.♦» v* . ..-*< «1 tSIHIVI J Microfiche Series 1^ (lyionographs) I » 1 •J ■ , " *\ .■ * ■, \. IGMH Collectioh de microficlies ' i . \' / Canadian Instituta fpr Historical Microraproductiona / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductlons hiatoriquaa '.■/-■ ■■ " ' ' '' ■ ■' .**■'■ ^ • ' ' ' , ■ '. . - ' ' .''■■- ' ■ « * ■■--•■•■■■■■.■..'* *■ ■. . i|L^ "■ .^' .*■ ^*» / oriquM ^tf ' f"* TMhnidrf MHllUbNot^apliic NotM / Mom tMhoMiuw •t WMieflr«P*iiQ«Mt v> ' ' ■'■. .'■.-. TiM Imtitut* hM atttmptMl to olttiin Hm bMt < copy availabto for filmint. Fmukm of ilii* copy wfiich may iw MMioirapliieafiy ufii4«M, iwhioli may iter any of tlM imatH in ifta rapvoAiction. or wMdi may licnif ieantly chanti tha HMial mathod of filmini. art ■/ QCoiouraid cbvart/ ^ CouvartUra da coulaur 0Co«ar(darMf|M/ Couwartura andominafto , □ Covart rastorad and/or lamkiatad/ Couvartura raita<irto at/ou pal'^cuMa □ Covar titia minihf/ La titra da couvarturit manqiM P CokMwad inap«r^~T^ Car«H gtographiqiMM an coutaur CokNirad mir (|.a. othar than bkia or Mack)/ Enera da cotdaur (i.a. autra «m Maua ou noira) Colourtd platM and/or illintrations/ Planchas at/ou4)|ustrations aiy coulaur . Bound with othar matari^/ ■ ^ Raii* avac d'aotrat dotdumants :/■ i^ y .Tight bindin« may csiUM shadows or distortion ,along inlarior marfin/ La raiiura sarrte.«Mit eausar da I'omhra ou de la distorsion la long da la mar«a intiriaura Blank laavas addad during rastoration may appM' within thataxt. Mlhanavar pMsiMa, dMsa ha«a baan omittad frpm filming/ II sa paut qua earttinas pagn Manchas aioutAas kin d'uha rastauration apparaissant dam la taxta. mais. lorsqua eala (Hait possiMa. cm pagas li'ont pasIM filmlas.. . 1 ■_■*■' " Additional commants:/ ■^■ Commantairas supplimantairas: This itam is f ilmad at tha raduetion ratio chadcad balow/. Ca documant ast filmi au taux da rMuetion indiquA ci-dassous.* _: 18X L'inttitttt a microfilm* la maillaur axamp la ira qui! lui a «t« pos^ da ta procurar. Las details da eat a x amp l aira qui sont paut4tra uniquas dju point da WbliograpMqua, qui pauvant modifiar una knaga , raprodufta. ou qui pauvant axigar una modif icatimi dam la mMioda normala da f iknaga soot kidiqiMs ci-dassous.' ■';•.■" '' . . '''■ f ' ' □ CokNirad pagas/ Ngas da cq^daur m 1/ Figat r*storad and/or lamkiatad/ Pagas rastaur^as at/ou paNicul^as y I Pagas discdkNirad. stak«ad or foxad/ KJ Pagas d4cplor«as, tachatias ou piqu**s □ Pagas dittaehad/ - Pagas d*taeh4as QShowthrough/ Transparanca : Quality of print varias/ Qualit4 in4gal« da I'imprassion '* r^ Continuous pagination/ I J Pagination continue □ Includes indax(as)/ * Comprand un <das) index Title on header taken from: / Le titre de Ten-tite prowient: -' '■ ■ *■ . ■ * □ Title page of isiua/ Pagt de titre de la livraison P*n Caption of issue/ Titre de depart da la livraison *.- □ Masthead/ Ginirique (p4riodk|ues) de la livraison ■/■■ aox- 44X^ 42X^ 26X JOX V - • ■' , ■' 12X , 16X 20X 24X i»x , 32X ■ to tiM e#n«ro«lty of ! btf nnproduoMi thanks Motropolltan Toronto Rofortnci library Baldwin Room Tha hnaoM ippaarino li«ra arO tha bast quality poaalbia aonsMaring tha condition and laglblllty of tha original copy and In kaaping with tha filming eontraat spaoHloatlona. ^ Origlhal eoplaa In printad papar oovars ara fllmad baglnning wKh tha front oovar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad Or tllustratad impras' alon. or tha back covor'A^an appfopriata. All othar original oopiaa ara fllmad baginnlng on tha • first paga with