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H 32X 1 HART ■ ■ '/ Emery Wheel Co. LIMITED. tif 24 Hunter St, West, HAMILTON, . . ONTARIO. ^7 .f \A ^ MANUFACTURERS OF EMERY WHEELS AND EMERY WHEEL MACHINERY r>rklLMDI BTtS ^AT- I TO ANY ADDREeS ON APPLICATION. RoGERft^ Saw Gummer. THE SIMPLEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST GUMMER EVER MADE «wmnn»srr As an appliance for Gumming Saws tlie Emery (or Cornndnnn Wheel has almost undisputed possession of t.V held does he -vork quickly, and, when a wheel suitable for the work s used without over-heating or case-hardening. ,' The chief difficulty in the way of ihe universal adoution nf tmery Wheels for gumunng saws has been the wa ot a^s m ,le effective and low priced device for carrying the wheel Tl^'or' ^'^^"fy ^;i^^^:f> «'• fi^edgnnder is quite uusuitablet^^^^^ Thesv conditions are all fulfilled in the ROGERS' SAW GUMMER. The wheel is absoluiely under control and the simple stoos and guides make the work perfectly regular and uniform ^ This Machine consists of: ist. A frame, with spindle and emerv wheel. 2nd. A double pivoted hinge attached to bracket on^able 3rd. An adjustable chuck for holding the saws. The guides and stops make it unnecessary to mark off the saw before gumming. ^'^^ ^2f ^ ^.^-^.V '* '^°"'* ""u^^ 5'ou anything if it is not what you wan^ Sent on trial to responsible parties. ^ Full directions with each machine. LIST PRICE ^^ Send for Net Cash Price. (I) $40.00 [Including Pulley [This Filer For Band Pact R. JMMER rtinduni) It does is used, ptioii of simple, The or- , ^Ii work, ^iif<ht to oiil(i be iiile tlie 3ps and i emery n table. he saw )u wan t Rogers^ Saw Filers. No. i (Factory size). SEIMI-AUTOMATIC. For Circular Saws (> to 40-incli diameter, Rip and Cross-cut. LIST PRICE. j Including '3 Emery Wheels. Belt and Tight and Loose Pulleys, and Table, as shewn $65 00 ^S^' Send for Net Cash Price. [This Filer can be made Automatic and to file band saws. EXTRA. For Band Attachment Packed F. O. C Hamilton. (2) $15 00 Rogers^ Saw Filers. No. I (Factory size). AUTOIMATIC. For Circular Saws 6 to 40-inch diameter, Rip and Cross-cut, LIST PRICE. Including 3 Emery Wheels, Belt, and Tight and Loose Pulleys, and Table, as shewn $85 00 This machine can be supplied without the Auto- matic device (see page 2) for $6^ 00 ^^ Send for Net Cash Price. Packed F. O. C. Hamilton. . (3) Fjr Circi As sh m Witho I 3S-CUt, ROGERS' Saw Filers. No. 2. (Small Mill size.) AUTOMATIC STYLE. Fji- Circular Saws from 8 to 40-inch diameter, Rip and Cross cut. $85 00 $65 00 LIST PRICE. I As shown with 3 Emery Wheels 8-inch dia- meter Without Automatic attachment it^ Send for Net Cash Price, Packed F. O. C. Hamilton. I $105 00 85 00 Rogers^ Saw Filers. No. 3. (Large Mill size) AUTOMATIC STYLE. For Circular Saws liom8 to72-i>ich diameter. '■'i^inlliilllllffifiiliiimiiii LIST PRICE. As shown with 3 Emery Wheels 8-inch dia- J^eter $13000 Without Automatic attachment 98 00 i^' Send for Net Cash Price. Packed F. O. C. Hamilton. (5 Ov( been i as ev Th vanta THE^ I THE THE THE I Over 2,500 of the Rooers Filers have been sold and the demand is as stead) as ever. This urand sale arises from the ad- vantao-es the Filers afford the user ; THEY SAVE TIME, More than half the time of hand filino- is saved. I THEY SAVE POWER. Becctuse they keep the teeth always in perfect order and the saw perfecdy even, »I30 00 98 00 THEY SAVE FILES Because an emery wheel excels a file in cutting quality, and costs very much less. THEY SAVE SAWS ,These are kept round and true, and the waste of material in jointing- is saved. (6) I I c <D c (—• -f e ># • > • ^-4 c V '0'3l 1- 4-i a; ^ II ^ . 4-J Lu 1 i= « . "^ >^ 0-) O U 0) k4 ■H "H t/3 a. UJ o o -M ^ 7) • CD z = J 'C o 0) <c/5 h 4-J o c/)Cs: ijj o zu tI "o ^ (D • od 0) Z; ' * rt S "*"* t 0> G - . 