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ROYAL TOUR SHO w/ .\G THE moi: a ES S OF THEIR HOYAL HIGHXESSES THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK THROUGH QUEBEC AND ONTARIO 1901 TORONTO THE HUNTER, ROSE COMPANY, Limited DEC i :,.b FNTFRIO ACCORDINO TO ACT OF THI PARLtAMKNT OW CANADA IN THC YEAR ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRFD AND OMt bv THE MUNTFR, ROSE COMPANV LIMITED. A» THE DEPABTdllENT OF AGRICULTURE. OTTAWA A Retrospect and An Anticipation \l\'. NKAR iWx) — forty-iMio years n^o on July lolh, it)oi His Royal Mi|;hness the I'rincc of Wales (Mis prcMi-nl Majesty Kin^ lulwanl \'ll| emhaikiil at l'l>tninilli i»n btviril H.M.S, //tro, biniiul (or ^u-.-bcc, accompanied by the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary o( State for the Colonies ; the Karl ol" St. lierinains, Lord Steward of Her Majesty's Household ; Major-deneral the Hon. RoK-rt Bruce, Governor to the Prince ; Major Teesilale, R.A., ;ind Capt. Cleor^je Gray, et|uerries, and l^r. Ackland. On Jidy 23nd, the party arrived at Newfoinull;ind. Hijfht days later they reached Halifax, and on Au^^ust iSth the Koyal Party were at Quebec. Montreal was reached on Au>,'ust iSth, and on the isi o( September His Ro\al llijjhness laid th- first stone o( the present Parliament Huildinjfs at; Ottawa. On September 4th Kinj^'ston was reached, but no landing was made, addresses .vinj,' received and a reception held the following,'' day on board the steamer on which <he piirty came up the St. Lawrence. Belle- ville had the same e\i .rience, fifty younj,' ladies on horseback, who had or^^ani/ed as an escort to His Koyal Hijjhness, beini; disappointed. On TIIK KOYAI. TOr.« HI* ROVAL MKWNtM THt OUKI Or ' JKN«V«. aNO YORK rUV. KOVAI. TOIK HIK mjYAL HIOHNIM TMl OUCHIM Or CORNWALL .MO YOIIK TIIK KOYAL TOl'R September 7th, i860, the Prince arrived in Toronto Harbour, ami for ten days the Capital of the Province of Ontario was en /I'le. On September i8th. His Royal Hig-hncss laid the foundation stone of Broci^'s Monument on Oueension HIS MAJESTY KINO EDWARD VII Heijjhts. On the afternoon of the same day Hamilton was reached. A short tour of the United States followed, and on October 20th the Royal Party embarked on board the f/cro at Portland, Me., homeward bound. Their Royal Hiyfhnesses the Huke and Duchess c^i Cornwall and \'ork embarked on Board H.M.S. Of>/iii; at Portsmouth, on Friday afternoon. Till- KOVAI. TO IK March isth, 1901, bouiul tor Australia via Coylon. On May loth, after visitiiiir Colombo and Sinjraporc, and otlu-r places a, n<„U; tlu-v arrived at Melbourne, where a inagniticenl reception awaited them, and where a series oi HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA Ji'lcs were jjiven in their honour extending,' over two weeks, the most important and ("ar-reachinjr ceremony beinij the inau^niration of the first I'arhament of the new Commonwealth. After Australia, with which the Sailor Prince had formerly made acquaintance as a midshipman on board WM.S. Jiacd/ante, \ew Zea- land and South Africa were visited. And now the\ are in Canada. It is THK ROYAL TOUR hardly necessary to say that Their Royal Highnesses have been and are being welcomed everywhere with all the enthusiasm which arises from a combination of loyalty to the Crown with an appreciation of the high personal HIS EXCELLENCY LORD MINTO, OOVERNOR-QENERAL OF CANADA qualities of those by whom it is represented. The occasion is so g-reat that imagination almost fails to grasp its full meaning, and will probably fail still more in any endeavour to foreshadow the consequences to which it may lead. In New Zealand the presence of Their Royal Highnesses can hardly have THE ROYAL TOIR failed to quicken the jfrowing- desire for union with the j^reat Federation of Australia, while in South Africa they are sure to have rendered powerful assistance in the re-establishment of law and order and in awakeninj,' even Boer HER EXCELLENCY THE COUNTESS OF MINTO sympathizers to a recognition of the British Crown and of the manifold tages of living beneath its swax. We shall hardly appreciate the devotion to duty evinced b\ the Duchess in accompanying the Duke on his long and important expedition, until we think of her, not only as a Royal personage assuming her share in an Imperial THE ROYAL TOUR pageant, but also as a younjf mother absent from her little children for eight long months and at a time when every month will have witnessed the growth of qualities and faculties which parents love to watch. It should not be SIR WILFf?ID LAURIER, PREMIER OF CANADA forij:ottcn that to I K-r lato Most Cracious Majesty Oueon X'ictoria is due the present visit. She followiuji,'- the idea entertained and ,t,nven effect to when the present KinJ^'• came amont,' us. that the heir-apparent could only adequately recognize the immense responsibilities and know the vastness of the THE ROYAL TOl'R domain over which he might, in the dispensation of Ahiiijfhty God, be ,}iw day called upon to reitjn by personal acquaintance— devised and desijfned the tour which is being so happily carried out. The time, Her Majesty saw, was LADY LAURIER particularly auspicious— when Australia was eiiterinj,' or. a new life in federation and all the colonies had nobly rallied in defence of the dear old Motherland, her Crown and the lilmpiri.-. On asccndinjx the ihroiic His M.ijesiy King Edward, in all things desiring to give force to what he kne« would be the T H K R O Y A I. TOUR wishi'N of his noble moth>.T and ^Horious predeci-Nsor, decreed that the orit;inal profframme should be acted upon and the journeyin^s undertaken, notwithstand- in>r that the period of mourning; had not expired and the Court was yet phm^red in profound ^jrief. SIR OLIVER MOWAT. Ll£l T.-OOVERNOR OF ONTARIO The tour under such circumstances meant more than can be described, biith to the Royal Family and to the people. The .yivinij of pleasure to the latter and the fulfilment of promises made previously to the ^'reat sorrow thai came upon the Kmpire with the hcurinninf"- of the new century, and which has been accentuated b\ the more recent death of the Princess Royal of Hnj,'Iand, Her Aujrust Majesty the Howager-limpiess of Germany, sister of the linglish King, mother o( the German Emperor, and aunt of Canada's THE ROY A I. TOl'R Royal visitors, Involved not alone tremeiulous personal sacrifices to the former, but also the suppression of the most sacred feellnj^rs. The reignlnj,' family, however, never allow such considerations to stand In the way of what they consider a duty. In such manner ihey yaln and reiain the affections of MISS MOWAT. OAUQHTER OF THE LIEUT.-QOVERNOB OF ONTARIO the four hundred million people composinj,' the Empire, and command the respect of the whole world. That Their Royal Hijrhnesses the Duke and Huchess may be long spared to be a blessing to their children and to the Kmpire, and that their tourings may be productive at much good, will be the companion prayer of the loyal people of Canada to the ever earnest appeal of Gon S.wk thk KiNii. Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess IN the Land of the (Juwn of the Sea, a Sailor-Prince has alwayi been pre^saured of popularity and the love of the p«i.|>,u. The estimation in which His Koyal High- ness the Duke of Cornwall and N'ork is held hut another example of this fact. Long ago, however, when he w^is quite a little boy, the stories about him which, filtering through the press, came to the knowledge of the world, showed him ii, so bright, so HON. L. A JETTE. LIEUT. OOVERNOR OF QUEBEC taking, so fearless and so manlv a lis'it, that instinctively the hearts of the people warmed to him, and jjave him un);rudj;in);ly that affection which it seems to be the characteristic of the Koyal House to evoke. To his profession ol ilie .sea he would, no doubt, have devoted himself but for the death of his brother, the Duke of Clarence, which placed him in the position he probably THK ROYAL TO IK never dreamed of filling, that of heir-presumptive to the throne, and who haa now become heir-apparenl. with all iti reaponsibilities and ({lory, its duties and its reward. From the time he came into direct line of the throne His Royal Highntaa haa indi> catcd in every way that he recognized the burden, as well as the dignity, that had come upon him. Ever submissive to his gracious father's will, his parents have testified publicly to his devotion and his sincerity, while his popularity increases with acquaintanceship of the people. His beloved wife daughter of a Royal mother and a noble father, in the MADAME JETTE. WIFE Or THE LIEUT. -QOVERNOR OF QUEBEC Ouchess and Duke of Teck possesses all the attributes of her House, than whith there is none more firmly seated in the attachment and -itTection of the public. The Duchess of Teck was known and reverenced throughout the !< ngth and breaUtli of the Three Kingdoms for her good deeds and her beautiful conception of the duties of her slalioii. An Aistralian statesman has said that her daughter- Her Royal Highness the Princess May, consort of TIIK KOVAI. Oi k ' II mfV^Aip/i'A'nf^A QUEfN VtCTORI* AT THt JUSILtl the Duke of Cornwall and York — is a flower from the garden of God, and that to look upon her face is to adore her. The language is extravagant, but sine re. Then in the words of Tennyson : Welcome them, thunders of fort and of fleet ! Welcome them, thunderinf; cheer of the street ! Welcome them, all things youthful and sweet ! Scatter the blossoms under their feet ! The present lour is the lirsi really iinportant function I heir !<oyal Highnesses of Cornwall and N'ork have been called upon to undertake. It signifies much to the HON. p. M. i.llMii Hit?*. I. II. siRtttott HON, l.