maoam HMxutioN tkt cnart ' (ANSI ofid ISO TEST CHAMT No. 3) ■#. 1.0 ^*^ 1^ I.I ttt iS^ 12.2 tM tit Itt U I U I IM 1.25 11.4 n, I 1.8 1.6 ji >1PPUEQ M/GB Ine 1633 (mi Mom Strwt ' RoclMitcr, Nm York M609 USA (716) 482 -0300- Ption. (716) 2e8-SM«-Fg> I %^% ^ fMD £ [the <^>/^|v!r<^ OOUNTISS OF tEE V ' '' ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■;■■:... ■' aRUNVILLE; V :/./■ Clerk of th«: Muiiicipaiity of of <^ j in 'he said U/iiitetl CoumieH, hnvlnn ci'«ifiwl jjimlor , hi(» hand thsft no complaint respecting t1ic List of Voters' for «aid Municipality, for the year i88^, haa^been received by him withb thifiy^kvs after jhe first posting -up of the same ; pnd Oh ai^lication of the Clerk. i;«jafefes^±ii»iaBD)B^o4 .Iiidnf of the bounty Court o|theUi|j|ed Counties of Leeds and Grenville. in pursuance of the provisions of "The V|jters' I|i^t» Act;" certify that the annexed prjnted List of Vok-rs. being one of the copie« re|eivedi|^ me k^y^* /^vr. 188^ , > '*■ i ■■\ '//f<,^y^ " :''' '\'. • ' -'. ::■■' ' , •1 1 • .' ■*■-. , ■ . ■ J. ..■■■• , > ^ '• f \(' .'V , W^m^'i'w. ^^. 1 :'^:^^/ I .■ mA -H/ '■' '■0 .v.,^v. -» ■ •■•> .1' ....-J^,.-«..., / TV-. CIHM 'Microfiche Series \f \"^ Collection de r- ;.*-v: (mbnodraphies) /■ ^V':' ■:,•:■;■.■■■.•-.■■■.■■:-■■; .. :;■•-,■ .■„• ..,?>/ ^-•/■. C«n.dl.n Intmut^for Hl.torlc.1 Mterpr-RrodMi^^^ j^ '■. V POLLING HimoiyWlON NO. i» m$t '■ I 'I l i M j l j' i I PART 1 - P«. M)n> «intltl«d^ 19 folt iTBOTH NibmIiI IMImm m4 I |I0 Ul« L«Ki»l«UveorKe ......\ Cu*iok|^ JttUMiflf^.; Oolenitts, Joha.^.... Olurk, Joseph...... Onlemuu), John Sr.. Ii«l LOT. Oo«. or HtrMt. I thmri\)tioa. J i9 s 9 ...i.. ...vt... .. 49 W 70 71 2«9 74 109 86 87 ,88 128 -i 90 91 92 93 94 Dormer, WiljiMiu... , Elliott, Johq ..... Plojp^, ThoiDM...... Fialey, MartiD....... FrauM, WilliMDi..... Forester, Duitiel.... . 19 #••••«••* • • t*> *'■ • I P 10 .a....,M* t. nrf«a«>ta»t»i^«» «.aaet'* • »•«*■••«•■•■• ^.•^.•'« t*:»t»*k#* t,«tft»«k*v»»>«k«* • • • • • t • I V. • if,,, • t • • t t • » » t • • t • • t 9 * • • » •' • i» • • • • 0. .....4.......4«..... t ft A«»(h«r i>remiN«N ft.. .....,.., 0..k...iki«...>. • " ■.•>» • « .,' »' • • .. .> • . . V;........ *■*... 2 ownw,, ownw.i., ...... owiiurij..,..,,.. owiwr bwn«r owiitir owiiur owu«r... • •••■•» • owntf ....... . i owner, ........ owner.........* owner ...... .. lundkwId'rHfMin luiKlliiilii'rHiMin a s » 8 a 8 8 a 2 a 8 8 8 luudliuid'rHMHi; 8 owner. >•!*■••• 10. 11. 13, . >. Qreer, Jobnaton..... OiiffiD, Jbhp... ...... Griffin, J«aie|.\.„.. Gib8ou, Aleziiiii^er. . Green, Kiohard...... «..t Jittf* »,••,■•.;• ••%.w ■»■■•'-. . . . «> VW'Bif • ^•..•.'»»K.'.i.«.. . 1 m 9 Jl( oUier pruuiiHea • ••»'■ w. ...... a.p V *.....«. ....M ^^•v]*' .....*•..« .... 4' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ fl-' ft... •t* aivafl** » • • 4 '* .t • t '• '.