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FORMS, DOCUMENTS OR IMPORTANCE, STATUTES AFFECTING THE DIOCESP OF TORONTO. va:n ■■»:' ' '.'t- .■»■■ -.■/-;#;.;■ COMMLW) BY THB EXECUTIVE QqMMITTBS 0» THE SyNOD. XVIUJJNTQ: Fatienrnk 1894. M-:-- \ ■ "' ^: ■ ":t^«f^ . I- ,A..* ./ ■!'■' i. ■'-:w&^^ y M y-i-'s 5 ^.'sw^fcliw' ^^«»i •»(«»» TORONTO : ROWSELL AND HUTCHISON, PRINTBRS, KING STREET. 'V. "*" V fr !»} P\ 11'! k gadoc t» 0«iutttMti$n niul (ttmut. ki !•» «-. CONBTITUTION Of TIIR SVMOD 1 I. Compoaition of Svno<l, H«al, eto 1 ■ ii. Powon, Acta iintl Conimittees of Synod 2 iii. Eleution of a Hiahop 2 tv. Kleotion of a Suffragan and Coadjutor BUhop. 3 V. Eleotion of Lay HopruA«ntativea 4 vi. Cnntoatod Seats in Syuod. 10 vii, Oflicers of the Synod f 1. Honorary Secretaries 12 . 2. Secretary -Treasurer 14 viii. Meetings of the Synoil 15 ix. Election of Delegates to Provincial Synod. .. . 18 X. Kloction of Delegates to General Synod 20 xi. Executive Committee of Synod 20 xii. Standing Committees of Synod :...,... 22 xiii. - General I'rQviaiona , 24 xiv.- Rules of Order 25 Canon No. I. 1. Definitions 27 2w Procedure 28 11 *. II. The Bishop's Cocrt 31 fi III. Patronage OF THK IJkctoki Its 32 II . IV. SUSTENTATION OK THB Cl.BBOY ;..... 32 II V, ERK(rrH>N AND Division or Parishes 33 II VI. BciLDiNo or Churciiks and Parsonaoeh..^hp> ■ ■ ■ ■ 35 II VII. Security AND PROTEcrnoN OF CiitTRCHPR(^B|iy .. 36 II VIII. Registration OP ^EEDS OF Ciiuifcn PnoPERTTflf. ... . 39 II IX. Vestrik.s in Free Churches . .\ , 39 II X. Cleroy CoMMutATioN Trust FirtiD Surplus 41 II XI. Mission Board AND Mission Fund .. 45 II XII. Widows and Orphans' and Theological Students' Fund 53 II , XIII, Superannuation M XrV. Superannuation Fund 51 II XV. Investment Committee 66 II XVI. Statistical ANt> Otker Returns BY Clergy .. 67 II XVn. Audit Committee 68 11^ XVIII. Income of the Episcopate 69 II XIX. See Endowment AMD Land Committee 69 II XX. Church Extension, General Purposes, Statistics and Assessment Committee 70 n XXI. Sunday School and Book and Tract Committee. 76 II XXII. Toronto ReCtory Endowment 76 II XXIII. Churchwardens ..'. ....v, 76 - I, XXIV. Proportionate Representation 86 > ^> ^...^:LJt&'>i!i ; > I 4--- I .. ! •^... •.'**'' J- 1 ii- t I ■§#i '■'■ ■ ■ » - . ■■■■•, ■ ^ , ' •• •^ /! :\''')-// U.\::^^^ 4ksi!Sk&^,J«!i&^L£f^ ~iC^ "^^^sXM^^^^^VBf^K^^tV^'SiJi^Xtff^Eifip^^ I'ai 1 1.] CONSTITUTroi^, H». 1, 2. I f I .^eirbd (Rnttou0 of the J(ncorpotatd Synod of the ^iotm of ioronto. CONSTITUTION OF THK SYNOD. [/VWimiMrtryA^o/<!.-Tlio Hyiiod Hrnt ft«lopte«l n Cointltutlon in IHfl4. Thin wuii nmoiMlod in lHrt<», ruvinod in »Hft7, IHrtM, and I8lk). an<l (uitlier rovi««il ill IK«2. On .Jrtiiuurv 2:ji(l, 18«», tlio Hynod waa iiiooriMiratwl l>y 32 Vic. (Out.) oluip.fH, Hiulf in tho ■uMionof thut your n Coimtitiitioft was a<lopt(!d, fnuiidud upon tii* oiio theretoforu in forc«, ntid u Couwnitteo wiiH uppoiiitud to uonaolidatu thu l/'anoim, liy-lftws, UouulatiotiR, etc., of tlio .Synod. Therci»ort of this Comniittuo whs coii«liU>r««d, aniondod iHid udoptud in 1870, ami tliu (jonatitution th«iv a«lopt«d haa aincA b«en frtjqnently amuiide<l. In 1H8I u new Conatltutlon wna adopU-d, but a motion to contirm it in 1882 wa* loat. (Journnia, 1882, p. 4.3.) ■ ■' > COMPOSITION OP THE i)YNOD, DIOCESAN SEAL, ETC. " 'V ■ I. The Incorporaterl Synod of the Dioce.se of Toronto compoiitioR «hall consist of tbp Bishop of the Diocese, who shall be*''^y"'^- tho head of the Synod, any Suffragan or Coadjutor Bi.shop theieof, the Priests and Deacons of the Diocese licensed by the Bishop br Suffragan, and Lay Representatives to bo elected a.H hereinafter prodded.* - "^[32 Vic. (Ont.) cap. 51, sec. 2.] J4. The Synod shall have a Common Seal, of which the .P«»i. and Bishop of the Diocese shall have the care and custody ; c^to^y «>»• and the Bi.shop is hereby authorized ancl empowered to execute all deeds and documents which, from time to time, may bo required to be executed on behalf of the Synod, pursuant to any Resolution of the Svnod or of anv of the . Committees thereof, where such resolution is passea within the authority of such Committee. (1) The mode of execution of such deeds and documents Execution shall be by the Bishop causing the said Common Seal tome^"" be aflSxed thereto, and by his signature attesting the same. aa to election of Lay Repreaentativea, section 0, po«/ pag« 4. / -V I. ■ pi^iiiifTi^ii atfiV ■■111 I ilfM ^ Hjr 110)1. ./• Act« of l»yi»0«l- CONROUDATRO CAKOKM, inv.. n.. I.M>ii RlllflM. inftv Pft»» •♦"*'". '. 4 No act or r-'"'""™ f . Hy,or«™ r of a "'T"'? „-,tu^h°: concurrence ;r.^;^^^^ „, .^^o^ Sitth«7ctt;nof»B«hop. <1 ,*^- C , Commi«««»- Mode of ElMllon. [er to ino q*ov.w.^..• - i, 'th ■' ,„) Th.'Syno.l n,ay aW^'tl^SeHtay W^^^^^^^^ to act. ■ ■ \ Howwch »• ^» ; . absence the A'^*^"^*®' il.i^^pon the senior Sn. SriW" o"inV trorUTwt^m'rirrence o. .™»»»d. n,rall3eftn, shall, w'lhin one w«° the <31ergy """l ^^^ r^sen^e, to^>« l;»^i,»'J*^^ „e^Uog shall be s«m- V, 1 t -^ «•♦ Pm-t I.] t'OKMTITlfTIOIf, HH. 8-H. ^ « liil <) 4 srM, ♦ J ion 1 tto 1 - *^ ith- ' 1. roni • ' )W«>' 1 1 t6a .J y by y by I loter- y o^ H of vote ; lall be h. 139 • Arch- rder of I senior ence of ndLay twenty be sum- T. 'Anv cjeiifyinrtn «l^t««l to Iw HUhop, Ami hoMitig t»»>*op rtt tlin tlino of Huch oluclion any |)r«l'(>r|imi)t or l»«n«Hce, ''"J****^ Hhftll ronij^ti mrch profonniuit or iHimttlcu prior to Ium cohmo- **""""*" cM'atioiu «/ KI.FXTION Of A HUrnUOAN AND tlrtADJUTOfl RIHIlOi*. H. Wljprjover the Fiis)i6p of the Dicjcene hhall, by writing ai •nmmi untl(M' hJH hand, nlgnify to tius Synod of the l)ioc«iM), through "'••''"« "' , tho Kxucutivn CoininitUK) theruof, that ho in (ioNiroun of *" ' having ivt^iiittVagan and Coadjutor IMiyhop noniinatod hy tho Synod, if such ^igiiiHcation lie in tiino huforu tho Annual Moeting%M' tliu Synod to givu thu ysual notiou '^^ theroof accor<ling to Hio rulos of tho SynoH,, -tho Haid ^ Exucutivu CV)uunitt(*o nhall givo notieu thuruof ; aAd HUch election Nhall bo procoodod with at the ^>xt mooting of tho Synod, iuutiodiatoly after the reading of the niinutei| of the last f^nod, and iKsforo any other businesH \h pro- ceeded with ; and such election Hhall bo proceeded with « accordingly, under the Hanie Canons ami in the Hamo man- ner an in the cane of iHBjUection of a Binhop of the Diocemi ; except that tho Hi^hoj^of the Diocese, if present, NhsU presido at wuch oloction ; and, if he bo not pvos<?nt, the Synod • nhall bo pro.si(Jed ovor as in the casto of the* election of a BifJkDi> on a vacancy occurring in the See. (a) If such Hignitication be made, as in tho preceding At ipw^ui section montioncd, at such time as in the opinion of «"••""« the Bishop rendors it dosirable° that a special meeting of the Syno«t shall bo held for such election as aforesafd, the Bishop of the Diocese shall call such special session for such election (tho notice thereof shall forthwith be given by the Executive Committee), and shall t»ike charge of and conduct tho proceedings at such election at the special session called as aforesaid. y {b) The SuftVagan and Coadjutor Bishop so elected shall, ooMijutor, without any further election, become and be the Bishop of *•»«'> ^•'•°- the Diocese whenever any vacancy occurs in the See.'****'***'**" (c) Before the election of any such Suffragan and Coad- Proiiminary iutor Bishop is proceeded with, the Synod shall by reso- "wJuUon. lution declare that the election of a Suffragkn and Coad-' jutor Bishop is necessary. . •4t s ■fc^.;- • ; "" •t.^Wtf-'W *«*^^>^ Z"'"^-* ^^ 'r' ^. V CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Parti. Po..hot /(i^ When a Suffragan and Coadjutor Bishop i3 elected SL-jt; anrcopBecr" ted he shfll have the same powers prmlege». «^ ^d authorities as the Bishop ot the 1>'0«J«: ^^^^^^^^ exercise them in subordination to the Bishop of the Diocese. ISLECTION OF LAY REPRESENTATlVliS. Nun,.:. a..d 9. The Lay Representatives of each Parish or Missi^on in qu*uflc..uon th& Synod shall not exceed three m number, and shall be ^^'^'X electedTherein provided. They shal be males who have irr"^- not bee^in Holy Orders, who, at t|he time of their electio.x, have attained the age of twenty-one years, have been com- municanrf or at least a twelvemonth immediately preced- ISrS election, and during such twelvemonth have com- municated at least three times. fn\ Tn oase there are two congregations in the Parish or r:r-MiSo?thTlargei. congregation fhall have the J ght ta ».uon. elect two Lay Representatives and the smaller congregation one In case there are three congregations in the Parish or Mission, each congregation shall have the "ght to elect one of the Lay Representatives. In case there are four or ^ more congregations in the Parish or Mission, the two Srgest congregations shall each have the right to elect one of the Lay Representatives, and the romaming congrega- tions together may elect the third. When to be elected. Who to pre ride. 10 The Lay Representatives of each Parish or Mission shall be elected at the Annual Easter Meeting of the con- gregation or congregations (^hich meeting, in case ot a ^ancy in the Incumbency, shall be called by the Church- wardens or Churchwarden) ; or. (if there has been no elec- tion at the Easter Meeting), then at a meeting held there- after and specially called for such election by the Minister.. or (if there is no Minister, or. in case he omits to call such meeting within thirty days after E^^ter Monday), by the Churchwardens or Churchwarden of the Parish or Mission. ' > »^ 11. The Minister, if present, shall preside at the blec- tiort ; if he be not present, the Assistant Curate or Assistant Minister, if present, shall preside ; if neither the Minister nor the Assistant Minister is present, a chairman to be elected by the qualified voters present shall preside, and shall have only a casting vote. *•-.-' ..■.:4.:;.: . *■ _^::l- --^- * ^-.... ^M...:^,.. ^^igi / iik ■ t. ■ Part I. elected vilegeM, . ,t shall )iocese. ision in jhall be 10 have ilectioix, bn com- preced- ve coni- arish or right to •egation I Parish to elect ; four or he two ilect one )ngiega- Mission the con- ase of a Church- no elec- id there- Minister,, call such : ), by the Mission..' the blec- A.ssistant Minister an to be iside, and Part I.] CONSTITUTION, 8S; 9-14.' - 1 ?8. The Lay Representatives shall be elected by a nia- Mode of jority of the persons qualified to vote, as herein provided*'**'"^ and voting at the meeting. The votes shall be taken by ballot, if required by a majority of the qualified voters present at the meeting. ^ •> 13. All males of twenty -one years old and upwards, not Who may in Ho'y Orders, members of and habitual worshippers with*****- the congregation, and whose names appear on the list set- tled and signed as herein provided, shall have the right to vote at the election of Lay Representatives. 1 4 Such list shall be prepared as follows :— (a) Each layman who desiresj^f vote at an election toVoten-iirt. be held in any year of Lay Representatives in Synod, shall, within the first fifteen d^vs or January in that year, sign and deliver to the Churchwardens pf the congregation of which he is a member a declaration to the following effect : -;!?"■.■■ ' .' ■ ■ ■ ^ "laolemnly declare that I nm a meml^r of the Church of Enuland Declaration, in Canada aim ef the congtejjation of Church {naming it) ; that 1 am of the full age of twenty-one years : that I am an habitual worshipper with the said congregation, and have buen so for three months next pre- ceding the 1st day of January instant : that I am not reffistered as a 'j . member of any bther congregation ; and that during the three months - '^ above mentioned I have not voted, nor do I intend to vote, as a member - 7, of any other congregation, at an election of Lay Representatives in the next Synod." : « Provided that the signing of said declaration by any ° person shall be unnecessary- if his name appears upon the list of persons who were entitled to vt)te at the last pi:e- ceding election. (J)) A book containing the declaration aforesaid, for signa- Book for ture by pei-sons desirous to sign the same, shall be provided *gna'«"«- by the Churchwardens or Churchwarden for every con- gregation entitled to elect, or to join in electing, a Lay Representative or Lay Representatives. Such book shall be kept in the vestry of the Church or place of worship of the congregation, or in some other convenient place, and notice thereof, and of the period within which such declara- tion should be signed, shall be given in the Church or place of worship during Divine service on the first and second Sundays of January in each year. '^■' ' ■'-wM i ■■Srj ^* ^t^Mt^^^sL^ ir "^n^'^^^^hf,^/^ ^ '!s'=-*^3i ' ^»l ^^-&^^^^il^-^^&rr,«'. «^^ » i^jijSf *^s -^^ff^ ^^^wpj^ <r. {: * r • 6 To be hung up. C0N80UDATED CANpHj^iWC., 1894. [?"*!• .....,^- (0 Between the/^«««*_^»* .S'cClwtanl Minister or the Min »ter be absent or omit so to oo, ine "hsTo! the persons who, Uvtog»gn^ ™eh<^^^^^^^^ r ' rKS= r vX' rz'n^t^wi^^oi': l4 , t^eltaUvetVpt^nUtive.) of the congregation ,n Synod. Ul\ On or before the ivrnXji-fitcom^ day of January in Jh vear such alphabetical Hat shall be put up m the veati- but o^r on the inner door of the Oiurch or plax^e o^ of the congregation, and shall there remain for inspection untUthe!!?^^^^^^ (A Ut) to the said me&'nXk day of February aiiy ^member other name* W up w w"? «** „o„ onnlv in writiuff to the Minister may b* in- of the Congregation may apply »?;T"^*" v %._ i_.„e to «"ed or to the Churchwardens (or to either ?[*? e"») *f''^®''7i,i^ sin the declaration hereinbefore provided, a^^ tojiave Ins Xe entered upon the list, or if tU beno h^^^ a Ust to be made, or to have the name of wiy person oi persons wrongly i^^^^^^^ u . (r\ Before the meeting for the election of Lay Represen- \^l ta^es^ofthetg"egati?n.allBUC^ notice to the parties affected, be determined, aiid_the said SstSiaUysettldandsi^ed^^^ Tribunal composed of the Minister (if any) of the i-arisn or Klon the Churchwardens, and two other me^^^^^^ L cSgatl^ who have been elected ^y the vestry at . Sela^Ser vestry meeting,.or at tbej^^^^^^^ • thereof or at a meeting specially d^M therefor by the Minister or (if there be no Miniatoi*. or in case of his lentVoiiissiontocall^ warden^ or Churchwarden. Provided that the last list fomally revised and settled in «m|»^ aforesaid shall re- main in force until the final setti^^«»« a new hst. Synod daw to be aent with oertlflokte ol elaotion. 15 Within twenty days after W^ election, the Chair- m^of the meeting Ihall send ^ tbt SecretaiT-Treasurer ofThe Synod, the amount assessed c»H*i« Parish or Mission. :.k ft v.- ■ • .i,' • [Part I. days of wardens re be no 3 do, the n alpha- declara- litted by of a Lay Ration in nuary in the vesti- ' worship nspection iT member Minister r leave to ► have his hen upon person or i same. Represen- ihall, after 1 the said Parochial the Parish lembers of ! vestry at id meeting or by the Else of his leChurch- e last list id shall re- list. the Chair- s-Treasurer , or Mission, Part I.] '•■ps-ypy'^'Th^ ^^.»^m, CONflitTUTION, 88. 16-17, f^^r as hereinafter provided •;togethe?'With a certificate of such election according ta the following eflfect : *' This is to certify tbat at a meeting held on the day of A, D. 18 for the purpose of electing a Lay Representative {or Lay Repre- aeatatives) in the Synod, for the Parish (or Mission) of • A. B. {O, D. ana E, F.) being a Communicant (w Communicants) of at least one year's standing, of the full age of twenty-one years, aqd who has (<yr have) communicated at. least three, timfes during the twelve months previous to the election, was (or were) duly elected by the Laymen withii\ this Parish (or Mission), as a Lay Representative (or Representatives) id Synod of the Parish (or Mission) of (naming tt) by the Toymen entitled to vote at such eileotion according to section thirteen of the Revised Consti- tution of * The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto.' Dated this day of 18 . Chairman." " I also iorward herewith the assessment of the Parish (or Mission), being , dollars." And on sucii certificate shall be endorsed as follows : Toronto, < — , Declaration X To tfie Honorary Secretaries of the Synod : ' Gentlemen,— I have received the Synod Dijies of the wjthin-named Biurish or Cure ; you may therefore enteij the names of the Lay Repre- Mntatives on the Synod List. ,: >^ - Your obedient servant, Secretary-Treasurer, The certificate, so endorsed by the Secretary -Treasurer Endorsed of the Synod, shall by him be forwarded to the Honorary Certificate. Secretaries, who shall enter the names of the Lay Repre- , sentatives on the Synod List, to be printed and sent to each member of the Synod by the Executive Committee with their order of proceeding8.t "^ 16. No^Representative shall be entitled to take his seat Effect of in the Synod until the assessment upon his Parish or Mis- omiwion^ sion shall have been paid. . . SIL^" IT. In the event of tiie inability or refusal of the Chair- ifohair- man to certify that such Lay Representatives, or eithpr oi^^^^ them, so duly elected, are communicants of at least one „tooo„. year's standing, and had communicated at least three times munication. during the year previous to their election, he shall, forth- with, after such election, require the Lay Representative *&« Canon XX. (3) and standing Oiders reUtinK to the same, iMst I). 73. t See section 80 and 62 (e)post«S«M It. M. • t' ' f W Ui^ ,-4Ti^rT»J>'- • p«iii!ii!Ba«6*'- «W«K'!«.-«»)*?W»«IWPW*'W'»W»l»; ,y *'H^ i» 'V«Tp^''Sf^, EaS^»--? f^fP-f i^\ S^WW^ ^ r ,1,™. ^ «.,, , "' t \^ p f^— ' 'nw '■:"'■ Wf s CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Pavt I. / May give special per- tificate. If commun- ion has not been celebrated thrice. Ortificate of Dele- gate. ror Lav Representatives) as to whom he cannot so certify, to p Jure and furnish to him. within ten days after the same shall have been required of hun (or them) a certifi- cate (or certificates) from any Minister who is able to cer- tify thereto, in the form or t^the ettect following :— .• rru- • ♦« «»,.fjrw fhat of i« a communicant of at le^t'^o'^e'y^r.Sd?^^^^^^^ three time, daring the twelve month, immediately preceding Ea»ter, 18 .. And thereupon, on such certificate being s«PPl'e*l. it shall be competent for the said Chairman to, and he shall certify, as hereinbefore required of him. Should such W Rep7esentative, (or Lay Representatives) make default in ^ furnishing such certificate within ten days after the same shall have been required of him (or them) the said Chair- man Shall forward the certificate of election required in section /i/^een to the said Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod within the time aforesaid, omitting therefrom the words as to the Lay Representative (or Lay Representatives) com- municating. • - ' 1 8 In the event of the inability ^r refusal of the Chair, man to certify, as in the last preceding paragraph mentioned, bv Reason of the Mii^ster of the Parish (or Mission) bemg in Deacon's orders, and'the Church not affording an oppor- tunity to the Lay Representative (or Lay Representatives), so elected as aforesaid, to communicate tbe number of times required as aforesaid, the Chairman shall certify accord- inely, and* he shall vary the certificate to be furnished by him by adding thereto under his signature Hhe following words : ' "This is to further certify that the Minister of the <;0°gr«?»*i?° J*);- ^^g been in Deacon's orders Lring the ye« E^-J^Sf ^J^^^Si as often as opportunity oflfered." 19 The Chairman of the meeting shall furnish ea^ Lay Representative with a certificate similar to that to be forwarded by him to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod ; without it any person presenting himself as a Lay Repre- sentative shall be required before taking his seat to attord sufficient proof of his identity.. !miL\\.ii..i.^..^,i:^.y^»...j^i:M^.iiLiM ' ^ij^£;i^'S'H Part I] CONSTITUTION. 88. 18-23. 9 ■;4« »0. Except in cases of death, resignation, or i-emoyajJ^T*"" «' from the Diopese, the Lay Representatives in Synod of"""*- «ach Parish or Mission shall continue in office until^?tne next meeting of the Synod after the election of their sue- " cessors. %1. Any Lay Representative may resign his office by R««'Kn*»'on- jgiving notice to that effect to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod, who shall forthwith communicate such resigna- tion to the Chairman of the meeting at which such Lay Representative was elected, in order that a new election may be held as herein prescribed. *4jt. If any Representative be elected for more than one dimJ eiec- Parish, he shall, within one week of receiving notice thereof ''°"- from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod, whose duty it shall be to send such notice, select the Parish for which he intends to sit and vote, and shall signify the same to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod, who shall at once notify the Minister or Ministers of the other Parish or Parishes for which such Representative shall have been elected ; and thereupon such Minister qr Ministers shall proceed to call a new election, by giving notice thereof on either ©rthe two Procedure, following Sundays; such new election to take place within twenty-one days from the receipt of the notification from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod ; and in case such Representative shall fail to make such selection, and to signify the same as herein required, all his elections shall he void, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall» within ten days after the expiration of the time allowed for making such selection, notify the Parishes concerned to proceed to a new election. 583. In case any Lay Representative dies or removes New eiec> from the Diocese, or resigns his office, his seat shall betion. thereby vacated and a new election shall forthwith be held to fill such vacancy, in manner following: — The Minister or (if there be no Minister, or if he omits to call the meeting within thirty days after the vacancy occurs), tho' Church- wardens or Churchwarden of the congregation or congre- gations by whom the late Representative was elected, shall call a meeting for the election of his successor. Notice of the meeting shall be given during Divine Service in ^he ' ; '^Sm JJ"-. ;i fm- f ,-;^4- ■^ •jtrMT-Vi''" / ."«,'f!T .i?f '"? i^(BT','^rjrs »t'"5' T ■ ^T" Jio Raoordof Delefptte* to b« kept bySec.- Tr«as. Who may contest a Seat. -^^ Ip-^ CONSOLIDATED CANONS. ETC., 1894. [Part I. Church or place of ^or.^^^l^^''^^^^ Sundays next before the meeting^ in v ^^^ Constitution. * CONTESTED SEATS IN SYNOD. 24 It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Tref«urer to , innt n which shall be entered as soon as they are intSC'rltnd-Snl oi\e CouH on Contested Seats. «K Anv member of the Church resident in the Diocese, u -Lt^XZ to vote at the election complained of. may ■ f™airt 0^'"?^^! rvipae^t^i ^TZ persok whose seat is so moved »g».nst. /„^ Tho nurtv misine the objection to such didm toa *?^- «1S Lrwifliin one week before the Dieting objected to. ^ (6) Objection may be taken at any tjjjf^/^^^^lj^ sud Synod List. ^a Thft Chancellor of the Diocese, or. in his absence, tW Court on Ap. ino v^nancBiiui ui vm« *- ^uv, *»wrtPlAripn.lftndfour conteaed lUsgistrar of the Diocese, together ^^^^^^^.^j^' '^^^^^ ««"- Sr Lay «»embers, to be appointed by the Bishop, under Objection .r^rfiS'; Mb ammtitmfi ^ Part I.] OONSTlTtJTION, 88. 24-27. a his hand and seal, one week after the time for receiving protests has expired, shall be a Court to consider such « protests, and to adjudicate thereon, and to them shall be referred for final adjudication all cases of doubtful or irre- gular certificates mentioned in the Report of the Com- mittee on the certificateH of the Lay Representatives ; and ' the decision of such (^ourt shall be final. (a) The Honorary Secretaiies shall provide a book, in bo* for which shall be entered a list of all Parishes or Missions, ^^'^'^ ^ against the election of Lay Representatives of which a f>rotest has been made as aforesaid. In addition to such ist the names of the protesters shflril be given, together with the objections, in extenao, mad^ against the election ; and this book, with full details of the protest, as herein required, shall be open to the inspection of any member of j the Synod, at the Synod Office, at least one week before the meeting of the Synod. it7. The persons appointed by the Bishop as members if any of of the Court on Contested Seats, must be persons against "'.'7' '"• whose seats no protests have been received ; and in case'"'*'"'* the Chancellor, or Registrar, is ineligible from his seat being contested, the Bishop shfdl appoint another qualified person to act as a member of the Court, but the right of such ^el-son so to sit shall cease on the cessation of the ineligibility of the Chancellor or Registrax, as the case may be. , (1) The names of the persons composing the Court on Name* to Contested Seats shall be inserted in the Convening Circular.*^ '*''°"** containing the Order of Proceedings issued prior to thelng^^!^ meeting of Synod.* (2) The Court on Contested Seats shall meet for the Meeting. adjudication of cases on such days in the week folio wing '''*^'^ their appointment as the Bishop may determine, and at any future tipie at the call of the Chairman ; and shall remain in offi(ie until their successors have been appointed. * Section 62 (2), jKMt p. ao. \ -?, ^ •X- . s • -V / V r IS C0N80LIDATKD CANONS, ETC., 1894. OFriCBRff OF THE SYNOD. ■ *^ - Honorary Seeretariea. [Pnrt I. Honorary S«cr«tarie«. Their T 88. There shall be two Honorary Seeretariea of the Synod, one a Ctergyman, the other a Layman, both mem- bers of the Synod ; the former to be elected by the Clergy, ajid the latter bv the Lay Representatives ; and such elec- tion shall be held on the first busfheas day of the Annual Meeting of the Synod, immediatdy after the Bishop has delivered his annual address. 29. It shall be the duty of the Honorary Secretaries to keep regular minutes of all proceedings of the Synod ; to record them in a book provided for that purpose'; to pre- serve all papers, memorials, and other documents ;' to con- duct the correspondence ; to attest the public acts of the Synod ; to deliver all records and documents to their suc- cessors in office, and to furnish daily, prefixed to the printed notices of motion, as may be necessary, a summary ^I'itatement. or synopsis, of the whole of the unfinished busi- i- ' ness before the Synod, in the order in which it is proposed to take it up. See Standing Orders respecting Minutes and Printing of Synod, post pages 13, 14. 30. The Bishop shall furnish to the Honorary Secre- taries of the Synod as soon after Easter as possible a list of all the licensed Clergy of the Diocese with their post- office addresses; the Secretaries shall prepare printed copies of said list together with the list of Lay Repre- sentatives whose names have been duly entered on the Synod list according to section Jlfteen, and they shall fiirnish a copy of said list to each such Clergyman and Lay Representative in the Convening Circular mentioned in section fifty-two, sub-section two, of this Constitution. S"^''""^**' ^ Cpmnaittee of one Clergyman and one Lay «^' tlepresentative, to be appointed by the Executive Com- mittee, shall meet at the Synod Office at least two days before the meeting of Synod, and examine the certificates of the Lay Representatives sent in to the Secretary- A* to list of memb«TS of Synod. tea."*.' iB«..ii*-.Jf--iirtrniiftiM, ™^^,-* „ ,^J ,\ :^ k^^ ^-,1^ ' .4^4. ,4t-.5^-. liiii ^WW <'^'w!l"' " "^ .*- Part I] CONSTITUTION, 8& 28-31. 18 Treasurer by the respective Clergymen in the 'Diocese, puiftuant to section fifteen of the Conntitution and shall prepare a Report thereon, to bo placed in the han<lN of the Honorary Lay Secretary on the opening of the Syno<l. , RTANDINO ORDiaa AH T() TUB MINUTES or HYNOD. (1) The proceedings of the Synod shsU be copied into s boolc, and Hook of such proofTotCingM ihall be nuthentioatod by the signature of the Biihop, as ^''■"<**> President of the 8ynod, and by the Honorary Secretaries of Synod for the time l>eing, after the same have been read, adopted, and uontirmed at the clone of each Hosaion of Synod, and the rea<ling thereof at the succeeding meeting of Synod shall be dispensed with, unless recjuesteil by a majority vote of the Synod. (2) The minutes of proceedings of the Synod shall be uniformly prinfefl Ttndtr. by tender, and a table of contents and index shall be inserted with each year's proceedings. (3) The Honorary Secretaries vna,'^ employ a person to collect from the Mlnuta official minute-book, and append to the printed minutes for each year, a Book, copy of each Canon or Resolation which has been duly passed, with an Index, ttc. (4) The Honorary Secretaries are authorized to employ an aevistaut, Awiiunt. ' whole duty it shall be to give special attention to the recording and printing of tlie daily minutes of proceedings. (5) The names of subsc^ribers to the Mission Fund shall be printed in Subsicriberi^ the appendix to the Synod Journal, in parallel columns with the amount Namei. * subscribed by each person opposite the name, each page to contain three qr four columns, as may be found convenient ; but no names of persons who have subscribed less than fifty cents shall be printed. (6) The number of votes received by the elected ihembers of the Execu- Votes tive Committee and the Delegates to the Provincial Synod as also the Recorded, substitutes shall be entered in the Journals of the Synod. (7) A detailed statement of all contributing Parishes to the London jew»' Fund. Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews shall be printed in the Appeudix to the Synod Journals, as well as contributions to the Parochial Missions to the Jews' Fund. (8) The collections made in the Chapel of Trinity College, Wyoliffe Col- Collectioni. lege, and of Trinity College School, and in any other places of worship which have not been assessed, and which have contributed to the ^ Widows and Orphans' Fund and other Funds, shall be printed in the Synod Journals. ▼ ^fc -•Hi h>: ' J ! -<ir* ^v <i«.4. -!*_. L tTi;i% ' ■^■ff;. iHiA^-v 4^4^'^' I. g'fr^'A'li"- i< it ^" jlj ^-J^/jAAI ^lB '- ■^fiT? f!^*-!r V •/...- t 14 Prini|n|. Suparvlilon. T«nd4r. 8«lactlon of Tendarcr. f- Printing Expentet. Further Rule*. ^ Provincial delegatef. SecretMy- Treaiurer. ■ COHHOLIDATED OAKORll, ITC., 1894. [P«t I- Standing Order. ,« to Printing fm the Synod- arc k«pt within re»on*ble boun<b. 1 t^A .Kill Im ■ubmitte<l to . the Honomry (2, Ml nutter. *«' '^^ ^j;';^^ltdU^U I n ToteotU^^ 8.o«,torl«i to *»«*«'"''"•, J\"r'^^;rDi«««.« -hall In, ,.rlnt«l without Synod. (8» All Printing for the Synod, it. Officer, .nd Committee.. -hall ^ by JlrJZJto and accepted by the Honorary HecreUne.. Such " ♦rvr..ubllclv invited whenever it may .eem expedient to the E'oCyLe:rfJ.dinanyca.a.oftenatlea.ta.onc.inttv.y^^^ (, AU printing af «;;/j^«JJ-j;Co«t ^etrerrit executed by a person cho.«» by the «udH^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^,^^ thu. ^-^'^:^'^^:'^/,;TI.Jou .o to be appointed .hall pro- Honorary Secr^rie., '^^^y,^ ,„,„„„„« of hU worlt. according. the said Honorary Secretane., be so appropriated. m The Honorary Secreterie. shall have power to frame any further ^ Ihich tZr miy deem expedient for the more effectual carrying out trary to any enactment or Regi|^ation of the Synod. (7, inpubii-hingthMi-t of ^^^\rX^:^X'^^^^^^^^^ •hall be printed in alphabetical order. SECUETAftY-TREA&URER. Sa There shall be a Secretary-Treasurp/of the Synod, who^shall be appointed by the fexecutiY^ Committee, and sthCom^ttea shall diJect the Secretary-Treasurer m .c • } ^"^sifc yszjjt^ r^^'tf-. 'iwftS^^jjsXi.*^ •"sm' Pait I.] OONNTITUTION, B8. 32-36. 16 tho dUcharpro of tho dutloH of liift offico, and dotortnino hin romunorfttiou Hubject to aiiy direction of tho Synod io reference thereto. I. It sRnll be the Rpecial duty of the 8ecretary-Trea«- •»«•«« o^ (under tho direction of tho Executive Committee), to ^l'^'*'*^ urer attend to all the businoHH of the Synod when not in leu- Hion. Ho Hhall reuoivo all nionuyN paid to him under the authority of the Synod, keep them safely, enter them in book^^quisite for that purpose ; and, undor siioh regula- tions as may bo made by tho Executive Committee, shall deposit all such sums as soon an they amount to one hundred dollars, to tho credit of tho said Synod, in such chartered bunk or banks of the Dominion as may from time to time be approved by the said Executive Committee. 34. Tho said Secretary -Treasurer shall, under such re-s*ci>riiyio gulations as may be made by tho Executive Committee, *" ■''^'' *^* give security for tho proper poi-formanco of his duties, and for the safe custody of all securities and for the deposit of, and diie accounting for all such moneys as may come into his hands as Secretary -Treasurer, as provided in the fore-, going section thirty-three. Standing ordera respecting the Secretary-Treodurer. ' 1. The Heoretary-Treaaurer of the Synod shatl lumiiion to their tint ' meeting Special aa wel^ as Standing Committeei. . ' ^ ■ See Standing Orders appended to Section J^fljf -Jive (b). 2. Notices of payments about to fall due under the Canons on the Widows and Orphans' and Superannuation Funds shall be sent out by the Secretary-Treasurer. / 3. He shall furnish from time to t/me to the Chunoh papers published in this city, information as to the pt-oceedings of Committees of Synod, subject to the approval of the Chairman of tlie Executive. 4. The' annual vacation of the/ Secretary-Treasurer shall be for four weeks in the month of August. / MEETING^ OF THE SYNOD. 35. The Synod shall |Meet annually on the first Tuesday Tim* of in June, or at such other period as may be deemed expedient ""«*•'"«• by the Bishop, who shall also appoint the place of meeting, "^^^""^V / -"# y 'i %. MystHL COlfBOLIDATBD CANONH, rrO.,1804. [P»#!t ^) el i^All adjourn or dli«*<>*^« th« Syno<1, m inty ftpp««r to I uiunt coiulucivo to thtt wwlfare of tho Ui^o^io. 9€. A quorum of tli« Syno«l nhnll conuht of not I«m than onu-fourth of thti wholo tnmilH3i- of tho liconH««l t'lorgy of the DioceHo, m provided in Miction on* of thift Constitu- tion, and one-fourth of the \Ay RopWHentiitiveii of the Mvoral partuhfH or miwiionn ol the l)ioce«i© entitled to . -representation, a»» certified by tlie Court on Contested "^ MAt*; and n«> buHiiiuN* nhall ho trannacted without " quorum. [See 2:i Vic, c, UO] t (•raakllni •r of *•» 37. When tlie Bishop is not present- amf haa not "Jsi^. appointed a doptity Cijairninh, then llio senior dignitary, or Clergyman of the Diocese present, siiall preside in hla place. Fmyamtob* uMd bafor* w 38. During one month previous to tho mooting of the i^^dw'iT Synod, eiich M inistt-r «]iull^)|i''inoniing and evening Service, Hynod" "* use tho foflowing form <jP|)rayer for tlie Divine blessing inMtins. on the proceedings of tho Synod : . j " AtMiOHTr Fatiikk, who in tho iM^inding of the Uoipel ditUt oftut» (he Apoetloa and KIdors to meet together under the guidance o( Thy Holy Spirit ; and haat promised, through Thy Son .lesu«Chri«t, to bo with Tby Church to the end of the world : Vonchiafe, we pray Thee, to b« pre«etit \ with the Synod of thia Diooeae now almut to oaaenible [or new a*»emhtt4i]li*^ '^yt' give unto them the ipiritof wiidom, patience, love, and of a lound taind ; aitd ao diredt, wnotify, and govern thorn that they may seek truth aia<l ^v p«*oe ! and that through them the saving gospel of ^M||^"\9d( ''<^ ^P^ effectualty preached and ministuj^, Thy dispersed shHpHillAiM ii^to- the fold, and Thy Holy Church Hbblished, strengthei] and sanctifled ; through the merits and iatercession M,. ,Chr»t; Thy Son our Lord.— i4»»e». (a) In addition to tho prayers heretofore used at the l^ng, of the Synod, and in the several 'Churchea\ sWi>^ the - meeting of the Synod, the following V be also used." " }JB%i>, the Fatnir ^f our I x>rd Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, tho il*lrinoe of Peace ; give us grace seriously to lay to heart the gre&t dangera we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, ' and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly Union and Concord ; ,.■<■ j«fej ■■ n Pftril.] CONSTITUTION, MA, 30-40. UmI m llMr* b bal on* Bmly, •»<! <iim Hplrilt muI on* Hop* ^ tnir Calling, on\Lonl, ana Fallh, on* lUptiam, on* (Iml mkI Father of ua all, ao wa mawjkf iiikforth \m all of on« ha«rt an<l u( ona kiuI, unitad In (md holy buii't uL npjy^]|p«| I'aaoa. of Faith and Charity, tmd may with on* inin<l ify Th*a, through J*aua Chriat our lAtrA.~Annm, ^ l^tamling OnUrK an to Meetinyn of Synod. I. Vi» Honorary Haoretariea ahall print In tb* (.'onvening (,'|r- uular, td Im aant t*) tha aaveral innn^lMira, th<t prayera to tta um<I In tiM aav<miK.'huruhoa and Cha|)*la of thia Uiocea* previoua to th* nioatinM of th*Hyno(l." 3. Th* ahalrmon (or othar r«pr*aflntativ«a) of th* Kxauutlv* and (ilanaral Purpoaaa Coinniitt*«a, and tha Honorary Neor*tari«a ahall b* ft^ Conimltt** lo niaka all naoeaaary arrangtnielita for th* annual aeaaion «>f ' thia 8yno4l : and thia Coniinitta* ahall li* nllowed tha atitn of J{/i)f dollar* tu cover tt^* *ip«n**« of titting up th* room, printing unrda of notioaa to hang up, and ^thor contingenciea. - i^, 3. Th* Honorary S«cretari«i, undar the tlirevtion of the lliahop, mj^y jproour* auoh furniture aa ia required for the uae of tb« Hynod at ita : annual aaaaion. ir t 4. At th* meetinga of the Hynod it ia deairahl* that th* aervioea of the Seaaion ahould, aa much aa iioaaible, reaemble the Cathedral Hervioea of ,' the Mother Church ; and the Pieoeutor and Organiat of the 8yno<l ahall .€:. b* a Committee to make arrangemcnta, from year to year, for the Hyuo<l ' Harvioea, and to^>arry out the lame, after approval by the Biahopti B. A Dioocaau Miaaionary Meeting ahall conatitute a part uf the annual prooeedinga of tike Hynod. ^ libe calling over i,i the Roll of the CleVgy and Lay Repreientativea ' ahall be <liscontinued, hut each Clergyman and Lay Kepreaeutativo ahall aign hia name in a book to be kept for that purpoae. 39. The annual session of the Synod shall be preceded synod by a celelbration of the Holy Communion at such place and s«rvice». hour as the Bishop shall appoint, and Evening Prayer (with Sei-mon) shall be lj<»ld on the same drty. The collection at the Offertory shaU be devoted to the Mission Fund of the Diocese. H ■ y(. 40. The election of the Honorary Secretaries, shall beEUcHoaof i proceeded with immediately after the Bishop shall have"®*** delivered hia annual address to the Synod. s-. *¥.. Wv 8w^ i'^l^S* f f^'T^ 'JS^9!*^!^p(»- JV ,J- 18 Order of bufinett. CONSOLIDAtBD CANONS, ETC., [Part I. 2. 3. Evening Sessions, Whisn to be held. Delegates, etc., to Provincial Synod. 41 After this election, on the first day. and oa'all other days after the Morning Prayer, the Order of Business shall be as follows: 1. Beading, correcting and approving the Rtinutes of the previous Meeting. Appointing Committees. . , « ,-.- Pmsenting, reading and referring Memorials, Petitions arid Correspondence. 4. Presenting Reports. Giving notice of motions. , « Reading and consideration of Reports in the order of their presentation. Taking up unfinishfed business. Consideration of motions in their order. 4». On every day after the first. Morning Prayer shal^ be said in the Church appointed by the Bishop, at half- past nine, A.M.. the Synod shall meet for business at ten, A.M., and shall be opened with prayers, appointed by the Bishop for the occasion. 43 Should an evening session of the Synod be desired, notice thereof shall be given by the Bishop not later than live o'clock, p.]^.. of the same day on which the evening session is desired. - ^ . ' Election of Delegates to Provincial Synod. 44 The election of Delegates to the Provincial Synod, and of the elective Members of the Executive Committee, shall take place between the hours of one and half-past two o'clock on the second day of the session of Synod, the ballot closing at half-past two o'clock, and during that time no other business shall be transacted. f i 45 There shall be elected triennially, by the individual Clerical and Lay members of the Synod, respectively then present, on the second day of the meeting of Synod, twelve clerical and twelve lay delegates to the^ProvincuU Synod. The twelve of each order thus elected, having the highest number of votes, shall be^Hihe delegates to such Synod; and the twelve Clerical and twelve Lay Representatives -\ii -4^ ^-%^. \ ^fj -y^ *|K^ "^fSf*,-^ IP ■^> '*'«'■ ■^'^'fT^i'"'" '* 'T'^-^'r/,-" y*«ai^* Part I.] CONSTITUTION, 88. 41-49. 19 '■^ ■ ^ whose names shall be next on the ballot, having the next highest number of votes, shati be substitute-delegutes, to attend the Provincial Synod whenever, from sickness or other cause, any of the first elected delegates shall be unable to attend the Provincial Synod. 40. Two clerical miembers and one lay representative, Scruiineem. and two lay representatives and one clerical member (to be appointeiL by the Synod), shall be the Scrutineers in this €leStion of the Clerical and Lay vote respectively. • ' IS 47. Ballot boxes shall be provided to receive the ballot Mode of papers of the Clei'gy and Laity respectively. Upon each «'«'•">"• member of the Synod depositing hi^JjaHof paper, a mark shall be placed opposite his name on the certified roll given to the Scrutineers by the Honorary Secretaries; and upon the requisition of any three members of the Synod, the number of ballot' papers deposited shall be compared with the numjper of those who have voted upon the occa- siouX'^The Sci-utineers shall hand over the ballot papers to - <Jie Honorary Secretaries of the Synod, whose duty it shall be to preserve them until the election of delegates shall be completed, and to destt'bjjr them at the end of the session of Synod. 1; " 48. The delegates to the Provincial Synod shall hold Term of office as such for three years, provided they so long con-"***" tinue members of this Synod. 4^. At least three weeks previous to tl\e meeting of the ^°*^y Provincial Synod, the Honorary Secretaries shall notify ^'«»"*»- each Delegate that he is expected to attend the meeting of that Synod, or to declare nis inability to do so without ' delay, so as to enable them to notify the substitute-dele- gates (elected as aforesaid), within a Reasonable time, and to receive replies from them. s^ . ^^ , (a) Whenever an}' of the first elected delegates to the when Provincial Synod shall be unable to attend its meetings, SubstUute- they shall be excused from such attendance upon notifying Ij^n^o'^ the Honorary Secretaries of the Diocesan Synod of the Provincial fact at least a fortnight previous to the meeting of the Synod. Provincial Synod. The Secretaries shall thereupon notify %'VS «lv »W i l) *^-«mH1»n; Z"^ ,,«^i 'n'Ff » OOKSOUDATO. CANONS, rtC. 1894. [P"* I. the .»b.tU«te.de,eg.te, .ejBOjtog the™ ^ :^itJ''s\?s%r»tareu„«i™.aa o, ^^o- gates excused.^ . EL^CnOH* DELEGATES TO GEHEHAL STNOD. 5«. ThO"-f, -rS'b^'ltti'lf th^'^S to the ProvineW Synod. , THE BiECUTIVE COHMITTEE or SVNOB. .j,_^_ ■ *«,! onTniallv an Executive? JZ^^ Committee, to f "?^«* ^L Jin C^^^^^^ and ten Lay men^- Executiv. Honorary Secretaries, and ten J^*®"?" , ^^ ^hom shall ----^ S of L Synod (one-half «« ^f ^^Xr half by the Ke aDPointed by the Bishop, ana ^ .. Seven mem- bers of this Committee sh^^^^^^^ the Committee shall ^^J^Xu beTalled together by the Zv. are appointed, jf ^jj^^^t'^ the Chainnan. or of 5.. It sha.1 be the^ut^f^^ (1) to prepare ^^/^^l^^od mTde^ire i« bring forward., or any member of t^«Jyj,fX7 Committees, and to sub- (2) to receive reports of ^l^^^'^. ^^ epare lists of all U such reports to ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the Synod, the Standing Committees for tne u P \^^ (20 Itshall f-^«„^J^^,,t^^f^ convening ^„t tbc reports aud noticen otv ^ dient. and to ^'^^ or such parts thereof as they maj Bishop's ^^^^T^ isHue a Convening Circular un^ertne j^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Sng the time and place of '^^^^^^^^^^^u be discussed ensuing Synod, the order in whicn j. n^gmbers of trnamesV mern!^- o| b^^^^^^ the Court on Contested Seats, wmc ^ Duties of the Exectt- tive Com- mittee. >»• -4- '"UteTS.'W''^''. ■ T^*^>'''|frapT. .' '■r^ins^^^i^ Partlj CONSTITUTION, sa 60-63. SI warded to each Clergyman and Lay Representativie two weeks before the meeting of the Synod ; also to pay out, or cause to be paid out all moneys of the Synod, except those which are placed under the control of other Commit- tees. , , ■, (3.) The E;Kecutive Committee shall, from time to time, s«:r«tary- subject to any direction from the Synod in reference there- ][^![^""' to, fix the salary of the Secretary-Treasurer, which salary,'""''' payable quarterly, shall cover the remuneration of the said Secretary-Treasurer for all his services in respect to the various trusts and funds ol^he Synod. The Oommit- tee shall also fix the allowance to the Secretary-Treasurer for the salary of an Accountant. and Messenger to assist him in the discharge of his duties as Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod. ' (4.) The City members of the Executive Committee shall sub-com- form a Standing Sub-Committee to deal with applications """"•• for leave to sell or mortgage Church property. (5.) And generally, it shall be the duty of the Executive General. Committee to carry out all orders of tne Synod not de- volved un other Committees of Synod ; and, in the interval, between sessions of Synod, to exercise the executive powers of the same. 53. Notices of motion to be submitted to the Synod, Notices and in order to secure precedence in the order of proceedings, ^^"^ "* ^ and all reports of Committees, shall be sent to the Execu- Executive tive Committee before its meeting in May. See Standing committee. Orders, No. 1. ^ ^■e-_„_. '. ^■m Standing Orders as to the Execvtiive Committee. 1. The rale of Synod that all reports of Standing Committaes shall be Reporu in sent to the Executive Committee at their meeting in May, shall be^fay. strictly enforced, so that they may be printed in the circular convening the Synod, and sent with it to members, as provided by section 52 (2). 2. In the Convening Circular containing the order of the proceedings Omission, issued by the Executive Committee, for the guidance of members of the / Synod, no notices, other than those relating to Synod work shall be in/ 'aerted. %;•;,, iM^^'^,p^3i^^«r^T-P' ^ , - • . • ~ '. ' ' ■ ^ * ' ■ . . ' ■ ' ■' ' ^ CONSOLIDATED CAN0N8. FTC. 18H [P*^<^ I' « . • ♦ ♦».« nctoonement until a Ute period ol the J ^.««le„cc 8. m order to prevent the J«'^'';^;"i„tere.U o( the Dioce.e. the ofliotlon.. Se«ion.. of l""!*'^''* ""•"•" «^t!rr»nd of .11 motion- in the jiulg- con.ider»tion of ,repo|^ of C"'""'"'^'' '" ' «,,taining to the Diocew. mentof the Ex«i«tfre Committee specfUy perta » .hril take precedence of all oU.«.r mouon.. Standing CommitteM Guide. axe prot«i«»'"~'- — — ^^ .U«id.d its meeting! '^*"^"',y^ Honorary Secretorie.' liet, who , Th. E,.«.t.,. oo»»,«t.. -^.- ^'^ » rrr«ot.irr: .tn.otio»to«r«tUi..r. •PP«'°'*''''"*'^,J„pe,b.toB r«iriv.<l by i^ by the Syooa. » " ^""^^b^'Xl^-y ""V.^- . Buch scmtineers except those preicnoea ail y X. r««,mittee shall. In each year, appoint a Sub- i:".r»^™rrrLtci.x»aii.t..>r...^^^^^^ duty. . , T> *• rnmmittee shall be charged with the duty of pro- S. Sobs, doriog U>e session ol the Synod. r^rrs:i's:«;°sr» . t.. mi. .^-^^ . p.yo. Buoh mortgage, or mortgages. ^ * «» «f ♦>,« Fxecutive Committee is requisite to the JTi^'Ttl'^^^r:^^ purpose. (BO. Beligion. tatiWto^Uy..«.»aJs.B,-l.wHo.!!,i»«p.«.89) . OTHER STANBWO a™ SPECIAL COHMrrrEES OF THE SYNOD. ly SmX desirable to the Bishop, and at such other Ses as they may deem necessary. Scrutineers. Reteption Committee. Viiitors to Synod. . Mort gases. Chore'' property. . Consent. ■j^Jit. m'^-^'^^f^f^^i^r'^^f , Pl&*l^ liPJ?"*''^' ■*■ t* ' f\{9^'^^^ '^1!ff{W^^Cl^^^'' ^^f^^TW^V' -Ji'T' tj'^^'^''^^v^-- **•*- •« [Part I. •iod of the oceie, the the jiulg- i Diocese, lent to the by them to ear. ommitteea, two-thirds-' e who have era shall be s' list, who 1 definite in- ions author- received by j^nod. loint a Swb- rrangements I orders, and btendance on duty of pro- n the floor of ire Committee ler mortgage, kbletopayoff iquisite to the See Religions ) THE SYNOD. I shall meet the months bher days as nd at such Fartl] CONSTITUTION, 88. 54, 5i^. , ; (a) The said Committees shall be as follows : 1. The Clergy Commutation Trust Committee. 2. The See Endowment and Land Committee. 3. The Miasion Board. 4. The Widows and Orphans' Fund, and Theological Students' Fund Committee. 6. The Church Extension, General Purposes, Statistics, and Assessment Committee. 6. The Sunday School, and Book and Tract Committee. 7. The Audit Committee. 8. The Toronto Rector}' Endowment Committee. 9. The Investment Committee. 10. The Superannuation Fund Committee. ^ And these Committees shall be constituted and their business conducted in all respects in the manner defined in the Canons and By-Jaws which may, from time to time, be passed in reference thereto. Kft. The Bishop shall be ex ojfficio a member of all Com- mittees of the Synod. Standvng Orders as to all Committeea. All Special Committees, unless otherwise determined, shall be named by the Chair ; and one member of every Committee shall be named aa convener., ' .. (a) One-third of the members of any Standing or Special Committee of Synod, shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. (b) The Secretary -Treasurer shall convene the regnlar meetings of ^ each Committee of Synod. He shall also summon Special Committees to their first meeting and at the request of the Chairman thereof to their subsequent meetings. (r) It is an instruction to the donvenera of Committees that, when ' practicable, no Committee on which are country members, be called for any hour of the day earlier than twenty minutes after their trains are due in Toronto, nor later than two hours before the said trains leave the city, according to the railway tiine table. (d) Each Committee shall from time to time choose ills own Chairman. (e) All reports of Committees shall be in writing, signed by the^ Chairman. ta 1M CONSOLIDATED CANONS. ETC., 1894. [Part L if\rh» Chairoum of e»oh Committee, or any person on his behalf, .JL'^n'^^^:^^ by any^member of the Synod any faoU or other portions of the report not understood by such member. (,) In the event of any-vacancy occurring in a t>o»«\'»- J^^^^^^^ pomilble by the Chairman of the ^"-T ^^ " ™ ^ fiu,u„h vacancy, or by the Secretary Treasurer, and shall be requeswa w (A) All report, of Committee, recommending «>y •«« <>° °' "P'^^^^ of opinion Zl hav^'appended thereto a specific resolution for the action of the Synod thereon. (0 The first meeting of ^h8tondlngCommltt«, Shall beh^^ o'clock p.m., on the day after the appointment of^uch Committee. ( ,) Each Standing Committee having^liwge of any proper^ or fund. »h Jl LSrt to the Synod annually whether any (and. I any. how n^j) of the sS^rritles held by them .re over twelve months m arrear, and the .:i;ln?lharrear.;butthe Committee need not report the name, of the defaulters. * ■1 \ In case of sub-divuion of Diocese. / QENERAL PROVISIONS. •■•1 56. In the event of a sub-div.sion of the Diocese^ the portron intended to form the new Diocese shaU be b^nd Fn all their public proceedings by the Constitution orthe Diocese of which they form a part until (he said new Di^ese shall be fully organi^d by the election and couse- cration of the Bishop. , ■« A "^ ■^ ,..,,. ,. ,y- Part 1] CONSTITUTION, & 56— RULES OF ORDEB. U Su(f$ of (9r4er. 1. When the Biahop, or other person presidinj;?, hasciwir- taken the Chair, no member shall continue standing. 2. When any member is about to speak, for the infor- SpMUng. mation of the Synod, he shall rise and address himself to the Chair. », S. No motion, or amendment, shall be considered as be- Motion*- fore the Synod (excepting such its may be proposed by the Bishop or a Committee) unless seconded, and reduced to . writing. To prevent suprise, no motion, except motions in course, shall be cottsiaered till the succeeding day of meeting. 4. No member shall speak more than once on the same Spwk once, question, except the mover of the resolution, who shall have a right to reply. / . 5. (a) When a question is under consideration, no other Dealing with ^notion shall be received, unless taadjourn, to lay it on the •»"••''«»"• table, to postpone it to a certain time, to postpone it in- definitely, to commit it, to amend it, or, with the consent of the Bishop, to move that the question be now put;>jMtd Aiotions for any of these purposes shall have precedence jn the order here mimed. 4 - , * (6) The motion '* that the question be now put " shall be " Q««»««on understood to have the following effect : Now pat. It shall be put to the vote forthwith, and if decided in the affirmative, a vote must be taken at once on the ** Motion before the Synod, and without debate. If it be ' decided ip. the negative, the motion that " the question be now put" cannot be again proposed until a vote has been taken on the Motion before the Synod. In taking a vote on a motion as above, it is understood that any amendments thereto then before the House are to be first disposed of in accordance with R. 0. 13. n 1 i, jm --7, «"f^.. y ^-(iBi-t-^r-V '-* .f^, ,„ ^ -;j-^*»''T^S¥.'^ 26 doNpoLiDATED CANONS, ITO.. 1894. [Part L «. „■ o Adjovm. Withdrawal \ 6. Motiom to odioum. or to lay on the table, shall be decided without debate. 7 When a motion is properly before the Synod, it can- not' be withdrawn by tL mover without the consent of the Chair. . ft Each member shall have the right to require, at any ''""'"'*^- period^ theTeUte. that a question in discussion be read for his information. 9 Any member called to order by the Chair while speaking shall sit down, unless permitted to explain. 10. All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair. 11 All amendments to a motion shall be considered in the order in which they are moved, only .wo 1-2. When a proposed amendment is under c^nsiderahon •»«'<""•"» a motion to amend the same may be made .but a® "«^*^ •••^•^ Amendment to such second amendment shall be in order y^ a substitute to the whole matter may be Fopof^ and received, .provided it deals with the subject matter in . a *13 All amendments ^o any question shall be decided :r«... on in their order before the questioner motion on which they arise is proposed for decision. Ordar. Chair. Amand- Qaiet. Voting. Vote by or- ders. . RMrpening. U Whilst any question is being put from tl;^ef hair the members shall continue in their seats, and s^l not hold SiTprivate discoui^e-.aifd when a motion jb so put. no member shall retire until such motion is dispo&ed of. 16. The ordinary mode of voting «^»" ^« ^^^ttST^^; man calling upon those who vote in the affirmative to i^t rfee. aid tU those who vote in the negative. 16 But on the requisition of the Bishop or of four membei^of each of tie respective orders ^h^ichje^^^^^^^ tion must be made before the result of the voting « MarTby thrchair. the yotes of the clergy and aity shSfbe Seen separately; and the Lay ^P'J««^*»*"'f shal S Si suc^ cSes vote by parishes, and when so vot- Sg the.majorit3^«l»«^l ^ considered as the vote of the parish. ' . ^: 17. A question being once determined, shall not again be =4 •''m^^^^^i^t^^''"'^^T^^^^''^'<f-j^^^'^w^s^'''''^¥'f::w^ (B- < 'J""^* ,: ^^-'wf Part I.] RULES OF ORDBR — CAVON NO. I. IT brought into diAcuMion in the itanio Heiwion, without tho special sanction of the Bishop. 18. No protest or dissent shall be ontftred on the minutes No proiMt of the proceedings ; but, when reouired by any one mem- •'»*•«*• ber the number of affirmative and negative votes shall bo recorded. 19. An address from the Bishop shall be in order at any skhopi m)- time. '''"•• 20. \^en the Synod \$ about to rise, every member Adjourn- shall keep his seat until the Bishop, or other person pre- ■"•"' siding, has left the Chair. ^ 21. Every speaker, except in moving and seconding any Ten minma motion, shall be limited to ten minutes ; and all speakers "pwche*. shall be timed by an assessor, or assessors, to b^ appointed bv the Bishop to aid in the maintenance of order and ; obedience to the rules of the Synod. 22. The Bishop may appoint, at each Meeting of the .\uMson. Synod, two Assensors, one Clerical and one Lay, whose duty it shall be to assist him in maintaining the observance of the Rules of Order. CANON 'No. I. 1. DEFINITI0]^8. 1. Jja this Canon, and in all other enactments of , the Definition of terms. Synod, the terms Canon, By-la^, Rule, Order, Standing Order, Regulation, etc., shall have the following meanings, respectively: Canon.— A Canon is a formal enactment, dealing onCanon. broad general lines with some important fund or interest of the Synod. ' By-Law. — A By-Law is a less formal enactment, setting syuw. forth in detail the rules to be observed in the practical carrying out of some canon, or in the administration of some fund of the Synod. Rule. — A Rule prescribes some mode of procedure under ^^^^ a Canon or By-Law. * ^'^S^lMAi^A xm-^--'^ ^■,^~r^ J,, ^ ^ ,r. B-^^^^ ^^^j^ _. , 28 Of4«r% »• Kegulatioi Motion. KMolution. Mamoiial- Petition. V cONSOLIDATto CAMONS, rtC., Ib94. [Pwt I. RULM OF Ord«e are the rulej adopte<l for the govern- ment of the proceeding, of the Synod .ty>lf. l^rformef or until the next meeting of the Sy.|od. should be performed. Mar.ON.-A Motion i, a form »' ''«f„»,''y,«'|ifV'H!: therein. . Vl / . has been proposed. ^ r^-^^ MKMORIAI.-A Memorial is a written or Panted address conS^n exposition of facts and circumstances, and soliciting attention to them. PETmoK.-A Petition is^awritte^^^^^ addressed to a person or body of personB^^^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ of some wrong, or the grant ot some la latter has the right und power to give. 2 PROCEDURE. rroXwo« 1 M:;meeting ot the Conuoittee. ^ Any P-t-i^™ t ^r^Tw irC:^^-^: "-.'Ti" Who l£?UyT4fo.e thefynod .t its next m«.t. thereon. .^■ >>) %-Vt^ ^^ -.^Sj ' "ItyA^iii>t<*rflli*S»£i^^i^SlJl^jJi*<fe.