¥i\ U, ft<iTi. j;ill.v navOEN MlXI-rFR tl» At.Nkt IT KR HON. KIlHAKI) MARCOIRT ^iMi^rfN or Kill :(Tio<<i THK kOYAL TOUK iniirt Bmpirt, which ll uniAcn, whll« illu»iraiing to ihc world ii« vawtMu and in broth* rhood. Thia vlall, rKallinK thai maJt by ih« I'rinc* of Walt, to India, i» cvruin to btar a rich harvcai in th* lutuft, and rcauti in iht incrcaited popuhriiy of ih* Throne. Of that iHipiilarity there ha« never been any i(ue>ilion. Had there been, the demon, atrationx which have accomp.inied their proxre^n would iiaw j-one Ittr to j».»iiiv Hit Koyal HiKhncM and hi* Koyal npouM- of ihe eMvein in which ihey .ire held. Iliese JeinonMra- iion» are valuable in that they prinlaiiii the fact that when, in the ine\ii.ilile ptoKrc*. of time, the day come* when His Ko\al lli«hhc« the Diilte nlmi: >il on the throne of hi» anceMorsi, the lanie unswervitiy lo\.iliv, llir virne deM>ud .ulluriiu.', .inJ ihe same THE CITADtl. QUCUIC WMIRI TMI l»0»»L PARTY WILL tTAY passionate enthusiasm which have for so lonj; In-en the attributes of the Crown, will not be denied lo hini. His K.ival lli);hness, who was christened l'ieor),'e l"reJ. rick lamest Alhert. was horn June .?n.l. i«<'.s. »•>•' created Duke of York, iSi).., and married on Julv oth, iM<);, to Her Koyal lli>,'lincss Trincess \ictoria Mar> ■>! Teck. wli,< lias had issue: I'rincc lulward Allwrt Christian^'c Andrew I'.urick David of \ork, horn June J.ud. i>l<)4. I'rincc Alhcil l-'rcdcrick Arthur lieorj^e of York, .,.rn Deceml jr i^ih, iScjs. Princess X'ictoria Alexandra Alice Mary of N'ork, Imrn April r^tli. iStr. Prince Henry William Frederick Albert, born .March .^st, 1900. lUiN J. J. t.l ^HIS HttN. 1., tUH IN Vf( BHfet Members of the Royal Party H. R. H. Prixik liKOHc.E Fkkokkick Krnest a bkrt, Duke of Cornwall and York, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Uarter, Knight of the Most Ancient and Nuhle Order of the Thistle, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Knight (irand Cross of the Royal Vic- torian Order, Rear Admiral in His Majesty's Navy. H. R. H. The Oiihess of Cornwall and \'ork. Capt. H. S. H. Prinik Alexander ok Tkck, K.C.V'.O., D.S.O., 7th Hussars. I/O I sK I/O/ /) .i.v/) sr.irr I.AUV Mary Lygun, Lady-in-Waiting. Lady Catherine Coke, Lady-in-Waiting. The Hon. Mrs. Derek Keppel, Lady-in-Waiting. Lord Wenloik, li.C.S.I., li.C. I.K., Lord-in- Waiting and Head of the Household. LiEiT.-CoL. Sir Akthi r Hiuge, li.C.V'.O., K. C. B., C.M.G., Private Secretary. Commander Sir Charles Clst, Bart., R.N., .Vt.V.O., Kquerry. The Hon. Derek Keppel, M.V.O. , Kquerry. The Rev. Canon Oalton, C.M.G., Domestic Chaplain. Sir John .Anderson, K.C.M.ti., representing the Colonial Oflice. Sir l>ONAi.n Wallaik, K.t'.I.IC, .\ssistant Pri- vate Secretarv. C0.MMODORE .\. L. WiNsi.oE, R.N., command- ing H.M.S. "Ophir." Commander B. tiooKREY F.wssett, R. N., A.O.C. Major J. H. Bok, I' , Royal Marine Artil- lery, A.D.C. Captain Visiolnt Ckiihton, I). S.O. , Royal Horse tiuards, .A.D.C. I.IEIT. The Dlke ok Roxihki.he, Royal Horse tiuards, .\.D.C. Chevalier K. dk Martixo, .M.V.O. .\rlist. A. Maniiv, M.D. Mr. Sydney Hall, Artist. M.V.O., Marine Major S. J. .\. Dexison, C. M li adian Infantrv, .\.D.C. Roval Can- StKX AXIS— Twenty-eight servants, including six maids. His KxiELLENlV THE GoVKKXOK-tiEXKRAL. H'.T' Excellency the CoiNTt^s ok Mixto. It ti I \ rn I. It I X /t \r.ti-i-' Mrs. Maude. Miss .Xlice Grexkell Major 1". S. .Maiue, I'oldstream Guards, Military Secretary. CxpT. H. Graham, Coldstream Guards, A.D.C. Cx'T. A. C. Bell, Scots Guards, AD. C. .Mk. Aktiu k lirisK, Comptroller. .Servants — Seven servants. HON. K. G M. HKi IIKNK KAVMi>M) PRKKONTAINH, K.i., Ml', MAVOK Ot MOSTRE.KI. K. t". KIMRXLI. M^ViiH Ct I.OMVN. 0\T, R. K. KKNT I'H l»K KIM.MiiN. 0\t. )\M¥.S STAMI- MAYOR 0^ SIKAIfOklt. IINT. R. J. (•KAIIAM M\\OK 0^ KKANlKOKIt, ONT. v.. \\. M I.MAN JOHN DAVIS MAVOK Oh HlMtsOH, 0.\T. THE ROYAL TRAIN Th.- Rovnl Iraiii. h.iill l.y th.. kanailmn I'a.ifi.- R„ilwi.j ( o,,,. iwny atlh.-ir »lu.|., ai Monir.-iil. i, inilv ,i iii,.r\.'l ,rf .-l.-Kam-.^ ami on., of llu- im.,1 p,.,r,Mlv a|.|...inl,M li,.ln> .v.-, , ...islru.l.J. h Hill In- UM-.I ,.n llw Koval proKr.-., from ^Jiuh.-.- lo Van. o.iv.t aiul roturi. lo Halifax. It i, 7,0 t.vl in U;,k'K ami u.-xh, V)S Ions. II .onsi,!, of Ihf day coa. h lornwall ..n.l Iho niKhl \-ork, lor Ih,- .■»,H-.ial i,m- of their Ko^al IliKlMK.,,.., ; il, I AR "l ORXWAl.l. RKlKi'l(i>.\ RiK>M AT K.M» vomparlnuM,. ,ar I anad, ; tho sU-pin^ .-ar^. AnMralia. India and .Soull, .Mri.a ; and ll„. dining >ar, loKfllu-r with .ais lor II,.. baK'^'aKo, and lor tl„. railway .'mplov.-.-s nino i-.> in all. I.i^'hl.-d In .■l...lri.ilv. il„. |.,n,p, ar.. so pla.vd that an anpl.. h..l sort, li.«ht tl.,.,dinK Iho who!.- inl.nior .,f th.. train is oblain.-d. I .l.'phon.-s „l a ii..«- pall,.ni l,,,v,- l«-,-n inslall.d in .-v.-ry .-..a.-li I AK I A.NADA s.MliKI.\., RtH>M -.M... iiovi-lty beinK an hi whi.ball ll... inslrnin.-nts ">ay b.. in nso al lb,- s.-uno nion.ont. any ..„.■ ol ib.Mn nltt'rr.'rinjf with .any othor. Th.. f.>r..«>,l! .viil i,,. .h.-r.-.,rr.-,o,t.,„.l, ..fih.. iiain, so ,1,.., lb.MrR.,yal lliKl, may baye an uninl..rri,pt..d yi.ny .,| th.' siiporb sy.Mlory tbroiiKh lylii.l, tin- lia:n will pass. Th.. l-orn.y ,11 is ;S f.-.^t (,'. in.l„.s in l.„x,l,. .vilh .1 .yidlh.f n> l.'iM ,1 in.hos. an .■xir.m." lioiKbl of 14 I.hM, ami a w.-iKht ..f almost (>, tons. It .-..nlains r.-. .■pli.>n-ro..n,, boudoir, .IniinK-iooni and kil.h,.,!. Til., n-.-, |>ti..n.,„om ..|H-ns dlr,-ytl\ ,.n t.. the ohser. vatioti plaltorm, an.l i, i|,.. |,.,^..„ room .>f tli.. s.iil... It ,s pan- .•IM i,< f,r,-..ssi;,n w.,ln„l, and «'b,l,- il ,s nnd.voralfd sav.- for a !.■« ornam.Mital m..ldi„Ks, it ^.yes lh..,.|r,..i ..f rxirettir riihii..,,, and ,s in admirabl.. t;,s,e. Tl„- . .•illnvs ..,,■ finish. , I i„ k,.!,I lAR "i.>RK yihW hH.ivl HAI1IR.H>M U IHllltss BEIIR.HVM 1)1 KK S R.HVM IN IllSTA.NlK ami lb.- moldino and o,nan..-nls aro ju-l ton. h..d uilb ({old and bbio, lb.- il..y.„ b,.inK of th.- I.o.iis .W. styU-. Th.- banx- inKsan.l d.apiiiKs an- of dark bba- y.-lyet, lyhil.- lb.- fl.>.,r is .ar- IM-l.-d will, a heayy Wilt.m of a qui..|. ^r.-y.^r.-.-n shado. Into wn.>,c. beayy l.-xl.:.-i- the f.„.t sinks with...,t making a soun.l. Tlu- sofa, arm chairs, lablo, .-s.-riloir.- a.,.1 arli.:l,-s of fnr- lAR yoRK K, .HESS RP.tlROOM i„lnroar.-„pholst.-ri..linbh,.-y..|y,.t to tnatcb thodrapcrios. The l>iano is ..I Canadi.oi manut.,.i„re and a y.-ry pcrf.-ct ipstrument, lb.- Duilu-ss bondo.r is h.-tw....n iho n-y.-plion .-.nd dining rooms, h.ilt way aionx ih>. .orri.lor adjoining' them. Its |,r.-yai|. i:<K shad,- is a poarl ^r.-y. Th.- pant-Is are painled /. la Wallean. The diap.ri..s aroof lij-ht blue moire silk, iiud diyans, yhairs, an.l table are ,{ill to inateb Ibe panels. Mi THE TEMPLE BUILDING Coptiap Richmond and Bay 8tP««ta. TORONTO, CANADA HEAD^LARrgRK OF THK Independent Order of Foresters The Bwt Fratarnal Benefit SoeUty in Bxittano*. 187,000 Members •4,920,810 Aeeumiilated Funds 810,435,884 Paid in •enefits OKONHYATEKBA. M.D., J.F., Supmn* Cliltf Saucer. R. A. COLLINB, luprema Treuurcr. JOHN A. XcOILUVRAy, K.C., Supruna gacntary. THE ROYAL TRAIN cowiMsn Tlie rroni of ih.- i;ir hii. hern dcvuipil tu a dininK-ruom. Thii r«)ni i< Hni«lM-d in Afri^nn Corunundrl, oriuimenlal lar- louche, in iMiH ri'liff diaplnyinK at .w i-nd (lie armorial bi-arinKH "f Ihf KinK. and at Ihr olh»r Ihe blunded .-.wl. of arn» of thr I'uk.. ami l>iKhe»«, while Ihv arms of Ihe IX>minion, and Ihe family badKe of ihe Duke embelli.h Ihe remaininK wall, of Ihe devoted lo Iwo .tale room. Hni.hed in mahoKanyi Ihe one forlhe Ih«^ oiher for ihe Ki-nlK-man-in-wailinK, lo^elher wilh a ifeneral loilel, and a baK|CHKe-room. Tho I'anada, whith i, the third .oa.h from ihe rear of the train, i. a ronipMrtmenI lar, fini.hed in a prima vera or white mahogany, and upholstered in terra cotta and oliv* icrern l*R " SA.NDRINtiHAM ' room. The draperies are of (jreen velvet, and the decorations of the panels are in shades of Rold and |{r«-en to match. The forward part of ihe car is devoted to [wnlry, kitchen, store room and other necessary offices. The perfection of the .irrantfemenls is as conspicuous in Ihe kitchen and iwnlry of Ihe Royal car as in any [mrt of the train. It is in realilya model kit- chen that we have liere. .Smaller in si/e, indeed, than those found in p.-iliu-es, but nut a whit less complete. The niuht coach York is 78 (ect i inches in )en>fth, and wi^hs 57 V tons, its other dimen- sions heiuK Ihe same as those of the I'orimall. A corridor ex- itMuK throuKhoul the lenf^th of I lie ciir. The central portion of the York is occupied by two bi'thooins, with servants' sleep- inx rooms adjacent. These Royal bedr.ioms ;ire *'•■' ''ed in pearl (fivy enamel; bcinj; panelled in silk luniatih lhedr.i|H'rios. Each 4-onl;iins its own wardrobe, dress- ini; labie jrul larjje mirror. The brass hctlslcads are heavily gilt. The dra|ieries of the Duke's room are of crimson, silk armure, and tlii>se of the Duchess' of pale blue moire. The furniture is of sat in wood. Each of Ihe Royal bedrooms has its own bathroom attached. These ;ire quite unique, beinjf ;lraped in a soft, tas wiled water- proof dolh of a pearl-(frey hue. The remainder of the car is lAR "CANAIIA ' .A CORNER lAK "li.RSWAl.1.- fRIVAlli 1.IXIM;.Hiw.>| plush. The t',.nada six state rooms fitted with every convemence ; in ihe centre of Ihe car is a commodious snu.k- U.K room. There is also a bath at one end of -he car, and at the other a larj-e lavatory and shower hath. This is the latest novelty, even in Royal trains. The shower b..lh is installed ni a small cha,nb.-r, and it is upholstered in ^rey waterproof dolh. The .Sandrinf(h.-im is the din- ing car for the staff, and consists ol Ihe main dining saloon, |>anlry and kitchen. It is,77 feet i inches long, weighs 57 Ions, and is of uniform width with Ihe other cars. The dinin)f.rooni is linished in red mahogany; the ceilings are embossed in old vfold ; and the floor is car|>eled with soft, (jrcen Brussels. The dra|)eries are Kreen silk. Thirty persons can be sealed at Ihe tables, which are arranged on either side of Ihe aisle. The other cars which make up Ihe train arc ,)f the standard patterns. They are 111,- sleeprs Australia, India andSoulh Africa, such as ({o to make up llie Im- |H*rial Limited runninfr between Montreal and Vancouver. Cer- tain chancres have, hiiwever, been made in the South .Africa, imismiich ss i„ mWition to the usual stale rooms, a cons' 'tinjj and a dis[H>nsin^ room have been provided for the use of their Royal Highnesses medical at- tendant and his assistant. ^^^^m§immmmm§i^m§i^^mm^i§im^i»mmmmmmmm§mimmmmm^. t m m m ** THE CREAM OF THE HAVANA CROPS S. Davis ®» Sons' Cl ear H avana Cuban Made — Cifi'ars SUPERIOR TO IMPORTED SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS m m m m m m m m i m m m m m m m ©fftcial |>rogrammc VISIT OK THKIR ROVAL HIUHNKSSES THK DUKK AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND VORK TO CANADA FOKMAr/O.V AXD nSTAII. OF KOYAL MOCtSS/O.V. 1 \ I AdvHm-rd liimrU I ol Kvnrl. Th««« MlX'NTEn POLIIK. jj Yi4rd». Two T*tH>rr.iiit 50 Yiirila ONR SlIllitAMT, JO Yartla. A STArc Orrumi. No. I T*i»r or EMtWT. JO Viinl«. I'AmilAUH OP ROVAL Sl'ITIC. Xo. J TmHip or F.ncoiiT. JO Viinla. A STArr OrPKRii. tlKAHUIAIITdll STArr. I .. Cahadiaw Militia. ( '"" JO Varda. Captaisi THK ROYAI. Visum NT Criciiton i'AKKIAUK. H.S.O. R.H.t;. O. ind in I'umtiMnd of the Eai-orl. No. 3 Tiioop or Em'oiit. JO Y«rd». .Vo. 4 Tmx)!" or Kmort. JO YardN, Uni Seriikant. , J.. Yards. ' ■*'•'"■ '•"»'■'' "' Two TRtX^PRRN. is Yards. TllRKK MOI NTED I'OLK K. LiRI T. THR Dt'KR or RoXRIRtiHK M.V.O. R.H.ti. O.C. prt"»«'nl. The Ein'or* TRI'MPKTKR, Ksi'orl. FOKMATlOy A\n DKIAII. OF THK COVKKSOK- lig.VMKAlS r/ftKtS.S/0.