected, appointed and hereditary members ; a lower house of 50 elected members. Mem- bers of both houses are paid when elecied or appointed. Lippe; population, 130 000; area, 469 square miles. Executive /'o/cec— Hereditary prince, aided bj a minister. Legislative Powtr and Local Government.— l>\e\. of 21 elected members with also consultative functions. LrBECR, free city and state of; population, 80,00(J ; area, 115 square miles. Executive /'oiccr. — Constitution similar to that of Bremen. Mecklknhiro-Sciiwrrin ; jwpulation, 600,000 ; area, .5,136 square nv'-js. Executive /'oicec— Hereditary grand duke, aided by a ministry responsible to thche.-ul of the executive alone. Legislative Power and Local Government. — Va.Tt\y in the hands of the grand duke through an ancient Institu- tion that has come dow n from feudal times, called the domain, and in the landtag, in wnich the knights' estates and the burgomasters of 'he towns are alone represented. The people generally elect no iner-i)ers except to the German parliament. MkckleniuroStrelit/, ; population, lfH),00() ; area, 1 131 square miles. Executive Power.- Hereditary grand duke, with the aid of a minister of state. Legislative Power and Local Government. — Its diet is in common with that of the Duchy of Meoklenburg- Schwerin, and Is (composed of land-owners and burgo- masters. Only the province of Stargard has a share In the constitution. 80 FOKMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. n :^ouncil. Legixlatire Poorer iimi Local Govermne nt. —0\\9,m.h6\: of 30 members, elected for six years— the sessions being held every three years. !*AXF.CoBorRii (ioTiiA ; population, 207,000, are.i, 75.T square miles. Executive Powei — Hereditary duke, aided by a minis- ter of state. Letjidative Power and Local Government. — In the duke and two chambers chosen for four years for each of the two duchies by an ndirect sysiem of election, and meeting in common for tlie connuon affairs of both, otherwise sejiarately. Saxk-JIkn'inokx' miles. Executive Power.- (cr of state. LetjiHlatire Power and Local Government . — Elective miles. SofTH-AV',!,- area, Si" > ' ■r;ca ; estimrted population, 220,000 ; i^quare miles. East Africa ; estimated population, 3,000,000 ; area, 351,040 square miles. E.'Atcutive Poiver.— Vov above, commissioners or gov- ernors. Is TUB Pacific : Marsiiai.;. Islands; estimated population, 10,000; area, 15(. stpiare miles. Solomon ISLArros ; estimated population, 100,000 ; area. fitXK) squa:-e miles. Bis.MARiK ARciiii'Ei.Ado; estimated population, 1(X»,- 0; ration. 6 ^JW^ I.S96] /OriMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. 0,000 ; area, ''il ition, 86,000 ; area, pulation, 76,000 ; X)0 ; area, 7,52s chy, population, Guatemala, republic ; population, 1,600,000, inosfl- indians ; area. 46,80i) scuiare miles. KaKittivk Power.— President, elected for six years, liy universal suffrajfe. ' Lkoislativk Powbr and Local Uovkrn.mknt.— National ii>seiiil'Iy, elected by universal suffraj^e for four years. Haj^ti, republic ; population, 1,000,000, negroes mostly ; area, 10,204 s(|Utlre miles. KxKHTiVK PowKR.— President, generally chosen by Jilt" national legislature, thougli the ('Onstitution re- re, two for each state; a house of 227 re- jiresentatives elected for two years by manhood suf- frage. Members of the two houses are paid. Each of the 28 states of the federation has a gov-.rnor and a legislature of two bouses elected by the people. Monaco, independent principality ; population, 14,- 000 ; area, eight S(|uare miles. Executive Power. — Hereditary prince, having exclu- sive executive and legislative po'ver, aided by a governor- general and a council of state. Montenegrro, independent principality, with a measure of constitutional government ; population, 210,0(X) ; area, 3,6.30 square miles. Executive Power.— Hereditary prii;ce, aidetl by a ministry. Legislative Power and Local Government.— State council of eight members, four appointed by the prince, four elected by the inhabitants who can serve as soldiei's. Morocco, absolute despotism ; population, 4,i5(Ml,- (MKl ; area, 22(),ih)ii square mites. Executive Power.— Sultan, spiritual as well as civil bead of the state, with a consultative ministry. Lkoibl.ative Poweh and Local Govern.ment.— All leg- islative as well as executive power is in the sultan. Nepaul, military oligarchy ; population, 2,000,000 ; area, 54,000 square miles. Executive Power. —Nominal hereditary sovereign, but the chief authority is in the prime minister. Netherlands, constitutional monarchy : popula- tion, 5,000,0 .0; area, 12,648 square miles. Executive Power.— Hereditary sovereign, at present a (picen, a minor, for whom a queen regent acts ; a re- sponsible council of ministers aids the sovereign. Leoisl.^tive Power and Local Government.- -States- general of two houses ; a first chamber of 50 members, elected for nine years— one-third retiring every three years— by the provincial states from the highest tax- payero or important officials ; a second chamber of 100 deinities, elected by male tax-imyers and lodgere of the age of 23, for four years. Members of both houses are paid. Ministers can attend the proceedings of both chambers, but they have only a deliberative voice except when tliey are members of either. New legislation can only be initiated in the second chamber and by the government. The upper bouse can only reject or ap- prove, but not amend measures. Each itrovinco has a representative system of only one elected chamber In every commune there is an elected council for local affairs. Netherlands, Colonies of the, vi;.. : l.v TUB 1)1 run East Indies : .Iava, Madura, with the following outposts: Sumatra, Horneo, H'aii, Lingga .'Vrcbipelago, Barica, Killiton, Celebes Moluccas Sunda Islands, New Guinea (in part); total populiition, 33,0(MI,(KK) ; area, 730, 40!) sciiuiiv miles. 82 FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. [189(> ■ 1896] 'm Execiifh^fi Power. — Governor-general, assisted by a purely consultative counoil, administers affairs of Dutch India. Java and Madura are governed by a resident and assistant residents, and controllers in the provinces. The outposts are governed by governors, residents, assistant residents, controllers. Legislative Pmver and Local Qovernment.—\jeg\i\&- tive power is in the council and governor. All power vested as opposite and in the supreme government. In the Ditch Wkst I.vdikb : Surinam or Dutch Guiana ; population, C2,()00 ; area, 46,000 square miles. Executive Pojwer.— Governor, aided by a council, all appointed by the king. Legislative Power and Local Gnvernm«nt.—Co\omB,\ states, whose members are partly appointed by the gov- ernor and partly elected. CUKACAO and its dependent islands ; population, 47,- 000 ; area, 403 square miles. Executive Power. —Governor, aided by a council, all appointed by the king. Legislative Power and Local Government.— Co\on\a\ council, composed of the four members of the council -|,nd eight members appointed by the king. The inter- nal affairs of the isevefal islands are administered by chiefs appointed by the king. Nicaragrua, republic ; population, 283,000 ; area, 49,.'"W square miles. Executive Power.— President, elected for four years by universal suffrage and aided by a responsible min- istry. Lboisi.ative Power and Local Government.— Con- gress of two houses; a senate of 18 members, and a house of representativBL of 21 menibci's, the former elected for si.x, and the lattei ?or four yeare by universal suffrage. Oman, independent tate in Arabia; population, \,r,M,Om ; areo, 82,000 square miles. E.xecutive Power. — Hereditaiy ^ultaIl, with absolute power, as in all similar states of the east. Orange Free P,a,te, with representaii\ e govern- ment ; estimated population, 210,000, of whom 80,000 are white ; area, 48,326 square miles. Executive Power.— Presi'lent elected for five years by universal suffrage, and aided by ari executive council, several of whom are elected by the poin'Iar assembly. Legislative Power and Local Gov^r jmknt.— Assem- bly (volksruad) of 58 members, elected for four yeare, one half retiring every two ycai-M by universal suffrage. Members are paid. Paragliar. republic ; estimated population, 330,- 000 , area, 98,.;,X) square miles. Executive Power. — Preaidts^. elected for four years by universal suffrage, and aid()d by a couni'il of respon- sible ministers. A vice-pr<.!sideiit is also elected. Legislative Power and Local OovE.iNMENT.— Con- gress of two houses, •> ,wtean repre- sentatives, elected b^ an indirect vote of electoi's. There arc municipal councils for local purposes. Portugral, constitutional monarchy ; population, 4,800,000 ; area, 34.038 square miles. Executive Power.— Hereditary king, aided by a re- sponsible cabinet and a consultative privy council. Legislative Power and Local Government.— Cortes geraes or parliament of two houses ; a house of peers, (caniara dos pares) hereditary peers elected or appointed for life, peers, universities, and literary and scientific bodies having representatives ; a house of 149 de|iuties (camara dos deputados), elected for four years by a very liberal franchise, regard being had to e ■ 1896] FORMS OF GOVERNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Hli irchy ; population, Dependencies. I by an executive liers of a council for the affairs of Finland ; a senate aids tlie t;overnnient in administrative affairs. Legislative Poiver aiui Local Government. — A nation- al parliament composed of four members, representing tiie nobles, oler((y, hurffhers and peasants, severally called together by the emperor every four or five years. Laws are prepared by the council at St. Petersburg, and discussed by the parliament. The emperor has a veto. Bokhara, under control of Russia ; population, 2,600,- 000 ; area. 02,000 square miles. Executive Powei:— Ameer, ruling by hereditary right. A Russian resident watches over Russian interests. i^ouulation, 750,- KilivA, under control of Russia : 000 ; area, 22,340 square miles. Executive Power.— Khan, ruling by herediirr;' right. Salvador, republic ; estimated population, 660,000 ; area, 7,226 square miles. ExEcuTivK PowBR.— President, elected for four years by universal suffrage and aided by a ministry. Lroislativk Power and Local— Single chamber, or national congress of 70 deputies, elected for one year by universal suffrage. Samoa Islands, independent ; population, 35,000 ; area, 11,701 sqiiure uiiies. ExEci'T!-. K Power.— Chiet, "lected by the natives. Oern'uny, Great Britain and tiie United States have gup.fanteed the independence of the islands. Justice is of^niinistered in the interests of Europeans Ly a supreme r.ourt. Apia has a form of local govermuent and is the capital. Santo DominGTO (part. of Hayti), republic ; popula- tion. 616,000 ; area, 18,045 square miles. Executive PowER.--President, elected for four years by universal suffrage and aided by a ministry. The provinces and districts are administered by governors appointed bv the president. Lrqislative Power and Local Government.- National congress of 22 meni))er8, elected for two years on a limited franchise. In the oonmiunes there are councils elected by the ratepayers, for municipal purposes. Servla, constitutional monarchy ; populotion, 2,600,- 00<1 ; area, 19,100 square miles. ExKcrnvE Power.— Hereditary prince, now a king, aided by a responsible ministry. " Lkqihlative Power and Local Government.— National assembly (narodna skupshtina) of two houses ; a senate of eight members, four appointed by the king, and four elected by the assembly, which is composed of deputies elected for three years indirectly by the taxpayers. A certain number of deputies must be university men. Deputies are paid. The constitution is in process cf radical changes. The kingdom is divided into counties, districts and municipalities, which have representative assemblies for administrative purposes. Slam (Thai) and dependencies of Kedah, Patani, Kelantan. etc.; absolute monarchy ; estimated popula- tion, 6,000,000 ; area, 300,000 square miles. Exectivk Power.— Hereditary king, aided by a coun- cil (senabodi) from which the king has formed a cabinet. Lkoihlativb Power and Local Government. - All legislative power is in king and council. The kingdom is divided into provinces or districts administered by governors appointed by the king. Soudan (Egyptian), or Oarfur, Kordofnii, Nubia (ii|(pur and lower), Tenba, and region about Strait of Hali-el-Mandeb ; population about 12,(K)0,000 ; area, l,rK)0,(H)0 square miles. ExKciiTiVK Power,— These countries are now in a transition stage, and under the influence of the English or Italians, or included within Egypt. It .s iinpossible to give here an exact account of its governn ent. Spain, constitutional kingdom : population in 1887, 17,.'>63,«32 ; area, 197,670 square miles. ExKci'TivR PowEH.,— Hereditary king, with jrawers liiiiited by the constitution of 1876, aided by responsible ministers, nine in number. Lkoislativb Power and Local Government. Parlia iiient (cones) of tw houses ; a senate composed of three classes (1) 80 senators by their own right, princes, grandees, captains-general, archbishops, admiral Judges of the courtH. patriarchs of the Indies, presidents of the council of state ; (2) 100 life senators oppointed by the crown ; (3) 18(» elected ior five years bv the com- munal and provincial states, clergy, universities, aca- demies and largest taxpayers, one-half of the number being renewear8. The fe(feral assembly elects presi- dent and ^■ice president one year and a liundesrath or federal council for three years. Members of the council can sit and debate but not vote in the two chambers. I.EoisLATiVE Power and Local Government.— The lirinciples of initiating measures l)y popular vote (the initiative), and of submitting acts to dweet vo'.e (the " referendum ") are in force in this republic The legis- LUive powere of the nation are set forth in the consti- tution. Each of the cantons bas a system of local government based on the fullest jiossible expression of the popular will. Legislative assembllps ami executivo councils exist, and in a few cantnns there are lands- gemeinden or asseiiiblie: .>f the male citizens for the purpose of making laws ind appointing their adminis- trators. The " initiative' and "referendum" also exijt to a considerable extent. The cantons or states are sovereign and only limited by the constitution. Transvaal, or South African republic ; population, 120,000 ; area, 119,139 scpiare miles. Swaziland; popu- lation, 62,000 ; area, 10,150 sqiiare miles. ExECiTiVB Power.— President, elected for five years by "first-class burghers" or residents before May 29, 1876, aided by a council, ai.iix)inled and elected. Eng- 'aiid has a restricted suzerainty over this republic, and J represented bj- a diplomatic agent. The king of Swaziland is now subject to Trans\ aal rule. I.BOiSLATiVE Power and Local Odvbrnmext.— Parlia- ment of two houses of 24 members each, chosen for four \ears by classes of burghei's. Hills must be passed by liotb "bambers. * Uf, Turkt miles, Exe 1887 I tary. leg house, sutfrat, ARIA, prin(.'ipality, under the suzerainty of ; population, S,;i09,816 ; area, ,S7,800 square This state includes eastern Kinmielia. Uive Pou'fr.—The present ))rince was elected in the national a.ssenibly, but the title is heredi- rhe prince is aided by a council of eight ministers. lative Power and Local Govenimen'. — Single •ailed the national assembly', elected by manhood ; for five years. Members are paid. .Sa,mos, Island ok, principality and dependency of Turkey ; population, about 5(),"oo, 62,830,621, including Alaska; area, 3,501,000. Executive Power. — President, elected for four years under the constitution by electoral colleges in each state etpial to the whole number of its senators and represen- tatives in congress ; but practically the election is by the direct vote of the i>eople. Each political party nomi- nates a set of electors on a presidental ticket and the people vote directly for theni. I'nder the constitution the electors meet in each state on a particular day and invariably cast their votes in accordance with the result of the election. There is also a vice-president elected by the same politi(!al methoresident is head of the executive, .and has a veto over the Ic^'islation of con- jfress, but it can be over-ridden by a two-thirds majority in each house. He is aided by a cabinet of ei^'ht secre- taries of state and heads of departments, appoi-itetl b\ himself with the approval of the senate, but having no seats in or responsibility tocongress. In case of death, resignation or disability of the president, the vice-presi- dent succeeds, and after the latter, the secretary of state or other members of cabinet in order of seniority until a new president isajipointed or the disability is removed. Elections for president and vice-president take place on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November every leap year, and they take office on the 4th March following, Lboislative Power and IjOcal (Jovehn.ment. — Con- gress of two houses ; a senate of 88 members, or two from each state, chosen by the legislatures for six years; a house of 358 representatives elected every second year by the electors of the states in ac'ordance with tlieir re- si)ective election laws; universal suffrage limited in a few cases by residence, registration and 'jayment of taxes. Senators must be 30 years of ac , ci*^izens for nine years, and residents of the slates which elect them. Representatives must be about 25 years of age, citizens for seven yeai's, and residents of the spates in which they are elected. The senate has the power of approv- ing or rejecting the highe-' appointments and treaties made liy the president, and of acting as a court of im- peachment for the president, judges of the supreme court, and othqr high functionaries. It can also amend bills for raising revenue, which alone can originate in the house of representatives. The \ice-president is ex officio iiresident of the senate, which may also appoint ;i temporary president. The speaker of the house U elected by its membei's. Alembers of both houses re- ceive !*5,(HMi and travelling expenses every year. The territories are re)>resented l)y one elected delegate in each case, who caiiiio^ vote in the bouse. The legis- lative powers of the congress are enumerated in the con- stitution. The su)n-eme court of ihe I'nited States can hear and detennine issues of laws as to uie interpretation of the constitution and may declare the acts of congress unconstitutional or intra rlrex, as the case may be. Tin federal judges are appointed by the president with tlif approval of the senate. A permanent civil service i>^ being gradually l)uilt up, and ifinov.als from otticc iii the case of ofti3,045 8(|, m, Calikob- a ; po)),, 1,208,130; area, 1,55,980 sq. ni. CtiLoHA...! ; pop., 412,198; area, lo:l,tl45sq. m. CoXNKCTU IT , pop., 740,258; area, 4,845 sq, m. Ublawark; pop., lOS.JOO; area, l,90t' «(|. m. Klohida ; pop, 391,422 ; area, 54,140 si|. ni. (iKOHoiA ; pop., lipAilo; pop., 84, Illinois; \m\>., i IMPIANA ; poi>., ; Iowa ; pop., 1,91 Kansas ; i>op., I Kkstiukv ; pop. LdllSIANA ; pop. .Maine ; i)i)p., (Hi .Mahvlaxu ; |iop Massacihsetts ; .MuiiKiAX ; pop., .Minnesota ; 1,;{C .MissisHiri'i ; pop Missorni ; j)op., .Montana ; pop., .Vkiiraska ; pop. Nevada ; pop., 4 New Hampshire New Jersev ; pr .\kw York ; pop North Carolina North Dakota; Ohio ; pop., 3,67 Oreoon ; pop., 3 Pennsylvania ; ) KiioDE Island ; \ Soi-rr Carolina .Sc^-. TH Dakota ; ] Tennessee; pop. Texas; pop., 2,2 Vkrmo.nt ; iK)y\, Virginia ; pop., Washi.noton ; pc West Virginia ; Wisconsin ; poj). Wyoming ; pop. Execxitlm Hotrt and a lieutenaiit-L government. The are elected by states: California, Indiana, Kentuck .Missouri, Montaii I'eiinsylvania, Vir Wyoming. In the i New Jersey and Alabaim;, Arkam .Michigan, Miiines. Dakota, Ohio, So see, Texas, VeriiK term is one year and Rhode Islam of veto over lej Carolina, Ohio, H or fwo-thirds vott is the of ministers in the executive or elected. Leijislatire Poi, states there is house, generally ^ ativts, lioth elect following states i house (if rejiresei biennial or aim Colorado, Dehiw; Iowa, Kansas, K sippi tannually), I'akota. Oregon, Texas, Virginia. \\ In the following the house, two, .' IHJM)] FOHMS OF (JOVEUNMENT THROUGHOUT THE WOULD. BS V^ thedive, aided by a the benefit of ilic appointed l)y him- to every decision the council thou);h KliHh iiiftiience pre- executive. (iKiiiuiiA ; pop., 1,837,353 ; aret., r.8,i)80 s1,080 ; area, 29,805 sq. ni. Mauyi.axd; pop., 1,042,31X1; area, i),860 s((. ni. MAssA(:nrsKTTH ; pop., 2,2;i8,943; area, 8,('10 8q. ni. .MuilKiAx; pop., 2,093,880; U"ea, ,57,430 • q. ni. Mixnksota; l,;i01,826: uiL-a, 79,205 sq. i-i. MissiSHiFMM ; pop., 1,289,600 ; area, 'U),'>6U nq. in. Missoriii ; pop., 2,070,184 ; area, G8.T.J1 sq. m. Mo.xTANA ; pop., 132,1.59 ; area, 145,310 N'kiihaska ; pop., 1,058,910 ; area, 7(i,840 S(i. ni. Nkvaiia; pop., 45,701 ; area, 109,740 s(|. ni. Nkw IIami'.siiiiik ; pop., 376,.53(> ; urea, 9,005 sq. ni. N'kw Jkrskv ; pop., 1,444,93S ; area, 7,455 sq, ni. Nkw York ; pop., 5,997,8.53 ; area, 47,260 sq. ni. North Carolina ; pop., 1,617,947; area, 48,580 s(i. in. North Dakota; i)op., 182,719; area, 70,095 sq. ni. Ohio ; pop., 3,672,316 ; area, 40,760 sq. ni. Orkoon ; pop., 313,767 ; area, 94,560 sq. in. Pknnsvlvasia ; pop., 5,258,014 ; area, 44,985 sq. m. KiioDE Island ; jiop., 345,506 ; area, 1,085 sq. in. SoiTi Carolina; pop., 1,157,149; area, 30,170 sq. in. So.TH Dakota; pop , 328,808 ; area, 70,650 sq. in. Tkxnkssrk; pop., 1,707,518; area, 41,750 sq. in. Tkxas ; pop., 2,235,.523 ; area, 202,290 8(|. m. VKR.MONT ; po\>., 332,422 ; area, 9,135 sq. in. Virginia ; pop., 1,655,980; area, 40,125 sq. in. Washington ; pop., 349,.340 ; area, 09,180 sq. m. Wkst ViRoi.NiA ; pop., 34£,390; area, 24,645 sq. ni. Wisconsin ; pop., 1,680 880 ; area, 54,450 sq. in. Wyoming ; pop., 60,705 ; area, 97,575 8(|. in. Executive Hnwer.— In each state there is a sfovernor and a lieutenant-governor and oftlcers to administer the :,'o\ ernnient. The jfovernor and lieutenant-jrovernor are elected by the ))eople for four years in following states: California, Delaware, Kloridii, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, LouisitJia, Maryland, .Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, IViiiisylvania, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. In the (ollowing states the term is three years: New Jersey and New York. In the following, two yeai-s : .Vlabami;, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, .Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennes- sfo, Te.xas, Vermont, Wisconsin. In the following, the itnii is one year: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. All the governors have the power of veto over legislation except in Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, Hhode Island. It requires a majority or two-thirds vote to over-ride the veto. The governor is the head of the executive and has no responsible ministers in the Knglish or Canadian sense, but the ixe(nilive or administrative otticers are generally t'lectcd. LeijiHlatii'e Power and Local (rmrrnment. -In all the •itiites there is a legislature of two houses ; an up]>er bouse, generally called senate, and a house of represent- ativts, both elected by the people of the state. In the toUowing states the senate is elected for four years, the bouse of rejiresentatives for two years, an ■ sessions are liieiinial or annual : .\lahaiiia, Arkansas, California, (Vilor.ido, Delaware, Florida, Ueorgia, Illinois, Indiana, lown, Kansas, Kentucky, liOiiisiana, Maryland, Missis- sippi ^anIlually), .Missouri, .Montana, Nevada, North itakola, Oregon, I'ennsylviinia, 8outh Carolina (annual), Texas, Virginia, Washington, West \'irginiaand W.\ omiiig. In the following states the term is for the senate two. for the house, two, and sessions biennial : Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont. In the following states the term is one (or both senate and house, and sessions annual: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Khoii, and was succeeded by his grandson, who ascended the I throne as George III., and made it his boast that lie | was a true-born Englishman. George HI. wa,s succeoil- ed by his son, who became George IV. ; he died in 1830, 1 and was succeeded by his brother, who reigned as William IV. On the accession of (^ucon Victoria, in I 1837, the Crown of Hanover passed to her uncle, PZniest, Duke of Cumberland. In 1866 the Prussians, who Imd long coveted that country, found a pretext for sei/iiiL' j it and extinguishing the Monarchy. — Whitakf Alumnae. No. OK Parlia 1st Parliament.. 4th Parliament.. 5th Parliament... 6th Pariiament... 7th Parliament. [1896 xr!/,l)orn April 25, 're. Wales, eldest son of Ian. -20, 1707 ; in 1730 usca of Saxe-Coburg. .wjix—l, George Wni. ge III. ; 2, Edward rk and Albany ; 3, Jloucester ; 4, Henv.v erland ; b, Frederick \ I I'RIVV COrNCIL OFFICE. 1 Deputy Head, Cleric of the Privy Council — John I Joseph McGce .' *{,2iHl Assistant Clerk nf the /'n'i\(y Co«nc!7— Joseph Popt 2,400 Clerk of the Crown in C^iuicerj/— Samuel E. St. Onge Ctapleau 'iJiWr Depmy Clerk of the Crown in Chaneery—Jame^ G. Foley 1 ,i)ih» Hi n. John Fisher ,'>,00(> •ICK, C()H/ici7— John ♦;i,2ini —Joseph Popu '2,+iMJ Samuel E. 8t. 'i^iW mccci/— James l,t'.(pi> London— 'tton. M.G., C.B., 17 ll>,(K)<> ftee ill London !S8 as above)>2,lft5.3.'> ! -A.Re.vnold8,tl.tii) t'g " How Canada is PARLUMBNT Bl'ILDINOS, OTTAWA. SENATE OF CANADA. Hon. John Jonbs Ross, Speaker (Ste. Anne de la Parade). E. J. Lanqrvin, Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments, $3,400. Senators sessional allowance, 91,000. BINATORS. p. O. ADDRESS. Hon, David Reesor Yorkville " . Sir D. L. Maopherson . .Toronto " George W. Allan Toronto " J. F. Armand.Riv. des Prairies " Jean B. Guivremont Sorel " Robert B. Dickey Amherst " William Miller Arichat " David Wark Fredericton " A.R.McClelan,Riverside,AlbCo " James Dever . . St. John, N.B. " A. Macfarlane . . Wallace, N.S. ' ' Sir Frank Smith " Robert Read Belleville " J. Sutherland Feniton, M. " >V. J. Macdonald, Victoria, B.C " H. A. N. Kaulbaoh .. Lunenburg " M. H. Cochrane Compton " Alexander Vidal Sarnin " J.H.Bellerose. .St. Vin. de Paul " R.W. Scott Ottawa " J. D. Lewin St. John, N.B. " L. O. Power Halifax " C. A. P. Pelletier. . . . Quebec " Jos. R. Thibaudeau. . " CK.B de Boucherville, Bouch. 8RNAT0R8. P. 0. ADDRK88. Hon. William J. Alnion Halifax " Thos McKay Truro, N.S. " Alex.W. Ogilvie Montreal " Donald Maclnnes Hamilton " T.R.McInnes... Victoria, B.C. " John O'Donohoe Toronto " P. A. De Blois Quebec, Q. " Donald McMillan. ..Alexandria " Geo. C McKindsev . Milton, O. " W.McDonald, L'tleOlnce B.,CB " J. Bolduc.St. Victor deTrin^.Q " T. Robitaille . . New Carlisle, Q. " J. R. Gowan Barrie " M. Sullivan Kingston " F. Clemow Ottawa " P. Poirier.. . Shediac, N.B. " H. Merncr. . . New Hamburg:, O. " C. E. Casi^rain .... Windsor, O, " L. McCallum. . . .Stromness, O. " W. E. Sanford Hamilton " J.J.Ross, Ste.Annedela Parade " W. D. Perley, Wolsely, N.W.T. " J.imes Reid .... Quesnelle, B.C " Evan John Price Quebec " Geo. A. Drummond. ..Montreal SENATORS. P. O. ADDRKSS. Hon. Edward Murphy .... Montreal " 8. Prowse, Murray Har.. P.K.I. " C A. Boulton..Shellmouth, M. " J, A. Lougheed..Calirary, Alta " L. R. Masson . .Terrebonne, Q. " Peter McLaren Perth, O. " H. Montplaisir, la Maur. Q. " J. B. .Snowball. .Chatham, N.B. " A. A. Macdonald, Charlottetown " John Dobson Lindsav " A. C. P. R. Landry . . . .Quebec " J. Ferguson .. Niajrara Falls, O. ' ' Alphoiise Des jardi ns . . Mont real " T. A. Bernier. .St. Boniface, M. " Clarence Primrose. Pictou, N.S. " Sir Mackenzie Bowell. . .Ottawa " Auguste R(5al Angers. .Ottawa " John N.Kirchoffer. Brandon,. M. " Donald Ferguson, Marshfield, (P.E.I. " J. O. .\isenault, Abranis Vil- [lage I'.E.l. " Geo. T. Baird, Perth Ceiitri', [N.B. " Josiah Wood. ...Sackville. N.B. PERMANBNT OFPICRRS OP (Jkrk, Mantel- in Chancery and Accojintant—E. J. Langevin. $3,400 Clerk Aghistant, Master in Chancery and Chief French Tranglator—A. A. Boucher 2,500 Law Clerk, Master in Chancery and Eiutlixh Trumlator—J. G. A. Creighton 2,600 Chaplain— Th% Venerable Archdeacon Lauder 400 Second Clerk Aniiist., Master in Chancery— Vacant. First Eiiglish Clerk— R. W. Stephen 1,800 Seomid English Clerk— A\e\. Souter 1,650 Third English Clerk— Chaa, Young I,4ii0 First French Translator— Wtted Garneau 2,000 TIIK 8ENATF, OF CANADA. Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk of French Journals - J. de St. D. Le Moine «l,()ttO Assistant Accountant— C. T. Gihbs 1,51 'i Junior Clerk — A. Adamson 9Ci* Assistant Clerk, French Journals— A. L. Garneau. O.IO Gentleman Usher of the Black Hod-R.E. Kimber 1,350 Postmaster— J. B. Myrand l,40(i Housekeeper — 1,:hi)0 Doorkeeper — Pierre Rattey 90O Newsroom Keeper— F. Gilbert S«0 Official Reporters— O. C, Holland, A. Holland. Adorbm.— To the Honourable the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, in Parliament assembled. The Petition of {Place and date.] Humbly sheweth. That, 4c. [89] . n <)0 DOMINION OF CANADA. [1896 ■r ■I' : i t 1 '•'•. U.i: 1 ; i i 1 ;::l ■!;;;; HOUSE OF COMMONS, CANADA. Hon. Pbtkr Whitb, Speaker. SEVENTH PARLIAMENT. John GROKais Bourinot, Esq., O.M.O., LL.D., D.C.L., D.L., Clerk of the House. Member's Sessional Allowance, $1,000. ExFLANATioK OF AsBRGViATiONS.— Con., Conservative; Nat, Nationalist; Lib,, Liberal; Ind. Lib., Inde- pendent Liberal ; Itid. Xat., Independent Nationalist ; Ind., Independent. Note.— The political party is i^iven according to the best information obtainable. If there should be any errors the Editor will be slad to correct them on advice. The population fi^iven is from the census of 1891. CONSTITUSNCY. Addington . Albert Alberta Algnma Annapolis Anti(/onish A rgentmil AmnibuiaEast Assiniboia West Bagot Beauce Beauharnois. . . . Bellechasse Berthier Bonaventiire. . . Bothivell Brant, y. Riding Brant, S. Riding Brockville Brome Bruce, E. Riding Bruce, X. Riding Bruce,W. Riding Cape Breton, Cardwell CarUton (N.B.). Carleton (0.). . . . Cariboo Chambly Champlain Charlevoix Charlotte Chateaupuay . . . Chicoutimi U8 848 rweed.... 684 1,529 rency 1,832 ire 1,155 , Maurice. 1,165 I 1,365 fevriere .. 1,003 igford.... 1,456 rtey 1,088 milton ... 613 X 1,421 shire 1,637 her 1,463 c 2,137 >nnar 1,832 son 1,085 rray 2,161 erson 2,078 ers 1,380 tice 1,908 skinson... 1,461 194 narre 1,116 il 1,899 1 1,235 rk 1,686 ilsh 1,148 ivard 1,909 ais 221 ohibald... 1,785 itcher 166 t 938 itsinfrer... 1,934 \ nes 1,430 ipeau 2,197 )hnston... 2,026 y 1,686 ickstock . . 1,794 ilson 2,694 xn 1,653 terson .... 2,043 igle 2,333 lell 1,632 thers 1,303 irk 1,958 rsev 2,264 Vth 2,281 n 1,059 2 o SB ■» 61 76 1807 438 173 118 202 327 63 481 303 106 157 •704 650 1116 642 178 3 14 30 930 728 520 248 108 43 29 87 77 357 248 98 38 803 1066 218 73 962 60 61 108 46 68-2 840 57 321 111 10 247 3 86 POPU- LATION 1891. Jlaldimaiid .. . Halifax Halton Himillon Hants Uagtinns, E. R. Httxiinqg, N. Ji. HnMnijs, >K. /{, fftichelaga Huntingdon. . .. ffuion, E.R Hnrnn. S. R.. .. Hvnin,W.R Ibeioille Inverness Jacques-Ciirtier. Joliette Kamouraska . ■ . l Montreal, Q Shanty Bav, O . . . St. Remi, Q N.Westniinst'rBC St. L'n'dd' Aston Q 3,138 1,931 1,815 2,514 2,624 1,834 2,636 2,364 1,817 1,804 970 Accl. 1,082 1,311 2,294 1,675 2,075 2,212 1,359 1,010 2,623 Accl. 2,692 Accl. 1,153 1,658 3,369 1,965 1,894 2,529 1,776 1,962 673 1,172 Accl. 3,4.50 5,840 4,580 1,916 817 1,694 1,502 John Charlton Lib.l Lynedoch, O j 2,370 David Tisdale Con . \ fiincoe, O ! 2,051 Michael Adams Con, I Newcastle, N.B..! 2,192 Edward Cochrane . . . Con . j Edville, O | 2,495 Cobourg, O I 1,711 George Guillet Con. Frank Madill Con. Wm. Smith Con. NAME OF DEFEATED CA - DIDATE AND NO. OF VOTES RECEIVED. Beaverton, O. . . Columbus, >. . . 2,206 2,2'!1. J. A. McCarthy... 1,421 E. Farrell 4,174 Hon. A. G. Jones.. 4,.336 John Waldie 2,337 Wm. Doran 3,632 A. Laidlaw 3,474 A. Halev 1,604 W. R. Avlesworth, 1,'81 — . Vankleek 1,625 R. C. Clute 1,595 D. McCormick .... 1,126 W. J. R. Holmes.. 1,729 D. Weismiller ' 990 John Reith 54 J. A. Nadeau 545 S. Macdonnell 1,567 H. Neveu 1,.V21 J. A, T. Chapeas.. 1,411 — . Leblanc 943 — . Johnson 847 W. P. Killackey . . . 2,662 James Domville. . . 1,858 C. R. Bell 1,654 P. A. Mclntvre.... 2,369 J. E. Robertson . . . 2,276 A. Gunn 1,733 R. Stutt 2,070 Frank Smith 1.766 — . Dowdall 1,387 W. McGarrv 1,174 C. Doyon 916 N. H. Ladouceur. . 648 F. T. Frost 1,165 J. B. Turner 2,188 D. W. Allison 1,650 E. T. Paquet 1,794 S. Neelon 2,164 John Taylor 1,169 — . Dionne 974 C. S. Hyman 2,421 J. D. Eisenhauer,, 2,402 C. J. Coulombe . . . 1,046 Geo. Turcot 1,547 G. Taylor 2,214 W. H. Taylor 1,959 J. Grav 1,257 H MoFarlane 1,119 W. Brock 1,110 D. B. Meigs 1,617 John Brown 1,635 O, Magnan 616 O. Therien 632 E. P. llender 739 E. W. P, Guerin... 2,236 L. O. David 5,015 James Cochrane . . 880 J. H, Fitzgerald., 1,768 F. X. Paradis 799 E. S. Scoullor 5.S2 E. C. Prince 1,501 E. C. Houde 313 L. Sinclair 1,902 J. Ellis 1,639 Peter Mitchell ... 1,719 M. P. Ketc-hum . . . 2,259 J. Hargraft 1,656 P. Cockburn 1,962 J. I. Davidson 2,080 IS S o » M 594 1100 927 104 664 682 101 422 369 360 283 308 865 484 310 60 95 377 476 73 161 145 266 101 666 698 430 630 64 634 146 106 26 281 48 190 36 102 190 108 111 155 6 637 410 159 327 41 433 1214 825 3706 148 18 1162 1 468 4^2 473 236 65 264 161 J 92 DOMINION OF CANADA. [189«J 1 I ■'I POFl'- NO. OK NAMB OF DBFRATBDCAN- COSSTITUBNCY. LATION NAMB OF MEMBRR p. 0. AD.>RKH8. VOTBB DIDATR AND NO. OF VOTES ^? 1891. REC'V'U RKCBIVKD. Ontario, W.R.. 18,792 James D. Edgar .Lib. Toronto, 1.867 F. P. White 868 ■ !•!«> Ottawa City 44,144 Sir Jas.Grant.KCMO.Con 1 Hoiior6 Hobillard . . Cmt . \ Ottawa, Ottawa, Acc'l 2,363 J. W. PatterHon . . 1,287 ' 4ri.'i W. H. I-ewis 770 • OttauM County. 63.560 C. R. Devlin .Lib. Aylmer, C Woodstoct.O 2,998 J. M. McDoucall . 2,579 414 Ostford, N. R... 26,131 James Sutherland. .Lib. 2,544 1 D. 51. Karn 1,010 . l,'i;i4 Oxford, S. It.... 2'?,421 ( Hon. Sir Kiuhard Cart- | \ wriijfht, K.C.M.G..f,i6.! Kingston. 2,021 . M. Walsh 1.287 734 Peel 15,466 J. Featherstoti I.ih. Streetsville, O. . . . 1.667 1 W. A. McNeil .... 1,613 ■- .=i4 Perth. iV. Jl 26,907 James N. Grieve. . . .Lib. Millbank, 2,.520 S. R. Hesson 2,449 : 71 Perth. >■. U 19,400 \Vm. Pridham .Con. RuBSfildale, O 2.329 J. Trow 2,307 : 22 Peterboro', E. R. 21,919 John Burnham .Con. Ashburnham, 0. . 1,832 Thomas Rork — 1,8(13 ; 29 Peterboro; IV. R. 15.808 James Stevenson . . . .Con. Peterborough, O. 1,447 R. Hall 1,215 , 232 /"Hon. Sir C. H. Tupper, Pictou 34,541 \ K.C.M.G . ton . Ottawa, 3,433 J. A. Fra-ser 2,708 725. V.John McDou^'ald.. .Con. Westville, N.8. . . 3,384 John Yoi-ston .... 2,.594 676 Povtiac 2>,084 John Bryson .Con. FortCoulonge, Q. 2,184 T. Murray 1,443 741 Porviieuf 25,813 Ai thiir Delisle .Lib. Quebec. Q 1,906 R. P.Vallee 1,7.^6 ■ 150 Prescott 24.173 Isidore I'roulx Lib. Planta;,'enet, O. . . 1,269 F. Routhier E. A. Johnson . . . D. Bertrand 608 i .53-.' ; 335 661 Prince {P. EL). 36,470 S. F. Perry John Yeo Lib. .Lib. Titfnlsh, P.E.r... Port Hill, P.E.I. . 3,182 3,279 G. W. Howlan. . . . RicharflHunt.... 2,903 2,661 279 376. Prince Edward. 18,880 A. C. Miller .Q)n. Picton, O •J,204 J. M. Piatt 2,225 ' 39 Pruvencher 15,469 A. A. C. LaBiviere . Con. St, Boniface, M.. Accl. i Qw'tec Centre .. 17,649 F. Lanf^elier .Lib. Quebec, Q 1,080 V. Chateauvert . . 1,002 1 78 O-.ebec East.... 36,200 Hon. W. Lauiier. . . .Ub. Arthaboskaville Q Accl. .jtiebec West 9,241 Thomas McGreevy. .C»n. Quebec, Q 895 R. R. Dobell 888 t Quebec County . . 19,503 J. J. T. Fremont. . . .Lib. Quebec, Q 1,692 Hon. E. J. Flynn . 1,352 340 Queens (N.H.).. li,152 G. F. Baird .Con. St. John. N.B. . . . 1,204 G. G. King 1,233 ; Qtt«en'8(N.S.).. 10,610 F. G. Forbes .Lib. Halifax, N.S 867 J. N. Freeman . . . 766 ; 101 Queen'siP.E.L). 45,975 J L. H, Davies IWni. Welsh .Lib. Charlottet'ii, PEI 4,006 P. Blake 3,669 i 337 .Lib. Charlottet'n.PEI 3,864 D. Ferguson 3,621 i 185 Rei\frew,N.R.. 23,005 Hon. Peter White . . .Con. Pembroke, 1,497 Henry Barr 1,418 79 Renfrew, S. R.. 23,971 John Fer);u80u .Con. Admoston. 1,642 David Barr 1,198 444 Restigouche 8,308 JohnMcAli8ter...7)M/. C. Cainpbellt'n.N.B. 735 Geo. Moffatt 619 216 Richelieu 21,354 14,300 A. A. Bruneau. . . . .Lib. Sore , Q 1,661 857 T. E. Morgan .... H. N. Paint 1,689 755 1 72 Richmond (l^'.S.) J. A. Gillies .Con. Sydney, N.S 102 E. P. Flynn 670 Richmond Js \ Wol/e(Q.)..\ 31,347 C. C. Cleveland .... .Con. Danville, Q 2,416 Hon. W. Laurier . 2,135 ■ 281 Rim/nuki 33,430 ' Hon. Sir Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G Con. Ottawa, O 2,061 J. B. R. Fiset .... 1,799 2t;-> Rouville 16,012 Louis P. Brodeur. . Lib. Montreal, Q l,28t' G. A. Gigault .... 1,220 61 ► Russell 31,643 21,433 Wm. C. Edwards . . M. E. Bernier .Lib. .Lib. Rockland, O St. Hyacinthe, Q. 2,308 1,071 M. K. Dickinson . E. Brodeur 1,895 1,175 Hi St. Hyacinthe.. 496. St.Joh)i{N.B.)] City / St.Joh)iiN.B.)\ City and Co. f 24,184 E.:°liel McLeod... .Con. St. John, N.B. ... 2,649 John V. Ellis 2,063 583 25,390 J J. O. Hazen 1 J. A. Chesley .... .Con.] St. John, N.B.. . 4,824 0. W. Weldon... 4,448 376- .Con. St. John, N.B. .. . 3,133 J. Robertson 2,890 243 St. John's (Q.).. 12,282 v. Bour.ossa .Life St. Valentin, (J... . Con . Yamachiche, Q. . . 997 J. Black 7Ci« 228 St. Maurice .... 12,267 F. S. L. DesauliiierE 8-4 L. L. Desaulniers. 749 145 Saskatchewan .. ll.irfl D. H. Macdowall . . .Con.i Pr.Albert,N.W.T. 950 H. J. Montgomery . 667 283 Selkirk 53,226 Hon. T. M. Daly. . . .Con. Ottawa, 3,660 Joseph Martin . . . 3,225 435 Sheffnrd Shelbunie 23,263 J. R. Sanborn ..Lib. South Roxton. Q. 1,792 A. C. Savage 1,615 177 14,956 N. W. White .Con. Shelburne.N.S... 1,388 T. Robertson . 1,.S69 19 Sherbrooke 16,088 Hon. Wm. B. Ives. .Con. Ottawa, 1,118 C. Millier 803 315 Simcoe, E. R... 35,801 W. H. Bennett.... .Con. Midland, 3,176 P. V. Sphon H. H. Cook . 3,160 16 Simcoe, JV. R 28,203 Dalton McCarthy. //irf. C. Toronto, 2,417 . 2,121 296 Simcoe, S. R 20,824 R. Tyrwhitt Con. Bradf.rd, Accl. Soulanges 9,608 J. W. Bain .CUH. St. Polycarpe, Q. 887 — . Bourboimais. . . 846 41 Staimtead 18,067 T. B. Rider ..Lib. Fitch Bay, Q 1,655 Hon. C. C. Colby . . 1,653 1(12 Sunbury 5,702 R. D. Wilmot .Con. Burton,Sun.,N.B. 712 Geo. E. Day . 427 2.S5 Titniscotiata 25,698 P. E. Grandhois . . . . Con. /Rivi^reduL'upl \ (en baf), Q. . / Montreal, Q 1,813 G. H. Deschencs . . 1,615 U>S Terrebonne 23,128 Pierre Leclair .Con. Accl. % Three Rivers 8,834 J Hon. Sir Hector Lanjrevin 1 K.C.M.G Con. 1 Quebec, Q 682 L. S. Folette 482 200. Toronto Cent re. . 26,632 0. R. R. t'ookbnrn .Con. Toronto, 2,414 J. K. Kerr . 1,912 .'■.112 Toronto East . . . 43,565 E. Coatsworth, Jr. .Con. Toronto, 3,520 A. E. Wheeler . . . . 2,056 1464 Toronto West . . . 73,826 J Fre Victoria (N.S.). . l'.',432 J. A. McDonald... ..Con. Baddeck, N.S.... 822 Wm. Ross . 770 ! 52- V%ctoria(0.)N.R. 16,849 Samuel Hujfhes.. . ..Con. Lindsay, O 1.870 J. A. Barron . 1,631 ! 239 Vietoria{0.)S.R. 20,456 Charles Fairbairn. .Con. Boboaygeon, O. . . 2,055 Thomas Walters. . 2,003 1 ■>;■- CO.SSTITI'BNC Adams, Micha< Allan, Henry Aoiyot, Guilla Bain, James ^ Bain, Thomas Bair.. et e- KKRATKD CAN- ^ « NO. OK VOTES *? EIVRD. 868 ' !»!«> i-son . . . 1,287 ' iUb g 770 ! ugall . . 2,570 414 1,01(1 , l.-i;i4 1,287 734 eil 1,613 j 54 n 2,44i> . 71 2,307 ' 22 rk 1,803 ; 2!> 1,215 , 232 r 2,7(iSj ' 725. on 2,594 676 1,443 741 B 1,756 ■ 150 r 608 661 son . . . 53-j ; 1 335 Ian — 2,903 279 jnt — 2,661 376. 2,225 39 vert . . 1,002 78 11 888 t Klynn . 1,352 1,233 340 nan . . . 766 101 3,669 337 )n 3,621 185 r 1,418 79 1,198 444 tt 519 216 an 1,589 'i t . 755 102 n . 670 aurier . . 2,135 281 set ... . . 1,799 262 nit .... . 1,220 6!> [inson . . 1,895 ■ 4U. . 1,175 1 496- lis . 2,063 ; 58S [Ion . 4,448 : 376- on . 2,890 ' 243 . 70i- ' 228 ulniers . . 749 i 145 bgomery . 667 i 283. rtin . . . . 3,225 ; 435 (fe . 1,615 1 177 on . 1,369 i 19 . 803 . 3,160 , 315 16 k . 2,121 ' 296 Minais. . 846 41 Colby . 1,553 1 102 V . 427 1 2JI5 chenes . 1,615 : \s)i tte .... 482 1 200. r . 1,912 • .1112 jeler . . . 2,056 ' 1464 . 3,291 : i;.'i7 961 . 803 . 1.005 1 :m- er 1 : 101 )n 161 enian . . 449 582 .... .. 417 612 n .. 732 .. 770 69r> i 52 . . 1,631 , 239 Walters. .. 2,003 1 2r; CO.NSTITI'BNCY. Wataiuo, X. R. . Waterloo. S.R.. WHlami Wellxngt(m,C.R. WeUiHgt 1896] I NAMB OP MBMBBR. C0S8TITURSCV. NAMK OP M8HBER. C0N8T1TUBNCY. Harwood. Henrv S Vauclreui.i. Vancouver Island. St. John (N.B,), City & Co. Quebec West. Halton. Carieton (0.) Victoria (0.).N. Riding Middlesex, Norih Riding. Elgin, East Riding. Wellington, South Riding. Sherbrooke. L'Assoniption. Gasp6. Lunenburg. Halifax. Hochelaga. Grey, South Riding. Quebec Centre. Three Rivers. Provencher. Quebec, East. Drumniond & Arthabaska. Terrebonne. Nioolet. Maskinong^. Montreal East. Joliette. Lambton, West Riding. Waterioo, South Rid ng. Welland. Simcoe, North Riding. Victoria (N.S.) Assiniboia East. Cape .Breton. Pictou. Quebec West. Essex, North Riding. Kent(N.B ) Anti^onish. rtanulton. King's (P.E.I.) Huron, East Riding. Algoma. Saskatchewan. York (G.), East Riding. Restigonche. Cape Breton. King's (P. E.L) Glengarry. St. John (N.B.), City. Huron, South Riding. W^ellington, Nortn Riding. Bruce, North Riding. Ontario, North Riding. Yale. Middlesex, Fast Riding. Winnipeg. Grey, North Riding. Kingston. Yaniaska. Miller. A. C Princ ' Edward Haslani, Andrew Mills, Hon. David Mills, John B Bothwell. Hazen, J. Louglas Annapolis. Lambton, East Ridintr. Napierville. Haldimand. York (O.), North Biding Hastings, East Riding. Monorieif , George Henderson, David Mon. t, Dominique Hodgins, Wni. T Montague, Hon. W. H Mulock, Win Hutchins, Wni. 11 Northrup, Wm. B Ingram, Andrew B O'Brien, Wm. E Innes, James Ives, Hon. Wm. B Ouimet, Hon. Joseph A Paterson, Wm Laval. Brant, South Riding. Colchester. Jeannotte, Homiisdas. . . Patterson, Wm. A Joncas, Luuis % Kaulbach, Charles E Kenny, Thoroas E Pelletie.', Louis C Perry, Stanislaus F Pope, RufuB H Laprairie. Prince (P.E.I.) Compton. Westmoreland. Lachapelle, S^verin Powell, H. ' Prefontaine, Raymond Pridham, Wm Chambly. Perth, South Riding Victoria (B.C.) Prescott. Langelier, Frangois Langevin, Hon. sir Hector, Prior, Ed wanl G K.C.M.G LaBivi6re, A. A. C Proulx, Isidore Putnam, Alficd i^urier, Hon. Wilfred Reid, John D Grenville, South Riding. Stanstead. Lavergne, Joseph Rider, Timothy B Leclair, Pierre Rinfret, Come I Lotbini^re. Ij€duo, Joseph H Robillard, Honors Ottawa (City). Middlesex, North Riding. Lanark, North Riding. Lisgar. Dundas. Leffris. Joseoh H Roome, Wm. F Lupine, Alpnonse T Lippd, Urbain Rosamond, Be'nnett Ross, Arthur W Lister, James F Ross, Hugo H Livingston, James Ro'vaiid, James Bruce, West Riding. Ryrikman, Samuel S Sanborn, John Robbins McCarthy, Dalton Shefford. McDonald, John A Huntingdon. Wellington, Centre Riding Charlevoix. McDonald, W. W Semple, Andrew McDougall, H. F Simard, Henry McDougald, John Smith, Sir Donald, K.C.M.O. Smith, Wm Montreal, West. McGreevy, Thos Ontario, South Riding. Brant, North Riding. Grey, Enat Riding. Halifax. McOreiror. Wni Somerville. James. . . Mclnerney, O. V Mclsaae. Colin F Sproule, Thomas S Stairs, John Fitz-William. . . Stevenson, James McKay Alexander Peterborc', West Itiding. Oxford, North Biding. L'Islet. Maodonald, Au^istine C . . . Macdonald. Peter Sutherland, James Tarte, J. Israel Micdonell, George H Macdowall, Day H Taylor, George Templt, Thomas Tisdale, David Leeds, South Biding. York (N.B.) Maclean, Wm. F Norfolk, South Biding. McAlister, John Tupper, Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert, K.C.M.G Turcotte, Arthur J McKeen, David Pictou. McLean, John Montmorency. «:(cLennan, R. R Tyrwhitt, Richard Simcoe, South Biding. McLeod, Kzekic' Vaillancourt, C. E Dorchester. McMillan, John Wallace, Hon. N. Clarke . . . Weldon, Richard C York (O.), West Biding. Albert. McNeill, Alftxander Welsh, Wm Queen's (P.E.I.) Renfrew, North Riding. Madill, Frank White, Hon. Peter Mara, John A White, N. W Shelburne. Marshall, J. H White, B. S Cardwell. Martin, Jop Wilmot, R. D S'jnbury, Masson James. Wilson, Uriah Lennox. Metcalfe, J. H Wood, Hon. John F Yeo, John Brock ville. Mignault, R. M. S Prince (P. E.L) OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. :t(l \iP Clerk of the Home, J. G. Bourinot, C.M.G., LLD., D.C.L.,D.L 13,400 Sergeant-at-Arms, I '»ut.-Col. Henry R. Smith . . 2,400 CUrk AMislant, F. F. Bouleau 2,800 Deputy Sergeant-ixt-Artm and Speaker's Sec- reta\-y, H. W. Bo vie MOO Chief Branch. Clerk of Votes and Proo?edings, and Secretary to the Clerk of the House, William C. Bowles. . 2,400 Asst. Clerk Votes and Proceedings, I. B. Taylor.. 1,750 Clerk of Routine and Records, F. MaoGillivray . . 2,400 Clerk of English Journals, A. G. D. Taylor 2,400 Assistant do, and Clerk of Petitions, J. Dalton . . 1,700 Translator Votes and Proc'gs, J. R. E. Chapleau 2,400 Clerk of French Journals, T. Ouimet 1,550 Clerk ofSesiional Papers, J. A. Polkinghorne . . 1,400 Assistant French Journal Clerk, E. Tassd 1,100 Examiner of Private Bills, Clerk of Com. on Pub. Accounts, E. P. Hartney $2,000 Clerk of Standing Committee on Prioate Bills and Standing Orders, Walter Todd 1,700 Assistant do, L. Charles Panet 1,400 Clerk of Railways and Banking and Commerce Committee, R. MoO. Mofifat 1,400 Clerk, 3nd Class, B. P. King, *1,100; Clerk, 3rd Class, J. H. McLeod 1,000 Law and Translation Branch. Law Cl'-rk, F. A. McCord 3,200 Assist. Law Clerk 1,850 Chief Fr. Trans., T. G. Coursolles 2,400 Translators (each from «2,400 to «1,400), J. A. Genand, F. X. Demers, L. A. Frechette, L. Laframboise, J M. A. D. Desaulniers, F. B. Hayes, H. H. Loucks, E. Perrin, E. Query Accountant, D. Assistant Accou Clerk of Statioiu tional Pfjfers A»si*tant Clerk Junior Clerks, V Macdonell and Postmaster, J. S,¥.X.l Curator of Reac Se Chie/ Messenger Assistant do., N Doorkeeper, C. 1 Chief Reporter, Asst. do., S. A. " " E. J. 1 " " A. Ho Asst. Reporter, 1 Addrbbs— T [Place and Di DEI Minister of Jui Tupper, K.C.J Deputy Ministei Chief Clerks, A.\ Minister's Prim Deputy's Seereta Accountani, J. 1 Inspector of Pei Accountant, Ge Clerk, H. B. S. L Commissioner, . Registrar of & Supreme Coui Reporter (vacan Assistant Repo\ Registrar, L. Clerk, Charies 1 Controller of C% Acting-Commis Minister's Prim Accountant, B. Chief Clerk of S Inspectors of } I 8. MacLaren, Alfred Boultl^ Chief Inspector, Actin'i-Chairm Assistant Dom Geo. W. Jess COLLRCTORS Amherst, W. D Amlierstbtirg, Annapolis, E. ., Ar.tiaunish, A. Ari'^hat, R. Be Badtleck, J. Mc Barrington, D. Bathuist, J. E Berlin, S. W. St Belleville. W. '' BowmanviUe. Brantford, H. Bridgetown, 8. Brockvilte, W. 1896] DOMINION OF CANADA. 05 N8T1TUKSCT. le, South RidiniT- Ml. 6re. (City). lex, North Ridin)f. , North Riding. art', West 'Aiding. , North Riding. South Biding. N.B.) t, South Biding. lorency. !, South Riding. ;ster. (O.), West Riding. Miseellaneotu Braneh. Accountant, D. C. Chamberlain tl ,800 Agri*tant Accountant, D, W. Cameron 1 200 Clerk of Stationery, und Supt. of Printing of Set- gio}Ml Poferg of Parliament, C. E. Clarke .... 1,550 A snijitant Clerk of Statiot-^ry, L. B. Scott 850 Junior Clerks, William Caims, N. Bobideaux, H. Xlacdonell and W. Dube . . .each from «fl,200 to 901 Pottmaster, J. Stansfeld 1,750 AMt. do., F. X. Leniieux 1,000 Curator of Readimj Room, John L. Deacon 750 Sergeant-at-Anns Branch. Chief Mesitnger, Lucien Dub6 ' ,300 il«#w Chief Meiaeiiijer and Caretaker, h. J. "^asault — 900 Messenger, J, H. Dunlope 7'v) T.C.W.Lynton 50ft " J.A. Beaudry 500 of the Dominion of Canada, in Parliament absembled. Humbly sheweth. That, etc DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. ainistcr of Justice, Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G., Q.C 17,000 Deputy jiinister, Edmund L. ."le'voombe, Q.C. . . 4,000 Chief Clerks, A. Power, Q.C. , $2,«00; O. L. B. Fraser 2,260 Minister's Private Secretary, W. C. Gordon 1,150 Deputy's Secretary, John Leslie 1,800 Accountani, J. E. Nitrraway 1,000 Penitentiary Branch. Inspector of Penitentiaries, D. Stewart 2,600 Accountant, George L. Foster 1,800 Clerk, H. B. S. Lane 1,250 Dominion Police. Commissioner, A. P. Sherwood The Supreme Court. Registrar of Supreme Court and Editor of Supreme Court Reports, R. Cassels, Q.C 3,200 Reporter (vacant) Assistant Reporter, C. H. Masters 1,800 The Exchequer Court. Registrar, L. A. Audette 2,000 CTec*. Charles Morse 1.350 CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Controller qf Customs, N. Clarke Wallace .'. |5,«'.v' Acting-Commissiotier, F. E. Kilvert 2,800 Minister's Private Secretary, J. R. K. Bristol 1,260 Accountant, R. R. Farron 1,400 Chief Clerk of Statistics, F. G. Bennet 1,700 Inspectors oflortu, D. D. O'Meara, W. H. Hill, J. 8. MacLaren, Geo. U. Young, C. S. Clute, Alfred Boultbee, each 2,000 Chief Inspector, S. W. McMichael 2,000 Board of Api-aisers. Actin't-Chairman, F. E. Kilvert. Assistant Dominion Appraiser and Secretary, Geo. W. Jessup 1,200 C0LLKCTOR9 OP CUSTOMS— Amherst, W. D. Main. Amherstburg, Geo. Gott. Annapolis, E. McCormack. Ar,.tiguni«h, A. Boyd. Arinnat, R. Benoit. Baddeck, 3. McDonald. Barrington, D. Sargeant. Bathurst, J. E. Baldwin Berlin, 8. W.Spillette, A'g. Belleville. W. Webster. Bowmanvil'.e, J. Rankin. Brantford, H. B. Leeming. Bridgetown, S. S. Ruggles. Brockville, W. H. Jones. From $4,000 to $300 each. Canso, Thos. C. Cook. Charlottetown, Jas. Currie. Ckatham,NB., D.Ferguson Chatham, 0, R. Stephenson Coaticook, John B. Dal;. . C0601, g, Ch. E. Ewing. CoUingwood, Geo. Watson. Cookshire, A. Ross. Corn.vall, J. H. Oline, A'g. Dalhousie, W. Montgomery Deseronto, R. Bayburn. Digby,J. M. Viets. Dorchester, D. Leahy, A'g. Fort Erie, E. W. Brookfield Fort McLeod, F. W. Shaw. Fredericton, A. F. Street. Gait, Thos. Peck. Gananogue,]. Ormiston. Garni, A. J. Kavanagh. Goderich, Asher Farrow. Guelph, T. A. Hefleman. H.F. Merritt W'dst'ck,0.,W. H. Vanlngen Yarmouth, W. H. Moody. DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE. Controller of In. Revenue, Hon. J. F. x'ood, M.P. . $5,000 Comtnissioner, E. Miall 3,200- Assistant Commissioner, W. J. Gerald 3,000 Secretary's Branch. Chief Clerk and Secretary, W. Himsworth '2,350 Ass't Seo. and Short Hand Writer, W. Garter . . . l,7o<) Short Hand and Typewriter, J. P. McCarthy... 1,350 Clerk, F. Newbv 1,400 Clerk, A. MoCulloch 530 Clerk, F. K. Blatch, Printing and Forms 1,400 Clerk, Geo. Fowler, Stamps, Instruments, rrie 2,200 London, D. Spry, London 2,600 Stratford, Henry G. Hopkirk, Stratford 2,200 ManitobaandN. W.Ter., W.W. McLeod,Wiimipeg 2,400 British Columbia, E. H. Fletcher, Victoria 2,200 DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS. Minister of Railways and Canals, Hon. John Haggart $7,000 Deputy-Minister d- Chief Engineer, C. Schreiber. 6,000 Secretary, Chief Clerk, John H. Balderson 2,250 Chief Clerk, Chief Engineer's Office, L. K. Jones. 1,950 Chief Clerk Records, M. W, Maynard 1,9(J0 Accountant, First Class Clerk, Leonard Shannon . 1,750 First Class Clerks— W. J. Tillev, 81,800; F. A. Dixon, $1,800 ; Neil Stewart", $1,80,0 ; H. L. Filteau, $1,750; J. E. W. Currier, $1,400. Second Class Clerks— A. U. Almon, $1,400; C. E. D.Chubbuck, $1,400; Rich'd Devlin, $1,400; J. W. Pugsley *1,300 ; H. L. B. Ross, $1,250 ; W. B. Almon Hill, $1,250 ; C. W. Ross, $1,200 ; Walter Doull, $1,100. DEPARTMBN1 Minister of Milii Dickey I)epitty Minister, Chief Clerk, Benji Sfrretary of Depa Chii-f Clerk and director of Stores >>'!'. Lleut.-Col. A'"iitj .Architect, trinoral Officer Co .FiiliiisGaHcoi);n A n.C, Lieut. Al Ailjutant-Oeneral and allowance . Afsistanl Adjuta Hon. Matthew Quarter-Master-O J'sisla'if Adjiitfi npictor of A rtil Col. de la Chero DEPART! MiiiUter of the In I'eputy Minister c J'n'vate Secretary ifecretary, John F Assistant Secreta, Clerk in Charge rtyley Clirk in Charge Lands, P. G. K Chrk in Charge o. l:ei/istrar of Corr'i' Clerk, T. G, Chief Clerk, yf. .\ Aciiiuntant, Chit .{xslxtant Accoui ^itnk'nor Genera Geographer, J. Axtrononur, W. Clerk in Charge Chief Inspector MBPART.MBNT Commissioner .'Superintendent limpcJorDonii Secretary, T. R. Winnipeg .... liiaiidon Minnedosa . . . Kegina Calvary rriiice All)ert Kijinonton . . . Kstpvan Hattleford . . . I.eilibridge . . . Wetaskiwin . . . Vorktoii . . . |{ed Deer .... 1.11(6 Dauphin New Westmin Kainloops, B.( [1896 l«96i DOMINION OF CANADA. 97 lett |2,e(H) lie, John (il.SOOto 1,4()0 jianohet, I. Poullot, Hn, V. A. |e, C. W. |.il,400to i.ion Sverett . . 2,400 1,600 (iiner.eoch 1,400 ktheson . . . 2,400 1,800 H. EaKle- J H, Krepg, . .il,4lK)to 1,100 Jith 2,400 1,800 I. H. Gray, 91,400 to 1,200 Walsh... 2,00<1 1,500 1,400 Lindsay 1,050 W. Smith, .. 91,400 to 1,100 cA. ?. Stanton . . 1,850 [iubney, $1,400 to l.KXl rs. ito 2,800 IX 2,400 roix Brecken id Assistant 2,200 1 2,200 2,000 srs 2,000 '.'.'.'.'.".'.'.".'.'.'. 2,200 '.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.".". 2,000 2,200 2,600 'ord 2,200 cxJ.Winnipejf 2,400 iotoria 2,200 I AND CANALS. , Hon. John $7,000 U. Schreiber. 0,000 ierson 2,250 L. K. Jones. 1,950 1 1,900 ird Shannon. 1,750 1,800; K. A. ,800 ; H. L. $1,400. , $1,400; C. >vlin, $1,400; toss, $1,250 ; loss, $1,200 ; DEFARTHENT OF MIUTIA AND DEFENOB. MinUiler of Militia and Defence, Hon. A. K. . IMc'lte.v $7,000 Deputy Minister, Col. The Hon. C. Eugene Panet 3,200 Chief Clerk, Benjamin Suite 1,960 Sfrtetary of Department, Capt. Alphonse Benoit 1,700 Account Branch. Chief ClerU and Accountant, C. H. O'Meara. Stores Branch. I)i rector of Stores and Keeper oj Militia Proper- It*/'. Lieiit.-Col. John Macphereon Engineer Branch. Ai-nnj Architect, Lieut. K. \V. White 2,400 3,000 l,-)00 4,0011 1,2IH) 3,200 2,800 3,200 ■i,inli Military Branch. liiiicrHl Officer Commanding, Major (Jen. William .Filling aagcoitfiie pay ancf allowaiic'es A.h.C, Lieut. Alex. Maclean pay AiljutantOeneral, Col. Walker Powell salary and allowance ." . AKniHtant Adjutant-General, Lieut-Colonel The Hon. Matthew Ayhner Qiiarter-Master-Oeneral, Lieut. -Col. P. U.N. Lake A^nintant Adjiitant-deneral fur ArtHlerii, In- ^pictor of Artillerii and Warlike Stores, Lieut. - Col. (te la Chei'ois T. Irwin DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Minister of the Interior, Hon. T. Mayne Daly.. . . $7,000 lieputy Minister of the Interior, A, M. Burit'ess. . 3,200 ]'i!rate Secretary to Minister, A. Chisholni 1,400 Secretary's Brunch. 6'ecfetarg, John R. Hall 2,800 Ansistant Secretary, L. C. Pereira 1,800 Clerk in Charge of Timber and Mines, G. U. Ryley 1,800 Clerk in Charge of Ordnance and Admiralty Lands, P. O. Key es 1,400 Clerk in Charge of Immigration, L. M. Fortier. . l,.^oo Het/lstrar of Correspondence, K. J. Hein\v 1,800 w Clerk, T. G. Kothwell " 1,700 Patents Branch, Chief Clerk, W. M. Gocdeve 2,3O0 Aceoimtant's Branch. A,it,uiitant, Chief Clerk, J. A. Pinard 2,3(W Axxixtant Accountant, C. H. Beddoe l,80nLandsAgencien,J M.Gordon 2,000 .Seeretary, T. R. Burp4 1,800 Dominion Lands Agentji. Winiiipejf E. F. Stephenson . 1,800 IJiandon W. H. Hiani 1,400 Mitinedosa John Flesher 1,200 Re^fina A.J. Fraser 1,095 Oal^tary .\mos Rowe . . . . 1 ,200 Prince Albert John McTaj?j,'art . . 1,400 IMnionton R. A. R\itlaii 1,4(X) Kstevan A. K. Ilethcrington 1,0(KJ Hiittleford K. Brokovski 1,200 Lethbridge \V. H. Nottingham 1,2(K) AVetaskiwin T. B. Ferguson . . . 1,200 Yorkton . F. K. Herchmer. . . l,-.'fJO Ked Deer J . G. Jessup 1,295 l.ike Dauphin Robert Gunne 900 New Westminster, B C John McKensie. . . 1,400 Kaniloops, B.C E. A. Nash 1.200 Crown Timber Agents. Winnipeg E. F. Stephenson . . Edmonton Tho«. Anderson. . . Calgary Amos Rowe Prince Albert John McTaicgart. . New Westminster, B.C T. S. Higginson. . . $l,ft60 Clerk of Legis. Assembly N. W. T., and Sec'y to Lt.-Govemor, R. B. Gordon 2,400 Secretary to the Lieut.-tHovemnr of the District of Keewatin, Charles C. Patterson 600 Registrars of the N. W. Territories. Inspector of Land Titles Offices, P. M. Barker .. 2,000 W. J. Scott 2,000 S. Brewster 1,200 T. A. McLean .... 1,600 Georges Roy 1 ,60« G. A. Montgomery 1,600 West Saskatchewan District. East Saskatchewan District.. District of South Alberta District of North Alberta .... District of Assiniboia Rocky .Mountains Park of Canada, BanfT, N.W.T^ Superintendent, Geo. A. Stewart 1,80# Immigration Agents. .Montreal J. Hoolahan 1,200 Suebec P.Doyle 1,400 alifax. N.S E.M.Clay 1,200 St. John, N.B S. Gardner 1,000 Caretakers of Ordnance Lands, Chambly, y J. O. Dion 60 00 Grand Falls, N.B Bertram Currier. . 200 00 Leamington, Out Peter Conover 75 00 Blenheim, Out W. R. Fellows, Jr.. 20 00 Queenstown, Ont Joseph Walker 50 00 GEOLOOIOAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Minister of the Interior, Hon. T. M. Daly $7,000 Deputy Head and Director, Dr. O. M. Dawson, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S 3,2C0 Assistant Director and Chief Geologist, Robert Bell, LL.D., M.D., F.R.S.C 2,400 Assistant Director, Palaeontologist and Zoologist, J. F. Whiteaves, F.R.S.C, F.G.S 2,400 Assistant Director, Chemist and Mineralogist, O. C. Hoffmann, LL.D., F.LC, F.R.S.C 2,400 Assistant Director, Botanist and Naturalist, John Macoun, F.L.S., F.R.S.C 2,150 Mining Engineer and Geologist, E. D. Ingall, M.E., A.R.S.M 1,660 First Class Clerkand Accountant, John Marshall. 1,800 First Class Clerk, Chief Draughtsman atid Geographer, Jas. White 1,400 Geologists, R. W. Klls, M.A., LL.D., Hugh Flet- cher, B.A., each $2,000 ; R. G. McConnell, B.A., J. B. Tvrrell, B.A., B.Sc, each $1,800 ; Albert P. Low, B.A.Sc, $1,550; Robert Chalmers, 1,500; Wm. Mclnnes, B.A.Sc, $1,400 Assistant Geologists, E. R. Faribault, $1,400; Napoleon J. Gnoux, B.L.S., $1,300 ; Alfred E. Barlow, M.A., .'»1,300 ; J.i8. McEvov, B.A.Sc, .<*1,112 50 Artist and Ansistant Palaeontologist, L. M. Lanibe, F.G.S Lithologist, Walter Ferrier, B.A.Sc, F.G.S Assistant Curator, C. W. Willimott Assistant Chemist. F. G. Wait, M. A Assistant Palaeontologist, Henry M. Ami, M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S Surveyor and KxplorertVoniMson Bogart Dow- ling, B.A.Sc Assistant Draughtsman, Clovis Onier Senccal C.E Museum Assistant, R. L. Broadbent. Draughtsman. L. N. Richard Librarian, John Thorburn, LL.D. Caretaker, Thos. Burke Messenger, Allan McKinnon 1,5.50 l,5Uoli8. Xeu) Brunsteiek. Indian Superintendents, Wm. D. Carter, Richil)Ucto ; Jas. Farrell, Fredericion. Prince Edward Island. Indian Superintendent, John O. Arsenault, Higgiiis Road. British Columbia. Superintendent, A. W. Vowell, Victoria. Clerks, J. W. Mackay, Victoria; W. McLaughlin, Vict'a. Indian Reserve Commissioner, Hon. P. O'Reilly, Victor!., . Indian Agents. Bell, Ewen, Clinton. Devlin, F., New Westmins'r Galbraith, R. L. T.. Fort Steele. Guillod, H., Albert!. Lomas, W. H., Quamichan. Loring, R. E., Hazelton. Pidcook, R. H., Alert Bay. Todd, Chas., Metlakahtla. Wood, W. F., Kamloops. Manitoba and the Sorth-West Territories. Assistant Indian Commissioner, A, E. Forget, Regina. Chief Inspector of Indian Ayeneien, T. P. Wadsworth, Regina. Inspector of Indian Agencies, A. McOibbon, Regina. Assistant Surveyor, A. W. Ponton, D.L S., Regina. Inspector of R. C. Schools, G. A. B^tournay, M.A.. Regina. Storekeepers, W. B. Pocklington, Regina ; John Carney, Onion Lake. Clerks at Regina, F. H. Paget, J. A. Mitchell, J. W. Jowett, A. W. L. Gompertz. Clerks at Winnipsg, L. J. A. L6v6que, G. E. Jean. Interpreter, Peter Howie, Regina. Indian Superintendent for Manitoba, Ebenezer McColl, Winnipeg. Medical Officers, Geo. T. Orton, M.D., Winnipeg ; F. X. Oirord, M.D., Mocleod. Indian Agents. Begg, Magnus, Gleichen. Campbell, J. J., Canington Manor. Clink, D. L., Hollbroke. Cornish, F. C, M.D., Fort Frances. De Cazes, C„ Edmonton. Grant, W. S., Indian Head. Jones, W, E., C6t6. Keith, Hilton, Aldina. Lash, J.B.,Muscowpetungs, Regina, Lucas, S. B., Calgary. Mann, G. G,, Onion Lake. Markle, J. A., Birtle. Mackcy, A., Grand Rapids, Berens' River. Martineau, H., Manitoba. House. McDonald, A., Broadview. Mclntyre, John, Savanne. McKenzie, R. S., Stobart. McNeill, A. J., Ou'Appelle. Muckle, A. M., Clandeboye. Nash, Harry H., Macleod. Ogletree, F., Port, la Prairie Pither, R.J. N.,Rat Portage Reader. J., The Pas. Ross, John, Pakan. Williams, P. J., Battleford. Wilson, James, Macleod. Wright, J. P., Kutawa. AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFTICE. Auditor Generui, John Lorn McDougall 1-1,000 Chief Clerk, Exchequer Branch, E. D. Sutherland 2,0.5i> Chief Clerk, Revenue Branch, J. Gorman 2,0."iO Chief Clerk, Expenditure Branch, F. Hayter 2,050 First Class Clerk, J. B. Simpson 1,800 Also 6 Second Class Clerks and Ik Third Class Clerks. [189(1 1896] DOMINION OF CANADA, 99 va Seotia. onalcl, Kev. K.,PiPtoii ornmnd, K., Bear ver. laac, Rev. D.,Oleiu., Shun irbour. il, F. A., M.D., l'Brr» iro'. kh, Geo. R., Yarmouth. It, Oeorife, Aiina|>oliii. iek. D. Carter, RichU)Ucto; Inland. 0. Arsenault, Hii'S OFnCE. Dougall i|4,000 E. D. Sutherland 2,0.W (Borman 2,0.'iO II, F. Hayter. . . . 2,0.50 1,800 '4 Third ClasB Clerks. DEPARTMENT OP PUBUC PRIMTINa AMD STATIONERY. Qtuen'i Printer and Comptroller nf Stationery, 8. E. Dawson 18,200 Aecoutiiant'i Brarteh. Accountant, W. Oliddon 2,1S0 Printing Branch. Superintendent oj Printing, Vf. MoMahon 1,900 Stationery Branch, Superintendent of Stationery, Thoa. Roxborough 1,&S0 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA. Secretary/ oJ State, Hon. W. H. Montague $7,000 Under Secretary oj State aiui Deputy Registrar- General, L. A. Catellier 3,200 Chi*f Clerk, P. Pelletier 2,160 Private Secretary to the Minister, Wm. Ide 1,33(} Correspondence Branch. First-class Clerks, F. Colson, Aeeotmtant, |l,i'00 ; Q. Emond, 41,650; J. F. Waters, M.A., 91,60'). Four second and four third-class clerks. Registry Branch. First-class Clerks, I. W. Storr, 91,660 ; A. O. Lea- royd, 91,600 ; P. T. Kirwan, #1,600. Four second and two third-class clerks. Records Branch. Chief Clerk, Keeper of Records, A. Audet 2,400 And two third-class clerks. Board of Civil Service Examiners. Chairman, J. Thorburn, M.A., LL.D., 9400; A. D. UeCelles, 9400 ; J. C. Glashan, 9150. Secretary, J. F. Waters, M. A 150 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND nSHERIES. Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. John Costigan Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Wm. Smith Chief Clerk, J. Hardie Chief Clerk and Accountant, F. F. Gourdeau Chief Engineer and General Superintendent qf Lvghthouses, W. P. Anderson Assistant Engineer, W. B. Dawson, C.E Hydrographic Surveyor, W. J. Stewart and two assistants Commissioner and General Inspector of Fisheries, E. E. Prince, B. A., F.L.S Chief Clerk, W. L. Magee Chief Clerk, R. N. Venning Private Secretary to the Minister, M. F. Walsh. . ^9 Clerks with salaries ranging fic:n 9400 to 91,660 per annum. Agents— (From 92,200 to 91,400 each). 97,000 3,600 2,400 2,300 2,600 2,000 1,650 2,000 1,900 1,800 Quebec J. U. Gregory St.John, N.B. F.J. Harding Halifax, N.S J. Parsons Victoria, B.C. . Jas. Oaudin Chpari,ottetown, 1 ^ Lord Superintendents of Lights. Halifax, N.S., C. A. Hutching 91,600 Ottawa, P. Harty 1,300 St. John, N.B., John Kelly 1,200 tiuebec, G. D. O'Farrell 1,000 Board of Examiners, Masters and Mates. Chairman, W. H. Smith, R.N.R., Halifax 1,800 Clerk, A. G. Gilpin 500 Halifax D. Hunter St. John, N.B. W.Thomas St. Catharines. W.McIl wain McEl- «"-•'* }\h; hinmey K'.ngston T. F. Taylor Quebec W. C. Seaton Victoria, B.C. .Jas. Gaudin Inspectors oJ Boilers and Machinery. Chairman Board S.S. Inspectors, E. Adams, Ottawa 91,600 Halifax, N.H.. J. p. Esdaile 8t.John, N.B.W. L. Waring Toronto Jas. JohnHtoii Toronto John Dodds Kingtton, T. P. Thompson Ouebeo J.Samson Winnipeg... C.E. Robert son Montreal. W. Laurie Montreal L. Aruin Victoria, B.C.J.A. Thomson Inspectors of Hulls. Toronto Quebec P. Brunelle Ottawa /M. P. McEl- "'"** t hinmey St. John, N.B....I.J. Olive Halifax, N.S 8. R. Hill Kingston T. Donelly Victoria, B.C., R. Collister Inspector of Government Stores, D. Stevens. Barbour Commissioners— Chairmen. Toronto A.B.Lee I Quebec E. Giroux Montreal H. Bulmer | Superintendent Meteorological S~;rvice, Toronto, K. F. Stupart residence and 91 ,600 Director of Observatory, St. John, A'.B., D. L. Hutchinson 800 Inspectors of Fisheries, Sova Scotia, District Xo. 1, A. C. Bertram, North Sydney IfovaScotM, District No. t, Robt. Hookin, Pictou Nova Scotia, District No. 3 L. S. Ford, Milton New Brunswick, District No. 1, J. H. Pratt, St. Andrews New Brunswick, District No. S, Robt. A. Chap- man, Monoton New Brunswick, District No. S, H. S. Miles, Oron.octo Princi Edward Island, Ed. Hackett, Tignish Quebec. W. W \keham, Ottawa, Ont ] ,600 British Columbia, John McNab, New West- minster 1,000 N. W. Ter., F. C. Gilchrist, Fort Qu'Appelle .... 600 Manitoba, R. Latouche Tupper, Selkirk 900 900 900 70O 900 900 600 800 DEPARTMENT OF AORIOULTURE. Minister of Agriculture, Hon. J. A. Ouimet (act'g) 97,000 Deputy Minister, John Lowe 3,200 Secretary, H. B. Small 2,260 Private Secretary, Leon Gerin (9600 as P. Secy.) 1,150 Accountant, J. B. Lynch (Ins. Quarantines 9300) 1,650 Assistant Accountant, F. C. Chittick Archives Branch. Archivist, D. Brymner 2,000 Assistant A rchivist, J. Mannette 1,650 Copyrights atid Trade Marks Branch. Registrar, J. B. Jackson 2,100 Patents Branch. Deputy Commissioner, R. Pope 2,800 Chief Clerk, J. F. Dionne 1,600 Cashier W. J. Lynch 1,700 Statistics Branch. Statistician, George Johnson 2,400 Assistant Statistician, E.H.St. Denis 1,500 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE. Minister of Trade and Commerce, Hon. W.B. Ives 97,000 Deputy Minister and Chief Controller of Chinese Immigration, W. O. Parmelee 4,000 Minister's Secretary, H. P. Buck 1,200 Clerk J. P. Nutting 1,400 Migg Edith Bellord 650 Migs A. M. Robertson 400 i V THE MILITIA LIST— DOMINION OF CANADA. (Coiidemed and i-nrre.r.ted, hj/ the Militia General hderx, to October, lS!>-'>.) ilk ii ' "Ihc (Ijjuecu. Aidk-1)B-Cami' to tiik (^i kkn, Col. Sir Ciisimir S. Gzowski, K.C.M.G., (Honorary). GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Tim RiOIIT HONOURABLK JoliN CAlWrBKLL HAMILTON GORDON, EARL OF ABERDRKN. Goverjior-Getieral'K Secretary: Arthur J. L. Gordon, Esq., of Kllon, C.M.G. Aideg-de-Caiiip : Captain C. P. W. Kindersley, Coldstream Guards, .tikI Captain H. C. Unpihart, The Queen's Own Cameron Hiffhlanders. Honorary Aittex-de-Canip :—lA.-Co\. Hon. J. M, Gibson, 13th Battalion ; Lt.-Col. H. R. Smith, 14th Battalion ; Lt.-C'ol. Hector I'rdvost, 66th Battalion; Lt.-Col. .1. A. L. Stratliv, ."ith Roval Scots of Cunada; Lt.-Col. A. E. Cui len, Halifax Garrison Artillery ; Lt.-Col. C. M. Boswell, (k)th Battalion ; Lt.-Col. E. G. Prior, B.C. Garrison Artillery; Lt.-Col. Phillipe Landry, 61st Battalion; Major Harry C. Shep]iai-d ; Lieut. Hon. M. W. Elphinstone, Manitoba Dragoons. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. (Ottawa.) Mi.MSTKR OF Militia and Defkncb, Ho.n. Arthur Rupert Dickey. Private Secretnri/, Laurence .1. Burpee, Esq. Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence, Colonel Chas. Eugene Panet. Chief Clerk, Benjamin Suite, Esq. Secretary of lite Department, Capt. Benoit. Accountant, C. Herbert O'Meara, Esq. Director of Stores and Keeper of Mil. Properties, Lt.-Col. •John Maepheraon. Inspector of Stores, Lt.-Col. John Gray. Architect, Lieut. Fredk. W. White. IlKAD-Ql'ARTHRS STAFF OF TIIK MILITIA. Major-deneral Commanding the Militia, Major General William Julius Gascoijfne. Aide-de-Camp, Lieut. Alex. Maclean, 43rd Batt. Ottawii and Carleton Rifles. Adjutant -General of MiliHa 'd Head Q.iartirs, Colonel Walker Pov ell. Asst. Adjutants-General of Militia at Head Qvarters, Lt.-Coi. Hon. M. .Aylnier ; Lt.-Col. De La Cherois T. Irwin. Quarter-Master-General of Militia at Head Quarters, Col. P. H. N. Lake. Inspector of Caralry, Lt.-Col. J. F. Turnbull (Toronto). Assistant Inspectors of Artillery, Lt.-Col. C. E. Monti- zamiiert (Quebec), Lt.-Col. W. H. (,'ofton (Kinifst'inJ. Inspector of Knnineers, the Professor of Fortification, R. .M. Colleife. Stafi Officer to Kmiittecr Force, Col. Sir C. S. Ozowski, K.C.M.G. (Honorary A.D.C. to the Queen), Toronto. Siir(feon-(!eHeral,Co\.iMrhylierj^m,M.V>.(Cornu'all,(tnt.) Deputy Suriii'ons-Gcueial, F. W. Stran({e (U.R.C.I., Toronto); J. L. H. Ncilson (B.C. A., Kingston, Ont.)\ V. W. CamplHjll (R R.C.I. , .SY. John's, Que.); C. C. Sewell (R.C'.A., Quebec); G. 8. Kyei-soii (Tocoii^i) '. , William Tobin (Halifax). [I DISTRICT STAFF. I'ROVINUK OF ONTARIO. Military District No. 1, Hd. Qrs. London.—/)!!^//. Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-C"l. Henry Smith; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, Bt Lieut. -Col. M. DeB. Dawson. Military District No. 2, Hd. Qrs. Toronto.— i)flpi/. Adjt.-Gen., Lt.-Col. W. D. Otter; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, Bt. Lt.-Col. John V. Graveley. Military District No 3, Hd. Qrs. Kingston.— Depj/. Adjt.-Genl, Lt.-Col. W. H Cotton ; Dist. Paymaster and Supt. of Stores, Hony. Capt. F. Struige. Military District No. 4, Hd. Ors. Ottawa.— Officer com- manding the Dittrict, Lt. -Col. Hon. M. Aylmer, A. A.G . I'ROVINCF, OF QIKBKC. Military District No. 5, Hd. Qrs. Montreal.— flep'i/. Adj. Genl., Lt.-Col. C. F. Houghton ; Brigade Ma- jor, M.aj. Alexandre Roy ; Supt. of Stoies, Hony. Lt.- Col. G. Mattice; Dist. Paymr., Hony. Capt. L. E. Frenctte. Military District So. 6, Hd. Qrs. St. John's, P. Q.— Depy. Adjt. Genl., Lieut.-Col. O. d'O. d'Orsonnens ; Dist. Pai/uir. and Sup. of Stores, Hony. Capt. L. E. Frenette. Military District No. 7, Hd. Qrs. Quebec— i>epiy. Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col T. J. Duchesnay ; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, Hony. Lt.-Col. W. H. Forrest. IMKIVINCK OF NBW BRI N8WICK. Military District No. 8, Hd. Qrs. Frederiotoii, N. B.— Depy. Adjt.-Genl., Lt.-Col. G. ,). Maunsell ; Dist. Paymr. and Supt. of Stores, .Maj. And. J. Armstrong, (St. John, N. 11) I'ROVINCK 01' NOVA SCOTIA. District No. 9, Hd. Qi-s. Halifax. —Depy. .Military I Adjt. -Geo I., Lt.-Col. I Crtjit. J. E. Cuneii. 0(»] J. l». Irving ; Supt. of Stores 1896] DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. 101 Ui'ciuhart, The 8. Montreal.— Z>ep'j/. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA, ALOOMA WEST OF NEPIOON, N.-W. TERRITORIES AND DISTRICT OP KKEWATIN. Military District No. 10, Hd. Captains, Chas. Owen, H. .McL. Davison, Jas. Brenan, F. W. L. Moore. Paymr., S. F. Hodgson. Adjt., Capt. V- -V., Hon'y Capt. Edmund Cameron. Surg., S. R. Jenkins. Asst. Sury., G. Gillis, M.D. 5th " British Columbia " Battalion Cif^i. Qrs., Victoria, n. C). Lt.-Colonel, E. G. Prior, A.D.C. Majors, T. O. Townley, F. B. Gregory, Benj. Williams, A. G. Sargi- son. Captains, \\. B. Smallfield, R. R. Munro, M. G. Blanchard. Paymaster, . Adjxitant, Capt. C. St. A. Pearse. Qr. M., A. C. Flumerfelt. .^nr(ieo.n, G. H. Duncan, M.D. Asst. Surg., A. M. Kobertson, M.D. No. 1 Company, IA\\% (Qtte.). Capt. J. A. S. Martineau. No. 2 Company, Levis (Que.). Capt., Bt. Major Georges .S. Vien. Cobourg Company CO)i<.;. Capt., N. F. MacNachtan. Mahone Bay Company (S.S.). Capt., P. A. Ernst. Digby Company {N.S.). Capt., Bt. Maj. John Daley. Pictou Company (N.S.). Capt., A. J. Craig. Hon'y Surg., John Stewart, M.D. Yarmouth Company (X.S.). Capt., Bt.-Maj. T. R. Jolly. (Quebec Company ((?ue.). Major, L. A. Hudon. Capt., G. P. Roy. ENGINEERS. Uniform, scarlet ; facings, blue. Charlottetown Company (P. E. I.). Capt., W. A. Weeks. Brighton Company {X.B,). Major. D. McLeod Vince, (Lower Brighton). Capt, J. R. Tomkins. INFANTRY AND RIFLES. Infantry Uniform, scarlet; facings, bli.e. Rifles Uni- form, green; facings, scarlet. Uoval Regiment of Canadian Infantry (see Pkrmanent FoRCK above). Governor General's Foot Guards (Ottawa.). Lt. Colonel, W. E. Hodgins. Major, A. L. Jarxis. Six Companies, Ottawa: Captains, S. C. D. Roper, H. r. Krtunell, E. E. F. Tavlor, J. B. Tyrrell. Adjutant, Cai>t. P. B. Taylor. Q.M., Hon'y Maj. W. L. Heron. Sinyi., A. J. Horsey, M.D. Asst, Surg., Surg. J. A. Grant, jr., M.D. 1 Qi- Battalion, " Prince of Wales' Regiment" (.Woii- '*^ treal). Motto :" NuUi Secundus." Lt.-Colonel, T. P. Butler. Majors, J. P. Cooke, W. H. Laurie. Six Companies, Montreal : Captains, John Porteous, J. A. Fmlayson, Bt. Lt. Col. John Hood, T. F. Dobbin, E. N. Armstrong, W. G. Brown. Paymasttr, Hony. Capt. J. D. G. Lefebvre. Adjt., Capt. W. L. Bond. Qr. Mr., Wm. Simpson. Surg., T. O. Roddick, M.D. Asst. Surg. , Surg. G. T. Ross. 9nfl B^ttttlio"! "Queen's Own Rifles of Canada" ^lltl (Toronto). Badge and Device : A maple leaf (in silver for officers, and bronze for non-commissioned officers and men) on which a scroll or garter, clasped with a buckle and bearing the legend, " Queen's Own Rifles," and the motto, " In pace paratus, encircling the figure 2 and surmounted by the Imperial Crown. Cross belt ornaments : A lion's head, cham and whistle in silver, with a centre ornament on a silver plate be- tween two wreaths of maple leaves (silver) conjoined at the hctse encircling a Maltese cross of black enamel fimbriated, between the ..rms of the cross four lioncels (silver) passant-gardant — charged upon the cross a plate of olack enamel inscribed with the figure 2 with a border also of black enamel and fimbriated, inscriberl with the words "Queen's Own Rifles." Over all the Imperial Crown in silver resting ujion a supporting tablet of the same. Lt.-Colonel, R. B. Hamilton. Majors, J. M. Delamere and H. M. Pellatt. Ten Companies, Toronto : Captains, Bt. Maj. J. A. Murray, Bt. Maj. J. C. McGee. Bt. Maj. W. G. Mutton, J. B. Thompson, P. L. Mason, E. F. Gunther, C. C. Bennett, Robt. Rennie, A. G. Peuchen, T. D. D. Lwyd. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. A. B. Lee. Adju- tant, Capt. M. S. Mercer. Qr. Mr., Hony. Maj. J. R. Heakes. Surg., Wm. Nattrass, M.D. Asst. Surg., OfA Battalion, "Victoria Rifles of Canada" (Montreal^. Ol U. Thig Battalion is allowed to bear the words " Eccles' Hill," in recognition of the services rendered by it at that engagement. Lt.-Colonel, G. R. Starke. Majors, A. H. Suns, E. B. Busteed. Siai Companies, Montreal : Captains, C. W. Meakins, A. T. Ogilvie, Wm. Rodden, Morley Pope. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. C. W. Radiger. Adjutant, Capt. G. A. S. Hamilton. Qr. Mr., Hony. Capt. Andrew Bell. Surg., Lome Campbell, M.D. Asst. Surg., C. J. C. Wilson, M.D. K4.U Battalion, " Royal Scots of Canada" {Montreal). *'^** Badpre : A boar's head with the motto, "Ne obliviscans," in the Garter under it. Lt.-Colonel, J. A. L. Strathy, A.D.C. Majors, E. B. Ibbotson, W. M. Blaiklock. Sue CompaniKS, Montreal : Captains, G. \V. Cameron, G. S. Cantlie, J. S. Ibbotson, J. Carson, T. H. Browne, Hv Siinnjs. Paymr., Hony. Maj. William Foulis. Adjutant, Bt. Maj. F. L. Lydon. Qr. Mr., Hon'y Maj. R. G. Foster. Surg., Rollo Campbell, M.D. ^^i-U Battalion, " Fusiliers " (.Montreal). Badge : — ^^'■'- Quarterly : First, or, a beaver proper on a mount, vert. Second, gules, a lion passatit, or. Third, azure, a grenade, argent, embellished, or. Fourth, aryent, a sprig of three maple leaves proper. The whole within a garter, azure, buckled and fimbriated, or. Crest : An Indian warrior jiroper, holding a bow in his dexter hand, and having a quiver of arrows over the sinister shoulder. Motto: " Vestigia nulla retror- suin." Lt-Colonel, J. H. Bu<-land. Majors, J. D. Mac- lennan, W. B. T. Macaulay, Six Contpanies, Montreal: Captains, V. E. Mitchell, W. E. Findlay, A. K. Shorey, W. B. Converse, G. J. Henderson, W. M. Andrews. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. l)avid Seath. Ailjutant, Bt. Maj. Thos Atkinson. Qr. Mr., Hon'v Capt. W. D. McLaren. St(rgci>n,J. H. Bell, M.D. A'sst. Surg., H. D. Kemp, M.D. yj.]-, Battalion, " Fusiliers" (/yom?nn) Lt.-Colonel, W. • *-^'- 11. Lindsay, Majors, Ihos. Bcattie, Geo. W. Hayes. Six Companies, London : Captain,i,\j. H. Dawson, H. A. Kingsmill, John Graham, F. J. Fitzgerald, J. A. Thomas. Payntaster, Hon'y Maj. Duncan Mac- millan. Adjutant, Qr. Mr., Pro- visional Capt. J. M. Moore Surg.,\V. J. Mitchell, M.D. Asst. Surg., Jno. Piper, M.D. fM 104 DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. [189(> QfU Battalion, "Boyal Rifles" (Quebec). Badge and "''** motto : A lion's head and whistle to be connected with three chains, all in silver, a centre ornament on a polished silver plate between two wreaths of laurel leaves of frosted silver, conjoined at the base, includ- ing a Maltese cross of frosted silver, between the arms of the cross four Uonceln passant, gardant ; charged upon the centre of the cross a plate of frosted silver ' inscrilied v. ith VIII surrounded with a border also of frosted silver inscribed with the words " Royal Rifles " ; on a silver scroll charged on the base of this centre ornament where the wreaths are joined, and inscribed with the regimental motto, " Volens et Valens." Over all the Imperial Crown in silver rest- ing upon a supportive tablet of the same. The pouch- belt ornaments of sergeants to be of similar form, but of bronze, instead of silver. Lt.-Colonel, G. K. White. Majors, G. E. A. Jones, J. F. Dunbar. Six Companies, Quebec : Captains, W. J. Ray, C. J. Dunn, J. B. Peters, O. B. C. Richardson, G. L. Van Felson. Adjutant, Capt. W. C. H. Wooci. Qr. Mr., T. H. Argue. Surg., H. R. Ross, M,D. Asst. Simf., G. II. Parke, M.D. (\^\\ Battalion Rifles, " Volti^eura de Quebec." Badges o^U and Motto: A St. Ixiuis Cross, surmounted by the Imperial Crown, having at each of its angles, Fleurs de Lys, and in the centre the numeral 9 en- circled by the designation " Voltitr'Mirs de Quebec" ; on a scroll at foot, the Regimental uotto, "Force a Superbe Mercy k Foible." Cross-belt ornaments : A lion's head, chain and whistle in silver. The centre ornament to consist of the above-descrilied badge in silver. Forage Cap Badge : A bugle in silver with the numeral 9 in its centre. Ornament for Pouch : A bugle suspended by a knotted ribbon, with cords and tassels. Lt.-Colonel, T. A. H. Roy. Major, Bt. U-Col. Arthur Evanturel. Bight Companies, Quebec : Captains, Frank Pennde, L. F. Pinault, J. A. W. I^Bel. Oso. Evanturel, L. F. L. Stein, Edmond Trudel, Luc Routier, L. Germaim Chaboi. Paymaster, Hon'y MaJ. N. Z. LeVasseur. Adjutant, Capt. J. P. G. Ouellet. Qr. Mr., Hony. Maj. Aim6 Talbot. Surg., Arthur Watters, M.D. Asst. Surg., Z. S. Giasson, M.D. 1 Ol"ll Battalion "Royal Grenadiers." Authority has xUtll been given this Battalion to wear upon its colours the word " Batoche," in recognition of the Corps having been in that engagement during the North-west campaign of 1885. (Toronto). Bodge: In centre on shield, figure 10 with crown on top ; behind both and showing above crown and lO, a sheaf of spears ; on dexter side Thistle and Sham- rock ; on smister side Kose», and in base Maple Leaves. The shield surrounded with Garter bearing the motto. " Ready, Aye Ready," which is surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves, behind which and extend- ing outside wreath a military stai". The whole surmounted by a Royal Crown. Lt.-Cnlonel, .lames Mason. Majors, J. D.' Hay, John Bruce. Ten Companies, Toronto : Captains, F. A. Caston, R. G. Trotter, J. B. McLean, A. B. Cameron, J. D. Mackay. W. T. Tassie, A. R. Sweatman, Wm. Leh- mann, G. A. Stimson, A. J. Boyd. Adjt., Capt. A. M. living. Pai/master's dntiea performed bv Maj. Bruce. Qr. Mr., Capt. G. P. Eliot. Surg., Asst. Surg., E. E King, M.D. -I lit, Battalion of Infantrv, "Argenteuil Rangers" 1 im (/frf. Qrg, St. Andreivs, Que.). Badge : A Mili- tary star, ir the centre the numeral 11, encircled by the additional designation of the Battalion. The • whole encircled by a wreath of Mapl'! Leaves sur- mounted by the Imperial Crown, with the motto " No Surrender " on a scroll underneath. Lt.-Culimel, 3. B. Cushing (C»c/ii)i(/, Cxe.). Majors, Wm. Hoy (Carillon) and O, B. Martin (dishing). Companies : No. 1, St. Andrews, Capt. Thos. Weight- man ; No. 2. West Gore, Capt. William Good (Shretvs- bury) ; No. 3, Morin Flats, Capt Hy. Jekill ; No. 4, Laohute, Cant. G. D. Walker ; No. 5, East Gore, Capt. John Rogers" ; No. 6, Mille Isles, Capt. John Pollock ; No. 7, Carillon, Capt. A. E. Hodgson ; No. 8, Chat- ham, Capt. John F^rle. Paymaster, Hony. Major 12th Thomas lAinb. Adjutant, Capt. William WilliauLson. Qr. Mr.. Wm. Pollock. Surg., Surg. Maj. W. H. Mayrand, M.D. Asst. Surg., Wm. Smith, M.D. Battalion of Infantry, "York Rangers" (Hd. Qrs. Aurora, Ont.). Motto: "Celeret Audax." Lt.-Colonel, James Wayling (Sharon). Majors, T. H. Lloyd (Newmarket) and J. T. Thompson (Toronto). Companies : No. 1, Riverside, Capt. George Vennell ; No. 2, Aurora, Capt. A. U. Nicol ; No. 3, Seaton \"i\'- lage, Capt. J. K. Leslie (Toronto) ; No. 4, Newmarket. Capt. J. A. W. Allan ; No. n, Richmond Hill. Capt. Alf. Curran ; No. 6, Parkdale, Capt. F. W. Brown ; No. 7, Sutton West, Capt. Frederick Wm. Unitt ; No. 8, Yorkville, Capt. .1. E. \'erral. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. J. R. Stevenson (Sutton). Adjutant, Capi. James Wayling (Sharon). Qr. Mr., Capt. J. T- Symons. Surg., R. M. Hillary, M.D. 1 Qf ti Battalion of Infatitry (Hamilton, Ont.) Lt. 1 Lll Colmiel, Hon. John M. Gibson, A.D.C. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Col. A. H. Moore, Henry McLaren. Eight Companies, Hamilton : Captains, Bt. Maj. Johit Stoneman, E. G. Zealand, E. E. W. Moore, S. C. Mewburn, F. B. Ross. W. O. Tidswell, W. W. Osborne. R. H. Labatt. Paymaster, Hony. Maj. Charier^ Armstrong. Adjutant, Bt.-Maj. J. J. Stuart. Qr. Mr., Honv. Maj. J. J. Mason. Surg., H. S. Grittiii. M.B. Ask. Surg., G. S. Rennie, M.D. 1/lf.V, Battalion, "The Princessof Wales' Own Rifles ^l*" (Kingston, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, Henry R. Smith. A.D.C. Majors, L. W. Shannon, J. S. Skmner. Six Companies, Kingston : Captains, Wilfred Ilora, D. R. Dupuis, R. E. Kent,G. A. Walkem. Paymaster. Hon'y Capt. A. J.Sinclair. /Irfjtftaiit, Bt.-Maj. James Gallowav, jun. Qr. Mr., Honv. Capt. W. J. A. White. 'Surg., R. W. Garrett, MD. 1 ^f li Battalion, "Argyle Light Infantry " (BelleviH'\ LU til Ont.). Device and Motto: The Garter, sur mounted by a crown, and inscribed thereon, " Argyle Light Infantry." Within the Garter the numeral .\V surmounted by a boar's head. The Garter surmounted by a wreath of Maple Leaves supported by the colours of the Battalion, and, underneath, the motto, " Null) Secundus." Lt.-Colonel, L. H. Henderson. MajorXy W. N. Ponton, J. E. Halliwell. Six Companies, Belleville : Captains, W. W. Pope, J. E. Walmsley, B. S. Muir. Paymaster, Adjutant, Capt. C. J. A. C. Dunlop. Qr. Mr., Honv Capt. Edward Donald. Surg., J. E. Eakins, M.lK Asst. Surg., E. M. Cook. 1 Cfli "Prince Edward" Battalion of Infantrv (Hj;i'0. W. H. Day. [189(> ViUiani Williaiiistoii. Surg. Maj. W. H. , Smith, M.D. irk Ran^'ere" (Ud. i: "CeleretAiulax.'" i-on). Majors, T. H. iiipson (Toronto), t. George Vennell ; ; No. 3, Seaton Vil- No. 4, Newmarket, chinond Hill. Capt. apt. F. W. Brown ; ick Wm. Unitt ; No. Paymanter, Hony. Adjutant, Cupi. Mr., Capt. J. T. \.V. amilton, Out.) Lt. 8011, A. D.C. Major*, iIcLaren. aims, Bt. Maj. Johit 5. W. Moore, S. C. well.VV. W. Osborne, [ony. Maj. Charles J. J. Stuart. Qi. Surg., H. S. Grittin, M.D. if Wales' Own Rifles ' me«, Henry R. Smith, 1, J. S. Skmner. ling, Wilfred Uora, alkem. Paymanter. itant, Bt.-Mai. James IV. Capt. W. J. A. .'d. Infantry " (Beltevilli; :o: The Garter, sur )ed thereon, " Argyk •ter the numeral XV le Garter 8urmounte. lion of Infantry (fl<'- t.-Colonel, Alex. Me , Angus Lighthall. F. W. Adams ; No. r ; No. 3, Conseoon, Icton, Captain C. 11- iptain A. W. Weest- Capt. J. L. Biggaf. Ijutant, Capt. B. A. Donald Ross. Sunj., ntry (lid. Qri>-, ''>'''■'-■ Desjardins. Major". (St. Raphael), A. K. i)t. and Bt. Maj. R. •!. Bt. Maj. Alf. LefruM- 1 ; No. 4, New Liver- , St. Henri, Capt. J. t. Lambert, Capt. A. Joseph Boldue ; No. in. Faiiinnster.Uow'y taut, Capt. Philippe uette. ■'trg., 3- A. ifantry(ffd. Qrs., St. olonel, O. C. Carlisle. W. H. Day. 1896] DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. 105 Companies : No, 1, Niagara, Capt. H. O. Ball ; No. 2, St. Catharines, Capt. J. S. Campbell ; No. 3, St. Cathar- ines, Oapt. Frederick H. Fitzgerald ; No. 4, Beains- ville, Capt. W. A. Vosburgh ; No. 5, St. Catharines, Capt. F. W. Wilson ; No. B, Virgil, Capt. T. E. His- i!Ott. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. T. C. Dawson. Adjt., Capt. Geo. Thairs. Qr. Mr., Hony. Capt. J. T. Groves. ,?itrgr., W. H. Merritt, M.D. 9nfVi "Halton" Battalion, " Lome Rifles" fWrf. Qrs., ^Ubll Milton, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, Wm. Kern8(BMcKn<7- ton). MajorSfW.P. Api>e\he (Stewartown,Halton)a,nd 0. S Ooodwillie (Georgetoicn). Ciiinpanies : No. 1, Oakville, Capt. J. E. Culling\vorth (Trafalgar) ; No. 2, Stewartown, Capt. A. L. Noble (Norval) ; No. 3, Georgetown, Capt. W. P. Moore ; No. 4, Campbellville, Capt. Matthew Beattic ; No. 5, Burlington, Capt. A. Galloway (Burlington) ; No. 6, .\oton, ; No. 7, Milton, Capt. and Bt. Major, Wni. Panton. Paymaster, J. R. Barber. Adj\ita)it, Bt. Major T W. Fox. Qr. Mr., Laohlau Grant. .Sttr^., Clarkson Freeman, M.D. Asst.Surg., Milton McCrimmon, M.D. '>1 A " Beauce " Battalion of Infantry ("Hrf. Qrs.,, ■^"^'-l Lambton, Que.). Lt.-Colonel, J. Qeo. Bignell Major, Thos. J. de M. Taschereau. Companies: No. 1, St. Vital de Lambton, Capt. Ed- niond Fortier; No. 2, Aylmer, Capt. and Bt. -Major Daniase Paradis ; No. 3, St. Vital tie Lambton, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. Louis Paradis; No. 4. Ste. Marie, Capt. George Morissette. Paymaster, G. L. Taschereau (Ste. Marie, Reauce). Adjutant, Qr. Mr., L. J. A. Rosa. Surg., J. A. Samson, M.D. 9^tV» "Elgin" Battalion of Infantry (Ifd. Qrs., St. ^OhU Thomas, Ont.). Badge and Motio : The Seal of the County of Elgin, within a Garter bearing the words "Elgin Infantry," and the numerals XXV, surrounded by a Maple wreath, having at top a beaver. Below the wreath, a scroll with the motto, "Officium Primum." In rear of all and extending beyond the wreath, an eight i)ointed star, surmounted by the Im- perial Crown. For front plate of helmet, the above- described badge will be of gilt metal, except that the Seal of County, the beaver and the scroll bearing the motto, will be of silver. Lt.-Colonel, John Stacey. Major, Fimr Companies, St. Thomas : Captains, A. F. McLach- lin, F. T. Stacey, W. N. Andrews, W. J. Green. Pay- master, . Adjutant, . Qr. Mr,, Arohd. Bingham. Surg., Robert Kains, M.D. Asst. Surg., S. D. Day. 9^4.1. " .Middlesex " Battolion of Light Infantry (Ud. ^Utll Qfg^ London, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, John Irwiiv (Sirathroy). Major, Robert McEwen (Byron). Companies: No. 1, Delaware, Capt. H. C. Garnetl ; No. 2, Strathroy, Capt. G. W. Marsh ; No. 3, Glencoe, Capt. D. E. M. Stuart ; No. 4, Dreaney's Corners, Capt. Henry Dreaney ; No. 5, Lucan, Capt. Wm. Bryant : No. 6, Park Hill. (.'apt. W. J. McRolierts ; No. 7, Strathroy, Captain P. H. Matthews ; No. 8, Udertoii, Captain T. E. Robson. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. John Stevenson. Adjutant, . Qr. Mr., J. H. Mcintosh. Surg., W. F. Roonie, M.D. 97fii "Lambton" Battalion of Infantry, "St. Claii ^t ^11 Bonleters" (Hd. Qrs., Sarnia, Ont.). Motto: " Semper paratus et fldells." Lt.-Colonel, ( '. S. Ellis. Majors, J. F. Kenward (Watford), Companies : No. 1. Petrolea, Capt. H. J. Dawson : No. 2, Forest. Capt. J. C. Pollock ; No. 3, Widder, Capt. W. H. Douthwaite ; No. 4, Warwick, Capt. Robert Johnstone (Kertch) ; No. h. Point Edward, Capt. J. F. O'Neil ; No. 6, Watford, Capt. C. J. Dolbear ; No. 7, Sarnia, Capt. Robert Mackenzie. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. S. A. Macvicar. Adjutant, Capt. F. W. Kittei'- master. Qr. Mr., T. F. Towers. Surg., Robert Gib- son, M.D. Asst. Surg., A. N. Hayes, M.D. OfitVi "Perth" Battalion of Infantry (//(Y. Qrs.. St rat- ^rDlll ford, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, R.S. McKnight. Majors, H. A. L. White (SI. Mary's) and W. C. Moscrip. Companies : No. I, Stratford, Capt. .S. M. Johnson ; No. 2, Stratford, Capt. and Bt. Maj.U. T. Cooke ; No. 3, St. Mary's, Capt. Da\id W. Janieson ; No. 4, St. Mary's, Capt. Jas. Hamilton ; No. ."i, Stratford, Capt. H. B. Morphy ; No. 6, Stratford, Capt. Williamson Guy. Pay- master, Hon'y Maj. William Lawrence. Adjutant, Kt- Maj. Morris J. Beam. Q.M., Hon'y Capt. Geo. Beck. Surg., W. T. Parke, M D. 9QfU "Waterioo" Battalion of Infantry (Ifd. Qrs., ^niill Berlin, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, J. t. Cov:mi (Gait). Majors, W. H. Cooper, George Acheson. Companies: No. 1, Berlin, Capt. H. J. Bowman i No. 2, Gait, Capt. W. M. Kerr ; No. 3, New Hamburw Capt. F. H. McCallum; No. 4, Gait, Capt. Wm. Picker- ing ; No. 5, Hespeler, Capt J. H. Ellis; No. tS, Berlin, Capt. H. Martin. Paymaster, Hon'y Major Adam Cranston. Adjutant, Q.M., James Jardine. Surg , R. J. Lockhart, M.D. QAfVi "Wellington" Battalion of Rifles (Ud. Qrs., OULll Onelph, Out.). Lt.-Col. W. W. White M »t. C. E. Williau-.o : No. S. Seaforth, Capt. A^ex. Wilson ; No. 4,Clinton,Capt. H. B. Combe; No. 5, Brussels, Capt. R. S. Hays ; No. 6, Exeter, Capt. H. T. Ranee ; No. 7, Porter's Hill, Capt. John McDonald (Godrrich Tmomhip) ; No. 8, Gorrie, Capt. J. Kaines ; No. 0, Dungannon, Capt. Wm. Young. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. Fras. Jordan. Adju- tant, . Q.M., Hon'y Capt. Joseph Beck. Surff., W. B. J. Holmes, M.D. Asst. Surg., J. B. Shannon. O J.< K "Ontario" Battalion of Infantry ("fltf. Qrs., Uim Whitby, Ont.). Badge and Motto : Maltese Cross surmo anted with the moUo"Fjrfc;i«c/ /•«»•«(«*." The reginii;ntal number in Bonian numerals in the centre. Tlie whole encircled with a wreath of Maple Leaves and surmounted with a Royal Crown. Lt.- Colonel, N. F. Paterson (Port Perry)- Majors, J. E, Farewell, J. A. McOillivray (Uxhridge). Companies: No. 1, Whitby, Capt. A. G. Henderson ; No. 2, Greenwood, Capt. T. A. McOillivray ; No. 3, Oshawa, Capt. J. F. Grierson ; No. 4, Beaverton, Capt. C. A. Paterson ; No. 6, Uxbridge, Capt. S. S, Sharpe ; No. 6, Brooklin, Capt. William Smith ; No. 7, Cannington, Capt. C. F. Bick. Paymaster, Frank Madill. Adju- tant, Bt. Maj. James Rutledge. Qr. Mr., Capt. Robert Dillon. Siuj/., Surg. -Maj. Francis Rae, M.D. Asst. Surg., Surg. D. P. Bogart, M.D. •o;^f-Vi Battalion of Infantry, "Simcoe Foresters" (ffrf. •OUtu Qrg^ Durrie, Ont.). Motto: " Spectemur Agendo." Lt.-Colonel, W. E. O'Brien (Shanty Bay). Majors, James Ward (Barrie), R. O. Campbell (Col- lingwood). Companies: No. 1, Barrie, Capt. A. H. O'Brien (Shanty Bay); No. 2, Collitigwood, Capt. George W. Bnice ; No. 3, Jarrett's Cornel's, Capt. John Gray ; No. 4, Vespra, Capt. Fredk. Sneath ; No. 5, Barrie, Capt. J. B. Mo- Phee ; No. 6, Huntsville, Capt. Christopher Peacock ; No. 7, Orillia, Capt. 1. H. Drinkwater ; No. 8, Pene- ■tanguishene, Capt. . Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. Joseph Rogers. Adjutant, Bt. Maj. Jos. F. Smith. , Jarvis, Capt, Wni. C. Vanloon : No. »>, Dunnville, Capt. A. E. Rastrick ; No. 7, Caledonia, Capt. S. N. Davis. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. John H. Rogers. Adjutant, Lieut. W. M. Weir. Q.M., Hon'y •Cai>t. J. A. Gill, Surg. Maj., Jacob Baxter, M.D Asst. Surg., David Thompson, M,0. QQfVi Battalion, " Dufferin Riiiet of Canada " (i»nies : No. 2, Inverary. Capt. Fredk. Ferguson ; No. .'i, Sydenham, Capt. Stephen Knight ; No. 6, Bar- I iefield, Capt. Jas. Byrne ; No 6, Napanee, Capt. Alex. Sharpe ; No. 7, Harrowsmith, Capt. J. A. Amey ; No. 8, Tamworth, Capt. and Bt-Maj. Robert Cox; No. 0, ; No. 10, Odessa, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. J. E. Maliee. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. Martin Straohan. Adjutant, Capt. O. E. Hewton, Qr. Mr., Robert Filson. Surg., }i. I. Bee^ man, M.D. dQfli Battalion, " Highlanders " (Toro/ifo, Out.). Lt- 1-OLIl Colonel, J. I. Dovidson. Majors, W. C. Mac- donald. A, M. Cosby, Eifiht Companies, Toronto : Captains, D. M. Robertson, Bt.-Maj. Wilber Henderson, Wm. Hendrie, J. A. Currie, J. F. I.Iichie, Duncan Donald, W. H. Orchard, J. F. Ramsay. Adjutant, Capt. D. Macgillivray. Qr. Mr., James Adams. Surg. W, T. Stuart, M.D. Asst. Surg., A. A. Dame, M.D. zLQtVi "Hastings" Battalion of Rifles (flrf. Qco,, SNr- ^•'l'*' ling, Ont.). Lt.-Colonel, Jas. Brown (Belle- ville). Major, Bt. Lt.-Col. P. H. Hambly (Belleeille). Companies: No, 1, Belleville, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. Edward Harrison (Ottawa) ; No. 2, Stirling, Capt, J. C. Wilson (Rawdon); No, 3, Sidney, Capt. J. Graham (Sidney Crossing) ; No. 4, Mado<'. Capt. .1. R. Orr ; No. h, Tyen- denaga, Capt. and Bt.-Maj, H. J. Lennox (Meliuse); No. «,Trenton, Capt. A. H. Smith. Paymnster,R. Grass (Trenton). Adjutant, Lt. J. W. Johnp'„on {Belleville). Qr. Mr., Hony. Capt. W. S, Volume. Sum. Maj., Robt. Tracy, M.D. Asst. Surg., J. J. Farley, M.D, cni-U Battalion of Infantry, "Huntingdon Borderers," UUHI (//rf Q,.g ^ lluntingdn. Que.). On Batta- lion Colour the words, "Trout River." Device and Motto: The Garter, surmoimted by a crown, on which is inscribed the words " Huntingdon Bonlerers." Within the Garter the numeral L. The Garter sur- rounded by a wreath of Maple Leaves, and, under- neath, the motto, " Nee aspera terrent," inscribed on a scroll. In three corners of the Colour, a Maple Leaf. Lt.-Colonel, Archd. .Maclaren {Rockbum). Major, Companies : No 1, Huntingdon, Capt. and Bt.-Maj. Isaac Gardner ; No. 2, Ormstown, Capt. Jno. Gilbert ; No. 3, Rockbum, Capt. S. H. Henderson ; No. 4, Athelstan, Capt. P. C. McGinnis. Paymaster, J. J. Rosa (Onnstoivn). Adjutant, Qr. Mr., James Rennie. Surg., Peter McLaren, M.D. X 1 cjf Battalion of Infantrv, " Hemmingford Rangers" OLiil (Hd. Qrs., Hemmingford, Que.). Lt.-Colonel, Richard Lucas (Roxham, St. John's). Major, John McFee. Companies : No. 1, Havelock, Capt. Samuel Orr (Covey Hill); No. 2, Lacolle, Capt. W. Watera ; No. 3, Hem- mingford, Capt. G. J. McKay ; No, 4, Roxham, Capt. Robert Hoyle ; No. 5, RiverHeld, Capt. J. McG. Stew- art ; No. 6, St. Rem!, Capt. Louis Ste. .Marie. Pay- master, Hon'y Maj. W. B. Johnson. Adjutant, . Qr. iVc, Wm. Allen. S«rjr., Walter de Monilpied, M.D. Siyrtil "Brome" Battalion of Light Infantrv (//rf. Qrt, -"*-'■ Knowlton, Que.). Lt.-Colonel, Major, C. C. Perkins (Mansonville). Companies : No. 1, Abercorn, Capt. C. M. Willey ; No. 2, Knowlton, Capt. L. B. Whitman ; No. 3, Sutton, Capt. C C. Dyer ; N'o. 4, East Farnham, Capt. Clark Hull ; No! .5, Mansonville, Capt. C. M. Bowen ; No. 6, Bolton, Capt. J. K. Latty ; No. 7. Magog, 2nd Lieut. Edward D-inigan. Pai)master, Hon'v Capt. G. B.Hall. Adjutant, . Qr. Mr., W.H. O'Beagan, .S'«iv/., B T. E. MacDonald, M.D. Asst. Surg., H. W. Woal, M.D. ;^q«^] "Sherbrooke" Battalion of InfantryC.^/ierftroofre, •JOIU Qxte.). Device and Motto ; The numeral LIII, surrounded by a circle Inscribed with the word " Sher- brooke." The whole enclosed by a wreath of Roses, Shamrocks, Thistles and Maple Leaves, surmo\mted by a Royal Crown, Underneath, a Beaver above a scroll bearing the motto, " In hoc sigtio vinces." Lt.-Col., . Major, E. B, Worthington Four Companies, Sherbrooke : Captains, E. W. Farwell, R. .las. Spearing, O. K. Addie. Paymaster, Hon'y Major Henry A. Odell. Adjutant, Capt. and Bt. Maj. H. R. Fraser, Qr. Mr., Hon'y Capt. Thomas Rawson. Surg., A. N. Worthington, M.D. 5- U ., 108 DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. [ISPc 1M96] I :i 'i ; I' rj4.f|| "hichmond" Battalion of Infantry (JSTrf. Qrs., t/rri/ll Jiichnumd, Que.). Ba'aj. B A. Scott. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. J. B. A. Lepiiif. Adjutant, Capt. J. P. Landry. Qr. Mr., D. Tall'i Surg., J. G. Paradis. St. John Fusiliers" (St. .Jflm^ motto: Two moose ram- a On A Battalion, "St. Jol D/£I1U jf_ B.). Bad,;«and pant, confronte supporting a Garter clasped with a buckle, whereu) n is mscribed " St. John Fusiliers, " 8urmou;ited by a Royal Crown. Within the Garter a hand s^ensuAe, jUtmant, with the numerals 62 undt ;■ neath. On an escrol below, the motto, "Senijitr ParatUH." Lt.-Colonel, J. J. Tucker. .Majors, H. II. McLean, E. T. Sturdee. Six Companies, St. John: Captains, Bt. Maj. W. ('. Mogee, Bt. Maj. M. B. Edwards, J. F. Fraser, Davjil Churchill, S. B. Lordly, James Mannir S- Campbell, M.D. Asst. Surg., A. W. Cogswell, M. l>. AJ.I-V1 Battalion of Rifles, "Voltigeurs de Beauliai- Q'±L11 nois" (Hd. Qrs., Beauhamois, Que.). Mott. : "Toujours Prct." Lt. Colonel, Joseph Deslauri is- Major, Pierre Boyer. Companies : No. So. 2, B«auha Valleyfield, Cap '«r'/., M. A. Cui Patrick, M.D. ft7f 1, Battalion, "' '-^ H'oodttoc U. -Colonel, J. I Innd), A. D. Ha: Companies : No. No. 2, Centrcvill Capt. J. R. Kirk Harding; No. 5, V Auilover, Capt. Biook, Capt. J. a. D. Perkins ; 1 Paymaster, Hon Uapt. Arthur J. I iltoL Emery. St fiifU "King's C Cliipmau. Majoi T. R. Harris (Ay Companies: No. 1 i. Sheffield's Mi with; No. 3, K Billtowii, Capt. Corner, Capt. W and Bt. Maj. C. George William \ (Kingsto Capt. and Bt. » Capt. Baralay We (Canning). Qr ■'^'iry., F. W. 1 Wflister, M.D. «9th"]^;,;jn„a, il'tjors, C. S. Ci. Hii'er). Compitnies: No. 1, Paradise, Capt. ' tir.inville, Capt. . Williams, Cnpt. Annapolis Royal Hiver, Capt. J. > Bt- Maj. J. J. Bu MilU'r; No. 9, ( (Dei^p Broolc). P (Bear River). Ao ■}l , Hon'y Maj. \^ Primrose, Asst. ' • '^" Ste.GenfWi P' Mas.-,icottf. . Aniauu and Pliili| 1H96] DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. 109 /i*j i" Battalion of In- . Ont.). Devices ami : In the first oiriu r lotto, " (^uis Separ;i vxes crossed ; in tlic )urth comer, a s leiif leaves. Prin: V-.. raveley, M.D. ac»(. : Infantry (//l« he but?le a Maple l.'-'-n J Motto; "Cede NuUis aw of bucrle cord. T!it j ■alf'rowri. Lt.-Colmn'!, r.e, A. U. Cunningham. vx, H. Hechler, J. T ;. Sircom, C. W. Cnii ifcr, Hon'y Maj. J. <;• J. de W. MacDonalii Bishop. Surii., l> ^ A. W. Cogswell, M.l> ^oltigeiirs de Beau!i:ii- hamois, Qu«.). Mot;. : I, Joseph Deslaun 1* Coinpanitx : No. 1, Beauharnola, Capt. Andr6 Leduc ; No. 2, Beauhaniois, Lieut. J. I. Hainault ; No. 8, Vdlleyfleld, Capt. J. A Cadieut : No. 4, St. Louis de <;urizague, ; No. 5, St. Timoth^e, Capt. Eustaclie Bergevln c' Ij«ngevin. Adjutint, . gr. J/r., Ed. Tellier. Surg.,'S. k. Brossoit, M.D. Amt. Surg., 0. Huot, M.D. i»,-i.l- Battalion, "Mount Royal Rifles" (Montreal, ')»Jtll Qua.). Motto: " Nunquam Retrorsum. ' U.- rulunel, Hetitor Prevost, A.D.C. Majors, A. E. D. La- iMlle, Z. J. B. Hebr t. liii/ht Companies, Liontieal : Captains, C. A. A. Li- framboise, M. G. C. E. Ueunoyers, F. S. Maukay, .J. K. Peltier, J. H. Labelle, ??. M. J. Trudel, L. G. De T'liiiiani-our. Paymaster, Hon'y Cap'. J. T. Ostell. Ailjutant, Bt. Maj. Arthur d'Ors'.unens. Q,: Mr., .xllred L«BoiM|Ue. Surg., G E. Boy, M.D. Jisst. .>'('/;/., H. A. Arclmnibaiilt, M.D. /•i>>.U Battalion, "Princess Louise Fusilier'^ " (Waii- OOtll faj.^ y.S.y It. -Colonel, W. M. :< mpl.rey. .Viijors, B. A. Weston, John Mender. Hic'it Companies, Halifax : Captains, H. L. Chipinan, Alfred Browne, Alfred Whitman, Andrew King, T. E. DaviHon, C. C. Hole, J. 1). Ritchie, A. P. B. Nagle. Pai/mister, Robert H. Hiiniphrev. Adjutant, Capt. ;.iiii Bt. Mii,i. E. G. Ki'iiny. Qr. Mr., J. T. Litligow. .»''(rv., M. A. Cuny, .M.D. Asst. Siiri/., E. A. Kirk- pat riek, M.D. 67*1, Battalion, "Carleton Light Infantry " (fld. Qrs., ' LIl H'^ooditock, iV. B.) Motto : "Fidelis Patriie." lA.-Co'onel, J. D. Baird. Majors, G. E. Poyer(flar(- land), A. D. Hartley {East Florencevitle). Cmnpanies : No. J, Woodstock, Capt. H. W. Bourne; No. 2, Centrcville, Capt. J. W. Adams ; No. 3, Debec, Capt. J. R. Kirkpatrick ; No. 4, Brighton, Capi. L. R, Harding; No.5,Waterville, Capt. F. B. Carvell ; No. 6, Audover, Capt. J. J. Kupkey ; No. 7, Baker Brook, Capt. J. W. Baker; No. 8, Ccntreville, Capt. G. D. Perkins; No. 9, Wilmot, Capt. J. W. Willi, ms. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. J. D. Ketchum. Adjilant, Oapt. Arthur J. Raymond. Qr. M., Hon'y Maj. Ham- ilton Emery. Surg., Isaac B. Curtis, M.D. ftOj-U "King's County" Battalion of Infantry (Ud ^lOLIl Qrs., Kentville, N. S.). Lt.-Colonel, L. DeV. Oliipman. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Col. W. H. Belcher, Maj. T. K. Harris (Aylesford). Comixinus: No. 1, Kentville, Capt. G. A. Dodge; No. i, Sheffield's Mills, Cai)t. and Bt. Maj. E. M. Beck- with ; No. 3, Kentville, Cajit. Jno. Redden ; No. 4, Billtown, Capt. Edward Steadtnan ; No. 5, Ross' Corner, Capt. W. E. Roscoe; No. ti. Canning, C9')t. and Bt. Maj. C. E. Borden ; No. 7, Aylesford, Capt. George William West ; No. 8, Aylesford, Capt Holmes Ca.ssidy (Kingston StatiotiJ ; No. 10, Buckley's Corner, Capt. and Bt. Maj. D. E. Koss. Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. Barslay Webster. Adjutant, Lt. J. A. Northup (Canning). Qr. M., Hon'y Maj. P. M. Brecken. >'»(■<;., F. W. Borden, M.D. Asst, Surg., H. B. Webster, M.D. fiQtli "l**' Annapolis" Battalion of Infantry (/M. Qrs., U.-7L11 p„radi.'fe, N.S.). /.t.-Co'oiie/, W. E. SUrratt Mnjors, C. S. Cole (Paradise), Wallace Harris (Bear Hirer). Cmipanies: No. 1, Wilmot, Cajit. L. W. Elliott; No. 2, Paradise, Capt. and Bt. Miij. E M.; l.o. 3, Grimville, Capt. and Bt. Maj D. Wade ; No. 4, Port Williams, Ca|>t,. and Bt. Maj., J. Charlton; No. 5, Annapolis Royal, Capt. G. A LeCain ; No. 6, Bear Hiver, Capt. J. N. Kelly; No. 7, Paradise, Capt. and Bt. Maj. J. J. Buckler ; No. 8, Bear Kiver, Capt. Obcd Miller; No. 9, Clementsport, Capt. Walter Purdy (Deep Brook). Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. T. H. Millar (Bear River). Adjutant. Lt. John H. Charlton. Qr. .'f., Hon'y Maj. W. H. Bishoji. ,Surg. Maj., Samuel riiiiiroKe. Asiit. Snrg., U. J. Ellison, M.D. 7()(-U "Champlain" Battalion of Infan'^ry (Hd. Qrs., '* Ste. Geihwievede Batiscan,Que.). Lt. Colonel, H. P. Mas^,icotte. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Cols. Napoleon St. A:nai;i! and Pliilippe Trudel. 7lst Companies: Ko. 1, 8te. Genevieve de Batiscan, Capt. Geo. Massicotte ; No. 2, St. Narcisse, Oapt. Adolplie Cossette; No. 3, Ute. Genevieve, Capt. Tancrede Iru- del (Champlain) ; No. 4, St. Prosper, Capt. J. B. Maa- Bicotte; No. 6, Ste. Anno de la Perade, Capt and Bt. Maj., J. A. Ruussoau ; No. 6, St. Tite. Capt. F. X. Baril. Paymnster, Hon'y Maj Acliille Reaiichet. Adjutant, Bt Mat. Come P. Trudel. Qr. Mr., Hon'y Maj. F. W. Germain. Surg. Maj., Jar(|iies Pelletlef. M.D. Asst. Surg., A. S. Alain. .M.D. "Vork" Battolion of Infantry (lid. Qrs., F'td- ericton, A'. B.). Lt.-Colonel, 1. L. Alexander, , (Fredericton Junction). Majors, T. G. J. Loggie, H. A. " Cropley. Compnnies : No. 1, St. Mary's, Capt. Jared Boone ; No. 2, Burt's Corners, Capt. J. 8. Burt; No. B, Stan- ley, Capt. and Bt.MflJ. W. T. Howe ; No. 4, Frederic- ton, Cajit. H. M. Pinder ; No. 6, Bligsville, Capt. W. D. Hartt ; No. 6, St. Stephen, Capt. J. 8. beW. Chiii- man; No. 7, Fredericton, Capt. J. D. Perkins. Pay- master, Hon'y Mad. A. G. Beckwith. Adjutant, Capt. J. V. Johnston (Sf. Marys). Qr. Mr., Hon'y Maj. And. Lipaett. iSto'i/., J. W. Bridges, M.U. 79nA "2nd Annapolis" Battalion of Infantry {Hd. I £iUKl yrs., Wilmot, N. S.). U.-Colonel, SInppy Spurr; Majors, C. W. 81iatrner(So«(/i Fartnington), C.Jacques, (Meloem Square). Conwanies: No. 1, Wilmot, Capt. Ambrose Dodge (Salem); No. 2, Wilmot, Caiit. G. Roach ; No. 8, Wll- mot, Capt. J. G. Bowlby ; No. 4, Nictaux Falls, Capt. D. G. Ritcey ;No. 5. Farmington, Capt. J. L Phinney; No. 6, Nictaux Falls, Capt. J. M. Morse. Paymaster, Hon'y. Capt. A. Gates (J/i'drf/c/oji). Adjt., Capt. E. F. McNeil (Melvern Sq.). Qr. M., finn'y Capt. G. D. Morse. Surg., S. N. Miller. M.D. Asst. Svrg., J. A. Sponaglc, M.D. 70,,,] " Nortliumberland " BattAlion of Infantry (/W. < 01 U Qrg,^ Chatham, Miramichi, A'. D.). Lt.-Colonel, Samuel U. McCuUey. Major, Companies: No. 1, Buctouclie, Capt. John Sheridan; No. 2, Chatham, Capt. J. D. B. F. Mackenzie ; No 3, Dashtown, Capt. G. W. Mesereau ; No 4, Black River, Capt. Wm. McNaughton ; No. 5, Bay du Vin, Capt Hugh Cameron, faymaster, Lemuel J. Tweedie. Adjutant, Qr. M., Robert Murray, Jr. Surg., J. M. B.ixter, M.D. 7AfU Battalion of Infantry fHd. Qrs., .'Sussex, N.B.f. I ^l*" Lt.-Colonel, E. B. Beer. Majors, J. M. Baird (Sackville), Bedford Harper. Companies: No. 1, Clifton, Capt. O W. Wetmore; No. 2, Mon(!ton, Capt. ; No. 3, Sussex, Capt. C. H. FHirweather;No. 4, Monoton, Capt. H. C. Haning- ton;No.5, Sackville. Capt. J. A. Bowes; No. 6, Bale Verte, Capt. Ainasa Tingley. Paymr., Hon'y Maj. T. E. Arnold. AdJt, Capt. H. S. Langstroth(A'awHi''(7eu'a«Jfc). Qr. M., Hon'y Moj. W. C. Murray. Surg.. S. F. Wil- son, M.D. Asst. Surg., H. 8. Trueman, M.D. 7CfV, "Lunenburg" Battalion of Infantry (lid. Qm., I OLll Lunenburg, N. S.). Lt.-Colnnel, C. Edwin Kaulbach. Majors, H. H. Griffiths, R. (i.' E. Leckie (Middleton). Companies : No. 1, Lunenburg, Capt. J. W. King ; No. 2, Lunenburg, Lieut. A. Smith ; No. 3, Bridgewater, Lieut. J. K. Dawson; No. 4, Mahone Bay, Capt. G. W. Hamm ; No. 5, Martin's River, (-"apt. J. A. Langille ; No. 0, New Ross, Capt. A. M. Ross. Paymaster, A. B. Coldwell. Adjutant, Lieut. A. H. Anderson. Qr. M., J. W. Young. Surg., G. A. Pickels, M.D. 701.U Battalion of Rifles, " Voltigeurs de Chateau- ' "^" guay"(;/d. Qrs., Ste. Marline, Que.). Lt.-Colonel, Joseph Beaudreau. Majors, Louis Turcot (Xorth Georgetoivn), Charles D'Ainoiir {.Ste. Philomim). Comyanies : No. 1, Ste. Philom^ne, Capt. J. B. Damour ; No. 2, Ste. Marline, Capt. Hilaire Cut(5 ; No. 3, St. Urbain, Capt Ant. Viiiette ; No. 4, Ste. Martine, Capt. Francois Laberge ; No. 5, Ste. Martine, Capt. N. Beaudreau ; No. 0, Chateauguay, Capt. Zotique Beid. Pavmaster, F. X. Roy. Adjutant, . Qr. M., . .Surg., O. Nor- mandin, M.D. no DOMINION OF CANADA MILITIA LIST. [189.i I 1890] 1 'A 77fU "Wentworth" Bat'al'nnof Infantry (//" Dundat, Ont.). U.-Colotul, H. C. Gwyii. Majors, F. M. Carpenter (5(oney Cree/c), Alex. Bertram. Ciynpaniu: No 1, Diindas, Capt. Wni. E. 8. KnowleH ; No. 2, Waterdown, dipt. J. D. Courtenay; No. 3, Uiu- brook, Capt. T. C. Ptolemy ; No. 4, Ancaattr, Capt. J. N. Middleton ; No. 6, SaltHeet, Capt. Marntia Lee ; Ito. 0, Olanford, Capt. Asa Choate. ./4(iiu(an(, Capt. W. H Pi \einy(.*iK Fleet). Qr. M., Win. Roddick. Sunj. JanieB RoHg, M. U. <7Q4.1. "Colchester, Hants and PIctnii " Battalion of In- , / Otll fantry. " Hljjlilanders " (Hd. Qrs. Truro N.S.). Lt.-Cotonel, O. H. Sutherland {MUlbrooh). JUajort, H. T. Laurence. Companies: No. I, Truro, Capt. J. Suckling ; No. 2, Ons- low, Capt. Geo. Rayne ; No. 8, Shubenrcadle, Cai)t. J. L. BamhlU ; No. 4, Windsor, Capt. J. H. Smith ; No. ft, Mill Brook, Cant. John T. Sutherland; No. 6, Mount Thorn, Capt. Wm. Maxwell ; No. 7, NewLarig, Capt.D. Sutherland. Pa]y?rtr.,Hon'y MaJ. I.L. Barnhlll (&'ftub«u- aeadie). Adjt., Cart. T.A. Blackburn (Mil/ord). Qr.M., Oliver Johnson. Sufi/., Duncan McLean. A»»t.Su>y., W. 8. Muir, M.D. >7Qi.U "Shetlord" Battalion of Infantry, "Highland- / UliU. e„'> (^d. Qrs. Waterloo, Que.). Lt.-Colonei, . Majom Bt. Lt. Col. James Maynes (fVaterloo), 3. D. Bulmau {Hweetjburg). Cotnpanies: No. 1, Waterloo, C»pt. H. M. Whitoomb ; Mo. 2, West Sheffoid, Capt. and Bt. Mnj. R. E. Bell ; No. 3, Uranby, Capt. Richai-d Senle ; No. 4, South Roxton, Capt. W. J. A. Oalbralth ; No. 5, BoHCobcl, Capt. and Bt. Maj. Robert Hackwell ; No. 6, Lawrence- vilfe, Capt. A. J. Brown ; No. 7, Bethel. Capt. George Davidson. Paymaster, Hon'y Maj. L. H. Brooks. Adjxttant, . Qr. Mr., S, 8. Martin. Swg., H. L. Fuller, M.D. A»»t. Surg., Suig. J. A. E. Brun, M.D. Ql^kfVi " Nlcolet" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. Oen- OUtU tilly. Que). U.-Colonel, Edouard de Foy. Majors, Bt. Lt.-Col. C. H. Giroux (Sicolet). Companies: No. 1, St. Edouard de OentiUy, Capt. ; No. 2, Nicolet, Capt. and Bt. Maj. J. B. A. Rousseau ; No. 3, Becaucour, Capt. J. A. Pich6 ; No. 4, Ste. Gertrude, Capt. Joseph Pichi ; No. 5, St. 3regoire, t"apt. J. A. Pratte ; No. 6, Victoriaville, Lieut. L. Rheault. hiymastsr. Narnis»e Beaucheniin (Nicolet). Adjutant, Capt. Geo. d'O. d'Orsonnens (St. John's). Qr. Mr., Wm. Courchene. Surg., Henri Trudel, M.D. filaf "Portneuf" Battalion of Infantry (ffd. Qrs. OlsL Pont Rouge, Que.). t<.-CoIon«i, Isaie Dussault (Les Boureuils). Major, Alfred Parent (Ottawa). Companies : No. 1, Pointc aux Trembles, Capt. Alfred Rochon (St. Augustin) ; No. 2, St. Raymond, Capt. Elle Prenette ; No. 3, St. Raymond, Capt. Cyprieii Par6 ; No. 4, Deschambault, Capt. J. G. Paqulu ; No. 5, Cap Sant6. Capt. J. L. Freuet ; No. 6, Lotblnl6re, Capt. V. K. Courteau. Paymaster, Bony. Maj. G. D. B. Watters. Adjutant, Lt. J. E. Savery, Qr. Mr., V. E. Parent. Surg., A. G. E. Beaudry, M.D. QOnrI "Queen's County" Battalion of Infantry {Hd. OZili.U.Qfs. Charlottfioiun, F.E.I.). Lt.-Culonel, Francis Dogherty. Major, T. 8. McLeod (Hunter River). Com^nies: No. 1, Charlottetown Royalty, Capt. David L. Hooper ; No. 3, Charlottetown, ^pt. Daniel Stewart ; No. 4, Little York, Capt. George Crockett ; No. 5, Brookfield, Caj't. Angus Beaton ; No. 6, Cove- head, Capt. J. R. Allan ; No. 7, Alberton, Capt. E. E. Maxfleld ; No. 8, Tryou, Capt. John G. Sheriff (yorth Carleton). Paymaster, Hon'y Capt. John McPhall. .acy«(an/,Bt. Maj. Elijah Purdy. Qr.Mr., G. D. Davidson. Surg., Jas. Warburton, M.D. Asst. Surg., H. D. Johnson, M.D. ' J oliette " Battalion of Infantry(//d. Qr«. , Town ofJolletle, Que.). Lt.Colonel, John J. Sheppard. Majors, J. U. Foucher and M. D'A. Dobtaler. Companies : No. 1, Joliette, Bt. Maj.. J. H. B. Delfausse; No. 2, L'Assoraption, Capt. J. E. B. Normandeau ; No. 3, St. Felix c:„ Yiiluls, Capt. ; No. 4, 83rd ste. Ellzriheth, Capt. E. G. Pichi^ ; No. 6, Rawdm , Capt. J. C. Mason ; No. 6, Rawdon, Capt J. II Rowan. AtHJutant, Ciipt. Godfroi Coffin. Qr. Mr. Donis Giulhault. Surg., Surg. Mnl. A. M. Rivar.l, M.D. Asst. Surg., J. L. Lcprohon, M.D. Q^'1- "Rt. Hyacinthe" Battalion of Infantry (HI. Qrs. TovmofSt. Ilyncinthe, Que.). l.t.-Colvnit!, ^nse Denis. Major, M. MacDonald (Aetonvalf). j-nnies: No. 1, St. Hyacinths. Caplain A. Ci'iti': No. 2. St. Pie, Capt. L. M. Morin ; No. 8. St. 8ii.;i)ii. Capt. L. A. Rousseau (St. Ungues); No. 4, Sortl. Capt. Arch. Johnston ; No. 6, St. Hyacinthe, Ciipt. N. A. Maranda; No. 6, Acton Vale, Capt. L. H. Gauvin. Paymaster, Eusibe Morin. Adjutant, Qr. Mr., David Beauvais. Surg., J. C. P. F. D..>- pars, M.D. Asst. Surg., J. A. Trempe, M.D. QCf 1| Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs. Montreal, Qut.\ OOin Motto : " Bon cceur et bon bras." Lt.-Cohw' , A. D. Aubry. Majors, J. P. A. des Trols Malsons, Companies: No. 1, St. Jerome, Capt. F X. A. Cr\i- riA-e; No. 2. St. Baptlste Village, Capt. W. H. Jackson; No. 3, Laprairie, Capt. Arthur Vincent: No. 4, Laprairie, Capt. J. P. J. Rosevlnge ; No. 'i, Cote St. Paul, Ca|)t. A. T. Patterson ; No. 0. Longueuil, Capt. C. A. H. Lipp^. Paymaster, Hony. Capt. Jose |.li Dunn. Adjutant, Capt. TancrOde Pagnuelo. Qr. Mr.. Patrick Kelley. Surg., T. A. Brlsson, M.D. .4**'. Surg., O. R. de Cotret, M.D, SfitVl "Three Rivers" Battalion of Infantry {Hd. Qrs. OUl/il Yamachiehe, Que.). Badge: A shield bearing in centre, on a black ground, the number 86, above that number the motto, " Ad«um," and below tW name, "Trois Rivieres" The shield encircled by ,i wreath of Maple Leaves crossed at base, upon whuli rests a Beaver. The whole surmounted by a Royal Crown. All in gold. Lt.-Colonel, H. O. 8. Dixon (Montreal) Majors, L. A. Dupuls, John Himllston. Companies : No. 1, Yaraachlclie, Ciipt. Joseph Du Sault; No. 2, Riviere du Loup (en haut), Capt. J. L. Desaiil- nieia; No. 3, Three Rivers, Capt. G. A. Tessler; No. 4, St. Boniface de Shawenegan, Capt. Varennes ; No. 5, Berthler, Capt. F. J. A. Demers ; No. 0. St. Justin, Lieut. E M. Chapdelaine. Paymaster, Hon'y Cai>t. C. J. Coulombe (St. Justin). Adjutant, Qr. Mr., Etigfene Godin. Surg., L. R. C. Lafontaine, M.D. Asst. Surg., J. M. P. Sylvestre, M.D. 8 "til "Quebec" Battalion of Infantry (Hd.Qrs.. ' l-** L'Ancienne Lorette, Qtu.). Lt.-Colonel, V. d# L. Laurin (Quebec). Jf a/or», Michel Fiset (L'ilncienn« Lorette), L. N. Laurln. Companies: No. 1, Ancienne Lorette, Capt. ; No. 2, Ancienne Lorette, C»pt. Geo. O'Farrell ; No. 3. St. Ambroise, Capt. J. Blondeau; No. 4, Ste. Foye, Capt. H. T Pagent; No. 5, Beauport, Capt. J, A. Guny; No. 6, Ste. Famine d'Orleans, Capt. J. Blouin. Pan- master, Hon'y Major T. P. Morin {Ste. Foye). Adju- tant, Capt. and Bt. Major H. Octave Roy (Ancienne Lorette). Qr. M., Hou'y Cajit. Eug6ue De BIoi.<. Surg., J. E. Grondin, M.D. Asst. Surg., W. A. Gi- roux, M.D. QQfK " Kamouraska and Charlevoix" Battalion of In- OOl/ll fantry (Hd. Qrs. Rimere OueUe, Que.). Lt- Colonel, Achilles Eraser. Majors, Bt. Lt. Col. Romuald Tetu (St. Gervais), G. E. Tauhe (Kamouraska). Companies: No. 1, Ste. Anne de la Pocatlere, Capt. Alfred Potvin ; No. 2, St. Paul's Bay, Capt. J. F. X. Bosb^ ; No. 3, Kamouraska, Capt. J. E. R"*- signol (St. Denis); No. 4, St. Pacome, Cajn. P. V. Chaloult ; No. 5, St. Denis, Capt. B. M. Descheues (St. Paschal); No. 6, Bale St. Paui, Cajit. G. N. Cimun (Ls moulements). Paymaster, J. A. L. Labb^, (Quebec). Adjutant, Lt. J. E. Mill (Maria). Qr. Mr., C. T. Dugal. Surg., H. W. lilc,^- don, M.D. Asst. Surg,, C. H. A. Clement, M.D. QQfl. " Temiscouata and Rimouskl" Battalion of In- Oi7tXi TmtTy(Hd:Qrs.Fraserville,Que.). Lt.-ColonH, Louis E. Hudoii. Majors, L. D. Hudon [Quebec) ; David Fr6ve. Cmnpanies : No. No. 2, 8t. Geori H. St. Ars^ne, N.i. 4, Isle V( C'fclle du BIc, S'llile, Capt. IM niiiuski.Cant. < Tli')8. Lebel. . {Himouski). -i Hi>ny. Major I KIset, M.D. J M.D. 90th '7S. Sinjort, H. N. Kiijht Companii Cliuinbre, F. 1 Rowley, W. A. son, J. H. .M liert Swinford, -Vr., Hony. Car M. D. Asst, S 92nd "K Major, Achllle Companies : No St. Isidore, On Caiit. F. D. Tu Mercier. Adj Cliabot. Surg QQvA "Cumbi VOILI Spring Harrison. Afij Companies : N 2, Spring Hil Prftviou.s to th fence of this co Iiiil'erial Govern trcjops In each volunteer militi when called up tmie.s of trouble AfterConfedei withdrew all th( at present only uaval establishn By the British chief of all nava vested In the placed in the ha" partinentof Mi established, the and the tirst Mil 40. The Act W£ but U practlca 49 Vic, chap, militia of Canac mliabitants of ( and under 60 law, this populi follows: — The tIrst clas and under 30, children. The second cl 30 and 45, being The third ch being married. The fourth cl The followin( active service ministers of all \cM ; No. 6, Rawilni , KawdDii, Cnpt J. II. fidl Coffin, yr. Mr., ;. Mill. A. M. Rivanl, hon, M.D. 189(>] MILITIA AND DEFENCE OF CANADA. Ill ■ I Ciimpanies : No. 1, Fraxervllle, Capt. Qeorue LeBel ; .No. 2, 8t. George Ue Cui'iiuiia, Cai)t. J. A. Gilbert ; No. S. 8t. ArH^ne, t'a|it. and Ut.-M^t. Znclii Dlaucliet; N,i. 4, Isle Verte. Ca)it. J. K. Man^eau ; No. &, 8te. Cfclle (111 BIc, C-yt. L. N. Cot* ; No 6, L'Anse au .SiIiIk, Capt. Miuhel Kinnuet (Riinoiuki) ; No. 7. Rl- iii(iuflki,Cai)t. J. A. Martin: No. 8, St. Octave, Cant. Thou. Letiel. Paymanttr, Hony. Maj. J. N. Pouliot {Riimutki). Adjutant, Capt. John Hill. Qr. Mr,, Hony. Major Kmest Uuellct. Suri/. Maj., J. B. R. KlHi-t, M. U. Aest. Surg , Surgeon I*. £. UraudboU, M.D. Ontli "Winnipeg" Battalion of Rifles {Winniptg, WUIII jg„n.). U.-Colontl, C, M. Bonwell, A.D.C. !,1(i,iori, H. N. RutUn, H. M. Arnold. Eiiiht ComPdnies, Winnipeg : Captain$, H. W. A. Clminbre, F. H. AUanlyce. C. N. Mitcliell, H. H. Rowley, W. A. Maehaffle. T. H. Vernor, Heath Jack- son, J. H. Mulvey. PUymaster, Hon'y Capt. Her- bert Swinford. AiUutant. Capt. T. H. BUlman. Qr. Mr., Hony. Capt. R. J. Whltla. Sun/. Maj. , G. T. Orton, M.U. Asiit. Surg., H. Y. Baldwin, M.U. QOnrl "Dorchester" Battalion of Infantry (Hd. Qrs, w^UU St. Isidore, Que.). Lt.-Colonel, Major, AchiUe Cliabot. Comminies : No. 1, Ste. Claire, Capt. A. Fortler; No. 2, St. Isidore, Capt. Jos. Turgeon; No. 3, St. Isidore, Capt. F. D. Turgeon ; No. 4, Ste. Justine, Capt. LouU Menrier. Adjt., . Qr. Mr., F. X. Cliabot. Surg., L. M. Qenest, M.D. OQffl "Cumberland" Battalion of Infantry (ffd. Qrs., "•5' '-I Spring Uill, N. S.\. Lt.-Colonel, Matthew B. Harrison. Mnjor, J. A. Black (Amherst). Companies: No. 1. Salem, Capt. G. H. Black; No. 2, Spring Hill, Capt. Win. Letcher ; No. 3, Maccan ann); No. », Oxford, Capt. Win. Oxley ; No. 0, Spring Hill, Capt. E. A. Potter. Paynuuttr, Hon'y MaJ. 0itant8 of Cauada of the age of 18 years or upwards and under 60, not exempted or disqualifled by law, this population being divided into four classes, as follows :— The first class comprises those age • 18 or upwards and under 30, being unmarried or widowers without children. The second class comprises those between the ages of 30 and 45, being unmarried or widowers without children. The third class comprises those between 18 and 45, being married, or widowers with children. The fourth class comprises tliose between 45 and 60. The following persons are exempt from enrolment and active service at any time : Judges, clergymen and ministers of all religious denominations, professors in colleges and teachers in religious orders, the wardens and officials of all {lenltentiaries and lunatic asylums, i>ersous physically disabled, and any |>erson being the only son of a widow and her only support. Certain other jiersons are exempt from service except in oase of war. The number of men to be trained and drilled annually is limited to forty thousand, except as specially author- ized, and the period ol drill is to be sixteen days and not less than eight days each year. The Militia is divided into Active and Reserve land and marine force. The Active land and marine force is com- {>o8ed of men raised either by voluntary enlistment or )y ballot, and the Reserve force consists, practically, of the whole of the etticient men not serving in the Active Militia of the time being. The period of service is three years. The Establishment of the Permanent and Active Ml'itia of the Dominion, for the year 1895-96, is as to! .ows : Officers and Men. Cavalry— Royal Canadian Dragoons 132 Active Militia 2115 2247 Field Arty.— Royal Canadian Artillery. . . ) ,.,, "A" and "B" Field Batteries l * ' •* Active Militia 1345 1518 Garrison Arty.— Royal Canadian Artillery"! ,7, N08. 1 and 2 Garrison C's. / Active Militia 2462 2»)33 Engineers — Active Militia 151 Infautry— Royal Regt. of Canadian Infantry. 324 Active Militia 28962 29236 Total (of all ranks) 358.35 LKOIHIiATIVK Kl'ILIHNOB, TuROSTO. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. » Entered Confederation 1st July, 18«7. Population 1891-2,112,980. Skat ok Oovrrnmrnt Toronto. LimiBNAM-OovBRsoB, Lieut. Colonel the Hon. O. A. Kiikpatrick, .*1(),()(X) ; Official Secretnrii, Commander F. C. Law, K. N., Sl,200 ; Private Secretarii, Arthur T. Kirkpatriclt, *800. KXKXTTIVK COl'NCIL. Attorney-Oen-ral, Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat «l7,000 ■CominimnnL Delaniere 1,000 Accountant, Lud. K. Cameron Art«' Clerk, A. M. Uyniond Sergeant-at-Ann», V. J. Olackmeyer llouxe Keeper aiul Chief Memienger, P. O'Brien.. 9400 900 60«) 900 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFHCE. | Att'irneg-Oeneral, Hon. Sir. Oliver Mowat ^7,000 Deputji' Attnrney-Uene.ral, J. K. Cartwrijfht 3,000 Legal Secretarii, A. M. Dymond 800 ! Aisistanl Clerk Executire Council, J. L. Capreol, 1,600 Clerk and Private Secretarii, S. T. Bastedo I,7fi0 government Detecticex, J. W. Murray, $l,6.Mt; .1. E. Rotfei-8, *1,3,tO ; Wni. Greer, *1,(K)0 REQISTRAR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Jiegixtrar-tjcneral, Hon. K. Haroonrt Deputg Hegintra r-(ieneral. Dr. P. H. Bryce InKpector, Col. K. B. Hamilton Clerku, J. M. Ridley, T. F. Calla^rhnn, C. M. Par- dec, F. Jones, and C. S. Horrocks Stenographer, M. H. Smith DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Co nu II i UK toner. Hon. Wni. Havtv . 4,000 Secretani, Wm. Ed«anls 2,200 Architect, Kivas Tully 2,500 Jing'neer, R. McCallum 2,100 haw Clerk and Accountant, J. P. Edwards 1,300 Architectural Vranqhtuman. V. A. Heakes 1,400 Engineering Uraughtxman, R. P. Fairbairn .... 1,350 Axti't Engineering Draughtsman, C. G. Horetzky. 1,100 -■l«s7 Architectural Draughtsman,"!. M. Hennessy 1,050 First Clerk and Shorthand Writer, M. Wilson . .'. 1,200 Clerk it- Paym'r ofOuthjing W^'ks, S. G. O'Grwly. 1,0,50 Messenger, etc., C. .\. McDonald 600 [t PROVINCIAL REGISTRAR'S OFFICE. Deputg Registrar, J. F. C. Ussher ... »1,4(K» Chief Clerk, Georjfe Hobbs PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Provincial Secretary, Hon. J. M. Gibson, M.A., q.C 4,(KKl Assistant Secretary, Geo. E. Lumsden 2,3(Ki Chief Clerk. J. B. >lcLachlan l,20(i Minister's Secretani, J- L Mcintosh 1,2,111 OKKICK OK ASYLI'.MH, PRISONS, AND l-fBLIC CIIARITIRS. Inspectors of Prisons aiui Public Charities, R. Christie, 82,60(t; T. F. l.'hamberlain. .M.D., ii?2,500; James Noxon 2,4("i Chief Clerk, .hiiaim 1,3(hi Asylums .for the Insane. Toronto— Medical Superintendent, I). Clark, M.D 2,) 1,200 860 OA.MK WAHDKS. fhiif Hume Warden, Kdwin Tinsley PROVINCIAL TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Troixurer, lion, llichaifl llarcourt *1,0(X> Af/'intaiit Treanurer, W. N. Anderson 2,300 Chief Clerk, V. A. Carrell 1,"^60 7'ivrtx. , Sec. il- Cl'kof A lijoma Taxen, L. V. Percival. 1,5W) OifAiVi-, W. N. Dou^flas, Actinu 1.150 I'llOVINCIAL BOARD Of IIKALTII. Clitiirnmn, Dr. J. .1. Cassidy Sirrctiirii, Dr. 1'. II. Br,vce Aunliint, J. .1. Mackenzie VIerk, O. \V. Duncan Sliiioyraplier, M. H. Smith rROVIN'ClAL auuitor'h hrancii. I'riti'incial Auditor, C H. Sproule 2,400 Bookkeeper, A. J. Rattray 1,500 INSPKCTOR OV INSfRANCE. Inspector, J. Howard Hunter, M.A 2,800 ISSrUCTOR OF DIVISION COfBTS. iiisp(ctor, Joseph Dickey 1,700 LKES8K AN'I) ADMl.NIHTRATIO.N OK ,1U8TICK ACCOII.NTS IIHANCII. Flrxl Officer, Henry Totten 2,000 j Acting Accotintatit, J. I'. Mowat 1,200 j Ql'EKS'S PRINTER. j ifiicen's Printer, L. K. Cameron 1,800 I Ax.^ixtant Qiteen'» Printer, G. E. Thomas 1,200 j DEPARTMENT OF GROWN LANDS. Cum iningioner (if Crown Lands, Hon. A S. Hardy. S4,000 | AKsixtant Commimoner, Aubrey White 2,800 > Law Clerk, O. Kennedy 2,000 Shorthand Writer, Frank Yeixh 1,250 Sales and Free Grants Branch. Chief Clerk, A Kirkwood 1,000 Surwi/s, Patents and Roads. Director of Surveiis, G. B. Kirkpatrick, P.L.S . . . 2,000 ' IhmiqhtKinan, W. Ii«vell 1,300 i Chie/Clerkof Patents, 3. U.GrMxt, 1,400 Sup' rintendent Colonization Roads, H, Smith . . 1,900 I 8 WoihIs and Fnreits Branch. Chiff Clerk, 3. A. O. Croxier i.rsO Foreitrti. Clerk of Foreslr/i, Thomon Southworth, Parlia- ment Buildint(M, Toronto , , , Accounts Branch. Accountant, D. O. Row 1,800 Regi»trar, C S. Jones i|b00 Minimi Bureau. Director of Mines, A. Blue 2 600 Crown Timber Agents. Ottawa K. J. Dorl>> I Oueliec |(. Nicholson Parrii Sd., D.F. Macdonald t'eteilmro, 3, It.McWillJnms Port Arthur — II. .Muiiro Rat Portage . . \V. Marifach ,9. Ste. Marie, P.C.Camphell | Crown Land Agents Bracehridije Win. Kirk \ I'ownssnn I. S. .Scarlett Brndenell lohn Whelan Pleciia A. W. Wood Kganrille . . .James Keeves J'arri/ .S"(/. ..Mrs. T. .McKay Kmsdale K. Handv ■ Pembroke . ..''imes Stewart Kniii R. J. F. .Marsh Port Arthur F. Ruttan Fort AVaHceK.C. J. Hollands I Rat Portage.. A. Campliell " " ...W. Wilson I Rd's Landing. ii. Hamilton Ilaileiiliurji.-3. Armstrong I Sault Ste. . Marie, W. Turner Ualihurton..V. R. Stewart 6"«(/fcur,i/. .Thomas J. Ryan Kingston ..R. .Mnci)h rson • Sturgeon Fs. 3. iKCocMinm L'Anialtle I. R. Tait ; Thessalon. . .W. L. NichoU Magnetewan . . . S. G. Best | Massey Station P. 0. . Mattawa . . . . B. J. Gilliifan : D. G. .McDonald Minden W. Fielding EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. (8t. Jamks' BqUARK.) Minister (jf Education, Hun. G. W. Ross, I.L.D.. 94,000 Depulg Minister of Education, John Millar, B. A. 2, IKK) Chief Clerk and Accountant, F. J. Taylor l.OOO Minister's Private Secretari/, Henry Alley 1,360 SeniorClerks,3.'t. R.Stinson, H. M.'Wilkiiisoii.ea. I,3ti0 " A. C. Paull, F. N. Niidel each 1,100 Lilirariand- IIistoriographer,3.G. llo(iit\nii,i.L.D. 2,0(H) Sup. Mech. Insts. d- Arts Schools, S. P. May, M.D. 1,700 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Minister, Hon. John Dryden 94,000 Prirate Secretary, W. B. Varley 1,000 Dep'y Minister and Secr'y Bureau of Industries C. C. James 2,200 Assistant Secretary of Bureau, W. F. McMoster . 1,700 First Clerk, W. O. Galloway 1,400 Shorthand Writer, Thos. McGillicitddy 1,000 AORICI'LTIRAL COLLEOK, GUELril. President, James Mills, LL.D 2,000 Prof, of Chemistry, A. E. Shuttleworth, B.A.Sc. . 1,800 f'rof. of Xat. History, 3. H. Panton, M.A 1,800 Farm Superinteiuient, W'm. Rennie 1,200 Aqricultxirist, O. E. Day, B.S. A (kk) Horticulturist, H. L. Hutt, B.S.A (Kio Bacteriologist, F. C. Harrison, B.S.A 900 Prof, of Dairying, II. H. Dean, B.S.A 1,400 Lecturer on Agriculture, R. F. Holtennami Prof, of Veterinary Science, 3. H. Reed, V.S 950 Asst. Resident Master, 3. B. Reynolds, B.A 1,000 Kxperimentalist, C. A. Zavitz, B.S.A 1,,500 Poultiy Manager, L. G. Jarvis Assistant Chemist, R. llarcourt, B.S.A 700 Drill Instructor. Capt. W. Clarke 300 Physician, W. (). Stewart, M.D 300 Bursar, A McCalluni 1,000 Stenographer, G. A. Putnam (KK' ONTARIO FACTORIES INSI'EUTOHH. Robert Barber, Parliament Building's. Toronto. . . J. R. Brown, Parliament Buildings, Toronto (>. A. Roc(Hie, Orleans, Ont .Miss Marfjaret Carlyle,Parliament BIdgs., Toronto I.M.MIORATION OKKICB. Secretary, David Spence 1,300 Agent in Liverpool, P. Byrne 2,360 m 114 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. [1890 »: iM\:' If i!f HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY— PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ^ EIGHTH LEGISLATURE. Iitb., Liberal ; Con., Conservotivc ; Pa*., Patron ; /«d., Independent ; P.P.^., Protestant Protective Association. Note. — The political party is (jiven according to tiie best information obtainable. If there should be aiij- errors the Editor will gladly correct them on advice. CONSTITUENCY. Addington Algoma Ea^t. .. Algoma West. .. Brockville Brant, N. R.... Brant, S. R.... Bruce, S. H Bruce, C. R.... Bruce, N. R. ... Cardwell Carleton Dufferin Duiidds Dill nam, E. R. Durham, W. R. Elgin, E. R.... Elgin, W. R.... Essex, N. R.... Essex, S.R Frontenae Olengatry Orenville Grey.N.R Grey, S.R Orey, C. R Haldimand .... Halton Hamilton,WR\ Hamilton, ER ( Hastings, E. R. Hastings, \V. R. Hastings, N. R. Huron, E. R... Huron, JK. if... Huron, S. R Kent, E. R Kent, W.R Kingston Lambton, E. R. Lambton, W. R. Lanark, N. R. . Lanark, S. R... Leeds Lennox Lincoln London Middlesex, E. R. Middlesex, iV. R. Middlesex, W.R. Monck Muskoka Nipissing Norfolk, S.R... Nwfolk, N.R.. Sforthimib'ld, E. Northumb'ld, W. Ontario, N. R. . Ontario, S. R... POPU- LATION. 17,584 26,028 15,829 17,787 11,406 21,811 22,154 19,675 22,874 20,lfl5 21,807 22,183 20,132 17,058 15,374 18,445 24,932 28,423 26,917 14,689 24,447 21,009 24,068 22,817 24,329 18,216 21,982 48,973 18,0.50 18,964 22,070 20,891 22,5o8 23,332 25,2'J» 32,790 24,586 23,148 35,662 18,434 NAME OF .MEMBER. James Reid . . Coti Charles J. Farsvell .... Lib. James Conmee Lib, George A. Dana Lib. Wm. B. Wood Lib. Hon. A.S. Hardy Lib. Reuben E. Truax Lib. John S. McDonald Pat. D. McNaughton..P.f..4. 1896] PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 115 ARIO. testant Protective [f there should be any DBKKATED CANDl- ! g -^ 1 AND NUMBER | g O )TK8 RECEIVED. | 2(12 6(i 2«!) 2(i7 344 617 151 631 246 345 850 609 187 401 61 366 171 384 49-i illiday 1647 ' earst 1816 I. Kins 1129 Iv 1778 ,6hen 748 pkins 1980 iTs 1762 ack 1401 ;ConneU....1123X Mcintosh... 987/ 1543\ obinson 6 f 1136 1856 X 1923 Campbell .. .1345 ockhart 1585 mce 1334) 1 854 r oil 2680 'intermule...l597 V 240 e ^'^ < I ichanan 1732 \ | -c,q ortson 520/! '«'' lUasrher 1386 I 131 lcUinivray...l646 ! hanan 1334 \| Scott 654 / ! iMedcalf 1433\i .,.3 h 1262 /; -'•* ;echnie 1612 j 789 Korke 119^1 ,4.. lartman 1138/ •"*- 1640 fcand 2158 cock 2011 nith 2248 lilvea 1413 ham 1392 I ood 1732 1676 I onnolly . . . .2187 miller 2313 ng 1933 lancv 2591 imythe IS.W Cormick . .1871 ackenzie 2956 aldwell 1473 arke 1207 1 "ertruson .... 414 / Ison 1626 'ininRton ... 977 ) •iscoe 720 ( lompson. . . .2426 sery 3017 ickson 1881 exander 1887 itch 1858 •awford 1452 >ckl)urn....l635 Fournier . . . 698 Jc 1403 l„ 1403 Ibb 1522) fing 1106 f lnitchell....l250\ 24 / hdinning ...2039 4r 2564 17:i CONSTITIBNCY. Ottawa (S Mem- bers) Oxford, N. R... Oxford, S.H.... Parry Sound. . . Perth, N.R.... Perth, S. li Peterbnro', E. li. Peterboro', W.R. Prescott Priiuie Edtcard . Rei}frew, S. R.. Renfrew, N. R. KuKSell Simcoe, E. R. .. Simcoe, W.R... Sitncoe, C. R. .. Stormont Toronto, W..^ Toronto, E... \ Toronto. N... C Toronto, S....I Victoria, E. R. . Victoria, W. R. Waterloo, N. R. Waterloo, S. R. . Welland Wellii%gton, S.R. Wellington, E.R. Wellington. W.R Wentworth,N.R. Wentii'orth, S.R. York.N.R York, E. R York, W.R poriT- liATlON. NA.ME OF ME.MBER. 44,142 27,037 22,812 18,967 29,602 22,114 16,803 18,887 24,173 18,889 23,972 23,005 29,970 26,597 19,910 19,010 27,156 181,209 20,693 18,648 25,325 25,139 25,132 21,394 20,303 17,582 14,591 13,, 550 23,702 18,337 21,863 / George O'Keef e ... . Lib. \ Hon.E.H.Bronaon. ..Lib. Hon. Sir O. Mowat Lib. Angus McKay Lib. Wni. Kabb Beatty .... Con. Thos. Magwood Con. John McNeil Pat. Thomas Blezard Lib. Jaa. K. Stratton Lib. F. E. Alfred Evanturel.Ljft. John Caven Pat. Robt. A. Campbell Lib. Henry Barr Lib. Alex. Robillard Lib. A. Miscampbell Con. Archibald Currie Pat. Robert Paton Lib. John Bennett Pat. /Thomas Crawford. . .Con. Geo. S. Ryerson .... Con. I George F.' Marter. ..Con. VOliverA. Howlanc'...Coji. John H. Carnegie Con. John McKay Lib. Aiex. B. Robertson . . . Lib. John D. Moore Lib. \Vm. M. German Lib. John Mutrie Lib. John Craig Lib. John Ira Flatt Lib. Nicholas Awrey Lib. E. J. Davis Lib. John Richardson Lib. Joseph W. St. John. . .Con p. 0. ADDRESS. Ottawa Ottawa Toronto IngersoU Parry Sound Poole Fullarton Villiers Peterboro' Alfred Picton Douglas Douglas Ottawa Midland Creemore New Lowell Tayside Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Coboconk Woodville Nithburg Gait Welland Oustic Fergus Hamilton Hamilton King Scarboro' Toronto Junction NO. OK VOTES RECEIV'D 3381 3316 2197 2454 1968 2957 2232 1621 2280 2038 2149 1 1802 1 1978 1976 2021 1 1509 1170 1 1809 i 2494 3401 4007 6073 1688 1785 j 2042] 2212 2579 1993 1318 1 1449 1551 2035 1959 2151 NAME OP DEFEATED CANDI- DATE AND NI'.MHKR OK VOTES RECEIVED. A. F. Mclntyre 1923 ^ T. McVeity 2616 V H.J. Beck 9J Chas. Horsinan 1565 W. Nancekivcle 2073 James Sharpe 1488 G. G. McPherson . . . .2849 Thos. Ballantyne....220i) John Lancaster . . . .1156 H. C. Winch 1520 J. Cross 830 James Gibson 1482 ) Isaac Wilson 397 / Dr. Dowling 1571 I John Teirney 1 j John Shaw, jr 1658 JohnTvtler 1187 W. M. Harvey 1897) W. Lawson 769 J J. S. Duff 1422 — . Coutts 1091 I A. B. Thompson 922/ W. Mack 1405 I O. Fulton 633 ) G. G. S. Lindsay.... 1480 John Armstrong. . . .1743 Joseph Tait 3202 Charles Moss 3996 Wm. Thurston 1415 R. Bryans 1315 1 John Campbell 570 I V. Otterboin 1124 ) F. G. Gardiner 829) J. N. Sipes 1764 W. McCIearv 2488 G. A. Darby 1307 James Parks 12.')3 \ Joseph Hampton . . . 984 ) John Nicholson 1375 James Wilson 12.')0 J. Hutchinson 1714 E. B. Ryckman 1.525 W.J. Hill 2098 394 1014 1658 805 2077 273 470 918 448 91 686 06 74 •Ml 321 434 53 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS AND ELECTORAL DISTRICTS-ONTARIO. Representativta. Conatituenfien. Awrey, Nicholas Wentworth, N.R. Balfour, Wm. Douglas Esepx, H.R. T!arr, Henry Renfrew, N.R. Baxter, Hon. J Haldiniand Beatty, Walter Leeds Beatty, Wm. Ralib Parry Hound Bennett, John Stormont Biggar, AVni. Hodgins. .Hastings, W.R. Blezard, Thouuis. .Peterliorough, E.R. Bronson, Hon. Ei-skine Hy t)ttawa Brower, Cha.s. Anil Elgin, E.R. Bush, Orlando Grenville C'anipbell, Robert A Renfrew, S.R. Carnegie, John H Victoria, E.R. Carpenter, E. C Norfolk, N.R. Caven, John Prince Edward Chappie, Thomas W Ontario, N.R. Cliarlton, Wm. A Norfolk. S.R. Cleland, James Grey, N.R. Conmee, .Tames Algonia, W. Craig, John Wellington, E.R. Crawford, Thomas Toronto, W. Currio, Arch Simcoe, W.R. Dana, Geo. Augustus Brnokville Davis, Elihu J York, N.R. Dryden, Hon. John Ontario, S.R. Dynes, Wni Dutferin Evanturel, F. E. A Prcscott Fallis, Wm, A Durham. E.R. Karwell, Charles Franklin. .Algonia, K. Ferguson, Robt Kent, E.R. Representatives. Cotistituencies. Field, C. C. . . .Northumberland, W.R' Flatt, John Ira Wentworth, N.R- Ganiey, Thomas Grey.C.R- Garrow, James T. . Huron, W.R, German, Wm. Mauley Welland Giljson, Hon, J. M Hamilton, W. Gibson, Thonuis Huron, E.R. Gurd, Alfred T Lambton, W.R, Haggerty, James Hastings, N,R, Hareourt, Hon. Richard Monck Hardy, Hon. A. S Brant, S.R. Harty, Hon. W Kingston Haycock, Joseph L Frontenac Hiscott, James Lincoln Holiba, T, S London Howland, O. A Toronto, S. Kerns, Wm Halton Kidd, Geo. Nelson Carleton Langford, Geo. Ed Muskoka Little, Ed. Alf Cardwell Loughrin, John Nipissing McCalium, Peter D Lambton, E. R. MeDoniiid, John S Bruce, C,R. McKay, Angus Oxford, S.R. McKay, John Victoria, W.R. MeKee, Wm. J Essex, N.R. McLaren, .Alex Ha.stings, E. R. Mol^ean, Murdo Y Huron, S.R. McNaughton, Daniel Bruce, N.R. McNeil, John Perth, S. R, McNichol, David Grey, S.R. Representatives. Constituencies. McNish, Donald Elgin, W.R. McPherson, David M Glengarry Slagwood, Thomas Perth, N.R. Maiter, G. F Toronto, N. Matheson, Arthur Jas Lanark, S.R. Meathani, W. W J/Cnnox Middleton, Jas. T Hamilton, E. Miscampbell, A Simcoe, E.R. Moore, John D Waterloo, S.R. Mowat, Hon. Sir Oliver. .Oxford, N.R. Mutrie, John Wellington. S.R. O'Keefe, Geo Ottawa Pardo, T, L Kent, W.R. Paton, Robert Simcoe, C,R. Preston, R. F Lanark, N.R. Reid, James Addington Rcid, Wm. H Durham, W.R. Richardson, John York, E.R. Roliertson, A. B Wiitirloo, N.R. Robillard, Alex . RushcII Ross, Hon. (}. W Middlesex, W.R. Ryerson, G. S Toronto. E. Shore, Wm Middlesex, E.R. Smith, John Peel St. John, J. W York, W.R. Stratton, Jas. R. .Peterborimgh, W.R. Taylor, Wm. H Middlesex, N.R. Truax, Reulien E Bruce, S. R. Whitney, James P Dundas Willoughliy ,W. A. . .Northumberl'd.E. R Wood, Win. B Brant, N.R. t I OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLy.-Char\e» Clarke, Clerk of the House; Arthur H. .Sydere, Clerk Assistant ; W. T. Preston, Liftrnrtnn ; J. M. Delnmere, Clerk and Postmaster; Lud. K.Cameron, Accountant; A. M. Dymond law Clerk; F.J. Glackmeyer, Sergeant-at-Arvts ; P. O'Brien, Housekeeper and Chief Messenger. ! I, ' LKOISLATIVK Bl'ILDlNOS, QlKllKC. PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. Entered Coi\J'ederation—lst July, 1867. Population 1891—1,488,586. Seat of Governmrnt Qukbkc. LrBUTENAST-OovKRNOR.— Hon. J. A. Chapleau, !?10,000; Capt. H. F. Sheppard, Aide-de-Camp ; Kdouard Delpit, Private Secretarj' ; Walter Lannen, Jlessenger. E.XECrTIVK COl NCIL. Hon, L. O. Taillon Premier and Treamirer. E. J. Flynn Commismoner nfCrownLa nds Louis Beaubien Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization. T. Chase-Cas^'rain . . Attorney-Oeneral. Hon. G. A. Nantel Commissioner of Public yVorks " L. P. Pelletier Secretary and Registrar. " T. Chapais (Without Portfolio.) " M. F. Hackett President of Council. " A. W. Morris (Without Portfolio.) Officers.— G. Grenier, Clerk Executive Council ; W. Learnniouth and A. GOnereux, Clerks; and two Messengers. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. TiiOMAB CiiAPAiM, Speaker. DIVISION. Alma Hon Bedford " DeLaDurantaye " De Lanaudiere . " De la Valliere . . " De Lorimier. ... " De Salaberry ... " Onlfe " Orandoille Inkerman " Kennebec " La Salle " p. 0. ADDRESS. Louis Tourville, Lib. Thos. Wood Con. Pierre Garneau . Lib. L. Sylvestre Lib F.X.O.McthotCoH.j .1. G. Laviolette.Coji. H. Starnes Lib David A. lioas.. Lib. Montreal. Dunham Flats Quebec. Isle du Pad. St. Pierre les Becquets, Montreal. Montreal. Quebec. G. lir.vson, Jr. . ./yift.FortCouloniare N. C.'Corniier. .Lt'fc.Plcssisville. b.\. I.Larue. Co». I Po„tneuf. •DIVISION. Lauzon Hon Les Laure nt ides. ' ' Mille Isles " Montaroille " liepcntigny " liigaud " liougemont " Shawinigan . . . . " Saurel " Stadacona " Victoria " Wellington " NAME, p. O. ADDRESS. N. Audet Con. St. Anselme. T. Chapais Com. Quebec. David Marsil. . .Lt'fc.St. Eustache. CBdeBouchervilleC.Boucherville. H. Archanibeault,/,. Montreal. Wilfred Pri'vost, ii6. Montreal. John Jones Koss.cj ^'f- ,^.""S **" ' \ la Pcrade. Jos. A. Dorion .CoH.St. Cure. J. Sharpies Co/i.Quebec, Jas. K. Ward .ijCoteSt Antoine ( Montreal. Francis E. Gihnan , i. Montreal. 0FFICF.R3 OK THE LEOISLATIVB COUNCIL. Clerk, Louis Frechette. Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Sain'l Staunton Hatt. Clerk Assistant, K. Campbell. Clerk of English Journal and English Translator, R. Campbell. Clerk of French Journal and French Translator, Nap. Legendre. Sergeant-at-Arms, and Clerk of Committees, J. E, Baribeau. [116] •)■,,•■■ 189G] PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 117 imp ; Kdouard Delpit, ionerofPublit Worku I and Registrar. Portfolio.) ' of Counnl. , Portfolio.) ; and two Messengers. i r. 0. ADDRESS. .CoH.St. Anselme. . Con. Quebec. . .itft.St. Eustache. ervilleC. Boucherville . leault.Z/.Montreal. •ost,£/t6. Montreal. lnian,i[<. Montreal, •nch Translator, Nap. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. P. Ev. LkBlasc, Speaker. COSSTITUBNCIES. NAMK. p. 0. ADDRESS. CONSTITtK.NCIKS. .NAME. p. (). ADDRESS. Argentevil Arthabasha — Simpson, Wni. John. . Lachute. Montmagni/ . . . Bernatchez, N . StThos. Mont'y Girouard, Jos. Ena . . Dnim'ndville. Montinorenci). ^ Casgrain, Hon. T. C. . . Que bee. Bagot McDonald, Milton St Andre d'Act. Montreal No. 1. Martineau, Francois . . Montreal. Poirier, Joseph Bisson, E. H StJosdelaB'ce . Beauharnois .. Montreal No. 2. Montreal No. S. liiauharnois... Parizeau, Dainose. .. . . Montreal. Bellechasse — Turjfeon, Adelard N.-D. de Levis. MonfrMl No. /,. Morris, Hon. Alex'r W . Montreal. Berthier Allard, Victor Berthierville. Montreal No. 'i. Hall, Hon. J. S . Montreal. Mercier, Hon. Honors England, Rufus N . Montreal. Knowlton. Montr/al Nu. (1. Napier ville Brome Ste-Marie, Louis . St. Henii. Chambln Taillon, Hon. L. O . . . Montreal. Nicolet Beaubien, Hon. L . Montreal. Champlain Grenier, Dr. Pierre... St. Maurice. Ottawa Tetreau, Neree . Hull. Charlevoix Morin, Joseph Baie St. Paul. Puntiac Gillies, David . Uraeside. Chateawjiiay . . Greig, William SteMal.dOrm. Portnviif Tessier, Jules . (iuebec. Chicout.etSag. Petit, Honore Chicoutimi. Quebec (Centre} . Chautcauvert, V . Quebec. Compton Quebec, (Comte) Kitzpatrick, Chas. . . . . Quebec. Dextx- Montagu's Beauchanip, Ben] St. Hennas. Qu(bee-Est .... Shehyn, Hon. Jos . . . . Quebec. Dorchester Pelletier, Hon. L. P . . Quebec. QuH)ec-Ouest.. . C'arbray, Felix . Quebec. Drummond . . . Cooke, Peter Joseph . . Montreal. liicheliext Lacouture, Louis . Sorel. Gaspi Flynn, Hon. E. J . Villeneuve, Jos. . . . . Quebec. Richmond B*dard, Joseph . Richmond. Hochelaga . StJ-BtedeMon Rimouski Tessier, Auguste . Rimouski. Huntingdon.. . . Stephens, Geo. W . Montn'al. Rouville Girard, Alfred . Marieville. Iberville . Gosselin, F. (flls) . St. Alexandre. St. Uijaeinthe. Cartier, Dr. A. P . Ste. Madeleine. Jat^ues-Cartier JoUette . DescarrieB, Jos. A. . . . . Lachine. St. Jean Marchard, Hon. F. G. . StJ.d'Iberville . Tellier, Jos. M . Joliette. St. Maurice ... Duple88i8,L.T.N.L . . . . Trois-Riviferes. Kamouraska . . . Desjardins, C. A St And. de Kani St. Sauveur . . . Parent, S. Napoleon . . . St. Sauveur. Lac St. Jean... . Oirard, Joseph . St. Gedt'on. Shefford Savaria. Adolphe F. . . . Waterloo. Laprairie . Doyon, Cyrille . St. Isidore. Sheibrooke .... Panneton, L. E . Sherbrooke. L'Assomption . . Marion, Joseph . St. P. I'Ermite. Sondanqes . . . Bourbonnais, A. . . . . Montreal. Laval . LeBlanc, Pierre Ev . . . Montreal. Stanstead Hackett, Hon. M. F. . . Stanstead. Levis . Baker, Ignace A . St. Nicholas. Timiscouata. . . . Rioux, Napoleon . Trois-Pistoles. L' Islet . Dechene, F. G. JI . . . . . Quebec. Tirrebonne . Nantel, Hon. G. A . . . . Montreal. Lotbiniire . Laliberte, E. Hip .... . Warwick. Triiix-Rivi^res . . Normand, T. E . Three Rivers. Maskinongi . . . . Caron, Hector . St. Leon. Vaudieuil . Cholette, Hilaire . Rigaud. Matane . Pinault, L. F . Quebec. Vercheres . Lussier, A. A. E. E . . . . Varennes. Migantic . King, James . Quebec. Wolfe . Chicoyne, Jer6me A. . . Sherbrooke. Missimquoi. . . . Montcalm . Spencer, Elijah E . Frelighsburg. Yainaska . Gladu, Victor . St.Fran.duLao . Magnan, Octave . St. Alexis. Officers of tub Lroislativb Assembly. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, L. O. Desjardins. Sergeant-at-Ani\«, Dr. Gedeon Laroque. Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms, Jos. Laroque. Asst. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, A. C. Guilbaull. Deputy Cleric, Clerk of the English Journal and Records, Paul E. Smith. Asst. Clerk of the English Journal. Alfred K. Austin. Clerk of French Journal and Petitions, etc., Louis Fortier. Assistant Clerk of French Journal and Petitions, etc., A. J. MacDoniUd. Accountant, Laurent Sinioneau. Clerks of the Private Bills Committee and Permanent Orders, Edouard Lemoine, Chai les Delagrave. Chief French Translator, Leon Ledieu. Assistant French Translators, Ernest Tremblay, Honore Joannette. Chief English Tramlator, Crawford Lindsay. Asst. English Translators, E. R. AUeyn, Jos. E. Treffry. Clerk of Votes and Proceedings, N. F. de St. Maurice. A sst. Clerk of Votes and Proceedings, Achillas Mercier. Clerk of Committees. E. Lemoine. Clerk of Printing and Records, Chs. Pageau. Stationery, Patrick Kerwin. Postmaster, Z. Duhamel. Asst. Postmaster, Victor Lacroix. Chief Copying Clerk, P. P. Daunais. Clerk in Chancery, L. G. Desjardins. Chief Messenger, Ph. Simard. Library. Librarian, N. E. Dionne. Clerks, Joseph TruJel and Joseph Desjanlins. Law Clerk's Office. Law Clerk, L. J. Cannon. Special Officers at Law, J. H. Oliver, C. Lanctot. PROVINCIAL REQISTRAR'S OFFICE. Provincial Registrar, Hon. L. P. Pelletier. Deputy Registrar, Jos Boivin. Secretary to the Registrar, T. Nap. Pelletier. Clerks, Alfred Siniard, Pierre Gagnon. Clerk of Archives, Eudore Evanturel. BOARD OF HEALTH, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 7(! St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. President, E. P. Laohapelle, M.U., Montreal. Secretary, Elzdar Pelletier, M.D., Montreal. Inspector of Health, J. A. Boaudry, M.D., Montreal. liacteriolmiist, Wyatt Johnston, M.I)., Montreal. Chemist, R. F. Ruttan, JI.D., Montreal. Recorder of Vital Statistics, L. J. H. Roy, M.D., Montreal. The President, fx-nfficio, H. R. Gray, Esq., Montreal ; RobertCraik.M.D., Montreal ; Alphonse .Miithot, Trois- Rivi6res ; J. I. DesRoches, M. D., Montreal; Laurent Catellier, M.D., Quebec. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Provincial Secretary, Hon. L, P. Pelletier. Assistant Secretary, Jos. Boivin. Private Secretary, .\rthur Dionne. Inspector of Registry Offices, A. Geoflfrion. Insitectors of Public Offices, Gaols and Asylums, L. L. L. Desaulniers, M.D., A. L, de Martlgny, M.D., and John Aylen, M.D. Chief Clerk, Jos. Dumont. English Correspondence, T. J. Molony. Recording Clerk, J. O. Laurin. Clerks of Statistics, and Clerks of Accounts for Lunatic Asylums, Reformatory and Indttstrial Schools, C. E. Deschanips and L. P. Robitaille. Accountant, Felix. Campeau. Aisi.ttant Accountant, Eric Dorion. Clerks, J. B. Gagnon, S, Bergeron, and T. Gagnon. 118 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. [1896 ' ii'l I M m DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Attorney-Oeneral, Hon. T. Chase-Oasgrain, Q.C. A»»iitant Attorney-Oeneral, L. J. Cannon. Inspector of Ref/istri/ Offices, Aime Geoftrion. Clerks, H. Delagrave, ' W. Chapman and St. George Legendre. Messenger, W. Dub6. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Treasurer, Hon. L. O. Taillon. Ass't Treas. ami Sec. ofTreas'y Board, H. T. Machin. Cook Keeper, Alex. Hyde. Stenographer, R. H. O'Regan. Minister's Private Secretary, M. Raymond. Audit Branch. Provincial Auditor, A. H. Verret. Deputy Attditor, F. D. Tims. Revenue Branch. Comptroller, A. Brosnan. Impector, T. A. Pcston. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. P. Boucher de La Bruere, D.C.L. French Secretary of the Department, Paulde Caze8,LL.D. Unglish Sec'y of the Department, Geo. W. Parmelee.B.A. Special Oficer, .1. N. Miller. Curator of the Museum, D. N. St-Cyr. Accountant, .John Strang. Clerk of Statistics, F. Couillard. Recording Clerk, L. J. Prejen. Librarian and Clerk of French Corrisponderw-, G. Ouimet. Clerk of English Correspondence, W. O. L. Paxman. Clerk of Accounts, L. Lefebvre. Assistant Book-keeper, Charles Blanchet. Clerks, A. Dessane, C. Levesque and P. Prevost. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE ft COLONIZATION. Commissioner, Hon. Louis Beaubien. Assistant Commissioner, George Auguste Gigault. Secretary, S. Sylvestre. Secretary of Council of Agriculture, E A. Barnard. Accountatit, A. M. Fleury, D'Eschambault. Registrar, F. X. Boileau. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Commissioner, Hon. G. A. Nantel. Assistant Commissioner, Simeon Lesage. Secretary, Ernest Gagnon. Engineer and Supt. of Public Works, Elzear Chareat. A ssistant Engineer, T. A. Trudelle. Accountant, G. W. Petry. Asst. Accountant, Elliott Fraser. Inspector of Railways, L. A. Vall6e. Director of Railways, E. Moreau. Asst. Director of Raihvays, E. Rodier. Accountant Railway Office, M. J. Murphy. Registrar, F. X. Boileau. Draughtsmen, G. St. Michel and L. P. Vallerand. Stenographer, Alphonse Gagnon, DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS. Commissioner, Hon. Ed. J. Flynn. Assistant Commissioner, Eugene E. Tachi. Registrar, J. N. Proulx. ' Superintendent of Surveys, C. E. Gauvin. Surveyors atid Draughtsmen, J. Tache, P. M. A. Genest, F. X. Genest, G. Rinfret, F. G'Farrell, T. Rinfret. Inspectors of Surveys, H.O'Sullivan and D. C. Morenoy. Accountant and Cashier, Victor Derome. Assistant Accountant and Cashier, J. Creighton. Superintendent of Woods and Forests, P. Blouin. Superintendent of Land Sales (Sec, West), C. O. Lavoie, Su/ierintendent of Land Sales (Sec. East), E. RouiUard. Clerk in charge of Stationery, Arthur Gagnon. Superintendent of Fish and Game, H. Cha8s6. Law Clerk, .lean Bau£ford. Secretary of Cadastre, G. A. Varin, Montreal ; C. Chartri, Quebec. Draughtsman, L. N. Dufresne. Secretary of Bureau of Mines, Jules Cot6. Mining Inspector, J. Obalski. Stenographer and Typewriter, .1. A. Belisle. Private Secretary (pro tern.), J. A. Lefebure. Office Keeper, J. Caron. Messengers, L. Caron, J. Fiset, E. Grenier, F. L Giroux. Crown Timber and Land Agents. Morehead P.O ..W. Clarke Baie des Peris.. A. E. Guay Maniioaki J. Comeau Hull H. MacGrady " R.W. Farley (sous Ai. Gracejield A. Synek Thurso J. A. Cimeron jS^erftroofce.. Jacques Picard Arthabaskaville . A.Gagnon St. Francis, N. E . .. W. B. C. DeLery Ste. Claire.. J. E. Cayouette Fraserville . .I.e. Michaud iJMrtfliwfci, TT. .L.N. Asselint Mittane A. Fraser iVew Carlisle. .W. Maguire Hebertville S. Dimiais Chicoutimi A. Sturton Roberval G. Audet St. F^iicien.Arth. Poliquin Quebec J. E. Boily Three Rivers. . . . E. Lacerte Joliette J. A. Martin St.Agathe des Monts, C. J. Marehand. L. Jfafrt/)erfra..W.Michaud Carleton W . Arseneau Montreal J. P. Landry Quebec. ..H. J. W. Carbray Oaspi Basin . .John Carter Tadousac Eug. Caron Psrcf E. Flynn Cap Chat Louis Roy L'Istet A. G. Verreauft Mailloux . . . L. J. Tiir^eon Orenville A. B. Filion Chineville. .Hercule Chene St. Jovite. . . .T. A. Christin Waterloo, 0. B. Kemp.Insp. Western Sec. CORPORATION OF LAND SURVEYORS OF THR PROVIKCR OF QURBBC. (Incorporated by Act 45 Vic. Chap. 16.) Honorary Member, Hon. Commissaire des Terres de la Couronne. President, Ant. Painchaud. 1st Vice-President, W. McLea Walbank. 3nd V^ice-President, P. H. Dumais. Secretary-Treasurer, C. E. Gauvin. Syndic, George Roy. Thos. Breen, J. N. Gastonguay, P. C. Talbot, Jog. E. Sirois, John Sullivan. D. C Morency, Jos. P. B. Cas- grain, Jos. E. Mailhot, J. Ls. .Michaud, F. X. Genest. QUEEN'S PRINTER'S OFFICE Queen's Printer, C. F. Langlois. Boole Keeper, C. Pageau . Clerk, Ed. Trudelle. Messenger, J. N. Bourre. PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. Entered Confederation 1st July, 1865. Population 181)1, 321,204. Skat of Government— Frbdkrictok. LiKi'TRNANT-GovERNOR— The Hon. John James Eraser, $0,000. Major Gordon, I.S.C, Lieut. -Col. Armstrong, N. B. Artillery, Capt. Henry Montgomery Campbell, Aides-de-Canip. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Premier and Attorney-General, Hon. A. G. Blair $2,100 Provincial Secretary, Hon. J. Mitchell 2,100 Surveyor-General, Hon. L. J. Tweedie 1,700 Chief Comvii.^. Public Wocfcs-.Hon.H.K.Emmerson 1,700 Agent-General for New Brunswick in Great Britain, Hon. James I. Fellows, GO Holburn Viaduct, London. Solicitor-General, Hon. A. S. White 11,200 Member of Cnvncil, Hon. Albert T. Dunn Member of Council, Hon. C. H. Labillois 1S96] COUNTY Albert... Carleton. Charlotte . Kent . . . Kings . . eONSTITUBNCIl Avondale . . Beautiful Pi Birtle Brandon Cit\ Carillon ', Ci/press Dauphin . . Deloraine . . . Dennis Emer.'ion . . . . Eildonan .... Kilhirney , , . Lakeside . . . , Lansdoivne., Leirrandrye Lome Manitnu . . . . Minnedosa . . Mnrden Morris m. 1896] NEW BRUNSWICK — MANITOBA. 119 LOWN LANDS. , Gauvin. Tache, P. M. A. Genest, Farrell, T. Rinfret. fun and D. C. Morency. Derome. er, J. Crei^hton. orests, P. Blouin. ?«c. West), C. O. Lavoie. lec. Hast), E. Rouillard. rthur Gagnon. ne, H. Chassi. n, Montreal ; C. Chartri, Jules CoW. . A. Belisle. A. Lefebure. ',. Grenier, F. I. Giroux. and Agents. 'bee J. E. Boily »ee Rivers. . . . E. Lacerte iette J. A. Martin Agathe des Monts, C. J. [archand. Matapedia..VfMichaMd •Man ^..-N. Arseneau nlreal J. P. Landry efcec. ..H. J. W. Carbray ipi Basin . .John Carter iousac Euff. Caron fcf E. Flynn p Chat Louis Roy 'stet A. G. Verreauft illoiix . . . L. J. Tur^eon 'Mville A. B. Filion '(icwHe. .Hercule Chene \jovite T. A. Christin terloo, O. B. Kemp.Insp. t^estern Sec. 3RB OF TUB PROVINCR ic. Chap. 16.) ssdire des Terres de la P. C. Talbot, Jos. E. irency, Jos. P. B. Cas- ihaud, F. X. Genest. nit. -Col. Armstroud;, te 11,200 Dunn billois urn Viaduct, London. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. OFFICERS or TUB IIOl'BF, OF A8SKMBLY. Clerk, H. B. Raiiisford. Sergeant-at-A rms, John B. Grieves. Assist. Clerk, J. Richards. («UNTY. MF.MBERR. Alliert VV.J Lewis, M.D., HOn. H.R.Emmerson. CarUton Allan Dibblee, C. L. Smith, H. McCain. Charlotte Hon. Jas. Mitchell, James Russell, Jas. O'Brien, Geo. F. Hill. Gloucester P. J. Venoit, F. X. Paulin, John Sive- wright. Kiiit Jas. Barnes, Urban Johnston, P. Leger. Khigs Hon. Albert S. White, G. O. Scovil, G. W. Fowler. iladawaska. . . Cyprian Martin, A. Bertrand. Sortlmmber'ld John P. Burchill, James Robinson, Hon. L, J. Tweedie, John O'Brien. Engrossinq Clerk, George A. Hughes. I COUNTY. ME.MBF,R8. I Queens L. P. Farris, Hon. A. O. Blair. j kestiifmiche Hon. C. H. Labillois, A. H. Mott. \St.John(C\\.y).. Silas Alward, C. B. Lockart, Win. I Shaw, A. A. Stockton. i St. John Albert T. Dunn, John McLeod. I Sunbury C. B. Harrison, David Morrow. ! Victoria Jas. Porter, Adam Beveridge. I Westmoreland . . . W. W. Wells, Hon. A. D. Richard, ' F. W. Sumner, A. E. Killam. I York J. Black, H. H. Pitts, Jas. K. Pinder, Wm. T. Howe. PROVINCIAL SECRETART'B OFFICE. Prvi: Sec'y A- Receiver-Gen'l, Hon. J. Mitchell . . $2,100 Deputy Provincial Secretary, R. W. L. Tibbits . . 1,400 Deputy Receiver-General, G. N. Babbit 1,500 Clerks, E. Hanson, T. Otty Crookshank, C. Ster- ling Brannens 800 ^URVETOR-OENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Surveyor-General, Hon. L. J. Tweedie $1,700 Deputy Surveyor-General, Andrew Inches 1,200 Chief Draughts^nan, T. G. Loggie 1,200 Assistant Draughtsman, R. S. Barker Accountant ana Lumber Agent, W. P. Flewelling. 1,200 BOARD OF WORKS DEPARTMENT. Chief Commissioner, Hon. H. R. Emnierson $1,700 Secretary to Board of Works, T. B. Winslow 1,200 Engineer, A. R. Wetmore $1,200 Clerk, G. Fred. Coy 700 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Commissioner, Hon. Jas. Mitchell $2,100 Secretary, J. L. Inches 1,200 Solicitor-General, Hon. W. Pugsley 1,200 DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS. Auditor-Geiural, Jas. S. Beek $1,600 Clerk, T. Otty Crookshank 600 Clerk of the Pleas, T. Carleton Allen Deputy Clerk of the Pleas, Robt. T. Wetmore Librarian, H. G. C. Wetmore 600 Caretaker of the House, John Lister PROVINCE OP MANITOBA. Entered Confederation July 15th, 1870. Population in 1891—154,442. Skat of Government— Winnipeg. Lieutenant-Governor— Hon. James Coi,ebrooke Patterson, $10,000. PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE. Premier, President of Council, Minister of Agriculture, Railway Commissioner, etc., Hon. Thos. Greenway. Attorney-General and Land Commissioner, Hon. Clif- ford Sifton. Minister of Public Works, Hon. Robert Watson. Provincial Secretary, Hon. J. D. Canieron. Provincial Treasurer, Hon. D. H. McMillan. Chief Clerk Att'y-General's Department, H. A. McLean. CAt. A.McI. Campbell.//. H. C. Graham. ,IAb. T. n. Smith... L)7>. John Mettle .... Lib. T. L. Morton . . . Lib. H. Armstrong. .Cmx. P. C. MoIntyre.Ai'6. Hon. J. D.Cameron, L Hon. D.McMillan.L. p. O. ADDRB8S Crystal City. Carberry. Brandon. Ptge. La Prairie Morden, Stonewall. Gretna. Winnipeg. Selkirk. St. Boniface. Rapid City. Melita. Hayfield. Springtleld. Boissevain. Gla»ia>i, Most Rev. Metro^iolitan of Rupert's Land. Secretary, \)t. Blakely, Winnipeg. Rev. Dr. Bryce, R. R. Cochrane, Dr. E. W. Montgomery, D. Mclntyre, Winnipeg; J. D. Hunt, G. D. Wilson, Uranrlon. MUiJICIPAL COMMISSIONRR'S OFFICE. Commissioner, Hon. J. D. Cameron. Chief Clerk, E. M. Wood. 1896] LKOiaLATivR BU1LDIN08, IJKiTiMii COLUMBIA (Under Construction). PROVINCE OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. Entered Confederation July 20th, 1871. Population 1891—97,613. Skat of Governmknt Victoria, V. I. LiBUTgNANT-GovBRSOR— Hon. Edffaf Dewdney, 89,000. Private Secretary, E. A. Jacob, 81,200. BXKCUTIVK COUNCIL. President Hon. C. E. Pooley. Attorney-General .0 Clerk of Executive Council, Hon. D. SI. Eberts, Q.C 84,000 Chi^ Commissioner of Lands li: Works, Hon. G. B. Martin 4,000 Premier and Min. of Finance & Agriculture, Hon. J. H. Turner 85,000 Min. of Education cfc Immigration, Proo. Sec. & Min. of Mines, Hon. Jas. Baker 4,000 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. D. W. Higfgins, Speaker, 8fi00. Thornton Fell, Clerk of Legislative Assembly, 8600. 00N8TITUBNCIRS. NAHB. P. O. ADDRE8H. Cariboo . . Cassiar Chilliwhack Comox Coivichan- f Alberni \ Delta Dewdney Esquimau . . . -{ Eootenay North. South. East.. Lillooet East . . . " We^t... Nanaimo City.. S. A. Rogers Barlcerville v\'in. Adams LightningCre'k John Irving Victoria Thos. E. Kitchen Chilliwhack Joseph L. Hunter Victoria Election pending " Major Mutter " Thomas Forster Clayton C. B. Sword Matsqui Hon. D. \V. Higgiiis . . Victoria C. E. Pooley " J. M . Kellie Revelstoke ■ J. F. Hume Nelson j Hon Jas. Baker Victoria i D. A. Stodrtart Clinton A. W. Smith Lillooet Jas. McGregor Nanaimo 1 Members' Sessional Allow CONaXITUBXCIRS. NanaimoNorth, South. jV. Westmins- \ ter City .. . . j Richmond Vaneouv'rCityl Victoria City. J. Victoria North . South . Yale North .... " East " West NAMB. P. O. ADDRR88. J. Brydon Wellington W. W. VValkens Nanaimo J. B. Kennedy N. Westnunis'er Thos. Kidd Lulu Island F. C. Cotton Vancouver A.Williams " R. McPherson " R. P. Rithet Victoria Hon. J. H. Turner " H. D. Helmcken " J. Braden " J. P. Booth Vesuvius Baj- Hon. D. M. Eberts Victoria Hon. G. B. Martin So'thThompsii Donald Graham Armstrong C. A. Semlin Cache Creek ance 3600 and Mileage. ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Attorney-Qeneral, Hon. D. M. Eberts, Q.C Deputy Attorney-General, Arthur G. Smith. . . Registrar General of Titles, C. J. Leggatt . . . . Dep. Reg. Neiv Westminister, C. S. Corrigan . . " " FancoMeer, T. O. Townley 84,000 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 LAND AND WORKS DEPARTHEN'; Chief Commissioner, Hon. G, B. Martin 84,000 Deputy Commissioner, W. S. Gore 2,400 Draughtsman, B. H. John 1,320 Clerk of Records, S. Phipps 1,320 [120] PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Provincial Secretary, Hon. James Baker 84,000 Deputy Provincial Secretary, A. C. Reddie 2,040 Superintendent Printing Branch, R. Wolfenden. 2,lt)0 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Min. of Fin. ife A<)riculture, Hon. J. H. Turner. . 84,000 Dcputii Treasurer, A. Flett 2,280 Auditor, J. McB. Smith 2,280 EDUCATION & IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT. Minister of Edu'n it Immigration and Minister of Mines, Hon. Jas. Baker 84,000 Supt. of Education, S. D. Pope 2,400 Inspector of Schools, D. Wilson 1,800 A ttorney-Osri Provincial S and Com. o Commis. of P Member of Co Attorne;/ Gem I'rovinrial Si Lamis, Ho Draughtsman Clerks, R. Sm Asst. Prov. Si A. Newbery Com. of Pub. Sec. of Pub. Draughtsman Prov. Auditor DISTRICl Quken's Co. Charlottetoun First District Second Distri Third District Fourth Distri King's Cc- First District Second Distrii Third District Lieutenant- President of t Provincial i Attorney-Gene Com. of Works Retired Mei ilajesty.—Ho] President of L Clerk of Legisl CRO Commissioner Chief Clerk, Ji DEFARTME Provincial Sec. Deputy Secreti Marriage Lice Provincial Cat Secretary for u Provincial Ve\ 1896] PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND — NOVA SCOTIA. 121 =3S s;->^" [A. \. Jacob, $1,200. le ifc Agriculture, ffl.OOO lion, Proi). Sec. 0 JITMENT. I. J. H. Turner.. #4,000 2,280 2,280 [ON DEPARTMENT. 711 and Minister $4,000 2,400 1,800 PROVINCE OP PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Entered Confederation Ist July, 1873. Population, 1891—109,088. Skat of Oovern.mb.vt— Cuarlottstown. LiKUTBNANT-GovRRNOR Hon. Oeo. W. Howlan, Esq., $7,000, ExKcuTivB Council. Attoniey-Gsneral, Prexulent Hon. Fred'k Peters Provincial Secretary -Treaiurer and Com. of Pub. Landx " A. Macniillan Commis. of Public Works " Jas. R, McLean Member of Council " D. Farquharson '* " Ale.x. Laird Member of Council Hon. Peter .Sinclair " " Jas. W. Richard* " " " George Forbes " " •' A. .McLaughlin Clerk, Arthur Ne\vber>'. Provincial Attorney General, Hon. Frederick Peters $ Provincial Secy.-Treas. and Com. of Public Lamis, Hon. Angus Mactnillan Draughtsman, Thos. May Clerks, U. Smith, James Dalling Asst. Prov. Sec. -Trcas. and Clerk Exec. Council, A. Newbery Com. of Ptib. Works, Hon. Jas. R. Maclean Sec. of Pub. Works, J. W. Morrison Draughtsman, H. C. McMillan Prov. Auditor, Benj. Balderston GOVKBNMKNT OFFICKRS, 1,2.50 l,2.'i0 600 1,000 1,250 956 600 800 Chief Supt. of Education, D. J. McLeod ¥1,200 Clerk to Supt. of Education, Rev. D. McNeill 6«nj Stenographer, Type Writer and Librnrian, Vim. H. Crosskill 67n Reg. of Deeds, Wm. C. White l,0(n. Asst. Reg. of Deeds, Michael Laverty WX) Clerks, A. Callaghan, J, C. McKenzie, George McKenzie each 500 Keeper Provincial Building, Duncan Kennedy.. Messenger to Public Offices, L. B. .McMillan LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. DISTRICT. Qukkn'8 Co.— Charlottetoun . . First District. . . Second District . , Third DiMrict... Fourth District. . KiNu's Co.— First District . . . Second District. . Third District... COUNCILLORS. ASSEMBLYMEN. .Benj. Rogers L. E. Prowse . Hon. P. Sinclair A. B. Warburton .Hn.D.Farquharson. Joseph Wise .J. H. Cummiskey ..Hon. F. Peters ,Hon. Geo. Forbes . .H. C. McDonald . Alex. Robertson . . . Hon. J. R. McLean .A. McLaughlin Arthur Peteis .Jas. E. McDonald . .Cyrus Shaw DISTRICT. Kino's Co.- - Fourth District. Fifth District... COUNCILLORS. ASSEMBLYMEN. G. B. Aitken . Hon. D. Gordon . . ,.D. ,.A. A. Mackiniioii J. Macdonitlil PiiiNCF, Co.— First District . . . Second District. Third District.. Fourth District. Fifth District .. .Benj. Rog'.rs J. K. Blanchanl .A. McWilliams Hon. J. Richards .John McDonald 8. E. Gallant Hon. A. Laird J. H. Bell .Hon. A. McMillan . .Qeorgu Godiiin PROVINCE OP NOVA SCOTIA. Entered Confederation Ist July, 1867. Population 1891—450,523. Skat of Govbrnment Halifax. Lieutenant-Governor (and Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Licenses) — His Honour M. B. Daly, S9.000. Lt.-Col. H. W. (I'lerke, Private Secretary. executive council. Members withotit Office Hon. Thomas Johnson. " " " "A. H. Cornean. " " " " Geo. H. Murrav. President of Council and' Provincial Secretary. . .Hon. W. S. Fielding $4,000 Attorney-General. " J. W. Longley .... 3,200 Cum. of Works atid Mines. " Chas. E. Church. . 3,200 Retired Members of Executive Council retaining their rank and precedence, by special permission of Her Majesty.— Hou. Charles Tupper, C.B., Hon. James McDonald, Hon. Samuel L. Shannon, Hon. Alex. McFarlane. President of Legislative Council, Hon. Robert Boak. Clerk of Legislative Council, A. G. Troop. I Speaker of Legis. Assembly, Him. F. A. Laurence, Trun I Clerk of Legislative Assembly, John W. Ouseley. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. Commissioner of Crown Lands, The Attorney-General. Chief Clerk, Jas. H. Austen. DEPARTMENT OF PROVINCIAL SECRETARY. Provincial Secretary and rreasurer, Hon. W.S. Fielding. Deputy Secretary, Herbert Crosskill. Marriage License Clerk, Edwin C. Fairbanks. Provincial Cashier, Wm. K. Reynolds. AGRICULTURE. Secretary for Agriculture, Professor George Lawson. Provincial Veterinary Stirgeon, Wm. Jakeman. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND MINES Commissioner, Hon. C. E. Church. Dep'ji Com. and Iwpector of Mines, Edwin Gilpin, jr. Provincial Engineer, Martin Murphy. PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL FOR INSANE. Medical Superintendent, Geo. L. Sinclair, M.D. VICTORIA GENERAL HOSPITAL. Medical Superintendent, A. P. Reid, M.D. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY. Librarian,' ¥. Blake Crofton. 122 NOVA SCOTIA — NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. I t ■ [1.896 ■ihP6] LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, NOVA SCOTIA. C0K8TITIJBNC1B8. NAMB. Annapoli* Hon. J. W. Lonjiley. " Joseph A. Bancroft.. Antigonixh Chris. P. Chishohn. . " Anjfiis Mac'iifillivray. . . Colchester P. A. Laurence ....... Tniro. W. D. Dhnock " Cumberland Thonia.s R. Black Amherst. Alex. E. Fraser Sprinjr Hill. Wni. McKay Reserve Mine. John MoCormack Sydney Minee. Cape Breton . . . Diffby Guysborough , . . A. M. Conieau Meteghan Riv. . . D. H. McKinnon Guysboro . . John H. Sinclair New Glasgow. Halifax Hon. VV. S Fieldinff. . . Halifax. \Vm. A. Block " Wm. Roche " Bants Arthur Drysdale " " Chas. S. Wilcox Windsor. CONSTITUENCIES. Hon. F. A. Laurrncb, Speaker. p. O. ADDRESS. Halifax. Round Hill Antigoniah. NAME. Inverness John H. Janiiesoii . . . " Alex. Campbell Kings Harry H. Wickwiro. . " Brenton H. Dodge. . . Lunenburg Hon. Chas. E. Church " J. D. Sperry Pictou C. E. Tanner " Wm. Cameron " Alex. Grant Queens A. M. Hemeon " Richard Hunt Richmond Siiiion Joyce " Joseph Matheson Shelburne Hon. Thos. Johnson. . " Thomas Robertson . . . Victoria John G. Morrison " Dr. J. L. Bethune. . , . Varmouth Wm. Law " A. A. Pothier p. O. ADDRESS. Port Hood. Strath Lome. Kentville. Kentville. Halifax. Petite Riviere Pictou Merigomish Stellarton. Liverpool. Brookfleld. D'Escouse Low.L'Ardoisc. Locl.eport, Barrington. Knglishtown, Baddeck, Yarmouth. Tusket Wedge Tbft.eHG Co LKOISLATIVE BriLDINGS, North-Wkht Tkrritories. NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Seat op Government— Reqina. Lieutkjjant-Governor— Hon. C. H. Mackintosh, S7,000. Executive Ccmmittee—V. W. G. Haultain, John Ryerson Neff, James H. Ross, Hillyard Mitchell. Indian Commissioner— A. E. Forget. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker, John F. Betts. Clerk of Assembly and Sec'y to Lieut.-Governor, R. B. Gordon. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME. Banff R. G. Brett Batoche C. E. Boucher . . . Battleford James Clinkskill. . Calgary East . .. Jos. liannerman .. Calgary West. . . Oswald A. Critchley Canniiiffton .... Samuel S. Page. . . Edmonton Frank Oliver Bij/h Iliver John Lineham . . . Kinistino Win. F. Meyers . . . Lethbriuge Chas. A. Magrath. Macleod F. W. G. Haultain Medicine Hat . . . Alex. Foaron Mitchell Hillyard Mitchell . Muosejaw James H. Ross. . . . Mdosomin John R. Neff p. o. address. Banff, Alb. Batoche, Sask. Battleford, Sask. Calgarj-. Calgary. Cannington, Assa. Efimoiiton, Alb. Dewdney, Alb. Kinistino, Sask. Lethbridge. Maclewl, Alb. Mai>Ie Creek. Stobart, Sask. Moose Jaw, Assa. Moosomin, Assn. CONSTITUENCIES. Prince Albert W. Prince Albert E. QuAppelle S. . . . QuAppelle X. . . lied Deer Regina North. . . Rcgina South. . . Saltcoats St. Albert Sottris Victoria Whitctcoiid WuUeley Yorlcton name. Jno. L. Reid J no. F. Betts Geo. H. V. Bulyea Wm. Sutherland. . Jno. A. Simpson. . Geo. W. Brown . . . Daniel Mowat .... Will. Eakin Daniel Maloney. .. Geo. H. Knowling, F. F. Tims A. B. Gillis James P. Dill F. R. Insiiiger .... p. 0. address. Prince Albert. I'rince Albert. Qu'Appelle. Fort Qu'Appelle. Innisfail, Alb. Regina. Regina, Assa. Crescent L'ke. Assa. St. Albert, Alb. Alameda, Assa. F'tSaskati'b'n.Alb Whitewood. Wolseley, Assa. Yorkton, Assa. Council of Public Instruction— F. W. G. Haultain, Chairman ; Jas. H. Ross, J. R. Neff, H. Mitchell, Right Rev. The Bishop of Saskatchewan and Calgary, A. E. Forget, A. H. Smith, Ksq., B.A. ; •2nd R. C. representative, vacant at present. Supt. of Education, D. J. Goggiii, M.A., Regina. Secretary, Jas. Brown, Regina. [i89fi mmQ] SUMMARY OF ACTS. 123 SUMMARY OF ACTS p. O. ADDRRSa. ieson. . . . Port Hood. ill Strath Lome. kwiro... Kentville. orige. . . . Kentville. Church. Halifax. Petite Riviere Pictou 1 Merigomish Steliarton. 1 Liverpool. Brookfield. D'Esconse ion Low.L'Ardoise. hnson. . . Loolieport, •tBon .... Harrington. Bon linglishtown. lUne Boddeck. , Yarmouth. Tusket Wedge P/^SSED DURING TI(E SESSION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF C/VNADA, 58-69 VIOTOHIA, (1895). i TtR.enci Co •OSH, $7,000. illyard Mitchell. B. Gordon. p. 0. ADDRR88. .... Prince Albert. .... Prince Albert, lyea Qu'Appelle. nd.. Fort Qu'Appelle. on.. Iniiisfail, Alb. n . . . Regina. .. .. Regina, Assa. . . . . CresocntL'ke.Assa. y... St. Albert, Alb. ling, Alameda, Assa. F'tSaskatch'n.Alb .... Whitewood. VVolseley, Assa. Yorkton, Assa. H. Mitchell, Right Rev. ,d R. C. representative, Brown, Regina. < iiAPTERS . and 2. Are appropriation Acts. ( kM'TKR 3. Proviiles for the extension to the Foreign I'liwcM piititlecl thereto, under the " Most favo\ired NiitiDn" clauw of the advantagea granted to France l,y the Treaty of 1893, and also for the extension of I hi' mime advantiiguu to (Sreat Britain and her colonies. i'liM'TKR 4. Gives the Governor-in-Council authority to iiiiike an agreement for settlini? the boundary of what irt known as the Railway Belt in British Columbia. ( iuF'TF.H 5. Authorizes the diseharKc of a mortgage on III ':iiii property in the city of Kingstcm known as the Hiirkland Mortgage, in order to clear the title of iirtuin grantees from the Crown. fhiM'TKK 6. Authorizes granting of a bounty on beet- root sugar purchased in Canada. CiiAi'TEii 7. Authorizes the granting of a bounty on certain ores smelted in Canada. (IIAITKR 8. Authorizes the Oovernor-in-Council to revise the contract with the Winnipeg Great Northern Railway Company (formerly the Winnipeg and Hudson Bay Railway Comi)any). Chapter 9. .Suspends for the present session of Parlia- ment the provision of law ordering a deduction from the sessional indemity for 12 days absence. Chaiter 10. Reconstitutes the electoral districts of Berthier and Joliette, in the Province of (Jueljec. Chapter 11. Amends the North-West Territories Repre- !.,L/>./). 1879 Montreal. " A. Sweatman,DD.,DCJ:, 1879 Toronto. " W. Ridlev, D.D 1879 Caledonia. " H.T. Kingdon,/)/).,Z)C/y 1881 Frederictoii. ■ " E. Sullivan, I).D.,DCL., 1882 Algonm. l " M. S. Baldwin, D.D... 1883 Huron. " R. Young, D.D.,D.C.L.. 1884 Athabasca. I Right Rev. C.namilton,D.D.,D.C.Z« 188fi Niagara. " " W.C.Pinkhani.DD.DCi 1887 Saskatchewm " " F. Courtney, D.D.,S. 7'. D 1888 Nova Scotiu " " W. D. Reeve, D.0 1891 Mackenzie Itiv " " A. Hunter Dunn, D.D. 1892 Qi-ebec. " " VV. J. Burn, D.D 1893 Qu Anpelle. " " VV. W. Perrin, D.D 189.1 Colunibia. " " J. A. Newnham, D.D... 1893 nloosonee. " " John Dart, D.D 1895 N. Westm'sti-. " " Dr. Pinkham, Acting Bishop of Calgary. OKSKRAIi 8VN0U OP CANADA. Comprising Clerical and Lay Representatives of all the Dioceses in Canada. ECCLKSIASTlCAIi IMIOVINCB OK CANADA. Comprisin^r the Dioceses of Toronto, Niagara, Huron, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, Nova .-bcotia, Fredericton, ,vv\ Algo"ia. Most Rev. J. T. Lewis, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Ontario. DIOCESE OF MONTREAL. Right Rev. W. B. Bond, D.D.,LL.D., Lord Bishop (1879). V. Rev. J. Carmichael, D.D., D.C.L., Dean, a)vi Binhoft's Commigsary. Ven. R. Lonsdell, M.A., Archd. Ven. D. Lindsay. D.C.L., Archd. Ven. Lewis Evans, D.C.h., Archd. Ven. W. H. Naylor, M.A., Archd. Rev. W. Anderson, Rev. J. EUegood, M.A. Rev. W. Henderson, D.D. Rev. J. B. Davidson, 3f.A. Rev. J. Empson, if. A. I Hon. Rev. W. I, Mil's, n n. j Canons. Rev. T. W. Mussen, M. A. Rev. J. Rollit. Rev. J. G. Norton, D.D. | Rev. Jas. H. Dixon. Rev. Canon Mills, D.D. (Bishop's Exam'ng \Chaplidn. Ven. Archd. Evans, D.C./<., D. Chap. Rev. Canon Empson, M.A.,Sec.Synod Abbott, C. P Boscobel Allen, k. \., M.A Chelsea Allen, F. A., B.A. (Her.) Philipsburg Anderson, W. (Rector) (Cation). Sorel Ascah, A. C Mascouche Ball, T. W., B.A Milton Ball, Josiah Poltimore Barnes, F, W Montreal Baylis, J. G., B.D. ( Meek, H. A Mille Isli-s Mills, VV. L., n.n.(R.rrin)y.onU':t\ Mills, S. A West Sheff. nl Mill8,R.D.,3ri4(fl<'c)Berthiereiili:i'ii Mount, E. A Laketl. M Mussen, T. VV., M.A. (Rec.) Farnli nii Naylor, VV.H., .W.^ (K.^.).Shaw\;i!o Norton, J. G., D.D.(«<;c.)..Monfi.;i! Nye, H. VV., M.A. (Rector). .he<\fr'\ Plaisted, H., M.A.. Portage du K rt Pratt, F., B.A Qiiv ii Pyke, J Hu(l^'^ll Renaud, J. !• . (Ra-tor) Montu ;il Rexford, E. I., B.A Montr. ,il Robinson, VV.,/{.D.(/hn Fostei Kev.Geo.Thornel Ailaiiis, ThoH., D ,iiiil Iti'ctnrtrra A.l'nok, \V. C. .Mliiatt,J.ll.,D./ liilfoiir,A.J.,iW. Church Sticictl lull. T. L.,Jtf.vl. liaMie, \. M., B. Ill shop, C. E., B Blavlock, Thomi Bovle, F., Af./J.. Drooke, H. A., « liiirraLre, H.O., .1 Chapman, T.,.»/.. I'lirran. VV. J . . . Uebbage, J. B., i Dickson, H. A. ( Ituiin, E. A., B.J Kaiikoner, VV. G. Forsythe, W. T. Foster, Canon, J/. Fothergill, R. J.I Fuller, H. S Fvles,T. VV.,3r/i liarding, G. T. . . Ilarte, H. S., B.^ Hepburn, J., iV. Ilihliard, G. F., ; Horner, D Hiiiiter, J. N. . . . Husband, E. B. ( .iackson, E., B.A Kemp, John, B.i Kirr, 1. N., B.A Kiiiu', E. A. VV., La Riviere (C/ia/) Lvstcr,W.G.,B.v^ Moore, A. H., B. Murrav, G. IL, 1 NicoUs, G.G., -W. Noble, VV.T.(Tn Norman, B.W., N..irie, F. B. (Cr Parker, G. H. (/i Parrnck,B.A.,/{. l'etry,H.J.,ilf.v! Ki hniund, J. P Richardson, Can Iliopel, S., M.D Roe, Ven. Arc, Roe. P. (lie''d). . Robertson, A. H Kothera, J Kudd, T., D.A.. Siarth, A.C.M. Scott,F.G.Af./l. Smith, F. A. (/i Stevens, A., M. Stuart, H.C ,M Svkes, J. S . . . . Tiimbs, R.C., ilf Thompson, I. M Thorneloe, Cai 1,Sal , B.A. (Hector). Iberville R., B.A Montreal l).C.L.(V /In). Waterloo D. (Yfecfor). .Ornistown <> Pierreville W. B. (Rector) .. .{it&iM ,M.A.(V.Ar) .. Kiiif.'sey S. T Buckimrhim L DuiiliiiM I'l . Westinonnt, MontiHal R St. Chrvsosli'iiie Montr, al Mille Isles , /)./>.(y{.Tnn) West SheftVpl f./l(fl«')Berthieren li;i'it L.Tketi.'M •V.,'j»/.k'.'(«t'iOFarnli.m \.,M.A (K.yl.).Shawi;i!o ., 2>.D.(«(;r.)..Montr.a! .W./l.(«?c-)..Be(lf 111 M.A . . Portage du K"rt A (iu>iii Hurlson - . {Rector) Montital I., B.A Montreal .,7{./>.(/fei;)Clarenceville fy<('f.)..Stanbrid|j;e Kast {Hector). . . .HuntinKdon Sabrevois B.A .{R.Deim)Montri:a.\ , B.D. {Hector).... Hull abott, B.A.... Montreal win Waterloo I Sutton, E. O St. Chrysostome Tavlor, II. K Montreal Thompson, J., B.A... Warden Troop, (1. O., Jf./t.(rtcr.f>(B.C()OI'ennoxville liilfour, A. i.,M.A.(H. St. />.) {Sec. Church Siiciefji) Quebec ball, T. I..,.W./1. {Itct(l), Lennoxville lia.Mie, N. .M., YJ./l.. Peninsula (laspt liishop, V. E,, B.A Labrador BI>\vloc'k, Thomas, M.A Danville Boyle, F., .\f.A East Frampton lirookf, H. A., B.A Scotstown Durrau'e, H.G., .W./l.(y^;NmOHatley Cliapnian,T.,.W./I.(/i'pfjC(;(i)Due(in)Cai)eCove .Moore, \. tt., B.A Randboro' Murray, G. IL, fi, /I Dixville Nitolls, G.G., M.A . . Riviere du Loup Noble, W.T.(Tn//.) Que Wilson, E. K., B.A.... Hall's Stream Wright,H.E.,/».-<.(t'//rrt^e).Sherbr'ke Wright, R. W. E., «..!... Filch Bay Wurtele, L. C, M.A Actonvale DIOCESE OF TORONTO. Rt. Rev. A. Sweatman, D.D., D.C.L. Litnt Binhnp {IH'H). Yen. S.J. Itoddv, .V..1., Arehd. York Ven. Thos. W. Allen, M.A., Arch- deacmi of I'eterlmnnuih. Rev. H. Scodding, /;. D. \ Bishop's Rev. A.J. Broughull. ,»/./!. / Chapl'im Rev. A. J. Broughall.iU'il . Kxa tn.Chiip. St Alhaiis, Canons, Hesiilentian/, Rev. H. .Scudding, D.D., Chap. Rev. J. P. Dumoidiii, M.A., D.C.Ij., S.-De'n. Rev. E. A. Welch, M.A., Chancellor. Rev.J.D'Arcy Cayley,.W./l. t'recentnr Rev. A. W. jfacnab, Canon Missioner Canons, Xon-Hesident. Rev. H. Bath Osier. Rev. F. Tremayne, M.A. Rev. A. .Sanson. Rev. Wm. Logan, M.A. Rev. C. C. Johnson. Rev. E. W. Murphy, B.A. Rev. R. W. E. Greene, L.Th Rev. P. Harding. Rev. A. W. Spragge, M.A. Rev. John Farncomb, M.A. Rev. W. Reiner. Rev. J. P. Sheraton, D. Ih \ ,. „ Rev. Jas. F. Sweeny, D.D. \-Can L Rev.C.H.Mockndge,Z>.i> J canons. Rev. Canon Sweeny, D.D. Rev. Joseph Fletcher, M.A. Rev. Canon Farncomb,.)/. yl Rev. J. A. Hanna. Rev. G. M. Kingston. Rev. W. E.Carroll, M.A. Rev. W. C. Allen, M.A. Rev. Canon Hai-ding. Rev. W. F. Swallow. Rev.W.E.Cooper,J/.yl.,,S7'By Aborn, Thos. L Toronto Allen,T.W.,M./I.iew..4c(;A.Millbrook Allen, W. C. Af./l.(y.',Z^.).Millbrook Andrews, B. C. H .-Vshcroft, \i., M.A Toronto Baldwin, Arthur H., M.A . . .Toronto Baldwin, H. G., M.A Toronto Ball, Thos Ballard, J. M., M.A Toronto Bates, W.W ,B.A Thornhill Bell, C.U.{Mus. yjnc). .Roach's Point Bethune,C.J.S.,.V./l./-l.C.L.Pt.Hope Bilkev, R. A Bowmanville Blackler, J. W Toronto Boddy, S.J. M.A.{A rch. rorA:)Toronto Boulden, Charles J. . Toronto Bourne, H. T Essonville Bovd, J. R. S., B.A China Brbughall,A.J.,3/..l.(.Sf.S<«!.)Toronto Broughall, G. U.,B.A.. . .Port Hope Broughall, Jas. H., M.A Whitby Bryan, Bernard Parkdale Burges, U. F., B.A Bethany Burns, Wni Price's Corners Burt,F Toronto Capp, Edw. H Toronto Card, Gerald Toronto Carroll, W. E., B.A. («./>.). .Alliston Cayley, E.C., M.A Toronto Cayley, J. D., M. ..4 .(Ca«o«). Toronto Chafet A. B.,B.A Coboconk Chilcott, X., B.A Bradford Clark, W. , O. C.L. (Pro. Tt w.Col.)Tor. HuriU Deans Clarke, W. H., M.A Toronto dementi, Vincent, B.A . PeterlMiro' Cofly, H. J., .M.A Toronto Cooper, H. D., B.A On Leave Cooi)er, J. E Shantv Bav Coo|)cr, W. E., M.A..S.r.B. ('/,'. D.) Canipbellfonl Creighton, ,1., B.D Itlacksloik C!reighton, W. J., M.A . . Boboaygeon Creswick, W East Toronto Croft, O, T. 11 Markhttiu Daniel, Edwin, B.A Port Hope Darling, Charles, .M.A Toronto Davidson, (). F Toronto Davidson, J . C, .)/. .1 Peterboro' licPencier, A. C Toronto DesBarres, T. C, .M.A Toronto |)ixon, H. (". (Deacnn) Toronto Drever, W. (J. G Ivv Duuioulin,J.P..V./l.,/. .Toronto Jun. Ktlierington, E. J Siuiderland Farncomb, John, .V. .(.(C.). Newcastle FariK'omb, Wm. , B. \ . Fcnelon Falls Farncomb, F. E., />' .1 . . . llaliburton Fidler, A. J., B.A Toronto Fletcher, Joseph,.!/.. I. (/,'.A)P't Perry French, W. II. A ; . Grafton Gibson, John, M..i Norwood Gillespie, John Toronto Goodman, C. S Orangeville Grant, William, D.D Toronto (Jreene, H.W.K., L.T. (Cn;i«ii)..Orillia Hanna, J. A. (H.D.) Midland Harding, Philip (CrtH.) (/<./;. ).Apsley Harris, Jas. H Brooklin Harris, R. IL, M.A On Leave Harrison, Richard, M.A Toronto Hart, Anthony Toronto Hartley, F. H., .V. /I . .Young's Point Heathcote, F. C. C, L.T. King Hedley, C. W., B.A On Leave Hill, Jos. J Toronto IIindes,R.W.,/J./l.Spr'gf'd-onCredit Hodgkin, T. J., M.D Deer Park Howard, J. Scott, M.A Toronto Iluntingford E.W.(/'((i/-.7'.C)Tor'nto Ingles, Charles L., M.A Purkdale Johnson, C. C. (Canon) On J.eave Jones, J. Hughes Streetsville Jones, Septimus, M.A Toronto Jones, W,>/4,I>C/.(/.'»-o/'.7'.OT'ronto Jupp, Wm Thornhill Kenrick, C. B., M.A Port Hope Kingston,G.M.,Jf./l.(/{.i>.)Penetang. Kirkby, L. H Collingwood Kuhring, G., J»/.>4 Toronto Lampman, A., B.A Toronto Langtry, J., M.A., D.C.L. . .Toronto Lewis, J. Pitt, M.A Toronto Lindsay, John Dunlroon Little H. M Holland Landing Logan, Wm., M.A. (C.) Toronto Lord, Christopher Apsley Lowe, H. P Toronto Lynch, F. J Rosemont Mackenzie, A. W Lakefield Mackleni, T. C. S., B.A Toronto Macnab, A, W. (Canon) Toronto Madill, A. S Caledon East Marsh. C. H Lindsay McCann, Wilson, B.A Omemei- .McCollum, J. H., ..^.jV.Seaton Village McGinnis, R H Hastings .McLennan, J. M. K Toronto Miles, A.C., B.A Honevwoo./>. (C';i) Toronto Mockridge, J. C. IL, M.A. . .Toronto Moore, R. J., M.A Toronto Morley, George B Tullamore Murphy, E. W., B.A.(C.). . Painswick Mussen, E. W., M.A Aurora Nesbitt, Qi., M.A Georgina O'Malley, IL R A Orillia Osier, H. Bath (Cawm) . . York Mills 12G CLEllGY — CHURCH OF ENGLAND. [IH% l! % Owen, C. H. P Creemore Owen, H. H., f.«.5.//. . . .Unionvllle O'Meara, T. H., li.A Toronto I'atimon, T. W., M.A.... Deer Park I'eiirHoii, J., D.C.L Toronto Wokfonl, K. W Holt on IMuninicr, K. G., L.Th Toronto Powell, T. W York MiIIh Kewl, W. ]j. H AHlmrnliuni lUid, AHred .(nhn I'xliridKu Keiner, \V. {Canon) Hnrrie Rich, Chiw. H Toronto Rix, O. A Cannin^ton Robertson, F Stayner Uooney, Robt. A Perrytown Roper," J. C, M.A Toronto Ruttan, U Norway RJKby, Oswald (Prq,: T. C). Toronto Sanson, Alex. (Canon) Toronto Soaddin^, Henry, i>.C(Ca;».)Toronto Scott, Oeorjfc Cookstown Seaborn, R Toronto Sheppard, J. H Coldwater Shepherd, K. W Essonville Sheraton, J. V. . J). D(C. I'. W CTToronto Shortt, C. llurper, M.A Toronto Skey, L. E Toronto Smith, C. S PeterboroiiKh Smith, Lenox I Toronto Softley, Henry Toronto Seward, Eilwa"nl Kinmount Spratfge, Albert \V,,Jf.^.(C.)CobourK Starr, O. L Norway Stevenson, E. V Peterboronifh Stewart, A., Jf. .4 Orillia Swallow, W. F. (i{.fl?an)\VooL.Z).,Z).C.L., Archdeacon of A'ui'wfon,Brockville Rev. John A. Mulock. Rev. F. R. Tane. Rev. C. B. Pettit, M.A. Y Canons. Rev. J. W. Burke, B.A. Rev. Albert Spencer. Ven.Archd. Bedford-Jones, "J LL.D., D.C.L. I Bishop's Rev. J. J. Bogert, Jf..4. (Chapl's. Rev. W. B. Carey, M.A. Rural Dean*. Archdeaconry of Kin(f»ton. Rev. W. II. Carey, M.A., Frontenac. Rev. ('. P. Emery, lirenvillc. Rev. T. Htantoii,'//./!., Ha«tingH. Rev. (). \V. (). Grout, M.A., Leeds. Rev. E. H. .M . Ilaker, Leiinox& Addi'gt'n Rev. E. Loucks, Prince l-^'wurd, A rehdeacoiirji of Ottawa. Rev. J. J. Bogcrt, J/..4., Carleton. Rev. .A. C. Nesbltt, Lanark. Rev, H. Pollard, Pri'Hcoll >■(£ UusHell. Rev. C V. Forster llliss, Renfrew. Rev. R.L.M. Houston,. W.yl.,. SI ormont I'riedK. Anderson, G. A., JW..<1. . . .Deseronto Anderson, G. S Morrisburg Armstrong, F. W. (Hector). .Trenton Atkinson, Robert Selby Auston, II., M.A Ganano(|ue Bailev, T.,B.A Ottawa Baker,E.H.M.(/lc«./i<'c.).Eganville Bogert, D. F., M.A Uelleville Bogert, J. J., M.A.(R.D.). . .Ottawa Bousfleld, George . . . Billings' Hridge Burke,J.W.iJ..fl.(«,v.,Ca(i)Belleville Burton, Wm. Webster Modoi; Carey, W. B., M.A.(H.D.).yi.m\(»ton Carson, Chas. OIiver,B.i4 . .Mioksburg Christie, I.J North Gower Clarke, Charles Burton Metcalfe Clay ton, U'Arcy Tho8.B..A.Bcarbrook Coi'r'd) . .Stirling Hanington,E.A.\V.A.vl.NewEdinbiir. Harris, C. M Marmora Harvey, R. James, L 7'....Fmnkville Hodgins, F. B., B.A Ottawa Houston, R.L.M.,iV.^.(7{Z))Cornw.all Hutton, Charles James Belleville Jarvis, A. , M.A Napanee Jones, John Wm Westport Jones, R. N., It. A Pakennam Lauder, J.S., D.C.L.(Arch). .Ottawa Leech, Thos., B.A Bancroft Lewin, W., B.A. (Sitpe c't/). Kingston Lewis, Charles Thomas Tweed Lewis, R., M.A., Bee, Ret. .Maitland Lipton, W.T., B.A Wolfe Island Loucks, E. (Rector, R. D.). . .Picton Louoki, W. H., jr..i.(CttX..()ttu», Low, G.J AIniiiritH Lowe, C. F. (Curate) Gononni|ii^ .Mackay, A. W. (Curate) Ot\i*i Mi'.Morlne. J. K., M.A Kingsioii McTear, A.L., L,c.Th.(Cte).},\Mihw\ Mer<•(•r,W.I>.W..•l.(.SI/;«■(•'lO^'rankl.]|, -Metzler, G., B.A Cardiinl .Moore, William, .V.A Lvndh.(:. A,. .CornH;i]! Mncklfston,W.J.,3/./I.(/if(;N„)|',.rili .Mulock, ,t.\. (Canon, ltet.).Winii\\» Nesbltt. A. C..(l{. />('rt/»;Sinith"s FulK Newliam, Frederic Wmchcittr Nimmo. J. H.,/y./l.,Af./>...BrockMlli Orr, Itobt, Lic.Th Eganvill, Osborne, John ClaMon Pat ton,,M.A. (Hector) PrcM nti l'ttlit,C.H.i»/./I.(Crt»i.,/f('/.X'oni\Viill I'liillips, A Ilawkesbi:rv Pick, Edward Fitzroy Harboiir Pollard, H. (Rural Dean). . . Ottawa Poole, M. G. (Rector) Morrisburif Poole, S. Oower(Cura<(') .. Cornwall (juartermaine, W. M. H Renfrew Hayson, Robert Winter Kingston Read, Wm. Ashley Pembroke Roberts, Wm.(3/H#./iac.)Merrickyille Robinson, James Wellington Rollin, Geo. A. V Hillier Rowland, E. M Omiali .Siuldington,Cha8.(W«p.)Richmon(l\V. Samwell, Robert Walter Wiilt» Scanunell, E Joycevilla Hcantlebury, Geo Cai|> Serson, J. R., .3/. i4 Tamwonh Shaw, J. Arthur, M.A ColHlir: Sills,Charles E.,«..l..SouthM<-iuntuin Smith, B.B.,3f./l.,/>.A>(«./;)Kingst(.ti Smith, Thomas Austin.. Sharbot Luke Smythe, W. H. f/ieftred).. Kingston Snowdon, J. F Newinglon Snowdon, J. M., M.A Ottawa Spencer, A.( Can., CTm.&c.JKingstnii Squire, F.W., B.A Casseliiian Stanton, T., B.A.(R.Dean) Deseronto Stiles, Thomas J Iroqnoii Stiles, W. H South March Tane, F. R., (Rector, Canon, Retired) Eastbourne, Sussex, Eni;. Tighe, S. Jf./l., Emerald, Amherst l«'(| Waterman, Kobt. B.(A?c.)Franklowr! Whalley, Arthur Henry . . Bell's Corn. Wowlcock, Francis D. .Camden East Worrell, C. L., M.A Kingston Wright, Wm Athens Young, C. J., B.A Lansdowne Deacons. Butler, W. A. E., M.A . .Combermeie Creeggan, Alfred H Milfonl "Geen, Albert L Belleville Irvine, Richard W Calabocie Lloyd, T. H., M.A.. . .Vankleek Hill Ritchie, F. W., B.A Fenaghvak Spencer, II. J., Lie. Th Flintoii * Ordained under Canon XVIII. oi Provincial Synod. DIOCESE OF HURON. Right Rev. M. S. Baldwin, D.D., Lord Bishop (1883). Very Rev. G. M. Innes, if.A., D.D., Dean. Ven.J.W.Marsh,il/..4., Archd.IIuron Ven. A. H. R. Mulholland,i4>'c/!if.«»vv Ven. E. Davis, M.A., Archd. Londan Rev. J. P. Hincks, A Rev. J. W. P. Smith, Rev. A. C. Hill, M.A., \ Rev. E. E. Newman, Rev. J. IJ. Richardson, M.A . Rev. James Chance, I Rev. W. A. Young, fii).. Rev. C. R. .Matthews.Af.^ ., j Rev. Canon Hill, M.A., Exam. Chap Rev. Canon Richa.rdson,M A, Ex. Chap Ven. Archd. Marsh, M.A. ,Dmn. Chap \ Canons. iNfld] Ven.Archd. Davli Rural lU-v. (I. C. Macke Hiv. .s. F. Robins Uev. Cniion Hill, Kev. ( 'anon .MattI Huv. W. A. Grabc Kev. .1. W. Hodgi Kev. S. L. Smith Kev. T. R. Davis, Kev. Canon SmitI Kev. li. Hicks, B Kev. .(. T. Wrigh Itcv. It. Deacon, Kev. r. Ridley, V .\nilre\v, J. W. J .\rillll, James . . . Arniiluge, Wm. I Armstrong, Thos, Asbiiry, S. R., B. Anhton, R iiaidnin, F. M . . Kail, John A .... liiittersby, Wm. ] liearfoot, I Beaumont, J. W., Berry, John, .tf./i Beverly, A. L. . . . Hloodsworth, J. j Bray, H. E Brown, Alfred, B Brown, T. H Brownlee, W. F. Burgess, J. E., M Carrie, James (Si Carscoden, D. (I. Caswell, D. J., B Chance, J. (Caw Chase, II. P. (Su Colles, W. II. G.. Contior, W. J . . . Cooper, R. H.,B, Cornett, Alex. . . Cox, Geo. M. . . . Craig, W., B.D. Curran, J. P. (Si Itann, A. G Damit, W.,i»/.il. Diivis, E., M.A.( Davis, T. R, M.. Deacon, D., M.A Diehl, H. R Diehl, L. W . . . . Downie, J., B.D. Duthie, Wm. N. . Edelstein S. E. Edmonds, J . . Elliott, Geo . . English, E. N., J Kairlie, J. H. . . Karnuy, A. B. . . Farthing, J. C, Fisher, A Fletcher, R. (Su Franklin, G. M. Freeborn, R. J . Freeman, M. G. Ciander, Jabez. . Ghent, F. R.. tioldlierg, M. M Graham, W. A., V Griffin, A. K.. . Guillemont, C. I Gunne, C. R., A Gunne, J. M Hall, E, A Henderson, W. Hicks, R., B.D.i Higlev, T. E.. im,A.C., M.A. Hill, Jeffrey, M. Hill, W. J.T. H Hincks, J. P. (C Hind, D. H.,B.^ Hinde, William. Hwlgins, J. W. I Holmes, F. M , [iHOi; I., M.A.iCle)... Ottix*x Aliiiiiijir Ciirnlf) OanaiKnini- V. (Curate) ()ti;n»,i K., M.A Kiiiv'inii ,/-K•.7•A.('C^•).Mllil';irH li. A .(.SI(pt'r'(0^'raIl k l u n i.A im, M.A lAtidlinr-t I. S., />.(;. />,.Uorri«;i!! \J.,M.A.(Hectn,■)\'vT\\^ (Vanitii,ltet.).Vi'\nu\Y> (li. i;c(i/i>Siiiith'M hulls ederic Wtiirhc-itfr ..W..l.,*f./>...BrockMll, ic.Th Euttiivillf II Clft.vloii ,M.A. (/ M.A Tamwonh lur, M.A Colxliri B.,H./l..SouthMriiinlaiii r./l.,Z>.A>(/M))l..injfHtni, IS Austin.. Sharbot I.iike (Retired).. Kintrston Newin^floii \\.,M.A Ottawa an.,Cleri.Sec.)Km^»\(n\ , D.A Casaeliiiaii J./l. (/{.i)ean) Deserotito IS J Iroquois South March Rector, Canon, Retinuf) astbounie, Sussex, En;;. ..Knierald, Amherst l«'i| :obt. H.(/{fc.)Franklo\vi) tiur Henry . . Bell's Corn. rancis D. .Camden Kasi ., SI. A Kint'Ntnri Athens , R.A Lansdowne Deacons. K., M.A . .Combermt'ie fredH Milford : L Belleville rd W Calaboifip Af..4....Vankleek Hill ., li.A Fenajrhvale ., I.ic. Th Flintoi) under l-'anon XVUI. of .■incial Synod. SE OF HURON. M. S. Baldwin, />./>., p (1883). M. Innes, M.A., D.D., i)ii,M.A., A rchd. Huro :i Hulholland,./lrc/i(i.(ir«',v , M.A., Archd. London neks, Smith, 11, Jf.^., !wman, [irdson,Af..4. hance, oun{r, B D., i,hav{i,M.A.,) ill, M.A., Exam. Chap chardson, Jf .4 ,i'a;. Chap larsh, M.A.,Dom.Chap 189G] CLERGY — CHURCH OF ENQLAND. 127 ^Canons. Ven.Arch. L Lon.,fP/i.B. .Meaford Chance, J. (Canon) (5ttp.). .. Paislev Chase, H. 1>. (Sup.) Sarnia CoUes, W. H. G Chatham Connor, W. J Durhaiu Cooper, R. S., B.D Kirkton Cornett, Alex Wallaceburj,' Cox, Oeo. M Tusearora Craijf, W., B.D Petrolea Curran, J. P. (Sup.) Brantford Darin, A. London Daunt, ^\'.,M.A . (Sup'd) Ridjfetov\n Davis, E., M.A. (Arch.) London Davis, T. R, M.A.(R.D) Sarnia Deacon, D., M.A. (R.D.) . .Stratford Diehl, H. R Florence Diehl, L. W Ailsa Cr"' ,• Downie, J., B.D Watford Duthie, Wm. N On Leave Edelstein S. E. G Olanworth E.)(C.)St.Thomas Hill, Jeffrey, M.A Southampton Hill, W. J. T. H.B., B.A... .London Hincks, J. P. (Canon) Windsor Hind, D. H., B.A Sandwich Hinde, William St. Thomas Hodgins, J. W. {R.D.) Seaforth Holmes, F. M Dresden Holmes, J Hurford Howard, R. H. W., «..(4. . Courtriifht HuKhes, t^lward W Adelaide Hunt, E. W Exeter Hutchinson, E. L Forest Innes,(J.M ,iW. /I., D.i>.(Z).).. London Jacobs, J Sarnia Jeanes, Henry W Thorndale JetinliiKS, F^. C Hanover Johnson, Wm Wardsville Johnstone,R. W.f Sup; Ft. Gratiot, M. Jones, J. W Taiti Kennedv-Bell, J. R., M.A ..I'aislev Kerrin, J. T Mitchell Keys, G Clarkshurx Lee, Edwin Princeton Lei^h, Francis Delhi Lowe, W Olencou Mackenzie, G.C. (R.D.). . Brantford Marsh, J. W., Jf..4.C.,4r;C'heniainus,B.C. Robinson, S. F. (R.D.). . .Walkerton Robson, Oeorife A London Roy, Franklin E Hensall Ryan, F., B.D Tilsonburif Sage, G. B., B./l., B.Z>..LondonWc8t Sohulte, J., Ph.D. CSup.;. St.Thoinas Scott, W. E Ridgetown Seaborn, W. M London Shaw, R. H Lucan Sherwood, G. F. J London Shore, A Port Rowan Shore, W. Murton Pt. Burwell Shortt. W., B.D. (Sup.) Barrie Sims, Robert A., B.A Chatham Smith, A. (J Muncev Smith, J. W. P. (Can.) (R.D.)lMi\olis Rev. .1. Ambrose, D.C.L Tangier Rev. W. E. Gellinj.' Lunenburg Rev. W. J. Lnckyer Sydney Rev. H. Almond, B A Halifax Rev. A. Havley, jM..-1 Slielburne Abbott, 0. G , M.A .. .Sydney Mines Almon, F. H., B.A Halifax Alinon, H. L. A., B.D Pietou Ambrose, J., M.A Falkland Amor, L St. Margaret's Bay Ancient, W.J Londonderry Andiew.s, 8. J Nev^ Ross Ansell, E., B.A Aricliat Archbold, F. H. W., A.M.. . .Halifax Arnold, W. .1 Harrietstield Avery, H. (Retired) Kentville Axford, F. J. H Port Williams Baion, F. W. M Ulaiidford Ball, K. H Chester Baiiibrick, R. D., M.A Yarmouth Bent, A. M Pugwash Birry, F. J Blandford Bowhian, C, D.D Windsor Brine, R. F., B.A aiiiiunerside Brock, I., D.D Kentville Bullock, R. H., D.C.I JIalifax Bullock, W., M.A Halifax Crawford, E. P. , M.A Halifax Clerk, C. R Ship Harbor Davies, S Seaforth De Blois, H., M.A Rosette Desbrisay, W New Glasgow Di.xon, R. F Halifax Downing, J. L River John Draper, T. P., M.A Louisburg Ellis, W. (Retired) Berwick Filleul, P. J., D.D. (flc?.). Weymouth Forsythe, J. fieii/ri?). Cardinal, Ont. •Gale, A Granville Gelling, W. E Bridgewater Gibbons, S Parrsboro' Greatorex, F. P Bridgetown Gwillim, T. R Baddeck Hague, Dyson, M.A Halifax Harlev, A. W., M. A Liverpool Harley, H. A., M.A Digby Harris, E. A., M.A. . . . Malione Bay Harris, G. D Upper La Have Harris, V.E., M.A. (I'icar) Amherst Harvey, H. (Jtet.) Windsor Haslaili, G., ilf..4 Lunenburg Heatli, R. A Beaver Harbor Hind, H.C., M.A Wolfville How, H.,B.A Annapolis Howcroft, George Falmouth Johnson, R Liscombe Johnston, T. W Newjisrt Jones, S. Weston (Arch) ...Windsor Kaulba'h, J. A., M.A. (Vicar) Truro Leigh, R. M Canso Lemoine, N Halifax Loi'k-mrd, J Clenientsiiort Lockyer, W. J Port Morien Marten, G. R., M.A Maitland M&vnard, T., D.D. («<•«.). ..Windsor Mellor. T. C Guysboro Mellor, C. P Petite Riviere Miller, — Gunning Cove Mori is, W. S. H., Jf.^l.. . .Slielburne Neish, D Halifax Norwood, J. W Hubbard's Cove Parry, E. D. P New Germany Ferry, N. I Halifax Pittman, H. H., B.^ Halifax Raven, N. R Loi^keport Richardson, K., M.A. West La Have Ferry Roy, E Eastern Passage Smith, D., D.D. ( ^icar) Sydney C.B. Hniith, Richmond Stewiacke Smith, John Shij) Harbor Softley, E Halifax Spencer, James Rawdou Sterns, H., B.A, (Re)irt'(().\avmonth i.'.ylor, M., M.A Stellarton Tucker, A T.,A.M Sackville Underwood, E Truro Uniacke, J. B., M.A. (Ret.). .Halifax Vroom, F.\y.,B.D Windsor Wade, J. it. v., B.A AylesforJ Warner, John E Wilmot Web.ster, F. M., M.A Hahlax Wliite,,D.O Slielburne White, T. I) New RoaS Willets, C.K.,D.rL Windsor Willis, Cutlibeit Halifax Williams, A. R. P Westville Wilkinson, F Dartmouth Wilson, W. C Springhill Withyconibe, J. W., J/. ^1 . .Weymouth PRINCK KDWARD ISLAND. Dobie, R. (Ret.) St. Eleanore Forbes, J. M Alberton Hamlyn, W., M.A.. . .Charlottetown Harper, Henrv Port Hill Hunt, T. H., M.A... .Charlottetown Osborne, A., D.D St. Eleanors Reagh, T. B Milton Simpson, J., M.A. . . . Charlottetown Woollard, E. T Georgetown DIOCESE OFFREDERICTON. The Right Rev. Hollingworth Tullv Kingdun, D. D.,D. C. L.,Bishop,(\S92). Armstrong, W.B.M A Welsford Barnes, W. H St. John Baylee, C. O'Dell Derby Bliss, D. M., B.A Mt. Whately Brigstocke,F.H.J.,/>i>..'tr'd'M S.John Bryan, J. F St. Stephen Bryant, A. A Prince William Burt, A. F Shediac Campbell, J. Roy, B.D., Dorchester Colston, R. W Douglas Covert, W. S., B.A. . ..Grand Manan Cresswell, A. J., S.A.C.. .Springtleld Daniel, A Rothesay Davenport, J. M., M.A ... .St. John DeSoyres, John, M.A St. John DeVeber,W.H ,M.A.(Canon)Ht. John Dewdney, A. D. A St. John Dibblee, H. E, M.A.... Maugerville Dicker, A. G. U St. John Eatoiigli, W. (Curate) St. John Fleweliing, J. E Centreville Forsyth, D., B.A (CVino»).. Chatham Freebeam, G. L Harcourt Fullerton, C. H Petitcodiac GoUmer, A. J. A Cambridge Hanford, 8. Jones, B.A Uphaiii Hanington, C.P., B.A Norton Hansen, N. C, M.A Gagetown Hansen, N. M New Denmark Hay8,W St. John Hooper, E. B., B.A Moiujton Hopkins, J. R Hircli Ridge Hovt, Leo A., B A Simonds Jallrey, Win. (Retired). . . St. Mary's 1896] Jones, P. 0., Jf.Z) 8t Jolm Ketchum, W. Q, D.D.. St Andrews Little, H. W., S.A.C Lloyd, Geo. E.,M.A Rothesay Mathers, Riclmid St. John MlUidge, J. W Oak Bay Montgomery, H., M.A . . Frederioton Morris, H. B., MA Dalhousie Murray, A B , B.A Stanley McKiel, W. LeB , B.A Faiivill'e McKini, R. P St. John Neales, T., M.A. (^/-c/irf.) Woodstock Neales, Scovil, MA Andover Newnliam,O.S.(S.o/5'.i/ft'd)St.Stepli'n Parkinson, J., S.A.C St. Mary's Parlee, H. T , fi.^ WestfielU Partridge, F. (Dean) Frederioton Pickett, IJ. W., M.A .... Round Hill Raven, Walter Richibucto Raymond, W. O., M.A. (Sec. D.C.S.) St. John Roberts, G.G. , .V. A . (C'n) Frederioton Sampson, W. H St. John SchoHeld, Geo. (Retired). . ..St. John Simonds, R., B.A (Retired). Hi. John Simonson, E. W Temperance Vale Slipper, A. A St. Martin's Smith, Ronald K.. M.A. . .St. George Smithers, A. W., B.A Waterford Snow, P. G Campbellton Spike, H.M., B.A. (Retired).St. John Street, Vf.U., B.A Campobello Street, T. W Bathurst Teed, A. W., j»f.^ Richmond Wainwright, H. S., B.A Kingston Warneford, E. A . . Hampton Village Warneford, C. At S. .Canterbury Sta Wetmore, D, I., B.A CWiton Whalley, H.F.E.,S.^.C. .Frederioton Wiggins, C. F., i!.^ Sackville Wilkinson, Wm. J., Jf. 4.. Bay du Yin MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF ALGOMA. Right Rev. Edward Sullivan, D.D., (T.C.D.)S.T.D.,D.C.L.,Bishop(1882'. Bishophurst, Sault Ste. Mario. Cornmissary. Ven. Arch. Llywdd Huntsville Examining Chaplains. Rev. Jas. Boydell, JA..4.,Bracebridge Rev. W. A. J. Burt Pt. Carliiif,' Rural Deans. Rev. , Thunder Bay. Rev. R. Renison, Algoma. Rev. A. W. H. Chowne,B./).,P.Sound Rev. C. J. Machin, Muskoka. Rev. A. J. Young, Nipissing. Rev. F. Frost, Manitoulin Island. Editor of "Missionary News." Rev. Chas. Piercy. Allman, A. H Ufflngton Aylwin, H. C Manitowanini; Boydell, Jas., M.A Bracebridge Burt, W. A. J Port Carling Chowne A. H. W., B.D Emsdale Cobb, A. J Broadbent Eccleston, W. J . . .St. Joseph's Island Evans, W Parry Sound French, W. H Sudbury Frost, F Sheguiandah Gander, G South River Gillinor, G Kosseau Harper, E. J Ft. William llazlehurst, A. H. (D.) Baysville Johnston, L). A 'Temiscamingue Kirby, M. C Fort William Lawlor, E Schrieber Llywdd, Thos. (Archd.) . .Huntsville McLeod, J . II Gore Bay Machin, C. J Gravenhurs'i Mitchell, A. R Port Sydney Pardoe, J Novar Piercy, C Kenison, R Seaborn, W Smitheman, J. P Tliursby, J. W. . , Vlhricht, J. (D.) Young, A. J... . Catt Hay, T.J Oodolphin, F. G. ECCLESIASTIC RUPER Comprising the I Land, Mooson .Athabaska, Qii River, Calgary Most Rev. R. Ma( D.C.L., WInnii Canada, Arch jioUtan, cons po 11 ted Metro mate, 1893. DIOCESE OF I Most Rev. R. Mai h.C.L., Archbi Very Rev. John G the Deanery, M Ven. 0. Fortin, J Winnipeg Ven. R. Phair, Ai Rev. J. B., O'Mei Rev. S. P. Mathos Rev. G. F. Coomb Rev.E.S.W.Pentr Anderson, JG.,B.4 Aivhiliald, E Baker, F. V., M./ Biildock, H. W., J Brad^ihaw, W.'c,, Brnce, G., C.M.S. Bnnn, T. W., B.l Bnrinan, W. A., i Butterworth, W. Cheney, W. L.... Clarke, Vi.,B.A. Coates,RE., Ciiehnine, H Conmlies, G. F., A Cooper, H. D., M Coggs, T. C.,£.D Cook, Gilbert.. .8 Cowley, A. E . . . . Dearden. J. C. . . Dove, \\ . B.A... Dransfield, H.... Fortin, O., B A.(. Oahaii, W. P., B... Garrioch, A Garton, W. J . . . . Gill, E, A. W Gill, Geo Girling, R. H., B. Goudy, R., B.A. Gonlding, A. W., Giisdale, J.,D.D. Harding, McA., E Hewitt iiL.B.A.. Hill, G. C Hobbes, W. E... Hole, F. R., Af.^, Hooper, G. H . . . , Hoii-hton, C. W. Jnhhson, W. R.. . Kiniberley, W., E BKing, H. J., M.A Leslie, H.T., B.A Littler, C. R„ B.l. Mat'kenzie, B Macinoriue, S Maggrah, J. A . . . Matlieson, J. W.,j Mitheson.H. H.,fl, Mercer, F.C., B.J Ni s, E. P., if, 9 [189C U.D 8t John Q, D.D.. St Andrews S.A.C Sussex .,M.A Ri)tli(.'Siiy aid St. J'llm Oak Bay H., M.A.. Fredericton MA Dalhousie B.A Stanley uB, B.A Faiiville St. John il.(.(4n!/irf.)Wondst(Mlt , MA Andover ..(6'.o/S.i//i'd)St.Stei.h'n S.A.C St. Mary's B.A Westfleld {Dean). . . .Fredericton .,M.A .... Kound Hill r Ric'liibuoto 0.,M.A.{Sec.D.C.S.) St. John ,.V..4.(C'n)Fredi!rict»ii H St. John . (y{<>^(V'd)....St. John ^.A (7.V'f(/r(0.St. John \\ ... .Temperance Vale St. Martin's I K., Jf.^...St. GeorKe v., B.A Waterford CampbelUoii ^. A. (Retired). ^i. John B.A Camiiohello Bathur-t M.A Richmond I. a., B.A Kingston . A . . Hampton Villaf;e An S. .Canterbury Sta \.,B.A Clirton E.,S..4.C . Fredericton , B.A Saclcville n.^.,M.A. .Bay du Vin VRY DIOCESE OF \LGOMA. dward Sullivan, D.D., ).,D.C.L.,Biiihop(lS8i'. Sault Ste. Mario. mmissary. rwdd Huntaville niiij Chaplains. dell, J/..4., Bracebridge Burt Pt. CarlinK' iral Deans. , Thunder Bay. on, Algoma. Chowne.B.A, P.Sound ;hin, Muskoka. in);, Nipissing. Manitoulin Islanci. MUgionary News." Chas. Piercy. Ufflnffton Manitowaninu M.A Bracebridjfe Port CarlinK \\.,B.D Enisdale Broiidbent J . . .St. Joseph's Island Parry Sound Sudbury She^uiandah South River Kosseau Ft. Willliini H. (D-) Baysville I 'TemiscaminKue Fort William Schrieber (Arehd.) ..Huntsville Gore Bay Gravenhursi Port Sydney Novar 189(5] CLERGY — CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 129 Piercy, C Burk'a Falls Keni^OM, R Sault Ste. Marie Seaborn, W Cook's Mills Smitheman, J. P Ooulais Bay Thursby, J. W Port Arthur I Ihrieht, J. (D.) Huntsville Younif, A. J North Bay Catechigtg. Hay, T, J Magnetawan Oodolphin, F. O Sturgeon Falls ECCLESIASTICAf, PROVINCE OF RUPERT'S LAND. Comprising' the Dioceses of Rupert's Land, Moosonee. Saskatchewan, Athabaska, (ju'Appelle, Mackenzie River, Calgary and Selkirk. Most Rev. R. Machray ,/)./>., LL.D., D.C.L., Wlnnlp»ir, Primate of all Canada, Archbishop and Metro- politan, consecrated 1865, ap- po nted Metropolitan 1874, J'ri- mate, 1893. DIOCESE OF RUPERT'S LAND Most Rev. R. Machray, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Archbishop, Winnipeg. Very Rev. John Grisdale, D.D.,Dean, the Deanery, Winnipeg. Ven. 0. Fortin, B. A., Archdeacon of Winnipeg Ven. R. Phair, Archd'n of Islington. Rev. J. B.,0'Meara, M.A , Rev. S. P. Matheson, B.D. \„ „ Rev. G. F. Coombes,J»f.4.. r^'^'">'**- Rev.E.S.W.Pentreath,B£> j Anderson, JO., Bi4. St Peter's, Dynevor Anliil)ald, E Brandon Balinr, F. V., M.A Winnipeg Baldock, H. W., B.A Stonewall Deloraine Bradshaw, W. C, M.A . . . .Winnipeg Eriue, G., C. if. S.. Fan-ford, Kinosota Bnnn, T. W., B.D Westbourne Bnrman, W. A., B.D Winnipeg Butterworth, W. A .". . . Hartnev Cheney, W. L Millford Clarke, W., B.A Moi-den Coates.R E.,iJ. A . Brokenhead, Peguis L'lalirane, H Rat Portage Connihes,0. F., 3[.A. (Cu) Winnipeg Cooper, H. D., M.^ Holland Coggs, T.C., B.D Carberry Cook, Gilbert. ..Staggville, Kinosota Cowley, A. E St. James Dearden. J. C Rathwell Dove, W , B.A Arrow River Dransfleld, H Stonewall Fortin, O., B..4.(.4/(;/i'n).. Winnipeg C.ahan, W. P., B.A Carman Garrioch, A Portage la Prairie Carton, W. J Emerson Gill, E. A. W Minnedosa Gill, Geo Russell Girling, R. H., B.A Gladstone Goudy, H., B.A Springfield Gonldiug, A. W., B.D.... Stonv Mt. Grisdale, J., D.D. (Dean) Winnipeg Harding, McA., B.A Brandon Hewitt M.. B.A Munltou Hill, G. C Bdissevain Hobhes, W. F. Neepawa Hole, F. R., Minnedosa Hooper, G. H Shoal Lake Houjihton, C. W Cartwright Ji'hnson, W. R St. Andrew's Kimbcrley, W., 5.^4. . .Rounthwaite Kinj;, H. J., M.A Rapid City Leslie, H. T.. B.A Winnipeg Littler, C. H., B.D SJkirk Mackenzie, B Posen Macmoriue, S Portage la Prairie llatrirrah, J. A Islington Matheson, J.Vf.,B.A Souris Mstheson. P. P., fl./). (t>».).. Winnipeg Mercer, F. C, B.A Elkhorn Nk i,E.P.,M.A Mauitou 9 Nie, R. F.,B.A Oswald Norquav, A.T., B.A. Rat Portage, O Owen, C.C., B. A Winnipeg Owen, A. De B Little .Mountain o'Meara, J. B.,M.A(''anon) Winnipeg O'Meara, F. C Killamev Page, J. W. B., B.A .... Rat Portage Pentreath, E. S. W., fi.D. (Canon) Brainerd, Minn. Phair.R., C.M.S. (i4rcAd'ii)Wlnn)peg Prewer, O., B.A. (C.M.S.) Wabigoon Pritehard,T.,Lac Seul, i^are H. HayCo Richardson, J. A., B.A Winnipeg Robertson, W Alexander Rogers, Q., B.A Winnipeg Roy, J. J., M.A Winnipeg Settee, J., C.M.S Dynevor Spence, B., C.M.S Dynevor Stevenson, R.O., B.A Winnipeg Stocker, W Melita Stoddart, D. A. B., .e.^d . Bradwardine Sykes, J. H Oak Lake Tansey , A Somerset Thomas, E Fort Alexander TurnbuU, G Binscarth Wakefield, H.G., M.A.hake Dauphin White, A. S., B.A .... Middlechurch Watts, H. L Virden Williams, U Carberry Wood, C :. Birtle Woods, A. W., B.A Clearwater DIOCESE OF MOOSONEE. Rt. Rev. Jervois A. Newnham, D.D., Bishop (1893). Moose Fort, James Bay, via Temiscaniingue, Ottawa River, Veil. T. Vincent, D.D., .\lbany. Arch- deacon of Alb.any. Ven. ,1. K. Lofthouse, Fort Churchill, Archdeacon of York. Vacant Fort York Dick, Rev. W Trout Lake Taylor, Rev. J. .1 Moose Fort Richards, Rev. E Rupert House Walton, Rev. W. G Fort George Sanders, Rev. J Biscotasing Faries, Rev. R Fort Hope Bareham, Rev. .\ Chapleau Peck, Rev. E, J. and Mr. Parker. Cumberland Sound DIOCESE OF CALEDONIA. Right Rev. William Ridley, D.D., Bishop (1879). Metlakatia, B.C. Ven. Archdeacon W. H Collinson, Kincolith. Field, J. Hazleton Skeena River j Gurd, B. W., P.P.T.S. . .Metla-Katla Keen, J. Massett.. Queen Chailotte Is McCuUagh, J. B. . . .Aiyensh, Nass R Price, A. E . . Kilwanga, Skeena River Pyemont, Temple Port Simpson Port Essington Stephenson, F Kilkatla, Skeena R MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF MACKENZIE RIVER. Right Rev.W. D. Reeve, D.D. , Bishop (1891). Fort Simpson, via Edmon- ton, Alta. Ven. Archdn. McDonald, Peel River. Hawksley , J Fort Norman Itssiettla, John Peel River Marriott, — Fort Wrigley Marsh, T. J. Hay River, Gt. Slave L Spendiove, W.,Fort Resolution, G.S.L Stringer, I. O. , iS.i4..Fort .Macpherson DIOCESE OF SASKATCHEWAN. Right Rev. Cyprian Pinkhani, D.D., S.C.L., Bishop (1887). Calgary. V. Archdeacon J. A. MacKay,7>.6., Prince Albert Badger, John St. James, Pukahn Chilcott, T. E., M.A Duck Lake Clarke, T Battleford Cook, Edward Cumberland Flett, J., B.D. (Canon) Prince Albert Foote, Harold Prince Albert Hines John, Devon (Pok) Cumberland Hogbin. G. H Battleford Inkster, R . . Red Pheasant, Battleford McDonald, D. D.. . Thnn., Battleford McLennan, R.,B. B.Stanley, Pr. Albert Matheson, J. R Onion Lake Matheson, E Battleford Moore, G. (Rec.) Prince Albert Pritchard, C. J Grand Rapids Settee, J. R Cumberland Sinclair, John Cedar Lake Williams, N Branspeth Winter, G. S Sturgeon Lake DIOCESE OF ATHABASCA. Rt. Rev. R. Young, D.D., Bishop (1884). Athabasca Landing. Holmes, G Lesser Slave Lake Lucas, J. R Chipewyaun Robinson, H Smoky River Scott, M Fort Vermillion Warwick, A. J Fort Vermillion Weaver, C. R Wabiskaw White, O. W White Fish Lake DIOCESE OF QU'APPELLE. Rt. Rev. W. Burn, D.D., Qu'Appelle, Bishop (Mi93). Barton, B Fort Qu'Appelle Beal, G. T Orenfell Brown, W. E Regina Cook, A., B.A Kutawa Cunlifle, T. W Estevan Dobie, G. N Cannington Godfrey, J Saltcoats Green, W Whitewood Johnson, W. F Qu'Appelle Mitton, W.T:., M.A Moosomin Munro, D Nicolls, W., B.A Medicine Hat Owen ,, O "Touchwood Hills Sargent, J. P., M.A Qu'Appelle Tatham, F.H., B.A Broadview Teitelbaum, F. A Sumner Terry, G Oxbow Williams, J Whitewood DIOCESE OF CALGARY. Rt. Rev. Cyprian Pinkham, D.D., D.C.L., Bishop (1888), Calgary. Andras, C. H., M.A Wetaskiwin Burns, W. R., M.A Banff Cooper (ilrcA(i |i' METHODIST CHURCH OF CA|4ADA. General Superintendent Rev. TORONTO CONFERENCE. . Islington . .Toronto At College Brampton Rev.Mannaduke L. Pearson, Pres't. Rev. G. K. B. Adams, Secretary. Rev. Lewis \V. Hill, /J..4., ) .„,, Rev. J. VV. Churchill, V f *f,- John T. Moore, Esq., ) •**''"• Hev. K. Barrass, M.A., D.D., Journal Secretary. Abbs, George (Sup'd) . . . .Beamsville Adams, Geo. K.{Sec. o/ Con.) Toronto Adams, E. J Mono Mills Addison, Peter (Sup'd) Toronto Addison, Arthur P At College Agar, Gilbert, B.A Gore Bay Aikenhead, J. R Toronto Allen, James, M.A Toronto AUin, Arthur, M.A., Ph.D.. At Col Bacou, William (Stip'y) Orillia Baker, Isaac (Sup'd) Meaford Baker, W. Ernest At Colle({e Balfour, George C Eugenia Barker, William R Orillia Barkwell, W.J., B.A. fF.S.). Toronto Barlow, O. T Dorset Barrass, E., 31. A.; D.D Toronto Bartley, Thomas E Toronto Bedford, J Heathcote Bedford, A Maple Belfry, C. ,' King Bee, Wra . ( Sup'd) Toronto Berry, Henry Walter's Falls Beyuon, R. B., B.A Honey wood Bishop, G. J Toronto Blackstock, W. 8. [Sup'd) . . Toronto Booth, Wm. B.,Ph.B.... Bovilea,n.P..M. A., B.D. . . Bowles, I. G., M.A.,B.D. Boyle, Robert (Sup'd).. . , Brace, Adam Philip At College Brett, R. W Ophir Briggs, Wm. , D.D Toronto Brown, Geo. M Toronto Brown, W. P Woodford Brown, Alfred (Chair.).. Ovien Sound Brown, H. A Dalston Brown, F. L., B.A West Essa Browning, Arthur (Sup'd). . .Toronto Buley, Thomas S Ardtrea Burns, Wm. (Sup'd) Toronto Burns, R. N., B.A Toronto Buchanan, Wm. (C/iaiV.). .Markham Burwash, J.,D.Sc.,M.A.,Prnf. V. Un. Caldwell. J. 1,,U.A., B. />...»! idland Cameron, E Reserve List Campbell, Tlios Streetsville Campbell, Peter Elmvale Campbell, W. V. ,Ph.D.(F.S.)\i\mAa.\\i Cannom, J. W. (Sup'd) . ..Whitevale Card, S. (Sup'd). .. Penetanguisliene Caracadden, A.J.G Streetsville Cattanach, D flurk's Falls Chambers, A. B., LL.B Toronto Chapman, J. A., il.A. . . Bund Head Chapman, M. li., B.A Novar Chown, S. D Toroiiio Churchill, J. W Mulmur Clarke, George (Supd. ) AUandale Clubine, John O., B.A Utterson Cobb, Thos. (Supd. ) Toronto Coburn, John At College Couch, Isaac At College Cochrane, O., D.D. (Supd.) Los Angeles California Cocking, C. T Kleinburg Crews, A. C. (Sei: Ep. Z.y«.). Toronto Crockett, K South River Dean, Wesley Little Current Dewart, E. H., D D. (ShjA?). Toronto Dewey, George W Mount Albert Dinniek, S. Dunn At College Doel, John (Sup'y) Toronto Douglas, E. T Christian Island Dowler, J. A. (Sup'd) Toronto Dunlop, Thomas (Fin. Sw.). .Aurora Edwards, S. H Markdale Edwards, Thomas AUandale Egan, James Emsdale Egan, W. E At College Ellis, T. H At College Emory,' Vernon H Toronto Evans, W. U Hillside B'aircloth, G. S., li.A . ..Reserve List Fallis, R.J Unionville Farewell, Frank L At College Fawcett, Michael (Sttp'd)... Toronto Ferguson, T. A. (Sup'd) Toronto Ferguson, J. J., M.A., B.D. .Weston Ferguson, H. T., B.A., B./>..Beeton Ferguson, J. J., B.A Thessalon Ferrier, W. F Chatswoi th Fish, Clmvles (Sup'd) Parkdale Fish, H. A Toronto Fitzpatrick, J. D East Toronto Fox, Thomas (Sup'd) Aurora Fox, J. Wesley St. Vincent Franks, D. D Singhampt.(F.S.).McKellai' McLaughlin, J. f.,Prof. Vic, Colle.,'u McNeil, A Reserve Lis', Neil, W. T Cooksville Nixon, W Oro Station Noble, S. G At Colleu'e Norman, Daniel At College Nurse, Frederick At Colleu'i' Orkley, J. F. (Chair.) Toronto Odery, Joseph Toronto Oke, John H Whitevale Oliver, Jos. H Campbell's Parker, W.Ii., D.D Toronto Partridge, H. L At Collet-' Paull, Ernest F. (Sup'd) Toronto Paull, Andrew J Uniouvilli; Peacock, Percy Reserve List Peacock, Geo Woodford Pearen, Jas. A., Af.A Davisville Pearson, M. L. (Prenident). . ..Bariie Pearson, E. A.,B.A.. ..Newtonbrook Pepper, John, Il.A Brookholiii Perry, Charles K , . , . Minii^o Pickett, T. W Willowdiil.^ Plunkett, J. V..Collingwood Seooii'l Potter, Wm. A Mono Road Potts, J.. D.D (Sec. of Ed). .Toronto Powell, G. L Richmond Hill Power, John Vrooniaiitoii Rankin, J, A Brampton Rear, S, E Dutl'eriii Kedditt, J. J. (Fin. A>c.),.8helburne Reynolds, C. W Sundridj,'e Richard, A Malton _.iehardson, Win. (^ujA/),. ..Weston Roach, Wm. H. (Sup'd) Toimito Koach, Wni. V Magnetawan Robinson, Geo. W,,B.^. . .Lloydtow:: Robinson, G. W., B.A.. . .Lemonvilli' Rodwell, Vf. A.. (Evany.) Parry Sound Rogers, James O At Colle.'' Rowe, E. 8 Toroiitn Rupert,E.S.,j»/./l.,(C/iai>.)PySouril Rutledge, Geo. N.. Without a Stall -ii 18961 Sallons, W. B . . . Salt, Allan Sanderson, J. E., Sanderson, W. C Sanderson, A. R. .Sanderson, J. R. Sa*don, J. E — Scott, E. E Siott, Thos. G.. Srott, N. E. (Sut Seott, Thomas (S Seeley, W Service, Emersoi Sliannon, Wm. fi Shaw, John, D.l Shore, T. E. B., i Shutlleworth, J. Simpson, J. M.. Simpson, J. (Sui Simpson, C. A. (i .Simpson, R. J. I Smiley, J., M.A. Smith, James (S Smith, W. J.,3f. Smith, G. 8 Smith, CM Sparling, Philip. Sparling, J. J... Speer, Jas. C . . Spencer, R. A. . . Stafford, F. B... Starr, J. H. (Sup Stevenson, G.W. Stevenson, J. H. Vi Stewart, John W Stillwell, R. J.. Strac'lian, R Strangways, B. I Stone, B.^i.,D.D. Stonehouse, J. I: Sutherland, A., . Tliornley, Wm .. Taylor, Chas. (St Thurlow, I. E. (i Toye, Reuben. . Toye, A. J Tribble, W. J.., Trollope, J. A . . Tucker, Samuel Vlckery, John Walker, M. B... Walker, Geo Walker, Win. W Wallace, Wm. . Wallace, F. H. University) . . Wass, John B., Washington, Geo Washington, W. Watson, Wm. G. Waugh, George. Webster, Williai Webber, Geo. (C Wellwood,N.,F.. White, T. R.. Wicher, K. A., Wilkinson, J. R Will, P. D. (Sup Williams, Thos. Wilson, Richard Wilson, W. P , Wilson, Jos. E,,i Wltlirow,W.H, i Wood, George (i Young, Geo,, D. Young, E. It . . . Young, Joseph Young, E.R., B LONDON ( Kev. Wm. Willi Kev. R. J. Treli Rev. Charles Si Salton, Ph.B. Hev. R. D. Han [180i> 1896! CLERGY — METHODIST. 131 , D.D. I Raiiiu tl Ep«om (Sup'd) AUistou OwenSounii Davenport 1 Maxwell is Queennvillc AtCoUegu J., D.A., M.B. Cookstown a Torontu Bradford (Sup'd) Toronto Rosemont Mulmui- inH Etobicoke AtColk-e FleslierlDii (Sup'y) Toronto Uxbrid^'e ,es E,. {Chairman) SaultSte.Mane am O...HaldaneHilt der Sutton West Toronto l.(CAair) AUiston With'Uit Station iitp'rf) Toronto (Ch'n) . . . Bracebridge ScarVjoro' A.t College Thornhill ^ , . .. .Stayner . G AtColUgo Maple jrge Toronto er \ Mount Albert iry i'iup'd) Aurora Toronto Korali .,B.D.iF.S.).MoKe\hv , F.,Prof. Vic, Colleifc Reserve List Cooksville Ore Station At Colleire 1 At College L'k At Coll w Jhah:) Toronto Toronto Whitevale Campbell's Cross D.D Toronto AtCoUegH ". (Sup'd) Toronto J Urionvilli; ■ Reserve List Woodford , M.A DavisvlUe (I'renident). . ..Barrie B.A Newtonbrook li.A Brookholiii E Miiniio Willowdiil.' ..C'oUingwood Secon'l Mono Road (Sec. of Ed). .Toronto Riolimond Hill Vroomaiitoii Brampton Uutt'trin {Fill. ftVi'.) . . Slielburne f Sundridge Maltoii ni. (5uj)' J)... .Weston .(Sup'd) Toronto Magnetawan . W.,B./l...LIoydlowii iV., Ji./l....Lemouvilli' (Emnq.) Parry Soiitid ([.....' AtColle-i' Toronto './l.,(C/i(ii>.)PySouiil N..WillioiitaStati.'n Sallons, W. B Warminster Salt, Allan Farry Sound Sanderson, J. E., Jf. 4. . ..Brampton Sanderson, W. C Angus Sanderson, A. R At College Sanderson, J. R At College Sawdon, J. E Day Mills STOtt, E. E Parkdale Scott, Thos. O Teraperanceville Scott, N. E. (Sup'd) Eglinton Scott, Thomas (S.T.L.) Corbetton Seeley, W Wjevale Service, Emerson B Ufflngton Shannon, Wm. (Sup'd) Toronto Shaw, Jobn, D.D Toronto Shore, T. E. E., B.A At College Shiitlleworth, J. (Sup'd) .... Toronto j Simpson, J. M Thornbury Simpson, J. (Sup'y) Orangeville Snnpson, C. A. (F. S.) Cooksville Simpson, R. J. D Manitowaniug Smiley, J., M.A. (Sup'd)... .Toronto Smith, James (Sup'd) Parkdale Smith, W. J., M.A. (F. S.). . .Toronto Smith, G. S At College Smith, CM Manitoulin South Sparling, Philip Chiistian Island Sparling, J. J At College Speer, Jas. C Toronto Spencer, R. A Severn Bridge Stafford, F. B At College Starr, J. H. (Sup'd) Toronto Stevenson, G.W Scarboro Stevenson, J. H., B.A., B.D., Prof. Vanderbilt University Stewart, John W Sunderland Stillwell, R. J Brampton West Straihan, R Ravenna Strangways, B. R., B A.. ..Hillsdale Stone, S.U.,i).i).(C/i.)..Colliii-wood Stonehouse, J. H Port Carling Sutherland, A., D.D Toronto Thoruley, Wm < Joodwood Taylor, Chas. (Sup'd) Allandale Thurlow, I. E. (Sup'd) Toronto Toye, Reuben Scliomberg Toyo, A. J Laiiibtim Tribble, W. J At College TroUope, J. A Laurel Tucker, Samuel (Sup'd) Toronto Vickery.Johu Richmond Hill Walker, M. B Queensville Wallier, Geo Cookstown Walker, Wm. W.... Without Station Wallace, Win Stayner Wallace, F. H. (Professor Victoria Uiiicersity) ... .Toronto Wass, John B., M.A St. Vincent Washington, Geo., M.A Saiidford Wasliiugton, W. C., .Af.^l ..Minesiiig Watson, Wm. G., B.^....At College Waugh, George Newtonbrook Webster, William Sylvan Webber, Geo. (Chair'n) Toronto Wellwood,N.,ii'.ie./r.S.(/i'.S.)Meaford White, T. R Starratt Wicher, K. A., B.A Laurel Wilkinson, J. R Port Findley Will, P. D. (Sup'd) Toronto Williams, Thos. (Sup'd) Orillia Wilson, Richai-d (Sup'd).. .Parkdale Wilson, W. F Toronto Wilson, Jos. E.,B.^.(F.S.)Hnntsville Withro w, W. H, D. D{ Kd. Mag) Toronto Wood, George (Sup'd' Bolton Young, Geo., D.D.(Sup'd).. .Toronto Toung, E. U Without Station Yomitf, Joseph (F. Sec). .Stouffville Young, E. R., B.A., jr. . . Windermere LONDON CONFERENCE. Kev. Wm. Williams, D.D., PresiJent Kev. R. J. Treleaven, Secretnr}/. Rev. Charles Smith and Rev.'o. F. Salton, Ph.B., Assist. Secretaries. Kev. R, D. Hamilton, Journal i'ec'j. AUin, S. J. {Fin. S«c.)..Amherstburg Alexander, A. O Brownsville Anderson, S. A Cainlachie Andrews, G. W., . .Holniesville Andrews, J. W Corunna Antliir, J. C, D.D., Prof. Montreal Theo. College London Ashton, W. J Florence AU8tin,B.F.,Af..(l.,B.£).(/'.) Alma Col Ayeaist, J. A., B.A Harrow Ayeis, Walter Woodslee Aylesworth, LB., M.A., LL.D. Port Stanley Baird, John W., B.A Newbury Baker, Geo South Mersea Ball, John (Fin. Sec.) Atwood Barker, A Napier Barltrop, Charles Ailsa Craig Barnby, R. H., B.D Wallace Bartlett, Leonard Cainlachie Baugh, Wm. (Fin. See.) Auburn Bennett, Geo. (Sup'd) Lainlieth Birks, \Vni. (Sup'd) Woodham Birks,Alex.K.,fi.-4.,Z:,L.B.Tee»water Blaichford, T. W., B.A. .Westminster Bond, Stephen Seaforth Bristol, Charles Arkona Brown, C. W., B.A., B.D Glencoe Brown, George (Sup'd) .... London Brown, Asa LMont. Theological Coll. Brown, A. H., fi..(l.. Victoria College Buggin, George (Chairman).. .Blyth Burdette, C. (Sup'd) Ridgetown Burton, Bobt. C Whitechurch Burwash, Nathaniel S Harmony Butt, W. H.,(Fin. Sec.)....Ceiitralia Caswell, James (Stip'd) Listowel Chant, J. H Thedford Chapman, Wm. (Sup'd) London Chappie, John (.Sup'd) London Chown, Edwin A., B.D W.yoming Clarke, Charles Victoria College Clement, B London W Cobbledick,G.H.,3r^.,B.i). Brussels Collins. J. M. (Svp'd) Thedford Cook, Jos. S., Ph.D Granton Cooper, Wm. H Tilbury Centre Cornell, C. J Reserve List (Josens, Thos. Wesley Fordwich Coulter, Joseph Dorchester Coupland, T. B Elimville Couzens. C. C Appin Crews, H.W., M.A. (F.S.). .Chatham Crews, Thomas (Sup'd) London Creighton,VV.B.,B.^.£.I».Tupperville Criehton, Charles Malahide Ciossley,H.T.(iii'aHi7eit»O.St.Thoma8 CuUen, Thomas London Ciinniiighani, Andrew London Currie, Henry E. . . .Victoria College Daniel, Geo., M.A., Ph.D. .. London Dea'on, Jos Shedden and lona Devcr, A. W Reserve List Edge, Joseph (Fin. Sec). . .Goderich Edmunds, Sol, C, £./>. .Dungannon Edward.s, A. S . . St. Clair Edwards, E. W Malahide Elias, W. A Walpole Islniid Fair, Hugh J I.ondesboro' Falhs, J.O., Ph.B. ...Point Edwaid Fansher, W Bothwell Fansher, Fenton Kinglake Fear, Ezra A Milvertoii Ferguson, John A Siloain Fessant, E Straffordville FiiuUay, W. A Wanstead Greene, Josias Fullarton Griifln, Michael Fairfield Griffith, A. E. (Sup'd)... St. Thomas Gundy, James (Sttp'd) London Gundy, J. R. (Chairman). . . Wiiitlsor Hadwin, Thos. (Sup'd) London Hall, Robt. H Ashfleld Hamilton, R. D. (Fiji. Sec, Journal Secretary) Alvinstoii Hannon,Jas.,i>.Z>.(C/i'/i)8t. Th(mias Harris, A. O London Harrison, T. E Melbourne Hart, John Sylvan Uayhurst, Wm Fingal Haylock, J. J Harwich Hazen, Q. V , B.A Strathrov Henderson, G. W. (C/iai>ina«)Sarni'a Henderson, John Comber Hill, John, (Sup'y) Oneida Hill, Joseph (Sup'd) Brigden Hibbert, J. W Westminster Holmes, Edwin (Sup'd) London Holmes, James E Florence Holmes, John Blenheim Holmes, Jos. W. (CAaiiman) Clinton Hosking, Robt. J Nissouri Huggins, W. (Sup'd) Warwick Hunter, J. E. (Evangelist) St. Thomas Husser, James Cedar Springs Button, Benj. L. (Fin. Sec). .Ripley Irvine, Henry Goderich Irwin, Robt. Fulton . Victoria College Jackson, J. A. . Montreal Theo. Coll. Jackson, George (CAflirinau). .Exeter Jackson, Thomas Belmont Jewett, George Warwick Johnson, George H Oil City Jones, A. E Reserve List Jones, P. W Tiverton Kaine, CO Ethel Keenleyside. C.B.,B.A.,B.D. N.-West Kellington, H. E Fullarton Kennedy.D.M. (FiH.S?c)Thamesville Kennedy, James (Stip'd) London Kennedy, .John, B.D Louisville Kennedy, J. B Kerwood Kennedy, C. W Gesto Kenner, John Staffa Kerr, G. J. (Fin. Sec. )Mount Brydgf.s Kerr, John L. (Svp'd) Brussels Kerr, Wesley E Wroxeter Kershaw, Edward Embro Kirkland, John H Bryanston Knott, Stephen Kintore Knowles, R. W Brooke Laird, J. G. (Sup'd) London Lake, Cnas. V Bethel Lanceley, E. B London Langford, A.J Port Stanle\ Learoyd, John (CAain/i(iH).St.Mary's Leech, Webster W Varna Livingstone, Jas. (C/i'»)..Kincardiiie Locke, H. W Exeter Lloyd, A. K Merlin Malott, F. E West Lome Martin, D. E Dawn Mill.s Mason, Thomas Muncev McAllister,W.G.H.,jV./l.Brownsvilk. McCuUoeh, Andrew .M Thorndale McCutcheon. T. L. (Sup V/)... Ay Imer McDonagh, Wm Kingsville Mclntyre, C. F.(C/(ainH(nO.CIiatham McKelvie, Irving Sombiu ' .McKibboii, Archibald Monkton i McLean, H. (S'vp'd) St. Thomas McMnllen, Wm., B A Romncv Fisher, John S. Gorrie j McNuir, Thomas R. (/•'/«. Sec). Sparta Ford, James I . (Fin. Sec.).. . . Lucan Ford, J. W., lI.B Clinton Freeman, J. W., B.D. : Chatham Oallowr.y, Joseph Leamington Garbiitt, R J., LL.B Birr George, T. T Delaware Gilford, G. A., PhD Wingham Godwin, Wm Wnlkirville Going, A.H.B A Springfield Graham, Win. H . . . .Victoria College MeTnvish, H. W Dresden McVittie, Siimnel ...Victoria College Medd, E.,y'/(./i Ruthvei. Middleton, E Wallnrphur" Miller, R. A ..Montreal Theo. College Millg, John Parkhill Mills, Wm. (Sup'd) Hivth Millson, W Londesboio' Mlllyard, R St. Thomas Millyard, E. J Shedden and lona i\^ 132 CLERGY — METHODIST, [189() EU n , < I; i Moore, Jas. E Dutton Morden, John P. (Sup' d).. SI. John's Morrison, John Qoldsinith Moss, W. II Bluevale Mojer, Harvey D Thamesford Muxworthy.Samuel W.Charing Cross Myers, Peter Dover Nattrass, Timothy London Neelands, John Adelaide Nethercott, J. C Woodham Newcombe, Henry A. (Sitp'd). Clinton Noble, Jabez J Salem Oaten, F. J Bayfield Olivant, E Benniiller Ornie, J. H. (Sup'd) London Parsons, R. C. (Chairman). liorpeth Pdscne, yf.S.,D.D Essex Patterson, T. A Victoria College Paul, Richard (Sttp'd) Brussels Penhall, Win St. John's Phillips, John R. (Sup'd). St. Thomas Philp, Jos., B.D Ridgetown Pickard, Mahlon Merlin Poftieroy, Daniel {Sup'd] . . . Highgate Pomeroy, VVni. M Walton Preston, Walton Sonibra Prinjf , Jos. W Nile Powell, E G Delaware Quance, Wm Lambeth Rapson, A Reserve List Redmond, Richard Dorchester Reid, L.W., Montreal Theological Col. Reynolds, John {Sup'd) Windsor Rice, J. P. (Pin. Agent Alma Col- lege) St. Thoma^ Rigsby, W. (Fin. Sec.) Loudon Robinson, J. H ,' ondon Robinson, John W Trowbridire Rogers, David Talbotville Russell, Alfred L., M.A.,B.D. (Chair- man) London Russell, John Wardsville Ryan, David (Stip'd) Londotf Salton, G. K., Ph.B. (Fin. Sec. and Asst. Sec. of Conference. Str&ttord Salton, Samuel Watford Sanderson, \}.R.,Z).i).(iSup'd;,London Sanderson, Thos. C Bervie Saw\er, Thos. E Bervie Scott, C.T., B.A St. Thomas Service, Richard (Sup'y) . . St. Mary's Shaw, Edward A Belgrave Shaw, W. H Cottam 8hepherd,W. W. Mcu itEIgin Institute Sherlock, Benj. (iup'd) Kthel Sinclair, J. J Thoiiidale Smith, Ohas, Axuistant Secretary of Conference London Smith, Findlav M.(S«p'rf). Kincardine Smith, Geo. (Sup'd) Mitchell Smith, W. A.. ..We8le\an Theo. Col. Smith, W. S Rutherford Sniy the, Wm Petrolia Sne'll, Byron Victoria College Snell, J. A Pelee Island Snider, A. I., Ph.B Rodney Snowdon, Thos, J., Ph.B. . . Kirkton Staples, S. O., B.A Avon Stinson, Joseph U.(Sup'd) Sarnia Sutolifife, Fletcher Maidstone Swann, Francis Hensall Swift, John R. (Sup'd) Newbury Thibadeau, Alex i.nder. . . . Maidstone Thompson, G. H Grand Bend Thompson. Robert Lvons Tiffen, C. A Victoria College Treleaven, R. J. (Chairman, Sec. of Conf.) Aylmer Tyler, Henry D Bosanquet Uren, H. J London Vance, W. R \'ictoria College Veale, John Highgate VoUick. C. A Oneida Waddell, Wm, J Ethel Walker, James Kippen Walker, John (Sup'd) Lucknow Wallwin, I, B., if. A Lucknow ' Ward, Joseph, M.A., B.D. . Stratford Warner, R. I., (Ptofensor AhiM College) St. Thomas Watts. John H. (Sup'd) Ethel Webster, T., D.D. (Sup'd).. Newbury Wells, C. P., B.A., B.I). .Oil Springs Westman, J. P Elimville Whitit.jjf, James (Fin. Sec). . . Forest Whiting, Richard, B.A Brigden Wicketl, L. W Marthaville Wilkinson, G. A London WillianiH, R. W Vienna Williams, Wm., D.D. (President of Conference) Mitchell Willimott, W. (Sup'd) London Willoughby, Gerald Sarnia Willoughby, N. R., M. A., D.D. (Chairman) Listowel Wilson, Martin J Hensall Wilson, Jasper, Jlf..4.(C/t'>i)Strathroy Wilson, H. L Victoria College Yelland, J. G Crediton MONTREAL CONFERENCE. Rev. John Armstrong, President. Rev. F. G. Lett, Secretary. Kev. Wm. Philp, B.A., B.D., and Rev. A. A. Radley, Asst. iSec'ys. Rev. Chas. D. Baldwin, Journal Sec'y. Mr. A. J. Cross, Lay Assistant Sec'y. Adams, William Ulverton Ainsworth. J. Harrison (Sup'd) AUin, P. H., B.A Magog Allum, Carl Manotick \nglin, W. W Wes. Theo. Col. Armstrong, John, Howick-Valleyfteld Austin, William Quyon Bailey, T. W Playfair Baldwin, Charles D Dunham Barnabas, Jno. R St. Jovite Barnett, William bishop's Mills Bates, G. E Wesleyan Theo. Col. Beauiisti, W. J Locksley Bell, Gore A Chelsea Bell, Thomas (Sup'd) Bedford Belton, A. J Mascouche Rapids Benson, Manly, D.D Montreal Betts, Lorenzo A. (Sup'd). Brockville Black, Richard Indian Mission Blair, William, B.A Waterloo Bland, C. 1^.,B.A., B.D. ...Montreal Bland, Henry P Cornwall Bland, Salem G., B.A Cornwall Boshart, Wm. P Montreal Bradford, W. G Shawbridge Briden, Wm. (Sup'd) Kingston Brill, David ..Calumet and Grenville Brock, Jas. (Sup'd) Kingston Brown, Daniel, B.A Webbwood Brown, David Sturgeon Falls Brown, Thos Montreal Brown, Thos. C Smith's tails Brown, Wm . Thos ... Wes. Theo. Col. Brown, William Thomas .... Matilda Brundage, Manly .... Sturgeon Falls Buker, C. F Chapleau Burke, Thos. E , S.r.L., ..Westport Burnett, H. W„ S.T.L . . N. WakeHeld Cairns, H. G Riviere du Loup Cairns, Hugh Pembroke Campbell, Alex. (<.^tp'd). , , .Montreal Campbell, George I Montreal Caasidy, T. Creighton.. Haley's Sta'n Chantler, W m. N Pownssan Charlesworth, James Calabogie Chisholm, Francis Pakenham Clendinnen, 0,S.,S.7'.L.Billing'8 B'ge Clipsham, John VV Lachute Coates, E. W. S Clarendon Colborne, J Wes. Theo. Col. Collins, Benj Wes. Theo. Col. Conluy, Lewis Mallorytown Conley, Thos. B., B.A . . .Chesterville Conn, Jas. R At College Conoly, Wm. J Grantley Cornell, J. C Wolfe Island Oorrigan, R., B.A. , B.D. .Mansonville Courtlce, A.C.,B.A. B.D... Kingston Crabb, G. J Frelighsbur;,' Craig, William Huntingdon Crane, E. W Ottawa Cummings, D. T,, S.T.L Clayton Curtis, C. J Inverarv Davies, John (Sup'd) Stansteail Davis, Ernest A., B.A Melbourne Davis, George H. H Lacollc Deeprose, Chas. S. . . Richmond.Que, DeOruchy , Edward Montreal DeLong, Albert M Renfrew DeLong, Francis A vonmore Oesmarais, Wm. H..Wes. Theo. Col, Diome, John A Caughnawaga Dorion, Jos. A. (Sttp'd) Montreal Dorman, J. A Wes. Theo. Col. Oowson, J. L Copper Cliff Drennan, Alex, (Sup'd) .... Kingston Eagleson, R Wes. Theo. Col, Earl, Daniel, B.A Berwick Bason, Richard Clarendon Easton, W. H., M-.A . . .Victoria Uni, Edwards, Geo Kingston Elliott, D. D Montreiil Elliott, James, B.A Ottawa Ellis, John D., B.A Montreal Ellis, Wm. J Eganville Emsley, Wm. H Montreal England, Luther M.,B..4...Farnhani Ewan, Rnbt. B Wes. Theo. Col. Farrer, W. D Blind River Fairbaitn, Andrew Combormerc Farnsworth, A. H.Gaspe N. & Anticosti Ferguson, John (Hupd.) Athens Ferguson, John Clarenceville Finch,C.W,B.^ .B.D Cookshire Flanders, C.R.,, Prin. Stanstead Wesleyan College Follick, Joseph (S(fp'd) Stella Fowkes, John South Stu kvl v Fowler, J. H., M.A. (Sup'd) .S-ittoii Fowler, Hiram (Supd.) Sutton Garvin, John Aylwin, Q, Geoffroy, Antoine E.(Sup'd)Montreal Gibson, John Sudbury Greaves, R. G Gaspe Soutii Grenfell, John Oarleton Place Griffith, Thos. M.A. /'A.D.Brockville Hagar, Joseph M. , M.A Athens Hall, Isaac Lancaster Halpenny, Wm Without Station Hal penny, E. W Wes. Theo. Col. Hamilton, W. A Warren Hammond, R. M. (Sup'd). . Preseott Hanna, William A Uowansville Harris, Thomas ..(Sup'd). .Montreal Harris, Wm. M.A., Prof., Wes. Theo. Col Montreal Harton, S. L. W Lake Taloti Hartwell, Q.K.,B.A.,B.D. Brockville Henderson, Andrew North Bay Henderson, Wm Danville Hewitt, Wm. J. (Sup'd) Quebec Hicks, James B., B.A Augusta Hill, Harry Victoria Uni. Iliscocks, John (Sup'y) Lachute Hodgson, Jonathan R . , Island Brook Holmes, John (Sttp'd) Kingston Holmes, A. Lee, M.A Coaticook Howard, Erastus S..Phillip8burg E. Howard, W. W Thurso Howitt, Wm. B.A., B.D Sutton Hughes, Silas J., M.A Preseott Humphrey, James W.Lawrenceville Hunter, W. J., Ph.D., Z),O.Montreal Huntington, Silas , , .Nipissing June. Huxtable, Charles Opinicon Huxtable, George G Perth Jackson, W., D.D Qanano.i:.,S.T.L Clayton Inveran (Sup'd) Stansteaii : A., B.A .. ..Melbourne 3H. H Lacollc as. S . . . Kichmond,Que. Id ward Montreal ert M Renfrew icig Avonmore 'ra. H..We8. Theo. Col. A Caujjhnawaga \. (Sup'd) Montreal Wes. Theo. Col. Copper Cliff IX. (Stip'd) .... Kingston Wes. Tlieo. Col. B.A Berwink rd Clarendon [., M.A . . .Victoria Uni. > Kingston Montreal 9, B.A Ottawa ., B.A Montreal Eganvillc H Montreal her M.,£.il...Farnhani B Wes. Theo. Col. ' Blind River drew Comborinere I. H.Gaspe N. & Anticosti m (6upd.) Athenti nn Clarenceville A,B.D Cookshire .,B.A., Prin. Stanstead Wesleyan CoUe^re ?h (Sup'd) Stella I South Stukclv ,M.A. (Sup'd) .S-'ttou a(Supd.) Sutton Aylwin,Q. bine E.(5up'(<)Montreal Sudbury .. ..Gaspe South , .Carleton Place M.A. PA.Z).BrockviUe M., M.A Athens Lancaster 1 Without Station ff Wes. Theo. Col. A Warren M. (Sup'd). . Prescott A Cowansville (SMp'(i).. Montreal M.A., Prof., Wes. Montreal f Lake Talon B.A.,B.D. Brockville Irew North Bay 1 Danville (Sup'd) Quebec B.A Au^sta Victoria Uni. (Sup'y) Lachute lian R. .Island Brook Snp'd) Kingston M.A Coaticook S . . Phillipsburg E. Thurso l.,B.D Sutton M.A Prescott es W.Lawrenceville h.D., />. D.Montreal Nipissing June. s Opinicon e O Perth Oananoque Sydenham Pittsburg >g.... Windsor Mills . . .Maple Grove Matiawa son.. St. Lambert 1896] CLERGY — METHODIST. 138 Kendall, S. C. (Sup'd) Quebec Keough, W. T.,'otoria Uni. Knapp, A. E Vankleek Hill Kmix, William Ashton Knii)p, Henry Riceville Latiiblv, M. O., B.A Sawverville Larinour.J ,B.A.,BD. PAi>. Maitlaud Lawson, Elwood Cataraqui Lawson, James North Augusta Lennon, W. 8 Wes. Theo. Coll. Lett, Francis O. {Secretary of Con- ference) Iroquois Lidstone, Joseph E Matilda Lough, Daniel A Wes. Theo. Coll. Lucas, D.V., M.A ..Without appon't Mansell, Thomas J Quebec Mark, R. ,M.D., (Sup'd) . Ottawa Cent. .Massicotte. I.*o., S.T.L. ..Actonvale Maudsley, S. E., (Sup'd) Hudson .Mavely, .Tohn E Ottawa East McVTumond, F., ..Winchester MuAmmond, R. B Montague McAramond, T South Mountain McCann, Alfred Kemptville McConnell, James H Eaton .McConnell, Robt. C. .. .Victoria Uni. JIcRitchie, George Aylmer .Meredith, Thos Verona .Meyer, F. W. A., P/».B. . .Richmond Meyers, Henry Chambly .Might, Samuel (iSwp'd) .Smith's Falls Miller, J. H Pittsburg .Mills, Arthur W Eardley Mick, D Wes. Theo. Coll. .Morrison, Edmund S Lakefleld .Mossop, George Leeds Murray, J. Holt Marbleton Nelson, Isaac East Bolton N'ewtoM, S. F Walfoi-d O'Hara, James Elginburg Oke, John J Oka Oliver, Robert P Nepewn Oraer, A. R. (Sup'd) Gananoque Osborne, Heman S.,B.A Hatley Parent, Amand (Sup'd) Waterloo Pates, A. E . . Arundel and Ponsonby Ptttton, W. M., B.A., B.D. (Prof, of Hebrew, Wesleyan Theological Col- lege Montreal Pearson, William Arnprior Peck, Wm. (Sup'd) Kingston Peever, Rich. G., S.!r.i/..We8tmeath Pergeau. Paul, B A. .. Miuton Perley, William F Lyn Phillips, A.M., B.D Montreal Phillips, F. T East Harrington Pliilp, W., B.A., B.D. . .North Gower Pierce, Barry Oxford Mills PImlott, Wm Addi.son Pinel, Joseph, S.T.L Leunoxville Pitcher, J. Tallman Stanstead Pletts, Jas Battersea Porter, G. H., M.A., B.D. .St. John's Powell, T Coinmanda Poyser, G.C. , 7' . 2'. L Delta Pyke, Wm. (Evaiig.). .Ottawa Centre Quincey, John Andrew.. Wes. T. Col. Quinn, Samuel Lanark Radley, A. A Sawyerville Raney, William Gran by Raney, W. H„ B.A Robinson Keaa, F. A Beebe Plain Rennie, Thomas (Sup'y) Waterloo Keynolds, Francis C Montreal Iftynolds, Geo. S Elgin Keynolds, Wtii. E Lansdowne llichards, Thos. H Metcalfe Ricliardson, James E.. . Spencerville Riilmrdson, P. L., B.A., B.D., Prof. Wes. Theo. Col Montreal Rilance, William Cardiuftl Roadhouse, Job Seeley's Bay Robertson, Arch. G Escott Robeson, J. B Harrowsniith Robinson, Fred. G Bearbrook Robinson, Richard Bedford Rogers, George Almonte Rose, Samuel P , D.D Montreal Rowan, W. L Wes. Theo. Col. Roy, Lcuis E.. ..Bethel and Bethany Rny, Telesphore Montreal Runnells, A. E Wes. Theo. Col. Ryan , William W Three Rivers Ryckman, E.B., M.A.. D.D. Kingston Sadler, Mitchell (Sup'y).. . . Montreal Sanderson, A. B., S.T.L..'W. Bronie Sanderson, D. Cook Montreal Saunders, Jabez B., It.D. .Ottawa C. Scanlon, John Brockville Scott, W. L Ottawa Centre Seed, W. II Nipissing Junction Seller, Johnson Greenwood Service Wiiliam Aultsville Shaw, W. l.,M.A.,D.D.,LL.D.,Prin. Wes. Theo. Col Montreal Shibley. Samuel Kingston Short, Win. (Sup'd) Kingston Shorts, Alex. (Sitp'd). .Thous. Islands Shortt, Wm. K., M.A Newboro' Simpson, James Vankleek Hill Smith, Isaac French Mission Smith, Robert Complon Smith, William Knowlton Smith, Wm. T. . .Winchester Springs Smythe, T. A. .Without appointment Snell, Goo. W Portsmouth Sparling,W..B A.,B.D..Eaaton'A Cur. Sparling, Wm. H., B.A Montreal Sproule, Fred. H.,B.A. ..Newington Stafford, George Barnston Starr, J. E Kingston Stevens, Wm. H Hudson Stevenson, John Victoria Uni. Stewart, John H Cataracpii StHwell, Reubpn Frankville Sykes, Charles A Montreal Taylor, Ernest M., M.A. Cowansville Taylor, Mclvin Merrickville Teeson, Samuel Odelltown Tennant, Elislia(iSMj)*d)Cornwall Isl'd Thomas, Ernest Franklin Centre Timberlake, Wm Morrisburg Tippett, E. H Chelmsford^ Toppmg, Nassau B... Sliarbot Lake' Tory, H. M., B.A.,B D, McGill Col. Tredrea, J. M Carp Tripp, Fred Frelighsburg Varley, F. W Barry's Bay Vaughan, Chas. S Prin. Madura Institute India Vickery, T. J Powassaii Visser, A. H Maberly Walker, Harry Hendersonville Warden, Fred. A Montreal West Warren, Herman E., B.A Lyn Watson, James, F.T.L Lachine Watts, .\sa O Inverness Webster, John Cobden Weese, W. W I .ombardy Wells, William Beachburg Wheatley, Isaac Fitzroy Haibor White, G. S. (Sup'd) Kingston Whiting, Richard (Sup'd) Kiiixston Whittnore, G. S Calabogie Wiggins, M. E Pickanock Wilkinson, Arthur.. ..West Sheft'ord Wilkinson, Isaitc Inkerman Williams, George H Georgevillc Williams, T. G., D.JS.Sherbrooke.Q. Williams, W. J Wes. Theo. Col. Williamson, A. W. ..Wes. Then. Col. Williamson, J. H Monliuette Williamson, W., /'A.B. ..Gannr.nqueE Wilson, John, B.A WoHord Wilson, Wm Montreal South Winter, David Ottawa West Wood, George C. ..Portage du Fort Wood, Wm. . .Arundel and Ponsonbv Wood, Wm. J Montreal Wright, John H . . Wesleyan Theologi- cal College Wright, Robt Agnes Wright, Thomas H Ormstown Young, Henry A Heinmingf ord HAMILTON CONFERENCE. Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, Pre.nidfnt. Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D., Sec'y. Rev. F. E. Nugent and W. J. Waugh, Esq , Assigtant Secretaries. Rev. R. Walter Wright, Journal Sec'y. Adams, Ezra (ffup'd) Courtlaud Ames, W. (Sup'd) Woodstock Archer, Joseph Bartonville Athoe, Thomas (Sup'd) Lyn.len. Atkins, Thomas J Norwich Awde, Jas., B.A Grimsby Amy, Thomas Nassagaweya Auld, David (Sup'd) Georgetown BaiUie, J. E. S Sweaborg Barraclough , Wm. H. B. il . To be trans. Barker, Geo. W Walsh Bell, James P Fenwick Bennett, Clifford T. . B. i4 . . Port Dover Bowers, A. ..,B.A Ridgeway Bowlby, Cnarles L Peel Uoyd, Thomas Oxford Centre Brand, H., Montreal, Wes. Tlieo.C.dl. Brethour,D.L.,/'/i.ZJ Hamilton Bristol, Bumess (Sitp'd) .Jerseyville Bristol, Emerson (Sup'd).. .Ancaster Brown,W.G..Af.i4.(Sit/)'(0..Hamdton Burns, A., S.T.D., IL.D., Hamilton Wesleyan Ladies' College Burns, R., Ph.B Niagara Falls Bielby, W. M Saugeen Brandon, William J Marsville Bryers, Wm. (Sup'd) Acton Bell, Robt. H Cathcart Caldwell, Henry, S.T.L Ker Casson, Wesley Dunville Caswell, W. C. .Victoria University Charlton, James Hanover Christie, Herbert B Woodstocit Clarke, Andrew (Sup'd) . ..Hanover Colling, Joseph S. (Fia. Sec. ).Elmira Colwell, Andrew Dyer's Bay Corcoran, John S.... South Oayuga Cornish, G. H., LL.D Port Elgin Couch, S. G Elinwood Crane, Isaac (Sup'd) Woodstock Crowle, F. W., M.A.. Port Robinson Calvert, O. W. (Cliainn'n) ..O.ikville Calvert, R.,S.T.L.. Walsingham C. Carpenter, G Stra thai Ian Cavers, C. A.. Montreal W.Theo. Coll. Chalmers, David Cainsvillt; Clark, George, Ph.D(F.S.).. ihorold Clarke, Edward J Ancaster Clarke. T. R Trafalgar Clement, Ephraim (Sup'd) Tilsonburg Cohoe, Benjamin li Palermo Cole, Charles O. V Springford Coleman, F. (Sit/A/) Homilton CoUamore.O.G. (S)(p(/).Kew.anee,Ill. Colling, T., B.A Paisley Collins, J. H W.aterdown Cook, Henry A Caistorvilie Cookman, C.. .Burford and Fairfield Cooley, John W St. George Cosens, Charles W Beamsville Crawford, Alex. »V Brantfonl Cross, Wm. (Sup'd) Cainsville Culp, Josephus Sheffield Cutler, J. B. (Sup'd) Smitliville Crosby, Arthur H Reserve List Dannrd, W. H Capo Oroker Davey, Robert (Cftaicmfl)i)...Cliesley Dyke, Jabez H AUeiiford Davis, John T Kelvin Deacon, Cliarles Dereham Dobson.C. J., B.D. (nh'n) . .Welland Dougall, Hugh S., B.A ... Courtland Down, George W Stronitiess Duff, Robert Springford Dyer, James E.{Sup'd). .Stony Creek Draper, S. D Stevensville Ecker, Daniel Te viotda le Elliott, R. J Burlington Eddy, Arthur C, B.A Cainsville Fear, Samuel (Sup'd) Elora 134 CLERGY — METHODIST. Ferguson, James Southampton Flagg, Edwin L., B.D Varney Fydell, Thnmas K Miiito Fallis, Samuel W York Ferguss'm, George Jerseyville Fuotc, James U Caynga Forman, R.J. Stamford and St.DiiviiT's Facey, Ricliard A Reserve List Oarnliam, Win. H.. B.A Kriii Gee, Abraham L.. I'h.B . .. Hamilton Gorman, Peter {Sup'd) .... Cainsville Goodwin. James (SM^'d) ...Grimsby Green, Robl. O Townsend Garner, John (.Suj)'d> Hanover Gee, Thomas (Sup'd) Alma German, John M. (Sup'd) Berlin Gilpin, John M Stirton Gilpin, Victor J Victoria Uiii. Glazier, Adam Clavering Griffin, W.8., D.D Guelph Gardiner, J. L Reserve List Haith, John M Fontbill Hall, Henry (Sup'y) Arkwright Hall, Theophilus (Sup'n) Tara Hall, Harvey M.. . Louth &Orantliam Hamilton, C. (Sup'd) Harriston* Hamilton, A., iJ..4... Mount Pleasant Harnwell, H. J Hepworth Harris, James (Sup'd) Guelph | Harvey, Win. H.,B.A Clifford Haynes, Frederick (Sup'y) Beamsville Hazlewood, J. H. (Fi».Sec).liigeraoll Henders, Rich'd C. (Sup'd) . Hamilton Henderson, W.C, /).i).(C/i). Guelph Hill, Henry E Freelton Hilts, Joseph (Sup'd) Dundas Histon, John (Sup'd).. .. Burlington Honey, Geo. E., B.D Cedarville Hough, John (Sup'd) Guelph Howell, J. E., M.A Acton Hobbs, Richard Brantford Hockey, John E.(Fin Sec.) Millgrove Holden, Samuel W Arkwright HoUinTake, F. W., B.A.. . .Hamilton Holmes, James H. . .Victoria College Holmes, Chas. P Reserve List Howard, T. 8. (Sup'd). . .Hagarsville Hunt, David (Sup'd) Woodstock Isaac, John R Holstein Jackson, J. A Harriston Jackson, T. W Fergus Janiieson, Walter S Hamilton Jefferis, Thomas M. (Sup'd) Oakville Johnson, D. M Victoria Col. JoUey, W. 0. (Sup'tj) Norwich Johnston, George V^. . . .Colpoy's Biy Johnston, A.J. (Res. L.)..Palmerston Kestle, James Rockwood Hitching, John W Tobermory Kappelle, Stephen (Sup'd). Hamilton Kay, John Hamilton Kay, J. Fred., B.A Rockford Kearns, David (Sup'd) Freelton Kelley, T. W., B.A Port Rowan Kelly, D. Ward (Sup'd) Norwich Kelly, Samuel Judson Glanford Kennedy, Albert Princeton Kennedy, Howard.. ..Victoria Coll. Kennedy, James H Fonthill Kerby, G. W.,B.^.. ..St. Catharines Kerruish, T. L Merritton Kettlewcll, Wm. (/'. o/Co)^/.). Paris Kitching, G. R Reserve List Laidman, Samuel A Wellesley Laird, James (Sup'd) Caledonia La veil, A. E., B.^ Jarvis Lawrence, G. (Sup'd) IngersoU Leith, Hamilton (St(;i'd). . .Hamilton Linseott, T. S. (Stip'y) Brantford Livingston, H. O Binbrnok Lounsbury, E. (Sup'd) Hamilton Tjounds, George Grand Valley Magwood, Wesley J Kenil worth Markham, Josej)h (Sup'd). .. Arthur Mathers, F. M. (S.T.L.). . . Aberfoyle Maudson, Geo. A Reserve List Moir, David A., B./).. ..Georgetown Mc Alister, Jas. (Chainnun) Tara McBain, James H., /J..(l. ..Mildmay Mclntyre, Robert J Everton McLachlin, Jas., M.A Waterloo McCartney, James H Jarvis Molrvine, C.L.,Drumlio and Richw'd Marshall, E. E Canboro Marshall, S. E., B.A Washington Marshall, Chas. M... Victoria College Mnsson, James Troy Masson, W.D.,Otterville and B.iokfn Miller, Aniasa B St. Catharines Miller, Geo. (Sup'd) Woodstock Mitchell, G. A., B.A Milt(m Mooney, James Carlisle Moore, T. Albert (C/iair).Piilmerstou Morris, G. Francis.. Victoria College Moniinger, Henry.. ..Montreal Coll. Morrow, C. R., PortColhorne and Humberstone Misener, Austin P Amignri Norton, Win. (Stipd.) Brussels Nugent, Francis E Hespeler Neelcy, David B .... Victoria College Nicholson, S. W Eastwood Nelson, Francis E Reserve List Noice, Herbert T Reserve List Ottawell,Wm Bel wood Ockley. R. L..Ottervilleand Bookt'n Oime, T. H., M.A., PA. Z).. Niagara Perry, Tho"- s Parker Guelph Phillips,' lert.. Alma PoMieroy, C,'.S.).. Durlmm Potter, Austin Hagarsville Parr, Theo. J., B.A Ayr Patterson, Joshua R.. . .Decewsville Peart, M.C., Columbian College Pescott, Walter E., B.A Siincoe Philp, John, ilf.4. ,D.D... .Hamilton Pickering, John Woodstock Preston, J. (Suj^d). .Mount Pleasant Prudham, W. W.,B.i4.. Montreal Wes. Theo. Coll. Railton, Richard... Victoria College Robinson, J. H. {Chair.). Tilsonburg .Hobb, Andrew Burford Ross, J.S.,Jlf.i4., D.D... .Brantford Rowe, Richard B Lynedoch Russ, A.E.,Af.^.,(CA.).Niagara Falls Russ, James E. International Bridge Rutledge.W.L.,B..4 .(F.S.) Brantford Richardson, Geo Mt. Forest Richardson, Jos. D. . .Victoria Coll. Rolston, David D. (Sup'd) Walkerton Robbins, Jos. A Reserve List Saunders, John, 3f.j4.(C/0 Waterford Scanlon, R. W., Ph.D.,M.A.Onk\!ind Sheppard, E Victoria College Sheridan, Walter L. .Victoria College Sheridan, Wm. \(Sitp'd).. .Beamsville Sifton, J.W., M.A., Ph.D. (Sup'y) Valley City, N.D., U.S. Sipprell, W. J Woodstock Smith, J. v., D.D Kamilton Smith, Geo. E Rt'serve List Smith, Win. B Victoria College Smith, Wray R Stony Creek Snider, David W St. Catharines Stevenson, E. B., B.A Freeman Stewart, John Salford Stobbs, T. (Sxip'd) Hamilton Sabine, Thos. J Drew Sanderson, John W Dobbinton Savage, Wm. (Sitp'd) Guelph Scott, John, D. T>.(Chair'n) .... Berlin Scott, John G Oalt Scratch, Alex IiigersoU Sellery,S.,B./)..(S. of Cmf.) .Guelph Sharpe, Dixon Eden 'Irove Shilton, J. W., B.^ Walkeit(m Smith, Alfred E., B.D. . ..Plattsville Smith, Geo. (Sup'd^ Mitchell Smith, John T Lowville Smith, Thos. James Lion's Head Sinitherman, Geo Arkwright Sparling, Win. W Caledonia Stafford, Charles E Drayton Stafford, W. E Grand Valley Stevenson, John C Elora Strongman, W. A., /^£i.i)..M()oretii'Iil Swann, Matthew (Sup'd) Fei>;iis Stringf'jllow, Charles New Credit iStt innerton, G. F . . . . Victoria College Si^hlichter, W. E Reserve List hhepperson, Albert W Almii Stall wood, Wm Oxford Centre Taylor, D. H Smithville Taylor, K. H Wellandport Teeple, Win. M Townsend Terwilligar, S. (Sxip'd) IngersoU Terryberrv, Arthur I. . . Victoria Col. Tovell, I., D.D. (Ch'n) Hamilton Trimble, T. B Teeterville Thompson, F. W.. ..Victoria College Tindall, Wm. (Sup'd).... Walkerton Treleaven, W. E New Hamburg Truax, Judson Ponsonby Tyler, Reuben J. (Sup'd) .Mt. Forest VanAVyck,J.B..4.(/i'in.5'pc).Haniilton Voaden, T., B.A. (5"p'(0 ..Cathcart VoUick, W. N Bright Waketleld, John Dundag Walker, Wm Grand River Watson, W. C, M.A Brantfoi-d Webb, James Tintern Whitworth, Edward .. ..Ta))leytown Wilkinson, T. L West Flamboro Wilson, J. V. (Sup'd).... Dunnville Wilson, Samuel (Sup'd) Niagara Williams, David (Svp'd).. .Townsend Williamson, J. a..D.D.(Ch.) IngersoU Wood, John (Sup'd) Norwich Woodsworth, R. W. Woodstock Wright, Robert W. , B.D Delhi Wright, Jamcp M Brant Walker, Robt. (Fin. 5?c.).. .Wiarton Wass, Jabez Preston Watson, George (Supd\... Walkerton Webster, John (Sup'd) Tara Wilson, Robert R Erin Worrell, John W Reserve List Wilkinson, Alfred T Trafalgar BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. Rev. F. B. Stratton, President. Rev. T, J. Edmison, B.A., B.D., Sec. R. W. Clarke, Esq., Rev. H. V Moun- teer and Rev. W. J. Sanders, Assistant Secretaries. Rev. Samuel T.Bartlett, Journal Sec. Rev. R. Duke and E. D. O'Flynn, Esq., Letter Writers. Adam, Alexander L Foxboro Adams, Charles Flinton Adams, R. N. (Fm. Sec). .Cannifton Adams, W. H Ivanhoe Allen, H.I Columbus Allin, Roger Bethany Anderson, F. J Cambray Anderson, Jas Tani worth Anderson , Joseph C Vennachar Anderson, T. H. P Tyrone Badgley, E. I., M.A , LL.D. (Prof.) Victoria College Baker, E.lf.,M.A.,B.D Belleville Balfour, David Maimora Bamforth, Richard College Barnes, Joseph, B.A Apsltv Bartlett, S. T Cobours; Bates, M. J. (Cbn. i?«art.7.)..Cobourg Batstone, James Oroiio Beer, William C Peterboro Bell, Jos.C. ( Fm. Sec). Little Britain Berrj', James P Welcome Bird, William (St'p'rf) Belleville Bodle, George (Slip' J/) Belleville Boyce, W. S College Boynton, R Believille Brown, A. L Bancroft Browne, George Claren'ont Brown, G Madoe Brown, Thomas Canton Buckler, William H,. .Dcmorestville Burwaah, N. Victoria C Butler, Join liuiiner, W. Bunner, Joh Cade, R.. CiiiipbcU, A Camiihell, A Canililiell, T Oinnuii.A., Clare, Georg Clarke, J. S. Clarke, Willi Clarke, \V. ' Clarksoii,J. Connell, J. Cooke, E.. Cook, Willia Coombc, Wil Coone, A. "" Coon, Cliarlt Copelaud, G . Couitice, Ri( Craag, C. E. Cr.u'gi Edwa Cragg, W. " CrosNley, D. Ciothers, Wr Croiitcr, Dar: Cniikshanks, t'urts, H. E. Day.D.C... Dtlve, A. R. Demill, A. B ''Jollege . D( uike, R. B Djpew, Sidnt Dinginan, G. Dixon, S. F.. Dove, E. A. Down, S. (Si Down, Wesle Doxsee, Arch Doxsee, Eger Albert CollJ Drew, N. D.. Duke, R. (F.i Dunkley, Ge< Duprau, 8. A Over, W. P., Albert Colli Edmison, T.J Edwards, R. ' KUiott, R. J . EUiott, W... Emberson, R English, Johi Farnsworth, FauU, James. Ferguson, Jol Ferguson, S. Finlay, R. E Foster, A. H Fulford, W. I Fusee, C. Hii Garbutt, Joh Garbutt, H. ( Gardiner, J., i Gardiner, Ge Greatrix, B. Green, A. T. Green, S. J.. Greener, J. ( Hare, J. J., . Ontario Li Harris, J. . . Harris, N. . . Harrison, D. Harrison, Wi Hiissard, Rii Higgs, W... Hill, Newtoj Houck, D. g Horton, Gill Howard, E. Hufhiian, A [1890 I l^^t'] CLERGY — METHODIST. 135 . E Grand Valley John C Elora ,W.A., LL.D..Mi,oTemil tthew (Sup'd) Fer-Hiis V, Chnrlea New Credit , O. F.... Victoria College W. E Reserve List , Albert W Alma Win Oxford Ci^ntri' H Smithville H Wellandpi)rt I. M Townsend 8. (Sup'rf) Ingersoll Arthur I... Victoria Od. O.D.iCh'n) HamiltoD B Teeterville F.W.... Victoria Col lege a. {Sup'd) Walkerton iV. E New Hamburg son Ponaonliv len J. (Sup'd) .Mt. Forest KB.A.(Fin.Sec).HiinnUoa B.A. (Swp'(/)..Ciith('art N Britiht John Dundas n Grand River C, M.A Brantfoi'd en Tintern Edward Taj)leytown T. L West Flamboro V. (Sup'd).... Dunnville niel (Snp'd) Niagara lavid (Svp'd).. .Townsend J. 8.. Z)./).(C/i.) Ingersoll 1 (Sup'd) Norwich 1, R. W Woodstock bert W., B.D Delhi ntp M Brant bt, (FiH. S?c.)...Wiarton s Preston 0T^e(Stipd)... Walkerton 3hn (Sup'd) Tara )ert H Erin hn W Reserve I-ist Alfred T Trafalgar UINTE CONFERENCE. tratton, President. ilinison, B.A., B.I)., Sec. e, Esq., Rev. H. V. Moun- Rev. W. J. Sanders, Secretaries. I T.Bartlett, Journal Sec. ke and E. D. O'Flynn, er Writers. ander L Foxboro rles Flinton ^. (Fin. Sec). .Cannifton H Ivanhoe Columbus Bethany J Cambray IS Tani worth oseph C Vennacliar H. P Tvroue I.. Af.^,, LL.D. (Prnf.) Victoria College M.A. , B.D Belleville fii Maimora i(^hard College ph, B.A Apslev r Cobourg (Cbn. Evanff.).. Cohoarg mcs Oroiio iC Peterboio Ftn. Sec). Little Britain P Welcome (St'.'i'rf) Belleville e(Sup'y) Belleville Collej.'e Belleville Bancroft rge Claremoiit Madoc las Canton liam H.. .Deniorcstville liurwash, N., S.T.D., LL.D. (Chan.) Victoria College Toronto Butler, John ]i.(Fin.Sec.) ..Roblin Biiiiner, W. A Minden Biinner, John W College Cade, R Belleville Ciiiiiiiliell, Amos (Swp'd)... .Belleville ' Cainphell, A. R.(Supd.) Hastings Cam pi ltd 1. Thos. M. (Ch'm). . . Picton (';iri]iaii,A.,i).£>.(ff'CH.Si(p(.)Belleville ' Clare, George B Bridgenorth Clarke, J. S. (Sup'd) Oahawa i Clarke.Wilmott G.,B.^ Yarker Clarke, W. H . . Mavnooth and Carlow ■ Clark.son,J.B.,ill.A.(S«p'd)..Pt.Hope Connell, J. A North Mariiioni Cooke, E Bobcaygeon Cook, William H Crcssy , Coombe, William Wilton ! Coonc, A. W Cannifton Coon, Charles H Janetville Copeland, d. H Newcastle ; Courtieo, Richard T Seymour Cragg, C. E Norland Cr.igg, Edward (Sup'd). , ..Peterboro Cragg, W. J Little Britain . Crossley , D. O Napaiiee I Ciothers, Wm. I., AT. A.. .Port Hope Croiiter, Darius (Sup'y) Hilton Cniikshanks, S Rawdon Ctirts, H. E Canton Day, D.C College Delve, A. R Re.serve List Demill, A. B. (Sup'y) Pros. Demill 'College Oshawa Dtnike, R. B. (Si Leigh, M. W., B.A Stanhope Leitcli, F. A Without Station Leitch, Robert H Grccnbank Lewi.s, John Q., B.A Trenton Liddy, James Keene Limbert, William (Win.*>c.)Lake(leld Madden, D. D. (Sup'd).Prmce Albert Mallett, Albra W . . . .Without Station Mallett, John H Scugog Mallett, Richard, B.i4. ..Bobcaygeon Marsh, R. W Nortliport Marvin, G.W.,B./). .South Darlington Manning, T., B.A. (CAfeiV). ..Whitby Maybee, A. C. (Sup'd) Belleville McCamus, D. N Port Perry McCamus, John A Norwood McCauley, Samuel Oakwood MoCulloch, Robert (F.S.).Newburgh McColl,G.W.,B^.,BZ).(i^..S'.)Oshawa McCounell, G Newburgh McDiarinid, Neil A Napanee McDowell, D. C. (Sup'd) Bowraanville McDonald, Thomas H . . Queensboro' McFarlane, James Warkworth McKee, Thomas S. . South Monaghan McMulIen, James S Atherley McQuade, Henry Havelocic Mearing, Chas Klnmount Mears, John F Plain ville Mctherell , Moses Dunsford Meyers, Tobias (Sttpd.).. .. Belleville Miller, Aaron D. (Sup'd) Picton Moore, S. T College Moran, John X Ameliasburg Mounteer, Headley V Smithlield Neville, P. H Harvey Nickle, George Cavan Soutii Parker, Caleb(C/ri;inn).Bowmanville Peake, John R South Dumiiier Pecke, William H Norliam Ph .(IS, Leonard MiUbrook Phillips, Samuel B. (Supd.) Hastings Philp, S.C, sen, (Sup'd)Pnnc.e Albert Philp, S. C, .luii. Pickering Pope, Robt. M. (Sup'd) Pi-'ton I Potts, G. H Reserve List Putter, T. W Wilberforce Rae, Joseph J Peterboro Real, John R Oroiio Reddich, H. B Reserve Reynar, A. H., M.A. LL.D. (Prof.) Victoria CoUeso Cobourg Rice, J. J. (CTair.)..Bellevi:k' North Roberts, EA. (Chairman).. Belleville Robeson, J. E Warsaw Robinson, Geo Sidney Rogers, Win. Pomeroy College Rorke, Samuel G Enniskillen Ross, George E College Rowe, H. B Eldorado Saunders, Wm. J Sliannonville Sanderson, E. A Blairton Sanderson, R. (Sup'd) Wilton Sanderson, Wm. (Sup'd) Rednersville Savage, J, W. fSupd.) Columbus Scales, W. (Sup'd) Oshawa Seccombe, Win. B Odciisa Sexsmith, Marcus E.. ..Bridgewatar Sexsmtth, Win. V Pontypool Seymour, James C. (Siiprf.).. Paisley Slippiiard, C. H Veniiachar Shier, J. Wesley Victoria Road Sliorey, E. S Adolidiustown Miioiey, Sidney J. (CAnir.)... Lindsay Sing, Samuel HiiUowell Smith, W. E.,M.D Dalryinple Snowdon, Thomas Bay Sparling, P Alder. ille Spencc. H. S., B A Reserve List Steel. Tlios. P Fenelon Falls Stillman, Robert Forbes. ..Plainville Stratton, C. M College Stratton, V.B.(PreA. of Con.) . . .Selby Strike, A. J. Harvey. .Carrying Place Taggart, Clias. (Swp'd)... .".Brighton Taylor, Robt Deseronto TerriU, A., B.A Frankford Thorn, James, /?.j1 (Fin. 5ec.)Welcomo Thomas, Henry Castleton Thompson, Chris. L Stirling Tiuk, S Reserve List Tomblin, Wm Centreton Tonkin, Edwin A Milford Totten, J.W. {Fin. Sec.) Lindsay Tucker, S. T Reserve List Tucker, W. Benjamin, B.A. Coboconk Tucker, Wm. B.,Ph.D Bath Tucker, Wm. (Sup'd) Coboconk Wagg, W. W Reserve List Walters, J. M Reserve List Watch, Chas. W. (F. S.).. ..Brighton Weatherill, W. J Myrtle White, F. W St. Ola Whitlock, J. (Sup'd) Scucog Whyte, J. M . . .. Robiin and Marlbank Wickett. W. T Mountain Grove Wight, L. S Reserve List Wilkinson, J. W Woodville Williams, Daniel Plainfleld Willmott, J. C.,J»f.vl... Prince Albert Wilson, Albert C Tyrone Wilson, John C. (Ch'n) Tweed Wilson, J. P., B.A Colbome Wilson, J. S. Ivison, B.^l,. ..Wilfrid Wilson, David (Sup'd) Napanee Wilson, M.E.,Ph.B Baltimore Wilson, Wm. D. P Hilton Woodcock, Eli (Sxip'd) Belleville Woodi;er, W. F Wooler Workman, O.C. Ph. D Cobourg Wright, Alex. (Sup'd) Hastings Young, W. J. (F. S.)... Cherry Valley Young, Wm. H.,B.^.(e/i).. Peterboro MANITOBA AND NORTH WEST CONFERENCE. Rev. James Woodsworth, Brandon, Man., Superintendent of MisHons. Rev. John Maclean, M.A., I'h.D., President. Rev. George W. Dean, Edmonton, Alta., Secretary. Rev. J. J. Loach, Ph.B., Neepawa, Man., M. H. Fieldhouse, Esq., Nee- pawa, Man., Assistant Sees. Rev. C. E. Somerset, Red Deer, Alta., Journal Secretary. Abbott, W. W., B.A Burnside Adamson, W. W \' cleod Aid ridge, A.R., B.A Fleming Allen, Lewis Glendale Allison, B. W College Anderson, A. H, {Sup'd). . . Killarney Andrews, Alf. (C/m irKHJO.Minnedosa Argue, Thomas Winnipeg Armstrong, W. L., B.A Melita Attwood. \V. J College August, F. A. (Fin. Sec.) Virden Apetakun, Fred Island Lake Barker, E. S., B.A Medicine Hat Earner, A Wa.scana 136 CLERGY — METHODIST. [ISrx; ■ 1896] .' > Battrick, F. W Leduc Bell, J. W.. B.D.. .Without Station Bennee, QeorKe H Rosewood Bennett, M. M., £.^ Kenlis Blewett, G. J Victoria College Beynon, T. B., B.A. (Sup'(i)..Virden Bate, T. J Victoria College Blackie, W. R College Bridgman, W. (Chair.) Deloraine Brown, W. K. T Shell Hiver Brown, S. R., B.^. (F. 5.).. ..Regina Bruce, J. W Without Station {lowering, J., B.A Wetaskewin Buchanan, T. C. (Chair.) .. ..Calgary Buiit, W. C Qu'Appelle Burrow, J. H., It.A. (F.S.) Wolseley Bethell, T. G., S.T.L Saskatoon Carter, E. T Franklin Canipliell, G. E Shoal Lake Chegwin, E. J., B.A Lacombe Chegwin, W. B Bradwardine Colpitts, W. W Rat Portage Colwell, S. E Thornhill Cooke, W. A., . ..Prince Albert Crookshanks, .1. J. (J''.S).Oak River Cross, 0. H., B.A Glenboro' Crux, W. S. A., B A Oxbow Darwin, O. (h'in.Sec.) Stonewall Davies, P. W Rapid City Dean, O.W. (CAainjuin).. Edmonton Dickinson, J. W Selkirk Dinimick, M. (Sup'd) .... Moosomin Dyer, J. D Elkhorn Dyke, J., B.D. (Chair.) . . .Moosomiu Elliott, G. J College Elmitt, George College Kndicott, Jus., B.A. .Miss'y to China Ferner, T. (Chainnaii) ..Moose Jaw Finn, F. M. (Siip'd). . Portage la Prairie Flatt, M. C FortWilliara Fletcher, F. K, B.A . ..Fort Rouge Galley, Andrew Cnrtwright Gaudin. S. D Nelson House German, O Battle River Glass, E. B., B.A.. White Fish Lake Goard, W. P. (fin. Sec.).Lethbridge Gordon, A Mcthven Gordon, J. W Without Station Greenway, John (Stip'y) Crystal City Gilbart, H. H Gilbert Plains Gactz, Leonard Brandon Galley, H. J CoUeston Goodwin, H, A South Edmonton Hal3tead,W.(S'u|)'d)Portage la Prairie Haines, A. B., Ph.B. (Chair). . . Birtle Hardman, W College Harrison, J. M. (CA.). .Cypress River Hartley, J. C Barber Haw, J. A Brandon North Helliwell, T. h.(Sup'y) Charles Hellycr, J Newdale Henderson, W. G Winnipeg Hetheringt(in,A.E^£^)PincherCreek Holling, T. E Pilot Mound Hopper, E. J., B.A... .Lake Daiipliin Hoskin, J Grenfell Howr.rtli, J. R Wapella Hughes, W. R Naiiinka Hull, H College Huntsman, P. G College Hastings, H. S Keewatin Harrison, J. T Alta Ir\'ine, S. O Meadow Lea Ireland, H. A Saltcoats Johnston, J. W Springfield Johnston, T. J Whiteniouth Joslyn, J. H. L. (Fin. Sec.).. Bnldur Kenner, H Stockton Kinley, W. (Sup'd) Boissevain KiDley, H. J College Kenner, A. W Carlyle Laidley , R. B Maple Creek Lawford, C H Whitewood Lawson, T. . .Griswold and Alexander Laycock, J Gladstone Leach, J. J., Ph.B. (ii'.S.)..Neopawa Lewis, H Holland Lewis, J Brandon Hills Lewis, W. A,, B.A McGregor Linton J Wellwooii Locke, F. W Red Deer Long, G. H. (Chair.) Sourls Love, G. A Without a station Lousley, A Victoria College Logan, H Haylit-ld and Nisbett Maclean, J. ,M. A., Ph.D. Port Arthur Morden,T. E.,B.A.(Sup'y) Winnipeg Morgan, J. H Winnipeg Milliken, R., S.T.L Oak Lake McConnell, H Rosedale McClung, J. A Treherne McCrossan,T.J.,fl..4... fl.O..No8ta. McCiillagh, G. F Indian Head McDougall, J. (Chair.) Morley McOhee, B.J Victoria College McHaHle, W. T Emerson McLachlan, J. A Beren's River Millar, H. J Vorkton Murchison, J Beulaii Nelson, J. Norway House Oaten, C. R Reston Osterhout, A. B Arden Paupanakis, E Oxford House Peters, J Rossburn Pe*ers, N. D. (Sup'n) Neepawa Powell, J. B. (Stip'y) Rosedale Post, L. 1) Fort Frances Rawson, J. (Sup'y) Fleming Reid, W. 3 College Ridd, J. W Kemnay Riddell, J. H., B.A., B.D.. Winnipeg Riddell, 8. P Gainsboro' Roberts, A. E Blytlilleld Robinson, A. R Kinistino Robinson, Joseph Bnharm Robson, S. T College Ross, A.W. (Chair.) ... .P. la Prairie Runions, J. W Chater Rust, V. H College Riittan, J. H. (Sup'd) . . P. la Prairie Rutledse, R. A College Rnseba(^li, A McKellur Ross, H. R McKellar Richardson, T. B Riversdale Scarlett, K. A High Blutf Semmens, J. . . .Ind. School, Brandon Shaw, W Dominion City Sipprell. W. A College Small, T. J Daly Small, A. E Indian Kord Smith, H. I, Sidncv Stewart, S. W. L Binscarth Scott, J Slieho and Theodore Shaver, M. A Huntington Somerset, C.E. . Ind. Sch., Red Deer Somerville, W. (Fin. Sec). . . Melgund Saunby, J. \V..B.A. (/i'.S.)..Carberry Sing. C.R. (S.T L.) Innisfail Sparling, J. W., M.A., D.D. (Princi- pal Weg. (oil.) Winnipeg Spence, J., W. a . (Fin. See.).. Manitou Spence, H. E Victoria College Htacey, F.B., B.A. (CA.) Crystal City Steed, Geo. E.. HosserandSt. Charles Steinlmuer, E. R Fisher River Steinhauer, R.B.,B.A. CF.S.;. Morley Stewart, A., B. 0. (Prof.).. Wes. Coll. Stewart, J. (Sup'd) Winnipeg 8t, William,..! Aitkins, Joha W.. Andrews, V. W.. Angwin, Joseph G Anthony, John P., Appleby, Jabez ,.. Astbury, John. . . . AriiistroBg. R. 0,, Bairil, Hazeu B. . Batty, James L.. . Blijr.ey, John G. (S Bond, G. J(Editoi Borden, B, C, M..i Borden, A, C, B.A Bowen, T, A Brown, W. C, (S«/' Brown, Wm Brown, Robert M, Buckley, F. A,, B.. Burgess, Harry ,, Cann, W. F Ir Cassidy, John (Sui Coffin, Jos. 8 Craig, John Croft, W, Isaac, Crowell, C. E . . , . Daniel, Leander , Daniel, Alban Davis, J. Hiram, . . Dawson, J, L,, A. Day, George F — Dfii .stadt, Thoina DesBarres,F.W.W, Dobson, W H Donkin, J. E ,,.. Edyvean, W, H.., England, E,E EvaiiS, W,H Faniuliar, U Fisher, Joseph M, Friggens, Fred . . . Gaetz, Joseph Gaetz, Wilfred B, Giles, Jesse B, , , . Gee, John Gleiidenning, G, W Gninland, O.^kar., Hale, Joseph Hart, Jas. R, (Suj Hart, T, D, (Sup'y Hart, Joseph A,, Heal, J, B Heartz, W, H,, D Hemnieon, J, B. (, Hemineon, D, B , Hickey, David.. . Higgins, A. B., B. Hills, Benj,, B.A. Hoekin, Arthur., Howie, John W. ( Huestis, G. O, (Sti Huestis, S.F,, Bor Hue.stis,C,H,,B.^ Hui^hson, James. Johnson, G, F,, A Johnson, John,. . Johnson, D. W,, . Jost, C, M.A.,D. Jost, R. M., B.A. Jost, Wm, B,, B. Lane, W, G Langille, W. H . Lathern, John, D Lunisden, James, Lund, A Mack, Chiirles, . , Mack, R. Barry,, Miieder, Joel. , . . McArthur, Robt, McLaren, H,C... Moore, E, B Mosher, J, A, (Su McNeil, H, C.,.. McNeil, Harry H Munro, C. A [18.% ■ 1896] CLERGY — METHODIST. 137 Arkman, S. R KentviUe Ainlc>, WllliBm...EvanRelistlc Work Aitkins, Job ft W Petite Riviere Andre WH, V '. W Sackville Angwin, Joseph Q Burlington Anthony, John P..HountaiQ Mission Api'Ieby, Jabez Port la Tour Astbiiry, John Wallace ArnistroBg, R. O Student Bdird, Hazeu B Chester Batty, Jniues L Lunenburg, John G. (Sxtp'y). .Hantsport BoHil, 0. J (Editor) Halifax Borden, B. C, iV.4..gftckville, N.B. Borden, A. C, B.A., B.D... Halifax Bowen, T. A Caledonia Brown, W. C. (Sup'y) Middleton Brown, Wm Horton Brown, Robert M — Louisburg Buckley, F. A., B.A Shelburne Burgess, Harry Leicester Cann, W. F Ireland Island, Her, Cassidy, John (Sup'y). . . .Bridgetown Coffin, Jos. S Aylesford Craig, John Bear River Croft, VV. Isaac New Glasgow Crowell, C. E Lockeport Daniel, Leander Granville Ferry Daniel, Alban Maitland Davis, J. Hiram Avondale Dawson, J. L., B.A Windsor Day, George F Mahone Bay Deii stadt, Thomas J Yarmouth DesBarres, F. W. Vf.,A.B. Advocate. H Dobson, W Hamilton, Bermuda Donkin.J. E Liverpool Edyvean, W . H Port Mouton England, E . E Springhill Evans, W . H Nappan Farquliar, D Hivcr John Fisher, Joseph M Canning Friggens, Fred Gabarus Gaetz, Joseph Middleton Gaetz, Wilfred B Halifax Giles, Jesse B Bridgetown Gee, John Petite Riviere Glendenuing, G. W. F., B.A., S.T.B., Berwick Gniiiland, Oskar Ritcev's Cove Hale, Joseph Wolfville Hart, Jas. R. (Sup'ij) Bridgetown Hart, T. D. (Swp'jy)... Sackville, N.B. Hart, Joseph A Student Heal, J. B Acadia Mines Heartz, W. H.. D D Truro Hemmeon, J. B. (Sup'y). . .. Wolfville Hemineon, U. B ..Sandy's, Bermuda Hickey, David Sydney Higgins, A. B., B..<1 Hebron Hills, Benj., B.A Pugwash Hoekip, Arthur Halifax Howie, John W. (iSMp'i/) • ■ M'ddleton Huestis, G. O. (Stip'y) Aylesford Huestis, S.F., Book Steward. Halifax Huestis.C. H. , B. .4 . . St. George's, Ber. Hunhson, James Halifax Jolinson, G. F., A.B. . .Southampton Jolmson, John Newport Johnson, D. W., M.A Canso Jost, C, M.A.,D.D B.arrmgton Jflst, R. M., Shubenacadie Jost, Wm. B. , B.A Eureka Lane, W. G North Sydney Langille, W. H Oxford Lathern, John, D.D Dartmouth Lunisden , James N. E. Harbour Lund, A Digby Neck Mack, Charles Brenton Mack, R. Barry Onslow Maeder, Joel MuUrave Mc Arthur, Robt Pictou McLaren, H.C Student Moore, E. B Yarmouth Mo.sher, J. A. (Sup'y) Windsor McNeil, H. Boylston McNeil, Harry H Student Munro, C. A Stormont Nicholson, A. W. (.^up'j/).. . .Halifax Nightingale, Win Stellarton Outerbridge, W. A . . Bailey's Bay, Ber. Pentelow, Fred. J River Philip Perry, W. C Glen Margaret Phelan, Jolin . . Musquodoboit Harbor Phillips, Wm Hantsport Prestwood, Paul (Sup'y). . . .Berwick Prestwoo'ci). Sackville, N H Harrison, G. (Su;>'rf). Newcastle, N B Harrison, H. A. B. .Conterbury, N B Harrison, Wm Bathurst, N B Hicks, Thomas Alberton, P E I Howard, S., Sackville, N B Howard, W. J., /}.il . . Winsloe, P E I Howie, Isaac (Pr«t.). St. David, N B Ives, John A Old Ridge, N R James, Silas Little York, P E I Johnson. W. E.. B.A . . .Albert, N B King, J. K Keswick, N B Kirby, W. J.. . .Charlottetown, P E I Knight, M. R., il.JT. St. James, N B Lawson, Wm Montague, P E I Leard, L. J Student Lepage, A. E Upper Kent, N B Lodge, D. H. (Sup'd) Charlottetown, P E I Lodge, W. W MarysviUe, N B Lucas, Aquila(On/eai'?). Sussex, N B McConnell,J.W.,, N B McCully, A. D., fi. />. .Welsford, N B McDonald, L. R Student McLaughlin,N.,,N Hf McLeoor Durrant, .I.J Bird Island Cove Drake, F. O Victoria College Kdniondgon, W. W. . Leave of absence Keuwick, Mark Collef;e Home Kleniintfton, Chas Britannia Cove Frazer, Geo. C Grand Bank Folletl, C. W Wesley CoUeRe Freeman, II. W Old I'erlican Forsey, Kugene Glover Town Harris, Wm Herring Neck Halfvard, Samuel Bav of Islands Hatcher, H. C, fi.Z) . ..Pouch Cove Hey field, Jesse Fresh Water Hill, Anthony Topsail FREE METHODIST CHURCH IN C/\NADA. Otneral Superintendents — Revs. E. P. Hart, 0. W. Coleman, B. R. Jones. DUtrict Eldem—liev. Albert Sims, Kingston, Ont., Kingston and Peterboro' districts ; Rev. James Craig, Uxbridge, Ont., Toronto and Muskoka districts ; Rev. W. C. Walls, Kelvin Ont., Hamilton and Brantford districts ; Kev. A. H. Norrington, Pt. Edwards, Ont., Sarnia district. Secretary of Conference — Hev. W. H. Wilson, 1054 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ont. Treasurer of Conference — Rev. W. C. Walls, Kelvin, Ont. Allan, D Walsingham Centre Allgtiire, A Uxbridge Beun, M.S Ridgewav Bretz, J Gait Burnham, R Trent Bridge Campbell, W. J Brantford Clink, James Armadale Conuuodore, J . W Vennachar Hill, Jabez Wesley ville Holmes, A. A Catalina Hoskings, Alex Twillingate owse, Charles Petite* Hiitcheson, Wm. J.... Shoal Harbor Heal, Geo. E College Indoe, Henry J., B.A Indian Isle James, Thos. H Burin Jefferson, Selbv Laurenceton Jones, Edgar St. Anthony Kellv, James K St. Oeorg-j's Bay Kendall, Wm Western Bay Lench, Charles Bay Roberts Luscombe. Wm. .1 C'arbonear Matthews, Solomon Cupids Milligan,Geo. S., LL.D. St. John's, W Morton, A. D.,iU. /I .St. John's, Gower Moore, Ed . . Nipjier's Har. & Tilt Cove Newman, John T Channel Nurse, James Carbonear Opie, James White Bay Paine, George St. John's, E Palmer, Win. A Cupids Patterson, Wm Northern Bight Coates, M. O Hiitinon Eagle, J. M Kelvin Forman, James Perth Road Gregory, W. H Westport Hamilton, R Oalt Miller, Wm Barkway Miner, H. L Verona Overpaugh, Geo Catara Barker, E Barker, JosepI Bcntley, Hugh Black, R. K.. Black, J. R.,E Ble.sedell, Jam Bolton, Charlc Bolton, R. A., Braine, A.. .. Binwn, J. L. . Burgess, E. J Claris, W. H. Clarke, W. F. Cox, Jacob W, Cnrrie, W. T., Craik, Qalen I Daley, James ' Kay, B. J. . . . Dearborn, P. '. Duff, C, JW.^ Duff, R. J., B. Fenwick, K. > Gerrie, J. P., . Goffln, J. W.. Goddard, Her Cray, M. S. . . . Grisbrook. E. Gunn, W.T., J Gunner, Fred« Hall, Thomas. Hamilton, D. I [1896 ■ |j^96] CLERGY — EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION — CONGREGATIONAL. 139 I E SackviUe nes Heart'H Content Fortune Little Hay vellJ. C Siki'kville . . .Garnmh Si JurHoy llur Whitboiiriie Moreton'8 Harbor J8. E CoUecu E St. John's, Wi'st ' Exploits C . . . Nipper's Harbor B, B.A Flat Islands imiicl Ulackhuad royd Ki'd Hay ttsv Sackvill'e Harbor Oruce iV Little Bay lalaiida ir Trinity B. . . . Lower Island Cove J . . . . Little Bay Islands (Jreensimnd us Brijfus js M Tilsonburg I. L. J Keith ss M Lansdowne ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. iry McNeil Turner, D.D., lathain. Henry Alex. S. Hartley, D., Yaniiouth, N.S. .. Windsor I Shelbume, N. S ! Amherst, N.S Liverpool, N. S I Binchtown, N.S A. S., D.D... Yarmouth Oakville St. John. NB Chatham Harrow Aniherstburg Hamilton Hamilton, Bennuda Dresden Halifax, N.S .. Port La Tour, N.S Ouelph ,2).7>.,iiL.D., Chatham 1890. Place to be ouffville. ndford. ono. Lick, W. W. Trull, J. and J. N. Dales, Jlf..i4. Oshawa Keswick Keswick Ballantrae Newmarket Orono Van Keswick D Keswick I Cuinmittee on Ministry. EYAJICELICAL ASSOCIi\TION OF NORTH ANIERICA. CANADA COSKBIBNCK. The next Annual Session convenes nt New Hamburg, Ont. Biihop—Hev. J. .1. Eslier Secretary— Re\. J. O. Litt Conferenne Treaxurer — Hev. 8. K. Kiii'cbtel Mission President— Uvv. J. UnibiMdi Mission Treasurer — Kev. L. H. Wagner IVan, E. H Hi-speler, Ont. Tierkir, Einil Btmmiller litcse, W. (Stu.) Nftperville, III. Biilf nder, C Pembroke Brand, D. H Ziuicdi Braiui, G Hamilton, G. F Diemcrtoi: Rraun, G. K. (Local) Crediton B'lru, E Port Elgin Clemens, M Plattsville Clemens, D. H.C/zon";^.. Washington D.iiiim, O. D AlterclittV- Station Denstedt, F. (Stv.). . Sapcrville, HI. Devitt, L K Rodney Dierlamm, H Milverton Dippel, D. (Sup'ji) Elniira Eby, E Dashwood Lidt, I/. K Ruckingliani Finkbeiner, O Elmira Finkbeincr, C. S Listowei Finkbeiner, S Crediton Garret, J. C. (Local) Tilsonburg Grenzebach, J. H . . . . Pelhani Centre Grenzebach, J. C .Selkirk naist,G. P Mildmay Haist, A. Y St. Jacobs Haist A. J. C5<«.;....Naperville, III. Hardy, Bristol (Local) Stratfi>rd Hauidi, Tlieo H. mover Haudi, J. P.fPres. A'W).. ..Berlin Hauih, 8. M (SN«(/<>/iONapfirvilIe,Ill Hoehn, W. <). (5n(.)..Naperville, III. Holtzman, H. (."?<».).. Napirville, III. Klingbeil, W. (Stu.) N^pcrvillc, III. Knecbtel, S. H Berlin Koenit!, I). B. (Sh/). .Naperville, III. Krch, 1). (Pres. Eld.) Stratfunl Krug, Wm (Local) Chesley Krupp, S Gleiishce Kaatz, CO Golden Lake Lcibold, H EIniwood Litt, J. O Campilen Mfturer, M Qowanstown Meyer, F Tavistock Miller, J. (Local) Klniira Morldck, J. C South Cayuga Moyer, J. M Stratford Rieder, D Chesley Rife, E. E. CS<«dtf»O.Naperville, III. Sauer, A. W Morriston ScharlTe, P. (Local) Dashwood Shettler, A. (Local) Dashwood Schmidt, H. G. O Golden Lake Schniitt, J. A Crediton , April 16th, 1800. Cbii'igo, 111. Campden, ont. Berlin, Ont. New Hamburg, Ont. Stratford, Ont. .Schneider, U. (/.ociii).. South Cayuga Schwalin. J. K Phillpsburg Schwandt, W Williamsford Seito, Hirunirt. (.Stu)..Ti)kM, Jai)an Spies, C. A. (Si/i>'d)..Clevclan(l,Ohio Spies, P. S Hawksvillo Staebler, J Subringville Steuernagel, C Waterloo Thomas. H. A Alsfeldt Thomas, E. H Norwich Umbacli, J New Hamburg Umbach, S. L. (Prof. Union Biblical Institute) Naperville, III. Wagner, L. H Sebringville Wagner, G. H New Hamburg Walter, J. (Local) Listowei Werner H., (Sup'd) Rodney Wildfang, L. (Load) Tavistock Wilhelni, J Arnprior Wing, L. M. (Pres. Kid.) Berlin Winkler, Ph. (Sup'd) St. Jacobs Wittich, L Rye, Miiskoka WettlaufBr,W.H.(Sh(.)Napervillc,Ill. Yaeger, W.J Waterloo Yuuni, J. D Waterdown CONCRECiVTIOflAL DENOMINi\TION. Tlie Congregational Union of Ontario and Quebec will hold its next Annual Meeting in Montreal, Que., on Wed- nesday, June 3rd, 1896. Chairman /or lS9,^—Be\\ J. R. Black, B.D Kingston. Chairman for 189(1— Mr. S. P. Leet, B.C.L Montreal. Secretary-Treasurer— Re\. J . P. (Jerrie, B.A Toronto. Statistical Secretary — Rev. D. S. Hamilton, B.A Forest. The Congregational Union of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Chairtnan--Rey. David W. Purdon Secretary— Rev. J. W. Cox, B.A I'reaiurer -James Woodrow, Esq Statistical Secretary — Rev. J. Slupperley Austin, J. M Sheffield, NB Adams, T. H Ball, G. W Liverpool, N.S Barbour, W. M., /)./)... Montreal, Q Barker, E Toronto, < t Barker, Joseph De Bee, N .B Bcntley, Hugh Pine Grove, O Black, R. K Granby, Q Black, J. R., Kingston.O Blesedell, James. Pleasant River,N.S Bolton, Charles E Kincardine, O Holton, R. A Alton, O Braine, A Milton, N.S Brown, J. L Franklin Centre Burgess, E. J Edgeworth, O Claris, W. H. A London, O Hay, William Scotland, O Hay, James Rockport, O Hay, R Eaton, Q Hill, E. M., M.A Montreal,Q Hindley, J.h.Ph.D Forest, O Hindley, W. J Embro, O Hopkins, Robt Listowei, O Hyde, T. B Toronto, O Jackson, W. P Brigham, Q Johnston, Wm Toronto, O Lee, Wilberforcu \frican Mission Macallum, Daniel Maxwell, O Macallum,F.W.,B.i4 .African Mission Macaulay, — Middleville, O Mason, H. C, B.A Brandon, M Madill, J. C Sarnia, O Clarke, W. F Guelph, O ! Madill, W. H Watford, O Cox, Jacob W., B. A.. Economy, N.S Ciirrie, W. T., JS.i4 .. African Mission Craik, Galen H., /i.4 ..Waterville, Q Daley, James T., B.A Burford, O l';iy, B. J Granby, Q Dearborn, P. P Rock Island, Q Duff, C.,M.A Toronto, Duff, R. J., B.A Georgetown, O Feuwick, K. M M(mtreal, Q Main, A. W Cowansville, O Margrett, Albert McAdie, J St. Andrews 1 McCuaig, J. A. C Toronto, v5 MacColl,E.C. yf.,B.A . Kingsport.N.S McCormack, A CoM Springs, O McEwen, John Brooklyn, U S McGregor, A. F., B.i4..Woodstock,C' Mcintosh, — Lanark, C Gerrie, J. P., B A Toronto, O ' Macintosh, W uttawa, C Goffin, J. W Edgar, O Guddard, Henry Milton, N 8 Cray, M. S Laurel,0 Orisbrook. E. O Cninn, W.T., iS.^.. ..Cow.insville, Q Gunner, Frederick, A/.2)..Listowel,0 Hall, Thomas Montreal,Q Hamilton, D. S., i?..ii Forest, O McKillican, J Montreal, 'i McKinnon, N Wingham, O Nicholls, .Sampson Toronto, O Chebogiie, N.S. Economy, N.S. St. John, N.B. Maitland, N.S. Pedley, Hugh, B.A.. ..Winnipeg, M Pedley, J. W., B.^.. Vancouver, B.C Pedley, Hilton Japan Mission Pritchard,W.S.,i?./l . B()winanville,0 Purdon, D. W Clieyboyne, N S Read, P. W African Mission Read, G E Fitch Bay, Q Reikie, T. M Toronto, O Richardson, A.W.,B.yl . . Kingston, O Robinson, R Toronto, O Salmon, John, B.A Tonmto.O Sharratt. J Twillingate, Nfld Shipperley, J Maitland, N S Shore, O Kingston, O Siddall, G. W St. John's Ntld Silcox, J. B Montreal, Q Silcox. E. D . . Paris, O Sims. Thos., D.D Toronto, O 'jkinner, George Prome, O Smith, W. W St. Catharines. O Squires, John Random, Nfld Sykes, S Keswick Ridge, N.B Unsworth, Joseph Toronto, O (Insworth, J. K., /J. /I.. ..Scotland. O Wall, E. C Fortune Bay, Nfld Warriner, W. H.,B.£». . . .Montreal, O Watt, W.J Watson, W. H Hamilton, O Webb, Tliomas Toronto. O Whitman, J Cc rnwallis, N 8 Wild, Joseph, D.D .. Broute, O Williams, B. B Guelph, O Wilmot, W. F Toronto, O Wood, John Truro, N8 140 CLERGY — PRESBYTEK IAN. !;, i PIlESBnERiAN OHUROH Ifl CANi^DA. The OenerftI AiMmbly will meet in Central Church, Toronto, on the Hecond Wednetdky of June, 1>'M at 7.30 p.m. Oficem 18»5-9<.). St. John,NB Bowman A New Olasffow Boyd, A Kempt, N 8 Boyd, Samuel Wallace, N 8 Bruce, Geo., D.D St. John. N B Burns, R. K., /)./) Halifax Burrows, Andw., D.D Bermuda Burgess, Jas Carleton, St. John Cairns, J. A., M.A . . . .Scotsburii, N S Calder, William R Mira, C B Cameron, Alex. (ft«f.)L.Stewiacke,NS Cameron, John Bridgetown Cameron, J. O Souris, P E I Campbell, Alexander. .. Meri^ornish Campbell, D Bncklaw Campbell, M StrathaU)vn Carr, A. F.,Jf.4.,Camplielltown,N B Carruthers, J . . . . New Glasgow, N S Carson, Q.S.,B.A Pictou, N S Chase, J.H.,M.A. .Onslow Stat., N S Clarke, D. McD Chipman, N B Coffin, J. R Durham Coffin, F. S... Lower Stewiacke, NS Corbett, T Kirkland, N U Crawford, H Dublin Shore, N S Crawford, J. W Malioue Bay, N S Cumminif, Robert .... Westville. N S Cumming', Thomas Truro, N S Currie, John, D.D. (Prof.).. Ha ifax Darragh, W. S. (iief.).. Linden, NS Davey, F River Hebert Dawson, Wm., B.D..V. Canard, N S Dickie, A. B Milford, N S Dickie, H Windsor Dill, E. M., B./>.. .Summerside, PEI Drummond, D Boulardine, C B Dustan, John F.. Richmond, Halifax Falconer, Alex Pictou, N. S Falconer, J. P Bedford Falconer, J. W Newport Falconer, R. A Halifax Fisher, George, /}, N B Fiske, D., B.i).. ..Florenceville, N B Fitzpartick, A. . . . . Kincardine, N B Forbes, J. A Glace Bay, C B Forbes, J. F Sydney, N S Forrest, J.,D.D.