«tfijtai :/■ :\'-ff>K'-:%i:^' Part I.] OANOM NO. I. / 8. Every proposition to enact, amend or repeal any Canon, shall be uriiitod by the Kxucutive Committee, and A copy thereof Bnall bo tri^sntitted in the convening oir* oular to each clerical and lay member of the Synod at least two weeks before the next meeting of Synod. /'" 4. Any proposition for an alteration of the Conntitu- AiumUm or 4ion, RnloH of Order, or Canons, Hhall l»o sent to the Exe-^^']|;f itivo Committee, and by them laid before the Synod, to considered at tiie ensuing meeting, and, if approved by majority, shnll lie over until the next meeting of the Synod ; and if again approved by a majoritv, conHistinff of 9 two-thirdH of both Clergy and Lnity, it shall be adopted. / lioO, MC. 5, Any Canon, not dealing with the subject matter of nor conflicting with an existing Canon, shall come into immediate lorce after it has been adopted by the Synod : but may be repealed at the next ensuing session on a vote of a mnjority of each order. ■* 0. A Canon remains in force as the law of the Synod, until amended or repealed by the Synod itself. . 7. Every proposition submitted to the Synod shall con- tain a statement that it is a Canon, By-law or Resolution' o^he case may be. 8. A By-law may be enacted, amended or repealed by a simple resolution of Synod, provided always that it be done in conformity with section four Of the Constitution, and be not contrary to any Canon then in force. 9. Any Committee having charge of the administration of any Canon or Fund of the Synod, may make, and from time to time, alter and amend any By-laws passed by the Committee for its internal management ; provided always that such By-laws are not inconsistent with any Canon or Rule then in force. 10. Any By-law or amendment thereof, made from time to time, by such Committee, shall remain in force until • the next meeting of Synod; but if not then confirmed by the Synod, shall be of no further force, and if re-ena^B<L«_<^ shall not be put into force until authorized by the Syuodr ' . ■ - r ■■.'7^-- o ■ ». (S-^-^^ > ' ^ ■WWf 80 00HllOLIDATlDCAIf0Nll.itC.l«M. [Parti. n. A Rule re-iain. In fore until »mend«a or «p-l«d by the Hyno«l. '^ „. No Moil.,.. w'-':jr<t"'x'Thrco:!;if.!;rir;?i ,\m\ will. KOim "'"If '•,'^V "r rth. Hvn« U"!"-" •""■• th. HOUM »h.ll b» l»f.o<l"™'> ''/,,,.•,„,/" plintoa in th. {M:itte on{^Ho:!:"4- S.cr.t«n»,afU.r ..v.„« l««n i-ooJ to tlio Synod. 14 All Motions .l.»ll be in writing of « IcRiWo ch.r«t«r, „,Mcolin the n.m.H of mover .»a-«cond.r. , ' 18. No Motion «itl.«ut « "ocondor 1. properly beW the Hou8e. A*-jort.r;r:^::t«.rwS"jr.;^^^^ ftsks leave to introduce. * v-^- 17. Commilteen nu„t^ report, in writing, to the Body appointing them. ^' 18. Keporte.of ^^'^'^^^t^'ti^^''^^.^^'^''''^ t'dXrofrfr<r::rofth;«ror.«r,eo,„n.itted to them. ^ — * 19 Kvery report must be de»lt with by the body to which it £ presented ; and, on motion, m»y be . 1. Received. 2. Laid on the Table. "^ 3 Read, or tak^?n as read. 4: Considered, as a whole, or clause by clause. 5. Referred back for Amendment. ; 6. Sent to another Commiitce. ■ n;. ■ ** .^* . •\i'i^ #-»^ ^" f ■^i;|R3^ ^r^-^ f / . Pftri I.] Nona not. L, u. 7.' Ordered t5 b« flUd, enUrad smong the prooe«d- itigN, priutfld, etc. • M. Adopted or Rejected. , 20. When tn » Report eome action it recommended, ill order to giv« itM ni(>|)<»nitionii practiciil ofruct, a dis- tinct correnpoiiding Huuilantivu iiiutiun iiiuttt \w appvluied, of which moy/un notice munt l>e given in the Report 21. SInitlarly, when any Rfl|>ort which'^tho Synod in iVtlcud to lulopt.contaiim dttbaUblu opinionN and MentiinuntM, tliese nhould be propoHvd in neparatu and Hpooiflc motiona. 22. MtCMOuiAiiM ANt> Petitionh.— MomorialH and Peti- tions iiiuttt bu dftted and iiiUHt bo nigiiod by the pomonH preiienting the name, who Hhall Ix) hold roHponHibtc (or the Htateinonts contained therein. 23. UsuiyL Form of Addkehh in Petitionh and Memo- HIALS. — To the Ritflit Reverend the BiHhop, the Reverend the Clergy,, and Uie l.«fty Repre»eiitative8 of the Diocese of Toronto, in Synt^ OHHOinbled : The Petition (or^'MeinQrial), of (residence) (style, office, «tc.). ' «i-- ' Humbly sheweth, etc. -^ •1 I . -f' CANON No. II. ' THE bishop's court. 1. The Synod deQlare.s the Bishop's Court to \^' thet'owe^or Court for tlio trial of all offences of the Laity as well a« of "'»<>"i>'»- * the Clergy, against the provisions of the Act constituting^""' the Synod, or against any of the Canons, By-Laws, Roles or Regulations passed by the Synod. / * .' & ' ■ ■•' ■. ,. ■ t' 2. The Synod adopts the Imperial Statute 8 & 4 Vic, Rule, for •ch. 87, conimonly called The Church Discipline Act, with «^'J'"»5' .^ the exception of the tv^enty^fourtk section of that Act, us ' "^ tine rule for guidance in the administration ot the Bishop's Court in reference to the Clergy, so far as the same may be ^ A -applicable to the circumstances of thi£i Diocese. • ' '^'fM^!lsi^>t>A .^ c Jt/, i^ ^.-^sfi&^iioji.f^::;: J'»V!W^/?ffl J^^- . 82 CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC.. 1894. [Part L CANON No. Ill- PATBONAOE OF THE RECTORIES. f o«tr Rfctorv. Incumbency, or Mis- P«ron.g.of 1. On the vacancy of any Kectory, Mission* nXiT «ion within tV^e Diocese (with the -^^^^.^^ ^,^^ the sustained, in whole or in jpart. ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ mode of appointment to which Mi^^i^^ ^^j^ ^^t heretofore) the H>F>i«t«^«"*^ J^ Sing however, provided the Bishop of the I>^«T. nnoiSeit the Bishop shall that, bef o^B making ^"twffiB^rt^e said Parish or consult with *»?f, ^,^"^fj!^^^^^ Missioh and with the Lay K^^^^^^ provided that such Lay ttepi esenw**- Fn the said P^sh or Mission. , ^ ° ' . «„« of this Canon in JoftJMon V. Gfen, 2«^ See also 8B to the ooiwtruotion of this oano U. C. Chy. p. 162. CANON No. IV. 8USTENTATI0N OF THE CLERGY. r •m £ r^.any two'churchwarden^^ s^^^ ^^,,^, the /^ in every case when 5 P*"^,'^ ?^ ^^^ ClergM^an of the Bishop shall commission at leas* one ^ ^.^.j. ^i^^ Diocefe. and one Lay Member oMheby^^^^^ ^^^^^^ . said Parish or Mission and to con^^^^^^^ gregations thereof, for the PJ^P° ^ ^^ report to the resources and liabilities and the^^PO^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ Bishop in writing, fj^^^ted Z p^^^^ to its ability. Mission may be airiye^^^^^^ ^.^^^ to con- ^^ ^i Such arnui^em^t^^-^ ^ ^l^^^ SSi commission, appointed «^f «;,^f ^^^^^^^^ V either the ««-;<> less than three y^J^^'XrcS^ardens. unless in case of a """"^ Clergyman or any two Ohurcnwarueiw, -" .vacancy. i^rf'''^-^^* tA-'f-AiWi-^jl^ii rA«»';twf"",' '" "^f^ ""f ^'"-•^'■r ■ '^•i^fW^" T * *(^'iWF»"Hv^|pr'(( -^JliHS V'^^'V'»lipt|?2(f.'3K^*^^*^ , < Part I. Part L] CANONS NOS. III.-V. sa or Mis- ard, the tinue m rest in jrovided op shall arish or tie uame^ mt with- V. <?fcn,2ft stipend of ill endow- gyman or ssion, and acant, the an of the ) visit the jveral con- fining its. ort to the . Parish or , its ability, se) to coH- vision by a riod of not [ either the in case of a. 3. No appointment shuU be made to a vacant Parish or '*'» ■ppoin«- Mission until a satisfactory assurance shall have been ^'°„J^ given to the Bishop, that the amount so determined .tipend"' upon will be annually contributed for the purpose afore- ■»»»n>d- said. ' Standing Order. The oflFertory of the respective coogregationa of the Church through- Chrisimas out the Dioiiese, on Christmas Day every year shall be devoted to the Offefo"'"- sole use of the Incumbent of the Church in which the offertory is made. . CANON No. V. ERECTION AND DIVISION OF PARISHES. 1 The Clergyinan and Churchwardens of each settled Conference cure, now or hereafter to be established, shall from tii«e to '° ""■*"?« time, hold a conference or conferences with the Clergymen '"""'^^'^ and Churchwardens of the adjacent parishes, or cures, and by miitual agreement arrange and define the boundaries of their adjacent parishes, and shall report the same to the ' Bishop for his consideration, and should the Bishop approve of the same, then the boundaries so arranged, approved, and declared, shall be the boundaries of the parishes or cures aforesaid! > 2. In cases where the boundaries cannot be arranged by Commission such mutual agreement, the Bishop may issue a commis- "''!""*''' sion to two Clergymen, and to one Lay Representative, **"""" none of whom shall be locally connected, with said parish . or cure, directing and authorizing them to investigate the merits of the case, and to decide thereon, and to report their decision to the Bishop for his consideration, and should the Bishop approve of the same, then the bound- Hries so arranged, approved, and declared, shall bo the boundaries of the parishes or cures aforesaid, and the expenses attending the commission shall be borne by the |>arishes interested, in such proportion as the commis- sioners may deem just. V ^ v • 3. The boundaries of a pSirish or cure 'being once defined, Boundaries approved and declared, shall not be disturbed within the "^'"JJ^^ _^ spnce of five years, except in the case of new parishes, and five yeam.*"^ every npw parish erected as hereinafter provided shall be 6 ■ V ■ ■ . ' 1 %~ ' - - •- ■ ■ if. . i k - t . , ...^.W'^i 1 * Sfaaa^!Bh^j^^gaai£i^'.Ma^ iZVi:fZz^i,^^^^^^ ^ ^^kri..c.^';^^ m ,^^ , "7^r;^~' :,^,r;... ,^4 Setting apart new parishes. CONSOLIDATED CANONS. BtC. 1894. [ J 1 .^ fn be a parish or benefice deemed, and is hereby ^/^J^^^i^Jt^f p^resentation ujpon TTT • fl-nd after collation, instn-uuu benefice shall the Rector ot the saiu x .When any o. the par^^^-^^ir^^^ or in any. adjoining panshes^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ r^emonf^l ^ and distinct pansh. tY/^^^^^^,; Jing fuUy the reasons the Bishop of the A^ioce'T. ^^^^ boundaries of the movin- them thereto, and the P^^P^^^ ^.^ memorial rnrem^tednewpar^k^p^^^^^^^ shall be given by the »'shop w ^^, parishes whose to the Churchwardens of ttiepw^ ^i^ boundaries would be aftected by th^ P^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ to fTev consent to the erection of ^^^^ ^^^ time Ite the grounds of objec^n^t^^^^^^ treinafter^imited. and the^^^^^^^^ .. ^.^^,,1, Tempor- visions of the ''"^'^'^Z^^Alii^ or that proper means alities Act" have ^^enco^nplleaw^^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^^ ^ ^ • Imve been P«>v'ded^fo' th^^^ F^^^ ^^^^^ player of the rforesaid, state *\»^X shall decide upon the v^d where he may think the estaoi ^^y^^^ apphca-tion idity Coirimi**"'" may be ap- pointed. „ -, -^^ tl„-f j-„ „.sJi^iarf!<i=^4a^&a4. 'Fg^'5'T»9^ fJi^ -i.j'fUi "»-■ # -*y [Part I benefice an, upon ested in jxercised ,h Canon ,n by tbe jfice shall ned to be ny parish, I of a new smorial to le reasons .ties of the 1 memorial Lectors, and shes whose jhange, and ih, or fail to n the time ,hat the pro- rch Tempor- roper means in such new »rayer of the B same. said object tc or they shaW, the memtmal r objection in n the Wlidity ) nieropri^^ .ppomt a corn- any parish or ■iii or dlis*-"*^*' iSh new. parish no application proposed p^vish ihafl notify the ishes concerned Part I.J CANQ^S N08. v., VI. u of the proposed proceedings, and the report of the commis- sioners, if approved by the Bishop, 'shall be final. jecretaries of the***^""^- iteof shall be fUr- 'ment of a fee of 6. The boundai^ies of every parish erected under the Boun(l«rim authority' of this^ canon shall be enterric[^and registered in^u a book to be kept by the Honorary Synod for that purpose, and a copy nished to anj person applying on pi twenty centis. CANON No. VI. BUILDING OF CHtJRCHKS AND PARSONAGES. Before any Church or Parsonage shall be commenced Bishop to b« any Parish or Mission, it shall be the duty of the"°_^^'J^^'^ Mergyraan and the people interested to notif}^ the Bishop otlpwron- of the locality and reason for building such Church or age com- Parsonage in such locality ; and when a Parsonage is ""enced. about to be built, its position with reference to the Church what mfor- or Churches in tbe Mission, "tmd also the cost of the pro-T''"" '"'^ posed building, and the means of meeting such expen- nl^-^'" aiture. 2. The consent of the Bishop, after consultation with Consent or his Archdeacons and the Rural Dean, shall be necessary Bishop, before any such erection of Church or Parsonage shall take place. . , 3. In view of the missionary character of this Church, Free this Synod strongly recommends that, in all cases when it churches, is practicable,' the seats in the Churches hereafter built in this Diocese should be free and unappropriated. Note.— The Burnside Bequest is at the disposal of the Church Exten'v sion, etc., Committee to aid in building Churches in all of the Dioceses which- formerly constituted the Diocese of Toronto^ {See By-Law Jfo. 6, page 99.) ^ f&^ ,)^^yi^^'j.vsto;'tn '^'f^ "^^ff JS" ' ,' ' * r.?r^ A 36 CON8O..n,ATEDO*NONB,Bt0.,189*.- [?«»' I" CANON No. VII. ' • TatJ.. the pari-h «^»8,^dr4 the same, »ece8«.nly onv.»try. expenses 01, anu . . . on said vestry. v erection oi and V „ The parUh shall te» »« '^PCetnUngs, in- ""**''°" ^;Jafr^«irs to the/parsonf^e house ^^rish^shall r.Tr.sSV^^«"rf:Jttor '»d ^^^^^ „«e the ordihary ^ „6eUgence,.or by • ,;Se the ordihary custom ~.-^^ _ „,gUgence,.or by ._u.. ■ 3. Should Ue^-»'S^t;sl3:>,:V,'fed^^^^ repairs- appeal. ''^tP^;! to Execute the necessary ^^^^ . or passing tmougn, _ aggrieved by ^ch con- -I -j=' st^tp:tho^^aii^ ^x,'era5.dr « -» « -^e^ I — ^^^«h^ap.o...^^^ -^ [Parti. aced the B care o£ Biirs and r devolve m o£ and dings, in- rish snail ol f encea le Incum- bent order . hall there- l»em at all ^aadard of fences be- 3, or other- Bind tenant. ^ ence.or by dbuildings^ the duty of ttions to the ne -, and the if there be mechanic or tid the certi- my funds in, • 3 Incumbent. by isuch con- oay appeal to. a (.Committee, two, or more named by the leacon; >whM5h eporting their the case may by the Bishop Part r.] OANON NO. VU. 37 *^ 4. Should any extensive improvement or repairs become ^*V^\ necessary from lapse of time or otherwise such as new"JJ^,' ^ I to roofing, painting, or replacing of matters necessary to the b« bome. stability or safety of the buiklings, erection of new fences, \ 01: placing the same in efficient repair and order as pointed out in the foregoing section, it shall be the duty of the" "Clergyman to lay a deibailed statement of the same, with dn approximate estimate of the expense, before the usual Easter meeting of 'the vestry, having previously given " ^notice of his intention to do so, or before a vestry meeting * specially convened for that purpose ; and should the mem- bers of the vestry sanction the same, the Churchwardens ' shall forthwith proceed to make the necessary repairs, pro- * ' viding the expenses thereof from the fundis of the Church, by parochial subscriptions, or by any other mode.^ determined by the vestry : Provided that in no case shall "''pige*. the property of the Church be so encumbered by a debtor ' mortgage to a greater amount than one-fifth of the value of the property, to be ascertained by competent valuation, nor shall the expense of such, improvements or repairs be defrayed from any funds appropriated to or pertaining to the support of the Clergyman. (See the first regulation in \ By-Law No. 1.) • * 5 5, ft shall be the duty of the Churchwardens to keep insurance.' all the Church buildings of the Parish or Mission con- " * atatttly'insured in some responsible office* •' 6. A book of record'shall be kept in everyOhurch by parish the wardens, in which shall be entered a sufficient abstract Record of all titles and deeds by which the lands of the 8aid|!°^^°^^ Church, whether site of Church, burial ground, glebe, uept. ' endowment, or whatsoever they may be, are held, showing "their date, by whom given, situati'on, quantity of land, ' \« conditions 'of trust or gift, when and where registered, and any other information necessary to a full understanding of the same ; also, if wild or unoccupied htrid, whether any Or ,what provision is made for payment of taxes, when the taxes have been paid, and whait arrears of taxes may from time to time accrue. Copies of all entries under this ■ clause to be forwarded tt the Synod Office forthwith. 7. WAercas there is much valuable, though at the time xaxes, when unproductive Mand held as endowments for Chivrches or to pay. r ' f ^^-^ ^ffci'MiaL>»wWtoift«A-..-'.'^**«- r^^ipi^f^yi^w^wi^^-'- Y' ■' "^ as V '^iiia ETC.. 1894. IP«^^- Xr^NBOLlDATED CAt«»N8, ETC., ■V taxe*. Statementt for record. ^ ^ponsibUity o£ the p»y» „ ,„„ti«e «Ua l«n<l « ;^»- ««'« '""iXexpn;^ of »»\°'»™'"?r:r Xrch. !or the from them, tne «»Pf, on the P^T.,; ...es where any P^yn^nt ot uses shall devo ^ V'oi'f 'y'S such Church or Pansn, V x^^ ^ ^««^^-- ^^ient sale keeping of ««^:i^eS. rr-conis as well as^o^^^^i^Tck and key, nb^^^ P/^^^id Church ; tobeueptm trong ^0^' ^^'^^ J, kept in the vestry o ^^ ^^^^g.. well as of any duly autn ; .^^.^^g ^he for^ng n:^%tbeBi^o^.o j^;tUe he "^^t.^SS oJ the san«. " ,j,^„» same Jtom '""-rtunity. M Jo the P'"''™ ^„d fMlare,-«8. been carried out, or ^ compliance, to taKe su ^ ^ „ay seem *« him^ ^jh Church, 01 . r" .*1 [PattL I of such :ioni the I Test; i Ifcndor ^ benefit ^nclutUng ti, for the rhere any 1 piece or , :, then the ^ ~ )ent. roperty in , forthwith , wardens of jihef ore di- :ecord-hook, ^sufficient iided by tha aid Church; J and conve-- stry, open to le Parish, as Chnrch. the foregoing il DeanH, each e authority of ,mine into the . imred,orhave ^ Jje of the same, and failure, as, authprity With conshallfinhis, ither approving etrulatiohs have one. and in any e such steps as ^ses; making an of such exami- Part I.] CAK0J«8 N09. V1I.-IX. s» CANON No. Vni. . REGIOTRATION OF DEED^ OF CHURCH PROPERTY. ^ 1. A registered list of all Church properties, whether lu. of held by the Svnod or Truste^H therefor, or forming the en- ^^^ J^^ dowment of any Parish or Mii<»ion, Church. ParHonace. ^.p, ,„ Schoothouse. or Bfel Ground, and a statement of the synodOffic* trust or trusts on which suqL property ih held, shall be kept in the Synod Office bynfe Secretary-1 reasurer x)f the Synod. r ' , 2. Such registration shall- be compulsory, and all partie. s.atem.„uo holdincr real estate or other property in trust tor any par- ,^ g^^^,,,^. ticujar Church or Parish shall forthwith, aftet request trom Tr«a«ur.r. the Secretary-Treasurer of Synod, send a statement of the same to him to be registered, as hereinbefore directed. 3. It shall be the duty of the Rural Peans, each in Ms R-; d«.™ rural deanery, acting under the authority of the Bwhop,^^.^ ^^^^ in cases of neglect or failure to take steps according to the authority with which heis clothed to enforce com- pliance with the regulations aforesaid. ! 4. A yearly valuation of all Church property shall be a-^i-.. made under the authority of the Executive Committee, ^d.^y and shall be reported to the Synod in the annual report ot Exe^.i* *~ . Ki, ... \ Committee. the Executive Committee. >A. CANON No. IX. VESTRIES IN FREE CHURCHES, (a) 1 In all Churches or places of worship of the Church of J™C""' Encrland within the Diocese of Toronto, in which the sit^,h„e is now tings are free> which a vestry shall have been organized a vestry, before this Canoft ta^es eflFect, a vestry may hereafter be formed for all purposes mentioned in " Th« Chuych l^m- poralities Act," not inconsistent with the constitution of free Churfches: and such vestry sh^ll be composed of all . persons who at the time are entitled to vote for Lay_ Re- presentatives in Synod of the Parish ot; Mission within which such Church or place of worship is situated, (bee section <^iV<een of the Constitution.) ,. ' (a)Se«47Vic. (Ont.)oh.89,printedpMt. -V ^ V COKBOLIDATBD CANONS. ETC, 1894. [Pa^ . ^^ .. „ „« lY^e said Church .„ „.wco„. 2. Whenever any n«^J«XereXr in thin DiocoBe of «r...tu,n. of Kngland shall be org^^'fj^j'^rHhip Hhall be free the which, the (Mmrch °^p ^ jlr^tlLe male ^ firBt vestry thereof «haU ^J^^^^^^ch or place of worship, of the congregation of «"f ."i^^nty-one years, who shal who Hhnll be o! the f^^^^/^England. and who shall subscribe the following ^^ M. cleanly aeclarathatl- a me.^^^^^^^^ L"r:JS:?rfuff:re"^went^^^^^^ '.Hn^htofany ^- J- *«. nrUinff-as to the right ot any Ri«h. of 3. In case of »"y/i»P"^^,fl'3 in the cJise mention- ""'"'-f"'' person to be a member ot sjc*l:^,V be determined rr:L. ^d in the second ^la-e ^uch f ^^^^^ of England^ by any three persons^ ""^V^^In within whose deanery such be final. u I ce of sub^uent 4. All subseouent vestries for su^C^^^^^ ""'"'' worship shall be constituted as prescno« clause of this Canon. 3 Vic. c 74i to apply- iUSe Ol WHO vy«...-"- . Of Church- ia Easter week, in each and ?jeiy y . 3^,^. -^- S^e^of given d«nn| f J^-- ^^^^^ for the day, for the purpose of ^ ^^"8 ^^^ Churchwarden coming year; ^^^ ,«^ .^"^^LTmbent of the parsonage or shall be nominated by t^e^^hurch belongs, and the other rectory to ^^^V^^^^i^'^^ority^^^ those present^^ and entiM shall be elected by a majority o ^ }^ j^ .Provided. to vote at such ^««*^y™/'nfch Incumbent declining or nevertheless, that in «,^^ ^Swarden, then bot^ neglecting to nominate a Church^^^^^^ sa& Churchwardens sWl ^^^f ^^^^ „,in,ber8 of such in the manner aforesaid, ana in »^ <&^^^ u»£it r'-J'iiiit i ^^- Cp^*, ■1»K^ n-^^'i^-^.';- ■ i^ '^- •( J* [Part I. Church ocose, of freo, the nemberfl worship, ^ho shall ho shall I Englund, an hiAltual n(l I do not hftt period ; ht of any mention - etermined ' England, inery such ision shall r place of I the first id fifteenth shall apply ches consti- on Monday, due notice g:a8ter Sun- dens for the lurch warden parsonage or id the other and entitled ; „ Provided, i declining or nboth of the ar, be elected ibers of such Part I.] CANONS, f^JlpX., X. 41 vestry shall nojjlect to elect rt Churchwarden,' then both of the said ChurchwardenH shall, for the current year, be ' nominated by the Incumbe&t : Provided always, that if fro|q(| any cause a vestry meettn;; shalt not take place at the time specified, such appoijntinont of Churchwardens ma^ take place at any subsequent vostry meeting to be called In manner provided l)y thp -Church Temporalities - Acii *nd in case of the death or Change of residence to twenty miles or more from any such Church, of either of the said Churchwardens, a vestry meeting ithall be there- upon called, for the electioi|i, by the said vestry, of a now Churchwarden, in case the one deceased or removed had been elected by the vestry ; or for the nominntionof a new Churchwarden by the Incumbent, in case the one deceased or removed had been nominatcil^by tht^ Incum- bent W ~\ . - ■V -X 7. No person ^httll be eligible to the office of ^?^"'*ch-^|!, warden, except membei-s of the vestry of the f^ill age of' * * twenty-one years. ' 8. Such Churchwardens shall hold their office one year^wntof from the time of their appointment, or until the election of*** their successors, except in cose of an appointment or nomination to fill up any vacancy occasioned by death or removal as aforesaid, and ip such case the person so ap- " pointed or nominated shall hold the said office until the„ next annual election. ' . ' 9. All former enactments respecting the vestries and Rep~' »*■ Churchwardens of free Churches are liereby rescinded. ^^». CANON No. X. - CLERGY COMMUTATION TRUST FUND SURPLUS. 1. Clevgy 'trust Committee. 1. The Clergy Commutation Trust Committee of the9<"np«»i- Synod for the management of the Clergy Commutation "°"°'- Trust Fund of the Diocese, shall consist of sixteen mem- bers, one-half of whom shall be Clergymen of the Diocese, who may, from time to time, be placed on said Fund, or from the twentj' Clergymen whose names appear as the senior on the list of non-commuted Clergymen who will 41 / I \ tob* Ml ninbttrtil. Inf c*im 'if a«Aciency. Buument of money*. Binkint. Fund. UtrChurch Society of tf«,^,'^X,e of the Incorporation, muting Clergymen. ^^^ _^^ ^^ . ^^ r^^ ThiH Committee «^»" W^.^t!,„ent of all moneys y®*'^- , ,,,„ Trust Committee sball (d) The Clergy CommuUtlo^ Tr^^^^ ^^^^^ y^ar as set ipart such V^rV^" X.d^^herewith to recoup the will moviBe a 'S»n^^"g *"":• Jrfcher diminution of the Stsed for investment. 1 Manage- ment- Surplus. ^Vd for mvoBtmenv. . .„i^i„„ Board of I860 2 So much of th' ?y:^'^dd'l corstof the «nn«al a» enwfed that the Mi^'°",„»^Xrid "s hereby repealed and tf,riu» of the Commutotion F^ JJ ^ ^ managed and ti;?X.uUtion J-a f an h^-foH ,^^^ ^^^,^,, «,„,i„istered as heretofore > ,. ^ ^ ^^^ clergy . 3 Before any »«rpl«» H'^iwat te held by said Trust Committee, there shall »™»y , permanent -in- ^Tsl S>mWr?h^e'':^otT;ire§ to ju»l the come over and anove <t: ./!%•. » ^ ' cA^ ' tif^^ ^^^ -V k\ii4. L^u&i Sn. V^ ' ii. *^ihii^^Ht . .' - ;, [Part I. OAMON NO. X. 4a oitH, an.l the Uy lin'mtereil VH of tho elating toj )r|>orfttioiii in accord- y by the ome insuf- ) each non- lUitants on ol the late m sViall 1)6 h non-con»- Synod at ita )f all moneys ring the pre- i^arious bene- the current nmittee shall ;ach year as to recoup the inution of the sbentures pur- 1 Board of *186(y b of the annual ,y ,:epealed, and >e manage<l and rust Committee. 1 by the Clergy ,e held by said [ permanent -in- red to fulfil the Part I.] covenaniA into which the Society or the Svnod may have entered) «ufficient to cover the expenses cnargoablo upon the Fund. /" 4. The said surplus shnll bo appropriated to the main- »«»• .p^ tonance of Clergy of the Diocese, or of the Diocese of»*^'"'-- Algomi who have removed, or who shall hereafter remove, from the Diocese into the Missionary Diocese of Algoma, and continue to minister irusaid Diocese bein^ in Priest's orders, according to the length of service m the said Dioceses. 5. Such service shall consist of the time during which N|«^« of the Clergyman has been employed in bond fide parochial ^ * • or missionary duty, whether in Deacon's or Priest s Orders in the Dio<;erte of Toronto or in the Diocese of Al- ffoma fed in case there has been any intermission m the time of such service, the length of such intermisMon shall he deducted from the term of service for which the Clergyman claims ; Provided that service as C^haplam of any hospital, prison, reformatory, vr other public institu- tion (such Chaplain being under the apoointpfent, or supervision of the Bishoj) of the Diocese, and not remuner- ated by the Government, or any special endowment for / ^ such public institution), shall be deemed to be such bond , fide parochial or missionary duty as aforesaid. 6 When two or more persons are ordained in the Dio- vjhotiMiib* cese and their services commence at the same time, he^"'°'^^ Bhali be considered senior who is first upon the Bishops ) ordination list. • But when they have been ordained out of the Diocese their seniority shall be detennined by the date of their licenses from the Bishop of theDioceSb con- cerned. And if there shall be any question of seniority not provided for in this Canon, if shall be decide4 by the ^ Bishop of thi9 Diocese. / i That as soon as the Trust Committee shall report a surplus, as above provided, it shall be paid t^the senior eligible Clergyman- of the Diocese of Toronto; or m the Diocese of Algoma' (as above deeped) not being on the Commutation List, and so on in respect of each suMCSsive sum of surplus income. And it is hereby distmctiySgpeci- ^hennv plui shall b« avaiUtbla. -^ } ■A- i 44 BanaflcUry lo ranuiin onlUl. Eaccptlon- rinfenclal <>r iPng , pkctd on lh« iIm. OOHHOLIDATED CAKOHM, rrc. 1894. [P»rt 1. fl« I tu^t ihis nrovlHion nhall not interfere with »ny exUU Bed tlint thl» P™^'^' (Meiirvman nhttll receive from thii Fund mor« than $400 p«,r annum. ^ thereon «o lon« a« he r«t.mmH chgiblo " «^««' ^,„ ^,^^ Swrrrl UtheinpuiH^rannuated. or for any t.mo Te miy t under legal eccFeHiastical con.ure. 9. No Clergyman -joyu.g an Jncome^^^^^^^ :£::::^i pew.rent«, or Halary . and offermg-. or ''«"\*"y;;'.;^^ ^„iy ^what^ver i^n^^^^ huT/drrd'do ir Je" Lu^ excoiitod), ot one thouH»ii<i two ""',. .,., .t .„„uit»nU on .hall 1« placc^ °\'?''i"'^BT." t C "w^^^^^^ - the CommaUhoo ^^''•i„»l'*"iC „™ thoa«Sd two alorenaid, with a lesa "'^"'"y , . entitled to be p acetl hundi-ed dollarH per annum ?*' l^BiaC and tTreceive. upon the list to bo furni«hed ^y^^^JI^^^t*^^^^ timb to uU being P»-i "P^^^tterg tur - pe' ltu:t ;rruLra^^^^^ income to one thou- ■and two hundred dollar*. in W«fore beina placed on the list of annuitantB on the 10 »«5^'^^{°»rjraav of May in each year, each and of this Canon, shall l"'^'''^"^^" ; \^u„ followiuK term«: SecreUiy -Treasurer, a certificate m the loiiowu.g ..T y' ,do..olemdly declare that I »mentitle«l to *n li „, . . dollar, from .the Commutotion Tr«.t Fund of the T l"^ 1 the Dk>ce^ o Toronto; that my whole Income for the . ^Iveton^Xn. all .uroe. (pHvate ^^-^^^^^J^^'^ '-" „,.„ . And any ^^^^^^Z^f^S^^^ Tave '^^^ ^B»». b) the time above named, •»»" /» ""'°,'" j^ / cieigyn.an • :;ilt Lv" .^rclLn, on the Fund, and hia n«ne »hall be _^.'