a printad or illustratad impras-i • slon; end anding on tha last paga with a printed 0^ lliuatratad imprassion. Tha laat raoordad frama on aaeh mleroflcha ahall contain tha symbol -»• fmaanlng TCON* TINUeO"), or tha symbol V (moaning "END"). «vhichavar appiias. Mapa. plataa, charta. ate. may ba fllmad at diffarantraductioh ratios. Thoso too iargato ba antlraiy includad in ona anposura ara fllmad baglnning In tha uppar iaft hand qornar. isft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as. raquirad. Tha following diagranfis illustrate tha mathod: : N- ■'■ ■j*:.: >.v; ■/• ^^ i..>. m ^^■9 *: ".' 1 ''■■'■: 2 3 1 f^: ^ L'axamplaira fllm4 fut raprodult grica * la t«n4roalt« da: / Motropolltan Toronto Rof a ranoa library Baldwin Room Laa imagaa auKrantaa ont dt* raprodultas avao la plus grand soln. oompta tanu dg la condition at da la hattati da l'axamplaira fiimO. at an conformM avac laa condHlona du contrat da fllmaga. .' laa axamplairas originaux dont la couvapura m\ papiar aat imprimda sont fllm4s an oomman«ant par la pramlar plat at %n tarminant salt pWr la darnlAra paga qui oomporta una afhpraihta d'Imprassion ou dlllustratlon. solt par la saeond plat, salon la oaa. Tous laa iutras axam^airas originaux aont fllmia an commanoont par la praml*ra paga qul-4)omporto una amprainta d'impraaalon ou d'lllustratlon at an tarminant par hi dtnl^f paga qut oomporta una talla ampralnto. v Un das symboiaaauivanta apptraftra sur la darni*ra Imaga da chaqua mierofieha. salon I eas: la symbols -^ signlf la "A SUIVRB'Ma symbols ▼ signifia "PIN'V ' Laa cartoa. planohas. tablaaux. ate. pau\ fMmte * daa taiix do rAduotlon diffArani lorsqua la document ast trap grand poijr ttra raprodult an un saul clich«. M ast fllm^i partir da i'angia aup«riaur gaueha. da gaucN * droita, at da haut on bas. ap pipnant la nonibra d'imagas ndcassf ira^ l^a diagrammoa auivants lllustrant la mdthodo. ^. ■■■/■ •=**~--.. 6 MMCIOCOrV MSOtOnON TKT CHAIT (ANSI and ISO T^ST CHART No. 2) »> aJ- / M /APPLIED IM^IGE Inc rV: 1653 East Main Strtet — RochMt«r. Now York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - PttfiM (716) 288 -5989 -Fox ;, ^}-.--yM ,?..v> {^> i \ A- r . ■ '■(£.. « ' ^>'%:!'-v^.^ ^ TV ■'^V^.J^ 'Ski \ \ DUTlfe^S ■ ■: ■TV -FOR A^vVv NON-GOMMlSSlONE)D OF'I^IGBRS '•, ,'5. • -o;-' IHE- — ■-■»---- - - h BA!!". PN :? -^— WirH THE N^GE^SSARY REPORTS, <SG. ,';,,,'■ ' ■■' •■;■>■. " \: :»■-■ ■ .1 ,-\':l ■'••:■. Lpproved, . ,. i J J. DUCHESNflY. Lt.-Col., •D. H. G. 7tt\ Military District, , Jy 0. HUNTER, JVlajor aqd ildjatar^t 55tti Batt. fl. MilitiS^ .r 4 / '■J ■ > 1 1891 . PkinteD by W, a. MOKEHOuiK & Co.. ; ShekWooke, p. q. ^' *!.' ,j;»^ Ij -^ naij i iiiim i i i 'i'iiriif i f i TfTT > /■ 8 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 01) on ^. The good conduct of a Uogimcnt (UipondH uiouttv the jictivo and zcaloim discharge of the dutitw r.'.min'd the part of Non Conimitwioned Ollicora. ' ' 2. Thoir duty is rigidly to report every irreguiarity tliey may observe in the men whether on or olfduty • and never to permit insolence or reply fiom a soldier^ in the execut^m ot their duty ; they must on no account use vile or irritating language to him, and should above all things maintain a proper, equal and impartial authority. ^8. No OfRcer or Non-Oom missioned OfHcer ' should under any circumstances, speak or parley with a soldier under the influence of liquor, but should have him imme- diately confined. , > 4. Anv soKlier refusing to obey an ortre^awfuUy given or argues about the right or wrong of it, should be imme- diately conhned and reported to the officer commandintr the company. ■ ^ r 6. Whenever a man is recommended for promotion a specimen ot his handwriting should accompany the recom- mendation. / .. -, - .;■ - .i-: ,;■-;■ / .:.,,:;■ . ; •• ,6. Officers are strictly forbidden to repVove their Non- Commissioned Officers in the presence of their men, as such tends to weaken their authority . 