(Pr.D.C6l.) Halifax Fotheringham, T. F.. ..St.John,NB Fowler, Thomas, Jf.^. .Halifax, N S Fraser, D.S.. BA...V. Stewiacke,NS Fraser, D Hampton Fraser, D. J Wolfville Fraser, John North Shore Fraser, J. K Alberton, P E I Fraser, W. M., B. Sc Halifax Kraser, S. A Con va Fullerton, T. F Charlottetown Gaudier, A Halifax Geggie, A. L Truro, NS Gillies, E.. Murray Harbour S., P E I Gillis, J Dundas. P.E.I Ootdon, D. M., B.D. (P/o/.). Halifax Gordon, G. L River John, N S Graham, Wm St. John's, Nfld Grant, Alex....E. Lake Ainslie, C B Grant, II. R Trenton 'irant, K. J.,/>./J..S.Fernan.(Bef.).Truro,N S McCurdy . J. K Boushaw I McDonaUl, — EngliHhtown I McDonald,U., Bi4.BZ> . .Strathborne McDonald, Willard.Fredericton, N B : .McDougall, Donald... Baddeck, C B ■ McFarlane, J. D. ...East River, St. M 1 .McGillivray, Daniel Lunenburg McGlashen, J. A Bridgeport I McGre^ror, D Amherst, N S 1 McI vor, J. G Fairview I McKay, Charles Brookfteld, N S i McKay, D. O Rockville ! McKay, H. B Wallace N S ' McKay, J. A Acailia Mines McKay, J. McG.(Bef.)N.Gla8gow, N B McKay, J. R Lot 16 McKay Neil Chatham, N B McKenzie,AA.,iVi4.,BSf.St.Stephens McKenzie, J. A Pugwash, N S McKenzie. J. W., B.^.Midgell, PEI McKenzie, J. W. (Miss) New Hebrides McKenzie, M. A. . . Grand River, (J B MoKinnon, C, II. D M. Stewiacke McKenzie, D. .\I Tyne Valley McKinnon, Duncan Lockeport, N S McLean,A.,3f..4.(H^.e.;New Glasgow McLean J. A Harvev, N R McLean, I. B., B.D Little Harb nr McLean, Jas Great Village, N S McLean, A. K Acadia Mines McLean, H. K Parsboro McLean, Roderick .Vallevfleld, PEI McLe (I, A. B Vallev Station McLeod. A. W., Ph. D.Thorhxirn, N S McLeod,D.B.,Jf.^.. ..Kinross, PEI McLeod,J.M.,Jf.^. Kensington, PEI Mel. end, M Loch Lomond. C B McLeod, Mai Cape North McLeod, Wm Maddock McMillan, Angus West Bay McMillan, Donald. Svdney Mines, C B McMillan, John, B.D Halifax McNeill, L. G., Jf..a.. St. John, N B McNiohol, W Hcipewell McPherson, H. 11., M.A. .. Halifax McRae, — Inlet Baddeck Macrae, Donald, D.D.. St. John, N B McRae, P. K Earltown Mahon, A. W., B./)..St.AndrBws,NB Mason, W.A.,B. .4.. Georgetown, P.E I Maxwell, W Scotsburn Millar, E. D., B./l ...Yarmouth, \s Morrison,P.M.,0. />.(/! f/f.CA.)Hiilif,ix .Morash, A. V I'pper Caledonia .Morton, A. S Shediac, .S B Morton, J., D.D. . . Timapuna, Trin. Morrison, W. C Bay of Idanils Moss, W. T. D Marshfleld. 1' i: I Mullen, J. S Stanley, N B Munro, J. R., .Antigonish, N ^ Munro, Chris Oxford i Murray, I., />.0.. North Sydney, r h , Murray, F.W Bass River, N B ! Murray, .las Muiitrose j Murray, John.. . . Shubenacadie, C B Murray, J. D Re■{ Bennett, Orr Russell, <> Bennet, J L'Orignal, i > Bennett, Thos Montreal [1N9(; Ineiday of June, Htii . . WinnipeK . . Toronto. . .Montreal. , fl..^...Yai mouth, NS il.,D.D.(A!tt.Ch.mMlw V I'pper Caledonia I Shediac, N B ').D — Tiinapuna, Trin. . C Bay of IcIainU U .Marshfleld. 1' 1.1 Stonlev, N B , fi.i4. .Antigonish, N > t Ovfnrd :>,!).. North Sydney, c 8 ■ bass Kiver, N B Miititrose n Shiihenacadie, ( ' B I Reil Bank, N B (W.C.)...Monkro8e, I'Kl Lawrenc'cto\,n Portai)ii|iie (Het.) Chorlo.NB n.0.(»f'C)N.Gla8K0«..NS ).£>, U'rof.) ... Hali(a.x Pisarli 10 T Keniittcook Svdnev V St.Johh Noel n Truro, N S . ... New Olasjfow, N.S I. .\ KrroniaiiM , af..4..Black River. NB M.,, N B I A New 01aSj,'()w J.Jr.<4.Mii»i>it Harcoun Clifton, P K I Woodville Dartmouth. N ."li Sheet Harbour Charlottetown, P K I onald Gabarus, C B . . Caledonia, P E I M New Carli.-^Ie S .Su.^i-ex F'..Bathur8t Vill.. N B \V L'oiiva V. Upper Musquodoboit J/..4..Stellarton,N S Bridgetown I Woodstock, N I! Springhill, X S OF MONTREAL ) OTTAWA. nnan, Levis, Clerlr. f.^.(flef)ChaudiereBri D., P/i/).. Ottawa, L'Orignal, i> Montreal l.S9(i 1 Mkl(flv,W.I).M.,fi,il,Kor'teraKalU,0 Hoii'Miird. L. R Jollette, (^ Iton.lreau, M. V... St. Hywinthe, .N I.,anark Buriii'i, .)ohn 8 Martintown, O Butii-, S. 8 We'4tj>orl CMiii'fon, C. J., M.A .BrookviUe, O Oanuron, Hugh, B./l. .Morrisburg O Cuiit-roii, J no. J.,^f.A Athens, O. Canii>l>cll, Isaac Ottawa C»in]r»)Montreal 0»iiipliell, John C.( If. C). Russell, (> Caiiipliell, R., D.l> Montreal Campbell, R., />. Sc Renfrew, O Caiiiiiiitf, W. T. (Het .... Mountain,0 Curler, .1. M MiUe Isles, yue. CharliM, J, K Cornwall Chinic|uv, Charles Montreal Cooke, C. H.. . .Smith's Falls, O Cniiniry, I). O., Se Winchester Coniiack, .lames Maxville, O Oote. .los. E Namur, O (;ou!.»i rat, D. ,B. D.(Ptnf. ) . . Montreal CroMibie, George.. Fort Coulonge, Q Croinbit, J. Mvles.Cotftdes Neiges, (^ Cronibie,J()hn,0.«.(«cf.).S. Falls. O Cruikshank, W,R,, B.A Montreal Cnrrie. D Perth Danliy .\J N. Augusta Dewey, Finlay M,, A.M. ...Montreal liolison. J. R Montreal Doudiet, Chas. A.. . . Buckingham, (^ lininiinond, D. d Russettown Dm los, J. E Valleyfield, o Duclo-!, R. P Montreal Kailie, R Hintonburg Findlay, \)., M.A Manotick, U Fleck, 'James, B.A Montreal Fleming, David, B.A Toledo, O Florence, K. W White Lake Forlong, Wni Montreal Fraser, James Gushing, y Gamble, Robert, B.i4.. Wakefield, Q Oilmour, F. C. (IF. C.) Ottawa Givan, Arpad Williamstown, O Oowlwillie, J. M., M.A . ...Vernon, O Oourlav, I. L Chelsea Grant, A. S.,, B.D. .Almonte, O Graham, Arch., B.A Lancaster Hardie, W. W Plaiitngenet Hastie, James Cornwall, O Heine, Geo. C Montreal Herridge, W.T., B.D Ottawa, O Hiifgins, Jos. H., B.A.. .Mountain, O Hiitchinson, P. H Huntingdon Hyland, David J . Fitzroy Harbour, O Internoscia, A Montreal Jenkin8,Jno,i).£>.(i{«f.). London, Eng Kalem, Hagope T Earldlev, Q Kellock, D., M.A. , Ph.D. Richmond.i^ Knowles, Robt Pembroke, O Knowles, Robt. E Ottawa, O Lament Hugh, X)./) ..Grand Metis,Q Loehead, J. S N. Oower Lot'ie, E. A Chalk River Love. .\.T., B.A Quebec McAlisiter, John M., fl.^l.Iroquois, O Mc.\rthur, Geo., D.A.. . Cardinal, O .McCarter, J Mille Isles .McCasker, S. F..St. L. de Gonzague McC'aulay ,E. ,fl.4 . . Ramsey's Corners McClung, J Kingsbury McConnell, Jas. A.. Watson's Corners McColl, D., St. Sylvester MeC'nsker,S.F, B^l.St.L.deGoDzague MelMannid, H. J Kemptville, O McDonald, D., A. M., Ph.D., St. Agnes de Dundee, Q McDougall, J.B.A Holton McFarlane, A. H Franktown, O Mc'Farland, J. A Ottawa McKarlane, J, F S. Mountain McGillivray,J,,B,Z),CoteS.Antoine,Q CLEROY — PRESBYTERIAN. McGregor, Alex . . . Portage rlu Fort MacKay, A. H., D.D Montreal McKay, Neil St. Klino McKay, N. T. C. ...Summemtown, O McKay, R., B./>. . .Hetim.ingford, O McKenzie, .lohn .... Moose Creek, O McKenzic, W. A Hrockvillc, ') McKerracher, Chas. M.. . . Howick, Q .McKcri'ber, — St. Elmo McKibbin, R. J., B..1 Bryson, O .McLaren, !>., B.A Alexandria,!) McLaren, .lohn Kinburn, O McLean, J. M Blakcny, O McLean, Don'd J., B.A . . Arni)rlor,0 McLean, Hugh Richmond, O McLennan, l).D Apple Hill, O ■McLennan. J. M Stornoway Maclennan, K Levis McLennan, M., B.A.. . Kirk Hill, I. McLennan, A.K.,B.i4. Dalhousic Mills McLeod.John, B.A... Vankleuk Hill McLeod, J. W South Finch McLeod, J. R Three Rivers, Q .McLcod, N. A Woodlands McLeod, Koilerick Dunvegan, O .McNabb, Robert, B .1 . Beachburg, O McNair, R Carleton Place McNish, Neil, LL.D ... .Cornwall, O McPhee, Norman Marsboro', Q McOueen, A. F •. . . . Milan Mcllraith, John S Balderson, O McVicar,D.H. ,0.1)., if/,/)., Montreal .Mackie, John Lachute. Q MaSan Diego, Cal. Nelson, Thos, A Bristol, Q Nichols, John Montreal Nixon, Thos Smith's Falls, O Oxiey, M. S., B.A. (O.Jf.) ..Montreal Paterson, D., D.D. . St. Andrew's, Q Patterson, A., B.A Pakenham, O Patterson, James {Clerk). . . Montreal Pidgeon, G. C Montreal Jn- Pugh, David New Rocklanu, Q Ratteray, J Eganville Reid, W. D Montreal Ross, C. B., B.U Lachine, O Ross, James, B.D Montreal Rowat, Andrew Athelstane, Q Russell, Andrew Lunenburg St. Germain, P. E Masham, Q Scott, Alex. A., il.Jf.Carleton PI., O Scott, Alex. H., A.M Perth, O Scott, Eph Montreal Scott, M. H., M.A Hull, Q Scrimger,J, i)D(Pro/.)Montreal Seylaz, E. F Ottawa Sharp, J McDougall Shearer, Wm Sherbrooke, Q Sinclair, J. A Spencerville Sinclair, R. C, H Oliver's Ferry Smith, G, A.. St. Anne de Prescott.O Smith, W. S Middleville Smyth, W. J., Ph,D Montreal Steele, Jacob Massawippi Stevenson, A Danville Stewart, James Montreal Stewart, Donald Dunbar, Q Stuart, James Presoott, O Suckling, A. E Cantley, O Sutherland, James Inverness, Q Tait, Donald, B.A Quebec Tanner, Chas, A Richmond, Q Tanner, J. W Sawyerville Taylor, Hugh Loch Winnooh, O 141 Taylor, S. J., B A Montreal, u ThomjMion, .1. C, M.D Montreal Tuffts, W, M Hawkesbur> Turnbull, J .Marlow Vernier, Paul .S New (ilasgow, u Wacldell, N., B.D Uchute, Q Wanlen,R.II.,/;.0(/li;f CA.)MontreaI Watson, M St. Lambert Whlllans,(i.,«.^..N. Georgetown, Q Whillans, Robt., ,W..-l.Hint<)nburv,0 Whitelaw,J.W. ,/<..!. Kinnear's hU'a.i) Wilson, James, A.M Lanark, Q WInfleld, T. W Ottawa Wright, J. J Mallorytown, O ' .SVNOD OF TORONTO AND KINdiSTON. Rev. JohnGrav, M.A., />./>., Orillia, CUrIc, , Abraham, J Whitby Acheson, S Wiarton Atkinson, R Bcrllo Amos, Walter Aurora Anderson. J Toronto Anderson, W., M.A Bobcavgeon I Andrews, Francis Keene I Argo, James Norval j Armstrong, W. C Thessalon I Aull, Jno. .M Palmerston Hall. W. S Toronto ; Ballantyne, George Mono Centre Bullantyne, R. L. T Tamworth ; Ballantyne, W. D Toronto ; Hartley, J. R Kingston Beattie, R. J Guelph Bell, Geo., LL.D. {W. C). . Kingston Bell, Jno. W.,, Newmarket Bell, J. R Laurel Bennett, William Apsley Hethune, M. N Beavertoii Binnie, J., II. D McDonald's Cor. Black, J. A Roslin Blair, Archibald, B...4..,Na8sagaweya Boyd, J. D., B...1 Kingston Brown, J. A Agincourt Buchanan. J Uptergrove Burnett, J. R. S Alliston Burns, Wm. (Agt. Knox Col.ytoronto Burten, J Gravonhurst Cameron, Jas., B.D Toronto Cameron, J. M Wick Cameron, Charles (W C.).... Durham Cameron, D Oakville Cameron, M. C, B.D Harriston Campbell, J. L., . . .Cheltenham Campbell, Chas. (W.C.) Toronto Campbell, A, U Uxbridge Campbell, Charles A Maple Campbell, N Mitchell Square Camiichaal, James, D.D Strange Carruthers, S Toronto Carswell , J ames Bond Head Cattanach, J S. Menoghan Caven, Wm,,AZ).(/'/-,.ff.C,) Toronto Childerhose, S., Kldorado, O Chisholm, J Dunbarton Christie, W. M Poltimore Clark, W. C Brampton Clarke, W., M.C.P.^S. Bracebridge Cleland, James (Ret.) Port Hope Cleland, Wm. (Bet.) Toronto Cochrane, J. J., M.A Sundridge Coulthard, Walter Toronto Craig, R, J,, . . . .Stuttgart, Ger. Craig, R. M Fergus Craig, S. S Oak', llle Craw, G. J Vase\ Creil, R, ;.I Maple Vallej Crozier, Hugh Grand Valley Cumberland, J., Stella Currie, Arch'd., (i{ef.)...Sonva Currie, H Leaskdale Dawson, A Toronto Dickson, Jos. A.R., Ph.D Gait Davidson, J. S Blantyre Dobson, A. B Fordwich I j 142 CLERGY — PRESBYTERIAN. [189i; I 1896J Duncan, J. B Woodville Duncan, J. McD., B.A. . . .Woodville Duncan, Peter Colborne Duncan, W. A Sault Ste. Marie EmpH, L. C Ballinafad Eastman, S. H., B.A Oshawa Edniison, Henry, M.A Rothsay Elliott, J. J Hillsburgh Ewintf, John Mount Pleasant Fairiie, John Lansrtowne Farquherson, Wm '"'aude Keryuson, G. D., M.A K-...^8ton Findlay, A. (Utipt. ifw».) Barne Findlay, D Toronto Fleming, D Harrowsmith Fleming, P Caledon East Forrest, \\ m. (Ket.) . . . .Owen Sound I'owlie, R Erin Fowler, James, M.A KinKCton Eraser, James Sutton Eraser, J. B., M.D Annan Eraser, R.D., M.A Bownianville Erizzell, Wm., Ph.B Toronto Gallaher, John, B.A Dufferin Gallaher, W Airlie Gallowuy, Wm .lillsdale Qandler, Jog Kewburgh Garrioch, John (O.Jf.). .Buik's Falls George, J. L Be.ieville Gilchrist, J.R., B./: Baltimore Gilray, Ale>; Toronto Glassford, K. J. M Guelph Goldsmith, Thos {Met.) Toronto Gracey, Henry Gananoque Grant, G., M.A. (/,P.Scfcooi»).Orillla Grant,G.M,Z).D.(i'.Q Col). Kingston Grant, Jas. A Richmond Hill Orant.H. a., D.D Orillia Gray, James M Stirling Gray, J., D.D. (Pas. Em.). . . .Orillia Gregg, W., D.D. (Prof.).. .. Toronto Greig, O. B Cook»n/wn Hamilton, A. M.,3f. .4 . , Vv inters irne Hamilton, Jos Toronto Hanna, W. G., B.A ':>oro Marsh, D. B Eramosa Martin, W. A. J Toronto Mackie, John, M.A Kingston Maxwell, J Lion's Head Meiklc, William (Ret.) Toronto Middlemiss, Jas., D. D Elora Millar, D Coboconk Miller, J. M Holstein Millican, W. (Ret.) Gait Milligan, George SI., 5.^1. ...Toronto Milne, Jos. W. H., B.A,. .Manse wood MooUie, Robt Barrie Moore, John, B.A Burnbrae Moffat, R. C, D.D. (W.C). . .Toronto Morrison, J. A ',Toronto Morrison, Jolin .....'" Cedarville Morrison, N Corl)etton Mowat, J. B., D.D. {Prof.) Kingston Mullan, Elias ('.t'.C.) Toronto Mullan, James B Fergus Munro, O., M.A Harriston Mtitch, John. M.A.. Toronto Neil, John, B.A Toronto Neilly, A. E Horning's Mills NIcol, Peter Unionville Nicholson, A. B., B.A Kingston Orr, J. W Mono Mills Oswald, D. P Janetville Parsons, H. M., Z>. D Toioatu Patterson, Wm Tor ^tu Peattie, Wm. (W.C.) Tonmtn Pellotier, E Chelinsfonl Perrin, L., B.A Georgetown Phalen, K. M., B.A Blackstock Porteous, George L' Amable Porteous, John (Ret.) Ualt Potter, Jas. Toronto Pullar, J Rosseau ttae, Jumes W Aotou Ramsay, D. M., J?.D Mt. B'orest Rattray, J., B.A Melrose Reeves, A. C Lakefield Reid, Walter Wtston Reid, H. E. A., B.A Stouffviile Reid, W., D D. (Agt. Ch.).. Toronto Kennie, J Manitowaniii}; Robertson, J. L. (O.M.)... . Gore Bay Robertson, J. Lindsay Toronto Robertson, Wm., M.A Morriston Rodgers, E. B Sault Ste. Marie Kodgers, Uobt. (O.M.). . .Owen Souml Rondeau, S Sudbun,' Ross, Donald, M.A., 2>. 2). .Kingston Ross, D. Y Canningtoii Ross, James, B.A Harwodl Ross, J. A., B.A Churchill Scott, J. McP., B.A Toronto Scott, T. B Ceylon Shore. G Kingston Sievcright, James, Simpson, J. L Thornbiirv Sinclair, Henry (W.C.) Toronto Smellie, George, D.D. fRet).. Fergus Smith, Jas. C, M.A.,B.D... Guelim Smith, Frederick Bradfcmi Smith, J. K., D.D Port Hopt Smith, R. B Ashburn Smith, T. G. , D. D Kingston Smith, T Johnstone Somervil'.e, John, D.D. .Owen SounJ Soraer ville, J. F Norwood Strachan, Donald Rockwoml Strachan David Hespeler Stenhouse, J., M.A. (O.iT.). .Toronto Stewart, A. C Belmore Stewart, John (Ret.) Elora Stewart, J. S Ciboconk. Sutherland, D., M.A.... Warkworth Sym, F. P Wiarton Thorn, L. W Arthur Thomas, H. F Preston Thomson, D. A Hastings Thynne, Robert Markh.ini Tibb, J. C Streetsville Tibb, R. C, B.A Toronto Tinkhani, P. A MinesiiiL; Torrance, E. F., M.A. ... Peterborn' Torrance, Robt., D.D. (IT.C.). Guelph Tough, 0. T Herntn Turnbull, ,}.A.,LL.B Toronto Turnbull, M Victoria Harbotii Waits, E. W., D. Sc Owen Sound Wallace, Robt. (I!et.^ Torontn Wallace, W. G., if. ^., B.D. Toronto Wallace, W. E Little Current Wardrope, Thos., D.D Guel|M Watson, T, A Alrnn Watt, Joseph Laskay Webster, A. F larratt's Coriiir Wells, John, M.A Flesherton White, Wm. (Retired) Peterbor >' White, J. II., M A..Dr Park, Toron'o Whiteinan, \i., B.A Port Perry Wilkins, Win. Thos., B.A .. .TtenUm Wilkie, W. D Eramosi Wilson, Andrew Caleilnu Wilson, Tliimitts (fie<.) Toron'..' Windell, W. C. (Retired).. Pontypool Wishart, David Madoe Wylie, W. A., B.^ . . . . Waubaushene Young, Stephen Clifford Young, W.C. (W.C.) Toronto SYNOD OF H/ LON Rev W. Cochram Cli Abraham, R. H., 1 Acheson, Samuel . Alexander, T.. M. Anderson, J. A... Anderson, John . . Anderson.B.S.G.,. Anderson, W. H. Aylwavd, R Ballantyne, G . . . Ballantyne, F.... Barclay, A . . . . . Barr, Matthew (II Battisby, J.R.,P Beamer, A Becket, John,,.. Bell, J Barnett, J. H . . . Black, James (Rt Bradley, W. A... Brown, H Bryant, Jas Cameron, D. G. . , Cameron, J. W. . Campbell, John . Carriere, S. A. .. Clark, W. J Cochrane, W., D. Cockliurn, E., if. Odter, A. F Conning, J. S.. . Cosgrove, T. A.. Cook, W. A Courtney, J. H. . Cow'sr, W Craigie, J. R., M. Cruickshank, W. Craw, W. W., B. Crawford, Jno., i Ciirrie, Archd.(ii Currie, Donald.. Gurrie, John . , . Currie, Hector. - Ourrie, Peter (W Cuthbertson, Qe Daly, C. H Davidson, John Davidson, T., if. Dewar, D .L. ., . Dey, W. J., M.A Drinnan, R Drumn, A. H. .. Duff, Daniel . , ■ Eadie, John . . . Edsar, J. D.... Elliott, J. E., B. Fairbairn, R., L Fentoii, 8. (Reti Ferguson, I. D. Fisher, J, W., 1 Fleming, Wm. 1 Fletcher, D. H., Fletcher, Colin, Forrest, David Fitzpatrick, Jos Fraser, Mungo, Gauld, John (W Gcddes, W. II. Gilchrist, Jas. . CilliH, John . . Gordon, Ja.s., i Goiirlay, James Graham, John I Grunt, A Griut, Alex. (R Grav. Robt., ., Grcid), S. C... Guthrie, D . . . Haig, W. M . . . Hamilton, J. A., Hamilton, J, B 1896J CLERGY — PRESBYTERIAN. 143 Mono Mills ■ ■•• Janetviiie ^■D To^outu ' •■ Tor ..tu (»r.C.) Torontn Chelmsfonl ••••• Georgetown «-^ Blackstwk (Ret) Ualt Toronto • Rosseau • • • • • Actoii ■"•■O Mt. Forest •^ Melrose Lakefleltl • • • • • Wfstori o-A Stouffviile (Agt. Ch.).. Toronto Manitowaniii); L(O.Jf.)....Gorer!av Lindsay Toront'i) 1., M.A Morriston ..Sault Ste. Marie (O.lf.)... Owen Sound ;■■• Sudbur\' M.A.,D.D..KingaUm Canningtoii •4 Harwooil ■4 Churi'hiil B.A Toronto Ceyloii •■ Kingston mes, Jf.^...HuntKVille Thornbiirv y (W.C.) Toronto ;e, i).O.^iJc«J..F"erf,'us , M.A.,B.D... Guelph ick Bradford D.D Port Hope Ashburn D.D Kingston Johnstone hn.D.C.OwenSoniia P Norwood laid Rockwond id Hespeler , Toronto Belmore (Ret.) Elora Coboconk I., M.A.... Warkworth VViarton ^ Arthur ' Preston i Hastings ft Streetsville A Toronto ^ Minesini; '., M.A. ... Peterboro' .,D.D. (IF.C.).Gueliih Hernin ., I'i'.B Toronto Victoria Harboiii D. Sc Owen Sound (Ih't.^ Toront" , M. A., B.D. Toronto Little Current 8., D.D Guel|i;i Alma Laskav Jarratt's Corntr • A Flesherton itircd) Peterl)or i' il..D'r Park, Toronto B.A Port Penv riios., fl.^... Trenton EratiKHii V Caleilnii 9 (/Jet.) Toronio (Hetired).. Pontypool Madoc 1.A Waubaushcne I Cliftbrd V.C.) Toronto SYNOD OF HAMILTON AND LONDON. Rev. W. Cochrane, D.D., Brantford, Clerk. Abraham, R. H., M.A Burlington Acheson, Samuel Kippen Alexander, T.. M.A. (iJet.)Brantford Anderson, J. A Goderich Anderson, John Tiverton Ander8on,R.S.G.,Jf^,BZ). .Wroxeter Anderson, W. H Aylnier Aylward, R Parkliill Ballantyne, Q Mclesworth Ballantync, P Kirkwall Barclay, A Lynedoch Barr, Matthew (Hetired) .... Seaforth Battisby, J. R., Ph.D Chatham Beamer, A Petrolea Becket, John ^ . Thamesville Bell, J Burpoyne Barnett, J. H Kinty re Black, James (Ret.) Hamilton • Bra.i).. .Woodstock Macnab, A Whitechur<'h McNal)b, John (Retired).. . Lucknow McNeil, J Cowal McPherson, N Petrolin McQuarrie, Hector Queen Hill McQuarrie, J. P Tansley : McHae, Donald B Cranlirook | McRobie, John (W.C.) Petrolea ; Malcolm, James Teeswater Mann, A. J Sinithvillc Maiison, Alex. L Valetta Marsh, D. B Blackheath '■ Martin, Wm. M., B.D Exeter Miller, Alex Kilniarton ' Millar, J. M Norwich Millov, Jolm West Lome Mitciiell, J. W., M.A Thorold Morin, W., if.A Port Colborne Morrison, J. A Rutherford Mowat, W AUenford Muir, J Grimsbv Muir, Walter BniceHeld Munro, John M Kintore Murray, John G Grimsby Murray, J. L., M.A Rincardme Murray, James,a/.il.,i?.i)..Hamilton Musgrave. Peter Seafoitli Mustard, J. A Kent Bridge Nattress, Thos., fi..4...Amher8tburg Nichol, F. O Sarnia* Niven, W. P St. Catharines Panton, E. W Stratford Paterson, Nathaniel Hanover Patterson, G. C Embro Penman, W. J Hamilton Perrie, D Wingham Pettigrew, Robt., M.A.. Qlenmorris Pritchard, James Forest Proudfoot, J. J. A.. D.D. (Lee. K. College) London Pyke, R Shakespeare Ratdiffe, J. H St. Catharines Reid, W. M Onondaga Robertson, D London Robertson, J., M.A Port Dover Roger, Walter M., North Pelhani Rose, John Kintail Ross, Alex Clinton Ross, John, B.A Brussels Ross, U. W Glencoe Sawyers, E. H Wilton Grove Scott, John B. (W. C). ..Leamington Scott, John, D.D. (Ret.). . ..Hamilton Scott, J. F Rodney Scott, Peter Cromarty Shaw, Neil, B.A Egm.ndville Shearer, J. G., B.A Hamilton Shearer, W, K., fi..4 Drumbo Sinclair, R. 6 Mohawk Smith, N Niagara Stewart, Alex., B.A Clintoa Stewart, Arch London Stewart, John Kincardine Stewart, R Melbourne Steven, J Tiverton Stevenson , J Morpeth Straith, Peter Innerkip Stuart, J. G London Sutherland, Alex Kipley Sutherland, George Fingal Sutherland, W. R. (Ret.) Strathburn Tailing, M. P I,ondon Taylor, J. B. (W. C.) Blyth Thomson, John, M.A Ayr I'homson, T. G Hamilton Thompson, John, D.D Sarnia Tolmie, Andrew Southampton Tolmic, J. . . Windsor Tully, A. F Mitchell Turnbull, J. A Clanbrassil Ure, Robert, D.D. Ci?ef.)... Goderich Waddell, A. W. (Ret.) Blenheim Walker, W. P Elfrida Wardrope, David (Ret.) Toronto Watts, I. B Port Nelson Webster, C. A Halifax Wilson, A Newbury Wilstm, J Niagara Falls South Wilson. Thomas Dutton Vouiig, 1 '.. Hamilton SYNOD OF MANITOBA ANDTHE NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. Rev. S.C. Murray, Port Arthur, Ont., Clerk. Andrew, J Cartwriglit Bairil, A.B., B.D. (Z'/.) Winnipeg, .M Baikle, J .Miami Beattie, Walter Virden Bevcridge, T. B. .\ Griswold Borthwick, H. J., M.A.(Rtt.) Morden Bowman, J. A Crystal City Brvce, G., LL.D. (Pm/.) Winnipeg.M Biyden, C. W., J/..4.. ..Battleford, S 144 CLERGY — PKESBYTERIAN. [1896 1896] i L^^ \ Cairns, J. A CarnduS 'Cameron, A. H Estevan Cameron, J. H Russell Campbell, A Wolseley, Assa. Campbell, D Holland Carmichael, J. A Regloa, Assa Carswell, D Carberry Caven, W Manitou, M Chestnut, W. B Nesbit Chisholm, A Rapid City Court, T. Collins Petrel Currie, A Wawanes» Davidson, Duncan Sidney, M Douglas, James High Bluff, H Douglas, James M Moosomin, M Driscoll, A. E., B.^ Souris Duval, Fredlc. B., £>.!». .Winnipeg, M Enies, L. C McGregor Faniuharson, J Pilot Mound.ll (■'errie, John Broadview Fisher, Peter Boissevain Flett, Oeorge Elpliinstone, H Fortune, W. G. W Elkhom Fotheringham, J.(/{e(.).0renfell,As8a Fowler, Alfred Winn-peg Frew, Robt., U.A BirtU Geddes, J' >hn (Ret.) Carly le, Assa Gollan, K Hilton Gordon, C. W Winnii)eg Gow, Kober Shoal Lake Haig, Alex. McD Glenboro' M Hamilton, A., Stonewall Hargrave, J. L Portage la Prairie Hart,T.,lf.4., B.D.{PJ.) Winnipeg,!! Hodges, D. H Oak Lake, M Hodnett, Wm Killarney Hofstrand, C. O Ohlen Hogg, John Winnipeg, M Hogg, Joseph Winnipeg!, M Hosie, John Rapid City Innis, B Winnipeg Johnson, Jonas Winnipeg King, J.ii.,D.D. (Priji.) Winnipeg, M Lamb, T Breadalbane Laug, J Newdale Lantrow, David flK.C) . . . .Langvale Ijawrence, James.. Siouey Mountain McArtliur, J Beulah, M McBeth, R. G., If. i*... Winnipeg, M McDiamiid, C Alexander M c Farlane, Alex Dugald, M MciCay, Hugh Wliitewood, Assa McKay, J Strathclair McKeuhnie, J. G Lumsdeii McKenzie, A. F Deloraine McKinlay, Wm Kildonan McKutchen, Colin Shellmouth McLellan, H Thomhill McLeod, A. J., B.A Regina McLeod, D Balmoral McLeod, D., M.A Saltcoats McLeod, T. G Grenfell McMillan, D. F Fort Qu'Appelle McMillan, D Wapella McRae, Farquher Burnside McTavish, Alex., B.A Treherne McVicar, D.H., B.A. .Ft. Qu'Appelle MathesoD, A Springfield Matheson, A Qu'Appelle Station Moore, C Hamiota Moore, yf.S.,€.A.... Fort QAppelle Muwatt, John Douglas Munro, Donald Deloraine, M Munro, J. E Gladstone Murchie, W., B.A Binscarth Muirliead, J . W Whitewood Murray, 8. C, B.A Port Arthur Nairn, R., B.X.. ..Rat Portage, Ont Omand, W. McK., fi..l... Keewatin Patterson, J Carlyle Patterson, R Nuepawa Pitblads, C. B Winnipeg Poison, S Hartney Redden, J. A Moosomin Richmond, T. H Winnipeg .Robertson, A Shoal Lake Robertson, 3.,D.D {Spt.M) Winnipeg Hobson, Alex Indian Heart Rochester, Wm. M Prince Albert Rogerson, W Rapid City Ross, H Portage la Prairie Rowand, W. L. H Fort William Rumball, M. C Morden Scott, T. R Alameda Shearer, T. R., B.A. .. Rounthwaite Smith, Alex Minnedosa, M Sturgeon, R Schrieber Sutherland, J. A. F Minnedosa, M Sutherland, H. C Carman Thompson, A.,B A Virden Welsh, J K. {O.M) Indian Head White, Joseph Drumconnor Whyte, W.C, B.A Kamsack Wright, Peter, B.D..P. la Prairie, M SYNOD OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Adamson, R. J Albernie Buchanan, Jas Eburne Campbell, I., Ph.D Victoria Chestnut, E. B... New Westminster Clay, W. L Victoria Dunn, Alex Warnock Fernie, John Lacumbe Forbes, A Fort Saskatchewan Fraser, Alex Comox Glassford, T. S Donald Grant, J. P Pincher Creek Hamilton, G Macleod Herdman, I. C Calgary Higgins, J. H Union Mines Hunter, J Kaslo Hutton, A. G Ashcrof t Jaffray, J. A., B.A Banff Lee, Arch. , B.A Kamloops Logan, J. A Chilliwack MoCrae, D Victoria McElman, B. K Cloverdale McKenzie, A Cardston McCrae, D. A Nanaimo McKillop, C.,B.A Lethbridge McLaren, E. D., B.D . . ..Vancouver McLeod, J. M Vancouver McQueen, D.G., Edmonton, Alta Matheson, J. A., B.D Dewdney Maxwell, G. R Vancouver Mogac, A Lanj^ley Morrow, J., W Watoskuirti Munro, R. A South Edmonton Murray, G.,U,A Nicota Lake Paton, T Grand Forks Poole, E. W Col umbia River Rogers, Thos. H., B.A.. Wellington Ross, Walter R Donald Scouler, T New Westminster Srr.Uh, E Revelstoke Spear, D., B.A Innisfail Stephen, Chas., M.A . . Medicine Hat Tait, t^., Ph.B Comox Walker, E. G Davisburg Wilson, G. A Vernon Winchester, A. B Victoria Wright, J. K.,B.D... .Spillamacheen Young, Alex. (Ret) Victoria FOREIGN MISSIONS. I.— NEW HEBRIDES. Rev. J. W. McKenzie Etate " H. A. Robertson . . . Erromanga " Jos. Aimand, Jf,i4 Santo n.-TRINIDAD. Rev, John Morton, D.D. .Tunapuna " K. J Grant,A>.Z».San Fernando '* Lai Bihari (AssisUnt). " W. L. Macrae Princestown " A. W. Thompson Couva LADY MIBBIOMARIBS. Misses A. Blackadder, M. Kirk- Patrick, A. J. Archibald, L, Fisher. III.— INDIANS, NORTHWEST AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Rev. A. Wm. Lewis, £.i) .Mistawaais " G. Flett Okanase " C. W. Whyte, B..4..Crowstand " H. McKay Round Lake " W. 8. Moore, B.A... Lakes End " J. MoArthur Bird Tail " A.J.McLeod(Oov.In.S.) Regina TBACHER8. Miss Laura Mcintosh Mistawasit Miss M. S. Mcintosh Okanase Mr. G. G. McLaren, Principal.. Birtle Miss McLaren, Matron " Miss McLeod " Mrs. C. W. White, Matron, Crowst and Mr. J. S.White Miss K. Gillespie " MissB. Scott Mr. Alex. Skene, Principal, File Hills Mrs. Skene, Matron " Mrs McKay, Matron. .. Bound Lake Mr. Sahlmark " Mrs. Moore, Matron Lakes End Miss Annie Eraser . . Port, la Prairie " Sarah Laidlaw " " Lucy Baker Prince Albert " A. Cameron " Mr. D. H. McLeod Regina Mr. D. C. Munro " Mrs. Leckie, Matron " Miss Lily Russel " Mr.J. Urquhart.. Pipestone, SiouxKe. Mr. W. J. Wright Rolling River IV.— CHINA. 1. FORMOSA. Rev. G. L. Mackay, M.D Tamsul Rev. Wm. Gauld. " Tan H6 \ v-.».-.v. ir.s, " Glam Cheng HBaK"'"^*'"'- 2. PRB8BYTE«T OF HONAN. Rev. Jonathan Ooforth. " Donald MoSillivray. " W. McClure, if.Z). " Wm. Malcolm, M.D. " W. Harvev Grant. " J. Eraser Smith, Jf.D. " M. McKenzie, M.A. " J. H. McVicar, M.A. " Kenneth MacLennan. Miss M. MclHlosh, Trained Nurse. Miss Lucinda Graham. (Address care of H. J. Bostwick, Tientsin, Northern China.) v.— CENTRAL INDIA. PRBSBTTBRY OF INDORB. Rev. Jas. Eraser Campbell . . Rutlani " John Wilkie, M.A Indore " W. A. Wilson, Neemu.h " W. J. Jamieson Neemuch " J. Buchanan, Jf.i) Ujjain " N. H. Russell, B.A Mhow " F. H. Russell, B.A Mhow Mr. C. R. Woods, M.D.... Neemucli LADY MI8BI0NARIBS. Misses Oliver, M.l)., Sinclair, O'Hara, M.D., Turnbull, M.D. Orier, White, Dougan, Jamieson, McKellar, M. D., Duncan, Ross, Eraser, M.D., Calder, VI.-CHINESE, B.C. Rev, A. B. Winchester Victoria Mr. C. A. Coleman " VII.— ALBERNI, B.C. Mr. M. Swartout, Miss M. Minnes, Miss Bella L. Johnston. VIII JEWS IN PALESTINE. Rev. Chas. A. Webster, M.A., M.D. P! Mt. Rev. Corneliu Rt. Rev. John Can Kt. Kev. J. C. Mc Rt. Rev. James R< Rt. Rev. John Swi PR Mt. Rev. Jas. Vim Rt. Rev. Alex. Mc Rt. Rev. R. A. O C PI Mt.Rev.Edouard ( Rt. Hev. Loui9«f' ]{t Hex . Paul Lar Rt. Kev. J. M. En t Mt. Rev. Jos. Tho Rt. Rev. Narcisse- AUCHDIOCESD iicA/nWiop— Mos (,»'Brien, D.D. Vicar -Gety^ral—y Carmody. CITY OF St. Mary's Cathe Amherst, Wm. J. Annapolis, J. W. Bridjrewater, W. . Caledonia, T. J. 1 Chezzetcooke, P. Daitmouth, Char Elbrook, J. Croui Entleld, W. E. Yc Herring Cove, T. .lojrifins Mines, J. Kentville, P. M. Londonderry, P. Meteyrhan, Janiei Parsboro, J . T. B Plvmpten, L. E. 1 Prospect, D. J. Si Pubnico, J. J. Su Salmon River, A, Sheet Harbor, D. SpriiiK Hill, P. E Truro, M.J. Kins Tusket Wedge, J Wevmouth, A. B Windsor, E. Ken Yarmouth, E. J. BERMIII Hamilton, Wm. St. George's, T. F ARCHDIOCES Ari-hhUhop'-yio jeiit Cleary, E Airhdeacon—\i Vimn-Qeneral- .lames Farrell 11. Gauthier. Vi(arK-l''orane. ■ O'Connor, C. M.xiterson. &'f/(farj/— Rev, 1( >l.f' [1896 I ^^^^^ CLERGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC. 14i ester Victoria n " t, Miss M. Miiines, iston. N PALESTINE, bster, M.A., M.D. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CANADA. THE HIERARCHY. PROVINCB OF HALIFAX. Mt. Rev. Cornelius O'Brien, D.D. 1883 Halifax Rt, Rev. John Cameron, D.D 1870 Antigonish Kt. Rev. J. C. McDonald, D.D 1890 Charlottetown Rt Rev. James Rogers, D.D 1860 Chatham Rt. Rev. John Sweeny, D.D 1860 St. John PROVINCE OF KINGSTON. Mt. Rev. Jas. Vincent Cleary, D.D. 1890 Kingston Rt. Rev. Alex. Macclonell, D.D... . 1890 AlHxandria Rt. Rev. R. A. O'Connor 1889 Peterborough PROVINCE OF MONTREAL. Mt.Rev.EdouardChas.Fabre, D.D. 1873 Montreal Rt. Rev. Louis«fiih. Moreau, D.D. 1876 St. Hyacinth Rt. \ie\. Paul Larocque, D.D 1893 Sherbrooke Rt. Rev. J. M. Emara, D.D 1892 Valleyfield PROVINCE OF OTTAWA. Mt. Rev. Jos. Tlios. Duhamel, D.D. 1874 Ottawa Rt. Rev. Narcisse-Z. Lorrain, D.D. 1882 Pontiao PROVINOB OP QUEBEC. His Em. E. A. Cardmal Taschereau 1886 Quebec Mt. Rev. L. N. BcSgin, D.D., Coad 1888 Quebec. Rt. Rev. M. T. Labrecque, D.D 1892 Chicoutiml. Rt. Rev. Elphege Gravel, D.D 1885 Nicolet Rt. Rfv. A. A. Blais, D. D 1890 Riniouski Rt. Rev. Louis FrauQ.Lafleche, D.D 1867 Three Rivers Rt. Rev. M. T. Labrecque, D.D. ... 1892 St. Laurent PROVINCE OF ST. BONIFACE. Mt. Rev. L. Ph. Langevin, O.M.I.,DD. St. Boniface Rt. Rev. Paul Durieu.O.Jf./., D.D. 1875 N. Westm'nstr Rt. Rev. V.J. Grandin.O.Jf./., D.D. 1859 St. Albert Rt. Itev E. Girouard.O.Jf./., D.D. 1891 /Athabaska- Kt.Rev. J. Clut,O.JIf./.,D.D., Coad. 1867 \ Mackenzie Rt. Rev.AlbertPascal.O.JI/./., D.D. 1891 Saskatchewan. PROVINCE OF TORONTO. .Mt. Rev. John Walsh, D.D 1867 Toronto Rt. Rev. T. J. Dowling, D.D 1887 Hamilton Rt. Kov. D. O'Connor, C.S.B., D.D. 1890 London ARCHDIOCESE OF HALIFAX. Archhmhop — "iiloit Rev. Cornelius O'Brien, D.D. Vicar-Gcwral—Very Rev. Canon J, Carmody. CITV OF HALIFAX. St. Marv's Cathedral— Most Rev. C. ' OBrien, D.D., Rev. Edward F. MiiriJhy, D.D., rector; Revs. \Vm. .1. Folev, D.D., J. B. Moriarty, C. ' C.-impboll, D.D., M. Carroll. j St. Patrick's— Very Rev. Mgr J. Car" i mody, V.G.; Revs. Gerald Murphy, j 1 1. F. Forbes. | St. .loseph's— Rev. T. J. Daly. i Amherst, Win. J. Mihan. I Annapolis, J. \V. Walsh. Brldirewater, W. J. Doody. Caledonia, T. J. Butler. Chezzetcooke, P. H. Labrecque. Dartmouth, Charles Underwood. Elljrook, J. Crouzi' Enfield, W. E. Youi Herring Cove, T. J. (.race. Jojiirins Mines, J. D. Curry. Kentville, P. M. Holden. Londonderry, P. Walsh, D.D. Mctejfhan, James Daly. ParsV)oro, J. T. Bresnan. I'lyniptan, L. E. Descheneau. Prospect, D. J. Summers. Pubnico, J. J. Sullivan. Salmon River, A. B. C6te. Sheet Harbor, D. O'SuUivan. Spring Hill, P. Eagaii. Truro, M. J. Kinsella. Tusket Wedge, J. M. Gay. Weymouth, A. B. Parker. Windsor, E. Kennedy. Yarmouth, E. J. McCarthy. HEBMl'DA ISLANDS. Hamilton, Win. B. Hamilton. St. George's,!. Foran, Post Chaplain. ARCHDIOCESE OF KINGSTON. ArchhUhop--'Moni Rev. James Vin- ■jontOleary, D.D. Aiehdetteon—\ei\. Thos. Kelly. Vicnrs-Qcneral — \i\\i\\\, Rev. Mgr. .lames Farrellv and Very Rev. C. H. Oauthier. Vifam-t'ovane — Very Revs. J. S. • I'Connor, C. B. Murray, and J. Ma-stersoii. Secretary— l\.ev. Thomas Kelly. 10 CITV OF KINGSTON. Cathedral of St. Mary Immaculate - Most Rev. J. V. Cleary, D.D.; Veil. Archdeacon Thomas Kelly, Bishop's Secretary and rector of the Catliedral ; Kevs." Jas. V. Neville, J. Kehoe, .Tames Collins and W. A. McDonagh. Bedford, C. J. Killeen. Belleville, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Jas. Far- relly, V.G. ; Rev. Alex. Carson, assistant. Blessington, Thomas McCarthy. Brewer's Mills, Tlios. Casey. Brockville, Very Rev. C. H. Gauthier, V.G.; Rev. John O'Brien, assistant. Burgess, T. P. O'Connor. Camden, Patrick J. Hartigan. i Carleton Place, M. O'Rourke. I Chesterville, Very Rev. John S. ! O'Connor, V.F. I Erinsville, G. Cicolarl. ! Frankford, James J. Connolly. Gananoque, John D. O'Gnrman. Kemptville, M. MacDonald. Kitley, M. J. Spratt. Loborough, C. A. McWillianis. Madoc, Thomas \)a.\ is. Marmora, Thomas Murtagh. Merrickville, John McCarthy. Morrisburg, Denis A. Twomey. Napanee, John T. Hogan. Perth, Charles J. Duffus. Picton, J. H. McDon.agh. Prescott, \'er.v Rev. John Masterson, John Brennan, assistant. Smith's Falls, Michael Stanton. Spencerville, W. E. Walshe. , Trenton, Charles B. Murray, V.F. Tweed, John Fleming. Tyendinaga, John S. C^uinn. Westport, P. A. Twohev. Wolfe Island, T. J. Spratt. Yoiige, John J. Kelly. ARCHDIOCESE OF MONTREAL. Archbishop of Montreal— Most Rev. Edward Charles Fabre, D.D. Vicar-Gi'ii'l. — V.Rev. F. Bourgeault. Rural Deans— \evy Rev. Ls. Colin, Superior S.S., Revs. A. Nantel, F. Dorval, Prosper Beandrv, .los. Nap. Marechal, J. .Morin, R. Hetu, J. O. Dubois, J. U. Leclerc, M. Taillon, J. B. Champeau, L. J. Lafortune, J. S. Theberge, F. X. Leclerc. Oj^ciaY— VeryRv. F.Bourgeault.V.O. -Rev. Z. Racicot, Caiioa Dorval, L. G. Guyon, A I Assessor s- Revs. F. Nantel. Promofoc— Rev. P.N. Bruchesi, D.D. , Canon. rt'ce-Promo ■ 1896] VM St. Vincent de Paul's, M. Lavnllie, cure, H. Langevin, J. M. Roux, K. L. Dubuo, vies. Hochelaga, H. Brissette, cur6, A. Saint-Jean, A. A. Deqiioy, vies. Sacred Heart, F. L. T. Adam, cure, J. Reid, W.Chauvin, J. Desrosiers, J. E. Lafortune, O. Valoia, vies., A. Dubuc, a. c. St. John Baptist, M. Auclair, cunS N. Morin, M. O. Casey, J. A. I ali- berte, B. Pretontaine, J. L. P. A. Dequoy, vies. Notre Dame du Bon Conseil, P. (yDonnell, cure, P. Shea, vie. St. Anthony's, J. E. Donnelly, cur6, C. Guilbault, vie. St. Charles', Jos. Bonin, cure, J. Bruyire, H. Mongeau, Alp. Bour- geois, vies. St. Gabriel's, M. O'Meara, ouri. St. Louis, C. Larocque, cure, J. Proulx, Ls. Boissonneau, O. Lach- •pelle, Ale. Bourassa, vies. Berthierville, J. B. Chanipeau, cur6, L. Perrfeault, A. Morin, vies. Boucherville, J. Prinieau, cur6, E. Brisebdis, 11. Bellerose, vies., M. Piette, a.o. Brandon, Vinceslas Clement. Canglmaw.ig'R, 1. O. L. Forbea, cure, Aug. Ariboiir, vie. Chat.ibly. M. Lesage, cure, G. A. Fourouge, vie. Chertsey, O. Laferriere, cur^. ContrecuBur, J. Dequoy, curi, A. Ferland, vie, L. A. Dequoy, a. c. C6te St. Paul, Jos. A. Brault, our^. Coteau St. Louis, G. Lesage, cur6, J. Duprat, Ed. J. Contant, A. J. B. Desnoyers, vies. He Bizard, J. Mallet, cure. He Dupas, P. F. Mondor, cure. Joliette, Prosper Beaudry, V. F., our6, A.J. Jacques, Jos. Lafortune, vies., J. M. Martel, F. X. Geoffrey, J. Derome, a. c. s. Kildare, Damien Laporte. L'Acadie, J. L. Gaudet, cure. Lac des Deux Montagues (Oka), D. Lefebvre, S.S., cure, A. Cuoq, S.S., E. E. Girot, S.S., vies. Lachenaie, J. B. Durivage, cure. Lachine, N. Piche, cure, A. Mande- ville, vie. Lachute, A. Carricre, cure. Lacolle, Em. Pepin, cure, E. Poitras, vie. Lanoraie, T. Kavanagh, cure, Allyre Cloutier, vie. Laprairie, A. Larose, cure, Jos. Blais, vie. L'Assomption, F. Dorval, cure, V.F., P. Labreche, vie. Lavaltrie, C. Huet, curi'. L'Epinhanie, J. T. Gaudet, cure, P. Andre. Longue Pointe, 11. Lecourt, cure. Longueuil, M. Tasse, cur^, J. B. Beaucheniin, vies., J. M. Bour- assa, T. Hurteau, a. os. Haisonneuve, George M. Le Pailleur, euro. Mascouche, Jos. Latizon, cure, P. O, Renaud, a. c. Napierville, A. P. Tasse, cure, F. X. Cbalifoux, vie. Notre Dame de OrAce, Jos. Nip. Mar^chal, V.F., cure J. A. Arch- ambault, A. Daignault, vic«. Notre Dame de La Merci, L. J, Vignault, cure. Pointe-aux-Trembles, .\.Provost,cure pointe-Claire, F. X. Labertre, cure, A. Champoux, vie. Rawdon, F. A. Baillarge, cur6, Frs. Labonte, vie. Repentigny, Jos. Gaudet, cure. Riviere des Prairies, S. L. Bonin, our6. Ste. Adfele, J. O. Roussin, curi. St. Alexis, Jos. N. Lussier, curt. St. A'phonse de Rodriguez, F. Pari- zeau, cure. St. Andre, A. Dugast, cure. Ste. Anne de Bellevue, G. F. O. Che- vrefils, cure, M.J. Beauparlant,vio. Ste. 4nne des Plaines, J. E. Dugas, cure, G. Dugast, a.c. St. Augustine, P. A. Laporte, cure. St. Barthei' .y, J. Charette, cur6, E. Moreau, Hon. Can., a.c. St. Basile le Grand, J. M, Matthieu, cure. Ste. Beatrix, A. Meuiiier, cure. St. Benoit, F. Corbeil, cure. St. Blaise, R. Bonin, curi, Chas. Boissonneault, a.c. St. Bnmo, N. A. Valois, cure, J. M. Landry, vie. St. Calixte, A. Lajeunesse, cure. St. Canut, L. Pineault. St. Colomban, J. F. Forget, cure. St. C6me, Joo. Deschenes, cur6. St. Constant, ?. Bedard, curi. St. Cunigonde, F. X. E. Ecrement, cure, J. A. Belanger, J.U. Geoffrion, 0. J. Cote, vies., C. Duprat. St. Cuthbert, Andre Brien, cure, C. Robillard, vie. St. Damien, J. Brien, cure. Ste. Dorolhee, Jos. Giguire, cure. St. Edouard, S, Maynard, curi. Ste. Elizabeth, D. Brien, curi, J. Chagnon, vie. St. Elizabeth, A. Lacasse, curi, J. Thibaucleau, vie. Ste. Emilie, S. Laporte, cure. St. Esprit, O. Dubois, cure. St. Eustache, C. Ouimet, curi, L. Gervais, vie. St. Felix de Valois, P. Pelletier,curi, U. Archambeault, a.c. St. Francois de Sales, D. Casaubon, cure, F. X. Vezina, a.c. Ste. Geneviive, J. B. Bourget, cure. St. Henri, R. Decarie, curi, T. De- carie, F. X. Plante, L. M. A. Bar- salou, J. Piette, vies., J. B. Rioux, anc. cure. St. Hernias, P. Leduc, cure. St. Hippolite, C. Rochon, cure. St. Hubert, R. Giruux, cure. St. Isidore, O. Blanchard, cure. St. Jacques de I'Achigan, T. Mare- chal, "uri, J. Saint-Denis, vie. St. .Jacques le Mineur, J. Morin, V. F., cure, R. Pelletier, vie. St. Janvier, J. B. Lemonde, curi. S^. .lean de Dorchester, C. Collin, cure, A. Peladeau, E. J. Brien, vies. St. Jean de Matha, I. Prevost, curi. St. Jerome, L. J. Lafortune, V.F., cure, A. Laporte, L. Desjardins, Arc. Magnaii, vies. St. Joseph du Lac, D. Piche, cure. Ste. Jul.e, C. Daigna\ilt, cure. Ste. Julienne, A. Viau, cure. St Lambert, I'-rs. Rabeau, desa. St. Laurei.t, 1'. lieaudet, O.S.C.,cure. St. Leonard de Port-Maurice, A. Houle. St. LIgouri, L. thvfault, cure. St. Lin, J. B. Proulx, Hon. Can., curi, G. Payette, A. Martel, P. Desrosiers, vies. St. Luc, 0. Ooallier, curi. Ste. Lucie, J. Limoges, curi. Ste. Marp-uerite, G. Moreau, ciu-i. Ste. M. Soloniee, C.T. E.Viger, cure. St. Martin, M. Leblanc, cure, u. Forest, vie. Ste. Milanie, L. Fr. Bonin, cure, F, S. Jeannotte, a.c. St. Michel de Napierville, L. M. Tail. Ion, V.F., cure, F. X. W. Geoffroy, vie. St. Michel des Saints, O. Guimond, cure. Ste. Mo.iique, Jos. F. Archambeault, curi. St. Norbert, C. Durocher, curi. St. Paul, J. D. Dupont, curi. St. Paul TErmite, J. Huot, curi, J. Richard, vie. St. Philip"e, G. H. Laporte, cure, J. Descat a, vie. St. Plac'iu J. B. Beauchamp, curi. St. Remi, a. Baril, ciuri, T. Beaudry, vie. St. Roch de I'Achigan, T. Dagenaig, curi, E. Lamoureux, vie. St. Rose, J. Aubin, curi, J. Cloutier, vie. St. Sauveur, P. S. Pierre, curi. Ste. Scholastique, R. Hetu, cure, A. Quesnel, vie. Ste. Sophie, E. Prieur, curi. St. Sulpice, F. X. Arneault, curi. Ste. Thirise, Very Rev. A. Vaillari court, cure, A. Carriires, vie. Ste. Theodosie, L. Casaubon, cure. St. Thomas, J. O. Chicoine, curi, M. Vigneault, vie. St. Valentin, V. Dupuis, curi, 0. Gaudin, anc. curi. St. Vincent de Paul, T. Coutu, cure, L. Gagnon, vie, O. Harel, St. Zinon, E. Joly, curi. Sault-au-Recollet, C.Beaubien, cur . Sherrington, Jos. A. Peladeau cure. Terrebonne, J. Piche, curi, L. Labrie, vie. Varennes, J. S. Theberge, V. K,, curi, J. A. Lavallie, vie, J. F. X. Bourbonnais, anc. ouri. Vercheres, A. Birard, curi, A. Des- rosiers, vie. ARCHDIOCESE OF OTTAWA. Archbishop— Most Rev. Jos. Thomas Duhainel, D.D. Vicar-General — Very Rev. J. 0. Routhier. Chancellor— v. Rev. P. McCarthy. Vice-Chancellor—Rev. J. C. W. r>e- guire, D.D. CITY OF OTTAWA. Cathedral of the Innnaculate Con- ception — V. Rev. J. O. Routhier, V.G.; L. N. Canipeau,G. Bouillon, J. A. Plantin, J. C. W. Deguire, D.D., K. Groux. St. Anne's— P. Beauchamp. St. Bridget's- P. McCarthy. St. Jean Baptiste— P. Jacques, OS. D., Stephen Oauvreau, O.S.D., V. Charland, O.S.I)., and P. Govreau, O.S.D. St. Francis Revs. liOuis-Marie, Li- dislas, Pacirtque, Moise, Alphon^ie, Alexis. Patrick St. Joseph's --II. Conatantineau, 0. ML, J. W. Howe, O.M.I. St. Patrick's— J. M. Whalen. Notre Dame du boii Conseil, T. Cole. Sacred Heart -A. T. Valiquette, I E. Jeaiiotte, O.M.I. PROVINC'K OK (JUKBBC. Amherst, O. Mo'itour. Angers, J. lite. I.anglais. Arutidel, L. G. Casubon, H.M. Aylnier, A Labell Bouchette, J. All Buckingham, F. I Cantley, A. Mota Chelsea, C. Poali Chute-aux-Iroqu( Farrellton, J. Fol Graceflel.1, C. Ga Grenville, J. Gas flartwell, A. Gui Hull, L. Lauzon, zois, O.M.L, J. I., E. L. Ch-rl vest, O.M.L, A Maniwaki, F. Lap O.M.L, J. P. ( Dozois, O.M.I. J. Chevrier, O. Hashani Mills, J. Monte Bello, T. . Montfort, A. B Cesbron, J.M. Notre dame de Richer. Notre dame du I Papineauville, E Perkin's Mills, J Plantagenet, E. ' Ripon, J. Guay. Ste. Agatha, S. : St Andre Avelli Garon, curate. St. Faustin, A. ( St. Ignace de h noyer, L. M. V St. Jovite, S. Oi St. Malachie, F. St. Philippe d'. tour. Suffolk, C. Prou •Tenipleton, I. CI Thurso, J. Chati PROVINCl Alfred, P. Loml Almonte, D. F. Casselnian, A. I Clarence Creek Curran, J. Piloi Dawson, W. Mc Embrun, A. Ph Fallowfield, J Fournier, E. G. curate. Gatt'ville, J. M Gloucester, J Hawkesbury M Huntley (West. Lefaivre, P. Bei L'Orignal, O. Notre Dame d S.M. Orleans, L. A Pakenhaui, D Plantagenet, Richmond, J. Kockland, J. 1 St. Albert de thier. St. Anne, E. C St. Eugene, F St. Isidore, J, SarsHeld, Osc The Brook, A Vankleek Hill Wendover, O y I: H ARCHDIOC Archbiskop- AiexanderC Coadjutor-hiH Begin, D.D. 1896] CLERGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC, 147 Leblanc, cure, y. Fr. Bonin, cure, F. •c. )ierville, L. M. Tail- F. X. W. Oeoffroy, lints, O. Guiraond, !. F. Archambeault, urofher, cur^. upont, cur^. J. Huot, cmi, J. rl. Laporte, cure, .1. Beauchamp, cure, il, 0^6, T. Beaudry, :higan, T. Dagenais, iireux, vie. in, cure, J. Cloutier, Pierre, cure. ?, R. Hetu, cure, A. 'rieur, cure. :. Arneault, cur6. Ty Rev. A. Vaillaii Carri^res, vie. I. Casaubon, cure. >. Chicoine, cur6, M. ^ Dupuis, cure, 0. !ure. 'aul, T. Coutu, cur. c, O. Harel. ly, cur6. it, C.Beaubien, rur , s. A. Peladeau curt-. 'iche, cur6, L. Labrie, . Theberjre, V. F., vallee, vie, J. F. .\. anc. cure, ierard, cure, A. Des- ;SE OF OTTAWA. )8t Rev. Jos. Thouias >. - Very Rev. J. 0. Rev. P. McCarthy. —Rev. J. C. W. De- )F OTTAWA. le Immaculate Con- lev. J. O. RoutJiier, impeau, O. Bouillon, , J. C. W. De(?uiie, x. leauchamp. . McCarthy. :e — P. Jacques. OS. lauvreau, O.S.D., V. .1)., and P. Oovreaw, vs. Louis-Marie, Ui- le, Moise, Alphoii-^e, k. . Constantineau, 0. )\ve, O.M.I. M. Whnlen. bon Conseil, T. Cole. V. T. Valiquette, i .M.I. ! OK QIT.BBC. Aylmer, A Labelle. Bouchette, J. Allard. Buckingham, F. Michel, J. Leolerc. Cantley, A. Motard. Chelsea, C. Poulin. Chutc-aux-Iroquois, C. Deslauriers. Farrellton, J. Foley. GracefieW, C. Gay. Grenville, J. Gascon. Hartwell, A. Guillaume. Hull, L. Lauzon, O.M. (., supr., J. Do- rois, O.M.I., J. B. Grandflls, O.M. I., E. L. Ch-rles, O.M.I., M. Pre- vost, O.M. I., A. E. Duhaut, O.M.I. Maniwaki, F. Laporte, supr., F. Plan, O.M.I., J. P. Guegi-en, O.M.L, S. Dozois, O.M.L, J. Laniel, O.M.L, J. Chevrier, O.M.L Masham Mills, J. liyonnais. Monte Bello, T. Allard. Montfort, A. Bouchet, S.M., Ath. Cesbron, J.M. Notre dame de la Salette, W. D. Richer. Notre dame du Luas, E. Trinquier, Papineauville, E. Rochon. Perkin's Mills, J. U. Forget. Plantagenet, E. C. Croteau. Ripon, J. Guay. Ste. Agatha, S. Moreau. St. Andre Avellin, J. P. Belanger, P. Garon, curate. St. Faustin, A. Corbeil. St. Ignaoe de Nonioninque, L. Du- noyer, L. M. Vutraillet. St. Jovite, S. Ouimet. St. Malachie, F. X. Brunette. St. Philippe d'Argenteuil, P. Mon- tour. Suffolk, C. Proulx. Tenipleton, I. Champagne. Thurso, J. Chatelain. PROVINCE OP ONTARIC. Alfred, P. Lombard. Almonte, D. F. Foley. Casselman, A. Brausoleil. Clarence Creek, Thos. Caron. Curraii, J. Pilon. Dawson, W. McCauley. Embruu, A. Philion, O. Lemay. Fallowfleld, J. A. Sloan. Fournier, E. G. Dacier, G, Montreuil, curate. Gateville, J. Miron. Gloucester, J. McGuire, F. McGovern. Hawkesbury Mills, S. Philip. Huntley (West), P. Corkery. Lefaivre, P. Bedard. L'Orlgnal, O. Berube. Notre Dame de Lourdes, F. Joubert, S.M. Orleans, L. A. Lavoie. Pakenham, D. Lavin. I'lantagenet, E. C. Croteau. Richmond, J. Dunn. Hockland, J. Hudon. St. Albert de Cambridge, A. Gau- thicr. ■ St. Aiuie, E. Coderre. St. EiiKcne, F. Towner, H. Touchette. St. Isidore, J. Bouliiy. Sarsfield, Osc. Cousineau. The Brook, A. Larose. Vankleek Hill, P. Dussere Telmon. Weiidover, O. Ferron. ARCHDIOCESE OF QUEBEC. Archbishop— li\s Eminence, Elzear Alexander Cardi nal Taschereau, 1)1) Coadjiitur-Hinhop—liight Rev. L. N. Begin, D.D. VicarH-General—yigT. T. E. Hamel and Mgr. Cyrille A. Marois. Secretary— Rev. B. Ph. Garneau. Sub-Secrrfary—Rev. J. C. Arsenault. OMcwl-Mgr. C. A. Marois, V.G. Assesnors — Mgr. B. Pa(juet,'Mgr. J. C. K. Latlamme, Revs. F. X. Faguy, L. A. Paquet. ProMotor— Mgr. H. Tetu. Vice-Promotm'—Ugr. C. O. Gagnon. Chancellor— Rev. B. Ph. Garneau. Vice-Chancellor — Rev. J. C. Arsen- ault. CITT OF Q'JRBEC, Archb'^hop's Palace— His Eminence E. A. Cardinal Taschereau, D.D. ; Mgr. L. N. Begin, coadjutor and administrator; Mgr. C. A. Marois, V.G ; Mgr. H. Tetu ; Mg- 0. O. Gagnon ; Rev. B. Ph. Garneau, Secretary ; Rev. J. C. Arsenault, sub-secretary ; Rev. L. H. Paquet. Notre Dame Parish — Cathedral of the Immaeulate Conception, F. X. Faguy, P.P., F. Dupuis, H. DeFoy, curates, L. A. Proulx, I). Pampalon St. Roch Parish— St. Rooh's, A. A. Gauvreau, P.P., J. D. Beaudoin, H. Bernier, L. P. Delisle, A. La- chance, Ph. Roy, Q. R6millard, B. Paradis. St. Sauveur Parish — St. S^uveur, P. Drouet, O.M.L, supr. and P.P., F. A. Grenier, M. J. Royer, O.M.L, Ch. Boissonault, O.M.L, V. Burtin, O.M.L, Ls. Charles, O.M.L, J. W. Perron, O.M.L, A. Desilets, O.M.L, M. Desjardins, O.M.L Notre Dame de la Garde Parish — Notre Dame de la Garde, A. Bou- chard, P.P. St. John Baptist Parish— St. John the Biiptist'f B. Demers, F. X. Tessier-Laplante, A. Taschereau, Th. Mercier, Em. Martin, curates ; Chs. Pouliot. St. Patrick's Haute Ville, P. Rossback, C.SS.R., rector, J. McCarthy, M. Maloney, C.SS.R., M. A. Ander- son, C.SS.R., B. J. McManus, C. SS.R.,M. Bonia, C.SS.K. Ancienne Lorette, J. O. Faucher, P.P., J. Rouleau, curate. Ange Gardien, A. Vaillancourt, P.P. Armagh, B. Dionne, P.P. Beamnont, W. 0. Plaisance, P.P. Beauport, A.Deziel,P.P., H.Michaud, curate. Chayiel at the Insane Asy- lum, Rev. A. Rou seau, chaplain, r. Leclerc, assist. Beaurivage, Ab. Vaillancourt, P.P. Berthier, M. Hudon, P.P. Broughton, F. Pelletier, P.P. Buckland. P. Roy, P.P. St. Damien, J. O. Brousseau, P.P., P. Vincent, Asst. Cap Rouge, Od. Marois, P.P. Cap "St. Ignace, N. J. Sirois, P.P., O. lilancliet, curate. Cap-Sante, D. Gosselin, P.P. Charlesbourg, J. Hoffman, P.P., J. Ki- luac, curate, J. B. Villeneuve, retired. Chateau Richer, A. Oingras, P.P. Chaudiere-Station, A. Rouleau, P.P. Cranbourne, J. G. DeBlois, P.P. Deschanibault, L. Rousseau, P.P.. A. Lemav, curate. East Broughton, O. D. Naud, P.P. Elgin Road, Sal. Richard, P.P. Fortierville, A. A. Beaudet, P.P. Frampton, J. O'Farrell, P.P. Fraserville, Ludger Blais, P.P., A. Magnan, E. Hudon, curates. Grondines, J. D Ballantyne, P.P. Grosse He, J. B. Derome, P.P. He aux Grues, A. O. Godin, P.P. Inverness, S. Turcotte, P.P. Kamouraska, N. H. LeclerCi P.P. Kennebec, J. Elie Breton, P.P. La Beauce, J, Chaperon, P.P., E. . Pelletier, curate. Lac Etchemin, Thoa, Lauz^, P.P. Lac Noir, P. Ouellet, P.P. Lambton, A. Belleau, P.P., Ls. Bel- leau, curate. Langovin, T. Trudel, P.P. Laval, Ths. P. Begin, P.P. Leolercville, P. Dubc, P.P. Les Ecureuils, Jos. B. Soulard, P.P. Levis, F. X. Gosselin, P.P., L. Gauv- reau, U. Brunet, L. Garon, curi^tes. Hospice St. Joseph de la Delivrance, J. E. Feuiltault, chap- lain, F. Dumontier, P. Colfer, .1. Hudon, F. McDonell, J. Neville. L'Islet, C. Bacon, P.P., A. Proub:, curate. Lorette, G. Giroux, P.P., A. Lamothe and A. Hudon, curates. Lotbiniere, L. L. Paradis, P.P. Lyster, R. Labbe, P.P. Mt. Carroel, M. Moreau, P.P. Montmagny, L. Rousseau, P.P., P. Godbout and J. Morin, curates. Newbois, F. Rouleau, P.P. New Iroland, J. O. Lnnglois, P.P. New Liverpool, P. I issard, P.P., C. Pioher, curate. Notre Dame des Anges de Montau- ban, J. B. Gosselin, P.P. Notre Dame du St. Rosaire, A. Talbct, P.P. Notre Dame du Portage, J. Z. A. Oirard, P.P., C. Paquet, curate. Point-aux-Tremble». A. Boucher,P.P. Pont-Rouge, E. Hudon, P.P. Portneuf, Nap. Cinqmars, P.P., A. Bourassa, curc.te. Hiviere Boisclair, H. Gagnon, P.P. Rivitre Ouelle, A, Michaud, P.P. Sacr6 Coeur de Marie, G. Auclair, P.P St. Agapit de Beaurivage, A. Pouliot, P.P. Ste. Agathe, P. Kelly, P.P. St. Alban, E. F. Casault, P.P. St. Alexandre, Chs. Bourque, P.P., C. Roy, a, c. St, Alphonse de Thetford, J. A, D'Auteuil, P.P., T. Soucy, curate. St. Andre, L. Halle, P.P., E. Ro.v. Sts. Anges de Beauce, D. Guimont, P.P. Ste. Anne de Beaui're, J. Tielen, C.SS.R., P.P.. R. Allard, C.SS.R., minister, L. Ficvez, C.SS.R., P. Pampalon, C.SS.R., Ed. Flynn, C. SS.R., CI. Leclerc, C.SS.R., J. Hoyois, C.SS.R., Ls. St. Pierre, C.SS.R,, E. Lanontatfue, C.SS.R. Ste. Anne de I apocatiere, C. E. Poire, P.P., G. Eraser, pro pastor, S. Ch6iiard, cu 'ate. St. Anselme, F. Jlorisset, P.P. St, Antoiiie, H. Blanchet, P.P., B. Robin, retired, St. Antonin, B. Desjardins, P.P., E. \ . Dion, retiret . St. Apollinaire, C. N. Paquet, P.P. St. Aubert, C. Leclerc, P.P. St. Augustin, F. X. Belanger, P.P., J. Jobin, curate. St. Basile, A. Gauthier, P.P., L. B. Chabot, retired. St. Bernard, H. L. O. Moisan, P.P. St. Bernardin de Sienna, Ls. Garon, P.P. St. Bruno, P. Gronlin, P.P. St. Casimir, A. H. Paquet, P.P., D. Cbi'miul 1 1. (I O. >!attin, cuiatin ^^B I I- I 148 CLERGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC. [1896 iiiji 3 « 1 ^*l tf :Ug f 1 *» uA ■rC ]'4 if- Ste. Catherine, P. M. O'Leary, P.P. St. Charles, Chs. p Cloutier, P.P., H. Hudon, curate. Ste. Christine, A. Fortin, P.P. Ste. Claire, W. H. Couture, P.P. Ste. Croix, G. Cote, P.P., J. E. Iloude, curate. St. Cyrille, M. Fillion, P.P. St. Damage, Ls. Dion, P.P. St. David de l'Aube-Rivi6re, H. Des- jardines, P.P. St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, C. S. Brochu, P.P. St. Eleuthfere, A. C-vron, P.P. St. Elzear, J.B. Roy, P.P., O. Dupuis, curate. St. Ephreni de Tring, L. M. Morisset, P.P., E. Cote, curate. St. Eugene, F. Boutin, P.P. St. Evariste de Forsyth, N. Proulx, P.P. Ste. Faniille, He d'0rl6ans, L. J. Gagnon, P.P. St. Ferdinand de Halifax, L. Gagn^, P.P., L. E. Grondin, retired. St. Ferreol, G. Lemieux, P.P. St. Flavien, Ach. Vallee, P.P., Ls. Couture, curate. Ste. Foye, A. Scott, P.P. St. Francois. L. Z. Lambert, P.P., J. F. Gagnon, curate. St. Frangois, He d'Orleans, J. E. Leclerc, P.P. St. Frangois Riv. du Sua, F. A. Oliva, P.P., A. Langlais, curate. St. Frederic, .1. E. Martin, P.P., A. Vezina, curate. St. Georges, Th. Montminy, P.P., B. Martin, curate. St. Germain, J. H. Frechette, P.P. St. Gilles, S. Garon, P.P. St.Gervais, J. C. Richard, P.P. St. Gilbert, L. Coulombe, P.P. Ste. Henedine, A. Piiquet, P.P. Ste. Helene, B. C. Guy, P.P. St. Henri de Lauzon, F. Laliliertc, P.P., L, Picher, curate. St. Honore de Shenley, A. Feniltault, P.P. St. Isidore, P. Da Sylva, P.P., O. Grenier. St. Jean-Chrysost6me, P. V. Legare, P.P. St. Jean Deschaillons, P. O. Drolet, P.P., T. Thibaudeau, curate. St. Jean Port Joli, F. Frenette, P.P., O. Cantin, curate, H. Dube, retired. St. Jean, He d'Orleans, L. Mayrand, P.P., J. B. Blouin, retired. St. Joachim, C. McCrea, P.P. St. Joseph, N. F. Fortier, P.P., A, Lacasse, curate. St. Joseph, E. S. Fafard, P.P., E. Cloutier and A. A. Fauoher, cu- rates. Mgr. C. Quay, retired. St. Julie de Somerset, P. P. Dube, B. Leclerc, curate. St. Lambert, F. X. Methot, P.P. St. Laurent, He d'Orleans, VV. Blais, P.P. St. Lazare, D. Lemieux, P.P. Ste. Louise, G. Guv, P.P. St. Magloire de Ro'ux, J. Boulet.P.P. St. Malachie, J. H. Frechette, P.P. St. Marcel, F. X. A. Dulac, P.P. Ste. Marguerite, E. Lalibert6, P.P. St. Martin, A. Lafrance, P.P. St. Maxime de Scott, H. Dionne.P.P. Su Methode, Jos. Valin, P.P. St. Michel, J. A. Bureau, P.P., J Veilleiix, curate. St. Niree, Geo.T. Pelletier, P.P. St. N'icolas, J. E. Page, P.P. St. Onesime, P. A. Ouellet, P.P. St. Pac6me, C. Galerneau, P.P., X. Begin. St. PamphiJe, H. Lessanl, P.P. O. F. St. Paschal, Chs. Baillargeon, P.P. St. Paul de Montminy, J. E. Galer- neau, P.P. Ste. P^tronille, E. O. Corriveau, P.P. St. Philemon, C. C. L6v6que, P.P. St. Philippe de Ncri, A. Boissinot, P.P. St. Pierre-Baptiste, J. B. Thiboatot, P.P. St. Pierre, Riv. du Sud., T. Dela- grave, P.P. St. Pierre, He d'Orleans, C. Halle, P.P. St. Prosper, A. Grenier, P.P. St. Raphael, F. I. Paradis, P.P., M. Bernard, curate. St. Raymond, F. A. Bergeron, P.P., A. Roy, curate. St. Roch des Aulnets,F.Garneau,P.P. St. Samuel, L. P. M. Deschenes, P.P. St. Severin de Beaurivage, F. X. Couture, P.P. St. Sophie d'Halifax, C. S. Richard, P.P. St. Svlvestre, O. E. Verret, P.P. St. fheophile, L. Roohette, P.P. St. Tite des Caps, L. Perusse, P.P. St. Ubald, J. E. Rouleau, P.P. St. Valier, J. A. Rainville, P.W St. Victor de Tring, C. Berube, P.P. F. X. Garneau, curate. St. Zacharie, R. Morissette, P.P. Sault Montmorency, J. B. Ruel, P.P. Sillery, A. E. Maguire, P.P. Somerset, D. Matte, P.P., J. Dumais and Ls. Fiset, curates. Standon, A. Gouin, P.P., Chs, Gouin, assistant. Stoneham, S. Jolicoeur, P.P. Valcartier, H. McGratty, P.P. Valletort, P. M. Meunier, P.P. ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. BONIFACE. Archbinhnp— Moat Rev. L. P. Ad- Langevin, O.M.I., D.D. Vicar-General— Very Rev. J. Allard, O.M.I. Secretary— Arthur Beliveau. MANITOBA — ST. BONIKACK. St. Boniface Cathedral— Rev. J. Mes- sier, P.P., rector ; Rev. L. Noret, curate ; Revs. G. Cloutier ; J. U. Poitras, O.M.I., bursar. Brandon, Rev. W. J. Jubinville. Deloraine, F. Turcotte. Fort Alexander, Rev. James Magnan, O.M.I., and Rev. P. Chaumont, O.M.I. Fort EUice, P. St. Germain, O.M.I., P. Favreau, O.M.I. Lorette, Joseph Dufresne. N. D. de Lourdes, the Rev. Canons of the Immaculate Conception : Rev. Dom Paul Benoit, supr., Dom Agnfes Patel, Dom Marie Antoine Straube and Brother Felix. Peguis and Selkirk, Rev. J. Allard, O.M.I., V.G. Rivereaux Rats, M. Jolys, P.P.jrRev. Maisonneuve, curate. Ste. Agathe, A. Bourret. Ste. Anne (des Chenes), R. Giroux. St. Alphonse, F. Peniuis. St. Andrews, D. Gillis, St. Athanase, Sept. Lemieux. St. Charles, D. Dandurand, O.M.I. St. Eustache, A. Martin. St. Francis Xavier, F. X. Kavanaugh. St, Hyacinthe, E. B. Roean. St. John Baptiste's, D. Fillion, and Rev. Drolet, curate. St. Joseph, T. Canipeau. St. Laurent, Revs. C. T. Camper, O. M.I., Z. Gascon, O.M.L, Rev. P. Comeau, O.M.L, Bro. Mulvihill, O.M.I. St. Leon, N. Pelletier, P.P., and Rev. Proth, curate. St. Male, Rev. Alph. LaRiviere. St. Norbert, J. N. Ritchot, V.G. St. Pie and Emerson, J. N. Jutras. Winnipeg— St. Mary's, Rev. P. D. Guillet, O.M.I., Jos. McCarthy, O.M.I., O'Dwyer, O.M.I. ; Immaiii late Conception, A. A. Cherrier, P.P., Rev. G. Lajeunesse, curate. N0RTH-WR8T TERRITORY. La Montague des bois, A. Lcuret. Lac Qu'Appelle, Prisque Magnan, 0. M.I., J. Campeau, O.M.I. , Rev. P. Perrault, O.M.I. Industrial School, F. Hugonnard, O.M.L, Rev. I'. Jacob, O.M.I. Fannystelle, Rev. Lebrault. Moosejaw, M. Zerback. Pine Creek, Revs. Chaumont and Dorais, O.M.L Qu'Appelle Station, J. A. Ro''. Regina, J. &i:;nett. St. Boniface Ina>:«trial School, Revs. Daigneau and De^irme, eccl. Ste. Rose du Lac, Rev. P. Vales, O.M.I. St. Hubert (Whitewood), J. A. Rov. Portage du Rat, Rev. P. Blais, O.M.I. and Jos. George, O.M.L ARCHDIOCESE OF TORONTO. Archbishop— Moat Rev. John Walsh, P.D. Vicar Oeiieral — Very Rev. J. ,1. McCann. Archdeacon — Ven. K. A. Campbell, Orillia, Ont. Secretary— Rex. James Walsh, St. John's Grove, Toronto. Bishop's Council — Verv Revs, Vicar General and Deans. Deans- Very Rev. Vf R. Harris, St. Catharines ; Very 1 ev. J. J. Egan, Barrie. CITY OP TORONTO. St. Michael's Cathedral— Rev. Francis Ryan, Rector ; F. F. Rohledev. James Tracey and Ambrose Small. St. Basil's- L. Brennan. St. Helen's— Very Rev. John Cruise. St. John's, East Toronto Village— A. Lafontaine. St. Joseph's— J. J. McEntee. St. Mary's— Verv Rev. J. J. McCann, V.G., J. C. Carberry and Wni. McCann. Our Lady of Lourdes— Jas. Walsh. St. Patrick's— Rev.Fr.Wynn,C.SS.R., Rector. St. Paul's— Rev. J. L. Hand, Rector ■ M. Wilson, M. D. Whelan and Jl Cline. Sacred Heart — P. Lamarche. House of Providence— Chaplain, L. Gibra. Sacred Heart Orphanage (Sunny- side)— Chaplain, Wni. Bergan. Alliston, H. Gibney. Apto, M. J. Gearin. Barrie, Very Re^-. J, J. Egan, Dean : James Minehnn Brechin, K. McPae. Caldwell, P.Whitney. Colgan. J. KilcuUen. Collingwood, E. J. Kiernan and P. Kiernan. Dixie, J. Coyle, Falls View, A. Philip Best, Best, O.C.C. J. Kreidt, O.C.C, C.C, Dionysius Fort Erie, P. McC( Lafontaine, J. F. I Merritton, Rev. F. Midland, J. Colin. Newmarket, D. M< Niagara, J. J. Lyn Niagara Falls, Doi CO., rector. Orangeville, H. J. Orillia, K. A. Cam Oshawa, M. J. Jef Pickering, Eug. G Pcr.etangulshene, Chaplaincy, Pi atory, J. Gibboi Port Colborne, J. Schomberg, L. Mi Sniithville, A. La: Stavner, M. Moyi St. Catharines, V R. Harris and Mary's, L. A. P Thornhill, P. Mc! Thorold, T. Sulliv Toronto Junction Uptergrove, J. H Uxbriige, J. Lyn Vroomanton, T. C WildfleW (Gore o den. DIOCESE OF Buhop—Rt. Rev Donell, D.D. .\lexandria, Rt. B Uonell, D.D., B Cornwall, Georg D. A. Campbel Cornwall East, Pi tor ; A. Xoual, Crysler, Wm. Mc Glennevis, Donal Greenfield, R. A. Lochiei, William Jloose Creek, M. St. Andrews, W. St. Raphael, Ter Williamsiown, J DIOCESE 01 Bishop— lit. R( D.D. Vicar-General— yuinan, D.D. Seeretn.ij—liev. Antigonish, Rt. D.D., HughG .\ca. De^orme, eccl. Lao, Rev. P. ValtK, itewood), J. A. Rov. Rev. P. Blais, O.M.I. fire, O.M.I. 3E OF TORONTO. ist Rev. John Walsh, —Very Rev. J. ,i. in. K. A. Campbell, James Walsh, St. Toronto. ?i— Very Revs. Vicar )eans. ev. W R. Harris, St. 'ery 1 ev. J. J. Egaii, IP TOROn'TO. hedral— Rev.Francis r ; F. F. Rohleder. and Ambrose Small. Irennan y Rev. John Cruise. Toronto Village— A. J. McEntee. ' Rev. J. J. JlcCann, barberry and Win. rdes— Jas. Walsh. v.Fr.Wynn.C.SS.R.. J. L. Hand, Rector • D. Whelaii and M . Lamarche. lence— Chaplain, L. Orphanage (Sunnv- n, Wm. Bergan. ey. in. . J. J. Egan, Dean : I xe. tney. len. J. Kiernan and V. I. Kreidt, O.C.C, C.C., Dionysius 1896] CLERGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC. 149 Fort Erie, P. McColl. Lafoiitaine, J. F. Beaudoin. Merritton, Rev. F. Smith. Midland, J. Colin. Newmarket, D. Morrig. Siajjara, J. J. Lynch. Niagara Falls, Dominic O'Malley, O. C.C, rector. Orangeville, H. J. McPhillipps. Orillia, K. A. Campbell, F. W. Duffy. Oshawa, .M. J. Jeffcott. Pickering, Eug. Gallagher. Pcr.etanguishene, Th. P. Laboureau. Chaplaincy, Provincial Reform- atory, J. 6ibbons. Port Colborne, J. J. McEntee. Schomberg, L. Minehan. Sniithville. A. Lafontaine. Stayner, M. Moyna. St. Catharines, Very Rev. Dean W. R. Harris and A. O'Malley; St. Mary's, L. A. H. Allain. Thornhill, P. McMahon. Thorold, T. Sullivan. ■Toronto Junction, Wm. Berin. Uptergrove, J. Hogan Uxbriige, J. Lynet. Vroomanton, T. Cantillon. Wildfleld (Gore of Toronto), J. Red- den. DIOCESE OF ALEXANDRIA. Buhop—Ut, Rev. Alexander Mac- Donell, D.D. Alexandria, Rt. Rev. Alexander Mac- lionei:, D.D., Rev. D. R. Macdonald Cornwall, George Corbett, pastor ; D. A. Campbell, assistant. Cornwall East, Paul de Saunhac, pas- tor ; A. Xoual, assistant. Crysler, Wm. McKinnon. Glennevis, Donald C. MacRae. (Jreenfleld, R. A. McDonald. Lochiei, William Fox. .Moose Creek, M. J. Leahy. St. Andrews, W. SlacDonell. St. Raphael, Terence Fitzpatrick. Williamsiown, John Twomey. DIOCESE OF ANTIGONISH. Bishop— \it Rev. John Cameron, D.D. Vicar-General— Very Rev. J. M. Quinaii, D.D. Seeretn.y—liev. A. Thompson, D.D. Antigonish, Rt. Rev. John Came on, D.D., HughGillis. Acadiaville, H. MoPherson. Arichat, Jas. M. Quinan, D.D., V. G. .•\ri3aig, R. MoKenzie. lioisdale, Alex. F. McGillivray. Bridgeport, D. M. McGregor," D.D. Broad Cove, D. Chisholm. Caiiso, D. V. Phelan. Cheticamp, Peter Fiset. Christmas Island, A. Cameron, D.D. Creignish, Archdeacon Chisholm. Descousse, N. McNeil, D.D. Kast Bay, M. McKenzie. Ferrona, Roderick McDonald. Friar's Head, Th. Richard, (ieorgeville, Dougald Cameron. GlendaIe,«D. Mclsaac. Grand Mira, Rodk. McNeil. Guysborough, M. Tompkins. H.avre-a-Bouchii, Alex. Beaton, lleatherton, R. Grant. Ingonish, W. B. MoPherson. loiia, J. J. McNeil, ■luilique. Arch. Chisholm. Lake Ainslie, C. Macdonald. Lakevale, John Shaw. I/Ardoise, L. MoPherson. Lismore, Andrew McGillivray. Little Glace liay, Fmlay Chisholm. Lourdes, W. B. McDonald. Low Point, Arch. MoKenzie. Mabou, John McMaster, Ph.D. Mainodieu, Wm. Kiely. Margaree, R. McDougall. Southwest, F. Chisholm. New Glasgow, Ronald Macdonald. Petit Bras d'Or, M. A. MoPherson. Pictou, J. J. Chisholm. Pomquet, Jos. Macdonald. Port Felix, Neil Macdonald. Port Hawkesbury, Alex. L. McDonald. Port Hood, C. Chisholm. Port Morien, D. P. McDonald, Port Mulgrave, B. Mullins. Red Islands, Roderick Mclnnes. River Bourgeois, A. .Monbourquette. St. Andrew's. James Eraser. St. Francis' Harbor, A. G. McAulay. St. Joseph's, J. J. Eraser, St. Peter's, John C. Chisholm. Sydney, James Quinan. North Syd- ney, D. J. Mcintosh. Sydney Mines, C. F. McKinnon. Thorburn, M. Coady. Tracadie, M. Laffln. DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTETOWN. Bishop — Right Rev. James Charles McDonald, D.D. Vicars-Oeneral — Very Rev. Mgr. Jas. McDonald and Very Rev. James Phelan. Secretary— Rev. R. J. McDonald. 3 Charlottetown, Rt. Rev. James Charles McDonald, D.D., James Morrison, D.D., P. Arsenault and Isaac Theriault. Alberton, Alfred E. Burke. Baldwin's Road, Michael J. McMillan. Bloomfleld, F. X. Gallant. Cardigan Bridge, J.C.MacMillan, D.D De Sable, D. B. Reid. East Point, A. J. Mclntyre. K|jrmont Bay, Stanislas Boudreault. Fifteen Point, supplied froi.. Egmont Bay and Mi"couche. Fort Augustus, Allan J. .'I'^Donald. Georgetown, Stephen T. Phelan. Grand River, Lot 14, Laugiilin J. McDonald. Grand River, Lot 5.1, J. C. McLean. Hope River, James .-Eneas McDonald. Indian River, Mgr. D. J. Gillis. Kinkora, J. J. McDonald. Miscouche, John A. McDonald. Montague, West, Very Rev. James Phelan, V.G. Palmer Roa;.\ODALKN ISLANDS. Bassin, Alphonsus Pouliot. Etang du Nord, G. DeFinance. Ilaive aux Maisons, J. Blaqui^re. St. Joseph's, Morell, P. E. Island, Rev. A. McAulay. DIOCESE OF CHATHAM. Binhop — Right Rev. James Rogers* D.D. Secretary— Uev. John S. Knight. Chatham, Ri^ht Rev. James Rogers, DD., Henry Joyner, John S. Knight and Fidele nal>iiieau. Acadiaville, Andrew Benibe. Barnaby River, F. C. P. Campbell. Bartibogue, William A. .Morriney. Bathurst (Town), Very Rev. Thomas F. Barry. Bathurst Village, William Varrilly. Belledune, Thuo. Van de Moortel. Campbellton, Edward P. Wallace. Caraquet,Theophilu,>« Allard, John J. Nugent, F. Ozanne. Charlo, A, A. Boucher. Dalhousie, Rev. S. J. Crumley. Dnnnmond, Felix Dugal. Edmondston, Comas D' Amour. Grand Anse, Joseph Tnulelle. Grand Falls, Michael O'Keefe. Jacquet River, Hilarion Doucet, L'Ameo, Joseph R. Doucet. Neguac, Joseph Theberge. Nelson, Nicholas Power. Newcastle, Patrick W. Dixon. Pawiuet-Ville, Joseph Levasseur. Petit Rocher, John Carter. Pokemouche, Thomas J. Fitzgerald. Pokeinouche Island, 1nkerman,Azade Trudelle. Red Bank (North-west Miramichi), Rev. Peter V. Duffy. iKenous Bridge, Edward S. Murdoch. Richibucto, Edw. J. Bannon, Rogersville, M. F. Richard. Shippegan, S. J. Doucet. St. Ann, Maximus Babineau. St. Basil, L. N. Dugal. St. Charles Borromeo, W. W.Venner. St. Francis Xavier, J. N. Dumont. St. Francis of Assisi, G. B. Gauvin. St. Hilaire, Anthony Comeau. St. Isidore, Louis Gagnon. St. Jacques, Rev. F. Regis Gagnon. St. Leonard, L. A. Launiere. St. Louis des Frangais, Jos. Pelletier. St. Theresa, Wilfred E. Sorinany. Tracadie, J. A. Babineau, M. O'Brien. Upper Bay du Vin, Edm.'Patuenaude. DIOCESE OF CHICOUTIMI. Bishop— Kt. Rev. M. T. Labrecque, D.D. Vicars-General— Xivy Rev. B. E. Leclerc. Malbaie, Charlevoix Co.; Very Rev. F. Gendron. Point aux Esijuimaux ; Very Kev. F. X. Bellj', Chicoutimi. FicflM-Fomne— Rev. A. Fafard, Bale St. Paul ; Rev. Leon Parent, Semin- ary, Chicoutimi ; Rev. V. X. Delage, Chambonl, L. St. J. Secretary- -Rts . F. X. Eugene Fre- nette, Chicoutimi, P.t^. Chicoutimi, F. X. Belly, V.G.. Elz. Lavoie, vicar. Convent of the Good Shepheixl, K. .\. Belly, chap- lain. Hotel Dieu, E. Delainarre, chaplain. Anse St. Etienne, Ern. Hervicux. Ause St. Jean, Jean S. Pelletier. Bagotville, Jos. Sirois. Bale St. Paul, A. Fafard. V.F., Elz. Bergeron, vicar, Roger Boily, a. c. Bergeronnes, A. Guay. Eboulements, Jos. Dumas, Eu/?. He- bert, vicar. Escoumins, On. Lavoie. Grande-Baie, Thos. Robcrge, Ed. Boilv, vicar. Heber'tville, L. W. Barab^, Pierre Bouchard, vicar. St. Bruno, Al- mas Larouche. 150 CLEllGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC, [1896 I l.s9()] . •, :!i lie aux Coudres, J. Alph. Pelletier. Jonquiere, H. Kfrouack. Lac St Jean, L. Babel, O.M.I., J. Barou, O.M.I. Laterri^re, Ed. Roy. Malbaie, B. E. Leclerc, V. G., Jos. Girard, vicar. Metabetchoiian, F. X. Dtilage, V.K. Mille Voches, Jos. Perron. Petite KivicTe, A. L. I)an{. Huard, vi St. Patrick's, E. C .\uoklaiid, L. E. ( Barford, P. D. Pii Bariiston, A. Goy Bolton, E. O. D. ( Bronqjton, Rev. Coaticooke, Mich A. C(it6, vicar. Ciiesham, D, Bel Clifton, W. Mora Cookshire, T. Ha Compton, J. E. I Danville, L. A. M Ditchfleld, J. B. Dndswell, R. Arf East-Man, P. T. i Emberton, Abel Garthby, W. Cai Ham, J. O. Lemi N. Baron. St berge. Hatley, L. N. A, Hereford, L. M. La Patrie, N. A. Lennoxville, F. Magog, C. E. Mil vicar. [ISPii 11890] CLERGY — ROMAN CATHOLIC. 15a vicaire. vicaire. r, vicaire. r, ancieii curt. , direct, du college. fosses, C. 8. 0. notte, Ste. Anne lie !t. Joseph de .Sorel. , doHNcrvant. te. Victoire. Robert. t. Ainid. [iire. le, St. Louis de Hon. t. Marcel. St. Ant. de Verch6reH. vicaire. , St. Marc. oaire. V'.G., BelcBil. vicaire. ivent St. Victor. , St. Athaiiase. , vicaire. ipelaindes Frdres , Sle. Anne de Sal)ie- t. Georffes de Hetny- en rejios. it. Sebastien. Ike River. renceville. S. Alexandre d'Ibor- es, vicaire. Jr^goire, d'Iberville. Ste. Briffide d'lljcr. f. D. (le Stanbridgt. i, St. Ignace de Stan- Sabine. St. Damien de P.cil- Armani Station. Frelighsburg. lult, Dunham. Sweetsburg. irnhani. caire. ivalier, dir. du col. C p. C. icaire. Mph. de Granby. Adanisville. hefford. t. .Joachim de Shef. !sservant. Waterloo, int. , ivlton. Roxton Falls, ■e. Ceclle de Milton. Pudentienne. [il6rien. icaire. ST. JOHN, N. B. John Sweeny, I). I). It. Rev. Monsi^nor ly- 8T. .roiiN. 3v. J. Sweeny, D.D., .McAfurray, A. J. ichaud. ist— Rt. Rev. Mon- olly, V.G., rector, stant. St. I'eter's -Edw. Welgel, T.SS.R., rector, James Rein, C.SS.R.. Ste- phen lirein, C.SS.R., Peter Trim- wj ('. S8. R., Tho8. Donohue, 5.S.S,lt., S.Connolly, C.SS.R. Holy Trinity, John J. Walsh. .Ag8uni|)tioti, J. O'Donovan. \lliert, .lolin Carson. Barachois, L. Belliveau. Buctouche, F. X. Michaud, F. Liipoinie. Our Lady of Mount Cannel, Joseph Ouellet. St. Paul Au., J. Hehert. Cai)e Bald, P. Bradley, T. Martineau. Centnil Kinfisclear, W. O'Leary. Coca),'!"-'. P. Larcheveque. Dorchester, A. D. Cormier, C.S.C. Kairville, C. CoUins. Floreiiceville, Francis Bradley. Ko.x Creek, D. Leger. Frederioton, J. C. McDevitt, E. Savaite- (irapd Digue, Napoleon Massd, C.S.C. .yohiiville, John Murray. St. Bar- tholomew's, F. Brafley. Kingston, LouIk LeBlanc. Meuiranic.Kik, C. Lefebvre, C.S.C. Milltown, E. Doyle, 1). Gallagher. Moncton, H. A. Meahan. Norton and Grand Lake, E. Byrne. Xotre Dame, H. Ouelett. Pftersville, P. Farrell. {^uico, F. X. Collerette. Kichibucto Village, A. C. Hudon. St. Andrew's, J. O'Flaherty. St. George's, T. Lavery. St. Mary's, J. .'. Kiernan. St. Stephen's, VV. Dollard. St. Thomas of Canterbury, F. L, Carney. Shediac, A. Ouelett, Paul Dufour. Silver Falls, J. Ryan. Sussex, J. McDevitt, W. Gaynor, Woodstock, Wni. F. Chapman. . DIOCESE OF SHERBROOKE. Bi«/io_o— Paul LaRocque. Di»hn))'-i Counse.llorii — Rev. H. O- Ch.ilifoux, V.G., Revs. P. Quinn, L. A. Masson, M. McAuley, O.V., P. J. A. Lefebvre, J.C.D., H. Hainelin, archpriest, etc. CITY OF 8IIERBR0OKK. Cathedral, J. A. H. Gignac, J.C.D., pastor, E. St. Jean, J. S. LaRocque, vicar. St. Jean-Baptiste's, J. A. Lefebvre, L. (). Huard, vicar. St. Patrick's, E. C- Fissette. .\iickland, L. E. Gendron. Barford, P. D- Picotte. Barnston, A. Goyette. Bolton, E. O. D. Ouellet. Bronipton, Rev. Jos. Laporte. Coaticooke, Michael McAuley, J. L. A. Ciit6, vicar. Chesham, D, Bellemare. Clifton, W. Morache. Cookshire, T. Hannon. Conipton, J. E. E. Choquette. Danville, L. A. Masson. Ditchfleld, J. B. A. Cousineau. Duilswell, R. Ars. Planiondon. East-Man, P. T. Gelinas. Emberton, Abel Treniblay. Garthby, W. Carrier. Hani, ,(. 0. Lemire. St. Adriens, J. N. Baron. St. Joseph's, P. L. Th6- berge. Hatley, L. N. A. Caron. Hereford, L. M. Hamelin. La Patrie, N. A. Gariepj;. Lennoxville, F. N. Seguin. Mojjog, C. E. Milette, L. Costonquay, vicar. Mansonville, E. Brunellede Beaufort, Paris, A. O. Gagnon. Piopolis, J. A. SImard. Richmond, Patrick Quinn, S, J. Pelletier. Rome, H. A. Sinvard. Sawyerville, J. A. Lavallee. St. Camille, L. A. Leveque. St. EUedOrford, Rev. J. D. O. Godin. St. Fortunat's, E. O. Plantc. St. Francis Xavier de Bronipton, F. Desrosiers. St. Joseph d'Ely, T- Descarries. St. Mary d'EIy, Rev. L. H. Nichol. St. Roch d'Orford, T. H. Mass(S. Scotstown, A. Rousseau. Stanstead, M. Cordeaii, J, A. Bussibre. Stoke, E. A. Martel. Stratford, L. N. Francceur. Ste. Lucie's, J. A. Hamel. Sutton, F. X. Brassard. Stukeley (South), N. E. Malhiot, (North), .M. Deschanips. Weedoii, P. Brassard. Westburv, E. F. Boudreau. Whitton', N. H. G. Gaulin. Windsor, G. Vaillaiicourt. Windsor Mills, J. A. Dufresne. Winslow, J. O. Bernier. Wolfestown, Paul Cote. Wotton, H. C. Hamelin, V. Dodier, vicar. Marston, St. Leon, J. D. Bernier. Hospital, J. B. Ponton, C. E. W. Dufresne, et F. X. Michon. Seminary St. Chs. B., J. L. H. Roy, sup. ; P. J. A. Lefebvre, J.C.D., Dir. et Prefet des Etudes; P. A. Begin, Dir. des Ecclesiosticiues et Prof, de Sciences ; A. Castoiiguay, A. .Malbais, J.C.IJ., Prof, de Theo- logie et de Philosophic ; E. C. Tan- guay, Procureur ; Th. O'Neil, C. A. Oari^py, Eng. Lemieux et Oct. Martin, Profs. V. Charest, Missionary of Agriculture Absento, J. Durocher, F. Corrivault, A. Lebel, :,. O. Geoffray, N. Mig- nault. DIOCESE OF THREE RIVERS. Bishop — Rt. Rev. Louis Francois Lafleche, D.D. Vicar-Oenerat— Very Rev. M. L. Sev. Rheault. Chancellor- Rev. J. F. Beland. Vice-Chancellor—Rev. E. A. Beland. Canons— liev. J. O. Prince, provost. Revs. Ls. S. Rheault, V.G., archidi- acre, Ls. Richard, primicier, J. B. Comeati, theologal, F. X. Cloutier, penitentier, B. C. Boehet, Th. Mar- tel, N. Caron, J. N. Tessier, H. Baril and J. F. Biiland, tit. can. Honorary Canons — Rev. Mgr. J. Boucher, Canon of Lorette, Rev. J. A. Mayrand, H. Trahan. CITY OF TIIRBE RIVERS. Cathedral~Rt. Rev. L. F. Lafleche, D.D-, F. X. Cloutier, L. Lamothe, E. Degiuse, L. Lafl6che, C. Le- blanc, E. Dussault (retired). ImuiaculateConception — L. Lamothe Seminary — H. Baril, sup. ; Ls. Rich- ard, Chs. Beaudet, A. Moreau, Leon Arcand, Ls. Denoncourt, E. Pannelton, A. Landry, A.Dusablon, 0. Lacroix and Aug. Tapin, Providence— Jos. Caron, chap. ; N. O. Larue, N. Thibodeau and D. Hande retired. Ursulines Nuns— L. S. Rheault, chap. Brothers of Christian Schools— J. F. B61and, chap. Precious niocxIH. Hnril, chap. Cominissariate of Holy Ijund— B'.. Father FriVleric of Ohynelde Batiscan, T. Lafleche, H. Gouin (retired). Cop de la Magdeleine, E. Duguay, K. Heroux. vicar. Champlaii. P. H. Marchand, Joachim Caron. viiar. Louise\ ", J. N. Tessier, cure, F. Gautli. r, vicar, Mgr. J. Bou' her, Hon. Canon of Lorette (retii M). Maskinongc, N. Caron, N. Villeneuve, vicar. Pointe du Lao, J. F. .\. Desaulnier", D. Conieau (retired). St. Adelphe. A. (Jouin. St. Alexis, C. A, Savoie. Ste. Anne de Laperade, B. B. Boehet , H. Brousseau, vicar, Ed. Lafleche (retired). St. Barnabt, T. .Martel, Jos. Garceau, vicar. St. Didace, Tli. Joyal. G. La(iuerre, vicar. St. Elie de t'axton, A. Bellemare. St. Etienne des Gris, P. Cloutier. Jos. Cloutier. Ste. Flore, F. Verville. Ste. Genevieve, C. T. Bellemare, Jos. Heroux, vicar. St. Jacques des Piles, F. Boulay. bt. Justin, D. Gdrin, M. Masson, vicar. St. Lion, J. E. Mayrand. St. Matthieu, E. Poirier. St. Maurice, J. Prince, O. Baribenii, vicar. St. Narcisse, J. B. Chretien, Ch«. Boutet, vicar. St. Paulin, J. E. Lafleche. St. Prosper, O. Lacerte. St. Severe, H. Trahan. St. Sdverin, P. Proulx. St. Stanislas, J. E. R. C'aisse, E. Poisson, vicar. Ste. Thic.le, M. Janelle. St. Theophile, P. Boulay. St. Theodore of the Grand Anse, Paul Laiiiy. St. Joseph of M(;kinac, C. E. Pintal. St. Tite, J. B. Grenier, Ad. Milot. Ste. Ursule, E- B61iveau, Ph. Heliert, vicar, A. Mayrand and .\. B^liveau (retired). Shawenegan, T. Gravel. Valmont, O. Carufel, Arthur B61an(l, vicar. Vincennes, Thos. Caron. Yainachiche, J- B. Conieau, N. Coni- eau, vicar, D. Gelinas, J. B. Le- clair, chapelain. DIOCESE OF VALLEVFIELD. Vallevfield, Ste. Cecile's Cathedral— Rt."Rev. J. M. Eniard, D-D., Rev. C. A. Santoire, V.G., Rev. J. C. AUard, secretary ; Rev. J. A. Cos- tongiiay, cur^ ; Revds. O. Gagaci-, F. X. Goyette, vies.; Revds. C- Dufour, T. Pepin, M. Mainville, anc. cur(5s; Revds. H- Martel, A. L. Gagnier. Beauharnois, P. E.Lus9ier,V.F.,cure, A. Perreault, J. H. Treniblay, vies. Chateauguay, I. R. Chaput, cure, E. J. D. (IJt'cvre, chaplain. C' teau du Lac, A. Faubert, cur6. Heniniingford, J. Ducharine, cure. Hinchinbrooke, C. B. O'Hara, curi. Howick, T. J. Theoret, cure. Huntingdon, T. Nepven, cure. He Perrot, J. Duhamel, cure. Les Cedres, T. Chagnon, cure, J. N. Bourbonnais, vie. , J. G. AVatier, r .c^ Omistown, J. A. Quesnel, cure. ■T.'.- I,- 154 CLERGY — UOMAN CATHOLIC — RKF(UlMEI) ElMSCOPAL, [iHOlil isQii] '^I'EIKJ M Ritfaud, N, E. Demers, cure, J. A. hfid, vie. Colk'nre BourKet — J. A. ChurleltoiH C.S.V. e, dess. Ste. Phlloniiinc, J. Ed Uuprat, curA. St. Polvcarpp, nigr., L. Z. Chanipoux, P.N.A., V.K., cure, N. Prdville, vie. St. Rt'tfis, P. J. Bourjfet, vie. St. Stanislas de Kostka, J. Uesrosicrs, cure. St. Telesphore, Frs. Reid, euro. St. Timothee, A.L.Charbonneau,cur6 St. Urbain, M. Laporte, curt, F. X. Tisseur, vicar. St. Zotique, E. A. Coallier, cure. Tri'S-St. Redempteur, J. A. Primeau, 1j curd. Vaudreueil, J. O. Godin, cure, A. Derome, vie, ;^ VICARIATE - APOSTOLIC OF ATHABASKAMACKENZIE. Vicar-Apostolic— Hight Rev. Eniile Grouard, O.M.I., D.D. Coadjutor— HiKht Rev. I. Glut, O. M.I., D.D. Residence, Athabaska (via Edmonton), N.W.T. Athabaska Lake, Rij^ht Rev. E. Grouard, O.M.I., Right Rev. I. Glut, O.M.I. , Revs. L. LeDoussal, O.M.L, A. H. de Chambreuil, O. M.I.,0. Breynat, O.M.I. Fort Dun vegan, P. Leserrec, O.M.L, P. Letreste, O.M.I. Fort Nonnin, X. G. Ducot, O.M.I. Fort Rae, B. C. Roure, O.M.L, V.F. Ladet, O.M.L Fort Smith, P. Laity, O.M.L Ooo— Rl({ht Kev. Allwrt .I.,I».D., PrinceAllicrt, , Rinht Rev. Alliorl I'as n.D., L. A. Vachon Michel, O.M.I. ; a la\ loujin, O..M.I. I'iiieau, O..M.I., I, 0. CharIeboi«, O.M.i, it. .Michel Iiid. Schiioli itU', O.M.I. >ii(l, O. Charlebois, o. 1. Teston, O.M.I. e, M. P6nard, O.M.I, , A. Rapet, O.M.I., F. e, L. Bondoux. I. BiKonesse, O.M.I. «. J. Oaste, O.M.I., F, M.I. I. Paquette, O.M.I. , p, L. Bonald, O.M.I., a. e. ijfevin), M. Baibier. RE-APO.STOLIC OF OF ST. LAWRENCE, r — Rijfht Rev. M. T, D.D. — V. Rev. F. Gendron, uiniaux, Very Rev, F. :3. O. Aniaud, O.MI,, lor.t, O. M. I., A. Le- Abraham Villeneuve. . R. Gauthier. est, Torontd, Out. A Woodstocli.O J Londiin, C, ,J/. ^,, Windsor, 3. (agt.).. Chatham,, N.Y. 1, N.N. St. George, Bermuda '. E...Metuchen, N.J if the Pacific Coast, lev E,. Victoria, BC ew Westminster, B C ew Westminster, B C 1896. Middle Village, N.Y, THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD OF CANADA. The next Annual Meeting ot Ibu .S.vnorted by the mis- sion). Stations, 12'2. Out-stations, 126. Converts now in fellowship over 4700 (December, 1895). Total income for 1894 from all sources, North America, Great Britain, Continent of Europe, Aus- tralasia, China, etc., $163,148.13. KI88I0NARIR8 FROM NORTH AMKBICA. Anderson, Dr. J. A. liaiiee, Miss H. Batty, Miss L. A. Best,Cha8. Bolton, H. E. Bridge, Miss L. F. iiurton, Miss E. Collins, Miss F. Chambers, Miss A. C. Crofts, D. W. i^avies, Miss J. E. Doolv, J. S. Drey'er, F. C. H. Duff, G. H. 1 ., . Duff, Mrs. I At home. Duff, ,1. E, Duff, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Miss E. Euierick, Miss I. J. Evans, R. L. Ewing, Mrs. A. (at home). Ftrjfuson, H. S. Forsberg, Miss E. ••"uller, Miss E. €iffen, E. E. Oiffen, Mrs. Ciraves, Miss G. Ha,stings, Miss Harriet. Hastings, Miss L. Hancock, Miss M. Hollatider, T. J. Home, W. S. Home, Mrs. Horsburg, Miss (at home). Hunt, Miss M. C. Irvin, Miss G. Kay, Miss L. J. (at home). Knickerbocker, E. F. Knickerbocker, Mrs. E. F. Knight, Mrs. W. P. Lagerquist, W. G. Lawson, J. Lewis, Clias. V. Manchester, Miss M, E. Marshall, Geo. J. McBricr, E. M. (at home). .McCarthy, Frank. McCarthy, Mrs. Frank. McKenzie, Miss R. Meikle, J. Miller, J. B. Miller, Miss T. Muldoon, Miss C. Nilson, Miss M. Ogden, Miss E. Paul, Alex. Pearson, Miss M. Randall, Miss Effie. Randall, Miss Emma. Rice, Miss H. J. Riggs, Miss M. E. Ririe, Mrs. B. Robson, Miss B. A. Ross. Miss I. Rough, J. S. Rough, Mrs. J. S. Saunders, A. R. Saunders, Mrs. A. 11. Sawe, Ernest B. Siblev, H. A. Sibley, Mrs. H. A. Smith, Miss Julia A. Stayner, Miss K. B. Stratton. O. L. Taylor, Wm. Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Miss J. Thor, A. E. Urry, T. Van Lear, Miss E. Whittlesey, R. B. Windsor, Mrs. T. Wood, Miss M. Anna. Worthington, Miss M. C. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. /'re«id«nf— Rev. F. W. Tuerk, Berlin. Recording Secretary — J. B. Mo- Laohlan, Parkdale. Correnponding Secretary — Rev. A. John Clear, Toronto. Treasurer -C A. Ahrens, Berlin. Ecclegiaiitical Committee. Albutt, Rev. G, L Toronto Clear, Hev. A. J Toronto Gould, Rev. Edwin Montreai Tafel, Rev. L. H Berlin Tuerk, Rev. F. W Berlin MembevB of the ExecxttiveCommittee Ahrens, Chas, A., Sr Berlin Grebenstein, Martin Berlin Hendry, William Waterloo Law, W. H Toronto Ronald, J. D Bmssels Zinkann, John N Wellesley UfHVERSALIST CHURCH. Pre»ident—3.U. Mallory, Bloomfield. Treasurer— Thos. Thial, P'tilton, O. Seeretai'y—Ti. Johnson, West Lake, Ont. Trti»teeg—Jas. Jackson, Bloomfield, Ont,; Reuben Bruner, Ollnda, Ont. Trxuteex Mission Fund — J. T. Middleton, M. P. P., Hamilton, Ont. ; Joseph B. Leavitt. Picton, Ont,; John McBride, Port Dover, Ont. Barrows, J. C Olinda, O Fortney, L. F Waterloo, Q Gregory, T. B Halifax, N S Johnson, Miss Jennie B, . , , Picton, O Lavelle, Rev. J. R Fulton, O Leonard, Rev. F. G. . . Moe's River, Q McLaughlin, J. W Huntville, Q Miller, F North Hatley, Q Pratt, W. A Halifax, N S Smith, H. M.Picton and BlooniHeld.O Yates, St. Ethbert. .Blenheim and Olinda, Ont 166 CLERGY — BAPTIST. [189.. I' :i y;.' ! BAPTIST CONVEIITION OF ONTARIO AfID QUEBEC. Pregident, Rev. J. Denipsey, Ingersoll ; Pint Vice-Pregident, Rev. T. S. Johnson, London ; Second Vu<- Pregident, A. A. Ayer, Montreal; Secretary, Rev. D. M. Mihell, M.A., B.O., London. Board of Ptibhcation—ChanceUor Wallace, D.D., Chairman; W. K. McNauffht, Treamrer ; J. G. Scot-, D. Bentley, A. Blue, Rev. J. W. McKay, Rev. O. C. S. Wallace, Rev. J. Trotter, E. W. Dadson, D. Spencer, Rev. P. K. Dayfoot, U. Warren. Editor "Canadian Baptist," J. E. WelU, M.A.: General Manager, 0. K. Roberts; Office of Publication and Book Room, 9 Richmond Street West, Toronto. Adams, R Virgil Ains worth, W Brighton Alexander, .John Tori)nto Anderson, Q Hamilton Anderson, J Waterdown Anderson, P. H St. Mary's Anderson, W. K Vaukleeli Hill Arms, A. L Abbot's Corners Auvache, F. W Regitia, N.W.T. Baker, A. C Siiwyersville,Q Baldwin, J. A Arkona Banton, J. A Bailieboro Barker, J. F Hamilton Barker, W. S Ciihipbellford Bates, S. 3. , B.A Toronto Becker. S Zurich Bennett, T. J Hamilton Best, A. R Springford Best, J. H.. New Westminster, B.C. Bill, I. E Poplar Hill Binga, A Amhertsburg Bingham, T Langton Blailierwiek, J Bracebndge Bone, T St. Catharines Booker, Theoph Stouff ville Boone, C. S. O Smith's Falls Bornshlegel, G Arnprior Boswortli, E Tilaonburg Boville, R. O., Jf..,4.,B./).. Hamilton Bracken, J Pingal Bridgman, E. J North Bay Bridgman, R Aylmer Brouillet, T Rnxton Pond, Q Brown, G, B Brownsvillo Brown, J. O., B.A.. . Vuyjuru, India Brown, J. B Eden Bulloch, W. 8 Maskinonge, Q Burteh, D. D Villa Nova Burns, George Lamlash Cain, J. C Lanark Calder, 1. G Al vinston Cameron, J. (Ret.) Tiverton Cameron, P. C Campbell, A Loohabar Bay Campbell, M. P Essex Carey, O. C Renfrew Carey, P. R Port Burwell Care,,, W lioodwood Charles wortli, T. W London ^hase. G. S Beebe Plains , Q Cliittenden, G Brantford Cheetham, W Brockville Chute, J. E Cooanad.i, India Clark, J. W Cummiag's Bridge Cline, Vf. H.,M.A Paris Colioe, D. B Scotland Collins, T Stiathroy Cook, K. B. («««.) Acton Cook, C. W Coble's Cot6, L. C. F Sorel, Q Couscert, Geo Belleville Coutts, jas Ailsa Cr.iig Coutts, J. li Ormond Craig, J., B.A Akidu, India Cripps, 8 Oak Luke, Man Cress, Geo., B.A C.irleton Place Cross, J Dal'-.eith Cunningham, H. M Burgessville Cunningham, 8 VVaterford Curry, J Orillia Cuthbert, W. F Delhi Daek, D Sinicoe Dadson, E. W., B.^ ... .Woodstock Davis, G. B., B.D Sparta Davis, J. E.,fi..<4. Saniuksotta, India Davis, S. H Sandwich Day, C. H Quebec Dayfoot, P. K.,M.A Port Hope Dempsey, John IngersoU Dennis, R Burgessville Denovan, J W< )lfville, N S Deteaud, L, R St. Pic, Q Dewey, C. N Gladstone, Ont. Doolittle, Thos., B.A Thurso, Q Dougherty, G. A., M.A.. Leamington Dcwling, J. T Sal'ord Dowling, R. M Amiicrstburg Dunlop, A Neepawa Dunlop. J. C Stayner Dyke, S. A Toronto Elliott, O. C Tavistock Emerson, C. H Onondaga Everton, G S. Spring la., B.C. Farmer, J. H., Pro/., B. /I. ..Toronto Farmer, S. J., B.A Wallaceliurg Fenjoy, — Barnston, Que. Fetzer, J BerUn Faulkner, J. W Sandwich Fothergill, T Strathroy Fox, E. F Toronto Eraser, Jas Fenelon Falls Freed, W Lobo Frith, A.N Ottawa Frost, T. A. P Erie View Gardiner, J. L Flesherton Garside, B., B.A Toronto Gibson, J St. Catharines Gihnour, J. L.,,/'fti>.Brockville Gooch, F. W India Goodspeed, C, ProJ., 2). D .. Toronto Gold, M Wliitby Graham, W. T - Montreal Grant, Alexander ... Winnipeg, Man Grant, J IngersoU Grant, W Lakefleld Grant Donald Montree'. Gray, J New Sarum Gregoire, N Soutli Ely, Q Gregory, J. W Dixville. Q Greitzner, E New Dundee Green, J. {Bible Societji) . . .Montreal Grenier, C. W Quebec Grinnel! J Wilkesport Gunton, W. A Nanaimo, B.C. Hagan, T Almonte Hiiines, E. J Hillsburg Hall, H. H Portage la Prairie Hammett, T Holt Hamilton, Jas Wingham Harryet, W Toronto Harris, R., B.A Toronto Harris, E. J., B.A Clinton Harris, S. Binbrook Hartley, W Guelpl; Haviland, W. H Watcrford Ilavilaud, H. J Toronto Heiiiemann Killnloe Helmricli, A Sebastopol, Q Ilerriiigton, K. D Kingsville Hind, O Durham Higgins, J New E JiubiirgU Hinsoii, W. B Montreal Holbein, W Wliite Lake HoUingsliead, J Eiiierson Holt, J. A Aniherstlmrg Hooper, E., M.D Toronto Hoyt, J. W Dresden Hughson, L. 8 Lindsay Hunter, J. H., B.A., ..Coaticook, Q Hutchinson, D Branttord Huff, J. B Port Elgin Her, L Ridgetnwn Her, Jacob (,Ret.) Cottain Irvine, J. G. C Port Arthur Jackson, S Courtland Jackson, J. R Westport Johnson, T. S London Johnson, W. A Stirling Keay, J. A Toront i Kelley, J. H Louisville Kendall, James Midland Kennedy, J. B., B.A TonmtM Kennedy, A. P Baker llil! Kennedy, J. A Athens Kimball, C. H Aylintr King, C. W Kingston Kose. H Haiiover Laflamme, H. F Cocanada, liKli:i Lafleur, T., M.A Montreal Laing, D Kingston Langford, O. G., B.A . . . Georgetown Lebeau, A. J Marieville Leehy, G. M Brandon, Man. Luckens, T CoUiiigwooil Lyman, W Sylvan Mc Arthur, D. D Hartney, Man McDonald, A. R., B.A Laketlel.l McDonald, P. A Dundas McDonald, A Edmonton, Man McDiarmid, A. P., 3[.A Toronto McDiarinid, D Dominionvilk McEwen, J Wiarton McEwen, J. P Toront" McEwen, P. H Victoria, H (' McFadyen, A Fullarton M^Faul, J. H., B.A Rocklan.i McQee, W. D Paltnerstun McGregor, W Durham McLityre, A Crecmore Mclntyre, J. P., Af. D Birtle McKay, W. J., if. A Stratfonl McKinnon, J. B KemptviUi McKinnon, John Keiuly McKinnon, L Glaminis McKay, D. C Pembroke McKay, R. R.,'B.A Ottaw.i McLatchey, E. D Morden, Man. MoLeod,A. A.Ramachandrapurani.In McLeod, C. E Peterboro McLaurin, D. (Het.) Meafori MuLaurin, C. C... Gait McLauiin, J., .i).D.. Bangalore, Iii'lia McLennan, D Farew 11 McMinnis, S Rosemount, M. McNeil, D Toronto McNeill, A Castletmi McQuarric, H Verimn McQuarrie, J. M Leith Mack, H. W Rodnt^y Mackie, J BeanisviUe Mann, J. W Port Rowan Marquardt, C. L Zuri' h .Marshall, R Beaiiisvill>^ Marshall, T. M Carman, Man Mason, G Bayhani Mason, W Rockforil Masse, S. F Montnal Massie, A , B.A Grand LigiieQ .Massie, G. N., B.A.. .Grand Ligne, Q. Matzich, J. F Neustadt Medcof, J. n Clareiid':: .Mellick, H. G., B.D Winiiip.-K .Mihell, D. M., .V.A St. Geoi- Miller, James Toront : Mitchell, C. M., B.A Fore-' Moore, J. B Toront. p .Morgan, II Beachvili' Moyle, J. E Canningtnn Miinro, A. H St. Tlioma.-* Munt, Joseph Kinmount Mnir, Win Toron'o Murden, W Gladstone, Man Murdoch,A.,3r/l., />i.I»..Waterforl Murdoch, Thos Algonquin Myers, J. H Woolwi' h NewmanA.,H.,Z,I,.D.,D.D., Toronto Newton, L Norwi' h Norton, W. E O'Neill, J j Osliorne, J. A . . . . . Valframan, W Parsons, C. A... Parent, M. B., B.A.. Parker, P. C Peer, W. .......... Philliniore, C. H . . . Phillips, E...... .. Priest, H. C, B.A . Prosser, W Pilkcy, J.C p.HOek, ^.,B.A.. Porter, W. H.,U.A. Porter, J. W S Pugsley.W Piigslev, W.,,ir.. Piittenliam, J.. . Qaiuii, A. E Katolitf, Frederick . . Randall, L. M . . . . Richardson, G — Roberts, Joshua.. RoWnson, J C Roliiuson, T. C . . Rock, G. C Roliey, J Ross, R SI Roughley, E. W. Samiilers, H Sclunidt, R. A.. Scott. F. L Scott, W. J BAPTIST Ml NoTK.— The foUowi -oine particulars. \\ is,sne.— Editor. Adams, H. F Achilles, Henry . . I'ai Aildison, Milton . . . Allabv, E. A Ch Archibald,E.N.,B.^. Archil)ald,I.C.,W.^.. Armstrong, J.J Atkinson, F.N.. Ham Baker, C. E Baneroft,J.W.,B..4. Haiss, J. H., B.A.... Reals, F. H.,B.^.,. lieckwith, W. H ...!• Bishop, Trueman, B. Bishop, R. H., B.A . Black, S. McC.,3/.^ Blackadar,T.A.,B..4 Bleaknev, J. C Bleaknev, W. A. J . . Bleakney, J. E lileakney, D Bool, Henry Browne, Addison F . Brown.J. W.,.4.B.. Brown, M. W., B.A Brown, A. F BiU'.'ess, 0. C Bill, 1, E Ccnllcv, B.N.,B.^.S Cahill, Jos. A (.'.arey, G. M., M.A . Carpenter, I. W — Champion, J. B ... Carter, Henry T; Charlton, H. A CInirchill, George . . C'hule,Obed.,M./l .. Chute, A. C, M.A CouHwell, Aaron . .C: ColwcU, I.B..Dawsc Cohdoii, Atwood.iJr Coombs, J . . Cunibi Corev, W. T CoreV, E. C Corev, W. O <"oiev, W. W..B0UI t'TiiwiU. S. H., B, CLERGY — BAPTIST. 157 ondon; Second Vi,.-. , London. ■eauurer; J. G. Hmv Dadson, D. Sptneer •eral Mar.ager, u. k! Toront , LouisviHe »••• Miilland ;B.A Toi-ontf. Baker Hil! Athens Ayliiitr Kitnc8ton HiiiiDver P — Cocanaila, Imlu ^ Montreal • • ■ • KinjfstOD ., B.A. .. Georgetown Miirieville Brandon, Man. CoUiiigwooil Sylvan ) Hartney, Man H., B.^....LakefleM ' Dunda< Edmonton, Man P., M.A Toronto Doniinionvilie Wiartoa Toronto Victoria, lU' Fullarton B.A RocklaiH Palmerstu!i Durhani Crecinore M.D Birtle V.A Stratfor.1 ' KeniptviU. n Keaily Glammis Penihroke 1.A Ottawa ) Morden, Man. niachandrapurani.In Peterli(ip) iet.) Mealor.i Gait i>. . Bangalore, Iii'lia FurenvU . . Uosemoiint, .\I. Toronto Castli'tnii Vernnn b'ith Roilut-y Beanisvill.' Port Rowan Ziiri'h Beain.svill'! . . .Camian, Man Bayhani Rockforil MontP'al Grand Ligiic (,! i.. .Grand Ligni', 4 Neustii'lt Clari'inl'':: ■ D Wlnnipf t; I St. Gcnl_- Tonmt .1 For.- Toronto Beachvill- Canningtnu St. Tlimna.s Kininount Toron'o .. .GladHtono, M:iri LL.D.MattiTtm'i Algonqnin , Woolw'irh D.,D.D., Toronto Norwii'l) Norton, W. E Owen Sound O'Neill, .J Cheltenham OslK)rnt', J. A Mt. Brydges Palfranian, W St. Mary's Parsons, C. A Oil Springs Parent, M. B., B.A Grande Ligne Parker, P. C Toronto Peer, W Hespelcr Pliilliinore, C. H Chesley Phillips, E Bunyan Priest, H. C, iJ..4. ..Cocanada, Ind. Prosser, W Ridgetown Pilkcy, J. C Brighton Poiock, Vf., B.A Hageraville Porter, W.H., M.A Branifoid Porter, J. W Strathclair, Man. Pugsley, W Port Dover Pugslcv, W.,,jr Toronto Pnttenliam, J Westport Quiun, A. K Dunnville Katiliff, Frederick Stouffville Randall, L. M West Lome RifJiardson, G Buckingham, Q Roberts, Joshua Woodstock Roljinson, J Doniinionvilie, Q Roliinson, T. C Listowell Rock, G. C Perth Roney, J Orangeville Rosh, R Shoal Lake, Man Rnughley, E. W Wood Saunders, H Burnside, Man. Schmidt, R. A Hanover Scoti. F. L Windsor Scott, W. J SaultSte. Marie Segsworth, C Uhthoflf Shaw, Hugh Tilsonburg Sheldon, 8. S Delta Sherman, E. D Oxley Shields, T Vittoria Silcox, J. W Osnabruch Siple, E. M Whitevale Slight, A Waterford Smith, H Walsh Smith, Ira London Smith, J. M Port Colbome Smith, E. G., U.D. .Cocanada, India Smither, J Courtright Souter, T. C Dalesville, Q Sowerby, J. H Chatham Spencer, D St. Thomas Spencer, Wm Freelton St. Dalmas. A. E. de Fonthill Still well, R.J.,, Ind. Stillwell, H.E., C.i4. .Cocanada, Iml. Sleeves, E. L Blenheim Stevens, W. H Strathaven Schmidt, R. A Hanover Stevens, J Stewart, Wm., V.D Toronto Stewart, A Durham Stewart, W. J Brampton Sweet, H. C Shoal Lake,M. Stobo, E. J Quebec Tapscott, W. T Niagara Falls Tapscott, F. T Toronto Tennant, J Brantford Therrien, A. h Montreal Thomas, B. D., D D Toronto Topping, E Woodstock Teal, J. H Victoria, B.C Treadwell, W. H Port Dover Trotter, T., B.A Wolfville, N. S. Trotter, J. E Peterboro' Trotter, R Victoria, B. C. Trickey, John Selkirk Turner, C. B Barnston, Q Turner, E.. Turtle Mountain City, M VanLoon, J Delhi Vansickle, M Paisley Van Tessi'll, S Castleton Vining, A. J Windsor Walker, Wm. M., Ail. London South Walker, Wm. S Mt. Forest Walker, Wm Tecswater Walker, J. A. K..Peddapuram, India Walker, E. S Meaford Wallace, O. C. S., M.A Toronto Warnicker, J. B Montreal Washington, J. H London Watson, T Colborne Weaver, R Aurora Weaker, S. 3 Norvvood Webb, J. R Toronto June. Weeks, J. W Guelpli Weeks, L.^M Cornwall Weeks, W. W Toronto Welton, D.M., Ph.D., D.D. .Toronto Whidden, H. P., B.A.. Uorden, Man White, A Claremont Williams, J.{ltetired) Vienna Wright, D Lindsay Yorston, Jno Jersey ville BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. NdTK.— The following list of Baptist Ministers is taken from our Almanac of last year, and may be incorre<'t in >oiiie particulars. Will some public-spirited Baptist in the Lower Provinces kindly revise it for us for the iie.xt issue.— Editor. .\(lanis, H. F .Truro, N S Achilles, Henry . .Parker's Cove, N S A.,D./>.St.Martins NB Diinock, D. W. C, M. 4.. Truro, NS Dixon, Edw., Africville, Halifax Citv Dykeman, A. T Digby, N S Eaton, J. T Lawrencetown, N S Ervine, S. D Thornton, N B Erb, H. S Port Lome Estabrook, H. E., B.^i.Andover, NB Fosha\", II. J Yamiouth, N S Freenian, M. P., Byl.. Wolf ville, N S Freeman, A., B.A. Slontague B.,PEI Freeman, J. D. . . Fredericton, N B Fields, M. L Brookfleld, N S : Fillmore, J. E.. . .Turtle Creek, N B Ganong, E. K. . .Advocate Har,, N S Gates, O. O., M.A St. John, NB Griffin, H. A Milton Gardner, James .... Antigonish, N S i Goodwin, Joshua Port Perry i Gordon, J. A., M. A,. St. John, West i Goucher, J. E., M.A Milton Goucher, W. C, M.y«.St.Stephen,NB j Grant, E. J Sussex, N B Gross, Michael Surrey, N B I CJuUison, Ralph Beaver R. N S ■ Hall, W. E Halifax, NS i Harvey, J. G Centreville, N R ' Haverstock, C. H Pugwash, N S I Hayward, A. H . . Florenceville, N H I Henderson, Chas Andover, N B ! Ilickson, Edw., Af.i4..Carleton, N B ' Higgiiis, W.V., Af./l .Chicacole, Ind. Higgins, Thos.A., /AC. Wolfville, NS ; Higgins, M.C., B.i4.. North R. P E 1 ' Hopper, Ezekiel Gagetown, N B Hopper, J. E., D.D . St. John, NB Howard, Geo. .Hampton Village, NB Howe, Edwin H Kingston, N S Hu.!fhes, B. N Riverside, N B Hughes, John H St. John, N B Jackson, J. E Arcadia, N S Jenkins, W. H., B.y4. Granville Ferry Jewett, Benj. Hartland Sta.,Co.,NB Johnson, J. W. .Windsor Phuns, N S Jolinson, H. H Halifax Keirsteod, Elios Collins, N B Keirstead,Prof.EM.,.V^. Wolfville NS Keirstead, S. W Dorchester, N B Keith, Oswald N Bayside, N B Kempton, S. B.,.J/..4. Dartmouth, NS Kidson, F. A Annadale, PEI King, M. P Cambridge, N B Kniirht, Peter R, .Nashwaak V., N B Kinlay, R. B Paradise, N S ! Langford, F.R.. Weymouth Falls, NS I Langille, Stephen. . .Springfield, NS i Lavers, A. H Port Elgin, N S j Layton, T. B Great Village, N S I Lewis, Milledge Lumsden, NB 1 Lewis, John Svdnev, C B , Locke, E. E Middleton, N S I Maider, H E S St. George, N B Marple, J. A Belmont, N S Planning, J.W'., B.A St. John Manzer, W. D St. Mary's N B March, Stephen Halifax, N S I Martell, C. A., B.A... Fairville, N B i Miles, John Alexandria, PEI I Moore, S. C Waterside, N B Morse, J. C, D.D. . Sandv Cove, N.S Morton, R. S Melville, N S ; Munro, T. M Barrington, N S ! Murray, Jos., B.A Falmouth, NS Murray, P. F Milton, NS Mutch, U.Port Hawkesbury, Cape B Martell, A Wolfville, N S Ma<:donald, A. B Jemseg, NB I McDonald R. N.E.Margaree, Cape B ! McDonald, D. G., B.27i. Halifax, NS McEwan, P. A Windsor, N S McDonald, J. H., B.A Amherst Morse, L. D. , B. .1 India McGregor, P. S Ilantsport, N S I Mclntyre, W.E., B. /I. St. Martin's NB 158 CLERGY — BAPTIST. RELIGIOUS STATISTICS. [189fiil896] ^1. HcKeen, David Athol, NS McQuarrie, D. H., B.A . . .H. Sydney McGregor, Wm Barton, N S Nobles, B. N HilUburg, N S Kormandy, M . . .McLauchlaii B. N B Neal, G. B Preston, N S Nowlan, P. D . . Westchester Stat'n.N S Parker, D. O., M.A . . .WoUville, N S Parker, J.M.,fi.^. .BiverHerbert,N S Parker, W. L Nictaux, N S Parker, W. F Truro, N S Parry, H. N Chester, NS Philp, B. B., B.^ Halifax, N S Pineo, David Long Point, N S Pineo, C. K Nictaux, N S Porter, B. D., Jf.^...Middleton, NS Porter, J. A Blissfleld, N B Price, David Isaac's Harbor, N S Baymond,G.P.,B.^ .NewGernmnyNS Bead, E. O Waterville, N S Bead, James L Berwick, N S Bee«, P. O Zealand Station, N B Bees, \V. W Newport, N S Bowe, John Chebogue, N S Bobinson.W.H.,B.^ . .Hantsport, NS Butledge, J. W.. . .Mahone Bay, NS Sables, C. W Campbell town, NB Sanford, Bufus, M.A.. WoUville, N S Saunders, E. M., D.D. . .Halifax, NS Saunders, J. H St. John, N B Sawyer,AW,/).Z>.,ii.i).WolfvilleNS Scott, James Crow Harbour, NS Shaw, H. J Windsor, N B Shaw, J. L St. John, NB Shaw,M.B.,B.4 . . Vizianagrani, India Sibley, E. O Wittenburg, N S Skinner, I. J,, B.A Weston, NS Skinner; I. B., B.A . . Musquash, N B Seeley, George Petitcodiac, N B Smith, Solomon Welford, N B Smith, H. B., itf il . . . .Springhill, NS Smith, John A Cornwallis, N S Spidel, J. D Petitcodiac, N B Springer, G. W Jemseg, N B Spurr, i.e., B.A. . .Cavendish, P E I Staolihou8e,WT,B.4.NewGlasgowN S Steadman, J. C Elgin, N B Steele, D. A. , 3f.^ Amherst, N S Schurman, G. W Chegoggip i Saunders, H. H., B.A Eii^ij I Tiner, J. Et Port Hilford, S< Tingley, L. J . . . Melvern S(|uare, Nj Todd, Thomas Woodstock, Nb Trimble, James PenficUl, N t Vincent, W. C C 'iniiiK, Xs Vincent, A. J B. yfield, S E Whitman, Asaph Cbesttr, Ns Wallace, Isa., if. A.. . .Wolfville, N> Warren, W.H., 3^4 . . . .Sackville.Nf, Washburn, A St. Martin's, Nt Weathers, Geo. A. .Summerville, NS Webb, Josiah S. T. B.. .Arcadia, NS Weeks, F. O Kentville, Nii Weeks, W. W Moncton, N B Wetmore, J. D Wickhani, NB Wetmore, William.. . .Margaree, N,v Wright, F. C PenfleW, N B Wilson, C. P., B./) ..Bass Biver, NS White, Geo. R., B..4. .Yarmouth, NS Williams, John Weymouth Williams, C.Vi.,B.A . .St.Martin's.NB Young, J. W.S Green Bush, NB Young, F. M.,ffe.B..Bridgetown,NS 1 RELIGIOUS STATISTICS OF CANADA. The following table is a comparative statement of the numbers of the leading denominations in 1S81 and 1S»1 showing also the proportion each denomination bore to the whole population at each census : — Rblioions. Roman Catholics Methodists Presbyterians Church of England . . Baptists Lutherans Congregationalists. . . Disciples Brethren Adventists Quakers Protestants Universalists Jews linitarians Salvation Army Other denominations Not specified 1881. Number. ,791,98-2 742,981 676,16.5 577,414 296,,525 46,3.50 26,iK)0 20,193 8,831 7,211 6,,5.53 6,519 ■ 4,. 517 2,393 2,126 14,269 *93,8S1 Proportion to Total Population. 41-43 17-18 15-63 13-35 6-85 107 •6-2 -47 -20 -16 -15 -15 -10 -06 -05 -33 2-17 1891. Number. 1,992,017 847,765 755,326 646,059 303,839 63,982 28,157 12,763 11,637 6,354 4,650 12,2,53 3,186 6,414 1,777 13,949 33,75(i ■89,355 Proportioi to Tola] Population. 41-21 17 -.54 15 -(iH 13 87 6 -ill 1-3-2 -.58 -26 •21 -la -10 •-26 -07 •13 •04 •2!) •70 *Pagans included. From the census returns it is learned that there were 10,480 churches in Canada in April, 1891. This is an increase over 1881 of 1,8-28. Divided amonif the denominations, the increase is distributed as follows : Baptists, 324 ; Roman Cath- olics, 301 -, Church of Enjrland, 415 ; Methodists, 322 ; I'resbvterians, 411. All otiier denominations, 55. O'. the total number of churches, the Methodists have noarly 32 per cent., the Presbyterians and Roman Catholics 17 per cent, each, the Cliurch of England 16 piir cent., the Uaptists 12 per cent., leaving 6 jier cent. for "all otliers." Taking the total population, there is a church provided for every group of 4(11 persons. Taking the several dc- nominaiions, the Koman Catholics have one church for every group of 1,115 of their persuasion, the Church of Eng'and one for every group of 386 of its adherents, the MetlKxIists one for every group of 251, the Presbyterians one for every group of 428, and the Baptists one for every group of 240. During the decade 1881-91, the Church of Eiiglai.l appears to have been the most active in providing places of worshij) for the people, the l'resl)ytei-iiiii« coming next, the Baptists third, the Methodists' fourth, and the Roman Catholics fifth. Territorially considered, the Church of Engiand hi- providel of Manitoba, and 78 in Manitoba and the other wcstoni jirovinces. Methoflists have provided 227 in the e:wi ern and 95 in the western proviii(!es; Presbyterianit :iii'-' and 109 respectively ; Roman Catholics, 2,5( and 44, ■iw\ the Bai>tists 305 and 19 respectively. The Presbyterians became united as the Presbyton in Church ill Canada in 1875. The Methodists were tir-i united into one ecclesiastical organization in Canada in 1883. The census returns showed that the number of olerjrv- men of all churches in Cana ^- ...... PenfleW.'NE ■J ^;r ;• Bass River, Ns tt., "..<1. .Yarmoutli.Ns V.,fi./,NB •S- ••••Green Bush, Nf, .,/^A.fl.. Bridgetown ,Ns ations in 1881 and IS'H is :— 1891. fumber. .,992,017 847,765 755,326 648,069 303,839 63,982 28,157 12,763 11,637 d,.354 4,650 ]2,2.'>3 3,180 6,414 1,777 13,949 33,75(i ■89,355 Proportioi; to Total Population 41-21 17 -.54 15 -fW 13-37 6--«) l-.-i'J •^8 •26 •24 •13 •10 -25 •07 •13 •04 •29 •70 l-S.'-i a Chtiroh of EiikI.uI t active in proviclint e, the Preshyti-cia?!- he Methodists fourth, lurch of ICii^.Jand lu- in the l)rovince.s ca-l uid tile other wesloni 'idffl 227 in thee, s ; Presbvteriaiin, .-(i.l> olics, 257 and 44, uml ln.s the I'resbytcn.iii Uetliodists were tir-i iization in Canada in he iiuniher of olera • 1891, was 7,]04,"aii POSTAL INFORMATION. For List of Officials Post Office Department see page 96. Letter Bates, &c. Canada.— Letters posted in Canada, addressed to any place within the Dominion, 3 cents per oz. If unpaid. such letters cannot be forwarded, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. It partially prepaid, the letter will te forwarded to its destination and double the de- ticieiicy charged on delivery. Letters mailed at any office for delivery at or from the same office, provided tliat tlic office is not one at which free delivery by letter carriers is established, are charged 1 cent per oz., and be at least partially prepaid ; otherwise they are sent to tlie Dead Letter Office. Letters of this nature mailed at and for delivery from an office at which there is a free delivery by letter carriers are liable to 2 cents per ounce. All postage must be prepaid by Postage Stamps. Post Cards. — Prora any place in Canada to any place m Canad.i or to the United States, 1 cent each. British and Foreign, 2 cents each. Private Post Crtcrfs.— Upon all cards intended for use a.s Private Post Cards the words "Private Post Card" must be distinctly printed or written. The name and of the sender may be printed on the face of the card, but the face of the card is not to be used for advertisiiip; purposes. Private Post Cards must not exceed a size of 6 inches in length by 3J inches in width, l)eiii(f the dimensions of the larger official Post Card at one time issued by the Depprtment. Cards e.teeeding these limits are to be treated as insufficiently paid letters. Private Post Cards are not transmissible to the United States. United Kingdom. — Postage on Letters, Scents per half oz., whether by Canadian or New York Steamers. If sent unpaid, double postage will be charged. Newfoundland. — Letters, 3 cents per oz. Newspapers, from office of publication for subscribers, free. Other matter same rates, etc., as to United Kingdom. Bermuda. — Letters, 5 cts. i)er J oz. Newspapers and printed matter generally, 1 cent per 2 ozs. United States.— The rate on letters to the United States is tlie same as iu Canada, and at least one rate must be prepaid. It is very important to bear in mind that the postage upon letters for the United Kingdom and all Foreign Countries is calculated by the half ounce and double po.stage 18 charged on all unpaid letters. Registration of Letters. Persons posting letters containing value should be careful to require them to be Registered, and to obtain from the Postmaster u certilicate of receipt for Regis- tration. The (!harge for Registration in addition to the Postal, is, on all cla.sses of matter, (Ive cents. Botli the Postage charge and Registration fee should, in all cases, be jirepaid by stamp. Registration is not an absolute guarantee against the miscarriage or loss of a Letter ; but a Registered Letter can be traced where an Unregistered Letter can not, and tlie posting and delivery or non-delivery can be proven. Book Post, &c. A Book Packet may contain any iiuiiiber of separate books. Limit of weight for domestii! post, 5 lbs. (un- less consisting of a single book, in which case a weight of 7 lbs is allowed); for foreign post, 4 lbs. Limit of size, two feet in length, or one foot in width or deptli. Book Packets must be open at both ends or both sides, and must not contain any letter or sealed tiiclosure. The rate on Book Packets between any two places ii» Canada is 1 cent per 4 oz. which must be prepaid by stamps The rale to Great Britain and the United States is 1 cent per 2 ozs. Rates of Postage on Letters and Newspapers for Foreign Places. The rates on letters and newspapers for all parts of the world (see exception for United States and New- foundland) are 5 cents per J oz. for letters, and 1 cent per 2 ozs. for papers. Miscellaneous Blatter. Miscellaneous matter, described as under, may pass between places in the Dominior of Canada upon pre- payment of the rates indicated below. The regulations of the British Post Office do not admit of the transmission by mail to the United Kingdom (or other countries beyond the sea) of miscellaneous matter as such ; hut a great part of the matter referred to under that head may be forwarded to the United Kingdom by Book Post : — 1. On all pamphlets, occasional publications, printed circulars, prices current, hand-bills, and other matter wholly in print, and on packages of seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, bedding plants, scions or grafts, the rate is 1 cent for each 4 ozs. or fraction thereof. 2. On maps, prints, drawings, engravings, lithographs' photographs wlien not on glass or in cases containing glass, circulars produced by a multi|)lying process easy to recognize, exhibitor's entry tickets for Dominion or Provincial Exhibitions, botanical and entomo- logical specimens when properly put up so as to pre- vent injury to the contents of the mails, sheet music whether printed or written, including music books whether stitched or bound (instruction books in music and instruction books in drawing accompanied by charts may liowever pass at Book- Post rate, which see), book or newspaper manuscript whethei type-written or hand- written, printer's proof stieets whether corrected or not, such i)artly printed and i)artly written documents as deeds of land, mortgages made under seal (including chattel mortgages), insurance policies, renewal receipts when attached to the policies, insurance receipts sent in bulk from head offices to agents, militia and school returns, customs manifests, voters' lists when written or partly in writing, school or college examination papers, municipal assessment rolls, partly printed and jmrtly written, Dominion and Provincial Government documents, statute labour returns, municipal re- turns In general, blank books, printed forms entirely bhnk, and printed stationery, the rate of postage is 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction of 2 ounces ; and the postage rate must in every case be pre- ])aid by postage stamps or stamped post bands or wrappers; provided that no letter or other communica- tion intended to serve the purpose of a letter be sent or inclosed in any such package or thing mentioned, and that the same be sent in covers open at the ends or sides, or otherwise so imt upas to admit of the contents being, if necessary, easily withdrawn for examination by the officers of the Office to ensure compliance with this provision ; (if enclosed in sealed envelopes notched at the ends or si. Canada newspaj.ors posted/rnm the, office of publication to subscribers in the United Kingdom— sent in the Mails forwarded by Canadian Packet or via New York must be prepaid by Postage Stamp at the transient paper rate of one cent per 2 oz. The English Post Office requires each newspaper cr periodical to each address to be i)repaid by postage stamp. If sent in packages the English Post Oflice declii s to deliver them. Patterns and Samples within the Dominion. Patterns and Samples of Merchandise and Goods for sale, not exceeding 24 oz. in weight, except samples of tea, which must not exceed 8 oz. in weight, may be posted in Canada, to be forwarded to any i)lace within the Do- minion, on prepayment by Postage Stamp of a rate of 1 cent per 4 oz., under the following regulations : If insufficiently prepaid tlie packet will be forwarded charged with double the deficient postage, provided the deficiency does not exceed 5 cents. Packages of Samples and Patterns, addressed to any place in Canada, may be registnred by affixing thereto stamps to the value of 5 cents in addition to the postag3 rate, and provided such packet be handed into the Post Office for registration. Patterns or Samples must be sent in covers ojien at the ends, so as to be easy of examination. Samples, how- ever, of seeds, drugs, Ac, which cannot be sent in open covei-s, may be enclosed in bags of linen, or such like material, fastened in such a manner that they may be readily opened. The packet may bear on the outside the address of the sender, in addition to the address of the person for whom it may be intended ; and also a trade mark or number, and the jirice of tlie sample enclosed ; inside, there must be no enclosure but the samples or patterns themselves. The particulars, however, of the trade marks, numbers, and prices may be marked on the articles themselves instead of on the outside of the packet, ut the option of the sender. Goods seut for sale or in execution of an order, however small the quantity may be, or any article sent by one private individual to another, which are not actually trade patterns or samples, are not admissible. United Kingdom and United States. Patterns and Samples of Merchandise, when addressed to places in the United Kingdom must not exceed .5 lbs. in weight, and to the United States 8 oz., and must |3« prepaid by postage stamp at the following rates :— icmt per 2 oz. or fraction of 2 oz., with a minimum prepav. ment of 2 cents covering a weight of 4 oz. Useful Hints. Register all valuable letters. Transmit money by Moiiey Orders. Make complaints and inquiries io writing, and address the Postmaster-General at Ottawa. Preserve, and request correspondents to iir(!serTe, envelopes of missent or delayed letters. Send tn thf Postmaster-General envelopes of letters about which you seek information or make complaint. In addressing letters add the name of the County and Province in which the office addressed is located. Place staniji on the right hand upper corner of the address side. Put your own name and full address in or on letter, to insure return if it cannot be delivered. In affixing iiostatji- stamps moisten the envelope, not the stamp. When stamps are moistened the gum is apt to be removed. Parcel Post. The charges on Parcels by the Parcel Post to places within the Dominion, is 6 cents for every 4 oz.or fraction thereof (with 5 cents additional if Registered). No lettei ir.ust be inclosed ; if any discovered, the amount jiaid will be forfeited, and the Parcel charged at unpaid Letter rates. No Parcel must exceed 5 lbs. in weight, an'', must be prepaid by stamps. Eye-glasses and spectacles may be sent by mail when properly i>ut up ami prepaid by Parcel Post or as fifth class matter. Parcel Post with the United Kingdom, New- foundland and other British Colonies and Foreign Countries. Closed parcels may be exchanged with the UiiiteJ Kingdom, Newfoundland and most foreign countries and British colonies under the following regulations:— 1. The dimensions of a Parcel must not exceed 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or dejitli. 2. A Parcel must not contain any explosive, co nbust- itde, or dangerous articles, nor any article of si 'leri.ihable or fragile character, nor liquids or matters likely to injure other Parcels or mail transmissions. 3. All Parcels must be securely and substanti.illy packed and closed. 4 Each Parcel must be plainly directed, and suoh direction must incdude the name and full address of the person for whom the Parcel is intended. 5. For each Parcel the sender must fill up a Customs Declaration. On this form the sender will supply an accurate statement of the contents and value of the Parcel, also the address thereof, with signature and )>lace of abode of the sender. The Customs Declaration must be securely affixed by mucilage or paste to the Parcel to which it relates. Parcels from the United Kingdom or any other place beyond the Dominion will be liable to Canadian Custom duties, ami under existing regulations must be examined for the purpose by an Officer of the Customs in the presence of the persons addressed. Rates and limits of weight vary. See Postal Guide, or enquire at Post Office. Prepayment by postage stamp is required in all cases. Parcels must be handed to the Postmaster ; in no case should they b" dropped into a letter box or ottur receptacle for mail matter. _ Fifth Class Matt er. Postage rate once <'eiit per ounce or fraction of an ounce, to be prejiaid by postage stamp. Miscellaneous articles of, including seeds, bulbs, eti;., to United States, and generally all matter permitted to by mail in Canada, which is not of the nature of a lettur, and therefore subject to letter rate of postage, and not entitled to be posted at a lower rate than 5th class umlir one or the other cl.asses, may iiass as .'ith class wlien ad- dressed to any destination within the Dominion or Uiiit each may beT Money Orders i Foreign countriea of comuiission shd For sums noti (^50 is I Africa East (Gerl sessions). L Africa West (Ca Banana, Boniiv Tojio). -Ant '.'ua. Asia .linorandtn Candia, Canea(Khania, Chios (Khios), Durazzo, .latfa, -lerusalem, liaita (Caiffa), Kerassonde (K( ilitylene, Prevesa, Retinio, Rhodes, Samsoun, SantiQuaranta(i Trepizond (Trep Valoiia. •Australia, Southi Australia, Wester Austria-Hungary. Bahamas. •Barbados. "Belgium. 'Bermuda. British Bechuana British Hondurai Bulgaria. Cape Colony . ■t'evlon. T.\BLB showing t and Pfenn c B IS . Be. d Il lis rt ° '"a fe o •OS >os o «cnts.i pf. cei 1 4 t 2 3 8 12 t 4 16 5 20 26 7 29 8 33 9 37 10 41 1 Note.— Tlie ori« by the remitter. OnliT from tlie Ch 'TheiirlKlnalOr Till' iiiiyeu will rei ■'iipliiiil (Inter Issu 11 l^'4 [1896 1 18961 POSTAL INFORMATION — MONEY CRDEllS. 161 States 8 oz., and musti,. le following rates :— Icent with a minimum preoav gilt of 4 oz. ^• Ints. ■s. Transmit money by ilaints and inquiries ij naster-General at Ottawa espondents to iiroserve" ed letters. Send to thf )f letters about which you iinplaint. In addiessmi! County and Provinct jj ocated. Place staniji on f the address side. Pm i in or on letter, to insure red. In affixing jmstagc not the stamp. Wlien is apt to be removed. OBt. he Parcel Post to placps for every 4 oz.orfiactiiin if Registered). No lett«i jvered, the amount jtaid reel charged at unpaid exceed 5 lbs. in weight, ay be sent by mail when 1 Parcel Post or as lifth ritisb Colonies and inged with the United most f)reign countries "ollowing regulations :- must not excec d 2 feet jpth. any explosive, co nbust- iiy article of n neri.iliable s or matters liltciv to smissions. rely and substanti.illy Illy directed, and such and full address of the ended. must fill up a Cutoms sender will supply an ents and val'ie of the 'ith signature and place toms Declaration must • paste to the Parcel to om or any other jilace e to Canadian Custom ions must be examined the Customs in the See Postal Guide, or s required in all cases. ostinaster ; in no case letter box or otlier tter ne'e or" fraction of an tamp. MisiMdlaneoiis seeds, bulbs, et:., to .tter permitted to pass the nature of a letter, B of jiostage, and not D than 5th class uii'ler as ,'itli class when ad- le UominionorUniUil '. so packed or put iii> contents and must • 2 feet in length liy 1 sinfi between Canaila subject to Customs e re^;istration charge lition to iiostoge Money Orders. In eendinff money by mail it is always best to transmit by Money Order if possible. Commissions on Moneu Orders. On Money Orders drawn by any Money Order Office in Canada on any other Money Order Office in the Do- minion, the Commission is as follows: — If not exceeding $ 4 I Over ? 4 not exceeding 10. " 10 " " .... 20. ■' 20 " " .... 40. • 10 " " .... 60. 60 " " .... SO. 80 " " .... 100. 2 cents. a 10 20 30 40 50 No single Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be Issued for more than SI 00 ; but as many of $!()() each may be given as the remitter requires. Money Orders are issued in Canada on the following Koreitrn countries and British Possessions, at the rates of cnniuiission shown below :— For sums not exceeding §10 10 cents. " " 20 20 " " 30 30 " " " 40 40 " " nO 50 " (S50 is the limit of a single order). Africa East (German Pos- Chili, sessions). Africa West (Cameroons, Banana, Boinu, Matadi, To^'o). *AMt jrua. Asia .'linorand the Levant; C'anilia, Canea(Khania, LaCande) Chios (Khios), Iturazzo, .Jaffa, .lerusalem, Kaifa (Caiffa), Kerassonde (K(5re8soun), Jlitylene, Prevesa, Ketimo, Rhodes, Saiiisoun, Santi (Juaranta(Serandoz) Trepizond (Trepezunt), Valona. Australia, Southern. Australia, Western. Austria-Hungary. Bahamas. 'Barbados. "Belgium. 'Bermuda. British Bechuanaland. British Honduras (Belize). Bulgaria. Cape Colony. I'evlon. •Constantinople (Turkey). Cyprus. Danish West Indies. Denmark, including Iceland and the Faroe Islands. *Doniinica. Dutch East Indies. E>— pt. Fuikland Islands. *Fiji. 'France and Algeria. Gambia. ''German Empire. Gibraltar. Gold Coast. Grenada. •Guiana (British). *Hawaii(Sandwich Islands) Holland (Netherlands). *Hong Kong, including Amoy, Canton, Foo- Chow, Han-kow, Hoi- how, Ning-po, Shang-hai and Swatow. India (British), including Burmah, and agencies at Aden, Bagdad, Bunder Abas, Bushire, Bassorah, Guadur, Jask, Linga, Muscat and Zanzibar. *Italy. *Jamaica. ''Japan. Labuan. St. Vincent. Sarawak. Seychelles Islands. Sierra Leone. *Smyrna. Straits Settlem'ts, Sweden. •Switzerland. •Tangier (Morocco). ♦Tasmania. The Ottoman Towns of Adi'ianople, Beyrout and Salonica. Tobago. Transvaal. Trinidad. ♦Tripoli (Barbary). ♦Tunis. Turk's Island. ♦United Kingdom. ♦United Siates. ♦Victoria (Australia). ♦Virgin Islands. Lagos. Luxemburg. Malta. Mauritius. Mombasa and Lamu. ♦Montserrat. Natal. ♦Nevis. ♦Newfoundland. New Guinea (German Pro- tectorate). ♦New South Wales. ♦New Zealand. North Borneo (Sandakaii). Norway. Orange Free State. * Panama (British Agency). Portugal, incluuirig Ma- deira and the Azores. ♦Queensland. Houmania. St. Helena. ♦St. Kitts. St. Lucia. There being u direct exchange of Money Orders be- tween the Dominion of Canada and the countries and British Colonies distinguished by an asterisk (*), Orders drawn upon these countries and colonies are paid in the full amount for which drawn. Orders iipon other coun- tries and colonies, not so distinguished, are, however, subject to a small abatement on payment. Money Orders on the above countries are drawn in Canada Currency. Tables showing the sums payable in other countries where the money is of a different denom- ination, on Orders issued in Canada, will be found below: Tap.i.k sliowinj! the amounts in Canadian money to We paid 1).t tlie remitters for Money Orders drawn on the Unlteil Kin^'dom, British (iuiaiui, (.:un.')fantlnoj)le, Panama. Smyniii, Janiaica- Queenslaud, Vietoria, .New South Wales, Tasnumla, New Zea- land, Uiirbadns, Uernnnla. I.eeward Islands and Fiji where pay ment will be nnide in Sterling Money. £ s. d. « c. £ s. d. 9 c. 1 24 16 3 90 2 49 17 ■i 14 3 73 18 c 4 38 4 97 19 4 63 5 1 22 1 4 87 6 1 46 2 9 74 7 I 71 3 It 61 8 1 96 4 li> 48 9 2 19 5 24 35 10 2 44 6 :f/ 22 11 2 68 7 34 09 12 2 92 8 38 96 13 3 17 9 43 83 14 3 41 10 48 70 15 3 65 And two ctg. for each penny to make up the sum required. FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS T.\BLK showing the sums payable in Germany in Marks and Pfennigs, on Orders issued in Canada. c B B B s! . .S e . cJ . .S c • « . = c . « . B c . It •5 = 1 III Si §3 5? -Eg Is" SS '2 = « .2 C c C«5 >os o3 >-ca og >aS OS >-0fc.S cents. ctnis. cents. fr. ce. $ c. fr. ce. * c. fr. ce. 1 5 20 1 00 100 5 10 15 00 70 .50 2 10 25 1 25 2 00 10 20 20 00 102 (X) 3 15 30 1 55 3 00 15 30 25 00 127 30 4 20 40 2 05 4 00 20 40 30 00 l.'iS 00 5 25 50 2 55 5 00 25 50 35 00 178 50 « 30 60 3 05 6 00 30 60 40(H) 204 0(1 7 35 70 3 55 700 35 70 45 00 229 50 8 40 7.i 3 80 8 00 40 80 50 00 255 00 9 45 80 4 10 9 00 45 90 10 50 iK) ■1 60 10 (X) .5100 by the remitter. The payee will receive a proper form of Money , OMer from the Chief OfHce at Cologne. ' Tilt ftborc table appliei u lUiumuitft, bat itumi vftyable in that oauotry will IM Ja^|«ct t* a further deduotlon b; the SwIhi Post Offloe of 2 centlmea for mA 2 5 ftaaoa, no abatement belog leif than 5 Q ceaUmes.* •rheorlKlnal Order Issued In Canada, and payable In Ilelglum, Italy, Switzerland, or Roumanla, should be retained by the remitter. I Ik payee will receive a proper form of Money Order from the Chief Olflce at Antwerp, Turin, or Basle, as the case may be. The ■'ilKiiial Order Issued In Canada and payable In France or Algeria, must be sent to the payee by the remitter. 11 ; trn ^■>'h I ; ■; 1*^1 ': ! 1893] STEAMSHIP AND STEAMBOAT LINES 1)1 THE DOMINION OF CANADi^. NoTK. — The numbers opposite each line cf steamboats correspond with the numbers used in the list of Post Offices and Railroad Stations foUowinfj. Inasmuch as steamboat lines are not fixed as are railroads but are con- stantly chanKiiiSf> this list must be used by shippers and travellers with caution. As this list of Steamboat and Steamship Lines is entirely new, the publisher begs that those who me it will kindly help him to make it more perfect by sending corrections, additions or criticisms to Editor Can'adiam Almanac, 9 Front Street, West, Toronto. a This mark signifies that the line is subject to interruption by the Seasons— Winter in some parts of 'he country, low water in other parts " d " or " Daily " means every day except Sundav. 301 302 303 305 306 308 309 310 312 3 3 314 315 316 317 S19 320 323 324 325 325-1 325'2 325-3 327 328 329 329-1 329-2 329-3 329-4 829-6 329-6 829-7 3-29-8 3-29-9 Xia 337 838 342 345 846 849 860 853 356 ((Niagara F'lls Line, d, bet Toronto & P. Dalhoiisie (iSt. " Lakeside," d, bet Toronto & St. Catharines aNiagara R. I^ine, d, bet Toronto* Lewiston, NY rtRochester, Tho'ands Is. &OgdcnshurgNavi. Co., 3 t's a w'k, bet Charlotte, NY & Ogden'g, NY aLake Ontario Steamboat Co., d. bet. Port Hope and Charlotte, N.Y. aDeseronto Nov. Co., d, bet Trenton, Picton, O. aB. of Quiiite Steamboat Route three to six trips a week bet Kingston, and Belleville. aBay of Quinte Ry. & Nav. Co., Steamboat Line, d, bet Deseronto, and Picton, Ont. , connects at Deseronto with B of Quinte Ry. & Nav. Co. aTrent V 'y Nav.Co. , d, bet Lindsay & Bobcaygeon aBottum's Line, d, bet Lakefleld & Burleigh F., O. aCalcutt'sLine, d, betPeterborough,&Harwood,0 aSteamboats from Huntsville, Out. aSteam boats from Lakefielil, Ont. aHamiltonSt'mb'tCo.,d. bet. Hamilton & Toronto nPlaces on the Rideau Canal, Lake and River, steamboats bet Kingston, and Ottawa. aMerchants Line, weekly, bet Montreal & Chicago aSteamer " Persia," w'kly bet Montreal, and St. Catharine's. aS'r "Alexandria," w'kly, bet Montreal & Trenton 376-1 Saint Lawrence River Steamboat Go's Lines as follows : aKingston & 1000 Is. P.irk Ijine, d, bet Kingston, and 1000 IsUnds Park, N.Y. aKingston & Cape Vincent Line, d, bet Kingston and Cape Vincent, N.Y. aKingston & Wolfe Island Line, d, bet Kingston and Wolfe Island, Ont. aMerchants Despatch Line, twice a week, between Montreal and Ottawa. aOttawa R'r Nav. Co., d. bet. Montreal & Ottawa Richelieu & Ont. Navigation Go's Lines, os follows : aFerry Lines from Montreal. aToronto Line, d, bet Montreal and Toronto, aComwall Line, twice a week between Montreal and Cornwall, Oiif. aChambly Line, twiri> a week between Montreul and Chamblv, »-^*»»«* bl)Otsford Al)botsford Abenakis Abenakis Springs Aberarder Abercorn Aberorombie . . Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdour . — Aberfeldy . Aberfoijle . Abernethy .\bigail .... .\biiigdon Abougoggin Rd. At)rams Village . .\oacia Acadia Mines . .\cadie Aoadie Siding . . ' Aclinolite .... 'Acton 'Acton Vale . . .\(lair Adamsville .\(lamsville .... .\iianisville .\(l(lerley .\ddington Forks Addison Adelivide Admaston .... Ailiniral Rock . Adolphe Ail.iphtistown Adstock Advocate Harbor Aftoii Aflon Road Afton Station . . . Agassiz Agerton Airincourt 'Agnes Agricola Ahmic Harbour . Ahmio Lake . . . .\ikenside *.4i7sn Craig .. . Ainsworth Aird Airlie Air Line Junctio Aitkin's Ferry Akerly [189<) I 1*9*'] ^^^'^ OFFICP]S AM) UAILROAD STATIONS \S CANADA. 1()5 rKRMINAL POINTH. ROM iiinK .. oka. . . . Line J. nto . . , )ll)orne. TO Petroliii, (>, P. Kdwanl.O Port HoHiin. Haniiltdii, (i P. Dalhousie ufil, E. Sorel, Que. !i-oi>ie.. is. Julifiine. :'rJ.,M.jHaiiiiota, M. ax,N.S.|Monptoti,XH tonNBK.(luLoii|.(; redu L I Levin, (^nc, arles J. [Levis, uw] )ii8ie J. iDalho'sieXn iiond . . jWooflsideNs astfow. jMnIjfiuve. y.Juii. . Indiantown. irton . . Pictoii, N. s. Pictoii'i; P'tdnOhene S. .Ioliii, Trenton, Sydney, N.s. Pictou, y. S. Irondale, (). iJoffjjfins, X..S Kichibucto. iltenfrew, 0, I Leamington. iL'Assonipt'ii JR. a Pierre. iLime Kidjje. Yorkton. As. napidC"v,M. Russell, JI. on ... , iec.lun. ton ) Tupper. •d Jun. LJunO an N.S. .Tunc . . aton . . erville. il)hanie ;eJunc. lerKVt rnirieM edosa . •anh . Amherstb'ijf ilo, X.YWelland, 0. '. ParkOjCoinber, Out on .... S. Thomas, (I .lo, N.Y Detroit Mich ira .hin!Nias{ara,()nl lia . . . homas. Eddys, Ont. ConrtrightO unbert. ^ville . . e,VVa8h 'ille .. s .... geJun. 'aNDk eton . . lan , . ■a .... er, Que Irthur. I'town ild.Iun ty Jun iwart J '0 .... rooke . e Jun. Farnhani. S. Cesaire, Q S. VV'minster C. Tor'nitine I I Brandon, M. P. la Prairie. Winnipeg, il Lunenbiirfr. Kingsbury u Wiight. ' CoiiTonge,Q. Narrows, O. Tignish, PEI C. Traverse. Geo't'wnPKl So\iris, PEI. Roberval, i}. Levis, Que. S. Joseph, (,i. iville.js. Aime .Si:i. th'ines Clifton, Oiil. y, N.B'SalisburyXI! 1, N.B|.St. Stephen. L,oupQ:Edmunds('n idstonlConnors, Nl! oqueJ jinthe oils, GananoqueO Rougenioiit. Yarmouth. Annapolis. POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Thf OJken printed in Italian are authorized, to grant and pay Monei/ Orders, The Offices marked * are Sa ving* Bank Ofices. Capital letters on right of the Electoral District column indicate the several Provinces of the Dominion, thiiK :—0, Ontario ; Q, Queliec ; N S, Nova Scotia ; iV B, yew Bnitiswick ; P E I, Prince Edward Island ; M, Manitoba; B C, British Columliia ; Alta. Alberta; Assa, Assinibuia ; Atha, Athabasca; Sask, Saskatchewan. The numbers and names placed opposite every place Indicate the Railroad or Steamship line on which the place or nearest railway station is situated. See list of Railroads and Steam- boats on pages 162 to 164. The thanks of the (juhlishers are due to E. W. Bullinger, Esq., for hia kind permission to use " BuUiiiger's Postal ami Shipper's Guide for the United States and Canada " in the preparation of the following list :— POST (IKFICKS. KLB0rOR.\L DISTRICTS. Aaskana Abbott's Corners. Abbotsford Abbotsford Abeiiakis Abenakis Springs Aberarder Abercorn Abercrombie . . Aberdeen .\berdeen Aberdour ..... Aberfeldy . Aherfoj/le . Aberiiethy .\l)igail .... .\biiigdon .\l)ougoggin Ud. Abrams Village . .\cacia Acadia Mines . . . .\cadie Aoadie Siding ' Ai'tinolite 'Acton "Acton Vale Adair Adamsville .Vlamsville .\(lamsville Adderley .\ddingtoii Forks Addison .\delaide -Vdnia.ston Admiral Rock . . . Adolphe Ad-.lphustown . . Aclstock Admicate Harbor. Afton Afton Road Afton Station. . . . Aijassiz .Xsjerton A'.'inoourt 'Amies Auricola .\limic Harbour. Sask Missisquoi Q Rouville Q Ne\v\Vestm'r..B.C Dorchester Q Yamaska Q Lambton, W R . . O Brome Q Pictou N S Gre,v, S R Cariboo B C Bruce, VV. R.... O Lambton, E. R. O VVellingtoP. 8.R. O Assa Selkirk M VVentworth, S R O WestmorelandN B I'rince P E I Norfolk, N.R....0 Colchester . . . N S Kent N B; Kent NB: Hastings O Halton O Bagot Q Assiniboia Bruce, N. R . . . . O Brome Q Kent ........ N B Megantic Q Antigonishe . . N S Brockville O .Middlesex, W R. O Renfrew, SR.. ..O Hants NS Middlesex, VV.R. O Lennox O Beauce Q Cumberland . . N S Antigonishe. ..N S Queen's PEI Antigonishe . . N S Yale&Kootenay BC Halton O York, ER O Beauce Q Alta Muskoka & P S'd.O RAILROAD ON WlllCnl (OCATKD OR NKAR'ST R. R. STATION 8KK| KKY, I'AOBS 1II2-104 POST UFKICE8. KLKCTORAli DISTRICT'S. Ahmio Lake .... .\ikenside 'Ailsa Craig . . . . Ainsworth Aird .•\irlie Air Line Junction Aitkin's Ferry . . Akerly Muskoka & P. S. O Selkirk M Middlesex, NR..0 Yale&Kootenay BC Missisipioi Q Simcoe, S R . . . . O Welland O King's P E Queen's N B Pr'ce Albert .=>35 •62 St. ArmandSt. 545 535 •! 535-73 St. Anselnie 675 329-9Yamaska!>35-l 580-51 .535 -3 N.Ola8gow5907-13' Durham 580-46 Ashcroft 535-70 580-54 (R.R. name Turners) Bothwell 535-42 580-83 Puslinch 535-35 Indian Head 535-52 Boissevain 535-57 Canfield 580-70-82 6-25-5 Upp. Sackville 638 \Vellington 6(i5-l Tilsonburg 580-78- 82 6-25-5 Lond'derryS. 599-1 Acadie Siding599-2 599-2 JTweed 535-34, e09-l i(.580-51 .580-8 535-4 via \Volseley via Wiarton 535-7 .599-2 Ste. Julie St. 580-12 James R. St. 599-7 Whitehurst 535-16 Stratlivov ,580-85 Renfrew 535-12 611 Shubenac-adie599-l iAppin ,580-83 309Ernestown580-9 Triiig Station 675 I'arsliorough 549 599-7 065-3 .599-7 .535-70 ,535-35 580-30 585-34 ,535-2 (R. B. name Megantic) : Edmonton 535-63 420-4 or Burks l-'alls ,580-67 Magnetawan 420-4 Chater 535-52 .585 580-51 445-3-4 iLacollo ,531-580-13 Lisle 580-64 .580-82-88 (R. R. name Welland J) Georgetown 565-3 3,59-1 Narrow 8 390 Alameda . Alba Alba .... Albanel . . Albany Alberni Alberry Plains Albert A Ibert Albertine Albert Bridge . . Albert Mines . . Alberton *Alberton Albion Assa Inverness . . ..N S Renfrew,N R....O Chicoutimi . . . RAILROAD ON WHICH LOC.\TKD OR NKAR'ST R. H. ST.\TION 8KK KKY, P.«)KS 162-164 Prince PEI Vancouver. ... BC Queen's PEI Hastings, E R . . OJMarys'. Albert N B «')3 535-58 Orangedale 59914 Pembroke .535-12 QJSt. Felicif- 349 or Robe ol (!65-2 450-1 eta. , 'vnii- ,' via. Chnvlottet ^ p. 580 ■■' ! Victoria N. B iCape Breton. . N S Albert NB Br-int, NR O Albuna. . . . Albury .... Alcester . . A Idboro' . . . Aldergrove , St. Hilaire 700-1 ria Sydnev N. S. 693 Lynden f jJ-83 Prince P E I 66' 1 Kings. • PEI Essex, S R O Prince Edward . . O Selkirk M .jElgin, WR O . N Westminster BC Alder Point .. . Alder River . . . Aldershot Alderville Aldina Aldouane Alert Bay Alexander's Point A lexander Alexandra Alexandria * Alexandria . . . . Alexandrina . . . . -Vlexis Creek . . . . Alfred 'Algoma Mills .. G> "etown 665-3 1 Essex 625 •1-5 Rednersville 308 Boissevain 535-57 Rodnev 6-25-5 Mission .535-70-73 4.50-3 ria N.SvdnevN.S. Hethert'on ,599-7 Waterdown 580-87 via Cobourg ICape Breton. . NS iGuvsborough. .N S iWentworth, NRO iNorth'berl'dWRO Kent NB610 N. WestminsterBC 450-1 Gloucester. . ..N BJShippigan 540 Selkirk Ml.535-52 Queen's P E I i-irt Charlottetown Cariboo B C Ashcroft 535-70 Glengarry Ol.531 Kent NBi Notre Dame .518 Algonquin Alice Alison .... I Alkali Lake JAUanburg ... \*Allandale . . Allandale , . . Allan Park Allan's Corners. . Allan's Mills .. .. Allnnsville Allen A lien ford Allen's Mills .... i Allenwood lAUisonville *Allisto7i 1 Alloa Allsaw Alhnnette Island \Alma Alma lAlina Cariboo |.\slK-roft St. 535-70 Prescott OiN. Belle 535-18 3-28 Algoma Oi.535"25 4-28-3 430-1 1 422-2 Gi-enville, S R . . O Mai'tland 5.«0-9 Renfrew, N R . . O' Pembroke .535-12 Westmoreland, NBiMoncton 518 .599-1- ; -2-12 Cariboo B C' Ashcroft 535-70 Welland .580-77-88 iSimcoe, S R .. . . 0:58(i -65-67-08-09 York N B Canterbury Sta. I j 535 -iK) Grey, S R oUlanover .580-55 Chateaugiiay Q; R. R. name Brysons I 580-7 ;Lanaik, S R . . . . O, Perth 5;*5-34 .Muskoka& PS'd.t) i:tterson .580-67 Fi-ontenao Ol via Kingston iBi-uce, NR o;,5S0-55 iPortneuf Q.674 Simcoe, N R . . . .OlElmvile .580-60-69 iPrince Edwiml . .O.Consecon 544 .0 1.580 -64 .O^Edmundton 535-39 Simcoe, S R . . Peel , Victoria, NR....O jPontiao Q Wellington, OR. O I Albert N B ! Pictou N S Ingoldbv 580-30 Pembroke 535-12 580-54 Albert 693 Westville 599-1 5* '4. 166 POST OFFICES AND llAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. „ f I' ' - -■''Hi- i U' [i89(i| im]] POST OKFices. Alma Alinasippi Alinira . . . . *AlmoHte Alport AUooe Alsfeldt Althorpe Altainont * Alton Alton Altona Alvanley Alvena 'AlviDStun Aniajfuadus Pond Amaranth Stalion Amhor Anilierley KI.ROTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WHICH l,Ol'ATKBORNKAR'ST H. R. STATION SKR KKY, IT. 102-164. Prince PEI Selkirk M York, E R... Lanark, N R. Simcoe. E R . .Muskoka&PS'd O Orcv, S R (> Lanark, 8 R.... O Selkirk XI Cardwell < » Colchester Ontario, W R POST OKPICKS. (10.5-1 Carman IJ3.5-54 O Unionvllle 580-36 .O .5:1,'). 12 .<) nraci'hi-ldtfe .".SO'O? 4-20-a Powasan St. 580-67 .'iHO-.'i.'i Maherlev 535-34 044-1 5;)5-39-40 NSl.-.<);l.l . O (Jlart'inont 53,'i-34 Appleton . Grey, NR OAllanfortl .180-55 Sasik Sfohnrt 53.">-62 Ambleside Amelia.sbur^ . . Amherst '^Amhersthxuqh. Amherst Point . Amiens Amigari Amnion Amqui Anuilree Anagance Anagance Ridge *A)icnster Ancienne Lorette Anderson Anderson . Anderson's Cor's. *Amiover Andrewsville .... Ange Gardien. .. Rouv'e Angeline . Angers. . . 'Angus Angus Ridge Annan Annapolis . . Annarowe Annesley . . Annidale . . Anson . . . . Ansonia . . . Anten Mills Anthracite ' Antigonlshe .... Antigonishe Har. Antig.Harb.S'tliS Laml.'on, E R . . O Cape llreton ..N S Wellington, N R O York, E R O Huron, W R ... O Bruce, E R . . . . O Prince Edward . . O Cumberland , . N S Esse.\, S R O Cumberland.. N S Middlesu.K.NVR.. O Welland O Westmoreland N B Rimouski Q Oxfonl, NR... King's N B King's N B Brant, N R . . . . O (Juebeo (^ Perth, SR O Westmoreland -NB Huntingdon . . . . Q Victoria N B Lanark, S R . . . . O Montmorency . . Q Rouville Q Rouville Q Ottawa Q Simcoe, S R O Alberta Grey, NR O Annapolis N S Queen's PEI Pontiao . . Queen's . . Hastings, W R..0 Algoma O Simcoe, N R O Antigonishe .\t\tigonislie Antigonishe Antioch Antoinette . . Antrim Antrim Apoliaqui . . . *Ap/iin . . . . Appin Ai)pin Road . Appleby Ajipledore . . Apple Grove. Apple Hill. 025-8 Grand Narrows S. 590 14 535-41 Millikin 580-36 Kincardine 580-48 432 Tees water .535-41 Rednersville 308 .5011.1 0-25-1 ,\iuherst .599-1 Hyde Park Corner .535-42 580-50-83 rill Fort Frie Moncton 518 599-1- 2-12 .599.2 Gad's Hill 580-53 .509-12 .Anagance 599"12 via tiamilton Ont 535-21 (R. R. name Loretto) St. Mary's .580-49-51 Jlidgic 638 Dewittv ille 580-7 535-86 Meri-ickville 535-33 319 I 679 I 535-1 (R. R. name; L'AiigeGardi'nE). .545-1 I 535-18 (R. R. name[ L'Ange Gardien)] .580-08 I Wetaskiwin .535-03, nia Owen Sound, O 714-71-2-302-303-2 I Ferry to Digbv ' N. Wiltshire, 065-1 .. QiQuyon663 N Bi,543-1 544 Thessalon 535-25. -22-2, 4-28-3 580-60 (R. R. name Hendrie) .535 -.53 .500-7 .