.:. struck oil the list of annuitants. ■ - « •' ".g-y C«rttflait« requl^wl. Form. 1 1 • .n't tt,*^^^ ^*^W- ■T«TW-H§S'T' Pari I.] ^pJMOM* MOH. X., XI. 4» CUImiMl furMiarf. U. No ClorgymMl, bv reMon of hin not olainiiiif^ to Im) plMofl or r«taino(i on the lint of aimuitaniH, Hhall m aii^ way forfuft (»r |)ri^ju<lic« hi/i iHMitioit u{)oii the HinhopM Noniority Ipat | and HhouUl iiuch Clergyman at any future time, h«ing nll);(ihl« aiui thu nenior OTergyman on thn liMt when a vacancy occui-m, du«iru to Ihscouiu an annuitant, hi« name nhall Im added to the lUt of annuitantt| on rurniMhtng ihu cortificate-'abovo mentioned. IS. JJo »»oon m n, surpluH ari««H In the Commutation tH,hoii',Utt Fuiw!,itHhall ho th« duty of the Commutation TruMUJom- miUeo to roouoHt the Bishop to furninh M«i<l Com- mittee witba liHt, in order of noniority, ofthoRO Clergymen who mi;<ht l)e ontitled to claim under this ("anon ; to notify MHld C'lorgymon in order to forwanl within fourteitn day« ** the certificate off claim above re(iuiro<l; to consider and deci(|e on the olainiH when received"; and when paMMwl, to v enter the names of the claiujantn on the lint of nnnuitantH for the amount to which ^•ach is entitled. ' " 18. At the Quarterly Meeting of the Committee in May, cuim. lo b« the certlHcateH of claim for "the ensuing year shall be •**"'"*"• examined, and the ^Mieuni U) which each claimant ia entitled ascertained lad entered on the litit. Standing Ordm'fi «l« to Co^nrnutation Tnut Fund. ^ : I. The expreMUm in tihe re«olutloii of theiift«flnth of Deoembor, 1886, Ihttrprtta. _, "to the end of %hm cumnt half year of dwith," «h»ll be mnk»to<Kl to «'»" CUh**-^ • ^ mMUi the quftrtar io which deoeue ahAll occur, and to the end of thtt aoc- ceedlug «|uart«r, and any auoh paynienUahall be made to thelegal rcpre- ■entativea "f tlio decoaaed for the IwneHt of the widow, failing whom for the Iwneflt of the ohildrtn, if any ; and should there be neither widoy ^ nor children, then payinmt shall be oa in the case of- uim commuting^ Clergy. 3. TM in the case of the death of any subaequeut beneficiary of the Commutotion Trust Fund, his annuity shall l)o i»id t«* the end of the qvmUt MocMdiam that in which his death took place. **' '~', ' . ' , - ■ ' ■ ■ — CANON Na XL I ^ , I, JtlSSION BOARD. ' 4. The Mission Br^id shall consist of the Archdeacons, ^«M'.«i' and seventeen Clergymen, and twentv Laymen, one,""* at least, of each order from each Rufftl Deanery of the :.Dipce8e. J ■/ '*:'''^-' . .f I' f • I '•><, V..c:. t'^ '-«:i£ ..*, •.•«,<!W;?t' •iv J» w ^:--: :• ■■/Vw: '•>#■' «ii"-,>'?v:J\^ ' ' ■ ;■■■ ■% ' c:£f^ am ^ W.: _<-' 46 Hluion Fund. CONSOUDATEaO CANONS, Ere, 1894. [Parti. Fan.1, which »h»U «?»»•»' "i*L'P"'*„<ici'»l«l» "f *e Diocese in aid of '"« "■?*•";„,!._, „„d of all colecliona of all donations and »»*>?'"P'r';""„X «s hereinafter '<"• "?S:J'inX&^ ^d^mLw the Diocese (any Ciaro;",^tF^o^ta'orth?zu^^^^^ co..t»rynotwithstandinK).«ndof the nu«^^^ ^^ the invested proceeds dl 'li?,"" «» »' 'S „^d established sionarv tepose" ; and *;^-'»^i^i^rB^irin accordance '""t the BvTa"^"? tVe aL cCh Society i^lating.to With the By-laws oi ine mt. incorporation adopted by the Synod Annual Parochial Missionary Meeting. 3. It shall be the duty »f ''^Ar^'^^Af i^^Ter^ or Mission in this Diocese to hoU »nn»a^^ m every Orders under this section, No. 2.) ' Siamiing Orders as to Mission Board. Board of MisaioM. (STee Bishop's Charge, 1881. pp. 28. 29.) 2. The Synod hereby resol.es «.at special efforu be ma.^^ annual income of the Mission Fund to at least «50,000. 7- T„ furtherance of this object, both Clergymen and their Parishes Giant to Central Board. •^p^i-'f ^^^xV.p,^ j"^ ^ ^r^^, . I ^P5^ ■"^'^v [Parti. Mission fi8 made a of the legacies, >llectionB reinafter ce.se (any jy to the ved from fpr mis- itablished ccordance jlating to (rporation- ance with 8 time be : a Parish , in every jion where )ther place tirig in aid use coUec- it the same >r than the e Standing iribute to the by the Centrtkl tcesau Mission to the Central ).) ule to raise the Part I.] CANON KO. XI. 47 aeem/jixpedient. It is reoommended to every Clergyman or Pariah to ■ form a Parochial Missionary Association ; so as to secure* as far as prac- ticable, systematic offerings by weekly, monthly, or quarterly subaorip- tions ; to distribute mission boxes among Sunday-school children and other suitable persons, iand to hold occasional meetings for the diffusion of missionary intelligence and for stimulating missionary zeaL 3. Whereas In many Churches the collections enjoined by the Syn.od do not represent the whole offertory of the particular Suuday, but only "all in excess of the average collection;" and whereas this practice, though much to be regretted, is perhaps unavoidable in many cases ; this Synod, in view of the alarming deficit in the Mission Fund, would ear- nestly impress upon the Clergy and Churchwardens generally the urgent necessity that exists that the largest amount possible be collected and remitted regularly, and would auggest that envelopes marked for various collections be distributed in Church the Sunday previous to the collec- tion 1)eing made, and that the congregations be urged to make a general use thereof/ ^^ . : ._ - _^ . 4. The Mission Board shall make arrangements for the Annual Diocesan '^ . Missionary meeting in connexion with the Synod. 6. The Archdeacons and Rural Deans shall be a Committee to make Arrange- ■arrangements |or holding the Annual JIAissionary meetings in the several '"•"'* *<* ^ Parishes of the Diocese ; and for providing suitable deputations to address the same. Such committee to meet during the month of September in each year, and the Venerable the Archdeacon of York to be the convener thereof. 6. The Mission Board is authorized to have copies of the report of Repprt to be the Mission Bo^ printed for distribution, together with such statistics printed- as th^y deem djpsirable, subject to the sanction, as to printing, of the Honorary Secretaries. 7. Together with the periodical no^e sent from the Synod 0£Sce, Information the Mission Board shall, for the information of the Clergy, issue a brief to be sent leaflet, signed by the Chairman, stating the number of Parishes and *""• Missions needing assistance, and the amount required for such assistance ; also as to new places where it would be advisable to open a Mission or - Station. 8. The names of the Missions which have become self-supporting shall Self-support- be given in the Mission Beport. ^ mg Missions. '■•it their Parishes 1 section three onary Meeting I Divine Service s may to them MISSION FUND. h There fiihall lienceforth be only one Mission Fund tbrMisiion maintaining all the missionary operations of, or by, this *"«"'•• Diocese, whether Home, Domestic, or Foreign, which Fund :*: -w rlP^''-;'"'-^?; V'" 48 Diviiioiis> Board to manage mon«y^ Hpwt Home Missions. CONSOLIDATED CANONS. ETC.. 1894. [Part L Shi be adminiBter.d W ihe Miasio^Boa^ in «.«^ - with the Constitutiqn, Canons, and By-laws oi i,n« y 2 Under the name of— of Toronto. ^ of England Missions in the several ±^^ Algoma and the North-West. (^\ « Foreign Missions " shall be included all Church ^^^ of ffind Missions, not falling under the name eithe^of " Home " or "Domestic "Missions. ^ 3. All moneys contributed -^W^W^^S 4 All moneys riot so speciaUy designated or appro^^^^ shail t divided a-ngj^---i«^^^^^^^ sionary Fund, according to the best juagmeuKu II. HOME MISSIONS. ' l/lt Shall be the duty ^each^u^l^ sought the advice of ^^^^^^S/or M^^si^n b^^^ com- of Laymen (one ^,<'^t J?^ , ?f ^^^^i pe^^^^^ muni(»nts resident withinhis ""'^^^X- report for the Tt the Easter Vestry) to prepare annuaUy a rej^on ^^^ information of the Sjnod. setting forth ttiec^^^^^^^ ^^^r ••^'^o^ fr&'a^lng^^^^^^^^ or ^e-groupingof , new Miasions, "' *»^. ? j„ ^...I'neanerv, such report to r'^"?rr*:t^i^X-s»X» or before the be sent in to roe ^f'^^™-'.. . ^ « i-i-e^ise be his duty, as thvrtfO, day of April ; »°f.f ^^^^^^^^^^ or Lw (Hjcasions may arise, to visit ^"y J ^ , ^^tjng a sup^ Missions «ot i^«l«^«,t onn r b^ lafd V^^^^^ tie next plementary report thereon, to ^ laja oeio L«,;«« «:«Pi.ittff of the Mission Board. plementary report ""^^^^r' . i.' ^j ensuing meeting pf the Mission Board. • 1 J it'^Siftis^Asi^ML > ' 1.,'^" '\w^^:t m' ■yr^ ^ [Parti: :ordanc& J Synod/ liurch of Diocese f Church oceses of I Church the name jns. lissionary B Mission lors when les of* the e applied. propriated the Mis- the Board. ;ter having anery, and leing com- ( be elected )ort for th& ition of the )rmation of grouping of h report to- before the his duty, as ons, or new king a sup-r e the next ^rt L] CANON NO. XI. ¥ 40> 2. No grant shall be made by the Mission Board in aid "*»«« «' of any Mission, or continued after the expiration of the """'• time agreed on, until the Rural Dean on visiting such Mission and conferring with the several congregations therepf, shall have ascertained their resources and liabilities, and arranged with them as to the amounts which they will raise towards the stipend of the Missionary, and shall have ^"^ reported to the Mission Board the results of such inquiries together with the amount which be considers, that they ought to contribute to the stipend of th«^ Missionary, the amount which they consent to contributie, and the action which he would recommend. * „ NoTK.— This proviaion ahal} not apply to the case of any Missiona Exceptior where such a visit may be deemed unnecessary by the Bishop, and three»fo i^bhp of the members present at any regular meeting of tiio Miaaion'^'**" . - 3.dMp|f|eeiving this report, the Mission Board, at its when traiit nexv^^nsuing meeting, shall decide as to the amount to "'"• •''^"'•/ be granted towards the support of a Missionary in said Mission — which grant shall take effect from the date of the agreement with the several congregations of the Mis.sioh, or in the case of new Missions, or of the appointment of a new Missionary, from the time, subsequent to the date of the agreement, at which the Missionary shall enter upon his duties. . ■ * . 4. No member of the Board shall vote or be present when the grant to his Mission is under discussion. 5. The regular stipend which the Board shall aim to Minimum secure for its Missionaries, as a minimum, is ^00 for those '"p*""*- in Priest's, and $600 for those in Deacon's, orders. BY-LAW. 1. Whenever the Missiou Board and the several congregations of any Mission have agreed as to the amounts which they shall severally contribute towards the stipend of their Missionary (which Btipend never shall be lower than that fixed in sub-section five, except the Bishop of the Diocese and three-fourths of theAg^^^^^^ members of the Missiou Board present agree to accept a smaller sum in lieu thereof) then it shall be the duty of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Synod to enter into a written agreement, in dupIicateV with two or more members of such Mission approved by the Mission Board, according to the accompanying form : M ' 7 ' 1 V -it ..ig^l'. .3if' i» >.4ua^ , i!^ \ "'-i ..rf, r .60 'Fonn. Payment. . » , ^^.■^- ,..■ ■•■:■• ■.• :-.■■ .■ . ■ ■ ■ i.- ■■ .■■■■•;•« r. *• ■: ■. obHSOUDATED CANOKS, BTO;, 189i. ' [P"" I- ' -J "D.to4aiil " V" red into it »li«ll ■ Jtio duty.ot .i'«,8«°r'S'/MSS» »•" °* '"^ .°?r^ • ™,»rt8rlT the sUlwntto OI tne Jnusiu" furnisbed him- bJbsequent clauses of this By-law. ^ ^ .^^ ^^^ aess otherwise agreed upon. _ ^ ^^ ^ _ ,,^UaU W ■ (4) Whenever any «o»f Jff "*" S i^Ly ^^^ *^« ^r'?'' remit the ^^^ol^'^r??* l^'lhtnlfshaU be the duty of the Soard. or any P-'^ J^^^^^^ ^^^S to suspend payment to the Secretary-Treasurer of "^^.^^J^^^ from W congregation ^^^^d Missionary.of the amount ««^^^^ .^^W dn^t to .report the ^^^^^^^^^^^^n to ascertain as soon as practicable, , the Archdeacon or Rural Dean w aso the reason of such faiUire. ^ ^ f „li the evidence taken by the Arch- es) A full written ^P<>rf ^^^^^ ^^^'n on the merits o! the case, deibin or Rural Dean^bh^^^n^on^^^^^^ ^^^ -««\ »**«'^ ^^1 > ' to the Mission Board. - ■ . S5f. ■ • ,' ■ ■■'■jfca-- .... ^ ^ Three y«»n limit. Suspend payment) _ When. Report to Bi^op. . ^ •" ■ /.^ ,'/ ■■ ^, ■' ,1 ^•. ■»«*.• • % [Part I. tie Diooese heMiaaion lembenot ( Aiiid con- ars, lawful ^-Treanurer kfter agreed I tbe above odertftke to at' the time ting from aDupKofite.) ttto it shall aod to pay ihe Gentiiral rniahed him. lined in the ioDS and the fee years un- . , Bhall fail to the Mission duty ,of the ment to the ;regAtion, ^nd ' shall direct , aa practicable, , inbytheArch- it8 of the case, week after the signature; and ppend thereto cttte tlfe report 56 appointed by if they deeni it Pitf 1 1.] CANON NO. XI. <1 -H neceMary, order the Secretaly-Treasurer to tmnsniit to the ^ ' Missionary, and also to the Churchwardens of t^e congregations - in arrears, a •oop7 of .the following notice: " To the Cfhurchwarie^ and Member's qfthe Cmgregalion of « ' ' "QkntlHiuut, J , ' * ,• • ■ " I have been dMreoted by the Minion Board to notify you that the oon- p '■ £ribution dtte from yon to the Miaaion i|k>ard of the Diocese, on ^ -day of notliaving been paid, the aervioes of the Cl^ij^cph will, "after dondtf^nett (or from thia day), be auapended by brder of the Biriiop, in accordance wi|h a atanding tule of the Synod to that effect, ulitil Ihe v , jwyment aaikgreed hpon is duly made. ?' \' " This may seem to be a aeveie meaaure ; but the Board of Missions has , been unable to devise any other ^at and practicable coi^rse which mighfr '* bring home to all parties the gravity of the oocaaion, and the -imperative 'necessity of prompt an,d deoiaive actidn in the matter. " I am. Gentlemen, ^ . '' J-:. X-.a,'. •. " Your obedient Wvant, * ' »' « •* "Secrekiry^.Treaiur^r^y V NoTi.-^Thi8 notice Ahalltb^ read to tl^e congregation in aii^ara on tito Jq be read two Sundays on? which service is held, next thereafter the receipt thereof (7) In casb the congregation ihall coi][tinUe in arrears after ^•': having, received such notice, and diall still reftise^or iiegl6ci''td' ' . pay up such, arrears, ^the Bishop ""shair direct- the ^Secretary- . > " Treasurer qf. the Synod to -pay to suqh missionaiy so hiuch from proceedings the Mis&ion Fund gt the Diocese as will enable him to i-enlain on should ar- . the spot for a period not exdieed|j^ ^^hree months, at tUd discre^ rea« con- tionof the Bisho|)^ or aa will onable him to remove to isoip©'^''-'', <>ther Mission in the Diocese< to wfiich he may be appoikte^ ; i^d •it s^aU be in the discretion of vthe Mission Boatd to withhold any Ifrant to the said„ Missdon for a neiiv Jttissionary until all arrears due from ther& for services, performed shall hive been paid to \ the Secretary-Treasurer of thp Synod by .the said congregation, * ■e|,nd tintU^ they shall have als6 paid to th6 Secretary-Treasurer ' suflicieiif to repay the Mission FuimI. the iponey advanped to the ./ Jiissionary to Jpear the expenses of his -stay or removal^ a^ the* - ' case may be. ' « . ' -^ " . > » , ^ ; • - J. . r - . (8) The travelling expenses of the Ardhdeacon or Rural Dean, incurred in carrying out the proyisiona of this'By»law, shall be paid by the Secretary-Treasurer put of the General Mission Fund . • of the Diocesfe. ' ' ,. Note.— The Mission Board deem it to' be their duty "to state that the .'iH^ntributiona of the congregations for the support of tiie Missionj^riaa may -IT'. t \. "• ^ » udsLi- r* -f ■ <■»■■}■ > - ■ /-■s— ^ :>. ,^» f "l^ * .'/A -..l4WiB«^ "^t .i ft2 Domestic Minions. Fund aent to Genentl Boaid. ^sH( ■ / ■ ■ > -"»-■ » ■ , - COKSOUDATBB oANOtis, mc.. 189*. [Partt be carried out in good faith. / ^ III. DOMESTIC M,18810N8. be agreed upon by the said^oard. ^ jy FOREIGN JflSSIONB. - „^ 1_ be agreed upon by the »»W Po»rd. Missions. la order to meet the requirement.,! ArUc^^^^ Synod (on the Constitution of '^^'^-^^ r;f J:': ^^^ thia It U ordered that the correspondrng ^o-^f ***;,°;^"'°"' ^„d t^o tavmen Diocese shall consist of the Bishop. f^XSlB- iC^^^ nominated by this Synod. '»«f«" «^ '^^/^Xtd at th; same time by .u. additional Clergyman and Layman to ^ J^^^/^; j^ ^-^ ^J^ the Synod, the Bishop shall be chairman -^ -nven«r. I^ the meeting shall elect a chairman for the time being- shall form a quorum. • Parish and Mission in the Diocese, and to aid the genera Board of Management. ^ ■ respectively^s'-,. ' ' '■ "& 5 > ■ /. P7 i"^ \ Part I.] CANONS N08. XI., XII. /' OANON No. XII. M WIDOWS AND orphans', AND THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS* FUND • COMMITTEE. (1) The Widows and Oi^hans' Fund, nnd Theological Comporf-, Students' Fund Committee shall consist of six Clergymen'**"^ and six Lavmen, members of the Synod, who shall be**"^** charged with the care of the Widows and Orphans' Fund, and to whom all claims for pensions to Widows op Orphan» of the Clergy shaU be referred, and by whom such claims ' shall be decided upon arid paid on approval of the Bishop, according to any Canon or By-law in that behalf adopted by the Synod-f , (2) l€ shall also be the duW of the said Committee, to ^"""^ make larinualhr to the, Synod a detailed report of (1) the**"*** state of the Fund, specifying the amount of income ; (2) . the number of Widows and OrphansKon the Fund, and (3) the amounts which they severally receive. ' (S) The liame Committee shall also\ave tharge of, and '**>'<«'«• administer, the" Theological Students' Fund, for the sameljj'"*' objects, and upon the sam* trusts,. , for and. upon which it was held, and administered by the, lat« Church Society, or according to any By..laws adopted by the Synod for the administration of thesame and shall report annually to the ' Sjmod the condition of the said Fund and the mode in t which it has been administered. . . ♦ StaTiding Orders as to the W. cmd, 0. Fund Committee. (1) The bishop is requMM to direct that upon ther death of ^l^)yjClerfly•'9>llecd^ man in the Diocese' leaving a widow or orphans entitled to assistance fcr Widow, from tiie Widows and Orphans' Fund, a collection be taken up in eveiy «» ' Church in the Diocese, as soon as 'conveniently may be, after such death, - foT'the immediate benefit of snch.widow or orphans ; such collection to be fa) addition to jajy annuity or payment thj?y may be entitied to receive \ from tlie aforesaid Fund. .. . " , " » J^ .■,■■■- ■ • ^»'' - , '- -■■■ (2) In future a notioMihall be s^nt annually to the Ohurchwarde^ and Sum imyable Lay Representatives of the various congregations, informing theln of the'v S'*!''*''*^ •um payable by their Parish to the Widows (md. Orphans' Fund, and***" calling their Attention to the 'evU consequences to the ajmuituits of any ' ^ , failure to re&iit this amount. - A . ^ ■ ,/, < . ■'-■?■.. . ■■ / • t See Standing OidenappendwL V ^ . ^ >" .He- it 1 1 r> '.J *'W^««^'?l»s>hlW!W!j)pP^™«f'^ r '".* /-. Conduct of Divinity Sindmu. ,' ■....,'. I * ' 54 CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Parti. . I^ of Coo (3) There .hall be M<led to the report of the Wfilowi andW«««* ItrjL^' FuU Committee a ll.t of the ParUhe. and Mluion.. 7t'*^"*!»8 ^^^ ' PwirfH.,.tc Wldowa and Orphans' Fund, with the amount a.««ed on theM Parlttoe* •nd MlMlona and the amount paid by each, V D.f„ul.l.g (4) In the caae of non-payment or inauffioient p^ment by ^7^ -« » ?/rh;;L or MiMion of any a..e»ment for the Widow, and Orphan.' Fun^^ Ued by the Syno<l. the name, of the defaulting I'an.hc.hall be ««d ooi tothe Synod. andtheRepre.entatlve..hanbecalleduponioexpl»iii. (6) InMmuoh a. the report of the cond^ot of Student, holding aynid Exhibition. U fnml.hed to «>« Theol^^i.^^^i'^l^ ,^;/^;;; mittee«.lely for their information, and*. V C6mmitteo »>•»• Po^f «' under tke ByUW to act upon .uch report, if, neoe.«7. ^y with- drawing an Exhibition : it i. not either necewarjror expedient that any nnfavouraWe report of %ti Exhibitioner .hould be communicated by the Committee to the Synod, except in any ca« in which theCommittee have found rt neoewary to withdraw an Exhibition.- ^: ^MINISTRATION OF THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS* FUND. wh.tcoo 1. The Clergy Widows and Orphans' -Fund of the ^ir Diocese of Toronto shall consist, as heretofore, of the widpWwKi^pitftt funded by the Synod for this special purpose, of ft 1 ®'**^' legacies, gifts, and other contributions, and also of all .rents, issues, or profits of lands or tenements now held, or that may hereafter be held, for th^ relief of the widows and orphans of Clergymen ; and of all annual and other payments made under these rules; and the intei'est only bf the funded capital, together with so much of the annual cdilections, subscriptions, and pay m«its as may ^ neces- sary, shall be applied to the relief <^ families of deceased cSriymen acceding to this Can^. Every suijlus sum of $200 siiall be invested, and thenceforth be part of the funded capital. \ . ' .WK„«Ai-d 2 Every Clergyman, of any degree, who is duly and ^^iltSjoniS^ exercising his ministry in, the Diocese, and any Clergymen now serving as Missionaries ^n the Diocese of Algoma, who were connected with it at the date of its separation ifrpm the Diocese of Toronto, and ^bo shair continue SUdh service,. shall be entitled to the benefit of the Widows.and Orphans' Fund on compliance with the conditions of this Canon. Any Clergyman ■.■■■"■■ ,^ .■■■.,, V ■ • ■^ » S^tlitfBy,LawNo.4<i«:'7)/«'i»-94- Oiprans Fund. , y>^ ■f ^'^1 ,^n A r*")rs' ^7>e^^^ii vx. *Hj>!pS!V ''■»Wl^<M|!^?^"" '^f^^*^'"'^ * ' '^ ' Part I] CANON NO. XII. 5» who shall hereafler remove from the Diocese q/ Toronto and take active duty in the Diocese of Alffonm, and con- tinue such active di»tv therein, shaU, on the samecondi- tiftns, he permitted to retain hjs .claim on the Widows and . Orphans' Fund of this Diocese, such tlaim to cease at ' the expiration of eight years from the Arat day of June, ' 1887. •< 3. Every Clerffyman quali^ed, as in the, ^preceding sec- Condition of ,-Hion, shall pay all arrears, at the rate of five dollars perf**'*'"! > annum, which may have accumulated {linco his ordination*"** **•"* I or admission to the Dioceso, up to July first, 1881. - Such . . arrears must be paid before April thirtietkrlSS4i;, and, if not then paid, a fine, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, shall be charged on oVery such amount until paid ; 'and in the event of a Clergyman dying in arrears, ^ho has other- . wise cofaplied with this Canon, the amount of such arrears shall be deducted froni the first j'ear'^ pensioi), p%able to^ his* widow or children. * ^ '^r ;l, btiMflt. '■M,, .*> / ^ -BY-LAW. "^ ' - \ ^■'■' :' (1) ^very Clerg}[man labouring itv the Diocese of Toronto,- and CertlfieaM. qualified as in section two of this Oanon, shall apply to the'. Secretary-Treasurer of .the Synod for a cei^ificatc, afr in Schedule B,-and shall pay annuaHy, before the Istday of April, the sura .. 'set opposite' to bis age as^in Schedule A..;, provided that every Clergyman who shall be ordained in the- Diocese, or admitted thereto after the passing of this Canon, at an age not exceeding fifty-five yedtrs, shall be entitled to the benefit of the Widows ' and Orphans' Fund, on applying for such certificate within six months of his ordination or admiuion, and pUfimg annually in , ; like manner. Any applicant after such period of time shall only be permitted to receive a certificate on payment of all' aiTea'rs and the additional sum of ten dollars as a fine. '...-.■ ■•■ * , . ■ ■ ,* (2) Eveiy Clergyman, holding a certificate , as above, shall Collections make all authorized colleffctions for the Widows and Orphans'*"^ """J* Fund in every Church or Station in his Parish or Mission wher*'*'' '^' Divine service is held on the Lord's day, unless excused by a ' written dispensation from the Bishop ; provided that assistant Clergymen, who regularly forward their annual payment, shall not have their claim forfeited through the refusal or neglect of . th«' Incumbent to make the above required collections. . '.' «p * V «-^ .*t' J '^1^™T'??'''5^' 99 COKHOMOATEl) CANQN8. CTC, 1894. [Part I. Taw. • . , Sci. of (4> Upon cumpHance with the pr«ent O^non, the 8yn«dof *»«« r— Piole if Torou'to will", on application, f f, ""^ j/Zi^u^^T^ an.l Orpluu,V Fund. i«> fW |Uv the Mate ."f ^he ^«nd will permit, a ponnion in accordance with the following «»l« . ■ . . „.' ^ • AnmUy to WklMo. Ltntith qf nri-teti %n Dioenw. Under ft ye»» '..•♦ *; \2H ft to 10 •' '■"■■... IftO lOtolft " •*• ..176 1ft to 20 •• ..•• • • jjpQ »orchuar.n. /fi) In addition to the Hum nan.ed in the P'*««J'"8 "f"^'??; ihere shall >k, i«tid the Bun, of tw.nty dollurn per annum for every child »mder the age of eighteen yean*. In CM, of (6) If a OlerRy man'B wife die before her husband, or ifjuiy iZrr.. deriymah's widow die. or marry again, the ,)en«on due accdrd- CrH.g.of iJ^lg^^ction four, with the additional payments, as provided m -'''■ ,4tt^n ^Hhall b^ paid towards the Hupport of B^ch chUdreu h| Xay be under the agfof eighteen yearn, m equal portions. E Marrugeo. ^ (7) If any Clergyman, who is not on the Superanniiated U.t ....na^riagc of the Dioc^se. marry the second time, he-^shal *henoeforth pay o'Ci.r.r- the annual sum set opposite his age in Schedule A., at the time ■»*"• of such second marriage. If any Clergyman .^J'^^'^y'/^Jlf.^^ such Superannuated List and die leaving * J/^^^o- «/ ^^^^^^j^" of such marriage, such widow or childi:en flhall not derive *ny benefit from the Widows and Orphans Fund. °™- SrteSSo^'tfX BUhop, ^«tim.e to Md . oertifioaU o» payment of his usual annual subscription, ^ ^ '^ H. 19) Til* widow and orphans of any Clergyman degraded from Sor thfL™ry, or any widU or orphans wh^^^^^^^^^ annuitants members of the Church of England, shall be «»*»tled only to .«^ng.o h payments as the Committee of the Widows and Orphjns "t^T^u FundTall prescribe, provided that such widow or orphans shiJl .HeCb«n:h. ^^^''^^J ,„^ 'exceeding the aggregate amount that her husband, or their father, shall have paid into the Fund. \, sW-fi'.u'S H A*. KT'^ nm.] CANOK KO. XII. 57 Py"" (10) The p«n»ion iihall bo imid quarterly, on the flmtUwy of P""***". . * Januwryr April, Julv, *nd OiotoDer of each ye*i', oomni^noing f i*om "/T" •"'" the «x|»iration 6f tli« (jiiai'ter within whidi thu tlenth of the* huiband oi- parent occurs. (11) Pnnnaneiit removal of nity Clergyman from this Diooeae Kamov*! .- ahall entHil the forfeiture of any claim whatever ilo an annuity from from thi« Fund, exdQpt a« provided for in ■ectio|i tuxt of the Canon •""<=*^ here<A .4,, (12) It shall \te the duty of the Widows and Or|)hnns' Com- R«pprtbjr mittee, at thuir May niflotiug, to culculato the prohable »'>>ount^|^*."^ of the annuities payable from the Fund for the ensuing year, and o^j|JU]||^ contingnnt-and other expenKos' ntt<>ndant thereupon, and re|)ort ,o ammm- the same to the AsMossmsnt Committee, in order that an eauitr m^m Com' able assemment may be mnde for this Fund on the various "'•"•^ Parishes nnd Miaiittu of the Diocese, ^^ - I. -X; 'J 'i » s (13) This Canon shall ^e held not to apply to cases of Clergy- B»c«P«l«i- en who were on the Su|)ei-anntiated List of the Uioceso on the * '^**^ 4th November, 1881. And as to Clergymen lalwuring in the ■ Diocese on said date, of sixty years of age and upwards, who •were ordained or who entered the DioccHe ut an advanced ^)eriod ; in life, the Widows and Orphans' Fund Committee ar« authoriied # . ^nd emjK>wered to deal with such cases in snoh manner as they "" caay deem just and reasonable. r^ ^SCHEDULE A. Scale of Annnal payments referred to in Section 1 of this By-law. 'i Age. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 83 34 Payment. •7 20 7 88 7 62 7 82 6 05 8 25 B 60 ^ 75 *8 93 17 9 42 9 68 Age. 35 .% 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4.5 46 Payment. $ 9 80 10 27 10 66 10 92 11 26 11 60 11 96 12 30 12 67 13 08 13 48 13 92 Age. PaumerU, 47 U4 42 48 >n4 92 49/ 15 53 00 16 17 bl 52 63 54 66 66 67 68 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 23 00 24 00 Age. Payment. sch«dul«. 69 925 00 •0 2600 61 28 00 62 30 00 63 82 OO4 64 34 00' 66 .30 00 66 39 00 67 42 00 68 46 00 69 48 00 70 60 00 -T •" SCHEDULE B. FORM OF CBBTIFICATS BEQUIBXD BY 8K0TI0N 1 OF THIS BT-LAWl The Diocesan Synod of Toroifto hereby certifiMthat the Rev. of — ^ -, baa this day paid the sum of dollars, beina bis A\fii annual payment under the Canon. And the Dioceaun Synod of Toronto will, pu W the special Fund called the Widovrs' and Orphans' Fund, pay to ti ■ ■ • ^ , . _ . . ■■_, ■ ■ __■_ ., -^ . Oertificat*. '*■ ir. ■s * ^* l-^--^ 68 ■:^. .,\ \ if'.. . ■■- m- OONSOMDATED (3AH0NII, ETC., 1804. y^Wt I. 1 ■•■ ■ 1 ■ „ A allows •uoh |»»yin<int to »i« ni«<t«. . ahftll vn^rly luitl avery ye»r, Uml'in f«rc«. .ml— «cu.iHl by th« writUn ai.|M.«t.tlon of lh« Bwhop. IMtcd thU r-o' — li— Alfowi*. Prio' »«» '*»• rtwt .ifty of Juum In Iha fuW »ml roaulntloiw which may U in I nrt.vi.ln.1 th»t th« tUU of ||m FunU »U« K)vl«lo.l »lw*y.. that th« saM IU». Bignvd StentarffrttmrHP. 's>« CANON No. XIII. SUPKBANNUATIO^ ^ ^ ^ T^ Wbi^ii t-In the following-ciwes i ClerKyman shall have the '^^'•1 ritfht upon his own application, to be placed upon the r^sSperannuatedList: ' - ^ (I) If ho hoH served thirty-five years in the t)ioce8e of " I TpBonto. ' ^ h If he has served forty years in Uie 'minl«try_of thj Church of England, in this ecclesiastical province, of which it loilt ten hSve been actively employed in the ministry' of it^iis Diocese. V (8) If he is sixty-five years of age, and has served not lass than ten years in this Diocese.