\'. x.nx. Si KALTKRN Thrrk MorxTHK PoLur Jj Yard*. Two Trooprm. JO Yards. Onk Skrimamt. I J" Yards. SixrKRN Trihiprri, Ji) Yards. (°>0\ RRNOR-l'iP.NKRAL S I'ARRIAIiK. I Adv«iH-cd {liwrd I ot Esciirl. Koi Rrrrx Trixiprri. JO Yards. Onr Trixiprr. \ JO Yards. [ Two Trihipkrs. ' >J Yards. TllRrK MOINTKI) IVl.KK. A.n.c. Capt«iii TRI MPRTRR R»«r Guard irf Esi-urt. Till! ClTAIlKI., \Jlu.hf.-. Jitil Septi'iiibtT. ii)(>i ffjf CftmmanU, F. S. .MAIDE. .Major, Military Secretary. QUEBEC AKRIVAI. OF H.. U.S. "OPHIIt. Monday, September i6th : I). 30 A. M. His Exielleniy The Covernor-lleneral, attended by the Prime .Minister of Canada, proceeds on board H. M.S. "Ophir." NiX)ii Official l.andinK al the Kings Wharf; Royal Pro- cession to the Le|{islative Buildings \\h Champlain, St. Peter's, .Mountain Hill, Du Fori, St Louis and Grande Allee. 12.30 P. M. — Presentation of Addresses. 1.00 P. M.— Royal Procession to the Citadel. 4.00 P. .M. - Visit to Laval, where His Royal Highness will be graciously pleased to accept a diploma. Mo.NDAV, Sei'Tkmber t6th : 7.J0 p. .M.— Official llinner al the Citadel; .Music on Ihe Terrace ; City Illuminated ; Fireworks. TUESDAV, SkI'TEMBEK 17th: 11.00 A.M. — Naval and Military Review; Presentation of Oecorations and .Medals. 1.00 P. .M. — Luncheon at Spencer Wood. 3.30 P. M.— Garden Party al Spencer Wixid. Wei>nesi>av, September i8th : 9.30 A. M. — Uind at the King's Wharf: Proceed vi.^ Cham, plain. St. Peter and St. Paul to Canadian Pacific Rail- way Station. 9.4J A. .M. Departure from Canadian Pacific Railway Su- tion. . ►••••Kp. >ii liiil W. D. ■ Vk-P»m, f. WMina, Mait.-Tm*, A. T. WILEY (a CO. IMPDKTKKH i>l' FINE CHINA -CVT GLASS M A N V K A C T I' R K R S ' A CV !• \ I" s Th. "ROVAL SERVICE" in I hln«, t>t.». Silv«r-Plalt, Cultory, tic, for " DUKK OF YORK'S '■ SpMlal Tr»;n, built by THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY^ """ »■■ furniihcd hy thit firm. MONTREAL CANADA JOHN HENDERSON & CO. ISTAB.BHIO 1134 HA'lTERS AND FURRIERS TOIRISTS ARE INVITKI) TO CALL \ .N D SEE O I- R STUCK ON \- 1 E «' l> r K I N U THE M.MMEK. E M B R A C I N U THE FIN. EST CLASS OF RUSSIAN, HUDSON BAY AND FOREIGN FURS AI.I. MWCtAcriKKIl IN THE \i:HV llhM MANNER .^ ' 22 9 '' *is'JAMES^ THE BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 229 St. James Street, Montreal N. R-A Utgt «ort««t of fine Tiger Skim, Pbl« B.«., Gri„Iy Be«r^ .tc., with MOUNTED HEADS (Official programme CO.VT/.VrKD LOnO (TMTHCONA'a RfllOfNCI MONTREAL VVkdxK'.dxv Skitemiikk iMth : .l.iKi I'. M. 111.- I'l,,;- Vi^.r Suii,.n ; IVi-mmi,,. lion of .AUJri'sM-^ : I'ra'M'iiuliiiti iif IVtorHlions anil M.'itaU. ,1.(5 P. M. Rnyal IVoi'i'S'.itin via Si. IVins, SlHrlininlii , IVc-1 and l>..r.heM,T 1.. Lord Slralliiona . h..iis,'. .Kx. 1'. M. K,-,, -pi ion ai llie lin H«ll i Cilv llluniiimlif.l ; Kir.'work* on ihr Mnnnlain and al I'ark Ufonlaim-. ThIKSDAV, SePTKMBEH U)tll : A. M. Hi» Koyal HiKliness will l)f |{-3iioil»ly plrasfd lo Ht'cppl an Honorary Di'Kri-i- al M.C.ill Inivorsily. Till KsiiAV, Skitkmiirk i9th ; pi.H A. M. >>|..nini{ ol I olU-xi-. 11.45 -^^ *!• Vi^il i4. Royal M.loria lloopilitl. I'. .\l, \ isii lo ol \ ilia .Maria. Kv.'ninK-Tor.hli|{lii fr.u.'sMOn: I'.fiwial lllinniiialion ; Kirow.irks. I'k11).*», ShPIKMIIEK 20lh : X-iS '*• *•• rriHvod via IK>rvlir>iUT anil l>oiiiinion Sijuari- lo Windsor Slali.i'- M.oo a.m. l.oa\e \Viiid<Mir Slatiuii. ai.$tPkrr( LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR M Btawr Km NU •***•• IDoifrtal 1 Hector Lamontaqne & Co. MANIWACTUMW HARNESS SADDLERY TRUNK5 VALISES TRAVELLINQ BAQS MJ.' 141 CoiamlMlOMra SU. MONTREAL Telephone 1223 THE MISSES RAMSAY MILLINERS AND DESIGNERS.^... ElTA«LMM«ll INTI ALEX. NELSON & CO. 2244 ST. CATHERINE ST. MONTREAL IM'-ViTI ■• M) MANt'rM'l . 1 fcKN HATS AND FURS Dowa-Towa Stan 1M4 Notw-Damc Street F*w IKstri Wnt x*t Mrliill Strrrl Up-Towa Staff 2288 St. Cftlhcrinc Street (.'.». ..f Mcilill C.aiff o A.rnw FUR SHOW ROOMS OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND Akx. Nelson &. Co. MONTREAL iWflcial programme roxTuvi'Mn RIMAU M»n„ THI nailMNei 0» TMf OOVIHNM-OINIML •MM TMl BOVAt PAMTT Ntik tTAf *HIL| IM OTTAWA OTTAWA I'Hiiuv, SuMKMiim joih ; 11.45 A. M. .\rrH«l ..I Kl|{in SIr.-i-l Slinj.n, i Koyiil Pro- ir«ioii viA Klijiii, Mil.,.,..l. Mei,«||... S|wrk., Kiiih aiul Wi'lliiiKlxn 111 \\w I' HiiildiiiKa. li.lj I'. M. -Priwiilali.m »t .\ildrc-a«-<. IJ.4J I'. >l. Ki.iiil Pr.«.-.«iiMi ^;.\ tJuffffi Hrul(j. , Ki.(.-,i,i, Si.w«, R.MlpHlh, MinlH HriUiC)', Si.,„lei Awnu,- and SuwMcx to iiovrmnii'iit (Kmi^i-. .V.V P. M. Uirii«w Mal.h «l Varailv l>»al, ul whiih lh» Royal Parly will bt* (M-rsfnl, 7. ,10 P. M. Ofluial PiiiniT al ('■ovi-MinuMil IIoii'h'. Satikdav, Ski'tkmhkr jisI : M.,Io ,\. M. Dril.- llirouKh Hull lia lMI,->provliuial BrUI^... .Main, fiiiou,., Hriilw.-. \>„...„ ami W.-ll„i„lon to tht* i>i'Vt>rnmt*nl HiiiltlinK^. N.-on-l-nvillriK «< U"- Sialiio ,.| M.-r lati- .Maje.ty VJ„..e„ Viiloria. ii..!o P. .M. I'riwiii.iiioii of IVt^oraIion> ami .McUaU. i.iHi P. M. Luiitlifoii ai Kideaii I'liib. 4.10 P. .M.-Caril.-ii Parly at (iovrmm.'nl lloinf. Monday, SKfrKMBKK lyi : 10. 1,, \. M. Pro. .....I I,, Klwlf!-. C-ir:„'. Trip Willi VoyaKiMii, Ihri.uKh llif Remouic RapiiN, Lilllr Ihaiuli.TP Rapid., and down llu- Tiiiib..r Slid.'« al Ol- la»a ; l.ojf Rolling, War laiuie RHiim, ot,-. ■..00 P. .M.— R.-Liplioii al III,' S.Mialc Chaiiilvr. Ttli»D.»v, Sli'ri!\iHi'M J4th : N.HMl PriHrrd viA Simw,. Siaiil,.y \»,.„.i,.. Miiil.i HrldK>, R>'il|>alh, Siiamn, Ridraii, WVIIinnl.iii. .Mclialrr, Mc- l.rod, and Kl|[in lo Kl||iii Sirri'l Station. lJ.,)o I'. .M. — l),'|Mrlun' from Kl|{in Mrwt Station, ALOKHMAN DKAHIHU ilMlKVAM KK^hPTION tOMXITTIk, OTTAWA. tWT. I steamer "KINGSTON." «« .i u» r^u.„ ^ onuHo„on co„.p«.v. n^ f»nal«j from TORONTO vU iOOO ISLANDS, RAPIDS OF THE ST. LAWRENCE TO MOT^TREAL QUEBEC AND THE FAR FAMED SAGUENAY RIVER. .H. ™«. a.,.,M„. ^ ,>.^Jl,°Z^. iV '. Canada Should Know THE ....MARITIME.... EXPRESS BETWEEN MONTREAL AND HALIFAX ON ITS OWN LINE -THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY IS THE FINEST TRAIN DOMINION THE WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS "Where to go for a Vacation" ••On the line of the Intercolonial" " Forest, Stream and Sea Shore " TO JNO. M. LYONS E. TIFFIN am. PmutnfT ud Tlck.t Afnt, MONCTON Tnflic M.n.i«, MONCTON Official programme CONTINUED H.M.8. OPHIH. ON WHICH THE OUKE «NO DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK ARE MAK,«Q THEIR COLONIAL TOUR. ««*KI«a WINNIPEG Thirsdav, September ^fith : 11.30 A. M. Arrival I ol' Royal Train; Royal Pro.■l■s^ion lo the fiiy Hall. \oon — I'rfMMitatioii of .AJilresst's. IJ.JO I'. .M. IVcwiilation of l)«oralion» anil M.ilak. i.,!n P. M. — Liinilifon al CJovoninU'nl IIoum'. ,1..1o P. \\. - HI, Royal HiRhnoss »ill bo Kraciously plrasoil to o|i<-n .Maniloba Tnivorsily : l>rill anil Sinj-intt of Si-liool C'hiltlron. REGINA l.,Vi p. .M.~IX>partiiro of Royal Train. Krihay, Seiti-mher 27th : 11.,!" A. .M. Arrival of Royal Train ; Procession .0 (•overtinicnl Mouse. ■.!..1"P. M. Prosenlation of A.klrossos ; Prosontation of IViorations anil Mo.l.ils. 1.00 P. .M. I.unihfnn al Covornnu-nl lloiiso. .1.00 P. M. IV|.arliiri- of Royal Train. .^S^ ) CALGARY Satirp.xv, September 28th : S.,]o A. of Royal Train. H.45 A. M. In,|Vction of .Vorlh-Wosl Moiinl.,1 Polico ; Prosonlacion of l>et'oratians anil MoilaK. 10.00 A. M. -f.r.Ml Assi-nilily of Trihos. i.,(o r. M. I.unchi'on al Iho Harracks. .1.00 P. .\I. -Typical North W.-slcrn Exiiil.ilion siocr rop. in){. broncho rou){h riilinif, cowtoy races, etc. 4.1.S P. M. Departure of Royal Train. ii« ^^^WWJftfWUW^^^ GRAND TRUNIN IOAII-WAY THE BEST AND MOST POPULAR ROUTE^^ To aU the QTIES and TOWNS in the Pfovinces of QUEBEC and ONTARIO which will be Visited by their Royal ^ot Highnesses the DUKE and DUCHESS of CORNWALL and YORK and the ROYAL PARTY ^^^^^^^^^^ FINEST EQUIPMENT PERFECT ROADBED POLITE EMPLOYEES AND QUICK SERVICE ASSURED— = SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ VIA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM ©fficial Ibrogranime CONT/XUEI) H.M.8. OPHIR THE ORAWlNQ ROOM VANCOUVER Monday, Skptemh. 1 1.4S A. M.— Arriv.ii I. ir.iiii. Noon Presenl.ilion ot Aildri-s.,es .il Conn House. 12..10 P. M.— His Royal lli>;liiifss uill hi- K"iioii«lv pl.-.isi-d to open Iho Xi-w Drill Hall. "•45 P- M- — Presfiitalion of IVeoralioiis .iml .Meilals. l.oo P. M. -I.iiiiehoon al the Drill Hall. .l.o<> P. M.— Visit to the HaslitiKs Saw Mill. MOXDAV, .SKfTEMBKK ^Olh ; ,1-45 P. ^r.- Drive through Park reluming by Broeklon Park, at which place there will he a lart;e K"lherin({ of »eh.H)l children. 6.u(, P. M. -Embark on board SS. ■Empress of India." Ilhmiinalion of fleet of Kishing Heals. TfKsDAV, Oi roHKR I St : s oo .\. .M. — leave Vancouver. VICTORIA Wkdnksdav, OiTOHER 2nd : TlEsnAY, OlTOBEK I.,. . io.oo A. .M. -Arrive .it Victoria ; Roval Procession throiiKh I'ity on way to Oak Bay 'lolel. P. M. Luncheon witli the .\dniiral. 4.00 P. M. -Opening of the Agricultural Exhibition. ;..1o P. M.— Official Dinner at His Honour the l.ieulmant- Oovet nor's Residence. q.oo P. M.— Reception at the LeBislalive Buildings ; Illum- mation of (.ily ; Fireworks. Th« PPomrnmm.. 