\ntigonishe .509-7 Lower Settlement South R'ver.509-7[ nun'ville580-67315! Grenville 535-18 Elnisdale 500-1 i 35-12 ! JApsley Apto Arcadia |Aroher Archibald Archibald Sett. Areola Arden Ardfn Station Ardness Ardoch Ardtrea Argyle iArgyle Argyle Argyle ;Argyle Head . . .Argyle Shore . , Arjfyle Sound . . Arichat KIiKCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON Wlllcil LOCATItDORNKAR'sT R. R. HTATKIN HRI KKV, PP. 1021li4. Carleton Place .'laj 12-10 Coe Hill Mints :,u Arisaig. Arizona. . Arkell .... *A rkiina . , A rkwiight Arlington . Arlington . Armadale. Armadale. Armagh . Annand . Armow. . Alta . N S .NS .NS Armstrong Armstrong Armstrorg Armstrong's Br'k Armstrong'sCorn. Armstrong Lake Armstrong's Mills Arnaud Arner Ames Arnott \*Arnpnor !Arnstein Aroostoock June. AroostoockPor'ge Arrochar Arrow River Arrowton *Arthahaskamllc. ^Arthur Arthurette . , Arthurville . , Arundel Lanark N R O Peterboro" E R..O . Simcoe N R OJPheliston .5h<)i;ii Yarmouth — N s|ri'rt Yarmouth \S Dnndas ihitin MorrisburgUnt Colchester. . . .N s|Truro .MH)l-l;i Hcstigouche ..N B River Louison.5!)9-2 Alameda 535 -.58 535-34 622 Merrigomisherj;)0-7 Lavant Station Oil Orillia .580-3-2-07 .580--29 Bristol 635-86 via Yarmouth NS Stonewall 5;)5-(l(l via Yarmouth NS via Charlottetown PEI via Yarmouth NS 371 36 1 or via Port Hawkesbury NS 350-2 Antigonishe .599-7 .Sydney .535-52 535-37 Thedford 580-51 Invermay .580-55 Alliston 580-64 Canning .547 Milliken .580-36 665-4 (R. R. nam« Selkirk) St. Vallier 599-3 Tetu 700 Kincardine 580-48, 432 Okanagon 535-74 St. FrancoisNotdE. 675-1 Sussex Vale 5991-2 Jacquet River. 599-2 Welsford .535-88 622 (R.R. name Rokely) via Gueiph, Ont. Assa Addington O Marquette .M Pictou N S Addington O Simcoe E R O Victoria N R....O Carleton N B Yarmouth N S Lisgar N Yarmouth N S Queen's PEI Yarmouth N S Richmond N S Antigonishe. . .N S Maniuette M Wellington SR..O Lambton E R ...() Bruce N R O Cardwell O King's NS YorkER O King's PEI Bellechnsse Q TiSmiscouata Q Bruce W R O Yale&KootenayBC Beauce Q King's N B Restigouche. .N B Queen's N B Assa Wellington S R..0 Pi-ovencher Ml.5.'J5-55 Essex S R O 017 Muskoka & P. S. Argenteuil Q Halifax N S Lanark, N R.. ..O'Pukenluun King's N B .509-12 Middlesex, W R.Oi5aO-83 Antigonishe . . \ S^Antigonishe 590 Queen's PEI Holton O Both well O Stanstead q! ti'aChar'townPEI Bronte 5S0-87 Turnerville 573 Stanstead Jun. 512 .512-1 Glengarry Oj535-33 Apple River Cumberland . .N SlPai-sborough 549 Arva Asbestos Ascot Corner .... Asessipi Ash Ashburn Ashcroft ^Aflicnift Station Ashdad Ashdale Ashdown Ash field Ashgrove Ashland Ashley Ashtoii *Ashworth Lisgar M (ii-evN R Renfrew S R....0 Muskoka&P. S'd.O Victoria N B Victoria N B Assa Marquette JI .Mar.|uette M Arthabaska Q Wellington N R.O Victoria N B Bellechasse • Q Argenteuil Q Middlssex ER.. O Hichniond Q Sherbrooke Q Marquette M Halton O Ontario S R O Yale B (; Yale BC UenficwS R ....O Antigonishe. ..N S Muskoka&P. S'd.O Invei-nes.s N S Halton O Carleton N B Grey N R O Carleton Muskoka & P. S'd oiNovar 580-07 via Selkirk, Man. .535-40 .535-12 Trout Creek 58067 535-84-80 Aroostoock June. .535-84-86 Red Jacket 53552 Haniiota 585 It (( .580-12-14 .535-41 535-01 St. Vallier .599-3 Gi-enville 535-18, .541, 3-27, 328. London Ont. Danville 580-12 Ascot 675 Russell 622-2 Zimmerman .580 Co M'rtle 535-34,580-38 .535-70 Ashdad 611 Antigonishe 599 7 420-3 Oi-angedale 599-14 Esquesing .580-65 Hartland 535-86 Rockfoi-d 535-40 535-12 l'( IHT Askillon Askin Aspen Aspiliii Aspologan. . . Assf-lsiine .... Aston Station . Atha Athelstan 'Alli'its Athcrley Atherton Athlone Athcile Atfi'il Atkinson Athuita Attercliffe . . . AtterdiffeStatiOii Atwell Atwood Atw.xxl's Brook . Autitrt Gallion. . . Auliigny Aubrey Auburn Auburn Auburn Audet Audley Aughrim Augsburg Augustine Cove Auguston Auld's Cove *Aultsoille 'Aurora Aiixtin Arening Av ery's Portage . . Avighoii Avoca Avon Avonbank Avondale Avondale A\ ondale Station Avonmore Avonport Avonport Statior A\ onroy Avonton Arteme A,\t' L.ike A> er's Flat 'AiiU'Kj'oril 'Aiilmer(East) 'A)iliner(West) Aylwin 'Afir 'Aiiton Babington ri,-\(caro Viivk Bay Back Lands B.ick Meadows. . 'liaddeck Baildeck'Baj' . . . Baddeck Bridge JBaildeok River f Branch DA. [189(i I IsOO] POST OFFICES AND RAII.ROAT> STATIONS IN CANADA, RAILROAD O.N WflUij liOL'ATKBOH NKAR'ht R. R. NTATION HRl KKV, I'P. l()-_'-l(l4, O Carletoii I'lnce 535 12-lt) ..OCoo Hill Mines ,-,44 . .O HholiHton riMi Oil ()rilliaf)80'3'2-li7 580-29 Bristol esfi-se via Yarmouth NS Htotiewall fi.'ifi'dd i'in Yaniiouth NS via Charlottetown P KI via Yarmouth NS 371 .'JO I or via Port Hawkt'shur.v \S ;ir)'.c2 Anti^foiiishe Sydney 535'52 535 -37 Thedford 580-51 Iiivennay 580-55 Alliston 580-64 Caiiiiiii(f 547 Milliken 580-36 665-4 (R. K. nam* Selkirk) St. Vallier 599-3 Tetu 700 Kincardine 58048, 432 Okanagon 535-74 St. FrancoisNordE. 675-1 Sussex Vale 599-l'2 Ja?-quetRiver699-2 Welsford 535-88 sa|622(R.R. name Rokelv) Oivia Gueiph, Ont. M 1 535 -55 O017 ill via Selkirk, Man. 35-40 O. '135 -12 Trout Creek 580-67 535-84-86 Aroostoock June. .535-84-86 Red .lat'ket 535-52 Ilamiota 585 .580-12-14 '35-41 •;i.")-9] :i .St. Vallier 599-3 Grenville .53.-1-18, .541, 327, 328. London Ont. Danville 580-12 Ascot 675 i: Russell 6-22-2 ) Zimmerman ,58065 ) M'rtle 535-34,580-38 .535-70 It Ashdad 611 Anti)fonishc 599-7 »iRosseau 420-3 liOranifedak' 599-14 Ksquosins; ,580-65 jHartland 535-86 Rockford 535-40 5:!5-12 Novar 580-6" 167 POST iiKKIOCIi. ABkillon Ajikin AsIK'll Aspiliri ... As)ioi<)ifan. AKsclsline . A»ioii Station. Atha Athelstan 'AlllillH Athcrley Atherlon . Athlorie. . Athole ... Athiil .... Atkinson . Atliuita Attercliffe AttercliffeStatiOii Atwell Atwood Atvv.)ixl'8 Rrook . Antitrt Ciallion. . . Auliiv'ny Autirey Auburn Auburn Auburn Andet AiKlley Aiiifhrim AuK'slmrg Anj,'H9tine Cove . Aujniston Auld's Cove *Aultsville 'Aurora A lilt in Avtninc) A\ ery'8 Portage . . Avijfnon Avoca KLRCTORAL UIHTRItTW. InvernegK N S Middlesex S R .0 Ouysborough . N S Muskoka&P. H'dO Liuienburg N S Lennox O Nicolet y Ontario W R . . . . O Huntingdon Q Leeds S R O Ontario N R... O Norfolk N R ....O Cardwell O Glengarry O Cumberland. . . N S Frontenac O Kings N ? \VentworthSR..O Monck O Lisgar M Perth N R O Shelburne NS Beau je Q Provencher M Ch.iteauguay . . . . Q Huron S R O King's NS Queen's PEI Beauce y Ontario N R ...O Lambton E R . . .0 Renfrew, N R . . O Prince PEI Grey ER O Guysborough . . N S Stormont O YorkN R O Marquette M SimcoeN R O York NB Honaventure . . . .Q .\rgenteuil cj RAILROAD ON WHICH j LOCATED OR SKAR'ST a. K. HTATION NKK KKV, IM'. 162-164 l-OHT OKKICKM. Avon Avonbank Avondale . . Avondale Avondale Station. Avonmore . , . . . . Avonport Avonport Station Avonroy Avontoh Aweme A\K Lake A\ er's Flat 'Aillin'.ford 'Aiil>n('r(f'aKt) . ''Aiilmer(West) Avhvin ' Ajir 'Ayton Baljington Middlesex ER..0 Perth SR O Carleton NB Pictou NS Pictou NS Stormont O King's N S King's NS Bothwell O Perth S R O Selkirk M Muskoka& P. S'd D Stanstead Q King's N S Ottawa Q Elgin E R () Ottawa Q Waterloo S R . . . O Grey S R O Queen's ri.iccaro li.^ik Hay Back Lands. . . . Ba Putnam 535-35 St Mary's 580-49-51 Upper Woodsotck 635-80 599-7 i Avondale 599-7 535-33 714 Avonport 714 Sombra 573 SebriiiLTville ,580-52 Wawani'sa 844'1 Novar 580-67 i 512 714 ' Avlnier .535-14 003 1 Aylmer 580-82 KazHbaziu- 650 .535-35 ,580-55 Young'sCove543-l, 390 Barrington 376-i St .George 095 Afton 599-7 599-15 i 304,370,372 or Tonal .59914 lona 599-14,364,372 Ba-im POBT Bnrrlolph iLtniiox OINiiimn>filH»'2,fiH0'9 Bardsvllle Slmcoe E R () Knikt'nlmrtc fiH()07 BarkfrviUe . Bark Lake. Barkway . . Barnaliy River. . . BameNvilU' Barney River 8ta. Barney 'h River. . . BaniHley BarnHtoii Barra (lien Barra Head Carilmo BO Anhcroft .SS.I-TO Renfrew S R , . . () Ktfanville .isr.n Ontario N R . . . .O OrovenlnirHt 680 87, 420-3 Northuinl)er'd N H WM)-2 KliiK'H N l\WA-l Fietou N 8 .lOO-T Pictou N 8 ,')90-7 Listfar M wa:^:^ Ntnnstead y Coaticooke .'iSO'S Victoria Bar River Barrac'oisStljOuiH Barrettxlioltne . *liarrie. Barriefleld Barrie Inland . . Harrington .... Barrimjtiin. . . . Barrinjjton Pas'tje Barrington WchI Barrio's Beach . . Bar River Barronsfleld Barrow Bay .... Barry'g Bay Barry's Corner. . Barry vale Barr Settlement Barss' Corners . Bartibog Bartiboi; Bridge Bartlett Mills . . . Barton Bartonville Barwick Bfts de I'Anse . . . Bas de la Bale . Base Line Road . Basin Depot ?i*8in of River In- haoii..!.;.: . . Rayside Bayxide Haysifle •n1 Richmond .... N 8 Algonia I) Richmond.... N S Albert N B Bayside Hay St. Lawrenc^c Baj/niJille Saint Peters 864, .S70, 372 iJia .SaultStc Marie Albert 693 SiincoeN R Oi680'67 Krontenac O Algonia O m ...q ....NS Huntingdon Shelburne Shelijurne ....NS Shelburne ...NS Antigonishe. . .N S Algoma O Basingstoke . Bossin Bassin du Lit'vre. *Bam River Boss River Basswood Ridge . Bates Bateston 'Bath Cumberland . . N S Bruce N R <) Renfrew N R....() Ijunenburg. . . .NS Renfrew SR....O Hauls NS Uinenburg . . . .N S Northiimber'd N B Northumber'd N BlThe Willows 3.'i3 Charlotte N B Bartlett 53.5 •H7 via Kingston Gore Bay 428-3,430- 1, 4-22 2. .531 37(1-3 rirt Yarmouth Bnrrington 376-3 Big Tracadie r)OI)-7 Sault Ste Marie S3.'i-2.5 River Het)erl 006 Lions Head 426 Kganville M.^-ll Block House 646 Calabogie6U : ShubenacodieSOO-l New Germany 640 Chatham r>'ii,3r<:i Bayswater Bay View Bay view Bay view Bay view ■ Beaclihurg .... Beach Point ... Henconstteld . . . Iiea('0ns6el(l . . . Beoconstield . . . Hea<'h Meadows, ' Bench HUe Bealton ' BfamxviUe . . . . Bear Brook Bear Cave Bear Cove Chet. Bear Island RLKCTORAL DIBTRIOD. Hastings W R .(> Northumber'il N B Charlotte N B Halifax N S Victoria N 8 Ontario N R ....O King's N B St. .lohn N B 8uecn'» P E I rev K R O Digby NS Renfrew N R....O King's P E I Oxford S R O Victoria N B Selkirk M (Queen's N S Oxfords R O Norfolk N R.... O Lincoln O Russell O Muskoka&P. S'dO Digby NS York N B Bear Island . N RangeCorner712 (lire Hamilton Rat Portage 53.5-. 51 Murray Bay 329-8 1 Norton Sta. 599-12,: .543-1 Eganville 535-11 Port Hawkesbury .599-14, 371 Winona .580-83 Chicoutimi 329-8 674 Buckingham53^-18' Londonderry .5i)9-li Weldford 599 2 Bath X'nrleton Bathurxt Uloucestor *BathurHt Strerf Bathumt ViUagr Batiscan Batoche Batteau Battersea Battery Hill Battle.fDrd Baxter Baxter's Hat jour Bail du Vin Bay du Vin . lills. * Bayfield Bayfield Baiffield Bayfield Bay Fortune Bayham Bay Rowl Valley . Digby N S WentworthS R .O Algoma O Charlevoix Q Charlevoix i) King's N B DistrictNipissingO Richmond . . . N S Went worth S R .0 Chicoutimi Q Ottawa Q Colchester N S Kent N B Charlotte N BSt.Stepn'^.-i5 -89,605 Seiki rk Ml Roland 644-1 Cape Breton . .N s|'"'" Svdney ... 0,309, 3-24 Ernestown I 580-9 N B 535-88 N B:599-2, .540 ..O N BBathui-st .599-2 Champlain Q|535-21, 3-29-6 Sask Stobart 535-62 SimooeNR O .580-68 Frontenac Oj via Kingston Pictou N S Lansdo-.vne ,59913 SaskjSaskatooii Simcoe S R O Angus .580-68 King's N SlShertield Mills 547 Northimiber'd N B 353 Chatham 532 Northumbr'ld.NB' Huron S R oiClinton .580-,50-52 Westmoreland N B C'peTonnentine638 Antigonishe. . .N SAfton .59!)-7 Bear Point .... Bear l{.(W. Side) Bear River Hears Hill Beaton's Mills . . Beatonville Beatrice Hcaubien Beauce Junction Hea\idet Beaudoin * Beauhartiois . . Beaufort Beaulac Heaulieu Beauly Beaumaris Richmond . .NS Shelburne ....NS Uigbv NS King's P E I Alta Queen's P E Inverness .... N S .Muskoka&P.S'dO Montniagny Q Beauce Q Portneuf tj Meganti(! Q Beauharnois . . . . Q Carleton NB Montcaliii (j Montmorency . . .Q Antigjiiishe . .N S Simcoe, E R O Beaumont . Heaiunont. . , Heaurepaire , Heauport. . . . Beaupr6 Beaurivage . Bellechasse . . Beausiijour . iHeauvoir . . . Lennox . . . {Beaver . Toronto West . Gloucester. . . . King's P E I King's PEI Elgin ER O Victoria NS Cherry Grove 665-4i Souris East 665-4, i 3.59-1, -^71, Corinth 580-82 Neil's Harbour 372 Beaver Bonk . . Herver Hrook. . . , Beaver Hrook . . . , ! Beaver Cove . . . . Heaver Creek . . . . Heaver Creek . . . . Heaver Dam . . . . Beaver Harbour. . Heaver Harbour. . Beaver Hills. . . . Beaver Lake Beaver Mine . . . . Beaver Point Beaver Rapids . . . Beaver River . . . . Beaver River Cor. *Beaverton *Bicane(mr Alta Jacques Cartier. .Q Quebec Q Montmorency . . . Q Lotbiniere Lisgar M Vaudreuil Q Yale&K'oten'y.BC Halifax NS Albert N B Colchester . . . . N S Cupe Breton . . N S Marquette . M Vancouver . . . . B C York N H Chariotte N H Halifax NS .\lberta Alta Algoma O Vancouver . . . . B C Marquette M Digby N S DigbV N S Ontario, N R....O Nicolet Q RAILROAUON Willi II LOCATKDOR \Y.\M.,, R. R. HTATln.V Hrn KKV, PP. 162 1(14 via Belleville Hay du Vin :j,i:) St. Andrews .'>:;•, 87, 4(Ki. Prospect 373 Neils Harbour c. Braceliridge f.fn 67, 420-3 Holderville :iimi St. Martins ,54:; j Hunter'sHiv'rOi. t ri'a Meaford Grahams 535' I i CanliganB'gelK'.,-.:', Hurgcssville rilii-.n Kilburn .535-h(i Swan Lake (144 i Liveriiool 370 .! ,580 -8-2, 535-35 Waterford515,(i-.;r. ;, 580-83 \'ars 531 Rosseau 4'20-.'! Metaghan Sin 71.' Mouth of Keswiok .535-83 Port HawkeNliiir^ ,51M»-14, 371, .Wi. Rarrington 3-ni 3 Digby712,392,:(l»a .' 665-4 • I Wetoskiwin 5:i.''i i,; Ilia Chariot tetow II PortHoo012 .535-51 Vaudreuil St,it;»n ,580-9 ,535-32-:!:; 535-70 (R. H. nmiit Beaver Mouth) 714 Albert 693 Trut-o 5991-12. Boisdali- C'lapel 599-14 McGregor Station .535-52 Alberni 41:0 1 Waasis Sta'ii 53.'i!''2 Pen'field Ridge (i'.iri West Rivei- Harbour 371 Edmonton ,535t;.; Edmonton 535 i;'. •Munlla .535-51 Burgoyne Bay I'l Moosomin 535 fi J Hebron 71-2 Hebron 712 580-32 Ste. Angele de La- val 580-14 l'( 1ST ilKriCKM. Iki-lii'f Iteikstead . . Iledeiiue . . . I Wntl'ird H.ilfiprd Basin . . Dfilfci-f! Mill*... Ikiltcird Park... /jrt'/ic I'iaii^ ... ■ Beei'h Drove . Beech Hill . . . Becih Hill ... Beecli Hill . . . Beerli Lane. . . Ik'L'ihinount iteiclimont . . Bei'i h Ridge lieechville . Beeihwocxl . . lieecbwood . . Bei'i-iiwood . . Bffliin Biilair Bel'-ourt Belfast IWh'axt llf(fiiui'tain. Beltfrave . . . . 'lielhaven .. Bella Bella . . Bella Coola.. Belliimy's . . . Belle Anse . , Belle Cute Belledune Belledune River . Belle Creek BelleHeur Hellcisle Belleisle Belleisle Bay . . . Belleisle Creek . Bellenden liulle Prairie. Bellurive . . . . Bellerive 'Belle Hiver. Belle Riviere Belle Vall6e .... Bc'llcview ' ISelle lille Belleville Belleville Belleville Station Bell Ewart Bellingham Belliveaux Cove. Belliveaux Vill'g Bell Mount Bellrock Dell'H Corners . . Belmlna Hebr.ont lielmont Ilelmont Belmont Beliniire Belieil Station . Beluiil Village . . Belses . . . . Belton . . . *Belwood . n DA. [189.; I l«y«>] I'O.ST OFFICES AND UAILKOAD STATIONS IX CANADA. 1U1> RAILROAD ON Win,,, MKATKDORNKlH.f K. R. HTATtO.V HI, KKV, IT, KIJ l,i4 () ri'rt Hellcvill,. N It lluy (111 \ ill .1 :t N » St. AntlrtwM ;Vr, 87, -KHI. N S I'roHpfcl, HT;! N S NeilH Harbour ,i: ' <»;llrari'liri(l>fe r,Mi " I (iralmniH S.'l.iii K lK'ur(li^'anH'j;e(;ti,V,j • .<>tlliirifensviller),s(i>i) < H|Killmrri MSWi M|.S\van Lake (144 I N S I,lveri)ool 370 :; ftHO'S-.', 53r.-;)r. Wftterfor(lr.lf),tl:'r, ■, ftSO-SS \ars ,'>31 Ko8Neuii 420;! Metaffhan St:i. 7i> Mouth of Ki'swiik r)3r.-8:t Port HawkoH)iiir\ rmu, 371, .(Ml N SlRai-rirnfton 3;„:( NS I)i;fby712,392,;mL> K I 6(1.1 -4 - , ilta Weto-skiwin .vw-t'ij K lima Charlottetown '*SjPortMoo3.')'I7 I'ia Queliec, (^iiic Heathertoii .W,'-: 420-3 or liiar( bridire m)-(\7 Levis H7:> r>mf:; ■ i Edmonton .I.J.Vi ; S80-9, 53.1 '33 «70 Ste. Annedc Hciu- prii (17(i Craiff's Road Si.i tion 5SO-12 S35-51 V'aiidreuil .Station .580-!) ,'):iT'3-'.;;:; Mr,''niii. n. n^m Beaver .Month) 714 Albert 603 Truro 5!li)l-l'2, Boisdali- C'lapel 599-14 McGrej,'or Station .53.5-52 Alberni 4!;o-l Waasis Sta'.i r)3.'r« Pen'field Kid^fetai:. WcHt River Harbour .-171 Kdiiioiiton .535ti.i EdiuoiitOB .53.5-(;" Muri1la.535-5I Bur^oyne B,t\ i 1 Moosoinin 535 C' Hebron 71-2 Hebron 712 >(5,Sn'32 ijSte. Anstele de l.u- I val .580-14 I'llHT (IfKICKH. KLKCrOKAL DIHTKICT. IRAILROADON WtllCII'! locatkiioknkah'ht H. K. NTATKIN MKK KKY, PP. UU-UH. i FONT (IKKICKM. llfiH'ord Ileiirord Boxin . Ileilforr! Mills.. Ikilfiird I'ark. Hfchir Bothwell O WallaceburK 573 Dec k>li'a(l Dundas O C'he»terville 535-22 liedeiine Prince P E I Suninienide (16.'<'1 34fl 356 2 MiMitquol Q'535-1 Halifax NS7I4 rmri (R. R. name Rpclford) Krontenae OiNewboro' .516 319 York, \V R (*|OT'a Toronto Out. B-'flie I'taii lUtaiigtead (/Stanxtead Juncti'ii 512, 512-1 Beech (Jrove 'Pontlao O Eardley 663 Betrh Hill I Albert NS Belyea'u (,'ove. . Betiacadie Benacadi)' i'oiid. Henbec'ula Bendale Ben Lomond Beiiiiiiller .. . ileiiiu'tt BennliiKton . Bec<'h Hill Beecli Hill Beei'li Lane. Ik'ti-hiiiount lieci'hinont . Be('( h Kidtre BeiM-hville . Beechwooil . Hei'tliwood Antifronighe Bei'cliwood Carleton . KinK'8 N Si Kentville 714,547 Lunenburt ... N S;Mahone B. 646,373 Norfolk, S R. . .. O'l'ils'burK ,580,78-8'.; HaHtin)(H, N It. . .O'Oi-niMbv 541 Cape Breton.. N S Leiteh's t'k. 599-14 ArKenteuil t^JLai^hute .535-18 Halifax N 8 iirt Halifax, N S Huron, S H . Beetiiii liiSlair Beli'ourt Belfast Il'liasl Urijoui'tain. Belnrave . . . . 'lielhaven .. Bella Bella . . Bella Coola.. Bellamy's . .. Belle Anse . . ,...0 ..NS .NB Seaforth .580-: Benafort . . . Benton Ilentpath. . . Iteraimer . . . Beresford . . BereNford . . BerKerville . Berkelev ... •lifrliii Berimdotte . Belle Cute Belledune Belledune River Belle Creek BelleHeur lielleisle Belleisle Belleisle Bay . . Belleisle Creek Bellenden Sinieoe, S R Portneuf.. . Lig|i;ar M Huron, \VR ....O tjueen's P E I CaMv\-ell () Huron, WR O York, N R O New WeHtniingter. N.Westminster. BO Broekville () OospC' y InvernesH N S Gloucester. . ..N B Ciloiicester. . . .N B Oueen'3 P E I Victoria N B Annapolis N S King's N U Kintf's N B Kintf's N B Queen's N B Hflle Prairie, liellerive . . . . Bellerive 'tSdle nicer... Helle Riviere . . Relle Vallde lielleview ' lie lien' lie Belleville Helleville Belleville Station. rifll Kwart Helliiiffham lielliveaux Cove. . Belliveaux Vill'ge Hell Mount Bellrock nHl's Cnrnvrs . . . Helmina H'-huont Iklmont lii'bnont Hohnoiit Belinm-e Heheil Station , BelflBil Villajfe . . Belses Belton ''Uelwood 535-56 O|580-64-65 ^1 Beauharnois Assa Montreal East . . Q Essex, NR O Two Mountains. .Q Reaburn 535-52 Lucknow 580-48 Ilia Charlottetown Credit Forks,535 -39 580-.50 Siition West .580-37 4.50-5. via Nanaimo Victoria .535-16 Malbaie 346 or Pt St. Peter 3.50 Maritaree H. 36»-2 599-2 Belledune 599-2 via Charlottetown Green River 53584 Bridgetown 714 Norton Sta. 599-12 Norton Sta. .599-12 .543-1 (R R Belleisle) 543-1 (R R name Bagdad Grenfell 535 -.52 Val'tleld .531 58015 324,329-2-3 580-83 535-42 Ste. (Scholttstique 5,'i5-18 LacoUe .531 ,580-13 Berneir .. Berrietlale Berrv.MillStation Berr) ton . lierrvtoii . Bersimiss ISertha Berthicr(en has). ' Be rt'ic 1(1' n limit) Bertbier June . Bert I and 5431 .543-1 name Bervie .. . Berwick . . ' Uenfick. Bethany . Bethel . . . Bethel ... Bethesda . Beidah . . Beverley . Bewdley . Bexlev , . . Bic Bickford . I Bienville . St John's *.(l Selkirk >' Pipestone 535-(); Hastings, E R. . .580-9-27 308 309 3-24 Carleton N 1, Debet- 535-85-90 > Yarmouth N S < in Yarmouth N H Hastings, E R. . .O|580-9-27 Siiiicoe, S R olLefioy .580-07 .\lgonia OlTliLiiipson .535-35 712 (R. R. name Belliveau) Colle'e Hri'ge 599-1 D.gby N S Westmoreland. N B Poiitittc Q Shawville 663 Addiiiftton O Verona 611 Carleton 5,35-12 i Wolfe q Coleraine Sta'n (i75' Prince P E 1 1 .Miscouche 665-1 Middlesex, SR..O. 535-35 i Selkirk M 044 1 I Rig Bank Big Bar Creek . . Big Brass d'Or . . Big Brook Big C!ove Big Fork liiggar Ridge .... Big ("ilen Big Harl)our Big Harb. Island Big Hill Big Intervale (.M.) Big liitervale(CN) iBig Island Big Island iBig Lake ;Uig Loraine i Big Marsh I Big Point KI.RITCIKAL niHTRIlT. RAILRnAPntt wiiu-tt Mil ATKIIOK NRAR'nl H. H. HTATIOS MRU KRt-, PI-. I62-1(U. \-.\:> 135 3 Colchester . . . .N S Bruce, E R O Vercheres Q Vercheres tj Selkirk M Middlesex, E R..O Wellington, E R.O 599-1 Wroxeter 635-41 580-8 .•t35 329-4 (R., 335 329 4 or Beloeill St. 580-8 1 Pipestone .535 -(i5 .580-49 (RR.Kelly's) 535-36 Big Pond. j Big Port le Bear . Big Ridge I Big Ridge South . I Big Springs JBigXracadie . . . . Oiieen'K N B Wirkhain 390 Cape Breton. . .N SOraiid .Narniw .S. .599- 1 1 Cape Breton .. N M (i. Narr'ws .s.-ititi t A»ga ' Wapella 535-5-J York, E R OlScarboro' Junition .580-9-;«i St. John N B rUi .St. John. X It HuroM, W R . . ») (l(Kleiich58o;2 4:i--' Migantic Q Coleraine Sta'n 075 Oxford, N R 0;Bca(hville .53.5-35 : .58o-;s3 Peterboro, W R O Millbiook ,580 l^arleton N B 535-90 Bothwell Dresden .573 Missisquoi U (""owansville .' Selkirk XI .535 ■;18 Gloucester N B'.590-2 Quebec Q I'la Quebec, t^» Grey, N R O .535-40 Waterloo, N R . .o .580-47-51 Levis Q Chaudiere Station .5.M0 12, 51tr Street .... Blount Blue Bell Blue Bonnets .... Blue Cove Blue Mountain . . Blue's Mill Blue Rock .... Blue Si)rings . . Pthicvale ... . -libith Bl.vthfleld Blytheswood . . * llobeaygeun .. Bocabec Sunbury N B Northuin'land.N B Lunenburg.. . .NS King's N S Prince Edward . . O Prince PEl Carleton N B King's N B Digbv NS York N B King's N B Prince PE I Waterloo, N R ..O ((Queen's P E I Ontario, W R....O Norfolk, W R....O Toronto West... .O Caldwell O t Victoria N B Hochelaga i) RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATKD OR .NKAR's, H. R. STATIO.S SRB KKV, PP. l(i2-l(H 535-8; Hoyt Stati'n 532 646 Canning 547 544 665-1 Wo'dstock535 56 iKi 599-12 712 Boiestown 532 .599-12 665-1 Berlin ,580-47-51 Ti-acadieCr'ssim,ra Sto'lf\ille,580-36-3: Simcoe580-80-82-f>(i Oraiigeville 535-40 Grand Falls 5:1584 ,580-16 Gloucester . . . N SlGrand Anse 540 1 Pictou N s Inverness .... N S j Lunenburg ... N S lYale&KootenavBC iHuron ER O Huron EB Lisgar M Essex SB O Victoria SB .. . .0 Rogart . Bognor . Boharm Boiestown Boileau Boisd'le Barachois Boisdale Chapel. Beis de Filioii . . . Bois Franc ''linisnevain Boissonneault . Bolduc N.Glasgow 599-713 Orangedale 5ii!t-U via Lunenburg Okanagon 535-74 580-48 .580-,50 Starlmck 535-59 625-3 312 or Lindsay 580- 30-32-35 Charlotte N BJSt. Andrews 635-87, I 400 Hastings E R . . .Ol Tweed ,535-34 .5(i91 Grey N K OjMeafordfJ80-68,480- 1 Di'o Owen S'd Northuinber'd N B .532 Ottawa (^> Calumet ,535-18 Cape Breton.. N S Boisdale Chapel Cape Breton . . N S Terrebonne Q Pontiac Q Selkirk N Megantio . . ,599-14 ,599-14 SteTheresede Rl'in- yille.535-18-22--23-24 Mattaw-aOnt,,535-li! 536-.57 .Q MethotsM'ls,5S0i; Bolingbroke .... Bolsover ' ISiilton liiilttin Centre . . . Bolton Forest . . IJolton Glen iBomanton I Bon .Accord .... Bonaventure Isl. ^BtinarentureKir'r Bonaventure Kast Bon l)(?sir . . , ' lioiiitlicad . Bongard'sCorners Bounce hire Bonne EspOrance Bonney Hi\ crSta. Bonnie \l TracadieCr'ssOti.rj Sto'lf ville 58()-;j«-3r Siiiicoe580-80-S<2-M) NB tl.NB .NS .NS IcI.O •KI xVH N B NS KI ..() EI ,..() .0 . . () ..() .NB Oraiiffeville fi,ir)40 Grand Falls 5:i''vg4 . 580-10 N SlOraiid Anse 540 N S I N'.GlasK-ow WiO-T-ls N SJOrangedale rm-\i ijBC ...o ...0 ...M ...O ...o ,NB ...0 ...O Assa NB ■ NS ...Q ..Q .. N ...Q .. O ...o ...o I'ia Lunenl)iii„ Dkaiiajfon 5;i5"74 58(1-48 580 -50 Stai'buck 535-5!) 6-25 -3 312 orLindsav ;'iSO 3()-32-35 St. Andrews 535-87, 400 Tweed 535-34 509-1 Meaford580-(i8,430- 1 via Owen S'd 535-52 ")32 . (i> Calumet 635-18 N S Boisdale Chai)e! 5!t!)-14 599-14 iSteTherescde Bl'i:!. ville 535-18-22-23--24 MattawaOiit,635-r2 535-57 McthotsM'ls580-l-i St. Francois Kord Ea.'*t()75 1 Maherlv 535-34 Eldoii Sta. 580".'9 5:15-40 QlKnowlton .535-4 , ..Qi Eastman 5,'i5-7 (!53 ..QjKnowlton 535*4 idOiw/n Coboiirg N BiKilburn ,")35-8(J .. Qj Perec 34«, 350 ..(^ 350, Black Cape, 'U3 . . 9 Blac-k Cape 508 , . Q Ta Honi'lielte Ottawa q Kazubazua 056 Bridge V.n<\ Glengarry O Dal'usieM'ls 535-3 noiick'sHill .... Duiidas O ria Morrisburg 1 Bridgenorth Peterboro', W R.O 310 or I'm P't'rb'ro' liouilreau Village Westmoreland N B Richland Sta. ,599-1' Bridgeport Waterloo, N R. ..O Berlin 580-47-51 Bomlreau Westmoreland N B Shediac ,599-11 1 Hridqeport Cape Breton . . N S via Sydney Mile End 585'! 8-33 Tiridijetmcn .. . . 'Bridgeville Annapolis N S I'ictou N S 714 ■ iioiilai-darie Victoria ... . N S 304 lona 599-14, 37 Hopewell .599-13 Boulardarie C'tre Victoria N S rid North Svdnev lliridgeu'iiter Lunenburg. . . .NS (i4(i 374 Boiilardarie East Victoria N S nia North Svdne^' ■Brierwood Selkirk M Griswold ,53552 Boulardarie West Cape Breton.. NS Georges Riv. 599-14 "llriijden Lambton, W R . O 025-8 Boulogne Urummond Q ,535-4 Brigg's Corner. . . (Queen's N B Chipman .543-1 390 Bourdeau Muskoka&P.S'dO Ehn.sdale .580-67 Brigham Brome Q 535-3 Boulter Hastings N R ...O Westmoreland N B *Bri-iM(>l (Jarleton N B Pontiac (^ .535-80 •Bniniianville . . . Bristol 003 lington Landing) Bristol Mines Pontiac Q Bristol 003 Boxall Elgin, \VR O Union ,580-81 Bristol Ridge.... Pontiac Q Bristol 603 Box Grove York, ER O Markham 580-36 Britainville Algoma O Providence B.ay 4-26 Bovle Monck .Moulton Sta.580-82 Britannia Peel O Malton ,580-51 Bdiiliituti Guysborough. . N S Ciuysborough 304 Britannia Bay . . . Carleton O .535-12 Bovne Halton Milton West 535-35, Britannia Mills . . Bagot Q 580-8 580-05 Britton Perth N R O 580-53 Bovnton Stanstead Q 512 (Libby's Mills JBritonville Terreboiuie Q Pedmont 535-22 Ontario, N R....0 Station) ,580 07, 420-3 Muskoka&P.S'd O 'Braeebridge .... BroadCoveChapel Inverness N S Port 1100(13.59-2,304 Enn^kenrig Muskoka&P S'd O Port Carling 420-2i Little York 665-3 Broad(.'ove(Lune) Broad Cove Marsh Lunenburg. . . .N S Inverness N S Bri(lgc\vat'r046,374 IT. Hood 3.50-2 Brackley Point . . Queens ... PEI Braokley Point R Queen's .... PEI Little York (i65-3 ■Broiid Cove Jlines Inverness — N S Port Hood 3.59-2,364 liriickley Beach . . Q'leen's PEI Little York 605-3 iBroadlands Bonaventure . . . . Q .508 (R.R. name Branonciale York, W R via Toronto 1 Bourdon) 'Urailfitrd York, NR O Bruce, ER 580 -('7 Paislev 580-54 535-52 Bradley Broad I'iew Ave., City of Toronto... Briwlshaw Bothwell Brigden 025-8 Broadway Pictou . . N S Barney River Sta. Brndwardine ... Selkirk M Oak River 585 .599-7 Briie Prince PEI Muskoka&P S'd Coleman 005-1 South River 580-67 Strathallan 580-80 Brock Road ■ ^Bnicktnii Brockton Ontario WR....O York WR O Prince PEI Pi(-kei-ing 580-9 IJriie Lake . . i'ia Toi-onto Bnu-mar Oxford, N R . . . O BlooMitield Station Braeside Renfrew, SR....O .535-12 1 005-1 Brainlev Sinicoe, S R . . . . 580-07 l^Bivuki'iUe Brookville O 51(i, 580-9, 535-16, ^Iliain/iton . . . . Peel O 580-51.,535-39 305, 3-20, 323, 3-24, Branch La Have. Lunenburg. . . N S Brid'water 040,347 3-29-2,,504-l Ferrv Bi.iiicepeth Sask P. Albert 535-02 to Morrist'n N Y lliaiichton Waterloo, S R . . 580 -.54 Broadh.agen Perth N R O Mitchell .580-,52 ' llriimlon Selkirk M 044-1,. 535 -.52 044-1 (R R name Brodie (ilengariy O Lisgar M Dalkeith ,531-1 Br.iiidon Hills . . Selkirk M Brokenhead .... Beausejour 535-51 Norfolk, NR....O Martinsville) 580-80 Bronie Brome Q Brome Q 535-4 liriiiidv Creek .. Brome Outre . . . Brome .535-4 Hi-.iiisHeld Northum'land.N B Kcumanic 3.53 j Bromley Line Renfrew O Grahams 535-12 ' ISntntfonl Bi-anf, S R O 580-78-79 515 Brompton liicbmond Q Thus ion ,58t)-8 Brass Hill Shelbiirne N S Barrington 370-3 Brompton Falls. . Hichniond Q 580-8 I'.rw's Crossing. . Russell O Osgoode Sta. 535-20 Bi-onsoii Hastings N R .. O I'.razil Lake Varmouth . . . N S 712 'Ihiititc Halton ), 580-87 Ili-cadalbaiie Glengarrv " V.ankleck H'l ,531-1 Brookbury Compton (J 0-20 Brcadalbane .... Restigouche . . N B New Mills .599-2 Brooke Lanark S R O Wemvss .535-34 Iircadalbane (i>iieen's PEI 005-1 (R. H. name Brookdale Ottawa O Calumet 535-18 Bradalbune) lirookdale .Selkirk MCarbcirv .535 42 liri'an's Creek. . . . Westmoreland N B College Br'ge 5991 Brookdale Cumberland.. N S Amhui-st 5991 Ontario, N R....O Assa. 580-32 (i--'2 South Ohio 712 Hrookfleld Bl-ooktield llrookticld Stat'n. (Jolchester. . . .N S 59!l-l i'i'.'denbur\' . . Queen s N S Barr's ( 'oriiers 040 Welland O 025-2. 5f-(l-.s2 Hi( nton ..'. Varmouth .. . .N S Briiitwood Simcoe, N R O ,580-08 Hi-oohholm (Jrev, N R O r/rr Owen Sound Bresaylor Sask. Saskatoon .535 •62 Brookland Pirlou NS W. Riv. Sta. ,599-13 nri"i|au Waterloo, S R . . . O Frontenac O 580-51 319 or Ballnntvnc ,*Hrnnklin Brooklyn Ontario, S H . . O King's PEI ,5H)-3>i lii.wer's Mills ... Car'gan Br'ge ii05-3 Station .58ii-!» lUmk'yn Queen's N S Liv erpool 370-;i i 'ri. li M •it m - f, 172 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IX CANADA. [lS9iill89»i] PO' POST OPFICEH, Brooklyn Brooklyn Comer. Brooksdale Brookside Brookton Bruokvale Brookvale Brook Village Brookville Brookville Brookvillr Brookville Sta'n. . Broomhill Brophy's Brosseau's Stati'n Brotherston * Brougham Broiighton Stati'n Brown Hill Brown's Brook . . Brownsburg Brown's Corners. Brown's Flats Brown's Mountain Brownsville Brownsville Brownnville Brownsville . Brucefield . . . Bnice Mines KliKCTOHAL DISTRICTS. Yarmouth . . . . N S King's NS Oxford, NR ....O Halifax .NS Albert NB Queen's N B Halifax NS Inverness N S Cumberland . . N S I'ictou N S Ccrleton N B St. John N B Bru Bnidenell .... Bniedorhyim . Brule Brule Shore . . Brunner Brunswick . . . 'Brussels Bruxelles Bryanston . . . Bryerton .... *BniHon Buchanan . .. , Biiokfield 'Buckimjham Buckland .... Bucklaw Buckley * Buctouche Bulger Bull .Moose Hill.. Bull's Creek Bullock's Corners Bulstrode Station Bulwer Bunessan Bunyan Selkirk M Antiffonishe.. .N S Laprairie Q Wellington, N R.O Ontario, VVR....0 Beauce Q York, NR O Cumberland . . N S Argenteuil Q York, E R O King's N B Antigonishe . . N S Norfolk, N R....O Piotou N S King's NB N. Westminster, BC Huron,SR O Algoma ... KAILROADO.V WHICH LOCATKDORNEAR'ST R. R. STATION 8K,K KEY, ri>. 162-104 via Yarmouth Waterville 714 Beachville b'i^-Zb, Selkirk M Renfrew, S R ...O Alta Colchester ....N S Colchester NS Perth, N R . . . . O Durham, E R . . O H\iron, ER .... O Selkirk M Middlesex, E R.O Northumber'd.N B Pontiac Q Renfrew O Queen's N S Ottawa Q Bellechasse . . . . Q Victoria N S Addlngton O Kent N H Renfrew, N R .. () King's N B Carleton N H Wentworth, N R.O Albert 693 Cody's .')43-l Shubenacadie 599'1 Orangedale f)90-14 Parrsborough .'549 N'wGl'sg'w59<.>7-12 Wo'dst'ck ."iSS •80-90 St. John 599-12 r)3.-)'88 Melita 535-58 Antigonishe 599-7 580-7-13 Fordwich 535-41 Locust Hill 535-34 675 580-37 (R. R. name Ravenshoe) Half'w Riv.Sta. 549 Laohute.WS-lS Agincourt 535-34 .'580 -,S6 Mouth of Nereiiis 535-83 Marshv Hope 599-7 625-5 ' Merigonishe 599-7 4.53-1 (R. R. name Scotch Set'le'ent) 035 ,58(1 -.50 .0^535-25, 4-28-3,430-1, 422 2 Cvpress Uiv. 535-59 Eganville 535-11 Edmonton 535 03 Denm'rkR'd 599-15 Denm'rkR'd 599-15 580-25 .580-48 POST OFPICKS. Burnbank Burnbrae Burnhamthrope . Burnley Burns Burnside Burnside j Burnside Station (Burnstown iBurnsville I Burnt Churiib. . . jBurntcoat I Burnt Land Brook I Burnt River .... JBurrard Inlet. . . . Burritt's Rapids. . Burden ' Bur ford Buri'icsurille Burgoyne Burfini/ni' Ba>i . . Burkiton Station Burk'K Falls Burleigh Arthabasku Compton Grev, S R Lambton, W R. Burleigh Falls . . ' Burlinntoa Burlington . . Burlington . . Burnaby . . . York N B Brant, S R O Oxford, S R O Bruce, W R . . . . O Vancouver.. . . H C Durlmii], W. 1{ , .t) .MuskokaitP.S'd.O Peterborough E KO Peterborough E RO Halton O Prince P E 1 King's NS Monck O Burtoh Burton Burton Burton Burwell Road I :Burtt's Corners. . Bury's Green Bush Glen Bute Butterfield Butternut Ridge ! Button ville. Buxton .... iB.vng Byng Inlet . 'Bi/iig Inlet Bvrnedale . . Byrne's Road. ; Byron Cable Head. . . Cable Head, West Lucan 580-51 Renous B'dge .599-8 Camiibell'sBaveaS Chalk River 53512 Brid'water 640, 374 ,535-18, 3-27, 3i8 S(. Charles, River Boyer 599-3-4 Orangedale .599-14 Go'l:> .Moosoniin 53.5^-J McKinnons Hirh. 599-14 North'lierland.N BJBlacVville 532 Brant, N R O',580-79 Leeds, S R OMallorvtown 5mi') Middlesex, W R..Oj.Stiatirroy 580^' Chateaugiiav . . q! Allan's Cor's. .'imi'T Wentworth.'S R.OjWinona 580,N:i Wentworth, S R.O Cii Oeld 580-711 -A I 0-25-5 Renfrew, SR....0I0II .Middlesex, S R. OlSouthwold S. 0-' ^ Grev, S R O Alsfeldt .5H0-.M Cai-dwell O, Caledon 535-40 Pontiac Q Bristol 603 Muskoka&P. S'dO EshexN R O King's P EI Middlesex S R.. O King's PEI King's PEI Nipissing Yale BC Terniscouata . , . a) Durham, W R.,.0 Durham, W R...0 Stormniit O Assa Victoria N S Elkhoi-n 53,'. vj Hoard's Sta. r.^ii ■.: Dixie 535-35 Colborne 5*11:131., Newton 580:,;; .535 -.52 Glengarr\ Siniioi, .599-13 ' 535-5? Arnprior 53nli 540 3.53 Chatham ,;. Shubnacadie.MM'i Torrancev'le .'..;:. 'i 580-30 (R.R. nam,. Retties) ma Vancouver HC 319 or Merrickvjii,. 536-32 .Mohawk 315 Pontypool 53.', 14 590W.'uisisS, ::.:,.-■! Blo'mtleldSta.iiH.', I Mount Brv(l;i-c.- .'.:!:, -42, SS0"-83 Zealand Sta. :>.i'>-'?, Fells 580-30 Aultsville 58(»!) Ste.Jule Sta .'iSmIO Deloraine 535'.'.7 572 (R. R. name Havelook) Unionville 580 Ifi CharingCross tVi.V? Lanark, N R....0 Cardwell Cardwell O Haldiniand O Queen s Queen's .Antigonishe ..PEI ..NS ..NS (^ape Breton . . N S Albert N B Prescott O Alta. Selkirk M on (R R iiiiie Clyde Forks) ,535-40 580-65 580-70-79 ),'/(( C'barlotttlu»!i Biirss' Corners, rii. Lower Settlennnt South R.,59!» : I'm Sydney N s Turtle Creek 6'.>' L'Orignal 327,;iJ'> CuhnnetQ.535 !S ,535-,53-03-64 Thornhill 535-67 rosT »VK1CB«, (alhoun... I alifornia OM'iiilc' Calton raliiiii'-' ■■•■-•■ ,„l„iiiet Island. I'llvill (..iniliorne Camhraij ( aintiria ( .iniliridge r,iniliridge laiiiliridge Road. laniliridge Stat'u Camilen Camtii'H hktst.. Canielot Wi Vic Ml Kl| Ar Pn Ni N( Vi Al 1,4 M Elkhorn 5^:, v idO Hoard's Stii, -.vii- . O Dixie M^-A', 'RO Colborne Ssoiisi,, ..O Newton 58n:,;;' .N, 535 -52 NS Glengarry fsntioi, .WO- 13 .N.535-5? OjArnprior.lsrri.; NB B NS N B .O BC .0 ..o .0 NB E I O S' B .O O In b o o do .540 3.53 Cllatliam :,:\-i Shubnacadii'.'.imi Torrancev'le :",:;-, 'II 580-30 (R.K. nam.. Retties) wa Vancouver UC 319 or Merriol (R. R. name Havelock) [Jnionville .580:',fi CharingCrossfiir? 4-2'i, 4,30"2 Utterson 580-67 Bynglnl't422,4.i0'e Belle River 5,{r)4" 580-83 Peake Sta. Otr. •< i)ia London Head of St. I'eur^ Bay (i(!5-4 Head of St. I'evr' Bay 605 4 .5,35-13 Aahcroft 535 '70 59!)-2 Burketon S. r.;;;, u . .OjBurketon S. ;i:ii .u .,0 South Finch .5:jn:!;; ssa|.M(K)soniin 5:i."i;.-j V Si.McKiunons Hiirb. ,5!)!)-14 'do . O EI . O EI 'EI ..0 BC ■■•■i ..O Blackville 532 .580-70 Mallorytown fivi' Stnithroy 580^ Allan's Cor's. ."imi- Winona .580.rt;; Cii Meld 58()-7l(--.' I 025-5 .0011 OSouthwoldS, «•_'■'. .OlAlsfeldt, 58(1-5.". OjCaledon ,5,'t5-4() .QjHris(oU103 ■<»|(ll] (H R ,v.r,r Clyde Fork.s) r35-40 .580-65 '80-70-70 nia C;iiarlo(lMiiA'i Barsa' Corii.r- i |i. Lower Seltleiii'Ni South R,5!W : I'm, Sydney N .S Turtle Creek 69 L'OriKHal 327, .'■ :» Culuinet(i.53.i '.^ ,535-.53-63-«4 Thornhill 535-57 - — RAILROAD ON WHICH . i RAILROAD ON WHICH I'OHT RliBOTORAl LOCATKD OR NKAR'HT POST KLKCTORAL LOCATED OR NKAR'ST tfVKYAi. DISTRICTS. R. R. STATION, SKK OKKICKS. KKY I'P. 16-2-164. DISTRICTS R. R. 8TATI0.V, SRR KEY PP. 162-ltH. Westmoreland. NB 599-1 Canuta Two Mountains.. Ste. Scholastique 636-18 ( aliforiiia Victoria NB Aroostook June. .535-84-16 CapiilaBaleine.. Rimouski . . . ...Q Little Metis S. .599-2 CatUmkr Musk'a&Par'yS'dO .580-67 Cap a I'Aigle .... Charlevoix. . ....Q -Murray Bay 329-8 Elgin, E R . . . O A.vlmer \Vf . 580-82 Cap Chat 535-18 Cap des Hosiers. . Ga8p6 Q Little Metis S. .599-2 Caluiiift Argenteuil . . . ...0 (iasp6 ...Q GaspeBsn. 346,3.50 (■il\iinel Islaml.. Pontiac ...y Camiibells B'y. 603 Cape /laid Westmoreland N B Shedi-ac ,599-11 Nipissing . . . O 535-12 Cape Cove nia Cobourg Cape Chin Oaspii ... Q 350 Black Cape .508 Lion's Head 426 (.amborne North'berl'd.VVRO Bruce, N H . ... Caiiihraii Victoria, NR. . ..o 580-32 CapeCroker Bruce, N R . . .. 426 or via Wiarton Caiiitiria Argenteuil .. . ...i) St. Jerome 535-23. Cape Dauphin . . . Victoria . N S via N. .Sydney N S 584, 030 Cape Egniont Prince PEl Miscouche 665-1 (ambridge Queen's N B Narrows 390 Cape Enrage .... Albert NB Harvey 693 Caiiibridge Hants .N S Newport Sta. 714 Cape George Antigonislie . NS 359-2 or Antig'she 1 aihliridge Road. King's ^EI Georgetown 665-3 599-7 3.59-1 Cape George Har- Richmond . . .NS .St. Peters 364, 3"0, laiiiliridge Stat'n King's .NS 714 1 hour 372 rain(le?i Colchester . . . Addingion . . . .NS ...0 Truro 599-1-13 Cape John .509-2 *Capelton Pictou Sherbrooke . NS ... Q River John 599'15 Vamdi'H ICagt ,512 CaiiiHlor Nipissing ...0 North Bav 535-lSi : Cape Mabou Inverness . . . . NS Prt Hood 3,59-2, 364 13, .580-67 Cape North Victoria . N S Neil's Harb. 372 Cameron Victoria, N R . .,o .580-30 Cape Negro Shelburne . . . . NS Harrington 376-3 < anu-roii's Mills . . Kent .N B Richibucto 610 Cape Negro Island Shelburne . . . . NS Harrington 370-3 (,'aiiii-ronSettle'nt Guysboro' . . . .N S Hopewell .599-13 Cape Ozo Gasp6 ...Q GaspeBsn. 346, 3.50 Camilla Cardwell ...0 Orangeville .535-40 Cape Hi ch Grey, E R... ria .Meaford Caniille Marbeirs Bay . . Pontiac ...V 663 ' Cape Spear Westmoreland. N B Melrose 038 (.'aiiiiibeU'sCorner M6gantio • V .St. Julie S. .580-12 Cape Station .... Albert N B (i93 Camiibell's Cross. Peel ...o Oheltenhain535-39, Cape Wolfe Prince P E I Blooinfield S. 665-1 ! 5S0-fi5 Caplin R.ver .... Bonaveiiture . . . <,> Bla<^k Cape 508 Campbell Moun'in Inverness .NS Orangedale 599-14 Cap St. Ignaee. . . .Montniagnv ...u 599-3 Campbell Sett'ent Campbell Sett'ent King's N M Sussex Vale .599-12 Cape Tormentine. Northum'land.N B ()3S York .NB Millville ,535-,83 Capucins Rimouski . . . ... V Little Metis S.599-2 Campbellton .... Elgin, \V R... ...0 West Lome 625-5 *Caraquet Gloucester.. .N B 540 'Campbelltnn . . . . Restigouche . N B 599-2 Carherry Marquette . . .. M 535-.52 CampbelMlle Hdton ...O 635-35 Ciirden \'ictoria, N H .. Victoria R'd.. 580 "29 Campbellville. . . . Selkirk . ..M Carman ,535-54 Cardigan Bridge. King's PEI 665-3 Campden Lincoln . ..O Beanisville .580-83 *Cardinal Grenville, S R . O 5.«0-9 Cftiiiiierdown .... Grey, E R. . . , ..() 580-68 (R R name Cardros.s King's P F, I Canligan Hr. 665-3 Fields Crossing)' Cardston AUa Macleod 535-64 Ciunn McKiiHiev" Vale Oknnnii-nn .5.-<.5*74 ^^CilrniU . Bruce, E R . . Norfolk, S R .. . . . . n 580-54 Campo Bella Charlotte . N B 403 iw'a East'rt Me Carh'oinie Delhi .580-82 Canaan King's' NS Kentvi'ile 714, ,547 Cariboo River . . . Picton . NS via Picton 370 Canaan Ru.ssell ...O nia Yarmouth N S Carievale Assa 535-,58 Yanuouth . . . (Queen's .NS NB Vars ,531 ' Carillon Cody's ,543-1 1 Carleton Argenteuil. . Bonaventure ...Q . ..Q .541, 328, 3-27 CantLan Rapids. . . 3,50 or Carleton Wt. Cinaan Road .... King's . NSlKingston Sta.. 714'! 508 Canaan Station . . Westmoreland. NB ,599-2 *Carleton St. John.... .N B 695, 535-81, (Ferry Canada Creek. . . . King's .N S Waterville 714 to St. John, N B) Canard King's Essex, NR... .N S ...0 547 Carleton Amheistburg 625-1 Carleton Prince Yarmouth . . . PEI . NS CapeTraverse665.2 South Ohio 712 Canard River Canboro' Monck ...O Canfleld 680-79-82, *Carleton Place. . 6-25-5 :• Lanark, S R. ... .535-1 2-16(RR name Carleton June) Ciiriilasville Monck ...0 .Moulton :it. 580-82 Carleton, West .. Bonaventure ...t) 608 (It R name 'CauHeld Haldimand . . ...o 625-5,580-79-82(RR ■ Carleton) name Canfleld J, Carlton York.'Vv li ' Sask Stobart 535-62 on ,580-82 Carlton, West .... 580-51 Canniore Alta .. 635-53 Carling MuskokaitP. Perth, SR.. S'd.O . ...0 via Parrv Sound Cannamore Stonnont . . . Chesterville ,535-,33 Carlingford Andover 535-86 Richmond . . . Hastings, E R .NS .. o St. Peter's 364 Carlingford Corbvville 580-27 Carlingville Victoria Marquette . . . N B . . M Sebringville ,58082 Cannifton Httiniota 585 ( .Mining 'Caiming .Bnuit.N R.. • -g's ...0 . NS Paris 580-79-83 Carlisle vVentworth, N R.O Carleton N B Hartland 535-86 547 Carlisle Waterdown 580-87 'Canmiigton .... Ontario, N R ...0 580-36 C'arlow Huron, W R . .. Goderich,580-.52,432 C^|||tingt'n^fall'f CaiiolKnc Gloucester. . . Assa NB Moosomin 535-52 ' Carlow Carleton .... . . N B . . . JI Bath , 35 86 640 ' Carlowrie Provencher. Otterbourne 535-65 Canoe Lake Cajie Breton . NS tii'rt Sydney N S ' Carisrubc Bruce, E R . , ., ..0 580-55 Canfie Covo (, ucen's , . , . Ouysborough P K I ,NS Carluke Drant, NR.. Assa Glanford St 580-70 'CciiiSo 364, 371,ortiiaP'rt. t'arlyle Alameda 535-58 Mulgrave | Carlyon Simcoe (Jiiiit'ibuiJ Conipton .... Q Scottstown .535-7 'Cafiiinii Selkirk .. M 535-54 (.antcrbury Vork N I Woodstock 535-86-C'armaiiville Addington. . . ..0 Enterprise 5091 York N B 90 ! Carinel.. . . Druminond Perth, N R.. ...Q ....0 565 Canterbu rySta'on 535-90 Cannunnock .... Atwood 580-48 Cniitley Ottawa Q Kirks Ferry 656 ' Carnarvon Victoria, N R ....0 Gelert ,580'30 <'anton Durluun, K 11 (J ri'n Port Hope ('arnduff Assa 535-58 174 POST )FFICES AND llAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [].S9P iOS lObT O'JiCBS. Caron Curon TJrook .... Carp Carpenter Cariboo Island . . . Cariboo Marsh . . . Cariboo G'd Mines Carnoustie Carrigun Carroll's Cornera. Carrol's Crossins;. Carrol Carr's Brook . Carrville Carsonby Carsonville . . . Carssdale Carswell Carthage Carter's Point Carterton . . . . , Cartier . Cartier . fcLKCTORAL DISTRICTH. Assa Victoria N B CartiervilleW. . . . *Cartwri(jht Casault . ." Cascades Cascades Point . . Case Settlement.. Cashel Cashion's Glen . . . Lanark, N R O Queen's N B Pictou N S Cape Mreton . . N S Halifa.\ NS Assa Antigonishe . . N S Halifax N H Northuni'land.N B Selkirk M Colchester. . ..N S York, \VR O Carleton O King's N B Renfrew,S R....0 Perth, NR O Kinij's N B Alfioma O Algonia O Beauharnois. . . . Q RAPiKOAD OS WHICH LOCATKD OR NEAR'ST n. R. 8T.\TI0N, 8EE| KEV, PP. 162-164. POST OFFICES. Cashmere Cashtow n . . Cass Brid^'e Cassburn . . . Jac.-.endi8h Cavendish Road . Cawood *Ciniii(ja Ci. -.uville . Cecebe Renfrew, S H . . O Renfrew, S R . . O Peel O Colchester N S Ca.stlefordS.535-12 535-12 Kleinburg 535-40 via Londonderry Station 599-1 Colborne ,580-9,3(Hi Noi-thn'bind,ER.() Cape Breton. . N H'ria Sydney Ca])e Breton ..N Sjm'd Sydney Cape Breton ..N Slum Svdn.y Cftl-dwell 0]535-;aUi Huiilingdon... (^ Kilbi •1.580-7 Muskoka.vP.S'd.014-20 . or Bulk's Fls I 5,Sll-67 >'ancou-er. . . B C via Nanaimo K'ng'H X 15 '•Uissex Vale .59912 Cedar (-IvjiR Cedn>-Hill .. Cedar li-dl . Cedar Fake . Ontai-in, S R....() \ork, i: R O Lanark, N R....U 'limouNki (.1 • /igb; N S 58M-0 'R R name Oshawa) .Markham 580-36 Pakenham 535-12 .59i)-2 Hebron 712 Cedar Mills Cedar Park Cedar Springs . . |Cedars 'Cedarville ! Centennial ;Central Argyle . . Central Bedeque. Central Blissville. 1 Central Clarence. Central Camb'dge Central Chebogue Centralia Central Grove . . . Central Hamps'ad Central Hay'ville iCentral Kes'ick R Central Kin'clear Central N. Annan Central Norton .. Central Onslow . . Central Waterville Centre Acndie Centre Augusta. . Centrediile Centreton Centreton Centre Village .. Centreville *Centreville Centreville Centreville Centreville East . Chall'ey's Locks. , Chalk River .... Chambers Chambers Settle. Chanibl.v Basin .. *Cliatiilil>! Canton Chai'>> ' Cha. 1.1- .ru Cha,!iD''<'),' Chani|ihiin Chance Harbour. Chance Harbour. Chuidos Cliannay Channeil Chaiitelle Chantry Chapeau *Cliapleau iChaimian Chapman Scttleni Chappell's Mills . Chard *Cliarinij Crusn . . jCharlecote Charlemagne . . . . Charleniont Charliiich (Jharlesbourg.. .. Cliarlesbourg \Vt. Charleston Charleston Charlcville 'Charlos' Cove, . Cliarlo Station .. \*Charl(ittcti)tL')i . . Charnwooil Charrington . , . . Charteris Cardwell O Lisgar M Kent O Soulanges. .... Q Grey, ER o Inverness .... N S Yarmouth .... N S Prince ,? E I Sunbury NB .'\nnapolis N S Queen's N B Yarmouth .... N S Middlesex, NR..0 Digby NS Queen's N Bj York N Bi York N BI i HAII.ROAI^ v)N'mic|i I,0 rtTKnoH.-JUlt'M R. R. KT/UoN, >v KEY, PP. 162-lijl York Colchester. N B .NS King's N B Colchester. . .. N S York N B Kent N S Grenville, SR...O Pictou N S Northum.,\VR.O King's N 15 Westmoreland. N B Addington o! Carleton N B King's N S Uigny NS| Inverness .... N S Leeds, S R Renfrew, N R . . O Lenno.x O King's N B Chambly Q Chamblj Q Victoria N B Chiocutini! .... (^ Quebec Q Chiimplain . .•. . . .Q St. John N B Pictou N S Peter'ough,E. RO Beauce Q Broiiie Q Montcalm ( Leeds, S R (') Pontiae Q Algoma O Hastings, E R . . O Westniireland.N B Cuiiibei-land. . N S Cumberland. . N S Prescott O Kent Durham, E R L'Assomption Bothwell O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Quebec Q Quebec Q Leeds, S R O Carleton .... N B Grenville, S R. O Guysborough. N S Restigouche.. N li Queen's ... P E I King's PEI Conniton Q Poiitiac Q Albion .535-4(1 mr Winnipe};. Blenheim 573 .580-9 M't. Forest ivXrW 580-46 via Yarmouth Summ'sideOtio, :i4 3.56-2 Fredericton .(un 535-82-88 Bridgetown 7U Narrows 390 via Yarmouth 580-50 Digby712,,392,:!,':iJ Hampstead 39'.)it 319 o;- Elgin 516 535 1.' .580-!,- (K R name Fredei-icksbui'^-i Suss'.'.. Vaic my VI 632-1 632 1 329-4 Grand Falls 5:4,' -t 674 Ancicnne Lonitc ,53521 f;j5-21 Lepreaux 69."i Pictou Ldg. 5!i:ili! Coe Hill Mines ' li Echo Vale ,535-7 Knowlton .535-4 •loliette .535-17 Delta 51(i Pembro'ie0..53.'12 .53513 Tweed 535-34, 5U!i.l Port l-'.lgiTi 638 Amherst 599 1 Bale Verte, N 1!' - Pn))ineauville, i, ;> .5.-!5-18,3-27,3-..'- 62.'i-5 via Port Hope St. Paul r Heriiiie 329-5 Tupiierville 57:' Novar .580-67 674 674 Athens 516 Peel 535-86 via Prescott Ouvsborough : llainpstead Silo .Millville635;isi -Mouth of Keswi. k .-.:ir)-83 rid I'Vederiotoii Tutainnffouohi.' :,:iii ■ir. lilooDitield 59!i;" Truro .m-l-V.: Millville535-s:. Acadie .S'lIV fv.r.i.i >-ia Pn^SL'ott 53il"j" Holderi Mlc 390 (iraftor; fi.jO'!) Midgic 6,;8 Cuucten East ri(.:).> Forenceville o.ifi v; 547 l)ij,'Ov712,392,3!l:!-> C'ran^'eville Sii'.i it 311) oi- Elifin 5U> 53y I:' 580!; (R H lUi.a F'rederirksbui.'i SusK 'A Vaie 51>'i|'> ()32'1 ti321 329-4 (irand Falls M: -i 074 Auoii^nne Lort-tit 535 21 f;i5-21 Lepreaux (ill.') I'ictou r,dg'. fiitiiii) Coe Hill Mines ri41 Kcho Vale 535-7 Knowlton 535 4 toilette 535-17 Delta 5](i l'enil)roke0.53,' 12 i35-13 Pwewl 535-34, 51111.1 ;'ort I'lljfiii (B8 \niluM-8t 599-1 iaie Verte, N l!i > 'a)>iiieftuville, (,' it- 535-18, 327, 32- ■25 -5 id I'ort Hope it. I'atdl' Hertiiie 329-5 'u|)perville 57' Unur 580-67 74 74 Ihens 516 eel 535 -Stt in I'rescott uysboroutfli S'l Hi -2 i5-l, 337,340, 3.:. ■ 357, 371, 380 '(I Souris 005 i ast Clifton 021 ' fiawville 063 POST OKFICBS. ('hartersville rhartierville (.'hatboro' ... Chatcauduay Ch.atcaucuay B'in Chateau Richer. . Chatev ■Chatham Challinm ... ( 'hatillon Clidtuworth .. . Chatlerton Cliaudiere Basin Cliaiidicre Curve Chaudii-re Mills . . I 'haudiore Station (hauniont t heain Cheapside Cheljojjue Point . (.'heddar Chedoke Clie^'oggin Cliel:nsford L'hcli isford -Chi'hni ( 'helsea Chelleitliam Clielton Cheinaiims Chemical Road. Chemin Tachc . Chi'iienlle KLKCTORAU DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WHICH I [ L0C.\TED0RNKAr'8T|l R. R. STATION, kH^.' KEY PP. 162-lOJ -:= - =z '^•^ Westmoreland. N B Compton Q Arjfenteuil Q Chateaujfuay Q Chateauguay . . . . Q Montmorency .. cj Selkirk M Kent O Northum'land.N B Yamaska Q Grey, N B O Hastings, W R . . O Levis Q L6vi8 Q L6vi8 Q L^vis Q Lotbiniere Q N. Westminster BC Haldlniand O Yarmouth .... N S Peter'ough, E R. O Wentworth, S R. O Yarmouth . . . . N S Algonia O Northum'land.N B Ottawa Q Lunenburg . . N S Peel O Prince P E I Vancouver. . . .B C Albert N B Temiscouata . . . . Q Ottawa Q Cheney 'Muskoka& P. S'd.O POST OKKICEfi. Cheney Settlem . Cinney Station Chepstow Chepstow e Cherryfield Cherry Grove.. . Cherrv Grove . . Cherry Hill Cherry River.. . . Cherry \'ale .... Cherry Valley . . Cherry Valley . Cherrywood .... Che-fleii's Coniern ^Chcdey 'ChcKter Chester Chester Basin... Chesterfield Chester CJrant . . *Che.itt'rvlll>' .... Cheticanip Chttic.ampChapel Chetwyiid .... Chevalier. . . . Chevcne ... . Cheviot Chichester . . Chickney . . . . 'Chifmitiiin. Chiirnecto .. C1\ilcoten. . .. *CliiUiwack . . Chilton Chimney CJoriier. China Point . . . Chi/iinaii Chlpman's Brook ( hipman's Corn's King's N B Russell O King's PEI Bruce, E R . . . . O Lunenburg . . N S King's PEI Middlesex, ER..O Lunenburg N S Sherbrooke C^ Queen s N B Prince Edward. .O Queen'.-* .... PEI Ontario, W R .. O Lunenburg . . N S Bnice, N R O Lunenburg . . N S Carlton N B Lunenburg . . N S Brant, N k . . , O Lunenburg . . N S Dundas O I.-ivernes9 .... N S Iin erness N S Muskoka&P.S'd.O Essex, N R . , . . O Hants NS Bmce, EB O Pontiao Q Assa Chiooutimi Q Cumberland. . N S Ca'boo-LillooetBC N. Westminster BC Moncton 518, 599- 1-2 1-2. Scottstown 535-? St. Phillippe d' Ar- genteuil 535-18 Caughnawaga535-3 Caughnawaga 535-3 676 fi35-52,58,XRRn'me ChaterJ.on,585); .573, 580-83, 535-42, .532,353 Nicolet 565, 329-7 535-40 Foxliorough 580-27 599-4 599-4, .580-12 Chaudiere Curve 580-12, 599-4 599-4, 680-12 St. Agapit 580-12 Chilliwack 450-3 Jarvis 580-70-82 via Yarmouth N S Iron Dale 000 Hamilton 580-65-70 -83-87 via Yarmouth 535-13 532 656 Bridge Wtr.646,374 580-05, 535-39 SunuuersideOCSl 574 Hopewell Hill 693 St. Arsene 599-2 Plaisance 535-18 Emsdale 580-07 Nerepis Sta. 635-88 531 Souris East, 605-4, 359-1, 371 Dunkeld 580-54 040 Belton 580-49 665-4 (R R name Harmony) Bridgewater 046 Magog 535-7, 342 Butternut R'ge 572 via Picton Ont via Charlottetown Locust Hill 535-34 Barss' Corners 646 580-55 *Chippawa Chippawa Hill . . jChiselhurst Chisholiu !Chiswi(-k Chlorydonnes . . Chortitz Christie Christina Christian Island . Christmas Island Christy's Lake . . Chumah ;Churchbridge . .. iChurchill Church Hill .... Church Over.. . . iChurch Point i Church Point Church Street .. iChurchville i Church ville j Chute a Blondeau Chutes Cove . . iCity View .... Clachan Bruce, N R . . . Huron, S R . . . Prince Edward Nijnssing Gasp6 Provencher . . . Wentworth, N R.O Middlesex, S R..0 KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. Welland Clair [ClairniontRoad jClairvauxde B'g't iClairvauxdeCh'ix I Clam Harbor.. .. iClanbrassil Montcalm Q Inverness .... N S Queen's .... P E tjueen's N B King's N S King's N S |Clandeboye Clandebojie jClanricarde jClan William .... iClapham :Clappison's C'or's 'Clare *Clatetnunt Claremont *Clarence Clarence Clarence Creek.. *ClareneeriUe . . . Clarendon Simcoe, ER.... Cape Breton . . N S Lanark, S R . . . . O Marquette M Assa Simcoe, S R O Albert N B Shelburne . . . N S Northum'land.N B Digby NS King's N S Peel O Pictou N S Preacott O Annopolis . . . . N S Carleton O Elgin,WR O Victoria N B King's N S Bagot Q Charlevoix Q Halifax N S Haldimand O Lisgar M Middlesex, NR..0 Peterboro, E R..0 Mareiuette M M6gantic Q Wentworth, K R.O Assa Ontario, W R . . O Cumberland . . N S Russell O Annp-olis .. ..N S Kusst.. O Missisquoi Q Charlotte .... N B Clarendon Station 'j73 Mahone Bay 646 Clarendon Station i''lor'ceville 535-86 Clareview Mahone B. 646, 373 \ Clarke Blight 580-79 [Clarke's Ilarbout Mahone B. 046, 373 Clark's Mills , . . . ■>35-36 i.Clarkleigh 359-2G.-and No.r'wa'\- Clnrksbnrg .599-14, i -83 700-1 via Aylesfc-d 714 St. Simon de Ya- maska 635-1 St. Pauls B. 329-* Dirt Halifax 625-5 (R R name Dufferin) via Selkirk Man .580-50 Coe Hill Mines .544 Minn'osa622, 022-1 Ste.JulieStn. 580-12 Dundas 580-8;) Alameda 535-58 .5:55-34 River Philip 5991 3-27, or Thurso,Que 535-18, 328 Lawrencetown 714 Thurso,Que,535-lS, 327, 3-28 Lacolle 531, 580 12 GaspcreaurStation .5:r-88 611 535-88 Erinsville ,509-1 Wesleyville 5b0-9 Baii-ington 376-3 New- Annan 005 1 Reaburn ,535-,52 Thonibury 580-(iS Douglas llarb. 390 Leitche'bC'k 599.14 Addington Queen's N B Addiiigtor. O Durham, WR.. Shelburne. . . . N S Prince P E I Lisgar M Grey, ER.... O Queen's N B Cape Breton . . X S Peel 01.5S1I-87 Queen's P E IlPisquid 605-3 Peel O Cheltenham 535-39 580-05 Grey, NR OI.580-55 Renfrew, S R .. O'Arnprior 535-12 Vancouver. . . . B C 4,50-1 nia Nanaimo N Westminster BC Lanark, N R... O N.WestminsterBC Norfolk, S R... O Ontario, N R....O King's PEI Piovencher .... M Selkirk M Carleton N B B.C. Almonte 535-12 (;/'( N. West'ster B C "rt. Rowan 580-S') ;!ravenhurst 5-80 '67 4'2()-3 Hear lUver 665-4 via Winnipeg ,535-57 R. de Chute 636-86 m 176 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA, [1896 l,s9(i] P( POST OFKICKS, 'Clearville ClementgpoH . . -Clfnientsvale .. Clermont Clevelauds .... Clen-lnnd Clev ''Cl'ijord Clifton iGloucester Clifton King's KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. Elfe'in, W R .... Annapolis . . . . N S Annapolis . . . . N S Prince PEI King's NB Richmond.. .. N S Muskoka&P.S'd.O Wellington, N R.O ^ B NB Clifton Colchester. . . . N S Clinch's Mills. . . . |.St. John N B Cli.;t 'Niiiissiiic O Clinton Carilioo B C '■Clinton | Huron, S U . . . . O Clinton Queen's .... PEI C'iiitiin St fi Ci//ic<>lToronLo West . . .0 Clones 'Queen's N B Clontarf i Renfrew, S R . . O Cloudslee i.\lgoma O Clover Bar [ Alta Cloverdale I Colchester N S Cloverdale iN.WestniinsterBC dnvirdale . . ICarleton N B Clover Hill Kind's N B Cloverville [ Antlironishe . . N S Clover Valley |\.Westminstei-BC CI vyne : .\ddington O Clumber ! Assa Clyde Clyde Jiivcr Cl'vcie River Cl.vdewlale Clyde Station . . . Coal Branch Sta, Coal Creek CoalftelJs RAILROAD ON WHICH I j liOCATBD OR NEAR'ST ' R. R. 8TATI0.N, SEE ' KEY PP. 162-164 POST 0PKICR8. Muir Kirk 625-S 712 Clementsport 712 Kensington 665.1 Penobsquis .')99-12 West Bavre 599-14 Windemt 420-3 .580-5* Truro 50»-l-13 540 Rothesay 599-12 Mus(iuash 695 Noslmnsing .">35-l-2 Ashcroft 535-70 580-50-52 Breadalbane 665-1 Welsford 535-88 Cobden .')35-12 Eganville 535-11 PMmonton 535-63 ' Brookfield 559-1 635 i Hart land 535-86 ! Sussex Vale .599-12. Antigonishe ,599-7 via N. Westini'ster Kaladar Sta. .535-34 Church Bridge 622 Wentworth, N R.O|KilIean .535-35 Shelburne . . . . N S Barrington 376-3 : Queen's P E I iv'a Charlottetown j Pet?i-Loro', E K. o'Coe Hill Mines 544 1 Queen:. .... P E I!665-1(RR N.Clyde) Coleraine Sta.. Cole's Island . . Colenso Colinville Colgan College Bridge College Grant Collegeville.. . . CoUes Colleston Coimeld Collina *Colling%vood . . Miigantic Q Queen's N B Grev E R O Lambton W R..() Sinicoe S R . . . . O Westmoreland N B Antigonishe . .N S Antigonishe . .N S Alberta Sosk Pontiao Q King's N B Simcoe N R O Kent N B .599-2 Queen's N B 543-1 Assa Estevan 535-,58 Coal Minfs iQuetii's N B|390,Coal C'k. 543-1 Coatcs' Mills .... Kent N B St. Anthony 518 "Coaticook I.Stanstead Q 5808 Coatsworth Sta . . I Kent O Cobble Hill ''liddlesex, E R . O 574 Cobble Hill i Vancouver. . . .B C Crunilin 535-38 •Cobden Renfrew, N R . . O 535-12 ■Coboconk Victoria, N U . . 580-29 "Cohoiirg iNonhum', W R . O .580-9-17, -Mte, 329-2 Cocagne j Kent N B Notre Dame 518 Coc.a'gne Cape . . Kent N B Notre Uame 518 Cocairne River . . iKent N iiiNotrc- Dame 518 CoUingw'd Corner Collin's Bay Collin's Inlet Colpoy'* Bay .... Colquhoun Columbia Valley.. ColumbuH ..... Colwell Cohvood *Coinher Combermere .... Comet Comeauville .... Comeati's Hill . Comin's Mills. . . . Commercial Cross Commanda .... Como "Comox ''Compton Comptoi Station Conboyvi.e Concession Concord Concord Condon Settlem't Conestoffo JConingsby Conn Cochrane Cochran's Lake . . Cockburn Island. Cofldle's H rbour Codrington Cody's Coe Hill Mines Alta Cape Breton . . N S Aljfonia Guvsborough N S No'rthuin', E U..0 Queen's N B HD'3ti'igs N 11 ..O Cottinscroft S'Ij'^Ii arne .. Cogmagiin River jUjnts Colbeck I W( iliiigton.V "Colburnn jXorti, iinb' E R <) Colchester ! Essex S R O Cold Brook 1 St. .Jnlin .n B Cold Brook Sta. . i KinH's N S 535-.53 ; Leitch's C'k. 590-14: 3-28-3,422"2orBrucei Mines 535-25 Issac's Harb. ,'Wl ' Bright<»n580-9, 306, 1 324 ,543-1 I .544 (R.R. name Coel Hill) . is' S'iiarrington 376-3 .N' S:"ewpnrt Sta.714 ' H . . ( 1 1 ■ . randVailev 535-41 i Connor Comiaught .... Connell Connor Comior Conns Mills Conquerall Bank Conquerall Mills Conroy *Congecnn Constance Contreciuur .... Coiiwav ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WIllcH LOCATBDORNKAR'ST . 8TATI0.V, 8Kg PP. Wl-U\i R. R KEY 5sr9, 306 Ha,"Ow 617 714(ltRiiameCoId-l brook. j Cold Springs .. . .iNorihumU' W 1{ O Realm rn ,535 -,52 Cold ^iprings .... 1 Lisgar S" ''in Cobourg Ont Coldstream '.^liadlcscx S 1, . O'Hyde Park Corner 1 535-42, .5811-50-83. C Idstreani Carleton N B'H.irtland ,535-86 Coldstrs'am Colchester N S ShubeMacadie.599-1 Coldstream Ea. i ICarleton N H Peel ,53586 *Coldivater jsinipoc E R . . . . (» 5«0-32-34 Colebrook Addington (> ,509-1 Cole Harbour . 'Ouy.sboi-o' . . . N S Guysl)i, rough 304 Cole Lake |Addington ....... O 611 (K. K. name Hinchinbrook) •Cnletnan York E R O 580-9 (R li N Vork) Coleman |Prince PEI 0651 ( Olciiaugli jNoilhumb'il ..N B Kenou.s Hdn. .599-8 Coleraine jPeel OlKlieiibiug 536-40 Conway Station . Coocoocache . . , Cook's Brook . . |Cook's Cove . . . Cook's Creek . . . *C Algiiina O Antigonishe . . N S N.Westminster BC Digby N S Grey E R O Middlesex N R.O '5 (R. R. name Coleraine) 390 or Cody 8 ,5431 ma Meaford, Out 'etr'lia580-84,fi-2,5-T Tottenham 58li6,5 i99-l Antigonishe 50))-7 Antigonishe 5!)!l-7 Macleod 53564 'rinceAlbert,5;ir)-(a Campbell Bay (>(i:t .580-64-08, 422, 4:iii- 1-2 River Philip ,5ffi»-! 580-9 422or«irt Killarnev 4-26 or via Wiartoii Chesterville 535;):) GoUlen .53.5 -.53 Oshawa 580-9 580-68-69 via Victoria 6'25 3-5 Eganville 535-11 New Canaan 017 LittleBrookSta.712 Hall's Stream 0-Jii Cardig'nBr'gedOo:; Trout Creek ,5S()(i7 .535-32, 3-28 450-2, 451 via Naii- ainio 580-8 580-8 Caledonia 580-70-79 LittleBrookSta.71'2 01eng'rySta.,599l;i 580-67 (R,R, name Thornhill) Cambridge Sta. 714 Beriin 580-47-51 Erin .535-36 Mount Forest ,5:t.V 41, .580-46 Connorn 700-1 Chesterville 635 liH Florenceville535 -sO Palgrave 580-65 7IH) .599-15 374Bridgewater(i46 Bridgew'ter646,:i74 St. Pauls Sta. 580-.-.1 644 Seaforth 580-52 583, 329-5 309EarnestownSt.t. .580-9 665-1 Shubenacadie59'.tl Guysborough 3-' 580-83 Petr'lia580-84,62,'.'7 ,535-25 Antigonishe ,599'7 via N.Westmitisl' I- Weymoutbli'gtTI : 6;t5-40 Park Hill 580-51 POST OKKICKJ). (.Yirbin Corby ville .. Ci-rjield Ciirinlh Cork Station H H V E Y St w Corliss Cormier's Cove ( ormier Village (,'oniiiarville jK Cornell <> Corner of Beach Corn Hill corn Hill East ('urn wall .... W Cornwall Q loriiwall Centre. Corr.iville Corris Corson's Siding . Cortez Island. . .. Ci'iiiiina Corwhin Costigan OiH- Coteau Ci teati du Lac . . O'tiau Landing . C'teau Station .. Cote des Neiges . . Cite des Neiges O O'te St. Louis. C"te St. Michel Cote St. Paul.. Cute St. Pierre C'nte Visitation Cotes Mills .... Cothain Cotswold Cottam Cottesloe Cottonwood . . . Cotionwood . . . C'oughlan CoiiiitryHarMin's C'oiilson Coulter Courtenay .... Courtice Courtland . . 'Cmirtright Co\isineau Vitiillee Coiitts Covthead Road. Coventry C'o\ erdale Co\ty Hill Cowal 'Cuwansoille . . . . C'owichan Cowichan Lake . . Coxby Coxheath (.o\ s Point < 'rn itellachie Crniiihunt Cr.iii.'io Lea Cr;>.i/leith Ciiiiiisholme . . . . ' r.iii,'s Road Sta. <'ruikrmore 12 )A, [1896 ].s9(i] POST OFUCES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IX CANADA. 177 RAILROAD ON WIIICB LOCATED OR NKAR'm R. R. STATION, fjKg KEY PP. 16'2-1(;4 Q675(R.^,^ Coleraine) 390orCo(i2 Caniphell Ha,v t;(i:i Bellei8leCreeliri4.ii 580-64-08, 422, 4H(i- 1-2 River Philip 5!)!il 580 '9 422or«i(iKillariun 426 or via Wiartnii O Chesterville 5;i5;i:j |GoI4C Bridj!;ew'ter646,:i74 St, Pauls Sta.580-.M 544 Seaforth 580-52 583, 329-5 309EarnestownSta. 580-9 665-1 I i SlShubenaciulie59'.ii S Gu,vsboroii(fh 380-33 WashaKO 580-67 A}lmerVVe8t680-.-'2 580-83 Potr'lia580-84,62.v7 535-25 Antijfonishe 5997 Ha N.Westmiiifii 1- W'pyniouthB'KeTI ' • 1535-40 MPark 11111680-51 rOKT OFPICKil. (. (irtiin C'orbvville ., Corjield Corinth Cork Station Corliss Cormier's Cove . . Cormier Village. . I'ormiarville . . . . Cornell Corner of Beach Corn Hill Corn Hill East . Ciiri) wall Cornwall I'oniwall Centre, Corraville < 'orris ("rson's Siding . Cortez Island. . .. Ci'iiuina Corwhin C'ostigan Cote Coteau C' teaii du Lac . . O'tiau Landing . Cnteau Station .. Cote des Neiges . . Ci 'te des Neiges O O'te St. Louis... C"te St. Michel. . Cote St. Paul.... Ci.te St. Pierre . . Cute Visitation . . Coles Mills Cothain Cotswold Cottam C'otiesloe CoUnnwowl Cottonwood C'ou;fhlan CoiiiitrvHar Mill's Coiilson Coulter Courtenay Cotirtiee Courtland . . 'Courtright eLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Huntingdon O Hastings E R . . O Vancouver EC Elgin E R O York N B Stanstead Q Westmoreland N B Westmoreland N B Kent N B Oxfords R.. n Ga8p6 Q King's N B King's N B Cornwall O Queen's . . . . P E I Cornwall O King's P E I Richmond Q Victoria N R....O N. Westminster BC Lambton W R..O Wellington SR..0 RAILROAD O.N WHICH LOCATKD OR NB AR'ST R. R. STATION, SKk' KKV, PP. 162-16J, POST OKKICRS. Henuningf ordSSO'S 580-27 ma Victoria 580-82 535-88 (R.R. name Cork) Coaticook 580-8 ColIegeBridge599-l Buctouche 51S 6-25-5 Ptr'-e 346, 850 Petite xUac 599-12, 572 Petitcodiao 599-12, 672 580-9, 320, 323, 324 329-23 via Charlottetowti Mille Roches 580-9 CardiganB'ge 665 -3 Kinsbur'- 053 580-29 I- iCraigvale Crampton Cranberry Cranbourne .... Cranbrook Cranston Cranton Section Cranworth . . Crapaud Crathie Craven Crawfoi-d . . . Credit Forks KLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Simcoe S R O Middlesex li R..O Megantic Q Dorchester Q Huron E R O Haldimand U Inverness . . . . N S Leeds S R O Queen's P E I Middlesex WR.,0 Assa Grev S R O Cardwell O RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATKD OR NRAR'ST R. R. STATION, SB! KKV, PP. 162-164. *Credit()n Creeford Creek Bank *Creeinore C'reemorne Creighlon Creignish Rear . . Middlesex N R..O Marquette M Wellington CR..O Simcoe N R O Pontiac Q Simcoe E R O Inverness .... N S 573 535-37 (R.R Corwin) Victoria N B Aroost'kJ 535-84-86 AssaiVorkton 6-22 Assiniboia I Alameda 535-58 Soulanges Q' Coteau Lan'g 329-2 Soulanges Q!3-29-2-3 Coteau Sta. .531, .580-9 Soulanges Q 580-9,631 (RR name Coteau 580-9 Hochelaga Qluta Montreal Hochelaga Q oi'rt Montreal Hochelaga Ql via Montreal Hochelaga Q! ria Montreal Hochelaga Q;.580-9 Ottawa QiPlaisance 535-18 Hochelaga Qli'i'd Montreal Wolfe QJStanfold 580-12 Assa Broadview ,535-52 ' Alma .580-54 Essex 6-25-1-6 Norwood 535-34 Pcnse535-.52 Ashcroft 636-70 .53-2(R.R.nameGrey ' Rapids) Isaacs Harbour 371 Crescent Lake , Cressy name Creswell . Assa i Prince Edward. I Victorias R Wellington N R . O Essex S R O Petei-boro' E R..0 .Vssa Cariboo H C North iimber'd NB .N S Crewe I Crewe Crewson's Corn'rs Crieff I Criiian Crofton Croft ! Cromarty Cromwell Crookston Crossbury Cross Creek Crossbill Crossland Crosspoi'it CronsHds.Cii. liar CrossRd Leich'sC. CrossRds.M.Mel'd Marquette M Huron W R . . . . O Wellington SR..0 Wellington SR..0 Elgin W R O Prince Edward.. O Antigonishe.. N .S Perth SR O Lisgar M Hastings N R.. .<) Compton QlRobinson 585-7 York N B;.532 Waterloo N R . .OiWaterloo 580-47 580-67 Putnam 635 '35 Black Lake 676 Ste. Henedine 675 Brussels 580-43 Oneida 580-70 OrandNarrows 599" 14, 364, 372 Newboro 516, 319. Cape Travers 665-2 Strathrov 580-86 Regina 535-52-62 Elmwood 580 55 .535-39 (R.R. name Forks of Credit Centralia 580-50 Neepawa 622 Alma 580-54 680-64 Shawville 663 Orillia 580-32-67 Port Hawkesburv 599-14, 371, 380. Saltcoats 622 309 via Picton, Ont ,580-36-38 R R name Manilla Junction Birtle 622 Lucknow .580-48 Acton 580-51 Puslinch 535-36 West Lome 626-6 via Belleville, Ont Lower Settlement South River599-7 Dublin ,580-52 Beausejour 535-5' ,550-33 Guvsboro' Simcoe E R ... .OlOrillia .580-3-2-67 Selkirk M|Deloraine ,535-57 Vancouver . . . .B C Cross Hoafls, Ohio CroasRds.StG.Chl Croton Grouse Town .... Crowel Crowe's Mills .... Crow Harbour . . . Crow Lake Durham W R . . O Cniisintau Vitnllee Coiitts Covthead Road. C'oientry Co\ trdale Co>ty Hill , Cowal 'Cuivansville . . . Cowichan Cnwifhan Lake. t oxliy Co\ heath Co\s I'oint <'rii ift'llachie. CrditihurM . . Craiu'ic Lea. . I'riiiL'leith ... t'raiixsbolme ' r^ii-'s Road Sta <'riiiv'more 12 Norfolk N R... Lambton W R. Ottawi Bowmanville580 9, 3-29-2 1 .580-82 I 573, 6-25-8 Kerrv to: St. Clair Mich. .\ngei's 535-18 Simcoe N R . . . . O Bonaventure . . . .Q Guvsborough .N S Cape Breton . . N S Guysborough .N S Antigonishe . . N S Richmond . . . . N S Bothwell O Lunenburg. . . .N S Shelburne . . . . N S Colchester . . . .NS Gu.vsbororugh X S Addiiigton O Crowland Yale&KooteiiavBCISpencesB'ge 535-70 Altai Queen's . . . . P E 1, Little York 6653 Cardwell Oi Albion ,5:i5 40 All)€i-f \ BiMom!ton 518 .599-1- ! 2-12 Huntingdon . . . .Q'Hemmingf'rd 2<2-5 Elgin W R Oiloiia Station 265-5 Missisqiioi 01,535-3 Vancouver. . . B C 451 or Somenos .574 V.iiipoiiver.. . .H C Someiios .574 j Sask PrinceAlbert535-62 I Cape Breton. .N Siom Sydney N S Queen's N B|390 or Cumberland I i B«v 543-1 jYale HC iCrow-n Hill.. . Croydon Crulckshank . Crumlin Cninler Crystal City . . Culdaff CuUoden Culloden CuUton CultuB 'Cumberland. Welland .0 Simcoe E R . . . . O Addington O Grey NR O Phelpston 580-69 608 Antigonishe 599-7 Leitche'sC'k 599-14 Port Mulgrave699- 7-14, 364 JamesRiv.StaSW-/ St.Pet's364,-^'' J, '. Dresden 573 Bridge wat''-t}40,>;'( Barrington 376-3 Truro 599-M3 Canso 364, 371 Sharbot Lake 6U, 535-34 Welland580-88,6-25- 2-6 Barrie 580-67 Erinsville 509-1 ria Owen Sound Middlesex E R ..01,535-38 Stormont O Selkirk M Dorchester Q Norfolk N R... () Digby Renfrew S R Simcoe N R . . O Simcoe E R.. .. O Grev K R O Wellington C R .O Lovis Q Inverness . . . .N S 535-70 Hillsdale 58(»-66 Clevelands 4-20-3 ,580-68 Belwood 535".SO 580-12 C^umberland Hay r'umberr Cav'ga680-82,6-2S-5 Carleton . N 6,535-86-90 Colchester N 8 699-1 Prince P E I 666-1 Haldiniand .... O|.'i80-82 Marquette MiMoosomiii 536-62 Muskoka&P. S'd.OJWindemere 4203 Bruce, E R . . . . o|Mildmay 680-54 Departure Bay . iDequen ....... I De Ramsay i Derby Derby Mills Dereham Centre De Roche. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Annapolis N S Cape Breton . . N S Yarmouth. . . . N S York, NR Peterboro', E R.O York, ER O Selkirk M Bonaventure Q Simcoe, SR Ring's PEl Annapolis . . . . N S Middlesex, S R..O Selkirk M King's N8 Norfolk, NR .. O Chlcoutimi Q Compton Q Selkirk M Hochelaga Q Norfolk, NR....0 Hastings, N R . . Leeds, S R .... Prince Edward. Selkirk M King's NS Addington O Middlesex, ER..0 Richmond Q Vancouver . . . . B C Colchester.... NS Assa Inverness .... N S RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR .NK.Ml'n, R. R. STATION, 8M KKV PP. 162-lli4 712 via Sydney, N s South Ohio 71-) Gilford 580-«7 Ormsby 544 via Toronto, unt 644-1 Matapedia 5'.t'i-j. 608 Lefroy 680-67 Georgetown ()(;.■;; 359-1 Annapolis 714, u'>J 393-2, 712 via London, Ont 535-45 Canning 547 580-82 Chambord 674 Scottstown h'A'<', 536-67 via Montreal, c^uir Til son burg ,''i.mi-7«. 82, 6-26-6 Marmora 544 516 Northport 3f).s. ■:.!» Menteith 635-ri.i Aylesford 714 Kaladar Sta. 53'. :u 580-50 Richm'dE.58()» I'.' 451 599-16 Alameda 535 ■.l.s Port Hawkesbiirv 599-14, 371, .•is('i Shubenacadie.V'i 1 Hants NS Muskoka&P. S'd.OiBurk's Falls5sm 1 4-20-4 Vancouver. . . .B Gwia Nanaimo 1', i Chlcoutimi .... Qi674 \^\:> Joliette Q|St. Felix de Vul. Northum'land.N BiMillerton 599s Derrynane Derryville Derry, West . . . IDerwent |De Sable I Desboro' l^De^chambault. . ; Deschambault Sta [Deschenes Mills. . iDescouse \*Deseronto ! Desert Grey, N R O Norfolk, NR....0 N.WestminsterBC Wellington, N R.O Ontario, NR....0 Peel O Middlesex, S R.O I Desert Lake i Desford Desmond Deux Kivieres . Devizes Devon Dei-on iDewdney. I iDewdney. Dew6 DeWinton . . iDewittville . I De Wolfe... Dexter. . . Diamond . • Diamond . Inverniay .580-,"ir, Ingersoll .535-:::', 580-83 Miitsion 535-70-7.;, 450-3 Kenilworth n:i.'v41 Cannington 58ii:J6 Malton .580-51 Belmont 635-35 Queen's P E liC. Traverse (in'i'2 Grey, N R Olchatsworth 5:i.v40 Portneuf Q .535 "21 Portneuf Qi Ottawa Q|HulI 535-14-18, 1'.W Richmond. . . N S Grandigue F'v. :!'il Hastings, N R . . () .509-2, 308, 300, :m Algoma O BruceMines.5:i5- 1,'., I 4-28-3, 430-1, 4'2-r2 Addingtc O'Harrowstnith Oil, I 609-1 Selkirk MiBoissevain 635 57 Addington O Camden E. 509-2 Renfrew, N R . . O 535-12 Middlesex. E R. Belton 580-49 Perth S K 01 Halifax N S Windsor Ju. .5011 1, ] 714 Altai635-64 (R R name Okotoks) N.WestminsterBC MuskokaitP.S'd.O Alberta Huntingdon. . . Q Charlotte . . N B Elgin. E R O Lanark, N R ...() Pictou N SiScotsburn 699-15 4.50-3( Landing nine .lohnsoii'sLand'ii via Parry Sound, <> 536-64 580 7 St. Stephen 536-s;), 095 Union 580-81 Pakenham 5351-.' POST OKKK-BS. Dickenson Dickiiinon'B Ldg. I)>iiry •Diijti!' Diliu'ciit River . . Oillonton Dinsfwiill Din^'well's Mills., [lipiier Harbour Di|i|ier Harb. Wl. Dirleton Disraeli Dixie Dixon Dixon's Corners.. Dixville Doaktown Dotibinton Dolison's Corner Doctor's Brook . Doclm-'K Cove... Dixlds' Lake — Doe Lake Dog Creek L ogherty Dilierty Creek .. Dolbeau Dollar Dolsen ■Dnminion City . Doininionville . . Doniville Don 'Dinald Donaldson's Mills Donciister Donegal . . Donegal . . Dongola . . Donore . . . Doon Dorchcuter Dorchester Cros'g Dorchester Stat'n Dorking Dorland Dornoch Doni Ridge. . . Dorset Dorval Dorval Station . Donu'las Doiijjliis Doutflasburg . . Doufrlaslleld Doiijrlas Harbour. Doujjlas Lake. . . . Doutfliis Station.. Douglastown Dou(;lastown .... Donjrlas West Douro Dover Dover Centre . . . . Dovercourt Dover Hill Dover, South — Dover, West . . . . Downeyville Downey ville . . . . Dow iisview Do> le Doyles Do'yles Brook — IDA, [I8!jii N S NS NS ..O l.O . o . M . O EI NS ..O M NS . O :l Q .0 .0 o .0 M *S .0 .0 ■ Q IC JS ssa Gilford 580ii7 Ornisby 544 via Toronto, ont (144 1 Matapedia ;V.t'i-' 508 Lefroy 580 ■07 Georgetown lio" ;: 359-1 Annapolis 714, 111' 393-2, 712 via London, Ont 535-45 Canning 547 580-82 Chanibord 074 Scottstown ,53r, 7 535-57 via Montreal, c^ui- Tilsonburg ,'■|Wl•7^. 82, 6-25-5 Marmora 544 516 Northport 30S, Menteith 535-."i» Aylesford 714 Kaladar Sta. .W"i :« 580-50 Richm'dE.58()-.>.i2 451 599-15 Alameda 53.'>ri,-i Port Ha\vkesliiir\ 599-14, 371, Ssii Shubenac'adie5;:i 1 Burk'sFalls.'iSiiic, 4-20-4 via Nanaimo 1! ( ■ ■■nf.) Q674 I5:;ni7 St. Felix de Vul . Millerton rm)-H Inverniay SSn'i;", Ingersoll .5;j,'i-:i:'. 580-83 lUimon 635 ■70-7;, 450-3 Kenil worth .'i.-ji^l Canniiifrton ."isdue Malton 580-51 ' Belmont 535-35 I|0. Traverse (iiM'2 0,Cliatsworth Ci'.i'yiO U 1535-21 yjHull 535-14-18, (ne S Grandijfvie F'v . -V'A 509-2, 308, 30)t. :;lf) O BruceMinesS.'i.i- 1;,, 428-3, 430-1, 4-2-.' 2 O'Harrowsmith (ill. ,509-1 M.Boissevain S.'ifi .i7 OCamden K. 509 J O 535-12 O Belton 58049 O S Windsor Ju. 5991, 714 ;a.535-04 (R R nuiiie Okotoks) 450'3(Landingn'iiie .Johnson's Laiid'g via Parry Sound, i> 535-64 580-7 St, Stephen 535 siJ, 095 Union 580-81 ) I'akeriham ."jSRl-j SlScotsburn 599-ir! 189(i] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 179 POST OKKU'KS. Oickenson likkiim>n's Ldg, Didsliury 'Di!l Piliirctit River . . Oillonton PitiKwall Dinirvvt'll's Mills. . l)ip|)er Harbour , Dipjitr Harb. Wi. Oirleton Disraeli Dixie Dixon Dixon's Corners. . Dixville Doaktowii Dobbinton Dobson's Corner . Doctor's Brook . . Doditr'x Cove. . . . Dodds' Lake Doe Lake Do)f Creek I offherty D iherty Creek . . Dolbeau Dollar Dolsun 'Dmiiinion City . Doniinionville . . Domville Don 'Dcnald Donaldson's Mills, Doncaster Donegal . . Donejjal . . Dongola . . Donore . . . Doon Dorchi'nter .... Dorchester Cros'u; Dorchester Stat'n Dorkinjf Dorland Dornoch Dorn Ridge Dorset Dorval Dorval Station . . . Doiiu'las Dniij,'las Douiflasburg Dou^tlastleld . . . . Doviftlas Harbour. Doujjlas Lake. . . . Dou;;las Station.. Douglastown . . . . Doiiiilastown , . , . Hon '.'las West Doui-o Dover Dover Centre. .. . Dovercourt Dover Hill Dover, South Dover, West Do« neyville . . . . Downey ville . . . . Dowiisview Do.\ le Dm les Doyles Brook KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ox WHICH LOCATRD OR NBAR'ST R, R. STATION, 8KB KKV PP. 162-164 j Russell O Stormont O Alta Digby NS Cumberland.. NS Brome (^ Victoria N S King's PEI St John NB St. John N B Carleton O Wolfe Q Peel O Stormont O Dundas Stanstead Q Northuni'land.N B Bruce, N R . . . . O Westmoreland. N B Antigonishe. . N S Shelburne . . . . N S Ottawa Muskoka&P.S'd.O Cariboo-LilloetBC Sunbury N B Cumberland . . N S Saguenav Q York, ER O Kent O Provencher M Glengarry O Grenville, S R . . O York, E. R O Yale-Kootenay. BC Addington O POST OKKICES. Vars 531 329-2, Wales 680-9 535-63 71-2, 39-2, 393-2, F'ry I to Annapolis | Parrsborough 649 Eastman 535-7, 663 Neil's Harbour 37 J Souris East 665-4 Lepreaux 695 Lepreaux 696 Arnprior 535-12 675 535-36 Wales 580-9 j via Iroquois, Ont ! 580-8 : 532 I 580-55 (R R name Dobbington) Wheaton Mills 572 Antigonishe ,599-7 Barriiigton 376-3 Buckingham 636-18 Enisdale 580-67 Aschcroft 535-70 Chipinan 543-1,390 Grenville Sta. 599-1 Tadousac 329 8 I'liionville .580-36 Jeaii'ettesC. 680-83 535 '55 Ajjp'le Hill 635-33 via Prescott, Ont via Toronto, Ont 535-53-70 611 (R R name Ompah) via Toronto, Ont Atwood 580-48 ' Sussex Vale 599-121 Moosomin 535-52 535-57 (R R name; Osborne) 580-47 599-11 .599-11 (R R name DorchesterRoad) 680-83 Newton 580-53 I Adolphustown 3091 Chatsworth 535-40: Up. Keswick 535-83] Bracebridge 580- 67, 420-3 580-9, 535-33 580-9 535-11 635-83 Stottville 580-13 Chatham 532, 353 390 or Waasis Sta. 535-82 Spence's B. 536-70| .535 -.52 Doyle Settlement Dracon 'Drayton 'Dresden Drew Dromore Dromore Dromore West . . . "Drumbo Drummond Drunmiond 'Drum'ond ville E Drumquin .... Dry River Drysdale Duart Dublin Dublin Shore . . Dubreuil Dubuc Duck and Pringle Duck Creek Duck Lake.. Duclos Dudley ELRCTORAL DISTRICTS. York, ER Perth, NR O King's N B Assa Lisgar SI Waterloo, SR ..O WeBtinoreland.N B Westmoreland. N B Middlesex, ER..0 Perth, W. R ....O Lennox O Grev, NR O York NB Ontario, N R....0 Jacques-Cartier..Q Jao(|ues Cartier..Q Renfrew-, N R ,0 York N B Napierville Q Nortlnimberl'd.NB Queen's N B Vale-Kootenay.BC Selkirk M Gaspe Qi3,50 Black Cape 508! Northumbei-1'd NBi3.53 Newcastle 599- 2' Ga8p6 Q i Black Cape 508, 3,50: Peterlioro' E R , .0\via Peterboro', Ont Westmoreland. N BILewisville 518 Kent OlWallaceburg 573 Dudswell Centre Dufferin DuEFerin Bridge.. Dufferin Mines .. Dufour Dufresne Dngald Duhamel Duhamel Dumbarton Stat'n Duniblane Dumfries RAILROAD ON WlllCIt LOCATKD OR NRAR'hT R. R. STATION, SKB KEY PP. 162-164 Restigouche . .N b'r. Louison ,599-2 Wellington C R..O|Spires 535-36 Wellington, C R..OI580-54 Bothwell 0:673 Wellington, NR..O!680-65 Grey, S R O'Holstein 680-46 Queen's . . . ■. P E I Pisquid 6653 Queen's P E 1 1 Pisquid 665 3 Brant, NR o:580-79, 535-35 Lanark, S R . . , .0; Perth 635-34 Victoria N B|Grand Falls 535-84 Drummond Q .565, 535-4 Halton O, Hornby .535-35 .Selkirk MIGreenway 6441 Huron, S R . . . . O, Kippen 580-50 Elgin, W R ... .OjMuir Kirk 6255 Perth, SR O'580-52 Lunenburg N S Brid' water 646, 374 Renfrew, S R . . O Ashdad 611 ProveiR'lier M|i!»rt Winnipeg Man Yale-Kootenay.BC, 536-70 (R R name Ducks) Queen's N Bl Saskf>35-62 Ottawa Q Wakefield 656 Simcoe, E R O Bala 420-3, Gravcn- I hurst 580-(i7 Wolfe Q 675, 620(RR name Dudswell June) Frontenao via Kingston, Out. Muskoka & P Sd.OJEmsdale 580-67 Halifax N SiWest River Sheet Harbour 371 Charlevoix Q St. Paul's Bay 329-8 Provencher M] via Winnipeg Lisgar Mi Bia Winnipeg, Man Ottawa Q Plaisance .536.18 AltaiWetaskiwin, 565-33 Charlotte ... .N 8536-87 Bruce, W R . . . , O Paisley 680-54 Dumoine . Dunallen Dunany Dunara Dunbar 'Dunbarton . . Dunboro' Dunbow Dunboyne .... ' Duncan i Duncan \*Dunca7i's Stat'71 Dnnclnirch Duncrief *Dundalk *Danda8 Dundas * Dundas Street. Dundee York, W R O Victoria N ti Kent O Halifax NS King's N B Victoria, S R. York, WR.,, ,0 .0 Ponti'ao Q Kent O Northuraberl'd.NB via Parkdale, Ont Kilburn 535-86 Chatham 535-42, 573, 580-83 via Halifax, N S Norton Sta. 543-1, 59i)-12 Oinemee 580-36 580 -67 Pembroke 0.636-12 CharingCios8625-5 Chelmsford 532 Dundee . . . Dundee . . . Dundee . . . Dundela . . . Dundonald . Dundurn ... Dunedin . . . Dunedin . . . *Dungannim . Dungiven . . , *Dunham . . . Dunkeld Dunkerron . . . Dunkin Dunleath. . . . [Dunlop Dunlop iDunmaglass York ..NB Pontiac Q Princ" William Sta 035-88 Mackevs Sta. Unt 535-12 Selkirk M'Boissevain 535-57 Argenteuil QiLachute .535-18 Lisgar MjStonewall ,535-00 Dundas Chesterville 535-3S Ontario, W R .. 580-9 Missisquoi Q Sweetsburg 535-3 Alta Dcwdnev 535-04 Elgin. E R OAylmer W. 580-82 Lunenburg NS Mnhone B. 640, 373 Grey, E R O Thornbury 580-6S Vancouver. . . .B Ci574 Muskoka & P .Sd.OJAhmic Harb. 4-204 Middlesex, S R. .OjDenfield 580-50 Grey, ER 01535-40 Wentworth, NR.O .580-83 Kings PEI Cardigan Bri. 665-3 Toronto, West ..0| Huntingdon . . . .QlFort Covington N. I Y. 580-7 Restigouche ..N B:Dalhousie.599-5,;i.50 Lisgar M , via Winnipeg Man Richmond . . . .N SiWest Ray R. 599-14 Dundas o'wff Iroquois, Ont. North berrd,ER. OiColborne 580-9, 360 As8a{535-62 Simcoe, N R 0,Ci-eeiiiore ,580-64 Queen's .... P E 1 ma Cliarlottetowii P F I Huron, W R . . , .0 Lucknow 580-48 Westmoreland. N Blleniramcook 5991 Missisquoi QiCowansville 535-3 Bruce, E R York, N R O Tottenham 880-65 Brome Q Huron, C R Gloucester.. Antigonishe . Assa .. .0 NB .,NS 580-54 Mansonv'le Station 535 3 Saltcoats 622 God'ich 580 52, 4.32 BathurstVge. 599-2 Merigoniishe 599-7 180 POST OFFICES AN'D UAILUOAD STATIONS IX CANADA. [1896 I 189li] K POHT orricKH. Dunmore. Duiiinore Dunniore .Tuiict'ii "Dunnville Imnphy Diinraven Duiirobin Dunsfonl Duntroon Duneenan Dun vegan IHipev's Corner. . Durell "Durham iMirhain Durham Bridge. . Durhaniville Durland Dutch Rrook . . . . Dutch Settlement Dutch Village . . "Dntton Dwight RLKCTORAIi DI8TKICTH. Dwyer Hill . . Dyer Dyer's Bay . . Dvnevor . . . . Eady Eagle Eagle Head , . Eagle's Nest Eagle River Sta. . Ealing Earner's Corners.. Eardley Earlswood Earltown Earni!cliffe East Aldfield . . . . East Amherst . . . . *EaU Angun . . . . East Apple Hiver, E^t Arthabaska.. East Baltic Antigonishe . . K S Renfrew, N R . . O Assa Monck () Northtnnberl'd.NB Pontine y Carleton O Victoria, SR. ..() Sinicoe, N R . . . . O Glengarry O Inverness . . . . N S Westmoreland. N S King's P EI Grey, SR O Pictou NS York NB Restigouche . .N B Lunenburg. . . .NS Cape Breton . . N S Halifax NS Halifax NS Elgin, W R ...O Muskoka&P. Sd.O Carleton O Storniont O Bruce, N R . . . . O Lisgar M Simcoe, E R ....O Elgin, W R . . . . O Queen's N S Brant, NB O Algonia O Middlesex, E R . . Cornwall O Ottawa Q Assa Colchester ....NS Simcoe, SR ....O Pontiae Q Cumberland . . N S Comuton Q Cumberland ..N S Arthabaska Q King's PEI East Bay East Bay, N Side. East Bolton East Broughton . . East Chebogue . . East Chezzetcook East Clifton .... Eastdale East Dover East Dudswell . . East Dunham.. . . East Earltown . . Eastern Harbour. Ea^t Farnham. . East Ferry East Folly Mount. East Hall's H. Rd East Hereford . . East Jeddore East Leicester . . East Linton East Magdala. . . . * Eastman Eastman's Spri'gs East Mapleton . . E. Margaretsville East Margaree . . East Mines Stat'n East Mountain .. East New Annan. Kaston's Cornei-s. East Oro Cape Breton . .N S Cape Breton . . N S Brome Q Beaiice Q Yarmouth . . . . N S Halifax NS Compton Q King's N S Halifax NS Wolfe Q Missisquoi Q Colchester . . . . N S Inverness . . . .N S Brome Q Digby NS Colchester N S King's N S Compton Q Halifox NS Cumberland . N S Grey, NR Megantio Q Brome Q Russell O Cumberland . . N S Annapolis N S Inverness . . . .N S Colchester . . . . N S Colchester.. .. N S Colchester — N S Grenville, N R ..O Simcoe, E R . . . . RAILROAD ON WHICH 1 LOCVrKD OR NEAR'hT R. R. STATION, 8KK KK.Y PP. 16i-164 Lower Settlement South Riv. 599-7 Cotxlen MS 12 m\ fi35-53 ! .')8079 Blackville fi32 Canii)beirs Bay 663 Stittsville 535-12 Lindsay 580-30-32- 35, 312 580-64 Greenfield 531 Prt Hood 359-2, 364 Shediao 599-11 Cardigan Bri. 665-3 580-46 via Pictou, N S 532 (R R name Durham) Jacquet Riv. 5992 Barss' Corners 646 »m Svdnev, N S Elmsdale 599-1 via Halifax, N S 6-25 -6 Huntsville 580-67, 315 Ashton 535-12 Moss Creek 5;i 1 426 or via Wiarton East Selkirk Coldw'ter580-32-;<4 West Lome 625-5 Liverpool 376-3 Brantford 515, 580-78-79 .535-51 via London, Ont. via Cornwall, Ont, 663 Wapella 535-52 Truro 599 1-13 I /Ui.'tton 580-46 Qiivon 663 Amherst 599-1 675 : Parrsborough 549 Stanfold 580-12 Souris, East 665-4, , 359-1, 371 I vin Sydney, N.S. j via Sydney, N.S. ' Knowlton 535-4 Broughton Stn. 675 via Yarmouth, N Sj via Halifax, N.S. ' 620 Stoddarts 646 via Halifax, N S Dudswell 620, 675 Cowansville 535-3 ! Scotsburn 599-15. Cheticamp 3.''i9-2 535-3 via Digby, N S Debert Sta. 599-1 Centreville, 547 620 via Halifax, N S Oxford 599-15 \ via Owen Sound O i Lvster, 580-12 535-7, 653 531 i E Southampton 549 Middleton 646, 714 ' Margaree Uar.359-2 599-1 Valley Sta 599-13 Tatainagouche 599-15 Jasper, 535-16 Orillia 580-32-67 1 POST KKKICKS. East Point East Port Medway East River East R, St. Mary's East R. Sheet Har East Rogerville. . E. Roman Valley. East Sable River. EastScolchSettl't East Selkirk East Sherbrooke.. ESideP'lL'Heherl ESidePubiiico H. E Side Ragged Is. East Sooke Eaxt South' uipf'n East Teinpleton.. Eaut Toronto Eastville East Wallace .... Ea.Ht Walton Ka.-il Wellington . East Wentworth. East Williamsb'gh Eastwood Eaton Eatonville Eauclaire Ebbsfleet Ebenezer Ebenezer Eberts Ebor Eburne Echo Bay Echo Place Echo River KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON Wllun LOCATED OR NK\i< HI R. R. STATION, HU KEY PP. 162 IW King's PEI Souris, East mm, 359-1, 371 Queen's N S Bridgewater 64C, 374 Lunenburg. . . NS Chester 373 Pii-tou N H N.Glosgow .591l-71:t Halifax N S West River Sheet Harbour 371 Northumberl'd.NB Rogerville 599-2 Ouysboro N S L. Sett. 8 R 5!«)-7 Shelburnc . . . N S Lockport 376-3 King's N B Brownsville 5431 Lisgar M 535-51 (R R n.iiue Selkirk) Sherbrooke .... Q Sherbrooke 51-2, I ,535-7, 580-8, UT'i Queens N S| Liverpool 376;i N S[»/(j Yarmouth, NS N S Lockeport, 37(1' Varmouth Shelburne . . Vancouver . . Cumberland BC .NS Echo Vale * Economy Economy Point . Ecum Secuin Ecuin Secum B . EMdystone Eden Eden Eden Grove Eden Jlills . . . . Edenwold Bklgar Edgar Mills.... Edge Hill . . . Edgeley Edgeley Farm Ottawa Q York, ER O Colchester N S Cumberland . . N S Hants NS Vancouver B C Cumberland . . N S Dundas O Oxford, S R . . . . O Compton Q Cumberland.. .N S Distot Nipissing.O Prince PEI Queen's PEI Assa Bothwell O Selkirk M N. Westminster BC Algoma O Brant, N R . . . . O Algoma O Compton Q Colchester ...NS Colchester.... NS Guvsborough . . N S Halifax N S Northumb', W R.O Elgin, ER O Marquette M Bruce, E R . . . . O Wellington, S R. O Simcoe, E R .... Essex, SR O Grey, S R O York, W R O Assa Edgett's Landing. Edgington EMma Edmonton Edmonton Udmundston Edna Edville Edwardsville Edwell Edy's Mills Eel Brook Eel Cove Eel Creek Eel River Crossi'g Eel River Lake . Albert N B Muskoka & P Sd.O Argenteuil . . . . Q Peel O Alta Victoria N B Alta N'umberlandER.O Cape Breton.. .N S Alta Bothwell O Yarmouth N S Victoria NS Cumberland . . N S Restigouche . .N B York NB via Victoria, li ( ' 549 (R R nana- Maccan) 536-18, 327, 3-28 Coleman 58U-it Brookfleld .5991 Wallace ,59915 Newport St'n 71 4 I'lrt Nanaimo Wentworth Station .599-1 Aultsville, 580-l» 580-83 6-20 Parrsborough 54!i 536-12 Alberton 665-1 Milton Sta. 665- 1 Yorkton 6-22 573 Elkhorn 536-52 waN.W'minsterHC .535-25 Cainsville 580-7!t Garden Riv. 535-2:., 4-28-3, 430-1,4-22-2 ,535-7 Londonderry Sta., 599-1 do. do. Antigonishe 599-7 West River Sheet Harbour 371 Grafton 580-9 Tilsonburg SSOTs- S2. 625-5 Neepawa 622 580-.14 (R R name Pinkerton) Arkell 535-37 Balgonie fi3.'i 52 Barrie 580 07 625-1 Durham 580-40 Concord 580-07 Qu'Appelle Station 536-52 Hillsborough 69;! Rosscau 420-3 Lachute 535-18 ,535-39 535 -63 700, 7(X)-1, 535-84 Edmonton 535-0:; Colborno 580-9 Svdnev ,i99-14 Red Deer '535 -63 625-7 via Yarmouth. N S tna N. Sidne\', N ^^ Amhei-st 599 1 699-2 CanterburyStatimi 635-90 POST OPFICBS. KItiTiK'ham M( toll Creek Hi ■fjijaiiville Kcl/t-rt KK'i-'i-ton . . Kfc's: Island . . Kt{liii}!ton .. KtfnioiidviUe EKinont Bay Kifjpte Kit;ht Island Lake G Kllia Ci Klb Mills Li Elcho M Elder Elder's Mills . . . Eldon Station . . . Eldorado Elforrt Elfrida KlKin Eltfin Elfliii Elirin Elgiiiburg Elginfleld .... Eljjin Road Elia Elimville Elizabethville . . Elkhorn Ellaton EUengowan Ellen's Town EUershouse . . EUesmere . . Elliott Elliott's Corners.. Elliott's Mills .... Elliott Vale Ellisboro' Ellisville Elm Eliiia Elmbank Elm Creek Elmcroft Elnifield .. Elmgrove Elmhedge Eliiihurst.. 'Elmira . Elinira . . . Elmore Elmsdale . . . Elmsdale . . Klmsule . . . Elmstead . . Elm River Him Street Elmsvale . . Elmsville . . Elm Tree 'Elmvale. . . . Elm Valley . . 'Elmicood . . Elmwood . . . , Eimwood ... 'Elora Elphin Elphinstone Elsie )A. [I89t) RAIIiKOADON WMUli LOfATBDORNKVKKI R. R. STATION, ttn KKV I'l'. 162 104 SouHh, Kagt (W,r4 3591, ;}71 Bridgewater 046, 374 S Chexter 373 M N.Glasgow fiOifr.M S West River Sheet Harbour 371 IB Rotferville 590-2 S L. Sett. 8 K 5i)»'7 S r.ockport 37«'3 B ISrownsville 54:i't M 535'51 (H R name Selkirk) ♦iJSherbrooke .'Ji2, ' Mb-7, mo-H, 07:. S|lyiveri>ool 3763 S'lu'a Yarnioiitli, XS S l,ookej)ort, 370:f C via Victoria, li ( ' S 549 (R R name Macean) Q 535-18, 327, 3-28 olC'oleiiian 58U-!) Si lirookfleld ,509-1 S Wallace ,590-15 S New-i)ort St'n 71 4 C rirt Nanaiiiio S Weiitworth Station 599-1 Aultsville, 58(1-0 ri80-83 020 Parrsl)oroujrh .")4'.i 535-12 Albertoii 06.5-1 Milton Sta. 6051 Yorkton 022 .73 M Klkhorn r,,-j5-.52 c/aN.W'niinsti'iMC 535-25 Cainsville .580-7'.i Garden Riv. 53.5-2,'.. 4-28-3, 430-1, 4-22-J ,535-7 I-ondonderrv Sta.. 599-1 do. do. Antigonishe 590-7 West River Sheet Harbour 371 Grafton 580-9 Tilsonburjf .580 -Ts- 82 625 -r. Neepawa 622 580-.i4(R R name Pinkerton) OjArkell ,535-37 Balgonie 53.5 '12 Barrie 580-67 625-1 Durham 580-40 Concord 580-67 Qu'Appelle Stat ion 536-52 Hillsborouffh 69:! Rosscau 420*3 I.nchute.535-18 .535-39 535-63 700, 7(X)-1, 535-84 E^dinonton 535-0:; Colliorno 580-9 Sydnev ,599-14 Red Deer '535 -Oli 625-7 via Yannoulii, X S via N. Sidney, X S Amherst 591)1 5i)9-2 CanterburyStatioii 535-90 189(J] POST OFFICES AND UAILROAD STATKJXS IX CANADA. 181 POST UKFICKIi. KtliiiKliaiii • Kjfan Creek KkIktI Kut'i'ton . . . V,iV. Island . . KKliiiffton .. EKiiiondvillc E^finont Bay Km'te Ki);ht Island Lake i;ilia Kill Mills Kleho KLBCrORAL DIHTRICTH. RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATBDOR .NKAR'hT R. R. MTATION HKK KRV, PP. 162-164, Monck O Hostinjrs, N R . . O Renfrew, S R .. O Simcoe, S R ....O Wellin(ra Elphin Elphinstone Elsie P't Robinson 580'88 Orinsby ,544 .535-11 Thornton 580-65 I Mt. Forest 535-41,1 580-46 345 via Toronto, Ont. Seaforth 580-52 Wellington Station 065-1 St, Ephrem d' Up- ton 580-8 Antigonishe 599-7 Orangeville 535-40 Athens 516 Atten-lilTe Station 580-82, 625-5 Alliston 580-64 Kleinburg 535-40 580-29 544, .580-33 Essex 6-25-1-5 Stony Creek. 580-83 516 Lome 599-13 .572 wJaN. W'niinsterBC Glenvale 611, 609-1 Lucan 580-51 .599-3 580-67 Exeter, 580..50 Garden Hill, .580-35 535-52 .580-80 (R R name Gilisons) Paisley 580-54 Chemlsford 532 714 Agincourt 535-34 580-36 Perth 535-34 Victoria Harbour 580-32 665-1 Peake Station 665-3 Wolseley 535-52 Lvudhurst 516 Stittsville 535-12 Chestcrville, 535.33 POST OKriciw. Elgjtiore .. Elton . . . . Elva Emberson *K\nbro . , Waterloo N R . . O King's P E I Assa Hants N S Prince P E I Pontiae Q Ess(^x, NR O Marquette M Toronto Centre . . O Halifax NS Charlotte . . . . N B A Rat Portage, 535-.51 Hastings, N R . .OlEldoi-ado 544, 580 -.-l:) Haldiniand O York .".so-79 Cariboo B C Ashciof 1 535-70 Muskoka& P StI.O, 580-07 Queen's P E VN. Wiltshire 66.5 Yale-Kootenay. BC Durham, W K ..O Hants N S Gasp«5 Q Halifax NS Queen's N B Victoria N S Prince PEI Enniskillen Sta. Ennisniore Ennotville Enon Enterprige, Epping .... Epsom .... Eramosa . , Erb Erbsville . Eric Erie j Haldiniand Erie View Norfolk. S R ■1 535-74 Oshawa 5S0-9 Sheldrake 345 Bedford Ba'in599.1, 714 Anniilale .543-1 via \. Sydnev, X S Tvne Vallev 665-1 Cardwell 0]Tottenham .580-65 Victoria N BGrand Falls .535 >4 Durham, W R .. OiBurketon Station J. 53.5 -.-U Queen's N Bj.535-SS Peterboro', W. R O via I'eterborouirli • » Wellington <) via Gnelph Cape Breton. .N s!st. Peters 364, .•J7ii, I 372 Addington O Grey, E R O Ontario, N R....(> Wellington, S R. O King's NB Waterloo, N R. O Frontenac O o ■)80-47 Souris Ea^t 665-4, 3.59-1, 371 Antler, 535-58 ,599-1 065 -1 Bristol 663 535-42 Oakville, 644 -2 Shubenacadie .599-1 695 (R R name Dyers) Arden .535-34 .580-66-69 Reston 535-65 .580-55 Butternut Ri'ge572 via Charlottetown. .580-54, .535-36 Mississippi Sta. Oil Strathclair Sta. 622 Gelert 680-30 Erin [Wellington, S R. O Erinsville i Addington O Erinview Lisgar M Erie jWolfe Q Ernestown .Sta . . iLennox O Errington Vancouver. . . .B C Erskine ....:... iGrev, E R O Escott 'Leeds, S R O Escuminac IBonaventure Q ,500 1 via Meaford, Ont. Mancliester 580-:<8 via Guelpb, Ont. Apoha(iui 599-12 Waterloo 580-47 via Kingston, Ont. .larvis .580-70-82 Port Kowan 580-!»<'> 535-;(0 .509-1 Stonewall .5.35-60 Marbleton 075, 020 .580-9 via Xanaimo, B C Mark.>' %v\/ op. m Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "V ^"j.'^ v; ^ i 182 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [1896 POST OFPICIS. Etna Ettriok... Eugenia . Eureka.. . Eustls . . . Kvandale. Evansville Evelyn . . Eferett . . Everett Eversley Everton Ewan . . . "Exeter Exnioor Factory Dale . . Fairbairn Fairbank . Fairfax Fairfax Fairfield Fairfield East.. Fairfield Fairfield Plain Fttirford Fair Ground . . , Fairhall .. Fairhaven Fairhohne Fairley Fairli(ifht Fairmede Fairmont Sprinjifs Fairniouiit Fainiiont Fairview Fairview . Fairview , Fairview Fairview Station Fair Valley .... *FairvHle .... Faldin^ Falkenburgh Sta, Falkirk Falkland Falkland Falkland Rid(fe Fall Brook .... Fallowfteld .... Falls View Fahnout)i .... Falmouth Station Fannystelle Fanshawe Faraday Farewell Fartfo Farnierston . . . Farniiiijfdale . . . Farniinffton . . . Farmington . . . Farnboro' Farndon I'arnhani Centre * Farnham Farquhar Farran's Point . . KLECTORAb DISTRICTS. KiiiK's N S Middlesex, ER..O Orev, S U () Piclou N S Sherbrooke Q King's N B Alffoma O Middlesex, K K . O Siincoe, S R . . . . O Victoria N B York, NR () Wellington, S R.O Victoria, N R ...O Middlesex, NR..0 Northunib'....NB Kinsr's N S Victoria O York, W R O Selkirk M Stanstead Q King's P EI Brockville O St. John N B Oxford, S R . . . . O liisgar M Norfolk, SR.. .O Selkirk M Charlotte . . . . N B Mubkoka&P.S'd.O Northunib" . . N B Assa Assa Yale-Kootenav B C Grey, E R O Antigonish.. ..N S Perth, SR O RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD OR NEAR'ST R. R. SVATION SRR KRY, rp. 162-164. Westmoreland. N B Queen's ....P ET Yale BC Halifax N S Simcoe, E R O St. John NB Muskoka&P.Sd.O Simcoe, E R . . . . O Middlesex, NR..0 Brant, S R O Halifax NS Annapolis. . . . R S Lanark, S R . . . . O Carleton O Welland O Hants N S Hants N S Lisgar M Middlesex, K K..0 Hastings, N R . . O Wellington, N R.O Kent O Carleton N B King's N B King's PEI Cumberland . . N S Broine (^ Missisquoi Q Brome Q Missisquoi Q Perth, SR O Stormont O Wolfville 714 Klesherton, 535'40 r>»»'13 )12 390, or NerepiaSta r)35-88 j Gore Bay 428-8, | 430'1, 422-2 i Crum!in 535-38 I 580-64 I Forrancev'le 636-91 J King fiso-er via Guelph, Ont. Kinmount 680-30 I 580-50 ! Newcastle 599'2, 1 35.3 1 AylesfordTU Fenclon Falls 580- 1 ••JO 580-67(11 R name! Fairbank Juno.) 1 Souris 535-08-59 Boyiiton512 Cherry Grove 666-4 635-16 i St. Martins 643-'2 I Burford 580-78 Reaburn 535-52 j Tilsonburg, 580-78-1 82, 625-5 I Killarney, 635-57 j St. Andrews 535-87, 400 I Ahmic Harbour I 420-4 1 Boiestown 532 VVapella 636-52 Golden 535-.53 via Meaford, Ont. Antigonishe 599.7 Stratford 580-51-62- 63, 680-79-80 Dorchester 699-1 via Charlottetown, PEI Ok an agon 636-74 599-1 Orillia 580-32-67 535-81-88 Dirt Parry Sound, O 580-67 Denfleld 580-50 Paris 580-79-83. via Halifa., 1' S SpringfleU' 6M Perth 535-34 Bell's Corners 635-12 025-6-6 Falmouth St'n. 714 535-59 via Ixjndon C'oe Hill Mines POST OKPICKH. Farrelton .... Fassifern Father Point . . Fauxbourg .... Fawoett Hill . . Fawkham .... Fawn Fecteau's Mills Fellows Felton Feltz South .... ' Fennell's iFenaghvale jFenella *Penelon Fall» . Fenwick , Fen wick I Fenwick *FerguH Ferguslea Ferguson Ferguson's Falls.. Ferguson's Point. Fergusonvale Fcrmoy Ferndale Ferndale Ferndale House . . Fern Glen Fernhill . . Fernton Ferry Landing . Ferris Ferryville Fessenon Petherston Fevershani Field Fift'ii Mile Stream Fifteen Point Findlay *Fingal Finger Board Finlayson Fiiitona Fire Valley First South Fishburn Fisher Bay Fisherman's Har . Fisherville j Fishing Lake I Fish Lake . . Fishing Lake Filch Jiaij.. . 714 Fitzgerald Stati'n .544 Keiillworth 535-41 673, 625-5 Upper Woodstock 535-86 Sussex Vale 590-12 Head of St. Peter's Bav 005 -4 River Philip 590-1 WestShefford 535-7 Farnham .5.'J5-l-2-7, 545-1, 032-1 Brlghain 635*3 535-1-3-7, 545-1, 632-1 Dublin 680-52 580-9 RLRCTORAb DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WIIICB LOCATED OR NKAR'ST R. STATION HRI RRV, PP. 162-lW Ottawa Q Glengarry O Rimouski O Lunenburg NS Westmoreland. N B Ontario, N R . . O Ontario, N R . . O Wolf q Lennox O Russell O Lunenburg . . . N S Simcoe, SR ....O Prescott O Northuinb', WR.O Victoria, NR... O Monck O King's.. NB Cumberland . . N S Wellington, C R.O Renfrew, SR....O Middlenex, ER..0 Lanark, SR ...O G1ou::e8ter N B Simcoe, NR.... O Addington O Albert NB Assa Simcoe, ER O Muskoka&PSd.O Middlesex, SR..0 Lisgar M Victoria NS Queen's N B Carleton N B Simcoe, ER ....O Muskoka & P Sd.O Grey, E R O Vale&Kooten'v.BC Halifax " N S Prince PEI Selkirk M Elgin, WR .... O Victoria, S R... O Victoria N S Cardwell O Yale BC Lunenburg. . . .NS Alta Disgar M Ouysboro' . . . . N S Ha'ldimand O Assa Prince Edward . .0 Assa Stanstead Q Prince PEI FitzniauHce Fitzpatrick , Fitzroy Harijour Five Mamh .... Five Mile River.. Flamboro' Centre Flanders Flatlands Flat River Northuinb'd ..N B! Lanark. NR....O Colchester N S Hants N S Wentworth, N R.O Coninton Q Rest'gouche . .N B Queen's PEI Flee Island . ; Fleetwood Fleniirg i Fleitherton i Flesherton Stati'n j Fletcher Fletcher's Station Marquette . M Durham, ER....0 Assa Grey, SR <) Grev, S R O Kent O Halifax NS 656 Alexandria .531 .599-2, 346 via Lunenburg, NS !)72 Washago 580-67 Atherly 680-32 07 Victoriaville 6S0- 12-14 Karnstown Station .580-9 South Indian 631 Lunenburg 646 Gilford 680-67 Maxville 631 Dirt Cobourg, Ont. .580-30 Pt. Robinson 680-88 Amidale 543-1 Amherst 599 1 .580-54, .535-36 Renfrew .535-12,611 Hyde Park Corner 535-42, 580-50-83 Perth 635-34 Pockinouche 640 Phelpston 580-69 Westport 516, 319 Elgin .572 Moiisoniin 635-.52 420-3 ot Falkeii- burg ,580-67 Emsdale .580-67 Hyde Park Corner 535-42, .580-.50-8;j via Winnipeg, Man Orangedale 699U Welsford, 636-88 Woodst'k 635-86-(Kl 680-32 via Parry Sound, Flesherton 535-40 536-63 Lome 590-13 Miscouche 065-1 535 -65 Shedden 025-5 Sonya 580-38 lona ,599-14,364,37-2 Alliston .580-04 Nakusp 445-1 I'irt Lunenburg, NS MacLeo*! 636-04 via Selkirk Nelles Corners 680-82 Yorkton 622 via Picton, Ont. Yorkton 622 Stanstead Junc- tion 512, 61 21 605-1 (R R name Richmond) Broadview 536 '.'p'i Bay du Vin 353 Arnprior .535.12 Parrsborough 549 ,Shubenacadie,5!i!tl Waterdown 58f)87 Eaton 620 .590-2 Hirt Charlottetown, PE I Portage La Prairie 535-52, 044-2 Franklin 580-35 .'•i35-52 535-40 ,535 40 ()25-6 599-1 (R R iKiine Wellington) IN90] POST OFFICES. Klilwode Flclt's Springs. . FN-urant ....... Flinton Fkxiden Floradale 'Florence Pliirenceville . . . Florenceville, E. Flnrcnta Flowers' Cove . Flower Station . Flmne Ridge . . . Folkins Foli-y Ki)ley Brook . . . folley Lake . . . Folly Mountain . Fdllti Village . . . Fontennelle . . . Fontenoy 'Flint hill KoDttK Bay Forbes Forbes Point Ford's Mills 'Fiirdtvich Fordyce Foreman 'Forest Forestdale Forest Farm Forest Glade Forester's Falls . . Forest Glen Forest Hill Forest Hill Forest Mills . . . Foreston Fort.stville Forrest Station . Forfar Forks Korks, Boddeck. Forks Road Formosa Fort 11 la Come . , Fort Alexander. , Fort Augustus . , Fort Coulonge . . Kort Cudahv Fort Ellice ". Flirt Erie Kortescue Fort Frances Fortierville Forties Settlem't. Kortin Fort Kipp Fort Lawrence . . Foit Louisburg. . Fort I'elly Pi'i't Sask'tcheiv'n Fort Simpson . . . Fort Steele Fort Stewart... Foriiine Bridge. Fortune Cove. .. V. [1896 RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NKAR'ST R. R. MTATION HII KRY, PI'. 162-l(i4 flr>6 Alexandria 531 r)9»-2, 340 via LunenburK, NS >72 Washago 580-07 Atherly fi80-32-(!7 VictoriaviUe 5S0' 12-14 Karnatown Station 580-9 South Indian 531 I,unenbiir(?(t46 Gilford 680-67 Maxville 531 Did Cobourtf, Out. 58l(-30 I't.UobinHon 580-88 Aniidale 543-1 Amherst 599 1 580-54, 535-36 Renfrew 535-12,611 Hyde Park Corner 535-42, 580-50-83 erth 535-34 Pockniouche 541) Phelpston 580-6!) Westport 516, 319 Kltfin .572 Moiisomin 535-,5'2 420-3 O! Falkeii- burir 580-67 Enisdale .580-67 Hyde Park Corner 535-42, 580-50-8;) via Winnipeg, Man Oraiigcdale 591)14 Welsford, 53588 Woodst'k 635-86-Wl 680-32 via Parry Sound, Fleshertbn 535 '40 535-53 Lome 599-13 Miscouc.he 665-1 535-65 Shedden 625-5 Sonva 580-38 lona ,599-14,364,37-2 Alliston 5S0-64 Nttkusp 446-1 t'irt Lunenburg, NS MacLecKl 535-64 via Selkirk IS O Nelles Corners 580-S2 Yorkloii 622 via Pieton, <»nt. Yorkloii 622 Staiisteod Junc- tion .512, 6121 665-1 (R R mime j Richmond) 8sa Broadview C35-ri-2 I B Bay du Vin 35:f OJArnprlor 535.12 'J S'Parrsborough 51!) ^ S Shubenanadie.V.ii)! l.O Waterdown .5811-87 q'Katon620 I b;599-2 3sa O ssa via Charlottetown, PK I Portage La Priiirie 535-.-)2, 044-2 Kranklin 580-35 535-52 KI .M ,.o 88a ,,();. 535- 40 O O INS .535 40 (125-5 599-1 (R R iKune Wellington) 1.S9G] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 183 POST OFPICRB. Flilwmle Klttl'H Springs. Fli'urant Flint on Klfxlden Fli>radale 'Florence — FlorenceviUe — Florenceville, E.. Klorenta Flowers' Cove . . Flower Station . . Kliune Ridge Folkiiis Foley Foley Brook Folley Lake Folly Mountain . . Fiiliy Village Fontennelle . . . . RLP.CT0RAL DI8TP.ICTH. Assa Sask Bonaventure Q Addington O Richmond U Waterloo, NB ..O Middlesex, W R. O Carleton NB Oarleton NB Marquette M Queen's N B Lanark, N K....O Charlotte . . . . N B King's N B Ontario, SR ....O Victoria N B Colchester.... NS Colchester . , Colchester . , Ga8p6 Fontenoy 'Fonthill. . . Footes Bay Forbes Richmond Q Welland O Sinicoe O Colchester.... NS Forbes Point Ford's Mills *Fordwich . . Fordyce Foreman 'Forest .... Forestdale . . . Shelburne . . Kent Huron, E R Huron, W R Haldimand , Lambton.W R..0 Nicolet Q Forest Farm . . . Forest Qlade . . . Forester's Falls. Forest Olen . . . Forest Hill Forest Hill Forest Mills Fori'Ston Forestville Forrest Station . Forfar Forks l-orks, Baddeck.. Forks Road Forinma Fort 11 la Come . . Fort Alexander. . Fort Augustus . . Fort Coulonge . . Fort Cudahy Fort Ellice 'Flirt Erie Kortescue Fort Frances Fortlerville . . . . Forties Settlem't Kortin ..NS ..NS .NS N B .. O ...O .. O Assa Annapolis NS Renfrew, N R . . O Inverness . . . . N S Albert N B King's PEI Lennox O Carleton NB Norfolk, SR....O Selkirk M Leeds, SR O Queen's N B Victoria N S Monck O Brtice, E R ....() Sask Lisgar M Queen's PEI Pontiac Q N. W. Territory, Marquette M Welland O Victoria, N R . . O Algoma O Lotbiniere Q Lunenburg . . .NS Rimouski Q RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NBAR'HT R. R. STATION BRK KBV, ?;•. 162-164 Moosoinin 53fi-62 Prince Alb't 53562 Escuminau .508 Madoo 680-33 Raoine 0.53 Elmira .58047 Bothwell 635-42, 580-83, 535-86 535-86 Gladstone 622 Newcastle Cr'k 3901 611 t HarvySta'n 535-88 1 Sussex Vale 699-121 Oshawa 580-9 | Grand Falls 635-84 699 1 (R R name; FoUeigh) Debert Sta'n B99'l , Debert Sta. 599-1 | Gaspe Basin 346,1 350 j Richmond East, j 580-8-12 I PtRcbinson 680"88 HamillH Pt. 420-3 Denmark Road, 599-15 Barrington 3763 Weldford 599-2 536-41 Blyth 580-50 Jarvis 580-70-82 880-51 Bulstrode Station 580-14 Whitewood Station 535-62 Middleton, 646, 714-14 Grahams, 63512 P08T 0KPICE8. Fort William.... *Fort William .. "Fort William W. Foster Foster's Foster's Croft . . Fosterville 8 Found's Mills . . . . Fourchu Four Falls Four Mile Brook . Four Roads Fournier Fowler's Corners Pontiac Algoma .... Algoma O Broine Q Lunenburg . . N S King's N B Vork N B Queen's PEI Richmond N S Victoria N B Pictou NS Gloucester N B Prescott (> Peterboro', W R.O Fox Bay Foxboro' Fox Creek Fox Harbour Fox Island Main Foxmeod Fox Point Fox River Fox River Foxton Pox Warren .... Foymount Framboise Framboise I'terv'e Frampton Franconia *Frankford Frank Hill Franklin Franklin Franklin Centre . Franks Bay Fort Kipp Fort Lawrence . Foil Louisburg. Fort Pelly Fi Westmoreland. N B Cumberland . . N 8 Guysboro' N S Simcoe, E B O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Gaspd Q Cumberland. . N S Lisgar M Marquette M Benfrew, S B Bichmond . . . Richmond NS Dorchester Q Monck O Hastings, WR..O Victoria, SR.. ..O Durham, E R . . O Marquette M Huntingdon. . .. Q MuskokaAcP.S'd.O Lanark, S R . . . . O Brockville O Antigonishe . . N S RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NEAR'hT R. R. STATION sn KEY, PP. 162-164 Pembroke, 0536-12 636-51, 664 535-51, 664 .535-4-7 Barns Corners 646 Sussex Vale 599-12 Canterbury Stat'n 635-90 Emerald 605-1 St. Peters 364, 370 372 Aroostook Juno. 5,35-84-86 West River Station 699-13 Maxville 6.31 580-35 (B B name Best's) Nataslxjuan 346 .580-27 Lewisvllle 518 Pugwash 59916 Canso 364, 371 .580-82 Huntsville 580-67, Gaspe Basin 346, 350 Parrsborough 549 Stonewall 63660 tl22 0|Rganville 63511 NS St Peters 364, 370 Ontario, N B. Antigonishe . Antigonishe . Durham, E B L^vis . .O NS NS O York N B Sunbury N B Westmoreland. N B Queen's , . . Perth, N B PEI .... Freeport Freetown . . . . *Fri'li(jlinbitrg French Bay .... French Creek Leeds, SB O Prince PEI Wentworth, N B.O Haltoii O Digby, NS Waterloo, SB.. O Prince PEI Missistiuoi Q French Lake . . French Biver.. French Biver. . [French Hiver. . French Boad.. Frenchvale .... 1 French Village Bruce, N R Vancouver . Sunbury. . Pictou Queeii's . () BC .NB .NS ' EI Muskoka&P.S'd.O Cape Breton , Cape Breton , Drummond . ,NS .NS St. I', lera S'H, ;!70 St. Hcnetline 675 Perry Sta. 625-5 ■ .544 via Peterborough 580-35 622 Athelstan N. Bay 536-12-13, 5W)-67, 535-16 Jasper .536-16 Harbor au Bouche 599-7 Brai-ebridge 58067 Heatherton 599-7 Lower Set't South River 599-7 580-35 Craig's Road Sta'n .580-12 .532. .535-82-83, 390, 535-82-88 Salisbury .599-12, 693 665-1 580-53 (R R name Pcflfers) Newboio 516, 319 Conwav Sta. 665-1 PuHlinch 535-35 Burlington 580-65- 87 Digby 712, 392, 393-2 Preston 580-54 665-1 St.Annand Sta..546 Alleiiford 58l)55 451, or fin Nanai- mo, H C Wonsis Sta. 535-82 .Merigoniishe 599-7 Kensington 005-1 422, 430-2, or Mas- sey Sta. 535-25 via Svdnev, N S. Leitche'sC'k 599-14 Richmond Station 5i0-8 21 ^ ;i 1 I 184 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189(1 I 1896] POST 0FFICB8. French Village . . French Villaxe . . French VilWe . . Friars Head Ch'el Friar's Head .... Frizzleton Froatburn Frock Frogmore Frome Frontier Frost Village . Fruitland Fulford Fulford Harbour. Fullarton Fuller Fulton Fulton Brook Fulton's Mills... Furnace Falls . . Fyfleld Oabarouse Lake. Gabarouse Gabarouse Bara'is Gabriola Island. Gad's Hill Oagetown Gainsborough.. .. Galbraith Galena Galetta Galiano Gallas Point , . . . Gallingertown . . Galson *Galt Gamebridge *Oanaiioque . . . . Gar.anoquj June. Garden Hill .. Garden Island . . Garden of Eden , Garden River Gardiner Mines. . Gardiner's Creek. Garfield Garland Garland Garneau Garnet Garnet Garnhani Oarretton Garrison Road . Garryowen Garthby Station Gartmore Gasparine *Gaspe Basin. . . GaspiS Bay, South Gaspercaux Oaspereaux Oaspereaux .... Gasperea'x Stat'n Oavelton Gay's River Gaythorne Gay's River Road. Geary Oelert Geneva Genoa ELBCTORAIi DISTRICrS. Quesn's P E I King's NB Halifax N S Inverness .... N S Inverness N 8 Inverness ... N S Dundas O New Westminster. Sorfolk, S R....O Elgin. \VR ....O Huntingdon — Q Shefford Cj Wentworth O Brome Q Vancouver B C Perth, S R Hastings, NR.. O Wentworth, S R.O Queen's N B Wellington, N R.O Victoria, N R . . O Bruce.E R O Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton.. NS Vancouver B C Oxford, NR.... O Queen's NB Lanark, NR.... O Yale-Kootenay.BC Lanark, N R....0 Vancouver B C Queen's P E I Stormont O Compton Q Waterloo, SR .. O Ontario, NR....0 Leeds, SR O Leeds O Durham, E R . . O Frontenac O Pictou NS Algoma O Cape Breton.. NS St. John N B Queen's PE I Ch.'iteauguay . . Q King's NS L'Islet Q Hftldimand O St. John N B Vancouver . , . . B C Grenville, S R . . O Welland O Grev, NR O Wolfe 6 Marquette M ChAteauguay . . Q Gasp6 Q RAILROAD ON WniCII LOCATED OR NKAR'ST R. R. STATION, SKB KBY, PP. 162-164. POST 0FFICB8. Gasp6 King's .PEI Queen's N B King's N S ?ueen's N B armouth N S Colchester ...NS Northumberl'd NB Halifax NS Sunburv . . N B Victoria, N R ... O Argenteuil Q Argenteuil Q M't Stewart 666-3-4 via St. John, N B Ota Halifax, N S Margaree H'r 359-2 Margaree H'r 359-2 Baddeck 364, 370, 372 via Morrisburg, O via Vancouver Tilsonburg 580-78- 82, 025-5 Shedden 626-5 Hemmingford580-5 Waterloo 636-4, 545-1 Stony Creek 68083 635-7 Burgoyne Bay 45J Mitchell 580-52 Ivanhoe 536-34, 580-33 Winona 680-83 Chipman 5431, 390 580-54 600 Teeswater 535-41 via Sydney, N S via Sydney, N S via Sydney, N S 461 or via Nanaimo, BC 580-53 390 or Welsford 536-88 535-58 Almonte 535-12 Golden 535-63 j Arnpi-ior 535-12 I eta Victoria via Charlottetown Aultsville 580-9 Scottstown 535-7 580-47-64, 635-35 580-32 702, 324, 326-1 580-0 580-35 325-3fiaKingstonOj Gilmour N.Glasgow .599-7-13' iGimli 535->5, 428-3, 430-1, Girard 422-2 via Syunev, N S St. Martins 543-2 via Charlottetown, Aubrey 531 Ber^vick 714 St. Jean Port Joli 699-3 580-70 iM'a St, John N B Genoa . . Gentilly George's River George's River Sta *Georgetown . . *Georgetown . . Qeorgeville .... Qeorgeville Georgina Island . Geraldine Gerniania Germanicus . . German Mills. . . Germantown . . . Gertrude Gesner'8 Creek . Gesto Gethsemani . Oetson's Point . Geyser Giant's Lake . . . Gibbon Gibraltar Gibson Gibson Gilbert Cove Gilbert Mountain Gilbert's Mills Gilchrist Gilbert Plains.. Gilead Gilks Gilford Gill Oilander's Mt.. Gillespie Gillies Hill .... Gillies Lake . . Gillies Point . . Gillie's Point East Oilman Giroux . . Gladstone . Gladstone . *Glailstone Gladwyn . . Gladys Glammig Glamorgan , Glandine . . . Glanford Glanford Station. via Prescott, Ont. eia Fcrt firie, Ont, via Owen Sound, 0' {Glanmire 675 I Glanworth Strathclair Sta. 022 [Qlossburn St. Remif80-5 i Glascott . 346,350(Gaspe Ld) | jGlas(?ow . , Black Cape 508 , !Gla^>fow . , Gospe Ba'n 346, 350| Glassville . Georgetown 665-3, jGlastonburv 359-1 ; Chipman 543-1, 390 Wolfvllle 714 535-88 ' via Yarmouth, N S Shubenacadie 699-1 Neguac 353 Shubenacadiefi99.1 Waasis Sta. 535-82 68U-30 Lochute 5.S5-18 St. Hernias 536-18 BLECTORAL DISTRICTS. Vancouver B C Nicolet Q Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton . . N S King's PEI Halton Stanstead Q Antigonishe . . N S York, N R Huntingdon . . ..Q Ontario, NR....0 Renfrew, N R . . O Waterloo, SR ..O Albert NB Simcoe, ER ....O Annapolis N S Essex, SR O Saguenay Q Lunenburg NS Lisgar M Guysboro NS King's NB Grey, ER O Simcoe, ER ....O York NB Digby NS Cumberland ..NS RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NBAR'SI R. R. STATION, SKJ KEY, PP. 162-164 Prince Edward Simcoe, E R . . Marquette . . . Hastings ER.. Northuinberl d.NB York, NR O Haldimand . . . . O Victoria NS Victoria NB Bruce, N R . . . . O Cape Breton . . N S Victoria NS Victoria NS Brome Q Hastings, N R . . O Lisgar St. John North Saanich 4fil Ste. Angele de I,;i. val 580-14 599-14 665-3, 359-1 580-61-65 342 or Stan-te.Kl June. .512, fll-i 1 Antigonishe 5()it-: Sutton WestSSii'.iT Hemmingford.5Bn-:) Gravenhurst 580 (i" Eganavll]e535'll 580-47 Albert 693 Gravenhurst 580HT Bridgetown 714 Essex, 625-1-5 Natashquan 345 Getgon'a Cove 374 or Bridgewater fl4i) iri'a Selkirk, Man. Lower Settlement, South River 501) ■: Sussex Vale 59i>l-2 via Collingwood.O Elmvale 680-66-: Sutton We8t58(r:i7 Henimingford.^snTi Gravenhurst 58(ir;7 Egan»,IIJe535-U 580-47 Albert 693 Gravenhurst 58(»tl7 Bridgetown 714 Essex, 625-1-5 Natashquan 345 Getmn's Cove 374 or Bridgewater fi4t) via Selkirk, Man. Lower Settlement, South River50()-r Sussex Vale 59(tl'i vzaCollingwood.O Elmvale 580-66-()9 532, 535-83 712 (R R name Port Gilbert) Halfway River iSta. 549 via Picton, Ont. Oro Station 580li7 Strathclair Sta. ti22 Blissfleld 632 580-67 Nelles Corn's 58()S'2 lona 599-14, 364,372 Ortonville 535-84 Paisley 580-54 Boisdale C. .19914 Iona599-14, 364, 37-2 do do West Brome SSf.S 544 ma Selkirk, Man. ■80-13 (R R name St. Nicholas) via Winnipeg, Man Harriettsv'lefS.'i:!.'! Kilburn 535-30 622 Red Rapids .53.'i il ita'Dewdney .535'64 Pinkerton 580-.)4 Mill Brook 580 •:^''. ESO-35 (R R naii^e Ops) GIanfordSta,')8()7'i .580-70 Millbridge 544 625-4. 580-81 Heai-.herton 591»-2 Berkeley 535-40 Stouffville580-3(i :i7 Shunacadier)9«14 Bristol 535-86 KaladarSta. W.Vy.A Antigonishe 50! » 7 .535-.53 Moosoinin 535-.'i-' Coe Hill Mines nu Drayton .')80-54 Buckingham 53r> 18 Antigonishe 501) 7 Janeville 540 535-41 Woodville, 580'3il James River St.i., 599-7 1896] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 185 POST OFFICES. Glen Bean . . (ilen Becker, Glenbervie . . Glm Buell . . Glenboro' oienbumie .... Glencairn Glen Campbell •fjlencoe Glencoe Olencoe Glencove Glen Colin Qlencorradale Glen Cross Gleneross Glen Donald . . Olendale . , . . Glendale Glendale Gleiidinning Glendower. . . Glendyer . . Gleneden Glenelg Glenemma . . Glen Ewen . . Glenfanning Glen Farrow Glenfleld .... Glenflnnan . , Glengarry . . Glengarry . . Glengarry Stat'n. Glengarry Valley Glen Gordon Glengyle Glenholm . . Glen Huron Glen Iver ELSCTORAb DISTRICTS. Ottawa Q Dundas O Colchester . . . . N S Brock ville O Marquette M Frontenac O Simcoe, S R O Inverness NS Middlesex, WR..0 Inverness NS Restigouche . . N B Guysboro' ....NS Elgin, ER O King's PEI Cardwell O Selkirk M Glengarry O Inverness N S Middlesex, E R. O Marquette M Selkirk M Addinsrton O Inverness N S Grey, EE O Guysboro' Yale .NS .BC Assa King's PEI Huron, E R . . . . O Addington O Queen^s PEI Inverness N S Prince PEI Pictou NS Cape Breton.. NS Ottawa Q Pontine Q Marquette M Simcoe, NB.... O Sherbrooke Q Glenila Glenlea . . . Glenlivet. . . Olenlivet. . . Glon LJoyd Glenlyon . . . Glen Major. Glen Margaret Glen Martin . . Glen Mary . . . . Glen Meyer . . . (ilen Millar . . Glenmore . . Gjonmore . . Glen Morris Olen Murray Olennevis . . . Glen Norman Glen Oak Gleiiora Olenora Olen Orchard . . . GlcMorchy Olen Porter . . . Glen Rae Glen Road Olen Robertson . .Muskoka&PSd.O,, Proveneher M Ottawa Q Restigouche . . N B Megantio Q Marquette M Ontario, W R . . O Halifax N S King's PEI Sask Norfolk, SR....O Hastings, W R. O Grenville, S R . . O Colchester.... NS Brant, N R . . . . O Megantic Q Glengarry O Glengarry O Middlesex, SR..0 Selkirk M Prince Edward. .O Simcoe, E R O Halton O Northumb'....NB Lainbton, E R . . O Antigonishe.. N S Glengarry O RAILROAD ON WHICH I LOCATED OR NEAR'ST| R. R. STATION, SEE REV, PP. 162-164. i Kazubazua 656 i Morrishurg 580-9 ■ Brookfield .599-1 516 (R R name | Forthton) i 535-.59 j ma Kingston, Ont. ' 580-64 I 680-82-83, 535-42 ; W.Bay Road 599-14! Head of Tide .599-2 Lower Settlement,! S. River 5997 i Springfield 625-5 i Cherrj- Grove 865-1 Orangeville 535-40 Morden 53557 | Summerstown Sta. ' 580-9 ! W.Bay Road 599. 14 via London, Ont. Neepawa, 622 Baldur 644-1 Godfrey 611 Port Hood, 359-2, 364 Mt. Forest 535-41, 580-46 Antigonishe 599-7 Enderin- 585-74 Oxbow 535-58 Cardigan Bd. 665 -3 Wingham 580-48-50 635-41 levant Station 611 via Charlottetown Port Hood 359-2, 364 Bloomfleld Station 665-1 599-13 ! St. Peters 364, 370, 372 Bristo; 663 Arden Station 622 680-64 Sherbrooke 512, 536-7, 580-8, 675 i POST OFFICES. Glen Ross Olenroy Glen Sandfleld Glenshee Glenshee .... Glen Small . . . Glensmith . . , Glen Stewart Glen Sutton . Glen Tav Glen Uig Glenvale Glenvale ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Olenville , Glen Water Glen William . . . Glen Williams . Glen Willow . . . Glen Wood Glen Wood Glenwood Station Gobeil Goble's Godbout *Ooderich Godfrey Godolphin Gofl's .... Royal 644-3 Kirks Ferry 656 Head of Tide 599'2 •Ste. Julie Station .580-12 Neepawa 622 Myrtle 535-34, 580-38 via Halifax, N S Cardigan Bd. 665-3 Pr. Albert .535-62 Tilsonburg 580-78- 82. 625-3 via Trenton, Ont. ■ Maitland, 580-9 Shubenacadie 599'1 Gait 536-35, 680-47- 54 Ste. Julie Station .580-12 DalhousieM. 635-33 do do [ Longwood 535-42, 580*83 I Pilot Mound 635-67 via Picton 309 j Redwood 4203 Oakville 580-87 1 Blackville .532 625-8 I Antigonishe 599-7 i 531, 531-1 IGolden iGoldenburg . . . I Golden Grove. . I Golden Grove M'ls I Golden Lake .. . i Golden Ridge.. . IGolden Stream . Golden Valley . iGoldenville jGoldfleld iGold River iGoldsniith iGoldstone iGold Stream ... [Gondola Point . Gonor !Good Corner .. . Gooderham Goodstown (Ooorfjcood Gooseberry Cove :Goo8e Creek .... [Goose River .... ^Gordon Gordon Creek Gordonsville .. Goi-donville .. Gore *Gore Bay Gore's Landing. Goring Gormley \*Oorn'e Goshen Goshen Gosport QotiingenSt., Br Goulais Bay Goulais River . . Gould Gould Station . . GouldviUe Oourock Hastings, W R..0 Glengarry O Glengarry O Norfolk, S R....O Piotou NS Grenville, S R . . O Marqiiette M Dundas O Brome y Lanark, S R O Antigonishe . . N S Frontenac O Westmoreland. N B Inverness NS Glepfarry O King's PE I Halton o Middlesex, W R. O Yarmouth N S N.Westminster. BC Kent O Charlevoix Q Brant, N R .... O Saguenay Q Huron, WR.... O Addington O Northumb', E R. O Halifax N S Yale-Kootenay.BC Algoma . . . . o St. John NB St. John NB Renfrew, N R . . O Carleton N B Marquette M Muskoka&P.S'd.O Guysboro" N S Stormont O Lunenburg . . N S Essex, S R O Wellington, C R.O Victoria B C King's N B Lisgar M Carleton N B Peterboro', ER..0 Carleton O Ontario, W R . . O St. John NB St. John N B King's PK I Essex, S R O Pontiac (^ Carleton NB Wellington, N R.O Hants N Sj Algoma O Northumb', W R.O Orev, E K York, E k O Huron, E R ... . O Albert .\ B tJuysboro' N" S Lennox O Halifax N S Algoma O Algoma O Compton li Compton tj Westmoreland. N B Wellington, S B.O RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NKAR'ST R. R. STATION, »KE KEY, PP. 162-164. 544(R RnameChi^- holnis) Green Valley 535-:;:'.^ Olen Robertson 531, .531-1 Delhi 680-82 Merigonishe 5997 Spencerville 535-:;i>- Neepawa 622 via Iroquois, Ont. .536-3 Perth. 535-34 Antigonishe iM>-: 5091, 611 Petitcodiac 572, .599-12 Port Hood HMi-i 364 ma Cornwall, Ont. Cardigan Ikl. tKi.'r.-; .580-65 Appin .580-83 via Yarmouth, N s Port Hammond .536-70, 450-3 617 Murray Bay 329's 580-83 345 680-52, 432 611(RR name Bed- ford) Camubellf'd ,580 -.'7 Windsor Jun..5'.Wl 714 535-53 via St. John, N 1! via St. John, N li Eganville .535-11 Peel 635-86 [Gladstone 622 Trout Creek 580-t>" Antigonishe 599-7 South Finch .535'33 iMahoneB. 646, 373 jBlytheswood 625 '3 680-54 .574 Rothesay .599-12 535-51 Woodstock 535-8ti- 90 Iron Dale 600 Bells Corn'rs .535 -l-i 580-30 JIusquash 605 Sussex Vale .599-12 Head of St. Peter* Bay 665 4 Amherstbuvg,02." ' 1 Mattawa, 0.,,5:3.-.l'2 Bristol 535 86 Arthur .53541 Shubenacivdie .590-1 4-28-3, 430'1, 4-22-J, or Spunisli Rivti- Station 535 "25 Harwood 580-17 Kin .Meaford, Ont. Unionville ,580-36 535 '41 Elgin 572 .■Vntigonishe 599-7 N'panee.500-2,.580-O via S't Ste Marie, < > via S't Ste Marie, t> Scottstown 536-7 635-7 Memramcook 599-1 680-64 186 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [1896 I ^^^^^ POS P08V 0FFICB8. •Gowan Brae. (iowanstown Gower Point .... Gowlaiid Mt .... Gowrie Grabiirn Gracefield "Grafton Grafton Grafton Graham Graham's KoaU . . Grahamaville Graham's Siding.. KLECTORAL DISTRICTS. King's PE I Wellington, N R.O Renfrew, N R . . O Albert NB Perth, SR O Assa Ottawa Q Northumb', W R.O Carleton NB King's NS Vaudreuil Q Queen's .... P E I Peel O Colchester ....NS Grainfield iNorthumb', . . N B Granboro' *Granb}i Grand Anse Grande Ance Grand Bay Grand Bend Grande Baie Grand Cascapedia Grande Clairiere ■Grand Desert Grand Entry Grand Fonds Grand Forks. . . . Grande Freniere. . Grande Greve Grande Li^ne . . . Grande Pointe . . Grande Prairie . . ■Grandes Piles Grandes Coud^es. Grand Etang. . . . ■Grande Valine . . ''Grand Falls G. Falls Portage. . Grand Harbor . . ■Grandigue Grandin Grand LakeSta.. Grand Manan . . Grand-Mere '.Jrand Metis Gr'nd Mira, north Gr'nd Mira, south G. Narrows Rear, •G. Narrows ■Grand Pabos . . Grand Rang . . Grand Pre .... Grand River . . Grand River . . Grand River . . ■Grand River Falls Grand St. Esprit. Grand Tracadie. ^Grand Valleji . (Jrandview Grand Vl^w Grange Granger Granite Creek . (Jranite Hill Granite Village . Gran t Grai't •Grantley Grnnthani •Granthurst . . . 'Granlon •Granton ■(-rant's Cornere. RAILROAD ON WHICH liOCATKD OR NEAR'ST R. R. STATION 8RK KEV, PP. 162-104 Souris East 005-4, 359-1, 371 58(1-53 Graham's 535-12 Elgin, 572 Mitchell 580-52 Maple Creek 535-53 Kazubazua 650 680-9 Wo'stook 535-86-90 Waterville 714 535-32 Emerald 665-1-2 Malton 580-51 RenousB'dge 599-8 Granby 5^J5-1 546-1 Grandigue F'ry 364 640 535-88 Park Hill 580-51 Bagotville 329-8 508 Hartney 535-58 via Halifax, N S 859-1 Murray Bay 329-8 Okanagon 535-74 Granville Granville Centre. Oranville Ferry.. GrasBinere Sheffrrd Q Shetturd Q Richmond N S Gloucester . . . . N B King's N B Middlesex, NR..O Chicoutimi Q Bona venture Q Selkirk M Halif.'-ix N S Ga'-f le Q Tiiarlevoix Q Yale BC Two Mountains. .Q St.Eustache 535-22 Giisp6 Q St. John's Q Provencher M Yale-Kootenay.BC Champlain Q Beauce Q Inverness .... N S Gasp^ Q Victoria NB Victoria N B Charlotte ....NB Kent N B Sask Halifax N S Charlotte ....NB Champlain Q Rimouski Q Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton . . N 3 Victoria . ...N S Cape Breton . . N S Gosp^ POST OrPICRH. Dorchester Q King's NS Oaspd Q Victoria N B Richmond . . . . N S Richmond N S Nicolet Q Queen's . . . . P E I Wellington, N R.O Queen's P E I Brant O Selkirk M Cardwell O Yale-Kootenay.BC Muskoka&P'Sd.O Shelburne .... N 8 Russell O i Westmi Ireland . N B iDundas O Vancouver. . . .B C Oxford, N R ....() Middlesex, N R. O Pictou N S Storniont ., O Gaspe Ba'n 346, 350 580-13 via Winnipeg, Man. Duck and Pringle, Man., 535-70 j 635-19 : St. Francois, Nord East, 675-1 Cheticamp 359'2 Gaspe Ba'n 346,350; 535-84 I Ortonville 535-84 Grand Manan 403 | Notre Dame 518 | Stobart 535-62 ' 1 403 or BtaE'nor'u Me ■ Lac a la ^'--rture 535-19 St. Octave 599-2 via Sydney, N S via Sydney, N S lona '199-14,364, 372 599-14 (R R name lona) St. Adelaide de Pa- bos 350 St. Anselme 675 14 350 or Bl. Cape 508 St. LeonrrdsStat'n 535-84 St. Peters 364, 370 via St. Peters Ste. Monique de Nicolet, 565 Little York 665-3 535-41 via Charlot,tetown, Brantford 580-78 Cypress Riv. 535-59 Oi-angeville .fi35-40 Spence's Bd 535-70 Trout Creek 580-67 via Liverpool South Indian 531 CapTormentine(138 Chesterville 535-33 Comox 450-2, 451 St. Marys 580-49-51 .180-51 Westville 599-9 via Cornwall, Ont. Qrassy's Corners. Qrattan Qrattan Gravel Hill *Oravenhiirst . . Oraystock Great Shemogue. *Qreat Village .. Greeley Greenbank Green Say Qreenbush Greenbush Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Greenfield Gr'nfl'd,St. Mary's Green Harbour . . Green Hill Green Hill Green Hill Greenlaw Greenock Green Point .... I Green Point .. . . I Green Ridge jGreen River Green River 'Green River j Green Road I Green's Brook .. [Green's Creek . . jOreenshields j Greensville jGreen Vale Greenvale I Green Valley JGreenview Greenville Stat'n. jGreen way ■ Green way Greenwich ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Queen's . . . Annapolis PEI ,..NS Annapolis N 8 Muskoka & P Sd.O VVentworth, 8 R.O Northumberl'd NB Renfrew, S R . . O Stormont O Simcoe, E R . . . . O Peterboro, E R...O Westmoreland. N B Colchester ..NS Bu8.sell O Ontario, N R . . O Algoma O Brockville O York N B Antigonishe . .N 8 Glengarry O Carleton N B Queen's N 8 Colchester ....NS Guvsboro' N 8 Shelburne ....NS Pictou N S Cumberland . . N S York N B Alta Bruce, E R . . . . O Prince Edward . . O Gloucester. . Provencher . T^miscouta Greenwich Hill . i Greenwood . . \*Greemvood . Greenwood . . Greer Greer Mount Gregory NB .. M ..Q O RAILROAD ON WIIICII LOCATED OR NKAR'ST R. R. STATION SU KEY, PP. 162-164 Breadalbane (W5'l Annapolis 714, 392 893-2, 712 do do 315 or Huntsville 580 07 Grimsby 580-83 Neguac 353 Ashdad 611 MoncklandSt5;i5-33 580-67, 420-3 via Peterborough Shediac .599-11 Lon'derry St. .lOOl Osgoorle Sta.535'2ii Blackwa'r580-3.')-36 win LittleCurrentO Whitehurst 53.516 W'od8tock535-8C-90 Antigonishe 59!)-7 631 Florenceville535-89 Bridgewater 64t) Valley Sta., 599-13 Antigonishe 5S)9'7 Lockeport 376'3 Westville 59«-9 Pari-sborough f 49 Cross Creek 53-^ Red Deer 535-63 Walkerton 580-54 via Picton, Ont. 599-2 via Emerson, Man. R. du Loup (en bos) 599-2-3, 700, 3-29-S Locust Hill 535-34 ,535-84 Debec 635-85-90 N.Glasgow 599-7-13 Brookfleld 5991 St. Cyr 580-12 Dundas 580-83 Souris East 665-4 via New Glasgow 536-33 Ormsby 544 599-1 Park Hill 580-51 644-1 iGrenfel ... Orenfell ... *GrenvHle Oresham . . \\Gretna.. .. Gretna 1 1 Grey's Mills. iGreywood.. . King's NB Lisgar M Ontario, W R . . O King's NS St. John NB Pontiac Q Simcoe, ER.... O Simcoe, N R....0 Assa Argenteuil .... Q Bruce, W R . . . . O Onersoii . . Griersville Griffln .... Griffin's Corners. Griffln Cove . . . Griffith "Grimsby Grimsby Park .. Grimsby Centre . Grimsthope .... Grimston Ontario, W R Victoria NB Carleton NB Pictou NS Colchester ....N 8 Richmond Q Went worth, NR.O King's PEI Pictou N8 Glengarrj' O Hastings, N R.. O Cumberland . . N 8 Middlesex, NR..O Selkirk M King's P E itHead of St. Peters Bay 965-4 Mouth of Nerepis 535-88 Stonewall 636'60 Whitby 680-9-38 Kingston Sta. 714 St. Martins 643"2 Shawville 663 420-3 or Utterson 580-67 Col well 580-68-69 ,535-52 .541,535-18, 328, 3-27 Paisley 680-54 Selkirk Ml535-!i0 Lennox O Nap'nee509-2..i8()-9 King's N B Rothsay 599-12 \nnapolis N S Annav»oli8 714, 3'.)-2, 393-2, 712 Alta Dewdnoy 535-64 Grey, E R O via Meaford, Out. Stai'istead Q Stanstead Junction I 512-1 Elgin, E R O Tilsonburg 58ii-T^ 82, 625-5 Gaspe Q Renfrew, 8 R . . O WentwnrthSR.O Wentworth, 8 R.O Wentworth, 8R.0 Algoma O Grey, NR Gaspe Ba'n 340, Hid Ashdad 611 580-83 580-83 Grimsby 580-83 Providence Bay 4'2() Invermay 580-55 POST iiFricBa. Qrind^totielsland Qriowuld Oronctines ... Groiidines Station Grosses Coques . . Grosses Roches . . Grosvenor Grovesend Groves Point . . . Groveton Grund Guesjuen 'Onelph Guit-'ues Guilds Gulf Shore Gull Govs Gull Creek Gull Lake Gunning Cove . Gunter Guthrie Guysborough . . . Guiisborotigh Guvsboro' In'vale Gypsum Mines . . Hackett's Cove .. Ha36 ewLittleCurrentO Whitehurst 53.516 W'od8tock535-S6-90 Antigoninhe 59!)-; 531 t'lorenceville53589 Bridgewater 6-»(i Valley Sta., 59913 Antigonishe 5i)9-7 Lockeport 376'3 Westville 599-9 Pan-sborough if 49 Cross Creek 53'^ Red Deer 535-63 Walkerton 580-54 via Picton, Ont. 599-2 via Emerson, Man. K. du Loup (en bos) 599-2-3, 700, 3-29-8 Locust Hill 535-34 535-84 Debec 535-85-90 N.Glasgow .599-7-13 Brookfield ,'>99-l St. Cyr 580-12 Dundas 580-83 Souris East 665-4 via New GIasgo\\ 535-33 Ormsby 544 599-1 Park Hill 58051 644-1 IfHead of St. Peters Bay «66-4 MoutI) of Nerepis 535-88 Stonewall 535-60 Whitby 680-9-38 Kingston Sta. 714 St. Martins 543"2 Shawville 663 420-3 or Utterson 580-67 Col well 680-68-09 536-,52 541,536-18, 328, 3-27 Paisley 680-54 Nap'iiee 609-2. .080-9 Rothsay 699-12 Annapolis 714, 'S'M, 393-2, 712 Dewdney 535-64 via Meaford, Out. iiStansteadJunt-tioii 512-1 ) Tilsonbui-g ,58(1-7^ 82, 626-5 Gaape Ba'n 340, Sid Ashdad 'ill 580-83 ,i80-83 Grimsby 58()-83 Providence Bay 4'2() Invermay 580'55 1896] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 181 POST OKKICBS. OriiuUtoneltland QriKU'uld Oront'.ines Groiidines Station Grosises Coques . . Groij'es Roches . . Grosvenor Grovesend Groves Point — Groveton Grund Guesrnen 'Guelph Gui^'ues Guilds (iulf Shore Gull Govs Gull Creek Gull Lake Gunning Cove .. Gunter Guthrie Guysborough — Gmisborotigh Guy9l)oro' In'vale Gypsum Mines . . Haokett's Cove . . Ha9'l 535-62 635-21 535-21 BellevauxCove712 Little Metis Station 599-2 Harbo'r Au Bouchel 599-7 i Aylmer Wst 580-82 Georges K'er699-14 Spencerville 636-20, Glenboro 635-59 Notre Dame 513 I 580-61-54, 535-37 i Gordon Cr'k 585-26 Blenheim 673 i 599-15 i via Sydney, N S i Tamworth 609-1 .535 -.53 Shelburne 376-3 j Gilmour 544 Oro Station 58067 Tilsonburg 680-78-; 82, 625-6 364orOTaPortMul- grave, N S Alton 599-7 Ca.vuga580-82,625-5 via Halifax N S Iroquois 580-9 599-4, 580-12 via Victoria, B C 625-6, 680-70 ililliken 580-36 Mattawa 535-12 via Iroquois, Ont. Pri'ce Albert 535-62 636-12 N'wcastle 599-2,353 Emsdale 58067 Gu.vsboro' 364 Guysborough 364 Brookfield 6991 549 (RR name New- ville) 680-30 714, 599-1, 370, 371, 372,373,374,376-3 379, 380, 383, 385 POST OFFICES. *Kampton Hampton . . '* Hampton .Hamtown . [Hanceville Haitian {Hanlan iHannon .. . *Hanover , Hansford . . *Hantiiport Hanwell Harb'r au Bouche Harbord Harbour Road . . Harbourville *Harcourt Hardinge Hardingville iHardwioke Hardwood Flat .. iHardwoofl Lake.. ; Hardwood Lands lUardy Harewood Hargrave Harkaway Harlem Harley Harley Road . . . Harlock Harlowe Harmony Harmony Mills Harold Harper Harperville .... Harpley Harrietsville . . Harrigan Cove Harrington Henimingf'rd 580-5 Foxborough 680-27 Lakefleld 580-31 via PeterboroughO Centreviile 547 Almonte 535-12 viaN.W'niinsterBC 620 N. Mountain 336-33 Almonte 536-12 BIO Belleville, Ont. Quyon 663 580-65-70 83-87, 317 580-65, 317 Kensington 665-1 Bersiiuis 346 Oak Point 390 585 Severn B. 580-67 Sussex Vale 599-12 Orillia ,580-32-67 Gad's Hill 580-53 390 or Nerepis Sta. 635-88 Hanover 680-56 Harrington . Harrington, East Harrington, West Harrisburg Harrison's Corn's Harrison River . . Harrison Hot Spr Harrison Road Harrison Settlem' *Harriston Harrisville Harrow Harrowby ' Harroivsmith .. Hartfell Hartfleld Hartford Hartford Hartford Hartington Hartland Hartley Hartney Hartsmere Hartsville *Hamy Harvey Harvey Bank .... Harvey Station . Harwich Harwood Harwood Plains.. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NEAR'ST R. R. STATION 8U KEY, PP. 162-104 Durham, WR ...O Queen's PEI King's N B York N B Cariboo-LilooetBC Peel O Lisgar M Wentworth, S R O Grey, SR O Cumberland . . N S Hants N S York NB Antigonishe . . N S Carleton O Antigonishe . . N S King's NS Kent N B Addington O St. John N B Northumberl'd NB Compton il Renfrew O Hants NS Westmoreland N B Westmoreland N B Selkirk M Grey, ER O Leeds, S R O Oxford, S R . . . . O Queen's N B Huron, S R O Addington O King's NS Queen's N S Hastings, N R . . O Lanark, S R . . . . O Lisgar M Middlesex, NR..O Middlesex, ER..O Halifax N S Queen's ....PEI Saguenay Q Argenteuil Q Oxford, NR.... O Brant, NR O Cornwall O N. Westminster. BC N. Westminster. BC Cumberland.. N S Cumberland . . N S Bowmanville 580-9, 3-29-2 C'pe Traverse 665-2 543-2, .599-12 Dirt FrederiotonNB Ashcroft 5>:6-70 Malton ,580-51 Reaburn 63562 .589-70 (R R name Rymal) 680-65 Thompsons Mills 599-1 714 via Fredericton NB 699-7 via Ottawa, Ont. Antigonishe 699-7 Berwick 714 699-2 Kaladar Sta. .535-34 St. Martins 643-2 Bay du Vin 353 Robinson 535-7 Eganville 535-11 Shubenacadie 699*1 638 (R R name Hardy's Corner) Salisbury 599- 12, 693 535-52 Markdale 635-40 Delta 516 580-78 Chipman 5431 390 Seaforth 580-52 Kaladar Sta. 535-34 Auburn 714 Barss Corners 646 Spring Brook 644 Perth 536-34 Reaburn 535-52 Park Hill 58061 535-35 W. R'er Sheet Har- bour 371 Little York 666-3 Natashquan 346 Grenville 535-18, 541, 327, 328 Beachville 535-35, 680-83 680-54-78-83 Mille Roches 580-9 .536-70 Agassiz 535-70 Maccan 599-1, 600 Halfway River Sta. 549 .580-64-.56, 535-41 Lewisville 618 Wellington, N R.O ! Westmoreland. N B 1 Essex, SR 0|617 Marquette M|6-22 Addington O;.509-l, 611 Muskcka&P. S'd.OlBurk's Falls 580-67, York N B Norfolk, NR....O Cumberland. . N S Carleton N B Addington O Carlaton N B Victoria, N R . . O Selkirk M I Addington O iQueen's .... PEI lAlbert N B i Renfrew, S R . O i Albert N B JYork N B iKent O iNorthumb',W R.O ICarleton Millville 635-83 Waterford515,626-5 Greenville St. 699-1 Woodstock 6ti,T-86- 90 611 635-86 Woodville 58036 535-58 Ormsby 544 N. Wiltshire 665-1 693 Arnprior .535-12 Harvey 693 535-S8 Northwood 580-83 580-17, 314 Stittsville 635-12 ' \i- \' ] ■ ----. ^ 188 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA, [I8f)ii \m\] in POST opricRS. Haseville . Hassett *Ua»tingi' HaHtin^s Hastings Hatchley Station Hatfield Point Hatley Hatlierton HaUic Hatzio Prairie Haultain *Havelock Havelock Haver^al *HawKenbury Hawlcsliaw Hawlcestone . . Uawkegville . . Hawley Hawtliorne .... Hawtrey Ht\y Hay Bay Haybum Hay Cove Haydon .... Hayesland . . Havesville . . Hoyfleld .... Hay's River Haysville ^'ayward .. .. '■ 2eldean . ' lazel Cliffe . Hazel Grove . . Hazel Hill .... Hazeliiiere .... HazzarrU Coineiii Headford Headin);ly Head Lake .... Head of Amhei-st Head of (Jardigai Head of Chezzet'k Headrr'Hillsboro' H'd.oflnd. Har.L Hepd of Jeddore Head of Jordan K H'd of Millstreain H'd of R. Hebert H.ofSt.Mar'et'sS H. of St. Peters B H. of South Riv. L H. TatamaR'che B Heud of Tide . . H'd of Wallace B H'dofWal'eB.NS Heal Heaslip Heathbell Heather Heatherdale Heatherton .... Heathcote Heathton Hebert ville ... Hebertville Stat'n Hebron Hebron Hecla Heckston Hectanooga . . . RLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. .MissiHquoi Diffby , N8 Northunib', E R. Cumberland.. NS Albert N B Oxfonl, S R . . . O King's N B Stanstead Q Grey, E R O N. We-tniinster. BO N.Westniinster.BC Peterbor-j', E R . O Peterborc', E R.O Diffby NS Hastings, N R . . O Presoott O York NB Simeoe, E R O Waterloo, NR.. O Lennox O Russell O Oxford, S R . . . . O Middlesex, N R . O Lennox O Lennox O Richmond N S Durham, W R . . O Wentworth, N R.O York N B Selkirk M Inverness N S Waterloo, S R . . O Assa RAILR0.\D0N WHICH I.OCATRD OR NRAR'NT R. R. STATION, MKE KEY PP. U<2-164. Farnham 535-l-.'l-7, 5451, 632-1 Weymouth B'J.712: f 80-27, 314 i Aniherat 590-1 i Albert ti03 I 680-78 I Norton Sta. 543-1,1 599-12 j Ma.ssawippi 512 Flesherton 535-40 I MiKsion 535-70-73 j Slimoii 535-70-73 | Lakefleld 58031 535 -.34 WeyinounthBd712 Omisby 544 531-1, 828, .l->7 viii Fredricton 580-67 St. Jacobs 580-47 Chambers 580-9 via Ottawa, Ont. 625-5, 580-80 Exeter 580-60 Napan'e 509-2,580-9 Chambers 580-9 St. Petei-s 364, 370, 372 Burketon St. 535-34 Dundas 58083 Boiestown 632 Carrolton 53r.-59 Orangedale ii99-]4 N.Hamburg 580-61 Qu'Appelle Station 535-52 Carleton O Stittsville 635 POST OPKICBS. Hedireville Hedley ville iHednesford iHeidelb'irg .Hekkla Helena iHeinford iHemison 1 Hemlock * Hemmingford . . Henderson's Or' ve Hen'erson Set'in't Hen'erson Set'm't Henf ryn Hennigar Henry Henrysburg . . . Henryville Assa Whitewood Station 536-52 Hunter's Ri'r.665-1 Canso 304, 371 Queen's P E I Guysboro' N S N Westminster BC Hastings N B . . O York, ER O Lisgar M Victoria, X R . . U Cumberland . . N S King's P E IlCardigan Bd. 666-3 Halifax N SI via Halifax N S j King's P E !iMt. Stewart 666-3-4 Gaysboro' N S Antigonishe 599-7 'Henmll Uepictrrth Hepworth Stati'n Herdman Hereford Hereward Hern\on Herman ville Hernando Island. Hernefleld Heron l8la>-.d Heron Bay Herring Cove Herrons Mills. . . . *Hegpeler Hesson Hewitt Hexham Heyworth Hiawatha Hibernia Hickson i7T.ICT0RAL DISTRICTS. Pictou NS Quebec Q Waterloo, NR.. O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Huntingdon.. . . Q Lunenburg. . . .N S Dorchester Q Norfolk, SR.. ..O Huntingdon . . . .Q Megantic Q Queen's N B Cumberland . . N S Huron, E R . . . . O Hants N S Presoott O St. John's Q Iberville Q Huron, S R O Bruce, NR O Bruce, N R O Huntingdon . . . . Q Compton .Q Wellington, C R O Hastings, N R . . O 'iing's P E I N Westminster BC Selkirk M Restigouche . . N B Algoma O Halifax N Lanark, NR.... O Waterloo, S R . . O Perth NR O Monck O Northumb'd.N B Ottawa Q Peterboro, ER..0 Queen's N B Oxford, NR... C Unionville 580-36 644-2, 53.5- .W Corson's Siding 580-29 Amherst 699-1 Hilifax N S Shelburne N S King's N B Cumberland. . N S Halifax N S King's PEl Guysboi-o'. Colchester. NS Restigouche , . N B Cumberland. Cumberland . Vancouver.. , via Halifax, N S Shelburne 376-3 Susse.N Vale 599-12 River Hebert 606 j via Halifax, N S 665-4 (R K name St. Peters) L. Settlement S R 599-7 1 Tatama^ouche i .599-15 I 599-2 (R R name Jloffat's) N SlGi-eenvilIeSta.599-1 NS'GreenvilleSta.699-li .B C| lid Victoria, BC i Selkirk M Pictou N S, vin Pictou, N S Lambton, E R . . O; Walkers 6-25-8 King's P E liC'ardigan Bd. 666-3i Antiufonishe .. N Sj.^Ovi •? Grey', E R OiThornbury 580-68 i Stanstead qI Derby Liiie 512-1 Chicoutimi .... Q|Chanibord 674 Chicoutinii Qi: .535-36 Annapolis 71'2. St' 580-66 Broadview SB.^-''- Port Hawkesbiin .599-14,371, >' POST (.i-KICES. Hillmiale Hill's Green . . HilNide Hillside Hillvicw Hillv Grove . . Hilton Hilton Hinch Hiiitonburg Hiram Hirw h Hnaiis" Hoard's Station . . Hoasic Hoiith Head Hobftft Kl H C, Al Se A N« S( A( Ci A Li N Unrhdaga . . Hothstadt Hockley ilodgins HcKlson Holl)rook O HoUlerville |K Holiday. Holland Centre. . Hdland Laiuling Holland Holland's Mills . . Hollbroke Holleford. Ilnllen . . . Hollv ... H Hol'y Park . . Holinesville Holmesville Holmfleld 'S Holstein Holt Y Helton C Holyrood 'tl Hoiiier iL Hoineville IC Honey wood .... IS Honora U '"V Hope BiiV £ Hopefleld 'I Hopefield it Hope River — [i, Hopetown |I Hopetown I Hope ville Hopewell 'H(ipeu Q <^ o ,.o ..o • y ■ y t o .0 EI BC M kB o Ms o o .o .0 fr B Q .0 JB RAILRUAOO.y Wl||,|| LOCATKDORNKAWsT R. R. HTATIO I, ir.l KFA PP. 102- .(i4 River John oWi.i 67« Balgonie iiiiC,-:," Waterloo SSOt; R088eau 42U'3 Kilbain C80'7 Barss' Corners an; •St. Anselme 67ri Port Rowan ,'ki; Narrows 3iHi Green'ille Sta.iiU'i 1 580-48 Shubenaca'ie ri!o»i L'Orifjrinal327, :v.'>, or Calumet Uiif. r)35-18 531 Stanhrid(feStaiirm 535 •!, 545 5g0'50 580-55 580-55 Athelstan Hall's Stream friii Belwood 535-3ti Ormsby 544 Cherry Grove. (Ki.v I Deloraine 535 fiT New Mills 590 -i 535-13 via Halifax, N s Perth 535-34 580-54 Newton 580 -S.i 625-5 via Chatham i'l'aPeterboro.oiif. Hainpstead 390 . C |680-80 (R R nai-if : Strathallan) Er\VcIIing'n3ta.»if,;.i E liWaCharlottetouii "" 535-52 Kentvllle 047, 7H CalaboicieUll 580-61 Newport St.i. 7!) 025-5 Port Union .')!(i!i Lon'derryssta.'ili'i 1 Bristol 53,-1 -Sfi 535 •64 Buckln(;hiim 535-18, 327, ;> Moosomin ,'):« -i.' rio ilonetoii 599-: Andover 5,io 8«) Moosomin ,i35S-J St. Julie Sta..iHi>l:; VVolseley .'ili.'ifi'j N. Range C'lRT ^12 Lachute ,5351^ Canard 547 r)8((-8 544 Leamington (117, 625 -3 Camlachie ,-ihO'.i I*. Hood 359-J. 'U- 693 636-36 Annapolis 71-i, ':'■! 