- niw-l. In other eases, when any Clerffyman shall desim thinks fit. * '■i How* Cbiiynwn luy obtain tnperapntta- tlon. \ ri — 1. In other eases, when any Clerffyman snaii tifcbe-superannuated. he shall apply to tTie Bishop m wnt- itotr Stiting bis reasons, and the Bishop, if^ he thi m^ |»Ji^e his name on the Superaaii^uated L^^ ^-|f 4e Bishop decline to superannuate, then the apjU- cani'iflay demand a commission, to be constituted a* fol- *°Tb Archdeacon or. some Priest of the Diocese of not less than fifteen years' standing, shall be named by the Bishop, the appellant shall name a second, either a Oler^man or a Layman, and these two shall name a third, who shall be either a Clergyman or a Layman. ./■: "TO ■^' m •'. • ai ai o U C d n 1 n V t fi ;y. •1 S A *.t »1^' I \ "■V 'rf^ Sp. #" Part LJi CAKONH MM. XIIIm 11?. * 8. If thin cmnnltMilon utiim, wllWn on« Wi«nth. imanf- monsly roawinie*)*! nuiwi-Rnnuatlon. Uu?n the Hishoi) »hftU bo re(iu«Nted to onUr Iho appcllaiit's name upon the Super* (uuQuattxl Lilt. ^ " i^. . .CJ- law* m.— 1. Whenever ii .hilf appear to the BluhopthatJ^ any Clergyman having pure of ho«U. and oonung untler the ^ ^ oiM^ratlon of thin Canon, in, fjwnl any cauwi whatever unRblo ,„^«w».. ihat tJjo int«re«tn of the«M' le woi'k and rospon* ite to »uch Clergy* one month then th« if he do not receipt m. to till the duties of Ium office, Church require hla retironio •ible charge of the ininiHtry man, a<lviHing him to retire.i 2. Jf no objection ii» nmde^ Bishop may notify the Clergyman iiiav n n*> um m«v '°"°"* , _• ^ notice of hit willingnen ib retire, he will a^the end <rf^; ^r ^ IfUfon layB, refer the rattter to a commiikiQO ooMtitttted -- ' la above. ^ 8. This commission ijhall fully investigate the case, and i^ lliall within one month repdrt to the Bishlop in writing. ' 4. If Huch report recommend superannuation, and the , ^ Bishop still concur, then the name of the appell&nt rfjftU. Hf" be entered on the Supenumua^on List '-'t -■ . , ■ ^ ' - ■ - • . ■ :• r, CANON NO^XIV. ^' '4" .%' ^ t -f- ON 8UPBIUNNUA3PION FUND. NoUcarefuiiythapi^ V. Motion 4J ii-1. The»^ shall be a Fund to be called the " Super- n««^ anSation Fund," the object of which shall b« td make pro-"^^ . viiion for Clergymen of the Dioeese of T<>ronto who, through old age. or infirmity of iMnd or body , we now oy hereafteir •jtolliit^tired from the fldire^^w^^ oj the ministry, 2. If ihe state of the Fund permit, every; Clei^nmn <*" J**^**' the Superannuation List shallreceive an annual allQWanee ^^-J^" of at least «10 for 6r in consideration of ^very _ybaiI«, iwstive service in this Dioopse, up to the fprtietft year of such term of service, beyond which no addition to the allowancfe shall be granted on account Of .length of ser- vice ; the allowance to be continued so long a« he remains disabM, and is in good standing, and complfes with the ;^" ^^ ; ;:■■:".,; rf- .,.. :'-;'-^l:":. ..•''":" ■■■•■,■■: ' •■■•i::;*-' ■ ■:/ '/■::-C : A V - '"'^^' .-'• . '^. ■> ■' «.v';'^-''':'-''-'''- ■::i^^^- -..^m. -^ ■ \-\ ^ J *-.,?^) >.-■ ' -' ' . ■. ■ ■■'''■ .'■.-. ' , ■ "S-,"-'' ' - „ . ' ' ■'■^ .,.-■ ■■'■■■ ;■ V ■ ■■.' -. ■■■■"" .■■ ^ u 'LA ■ '^■}--z;- m-:- ■ .-• .:.:[:^r-. :y,y '■i-' '^'■:'.. • N V':' '^/ »■ i 6 ' .^sii "l^ "^J^ K. ■^^^ \^i ■ :/ ^ ^ '^'srjprni h " '?'fr^vafms^''^m > ^ 60 CONSOUDATKD CANOUS, ETC., 1894. [Part I. ^ • terms of this CanOn, and is not engaged in any pursuit judged by the Bishop to be inconsistent with the minis- terial calling. But see By-Law, chapter lY. jrHii. Ili— This Fund shall.be constituted by sums from the following sources : . S^Jwrn^'^" (1) Payments by the Clergy of one-half o^one per ce^t urns. on their clerical incomes. lute oi i»- (2) Annual payments- of one per cent payable by each "^'"nta Parish or Mission on the amount raised therein, as ordinary '*^"'" ■ revenue, or spent wiithin the Parish or Mission for the main- tenance of the ordinances of religion, as ordinary outlay ; ^ in which are not to be included any grant from the Mission Bottard, or any n^neys contributed for Missionaryr purposes, •^ or for Diocesan or other such objects outside the Parish, or for parochial objects not of an ordinary or annual charac- ter — such asobuildibg Churches, Parsonages, School-houses, and the Ukcih^Iuiaing payments made on account o£ incum- brances created for the piirpose of securing repayments of ; moneys borrowedlfor any such purpose. (3) Annual collections in Churches in month of March. "■■,, (4) *Annual subscriptions from Clergy and Laity. ' (5) Donations, bequests and th6 like. (6) Income'from invested funds. (7) A grant from the General Purposes - Fund to be ^ awarded, by the Synod annually. (8) An annual grant from" the Mission Board, to be appliedfor the relief of retired, Mi8§ionaries. '" coMtitutiwi^ III.-r-The Fund shall ^e managed by a pompaittee of six of Com. Clergymen and six La;ytoen, to be annually nominated by the Executive Coinmittee, and elected by thp Synod in same manneif' as the present Standing Committees. iV.^1. ^t the meeting of the Committee in May, the certificateit'Of claim for the ensuing year shall be examined, and, the a^iiiriount to which each claimant i^^ntitled shall be ascertai^i^d and entered upon the list, and the scale and amount of distribution for the coming yeax shall be deter- mined^i ^ mittee. Oerlificates ttf claim wfa^n to be •xunioed.' V ■ ■ ! • -7 > / rrr?jLi':i.iLSi-C &"." '«^,"?-^s|ia»«aa. '■W ij^'^v '.•-r«»se""^f^K'- vs^^/ ^ vr ^^.''-^ •■^n^^^'^ Part I.}' CANON NO. XIV. 61 the 2. Befdre any {tllocatiou or distribution is made by the Oomiuittee, there must be retained sufficient to cover the \\' necessary expenses lawfully chargeable upon this Fund. 3. Before being placed upon this Fund, and upon oro>«riaa <»?. before the first day of the month of April in each year fol-^^*^b, lowing, every elaimant upon this Fund shall furnish to the turnidiad. Committee^ through the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod, a certificate in one of the forms hereinafter provided ; such form. to be forwarded to the claimant by the secrttary- treasurer of the Synod at least one calendar monwi pre- viously. . 4. Any Clergyman failing to forward such certificate, inpauun t* due time and form, shall be held to lay no claim to a par- '"'ward c«r. ticipation in the Fund for, the ciljrrent year; so that the"'**** Committee will be under no obligation to provide for him, -* in strikiiig their, annual schemer for the allocation and dis- '^^ tribution of the income of the Fund. - 6. Provided Always that no Clergyman by reason of *«>*»«> / his not claiming, or not claiming in due time an^ form, shall forfeit or prejudice his claim beyond the year or years as the case may be of his default, should he thereafter . apoly in due time and form to be placed or retained upon the Fund. . . -t 6. The Committee shall have power to require from i>«!"«nen<*- applicants and aimuitants such documentary or other evi-*"'^*'''*"'* dence of the correctness of their statements of claim, as may seem to the Committee reasonable and right. 7. Any claimant who shall be proved to have knowingly '»•« «*'"*• furnished an erroneous, misleading, and cornipt certificate,^^ ^"' shall henceforth cease to have any claim upon the Fund. 8. Provided Always, that in the case of a Clergyman '*'*'^- who is wholly disabled and destitute of resourcmit shaH, be lawful for the Committee, with the Bishop's dHRent, to, replace or retaia him upon the Fund, during subsequent] good behaviour, for an annuity of one-half the amount to which he was previously entitled* V. — 1. The length of active service shall be computed Length of from the. date upon which the Qlergyman was first so^^'J^ licensed an4 employed, inrthe Diocese, up to the date of his superannuation. \4^J X „!^Si. i/m ^l' CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Part I. intonnui- ^ Jn ijase there has been any intermission ih the time of rionitob* guoh' service, the length of such intermission shall be / <toduata(t ^^„Q^g^ therefrom. Intervals with leave of absence not exceeding one year are not to be deducted when countmg or computing length of service. , » ^ whn mln. 3^ jji caggs in which such ministerial service has not been iiiryhu not ^^^ '^^ occupatiou and source of clerical income, or of the JS;X means of support^t shall be lawful, with the Bishop's con- udiupport. gent, to count one-half of such period of t partial Service, in ■ fixing the amount of the annuity claimed under this canon. . • AotireMr- 4, In order to' a clear understanding of this canon, it is vicdeflnid. jj^j,^ declared that the term "active service" is taken ^to ■ . • ' mean the employment of a Clergyman in bond fide parochial ... or missionary duty, or as chaplain of any hospital, prison, . , I . • reformatory or other public institution, whether m " deacon's or priest's orders in the Diocese of Toronto, under license from the Bishop thereof, such service having been his main occupation and source of clerical income. 6 (Slergymen in active service, in this Diocese, at the ^tlSII'time of the passing of this Canon, if they therea||gg punc- P«»"B tually pay their dues, shall be allowed to count t!i^T|^vious ■ years of service therein ; but if they fail so to pif all, or any such dues, their time shall jcount oi4y from the date ' of the passing of this canon. ' \ t ■.:■ • ■: \. / "•- BY-LAW.- ^, I.— 1. Infixing^the annual premiums payable by Clergy payable by Paripes under this ill be guided byt the 'statistical men and the. assessments .canon, the CJomnHttee shall be guided by^ returns ordered by the Synod. In any case in which these , returns arfe not made, the Committee shaH fix the amour^t of the premiums or assessments to the best of their judg^ ment;and from their decision no appeal shall be enter- tained unleiss primd fade evidence is shown that the premiums thus adjudged are more than double what they would be if based upon correct statistical returns. T'2. All assessments for the support of thia*'und shall be pi^,yal)ie on or before the^th day of April iy each y^t. JIL- « > t f" v«. Part I.] OANON NO. XIV. 68 vC 8. The annual payments by the Clergy are payable on or ^•'" p^* before the fifteenth day of January. Upon the first pay-'* *'. ment being made by any Clergjitean, a certificate shall be ,^iven him oy the Secretary-Treasurer according to the form provided, and also a receipt for each subsequent payment. 4. In case any Clergyman fails to pay his dues byftihe ^"** **" xiate above mentioned a fine of five per cent, a month shall "j^JJ* *"** be added to his overdue premiums for every mShth or part of a month during which he continues in arrears ; but if he continue twelve months or longer in arrears, then the annual premiums shall be doubled for every yearor part of a year for which such Clergyman shal] continue Hn default. II. — 1. In the case of apy applicant for an annuity who «'r«v«ou»- has faUed-in paying his dues, the whole amount of his j;;^^,*";^ arrears shall be compute^ ^e preceding paragraph), and .ppuoant. ten-fold that amount shall be deducted, from the first payments which would otherwise have been coming to him ; provided always that not mo)^ than half of each quarterly allowance shall be so deducted, |rom quarter to quarter, until the arreaVs are paid up. (See chapter I. '4.) . 2. Annuities shall be payable on the first day of tl»® Jl]||"'"'*' months of January, April, July and October, in each yeaJi *y^" "^^ n ' III.— 1. Superannuated Clergymen In the enjoyment of J^™'^™ an income from any other Synod J'und or local or Diocesan 2^„^ ^" or Church endowment shall riecei* ve " from the Superan- nuation" Fund ohly such an amount, the state of the Fund .permitting, As "^ili bring up their incpme to th6 full scale set forth in section 1 of this Oaxion. «- 2. Any Clergjrman who is in the^joyment of an iuceme inoometrom from any local endowment^^not under the management or J^^'"**""" control of this Synod, must relinquisht^at least one-half of such income, so that it may be available for carrying oi^ the work which such Clergyman is no longerf ^ble to per- form ; and unless he so does he cannotube placed upon the « Superannuation Fund. i4^. \ -^ IV.-^l. Until this Fund shall yield an income suflScient inoome oi to make full grants on the scale set forth in chapter I., J^^'^iJ^" section 2 of the Oanon, the available income shall be ^ thus distributed among the claimants— First satisfying «£' a <f A. .»■ 1 64 CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Parti. in full ihe claims of those of" thirty (30) years' standing or more, to the extent of three hundred dollars ($300),v, and next proceeding downwards to those of twenty- nine (29) years' standing, and so on ; the claims of those in longer standing being first satisfied before proceed- ing to the next lower degree ; provided always th^t in (^e of there being a number of claimants of tne same class whose claims the Fund is not able to satisfy in full, then the available income shall be distributed equally among- those of that claas. ' ' \^» TZTbe ^' Biereafter until the capital of the Fund shall have Inverted, reached the sum of S26,000, all interest from investments shall be added annually thereto,^ well as^ny special do- ' nations, and any surplus of income ; and jio annual grant on a new application, shall exceed $200, until^he capital shall have amounted to $25,000. 3. In Case the income of the Fund should at any time be- come insufficient to pay in full the annuities chargeable thereon, a proportionate reduction per cent, shall be made in all the annuities. jrinen Nmoviog to other Dio- cercs. ■I \ AnnuItiM lUble to » raduotion per pent. *"P'"|"' 4. And should the Fund so increase that, after paying all ^^'jiJ'- annuitants in full, there remains a surplus, then sucli sur- pond of. plus^all be added to the capital. ■ ■' - ' # v. — 1. If any Clergyman in good standing who^has for ten years or more been a contributor to this Fund, and has complied with the terms of this Canon, shall "remove into .another Diocese, and if there be in that Diocese a similar Fund as to which a like arrangement has been made, then there shall be given him a certificate entitling him on his becoming superannuated in that^iocese to draw from this Fund a pension equal to that which he would have beeil entitled to if superannuated at the date of his femoval. Form A.— CiBTincATK kkqcirbd by SiotiSif IV., Supkrannuation ^ FcMD Canon. Hm DkMMan Synod of Toronto bersby oertlflM that the Kev. ' of hMthla day paid theaam of dollara being bla annual payment under th^eOanon. And the Diooeaan Synod of Toronto will, but of the ipeetal Fund called the Superannnation Fond, pmy to the laid Rev. upon hi* anperannuation, a JMnrion in proportion to Ua iervioaa in the Diooeae, aoeordiog'to the rotea and regniationii which may be In fi>re» •t the time of hia anperannuation, prcrided the state of the Fund allows such paymen t to beBude. ' 4 ■■'■■* . 4 \ /■ 1 •' s « Part I,] ' ",< ;^ltON NO. xiy. "7 ■;^ B^j^irs::'!!^"?. •""'*•"'*""'"*"• '"" 'w*«*»«« f mmi. .„4 ..„. i„,o th. k!!lP^ ooflecUonp pr«Mrlb.d l*.b«hBlf of thit vind, .od oth«r»|» JklthMlly obMm ADd oomply wUh th« rul*. •.><! wg\.I.Uoiii fram'ttma to Mm, In Dmt, 7 """'"""' Synod Offlc. Toronto. ' '. '*^'^'^f«'«^ lli«»byoertI#th»HU».A.B.bdulyllo.,,!.«lby undot d»to * day of '9', BJsbopof Torolito. Form B.— Fob tm Rbst Appuoatiok fur Ankijitv/ ' I (ntmo In Ml), do hejvt^ «,i,„„iy .fflrm U^t I am . Cl.rnr»M in good «U...ll..g on th. 8up«Mnu.Uon List of tb. DIo«m of Tor*»to. i,. wblcb Dk>o». I h.r. m.dT«a not . ^" . . ^T^' conUnnoU. Mttf a ..r»loe^ or what wider thi. Coon, m.y b. c«iot«lMeqolv*I,ntthrfbto..Dd that I h.v. never thronilwut that period, b«.n under «)ole.Mle.l^e.ure, .xcpt (her. ep-oliy. If •fty), ,„4 o^ , g„ „ot In the enjoyment of •n, loe.^ orDlooew. or Church «Klowmonl or tynoJ rrant, exOept (here specify. If .„y, . SS ^r.h "■ r""!:^' '''"•^' f ^""* •"'•"« "••"• "^ «"'»"»««-- "J «««l.'"y oa».ij ' piled «ltb .11 th^nlremenu of thI. OauoD. 1 .m entltM to .pply, ud bewby Apply ^.n?^*;'"':'':""'*'""'"""''**'^''**"' <ioU.r.peri[„n«ror raelt proportion tbereofiM the Fond may be able to bew. - Dooumentwy e^ldenee m. to the •boT. .t«tem.nti ta hOTio MjMnded. Nmm o&4ppUo»(|(.in Itell Date nnd kddrea* V ^ Place of habitual reeMenotT . ' * .fc.*l'i. K- ."'•'*'*"' *^*"' •>•»'"«•"««•"•« »»»iwWen<e adduced declare that tJie aboTe afflrmatloii U oorrwt to the beet of my knowleUge and bellet Signed far meat ihle dayof 18 . The 8eoretary.Tre.«it.r I. hereby dlreetadto pay tiJiUr. ■•«*»»? «>' Toronto. 11 the Mate of the Superannuation »und permit, quarterly, an annuity at the rate of per annum, beginning on the dayof 18 The 8eoret«^,yT«uur.m. to Nnd a«»p, of th<, orderjto the Clergyman nuned therein. »„^»_ _ . ' Chairman jifBuptrannaation Fund, Synod Offloet Toronto, day of ' " 18 . ^ #fWj 65 > .■! Vi X Form C— For SDBsis9mgT Appucations. th.?loe«. of T„w.„.„ ' •T'*^J:*"°"" afflrm Mt" I km a Clergyman In gc»d etanding of the DkMMeof Toronto, and eo &r a. my health aud oireumitances permit an habitual co-munioaat of the Church of JCng,«.d. .,d that I ha,e h«if duly plaSl^pon U.1 ^^^r •nnuatlou Fund and that I am not la the enjoyn^nt of anyjJ/or DIocLnor Chu^ l^rT "'i'-^'^f'-'' "«P' ("ore .p«Hiy, U any. thiijfere anH^nuai v'C «rt that nun .,111 unable to perRrm mgul.r aeU»e eer^loe in\i[aCh«roh, and thallkL Boteng^ n any »ork whater.r, e.e.pt(ber. glye full particular. anAfte whV m««er.Uo.^ If aow. and that 1 am e^fi^^ to ««3™ aud.do h..*l.y Ippl/for anln" ? do!»W.. or «,«h pro^rtlon tHo..<»f Mj'tho itate 'of the Fund perml« Ld tha. 1 hare complied with all th. requltemenu. of theSuperwinuatlon Canon. ■»<* "»'^ V- Name In full . , *' . Ilaoeof riwldenoe -, ' . Mtofcter of ' Oh<^ at ■■■■'» ; ■ \^: - ' :' "■'-■' ■.■■■■■■■■--■■■- ' jr- '^ ■if ' t » * M * f ( \:i '■ \. K 'i 1 •Hill*' t % ^..«tl^:l?m^P^?^ , ,... Jip^*pVovi8ion8 of tlie-Ac®f i«ttWWS^%''^''^^?*fce Syri6d of the Diooes€|"' ii^^lk]^i^fji$^ i^ ^eelar^ and enact, by Capon oi' Ay-lW' th^t»^|lf|)er«i^al property, securities, and motf-^^ S|w, or w^Mljrfliay hlr^ttter 1>ecome yested in, oi^ held Bm *^«c ^^^ inc^farated Syiidd in t^st, shall be held, inimagea||. ^vested^ope general trust fund, <ind to makd sUchttf tf inV68t5lnt« of thfe M(»e |n such sums, and atsuchi^. • ^terfeat, as the Biid Idttfrt^oratiid Synod may ir<m^ W determine,3»nd ^wtSrpise.the power t^rebyi .^„^3j,4„by atid thro^igh slicli'^oard or Committee as be ,^j^ l^ynod may fronji>- time»l»d |inie appoint^ ; # ^ %i kipyf^^Viika it is jwiJess^rS^ and expedienji to creat^ .. &.md appoint a SpeCiiaJ Standing€ominlttee of the saidSyiio^ * ■^ to <jaw/the! «ud' Act into^ effect, and to lay down certai|ih ^ •» ,^ gei3femUules'f<*th^ guidance of such Committee-^ ■iH-; ' ^ \}ft:$^4 ' ' ' ,. ''■'■'■'=, ''.'■'!:•■. * ' ', yftfiftpFbRE the said Incorporated Synod enacts as iol- %^ " %^''^: ' ' ' ^': ■ ■' -^ '■ .^■"" '-'■■i--- i invtetment ^L Thfere shal^ be a Committee of the Synod to be called •« ^^(iiiiimuee., '' "The Investment Commig8fe"^'hich shall ,1|| * chosen every year at the an walmeetirigofSy iand shall consist of two Ciergymen, and six ' ^ ' /nien, members JJhe Synod, who shall 1) '^ \ till their suc cflBB <^'e appointed, two oi Laymen to lament the Clergy Com ' Trust Fund Committee, two to represen ^ k - t-ti, -**r.is i ■j,-jM-ysMi^^Mfiii.- "i^msJat * '.i reiit i m- sailed^ «»» CANONS N08. XV., XVI. -' IT \ dowment of the See, Rectory Lands, and Land and Investment Committee, and the other two with the Clergymen to represent the Synod General Account, and of this Committee three shall form .a quorum. 2. This Committee shall have the management of all iv.w«rt. personal propertv, securities and moneys which now* Are, or, which may hereafter become, vested m, or held by, the said Incorporated Synod in trust,, and may make such lawful investments of the same, as one general trust fund, in such sums, and at silch rates of interest as may from time to time be determined. Separate and distinct accounts of each and e^erys.p*fmt««:. such truat showing the capital of the same, shall «»«"»» to bo be kept, and the interest and profits received and '"'"• accruing from the several investments so made of the whole of the said general trust fund, 'shall be divided amongst the several trusts as aforesaid pro rata, in the proportion borne by each separate trust fund, to the whole general trust fund, after .deducting from such receipts the expenses of management, investment and administration. 4. The Committee shall report to the Synod at itsReponto annual meeting their transactions for the pre- Synod. ceding vear^pljpAhe 31st March then last past andlhall shqw the new investments mlule.and • the receipts and disburse^ients during that period, ♦ including the charges of management and other expenses. . STATISTICi^ , Whereas, '"^18 ihe u *!. r ^, , -"'»' * -, **^ ofcrs of iiie Chvip^,P,^w. whether dermal or lay, to ^nke to the bei^®)f tltfeir'^p^er* the statistical and other returns reqtiir^d Sf theiby*tft»e^ ■^■'' a .J and also to make and to tran^toit, orto^use'aU. ■If diliglBce to cause to be made and traMii^itted, all*iSt)ii6y collectiofts'pydered by the Synod; ^ 1> , ■^"• ,\; , A. llMf. ''*^/.. ^^ M .M '\. V i'^ It ft' - ' *;- "^ ^ ^'^vl ;\ ^^r 68 P«mI|{^ for liiilur* of duty. ' CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [PftTt I. Therefore any Clergyman or Layman of this Diocese ^ho fails to do his duty in this behalf within one month of the time prescribed, »nd who shall have given no explanation satisfactory to the Biaho'p, shall be, by the Bishop, ad- monished, and if such neglect shall wilfully continue for V onemonth longer the Bishopshall.inthecaseofa Clergyman, ^ proceed to suspend him a oeneficio for not mor^ than three months. All such cases of admonition or Huspension to be reported by the Bishop to the Synod at its next session. „' , - i . ' Standing Order. i The Annuttl Statistical Repprts ordered by tho Synml must be sent through the several Rural Deans to th» Synod Oiflce, within one month from Easter Monday. -— \ Each moivey collection mustTw remitted to the Synod Office not later than thirty days after the end of the month in which the iiynod has ^ onlered such collection to be made. CANON No. \\lt AUDIT COMMITTEE. - -• Composition The Audit Committee shall consist of three Clergymen, •nd duties and three Laymen, members of the Synod, whose duty it 'shall be to examine into the condition of ail funds. monei«£k and securities belonging to, and under the control oC tife , Synod, and to lay before the Synod annually a detailed statement of the results of their audit and examinatioi;^ of each separate fund-=-the Committee to have pow6r to employ and pay an Auditor, or Auditors, for the purpose of making the regular audit. (a) The remuneration to be paid to the Auditors' foir their services shall be fixed from time to time by the Synod. V\ Standing Order aa to Audit Committee. ^ j Dutiei^ 1. The Audit Committee shall prepare a form of Annual FinancUl , Statement of the receipts and disbursements of the several trust an4,. .t>* other funds under the management of the Synod, which will incorpOra4^' ai}d take the place of the financial statements appended to the other* ^? Committee reports to Syiiod ; and the Chairmen of the other Standin||^ Committees are hereby associated with the Audit Committee for thai purpose. o a C <« P si f( tl of al he 80 (S dt as in( mi *^l^-,«'#' >* . -•> Jj**J V. 'Vff-' Part I.] CAN0N8 NOS. XVI.-XIX. ■* 2. Bach lUnding Committw having oharge of any prop«rty or fimdi •hall report to the Synod annually whether any (and, if any, hqw many) of the teoMities held hy th«tn are ovor.tw^^e^ve monthi in arraan, ai^d the amount of euoh arrears, but not the name* of the defaulter*. (8ee MO).) 8. The Audit Committee ehall have a yearly valuatipn made of aUviJta«|«i. Church property, and shall report the tame to the Bxe<flitive Committee^ (See Canons vil. and viil., pagea 86, 89), and aim By-Uw No. 2. voU I»ge90.) „ 4. The remuneration to be paid to the Auditora for their servloea •hall be at the, rate of t200 per annum. CANON XVIII. (In Sv^bjBtitution of By-law 1.) ' OM THE lyCOME OK THE EPISCOPATE. — 1. The income of the Bishop shall be derived from thes<mrc«gi folloviriug sources : , / jrw^ 1. Interest of the Episcopal Endowment Fund. % 2. Sixteen hundred dollars, as per the "Macaulay award from the Clergy Trust Fund^ 1859. 3. Special donations and subscr^j^ions. " " '^ ,, 2. The benefit of a See House shall not be included-fn the above income. '^^i CANON No. XIX. V SEE EI^DOWMENT AND LAND COMMITTEE. ^The See.Endowment and Land Committee shall consist Conywu. of six Clergymen, and six Laymen, members of the Synod, •'^fc^ (2) Their duti«| shall be: '^^K^' ■ ' * Firstly. To take charge of and administer and dispose of DuO*. ^all real estate which has already been, or whicn may hereafter be given, assigned or devised from or by any per- sons or body corporate, for the endowment df the See. (See CanoftlBMIL) - %5orwZ^|rW take charge of, manage, and administer all other real estate vested in the Synod, saving such lands as are tfnder the control of the Toronto Rectory EndoV^^ men* Comimttee and the Clergy Commutation Trust Com- mittee. '^,i -f' ^ 70 CON 8, KTC, T8S4. Thirdly. To #<po.so of the Rectory I^ndw of the Die- ^ cem mentioned^ 2U otid 80 Viot., e)i. 16. and amending^ / Acts, a« and when it inoy appear to the CommHtee for the ^ beuetit of the trusts. ^^^^^^- FourOdy. To coiwent to fch^wre^pR^lhail^ of any landH ouier than Rectory LandH mentioned in 20 and 30 Vict., ^.a6, and ainemfing Acts, when it appears to the 'Coiulli^Mee that such stile or exchange is for the benefit «, of thkwQtts u}Mm which it is held. Hubjeut and oursuant to Uie 'pfovisions of 62 Vict, eh. 97, and any othei* Acta resfvicting the same which may from time to time be in loroOt • *; ^Pifthly. To consider any proposed legislation respecting airy of the cljfeses of property hereinbetore mentioned. BtanB.vng' Order as to Rectory Lands' Committee, jjk ExpciiM of ' j|j| expeiiMa of conveyancing ahall b« borne by the purohMer ; and ,,-, Coovcyanc*. ,,j||||Q„(ieratan<lu^ ahall l>e made a condition of aale ; and all deeds and other inatruments, lN|ira bein^f executed, ahall be aubmitted by the Com- mittee to the Bolicitora of the Synod. -'I CHURCH EXTENSI ■".•'(■■ ES, St^TISTlCS, AND EE. V • . . i\ ■ ■ ■ -. CompoiiMon. (1) The Chuith E]c|gi^ion, General Puijoses, Statistics, • andEi Assessment Coflftnmee shall cqiPieist of si Jtj|!)lerg^ / „ andsixiiaymen, memftersof ttui^yyid. ^ .^g, 4 4 !f. % 1. Church Extensi&n Purposes. ^'^ »eral*Purpo8e8 _Com- y - ■ - Jt'iSr* ' (**) '^® Church Extensi( aiidG«Mrai vni^^ fljlall pay all such graii^|as 9k voted by the Synod Pnrpo— riipl: ' general Church purposes, and for alL other purposes *W9^ w^nnected with thd extension of the Church. Any surplus : /«$ji| after the foregoing charges have been met shall he handed 7 trover to the Misdon Fund. . juiyCoUec- (^) One of the Mission Fund collections, foftnerly taken *"• ^^^ *^"i7' ^*^^ ^ transfeiTcd to the Qenei^ Purposes and lik, douidh ^tension Fund. Tqe proceeds ^f this collection. * r /■. o' ' S '# \ .i,V lit Pwtlj »-j-7 • -^ ,* K OANONB NOB. XIX., XX. n any 1 30 the ioftt«, isnt \.cto B in and I and Com- tho income of the capital invoited. and special donatioiM, bequests and subscriptions, shall constitute the Fund. ' ' '^"^ (o) The Fund and its accounts shall bo kept separate s^pmim' from the Svnod expense account, and shall he so dis- Accouus. tinguinhed m the Ntnteincnt made by the Committee in the 9 ftnnual report to the Synod. W'' t 8m Hy-Lawi ^iimbcn s >n<l 6 prhittd /m/ pp. 93, 99. Alio Raport of 0«tMfml Pi|r> OommiiiM axplaining object of Kund, 1I70, p. 17*. ^» efdR ' ^. DiocetamBtathdica. ^ (2) The' Gommittee shall prepare in tabular form theA««<» linswerM received from the Clergymen havinir cure of souls *'*''•*'* to the questions put to them by the Bishop of th« " 77 Diocese, or by this Committee relating to the statistics and ; r condition of their several Cures, which table shall afford amongstothei: uses) a basis of an equitable assessment for expenses of the Diocese, and shall be laid before Syno<j in a convenient form for being printed as an ndix to the Synod Journal. . ^. # Standing Order aa to ^tatiatica. # AND itics, men )om-, mod K>Bes plus ided tken and tion. It •hkH^PP tb« ^nty of every Incumbent of every Pariah or MiMion within the Bioceae to famish tlie Bishop annually before the opening of the Synod, with a Parochial report, giving the name of the Parish, the name of the Incumbent, and the name or namea of the aaaistant minister or ministers, if any, the number of families, of individuals, the ni^pber " of communicants on the Pariah Roll, the number added since last i the number who have removed from 'the Parish, the number wl ^^^. — '«><:eaaed to be Cotoimunicauts ; how oftMi Divine service has been pe| on Sundays, on week days, the average attendance on Divine W4^hip in the morning, in the evening, on week days ; the number of parochial visits paid I^ ^^^ Clergy, the number of visits paid by his district visitors, or their lay assistants working in the Parish ; the number attending the parochial Soilpol, if there be one in the Parish, and the average attend- ance 'since laat report, the number of teachers employed therein, th* number of unpaid teachers who voluntarily assist in the work of idba schoolf the number of Sunday Schoob, the number of teachers (1 lis male, 2 asfemide), the number of male children on the roll, number of female children, the average attendance since last report ; the number of 9 males and the number of females confirmed ; what Church and what Par- sonages are in the Parish or Mission, whether log, frame, brick or stonsi, whether they are clear of debt or not, if in debt, the amount of sDoh \ _1 ■■f 71 COKSOI.IDATID OAWONH. im.'