110 »«r u It now appear.. I. .11 that haa ba.n authopUad by tha Oovamor-OanaPal. Whan ttaa balanoa la appPov«l it will appear In tha ruitheP aditlona of thia PiHxmmim* N'o..n Presentation of Addresses; Presentation o( necora- lions and .MedaN, S.;o P. M. Indian War D.ince. 10. JO P. M. Leave Victoria. Official programme I'RINiKSN Vli IOKI4 OK YORK PRINCE KDWARH OK YORK PRIN* K AIKKKT i>K YORK fRIM'K HI-NRV t>K Yl>KK TORONTO Thursday, OcrortKu loth : 2.00 P.M. Royal Party will jurivi- in loroiilo ;il .-.(hj p.m.; Royal PrtH-esMon to City Hall. wluTf Koniial Riccpiion will hv tfiultrt-il. Rnut<- of PriH-eHsion - Down St. i;»'orjfi> Slr»vt. to RIoor Stnvt. lo Jarvis Strfi't, to Carlton Siroet, to Vonno SlrnM, to KiiiK- Sirt't'l, to Hav Street, to City Hall, theiuv on ^m-cii Street to V'iitoria Street, to Kinjf Street, thenee to Cioveminent House. 7.00 P. M.— I>inner at Hovernment House. q.00 P. M.— Coneert at Massey Hall. Kvenin>r Cieneral Illumination of the Citv, ALDKRMAN K. STKAlHAN I OX i.lUtKM\\ Khi I fl IO> lO^tMM 1 l-K. H'Kl>\ TO HON. J. T. C.ARROW MUtOER or ONTARIO CAUINKT KrIOAV, OcTOIiKK I I til ; I t.(Ki A. M.- -Military Review at Exliihtion C.roiituls. the Roval Party leave the Krontuls at i.tK) p.m. ,Voo P.M. — His Roval HiKhness will he Kraiiouslv ph'ased lo aceept an Honorari ne^T'-'e ;il "'ort>nlo CniverNity. 7.00 P. M. -Dinner at the Parliament HtiiKlin^fs. H.,^o P. M. — Reeeption at the Parliament BuiUlin^f,. EveninK^-^-Cieneral Illumination ol the Cily. Saturday, Octoher 12th: g.^jo A. M.— The Royal Parly will leave Toronto. The above is liable to alteration ami will a[) in later editions of this pro^^rannne. irrettet! form in \ ROYAL REVIEW. AT THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS, TORONTO rrldar. October 11th. 11 a.m. sSBk Commanding-Major-Oeneral K. H O Grady Haly. CB. D SO ' A. D. C. -Majo, E T H Hew trcf U L * r ^ r' ' -^"P"^" ^- » Lafferty, R C.G.A. Quartermaster-General Colone W H Cotton P , J"T, « Cockburn, Suffolk Regiment i^oionel w. H Cotton. Provost Mars' nl : Capt. R O. Montgomery. 10th R Q Employed under the Quartermaster-General for Transport and Supply Duties -M^or V Sankey RO.: Major H. J Snelgrove, 40tl, Regt. ; Major T. R. Atkinson. 39th Regt. ^' CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY l>l\ISION.\l. siAFK. lol. I". W. Iliiiry, CM.. A.D.l"., limiiiiaiuliint. I.I -Ci>l. U. \V. RuCli.Miord, K.C.A., Hriif;.!!,. Maiiir Capt. II. J. l>rd.Tly Offin-r. CAVAI.RV HKICAOK STAKF. t ol. K. L. l..-ssrtrd, f.H.. A.n.l.. (•..iiiiiiaiuli M.ij. K. Brow " ■ - CAV.M.RV M.ij. K. Brown. I',l..l) i;., Brlnaili' Major. .Maj. V. A. S. Willianii, R.C.D., Or.lfrly Officer. I.RV. .'"', ■''',",• V'::' '•,'•"'-'"' •■• -^^ l^- """i-""! ■-• Hus«.r,, .I.-V.OI. J. B. Slo'lii'rt; jiul DraKnoris, l.l.l'ol. R. \V Circn- ry; 411, llussar», Ll.-Col. T.ClyiU-; l>.L. IVaKOon Guards, apt. t. A. Khol; Toroiiio .Moiinti-d Rillf«. .VLij. C. IVifrs. ory l-ai FIRST HRIUAOK niVISIO.V STAFF. Li. -Col. A. H. Macd.mald. R.O.. (.ommandinir. fapl. n. I. V. Kalon. R.l .K.A.. Adjutanl. First Bricaiie Hivisu^n. ••A' Ballery R.C.F.A.. I.i.-Col. J. A. C. Hudonj •• B Bat- l.-ry, R.C.KA.. I.l.-e\,l. l,. H.OKilvie: jnd Ballprv, C.F.A.. L1..I.0I. W. C. Ilurdman. SECOND BRIC.AOK ni\ISIO\ STAFF. Lt.-Col. \V. Nicoll, Commanding. Maj. H. D. M^Tfwvlh.T Adjiilanl. S«CONn BRIliAIlK OlVISION. Mlh Ballcry. C.F.A.. lapl. A. Mnr.hison; 141I, Batt.-ry. C.F.A. Maj. .\. F. MiNachtan; r6lli Ballery, C.F.A., Ll.- ( ol. J. navid>on. THIRIl BRIOAOE DIVISION STAFF. Li. Col. F. Kinjf, ('oniniandin^. Lieul. \V. I'. .Murray, 91I1 F.B., Adjulanl. Third Briuadk Oiviskin. 4lh Batlery.C.F.A.,Maj.J.S. Hendrio; ;lh Ballerv, C.F.A., .Maj. \\. H. .Merrill; 8tli Ballerv, C.F.A., .Mai S \ .Me Ke,izie:c>lh Ballery, C.F.A., Maj. R. Myle»; Toromo Fn- Kuieer I ompany. Capl. \V. R. Lanj;. INFANTRY DIVISIONAL STAFF FiRsi Division. Col. VV. D. Oiler, C.B., A.D.C., ( omraandulif. •Maj. P. L. .Mason, 2nd Re({l., A..\.i;. Mnj. W. O. Tid,w.-ll. 4!h Id. Bald., A.A.C;. |ii| Capl. A. T. Kirkpalrick. jnd Reifi:, Orderly Officer. FIRST BRIGADE STAFF. Li. -Col. J. Mason. R.O., Commandintr. Maj. I>. Taylor, R.O., Brigade .Miijor. Li.!ut. R. \V. Mackeniie, 4811, Re^l. Jrderly Officer. First Brii^akk. ''"'"■'■■■'■•':•,*"■■• 'l-Col A. L. Jarvisi 711, Finiliers. Ll.-Col. A. M. Sni'lh ; mill Royal Grenadier., L1..C0I. J. Bruce ■ Msl K,„. , Fusilie-s l.i.-lol. J. t-. C.uillol i 48lh HiKhlanders. 1.1. -i. 01 V\ . I . .Macdonald. SECONi) BRIGADE STAFF. Ll.-Col. II. .McLaren, ijlh Re^t.. ComnMndini;, Miij. S. t . Mewliurii. i.iih Rettl., Brigade .Malor. Lreul. II. I.. Ilauar, ;7lh Rejfl., Orderly Officer. Skciinp Brigade. jnd gueen , Own Rifles, L1..C0I. H. M. P. Hall i wlh Reifl. \ork RaUKers. Ll.-Col. I. H. Lloy.i : ijlh Regt.. Hamilton, M..jor J Sloueman; .,f.ll, ReKl., IVel, Lt.-Col. C. I. Evans; ,j;lh llaldimand Rifles, Lt.Col.A. I. Thompson ; Comiwsile ,"'li"»- n""'l o*"- '^'•"l'»'-">" «'•«'-. 4 Coy,., 44lh Lin- coin «c Welland ReKl., 4 Coys., l.l.-Col. E. A. Cruikshank. DIVISIOXAI. STAFF-Sk.o.vd Divi>;io.\. lol. L. Itnchan, C.M.G., '' mmandinif. Ll.-lol. W. F. lUxlKins. (^ >.. .\..\X\. Maj. I . F. Winler, C..G.F ., A.A.G. (1.1 C.ipl. P. K. Thacker. R.C.R.:., Orderlv Officer. illlRI) BRIGADE STAFF. I.l.-l'ol. J. lliiKlies, 46l!i Rejtl.. Conimandinif. Ll.-CoL T. n. R. llemminK. R.C.R.I., Brigade Major. I.ieul. O. lluKlies. R.O.. Orderly Officer. Third Briuadr. .41I1 P. or \V. Rifles, Maj. J. Galloway ; 1511, Argyll LiRhl Inlanlry M.,j. J. K. Ilalli.vell; 4Jnd Lanark and Renfrew, ■Maj. I.. lr>.nK; 4.|rdOllawaaMdCarlelon. Maj. S. Maynard RoKcrs; 4SI1, \icloria I l.-l „l. S. lluKhe, ; +<>ll, Durham, .Maj. II. .\. Ward; S7>>' I'elerhoro' Ranvers, Ll.-Col. E B I'.dwartls. FOURTH BRIGADE STAFF. Ll.-lol. J, Peters. A.D.C, ( ..mmanding. Ll.-Col. G. Acheson. jqlli Re<l., BriKade Major. Lieut. F. Ilallour, isl Hussars, Orderly Officer. FOIRTH BRIliAIlK. jiMd R.-^jl. Oxford Rifles, Ll.-Col. J. C. Heeler; ,6lh ReKl., ll.-lol. R McEwen, .7th Rep. Umbton, It.. ,6 u" • ■'","' '*'■>''• ^^'••ll'"K'"n. L'-Col. J. Mulrie ; 3J"dReKt. Bruce, l.l.-lol. A. Weir ; „r.i w'. Huron, Ll.- Col. ,1. .\. S. \ jirciH*. ARMV MEDICAL CORPS STAFF. lol. j. H. L. Neilsoii, D.G.M.S., ConimandiiiK. I.I. Col. J. S. Ryerson, A.M.S.. Staff Officer. I.ieiil. A. Roberts. A.M.S., Orderly Officer. ArMV .MEDKAI. I'ORPS. .No. J Bearer Company, Capl. C, \V. F. Gorrell j No. 4 Bearer t ompany, Maj. J. T. FolherinKham ; No. 6 Bearer Company, Capl. A. T. Hohhs ; Xo. 7 Bearer Company. Mai. J.S.Renn,e; II Field Hospital. Maj. R. H. Abbott; IV. Fielil Hospital. >aj. A. F. Scott ; VI. Field Hospital, Maj. A. N. Hayes ; \ II. Field Hospital. Maj. J. M. Cotton. ©fticial proaramme THE RESIDCNCI OF THl LIIUTENANT-OOVIRNOH OF ONTARIO WHin TM nOYAL MUTT WlUl. »T»Y XHILI IN TOKONTO Saturday, October 12th: GUELPH 10.15 A.M.- Arrival of Royal Train. I0.20 A.M.— Departure of Royal Train. BERLIN 10.43 .A.M.— .Arrival of Royal Train. 10.48 A.M.— Departure of Royal Train. STRATFORD 11,35 A.M.— Arrival of Royal Train. 11.30 A.M.— Departure of Royal Train. LONDON ii.18 p. .M.— Arrival of tin- Roval Train al the Grand Trunk Station ; Royal Proiession vi;1 P.ithmond lo Dundas, eaitorly on Dundas lo WelliuKton, northerly on Wel- lington 10 Dufferin Ave., easterly on Dufferin Ave. to Waterloo, northerly on Waterloo to I'rintes!, Ave., weit- erly on Prince-is Ave. to Victoria Park, at whieh point the Civic Addresi will be presented and His Royal Hitthness will also present Colors to the 7th Reifiment. After the ceremonies are concluded in the Park the procession will re-form and proceed to Dufferin Aye., thence westerly to Richmond and southerly on Rich- mond to Grand Trunk Sta'ion. i.oo P.M.— Departure of Royal Train. NIAGARA FALLS 5.30 P.M.— Arrival of Royal Train. NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE 6.00 P.M. —Arrival of Royil Train. Monday, October 14th : HAMILTON Noon— Arrival of Royal Train i Royal Procession to City Hall ; Presentation of Addresses. 1.00 P.M.— Luncheon with Mayor Hcndrie. 1.15 P.M— Visit 10 Dundurn Park; Presentation of Colon 10 the 13th ReKiineiit. 3.30 P.M.— Departure of Royal Train. BRANTFORD 4.25 P.M.— .Arrival of Royal Train. 4.30 P.M.— IVparliire of Royal Train. WOODSTOCK P.M.- Arrival of Royal Train. 5.15 P.M. — Departure of Royal T.ain. Tuesday, October 15th: KINGSTON 11.00 A.M.— Arrival of the Royal Train 1 Presenla'ion of .Address. 11.30 A.M. -L'nveil Tablet to the Memory of the late Lord Sydenham, in St. Georges Cathedral. Noon- His Royal Highness will lie graciously pleased lo accept a De({ree at ^uecn s University 1 Plant Tree, li.n P.M.— Inspeciion of Cadets al Royal Military ColleKe, and lay Corner Stone of New Gymnasium. J. 00 P.M.— Embark for the Thousand Islands. Sunday, October 13th; BROCKVILLE The Royal Parly will slay al Niagara-on-the-Lake over Sunday 6.00 P.M.— Arrival of Royal Parly by bo»l. 6.30 P.M.— Departure of Royal Train. B \ S P K I 1 A 1. A !• !• o I N r M t s T J E W K L L K R s T O II 1 s K X C E L L E S c V THE KARL O E M 1 N T O T II K I. A K li i; S T C O I. O X I A I. UOI.nSMITHS IN Till-: KMPIRK HENRY BIRKS & SONS I) I A M O \ n M H K C H A NTS G O L n S M I r H S S I LVKR SMITHS AXH M A N V V A C T V R H R S O l' i- I \ J-: err glass 1' II I 1. 1. I 1' s s y r A R K A \ n S I . I- ATM V. K I N i: S T K K K T M O \ I' l< K A I, .7 ANM .•>!! SI- AUKS STREET O T T A W A \V R I T K FOR CAT A L O G I' E HOTELS THE CHATEAU FRONTENAC a r K B K c INK I'HATKAl" KRON'TKNAl'. at ^mbor. th.' iiiiHinii-M ;(n.t hiMoriifdl the moit intfrcHlin); fily in Aiiu'rit'ii, i% otic of itu' tiitftl Mitli-K on the iontiiu'iil. Il in fin- priMif, .mil tH't'ii|>i(**> li toiniii.intllMK (tiisilioii ov<'rtiK>kinK thi- Si L;i\vr«'tut'. it-. <*ii»' Ihmi»>j p('rlm|><« tin* Knuult-Ht in tin- uorUI. TIu' C'liittfHii l"r(mtrii;ii- whs fri'cli^l ii) lH»n. iti a tosi of owr a niillion ilollHr>, itiiil >fri>al l.isit- marks llu' fiiniiHliiii);, lining: and Jri orarin^ iyf iWis ini|H)s(M)( •ifriKtiiri'. ill whii h lomforl and oUx'*')*'*' "rf iifiiihincil lo an uiifijtiatlf J cxlciit. PLACE VIGER. HOTEL MONTREAL - - -- I'l.Al ! UiKR HOTKI.. MONTRKAL. a biautifn! Mote" just built by rh*- I'anattMt Pi**-ifit- Railway CiMiipaiu in foiint'ttion with their new pasH- ^■ll^■t•r siaiuni. tut- huilihn){ OiTupu's an entire bloik ; ttie styte of anhi- ii'L-iiire is (hai o* r-.