«■•• •*• • ■ »^ *«t*llae nwoer owner ownur ^,,, owner owner owner ^. orwuer...,. ., . jl **•••••> •••••• * •■•• p^. 36 ...>..*..... ^ P 7«*«'».#;i*t»«.fef*aeae ■•^ ••'• a • «.• a* If « »•« ••■•* tree* a.a • • ■ • 9«- e tee ae M »• *^f •• • a ft;-'- ^^» •••.*•*•••• J a ••• e t e e I V**'*-** «• eWaa e ■ a aa ;' »»i (•'■■■ . - '•a*e'«« ' •«* jat'^a a »• aa.*« OQoupant. .... * J owner owner ....,., tenant «... tenant 3 8 8 8 2 2 8 3 8 8 3 2 2 owner . .....i.e. tenant .. landbold'raaon owntir 4B I'a •• a a a «• 3 * other premiaea owner ,.... .,. 2 3 3 3 8 w-.f 1^ ':' 7-:'^- :• ^'>^ ■:i:' ;•: ^^j:-7- i^^f '^^i^ f ^^■'■X '■':■■*-:■,'■•■ ^:,^^, ..-'• >^ '^' '..:''"■■' .^■' ■ '■ ■'" :;i-;;;::/;p7,f ]rZ-:\:^-^^'^^^ /, ;/'-'tv'- ■■■'>-: ■■■■-" ; ■ y V ■' ■■■:-:-;■.':■' -':'-'":-"^ ■ -.-■7':a \"-^^:'t{''-:::''—^^^^ :» ;■ ^ "*"*'^«i««, :/ -^ ..N \'\- ■••■■.•. • • .^■; <■■'-..:.■ 8. 147 f-: 167 .168 170 171 172 17:i ^474 176 176 177 178 179 180 181 183 188 198 . 83 205 206 207 208 209 ; POLLING SHBDIViaiON NO. J. NAMB. • •toQroll, John. 210tFA 211 212 213 MoLmuw, Jth;.t, Mitw«4), JaniM....... MoOord, John. MuDowell.i-ThuuiM. Mit^ee, Jnoim. ..y,. MqCuon, Hogh...... MoCiino, Joha. ..... MoUowelt, Kobert... eUowell, TliOQiM. MeDowell, (I^^h ... Mum, Utlirard....... Mao«, Ueorjr ...■,.. MoKqea, Hobfr^.... MoKeon, JoMph.... iVfflCormiok, John... MoOifegor, David.... Uti^ ttub«.rt..M«< Nortpn, WiUfam.... Prlo«, Robert........ Pelton Elijah ...... pttltOD, Hr^tan...... PeltOQ, UMkdl E... PeltoD, Di)w«»y....... Pajroe, Sidauy ...... "yno, Albert. Poltou, Wmiain.i... Pitmao, Alfred .... Pitmao, WilluiiD..., 216 217 218 219 220 221 234 230 236 237 238 239 240 241 J Qttaokewbttsb John ., Uobioson^ Woslejr.. RiiyiDoad, Kiohitrii, Uaymoad, Arthur.. Raymond, W Rioh'd Raymond, JamcH-... P w P- P t|f lOi-UMf ••»» p rt p 7.....«' .,,.'«t«i p M ^ 7 ...M. .••>• ^ p 7 .,„,%if i,i,*,.. pll, 13... Strong, Stephen ..... . Smith, Pairiok....... Shuvor, Nioholiui.... j Shaver, Gordon*.....' Shaver, W Jiimes....' Smith, W J ameii ... .; j St^ith, Peter...... .,i J Shiaoh, David ...... ' 242 Shiaoh, John ....«.» 24?Sb«w, JofadS ,....v j ■-■ ■• ■..■;■■:■.' . " .' ■> ' ' ■"■■ LOf. Coa. or Mtrett. e|» 't«».it* t ■•*«4,«*»* p pit H « III . ••'••t««t#4! ••• n y I I '• .■•••i«a - • I, III ••.••••••■■ iiA- .•I n J o ..•••. I iiiM^.t V p I ....«•«.. ^ .. n p h k 6. •.•'•.. ...,'4« n p.H 4 6.<.;..««>>.M« |V D w U * Kit ••'•-« • •' J J^ * • •• «• .•*••• t •. ft p .0 ^ Q .>^««_ u;«« 11 X V**M*««M liiAi Ij Jk Other promiiiHH l)«Mri{tion. laudlioU'ruMon t»t*»i*« IrWfNlr *• «* •'! f •«• owner.......,,. I ownor. ........ I uwntir. .,...,. ,^ T^:t>tit*c oiru«r.. <....«.. ^ ownurV. .;.;»... 4 4 i!( tilhur preuiiituM 3 ' £'■■■'■■' '-■'■ 4' ■ 4 4 dli other pi^miwH ■. J'l *'f»«9 ■!