7. Non-Oommisa^ioned Officers, throngh broach of disci- pline are not to be sent to the guard room, but placed under art-est in their camp 01 quarters. '•5, "♦•" • "Pipp^wir^ %f, • '- -^, ( . 4 „,,,;;i-,,,,m...t, will ,M'i>«"- •>''••'«'"'«"'''' "•'''''"• ■ , BEKtiK.ANT-MAJoK. bis ohice. ^. kecp,tho ro^cr <.r t^^Non <;--j;^; -1^,1^0} i3eiHftndVpc»vi«um ot them, icpoitiu^ any iuty to th\j Adjutant. 3. TheX"ty^-"«''^''"<> "'= •"""' ''^ '"" 8er«oant->N- »* me theec, s'vlx. cominand. 2. PickctB. a. Canteen dt\ty. 4. Gate duty. ' 4. Hoha.lo,iveoujX^^ i:;;;,;;^ u;ora«.-ly officer at last W^y : • - . * JIB, '»n Lh with ruMl OIU- iction of ht->N*>» r of inon ' t»8Ci)rt ov (I OlUoers it at r day ; to eportB ami 6. Ihn'rtorgonnt-Mujor !m im»ro CM|H'cmllv umlor t)u! direction ot thu Adjutant, and will prrloiin alTtlu) dutiuM in Ihi! inannoi dctailod to liiin l»y that oMlcer. ^ 8TAFF SKUUKAN'I'S • 1. (iimvtormaHter Horgoant in uinlof the Hpt3cial diroction (»1 (^narHM-nuiHtor, and will pci foini tho dnticH bcdonuinjr to 2. rayninHttn- Hov^'oant undt'i^tlic I'ayinaMtoi. '" ^^ " 8. Hospilntj^urgcant nndcr the Biugcon. 4. Ordoily Boom Cioik undor the Adjutant. COMPLAINTS. 1, Any Non-Coinmiaaioncd OHicor or soldier havinl a eoinplaint will make it to the oflicer in charge of his com- lumy hefoie hringing tho same to the notice of thq com- manding ollicer of tlieliegimeiit. ' ' ^2. Any one who makes the compliiint and appears to h*' under tho inlluence of li(pior,or seeiuim? excited and out ol temper, should on no account be brought before the oflicer. . COLOR OK PAY SERGEANT. ^ 1. The duties are various, and hois choaen for hiVftt- ness lor tlic oHice, by the oiUcer commanding the company. . ^; He has to bring to his commanding officer's notice" anj^^derelection otUluty on the part of the non-commissioned othcers and privates of the company, and report a^ well any irregularity in the same. ■ . ■ . , ■'. .^ ' :■ v^- ■ . '^ - ; ♦ ■ . .. V ■■• '•'V 4t ■ 1,,,- l> ittiff; .T'yjT-ij/i 6 r the following .olii Bhoum be^p. by P*y ^ergeanU ''^^' ^^U A daily accent of rations. / ■ a An alphabetical roll of the companj.- ■ ■ in its strength. , , ,1 /^^ . . «,i nffipprs wit V the dates 5. A roll of Non-Commi88ioned Officemwi of their appointments STRIPES. • SeVgoant-Maaorj^bars a.^ -4> »" "^^^ *'"'• " Quartermaster Sergeant 4 bart Brum Major, 4 ^*^« ^.^i^^^rs and one bar beVow. \ Color Sergeant, badge witncpit I _.:. Sergeants, 3 bars. / ^ Corporals, 2 bars.- : / . .^ ' / iL flonblexl longitudinally aad Sereeants' sashes are f;jif,„T7t^^^^^ the S^^J'to'ha^^^^ ' REGIMENT^^OBDERLY SI^RGEANT. ^ 1 x:TheRegim^e^O^^^^^ to rouse-sounding. ^j^£tt:SA He parftdes the orderly sergeants of companiee , half an honr after reveille, and receives the reports, and ascertains from them if the men are all present or otherwise. 8. He will make a general sick report, to be given to R. 0. Corporal, who will march the sick to hospital. 4. He will parade the Non-Gommissioned their respective duties. • cers for 6. He will parade the Orderly Corporals and men for rations. ^ > . 