- Ctiaiean poriotl of llu* French RenaisMtincf. The Hotel faces the Viner t'«ard» ns and is thoroti)(hly up-to-date in all its appointinetilM. HYMAN'8 SiiiOkiiifl i tobaccos CBLBBRATBD CUT PLUG Sola by All LcAdlnff Dealers thre«t>>eut the Deminien S. HYMAN m ST. JAMES STREET •* MONTREAL mADk MAMH X. R. CO." RUBBERS BEST FITTERS ^ BEST WEARERS rmADt M4liK I. Ol>K KOR HXK OK TUKSK TUAPK M A U K S t1 \ TIIK S O I. E S M 1> N r R K A I THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO. TORONTO W I .\ X I I' K t. THE LITTLE SHOP IN THE DUKE OF KENT'S HOUSE J5 ST. LOUIS STRHHT, OLKBHC QJlMt VM Mil |M » mum mlcMM, a warmr aw ^ ^ «f tta. (oM iMMuMk, kc mm. m fanttnrt, OM tm*t Ut DTMf. old Clocks, OM CMM. IMMMM cMM, iMtitaM weoHm sniffs wKk »y kno. aad aaay a «uiM rtik of eM eawMUm days • • • • • • OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION CO. .1 U..U. :i S^lvtr, .1 Br.m<r Mnbia .lul IK Hi^imaa AwAriinl for K«i'r)l«nc«. KINDLY OKIIEK "TIIK BKST — GURD'S KOI.A IWNC.KK AI.F. SODA WATKR I.KMONAOK Ari'l.K NKCTAR 'MAl-.r - CALKDONIA WATKRS, KT( . WmOI ■^AI K Ottl.V CHARLES QURD & CO. M i1 N T R K A 1. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA NiAD orrioi, MAurJU, h. a. CAPITAL PAID UP - - $2,000,000 RESERVE FUND ■ ■ ■ . 1,700,000 Thos. K. Kknnkv, Ksy., Kds*>n I.. Tkase Ot>k>. «ir THE i.llNKKAL MANAUKR, MtlNTRBAI. PrrxidmU Gtt.rrttl Mahagtr, DAILY MTU MAIL »!«■»■ MONTREAL /%ND OTTAVA HBU omce-i« ooBioi meET, biituju. SAVINQ8 BANK DEPARTMKNT Interest Auum-Kn on Okimsitk. BrAnchminOnUrio, Que bri. Nova Siotia. New BruiMwkk. Briii.h Columbia. Pnnrr EJward Mand. Newfoundland. Cuba and New V-rli Cily and Kepublur, Wa»hinKli,in. I'.S.A. Ottawa BrafMhi o*r. SparlMantf Blstn MrMta. M. J. GARDINEK. Makmhii. A. B. AMES & CO. BANKERS, IS KiN'i; STRi i:r kasi. tokoxio. MOKIVI DKMMITS Suhjrct to Ihcnur, 4 p«r cent. Interexl AltowvtI. DIVIDENDS AND INTKIIKtT C\<ll«ci«J udJ K«miii«J. BUY AND •ILL HIOH • QRADB INVUTMKNT SKOURITIU on i.'ommi!»«>ion. MUNICIPAL, RAILWAY, mUBT RAILWAY, OAB, BLBOTRIO UOHT AND TBLBRNONB BONOB UvhU in on Commi.»iun or otherwixc. MEMHKK>» IKKHXIH MiHK KXi II.WilK Drimb JVmerica ASSURANCE COMPANY FIRE AND MARINE HEAD omCE, TORONTO - c*p4i»i siMO,()nano Tolil AiKti l,77M0*.45 Lota Paid (>inc( arginiutiofi) 19,94*^17.73 DIRKCTORS: H0». OFO. ». COX, Preiidcm. J. J. KeHNY. Tlu-Pruidanu ll(i». K. < . \\,»,j, K W ( „^ Tmik.Ij.mi. JnllN IllMKIN. K 1 .. I.I..)I. IllMtMKT.Uh'KIMV. H. M. I*KI.I.ATT. .\l lilKI-l « .>lvi:i(^. P. H. SI at, tortlsry COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMt I Kit or LONDON, ENO. FIRE LIFE MARINE CAPITAL AND ASSETS OVER $34,000,000 TORONTO OFFICE 49 WELLINGTON STREET EAST GEO. R. HARGRAFT .. VKBkAl, At. kST ITHC tiiK *Rr nn,v» iNiHANrMicNt ART BELL PIANO Of '"I Advam .'il iiiiivi. ^1 ItnowlnlKi' ati,| i ullurc iItiiihii' •■S.iniflhiiiK H.'lliT ill llii' |ii.iiiii.iiiiikiiiK •"'!. iii.l ihii. Ihi' "Atl II.-II »«. ,«ll,..l iiil.i .-ni.UMi. .•. Il ropri'iriil* not oiilt uiliilioii »l ili,. |ii,>l>|rii, »l ■■.iiili.i-miiiK ""• UrinJ .iili.w i.i ili,. Ipri^lii. hiii .il«<i itiolii-H'H tiilunhli' tlioiivrrii'i. Ihiil hi>%i- h,Tii il.i.'lo|»'.l Kii.l r\iiH.itrly ulili»i-.l m ihc in,, hani'.iii 'if tlif iiiHiriiincnl in iMh«T ilir,-, ii,hi<<. THMC IMPOIITANT iMMOV«MINT« BMBIIAOK I.— Tli*^ lllimiubU' (iiatui K«>|H>Hi- inK Ai'lion. i< Thf HitHhril l*iii«, .V Thi- "'^ltnl, ■ 4'— Th** Kli,(iiisitrly Arli„li, Caw- l)t*i*i)(n. And lli.'V yina tin- "An Hfll ,il l»|n> rrtnk »% a piitno n,tt in ,'xi>>tfni'i* Tlit'sr i,p«»,ial (,-i,iiirt>« wr i»wn ; thfy fan o 'Vi'r b«*t',»nn* t-mnmon t tmty I he buyrr of a •' Hrll " i-an |Mi*i»i»'»s IH». ANT il»:IL .inil ,Mij,iy llioni. Hw .„K,(,.,ii,.ii I,. «T th»' " B»'ll ■ brliirc ,-(tinmittinK >,>ur'>i'll 111 VHnrlhinK I'ls,- i« nu'rrl\ a i'tmiimni-^cnHf „ut(Kt'^i<<Hi. Wh.'n y.iii (,..1 ih,. ••Arl JMI yi>ii II wniil 1,1 buy il. W lirn yon want l,> buy il Hfll ntiiki- |wii',' and liTni', K« m-arly ••y,nir ,>«n a» il i< IHistiblf U\ malt,' ll)«>in. N.B. Ju«l an I lie tonf iil I lis " Bfll ■■ i« in Inn* arli^i,- pr,i|i„rli,>n, so i» Ihi- priif. l>iir »«!,■ ,,laii pro. miwit m-tl for Ihr biniT, Tonmlo Home ,if Thr Arl Brll-Virw M Ut FLxir BRANCH WARRROOIMS 'riiR,>ST,» I4h V,>n>fe Slrffl MONIRKAI. Jil.i Si. lalhtriiu- Sir,-,- llAMit l,i\ 44 Jani.-« Slri-rl Xmlh I.OSPl'N— 1<.>; I' Slri-f! U>NI>ON. K.C. 4,1 Molhoin \ iadtul SVD.VKV. N'.S.W. Il Brid){,- Street Amsterdam, Holland HKI.r. ORC.WS havi- he,n h, l,.r,- llit- piihit,- for a |»,'ri,Hl ,»f o\,-r 40 vc.irs, aiut lo-J.iy bold iiiirivall,-,! pi.,,-,' in 111,- popular ,--,tt-,-tn. Ttu-sf in^liiiinciiU Jiri* niadt- in lla- lai>;,'Nl I.,, I,>ry of Itit- kiiut hiiImii llii- Hrili*li Kinpire, and an* l,> In- f,iiinil m alinool every quart,*r ,iftlie known ..,irld. Til* Hi-ll L'o. ni.iiiul'a,liir,- ,,l.,, the (;,imp,'nsatinn l*'|H' Oi >f,iii, S,-!f lilayinii Pi.tiuis and Selt-p],,, ,,,^. t>rjf,oi.,-lalfsl and iiiohI appi,,\,'.l pitenu. THE BELL ORGAN AND PIANO CO. Head Offices and Factories GL'ELPH, CANADA BRANCHES AND AOKNllES ALL OVER THE llVILlIED CLOBK Tie Canada Permanent AND Western Canada TCMONTO STPIUT TONONTO Mortgage Corporation PmmMHT. OIOIIQC OOOOCNHAM Bno VimANaiaflNr W. H, QUMMAL .._ 1 ■CATTY I .Manamil WALTCR «. LK | I '»»•»« ««^«««*J» J Largest PaM up Oupltal •I AM«te I ••f Savings D«partm«nt $1 $100 •n4 «r»M4i Muiv«4 on dcpMlt. In- Mi ufm»t4t f«Mhr«4> for whkh D«- WnlufM M« iMwii, fof t«fBwe((foa 00* to fhrc TMM, with cewaeni •ttaclMiforlntMMtiiAlf-ycMtrftl 4,^ UNOUaSTIONAakC iimTV MfnMiM* wHIi PROFIT Loan Dapartmant f •t loWMt CWTftnt > rate* of bilcfMt on tlu ( mcmtHt of Merttaiw on R«a1 EiUtc Ban4i, ( Staeki, etc, cle. PURCHASED MONEY i:.J--*«I-- ■owe*, ■«» IWmI* WlnaliM Vi •■I. BM. r U. aaka I Canada's PREMIER Company % DoudlasliRidout CKNBKAL ACKNT FIRE, LIFE. ACCIDENT AND MARINEjJjjil INSURANCE ii London and L>nca«Mr« Hf» ;; A»»uranco Co. Law, Union and Crown Firo '-'• Insurance Co. 4a VICTORIA ST.. TORONTO ; I THE WINNER III lifi* <i TAiK' m ih«* it(U' who i)mki«« ino^i jiiWitiiiuN ii)Vi'«iinrnW, who ^i\i-<» it liitli- fiml pinift thHl litiK' wli«*rf it i^ ^aff. .>ti.| wlit'ie lif i* *iir«* ol' fiitr rrttirii* on lii- itivi'Himcnl*. I.rtiiil iind Kir*il MorlKHtfi'<* on laitil art* thf h***.| invi>«inu>Mi«. AH lilt" iiiiMU'V rivt*ivr»l fi" -.tiarr". in 'Ilu- Slaiitlaril I.itaii i'on)|vtiiv i-. in\c<ili>il in this niaiMicr, itif f'uiitiN 'I'IM^' Iii,(mi>iI upon tlufllin|[o <iilM.tti'il u|uiit ^'oo.t land niiU . Thf ]tjtr vatiif of our iiharfs ihShk* ■«! t*ai-!i, bill ran b»> prm tired by iwymji $ii» <»»» per Hilar** nith llit> applii alion. Siii.oti pi-r ill, in* on allotiiifnt and Stn.on |mt ihart< I'v.Ty ihrt**' monthv unlit th<' slink is fiill\ paid. Our inonry it nc tor idU>. Ii is nHislanity t'aiiiinK Mu>rf money. This profit is |iaid lo yon ,is a dividend tnt your slivk. Yon crviUI not |u>ssihty Hnd a more »are or (V'-'ilable inveMment. \Vf ,-.k you to write ns and become fiillv polled ahoni itnr propoHilinn. THE STANDARD LOAN CDMPANY TORONTO ■QUITV OMAMOCM N.E. Oer. Adalaid* ud Vietirit 8ti. TOKONTO. CANADA /Emilius Jarvis & Co. ( ToKONTO Sr»H K l{Xi'H.%NUK ) DEAI.nUS IN BONDS AND INVr;STMENT SECURITIES. FINANCIAL AGENTS. DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL BONDS. City, Ciiiiiiiy and other Municipal Sccuriiio .Npecially dealt in. iORKi:si'i>\|)i;\i K iwiTKI). @ CANADA'S LEADING ^* MUSIC HOUSE> @ liiiMIMnN AliKMX HiK THK IN( UMI-AIIAKIK Steinway Piano M \ N I r \ ( T I IlKlls IPK THE M)Kiiiii;iMi:ii I'l.iHo HIE A K 1 I S T U' IM A N O i» K *. A N A 1> A V.|c AKrnlB for %hv LirentKmt of all Piano Pla)*--- "THE ANGELUS'' ^'•"•"■> ." li.ill' lnMlrJl..,.i;i anJ hiar lh,w lo.toinuKt. K V 1. l: V c II 1 N .i 1 \ M I Mr AT THE NORDHEIMER PIANO AND MUSIC CO., LIMITED «5 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO * nt;in.luH.-.,ul Ac- n.K-«in:i:t I. -ulini: Ci(i.-i i«. iht' l,.ti.»l Mu-i*,. -Mu-tt. Kookt, Ort.hi.' ln«truin«ni«, etc., eu. OIL'SMELTBR MINES DOVGLAS. LACEY <& CO. • ANKIIIS •* UrttMwmf aiMl IT Mmw Mr««t NIW VORN DIVIOINO-l»AVINO MININO, OIL AND •MlkTKN STOOKS, USTBO AND UNU«TBO,OUII SMIOIALTV BOOKUKTS KiVHttf ■•><r «iti tfvHitil pi. Ill o( rt'MtuiMif tlu* UrKi* IM-itHl-* ,il' li>Kilrriiilt< MMtlMtf, 0>i HH.t NllU'lUT In W-hllciK «, MilTvii|Mt«»(i ht.tnk'', lull |Mrlu iiliir^, i-ti., wriil fi.-f I.i ttuy iiilfri'«tctl (Ml Ht>|)lii'fittt<it. BKANCHBS H^vvroN, rim \nfirtui, t nit mio, ii»^»iANii. i'lNilN^\TI, Si l.iM I*.. M \Hllt*Kri .tSII \n%' lUVft**, < t>\s , riinwi.ii. Amu. I.*m* ,\si.m»«. l'*i . si. N.M.. M%m- tRKAi, TttNimru. LithiHiN. Kn(^. BVTCHART <& WATSON MMMMIM ewTAMW BIIMWM Omnf^mnM—t Ufl» BulMlns TORONTO, OAN. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO. I I M I I K II SII.VKRSMITHS VXP M A NT I- XCTIR K RS O !■• K I. !■: f T R O S I I, \ i: R I' I, A T K i^;: ... "^•^•: ^^M O U A K \ N 1 K K IIIE IJl M.irV OK All. MI.VKKWAKE STAMPEH »■ TH THFIR NXMK AMI T R A 11 E MARK K A I T O R I K S A S H S A I. K S R O O M S KING ST. WEST - TORONTO E. O. UOODKRHAM. Manasikii Duocron iax.i.a KINGSTON'S LEADING DRY GOODS AND FURNISHING STORE EXCLUSIVE STYLES In all our buying wi- endeavor li> invur." di»liiiilivo lhinK». .Mi.»l of our (foods an- purthawd (roni European and American makers who have no represenlalive- in Canada. This seviires an exi luiiveiless dislinetly our own. THAT INTERESTINO QUESTION "What lo Wear" ean be ipiiekly and s.ilisl.ielonly settled here, with sueh an array of l>RKSS lllH'DS. SILKS. TRIMMlSr.S, JAlKKTS, RKAnV TO WKAK f.ARME.NTS. MII.I.I.NKKV, A.Ml KIR.MSIIINHS as we show. Tlieres ii.> one who eant find jusi the rhuijis thai will |il,-.ise nixsl. Everxlhinn is new ijid season- able, and Iheie is no extra vliar>-e bee.ius. they re extra stylish. WH HAVE.NO DESIRE To he kiinwn as "tlieap' dealers. The idea that overshadows all the others is to (,'ive yon satislaelion. If you huj anylhiuK of ns and want your tnoney baek allerwards. eonie in and >fet it. We eouldn t make this slandinjf olTer if «e sold i|ueslionable thiiitfs. STARR & 8UTCLIFFE PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON flDabanic Dere Goolb artcr ■Movcmbcr lat, 1901 nDcs^amc0 ^5ool^ il Sbanj 50 H>rummond Street Montreal n : GRAND UNION HOTEL \ ♦ TllH BKST .