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I; 1«63. ji "^ i*!' V- v^ \ /■ •\ * X <•» / s EESERVATION AND ALTERATIONS. N i - -^ The Corporation reserve for themselves those portious of work lueiitioncd in the SpecificatH>n, and enclo8e«i in brackets, Avhich will be understood to form no part of the Contract, as follows :— The whole of the excavation amjt levellini,' up, as specified in Scc- -tion Tso. 1. » •feie Pumping and Draiuiug of Extavations, Coffer Dams, &c., as specified in Section No. 2, That portion of Section No. 8, which refers to the Concrete,' Grouting, Flooring and Asphalt of Wheel Pit and Tail Race. Also, that whJeh refers to the Sluice Gates bttwceu Wheel Pit and Tail Race, excepting that the Contractor of Masonry will cut the checks and bolt holes to receive the Gate Guides. The Flooring of Wheel Pit mentioned ip : Section No. 5 The flattened timber for head 'gates wall " No. 6 The levelling of earth round the F.lume " No. 7 The whole of the flattened timber for foundation walls " No. 8 ; ., . - ^■•, The stone walls of gable end above ground to be of Jlock work, similar in appearance to the front and back wall of the Building, but bedi and joints of not less than 6 Inches will be allowed. The Contractor shall bo bou^d to push on his work apcording to (jho progreii, and in accordance with t^ie different excavations, and to build immediately the masonry of any such part of the foundations^haf shall b« madd> ready by the Corporation ; and if, upon proper notiflcAion of 24 hours, me Contractor {s not doing what shall be rpquired of hftn, then the Corporation shall havj the right to proceed with and prosecute the work at Jjfty; Contractor's expense. No claim on the part of the Contractor shall be entertained by the Corporation for any delay he may be sub- jocted to in the carrying on of the works for preparing or draining the excavation for the foundations— provided such delays do not extend \ beyond a reasonable period. /. \ ' .1 :■ - " i . i f- Sec- . ifitd f, Tail SPEClFIcltlON rOR TIIK CONSTRTTCTTON ANT) ERECTION OF A BUILDING FOR THE N^W rUMPING APPARATUS. 1st. ExcavXtion. — The diflercnt excavations for the Wheel Pit, the Forebay, the Head Gates, the Tail-Race, the Foundation Walls of the Machinery and of the Building, the Inlet Main and AsaMiding Main shall be made to the several depths, widths. and Icn^^ths, shewn on the plans. The portion of the new Tail-Race to join with the present one, to be excavated to the averajje length of fiO feet, by an average breadth of 20 feet, and to be the depth of the present Tail- Race with proper slopes similar to it. Each part of those different excavations shall be made in the different times that such- portion of the work shall be ready for buihling. The excavation shall be deposited in spoils near the place, in any ^8hape and manner as shall be directed by the Engineer. # All tho parts that require refilling,.8uch as the trenches for the Inlet ftnd As- cending Mains, and rountyjfjjo Foundation Walla and the Flume, shall be refilled in a proper anMjIljd manner. Tho clay found good for puddle Work shall be laid aleL to be used where found necessary roubd the Head Gates and TaiM^ace Walls, &c., &c. *V i 2nd. PuMPiNO AND Draining Excavation.— The Contractor shall be bound to keep dry the different excavations above mentioned by means of pumps, puddle walls, coffer dams, or by any other means the Contractormay choose. When the excavation for the foundatbn of the Head Gates shall bo dug, the Contractor shalKprovide and place in the setting pond, to keep the water from his excavation, a tight and eflBcient coffer dam surrounded with puddlo and piles if required, to make it tighter, for which purpose the water of the setting pond shall be lowered on two ocoasions,^ for not more than six consecutive days at each time, to allow t^e Contractor a chance of erecting and taking out the said coffer dam. In frhich oasfl and in any other caae where it shall bo accessary to lower the water of the A<|ueduot or of the Tail-Racc, or to atop tho working of the pumps in any other utanncr/|he Con- f-n^ ^■ ^ '.