580-60 isaj Broadview SSfi'VJ biPort Hawkesbiiin I ,'-.99-14, 371, :(-' I89(i] POST OFFICES AND KAILKOAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 189 POST Hillsdale Hill's Urcen ... Hillside Hillside Hillview Hilly Grove . . . Hilton HilKiii HifK'h Hintonburg . . . Hiram Hirsch. Hiiausft Hoard's Station . Honsic Houth Head Hobart -lliichdaga Hochstadt . Hockley . . . Hod(fins . . . Hcxlson . . . HoH)rook. . . Holderville . RLRCTORAIi DI8TRICTH. RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD OR NRAR'ST R. R. STATION, t*KB KEY, PP. 162-164. Holiday. Holland Centre . . IMland Latulinj IMlaml Holland's Mills . . Hollbroke Holleford. llolUn .... Hollv . . . , King's NB Hiron,8H O C.'pe Breton . . N S Albert NB Selkirk M Algoma O Northuinb', E R O Selkirk M Addington O Carleton O Albert N B Assa Lisgnr M Northunib", E R O Dundas O Grey, N R O S.mcoe, E R ....O Hochelaga Q Provencher M Cardwell O Pontiac Q Pictou N S Oxford, S R.... O IKiiig's N B 'oxford O Grey, N R O York, N R O Marnuette M Ottawa Q AltE Addington O Wellington, N R O Simcoe, SR... O Hoi'y Park Holmesville . . , Holmesville Holmfield Holstein Holt Holton Holy rood Homer Hoineville Honey wood . . . Honora Hopt Hope Buv Hopefleld Hopefield Hope River . . . Ho))etown Hopetown Hopeville Hopewell Hcpeuvll Hii/iewell Cape . Hopewell Hifi . Hopper Hornby Hornby Island . Mornoastle Haraing's Mills Horn's Road . . . llor> , E R O Cape Breton . . . N 3 Carriboo B C King's N S Musko'ia&P.S'd.O Peterboro", E R . O Norfolk, S K....0 Gasp^ Q Ontario, NR....O Frontenac O N. Westminster. BC Chateauguay . . . Q Sunbury If B Middlesex, SR..O Sussex Vale 69912 Kippen 5«o-fiO 1 viii Sydney, N S Elgin 572 I Orlswold 635-52 via Manitowa'ng O Brighton 580-9 644-1 Newburg 509-2 via Ottawa, Ont. Steevescote 693 535-68 680-27 Morrisburg 580-9 320, 3'23, 324 via Owen Sound, O 680-34 (R R name Scott's Mills) 535-18--21 Otterburne 536-55 Orangeville 635-40 B'k Meado's 69915 Burgessville 1,80-80 390 (Holder's L'd'g) Rothesay 699 12 Beachville 536-35, 580-83 535-40 580-67 580-59 Buckingham 635-18 32V, 3-28 Red Deer 33563 Hartington 611 Drayton o«0-54 Allandale 580-65- 67-68-69 King 680-67 Bumfrau 536-86 680-62 635-67 '■ 680-46 i Mo'nt Albert 680-37 St. Remi 580-5 Lucknow 680-48 , OToS.Cath'rines,0. via Sydne',', N S I Shelburne o35-40 1 635-70 via Wiarton, Ont, Eganville 536-11 1 Cardigan B'ge«65-i; Hunter's Riv. 665-1 i Paspebiac 350 I Perth 535-34 ' uuiidalk 535-40 Hopewcil Hill 693 I 599-13 Cape Station 693 i 093 Salisb'ry 599-12, 1 >3 535-35 451 vtaNanaimoBC Victoria R'd 5ao-2fi Shelburne 535-40 i via Sydney, N S Asbcroft Station .535-70 714 Powassan 680-07 Iron Dale 600 Port Rowan 580-86 Grindstone Is.359-li Wasbago 580-67 Ballan'ne Sta. 580-1, waN.W'minsterBC .58l»-7, 531 1 535-88 I Glanworth 680-81,1 625-4 I POST OFKICRS. KLRCTORAL DISTRICTS. Halifax N S Voudreuil o (/ueen's . , , . . N B Hubbard't Cove . Hudson Huestis Landing Hulbert I Dundas O *Hull jottawa (^ Hullcar iGale B C number jVork, W R () {Huml)er Bay \*Ituml)erHtone . . IHun's Valley . . , JHunter's Home, . , Hunter's Mou'ain [Hunter's Point . . 'Huntei-'s River . . jHunterstown . . . * ltu)xH)Vfdon Huntingdon .... iHuntingfleld ; Huntington .... JEIuntingville RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD OR NRAR'ST R. R. STATION, 8R1I KBV, PP. 1(12104. 1 Huntley [Hunt's Point *HunUville Hurdville .. iHurdman's Brid'e Hurond"le Husavick Hutchinson Settl' Button House . . ,Huttonsville . .. . iHybIa iHyde Hyder Hyde Park Comer Hj ndford Hyndman [Iberville Icelandic River. . Ida Ida Ignace Ilf racombe Ilderton Illicillewaet Imlah jinchby Indian Brook Indian Ford Indian Harbour. \Indian Head .. 'Indian Island Indian Lorette . . 'Indian Mountain 'Indian Point Indian River (Indian River I., 'an River Sta. Indian Road * Indian Town .. *lngersoll Jngle Ligleside Inglewood Inglis Falls Inglisville Ingoldsby Ingonish Ingonish Ferry. . . Ingram River. . . . Inholmes Inistioge Inkerman Inkerman :Inlet \lmurkij> \lnnisfail. . . Innisf.l ilnnisville. . . I Intervale , . . 'Inverary . . . York, WR O Welland () Mi.rquette M Queen's N B Victoria N 8 Pontiac U Queen's PEI Maskinong^ ... Q Hunllr.JfdOrl . . . . y' N.Westminster. '/JO Huron, E R . . . O Cape Breton . . \ S Sherbrooke Q Lanark, N R O Queen's N S Muskoka&P. S'd.O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Russell O Perth O Lisgar M Halifax N8 Simcoe, E R O Peel O Hastings, N R. O Assa Selkirk M Middlesex, ER..O Renfrew, S R....0 Gr.'uville 0| Ibtnille Q; Lisgur Mj Durham, E R . . o| Queen's N B| Algomiv Oi Muskoka&P.S'd.Oi Middlesex, E R . Oi Yale-Kootenay.BC King's N B Queen's N B Victoria N 8 Marquette M Halifax N 8 Assa Charlotte . . . . N B ;;iebeo Q Westmoreland. N B Lunenburg N S Peterboro', E R . O Prince PEI Peterborc', E R . O Hants N S St. John N B Oxford, 8 R . . . . O Addington O Lisgar M Cardwell O Grey, NR O Annapolis N 8 Victoria, N R . . O Victoria ... . N S Victoria N S Halifax N 8 Muskoka&P.S'd.Ol Grey, E R O Dundas O Gloucester N B Ottawa Q Oxford, N R . . . . O Altu ISimcoe, 8 R . . . . O Lanark, 8 R .... O I Westmoreland. N B i Frontenac O Chester 373 328 WIckham 390 via Iroquois, Ont. i);i5-14-18, (1.50 Enderbv .536-74 We8totr.536-40, 580-51 Mimico .5H0'87 1.580-88 |.Min'eao8a6'2-2,022-l Cwlv's .54'Vl lona 59014, 364 iMatta-.a, O. 63512 1665-1 Louiseville 535-21 •80-7 635-73 Clifford 580-54 via Sydney N S Lennoxville 512, 5;J5-7, .■80-8, 675 Stittsvil'.e 536-12 Liverpcol 376-3 1.680-67, 315 via Parry Sound, O via Ottawa, Ont. Hensall 580-.50 iria Selkirk, Man. Shubenao'die 599-1 Milford Bay 420-3 Churchville 536-39 Ormsby 544 Killamey 536-57 .580-00-83, 635-42 Ashdad Oil Cai-dinal .580-9 535-3, 545, 635-1 via Selkirk, Man. Cavan 536-34 Butternut R'ge 572 .535 51 Novar 580-07 5*)-50 .535-70 Case Settle'nt 543-1 Oak Point 390 via N. Sydney, N S Treherne 536-69 via Halifax, N 8 636-52 Cainpo Bello 403 Moncton 518, 599-1--2-12 Mahone B'v 046,373 Ind'nR'r8"ta.5.S6-34 Kensington 066*1 535-34 Shubenac'die 599-1 390 Bta St. John NB 580-83, 536-35 Tamworth 5091 58(^-65, 536-39 via Owen Sound Lawrencetown 714 680-30 •i59-3 via Sydney Chester 373 via Parry S'd, Ort. Proton Sta. 636-40 N. Mountain 535-33 Pockmonche 640 Thurso 535-18 635-35 535-03 Craigvale 580-67 Perth 535-34 672 via Kingston, Or.t. 190 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [IH% POST OPPICEB. Inverhaufrh Inverhuron . Invermay . 'Inveniem . Inverness . Inwood loixa . . . Ivna . . . lona Station Ireland Irena Ireton Irish Cove . . Iris Iris Irish Lake Irishtown Iron Bridge Iro.nDale Iron Hill Iron Mines lion Ore Iron Rock Ironside * Iroquois Irvine Irving^ Settlement Isaac's Harbour. ELBCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAIbROADOM WHICH LOCATED OR NBAR'sT R. R. STATION, SEE KEY, PP. 162-164. Wellintfton, C R. O Bruce, W B . . . . O Bruce, N R O Me)(antio Prince P E Lanibton, E R . . O Elgin, WR O Victoria NS Elgin, W R Antigonishe Dundas .... Yarmouth N S Cape Breton . . N S . O NS O Siincoe, N R O Queen's P E 1 Grey, S R O Westmoreland.N B Algoina O Victoria, N R . . O Brome Q Inverness N 8 Piotou N S Pictou NS Ottawa Q Dundas O Megantic Q Albert NB duysboro' N S Isaac's Har.E Side Guysboro' N S Isafold Lisgar M Isherwood Algoma O Island Brook Conipton Q Island River Glo\ cester . . .N B Islay [Vict'iria, N R . . «) Isle aux Coudres Char evoix Q Isle aux Grues.. . Mont. nagny Q Isle Bizard Jacques Curtier .Q Isledes Chenes . .jProveiicher M Isle Dupas Berthii>r Q Isle Perrot :Vaudre\;ii Q Isle Perrot North Vaudreu'l Q Isle Verte ITbnnscouata Q Islington lYork, W R O Italy Cross 'Lunenburg N S Ivan 'Middlesex, S R. .O Elora 635-36. 680-64 Kincardine 680-48 432 580-56 Ste.JulieSta.560'12 665-1 (R R name Portage) 625-8 625-6 600-14, 364, 372, (Landing name Grand Narrows) 625-5 James R'rSta.690-7 nia Iroquois, Ont. Hebron 712 St. Peters 364, 370 372 Minesing 580-69 via Charlottetown, Flesherton 536-40 518 Thompson 636 26 600 Sweetsburg 536-3 Orangedttle 599-14 Hopewell 599-13 Hopewell 509-13 656 580-9, 320, 323, 324 Ste.JulieStn.i580-12 Hillsborough 693 371, or Antigonishe 599-7 Isaac's Harbo'r 371 ma Selkirk Rat Portage 536-61 Cookshire535-7,620 Shippigan 540 Woodville 580-36 St. Paul's Bay329-8 Montmagny 599-3 Points Claire 580-9 Niverv'ille 535-56 Berthier (en haut) 535-15, 329-7 Ste. Anne de Belle- vue 535-33 680-9 328 Ste. Anne de Bellevue 535-33, 580-9 599-2 535-35 B'dgewater 646,374 Hyde Park Corner 535-42, 580-50-83 580-33, 535-34 Ivanhoe Hastings, S R. . .0 Ives jWolf QjMarbleton 675, 620 Ivera iVictoria N S'loiia ,599-14 Ivry iKmiscouata Q Ivy iSimcoe, S H O Ivy Lea .^ Leeds, S R () Algonin ^O Cumberland Jackflsh Bay Jackson , Jacks Lake Sinicoe N R O Jackson Grey, N R O Jacksontown Carleton N B Jacksonville Carleton N B Jacksonville Cape Breton . . N S Jacquet Rivpi- . . . Restigouche .N B Jaffa Elgin, E R O James River Antigonishe . .N S James River Sta Antigotiishe ..N S * James Street . . . H?miIton Jamestown Huron, E R O Jamesville Victoria N S Jamieson Lanark, N R Janetville T -:-h.*m, E R ....O Janeville (>'oaee8ter N B Jarlsberg iMuskoka* P.Sd. O Jarnac lOttawa Q Jarret's Corners. . ISimcoe, E R O N. D. du Lac 700 Thornton 580-65 Landsdowne 580-9 535-13 N S Thompson's Mills 599-1 via Owen So'nd, O. Up.W'dstock535-86 Up.W'dstock335-86 ma N. Sydney, N S 599-2 Orwell 580-82 JamesR. Sta. 599-7 599-7 Brussels 580-48 lona 599-14, 364 372 Almonte 535-12 Poiitypool 535-34 540 Emsdale 680-67 Thurso 535-18 Orillia 580-32-67 POHT OKPICKS. "Jarvis Jasper . Jarvrin's Haibo'r Jeannette's Creuk JeddoreOyster Pd Jefferson Jeffry Jelly by Jeinseg Jenkins Jericho Jermyn Jersey Mills . . . Jerseyville . . . . Jessopville . . . . Jewett's Mills. . Jocelyn Jookvale Joggin Bridge . Joggin Mines Johnson Johnson's Crcft . . Johnson's Mills. . Johnson's Mills. . lohnston's C'ners Johnston's River. Johnston , Johnst.own Johnville . Johnville . Jolicure . . * Juliette Jollytown Jolif Jones Corner Tones Falls Jonquit-res Jordan Jordan Bay lordan Bay E S . . Jordan Ferry — Jordan Mountain Jordan Station . . Jordan Branch . . Joseph sburg .... Josephsburg . . . foyceviile . Joynt luddhaven . Judique . Jumping Pond Junctown Juniper Island Juniper Mount . . Jura Juvenile Settle'nt Kagawong .... Kaladar Station . Kaleida Kaministiqua. . . *Kam loops Kamouraska . . . Kamsack Kananaskis Kaposvar Kars , Kars ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Haldimand O Grenville, NR..0 Richmond NS Kent O Halifax NS York, WR King's N B Brockville Queen's N B Queen's NB Lambton, ER.. O Peterboro', FRO Beauce Q Brant, N R O Grey, E R . . . O York NB Algoma O Carleton O Digby N S Cumberland ..NS Grey, NR O King's N B Huron, SR O Westmoreland N B Russell Queen's P E I Queen's N B Richmond N S Compton Q Carleton N B Westmoreland . NB Joliette Q Colchester.... N 8 Provencher M King's N B Leeds, S R O Chicoutimi Q Lincoln O Shelhurne ....NS Shelburne ....NS Shelburne . . . . N S King's N B Lincoln Shelburne .. ..N S Waterloo, S :i.. O Assa RAILROAD ON WIIKII LOCATED OR NKAK'8T R. R. STATION, SKK KEY, PP. 162-l(i(. Frontenac O Ottawa Q Simcoe, ER O Inverness N S Alta Lewis O Peterboro', E R .0 Cape Breton ..NS Lambton, E R.. O Sunbury NB Algoma O Addington O Selkirk M .Mgonia O Yale BC Kamouraska Q Assa, E Alta Assa Carleton O King's N B 680-70-82 535-16 (R B iKinie Irish Creek) Arichat 364, ;ITI 580•^3 Via Halifax, N s King 580'67 Sussex Vale .liMii* Whitehurst 5.);Vitt 390 or Codys i-.n\ Cwlv's 543-1 Thedford 680-,'->l Keeiie 580-27 S. Francois Non IK. 676-1 Lynden 680-8y Shelburne 535'4ii Mouth of Keswiolt 536-83 Thessalon 636i;:>, 428-3, 430-1 via Ottawa, Out. Digby 712, 39-J, 393-2 606 WdOwen Sound, (» Oak Point 390 Hensall 680-50 Dorchester 5»)l via Ottawa i-iaCh'riottet'n PK' Codvs 643-1 St. Peters 364, ST", 372 535-7 Bath 635-86 W'tinoreland Point 599-1 535-17 Valley Sta. 599l;j Otterbume 535-.'.') N. Station 643 1 599-12 319 or Elgin 610 Chicoutimi 32!»S 580-83 Shelburne 37C-:j Lockeport 376 y Shelburne 376-3 Sussex Vale 59lfli 580-83 Petersburg 580ril Dunmore Junction 500, 636-63 Ballant'neSta..58(i(> N. Wakefield 65(i 420-3 -^r Uttersoii .i80-67 Fort Hawkesbiirv 599-14, 371, 38(1 Calgary 635-53-(i:J Mallor>-town .^»i!) 313, 316 or Lal Norton Sta. 6431, 599-12 1890] POI POST 0KKICB8. Kanxlale Kailn K»tei>we Katevale Katrine Kay Settlement . Kazubazua , Keady Kearney ... Keats An Ya Keefer's Keeiiansville . . . 'Keene Seewatin Keith Keith Keith Keitl.ley Creek , Keldon Kelowna Kelloe Station Kella Kelly's Cross . . Kelly's Cove . . Kelso Kelso Kelvin Sta Mu W( Oti Gr Mil W( Ya Ca Pe All Bo Ki Co Ca W( Ya Mt Ml Kenible Keinnay Kempt . . Kempt Head . . Kempt Road . . Kempt Shore , , Kempt Town. •Kemptville . Kemptville ... Kendal Kenilworth Kennaway .... Keniiell Kenlis Kenniore Kennetcook Kennetcook Cor. Kennington Cove Kensington Kensington 'Keiisington . . . Kent Kent Bridge . . . Kent Junction . . Kent mile Keohan Kepler Keremeos Kerfoot Kerrowgare . . . Kerrwood Kerrv Kertch Keswick Keswick Ridge . Ketch Harbour . 'Kettlebp Kettle River . . . Kewstoke Kilbain t Hi He Nc Gr Se Qi Vi Ri Hi Cc Gi Yt Di W P« Killiride Kilhiirn Kildare Kilrtare Kildare Capes. . . Kildare Station . Kildonan Kilfoil [l-SOt) l890] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 191 580-70-82 6»S1U (K R iKinie Irish Creek) Arichat364, ;i71 fi80•^3 Ilia Halifax, N s Kmit 68007 SuBsex Vale 5!>,ii' OiWhitehurst 5:)r.iti B 390 orCodvs Mil U Cwlv'B 543'l Theilforcl 580ril Keeiie 580-27 S. Francois Non IK. 675-1 Lvnden 680-8;i Shelburne 635 4ii Mouth of Keswi'.'k 635-83 Thessalon 635"J.\ 428-3, 430-1 via Ottawa, Ont. SiDiKby 712, 39-^ 393-2 S606 vtaOwen Souncl.d B Oak Point 390 OHensall 580-50 Dorchester 59!)- 1 via Ottawa aaCh'rlottet'ii 1>K' Cortvs 543-1 S St. Peters 364, 87", 372 535-7 Bath 535-86 Wtnioreland Point 599-1 535-17 Valley Sta. 599 1,) Otterbume 535-.'.') N. Station 543-1 599-12 319 or Elffin 510 Chicoutimi 32!»-.? 580-83 Shelburne 37C-:i Lockeport 370-y Shelburne 376-;i Sussex Vale 591'-l-i 580-83 Petersburtf 580-r.l Dunmore Junction 500, 535-53 Ballant'neSta.5)5iil> N. Wakefield «5(i 420-3 ->r Uttersnn .i80-67 Fort Hawkesburv 599-14, 371, 380 Calgary 535-53-(i:i Mallorjtowii 58' i!) 313, 316 or Lal Norton Sta. 5431, 699-12 POST 0KKICE8. RAILROAD Olf WllKn LOCATROORNKAK'ht R. R. STATION sn. KKV, PP. 162-l(il 7^:^c ■ Ksrwlale, Kailn Katepwe Katevale Katrine Kay Settlement . Kazuliazua . Keady Kearney ... Keats r.MICTORAL DISTRICTS. Annapolis .. ..N 8 YftleAKooterayBC Assa Stanstead (^ Muskoka&P.Sd. O Westmoreland N B Ottawa Q Grey, NR O Muskoka&P.Sd. O Westmoreland. N B Yale BC Cardwell O Peterboro',ER..O Algoina O Bothwell O King's NB Coinpton Cariboo B Wellington, N R.O Yale BC Marquette M Keefer's Keeiiansville . . . 'Keene Keewatin Keilh Keith Keith Keitl.ley Creek Keldon Kelowna Kelloe Station Kells iMuskoka&P.S'd.O Kelly's Cross Kelly's Cove Kelao Kelso Kelvin Keiiible Keiniiay Kempt . . Kempt Head Kempt Road Kempt Shore . , . . Kempt Town . . . •Kemptville . . . Kemptville Kendal KeniUvorth Kennaway Keniiell Kenlis Kenniore Keimetcook Kenrietcook Cor. Kennington Cove Kensington Kensington 'Ketmiigton . . . Kent Kent Bridge . . . Kent Junction . . Kent vi lie Keohan Kepler Keremeos Kerfoot Keirowgare . . . Kerrwood Kerry Kerteh Keswick Keswick Ridge . Ketch Harbour . 'Kettlebp Kettle River . . . Kewstoke Kilbain yueen's P E 1 Yarmouth .... N 8 Huntingdon H Halton O Norfolk, NR....0 Grey, NR O Selkirk M Queen's N S Victoria N S Richmond N S Hants NS Colchester... NS Grenville, N R Yarmouth N 8 Durham, W R . . O Wellington, N R.O Peterboro", E R . Aasa Assa Russell Hants N8 Hants NS Cape Breton . . N S Huntingdon . . . . Q Middlesex, ER..0 Prince PEI Halifax N S Bothwell O Kent NB King's NS King's N B Frontenac O Yale-Kootenay.BC Marquette M Pictou N S Middlesex, W R.O Albert NB Lambton, W R..0 York, NR O York N B RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED OR NRAR'ST R. R. STATION, SEE KEY, PP. 162164. Annapolis 714, 892, 393-2, 712 446-3 Indian Head 636-52 North Hatley 612 680-67 Salisbury 599-12, 693 656 Invennay 680-66 Emsdale 680-67 Petitcofliao 672, 599-12 Enderbv 535 74 Tottenham 680-66 680-27 636-61 Tupperville 573 Sussex Vale 59912 Robinson 535-7 Ashcroft 535-70 Shelburne 63&-40 P22 Trout Creek 68067 NewWiltshire 665-1 POST OKKICKS. Kilgorie Kilkenny Lake . Klllaloe iKillaloe Station . Killan's Mills .. . Killarney Killarney Killean... Klllowen . . . Killyleagh . Kllmaiiagh . Kilmarnock Kilmartin . ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Simcoe, 8 R .... O Cape Breton . . N S Renfrew, 8 R . . O Renfrew O Westmoreland. N It Algoina O Selkirk M RAILROAD ON WHICH' LfK'ATEDl RNKAR'mT K. R. STATION, SRI Ki;v, PP. 162-lti«. Shelburne .ISS^o via Sydney, N S 636-2 631-2 672 428-3. 430-1, 422, 4-22-2 or MoMHi'v Station 535-25 535-57 Wellington, S R.Oj635-35 (R R name Leslies) Argenteuil QI8t. Hennas 5;t5'ls Simcoe, S R . Peel. OlThornton rt80-«5 O Kilmaurs. . Kilsyth.... Kilworthy Kimball .. Kimbeiiey Kiinbo .. . . Kinbrae . . Mono Road 8tatioi> 536-40 319, Smith's Falls 635-16-33-34 Glencoe 535-42 580-82-83 Arnprior 636-12 via Yarmouth, N 81 ;Kinburn Killiride Kilburn Kildare Kildare Kildare Capes Kildare Station . . Kildonan Kilfoil Kincardiitf Kincardine . . ''King Kingarf Kingsboro' . . King Creek. Kingarth . . . Kinghurst . Kinglake , . . Kingross iKingsbridge \Kingsbttrp . . j Kingsbury . . \Kinijsclvn' ■ ■ iKingscote . . Kingscourt . Kingscroft . . Halifax N S York, NR O Yale-Kootenay.BC Inverness . . . . N S Huntingdon Q Halton O Victoria N B Joliette Q Prince PEI Prince PEI Prince P EI Lisgar M Carleton NB Kilbain 580-7 Campb'lville 636-36 Hawtrey 680-80, 6'26-6 Presque Isle 426 635-52-58 Annapolis 712, 714, 392, 393-2 lona 599-14,364,372 ir.Bai/iioad699 14 Newport Sta. 714 Riversdale 699-13 535-20, 319 South Ohio 712 Westleyville 580-9 535-41 Haliburton 68030 Regina 535-52 Indian Head 535-52 Osgoode Sta. 635-20 Kinjfsey Newport Sta. 714 Shubenacadie 599-1 via Sydney, N S Kilbain 580-7 via London, Ont. 666-1 Shubenacadie 599-1 635-42 610, 599 2 714, 547 Sussex Vale 599-12 Glenvale 611, 509-1 Okanagon 535-74 Carberrv 535 -.52 Hopewell 599-13 580-85 Elgin 572 Wanstead 580-85 SuUon West 580-37 Mouth of Keswick 535-83 via Halifax, N S Aurora 580-67 Okanagon C".5-74 Orangedale 599-14 580-7 (R B name Whites) Buriington 680-65- 87 536-86 Joliette 53517 Alberton 665-1 Tignish 665-1 6651 635-61 Bath 636-86 Lanark, S R . . . . O Middlesex, W R. O Carleton O Grey, N R Oivia Owen Sound o Ontario, N R....0 58067 Lambton, W R.O 6-258 Grey, E R OiFlcsherton 5.J5 40 Wentworth, S R.Oj Winona, 580 s.< Assa Church Bridge 6-J2 Pakenhain 53512 580-48, 432 Kilburn 535-8a ''Kingsey Falls . Kingsford Kingsley Kingsley Kingsmere Kingsmill Kiiiggport *Kingstun *Kingston — Kingston Kingston Mills Kingston Station Kingston Station Kingston Village 'King St *Kin!is»iUe .... Kingsville Kind's Wharf Kinistino Kinkora Kinkora Kinloss Kinlough *Kinmount *Kinnear's Mills Kinosota Kinross Unark, N R.... O : Bruce, W R 1 Victoria N B I York, N R ol. 580-67 Bruce, W R . . . . O; Lucknow 580-48 King's. ... P E I Souris East l.eabiu-v I 599-14, 371, 3811 ' Victoria, S R Olvio PeterboroughO Saski Pr. Albert 535-62 Perth, N R O'Sebringville 580-52 Prince PE I 865-2 Bruce, W R O} Lucknow .'80-48 Bruce, W R Lucknow 58048 Victoria, N R ..01580-30 Megantic Qi Robertson Sta. 075 Kinsale Kinsman'sCorn'rs iKintail 1 Marquette Mi Woodbourne 022 Queen's . . . . P EI Ontario, WR ...O King's NS Huron, WR....0 via Charlottetown, PEI Whitby ,580-9-38 Waterville 714 Goderich680-52,43-2- 192 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [1890 it f-i POHT orriciM. Kintore . *Kiiituir Kiiityre . *Kippen Kippewa Klrhy ... Kirkrlnle - KirkMd . . Kirkh'ill .... Kirkhill .... Kirklaiid .... Kirk's Ferry Kirkinoiint . Kirktoii .... Kirkpnfrick . Kirkwall .... Kirkwowl . . . KiHkisink. . . . Kleinburg. , Kloek's MiHh Knapdale KbKCTORAL DiMrRicn. Oxford, N R... O Victoria N B Elviii W O Huron, 8 H . . . . Pontiao Durham, W R.. Druiuniond .... Victoria, N R ...O (Jit iijtarry () Cuiiiherland ..MS t'arletoii N B Ottawa Q I'ictou N S Perth, S R O Sask Wentworth, N R O InvernesH N S lortneuf Q York, WR O District NIplgsinK. Middlesex, W R O RAILROAD ON WIIICHI I LM'ATKn OR SRAR'mT R. r. htation, «kk' KKV, ri'. IHMtM, 1 1 POST OKKICBH. Jiiiatchhull Haltoii O Knee Hill Valley Alta Ivnowlesville Carleton N B ■ Kiiowlton Bronie (^ Knoxford ICarleton N B Ktioydart I Piotou N S Koksiiah Vancouver B C Kola ISelkIrk M Kolapore Grey, E R O Kolbeck Kohler . . Koinoka Korah Kossuth Ktiuchilbougnac KouchilbouguacB Kunlt Kuper Island . . Kurtzville .... Kutawa Cuinberlund ..N 8 Haldhnand O Middlesex, S R..0 Algonia O Waterloo, SR.. O Kent N B Kent N B Yale BC Vancouvei . . ..B C Wellington, N R O Assa La Bale | Yaniaska La Beauce I Beauce . , Inifersoll 6U6-36 Kilburn A3r. .Sti Taylor 8ta. tl26-6 580'B0 Mattawa, O. ^3^12 Newcastle SSO'O Richmond E.R80-8- 12 680'2« Alexandria WAl ParrslMrouKh 640 Uebec Kib-iUfWi fifiU New Glasgow 591)7 Exeter 580-50 Pr. Albert 535-62 Dundas 580-83 i Whycocomah 3tt4 074 I 535-40 I 635-12 i Newburv 535'42, 580-8.-V Acton 580-.-.1 ! Innlsfail 535-63 Peel 635-80 536-4 Lac Rond Lac 8t. .Joseph Locombe Lodd'a Mills ... "Ladner Lady Rank . I.A Fayette. I afonttiine . La|fl»ltl4 Orangedale .5(H»-14 Orangedale 599 14 Orangedale 59!fl4 712 Lake Weedon 1175 via Quebec, Que. Lewisville 518 via Wiarton,Oni Eganville 535-11 Ouysboro' 304 Strathclair Sta. (>22 Pembroke .535- 12 074 Elmsdale .5991 St. Anselme 07.'i Lachute 535-18 Sussex Vale ,590 ■ 12 680-31, 313, 316 Reabum 635 ,52 Pr. Wm. Sta.535-Ss Berwick 714 Hebron 712 Ukefleld 58031, 313, 310 Woodbourne 62-2 649 lona 599-14,364,S7-.' Clifford 580-54 536-7 Annapolis 712, 714 Harrowsmith 611, 5091 Berwick 714 Colborne 580-9, 3iHj Kentville 714 Elgin 572 IngersoU 535-35, 580-83 via Yarmouth, NS Kazubazua 656 Chipman 643-1 535-12, Rutherglen Mattawa, O. 535'1'i Richibucto 610 Antigonishe 599-7 via Charlottetowii Grenville 53518, 541, 327, .328 Narrows 390 AvlmerW'st Stoddarts 040 Up.W'd8tock535s6 Centreville 547 Cherrv Grove 66.'i4 Sheffield 390 St. Peters 304 075 Papineauville Que. 635-13, 327, 3-2S Ormsby 545 Agincourt 535-34, 580-30 L'Islet 699-3 via London, Oni. im]] PORT opricM. iauiMoii 'iatiMon MiU». Lainerton Lameque uanilash Lainmemioor — 'Lanark 'LniicaHter Lancelot Caii'lestrew Undreville Un'lor Undry Lands End Un,l Villa LaiifH Lanesvllle Unir Nmirbank LanitdoN . . . Laiigenbiirg Langevin . . . Langford . . . . Uiigille's . . I.anrilen . . .. I.aiigley Prairie . . Langside Langstaff LaiioieviUe Langtiin Langvale L'.\nnonciation . l,aiioraie Lansdown .... • Lanidowne . . Lansdowne .... Lansdowne Hotel L'Anse a Giles L'AiiseiilaCabiine L'.AiiseanBeauttls L'.^nee au Foin L'.\nse a. Gascons Lansing L'Anee St. Jean Lantz U Patrie U P. R. St. Fran?' La Plaine 'Laprairie La Pr(^entation Lapland L'Aroheveque . Larchwood .... L'.\rdoise Lariviere Larkin l.,aroche Laroohelle I.arrii'm River. . . La Salette LaSiille Lascelles Lask.\y L' Ammiption . Laiuwade Lateiriere Ijatimer I-a Trappe Latta Liltie's Brook . La Tuque Lauder Laiinching Place 13 [I89r, RAILROAD ON Hincn LOCATRDORNKAR'kt K. R. 8TATI0.N, nit KKY, PI'. 162104. Flaiiance 536- is 674 ssnua Coatlo'ook 5H(i()8 460-4 or via Npw WestnilmUTBC KleHherton Mrrtn St. Charles, Kiver Hoyer 5mt;i-4 Penetanffuixhtnc SSOeo, 42-.> 1 Alexandria Ml Kilbain 6807 ml^uneiilmrK.NS Br'jfewater»(4»),3i4 Coe Kill Mints r)44 Oraii(fetlale rmu Oraiijfedale 6i)ltl4 Oranifedale «H)14 OranKelM)-l Gloucester.. ..N B Pcckmouche 540 King's N B Holdcrville 3'K) Montmagny .... Q St. Pierre, .Mont magny 699-3 Luoknow 680-48 I^.Stewiacke 5991 580-27 (R R name Keene) Bothwell ,536-4-2, 580-83 Alta 536-,'J3 Assa H22 Dorchester Q St. Anselme 676 Brant, N R O Coinsville ,')80-7« Lunenburg.. . N S Br'ge water 646, 374 N. Westminster. BC 450-3, or via Port Hanniiond, B C N. Westminster. BCi Port Hammond .S6-70 4.60-3 Bruce, W R 0|Lucknow 68048 York, E R (), Concord ,580 -67 Richelieu Q'Oavlgnac .')3.5-l Norfolk, S R. . .. U Port Rowan .680-86 Selkirk Mi Belmont 644- 1 Ottawa QlSte Agatha des I MontH 536-23 Berthier QI536-21, 3-2«-4-9 Carleton N B|Peel 535-86 Leeds, SR U|580-9 Digbv N S Smith's Cove 712 Prince P E Il6«.6-2 (R R name Cape Traverse) Montmiignv . . . . Q 599'3 i Gaspd yi3!i9-l(A'hcrst L'ng): Oaspu y (Cape Cove 3.'>0 Chicoutimi Q Chicoutimi 3-29-8 RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD OR NRAR'RT R. R. STATION, RRR KRV, PP. 162-164. POST OPPICRM. Laurel Laurel . * Laurentidei . . Lauriston . i Lauvina . ' Lauiun . I Laval Lavaltrie Lavaiit Lavant .Station . Lavander L'Avenir Lawrence Mills. (Lawrence Station Lawrence Station 'Lawrencvtoica. . Lawrencetown . . Lawrencfmlle Lawson Lawson Layton Leadbury Leafleld Leamington .... i*Leainimjtim. . . . Learned Plain .. Leaside .Junction Lenskdale Lebanon Le Bras Lebret Le BretoiiFlatn. . Lecleroville Ledge Leduc *Leed» Leeds Village Leesboro' Lefaivre RLRCTORAt blRTRlC-ni. Wellington, N R.O Argenteuil Q L'Asaomption . . Q Grey, 8 R O Sunbury N B L«vi8 Q Montmorency , Berthier Lanark, N R Lanark, N R Simcoe, S R. Drummond . . . Q Muskoka&P.S'd.O Charlotte . . . . N B Elgin, WR O Annapolis N S Halifax N 8 Shefford Q Queen's N B Simcoe, E R.. .. O Ontario, NR....O Huron, S R . . . . O Peterboro", E R . () Cumlierland . . N S Essex, SR O Compton Q York, ER O Ontario, NR....O Wellington, C R.O Beauce Q Assa (City of Ottawa). O Lotbinii-re Q NB Alta Megantic ..... Q Megantic Q Middlesex, E R..O Prescott O RAILtOAO ON WHICH LOCATRD OR NIAR'RT R. R. ITATIU.I, RRI KRT, PP. 162-164. 63A-40 Grenville 63618, 641, 327, 328 684, 5.% -24 (R R name Ht. Lin) Harkdale 63640 Levis 076, .699 3-4, 6S0-12 via Quebec, Que. 329-4-9 or Li Val- tH» Himit 585-21 Lavant Station 611 611 O O OJCreemore 680-64 Charlotte , :8 Lefroy Leger Brook Legere Leger\'ille Leg Lake Leinster Leitche's Creek . . Leith Compton ~. QiScottstown .535-7 ! ■ Leitram Charlevoix QSt. Paul's Bay 3-29 8' Leland Terrebonne .... Qi.63r)-24 I Lemesurier Laprairie Q .580-7, 3-29-1 ; Lemieux St. Hyacinthe . . Q St.Hyacinthe 536'll Lemonville I 580-8, 566 I Lena Lunenburg . . . . N Si Br'gewater 646, 374 Lennox Bonaventure York, W R Chicoutimi Q Lunenburg N S P't Daniel Cen. 350 Concord 68067 i 329 8 Barss' Corners 646 Richmond Algoma Richmond. . . . Selkirk Hastings, K R Brome Q Megantic Q Guysboro' . . . . N S Norfolk, NR....() X S!St. Peters 364, 370, ..0|.535-13 N SJSt. Peters 364, 3' . -Mi. 535 -.57 Lisgar Ottawa York, NR... L'Assomption Peterboro", E R . Chicoutimi Q Frontenac O Two Mountains .Q Hastings, E R...O Hants N S Champlain Q Selkirk M King's P E I .509-1 Fulford 535-7 Staiifold 580-12 Guysborough 364 6-25-6, 580-80 (R R name P. Uov'rJ'n) 635-57 N. Wakefield 656 King .580-67 ;V29-5, 618 Lennox Ferry i * Lennnxville . ' Lenore i'Leonardville . I Leopold i *L'EpiphaHie Lepreanx. .... j Lequille Lerwick Les Dalles . ... Les Ebonlemfintu Les Ecureuils . . . i Les Escoumains. . Coe Hill .Mines 544 1 Les Fonds Chicoutimi 329-8 via Kingston, Ont. Hudson 635-22 Kirt Belleville Shubenae'die ,599-1 GrandesPiles.53e-19 .535-68 j Georgetown 666'3, 359-1 LesGr.Berger'nes Leskard Leslie I liCsPet Berger'nes ' Les Sanies ' Lessard Letang- i Letellier Simcoe, S R O Westinorel'nd, N B Northuinb' N B Kent NB Simcoe, E R O Lennox O Cape Breton . . N S Grey, NR O Russell O Addington O .Megantic Q Prescott O Ontario, WR .. O Selkirk M Selkirk M Richmond N S Sherbrooke Q .Selkirk M Charlotte . . . . N B Argenteuil Q L'Assomption . . Q Charlotte .... N B Annapolis N 8 Victoria N B Montcalm Q Charlevoix Q Portneuf Q Saguenay Q Lotbinii're Q Saguenay Q Durham, W R . . O York, ER O Saguenay Q Qtiebec Q Beauce Q Charlotte .... N B Provencher M Richm'd E.580'8-12 Enisdale 680 07 636-89 680-8-i 714 via Halifax, N S 653 Annidale 6431 Coldwater580-32-34 Brkwater580-36-;«l Seaforth 580-.52 Halllmrton f>80-3o Sp'g Hill Mines 549 617, 626-3 Cookshire635-7,6-20 526-34 Sunderland 680-:ertson Sta. 675 Robertson Sta. b75 Wyton Sta. 580-49 327, 328 or Monte- bello Que. 63518 580-67 Neguac 363 Canaan Sta. 529-2 Gravenhurst 680"67 Nap'nee 509-2,680-9 599-14 via Owen Sound,0. iria Ottawa, Ont. Harrowsmith 611 Robertson Sta. 675 Maxville 631 Sto'ffville 680 36-37 Killarney 535-57 Deloraine 536-67 Graiidigue F'ry ;i64 ,512,67.5,580-8,635-7 Vinlen 53o-5-2 St.Andrews .535-87, Lachute 536-18 635-21, 618 695 Annapolis 714, :i92, "~2, 712 Andover 536-86 Joliette 536-17 3-29-8 Portneuf .536-21 Tadousac S-29-8 Etohemin 599-4 Tadousac 329-8 Newcastle 580-9 580-9 (R R name Leslieville) Tadousac 329-8 via Quebec, Que. St. George 695 644-3 194 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189tj I 1896] •i- il v>'' ,'■ POST 0FKICK8. *Lethbridge . . , L'Etete Letterkenny . . . *Livis Levesqueville . . . Lewis Bay Lewis Head .... Lewishani Lew's Mills Lewis Mountain Lewis Mountain Lewisvillf Lewisvilie , Lexington Libhytown Lidford Lieurj' Lifford Lillooet ....'... Lily Lily Lake . . . Lily Lake .... Lily Plain .... Lily Oak Lime Bank Lime Hill Lime Hill .... Limehouse Limekiln Lime Lake ... Lime Ridge . . Lime Rock . . . Limestone Lincoln Lincoln Linda Linden Linden Valley Lindenwood . , * Lindsay Lindsay Lineboro' Lineham Lingan Lin^an Road Liniere Linton Linton's Lintvathen .... Linwood Liiiv.ood Lion's Head . . Lippentott Lisbon Lisbum Liscombe liis' oinbe Mills 1 'sgar Lie^ar Station Ijisle h Inut BLSCTORAL D18TP.ICT8. ijiAuore LissoM *Lutotvel Little Bartibog.. Little Bass River Little Branch .... Little Bran d'Or. L. Bras d'Or (S S) * Little Britain . . Little Brook .... Little Brook Sta. *Little Current . . Little Cape Little Cascapedia. Little Dover .... Little Forks * Little Olace Bay Alta Charlotte . . . . N B Renfrew, SR .. O L6vis Q Nipissinjr O Cape Breton . . N S Shflbume . . . . N S Ontario, NR....0 Hants N S Westmoreland. N B Inverness .... N S Westmoreland.N B Alta Inverness .... N S Stansteod Q Martjuecte M Middlesex, N R . O Durham, E R . . O Cariboo B C Cumberland . . N S King's N B Algoma O Sask Grey, N R O Russell King's N B Inverness N S Halton York N B Hastings, E R . . Wolfe Q Pictou N S Lanark, N R. ..O Queen's P E I Sunbury NB Oompton Q Cumoerlaiid . . N S Victoria, S R O Grey, NR O Victoria, SR....0 Carleton N B Stanstead Q Alta Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton . . N S Beauce Q York, NR Sunburj' N B Selkirk M Waterloo, NR.. .\ntigoni8he . . N S Bruce, N R Selkirk M Oxford, NR.... Bruce, W R . . . . O Gnysboro' . . . . N S Guvshoro' . . . N S Peel O Dnimniond . . . . Q Simooe, S R . . . . O L'Islet q Pictou N S King's N B Perth, N R . . . O North umb' .. NB Colchester N S Northumb'....NB Cape Breton . . N S Capo Breton . . N S Victoria, SR....0 Digby NS Digby NS Algoma O Westmoreland.N B Bonaventure Q Guysboro' . . ..N S Cumberland... N S Cape Breton . . N S RAILROAD ON WHICH I LOCATED OR NBAR'ST ! R. R. STATION, SRB 1 KEY, rr. 162-164. i POST 0KKICR8. 500 St. George 695 Eganville 683°11 675, 599-3-4, 580-12 Callender 580-67 via Sydney, N S Lockeport 376-3 Washago 580-67 Mount Unircke 714 Kitlain's Mills 5V2 i Orangedale 599*14 .518 Wetaskiwin 535-63 Port Hastings 371 Ayer's Flat 512 Binscarth 622,622 2 Park Hill 580-51 ' Pontypool 535-34 i Ashcroft 535-70 Thompson's Mills 5991 Oak Point 390 via Manitow'ing O. Pr. Albert 535-62 Holland Cen. 535 -40 MaiiotickS'n 535-20! Butternut R'ge 672 W.Bay Road 599-14 .'580-51 Nashwaak 532 Marlbank 5091 ; 620 W.River Sta. 599-131 Kinburn 531-2 1 Hunter's Riv.665-l! 390WaosisS'n535-82l East Angus 675 Arnherst .sm)-! Cainbray .580-32 Presque Isle 426 i 580-30-32-K5, 312 ' Woodst'k .535-86-90 Stanstead Junction 612, 520-1 Okotoks 635-64 via Sydney, N S na Sydney, N S St. Francois Nord East 675-1 Aurora 580-67 Chipnian 543-1, 390 Carman 585-64 St. Jacobs 580-47 .599-7 426 via Wiarton.O, Elkhoi-n 635-52 Baden 680-61 Ripley 580-48 Antigonishe 599-7 Antigoiiishe 599-7 535 -.36 .580-8 580-64 599-3 Merigomishb 599'7 Sussex Vale .599-12 .580-48-53 Chatham 532, 363 Londonderry Sta. 699-1 Bay du Vin 353 Georges Riv. ,599-14 via N. Sydney, N S Oakwooil 580-36 712 712 422-2, 428-3, 430-1, Mussey Sta. 536 '25 Shcdiao'59911 N.Richin'd508,360 Caiiso 364, 371 699-1 via Sydney, N S i Little Harbour . . I Little Harbour . . I Little Judique . . ; Little Lake 1 Little Lepreaux . ! Little Lorraine .. , Little Mabou \* Little Mitiii .... [Little Metis Sta.. Little Musquash . iLittle Narrows. .. Little Pabos L. Pierre Jacques I Little Pond ! Little Pond I Little Rapids.. . I Little Rideau . . . Little Ridge ... ; Little Ridj^eton . iL.Riv.Cheticamp I L. Riv. Coverdalo I Little River East. Little River West ! Little River E!!iaSt.Thoma8W.,o 665-3 376-3 Bridgewater 646, 374 Pickering 580-9 Fergus 535-36, 580-54 MbcU d 636-54 Antagonishe ,590-7 Saskatoon 535-6-2 Almonte ,535.12 Aurora 580-67 Hyde Park Corner .535-42, 580 •60-83 Antigonishe 699-7 535-18 (R R name Rockland) .ORiplev 580-48 . N S Port Hood 359-2, 364 .599-9 Hantsport 714 Harrison R. 536 70 Apple Hill 535-33 Alexandria 531 Port Hood 359-2, 364 uia St. John, NB St. Peters 364, 370, 372 St. Peters 364 St. Peters 364, 'Cm. 372 5361-2 (R R name Castleford) 376-3 or via Yar- mouth, NS Mill River 6651 580-65 (R R Centre ' ville) S3u'34 IDA. [189tj 'EI ,NS NS NB NB NS NS •Q A NS RAILROAD ON «Ili(.|j LOCATED OR NKAR'jt R. R. STATION, an KEY, PP. 162-l(i4 NS . O .0 VB f B NS *B ■ Q • Q f B 350 Black Cajie fids Coleman 665-1 E I Cardigan Bd. HtiaS via N. Sydney, Xs Thessalon 535 "2.i 428-3, 430-1, 4-2-2-2 Cashing 541 Harvey 693 St. Stephen 53:V8!) 696 Cheticamp 3592 Salisbury 599-12 693 Cape Cove 350 Grand River SM) Elgin 572 Sheffield 390 Oxford 699-15 Dighy712,392,3»;i-2 Shubenacadie59i)-l Harvey 693 Sussex Vale 69912 wi'oCharlot'et'nFKl Port Elgin 63« Shippigan 540 Tignish 666-1 Barrington 370-s "iaSt.ThoinasW.,(> 666-3 376-3 Bridgewntei- 646, 374 Pickering 580-9 Fergus 636-36, 580-64 Mack jd 636-54 Antagonishe 599-7 Saskatoon 535-62 Almonte 536.12 Aurora 680-67 Hyde Park Corner 636-42, 580-50-83 Antigonishe 699-7 535-18 (R R name Rockland) Ri|'.lev 580-48 Port Hood 3592, 364 599-9 Hantsport 714 Harrison R. 635 TO- Apple Hill 536-33 Alexandria 531 Port Hood 359-2, 364 ) via St. John, N B St. Peters 364, 370, 372 St. Peters 304 St. Peters 364, 37(i, 372 535-12 (R R name C'astleford) 370-3 or ma Yar- mouth, NS Mill River 6651 ''•>W)-66(RR Centre ville) 580-34 1896] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 195 POST OKKICaS. Lodi Logan Logan's Tannery I/igaiiville Logl)erg Lojfierait Lojfgieville . Logoch Loniliardy . Lon-, N 8 Tweed 535-34, 609"1 Grenville 536-^8, 541, 327, 32 > Batiscan 5'25-21, Tignish (106-1 BloomfieldStaeeS-l Alberton 665-1 Lot 8 " 10 " 11 " 12 " 14 " 16 " 30 " 35 " 40 " 48 " 56 " 67 Lothair Lotus Louisa Lmiisburg .. Louis Creek , Louise *Loui»evilte Louisville . . Lourdes Lourdes L.diiBlancSablon Lovat Lovat Lovering Lovett Low Lowbanks .... Lowell Lo'er Abougoggin Lmoer Anjyle . . I Lower Barney's R : Lower Blomidon ■ Lower Branch . . . i Lower Brighton , Lower Caledonia. Lower Cambridge liowei- Canard . \ Lower Cape . . . 'Lower Caraquet f Lower Cariboo R. Lower Caverhill.. L'w'r Church St. . Lower Cove .... : Lower Coverdale. Lower Derb.v .... Lower Dumfries. . Lower E.Pubnico , Lower Economy . j L. Foster Settline' 1 Lo'er Five Islands t Lower Fort Garry Lower Freetown . L.French Village I Lower Gagetown I Lower Granville . Low-er Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lotver Greenville Havneville Hillside... Ireland . . Jordan Bay La Have . . L' Ardoise L. Line Quee'bi'ry Lower Maccan . . L. Meagher's O'nt Lower Millstrt'iim Low-er Montague. Lower Mt. Tboin. Lower Nappan . . Lower Newcastle. Lower Nicola. . .. Lower Northfleld ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Prince PEI Prince PE J Prince EI Prince i' E I Prince PEI Prince PEI Queen's PEI Queen's PEI King's PEI Queen's PEI King's PEI Queen's ....PEI Selkirk M Durham, E R . . O Argenteuil Q Cape Breton . . N S Yale BC Grey, S R O Muskinong^ .. .. Q Bothwell Megantic Q Pictou NS Saguenay Q Bruce, W R . . . . O Pictou N S Simcoe, E R O Northumb', E R.O Ottawa Q Mcnck O Albert. N B Westmoreland. N B Yarmouth.. .. N S Pictou N S King's NS Lunenburg N S Carieton N B Guysboro' . . . . N Queen's N B King's NS Albert N B Gloucester — N B Pictou N S York NB King's NS Cumberland . . N S Albert NB Northumb'.... KB York N B Yarmouth .... N S Colchester.... N S Lunenburg. . . .NS Colchester.... NS Lisgar M Prince PEI York N B Queen's N B Annapolis N S Cumberland , . N S York N B Inverness N S Megantic Q Shelburne . . . . N S Lunenburg . . N S Richmond .... N S RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAR- EST R. R. STATION, 8EEKEY,PP.162-164 York N B Cumberland . N S Halifax N S King's N B King's . . . , P E I Pictou N S Northumb' NB Northumb'.... NB Yale-Kootenay . B C Lunenburg . . N S Coleman 666-1 Inverness 665-1 Conway Sta. 6661 666-1 (RR name Ellerslie) Fitzgerald Sta 665-1 Miscouche 666-1 N'w Wiltshire 6651 Bedford 666-3 665-4 ui'aChariot'et'nPEI Cardigan B'd 666-8 N'w Wiltshire 666-1 Oak River 586 Pontypool 535-34 Lachute 535 18 via Sydney, N S Kamloops 536-70 Elmwood 680-65 535-21 535-42 (R R name Arkwood) Somerset 580-12 N.Glasgow 599-7-19 346 Paisley 580-64 West R. Sta. 599'] » Cold water580 -32-84 Smithfleld 580-9 656 580-79 Harvey 693 Shediac 59911 via Yarmouth N S Merigomishe 699-7 Canning 647 Bridgewater 646, 374 Woodst'k 535-86-90 Hopewell 699-13 Canard 547 Cape Station 693 Caraquet 540 via Pictou N S Pt. Williams 714 Joggins Mines 603 Moncton5991-2-12, 618 N. W. Bridge 699-8 Pr.VVil'inSta535- 8 via Ynnuouth, N S Pari-sborough 549 BarsH Corners 64« Parrsboroiigh 549 53ij-61 Freetown 665- 391 via Fredericton, NB Gagetown 390 Annapolis 712, 711, 392, 393-2 Greenville 599-1 Milville .536-83 Pt.llawksb'v 699-14 Thcrford Mines 676 Shelburne 376-3 via Lunenburg NS St. Peters 304, 370, 372 Mouth of Keswick 536-83 Maccan 599-1, 006 Sliubenacadie59!)-1 Apoaqui 69{)-12 Georgetown 666-3, 359-1 W. Riv. Sta, 699-13 Point an Gar 363 Chatham 532, 363 Suence's Bd 535-79 Northfleld 646 -, 196 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189l) I 1890] tfr ! POST OFriCOB. Lower Ohio Lower Onslow . . Lower Poquiook . Lower P, William Lower Prospect Lower Quee'bury Lower Rid)(e Lower R. Hebert Low' R. Inhab'nts Lower Rollo Bay. L. Salmon Creek. Lower Sackville.. Lower Selmah .. Low' Settr. M. R. Low" Settr. S. R.. L'r Shag Harbour. Lower Ship Harb. Low' Ship Har. E Low' Sou'ampton Lower St. Mary's. * Lower Stewuicke Low' Turtle Creek Lower Wakefield. Low' Washabuck. Low' Wentworth. Low' W. Jeddore. Low' W. Pubnico, Lower West Riv . L'w'r Whitehaven Lower Windsor . . Lower Wood Har Lower Woodstock Lowlands Low Moor Low Point Lowville Lozier Settlement *Lucan Lucasrille Luras Lucerne . . . Lucille .... *Luchiou' . Ludlow . . . Lulu Island Lumby Lumley Lumsden Lund Lundar Lundyville . . . Lunenbur(< Ltmenbtirg Lurtran Luskville Lutes Mountain. Luton Lyd|?ate Lyleton ... *liyn Lynch Lake Lyndale .... Li/nden .... Lyndon .... Lyndhurst . . Lytudueh . . Lynn Lynnfleld Lynn Vallej' Lynnville . Lyons Lyonehall . RLBCTORAL DIBTRICT8. Shelburne . . . . N S Colchester.... NS York NB York N B Halifax N S York N B Kingf'8 NB Cumberland . . N S Richmond N S King's PEI Queen's N B Halifax N S Hants NS Victoria N S Antigonishe . . N S Shelburne. .. . NS Halifax N & Halifax N S York N B York N B Colchester.... NS Albert NB Carleton N B Victoria NS Cumberland . . N S Halifax N S Yarmouth.... NS Antigonishe .. N S Guysboro' ....NS Carleton N B Shelburne N S Carleton NB Lambton, E R. . O Pictou N S Inverness .... N S Halton O Gloucester . . . N B Middlesex, NR..O Lambton, W R..0 Marquette M Ottawa Q Cardwell O Bruae, W R . . . . O Northumb' . . N B N.Westminster.BC Yale BC Perth, SR O Assa N.Westminster.BC Lisgar M Lisgar M Stormont O Lunenburg. . . .NS Bruce, W R . . . . O Ott!\wa Q Westmoreland. N B Elgin, ER O Shelburne . . . . N S Selkirk M Brockville O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Queen's PEI Wentworth, N R.O Alta Leeds, S R O Norfolk, S R....O Colchester.... N S Charlotte . . . . N B Norfolk, S R....0 Norfolk, NR ..() Middlesex, ER.O Selkirk M RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD, OR NRAR- gST R. R. STATION, 8KBKBr,PP.162-]64 Shelburne S76-3 Truro 699-1-13 Prince William Sta. 536'88 do do via Halifax, N S Mouth of Keswick 535-83 Butternut Rd. 672 Maccan 599-1, 606 Port Hawkesbury 599-14. 371, 380 Souris East 665-4, 359-1, 371 Chipman 5431, 390 Beaver Bank 714 Shubenacadie 599 - 1 lona 599-14,364,372 599-7 (R R name South River) Barrington 376-3 via Halifax, N S Miliville 535-83 via FrederictoiiNB 699-1 Turtle Creek 693 Up W'dstock 635-86 lona 599-14, 364, 372 Wentw'th Sta 599-1 Wirt Halifax N S via Yarmouth, N S Antigonishe 599-7 Canso 364, 371 Hartland 535-86 Barrington 376-3 Woodsfk 585 ■86-90 Wanstead 680-85 Hopewell 599-13 Port Hawkesbury 599-14, 371, 380 Burlington 580-65- 87 Pockmouche 640 580-51 Sarnia 573, 680-81- 86, 820 Hamiota 585 Kirks Ferry 656 Culedon E. 580-65 580-48 632 450-4 (Lulu Land'g) w'rtNW'min'rBC Okanagon .535-74 Dublin 580-62 636-62 mo Vancouver B C Reaburn 636-62 Wales 580-9 646, 373, 374, 376-3 Kincardine |680-48, Eardlev 663 Moncton 618, 699-1- 2-12 Aylmer, W't 580-82 Lockeijort 37*' i Deloraine 636-67 516, 680-9 Sundridge 580-67 wViCharlot'et'nPEI 580-83 516 j Delhi 580-82 I Parrsborougii 649 | St. Stephen .■)36-89, 696 I 580-80 Ellaton 680-80 Harrietts'ille635-35 Killarney 635-67 I POST OKKICKS. ^ Lysander Lyster Lyster Station . Lyttleton Lytton McAdam June . McAdam's Lake . McAllister McArras Brook . McAulay's McCarthy McCallum Settle' MoConnell Creek. McCormick McCormick McCready i i McCrimmon .... 'McDonald's Cor. . McDonald's Cor's McDonald's Cove i McDonald's Point McDougall ) McDougal Settlm' McOarry iMcGinley McGrath Moun'in : McGray ] McGregor McGregor Station Macintosh Mills . Mclntyre I Mclntyre's Lake . iMcIntyre's Mnt'n. Mclver McKay's Point \MeKdlar IMoKenzie Lake McKees Mills . . McKenzie's Cor McKinlay .... McKinnon's Harb McKnight * McLaren's Depot {McLaughlin Road I McLean ... I McLean I McLean JMcLeanville .... iMcLellan's Brook McLellan's M'tain iMcLeod's Crossi'g McLeod's Mills . {McMillan's Cor's McNal's Cove . . . I McNairn i McNoniee McNeil's Vale... : McNutt's Island iMcPhail ; McPherson 1 1 McPherson's F'ry i ! McPherson's Mills iSlcPherson Sta [ I HcQuode I Mc Vicar Mabee Mabel Maberly Mabou Mat)ou Coal Mines Mabou Harbour Molion Har. Mo'th ■>M an Macdonald .... Mucdonald .... RLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Megantic Q Megantic Q Megantic Q Northumb'.... NB Yale BC York N B Cape Breton . . N S Kinjc's N B Antigoni.she . . N S Victoria NS Halifax N S Colchester.... NS N.Westminster.BC Inverness .... N S Glengarry O Middlesex, W R . O Glengarry O Queen's N B Lanark, NR....0 Gasp* Q Queen's N B Renfrew SR....O Westmoreland. N B Lanark, S R . . . . O Westmoreland. N B Pictou N S Shelburne .... N S Essex, SR O Marquette M Leeds, SR O Grev, E R O Richmond N S Inverness N S Bruce, N R . . . . O Victoria N S Muskoka&P.S'd.O Hastings, N R . . O Kent N B Carleton N B Lanark, NR....0 Victoria N S Kind's ..N B Addmgton O Kent NB Kent N B Addington O Cape Breton . . N S Pictou N S Pictou N S Compton Q Kent N B Cornwall O Richmond . , . . N S Kent N B Northumb' . . . . N B Victoria N S Shelburne . . . . N S Lanark, S R . . . . O Antigonishe . . N S Richmond.... NS Pictou N S Vancouver . . . . B C Westmoreland. N B Bruce N R O Norfolk, NR....O Argenteuil Q Lanark, S R . . . . O Inverness .... N S Inverness .... N S Inverness .... N S Inverness .... N S Cumberland . . N S Lennox O Maniuette Man RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATBD, OR NEAR- EST R R. STATION, 8EgKRY,Pr.l62.1t)i Ste.JulieSta.r)S0-l'2 580-12 580-12 Newca8tle599-2,3:'i3 535-70 535-88-89-90 Bois'aleCh'plSilO-u Belleisle Cr'k 543-1 Merigoniishe .'i<)9-7 lona 599- 14,3(i4,3ri West River Shet't Harbour 371 Truro 599-1-13 Mis.sion 535-70 P't Hoo Wickham 390 518 Perth 636-34 Memramcook .'iOitl Merigoniishe ;'p|tif7 Barrington 370:f 617, 626-1 535-.52 Athens 616 Diintroon 580-64 699-14 Port Hawkesburv 699-14 Cape Croker 4'2ti lona 599-14,364,37-2 via Parry Sound.O. Ormsby 544 St. Anthony 51S Debec 636-85-90 Almonte .636-12 599-14 Annidale 543-1 611 (R R name Snow Road) St. Anthony 61S Canaan Sta. 591I-2 Mtn. Grove 636-;{4 Leitche's C'k6n!l-U N'wGlas'w 599-7-1:! N'wOlas'w 599-7 l:! .535-7 Richibucto 610 Mo'okl'dSta.53,i-:i.i St. Peter's 864 Buctouche 818 532 lona 599-14 Shelburne 376-;; Perth 536 34 Lo'er Settlement South Riv. 69!) 7 Port Hawkesbury 599-14, 371, 380 N'wGlas'w 699-7-1II 674 Irishtown 518 Til8oiiburg580-7H- 82, 625-5 St. Phillippe D'Ar- genteuil 535-18 f)36-34 P. Hood 359-2, SM P. Hood 359-2, 364 P. Hood 359-2, aVA P. Hood 359-2, 364 606, 699-1 Nap'nee509-2,68O-!> 022 POST opyicBs. jIacdmiK'all Maciiuiuao — Mackey's Station Mackville •yfadeod MacLennan Mace's Bay ... Macnider Maetaquack . Maetoii Macville •••••„ Maddington Falls Maddock Madcrs Cove. Madford •Madoc Matfaguadavic MaijdalenlsUtndii Uagenta Magnetdtean Jlagiure •Magon Magoon's Point. .Maaipie lla/undy Mahotie Bap Maidstone . . M.iilhiot . . • Main I'l Dieu . Main River. . . Mainsville . . Maisonneuve Maitland Maitlatul — Maitland . . . Haitland Forks.. Malaga G'ld Mill's Malagash Malagash Point,. Malagawatch — Malakoff Mai Bay Malcolm Malignant Cove ilallnr^town . . . Malinaison Malone. . Malton . . Malta .. .Malvern Malvina Mamette Lake . Manawan Manchester. ... Manda Manganese Mim Mandamin .... Slaiideville . . . . Manilla Manion ■ Manitou'ani)^ •Manitoxi .... Maniwaki — Manners Suttoi Mannheim . . . . Mannhurst ... 'Manotick . . . Mansewood.. . Mansfield Mansfield ^^- [189() I 189G] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA 197 RAILROAD O.V WHICH LOCATED, OR NgAR. K8T R R. STATIOV 8EBKI!Y,PP.l(i2.](i] J c TB f S B S He s () o Ste.JulieSta.SsO'i' 580-12 580-12 535'70 • ^ 535-88-89-flO Bois'aleCh'plSltflit Belleisle Cr'k r)43i f S Merigomishe .1997 rS loiia 599' 14,3(14 3:> i S West River Sht'ot " Harbour 371 Truro 599-1.13 Mission 535-70 P't Hood 359-2, 364 Alexandria 531 Newbury 535 -4-J, 580-83 Alexandria 531 Narrows 390 Mississippi Sta. en Natashquan 34.'i H'iokham 390 518 Pertii 535-34 Memramcooli .litlti MeriK-oniishe :'m-7 Harrington 37u:i 617, 625-1 535-62 Athens 516 Duntroon ,580-64 599-14 Port Hawkesbni'v 599-14 Cape Croker 4-26 lona 599-14,364,372 Vfrt Parry Sound, c». Ormshy 544 St. Anthony 51S Debec 535-85-90 Almonte .5351.2 599-14 Annidale 543-1 611 (R R name Snow Road) St. Anthony 51S Canaan Sta. 599-2 Mtn. Grove 535-.-i4 Leitche'sC'k509-u N'wGlas'w 599-7- l.i N'wGIa8'»-599-7-l.t .535-7 Richibucto 610 Mo'okl'dSta.6;i.5-:):i St. Peter's S64 Buotonche 518 532 lona 599-14 Shelburne 376-;; Perth .535 34 Lo'er Settlement South Riv. 59i)'r Port Hawke8bur\ 599-14, 371, 380 N'wGlas'w 599-7-111 574 Irishtown 518 Tilgoiibnrg580-7«- 82, 625-5 St. Phillippe D'Ar- genteuil,J35-18 535-34 P. Hood 359-2, 304 P. Hood 359-2, 304 P. HooMia Matawatchan . . Muthesoii .... Mattatall Lake *Mattawa Mattie Maugerville L'Assomption . . Ottawa Selkirk Maskinong^ .... Middlesex, ER. Stanstead Q Algouia O Grey, NR O Ottawa Q Colchester.... NS Quebec Q Muskinongu . . . . Q Riinouski Q Bonaventure . . . .Q Renfrew, S R . . O Victoria N S Colchester.... NS Dist. of Nip'sing.O Guysboro' . . . . N S Suiiburv N B Mavillette Mawcook . . MaxviUe . . Maxwell . . Mayerville Mayfnir Mayfleld .. Mayfleld . . Maynard . . Mayne . . . . ildynooth Mayo May wood Meadow Meadow Creek . ^leadow Lea . . Digby NS ShelTord Q Glengarry O Grey, E R O Russell O Middlesex, VVR..0 Peel O Antigonishe . . N S Grenville, S R . . O Selkirk M Hastings, N R . . Ottawa Q Victoria BC Albert NB AlU Lisgar M St. Francois Nord East 675-1 Chatsworth 535-40 544 Newdale 622 Belgrave 680-50 535-52 Pilot Mound 535-57 Mahone Bav«46,373 Echo Vale ■535-7 BarneyR'rSta.599-7 Baddeck 364, 370, li?2 Pleasant Valley 712 Gleng'rySta.599-13 Little York 6653 W't Bttv R'd 599-14 580-36 580-82 599-7 Riv.deChute535-86 Little Metis 599-2 Port Rowan 580-86 Hillsburgh 535-36 Hunter's Riv. 065-1 Quyon 663 Low 656 MahoneBay646,373 MahoneBay646,373j Lanc't€r580-9,3-29-3 Compton 580-8 Windsor 714 South Indian 631 Belleisle Cr'k 6431 Reaburn 536-52 Bristol 663 580-9 632 Antigonishe 599*7 St. George 696 535-21 (R R name St. Henri) Mascouche 635-2 Wakefield 656 Griswold 535-52 535-21 via London, Ont. 512 535-25 Chatsworth 535-40 6uckiMghain635'18 327, 328 Debert Sta. 599-1 676 (R R name Richardson) St. Gabrielde Bran- don 535-17 L. Metis Sta. 699-2 508, 599-2 Aslidad 611 Orangedale 699-14 Tataning'che 599-16 .535-12 BigTracadie 599-7 ;)iK) Waasis Station 535-82 Hebron 712 Granby 546-1 531 Flesherton 535-40 Casselnian 531 Appin 580-83 Edmonton 535-39 James R. Sta. f>9-7 via Pi-esoott, Ont Alexander 535-62 Ormsby 544 Thurso 536-18, 327, 328 Ilia Victoria Elgin 572 Claresholm 535-64 Reaburn 535'52 Meadows Meadows Road . Meadow vale . . . Meadow vale Meadowville Sta *Mea/ord Meagher's Grant Meat Cove Mechanic's Settlm Mecunoma Medford ''Medicine Hat Medina Medora. . . . Meiklefleld iMeiseners 'Mekiwin Melancthon .... Melboro' * Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne ! Melbourne Ridge. Melcombe iMeldrum Bay.. .. I Melford Melfort Melgund Melgiind Melissa Melita Melocheville . . . . KliECTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATSD, OR .VRAE- BST R. R. STATlOil, 8EBKRV,PP.l(i2.1t)4 Charlotte . . . . N B Cape Breton . . N S Peel O Lisgar M Pictou N S Grey, E R O Halifax NS Victoria NS King's N B Muskoka&P.S'd.O King's NS Oxford.' NR....0 Selkirk M Pictou N S Lunenburg NS Marquette M Grey, E R O Richmond Q Middlesex, W R. O Richmond Q Marquette M Richmond Q Leeds, SR O Algoma iMelrose iMelrose Melrose [Melvern Square. . Melville I Melville Cross .. Memel Memramcook . . . . Menie Menteith iMeota iMercier Merigonishe .. .. Merivale Merlin Mermaid Farm.. Merrickville . Merritt. *Merritton | Lincoln Merton Inverness N S Sask Selkirk M Wellington N R..0 Muskoka & P Sd.O Selkirk M Beauharnois. . .. Q Hastings, E R . . O Guysboro" N S Westmoreland. N B Annapolis . . . . N S Prince Edward. .O Cardwell Albert N B Westmoreland. N B Northumb', E R.O Selkirk M Sask Montmagny . . . . Q Pictou N S Carleton O Kent O Queen's .... PEI Grenville, N R..0 Grey, EH O "■ " ... O 535-89 via Svdney, N S 635-39 eia Winnipeg 699-16 680-68, 430-1, 4-22-1 Shubenacadie ,599-1 359-3 Penobsquis 599-12 South River 580-67 Kingsport 547 535-63 IngersoU 636-35, 580-83 636-67 W. Merigonishe 699-7 Cherrvfleld 646 Gladstone 622 535-40 Racine 653 625-8 Richm'd E 580-8-12 Melboro,Racine653 Landsdowne 580-9 422-2, 428-3, 430-1, Spanish Riv. Sta. 636-25 VV't. Bay R'd 59914 Willoughby 535-62 Hartney 535-58 i Metgermette .... ' Metabechouan . . Methven Meteghan Meteghan River . Meteghan Station 1 "Metcalfe M^thot's Mills . . Metlakatla Halton O Beauce Q Chicoutimi Q Selkirk M Digby N S Digby NS Digby NS Russell O Lotbinifere Q N.Westminster.BC Perth, SR O Wellington, C R.O Northumb', ER.O Selkirk M Algoma O Victoria NB Selkirk M Algoma O Renfrew, N R . . O Cumberland . . N S Halifax N Metropolitan .... Metz Meyersburg .... Miami Michael's Bay Michaud Michie Michipicoton Riv, Mickshurg Middleboro' .... Middle Beaver B Middle Caledonia iQuysboro' . . . . N S 536-68 Beauharnois 580-15 329-3 Shannonville 5809 Antigonishe 699'7 638 Kingston Sta. 714 Consecon 544 535-39-40 Hopewell Hill 693 599-1 Hoard's Sta. 580-27 535-58 Saskatoon 535-6-2 S. Pierre M'tmagDT 599-3 599-7 via Ottawa, Ont Charing Cross 625 -.i via Charlottetown, P F I 535-33, 319 Variiey 580-46 690. 680-83-88 580-87 (R R name Bronte) St. Francois, N K, 675-1 Chambord 674 635-59 Meteghan Sta. Tl'i Meteghan Sta. 71-2 712 ()8goodeSta.535-2n 580-12 450-5 oT via Naiifti- mo, B C Granton 680-51 Arthur 635-41 Canipbellf'rd580-2T 644-1 Massey Sta. 535-2.5 Baker Brook 7C(i-l Virden 635-52 via S. Ste. Marie, < • Colxien 535-12 Greenv'leSta. 5991 Beaver Baik 714 Hopewell 69913 POST 0KF1CB8. Ci Middle Cape .. Middle Church. . . - Middle Caraquet. O Middle Country HG Middle Ooverdale A Middlefleld . . . . Middle HaniesUe Middle La Have F Mi'Ve Manchester ( Middlemarch . . ... -. •If Mit^ini'OaoooitVt. Middlemiss » Middle Ohio S Middle River .... V Middle SackvUle.yl Middle Sackville.. 1 M.Settl'.Bary'sR P Middle Simonds. . Mid'e South'pton, middle Sleioiacke "Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton 'MiddlevUle.. . . Midford Midgell Mi Itjell Mills .. Midgic Station . Midhurst 'Midland — Midland Mid Lothian . . . Midnapore ... . Midville Branch Midway Midway Midway Miguasha Milan Milburn Milby 'MildtuMy Mile End Miletta Milford Milford Milford Milford Bay .... Milford Haven Br Milford Station . Milkish Millar's Corners. Millarton Millarville 'Millbank Millbank Mill Bridge . . . 'Mill Brook ... Mill Brook Mill Brook Millbrook Mill Cove Mill Cove Mill Cove Mill Creek Milledgeville .. Mille Isles — Mille Rocheg.. Miller Lake Jli".er'8 Brook . )A. [1896 1 1896] POST offices and railroad stations in Canada. 199. RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATBD, OR XfCAR. B8T R. R. STATION SKBKKY.PP.KiJ.loJ 535-89 Bia Sydney, N S 53539 oia Winnipei' 599-15 580-68, 430-1, 422.1 Shubenacadie59fl'i 359-3 Penobsquis 59!)-l2 South River f)SO-67 S Kings port ,147 Isa 535-63 Ingersoll 535-35, 580-83 535-57 W. Merigonishe 599-7 Cherryfield 646 Glotlstone 6-22 535-40 Racine 653 625-8 Riohm'd E 580-8-12 Melboro,Racine653 Landsdowne ,'580-9 422-2, 428-3, 4301, Spanish Riv. Sta. 535-25 W't. BayR'd599-U Willoughby 535-62 Hartney 535-58 535-58 Beauharnois 580-15 329-3 Shannonville 580-9 Antigonishe 599-7 638 Kingston Sta. 714 Consecon 544 535-39-40 Hopewell Hill 693 599-1 Hoard's Sta. 680-27 535-58 Saskatoon 535'6'2 S. Pierre M'tmagnr 699-3 ' 599-7 via Ottawa, Ont Charing Cross 62,') -.i i'taCharlottetown, PEI 536-33, 319 Variiey 580-46 690, 580-83-88 680-87 (R R name Bronte) St. Francois, N K, 675-1 Chanibord 674 .'535 59 Sleteghan Sta. 71-2 Meteghan Sta. 7 VI 712 OsgoodeSta.535-2ii 580-12 450-5 or via Naimi- mo, B C Granton 580-61 Arthur 635-41 Campbellf'rd 580-27 044-1 Massey Sta. 535 -i.i Baker Brook 7C'01 Virden 635-62 via 8. Ste. Marie, (• Cobden 53612 Qreenv'leSta. 599-1 Beaver Baik 714 Hopewell 590-13 POST OKFICKS. Middle Cape .... Middle Church. . . Middle Caraquet. Middle Country H Middle Coverdale Middlefleld Middle Hanies'Ue Middle La Have F Mifl'e Manchester Middleniarch 'jf.Mnsiixiodoboit Middlemiss Middle Ohio Middle River Middle Sackville. Middle Sackville.. M.Settr. Bar'y's R Middle Simonds. . .Mid e South'pton- Middle Stewiaeke "Middleton Middleton Middleton Middleton 'Middleville.. . . Midford Midgell Mi igell Mills .. Midgic Station . Hidhurst *Midland Midland Mid Lothian . . . Midnapore ... . Midville Branch BLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Cape Breton.. NS Lisgar M Gloucester N B Ouvshoro' NS Albert NB Queen's N S York NB Lunenburg.. ..N S Guysboro' N S Elgin. WR O Halifax N S Middlesex, W R.O Shelbume . . . . N S Victoria NS Westmoreland. N B Halifax N S Pictou N S Carleton NB York NB Colchester NS Annapolis N S Prince PEI Westnioreland.N B Antigonishe . . N S Lanark, NR....0 Muskoka&P.S'd.O King's PEI King's PEI Westnioreland.N B Simcoe, WR.... O Simcoe, E R . . . . O King's NB Muskoka&P.S'd.O Alta Lunenburg NS St. Peters 364, 370,' Miller's Creek 372 uMiUerton Kildon 535-61 i Mille Vaches Caraquet 540 1 Millfleld Isaac's Harb'r 371 ' Mill Grove . . Moneton5991-2-12,l Mill Haven.. . 518 llMilliken Liverpool 376-3 | Millington ... Zealand Sta. 536-83 Millington . . . via Lunenburg, NS Mill River .. . Guysborough 364 Midway . Midway . Midway. . . Miguasha. Milan ... Milburn Milby .. "Miidinay .... Mile End Miletta Miltord Milford MiUord Milford Bay .. Milford Haven Bri Milford Station Milkish Millar's Corners .Millartoii Millarville 'Millbank .... MiUbank Mill Bridge . . ■Mill Brook .. Mill Brook .... Mill Brook . . Millbrook .. Mill Cove.... Mill Cove.... Mill Cove.. .. Mill Creek .. Milledgeville .Mille Isles . . RAIbROAD ON WHICH; LOCATBD, 0RNBAR-: B8T R. R. STATION, ' SHE KEY, PP. 162-164 POST OKKICES. Mill Road . . . . Mill Settlement. Millstream Millstream Millstream Millsville *Milltown Milltown Cross .Millvale Mill View. Albert NB Marquette M Yale EC Bonaventure Q Compton Q King's PEI Sherbrooke . . . . Q Bruce, E R . . . . O Hochelaga Q Stansteaid Q Prince Edward.. O NS .NB .. O Shubenacadie 599-1 580-82 Shelbume 376-3 lona 599-14, 364 638 Beaver Bank 714 Barney River Sta. 599-7 Peel 535-86 Canterbury Station ' Mill Villaije 535-90 ! Millville Brookfleld 599-1 714-14,646 Kinkora H65-2 Dorchester 599-1 Antigonishe 699-7 Almonte 636-12 South River 680-67 665-4 H. of St. Peters B. 665-4 638 Barrie 680-67 580-32, 422, 422-1 Norton Sta. 543-1, 599-12 Magnetawan 420*4 536-64 Bridgewater 646, 374 Harvey 693 Hants NS Northumb' NB Sagueiiay Q Megantic (^ Wentworth, N R O Lennox O York, ER O Brome Q Ontario, N R....0 Prince PEI Lunenburg' . . N S Sunburv N B King's," NB Vancouver. . . .B C Bonaventure . . ..Q Pictou , . . Charlotte Annapolis , St. John Simcoe, E U. Guysboro' NS Hants NS King's N B Grenville, N/i.. O Bruce O Alta Perth, NR O Northumb'.... NB Hastings, N R.. O Durham, E R . . O Pictou N S Queen's N B Lisgar M Lunenburg . . N S Queen's N B Queen's .... PEI Cape Breton . . N S St. John N B Argenteuil Q ■ Mille Roche» . . Miller Lake Mi'ler's Brook , Cornwall O iPruce, NR .... O iKing's N B Pentieton 446 Novville 508 535-7 (R R name Marsden) Marie Bridge 666-4 Lennoxville 512, 535-7, 680-8, 675 ,580-54 535 18-33 535-7 MKi Picton, Ont Annapolis 712,714, Fairville 635 81 -88 420-3 Bracebridge 580-67 Guysborough 364 599-1 Holderville 390 Oxford Sta. 535-20 Kincardine 680-48 Dewdiiev 535-64 Newton "580-53 Chatham 532, 353 544 580-36 Glengarry Station 699-13 I Narrows 390 via Winnipeg, Man^ MahoneB'y640,373; Waterborough 390 Bedford 665-3 ymN.S,vdney,NS' via St. John's N B St Jerome 535-23, i 584, 630 I 580-9 Lion's Head 426 Sussex Vale 59012 Millville Millville Boulard' Millward Millwood Milton Milton East Milton Station . . * Milton Wext.... Milsap *Milverton Mimico Miminegash , . Mimosa Minasville Mine Centre Mineville *Minden Mindemoya Mineral Mineral Hill .... Mineral Rock .. Minesing iMinett Mingan {Mink Cove \*Mim\edosa Minnewakan Minniska Minton Minudie MiraGut Mirabel BLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. N S NB Miranda Miscou Light'ouse Miscou Harbour Miscouche Mis6re King's PEI Queen's PEI Queen's PEI Queen's N S King's N S York N B Cape Breton . . N S Alta Marquette M Queen's N S Shefford Q Queen's .... PEI Halton O Addington O Perth, NR O York, WR O Prince PEI Wellington S R .O Hants N S Algoma O Halifax N S Victoria, NR....0 Algoma O Carleton N B Albert NB Cape Breton . . N S Simcoe, N R....O Simcoe O Saguenay Q Digby NS Marquette M Lisgar M Marquette M Stanstead Q Cumberland . . N S Cape TJreton , N S Two Mountains . Q Missisquoi Q Gloucester. . . .N B Gloucester. . . .N B Prince PE I Charlevoix Q Mispec Mistissinl .... Missanabie , . Mixsion City .'Pi * Mitchell Mitchell's Bay . Mitchell River . Mitchell Siiuare , Mitchell Sta. . . Mitchellville Mitford Mizonette Mochelle Moe's River Moffat Moffat ' Mohawk RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATBD, OR NEAR- EST R. R. STATION, SEE KEY,PP. 102-164 St. John N B Chicoutimi Q Algoma O N. Westminster. BC Newport Sta. 714 599-8 Tadousac 329-8 S. Julie Sta.580-12 Dundas 580-83 Ernesto'n Sta 580-9 580-36 Knowlton 636-4 Uptergrove 580-32 606-1 Kentville 714 Hoyt Sta. 635-88 . Sussex Vale 599-12 via Victoria, B C 599-2 via Pictou, N S St. Stephen 536'89, 695 Cardigan Bd 065-3 Breadalbane 655-1 iTMiCharlo'tet'n PEI Liverpool 3763 Avlesford 714 535-83 via N. Sydney, N S Morley 535-53 Binscarth622, 622-2 Liverpool 376-3 Granby 546-1 665 1 680-65, 636-35 Newburgh 5092 580 -.53 580-87 Bloomfl'ld Sta666-1 Orton 636-36 Shubenacadie 599"1 Rnt Portage 535-51 via Halifax, N S Gelert 680-30 I'trtManitow'ning.O Bumfrau 536-86 Harvey 603 Ha Sydney, N S 580-69 4-20-3 345 Digbv 712 622, 6-22-1 Reaburn 535-52 Russell 622-2 North Hatley 512 River Hebert 606 via Sydney N S 535-18 (R R name St. Hernias) Lacolle .531, 580-13 Shippigan 540 Shippigan 540 065-1 Les Enibouleinents 3-29 -8 via St. John, N B Roberval (i04 .535 13 Addington O Perth, N R O Kent O Kinys PE Simcoe, ER,,.. O Minsion 635-70-73, 450-3 611 580-52 Wallaceburg 573 Cardigan Bd. 665-3 Hui-rie .580-07 Nicolet Q|.505 Leeds O Lansdowiie .580-9 Altal.535-,'5-2 Gloucester N BlOrande Anse 540 Moira Annapolis N S Compton Q Halton O Assa Brant, S R O Hastings, N R . . ria Anniii)oli8 Compton 580-8 Wolselev 535-52 535-57 515 (K R name Mt. Pleasant) O via Belleville, Ont. I J 200 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189fi 11896] POST ^m POST OFFICKS. 4 Ifoisie Molegworth Moline 11 oltke Monaghan Monck llonckland Sta . . lloncriefl *Moncton Moncton Rood . . . Moneymore Mongenais Mongolia Monk's Head Monktun Mono Centre Mono Millg Mono Road Sta.. Monqiiart Monsell *Montapue Brid' . Montague Cross . . Montague G.Mi'cs Montaubau Montaviata Montcalm Montcerf Mont Duf resne . . Monteagle Valley Monte Bello Monteflore Montfort Montgomery Monticello Montioello Mont Louis *Montmagny Montmatre Montmorency E. . Montmoreni y F"ls Montmorency Vil' Mont Morin.'. Montpelier. *Montreal . Bellerim Ontario St E. *St.Cath'7ieg S. C St.Cath'nesS.W St. Lawrence St. Notre Dame St.W Montreal River. . Montreal West. .. Montreal South . . Montrose Montrose Montrose Montrose Mont St. Hilaire.. Monument Settle' Moodyville Moon River. Moonstone . * Moore ''Moore field.. . . MooresDurg Moore's Falls . . . Moore's Mills . . . Moore's Station . Mooresville Moose Brook . . . Moose Creek . . . * HooHe Jaw ... RliECTORAL DISTRICTS. Saguenay Q Huron, E R . . . . O Marquette M Bruce, ER Queen's .... P E I Wellington, N R.O Stormont O Huron, E R . . . . Westmoreland. N B Westmoreland. N B Hastings, E R . . O Vaudretiil Q York, ER O Antigonishe . . N S Perth Cardwell Cardwell Cardwell Caileton NB Ontario, NR....0 King's P E I Queen's .... P E I Halifax N S Portneuf Q Lisgar M Montcalm Q Ottawa Q Richmond Q Hastings, N R . . Ottawa Q Selkirk M Argenteuil Q Weilitigton,' N R.O King's P E I Gasp^ Q Montmagny — Q Assa Montmorency . . Q Quebec Q Quebec Q Terrebonne Q Ottawa Q Montreal Q Montreal E Montreal, East. . Q Montreal, West . Q Montreal, West . Q Montreal East.. .Q Hochelaga Q Nipissing O Hochelaga Q Chambly Q Welland Prince PEI Marquette M Colchester.. . NS Houville Q York N B N.Westminster.BC Muskoka Simeoe, E R Lambton, WR..0 Wellington, C R.O Grev, NR Victoria, NR....0 Charlott." ....NB ssisquoi Q Middlesex, N R..0 Hants N S Stormont Assa RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATKD, OR NISAR- B8T R. R. STATION, 8EKKKY,I'1>.162-164 POST 0KPI0E8. 346 j Listowel 680-48-63 i Rapid City C221 585 Neustadt 680-56 yinCharlo'tet'nPEIi; Arthur 535 -41 J 636 -33 I Brussels .')80-48 i 518, 5!>9-l-'2-12 Shediac 5iH»ll Tweed 535-34, 50«1 St. Justine Sta. 53i Stouffvi'le580-36-37 PomquetCh. 599-7 i Atwood 580-48 Oraiigeville 535-40 I' Caledon, E't 580-66! 636-40 Bath 535-86 Brocebridge 580-67 Cardigan Bd. 666-3 wmCharlo'tet'nPEi; Dirt Halifax, N S 619 I via Winnipeg, Man^ Joliette 535-17 Kazubazua 651] \ via Sherbrooke, Ql Orinsby 544 535-18." 328 Delcraine 535-57 Piedmont 535 23 i Whitew'dSta636-62l Grand V'y 535-41 H'dS.Peter8B666-4 L't. Metis Sta. 599-21 590-8 (R R name St. Thomas) I Indian Head 535-62 Mont'noy Falls 676 676 Mont'ncy Falls 676 St. Agathe des Monts 534-23 Thurso 535-18, 328, 327 680 -8-9-13, 635 -3-18- M 21-33, 346,323,3241 328, 3-29-2-3-4-6-6- 7,337,338,3-27,320 Mooseland Moose River Moose River . . Moose R. O. Mia's *Mooeomin Moran Morar Moraviantown . . Moray Morcambe .... *Morden, Morden Morehead .... Morehouse .... Morell Rear . . Morell Station Morewood . . . Morg.^nston Morigeau Morinville .... Morii) Flats . . MorinuH iMorley i Morley Morni'ngdale Mills * Morpeth Moropano ''Morris 'Uorritibtirrj .... Morrison Lake. . . MorHston ' Morristown Morristown Mortimer's Point. Morton Morton's Corner.. Morvan Morven Mosborough — Moscow Moser's River — RLRCTORAL DISTRICTS. Mosgrove Mosher's Corner Mosherville Moss Glen Mosside Mattawa 53612 535-3-33 580-18 625-5 Alberton 6651 Cosberry 535-52 Londonderry Sta, 599-1 St. Hilaire Sta. 580-8, 335 Debec 535-85-90 450-7 or viii Van- couver B via Parrv Sound Coldwater680-32-34 573 (R R name Moore town) 580-54 Chatsworth 635-40 Coboconk 680-29 535-89 St. Artnand Sta. 646 Centralia 580-50 Shubenacadie 599-1 631 535 -52 Mossl'^y Mossmaii's Grant. Motherwell Moulie's River . . Moulin Chaurette Moulinette Moulin Tet J Moulton , Mountain Mountain Brook. Mountain Dale .. Mountain Grove. Mountain Road . . 'Mountain View . , Mountain View ., *Monnt A''iert . Mount Alb'im. . . Mount Albiju. . *Mount BrydgeH. Mount Buchanan. Mount Camiel . . Mount Carmel . . Mount Charles . . Mount Chesney . . Mount Cussack . . MW! Both well 63,0 4 i, 580-83 Park Hill 58ii r,i Belleisle C'k .043 t 535-57 Aylesford 714 Campbell's Bay 663 Blackville 632 Morell Sta. 066 4 666-4 Chesterville 53,V33 Colborne 580-9, m St. Pierre 599s Piedmont 535-^:! Minett 4-20- ; via Meaford, Out. 5.S5-53 Newton 580-5;! Ridgetown 6-2.'J .'> Baldur 6441 644-1-3, 535-67 580-9, 3-20, 32;j, :i24 Kilworthv 580 UT Puslinch 535-3.0 A 'tigoniahe OWrT Beivick 714 420-c>-'rFalkenliiiri,' 580-l'' Elgin 516 Barss' Corners (540 James R'rSta.SW" Chambers 680 ') 580-51 509-1 West River Sheet Harbour 371 Bell's Cor'rs 5;i.01> Middletoii 714, t>4(> Newport Sta. 71 4 Rothesav 591»-1'J Bothwell 535-42, 580-83 Harrietsville53.''i-3.'i Barss' Comers ()4t> St.Mary's 680-4i).ril Weldford 5992 580-9 (R R nanu- Mille Roches) Craig's Road Stii. 580-12 580-82 N. Mountain 53fv,t;> Dalhousie 599-5, a,'iO Sussex Vale 599 I'i; 635-34 River John 6991.0 w'aBelleville, Ont . Lethbridge 500 .OSO-L" Haiinon 580-70 m'rt Charlottetowii. 580-83, 536-42(14 K name Caradoc 1111 535-42) via Charlottetow 11. St. Philip deNerv 599-3 Park Hill 580-51 Maltoii 580-51 rtrt Kingston, f)Mt. via Sydney, N S 714 580-61 POST I yionnt Elgin .... •amuit Foregt . Mount Hanly ... Mount Healy • . 1 Mount Hebron . Mount Herbert . Mount Hope . . . Mount Hope . . . Mount Horeb... Mount Irwin . . . Mount Johnson . Mount Lehman . Norf Well Ann Hal( Kinf Que Kint Bru< Vict Vici Ibet N V Mount Loyal — Mount Maule Mount Middleton. Mount Oscar . . . Mount Pisgah Mount Pleasant. . Mount Pleasant.. Mount Pleasant.. Mount Pleasant.. Mount Pleasant.. Mount Rose — Mount Royal Vale Mount Ryan — Mount St Louis.. Mount St Patrick Mount Salem — Mou itsberg .... Mount Sherwood. Mount Stewart . . Mt Thorn Setle'nt Mount Tolmie .. Mount tniacke.. Mount Vernon . . Mount View Mount View — Mountville Mountville Mount Whatley . . Mot Arg Kin Vai] Kin Dui Prii Cui Car NV Am Ho< Que Sin Rei Elg We Cai Qu Pic Vic Ha Bri \V( W< Al Pic W< Mount Wolf ....Ca .Mount Young.... In Mouth of Jemseg Qv Mouth of LeswickYc Mo. of St. Francis Vi Mowbray Mui Bay Mud Creek Se N. Lo Muddy Creek . Muir Kirk . . Mulgrave Mull Mull River Ir Mullifarry M Mulnmr Muncey Munro Muiiroe's Bridge Munroe's Mills. . Munster Murchison Murt'hison M\irchyville . . . Murdoch Murilla .Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Mtmaii Bay . . .Murray Harb. N . I Murray Harb Rd Mvrra'j Harb. S. Murray River Murray Road .Murray Corner . . [lS9liBl896] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 201 Ri«ILROA0 OX WUICH LOCATED, OH N|<, K8T R. B. HTATl.iV SBEKEY.PlMtiJ.Il.j rs m s West River Sheet Harbour 371 N'w Glas'w 51»97.13 Parr»borou({h 549 Shubenaca(lie5M') 536-62 Bliggfleld 632 AntiKonishe rilWT O Bothwell 53r, 4> 680-83 Park Hill Sbn ,[ Belleisle C'k .i« t 636-67 Aylesford 714 Campbell's Baj 663 Blackville 632 Morell Sta. 065 4 665-4 Chesterville 53,"; a? Colborne CSOt), m St. Pierre 5993 .0 B M S :i :i o .0 Q ta Q o o tn O o M M O o s o s s o o 8 o s s B O s B Piedmont 535 -i.i Minett 4-20- : via Meaford, Unt 635-53 Newton 580-53 Ridifetown ()2,'j .'i Baldur 6441 644-1-3, 636-57 580-9, 320, 323, 324 Kilworthy 580 «iT Puslinch 535-3r. A 'tigonislie Syi-; Bei-vick 714 420-s>rFalkenlMiri' 680-t"' Elgin 516 Barss' Corners tiiii James R'rSta.SW" Ciiambers 680 '* 580-51 509-1 West River Sheer Harbour 371 Bell's Cor'rs 63'. ]•> Middleton 714, (140 Newport Sta. 714 Rothesay 59«-l'2 Bothwell 635-42 580-83 Harriet8ville53.''i 3.'> Barss' Comers (i4t> St.Mary's 680-4<»fii Weldford 599-2 3 580-9 (R R nanu. Mille Roches) Craig's Road St;i. 580-12 580-82 N. Mountain 535 3;> Dalhousie599-6,3;'iO Sussex Vale 599 12 635-34 River John 6991.') w'nBelleville, Out. I.ethbridge 500 • ■-'iSO-;.' Haiinon 580-70 I'/fltCharlottetowii. 580-83, 636 -42 (RK name Caradoc on 635-42) I'i'aCharlottetouii. St. Philip deNerv 599-3 Park Hill 680-51 Maltoii 580-51 Md Kingston, Out. I'lVi Sydney, NS 714 680-61 POST 0KFI"E8. I Mount Elgin .... •Mount Forest . . I Mount Hanly .Mount Healy . . . Mount Hebron . . Mount Herbert . . Mount Hope Mount Hope Mount Horeb Mount Irwin Mount Johnson . . 1 Mount Lehman . Mount Loyal — Mount Maiile Mount Middleton. Mount Oscar . . . Mount Pisgah — Mount Pleasant. . .Mount Pleasant. . Mount Pleasant. . Mount Pleasant. . Mount Plea3ant. . )lount Rose Mount Royal Vale .Mount Ryan Mount St Louis. . Mount St Patrick. Mount Salem Mou itsberg Mount Sherwood. .Mount Stewart . . MtThom Setle'nt Mount Tolmie . Mount tiiiacke. Mount Vernon . .Mount View . . . Mount View . . . .Mountville .Mountville .Mount Whatley . Mount Wolf ... Mount Young .Mouth of Jemseg .Mouth of Keswick Mo. of St. Francis .Mowbray ... Mud Bay.. .Mud Creek . , ■LECTORAL DISTRiers. Muddy Creek . .Muir Kirk . . . Mulgrave Mull Mull River. Mullifarry . Mulniuj- . . . Muiicev . . . .Munro .Munroe's Bridge. .Munroe's Mills. . . Munster Murchison Mua-hison Murchyville ... Murdoch Murilla •Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Mu nay Bay Murray Harb. N . Murray Harb Rd Murray Harb. S. Murray River Murray Road •Murray Corner . . NorfoU., N R....0 WelKngton, N R.O Annapolis N S Haldimanu O King's N B Sueen's PEI ing's PEI Bruce, N R . . . . O Victoria, SR.... Victoria, N R . . O Iberville Q N Westminster. BC Mont- Mm Q Argenteuil Q King's N B Vaudreuil King's N Durham, E R . . O Prince PEI Cumberland . . N S Carleton N B N Westminster.BC Annapolis N S Hochelaga Q Queen's PEI Simcoe, ER.... O Renfrew, SR....O Elgin, ER O Wentworth, N R.O Carleton O Queen's PEI Pictou NS Victoria B C Hants NS Brant, S R .... Westmoreland.N B Wellington, N R.O Albert N B Pictou N S Westmoreland.N B Cardwell O Inverness . . . . N S Queen's N B York N b Victoria N B Selkirk M N.Westminster. BC Lanark, S R . . . . O Prince PEI Elgin, WR ..O Welland O Kent O Inverness .... N S Middlesex, W R.O Simcoe, S R . . . . O &>iddlesex, SR..0 Perth, SR O Inverness N S Glengarry O Carleton O Marquette M Hastings, N R . . O Halifax N S Grey, S R O Algoma Joliette Q Grey O Inverness N S Northumb.'ER.O Charlevoix ' King's P E Queen's .... PEI King's PEI King's PEI Westmoreland.N B Westmoreland. N B RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAR- EST R. R STATION, SEE KEY.PP. 162-164 POST 0VFICR8. Ingersoll 635-36, ijMurvale 580-83 • Muskoka Falls .. 580-46,635-41 ;, Lawrencetown 714 ; Muskoka Mills.. York 580-79 [Musquash Sussex Vale 599-12 jMusquodoboit H. via Charlottetown iMusselburg CardiganB'ge 666*3 IMusselyvilTe Mver's Cave Reaboro 580-35 jMyrehall Kinn-.>.unt 680 30 i Myrtle 545-1 I Myrtle . Mi^non 536-70-73, 1 Mystic 460-3 ; Naas Harbour . Joliette 635-17 jiNackawick Lad. jte 536-18 I Nail Pond Sussex Vale 599-12 1 Nairn . . Rigaud 535-32, 328 i Sussex Vale 599-12 Nakusp Cavan 535-34 ilNamao Tyne Valley 6661 , Namur Oxford 699-15 \\ Nanaimo Peel 536-86 I via Vancouver.B C[ [Nancy Bridgetown 714 '■ Nanoose Bay . . . via Montreal, Que. , Nanticoke via Charlottetown, Nanton Hobart 580-34 Nantyr Ashdad 611 \ : *Napanee Aylmer W'st 580-82 jNapanee Mills . Puslinch 636-35 | Naphan via Ottawa, Ont. '\ Napier 665-3 4 .Napierville W. Riv. Sta. 699-13 \ Sapinka Sta. of Victoria P O j Nappan 714 p Nappan Station. 680-78 ;Napperton UpperSackville638 liVacrojtig iNarra Cape Station 693 > Nashville N'w Glas'w 699-7-13 Westmoreland P'nt 699-1 Albion 636-40 Orangedale 599-14 Gasretown 390 535-83 Connor's 700-1 Manitou 536-57 w'aN.W'minsterBC 536-34 1ifax N S Perth, N R .... O Ek)naventure Q Addington O Hastings, E R .. O Ontario, S R... O Selkirk M Missisquoi Q N. Westminster.BC York N B Prince PE I Middlesex, N R . O Yale-Kootenay.BC Alta Ottawa Q Vancouver. BC KAILROAO ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAR- EST R. R. STATION, HKKKEY,PP.l«->-164 Maskinong^ Vancouver . . Haldimand . 509-1, «?11 Bracebridge580-67, 4-20-3 Penetang'ne 680-69' 695, 420-3 via Halifax, N S Milverton 580-53 Black Cape 508 Kaladai .''>35-34 via Belleville, Ont, 580-38, 535-34 644-1 635-1 Fort Simpson ia»-b 301 Millville 535-83 Tignish 6651 Hvde Purk Corner .535-42, 580-50-83 445-1 Edmonton 535-63 Plaisance 536 18 .574,4,50-2-5,451,4.r2, 454-1, 4.55, Q Louiseville 535-21 Simcoe, S R Nashwaak Nashwaak Bridge Nashwaak Village Nashwaaksis Nasonworth .... *Na>isaga'iveya . . yatashquan .... Nauwigewauk . . Navan Necuni Teuch . . *Neepau'a Eganville 535-11 Shubenacadie599-1 Holstein 580-46 636-51 580-55 i loTia 599-14 j via Trenton, Ont. 3-29-8 Georgetown 665-3, 369-1 ' via Charlottetown, CardiganB'ge 665 -3 CardiganB'ge 665 -3 Port Elgin 638 Cp'eTomientineeaS Nepigon [Nesbitt Nestleton Netherbv ... iN-ttlylJike. i N udorf :*A«u»fa(f< . [New Albany New Acadie New Annan New Argyle Newark New Armagh . . . New Band on . . . via Nanaimo, B C Jarvis 580-70-82 Lefi-oy 680-67 .509-2, 580-9 609-2 via Belleville, Out. Strathrov 680-85 .BC ... O Alta • • <> Lennox O Addington O i Hastings, E R . . O Middlesex, W R. O i Napierville Q Stottsville 580-13 Selkirk M|535-57-58 Cumberland. . N SiMaccan 5991, 006 Cumberland . N 8,6991 Middlesex, W R. Olstrathroy 58085 Queen's N B|390 or Cody's 543-1 Bruce, ER OiPinkerton. .■)80-.54 York, W R OJ.535-40 ) R R name Kleinburg) York N H'532 York N B 632 (R R name I Zionville) York N B' Nashwaak 532 York N B 53583 (R R name I Douglass) York N B wrt FrederictonXE Halton .-. . OjMoffatt 53537 Saguenay Q.345 King's N B]51)9-12 Russell O Vars 531 Halifax N S West River Sheet I Harbour 371 Marquette M,622 Northumb' . . . . N B'363 or Chatham 632^ Victoria N S 359-3 Quebec Q'l'ia Quebec, (^ue. Haldimand . . . . O 58082 Yale-Kootenay.BC|535-72, 445-3-4 ■~ Burliirton680-6o-S~ Morden 635-57 Halton O Selkirk M Northumb . . . . N B Algoma O Grey, S R King's N B Algoma O Selkirk M Durham, N R . . O Welland O Lisgar M Assu Grey, S R O Annapolis N S King's PEI Prince PEI Queen's .... PEI Oxford, 8 R . . . . O Lotbiniere Q Gloucester N B 635-25 (R R name Nairn) Holstein 580-J6 535-88 535-13 f 35-59 Burket'nSt'n53.')-34 625-2 (MO Selkirk, Man. (Jrenfell 535-52 580-.55 64(1 (R R name Albany) 665-4 (R R name Rollo Bay) 665-1 via Charlottetown Burgessville 58080 Craig'sR.Sta.580-12 540 202 POST OFFICES AND IIAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189liil896] POS^ I* 1 ^ « - M POST OFKICKS. Newbois *Neivboro' New Boston .... NewbOjVne Newbruljfe * Newhurgh Newburjfh Juno. . Newburg Newburn 'Newbury Sell' Camphellton New Canaan .... New Canada . . . *New Carlisle . . New Carlow *Newcagtle 'Xewcantle Newcastle Bridge NewcaMe Creek. Newconib Corner. Newcomb Newcomb Mills . . New Cornwall . . New Cumberland Newdale New Denmark . . New Denver .... New Dublin *New Dundee . . New Durham *New Edinburgh New Edinburg^h.. Newellton New Ehn New Flos New France New Gairlooh New Germany . . New Glasgow New Glasgow .... New Glax'tow New Grafton 'New Hamburij.. New Harbour New Harris New Haven New Haven Newholni New Harmony . . New Horton ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Lotbiniire Q Leeds. SU O Cape Breton . . N S Leeds, S R O Huron, ER .... O Addington O Carleton N B Carleton N B Luni'iiburg N S Middlesex, W R. O Victoria N S (Queen's N B Lunenburg NS Bonaventure Q Hastings, N R.. O Duihnm, WR ..O Northumberl'd NB Queen's N B Queen's N B Hall^^x NS Lunenburg. . . .NS Northuinb'd,ER.O Lunenburg NS Lunenburg NS Marquette M Victoria — N B Yale BC Brockville O Waterloo, SR.. O Oxfonl, SR... O Russell O Digby NS Shelburne ....N S Lunenburg NS Siincoe, N R... O Antigonishe ..N S Pici lU NS Waterloo, N R... O Queen's PEI Terrebonne Q Pictou N S Queen's NS Waterloo, S R O Guysboro' N S Victoria N S Queen's PEI Victoria N S Muskoka & P Sd.O King's PEI Albert N B Newington 'Storniont O RAILROAD ON WHiOIl LOCATED, OR '.lEAR- EST R, R. STATION. 8KKKEV,1P.1«2-1(U Scott Junction 676 516, 31(» via Sydney, N S Newboro 516, 319 Fordwich 535 '41 501)'2 POST 0VPICE8. New Ro'.'kland New V.w'i Neio lios» ... . Ne.v Ross Rood. . iNewry New Salem N'^w Sarum . . . . New Scotland . .. Newton Newton N ■jwton Brook Ntwton Cross Newton Mills. Newton Robinson Newtonville New Toronto NewTuskot .. New Victoria . . . Newville *N. WestmiiiMer. 53B-83-86 Barss' Corners 646 580-83, 535-43, ria N. Sydney, N S| Butternut Ri'ge572j Br'gewater 616, 374 350 Black Cape 608 Orinsby 544 580-9 599-2, 353 Chipnian 643-1, 390 390(No'c!istle L'iig)i iNew Town Waa8i8Sta.636-82, New Town Sliubenacadie 599-1 Br'gewater 646, 374 Brighton 580-9, 306 324 Barss' Corners 646 Br'gewater 646, 374 622 Grand Falls 535 84 Nakusp 445-1 Bellamy 635-16 Petersburg .580-51 680-78 via Ottawa, Ont. Weymouth Bd. 712 Burlington 376-3 Bridgewa'r646,374 Phelpston 580-69 Heatherton 599-7 Battery Hill 59913 Breslau 680-6' Hunters Riv. 6651 584 699-7-13 Annapolis 712,714,. 680-51 Isaacs Har. 371 via N. Sydney, N Si wrtCharlo'tet'nPEl! ■LBCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON Wlllm I LOCATED, OH Smi. EST R. R. ST.\Tlc» . 8KBKEY,Pl'.Ui-2.1(;i| New Ireland New Ireland Rd.. New Jerusalem . . New Larig New Liverpool . . New London . . . . New Lowell New Lunnon Newmanville *Newmarket New Market . . . New Maryland . . New Mexico . . . . New Mills New Minas New Oxley New Park New Perth Newport Newport 'Newport Newport Newport Corner . Newport La'diiig Newport Point . . Newport Station. New Richmond.. New River Mills.. Neils Harbour 372 Utterson 580-67 Cherry Grove 666 -4 Harvev 693 South'Finch 535-33 Black Lake 675 Elgin 572 Welsfoi-d 535-88 Battery Hill 699-13 Etchemin 599-4 Breadalbane 665-1 580-68 Edmonton, 535-63 Leeds, N R O Keinptville 535-20, 319 j New Wiltshire .. New Zealand New Zioii I* Niagara ^^ Niagara Fall* .. 'Niagara Falls C 'Niagara Falls !> Nic'.ioUsville \* Nicola Lake 'Nicolet iNicolet Falls .... Nicolston Nicomekl iNicomin jNiclau iNictaux Falls . . ■ Nictaux, West . . Nile i Nilestown 'Nine Mile Creek.. I Nine Mile River.. I Ninette Niwta Megantic Q Albert NB Queen's N B Pictou NS Levis Q Queen's PEI Simcoe, N R.... O Alberta Nigaxlo Nipissing Nipissing Junct . . Nissouri Richmond Q Dundas O Lunenburg NS KiPK's NS Perth, N R . . . . O Cumberland . .N S Elgin, ER O Westmoreland, NB Perth, NB O Prince PEI York, WR O Queen's PEI Colchester ....N S Simcoe, SR O King's NS York, WR O Guysboro' . . . N S King's N B Pigby N S Cape Breton . . N S Cinnberland . . N S N Westminster. BC Queen's PEI King's PEI Sunbury NB Lincoln&NiagaraO Welland O Welland O Welland O King's NS Yale BC Nicolet Q Richmond Q Simcoe, SR.... O N Westminster. BC N Westminster. BC Victoria N B Annapolis . . N S Annapohs . . . .N S Huron, WR... O Middlesex, ER..O Queens PEI Hants NS Selkirk M Selkirk M Glo\icester N B .Muskoka & P Sd.O Muskoka & P Sd.O Nithburg. . Niverville iNixon .... Nixon . . . , Nober . . . . Oxford. NR ....O Oxford, N R . Pi-ovencher . . Norfolk, N R. Albert N B Haldimand O .0 M ..O Ontario, W R . . O York N B York NB Compton Q Restigouche . . N B King's NS Alta Durham, ER....0 King's PEI Brant, SR O Gasp6 Q Hants N S King's PEI .iants NS Hants NS Gasp6 Q Hants NS Bonaventure Q Charlotte .... N B 580-67 via FrederictonNB via Fre lerictonNB Cookshi re 535-7,620 .599-2 Kentvllle 714, .547 High Riv. 635-64 Pontvpool 535-34 Cardiga.i Bd. 605-3 Bran tf'd 615,680-78- 79 350 Black Cape 50S Newport Sta. 714 Georgetown 665-3 Ellerhouse 714 Newport Sta. 714 Newport 350 714 508, 360 695 I'Nobleton . \Nuel Noel Road . I Noel Shore. iNomlnigue . 'Norborough . . . . Nordiffe 'Nori;ate Norham i Borland \Norman I Normandale .... iNorquay Normandin North Alton .... North Ainslie. . . . Northam Northampton 'North AiKiusta. 'North Bay .... North Beaver B k York, N R O Hants N S Hants N S Hants N S Ottawa Q Prince PEI Pontiac Q Marquette M Northumb', E R.O Victoria, N R .. O Algoma O Norfolk, S R . . . O Selkirk M Chicoutimi Q King's N S Inverness .... N S Prin -e PEI Carleton N B Grenville, S R . . O Nipissing Dist . . O H.'difax N S POST orncKH. Kingsbury )).53 via IroqubiH, Ont. Windsor or Kent- ville 714 KentvilleT14. 64; Atwood580-((j Parrsborongh .549 680-82 Irishtown, 618 680-5, (U K nanij Mill'oank) Emerald e8.5l-'2 Concord 58(i-orth Buxton - . iiorth C. Mabou . j'sorth Carleton . . North Clarendon. North Coaticooke iiorthcote N E. Br'oh Marg liic-th East Harb. N. En. Lochaber L , North Ksk Boom. V.lhfleld N. ,-thfield No-thfield Nor htield Vor'hfleld Centre Northfl'-'ld Farm. X.Forks Salmon C North Kannboise. Nor. Georgetown North Glanford . . 'Sorth dower . . North Grant . . . North Greenville. N. Gu',, St. Ann's Yale. Russi Addii Quee Bruci Kent Invei Print Pont Stani Rent Invei Shell Anti Ncrt Sunt Luni Van( Stor I'.vfc Otta Sunl Rich Cha Wer Cari Ant Cun VicI North Ham \Vol N. Harb. C. North }ioHh Uatley .. North Hill Sorth Intervale.. North Keppel . - . North Kingston . . North Lake North Lake North liancister North Low North Medford . . North Middleb'ro North Milton North Montague . North Mountain . North Mountain . Nth Nation Mills Nor' h Onslow. . North Osgoode North Pelham North Pinnacle Surth Port . . Northiiort .... North Portal ... North Range Cor North Rideau . . North Ridge North River . . . North River Norih River North B. Bridge . North R. Centre . North R- Platform North Rustico . . North Saanich . . North Salem .... North Salt Spring North Seneca . . . North Seguin. . . . Sort h Shore Norl h Shore .... N. 8. St. Marg' B. N. iSi'c. Earltown. North Stanbridge N. Sr. Eleanor's. North Stoke . . . North Stukely . North Sutton. . . Surth Sydney .\urth Toronto... ( VicI Stai Con Gu\ Gre Kin Kir Yoi Gle Ott Kii Cu Qu La Du Ki Ot Po Ri M( Mi Pr Ci As Di Ci Ei Q' W C( V V w Q V H V W M C V 1 c ^ 1 I t- I c LDA. [189A896] POST OFFIC2S AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADa. 203 o NS NS O NS .() r.ii .o EI o El NS O vs ..o NS N B NS NS NS ,BC GI EI NB raO ..O ..O . o NS BC ■ Q Q (> ■.BC ■.BC NB NS .NS .. O t.o PEI .NS ,. M . M NB id.O RAILROAD OX Wllicii I lOCATED, (111 Stil K8T n. R. HTaTION SKKKKY,riM(12.l,;j| Kingsbury taj m'rt lro<|iioiH, ((tit Windsor or Kent- ville 714 KentvilleVM. 54; Atwood.'jsn-ls FarrsboroiiK'h 'm IriHhtown, ."ilsi 580-5. (11 I{ nmt\ Millonnk) Eiiieral(ie8.''pi.-2 Coiieord 58(r(;7 WaCharlot'e nl'Ell Brookfield .')'.i!)i Bradford 58(i ti7 Wolfville 784 580'87 .'Vnf.iponi.she .5997 Sussex Vale rmv. | We.vniouth M. 712 1 via S.ydney, N S 549 636, 535^71, 4M% 452, 4S4^1 665 •! 665 ^4 Chipman 543-1, C(K 6-25 -6, 303 0-25 -5-6, 580^77-83 via Niajrara FalUO via Niagara KulUO Aylesford 714 Speiice's Bd. 5;i5'iti 565, 329-7 Danville 580-1-2 Alliston 580-04 w'aNW'niinisterBC 535-70 Torrance uVe 535-91 646 Nictaux Falls 046 Owlerich580-.i2,43-i Belmont 6'S5-X> wi'aCharlo'tct'iiPEI Elmsdale 590-1 Belmont 644-1 535 ■.5- 599-3 Po\viwsanSta5S0-6: id.O .580-67, 535-12 (R V name Thormlifli on fi35-'!.2 Beachville 535-35, 5^0-83 Gad'.s Hill 580 ,53 535-,5.5 .580-82 Turtle Creek t)!)3 025-5 (R R name Townsend) KinjJT 580-07 Shubenacadie 5WH Shubenacadie'p!)!)'! Shubenacadie fiWO'I Ste. A'hedesMonii 535 -23 Emerald 605^1-2 Slattawa, (». 5:i,51i Neepawa 022 Hastin),'s5Sli-27,3U Cnl)0C(jnk 580 -jy 5.-i5-51 Vittoria 580-80 Swan Lake()441 Roberval 674 Kentvir3 714, 547 P. Hood 359-2, m 665-1 Woodst'k 535-S«-i)0 Bellamy 535-lt, 580-07. 535-12-1;) Beaver Bank 714 ..O ..O . M ..() NB . O ..O NS NS NS • Q EI • 'i ..M R.O . . O . O . M ..Q NS NS EI >JB . O . O ys P08T OKriCH). |>iorth liedeque.. IVorth Bend IXorth Branch .... Ivorlli liiook Ivorfh Hrookfteld Ijiorth Bruce Ixortli Buxton . . l\orth C. Mabou . I.Vorth Ciirleton . . Ixorlli Clarendon. IXorthCoaticooke Ixorthcote |.V. E. Br'ch Mart;' |>-c "th East Harb. Ix, Kn. liOchaber L |Xi)rlli Ksk Boom Lv.-thfield Ln, .thfield I.No-thfield I.Nor hiield RliKCTORAL DIHTRICT8. Prince .? E I Yale BC Russell Addinffton () t^ueen's N S Bruce, W R . . . . O Kent O Inverness .... N S Prince PEI Pontiac l^ Stanstead Q Renfrew, SR Inverness . . . Sheibiirne . . Antiifonishe . Ncrtnunib' . . Sunbury N B Lunenburjf NS Vancouver B C Stormont RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATBD, OR NRAR- KHT R. R. STATION, 8KEKBY,PP.162-164 POST OKKICKS. Summerside 666-1 346, 356-2 535-70 Osgoode Sta 535 20 KalatlarSta ."35 -34 Bars.s Corners 046 Port Elgin 580-54 6-25 -5 P't liood 359-2 364 C'pe Traverse 665-2 Shawville 063 Coaticooke 580-3 Renfrew 53512,611 '. h|Iona591)^14,364,372 NSlBarriuKton 376-3 N iiAntiyfcnishe 599-7 N B Newcastle599-2,353 Chipman 543-1, 390 646 via Nanaimo, B C N Temiscaminftue iNorthTov North 1... on . .. North Valley ■ • • . Sorth Wakefield . Nortli West North West Ann. North W. Biidifc. North 'Vest Cove. North .'. Harb . . iN. Williamsburg-. North Winchester iNorton 'North ville North Wolfestown Northwood Pontiao . . Q York N.B Prince PEI Stormont O Ottawa (i Luuenl)urg. . . .N S Cape Breton . . N S iKor'hHekl CentrcU)vford, S R . . . . O Xorthfii'ld Farm X.ForkH Salmon C .North Karmboise. Xor. Oeorgetown North Glantord . . -.Vcr(/i Oower . . North Grant . . . North Greenville. X, Gu',, St. Ann's North Ham N. Hiirb. C. North Sorth Uatley .. .North Hill North Intervale. North Keppel . . . North Kingston . .North Lake .North Iiake North Ijancister .North Low Sorth Medford . North Middleb'ro North Milton . . . North Montague North Mountain North Mountain N'th Nation Mills Npr'h Onslow. . North Osgoode North Pelhani North Pinnacle Xurth Port . . Northport .... North Portal . Nortli Range Cor North Rideau . . North Kidffc .... .North River . . . Nortli River Nortli River .... North R. Bridge. North R. Centre . North R. Platform North Hustico . . Nortli Saanioh . . Nort li Salem North Salt Spring North Seneca . . . North Seguin. . . . .North Shore .... Niiri h Shore .... N. 8. St. Marg' B. N. !^c'(•. Earltown. North Stanbridge N. 8r. Eleanor's. . •North Stoke North Stukely . . North Sutton Sorth Sydney . Sorth Toronto. .. Ottawa Q Sunbury NB Richmond .... N S Chateauguav . . Q Wentworth, S R. Carleton O Antigonishe . . N S Cumberland.. N S Victoria N S Wolfe q Victoria N S Stanstead y Compton Q Guvsboi'o' . . . N S Grey, NR O King's N S King's PEI York N B Glengarry O Ottawa Q King's NS Cumberland . . N S Queen's .... PEI Lanark, S R . . . . O Dnndas O King's N S Ottawa Q Pontiac Q Russell O Monck O Missisquoi Q Princii Edward . .0 Cumberland . . N 3 Ass'iniboia Dighy N S Carleton O Easei:, SR O Queen's .... P E Westmoreland. N B Colchester.... NS Victoria N S Victoria N S Westmoreland. N B Queen's .... PEI Vancouver B C Hants N S Vancouver B C Wentworth, SK.O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Cumberland . . N S Viororia N S Halifax N S Colchester.... N S Missisijuoi Q Prince PEI Richmond Q Shefford Q Brome Q Cape Breton , . N S City of Toronto . . . Hawt'y"D80-80,625-5 Kazubazua 656 Chipman 543-1, 390 3.Peter8:!64,370,372 Howick 531, 580-7 via Hamilton, Ont. Osgoode Sta 535-20 Antigonishe 599-7 Greenville Sta 599-1 Iona59914 364,372 Vic'iaville 580-12-14 Neils Harbour 372 512 Scott«town 535-7 Aflowu 599-7 4-26 «iaO'nSound,0 Kingston Sta. 714 Cherry Grove 665-4 Canterb'ySta535-90 DalhonsieM. 535-33 Low, 656 Canning „47 Greenville Sta599-1 Milton Sta. 665-1 Merrickville 535-33 535-33 Sheflield Mills 547 Plaisance 535-18 Quyon 663 Norton Creek . . . Norton Dale . . . Norton Station. Nortonville KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. Northunib' Lunenburg Shclburne . Dundas . . . Duiiilas . . . King's . . . King's Wolfe Q Kent Q .NB .NS . NS .. O .. o NB NS Chateauguav . York King's r. ...Q N B N RAILROAD ON WlllCn LOCATED, OR NKAR- K8T R. R. J -ATION, HP.KKKY, PP. 102-164 Mattawa, O. 53512 Cioss Creek, 532 Albany 065-2 Karrans Point 580^9 650 via Lunenburg N S Leitches C'k 599-14 59!f2 MahoiieB'y646,373 Ban-iiiirtoii 376-3 I'm JIorri.*burg, O. Chesterville 535-33 niooiutiel.i ,i99-12 Centreville 547 Colerainc Sta. 675 580-83 (R R name Lewisville) St. Remi 580-5 Millville .535-83 543-1, 599^12 P't Robinson 580-88 St. ArmandSta545 308,309 via PictonO Amherst 599-1 535 66 712 Kemptville 535-20 Essex 625-1-5 oi'aCharlo'tet'nPEI Salisbury59912,693 Truro 5991-13 Iona599-14,364,372 Iona.599-14,304,372 599-12 Hunters Riv. 665-1 451 or via Victoria Shubenacadie 599-1 Cheni.iinug, 574 Scotshurn .599-15 Caledonia 580-70-79 Emsdale 580-67 Wallace 599- 15 via N. Sydne.v, N S Chestei "373 Mystic 535-1 Summerside 055-1 via Sherbrook, Que Lawrenceville 653 West Brome 535-3 59914,337,338,364, 370, 372 Nr^.'val Norway *N(>rvich *Norumnd . . Norwood INosbonsing. . Notch Hill . . Nottawa Noire-Dame N. Dame de Bets. N. Dame de Grace \N. DamedelaSjl |iV. Dame de LMk In. D. del'I. Verte N. D. de Lourds.. IN. D. delaMercie iN. D. de Quebec. jN. Dame de Rim. ;*.y. Dame, de Stan iN. Dame des Bois N. Dame du Lac N. Dame du Laus N. D. du Pont M. N. Dame du Port. N. Dame du Ros. IN.DameSt.WBr. ^Touveile 'Novar iNoyan INugent iNutt's Corners . . INuttby Nyanza Oak Bank Oak Bay Oak Bay Mills 'OaK Bluff Oakburn iOakdale Peel. O Brampton 535 39, .580 ■SI Halton O York, ER O OxfortI, S R... O Peterboro' E R O Yarmouth ....NS Dist. of Nipissi'g.O Yale BC Simeoe, N R O Kent N B Saguenay Q Hochela^a Q Ottawa Q Oakfield Oakham Oak Hammock. Oak Hill iOak Hill Levis Q ^1 Tdmiscouata. Marquette . . . .Montcalm Q Quebec .Q Rimouski Q Missisquoi Q Compton Q TiSmiscouata . . . . Q (Ottawa Q Ottawa Q T^miscouata Q Montmagnv Q Montreal West . . .Q Bona venture . . . .Q Muskoka & P Sd.O Missisquoi Q Hastings, NR ..O Missisquoi Q Colchester ....NS Victoria N S Lisgar M Charlotte . . . . N B Bonaventure . . . . Q Lisgar M .Mai-quette M Bothwell O Halifax NS tjueen's N B Lisgar M Victoria, NT ..,.0 Charlotte .... N B lOak Lake Oak Lake \Oaklami . . Oakland . . 'Oakland . . jOakland .. lOaklands . . iOakley . . . . Oaknook . . lOaktown . . lOak Leaf.. Oak Park . . Selkirk . . . . M Peterboro' E R..O Oxford, S R . . . . O Marquette M Carleton N B Lunenburg . . N S Victoria B C Assa Marquette M Carleton NB Leeds, SR O Shelburne N S 580^51 Leslie 580^9 580-78-80 535 34 712 535-12 580-64 518 Bersimis 345 via Montreal, Que. Buckinghni535-18, 327, 328 Levis 675, 599-.3-4, 580-12 Isle Verte 590-2 Rathwell 535-59 Jolliette ,535-17 via Quebec Rimouski 599-2, 345 Malniaison 545 Marsden 535-7 700 Bucki'gham 535-18 327, 328 R.du Loup(enbas) 599-2-3, 700, 3-29-8 St. Pierre 599-3 508 ,580-67 Lacolle 531, 5S0-13 Coe Hill Mines 544 Lacolle 531, 580-13 Truro .599-13 Iona.599-14, 364,372 I'i'rt Winnipeg Man. 095 508 Starbuck 535-59 Shoal Lake 0-22 Bothwell 535-42, 580-83 .599-1 Codys 543-1 via Winnipeg Cors'nsSid'g 580-29 St. Stephen 535-89, 695 535-,52 Norwood 535-34 Scotland 515 via V. la Prairie, M FloreiiceviIle535-86 via Victoria s •p m Neepawa, 622 Soperton 516 Barrington 376-3 204 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [189«^i)()] J'<-»«'r Mi I) \rk ill i| POST OKKIUKM. Oak I'oint . Oak Point . Oak Point . Oak Ridges. Uak River . *Oakville . Oakville ... Oakville ... Oakivood . . . Gates Oban. Oberon Ochre River O'Connell . . O'Connell Oconto Odell Odelltown '"Odeum . . Odin 0(fden Ogemah . . 0(?ilvie . . . . Ohio Ohlen .... Bonaventure . . . U King'B NB Lixgar M OnUrio, WR.. ) Marquette \ Halton O Lisgnr M Carleton N B Victoria, S B....O Addington O Richmond ....N8 Mar(|itette M Marc^uette M Pontiao y Ontario O Addington O Middlesex, .SR..O St. Johns (j Lennox O Colchester . . . . N S Guysboro' N 8 I^mbton, W R..O Kinjf's N8 Antigonishe . . N S Assa Ohsweken .... Oil City *Oil Sptingn . . Oka Okanagon Okanagon Missi'n Old Barns .... Old Bridgeport M Oldoaatle Old Chelsea ... Oldfield Oldham Old I \ke Road . OMx O'Learj' Road.. O'Leary Station , Oliiida Olinville Oliphant Olive Oliver Oliver Oliver's Ferry... Olivet Olsoamp Omagh *0)nemee Onipah 16() Mile House Oneida O'Neil Onion Take. . . . Onondffga .... Onslow Centre. Onslow Mountain Onslow Station . . Oninrio Street E. Opavaka Oppinican 0"angedale Orange Ridge . . Orange V'nlley . . *0r%ngeiiHe Oranniore Orchard Oriel Orkney *0riUia Orleans Ormond F.LRCTORAL ItlHTRICTB. RAILtOAO ON WHICH UKIATRD, OR NRAR- BMT R. H. HTATION, HMiKKV,PP.ie2-164 PO«T Ci'KICM. Brant, 8R O Lanibton, E R . . O Lanibton, K R . . O Two Mountains. .Q Yale BC Yale BC Colchester ....N8 Cape Breton ..NS Essex, NR O Ottawa Q Bothwell O Halifax N8 Tdiniscouata Q Alta Prince P E I Prince P E I Essex 8 R O Queen's N B Bruce, N R . . . . O Mar(|uette M Oxford, NR... O Stansteod Q Lanark, 8 R . . . . O Wellington, N R.O Champlain Q Halton O Victoria, SR....0 Addington O Cariboi BC Haldimand O Westmoreland. N B Sask Brant, SR O Ponfciac Q Colchester N S Colchester... N 8 Montreal East ..Q Selkirk M Pontiac Q Inverness N S Marqi'.ette M Muskoka&P.S'd.O Wellington, C R.O Muskoka&P.S'd.O Grey, SR O Oxford, 8 R . . . . O Wentwcith, NR.O Simcoe, E R.. . O Russell O Dunda.<) O Cross Point A08 390 or Nerepis Sta. ' S36--8 Reaburn 53S-62 King580«7 Mb 680-87, 317 644 -a Debec 536-86-99 fi80'35 (R R name Mariposa) Harrowsniith till, ."MMtl St. Peters 364, 370, 372 Neepawa 622 Quvon 663 ' Ori'llia 58032 Sharbot Lake J)3.5- 34. 611 Bid London, Ont. Lacolle 531, 580-13 Ear'estown S. 580-fl Brookfleld, 6991 I Guvsborough 364 Cainlachie 580-51 Berwick 714 JamesRiv. 8. 599-7, Whitewood Station 535-52 ' Tusoarora 580-79 i 625-7-8 625-7 328 Hudson 535-32 535-74 ; Okanagon 635-74 i Truro ."igO-l-lS ' via Sydney, N S i 617 Chelsea 656 I Wallaceburg 673 Enfleld 5991 599-3 535-63 O'Leary Sta. 665-1 ; 665-1 Ruthven 617 Welsford 535 88 via Wiarton, Ont. Treherne 535-59 Thorndale 580-49 t Magog 536-7, 342 319 Mud C'k 535-34 Alma 680-64 Gr'des Piles 536 19' Milton \Vt. 535-35, : 580-65 5S0-35 Lavant Sta. 611 I Ashcroft 535-70 680-70 (R R name! Balls ville) i Irish town 618 I Saskatoon 535-62 ' 680-79 ! Quyon, OB-S Truro 5991-13 I 599-1 Morden 535-57 Mattawa, O. 53C-12 599-14 Neepawa 622 Katrine 580-67 535-40 Magiielawan 420-4 Holstein 580-46 Burgessville 580-80 Copetown 580-83 580'32-6" via Ottawa, Ont. Winchester 535-33 [On'.isby . . . 'Onnntown . lOromocto. . . 'Oronn Oro Station.. Orr Lake Orrville lOrton Ortonville . . Orwell Orwell Orwell Cove Orrwold . . . . Osaca Osborne i*Oiiceola lOsgoode Station I 'Onhawa 'Osier lOsman Oso Station. iOsoyoos . . . 'Ohprey iOspringe . . . ' Ognekeag . . . jOssian Ossowo lOstrander . jOstrea Lake .. O'SuUivan's Ccr's Oswald.. •Otfowd Kinfi St. Branch 'Ottawa East lOtterburne Otter Otter Lake •Otter Point \*Ottermlle Otto Ouiat(!houan Oungah lOustic jOuter Island, P. H iOulIec jOutreniont jOutremont June. jOutram iOuvry iOverton lOverton \*Owen Sound Owl's Head Owl's Head Harb Oxbow Oxenden *Oxford Oxford Centre KLRCTORAL mSTRICTH. RAItROAD (IM Wlllrnl U>CATRD, ilR!ii>„| RST R. R. HTATIiii HKKKKV.IM'.lK'iltil Hastings, N R ..O Chateauguav. . . .Q Hunbury...;..N B Durham, V" Siniooe, E Simcoe, El. .MuHkoka O Wellington, C R.O Victoria N B Elgin, ER (► Uueen's P E I Queen's .... P E I Manpiette M Durham, ER...O Lambton, W R..O Renfrew, N R.. O Russell O Ontario, 8 R.. O Sask Middlesex, W R. O Addington O Vale-Kootenay.BC Marquette M Wellington, SR.O King's NB Lambton, E R . . O Lisgar M Norfolk, NR....O Halifax N York, E R O Lisgar Man Ottawa O Ottawa O Carleton O Provencher M N Westminster BC Pontiac Q Vancouver B C Oxford, S R . . . . O Lisgar M Chicoutimi Q Kent O Wellington, S R. O Inverness N S Leeds, SR O Hochelaga Q Hochelaga Q Annapolis N S Kent O Addington O Yarmouth.... NS Grey, NR O Brome .Q Halifax N S Assa Grey N R O Cumberland . . N 8 Oxford, SR.... O fOST RI 1)1 Oxford Junction . Oxford Mills .... Oxford Station . . Oxley Oxmead Oyster Bed Bridge Oyster Ponds Oznabruck Ce'tre Paddock Painchaud Painsec Cumberland . . N 8 Grenville, NR..0 Grenville, NR.. O Essex, 8 R O Grey, E R O Queen's .... P E I Guysboro' N 8 Stormcnt O King's NB Megantic Q Westmoreland. N B 544 68(1-7 31H> or Waimis ii. 536-82 "Citstle :-m-'.i .j-e7 Klmvale 6( 699-16 Woodstock 6;i.'i '..V 3S, 580-80-83 699-1-16 Kemptville b%-% 319 636-20 Harrow 617 via Meafoi-d. (.)iit Hunters Riv. Win I Port Mulgrave r)iw 7-14, 304 Farran's Pt. 68(iit Norton Sta. .64:v!. 599-12 Somerset 580-12 599-1 (R R name Meadow BronkI ►iiMwlck Slmco XftitUll jknn \ukenham . . . ^fnifriiiii Pill-rave jliiser ■■•■ jliiier Rapids juier Ro»<' ■ ■ ■ \f dime I- don . . . fjlm.vriv hiiiiiia ||»niimre jpineaiiviUe . f».|iiette . ii|iietleSta. . . Pj,|iietville — Paradise Lane [irc Laval — furi- Bruce Lanar Halto Cardv Yale. Renfr Prim^ Wellii Elgin firents farhani fark Corner . . tParix .... jParin Station 'arisville Loth Lanai Ottav Comf Essex Qloui Anna I.Ava1 Porti Victo Addi Quee Bran Bran 'arkersiilU Wker 'arkdale — Parkdale .. 'arker'sCove.. 'wker's Ridge 'ark Head — Park Hill .... 'arkliurst 'arkin 'arkisinio — 'arklands — 'arkniaii 'ark's Creek . 'arksville . . . 'arlee Settlement Parliament St . ?aniia ?arrsboro' Parrsboro' Shore. 'arry Harbour Pa'rni Sound Well Lisgi York Anni Yorl Bruc Midr Lotb Man 'x^lena. . Pa^ipebiac 'aasekeag 'asteur . . 'asqua . . . . ?atillo . . . . Pon Lun Van Kin Tori Len Cur Cur Mm Mui Sell BOT Kir Chi 'atterson Settle't 'audash . . 'auliiie 'avilion 'ayne Settlem't.. 'eabody 'eake Station . . 'earceton Pearl Street.... 'earsoii's Peebles Peel eepabun .... 'efferlaw 'eit^ry's Cove .... eifuis 'ekisko 'dec Inland .... elee Island, East Esa Sui Pel Ro Ca Vi( Gr Kii Mi Ha Ki 0.\ Ca W Y( H( Li Ei Ef ^I>A. [l89(iB,sO()] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 205 RAILROAD clTwiirJ Liii-> it'rt Yarmouth, NS 535-40, 4-22-2. 4ii, 4-28-1-2-3, 4WI I StatiHtead J't'ri "l-] via Halifax, N S 636-68 'arhain rk Corner . . Pnriii Pari* Station 'irinville 'arkerhiille . . 'arker 'arkdale . Parkdale 426 »t(i Wiarton,i> >audash NS ..O .. O ..O ..o EI NS .. O NB • Q NB 599-15 Woodstock 6; 3-il, 680-80-83 599-1-15 Kempt ville 535 -."i, 319 635-20 Harrow 617 via Meaford, Ont. Hunters Riv, (Kl:'i i Port Miilf^rave '>'.» 714, 364 Farran's Pt. 58i)'.i Nortr.l6-21tt4{ .. O Altn I^nark, N R ....O Halton O Cardwell O Yale B.C. Renfrew, S R . . . . O Prince PE Wellington, N R.O Eltfin, W R .... O Alta Uiiark, N R... O Ottawa ti Compton <^ Essex, N R O Gloucester. . . .N B Annapolis N S Laval y Portiieuf (J Victoria NB Addington O yueenli . . . P E I Brant, N R O Brant, N R O Lotbiniure y Muskoka&P.S'd.O Wellintfton, C R.O Lisgar M York, WR O Annapolis N S York N B Bruce, N R . . . . O Middlesex, N R . O Lotbiniere Q Assa Marquette M Assa Pontiac Q Lunenburg . . . . N S Vancouver BC King's N B Toronto Centre. .0 Lennox O Cumberland ..NS Cumberland ..NS Muskoka & P Sd.O Muskoka & P Sd.O Selkirk M Bonaventure (^ King's NB Chicoutimi Q Assa Essex, N R O Sunbury NB Peterboro' E R..O Rouville Q Caril)oo B C Victoria N B Grey. N R O King's P E 1 Mismsquoi Q Hamilton King's NB Oxford, S R . . . . O Carleton N B Wellington, N R.O York, NR O Halifax N S Lisgar M Alta Essex, S R O Essex, s R o Allandale 580-66- 67-68-69 .680.64 Edmonton 635-63 635-12 Bronte 58087 580-66 436-53 Eganville 636-11 l)c Blois Sta. 666-1 ii80-46r)3-.54 Mulr Kirk 6-26-6 6.S6-64 Pakenham .'>35-12 535-18, 328, 3'27 620 617 Burngvllle 640 714 Bordeaux ,63618 La Cherrotiere 635-21 St. Leonard's Sta. 536-84 Tlchbr>rne611 Kensington 666-1 580-79-83 680-79-83 Batiscan 5.36-21, 329-6 Utterson 680-67 Alma 580-64 635-61 680-61-67-87, 536- I 34-35-40 Annapolis 712,714,! 392, 393-2 Boiestown 632 J 5i0-65 I 680-61 (680-12 Craig's Road Sta. Wapella 636-52 ' Elkhorn .635-.62 I Qu'AppelleS.636-52, Shawville 6(« ' via Lunenburg, N S; via Nanaimo, B C Case Settl'ent 643-1 i Chambers 5809 549 Parrsborough 549 via Parry S'd Ont. 482, 4-28 2, 430 2, 422-1 or Utterson 5S0-67 Gi-eenway 644-1 .3,60 Black Cape 508 599-12 Chambord 674 535-52 680 S3 'R R name Puce) Hoyt Sta. 636-83 Coe Hill Mines 544 Abbotsford 535-1 Ashcroft 535-70 | Grand Brails 536-841 Chatsworth 535-40! 666-3 Mystic 535-1 j Annidale ,543 1 j IngersoU 535-35, 580-83 536-86 ! Grand V'ley 536-41' Cannington 680-36 via Halifax, N S via Selkirk, Man High River 535-64 Kiiig«ville 617 Knigsville617 POHT OfKICRH. Pelee Island, S . P lissier I'elham t'entre Pelhain I'tiion Pelletier Millx Pcml)erton Mead's Pembroke "I^mtrrokt Pembroke Pembroke Shore PeiidenniH Pender iMland Pendleton . . . "Penetanguinh'ne Pengarth PenFiold Peniao Peninsiila-GasiKi Peninsula Harl)or Peninsula Lake . Peninsular Park Pennant Pennfleld PennHeld Centre Pennfleld Ridge Pe)U)b)tqui» .... Penrith j Pense Pentecost River I Penticton ! Pentland PenviUe Perce Perch Station . Percy Perivale Perkins Perley Penn Perrault Perretton Perott Settlem'nt Perry Perryboro' Perry Settlement. Perry Station . . Perry's Point. . Peri-ytown * Perth Perth Perth Centre . . Perthuis Perth Road .... KLM'TORAL DINTRICrH. <^ EsMex, S R . Ottawa ... MoiK'k . . . MoiK-k O Victoria N B Cariboo B ( Hants X S Renfrew, N R ,.<> Carleton.. . . N B Yarmouth . . . . N S Selkirk M Vancouver. . . .B C Prescott O Simcoe, E R . . .0 Assa Alta York NB Qaspd il Algoma O Muskoka & P Sd. O Simcoe, S R ... O Halifax N S Charlotte . . . . N B Charlotte . . . N B Charlotte N B King's N B Selkirk M Assa Saaueniiy (^ Yale-Kootenay B C Wellington, C R.o Simcoe, S R ...O Ga8p6 y Lanibton, W R . . O Assa Algoma O OtUwa Q Petawawa . *Pelerboro' . Peter's Brook Petersburgh Peter's Milli" .... Peterson's Cor'ers Peter's Road * Peter Street Petersville Petersvi'e Church Peterville Petherton Petit Bonavent're Petit Brut6 Petit Cap *Petitcodiae Petite deOratBdg Petite Lamegue . . Petite Magdeleine Petite Matnne . . Petite Rividre B.. Petite Vall6e Petit Kocher Assa Simcoe, S R O Renfrew, SR ...O Renfrew, NR....0 Annapolis . . . .N S Addington () Compton Q King's NB Monck O King's N B Durham, E R . . Lanark, S R O Victoria N B Victoria N B Portneuf (^ Addington O Renfrew, N R ..0 Peterboro', W R O Victoria NS Waterloo, S R .0 Kent NB Victoria, N R .0 King's PEI Toronto Queen's N B Queen's N B Prince PEI \ Ellington, N RO Bonaventure. . . .Q Two Mountains. . Ga8p6 ... Q Westmoreland N B Richmond . . . . N S Gloucester N B Ga8p6 Q Rimouski Q Lunenburg ..NS Gospd Q Gloucester . . . . N B RAILROAD OBI WHICH UK^ATKD, OR NRAR- KMT K. R. STATION, IIKP.KKY,FI' 16-2-164 Kingsville 617 Kirk's Ferry 656 P. Roliinson .680-88 .Ionian 68ll-8;< (.'onnorti700-I AMhcroft 5.'t6-70 Newport Stu. 714 536- 12 Woo'tock 535-8H-90 rill Yarmouth, N S Brandon .'),-t5-.V2, 644 1 450-4 Papineauville Que. .636-18, 327, 3-28 580-69, 422-1 Regina 536-62-62 6;{6-63 532 Gasp«Ba'in.'l46,;' via Kagawong,<.nit East Templetoii 635-18, 327, 328 Saltcoats 622 Alliston 68()'(I4 Ashdad Oil (lov'nient It. .535-12 Annapolis 71-2, 714 Kalaclar Sta. n-'6-.-« Coaticook 580-8 Butternut R'ge,572 626-6 Rothesay 699 12 680-35 536-34 635-80 .535-91 674 Harrowsmith 611 m-\ .535-12 .580-27--28-31-36, ,535-34, 314 omldeck ,364,370, 3 '2 581 61 Ki.igstoneU) Gf.lert 580-30 CardiganB'ge 666-3 Welsford 635-88 Welstord .535 8* Tignish 665-1 Kenilworth .5.'{6-41 Bonaventure R,350 S.Augu8tine.nH5-18 Gasp^ Basin 346,350 .599-12, 572 Arichat 364, 371 Shippigan .640 Gasp^ Ba,sin346,3.50 L'le Metis Sta..59!»-2 Br'gewater 040,374 Gasp^ Basin 346.350 .599-2 1 J 206 POST OFFICES AND UAILROAI) STATIONS IX CANADA. !'( I POST orricRa. Petit Haifiienay . . Petit VllWe . . . . PetitR Mecniim . . PetpfrsA'iok Harb. Petrel *Petri)lea Petworf h Peven»ey Peveril Pheasant Forks . . "Phelpnton PhillipHhur^, Kaat Philliiwburif, Wt. Phillipntnn Philliimville .... * Pickering *Pieton Pictuu Pictoii Island Pictou I^andinK . . Plctou Koad . . . , Piedmont Piedmont Valley, * Pieir'eville Plerrevllle Mills.. Plersoii Pierston 8aKueiiay ^ Reaiice (^ Kimouskl U Ilulifa.x N8 Mariiiictte .... M hanibtoM, K It.. () Addlngtoii () MuHkoka^icP.S'd.O Vaudrcuil (j Assa Slmcoe, N R ...O MiHNiiu|uoi <.j Wattrloo, S R ..<) Ila»itings, E R . ,U Leeds, S R O Ontario, W H ..() Prince Eklward . .O Piotou N8 Pictou NS IHctou N8 Giiysboro' ....N H Terrebonne Q Pictou N8 Yamoska il Piffeon BIufT Piffeon Hill . . Pigeon Lake Pike Bay . . Pike Creek . . Pike River . . Pilot Bay *Pilot Moutid . Pincher Creek Pincourt Pine Creek Pine Dale Pinedale Pine Grove Pinehurst Pine Orchard . Pine Ridge ... Pine River Pinewood Pinette Pine Tree ... Pine Vale Pinkerton Pioneer . . Pioneer Piopolis Piper's Cove . . . Pijjerville Pipestone Pirate Harbour . Pisarinco Pisarinoo West . , Pisquid Pisquid Road ... Pitcher's Farm . Pitt's Ferry Pittston Piusville Piusville Station Plainfleld Plainfield Plainville Plaisance Plaister Mines Plamondon's Mills KLRCTOIIAli lilHTHICrS. Yamaska . Selkirk . King's... .NB Lisgar M Missisquoi Q Lisgar M Bruce, N R ....0 Essex, N R O Missisquoi Q Yale BC Selkirk M AUa Terrebonne ....(J Alta Ontario, NR....0 Antigonishe . . N 8 York, WR Kent O Ontario, WR.. O Kent NP Bnice, WR ....O Algonia O yueen's PEI Pictou NS Antigonishe . .N S Bruce, ER O Carleton N B Assa. Compton Q Cape Breton ..NS Russell O Selkirk M Guysboro' . . N S St. John NB St. John N B Queen's PEI Queen's PEI Antigonishe . .N S Frontenac Grenville, SR.. Prince PEI Prince PEI Hastings, E R.. Pictou NS Northumb', W R Ottawa Q Victoria N 8 Wolfe Q RAILROAD ON WHICH LOfATUn, OR NRAK- MT R. K. NIATION, SKKKRY,|-|MI)21tU PORT OKriCKD. RLKITORAL UIHTRU'VR. L'AiiHv 8t. Jean Tring Station. 676 L'le Metis Sta.6iK)'2 via Halifax, N 8 Carlierrv fiaft'52 «2rr7, r)80'84 Colebrook wm-X Burks Falls WtfOT Glen Robinson RSI Wolneley SUfifi'i ilSOIll) St. Anu'nd 8ta.fi4r) Iliulen flSd-ftl via Hellcville, Ont Delta 616 680 •(! 544,«08,300,310,324 5m»-l)-16, Mifl-'2, 380,3.'>7,366-l,346 via Pictou, N 8 509-10 Hopewell 60913 638 "23 699-7 329'9 or Yamaska 536-1 329-it,Yam'ka 635-1 836-58 Hampton 643-2, 699-12 viii Selkirk, Man St. Arm'nd Sta.545 Headingly 536'59, 644-2 via Wlarton,Ont Tecums'h B80-f3 Stambridgt '■'tati'n 635-1, 540 445-3-4 638-67 Macleod 635-64 Terrebonne i>36-21 Midnapore 535-64 Bl'kwater 580-35-36 Lower Settlem't S River 599-7 \Voo Londonderrv su. 6901 Stonewall .Wifri via Y'annoutti, Ns via Halifax, N .s Dumbarton (9-14, 364,37} Wright 656 Cheticainp 35i)i 580-85 via Sydney, N S Moose Jaw .')3.'i52 Escuminac 'iW.\ 535-32, 327 420.3, or Bmte- bridge 580-07 f)99-8 (R R name McNeish's) StPet'r8364,37i\3;i Antigonishe .5i»9-" via Picton, Ont. Batlseon, 536'21, 3-29-6 via Charlottetown 680-8-13 350 Black Cape SOi Richibucto, 610 niti Picton, Ont 599-14 Albert 693 Gaspe Basin346,36i' Murray Bay, 32»-S I'trt Parry Sd. Ont. Tadousac 329-8 535-18 Efjg Island 345 via Montreal, Que Ancienne Lorette 535-21 Riviere Ouelle5i)iVS 349 Robervttl 674 580-9 We8tmorel'dPt.5!» Godbout 346 599-11, 356-2 685-21 635-18, 327 POST orncKH. Poir^. Polrier PnlamI Pollett Uiver . Polle) hurst. 1 Pi)lmont . . . I Poltiiiiore . Pnmeroy IpDiiuriiy Ridge I Pomona I Ponii|iiel Chapel Iponds lpon.'Mill8 PoiiDoiiby I Pont Chateau ltile.Va.ikinongi pnnt , 1JRSK,|| f KXT R. H. .ST»Th,l I HBRKRT.IT.lB'j.K^I POST OFFICES AND UAILUOAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 207 .. o NB ,NS ..0 ..Q pBitineniiville.Ou, fi-'l-VlK :tJ7, ;% Krii;ht r>N() to I'erth fi;tr>:i4 Cheticuiiip iCiiti Little York my.i via Hiilifax, n ,s I/Oiidoniltrrv Jitil fitWl ' Stonewall S.'lfi-e,! via Yarmouth, X,s| via Halifax, .\ s iHimbnrtoti .'^tatnl B36S7 I Barsg' C/'orners ml El(fin ,172 712(RRnatnf. Jordaiitowni Glen»'rrvSta.'>»91:i| South Ohio 712 [ eia Iroquoi.s, Oni.L Br'jfewater (HB,3n| L:ivaiit Sta. till Belton 68<)''1<.) 63557 Athens 516 450°7,Che'aiiiUM,5:tl 599-12 N Olostrow 5!)it'.l:i I via Yarmouth, XS I Debec 535 SSM via Winnipeif, Man 712 ' 540 540 New R Mllli eai OTaN'thSydney,N"sl Bliss Lake 53,V12 353 Chatham tHi rona.lDO' 14, 364,3:* Wright fi5(( Chetieamp 35i»-2 580-85 via Sydney, N S Moose Jaw h'if\-i'i Eacuniinac 3.5.'! 535-32, 327 420.3, or Brace- bridjfe 580ti7 ."iOO-S (R R name McNeish's) EI re Q N B 1..0 NS NB ■Q ,Q d O •Q • Q • Q •■« •Q • Q • Q • Q NB Q NB ■? StPet'r8364,37(',3:i | Antitfonishe hWi via Picton, Out. Batiscan, 535 21, 3-29-6 via Charlottetowt) | 580-8-13 350 Black Cape 5()S | ttichibucto, 610 viii Picton, Ont 590-14 Albert 693 Gaspe Ba8in346,36i' ilurray Bay, S-l^-i \ via Parrv Sd. Out. Tadousac 329-8 535-18 Egg Island 345 via Montreal, Que | Aneienne Lorefte 535-21 Riviere Oiielle5!)!V3 | 349 Roberval 674 580-9 VVestmorel'dPt.SlX) | Godbotit 345 599-11, 356-2 585-21 535-18, 327 111MT orniKH. Poir^. I Piirier I Poland Pollett Itivcr , Polle) hurst. I Polinoiit . . . Poltiiiiore . Pmiierny PoniiTiiy Ridge. Poiuonu I PoiiKiiii't Chapel IpondH |pon.!Mill8 Ponsoiiby I Pont Chateau •ItileMaikiiioiigi I pnnt 36-52 BckMoMow8599-16 Hvfie Park Corner 536-42, 580-50-83 I't'a Selkirk, Man. 536-62 891 or Canterbury Station 535-90 Haley Sta.535-12 641-2, 6-22, 535-52 Nei^ao 363 Pinkerton 580- 54 Go(lerifh58')-62,432 Kent OiBlenheint 5"3 Algoraa O 636-13-61 664, 4281 432 Colchester.... NSlLon'derry S. 6991 Colchester N S Lon'derry S. 6991 Charlevoix Q Tadousac 3298 Inverness N S via Mabou Guvsborougb..N SAntifj^onishe 599-7 Victoria ...... NS Portneuf (j Kent NB Unark, N R ...O Westmoreland. N B Uueen'i N D Northumb', t R O Ottawa Q Selkirk M Charlotl* N B Grey, SR O Antigonishe. . N 8 Pictou NS Middlesex, SR..U Wellington, ORG Soulanires (j Maskinong^ Q Hochelaga Q Levis (^ Portneuf ij Durham, ER ..O Laval Q Kintf's NB Perth, NR ....O Leeds, SR ....O Halifax NS Algonia O Algoma O Assa Pictou N 8 Middlesex, 8R..O Lisgar M Marquette M York NB Pontiao Q Marquette M Northumberl'd.NB Bruce, ER O Huron, W R....O ElKin,ER O Elgin, ER O Cape Breton ..N 8 '.Simcoe, ER O 'Port Colborne . . PortColdwell.... Part Credit Port Dallwusie . . Port, Daniel C . . I Port Daniel East. Port Daniel West 'Part Dover . . . . I 'Port Klijin Port Elgin Port Elinsley Porter's Potter's Hill Porter's Lake. ... Port Felix Port Franks I Port (leonie .. .. I Port Graiiby AylmerWt. 680-82 Tilsonburff 580-78- 82, 025-5 via Sydney, N 8 430-3"Falkepburg I 580-67 Shelburne N S Barrington 376-3 Mu8koka& P. Sd.Oi420-3 or Utterson 580-67 Welland o' 580 -79-88, 320 Algoma .. 0153513 Peel O!5S0-87 Lincoln 0,580-88, 301, 302 320 Bonaventure QI360 .Q Port Daniel C. 350 .y Port Daniel C. 350 .Oi580-70-80 .O|580-54 IWestnioreland N BWA8 i Lanark, S R . . . OiMud Creek .1,^5-34 iSt. John N BjSt. Martins .' ■.3-2 iHuron, SR olHoIniesville 580-52 j Halifax N Slvtn Halifax, N S Guysborough. .N S Canso, 3(54, 371 vmbton, E R . OiThedford 5!"0.-51 Annapolis . . . ,N SiMiddleton 646, 714 Dtirham, W R . . O, Wesley ville 580-9 Bonaventure IBonavi nture 'Norfolk, 8 R } Bruce, W R I'OMT OKl'ICWt. r.t.ROTOR.M, IIIHTRIITN. Port Greville . . . Cumberland . N 8 Port Guichon N Westnunster. BC I'ort Uiinrmond^S We»tiiiinMter. BC Port Haney N Wmt minster. Bt! Itnt Ilantingi ..I Inverness ....NS Port UawkeHbiiry Inverntna N8 RAILRIIADON WlllOlt LIM62164 Port Hillford Port Hill .... I'urt Huml . . Port Hood Island * I'ort llnj)f Port Hone Port Joli Port Kells Port Keewaydin . Port Lambton . . Portland 'Portland Port III Tour .... Port Lewis Port Lock Port Lome Port Maitland . . Purl Miiitland . , Port Malcolm Port Matoun .... Port Medway . . Port Milford Port Moody Port Morien Port Mulgrave . . Port Nelson Portneuf Portneuf Station Porton P Mulgrave Sta . . *Port Perry .... Port Philip Port Renfrew Port Richmond . . *Port Robinnon. . *fort liowan ... . Port Royal Port Royal Port Ryerie Port Sandfleld . . Port Saxon Port Severn Portsmouth . . . . * Port Stanleii . . . *Port Sydney. . . GiiysborouKh N S Prince P K I Inverness. ... N 8 Inverness . . . .N 8 I Durham, KR... () ICumberland ..N 8 Uueen's N 8 N Westminster. BC Isimcoe, E R O iRothwell O Leeds, 8 R <> St. John N B Shelburne . . . . N S Huntingdon Q Algoma O Annapolis N S MoncK O Yarmouth .... N 8 Richmond .... N 8 Queen's N S Uueen's N S Prince Edward. .O iN Westminster. BC Cape Breton... NS Guysboro' N 8 Halton O Portneuf Q Portneuf Q Algoma O Guysborough. .NS Ontario, N R....O Cumberland . . N S Vancouver B C Richmond N 8 Welland O Norfolk, S R....O Norfolk, 8 R.... O Richmond N 8 Norfolk, 8 R....O Simcoe, ER.... O Shelburne .... N 8 Simcoe, ER.... O Frontenac O Elgin, E R O Muskoka&P.Sd.O Parrxboro' 541» I.ani l/lg. 450'4 6.Hrc70, 4WI-3 535-70 371 1'. Hawke<s()'s> Oak River 586 .580-67 via Ottawa, Ont. Lower Stewiacke .599-1 Sawyerville 6-20 Penetanguislieiie 580-69, 4-221 Fairville .535-S1-S5 Lisle 580-64 Hawtrey 580 so, «'25-5 Pembroke 536 1-2 St. Marys 580--lfl via London, Ont. 535-84 Buckingh'm 636-b 622-1, 685 Mackeys Sta. Out., .535-12 Atherley 53l)-3-2{): Bright .58079 Sussex Vale .59i)-l-2 Shoal Lake 622 Thornburv 580-()S Huntsville 580-07 Newdale 622 Brown Hill 580-37 Forest 580-51 Emsdale .580-67 St. Anselme 676 Joliette 5:^5•17 Newport Sta. 711 Newport Sta. 7U Utcerson 580-67 5-'0-35 .536-1)2 Port Elgin 6;« Shannonville .5.S0:t Hillsburgh 536;iii via Vancouver lona ,599-14 361,37-' Boisdale Chapel 599-14 St. Peter's 364, 370, 372 W. 3av R'd 690U Mclntyres I, 50itU Port Hawkesburv .599-14, 371, 380 Leitch's Creek 599-14 Gravenhurst 680fi7 Crumlin 635-38 Newc'8tle.509-.',:;.'i:i VOST nyv\C¥». R(M Bivy . . . ft'il Deer.. . Red Head . Red Ho\i8e . I Redijrave . . . iRedifUville. Red Islands. Bri Red Mountain RediHi-sville .. Redittth Red Point Red Rapids — Red Rapids Br'ge Red Rock .... Red Wing .... Red Wood St. Kii Hu Gn Ri( Co Pri Kii Vii Vic Vit Gn Sin Reedhani -Me Reeil>ilale Reeds Mines Reed's Point Keevf Craig •HfgiiHi . . . . Reids Mills.. Reidville . KeiclHiiy , Me Me Kii Ca Du Ad Pi( Reinland 8el Ca Ke Bri Ke Ha No Relessey's Mills Reiiforth ■Renfrew ... . Renfrew Keiious Bridge Kenton Keiiwick . . . Kevniitigiiy No' Ke VJ Reston Kestoiile Hffilstoke Revelhtoke Stat'n Keyii'irdton — Reynolds Reynoldton Rhineland Rhode's Corner . . Rici'burg Kirhard's Land'g. Sel Mv Ya Ya Ya Nc N( Lv Mi Al 'Rii-fville .... Ridiardville . . Ki(h.-»rdvil!e . . lUchihucto .... Kii hibucto Vill'ge KiihUmd Riihiiiond Corner Uicliinond 'Kiihmonit 'Rii'hiiionil II ill. Ritliniond Station Kiclivieiv Kicliwood Kidt'au Centre . . liidraii View Ridircmount Ki(l;U'town KiilL'cville . . Kidceville . . Riilgewa}! . Kidinu' Mountain Kidlcv Kiira' Ri'liiinl u rADA. [189iillS9*;j POST OrFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 209 [RAILROAD ON WHICH I LOCATKD, OR Nm | B8T R. R. STATlov SBBKKT.PP. 1621(4 I QJBlack Cape 508 B C Ashoroft 53570 BC .BC ...O .NS ..O NB N B •Q ■Q ...Q Q •Q .NS .. O .. o ..o .. o .. o ..o ..M . O ,. o .. o NS Ashcroft 53r>-70 Spence'8B Penetaii(fiiisliene 580-69, 422-1 Fairville 535-sl.8j Lisle 580-64 Hawtrey 580 80, 625-5 Pembroke 535 12 St. Marys 580-4!) via London, Out. 535-84 Buckingh'm 535-b 622-1, 585 Mackeys Sta. Out., 535-12 Atherlev 530-32-(i: Bright 580-79 Sussex Vale 50i»'l2 Shoal Lake 622 Thornburv 580-()8 Huntsville 580-(i7 Newdale 622 Brown Hill .580-37 Forest 680-51 Enisdale 580-67 St. Anselme 675 Joliette 5.-1517 Newport Sta. 711 Newport Sta. 7H Utcerson 580-67 5''0-35 .535 -.'J2 Port F.Igin 638 Shannoiiville ftso-:) Hillsburgh 5;i5-;iii oia Vancouver lona 599-14 36t,:Ci Boisdale Chapel 599-14 St. Peter's ;<64, 370, 372 W. 3ay R'd 5!)!)-U Mclntyres L 59014 Port Hawkesl)nr\ 599-14, 371, 380 Leitch's Creek 599-14 Gravenhurst .58o-(i7 Cnmilin M5-38 Newc'stle 599-.', i.V) I'OST '|).K1CI''.8. Rtti Biiy . . . Rfil Deft... Red Head . Red House . Redifrave . . . Redii-kville . Keil Islfinds . Red Mountain Rediiei->sville . . Redpath Red I'oint Red Rapids Red Rapids Br'ge Re Richmond (^ York, W R () Brant, N R .. . . ( > Lanark, .SI!..., () Ru.ssell V VVellund O Elgin, \V R , . . (1 Moiick t) Provcncher .... M Welland O Ma-.-quette M Kent O Assa Vaudreuil ..... Q RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NBAR- K8T R. R. STATION, SEBKKY,PP.162-164 POST OKFICES. I'j'ffl Wiarton, Ont. 535-63 oia St. John, N.B. Souris East, 665-4,1 359-1, 371 Fordwich 53541 j Shelliurne 535-61 ; St. Peter 364, 370, i 372 ' Scottstown 535-7 I 308 or via Bellev'e I Moosomin, 535-52 I Souris, East, 665-4 535-91 ' Red Rapids .535-91- Fenelon F'lls 580-30 Thornbury 580-68 420-3 or Graven- hurst .580-67 Robertson Station 675 Ste. Julie Station .580-12 i Black Lake 675 Rothesay .599-12 i OsgowleSta.535"20, 535-.52-6-2 North Mountain | 5.35-33 Camden East .509-2, New Glasgow .599-7-13 Gretna .535-56 Orangcville .535-40; St. Anthony 518 GlanfoiflSta.580-70, 611, .535-11-12 ! Enfield .599-1 I 599-8 (R R name Indiantown) 580-82 St. Paul I'Hermite 3-29-5 535-05 Trout Cieek 590-67 ,535-70, 445-1 .535-70 I'icr Yarmouth X S Newc'stle .599-2, 353 Lumsden .535 62 Delhi .580-82 BIO Lunenburg N S Bedford .535-1 4-22-2, 428-3, 430-1 or Bruce Mines 535-25 Maxville .531 Bla(-k Lake 675 Canaan Sta. .599-2 610 Kingston 610 j rin Winnipeg Man Debec 535-85-1)0 .580-8-12 Bells Corn'i-s 535-12 Mai)le 580 ■67 .580-8-12 1 Highfleld .580-,5l [ .5.80-79 1 Mud Cretk .5.35-34 i ria Ottawa Stcvensville ,5b0-82 6-25-2 625-5 i P't Robinson 580-88 via Emerson, Man 580-79 (R R name Bertie) Neepawa 622 1 Blenheim 573 < Moosomin .535-52 , ,535-32, 3->8 1 Rigby Riley Brook Rimington *Himotts:. • Riijgwood Riordan Riplei) Risbo rough Ripon Ritcey's Cove Ritchot Riverbank Riverbank River Beaudette. River Bourqeois. River Charlo Riverdale Riverdale River de Chute. . River Dentns . . . . River Dennis Rd. River Dennis Sta. River Dennis C . . River Desert Riverfield River Gilbert KLBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Marquette M Victoria N B Hastings, N R..O Riniouski Q Ontario, N R....O Gloucester. . . .N B Bruce, W R . . . . O Beauee y Ottawa y Lunenburg. . . .N.S Provencher .... M Wellington, C R.O Carleton N B Soulanges y Richmond N S Bestigouche . . N B Digby NS Queen's . . . . P E I Carleton N B Inverness .... N S Inverness .... N S Inverness .... N S inverness .... N S Ottawa Q Chateauguay . . . Q Beauee Q Riv.Gilb'tG.Mines: Beauee Q River Hebert ... |Cumbei-land . . N S R. Hebert Bend. .jCumberlaiid . .N S River Hebert W S, Cumberland . .N S River John jPictou N S River John Road j Colchester. .. .N S River Joseph jOttawa O River Louimni . . jRestigouche . .N B River Philip .... Riversdale Kiversdale Riversdale River Side Riverside '^Rivemide Riverside Corner Rivers Inlet Riverstown Riverview River View Riviere 11 Claude Rivi6rei'ilaMartre Rivifere a I'Ours. . Rivifere a Pierre. . R've aux Chiens Rivii-re au Dore. . Riviere aux Pins Riviere au . . Riviere Bois Clair RivitredesCaches Riviere des Fevcs RiviiredesPlantes Riviti-edesPraii-i's Rivitre Qui Hari-e ^RiUiLo^ijiienlia^) R.dn Loup Stat'n Rivifcrc du Moulin R. du Lnup Wharf Riviere Gagnoi. . . Riviere Gentilly . . Riviere la Fleur. . Riv. la Madeleine Riviere Mailloux. Riviere Mattawin Riviere Mekinac. Riviere Noire Cumberland . .N S Bruce, E R . . . . () Colchester . . . . N S Assa Albert N B Inverness .... N S Toronto Hants N S N. Westminster BC Wellington, X R.O Oi-ev, E R O Albert N B Gaspe Q Gaspe . Q Chicoutimi Q Portneuf Q Montmorency ..Q Chicoutimi Q Quebec Q Champlain Q Lotbiniere Q Xorthumberl'd NB Chateauguay . . . . Q Beauee Q Hocbelaga Q Alta T(imiscouata . . . . Q Tt'mi.scouata . . . . Q Chicoutimi Q Temiscoiiata . . . .Q Terrebonne Q Nicolet Q Montinoi-ency . . Q Gaspti Q Charlevoix Q Cham])lain Q Chamnlain Q Arthaoaska .... (,' RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAR- EST R. R. STATION, SBB KEY, PP. 162-164 Tnrraneev'le .535-91 Madoc 580-33 599-2, 345 Stouffv'le 580-36-37 New Bandon 540 580-48 D'Israeli 675 Thurso .535-18, 327 via Lunenburg N S St. Boniface .535-55 Alma 580-54 Florencev'le 535-86 .580-9 St. Peters 364, 370 .599-2 (R R name Hamilton's) Weymoutn Bridge 712 via Charlottetow-n 535-86 .599-14 W. Bay Road .59914 599-14 Kazubazua G56 Aubrey 531 St. Francois Nord East 675-1 do do 606 River Hebert 606 River Hebert 606 599-15 Tatamagouche .599-1.5 Kazubazua 656 599-2 (R R name Scotts) 599-1 Walkertoii 580-54 .599-13 Church Bridge 622 693 West Bay Rd 599-14 Shubeiiacadie 599-1 460-5 via Xanaimo Kenilworth .5.35-41 Coi-betton 535-40 Elgin 572 Little Metis Stat'n 599-2 Little Metis Stat'n 599 Chicoutimi 329-S 674, 619 via Quebec St. Felicien 349 or Roberval 074 St. Gabriel, 674 Grandes Pi's 535-19 Batis'n.535-21,;i-29-t! Xeguao 353 St. Remi .5805 675-1 (RR name La Rocher) via Montreal, Que. Edmonton .535-63 .599-2-3, 700, 3-29-8 ,599-2-3, 700, 3'29-S .5!»-2 St. Jerome .535-23, 584, 630 Laval .580- 14 via Quebec, Que. Gaspe B'in .'{46, 3.50 Mtirray Bay 329-8 Grandes P. 53519 Gi-andes.P. 535 19 ,580-14 (R B name Black River) •1', ..'iV. 210 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [lb% Biugj]] POST POST 0FFICK8. Riviere Ouelle . Kividre St. Jean R.Ste. Mar^ierite Riv.Trois Pistoles Rivinyftoii Ri\'ulet Roach's Point. . . Roacli Vale Robertson Robertson's Point Robertson Station Robertville Jioberval Jiobichaud Robillard Robinson Robi^JonsCorners Robinsonville. . . . Robitaille Robins Roblin Rob Roy Robson Robson Rocanville Rochefort Rochelle Rochesterville . . . Rock Barra Rockburn Rock Creek Rockdale Rockdale Rockfleld Rockford Rockford Rock Forest .... Rock Hill....... ''Rockingham. . . . Rockingham .... Rockingham Sta, Rock Island * Rockland ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Kamouraska . . . . CJ Sagiienay (J Saguenay y Teniiscouata (J Argenteuil Q Inverness .... N S York, N R () Guysborough .N S King's N B Queen's N B Megantic y Gloucester. . . .N B Chicoutimi Q Westmoreland N B Rus.scll O Compton Q Lunenburg N S Restigouche . .N B Bonaventure. . . .Q Richmond . . . . N S Lennox O Grey, E R O Drumnwnd . . . . Q Yale BC Renfrew, NR.. O Shefford Q Carleton O King's P E I Hiintingdon . . . . Q Yale BC Richmond . . . . N S Peterboro', E R. O Leeds, S R O Norfolk, NR....0 Yale BC Sherbrooke Q Muskoka O Renfrew, SR... O Yarmouth . . . . N S Halifax N S Stanstead Q Russell O Rockland Rockland Station Rockliflfe Rocklin Rookly Rocklyn Rockport Rockport Rockside Rock Springs Rockton Rockville Rockville Rockw'llSettlem't Rock way Valley. RAILROAD ON WHICH! LOCATED, OR NKAR-i KST R. R. ST,\T10N,' 8EEKEV,IM'.lti2-l(i4 rOST 0KKICE8. .TOO-a ; Romney .. H45 (St. .Johns L'g) Rona Tadousac 32i)'8 ■ Rondeau . . 599'2 (R R name Roiison.... McKenzies) Roome . . . . Calumet .Wfi'lS J Rosanna . Iona,')i)i)-14.S(i4,372 iRoscoe. . .. Lcfioy ."iSU'W I ! Rose Guvsborough 364 ! Rosebank . .'i4;i-2 i I Rosebank. 390 or C'wlys 543'1 | Roseberrv . 675 Roseberrv.. Bathurst V'ge 599-2 iRoseburii . . 674, 349 ; I Rosedftle Shediac .^99-11 nia Ottawa 535-7 (RRn'e Burv) Mahone B. 646, 373 Head of Tide 599-2 Roscdale . Rosedale . Rosedale . Rosedene. Rosehall . Carleton, West, 508 (Ro.sehill . *Rockivood Rocky Bay Rocky Mountain Rocky Point ... Rocky Saugeen. Roden Rodgerville *Rodney Rodney Roebuck Roger's Hill . . . Roger'sHillCent'e Roficr's I'asii Rogersvillc Rohallion Rokebv Roland Rolling Dam . .*. . Rolling Dam Sta. Rollo Bay Cross . . Roman's Valley. . Roniily Westmoreland N B Westmoreland N B Renfrew, N R . . O Pictou N S Cumberland . . N S Grev, E R O Leeds, S R <) Westmoreland N B Cardwell O Brockville O Wentworth,NR.O King's N B Yarmouth . . . .N S Cumberland . . N S Ottawa i) Wellington, S R.O Richmond . . . .N S Piccou N S Queen's . . . . P E I Grev, S R O Selkirk .M Perth, S R O Elgin, W R.... () Cumtierland. .N S Grenville, SR.. O Pictou N S Pictou N S Yale BC Northuniliei-rd NB Victoria, N R.. <) Lainbton, E R. .() Selkirk M CharlQtte .... N B Charlotte . . . . N B King's P E J Guvsborough .N S Cardwell O Arichat 364, 471 | Rose Island . . . Napan'ei509-2,580-9 Roseisle Duntroon .580-64 Roseland Lome 5S0'12 ! *Rogemont . . . 535-72, 445-1-2 j Roxeneatk . . . Moosomin 535-52 ' Rosenfeld . . . . Eganville 535-11 Rosenthal . . . Lawrenceville 653 j Rosetta via Ottawa, Out. ' Rose t'"!c . . . . Cherry Grove 665-41 Roi ■ v'alley .. Huntingdon .580-7: Roseville . . .. . Okanagon 535-74 1 Roseville SPetei-s3C4,370,372: Roseway Blairton 535-34 i Rosewood .. . . Mallorytown 580-91 Roslin Villa Nova 625-5 1 Roslin Kamloops 535-70 Ross 535-7 ! ' Rossburn Emsdale, 580-67 '■ I Ross Corner . Eganville .535-11 [\Rosseati South Ohio 712 1 iRosseau Falls. 714, 599-1 ijRosser Derbv L., Vt. 51211 iRoasendale . . . 327, 328, Lochaberl Rossetti Bay 535-18 iJRossfleld RocklandSta. 599-1 Rossland . , . . 599-1 I Ross Mills . . . 535-12 I Rossmore GlengarrvSt .599-131 Ross Mount. . . Oxford 5S)9-15 j Rossport via Meaford, Ont. ' I Rosswav Mallorvtown .58(l-9 I Rosthern Sackvllle ,599-1,638 ; Rostock Salmonville 580-65 ! Rothburv . . . . Whitehurst .535-16 *Rothemti .... DuTidas 580-83 1 Rntlisn)/ Sussex Vale .599-12! i Rouge Hill via Yarmouth, N S j Rougemont Sta Amherst 599-1 1 ! Rouleau Grenville 535-18, ; ' Round Bav .... .541, 327, 328 '] Round Hiil.... 580-51 \Rini)id Hill .. Orandigue F'v 364 'Round Island. . N Glasgow ,599-7-13 Hound Lake . . via Charlottetown Durham ,580-46 Kent O Queen's P E I KLECTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD O.N Wl|ln| LOCATKD, OH \KAR. EST R. R. ST.\riON, SBKKEV,pi'.]r,:;.i(;l . O ..O . u . o Griswold 535 52 i Hensall 58O-.50 625-5 Sp Hill Mines ,549 via Prescott, Ont. Wirt Pictou, N S I via Pictou, N S 535-70 1 599-2 , Kirfield .580 -29 i Walkers 6'25-8 644-1 535-87 535 87 Sourls, East, 665-4 ' LSet'nt,S.R.. 599-71 Tottenham 580-65 j Round Plains Roll iitliira iff Houtliier j Prescott Routledgc 'Selkirk Kent Norfolk' N R.. Middlesex .... Oxfoi-d Assiniboia Cumberland . .N S Selkirk M Gloucester N B Selkirk M Yale BC Inverness . . . .N S Inverness N S Victoria, N R . . O Carleton N B New Westm'st'r BC Monck O Prince Edward . . O Martiuette M Hastings, N R ..O Selkirk M Selkirk M Simcoe, SR.... O Northumb', W R O Selkirk M Renfrew, 8 R . . O Lanark, N R. ..O Albert N B Queen's . . . . P E I Waterloo, S R . . O Prince P E I Shelburne . . . . N S Provencher .... M Ha8tiiig.s, N R..O Cumberland . . N S Renfrew, N R . . O Marquette M Prince P E I Muskoka &P.Sd. O Muskoka &P.Sd. O Lisgar M Cumberland.. N.S Assa Pictou N S Yale B C L6vis Q Prince Edwartl . . O Northumb', W R O Algoma O Digby N S Saskatchewan .... Perth, N R ....<) Assa King's N B Wellington, C R (> Ontario, W R .. O Kouville Q Assa Shelburne . . . . N S King's N B .Annapolis , . . . N S Cape Breton . . N S Peterboro", E R. O Norfolk, N R Selkirk •|4'i Ill-U Rowan Mills Rowanton Rowoiia Rowciia Roxbury Roxburgh Roxham Roxton, East . . . *J{oxli}n l''alln . Roxton Pond . . . Royal Roval Oiik Royal ( »ak Royal Road Royal Road, West Norfolk, S R Pontiac Diuidas O Victoria N B Amiapolis N S Albert NB St. .lohn's Q Shefford Q Shefford Q Shefford Q Provencher M Bruce, W R O Vancouver. . . . B C York N B York NB Leamin'n617.t)-2.i;S via Charlotttfdwii 573 Courtland uoii 8-2 Mt. Brydges .'.^iis: Courllund 5(?iisi Alameda, .'i35fi8 Grenville St. :i!I!j1 644-1 Pockmo\ichc ; Baldur644-1 Nakus]) 445'1 Orangedale I Orangedale .">!):)■ u ColK)conk .58li-i.i Op. Woods'k.Mi.'i-ri; Chilliwack,4.''i((-:; Bcainsville 5yi>:i Hillier 544 McGregor St. 53.') ,5^ Coe Hill Mines .'.44 Carman ,535-54 Bran'ii.535 52,1144-1 Alliston 580-64 «i«Cobourg. Out. .■iSS -56-57 Almonte 535-12 Tu rtle Creek 6»;> N. Wilthire 66,51 Petersburg 5»i) ,'il Bloomfleld St 6651 Shelburne 376-3 via Wiimipeg, Man Tweed 53534, SOfl-l Oxford 599-15 Haley Sta. 535 1 -3 Solsgirth 62-.: .Sunnnerside 6(15 I 420-3Uttei-.s'n.5Slltir Rosseau 420-3 535-52 Oxford, .59St-15 Moo.somin .535-.".J BarnevRr.St.!i;t;i'7 Tiail Creek 44,V-: Etchemin .599-4 via Belleville, Out. I'irt Port Hope, Ont. ,535-13 Digby 712,392,3i)3-2 .53."' -62 Sebringville .581) 52 Churchbridge liii .599-12 Mma 580-54 ' Port I'nion ,5StV'i 632-2. 706 I'cnse 535-52 Shelbiu-ne 3T'J-3 Oak Point 390 714 via S.vdney, N S Norwood 535-34 Waterford515,6i.V6 644-1 Maxville531 .535-.52 Port Rowan 5^'(i-s6 MackeysSt0.5;i,rl2 via Iroquois, Out. Andover 535-86 Paradis Lane 714 Penobvquis ,59!1i2 Hemniingf'rd 5>ii5 iloxton Falls 5:i."''4 .535-4 S. Roxton 535-4 644-3('RRnCarti»>r) Ripley 580-48 nia Victoria mrtFrederi(^toii NB DidFrederictoii NB POST OFFICES. Royaltoi' iBovston ,Kiiiiy R„i;by...... E.iil'EiUi Chaude [ltuis,seiUiLe Blanc liiiisseiiu li Sem. . Ruiiiivniede iRiil'ci-t Rllsll^'<)l-nis Kiisiiffornis Stat'n RiisKini River . . Rusciini Station . Rufholiiie Road. Rush Point Ruikiii Ruskview Russeldale Kwsetl Hussell Russelton Russelltown Rustico Rustit-oville RutherGlen RiiUierjhrd Rutledge 'Rutlteen RvLkinan's Cornr Rvdal Bank il Carl Mu Rent Simc Dor( Boni Riui Hon Otta Sun I SunI Esse Esse Tore Pett Kin) Sim( Pert Rus Mar SiuK Cha Que Que Car! Botl Pon Esse Wei AlgJ Rye Rvlstone Ste. Ad(Je.. . Ste. Ad. de Pabos St. Adolphe St..\d'phe deDud StAdolphede How St.\d'pnedeCham St.Adrien St.Agapit St.Agatha Ste.Agathe Ste.Ag'he de Lot. Sle.Aifliedes M'ts Ste. Agathe East Ste. Agiksde Char Ste.Agniisde Dun. St. Agricole .... St.Ainu' St.AUian St.Allicrt St. Albert St. Albert St. Alexander Sta. StAlexd'Iberville StAlexdeKam'ka St.AlexisdeMontc St. Alexis dos M'ts St. Aliuo . . . Mus Nor Ten Gas Hro Wol Arg Cha Wol Lotl Wat Pro' Lotl Ten Lotl Cha Hut Mot Rid I>or Rus Art! St.Alphonse St.Aliihonse St..AliilioiisedeGr \iiiand St.AiiU'dee Ibei Ibei Kar Moi Mas Vici St.Ainour St.Anaclet .... Sl.Aiidrd Avcllin St. Andrei de Kam. St. AM(!i-6(leShed !it..\ nilreivs St.Atiiln'ivs 'Ht.Amlrewn, K. St. Andrew's N't'h St. Andrews, West St.Andrews St.Andrews Ste.AngrledeMon Ste.AngeledeLav loli Sell She Vic Ott Pre Rill Ott Kai We Chi Air Art Lis C01 Lis Kii Roi Nit DA. [1 oyt) 1890] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 211 C) !<: I o .0 () o M K B M BC . .o . M . () . M ..<) • «.• . o M B N S NR ..q •y Ai ..M . .() BC S U y B RAILROAD ON WIIKh liOCATKO, OR \KAR. KST R. R. HIATKJN, HKKKEy.ri'.ll.Mlij ■ f>s ■>!l!rl ■|4u liiii Leaniin'n(iir.(i2.r;i via Charlottttowii 573 Courtland 5Mi\'i2 Mt. Brydjires f.'-ii>:; Coiirtliiiul f)i^l] »i Alameda, 53fi GrenvilleSt. i 644-1 Hooknioiichc BaMur(i441 Nakusp 44,')-l Orangeflale fii Oratijfedale .'licru ColMJconk 58(i'ii Up. Woods'k.Mi.V^ii Chilliwack, 4rii):; Bcaiiisville 5siry.', Hillier 544 McGregor St. Sa.'i -.i:' Coe Hill Mines r,44 Carman 535'.')4 Bran'nfl.'tS 52,1144 1 Alliston 580 •(i4 «i«Cobourg. Out. .'i35-56-57 Almonte 535'i 2 Tu rtle Creek (W;! N. Wilthire 0»i.''jl Petersburff nao .'il Bloomfleld StOd.rl Shelburne 3763 via Winnipeg:. Man Tweed ii35-34,fi091 Oxford 599-15 Haley Sta. 5351-: Solsjfirth G2'.i Snmmerside fitij l 420-3Utters'n58li tiT Kosseau 42(i-3 535-52 Oxford, .599-15 Moosoniin 5:^.^-^.■j Barney Rr. St. 5lt;fr Trail Creek 44,V:; Etchemin 599-4 via Belleville, Out. I'm Port Hope, Out. ,535-13 IMtfby 712,392,31)3-2 53.'^ -(i2 Sebringville ,5bUa2 Churchbridge (i-i'3 .599-12 Alma 580-54 ' I'ort Union 5S(V.> 032-2. 700 535-52 Slielbnrne iK'i'li Oak Point 390 714 via Sydney, N S Norwood 535-34 VVaterford515,fviV6 044-1 Maxville 531 5H5-,52 Port Kowan 5t-n-S6 MackeysSt0.5;t,vi2 I'm Iroquois, Out. Andover 535-80 Paradis I.,ane 714 Penobv(niiH .^OfllJ Henuninirf'rd ^\>"'s Koxton I-'alls ri.l.i 4 ,535-4 S. Roxton 5;!5-l 044-3CBRnCarti"r) Ripley 580-48 via Victoria via Fredfric^toii NB uia Frederictoii .N'B IM1.ST OKflCKS. KLECTORAL DI8TftIC-rB. Kovalton Rovston Kuliy Rut'by ...... B.iil'EauChaude Buis-seaiiLe Blanc Kuisst.iu ii Sem . . Ruiiiiyniede Kiipei-t Kusii^'o'-nis Riisaifornis Stat'n Rincom River Rii«-ciin Station ■Ruxlioliiie Road. Rush Point. . Ruskin Riiskview . . . Russelilale . . •Rtugell .... Hmnell Kusselton . . . Russelltown , Rustico Rusticoville . Ruther Glen Rittherjoi-d. . Rutledge — 'Ruth nen . . Rvcknian's Cornr Rvdal Bank Rye Rvlstone Ste. Adije Ste. Ad. de Pabos St. Adolphe St..\d'phe deDud StAdolphedeHow'phedeChani St.Adrien St.A^apit St.Affatha Ste.Acatlie Ste.Ag'he de Lot Ste.Aq'hedesM'ts Ste. A^athe East Ste.Ajtiit'sde Char Ste.AgniisdeDun. St. Ajfricole . , St.Ainii' St.Alban St. Albert St. Albert St. Albert St.AlexanderSta. StAlexd'Iberville StAlexdeKam'ka St.AlexisdeMont< St. Alexis des M'ts St. Almo RAILROAD UN WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAR- EST R. R. STATION, SEE KEY,I'l'. 102-1041 I'OST OKKICEB. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Carleton N B Musk.& Parry Sd O Renfrew, N. R ..O Simcoe, E R . . . . O Dorchester Q Honaventure ...(^ Riniouski y Bonaventure . . . y Ottawa y Sunbiiry N B Sunburv N B Essex, NR O Essex, N R O Toronto West ...O Peterboro, E R..O King's PEI Simcoe, SR O Perth, SR O Russell O Mar((uette AI Shncoe,N R O ChAteauguay . . . . Q Queen's PEI (Jueen's PEI Carleton N B Bothwell O Pontiac Q Essex, S n O VVentworvh, S.R O Algoma O Musk.& Parry SdO Northumb. ER..0 Terrebonne Q Gasp6 Q f'rovencher .... M Wolfe Q Argenteull Q Chainplain Q Wolfe Q Lotbiniere Q Waterloo S R . . O Provencher . . . . M Lotbiniere Q Terrebonne ....Q Lotbiniere Q Charlevoix (J Huntingdon . . . .Q Montcalm Q Itichelieu Q Portneuf Q Russell O Arthabaska ....Q Alta Iberville Q Iberville Q Kamouraska ... X). Montcalm (J .M.askinongc ... .(J Victoria N B St.Al|)honse St.Al|ihonse St..Miibonse(leGr St. Aiiiand St..\iiii-dee St.Aiuour St.Aiiaclet St. Audi;', AvoUin St,Aii(h-(J de Kani. Si. AiidrOdeShed Si. A lulrewx . . . St.Auilreivs . . . 'St.Andrewn, E St. Andrew's N't'h Andrews, West St.Aiidresvs St.AiidrewH Ste.AiiffiledeMon Ste.AiigcledeLav loliette U Selkirk M Shelf ord q Victoria N B Ottawa q Prescott O Riniouski q Florencevi'e 535-86 Emsdale 580-67 Eganville 535-11 Orillia 580-32-67 St. Anselme 675 Black Cape 508 Matap'iliii.599-2,5e9' N. Waketield 656 I VVaaais Sta. 536-82 536-82 St.ClairSid'g680-83l St.CIairSid'g580-83 Norwood 535-34 Peake Sta. 665-3 Lisle 580-64 Mitchell 580-52 S. Indian 531 6-22-2 Minesing .580-69 Aubrey 531 Huntei-s Riv. 666-1 Hunters Riv. 666-1 Bristol 536-86 Bothwell .535-42 Quyon 663 617 via Hamilton, Out. Bruce Mines535-25, 4'28-3,430-l, 422-2] South River 580-671 Hoard's Sta. 680-27 636-23 350 Black Cape 508 via Winnipeg Marbleton 675, 620 Piedmont 635-23 Batis'n535-21,3-29-6 Uanville 580-12 580-12 Petersburg 580-51 644-3 Methot's M's 680-12 .535-23 Methot's M's .580-12 Murray Bay 329 8 .580-7 (RRS. Agnes) Joilette, 536-17 3-29-9Vama8ka536-l LaChev'tiere 536-21 Casselman 531 Victo'av'e .580-12-14 Edmonton 535-03 545 St. Alexa'er St. 645 .599-3 L'Epiphanie 535-21 Louisville 536-21 I Torrance ville Sta., r.35-91 1 Joliette 535-17 Cypress Riv. 535 -59: Aligeliiie 545-1 Pa]iineauv'e535-18, 327, 328 Maxville ,531 599-1? S. Aiigi-le de Rim St. Anicet Ste. Anne Sle.A niiedeliellte Ste.Annede Beau "Ste. A. dela l"e Ste.Annede Mon's Ste. Anne des Pis. Ste.Annelal'ae'ie Ste. Annede Pres Ste. AdeRestig'he Ste. Anne deSorel Ste. AnnedeCh'ns St. Ann's St. Ann's Ste. Ann's St. Anselme St. Anselme Sta. . St. Anthony St. Anthony St.Antoine Lot're St. Antoin'R.Rich St. Antonin .... Riniouski Q Huntingdon q Kent N B Jacciues Cartier.Q Montmorency ..