\PI\>INTKU CUMMIillt lAI. HOTKl. IN TlIK III V 1 SI'ECIAI. RATES TO PERMA.NE.NT IHESTS- 5 ST«,\M HKATISli KLElTRK' LIliHT SPKAKINC! Tl BES THROl'UHOI T 1 ♦ Co OIM'OSITE nik lirv IIALI. ANI> KI SSKI.I. Illl-.AIKK Kl.KlTmr lARS PASS THK IHHiR T» ALL PAKT.S \»K THK IITV ANI> l>KK>rs M. ALEXANDER. PHOPRIITon Cor. Elgin and Queen Sts., OTTA WA, ONT. ALFRED ST, LAURENT GRACEFUL MODELS Pp»v«Il In the fall atylaa, mnd oup vast supply of mat«plal Is eomlns In avapy day. It haa baan aalactad with tha aapaclal vlaw of suiting tha SPaoaful atylaa which apa now ao populap In tha oantpaa of fashion. Wa want you to aaa tha naw thinca wa want to aee you waaplnir soma of tham For the B»t Styles in Dry Goodi - ALFRED ST. LAURENT 52 Rideau Street j» j« .* OTTAWA SHE'S LioTENINQ For Fine Diamonds. JcweUery. SUvcrware« Cut Glass and Sou- venir Goods w< lead jt Jl jt Don't forget 67 SPARKS STRUT la Our Numbsr Olmsted & Hurdman ^ ^= -^ OTTAWA --^ Ontario Ladies' College Kur the pa*I j- >f, KEV. DR. HAKE fc Priiuipal of Uk- l^ntaho Ladic-. i'.-ll. K'l-. \Vbith>. •n4 Ontario Conservatory of Music Whitbx, Ont. •pllE Main M.iilJinK. kti.mti a» " l.";i«tl,-.' hn* llu- h.-iu.r ..t rnli rrainini; at liimheoii His Roval lIiKhnt^» Pnniv ArDiur and pany lit ."71 ihf Om.iti.» Ladies' ColI.-gi- wa« .•pftivd hy Their Exvt;lleiui.-s rhf Ewrl and Coimri-v ,>( lluffirin. It ha« mince hevn xisiu-d i.y Th*'ir Excel It- noes tlu- Earl ai<d t\>iinti-»s ..!' Alnrdt'tn. ntid l<> several of tlu-'rn ir* of llie IV.m iiu-.- of ilnlari.v \l has Kvn Iwiie Milarirt-d. and is l.vJay (fi-'H-rally r.-garded as W\ng the m..»l ol.Kaiit. and. in *,»tm- re«pett«. the ht-nl equipped LaditV I'otlfgi. in ihc Dominion of Canada. It ih idi-atli kxated in a b*-aiitif>il I'oHiijiate town .(.. milts I-:a«l of Toronlo. niih an iiivironim nt thv most pleaviiiK and healthful. Send for New liluslralfd Calindwr lo RCV. J. J. HARE, PH.D. Princtpal Lakehurst Sanitarium i>.\K\ ii.i.K. I .\\\n\ KOK Till- TKI-A I.MIAT Oh DKINK WD DKIC. IIAHIIS A NPKi lAl.l.v ^n Ait) l[-:i> l'n\s!,IVN IN iMAm.l OM Ot IHK >IOsr IU:A1 IIMI, vr,i|> IN lAN.M'A — AliDKKSN M.\\.\l.|-.|{ Lakehurst Sanitarium Oakrille, Can. ni55 COADY LAI)li;S' TAILOKIM. KVKMNi.. C.OWNS 2()/ yo\\(jc. :>l I oronk) (IN THIS PUBLICATION ..vA' M A[iF_ V: . Hf CANADA PRINTING INKC° ■ C|^ IMichlkel's Hoanital '■"■>' '°l>''<: ^»t*, **M ptr wmH; l«ml-filnt* Wu<U, W.OO and M.OO; Print* ^^ *• ...fw^rrSri;! « Jl™ i-™.!ar.r Wudi, tXCW, tu.oo and n«.00. AXeat so Hutm* and 3 Hobm Docton. BiukllilMd im. Ill Uaitn InprovaiMiiu. I i tf »^M»MMM»M»»WM»M¥»»M»¥»¥'^<M»^^^^^W^^^^^»»^^W ^> ^^^ ^ > M C. B. COLLEGE BUILDING TORONTO From one end of this Dominion to the other !i felt the splendid results of the practical work of the TORONTO A stronf, reliable school, with an annual enrolment of over 700 members reprcicnting; evety Province of Canada, a large staff of capable Teachers, and a very superior equipment, includ- ing; over Eighty Modern Typewriting Machines. y ^^-^-i r I Our Graduates are found in many leading Canadian wKS Business Houses, and employers of skilled clerical help look direct to our C>llege to supply their wants. NO VACATIONS ALWAYS AT WORK ENTER ANY TIME Grculars free. Write for them to W. H. SHAW, Principal YoDfc and Gtiraid Strtcu, TORONTO W.C.EDWARDS ®, CO. OTTAWA CANADA MANUFACTURERS OF= Dimension Timber, Sawn and Dressed ^^mb^ Pine and Cedar S hingles, Lath, Etc., Etc. «)t^^ All kinds of Building Matqial and House Finbh Sash Doors Mouldings Hardwood Flooring Clapboard Sheathing Boxes and Box Shooks FACTORY AND PLANING MILLS A Special Department for the Manufacture of Wood Mantels, Show Cases »iide*ie^*se*se,<s«^*jr Fine Hardwood Interior Finish **e^tie*i»^vsevieaevie Bank, Office and Bar Fittings, Shop Fixtures CHURCH AND LODGE FURNITURE Plumbers' Woodwork, Stairwork ^-Ht^tjiit^^^^ DESIGNS FURNISHED AND ESTIMATES GIVEN •AW MILLS AT ROCKLAND, ONTARIO OTTAWA, ONTARIO rAOTOiiiia •USSKX STRKET, OTTAWA BANK STRIKT, OTTAWA C/C A LA GRACE, QUALITt SVPJRIEURC lalesi Parisian correct funn modtk which givr lo womankind thai erec/Hesi, sinuousHris, suppleness and symmelrical stylishness ot figure for which French ladies are famous the world tnvr. Constructed of highest grade French materials— correct straight front— dias gored— low bust— medium hip. MK TO •■■ OTHIR •TVLU OP TMB BLIQANT C/0 A LA OlACB. r nowNTo ENGLISH — High Class Ladies' Tailoring, Dressmaking — RUMNC. HABITS, EVKNIM; DRESSES, STREET IIRESSES TORONTO, ONT. PHONE MAIN Xll 292% YONGE STREET NEAK WII.TON AVENLK .xflS«*-\ TM*m.'».i^vT^m i^ iLY saaob THE TYPEWRITER THE WORLD WAS WAITING FOR I mee^eesst^-^ PROVED BV THE FACT THAT THE BISINESS INHABITANTS OF THE WORM) ARE I'SINC. IT. One in>l.iiuc only amimtf in.iny, \]i. The Canailiiin Pmifii- R.R. has in a.tual uw 340 KMnRK Type»rilcr». liiiaranteed equal lo any niaihine in the market. Suiierior lo any in several very desirable fealures. Simple, Durable, Strong, Saves you $60.00. Descriptive printed matter on application. Write al once. THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited MONTREAL, P.Q. CAPITAL $3,000,000 TRAOC MARK Qt of the Largest FURNITURE FACTORIES in ^__ CANADA have amalgamated and are now operated by Canada Furniture Manufacturers kIMITBD HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA Furniture of all descriptions, from the Oieapest to the Highest grade, is manufactured by this concern. It has its own Timber Limits and operates six large Saw Mills. Its operations extend from the Tree in the Bush to the Daintiest Art Creation in High Class Furniture. SPEQAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO EXPORT TRADE FACTORIES AT BERLIN (2) GlELI'H r.ONDO:, NEW HAMBfRC. MOINT FOREST SEAEORTH STRATFORD WALKERTOX WAREHOUSES AT WATERLOO (L'l WLARTON (H) WINGHAM (.t) WOODSTOl K (4) LONDON, ENGLAND Bei.i. Wharf, Sii LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND-* VPRIS Roai> TB BHOMLhV HlXlTLR AGENCIES AT SYDNEY, N.S.W. j JOHANNESBURG AND CAPE TOWN, SOl'TH AFRICA CABLE ADDRESS-" CANFURMAN" **A Study of Your Face and Figure » pr. mHinvniimuraDW.^ I "^^ >MtrB ni«lMa «^-M|ly at ihr prfin«ncnt ■! i f lllj|Tnil»m Mail, Ml-lX^, I hy ElMtrol)Bu. LaJtri afHR-ted wiih ihi^ Ji«irv«*iiiff ami m«». w«n pfx»f luim mrsxiaii) .w n, Mlrr. kaliMiuiuin nuraiilml in •Y«f ) iloiattiiu'iii u« tlMi> wurh. •" OwwHml—M— > m«M» C»iH W «ii«l1. Mall Op«w« PrwiiaMy »«•«. ORAH AH P-- — =^ DERM ATOLOOICAL INSTITUTI aO« CMUWCH TIIKIT. TORONTO .-■ 6 THERE ARE ONI Y TWO ROYAL TOURS 0«« riRNISHES TH« SlBJECT-MATTIiR KO* THIS BOOK, THE OTHH FO« THIS ADVeRTIIEHENT - WATER TRIP ♦Toronto to Port Dalhousie. <tTBAMKM I "LAKEStDE" AND "GARDEN aTY" Port Dalhousie to St. Catharines Niagara Falls and Buffalo VIA NIAGARA, ST. CATHARINES AND TORONTO RAILWAY CO.'S ELECTRIC EXPRESS TRAIN Write I.. FoIdtT^ anj liirorniatii>n to ■■ P. ailXAa, Oanaral ManacM' ST. C'ArilAKINEN. ONT. WM. STITT <& COMPANY Ladies' Tailors and G)8tumiers Millinery PARIS KID GLOVE STORE 11-13 King Stfcct Eatt TORONTO $t. monica's School RFSIPKNTIAL AND PAY SCHOOL FOR GFRLS 170 Bloor SireH mm ' ■ CoreMto. gJiMda TIIOKOrHH COIRSE l\ KM.I.ISH, LAM.IAC-.ES, Ml'SIC, ART, ELOCITION AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE iNIVERSITV Prkparation Pkimarv Pkpartment Traineii Teachers A Ilotm- Sihoiil Heatilirtil and Exli-tisive Grounds For Pro»(wtns Apply to MISS PHIIJ.POTTS, l^dy Principal HARDWARE ■UlkOBIM HOUM rURNISMINO OAMNBT MAKIM OARIIIiUW NMKUIS PLUMBUIS AND •TATIONIlia tMMAl NMITMIIITI: WMOUQHT STUL ■UTT* AND HINOCS OLOTHI* WRINOIM LAWN MOWBRS TOOL* INOLUOINO HAMMBRS, RLRIHW HATOHITS AND AXU RUMPR •OHOOL PURNITURI THR JANES SMART NANVFACTVRING CO. tROCKVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA ou« mADI <<NWy MARM A OUAHANTIC W CXClLLINCt •TOVRS, RANORR rURNAORR KIL8EY WARM AIR OCNRRATCMI ANUTIMMIII •FIWLMVM a aalantHI* tut* tttmttMrt N«a«liic snri Mntllattac •»•■ Ins i w lN«#»i In N«a«ln( Ward w* «mh« dlraat •mtrsMa ami auAIUN- TU ra«M;ta, vis.t Orantcst e«n*- Mrt lolth Oraataat laonamy. NEV DESIGNS j» UPERIOR FINISH Rogm €kctric Company -^^ IMP01TF.RS OF ELECTRIC AND COM- BINATION FIXTURES 114 Bav Street (f) Coromo, Can ^^ lONK MAIN I27:. B-IH-j^tlenkiiis "Zht mt\m Sfcop » OLD MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD FURNITURE OLD COI.n ANIl SII.VKR, RARE (HINA, HRK-A-BRU", BRONZKS, MINIATI RKS, PAINTINUS ANIl KNURAV- INt.S, i>Ln ARMN AND ARMOt R, VJIAINT OLD BRASS I'l'RIOS AND ART OflJKl'TS OV R\ KRV ITRSCRII'TION. 422 am 424 Vowge Strut uiA TILBPHOMB MAIM MIT 1 10 IS BidMMM $trt<f. COfOWfOt Cjllt« BRANciuii '2 Phillips Sgt ark, Monirkal IaINDON and RlRMINtiHAM. KnULAND Ttn* <M*ly lH'>»f«i> in i'mMxla (leaUnjf ('■Xtlu^iveJy t» M)<t>- i'lasH Antiijue Kurniinrc. X'lNitont will find the larKC-«l, most interest ii.fc and best selected collection on the Continent. A cordial invitation i*t extended and will repay a visit. g j^ ^ ^ JENKINS. \ ■■'I Corene jimkv SEMINARY FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES KOR r\ KTHER PAKTICl'I.ARS APPLY TO Lady Superior - Loreito Abbey WKIXINGTON PLACE TORONTO, ONT. St. Joseph's Academy Sr. ALBAS STKEMT TORONTO .: .;:..:_^,^.„ QAT^ RIO Loretto Convent MOUNiT ST. MfARV RI-OltN* FIRtT MONDAY IN •EPTCMMR 1 1x houM. i. litinl »p . iih .pnUI rewrd 1.1 the omftirl of lli« in- main. Tlw |cr.HiiiJi arc •xuimv* and hl(R!y orMmmlcd «iUi nknibi aiHl Inn. anil nu cxpcnw ha> bwn •pamTbi molar it ana .il ihc moat altractiva cducaluxial in»Ulul»ni in Canada. B.>Bnl and Tiiilioii In Eniliah and French. IIHO.IW prr yaar ; niraa Further infortnitiktn m«)' be obtained by appl)inB to THE LADY SUPERIOR LORITTO CONVINT HAMILTON, ONTARIO BOCQUET, BLOEM & CO. LADIES' TAILORS AND COSTUMIERS Regiwst HH inspeclion of their most atlraelive aaortmml of exclusively imported mtilerials for Street Costumes, Riding Habits, Coats, Ulsters, Redingotes, etc. Most careful attention is given to nvry detail, and alt wort is guar- anteed to be the best obtainable as regards Style, Fit and Finish. Your patronage it respectfully solicited. no KING STREET WEST= TORONTO I«I«I1IIII«I«I>1 ili«i|ll ■II H »|»|«|».« SLSSBSi W. SCOTT & SONS MONTREAL' DEALERS IN FINE ART IMPORTERS OF EASTERN CARPETS Paintingi and Water Coloun, by Favourite Artiite of the Brttiah, Dutch tw French Schoob « nwto Aiw»yt Qpn to tb« PoWk PERSIAN. TURKISH AND INDIAN CARPETS AND SMALL RUGS AND ANTIQUE PIECES OP THE SAME COUNTRIES KTCHINOS, CAKBONa^ BNGRAVING8, FRAMES, POTTERY AUENTKi Mi>ii«iii «i fonMHV, U>ndon, Tniile F.hric «AiimM«i. fc lURromi, London, E»,im Curprt.. TirrAHV li Co., New York, Fiivrila UIm»«. 