••■• B^* •««#•• • •••••ee *«*«tk(«'*a*> k »k «• •«•••• * »*k« ■ • * .♦»te te.«««!i,i .•* . 3 4 4 #;■. 4 Jlc iithor prumiae^t 4& other pr6iui!«e.«'••■;'•,•••• -aa'aaf/ (4 ■ •««.•••• • Q <&^ 6.aa*«»V. 9. Ma,aa«*«'*aa n p 9...... ,.:.... .^2 & other preiiris<)!i 2 Mother preDii.sdd V : a • aa a • ■• « a a aa a •• • v-a 3 & othor preMii:iC6 8:- ■ 4 4;. n p 6....,..,. 4 n p 7 ... . 6 V «l • . ae«.'ea ay \ 2.... W V .'OTa»« •.* • •' • • ' 4'»'t a • • " ■*,". aa#a» • • am-aaa.e* V 9 •■•••fa««a • a a a a • • •' • .•aa»*'«* •aa«*»«aa««.« 4' ■ ■■■' ~V . • aiaa •• i a-aa a.ait* •' lu(i«. owner........ , owner ......... uwjier ......... l:indliold'rfl son pwoer ..^....,. owner.......... owner......... . lauiliiold'rb son owner... ,.....„ 2 2 •> 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 ^ 2 2 2 2 % \ 1 ^■**»»-,* I 2 2 2 » I 1 \ ■ I V 1 1 2 2 2 ^ )!mi& nViSwife'liW y ■ tejudg$ of the County Court of the United Counties of Leeds ' ' and Grenvilk ; . ' of thft of Clerk of the Munktpalityr in the said United Counties of Leed$ and Grenvillc, do hereby certify as follows f That I did^ the i. D. iBH, pos -^»-^^u-«.*^V» -^ day ofJ-*^- A. D. *id8C , post up, and for a period of thirty days nexft thereafter keep posted up. iri a conspicuous place in my office at , Ujl.c-^L.'O'I''*-^. ^ .C-^-'i-'*-***'''*— *' ■ ' ^t/^J-^-*<^5S~^^-1^txc--*-.'^-.;--^: .(«_ ^ a xxvx. aprf ccWrect printed, copy of the Voters' List for the said Municipality of <:^ CS^H,.*.-,-*^^^^ -^^n^^A^^T^c-t^ for iSS^i'^made in pursuance of "The V day of A. D. i88o , cause to be inserted in the newspaper called ^ . /dru^c^'UrtM—/^ . , ■ - ■ , published in '^^/r^fi-^S-i-i-^il-— — the notice required' by Section seven of the said Act. i That no person gave me nor did I receive any written notice of complaint and intention to apply to the Judge, or Junior, or acting Judge of the County Court of s^id United Counties of Leeds and Grenville in respect to the said Voters' List within flirty days^after I, the said Clerk, had posted up the said List in my office, as directed "by the provisions of the said Act. ' -^^^ "^ t And that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I have complied with the several requirements t)f the said Act, so as tp entitle me to apply for certified copies under the Eleventh Section of the said' Act ; and I do hereby, in pursuance theredf. now apply to you the s^ Judge to certify three of the copies of the said List received bv you as being the Revised List of Voters for the Municipality of the said '"^"^^'^^^ ^~^^~, of-.r-^'-t-*-'^*^^^^'*'-*-^*'^'""'^ for the year of our Lord 1880 • • |W(iine^d my hand this<54t-tvt^<^v*^ day of •^^'^tyyt^u^ A. D. 1886 . " Clerk of the Municipality of -^^7^^-* Post Otficei* -(U y V Th« oopv fllmtd hart Hm jbmmn raproduecd thanlMj to th« 9«n«ro«itY of 5 :/ ■--.'