„. tractor sliall Im- Imiiinl to ptmli tlic work'ilay an[) tlic works nion; tliaii tin; tiint; i('<|ilirccification, as in no casd^tlic Contractor will l)C allowod' inorc tlian tiio tinio spoeifiod. ' V" Wlinn tlic excavation to connect the now Tsiil-Uaec witli the oKl^ one will bo done, t|ie Contractor shall be l)oun«l to erect ami con- struct all the necessary dams to keep the water out of his work, and the Tail-Racc water sball be h)wercd once only for rtot more than three consecutive days. s . ■^^ ofr y Vrf \:. 3rd; WnRBL Pit a»d Tail-Race. — After the cxcav-ition thoi Wheel Pit and Tail-Uace shall be done, as above specified, the bottom shall be covered wit1i)a bed of concrete of one foot thick, by the area occupied, and enclosed by the walls of the masonry, that is 21 feet broad by G2 feet lonji;. This bed of concrete to be laid level and well packed ; then on the top of it are to bo laid white pine timber, one foot ajuaro, 18 inches from center to center with their top surfaces, as also the spaces between, well levelled (the spaces being filled with concrete), so asf to prepare it to receive tlit floorinj;. The flooring is to be made double, all of three inch tamarack planks, with broken joints at every 2nd plank. The joints ^hull Iw plane*! and laid t^ht by the means of dogs and wqd<»es,' and secured to each L crossi^ of timber by.4«4*itc oak trenails, 9 by U inches. The second flooring shall be laid crossways on the top of the 1st one. Between each of thkjse floors a layer of felt, coated with asphalt, shall be laid so as to ujiake it more watcr-tifrht. AH the'joints round the walls, caused by Ithe junction of the second floor with them, as also a part of the walk themselves, up to 5 feet high, shall be covered w^itli asphalt or With any oiljer material that the En<>incer may think best. •■ Grouting, made of sand .ind hyilraulio lime, shall be run under the 1st floot, during the time it shall be laid down, so as to render it tighter. There shall be a little well 2 feet square by 9 inches deep, sunk into the floor, to receive the end of the. suction-pipe of the small pumpi of the Wheel Pit ; this well also to' be made watertight.^ The makonry shall bo built on the top of the Ist floor. The walls to be 3 feet thick and of the kind of inasonry described under the head of " solid hewn masonry," laid in good hydraulic lime ap- proved by the Engineer. The joints to bo made close, that is, not more than ^ inch thick. There are to be pi-ovided, in the side walls of the Wheel-Pit, four holes to receive the plates and the ends of the iron girders supprfc- ing the cylinder of Turbine, andu;,al80 8 bolt holes to secure the same into the walls al thqir proper places as indicated on the plans. These girders shall be set in, by the Contractor of the machinery, while the walls are being built. A ivaste pipe, 12 inches diameter, shall be laid also by the ^ ^^••^ ^ "^ y Vrf ofr it«-W> Mch «f the foraT liie ena wan oi mu xau-ikuw » *" iff " IhT -_. ~ iT .T Z Hf and dimension shewn on the plin». J ine mp oTsaro waii ib ra Imve, over tho artli, a cut stone copin-; with a pcntter, and » p«lcsUfl n,ui. o «..,..l.... v,.;i;n..' tli<. wliiilo similar to the one now existinj^so with' a wooden lailiii';, the whole similar to the one now existing so as to form a continuation with the present one. I At the separation ,Yof the Wheel Pit with Tail- Race, there shall be J to shut off the water of the < two sluice gates so as Tail- Race from the Wheel l*^t ; these gates shall be made 4 feet 6 inches high by 7 feetj 8 inches long of 4 inches white oak planks, ton-ued and grooved, held togetlier by 3 double wnmght-irorr straps 4 x J inch each, bolted to the gate by ') inch bolt in each plank as shewn on plans. The ends working into four east iron grooves, one on each side of Wheel Pit, counter sunk into the masonry and retained to- it by -eight IJ inch anchor bolts 10 inches long, and two in the cpntre bolted at the base to thel flooring by U inch screw bolts. ^ . -^ ' I' Each of these grooves to be made tti cast iron, of the shape ana|^ thickness shewn on the plans.* The grooves to be 3^ inches deep by 3h inches wide. The ends of the gates to be made to fit them. The end of the iron straps on the top of said gateS to have a ring formed into them, so as to allow the gates to be" suspended or raised by means of hooks' and chains.