1=... J739 NOTRE DAME STREET r^Jj VHP ST. JAMES'S PALACE. 1st March, 1901. Messr.s. James Buchanan & Co. Please deliver to H.M.S. • 'OFHIR- • for H.R.H. THE DUKE OP CORNWALL AND YORK, K.Q., 100 Dozen Scotch Whisky "Royal Household Blend." /Z^yt^. Oentleman of the Royal Cellars ASK FOR. " BUCMAINAN'S SCOTCH At all WIm MarcbaaU. At all Bars. At all Club*. i Miss Kinsey High Clas8 and Fashionable MiUinery 284 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont. Will tt f/ratJ hi ft ktr M nulmmtn ml wfctv mtUrtii •m/ k»^i Ikml lift fmil tmrt will mtril m fnfintiamff af Ik* utmt. THB MMMMM BROWN BROS. HBADQUAirraira for AOOOUNT BOOKS -Kull Si.Hk or SfWilal P«|. t«rn<t Mftd.* to Order. LBATHBR OOODI— Suprrb Um-» Purvo, Pi)rlfi>lio"i. Ladiea B»|{«, l'«rd ClMo, rti\ PAPBR AND •TATIOMBRY All Kind. l'|>-IU'Dati>. OFFIOB AND TYPBWRITKR BUP- PLIBS EvvrythiitK. BOOKBINDING Kvrry Stylo V-\\k Pri.v.. PRIHTBRr AND BINDBR8' SUP- PL1B8 Kvery Rft]iiir«*nu*nl. DIARIBS Offitr and I'.H'kel Cireal X'arifly. \\V* aim to havf tho ittost tomploli* Stiiliitnory H.mim' in Itif Ditiiiiition. AiiKXT>i roR \KW I'Kstinv TvPKwmTnii - Emms MlWKtX.HAPII EsTKIIHIKWK S^^.t\. Pkss \Vi«t FoiNT.HM Pun, kn. Sl-aS WBLUNQTON ST. WKBT TORONTO madam Cyicll 33S JARVIS ST. TO RON TO THE I.EADINi; MASSl E. ^=- — IV rAV*D\ Perfect wwli iff Hint t^nS^ALPTauT. auNT. Mamm-irimu ANII CMINOntOV Rcnkiral of SfPRRrLiot-N Hair by ei«:tn>l)r«« a •pectalty PHYSICAL CILTIRE VAPOR BATHS CORRESPONDENCE -SOLICITED n<0«B MAIM S4M 'I $t. Jeromes £;ollegt BERLIN. ONTARIO Commercial Studies High School Course Arts Course — Moral and Religious Education BOARD AND TUITION PER 10 MONTHS, %l2iM CATALOGUE FREE REV. JOHN FEHRBNBACH. CR.. D.D., PnMnt INSPECTION INVITED TKI.KPIIONK MAIN :t7li CHAS. H. IZVANS & CO. MHRCHANT TAILORS I.MI'ORTERS OF KNr.llSH, IRISH AND SCOTCH GOOn* SEE OUR $20 Sl'ITINGS 396 YONGC STQrXJ TOPON TO OPPOSITB V..M.C.A. THOS. BIRKEH & SON CO. WHOLESALE HARDWARE MERCHANTS miWOT IMKNITSRS OF 8HELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE QLA88, OILS, PAINTS, ETC. ALSa LAROK AND OOMPLBTS ASSORTMENT OP LUMBERMEN AND CONTRACTORS' SUPPLIES THOS. BiRKETT & SON C0_. OANAL STRUT OTTAWA, CANADA ^ THE KETCHUM SPORTING GOODS CO. OF MONTREAL AND OTTAWA 11 Outfitters of Every Known Pastime ALL HIGHEST CLASS SPORTING GOODS. This firm is an amulgamation of the well-known Sporting Goods Stores of KETCH VM <a CO. and MOUNTAIN CITY CYCLE C BANK STRJEET, OTTAWA ST. CATHERINE STREET, MONTREAL SKNI) FOR A lATAHHil'E OF VOlll FAVORITE SPORT. PASTIMK OH EXKRIHE BARTLET T. FRAZIER « CONPANYi STOCKS B o r ! o s \ N n G X A I N MIMSER* MW Yom il . . '« OMWAOO ' JAR t» . ir LIVtKPOOl C ■) -■I«f>fc Aift.C'- TOKONTO OWt IC -^fl • i MKLIMDA STRKK ' tf AMD ■OAMD OrTMi.nS ■VILAIMO 'M O. ■BATY !''( 6 L BABAYAN & CO. rill ONLY I) I R l; C T A N II K X V r. I- M \ K IMI-OKTEKM IN TlIK imMlMi'.N UK HIO II C I. \HN TURKISH n II n c PERSIAN n U u OAM^ITa, ■MBROIDIRIKS ARTISTIC ORAPIRIKS MOORISH LANTIRNS ANTIQUK ARMS, RTC, ■ T O. We kffp Ihc IjrifrM ;<iiil nu»il \aried «l.nk .'I Xri.Miial Art (ioiKls III laimda. KlKMSHIMi IHMI'I.KTK TrRKISH RllHMs A SI'KllAl.lTN. I. . H A B A N AN \ CO. ■I » K I N <i S r R K K T K A » r, T O K O N T O , i> N 1 . T K L K P II o N >: .\l A I N M (I i"i N DORENWEND'S HAIR. GOODS ....^^ WAU. LBram ▼B AIU LEADERS Am HUMi FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' STYLISH WIGS TOUPEES, BANGS SWITCHES, ETC. A Our OatalsBua •«<< rra* ta Any --- m MAIL OIIIMIM pnoMmv rikLIO AOOHUa THE DORENWEND CO. OF TORONTO. Limltol 1 03- J 05 YONGE STREET TORONTO F. B. GVLLETT (H SONS Monuments ^n^ Statuary BSTABLiaMKS tS7l For 21 Years on Corner Church and Lombard Streets NOW 740-742 YONGE STREET TORONTO Talsphon* North, 10S3 A Few Doors south of Bloor Stroot ALL ABOUT CANADA THK eanadiati Vear Book PRire. TU'PVTV.FIVFJ.'TS K'tawMKIl MV ALFRED HEWKI I TORHNTll Photographic Views OF MOXTKEAL QfEBEC OTTA IVA TORONTO BRITISH COLUMBIA, ETC. Kodaks and Supplies. High-Oass Portraiture W. NOTMAN & SON 14 PkiliipM S^man and Windsor Hotel MONTREAL W. iV. # Son pmpost taking a series of Vityes ilihstratittg the ftoyal Visit, Hotel Strathcona BROaCVILLE ^ ONTARIO THE GEM OF THE ST. LAVRENCE RIVER Just Openod- Ncwesl Hotel in the City -Has all Moileni Appliances— 50 Roomn with BaltiH — Cuisine of Especial Kxcellence - Particular At- tention Paid to Commercial Trade. THOMAS CRATE, MAnager FORD THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE. HIVE US A CALL AND YOU ARE SURE TO RE SATISFIED. A. C rORD ■li\. PRINCESS ST. KING.STON. ONT. L ! u Mexican Fruit'' : There are many *' Fruit ' Chewinjf Gums but only one " Mexican Fruit" .MANUFACTURED BY C. R. Somerville LONDON, CANADA SOLD THE WORLD OVER COATTD PAPtR PRINTED ON "RED SEAL "COATED PAPER MADK KXCLUaiVKLY BY i RITCHIE & RAMSAY ^.-^ TORONTO JPMMMMMMMMMMMMMI *******— •**—*»»•— •••••••mmmmmtmmmmm^ 1 r. DOBBIN — — J E W E L L E P — — — QUCBCC SOUVCNIl^S OT 311. KINDS -SPECIALTIES-OoLOKM IXxj (Chicn d'Or) -Calwhi!- -ROVAL AND t^lKBU' AllMi - 2.9 BUrtDC STI^eCT QUniifzC ./ Perrln's newport Chocolates THE STAND.-iRD OF EXCELLENCE KAr-JUFACTURED BY D. S. Ptrrin & Co. LONDON, CANADA H. O. HARA & CO. 30 TORONTO STREET ...Stock and Debenture Brokers... (Two of Ik. PIm Maahm Toioolo Slock Iicku^*) SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD IN TORONTO, MONTREAL AND NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGES OKBBNTURES suitable for deposit with Dominion Govern- arat and invratmenl by InutM. always on band. Smd for Liit, THE GURNEY STANDARD SCALE-^ A C C I' K A T K A N I) U I- L I A li \. K THH ni;ST Ol- MATKRIAL AM) WORKMANSHII' - WE MAKE SCALES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION — THE GVRNEY SCALE CO. HAMILTON. ONT., CANADA _ __., — . ^y^jgus Established IHVI ^-=r= E. A. GERTH^^ 3235 St. Cathcrioc Sticct (Qucco'i Block) ninKT IMPORTKK HIGH CLASS HAVANA AND BIANILA CIGARS Hoi. Accnt W. I). It H. O. WILLS, Bri>ta1. Encland. KYRIAZI FltKIlKS, CiUni, Evypt. Hmibamn o< tht nam EGYPTIAN OCARETm 'ii: R. J. DEVLIN MANUFACTURER UP PINE FURS IMPORTER OP HIGH GRADE ENGLISH HATS OTTAWA THE HUNTER ROSE CO. LIMITBO PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDER.S T B M P L B BUILDING TORONTO UP-TO-DATE ALL ALO NC THE LINE YOU WANT THE BEST YOU GET THE BEST — AT THE ROSSIN HOUSE TORONTO KING EDWARD kIi iIw r»ltion ami crMin Iht pncKUnla. W*h«ii in Tiwunio he mode Ihc Romim llot'Ui hia lleadquartan. Ilh eianipk was MU<wt6 by Ihe Dub of Edinburgh. lh« I)ub> of Ncwculk. Prince UopoU, Prinn Buonatunr. lh« Eari of Dufcrin, ami others of the nobility.- You cann«>t Jo better than to dt> hkewiw. TWO MI NUTES FROM THE CITY HALL . AND STEAMERS ONE MIM-TE FROM THE I'NION STATION '" J. S. RUSSELL 118 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. NATIVS INDIAN GOODS " •»■•■♦•♦« IN N.W.T. MOOA— IN«. LAKK •UPBHIOW AQAT«« »♦ I ■ ■ > > ■ To Hto fisMllMcy tiM Qovornor - OmuwiI L. DUHAMEL BUIUJeROF LAWN BOWLS AND- -CURLING STONCS FINE^ot PLEASURE CARRIAGES OTTAWA - - ONTARIO — -=-- --^TBUBPMONB 2»=— I ^J HIGH CRAOX PLUMBING AND yf ^ STEAM GOODS TMI OtLCI^ATro JMT VALVl •TAMDAm) rm exocllcnoe Our reputation has bocn made as the best source of supply for High-Class Products, Selected Material and Workmanship. Elaborate Bath Room Furnishings, .Manufacturers of Gas and Electric Fixtures, in Modrm Designs — See Catalogue. Steam Savers and Specialties. [ THE JAWE8 MORBiSOII BBA88 WFC. CO., Limited, - - TORONTO The GURNEY FOUNmY CO. IRON FOUNDERS -'^^ TORONTO, CANADA-^ LIBITIS BSTABuano tau MAMUrACTVRSIC* or OXFORD LINES or- Stoves and Ranges Hot-Water Heaters Steam Boilers Steam and Hot-Water Radiators Warm-Air Furnaces Qasollne and WIckless Oil Stoves : OuriK-y J;/>*>'J<jry To.. Winnipeg I (funicy Foundry ('u.,VaiH<uuvflr / <'iuwd« KN'CIKM/ tiurney-MMHuy Cu.. MontreHl \ turTwy-Mawwy (u.. MontreHl liirney IleatiT Mfir. Co., MmU... . , L Ciurnt-y Iloatur 3tlfff. ( '<>., Nuw Yurk Bitablislicd 1864 Tctephonc BUin JI37 AND CQPELAND FAIRBAIRN House and Land Agents 24 VICTORIA STREET TORONTO MONEY TO LEND BEST QUALITY COAL AND WOOD CERS^ COAL. kT-ElAD OFF\Ct , rORO^HfO 30 Kinir ^troct Went 4W Yonye Wlreet 783 Yoiitrt' Street »a (Jwvn Strt^ct VmxX 41W niMutiiitt AveDur 57tl guevn Htreot Went opncBs tau gui.-«n Httwl Wert KM|)lai)wle Kant, nuar llerkit.c). AImo at fuot ut W. Markut IfaitliurMt Htroot. u|>po»>it« Front St. auy iStJi-* .\vtnur. iat IJ.T.t!. CiSfi — iiuc) 1131 Voutfti SL (at C.P.R. CRMlnff). thb ELIA5 ROGERS CO. THE GVUNEY TILDEN CO. LIMITBD HAMILTON. CANADA We mm the Lar^Mt Makers of 8TOVIS AND RANQK8 in tiM dominion — "SoMoew lr '' Stoves and Ranges Hot Water and Steam Radiators Furnaces and Registers Locks and Buiiders' Hardware \SJi:sr* impserioM imvitbo eonma^ONDwiMs aeueiTas MTALOOUn 0« ATFUeATIOM THE SPEED. COMF O R T. CO N V^ E N I E N C E AND S A F E T Y D II R I N O JTJjJ^JTJ l A V E L S O F THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK ^iAX-^_!^ '^t'- ^ MADE P OSSIBLE BY THE USF OF WESTINGHOVSE AIR. BRAKES MANUFACTLRED FOR THE l>0 MINION BY THE WESTINGHOVSE NANVFACTVRING CO. HAMILTON, ONTARIO^ LIMITBD 1 V LONDON* , 1 LANCASHIRE 1 ' FIRE ' ► Oil kPITAL AND *••■ •ie.«oe,63«.oo T« • RlehmoiKl t. Bast TORONTO r: ANGLO-AMERICAN J FIRE INSURANCE CO. MEAD OFFICE: McKINNON BUILDING, TORONTO Autbariicd Capiul }1.0OO,00O.OO DtpimUti with the Dominion Covcnuncnt <or the protection of Policy HoMcn . 54,677^ Security for Policy HoUcn it 31»t Dtc, 1900 495,439.71 BOARD S. F. McKisaus, Exj., ^ v. .Mi Ktnnttn & Ct>.. /'nrauirnt J. J. LOHU, Em}., The T. Long & Brolhrr Co. lut-Prrtu/mt OV I) I R KC TO K S . Turonto CollingwtKHl A. A. Allah, E»t|.. Mmr*. A. A. Allan St Co JoHM R.Barbkm. E«q,. l'rf».Tori»ntol'apfrl"i' Tofoalu of Curnwall, Ucorffelowii Dr. O. IIerhkht Bowlbv Berlin A. II. Cl-knikuhax, Em)., Barrialer KinKkton II. H. EcKARFiT. E»4.. McMnt. II. P. Ei:karilt& Co. TMonto JuMJi Plktt, Esq.. Flett, Lt»wndrt <; C\... I.iJ. . Toronto Jo«:t UoWANX. Et»i., McMra. Ouwont, Kent & Co. . Turonto W.;.G«iE,E«q.. The W.J. Gage C....Md. , . . Toronu. John Kmox. Em|.. Mesani. Knt>x. Itlor^an & Co., Hamilton R. MiLLlCHAMP, E*q., Moara. Millichamp, Co)l«4c Co. Toronto J N. SusMiToME, Lmj.. he&.Trcaa. Maucy-liarrikCu, Ltd., TorooW Dr. Uriah M. Staslkv Brantford Hl'qm Wauobll, Em). Pwterbofu' •1 ARMSTRUN'li OEAN, Malinger ^ THE BIG FOUR ^ -THE- Oitarlo RegUtry CMapuyalMMthAaak* LUIITIP AND Tm -—.