*—■■ ArehiVM of Ontario ,■:;■•':..:'" " Toronto ■'"■ '"''■^- ,'■■■■'■■■-•!, THo Imafloo appoaHhg Koro aro tfio boat quality .poaaibla eonaidaring tho eondl'tion and lagiblllty of tho original Cfipv and in Itaopirig with tho'; filming eontr^ttpocifiootiona. :MP'm- .// .*»»■ L^am0lalra fllm4 fut ropro> Mapa, pla diffarant antiraly inel boginning right and ^ roquirod. mothod: charts.'atc;., may bo filmod at iction rotio^. Thooo tdo largo to bo idod in ono «ipdauro aro filmod tho uppor loft hand edmor. loft to to bottom, 00 many framoo aa following dlagramo illuotrato tho nompWroo originaux dont ila couvortura arr^ papiar aat imprimiio aont filmte 9n eommon^ant " ■.' ^ ■;:::l;;. / -? I':-:- ■*■ 2 ■ ■ • ■_ .• ' ■:■/:"-■' - - ■■ • *'^^ y .' , \ ' ■ 4 • ■ -^ ," 3 i . ■ ' 'I ■ t - • _, .-■ - " V. ■ • \ .-■-,' ■I 1 4 ^■■■;:' : 2 ■ :- V 3 4 Wmy 6 'ia ,*>' I A J '0^ ,-' TpWNSmP OF SQUTH GO|/\rER. i. umiuroir^ i. 90Vtm OOWBR. %, KiMiyium. *• MAixv; tmmf |>»lll«ir »«l»*lk«vl«l«lll««. I.OomprUtnff lh« rirat Raooud, Third «ni1 Fourth Oonj . ". Mid Township of HnuthOownr.ftnil not ln«ludln« lh«l. pur* ~» •••- -"•''' «!«Mlonk »f Mouth Oow«r, whhib wm foriitarly m pitrt of Nor FART l.-P«rMiiw Tot* at BOTH MuDwipiU Klaotiooi wif El^otioni;. to feb« L4||$itUtiv» Aimblf / ^ ^^ : ; •PHP I i' NAMB. 6 Adkiqs^ Hugb , TAdamo, Jpneph...... > 8 Aodernoa, Thorn aa.. B'AnderROn, Jamei J lOlAnderiton, S^mnel.. ii Beggt, John.. ... li^firowu, Joho S. ..<. 17 BeggH, Robert ..... 18Begg8, Ungh 19 BeggH, Josepo A.. 20Beaoh, WMliani ■• 2i Benuett, 8»muel.. 23 Benoett, William 24 Benutijit, Joseph 25 BeunQtt, George, 26 Bennett, John 27 Bennett, Robert.... 28 Bennett, Robert Sr 29BoMb, John 30 Bower, R Suniuel 31 Bower, Joseph . .» 32 Bower, S.iuauel..^. 33 Beuoh, Btinjuinin . 35Beaeh, Sundford.. 36 Beaoh, George.... 37fieaeb, Albert.... '> • ct .' •• d • t-«ae a't * « • • • • * >• • f ■ 45 51 52 53 54 56 57 UnmminKB, Eraatus. Oaaipben, Jaeeph . . . . Gowden, Anlander. Cowden, Samoel.... Cumniinge, Robert. 55€krk, Elijah GammingH, Peter Sr Ganiibings, Aad'sa J Gon. or Streei. 2.. dA otherpremiMs ■%••.•••••• »•%■•&•••••'•••••* • •.«• ••• ••••«• owner. landhold oooupan owner... owlber A* * •• •,« ■ ••••«•••••■••• «••••<• vAaf ••••••••# fi • ft* «• li« ••• «•■#•«•••. M'-tcf »• •• a-^eee* • •> ■ ■■ ' «*••* te af •.••••.•!• «. •-•• aai •••••*••• 2 & other premises 2 2 3 ft other preipiBes 8 3 3 * 4 & other premises 4 4 4 & other premises 4 & other premises 4 aa«f-«««* taa« axaaa p 8 4ifc other premises 4 ft other premises owner, owner, oifner landhold'rs son owner.] ,. owner . owner . owosr landhold'rsson landhofd'rssoD owner owner owneit' tenant Owner. lundhold'rs son landhold'rsson owner owner owner ....,...,. owner 2 ft other premises owner., owner., owner. I owner- owner., tenant OWDW., owner., * •! ^W /.f lOSj Ml list POIJJNO Him DiVmiON NO. t. 107 Bmmw^.'ihn'St . ffcMHHiwtjr, Ntnilitl iljutlnmn, JoMtph... Iljndwaa, Al«i llUlllulbflrt, KrMMUN... IN llnorjr, Kobart IIA llMytm, tber preini«e«i . ...... a .... *V. ••.