- Two pcvmanent inch wrought iron hpoks to be iuade and set into the floor above, to keep these gates suspended when not in use. A sill of white oak, 2 inches tuck by U inches broad, to be bolted to the bottom floor across the who|^ width of wheel pit with a square face, to present a tight bearing suWacc for the bottom of the gates to rest against. The bolts to be IJ inch iron, 12 inches long, in the shape of a screw, to be 8 in number. There shall be also a chain with tackles fixed into the wall above the gates, with a winch, to raise the said gates. 4th. Foundation Wam.8 op Machinery.— These walls are to be two in number, Eastern and Western, to the dimensions marked on the plans. These walls to rest on a foundation of flatted pine timber, and to be made of rubble masonry up to the ftvel of the foundation bolt key holes as shewn on elevations, and the remainder ■to bo built of large blocks of solid hewn masonry, well bound together by hydraulic mortar, the courscp to be of the height indicated on the plans. , ^ 4 . ^ Tljc bolt holes to be drillod ^crfiJctly true to tbc Jiffcr«nt places, as indicated on the plans, and to tlie tvnijilcts to be made on tbc cast- inga to be seen at the shop of the Contractoir of the machinery. The anj^Ies of these walls above the last course to be roundcil off with a check on each side of the round part, sin'ular to those existing now in the present Whccl-Housc. The whole of the hewn stone to be fine bouclmrd. The Eastern wall to bg arched over the Wheel Pit, as shewn on plans, ad inclics over the Wheel Pit, and to.have two holes, one in the rubble masonry for • a 12 inch pipe and another in the hewn masonry,*) under the pumps, for tljjj inlet main as shewn on plans. This wall, as the Kastern wall, to have u chamber, with proper drain for the crank wheel m Well as a grove lor the connecting rod to move in. 5th, Pump and Wiibel Pit op Small Turbinb.— Between these foundation walls, near the Wheel Pit, and |k( the Icvct^and the distance of said Wheel Pit, as indicated on the plans, there shall Imj ■jP' '.%'"<'** *** refecive asmall turbine and Dumpfl to drain the t I c ft e I 1 ( \ "I Wheel Pit when needed, "llie flooring of this pit shall be madcl simila r to that of the Wheel Pit of laiyc turbine with concrete and I * timber.^ ll^cre shall Do a cross wall ot hewn masonry wii4i nopitifr on top 3 feet vyide ; this wall shall be properly built with good /~^ hydraulic mortar. ,^ ^^ 6th. Head GXtes And Inlet Main. — The foundation fw the -Head Gates to rest upon an inverted arch of 3 feet 8 inches rftdiua . Md OH fla tt ed t iiukji ; this arch, as well as the walls, to be of solid ••" cut stone masonry, having, as indicated on the plans, four openingi* for the • stop gates ; these openings are to have a check with bolt ^ holes all round to receive the cast iroq frames as shewn pn the plans. The inside wall to have a space left to receive the moiuth of the flume and also tha^ of the water-pipe with checks for flange and holes for ■^•nchor bolts. There shall be laid inside the walls, at the bottom of the opening, a white oak sill, 12 x 9 inches, to receive the Iqwer end of the rack ; this sill shall be secured in the masonry as shewn on the* plans. The space over the walls shall be covered oter by a three inch flooring, supported by 4 beams of tatSarack timber 7 x 10 and 6 x 10, and 1 of white oak 10 x 10 ; this last mentioned 'timber to receive the upper end of the ra^k. There dhiall be a tr^p with a proper covering 18 inches wide by the length of the rack to allow the I ) \ ' 3 ) cleaning of said racks when necessary ; this covci* td have proper hinges and rin<;;8. The top of the front wall of the <:ato8 to l»ave a copin<; with two pilasters of cut stone and a wooden railing "between tc formed round ^.hese' walls, and the *^paving madcuso as to connect with the present paving of the scttltng* IKtund. — I - • 7th. Flume. — Aftpi: the Flameshall be put up by the Contractor of the MacJ^inery, that part of it outi^le the buildinii^, a.s well as that passing through the walls, shall be Mwd ontside and all-round its primeter with bricks and grouting, so as to fill all the spaces that may be left in the masonry, and to serve also as a protection against moisture ui that part whieli eomcff in contact 'ffith the clay bo levelled altcrwards round the said Mumc, the wl bank, whole as (which shall shewn on the plans. 