., lftf)4. [Parti. d«l>t, Mill whclhar inaiir«d[ nr not Tht* •mount of mnn«y r»iMd tn th« Pariah alno* loat niport i lit, for i^Ury of InaumlMnU aimI AuUUnU | 2im1, for th« purpoM of |mying «»ir ths lUbt on th« ('hiiroh Ami RtrioiMg*, muI IntarMio* on tka lania t .Inl, for (h« poor of Ui« I'«i iaii i 4th, fi»r tho ob. jact* for which onlloctioiifl have li««n tftketi up under lh« «iir«ctton of Um I/inl ItUhopiAth, for HyuQ<l iluM ; <lth, for •xtrapAroohUl and aitr** DiooeMn purpoMa, »ttil whathor th« tUwU for iha prop«rty IxiliinKing to thn I'Ariah mkI Miaaioft have b«i«n oliUliiml, niul whatlior auoh ilc«<l«h»v« btan ragiatared or not; That auoh rtp«irAa U aumnuiriaad fur tha lolor • malion of tha Hyno<I. . Standing OrtUrKOM to the Church Extf/tmion and G&n«ral PurjwM Fund. --T-- 1. Tho ni«nibera of th« Htanding Gommltteea ahalt be paid from the Synod Kxpenaoa Fund thair travelling axpenaea In attending the niMt* iagaibf raoh ('ommitteei. / But the Ooiieral PiiriKiaea Committee aiiall nut pay from the Byno«l ' Funda tha hotel ekpenaea of aoy memlier of thia fHynod, either olerioal or lay. 2. The expenaea of printing and forwarding the uiual Annual Paatoral Letter of the Hiahop, roapucting the Chriatntaa Offering, together with ail similar papera, ahall lie Wne by thia Fund. • ' • t- 5. The General Purpoaea Committee ahall keep a aeparate account of the Burnaido Ikqueat Fund, and make a return thereof in their report annually. They ahall alao aeparate the Church Kxtenaion and General Purpoaea Fund Account from Synod Expenaea Account, and all apeoial auma for Church Kxtenaion and other-like purpoaea voted liy thia Synod from time to time ahall be |t*id out of the former account when funda are available. **• 4. All applioationa for granta from the General Purpoaea Fund ahall be made direct to the General Purpoaea Fund Committee. , ' •^ 6. The See Houae property ia taken over by the Synod and placed in charge of the» (ieneral Purpoaea Committee, wlioae duty it ahall be to ^ keep the buildinga (and the furniture td the value of $760) inaured and in good repair, make auch improvemeuta thereto aa from tim« to time , they may deem necoaaory, and charge the expenae of the aame t6 the General Purpoaea Account. 6. No grant out of the General Purpoaea, or any other Fund, shall be made by the Synod until it haa been reported to that body by the proper authoritiea that the meana of paying auch grant hove been provided, over and above all onlinary and regular requiremeuta. iJ # >u...jV . ; 'lu A«)%&U4M^ &• ta*. iU -joifft. it-tft "W mF^ 'M^ t: ■ *i "J'- *$'■' * P»rt 1.1 OANOK no; kx. \ . ^ Not« I.— UwUr tli« Authority of th« Churuh HiHsi^ of Ui* Mtmtm ^ Toronto, than w«r« origiiMiUy alavau uUJmu iirortiotoil ».y thia Fund, tn eluding tlia Widown mhI (>rph«na' Fumi, A« moat of th«k« objMU wan auliaw|ii«iitly iinividml for iiii<l«r tha iliiaotioii of aaiNU-ata Conimittaaa of 8yno«l. ana hwi funtia aat ap^rt for thair niAiiitaiuuipa, tlia axp«naiture of tha Fund ia now praotically realriotad tu tha following olijaota t Granla to Hunday SoImmiU. Biblaa, Prayer- IkMilia, an<l other approva<l bnoka. * ' .^.' Qranta to Church and t'aravnaga araotion (in«lu<ling gmnU from tht Bumaida R«ii|H«at). v„ Aid to the Miaaion Fund. < * Otliar purpoaaa for which granta may Iw mada by the Hynod. ■ . . NoTB !f.— Under By-Uw No. g the Uaneral Pur|M>«oa Fund < rommittaa • b aathorited to pay over to the Hynml of Nlagnrw the aiim of |0,<M)Oia r^ aattlenient of the vUini of Niagara on the Kpiaoopal Endowmaut Fund. AM€8snient af Synod FuniUi, Pariahs and Af unions. (3) The Coniiiiitteo h\u\U liMOHH annually the Hoveral Funds of thoSyncnl in oquitabli; propovtionH, so oh to pro-" vide for thcj expeuHeH of nianagcuient thereof. They Nhall also aases-s annually the tjeveral Pariwhea and Mi-saions of the IMoceae for expenscH incurred by the Synod, or charge- able to it. ., Standing Orders as to AsseaamentB. • > I. The baaia of aaaaument for the expeniea of Synod ahall be the (ot«l BmI* of /u. annual inopnie of the Pariah or Miaaioii, not merely oa eatiniated, but aa >«Mment. Mtually received from all aourcos, including : First. All local or Hyno«l Endowmeuta or Synod Funda received for payment of the 8ti|)cnda of Clergymen. Secondly. All amounta annually raised by the Congregation itaclf from Pew Rents, Offertory, Collectiona and the lilte, for the pay- ment o! Clerical Stipenda, and to m e<^^th c ordinary current expenaea of maifitdlning public worahip ; hffKefltluillhg fees, iin<l apodal doiiationa *nd the private income of the ^W&t ajf/: all sums contributed by the ^ Pariah or Miaaion for Dioacsan oiPex«««WlocoBan Church objeota ; and all ■ttms spent on Parochial Charitioe, on Parish building, on extensive or extraordinary repairs, for the payment oi interest or principal of mortgage, Of other debt dH fahrica. The same money shall not be oaaessed under more than one heading. No amount already assessed upon, for example, •a Clerical income can be levied upon aa Parochial income. 2. For purpo|aa of oaaeaament the Pariahea shall l>u classified according to the amounl|, of their several aaaeasable incomes on the following ■oale:— ■ '_.,:.._, „ _. ."^ ^ : - :^.^; . ■..„■ ■■-$■■■ ^t f . 4 Si*,^'T^i b*.. „ r- •» ... ■^'^.v. ><■'- 74 * CONl^UDAtED CANONS, KTCo 1894. [Parti. Pariahes having an iun«wa>ifl |)*roehi»l ino(Mn»«f $5,000 and ovei', ahaU be.auieaadil upon Ihtt faU amount, and tikm C^Imw A. " .■ •• '■■.."» ,'■'«■ , < ' Parilihes h«ving an aaaealAbl^ paroohiaMnoome of .|4';000 and over, •hall form 6Uua.B, and shall lie aMWied only on nine-tentha of that A. P. income. , „ '. ; All Pamh^ having A. P?.lDcome of ''i|»,00O and pvet, shall form Cla* C, and be.aaMMed on eight-tentha of that A. P. inicotne. Nv BarUhea having an asieaaable, i)»fochial income of |2,000 and ov^r, aliall form Olasa D, and be ossened on «even.-tenth» of their A. P. income. jkriBhea haviiig an A. P. income of' $1,000 and over, ah^Ufoite (Qla« ' £, and be aasesaedon six-tenthaof their'Ai. P. income. '^ PMiahM having an A. P. income of less than ll «000 shall form Class fr .«ad be assessed on five<tenthf of their A. t«, ineOme. z^- SCHEt»ULE A. A. P. Income of Glasses. ; A , . . > . . 15,000 apd over B .' . . ; . ; 4,000 and over , ... . O . . .... 3,000 and over . . . D. ..... 2,000 and over . . .;. B-i .... . 1 ,000 and over . , . . " P . . ... Under IfOOO > ..... « • '» • • • » • «-> •* Proportion of ^ Asa, Far. income ^ " . to be levied upon. • ,.......,. Ten-'tenths. . .1 ..;>,.... Nine- tenthSfif. ..j,.i.. \ Eight- tepths/' .rv**----*-^^*n-tentlui. . .....Six-tenths. ....\,i. ., Five- tenths. • \ Widow* a|id^ 3. There shall be made every year ah asirassraent npon the VaHoas ^^f*^ l^arishes, pron^a.bj' the iChurchExtensitm, General Pnrposes Statistic* and Assessment Committee for an amoQDt Suflloiefat to provide for the sums voted to t)ie Widows and Orphiuis less tho sums Accruing to the S^od from o^her or iav^pted so^urbes appUoable to this fund, oq tbe- Fiud. basis of assessment adopted for Synod purposes. Notification A, The CJiurchwardensof each Parish shall be notified by th»6ecreibary« of Assess- Treasuirer^of the amount for ^hich it is assessed and the rate of per ceiit> """'' age charged ; and a certain time qhall be allowed for appeal. ' ', mentj' Estiiiwteof A The 6hurcb Extension* Gene^l Purposes, Statistics, and .Assess* Synod Exi- ment Committed shall make an annual estimate of 'and provide for tho P*"**** pjrbbable.expenses of Synod, jtnd any cbarges authorized by it (including .contribution to Provincial, Synod iv:hen beid) and -any baUntiiiti^ due fotmer Synods. .\ l^xoeption of 6. AU fimds%for Missionary purposeH outside the Diocese, pasMing tartiibMI» through the hands of thi^ fission Board, Jthidl be exemp^i^rOm all taxev- lion Money. in,p(,eed upOii the ordinary funds of ^e Dioeese for the ex^^sies ^f Sypgd. ' ; - [(a), 1886, p. 63.] '^ . ^^ d Ht ir-i '■• , ' 4. T •bal and 8UCl best the to J con« cese tot or i 'ado] a 8i 1. if the "propi remu or,af % 4 ! « J .■' ' irtl. .■h«U • over, lat A. 1 ' CliUs ' ■* ov^r, icome. qiM* - \ laMl*, I ' - a ■ \ -y-' 'y^''"'-' Pftrtt] CAN0M8 NOf. Xl.-XXU. CAI(pI* JTo. XXI. 75 SUHPAY SCHOOL ANp BOQK AMD TRACT COMMITTEB. The Sundi^ Sfehool and 1SoqI\£ imd Twict' Committee sund.y •ball consiHt of seven (7) Olbrgymep and seven (7) Laymen, ^,'"*' ^""« and it shall be the duty, of the said Qommittee (1) To ttJce ** • such qjieasures as they may from time to time consider ^^ best adapted to improve the condition and increase the efliciency of the Sunday- S(jhools of the Diocese ; and * ' to report ai intervals of not more .than three years the condition and progress of ^he Sunday Sdiools in the Dio- cese. (2) To manage the Synod Depository and to make .^ grants of books and tracts to Parishes and Missions* and . to the Sunday Schqols thereof, as provided ih Canon XX., , or in any other By^ttw which may from time to time be ^iKlopted by the said Committee with the approval of the Synod. . 7 ■'CANON No. X^ii.' ' "vV -[a ON TORONTO RECTORY ENDOWMENT.^ Tlie Committee on ihh, Toronto Rectory EndWmenfroionto shall consist of four Clergymen^ who eJiall b^ Rectors *'*"*'y entitled to, shire in such endowment, and four Laymen, ^'^***°""'* members of'the Synod* ^, . ITie' duties t)f the said Committee shall lie to takeP«ti«fc Arge of, administer, of dispose of the real estate and property of the said Rectory Endowment ii^ accordance with the trusts OR which the same%-e held, and as pro- vided in the'Provincial Statutes, and the Canons and By- ; laws of the Synod, which may from time to time be adopted ; and jto hand over to the In vestmeitt Committee the proceeds of all -sales. ' (» r () Standilig Qrder as to Toronto Rectiyry L'ndoitment n " ^ - O , Committee^ 1. Tlie Comnuttee on the .Toronto Bectory Endowment is authorized, Asent, if they think it adviwble, to employ on agent, or ageifis to look after the °properti«« belonging to the 'Endowment on such terms as to aervicee, remuneration, etc., as they may think 'Qt ; the remunen^ion of said agent . or.agenw to be charged to the income ffota the said prd^ierti^ -^ . \ T •» I > t I jfi O r '■ ■'.TiT '^^'^r^ "^""i "5"'" # -••t. V 1 ■,!* i..' "j «' . CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. [Part II CAMON No. XXIII. ON CHUROHVirABDENS. .1. QUAUriCATlONS. L No persoir sb^ll be dibble to the ofBce of Church- warden except h&be a member of the Church of England, arid of the vestry of the Church of which a Warden is jio be appointed, and, be of th^ full age of twenty-one years. Church Temporalities Act, section 4. 2. The. Warden inu^, at the time of hie election, rettide in or near the city, town, village, or township tA which the Church is situate: In the case of his sulraequent changie of residence, he may continue to hold office, if residing less than twenty nailes from the Church of which he is Warden. Nevf and C. T* Act» section 3. 2, APPOINTMENT, VACANCY, ETC. 1. At the Annual Easter Vestry Meeting/one Warden for the current year shall be appointed by the Rector or Incumt)ent and another shall be elected by the vestry, . In (fijlbe either the Incumbent or vestry shall decline ^ neglect to appoint a Warden, then the office for the cur- rent y6ar shall be lilhed by the other party, i. 6., by t||e vestry or Incumbent, as the case may be. C. T, Act, section 3. */' 2. If the vestry meeting does not take place in Easter week, then such appointments shall be made at a subse- quent vestry meeting. New and C. T. A., section 3. 3. The Churchwardens shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are appointed. Persons appointed to fill vacancies shall hold office until the time of next annual elejetioA. 0. T. Act, section 3. 4. In case of the death or change of residence of either Warjlen to twenty miles or- more from said Chureh, a veistry meeting shall, be called for the purpose of filling such vacancy, to bqi called in the ra^nn'br hereinafter pro- „ vided in sub-section 3 of the following section bf this*. Canon. ■■*"•' r ,/ r' A V Part I.] t t CANON NO. XXIII. 77 S. POWERS AND RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WARDENS. 1. The Churchwardens are a corporation with perpetual successioiy under the name o£ "The Churchwardens o! the Church of, etc., in, etc.," to represent the' interests of the Church, and of the members thereof, and may sup and be sued, answer and be answered unto; in all manner of suits and actions whatsoever, and may prosecute indictments, ' presentments and other criminal proceedings, for and in respect of such Churches and church yards, and all matters and things ai)pertaining thereto, %nd shall and may. in conjunction with the ReqtoV or Incumbent, make and exe- cute faculties or conveyances, or other proper assurances in tlie law, to all pewholders holding their^pews by pur- chase, or leases to those holding the same t)y lehse, and shall and may grant* certificates to those who shall have rented sittings; s^ch coiiv-eyanCes, leases, and certificates, to be given within a reasonalSe time after demand made, and at the charge of fhe perion applying for the same ; and further, it shall be the duty of such Churchwardens, firom tf me to time, to soir, lease, and rent pews and sittings, U[>on such terms as mq.y be settled and appointed at Vestry meeting)* to be holdenibr that purpase as hereinafter pro- ; yided ; provided always, that any such sale, lease, or rent*' ing, shaltbe'subject to such rent-charge or.<|ther rent; ' as may irom time to tiin^ be rat^d. and assessed 'in respect thereof, at such vestry meetin|#'- C. T. Act Action G,« 47 Vict. c. 89. - . - -^^ ^ « , .< . ""^ ■ ■ • ^ .' - 2. The clerk of the G^iurch; the organi^t^^lhe Vestry' clei*k, tl»ei*i sexton ^ and other subordinate ad[»%^nts of the Church, ^hall bo nominated and at)poihted'i)y'tlie:0hurch- " wardens tor the time beirtgj and,yi^eiii' salary and- vvag««^ shall be brougj^ into thi.genera| sSoiint, t(fcl.e rentlered™ by such Churcl^ardensV hereinafttr-providil. f,. T. A., ■^'■ section 13. -^ . - • ;a' ..^ . v ;■ *■ ■■..'. ■-. '■■ ' ■''■- ''-.■■■*■' Vl ■ ' ■ "■■.■■.■."■■' . ; « , ■ ■ " , ■ ^ ■ . _. ' ■ \ 3. It shall -be in the |iower of -the Ificumbenjj of any Pars<^nage, Rectory, or Parish, or of the Churchwardens theipe^ to call a meeting ^eneyer he or they shall think prop<H^ to do 8(i, and it shall be his and their duty so to do, ppon application being made for that purpose m Writing " bj six dt least of the menil^rs of such Vestiy »^ aiouesaid ; and in. case, upon written applipation being niadeas afore- K ' V -A .'«*"■ ,.;*' .■#* .'4 ' f s; ■ ~^r-rr- -t^r-rjr^l^'rirjp-}-' i^' ri 78 M» * 'f ' CONSOLIDATED CANONS, tTC., 1894. [Part L aaid, such Incumbent and Churchwardens shall refuse to call such meeting, then one week after such demand made, it shall be in the power of any six of such members of the vestry to call the same by notica to be affixed on the outer Church door (or Church doors where more than one), J^ least one week previous to si^ch intended meeting* ^C. T. A., section la i ,, ■ , ,■.,,-■■.■ ' ■ t . '■■-'.-■ 4. The possession of the Church, and of the church- ward and burying ground attached or belonging theretoj is vested in the parson or other Incumbent For the time being and the Churchwardens for the purposes of t^he duties of the latter as custodians. Pinnock, 12, 20, 21 ; Lovesy, 77. C. T. A., section 1. ' 6. The ordering of the Services, including the musical part thereof and the use of the organ, shall oe under the (gontrol of ihV Rector or Incumbent ; also the fixing of the hour of service (in Parishes not receiving aid frOm the Mission Fund), the ringing of the bell to summon the congregation to the sapie, and such like matters. Pinnock, 6.11,17,28,40. , V 6. In the case of any irregularity or novelty contrary to or unauthorized by the Book of Common Pmyer, it shall be the duty of the Churchwardens privately to remon- f strate with the minister, and if need be, to report. him to the Bishop ; but they have no right to take the law into their own hands. Canon 53 of 1603; Lovesy, 26,66; Pinnock, 8 and New. , \ ■■ • ,■ ■ •■ ■, ./■ ■ ■■■;■■■■■- \^ 7. The two Churchwardens neing a corporation, their corporate poWers cannot bci exercised by one of them with- out the lOQ^nt of the other. Pinnock, 11, 27 ; Ix)vesy, 80i \ 8;^ Chutvhwardehs/shall'keeP accounts, open to inspec- tion, and shall yewly, and, every year, within fourteen days after other/Chutch wardens shall be nominated and appointed to sufcce^d them, deliver in to 3uch succeeding Cnurchwardeuis a just, true, and perfect account in writing (fairly enteri^l in a bbok or books to be kept for that pur- pose, and ;ngned by the Churchwardens), of all sums of money by them received, and of all sums raAsd or assessed, or oth^rwiso due^d npt retrnv^d, aad ako (4 all goods, ' \- / ,t ^ -'-« ,« OAKON NO. XXin. Part I.] . «hattels,and other piroperty of the Chvirch or Parish in their hands as such .Churchwardens, and of all moneys paid by them, and of all other things concerning their ftaid.^ office, ^d' shall also pay and deliver over all suras of" money, goods, chattels, and other things, which shall be in their tiaods, unto such succeeding Churchwardens ; which said account shall be verified by oath before One or more of Her Majesty's Justices of th^ Peace, br in the case of Free Churches, by statutory declaration. C. T. A., section 9 and New. 9. Thetvestry may pass a By-law requiring an a,uai^t Qf the accouiits in addition to such verification ; and it shall be the duty of such auctitors to report not only as to the ooirectness of the accounts, but also as to whether "all the «xpenditus;e^ have been duly , authorized. New and O.T. A., section 16. „ ' ' . ^ 10. Default to deliver such account renders the retiring Churchwardens liable to ah action at the suit of their suc- 'Cessors. A similar suit may be brought by any member of the Vestry. C. T. A., section 9. !# 11. In case of re-appointment of the same Church war- •dens, such account shall be made and rendered before an adjourned meeting of the vestry, fourteen days after such re-appointment. C. T. A., section 9. < 12. The vestry m^y pass a By-law making it the duty of the outgoing Wardens to lay before the Easter Vestry Meeting, for its adoption, an estimate of the sums required for carrying on the work of the Church during the ensu- ing year, and also a statement of the sources from which the means are to be derived. Such estimate as adopted b^ the vestry shall control the expenditure of the Wardeiw and no further expense shall be incurred unless /by the authority of vestry. C. T. A., section 15 and New/ 13. In all matters not 4ying solely in the right and power of the ChurehwaT;dens, it shall also be' their duty to carr/'out any le£[al jrejjulations or directions laid down for their guidance froraA time to time by the vestry. C. T. A., section 15 and New. t 14. In places where there is a chartered bank or loan or savings company, the Churchwardens shall deposit .in' such . ,- »■ 79 ■' i^'. ir^ \^\ m 1. • ■ 7 X y f(' 80 . ' ^WOLIOATW) OAH^Nm WC,, }894; {Part I. hftnk or company, tp Uie credit of the Ohtir<^, all inonejs coming into their hand«, and make atl pay^ni^nts {or auito not leas than l^ve doUan by ohoqnes on wid ^ink or coin* ' '.pany. ' ^. ' . ' ' ' s ^^A^' Th« proceedings of th€i vedtry shall be entered rii ^«Wbok to be Kept for that purpose and preserved in ihe «ttti ,.,|pdy of the Churchwardens. C. X 4i. II. ^^' <f\'i 4 h. ^ ■X- ' 16; In the cade of Lay Bepcddentatives to tihe DiocesMi^ „ . ^> ^ Synodi if the Parish or Mission be vacant^, oir if the Incum ?^ . / J;)ent thereof omit to call a meetijbg for their election wi^itir' . ; ^^^.irty days after Easter Mohday, it ^comes thft duty of v^^£he Churchwardens or Churchwarden to call i»'ch meet- ing in tiie myonner provided by the Canon on Constitution of Synod. See Appendix K of Cbu>ch wardens' Mantial; ,- 17. They are to perform thb "following dtttiea prescribed , ih the fl^oresiiid (^on : - ' , , . - . , ' • (1) Keep a book for signature by voters ^or Lay • Representatives to ^ynod. ' . (2) Prepare a list of lay persons of the congregi^tion *'. quaiitied to vote at election of Lay Represent ' *••'-- 'tatives^ , ^ ' . ' • ' f (3) To post up tin alDhabeticaUist of voters^ between . ' loth and 22na of Joijiuary In each y^ar. (4) To i^eceive applications to revise the list up to • February 15th. *'• ' ] (5) In connection witlj the Parochial Tribunal to settle such list. ' ' . (^) To call a meetya^ After vacancy.,; ,•,. . /. 1$. Tbey are to act m fiajto of Salftv or Mortgage of •/ Church Property, under \the Religious Institutions Act. For partitilars see Apperidiac; B. of ChuTcbwwrdens' Manual. i Id. In the ab«)enoerof the Incambont they are to demand , proof of ;the'|>roper ordination «.nd good standing of any . Clerj^yman beford^ permitting hira to ofll(»a|k Provincial r '«' ^nod Canon 6« ,, .. . >» . t , r 4^- ■ i m :■{■■ - -i'. '.' ,;»■, f"V' ,V'-,:^.':" Part I.] CANON NO. XXllI. 20. Chprchwarcfens are to act in confetence with repre- sentatiyesof adiacent Parwhes to arrange boundaries m- cording to the Canon of Synod in this behalf. They a^e to receive notice of proposed new Parishes and to act. Synod Journal, 1886, p. 67. Canon and By-laws, old edi., p. 278. 21. They are to render to the Rural Dean, on 7th April in each, year, when required, a deUiled statement of the Chuirch Property in the Parish ; and also to furnish to tiie 1? annually such parochial statistics as may be re- quired. C. & B. L., old edi., p. 282. 22. They together with th^ Lay Representatives, are to be consulted by the Bishop as to the ftfiing of any vacancy in the Rectory. Incumbency, or Mission (if nor on the Mission Board pay list), according to the Canon of Synod Ml this behalf. C. & B. L., old edi., p. 284. •'., ' ' ' . ... '" ... . ■. » ..■ .. / •■ , \J^' 'i" ***® ^^^y ^f ^^^ Gfeurchwanieiis Yo appear before the Committee on Missions when notified by the chairman thereof of the time and place of their mwtinc (such place to be within thd Mission), according to the Cknon of Synod in this behalf. C. & B. L.,j)ld edi.. p. 24. To apply for aid to Minister's Stipend fLm Susten- tion Fund C. C. B. and R.. 1886; Canon R., pp. 42, 68, g, Jl and to receive notice of arrears to Mission Fund. Widows and Orphans' Fund. ' ' tation 4. SECUBITY AND PROTECTION OF CU^RC^ PROPERTY. REPAIRS OP CHURCH AND PREMISES TO DEVciLYE ON VE8TRY. •PK«'A wu'"'^^ Temporalities Act "/has placed the Uiurch and the diurchyard under the ii^mediate cara of the Parish.^acting through its vestiy, ai^d all repairs and expenses of and attendhig the 8<ime, i^fecessarily devolve T on said vestry. For i«irticular«, 8uc»^ as Erection and Kepaiw of Parsonage house— When to be borne by veatrv or by Incumb^it—Ap|)eal8— Material repairs— M or tgajtes * —Insurance— Payment of taxes, etc., see Appendix C of Churchwardens' Manual. - . t'i ». ^ ,; „■■■■ :; : ,.«,-.-,--^«-S' :/■..% :^.;.a- .■ ...'■■iv ... . ». ■ ■-■-.■*■ .?\. "^■•s ai t,.- ..I. •'■■v.,,. . ... - ';., .-■.■• .... ■■ l) ■■ •., ' ■•■-.■.■,>■ -4 ".N .,!* V. ■>■'■■ "f^l :i r\:;^- -. w..,:«M^';,.,v.'v:-. ■•■ ""- ■ ' 't' '"''" If ■ ■ ' • "■"•*' .■".,„ - ■■■ ■,'., "■ -^ ■ii' > ■■;".« ;:,;iv; . >< ' ^ ' ;.",'■ ■■•: "v.v-^<^': 3 ■'■>>^^ -fV, ,,", - ■ ,;,,, *." '-^'■"'■ .■,.'■ "'"**■ . ;;■ '.■'■"• " »'■ ■■'. V> \ ■■ <!• . ^fsyw^'W^-'p^wm" I "^'' 7 ^ 1 > ^'.J!^ "^ ""T^ ■?■* T^yi-^f?^— ^^':-W" """^ , f ^w-i^^^^ir M ^ CONSOLIDATED CANONH, ETC., 1894. [Part I. DOCUMENTS AND RECORDH TO BE KEPT IN A STRONG BOX. 2i That for the convenient Hafe-keeping of the record- book of TitleH, etc., of* well hh other docunientH, papeni or records, a Huflicient strong box, with lock and key. shall be provided by the Churchwardens, and kept in the vestry of said Church ; and shall be at all times under such ordinary and convenient regulatiunn as may be adopted by the vestry, open to the inspection and for the information of tire Parish, as well as for any duly author- ised officer of the Church. Canon 70 of 1603 ; Canon vii. of C. C. B. and R, 1880, p. 48. 8. It is the duty of the Churchwardens to see that all things are provided which are necessary to the decent per- formance of the Church Services,, such as ..'V (1) A decent Communion Table, with Cover or Covers, and a faii- Linen Cloth. (Canon 2 of 1603.) (2) A Flagon for the Wine to be used nt the Holy Communion, and a Chalice or Cup, or more than one Cup, if necessary ; also a Paten or Plate. (Canon 20.) ^* (3) A decent Bason or Alms Dish, and necessary Collection Plates or Bags to receive the offfer- ings. (Rubric of H. Com. and New.) . (4) A decent Font; if possible, of stone. (Canon 81.) (5) A Reading Desk. (Canon 82.) (6) A Pulpit. (Canon 83.) (7) One or more Surplices (Canon 58.) (8) A Bible of large volume. (Canon 80.) V (9) Bo^ of Common Prayer — Book containing - Communion office — Book of Offices. (Canon * 80.) (10) To be set up where the people may best see the , same: A notice of the Periodical Collections and / Table of Fees approved of by Synod. Pai *"ig 4 Sid< •conj not bast ■^, ' offic senc afte ceed pres care • sam( •» bool 5. -■ 3" > ^STW^IVT- *"T *"| -f. Part I.] 'PiNO dW^t* o: xiiu. (11) One or mote Church fiellfi. (Canon 15, 07.) (a) Register Book of Christenings, WeddingH, BurialH and Confirmations to ijo kept in « secure chest or safe under the > charge of the Minister. (Canpn 70.) (12) A Preacher's Book, in whi(Bh iiie to bo entered the dates and hours of ScirVictts held, names o*" Officiating Ministers, numUjr of Persons Present, number Oommunicating, etc. ; alsu (■ the Names and Licences of all Preachers who come to the Church from any. o^er place. (€anon 52.) ;■ (18) And to ijrovide, witlt tiio advioj^.^d direction of the Minister, # sufficient tf^ of the best and puresrWheat l)p«jii(|/'that oonvej^^ ently may bo gotten^ aiul of good wholtssome Vrine, for the commupj^is. (Canon 20.) (14) And to see that th«^h»rcb-4«i clean, lighted \ and warmed, anti^Ven^ilfted during Divine service, and that the l^inijn boolean, iuid in decent repair. (Canoi| S^.) i^ - 4. The Churchwardens, assisted^ * if ne<?e3y, by the Sidesmen, shi^ll collect the alms and other oH^ings of the •congregation at the offertoiy. They shajl (if this duttK ^ not performed by Deacons) reveretttly bring in # d«6ent bason these alms and other ofrerings, to the Priest dr chief officiating minister. The Church Wardens, of ,rn their ab^ sence, their substitutes for the time being, shalliramediately afler ariy ^fervice at which a collection ha^ IkjIK made, pro- ceed to the vestry-room of such Church, and there in the presencti of the Ijnpumbent, or other officiating Clergyman, carefully qoiint tne collection, and entef.the ai|k|nnt of the stttno with the date, and their initials in thTpreacher's book. (Com. Office and New.) < ' ' ' ' -..-*: , 6. The Ottertory Collections Shall be applied ^ ^ . (1) To any spouial purposes prgaiiiifejy announced. (2) Ah may be' directed' by ^ (3) For the^nefit of the poor. f- "m^ "■m '■■:>'''' -Si I '4 CONSOLIDATED CANONS, itso., 1 894. , ^ [Part 1. (4) And for Kiich other pioim and chftriUblo um8 m the Minister tkiA Wardens Mball think fit. wherein if they disaffree, it Hhall Im) referred to the fiitihop. (New ^ and Rubric Com. Service.) 6. TKe Wnrdenn hie to take crtro that due teverence be obtKsrved within the Church during service, and fire not to permit loiterers either in the churchyard or porch, but diall cauHc them cither to enter or to depart. They are to deal also with all who unlawfully disturb the service either' in or around about the building. (Canons 18,10, 86, 90 of 1603.) 7. Thev are not to allow the Church to bo used for feasts, plays, entertainments, or any profane purpose. (Canon 88 of 1003.) '8. It It i« Or I the Wardens to tiee that holders of curotl in the undisturbed possession receiVe and welcome strangern, and ar OH' [)OHHible, with scats. (C.T.A., ^8 the dt pews Or sittini of their seats to provide sec. 8 anW Nfrl 9. TJie Wardens should at once comnninicate to the liinister the name and address of any person renting or giving up a sitting in the Church ; and also observe strangers frequently attending the Church, though not pewholder's, and ascertain their names and addresses, and communicate the same to the Minister; and also take notice of the absence of members and notify the Minister thereof. (New.) %'■ 10. It is desirable that one ov other of the Wardens or Sidesmen should appear in the vestry a few minutes previous to the service, in order to give the Minister the opportunity of communicating with him, and also that, in the absehcS of the Parochial Clergy, he may receive any strange Clergyman, and aflbrd him any necessary help or dii-ection. (ISew.) ' • 5. ON sidesmen". 