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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Address of His Lordship the Bishop of Ottawa , and Clergy, to His Holiness Piui IX, iVIosr Holy Father: — Before ietiving the City of Ottawa, where we are at present assembled for the exercises of the Pastoral Retreat, we are anxious, in prostrating ourselves at the feet of Your Holiness, to express our filial piety and the seiitimer.ts which we at present ex- perience. .Though separated by conside- rable distance from Your Holiness, we have never ceased, with anxious solici- tude, to watch your sad career during many years past. Your Holiness' sutfer- ings have also been ours ; your pains and consolations we have also shared. Wiien lately, for the alleviation of Your sorrow, and also to give an earnest proof of that life, ever new, which animates the Calhoiic world, thj Bishoj!!i of every na- tion at once obedient to your voice, hast- . eiiinl, with eager fervour at the first call, to the Cjty of Home, bringing with them both the wishes and tiie faith of their respective Churches ; our thoughts and affections fol- lowed them. With them v.'e prostrated ourselves at your feet, to hear your words ; to receiveyour teaching, and obtain, with alTection, that choicest Benediction which consoles and fortifies the soul and prepares it to .nulergo the greatest sacrifices. Like them, have wi; admired the Pon- tiff who, though humbled by injustice, yet not the less respected ; who though he be tried, is not less amiable ; who though^'Jiirighteousiy^'plundered, is not the less firm ; who ^though threatened with a fearful catastrophe ia net the less conf;- < dent. Like them, have we execrated with feelings of horror, tlie attempts of those moilern vandals, who, having inva- ded (he greater portion of your inherit- ance ; would lessen your territory, and de- spoil that treasury erected at the expense of the greatest sacrifices and with the most rigid economy. "'Ve have approvf-d of your struggles and iidmired your dignified resistance. We have condemned, by our protestations, the impious and wanton doc- trines of those who would feign justify the errors and 'crimes whicli, up to tins time, characterized tl e ll'AlKiii 'cvo iition. Like them and with them we hold as ortho- dox that which Your Holiness proclaims to be so ; censure thai which you condemn ; and love that which Your Holiness loves and approves. \V\' Icninv llial in attaching \Aki thrill IMUT jike t lie maun dox tlmt whicii Vour I loliii.;s» proclaims to bu so ; cciisuio that wliicli you condemn ; and love tliat which Your Holiness loves and approves. We know that in attaching ourselves to the See: of Rome we aie also attached to the centre of unity, to follow the Successor of St. Peter. We iollow Jesus Christ, to love your authority. We also adhere to the truth since it is in the n;ime of Him who has the words of eternal life lh:\t you order and direct. Pvome has ever been for us a great and noble city, the grand bulwark of Catholicity and.,the Mother of all Churches, but she has in- creased still more in these days of lier or- deal, and she has become, with still more justice, the chief, the centre, and the queen ol the Catholic world ; and the Pontiff who reii^ns within her walls and guides iier des- tinies with a dignified courage ; and iilumine.s her by the practice of the most heroic vir- tues, we look upon as a v'ontifl above r.l human comparison. Long then most illustri'ius PontitT ^may you reign for the consolation of your chil- dren, the triumph of truth, the welfare of our Holy Church, and the confusion of our enemies ; and may there be granted toVour Holiness, after these days of trial, peace and the happy tranquility of brighter years, yet to come, to etTace the long and sad experi- ences to which Vour ■(olines^ has been subjected. Prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, we humbly supplicate and ask the Apostolic Benediction for the chief pastor^of our dio- cese and also for the clergy and the flock' committed to their care. -j- Jos. Eugene, Bishop of Ottawn 1), Dandurand,.V. G., 0. M. I. J. Tabaret, V. G., 0, lA. I. L. Ginguet, A. Pallier. O. N P. O'Connell, M.Molloy, J. Brady, II. Mauroil, E. Vauslian, L. Ileboul, T. O'Boyle, J, Toilel, A. O'ilalley, R. Cooke, J, Lyncli, a.Guilliiinl. M. Bourassp J.. Lefebvre, J. Byrne, J. McGrath, P. M'Goey, .r. Mouriei, J, Bouvior, M. Babel, F. McDonagh, P Levorlochoro L. Que! cr, R. Uuloauv, B. McFeely, J. M. Phui, J. Jouvent, ,\, Lobret, J. J. Oollhu-t, B. Oasoy, J. Uavid, h, [''remoDl, J. Gillie, H. Df Saui'hai C. W.J. Bertraud, J. O'Biien, 0. GQilliauaio, A. Bruno* 0. Boucher, J. Maucip, A. Chaino, J. T>, O'Coiu.or 0. Gay, M. I ,