8th. Foundations op thb Building.— frbe foundations of tiic rnnin building shall he laid on flatted Tjimaraek timb er. 10 inches. land/shall consist of rubble mlisonry, as de8crii)cd dfterwanji;? under V the head of "rubble niasonry," tp the level indicated on the plans, that is, to the j^vel of the floor of the pjresent Wheel-IIousc.- On ' the gable end wall there shall be left over the prcjsent main, an arch, as shewn on the Plan. The front wall shall be arched over the Tail-Racc walls in the same manner that th<( Easttirn foundation wall is over tlio Wheel Pit, . as indicated on the plans. The buck wall of the buildin;^ shall also, in* a' similar manner, arched over tho^-epaci,' where 'the. flupio enters the buildinj'. . . 9th. Masonry OP Building. — The walls of the tuildiirir above the foundations, that is abovtj, the level of the floor of the present Whcel- liouse, are to be similar to those of the present building, tluit is, of tlie same kind of stone work with their coun^es corresponding to it as shewn on the plans. All the openings and holes for the introduction 'of the several pipes to be of the dimensions as indicated on the plans. The cornice to be also of large stonp similar to the present one. There shall be left in the walls all the wall plates, wooden blocks, and other wood necessary to line the inside of the building in tl;e ' same manner it is ctono in the present one. In the front pediment there t^all bo a dhimney with a cut stone chimney cap as shewn on the;^lan8 ; thcro sliail be oluo, on the gable end, another chimney cap .„?L' -"^ i f flue. The junction orZnLhi-Mf'^^t\^"^'"''*"*^^^ well made by bonds and cement ^n^" ''"J'- '^' P'^"*"' «"« «''«" ^ the ^ngineej. The (J^n?r XXn ^^••'^•"//o the directions of cornice of the gable end of tho «u k -m"""*^ ^ '^'^^^^ *''« Present «uch part of itfas n.ay be apwovei ht";i'*'"i.? ^"^ "«« "'« ^^ole or the new gable end. TwT new ll ^* Kngfneer, to form that of building, shall b^ ,„ade t7JS ' ^ «°"""»»i«ate with the old plans. Atthcba^k in theil or^'^'r* ^f' «« '^'''^ «» "'« gallery of the presenWl^bliweVh?'^^^ '«^«' «« the walls cast iron brackets orJbeaZS *''''^«''«"^ int^^uced into the , brackets or beams sEaU be «,£! ^T""' '^V'7 ^'^^'''y ' ^''^^^ the plans ; they are to be sdidt «^ ^*^"" 'T'^ *'"«''"««« «''«wn o„ cast on them at the^VextroS^ secured into the masonry by flan-as to fit them exactly £ e" taere^s'o: t'" """' '"^ J''^ '^«''- "-'l" placed as shewn on the S tI ^T\'''^^^ » m number, ascending main is to L^^'n7^ ■^''J^^^ ^^^ ^«" ^bere the new it as indfcated on iP^ns Et:dd on^ up at the lower part hyTUltV^^TT^ ^^.^-^ afterwards shut a large window as indlL ted on tt t t "a' "?? *'*« "PP^'' P''^^ ^y present ascending main L aZ o frSf • .T**""' "P""'"- ^"•- «'« wards refilled by t IG inch bricVlaH ^''^ir ''« "'«««»rj^ «»J after- »n pilasters and cornice of n,'Un.T.r*. ' , t"' •''"*' *'"* stone joints the front, back and gable 0^^^' """^ " ^ ,'" ^«""«« ^" round sball be found neccssTrv hv f S p> ^•' "^ '^''" "^«« «« *bf«^ wbere it lead in the best anSd Lnn.^'^Tr' .''?" ^ ""^^^ ^^^b «bcc of the Kngincer, aTd the Co "*-^i ^''«,^bole, under the direction - for that work, n'i for a^^?. "" " ' ","' be entitled to any extra oatibns, but ho 8ha yovidci ! VT''-'^''''^^^ '» *''««« ^P««ifi- work. P'^""**'' '" bis tendering price for all this kSd ol' * t' OAEPENTER'S WOBZ. the £ aS^J^K^ T^o..r.a 1, a ^f made in oo^Xt Stl^rin'SlT''^!."' '? P- ^^'^^-^ mortice and.tenon to ^weS ,S^^^^ P''"'^- Every' joint, mortices. The bolts nutelliws.;'/'!'^ '''''"r"'* ^ ^'^^^t^y the of wrought iron. The wai^nr^ 'Ti ^, ^ "^''»« ^^^ 1"«bty cipals tj bo of good casTlror H T. °^ *''? ''^'^ "^^''^ «" 'bl prin^ Hbape indicateHn £ pTan's rt^" "'.