6. He will visit the quarters of the men and report any irregularity. 7.,. He will accompany the orderly officer in his rounds^ 8. He will on no account leave the barracks or camp during his tour of duty. 9. He will see that all fires and lights are Out at the proper time. 10. ^.He will assist or attend to all other diities that apply to the duties of R. O. Sergeant, as the case may be. 11. He will send to the Sergeant-Major, at theclose of his tour of duty, a jeport, Ac. regimentIl orderly corporal. 1. He js warned for duty daily, same as. R. 0. Sergeant, and his duties are from rouse to rouse. ■ " • ' ■ ' ■ . '. ■ "■ ■." •■■ 2. He will direct the orderly bugler to sound for orderly corporals at...... o'clock, and receive over from them all men reported sick, and all convalescents, with the kits of men reported sick, and mai/ch the men to the hospital. ^t ■ W^Mgg^ ! • • . ■ . ,8.. 8. He will accv)inpany the Siirgoon or AssiHtant. (if he thiuks^ fit) in his viait to those in cainp or quarters. ' -' ' 4. He will assist the R. O. Sergeant in all duties, when practicable, or any other, as the cjiae may hci L 5. He will on no ac<5ount lertvc the barrack 'or camp (lairing his tour of duty. ' . * REPORT OF REOIMENTAL ORDERLY SERGEANT. , . ■ ' " ■. ' ■ 1. As Regimental Orderly Sergeant yesterday, I per- iurmed the following duties :— 2. I paraded the orderly sergeants at o'clock a. m. and received their reports ; men all out of bed, and no smoking allowed during the night. ' 3. I Paraded the follo\ying non-commissioned officers for their res^ective^uties : — 4. I saw the ppsoners necessaries to the guard room at o'clock. 5. I paraded the orderly corporals and men for rations at...... o'clock. 6. I went round the barrack room or camp at... lo'clock and found everything regular, or as the case may be. T. I marched off the rations to the several guards, in charge«of their respective non-commissioned officers. 8. I pftradod the oi-tlerly sergeants. . ; 9, I visited the cook houses at..,...o'clock..,. ..o'clock and found, every thing regular, or as the case may be. 9 • • ♦ •,• * »• (X , 10- I paraded the orderly coipumlB and men at o'clock and marched them to the cook house. «♦ ^^- , f ^isited thenon-citinmiasioned office'son gate (hiiv at.^.o'clock ana lound the names of clelau Iters o,f?h^^U 12. I shewed the orders to staff officers* 13 I saw hghts out and dampers glosed at the proper hour. V^'gnea; •••..».......,...,.,,„„, .Sergeant. To the Sergeant- Major ) Battalion. | ' MEN FOR DUTY, THE OKDER IN WHICH • TO BE WARNED. 1. Guard. 2, Escort orvcommand parties. : S. Pickets. .■;; ■'^'; ■ T-:" ' ^r'V] r--.v:V-^--:,-;---i-f-7 4. Company Cook. ' ' - ; 5. Kegimental Catigues detailed ftom orderly room. '7. Orderly men of rooms or tents. -^- ^•xi.^^®?®''S®**^*'^^J^'^i" detailing faticue nartieq will name those fir^t which are liable to be^ii^ ^S Th^^' a party required at 7 a. m. will be given out before mio wanted at or not required till 9 a. m. ' ' '^ /. «. 4 .>„«i^ . / FORM OF REPORT OF NON-COMMISSIONED ON CANTEEN AND GATE DUTY. Sir , We» the undersigned Non-Com missioned Officers, do hereby certify that we were on canteen or gate duty yester- day, at the hours specitied opposite our respective names ; and that the orders for non-commissioned/ officers on that duty were strictly carried out. . We^ certify that no defaulters entered the canteen under any pretence whatever. We certify tihat from the opening till the closing of the canteen, one corporal remained present at or n^ar the bar. -No. Rei No. Rank and Name. Co. » ■ Hours on Duty. Remarks / :■ ' ^ - ■ From to From . to From to /■ ' ■■'• ■ : . ■"..,'.