•«( 0'...« • .. ......a. . P I ..*...••'•. ■•.•f...i B ••.••<»**•• t • • • » ?,.«•»■«'• • if| •^|l> ••.I »•.••, •'»• • ■ ■ to ■'."■■I.-'' ■■.'". » 4. 12 ■■■ ■:--'-■- ■Jf- ■: •;: '<-Ji.'- ■-■-■■• " J I".. %'••>'•■»•••*•. ..JO.... ••#i '.4. .••.'•».. i. «•*....».....•,.....«•«. Ii. ••....« ........... e \H.,i,...t,.,i,,„,.,\l & other premises i S. .i...*.ii.r .|7& other preni lies a W'X I .......... . ..(i a e ^ 1 • .y. ;•,..."«..... e f I 1 ...... •.a«*M« ^11 ovnar. nwiMr ..t.„«t, landhold'raaoB i>«rn«r.....A., owftar ,1. . nirntir.. ,.,',..„ t«4aal •ttf •»• *WBar ;„„,„; ownwr ..»»«...• nwnor •(•)>«•.*« owtiar . *.»...... . owQar ........ i ownor ,.. . owiinr ,„i.,,.. owitar.>.i.M«j ■ ownar . .....•:•« ownut .. ...'.*.« owiiur...... ... owD«r....> landhold'raaoo owiittr ., . owoer.. ....... ownar. «.....,. owHvr ..V...^.T oWD«r. owiier. owner . owner . lundhold'ra aou owner. ........ owner*..... 89. a e p 38 .. a e p 38. B>e p 38. p 36, 37............. ..........f...*.*-. ... •:...*... ..'. • . . #• 2 a a ♦ a > » • ;• 9 '■■-.■.'■ «it*aa*«faa«'»*a«a.a eaea i««*«^ata • «.•!•••• a •• ■«•• • f owner. •••«««•• 4 ownor owner owoar. ........ . owoer. ..,.-,... owner. . .... . owner, . ...... oooupant ...... ow oer ......;.«., owner. . ..;... landhoid'ra aon Uodhold'ra MOD OWIMT. ...... S r 3 s 8 j > 8 8 3 4 4 8 8 3 8 3 2 2« 8. 8 a a 8 8 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 •s 3 , ■ » A''l :X ''■'•'"': ... .y ' t. 7 , ■■•■■ •■.- ■;.i„;.' :.:■,■: ' * ' ■ .■■■.. .J .,■ ■..'■,, , ' ' ■ ■.'"■• ■ .".' ^..■.' .:■»<; •';';!;■ ■^,, '..•,'■• .; ".■"' ■•.-■'■' ;■ •" . . ■-./ •■■■ "■ ' • . ■^i':--;.: •• ■ 1 '■'■.■ ■ ;^'.-'.v-f ;•'.•.■■■■'■ :■"••.. ■' ■'. ;...■<': .■'/■ *' ■ ■' . ■ ■• ■■.■,■■■■■■■' ■'■^f'. .' :"■'■■■■■ ^ '*■- ' "T.t"* '', ■ ■ /, ■ ,• ..,.■ "I; , , ','..-*.. 7 ' T ,■■ > ./ ,■ .? ■ '■ ... . • ■ ■. . A ■ . • . ■. ■ ■■ ' ■' \' ' ■ ' '' .■'■'■■<7 ■ .■■ . ^ . '■.':'■ ' *^,'' y '■'■■' ". ■'."...'"■■ .,■-■/■'. .\ '■■'■ . . '. '■- )v:'f'':^::'^ .'■■■■\ ..' ... '!.^ .. .. ' * :■■■„; ;V'/,i 1 ■ ' . ■ './:■'': .^Jy-. y'-' ■"":': ■ '' , '■'.' '. ■ / ■ ■ "■' ■ ■ ■ ,' / ■ ■■• V '■.' ' |;^;^:1\ s.. ■-■'? '"' ' • :;p|v|| ■ , ■ ' . '■■■■■' '.'■;. '■■' '■' *-7.y :.....■■:*; ;■;, ■..'■vv .; ■:./'/.■:;:/■ ^■■•/:-; ; / - » ■■' \ ■' ■ f ,0.;:-:;; . • ..'" 'i :■ ' ■*.'.' ' ' '■'■ ' ■' ■'- -:' ' ■' . '.. ■ V'': .-■■■■■*■ "i ' y "' ■ ■/..;■ /'.■ . :.; ■'- f ".'■ '. ■'''* ■■■ '■■''.!.'■. / ; . ■ ' ' . -• ." . '. t, '■['■'■■ .' :: ; ■■ ., •■ ,-. ■'-■ '■ ..•.-.■■ ■ ■ ■ ' * '■■'». ;. • -^ . - t ■ - -:- m ■ :■'■.