-I" *? *t« "•^«' '"'"' ""^ -1^ «.uad and d^ pin: O^^ ^, - - j:?:^: tiu^^tul^ 14 ' }»roovcd in every joint properly nailcil to tlio rafters. To bo then slioRted over in tlic best approved manner with the best vjualily aV cither I. C. charcoal tin, jjalvanized iron, or zinc, according to the choice of t)ie Enjrineer and the Water Committee, who shall have tlie ripht to purchase the metal thcinscl^ves, if they choose to tlo so, and deduct the cost of it from the contract price. The whole of the work of this roof shewn on the plans and described in these specifi- cations, shall be of the best workmanship, and approved by the En- jrineer and Water Committee ; all the an ' them, there shall be a series of white oak beams, 10 by 10, provided with books of If inch wrought iron, and bolted on to the principal stringers with I'^ inch bolts, for the purpose of lifting the different O pieces of machinery tl^at may require repairs. These beams shall , extend the whole length of the building, and shall be placed such as shewn on the plans, that is, 3 of 19 feet long over the wheel, crank wheels and provided with 9 hook bolts, three others of 26 feet long over the pumps, and ascending main and provldofl with 3 hook bolts each. Between the stringurs of the principals th6re shall be secured joists, 12x2, placed 2 feet from \:entrc to centre, and on the same el as the stringers, to which they shall fee secured by bearing strips lev of :{ X 2 nailed unto the stringers, and tlic joists ends notched on them. 1 Ith. Floouino — At the level of the floor of the present Wheel- lionse there shall be a floor of 3 inch pine planks laid over all that part o( the building between the fnmt wall, the Eastern and West- ern foundation walls of machinery, as well also all round the flume and wheel cylinder. This flooring to be supported by proper pino beams, G x 12, to which it shall be nailed with G inches spikes, two at every board of not more than B ieet hng. The flooring between the Western foundation wall of the machi- nery and the back wall of building to bo laid at such a level as shall be dyxscted by .the Engineer, and like the bther, supported by beams and secured by 6 inches spikes, 3 for every 12 feet plank. 12. Gallery. — There shall be a gallery supported on cast iron brackets or beams, above described, such as shewn on the plans, with running licams 10 x 4, and a 2 inch flooring planed, tongued and grooved, also with a w«oden railing, posts, and two stairs to reach the lower floor last described, one near the gable wall,, opposite the air vessel, and the other over the flume. Another stuir from thu ■ .#*■ ■ >#?: \. Sallciy tothc garrotof the building «hall be crcctcl dosfe to the cable wall of the present^building. Four more stairs shall also be erected two of which, fro^/the top of the flume and on each side of k, tT^lI the lower floor, and the two others from the top of the Machine^ W dation walls to reach the lower floor, in such position and 7t such t"Zn^f shall be indicated by the Engineer. ^Airsuchstairto be planed and made with carriages of 3 inch pine planks, string ^ inches, li inch plain moulded threads, IJ inch tonS S^^lf -iSTr^,'^-^^'^ ^/"«*"". with' hard wood nS JLr'anf Th! wk!i '♦•*Ik "* «f °'«^«°«^7»th tl»e instructions of the Engineer, ^ard! In iH""**'7"*.°^**^' gallery to be lined with inchpb^ strS'rs? ' ^ and grooved, and properly naUed to the «„^ !?*• Pi-^^^RM-— On the top of the Machinery foundation walls ■ 2r/*? "**•/ *H ^r "'*"*•**" P^«*«« «*■ *ho crink shaft. theTn: Zll A?"'f''*"^*''*;PTP'' there shall be constructed a strong platform of 3 inch pme planks of such a width, as shall be judged necel S7d!ff ""7 *•!" 7.?'"« *;'?«^"««''' °^ »•" ^'^''^^^' ^ reach S the difierent parts of the machinery, and with proper wrouRht iron raU- ings. The wood of this platform to be also placed ^ 4x3*th?°r!;"/l''"^"'7''^/'^f'^''^«' &0.-Bound timber. Llnf?!. P.^i.fT-i^,.*^"''?*'* '" ^^'g^^t »° the interior sur- face of the walls of the buifding above the first flooring, also wooden bricks wherever required. The wall plates to bo well beE i" »ortar; hnjels to all operiings. The lintels and sills of the We window m the gable end to be 12 x 12 square, white oak timbS placed as shewn on the plans. "moer, timW^; fi""^""^ AND.DooB8.