(J Chainplain Q Gaspii q Terrebonne ....q Kamouraska . . . .U Prescott O Bonaventure ... .q Richelieu q Provencher . . . . M Queen's. ... PEI Monck O Victoria N S Dorchester Q Dorchester Q . . Kent NB Prir.ce PEI Lotbiniere Q Vercheres Q Tdmiscouata Q RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NEAI!- K.ST R. R. STATION, SEE KEV,I'P.162-1(I4 St. Apollinaire. . . Ste. Apoll'edePat St.ArinandCentre St. Arniand Sta'n St. Ansne St. Aubert St. Augustine. . . . St.Au'stine, P'tn'f St. Augustin Sag. St. Augustine, TM St. Azilda Ste. Barbe Ottawa l^iPlaisancc .535-18 Kamouraska . . . .q|599-3 Westmoreland, N H Shediac 59911 Charlotte . Antigonish. N B .NS :^ Ai-genteuil Lisgar . , . Cornwall O Lisgar M King's PEI Rouville q Nicolet q ,535-87, 400 L. Settlem'tS. Riv. .599-7 3-.!8 or Carillon 541 via Winnipeg via Cornwall, Out. ,535-61 (RR Vic. P'k) («(5-4 632-1 i .580-14 (R R name! Doucet'sLan'ing)! St,Barnab(5,R.Ya' St. Barnal)6, St. M *St. BartliHemi.. St. Bazile de Port' St. Bazile le Gr'd St. Bazile Station Ste. Beatrix .... St. Benjamin. . . . St. Benoit St. Benoit Labre . St. BernarddcDor St. Bernard, ,So'th St. Bernard St. Blaise Ste. Blandine. . . . St. Bonaventure . St. limiifaee .... St. Boniface .... Ste.Brigided'Iber St. Brigitte des S. St. Bruno St. Bruno deKitin' St. Bruno Station St. Calixte de Kil' St, Camille St. Canute *St. Catiimir .... St. Cassien des ('. *St. Catharines. . St. Catharines . . *St. Cath'im S. C St. Cath'itie, a. W Lotbiniere Q Montmagny ....q Missisquoi Q Missisquoi Q T(5niiscouata . . . . Q L'Islet q Huron, WR.... O Portneuf Q Sagueiiay Q Two Mountains . .Q Algonia O Huntingdon . . . . Q St. Hyacinthe . . Q St. Maurice Q Berthier Q Portneuf Q Chambly q Portneuf q Joliette Q Dorchester q St. Flavie Sta. ,5992 329-3 Kilbam .580-7 Buctouche 518 580-9, 533-33, 328, 676 [327 535-21 L'tleMetisSta.599-2 ,535-24 5!l9-3 Glen Robertson 531 531-1 Cross Point 508 via Sorel, Que. m'a Winnipeg.Slan. Hunter's Riv, (ki'fl Moulton Sta. 580-82 Iona699-14 675 676 .518 0'Leary,Sta.,665 1 Etchemin 5994 329-4, 335 or St. Hilaire Sta. 680-8 RiviereduLoup(ei> has) 599-2-3, 7lK), 329-8 Etchemin 699-4 St. Pierre .599-3 St. Amiand Sta. 545 546 .599-2 St.,IeanP'tJoli599-3 Blyth 580-,5e Ancictme Lorette ,535 111 Natashqiian 346 .536-18 Chelmsford 535-13 St. Stanislas de Kostka 126-14 St. Hyacinthe 636-1 680-8, ,565, 706 Yaniachiche 536-21 535-21 St.BazileSta,.536-21 580-8 .535-21 Joliette .536-17 St. Francois N E 6751 Two Mountains. .Q'Ste. Scholastique I .535-18 Beauce Q]St. Francois Nord East 675-1 Dorchester (^ Scott Junction 675 St. John's Q Lacolle .531, .580-13 Digbv N S! WevniouthB'ge712 St, John's Q;r)80-13 (H R name ! Grande Ligne) Riniouski Q RiiiKiuski ,599-2,346 Drummond .... QiSt.Guillaunied'Up- t ton 535-1-4 Provencher .... .M .535-55 Ottawa qln'a Ottawa, Ont. 535-3, 545-1 Ste. .Monique de Nicolet 505 580-8 St. Paschal 599-3 Iberville Q Nicolet Q Chambly Q Kamouraska . . . . Q Chambly Qi580-8 .Montcaim QlLaureiitides535-24, 584 Wolfe '.llMarbleton 075, 6'2(i Two .Mountains, .QiSte. Scholastique ";t5-I8 Portneuf Q Charlevoix Q Lincoln O (Jueen's .... PEI Montreal, West.Q Montreal, West.Q Groiidines 535-21 St. Paul's liav 329-8 (WW, 5,>^0-83-88, 302, 32.-! via Charlotletown ) i: ?^ ^|i, 4 m 212 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [lSjf)ll890] POS' ■\ POST 0FFICB8. EL8CT0RAL DISTRICTS. Ste. Catherine ._. 8te. Catherines R Ste. C^ciledeLev' Ste Cdcilede Mash' Ste. C6oiledeMil' Ste. C6cile de \V. St. C6Iestin *St. Cesaire St. Charies St. Charies de C. St. Charies K. B. *St. Charles Ste. Christine . . *St. Chrysostdme. St. Chrvsostonie . St. Clair Siding.. I Ste. Claire St. Claude | St. Clements | St. Clement ' St. Clet , Ste. Clothilde -i Portneuf Q Queen's N S Nicolet Q Ottawa q ShefTord Q RAILROAD ON WHIUII LOCATKD, OR NBAR- BST R. R. STATION, SRE KBY,Pr. 162-164 674 Liverpool 376'3 Bati8'n535-21,329-6 Wakefield HB6 Granbv 545-1 POST OKKICKS. St. Esprit.. St. Esprit . Conipton QlAjjnes 535'7 Nicolet Q Rouville Q Lisgar M Bonuventure .. ..Q Belleohasse St. Hyacinthe Ste.Cloth'deChnt St. Colunibin .... St. Come . . . . St. Constant Ste. Croix . . Ste. Croix . . Ste. Croix . . Bagot Q Chiiteaugiiay . . . . Q Prince P E 1 Essex, N R O Dorchester Q Marquette M Waterloo, N R.. O Temiscouata . . . . Q Soulaiijf es Q Arthabasca Q Chatea\iguay . . ..Q Two Mountains . . Q 580-14 032-2 044-2 Black Cape 508 599-3-4 335. 3-29'4 or St. Hilaire Jta. 580-8 S'th Durham 580-S Aubrey 531 580-83 St. Anselme 675 535-59 Waterioo 580-47 St. Eloi 599-2 535-33 Victoriaville 580-- 12-14 St. Renii 580-5 Ste. Scholastique 535-18 Joliette .')35-17 .580-7. 535-3 Newimrt Sta. 714 .')35-88 Ste. Cun^gondc . . *St. Culhhert .... St. Cuthbert St«. St. Cyprien St. Cyr St. Cyriac St. Cyrille de L'ls St. Cyrille de W. St. Damase St. Damase de Rim St. Dani.desAuln' St. Dainien de Bra St. Damien de Buc St. David de Levis St. David de Yam St. David's St. Denis de la Bon St. Denis R. Rich' Joliette Q Luprairie Q Hants NS York N B Lotbinii'i-e Q Batiscan 535-21, 32!)-6 Hochelaga Q .580-8 ) Bei-thier Q 535-21 I Berthier Q 535-21 I Tomiscouata. . . . QJSt. Arsene 599-2 I Richmond y 580-12 i Chicoutimi Q Chicoutimi 329'8 i iVIslet QiL'Islet 599-3 j Drumniond .... Qt565 St. Hyacinthe .. (Ji706 | Rimouski QlSt. Moise 599-2 L'Islet q!s Jean, P Joli 599-3t Berthier Ql? C: de Bran. .535-17 Bellechasse " Levis Q Yamaska Q Lincoln-Niagara .O Kamouraska.. . . Q St. Hyacinthe . . Q St. Didace St. Dom'ique de B St. Dominique S. St. Dom'que des C St. Donat St.DonatdeMont' Ste. Dorothee .... St.Edmoiid de Ber St.Edouardde Fra St. Edouairl de K St.Edo'ard de Nat) St. Edwidge .. .'. St. Eleanor's .... St. Eleuthi're St. Elie Ste. Elizabeth . . St. Elmo St. Elmo St. Eloi St. Elphi'ge St. Elzearde Bea'c St.Elzear9-3-4; ' Hadlow Cove 599-4, 680-12 535-1, 329-9 Queenston 625-6 S Ph. deNery 55)9-3 335, .S29-4, St. Hil-I aire St«. 580-8 Maskinonge . . . . Q S.G.deBran.5,3517 Bagot QiS. Hvacinthe 580-8, ' .535-1, 565, 706 ( Soulanges Ql.580-9 Soulanges y' 580-9 ! Rimouski Q;Ste. Luce 599-2 Montcalm Q Joliette h-Ah-XI Laval (J St. Martin 535-18 Berthier (JS.Barth'lemi 535-211 Dorchester (J Ste. Henediiie 675 Kent N B Buctouche 518 Napierville . . . . Q SMich.(leNap580-5 Conipton Q Coaticook 580-8 , Prince P E IJ665-1 Kamouraska QSt. Alex, de Kani-' ! ouraska ,599'3 St. Maurice .... QiYamachiche 535'2l Joliette Q Fernetv e 5:ir) -15-21 Cilciigarrv ()Maxville531 Vale B C Hoi)C .'■)35-70 | Temiscouata . . . . Q .5m)-2 Yanmska Qi Vam'ka,535-1, 329'9J Bcauce tj'lia Bcauce 675 t Laval (iSMartinJ.535 18-211 Joliette Q St. Felix de Valoisl I 535-17 Montcalm Q Joliette 535-17 Ottawa OjPlaisance 535-18 nc.\uce QiTring Station 075 Uagot (i'.58()-8(RR n. Upton)! St. Beauhr's St. Et. de Bolton. St. Et. desGrcs.. ' St. Et.du Saguen'y St. Eugene St. Eugene du Gr. St.EugeneMission St. Eulalie St. Eastuche .... St. Eustache St. Forsyth St. Fabien St. Faustin Ste. Famine St. Felicien Ste. Felicite .... St. Felix St. FHixde Vahm St. Ferdinand . . . St. Fereol St. Fidele Ste. Flavie Ste.FlavieStation St. Flavien Ste. Flore St. Fortunat .... St. Foy St. Francis Har. . ■St. Francois B'ee St. Sales St.Fi-an.d'Orleans St. Fran, de Kent St.FrancoisduLac Ste. Francoise . . St. Francois N. E. St. Francois Mont. St.F>ancoisXavi'r St. Fr. X. de Vigcr St.Fr.X.deBi-omp St. Frederic St. Frederic Sta. Brand Montr'l St. Gabriel Station St. Gedcon Ste. Genevieve . . liatisc *St. George St.George.Beauce * St. Georqe, Brunt Winds'r St. Geo. de Malbay St. George Eaut. . St. George's Chan. St.G. de Montarv. St.G.deGrantham St.G.deKam'aska Ste. Gertrude. . . . St. Gcrvais St. Giles St. Godfrey *Af. Gr^goire .... St. Gregoire .... St. Guillaume Sta, St.Guill'med'Upt, Hte.HelenedeKam Ste. Hel. de Bagot Ste. Chest'r St. Helen's Ste. Henedine . . St. Henri de Levis *St.H.deMoiilre'l St. Henri Station St. Hennas. . . . St. Hernias Sta St. Hermenegilde St. Hilaire .... St. Hila. de Dorset St. Hilaire Station Montcalm Q Richmond ....NS Beauharnois Q Brome Q St. Maurice Q Saguenay Q Prescott O Drummond Q Yale BC Nicolet Q Two Mountains. .(J Lisgar M Beauce Q Rimouski (J Terrebonne . . . . Q Montmorency . . Q Chicoutimi Q Rimouski Q Selkirk M Joliette Q Megantic Q Montmorency . . (J Charlevoix Q Rimouski (J Rimouski Q Lotbiniire Q Champlain Q Wolfe q Quebec Q Guy.3boro' . . . N S Beauce Q RLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. Laval Q Montmorency . . .Q Kent .". N B Yamaska Q Temiscouata . . . . Q Beauce Q Montniagny Q Lisgar M Temiscouata . . . . Q Richmond Q Beauce Q Beauce Q Berthier Q Hochelaga Q Portneuf Q Chicoutimi Q Jacques Cai-tier. Q Champlain Q Chariotte . . . . N B Beauce Q Brant, N R O Richmond Q Gaspe Q Beauce Q Richmond ...,NS Ottawa Q Drummond . . . . Q Kamouraska. . . . Q Nicolet Q Bellecha.sse .... Q Lotbiniire Q Bon'.venture . . . .Q Nicf let Q Kent N B Drummond . . . . Q Drunimond . . . . Q Kamouraska . . . .Q Bagot Q Arth.ibaska .... Q Huron, W R.... O Dorchester Q Levis Q Hochelaga Q Levis Q Two Mountains .Q Two Mountains. .Q Stanstead Q Victoria N B Beauce Q Rouville Q RAILROAD ON WHICIj LOCATED, OR NBAR. EST R. R. hTATIOS, 8EBKEY,PP.l(i-2.16i Ste. Julienne 5&i St. Peters 304, siii 372 Beauharn'is ."ign-l.-i, Knowlton 535-4 via Three Rivers (; Tadousac 320-8 Vankleek Hill 5311 506 Golden 535-53 580-14 535-22 644-2 Tring Station 675 509-2 SAg'hed'sM.53,r-il via Quebec, Que 349 Koberval 674 L. Metis Sta. mvi Killarney.SS.T-.i? .535-17 Black Lake 67.'i S A de Beaupre 67i' Murray Bav 'i'S)-> 599-2 ,5i)9-2 Methot's M's 580-12 Grand Piles 5;j51'i Stanford 58n-l'2 via Quebec, Que. PMulgave .'>9i)-7-U St. Francois Nord East 675-1 Terrebonne Kini\ via Quebec, Que Buctouche 518 .S2»-9Yamaska,i35-l Trois Pistoles 5i 675-1 .599-,3(RRnSK'eoi») Head'v.''i;i5-,'i!),ti44 2 St. Arsene .MWi Windsor Mills .'iSn 075 67b 535-17 P'tStChas.580-8-W 674 Chambord 674 Poiiite Claire 580 Batis'n 535-21, 329(i 695 SF'coisN'dE. 675-1 .580-83 Danville .58012 Point St. Peter :i5i SF'coisN'dE. 67.V1 W.Bay Road. 5i«)-l) Bucki'gham5;i,^>lh. '535-4, ,565 St. Paschal 5!)!)-3 Laval .58014 SCh.\s.RB'r.59P'i-4 Ci-aig'sRdSt.58Ul-: Paspebiao 350 580-14 FUictouche 518 535-1-4 535-1-4 590-3 565 Stanfold58fl-r2 Lucknow 580-4>< 675 675 via Montreal i)ue 675, 590-4 ,535-18 535 -IS Coaticook 580-s 7(H)- 1 Tring Station *i7'i 580-8, 335 POST OKFICES. StHil'reduLaeStJ ^t. Hilaire Village St. Hilarion . Kilk'ny St. Hoiiore St. Hubert St. Ungues -.5f. Hyacinthe . . St. Ijfiiace St. Irenee St. Isidore, Dorch. St. Isidore, Lapr'ie St, Isidore St. Isidore June. . St. Isidore dePres. St. Ives •St. Jacob's St. J.acques St.JacquesleMin. St. Jaiiifs St. James Park.. St. Janvier St. Jean Baptiste St.J.Ilp.deMont'l St.J.Bp.deRouv. Chic Rou' Chai Terr Beai Chai Bag( St. I Ken Cha: Don Lapi Gloi Lap Pres Midi Wat Moil Lap LisK }|id Ten Pro Hoc Rou St. Jean C. Levis. St. Jcaiide Dieu. St.J.deii Chaillons St. Jean de Matha St. Jean d'Orleans St. J. I'Evangeliste St. Jean Port Joli 'St. Jerome .... St. Joachim de M. St.Joach.deSheff' St.Joac.R.Rusc'm 'St. John .... Lev Ten Lot Joli Moi Boil L'ls ler Moi She Ess St. -St. John, Suburb qu 'St. John's, East. St. St. John's, West St. Jose-phd'Alma St. .Fos. de Beauce St. Joseph de Kent St. la Taba' St. >Ios. de Lapage St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joseph St. B. . St. Jos. de LfSvis . St. J. de Mekinak St. Jos. de S' 1 el . St. Joseph dii La'' St. Jovite . St. Jude . . . We Ch Be Ke Saj Kii Wi An Pr To L(5 Ct Ri Tv Te St Ste Julie deVercli Ste.JuliedeSo'set Ste. Julie Station St. Julienne .... St. Juatin Ste.Ju'indeNe'on Ste. Justine Sta. . St. Laurent St. La'ertde Levis St. Lambert Mont' St.La'entd'Orleaii St. Laurent Mont' St. Lawrence .... St. Lazare St.Lazarede Belle St.LazaredeVaud St. Leon St. Leon V( M M M M V V L L C M J V M n V s DA. [is:)fi Q ■Q Q .() Q l.M M ^i Q Q • Q Q Q Ins Q i B Q Q \1 • Q Q • <^ • Q ■ Killarne}',53n ii7 535-17 Black Lake 67r) S A (le Beaupre OTi' Murray Bay 329-> 599-2 .')99-2 Methot'sM'sSSn-li Grand Piles 5;j51'i Stanford 58012 via Quebec, (^ue. PMuljfave 599-7-H St. Francois Nord East 675-1 Terrebonne 5;i5-21 uia Quebec, Que. Buctoiiehe 518 .329-9Yainaskan35'l Trois Pistoles 599-2 075-1 599-3(RRnSrcois) Head'y 535-59,1)44 1 St. Ar'scne i59»-2 Windsor Mills ri8n< 675 675 535-17 P'tStChas.58()-8-U 674 Chnmbord 674 Pointe Claire SSOli Batis'n 535-21, 3-29H 695 SF'coIsN'dE. 675-1 .580-83 Danville 580-12 Point St. Peter 351' SF'coisN'dK. fi75-l VV. Bay Road ,5!)9-U Bucki'(fhani535-lb, 535-4, ,565 St. Paschal 5!»!)-3 Laval 58(114'r.59P'i4 Ci-aiif'sKd.St5801-2 Paspebiac 350 580-14 Buctouche 518 535-1-4 535-1-4 599-3 565 Stanfold 580-12 Luoknow 580-4S 675 675 via Montreal l)\\e 676, 599-4 5.35-18 ,535-18 Coaticook SSO-s (M)-l Tring- Station (i75 580-8, 335 1890] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 213 I'OST OKFICES. StHil'reduLacStJ SI.Hilaire Villa>{e St. Hilarion Kilk'ny it. Hotiore St, Hubert S;. Hiij.'ues •St. Hyacinthe . . St. I»fnace .St, Iri-nee St. Isidore, Dorch. St. Isidore, Lapr'ie St. Isidore .St. Isidore June. . St. Isidore dePres. St. Ives St. Jacob's St. Jacques St. Jacques leMin. St. Janips St. James Park . . St. Janvier St. Jean Baptiste St.J.Bi).(leMont'l St.J.Bp.deRouv. St. Jean C. Levis. St. Jean de Dieu . St.J.des ChaillouK St. Jean de !tlatha St. Jean d'Orlcans St.J. !'Evan>,'eliste St. Jean Port Joli 'St. Jerome .... St. Joachim de M. Sheff' St.Joac.R.Rusc'ni •St. John 'St. John, Sitlmrb 'St. John's, East. St, John's, West . St. Josev-hd'Alma St. Jos. de Beauce St. Joseph de Kent St. la Taba' St. Jos. de Lapajje St. Josei>h St. Joseph St. Joseph St. Joxcph St. B. . St. Jos. de L6vis . St. J. de Mekinak St. Jos. de S' 1 el . St. Joseph dii Lac St. Jovite St. Jude ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Chicoutimi . Rouville. . . Charlevoix . . Terrebonne Beauce Chambly Bagot St. Hyacinthe . . , Kent N Charlevoix Dorchester Laprairie Gloucester. . . .N Lapruirie Presoott Middlesex, EK., Waterloo, N R.. Montcalm Laprairie Lisjfar Middlesex, S R. Terrebonne . . . . Provencher Hochelaga Rouville Levis Temiscouata. . . . Lotbiniere Joliette Montmorency . . Bonaventure . . . . L'Islet Terrebonne .... Montmorency . . Sheffoi-d Essex St. John N Quebec . . . St. John's . Welland Chicoutimi Beauce Kent N Saffuenay Rimouski Westmoreland. N Antijfonishe. . N Provencher .... Toronto Ldvis Champlain Richelieu Two Mountains , Terrebonne .... St. Hyacinthe . . Ste Julie deVen-li Ste.JuliedeSo'set Ste. Julie Station St. Julienne .... St. Justin Ste.Ju'indeNe'on Ste. Justine Sta. . St. Laurent St. La'ertde Levis St. Lambert Mont' Sf.La'entd'Orlean St. Laurent Mont' St. Lawrence . . St. Lazare St.Lazarede Belle St. Lazare deVaud St. Leon St. Leon RAILROAD ON WHICH ; LOCATED, OR NEAR- i EST R. R. STATION,! 8B8KEr,PP.162-164 Verch6rea Megantic Mcgantii^ Montcalm Maskinonjf6 . . . . Vaiidreuil Vaudreuil Fiisgar L(5vis Chambly Montmorency . . Jacques Cartier Froiitenac Mar(|uettt' BcUechosse . . . . Vaudreuil Maskinon^cii Selkirk Q 335,329-4 St. Hilaire, Station 580-8 .Q Le8Eboulem'8329-8 QSt. Jerome 535-23,1 584, 630 Q Tring Station 675 ! .Q 680-8 I , Q 535-1 I Q 580-8, 535-1, 56.5, 706 B Richibucto 610 Q Les Eboulem'8329"8 Q St H'ri de Levis 675 Q 580-7 B Pockmouche 540 Q 580-5-7 O .Maxville 530-1 j O Belton 580-49 O 580-47 ' Q L'Epiphani 535-21 Q L'AcaV535-3,580-13 M 535-57 I <) via London, Ont Q .536-23 I M 6*4-3 ; Q via Montreal, Que. ' Q St. Hilaire Station .580-8, 335 I Q 599-4 ' Q Trois Pistoles 699-2 Q Batis'n 535-21,3-29-6 QStFdeValois535-17, Q via Quebec, Que Q Nouvelle 508 Q 599-3 Q 584, 535-23 QStAdeBeaupre670 Q Warden 535-4 O StClairSid'g580-83 B 695, .599-12, 535-88, 370-2, 390, 392, 393-1 Q via Quebec, Que. Q 580-13, 535-3, 545, 545-1 P't Robinson .580-88 .QChambortl674 Q 675-1 B Buctouche 518 Q Natashquaii 345 Q St. Flavie 599-2 BColle'e Bridge 599-1 S James Riv.St. 599-7 M Letellier 644-3 O Q Levis 676, 599-3-4, 580-12 .QGratidesPil's535-19 Q via Sorel, (^ue. Q St. Eustache 535-22 QlSAdesMonts.535"22 Q St Hvacinthe .535-1, 580-8, 565, 706 Q St. Bruno .580-8 Q Ste Julie Sta.580-12 Q 680-12 Q 584 Q Maskinonge 535-21 Q St Justin Sta. 531 .Q 531 M Reaburn 535'52 Q St. H. de Levis 675 .Q5hO-H-13-18, 032-1 Q via Quebec, Ont. . Q .580-16 () via Kingston, Ont. .M BirtlcO-22 Q SChas.R.B'r.599-3-4 , Q Vaudreuil St 580-9, 535-32-33 . Q Louiseville 535-21 M Somerset 644 '1 POST OFFICES. St. Le'ard de Aston ;St. L. deChic'timi St. L.deP.Mauce St. Leonard Sta. . {St. Leonard's .... St. Liboire St. Liguori St.L.deBon'cours St.L.deGonzatiie St. Louis de Kent St.LouisdeHaHa HaHaSta. Ste. Louise iSt. Louis Station. jSt. Luc ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. Nicolet Q Chicoutimi . . . . Q Hochclaga Q Victoria N B Victoria N B Bagot Q Montcalm Q Richelieu Q Beauharrois. . . . Q Kent N B Temiscouata . . . . Q Temiscouata . . . . (^ L'IsIot Q Beauharnois. . . . Q St. John's... N B ■Ste. Luce jSte. Luce Station. Ste. L. deDon'ster iSte. Madeleine,. St. Magloire .... Terrebonne St. Hyacinthe Beliechasse . . St. -Malachie St. Malo . . . St. Malo St. Marc . . . . St. Mar. de L'Islet St. .Marcel deRich' St. Margaret's. . . . St.M.deDorch'ter Ste. M.deBlandf'd S. M. deChai-lev'x Ste.M.deMonnoir Ste. Ste, Mar. Salomee Marthe St. Mark's St. .Martin St. Martin June. . Ste. Alartine Ste. Martine Sta . 'St. Martin's *St. Mani's St. Mary's Mary's Ferry . Mary's River . >Iary's Rotid. . Mary's RoadE Matiiias .... St. St. St. St. St. St. Mathieu. Rimouski Q Rimouski Q Dorchester Q Conipton Q i'rovencher. , .Wan Verchferes Q L'Islet Q Richelieu Q King's P E I Dorchester Q Nicolet Q Charlevoix Q Rouville Q Montcalm Q Vaudreuil Q Lisgar M Laval Q Laval Q Ch.ateauguay Q Chateauguay . . . . Q St. John N B Perth, S R O Kent N B Vork .... Guysboro' RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, OR NRAR- E8I R. R. STATION, SEE KEY, PP. 162-164 Prince. 565 Chicoutimi 32P-8 via Montreal, Que. .535-84 St Leonards 535-84 .580-8 Joliette 535-17 Yam'ska535-l,3-29-9 .St. Louis Sta. .531 Richibucto 610 Tetu 700 7(K) St. Jloch .599-3 531 St. .lohns E't 535-3, .545, .545-1, 680-13 .599-2 .599-2 St. Jerome 535-23, 584, 6;W .580-8 St. Charles, Hiver Boyer 599-3-4 St. Anselnie 67a 620 Olterburne 535-55 3-29-4, 335St.Hilaire Station .580-8 L'Islet 599-3 Cavignac 535-1 Bear River 665-4 Ste. Henedine 675 Ste. Angele de Laval O80-14 Lea Esb'm't8 3'29-8 6321-2 (R R name Mai-ieville) L'Epiphanie 535-21 A'audreuil Station ,535-32-33, 580-9 Poplar Point 535-52 .535-18 535-18--21 ,580-7-15 580-7 543-2 .580-40-51 Buctouche 518 N B1535-83 N Si Antigonishe .599-7 St. Maure St. Maurice. . . . St.MuuriceForges St. Maxinie. , . . Ste. Mclanie . . St. Michelde Belle' St.MicheldeRoug' St.M.dcNapiervil St. .Michel de Rougeniont . . . St. Mi'cldes Saints St.M.deWeiitw'th St, .Michel Sta . . . St. Modeste St. .Mdise St. Moise Station. Ste. M. Deux Mon. Ste. M. de Nicolet St. Nazaii-e St. Nazaiie de Buck land Ste. Narcisse . . . St. Nei-iie St. Nicholas King's P E I Rouville Q Rimouski Q Restigouche . . N B Champlain Q ...P E rCai-diguii B'gee()5-2 Cai-digan B'ge 665-3 3-29-4 Vge Richelieu o;i2-i St. S. de Rimouski .51(9-2 Dalhousie .599-5 .535-19 St. .Maurice .... QimVr Three Rivei-s,Q Beauce Q Scott .lunctioii 675 Joliette Qi Joliette .535-17 Beliechasse .... Q Levis 675, 599-3-4, I .580-12 Rouville Ql Napierville Q'j580-5 Rouville Q|Hougem'tSta.(i32-2 Bei-thier Q's.F.deValois.535-17 Vrgenteuil Q Lachute 535-18 Bellchase Q'.599-3 Td-miscouata . . . . Q 700 Rimouski Q .599-2 Rimouski Q',599-2 Two Mountains. .Q St. Augustin .535-18 Nicolet Q .505 Bagot ^ Dorchester Q Champlain Q Beliechasse . . . . Q ,L(5vis Q Acton V. 535-4,580-8 St. Anselme 675 St. Maurice 535-19 S.Chas.R.B..599-3-4 Chaudiere Station 580-12, 599-4 214 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. POST 0FKICK8. St. Norbert . St. Norbert.. St. Norbert. St. Octave . . St. Odiloii . . St. Ola St. Oij6ziiiie St. Onicar(je. St.Praxede . . . St. Prime St. Prosper . . . St. Prosper deDor. St. Raphael, East St. Raiihael, West *St. liitiimdnil . . St. R('dempteur. . St. Ri'tris *St. Ui'mi St. RcniideTin'/k , St.R('niid'.\niirst St. Robert *St. HiH-h tie QiuK St.R'chdeHiclieu St.Rochdes.Vuln's St.Hochl'Acliij,^an St. Roniain Ste. Rosalie .... .Ste. Rosairs Victoria NS Arthabaska . . . . Q Arthabaska . . . . Q Tiiniiscouata . . . . Q Jolictte Q Montmagny . . . . Q Jraskinong^ . . . . Q L'Assomption. . .Q Kent N B Pictou N S Charlevoix Q Perth, SR O Nicolet Q Richmond . . . . N S Arthabaska Q Laprairie Q Argenteuil (J Kamouraska Q Chiiteaugiiay . . . .Q Lotbinifere (J Bagot Q Provencher .... SI Yamaska Q Megantic Q Montmorency . . Q ijiiebec Q Nicolet Q Montmagny . . . . Q Two Mountains. .Q Soulanges Q Beauce (^ Chicoutimi (J Champlain (J Dorchester Q Rellechasse .... Q Glengarry () I'ori.iienf" (} Va\i(lreuil (J Huntingdon . . . . ij Najiierville Q .\rtbabaska Q Ottawa (J Hicliolieu (J QiiebocCity.E R.(; Richelieu (J L'lslet <5 I/'.\ssomption . . (^ Conipton (J Fiagot (J Arlhalmska (,> RAILROAD OX WHICH liOCATKn, OR .XKAa- KST R. R. STATION, SKK i(KV,l'P.l(i2-164; POST OKFICKS. Ste. Rose. St. Rose . La\al .... Inverness NS St.Gabrielde Bran- don .^SS'IV Weldford !i90'2 (i4»-;l, 535 '55 r)!)i)-2 Ste. Henedine 675 544 Ste. .Anne de la Pocatiere 599'3 South Indian 531 3-2i)'4 u/dSorelQue Ri'iere Ouelle 5!)9-3 St.Jean P.Joli5indeChat, St.l'rbaindeChar Ste. Ur.sule St. Valentin . . St.Val6redeBul'de St. \al(5rien .... St. Val. de Rimo St. Vallier St. \'allier Station Ste. Victoire .... St.VictordeTring St. Viiic't de Paxil St. Vital St. . . . St. Will id tun St. Yvoii St. Zacharie .... St. Zcnon KLECTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WIIICbI liOCATK.n, oil S-Ru.I KHT R. R. ST.UKiN' [ «KKKKV,l'f.l(>-Mq| S^ Znphirin St. Zotique . Sable Sable River. Dorchester Q Temiscouata . . . .i> Munpiette SI Iberville Q Beauce Q Nicolet Q Terrebone Q Quebec City, E..Q Two Slountains. .Q Iberville Q Beau(!e Q St. Slaurice . . . . Q Lotbiniire Q Charlevoix Q Rimouski Q Bagot q Ottawa Q Megantic Q Terrebonne Q Nicolet (J Champlain.. ..Q Beauharnois . . . .Q Charlotte . . . . N B L'Assomption . . Q Nicolet Q Lotbinifere Q Lotbinifere Q Soulanges Q King's P E I Champlain Q Champlain Q Bagot Q Slontcalm Q Verchferes Q Beauce Q Terrebonne . . . . Q Carleton N B St. Hyacinthe . . Q Joliette Q Kent N B Elgin, KR O Beauharnois. . . . Q Prince P E I Champlain Q Slontinorency . . . Q Champlain Q Portneuf Q ChiUeauguay . . . . Q Charlevoix. Q MaskinongiS . . . Q St. .John's Q Arthah.aska . . . . Q Shcffoi-d Q Rimouski Q Bellechasse Q Bellechasse t^) Richelieu Q Beauce Q r,aval Q Provencher .... SI Nicolet q Norfolk, SR.... O Gaspe Q Beauce Q Berthier Q Vamaska Q Soulanges () Middlesex, N R..O Shelburne . . . .N S East Tenqilftdn .535-18 St. Anselnie tiT.') 00 Strathclair I'arnham; .545-1, 63-.'-l I >' Israeli UT.'i St.Kulatie .vsdu Pideinont .5.-i.i-ii I'ia Quebec t,nie 535-18 Stanbridge Station ,535-1, 545 D'Israeli 67.'i Yamachiche .'i;i,V21 St. Frederic ti"5 Slurray Bav 3-293 599-2 ■>35-l Thurso .535-l,S, 3-27 Somerset .5S0-1-? 584 Batiscan 53.'r21 Batiscan 5M5-21 Vallvfl'ld531,i),'5Ul 695,"535-89 3-29-4-9 or L'Epi- phanie 5.'i5'21 Aston Sta. .58(1-14 Craigs R. S. 5Sri-12 CraigsR.Sta..5S0'12 St. Polvcarpe b'i\ 665-.S (R R name Baldwins) 619 619 Acton Vale 580S, 535-4 Joliette 535-17 Vercheres583,3-20-.i St. Francois Xorii Eiist 675-1 .535-18-22--23-24 Peel ,535-86 StIIvacinthe."i3fil, 580-8, 565 706 Joliette 535-17 Buctouche 5ls 625-4-5-8, 580-80-81- 82, .535-35 .580-15, 329-3 Sliscnuche tl55-l 619 Ste. Anne de Beaupre 670 535-19, 619 Grondints .535-21 Ste. Mar'ne.5Sii-7-l,i St. Paul's Hay :!-2!)-S Louiseville ;i35'21 Stottville 58(i-!;! Riviere Noir5Siilt St. Ep'remd'liiton .580-8 Ric .599-2 .509-3 599-3 via Sorel Que Tring Sta. 675 535-21 via Winnivicg .Man Aston Sta. 5Sn-U 580-86 (iasjie B'sin:!lii. o.iii St. Francois Nord East 075 ■! St. Felix de Vulois ,535-17 Nicolet ,565, 3-2!)'7 ,580 -f) Park Hill, 5Si)-.-.l Lockeport 370:! PO ■Sartcvillf S;icri C(b'ur de SI. Saflcwa Sivldle Lake Siihanatien S,^il()r's Hope S.aiiit Charles S.iiiit Gilbert — Suiiittield •_. Saint-Jean-Bapt'e S.aiiit-.loseph . . . ,> Kin Ker Por Out Kei Glo Kill Kei Glo Bet Mi( We All Cu Ya Ca: No Ki VV< Br Cli Vo Sa Gl Sii Qi Vi Pi St Cf H Salmon River . . Salmon River.. Saltcoatn Salterville .... Saltoun SaltfoKl .•^arepta . . . . -Sargent . . . . DA. POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 215 KAILHOAD (IS «HIcb| LOCATKU, OH ymuf KNT R. R. STUKiN I 8KKKKY,IMMt!-J.lrJ Kast Teiii|il(.(,,i .Q|St. AtiseliMc U7, .Qron ■ SI Sti'ftthclaii' . Q I'anihani'iH.'ii.s.- I r.45-1, (i:!'J-l Q l>'l.srapli (i::, Q St.Kulafie ,'s(ii4 .(} I'ideinoiit .'i:i.'i-.!:i ..(} rin C^uebf (• (Jiie .<;").'« -18 . Q Staiibridne Station 535-1, 545 Q D' Israeli (iV,') i) Vamachicht' r,;{.V2i| Ci St. KrcdiTic t;"5 " ■ (i Murray Hav 3''9s| (,> 535-1 Q Thurso 535-18,327 . .(( Somerset 5SII-1-' . V 584 . (J Hatiscan 5:iri-2i .QIBatiscau 53,'i-2i ..Q|Vanvfi'l(l531,5,>;(i-l < «'695, 535-89 3^9-4-!) or I/Epi phaiiie 535-21 AHtoii Sta. 5811-14 Craig-s R. S. 580-12 Craig.s R.Sta.5s(i-12 St. Polyoarpe fiai (it)5-3 {R R name naldwins) 619 619 Acton Vale 580-S, .535-4 Joliette ,535-17 Vert'heres583,.-t2n-i St. Francois Xdtd K;(st, 075-1 Q|535-18-22-23-24 • Q • Q • Q e1 • Q •Q • Q ■ Q ■Q VB -Q . Q r B .0 Q KI at)i-fvois ■Sncki'ille Sacn CiL'ur de M. SaddWtt S.-vldlc Lake .... .Sahaiiatien Siilnr's Mope .... Saint (,'harles. . . . Saint fiilliert .... .Saintfield .Saint-Jean-Bapt'e .Saint-.Ioseph . . Saint Patrick's Rd .Saint Pierre . . . Saint-Simon . . Saims Anjires . . Saintstiury .... Salem Salem Salem Salem .Salfin Road . . . Salford .Salitia 'Saliiiburi/ .... Salisbury Salkeld Salmori Arm . . Salmon Bay Salmon Beach Salmon Creek . Salmondale. ... Salmonhurst . . Salmoji Point. . s.almon River. . Salmon River. . .""almon River. . Salmon River. . Salmon River. . Sattcoatg Salterville .... Saltoun Saltfom Salt Spri H'/ fd'ml Salt Springs . . . Salt Spriii(fS . . , Salt Sprinifs . . , Salt Springs Sta . Sambro Sanborn Saiicte Andrea. . . Sand Bay .Sand Beach Saiidford Saiidford Sandhill S,iiidHill Saiirthurst Sand Lake Sandon Saiidown Sand Point Sai.d Point KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. Iberville Q RAILKOAD ON WHICH I' LOCATKI), 0R:wn Scotsview . Scotsville . . Scott's Bay Scott's B.a\- Ro,Td. Scottsmore .Scottsville. Scribner . . Chemaiiuis 574 Smithtown 543-2 West R. Sta. .599-13 Antigonishe 599-7 599-1 via Halifax, N S Coleraine Sta. 675 Wapella 535-52 Lansdowne 580-9 via Yarmouth, NS Uxbridge .580-36 via Yiirmouth, NS Malton, .5,80-51 Birchton ,535-7 Earn'town S. 580-9[! Emsdale 580-67 > jSca Cow Pond 1 Sea Dog Cove. Maxville 531 '■'"Seafnrth 535-12 ];Scaforth Port Slulgrave .599- Scagravo 7-14, 36> via St. John, N B Moose Creek 531 River Hebert 00(i Scugog Sea Cow Head RAILROAP ON WHICH LOCATKD, OR NEAR- KST R. R. ST\TmN SF,KKKV,1'I'.162-104 ria Quebec Bersimis 345 Bordeaux .535-18 Q;.i35-4 ' .535-70 Nequac 373 020 599 -2 Westmoreland. N BlDor'estcr C. .599-11 Marquette M York, E R O York, E R O Cai)e Breton ..N S York, N R O Algoma O Perth, S R O Halton O Lanark, S R . . . . O Queen's P E I Cape Breton . . N S York N B .. O NB Lanark, S R . Charlotte . . . Westmoreland. N B Queen's N B Hants N S Muskoka &P.S'd.O Beauce Q Oxford, S R . . . . O Pictou N S Pictou N S Conipton Q|,535-7 Lisgar JI Stonewall .535-60 Min'dosa 622, 0-22-1 Scarboro'J. 580-9-36 .580-9-36 via Sydiiev, N S Aurora 580-67 .535-13 St. Mary's ,580-49-51 Mansewoottawa Q Gloucester. . . .N B Carleton () N.Westminst'r BC IM,f I God'ich .580 .V lioissevnin Mirh' .512, 675,58()-S,. ■,:!■,■; Antigoiiishe riiiti-r Springfield im ,h, Cre!> i Blackville 5:c.; via Halifax, N s via Halifax. .\ s Park Hill ,5tiiii-l Gowanstowii.'-ii-; 540 Shippigan ;'i 1' Port Perry .'.mi :;s via Victoria Burton 31Mi 6-J2 301 or Cant-rtin Sta. 535-9(1 Soinenos 574 Hebron 712 Oak Point 31X Port HanuuinMl .535-70, 4,50:i via Owen .Souml ' Lachute 535-1 » Uundalk ,535-4.i Beresford 63i' ■■^ 699-1 River Hebert i inl 599-14 535-70 535-70 North Saarnish 4,'.i .535 -.52 680-9 P. Hood 359".:, Hill via Quebec. Que Chambers 68(»'t Uxbridge 680: Thui-so .535-18, :«7 Beamsville .58iis'. Jfimiion .535-7()-7:i, 4,50-3 Delhi .580-82 Kinmouth 580:;ii 664 La Riviere 53." -.'.T 700 (R R nanif >t. Jacques) Nakusp, 445-1 via Meldruni li.'.i i> .580-80-82-86 Reston. ,535-(;.' Albert 693 York 580-70 Stirling 580-27 Dnntroon .58ii-i;4 516(RRn'cCios!,v) ,535-52 Titrran'ville ,5:;.', lU VVestR. Sta, ,59!ti:i Wallace ,599-15 Caledonia 58O-7n-70 Kazubazua 650 Pockmouohe 54ii .535-12 450-5 or I) Nanaima POST OhKlCBa. I skinner's Pond . Skipnt'ss I skir Dhu Skve I sk'v (lien Sk'v Mountain . . shitiKgton Sleswii'k sliiW'-t : I sluici- Point, . . . Sriiithdale Kl DI Smithtleld smithtield Smith's Niiilh's Corner . . smith's Cove Smith's Creek . . . ■Smith' » Falls .. Smith's Mills . . . , Smith Town . . Smilhville Snake River . . . Siiiilcr's Corners Snider Mountain Snow Flake Snow Road Sta. . Snyder Prince Bruce Victor Glengi Invert Inveri Richii Cardv Vance Yami Simcc NortV Guvsl West) Kei t Di(.'b; King' Leedi Stans King W'enI Rent Haiti King Selki Addi Well Sober Island . . SnJa Creek. . . . Soldier's Cove . Soliiia So'iinesville . . . Sohiirth Solway Sumbra Soiuenos •Sowo-xef . . . Somerset Somerset Somerville . . . Sonera Sonya Sooke Soperton . . . : 'Sorel Sorrel Ridge . Siitirin Soiirisfoitl . . Soun's, Kant Souris, West Hali Cari Ricli Durl Prin Mar Brui Botl Van Mei! Kin SeU Car Gui Out Var Le« Ric Clii Scl Sel Kii Kit South Lu Southampton Yo Cu Br Co St. Pr \i St Snuthanipton. . . . •Southampton . . South Bar of Sid. R South Barnston . . South Bay South Bav South Bay South Bay mouth. Al South Bea(-h .M South Bolton Bi South Branch . . C( South Branch (K) .South Branch .... SBr.St.NicholasR South Hrook .... South Casselnian. South Cayuga . . South Clones Southcote South Cove South Dudswell . . •Suuth Durham.. South EdmonVn South E Passage . 8outh Ely K o K C U y Q n V V [I8()ijll896] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 217 nil tti. '■>H lllif I |RAlLROADl,Nwi||,i,| LCX.'ATKI), ,,|i^^„ KBT R. R. sTATlov HEKKKV.ET.ltli.lq^ Ocxl'ich 580 ,■,.;, 4j., HoittHevAiii 'xy'r' 512. 675,S8(1',>, .■,;■).■; Antitfoiiinhf ".im'-' Spiinjffltlrl Credit 5; via Halifax. \ s Park Hill 580m Oowanstowii.'.xivtl 540 ShipjHg'an .'ili - Porf Perry rpM:;s Clria Victoi-iu B Burton yw) " 6-i2 *)1 or Cant'riiii Sta. 535 '0(1 Somenos 574 Hebron 712 Oak Point ax' Port HanitiKihil 535-70, 450:i na Owen Soimil i» Lac'hnte535'l>' Uun(lalk5354.i Beresford 53r. "^ 599'1 Kiver Heberf i '»(> 599-14 535-70 535-70 O Nortli Saariiish 4;^? 535-52 580-9 P. Hood 359"i, :ii:+ via C^nebec, i^iic Chambers 580 'i Uxbridj^re 580-i(: Kejfina 535-5-_'iij Bin8('arth622,>l:?L'2 Thni-so 535-18, WT Beanisville 58(is! 535-7ii::i, I i» ulMinniim 450-3 ) Dellii .580-82 ) Kinniouth 580:;ii ) 6«4 I La Riviere !>:i''\i' 1 poo (U K namt- >t Jacques) Nakusji, 445-1 i"rt Meldruni ); 580-80.82-8(1 Heston, ,535-(i,"> All)ert 093 York 580-79 Stirlinuntroon 580-04 .IIOCRR n'e Cro^bv) 535-52 Tiirraii'mlle ,5;;:. 01 VVestR. Sta. 59<1I3 Wallace .599-15 Caledonia 580-7ii-7;> Kazubazua 050 Pockmouche 540 j.35-12 k50-5 or V Nanaiiiio POST Skiniifr's Pond Skipness Skir Dhu via Charlottetown Levis 675, ,599-:i-4, .580-12 N. Range "^or. 71-2 Mount Uniackc 714 Reiious Bri. 59!t-.8 ,580-67 535-4 Antigonishe,.59iV7 Riv. Dennis 599-14 Iona.599-14,364,372 lona 599-14, .364, 372 Notre Dame 518 Orangedale 599-14 .535-7 Andover 535-80 Brookfield .599-1 Thompson's Mills .599-1 Wevniouth Bri. 712 Wallace 599-15 Margaree H. 359-2 P. Hood 3.59-2, 3ti4 Miscouche 665-1 Gaspe B. 340, 350 Liverpof , '-3 P. Hood I 804 via Charlott >m 025-8 625-5 Woodstock 535 -35- 38, .580-80-82 Dayton 535-25 via Toronto, Ont via Yale, B C 4-22-2, 4-28-3, 430-1, 535-25 .5.-<5-25 Kilworthy 580-07 Tnion 58(1-81 Middleton 040. 714 via Guelph, Ont Woodst'k 535-86-90 Welsford 535-88 Miignetawan 420-4 C. Toi-nientine 638- via Quebec, (^ue Parrsboro' 549 .5'J5"20 V 535-70 218 POST OFFICES AND UAILllOAI) STATIONS IN CANADA. [iMl'iB \^^^'>] !•( POST orricEH. S|)ey»ide S|iifes sjirinir Arl)oiir siiriiit; Bank . . .Sj>riii)fbaiik. . . . Sprhi'i Uroiik . . Spriiiifbrook . . sjiritiifficld . , . . 'Sprimjlii'ld ■ ■ SpiniijlieM . . . . SprliiK'fteld f^priiigfii'M Si)riii)^flel(l Spr'i/fd-oit Credit Siiniifi/drd Spriiijfhaveti Spriii),' Hill S])riii;f Hill .Sj)riiis:Hill.Iunct, Siirini^' Hill 'S]>ilnij Hill ... S|irin(f Road .... si>rinj(to\vii S|)riii(;vale KLKCrORAti DIHTKICTH. Haltoii () WelliiiK'ton C K. O Norfolk S H O Altr. Middlesex.N R..(» HaHtiiiK's, N K ..() Dorche.stcr LisK'iir . . . Kltfin E U <> Klii)j'» N B If York ... Annapolis Queen's N B Durham, W R . . () MuskokaiV P.S'd.O Huntinsrdoii . . . . Q MuskokaK P.S'd.O Siincoe, N R. . . . O Arifenteuil Q Kintf's N S Cajje Hretoii . . N S Hastings, N R . . O Guvsboro'. . . . N S K.\ILaOAD ON WIIICIIII M)CATRI>, OR .NKAK- 1 K.8T H. R. HTATIIIX. SKK KRV,li'.102-l(tt rOHT OKKUKS. Acton r)8(l-61 f):ir.-;«i 1'. Rowan 580 '80 ('araryr>;','i.",-(i;i-04 Strathrov fiS0'8fi .'■.44 Ste. Henedine (I",') I'/rt Winnipeg, Man Norton Sta. 543'1, M. Kezwick 53r>'83 (I4(i Brcadalbane m(>-\ 58()-78 via Yanuouth Osgoode S. 5;).')'20 fi3f)-7 .'i4!>, ri(t«-l 31)1 via Fredericton .54!) I ria Lennoxville, Q Arnprior ttSR-Vi Hagersville .180-70,' via Brockville Ont Frazerville .Ibil'SS Hopewell Si»9-13 I Emsdale 680-67 .'i3,'>-63 ' mb 01)5 Lion's Head 42« W. Riv. Sheet Har. 371 Binscarth 0-22, 62-2-2 ria Vancouver, BC via (iuehec, Que • P- lin ,5S0-.')2 ' Cohden 63.5-12 Karreltoii 6.')() Wallace hm-U m>, 625-6, 580-77 Bedford 535-1 • .535-1, ,545 ; Earnham535-l-3-7,' 545-1, 632 -1 St. Ansehne 675 ' 580-12 580-8 (R R name Norton Mills) Little York 6653 Amherst 509-1 Cross Creek 532 Breadalbane 665-1 No >ar 580-67 420-3 Ut'son 580-67 Malton .580-51 Bridgcwater 374 Perth 535-34 512-1 51-2, 512-1 AUiston .5,S0-64 Hoards Sta. .580"27 Bells Cor's. .5;J5-12 Belmont .599-1 625-3 ,535 -.50 Vaiikleek H. ,531 1 Cody's ,543-1 Weslevville 5'<0-9 Kinsdale 580-67 Htmtingdon 580-7 Emsdale 580-67 .580 -68 St. Philliiipi d'Ar- genteuil ,535-18 ,547 I St. Ola 544 Port Mulgrave 599. 7-14, 364 I Stcevescote Steeve's Mountain Steeve's Settlem', Steinbach Stella 'Slellarton Stephciitleld . . . . "^Steveii Street . . 'Steeenfville .... Steveston Stewart Stewart Bay . . . . Stewartdale .... Stewarton Stewarton Stewartville .... Stewiacke Cross R Stiles Village .... Stillman Still Water 'Stirlinr/ jStirlinj;- I Stirling Kails ,^ .. \Stirtnn :.. Stittsville ! Stockdalc I Stockton Station. i Stock well IStoco IStoddarts KI.HCTORAL DI8TRICTH. Stoke Centre . . . Stokes Bav Stonefield" ' Stoneham Stoiiehaven Stone Hotise . . . Stone Ridge . . . Stoneieigh Stone Quarry . . . l' Stonewall Stony Beach . . . i St oil// Creek . . . [Stony Creek . . . Ston.V Island . . . ■Stony Lake Stonv Mountain Stony Plain Stony Point . . . Stomiont Stornoway Stottville' 'SUmffviUe Strahane 'Strnclian Ave . Sti-ader's Hill.. . Straffordville . . . Strange . . . Strangfield . Strangnuiir. Sti-asburg . Strassbuig . * Stratford . Ktrathabo . Strathadam Strathiillan . Strathavon . Strathbuni . Albert N B Westmoreland. N B Westmoreland. N B Provencher .... M Lennox O Pictou N S Selkirk M Hamilton () Wellanil o N.Westminster. BC Kent O Mu.skoka& P.S'd.O Inverness .... N S King's N B Carleton O Rrnfrciv, S R O Colchester.... N H Westmoreland. N B Pictou N S Guvshoro', . . . .N S Hastings, N R . . O Ri(-hmond.... NS Muskoka&P..S'd.O Wellington, C R.O Carleton O .Northumb', E R.O Selkirk M (Jhateauguay. . . .Q Hastings, E R. . O Annapolis . . . . N S Richmond Q Bruce, N R . . . . O Argenteuil Q Quebec Q Gloucester . . . N IJ Cmnberland . . N S York N B Ontario, N R O Welland O Lisgar M Wentwort'h'.'sR.O Albert N B Shelburne.... NS Peterhoro", E R. O Lisgar M Alta Essex. N R O Gu.vsboro' . . . . N S Compton v^> St. John's Q Ontario, W' R . . O Wentworth, N R.O Toronto O Dundas O Elgin, E R O York, N R O Essex, N R O Alta Waterloo, S R. . O Assa Perth. N R O Northuinberl'd N B Northumberl'dNB Oxfoi-d, N R....O Grcv, N R O Middlesex, W R..0 RAILROAD IIS Wlllcgl li<)(-ATKIl, liUMirju.f KST R. II. .HTATlMjl »KKKKV,i';;J Sti-.athcannl Sti-.ath(-lair .... Sti-athclair Sta. Strathewcn. . . . Strathlorn . . . . Stiathmoi-e .... Strathniore . . . Strathnairn . . . ''Striithrifii .... Strath tay Aasa .Maniuette M Marquette M Ijisgar M Inverness . . . . N S •Stormont O Jac(|ues Cartier. Q Cirev, E R O Middlesex, W R O Renfrew, S 11. ..O 693(RRn',Sali.|„| Houndary I'. .',(«) 1; 572 ( itterburnc .'i:!.v,-|,i Bath 309, ;',-.;4 .509 -913 Carman .5.-1;'. ni via Hamiltcjii, iim: 6-25-2. .580-.V2 4.50-4, or rin Nh Westmiiist.r.iii 'fith /»/ 535-42, (y.v; South Riv. .•,,siir Orangedalc .',otii) Brownsville n4;il via Ottawa, ont Arnprior 5:ini-j Brookfield 5ii!ii Monctoii 51, s, ',11. 1-212 W. Riv. Sta. .^iiOli .\iitigonishe TiiW-; .580-27 St. Peters 364, Xu Burk'sFfdls,5,H()i- Drayton 5SO-,54 .525-12 Frankfort .544 535-59 Hemmingford .509-1 646 (R R name Dalhousie) via Sherbrooke, i; Lion's Head i2i\ 327 or Cushim; H via Quebec, Que 540 Pugwash 599-1.5 Bracebridge,58n'(i; Ridgeway 580-79 535-60 580-83 693 Barrington ,37(i;i via Peterhoro', Out .535-60 580-83 Isaac's Har. 371 Spring Hill .535-7 580-13 .580-36-37 Puslinch ,535-35 via Toronto Out. Di' Tilsonburg 5SO-7v- .82, 625-5 King ,580-67 Comber 625-3-5 Oleiohen 535-,53 Doon 580-47 Regina ,535-,52li--' ,58O-51-.52-.53-70-Ml Doaktown 532 Newcastle 599-2, 353 .580-80 Ch.atsworth. .53;"' J" (ilencoe .535-42, .'i"" Qu'Ai)''lIcSta.53r.-.-.; Str.athclairSta. li-'i 622 Stonewall ,535-6" PortHood 3.59-2. .1114 MonckrdSta.53rr;i: 580-9 ria Me.aford, Out 580-85 Egansville, 535-11 HOUT iiKKIOK.H. Strt'it's Rldgc •ftlifi'txville . ■ ."itrmiiMCSS .... Stroiiuch Mount'n Striiiid Stimitburn .... .Miil'h's Buy . . . >;iiir','i-on Stur_'ton Bay. . •StiirijeDii h'liUx Stiir^'eon Point t ■Siiilhuru SuHii-ld Siiffiilk Station Siipir loaf .... Siiinnx Suimiicrben-y . . . Suinmerfleld . . .S\itnmei-hill .Slimmer Hill .... iSuinmerlea Smiiiiiirnide .... Siiiiunerside .... 8nnmiersto,vn .. Siiiii'ei-stowi' Sta. .Siiiimierville .... Suuruerville .... Sninmerville .... .smnmerville Cen. Sumner Sniibury 'Sunderland .... •Sundridge Sundridge Suimidafe S-nnidaleCorn'rs .Sunnybrae . . . Sunnymead . . 8iimiyaide .... .Suimyside .... Sunshine Surette Island Surrey Surrey Centre Sussex Corner .Sussex Portage. . Sussex Vale . . . Sutherland's Cor Siitherland'sRiv'r Suthwyn Sutton Sutton Junction Sutton West. . . Swan Creek . . . Swan Lake Swaiisburg Swansea Sweaburg Sw;enyville . . . Sweeist)ur(j .... Sweet's Cornei-s. . Sweet's Corners . . •SwI.I't Current. . Swindon Swinton Park. . . . Switzerville Sjidenhiiin . .denham Place. Siidnen Sydney Forks Siit'>iei) Mines . . Sydney River. . . . .-^ykestou Sylvan .'^vlvan Valley NADA. N M 1(1. NH id.N 15 .. M ... O .N H .. M , .. (> .. o er.hC . .. (> H'd.o . N S .N B () ....O . NS rl.NB ..NS ,.NS . NS isvi.o R.O . ..(> R.O ..M ...Q .. O NS RAILROAD (IV wi||r„ LOCATKIl, nllSKij KNT H. II. sr-ATi,,, HKKKK,V,l'lMli''.i,, ...q ... o ...Q ... Q N U .NS N B ...O ... o . ..M AsHa R.O .N B , NS R.O . ..M Alta ...O NS l»l»'!)i;t ranimn M',^ nia llaiiiiltiMi, dm «'2f)'2. fi80-N-j iU)•^, or (•/,( \f, \V('9tiiiiiist;r,lli Till) >yMsi\>_^fly^ South Kiv. .-pSiT I >niiiKi'(liili' ■,%\■\^ BrowiiMvillf .-,4;!| t'/rt Ottawa, (int Arii))rior Mu-x-i Brnokflcld .''.(iiii Moiictou ,11 M, .v» 1-2-12 VV. Kiv. Sta. m\] AiitijfoniBlie :m-: St. I'eters :i»i4, iCm Burk'sFf.ll.s.'',,H()i;; Drayton ^HU-b\ .52,')-12 Frankfort Mi Hemminifford ';i 580-0 ri(( Meafoi-d, Out It O 580-85 ..o|E>raii8Ville, 535-11 - y .. O rR.o .. o . .. o ...o ...o ...o . Alta .. O Assa ...O INB INB . ..O ...O K..0 Assa ...M ..M ...M N S .. O r.Q iHf)(;] POHT OFFICE.S VXF) IIAILUOAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 219 I'OdT 1KKICK.S. Stri'il'.'* Ridjfe . . •Stifi'lKville .... .r O Victoria, N R.O Al^oma O Sherbrooke O P K 1 Siinnyside .Suimyside Sunahine Siirette Island . . .*-^urrey .-Surrey Centre . . .Sussex Corner . . Sussex PortaiJfe. . Sussex Vale . . . . Sutherland's Cor. Sutherland'sRiv'r Surhwyn Sutton Sutton Junction. Sutton West. . . . Swan Creek . . . . Swan Lake Swaiisburg Swansea Sweaburff Sw^?enyv•ille Swt^etsbtirij . . . . Sweet's Corners . . Sweet's Corners . . 'Swift Cunriit . . Swindon Swintoii Park. . . . Switzerville Sfidenlw in Oneen's Victoria N S N.VVestiuinslerBC Assa Carleton N B Huron, S R . . . O (Queen's N B .lacques Cartier. (, Prince P K .\nti){onish . . . .N S Olcnifarry o Olenjfarrv O Peel O Kind's P K I Hants N S t^ueen's N S Assa Frontenac O Ontario, N R....O MuskokuiS:P..Sd. O Pictou N S Simcoe, N R....O Simcoe, N R....O Pictou N S Assa . .denham Place, ■^lldney. Sydney Forks. . S'ldneii Mines Sydney River. . .Sykeston Sylvan Sylvan Valley. . Kintf's N S Restigouche . . N B Huron, E R ... O Yarmouth . . . . N S Albert NB N. Westminster BC Kinjf's N B KiiiK-'s N B Kinjf's N B Middlesex, WR..0 Pictou N S IJsgar M Brome q Brome i} Vork, N R O Sunbury N B Selkirk SI Shelburne ....N S Vork, W R O Oxford, S R.... O Kent N B Missisiiuoi (^ Leeds, S R O Hants N S Assa Muskoka&P.Sd. O Orey, E R O Lennox O AddiiiKton O Druniiuond . . . . Q Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton.. N S Cape Breton . . N S Cape Breton . , N S Lanibton,W R.O Middlesex, N R..O Alffonia O (Jreenv'leSta. 500-1 .535-3.5 ,580-70 Middlcton 040, 714 CraiKvale .580-(17 I'ia Eniti'son, Man llackcy'sSla. 535-12 (ieoi-Kctown (105-3 ' -.80-32 : .535-13 112 or Lindsav 580- 30-32-35 535-13-25 ! Rock Forest 535-7 (MI5-3 Neils Harbour 372 450-3ori'iaNicomin .535-70 535-52 R;v.deChute,535-80 Clinton .58O-.50-.52 Welsford 535-88 Dorval .580-9 6(15-1. 346, 3,56-2 Heatherton 599-7 320-3, .580-9 .580-0 Dixie 535-35 via Charlottetown Newport Sta. 714 Liverpool 376-3 Whitew'dSta535-52 via Kingston Ont. .580-((; 580-67 via Pictou N S Stavner .580-68 Stayner 580-68 Hoviewell .599-13 Whitewood Station 535-.52 Port William 714 Riverlvouison 599-2 Belf^rave 580-50 via Yarmouth N S HilUboroujrh 693 waN. Westin'terBC Sussex Vale 5i)9-12i Anoyance .599-12 ,599-12 Bothwell 535-42, 580-83 W.Merigo'ishe,590'7! ria Winnipeg 535-3 535-3-4 .580-37 Burton 390 (144-1 Lockport 376-3 i .580-87 Wooflstock 535-35-1 38, 580-80-83 Canaan Sta. .590-2 535-3 '. Lyndhurst 516 i Ellershouse 714 .535-.52-.53 ' Novar 580-67 Dundalk 535-40 , Naj)an'e50H-2,.580-9, llarrowsinith (ill, i .509-1 Uichniond Sta..580-i 8-12 I ,500-14,337,338,304,1 370, 372 ! via Sydney N S i viii N. Sydney N Si via Sydney N S ! Petria580"-84, 625-7 Thcdford 580-51 Echo Bay, 535-25 ! .Synton . Syphcrs' Cove Taiiuiintac . . . . Tacbo Station Tadousac Taillon Tain Talbotville Roy *'l'iiniivo)ili. . . . Tancook Island Tancred al Tangier Tansley Tapleytown Tapley's Mills. Tapper! Siding . . Tara Tarantum Tarbert Tarbot Tarbotvale *Tatamagoiicho . Tataniagouche Mt Tateliurst Tatlock Taunton 'Tavistneh Taylor Taylor Village .. Tay Mills Tay Settlement . . Tayside .Tecumseh ..... *Teeswater Teeterville Tehkumniah . . . . Telfer iTelford KLKCTORAI, DIHTRII-TH. .Mbcrt N B Temperance \'ale TeinperaiK-eville . Temple Tempo ! Tenby i Tenby Bay Tenccape Ten Mile Creek . . Ten Mile House . Tennant's Cove . . Tennyson Terenie Bay .... Terminus Terra (!otta Terra Nova Terra Nova * Terrebonne, .... Tessierville Teston Ti-teaG.a'heR(ns) Tr'teaOa'heR(ss) Tet lock Tctu Teviotdale . . Tewkesbury Texiis Hiver Tliaines/ord 'Thamesville Thanet The Barony . . The Blutfs.. . The Brook .. *Tliedtord .. The Falls The Flats.... RAILROAD OS WHICH l.o(-ATKD, OR NKAR- Ksr R. H. STATION, HKK KKY,I'I'. 162-1(14 Oneen's N B Northuiubei-rd N B Algoma o Saguenay i) Chicoiitiini .... (J Norfolk, S R....O Elgin, W K o Addiiigton O I.iiiienlmrg. . . .N S Lambton, K R.O Halifax N S Halton O Went worth, S R.O iCarleton N B Yale BC Bruce, N R... O (Queen's PEI Wellington, N R.O Victoria N S Victoria N S Colchester . . . . N S Colchester. . . N S Chateaugiiay . . . i.) Lanark, N R....O Ontario, S R....O Oxford, N R.... O Leeds O Westmoreland N B Vork N B York N B Stormont O Essex, N K O Bruce, E R O Norfolk, N R....O Algoma O Middlesex, E R,,0 Pictou NS York N R Vork, N R O York N B Middlesex, S R..0 .Marquette M Algoma O Hants N S St. John N B (Queen's . . . . P E I King's N B Lanark, S R . . . O Halifax NS Bothwell O Peel O Simcoe, S R....O N. Westminster BC Terrebonne . . . . (^ Uimouski Q York, W R O Gloucester . . . .X B Gloucester. . . .N B .Assa Ti^miscouata . . . . i) Wellington, N R.O (Quebec (^ York N B Oxfoi-d, N R....() Bothwell O Hastings, N R..O York N n King's N B Russell O Lambton, E R..O 'Colchester.. ..N S Ii- stings, N R. .() i:03 (R. R. name Covenlale) Douglas }|arb'r31)0 Neguac 5.5,1 ,53551 3-20-8 St Williams ,58086 ri'rt St. Thomas Ont. .50! 1-1 .Mahoiirltav(146,373 Bothwell .535-42, .5S(i-m;) West River Sheet Harbour .'171 580-65 (R. R. name St. Anns) Ston\ Creek .580-83 W'dstock 535-86-90 .535-70 .580-.55 ria Charlottetown GraHdVallev 535-41 lona .5O0-14,,-i64,372 N. Svdnev 509-14 I.509-15 Tataniag'clie,599-15 Ormslown, 580-7 Almonte 535-12 Oshawa 580-9 ,580-70-80 (Janano(|ue 702 RocklandSta. .5991 Cross Creek 532 (.'ross Creek 532 Moose Creek 531 580-83 .535-41 Windh'mCen. 025-5 via Manitowan'g O Ettrick 580-50 West Merigonishe, .590-7 Millville .535-83 King .580-67 301 via Woodstock 535-86-90 .St.Tho'sW. ,580-Sl- 82,,535-35,625-.5•8 Gladstone 022 Bnice Mines 535-25 4-28-3, 430-1, 4-2-2-2 Newiiort Sta. 714 St. .Martins .543-2 Bedford 665-3 Norton Sta. 543-1 .5»<)-12 Perth ,535.34 ria Halifax Bridgen 625-8 .580-65 Lise .580-64 y/oN.West'ins'rBC 535-21 L'tleMetisSta..500-2 .Maple .5Sli-(i7 Hatirst\illa,ge.590-2 l!atirst\ill.-ige.590-2 Vork ton 022 7oo(li.|{. name Fort Ingalls) Alnia 580-54 ria •(•ueliec Que. Boitfstown .532 Ing's'l 535-35,580-83 5.S(I-,S3 535-42 Ornisbv 544 Millville .535-83 Rothesay .509-12 South Indian 531 580-51 Tatainag'che599-15 Madoc 580-33 i ! 1 ' 11 V ■ i 220 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [iMtti ;^fi I'OHT OKKK'Klt, The Oore The Orange The Grant . . The Oiove The Huw k The Lake The Lcxltce The LoiiK Stretch The Mattawos .. TheiKlDre The Pines The Points, \V. Hay The Han^e The Kidtfe Tlie Slash Themalon Thetford Mines.. The Wautf li The Willows Thin);valla . Thistietown Thomanburg . . Thoinond Thompson . . . . Thonipsonville Thoniiwon's St4i'n Thomson's Land'K Thurburn Thoresby Thornbrook .... Thornhy ThonnlaU *Th(irnliiiry .... Thorn Centre .... Thorncliffe Thornetown .... ^Thonihill Thornhill Thornton Thornville Thornvhurst .... ^Thorold Thori>e Three Brooks Three Brooks .... Three Forks Three Lakes .... " Three Jtivers . . Three Tree Creek Throoptown .... Thunder Hill .... Thunder Kiver . . •Thurun Tichborne Tldninh Tidnish Brid^'e . . ''Tignimh Tikonab6 *Tilhurv Centre. . Tilley .' Tilley Tilley Road ^Titsonbiirg .... TindastoU Tinehead Tintern Tioffa Tiree Titus Station .... TitL'sville "Tiverton Tiverton Toberniorj; Tobi(iue River . . Toddburn Todmorden KLKCTORAL DIHTHIC'TH. Middlesex, EU.o Card well O Kind's N li Middlesex, ER.O Shellmrne .. ..N S Russell o Liiiu'iiliurK. . . .NS Inverness . . . .N S Kssex, S R () Assiniboia Lennox (> Riihinond . . . . N S Oueen's N B Hastintrs, N R..O Aljfoma (» Alt(onia () Mejtantic U Gloucester. . . .N B Northuinberl'dNB RAILROAD 0!« WHICH WH'ATKD, OR NRAR- KHT R. R. STATION 8KRKRY,I'P.UI2-UI4 I'OHT UKFICRH. Assa York, WR O Hastin)(s, E R. . O Kinif's N B Algoma O «lmcoe, S R....() Cumberland . . N S Yale BC Pictou N S Selkirk J! Kinjf's N B Pontiac Q Middlesex, ER.O Grey, E R O Poiitiac y Kent O Queen's N B York, E R (J Selkirk M Sinicoe, S R O A!inat)olis . . . .N S Bothwell O Welland <) Leiuiox •) Victoria N B Pictou N S Yale BC Beauce Q Three Rivers. . . .Q Sunburv N B Orenvil'le, S R.. () Yale BC Saxuenaj' .... • t)ttawa q Aildiuffton O Cumberland . . N S Westmoreland N B Priiice P E I Chieoutimi y Kent () Victoria N B Lee Pockmouche .■540 j 353 (Oak Point \A. or Chatham 532 I/anjfenburjf (122 Weston .')35-40, 580 -.51 Tweed .535-34, 509-1 BelleisleCre'k 643-1 .53i)-25(R. R. name Dean Lake) 58()-()4 I 51tU-l I Revelstoke 635-70 i N.Glas),'0W.M)!l'7-13' StocktonSta.535-59| Butternut R'jfe 5721 Shawville 6«3 \ 580-49 I 580-68 I Shawville eCJl Kent Bridge 535-42 Codvs 543-1 Concord .580-67 ! 535-57 •wo-os I Annapolis 712, 714 Sonibra 573 ; 6!K), 580-88 ! Camden East 509-2: Torrn ncev'le 535-91 rin Pictou N S I Afjnes 535-2 \ .535-19-21, 3-29-6-7 ' 535-82 I vin Prescott Ont j •U5 ' .535-18, 3-27, 3-28 i «ll(R.K.N.Pivrh'm)i Amherst ,59i)-l , Bale Verte 63 i i (Mt5-1 Roberval 674 7'////;-.i/535-42,625-5 Andover 635-86 j Lansdowne ,580-9 Pockmouch 540 | 025-5, .580-78-82 Innisfail .535-63 ! ria N. Westminster! Beamsville 580-83 ; .5S0-64 t Grenfell 535-,52 i J80-8 1 Smithtown 543-2 ' l)iKl)v712,302,393-2 Kinc'rd'e580-48,4.32; 4-26 Wiarton 580-55 Andover 585-86 Sol8L'irth622 via Toronto Ont '"Toledo ToUttt Toney Mills.. Toney Hiver Tooleton . . . . Toppin)f Torbuy Torbrook Torbrook Mines Torbrook West. Tormore ' Toronto 'llnthiirKf St * nteecker atref.t 'liluor Street.. Urintilview aoe. "Ilroekton Clinton Street.. ^DundaH Street Klin Streit North Toronto. "Parliament St "Peter Street.. "Queen St. Jiant Hin rfide "Hnsholnie lid. "Spadina Ave. i "strachan A ve SI. Joseph SI . , 'Vorlc Street.. "Toronto June. . . Torrance Tory Hill Totonka "Tottenham .... Touchwo(Hl Hills Tower Hill iTown Plot TowMseud Centre Toys Hill Tracadie Traeadir. Tracadie Cross . . Tracey's .Mills Tracey Station . . Tracyville Trafalffar Trafaljfar Trafford Trahan's Mills . . Trail Creek Tralee Tramore Traveller's Rest. . Travcrston Treadwell KLRCTORAL DISTHIITM. Trecastle . . TrcL'sbank Tregarva . . Trelierne . Tremblay Tremont . . Trcnholm Trent Briil(j[e. . . \* Trenton "Trenton iTrevelyan Trilby". Triiiif Station. . . iTrimty "Troix I'ixtolen. Trois Saumons . Trottier Trout Brook . . . Trout Brook . . . Trout Brook . . . Trout Creek ... Trout Lake I Trout Lake Brockville O Compton H Pictou N S Pictou N S KInif's N B Perth, N R t» G\iysborongh .N S Annapolis . . . . N S A::napoliH . ..N S Annajiolis N S York, W R o Toronto O Toronto, West.O Toronto, Centre O Toronto, West..O York, ER York, W. Riding O Toronto, W Toronto, West..O Toronto, Centre.. York, WR Toronto, Centre (t Toronto, West..O Toronto, East.. O Toronto, E Toronto, WeBt..O Toronto, West..O Toronto O Toronto, E Toronto O York, W R (» Simcoe, E R... .O Peterlwro, E R. . . Maniuette M Sinicoe, S R....O Assa Charlotte ..,.N B King's N S Norfolk, .\ R....O Duiidas O Gloucester N B Antigonishe . . N S Oueen's P E J Carleton N B Sunbury N B Sunburv N B Halton." «) Gu.vsboro' ....N S^ Addington O Wolfe li Yale B C Wellington, C R O Renfrew, S U .. O Prince P E I Grey, S R O Prescott O Wellington, C R O Selkirk M Assa' Marijuette M Chieoutimi (^ King's N S Urummond Q RAILROAD OK will, II I LOC'ATKD, Oil NR^ii KHT R. R. sr.ui.,'; SKKKKV.I'I'. lli'Mn .lasiier 535- li; Spring Hill .•.:)•,; Btu'kMeado'~.'..i'.i I'. River .lohn .'■'.I'.ii,-, Norton Stii, ."i4:; 1 .59912 Milverton 5mi ,,;; (ii.ysliorougli :;i;t NictAux Fall>ii4i: Nictaux KalN i*. NicUux KalJH Mtt Kleinburg ait.vtn ,5SO-9-61-07->«T. 535-34-35-4(.. ,;iil 30-2,:«)3, 317 :f»ii, 3-2i>-2 Northumb' E R O Pictou N S Hastings. W K..O Leeds, SR O Queen's P E I Beauce i) Brant, N R O TiSmiscouata. . . . Q L'Islet Q Arthabaska . . . . Q Northuniberl'd N B Arthabaiika . . . . tj Cape Breton.. NS Muskoka & P.Sd. O Muskoka&P.Sd.O Yale BC .535-34-35-40 420-3 or Graviii- hurst 580-t>7 Gooderham, limi Oiik River 58." 580-65 Qu'App'lleS. 5:1.'. 'i Mea>. t ■!le.580-i'7. :;1T Lome .599-13 En'.rprise 50!» I Weedon Sta.67.> 445-2 Newton 580-5;i Eganville .5351 1 665-1 Markdale 535 -411 Papineauvilletjiiie. .');J6-18, 3-2.1-1, :;J7 Moorefleld 58U-.'.4 535-59 Regiiia 535-52-tii .5;j5-59 Chicoutirii 3-J0« Kingstor Sta. 711 Richmond Station 580-8-1 2 Haveloc i 535 iU .509-10-1;; .544, 580-9, 308, .;j4 Mallorytown, 5sir:» I ittlc York 66.V:; '675 Lvnden .580-8:1 .599-2 .599-3 Stanf.ild f.80-12 New'astle .599-2, :l.^.:i Warwick E. .580- 1> viii Sydney, N S 580-67 P. Cockburii 420-3 Revelstoke 535 -7ii Triiii Kiver fpiiit Kiver TrowlTiilge. Tro,\ Tro.c Triieiiiiiiivirie .-. Trur Tryo" Timin Tiuk ^ Laiidiny Tufts^iUe Iii\ Cu f:oi I'ri Sill I Br. Ma Mil An Bo Titlhniiore !l'_t' Xuiiibell . • . • Tui>!'fr Tiijiptrville . TiiiM'ti-ville Turu-iiose >a Tumi '•■'•l Turk.y Hill iHi Tiirncrville I Bo TiinitT jHj ■fiinl.-Ci-eek ... .lAl Turile Lake ....iVi Tiiiilc Mountain. Se TiHi'iO-ora Br Y( Yi rii.-ket Tiisket Wedge Tm'ed Trti-edside ... -Twcedside jY'i Tw ill Elm CI Two Creeks Two Islands Two Rivers Two Rivers. ■Tviidall . . . Tmic Valley ill W M iCi Se Ci Li Pi Tyiieside .. ■Pyntown . . Tyi'ionnell Tyrone .... T\ rrell . . . . I't-lMclet . . . I'rtney . . . . I'llcn-a . . . . I'lliitiitmi. . riTdi-d . . . . tlithoff . . UUswater Uli^erton . . riiifiaville . riiderhill riiilerwood Undine . . . I'liiiin i'nion Union Bay Union Corner Union Centre Union Point... Union Road . . Union Valley . . 'I'nionville I'phnin Upham Station Uphill Uplands Upper UpiierAbougog'in Upper Bay du Vin Upper Bedford . . Upper BigTracadi Upper Branch Upper Brighton Upi>er Burlington DA. [l^!tt;BlSf»tl] POST OFFICES AND RAILIIOAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 221 N S N S N RAILROAD (IH will, II LOCATKO, (IH KKjh KHT R. H. HTAri.iv MKKKKV.l'lMlIJI,,; ila«j)ci- fi.srrh; Sprinjf Hill .VC, ; llu<'kMeu(l(><:,i)!i ]• Kiver .loliii .'.icii-, It Norton JSfii, .-,4;., rm-vi oLMilverton .'iMr;,;; N H »7 r,:if,';u.;j-,.4(. mi 321) "2 \ N « <) e O O .(» ; (» u . .0 .() . Mn'34-35'4(» iiO-.i orGrnviii. llliMt 580-t>7 (Jooderhuiii, limi Oiik Ulver 68,' 580 '05 t^il'App'lIeS. ■.;(-, -I MeadowB 53rr>'i Port VVilliaiiis rii Waterfd flir.,tij-, .-, WiiK^hester nX,:::; I'ockiiiouche .■'»" S(li»'7 HS-3 Kloieiice>-ille.'>: .■(•.' ">35-8S ■'''moey Sta..W'r>s Sl!-Oi-iie599'13 () Kii'^rprise oOlt 117 Weedon Sta.*i7,"> 445-2 Newton 58()'5.< K),'amille 5;i.'il! mm Murkdalb .");i."> 411 l'ai)im'auville(^iiie, 5;}5-18, 3iS-l, ;;j7 .Moorefleld 58U:.4 535 'nl) Kei,'iMa 535'52-ti2 M 535 '50 (^ICIiieoutii'ii 3i!>■^ SjKiii(fstoi Sta. 71 1 QiRichiiiod Stati.'i) I 580-S-12 O.Havelop t 535 -.U S 5!)!)-l().i;; <)i544, 58U'!), 308, :;j4 OMallorytowii, 'if-n-'i Ijl ittk' Yorktiti.-.:; (;i075 (i,L.viideii 580'S:! y|5!»l)"2 1^50!) -3 yl.Staiifold 580-1-2 Nfw'ast,le59i)"2,.f:i:l Warwick E. 5SOI2 viii Sydney, N S 580-07 P. Cockburn 420-;i Kevelstoke 535-7ii POST IKKICKH. [ Tniiit Kiver I Tniiif Itiver Tro»lirid(fe. . Twy Troy Tnii-iiinnvirie .•. Tnf'' Tr>'iii Tn:iiii Tuck " Laridinij Tult»\ille KI.HCTORAI. limTRK'TM. I RAILROAD ON WHICH { LIM^ATKD, OR NRAR- W*T R. R. HTATION. HKNKKY,I'I>.!62-1(M I Huntingdon ....({ Inveniesti . . . .N S Perth, N R Wentworth, N It.o InverneM .N 8 Cumberland.. N M (JoU'hester N S Princ^e P K I Sinicoe. S R .. . Broine Haxtinipt, W R. Tiilhinwe . Tmubell . . . Till'!*"' Tiijijiii'ville. Tiiiipfi-ville. Tiiru'iiose . . . Turin Tiirkty Hill. TiiriMTville . Tun iff Till ill- Creek Till I k- Lake Tiiitlc Mountain. Tibi-iii-ora n.'h't Tiiski-t We Vancouver. . . . B C Ontario, N R....O Ontario, N R....O Ontario, N R . . . . O Muskoka&P.8rangeer Knoxford Upjier La Have Up Litche's Creek Up Loch Lomond Uj) Magaguadavic Ujjper Malagash Upjier Margaree UJiper -Maugerv'le Ujtper Melbourne uj) Mi'* lleboro' . Upper Mills ... ifp MuMijttodohoit Upper Negua( ujijier Nelson Up New Cornwall Up New Horton UJiper New Port UJ) Nine Mile Riv Up North River Ujiper Ohio . . . ujijier Otnahog. Ujijier Peel Hants N SINewjiort SUii 714 Ujiper Pereaux . iff Pnekwourhe UpPointedeBute Uji Port Latour. . Up Queenshury. . ujijier Rawdon.. ujijier R'r Dennis Ujiper Hookjiort Ujijier St. Bazil . . Ujiper Sackville.. ujijier Sackville.. ujijier Scotsburn. Up Set BaddeckR Up. Set. Middle R Up. Set. South R. Upper Sheffield uji Southamjiton UpS.W. Mabou RLRC-TORAL niHTRKTII. Sunburv N H Kent ..■ N B GuyslHirough.. .\ S King's N 8 Westmoreland N II Gloucester. . .N B York N It Restigouchc. N B Lunenburg . . N 8 AiinajHilis . . . .N 8 Annajidlis , . . N S Sbelbnrne N 8 (Queen's N B Albert N B Westmoreland N B King's N 8 Colchester .... N 8 Cumberland. . .N 8 (Queen's N B (Queen's N B Inverness N 8 Albert N B Cape Breton . . N 8 Annajiolis N 8 King's N B Oueen's N B York N B Victoria N 8 Colchester .... N 8 Hants N 8 Carleton N B York N B York N B Lunenburg . . .N S Victoria. ....N B Carleton N B Lunenburg . . . N 8 (.'ape Breton . . N S St. .lohn N B York N B Cuiiiberlaiid . .N 8 Inverness N 8 Suntiury N B Richmond (^ Cumberland. . . N S Charlotte N B Halifax N S Northumberl'dN B Northumberl'dN It Lunenburg . . .N S Albert N B Hants NS Hants N S Colcliester . . . . N S Shelburiie . . . . N S Queen's N B Carleton N B King's NS Gloucester. . . .N B Westmoreland N B Shelburne N S York N B Hants NS Inverness N 8 Westmoreland N B Victoria N B Westmoreland N B Halifax N B Pictou N S Victoria N S Victoria N 8 Autigonishe. . .N S Sunburv N B York N B Inverness N S RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATRD, OR NRAR- RST R, R, CTATION, SKKKKV, IT. 102-104 WoshIr Sta. 5.'iA-82 8t. Aiitonv 518 HojM.well 509-13 Slieltleld Mills 547 .Melrose 6.'t8 .540 Millville .535-,83 Eel R. Cr sing 590 2 l..awrencetown 714 712 Harrington 370-3 CoaUIreek .543- 1 Moiicton 518, 599- 1-2-1-J Uuisville 518 Kentville 714, .547 Un'derrv 8. .599-1 F't Uiwfcncc. 599-1 390WaasisS.,535-M2 Chijimun 543-1, 3IMi West Bav Road, .599-14 Elgin .572 HI" .Sydney, N 8 Bridgetown 714 Oak Point ;«)() (lagetown 39(1 Millville 535-83 Iona.599-I4,304,;t72 Rlversdale .599-13 Shulicna(-a.162-1(14 AntigG .Uhe . .N S Colchester . . . . N S N VVestuiiiisterlJC I'oiitiac (^1 KiMj4:'s N K Victoria N S (Queen's P E I jCarloton N R Up Wood Har Slielburiie . . . .N .S Uppei Woodstock Ujtterfrrove Upton .... Urbania . . . Uriiey .... Urquharts Ursa Usher Carleton NH Ontario N R () King's P K 1 Hants N S King's N B King's N B PeterboroER...O Antigonishe . .N S Utica [Ontario S R .0 Utopia Utterson Utto.xeter *Uxbridge Vachell Valcartier Valcartier Village Valcartier Sta . . Valctmrt Val des Bois .... Valdez Island .... Valencay Valentia Valenciennes . . . . Vale Perkins . . . . Valetta. SimcoeS R O Musk&Parrr SdO Lambton ER....O Ontario W R....O York, N R O Quebec Q Quebec Q Quebec Q Shefford Q Ottawa Q N Westniinster.BC Ottawa Q Victoria, S R . . . . O M6gantic Q Brome ')8()-3-2 Cardigan Bri. 605 '3 Shubenacadie599'l Sussex Vale ,'')99-12 Ha'ton543-2,599'12 Iron Dale 600 Tracadie 5997 Manchester 580'38 580-08 ,580-07 Wanstead 580-85 580-30 Sutton W. 580-37 St. Gabriel Sta. 674 St. Gabriel Sta. o74 653 Buckingham 35-5 18, 327. 328 ;Vendume. 'Venice . . . jVeniiachar ■ Venosta . . jVentnor jVentry Verchferes .... Verdun !Vereker j Vermilion Bay I Vernal Sask Oxford, S R.... O Grey, S R Ontario. W R Norfolk, N U Kent scott O Ouiino, N H.. ..() Middlesex, ER..O Sinicoe, N R. . . .O Cariboo B C Norfolk, S R....O Ver<'ht;res Q Huron, S R . . . . O Orev. S R Russell O Simcoe, E R . . . . O Vaudreuil Q Vaudn'\iil Q Hants V o Muskoka&l'.Sd.O York, W R O Thurso i)35-18, 327 (^)akwood 580-35 Sonnnerset 580-12 i 342 or Masonvillei Station 535-3 ; TO6'n/535-42, 625-5 Sunderland .580-36 Moosomin 535 52 580-15, 531, 3-24, i 329-2-3 Cardigan Bri. 665-3 P E I Caixligan Bridge (i65-3 Riv. Dennis 599-14 599-13 .Moosomin 535-52 Three Rivers 535- 19, 329-6-7 Ste. Adele 535-23 580-9, 535-33 Marsden 535-7 Orangeville 535*40 Egansville .53r-ll North Mt. 535-33 536-70, 450-2-7, 452, 455, 454-1 Sto irt 535-62 Womlstock 535-35- 38, 580-80-83 Flesherton 535-40 \urora 580 07 515 5S0-83 (K R name A'osburg) 531-1 Gravenliurst 580- 07, 420-3 Eltrick 580-.5(l Phelpston 5S0-69 Ashcroft ,535-70 J arvis. 580-70-82 583, 329-5 Clinton 580-50-52 680-46 531 (R R name Hear Brook) Elmvale ,580-00-69 580-9, 5;i6-32-33 580-9, 536-32-33 Windsor 714 Sundrldge 580-67 Maple 580-67 Verner Veriiet Veinim Vernon Vernon Mines. . Vernon River. . Vernon R. Bridge Vernonville. . . . Verona Versailles Verschoyle .... Vesta Vestfold Vesuvius Vioai-s Vickers * Victoria Victoria Victoria * Victoria Victoria Beach Victoria Cross . . j Victoria Corners. Victoria Habour. l^Victoria Harb'r IVictoria Mines . . jVictoria Road . . 'victoria Square. . JVictoria \'ale '■*Viet()riaville. . . . Victoria West. . . . Victoria West. . . . I Victory * Vienna KLKCTORAL DISTRICTS. RAILROAD ON WIIK || LOCATKD, OR KRAI;- KST R. It. STATKIN, SKK KKV,l'l'.l(;i Vienneau . Vienots Beauhariiois . . . .Q Missis(|uoi Q Addmgton O Ottawa II Grenville. S R..O Grey, E R O Verchfercs Q Bruce, W R....O Esse.x, S R O Algoma O Antigonishe . . N S Nipissing O Ottawa Q Yale BC Russell O King's N S Queen's . . . . P F I Queen's . . . . P E I Northumb', W R.O Addington O Iberville Q Norfolk, NR....Q Bruce. ER O Lisgar Man Kings N S Huntingdon . . . . Q Grey, S R O Victoria B C Carleton N B Cumberland . . N S Queen's . . . . P E I Anna))oli8 . . . . N S King's P E I Ontario, NR....O Ki-ig's N S Simcoe, E R. . . .() Cape Breton . . N S Victoria, N R . . O York, E R O Annapolis . . . .N S Arthabaska . . . . Q Prince P E I Victoria City..BC Queen's N B Elgin, ER O Northumberl'dNB Limenburg. . . .N S Viger Vigo X'illagedale V'lge des.\ulnaies Village Green. . . . Village Richelieu Village St. Jean . . Villanova N'illeinav Villeneuve Villette.... Villiers . . . . Vincennes . Vincent . . . 'Vine iVineland . . . .Vinemount . |Viiitoii Viola Dale . Violet Violet Hill . * Virilcn . . . jVirgil jVirjfiiiia . . I'Vittorin. . . I Vivian ■ Q ..o N S T(5miscouata . Simcoe, N R Shelburne . . . L'Islet Q Queen's . . . . P E I Rouville Q Kent N B Norfolk, N R....O Uvis Q Hochelaga Q Conipton Q Peterboro', E R O Champlain Q Queen's N H Simcoe, S R . . . . O Lincoln O Wentworth o I'ontiac . . .Marquette liennox O Cardwell O Selkirk M Lincoln* Niagara O York, N R O Norfolk, S R....O Ontario, W R..O ^ I'OST 0FFICB8. Stanbrii*ae .... IwakeHi'ld Iwakelield Centre Iwakoi'a Iwalileiiiar Iwaldeii IwalfA. [l,S(„j MM] POST OFFICES AND UAILR(JAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 22.3 lUILROAl) ON WlIKi, WCATKt), OR NKAt KST H. li. HT.Vriov SKKKKV,riM(J2-lcJ Stanbridj/eSiaii, ■, Lavaiit Sill, (ill «5fi (K l{ nam.. \- .., Osta) Spencenille ry.i:, <„ I>uiKlalk 5354(1 M:i, 32u-r, Kiple.v 5S0-48 yew Canaan 017 ft35-31 Sorter Settlement South Kiv. j'M' 535-13 Calumet 535 Is OkanajLTOii 535 7 4 Osgoo Tilsonbur;,' 580-7S. 82, 625-5 I Rojfersville 599"' ■ «40 (R H nanu Uivtrs Coaticook 580-8 580-27 (R R nanu Ulezards) Chainplain 535-21 Welsford 535-88 WO-fiS lordanSta. 580-8.! Winona 58083 163 )ak Kiver 585 ^^arne8to\vnS.6.'Si)'!> Sbelburne 536-40 i35-52 'fiajfara 625-0, 303 iiitton West 680-37 i80-86 80-37 I'DST 0KHCB8. IVdiler's Cove [Vwiniaiiton .... Vnier ffaasis Station . . aba i\\;ibasli n'ai.'horn WifXixm 'iv.ihnai>itae «;iki*'ld Waki'ticld Centre Wikopa Waldeniar Walden Walford Station. 'll'rtMv Walker's IValkei-'s Cutting Walker's Point.. Walki'r's Settle'nt W'alkerton Vi'dkerville .... Wallace Wnllace Wallace Walla(-e Bridge . . 'Wnllacebur;! . . . Wallace Grant . . Wallace Ridge . . Wallace Station . Wttliacetou'H .... WalUnidge Wallensteiii .... Waller Walnicr Walnut Wal.sli Walsinshaui Cen. Walter's Falls .. Waltham Walton Walton Walton's Lake . . Waneta Waiistead Wapaha W'ajiella Wartiurton Warden Wanl's Brook.'. . . Ward's Creek Rd. Wards Crossing. . 'WdrdHville .... Warehani Warina Wariston . . . . 'Warhworth Warleigh . . . . Warminster Warner . . . . Warren Warrington . . \\'iir.iaw Wartburg .... Warw ick Witrwiek Wascaiuv Wiishabuck B'dge Wasliago Washburn .... ELBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Lunenburg N S Ontario, N R . . . . O Lambton, VV R..O Sun bury N B Renfrew, S R..O Bothwell O Alta Wellington, N R O Nipissing O Ottawa Q Carleton N B Selkirk M Wellington, N R.O Lunenburg. . . .N S Algoma Stonuont O Middlesex, W R..O Arthabaska . . . . Q Simcoe, E R . . . . O King's N B Bruce, E R... O Essex, N R O Wellington, N R.O Cumberland . . N S .'Vssa Cumberland. .N S Bothwell O Cumberland. .N S Cumberland . . N S Cumberland. .N S Elgin, W R . . . . O Hastings, W R..O Wellington, C R.O Riissell O Oxford, N R....O Lambton, E R. .O Norfolk, S R....O Norfolk, S R....O Grey, NR O Pontiac Q Huron, S R . . . . O Hants N S King's N B Yale BC Lambton, W R . . O Selkirk M Assa Leeds, S R O Shefford (,J Cumberland . . N S King's N B Colchester.... N S Middlesex, W R.,0 Grey, E R O Stormont O Peterboro', E R..f) Northumh', E R.O Marquette M Simcoe, E R O Wentworth, S R.O RAILROAD ON Wlllcll|< LOCATED, ORNKAR-i! KHT R. R. ST.ATIOX. i SBKKKY,l'l'.162-]64; Brid'water 646 ,374 Sunderland 580-36 Mandamin 580-85 535-82 ! Arnpi-jor 535-12 Dresden 573 Red Deer 535-63 Kenilworth 535-41 535-13 656 Wo'dsto'k535-88-90 Killarney 535'57 535-41 Barss' Corner 646 535-25 ,580-9 625 8 580-14 420-3 or Graven- hurst 580-67 Sussex \'ale 599-12 580-54 617, 580-83 Go wanstown 580 -53 599-15 ■i'orkton 622 Wallace 599-15 573 Wallace 599-15 Wallace 599-15 599-15 Dutton 625-5 ma Belleville Ont St. Jacobs 580-47 Manotick S. 535-20 Strathallan 580-80 Watford 580-85 Vittoria 580-86 Port Rowan 580-86 Chatsworth 535-40 FortCoulonge 663 Brussels 580-48 Newport Sta. 714 Holderv ille 390 POST 0KFICK8. Waterford Waterloo . . 'Waterloo 'Waterloo Waterside Waterton . . Watervile Water\ ille Water\ ille ,*Waternlle . . ■ 'Watford . Watkins Mills Nii>issing O Selkirk M Peterboro', E R.O Perth, N R O Arthabaska . . . . Q Lamliton, E R. .() As Washington . . W'askada Wassewa Waterborough 'Waterdoxvn . . 'Waterford. . . . Waterford . . . . Waterford . . . . Victoria N S Simcoe, E R. . . . O Frontenac O Brant, N R .. .. O Selkirk M Selkirk M Uueen's N B Wentworth, N R.O Norfolk, N R.,..0 Digby N S King's N B Watson Watson's Corners Watson Settlem't Wattenwvl WattSection,S.H. Wattsview . Waulmmick '*WatibauKlieiie Waubnakee . . . Waubiino .... Waugh's River Waupoos Waverley Waverley Wavy Bank .... Wawanesa .... Waweig Wawota Wayerton .... Wayside Way's Mills. . . . Weatherley Weaver Settlem't Webbwood .... KLECTORAL DISTRICTS. I'rince P E I L\inenburg. . . .N S Shefford q Waterloo, N R..O Albert N B Leeds, S R () Pictou N S Compton (^ Carleton N B King's N Lambton, E R. . Drummond .... Vale-Kootenay B C Lanark, N R. . . .O Carleton N B Muskoka&P.StLO Halifax N S Marquette M Muskoka O Simcoe, E R. . Middlesex, S R Lambton, W R Colchester. , . .N Prince Edward. Simcoe, E R. . . RAILROAD ox WIIICIC LOCATKD, OR NKAK- KST R. R. bTATION. SKKKKV,ll'.l(i2-l(i4 Tigiiish 6ti5-l Brid'water (i46, 374 535-4, 545-1 580-47 Harvey 6!)3 Mallorvtown 3,80 '.i W. Kiv. Sta. 5',«l-l:; 580-8 Upper Woodstock 335-86 714 .580-85 DrununoiKhille E. 535-4, ,565 Mississippi Sta. 61 1 Debec 535-85-90 South Riv. 58067 West River Sheet Harbour 371 Birtle 622 Parrv Sound 422, 53i-2 580-32 Melbourne, 625-8 Hrigden 625-8 Tata'ifouche 59915 mt Picton, Ont Elmvale 5S0-66-69 Win'sorJ.599-1,714 Stonewall 535-60 044-1 ,535-87 Moosomiii 535-52 Hahfax N S Lisgar M Selkirk M Charlotte . . . . N B Assa Northumberl'd N BJNew'astle 599 2, 3. Lanark, S R. . . ,0 Perth .535-34 Stanstead Q Lunenburg . . N S Digby N S Algoma O Webster's Corn rsN. Westminster BC 580-85 Boissevain 535-57 ■ 535-,52 Lansdowne 580-9 535-4 1 Parrsboro' 549 i Sussex Vale 599-12 5i)9-l (R R name McKays) Newbury 535-42, ,580-83 Proton Sta. 535-40 Monc'IaiidS. 535-33 Marmora 544 Hastings,580-27,314 Birtle 622 Orillia 580-32-07 Canfield 580-79-82, ^ 625-5 5,35-13 Roland 644-1 via Peterboro' Ont Sebriiigville 580-i>2 .580-12 Watford 58085 Rcgina ,5;i5-52-«2 Orangedale, 599-14 ,580 -(!7 319 or Ballantvne Sta. ,580-9 Bright 580-79 Deloraine 535-57 Boissevain 536-37 390 VoungsC, .543-1 ,580-87 623-5, 515 Digbv712,392, 393-2 Sussex Vale 699-12 Webster's Corn'rs Weedon Weedon Centre. Weedon Station . Weidmann . . , . Weir Road. Wendo\er' Wentworth W'entworth Cent. jWentworth Creek [Wentworth Sta. . I Wertheim Mines.. Coaticook 580-8 Brid'water 646, 374 Weymouth Bri. 71-.: ,535 "25 Port Haney 535-70 Pisquid 6652 675 Weedon Sta, 673 675 625-8 Harrisburg 580-34- 78-83 Bristol 063 Breslau 580-51 Port Elgin >i:iii via Port Hope, Ont via Vancouver Prince Alb't 53.Vti2 625-2-5, ,580-88 Moulton Sta. 580-82 625-2-5 B«Iton .580-49 Baden 580-51 665-1 M(-Gi-egor S, ,533-52 544 693(HU n'eWaMon) 574 llelbi-Dii 712 665-1 544(RRnameRa«-- I don) King's N It i-i'(( St. .lohii, N l> Marquette MiCarberry 535-,52 l^ueen's N B[535-S8 Pictou N S River .John 599-1'. King's N S Berwick 714 AssajMoosoniiii 335-32 Lanark, S R. .. .0^535-34 (R R name Italhiirsl) Queen's P E I Wolfe y Wolfe q Wolfe q Lambton, E R. .() Brant, N R O Pontiac Q Waterloo, N R..O West luoreland N B Durham, E R.O NewWestm'sterBC Sask Welland O Monck O Welland O Middlesex, E R..O Waterloo, N R..O Prince P E .Marquette M Prince Edwai-il. .0 Albert N B Vancouver. . . .B C Weirstead Weisseiiburg .... Welch Welcome Welcome Pass. .. Weldoii 'llelland 'Welland Port.. Welland Station, Wellburn * Wellexleii Wellington Wellington 'Welliniiton .... Wellington *Wellin!iton .... Wellington : Varmouth .... X S Wellington Sta. . , I'rince P E I lf('/6/i((/r>Ci)C)i')-4, Hastings, N R.O Wells ... WelUvocMl WelHford . Wclsfoi-d . Welsford Welwyn . Wemyss . Prescott 328 or Plni-- ance 535-18 Wentworth S.5!H,)-1 Wentworth, 59;i Cumberland . . N S Cumberland . . N S Hants N SlWindsor 714 Cumberland.. N S 599-1 Mdgantic QI 1^ ■224 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IX CANADA. [l89fiB!S96] POST POST OFPICKS. ELBCTORAL DISTRICTS. Wesley ville Durham, E R . . O West Advocate . . Cumberland . . N West Arichat .... Richmond . . . . N West Bay 'Inverness N West Bay Road. . Inverness . . . .N West Berlin t^ueen's N West Bolton .... 'Broine Westbonrne .... ^Marquette W.Br.S.Nicbol'sR Kent N B WestBr.Riv.JobnPictou N S West Urenda .... West Brome West Brook .... West Brook .... Westbrook Mills. West Broujfhton. Westbury Westbury Basin . West Caledonia. . West Cape Westchester .... Westchester Lake Westcock West Chezzetcook West Devon West Ditton Selkirk M Bronie Q Frontenac O Cumberland. .N S Cumberland. .N S Megan tic Q Coinpton Q Compton (J Queen's N S Prince P E I Cumberland . . N S Cumberland . . N S Westmoreland N B Halifax N S . .iPrince P E I Compton Q West Dublin . . . . ! Lunenburg . . . . N S West Earltown .. 'Colchester N S West Ely Shefford Q WesternCoveheadi(^ueen's . . . . P E I Western Head . Jyueen's N ' Western Road ..Prince P E I West Slssa Simcoe, S R. . . .O Westfleld Centre. I King's N B Westfleld Huron, W R. . . .O We.stfleld... WestFlamboro'gh Westford West Glassville . . West Gore WestGravenhurst West Grove West Hall Westham Island . West Hansford . . West Hill Westholme West Huntingdon West Huntley . . West Inglesiille. West Jeddore .... W'st LaHaveFerry West Lake West Lakevale . . West Lawrencet'n West Leicester.. West Liscombe . . * West Lome .... l^ueen's N S Wentworth, N R.O Bruce, ER O Carleton N B Hants N S Simeoe, E R . . . . O Muskoka & P.Sd. O Selkirk M N. Westminster BC Cumberland. .N S York, E R O Vancouver. . . .B C Hastings, N R..O Lanark, N R O Annapolis . . . .N S Halifax N S Lunenburg. . . .NS Prince Edward. .O Antigonishe . . N S Halifax N S Cumberland . . N S Guvsborough . . N S Elgin, W R . . . O RAILROAD ON WHICH LOCATED, «R NEAR EST R. R. STATION SEE KEY.PP. 162-164 West McGillivray Middlesex, N R O West Macleod . . . .\lberta West Magdala . . i Elgin, W R () Westmeath Renfrew, N R. . <> WestMerigonislie Pictou N S West Montrose .. J Waterloo, N R..0 Westmore'd Point, Westmoreland N B Wi'ntinoKiit iHochelaga Q West New Annan Colchester. . . .N S W.Ne\vdy(iuod(ly Halifax N S 580'9 (R R name Newtonville) Parrsboro' 549 Arichat 364, 371 372, 59914 5U9'14 Liverpool 376'3 Knowlton 535 '4 622 Weldford 599-2 Scotsburn 699'15 Melita 535-58 535-3 via Kingston, Ont 549 Westbrook 549 Broughton Sta. 675 East Angus 675 675 (R R n'e Basin) Barss Corners 646 O'Learv Sta. 665-1 Grenville 599-1 Grenville 599-1 Sackville 599-1,638 via Halifax, N S 665-1 Scottstown 535-7 Bridwater 646, 374 Truro ,599-1-13 Lawrenceville, 653 Little York 665-3 Liverpool 376-3 Coleman 665-1 AUiston 580-64 635-88 Barss Corners 646 Dundas 580-83 Lucknow 580-48 Bristol 535-86 Shubenacadie 599-1 Grave'hurst 580-67 Rosseau 420-3 Deloraine 535-57 Ladners L'd'g.450'4 Thom'on8Mls.599-l Port Union 580-9 Chemainus 574 580-33 Almonte 535-12 Lawrencetown 714 via Halifax, N S Brid'water 646, 374 Bloomfield 544 Antigonishe 599-7 i)ia Halifax, N S Amherst 599-1 Antigonishe 599-7 6-25-5 (R R name Bismarck) Clandeboye 580-50 Macleod, 535-64 Southwold S. 625-8 Grahams 535-12 699-7 Berlin 580-47-51 599-1 (R R name Aulac) mn Montreal Tat'agoucl. 599-15 West River Sheet Harbour 371 Emerald 666-1-2 West Newton ! Prince P E I Weston King's N SiBerwick 714 *Westo)\ York, W R OI580-51, 536-40 West Osgoode .;|Russell <»iOsgoodeSta.535-20 Westover IWentworth, N R.ODundas 580-83 West Plain. West Point . . * Westpurt . . *" Westpiirt . . West Potton West Piibnic( Lennox <) Prince P E I Leeds, S R O Digby N S Bronie Q Nap'ee 509-2, 580-9 Coleman 0651 516, 319 376-2 or Digby 712 Manson ville S.635-3 ( Yarmouth . . . . N H'via Yarmouth, N S POST OKKICBS. West yuaco .... West River West River West River, S. H. West River Sta. . W ScotchSettle'nt West Shefford .. West Shefford Sta W. Side Lochaber W. Side Middle R. West St. Peter's. *Westi-iUe Westwood W. Tatamagouche Westchester Sta Wetasklwin .... Wexford Weyburn Weymmith * WefonouthBn'ge Whalen Whaletown .... Wharncliffe . . Wharton . . Wheatland Wheatland Wheatlev . . Wheatlev River Wheaton Mills Wheaton Settle'iit Wheeler .... Whelan Lake Whim Road Cross * Whitby White ' Whitebread Sta Whiteburn Mines White Church . . Whiteflsh Whiteflsh Lake.. Whitehall Whitehead Whitehead White Head .... White Hill Whitehui-st White Lake .... White Lake Whitemouth .... White Oak White Point .... White River .... White Rock Mills White Rose White Sands .... White Sand White's Cove .... Whiteside White's Mills.... Whites Mountain White's Point.... Whitestone Whitevdir Whitewater Whiteirooil Whitfield Whitney Whitney Whitney Pier . . . Whittier's Ridge. Whittington .... Whitwick Whoimock Whi/cn-'omaph . . . Whycocomagh B. Whvcoconiagb I'. '^WiartdH Wick. ELECTORAL DISTRICTS. St. John N B Albert N B Pictou N S Halifax N S Pictou N S King's N B Shefford Q Shefford Q Antigonishe . . N S Victoria N S King's P E l|665-4 RAILROAD ox WHIcfi | LOCATED, OR NE.(R. ^ EST R. R. STATION SEEKKV,rP.l(i2.1tii| St. Martins .'i43-' Albert 693 W. Riv. Sta. 509-13 1 371 or via Halifax 699-13 Norton Station M;i' 1, 599-12 535-7, 545-1 545-1 Antigonishe .'iOQ-T I Iona.699-14,3U4,3T'i Pictou N S Peterboro', E R. O Colchester.... N S Cumberland . . N S Alta York, E R O Assa Digbv N S Digby N S Middlesex, N R. O N.Westniinster.BC Algoma O Cumberland . . N S Marquette M Drummond . . . . (^ Kent O yueen's . . . .P E I Westmoreland N B Westmoreland N B Lambton, E R..O Renfrew, S R . . G King's P E I Ontario, S R O Lanark, N R. . . .O Both well O . Carle 'Windsor .iHant Northumberl'd N B Nipissing O Cajie Breton . . N S Charlotte . . . . N B Wellington, N R.O Newcastle .599-2 3ri:i 531-2 Sydney 599-14 Rolling Dam 635 '87 Oraii' r-ille 635- Id Compton Q Milaii .'>35 N.Westminster BC163; -70 Inverness ....N s!364O'nged'Ie,590-14 S Orangedale 599-14 Inverness Inverness Bruce, N R. Ontario, N R....0 Orangedale 59914 580-55, 4'26, 422-2 430-1 B'kwater 680-35-;M IVindsor June. ...iHalif Wi'ulwr MiUf. .jRi(!hi IVindygates 'Selki 'iiiie' Harbou r . . . ' Guys nfield I Weill iViiigai-d I "iiiger 'Mon( Wiiiqhain Hurr iViiiijlo Renf IVinkler Helki IViiilaw Winnipeij Wini 1 WUwna Wen iVinslow Mom 16 ^^- [l89fiB!S96] POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. 225 RAILROAD OS WHICIi | LOCATKI), OR nuit- KST R. R. HTATInv , SKKKKV.rP.lfiO.ltii I'dST OKHCES. St. Martins .'i43-) Albert 693 W. Riv. Sta. .Wl'i 371 or via Halifax iiSO'ia Norton Station SW' 1, 599-12 . Sa.'j'?, 545-1 Q|.545-l S'Antigonishe .i!)!)'7 SiIona.599-14,ai4,;r' ; I [66.5-4 Si.5119-9 Binlsalla .ISil-i: TataVouche rmH:, .59I)-I ItaL-iSS-Oa O I Scarboro' J . ,5su!i.;j(j iHa!535-52 S!712 712 Granton 580-,=il via Vancouver Thessalon 5;io-2,', 4-22-2, 428-3, 4;ioi Parrsljoro' 549 Oak River 53.')-,y Diummondville K. .535-4, 565 Leamington 017, 6-25-3 Hunters Riv. W!:, i .572 Whcaton :\fills ,-,7' Oil Citv 625-7^ Ashdatl 611 Cardigan B'ge(i(i,'i:| 580-9-38 Perth 535-34 573 Barss Corners (Mii 580-48 .535-25 Edmonton 535-fi:t Emsdale .581 1 -07 Canso 364, 371 Holderville 390 Grand Manan 4(i:; Gleng'ry Sta., 599-1:; 533-10(RR,n'eHelll Arnprior .535-12 Okoiiagon 535-71 535-51 via London Out 359-3 . 535-13 S Port Williams 711 Oj Aurora 580-67 Cardigan U'geOOiV.! Yorkton 622 390 or Codys .54:! I Redwood 4203 BiHolderville 390 BiSussex Vale 599-lJ Bj Narrows .-J90 o|AhinicHarb'r42ii'4 O Locust Hill .535-34 .M 535-57 sa 535-52 O Shelburne ,535-41 1 O S If s luiokliani, West fifkliaiii !«■ fklow icklow ifk.stced iflder "U'lT'i-'' ik«-eimkong . B'iilicrforce .... Ifilcox ndfield Wfriil Wi-e -;«"•< Hilkln-ioii H'iUett's Corners iiilletsholme . . Hilliains Newcastle ,599-23ri:i 531-2 .Sydney .59914 Rolling Ham 635 ■>? Oran-?-ille 535- in (^ Milan ,136-7 C 1 63; -70 S'3640'nged'Ie,59(M4 S Orangedale 699-14 Orangedale 599-11 58(l-,55, 4-20, 422-:; 4;«)-l B'kwftter 680-35-.".i! IVilliainshurg . . Hilliam's Point B'illianisdale . . il'illiaiiisdale East H'illiamsford . . B'illiamsport . . Vllliamstown ifilliamstowti . A'llliainsville . . nilliscroft .... IVilloiighby RliRCTORAL DISTRICTS. {RAILROAD ON- WHICH I LOCATKD, OB NKAR- ! KST R. 11. STATIO.S, »KKKKV,l'r.l25-5 680-48-50, 535-41 Eganville 536-11 Morden 535-57 Antler 536-58 635-51-52-55-57-69- 60-61, 644-3 580-83 Atterdiffe St. 580- 82, 625-5 Wiiiterbourne Winthrop Wisawasa VV'isbeach . . Wisely .... Wishart .. VVittenburg Woburn . . . Wode House Wolfe Island Wolfe Ridge , Wolfe Lake.. Wolfstown . , *Wolfeille.. Wolseley . . . , * Wolsely . . . . Wolvertoii Waterloo, N R ..() Berlin .58(1-47-51 Huron, S R ....() Seafortb 58()-.52 Musk (i Parry .Sd O Calleiidar .580-67 Lambton, E R . .0 Watford 580-86 York N B via Fredericton NB Assa Qu'Ap'le Sta.635-.52 Colchester N S Lo'erSte'iacke599-l York, E R O Scarborough June. 580-9-30 Grey, E R O Flesherton 536-40 Frontenac O via Kingston Ont. Missisquoi Q Lacolle ,531, 580-13 Pontiac '. . . . Q Quvon 063 Wolfe Q Coferaine Sta. 676 King's N S 714 Grey, N R O Presciu'Isle 4-26 Assa 535-52 Brant, N R ....0 535-36 Wood j Hastings, N R . . O Ornisby ,544 Woodbank ' Middlesex, S R . . O via London Ont. Wood Bay !Selkirk M La Riviere 535-57 Woodbine K'ape Breton . . .N S via Sydney Woodburne iPictou N S 599-7' * Woodbrid'je j York , W R .... O 535 -40 Woodburn ' Wentworth, S R . Stony Creek 580-83 Woodfleld ; Pictou N S Ne\v"Glasgow,699-7 Woodford ^Grey, N R O via Meaford Ont. Wood Green 'Middlesex, W R. .0 Glencoe, 53642 Woodham i Perth, S R O Exeter .5S0-,50 Woodhill I Peel O Malton 580-51 Woodhurst i Westmoreland N B 699-URR.n'eEv'n8) Woodington Isinicoe, E R. . . . O CTevelands, 420-3 Wood Island .... iQueen's. ... W.\ via Charlottetown Wood Islands N..! Queen's P E 1 via Charlottetown Wood Lake |St. John N B St. Martins 543-2 VVixidlands iStormont O r..rran8 Point 580-9 Woodlands I Lisgar M Reaburn .535-52 W oodlands [York N B Cross Creek 532 Woodlawn Carleton O Stittsville 635-12 \\ ")d Mountain . . Assiniboia Moose Jaw, 535-52 W idnorth Selkirk M Virden .535-52 Wood Point ! Westmoreland N B Sackville 599-1, 638 Woodrous J Prince Edward . . O via Picton Ont. Woodroyd ILisgar M Stone^vall 535-60 Woodside | Megantic Q Somerset 580-12 Woodside i Marquette M 622 Woodside iSunbury N B Waasis Sta..535-82 Wnodslee Essex, N R O 625-5 *n'oodstock lOxford, S R . . . .O 530-80-83, 536-36-30 Woodstock I Carleton N B 635-86-90, 391 Woodstock R Sta Carleton N B Dtbec 536-85-90 Woodville ; Victoria, N R . . Grand Falls 5.35-84 Woodville ' Hants N S Newport Sta. '714 Woodville 'Victoria N B 580-36 Woodville 'Prince P E I Kildare Sta., 666-1 Woodville .Mills . King's P E 1 Cardigan Bridge 665-3 Woodward's OoveCharlotte N B Grand .Man.m 403 Wooler I Noi-thumb'ld E RO via Trenton Ont. Woolson Manjuette M Woonona ; Lisgar M Reaburn 535-52 Workman ' Assa Antler 535-.58 Worthington . . . . | Algoma Wotton Wolfe Q Danville .580-12 Wreck Cove .... \ictoria N S Ingonishe 372 Wright t )ttawa Q 056 Wroxeter 1 Huron, E R . . . .O 635-42 Wyandot I Wellington, C R O Mooi-pflekl 580-54 Wychwood Park . 1 York O, via Toronto Simcoe, E K. . . . O Wvevale .580-69 Norfolk, S R . .0, Delhi ,580-82 Simcoe, E R ...O ,58069 Renfrew, N R ..O 635-12 Lambton, W R Wycbridgo Wyecombe Wvevale W'vlie * Wyomim Wyse's Corner . Wyton Station . Wvvern Yale " Yamnehiehe. . . Yainoaka Yaniaska East . O ,580-84-85 Halifax N S Shubenacadie 599-1 Middlesex, E R O .580-49 Cumberland . N S River Philip 599-1 Yale BC .53570 St Ma\ii-ice .. ..Q 5:i5-21 Yamaska Q 536-1, 3-299 Yamoska QYam'aka536-l, 329-9 if.-- IF, 226 POST OFFICES AND RAILROAD STATIONS IN CANADA. [inm 11896] POST 0KFICE8. *Yarker Yarni j Yarmouth ] Yarmouth Centre KLKCTORAIj niSTRICTS. RAILKUAI) UK WHICH 1 1 liOC.'.TKl), OR SKAR- I K8T R. II. STATION,! .«KKKKY,I'I'.1()2-104 POST OKFICKS. Yarrow Yatton Yearly's Yelverton , . Yeovil Yoho Yoho Island Yonjife Mills *York York Mills . , Addintfioii () .WO-l-S Pontiao Q Shawville 663 Yarmouth . . . .N S 712, 376-1-2-3 Elgin, E K () 62.'>-.'>, .')80-82 (M.C, I U.Cros'ntr.580-82) Alta|MaL'I.e(Hl .^35-64 Wellington, C R.O Elmira 580-47 Musk it Parry Sd ();Novar .')80'67 Durliam, E K . .O Pontvpool .')3r>-34 Grey, S R O Holstein ,580-46 York N BiHarvev Sta. 535-88 Muskoka& P. Sd. OJ 4-20-3 Ut'rson 580-67 Leeds, S R 0:JIallorvto\vM 5f0-9 Haldimaiid ....0 580-79 KLECTORAL DISTRICTS. Yiiikton *Yurknlle I York E R . Vounhall Gloucester. Young's ("ove lYoung's Point lYoung Voungsville Queen's. . . Peterboro' W Vancouver . . . jOxford, N R |RAIt,ROAD ON Wl||i|| i LtlCATKI), OR NKAIl. I KST R. R. STATKlS, j SKKKKY,l'l'.lt;'2.Iti4 Assa 622 . . .<) via Toronto Ont. . N B Bathurst \illai;e 599-2 . N B 543-1, 390 11.. t) 323, 316, or Lake- field 58031 B C I'm Victoria B C .<) Beachville ,'i;)5-;j5, 580-83 Oso Station 611 535-83 ...O .NB "" York Street York Mills . . York, ER O Toronto O York NB Prince William Sta. ,535-88 via Toronto Ont. via Toronto Ont. Zealand jAddington . . Zealand Station . . ;York Zephyr ;Ontario, N R . . . .0580-37 Zimmerman .... Halton O Zion ! Durham, E R . , O Zionville York N B Ziska Simcoe, E R . . . .O • *Zurich Huron, E R 580-65 via Port Hopt'.l int Bracebridgc ikSS 67 O:IIen8all580-,50 ADDENDA. The following new Post Offices have been opened, the names list in 'heir alphabetical order: — i)f which came in too late to be inserted hi the RAILROAD ON WHICH RAILROAD ON WHICH POST 1 ELECTORAL ^ LOCATED OR NEAR- POST ELECTORAL LOCATED OR NKAIl- OFFICKS. DISTRICTS, i EST R. R. STATION, OFFICES. DISTRICTS. EST R. R. STATION, ! SEEKF.V,PP.162-164 SEE KEY, PI'. 162-164 Banting Selkirk Mi Greenmount Prince PEI Alberton 6651 Birch Hills Saskatchewan .... IPr. Albert 535-62 Griersford Renfrew Pembroke 535 -1-J Blackett's Lake . Cape Breton. . N S,via Svdiiev Huberdeau Argenteuil . . ..Q Ste. Agathe des Erinville Guvsborough..N S Giivsboro 364 ilonts 535-23 Ferguson's Lake ; Richmond N S St. Peter's 364 Milnes Landing. . Vancouver . . . . B C via Victoria Great Desert Nipissing O Rtitberglen 535-12 iMiscou Centre. . . Gloucester . . . . N B Shippigaii 640 FOREICN COflSULS IN C^fll^.S!{. Argentine Confederation. — Consiil, Montreal, F. C. Henshaw; Vice-Conxul, F. L. V'auklyn. Cotmil, Toronto, Nicol Kingsmill ; Vice-Conml, Toronio, Frederic NichoUs. Ai'STRiA-HiNaARV.—Co)is«i,Mrm<»-eai, Edward Schiiltze. Brawl.— ConsMi, Montretil, Olympic A. .\vir«.— Consuls, Quebec, C. Pitl ; Montreal, Dr. Lentze; Toronto, S. Nordhoimer; Winnipeiy, Wm. Hespeler; Chatham, N.B., Alex. Morrison; St. John. N.B., Rob. Thomson; Ilalijax, N.S.,C. A.Oreighlon; Victoria, B.C., Carl Loewenberg. Hawaiian Islands.— Torojito, Hon. J. Enoch Thomp- son, K.C.L., Comul-General ; Lieut.-Col. Geo. A. Shaw, Vice-Consul ; Montreal, Dickson Anderson, Consul; ft. John, A O. Cruikshank, Consult; Vic- toria, B.C., R. P. Rithet, Consul; Vancouver, B.C., A. ilurray Beattie, Consul. It Ah\.— Consul- General, Montreal, Hon. (J. Solim- bergo ; Honorary Cons^U, Toronto, Chevalier A. M. F. Oianelli. Liberia, Rbpublic or—Consul-General, 2'oronto, Hon, J. Knoch Thompson, K. C. L. ; Consul, Montreal, Fred. StanclifTe ; Vice-Con.iul, Toronto, Fred. Nicliolls. iiKtuKHhASm.— Montreal, Consxil-General for the l)n- ntinion of Canada, Charles D W. Boissevain ; I'/iv- Consuls— Montreal, S. B. Ueward ; Toronto, Allpi-rt Nordheimer; Halifax, X.S., \V. N. Wickwire,; Quebec, ; Vancouver, B.C., Toronto, Conmil-General(Huuorarii), B. Homer Dixon, K.N.L. Spain. — Cnnsul-General for the Duniinitm of Canoila. Senor Don Candido de Pedrorena ; Vice-Consul, Lawyer, Don Angel .Jose Cabrejo. Honorary P/i-.'- Consul, .). L. Leprohon, M.D. Honorary Vice-Cmi- snls—Charlottetown, J'.K.l., William Henry Bitkcn;' Halifax, X.S. , Walter (J. .Jones; Lnnenburg, iV..S'., Daniel .M. Owen ; St. John, N.B.,l). R. Jack ; Sydni'n, y.S., William Piii-ves ; Toronto, 'Hit., John Enoch Thompson, K.C.L.; Vancouver, li.C, Ilenrv Augustus (Jee-Mellon ; Yarmouth, N.S., E. W. B. Moody. Ilonora'ni Consiilar A()i'nts— Annapolis, i\.S., James M. Owen'; Chatham. A'./J , G. B. Fraser; JAttle Glacf Bay, iV.S., Charles W. Rigby ; Liverpool, X.S., Rolne S. Sterns; Pietiiu, S.S., Howai-d Primrose; Saint Geori/e, \.B.. Sanuiel Johnson ; Weymouth, M.S., Charles Burvill. PoHTt'OAL— Conxiti, Montreal, F. A. Routh. Sweden and Norway.— Co/ink^*, Quebec, \\. A. Schwartz; Victoria, B.C., R. Ward; Vice-Consa/s — Ottawa, ii. C. W. McCuaig ; Toronto, Anton L. Hertzberg; Three Rivers, G. Balcer. United States of A^w.hka. —Constil-General, Halifax, Darius H. Ingraham ; Cotmnl-General, MoiUredb—Vivn- dell A. Anderson ; Consnl-General, Ottawa, John II. Riley ; Vice and Deputy Consnl-General, Montreal, P. Gorman ; Consul, Qtiebec, P. B. Spence ; Toronto. John W. Coppinger, Consul: Vice-Consul, Toronto, Clias. A. Hirschfeldijr ; Brockvllle, J. A. Demarest; Coaticook, Joel Lindsay. Urvovav.— Vice-Consul, Montreal, F. C. Henskaw. Witiiin the vast yea ciission about the Flag has in the Almanacs of of information on the s including that of Cana^ of heing referred to at 1)6 observed that besid tary and Civil Flags wi there are officially recc the various parts of thi in a general way as c Olficial Flag of the G which is the Union Jai Colony or Province un it in the manner presc 8lgn. bcuig that worr consisting of the blue with a badge of the Cc sign, which is the ord the Local Mercantile 1 si^n with the badge o1 Tl'ese three Flags ai dear as a badge the A ctflcially granted at tl ing of the arms of th< amis have been soni lion of them may be ( order of heraldry, an tinct reference and p composed of the St. < Flag of England, and .lack added to it— 1( may perhaps be c\a great number of Iri the nipjority of the o are thus aiitly recogi opportunity in this field is charged with our of gold, that beii l)oth officially and jiopuliir acceptance, from an early date. gold lion on a red g as a "Lion of Eiiglai liitied with blue fieui France, the arms of some time after Cat gold fleurs-de-lis on these colours is th country which has h from the parent cov courtesy to Friince French Canadians, 1 .1 liKte ground hid 1 ancient heraldic i France. The same colour of green, the long continued use it has had in Ontari fellow citizens of Sc [1«}J(> ■l89()j THE CANADIAN FLAG. 227 IRAILROAD ON Willi ll biK'ATKI), OR XKAII. KST H. R. HTATIliV HKKKKY,1>IM(I2.1M 022 via Toronto Ont. Bathurst Villaue 599-2 *• 543-1, 390 323, 310, 01- Lake. field 580-31 I via Victoria n C Beachville W.i'y.ih 580-83 Oso Station Oil 535-83 )'5SO-37 )|580-e5 )\via Port Hope, (lilt ) nraceliricljfe fiSS 67 Ilensall 580-50 to hi' instrted In the jRAILROADON WHICH I LOCATED OR NKAII- I KST R. R. STATIDN, I SKBKKV,l'l>.ltW-lfi4 Alberton 605-1 Pembroke 535 -l-j Ste. A({athe des ] Monts 535-23 CiBi'a Victoria HiShippigan 540 eral, Toronto, lion. ; Consul, Montreal, ronto.Fnil. Nu'lmlls. (iencral for tint Ih- rt'. Boissevain ; I'/.v - ,rd ; Toronto, All.crt . N. Wicltwire, 11. 1 1.; r, B.C., ni),li. Ilomi-r Dixon, ominion of Canada. irena ; Vice-Conmd, 'jo. Honorury ('<■•■■ Honorarij Vice-C'Hi- lliain Henry Bitkcn:' 1 ; Lmfnlji'iiij, ^V.-S'., , 1). R. J.ick ; Sjidu'ii, I, 'iM/., JoliirEniK'h I.e., Henry Aiij,'ustiis E. \V. B. Moodv. napoliii, i\.S., .lanies Fraser; JAllle Glore iverjmol, X.S.. Holiit rd Primrose ; Saint ; WciioniHtli, y.S., . llouth. yfcec, W.A.SchwarIz; loninilx—Ottawa, K. L. Hertjibei'ff ; q'hrtf ul-Gcneml, Ilali/ax, •ral, Montreal^Vi'vn- II, Ottawa, .lolin II. l-Getieral, Montreal, B. Spence ; ToronUh ice-Coniivl, Toronto. % J. A. Demarest; F. O. Heiisliaw. THE CANADIAN FLAG. By E. M. Chadwick. Witliin llie jost year nr two tliere has lieen much din- ciission aliout the Flan of (,'anada. Mr. Colin Campbell has in the Almanacs of 1804 and 1895 given a great deal of information on the subject of the Flags of the F.mpire, including that of Canada, which space would not admit of lieing referred to at length in this article, but it may lie observed that besides the various Royal, Naval, Mill. tary and Civil Flags which may be classed as Imperial, there are otfluiall.v recognized or authorized local flags of the \ arious parts of the Empire, which may be described in a general way as consisting of three, viz. : — (1) The Official Flag of the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor, which is the Union Jack, with a badge of the State or Colony or Province under his Government placed upon il in the manner prescribed in detail. (-2) The Blue En- sign, being that worn by Colonial Government Ships, consisting of the blue ensign of the Royal Navy Reserve with a badge of the Colony in the fly. (3) The Red En- sign, which is the ordinary Civil Flag, and also that of the Local Mercantile Marine, being the British red en- sign \Mth the badge of the colony in the fly. Tbese three Flags as at present authorized for Canada hear as a badge the Arms of the Dominion, being those officially granted at the time of Confederation, consist- ing of the arms of the original four Provinces. As these anus have been somewhat misunderstood an explana- lioii of them may be desirable. They are in the highest o.-der of heraldr.v, and every detail of them has a dis- tinct reference and purpose. The Arms of Ontario are composed of the St. George's Cross — the ancient Naval Flag of England, and which is so still but with the Union ,Iack added to it — together with a green field, which may perhaps be claimed to be a ccmiilimcnt to the ^.'reat number of Irishmen who probably constituted the majority of the original settlers in Ontario, and who are thus ajitly recognized, there being in fact no other opportunity in thi« com]>osition to do so. The green field is charged with the Slaple Leaf in its natural col- our of gold, that being the badge which has been used both officially and unofficially, and by very general acceptance, in this Province as well as others from an early date. The Arms of Quebec contain a Kolne il popularly also to It is officially it as the National the flaps of the tenant-Governor of wreath of maple a similar manner in ff)reijfn countrie.s. piestioM, therefore, >lo fieaf, as comply, litions above stated, appear on our fia;;, thing is substituted se. It i.s, however, will be sanctioned, e action of the Ad- jrniission to use any hich case Canadian to revert to the use h merchant. There r" of the ensiffn in Siiished mark iipnn lority is not objecjt- al or otherwise, and 'here are, in fact, a the national ersi^n. ies, but these bein;' known. fretjuent reference rmer of which are I— and much mis- t many who have a ' is, an;! the differ- 'r crest. Heraldrv, 3ted in all apes arid 'd as the use of in- ;.l) person, families, iistence of individii- for a common pur- iij>s), ecclesiastical, wise ; and (3) .is *, Municipal, Pro- . may be rough!- ins. Flags, limlgci. ,' a development nf vement is in facf a ■nt of baflffes. A >rm ; it is a simple ^ntional manner to lymbolize aiiythiiiir ore pronounced i.r it of arms. .Such al emblems, and 's lioiituMeuiis oriffin, roduction of much >.'. presiunably at skilled in matters iiiseiiuently, is the pities the nation in persons. Jiafi-rcs Pted in flaK-s, and h use bclnif elTect- onal sentim>>nt or (iK.NKRAL VlKW OK TIIK Hl'ILDINiiH. 1, Main Buildini^. '1. Cymnasiuiii. S. Barracks. THE ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OF CANADA. Last year, we represented the Royal Military College mainly from the standpoint of national and patriotii- senthiient. Those who will refer to the remarks at page 218 of the Ca.vadian Almanac for 1895, will there find set forth many cogent reasons for the maintenance of this College, as an important and indeed necessary adjunct to oiir system of Militia and Defe'ice, and a valuable connecting link between that system and the regular Forces of the Empire, of which so many officers, within a comparatively very short period, have been drawn from the- classes of our graduates. The record, moreover, which those young Officers have already made in Her Majesty's Army, is one of which the Dominion may well feel proud, "^he maintenance, therefore, of the Koyal Military College as a permanent branch of the Government service of Canada is admittedly one of the necessities uf our national position, and a part of our contribution to the gradually developing scheme of Imperial defence. We purpose this year to dwell upon some of the more practical features of the institution, as regards the personal interests of the Cadets themselves. It will be satisfactory to note (as, however, our limits will only permit us to do very briefly) how the College has 105 One of the Canadian Officers of Her Majesty's Army, in the above list, is to be atlded to those at present servinjir ill the Permanent Militia of Canatia, making thirteen ex-Cadets now holding commissions in our own Regular Force ; three more of them are Instructor in our Royal Military College, or five Graduates in all on the College 230 THE ROYAL MIMTARV COLLEGE OF CANADA. [189(j I89ti] ■1, '» i, ill instruntional Staff; one is Her Majesty's Deputy (loniinissioner and Vice-Consul, Niger Coast Protwioraic one is on the Staff o( a Roval Military College in England ; and one on the Staff of the Scnool of Military Eii|{. ineering, Chatham, Kngland. Another ex-Ciuiet is a Major in the Uegnlar Artillery of New South Wales. To I this nninber must of course be added those whose brief but brilliant records since leaving the College have been cut short l>y death, such as Maokay, who had already won the Distinguished Service Order, and 'liid while I Acting Administrator of the Imperial British Kast Africa Company; Stairs, who served in Stanleys famous 1 expedition, and who died at Zambezi, whilst in command of the Katanga Expedition sent out by the Kinj,' of tlic Belgians ; Kobinson. Connnanding Royal Engineer, West Coast of Africa, killed in action at the moment whin | his conspicuous heroism would undoubtedly have gained for him the Victoria Cross. Some 30 of the Graduates and ex-Cadets of the College were on Active Service, during the N.-W. lUbellioii I of 1885 ; and from those Graduates all the personal Staff Otticers, such as Aides-de-Camp, were selected : Captain I H. E. Wise ; Lieuts. A E. Doucet, H. C. Freer, J. W. Sears, F. J. Dixon, H. B. Strange, J. L. Weller, Staff Adju tant, R. W. Leonard, Staff- Officer of Transport, etc. That this College at the same time <|uulifie8 ec]ually well for other pursuits in life may be gathered from the following very incomplete statement of the avocations of a number of ex-Cadets in civil life who have acldwl this information to their respective post-office addresses for entry in the Reference book that is kept for the nuitunl | information of members of the Royal Military College Club. The list includes those who ore now filling, anil tho*- who sit.ce leaving College have fille; Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, South Africa, 1 ; Civil Service, Dominion and Provincial, 8 ; Doiiiiniiin Land Surveyors, i; Engineers, '2; Engineer and Survey r, 1 ; Electrical Engineers, 2; Electric Comiian>'! employ, 1; Electric Railway Company's employ,!; Engineers of Cities, of Harbours, Water-works, et(., .■.: Farming, 4 ; Geological Survey employ, 3 ; Holy Orders, 1 ; Hydro(^raphical Survey, 3 ; Insurance Coiii|iaiiy Superintendent, 1 ; M. I)., 1 : Mining Engineers, 2 ; Mining Company Managers, 2 ; Oil Producers and Brokers, J; Patent Solicitor, 1; Police, Captain of, Houssa (Africa) Force, 1; Police, British South Afiica Company's, 1; Railway Contractor, 1 ; Railway employ (C. P. R., Intercolonial Railway and others), 11 ; Real Estate Broker, 1. A few of the Graduates have kindly allowed their names to be mentioned here, and consented to the foUowiii;; brief sketches being given, for which we are indebted to the courtesy of the Honorary Secretary, Royal Military College Club of Canadn. Mr. Dixon acted as Assistant Secretary, remaining at Wimiipeg with the Commission until the end of Dt'cein- her, 1885, when they were transferred to Ottawa lo their work, which was eventually cor.ipleted In the President and Mr. Dixon, the Secretary, on Ainil ;!(lth, 1887. After leaving the Militia Service he was tin ployed in the General Offices of the Grand Trunk Kail- way, and afterwards in the General Offices of the C'aiia (lian Pacific Railway, Toronto. Mr. Dixon is a well known authority on military matters, in which be takis a deep interest. He was unanimously elected Presi(kni of the Hoyal Military College Club of Canada, of whiili he was one of the founders, and is the Corresponding Secretary of the Canadian Military Institute, Toronto. Sl'I'KRINTKNDKST AVLKSWORTIl BOWEN PERRV, yurtk-Went Mounted Police. Was born in the County of Lennox, Ontario, on ilie 21st August, 1860. Entered the Royal Military Colltfje 1st June, 1876, and graduated therefrom 30th June, 1880. Winner of the Governor General's Gold ami Silver Medals. Was appointed Lieut, in the Uovai Engineers, 26th August, 1880, and retired on account of ill health on the 31st July, 1881. Served on the Staff cii the Geological Survey, 1st August, 1881, tolst Jamiary 1882. Appointed Inspector, North- West Mounted IViliir, 24th January, 1882, promoted Superintendent Ist .Vugust 188,5. Served in Alberta Field Force under command of .Major-General Strange during the Nortti West Rebellion of 1S85. Was mentioned in report oi the General Officer Commanding. At present cuiii nianding Depot Division and Headquarters Districi, North-West .Mounted Police. LiBLTKS.\.Nr Fr.\ncis Joski'H Dixon, I'linttdchiil List, PreMent Hoyal Militanj College Club of Canada. Joined the Royal Military College on 1st June, 1876, when the College was first opened. Gra.v the KInj,' of tht at the iiioiiieiit when the N..\V. ({(.•liellioii i re selected : Captain | Weller, Staff-Ailju le gathered from the "lio have addt-d this j tept for the inimial low fllliiijr, and thtw,, sters, 3; Hre«fi, i; Civil Kiiyiiieeis, :ij; vincial, 8 ; Domini,,,, Klectric Comiiuny, Vater-works, et, ., ,v Insuranee Coiupan; icers and Brokers, i; ifiica Company's, 1 ; eal Estate Broker, 1. nted to the following ?tary, Royal Militaiv retary, remainiiij; at 'il the end of Decern- 'erred to Ottawa t.i ually coniplettd In .Secretary, on Ainil a .Service he \va> em i Grand Trunk Kaij. Offices of the (una [r. Dixon is a well rs, in which he takes sly elected rresldeiu 3f Canada, of wliieli 1 the Corrcspondin:.' Institute, Toronto. BowE.N Perky, Police. >\, Ontario, on the yal Militarv Colltfte srefroui 30th June, Beneral's Gold ami ieut. in the Uoval etired on account ol jrvedon the .''eer». Was born in the City of Quebec, 31st May, 1864, and is a son of P. B. Casgrain, Q.C., and grandson of Hon. C. E. Casgrain. Entered the Royal Military College, February, 1880, and graduated June, 1883. Employed on Canadian (Jovuniment Survey of North-West "rcrritories. Served during the North-West Rebellion of 1885 as Captain and Adjutant of the 9th Battalion of Rifles and received me>i From 1881 to 1883 was Assistant Engineer on works (,| improveii;ent Mis.souri River, at Nebraska City, .N(. braska ; from 188;i to 1887 Transitman, Duision Engineer on Ci instruction and Locating Enjiiiinr with the Burlington and Missouri River R. R. ; frwn 188!) to 181)1, Assistant Engineer in charge of Dyke I'm,. struction at Sioux City, Iowa, and of Shore I'roleetinii at Omaha, Nebraska, for the Missouri River CoiiUhiy. sion ; from 181)1 to I8!)a, Engineer for the East Onialia Land Co., Omaha, Nebraska; from 1893 to 18!);'), Kni;. ineer for tlie Omaha Bridge and Terminal Ry. ('(i.,;n Omaha, Nebraska. Al.KX. KlXu KlKKl'.VTRlCK, C.E. Was born in ISOl, at Kingston, Out., and educated at the Collegiate Institute in that city, and at the Royal Military College, graduating from the latter Institution in June, 1882. Was Rodman on constructic." of Ontario & Quebec Ry., 1882 ; Topographer on Locatioi Party C. P. Ry., Lower Kicking Horse Pass, 1883 ; Transit man on Location Party C. P. Ily. Selkirk Mountains, 1SS4 ; Drauglitsuian in bridge and building designers' ottices, C. P. Ry., Rocky -Mountains, 18S.^ ; Assistant Engineer on construction of Smith's Falls extension of Ontario & Quebec Division C. P. Ry., 1886; Assistant Engineer on construction of International of Main Division of C. P. Ry.-, 1887-8 ; Resident Engineer in charge of construc- tion of Chatham section of Detroit Extension C. P. Ry., 1880; Resident Engineer in Charge of construction'of Wayne Section of Norfolk & Western Ry., West \'irginia, 18!)6; Assistant Engineer, Maintenance of W.ay, < )ntano it Quebei^ Division C. P. Ry., 1891; Resident Engineer Maintenance of Way, Toronto, Havelock and Smith's Falls .Sections of O'ltario & Quebec Division C. I*. Ry., 1892, which latter position he still retains. C.\t'TAiN W F. VasBi'skihk, R.L., 0. L.S., A. M., Can. Soc. C K. Was born at St. Thomas, t)nt., and educated partly at the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute and at the Royal Military College. Joined the latter Institution in Sep- tember, 1880, and graduated therefrom in June, 1884. Took a course of instruction in Engineering at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, term of 1884-.'). Was assistant to Mr. W. M. Davis, C.E., on design anil construction of Water-works, pavements and sewers at Woodstock, Ont., during the years 1886-0 and 1887. Passed the Ontario Land Surveyors' Examination in 1887. Was in partnership with Mr. W. .M. Davis C.E. under the name of Davis & VanBuskirk, Civil Engineeiu Arthur E.vilk Doickt. Was born in Montreal, in June, 18(iO. Graduated fiom the '.loyal -Military College of Canada in 1880, ami w,\« appointed to a position on the Engineering Staff of the Canadian Pacific Ry. When the North- West Rebellion broke out he offered his services to the Govermiient. and was appointed an A.D.C. to Major-General -Midillt. ton. Was wounded .• Fish Creek, which necessitalnl his removal to the Field Hosjiilal at Clark's \im\. When convalescent was i)>pointeil Adjutant of iht School of .Mounted Infantry, Winnipeg, which he resigned at the end of three months owing to disabilin caused by wound received in the North-West Rebellion. Took up Civil ICngineering in 1880, and was coniiecleil with several im))ortant works, among others the I a- (^hine Bridge and the Richelieu Bridge, both buili h\ the Canadian Pacific Ry. In 1887 accepted an fe ffenenillv. rps evinced by th'i» retic association, in !ial of Pioceedinjis ed, speaks vohiines ■k done by the Col- iithusiasm shown for atic commendation sed through it who 'Pply to it the most erience. A regular d annually, and bv en, important con- fessional and other diplomas, as men absent membeis. in \arious topics of hese meetings, and I duties, ef all llu )und in the Militia iient for infoniia- I Blue Ensign, SHEWING maple leaf in disc, (which is th» usual Colonial Arr»r:gem«nt)i If the badge were charged directly enthe bluc,it would be Vejlowfgold) Red Ensign, shewing maple leap badge charged directly on the field; If this were on a Disc it should be Green. Proposed design for The Canadian national Flag. SeePagt e^r CanadianlA/manac for/836. ^J THE» "The like of which tioimdary line"— is ' Mcujazim says, in an Ciinada, speiikinjr of w Mounted Police Force. When the Bill to ai Acts relating to this Canada, during the se tor of Agriculture sp " Kvery day those me we are using them foi own Department uset pose of looking after i had the men, it woi |;w,000 for the 8ervic( The whole of that serv which will go from President of the Priv Force. It has heen so in number. I do no We are doing the bi IKrhaiw as they imp and require more att part of the Police. very great service, ai excess of what it she said ; "I have been (piainted with the mi West, and have knc and have been abox ■ I r :1 THE NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE FORCE OF ^ANADA. By Colin Campbell, Asst. Paymr., B. N. (Retired). "The like of which is not known on this side of the lioinidary line" — is wliat a writer in the Century MayaziHC sajs, in an article upon the Great Plains of Canada, speakinjf of what he truly styles our " etllcient Mounted Police Force." When the Bill to amend and consolidate the various Acts relating to this Force was before the Senate of Canada, during the session of 1894, the Hon. the Minis- ter of Agriculture spoke thus of the Mounted Police : " Kvery day those men are becoming more useful, and we are using them for various services. Lost year my own Department used the >Iounte them doing all kiiidh of work, acting as collectors of customs, as poli(!tnien, quelling disturbances, keeping riots down while the railway was being built - in (act I can say without the slightest hesitation (and I speak with coiimiisnanci'. de cause) I doubt if there is any force in the world of the same number that has ever done as much good :is our North-West Mounted Police. * ' There is • .'e intelligence in that force than you will find in any regi- ment anywhere else. When they turn out they make a splendid appearance. They ha\e the respect of the white people of the North-West and of the Indians also. ' * I hope the Government will think at)oul a great many other things before they think of reducing this force. There is plenty of work for them to do, and they save sometimes in one year more than they cost the country in ten years." In the House of Conmions, where the Bdl was subjected to the usual close scrutiny of an ever vigilant Opjwsition, and objections were raised up- on several matters of administration and detail, the necessity for such a force and the expediency of its continued maintenance were generally admitted, and similar testimony was given as to the faithful and effl- cient service which it has always rendered. Mr. Davin, M.P. for West Assiniboia, made this em- phatic remark : " From what I know of the North-West, and of the services discharged by the Mounted Police, and from what I know of the money they have saved to the Government of Canada, so far as regards our Indians from what I know of their good services performeI. Daly, Minister of tlie Interior, remarked that "there is no more efficient force in the whole Dominion. The iiien are a credit to this country, and to i lie officers who command them, and the services they have rendered Canada speak volumes for the force. I do not think tliat any person at all conversant witli its work will say that it does not do its work most efficiently and ec ii- oniically. ** * The force is recognized by tbc:^ competent to give an opinion as the most efficiently managed force in the British possessions. Military men who have hail to do with similar organizations have always said, on inspection of tlie Mounted Police, that it is one of the finest bodies of men to be found in any of our British possessions, not excepting the Australian or the Cape Colony Police." Our aboriginal races quickly perceived, moreover that these warriors of Justice had come there to the Indians' own protectors, both against their wc enemy, the whiskey trader, and against lawless whit men of any description ; that, while the Indians wen strictly held to account as subjects of the British Queen yet "her Crown and dignity" couki and would proteol the red subject as fully and fairly as the white "pite of all the difficulties of the situation, the result] been in the main as honourable to the red race a.s to' the white, the Indians generally proving themselves not unworthy of the consideration shown them. The solu tion of the Indian problem of the Canadian North-West was ably commenced by this small band of intrepid, well-discii)lined and well-conducted Police, Chivalrous and indeed romantic has been the reconl of this Force, amid the difficulties and dangers wliicli it faced anen(lliisr ,ii first largely upon their own I'esources, a portion of them l.^'l n farm the posts for their own support, while their con rades patrolled the vast region entrusted to tlieir ' igilance, ciickly suppressing the whiskey tnuleis. mlding tb ivlld spirits of the tribes in check, ami even k' '>)ing the peace, in a l.irge measure, between t he ililTer et,. wailike races th( nise'.ves. And Canada may well lie proud of this "fro'ition of a Force" that, iti a woi-d, as the Pre.siellion it was f urth into ten Divisions, respectively the Depc K Divisions ; Depot, ^ (jiwsions, always rei! Uegina. As a meas 1SH4, reduced froi otBoers and Consta pondingly reduced iiig Depot heail qi arise, more men » tlie ten divisioit org are posted throughi there being, under three with divisionn houndary, three far one forming, with along the Canadian its own outposts, \ men ; and the met international bouiii fADA. [180M1>^9()] the north-west MOUNTED POLICE FORCE OF (CANADA. 235 post!) were established, and within two years after tlic (irKaiiization of the fcce, the whole of the North- West Territories, from tht l>ouiidary to the Saskatchewan jiver, was well under me control of the Police. In 1877, on the retirement of Lt. Col. French, Lt. Col. Macleod, who had been Assistant Connnissioner, was promoted to (he command ; and it may here be mentioned that to the uot, discretion and jfood judgment shown by Ool. Mac- leMl, Canada is largely indebted for the successful treaty negotiations with the Blaekfeet Indians, and their coii- tiiiiied faithful allegiance. A few years later the B'orce was increased to 500 men aiid horses, and on the outbreak of the Nortli-West Reliellion it was further increased to 1,000, being divided into ten Divisions, nominally of 100 men each, called res|iectively the Depot and A, B, C, D, E. F, G, H and K Divisions ; Depot, with generally one of the lettered and the country in their neighbourhood for the main- tenance of order and the enforcement of the law, any arrests made being immediately reported to divisional head quarters. They also do some good work in obtain- ing reports from the settlers and collecting statistics as to the state of crops, etc. Especially valuable service has been rendered by these soldiers-of-all-u ork, in guarding against and suppressing the prairie Arcs so fre(|uently started in spring and fall through the care- lessness of settlers, but freiptently most disastrous in their results. The Police are enjpovvered to turn out the settlers, when necessary, to assist in this work ; should the people refuse to obey the suunnona they are liable to arrest and heavy fine. The Officers of the North-West Mounted Police are a Commissioner and an Assistant Conunisioner, with a Superintendent and two Inspectors to each Division. CO.SHTABLK, NoRTII-WbMT MOUNTED POLICK. 'liwsions, always remaining at regimental head quarters, Kigina. As a measure of economy, the strength was, in IStM, reduced from 1,000 to 7.50 N'on-commissloned ofHoers and Constables, the organization being corres- jjondingly reduced from ten to eight Divisions, indud. inj; Depot heiul quarters ; but, should the necessity arise, more men would lie ininicdiutely engaged, and tlie ten division organization be restored. The Divisions are posted throughout the Territories at suitable points, there being, under the |)reMent reduced establishment, three witli divisional head qnartei's near t lie internttlionSl l)i)undary, three far to the 'orthwaiil, and the remaining one forming, with that at Kegina, an intermediate line along the Canadian Pacitlc Railway. Each Division has its own outposts, varying in strength from two to ten men; and the men on outpost duty patrol both the international boundary for the suppression of smuggling There is also an liisjieetor who acts as ipiarter master at bead quarters, and anotlier wlio acts os paymaster. There are fi\e sui\4?ons, who are stationed at the prin- cipal posts ; the services of local medical practitioners are employed when requisite for the small detachments. The horses are attended to bj a veterinary surgeon and an assistant veterinary surgeon, with veterinary ser- geants attached to each division, tlie majority of tlie latter being (|ualitied veterinary surgeons. The pay of the Force is as follows ; Commissioner iM.dfM) Asst. Conimissioner l.COO Superintendents 1,4(XJ Inspectors, Surgeons and Veterinary Surgeons 1,000 Staff sergeants receive from SLifi to !<-J.lni per day ; n I /;. li t:. !| ^ 286 THE NdKTH-WEST MOUNTED POIJCE FORtJE OF CANADA. [189 ordinary duty Ser^'eant8 .*1.00 ; Corporttls, 85 cents ; Oonstahlea, 50 to 75 cents per day. Kxtra pay is allowed to artizans, such as shoeinj^snuths, saddlers, etc. The period of engaijeniert is five years, but men who ha\e served for one term may re-engage for three or five years. The .'ull-dres9 unifoini is a scarlet tunic with yellow facings ; blue cloth riding breeches with yellow stripes ; white helmet and cavalry boots; overcoat, cavalry pattern. In winter the men wear regulation fur coats, caps with badffe, and moccasins, when the duties they are called upon to perform necessitate such l)eing worn. For prairie work, a rough and more suitable uniform than the full-dress is furnished Although a civil force, the >rounted Police are drilled as a military organization, and may at any time by the passing of an Order in Council be practically converted into Militia. They have several field guns, and gun detachments are always in readiness to take the tield. I'l fact, they can act at any time as Cavalry, Field Artil- lery or Infantry. The artillery armament has hitherto consisted of six seven-pounder guns, four nine-pounder guns and two mortars. They have hitherto been armed with the Winchester repeating carbine, and the Enfield revolver. It is understood that in the early future the Winchester will be replaced by the new Lee- Metford carbine, and the field guns by M.axim machine guns. 200 Lee->Ietfords have alreiuly been issued, and two Maxim guns were on the way at the date of this article being written. The physique of the Force is very good, the average height being 5 ft. QJ inches. There are still serving in this Force a miniher of men who joined at its organization in 1873-74. Evidence of the popularity of the service is to be found in the fact that between 70 and 80 per cent, of the men whose periods of engagement have expired re-engage for another term. It would be (lilHcult, within the limits of a short article, to describe the various duties performed, and the good services rendered by the North-West Mounted Police. In early days, as already stated, they were niaitily employed in looking after the Indians, and there is abundant evidence how well that ini))ortant dut' was performed. On I he outbreak of the rebellion in 1885, the Force came under the control of the Major General Commanding the Militia, bearing its full share of the hardships, during that brief but arduous campaign. The progress of settlement of the country has largely increased the duties and responsibilities of the Force, and has necessitated the establishment of many small detachments of from two to eight or ten men. A traveller passing through the country may see the Police battling with prairie fires, enforcing the quarantine regulations with regard to cattle, horses and sheep, (collecting customs duties, watching smugglers, chasing horse thieves, enforcing the fishery regulations, conveying lunatici and prisoners from place to place, attending judges and magistrates generally in connec- tion with the trial of offenders against the law, or col- lecting weather, crop and other information required for statistical purposes. New settlers, especially foreign- ers, look to them for a^lvice ; and they are the means by friendly personal counsel of settling many a dispute I that wotild otherwise result in needless litigation aij ill-feeling among the settlers. Speaking generally, tJ Police constitute a pioneer force in aid of all tn departments of the public service in the North-Wo| I Territories. Finally, time-expired men of this Kon I have become, in their turn, some of the most valnalj j settlers of the country, from their superior disciplinj ; varied experience and intimate knowledge of the regiol to which they have so long given security and protecdorf The Department of North-West Mounted Police in branch of the civil government at Ottawa, iinilcr ttil control and management of the President of the I'n\j Council, Sir M.irkenzie Howell, Mr. Frederick Wliiti the Comptroller, being Deputy Minister. The loriil \ torial organization of the force is at present as followsf Hkau Qr.\RTKii8, Regina. Cininnissiinirr, L. W. Herchiner. Axulxtant ComiiiisKiuiH'i; J. H. MclUree. Rkuina District. Si(^)eriiiti-ii(1ciit, A. B. I'erry. litupeetorK, J. A. McGibbon, J. O. Wilson, C. Starnt?! M. I?aker, IJ. Belcher, W. 11. Irwin, E. O. Brown W. M. de Hay Williams, W. H. Scarth. Sui-ffenn, G. P. Bell. Vet. Surgeon, J. Burnett. "A" Division, M.xi'lk Chekk Distrut (Hd. i^rg., Maploj Creek). S%iperinteiident, S. Gagnon. InsppctiirK, M. II. White-Fraser, W^. Routledge. Suri,S. M. Eraser. "C" Division, Battlkkord District (Hd. Qrs., Battle ] ford). Superintendent , J. Cotton. Tn»i>ectors, .1. 1). Moodie, J. V. Begin. Siirgeon, L. A. Pare. " D" Division, Maclkod District (Hd. (^irs., Maoleod). Superi lite intent, S. B. Steele. Inspectiirn, G. E. Sanders, A. E. H. Cuthbert, W. .S. Casey, H. J. A. Davidson, .S. M. .larvis, P. 0. 11. | Primrose. Surneim, C. S. Haultain. Asut. Vet. Stirgeun, T. A. Wroiighton. "E" Division, Caloarv District (Hd. Qrs., Calgary). Svperiiitendent, J. Howe. Inxoectora, Z. T. Wood, F. Harper, D. H.'n. "F" Division, Princk Albkrt District (Hd. Qis,, Prince Albert). Superintendent, G. B. Mofxatt. Inspectiir, ,^. M. AU&u. "G" Division, Edmonton District (Hd. Qra., Knit Saskatchewan). Siiperiiilendent, A. II. Griesbach. Impeelorx, A. E. Snyder, D. M. Howard. "K" Division, Lktiibridok District (Hd. Qin., Letli- bridge). Sujierintendent, H. B. Deane. Innijectorn, W. S. Morris, A. C. Macdonell. Dktacii.mknt fro.m Hkad Quarters, Yukon Dibtrht. InKpeetom, C. Constantine, D. E. Strickland. Surgeon, A. E. Wills. DiWRiir (Hd. lirs , Map^ er, W. Routledpe rRiCT(Hd. (^)is,,Maoleo(ll. rper, P. H, Miw^pliersn STRICT (Hd. Qm, Lcih IJk iliool of Pedagogy for the Professional Training of First-class Public Scliool Teachers arjd High School Assistants. J J, A. McLcUaii, M.A., LL I)., PriiicipftI : ■). M. Leviiii, llA , Vice Principal, with Lecturers in the various llnnches. Proviiioial flormal and Model Schools for the Training of Teachers. Sonnal School, Toronto. -T. Kirkland, M.A., Prin- Inpal ; Wilham Scott, M.A., Vice Principal; A. C. Icasselman, Drawing Master ; E. Masson, French lieaclier ; S. H. Preston, Teacher of Vocal Music ; ll. Parr, Teacher of Gymnastics and Calisthenics. Ijfodei School, in which the Normal School Students tfactine the Art of Teachin;;. — Angus Mcintosh, Prin- Idpal of the Boys School; R. W. Murray, First Assis- llint ; T. M. Porter, Second Assistant ; Jeannie Wood, iThird Assistant ; S. M. Ross, Fourth Assistant ; M. T. Iscott, Mistress Girls' School ; May K. Caulfeild, First lAssifitant ; M. Meehan, Second Assistant ; Alice Stuart, llhird Assistant ; C. F. Sutherland, Fourth Assistant, and Jihe Teachers of Drawing, Music, Gymnastics and Calis- llhenics in the Normal School ; Mary E. Mclntyre, iKindergarten Teacher ; Ellen Cody, AjSt. Kindergarten. ISornial School, Ottawa. — J. A. MacCabe, M.A., LL.D., IPrineipal; S. B. Sinclair, B.A., Vice Principal: T. H. IlIcGuirl, B.A., Drawing Master; M. Fleury, French [Master :W. G. Workman, Music Master ; Rev. H. Mc- llleekin. Teacher o Elocution. Model School.— E. D. IParlow, Principal Boys' School; Wm. Buck, First I.Usistant; J. H. Putman, Second Assistant; H. S. I Williams, Third Assistant; Adeline Shenick, Mistress I Girls' School; M. G. Joyce, First Assistant; M. E. I B.itterworth, Second Assistant; Florence Harrington, I Third Assistant ; Eliza Bolton, Kindergarten Teacher ; IE B. Cope, Clerk and Accountant, and Teacher of I Gymnastics, I Collegiate Institutes and High Schools. Each of the High Schools (which form the intermediate link between the Public Schools and the Universities) is managed by a Board of Trustees, appointed jointly by I the County and Town Councils. In cities the Trustee* I are all appointed by the City Councils, except where there is only one school in the County. The Principal must be a graduate of a British or Colonial University, i and certified as experienced in teaching. Assistants must , also have received the prescribed training. Besides fees, ' local rates must be raised. Every High School with two : qualified teachers receives a fixed amount of $400, and I also a certain sum on salaries of teachers, general equip- : ment, suitability of school premises and attendance. j High Schools which have an average attendance of 60 pupils, may be made Collegiate Institutes, and receive additional grant. Pupils attending these schools are pre- I pared for Matriculation in the Universities. There were I 35 Collegiate Institutes and 94 High Schools, with 23.523 I pupils, in Ontario in 1894. Public Schools. ] Ea<:'h Township is divided into School Sections of a I suitable extent for one School ; and in each of these Sec- tions three Trustees are elected to manage its School affairs. In Cities, Towns and Villages, the Schools are nianaged by a Board of School Trustees elected from the Municipality. There were .5,977 Public (includmg 823 separate) Schools, with 483,2o3 pupils, in Ontario in 1894. Educational R^useuni. Connected with the E»-V { SiXka} "••'"''' J. S. Deacon Halton Milton Joseph H. Smith Wentworth . . . Hamilton M. J. Kelly, M.D.,LL.B. Brant Brantford I James B. Grey Lincoli St. Catharine j James H. Ball, M.A Welland Thorold Clarke Moses Haldimand . . Caledonia J. J. Wadsworth, Jf. A.M.B Norfolk Simcoe Wm. Carlvle Oxford Woodstock [237] 238 EDUCATIONAL iNSTITUTIONS. [189i: \m] m liisi>ector. County. Thomas Pearce - Waterloo D. P. Clapp, B.A N. Wellington. J. J. Craig 8. N. Gordon Dufferin Thomas Gordon W. Grey Andrew Grier E. " N. W.Campbell S. " Wm. Alexander Perth John Eltrin Tom S. Huron David Robb N. Huron W. S. Clendening E.Bruce Alex. Campbell W. " John Dfcarness E. iliddlesex . . lilOII SCHOOL INSI'BCTORS. J. E Hodiroon, M.A John Seath, B.A P.O. Berlin Harriston Fergus Orangeville Owen Sound Thornhury Durham Stratford Goderich Clinton Walkerton Kincardine London hispector. County. p. o. Hugh D. Johnson W. Middlesex. StraUiroy Welhurn Atkin Elgin St. Thoiiias Rev. W. H. G. CoUes ... E. Kent Chatham Robert Park W. " Chatham Chas. A. Bariies, B.A .... Lamhton No. 1 London John Brebner " No. 2 Sarnia Theodule Girardot Essex, No. ] . . Sendwich D. A. Maxwell, M.A., LL.B., Ph.D •' No. 2.. Anihetstlnirg j D. McCaig Dis^of Algoma. Colliii(;\vood Rev. G.Grant, M.A... f D. Parry S'd \ \ & Nipissing. / Orillia. Toronto Toronto I SKPARATK SCHOOL INSPKCT0B8. I James F. White Tcironto I William Prenr'. -.-a»t, B.A T( -no I MODRL SCHOOL INSPECTOR. John J. Tilley. INSPECTOR or ^ORMAL SCHOOLS, PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL SCHOOL OK PEDAOOOY. AND ,'F.- J. A. McLellan, LL.D Torontn I Toronto J. M. Levan, H.A.i Vice-Prin.) Toronto I PRINCIPALS OK HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATE INSTITITES. Alexandria. . . Almonte Arnprior Arthur Athens Aurora Aylmer; CI.. Barrie, C.I ... lieanisville . . . Belleville Berlin BowmanvUie . Eradfc d . . . . Brampton .... Brantford.C.I. Brighton Brockville.C.I Caledonia .... Campbellford Carleton Place Cavusa Chatham. C.l Clinton, C. I . Cobourg, CI. Colhorne .... Collingw'd,C.I Cornwall Peseronto .... Dundas Dunnville .... Dutton E^ora Essex Fergus Forest Oalt.C.I Gananoque . . . Georgetown . . Glencoe Goderich, C.I , Grinisliv Guelph, C.I . . Ilatrcr'^ville . . Athens Barrie Beanif. lUe . . . Berii.i Brucel)ri(lge . Bradford Brampton . . . Zsrantford . . . Caledonia Chatham Clinton Cobourg Collingwood . Cornwall Durham Elora Forest Gait Gananoque. . . Goderich R. Young, B.A. P. C. McGregor, B. .4. J. W. Grey, B.A. A. Stevenson, B.A. J. H. Mills, M.A. A. L. Aubin, B.A. W.W.Rutherford, B.4 T. H. Redditt, BA. W. W. Jardine, B.A. E. F. MiUnirn, B.A. J. W, .,'oiiiior. B.A. W.M.Fenwick, B.A. T. Waui.'h, B.A. W. J. Fenton, B.A. A. W. Burt. B.A. W. F. Bald, B.A. W . Pakenhain, B. A . L. T. Lochea*l,3A..^. A. M. Shields, B.A. W. J. Patterson, M.A . L. Kinnear, M.A. P. S. Paterson, B.A J. Houston, M.A. (ieo.W.Mitchell.JW.^. W. Bellamy, B. A . W. Williams, B.A. W. D. Johnston, B.i4. A.G. Knight, B.A. J. Keid, M.A.. LL.B. J. E. Croly, M.A P. S. Skinner, B.A. J. A. Snell, M.A. C.L.Crassweller, B.yl P. Porrv, M.A. A. C.Crosby, M.A. T. Carscadfien, M.A. H. (!. (iraliuni. A. H. (Jibbard, B.A. J. Trenicer, B.A. .11. I. Strang, B.A. W. II. Muldiew, B.^. '".W. HaiTison, M.A . .). Pavison, B.A. J. McNicol, B.A. O Sliannnn . W. J. Hallet . R. J. Brown . J. Snddalty . G. II. (). fhoinaH . A. Ortoii . A. I.. Merrill . W. Wilkinson . R. Tlioinpson J. C. Smith . W. K. LoiiKh , A. Harbor . •■:. Ward . J. Connolly . T. Allen . L. K. Fallis . J. Campbell . R. Alexander . J. C. Linklater . S. P. Halls Hamilton, C.I. Harriston Hawkeabury . . Ingersoll, C.I. Iroquois Kemptville . . Kincardine . . Kingston. C.I. Lindsay, C.a . . listowe! London, CI.. I.iican M mloc Markhain .... Meaford Mitchell Morrisburg, CI Mount Forest. Napanee, C. I. Newburgh .... Newcastle .... Newmarket . . Niagara Niagara FallsS Niajiara Falls. Norwood .... Oakville Omomee Orangeville . . Orillia Oshawa Ottawa. C.I .. Owen Slid, C.I Paris Parkhill Pembroke .... Perth, C.I... . Peterboro'.C.I Petrolea Pic ton Port Arthur . . Port Dover . . I'ort Elgin .... PRINCIPALS Hamilton . . . Iiigci'.soll Kincardine. . . Kingston Lindsay London Modoc Meaford Milton Mindcn Mitchell Morrisburg. , . Mount Fortst. Napanee Newmarket . Norw 00(1 Orangeville... Owen Sound . Parry Sound Perth R. A.Thompson, B.A. J.McMurchie, B.A. W. K.T.Smellie,/?..^. W. Briden, B.A . J. A. Jackson, B.A. W. Dillane, B.A. S. W. PeriT, B.A . W. S. Ellis", B.A. J. C. Harstone, B.A. W. A. Phillips, B.A. y. W. Mercnant, M .A . C. W. Miilloy, B A. A. H. Watson, B.A. G. H. Reed, B.A. Alex. Mowat, B.A. W. Elliot, B.A. J. S. Jamieson, M.A. J. H.Brethour, B.A T. M. Hennr, B.A. J. B. Dandeno, B.A. H. Davidson, B.A. J. E. Dickson, B.A. W. F. Seymour, B.A. Fred. Sherin, M.A. J. D. Dickson. J. Davidson, M.A. N. J. Wellwood, ii.^. T. O. Page, B.A. A. Steele, B.A. J. Ryerson, B.A. L. C, Smith, L.A. J. Manmillan, B.A. W. H. Jenkins, B.A. J. W. Acres, B.A. E M. Bigg, M.A. B. J, M. Freer, B.A. R, A. Paterson, B.A. C. Fessenden. B.A. J. J.Bell, 79..4. R. DolLson, B.A. A. McCulloch, M.A. I). Hicks, B.A. J. T. Lillie, B A. OK MODEL SCHOOLS. . W. II. Elliott . H. F. McDiannid . F. C. Powell R. K. Row . G. E. liroderick . II. M. Graham . J. R. Brown . A. A. Jorilan . W. F. Iinnan . ,1. W. English . C. M. Frt nch W. B. Kavlcr . S. H. W^.tervclt . J. Howerman . W. Uannie . F. K. Perney . M. N. Annstrong . T. A. Reid . J. A. Cummings . M. M, Jaques I Port Hope .... Port Perrj' . . Port Rowan . . Prescott Kenfrew Richmond Hill Ridgfitown,C.I Sarnia, C.I Seafortb,C.I.. Simcoe Smith'sFalls.. Smithville.... StCath'nes,CI St. Mary's, C.I Stirling Stratford, C.I. Strathro^-, C.I. Streetsville . . St.Thoma8,C.I Sydenham. . . . Thorold Tilsonburg . . . Toronto, C.I.: Jarvis St . . Jameson Av. Harbord St. Toronto June. Trenton Uxbridge .... Vankleek Hill. Vienna Walkerton . . Wardsville Waterford .... Watford Waterdown . . Welland W^ston Whitby, C.I . . Wiarton Williamstown Windsor W'oodstockjCI T.A.Kirkconnell,/;.^ D. McBride, B.A. J. A. Monroe, B.A M. McPherson, M A. C. McDowell, B.A. N. Robertson, B.A J.G. Little, B.A D. M.Grant, B.A. C. Clarkson, B.A J. D. Christie, B.A. J. A. Houston, JI/./l. W. H. Hunt, B.^. J. Henderson, M.A. S. Martin, B.A. J. S. Carstairs, B.A. C. A. Mavberrv, B.A. J. E. Wetherell, B.A, J. O. McGregor, N. Qnance, IS. A. V. .1. Flach, fl..l. A. W. Reavley, B.A. J.G. Clark, B.A. A. VacMurchv, M.A. L. E. Embree", M.A. H. B.Spotton, j)/.^. F. C. Colbcck, £./t. W. Oliver, B.A. H.G. Park, B.A. T. Jamieson. B.A. H. Boiiis, B.A. J. Morgiii, M.A. J WMaoKav,37i4,/5.s> S. Phillius, B.A. C. Potter, B.A . J. A. Fre.;nian,7;./1 II.M.McCuaig.-V.^. T. E. lillio.'t, B.A. W.W.Tamllvn, .V..4. H. DeLaMaMer, /;.^. I) McKay. B.A . W.s. D.H. Hunter,/!.^. I Picton Plantagenet . . . Port Hope Port Perry Prescott Renfrew Richmond . . . . St. Thomas. . . . Sarnia Simcoe Stratford St rathroy . . . . Toronto Toronto Junct Vankleek Hill. Walkerton Welland Whitby Windsor Woodstook R. F. Greenlees P. Cbenav F. Wood A. M. Rae C. Macpheition E. N. Jory W. J. Simpson N. M. ramphell A. Wark T. S. Rowat J. R. Stuart T. Dunsmore L. J. Clarke W. Wilson E. T. Holdge E. J. Rowlands S. C. Woodworth J. A. Brown C. N. Callander S. Nethercott The J i-isiloi; The He Luit-t'Overnor J Chancellor, ThI ll.l(.,^;C..M.Pj T yiceChatuieUoil Prisident, JamI I librarian, Hu J I Hegiiitrar, Jami J Curator of M%ixl ■,-,ilfht,M.A., B.r I BitrMr, J. t-. Iiireel, Toronto.) 1 F.^CIILTV OK > J phyxicH— J a,mei iLoudon, H.A., D^ Lrer ; John C. liirator. , I iiatliemattcs—l ll.DeLury,B.A.,l I Cheiiiiiitry—V/\\ ■ftin. Lash MilleJ Isnialt, B.A., Ph.f 1 Bill?').'/.'/— 11- 1< lEdvvardC. Jeffr llB., Assistant U fhijuiology—A. Iturer. ilincralofni am rating Professor. I HiMory and |b.A., Professor. Comixiratitx! J . Philoxophii—Ji I lessor of Historj I Ph.D., Lecturer Ib.A., Ph.D., Lee Italian nnd Sp Anatomy— •). I Primrose, M.B. I Demonstrator ; Iturer; F. N. G. Istrator; W. B. T I Gordon, M.B., F I M.D., G. Clingan 1 ant Demonstrato I Surgery— \7. "■ I McFarlane, M.D I Clinical Surgery 1 Associate Profesi Pathology —Jc .\mvot, M.B., Di Medicine— J. 1 and Clinical Me 1 Professor ; W. I' Pharmacologi B.A., M.D., Pro I strator. Qfinceeobigy i GyiiiBcology ; A Ophthnlmolorj I R. A. Reeve, U. G. 11. Burnham M.I)., Clinical I Hygiene— W. Toxicology — Medical Jui Hon. David Mi: Medical Psyc liiologii and li.So., Edin., Pli.l)., Phy»iol< Demonstrator Cliemixtry— Ellis, M.A., M. Physics— i a Political Eel Mavor, Profesi :{oman Laii Conslilutioi' Mills, LL.B., I [189(V6] EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 239 County. p Q W. Middlesex. Strftthrov ^'^" ; St. Thomas ^.:'^ent Chatham )^- ' Chatham Uiabton No. 1 l.ondon „ " No. 2 Sarnia Sssex, No. ].. SRiidwich t Nipissing. / Ofil'm. rOOL INSPKCTORS. Toronto I T( ^lo 30L8, PRl.VCIPAL AND p )L OK PKUAOOOY. ' \ Toronto I '*•■' Toromol EDUCATIOflAL INSTITUTIO)«S. >e.... T.A. Kirkcoiinell,/?^ •r>' •■ D. MeBride, /;.^. ■an .. .1. A. Monroe, /;,,( M. McPhei-son, M a ■ ■■■. C. McDowell, B. A a Hill N. Kobertson, 7? A n,C.l.l.G. Little, B. A r.... D. M.Grant, y;..^ C.I., D. Clarkson, B.yi ... .. J. D. Christie, fi.,^. "Is.. J. A. Houston, il/ ^1 5... W. H. Hunt, £.^1. ' «,CI .1. Henderson, M A i, C.I S. Martin. £.yl. .... J. S. Carstairs, B.A. CI. C. A. Mayberrv, /; A CI. J. E. Wethereil, B.A. e . . J. O. McGregor, M A s,C.I N. Quance, Ji.A 1.... U. .1. Flach, B.A. .... A. W. Reavley, fl.A J. C. Clark, «.,4. .1. A. MacMurchv, MA lAv. L. E. Embree; il/,/1 H. B. Spotton, M.A. F. C. Colbeck, £.^ VV. Oliver, B.A. H. G. Park, 7?.^. T. Janiieson, B.A . ... H. Roriis, B.A. ..J. Jlortrm, JA^. .. J WMacKa.v,J^^^,/?.'?c . . . S. Phillios, /?./) . . C. Potter, B.A . 1 .. J. A. Fre.^nian,7,'.X ... H. M.McCuai)f,.i;.^. ... T. E. Ellio;t, 7}.vl. I .. W.VV.TamLlvn, .V^. . H. DeLaMa.Uer, ft A vii I) McKay, B.A. . .. \y.».Cmiy,B.A. CID. H. Hunter,./!.^. . . . R. F. Green Ices ;... P. Cbenav ... V. Wood ■ • A. M. Rae . . C. Macpherson . . . E. N. Jory . . . W. J, Simpson . . . N. M. Canipliell . . A. V\ark . . . T. S. Rowat . . . J. R. Stuart . . . T. Dunsniore . . . I-. J. Clarke ct W. Wilson ill . E. T. Holre A. Kirkputrick, I,ieu- Lant-Olovernor of Ontario. jchancellor, The Honourable Edward Blake, M.A., |a,D.,ti.C.,M.P. yiceChaticellor, William Mulook, M.A., Q.C., M.P. PriHulent, James Loudon, M.A. I librarian, Hugh Hornby Langton, B.A. RtgiHtrar, James Brebner, B.A. J Curator of Mugeum of Natural History, E. Ramsay llriifht, M.A., B.Sc. 1 Bwrnar, J. E. Berkeley Smith, Esq., (120 Simcoe iBreet, Toronto.) KAOULTY OK ARTS- TROFKHHORS AND LKCTfRKKS. \ Phynics — James Loudon, M.A., Professor; W. J. Iloudon, B.A., Demonstrator; C. A. Chant, B.A., Lec- llirer; John C. McLennan, B.A., Assistant Demon- lilrator. .Va//i«wo', Jas. Cappon, M.A.; Modern Lcn- guanes, John McGillivray, ll.A., Ph.D., Leipsic ; Mental Philosophy, Sanii =1 W. Dyde, M.A., D.Sc; Creek, Re\ . J. McN'aughton, M.A. ; Botany, Rev. James Fowler, M. A., F.R.C.S.; Political Science, Adam Shortt, M.A.; Animal Biology and Physiology, A. P. Knight, M.A.. M.D.; As.Hstant in Latin and Greek and Lecturer c ■ Cmn- paratice Philology and Sanscrit, Key. Alex. B. Mchol- son, B.A.; Tutor in Mathematics, G. F. Mctzler, Ph.D.; Tutors in Modern Languages, J. W. Mcintosh, M.A., and A. E. Day, B.A. FACl!LTV OK PRACTICAL SCIENCE, PR0FKS80RS. Mathematics and Dean of Faculty, Nathan F. Du- puis, M.A.,F.B.S., F.R.S.O. ; Physics, I). H. Marshall, M.A., F.R.S.E.; Botany, Rev. Jas, Fowler, M.A., 240 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. [im\ \m>] i'-.'.\ K.R.S.C; Animal BMorjiiand Phuiiologn, A. P. Knight, M.A., M.D. ; Civil Enjiueerinj, K. Carr Harris, C.E.; Ansistant in Mathematics, Q. F. Metzier, I'h.D ; De- monstrator in Experimental Physieg, W. 0. Hakcr, M.A.; Instructor in the Practice oj Electrical Ktujin- tering, J. ^ .mpbell ; Lecturer on Navigation, Capt. T. Donnelly, ominion Marine Inspector ; Lecturer on Architeci 'r Arthur Ellis, Architect; Lei)turer on Uiatinj, ' nitary Plumbing, and Ventilation, S. Birch; A. .ireroh PlineSurveying, T.W. 