■■ '.■ '.. ' .: '• ••/ ■ . .:.- . ' ^v; f,,. " ■'.'", . . ^- / ./. ,.■■.. ■. ■A^.;- ■- • ■ --. , ■ ■-'. •■,■:■'- ■ :., \ ■ '■ ■ ■ V ■-, ■' . . ; ■',■";- ^'^'■■■\ '■'■■•"- :' ';' ■ ' - . '^ :' "*' - ■ ■-. ■ V . ::■ ':"^:'r/' " ' \ '"■■'■■ ■■' >.. :-^'};-,;^.y\' ':..■; ;;•■■;•■'■■ -■>■■ ■.■- "■■■ m ■■' "■;■■'■ ■..'.. / '♦■■ ■'■ '.■.•'■■. .'■.^' ':' -^ '■ k- ^ ■■■/./. ■'■'■. 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V-'-y;'.^--:^";^. :;..;■; ' :/,,■"..•■.'■■;■-• '-:-, -1. . ■ ^''---i-^ V V ( '■■'■■ ;■ - " ■-..-■ , ' ' ^ -'■■■'■ * ... ^^,..^^..,.._...,.^^^....,.-,..,,^,^^. i.- ■■•.■:./■;■ :. . ■ .;.^>^;; -\. ;■■ \ " ■ . A rOLLINO PHB-mVIfllON NO I. i NAMK. liOTv €o«. or HtrMti. : r 215 2ftU ana Hpunoor, IC Oeurgo. . ^r ' ''\ '^ ViDnHon, PMpk \.. ,V«fliilt«n Hauiuul . .., VVhalojr, JauiM,...'., Workiiiuii, Win J. VVorkiinii, .foliii ■■ ) J ^ 9 ■ 1 ta«*t«««f •••!*••• 9«*9»«#l» ••'•••t*»V*4'> 2 AoUnr^rljBiiKOM • p 7<. •••••• i Duaoription. < UniJhul(l'rtM)n f i ..■■: *» oWu«r .....[ 1 owDflr I '. ' i N l S5 1 PAUT JI.>-P«raotiM «tii^it.ltfil to VoU •! Mnaiaiiml Ereolionn ootj. , • f NAMB l:::f ■■**»*-*ll4* 8&7 iVf clDtjrr«, J •piaator SjpwMfri B wUttV'Mfk .■'""ka. ThompMo, J widow ■ .■ :./!:■'■■■■-':■•■'' ... ramam fii»,t»»»»f I I PAAT III. — Persona ontitlod to You at Kleotiona to th^ LegialatiTe Aaaemblj only. , NONE. •If- .-, ;.i .,i.; ;, •■•i/fr.- ■ I "M wm ■■-. '--A. :.■■■•'. ..€>'• -...^.^M, ■;■, ■.■♦,. ,.v. '■■' '•■//:■ ■■\: a <»>. tf li'' 1H4 JHA IHti IH7 IH» l»l 1J»2 lilt 194 m 1H7 WM.I.INU HUB IMVIHIOM NO. «. ■ . ■■"■ >■ , NAME i ^ •M > -k 1100 201 S02 flu fllft 922 S2» M«rUii, lliMb Mikftio, Ku|i(n Jr.... MdlKMiahi, Jiihn. ,. MaTayo^art, JuMu(t M«ic««. WillUia w.. Maflkcj. John Madkajf, Thoai4«.,. Maniils, l)itvi«i. .... Nuodla, ThontM... Maokajr, Williani... Maolitfjr, Ifiiiavail. . ■pi" LOT. • p to »>MI^I«>.t««tf| lA ■ * a II •••••• ^t> ■•!•• <•• ••«•■ A oth#r pNMi««i|o«ii«»r i»^,t, «,...... •%.? Iinnlh.i|«('w ^ •••>••«>••• •>•••• .piirn<]f . ... I., .a * nUP pr«nita«|n«fMir >.„.„,, IflAothar |>riHf»«»*'i »-u Rdfloiiili, BolMrl fl24 Saouinav, Ocpiugh. -225i^tMniw, Aadnw..., 226 8«br*w, Attguatu*. . , 227 8«braw, Jobn 228 8Kbr«w, Utiu* 229 Sheridan. John Sao 6hi«ld», Joho 281 Saatinikw, Aodraw . 282Bpiirka, I«wm. ........ S»8Sft»t«j»' !»• '• p : owiiar lHUilh<»ld'raaoa,i|i»'(«*>.. • a • ..■•% aaotaM^aa a ^.. ».•»««•*.•*. Iii»dti9id'n«mt S H M.. ^ I I l.>V««»li(a^»i .aitt* ol 13. • I 8. 0« a • • 9 J W W f I-^iXlil.aaaat B.ka < # . .liai'^kli^t^taaa o#iM»r ...... i . lNiidiM»ld'r»ami • tt*tf« '.itaia fa xaaa.lata. • •> «MI'«<««tta..«laa .»•■■ t.»>. ownnr ...a... owiiar ..a...,.., W»t«M, R Edwy. O.aaaat •«•••,• >i|l#««»iaa • P 41 .••••• •^*|>B««tc " P *»»f»4.».ai. P p 42.....tlito..M.> I «!*....«' ^••••••^('a'aa»* «. ■ p4U...