-All the sashes to be of 3 inch pine timber, well seasoned and made ,n the same form and shape as those of the present building, with the exception of the large window in the gable end, and that of the pediment at the back, which shall bl made acco^^ding to the drawing furnished during the progress of the work. Substantial winter sashes to be also provided for all openings. All the dooi^ and double doors to be made similar to those ot the present building. The whole of these sashes, double IZ dows, and doors to be made of good seasoned pine timber, with their proper frames, casings, architraves, fan-light, hinges bolte atehes, looks and keys of the best description. To be pabted w th 3coats of white lead, and glaxed with thS best GeLan^g^s,T ^ J^i J^^Jil^^f'^'f^'"' **!: ""y *^«''«" whatever, and properly bed- aed, bradded and back puttied. f i~ j m«u »n.i\L?''-"''™.?f/^" ^^^'""l LiNiNO.-The skirting, architraves, and tho lining of the interior of the walls and ceiling of building to f-^ NJSi f>' J» be made of iiicli board, planed, tonguud and grooved, and battened over, in every way Himilar to the interior of the present Wheel- House. Each board to be properly nail^d, with not le^ than three naila to each board, and more if required. 17th. Painting.— The 'whole of the lining of aide walls, skirt- ings and architraves, to be oiled and varnished, and the ceiling to be painted witli three coats of white lead, mixed with lampilack, in such proportions as may be approved by the Engineer and the Water Committee. All the railings of stairs, gallery and platforms^ to be also painted to three coats of such colar as may be approved by the Engineer and Water Committee. ; ~^ GENERAL SPEOIFIOATIONS. ' 18th. Solid Hewn Masonry of Rectanoulau Blocks. — This class of masonry to be composed of rectangular stone blocks hewn in solid, and so built that every joint in the surface of the walls, as well as those in the interior, shall not exceed | of an inch thickness. Each stone well bedded jn hydraulic mortar, and the joints to be properly filled with grouting made of hydraulic lime and sand. Each stone to be of such a breadth and lengtb that the small- est of the t«[o dimensions, either the breadth or the length, shall not be less than one and a half the height. The Western and Eastern foundation walls of machinery, above bolt key holes, shall be composed of that class of madonry. Tlie walls of the Wheel Pit shall also be made with solid hewn masonry, in courses, as indicatcdon the plans. 19th. Rock Ashlar Masonry. — This maionry is to be com- Itosed of sound, well shaped, and durable stones, laid in full cement on their natural beds and grouted in every course. The courses' to correspond to thosrbf the present building ; the beds of all stones to be dressed parallel with each other. The faces of the stones ar^ to be pitched off to a straight line along the beds and joints, and the quarry projections not to exceed two inches. The stretchere are to have a bed equal to one and a half times their height, and their length in the line of the wall to be not lesa than three times the height. The headers to have a leogth from front to rear of at least two and a half times their height and their breadth in the line of the wall to be not less than one and a half times their height. The dressed beds are, in all oases, to be full from three-fourths their depth from the face and the vertical joints to a depth (»f 12 inches. The proportions of stretchers to headers must be in gouural two to one, W 10 A, N, u ■^^7 N>4', 1 but the headers in each course are not be more than ei.'ht feet an-.rt .from centre to centre, and so arranged an to be nearly L^ssibo midway between those in the cours^ above and b^LT ?hem Vo Th« I'lr'Vir^rr'""/ "PP''"««'' each other nearer than 9 nches Jn,l fL f ?f ''k ^H^ ^""^ P'*-' '"'«* «>«*» »>«»«•, the Ta"l.race "ides attio^'it'iLtLi^r^r^ ^-"^ -' «*• ^""^^"« ^^- ^?t tr fuU morr^n^T^"** f^'r.: T"^ •^"•^ -" H^t^^lVtone: aid ?n lh"e;;:rtruiSr;r ''''' " " '«^«-w.d with that o"f. The couraoj. below the window sills ana%j archtraves tl.P chimney tops, the copin.. and pilasters of Taii-Race to be of fine ^te^oi ke^.5 nT '' T ^'^r *»""^-^- The eopTng and ^ rrs^i^Si^^be^te^^^^^^ J^^'n^u^^"^* ^^^^''*^— Shall be built of large size sound flat ?n ^f S *»I\l»°\«0''responding to the position they are to occupy Thrf!; r:" ""^t *^X^"" f^routed and cemented. "^^ 1 he foundation walls of the building, up to the level of the Ut fl.)or and the two foundation walls ofUie macldnery uP to tj e key holes for the foundation bolts, shall be made of rubble work. _ 22nd. Quality of SxoNE.