— » Cloyds QiK(i0iy PUH GIm kb Co. PUl« OUm and Mirror Co.. LO. ftr* makinr Ubwal oonlracia with dikirk t nanaHara, k* nvral, up»vim\ and local wvnl*. which aAird t»ery opponunily to buamraM (rtlcr* and offer •PKiariiMJucrniriila to lh« trade. If you have had espvrimc* or mm •RleHnv buxnrM lor the Jtrtt time, it will pay you to communkata mkk Ulaaa companirm, ., unmm opbhatbo. PtrwHial AcvMcnt |late«t plan* and newetrt fealiirta). Acddtat aod Kichneaa ciMnbinad U, % thor i7di«ca*r»l. (immtl Avvidrnt aiNl Heulih lMi>inK wMkly iadminil) for ditabilkv cauaad ky aondenl or any hind of fllneaa). WOIIlUiBN*a OOLLBCnVB, PLATB OUUS, RmployM». Public Ocatral. Elrvstar. Tawaa. ThMirc. Vewel. and Um^ iMffent Liabibiy. RegiatratJon, IdrntiAcatiiw. Protection, and Care in rrapert of per* •41IR and property, combined with Special Accidenl and I Iralth I nsuranca, and other important advantairo. Brveler*. Silverer*. Mir ri>r- Maker*, and Glaciers to the trade. Dralara ia glaai of all kind* for buildins mmd other purpoMi. . pTMldMit ; Arthur I Th* linUrtA AM-Mf-Ri-^Umtt W. Haillli. K r.. D r I, . iMlMurr, VI.#.|-rrB(,lr>it«iullUlw«lnK |l| ^ PtmhI* J. U Th* U.f,U W.T. W««i.. prmMMil; tin.. M. l>k>.|l, Vt.-*. ^•^^!^' »r''^»'r I ■■rtmur*' »n4 lOKhllmini. i^Mrr*! Aamt*. ArtlMir I. Kwiunun-. Vht PmkKr.t aud IImw«I>v l>lri<rt.«i rraa<-u J, UKlith-xira. Bttftlnws OfHoa, FMMry mm* Warth^nM t««-l*T VICTORIA ST. TORORTO ■ ORTRRAL OrriCRt RRITISM IMplBR RUILOIRO Judicious ^Speculation In >^torkii, gnilii and ciKlon. ofTerM tho irru«U>xt opitortunlty of a>iy biiniiii'Mi In tho world for ittAkinir InmirnKo iiroltiHon tho captiHllnve-tUHl. It ta the only bustmrita in irki^ the mat^ of uuMiertite tmnns hat an equal elumce v>ith thi man of wealth. In mwt liiit^M of buMlneiM tho man with mpital httM (hu itdviintaKO «f the wmall d«al<>r. In trml- img in Stfukii. iirain and Cotton, their chanvea art abgotutety equal. Tho Wall Strp4>t nmrkotH nro now ait|iroai-hltiti tho |>it1im1 of the yt-iii- when lln;y bu<-iiiiiu ni-tivr. thi-rt^hy alfordinK unusual chiuicoa fur urutltuble trail iiitf. I^et UH p'^nrnt you with a rui»y of ixir 400 tiairo Illustrated -GlIDK Tti I.NVK8Tulc."<.- and lor » white lend you our "DAILY MARKET LETTER" They will oxplain fn rtrtnll the Wnll Street mar- ket**, th" rhanroi* they ittlbnl for iiionuy iiiitkiiiir. etc. II c iMiu! ttfln /m. HAIGHT (t FREESE CO. esTABusMco imo MAIM OrriCKl 5S BROADWAY. M.T, TOHOMTO OrVICBi T MKI.INDA ST. i " Oa U i'iwIwIiiK «lM •hmraetar and (InaiMlal ra^MfMlMllty of your Brvkar la as impar. tant aa Mia aaiaatlaw af rlsM ataaha." 'I UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY riKE Ilf JURAWCE JIWCC A.D. 171^ KAY, BANKS. LOVE « HAMILTON — omuiAi. Aoum ^ ROYAL INSURANCE CO. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. MANNHEIM INSURANCE CO. 27 AND 29 WELLINGTON STREET E. TORONTO NiAD orrici aiCORNHILL, LONDON, K. C. Ctmtt MB AcnravuTw rmiai, t*— , CANADA BRANCIIi (OR. ST. JAME.S k McOILL 8TU., MONTRKAL W. & E. A. BADENACH OCNIIAL AUINTS ■ 5 ANn >7 I'lADca Lami, Toronto TiunKMU! M<n uM, ■mmuci, Moara lit POUNDED A . D . 1 7 I « THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD canaiiian branch 13 WELLINGTON ST. EAST TORONTO II. M. DLACKDl-RN. M»RAi>>ii TOHOMTO ClT» AOBNTI It I C I N D O T II A M k L V O N THE EQUITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HKADOPPiOK - TORONTO^ CANADA A raeamoM, oowmrvativrlv mtkiumn oawadiaii oomPMtt OAMTAL AUTHOKIZIDt miOOO^OOO SUMORIMD, •MO.OOO AM I ovm Msoyoeo MOM. OMiranj, ■x^.p, ptmioih TNoa. ewnvpoas, wup^, i Nm« tho inutod lida of Ihia foe*, Willi tlw wrinfclm mid bWnnliilm rniunrad. Thm is an rx«ct pholo of Ihe woawn that wan on •nhibilion, with one aide of lh« race traalcd. Wrinkles can be remov- ed, no mailer how old i all facial blemishes can be cured by N«i Yorti { lil«ciaJia« IfUIIV^llkiE 10^011^ «-.» — »T* -^ -^ TORONTO MAKES A SI'EflALTY OF REPAIRING, ALTERIXli. PRESSING AND CLEANING GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS Goods called for and returned to any part uf the city =^-==^DRHSS SUITS TO HIRE-== MADAME E. SMITH DRESS AND ^NNN' MANTLE MAKING THMTRICAL DRESSMAKINO TAILOR-MADE OOWMB A SPECIALTY U9 YONGE ST. TORONTO THIS BOAT, 21 FT. s 5 FT. WITH 17 PEOPLE. 3 H.P. ENGINE. MAKB FRCm t TO tO MILES PER HOUK. IF YOU ARE FOND OF PLEASURE ORDER EARLY ONE OF OUR ENGINES ti (' A H AN T K Kll NOT TO KXI'LODE l'NI>t-:R A '.■ V I- I Rl f MST ANl" KM, HOT LIKE MA 1 1>F OI'R I'OMPETITOR* WE ALSO MANLFACTURE ELEC. TRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS McLACHLAN^ELECTWt aASOLINE' MOTOR CO. TORONTO, CANADA i.niiT«n THIS SOUVENIR - rT^/sTt The Hunter, Rose Company, iVe make a Specialfy of High GraJe Calahgue Wort. Limi/id, TEMPLE HC/f.D/NG, TORONTO APPOINTMENT PITRVKVURI TO T 11 R O O V K R N O R . « R N R R A L HIM RXCRLLRNCV A. HUCKELS & COMPAN Y AERATED AND ofsTILLED WATER FACTORY OTTAWA oiai CANADA PATRMIS Th« Patent Kxehangr* «nd Investment Company 1M Vtoteria M. Car.g««Mai TORONTO^ OANADA J. ARTMUII HACMUjrniY, MAMAORR r« /i..»»tor,. .l/,.».,/«rt,^n. t0^,IMi aaW mil tIlUn imttttUd LmmHli.ii JI.J lor,.B„ PATRNTB,, IViU|n.. TrJ. Marka. P.KM .l,l,l, „t ,ov«„lu.m, lh« v.liJil, .„J ,»,ie of p.t.m»^ ujoj (|iMf»IK>n> uliiitni.i^'rnwiU-. -• -mi uimn I'lei^rui, Aiujorwnl,. ll„,«H, toiur».u. L^cenan. Paniwakis Acrvvmrnta. ttc. -.wiw.Miip Primp!, cariful j..J Mpart •IKnlKin »v.wil«J all paicnl buaincai. (^ur^ri modrrali-, I i«.n rndpl ol ikiich ..r trnxlal aiij JncriplUin of ininiiioit. »a »ivr »|MiiH>n a» to w Itrlbrr i^ttciit tan bv .>biaiiu-J. »>,.r ,«t: h..uf. .,r« Irom ,a.m. lo i. p.,„ . and wt aim to ,,t,„l rvcr, txiM.hle con. „i,.,hc anil rourta*) at all llmaa 1.. an.l.i ihr buai- una Mlfti-.l. ol ...... or». iiiai„.l.uliirir^ and all otlwr. inlarMlcJ in paUrni iiittiu'r>> Th« y w w alM m, •»»^^Weyt*at>»H a«Hl rinanaiffiy cf WV have the hr^t fadiiiw, u.r RikcwRiutl) nncoti-timr for Ihr pro. im-tk.!!. igil* tw t.«anci.>|E ol ffooJ |hI*»iU. We hav« rH-ovJeJ rahibiUm r.^t r.H- (he diop.«y ul pMtentR. Our rihibitKMi ruomi afford •dm-mI «dv»iJiif;e», »hero inventor* •iiJmanufatriurrr» and ca»ttli»i«.-«ii i«-i «m) - f»v'»- p,rf(. t (k-mofiMration ion be made to Kh*.w ih«- «ffM«nKV«na value of invrntKWi offvrrtl. •-■••».? ana We also iimlrruke the cffntive advcrtiHJnir of paicntf. and all Bimitar latofWftti entrusted to u> lor pn>fn«tlHtn, neKutiation and aalt, , ^^^l"**.".! '"^y**'' •■'•!' •» ""' **«■■ "ny tinw. We are alwara Clad cbeertiilly and pnmiptly to give a4l\ ice ami infurmation upon any Ofumary p«iintR or «ubjcctR rttncerning patent matters. A tfii.^ |Witr*iJ i- 4 %tr ^> i ^ .tg wtf-vn- to (iTtunr and succcK Til MnNT aONiWCi AND INVESTMENT eaMrMY ••• WOTO WM OT., B o. go— w mtK Vtatwt* M» ■■ TOnOHTO, OMTUM, MNASA ORUANIZINU JOINT STOCK COMPANIES.- W, undattak. Ika urnaai^onc and pronuKing of J.nnt Sloik Companio. By ainaa ttia daaa of work BpKial altcnlkm we can aiva perfact Mliafaction. raillcuian, t-ti.-., on apfjkaliun, prraonally or ^ Icttac. R SLATTERY BUTCHER ONTARIO OTTAWA PURVEYOR TO KIS EXCELLENCY Palace Shop, By Ward Market Telepliona 107 Windsor Market, Rank St. Trirptiofie 89a Capital Shop, Wellington Market Telephone 143 Residence: Telephone 131 h' Capital $2,600,000. BOARD or DIRKOTOna MmOCHT HON. OKX A. OOX, Mtmior, PrcsUltiil CsiMdian Bank of Comnwrc*, Turaniu. VIO>*MmDCNTS mo. C. OOX, Managing Dlrwlor Imparial Lib Inwiranc* Crfpany, Taraalo. I>R. VOOO (ManaglnK DirKlor), Toronla. J-V. FLA VILLI. ManaRiiiK Dimtw The U'm. Davwa Company, LiniMadi Pmitimk Nalkmal Trairt Cumiway, Toronto, am THOt. ▼. TAYLOR. Toronto. RKKARD HAtX, M*iMir>. Kiilmrd Hall h Son, PatarboruuKli. ROnRT JAPFRAY. Pmidrm The Globe Priminic Company I Oiruciur linperlal Riink, Toronto. ▼M. MAaCBNZU, Pmidenl Toronto Railway Com- pany. Toronlo, CHISTW D. UAtBK. Trcauirer MaueyHarria Company, Toronto. J- J. UNNY. Vic*. Pmidenl WnUni and British Amarican Aa«uranc-o Companies, Toronto. HIV. JOHN POTTS, D. D., Bur>ar Victoria Lni- variHly, Toroato, A. A. OOX. Vice- President Toronto SavinK.. and L.mb Company, PderboriHiKh. FRHMRIOC C TAYLOR. I.ind».y. )• H. HOUVBR. Seirelary MavKey - Harris t'oiii- pany, TortMito. AsMts $e,187,142. This Company conducts a general financial bu^nesa. Receives deposits. Issues debentures. Loans money on real estate, listed stocks, municipal bonds, insur- ance policies, etc. Deals in Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds and Stocks. Offers its customers every facility, liberal treatment, pronpt and careful attention to all busineu intrusted. 4% INVESTMENT BONDS Tti* 4 par c«nt. Investment Bends issued by this Company, afford the fMlowlns aidvantaces to Investors: >. Any kinmiat from $100 upwardi can be iartMUd, 2. An intctcit fctura of 4 per cent, p«y«bk hAlf-ycarly. 3. Intetut •Uowci from d«te moaer i* rccchrcd br Compsny to dttt of fcpAyment. 4. The inTcttmcnt c4n be cooTcrted into cMh *t *nr tine by (iyinc 60 days' notice. I I MNP POST CARD FOR SAMPLE DEBHNTURH K R. irooD, Ihaaeiiif F. ir. BAILUE. Aaiitiiil Maaafcr TH E Hon C WOOD Ci U E LP II O N r A R I O A I'riviilo Institution for ihf Carir and 'rrcalmcnt of CaiiWH of Narcotic and Alioholk- Addiction and Mental Alienation. KOK 1' A K I Iv I I, A KS AKKKKSS STE PH K N L KTT. M. |>. I. I' H L I' II O \ I A U I O STKfUEN Un. M.l).. M.v.P s., „„.,, .\|.Ji.-.l Superinlend..,. THE HOMEWOOO RETREAT, QUELPH, ONT. S T R A N G K R K V I S I I I N C. g I' K B K C SHOULD NOT PAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE KUR» IN . B. LALIBERTE'S ^'?" FUR PARLORS THE FINEST IK AMERICA Ladivs' SEAL Sitcquea, PERSIAN l.amb Jackets MINK, etc., etc., all of the Latest IVKi^fnf. Capes, Caperincs, Bi'as and Muflu to match, in SABLE, MINK. BLUE FOX. LYNX. etc. Gent« FUR-LINED OVERCOAT& Larjfcst Sti>ck, Best Prices, ConHistent with GihhI Quality of Fur. INDIAN CVmOSiTIES ROBES in Sable, Mink, Seal, Musk-rat, Hoar, Wolf, etc. RUSSIAN AND HUDSON BAY SABLES u specialty. LALIBERTE ST. ROCH. QUEBEC VISITORS are just as welcome as PURCHASERS. Goods displayed with pleasure. STOP A r I' H i<: s r o r k on your way to r h e FALLS OF MONT M O R H N C Y - -- -^ BiiM ^^