< . ,i ... # 2 .......... w p 10.,.,>«>.,... J ft & otltur uraiiiiauM *a-»tf.aa ••at*-. •»ava«,ii« i J B ■ I 40 • asaa aa# « ■ aaa * • to aafaa**^ aaAtaaaaaaa i ••• Mf* •••«••-•• a t.*««9 i * • t • « f I' •■ • M4 •«•« •'• a f a •• ^ P ^ • ■•.^•••••0».t aa ' J[ X' • •• aa^^laii^f •■ a a a*« V j^ O* a ka* • a B^ , if •••'• • « a. a »pT. 4 . • ... 8- ■ • aaaa'aaaaa •••#• a'ara ef6 aaa * i,»»»»»mkn»» 0- •* 'J ■••■•••? ••*'••• : ta •! •,». arcf 2 A other pr«iniii4tf( 2 ^. ....... ......... . . . .... ...".. .aa-iaa.a 2AothQf prMniiMiN 4 A iitbtir prt)niii««M *rai»''.a'a'aVil •.»■•■ i a otritar owiMr ovtovr *••»*»%* ttta... I .aaaa.a • owner. .^^.Mt.V,.. own«r..,aa..i.. UWMMr f a* a»»» a owner. B 8 H A oliior praniiMB W*rt, .t»*%» ^iiv^.t. ^> ■ .. ( . . .a i^ . ... ft & Other pr«MiiH«8 • ■* *;• • ••• « 9 fv a Oajl, a««*aa a (iaajira ai 7 A othnr preiiTiaoM ft A other pr«)iiiiaea •'♦ e*** a ••aaaaa»«»a 9aa«»«aa«« • aaaa* ft.. Caption of issue/ Titre de depart de la livraiso^i D I 1 Masthead/ i. [/ (lenerique (piriodiques) de la livraison Additional comment.:/ There are some creases in the middle of the-pages. Commentairessupplemanuires: Addenda Sheets tipped in. ■\ , This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked Uilow/ Ce document est f ilme au taux de rMuction indiqui ci-desspus. ' / / iox '. ■■ ■■ ' ' T*X - ttx pt-, 22X ; .<^K 26)( rSi 30X ^ • . » ■*.' i - 7 '-'. ■ ■;.'■■ / ■■■■ . 1 :-^--.:--:;; nx - ..^/J- ■■;.:•!:?«/- ''::y-:.-\y2QX' ■.:.;.^;;:"' ■ ..2*X,,,- .. ^;;. ' -:'28XA .;■,:■-, .:,.■: . ;32)(: / i * ■ 1- , €• ■■ ; * , - -■■/ i POLLING SUB DIViaiON>0; 1. Cumtuintri, Wm A. Oufrjr. Arehibttl^... Curry, W Thoinmi. '. Gooley, Willinni.... Oiinittron, Allort...... Ool^urii. John (Jo(burii, Juqii^ii. .... Cuuiiiiiuj(ii, Willium OuoiiuiiiK*. Alton... (yiiilftiiti, ThoHtuR... Oonldy, Hvory. ..... OarMoo, Honry Cuiuniin^a, I'eter... Guuimiuga, DiiDciin. ■. *'.". '■-■'• , ■ . . IMlUboagh, Albert 1 DulroagD, John...... Dulmu^fl, Janies.... Kager, Thomaa..^.. Eu^er, Willium,...,. Ka> Majouliu..... Gregory, Alexander HtiBsiurd, PhineRti... Hutches, ttugh. .... llOJ^unter, Siuolair.... 117 Irvine, John. 79 Long, Joseph^ ..... 81|li6ng, James. ...... 141 Littimore.. ! T homaB. 142: LutimorA, Edwiirtl. ODofiJU* 12 op 6.. e I n w I l...'....^.. * P • ^ Vt*'» ••••»«tii* • ••••«»••»• t tl^* • > H «? r If*«*«a*tatff«.«»« " 4 **•*•••♦•••••• H .^.. it P 1 1 ■•*••■•»•»••• p « J 7^,>i....„,. P Da.««««tai* ahaa«a**« nafi... w f 4...... ■1 A ttth«r prAmimTH 2 k. oUier premiaea 2.. ..•.„...,.. ....... ■ • • •'« a • «•« «»i«4'»'eaa • -t . ■:■.'■ ■ " If W ••••a • • aaa*** " " ^^ ••*♦•• ••a J • • • '^ 4 ^'•'••••'•..'•••^♦•>» « i w ^ 6v..- O. •^ P ll^a.a- •»« a* • a • • U p ; iU «ra« ••.at*** isva W y *f *'••'• •••-baa f ^4aa n i 3 ..,..., Hp 11 & I3,.„.i;.. opli & 12.;;;.^:. 