-The whole of the stones used in foundation of building below the first floor, shalTbe buSt in hj OuetS TtV M '''. Y .*»"'*"*y- The cement to be frSj. guebco or Thorold, mued with two vohimes of clean sharo rive* H ts Lr Thrr V «»vr •"«"* «^ "••-'* «haiir„3 "fi \ mixeS JS ihn .^ir' '"^.^^ »>« ^o^Po^^ of the same materials mixed in the same proportion. The cement must be fresh from ZtZZZTi^rV''^''^ i^^^^^^^^ «f *»»« work IstT Jl^vlSSfbXcrtJactr °' '''' ''""^^' ^" 3uitable' building K„ Jm! '".*r'"'.y of *hat part of the building above the first floor to bo buUt w. h mortar made of good slack black stoL Htno inix^d i^ be well mixed t<.gether and made at least a week before being used. i itoal ■ ' ■ :."■/■ ' '.. - ^ ,, 24th./ Laying op the Masonry. — The masonry is to '^ laid with cranes or other* suitable machinery ; the stones are to be fitted to thtir places before they are brought unto the work, lowered to- their beds, and then raised before the mortar is laid on. The masonry,* whilst it is built,, must be kept clean and wet, and no more than two unfinished courses in the same wall, and no dressing to disturb the setting of the cement, after a stone is laid, will be allowed. No chips and spalls shall be filled into the backing until the grouting is poured in. The Contractor shall prepare the ma- sonry to receive the machinery, the pipes and bolts, by cutting, levelling, boring, drilling, and filling round the bolts and pipes, the stone or wood work that may ijequire it in order to reccu?^ in its proper place, the different pieces it has to support or qarry. No extra will be allowed for such work j.the Contractor to furnish all ' the labor necessary for that purpose. * 25tb. Alterations.— The Engineer in charge of the work, and ~ with a written approval of the Water Committee, may, at any time, direct such alterations of location or dimension of any part of the work that he may deem to be in the interest of the Corporation, with the understanding thait such alterations, additions or dimUnitions, shall not vitiate the original contract, which shall remain as the basis, but the value of all such shall be estimated by the Water Committee after heading the Contractors' and Engineer's views on ^ the subject, and shall be considered binding. 26th. Condition.— The Contractor shall provide and furnish all and every materials, cartage, transport, scaffolding, tackles, tools, pumps and other implements necessafy for the* due execution and completion of the varioUl works referred to and described in these specifications, or shewn on th« plans, or intended by either or both of them, and shall make and perform all the works therein described for the sum mentioned in is contract. The Contractor shall be bound to make room for the Machinist, to allow him to lay his pipes or other iron works which form part of his contract, and which require • to be walled in. He shall notify him also to this effect that he is ready to receive such piece into his work, and shall be bound to wall in properly such piece so laid by the Machinist. The Corporation may, however, if they see fit, undertake themselves to erect the neces- sarry dams and pumps and to keep the works dry, and deduct the price of that kind of work from the contract price, witliout vitiating in any manner whatever the contract. 27. ExTRA.-^No allowance shall be hereafter made for any extra beyond the contract suin, unlesn such extra shall have been ordered by the Etigineer and the W^ter Committee, under an order in writing to that effect. \ 1 <■ • • ... ^ ■1 X. 1 » ' "-• ,, \ ^ " V . - — -Jl"-. ■■ t -. •, ,.. ■ * ■ ' b.y . 't!.'A A t a , 4.t . . , .!.A4j ; a !ii. ,'j2 t j.i . it .(^ . ..ia a .l. ■m- from, then 'the jcSa^b;ster"'''J f«»'d '^e above be debated specified, the ContruSsh^lTii^ VI'"""'P''''''" "'*''•» th« «"e rLuired to do rbTth^W l^""'^^*'''™""^ *>'« '"^^ce on bein- notice to this elct the ^^?