'Nash, P.L.S. FACULTY OK MBDICIMB, PROrBSSORS. Prim iples and Practice of Medicine, Dean of the Faculty, Fife Fowler, M.D., L.C.R.S. ; Isaac Wood, M.D., assistant ; Clinical Medichxe and Dermatologti, H. .1. Saunders, M.D. , M.R.C.S., En^. ; Materia Medica and Therapeutics, .John Herald, M.A., M.D.; Principles and Practice of Surgery, Hon. Michael Sul- livan, M.D. ; Clinical Surgery, R. W. Garrett, M.A., M.D. ; W. G. Angliii, M.D., assistant , Systematic Ana- tomy, Edward Ryan, B.A.,M.D. ; Sur;iical Anatomy, I). E. Mundell, B.A., M.D. ; Demonstrator of Anatomy, es W. O.imytheWfM.V. ; Obstetrics and Ot/naecologii, N. Fenwick, M.A., M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng. ; Medical ourisprudencf and Sanitary Science, W. G. Ann [jam, John Maule Maohar, M.A. ; Criminal Law, Byron M. Britton, M.A., Q.C. ; Common Law, R. Vashon Kogers, B..4. ; Law of Heat Property, (i. M. Macdonnell, B.A.,Q.C. ; Equity, R. T. Walkeni, U..D., Q.C. ; Medical Jurisprudence, John Mclntyre, M.A., Q.C. RfcCill Uriiversity, Montreal. Visitor, His Excellency the Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen. Covernors — President and Chancellor of the (Jniver- situ, Hon. Sir D. A. Smith, K.C.M.O., LL.D. (Hon. Can- tab.). ; John H. R. Molson, Est)., John Molson, Es(j., Sir Joseph Hiokson, William C. McDonald, Esc)., Hugh Mc- Lennan, Esq., George Hague, E.sq., Edward B. Green- shields, Esq., B.A., Samuel Finley, Escj., Andrew Frede- rick Gault, Esq., Hon. John Sprott Archibald, M.A., D.C.L., Charles J. Fleet, Es(i., B.A.. B.C.L. Principal, William Peterson, M.A., LL.D., Vice- Chancellor Acting Secretari), J. \V. Brakenridge, B.C.L., .Mc- Oill College. Clerk, Samuel R. Burrell, ■'iSS Cadieux Street. Principal and Professors, Emeriti — Sir Wni. Dawson, I/L.D., F.R.S., C.M.G. ; Henrv Aspinwall Howe, LL.D. ; Wm. Wright, M.D. ; D. C. McCallum, M.D. ; Rev. Geo. Cornish, M.A., ;.L.I). ; Pierre J. Darey, M.A., B.C.L., LL.D. (OtHcier d'Academie) : Matthew Hutchinson, D.C.L. ; Hon. J. Emery Robidoux, D.O.L. OKFICF.RS OF INSTRUCTION. Principal and Professor of Classics, Win. Peterson, M.A. (Oxon), LL.D. (St. Andrew's). ; Vici'-Prineipal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Professor of Pure Mathematics, A. Johnson, M.A., LI/. I). (Dublin), D.C.L., F.R.S.C.; Dea^i of the faculty of Medi- cine, and i'rofesi-emonsiratnr of Clinical Surgery, T. P. Shaw; Assistant Demonstrators of Medicine. G. Gordon Camp- l)ell, n.Sc, M.D., W. F. Hamilton, M.D. ; Assistant DeiHonstratiir if Anatomy. Jas. A. Henderson, M. I). ; Assistant f>emonstrators of Physiology. J. W. Scaiie, M.D., J. 1). Cameron, M.D. ; Assi^stant Demonstrator in Clinical Surgery, Kenneth Cameron, B.A., M.D. ; As sistant Demmstrator of Practical Cheiiiistr; , C. U. Wolf, M.I). Se.tsional Lecturers, i(:c. —Classics, J. L. Day, M.A., M.D. ; Mathematics and Demonstrator in PliysicH, H. M. Tory, B A. ; French, Rev. J. L. Moriii, M.A. ; Botany, Carrie M. Deriok, B.A. ; Physics, Frank H. Pitcher, B.A.Sc. ; Electrical Enyineerinn, Louis Ilerdt, B.A. .Sc. iaily SuperM Iftriiclress in I Cuircrsity LibW I iHjrarlan, Mr. I CONSTII Tlif .Mo>t Ue'l liislmii of Ttirdil Disiiop of llurol Trustees— \ht Osl,r, D.C.L. Council llo I i-ellnr of llie 1 1 iM,-xo, D.C.lJ liev. \V. t'larlil tluntingfoni, M 1 C. C:ivley, M. hell, Es(i. ; Ibnl llcnik-rsoii, M.J ,1. S. Helluiiii',1 \. ,1. Broughalir .,,.liii ('. Kemp. AlTlidcacon of I T. Walkein, D.( Vtii. Ak'Xandei Kdw.ird Martin Hiv. (1. C. Mac Bavlv, M.A., Q Ne'vilt, B.A., : Kev. W. B. Cai piividson, M..\ Secretary an :.C. ; K. II. .SinyUu-, D.C.L , ^.C, ; Vim. Alexander Dixon, D.C.I/., Alrlideacon of (iuelpli ; Kihvanl .Martin, D.C.L., (,>.C. : .Vlixiinder Bru(te, (,i.C. ; lUv. ti. C. Mackenzie; Kwertdn (irittin, .M.D. ; Ricliard Bavlv, .M.A., O.C. ; (i. A. Miii-liam, M.D., C.iM. ; R. li. Nevi'tt, B.A. , M.D., CM. ; Barlow Cumberland, M.A. ; Rtv. W. B. Carey, M.A. ; (i. A. Mackenzie, M.A. ; N. F. I'avidson, M.A. Secretary and Iitirsnr—\iv\. W. Jones, M.A., D.C.L. Snlicitor—U. F. Harman, JI.A. Chancellor— Uou. G. W. Allan, D.C.L. Vice-Chanfelliir—Thi^ Provost of Trinitv College, D.C.L Ptdjlic Orator— liev. K. W. Huntiniffonl, JLA. Ueijistrar — Rev. William Jones, .M. A., D.C.L. Librarian, Rev. E. W. Hmitingford, M.A. lisijuire nedells—Kv.W. Clark, M.A., D.C.L , F.R.S.C, Elna-s Henderson, M.A. './( ucal Referees in England, W. H. Lon>{hurst, Mns. Doc ; F. J. Karn, Mus. Doc. U liuersity Uepre-ientatire on the Council of Physicians ao'l .Hiirneons, Ontario— W. T. Harris, M.D., CM. Sia/I—I'romist, Rev. E. A. Welch, M.A. ; Dean, Rev. 0. Rigby, M.A. ; Lertiirer-i in liivinity — hirst Pro- ji'ssov. The Provost ; Second Pro.fessor, Rev. E. C Cay- Icy, M.A. ; Uomiletics,1\\.e Provost; Lecturers in Arts — Classics, Rev. E. W. Huntingford, M.A. ; Mental and Moral Philosophy, Rev. W. Clark, M. A., D.C.L. ; His- I'liy, Rev. 0. Rigby, M.A. ; Mathematics, M. A. Mac- kiiizie, M..\. : Semitic Langitaiies. The Provost ; Modern Liuiquages, A. H. Young, M.A.; Physical Science, T. II. Smyth, M.A., B.Sc. ; Xalural Science, H. Mont- '-'onierv, M.A., li.Sc; Theolog-y, H. H. Bedford-Jones, M.A. -.'Fellow in Classics, W.' H. White, M.A. ; lUocu- i.iiin, H. H. Shaw. Victoria University, Toronto. Incorporated 183G. AnMlKISTRATIVK OFFICERS. Chancellor a nd /'resident— \{f\. N. Murwash, S.T.O. Tice Chancellor— \V. Kerr, .M.A., 1 L.I)., (J.C. Chairman of Hoard of Itcqcnls-tii.".-. A. Carman, D.D. Dean of Facultii of A,ts~\\e\. A. H. Kevnar, I-L.D. /;(V/i.s/i'(n'— Prof. A. R. liain, LT^.l). Secretary of FaciiHa of ^S., Kii!,'Mie, Saturiiin Daiuuy, P.S.S., Emik'-Kdonanl Hirot, I'.S.S., Adrien Serieys.'l'.a.S.. Janies-F.Driscoll, I'.S.S., Mont- real. Prof. Jiiiier., llis Kmiiiciice Caixl. TaiicherBan, llfrn. Begin, A. A. BlaiH, T. M. Lal)rc('c-l)ean; Holy Scripture and Hebrew, Rev. M. Froc, O.M.L, D.D.; Exegesis and Apoloijeticx, Rev. J. A. Poli, O.M.L, D.D.; Dogmatic Theolofjy, Rev. H. Lacoste. ()..M.L, Ph.D.; Ecclesiastical History, Rev. W. Charlebois, O.SI.I. Faculty of Law— Dean, Hon. Mr. .lusticc Taschereau, LL.D., Supreme Court of Canada; Vice-Dean, Hon. J. J. Curran. Q.O., LL.D., M.P.; Secretary, N. A. Belcourt, LL.M., County Crown Altornev; Hon. .Mr. Justice Fournier, LL.D.; Hon. R. \V. Scott, Q.C., LL.D.; M. O'Gara, Q.C., LL.D.; Hon. Tlieoysicganii Astronomy, Rev. W, .1, Murphy, O.M.I, .M. ., Dean; hatin and Creek, Rev, H. Gervais, O.M.L, M. A., Vice-Dean ; Mural Philosophy and Social Sciences, Rev. C. Gohiet (i M 1 D.D., Ph.D.; History of Philosophy, Rev. N. Niiil' O.M.L, D.D.; Mental Philosoi,hy, Rev. Wni. Patton O.M.L; Kni, Rev. E. David, O.M.I. ; Physics, Rev. W. MmiiiIiv' OM.I., M.A.; French, Rev. A. Coutlie, O.M.L; /'n,! vianship and Drairin'i, Rev. W. Valiquette, O.M.I.; French and Penmanshi/i, Rev. T. Canipeau, O.MI B.Th.; Christian Doctrine. Kev. A. The i;mver8it y of Ottawa, canonically erected by Pope Leo XIIL, confers Degrees in Theology, Philosophy, Arts, Science and Law. The Degree it <'onfers in Arts entitles those who study Medicine or Law to exemption from preliminary ex- iiminations, and surroundstheiraftercareer with greater distinction and success. The Classical, Commercial and Scientific courses are methodical and complete. N.B. — For further parti<;ulars send for proapectns. Rev. J. M. McGuckin, O.M.L, D.D., Hector of the University. Bishop's College School, Lennoxville, Que. Chaplain, Rev. T. Adams, M.A., D.C.L.; IfeadMasttr H. J. II. Petry Esq., M.A., Bishop's College; Seere'- tary, A. D. Nicolls, Esq.. M.A. The Masters, A. Leliiiv, Esq., M.A. ; A. D. Aikbmi, .M.A. (Camb.); A. A. Brock- ington, Esq., B.A. (Lond.); B. Auden, Esq., li.A. (Camb.); J. G. Barley, Esq. (Camb.); Music Master, A. Dorey, Esq., F.R.C.O.; Shorthand Master, Mr. Hobnoii; Matron and Infirmary Nurse, Mrs. Stokes ; Drill Ser- geant, Mr. ; Cricket Professional, Mr. Fell. University of Bislfop's College, Lennoxville, Que. KOIINDRD 184.1. President of Corpuration, Kt. Rev. The Lord Bislioi) of Montreal, LL.D. Vice-P)-es., Rt. Rv. The Lord Bishop of Quebec, D.D. Chancellor, R. W. Heneker, D.C.L., LL.D. Vice-Chancellor, The Very Rev. the Dean of Quebec, D.D., D.C.L. ^ Principal, and Professor of Mathematics, Dean of Faculty of A rts. Rev. Thomas Adams, M.A. (Caniti.), D.C.L.; Vice- Principal and Professor of Divinity, Rev. F. J. B. Allnatt, D.D.; History, Rev. A. C. 'Scarlh, M.\.:Clas.-ic.i, Kev. R.A. Parr()ck,H.A.(Camb.);/'a*'(i/(ii Theology, Rev. B. G. Wilkinson, M.A.; French, A. 1^- Ray, Esq., M.A.; Natural .•l\., L.l'h.; Jiniiluh, Kev' ', Rev. H. Klelphor, o M l '• s, H.A. ■ ' ytirx^l'refect of Stii.iin \iisics, Rev. W. MMii.hv' A. Contlro, O.M.I.; /•,.;,; V. V . Vnliquettc, o.m | . ifv. T. ('aniv)fiin, o. ^r | ' Kov. O. I,uiilifrf, o M i' I.: !'<-inii(iiinlii/iuiiill niu'. t.I.,!-.l>h.; «W,./,,vv,«,, vntlifiHatic^, Rev. .»||,ert I'. I'. O. rayinent ; Kiiiil^h Dinn'sli, Mr. J. Fallon. Mr Mr. I'.A.Galvin; F,-. ocl,', Rev. A. Antoine, O..M.I ■ ■ U F. Tifrhe, Re\-. |{. .\io! vkI.O.M.I.; Rev. W. NMi- eau, O.M.I. : OK OTTAWA, CANADA. ^noIlically erected by I'npe iM Theolojfy, Philo8oi)hy, ! entitles those who study on from preliminary e.\- •• afteroareer with ffreaki- and Scientific courses are irs send for prospectus. N, O.M.I., D.D., iectorofthe. UiUversity. , Lennoxville, Que. A., n.C.L.; UeadMaMer, Bishop's Collejfe ; Scere- TheM(ixterii,A.lA!Un\, I. (Canil).); A. A. firofk- B. Auden, Esq., H..\. imb.); Music Master, A 7id Muster, Mr. IIob*)ri ; Mrs. Stokes ; Drill. .SVc- ressiiinal, Mr. Fell. ge, Leiiqoxville, Que. 84.1. • Rev. The Lord Bishfip Bishop of Quebec, n.C.L., ll;d. ev. the Dean of Queliie, Mathematics, Dean of i Adams, M.A. (Caiiili.), it^essiir of Diviniti/, Rev. 17/, Rev. A. 0. Heart h, k,H.A.(Canib.);/'ak^-/ri/ >> M.A.; Frenoh, A. U- ce, A. D. Ackloni, M.A.: the Principal ; ll„ii. I M.A. ; Dean 01 the ■ ' anipbell, Ksq .MU.; Imiolce, R. N. Hall, tAii fi!', Es<|. Vice-Chainnaii, .^dam Burns, Km;. Secretary, Hector Mclinies, LL. B. President of the Senate, Rev. John Forrest, I). I)., i.C.L. Snrelary, Oeorjre Law.soii, Ph. D., LL.D., F.I.C. Haff— Professor of Ilistori/ and, I'olitical Economii, . Med. Col., N. Y.), George L. Sinclai , M.D., D. .(.Campbell, M.D., CM. (Dal.), A. W. H. Lindsay, B.A. M). M.D., CM. (Dal.), M.B., CM. (Edin.); Ex^m- Mr ill Surgery, John Stewart, M.B., CM. (Edin.); fuaiiiiner in Obstetrics, A. C. Patfe, M.D. (Harv.); Ex- iiidiier in Medicine, Hon. D. McN. Parker, M.D. Fxlin.), L.R.C.S. (Edin.); Examiner in Sun/ery, Efl- kani Farrell, M.D. (Coll. P. and S., N. Y.; Examiner \m Clinical Medicine, Andrew J. Cowie, M.D. (Univ. Penn ). M.R.C.P. Lond.; Examiner in Clinical Sur- kni, John F. Black, M.D. (Coll. P. and S., N. Y.) ; Ex- miner in Medical Jurisprudence, Alexander P. Reid, i.l)., CM. (McGill), L.R.C.S. l->lin., L.C.P. and S., |Can.; P-ol'essor of Classics, Howard Murray, B.A. iliOml.); Exniiiiner in Obstetrics, Ac, M. A. Curr^v, jll). (Univ. N.Y.); Examiner in Physioliriy and His- 'ioflfi Murray McLaien, M.D. (Edin.); Lecturer ai/ii/i«/' t'/i Medi- cal Jurisprudence, Hon. H. M<'I). Henry ; Lecturer on History of Education, Alex. McKay, Es(|.; Examiner in Physiology and Histology, Louis Morton Silver, M. B., CM. (Kdin.); Examiner in Materia Medica and TherapeuticK, Frederick W. Go(«lwin, .M.D., CM. (Hal. Med. Coll.); Lecturer on Procedure, Hector iMclinies, LL.B. ; Lecturer on E-ptity Jurisjirudmcc, Alfred E. Silver, LL.B.; /jecturer on Deseriptire Geometry, S. A. Morton, M.A. (Dal.); Leetivrer on Torts, Humphrey Mellish, B.A., LL.B. (Dal.); Examiner in Anatomy, Fitz-Uniacke Anderson, li.R.CP.and S. F>lin., M.R.C.S., Enjf. ; Librarian, Professor W. C Murray ; Curator of the Museum, Profes.scr Lawson ; Inslnictnr in Gym- nastics, Senfcant Major Kelly; Janitor, (Jeorjte Price. University of New Bruq8wioK> Fredericton, N. B. Visitor, His Honour, The Ilonouranle John J. Eraser. Chancellor of the Unicersiti/, Thomas Harrison, LL.D..T.CD. I'resident of the Senate, Jauu'.i R. Inch, LL.D. Registrar und Treasurer. William Wilson, FIm]., B.A. Chainnun of the Faculty miil I'mfessor of Mathe- matics, Thomas Harrison, .M..\.. I.L.D. Cheiiiistrii and Natural Science, Lorinj; W. Bailey, M.A., Ph. D., F. R. S. C (.'Inxsical Literature and llisiurg, Henry Seabury BndK'es, M.A., Ph.D. English and French, William Frederick Stocklcy, M.A. Civil Engineering and Surveying, Stephen M. Dixon, B.A. Mental and Moral Philosophii and Political Economy. John David- son, M.A. Physics and Electrical Engineering, Geo. M Downing, B.S., E.E. librarian, Professor !;riii(;es. Westeri) University and College, London. hUST.XHLIMllKI) 1.S7M. Visitor, The Honourable The Lieuterant-tJovernor of Ontario. Chancellor, Rev. Alfred Peache, D.D. Vice-Chuneellor, Hon. Chief Justice Meredith, LL.I>. Provost, Rev. B. Watkins, M.A. Registrar and Bursar, Rev. Canon Smith. Faculty — I'rofessor of Classics, Rev. Provost Watkins, M.A. ; Professor of Mathematics, Rev. Prof. Buri^'css, M.A.; Professor of English Literature and Historv, F. H. Sykes, M.A.," Ph.D.; Professor of Modern Imu- guages, Rev. C B. Guillemont, B.A.; Lecturer in Physics, F. W. Merchant, M.A.; Lecturer in Chemistry, W. T. McClement, M.A.; Lecturer m Anali/tickl Chemistry, F. T. Harrison, Phm.D.; Lecturer in Zoo- logy, A. Hotson, M.D.; Lecturer ni Botany, .1. Dear- ness, I.P.S,; Lecturer in Geology, S. Woolverton, L. D.S. University of N|ariitoba. Chancellor, His Grace the Archbishop o' Rupert's Land, and Primate of Canada, D.D., LL.D.; Vice-Chan- cellor, Hon. Jos. Dubuc, B.C.L. ; Re'iistrar ami Sec- retari) of Board of Studies, Isaac Pitbla of IIk- Si-nnh-Uvx. I'l'liicipiil Ciivni, l>. I), l'n\l'<:t>„r of Hxi-'ji-liiw nml llihlinil Cntirisiii, Kov. I'niu"i)ml ('!>>"ii, l).l). ; Climrli Hinlorii, Kcv. |ii'. .S(Mm'r\ ilU' ; Siisti'iiinlic I'lifiilnitii, lU'V. Win. McLiui'ii, I>.1).; Olil IfKlaiiK'iit l.itiiHtiirf, Kov. 1>. M. Uhiuhuv, .\I.\.. II.D.; Al'oliV'i'"' lii'V. .1. Mel). Kiiii.aii, It.A.; Hoiiiilflii's, I'antoritl Tlicnli.inj, mul Vliiiirh Hmviii- tiiril. I{»'v. .1. ,1. .\. rrou(lfi)ol,'l). I>.; Ori-iilal iMwiun- ;)i''>(\'M\i^r»\\\ of Toroiitd). Ki;v. ,1. V. Mcl'uril.v, I'll. I).; Khu'iilioii, - Kviiiis. II, A.; Tiilitr in ClnxxicK nml Knit- li'^h. Ovorgc l.otrii', M. \. ; IJIintriaii. Kcv. \V. .\, ,1. Miirliii; /{■•(iiv.'ii-iitatir'ii on Seiiatr n/ Turnntu I'niffi- nilii, The rriiu'i|ial iiii I I In- CIminimii of Hoiinl Mmiii^cc- mom. Wesieyan Theological College, Rfontreal. KOINIIKU IN lb7;t. liOAKIl OK (JOVKHXOKS.— lli'Vs. .\. I'.lllliall, \1.\1.. I'lill- filial Sliiw, l>.|)., 1,1,. |)., .1. I'otts, 1>.|)., T. (J. WilliiiiiiH, n.n.. \V. I{, I'.iik.T. I».l)., r.. r.. livikman, D.H., II. 1'. Illaiul, W. ('. Ili'iiilii.'^oii, I). 1)., ,1. T. I'ilclici-, .1. IKiiili'isoii, l).l)., \V. S. tiiilliii, n.D., ,1. S, Ross, D.D., \V. .laiksoii, l>.|)., \V. .1. I'rolliors, M.A.,.S. Iloml, .Mossi's. S. Kiiilcv, .1. 'lonMiii't', .1. Dillon, (J. .\. ('o\, (.". Morton, II. Milli'ii, D. (iraliini. H.tM,., !•'. I', T. I>. Hood, .1. I'ViiitT, lion. W. 10. Smifoid, .1. W. Little, .M. I'rtikiT, \V. To.'-i. Cliainihin, lU'V. .V. Carman, 1>.I)., (riiivi-al Siiju-nii- tfiliU'iU. V/vii.-iKivr. S. Kinlev ; S'cn'Inrii, ('. Morton. HtlwxK.- -lion III or <;ni-rni:iis, llir'iilti/.itiiil Ui'piv- ffiilatiri'< rif' (.','/ii/',(/ (' Ki'Ir.wiiv. Ui'vs. .\. 11. (^liamlHTs, H.C.l, , A. >l. IMiillins l!.l)., .1. IMiilp, D.D., W. U. Wiili- row, D.l>., K.U.S.C, .1.11. (•Uikson,M.A.,l.'rovi'll, D.D , .1. 15. S,uin(lir.s, M.D., W Kotllewell, S. W liose, D.D, Priiu'il>al l-'lamUis. \\.\.. A. V. I'lmrtii'c, l'...\., H.D., l'rincii>a'l Uoliins, l,l,.l>...; //'.,,/. 7.7 /cs- (i,i.f Ap,il,ii,'tii:i, Kev. .1. 0. Antlilf, M..V. (Klin.). n.l>. ; U,lin'ii', Uev. W. M. I'atton, n.D.; /,(i(,hen ; A'-lliiti lieijiKtnii-, Kev. I'rof. Kiilianl- I son, K..\., H.D. BniUiin^s located on rpjier IJiiversit.v Street, .Montre.'xl. .Xtteiidance at Lectures is reciiiired for do'jrrees in course. Stanstead Wasleyari College, Statistead, Que. INCOltlMK.MKI) 1S72. Preslih'iit. \\-:\. C. U. I'ianders, n.A. ; Labi I'rinci- ital. Mrs. C. It. Flanders. .M.L. \. ; riiil'is-iiphu ami JliMui-ii. Clmrles K. Flanders. l).\.: Matlii':iiatifx ami l'hi/. ; Siixieiihi. TAcii/ij/.i/, Kxeiliiirn ami l.ititiiiicn, (lie I'llMcipal ; ,S',t1 liiri' llmliiry, Uev. t'. {'.. Waller, M.A,, Canili., liiiubnil AlHilii'htiiw, the Dean of Montreal ; /'.V./curvr,,)/ //f i.irii, Kev. ('anon Mills, D.D., Ar^KiKtaiil AicIki,).., !(,. U. (>. Troop, M.A., and Ki'V. Canim EinpHun, .\l. '. Presbyterian College, Moqtreal. Iliiaril ii/ Mamiiiriiiciil Cliaiiiiiaii, D. Morncc; .s',| rrtarii. .1. Slirlinn ; 'ireamiivr, Kev. K. II. Wnnlni, li.l Si'naii'—Pmiileiil, Kev.rrinciyiil Mai^Vicar.lM'., 1,1,. |1 Hi'iiistrar, Kev. I'rof. Caniiiliell, .M.A., 1,1,. li. sinfM Primi/ml ami /'iii/ckxoi- nl' Siisli'inalir 'I'lifnliLiu, lti. I). II. MacVicar, i».l».,; Cliuirli IliKinni .i,| Apoliulftifs, Kev. .1. t'anipliell, iM.A., I,I,.D.; /■', I'rufrnm.r af Tliniloiit, Kev. D. t'onssirat, II.D., II., Olilaiiil S'l'ivTmlami'iit A,'.i-iv;('.«i'.<. Uev. ,1. Scrinii;cr,M.A| D.D.; lliiiiiilrlirs,Sai-rfil IllirUirir, ami Chiiirli lltnvrr iiiriil, Kev. ,1. UosH, It.D., ,\l..\.; Hai'lif'if mi hitrratiirr, Uev. N. .MacNisli, U.D., l,l,.D.; «irM/,( W. M. 'rownseiid, li.A.; Hlai-iitimi, A. P. Sleplici;, i;sii| Matliiinalirx, .1. S. (iordon, II. A.; Errli'iiianiii-'il .li./J t.ftniv, A. T. Tavlor, F.K.I.IJ.A. ; Olliirrs -/'n/»i>(| Kev. D. II. .MacVicar, D.'.i., LL.D.; liriiLilrar, Kcv. '"ainplu'll, .M.A., LL.D. ; Ihinarani l.ihranaii, \\y I'rof. Sciincjier, M.A., D.D. ; Slciranl and /;,■,/,/, T. I| Kerle.v. Morriq College, Quebec. Kor.snKii IN IsdO, Chairman nanrii of (liirfrniirn. Win. llossack, I'.s.J l-'acullii III' Arix ClanKics. Wni. Crocket, .M.A.; Mmhi iiiatimaml SahirnI Pliilosniiliii. Henr.v Wallers. .\I..\J hUfinrntani Cln'inl^lrii, Ilenrv Walters, M.A.; .W.ii*Y (Hiif Mural Pliilti!^iiil Uev. n. Tait, K.A. Presbyterian College, Halifax. Prim-liiat ami Prnfrsmir af C/iuirli Hislun Paxtnral Tliralinii, Uev. \\\:u\ I'ollo -k. D.D.; /'/' of lli'hrrirami ". /'. Hxri'-tirn. Uev. lohn Cnrrie, D.K.J Pral'f:^ Mrilii-al •men; D. Ma.qnis; .ViCimii, Miss M. 1!. Imimii Trad.* Imitriii-tar. Thomas Truss; l.itrrarii >latK «l I! Wickens, T. W. McLean. P. .1. I'addcn. Mi-^M--'t j Plnixician, ,1. E. Eakins, M.D.; .Mrtfroii. Miss 1-;iIhH.< ^Si,w.*-D. U. Coleman, M..V, ''• '""^^ Geo. F. Stewart. D. .1. .M.dvillop, W ,L Ca">i;'»;','' !*', J .J. G. Terrill, Miss S. Templeton, Miss M. >•■/•;•"' "J J. C. Kalis, 15.A., Mrs. Halis, Miss ,\laiy I ul , Mi>i Florence Mayhee, Miss tieoryiiia Linn, ^'i"^;,),'''' '""r,! Trachfr of Aitirvlation, Miss Carrie H. <.ihson /"I xtructrcixin Fancy Work. Miss Mary Hull; /'''''';;,''■ Draivinn, Mrs. ^. F. Wills; Stennnrapher and 1 !ipf\ writer, Miss L. N. Metcalfe. ' iM KDHL'ATIONAL INSTITUTION.S. 245 ';"'"//.'/, llH-lliHl,<.|,; S„„,„,„d i'll^'-.M--^-''" ''■'« I >oiil.VHl; lu:/,:,a..l,n,l /J l>., .isKIKlinil l,i;tlllV)f Kil •V. I'liiioii Kiiiiwoii, M. I.' I Sollege, Montreal. C/iiiiniian, |), Mhii,,.,. . y,l '■'■';. »{<'v. iMi. \v,,,,i,,„;i;'3 ■ini'i|;al Mm^ Vicar, I) |i | i il •U'l'Wl. AI.A., \.\..u.'s,;,r} •I .S.l/J(^'/;l(^/„■ 77„.„/,„,„ |(,,^ 'pl»'ll, M.A., l,|,.|.,: /,.,,,„^' l>. t'oiisxiial, |!.|) ij 1 ';'■'"'••"•-■ 'f''v..i.s,..iiiii;,,|:,M \| lilicliinr, ,n„l Clinic/, (,„r,r/| M.A.; (,'(/,■//,■ l,ini,ii(,„ir ,„J Ni^li. H.l)., I,l,.l>.: c/„,,,\ lin-iitinii, ,1. |>. S(,.|.|i,.|;, i;«|l l.H.A.; I'.W/fniiintif,,/ .{nliT 1. 1!. A. ; Ofliirr.s -J',;„riii,\ ■ . U/.l>.; liriiixtnir, \ir\ Uiiiiiuiiiii l.i'iriinini, i;,., Sliui'diil mill Jl,;l,l\ T, l] .; I'l-ni):, irx. I!cv. r.iliii Ciirric, D.jl.J •iilirifl mill ,\j)iiliiiirl,,:i, Ni'vl iiiri- in X. T. (IiiyK- iiii\ ilooiier, H.I) ; Lectiuvr v<. ' tlie Blind. Braritford. ci ; ISiirsm; tV. \. Iliis> Mith-iiii, M. r.. Hui Trus.s; l.iti'rmii Slml, \\\ . V. .1. I'aildcii,' Missis i\ -. I.. !■'. Alurr.iv (Kimlcuarl .lai|iics, Mrs. |.'. j'icw "miiiii hi-itrirttir, W. i; 'lu-hiiii' mill Jlitiid S.irini nc\>. h'liittini aii'l I'lih ik ; A'lxi'ntmit Innlni h;- fiiilniit. Miss M. ('roll!;. 9 Education and Iqstruc^ d Dutr)b, Belleville. T. !■■. C'liainbcrlaiii : Sh ; /iiirxar, .Mcx. Malhi'sntil .0.; Matron, l-;il.i'lli( laii, M. .A., V. liiiivs Hop, W. ,1. Cami.licU, Mr> etoii, .Miss M. .M. (•■-". lis. Miss Mary liiill, Mi>' ilia fjinn, .Miss Ada .1 iiiH'- ss Carrie H. (iilismi : liii iss Mary Hull ; VVdi'"!' "f Stennifrapher and '/''if''' Icitrlr unit Slmrh'nii'r Win. I>ciiihIumm; Siiiu-rrliiiir I lliiili, (1. 'i. Kcilli ; IiikIiiii'Iiiih i\I Si'iriini, M;sh Hiiiim' l>rin|iHcy; hUviincfr, .1. .MiddlcniiiM ; SIiikIi'v \t\ii'iilfi', .liiliii Diiwric: Miintvr Sliiifiniikfr, Win. iiUKc ; h'ltnnfi; .Michael O'.Mcarii ; Hanli'iu'r, TlinniiiH Sol^ool of Practical Science, Toroqto. I'liiifilial, ,1. (iailiraitli, .M.A., M. Can. S., \'c., l,ieiiteiiaiit-(ioveriior (if Ontario. Cliiiiniiiin <;/' till' llnmil of (lin'crnnrs, .1. 11. Carrutliers, I f-'il- /■'if iillii — Dinu'liiy mi'l I'lul'i'.iKiir iif Clinnistrii, Win. I,, (ioddwiii. H.Sc. (l,ond.), D.Sc. (Kdin.), ; /•/•«. I fini-iir III' Miiii'riiliiijji, Mfliilliir!i!;miil Ansa iii nil, \ViUiain Nicnl, .M.A. : l.i'ftiirir nii (li'iiluijii nnil I'l'lniijiiijiliji, Willct (1. .Miller, li.A.; Lnltiirr nil Mliiimj Einjinivriiiij, Till' hi-iiniiinlv ili'nliiiiii nf Oiilili'in mid fin' llisrnri'rii mid Winniiiif nf ^linl'l•ll|s, Win. Ilaiiiiltoii Merritt, [.M.I')., l-'.d.S., .Xssdciale lidval Scliiidl (if .Minis; I'm- ■cv.M//' III' I'.iniiiii'i'rinii, U. Carr Harris, C.K.; l.i'ctnrer mi t'l'ielimid, Mi'i-lia nival and Ojliri' Drmriiiit, Tnjinnniplni ' II lid .S'lur. //(■/).;, William .Mason; l.i'i'liiri'r mi Mi'idnin- II. S. 1'. I)iiiiiiis, .M .\., I'.lx.S (.'.; I.ri'lnii'r mi llir Lmr I'l Mini nil, .losepli Hawdeii ; hahmatnni Diinnnxtriitm-s, H. W. I!r,,ck, .M.A., I". .1. I'dpc, .M.A., lir. Isaac Wood, .M.A. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. I'li'niiti'iit mid rriifi'Kum- uj Emjli.-ih Liiiratiire and Pvlilii'iil Icimmnii, .las. Mills, .M..\., 1,1,. I).; I'n'iilniiii and Siiliiral llmtiini, .1. Iloyes I'aiilon, .M..-\., 'K.ii.S. ; Cliiiiiisii-ii. A. K' Shultlewortli, li.A., .Sr.; Daii'/i //us- haniii-ii, II. H, Dean, li.S.A.; Vi'teriiianj Si'iiuiri', ,1. lliiifd Heed, V.S.; .l.v.v/.v^i/if Jii'sidcnt and Mallieinat- ic'il Maxli'r, .1. 11. Heviiolds, II. .\. ; Ai/rinillvrii't, (J. K. Hay, U.S.A.; Unrtivnllurist, H. h. Ilutt, U.S.A.; Diifti'riiiliiiiinf, F. C. Harrisdii, H. S. A. ; AsKixtant Clii'iniKt, il. llaioourl, li.S..\.; E.rpi'iiini'ntalist, C. A. Xftvitz, H.S..\.; rmillrii Di'imiiini'iit, L. <1. Jarvis ; .[j'ii'nll nil', 1!. K. llolternmnii ; Diill and lljiinna.itic.i, Captain Walter Clarke; Farm Siipi'riiiti'ndcnt, Wm. lieiinie; Pliiisician,\\.(y. Stewart, M.U.; Stenngraplier, 'r. A. I'lilnaiii; Bursar, A. McCallum. McCiil )4orinal School, Montreal. Principal and Ordiiiarii I'ruft'n.inr of Mathematics niid Lecturer on Art of Teachinij and Natural Sei- eiue, Sampson Paul Koliins, .M.A., LL.D. ; Enqliiih Lnuiuarje and Literature, Aimer W. Kiieeland, M.A.; French, Madame Sojihie Cornu ; Munic, Mr. R. J. Kowler ; Kloculion, Mr. .Iiio. P .Sti-phen ; Draunnn, Miss Green ; Instructor in Cla.i.ii(:t, .Miss Lilian B. Udliiim, n.A.; Tnnie Siil-Fa, Mr. W. 11. Smith; fjnlanii, I'nif. 1). I'enhallinv, 11. .Sc. ; I'hiiKinliiiHi iind lli/iiii nr, 1). T. Reed, M.I). ; Chi'ininlrii Neul N. Kviiiih, II.Si;.; Wriliiiij and llonkki'ipimi, Hiimrell Sawyer, II.C.l.. MIlllKI, M( llddl, IlK IIIK V'dll.l, .MIHMAI, MClldlll,, Head M.mtir nj' lliiim' Srhnnl, Mr. O. Rexford, 11 A.,S(;.; Ili'iiil Minlri'ss ((/' tlirln' ,Srliiii,l, .Miss .Mar.\ .1. I'eelili " ; //.■((./ .Mislri'.ss III I'riinarii Srhiml, .Miss l.iujy II. Deride /iimiiilmits in Ihe Model iSrhnnln, MisH Seliiiit I''. Sloan Miss Kli/alii'th Rcid, Miss Annie I.. WiKidin^rtdH, .Miss ICthel Stuart, Miss Clara l)(in(.'las. Miss (lirlnidc HIacketl, .Miss tl rare .Millar; Kinili'r;imteii, Miss l.oiiise Derick. Laval Normal Scliool, Quebec. I'lineiinil, Rev. Tli. (1. Riiiileaii ; Anninlmii . Rev. Aliih. Cardii ; l'rii/e/inori, N. I acasse, Jom. I.itdiirnean, .lohn Aliern, < has. .). .Maitiinn, .). 1). Krive, (iiistave (ia^rnon, Chas. l.efcvre ; llonornrii J'rol'iKinir, F. .\. TdiiHsaint. Provincial florn\al School, Truro, U.S. I'riiieipal, I'niieholnini miil I'l'diijiniin, .\ii\\i{ II. Calkin, A.,M.; II inlorii of I'Miicnlion mid Melhnd in Laniiiniiie mill IliKtorii, .lames li. Hall, I'h.l). ; Mellmd in Slatlie- maticH and I'liiinien, \. («. Macddnald. A..M. ; Aduanved. Cheininlrii mid Itioloijii, llermoii W. Smith, ll.St;.; hraieiiiij mid Calinlhenii's, Oltie A. Smith; I'.locutiini. and Miisie, .Mary H. Kiin; ; Mmiiiiil 'J'raiiiiini and I'raelieiil l'hiisie.i and Vheiiiislrii, I,ce Russell, li.S('. .MOIIK.t, SClllldl,. Adrmieed l)i'pmlini'nt,J\i\'ni. Kinney ; Jiininr llej.arl- nieiil, .laiiie Ilamiltdii; Kiiideninrliii, .Mrs. Sara II. I'utteiHon ; Juiiili,r, lliijch Lane. Upper Canada College, Toronto. Kll Nlll-Ml |S2!). The Hoard—.). .1. Kiiiifsmill, D.C.L., Liciil.-Cdl. (i. T. Denison, lleiirv Cawtlira, Ks(|., .Majnr A. .M. Cosliy, W. T. lid.yd, .M.A.. .1. Kidstdii .Macdonald, Km|., Kraiik Aniiildi, (^.C, .Inhn llciidcisoii, i;.si|. I'rineipiil, (;eiir;{e R. I'arkiii, M.A., LL.I).; Clayniial Masters. W. S. .la kson, L.A., A. A. .Ma(;ddiialil, .M.A.; Matheniiitieiil Mii.-.'er.-; (JeorKe li. Spa'liin.', -M.A., D. Hull, ll..-\.; Modern hiiiniiiiliie Mimier, S. li. I.iacd'k, Il.A.; ('oniiiiereiiil miii l\.iiriivi Mauler, (i. W. .lohn- ston, ljii(|.; Kinilixh Mii>lir, V.. \\. I'eacoik, .M..\.; I're- parnlorii i'nrin MasUr. S. I'. Macddimell, .M..\.; F.xtra lloiLie MiiKler, R. Holmes; (liininaxtii- and I'lill In- Kirnetor, Cdcliraiic; liiniiir, .\riidld .Moipliy, K.s(|.; I'lijisniiin, .las. Thorlmrii, .M.D.; Malimi mid llonxe- hee/ier, .Mrs. White; AKxixImit llinixekeei er, .Mi-sSrotl; Janitor, (ieo. Frost ; Knijiiner, R. Saxliy. St. Jerome's College, Berlin, Ont I'roriiirlnl, Ucv. Win. Kloepfer,, U.\K: I'lexi- dent. Hey. Theo. Spetz. C.R., D.D. ; VLi-IUixidenl, Rev. Anthony Wciler, C.R., I'h.D.; Triii-inier, Rev- .Jos. .Schweitzer, (,'.!<., Il.A. ; He'tor nf .Slndies, Rev. ,loseph iialtcr, C.R., .M.A.; f'nil'>. Rev, Wm. V. 'Kloepler, C.R., Rev. Anthony Waechter., .M.A., Rev. Stanislaus Ro'.ialski, C.l!., Mr. .1. Suddali.\, .M.A., .Mr. A. Ziiiyir, .Mr. R. A. D .Meara; I'rolesxor of Music .Mr. F. Mayrhofer. St. Michael's College. I'roirlncial, V. Rev. \. Mai ijnn. C.S.I!.; Superior, \iev. 3. R. Teefy, .M.A., C.S.I!. ; Master of Di-^ei/line and Vrofessor' of Uelles Lettres, Rev. T. llcvdeii, C.S.R.: Treasurer and I'rofessor nf Sati'ral I'liilnso/jhii. Rev, ,1. .1. (iuinaiie, C. S. li ; Tlienlo'jii. Rev. F. R. Frachoii, C.S. ri.; Hhetorie, Mr. W. 1). Heeiiaii ; .ird latin. Rev. F. Walsh, C.S.R.; ilnd Latin, .Mr. F. I'. McHiiK'h ; Element- ary Latin, Rev. A. Martin, C.S. 11. ; ht Coininercial, .Mr. .1. IMaver; Snd Coinmereial, Mr. .M. .1. Ryan; .?iif Commercial. Rev. M. .1. Mulcaliv, C.S.B. ; l-'reneh, Mr. A. Lesehe, C.S.H.; Music, Rev. F,. F. Murray, C.S.I!.; Prefect of Studii, Mr, F. Doyle; Prefect nf Recreation, Mr."V. Keiith,C.S.H.: Pastor m' St. Basil's Chunh. Rev. L. Brennan, C.S. II. ; Sacristan, Mr. M. .1. Perry; Cha/i- lain t'l Monastcni of the Good Shepherd, Rev. L. Cher- rier, C.S.B.; Iiro'alid, Rev. J. J. P. McKvoy, C.S.B., 277 2nd Street, .Jersey City, N. J. 246 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ilH!«ig9(il Tim iCIIOLAHTIUATK OF TIIK rUNIMAN tnJIMINI TV. (St. rl«l|- AVI'IMII'.I Supfriiir—Hev. 11. .Mc'llrftily,; Ast.('Dlitiil ami PmUir <>/ the Churrh nt the llnhi Uimiiri/, Itcv. M. V. Kelly, O.S.H., with Hiiv.'ii M'lioliwticH. TIIR NOViriATR OK TIIK UAHII.IAN COMUUillTT, |St. (!lair Avfiiue. ) Directo)/i -llev. J. J. .M. Ahouliii, U.S. P.; Rev. I'. O'Donoliof, C.S.ll. Trinity Coilege So>)Ool, Pv«rt Hope. roi'NKm) ISiVi. Head Mailer. lUv. (.'. .1. .S. llethiiiif, M.A., D.C.I..; AHHidtant Masti'tK—liev. O. li. Hi-omfliall, It.iV., W. H. NiKlitiiiKale, U.A., K. \V. WnUoii, F. W. Fritli, B.A., J. H. ColliiiHori, M.A. ; Orgntiint and Choir Mantvr, V. M. Gaoi\\\»; Matron, Mrs. Jellett; llinmekei-fii-r, .VlisH K. Hrowiie ; Medical Sitperiutrndcnl, Dr. h. H. Powers. Toronto Churoh School. PrMident of Council. The Lord Ilishop of Toronto; Seeretar^i-Treamirer, \V. H. I,ockh;>rt (lordon, V.*t\. ; Head Mnnter, Uev. T. L. Ahorii, H.A., H.Sc;., H.D. ; Auuitnnt Mastem, Rev. R. Ashcroft, M..\., Homy Rroi'k, Riji{., Waller liazett, Ksq., M.A., K. .1. Coleiiiuii, E»q. Toronto Collegiate Institute. r'alaiii'hon, Kraii l)a\i , (it'll. I>i('ck ; Kiiiili'r:iiirteii. ilisa iU'atrii'i; Uirchall ; Xoii-lte/iiilent - Church Cati:chi^m and ItitMrjji, Rev. '1". C. Strei't, .Mac-kli'iii ; /'/Vino nurf Or'ian, Mr. .\rttnir Kishor aii.l Mr. .1. W. V. Harrison ; Violin, Mr. .1. \V. Hauiiianii, .Miss Kalif .Vichi'i-, Miss Kiiiilv l)avi(!« : I'iano aintin(j, Ida .Moffatt, .Miss H. M. Ford an. ; Modern Lamuagen, Rev. R. I. Warner, M.A. ; German and Italian, Rev. J. Schulte, D.D., Ph.D. ; Malhetnatics and Natural Sciences, Miss Kdith Uoburls, First Pro- fessional Certificate ; English, Mitm Rose .McTavish, First Profe.saional CertiHcale ; Clara Knisely, First Profes- sional Certificate; Governenn, Miss S. K. Sisk; Muxie — Profemor of Mus'C, St. .John Hyttenrauch, Esq.; Violin, Koselle Pocooke, Esq ; Vocal Culture, .Mrs. Enuiia E. Kains; Jndruinental Mufic, Mr. J. H. .lones. Miss J. R. Amy, Miss Eleanor Clement, Miss Flora Claii]), Miss Annie IJaTaclounh, .Miss liena llarire ; Teacher, Miss Maud Windsor; Teacher of China Painting, Sketch- ing, et-c.. Miss Carlotta H. Heattie ; Huokkeeping, I'hono- Sjraiihj/ iitid Typewriting, Miss l.ily Ilarmer ; Elocution. Miss Edith Murray ; Commereial Law, C. F. Maxwell ; Swedish GgninaKtiot, etc.. Miss Edith Murray. Bishop Strachan School, Wykeham Hall, Toronto Frederic Pojfcrs, F.C.C.d., F.V.C.M. ; I'oiV,. Ci(//„rJ .Mrs. Frunces .1. Moore; Piano, .Miss E. Rolls Mil Lena .Shainion and .Miss .May Wclilliit'; Guilnr, Mi,, |1 I Teiinant : Violin, Prof. F'. rl:i Dnglas ; Secreliirii, .Miss F. A. Demill. Tl\e Mouqt Allison Ladies' College, Owen's l{rt li)stitutiot), and Conservatory of ll|usic, Sackville, ft. B. LADIKS' COI.LKOK. Principal, Rev. B. C. Horden, D. I).; Preceptress, Mrs. A. N. Archibald. Physics, Rev. B. C Horden, D.D. ; Latin, nnd Geow- try, Mrs. A. \. Archibald; Enilish Language miil Lifi'rature, .Miss Laiir.i Lathern, H..-\.; Elocution mii Physical Culture, .Miss Louise Webster; French omi Mathematics, SIlss .feanette E. Thomas, |{..\.; Enolish, Estelle Cook, H.A. ; Shorthand and Typewriliii;!. Miss S. A. Mmidy; Matron, Miss .Miriam Fullerijn; Housekeeper, Miss Edith Masters. OWKN'S AHT INSTIHTIOX. Pro.fessor, .lohn Hammond, R.O.A.; Associate Tcfu-h ers. Miss Bessie Alcorn, and Miss Ethel Ogden. COSSKRVATORV OF .MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Theory, Prof. .L .(. Wootton; Piann. Miss Allies Fawcett and Miss Julia H. Johnson; Vih'nl Culture, Miss (Cornelia Fanniiifj ; Violin, Harmony and fnstrumtntation, Mr. Charles L. Chisholm ; Examiner in Harnwny, Dr. Percy Ooetschitis, Ontariol lt,»ri if Direr lit l'iiv'-/'rc»i'(f''/i'| l'|V«„/,-iif , Iv. T. Il{ Id M, Taylor, M.Al iHw, I'ii.D.; IM t'anillu "f liislu \y J. Hare, Ph. 11 lialbi'matics anilu \ji:„fiilion. Miss ir Imit Italian MisH \UMiiiig>'>', Missl Ijtiplis, M.L. A. .1 Ipipe Organ, I'rofl, MissDi\Uas| IwJMiss Taylor; IgcKoe; Guitar, iDirfclor. Prof. U I Painliii't, Miss Wl I mi, .Miss Greenwl IJHrfctorofComml \Miraphy,etc.,yi\\ ICDimnarcial Law \ Henderson ; Phy Presbyterii PrMident, T. rice- President, Image, T. M. Mi I Seience, Rev. J. . Lady I'rincipal, G. E. Hull, B. ' 1 Herman, Misa Al Emlish, Miss I. Department, E. Hiss Julia V. " I T. Mower-Martin Martha Smith, B Belleville B Fiieullu: Rob( Innile, C. A. LiiiK Leiturers on Co Thomivs. Canada Bi I'rinc'jial, H. »f liu.] KIIUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. 247 ' v., AHHIHtnill ' 1 'lirixfi.iiiih/, l»r'c,,,.i,, 1 '^i'ldsor, Hovi Scotia. if Noiii .<>|,.„tiii- s,.,...,. Cult, in id It •1,1,1 I'/ii/'fii-'a/ II hi I,- , ■ "'NS Milliner. I 1 ; rinmfnrt,., Mis^ |,iC„| vu,.,s...,,„..s,k,.i;i;;':,'| >le£:e, Oshawa. \\; Lmly /'rinei/aJ, Mrs « i>. A. Hind; .4..;,jy„7,| .Howland:.V,„A.m,f,>J * H. Stephenson ; AWimiH fcorof »iu^,„, „„';;;. !"'/ Ilarmn,,,,, j|i*< |.„n. Hunt: />arA^,- „//.,«„" » Anna /.^llner ; />,-,,,,„;. "ork. Miss Miirir,.r,,f . * Abbio a How-lan,! I Academy. "K, roKoxTo. 7/(^7,,.v.lialin.a,|; '' "/ rJiii'iiHiiii, Misn li l^'O.-^'l^s Stark ; F,',.,,,-!, ;'"•';,';'"'"•''. AHhm Viotorin )eniill. College, Owen's /\rt vatory of JHusic, I. B. '.IIK. 0. !».; Precept ri'gH, Mrs. i>-j,l-'ntiiian,10eom,. nitmh LniKjuage dml it'. A.; Klm-iitinn uni Mobster; Fivtwli .tii.i lioiiias, M.A.; A'nr///./, nnd and I'l/peiviiti,,; iss Miriam t'lilleri.jii ; X'TION. '.A.; AgHociatf. Taaeh Ethel Ojfden. •Mrsic. •!..». \Vootton;P»Vjtifl, la H. Johnson ; ITnrrtf '"tin, Harmony a 1x4 .^hishohn; Exawiiwr S. Ontario Udies' College, Whitby. I BMi-i '\f Dire' turn- I'reniileiit, (ieo. A, ('f)x, K«|.; Im l'i,v./'rcx((/«'ii', |{i;v. K. II. I>e«iirt, O.I).; ,'/!(/ I'lVc- l/y«i(/<';if, li. T. lUrcla.v, Ks(|.; TreOMiirer aiul Seer,lnrii, 1 8, It. Tavlor, M.,V.; (inrernnr and I'rinniinl, Rev. J. J. |jl»ri", I'll. I>. ; /<(Kf.v I'rinei/ial, Mrs. Hurt. faciillii tij liiHtnictiiin— lluliinii, (lenlonii, ete., Ksv. Ij. J. Hare, I'h.l).; CIiihsIi-m, I'rof. (Jret'iiwoml, B.A.; lHalhciiiatien and CheiiiiHtnj, Miss llurkholdL-r, \\. A.; |/(iiid/^o;i, Miss Mck, O.M.; rVe/icA, (leniidu, Sixinijih ttml Italian Miss Honiiiit;, IJ. A.; AnHiKlnnl in Alailern yUo'luniieii, Miss Stanton, Ist Class U. (iiroffsslonal) ; \||at^ll•lnalie^, (1. H. Hogarth, .M. A.; Jnitiiir EniiltKh, Miss iplcs, M.I.. .A. Srhdiil iif MiiHie — Director— I' iann and IPipeOrjian, I'rof..!. W. F. Harrison; Vinlin and liar- lnK.iii/, Miss Dallas, K..M.; I'iano, Miss L. Wilson, M.L.A., Iind .Miss Ta.vlor ; yucal Mtmic, .Mrs. Uradley and Miss lUcKoe; (iuitar, I'rof. Walklns. Srhixd nj Fine Art— XKrtfUir, I'rof. L. II. O'Urien, R.C.A.; Drawiwj and \?ai,itiiiii. Miss Windeatt, A.H.C.A.; AHxiMant in Draw- Im't, .Miss Gret'n»ooault : Director' of Studien, Emile Balete ; /'rofenHors—Siieeimt Mathemat'icn, Emile Uolete ; Chemi,itry and Phji»ie$, C.-A. Pfister; Mechanical Ennineeriny, Public Work*, HailirayH and Architecture, Joseph Hoynes ; Siirreying, Geoilery and CuHnioyraphji, J. -Emile Vainer; Maths- inaticg (elementary course and elementary physics), Frt'deric Andre and A. Bonnin ; Satural Hiiitory, Geo- logy and. Mineralogy, F. G. Laberfce ; Mining, Metal- lurgy, Strength of Materialx, HydrauHcx and Steam Engine, A. Bonnin ; Kleitricity and Apjdied Mechanic*, S. Duval. University of Mouqt Allisoi) College, SacKville, N.B. Premlent and Prifemior of Mental l'hilo»o)ih)i and Logic, D. Allison, LL.D.; Moral PhiliMiphy and Evi- dcnces of Chrintianity, Rev. ('. Stewart, D.D.; Wood ProfeMO'- of Clam -H, A. D. Smith, LL.D.; Mathemntiet, S. W. Hunton, M.A.; Cliennxtry and Experimental Physicn, Rev. W. W. Anilrews. M.A.; Political Science, Rev. II. C. Borden, M.A. ; Englinh Lnngvai/e and Litero- ture, W. M. Tweedle, M A.; Secretary to the t'a-.uUy, Prof. A. I) Smith, LL.D.; Lilirariaii, Prof. S. W. Hunton, M.A.; Curator of Mweiini, Rev. W. W. Andrews, M.A. Faculty of Theology— Logic ond Bihli- cnl Literature, David ".VJlison, LL.D., Presiilent (ex officio): C. F. Allifon Profennor if Old Testa iiienf Ex- egesis and Sjtstetnatic Theolo III, Kev. Charles Stewart. D.D., Dean; Pi'ote.iiiiir oi Xeo- Te>-ta,iicot Kxioieiox and Church Hiytiini,' Utv. Cluis. II. Pai'^kv, A.M.; Greek, Alfred 1). Smith, LL.D. St. Hilda's College, Toror\to. .\FF1LI.\TI0N WITH TIUNITV INlVKIiSITV (fuR WO.MKN). Premlent of the Council, Tin- l!i:,'ht Rev. the Lonl Bishop of Toronto; Laihi /'rineij>iil, .Miss P.itUson ; Trcamrer. H. W. Church, M.A.; I.ectiirerK -T\n' Pro- vost of Trinitv C(ine;;e, the Dean of Trinity Colletre, Rev. Prof. E. W. IluiitiiiKfoid. M.A., Rev. Prof. E. C. (;avlev, .M.A., II. H. Bedford Jones, M.A., A. H. Youn)?, B.A.,'T. H. Smvtli, M.A., B.Sc. H. Mcnlfromery, M.A., Ph.B., W. II. While, .M.A., M. .Mackenzie, M.A. Assumption College, Sandwicli Ontario. President, Rev.D.Cushin!Jr,C.S.B.; Director of Studiet, Rev. M. Munitovan, C.S.B. ; Moral and Dogmatic Tke- olog,/. Rev. A. P. Du .Mouchel, G.S. I).; Mental Philoso- phy, Rev. M. .Miins,'0V.T.n, C. S. B.; llhetoric. Rev. A. P. Du' Mouchel, C.S.B. ; Bellen Lettren, Rev. Thos. Hayes, C.S.B.; i'nd Latin, Rev. A. J. Cote, C.S.B.; Srd Latin, 248 MEDICAL INS. .TUTIONS. [IN96 Rev. A. .r. Montreuil, C.S.H. : tUeiiu'iifani L'thi, Rev. I M. McGrafh ; Oradmitin i EiPilinh Clax.i, Ruv. J, H. | Collins, C.S.H.; Ut Cniinnerci'tl, Mr. ,1. .\. Connors ; ami Cimimercial, .Mr. Joseph IJrokivw ; Elementary Kmilitli, .Mr. .1. Shefhaii; Clii-mutni, Kev. A. Xasi'lmldu, C.S.B., S.T.I,.; Xatin-al Philosiiphu, Rev. D. Cushin;,', I C.S <• Or':an, Mr. J. E. 1'. Aldous, R.A,, Oxford ; Sinyin'j and Harp, Mrs, .Martin-Murvihy ; Vii'lin. Professor Pau'r.ann and Mr, O. Shule ; Guitar, Mi-s. Crowther ; iJ-irector of Art Department, Henry Martin, .\.R.(!,.\., 0,S,.\.; Shorthand and Typen , iting, Miss K, Kappele; President ot Board of Birrctors, lion. Senator Sanford ; Secretarij and Treasurer, A, ilmns' S.T.U,, LL,I), PIcKeriqg College, Pickering, Ont Principal, William P. Firth, M.S.; Lady Priiicli.,,/^ Ella Rojfcrs Kirtli, B,.\.; House Master, JtiutvHT. Iau^ ,\ Matron, S.iriih A, Dale, Faculty — SC'Cnce and Molt,:'. matics, William P, Kirth, M.S, ; French and (lernuin, KUa Rojfers Kirfli, B..\, ; Classics and ll'stoni, .liuui.^ T, Luton; Enilish, H, L, .Martin, B.A.; Jlranches, William (J, Clarke, B, A. ; Preparatory Di'purt- nienl, Elma A. Cronk ; Music, Francis S. Morris, a 1'. CM,; Drawing and Painting, F. H, .M,acGilli\niy ; Lecturer on Commercial Law, Walter I), Ore^iory, Hellmuth Ladies' College, Lor\don, Ont, Lady Patrowsses, H,R,H. Princess Louise, llcr K\- cellencv the Countess of Aberdeen ; Founder, Tlie Rt, Rev, Bishop Hellmuth, D,D., D,C,L, ; Pres dent, I. F. Hellmuth, LL,B.; Principal, Ucw E, N, Eniilish, M,A. ; Vice- Principal Mrs. E, N. English ; ]''situr<. Right Rev. the Loiid Bishop of Huron, The Very liev. the Dean of Huron, Faculty— lihetioic, Elocution, iic.. Rev, E, N, English, .M.A.; English Literature, Myit,;. logy, etc., Mrs, E, N, English ; French, Italian ond Spanish, Mdlle. L de Corneille Moreni ; Herman, J. \V/ (Jay Aiidras, Es(|,; Acadeinio Snitjects and I'hysicii. Culture, MiasE. H. MacLean; Musical Director — I'iuiin, Harmony and History of Mnsic, Thos, .Martin, Ksi|. ; Violin, R, Pococke, Esq, ; Singiii'i and Organ, Miss K. Moore; Guitar and Mandolin, MissL, .\. 11, Jones: .lc( Director— Painting, Carving, Decorative Art, etc., ,1. H. Seavey, Esq, Western Ontario Shorthand Academy, London, Faculty — Princiiial, Wni, C. Coo, C,S,R ; L, Morphy. U, A, Buchner, Jeiuiie Law, MEE)ICAb INSTITUTIONS. University of Bisl^op's College, Mor\treal. Fiiculti/ of Midiciiie — Prole.i.tiir of I^rincipt, ^ and Practice of Medicine, F, W,' Canipliell, M,A., .M,l>,, L,R.C.P,, London, Dean; Emeritus Pnit'ea-ior of Prac- tical Chemistry, ,1. H. Edwards, Ph. I)., I).C,L,; A.-ciute J'riil'es«ir I'ractire of .]f"dici. r and I'mfessor of Xeu- rotn III, .]. V,. ^'cContlell, .M,D.,C.M,, Vicr-Dcan ■.'Giihcc- olii'lii. .la.s, IVrriio, A.."., .M.D. : Ohi^letrics, U. L. Reddv. B.A., .M.h., I,.H,C.SE,, L,H,C,1'., London; Cheoii^lni, ,1. T, Donald, M..V., F,C,S.; Liiryniiology and Ithinoltigy, (ieo. Tillerie Ross, M.D,, CM,, Heiiis- triir: Practical Vheniistni. .loseph licmrose, K,('.S.; Sunwry, F. H. Knu'laii.!, CM , .Ml),; Physical Diag- nosis, \'V. (ivant Stewart. H,A., .M.D,, CM.; Phy.-:iol,igii, Arthnian Bruere, .\l.l)., Ivlin.; Medicul Inrisprudciice, Assislftiit lligisinir. W. II, Druuunond, C .M,, .M.D,; IWhidoipi and Di.-eases i,f Children, Andrew McPbail, B.A.. M,D,,CM.. M,R,C!S., Eng,, M.R,C,P,, London; Oplitliiilirntiiiiii anil Ololmni. ,1. W. Stirling, M.l!., Ellin. : rtlnlcal Gyneculony.' A, L. Smilli, B.A.. M.D.; Lecturer on Ifniinuie, William lUnnetl, CM., .M.D,; Lecturer on .Mental Disc ises, James V Anglin, M..\., M,D, ; fjeciiner on Materia .Uei//crt and Therageiitics, Rol.ert WilrioM, M.D. ; Deuion.ttrator of Anatomy, Rollo Campbell, ('.>[., .M.D.; AssLttiiut Drmonstralors of Auitomu, Herbert T.itlev, CM., M.D.. I..R.C1', and S., Ediii., L.F.P. and S., Oliusgow, F, .1. Ilackett, CM,, .M,D,, Grace Ritchie, B.A., CM., M.D., C I', WyM, ,M.D,, CM, M|oCIII Uqiversity, Montreal. KACII.TV OK .MKDICIXK, Principal, Wm. Peterson. ,M.A,, l,l,.D.; Dean of the Facultii ami Pnnessor ot llmjlene and Public Health, R, Craik, M,D, : Emeritu^i /V()/'m.>(i;»- ^ W, Wrigl:t, M,D,, D. C MaoCallum, .M.D, ; Prnicisors and Mem- hi-rs (if the Faculty — Hygiene and Pulilic Health, R, Craik, M,D,; Cheiiii.''Cr. .\rnistroMg, ^^D., t.ecturers -Mental Diseases.'']!. ,1, W. BnvLiCss, M.K. ; llacteriologii anil Medico-I.nial Pnlhnlii'iy, Wvall .lobn- sloM, .M,D,'; Plui^intogy, W. S. Morrijw, .M.D. : Diinnn strators and AssLttant liemnnstratnrs, .lonii M. V.Ai-v, B..\., M.l)., J. G. McCarthv, B,.\., M.D,, D, .1. Kvims, .M,D., N, D. i;inin, .M,D,. R, C Kirkpairick, M.D., ('. F, Martin, B.A,, M.D., .1, J, Gardner, M.D., K. P. Wil- liams, M,l),, T, P, Sliaw, M.D.,G. (i. Canuibell, I!.S.' , .M.D.,W. F. Hamilton, .M.D,, H. Tail .Mackinzie, M.A., ,M,D,, W. E, Ticeks, H.A., .M.D., J. .\. HiikI. rson, B,A,, M.D., J, W, .Scanc, .M.D, J, D. (iiinemii, .M.D., Kenneth Cameron, B.A., M.D., C i:. I., Wnlf, B.A., M.l). Dall)0U8ie College ar\d Ui^iversity, Halifax* N,S. Faculfii of Mediciiii— President (e.t-oficio), GeorL'i Lawson, Pli.D., LL.D,, John ,Somers, M,D,, Geo. I.. Sinclair. M.D., Donald A, Campbell, M,D., CM , .\. W, H, Lindsav, M,l),, CM,, John Stewart, M.B., CM., A,C, Page. M',D., Daidel McNeil Parker, M.D., Edward Farrelt, ,M.l),, Andrew J, Cowie, M,D,, John F. Black. M,l),, Alex, P, Reid, M.D,, Matthew A, Curry, M.D.. [I.S9gB«^^'] MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. 240 Academy, London. 10. CS.K ; L. .M(in,hv. y, Halifax, N.S. Medicine and Clin- Caninbell, M.D., CM. Miulaay, M.D., CM, fcrray McLaren, M.D., Wm. S. Miiir, M.D., William loliin, K.R.C.S., Ire., Hon. .luslicc Henry, Louis M. Iler, M.U.CM., Freil. W. Uooilwiii, M.l)., Fitz fjuck'' Anderson, M.K.C.S., Eng.; Denn, Prof. Law- n; Srcntarji, Dr. Lindsay. Ijalifax Medical College, Halifax, N.S. \ Prji'cK^iirs -Mi'dicine and Medical Jarisprudeiicel lllex.'l'. Keid, M.D.CM. MoGill, L.K.CS. Kdln., L.CI', |iS. (an. ; Obntetricn and (Ji/iKHCdlogii, VVm H. Sluvter, ID, Ciiio., M.R.CS. Knjj., Ml.CI'.Lon., K.O.S. Uub.. |a..\. Curry, M.D., Uni. N.Y.; Sunjeri and Clinica, lii»«'(i/, Kiiwarvl Farrell, M.D., Coll. I'hvs. and Surtr. IvV., .Inhn K. Black, M.D., Coll. Phys. I'.nd SurK. N.V., liohii Stewart, M.H. : Medicine, .lohn Sonn-rs, M.l)., IScll. Ilosp. .Med. Coll. N.Y. ; Xero'iux and Mental |t;.M«.'.'')i, Georije L. .Sinclair, .M.D., Coll. Phys. and hmis. N'.Y.. M.D., Uni. Hal lifii/ Medicine, Donald .\. Ipal. ; Anatoimi, A. W. U. Iw., M, H. C. M. E., Coll. I Plus and Surg. N.Y.; F. U. Anderson, L.H.C.S. and IlR G.P.Ed., M.H.C.S. Eng. ;C. E. Pultner, Ph.M. ; 111. II. HaHie. M.D., CM. McGill ; Wallace McDonald, Ib..^. ; A. L Mader, M. !>., CM. McGill ; Montague A. H. Smith, M.l)., Uni. N.V.; C Diokie .Murray, M.B., C M. t'lliii ; John Stewart, .M.l!., CM. Edin. ; Thomas \V. JlValsh, M.l)., Hell. Hosp. .Med. Coll. ; h'xtra Mural Lcc- |(i()v/', George Lawson, Ph.D., etc. Facultii of P liar- \mirii — A very F. Bucklev, I.. Ph.; F. W. Goodwin, M.D., CM.; G. .M." Campbell, ".M.D.; George Lawson, Ph.D., ttc. ; Albert H. ISuckley, Ph.M. Hal. Med. Coll.; W. H. Simpson, Ph.G. \'\\\\.\ Secretari;, Avery F. Bucklev, I L.PI1. ; Janitor, O. P. Skellv. University of Toronto. KAcri.TV OF ■s\v.wv\sv,.-(Sec pa(iei\\^.) Queen's University, Kingston. K.vrii.Tr KK y\i.\\\a^v. ~{fice i>ii;ii:iW.) Laval Ut\iversity. KAcri/i'v OK ■s\Y.\m:\sv,.—(Scc pnrjcUi.) Trinity B^edica" College, Toronto, KSIAIII.I.SIIKII 1 ,'ill. Than nf b'acnllii, I'rol'exmir m' /'rinciple.iand Practice of Medicine, Walter H. Gcikic, M.D., CM., D.CL.,,, Loud. ; Ohstctrics and dunce- i"l"'l!l, .1. Algernon Temple, M.D. , CM., M.K.C.S., Eng.; General Cliciiiixtrii and //n^tu//, Thomas ivirkland, M..\. ; Kiiicritas I'riif-K.iiir id' Medical ./iiri-'/iradencc and '['".ricitliimt, C W. Coveviiton, .M.l)., C.M., M.H.C.S., i'.W'j... Lie. Soc. .\i)oth.. l.ond. ; Principlcit iind Practice 11/ Siir'ieni, a nd nr' Cli nical Sii i-(/cni, Fred. LeM. Grasett, .M.l!., C..M., ExUlant.iin Practical Anatunii/, C. A. Temp e, .M.D , CM , F.T..M.C ; Fred. Fent.on, .M.D., CM., F.T..M.C.; A. H. (Jarratt, MI)., CM., F.T..M.C ; Harold C Parsons, B.A., M.D., CM., F. T.M.C; Clinical Lecturer on Pixeasen n/ the Kye and Ear, C Trow, M.D., CM., Trin. Univ., F.T..M.C., L.R. CP., Lon.: AxHixtant in Patholoqy, W. H. Peplcr, .M.D., CM., F.T.M.C, L.R.C.P., London ; Axfixtant in Hist- oloijy, Fre, CM., Trin., L.R.CP., Lond.; AnatmiDi, (J. S. Cleland, M.H., Tor.; Clinical Suriierii. L. .M. Swcetniiiii, M.l)., Tor., .M.D.CM., Vict.; Medical, Suniical and Ifpniir yli, leal Anatinmi, Orthoj.ccdicx, Venionstratnr nf Anati nni, H. E. McKei'izie, H,A., M,I)., Mctiill, .M. D., C..\I., Tiin'.; Meillcal Jvrixpradcnce, K. Shnwe Tvrrell, .M.H., Tor., M.D.,C.M., Trin., L.R.CP., Lond.; The ra pen I lex, .1. M. .MacCalluni, H.A., .M.D., CM., L.S.A., Lond.; Cliuieal Medicine, T. I'. .McMahon, .M.D. ; Pniic-.tnr of I'atho- higij and llLitnlotjii. Susanna P. Hovlc, .M.D., CM., Trill.; (ih.itetricx, U. T. .Macliell, M,H,,toi,, L.M.H.CP., Edin. ; To.ricnli>qy and Oii/anic Cheiii'xlni, (iraliaiii Chambers, I5.A.,' Tor., M.l'..', Tor,; .^x-l.'italll Demon- .',, Tor,; lllnlofiy. .). Stenhoiise, H,A., H,Sc,, l-Min,, M,l!,, Tor,; I'atholinpi, H, J, Dwyer, M.l)., D..M., Trin. Ontario College of Pharmacy, Tororito. Prexiilent, .1. H. Ma<'Uenzic ; \'ice-l'rcxldent, .Ino. -McKec. Colin.'. I! C. D. Daniel, Toronto; J. H. Dickey, Trenton ; IIenr\ Davs, Lucknow ; W. .\. Kiun, Wood- stock ; D. H. .MacLaren, Harrie ; .1, I", Rubcrls, Park- hill; R, 1), SiMitt, Saniia ; Simon Snider, Waterlmi; G. W. Spackman, IP.imillcni ; A, Turner, Oriuigeville ; H, Hatters, t)ttawa, tieyixtrar-Trcaxurcr, Isaac T. Lewis, Ontario Veterit^ary College, Toronto. Dlxeaxcf of Dorne.xtlcated Animals; Prof, A. Smith, V,S, (I'rincipal), Edin,, F. R, C. V, S,, and Honorary Associate R.C,\'.S. ; Veterinary Materia Medica, J. Thorburn, .M,I)., Edin,; Animal PhyxloJoqy. G. A. Peters, M.B,, F,R,CS., Eng.; Clinical Inxtructorx, Prof, Andrew Smith, V,S., and Assistants; Chenii.itry, C Gordon Richardson, F.G.S. ; Anatomq, J. T.lhmciin, .M.D,, V.S., Honorary Associate, R.CV.S. ; Patholnj}f 250 MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS — LAKE ST. JOHN TERRITORY. \m 189(3] imd [fiirtntl Histulony, 3. Oaven, M.D., L.R.C.l'., Loti.; Veterinary Obstetrics and Diseases of Cattle, C. H. Siveetai»i>le, V.S. ; Denumntrator of Anatomy, S. SUsoti, V..S. Scljool of Dentistry of the l{oyal College of Der^tal Surgeons of Ontario. IS Louisa Street, Toronto. HSTAHLISIIKD 1875. PauuUy — Opernlive Dentistry and Dental Pathology, J. Branston Willmott, D.D.S.', M.D.S., Dean of the PaeiM'/; I'rinciiiles and Pra'ti'X ol Medicine and Surqery, as applied in Dentistry, Luke Tcskev I, Dsl M.D.C.M.,M.R.C.S.,Eiis.; CViewi«<)-j/, W. T. Stuart, M.lif CM.; Operative Clinieal and DentO' iechni)ingwauk l(on)e for Indian Children. Sault Ste. Marie, Al>ronia. Established 187ri President, The Lord Bishop of Aluroma. Cantmitlci Rev. Rural Dean Renison, B.A.; His Honor Jii<|i;e Jdlni-l ston, Secretary; Geo. Ley Kinjr, Es(|., Principal; \V. .jl Thompson, W. H. Plumnler, Escj. I'rineipal, Geo. l,eT| Kintf, Esq., Shingwauk, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont ; .4cc(pr(;if.| ant, V. M. Dooley ; Senior School Tearher, B, Wiiiik'.8t (ew years, has been colonized with great rapidity, and now contains a population of some 40,000. The Saguenay and St. Maurice regions are already the field of large lumbering operations, estimated at 60,000,0(10 feet, B.M., per annum, or equivalent to nearly one-fourth of the whole export of sawn lumber from the port of Quebec. The country is thus described by a gentleman who visited it recently : Tae Soil " Is almost universally composed of a rich grey clay, the land seems to be inexhaustible. At Poiiite- »uxTreuibles I w.os shown a Held of wheat, which had been producing that grain for the last fifteen years, without the application of any manure ; and the grain I saw this year was as fine as any to be found in this district. Truly one is struck with wonder at the richness of the soil, for I believe there is none riclier in Canada." The Climate of the Lake St. John region is said to be that of Montreal ; there is no doubt of its biiiiir superior to that of Quebec. The snowfall is certainly In fact, farmers complain that they do not get good sleigh roads till late in the winter. On the '2,')th September this year I remarked thai the leaves of the trees wfre Tery little tinted, atid iiotato stems were still green. Wheat and all grains ripen and produce almiidantlv . as may be seen from the followini' extracts taken from the census returns: 187;. 1881. i:!0,0i)9 154,,'-|Si) 117,249 211,210 1801. 10,012 3!1,S1(; 30,022 Wheat, bushels Oats, " Barley, " Other Grains Potatoes, bushels 101, ;!8.' Potatoes, carrots and other ' great test of the soil and climiite .lohn with the best ''[P'<->>*al Mntn„ M,,!;"* <^lark, D.D.s., |,.||v<" , C.M.; D,;m,i,.liHl„r'„i thetics A. K. Uebsterl nt qt the Iiifinmir,/, DrJ pioi)er place :— iridian Children. Kstablishcd lS7;"i. His Honor .(,1,1-0 Johnf fr, K.s(i., I'rincipal ; W j L '«|. I'l-nicipal, (Jeo, i,„| ie Mane, Ont ; AnnnuUl Kol J earlier, li. Wanle.%| son Bnjfhun. ; A'ar/fl^r f facson. M.D.,Toronto W. " A A..Steyenson. Montreal. W. " R. A. Kloek, Kloi'k's Mills. \V. " Henrv Robeit-ion,Collingw'd W. " J. J. ".Mason, Hamilton. W. " W. R. White.ti.C., Pembroke W. " George C. Davis, r,ondon. " " E. H. D. Hall, Peterborough W. " .1. K. Kerr, Q.O., Toronto. W. " W. O. Reid, Hamilton. .W. '• Daniel Spry, London. W. " D. F. Maew'att, Barrie. " " John W. Murton, Hamilton. " " Wm. Smeaton, Belleville. " " R. B. Hungerford, London, ,W. " A. A. Stevenson, Montr jal. W. " F. M. .Morson, Toronto. .W. " J. K. Kerr, t^.C, Toronto. " J. M. Gibson, ti.C.,Hami!*on. W. " C. W. Brown, Toronto. W. " R. L. Patterson, Toronto. W. " J. A. Cowan, Toronto. W. " J. K. Kerr, (fC, Toronto. \V. " P. .J. Brown, Toronto. .W. " Hugh Miu'rav. Hamilton. mi Loilt/e of Canada — North Dakota. . . R. W. Ohio " Oklahoma Oregon " Pennsylvania . . . Rhode Island. . . V. W. South Carolina. . R. W. South Dakota. . . " Tennessee " Texas M.W. Utoh ' Vermont R.W. Virginia .... " Washington .... " West Virginia . . " Wisconsin " Wyoming Ciintintied. Bro. J. S. Dewar, London. " L. G. Jarvis, London. " David Taylor, Ottaw;,. " Robi^rt Lewis, London, " T. C. Macnabb, Chatliiuu. " E. T. .Maloiie, Torontn. " A. B. .Munson. Londnn. " J. K. Kerr, t^.C, Toruur.. " J. K. Kerr, Q.C.. Toron'.,. " DeWittH. MartVM, Kinduit " T. H. B:-.nton, Newnuukpt.. " W. C. Wilkinson, Tormit >. " J.E.Harding,(J.C.,StriUtnri|. " Thos. Sargant, Toronui. FOR OTHER COr.NTUIRS. Brazil M.W. Central America. Chili R'.W, Thelsl'dofCuba.R.W Greece M.W, Hungary R.W Italy R. W The Netherlands " Mexico New Grenada . . Peru M.W, Porto Rico Portugal St. Doniinigo . . . Switzerland. . . . . R. W. Uruguay U. S. of Columbia " VenezueKi Bro. A. A. Stevenson, Moniroal. " Rev. *'. dementi, Petiilioro. , " Geo. Tait, Toronto. ■' Daniel Spry, London, H. J. Wilkin.son, Kinu'slmi. , " G. G. Rowe, M.I •., Toronto. " K Raddiffe, Goflericii, R.T.Walkem.Q.CKInsrsion, W. L. Hamilton, BellfviUe, John Walsh, Ottawa, SUBORDINATE LODGES. e^Lm 'Ijfen marked tines (*) hold their Installation of Offlcem on the Festival of St. John the Evangelist — all otl,,r un that of St. John the Baptist. LODOK. 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 16 17 IS 20 21 22 23 24 2,5 20 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3/ 88 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 Niagara *.\nc. St. John's. / .Su.ssex IBarlon iUnion ... "I'nioi! j*N'orfolk "Moira *Truo Britons. , , Si. George's. , , . ;*,St,. Andrew's . . , St. John's "•I'riiKO E^'^^2 50 ^Consecon . ■ • • M Dalhousie 54 -Vaugban . ... ,^n ♦MernckviUe.. . 50 ►Victoria o7 'Harmony 55 * Doric (il •Acacia fi.j "St. Andrews. t;3 *St. John's . • til Mvilwinning ti,j 'Rehoboam . (i6 * Durham — (ig *St. John's . . 6i» Stirling -■> Alma ;:! 'St. James' . H -St. James' . 7;-, St. John's 70 "O.xford 77 ^FaithfiilBretV -i *King Hiram 7!) 'Sinicoe SI *St. John's . . S-2 St. John's . ■■ ■ Si 'Beaver .... 84 ♦Clinton . . S^ *RisingSun sO 'Wilson S7 MarkhamUnr 8i St. George's 00 "Manito 01 'CoP'orne .. 9-2 'Cataraqui c)3 'Northern Li !)4 'St. Mark's 0(5 "Corinthian 97 *Sliaroii .... 98 True 151ue . 99 *Tusca'i .... 100 ■ Valley 101 *Corint\iian 103 * Maple Leaf 104 St. 'ohi.'s .. lOf) *St. Mark's liiti *Burford . 107 St. Paid's . . 108 lilenbeini . . 100 'Albion 110 'Central . . 113 "Wilson 114 'Ib'pe ••■• 115 'Ivy 116 'Cassia ., • 118 I'liion 119 "Maple Leal \i{} Warren . . . \i\ Doric , . . ].)•' -Renfrew , l-'i The Bellev 12ii "Goniwall lid "tiolden Rv 1-27 Franck I'^S 'Pemlirokc lio The Rising 131 'St.Lawrci 133 'Lelianon 13.T "St. Clair 136 Richardsoi 137 'Pythagor 139 l.elianoii . 14(1 'Malabide 14t "Tuiior . 14-2 'Excelsioi 14;i -Friendl.V 144 -Tecumse 14,^1 'J. B- Ha 14(i 'Prince o 147 -Mississil 148 "Civil Se 140 "Erie 151' TheGrar 1.53 •Bums. ir,4 'Irving. 15.5 "Peterbo 156 "York . [lM)(i lewar, Loiifi(,ii Tarvis, Loiidoi,. ITaylor, Ottawa. Lewis, London |iifnabl), Challiuni lalone, Toronto llnnsoii. London Jprr, (^.C., Tovonin. lerr, Q.C'., Toronic, ^H. Alartyn, Kindine P,'.';;!'?''"' ''^ewniaik-Pt. |1 dkinson, Toiunti l'•'l'ni^Q.C.,>st|■alf„r;| larurant, Toronto ' |lIRf«, Slevensoii, Mom real. Clementi, Pctciboro 'It, Toronto. «prv, London, iilkinson, Kin;;-stri,ii|, '•'. Atkin.son I'^. WlilliRMlvS •'\'. I>. l>a\VM)ji ■\. li. .Molculff \- .\. Davis i'- A. .Nichol i^ft'narl .Moa" K. H. HioHii" )V. .1, l{ol,irt.son " ('. .Morion \^- H. 1,'oitoni T. I'. Ki.cltr l!ol)t. Willis ■lo-^ I'attinson It. W. .( »'. If. livnaM '■ A. I'ait.n ;;. c. oiiwon '■ Kowland {. If. Npi'mi !• ^ Scott V. \'. Kcc'lcslnn,. if". Hninhle i. Kllis t'ortfe J. Kra'^cr • Slatpr . Hakfr li'X. Cirejfor\- eo. K. I'ronse • T. Gray »o. ,in 64 5S til t;:! fi) t).j ()« (i3 6!) -■J 7:! ,■■( rii 1 1 78 7!) SI s;i S4 85 SO S7 88 itO (U !l-i iJ.t !I4 06 97 98 99 100 101 io;{ 104 10') 100 107 108 10!) 110 IIU 114 115 116 118 lUt 12U 121 12-2 12;5 12.') 12(> 127 128 129 liil l:« I3.n 1:17 l:f9 140 141 142 14S 144 14.''i 140 147 148 149 151 \h:\ MA 155 15(i LUUUE. Stirliiij? (ialt St. Mary's . . iMaitlatid . . . WIIEKK IIKLn. I 'Oonsecon ICoiisecon . . . Dalhousie Ottawa ' Vanglian Maple *.Merri(;kville.. . . Merrlckville "^Victoria janiia 'Harmony Hinbrook . . . * Doric Ottawa 'Acacia IHaniiltoii . . *St. Andrew's. . . Caledonia . . ••St. John's .... C'arl'n Place. •Kilwinninj^ .... London 'Hehoboara Toronto *Uiirhani Newcastle . . *.St. John's Injj'ersoll Stirling ... Alma 'Hi. James' '.St. James' St. John's Toronto •O.xford Woodstock . ^FaithfnlBrethr. Lindsay *Kin;r Hiram . . Tilsonburjf . 'Simcoe Bradford . . . "St. John's Mt. Urydges St. John's j Paris. . ' Beaver Strathroy. . . 'Clinton Clinton •Risiin,' Sun . . .Athens •Wilson Toronto . . . Markham Union. Markhain .. St. (jieorire's .... Owen Sound "Manito Collinf,'wood *CoI''orne Colliorne . . . 'Cataraqui Kinjjston . . . 'Xorthern Light Kincardine . 'St. Mark's .... Port Stanley *Coriiithian .... Barrie *Sliaron Sharon True Blue Albion *Tusca'i Newmarket . Valley Dundas *Corintliian . , . . Peterboro'. . * Maple Leaf St. Cath'rns.i St. ohii's Norwich .... *St. Mark's Niag. Falls S *Bnrford Burford .... St. Paul's Lamlieth . . . Blenheim Princeton. . . 'Albion Harrowsm'h 'Central Prescott.... '^Wilson Walerford . . 'Hope Port Hope. . *hy 'Beanisville.. *Cassia jThedford . . . I'nion 'Schomberff.. *Mai)le Leaf .... liath Warren j Kiiisj al iJoric Brantford .. Mlenfrew i Renfrew.. . The Belleville .'Belleville .. 'Cornwall .... [Cornwall . '(Jolden Rule . . [Camiibollfd. I'ranck ; Frankfort . . * Pembroke Pembroke . . The RisinK: Sun .| Aurora — St. Lawrence . . Sonthan\p'n 'Lebanon Forest Kxeter .... ♦St.Olnir Milton .... Richardson . , . . Stouffville . , ' Pythafforas . . , .JMeaford .... I,ol)anon jOshawa .... ■"Malabide i Avinier . . . ♦Tudor Mitclicll. ... *Kxcel!*ior !Morrisbur,!;h 'Friendly Bros. .|Iroi|unis. NUIIIT OF AIKKTINU. WOKSIIII'KI'L .MASTKIl. 8ECIIETAHV. Stratford Millbrook 'Tecumseh •J. B. Hall •Prince of Wales; Ncwburgh. . •Mississippi . . . .lAlnudite .. 'Civil Service . . iOttawa . . . . 'Krie Port Dover The Grand River, Berlin *Bu.'ns Wyominif .. 'Irvintj' Lucan ^Petei-boro' Peterboro' . . *york i N.Toronto . . Friday on or before f. m. ev. mo.!W. Br. Geo. Woddell.. Fii^st "Tuesday " " Miles i". rkett . Tuesday on or before f. moon " " Huston Sibley . Tuesday on or before f. moon " " H.W.Watchorn Tue3da.\ on or before f. moon " ' " J. H. Lambert Wednesday on or before f. ni. " j " .lucUon Barlow First Friday " " G. W Shouldis Second Friday " J " Lyman Lee ... Wednesday on or before f. ni. " i " Jos. Pringle . . Wednesdav on orb. f. m. " | " W.K.Wil'ams'n Third Thursdiy " \ " Jos. Dambra. . First Thursday " i " i). D. Grierson Tuesday on or before f. moon " " T). Allin Third Friday " " T. Doufran.... Thursday after f. moon " " II JMicklejohn Last Thursday " i " Huirh Kennedy First Monday " " Ale.v. Treacy . Monday nearest f. moon " i " C.B.Murray.. First Monday " i " Mat. Stewart. . Second Wednesday ' [ " il. Douglas .. . First Fri(hiy •' ' " .M. L. Nutting. Wednesda.v on or liefore t. m. " t " .M. .\. Hogan . . Friday on or before f. moon ' i " H S Broughton Tuesday on or before f. moon " i " .Mark Boyce . Tuesday on or before f. moon' " i " W W Patter-^on Friday on or after f. moon " i " S.S. Donaldson Fridav after f. moon " | " J. W. Siiaw . .. Thursday on or before f. m. " j " !!. J. Reid . . . . Third Tuesday " i " K. H. Herberl. Friday on or itefore f. moon " i " Cieo. Fierheller Wednesday on or before f. m. " j " Wm. H.Sinclair Wednesday on or after f. m. " " Jolm Wilson.. Friday on or before f. moon " '■ C. J. McCalluni Second Wednesday " i " R. Hendrv, jr. First Wedncsdav " 1 " A. G. Mcl'ntvre Second Tuesday " ' " W. H. i-'arr . . . First Thursday " " FMMonlgom'ry Tuesday on or before f. moon " " James M. Milne Friday on or before f. moon " " Robt.M. White Second We!. I. Beeman. First Friday " " •. diis Couller. Second Tuesday " "J. C. Saunders Mondav o?i or before f. moon " " C. Mathews .. Seconci Tuesday " " A. Pelscldager. Thursday on or before f. m. " " A. W. Couse.. "Thursdav on or before f.m. " " Jas. Sadlier. . . First Friday " " W. H. Walkev. Third Friday " " D. Robertson. . . 1). P. Corv C. S. Scott C. H. KelTer Thos. Colbert W. F. B. Colter Jos. F. Senn J. A. Armslronijr R. \. Mathews Wm. Galer Jno. iUishworth .Ino. Overell J. McCurrah K. Sinuuons Win. Kw.irt John Shaw A. Bessit Thom \V. J. Gillies A. P. J{is-ell J. G. boyce Hobt. Anderson R. G. Corneill L. Balmain (ieo. Ogilvie John Betts J. B. Dalzel P ". Richardson R. u. Macdoiiald Isaac C. Alguire K. .M. Carleton P. J. Green John Rutherford Hugh A. Currie Geo. Keyes I). Callaghan li. !). Hall \V. .M. Btrrv D. H. JIacLaren B. I". Pearson Robert Roberts W. D. I.awrie F. A. Latsliaw D. II. Burritt John S. Wood I. L. Farrington James (". Hull R. P.ulkwill H. Poole John Ram.s.ay James Cooke H. H. Wells J. F. Ait ken T. H. Hell John Astle T. R. Poole (act'g) W. J. Brereton F. W. Arnistronjf Frank R. KNe W. K. Weeks W. A. Mackav \V. If. AdauLs F. Bisset A. K. Jewett C. .M. Rowe Robl. v.. Miller J. C. Leadbetter F. H. Lee ."M. KacTeit (ieo. H, Sitzer .lohii Monkliouse .lames Paller.son .bis. McCavv C. T. liiiidicU C. M. French S, K. I.oui'ks J. W. Tin.lale A. K. Neil H. McCartney G. A. ,\v Icsvvort'i Robert Pollock LeF. A. .Maingy J. Varcv W. V. rttlcv W.D. Newell, M.D. F. H. Neil R. W. McFiulden a. H. C. Brooke ■J .^ uEJ I 'nn-i-^i^nn' ji. 254 MASONIC. [1896 167 158 U9 161 162 164 166 166 168 160 170 171 172 174 17(i 177 178 180 181 184 18S i.s(i 190 192 193 194 195 190 197 200 201 2(W 206 207 209n 209 212 216 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 236 237 238 239 242 243 245 247 249 250 253 254 255 256 257 253 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 274 LOUOK. iWIIKRKIIKLD. I NiallT OF MKETINU. WOKHIIIPKUL MAHTKR. Simpson "^ Alexandra. . . . •Goodwood *Percy Forest »Star in the East *Hiirlin|jtton .... •Wentworth .... •Merritt "Macnab 'Britannia *Frince of Wales •Ayr *Wal8ingham .. Spartan The Builders .. *Plattsville .. . , H'lattsville •Speed |(iu('l|ih Tuesday on or before f. ni.ev. nu>. |\V'. Ur. Thursday on or after f. ni. " | " WednesflaJ- on or before f. ni. " " Wednestlay before f. moon " i " Monday on or before f. moon " i " Tuestlay on or before f. moon " " Wednesday on or before f. ni. " I " Monday on or before f. moon " | " Mondaj' on or before f. m. " " Tuesday on or before f. m. " " First Monday " " Friday on or before f. moon " " Tuesday on or before f. moon " " Port Rowan iThurstlay on or before f. m. " ; " Sparta .... Monday on or before f. moon " j " Ottawa ....;. second Friday " | " 'Friday on or ^)efore f. moon " ! " First Tuesday " . " Newboro' . . Oil Springs Richmond . . Warkworth Wroxeter . . WellinR'ton.. Burlington . Stony Creek Welland .... P't Colborne Seaforth. . . . lona Ayr "Oriental P'rt Burwell Tue.sday on or before f. moon *()ld Light . . . , jLui'know .. Tluirsday on or before f. moon ^Enniskillen . . . . j York ;Moiiday on or before f. moon Plantagenet . . i Plantageiiet |Mo?idny on or before f. moon iWalkerton M't Forest. Ganano(|ue Flora Lancaster London Lanark Garden Isl'd Belmont i Belmont •OriUia 'Orillia . 'Scotland j Scotland •Pctrolia U'etrolia *The Tu.scan ' London *.Madawaska. . . . : Anijirior •Saugeen St. Alban's .... 'Leeds Irvine New Dominion . Lanca.ster .... 'St. John's .... Kvergreen •Elvsian Lake 'Harris 'Frederick .... •Steyenson .... 'Cre Midland .... iSecond Tuesday Embro Kingston Niag. Falls Dresden . . Farran's Pt, •Caledonian Thistle Minden Clifton Sydenham Farran's Point Gait Guelph •Washington . •Oak Branch . •Harriston ... •Forest •Chaudiere .... Patterson Thornhill . . •Northern Light|Stayner . , . . Parthenon .... (Chatham . . * Verulam ! Bobcaygeon •Brougham Un'n i Brougham . . •Cedar Oshawa . . . . Wellington ....jKrin Seymour ! Ancaster . . . •Kent Blenheim . . m Thursday on or before f. {First Monday 'Thursday on or before f. m. 'Second 'Thursday Wednesday on or before f. ni. Gait JFirst Tuesday Guelph . . Petrolia . . Innerkip Harriston Forest Ottawa . . Second Tuesday First Tuesday Thursday on or before f. m. Second Monday Wednesday on or before f. m. Fourth Tuesday Thtirsday on or before f. m. Tuesday on or before f. m. First Wednesday Friday on or before f. m. Wednesday on or after f. m. Fourth Tuesday Second Wednesday Wednesday on or before f. m. Monday on or before f. m. l. Wilaim " B. S. HickH J. A. McNtilly " Geo. Wills. " John Conk " J. Orr Rose ;; Aruh. llcCallum J. CusHie " Jaine.s R.vaii H. H. Cttirus " W. M. Veitch " Wni. I'ai-ker " D. M. iShiite Harry Days ' John Senn " John Smith '' John Hoycl ' T. H. Robinson Jas. Malcolm I Robert Scott ' It. a. IIiniKerford . Geo. H. Ilubhell ;| f. P. Harris H. 0. Kiljroiir " Ja.s. May ward " Thomas (iodfrev " Louis Ritz ;; H.T. Nicholson John Siddons I Alex, nuffam R- Kaymond n. K. StaffonI George Irwin ' A. W. Crysler Geo. Wilson T. J. Wheeler John G. Vicars Wni. T. Fish Kobt. Mitchell " R. A. Scott I' James Bonthron J. J. Foster ' Robt. Bennett A. Morton I Fred. Man C. J. Pearson ; Thos. Hockin ^ T. J. Hutehins , i; ^: Dickinson W. R. Kevep ' T. S. Patterson Georfe'e Thorn fon W. G. Collins 0. W. Hiiyok R- W. Tennant J- W. Griffith W. B. AlbertsoB B. D. Pearson «■ A. Milliifan K. H. Green Chajj. McOormick H. Preston D- V. HickB R. H. lianas H. Wiirtell Alex. Cordiner Hert. Polly VV. K. iroi)kin» 'ohn L. Eedy I'. W. Campbell ia*>. Poterkin ^ev. w. W. Bate, lohn McAuIey )avid Leokie V. J. Read >• K. BcatoH '• K. Miirtnn amea Broddy 'rank Bevin has. Senior LODOB. tm h\ pi lie) tm 1% m ■too l!l>2 m m Im 1311 1 312 1 313 ■ 314 Ishi 1 316 1318 1319 1 320 1 321 1 322 h2;i 1324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 834 336 337 3;i8 3119 341 343 344 34,') 846 347 348 352 354 356 857 J58 351) 36() 3(11 36'2 364 367 368 36!) S7(l 371 372 873 374 37.') 376 377 378 371) 38U WilRIIKIIK n. Tces.vuter . . . •.Seymour . . . Mystic !N('W Hope. . . jborne •Kureka i'St. John's . . i.Seven Star . I'Winjjham •Shuniah . .. i" Doric ■Leamington ■Dufferin . . . ■ Robertson . . •T.Roy.Sol.Moth 'iMoore Conestogo "Temple I'restoii Victoria "Mount Olivet. . St. David's .... Blyth Minerva ' number Durham ■Arkona 'Morning Star. . •Blackwood .... ■Pnyv 'Clementi 'Hlair iClifford 'Doric Wilmot Hiram *Ohesterville . . Walker North Star .... Alvinston .... *Temple •Orono Zetland The Hanuiiond Ionic 'King Solomon •Corinthian Fordwich Stratford Prince Arthur. 'Prince Arthur "Highgate *Myrtle Dufferin •Orient •Bruce Georgina Merrill Nilestown •Occident •Mercer •Georgian •Granite Brock •River Park .... Waterdown . . . •Delaware Val'ey •Vittoiia •Muskoka •Waverley •Maple Leaf .... •Dufferin St. George .... Salem •.Mimico Harmony •Prince of Wales Palmer. . . Copestone •Keeno . . . •Lome . . . ''Unity . . . •Lorne . . . •King Solomon's •Middlesex .... •Union Doric SIOHT OK MRRTI.NO. Friday on or before f. ni. ev. mo. Wednesday on or before f. ni. " Thursday before f. m. " Wednesday on or before f. m. " Thursday on or before f. m. " Wednes " Last Friday " on or bi • f. m. " First Friday Frid.ay on or after f. i •. <■ First Tuesday " Wednesday on or before •• . " Tuesday on or before I. moon " Tuesday on or before f. moon. " Fourth Thursday " Thursday on or before f. in. " Tuesday on or before f. moon " Tuesday on or before f. moon " First Wednesday " ' First Wednesday " Tuesday on or before f. moon " First Fi'iday " Second Tuesday " Second Monday " ISecoiid Thursd.ay " j Wednesday on or before f. m. " iWednesdav on or before f. m. " Third Weclnesday " Thursday on or before f. m. " Tuesday on or before f. moon " 'list Tuesday " •"ir^t Wedne.sday " i-'riday on or before f. moon " Thursday on or before f. m. " Third .Monday " Friday on or after f. moon " Friday on or before 1. moon " Second Monday " Tuesday on or before f. m. " Br. S. S. Reveller Br. ' O. L. Lennox . " ' H.S. .Matthews, " W. H. McLean! " ' Rev C .( V'oung " ' John Noble... " ' W. H. Wadded " ' Walter Drew.. " ' B. Paine " ' Jas.Svmington " ' D. F.' Fisher .. " ' .1. Me William . •' ' R H Abbott, MD " ' .las. Svinoii ... " ' J A Fisher, MD " ' W.L.Wood... " ' T. M. Morrison " ■ W. (). .loyce. ..! " ' H. A. Yeoman.' " ' R. ,J. Shaw.... " ' R. F. Golden . " ' C. W. D. Clark " ' CWHaentschel " E. Fitzgerald. . ! " .1. I). Dohson .1 " • f. T. Torrev .. " ,!.,;. Hoidge ..; " ' ,1. B. Stinson.. j " ' R. A. Knight. I " ' .John Ban ley.. I " ' l)McMurphy,sr; " ' .lohn Friwer. . . 1 " ' W. C. LatTertv ' ,Iohn Walls.... ' C. T. Smith... ' B. F. George.. ' W. B. Wav.... ' ,1. D. Watson.. ' M. S. Cassan. . ' B. Wickett ... ' R. W. Ratenmn ' TC Cowan, MD ' Chas. H. Batt. ' A. n. Smith . . ' F. E. Harrison ' O.W.. Smith.. ' J. Richardson. ' W. C. Morrison Robt. Sypher. . ' Frank Purvis . ' A. Kilpatrick. . Byron l.iuii- A. T. MiddlH.iiJ .Jas. 1!. n-oli Robl.Mrj.;,!,. N. ('. Muhiiu.'lil Thos. .Miirlui, .). B. I.OVr •I. I>. McMillan W. II. KllswdithI A. TnisliT .). .M. Si i. wan E. A. Huiidas Robert .Viidoisorl W. H. lirouii W. .1. Ward A. Tavlor .l..l..lelly Edgar l'.ra\ C. E. liaviii O. II. lirickci- Jas. ('. (Juillut C. A. .loiies A. N. Grasawell Rev W. Farnrnml A. Grant A. P. Cornell A. R. SVUKIIH E. A. Iln./ill Win. Turner W. A Hiittoii Win. Weir Wni. Newciinilie A. S. CnniMiIni,' T. J. Clierrv T. W. Mnnrc. Eugene Phelps Geo. W. Liildle W. Buchanan Chas. E. Ha> ley Jno. J. .Mcdeary R. A. Buntini; T. R. Boothniaii S. F. B. Reid S. Rondeau J. H. Brown W. H. Marrs.M.Dj J. P. Wheeler D. F. Pinkerton Jno. Sutherland Albert LuUilT W. G. McDonald M. E. n. E. Comp, The Grarid Chapter of Royal ^roh Masoqs of Canada. M E. . J. R. Robertson, Toronto Gr. '/A M. Walsh, IngersoU " H VG'dCouiicil W. G. Reid, H.ainilton " J I T. Peters, Walkerville.Gr. Su|). St. Clair Dis. A. G. McWhinnev. Ln'n " London " A. R. McDonald, Woods'k " Wilson R. .Mahony, Gueljih " Wellingt'n " T. .M. Davis, Hamilton " Hamilton " F. W. Gearing, Stratford " Huron " W. .M. GcriiKin, Welland " Niagar.i " Wni. Sini)>s(iii. Toronto " Toronto " Geo. MonUiiiaii, Barrie " Georgian " A. R. Hargr.ift, Coliourg " Ontario " W. Webster. ncllovlUe " Prince Ed " .1. K. Giahani. Prcscott " St. Law'e " W. \i. McArthnr, Ottawa " Ottawa " W. II. Ilcar-l S.Si. Marie" Alu'oina " Ja-i. Ha'ldock, Winnipeg " .Manitoba " Win. Downic, Vancouver " liril Col. " .1. ('. Kennedy , .MclbcjMnie, " Australia " Thos. Sargaiit, Toronto, Grand Scribe E. R. E. Comp. L. W. Burke, London, " " Aubrey White, Toronto, " " Hugh Murray, Hamilton, " " P. T. Lee, Newmarket, V. E. " C. A. .Matthews, Toronto, " " W. A. Karn, Woodstock, R. E. " J. B. Nixon, Toronto V. E. " J. J. Moore, Stratford, " " J. Menish, Brockville, " " N. J. Lind.sav. Calgarv, " W.J. Bradley ',S.St. Marie " " F. Gerow, Napance, " " C. Wiglc, Ainlicrstburg " " H. II. Watson, \ancouver " .1. Might, M.l)., P't Hope y. E. " .lolui Phelps, " " W. Anderson, Toronto"! " " A. Caineron, Owen .S. I " W..^inith.liillingsBdg. f " Conrad IIofT, .Milton ) Gr. Scribe N. " Prill. .Sojour. " Treasurer. " Registrar. " 1st Asst. Soj. " L'nd " ■' " Lecturei'. " Sword Bearer. 1 " M. of 1st Veil " .M. of " M. of Unl \ cil. " M. of 4tli V,il. " Stan'd licarer. " Dir. of(.r. " Organist. " Pursuivant. " Stewards. SL'BORDINATE CHAPTERS. CII.\l'TKIl. WIIKRK HELD. N'lOIIT OF .MKKTINO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 16 AncFrontciiac The Hiram .. St. John's . St. ind..>cSt St. George's . St. John's . . . Moira K. Solomon's Wawanosh Carleton . . . Kingston TliinI Wednesday of every month Hamilton First Monday ev. m. except July I'c Aug. London Fourth Wednesdav in everv month KIKST l'RIXCIf.\L /,. Wni. Thomson (J. V. Emerv . . . II. Strathford.. I .Toronto Third Friday of e-ery month jGeorgo Moi I/mdoii IVnirth FriI(nmt Horeb Orenville . . . Kzra WHERK Woodsto St.Cathi Brantfot Prescott Simcoe Tecumseh Istratfor Trenton CollingM Oshawa Dunnvil GodericI Picton Gait .sen 1 UK I-;. W. W. WaldiTn Geo. E. .Mason .lohii Siddons R. W. Clewl.. Chas. C Held W. J. M<'Alli.-ter Geo. Dulinaije Jno. RoberN David Wall W. G. S. Rev nnld St. Mark'n.. . Manitou . . I'entalpha Mcl'allum llluron .. Prince Edward Waterloo Signet Barrie Kevstone .... Whitby Corinthian . . Peterbo Victoria Pori Ho Seymour Shelbur Oiielph 'Guelph ■ ■ 1... i li jlonic 1 Orange Im Lebanon IWinghi IsS 1 Exeter i Exeter Is6 iMacpherson ..jMeafor 188 iMacnab iDresde l«l Golden |Rat Pr 1 91 Antiquity .... .Toroiit ]*1 Spry AlHsto 1% Midland Lindsa kU.i Tuscan Sr.dbu \% Aust. Kilwiu'g N. Car j:l7 ,CityofMelb'ne Abboti 1 .18 Vancouver . . ' Vanco' 1 9<1 Keystone . . . . ' Por. Ic IWO ,St. Lawrence jProok lliil Corinthian ...Boisse llO'.! Algonquin Sault 1 llO:( St. John's Nor»h llM White Oak Oakvi Il0,i Signet Winnl 1 Alberta Calga Jill" Citizens Melbo |li)8 ^Dukeof Albany Melbc |M UtdWimmera. Pralm luo Warkworth. .. Wark llU Zeredatha . . . Mord- |U2 St. John's Morri |U3 Covenant .... Farra llU Bonnechere. .. Renfi lll.i I Brant Paris lll« Maple Carle 17 MASONIC. 257 NKXHKTAIiv. '•<)ii i.iiii,. A. T. .\li(l.iiH,„j Jus. I!. ri-..ti Uol)t.M,.|v,t,. ^'' <'■ Miilvaii;-h ThoH. Muriuii •I. B. I..,v,. •'■ !>• McMill;,,, \V. II. Kll^ttiiithl A. TnisUr .1. M. Slcwari K. A. DmikIms Holieft Arul.iNn \V. II. I!iu«,i W. .1. WunI A. Tiivlor .I..l..lcllv Kdjfai- lirav (.'. K. liavi'n O. II. liriikci Jas. ('. (illillnl C A. .loiies A. N. (Ji'as-twi'll Hev \V. Kinic.iiiil A. Oiant A. I', (,'oriifll A. If. Sviiions E. A. Iliiiriii Will. Tmiifi \V. A Hiittoii Will. Weir Will. Xewcoiiilie A. S. Ciiiiiiiiiii.^ T. J. Cheii-v T. W. .Miiiir,, Kujfpiie l'lu>l|i.-i Oeo. \V. I,i(|(||i. VV. Uiic'lianaii Dhas. K. Havle.v Ino. J. Mclieaiv H. A. Hiiiitinir ' r. K. Bootliniaii i. K B. Keid S. Komleaii I. H. Brown W. H. MaiTs, M.dJ r. p. Whc'lir 0. F. I'iiikenciii (no. Sutlierlaii!! Ubert LiihiiT rV. (i. McDoiialil '. Scribe N. Prill. Sojniir. Treasurci'. Ke>fi.s( i-ai-. 1st ,Soj. •Jiid " " Lccturei-. Sword Biarer, M. of Isl \cil. M. of -Jiid Veil. .M. of .-iid \ oil. M. of 4tli Veil. Stan'd licarer. Dir. of ( ,i-. Oi-jjaiiis!. I'ur.siiivaiil. Stewards. .SCI! IKK K. W. \\. \Val,|,.,.n !eo. K. M,asr,|i loiiii Siddoiis i. W. (^ful.. (' licid V. J. McAlii,tcr !eo. niiliiiai;!' 'no. Kolieris )avid Wall V. G. S. Hoviiolil I'llAITKR. WIIERiS IIRLU. Oxford Mount Moriah Mount Horeli Orenville E/.ra Tecuniseh .... St. Mark'H Manitou Pentalpha M('(}nlluin .... Huron I'rince Edward Waterloo , Signet Ke.vstone Corinthian Victoria ! Port Hope . Se.vmoiir . . . . Ishelbnnie Oiielph JGuelph. . . . Hams jlngersoll . .Mount Hinai . . iNapanee. . . EMcelsior . . . . Colliorne.. St. James . . . . jSt. Mary's. Wellington ..I Chatham . 1st. John's .... |Col)oir ; . ., Woodstock . . . St. Catharines. . Brantford Prescott Simcoe Stratford Trenton Oolliiiffwood . . . Oshawa Dunnville ... . Goderich PIctoii Oalt Biirrie Whitby Peterboro' Third Monday of every month i Jos. W. Kippon . . Friday on or before f. moon of ev. month Jos. S. Campbell. First Friday of every month : L. Sei'ord Second Tuesdav in everv month !John F. Qraham. NIOIIT OK MRRTINO. KIKHT rKlNCIPAL 7.. Thurs\ery month ^E. Miller iLast Wednesday of every month J. H. Crow iSecond Tuesda.v of every month ; R. C. Donald iFriday before f. moon of every month. . 'Rev. .1. H. Fairlie, j First Monday of every month iG. Leighton l-'irst Friday after full moon ' J. C. Chapman . . . jF. Wed. in July Sep., Nov., Jan., Mar. . . IW. E. .Millward.. . , Third Thurs long as he is continuously in good Itanding in the Order. The following are the monthly rates in the Ordinary Class for some of the principal ages, loeginning at 18 years of age, which is the minimum age for admission, while 54 years is the Imaximura age for admission : — AGE. 18 $500 -.30 $1,000 •t)0 $2,000 1'20 $3,000 rso 25 ■34 •67 134 2 01 30 .36 •72 1 41 2 16 85 •39 •78 150 2 34 40 •45 •90 I'.SO 2-70 45 •G5 130 2-GO 3 •90 50 1-25 2 50 5 00 7^50 54 1-50 3 00 6' 00 900 There are no Assessments at Death. 200 INDEPENDENT OUDEU OF FOIIESTEHS. [189(1 THE SUPREME COURT OFFICERS. S.C.K., OroiihvalekhB, M.D., F:<»l Templnr, ToriMiti). I'.S.C.R., E. l-otteri'll, lIouHCof Oom'n8,0ttuwa S.V.C.K., Hon. I) n. Aitkeii, M.C., Flint. H. Scori'lar.v, J. A. Mi-Oillivrav, y.C, Toronto. S. TrcomiriT, Hurry A. CoIHhm, Toronto. S. l'hvs.,T. Millnian, .M.I>., MIt.C'.H., Toronto. H. Couii., lion. Jiidife \V. Wedderliurn, y.C, (lain|iton, Svw llriiiiHwick. S. C!hii|ilniii, Ven. Arch. Duvin, London, »»nl. S..J.S., R. MiithiHon, nillivillf, Ont, S. Supt. of .I.e.. Hon. VV. .S. Union. M.C , Sa|,'inaw. .Michiifiin. S.H.W., W. II. SandiTH. Staynn, Oiil. S..I.\V., .1. MiAllistor. M.P.. (;an\i.l.illlon. N.r. S.S.Ii.. Hon. Jiulifo W. II. .shinn, Ia»< AnKi'lts, t'aliforiiiii. S.J.H., ,S. II. .lohnson. C'la.vton, Ni-w York. 8. MarHlial, Wni. M, Drennan, Kingston. Ont. H. C'ondurtor, T. J. U%k, l-oKansport, Ind. S. .Me.ssfnKer, J. M. Clark, Siininierside, I'.E.I. S. .SI. Hearer, IVter Struthearn, Montreal. S. St. Hearer. W. B. Alley, Truro, N.S. S. S\v. Bearer, .1. D. WilUaniNon, M.I)., Helfam, Ireland. S. Sw. Hearer, .\. H. Raymond, Montreal. ml'KKMK ,\nilT(>KH. H. \V. (ireer, London, Ont. Chos. R. KitZKerald, UulTalo, N.Y. MK.niC'AL HO.MIll. M. 0. Wanl, M.U., M.R.C.S., London, Eng. T. Millnian, M.I).. M.R.C'.S., Toronto, Canadn. P. M. Hanker. M.D., Elizabeth, New Jersey. Okoxiiyatekiia, M.D., .S.C.R. The next Session of the Supreme Court will br held at Toronto, Canada, in August, 1898. HIGH COURTS OF THE I. O. F. LOCATION. HIGH CHIEF RANOERS AND HIGH •SECRETARIES. ADDRESS. California Colorado Illinois , Ireland. Indiana Iowa London (Englaiut) Maine . Manitoba Michigan G. A McElfresh, H.C.K i Los Angeles. W. H. Perry, H.S Loa Angeles. G. C. Wells, H.C.R Piioblo. J. H. H. Low, H.S Pueblo. A. E. Stevenson, H.C.R Chicago. O. W. Moody, H.S ' Ravenswood. / Rev. W. J. McCaughan, H.C.R Belfast. \ Wm. Gibson, M.D., H.S Belfast. i Wm. R. Wootl, H.C.R | Lafayette. I W. M. Wilson, H.S ^ Logansuort. / F. N. Kretschiner, H.C.R | Dubuque. \ Perry Perkins, H.S Des Moines. Edward Little, H.C.R Ijoudon. W. T. Mason, H.S London. Rev. C. F. Andrews, H.C.R Old Town. Edward P. Coffin, H.S ! Skowhegan. Thomas WaddeU, H.C.R Winnipeg. W. D. Pettigrew, H.S i Winnipeg, Lee E. Joslyn, H.C.R ; Bay City. John Chambers, H.S I I'ort Huron. 1896] LOC'ATIII MlD-E.VGI.ANl). . . MlNNKSriTA Ml8.S()UHI AND Ki .New Bru.nswick. New England... Nkw Jerskv New York North Dakota . . North- West Tek Nova Scotia ' )HI0 Ontario Pennsylvania I'rince Edward ] Quebec Scotland. .. . South England. . Walfs Wash-noton. Wisconsin [189(i I 1896] INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTEIW. 2(}1 Killtor /)i.V(. Dllto. 1)111*118, Ottawa ., Flint, Mi<')i l^.C, Toronto, oronfo. C.S., Toronto. It'rlmrn, V.C, 'fiilon, Onl. nt. MiitoM. M.C., • Int. \l)t»lllon, N.R. I, \A»i Anxi'lcs, Ni'w York. iijf.slon, Ont. )>iirt, Ind. Mierside, I'. K.I. Montreal. o, N..S. , .M.l>., Helfftnl, Montreul. V. onilon, Eng. iironto, CaDaiiies. I. wn. jgaii. leg. »eg. ty- iirou. LOCATION. MlD-E.VOI-ANl) MlNNKHftTA MlS,S()URI AND KaNHAH New Brunswu;k New Enula.nd Nkw Jersey New York North Dakoi-a North- VVe,st Territory. . . . Nova Scotia Ohio Ontario PENN8yi,VANIA I'rince Edward Island. Quebec Scotland South England Walfs Washington Wisconsin HIGH CUIKV KANGKRS AND HIGH HRCRBTARIBS. S. Southern Chiswell, H.C.K. . Joseph AiulreWB, H.S J. (". O'Keefe, H.(!.R O. H. O'Neill, H.S (i. H. Winslow, H.O.H Oeo. T. Filhert, H.S Wm. Kiiighorn, H.(J.J{ F. W. EininerHon, H.S Darius Wilson, M.D., H.C.R... W. O. Lyle, H.S B. ('. Beuuett, H.C.R Janus C. Calvert, H.S Wui. F. .Morthorst, H.C.R (Jhas. R. Fit/gerald, H.S J. R. Cooper, H.C.R CJ. I!. Jauohi, H.S I). J. (ioggin, H.C. B F. Lamout, H.S R. (J. Muiiroe, H C.R A. V. Wade, H.S Win. C. I'hilip, H.C.R E. P. Hawley, M.D., H.S Rev. Robt. McNair, H.C.R R. J. Niddrie, M.D., H.S Geo. W. Strickland, H.C.R W. H. Punchard, H.S H. D. Johnson, M.D., H.C.R. . L. U. Fowler, H.S Chas. A. Miller, H.C.R John W. Stocks, H.S James Marshall, H.C.R , John S. Duncan, H.S , W. H. Jones, H.C.R A. T. Blarney, H.S J. A. Jenkins, H.C.R 8. M. Wilkinson, F.A.I., H.S . R. M. Davis, H.C.R Oliver Cruse, H.S Col. B. F. Parker, H.C.R J. C. Proctor, H.S ADDRE!<.S, l.iverpool. Liverpool. Minneapolis. St. i'aul. St. Joseph, Mo. Kansas City, Kansas. St. Marv's. Petitcodiac. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Trenton. Elizabeth. Rochester. Buflalo. Enierado. Ardoch. Regina. Regina. Digby. Digby. Cleveland. Cleveland. Carleton Place. Creemore. Altoona. Philadelphia. Charlottetown. Nortii Bedeiiue. Windsor Mills. Sherbrooke. Glasgow. Glasgow. Exeter. Torquay. Cardiff. Cardiff. . Seattle. Seattle. Milwaukee. Madison. Home Office, TORONTO, CANADA Cable Address, " Foresters, Toronto " Head Office for Great Britain, 24 Charing Cross, Whitehall, LONDON, ENGLAND Cable Address, " Oronhya., London " AMERICAN OFFICE, 6340 Ogelsby Avenue, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. r yfei*-" 'in 7qe Royal Society of Canada. Founder, The Hiifht Honorable the Marq'is of Lome- Honurani President, Hia Excellt-nny thi. Rigfht Hon- orable the Earl of Aberdeen ; Pre.gident, A. R. C. Selwjn, C.M.G., F.R.S., LL.D.; Vice-Prenident, Most Rev. Arch- bishop O'Brien, I.D. Skc. I. — FkKNCii Literature, History, and Allird SUBJiSCTB. President, Hon. J. llov •,; ; selin ; Secretary, J. E. Key. Sbc. II. — Bnolisii Literaturb, History and Allied Subjects. Prenidtnt, Dr. Bourinot, C.M.O. ; Vice-President, A ibishop O'Brien; Secretary, Geonre Stewart, Jun., D.CL., LL.D. Sec. III. Vice-President, Abb6 Gos- ■MATnE.MATICAL, Sciences. Physical, and Ciikmical Vice-President, Prof. Pijsident, Prof. Bovey, M.A. Dupuis ; Secretary, E. Deville. Sec. IV.— Oeolooical *nd Biolooical Sciences. President, D. P. Penhallow, B.Sc; Vice-President' Dr. Wesley Mills ; Secretary, Dr. Burgess. _ E ■)rary'Secretary~John GeorKe BouriiiotTc.ifG.', LL.b., D.C.L., D.L.; Honorary Treasurer, .James Flet- t'her, F.L.S. Additional membfrti of Council ■Ha.ndford Fle'-inif, C.M.G.; Sir J. W. Dawson, C.M.G., F.R.S.. Dr. O. M. Dawson, C.M.G., F.R.S., J. M. Le Moine. Canadian Institute. President, Prof. A. B. Maoalluiii, B.A., M.B., Ph.D.; Secretary, Alan McDougall, C. E. ; Treasurer, Janips Bain, Jr. ; Assistant teaetary and Librarian, R. \V. Youn)(, M.A. Or|tario Society of Artists. Art Oallkhik.s, KiS 1\ino St. W., Toronto. Hon. President, Hon. O. W. Allan ; President, M. Matthews ; Viee-Prenidcnt and Treasurer, W. Keve'l ; Secretary, R. F. Gageii. Association of Ontario Land Surveyors. incorporated 1802. President, M. Gavillcr, Collin({wood ; Vice-President, Willis Chiimian, Toroiito ; Sec.-Treas., A. J. Van Nos- trand, Toronto ; Councillors, Hon. A. S. Hardy, Com- missioner of Crown Lands, \. Sanlnuch oblii/ed if the secretary of any Society, whose name does not appear, ivould send the information in time for next year's issue to the Editor CANADIAN A Lit 4N AC, 9 Front Street, Toronto. Upper Canada Bible Society. President, Hon. G. W. Allan ; Treasurer, John K. Macdonald ; Secretary, John Harvie ; Depositary, John Young. Upper Canada Tract Society. President, Rev. Geo. J. Bishop; Treasurer, James Brown ; Secretary, Rev. Dr. R. C. Moffat ; Depositary, John Younjf. Ottawa i\uxiliary Britisl) and Foreign Bible Society. President, George Hay, Esq. ; Cor. Secretary, Rev. W. D. Aj'instrong ; Hec. Secretary, Rev. J. C. Campbell ; Treasurer, V. M. Robins ; Depositary, James Hope. Tlie Protestat\t Churchmen's Union and Tract Soo'y. President, Hon. S. H. Blake, Q.C., Toronto ; Clerical Secretary, Rev. Rural Dean Armitage, St. Catharines, Ont.; Lay Sec'y and Treas., James B. Ryan, Toronto. Office : 20 Bay street, Toronto, Canada. The EnglisI) Churcl) Union. Organized 1859. President, The Right Hon. Viscount Halifax ; Vice- Presidents, The Lord Bishops of Fredericton, Niagara, Qtiebec, Delaware, Fond du Lac, Indiana, Milwaukee, Pittsburg, Springfield and Cairo, and 19 other bishops. dominion ok CANADA BRANCH. Corresponding Sei'retary, W. H. A. EckharcU. Post Office : Quebec, P.Q. Membership, 35,000. CONFRATERNITY OK TIIK RT.KSSED SACRA.MKNT OK THE BODY AND BLOOD OK CIIIIIST, CANADIAN BRANCH. Proifincial Superior, Rev. R. W. Rayson, 424 Princess .Street, Kingston, Out.; Sec'y-Treas., Rev. T. H. Hum, Charlottetown, P.E.I. UNITED STATES BRANCH. Provincial Superior, Right Rev. C. C. Grafton, S.T.D., Bishop of Fond du Lac ; Secretary, Rev. E. B. Taylor, KoikI du Lac, Wis.; Treastirer, W. C. Dayton, E-u,. Chicago, 111. Sabbatl^ School ^Association of Ontario. President, John A. Palerson, M.A.; Chairman Execu- tine Commillee, J. J. Madaren, LL.D., Q.C.; Treasurer, R. J. Score, Es(i.; dencrnl Secretary, Alfred Day; Nor- mal Secretary, Rev. .lohn M,;Ewen ; Cor. Secretarii, Jessie A. Munro. Young lien's Christian /Association, Toronto. 1\endenl, Hon. S. H. Blake, Q.C.; Treasurer, Geo. Tower Fergusson ; lieiordin;i Secretary, Frank Veigli ; (ieneral Secretary, Frank Mngee Pratt. Wcs' i'.nn /J/'rt(i(7i,Cliairmaiiof Committee in Charge, S.J. Moori': Branch Secretary, R. J. Colvillc. Hailroad llntiich. ChnirnuiM of Committee in Charge, E. J. Diginiin : Hrancli Secretary, J. W. Stafloiil. Tl)e Ontario Educational Association.— Trustees' Depp.rtment. Annual ifeetinn, Wednesday, 8th April, 189fl, Educa tion Department, 'Toronto. President, Rev. Dr. A. Jackson, Gait; Sfcy-Treui'., Geo. Anson Ayleswortli, Newlmrgh, County Addingtoii. [202] 189(5] Ontario Annual Met President, Alfre dents, the Chain Robt. W. Doaii, Toronto. High S man. Rev. Chan( F. F. Manley, M.i^ B.A., C. A. Chant K. L. Hill, B.A., < Chairman, D. Yo tan, Toronto ; Traininrt Depart LL.D.. Ottawa; £ ton ; Director, J. partment — Chair'i tary, W. V. CY Tilley, LL.D., Bo\ — Chairman, Mis: F. Bowditch, Hai Toronto ; Public meat— Chairman D., Gait; Secreta Director, John Bi Don\ Patron, His Ex ada ; President, 1 Vice-Presidents, Ont.; Robert Ha Beer, New Bruns Nova Scotia; W. E. G. Prior, M. P., ■Charlottetown, P Lt.-Col. Hought( D.A.G., Halifax; Associations (ex-i Master-General's 'Col. John Macph Cana President, L. W Treojt., John A. (j Assiatant-Secreta The Canad President, Lt. Treasurer, Mr. ponding Secrete Assistant Secret Royal Nli President, Mr ■Ont.; Vice-Pres Kingston, Out.; oue.; Hon. Se Wurtele, Quebec H. Drury, She Ottawa, Ont. Vue.; Mr. F. Hearn, Quebec •Ontario. The /^sti Honorary Pi ter of Educati D.C.L.,etc.; V John A. Paters Cor. -Secretary, Snarling; Ass Lindsay ; Lihr inn. Miss Jeaiii The Societ,\- 1 rooms. No. lit 'Guild Building Ceor {'resident, Presidents, Jol t'harles H. Hi! H. r,. FairchiT I. C. White, Ml 41rown, Waslif I vsiroug of making fte as pongiblc, anri the necretary of does not appear, In in timf for next ttor CANADIAN fe.t, Toronto. Doiety. teasurer, John K. 1; Depositary, John [ooiety. Treasurer, James lOifat ; Depositary, ign Bible Society. );■. Secretary, Rev. ;ev. J. C. Campbell ; !/, James Hope, ) and Tract Soo'y. Toronto ; Clerical ge, St. Catharines, ) B, Ryan, Toronto, da. Union. ouiit Halifax ; Viiv- reit especially in Ontario. As the i)r()|)erty of the Ontario (Jovernment, it is <)i)eii to the pul)li<', free, every afternoon. David Boyle, Curator. Enton)ological Society of Ontario, LONDON, ONT. President, W. H. Harrington, F.K.S.C., Ottawa; Vice- President, J. W. Dearness, London ; Secretary, W. E. Saunders, London; 'Ireii.ittrer, J. A. Balkwill, London; Directors, .James Fletcher, F.R.S.C., F.L.S., Ottawa; Rev. C. J. S. Belhune, D.C.L., F.R.S.C, Port Hope; (Jamble Geddes, Toronto ; A. H. Kilman, Ridgeway ; R. W. Rennle, London ; Librarian and Curatijr, J. .\lston Moifatt ; Auditors, J. H. Bowman and J. M. Denton ; Editor of the Canadian Kntomolorrist, Rev. Dr. Bethune, Port Hope ; Editing Committee, J. Fletcher, Ottawa ; H. H. Lyman, Montreal ; Rev. T. W. Fyles, South Quebec ; .1. M. Denton and J. H. Bow- man, London ; Delei)ate to the Royal Societi/, Rev T. VV. Fyles. The Mathematical and Physical Society of University of Toronto. President, J. C. McLennan, B. A.; 1st Vice-President, A. M. Scott; 3nd lice J'resident, Miss Laird; Corres- ponding-Secretary, J. G. Taylor ; Secretary-Treasurer, A. E. SicNab; /tth Year Councillor, A. M. Dewar; Srd Year Councillor, Miss A. T. Reid ; 2nd 1' ear Councillor, A. McDougall; Editorial Hoard, A. T. DeLury, B.A., W. W. Nichol, A. Meighen. The Aiomni Association of Victoria University. President, Dr. A. R. Bain, Vii^toria College, Toronto ; 1st Vice-P)-esident, J. R. L. Starr, B.A., tiO Victoria St., Toronto; 2nd Vice-President Prof. A. B. Willmott, B.A., MacMa.ster University, Toronto; Secretarii-Trens- «rer, C. C. James, M.A., Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Dominion Cattle Breeders' Association. President,\loi\.'T. Ballantyne, Stratford, Ont.; 1st Vice- President, .r. iL Hohson, Mosboro, f)nt.; ^nd Vice-Presi- dent, W. Rol])h, Markhain, Out.; Sicretary-Treasvrer, F. W. Hodson, Guelph, Ont. ; Directors -Shorthorn, Arthur Johnson, Greenwood ; Hereford, All)in Raw- lings, Forest: Polled Angus, Wm. Stewart, Lo*Mistville: Galloway, David McCrae, Guelph; Ayrshire, W. W. Hallantvne, Stratford ; llidstein, D. E. Smith, Chtirch- ville ; •)er.ifii, J. C. Snell, Edmonton, Ont.; Guernsey, C. H. McNish, Lyn, Ont.; Devons, W. J. Rudd. Eden .Mills ; ..^ui/iVo/'*', D. McCrae, Guelph; James Russell, Kichmond Hill. Dominion Swine Breeders' Association. President, Mr. D. DeCotii'cey, liornholm ; Vice-Pres., .Mr. J. E. Urethour, Hurford : Seerelnry-Treasnrer, F. W. Hodson, (lueliih ; Directors, Yorkshire, G. h. Hood, Ouelpli ; lierkshire, S. Coxworth, Clartniont; Suffolk, U. Dorsey, Burnhanithonie ; Chester White, K. H. Harding, Thoriidale ; Poland China, W. .lones, Mount Elgin; Essex, Jos. Feiitherston, M.P., Streetsville ; Tamworth, William Row, Avon; General Director, J. C. Snell, Edmonton; Auditors, .]i>\m I. Hobson, Mos- boro' ; l{. Snell, Edmonlon. Dominion Sheep Breeders' Association- ]'re.sident, John .lackson, .•Vblngdon ; \'icr Prcsiilent, James Tolton, Walkenon ; Secretary-Tnasurer, F. W. Ilodson, h; Directnrs, Cotswold, J. V. Snell, E(lmonton ; Leicester, John Kelly, Slu\kespeare; South- down, T. C. Dou.'las, Gait ; Shropshire, Kicluird (Jil)- son, Delaware; Oxford, Heiu'v Arkell, .\rkell ; Hamp- shire, Wm. H. Heattle, Wiltor. Grove; Lincoln, John Gibson, Dentlekl ; Horned Dorsets, ,luhii .-V. .McGillivray, Uxbridge; Merinos, Kohert iifhaw, (Jlanford Station; General Director, John I. Hobson, Mosboro'. iJ*^* 264 MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES. [189t> Jigi \M Dairymen's /\ssociatioii of Wester^ Ontario. Directorx, Hon. T. Bi.;iant.vne, Stratford ; Win. Dick- son, Atwood ; Harold Eagle, Attercliife Station ; John (Jeary, London ; Thos. Ciibson, Fordwicli ; Jno. Prain, Harriston ; .1. F. Williams, It.gersoU ; Secretary, J. W. Wheaton, B.A., Box 346, London. Pouitry Association of Ontario. Prenideiit, Mr. Ilein-y White, Port Hope; Ut Vive- Frenident, Mr. W. JlcXeil, London ; 2iid Vice-President, Mr. O. S. Oldrieve, Kingston ; Treasurer, Mr. G. G. Mc- Comiick, London; Auditors, Mr. H. B. Donovan, Toronto; .7os. Dilworth, Toronto; Permanent Secretary, Thos. A. Browne, London. Good ({oads Association, Ontario. President, A. Pattulo, Woodstock; 1st Vice- President, J. F. Beam, Black Creek ; 3nd Vice-President, A. W- Camphell, O.K., St. Thoma.s ; Secretary-Treastirer, K- W. McKay, St. Thomas. Canadian Wtieelmen's /Association. President, Dr. P. E. Doolittle, Toronto ; Vice-Presi- dent,\)T. J. D. Balfour, London, Out.; Seo.-2Veoi(., IL B. Donly, Simcoe ; Standiiuj Connnittees — Menihcrxhip, B. A. Rohert.son, Hamilton, Chairman ; littles and Ucjjii- lations, T. A. Beament, Ottawa, Chairman : Transpurt- atiun, A. F. Wehster, Toronto, Chairman ; Itiijlits and Piirileijes, E. B. Ryckman, Toronto, Chairman ; Itacini; Board, Geo. H. (iir, Toronto, Chairman ; Hoads Im- provement, Andrew PatuUo, Woodstock, Chairman. Ontario Veterinary /Association. Honorary President, Prof. A. Smith, F.R.C.V.S. atid H.A.R.C.V.S.; President, G. L. Kobson, V.S. ; 1st Vice- Pres., H. Hopkins, V.S. ; Snd Viee-Pres., D. Hamilton, \.^.\ Secretary, C:. H. Sweetapple, V.S. ; Treasurer, W. Cowan, V.S. ; Directors, Messi's. J. Wende, V.S. ; W. Burns, V.S.; J. K. (^luiiin, V.S.; W. (iibh, V.S.; W. J. Wilson, V.S. ; T. Holden, V.S. ; A. Crowforth, V.S., and W. Steele, V.S.; Auditors, Messrs. C. Elliott, V.S., and J. D. O'Neil, V.S. Oqtario Undertakers' /Association. President, S. M. Rogers, t)ttawa; Secretary, Vi. H. Hoyle, Canniiigton ; Treasurer, J. B. Mclntyre, St. Catiharines. Commerciai Traveiiers' /Association. President, Robl. II. Gray ; Treasurer, J. C. Black '< Secretary, James Sargant. Pioneer aifd Historicai Association of Ontario. H. Mills, Weiitworth ; Judge J. A. Ardagh, Simcoe ; Capt. James, Thorold ; F. J. French, (^.C , Gren\ ille ; J. B. Revnolt. D.F. Jessopp, Chairman : ('a|it. ,1. Mctiann, (ieo. Cliarlloii, J. A. .Scarlett, .lohn Wilson, T.W. Elliott, Chas. McCafTry, \V. H. Doe), J. P., Thos. Taylor. The York Pioneer and Historical Society hold their annual meeting mi the first Tuesday in .March in each and eviiy year, and their monthly moeliTigs on the first Tuesday of each month, in the Canadian Institute, Toronto, at 2 p.m. Peei Pioneers' Society, Brampton. President i'.ii Crawford ; Secretnrii, Luther Cheyne ; Treasurer, R. H, Hodgson ; Chairman of /■:.ceriilhv Comniittec, Thom;is Morph>. The Society meets on the second Thursday in everv month. Wentworth Historical Society. President, Geo. H. Mills, Hamilton ; Se.c.-Treas., Johi> H. Land ; Cor. Secretary, Justus A. Griffln. Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Anniversary- Battle of Lundy's Lane, July mth, I'll',. President, Rev. Canon O. A. Bull, M.A., Niagiru Falls South, Out. ; Vice-President, John Orchard, Niagai u Falls, South ; Recording Secretanf and Treasurer, James Wilson, Supt. N.F. lark, Niagara Falls South Ont. ; Corresponding Secretary, Venerable Archde* , Houston, M.A., Niagara Falls, Ont. Trades and Labor Council- President, Robert Olockling ; Recording'and Corre^ ponding Secretary, A. D. G. Hazle (address, corner of Queen and Bay streets); Fin. Secretary, J. H. Gilmour: Treasurer, Chas. March. Patrons of Industry. Grand President, C. A. Mallory, Warkworth ; Oramf Vice-President, T. O. Currie, Strathroy ; Grand Setr.- tary, L. A. Welch, Strathroy; Grand Trustees, A. Gilford, Meaford, J. L. Wilson, Ale.xandria, F. Kenned\ , Calmachie ; (Irand Sentinel, D. Dwyer, Flamboro' ; Grand Auditors, W. Valens, Lucknow, James Moodie, Chesterville. Loyal Orange /Association. ORAND ORANGK LODOK OK BRlTrSlI .^MKRICA. Next meeiing of the Grand Lodge will be held in the Town of CoUingwood, Out., on the last Tuesday in May, 18i)(i. Af(>.v« Worshiiiful Grand Master and Smvreign, Hon. N. Clark Wallace, M.P., Ottawa, Ont.; M. W. Grand Secretary, Robert Birmingham, Bo.\ 208, Toronto, Ont.; M. n . drand Treasurer, W. J. Parkhill, J.P., Midland, Ont. GRAND ORANOK LODOK OK ONTARIO WKHT. Next meeting of the Grand Lodire will be held in thi City of London, on the second Tuesday in March, 189«. Grand Ma.ttcr, James L. Hughes, Toronto ; Grand Secretary, Wm. Lee, Toronto; Grand Treasurer, E. K Clarke, Toronto. GRAND ORANGK, LODQK OK ONTARIO KART. Next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be held at Norwood, on the first Tuesday in March, 18i)6. Grand Master, Major Thos.' A. Kidd, Burritt's Rapid~; Grand Secretary, F. M. Clarke, Belleville; Grand Treasurer, Robert Gordon, Tweed, Ont. GRAND ORANGK LODQK OK NKW BRI'NSWICK. Next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be held at Moncton, on the third Tuesday in February, 1886. Grand Master, Jas. Kelly, .'> Slarket S(|uare,' St. John Grand Secretary, J. M.' Mclntyre, Sussex ; Grand Treasurer, Richard G. Magee, St. John. GRAND ORANGK LoDOK OK NOVA SCOTIA. Next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be held at .Middleton, on third Tuesd..y in February, 1896. Urinid Master, J. C. Gass, Sliubenaciwlie ; Grand Si'cretarii, G. O. Forbes, Sh\ibenacadie ; Grand Trrnx- urcr, James Miller, Shubenacadic. GRAND ORANGK LOIIOK OK MANITOBA. Next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be held in the City of Winnipeg, on the second Wednesday in Manli. 180(5. Grand Master, Josei)h Voung, llartney ; Grand Secretary, W. Conolly, Box ;inri, Winnipeg; Grand Treasurer, Frank Scluiltz, Baldur. GRAND ORANGK l,Ol)0K OP gUKBKC. Next meeting will be held in Watcrville, P.Q., on tbi first Tuesday in March, 18il(). Grand Master, Capt. R. McGlaughlin, Montreal Jun' lion, .Montreal ; Grand Secretary, Andrew l>uiuvood\, Montreal ; Grand Treasurer, Thos. (Jiblay, Montreal GRAND ORANGK LODOK OK NORTII-WKST TKRRITORIKS Next meeting of the (Jrand Lodge will be held ai .Medi<'ine Hat, Assa,, on (he first Wednesday in Fel ruarv, 180(1. 1896] Orand Master, Grand Secretary, 6 urar, .John Dobbin, GRAND ORANGE Next meeting ol Charlottetown, on 1 Grand Master, .1 Secretani, Murdoc Treasurer, Jos. Wii GRAND ORANO Next meeting ol New Westminster, Grand Master, Secretary, John VA Treasurer, Andrew GRAND ORAJ Next meeting wi! Grand Master, I St. John's ; Grand John's; Grand Tr oil The next nieetini Smith's Falls, on 2i Grand Master, A Secretary, Crawfoi liADIK The next nieetin the City of Toronti Grand Mistress, Street, Hamilton. Tulk, 141 Catherin Loyal The 22nd Annii Out., oominencing Most Worshipful 142 Morse St., Tor Bunting, ].""> Log Secretary, Niohola St President, Perc V. Greer.e, Geo. S S. Trees ; Secretat the first Friday ' George's Hall, Eh President, A. Cockburn, M.P., Gibbs, John Catt 1). J. Macdonne " Physicians, Dr. D. Fotheringhan Alan Macdougall W. Mortimer Cli nings, .las. Bain Instalment. Dr. Thos. .MctJaw. Eraser, (J. .M. M Pipers, Chas. Pipe-Major, lluj. North /A President, Ed\ President, Peri't Vice-President, Treasurer, Clue- Secretary, Thoy. D. C. Sons Supreme Gn Toronto ; Su/n London, Helle\i Hinchcliffe, Ton W. Carter, Toro Sons of Grand IWsi Treasurer, M. I S. Robinson, H [189i> >iety. Sec-Treas., Johi; itHii. ooiety. , J%dy25th, lul',. M.A., Niajfira Orchard, Niagara and Treasurer, ara Falls South ■able Archdeu.Dii cil. ini/'and Cor re s^ Idress, corni-i- ni J. II. Gilmoui rkworth ; Gram/ (rrnmi Sen-r nd Trustees, A. Iria, F. Kenned.\ . ■er, Flainhorri' ; James ilotxiii'. lor). I AMKRICA. will be held in e last Tuesday in SoivreigH, lion. ; M. W. Grand )8, Toronto, Ont.; ill, J. P., Midland, no WKHT. ill be held in the- \- in March, 189«. Toronto ; Gra)id Treaxurer, K. I', mo KART. will be held at ;h, 1806. , Hurritt's Rapid>; lelleville ; Oraml t. II'NSWICK. Lte will be hf'lil ebruary, 18i)t). S(|uare, St. John Sussex ; Graii'f 1. . SCOTIA. ' will he held ar iry, 1896. eiiacadie ; (Jraml e ; Grand Trmx- ITOBA. II be held in thf lesday in March. larfney ; Grand innipe^; Grand v.nw. illc, I'.Q., on till I, Montreal .Juim' Irew nunwoodv . lay, Montreal r TKHHITOKIKS will be held ,if lne.sday in Fcl ■ 1896] MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES. 265 Grand Master, W. J. Kerna^han, Prince Albert; Grand Secretari/, Samuel Gray, Kegina ; (irand Treas- urer, John Dobbin, Regina. GRAND ORANCE LODOK OF PRINCK KDWARD ISLAND. Next meeting of the Grand Lod^re will be hold at Charlotletowii, on the third Tuesday in February, 1896. Grand Master, J. J. Bethiuic, Rose Valley ; Grand Seeretaiy, Murdoch McLeod, Milton Station ; Grand Treasurer, Jos. Wise, M.P.P., North Milton. GRAND ORANOK LODOK OF BRITISH tOLl'MlllA. Next meeting' of the Grand lodge will be held at New Westminster, on the 2nd Ttiesday in March, 1896. Grand Master, Robert Si)arlin|.[;, \ancouver ; Gram! Secretary, John Walmsley, New Westminster ; (Irand Treasurer, Andrew McAfee, Victoria. GRAND ORANOK LODOK OF NKWFOt'NDLAND. Next meetinff will be held at St. John's. Grand Master, lion. Donald Morrison, Q.C., M.P.P., St. John's ; (Irand Seeretarij, Krnest 0. Martin, St. John's; Grand Treasurer, Edward Thomas, St. John's. OllA.NOK BitlTONS. The next meeting of this Grand Lodge will be held at Smith's Falls, on 'ind Wednesday in June, 18(Ki. Grand Master, Anson Sjiotton, Gorrie, Ont. ; Grand Seenretary, Crawford Ross, Ottawa. ladikh' uhand ohanok louoe. The next meeting of this Grand Lodge will be held in the City of Toronto, on the 2ii Logan .Avenue, Toronto, Ont.; Grand Secretary, Nicholas Ingram, Box 147 Port Perry, Ont. St. George's Society. President, Perceval F. Hidout ; Viie-Presidcnts, H. V. Greene, Geo. Stanway,G.H. ('ooderham ; Treasurer, S. Trees ; Secretary, J. E. Pell. The Society meets on the first Friday in every month at 8.30 ji.m., at St. George's Hall, Elm St., Toronto. St. /Andrew's Society. President, A. M. Cosby ; Vice-Presidents, O. P.. R. Cockburn, M.P., Geo. Kennedy; Managers, Malcolm Oibbs, John Catto and James Murray ; Ch.tplains, Kev. I). J. Macdonnell, B.D., and Rev. G. M. .Milligan, D.D.; Physicians, Dr. I. H. Cameron, Dr. J. Ferguson, Dr. J. D. Fotheringham ; Treasurer, Geo. \\eSX\i; Secretary, Alan Macdiiugall; Standing Cunnnittee, Alex. Nairn, W. Mortimer Clark ; Connnittee of Accounts, B.Jen- nings, .las. Bain, jr., J. H. McKinnon ; Committee of Instalment, Dr. .las. Thorborn, Allan Cassels ; Marshals, Thos. .Mctiaw. Chas. Reid ; Standard- Hearers, Alex. Fraser, G. .M. Mitchell, J. F. Michie, Frank M. Gray ; Pipers, Chas. Miinro, John Sharp, A. MacSwayed ; Pipe-Majnr, Hugh .Miller. North /\merlca St. George's Union- President, Edwaianiel Spry, London. Ancient Order of United Workmen. Past G.M.W., F. G. liLvood, Toronto ; Grond M. W.. D. F. MaoWalt, Barrie ; Grand Foreman, V. W. Unitt, Tor- onto ; Grand Overseer, G. P. Gialiani, HrockviUe, Ont. : Grand Hecorder, M. D. Cnrder, St. Thomas ; Grand Receimr, Jas. Rushton, Ridgetown ; Grand Guide, Jnc. Wilson ; G. I. Watchman, Henry Watson, Clearvillc, Out.; G. (>. Watchman, J. P. Brown, Niagara Falls, Ont.; Grand Solicitor, Warren Totlen, Q.C., Woodstock, Out.; Grand Medical Examiner, J..M. Cotton, M.D., Lumbton Mills. Out. ; frVdnrf Trustees, TUos. Saigunt, Toronto; T. D. Pruyn, Napanee ; F. G. McCi<'a, N. J. : Almoner, Thomas W. Kellcy, Brookyn, N.Y. ; Herald-at-Arms, F. H. Baldwin, Philadelphia, Pu. : Sirord Bearer, C. M. Lightncr. Harrisburgli. Pa. ; Marshal, W. B. Blaney, Buffalo, N. Y. ; First Guard, J. S. Cram, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Second Guard, F. C. Gardner, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ; Musical Director, D. H. Rook, Bradford, l'a.\ Medical Kiuminer, L.T. Gruel. M.D.,2122 North 8th St., I'hiUulcliiliia, Pa.; Attorne; General, J. li. Shirley, New York City, N. Y. ; Wardei . Jacob Bennett, Toronto, Can. ; Sentinel, Wm. Halm. i Philadelphia, Pa. ; Trustee, threeyeurs, Wm. J. Maneely, I Brooklyn, N. \. : Trustee, two years, F. E. Bundy. I Elinira, N.Y. ; Trustee, one year, Geo. D. HoUiiis. Philiuleli)hla. N.Y. ; Militaru bepurtment, William B. Gear, Brooklvn, N. Y. The Chapter will meet at Brooklyn, N. V., in 18mi. Select Knights. Supreme Commander, W. .1. Parkhill, Midland ; Supreme Hecorder, B. J. Leubsdorf, St. Catharines ; Supreme Treasurer, John McL. Stevenson, Barrie. Canadian Order of Foresters. High Chief Hanger, C. K. Biitton, Gananocpie ; Past H. C. H., H.Gumiilcr, Giieiph ; High Vice Chief Hanger. H. D. Henderson, Whi'crhurcli ; High Secretary. Thomas White, iilrantford ; High Treasurer, John Neelaiwis, Wiiigham ; High ChapUiin, Bev. W. S. McTavish, B.D., St. George; ////7/1 Henistrar, 1>. 1!. Kennedy, Montreal ; High Auditors', T. W. Gibson, Toronto, W.'M. Graham, Laketleld ; Hi(tli Woodirnrds, (i. \'. Ilendershot, Branl- ford; \V. ,1. Malley, Deseronto; Hiith liendles, C. R. Littler, Winnipeg ; A. llcPberson, Woodstock ; High Court Siilieitiirs, A. J. Wilkes, ii>.C., Brantford ; and A. Monkman, Winniiieg : Kjreeutire Cunimittee, R.Elliott, Wingh..".ii. ; F. J. Jameson, Peterborough; W. J. Cameron, Toronto; H. Dowling, Haniston; F. T. Frost, Smith's Falls. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. Past Grand Councillor, A. Edwin Lyon, Guelph ; Grand CoumiUiir, W. H. Bell, Kingston ; Grand Heciirder, Wm. F. Montague, ll.iniilton ; Grand Trea- surer, S. Broadfool, Gueljih ; Grunit Inspector, W. F Campbell Hamilton. 266 MI.'SrrJXANEOTTs SOCIE'; JES — THE FISHERY AND GAME LAWS. 1 ml [mm f'WhV. ' iiifiplars of Temperance. Divmini' u Ciumcil : — Cuuneilhr, A. M. Featherston, Montreal; ^ecietuni, John H. Land, Hamilton: Trea- ■iinvr, Bnnk of Moutr'al, Hamilton. (Irand Councils: Ontario — Councillor, Geo. H. Lees, Hamilton ; Secre- tarii, C. V. Emory, M. 1)., Hamilton; Treamirer, Frank Buchanan, Toronto. Munitoba—G.CouncUlur, Rev. J. \V. Rniiions, Duntjalil; a. Secretary, F. ,1. Allen, Winni- peg; a. Treanurer, .1, A. Davis, Winnipeg, Quebec, — (7. Cnnncillirr, iloshna II. Spicer, Montreal; (!. Secre- ' tary, A. B. Parker, Montreal; O, Treantrer, H. Mortr.n, i Montreal. Maritime Provinces— (f. Councillor, May. 15 April to 15 June. 25 May to 1 July. Whiteflsh 1 Nov. to 30 Nov. Smelts Bag net Ashing proihibited, IiObsters On Atlantic Coast from Cape Canso to Boundary Line, U.S. In remaining waters of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick . . . Sturgeon Oysters 10 Nov. to 1 Dec. 1 April to 1 July. 15 Aug. to 1 March. 15 Aug. to 1 Feb. 1 Oct. to 1 April. NEW BRUNSWICK. 1 Oct. to 1 April. 15 Aug. to 1 March. 1,') Aug. to 1 Feb. 15 Sept. to 31 Mar. p. B. ISLAND. 1 Oct. to 1 Dec. 15 Sept. to 1 Mav. I Oct. to 1 Dec. MANITOBA AND N.W.T. BRITISH COLUMBIA. (See Regula- tions.) 15 Sept. to 1 May. 5 Oct. to 15 Dec. 1 March to lOct. 1 April to 1 July. exic ept under 1 license. 15 July to i 1 July to 31 Dec. ; 31 Dec. 16 July to 31 Deo. 1 June to 15 Sept. 1 April to 30 Nov. 1 Oct. to 31 Dec. 1 April to 1 July. ! IJulvto I 31 Dec. 15 July to . 31 Dec. lb June to i . 15 July. 1 June to 15 Sept. i 1 April to 1 July. 15 July to 31 Dec. 15 April to 15 May. 15 April to 16 May. 6 Oct. to 15 Dec. 1 June to 15 Sept. 15 Oct. to 15 Mar. 1 Oct. to 30 Nov. 15 Oct. to 15 Mar. 1 Oct. to 30 Nov. 15 May to ! 1 June to 15 June. I 15 July. Close Season for Came in Ontario. The season for Deer, Elk, Moose, Reindeer and Caribou •» from 15th Nov. to 1st Nov. of the following year, but no Moose, Elk, Reindeer or Caribou must be hunted or killed before 'ioth October, 1900. No dogs nuist l)e allowed to run Deer in the close season. No person must kill more than two Deer in the season. Hunting or killing Deer by what Is known as "crust- ing" or while they are "yarding" is forbidden. No common carrier or other person shall transport or ha\e in iiossession for that purpose, any deer, or raw skin thereof, save only from 1st Nov. to •2'2nil Nov. in each year, unless ■( ;npanied by an allidav it that same was taken duri >•, ;, > hunting sea«on. The close sea;' lii lor Gnmse, I'heasaiits, Prairie Fowl, Pii-tridge, Wooricc ^k, .Snipe, Ra", 'Mover or any other water-fowl or game bird or animal, iiu^ludiiig black or grey S(|uirrels and Hares, is from Ifith Dec. to LOtb Sept. in Hu- follo^^ing ; i;i>'. I'o i^uail or wild Turkeys from 15th Dec. t;; !'tl. Oct. of I. .' f )lli)wingyear, but no wild Turkeys must be killed bef o ■ • '5th Oct , 1«1)7, and iiu prairie fowl ov Kiigli t i l )lian .ueasants before 15th Sept,, 1«I7. The close seasiii\ for Svariti and Geese is from Isi ^lay to 15th Sept., .ind for Dm •■'•of all kinds from ]5tli De(''. 10 Ist Sepi. following. No |'t.iic 1 shell .on. No wild fowl must be l(il|e'' or shot at between half an hour after sunset -and h. • ui hour before sun- rise, nor on the Lord m Day. No Snipe, Wood(!ock or ''artridge shall be sold or pur- K'hased before 15th Sept., 1807. No (^uail or Wild Turkey shall be sold or purchased before 15th Oct., 1897. No beaver or otter shall Xai hunted, taken, killed, or had in possession between 1st April and Ist Nov., nor 1 trap set for them during period, and no muskrat I between 1st .May and 1st Jan. Hut no beaver or otter sh.ill be liunted, taken or killeil before 1st Nov., 1897. ?'.o person except residents of Ontario and Quebec shall be entitled to hunt without first procuring a license from the Provincial Secretary, the cost of which is $25. The Game do not apply to Indian.s or to settlers in unorganized townships or territory not divided into townships, who kill game for food. Ndtk. Kor further particulars address E. TinsUn, Chief (iame Warilcn, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, s Synopsis of Fishery Laws.— Net fisbmg of anv kind is prohibited in public waters, except under Leases or Licenses. The size of nets is regulated so as to prevent the killing of young ti.'ih. Nets cannot be set or seines used so as to bar cliaiinels or bays. A general weekly Jlose-time is provided in addition to special close seasons. The use of Explosive or Poisonous substances forcatching or killing fish is illegal. The use of (ire- arms for killing Hsh is proliibited. Milldania must lie provided with etlicienl fish passes. Models or drawings will lie furnished by the Department of .Marine and Fisheries on appllcali n. The above enactments and close-seasons are supple- mented in special cases, under authority of the Fisheries Act, by a total prohibition of fishing for stated periods. All communications relating to Fisheries should lie I luidressed to the Deputy Minister, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. Minister ok Justice ani Supren\e Cou The Supreme Court, s sLituted by Dominion Canada Chap. 135,) is c( five Puisne Judges, and jurisdiction within ant Canada. The Judges resi Court holds annually th on the third Tuesday in Tuesday in May, and th October. Sir Samuel Henry Stroii Hop. Henry Elzear Tas Hon. John Wellingtoi. ( Robert Sedgewick, Puis <5eorge E. King, Puisne Hon. Diiire Girouard, F R. Cassels, y.C.,Regisl c;. H. Masters, Reporte L. H. Coutlee, Assistan Tl\e Exchequer The Exchequer Cou Statute, 50-51 Vict. CI J udge and hius original ■suits or .ictions agaius jurisdiction in relation meiit of penalties, in instance of the Attori or a'inul anv patent other instrument resii officers for anything 1 officer, and all actior plaintiff or petitioner •Hon. Geo. W. liurbid L. A. Audette, Esq. In pursuanc of tli Court of Admiralty C^aniwla is iledared (i H. Morton, }^illor, C. (S. MoFarlaii, M, Gibsnn, H. Cairns, New Wfdi. Iver. North- Itrhan, Pritici pdicine Hat ; 1, 1895. BRITISH COU.IMBU. \(See Regnla tiong.) l!) Oct. to l.'i Mar. 3 Oct. to 30 Nov. 15 Oct. to 15 Mar. 1 Oct. lo 30 Nov. 1 June to 16 July. th Oct., 1897. aken, killed, I at Nov., nor no nuiskrat nver or otter Nov., 1S97. and Quebec •injr a license hich is $25. >r to settlers livided into K. Tinslcy, Toronto. > of anv kind ir Lenses or s to prevent iet or seines eral weekly •ecial close 1 substances use of fl re- ins must lie If drii\v'n(j[s Hiiriiic and ire gu|)|)le- le Fitkerii's ed periods, should be It of Marine bEG/rb AjMD dUDIRIARY. MiNisTRR OK JusTiuB AND Attornb?-Gknrbalpor thr DOMINION OP CANADA— Hcii. Sir Chos. Hibbeft Tupper, 17,000. Supren\e Court of the Dortiinioq. Ttie Supremo Court, as a high Court of Appeal, con- stituted by Dominion Statute, (Uevised Statutes of Canada Chap. 135,) is composed of a Chief Justice and five Puisne Judjfes, and has appellate, civil and criminal jurisdiction within and throuf^hout the Dominion of Canada. The J udfjes reside at Ottawa, where the Supreme Court holds annually three Sessions — the first beginning on the third Tuesday in February, the second on the first Tuesday in May, and the third on the first Tuesdaj' in October. 8ir Saniuel Henry Strong, Kt., Chief Justice i$8,&00 Hon. Henry Klzear Taschereau, Puisne Judge.. 7,fK)0 Hon. John Wellington Gwynne, Puisne Judge... 7,000 Robert Sedgewick, i'uisne .ludge 7,000 Oeorge E. King, Puisne J url.jfe 7,000 Hon. Ddire Girouard, Puisne Judge 7,000 R. Cassels, y.C, Registrar 3,200 •O. H. Masters, Reporter 2,350 I>. H. Coutlei", Assistant Reporter 1,500 Tl\e Exchequer Court of the Don^inior). The Kxchequer Court corstituted unilcr a Dominion Statute, 50-51 Viet. Chap. l(i, is presided over by one Judge and has original exclusive jurisdiction in all claims •suits or .ictions against the Crown. It has concurrent jurisdiction in relation to revenue cases and the enforce- ment of penalties, in oases in nhich it is sought at the instance of the .\ttorney-General of Canada to impeach or a'inul anv patent of inven*^ion or iiny jiatent case or other instrument respecting lands; cases against Crown otflcers for anything done or omitted to be done as such officer, and all actions or suits in which the Crown is plaintiff or petitioner. Hon. Geo. W. liurbidge, Judge of the Court 36,000 L. A. Audette, lisq., Registrar 2,000 Admiralty Divisioii. In piirsuanc of the powers given bv "The Colonial Court of Admiralty Act, 18!)ft," the Kxchequer Court of C'anada is declared a Colonial Court of Adiiiiralty. (See .'■i4 .V> Vic, Cup. -21).) The .\dmiralty Court has all rights and remedies in all matters (including cases of contract and tort and proceedings /« rc/ii and in /»')W(«(im) arising out ot or in connection with navigation, shipping, trade and con-- inerce, which may be had or infori'ed in any Colonial Court of .Vdniiralty, under "The Colonial Court of Admirrdty Act, 1"")," throughout Canada and the ■waters thereof, whi -.'t tidal or non tidal, or naturally iiaviiralili .ir artificially made so. Admiralty business may be trans.icted at the ottice of the Kxchced by the Act. Vacancies during the term are filled by the remaining Benchers. On the first day of F-sterTerin, annually, the Benchers appoint one of their .^ody to be Treasurer, who is also President of che Society. The Benchers sit in Convocation every term for the call of Barristers, the admission of Attorneys and Solicitors to Practice, and of Students to enter the Society, the fees paid by whom form the revenue of the Society. Osgoode Hall, api ro- priately named after the first Chief Justice, is the Ontario "Inn of Court," or head -quarters of the Society, in which is provided accommodation for the Court of Appeal and Courts of Equity, and for the sittings in term of the Superior Courts ; with a valuable and exten- sive library. VISITORS. The several Judges of the Suprciie (Jourt of Judica- ture for Ontario. Treasurer— Mmi\i\is Irving, Q.C. BKNCIIKIiS. A'a;-0;;ic,'.;— Hon. A. N. Richards, Q.C, Sol.-Gen. 1864; Hon. SirO. Mowat, Q.C, M.P.P., retired ViceChancel- lor 18V2, present Atty.-Gen. Out. ; lion. K.D., Toronto; John Idiiigton, Q.C., Stintford; M. Irviiijr, Q.C, J. K. Kerr, Q.C., Z. A. La8h,U.C.,Toronto;Ja8. Magee,Q.C., London; E.Martin, Q.C, Hamilton; C Macdougall, Q.C, St. Thomas; D'Alton McCarthy, Q.C, M.P., Toronto ; F. MacKelcan, Q.C, Hamilton ; C Mos8, Q.C, Toronto ; M. O'Gara, Q.C, Ottawa; B. B. Osier, Q.C, Toronto; \V. H. Riddell, Toronto; C. H. Ritchie, Q.C, C Robinson, Q.C, Geo. F. Sheplev, Q.C, Toronto; H. H. Strathv, Q.C, Barrle; J. V. Teetzf:l, Q.C, Hamilton ; G. H. \Vatsoi\, t^.C, Toronto. Secretary and Sub-Vrfusurer — Herbert Maclieth. Librr riaii -\V. G. Eakins. Assistant Librarian — J. J. Daley. Law Sct)ool. PrineipaL-'S. W. Hoyles, Q.C. Lecturers— A. 11. Marsh, Q.C, E. D, Armour, Q.C, John King, Q.C, McGiegor Young. Examinerg—A. C Gait, W. D. Gwynne, M. H. Liidwig, J. H. Moss. Tl\e Supreme Court of Judicature for Of)tario. Coi'RT OK Ai'i'KAii FOR U.NTARio.— Constituted for the hearing of appeals iii civil cases from tiie Queen's Bench, Chancery, and Common Pleas Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and from the County Courts; and the Division f^ourts also in casc>i defined as to amount, and appeals fro"i crimmal cases from the Queen's Bench, Common I'lea^j, and Co;mty Courts. From the judgment of this Court an appeal lies, at the option of lit'gants, either to the Supreme Court of the Dominion, or to Her Majesty in Privy Council, in cases over *;i,iHH), or where iuinual rent, fee, or future rights of any amount, are affected. The Judges of this Court, may he placed on the rota for the trial of Election peti- tions, with the J\istices of the High Court, who as 1 cx-jfficUi Judges of this Court, choose from their number ■ a Judge or Judges to sit in Appeal in (aw of there being ; a vacancy in this Court, or if, from ii'.iess or some i other cause, one of the Judges of the Court is unable i to be present, or is under any leg.i! (lisciualification to I hear an appeal. ChicJ Juntice, of Ontario— Uod. John | Ha.vkins Hagai.y, D.C.L. (S the first Tuesday in March and ,Sei)tember, and the j second Tuesday in Jamtarv, Jlay and November ; noiice ' of the holding of such sitting,s being given accordii.g to : the usual practice. ' Higl) Court of Justice for Ontario. QiKKN's BfcNcn Division.- The junsiliction of this Division extends to all manner of actions, causes and i suits, criminal and civil, ren'.iiersonal and mixed, within ; Ontar o, and it may j)rocfcvi(i in such, by such j)rocess : and course as are provided by law, and a- shall tend with ill tice and despatch tn determine the s.ime ; and : may l,-;.r and rletcrmine all issues of l.iv. , and n\^o (with the"iM(|Uest of twelve good and lav iul men in tla cases provided for) try all issues of fact, ii'. give ju l:niei.t, lind award execution thereon, and .u.-,o m niattei;.' wfiich I'elate to the Queen's Iteveiuie (inclr.dirig tl,.' condp' ■• nation of .'ontraband or .smuggled go. ils) as may bt done by Her Majc'ty's Superior Courts of Law i! iCng- land. Cliiet ./i(*f/c<' — Hon. ,1. 1). Armour (c' -.OPc}. 5feinberi of (lie Qupcii'h llfiicli Diuiiion - Unii. \V. G. Falconbritlge, Hon \V. P. K. Street (*r),00n). A'c^iVcai' — Jameii S. Cartwriglit, Clerkn—V. J. Hrown, C. (.>. Strange, .M. H. Hlack. Crier and (^alicr -Uobt. Liiwson. CuANCKKV Division. — This I'i'.ision has tlie lil< ■ juris- diction as the Court of Chancery 'n England, in i scs of fraud, accident, trusts, execu'o's, administiutois, co- partnerships, account, morti;a';es, awards, dower, in- fants, idiots, lunatics and thr . estate.^, .aste, specific performance, discovery, and to prevent multiplicity of suits, und may decree the issue, repeal, or voidance o!! letters patent, and generally the like poweir, which llic Court of Chancery in Knglaiid possesses to adniinistcr justiie in all cases in which there is no adeciuaii- remedy at law. C/in«o>/;()r - Hon. John A. Boyd (*i,(M)0), Monhcm of the Diri.'iiDii- Uou. R. M. Meredith, Hon. Thos. Ferguson and Hon. Thos. Robirtson (S'.'i,'KM' aach). Upccial Kxaminem-W . D. Gwynne John Bruce, F. Arnoldi, L. B. Young, Geo. A. Boomer and Henr\ Wickham. Reijintrar—G. S. Holinested. Agifistani Reiiintrar—A. F. McLean. Clerk of Records and Writs- O. M. Lee. Docketing Clerk — Alex. MacGregor. Copv ing Clerk~V. VV. Scott. Entering Clerk— V,'. O'Neil. [fKlier— John G. O'Donohoe. IIouHekeeper—Mn. Suther- land. Messenger — Jas. Gorrie. CoM.MO.N Plkah Division.— This Division has the same powers and jurisdiction as a Court of Record, as the Queen's Bench Division. Chief Justice — Hon. Win. Ralph Meredith (*6,(X)0). Members of the Divixion- llcn. John E. Rose Hon. Hugh MacMahon (i$5,00o each). l{e:iistrar—il. B. Jackson. Chief Clerk— M. J. Macnamara. Clerks — Andrew James Elliot, R. F. Killaly. Crier and (Tsher— James Alexander. All Divisions of the High Court have now concurrent jurisdiction under the Judicature Act, 1881. SirriNOs OK tiik's i'BNCii ano Common Plbas Divisions. — Hilary sittings begin first Monday in Febru- ary and ends Saturday of the ensuing week ; Easter sittings begin third Monday in May and ends Saturday of the secoiKi week thereafter ; Michaelmas sittings begin third Monday in November and ends Saturday of the second week thereafter. The Queen's Bench and Com- mon Pleas Divisions have power also, at their discre- tion, to hold sittings in banco in time of vacation (except long vacation), by virtue of a rule or order of the Court, respectively to he made in or out of term, for the hear- ing of sucli 8i)eciril cases or rules for new trials as shall be named in a list to be attached to any such rule or order, and for giving of judgments in cases previously argued, and for disposing of such other business as the Court in its discretion shall see tit. Law CiRciiirs. — Sittings for Ileariivj of Actions. — In the Counties of York, Wentworth, Carleton and Middlesex, there is held a third such Courtin every year, in the vacation between Michaelmas and Hilary Tenns ;. and in the County of York there is held a fourth such Court, between Easter Term and the first day of July. Whenever in an.v year the judges may deternune that it is not necessary to hold snme such sittings may be dis- pensed with. 'The sitting .or hearing of actions may, in the discretion of the Judges, be held separate and .apart from the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and Genera! Gaol Delivery, and the Assizes for any County arc not piU an end to by the commencement of Term, but ma> continue and be holden during Term, subject to special rules ill such case for moving against tiie verdict or for new trials. Tile Courts in each Circuit are presided o\er by the Chancellor or by a retired or present Justice of the High Court or of the Court of Appeal, or by a Judge of a County Court, or by some one of Her Majesty's Council learned in the law, requested by the Chancellor or one of the ,'iistices to act in that behalf. CiiANCKRY Sittings— S/'tfwif?s for the rehearing of causes are held on the 3rd Thursday in February, the la-^l Monclay in May, and first Thursday in Deceiidier. Wkkiu,v Sittinus. — A Judge sits at Osgoode Hall every week except vacation for the purpose of disposiim of all business except trials which may be transacted by a single .ludge. Chamber business on Mondays and Fri- days, motions first, appeals afterwards. Court busines,s on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sittings will be held at Ottawa r.nd London respectively at least one day in each we( k (except vacation) to dispose of certain matters which can lie determined by a single Judge. Tl:e Judges have now power on petition to constitute icnnlhly or seminionthly sittings in lieu of weekly. tiiAMBKHs.— Chamhc's are held eacii day for such imsiiK'ss relating to actions as may lie transacted b,\ a singlo judge out of Court. The Master in Chambers is emi>o\vered to obtain the assistance of the Registrar of the Queen's Bench Division or of any Official Rcfi;rer' to sit with or for him. Master in Chumliers — John Winchester. Clerks- V. Arnoldi, A. Y. Blain, .and Miss A. B. G. Cull. Loso Vacation extendf from the 1st of July to the :Ust nf August, both inclusive. There is also' a vaca- tion from the 24th December to 0th January, both iii"lu8ive. H.;iR AM) Dk.viskbCoirt. -Commissioners, the Judges of the Superior Courts, and such other persons as may be appointed tiy commission under the Great Seal. Their duties are to determine claims to land in Ontario, for whicli no patent !.as issued from the Crown in favor of the proper claiiiuints, whether as heirs, devisees, or 1896] ossiKnees. Sittings at and July in each yei Superior Court (ex-oj/i -ion. Clerk of Corn int Coi^RT.s for tiik Tri The nature of these t their title. In respei Commons of Canada their J udges appoint! Jurisdiction f< and appeals lie to tli respect to elections fo the Judges of the Cou Courts of Law and E the thud day of Mich by a majority of vot Courts to be placed < petitions. In the cas so chosen, the Court ■ elect another Judge. are presided o\er bv Judge Hfcsides, and Appc'il of the Pro\in Maritimk. Court o this co\irt has been business. Judge— J. John Bruce. Marsh Coi'NTV Courts. - 1 in each county, assis or Junior Judge. Tl sonal actions where not exceed ?2(K) ; am nant or contract, wl the acts of the partie 8400 ; an- of order of the .hid;; BiiARD OK t:orN Countv nraiil. : K. J. Senkler, C' ties I^eedsaiHl >;i Courts ok Kk> allv Courts of lin .■iich Mimicipalif Vppcal from the .Muiii'ipality : an [189(; ISOfi] LEGAL AND JUDICIARY. 269 and Henry Amstaiit iand Writs- ^ leKor. Cnpu- -W. O'Neil. LMrs. Suther- has the same ^cnrd, as the -Hon. Wni. te Dimxion — alion («5,00(P' \Clerk—}A. J. |R. F. Killal.v. !»■ concurrent 'MMON Plras lay in Febni- eek ; Easter Inds Saturdav sittings beg'iii turdaj- of the |ch and Coni- their discre- ^ation (except of the Court, for the hear- trials as shall such rule or ies previously siness as the '>/' ActloHx.— 'aileton and in every year. liliiry Terms ;. I fourth such day of July. M'uiine that "it ^3 niaybedis- 'lions may, in ate and a'paiL and General linnty arc not 'erni, but may ect to .special he verdict or o\-er by the •e of the Hiifh a Judge of a ;.sty's Council icellor or one t'l'heaiing nj' ebiuary, the 1 December, Jsjfoode Hall ;i)f dLsposina ransacted by lays and Kii- >urt businc.-s.>i Sittinyx \vill at least one se of certain njfle Juiljfc. o constituft weekly. ii.v for such ansacted b\ n Chamber',- ie Hejfistrar My Official C/iiimlierH- . Blain, and July to the ilso a vaca- niary, l)oth , the Judges «>tiH as may Seal. Their >ntario, for in favor of levisees, or ogSTf^nees. Sittiners at Toronto, first Monday in January and July in each year. Ju(i;jen — The Judges of the Superior Court (cx-ofuun), others appointed by coiumis- slon. Clerk of CominiHiriiinerii—C. Ausell Steward. C0i:RT.S KOR tub TRUIi OF CONTROVKRTKD ELROTIC.VS.— The nature of these courts is sutticiently indicated in their title. In respect to elections for the House of Ooinnions of Canada, the Superior Courts by one of their J udges ap^lointed in that behalf, are invested with special Jurisdiction for the trial of contested elections, and appeals lie to the Supreme Court at Ottawa. In respect to elections for the Local Legislature of Ontario, the Judges of the Court of Appeal and of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity meet anmially on or before the thu'd day of Michaelmas sittings and severally elect, by a majority of votes, a Judge from their resj.?ctive Courts to be placed on the rota for the trial of electi.""!! petitions. In the case of death or the illness of a Judge so chosen, the Court of which he is a member meet and elect another Judge. Trials involving corrupt practices are presided o\er by two Judges, otherwise a single Judge jyesides, and an ajipeal lies to the Court of Appeal of the Province. .Makitimk Court ok Ontario.— By 'A-nfi \ic.. Cap. 2!), this coiu't lias been abolished except as to pending business. Judije — J. E. McDougall, (^.C. liejintmr - John Bruce. Marshal — \Vm. Boyd. CoL'.NTV Courts. - Presided over by a resident Judge in each county, assisted in some counties by a Deputy or Junior Judge. Their jurisdiction extends to all per- sonal actions where the debt or damages claimed do not exceed !J2(K) ; and to all suits relating to debt, cove- nant or contrac't, where the amount, is ascertained by the acts of the parties or signature of the defendant, to JMOO ; and to all bail bonds and recognizances of bail given in the County Court, to any amount ; but not to cases involving the title to lands, validity of wills, or actions for libel, slander, crim. con., or seduction. An appeal lies to the Court of Appeal of Ontario. Cocntv Coi'kt SirriNos and Cocrt ok Grnkral Sbs- BiONS. — The County Judge in each county holds a sitting of his Court and a Court of General Sessions in his county, for the trial of issues of fact, semi-annually on the second Tuesday in June and December, except in the County of Vork, in which county said Court is lield four times, commencing on the first Tuesday in Decem- ber and March, and the second Tuesday in May and September, the latter Courts for the trial of cases of felony and misdemeanor, but treason and capital felonies are exempted from their jurisdiction, and (except in the County of York) a sitting for the trial of issues without a jury shall be held in each county on the first Tuesday in April and October in each year. The Judge may also, in his discretion, hold additional sittings at such times as may be deemed expedient to expedite business, but only for the trial of issues of fact witlioiit a jury. Cot'srv .Iidok's Cri.mixai, Coi'ri.— Persons committed to jail for trial, on charge of being guilty of any oflience for which they may be tried at a Court of General Ses- sions math with tHeir oii'ii i-imni'iit, and subject to the provisions of the Act in that behalf, be forthwith tried by the Judge of the County Court and General Sessions without a jury, and if convicted, be sentenced by said Judge ; and the .ludge sitting on any such trial for all the purposes thereof, is constituted a Court of Kecord, and the record in aii\ such case shall be filed among the reconls of the Court of General Sessions last mentioned. Coi'ntv CoiiRT— The several County Courts in Ontario hold four sittings in each year, commencing respectively on the second Monday in the month of January, and the first .Monday in the nionths of .\pril, July, and October, except the County of York, which commences on the first Monday in April, and the second Monday in January, .lune and October, and ending on the Saturday of the same week, unless extended by order of the Judge. UnARn OK (.;oi XTY .1 IIXIKS.— CTfU'ciHrtH - S. .1. .loiies, <'ounty Brant. Mfinhora -I). .1. Hughes, County Elgin ; E. •). Senkler, County Lincoln ; H. S. .McDonald, Coun- ties Ijceds and Gi'iin ille ; W. \V. Dean, County \iclnria. I'di'RTs OK liKvisiox. — The County .Midges hold .tiiiiu- ;vlly Courts iif llnal revision of the Assessment Polls of ♦■acb MmiicipalitA, being in the light of Courts of Vppeal from the first CoMrt of licvision held by the -Miitii'ipality ; and also Courts for the Revision of the Voters' Lists for Provincial Elections. The Voters' Lists for Dominion Elections are now settled by Kevisiii!; Barristers under the Act of 1885. Si'rrouatk Coirts.— The jurisdiction of these Courts relates to all testamentary matters and causes, and to the granting and revoking of probate of wills, and letters of administration of the effects of deceased jiersons having estate or effect in Ontario, and ail matters arising out of or connected with the grant or revocation of pro- bate or administration, subject to an appeal to the Chan- cery Division. The County Judges are also Judges of the Surrogate Courts. Surroiinte Clerk I'nr Ontarui- Hon. Timothy \V. Aiiglin. Atimntniil Svrmqate Clerk Sir K. A. Uohinson, Bart. Clerk— .Wv-a. J. it. Duff. Division' Coi'rts are held for the summary disposal of cases by the presiding .ludge, being the County Judge or his Deputy, or any Barristerap))oiiitcd to holdthe same ; but a jury of five persons may be demanded in certain cases. Their jurisdiction extends to actions of debt or I contract where the balance claimed is over .^KKJ and : under i*20(l and the original .ainoiiiit was ascertained iiy I the signature of the defendant, and to .'*l(ii) in other cases of debt, .subject in some cases to an appeal to the Court of Appeal ; but the sum of the account to be gone into cannot exceed ^00; injuries or torts to personal chattels amounting to SOO ; and personal ai^tions to that amount, if not excepted from their jurisdiction ; but not to actions for gambling debts, liipior drunk in a tavern, or notes of hand given therefor, ejectment, title to land, I'lcc, or any toll, custom or tranchise, will or .settlement, malicious prosecution, libel, slander, crim. con., seduc- tion or breach of promise, or actions against a J. P. for onything done by him in the execution of his office, if he ol)jects to it. Each Judicial Distri(;t is divided into Court Divisions, and Courts are held once in two months in each Division, or ofteiier at the discretion of the Judge. The Divisions are established by the Courts of (ieneral Sessions, and in certain cases by the Judges. Crown Laiv OJicers. ATTORNKV-OrNRRAL KOR tub ProVIXCK ok O.NTARlo - Hon. .SirO. Mowat, Q.C., .M.P.P. Officem of the Cotirtx OKKiciAli Oi'ARDiAX— .lobii Hoskiii, (,».€'. Srnior JfimMBXT Clkrk ~G. S. Ilolmested. JfSIOR JlUO.MK.NT Cl-KRK— .\. E. .Maclcaii. INSI'RCTOR OK TiTLRS AND RKKKRKK OK TiTLKS AT Toronto - G. S. Hoimested. Insi'kctor (jk Local Okkick.s M. B. Jackson. Okkiciai, ItKKERF.Ks(Ex OKKici<>.)-The JIaster in Or- dinary of the Superior Court, the Ilegistrar of the Queen's Bench Division, the Kegistrar of the Common Pleas Division, the At^countant, the Inspector of Titles, and the Referee of Titles. Clkhk ok Assizk.— Hiijh Court of Justice, G. B. Nicol, Toronto. Mastbr's Okkice.— ,V«(f«i'/- in Ordinary of the Supreme Court— 'Jl\\os. Hodgins, Q.C. Chief Clerk and Official Referee— yi. McLean. Clerk— A. E. Bastedo. (For list of local masters, see Jiage 273.) Accot'.n.aNt's OvncK.— Accountant— Geo. S. Hoime- sted. Clerk of Accountu — Benjamin \V, Murray. Clerkn—J. G. Beaty, M. Biichan, C. Gilbert Lawrence Boyd, George T. Leonard. Taxino Okkicrrs.- J. H. Thoni, J. A Mc.Vndrew. Dkitty Ci.krkm ok TiiK Crow.v.— The Clerks of the County Courts will be ex officio Dejmty Clerks of the Crown and Pleas of their several Counties as the presein incumbents vacate by death or otherwise. Ci.KRK OK iiiK Prockhs.— For sealing and issuing Writs of Suminons and other Writs in the t^ueen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas Divisions (alternately), Alex. Maidonell. Ani-ixtant-C. Ansell Steward. iNsi'KcroR OK I'tBi.ic OKKICR8.— Jas. Fleming. Clerk— Forsyth Grant. KiiiTou OK Law Kki'outs— James F. Smith, q.C. Kk- iMiHiKlis, E. B. Brown, G. F. Harinan, G. A. Boomer, A. H. F. Lefroy. Uepiirters Court o/ Appeal, Alexander Grant and 11. S. Ca,ssels. Practice' Heimrter. T. T. Holph. Distrihiil-ir of fj'iw Stamps— Ur. McMahoii. .Ma^tk.k ok Titi.ks, under Land Titles Act, 18«.') (Tor- rens A(!t), .1. G. Scott, Q.C. Clerks— U. D. Sinclair, W. .McTavisli, K. H, lOssex and H. C. Russell. LiKAi, JIastkrs ok Titlks. — John M. .Muiiro. I'ort .Arthur; M. C Hamilton, Sault St. Marie; William Doran, Si>rlh Bay ; I'. McCiirry, Parry Sound ; J. E. I.ount, Bracebridge ; D. R. Springer, .Manitowaning ; J. ;^ 270 LEGAL AND JUDICIARY. [189it I 1896] H. Coyne, St. Thomas ; i\ J. Anjohn, Kat Portage ; G. H. Uartntll, J.C.C, Whitbv. CoMMiHHiuNKaa KOR takInu Affidavits kuk imr in tiir Sl'PllKMK AND KXUlIKyL'Kll ColRTM OK CANADA.— WiriHloW Warren, Bcstoii, U.S.A. ; Louis Arthur Audette, ')t- tawu, Ont. ; Charles Morse, Ottawa, Out. ; Robert Tut- hill Litton, Ottawa, Ont. ; Frank John Leslie, Liverpool, England ; Krei.'iieulo. " " L. \ Jette. " " C. J. Doheity. " " C. L Gill. " " M. Mathieu. " " L. O. Loranger. " " W, W. Lynch. " J. S. Archibald. " " J. J. Curran. Ottawa & Co, of Argeiiteuil. '• H. G Malliiot. Quebec Sir L.E.N.Casault, Kt., C.J. " Hon. L. B. Caron. " " F. W. .Midrews. " " A. B. Routliicr. Richelieu " J. A. Ouiinet. Rimouski " J. E. Lanie. Ohicoutirai& Saugenay, Q.. " J. A. Gagne. St. Francis St. Hyaointhe " Louis Tellier. Terrebonne " H. T. Taschereau. Three Rivers " J. B. Bourgeois. (For Clerks ol he Courts see page 287.) JUDOKS OF 'J K SkSSIuSS OK THK PeaCK, -Hull Alexander Chau jau, Quebec; iM. C. Desnoyers, Esq., Montreal. CiRci'iT Coi'R OK the District ok Mostrkal Jidoks. — Charles L. Ch. iipagne, John Duly Purcel. Proi nee of New Brunswick. SupkkmkCoiu .'Judoks —Hon. Sir John C. Allen, Kt., Chief Justice, ».',:X)0; Hons. William H. Turk Daniil Lionel Hanniugtun, Pierre Armaiid Laiuliy, Frederick Eustace Barker, *t,00(i eacli. Jl'uok i.s Equity.— James Alfred Van Wan, sH,0<)0. Ci.KRK OK the Pi.K^s.— T. CarU'toii Allen. CouNTV Court JmoKs Win. Wilkinson, Esq , James G. Stevens, Esq., Williani Wedderlmrn, Esq., Janus Steadman, Esq , William Wilberforce Wells, James (ionlon Forbes, 82,400 each. Divorce and Matrimonial Causes.— James Alfred Van Wart. Local Judge in Admibaltv of thkExciikhi krCourt FOR THE District of New Brunswick. — Wm. Henry Tuck, $1,000. Df.pity Jidok.