72 ■M CO >o • t 0) Ul £ > 1 A 4g (—1 • » G 4-> o CD s G CITY, OGERS a. O (N o » 00 (0 UJ • 1— t > / « 4-J C 2^ <■ < (0 So o 4_i o s CJ ^ a o oc ^ 72 • 1— t 4-J UJ (9 o • 1— t 4_) s "0 oc ^ U, iw Cl. LU IL 13 O 72 :^ • ' oc UJ ><« 4-) o 1 CD • 0) tr o C • D p bjO O • o 6 6 1 UJ z o 72 a ' 1— 1 55 ; 2; ^ ^ N# (7) c a; a. 7) ^-<— ( tc a; c; B • 1—1 a <^ "m^ ^ '^ c (D rt x: x: 4-> <-t-< G o CJ r: CD > ^ ^ 1-H • ^^ C/3 4-J rt CD fii ^ I CD C O ROGERS' BAND SAW SHARPENER. I'or Hand Saws 2 to (> Inches Wido. This machine is especially designed tor Band ReSaws, and is sent out complete in every particular ready for tlie saw. If you iiave a band Ke-Savv, and have trouble in keeping it in ordei, we will be pleased to send one of these machines to yon for 30 days' inspection and trial, to be returned at our expense if not entirely satisfactory, There will be no trouble in setting it up, as we send the saw- holding devices with each machine. It is simple in design and easily operated. After the teeth of a band re-saw have been put into good and uniform si ape by the use of this machine, but little attention is needed to maintain them in l)erfect shape and efficiency. Tlie sharpening is finished complete, and is better than can be done by hand. The pawl moves the saw to the left at the rate of of about 45 teeth to the minute. The emery wheel moves in and out of each tooth as it passes, grinding either front, throat or back, or all three, as may be deemed necessary. The 4-iMch tight and loose pulleys should run ^-=^0 revolutions per minute. The machine is compact, taking up as little tl cm as possible for efficiency. It weighs, ready loi • tiipment |withtable| lyo pounds. It is shipped in the table on whi':h it stands when in use, and is complete in every particular except the 2 x6 scantlings winch carry the saw holders. (8) :1 I ROGERS^ PLANER KNIFE GRINDER LIST PRICES F. O. B. HAMILTON. 30 days' trial allowed I'or Knives to 26 Inches (including Wheel) " ^2 " *' i I 3- 38 44 54 60 I < ( < ( < itS' Send for Net Cash Price. • 112 00 • 125 00 . 140 00 . 165 . 1S7 00 00 i an( (9) ►ER owed DO oo 12 OO 25 00 |o 00 35 00 V 00 'i ROGERS' PLANER KNIFE GRINDER. Has points of advantage over some others, the principal one being its adjustability for flat or concave grinding. By slacking one bolt the slide or bed can be set at different angles before the emery wheel, which has a flat face with the outer corner rounded off. If the slide or bed be set at a right angle to the emery wheel spindle the knife will traverse back and forth against the flat face and the knife be ground a flat bevel ; if it is set at any other angle the rounded corner will do the grinding and a concave bevel be the result This feature will be ap- preciated by those who prefer a flat; stout edge for rough work, and a thin concave edge for fine work. The shifting of the belts that drive the bed back and forth is accomplished b) a simple arrangement of bell cranks inside the pedestal, one above and one below, con- nected by a rod with joints at either end. The lower crank is connected to the belt shifter, and the upper one extends up through the top of the base and is acted upon by adjustable dogs when the bed has travelled the re- quires distance. The arrangement is such that the bed can be adjusted at different angles without affecting the belt shifring op- eration ; in fact, the bed can be swung while the machine is in motion. After the machine is started it requires little or no attention. The carriage has an even traverse back and forth, and reversing is accomplished without noise or jar. The shafts are steel and run in boxes lined with genuine babbitt metal These machines are manufactured by first-class workmen and are fully warranted. The emery wheels supplied with machines are 8 inches in diameter, 3>^-inch face, They can be used up almost entirely- New wheels are furnished at $4.25 each. The tigh r and loosk pulleys are 6 inches in dia- meter, and should run tioo revolutions ter minute. Weight of 26-inch machine, boxed, 4 so pounds. We keep machines in stock with knife bars or holders suitable for light knives, but will furnish machines with bars suitable for any knife without extra charge. (10) m ROGERS' COMBINE. ill! COMPRISING A TOOL GRINDER, carrying five emery