1. Sidesmen, - if any, shall be tshosen at the Annual Easter Vestry Meieting, one-half by the Rector or Incum- bent, and the other half by the vestry. (Canon 90 ot 1603.) g :( ^ f ,: ±!Mi^j^^^ %Li -i. '4 ■;..r • I' >Jf/ * 'fF- in PftrtlJ CANONS NOl XXIlt, XXI?, 2. Skould vMtiroieN occar o#ihg^ to ncffloaf or refusal, to act. thcuo nmy ' or Incumbent In caie of Hideninen «l^_ appointed hir him. In the othei ciUd menu may b^ made by the WardtiiM 3. The dutito of Sidesmen are spocLiOT MtniMter and Churoliwardcnii in the perfprn duties and to dinchar^e such office* at «hall ue^Hijmea so thoin by the vestry, by By.jaw or otherwise. In par- ticular: "^ (1) To assist the Churchw^ardehs in receiving and seating strAngera ih the Church, and In carry- ing out th^ provisions of sec IV., sub-seci. 4. 6. 7, 8, ». 10. above. ' : ^, (2) .In mainteining order in and aboiit the Church during Divine 'service; <8) In taking up the Offertory Coliections. ' ') In^oliciting and collecting Subscriptions and Donations for Church ohjects» (6) To seek out and report to the Minister the names of strangera, and of sidk and poor, re- sidmg in the Parish, nnd of persons habitually neglecting Divine worship. (Canon 2S. 112 of 1603 and New.) > , , CANON No. XXIV. . " ON PROPORTIONATE RBPRE.SENTATION. "Whereas, it is desirable that the. elected members of the Executive Committee 8ho^ld fairly represent the views df the electors. Therefore the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Toronto enacts as follows : 1. From and aftpr the passing of this Canon the election of the 10 elected members of the Executive Committee shall be conducted as hereinafter described. 2. On the first dav of each session of the Synod, a space of half an hour shall be reserved for the nomination of candidates -for election to the Executive Committee im- mediately before the presentation of Reports of Committees of Synod. <; » ,■■■* .A/' ■ '■ ' ■ J., " 0^^ iM ^ / / «M'i) -V-' V -y.t.i ,•. i:o ■30 m til I 28 1^ 1 36 uo 112.0 1.8 ■ ■ -V MiCROgbPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART na;^6nal bureau of standards standard reference material 1010a ^ANSI and ISO TEST CHAftT >Jo. 2) 8J3 *, CfWvSOLinAa'Ep CANONS, ETC., 1891 [Part I, ■ i .. .'■' . 3. Each Canditlate shall bo nominated and seconded in writing. 4. The Honorary Secretaries shall prepare a list of the Candidates so nominated in the order in which they were nominated. The said list shall be read out after the con- iSrmation of the minutes on the following morning, and shall thereafter be accessible in the Synod" Hall to all mem-^ bers of Synod. 5. The Honorary Secretaries shall provide before the hour of election printed blank forms of voting papers ac- cording to the form following : ' "EXECUTIVK COMMITTEE, 18 ." "I hereby record my vote for the Candidate numbered one, in each column of the .subjoined list, or, in the event of his having already obtained the quota of votes required . for his election, or in the event qf it being impossible to secure his election, for the other candidates successively named in each column, in the order of preference corres- ponding to the numerical order in which they stand on > this list." „ Names of Candidates. CLERGY. Five to be Elected. LAITY. Five to be Elected. No. 1. .■ No. 1. 2. - 2. 3. * 3. 4. 5. 4. 6. T" \ 6. When the balloting has been completed, the Scrutin- eers shall divide the number of voting papers sent in by . •^■ ;'£feif^itek2i^. tL in the 'ere lon- and em- «»• the ac- ived rent ired e to ve\y •res- 1 on )' Utin- nby Part I] CANON NO. XXIV. the mimber of Candidates of e^ach order to be elected (which in this case will be five). The quotient thus ob- tained i.s the quota of votes required for the election of any C^didate. 7. The Scrutineers shall th'3n provide themselves with Schedules, on which shall be entered the names of the Candidates in the order of their nomination, which order shall bo ever after observed. Each Schedule shall contain a number of vertical columns corresponding to the quota required for the election of Candidate. ' 8. The Scrutineers shall then take the Voting Papers froqv the ballot box, one by one, and, for the purpose of idelitifying each, shall place upon it its number in consecu- tm order: this number shall then be entei-ed in the Schedule against the name of the Candidate standing first in numerical order in such Voting Paper. 9. So soon as any Cai>didat€K has obtained the quota of votes, the Voting Papers whfeh have been so counted „ for him shall be tied up and endorsed, thus " papers used for -^ and laid aside." 10. If the name of such elected Candidate shall appear at the head of any other Votit?g_ Paper, it shall be struck through but not obliterated ; and the vote shall be given to the Candidate next named upon that paper, who has not been already elected, and so on till all the Voting ' Papers shall have been appropriated. 11. If five Candidates of each Order shall each have obtained the quota they shall be returned as elected. 12. If less than five Candidates of each Order have ob^ tained the quota, the Scnitineers shall proceed to redis- tribute the votes given upon those Voting Papers which have not been endorsed and laid aside as aforesaid [since these Voting Papers belong to electors who have not yet 8U(%eded in electing a Candidate]. 13. They shall strike through, but* not obliterate, on each such paper, the name of the Candidate of each Order now standing thereon, who has thus far received the lowest 87 \i M^ ■m L* 7 \^. /■■ ■^V'-^^g\^^-' gs^tJ^g «g^ &i ^f^ > 88 ' .<■■*■ ' CONSOLIDATED CANONS, ETC., 1894. (Part I. number of votes (or, in case two 6r moto Candidates have an equal and th^ lowest number of votes, then the name of the first upon the list wlio has .so received the said . lowest number), and shall transfer the vote of each such elector to tlie Candidate next mimed upon such paper, whose name has not been struck through, under the fore- going provision. 1'. H. This proce-ss shall be continued until five Candidates of each Order shall have obtained the quota, or until onlj' five names of each Order are left on the Schedule ; when the said Candidates shall be returned as elected. ' - •^ iuaex to gjj-I^am -Law No i< <i i< 4( <i •V « .»■• ■ * 1. Regulations of Executive Committee aa to Sales or Mortgages of Church Property .'. 89 2. Rectory Lands Management T 90 3. Widows and Orphans' Fund Committee 92 4. Theological Students' Fund . . .<\ 93 5. Church Extension and General Purposes Commit- tee 95 6. Bumside Bequest— Regulations as to Grants 99 7. Sunday-school and Book and Tract Committee- Relations as to Grants. 99 8. On Settlement of Claim of Diocese of Niagara 103 1/7 ST" w'd.'T^iSJ^^'Ji^iiA^i.i^tSi^-i ''-■ .^ tl. ive me [lid ich >er, re- fces leh 90 92 93 95 99 d9 , 03 «*.■ Part I.] HY-hAW NO. I. 89 -•-• ^' BY-LAW No. 1. KEQirLATIONS OF EXECUTIVE COMMirtEK AS TO SALES OR MORTGAGES OF CHURCH PROPERTY. In all cases of application to the Executive Committee- for Vestry a^n- permission to sell of mortgage Church property under the pio-"™'- ^ visions of 41 Vic. cap. 25 (as amended by 42 Vic. cap. 37), full information of the necessity and desii-ability (of the pro- posed sale or mortgage), with " authenticated evidence of the assent and desire of the vestry, must be presented to the satis- faction of the Committee. Reference must be had by the vestry to the proviso in clause /om»' of Canon No. VII. I. This By-law shall not limit nor effect the.powers conferred * ' •' ' on the See Endowment and Land|£!ommittee by CSnon XIX. ; ? II. SALES OF nllVRCH PROPERTY. ^ * '^^' Whereas it is provided by sub-section /ve, of section owie of Preamble . . the Act of the Legislature of this Province, passed in thi 49th year of Her Majesty's reign, and chaptered 48, that "In cases of property vested in the Synod of any't)ioce8e, ^y"*^"" within the Act passed in the 7th year of Her Majesty's reign) ^"""*- chapter 68, intituled- 'An Act to incorporate the Churqh Societies of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto,' and the Act passed in the 32nd year of Her JV^jesty's reign, chapter 51, intituled 'An Act to in- corjwrate t4ie Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, and to unite the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto therewith,' the Synod shall be deemed and taken to be a Trustee by whom the rights and powei-s of Trustees under the said Revised Statute respecting RcrHgious Institutions may be exercised equally, as in < the case of such Trustees: subject' to the provisions contained in section 2 of this Act"; and also, that " the powers of the Synod under this sub-section may be exercised by and through ■ , such Boa,rds and Committees as the Synod may, from time to time, T)y By-law appoint for that purpose." i - 12 • .• ;■.'-* ■ ^ ^ . / -^ V-. I , r i fe ^\^ . ..£^-a^£^i^..&<2^^ -,^i*.^as^ii>%^2L* • ^ :&^i^ieM$A 'fAt - Ji^^&a'Mie^^UKUiii. :i V "^ i-ytftt^W .. l-*' 00 ^ Rectory Lands Com- mittee may cxercUe, powers. Executive Committee consent. Sales not permissible Solicitors' approval. Ability to rep.iy. Form of mortgage. PONHOLIDATIH) CANONS, KT(-'., 1894. -'[Part T. Be it therefore emicted l»y i\w Sylno*!, that i , (1) Suhjoct to the {jrovisioiii of section two of tlienaid above recited Act, the powoiH of the Syinwl HHTruHtoe» under the aaid Bub-Hection may booxorciHed b*^ tlie Rectory L^^l*^ GommjSittftj'-. and nil nets heretofore done by the Siiid CJomnilttee, wt^h'rpgurd to any of the nirttters iiforesuid, are h«re))Xj45onfijrip5d. (Se« Conaol. Canons, -1886, pp. 214, 215.) ,- H "^" " (2) In. every case in which the consefil of th» Synod t<^ tho sale, iitienation, trannfer, or conveyance of any propei-ty is authorized, or required by law •; such consent may be given by tl^e Executive Comnnttee. \ ' Thiw Committee will refu.se penyiiHsion for the sale of Ohurcbe* in this Diocese, except under caries of extreme necessity, and should the building have been consecrated, will require that it be pulled down as t}, uece.ssary condition of permission. ^ , " III. MORTGAGES OF CHCRCH PROPMBTY. All deeds and mortgages requiring tdHbe signed by the Bishop- and the Executive officers of the Synod, shall, l)efore execution, be approved by the solicitors of the Synod, at the expense of the applicants ; no covenant for payment by the Synod shall be inserted in any such mortgage witliout the special consent of the Executiv^ Committee. \ Before any Parish be given the con.«<entyof the Executive Committee to mortgage its property, or to increase its liability for further mortgage, the Connnittee shall first endeavour to satisfy itself as to the means available to pay oif such mortgage ' or mortgages* ■ . \ Note. — The Conimittee have settled a form o^ mortgage of Church property under the Religious Institutions Act which has been, approved by the solicitors of the Synod, and according to which mortgages are in future required to'be drawn. Copies of the form may be obtained from the Secretary-Treasurer of the Synod. _^ •*'\ BY-LAW No. 2. \ RKCTORY LANDS MANAGEMENT. \ - ; \ ■ ■ ••■ Non!.— Thi8ig«-By-lawadopted by the lat« Church Society in 1867, and amended by the Synod in 1877. See sec. 4. \ . \ This By-law does not refer to transactions since the ])assing of Canon XIX. ■*jr y u Jsv^*A. njE.,J>li SP^.Ifi rSSffiSB^ ■s*-.,. Part I.] 1 BY-LAVVH N08. 1., II. # Sale of Rec- tory LamK. Whebbab nccording to th« provisiouH of tho Act of Farlia- *''««'"'''•• ment (29-30 Vie. ub. IG), tho Church Society of tlio I^ioceae of Toronto iij VKHtpAj/ith powor ami jiuthoi ity to 8<'ll und diHpoHO of any landH giAn|ftf|^liy tlio Crown uh a gloho of, or aa appur- tenant to, or Jb«Ji()nging to, or approitiinted for, any Uoctory in the said JDioceBe, liy whatever name the same may be called and in whopiHoex^r the tith; thereof iiiiiy bo v»tst('d,_Kuhj*'ot to llie provisoHifl tlie 8aid Act contained for protecting the inteveBts of the exijsting IncunibentH of said Rectories, iq eflecting Hiich sales 'tad stealing with tiie prowedH thei-eof. And ^whereav it is ncces8ury and expedioiit to create an»l ^"""''''''• appoilit a Sj)ecial Committee of the Chiireli Society to carry tho said Act into eflect and to lay down certain general ruleB lor the guidance of 8uch Committee. B(f it there/ore enacted that und^r tlio authority of the Act incorpot-ating the said Society, antl wrSth the consent of the Lonl , Bishop of the Diocese, ^08 follows : \ 1. There shall be, a Committee of the Church Society to be '^"''"y called "the Rectq^ Lands Committee," which shall be chosen^"***. every year at the Annual Meeting in June, and shall consist of six' members, three brfng Rectors of Parishes, and three " Laymen, and dif this Coiimiittee three shall be a quorum. 2. This dommittte shall have the sujiervision of all the Powers. Rectory Lands within the Diocese, and shall make such rules and regulations for the sales of such latads as they shall from ;, time to time see tit, and ^hall report all such ruFes and regulations and any change or alterations thereof at the next Quarterly Meeting of the Society, ^nd the Society shall have full power and authority to alter or annul the same or any part thereof. ^ 3. This Comiuittee shall also make, and have charge of^ all investments. investments arising out of the sales of the Rectory Lands, and shall keep separate accounts for each Rectory, both as to the principal and interest arising from sales, juid of the investments thereof, and the payment of the Incumbent or Incumbents out of the income thereof. 4. All charges of management shall be apportioned among charges to the sevenpd Rectories in pro|M*rtion to the income of such Rectory i>e appor- Lands, or any part thereof, or the investments therefi'i^^ and ''"""'• that in acooi-d^nce with the opinion of counsel, a speCihc sum be annually assessed upon the incomes of the Rectors, said sum to be five per cent, upon said incomes. 5. All sates shall be carried out, and all securities and invest- Sale*, ments be takien, under the superintendence of the Solicitor of the Society. , » «•• if * §■ .iSjiLA^J^^liA l^ 92 CONSOLIDATED CANONS, KTV., 1894. [Part I. Rtpori. (5 Tiig Cotnniittoo ghall refiort to th« Society wlieiiover . l-oquircxl, and always at the .Annual Mueting in Juno, when their Report shall include all trunsuctions up to the thirtieth April th«n last past, and shall sliow tho account of each Roctoiy for which any sales have been made for tho piist year, exhibiting i • the sum for which aivy sale has Iwon niiule ; the auiount paid ; the amount unpaid, and how s«)cured ; any investment made ; the y~ . interest payable ; the principal and interest, if any, in arrear ; and tho charges of ntanagement, and any other ox[)en8es incurred (hirii)g the year, and which account shall bo audited and verified by Auditors to be appointed by the Society for that puqiose. BY-LAW Np. 3. OF THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS* FUND COMMITTEE. Annuitant*. .1. Every widow, being- an ' annuitant on the Widows and Orphans' Fund, shall quarterly, before receiving any ])ortion of an annuity, make the following Deckration in the ])resence of a Clergyman or Magistrate, which Declaration shall l)e attested by the Clergyman or Magistrate befb're whom it is made : Declaration. "I, do hereby d^lare that I am the widow"of the late Reverend' {that I am entitled to an annuity from the Widows and Orphaila' Fund of the Synod of the Diooeae of Toronto ; that I am still a widow, and that my income foKthe post twelve months from all sources has been dollars, not including my own earnings, or annuity fro)it the W. & 0. Fund." Signed BEFORK MK, **" Name, /JeitcriptioH,, *" RatiiUnce, Date, 2. The mother or guardian of orphans," annuitants on the (VVidows and Orphans* Fund, shall quarterly, before receiving any portion of an annuity, make the following Declaration in the presence of a Clergyman or Magistrate, which Oeclariation shdtU be attested by the Clergyman or Magistrate before whom it is made : " Declaration. «. j hereby declare that I am the duly appointed guardian of the children of the late Reverend whose names and ages are respectively written below ; that they are entitled to on annuity from the Widows and Orphans' Fund of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto ; and that their income for the post twelve months, from all sources (not including wages eartied by any of them, or annuity from Widows and Orphans Fund), has been dollars."' Orphans. Nambs of Ghildben. SlONBD BEFOBB MB, Name, Description, Residence, Date, AoE NEXT Birthday. k Part I,] ^■■^^^ HV-LAW8 N08. HI., IV. 98 3. The alK)vo doolHi-HtionB nhftlllm furniHhod to the Socrotary-Obllgwlon. Treosuror of Syiuul [wtoro any luiyinent can .Ims made from the tund in either of theoaseR aforesaid. X BY-LAW No. 4. , THEOLOGICAL STUDKNTs' FUND. 1. A Committee of Hynod sliall Im> apiwointed annually, whose committw. duty It shall bo, immediately on their ap|M)intmont, to enquire into the Htato of the Fund, and to declare thereupon what niim- \m' of Exhibitions in Trinity College, tenable for three years, and not exceeding 1200 |)er annum, will be ojwn to applicants in that year, giving notice to this effect in the Church. 2. It Hhall be the duty of the Oonimittee to receive and Duti«s. exaniiuo the testimonials of applicants, and to select as Exhibi- tioners such as they shall consider to be most deserving, notifying the Provost of Trinity College of such selection. NoTK :— The following printed form of application has \teen atloptod Form of m the tomimttee, and may bo obtained on application to the Secretary- application. 1 Mosurer of Hynod : * t-t- Application of a Candidate for a Divinity Exhibition in Trinity Collie. To the Chai}-tHan of the Committee of the Divinity Students' Fund .— The undorBigned Applicant for a Divinity Exhibition in Trinity College tleairea to state : jo 1. That he is of the full age of years. " 2. That he has received his literary education at the following places and at the periods mentioned, viz : 3. That ho is a student of the Trinity College. year in the Arts Course of 4. That he is at present a Communicant in good standing of the Chnrch of England, and that he presents herewith a Certificate to that eflfect, and of moral and religious character, ond a favourable opinion as to his pro-* bable nunisterial ability signed by the Provost. _ 3. That he is desirous of pursuing his Divinity Studies in Trinity Col- fege, and presents herewith a written certificate from the Bishop of the Diocese to the effect that, after a personal interview, he considers the applicant a fit person to enter on a course of aludy for Holy Orders. 6. That he presents herewith a certificate from the Provost to the effect that he is eligible for oilmission to examination as a Divinity Student m Trinity College. H I » 4 > ' I j&^ m i 94 C0N80UDATED VANUNH, 1£TC„ 1894. [Part I. Require mend. form. 7. Thkt if MiiiiitttHl u An Kxhibitioiuir hu will cnniply with tho rulM niid (itiuultttioiii u( thtt Syuml aiid of tho College relating to tho Kxbibttlon ({runtflo. Dated at .m w ApjAkaMl for ExhihitUm. No<«. N(>tk:— ThoCuinmitteo desire it to be uudentodil by the Applicant that no part of th« Kxhibltion iihnH bupa(cl to any llivinity Mtudtint until tlie ProvoRt huM curtilidd thitt luch Appliuunt hui^ paMHe<l the required examination. 3. I'ei-HoiiH nominated to KxhibitionH hIiiiII bo r«(]uirfl<l to pAM the Mntriculalion Kxainination with Huch ci-edit kh may natisfy the ExaminerH of their probable titneHH tu eiiUn- the Divinity CluBH at the expiration of their firHt year ; and they mIimII forfeit their Exliibitions if they fail to satisfy tho Kxaminers of their uotual titnesH in tho ensuing Juno examination. Asreementt. 4. Knuh Exhibitioner before receiving the first instalment of his Exhibition shall deposit wit^ the Secretary -Troasuror of the Synod the following agreement duly signed : " I, A. n., on heinu appointed an Exhibitioner of the Thoologiual Students' Fund of the Uioeese of Toronto, hereby undertake tliat after my ordina^on I will aervo uontiuuoualy in tho Uioceiu of Toronto for ttie apace of five years ; and in the event of my failing to do so I agree to repay to the Theological Students' Fund the part of the total moneys received by me from tlib said Fund proportionate to the numi>er of years short of five that I have failed to serve, in such inutalments as qiay bo prescribed in my case by the Theological Students' Fund Committee." ** Note :— The above agreement does not refer to temporary leave of absence granted by the Bishop. 15. No Exhibition shall bo continued^for more than tliree years, the first of which shalLbe {HtHSod in tho Acts course, and tho last two in the Divinity course. 6. If any Exhibitioner, having satisfied tho Examiners ih the (June) Examination of his first year, shall (by tho advice ^r with the consent of the Professors), remain for a further period in the Arts course, his Exhibition shall be suspended until he shall enter the Divinity Class. 7. The College authorities shall furnish to the Committee' at their November meeting, in each year, a tabular report of the conduct of the several Exhibitioners under the following heads : 1. General Conduct ; 2. Attendance at Chapel ; 3. Attendance at the Holy Communion ' 4. Attendance at ^ctures ; 5. Appli-v cation to Studies; 6. Progress in Studies; 7. ExAminatiofus ; and any Exhibition shall be subject to withdravaUif such report be unfavourable, or if, for other reasons, the Cdnimittee shall be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Exhibitioner. Limit. Suspension. Report. See as to this report StaDdiog Order (6)S>t W. & O. Fuod Committee. Part I.] DY-LAWH New. IV., V. 95 8. No p«nion huldittK h Hchol.mhip in Triiiily Collflg« hIihII be H.-wir'tUm. allowod t<) i-ocuivo or rotiiiii hii Kxhibition. 9. No Htiulf^iit of Trinity Oolhigo Hhall \w iidmittcil to anC"'"'""- Exhibition except Iwi preHWit to tbo Kxaniinflm n c«rti»icnt« of conduct frt>ni tbo luitboritics of the (Joll«g« of tbe form above iirtmorilied, and n cortiticate froiji Mie Provost that bo is, in re8|>ect of any legidationH lMjfoc« iiiuntioncd, uligiblo for «Ieotion to an Kxhibition. 10. No uii|)lioant sbHll bo eligiblo to receive un Kxliibition, •exoept ho slmll produce a writt«ir-«HitiHctite from the HiHliop of the DioceHo, stating that iiftor a personal interview, bo considers him to l>e a prson well Htted to outer on a couiho of study > for Holy Orders. The Hi8bo|) is i-o«|ueHtcd to cause to be printed in the Journal of the Synod, at the end of the Clergy List, the names and residences of gentlemen accepted by him ns Divinity Studcnta ifr this Diocese. BY-LAW No. 5. €HURgiI EXTENSION AND GENERAL PUR!P0SES COMMITTEE. -GENERAL RfcOULATIONS UNDER WHICH GRANTS WILL BE V MADE T(> I'ARIHHES OR MISSIONS WITHIN THE DIOCKSE OF TORONTO. -' . -, 1. OKANT8 TOWARDS TJBk ERKCTION OF CIIUK(;iIE8. .^ I. Under the fpllowing general regulation a free grant Imjiy (5rant» •dollars may be made to every npwlji^rected Chui-ch in any llif ish "w*!'- . or Mission, no j^rt of wl»icli4^witimj the boundaries of any city •or town of over 4,000 inhabitants, on the following conditions, \ / VIZ :us. (1) The Church must be in a f^arish or Mission set apart by Stat •competent authority and in charge of a duly appointed and licenlied Miuister. (2) The Parish or the Mission Board must Jiave provided, to stipend the satisfaction of the Committ«jg, for the stipend of the Minister, provUed. •as required by the Canons of the Synod incases where such , Canons apply. (3) The Parish or Mission must have paid its Synod assess- Synod ments up to date, and have contributed to the Synod Funds which assessment. are required by the Constitution and Canons to be contributed to. (4) The title to the Church site nuw^be vested in tbe'proper Title vested. Church authorities. 90 AviUkbte r<ir Mtvka. Korm. No MConU grMii. CONHOLinATK!) CANONM, CTC^ IHSH. [Part I. (S) This Church niUNt bA hO fur (IniahiNl ■■ to lulroit of Mrvi<w bflng mgitlttrly held in it. / ,' ■ - • / IT, In mII owum it hIihII \m iuvi>Hmry, lH*fon» Hid c»n \tm KrmitfHl . /to *ny (Jhiirch iiiidm- iIhw« n'nulutioii", for tho {Mrtjr Niiplyitig on Ixihair of Ruoh Churuli to till up mid trausmit to th« Synod Otidtt <- a blHiilt foiiii (Htm Iwlriw), to tio fiirniiihcMl by it, oontaiiiing tlfo infuriiiAtioii thuntin r«<|iuind. III. No i^rnnt Hhiill hn madn a Mcoiid tini« to a Pariiih or MiHHioii tnwHrdH tho i o oinctioii of a (Jhuich burned down, unlou it !■ (diown that tho H/imn waa at the time of its deatruotion iniiurt><i to a roaMoniiblo anioiint. IV. Those roguhitions, beijig general in their oharaoter, may in very ii|»«ci«l ciimom bo vuriod at tho diM(!roti<»n of the Oonunitteo, and then only with the convent of three-fourtha ol the uiombeni of the Comniitteo. '<•"'"'• Nof»:— The following fnhn of application hu l>een adopted by the pplicaiion. Committao, unci printod uopiu* of it iimy Imj obtained from the Secratttry- Treasurer of th«f «yiio<l on Application. ^ "-Application from the Parish (or Miuion) of to tho Church Kxtennfon, (iencral I'liriHiNes, Stntiatica, and AsaoMniunt Committee ' o( the Incorporutud Uyiiod, for a grant iu aid uf building a Church : I. Tht Mre« of the Diatriot for which a Church ia required is Tho distance of the next nearest Church in the I'ariah from the one propoae<l is 3. The distance of the iiuxt nearest Church iu the adjoining Parish from the one proposed is ' l^ ■y 4. The name of the Congregation for which this grant js asked ia 0. The estimated average attendance at Sunday service (actual or pro- bable) is about 6. The amount contributed by this Congregation for all the Church purposes of tho Hyno«l during tho last twelve months, was) 7>, The additional amount contributed by this Congregatfam foe local Church purposes djuringthe last twelve months, was 4. 8. The amount of the local oontributions in aid of the proi is ^ ^ 9. The following is a description of the Church (1) Dimensions (2) Material (3) Style (4) Extent of accommodation •, (6) Amount of Insurance f old is asked ^ „.'*'■'••■«% ,«*>■•;■•■*■•■ Fart r.] w ^ V-, a h d -A; ■ / ft.. ■■ V K V ■ Mir ■*■'.- ..\ BY-LAW NO. V. \ la Thh Co.r.g»tio« w- u,..„ .,,«, „y;,^ ,.„^^-^^^ ,^^ ,^ II. In ««.r.| t.. thi. .pp|lo»tlnn, I „,.y rrm.rk Ih.t la. HUU. thq «<«tiin<it««l CMt af th« (;|,i^rch $ ^ 16. U th. titio t<, th. Church v„.t„., ,„ tho prcHHT. (n„.rc4. «„t U.e, T or . fy {Rector, /nfumlH^t or AfiMripnat'i, I <l»y of 18 ." <» - I)4t«<I Mt thia 2. ORAVTS TOWARDS THE KRKCT.ON Or FAH80NAOE8. sensed Minihter. Jt^ '""""'T "•""' •" •» '"^ a""'-"' " 'o -d-nit of being ,„„.^ . 13 ■■■.:..-: '..'i- y\ .1 >.iw u • . '«■ 98 NoMcond gruii. Mayba varied. CONBOLIDATKD CANONS. ETC., 1894. [Part I. IV. No grant wi^ be made ateoond time to a Pariah or Mii- •ion towards the rorereotioii of a Parsonage burned down unless It be shown that the same was at the time of its destruction insured to a reasonable amount. y. These regulations, being general in their character, may be varied in very 8|)eoiul cases, at the diHcretion of the Committee, and then only with the consent of three-fourths of the members of the Committee. ^ 1^ i Korm of NoTS !— The following yrintsd form of application has been adopted by Application, the Committee, and may be obtained on applioatiou to the Secretary- Treasurer of Synod : ♦ * " Application from the Parish (or Mission) of to the Church Extension, Uenural Purposes, Statistics, aud Assessment Committee of the Incorporated Synod, for a grant in aid of building a Parsonage : 1. The area of the district for which a Parsonage is being built is 2. The distance of the proposed Parsonage to the nearest Church in the Parish is 3. The name of the Parish or Mission for which the grant is asked is 4. The estimated average attendamc« at Sunday service (actual or pro- bable) is about 5. The amount contributed by this Congregation for all the Church purposes of the Synod and remitted to the Syno<l during the last twelve months, was < $ 6. The additional amount contributed by this Congregation for local Church purposes during the last twelve months, was % " 7« The amount of the local contribtotiouA^in aid of the proposed Par- sonage, is I 8. The following is a description of the Parsonage for which aid is " asked : ■ . (1) Dimensions (2) Material (3) Style (4) Extent of accommodation (5) Amount of Insurance, 9 9. This Congregation was before aided by the Committee in 18 10. In regard to this application,' I may remark that ^''" 11. State the estimated cost of'the Parsonage % 12. Is it in a Parish or Mission set apart by competent authority and in charge of a duly appoiiit^ and licensed Minister ? 13. Has the Parish or Mission Board provided for the stipend of the Minister, as required by the Canons of the Synod T i4. Has the Parish or Mission paid its Synod assessments up to date, and contributed to the- Synod Funds, which are required by the - Constitution aiid Canons to be contributed to ? .^„ y X' ..■..■^V- ..'-... «>'°st^SW^'~^^ ^ **' ^^*rt^ Part I.f BY-LAWS NOS. V.