-_ _ .__-_. .. ' ^ _ _ _. \__ J- V « ■ ■ < ■J • 7: To the Sergeant-Major ......Battalion. ' } • •••••■••••••••••••••••• •••VyC/rLilJIf cvla '.•,••.•• .Battalion . n »' PASS. FORM OF PASS. ...M......... ...Regiment. *..••... ••..,«... .day 0*. ••••.••. The Bearer, No.... .............;. ........,.;.,iq"q. has permission to be absent from, hid quarters o'olock......m. this day, tin............o'clock......m. tjVe.....'...... purpose of.................. Recommended. Commanding No... ..•..Co . Pomraanding Regiment. Hour of return.,.,*..,...,....,. ■■/■■ •••^ •• .•••.......Seirgeant. Commanding Regt. Griiard. . All passes to be delivered to the Sergeant of the Guard immediately after the Bearer's returii. / V \ CRIME. Captain.,.. ,...'» or No ........Co. '/ \ . ..v..*. »............;.......... (Place and-date)...... No. .......Private .....................of No. or Captain...... 'g compahy confined by order. y Charge— Absent from tatjLoo. until. -and returning drunk. / V J y . \ Evidence^............... ..........i. ........ ....... \'-. ' / ■ ' ' ■ .......i.- , — •-' ^. (oigned) V... .................Captain ....... ..li. ... .jjaLLai ion • /' / Par 149, RkGULATIONS AND OrDEBB, FOR THE I Militia OF Canada, 1879. / '■'/•'.» ."■'"' . ■ . '■ .■ ■ \ .. - • 7 ■- ■ Gambling, eitber in Barracks, Camps orljil lets is strictly Ibrbidden. All cursing, swearing <\t obscene language 'is ptrictly forbidden.— Par. i6| U.and 0., 1870 ■ , ^ • h / .;....Ca. ite)...... o... ...... y order. ain ttaliori. :■/•■■■■; :,/ ■■■:■., strictly ptrictly '^ymiP^^wff fj^ ' ^w i 18 \ •*ip^' / / ^CTIVE MILITIA. CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE. This Certifies/that...*.. ..of ,.♦.,., County of...i....J.,{............... ..Province of.................... dominion of Ctinada, aged ...years, served continuously in« .9ciiY« militia of .18V...... and is now Canada, frona the,.. ...*. ...day/Of;... 18...... to the....i^...y... ....dayo of. d ischarged /therefrom . JLiav6Clr pili.^........ ...... •(.... .....a. jLiav6cif ail. ^...a**.. .«....,,.. .,,.,,,,, I iin6«««*«*«*iy*«««aCl£ty 0I**» ••••lQ«««;i^l »•••••• ••p>« • •*■••••* ■•••• '^ Commanding............... ••.....•......ijt^OQionel, ..........Commanding. • ••••••.•• // ■■■.'■;'■■: ■■;■ -■-: •■: '■ '■•■"• , Vidk Par: 376 Regulations and Orders, Militia of Canada,1879. / /.■■-■■ 44^ RATION BETURN. Fwm, 54B Regulationt and Ordera, MUUid of Canada, iH79. Distribution. vriMCOrBt***** ••••••*•• N. 0. Officere and XXOiOvO****** •«•'••••• •• I Total sa 0'5 II i •a a •••••••• ••#••• Commanding. % Received the above from.. ithis day • ••••:•••••••••••••«••••••••••••••••••#••«• ••••••••• • •••••••••«•• •• ••••••••••••• i < ••••••••f*a« . ■ Mk 16 Parade stale of Captain PARADE STATE. . ' or No.........OoinpftViy. Under Arnts Pioneers Recruits at Drill. Mu8ician8..i»»««"»*»\" Tolal on Parade- On Duty. •••»••••••••••••• Coining off Guard SicV .....»••••• Reg't Employ..... Leave from Parade.. In Confinement Total Present... landing ••J # ij^ ' ^^itoiy*iLfe* ''*».;«> \ ml 'ItiM^ '-fl'^-V i^^iPHWP ;^^ifri* t^"»"'^^\Il^ -t'ia^-i^' tfl*; • 1 . *^ . Vj F ■ * *.',.. » ';:• '':-:..: ::» * \ ■ ■' ', ' . ■ * . ...:ifite^" ". '■fe'' ' :ii»''' .« ' ' ria'',> . V^; * V #1 II .•^•:'<:! % '■'^it *hi l><i' ■'■ J •'"«? «fS' y u > 'M^ . 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