wheels of dif- ferent shapes and sizes, for knives and tools. ^ ''o^aVon';'''^^'';-'^!;^-'^"^^'^^^^' in combination or alone. A practical rig in every respect. A SAW GUMMER. simple and accurate. PRICE LIST. Tool Grinder, with 5 wheels 4^ Head Grinding attachment Sin. dia 20 co Saw Gumming attachment Machine with all attachments 82 o Head Grinder alone, complete . . , * 44 ^o ^^' Send for Net Cash Prices. (II) E. ROGERS' COMBINE. Combined Moulding Bit, Tool, Circular Srw and Shimer Cutter Grinder. Just the machine far a tool room. These machines are gotten up in first-class style and are fully warranted. 5 of dif- ination $50 00 20 CO 12 GO 82 00 ^4 00 THE HEAD GAINDER in combination or alone acts as a vise to hold the head while adjusting the cutters. It completes the work of sharpening, no files heing used. There is nothing complicated about it, and it is quiekly changed to suit any size of head or any angle or bevel on the knives. Not only does this machine do the work in much less time than it can be done by hand, but it keeps the cutters in good shape ; the throats well cut out so as to give clearance for shavings, making the work easier on the head. This one at- tachment will pay for the machine in a short time in tlie item of time saving alone. SAW SHARPENER. The Saw Gunnning and Shar- pening Attachment is very effective. It can be used for jointing the saw, and simple stops make the teeth unift)rm, the hook and depth of all teeth the same, so the saws can be kept in first-class order with very little trouble. TOOL GRINDER. The gang of emery wheels needs no commendation. Every millman knows how handy it is to have various shaped wheels always ready. The shape of faces of these wheels can be varied to suit special uses without extra charge. Height of Machine to top of 8-in. wheels, 24-in. Weight of c»>mplete machine, 250 jiounds- Emery wheels are 8 inches in diameter. The tight and ioose pulleys are 4 inches in diameter 2}4 i'l- f^^^'t^S 'i'^^' siiould run 500 revolutions per minute. (12) I Rogers' Brazing Lamp, For Band Saws up to i>4 in. W ide, This machine does away with tongs, kinks, curved and defective brazes. The two flames meeting at thic saw produce great lieat. vSaws are heated in less than 30 sec^onds Sent on 10 days' trial to responsible parties. Directions — File the laps ; place the saw on the f<jim v\ith back to the straiijht edge, and clamp in place by tight- ening thumb screws ; clean the silver solder with fine sand j)aper and acid ; also the laps ; place thj solder in the lap ; use plenty of powdered borax ; light lamps, fill the rubber globe by blowing in mouthpiece, watch until the saw is a cherry red, then press down on the lever, when the clamjis will seize the saw firmly and give it mper without any danger of checking or kinkingthe saw. Price $15.00 SW Send for Net Cash Price. (13) ^>» 8 00QQQ000Q v^ •* tJ- Tt- c^ ■^'O 1- r^ Ti- ri 00 r^^ ir^ rt rf '"o ""O M c^ ^^ O Q Q O Q oo >0 '^ M >-* Cn t^ vo o O O lo o in O "O o 'w « ^ o >n -H CM o ON t^MD "I- O in r^o O t^ MMfJCSrr-i'^inf^O'O^CO'^ M •-( M ^^ <N u-i lo w^ uS in m Ln O Q 6 O in m O I-" 0Nt-^inrn»-'O O 0^0 i^M ro ^ ir^'^ O (^ moo ^^ ,— ( I— I h- 1 HI Cl „_. ,. O OOOOOmOOOis «*-mooot^ooO"- (N m-1-^o ^^a^'-' ^^lnly tn O combo « N I— < <— I t-H CJ 1/-) m ir>:>o c^ m m Cv) ro tJ- vnO OO O 0) O O m O in O m b O^ O O O^ cjovOfO'-'CO N ^>-i\oin O O Om^bmO O O \ z »-i I— 1 "-I f^ T) inmmminu^inO mO O inO cr- O r^ r}- ►-< CO mic r^ fno m mi HH M n rn "^ Tf miOO "^ '■nvo f^ ~0^b mom o m 0~0 ""O Q Q m O O ^ "^ C^"^ M "* ^ mvo O ►- « M M M f^ "<t moo O ^< 1^00 D Tt --O n ■^ m, O CN en C^ I -i ri ro Tf LDvO CO o. m H^ o "vn m m i-n O O C N t^ M t-^ un O O O) O ON O O tJ- CJ c^i m (^ mo r~-. O^ m - o o ':^ b o cV b b b [•£ O 00 O r--vO ON m --CO I >r N ci '■o "^ mvo c/D ""noo :;; M N ' vn mm in u^ m m q m O O m m i-H M M m^nmi^ON'-' ^rivo 8 O O m O m m <N m m b com 00 0> "^ m"o u^ O O O O O m in •-* O O CO OnO ^n c) CnO '■n '■o ►-< 'oco 0""b"m C O Q P O ri-Oi^^nO O O O ! 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