IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) 1.0 I.I l^|2.8 ^ us 12.0 2.5 2.2 lit 11.25 6" U 11.6 Hiotographic Sciences ^UipUlaiiUii 33 WEJT MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 f\ qv ^*^^*^V^*'2^.'^^^ ^^ *" themeww in jrowei;tp carry otittl«tof the next meetini; ofthtj KaoladMiofti Srt**"^ to a^^ine on tte^f mj ^heir the THaaum will I* held in e^h of.^h^teJ^^e MiBsioM, in o«der tliAt tliey may aesti^ one another in hearaig c<»ife88ion0, &c. ^^ „T« 3; ?v5f^*** "^S """S ^r^° *» ^Y> people beforehand at what time. the Tndrttm U to take pi^^ *n^hi« M««on. ^ He will take owre alao to exhort the people to profit of the h^-h r^.^roiMs and ^ them 'doctrine of tl«Char«h eoneoming indJ^nces .id the dis, ^tiLI r^i^ to i.?";.^' J?™** "(*¥ ^W*** •"«<> beperforawij with as much soleiniugr as MniUe. On « i''*^I®*''?^'?l'^^^lT'^'?'*^!5*^* ftl^old be exhorted to piay fer;'Ae'«pintnai wwrts of *ir^>5*!» nMbke Aim Mt^m/'umn the earth /r.*uf. /7jJJm^ A,',«o «x^* ^.^ *^ *i\. nxm ^^ t-'i.' _•..