/ TT^'' \"^ »*" »*'^«'-'t'"-^« days" Water Committee IhSf hZT^ ' ^'^"'*"'' ^ "«* P'»«^«' th«n the force reqni^Tnd the exrn^s%hTh *'. '"^^1'^ the additional tractor a\d retained frpm'Ts EsSe/ ¥h!' V*^. ^'^p"'** ^«"- \ will in the contract acquire th^ r Lh? f n ^''/" Committee W employed ^S ^^Jt^^^'Xl^^X^ '"■ fw more than one month. /^ '"" ^^ ^^ ^o buil£hairreTain%n!^:^^^^^^ »"<^ «- of the ponsiS; for any 1088^11 ^h.fK'^"***'' ^'^^ anythi^thatm^t bestole„^Vt?l^'^^^^ ner whatsoever during thA; ^^^** u''' ^^^^^^ i" any man- the workXaK^^^ Tf T ^^ *'>«,'«'-Jci and the whole of subject to tX approv^rd e„H- 1 ^- V'''l"P''^^ P^*-^^"* "'»""«••. tee and their^ngineer. «at'«fact,on of the Water Commit: draw/n^TurniXd?t tt'datfnl-"-^'---^''^ "'"•'^'"^ P'-« a"d pHcitly^ollowetand a 1 Lr^^^^^^^ "««» be i^n- the plans and s'peoificatioCand L thTd rSn^f" tr^ •" *^ Any doubt as to the mcftnin.^ nf tu^al "'4®*'"?" or the Engineer, as to the word^rof "C liH hi fP«»;«»t'on«, or any obscurity all directions and eUna ions rS'fi'^^^^ Engineer; and - of the provisions of Cr^^^ 7 "!««««"y tocomplet^ any be Riven bv the VntiZ "P^fi""* o^s, to give them due effect, will spefmrtilfhllf^^^^^^^^^^^ intei^retation of theplana'ani to the 16th of Apri neit'. Tk,?" f ""= Tt""'' ^ "» "" 8«"'"'i • r C.rp.„.e,.woA prepaid ^^.^.^T '^.^ ^^^'"^^^'^'^ri X. ■">'■■ i,r /■• also all the iron work that forms part of yte contraci^ , The exc&ftl- tion and building to be begun by April next, so that^ the ivb foun< dation walls for the machinery be completed by the 15lh of July next, in order that free and enti;:e possession of them be given to the Machinist, without neverthele;s8 preventing the Builder I'rom con- tinuing the work on all other parts of the building that have to be Qnished, but the Builder shall have to agree with the Contractor for the machipery to carry on their respective works, so as to interfere -with each other as little as post- ^flead Gates, Wheel Pit, Tail-Race and f Building.,.. 6— Ground Plan t.-Geneml Cross Section of Buiiding through " ^ HeadGates, Wheel Pit and Tail-Bace^. « i .. .. 8.- « i":';SJ j--r:TT. \ » > ' • ■ ■ - -. --A ■,;:.■"►/ ' <-' ■■'■ ■ \^ :■■ ■,'-..!" -, •', . / ■ r .. m • / ; * * • > -' ^ '^ ■:■..■. / "" • . ,^_„;_ .^..- • ■■ ... V ■ / . / ... ^. ■ ■■ il « / • . ■•/^•; ■ *. J *'. * ^ '.;*- ' • "■'.".,.■,' ... 1 . . -, ;,: ,v- . ^ ,. , V ' it , ~ " ^ ■\..:' : :"■'""""■"• ^"■"' iJ ^^^^ ' " ■ "• « ' 1 i ■■•«i: -■-!.,' ■i-*',*,'-^? V .1. % 'I ^ '- -M .-M .A - CQEPOBATIQN OF MONTI WATEtl WORKS D^. —■T . ^ .*■ ..#• -^ Sealed Tendorj!,en Gity Hall, where printed forms for the tenders may- M^tained, as no others will be adniitted.' " Each tender mast contain a sum of twenty dollars currency, to be forfeited should the party or his sureties to whom the contract has been awarded by the Committee fail to sign the oontmot within the time specified. ., ■ ■ ■^, • r- , •„; ,. .. .... ■■ ■;. ;':V:: Each tenders to Contain the bona fide signaturea of two respon- siblo persons wilUng to go 8mu%, for the due fulfihnent of tiw oon< traot« i^imilllffi ni' ' r' ..,.■■" ^^ ' . J: ihe Water Comt lowest or any of the; Ten^li^ ■mm hemMve ,*(• ^nd themKlyes to jtooept Uie u f ^*-' Montbi'al, October, 26tb 1863 (By Oitfer,) LOUIS LESAGE, &a^pt. ofihtM. Vr. W. ]S%. n ^-.■■■ t * ' . *'"' ^ ^ ,»,' ' f , ■ •'■;. % ... / ■- , -« " . .;'■ 9 > f "' ■'■ ? ' " 1 ■'*- ■ - P .:.- ].»-.:: /* ■ - ■ \ t '•■' iV' * '. ■, - ■'. ■.-' t<: » .■ *',■ • • 1 V- ■« , ' *H . •';.. .' ,, ■■ ■ . s; 1 "^ :' ", ,■■■-■ .r ■■■",' ^ ■ ■> ■■', ';"'*■ ■■. ' . i ■ ■ . % ■ . •■ \ - ■ - « - I ■■'••■ " ' • p • - ' ' ■ ' f / ; ; . 4. • .' '. ' . « ' " *-,'-. ' - »P p.' ■ ■ *1 ■"',-■ ■ - . • ■ :.' '^ •■ - ;'■, :"^'' ■'"" ■■ ■ f ■ r-^^^-i***.' ,. ;:y'-- ■ , •■■••;■■:'■- ■■ ■■■ j^^HIII^H ■ ■■^H W'-' i ^^ l^^^^l 1 ^^H r 1 ^^^^^r ^^1 %, i ^^^^^^^^. / " ■ ' ''■■-- ^J ^^^^^^^^^ »■ ■ • ' ' ' ■ ' < , ^ ■■ ^B ^^^^. r //• . ■■ .■ ■ . •• . ' ") ■ ^^^^^ (S, ■ .»> j «' ■ • J ■ if V ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^l i '.; ' I ■ I- ' ^^^^^^^H ■ ■/*' ■ U' . ' ■ ■ ft - . ^ r ^ ■v. W 4 - * . ■ \ . "1. ' ''■ • t • _ 1 _ » • ■•1 * jJBfeL" > -• ■ *> ' flv , :i -•■ , _ ' " '' J •s .f, • ■ ^ - 1 .» « , JK^ ^ '^^^ » ^^ • ■ "^