3 k other preoiiaea 3 4ft other p^emiitflM 4 k otJicr praujiaeii 4 . 4 & 9(h«r premiiea 9*aa«a»aaa aaaa*** • ■«■ 2 4 k other prei&iMM ..■**,'■■'.■'' 9 ■■■' .^.' 'A «*. . .4. .. r« ... ...4 ... .. 3 A other premiaea t k other premiaea Iftother premisee 3... . ........ |.,..,. 2 & other preniiaea 2 i: other premistiH &..«» . ..*]p. » ^ . ....... 1.. > ....^....,'^... 1 ft other premiaea ■• aa a.» a i,a « »'• a a *" f f a a a a.B a.«aa « 2. ^•^•t^ 9 • « aa'«a-aa*«« * V P ■^ •»• »■*•*•.•• f f4Ma«|0«a» f» m *.•• a a a a a' • , O P l«a«aaa*«aa*aaaaa«a ■•■••. aaa«*«« • • .. Q p id>«aa«a>«i>«- _5l POLLIKj^ 8CfB<;DIV]8IONfNO. t. = III «|*U-.'^- NAME. S a' SSL LOT. Con. or Street. , DMqriptioo. 261 263 267 268 WatioQ, Henry...., Willie, John .^.„. Whitney, John..* ... Wilson. XhoniM.... Wilson, Alexander. Wiley, Aleiander.. 'S* n J7 w.« p39, 40 p 40 *' &» 6> 7 ♦•' .-. o cu * - jpwn^jr '.(•...,,.....,,,,.,,, oD^ner ..... Wa. • ....... 3...... 3..... 9,...:. owner Owner.., owner , owner. .^ PART II — Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal fileotione only. 42 BennettyElien widow 190 Murphy, A widow. / 195 Muokey, T widow. Story, M A widow 250 owner, oifnert i 6 ft other premiaes ft A other promises owner ...,..«., owner.,..*,. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 if'- 2 ■I5B-. onf^*^ III.— Persons entitled to Vote at Bleotions to the L«^i«|ntiT« Assembly NONE. l,.the undersigned Municipal Clerk, for the 8<(id Municipality, do hereby certify that the aKpregatenumberDt names of persons upon the foregoing list qualified i serve ab Jurors, is (136) one hundred and thirty-six. - *../". '. ELIJAH PBLTO5I, i. Dated at South Gower. ) . ". C«»'^k of the said Municipality. ^^ tiiisl9thdayof June, 1886. l ' t Elijah Pelton, Clerk of the Munieip'ality of the ToWn«hip of Soith Gower in the.Uuutj of Greiiville do hereby certify thai p»»ru. one and three of U.e within li^t ffon.Hltute « correct list for the year 1886, 6f all pernons appearing by tL Inst Revised AH^ess^ent Roll of the said Munici^ah'ty. to ^^otitled to vote f t eLtions for m^t- bers oUbe Le^is ative A8^euibly ; and that parts one and two- constitute a correct St 4.>r .ajd year of all person:* ..ppeanng by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Muni- cipal Klecuons id «aid MuuicipaUty ; and f hereby call upon all eleotors to examine the s nd list, and li any ouiissioos or other errors are perceived therein, to take imme. diHte proceedings to have tlw said errors corrected according to law ' ELIJAH PELTON. .V- • " ■>■':: ■■ -'■■■" -:' "" ' -^ .:■' a - " .-■':■;''' ;■• / i 1 ' ■' ,-■ ■■■;■,■* ■' ■ ■ " . ■< \ . "i-:YrM mm ' *i ■Hiii^^Ll. ■■ ' - --■i-^---..:.-.^--^-^^ ^ fit" :^/^ vik i^. _ • '.^ ■ ' ic'i C^atM Itrriiiiitli*^ * t,' '■■«f>iV''i'' •'- ^ ■■. "■ ,-^^M mm 'Jm /«"