-VII. 99 15: U S! p"' *" ""' ^T'L'*' '''"**•* '" '»" P™P«' Church •othoritl- T 16. I. the P.r«,n.ge u> far flnUhed m to .dmlt of if being occupied T (Rector, Incumbent or JlfUuionary.) ^^ day of 18 .'• BY-LAW No. 6. Dated at X CONDITIONS ON WHICH GRANTS ARE MADE FROM THR BURNSID. BBqOm TO PARISHES OR MISSIONS OUTSIDE THE LiMITIi OF • THE DIOCESE OP TORONTO : DiLI^'ilJ-n" Tl »*>'*" »^«PI'«-ovea by the Bishop of the Approve Diocese within which such Purisli or Mission is situate. the same w made, shall be vested in the Bisfiop of tlieDioceseT Incumbent of the Parish or Mission. i^iocese or 3. That the same shall not be oaid ovnr nnfil ♦!.» nu u ^ oienUy completed for use for Divinoworahip. ""oo »uin .v".!-.. year, the grant shall lapse. "UBreoi witnm a Tr^Luit^3^no1^7v t"h?T*'"''"L^>, 1!"^«' *»•« Secretary- NCficUo. ireasuier Shall notify the Incumbent of the Parish or Mission m respect of which the grant is made, and U.e Secmterv Tr^^urer of the Diocese withih which th; same ks^^^^^^ r.r.^alh^ ?ra *^® Seci;etary-Trea8urer of this Diocese beiniTM-,,. notified by he Secretaiy-Treasdrer or other officer of su^ S"^^'" thrrdg^ut ""^''"''^^^^^ BY-LAW No. 7. BEOULATIONS AS JO GRANTS BY SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BOOK AND TRACT COMMITTEES. r. GRANTS TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1. A first fiee grant of Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-Books. ^ ^techisms, and Library Books, from the Christian Kno^SS^e ^'J"- Society Catalogues and other books circulated by the Committoe I »l L!„. 100 CONSOLIDATED OANONfl, ETC., 1894. [Part T. ■ino0 it WM oonititatef), to the vnliie of from $2 to 96 (at the diaoretioii of the Committee), will be made to every newiy- Wtablished Sundfty-school in any Paiiiih or Mission in the Diocese. fccond frM 2. A second free grant from the same lints, but not exceeding '^"' 94 in value, will be made to Sunday-schools in new or poor neighbourhoods, at the discretion of the Committed. Othtr gnntf 3. Other subsequent grants will be madefliot oftener than once a year, from the samtv lists to any such Sunday-school, to the value of double the amount, in books, of any sum not ex- ceeding ten dollars, which may be sent on behalf of such School for Bibles, Testaments, Prayer-Books, and Librai-y Books. An>iicatiQn. 4. In all cases it will be necessary, before aid can be granted to any Sunday-school under these regulations, for the party applying on behalf of such School to fill up and transmit to the Synod Office a blftnk form, to be furnished by it, containing among other things, the following information : Form and (1) The name of the School, Parish, or Mission ; the name of comenti. the Superintendent of the School, and the number (^^eachers, male or female, engaged therein. f(2) The number of pupils enrolled in the School, of boys and iris, and the average attendance of both kinds of pupils each unday. (3) The amount which the School or Congregation has contri- buted during the preceding twelve months towards the expenses of the SchopI, and in what way such sum has been raised. (4) The number and kind of Bibles, Testaments, Prayer- Books, Catechisms, or Library Books which may be required in the School. (6) The time when the School was established, and whether it was before aided by the Committed' * ^ 5. 'No grant shall be made to any Sunday-school which is noc in actiial operation at the time of making the application on its behaliw * ' 6. These regulations being general in their character, may in special cases, be varied at the discretion of the Committee. None: — The following is the form referred to in Regulation No. 4. Copies may be obtained on application to the Secretary-Treasurer of Synod. K>l!^i \\iMM'i^^iyitr'i' ^,^^^t^iMi^^^\^u,j>it2 r kr^iAu' ul '''^^^'^f&it'h-.^iU tkiS-Jt^i^^Sit^" ' ' '- y • Part L] BY-LAW NO. VII. 8. 4. 6. 6. Average Average waa 14. IS. 16. 101 •• Applioation to the Book, Tract, and Sunday-aohool Committee of the nectedwith Church, iii the PurUh (or Miaaion) "' Tor the year 18 1. The Sunday-Bchool of this FarUh waa oaUbliahed In 18 2. The name of ita Lay Superintendent ia The number of olaaaea in the School ia There are male teacher* in the Schoo). There are female teaohera in the School. The nunib«r of Iwya enrolled in the School ia attviidanoe 7. The number of giria enrolled in the School ia attendance. 8. The number from the School at laat Confirmation in 18 9. The number of books in the Sunday-school Library ii 10. prizea were given in the School duririg the loat twelve montlu. 11. The amount contributed by the Congregation for the support of th« School during the last twelve moitthswaa f "!'*«"'"» "»• 12. This sum was raised in the following manner : 18. The amount of Missionary Collections taken up in the School durina the last twelve months was % ^ '^**k/°iI'°*''°i* *5f ••eq"'™d for the use of the School, viz. : Ubrary Bibles (size named below). Testomente (aize named below). Pfayer- Books (size named below). Catechisms (kind named below). g a Lesson Schemesi etc. ShSets Ten Commandmenta, etc! The sizes of Bibles, etc., reqqired are ^ The Catechisms required are ' , 17. The School waa before aided by the Committee in 18 18. In regard to this application, I may remark that Lay Superintendent oj the Sunday School. {itector, fncutnbent or Misaionary.) Dated this day of I8 Spbchal Nonoic. -While the Sundaytschool Committee is anxious todubtiu. aid every newly established Sunday-school in the Diocese at least once, J"*"*™"" and thus encourage th? establishment of these Schools, yet it relies upon"**'*^ the Christian judgment and good taste of the promoters of Sunday-"**^ Mhools in cities and towns not to press their applications except in cases where local aid has been sought and found inadequate. 2. In no case will a second grant be made, except to Sunday-schoob Co«Utlon in new and poor neighbourhoods,' and then only to an omount notof««»n«l '<\ exceeding $4. 3. Other su to Snnday-soh the amount noma not ex< grant. equent grants not oftener than once a year will be made judgment ols in new and poor neighbourhoods to the value of double gnmtfc Mbles, Testaments, and Prayer and Library Books, of any iing 910, which may be sent to the Synod Office. "° . ■^ 1 ^-.S^Eti .'l^J' -.*. / ^ / -> ' . If , 10* . CONSOLIDATED CANONH, ETC., 1894. [Part I. II. ORANT8 TO PARI8IIR8 OR MIMIONS. ^ 1. A rirst grant of ^rvioe BookM, BihIeH, Prayer- Booka, and Tractn, will he made to any now MisHion or Congrogation in the Diocese, to tlie value of Ironi ^2 to f 6, at the discretion of the Committee. ' 2. A second grant will Iw made to any Pariah, Mission or Con- gregation, to the value of doiihle the nmotint, in books, of any sum not excejeding ten dollars, which may be received from such Parish, Mission, or Congregation. informrtfcn. 3. In all cases, before aid can be granted under these regula- tions it will be necessary for the parties applying for such aid to furnish the Committee with th^ following, among other items of information, on a form to be provided, viz. : Nature of. (1 ) The name of the Parish, Mission, etc., and of the officiating Clergyman. " ' (2) The estimated number of i)eisons composing the Congrega- . tion on behalf of which the application is made, and the average number of such persons attending each sei'vice. (9) The amount contributed by such Congregation for all Church pur]K)8es during the preceding twelve months. (4) The number and kind of Bibles, Prayer-Books, and Tracts required. ^ (5) The year in which the Congregalion was establisHkd,* and whether the PariKh or Mission was before aided by the Com- mittee. ' _ Mutt edit. 4. No grant shall be made to any Parish, Mission or Congrega- tion, which is not in actual existence at the time of making the application on its behalf. - 6. These regulations, being geneml in their character, may be varied in sjiecial cases, at the discretion of the Committee. NotE :— The following is the form referred to in Regulation No. 4i Copies may be obtained on application to the Secretary-Treasurer of Synod : ''Application from the Pariah (or Mission) of to the Book, Tract, and Sunday-school Committee of the Incorporated Synod for a grant of books, etc. 1. Thename of the Congregation for which the grant la aaked ia 2. The name of the Rector (or Incumbent) is Varikd. VOfOla ' «.v>' MU^Csij^tefijSS?;!;., p !-.v^ ^p™^ -? .^'^1^:r7 ^li^r'"' '-t~^-" '■-■' :,: — ~v^f™<'-;i Part I.] BY-LAWS N08. VII., VIII. 8. The Mtlinatad number of pcnonn composing the Congrogii|ion l» i. The estimnted ftv«r«««) attendftnce at Hnndfty lervioe ii 8. The eatiiiiato<l «vor»«o atteniUnoe at the Holy C/Ommunlon la 6. The ftmonnt of Miuionary oontributlona eenl from thia Congregation daring the laat twelve montha waa | 7. The amount contributed by thia Congregation for all other Church purposea daring the laat twelve montha waa $ 8. The following are required for the Church of thia Congregation, via.: 9. Thia Congregation waa before aided ijy the Committee In 18 10. In regM-d to thia application, I may remark that Dated at lht$ (Rector, IncumUut or Miiuionari/.) day of 18 . 10» '^^ ■ >« ■7-> . /^ » BY-LAW NO. 8. TO AUTHORIZE AND COMPIRM A SETTLEMENT OF THE CLAIM OP THE DIOCESE OF NIAGARA TO SHARE IN THE EPISCOPAL KHDOWMENT FUND. 1.' The sura of $5,000 shall be paid to the Synod of Niagara out of the General Purposes Fund of this Synod in full settle- ment of the claim which the Synod of Niagara now has, or may hereafter have, to any share in the EpiBcopal Endowment Fund of the Diocese of Toronto, and to the income derived or derivable therefrom. 2. Such sum shall be paid over to the Synod of Niagara upon the execution by it of a pio|)er release of the claim in the pre- ceding paragraph of this By-law set forth. • \ ,J^8;d&kii*%£^4&<^^£:^"f|^£k^^<.W4i>i }^;^^^^^^aK^S^i%•^ U*>^Si\ , . . iA> _.^ ^'E& \ w-T _''""■■ '^<r",Ti^3jPi';]sr^ "^.■' 104 \ OONHOLIDATED CANONH, KTC. 1894. [Part I. ( 5!le$olMtl0tt$ of the Snrorporatetf »^wdot Ike §ioa%t of (Toronto. I 1. Appointment of Dignitarioa ....:. 106 2. Election of Rural UeAiia .*.*.*.'.".*.'.'! 106 8. lt«viv»l of the Diaoonate .,,, '....]'"' 106 4. Diaoouate — Requirement*, Probation, ete ] 106 . 6. Candidate*, on ohUnatlon, to receive copy of^Canona, etc 106 6. Lay Kewlert— Employment of and Regulation* .,,., 106 7. Candidate* for the Miniatry— Parochial training of 106 8. Marriage*— To Ite aolemnized in Chnrohea .....'.'. 106 9. .1 —Within prohibite<l degree* forbidden 106 10. .. —Table of prohibited degree* to be placed in Churohe*. 106 H. Temperance— Effort* approved ,.... , igg J2. tt -Principle* of 0. E. T. S . approved .....!...'.*.*.*.*.* 106 18. ti — Annual Sermon on ,\ ^ iqa 14. ., — Urgaaizing Agent . ......'' " * i06 ^^' " —Drinking aaloona condemned 107 16. Girla' Friendly Society .,,. ..., .. 107 17. Syatematio and proportionate giving .j 107 18. II , — Object* and Conatitution of Society 107 19. Raialng mone/ for Church objecta 108 20. Unaotiptural meana condemned ' iq^ 21. Algoma Piooeae to be aet apart ...". ^ ' log 22. 11 —Claim of Clergy on Dioceaan Funda .v ..108 23. II —Conveyance of Landa to . 4 -..; ...108 24. Jeauita' Eatatea Act 108 i56. Annual Dioceaan Conference 1 igg 26. Pariah Regiatera — Uae recommended , , , 199 ^' " " —To be delivered up to Churohwardena . 100 28. Table of Feea ». jqq or ne lit Iiii bu ord - mo •uo req niei the thel whl to» log But •hal to d aa no /* auoli year oour ■ion oour of 01 < makl place hisai (ornii I By.la (• . -'■■' <j1 -f" %'!• S^^ . %- i'F^-"- JT^'^ ',>fM~^ •^rw^ ;■'"'' ._ '-y 1 -^ "' *T^*^«'f ^f%f^" -pifW3B=^?*rF!ri^^^ntr ^ -V- ^ Sfi^ X I. Part I.] RUOLUTIOKB 1-5. 105 ' rtRaOLUTlONH OK THK INCORTORATKl) SYNOD OP THK DIOCKSK OF TORONTO. AProiNTIiaNT or DIORITABIHI. Th«t this 8y,io.l reooimliM th« authority In tha Blahop to imka tha •piMtntmaiit RiwJulloo of Ar«h<liMMon. aii.loth.r oHIotn hantofor* appointMl hy tha RWiop : Mid In tha avant ol No. ,. balniifio Mlvlaad hy tha libhop will ba |>rt|»rad to adopt auoh Oanon m ni«y ha found ninmary to aatabllah that authority w4th ta<ihiil<«l lagallty. That In the Judgment of thi. Hyno.1 It la daairahl. that tha lilahop ahould laava tha Rawlu.lon alaotlon of iha lUiral Itaana to tha Olarny of tha Uaanary, aubjact to conHmiaUon by tha N#» BUhop. and that auoh Hural Uaana ahall, whan ao alaotad, hold offlca for four yaar« only ' but ihall ba allvibia for ra-alaotlon. ' * ' ■' ■ ■\ ^ Till DIAOOMATM. >, That the ravlval of the DIaoonaU In It. full afflolanoy. aa a Mparata and pamuuiant H«olutlon order, would lie of yreat aervloe to the Church. jfo. . That In tha opinion of thia Bynod, tha enlarvainent of tha Ulaoonata, niaklnv It a RaKilutlon • more real and |M>nnanent onier In tha Ohuroh than it la at praaant. and aooapUnv in Na 4. •uoh lower and aubordlnat* .Ution, a cheaper oouraa of eduoaUon than la now uauaily required, oflera a meana, in aoma devraa, of meeting our preaent newla. That the nieaaure now generally aanotloned by our BIdiope, and Mloptad In many Dloceaea. via. the employment of tha gratultoua aervloea of Layman. wllUng to aonae^)rate a portion of their tlma> the more InuncdlaU aervloe of the Ohureh. Indioatea another aouroe from which much valuable oaalatanoe nwy be obtained. i. That it ia adviaabla for the permanency and enlargement of the Older of Deaoona toaubatiUite a aound Engliah education for that competent knowledge of Latin invoiv! Ing a College or Unlverrity oourae, which ia now required before admlaaion to'oidera But thia aubatitutlon ahaU not be held to extend to thoae who may be at the time or ahall aft^arda become, cnndidatea for admlaaion to Prieit'a Orders. ' 8. that i|; ahall be imperative on every Deacon before admlaaion to Prieat'a Oidai* to declare mmaelf a caiHlidate for the earn*, and to undergo auch furiiher examination aa may then be required. And, unleae such candl.Ute ahall have already paaaed through auoh College course as la now denianded, he may, after a lapae of not leaa than yeara from paaaing such examination, and, after having gone through such additional course of reading^as may be required of him during that time, be presented for admis- Bion to Prieat'a Ordera ; but should the candidate have paaaed through auch College oourws and training, he may be preaented for admission to a higher order, after a lapaa Of one year from entering the Dlaoonate. ^^ 4. That in accordance with the principle pervading the "Form and Manner of ' making Deacona. " and the '• tonn and Manner of Ordering Priests," no Deacon shall be placed in the independent cure of souU, but shall always be associated with a Prieat ar hie aasistant, to whom he ahall be subordinate, and to whom he ahall apply for the per- Jormaiioe of thoee offlcea in the minlatiy forbidden to the Deacon. Each candidate on his Ordination shall be presented with a copy of the Canons. Re«>iutlo« Bylaws, and ResoluUons of this Synod. 'wiumoo - Wo, «. • ■ 14 . ■ . .. .' I '■■'■I 'I, u :( \- Li i.AiA «.,Ma.i •<*?". -adU W^_«. 5* V f « ,. I ,'^ ^j/4 A.'. Wk. . 4. ; ^ki* i^r,../^pi|S^ f* ./ 106 CONHOI.IDATKU OA^ONH, KTC., lH9i. [Part L ■'^X •# lUNulMilon ThfttniMtor Ih* edicuiiMUiicwi of lh|i IHoctm*, wllh • tMtlarwl |iafal*tlon In Unr« No. A PMrWtM mmI MlaaloM, Ik la vwy dMlnihltt Ihat lAjr MaMlani •hoiilil Iw iimw* K«n«mlty toiptoyad lluui la now lh« om* ; that itioh !«>' Kvailvr (hoiikl Iw rvraniniamlwl tn th« BMio|> by tha Imiiinitwnt ol th« i*»r<ah or >llaat(m nhoiibl Im antlrvly uixlar hia lx>nt^>l •mi (llnNitlon •rt<l atiOubl Iw ratiuiva<l at hIa r*<|iiaat ; aiul that ha ahouhl lia iniblU'ly racalveil aa • imworkar In tha I'arlah ur Uliaiun by tha liiaho|i, or by an oHk'lal ol tha UUmm* apiKilntaii by tha lllaho|i. TtMt tha outwani fonn lor tha aitnttaalon of lAVman to raad'tha Rrrlpturaa, and otharwiaa aaalat In thaailnilnlatratlona nl tha Chtirt'h aa harain rantani|ilatMl, tovathar with tha nacaaaary ilartaratlon of oiNHllanr*, la a niattar to Ita clf<'|<la<l by Kplai-oiiai authoriiy ; an<l, for tha |nir))caa of oblaliiinu a uniform prMtIca, It la ilairfrBbla that tha * ■ania ha aubiulttad to tha llo«iaa of lil*ho|ia. Raaolution Th*^ >>■ t^^" o|>lnlon of thia Hynoil It would tand vary niatarlally to advanoa tha (fo, J, iniaraata, and |iroinota tha axtanalon ol the Ohur*'h In ihia lilixcaa, war« a ayatani Intro- duua<l by whloh (landlilatca lor the Ulniatry whIUi at the wnia time they are Katnlny an inaltfht Into (wrodhlal work, nilKht aiNtlit the Inmnilif nt In larva and extended MiMlona, and that thIa Mt nod humbly ra<|ueata the L<ord lliihop to take auuh ateiw aa may bring about thla end. MAaaiAolM. That (hla Synod, aith a view to nialntalnlnir In due honour and venanitlon tha Onllnani'o of Holy Matrimony aa a aat^rol rite of the Chriatlan Church, axpreaaea Ita oonvlntlon that It la deilrable that marriaKea may not !•« aoleninlMd exce|it In Churvhaa, nor between partiea who are either one or both unbaptlied. < That thla Byn<i* afflrtna Ita deliberate convlutlon that no OjerKynian of our Ohumh la Juatlfled In ^l^bratlnK marriaire lietween iwraona atandhiK within the prohiblte«l daKreea of oonnthifulnlty or alllnit/. That In order to enable the Oleriry to comply with the Canon of tha Provincial ^nod dire<!tlnK a printed copy of the Table of Prohlblte<l Deipreea In Marriaite to h« pla<ied In the veatry room or near the entrance of their aeveral Churohea, the Hynod direct the proper Oonunitteo to Jwve printed, In appropriate ityte, such Table of Degreea, ao that every Pariah may provide itaelf with a copy. TwiPiRAKca, BaaObUTiom Ann aTANpino nXDma. Reiollition That thia Synod would expreia ita approval of all pro|H>r meana, adopted by mem- No. II. beraof the Church, individually and collectively, for the luppreaaion of intempermncc." ((a) 1871, pp. 24,26.) iNoTit— See alao 1878, pi). ftO, 68, 1«M, and 1874, 61, 182, a» to C. E. T. Union, 1876, p, 184, and 1H78, p. 61, aa to l>lo<!ciian Anti-Trt-atinK Societlea. Theae are now auperav^led by the C. K. T. 8., aa lu which aeu 1881, p. US. Resolution That the aeveral Delegatea to thla Synod, Clerical and Lay, adopt the principle of No. la. the Conatitution of the Church ol England Tem|>erance Society of the DIooeae of Toronto, approved by the Synod, and ple<lKo thomaelvea to uae their utmoat endeavoura to eatabliah branch aocietiea in their aeveral Parlahea. RMolution That the Synod endorsee the auirKe«tion aa to preachlnir an annual aermon on Tem ; Na 13. peranoe, on auch day oa may be arrantced by the Biahop with the Church of England Temperance Aaaooiatlon. 1^^ [Norn— the Biahop hoa appointed for thia purpoae, the Fimt Sunday in Lent.) Resolution That the' Bishop be authorized and respectfully requested to appoint an organising No. 14. agent tor the carrying out of its objects, [(a) 1888, p. 00.] Resolution No. 8. Raaolution Nag. Raaolution Ni>. 10. M^^sM-ikii0, ki.AfeM^. /. i.iiIM^AL«.tL Part I.] R»»M)LrTlONH6.|a lor TJUl In lh« n,,l„|on o» ihl. Sj„o.|. iIm driHhlng m1«mm kra mi ui.mUI«.l.d t«ll. Rwoluilon 4ml tiMl wa |a«.|«« ourMr«M to um mir ulm<Mt ••wWvmin lo hirth.r *tl »lw l«alal»tt<m No. it. •hkih th^U Uml k> Um rMtriotlmi m«I uUinMI* •iiln.tlmi <i» mh h mU<mnw •mu' r»iniM,T MWivrr. Thai Iha •iifirmtinn of th« lllaho|i In hia otwnlnf Mblraw l« Ihta Hynml raoom K«»il«ilon m«n<lln« tha roniiathm ol • IHiHinan llnui<<h .>« th« OlrU' ►'rlBuUly MmiUly b* Mioptwl, No. lA. •nd that ha h« r«<|uaattd to ntMvt • (^unilltM lo M-cnnipllah thia dMtnkhta obtaot' tiMHt, |>|». M. l«l.| ^ '^ avaT«MATin and pmomaTiaiiAra aiviiia. rUi \t la In an aa|iacl*l niannar Inminihant on the inanilwn of Ihia Hynod to con- Ha«,|uiliia aMar and raimniniand auch niaaaiiTMi aa may a»«in Iwat ralmilalwl to a«<nira hy maMta of j|,^ volunUry nontrlhutlon, (ha •mrlvnt Mid coutlnuotu kid whkih th« ailgaiiclaa of tha "" ''" • Church Impantlvaly dMnamU That whauvar may ha tha uauaa, tho ofTarinira of our paopla for tha anUrpriaaa of Ratolutlon tha Chumh ara on tha whoir liia<la<|iiata In amount, and too iinataady and un(Mrtsln In No il tima Mid niMinar, Mid • rafonii la iirvantly naadad. That the chlaf raniwly for thta avll wouW lia to Induoa our paopla to follow tha A|ioatollo Injiinotlon to Uy aalda tyaUniati- o«My at fUtad iwrioda, and If (HrMtloabla on aa<'h lonl'a I>ay, » |i«rt nt thair maana In proportion aa Go<l haa prtMparad th«m, thua foniiInK » wred fund lot rvllKloua uul ah«ritahla uaaa, from which fund o«rt«in deOnlta aunia, not front niera linpulaa, hut from duty and upon a flxed prinolpla, ahoutd Im revularly appropriatml to the aav'aral depart- nianU of Churrh work. That at <<onvenlent |M!rio<la, noUbly at the beginning of tha aoolaaiaatlcal year, tha Church should nauaa full Mid axplldt Information to b« laid before her member* aa to the Mveral worka which aha haa to oarry on, and tha unount raqulred for tha year In each department; and without aMwniliiK the authority a>NM>- luUly to aaaeea the several Parlshea, It will lie uaeful to liidli«t« uppruxlniatxly how much would need to be done by eac-h Pariah. That the direct reaponilhlllty of kIvIok or rafuaInK to irlve aome definite amount or proportion of our meana to every leirKtmato •nd deserving Church work having a reaaonnhie claim u|>on u», should not be merely dsolared, but should, In some way or other, be distinctly laid befor^ and brought homa to each Individual member of our Congregations. That although a unlfonii sysiem, based npon tria<l and approved principles, and administered from • centre, and with general recommendations by authority, would add largely to the efBclency of our oper- ations ; nevertheleao, each Diooeee, Deanery, Parish, Congregation and I'JMtor must be allowed Its own desoretlon and choice aa to the best method of gathering In the gift* ol the people, whether by ooUeotors, onvelo|)e«, |>e* renU, or offertory collations, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, aa the case may be. ^ (1) That the Synod be requested to authorise the formation Of a Branch of the B. T. 0., to be called "The Toronto Diocesan Branch of the Society of the Treaaury of Ood. " (2) The ofllclal duties of the Diocesan Branch shall devolve upon an Exeotitlve Com- mittoe, to consist of the following : (a) President, The F^ord BI»hop ; (6) A Vice-President, to be appointed by the Bishop; (o) An Organizing SeoreUry, similarly apiwlnted ; (d) Treasurer, the Secretary -Treasurer of Synod ; and («) Three Clergymen and three Uj-- men, to be elected by the Synod at its Annual Session. (8) The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to select literature tor oiroula- tlon in the Diocese; report annually to Synod; assist In the fomutlon of Parochial Branct^s, and to take all necessary steiis to promote the objects of the Society. lit regard to future work your Committee recommend a chani of the Society, by giving it a dual >>asi8 of membership, and a ne' these heads respectively the Constitution shall read as follows ; in the Constitution ome, so that m \ r ; • .. >i ^ y I V * .' - 'i'' r £■ y^^^'Af* yfa -■£. Aj"- kt/tM'ni^rlirO^'i.-^iyijiiil'etif ■«'*- ji-t'p.^i4/-J(J*r ^lf^^.^^Mlg;y^i 1U8 » I KaxilMion No. i^ Raaoluilon No. Ml, R«w>lHiton flif. fi. RMolulion No. M. Rtiolution No. tj, Rwolution Mo. •4. OUNilOUDATIU OAMONil, KtV.. iHDi. [P*ri I. " Tha IHiHiMM ikit!l«l)r tvt iIm PnNuwtkm «l M>at««Mit« mmI t'fB|w«ttewl< IMvlag.'' TIM IwlMjr Aalt MMlMtf I (I) MMiitMrt of Um Chun/k mho AfiM t« pM^I"" m4 l<t p w mo to •jralMMAUn mmI piaptlMuiMla Rlvtnf. (1) MmiilMr* nl Ih* (Itiumh who pftjr not !•« tiMn • Unth |Mrt ol lh«lr Iimmhim (« Vkiireti Mul <<h«rlUlil« iwr po — . It la «lao nM<omnwml^l thai Um <<UtiiM <il Ihia HoHoljr bo ouMtdonrf by IIm Hurl. lMM«ii«l (haiitenK a^it UmI Uila Nyonl lMra«Uh rw)U4M» Ilia UftfiMit Mm nWiat> lo IWMA |iMtor»l Mior mfmilly aotUnf lorth lh« mrm. BAwiao Moaar roa uhumh naraaaab TtMi thh S)rn<Mt r«cr«ta UmI It haa avar Iwan UwMMihl mniify lo raaorl in tha 1MB of tnllariM, raflim, Wiit ■ilrts tita |inMTtI<>aa, in onlar to miaa nia«na for iha aupiwrt of ItM (Ihiimh aiKl (Ilamy, ami hoiMa UuU In Um fulura alt matiiliara uf Uita Uhiirnh. I.ay aa wail aa inarl<<aJ, In thU Utooaaa, will laka avary o|>|iorturtily lo iMnKaat Uiair atronc iliaativirubaUon of all mu^ priMiaarfinaa ; whila It truata tha tlnia la not far illalanl, whan all fumla fiif nillKluua |Mir|i<iaaa will Im raiaati hy tha ayatani of fraa will affarln||. Whti -mu VTM* •oandal haa, I0 a kica aalanl, aflaan from Um ouatoni of raiaing nionay for Okurrh purtmaaa l>y othar nMana than ara Juatiflad by Holy SoHpturv, whicih taaohaa tha illra<it offarlng toUoil of that whluh Ha haa alrawly nivan ; Th*r*f»*, W U lUmAfd, That tha Olarvy ami IjUty of thia Utooaaa, in Synod aaaam- hM, do haraby nomlanin iiuih |>nwtloaa, and pladKa thainaalvaa to diaraunwa tht aaina In thair raapaotlva Partahaa or Mlariona. AbOOMA DtOCMM, That thIa Hynntl having aatwratad and lat a|iart a IMatrlot aa a Mlwlnnary DIooaaa, dl«tlnKulaha«l aa lh« Northani and Mlaalonary DImiaM of Algoina, do haraby authortia tha I'ruvlnoial Hynoal 10 proiiaatl to tha «la<itlon of a HIahop tharafor, In annortlanoa with tha Uanon in that oaaa niada and provlda<l. Ht* Uanon of Provlnoial Hynod. That thia Hynod diatinoUy raoognl*** (Im moral olaim of thoaa Olargy who had ba«n lloanaad to Mlaalona within tha lllooaaa of Algoiiia batora tha araotion of that IMooaaa, to b« rcKanlad, in r«a|>e<it of any pilvlIaKaa oonnaotati with tha Commutation Fund or tha Wldowa and Orphana' rund aa Olarvy of tha IHonaaa of Toronto aa It axiatad bafora tha ••IMraUon ttf tha Oiooaaa of Niagarm. That It in adf iaal)la that all landt at praiant roatad In thit Bynod npon Irual fotfU Obursh purpoaaa within tb« DIooaaa of Algoma aliould ba ronvayad upon tha mhm truiU lo tha Blihop of (ha DIoohiw of Algoma aad bla «uooaaai>r*, and that tba PrealdaDt a^^l, other proparofllear* of th» Hynod h^ ampowarad and autliorliad to alMeh the Corporata Hflal of tha Hynod to. and azMula all doeumanta aDi^invryanov* uoea^iary torjttt purpow of aSwlliif Mieb traiitlar, attar tha wma hava bean appnivad 1 JMOITS* MTATH ACT. uoea^iary lorjtt* pa 1 by t^a^Ka^rar. That la tha opinion of thia Byuod tha Jaauit Ordar la by lU prtnoiplaa and ooDatltuilon, and hlitorioally haa bean proTad to ba, dangarouii to elvll llbartyand aroaoaoa totharlghu. of ail ciaaHa of llor M^aaty'i *ubje«ta, and that It la iharvlbra moat daalrabia that tha lagallty of Iha bioorporatlon of tha .laiuit Order and by «oni«<iuanoa of the action of tba Quabae Legialature iu the matter of tha Joauit^Eatatea Aot b« teated by tha hlgbaat Court* of tha Domioioo and tha Kmpira, and that tha mambera of Hynod will aupport aTary aflbrt to obtain fueh taaUng of theaald looorporaUon. and ihoald tha Aet nltimaialy ba Ibuid to ba legal, tba mambara of tha Synod all^p all ooBiUtational meana toward* oblatnlhg tbo V • ^ i ■ 1^* '■^^^ p '^^ =, fp^ rwiT^ -rr-^^g Pari I] MHOLUnOVI 1$*S8. IM r«f««l ar M««ll Inmtrfonttnm AM llMI Ihk MfiMiil. In »m m tmu n mMt tiM tftit ArUvW W ••Ntlna tlnHial> «ar<a* lli»l, ' TIm Qua-* • McjMtr h^t* *<>• (hM |M«w In tkia tMl* I««IM, whrtfeM UMf fe* imt m m n mi v attH, tH Ail -mm «Mh •ffwtvla, cirf la ••« Mff MgM H IM MlUM I* MIf ImlllN |Mf<i4l»y— . # ThM In Um latonMa ftf Iha l<hiin>lt la lllla Mhmm, il U jMlr^Ma ikal tn Anaaal NMoltNiMi III I'nnlkrauM •h«uli< fm ImM hir Um 4l«i«l4lri<ii% of MMh atfMarU w <lo aa4 MMM |>r« Nu «}. •wly wlUila Iha aonfa nt (kU Hrn<Hl, Mil •! auali Uaia an.! piMa a* maf ba matanlant, ••4 UlM wim • flaw Is IM man alh^ra aaffjlat*** "' ^^^ raanlatlan, Iha ahala aiattat to MWM to the llMWtfM ^MMilMtltonpWtM IMnatl MMUaf •« MyM4. HARMS M«l«tWll^ " tortus xns ■ ■ I wn iwn ibi-wt jii "iib ■ ••■ " •••^ •■ i»»»i- ^, *>•■• ■ 1. 1 u !■■ in. n ■ a t^^ >■■'** **• •■ ^ **»^«jimiwpb» •pMlnv Mldrm ka foraially aibtvtal bjr UM Hynml Aw uaa la liM Mtvtal I'afMMa at Um N». •«. "tWl 4ll OtarnrMM hatlag mm •# m«U, thiai, «• mMvlMf fNm UmIt riffalMa, RmoImImI MUar to'llM Ob«r«hwar4aa* Iha lta«M*r of kayllMM, marrlagaa m4 (tarial* of Um *iM No. tr. FaHah, obtolaliig a raa>l|>t iharaCir, wW«k rwailpt ahall ha •iblMtod lo Iha IWlof kafltra Ika taMiliig of a naw llaann In hiai, or la Iha naaa of lii|aa«laii r«Ma*al tram Ikia ItloaaM, balora Iha inintlna of a h»n* itHfmrit: an<l ihal Iha aim iirmiiialinn of auoh raaal^ ihall ka a bar la Um laaatag »f >iMh llnaaaa or btmt a»M—it uiiiaa* IM raaauaa MlUOMrliwy la U« T*n.i or riML "Tkal with Iha ■aaotlon of Um t<onl IMako|s iha Ibllowliig ha aao^laii m Iha Takia of KamluliiM ITaM to M tMkam by Otargynan of Iha Ohurob la Iha Dtoaaaa of Toraato lb» Iha luilowlDg No. tl. Marriaga* (liMludlog rvfMralloa') > t4 M Hiiflali ** * .•■...•■.•....••...^••f • • ■ t • •• • Mt..M. 190 ** al a (llalanca. >.•.•■....•• *«. »...••..?.•«•. !••• # n.»M. . a W Oalllnf of Manna (pajrabia la advaiiM) ••« ..••> ..»....»•• ■ I M Rattllwm (infliiiling ngtoinUo**) ~. ~- »»]!• tat Ohurithlogi ~ » Mo ft*. htytmd IJU aecuMtmntd oftrinf) prtteribtd fry Iht fr^^ltr Book. C»rtl>caUof lla|)ltoia «... I M..M >*...•«*• (...M«...M*.f*... . * ■ . . ... 11 00 .. 100 *Haa Iha HuluU ■■ lo Hagbtralloii of DIrtha, MarriagiM and Daalba ■f- ',4ii , /' \ .T ■^f- 111 «#■ li,-j mi^" >" <(r . r»., ..'.:vi^ji^i,->>.'i ^jiiUi; MI«1SI r-(*i.i «» A' ^^'''-.-'k/ t '-'., '•.■«■ ^■W . .f i ('/ / ( mi' » - " I 1 ^ > ^ \ '■ A ii ' . ■ , ) ^ f ♦, , •Si O > • • - > *i. '' • /^