— M. M 'Donald (no salary). Clerks of the Courts. County. Ci.krk. Albert Samuel G. Morse Carleton William M. Connell A. B. ConiifiU (Circuits) Charlotte George S. Griiiiiner Gloucester Tlieo|ihllus DesBrisay Kent James D. Phinney " Robert Hutchinson (Ci)'cuit«) King's Ora P. King " John H. Cotlier (Circuits) Madawaaka Barry R. Plant Northumberland Samuel Tlioinson Queen's * . . . James R. Curry " T. Medley Wetmore (Circuits) Restigouche James S. Morse St. John's Mont. McDonald " John Willett (Circuits) Sunbury George J. Bliss " Charles W. Beck with (Cireuit$} Victoria Dennis B. Gallagher " VV. Fred. Kertson (Circuits) Westmoreland Joseph B. Peck •' " Barry R. Smith (Circuits) York Jeremiah H. Barry " J. F. MoManuB (Circuits) Province of Nova Scotia. Superior Court Judges.- Hon. Jas. McDonald, Chief Justice, $6,000. Puisne Judoks.— Rons. R. L. Weatherbe, J. N. Ritchie, C. J. Tov.nshend, N. H. Meagher, Hugh Mo- Donald Henry, $4,000 each. Judge in Equity.— Hon. Wallace Graham, $4,000. Vick-Admibalty.— Hon. Jas. McDonald, $1,000. County Court Judgbs.- J. W. Johnston, Esq., M. B. DesBrisay, Esq., A. W. Savary, Esq., W. A. D. Monw, Esq., A. Mclsaae, Esq., M. Dodd, Esq., John P. Chip- man, Es(i., $2,400 each. Province of Prince Edward Island. SuperiorCourt Judges —Hon. W. W. Sullivan, Chief Justice, $4,000 ; Local Judge in Admiralty, Exchequer Court, !<800; Hoiis. Edward Jarvis Hodgson, and Rowan Robt. Fitzgerald, A-ssistant Judges, i»3,200 each. County Court Judoks. — Dennis CM. Reddiu, Esq., King's County ; George Alley, Esq., Queen's County (Vacant) Prince County, $2,400 each. Clerk ok the Crown and Prothonotary.— Robert T, Weeks. Deputy Prothdnotaries.— J. A. Longworth, Queen's County ; Wm. Sander.sim, King's County ; William T. Hunt, Prince County. Clkuks, C. C— F. W. Huglies, Chief Clerk, Cliarlotte- tnwii, Queen's County; lieoigc A. Aitken, Chief Clerk,. Georgetown, King's County ; W. T. Hunt, Chief Clerk, Suinmerside, Prince County. Province of Manitoba. Queen's Bench.— Hon. T. W. Taylor, Chief Justice, $5 000. Puisne Judges.— Hons. J. Dubuc, A. C. KUlam, Jno. Farquhar Bain, $4,000 each. CouMTv Court Judoks.— Jos. Ryan, Eso ; L. A. Prud'honime, Esq., I). M. Walker, Esq., T. D. Cumber- land, Esq., Corbet Locke, $2,400 each. British Colun\bia. Chikk Justice. —Hon. Theodore Davie, $.5,000. Puisne Judgks.— Henry P. P. Cicase, John Foster McCreight, George A. Walkem, M. W. Tyrwhitt Drake, $4,000 eacli. County Court.— E. Harrison, Jr., Co. Ct. Nanaimo ; W. N. Bole, Co. Ct. New V\estinin8ter ; W. W. Spinlis. Co. Ct. Yale ; C. F. Cornwall, Co. ('t. Cariboo. RkolstrahS. C. Victoria.— James C. Pievost. Supren^e Court, North-West Territories. Supreme Coukt.— Hons. H. Richardson, C. K. Rou lean, E. L. Wetmore, Thos. H. McGuire, David Lynoh Scott, $4,000 each. Sittingg of the Hifrh of civil cases with and ill tlio schedules "A" heretofore. with .H'RY. Milton (and without) LOriginal (and witho St. Thomas Belleville St. Catharines Ottawa Owen Sound Brampton (and withe Cobourg Sandwich Goderich Orangeville (and with( Peterborough Woodstock Sarnia Lindsay Stratford London Pembroke (and with Cornwall Perth (and without) Walkerton And at Sault Ste. months of May and J And at Bracebridi August, or either of WITH JURY. Milton (and without L'Original (and witli Owen Sound St. Catharines St. Thomas Belleville Ottawa Brampton (and wit Cobourg Sandwich Goderich Orangev ille (and wi Peterborough Woodstock Sarnia Liffidsay Stratford Pembroke (and wi London Cornwall Perth (and withou Hamilton And at Sault S months of Octobe Judge assigned to And the winter respectively, with January as may b [189(J 1 1896] HIGH COURT SITTINGS. 271 kaiiies Alfred piiKtjr KB Court -Will. Henry 111 lottos) Ir lisay In {Circuits) yireiiiU) Ire (Cireuiti) cuite) kvith (Circuilt} ler (.Circuits) Circuits) y ircuits) cDonald, Chief herbe, J. N. ler, Hugh Mo- ain, 94,000. [1, 11,000. on, Esq., M. B. . A. D. Mont, John P. Chip- iland. Sullivan, Chief Ity, Exchequer Hodj^son, and is, ^3,200 each. Keddiu, Esq., lean's County each. TAKY.— Robert worth, Queen'» y ; William T. erk, Charlotte- 1, Chief Clerk, t, Chief Clerk, Chief .Justice, . KiUani, Jno. Kso : L. A. r. 0. c'uiuber- .*5,0fl0. .folm Foster 'whitt Drake, ^t. Nanaimo ; iV. VV. Splnks. 1)00. I'eVost. itories. n, V. n. Uou David hynoh SITTINGS OF THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTIGE. Sittings of the Hitjh Court of Justice in the several county towns, or places, for the trial of criminal cases and of civil cases with and without a jury, shall In each year hereafter, unless otherwise onlored, be held as set forth ill the schedules "A" and "U" liereunder written, and the ('.ays of beginning shall be flxud by the Judges as heretofore. SCHEDULE "A," SPUING ASSIZES OR SITTINGS. WITH .UIRY. WITHOUT COMMBNCE- WITH .lURT WITHOUT COMMKNCn- JI.'BY. HBNT. .lURY. MK.ST. Milton (and without) Cornwall Week com. 5th Hamilton Owen Sound Week com. 2na l/Original (and without) ('liatham March Guelph April St. Thomas Belleville St. Catharines VValk(>rton Toronto (civil) Ottawa Week com. 9th Chatham St. Thomas April Ottawa Owen Sound Brockville Belleville Week com. Brantford Sandwich 16th April Brampton (and without) Toronto Week com. Berlin (and without) Peterborough Woodstock Sarnia Cobourg Sandwich ISrockville 12th March Goderich 1 Kingston St. Catharines Week com. Barrie Colwurg 23rd April Orangeville (and without) Kiiiffston Week com. Welland (and without) Peterborough Barrie 19th March Woodstock Brantford Napanee (and without) Week com. Sarnia Cayuga (and without) Toronto (criminal) London .•«)th April Lindsay Week com. Picton (and without) Stratford 2eth March Simcoe London Pembroke (and without) Whitby Guelph Goderich Week com. 7th May Cornwall Week com. Hamilton Perth (and without) Simcoe 2nd April Stratford Week com. Walkerton Whitby Lindsay 14th May And at Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Rat Portage, with and without a Jury, on such days during the months of May and June, or in either of them, as may be appointed by the Judge assigned to take the same. And at Bracebridge and Parry Sound, with and without a jury, on such days during the months of July and August, or either of them, as may be appointed by the Judge, or Judges, respectively assigned to take the same. SCHEDULE "B," AUTUMN ASSIZES OR SITTINGS. WITH .ILIRY. WITHOUT COMMBNCB- ! WITH .lURY. WITHOUT COMMEMCB JURY. ME.NT. JURY. MK.NT. Milton (and without) Cornwall Week com. Guelph Week com. 8th L'Original (and without) Chatham 10th Sept. i Walkerton October Owen Sound Walkerton St. Catharines Toronto (civil) Ottawa Week com. St. Thomas Chatham St. Thomas 1.5th October Belleville Ottawa Brockville Belleville Week com. 1 Berlin (and without) Sandwich 22ndOotober Brampton (and without) Toronto Week com. Brantford Sarnia Cobourg Brockville 17th Sept. Peterborough Sandwich Woodstock Goderich Barrie St. Catharines Week com, Orangev ille (and without) Peterborough Kingston Barrie Week com. 24th Sept. ' Kingston \ Welland (and without) Cobourg 29th October Wood.stock Sarnia Brantford Napanee (and without) Week com. f)th ! Cavuga (and without) November Lindsav Stratford Week com. Ist October j Toronto (criminal) 1 Picton (and without) Simcoe Whitby London Pembroke (and without) London Guelph Goderich Week com. 12th Nov. Cornwall Simcoe Week com. 8th Hamilton Perth (and without) Wliitby October Lindsav Week com. Hamilton Owen Sound Stratford 19th Nov. And at Sault Ste. Marie, Port Anhur and Rat Portage, with and without a jury, on such days during the months of October and November and December, or in either or any two of them, as may be appointed by the Judge assigned to take the same. And the winter assizes and sittings at the oitit-a of Toronto, with a jury, and at Ottawa, Hamilton, and London, respectively, with and without a jury, on such da^vs during the week in which occurs the second Monday in January as may be appointed by tlie Judges respectively assigned to take the same. I 272 llEGISTUARS — COUNTY COURT CLERKS. [IWMj I 1890] RECISTR/\RS OF DEEDS, ONTAItlO. limpectof of Reiji»tiy O/^w*— Donald (Juthrie, Oiielpti, VOUNTIKSi&O. RROiSTRARS. ilcOUNTIBS.&C. I| AliOUMA E . . U.A.L.yoii.SaultS.Marie Brant I\V. H. Wo(k1, lirantford Bri'cr iW.A.. McLean, Walkert'n Carlkton. . il'. J. Coffey, Ottawa DiKKBRiN . . ,Win.McKim,Oranifevillc DuNUAS IT. McDonald, Morrislmrif Durham k.r 'Geo.C. Ward, I'ort Hope " w.R. ,)VV.McLaui,'hlin,How'vle Eloin |Jas. 11. Covnt, St. Thos. Ehsrx iJ. W. Aski'ii, Sandwich 1 Krontksac. . , J.D.'l horjpson.Kinff'ton OLRNnAHRY . .lohnSiinpsoti, Alex'dria Grksvii,i,k , I'litrickMcCrea.Prescott Urky, n.r. . . Il.McKniirht,OwcnSo'nd " 8 u. . . TliDnuisLaiuicr, Dnrliani Haldiuano. Wni. I'arker,^ra , Halibirtox E. C. YouiiK, Minden i Halton ... ! Donald ("iinipbell, .Milton Hasti.nos. . . {Dr. H. W. Day, Belleville HiRON jj. T. Dlcktioii, Ooderich! KiN08T0N(C) J.P.OilderHleeve.Kin's'nj RKOIBTRARS. coi Nriiw,&c. RROI8TRAR8. Krnt Lamrton Lanark, N.R. " H.R. Lkrdh Lk.sno.\&Ai). Lincoln .... London (C).. I.Manitoiun. iMiDDliKBKX E ! " w Mi;hrokaDih Nin'siNoDih NORPOLK . .. NORT'IM K.R " W.R Ontario. . . . Ottawa (C). Oxford P.Soi.'ndDih. Pkrl P.D.McKellar, Chatham' A. Maclean, M.D.,Harnia John MenzioH, Almonte .lames Hell, I'erth W. H. Cole, Bicickville S Gibson, Napanec H'n.J.O.Currie.St.Cath. \V. C. L. Gill, London D.K. Springier, Gore Bay John Waters, London 8. Blackburn, Glencoe J. E. Lmint, BracebridKc Wni. Doran, North Hay A. J. Donly, Simcoc A. E. Mallory, Colborne F. W. Field, "Cobo\ir(f J. Ham Perry, VVhitT>y Alex. Burritt, Ottawa G.ll.Pattullo,Wof«l8t'ck T. Kennedy, P. Sound K. Chisholm, Brampton Pkrtii, n.r . " H.R. Pktkrboro' . Prkhcott . .. ' • Pr. Edward, i KainyK.Dih. IlKNKRKW.. . Kl'HHRLI.. ... ISl.MCOK, Stormont . . Tii'N.B.Dls i Toronto E. . i ;. " ^--i '\ KTORIA . .. 1 JWatrrloo. . Wklland ... Wkllo'n.n.h " 8 R iWkntwortii 'VoRK,K&W R i " N.R 1). D. Hav, Stratfnnl P. Whelehan, St. Mary - B. Morrow, Peterhoro J. IliKKhinon, I/Ori)(iniil \V, McKenzie, Picton F.J.Apjohn.Kat Portni;o A. Irviinf, Penitii ike JaH. KeavH, Duncanvilli' Samuel i.ount, Barri*' J. C. Al^uire, Cornwall John M.Munro,PtArtirr Peter Kyan, Toronto C. Lindsey, Toronto Chaw. D. Barr, Lindsay l8aa(^ .Master, IJerlin Jas. E. .Morin, Welluid .L Anderson, Artlmr N.Hi);inbotham, Guelph L. Sprinjfer Hamilton ;L T. Gilmour, Toronf" |J,J.Pear8on,Newniarkei RECISTRATIOfI DIVISIONS, ONTARIO. DURHAM.— Bf(«t /it(ii»(/— Townships of Hope, Cavan, and Manvers ; Town of Port Hope and Village f)f MilUirook. Il'pxi /iiiiiiij/— Townships of Darlington, I Clarke and Cartwriglit. Town of Bowmanville, and | Village (if Newcastle. <;REy. — Niirth /luiiitj— Townships of CoUingwood, Euphrasia, St. Vincent, Sydenham, Holland, Sulli- van, Satawaik, Keppel, Derby ; Towii.s of Owen Sound, Meafiird anil Thornbury. SoxUh Hiding — Townships of Artomesia, Bentinck, Egreniont. Glenelg, NoiiiMiiby, Osprcy and Proton ; Towns of Durham and Murkdale. LANARK— ^ortA iJiiftni;— Townships of Ramsay, Dal- housie, Lanark. Pakenham, Darling, Livaiit and North Slierbrooko ; Village «f Lanark and Town of Almonte. Sotitk Hiding — Townships of Beckwith, Montague, Nortli Elmsley, North Burgess, Bathurst, Drummond and Smith Slierbrooko ; Town of Perth ; Town of Smith's Fills and Village of Carleton Place. MANITOULIN.— The Great Manitoulin Island: the is- lands named Cockburn, Barrie, Fitzwilliam, Lonely, Club, Wall and Rabbit. All islands between any of these and the Great Manitoulin. The islands south of the Great Manitoulin. Any islands which in whole or in part lie between headland and headland around the Great .Manitoulin. The land covered with water adjacent to the said islands and within a dis- tance of one hundred yards of high water mark. •MIDDLESEX.— £«*< s of London, Westminster, Dorchester, West Nissouri. Adelaide, Lobo, East and West Williams, .M(^Gillivray and Biddulph, Town of Parkhill, and the Villages of Loudon West, Ailsa Craig and Lucnn. Went Riding — Townships of Delaware, 'Jaradoc, Ekfrid, Mosa and Meti'uH'e; Town of Stratliroy, and Villages of Newtinry, Wardaville and Glencoe. NORrHUMBERLAND. — B(i,i« 7{irft«,7 -Townships nf Cramaho, Briglitnu, Murray, Percy and Seymour ; Villages of Colborne, Brighton, Campbellford ami Hastings. WesI /iWinj;— Townships nf Hamilton. Haldimand, Alnwick and South Monaghan ; Town of Cobouig. VERTH. -North Kidiiig -Townships North Easlhope, EUice, Logan, Elma.Mornington and Wallace; Towns of Stratford and Listovvel. South Hiding —Tovrn- sliips of South Easthope, Downie.Fullarton, Hibbert, ami Blansliard; Towns of St. Mary's and Mitchell. TORONTO EAST.--A11 the city east of Spadina avenue, and includiii'jT the !«)iind. WELLINGTON. -Ndr^/i /Jirfiii;/ -Townships of Artlinr, West Luther. Minto, Peel & Maryborough: Villages of Arthur, Clifford and Drayton ; Towns of Harriston, Mount Forest and Palinerston. South and Centre. fiidwffs— Townsliips of West Garafraxa, Erin, Eia- mosa, Piislinch, Nichol, Pilkington and Guelph ; City of Ouelph ; Villages of Fergus, Flora and Erin. YORK.— iVoWftK Wiiifl'—Townshiiis of King, Wliiteiiurch, East and North Gwilliinbury, and Georgiiia; Villages of Newmarket. Aurora, Holjand Landing and part of StoUffville. East and IVest fitdtngs— Townships of York, Markhani, Vaughan, Scarborough and Etobi- coke; Villages of Markham, Richmond Hill, Weston. Woodbridge, East Toronto, Toronto Junction, and part of Stouffville. Algoina T. A. P. Towers Brant W. B. Rubidge Bruce Matthew Goetz Carleton Jiio. P. Featherston Duflerin Jiio. McLaren Elgin David McLaws Essex F. E. Marcon Frontenac .\rcliibald .McGill •Grey George Inglis Haldimand Jos. .Mitchell Haliburton Halton W. .\. Lawrence Ha,stings A. G. Northrnp Huron Daniel McDonald Kent W. A. Campbell 'i.anihton W. R. Gemuiill COUNTY COURT CLERKS, ONTARIO Lanark Charles Rice Leeds it Grenville.. Samuel Reynolds Lennox & .Xddington . W. 1'. Deroche Lincoln lohnson Clench Manitoulin D W. S. Francis Middlesex Jno. Macbeth Muskoka Isaac Huber Nipis.sing T. J. Bourke Norfolk C. C. Rapelje Northum. & Durham. . . .Jno. Fisher Ontario L. T. Barclay Oxford Jas. Canfleld Parry Sound Edwanl Jordan Peel J. A. Austin Perth las. MacFadden Peterhoro .Iiio. Moloney Prescott }i Russell Ino. Eraser Prince Edward W. H. R. Allison Rainy River Frank J. Apjohn Renfrew A. Thomson Simcoe J. M. L. Stevenson Stor. Dundas&Glen..J.A..McDougivld Thunder Bay Jas. Meek Toronto Victoria Win. Grace Waterloo Ino. McDougall Welland I , P. Willson Wellington Win. Carroll Wcntworth S. H. Ghent York Hon. A. .M. Ross L: • ox i ■so t •A :s d S.H 8 '.sSS-S '■^ § 6 Q .a -^ 0) '^ o 1 J g jo; as -''^ s ? 5 ft. I ,. •. ■ .7 3 olHJglg^ - O Ci ■« < = Sis > 5 ■t _; < a: ; • i • - S o § 5- H :5 ;S ,; a c = < |'|l| ft. o CC • .=* i< 'X. -»> o^ -iOH>5 SHU O C. « O •< 2 J =i =5 [ISftti I ISOJ)] imSTKARS. . , Stratfnnl nan, S(. Miitv>i 'w, I'etorbdni iiHon, L'Orijfiiiai eiizie, I'ictoii 'hn.Hat Portaijo r. I'enilir iko VH, Diiiiciinvilli. ■oiiiit, Bariic ■Hire, Cornwall Muiiro.l'tArthr an, Toronto ey, Toronto Rarr, IJnclsav iNter, Herlin Uorin, W'cH.iikI •son, Arthur tjothani, tiiielph Ker Ilainiltrn Inioiir, Toronto son,Newinarkei I.iicaii. West iiradoc, Kkfrid. oy, and Villages Towimliips nf and Seynioui ; in|il)Kllforil and of Hamilton. niaK'ii'i ; Town rorth Easthope, Wallai!e; Towns Hiding -Town- lartoii.Hibhert, and Mitchell, ipadina avenue, liii).s of Artlmr, 'oiigh: Villages iisof Harristoii, ith and Centre •axa, Erin, Eia- and GiU'lph ; Elora and Erin. ig.VVIiitclmrch, irgina; Villages ling and part of —Townships of igli and Etobi- cl Hill, Weston. Junction, and ■/no. Moloney . . .Jno. Fraser . H. n. Allison ank ,1. Apjohn . A. Thomson . I.. Stevenson A.McOongald — Jas. Meek . . . Win. Grace 10. McDoiigall • IP. Willson . Wni. Carroll S. H. Ghent, n. A. M. Koss COUNTY OFKICEHS, OXTAKK). 273 «< - — "T S w - _^ ., w g Sx^ a-f a-' a CIS 5 3*" Size's ^ a . a^ . . . .^ o -i is is if -i is is is is -; H O J3 tj > - . o 5 , • i .1^ d •ji = y.r ^ — S cc c I. a 1^ ■-5 asM = ■ H O -5 -» ■^ 7. a . . I. 5 rt T^ : 2 is :•:' u &j ;s-<=i! S-s'6-^is-g.^ ■^ 5 ■E o "^ • a — i a =2 p . . £ . .^ c -< M H ^ -J :g •< ■ ■ ■ ■.•-=:; : 3 •£ 1 u •, = o ! 3 - S.J: c D — ■ ,2 ~ fl ■' =< ^ _ ii:s 2 i u~ i < - •SI -< s S u. . < o-ji .^ . ■■ *" "^^ .»' T" "a = =*'_;r"-a i> 5 ;■-- ? 2 = o .* = .i ■= ,? *"^^ ■^ ~' i; s s is < -i < 73 s a s e s: a o o < 2i (- >: .5: a 01 < i it <^ o a J J H ^ H s- J J z 3 4^ ^ ..MGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4 A /. /< ^^ A ^ 1.0 I.I 11.25 If m m U 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.4 IIIIII.6 V] <^ /a %. /a ^ ^"►v "^ o' '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 r 274 MUNICIPALITIES, ONTARIO. [1896 1896] «'5 '6 § s «^&^s ■3 > . • g ^ ^ V 0) J. 0) S 9. s '" £ a « 3 1-5<>T-S O 3 S s o S X V 5 tied .5 5 .i| .&I •J3 :a : 3 = 1 •c£| » Og -^-^1 ^ S QJ o 3 OJ b 4> B £^ ~; ^ h : :o o ^. 3 B C «1 B V a s EJfS s'i v&'s I js c S e cu^ s e. 2 S 2 P-ra o o I oj 0} ^ ,5 .£r a> lu •» 3 a> V .ST ^ c C 111 II CA C M •C So Hi :.s :fi sq n (S °PQ °K c 5 s *_, C C C w^ SQCSCOnCQ 12b a> ■ -r, c C o o "Sssai :! B B* g I gs ■tf'S ^ o B«3 U |2S-c2 222222£S§3 s s3 3 §^ll-a|-3 1 1 § § i i i S sl B : I Hi 6666 a -5 o IB 5 ■3 « io V.2 -^ < 3 C J; £•= ^2 So SWSBdMS 21] a^"ijjH e 2 - ltO C &^-f<^ - ? -P B -" j= .^ "3 3 3 c* -^ ^ „-03 c3 „r :? M 2 3 *> B « 5 »> 5 5 S 3 •£ •r bt-r c a — .B ^ o # c ^^ V I" B S5g. bS c8 4 S e: IsS'S .5 js 0) S »■ <* -" n.B a i2 ,r B -.-■c a S^ ; n B i^ S 0) V |h1 S-§g-ao3|S^J Q 31 Q flK SB 33 S ft' S "3 g B ^- [1896 rston eld.. Lake vtt: . af s !23« ■Mi g CJ? - .J! i- eS V S is c: ''S 5 «! ^ =C 1% o « i"". : : : : g JUOOOOOOO : c 5 ; |s 2ii u: cs a J! x: ~ Eb ► if "^ w 2 -r 0) '•cast 1i ^ M a - v'.S .5 c Si's ^^3 ?* • « o . o r. a .« o a . . o . J 3 S M "" o .c tOtE 3M< §"2 -•P C^ » c S c ;34)9SSo.S» 1896] MUNICIPALITIES, ONTARIO. 275 >.! *?» o u*!; a 3 « 0) a .^ 3 1? 'S o<^l^ , (j C3 k W . I Ills 111 aBi-»wai-ag> ■"J^'d" . . . .^ . i '3 2 Q •£ 5 i t a - s 2 i S'o P g S 5 c S * 2:2 0, .-< 6^ >.=:l gi^tili 2Sf|.S-s S?^.2»§3-g|S .5r'i3i-sa"n o .a as^Q^ ^^>. .§05 a -.2 >> : o . e «>.S O (JO » S l^^= iJ^ roHpa .« Siaz-^^^^d ^b j-.^^^ St! sec tia-a-g iJ it .^ '^ .-a * B Q c a 3 ^^ a <&M^ai »: ►,• 4 '>3oDaa>aa«i :j3 s « II o : c g d V V V V a?,a--SliiB m m CO ? a o _. a« " kt>M ^i^sai 0) o 2 3-.= B ■3 "3 >.S:.2 li ' B :2 i o o •W! ' o; c3 eS 5?B c-S? a'^ ^'^^^^^ ^ a B B Cb C £ 35 X oo-t^ 3 i22 ■ - N § a I u33>^i«l>W(U.S.~iS.S;5 •S5W ■Ila2 3 «-c-c-g s § a « S-a'^Tsi 3 r- O £! fc. i. 3 OOOOtf .2 . J..- to • B > go o 000 S - Hi 000 ^ a S2 OS oj ooddO ■ 3 E S SSogi it|llll E III || 11111111 B-g S;§,|| 1 1 276 MUNK- 'ALITIES, ONTARIO. [1896 O «-3 ■♦H o s s I o I — i t S '3. - o O ■■-• *> . *- "C o ? a hj . -fl . si • i^llli !Qd«3^sa.-s33| . 43 -iS ^ ^J • ■ ■^ c ■ u d ^ wills ^sii .5 .S S ^ i! oS =' IL saaaggaaaoMrio- JCl.OOM>i&>W 5i-i»3ja>» ■Co « • • • •o • • ■ B :_■ B 5, '■'•'■ 3 >>^S * ._, . to ?< CO - ^ M^^ 2 Si's '«>> : • '"'•S SS 5t-5 V c « ea rlllisliiil ooossassssg aaaanaaaaaM a 9-3 "O gC-O^ * «cQaattOHati»fi >!« p. p>; 0j ^^il ^Blll B § « J.S 8 • :-2 ; B : : ►-co la) :^B'2fl. — .2 B O-H H •~ ^ ij be a B a C u «i _ Si's -J "S oo V V V 5 . o o C >. goo a o'- s bm s da ^''.c (* a •-» a J i-s ^ -^i ^.■s||l«| S3 ^ O B *< 9 „- M B « a « a ;S 6^|!25aa«_g dia |2 B 9 ii.a f3 S " « ■gaa| i£^£a S . a^.S So o - S oT 2 fc « E a' Qp^oa ■?a»^«<[ij 3 >i ^- a" 9 a SsS So tJ-S oa«^i. P 9 CS ? oo|>2 a •a ?l -5 'C - WfgOoT illl a; 1 a^ .i : i> l-^lal-i aa> :§" •s S" : ai-S §sl o.a £'?*:S a .•2 Sal « o .S i< X >i. 3 3 rt ^ I S §i2B| : 00>JMaa ■oa-o'" § «■« a a a . ■ . . .js°^ &»ga i-si-5 1( i-S •^» a*iiirf S = ac a^'3 aaii-iijx^a S5 : O O -^ i|B22 9 O U O 0) V ^ — 5 o 5 o o OOOCSOCS '* - £ b Li g B o c a 0) >« >< be aJ 3 9 9 ? a V3 9 Sa " 9 Q§ •rI. : 2 ss; >.£ a g.a rt o .rf 'C o _ rt| _C5 111 QJ d t ; e 4* c • 8 iris i§ '55 9 Qj a 4) ■C^SIe2 ^ „ -tl a c4 b a oj o a> ^ 6 p p a c*" ^1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaGBaaaaaaaa 1896] o . « • a > CO s aj32-cS*« * «a«^.i -aS u S - ■ 8.rt.S St a o o a e ^ ;-3 S 00 . 01 . bo ■ u a ." jj s B . ^ O H i ,S'"C a t* 5 ■ aa^'.s'rjgi -. rti • a "^ . - oi.s •d a -be .M a 9: a«a£|v|ga- i-» g ■< "» l-» 1-9 '^ > > aO aalJaiJaiCaa 9 p a p o _ ^ «3 b a C C OPPPOPPPP lasaaaaaaa i ^ liiii 9 o i2 ai 5 a 5 S 'aft" pa ._! O P P Ha'-9"»'-» ua C a 9 g 1 2 s 9 "13 S^ ci ^ w a j: S * g n d 5 o 9 9 9 >.2 S , ^ kS iJ iJ iJ nJ a a I [1896 : : : -.-ZB • —> . c B « -^•a& e OS a-d xi^ Sea a a SS232S -^•S So •* - aj § '--I § ' '"'"■sec s ." •« ■^ .-s ■ a : ^^ b 9 « O «l ^ aa o Q w '/; t< 3 o c . S o o o o o 3 9 Ed 33 n Pd 03 1896] MUNICIPALITIES, ONTARIO. 277 o 5 O O O '^ '^■"^ ca; u o S e »; 3 VnT O aJ^"^ o c 5 ^"S 3'- a ■c=a •S "> - „- is o c Q i 3.43 3 O S B O S gj; •r '"OS 0) V s . ^ ■3 = ^1 •2 *«■« i|s fc. s B a ■». B 3 ? '■So 5 (Sisia • . o . .S II ■3 Q * S -i B ' SJ^ «: B c tj c 1i ►i B c ' (§5 la 0) :-2 o a w c cQ bo . . . ■3 ■ • • c « U 'S : a c a ■- 2 e =* !" = S a M 3 5 > S 3 g .-S .? ^lll^l^ aisl ■Sji -OHO 1^ g < i-» i-» i-a ■^ la ..- iT a a bus (Jp-i a M u) » IS - it .5 '■ 01 . OH • -SiS a • jjS^a " c a;I 11 a>> a rn on ".al^S5 •S « a a « a ^ S « 2 ^ ^§^ Im 0) X 0) 3 55 be o S.5^ aa" o is .- >■ [p • 5} Of .--&! §•3 1 oo< a "O .a '3 s J35 3 a 3 a >>"* « a - mtii S cjs a a Co si a - CD 2. -I S 3 c «■? : 3 a S a 3 a, a)= . ' 1JS iaaojs.311; |sBJ sSTS 3 ^1 •i* ri 3 r. a aft : J S-S|3SxS 0>J^3>o o o a^ c a,, a2 000 .a i- 2 '" -a .2 i I- .^ -3 .S is ii t" t « a:P355ci.E-t>Sca>-t^MaiOir'faOft< S i ill II III Hill 000 «l-i 3 X X 000 -.3 • ■ • !0 g J - •« l-l - ^ : a a.2 0= S a p a beu » • . . rt ii^ssiiiB'.iMllilllll'l SgagSg;z;S5ga!z;i<;gg2ig|z;ga;oOO S.'gi > 4) O a a a . -_ 000000 ll p tc= Q ki U] n QQ OOOC B .go S-2xS C 0O9J I 'S'E'H 00c MM .^ IM X X K 000 ^ a a o le c ^ j«5 a S ■ a ■ a £L fi^ (ll CU Qm PU a ,^ -a fS S B S-poSS B 6 . . a a o its . . o^ .2 >. & j! I- I. tS g-S ^aal'^ia Cco» ?a§£ o , !« a ^ o a ^o n ?■■ « 4) <5 0* -1 X -N Jstl'ldo "^ U -i OS H 33 > ig^ jg = o . = J a O ^ b ad >! ■55 a a 3 C o 5' y S oM a-' . : 4j a - tsF C o c K 4) *^ .5 O HH '-ft °5s £ •CO • a • o ■ +i ■ to ; a a as 0) 'I' lE| ,.ii£ c""^ ^ -" <" '■CS EQ O o "^■g a 2.C ! a be ■ 'P c 3 '3 = .2 2 25 K^ :|a1=1 a-Sa-S O S _- sA, • *33 .5 -SCO O ia;B cuafl i;Li33'.gS&. ^ ^ 4> S37CL.0h:£gt»OS'K a: Q tj- 55 33 St '^ d H 5 J CCo a 2 d 6 9 2 rt 5 S o 9-=-a g S rtcJcJdrtrtc«c4c3c!rtrtc«e4SS4)4)iU4i.s e S H ^ "» C C^ £ O C B ^B„3 --"IE g .Qfeco.t.s , . .... . (U . M^ a a « i-» M oot .SCSiJ Q : ^ h, sp *« .£ .. * (u t«d o t i! .1. ^ .- c li 5 g3i^S'3 gEK"^._-ai-£S H ■< d !-»' 0!) < Q ; o :S °BB ssag :« : :c : B »■« b : •§3 i «•-" i.2-cS.S'53 «d 3 >3 >ft.ia|z;cggaa ^1=53 «« <^ 2 2 B o^^M llliS'sll'l.i us, as: 3.0 : : :!^ . 0) 4} V o 0) 2 fe fe se-s-s-e >, V V V 01 v 1 V !>.' u g oj 0* QIJmJSJSJC OS w 39 1» oi an a: CO X ^ : js.cjsS.'a S B ce CO 03 «3 CO 09 as :jsj ■ • ■ : • ■St " . : : 9* ; WS5? : B :»-E J3 j; ;« rs s .Ej o o o o » u •e 5 B 3 3.S 4> S - fc cq 30 • 23 ni ?^ .2 ^ T? ^ i(2g.s^" -SCSI'S « o 5 cj 3 f: H ^ »; » r- .** C B . .•n fa J= i! S - ■S (1) w = S » 33/3 ??.a Hi as 00 ■aj a> a> .bio- oa. H hCO ' \S" eS« ?,-M d* .OSoao* . (U • en :S _ 3 ■-=■§ _cc « ai|gs B_ 3 . CO O" • 71 c3 oj rt - >,'R ■ 2 B ai'S ■■a ■ O ■ *- •as E Sictn'<_ I § "2 C50o 1896] ' cs jS a' « S Q = a >,o s la -^a ■ G ^J V d ^ V ' • • • pgcsQgoa&.Oflg f;o«icein.a .Big - ^2 BBS bC*J iU " gi§5.2^;2o go's I a = "2 ^ ® . . s vf tt.a ij bci o 9 -g a .73 tn-g ••OB •^ -a5^g'^.«^* as fH^j_N£Q 0^ fa H H '■ 3 'da,g C-l aa j^ : : 60 : M . o O (4 3 rt 3 d 3 E ^ jziaaaa'sao • ■ < • ' ^ a jj ^ 4) be; ET) ' o2333>."!ji' [1896 .2 S So i § iH- 1=1 " go ail's- o5 - C OS ' • 4) Q ■ • 41 Hcooaian/i 4) ' ' ' fc* • e> ; o.s sja.s o o o o 5 «•« ■^ 2J< *S C o 2 =a ►? "5 1-» jg Ci < -•g « C IL. 3 ^ S fc- u ) 5 * 0) 41 idwoss Z'C a* ■i fc- X 2 d oj w « si E .- >/R . = 73 C 4) - S .2 != ••c ■ [MOo < X 5-5^ O . el i M a J CO ■< tw 41 ; 'X '■■ '- iH •,js ■ • •'' s ■■$Sa Sot S I CO %i as CO a! tn 280 MUNICIPAHTli<]S, ONTARIO. [189(J S U V r OH *EiiS>««!^ ■a aj ««! !f d "^ < H •< !g>^>-^&.' UP.V ^x 1^ : :^fr : rg "■» .^.■' rig "St; 2 ; (2 i-s is ^ i-s 1-9 1.2:2 -H-^ ! .^vT cT B V w 3 £5 S 2 = g » OJ 5 <« X a-^iSisaig 'S2 « .ja l§l§ -s a . s ^ . tJ u E ?-E l-ss Mo :£: ;^. all mill »•>'• i- aj •? * fli « *«■; -^ o j#a# ij; o oi Cs; c« o -; ^iHii^JJg ;| ira i-ST:^2>2 c 5 3 353 ocmn 8 : c : 5 K K : X e J, a - o 5 2 § i Six 1896] .r C 2£3 •/I e5 3 SM ^Al Al ^ lilJl '^ S ,9 -C « - I '^ +3 rtl rt N^ fl^ -^ ■B ,5 S « = = ^a;^5w>(£aaso:sMaa;S»?;5oo;3xQai;BltS^.2^-^s ocas III C3 c) C9 ... 60 • 3 : sLi^ ansstisa ,§®S3St4cSiSrt554>o.Sr3S:S.-o*Jrt5) ■ 3 o « - 3 .a .--rO M biT; c -r > c> t '3 X r, = C-S d "^-^^ i£ti«a ^1 = 1 ■ej. : ; : ITS : S.S.S'C^'Si.B J S2t3ggl2^ BJB^OO^MB^ TJTJ l«i? ■I-SI-50' SSfe! ^C >i* C.- 'P a StJ iPQ-^is-sadjj, oa'Qaiii!aid>^'>-a! ■s-2 =• +a . r^rs SB 5s. a. 5 ,■3)° 2 M<' o III; : 3 : . o vM §33 " S = 'a 2 c 3 .J* ,■-' 3 c3Qs:*a .3 .a 3 S 00, !« >^ ic s; .'/! 3 H S 3 S .5 a -P _i 7 3 • s 3 a a a a a a a 3 MOOOOOOOO S .- a ;.5n xjSgSaa 00000 ^3 II o o 00 • 3 • ■fH 3 M 00 |o-5.5 .s||i^2|a2iif .■/!;>^aguao&aoM T1 [11 * F^ 22 .*1 . 3 O C ;:;*; a c « r/i ' ^, saa> K^a'-'*'.SK?ita3.s:3a ^K3;$H7»CbB37:aS .2 3 01.3 '■a -fi sij-asf g3^--3 Li;S2S33333 3 :(*• H • c xfe.2§ttK , „_ ___ffixaj4>oo-a ■ • c : :h .•Ca£ J [ai '^ f n.3 ■3*b :|l: 4) a g ? 3 0) be*' o S I o a V i-3: o o a I. ■P ii^ hi H L. .si's il-s 3 « 1; S.&X [18f)({ I 1896] MUNICIPALITIES, ONTARIO. 281 If. Ul h • 2 2 2 5)5 <« ;-. •■ 'I ■ .'1 5 * *-> ?- !S •" ^3 « "^ ■ • . c • ■ • • ■ cja'f^ c ■' :^£?s^. if • ' = 5 2it!2£fC tohe rris . Fo pan wbo wbu wbu liSS!^;^!5!^ -'5 5 - '-' o 5 Mjioci :_; C ■ • o S is -t^ ' 5.12 2 8 -..^ g - fc C « JSW 5 5c" g'~'c/; »-= S~ - 3 .-S- S c = o 5S gai'do a'oisi-; : .•.2 : :e '- : ^ X .5 § 2.2 cS " 2.2 3:25i- jci.aa aaB 5-H c '•^1.2 - C 01 c : C C d 5"5 t. as|'^!» .2=*! I •? 5 a das .••■'3 2 o is .t » ,9 •£ « - * S .M CO c a . • ^ . :* a e c *«.si *4 *^=2 S • « O I u; -^ •?' <: is >-: oi - M6i«Sgai*< 5g. ■■£ :y _ : 3 'js t: o » o 3 =* ^ .-5 fi c5 3 o S . . 0) ' ■ S U^ 5f to «S C > .= 3 5x <«•■>: 2 ;l? ^ V .•5s c «■ iSb'8 *- s ^ s : CO : F. = 2;fi- .as- sa »f^r '■ias «'■ M -5 4 S'^o^aJs "^ o 6 s ! ■ : : § • : c u I 3 . B p i: o 3 j: .'.a 2 3SS| <;apg;JflOWcca>iQH Ho? ■s -g Msraa 3s a2 H : 4) o a ^3.3 to H 5 £ 3 3 3 cS J CC CO M 33 M H E 35 -cbf^ ;HH5 art; 5 ..2 ij . 2 . So -a 1* !S _•■ ?S§;3£|§ s.t; g c« 4) g;^ i aj ij aj d >^ 4 !g a3oiig6.'d-3Hpi< J .? aso ?ae "H *■ " x u .y; .3 SsfJ M V r* t- O *3 O O O -,^-CLi o C ►-• £h ^^.§cg sa3| = i&3daS^9.§aJ = - «V.-p3 2 ^ ' ;0 Cix: irk^^i 5 'ji*^*^ . •«=*t^g_.■ cJ O O >■ V ^ii ;3 — 3-1 ■ • 5 ? • is is 5 ^aic ill;. •c a. ^.'^ 1=1 ~ ' i- BtZja-a^aa 3-' d. ; O 0)3.2 3^a,a- C a— 3 O _0 — »- OI li: 3 C'S J3 ^ 3 , ? 5 o i ^tj iJ;=2£t5.= s 2 bsii p. I. cS c '1 ^ ^ Sg'^l. ^ fc o o ■« "E ii : C -tJ P r "C • *^ ^'.3 =•€• .b la|= ; i- £. S 5 >" 5 ■OS 6<' Sigooi; - _ "^ S p o ;-oi-ga&:44H- = 5 gia- s5k X . . . , S :3a : '•^ ■ S-H ■ Q_ . rt 3 c a; ? = ■§ }Q C X -' S* '= ^ c -5 =* C ill ~ -)• J5 as i:~ '03 ■ sa<:> :Q 8 i.rt to ■ C • f • • ■P « •!-» c ii !« y oooocag o; ;| u c3 ; = §E3|S&S2' ] i!; a: a O Sp: U b c BH. -5 p.- ■ -5 -• !« i- S 2 . 3 •H . . r -3 sooSd S-^aS'Sb* =S 3 S.2 3 2'.H.Baaj3 S-? 9-fc** 53. 5,2P'te^ 2 =« .Seo'3 5i-'3 a l5 2£ •2?sSt5£|.3t;t£ttSt£tCSS c«csa)iia)a)K.-PCOOOOoooooi.>- 4) pj !.£ = a< «*-! ^ §25 = I -'is < 5 /T =^! " - is rt'l . . c C *^ e< d d . 282 MUNICIPALITIES IN MANITOBA. [1896 I 1896] MUNIC MUNICIPALITIES IN MANITOBA. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. All Taxes are payable to the TreMurer of the respective Municipality. Hon. J. D. Camrron, Municipal Commitiiioner. MUNIUIPALITY. Aijnrle Archie Arthur. Atsiniboia Birtle Town Blrtle filanchard Boulton Brandon City Cl^tiimlliam . Oornwallis Carberry Village Cypress North Oyp: rne Ii0uis» Mocdonald Hinnedosa Town Morden Village Miniota Morris Town Morris Montcalm Neepawa Town Norfolk North Norfolk South Oakland Odanah Pembina Pipestone Portage la Prairie Town Portage la Prairie Posen Rosedale Rapid City Town Rockwooa Rhineland Ritchot RossVium Russeii Rosser ■Sif ton Saskatchewan Silver Creek Selkirk Town Selkirk Town East Shoal Lake Shell River Springfield Stanley Strathclair St. Andrews St. Boniface Town .... St. Boniface St. Clements St. Francois Xavier MATORS AND REKVE8. CLRRKB AND TRBASURRRS, AND P. 0. ADDRIBS. A. F. Andrews, Thoresby Charles Poole, Fleming O. L. Dodds, Melita Alex. Murray, St. Charles J. S. Crawford, Mayor John Dunlop, Birtle Wm. Hedley, Oak River Wm. HembroiT, Russell J. A. Smart, Mayor Andrew Cook, Hinnedosa Geo, H. Halse, Brandon Wm. Hunt, Mayor R. McLean, Petrel E. H. Dewart, Stockton Jas. Browning, Brandon A. Prefontaine, Jolvs W. D. B. Boyd, Roseile Ji8. Origg, Welwyn T. J. Pentland, A'ikenside D. Wright, Receiver Wm. Lindsay, Emerson J. Magnusson, Ames J. L. Logie, Mayor A. J. Hughes, Souris Wm. J. Cowan, Haniiota Jacob Peters, Chortitz Ed. .McGill, Minnedosa Wm. Fraser, Fernton H. I. Richer, St. Anne W. F. Sirett, Glendale O. S. McGregor, Mekiwin D. E. Corbett, Norquay James Morrow, Silver Springs J. W. Parker, Bly thfleld Sidney Fairbairn, Mayor H. P. Hansen, Mayor J. Fleming. Arrow River Henry Snarr, Morris S. J. Collum, Moms P. Parenteau, St. Jean Baptiste. J. A. Davidson, Mayor W. B. Gilroy, Austin T. C. Forbes, Bathwell A. H. Carroll, Scuris T. H. Jat^kson, Minnedosa. : . , J. S. Miller, Manitou R. Fork, Pipestone W. J. Cooper, Mayor Wm. Fulton, Portage la "^rairie C. A. De Simencourt, Oak Point Robert Campbell, Bridge Creek. M. Turriff, Uec, Rapid City. . . . J. M. Toombs, Stonev.all Jacob Hoppner, Rosenfeld X. Fountaine, St. Agathe Jno. McPhail, Oakburn A. B. Callin, Russell D. Law, Rosser A. D. Chisholm, Griswolri Peter Campbell, Rapid City .... O. Seebach, Seeburn Jas. G. Dagg, Mayor No council. Geo. Manson, Shoal Lake A. Stewart. Shellmouth R. S. Conklin, Dugald J'^hn Borthwiok, Morden R. Morton, Elphinstonc E. B. K-itt, Parkdale J. E. Prendergast, Mayor V. Mager, St. Boniface Robt. Hay, St. Andrews P. Breland, St. Francois Xavier. John narrower. Baldur. John Parsons, Clerk ; Wm. Jones, Trea*., Declare W. F. Thomas, Melita. Frank Ness, St. Charles. Alfred Morton, Birtle. Thomas Leese, Birtle, Wm. Miller, Oak River. Kd. Armstrong, Asessipi. J. B. Whitehead, Brandon. W. T. Beilhy, Minnedosa. D. W. Shaw, Box 132, Brandon. J. O. Fitch, Box 186, Carberry. M. Collins, Carberrv. W. T. Sutcliffe, Ti-eesbaiik. F. T. Westwood, Clerk, Pendennis ; J. S. Hays, Pftul Chenard, Jolys. [Treas., Lothair. F. D. Stewart, Clerk ; C. Morrison, Treasurer, J. C. Wilkinson, Beavf>r Rapids. (Carman. A. Kennedy, Box 8.56, Brandon. D. Wright, Heneiver. Thos. Coulter, Dominion City. 9. Thorsteinsson. Gimli. S. Schooley, Gladstone. J. W. Breakey, Souris. Jos. Andrew,'Haniiota. Jacob Hiebert, Chortitz. A. R. Fanning, Newdale. G. F. Miinroe, Box 418 Winnipeg. T. Par6, St. Anne. R. Dunsmore, Franklin. M. K. Boughton, Arden Station. G. Crawford, .Swan Lake. [Treas., Pilot Mound. W. Cranston, Clerk, Clearwater; W. A. Donald, J. Cuddy. Clerk. Blythfleld ; B. Theroux, Treas., E. W. Pearson, Minnedosa. [La Salle. C. McCorquodale. Morden. Wm. Huward, Clerk, Arrow River; W. D. Paynter, F. S. Bell, Morris. [Treas., Beulah. H. B. Whitworth, Morris. Jos. Baril, St. Jean Baptiste. W. Currie, Neepawa. T. B. Vardon, SfcGregor. J. S. McAdani, Treherne. W. S. Moody, Brandon. W. H. Oitch, Minnedosa. M. Voiing, Clerk ; Jas. Huston, Treas., Manitou. A. P. Power, Virden. F. A. Whitaker, Portage la Prairie. D. McCowan, Portage la Prairie. T. Seaman, Clerk, Seamo ; C. E. Brault, Treas., W. F. Young, Neepawa. [Minnewakan. M. Turriff, Receiver, Rapid City. M. F. Frankland, Clerk ; T. McFarlane, Treas., C. Hiebsrt, Gretna. [Stonewall. C. H. Pacaud, St. Norbert. John Brodie, Rossburt. D. M. Kinnaird, Russell. W. G. Stvles, Rosser. W. J. Helliwell, Oak Lake. M. Turiff, Clerk ; Geo. Omnt, Trea.s., Rapid City. VV. McKay, Silver Creek. Thos. Partington, Selkirk. H. G. Chambers, Shoal Lake. W. S. Wallace, Shellmouth. Wm. Goodridge, Oak Bank. C. McCorquodale. Morden. J. A. Rennie, Strathclair Station. J. McDougall, Lower Fort Garry. T. Bertrand, St. Boniface. F. Carriere, St. Boniface. W. R. Young, Selkirk. P. Lavallee, St. Francois Xavier. MUNIOIPALITV. gt. Laurent 8t. Pwil Tache Turtle Mountain Virden Village Wallace Westbourne Winchester Whitehead Woodworth W oodlands ■ In the last column PQUC Aidington ... J.Ayls^ Algoimt O. Bur Ainherstburg . Sanme Athens Held B Aylmer H. H. Chos. BitUevitU .... J. J. I BUnheim .... Blchar Uothwell A Mr Brantjord . . . . Thos. UroekvilU .... Joaepl Campbell/ord. Daniel Can^ro Tp . . J. Tay Cardinal .... Magnu Chatham .... M. Ho ChrUtianltl'd J.Law Cohourg J- H. Colbwrnt F. M. CoUingwood . . Wm. J Cornwall .... A. Bel Delhi J. W. Deseronto .... J. J. » Dresden J. Chi DunnvUle ... J. Tay DunnTp .. J. Tay Eganville John Emx, S.B... A. Bn Fort Francis. Charli Fort Willifim. Allan Oananoque . . . PUiliiJ Ooderich Chas. Orey.S.R.... W. H. Omlph T. \V. Hamilton — G. F. Harriston W. H. Huron, S.R.. JWai Ingersoll C. E. Iroquois G. S. Kemptville ... E. Sa Temperature, Pr( 6 Mean Temperature Mean Temperature Highest Temperatu Month and Day — Lowest Temperatui Month and Day. . . . Annual range of Te Mean daily range.. Mean daily range, 1 Amount of Precipii Amount of Precipit Days on which rain Days on which rain Percentage of Sky Percentage of Sky ' [1896 I 1896] MUNICIPALITIES IN MANITOBA — POLICE MAGISTRATES, ETC. 283 F. O. ADORUa. 9, Treaa., Declare nig; J. 8. Hsyg, [Treos., Lothair. ison, Treasurer, [Carman. M., Pilot Mound. ; W. A. Donald, rheroux, Treas., [La Salle. •; W. D.Paynter, [Treas., Beulah. ['reas., Manitou. Brault, Treas., [Minnewakan. Farlane, Treas., [Stonewall. US. , Kapid City. MUNIOIPALITV. MATOM AUD rkivim. OLIIRKS AND TRKASURIRS, AND P. 0. ADDRIWi. 8t. Laurent St. Paul J. M. J. MiilvlhiU, St Uurent. R. R. Taylor, Middlechurch .... H.N.RWard.Cl'k; UronV ni. Henderson Richmond H W. McDougall Carp W. P. Taylor.Fitzroy Harbor John Kerr Kara Daniel McLaurin Metcalf Fred.W.Harmer, Hintonburgh DUKFKRIM. Juseph PattuUo . ..Orangeviile j Francis O. Dunbar. .Shelburne William Love Stanton | James Henry Mono Mills | R. E. Hamilton.. Qrand Valley KLOIN. I Alexander Love Avlmer A. MoBride St. Thomas A. .MoBride St. Thomas Samuel McCoU Dutton i ESflBX. I C. H. Ashdown Sandwich J. H. C. Leggatt.Amherstburg E. Allworth Kingsville Charles Bell Oxley Geo. A. Morse .... Leamington F. P. Boutellier. . . . Belle River John McCrae Windsor Wm. Laing Essex Walter Welsh Comber FRONTB.NAC. W. J. Robinson Kingston P. McKim Kingston C. Ruttan Sydenham Alex. Grant Verona John McGrath Sunburv J. Shibley Sharbot Lake OBEY. B. Allen Owen Sound David Jackson Durham Thomas Plunkett Meaford Thomas J. Rorke. . .Heathcote A. S. Van Dusen . . . Flesherton John McDonald . . . Chatsworth | D. Campbell Hanover Riohard Stephens . . . Markdale IIALDIMAND. I. D. McGregor Caledonia n. D. T. Rogers Cayuga HI. Thomas Armour Dunnville IV. R. A. Havill Rainham V. E. Birdsall Canborough VI. Charles E. Bourne Jarvis IIALIBl-RTON. I. Chas. D. Curry Minden n. Wm. Prust Haliburton III. Stephen Kettle Ursa IIALTON. I. Will. Panton Miltnn IJ. Robert Balmer Oakvil'j HI. L. Grant Gcorgetow i IV. R. J. McNabb Act<-n V. Neil McPhail. . . .Campliellv.ile VI. Jos. Robinson Burlington IIASTIMOB. I. H. Ashlcv Belleville II. F. B. Prior Wallbridge HI. A. B. Randall Shannon ville IV. Thomas McCann Tweed V. F. B. Parker Stirling VI. Arthur W. Coe Madoc VII. A. S. Valleau Deseronto VIII. Anson S. Latta Canifton IX. J. B. Young Trenton X. M. H. Powell Marmora .\I. Jas. E. Harrison . . Bridgewater XII. Dermot Kavanagh. . . L'Amable HURON. I. Charles Seager Goderich II. John Beattie Seaforth HI. W. W. Farran Clinton IV. Alexander Hunter . .Brussels V. C larles Snell Exeter VI. James Whyard . . . Dunganiion VII. John Morgan Bayfield VIH. James McGuire Wingham IX. Joseph Cowan Wroxeter X. Michael Zeller Zurich XI. William Lewis Crediton XH. Will. Campbell Bly th KENT. I. Wm. B. Wells Chutham 11. J. Duck Ridgetowii HI. James T. Smith Dresden IV. Archibald Samson. . . Blenheim V. D. C. McDonald, Wallaceburgh VI. George Moore Bothwell VII. D, R. Farquharson ... Fletcher i LAMBTON. I. George Leys Sarnia . II. Wm. McLeay Watford ' III. John Webster Florence I IV. Wm. W. Stover Sombra ; V. Thomas R. K. Scott . . . Forest I VI. M. Wattson Thedford , VII. John McRae Mooretown VIH. W. G. Eraser Petrolia 1 IX. R. Cotle Alvinst " i LANARK. I I. Robert Jamieson Perth i n. W. A. Field Lanark j HI. Findlay McEwan, Carleton PI. i IV. G. F. McKinnon, Smith's Falls I V. Alex. Graham Pakenham | VI. Wm. P. McEwan Almonte I [284] LEKDS AND ORBNVILI.E. I. David B. Jones Brocl< ville II. James B. White Prescott III. S. McCammon Ganunoque IV. O. Basroni Kem|)tville V. E. H. Whitmarsh, Merrickville VI. L. W. Phelps Phillinsville VII. C. A. Wootl Tolido 'III. L. S. Lewis Newboro' IX. Isaac C. Alguire Athens X. George Fairbaim, Spencerville XI. J. B. Bellamy .. North Augusta XII. M. J. Connolly Caintown LENNOX AND ADDINOTON. I. Alfred Knight Napniiee II. F. W. Armstrong Rath HI. J. J. Watson. . . .Adolphustonn IV. Peter Johnstone, Camden Kast V. Wm. Whelan Centrevllle VI. J. A. Zimi.iennaii Odessa VII. Jas. Aylesworth.. ..Tamwortli LINCOLN. I. J. B. Seoord Niagara II. W.A.Mittleberger.StCathariii's HI. John Roszel Smithville IV. Chas. E. Riggins. . .Beamsville MANITOULIN. I. Samuel Jackson Gore Bay II. JohnCarruthers,LittleCurreiit HI. W.J. Tucker. . .Manitowaninir IV. W.J. Tucker. . .Manitowaniiijr V. Peter J. Anderson. . .Gore liny MIDDLESEX. I. J. W. Mcintosh Londrin II. W. Dickson Park Hill HI. R. J. McNaiuee Mooretown IV. W. C. Harris Delaware V. Geo. Wilson Glencoe VI. Edward Rowland .... Strathrov VII. E. T. Shaw .. Dorchester Stat'n VIII. W. R. Westlake Aiva IX. E. S. Jarvis London MUSKOKA DISTRICT. I. T. M. Boweniian . . Bracebridite II. W. R. Tudhope ..Gravenhurst TIL J. R. Reece Huntsville IV. FredD. Stubbs. ..Port Carlitij: NII'ISSIXO DISTRICT. I. J. D. Cockburn, Sturgeon Falls II. John McMeekin Mattawa III. J. G. Corniack North Bav IV. Thomas J. Ryan Sudbury V. J. B. A. Pigeon . . . Nosbonsin;; NORFOLK. I. Chas. E. Freeman Simcoe II. Abram M. Tobin . . . Waterford HI. Robt. Green, Windham Centre IV. James F. Cohoe Ronson V. M. J. McCall Vittoria VI. A. P. Barrett Port Rowan VIL D. C. Brady Houghfon VIII. Lawrence Skey.. ..Port Dove i' NORTIIUMBRRLASD AND DURHAM. I. Fred. Ci."''*t Bowmanville II. Samuel Wilmot Newcastle III. George M. Furby. ..Port Hope IV. Henry EUiolt Osaca V. A. G. Boswell Cobonrg VI. Henry Lawless Grafton VII S. E. Dixon Colbornc- VIII. R. B. Macklani...... IX R. P. Hurlburt....W X. T. R. Garrett XI. Daniel Kennedy ,CBn ONTARIO. I. D. C. Maodonell II. M. Gleeson C III. John Burnham .. .1 IV Jos. E. Gould V. Geo. Smith C \I. George F. Bruce... . VII. F. J. Gillespie I OXFORD. I. F. W. Macqueen...' II. Chas. K. Cur.ey... III. Jas. Munro IV. James Barr V. James Stevens — ■ VI. John 0. Ross T PARRY SOUND OIBTI I. D. McFarlane . ..Pi H. David Patterson.Mc HI. William Ditchburn IV. Walter Sharpe .... I V. J. G. Best W VI. R. B. Mbw VII. James Dunn PERL. I. J. W. Main IL T. K. Beatly III. John Harris IV. David Pearoy PERTH. I. David B. Biirrltt. . II. O. K. Matheson . . IH. E. Long IV, George Brown.... I V. Thomas Trow VI. Francis W. Hay.. PBTBRBOROUOt I. F. J. Bell II. Thomas Eraser . . . III. James McNeill.. . IV. W. Sherln V. 0. R. D. Booth PRESOOTT AND RU 1. David Buchan — H. John Shield*....^ III. Wm. Allison " IV. Joseph Belanger. " V. J.S. Cameron.. . VI. A. Carson VII. M. J. Costello... VIH. John Downing. . IX. Frederick Langr Algoma — Provincial District of Algoma. Bruce Carleton, Elgin Essex Grey Hastings Huron Kent Lambton L eeds and Greiiville . In Canada, under however, some of the continue the juriedict wick. Prince Rlward 1 It consisted of the G< the Judge In Enuity b now at the head of th adultery, cruelty or k 1791, and consisted of Court was added, and 1836, received a Court the power of granting ver Island and the Mc 19th November, ISiJS, west Territories, divo The rules of the Seno or relief as would be ordinary private Act > 18961 DIVISION COURT CLERKS — JUNIOR JUDGES. 286 W BNVILLK. . .Brock ville r I'rescntt .C>anaiio(|iie . Keniptvilie in, Merripkville I'hillliwville Toll-do • ■ • Newboro' '6 Athens im, Spencerville North Au)fiista C«intown DDI.VOTON. . . .Napaiiee "Sr Rath AdolphustoHii e, Camden Kast Centreville la" Odessa h — Tamworth Niagara ifer.StCatharin's Smith ville ns. ..Beamsville LI.V. n Gore Hav rs.LittleCurrerlt . .Manitowanintr . .Manitowjniiijf son... Gore nav KX. ' Londn.i Park Hill ! — Moorefowii Delaware Glencoe d — Strathroy )rchester Staf'ii Arva London ITRICT. i..Bracebridire ..Gravenhurst — Himtsville ..Port Carlins; TRICT. Sturgeon Falls Mattawa — North Bav Sudhiuy . . Nosbonsinn ■n Sinicoe ...Waterford ndham Centre Ronson Vittoria . . Port Rowan . . ..HouKhton . ..Port Dove.- 'D Dl'RHASI. .Bowman ville . . . Newcastle . . . Port Hope Osaca Cohonrf,' Gratton — Colborne VIII. I.\. .\ .VI. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. II. III. IV. V. VI. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. I. II. III. IV. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. III. VI. VII. VIII. IX. K. H. Maeklani Brlithton K. P. Ilurlbiirt . .Warkworth T. R. Garrett Wooler Daniel Kennedy,Canipl)ellford ONTARIO. D. C. Maodonell Whitby M. Gleeson Greenwood John Burnham .. .Port Perry Jon. E. Gould Uxbrldxe Geo. Smith CanninKton George K. Bruce Beaverton K. J. Gillespie Uptertcrove OXFORD. F. W. Macqueen.. .Woodstock Chos. K. Curi'ey . . Drumbo Jag'. Munro Embro James Barr Norwich James Stevens Inuersoll John 0. Ross TilBonl)urgh PARRY BOUND DISTRICT. D. McParlane ... Parrv Sound David Patterson.MoKeUarP.O. William Ditchburn . . . Rosseau Walter Sharpe .... Burk's Falls J. G. Best Magnetawan R. B. Maw Coinmanda James Dunn Sundridge PERL. J. W. Main Brampton T. K. Beatty Streetsville John Harris Caledon David Pearcy Bolton PKRTH. David B. Biirritt Stratford G. K. Matheson Mitchell E. Lon« St. Mary's George Brown. . . .Shakespeare Thomas Trow Milverton Francis W. Hay Listowel PSTBRHOROrOII. F. J. Bell Peterboro' Thomas Fraser Norwood James McNeill Keene W. Sherin Lakefleld 0. R. D. Booth Apsley PRR8COTT AND RrSSBLL. ( David Buchan L'Orignal John Shield^.. ..Vunkleek Hill Wm. Allison Stardale Joseph Belanger..Plantairenet J. S. Cameron. . . .Cumberland A. Carson Russell M. J. Costello Hawkesbury John Downinfir. Fournier Frederick Langrell Alfred X. XI. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. I. II. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. vni. T. Roohan Clarence Creek Peter Stewart Grant PRINCK RDWARD. Fretl. Slaven Picton Henry H. Haight Milford C. H. Wright... Deinorestville W 0. DeLong.. . Ameliasburg John W. Clarke Wellington A. B. Hajlor Bloonifleld . H. Crane. Consecon B. E. Harrison Wau]MK>8 RAINY RIVKR. p. H. Clark Rat Portage C.J. Hollands. ..Fort Francis RENKRKW. W. C. Irving Pembroke H. R. Dunn Beauhburg George Eady, jun Renfrew O. E. Neilson Arnprior T. F. OOomian . . . Shamrock James Reeves Eganvllle Robert Allen CoLden John C. Gume.v . . Rockingham SIMCUK. I. John C. McNab Barrie II. Thos. S. Graham .. Bradford III. Geo. ChrysUI . , Beeton IV. R. G. Campbell... CoUlngwood V. Abraham Craig. .. .Craighurst VI. J. P. Henderson Orillia VII. Jas. A. Mather New Lowell VIII. J. G. Hood Alliston IX. A. McNamara.Penctang'ishene X. John C. Steele Cold water STORMONT, DUNDA8 AND ULENOARRY. I. G.II.MoGillivray.Williamsto'n II. D. B. McMillan. . . .Alexandria III. C. J. Mattice Cornwall IV. A. Dawson . . Dickinson's Lan'g V. John F. Millar — Morrisburg VI. J.N. Tuttle Iroquois VII. Wm.J.Ridley, South Mountain VIII. John A. Cockbum Crj'sler IX. D. C. McRae.North Lancaster X. Win. Rae Chesterville XI. D. Mcintosh Strathmore XII. John D. Mcintosh . . Alexandria THUNDRR BAY DISTRICT. I. Neil McDougall. . . Port Arthur II. John Aikins. .Eng. River P.O. III. W. McLean Fort William VICTORIA. I. Peter Mclntyre Woodvilie II. Edward D. Hand Fenelun Falls III. Irvine Junkin Boltoageon IV. Jas. D. Thornton Omemee V. O. J. MrKlbbln Lindsay VI. J. F. Ounninits Oakwood VII. A. C. Graham ..Victoria RomI WATRRLOO. I. A. J. Petenton Berlin II. James D. Webster... Preston IH. Thos. Field Gait IV. John Ailchin. ..New Hamburc V. Alfred Boomer Linwood VI. W. H. Winkler St. Jacob* VII. W. D. Watson Ayr WKLLANO. I. G. L. Hobson Welland II. Paul J. Wilson MarshviUe III. E. Cruikshank Fort Erie IV. J. A. Orchard.. Niagara Falls S. V. Thos Conlon, Jr Thorold VI. A. K. Schofleld . . Port Colborne WBLLINOTON. I. George Howard Ouelph II. Wm. Nichol Morriston III. Hugh Black Rookwood IV. Hugh Mtchell Fergus V. Thos. Young Erin VI. Heniy Clark Elora VII. L. K. Adams Drayton VIII. Joseph Driscoll Arthur IX. Joseph Pattullo. ..Orangeville X. John Livingstone. . . Harriston XI. James C. Wilkes.Mount Forest XII. L. R. Adam Drayton WKNTWORTII. I. H. T. Bunbury Hamilton II. V. D. Suter Dundas III. Hugh Thompson.. Waterdown IV. W. McDonald Rockton V. J. C. Moore Stony Creek VI. L. A. Gurnett Ancaster VII. John McClemont Glanford VIII. Samuel C. Wright . . . Binbrook IX. R. L. Gunn Hamilton YORK. I. A. M-^Lean 1 oward. .Toronto II. John Stephenson .. Unionville HI. J. M. Lawrence. Richmond Hill IV. David Lloyd Newmarket V. Warren P. Cole Sutton VI. A. Armstrong Lloydtown VII. John Nattress Woodbridge VIII. John Linton .'. Weston IX. J. H. Richardson... West Hill X. E. H. Duggan Toronto JUHIOR Algoma — Provincial Judicial District of Algoma Edward O'Connor. Bruce Alphonse Basil Klein. Carleton Wm. Mosgrove. Elgin Chas. O. Z. Ermatinger. Essex Michael A. McHugh. Grey Duncan Morrison. Hastings Kdison Baldwin Fraleck Huron Bernard Louis Doyle. Kent Robert Stuart Woods. Lambton John Alex. Mackenzie. Leeds and Grenville James Reynolds. JUDGES, OflT/VRIO. I Middlesex Edward Elliott. Northumberland & Durham . .Jay Ketohum. I >ntario George II. F. Dartneil. Renfrew Thomas Deacon Simcoe Wm. Fuller Alves Boys. Stormont, Dundas « Gleng'ry . . Robert Baldwin Carman Waterloo Duncan Chisholm. Wellington Joseph Jamieson. Wentw'orth John Muir. York Edward Morgan. " F. M. Morson, '2nd Junior Judge. DIVORCE COURTS IN CANADA. In Canada, under the Union Act, 1867, divorce is one of the subjects assigned to the Feondville Perce Montreal Huntingdon Iberville Amherst I^aurent Montrer.l Joliette Kamouraska Roberval liuprairie L'Aafoniption Ste. Rose Levis St. Jean Port Joli Ste. Croix Louiseville Inverness Bedford Ste. Julienne Montmagny Chateau Richer Montreal Montreal Napierville Becancour Hull Bryson Cap Santa Quebec Sorel Richmond Matane Rimouski Marieville Tadousac Waterloo Sherl)rooke . . Coteau-Landing . Stanstead Plain Coaticcok Ste. Anne St. Hvaciiithe St. Jean Trois-Rivieri s Kraserville Three Rivers Terrebonne Vandretiil Vercheres Ham-Sud St. Francois .H8ni8TRAR8. Thomas Barron M. J. A. Poisson J. Morel Joseph Mayer Taschereau Fortier L. S. Forgues J. A. Lnferricre L. P. Lebel James Verge H. S. Foster P.E Hurteau&J T. A. Robert. . Tancrede Trudel J. A. Martin J. T. Fortin A. H. A. Gognier Ovide Bosse Calixte Hebert Sanuiel Orr Dosithe Dupras & C. E. Camiei Frs. Fortier Bernard &, Millar Jos. X. Lavoii^ F. Filiatreault John Campbell Bruce M. A. Bessette E. A. BraKSi't F, X. Lachance F. Filiatreault Martel & Beaudqin Adelard Boucher C. Lindsay J . Brosseau B. Kocher J. A. E. Oaimet L. N. Carrier O. Couture C. Caron W. H. Lambly Harvey Beatty A. E. Thibaudeau .. .. E. Lavergne G. Dick W. H. Ryland J. C. Auger A. Richardson J. A. Blondin L. Duhamel Walter Rimer H. Q. de St. Georges . . Hon. Ed. Remillard . . . Jules Chevalier John Ewing J. B. Saucier Edouarrl Letendre H. E. Poulin O. Bouliane Jos. H. Lefebvre Henry William Lovell . .'08. Stevens A. N. Thoiupson Otis Shurtleff Jos. 'I'hibault Jos. Nault J. P. Carreau R. Kiernan L. V. Dumais R. Kiernan L. G. I.achaine K. de Salles Bastien , . Jos. Geoff rion O. Lamoureu.< Jules A Hard Srchrtart-Trkasurbrs. G. J Walker. L. Lavergne. P. S. Beauregard. E. H. Bisson. C. Bolduo, N. Mercier. A. Demers. J. E. Fay. P. Brais. W. J. Trudel. G. A. Kane. B. Vannier. E. V. Hudon. Frs. Fortier. J. F. Cay a. Wm. Flynn. R. Hyndman. J, N. O. Beauregard. J. Z. Dubeau. A. Cabana. A. J. A. Roberge. Jos. E. Duhamel. P. O. Grenier. Michel Roberge. Arsene Michaud. B. (iarneau. A. Tetrault. J. B. Rousseau. E. A. Archambault. F. G. Bernier. A. Lefrancois. A. BarMtte. A. O. Desilate. VV. J. Lervy. L. P. Bernard, J. A. Villiard. W. Brooke. F. F. Bourseau. J. H. Joncas. G. Bombardiec Alfred Larouche. W. Griffith. R. N. Thompson. J. 0. Guertin. E. Archambault. L. A. Lord. J. D. N. Bastien. J. B. Brillon. O. Lamoureux. Louis Verouneau. 1896] CI CLERKS OF Tl /APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES Ifl CAN/\DA. By the British North American Act it is provided that the Governor General shall appoint the Judges of tho Superior, DiHtrict and County Court, except those of the Courts of Probate in Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick, and that their salaries, allowances and pensions shall be fixed and provided by the Dominion Parliament. It is also provided that the Judges of the Courts of Quebec shall be selected from tr.e Bar of that Province, and there is a similar provision for the selection of the Judges in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, until the laws relat;^•e to property and civil rights and the procedure of the courts in those Provinces are made uniform — Statii'ical Record. Districts. Arthabaska Beauce . . . . Beauharnois. Bedford Chicoutimi . . . Gaspe— Perce Oasoe-N.Carlisle Iberville Joliette . Kanr.ouraska — Lac St. Jean — Montmagny — Montreal Ottawa Pontiac Quebec Richelieu Rimouski Soguenay St. Francois . . . St. Hyacinthe Terrebonne . . Trois-Rivieres Winnipeg La of Winnipeg, tl John, St. Jaiiie St. Francois Xo River Settleme Pointe and the ing lot 299 w ol 12, rgs 2 w to e to 4 w ; that Shoal Lake, an DiMfici iieijx District lieQiv of the District Brandon La: to 12, r(fg 13 to District lie; Dep uty of the Cou Lisgar— Plessif Gimli Manchester, . . Rookwood . . . Shoal Lake . . Souris River . Turtle Mounta The countiei titles may be i [1896 lliard. 3ke. jurseau. )nca9. hardier. jarouche. nth. hompson. lertin. niDbaull. Drd. . Ijastien, illon. Jiireux. erouneau. the Judges of thn i and New Bruns- liiiion Parliament, that Province, and ' Brunswick, until rovinceg are made 1896] CLERKS, SHERIFFS, CORONERS, ETC., PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 287 '^ CLERKS OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS, SHERIFFS, COROflERS, ETC., OF THE PROVI|«CE OF QUEBEC. 1. .- Crown Solioi- art-Trkasurers. Districts. CiiKRKS OF Courts. Sheriffs. Coroners. HioH Constables. TORS for alkpr. rtfne. Arthabaska L. Kainville and H. Tousignant iSi Dr. Cheneflls J. E. M■* .Moiphy, W. S. Morphy. Prlngle, R. H. Stonehoiise, Edwa Main St. Brantford, Co. Br Bairil .t Mendcrsoi Andrew L. Hair Hciid'-rsoti. Brewsi . Muivhei Dalhmisie !St. B..\., Ct. H. .Ml (Jeorge D. lleyd Bowlbv,.iohnW..C Hanly, Wilkes & I St. Hon. Arthu .■\lfred .1. Wilke Hardv. Harley & Sweet, C Jas.IIailey,Edni Hewitt, John T., ■ Heyd, Louis F., Dalhousic Sts. Jones, William D housie St. Mackenzie, Vale Queen St, Miiir,MattliewI''.,l Oles, Chas. E., 42 RoswcU, JohnW housie St. Van Norman, G. House. Wade. Thos. S.,1 Wilkes, Walter A Wilson & Watts, ( .McK. Wilson, Watts, LL.B., 1 Woody at t, Thom; Brighton, ('o. No Field, McColl & Field, B.A., J liourg and C( Drewrv. B.A., •Gordon, Ja?. Wil Irvine, Chas. R. BrocKville, Co. I Brown & Frasei O. K. Fraser. BucU. W. S. Deacon, Joseph, Fulford, Chns. C Hutcliesnn & V Hutcheson, Al Marshall. Isasu! I O'Brien, Daniel. O'Brien, James. Pajic, J. A. Reynolds, E. J. Stiiwurt, Hugh . Wood it Webste G. It. Webstei Wri^4it,W. J. Brussels, Co. H Klnir. G. F. Sinclair, W. M. Taylor, R. L. BurK's Falls, Pa Martin, Ed. R. Caledonia, Co. Crorar, Crerar, Hranch offlce Campbellford, C Coiville, A. L. 19 lv)9()J ONTAllIO LAW LIST. 289 5 the publiahers ny names have iitor Canadian ^ront St., East, ^azier, Malcolm :e St., North, idge St., North. •iageSt..South. rent St., East, est., North. I. W.B. Nor- oberts, Bridge Bnt;-t., East. Bridge St., N. VV. S. Morden. St Front St. ;r, E. Front St. sS., Front and ell St., South. 00. ;. Ward H. P. Clement. t. urham. h. 11. ika. oe. s. in W. BenyoM. J. Blain.O. J. ICoyd \' Enrnj;v . .lustiii & Scott.' B. F.. Justin, LL.B., W. K. .Scott. Mcl-iiddpii & Graham. W. H. McK'uldeii, E. G. Graham. .MoKechnie, .\rchibald. Mannintr, .lohii J. Mnrphv iSj .Morphy. Thos. Morphv, W. .'4. Morphv.' Pringle, R. H. Stoiiehouse, Kilward, Times Bldj;., Main St. Brantford, ('«. Tiiant. Baird dt KendiTson, C(i Market Si. Andrew L. liaird, LL.B., VV. T. Hciiil'rsoii. Brewsi . Miiirhead & Heyd, tSO Dalhimsie St. W. S. Brewster, B.A., G. H. .Muirhead. B.C.L., Georjje 1). llevd. Bowlbv, .: ohn \V.'. Q.C. ,12 MarlL Bankier. (See card.) Culham & Witton, Bank of Com- merce Building. J. A. Culham, Harrv B. Witton. Duff, W. A. H., 67 James St. s. Evans, W. T., 14 Main St. e. Farmer & Fanner, 34 Main St. e. T. D. J. Farmer, John G. Farmer. Furlong & Beasley, 28 James St. s. Edw. Furlong. Alex. C. Beasley. Gage & Burkholdcr, 61 John St. s. Robt. R. Gage, C. E. Burkholder. Gibson, Martin & Osborne, Bank of Commerce Building. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Q.C., George E. Martin, W. W. Osborne. Haslctt, Thomas C, 28 James St. s. Jelfs, G. F.. Police Mai?. Office. .lones, J. W., 67 James St. s. Kerr, Geo. S., 67 James St. a. Kudwles, W. E. S.,27 King w. Lazier & Monck, 42 James St. S. F. Lazier, Q.C., J. F. Monck. Lenioti, Chas., 32^ Hu^hson St. s. I.iving.ston, W. Churchill, 16 James St. s. Livingston & Garrett, 28 James St. s. A. K. Garrett, Stuart Living- ston, LL..B. Lovering, W. H., Hughson St s. Lyall, T. F., 17-19 King w. .Alacdoiiald, Walter R. ,69 JamesSt.s. MacKeloan, F., Q.C, Bank of Com- merce Building. .MacLennan, J. K., 24 James St. s. Martin & Martin, 47 James St. s. Edward Martin, (^.C, E. K. C. Martin, D. Martin. Martin, F. B.. 32* Hughson St. s. McClemont, W. M., 28 King St. w. Mcwburn & Ambrose, 30 .Main St. c. S. C. iMewburn, E. H. Anibiosc .Mills, O. H. 47 James St. Nesbitt, Gauld & Dickson. Canuda Life Chambers. J. W. Nesbitt, y.C, John G. Gauld, Juiiies Dickson. Papps, Geo. S., 69 James St. s. Patten, L. H., 17 Main St. e. Robertson, H. H., 2 James St. n. Ross, W. L., Trailers Bank Bldy. Scott, Lees & Hobson, 47 James St. s. Jno. J. Scott, Wm. Lees, Thos. Hobson, G. A. M. Young. Smith & Martin, 8 Main St. i. L. C. Smith, F. R. Martin. Staunton & o'Heir, 24 James 8t. s. Geo. L. Staunton, A. O'Heir. Teetzel, Harrison & McBrayne, Traders Bank Bldg. J. V. Teet- zel, Q.C., Jno. Harrison, \V. S. McBrayne. Thompson, G. C, 67 James St. s. Waddell, J. N., Court House. Wofidell, F. R., Omrt House. Walker it Phelps, 17 l\ing St. w. W F. Walker, t^.C, W. L. I'helps. Wardropcit Carpenter, IS Man St. e. W. H., Wardrope, lliiu'v Carj-enter. Washnigton, S. !•"., Hamilton I'rnvi- dent Chambers. Withersjioon, K. W., 26 Main St. !■ Harriston, Co. Wellington. Campbell, A. G. Ebbels, W. D. Kawl^esbury, Co. Prescott. Lawlor, Herbert W. Hensall, Co. Huron. Smith, W. Cameron. Hespeler, (Jo. Waterloo. Morgan, (!odfre.\- St. V. Huntsvllle, Muskoka. SIcMurrich, Coatsworth, Hoilgin? & Grant. Wilgress, G. S. Ir^gersoll, Co. Oxford. Hegler & Hegler. J. C. Hegler. J. H. Hegler. Holcroft, W. W. Jackson, J. B. McDonald, James F. Vance, Jas. Walsh, Michael. Wells, Thos. V Kemptville, Co. Greuville. Ferguson, G. H. French & Allen. F. J. French, Q.C., L K. Allen. Kidd & Jones. G. E. Kidd,'U. Morton Jones. Kinoardine, Co. Bruce. Lo-scombe, W. C, Q C. Slacpherson, James A. Scott, James H. Stewart, James M( K. Kingston, Co. Frontenac. Agnew, James, City Btiildings. Bawden, .las., 194 Ontario St. Britton &, Whiting, 69 Clarence Street. B. M. Britton, Q.C., Jno. L. Whiting. Brown, Fred. M., 159 Wellington St. Cunningham, A. B., 79 Clarence St. Kirkpatiii'k & Rog St. Hon. G.A. K R. V. Kogers, q. King, F., Ontario i and Clarence. Kirki).itrick, F. G. Macdone'l & Fan St. G. M. Macdc Farrell. Machar, J. M., 38' Macnee, Jas. IL, 1 Mudie, John, 89 C Mundell, Wm., V, Mclntyre & McI St. E. John D. M. Mclntvre. Shaw, Robert, 332 Skinner, J. S., 79 Smythe, Smith iS Chambers, Kinj E. H. Smythe, (j Herlierl i. Lvon Snook, T. S., 2(M)( Strange, Jno., 95 ( Sullivan, W. H., 3 Walkeni .fc Walki St. R. T. Wall Walkem. Webster, C. R., 1! Kingswille, Co. I' Clement, U. V. Smith, W. A. Lancaster, Co. G Macdonald, Jno. Stewart, Wm. Lean^ington, Co. Douglas d Dough Easton i.<: Gundy W. A. Gundy Hanna & Cowan. Lii\dsay. Co. Vici Barron & Steers. Q.C., Wm. Slee Devlin, A. P. Hopkins, G. H. Macdonell, Allan .Mclntyre & Stev Intyre, Q.C., Tl McLaughlin & M McLaughlin, M F. A. McDiami McMurchy, N. A. McSweyn & And Sweyn, D. B. A Moore & Jacksoi Alex. Jackson. O'Leary, Hugh, ( Listowel, Co. Pel Darling & Blewet F. R. Blewett. Morphy & Carthe J. M. Carthew. Terhune, J. E. L'Orlglnal.Co.Pr Constantineau, i dillan.C. E. Lawlor, Herbert Maxwell, John O'Brian & Hal O'Brian, Willii Thistlethwaite, 1 London, Co. Mi Bartram, W. H. Bayly & Bayly, Bayly, <^C., 1 Beatlie, J. H. A, Blac: ■ 'rn & C< H. S. Blackbu Casey, Avery, 4( Chishohn, A. O. [iM)a e, 30 .Main St. l>. 2. II. Aiul)i(iso. 68 St. ickson, Caiiiida J. \V. Ncstiiti, liauld, James allies St. 8. iiiii St. e. James St. n. •8 Hank Bldj;. )soii, 47 James )tt, Win. Lees, A. M. Younn-. i Main St. t. . Martin. U James St. s. A. U'Heir. & McBrayiip, ig. J.V.Teti- arrison, \V. S. James St. s. It House, rt House. Kinjf St. w. il.V., W. I,. ter, IS Ma'n St. (Irope, Heiir.v lamilton I'rnvi- , -.'G Main .'^r. i- lillgtou. rescntt. arloo. . V. a. orth, Hod^^ins nl. J. C. Hejrier. nville. f. J. Freiicli, E. Ki(l(l,-R ice. C. enac. Bulldinjfs. itiirio St. (19 Clarence on, Q.C., Jno. 50 Wellington '0 Clarence St. II: 1896] OXTARIO LAW LIST. 291 Kirk))atii('k & Rogers, 194 Ontario St. Hon. U.A. Kirki>atrick,Q.C., R. V. Itogei-s, q.V. Kiniir, F., Ontario Chambers, K:nK and Clarence. Kirkpatrick, F. G., 93 Clarence St. Macuoiu'M & Farrell, 38 Clarenc.: St. li. M. Macdonell, Q.C., J. Jf. Farrell. Machar, J. M., 38 Clarence St. Macnee, Jas, H., 194 Ontario St. Mudie, John, 89 Clarence St. Mundell, Win., V,l Wellintfton St. Mclntyre & Mclntvre, 304 Kinjj St. E. John Mclntyre, Q.C., D. M. .Mclntvre. Shaw, Robert,' 332 Kinp St. e. Skinner, J. S., 79 Clarence St. Smythe, Smitli & Lyon, Ontario Chaniliei's, Kinff and Clarence. K. H. Smythe, Q.C., C. F. Smith, Herlierl I. Lvim. Snook, T. S., -iiM) Ontario St. Stranjfe, Jno., 95 Clarence St. Sullivan, W. IL, 30 Clarence St. Walkeni iSc Walkeni, 93 Clarence St. R. T. Walkeni, q.C, J. B. Walkeni. Webster, C. R., 101 Wellinjfton SI. Kingsville, Co. ICssex. Clement, R. V. Smith, W. A. Lancaster, Co. Olengarry. Macdoimld, Jno. Sa.iutleld. Stewart, Win. Learqington, Co. Essex. Douglas & I>ouf;la.s. Eoston I'ij Gundy. W. T. Easton, W. A. Gundy Hanna & Cowan. 11. D. Cowan. Lindsay. Co. Victoria. Karron & Steers. Jno. A. Barron, Q.C., Wm. Steers. Devlin, A. P. Hopkins, O. H. Macdonell, Allan S. .Mclntyre & Stewart. D. J. Mc- lntyre, Q.C., Thos. Stewart. McLaufifhlin & McDianiiifl. R. J. McLau);hUn, M. H. McLaughlin, F. A. MoDiamiid. McMurchy, N. A. McSweyn" & Anderson. John Mc- Sweyii, D. R. Anderson. Moore & Jackson. F. D. Moore, Alex. Jackson. O'Leary, Hutfh, Q.C. Listowel, Co. Perth. Darliiifr & Blewett. J. L. Darling, F. R. Blewett. Morphy & Carthe w. H. B. Morphy, J. M. Carthe w. Terhune, J. E. L'Original, Co. Presc't & Russell. Constantiiieau, A. dillan.C. E. - ' littwlor, Herbert W. Maxwell, John O'Brian & Hall. Colin Grcgor O'Brian, William Samuel Hall. Thistlethwaite, F. W. Lor)don, Co. Middlesex. Bartram, W. H., 99 Dundas St. Bayly & Bavly, 404 Talbot St. R. Bayly, q.'C, K. A. B.yly, LL.B. Heatlie, J. H. A., 874 Dundas St. Bloc: ■ -'rn & Cox, 124 t'arlinK St. H. S. Blackburn, A. B. Cox. Casey, Avcrv, 402 Richmond St. Chisholui, A. O., 78 Dundas St. Clarke, Win. J., 180 Dundas St. Cowan, R. K , Bank of Commerce Buildings. Croiiyn & Betts, Huron & Erie Buildings. Richmond St. \'. Cronyn, F. 1'. Betts, H. Cronyn. Elliot k Jarvis, 59 Dundas St. Hume Blake Elliot, Chauncey G Jarvis, Essery, E. T., 143 Dundas St. Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald, 171 Dun- das St. W. C. Fitzgerald, W. E. Fitzgerald. Flock & Flock, Carling Block. J.H. Flock, Q.C, E.W..M. Flock. Fraser & Eraser, 404 Talbot St. J. H. Fraser, Q.C, .M. D. Fraser, J. P. Moore. Gibbons, McNabb & Mulkern, Richmond and Carling St. Geo. C Gibbons, QC, P. Mulkern, Fred. F. Harper. Graydon & Graydon. H. M. Ciray- don, N. P. praydon. Greenlees, A., 422 Richmond St. Gunn & Harvey, 412 Richmond St. Geo. C Gunn, W. J, Harvey. Hellinuth, Ivey & Bartlett, Bank of Commerce Bids. I. F Hell- muth, C H. Ivey, P.H. Bartlett. Jeffery, Albert O., LL.B., D.C.L., Market Lane. Johnston, Edward H., 430i Rich- mond St. Lusconibe, T. H., 169 Dundas St. Lovo & Dignan, 418 Talbot St. Francis Love, R. H. Dignan. Macbeth it Maopherscn, 74J Dun- das St. Talbot Macbeth, John Macpherson. MoCann, B. C, flO Dundas St. McEvoy.Wilsoii & Pope,402 Ridout St. , opp. Court House. John M. McEvoy, B.A., LL.B., W. A. Wilson, B. A., LL.B., H. C. Pope, B.A., LL.B. McPhillips, P., 59 Dundas St. McWhinney, J. Mercer, Kichniond St. Magee, McKillop & Murphy, Dun- das and Richmond. James Magee, Q.(^, Jas. B. McKillop, Thos. J. Murphy. Marsh & Marsh, 110 Dundas St. G. W. Mareh, W. L. E. Marsh. Meredith, Cameron & Judd, 704 Dundas St. Eklmund Meredith, Edward R. Cameron, Jos. C Judd. Meredith & Fisher, 74 Dundas St W. R. Meredith, Q.C, T. G. Meredith, R. G. Fisher. Milne & Faulds, 88 Dundas St., and Glencoe. James R. Milne, John F. Faulds. O'Neill, J. D., 110 Dundas St. Partridge, Thos.. Oddfellows Hall Parke & Purdom, Richmond St. E. J. Parke, Q.C, T. H. Purdom, Thomas E. Parke, Alex. Punloni. Powell & Graham, 437 Richmond St. R. M. Graham, C G. Powell. Proudfoot, W. A., 110 Dundas St. Scatcherd, Elbelwolf, 403 Hicli- mond St. Stuart, Stuart & Moss, cor. Dun- das and Richmond Sts. Alex. Stuart, Duncan Stuart, W. 1). Moss. Tennent & McDoiiagh, 78 Dundas St. D. H. Tennent, M. P. Mc- Donagh. Thomas & Buchner, 83 Dundas St. Jas. A. Thomas, U A. Buchner. Toothe, R. M. C, 59 Dundas St. Vining, Jared, B. A.. 414 Talbot St. Walker, J. S., I.'i7 Maj.le St. Weeks & Scaiidrett. G. N. Weeks, T. W. Scandret, 98 Dundas St. Weld, Edmund, 874 Dundao. Winnett, J. W., 420 Talbot St Luoan, Co. Middlesex. Macdiarmid, W. Luoki\ow, Co. Bruce. Malcomson, Percy A. Morrison, H. Nladoo, Co. Hastings. Cross, Will, .McDonald, A. A. Stewart, D. E. K. Marmora, Co. Hastings. Anderson, Geo. H. R^attawa, District Xipissing. Browning, A. G., Branch of North Bay. Dunlop, D. A. Markdale, Co. Grey. McCullogh, p. Markham, Co. York. Higgins & Douglas. ^ Holmes W Gregury. Lawrence & Ormiston. Mairs, Alex. «. Stephenson, George 11. Meaford, CJo. (Jrey. Wilson &, Dyre. Jno. S. Wilson, T. H. Dyre, Thornbury P.X). Corley .S; Hayward. J. W. S. Cor- ley, (!. Hayward. Sutherland, Charles. Merrickville, Co.,.Grenville. Gillan, C E. Nlidland, Co. Simcoe. Bennett, Humphrey. Roe, Mr. Ronton, Co. Halton. Boyd, E. W. Chisholm, Victor. Dick, W. J. Elliott, John W. Matheson, Thos. G. McCraney, Geo. E. Mitoheli, Co. Perth. Dent & Thompson. Abraham Dent, F. H. Thompson. Goodeve, Geo. S. Wilson, A. F. Morrisburg, Co. Dundas. Hilliard, Irwin. Johnston & Bradfleld. Adam Johnston, Geo. F. Bradfleld. Lyle, R. F. .Myers, C A. Tyrrel, frank. Whitney, James Pliny, Q.C. V[o\u\t Forest, Co. Wellington. Clarke & Clarke. J. B. Clarke, Q.C., A. S. Clarke. Kingston, W. H., Q.C. Kilgour, R. O. Mttcgregor, M. O. McMullen, J. A. Perry & Perry. A. D. Perry, W. 0. Perry. flapanee, Co. Lennox. Deroche & Madden. H. M. De- roche, Q.C, J. H. .Madden. English iSc Pcrrv. Jno. English, W. H. I'crry. Gibson & Clute. S. Gibson, R. 0. Clute, Q.C. (of Belleville) Herrin^'ton & Warner. W. S.. Herrington, S. C Warner. 292 ONTARIO LAW LIST. L1H})« Mordi'ii, Huttan & Morphy. (i. V. RiiUivii, A. W. Morphy. Preston, D. H., Q.C. Wilson, W. 11. Wilson, Uriah M. flewoastle, Oo. Durliam. Wrifilit, Chas. New Hamburg, Co. Waterloo. Millar, William. Newmarket, Co. York. Lloyd, I'. H. Robertson, Thos. J.' Widditteld, W. C. Niagara Falls, Co. VVelland. Cole, Alfred. Fraser & Woodruff. Alex. Fraser, W. E. Wooh P., Durie's Chamb"s. French & MagC3, Central Cham- bers. F. J. French, Q.C, F. A. Magee. Fripp, Alfred E.,Ciirloton Chamb's Oemmill d May, 11 and 14 Carloton Chambers. John Alexander Gemniill, Archie Foster May. Gonnully iSr Orde, Durie's Ch.ani- bers. Joseph James GormuUy, Q.C, Jno. Fosbery Onie. Gorman. M. J., 35 and 36 Carleton Chambers. Grant & Sims. J. C Grant, R. J. Sims. Gundrv, Arthur W., 2.^ Sparks St. HENDERSON, STUART, 56Sp i, ks Street. Hick, Robert. Little Sussex St. Hodgins, John, 11 and 12 Ontario Chambers. Hodgins, W. E., Justice Dept. Kidd, Wm. John, 104 Sparka St. Kidd, Blanchet & Jones, On- tario Chambers. Geo. Eldon Kidd, Chas. Albert Blanchet, B. M. Jones. Latohford & Murphy, 19 Elgin St. F. R. Latohford, C. Murphy. Lees, W, A. D., Court House. Lussier, Alfred E., 569 Sussex St. MacCraken, Henderson & McKay, Central Chambers. John I. Mac- Craken, George F. Henderson, W. M. McKay. Macfarlane, Alpnonse, Carleton Chambers. Maclean, Donald Hector, Central Chambers. Mahon, Tdward, 32 Daly Ave. Matheson, Roderick B., 25a On- iario Chambers. McCreadv & Mott, 01 Sviarks St. McLauriii & Millar, li) Elgin St. Geo. MoLaurin, Haldane Millar. McLean, D. L., 51 Sparks St. Mclntyre & Powell, 36 Carleton Chambers. Alex. Fraser Mcln- tyre, Q.C-. F- C Powell. McVoitv, Tavlor, 100 Spavks St. Nellis ite Monk, 22 Metcalfe St. Thos. F. Nellis. Henry C Monk. ^ Nugent, A., Ontario Chambers. O'Connor & Hogg, S3i Sparks St. Daniel O'Connor, Q.C, William D. Hogg, QC, Charles O'Connor. O'Gara, MacTavish & G-nunel!, 58 Sparks St. Martin O'Gara, Q.C. , Duncan Byron .MacTavish, Q.C, Robert Ernest Oonunell. O'Meara, J. J., 15<)ntano Chambers O'Meara & O'.Meara, 74 Sptirks St. John O'Meara, John E. O'Meara. Percival, Herbert Alfred, Ontario Chambers. Perkins & Fraser, KH) Sparks St. VVilliam 0. Perkins, Angus W. Fraser. Pratt, Horace, 104 Sparks St. Ritchie, Owen, 27 and 28 Ontmio Chambers. Scott & Scott, Carleton Chambers. Hon. Richard Wm. Sr<. Smith, J. .!., Durie's Cliambers. Stewart, McLcod. 14 Metcalfe St. Walker, William Henry, Q.C.,Ccn tral Chambers. Ward, J. W. W., 20 Botelier St. Oworj Sour\d, Co. Ciey. Anustrong li Telfonl. Jno. Ann strong, Wm. P. Telford, jr. Armstrong Wm. Bishop* Middlebro. W. A. Bisho)!. W. S. Middlebro. Christie, Robert. Creasor & Smith. A. D. Oreasor, H. B. Smith. Ford, Armour W. Frost, Jno. W. Kilboiirn & Kilboiirii. John M. Kilbourn, Frank H. Kilbourn. Luciis & Wright. J. B. Lucas, \V. H. Wright. MacKay &Hatton. A. G. Mackav, W. J. Hatton. Masson, Wra. Masson & Evans. James Masson, R. W. Evans, C T. Sutherland. Tucker & Patter.son. H.G. Tucker, G. W. Patt' rson. Paisley, Co. Br 'ce. Cowan, Hector. McCallum, Arch. b. Palnierston, Co. Wellington. Clarke, AUister, M. Drew, Jno. J. Paris, Co. Brant. Foley & Dalzell. Chas. M. Foley, J. Bell Dalzell. Smith, J. Gordon. Smoke, Franklin. Parkliill, Co. MidtUesex. Goodman, Kenneth. MacTavish, A. A. O'Brien, Thos. Parry Sound, Dist. Parry S'd. Haight & Canniff. W. L. Haight, F. M. Canniff. Pirie & .Stone. Edwin Pirie, H. E. Stone. Pernbroke, Co. Renfrew. Burritt, .Jos. H. DelahayeiS: Reeves. Gid. Delahaye, LL.B., .lohn H. Reeves. Forgie, Jno. 'o. Kent. Mills & Mills. David Mills, q.C, Walter Mills. Ridley & Gundy. Edward H. Kid- lev, Wm. E. Gundy. Smith, H. D. Watson, O. K. Rodney, Co. Elgin. Jell, H. F. Samia, Co. Lambton. Adams, Joshua. Bucke, J. P. Qowans, James. Gurd & Kitterniaster. Robert S, Gurd, Fred W. Kittermaster. Hanua& Burnham. W. J. Hanna, A. S. Burnham. Lister, Cowan & Mackenzie. J. F. Lister, i^.C, Jnc. Cowan, D. Mackenzie. Logan, John R. McDowall, James A. McMillan, Daniel Spencer. Pardee «k Garvey. Chas. M. Garvey, Frederick F. Pardee. Sullivan, M. Weir, A., B.A., LL.B. Sault Ste. Marie, Dist. Algoma. Carnev, W. N. Farwell, C. F. Hamilton, H. C. Hearst, W. H. Kehoe, J. James. McFadden, M. McKay, John. Rogers, Fred. D. C. L. Simpson, N. Seaforthi Co. Huron. Best, M. J. M. Holmsteod, Frank. Hays, Robert Stanley. Shelburne, Co. DufFerin. Douglas, J no. W. Vance, O. M. Simooe, Co. NorfolI<. Ansley & Slaght. J. H. Aiisley, T, K. Slaght. Backus, C. C. Curtis, F. E. Kelly & Porter. W. E. Kelly, J. Porter. Petrie, H. B. Wells & Innis. W. G. Wells, H. P. Innis. Tisdalp Tisdale & Reid. D. Tis- dale, E. Tisdale, F. Reid. Smith's Falls, Co. Lanark. Cairns, G. F. Lavell & Farrell. Jno. Reeve Lavell, Alex. Gray Farrell. McEwen, J. Sparham, B. E. Southan\pton, Co. Bruce. Ray, N. A. St. Catharines, ( O. Tjucolu. Brennan, Michael, 4 St. I'aul St. Campbell, J. S., astiueeri St. Collier k Shaw. H. H. Collier, A. B. Shaw. Connor, Charles H., Queen St. Cox ii Yale. R. G. Cox, Henry Yale, C. J. Benson. Eccles, John C. .;illeland, W. B., St. Paul 81. Ingersoll k Varley. J. H. Ingersoll, J E. Varlev, St. Paul St. Keys, James A., (iO St. Paul St. Lancaster, E. A. Macdonald, F. W. Mar(|uis, A. W. Queen St. McCarron, M. J., Queen St. McClive & McClive, St. Paul St McKeown, John. Rvkert, J. C, Q.C., St. Paul St. Towers & Petereon. N. B. Tower»» Geo. Peterson. Wilson, W. J. Stayner, Co. Simcoe. Hood, Jacks, Fraser ft SuUiran. Jno. Hood, J. H. Jacks, JamM Fraser, A. J. F. Sullivan. Stirling, Co. Hastings. Halliwell, L E. Thrasher, G. G. Stratford, Co. Perth. Coughlin, J. J., Gordon Block. Deacon, W. S. Harding, Jnc. E. Harding, R. T. Idington & Palmer, Idington's Block. Jno. Idington, Q.C., J Frank Palmer. Lawrence, G. W. & Son. G. W. Lawrence, William I awrence. Mabee & Gearing. J. P. Mabee, F. W. Gearing. Mcl'herson & Davidson. G. G. McPherson, J. A. Davidson. Smith & Steele, Gordon Block. E. Sidney Smith, J. Steele. Stratl^roy, Co. Middlesex. Cameron, Jno. Folinsbee, Jno. Hellmuth, Ivey & Bartlett. Laird, W. P. Stewart, Moss & Ross. Traver, Elliott. St. Thomas, Co. Elgin. Coughlin, Daniel. Coyne, James H. Crothers, D. B. S. Crothers, T. W. Donahue, D. J. Doherty, W. B. Farley, Jno. ,Q.C. Exchange BIdgs. Glenn, James M. Grant,Andrew,Elgin andTalbotS*. Horton, Edward. Kains, Jno. A., Talbot St. Mann & Dax idson. J. B. Davidsoa.. Maxwell & Harviy. C. F. Maxwell,. J. A. Harvey. McConnell, R.H. McCrimmon, Angus, r)66 Talhot St. McDougall & Robertson, Talbot St. Colin Macdougall, Q.C., J. S. Robertson. McLean, McLean 4 Cameron, Tal- bot St. Jno. McLean, J. A. Mc- Lean, W. K. Cameron. Miller, Robert, 302 Talbot St. Price, S. Robinson, J. A. Travers, H. B. White, W. J. Wjckett, W. L. 294 ONTARIO LAW LIST. [|,S!»(i I 1«^<'] StoufFville, (-<>. Oiitaiin. Macdonald & Kil(!h. O. 8. Mac- (loimld, C. H. Kitch. McCullou)rh, James. St. Mary'8, Co Perth. HardiiiK, E. W. Ilarstone, h. Jameson &. Graham. 1). W. Jame- son, J. W. Graham. Moscrip, W. C. Wilson, F. W. Sudbury, Nipissiim. Bi^rger, M. C. Leask, H. D. Lemieux, F. F. Sundrid((e, Dis, Parry Sound. Brownintf & Leask. Sutton, Co. York. Paterson & Crozier. N. F. Pater- son, Q.C., Arch. Crozier. Tara, Co. Bruce. Start, Chas. Edward. Tesswater, Co. Bruce. Stephens, J. J. Tliamesville, Co. Kent. Coutts, Jno. Thornbury, Co. Grey. Wilson &Dy re. Branch of Meaford. Thopold, Co. Welland. Casey, Fred. W. Collier & Burscn. Herbert Collier, G. B. Burson. Tilsonburg, Co. Oxford. Carruthers, John. Clarke, Chas. F. Dewier & Sinclair. W. A. Dowler, V. A. Sinclair. Livingstone, L. B. C. Vansetorat, J. G. Toronto, Co. York. Akers, John, 1 Wellington e. Allan, W. T., 46 King w. Allen, Walter MoC. Traders Bank Chambers. Anglin&Mallon, s.w. cor. Victoria & Adelaide. Frank h. Anglin, James W. Mallon. Agnew, Jno., 76 Canada Life Bld'g Armour, Miokle & Williams, 12 King w. E. Douglas Armour, Q.C., Henry W. Mickle, A. J. Williams. Armstrong, Alfred Bosworth, 77 Victoria. Armstronj?, Richard, 80 Canada Life Building. Armstrong, Thomas C. L., 30 Toronto St. Arnold & [rwin, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Sts. A. J. Arnold, W. T. Irwin. Arnold, O. M., Victoria street. ARNOLDI, G.F.I. (Gil)8on ArnoMi & Co.), 92 Canada Life Building. (See Card.) Ashwotth, John, 61 Victoria St. Atkinson, Wm. Pry or, Toronto St. Bain, Andrew, 9i Adelaide e. Baldwin, Lawrence U., Manning Arcade. Baldwin, Robt., Canada Life Build- ing. Baxter, Dighton W., 75 Vonge St. Bayley, Edward, 23 Toronto St. Beale, W. L., Medical Building. Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt & Chadwiok, Bank of Toronto. W. H. Beatty, Thos. Gibbs Black- stock, Geo. Tate BUckstock, t^. C, HJ.M. Chndwick, Wallace Nes- bitt, W . It. RiddcU, Th(w. Percy Gait, William H. Hrouse. David F.isken, A. Monro Orirr, II. Arm-, H. .McKay, C. »V. lieatty Bealy, Hamilton & Snow, Coil- federation Life t'lild-'-'r. James Be.ity, q. C, D. C. L., J. C. Hamilton, LL.B., A. J. Rus- sell Snow, C. P. Smith, A. E. Bull. Beavers, GeoriJfe, Room 53, Con- federation Life Chambers. Beck it Code, S.'i King e. H. T. Beck, Janiea R. Code. Best & Smythe, 70 Victoria St. W. R. Smythe, William H. Best. Biggar & Burton, Canada Life Building. O.R.W. Biggar, (^.C, Geo. F. Burton, Geo. C. Biggar. Biggs & Lewis, Freehold Building. S. C. Biggs, Q.C., A. R. Lewis, Q.C. BLAKE, LASH & CASSBLS, Bank of Commerce Building. Ed ward Blake, Q.C., S. H. Blake, Q.C., Z. A. Lash, Q.C., Walter Cassels, Q.C., A. Mackenzie, W. H. Blake, Hume Blake, E. F. Blake, A. W. Anglin, T. D. Law, S. V. Blake, W. A. H. Kerr. Boomer, Geo. A., 23 Toronto St. Boswell, Arthur K., .»9 Yonge St. Boultb€3&BouItbee,34VictoriaSt. Reginald Boultbee, H. C. Boult- bee. Boyd, Alex., Freehold Loan BlJg. Boyd & Thurston, 23 Toronto St. W. T. Boyd, W. G. Thurston. Bradford & Titus, Bank of Com- merce Building. W. L. Titus, W. H. Bradford. Bruce & Beaumont, 64 1^ Adelaide St. e. John Bruce, R. B. Beau- mont. Bruce, Fair & Jodfrey, cor. Queen and VictoriaSts. Geo. H. Bruce, Robert E. Fair, J. M. Godfrey. Bull & Werrett, 67 Adelaide St. Thomas H. Bull, Wm. A. Werrett. Burritt, W. E., 103 Bay St. Burk, A. W., Freehold Loan Build- ing. Cameron, Hector, Q.C., 48 King w. Cameron & Crooks, 24 King w. A. B. Cameron, A. D. Crooks. Campbell, Dugald, 1 Toronto St. Campbell, John Henry Mayne, 17 Manning Arcade. Canavan, John, 23 Scott St. Cane, G. F., 19 Manning Arcade. Canniff & Canr.iflf, Freehold Loan Building. James Foster Cannitf, Henry Thorpe Canniff. Carscallen & Hall, Aberdeen Cham- bers. Andrew B. Carscallen, W. C. Hall. Cajsela, Cassels & brock, 4 Wel- lington e. Hamilton Cassels, R. S. Cassels, Henry Brock, G. M. Kelly. Cassels & Standish, 15 Toronto St. Allan Cassels, Ira Standish, Alex. Foskeii . Caston, Hunter & Co., 33 Rich- mond St. w. H. E. Caston, W, L. E. Hunter. Caswell, Thos., Astt. City Solicitor. Cavell & Gibson, 43 Adelaide e. William Richard Cavell, Thomas Alexander Gibson. Church. H. W., Equity Chambers. Clarke, S. R., 69 Yonge St. Clark, Wm. Mortimer & Gray, Freehold Loan Building. Wm. -Morliiner Clark, Q.C., Frank M. (Slay, W. fv. Haird. Clarke, Bowes, Hilton & S\vali(\, Jani's Buildini;, 75 Vdiiai' si. J. H. Clarke, (^t.C, R. H. Heme., F. A. Hilton, Chas. Swabev, K. Scott Orittin. Clement it Spence, Confederation Life Building. W. H. P. i:i(. nient, J. I». Spence. Clute, Macdonald & Mills ; Clute, Mi'Intosh & McCfiinmoii, Cnn- ada Lire Building R. C. Cliiic, il.C, G. .S. Macdoiitild, J. A. M( Intosh, J. A. Mills, Neil .Mc Crimnion. Coburn, J. II., 74 Churcli St. Cockbum, H.C.L., ISTorontosl. Cook, John Edwin, 157 Bay St. Cook, Maodonald & Briggs, 1 Aili- laideSt e. W. Cook, J. A. Muc don lid, A. W. Briggs. Corley, J. V . Seymour, 80 Cana'l;i Life Building. CROMBIE, WORRELL & GWYNNE, 18-20 King w. Joliii Atistin Worrell, Q.C., Wm. 1). Gwvnne. (See card.) Cutten, W. H., 76 Yonge St., Janes Building. Deacon, C. P., 75 Adelaide e. Delamere, Reesor, English & Ross, 17 Toronto St. T. D. Delamere, Q.C., H. A. Reesor, E. Taylour English, C. C. Ross. Denison & Macklem, 16 Toronto St. Fred C. Denison, M.P., O. R. Macklem. Denison, F. Shirley, 80 Church St. Denovan & Denovan, 24 Adelaide St.e. Joshua Denovan, Allan M. Denovan. Denton & Dods, 10^ Adelaide e. Frank Denton, Andrew Dods. Dewart, Raney & Maw, 26 King c. H. H. Dewart, W. E. Raney, H M. Maw. Dickson & Johnson, 12 Adelaide e. R. A. Dick.son, R. L. Johnson. Dockery, T. D., 80 Church St. Douglrii & Murray, 01 Victoria and 1296 Queen w. John Douglius, Alex. George Murra\-. Drake, Frank A., 9 Toronto St. Dravton & Dunltar, 9 Toronto , . Philip H. Drayton, F^-rguson .1 Dunbar. Drayton, H. L., City Hall. Duggan, J. M., Canada Pennanent Building. Durand, Charles, 239 Huron St. DuVernet & Jones, 15 Toronto St. E. E. A. DuVernet, Jas. Edmund Jones. Dumble, J. F., 24 Adelaide e. Eogen & Denison, ITorontoSt. w. B. Eagen, (J. T. Denison, jr. East, H. M., 59 Yonge St. Eastwood, John Paul, oor. Bloor and Yonge Sts. Eddis, F. A., 9 J Adelaide e. EdKar & Malone, 59 Yonge .St. J. D. Edgar, Q.C., E. T. Malone, J. F. Edgar, A. L. Malone. Elliott & Elliott, Canada Life Build- ing. VV. J. Elliott. Elliott, Chas., Traders Bank. Ferguson & Reode ; Ferguson, Ritchie & Sweeny, 31 King St. w. John A. Ferguson, ' !. M. Reade, P. E. Ritchie, Geo. U. Sweeny. Fetherstonhaugh & Co., Bank of Commerce Ihiilding. F. B. Fetherstonhaugh. Fitzgerald, Edward Gerald, Canada Life Building. Flcurv i Montgomery Life. Wm. J. I'lein Montgomery Kowl"r, llonry C. 54 Fov Hi Kelly, 8" Chi ,i. Fov. Q.C , H. '^ Francis & Waidrop, .V Wellington Kran Wardrtip. Kioser « McKeown, i Robert li. Fraser, Keown. Fvillerton & Wallox!« Jas. S. PuUertoi', > /;^)>,..o.,!l,, (i, H., 75 /laibraith, Frank E York Chambers. Gallagher, Ziba, Can Gait, A.C., Room E, Lite Bldg. Oamble, C. & H. D and Scott. Clarke H D. Gamble, He Garvin Frederick V iiasb « Shore, 10 H W. C. Shore, B.^ Gash, B.A., LL.D Geddes, Walter A., Gibson, A. Cecil, 4« Gibson & Snider, R. J. Gibson, F. t Gordon & Sampso Bldg., Bay St. Gordon, Alexane Grant &Skeans,Ba Building. W. I Skeans. Greene & Greene Columbus H. Vincent Greene Greene. Greer, A. E. K., 9 Gregory, C. C, B Grierscn, D Arcy Grote, G. W., Cai ins- „ , Ourd, W. F,5 Hales, .lames. 17 Hall&Kili"er,10 M. Hall, GeoiK Hannah, Wm. Oe St e. Hansford, J. E., Hurman.G. F., i Haverson, James Hector, Fred.T. Life Building. Heighington, J., Hellmuth, Ivey tt Scott Sts. Is CharleiJ H. Ive Henderson, Cha St. Ileiidti-son&Da east. Elmes Davidson. ^ Hern, E. O., v ing. Henderson, R. Hender^-on & St. e. Jame Turnball Sm Heyd & Earngi Louis F. He Higgins iSc Don T. M. Higgii Hislop, Thoma Holge .'t Fors Rolit. Hodg( Hodgins, J. Pembroke S Holman oi Pat J. Holman, Holmes, R. H Holmes * Gre W. Holmes, Home & Bar Al [iMfXi I 1H9GJ OXTAUIO LAW LIST. 295 !-L"., Kiuiik .M. (on & Srtiil,,.,, "•'> Voiiac si' n. H. How,,, as. .S«uhe\ , |;. [Confedfraiion fV. H. I-. t;i,.- re. Mills; Cliiti', I'iinninii, Ca,,. , It- C. Cluic J:ial(l, .1. A. Me |ills, Neil .M(. .'lurpli St. J 1ft Toronto 8l 157 Bav .St. jHrigjfs", 1 look, J. A. Mm: 311 !•, 80 CanaHii • BRELt, .V King: w. John Q.C., Wm. I). 5 Yongre St., delaide e. "njflish 4 Ross, D. Delaniere, lor. E. Taylour 188. 15 Toronto St. M.P., O. R. , 80 Church St. n, 24 Adelaide lovan, Allan M. m Adelaide e. ndrew Dods. Haw, 26 Kinjf c. '. E. Raney, H , 12 Adelaide e. • 1.1. John,son. Church St. 01 Victoria and John Doufjla-s, rra\-. Toronto St. , 9 Toronto , , 1, F;.axti8on .1 ■ Hall. Ida Penimnpnt ) Huron St. 15 Toronto St. , Jas. Edmund lelaide c. rorontoSt. \v. inison, jr. :e St. ul, oor. nioor aide e. k'onjre ,St. J. J. T. Malone, Malone. idaLifeRuild- ■s Bank. ; Ferguson, WKinifSt. w. '. M. Reade, H. Sweeny. uo., Bank of '«:• F. B. ^rald, Canada Kleury ii Montgomery, 05 Canada r.iff. Wm. ,1. rieui-y, Robert A. Moiitifomery Fowler, UcnrV C 54 Church St. Fov & Kelly, 80 Chirch St. Jas. J. Koy. g'.C , II. T Kelly. Francis cte \Vardrop, M) Toronto St. Welliiikfton Francis, Robert Wurdrcr]). Fraser (t McKeown, 15 Toronto St. Robert I,. Fraser, S. VV. Mc- Keown. Fullerton & >''all» Toronto St. J. H. Lament, 1. H. 3pence. Lawrence & Ormiston, 15 Toronto St. A. G. F. Lawrence, W. S. Ormiston. Lee, Geo. H. D., 99 King e. Lefroy, B. St. G., 15 Toronto St. Lefroy & Boulton, 63 Yonge St. A. H. F. Lefroy, C. R. Boulton. Lennox, G. L., 59 Yonge St. Le Vesconte, R. C, 75 Yonge St. Lindsey, Lindsey & Bethune, 23 Scott St. G. G. S. Lindsey, Wm. Lyon McKerizie Lindse.v, C. J. B. Bethune. F. Lite Lobb & Biiird. 2 Toronto St. Lobb, Jas. Baird. Lofl\iN, ,1. T, 5 Canaila Building. Lount, .Marsh & Cameron, 25 To- ronto St. Wm. Lount, O. C, A. M. Marsh, y. C, W. A. Cameron, (i. A. Kingston. Love, Spencer, 75 Yonge St Macdonald, Cartwright k (iarvey, 37 Yonge St. Walter Macdonald, A. D. Cartwright, W. H. (Jarvey. Macdonald & Cronyn, 1 Toronto St. Donald Macdonald, Edward Cronyn. Macdonald & W'ickham, Canada Life Building. J. A. Macdonald, Q.C., H. J. Wickham. Macdonell & Scott, 51 Yonge St. X, McLean Macdonell, Chas. Duff Scott. Macdonald, James Archibald, 75 Yonge St. Macflonell, McCarthy & Boland, 2 Toronto St. A. C. Macdonell, W. C. McCarthy. W. J. Boland. Macdonald, R. M., 16 Toronto St. Macdougall & Jones, 24 Adelaide e. A. Macdougall, T. E. Jones. MacGregor, John, 28 and 30 Toronto St. Maclntyre & Sinclair, 84 Victoria. Alex. D. Maclntyre, A. J. Sin- clair. Mackay, W. C, 9^ Adelaide e. Mackenzie, H. G., 1.17 Bay St. MACLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT & SHEPLEY,28 Tor- onto St. J. J. Maclaren, Q.C., J. H. Macdonald, Q.C., W. M. Merritt, G. F. Sheplev, Q.C.. W. E. Middleton, R. C. Donald, F. V.'. Maclean. Macrae & Rykert, 1 Toronto St. H. H. Macrae, E. G. Rykert. IicArthur, D., 5 Adelaide e. McBride, James, Janes Building. McCabe & Lof tus, 75 Adelaide e. C. J. McCabe, — Lof tus. McCallum & Beal, Medical Hall Building. W.H.J. McCallum, — Beal. MCCARTHY, OSLER, HOSKIN & CBEELMAN, Freehold Loan Building. D' Alton McCarthy.. Q.C., B. B. Osier, Q.C., John Hoskin, Q.C., LL.D., Adam B. Creehuan, Q.C., F. W. Harcourt, W. B. Raymond, W. M. Douglas, H. S. Osier, Leighton G. Mc- Carthy. (See card.) McCrane\-, George. McCuUoch, R. O., Freehold Loan Building. McCulIogh & Burns, Cana McPhtTHon, CInrk, Cuiii|it)i'11 k larviH, 'SI VVclliiiKloM Strt'tl e. (Villiuni David Mcl'hci-Hoii, It. II. Mcl'hcrHoii, .liihii .Mtirniv Clark, (}. C. Cuiiipbcll, Fred Charles Jarvis. McWhiniiev & Kidlev, U Klnt; HI. w. W. .1. MoWhiimov, H. E. Ridley. McWillittins, Win. «., 48 Kiiijt w. MarHh it AlarNli, ITuuhold Iamui Biiildititf. O. V,'. Marsh, W. I-. K. Murnh. Martin, U. J., 4;i Adelaide <;. Martin, Jolin, tt7 Kiii)( e. MearnM A McLean, 120 Yonge St. Frank 8. Mearns, Donald K. Mc- Ijean. Meek, Fxlward, 2« Kin^r e. Mercer, Bradford i: Titui,3i Church 8t. M. 8. Mercer, 8. U. Brad- ford, J. E. TitUH. Middleton, D. C, 80 rhurch St. Miller, O. E., 7 Richmond w. Miller A Duncan, 34 Canadian Bonk of Commerce. John Robin- son Miller, Edward J. B. Duncan. Millar & Riddell, fiS Yonge St. C. Millar, W. R. Riddell. Millar & Co., C, 88 Yonjfe St. C. Millar, C. Macdonald, W. W. Kenfuson. Mills, Nelson D., 81 Canada Life Buildinff. Mills ft Mills, 35 Adelaide e. Geo. Gordon Mills, Alexander Mills. Mills, Walter, 5.S7 Sherbourne. Moffatt, F C, 20 Toronto St. Moss, Aylesworth & Armour. Moss, Barwick & Franks, 18 and 20 Kin)f St. w. Chas. Moss, (j.C, Walter Barwick, A. B. .\yles- worth,Q.C., W. .T. Franks, Doujr- las Armour, H. J. Wright, J. H. Moss. Mowat, Langton, Mowat & Mac- lennan, 9 Toronto St. Sir Oliver M' wat, Q.C., Thomas I^aniirton, Q.C., H. M. Mowat, Roderick James Maclennan. Mulock, Miller, Crowther Jc Mont- gomery, 99 King w. Wm. Mulock, Q.C., W. N. Miller, Q.C., James Crowther, J. D. Moiit- fomery. Mulvey & McBrady. 46 King w. Thomas Mulvey, L. V. McBrady. Muiirn, Richard H. R., 9 Toronto St. Murdwh, J. Y., 1245 Queen w. Murdoch it Tvtler, 2 Court street. W. G. Murdoch, John Tytler. Murphy, N. , (^.C, 9 Toronto St. Murray, II. W. M., Q.C., 59 Yonge St. Myers & Clark, 75 Yonge St. Elgin Myers, t^.C, W. J. Clark. Nason, Joseph, 46 King w. Neville K. 8., 18 King St. w. Nicol & Nicol, 13 Adelaide e. Wni. B. Nicol. O'Brian & Gault, Freehold Loan Building. J. B. O'Brian, H. F. Oiiult. O'Donohoe, Macdonald & Co., 100 Charch St. Hon. Jno. O'Dono- hoe,Q.C., Hugh Macdonald. O'Meark, ArthurEugene,88Canada Life Building. Parker, Thomas, Janes Building. Pukes & Co., J., 14 Front St. w. James Parkes, G. Wall. Paterson, N. F., Q. C, 4,'.. Euclid ATe. P»tr8on it, Denton, 1 Toronto St. Jami'M I'l'iirxDi", J. Herbert iK'litoil. I'ri, E. (!., 9 Toronto St. Sinclair, Gallaglier Ac Sindnir, .|k King w. I). L. Sinclair, Zitu Galliigl ■»• ' Sinclair. Sinclai- .uiiida Life BIiIk- W. D. , JuN. Smith. Small, H. C, 24 Adelaide c. Smellle, J, F. Smellie Hi Shaw, 36 King e. II. s. Smellie, J. R. Shaw. Smith, C. P., Confederation Life Building. Smith, Geo. H., 9 Toronto St. Smith, W. A., Molsons Bank Bldg. Smith, Rae & Greer, 25 Toronto St. Larratt W. Smith, Q.C, D.C.L., James F. Smith, Q.C, (icurge M. Rae, John Greer. Smith, James G., 9 Toronto St. Smyth, R. G., 18 Toronto St. Sorley, W. Francis, 36 Yoronto St. Sproul & Williams, 28 Toronto St. J. T. Sproul, W. H Williams. Strathy, J. R., 123 Simcoc St. St. John, J. W., 23 Toronto St. Swazie, B. E., 17 Adelaide e. Taylor & McConnell, 43 Adelaide St. e. W. B. Taylor, F. W. Mc- Connell, LL.B. THOMSON, HENDERSON & BELL, Board of Trade Building. D. E. Thomson, Q. C, David Henderson, George Bell, John B. Holden. (See card.) Tho.nson, McDowall, Canada Life Uuilding. Thomson, F. C, 28 Toronto St. Thomson, T. E., Ifi7 Bay St. Thome, Warren ii Starr, Freehold Loan Building. Horace Thome, J. J. Warren, J. R. L. Starr. Tilley, W. N., Board of Trade Bldg. Travers, Fergus J., 46 King w. Trow, A. E., 10 Adelaide St. e. Tytler & McCabe, 9 Adelaide e. J. Tytler, C J. M(!(;abe. Urquhart & Urquhart. 157 Bay St. D. Urquhart, Thos. Uniuharr. Vondervoort, M. P.. IS Wellingloa St. e. Vickers, W. W., 9 Toronto St. Waldron & Hodges, 2 Toronto St. Gordon Waldion, W. H. Hodges. Warrne, J. F., 75 Yonge St. WATSON, SMOKE & MASIEN, 9 Toronto St. Geo H. Watson, Q.C, C A. Masten, Sanuicl C Smoke. (See card.) Watt, D. H.. King St. e. Webb, Hooev & Hunter, 46 King St. Frank L. Webb, David Hooey, H. F. Hunter. Wells & McMurchv, 116 King w. R.M. \Vells, Q.C, Angus .Mc- Murchy. Welton, Herbert R., 1 Toronto St. Wickham & Thompson, Canada Life Building. H. G. Wickham, C. W. Thompson. Wickson, Sam., 84 King e. Wilkie & Smith, 61 Victoria St. Wilkin, A. W., 15 Toronto St. Williams, Thos. Edw., 18 Toronto Street. Williams. W. H.. 36 Toronto St. Willoughby, Cameron cSt Lee, Equity Chambers. W. B. Wil- loughby, D. O. Cameron, W. T. J. Lee. Wright, J. A., lej Adelaide St. e. Toronto Junction, « < ,\,i(Ut«oii, a. J. (Joiiig, Chas. C Tottenhan\, (!o. «*">' llearn it Laniont. John lAiiionl, B-.\. Hood, Jacks it Fritsei J. H. Jiu'ks, Ja-*. i Trenton, (Jo. llaHtin Abliott, Archibald. Bleosdell, IUri)ert. Delaney & Delaney. Forbes, Alex. Keith, Frank. Maclellan & Macle Maclellan. D. Mail O'Rourkc, T. A. Ostrum. O. W. , Young &Cooley. S.J 8. J. Cooley. Uxbridge, Co. Onta Campbell, Edward ( Chappie, T. W. Raines &>Vhiteside. D. Whiteside. VankleeK Hill, Co. Gillan, C. E. Thistlewalle, t red Walkertoi\, Co. Br Collins, Arthur. Dixon, Thomas. McKay, S.H. McLean, W. A. O'Connor, H. P.. t Robertson, David. Shaw & Shaw. A Q.C, William SI Walkerwille, Co. 1 Patterson, Leggi Sale. Branch Hon. J. C. Patt« phy, G. J. Leg B.a!, LL.B. Wallaoeburg, Co. Froser, J. S. Jacikson, C. B. McDougall, Alext rpHOMSO CORNER ♦D. M cOAR' FBFiBH< D'Ai/roN McCar' \¥.. W. Harc [l.S%' 1«9G1 ONTARIO LAW LIST — TOllONTO LEOAL C'AUDS. 297 i^toria Sf . i» lli(,t. •'•'I Yi)irjfc Si I'. H'u||l,ri.|;,^.' fOIllK St. .Siticliiir, .(d iMiiuluir, Ziiii li'icluir. liula IJf(! Itldj, I". Siriith. |lui(|c c. ''•'"Sr e. ». S. I'doratloii i.ifi. irontoSt. .'IS Itaiik nidjf. 25 Toronto St 'iC., D.c.L.; t|J.C., (Jeoi'ift 'oronto St. •onto St. _l« Vorontost. JS Toronto St. WillianiH. imcoe St. oronto St. iluide e. ■13 Adelaide If. F. W. Mc- f>KKSON & •ude Buildinu *iC., David Bell, John •ard.) Canada Life "oronto St. 'Bay St. tarr, Freehold orace Thornt, R. li. Starr. ■>t Trade BIdg. ti Kintf w. lide St. e. Adelaide e. J. lie. ■■ 157 Ka.v St. (frquharf. S Wellin-loB onto St. ! Toronto St. '. H. Hodjjes. ife St. M.\SIKN, » H. Watson, > Sainiiol C. e. -r, 46 Kinif elib, David !r. 10 Kinj.' w AiiKii.'i Mc- Toronto St. >n, Canada . Wiokham, r e. oria St. ito St. 18 Toronto ronto St. & Lee, V. B. Wil- ron, W. T. ide St. e. Toronto Junction, (.'u. Vmk. AiKKTMon, .\. J. V liUtniint. K. .1. Keam, .lohii (.anionl, li..\. IIikhI, Ja(3k4 >U KniMiT. Jno. Hood, J. H. .Iiu:ks, .luM. FruMur. Trenton, Co. Hastings. AbtKJil, Archibald. Blen«o. Waterloo. Colquhoun & Mullride. Frcilerick Col(|uhoun, A. B. McBride. Ferguson ti Reudi'. J. A. Kertfu- Hon, W. .M. Rewte. Hai^ht, Jus. C. Welland, Co. Welland. German & Crow. W. M. German, A. F. Crow. Harcoiirt & Cowper. Hon. R. Uarcourt, Q.C, T. D. Cowper. Raymond, Lorenzo Clarke. Weston, Co. York. Irwin, H. E., of Irwin A Kyles, 103 Bay St. , Toronto. Nason, Joseph. Whitby, Co. Ontario. Barclay, Lyman T. Dow & McGillivary. John B. Dow, T. A. McGillivarv. Farewell, J. E., Q.C. Gordon, J. K. ' Greenwood, J. H. Ormiston, David. Rutledge, Jas. Smith, O. Y. Wiarton, Co. Bruce. Amist^onK, Telford & Bull. Fern^ison, W. J. Jacob & Gordon. John Jacob, W. H. Gordon. Windsor, Co. Essex. Clarke, Bartlett & Bartlett. N. A. Bartlett, A. R. Bartlett, A. H. Clarke. CU'ur\' At Siiibt-rlaMd. F. Cleary, K. F. Sutherland. lioUKall, Duncan. ElllH .V Kllis. II. T. W. Ellin, A. St. GeorKC Ellix Flenihi);, WiKle .1^ Ro(!iuiiulii Life liuililiiig, TORONTO, Can. Telephones 1745 and 2391. "^I^ATSON, SMOKE & MA8TEN, Barristers. Solicitors, &c. Offices, York Chambers, Toronto Street, - - TORONTO. Ont. OKI). II. WATHDN, IM'. «. A. MAHil-A. HAMIKL C. HMOKK. Telephone No. 980. BLAKE, LASH & OASSELS, Barristers, Solicitors, &c., Canadian llank of CVinnierco nuildiii);, cor, KiiiK and Jonliin Slrt'L'ts, TORONTO. KliWARI) HLAKK. g.C. H. II. IIL^KK, (J.C. Z. A. LAMII, Q.C. WM.TKK CAHHKI.M, g.C. A. MACKKN7,IK W. II. HI.AKK. IH'MB BLAKK. K. P. HIiAKK. H. V. HLAKK. A. W. ANOLIN. T. 1>. LAW. W. A. II. KKKH. ROAF, OURRY, OUNTHER & OREEN l^iivrifitcrs. etc. OFFICES, 23 ADELAIDE 8TI|EET E<\8T, Cor. VICTORIA TORONTO. William Roak. .Ia.mkh W. Ci mtv, E. F. Oi^nthrr. Jamkm K. Koak, Crown Altornt'.v W. J. (Ikkk.n. Coniniiiwionur (or City of Toronto. for (Quebec. Telephone 1508. OROMBIE, WORRELL & OWYNNE. j HOLLAND, ARNOLDI & BRISTOL, O. A. HOWLAND, M.P.P. W. H. Cawthka. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. 18 & 20 King Street West, TORONTO. ARNOLDI, (^.C. EDMrsn Brihtol. J. A. WORKRLL, t^C. W. D. GWVN.HK, Special Examiner. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. LONDON OANAOIAN OHMMBMItB : Telephone 640. 103 BAY STREET. Cable Address, "Arnoldi," Toronto. XINOSMILL, SAUNDERS & •^ TORRANCE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Union Bank Building, 19 Wellington St. West, TORONTO. NiCOL KiNOHMILL, (^.C. J. .). KiNOHMILL, Q.C. Dyck \V. SAiNDKas. W. 1'. Torra.ncb. Cable Address :— "Kingsmill, Toronto." Telephone No. 573. RiDoiT, (Latk C.E.) Barrinter, SuUr.itor, etc. .1. Euw. Mavhrk, Mech. Kn^inecr. B,IDOUT & MATBEE, Solicitors of Patents, MECHAXICAL AND ELKCTRICAL EXVERTS, 103 BAY STREET, TORONTO. U.S. Office .—605 Seventh Street, Washington, D.C. Telei>honf No. -2582. LAIDLAW, KAPPELE & BICKNELL, Barristers and Solicitors. WiLLIA.M LAIDLAW, (^.C. JAMK.8 Bicknkll Cll'.OIiOK KAIM'KLK. C. W. Kkrh TORONTO. Imperial Banh Buildings, 34 Wellington St. East. Cable Address : " Laidlaw, Toronto. " Telephone No. 19 MONTREAL CARD. "V^EIR AND HIBBARD, ADVOCATES, IJiirristcvs, ^ommiseiouei'o, etc., 1BO ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. R. Stanlky Weih. F. W. HiUHAiin. Cable Address: "Readkiiijfht." Telephone No. 1301. P,EAD, READ & KNIGHT, BARRISTERS, &c., McKlnnon Building, cor. Jordan & Melinda Sts., TORONTO. D. B. Read, Q.C. Walter Read. H. V. Ksioiit. OTTAWA CARD. QTUART HENDERSON, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L. Formerly Henderson & Beament, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Supreme Court and Departmental Agent. 56 SPARKS STREET - OTTAWA. NAMIl gRUCE, BURTI Uiuvi'i-tcvc, Canada Life Chamfc Siii'cial Commissioner, .M.KXAM'K.ll BiircR, tj.< Telephone No. 723. (;«RERAR, or; Barrister! HAM .loHN CKERAR, *i.< I'. D. Crkrar, V nn snia iK " It was a difflculi ■when he set out tc KOTernniental instill ship, ilerical know in handling a - "'— technicalities. .-. ' iiopular n;overnini the institution V"- peojile. .lokcs .-. dresses of canilidi elector confoundt Such incidents It-* trate the fatuity retle<'t to seriou system which r • department of schools arc desijf. ship, but having olten find thenip N, ('otiiiwllor-at-luw niiil Mioriii'.v, 41 Willi St., New QRERAR, CRERAR & BANKIER, Barristers, Solicitors, &c., HAMILTON, CANADA. .loHN CKEKAR, y.C, County Crown Attorney. I*. D. Crkrak, M.A. V. M. Hankikr. M a. ^LEX. DOWNEY, Telephone 421 een utilizeread over a wide field, which could inform them on the points they desired. Now, in this citizen's manual there is to be found duly arranged for reference all that informa- tion on the subject needer. Bourinot in Canada. His many years of cleri- cal servic'e in the Federal I'urllament ha\e familiarized him with the working of every portion of the gigantic machine which makes us 'go' as a nation. In addition, he is a litenvteur, and historian, and a man seemingly bent on doing substantial service to his country. lii his jirefatory remarks he indicates the aim and scope of his book, his method of treatment and his reasons for such, ami concludes with a hope that it may serve as n stimulant anul virtue, happiness and prosperity in the state. We are jirone to forget that tlie (Jovernment was made for man, and not man for the goveriniient. Laws, however liberally framed and flexible, do not reach all (uses — sometimes in extremity a case is stretched to fit. " One of the features of this manual is the careful ex- ]>li'.nation and definition of every technical term or Ijhrase likely to be unfumiliar to the reader. The author at the outset designates the ditferences between 'government,' 'law,' 'constitution,' 'iMlministnitioii.' ')iarliament,' ' executive jiower,' 'legislative power' and 'judicial power' — terms which are ordinarily en\ployed interchangeably and erroneously. He then outlines the political growth of Canada, dividing, for convenience, the political history of -t>0 ; the .second that of rule, when representation and legislative institutions were establi.she 1603 Barbados firstsettled. 1605 The Guii|(owder Plot : 5th November 1805 Jamestown, Va. was settled 1607 Quebec founded by Champlain 1608 St. John's, Newfoundlajid, founded 1613 Death of William Shakespeare 1610 Pilgrims by the Matjfiower landed 1620 Nova Scotia settled by the Scotch 1622 Capt\ire of Quebec by H\t David Kirke 1629 Canada CL-ded to France 1632 Maryland settled by Roman Catliolics 1634 Rhode Island settled by Roger Williams 1636 .Montreal founded by Maisonneuve '. 1642 Charles 1. defeated at Na«eby 1645 Charles I. beheaded, 30th January 1649 Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector 1563 Restoration of the Stuarts 1060 Bombay ceded to Kngland by Portugal 1662 New York was conquered from the Dutch 1664 The Great Plague of London 1604 The Great Fire of London ll't)6 Hudson's Bay Company founded 1070 Habeas Corpus Act iiasscd in England 1679 Pennsylvania settled by the Quakers 10t>"2 William Dampier landed in Australia 1680 James 11. abdicated 1688 Partiamciit elected William and Mary 1689 Battle of thi" Boyne 1690 Fiist newspaper in America (Boston) 1690 Society for Propagating (;(isi)el founded 1701 Prussia fli-st made a kingdom 1701 Gibraltar taken by the English 1704 Legislative Union of England with Scotland 1707 Peace of Utrecht 1713 Accession of the House of Hi>,Bover 1714 The South Sea Bubble 1720 The Hattle ot Culloden 1740 Halifax, K.S., founded by Lord Halifax 1749 First pajter published in Canada 175 i The Bktek-hole Suffocation in Calcutta 1756 Clive won the Battle of Plassey 1757 Canada was taken from the French 1759 Steam enirine perfected by Watt 1773 Battle of liexingtou 1775 Declaration of American Independmce, July 4 1770 A. II. United States first so ntyled : 9tli September 177ti Independence of U.S.A. acknowledged 173;; Treaty of I'aris signed 17t'.'! New South Wales was settled 17s7 The Hrat Settlement in Australia 17»s The French Revolution began 17S!) George Washinijton first President U. S 17!» Firet U. O. Parliament met 1792 Louis XVI. of France was executed 1793 Invention of the Cotton-gin 1793 London Missionary Society founded 1794 Battle of the Nile 179S Malta acquired by conquest 1800 Union of Great Britain and Ireland . 1801 Treaty of Amiens , 1802 Bonaparte ma^ie Emperor of French 1804 Battle of Trafalgar : death of Nelson 1805 Cajie of Good Hope taken from Dutch 1806 Fulton's first Steamboat Voyage 1807 Battle ot Corunna; death of isir J. Moore 1809 The French Expe Victoria Bridge Monlreul, o]tened 1860 Battle of Bull Run : 21st July 1861 Death of the Prince Consort: 14th Dcccmlier 1861 Slavery abolishsd in Uniteil States: 16th Dtc 186^ Lee surrendered at ApiKimatox 1S65 Battle of Sadowa, Defeat of Austria IbOO Fenian invasion of Can:ida 1806 Confederation of Canada 1867 Abyssinian War : cost $50,000,000 1867 The Cai>itulation at Sedan 1870 Rome again made the Cajtital of Italy 1870' Manitoba admitted to Confederation 1870 The Irish (Church Disestablished 1871 The German Empire re-established 1871 The Great Fire in Chicago 1872 Prince Edward Island admittml to Confederation . . 1873 Queen Victoria Proclaimed Enipreiss of India 18V7 Afghanistan again occupied by 1878 Cyprus Wiis taken posHession of 1878 The Death ot Lord Beacoiisfield 1881 End of Afghan War: cost 9:116,000,000 1882 English occupation of Egypt 1882 Completion of Canadian Pacific Railway 1885 Pebellion in North-West Territories 1886 I Vwieror WtUiaui of Germany died 1888 McKinlwy Tariff in operation in United Statea 188tt '"1 The next gel District at 1 ol ARtHABl Beauchesne, Beland P. F . . Brien, L. A.. St Cormier, F . . . Cote, Theop. DeGuiae, F.. Faucher, A. I Gauvreau, C. Girouard, J. l Ooftselin, C. E. Hcbert, J. A. Lalibette, Ed. Lalibertc, L . . Lavergne, L . . Lessard, F. V Manaeau, J. 1 Poirier, J. N. Sohambier, A . St Amant, J. Tourin, J. T. . BEAU Audet, E. J. 1 Angers, P . . . . Belanger, F.S. Blanohet, L. i Bolduc, .1 . . . . Castonguay, E Chavieron, J. Doyer, N Fortin, J. B. :! 179a 379+ 179'i 18(10 1801 1802 1804 1805 180« 1807 3ore 1809 1812 1812 18U 18U 1815 1815 1816 1881 1821 1824 18i7 1830 1830 1832 1 1834 1834 183U ! 1837 1837 k 1838 d 1838 1840 1841 1841 ember 1841 184tt 184tt 1845 1847 1848 1850 1851 1851 1852 1864 tes 1854 1857 185!> 18Bl> 1801 liber 1861 ])«■ 18(HJ 18«5 lbC(i 18(10 1807 1807 1870 1870 1870 1.S71 1871 1872 leratioii.. 1873 i{E PROVIflCE OF QUEBEC. OKKICKRM. Prciidciit Hon. K. (i. Miirchaiid. Vxee-l'rexkUnl '. A. C'harlcbois. Syndic h. V. Sirois. Treiimrer (>. Marin. Secretari/, Qxichee. J. B. Pelade. Secfetarfi, Montreal N. I'erocleau. The next general assembly for the election of members of the Chamber will be held at the Court Ifoiise in each Dirfrict at 1 o'clock p.m.. the first Wednesday in June. 18(17. ARTIIABASKA DISTRICT. Beauchesnc, K. E PU ^-^isvillc Beland P. F. .Ste. .Inlie de Somerset Bvien, L. A..St.GerinaindeGrantham Connier, F Wickham Cote, Theop Arthabaskaville DeGuise, F. .Plessisvillede Somerset Faucher, A. H Arthabaakavillo Gauvreau, C. A Princeville Girouard, .T, E Drummondville Ooaselin, C. E Plessisville Hcbert, .J. A Princeville LAliberte, Ed. H Warwick Laliberte, L Thctford Mines Lavergne, L Arthabaskaville Lessani, F. V Tingwick Mansenu, J. L. G St. Rosaire Poirier, J. N Victoriaville Sohambier, A. .St. Ferd'nd d'Halifax St Amant, J. C L'Avenir Touisin, J. T Drummondville BEAUCE DISTRICT. Aiidet, E. J. B St. Anselme Anirem, P St. Francois Belana^er, F.S. A . .St. Vit. de liambton Blanchet, L. C St. Francois Bolduc, .1 St. Victor de Tring Castonguay, D.O.,St. Vit. de Lambton Chai>eron, .1. A. E St. George Doyer, N St. Marguerite Fortin, J. B. E St. Anselree <5osselin, V St. .Joseph Lame, D. E. E Ste. Marie I.etJendre, L. (3. A St. Joseph I.essard, T Ste. Marie Mnison, L St. (Jeorges Morin, J. O. .Ste. Ger. lac Etchemin Page. C. E St. Ephrem de Tring Plante, P St. Rernanl Proulx, .1. E St. Francois Boy, U.M Ste. Cliiire Theberge, G. S Ste. Marie Thebei^e, P Ste. Marii; BEAUHABNOIS DISTRICT. Amirault, J. A. V. . . .lliiiimingtoril Bft7.inet, K. C lieauhaniois Bisson, Elie H Beauharnois Boyer, Z . . . . Salahen'y de Valley field ('amoron, J. A ". . Huntiilgdon Clancy, P Ilenuningfonl Orevier, I. I St. Anicet Dagneault, L. de G St. Timothco Derome, I.J. Ij.. St. Jean Chrysostome Fontame, E., St. Malach. 'ai8, li St. Tiniothoo Joron, R. S Valleyfield Hnet 8 St. Antoine Abbe Landry, J „■ ■ ■ ■ Ste. Martine Laplante, J. B..St.Stajiisla8de Kostka Laroche, Chas..St. Ls. de>ie Lebrun, CM Ste. Martine Lewis, S. J St. Jean (Chrysostome Marchand, L.,Salaberry de Valleyfield Martin, W...St. Louis de Gonisigue Poupart, J. B St. (Jrbain Prud'homme, J. H St. Joachim Scott, J. B St. Timothee Tasse L. C Bcauharnois BEDFORD DISTRICT. Beriau, U H. A Famham Benin, J. A Lawreiiceville Bourgeois, J. M Lawrenceville Boyoe, M Bedford DesRosiers, F. X Bedford De Varennes Waterloo Dickinson, R Bedford Dozoig, J. L Granby Fleury. E Knowlton Foisy, J. A Waterloo Gingras, J Ste. Prudenticnne Grandpre, P. S.,St. Valeriende Milton Hart, M. O Cowansville Jofloin, Louis Waterloo Lafontaine, J. L. Roxton Falls L'Eouyer, Pierre A Granby Mathieu, N. C Lawrenceville Noisenx, S Famham Peltier, P. J. S St. Joseph d'Ely Raiche, Jos Roxton Falls Tartre, J. R Waterloo Tartre, C. U. R Sutton CHICOUTIMI DISTRICT. i Cloutier, T. Z Chicoutinii I Dumais, S Hcbertville j Dumais, I St. Louis ! Gagnon,J.P..St..Ier.du LacSt. Jean Latour, T. D Robcrval ! Lindsay, J. Roberval Maltais, I) Chicoutinii Tremblay, L Bagotville GASPE DISTRICT. Beauchesne, P. C Pasppbiac Roy, J. O New Carlisle Trcpanier, II New ilichmond IBERVILLE DISTRICT. Ari'hambault, K St. Joan .Vi'chanibault, F. .\ St. Jean Barette, A St. Cyprien Beauregard, J. B, II Iberville Beilaril, St. Ueiiii Blaiii, J St. Edouaiil Boucher, O. N. E St. .lean Coupal, ,M St. Michel Archange ; Deland, Alfred N St, .le.iU I Demers, Jean B St. Jean [SOI] Fournier, J. A St. Jean Oo 189G] THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO CAPITAL, SIX MILLIOrt DOLLARS, $6,000,000 REST, $1,200,000 GEO. A. COX, Esq., President. \V. H. Hamilton, Ksq. J AH. CUATIIKKN, ES(). H. E. WAI.KEU, Grskrai, Manaokr. J. H. PLUMMER, AsuT. Genkuai, Man.\oer. directors : JOHN I. DAVIDSON, Esq., Vice-Pres. M. Leooat, Ehi). Robkrt Kilooik, Esy. John Hoskix, Esy., ii>.C., LI-.D. A. H. IRELAND, I.vspkctou. (.;. H. .MELDRUM, AssT. I.nsi-kctiir. Ailsii Cniits Ayr Bariii' Btlleville Berlin Blenheim Braiitforil CiiyiiBii Clmthiiiii CoUinnwooil DiindiiH Dnnnville Oalt iiixlerifh GiiL'lph Hamilton .JarviR London <)riint,'eville Ottawa VarlH I'arkliill Peterlioro' St. CathaiiiiL'R Harnia Sault Sto. Marie Heaforth Simcoe Stratforil .Sti'athroy Thorold Toronto Jnnc. WalleMartigny, V. A. L Montreal Demers, Georges H Montreal DeSalaberry, C. G. H. G Montreal DeSalaberry, Henri Montreal Desrochers, N. B St. Martin Dorval, Jo-seph M. A Montreal Doucet, Theodore Jlontreal Dubreiul, Anthinie Montreal Dumesnil, J. E. R.. .Coteau Landing Dumoucliel, Louis N Montreal Dumouihel, J. S. R. . . . . . Montreal Dunton, Robert A Montreal Ecrement, M. L. O. . . .Maisonneuve Edge, \V. H .Montreal Fahey, W Montreal Fair, John, Jr Jlontreal Fiset, Arthur C Jlontreal Forest, Josejih R Larrairie Forest, Leon Lachine Fry, Henry, Jr Jlontreal Oaranil, Moise Jlontreal Gendron, Joseph S Jlontreal Geoffrion, Ainie Vercheres Germain, C. E Jlontreal Germain, J. E.St. Viiii'i/nl de Paul Gia.sson, .1. O. V. . . .Coteau St. Louis Oingras, Igaie Longueuil Gladu, L. A St. Polyoarpe (Joyette, L. St. Polycarpe Grenier, Louis A Montreal Grenier, Pierre O Ste. Rose Grondin. .\. JI. F Laprainc Guv, Etienne E. P Montreal Guy , P. M Jlontreal Hart, Lewis A Jlontreal Hetu, Louis O Longue-Pointe Hetu, Leonard O Jlontreal Iloude, Louis A Jlontreal Houle, Louis B Jlontreal Hunter, Herbert S Jlontreal Iluot, Tancrede A Belieil Ilurteau, Hilaire Montreal Ilvrtcheson, Robert B Montreal Isaacson, John H Jlontreal Jeannotte, Adhemar. . ..Ste. JIarthe Jobin, Andre D Montreal Jolicoeur, J. A Montreal Joubert, A. W. B Jlontreal Kittson, G. R. W Jlontrenl LaBadie, J. A. O Jlontreal Labadie, J. E. O Jlontreal Labadie, JI. T. A Jlontreal Labelle, Josejih Jlontreal Liicasse, P. C Jlontreal Lafleur, Edouard Jlontreal Lafond, J. J. H . . Ste. Just, de Newton Laliberte, Eusebe Jlontreal Laniarohe, Valinore Jlontreal Lalidry, J. A Jlontreal Landry, J. P Montreal I.angevin, F. T St. Isidore Lapalme, Treffle Jlontreal Lapierre, Napoleon P Ste. Julie L'Archeveque, E Jlontreal Larose, Eustache Montreal Larose, Louis F St. Phillippe Lavallce, JI. J. H Jlontreal Lavimoriiere, C, \ Montreal Lavoic, J. W St. JIartin Leclerc, C. E Jlontreal Lecours, .\dolphe St. Laurent Lefebvre, Antoine Laohine Lefebvre, .loseph N Rigaud Legault, Joseph N... Coteau Landing Leniiie, Henri Jlontrenl Lepailleur, A. N Lachine Les»ge, J. E. H .Montreal Leveille, C. A Montreal Levy, Joseph C. E Montreal Lighthall, George R Montreal Lighthall, William F Montreal Lippe, Charles A. H Montreal Loni-rgan, James Jlontreal LongpriJ, P. A Ste. Rose Longtin, .Moise .Montreal Lyman, Albert C Jlontreal Mackay, F. S Jlontreal .Mandeville, F St. Polycarpe JIainville, Phileas Jlontreal JIarion, Jean P Montreal Marion, N Montreal Marin, Onesime Jlontreal JIarler, W. de JI Montreal .Mayotte, F. X Jlontreal JIayrand, Z Conirecoeur JIcLennan, William Jlontreal Jlelancon, Joseph Jlontreal Jlercier, J. L. R .Montreal Jlessier, Einnianuel Jlorin, J. Bte JI. V Jlontreal Moriii, P. G Beloeil Norniandcau, P. E Montreal Norinandin, G. A Jlontreal Norniandin, Elie L Jlontreal Normandin, J. E. C Boucherville Norinandin, J. G Boucherville Norniandin, Victor Jlontreal Olivier, Joscpli II .Montreal Papiiieau, Denis E Jlontreal Payette, Antoine E Jlontreal' Pei)in, Hemi P Jlontreal Perodeau, Narcisse .Montreal Perrault, Camille Jlontiteal Perrault, Jledard Montreal Phanenr .\ntoine Rigaud Philipps, i:. W. H Jlontreal Philipps, W. A Jlontreal Pitt, Joseph U Jlontreal Plamonilon, T Jlontreal Prud'homme, E Jlontreal Prefontaine, D. N Montreal Proulx, W. J Montreal Quintal, I. A Jlontreal Renaud, C. F. S Jlontreal Reddy, Fleming J Jlontreal Reddy, W. B. S .Montreal Racicot, Louis Jlontreal Rhaiilt, C. E. A Jlontreal Riendeau, J. B. A Jlontreal Rieutord, Felix Jlontreal Roberge, A. J. .4 Lapruirie Scheffer, Charles G Chambly Schetagne, Felix Lachine Simard, F. E. G Jlontreal Siniard, N. C Jlontreal St. Denis, A. J. H .Montreal Stuart. Ernest Jlontreal Tarte, I Jlontreal Tasse, Charles S St. Laurent Terrault, Pierre Jlontreal Theoret, Joseph A St. .Martin Theoret, Napoleon Montreal Taisdale, Joseph H St. Clet Turcott, Fs. de S. O Vaudreuil Wright, Henry B Jlontreal Daiglc, A. A Jlortreal OTTAWA DISTRICT. Crevier, P. A. J. . . .Pointe a Gatineau Desjardins, P. Thos Hull Dumouehel. G. L Aylnier Guay, A. E Temiscamingue Guv, Alphonse Buckingham Labelle, F. A. A Hull Lacouvciere, T JIaniwaki Jlackay, S. A Portage du Fort Malt), J. A Hull Papineau J. G Plaisance Piche, Timothee WakcHeld Rabv, H. N St. Andre Avelin St. Pierre, J. B. ou Bro.verdit . . Ripon Tetreau, Neree Hull Tetieau, Xiste Papineauville 304 ADVERTISEM KNT8. [I8!)r, MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID-UP, $6,000,000 REST. $3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ANDREW ALLAN, Esq., Presidwt. HECTOR MACKENZIE, Esq., Vice-President ROBT. AN'DKRSON, Ksi). .'ONATflAN HOPCiSON, Ks(). ,l()ll.\ CASSII.S, RsQ. H. MONTAGU ALl^AN, Ksi2. JAMKS \\ DAWKS, Esii. T. H. DUNN, Ktni. SIR JOSKl'H HICKSON. OEOBGB HAGUE, Gensral Manager. JOHN GAULT, Asst. General Manager BRANCHES IN ONTARIO AND QUEBEC : Bolleville Berlin Brampton Chatham Dresden Gait QanaiiO(|ue I Niij'ance i Oltiiwn j Owen Sound I Perth j Prexcoit Preston Quebec I Renfrew -WINNIPEG. BRANDON Sherbrooko, Que. Stratford St. .John's, Que. St. Thomas Toronto Walkcrton Windsor Hamilton Hespeler Iniftrsoll Klneardine Kinp^iton London Montreal Mitchell BRANCHES IN MANITOBA: Bankers in Qrsat Britain. —Lmlrtn, GUs^'ow, fc; linburfth and othjr points— Thj Liverpool —The Bank of lji\erpr>ol, Ltd. Agency in New Yorli. — 52 William Street, Messrg. Henry Harrue and .John B. Harris, Jr., agents. Bankers in United States. -New York, Ameriean Exchan!.^e Nitionivl Bank : Boston, Merchant's National Bank; Chioasfo, Exchaiiffe National Bank; St. Paul. Minn., First National Bank; Detroit, F'irst National Bank ; Buffalo, Bank of Buffalo : San Francisco, Bank of British Columbia. Newfoundland. — Merchants Bank of Halifax. Noua Scotia and N.nv Brunswich. — Bank of Nova Scotia and Merchants Bank of Halifax. British Columbia.— \ia.»k of British Columbia. A General Banking Business transacted. Letters of Credit issued, available in China Japan and other foreign countries. Clydesdale Bank, Ltd THE BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, 25 ADELAIDE ST. EAST (Land Security Chambers, Corner Victoria St.) TORONTO SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $2,000,000 I'liKsioKST-A. H. CAMl'l'.ELL, ],sq. VK'i'.-PiiRsinENT— MAJOR UEOlKiE GRKJG \VM. INl'K, Esq. DIRECTORS : ,K)HN BURNS, K.sq. SAMUEL TREKS, ICs;). .1. K. KKRR. Q.C. W. it. BROCK, E.S(j. .7. H. MAVNE CAMPBELL, Ks.). LENDS MONEY on |iforooke, yiie. ford Klin's, Que. honias ito orton 8or lale \is\nk, \A.ii U. laiitV. National Detroit, First )le in China PANY ST 000,000 . KEItIt, l^i.C. Mortgages, at lirifcjviii. Manager. 189G] NOTARIES, QUEBEC. 305 QUEBEC DISTRICT. Allaire, Joseph Quebec Anders, E. J Quebec Audel, Ferdinand Quebec Autiet, Louis O Levis Au)fer, Jacques Quebec Austin, Henry C Qu6bec Belanger, P. Ed. E Quebec Bernard, Pierre 8 Lotbiniere Bernard, Leonidas P Cap Santo Berub6, Ls St. Saureur Hignell, William Quebec Roily, Joseph E Quebec Hi.isvert, J..1I Stf. Croix Bouffard, Pierre Quebec Bnurrassa, Joseph B St. Roniuald Bouriiret, Francois St. Henri Bourget, Marcel Village Lauzon Campbell, William N Quebec Caiiipeau, O. F Quebec Chabot, Joseph E Bienville Charlebois, J. A Quebec Chateau vert, O. P. V Quebec Cote, Marie J. E Quebec Couillard, F. S Village Lauzon Couture, Joseph G Quebec I )elage, Jean B Quebec Oelage, O. C. F Quebec JJeLery, G. F. X Quebec Devillere, F. X Lotbiniere Dick, Gabriel Chateau Richer Dick, G. L Ste. Amie Dumais, Alphonse Quebec Duniontier, J. A. F Levis KJagne, Joseph O St. Sylvestre Cauvreau. Alexandre Quebec (iil^aull, G. A <|(uebec Giroux, E. L. J Quebec Gosaelin, F. X Quebec Grenier, Charles Quebec Hamel, Jean B Ste. Jeauiie Hebert, Jean B. C Quebec Huot, Louis P Quebec Huot, Philippe Quebec Laberge, M. P Quebec Laberge, J. M. V Quetjec Labrecque, Cyprien Quebec l.acourciere. N. E St. Casimir Laf ranee, Cyrille A Quebec Lapointe, J. A Quebec LaRue. F. A Quebec Larue, M. G. E . . St. Jean He d'Orleans Larue, Thomas O Quebec Larue, V. W Quebec Laurin, Joseph O St. Sauveur Leclerc, liOuis Quebec Ijegare, M. N. I> Charlesbourg Leniay, C. A. .St. Louis de Lotbiniere Leniay, Ix)uis St. Croix Lemieux, F. X Quebec Lemieux, Jean T St. Roniuald F; mieux, Victor E Levis i^emoine, Edouard Quebec Leva-sseur, J. A. T Quebec Marcotte, C. J. B Deschanibault Marcoux, Joseph D Boauport Mayiaml, Aiitoine O. , Dcschanibault Mereany. 1896] NOTARIES, QUEHEC — LIFE INSURANCE. 307 Charbonneau, J. Ed St. Stanislas David, F. X St. Didacc Dextiaies, Louis.. St. (i. de TSatiscan Desilets, A. O Beacancourt Desilets, I'ierre Trois-Hivieres DiMiis, J. \V Ste. MuniKUu Diifresne, H. R Nicolet Kusey, G. A. K Louise\ille Galipault, Louis Maskinon^e Oelinas, Louis N St. Leon Guillct, Pierre O Trois-Rivieres Houde, H. II Nicolet Houle, Aflolphe O Nicolet Hubert, I'ierre L Trois Rivieres IiUl)arrc, R. Trois Rivieres Labarre, D. (J Trois Rivieres Lavallee, J.. .St. Pierre les ileciiuets Lebruii, David St. Wencenla8 Lord, Louis A Yatnadiiche Lottinville, Flavien . . .Trois Rivieres Marchand, J. E., La Visit, de Champ. Milot, Ji'ps Yauiochiche Moussette, \Vill)rorl St. Tite Picher, Joseph St. Leonar ' Poirier, J. A St. Oreijoire Rivard, Thomas T Louiseville Touri^ny, J. L. .St. Ed. de Oentilly Trudel, UavidT Ste. Genevieve Turcotte, All)ert Trois Rivieres Varennes, Phil, de Shaweneiran LIFE INSURANCE. There are at present thirty companies engaged in the business of life insurance in Canada. Of these twelve are Canadian, eijfht British, and ten American. During the year 1894, which is the last one of which we have returns, there wiis $4i),.'i'25,257 new insurance taken, which was (freatsr l)y *4, 322, 410 than in 1893. The total amount of insurance in force at the end of 1894 was «3U8,lSON. THOMAS ALIAOA KELLY (T. W. & J. Kelly.) GEORGE KINAHAN, D.L., J.P., (Kinahan k Co., Limited), Director of the Bank of Ireland. THE RIGHT HON. VISCOINT MONK, D.L. Hl'GH O'CONNOK. JOSEPH R. O'REILLY, D.L. SIR GEORGE B. OWENS, M.D., J. P. FREDK. C. PILKINOTUN, J. P. THOMAS PIM (Pirn Brothers & Co.) JAMES TALBOT POWER, D.L., (John Power A So«i). EDWARD ROBERT READ (Joseph Walkins & Co.) J. HAMILTON REII>, M.A. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Director of the Bank of Ireland. GRAVES SWAN WARREN, Director of the DiiWin iV. Kinffstown Railw-.-vy Company. ONTARIO BRANCH HAROLD ENGELBACH, Ai-twiri/ and Sen-etarii. J. H. EWART, General Agent. ! 45!7' Corre8]>ondenoe is invited as to Agencies at unrepresented points In Ontario. IFS Offices- 16 Wellington St. Bast, Toronto. The Standard Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF EDINBURGH a. 27.46 29.72 33.03 36.08 41.81 47.93 55.56 65.09 77.44 ESTABLISHED 1326 Head Office for Canada, - MONTREAL. Total Assurances $114,000,000 Total Invested Funds 40,000.000 Bonuses Distributed (over) 28,000,000 ♦ Annual Income 5,200,000 Total Assurances in Canada . 14,500,000 , Total Investments in Canada (over) . 11,500,000 >/VORLD-WIDE POLICIES ISSUED FREE OF CHARGE Thirteen Months for revival of Lapsed Policies, without Medical Certificate, of five years' existence. Hi 2 ■A 2 E IS in 21 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 J. HUTTON BALFOUR, Superintendent. W. M. RAMSAY, Manager. c . it.* S i2 c d of" CiM Ui 21 • 25 ' 30 i 35 t 40 45 , 50 ' 55 ' 60 j 21 25 30 36 40 45 50 55 60 [1896 I 1896] LIFE INSURANCE. 309 Special PANY Dublin. JEl.OOO.COO 30O,0CO 500,000 irmlian A Co., Ireland. K, D.L. I Power fi Son). (Valkins & Co.) f thf Hank of of the Dublin Wellinerton Toronto. RATES OF VARIOUS COMPANIES for an IittHraiiee of $1000 with Profitt :al. HARGE Manag'er. i 1 i eration. ; i ion Life. bleandN. \\ Mutual. j J t 1 American. ! ork Life. | ll 1 3 1 — 1! Sun life. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 t g 1 ■c 1 F ^ 9 c. 9 c. 9 c. 9 c. 9 0. 9 c. 9 c. 9 c. 9 c. 1 9 c. 9 c. 9 c. 9 0. .S 31 36.60 32.50 34.76 82.50 40.60 39.55 34.60 37.40 40.50 34.72 38.88 33.95 1 34 26 4> 25 38.58 38.20 38.00 86.20 43.60 42. «6 37.65 40.20 43.50 37.84 42 04 37.10 1 37 60 f!0 42.80 41.40 42.70 41.46 48.00 48.27 42.40 44.35 48.00 41.88 46.41 42.00 42 22 S' 35 47.80 46.70 48.25 46.60 53.60 54,30 47.80 49.40 53.80 47.04 51.34 47.70 47 81 a. 40 63.77 53.70 64.90 53.20 80.40 61.26 53.76 55.70 60.40 53.24 56.96 64.30 64 34 S 46 61.16 60.40 63.15 60.30 89.00 69.76 61.25 63.45 69.00 61.08 63.68 82.60 62 87 a> 50 70.05 70.00 72.85 69.90 79.60 79.73 70.16 73.10 79.60 70.68 71.40 7'J.20 72 66 J 56 80.61 85.50 84.80 82.30 93.00 91.81 82.46 85.20 93.00 82.40 82 69 84.10 84 12- 80 93.51 105.60 99.55 97.00 110.10 106.91 96.95 100.65 110.10 97.08 98.95 9it 12 X 21 27.46 26.00 26.40 25.00 30.80 20.29 26.95 28.25 30 80 26 60 29.57 26 90 26.15 G 25 29.72 27.90 28.90 27.90 38.10 31.88 29.50 30.40 83 10 28.88 82.04 «8 35 28.85 a 30 33.03 32.00 32.80 32.00 38.60 35.90 33.00 33.00 36 60 32.28 36.48 32 20 32.68 35 36.98 :6.30 87.35 36.25 41.00 40.53 37.25 37.55 41 W 38.36 39.37 36 65 37.21 ,-?: 40 41.81 41.80 42.76 41.70 46.50 45.98 42.20 42.50 48 50 41.44 43.84 41 95 42.. 59 iG 45 47.93 47.20 49.66 48.00 53.40 62.79 48.35 48.80 53 40 48.00 49.14 48 70 49,39 1 50 55.56 .^5.90 68.05 56.30 62.50 61.11 56.00 56.96 62 50 56.32 56.04 r,8 95 57.81 JS 66 65.09 68.96 80.90 74.40 71.78 66.00 67.65 74 40 66.98 66.15 67 60 68.77 °:2 80 77.44 83.30 90.60 8.'.. 90 79.45 82.20 90 60 81.00 81 70 83.20 i 21 23.59 21.60 22.15 22.00 26.10 24.33 22.46 23.80 26.10 22.68 25.20 22.10 22.00 c 26 26.55 24.10 24.25 24.10 28.10 26.63 24.50 25.65 28.10 24.68 27.88 24.25 24.10 30 28.46 27.70 27.60 27.65 31.10 29.96 27.80 28.40 31.10 27.64 30.38 27.60 27.60 jj. 35 31.97 31.40 31. b5 31.40 36.00 33.96 31.20 31.86 35.00 31.28 33.83 31., 55 31.52 ii 40 36.35 36.30 38.40 36.25 39.80 38.77 35.60 30.25 39.80 $5.88 37.85 38.40 36.30 s 46 42.04 42.60 42.60 42.60 46.20 44.98 41.55 •42.00 46.20 41.98 42.83 42.00 42.50 •? 50 49.37 50.60 50.00 54.80 52.85 48.90 49.75 .54.80 49.98 49.61 .50.60 50.40 .s 65 68.86 81.20 66.60 63.38 69.30 60.30 68.80 60.62 69.87 81.20 61.20 '.2 60 71.63 76.00 83.20 78.00 73.65 76.20 83.20 74.88 76.00 75.85 21 95.39 97.60 96.10 95.10 105.40 104.35 95.10 100.70 105.40 94.25 99.42 97.65 96.26 25 95.65 97.80 95.30 95.60 105.90 104.56 95.30 101.10 105.90 94.50 99.94 97.80 95.. 52 5 2 30 96.08 98.60 98.00 96.00 108.60 105.30 96.00 101.66 106.60 95.20 100.66 98.. 10 95. 9« 85 96.63 90.30 96.80 98.50 107.60 106.14 96.80 102.45 107.60 96.95 101.49 99.30 9t).85 40 97.43 100.30 97.80 97.30 109.10 107.16 97.80 103.65 L09.10 96.95 102.43 1(I0,3(( 9T.56 45 90.02 102.15 99.55 98.75 111.30 109.02 99.55 105.55 111.30 98.70 103.60 102.10 iKI.35 60 101.72 104.85 102.20 101.60 115.10 111.84 102.20 108.75 115.10 101.30 105,09 104.85 102.10 55 105.89 108.45 106.90 121.20 116.37 106.45 114.10 121.20 105,60 109.37 109.20 108.40 60 112.50 113.25 112.50 131.00 123.91 113.60 122.76 131.00 113.84 116.60 116., 50 : 1 113.40 21 61.70 59.95 69.26 59.10 68.90 64.81 .59.95 64.90 66.90 68.90 62.20 61.20 60.43 *J 25 62.03 60.30 59.55 59.50 67.40 66.16 60.40 65.30 67.40 59.25 62.81 61.55 80.82 5 £ 30 62.55 61.10 60.40 60.30 68.20 66.00 61.25 65.95 68.20 60.00 63.84 62.35 81.56 35 ; 63.28 62.10 61.36 61.30 69.30 67.00 62.30 66.90 69,30 61.00 ■.!,«0 63.36 82.60 40 : 64.46 63.45 02.70 62.80 71.00 68.42 63.70 68.35 71.00 62.35 t ' 1 64.76 83.87 "C ift 45 66.63 65.80 66.00 65.00 73.80 70.82 65.80 70.80 73.80 64.65 6V.V 67.15 65,50 50 ! 70.19 69.35 68.55 68.40 78.40 74.50 89.10 74.90 78.40 68.80 69. 7l: .'0.80 08,95 55 1 75.74 74.10 74.00 85.90 80.50 75.30 81.65 85.90 76.08 76,76 74.20 1 60 1 84.47 85.25 98.00 [ 84.45 92.70 98.00 21 ' 45.10 41.85 41.90 41.90 48.20 46.69 42.70 45.60 48.20 40.40 46.50 43,65 42.05 26 45.50 42.30 42.35 42.30 48.70 46.14 43.15 46.00 48.70 41.08 47.19 44.05 42.32 gE 30 i 46.16 43.20 43.30 42.80 49.60 47.11 44.10 46.75 49.60 42.20 48.18 45.00 43.23 35 1 47.14 44.45 44.65 43.80 50.90 48.57 45,35 47.90 50. iK) 43.76 49.26 46.30 44., 57 it.'" 40 48.77 46.20 46.30 46.00 53.00 50.19 47.15 49.65 .53.00 46.12 .§-' 50 56.16 53.70 53.60 62.00 57.94 54.80 57.65 62.00 66.60 56.53 55.96 53.82 55 63.17 63.65 71.10 65.42 02.20 05.80 71.10 60 1 78.80 85.60 74.05 85.50 21 36.41 31.55 32.00 32.10 37.40 34.74 32.85 35.00 1 37.40 31.60 1 37.41 33.50 32.10 .M 25 35.89 32.10 32.60 32.50 38.00 35.30 33.40 35.60 38.00 32.36 38.19 34.10 32.76 0} go 30 30.74 33.20 33.75 33.60 39.10 36.46 34.60 36.40 39.10 33.64 39.29 35.30 33.80 36 38.06 34.75 35.26 35.20 40.60 38.01 36.15 37.75 40.60 35.48 40., 59 36.90 35.35 40 ; 40.19 36.95 37.55 37.40 43.20 40.32 38.. 'iO 39.95 43.20 38.28 42.46 39.30 37., 51 45 i 43.77 40.60 41.15 41.40 47.30 44.09 42.30 43.60 47.30 42.64 46.41 43.15 41.30 t§- 60 1 49.37 46.20 47.00 64.00 49.86 48.10 .54.00 56 55.85 64.70 57.20 64.70 60 1 81.00 1 ; \A ,/ 310 ADVEKTISEMENTS. [18% Agricultural . . . OF Watertown, N.Y. Insurance Company Capital .... $500,000.00 Assets (to protect policy-holders) 2,268,737.48 Net Surplus to policy-holclers 765,435.72 Geo. H. riaurer, 59 Victoria St., Toronto MANAGfER FOR ONTARIO GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. (.ESTABLISHED 1821.) Capital subscribed, Capital paid up. Invested Funds exceed $10,000,000 6,000,000 22,500,000 HEAD Office for Canada GUARDIAN ASSURANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL E. P. HBATON. Manager. G. A. ROBERTS, Suli-Muti-Mjer. Toronto Office -Cop. King* and Toronto Streets. H. D. P. ARMSTRONG, General Agent. The ALL E. TUBS PAILS BUTTER TUB, MILK PAN WASH BASIh Etc., E\ ■The Worl WITH BRANCH Nlontre [IH% I 1896] ADVERTISEMENTS. 311 ce 1.00 .48 .72 ronto MITED. 00 00 00 iTREAL 3. I'M an •■iijer. Agent. The ¥ ALL WELL APPOINTED GROCERIES KEEP E. B. Eddy Coy's INDURATED FIBREWARE TUBS PAILS BUTTER TUBS MILK PANS WASH BASINS Etc., Etc. Has no Hoops Is made in one solid piece Is light and does not water-soak Is handsome in appearance Being seamless, bottom cannot drop out Imparts no taste or flavor to its contents Cannot swell or shrink The Works, the largest of their kind under the British Fl&g, are at HULL, CANADA WITH BRANCHES ANO AGENCIES AT N|ontreal, Toronto, Quebec, Hamilton, Kingston, St. John, Halifax, Winnipeg, Victoria !/ 312 ADVKKTI8RMENT8. [iM'ji; MACLARHN, MACDONALD, MERRITT & SHRPIJ:V J arrifiters, ;i^olicitors, ^i^otaries, ^c. 1896] THE 0) Union Loan BnildinKS, ISR & 30 Toronto Street, Toronto. J. J. Maolarkn, Q.C, D.C.L. G. F. Sheplkv, QA'. J. H. MACDONALn, Q.C W. E. MlDDLKTON. Frank W. Maci.kax. W. M. Mkruii I. R. C. DONAI.U LAPHAM'S RIVAL FOUNTAIN PEN Authurized, I LoiRArr W. SMiri PLATI -**„ /^.i^**^.^^^^ I V A L PONT TAKE ANY OTHER Why P.^'^^s^' Because they are not in it The Rival leads the van. It has a regular flow which Is adjusted by its chief peculiarity The Slotted Feed If your st^'Joner does not handle it, write us V%«%%VW%^^^^V%%^AA^^%'V%%%^ PRICE LIST No 1. Chased Barrel, Loiik or Short ij'i fiO 2. Gold MountefJ " " 3 00 a. Extra Gold Mountings, Long or Short 4 (X) 7. Taper Shape, Plain Barrel 2 50 8. " " Gold Mounted S 00 9. " " Extra Gold Mounted 4 oo No. 4. Large Size, Chased Barrel, I-ong or Sl'ort . . . .i^ 0(> 5. " " Gold Mounted " " . . . : 3 20 6. " " Extra Gold Mountings 5 00 10. 11. 12. Taper Shape 3 0(> " " Gold MounttKl 3 .''lO " " ExtraGoldMountinps 5 iMi' Sole Agents in Canada- THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, Limited, TORONTO W. T. WooDf EAST QUEBEC & LA) Tb* Ni S\ FAR-FAN Ic .,«pl7»«'« ,»4»" S 1896] ADVKHTI8KMICNT8. 3i:f THWOUOMOUT JHM WMOf DOMIWION THE ONTARIO ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - - - TORONTO Authorized, $500,000 CAPITAL Subscribed, $100,000 Paid up in Oash, $30,000' liAHRArr W. Smith, (^.C, U.C.L., I'rcxideiit. Aktiii-k li. Eamtmihr, Vii-e-PrMident uiid MuiiaginK Dirci'tor. KKANCIH J. I.KIIITIIIH'HN, Hf('ri'llir\ . TMK HUB OP PLATB OIJ»» INSURANCt LLOYDS PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK CASH CAPITAL - - - S250.000 W. T. Woous, President. I). B. Hai.stkai), Vice-Pres. C, E. W. (Jua.mhkkm. Sec'y. H£AD OFFICE FOR CANADA 3 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO EA5TMURE & LIQHTBOURN, - - - Qeneral Agents Applications for Agencies Invited C & UKE ST JOHN RAILWAY. Tba N«w Roulp Iw lh« •FAMED SACUENAY. SAGUENAY THE NEW ROUTE TO THE FAR-FAMED AND THE ONLY RAIL LINE TO THE PICTURESQUE Summer Resorts North of Quebeo Thron'^h the Magnificent Scenery of the Lanrentides THE CANADIAN ADIRONDACKS. KxprcHH trains each wav (lailv,.tn anil from KOHEKVAL, LAKK ST. .)(»HN and CHICOI'TIMI. ELEGANT PARLOR AND SLEEPING. CARS. (iood Hotel a('(toinniourability. OS., Ltd. It. Toronto. 4 Esq. pres. idition ? 1896] ADVERTISEMENTS. mti THE BROWN BROS., ltd. HEADQUARTERS FOR Account Books, BookbindingTi Leather Goods, Stationery, Typewriters' Supplies, Paper, Printers' and Binders' Supplies. «r Agents "WIRT FOUNTAIN PEN," "EDISON MIMEOGRAPH." 64, 66 & 68 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, BUNTIN, REID & CO., Mbolesale Stationers AND PAPER, ENVELOPE & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS LITHOGRAPH PAPERS A SPECIALTY No. 29 Wellington Street West, - - TORONTO Our Envelope Factory is now in good nmning order, and buyers will do well to apply to us for prices either for machine or hand-made Envelopes. Art Printing Papers . . . Our Art Papers are now the standard of excellence. When ordering printing, insist on seeing samples of our ART LITHO. BOOK, it is unequalled for fine work. CANADA PAPER COMPANY, LTD. TORONTO and MONTREAL ESTABUSHSD 1833. I I ROWSELL & HUTCHISON, ^mpovt^re of gaoke anh ^tcitionei:jj PUBLISHERS, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Municip'^^^ and Conveyancing Blanks Supplied at Lowest Rates. NO. 76 KING ST, EAST. TORONTO. 316 ADVBHT18EMKNTS [ISOG 1896] j. t i i I • ■ ;" \ ' ■ 1 ' 1 ' ■ • ^ ' ■ , < ' /■ ■ I- 1 . ■ " ' ^m 1 1 1 1 ^' 365 Days in the year the average man uses Matches. ■ The total amount of time, money and temper lost with bad O Matches should deter- ! mine him to always use E. B. EDDY'S 1 n M/i T< DH El 5 They ar ■E E 60- E 90— E 210— E 270— E 300- THI s [189G 1896] ADVERXrSEMENTS. ' EAGLE PENCIL CO., NEW YORK MANUFACTURE AN EXTENSIVE VARIETY OF EAGL E STEEL PENS They are made by a New and ORIGINAL process, by the aid of the latest improved Machinery, and are unequalled for XTNIFOBMITT, SMOOTHNESS and DURABILITY. ,o CAGLC PENCIL C9 NLW YORK S f AGLL FENCILC? - NEWrORK E 10- Falcon B leO-Flexible o EAGLE PENCIL C9 t > NCVyVORK B 40— Bank 'EAGLE PENCIL Cc NEW YORK E 110- Large Stub .SEAGLEPENCILC9. B ISO-Short Nib E 190— Double Elastic OEALLL PtN'llL tM NEW VORK S 260-Bxtra Small Stub oEAGLt PENCIL C2, < ^Z E 20— Extra Broad Stub E 50- Firm S EAGLE. PENCILC? E 120— Small, Extra Fine E 240-Qulll Tumed-up Point B SlO-Ladles' j,qteaolEpFncilcC B 30— Small Falcon E 60 -Small Stub E 90— Business E 210— Turned-up Point E 270— Spear Point E 300— Extra Large E 70— Medium Falcon E 130— Falcon Stub E 220— Stiff E 280— Spear Point, Fine E 320— Broad Soear „ o EAGLE PENCIL C2^ E 100— El£istic, Small NEW YORK. E 140 -Correspondence ■SnEAGLEPENclLCS^ E 17C-Pllable ^O EACLE PENCIL. uiin CO. , CM Ntyv YORK E 250— Double Elastic "BATrMTED NOV. BS, laaC. B 361— Reservoir E 80— Mercantile E 180— Balance Spring E 230— Quill E 290— Double Spring, Small E 330— Double Spring, Large FOR SALE BY ALL STATIONERS, AND THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, Limited, Sanipies will be sent on applioation. Wholesale Agents, Toronto, Ont. 318 ADVERTISEMKNTS. [189& 18961 UNDERW OOD'S rt'hM|iMiMiM^MiM|,'W|jM|iWVIj(t|iniM| WRITING FLiy^ INKS THESE OLD ENGLISH INKS mmammmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmm»Ktammmm»ma, >«/?e /vow /M (yS£ BY Dommion and Provincial Governments ) J Canadian Pacific -^d Grand Trunic and ) Intercolonial R'y» AND BY THE PRINCIPAL BANKS, INSURANCE OFFICES, and MERCANTILE HOUSES THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. For Sale by all the Leading Stationers THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. The £ AMERIC A. THE .1011 J. i: ENGI BLUt Apply at tl [189& 1896] ADVERTISEMENTS. 319 liMl, s INKS nmmmmmmmmmm. ry r acific K AND Ll R'ys ''FICES. USES \/IINION. ners Base Ball Supplies MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Athletic Goods BASE BALL LAWN TENNIS GYMNASIUM The Spalding League Ball adopted by the New NATIONAL LEAGUE AND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of Professional Baseball Clubs. Price $|.50. ... COMPLETE CATALOGUE SENT FREE ... A. G. SPALDING & BROS. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. THE TORONTO PAPER MANUF'C CO. WORKS AT CORNWALL. ONT. CAPITAL, - - - $250,000 JOHN B. BARBER, Mail Buildings, Toronto. CHAS. RIORDAN EUWARD TROUT, J. J). FINLAY, Prcxident and Slanaginjj Diivctoi: Vice-President. Treasurer. Superintendent. CHAS. F. MANSELL, Mail Building, Toronto, Selling Agent. MANUFACTURES THE FOLLOWING GRADES OF PAPER : ENGINE AND TUB SIZED SUPERFINE PAPERS WHITE AND TINTED BOOK PAPERS (Machine-Finished ond Super-Calendered) BLUE AND CREAM-LAID AND WOVE FOOLSCAPS, POSTS, &c., &c. Account Book Papers, Envelope and Lithogrraphic Papers, Colored Cover Papers Superfinished. Apply at the Mills for Samples and Prices. Special Sizes made to order. / 320 ADVKKTISEMKNTS. [1890 1896] W. BARBER & BROS. PAPKR MAKERS GEORGETOWN, ONT. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Machine= Finished Book Papers COLORED SPECIALTIES AND Hiqh^Grade Weekly News The paper used in this Almanac is from t' above Mills. B. FINLAY, Supt. JOHN R. BARBER. GEO. E. OHALLES, (Mail Building, Toronto), Georgetown, Ont. Selling Agent. TOROMTO ENGRAVIMG ^ %■ CO -^ WOOD ) '^ . HALFTONE 'e^ "1 Y^^? w ELI OFFICES & ESPLANADE STI (Near Berkt ESPLANADE STI (Near Uhui BATHURST (Nearly opp 369 PAPE i (NexttoU.T.H C€ «i^. 21 I896J ADVERTISEMENTS. .821 RS ^rs KWS \RBER. oronto), Uing Agent. \ h ELIAS ROGERS ft CO. • II OFFICES & YARDS : ESPLANADE STREET EAST (Near Berkeley St.) ESPLANADE STREET EAST (Near Churcli St.) BATHURST STREET (Nearly opp. Front) 369 PAPE AVENUE, (Nexttod.T.H. Crossing.) CERS^ £OAL. ^ 7l'\D OFFICE ' OFFICES : 20 KINC STREET WEST 409 YONCE STREET 793 YONCE STREET 678 QUEEN STREET WEST 306 QUEEN STREET EAST 419 SPADINA AVENUE 1352 QUEEN STREET WEST 202 WELLESLEY STREET COAL AND WOOD H. M. S. "BLAKK. 21 322 ADVKRT18EMKNT8. HOUO KivB Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD USE THE National Safety Cheque Paper 1, It prevents the raising of Cheques, Drafts, ifec, »fec. Any attempt at alteration, either by erasure or by the use of chemicals is immediately evident. 2. It has been used for twenty-five year's, and there has not been a single instance of successful alteration. 8. It is erldorsed by the leading Bankers of the United States and foreign countries. 4, It is distinctive — every slieet having upon its surface the Registered Trade Mark, National Safety Paper, in corrbination with an anchor, and also the Registered Trade Mark LA MONTE, water-marked through the paper, which c>in be seen by holding the sheet to the light. No paper without these distinctive marks is genuine, 5. It stands at the head of all safety devices, and all cheques, drafts and vouchers of value should be printed upon it. vwvwww SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, Limited DOMlNiON OFFICE JOURNALS . . . Contain :— 8TBBLING EXCHANGE TABLES TARIFF OF CUSTOMS LIST OF BANKS IN CANADA, WITH THEIR AGENCIES POSTAL INFORMATION SITTINGS OF THE COURTS Can be had with or without Sundays. Each 4th and 18th day of the month have extra space Manufactured by . . . THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, Ltd., TORONTO 1896] ADVERTISEMKNTM. 32.1 THE MOST OOMPLBTB BIBLICAL COMPILATIOK OF THE 19th CENTURY." THE aot been a Registered CONTAININQ THE CELEBRATED OXFORD HELPS TO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE. FIVE NEW EDITIONS OP THE AUTHORIZSO VERSION JUST ISSUBD, three on Oxford India Paper, and two on Bagr-made Paper. Qivinar Bold 'Sype In Small Volumes. Specimen of Type, on Oxford India Paper, LONQ PRIMGR. 8vo. (7| x 5^ x 1^ inoiiea) Swiilrif prayers, praises, PSALMS. and projessioiis of obedicme. PSALM 119. SnntUji prayen, pi tiUe»,an'l iiioiatimit of obedience. K ALEPH. BLESSED are the ^ undefiled in the way, ^ who walk in the law of the Lord. 2 Blessed arc they that keep his " Ps. 89. 8. 2 or, perfect, or, KiHcere. !> Ps. 128. 1. "^ ver. 1.0. ■' ver. 7",li'i. » Heb. iiu:n of Hill counni:!. 22 " Remove from me reproach and contempt ; for 1 have k»pt thy tes- timonies. 23 Princes also did bit and speak against me : hut thy servant did 'mtHlitate in tliy statutes. 24 ''Thy to'-t inonies also are my testimonies, and that seek him with ,■ 'iTim:;.!.. ■ Ps. 28. 4. t 27. 11. *t>(l.ll. Pa. 138. 1. Ps. 107. 'J.i. ■' Heb. "quicken thou me according to thy word. 20 I have declared my ways, and thou heardest ine: * teach mo thy statutes. 27 Make me to understand tlie way of thy pi-ecepts: so ''shall I talk of Specimen of Type, RUBY, a4mo ; and on Oxford India Paper, Ruby, a4mo; THIN, Stindni priwyK, jJi'fliV*, PSALIdS. and profeMions of obedience. PSALM 119. Sundry prayeri, jjraisti, and pro/tuion$ ofob*ditnet, a ALEFB. BLESSED are the Sundeflled In the way, ''who walk in tlic law of the Lord. 2 Blessed are they that keei> his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. 3 /They also do no iniquity: tliey wallc in his ways. 4 Thou hast commanded i(i to keep • P«. 44. SJ. ifl.143. U. - or, perff:!, or, tinctre, ' Vt. IIM. 1. ■I Pi. •&. 4. i 1!7. II. &!!<;. 11. " Pl.»5.5,(!. / * 6, IS. > Vi. Iu7. 20. I lieb. dropjMth. lJobn'J.'J)l. ' ver. 171. 1 DALETR. 26 " My Boul cleaveth unto the dust : ° quicken thou me according to thy word. 'US I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: •'teach me tliy statutes. ij Make me to understand the M'ay of thy precepts: so ''sliali I talk oi thy wondrous works. 2s " My soul '^ r.ielteth for lieaviness : strengthon thou me according unto thy word. The Oxford Bible for Teachers issued in 20 sizes, and in over 100 Styles. SOLD AY ALL BOOKSELLERS. London: HENRY FROWDE, """"^liSJSLtS?"^ 324 ADVERTISKMENTS. [1896 Obsrlea Unwln F. iMOmm Foster 3harlea J. Murphy H. L. Eaten (Ettabliihed 1862) UNWIN & CO. SUCCfSSOfIt TO'lf, dfowne rovided with every- mfort of its inmates, for the giving of nos, Massage and Medical Sup't ■ «/■ GRAY, M.D., CM \ ' COLLEGE, «, Ont. .'IIOOL FOR B0Y8. , M. A. Staff- Kngligh »C8, W. C. Michell, Esq. H. Graham ; Mathema lid.) ; Astiitant Hasten lies Bark.;r, Esq. ; fieli Miller, M.A., Rev. W 'iolet Gribble ; VioHii r, Capt. Geo. Ihairs ady Matron, Miss Cleg H. Merritt, Esq., M.D. BUILDINGS , running between 11 Despatch. Its, Speakers, tune Tellers, stte, Daneingr, ?ALD, et, New York, >t a Pilsfriniage aloiij; 'ay to the East, from jCotia to Victoria in s Sladen. ONTO. /W ^/^/y <''^ /^f<^. % DON VALLEY '^^^^ PRESSED brkk Works " DON " REGISTERED Highest Awards in Competition with the World TERRA COTTA M, M, Mm and Enaiqelleil Slicks iq all Golois VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK 3BND FOR CATALOQUe AND PRICE LIST Don Paper Mills PAPER AND PAPER BAG MANUFACTURERS RIGHT WEIGHT RIGHT COUNT^^s^^ WE ALWAYS CARRY AN IMMENSE STOCK wvwwwvwwx BEWARE OF MANUFACTURERS WHO SEND OUT 400 SHEETS FOR A REAM MOTH PROOF OARPET FELT ROOFING AND SHEATINO PAPERS TWINES OF ALL KINDS BUTCHERS' SKEWERS WOOD BUTTER DISHES Taylor Brothers - Proprietors BRICK OFFICE, 60 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO PAPER OFFICE, 30 WEST MARKET STREET. 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