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B. : Printed at " The Gazette " Job Office. 1895. ! 1 . f HAND-BOOK OF THE Brussels Street Baptist Church, BRUSSELS ST., ST. JOHN, N. B. ORGANIZED IN 1850. SAINT JOHN, N. B. : Printed at " The Gazette " Job Office. 1895. LIST OF OFFICERS. Pastor : Eev. G. M. W. Carey, I). D. • Deacons : William Allwood, James S. May, Jonathan Titus, E. W. Elliott, N. B. Cottle, G. H. Burnett. Ira B. Kierstead. Clerk : II. S. Cosman, TREASURER : E. M. Sipprell. SUI'ERINTENDENT OF SuNDAY SCHOOL : Ira B. Kierstead. President of Young People's Union : F. A. Dykeman. A , -«- « I I I T ! f i I HISTORY. The Brussels Street Baptist Church was organized M 3h 29th, 1850. Bev. Samuel EobiiSou was chosen as Pastor, and remained suoli till his lamented death, September 16th, 1866. He was a man of warm, Christian spirit, a wise leader, abundant in good works, and the church grew greatly under his ministry. Eey. Dr. Bill supplied the pulpit for over a year, when in February, 1868, Eev. Timothy Harley became Pastor, and remained till February 1872. In July, 1872, Eev. W. P. Everett, A M was called, and remained till August, 1876 The pnlpit was then supplied by different brethren till September 1877, when Eev. A. J. Wilcox became 1 astor, and closed his pastorate in July 1880 In Angiist, 1880 Eev. J. E. Hopper, D. D., accepted tHe charge of the church, remaining till March, 1887 when on account of shattered health he was com- ? .00°^^®^^ ^ ™^''^ S'^'"^! climate. In Septem- ber, 1887, Eev. G. H. Mellick accepted the pastor- ate and remained till August, 1889, then resigned to take a course of study, and Eev. W. J. Stewait was called, beginning his ministrv, September, 1889 (3) c^'7']Uo 4 serving the cliurcli till March, 1893, when he re- signed to visit the Western States. August, 1893, Key. G. M; W. Carey, D. I)., of Ottawa, was invited to the pastorate, and at this date, July, 1895, is- the esteemed pastor, CHURCH COVENANT. Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and on the profession of our faith, having been bap- tized in the name of the Fatlier, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love ; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and com.fort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality ; to sustain its worship, ordinances, dis- cipline and doctrines ; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the ex- penses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion ; to religiously educate our children ; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; * * •v^ to walk circumspectly ill the world ; to l)e Justin our dealings, faithful in uur engagements, and ex- emplary in our deportment ; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger ; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicatini,^ drinks as a beveraue, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kinf(- dom of our Saviour. We further engage to watch over one anotlier in brotherly love ; to remember each other in prayer ; to aid each other in sickness and distress ; to culti- vate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech ; to be slow to take offence, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delav. We moreover engage, that when we remove from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where v>e can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word. EPITOME OF ARTICLES OF FAITH 1. — We believe in one God, revealed to us in the Bible, His inspired word, as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who has a purpose of grace for man. 2. — We believe that man was created holv, fell by disobedience, and that the taint of sin is trans- mitted through the race, so that all are Tinder its pdnalty, and if saved must be born again. ^ 3. — We believe that salvation full and free has been provided through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for every sinner who, moved by the Holy Ghost, repents of sin and believes the gospel, and that the work begun by the Spirit will be carried on in a gracious growth till heaven is gained. 4. — We believe in the resurrection of the body, a judgment day, and Heaven and Hell as the lasting abode of the righteous and the wicked. 5. — We believe a church is a company of believ- ers in Christ, baptized upon a profession of faith, and united together in covenant relations, with officers as specified in the New Testament, viz. : Bishops or Pastors, and Deacons ; that each church is alone amenable to Christ ; that baptism is immer- sion in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and the Lord's Supper is a memorial of Christ's death, both ordinances being in the cus- tody of the cluirch and to be observed in the order given till Christ shall come the second time to receive His people up into glory. •»«•( ♦V CONSTITUTION. SECTION I. tin FOKM OF CIlUKCil (iOVEKNMENT. Article l.~The corporate uaiiie shall bo the Brussels Street Baptist Church, St. John. There shall be a Pastor and seven or more Deacons, all of whom shall be elected by ballot, to serve dining the pleasure of the church ; also a Clerk and a Treas- urer, who shall be elected annually by ballot at the first business meeting in January. Two-thirds of the votes cast by the members present shall be necessary for the eh ction ot" a Pastor. In the election of Deacons, Clerk and Treasurer a majority vote shall be necessary. Article 2.— The I^astor shall be Moderator of all meetings when present, unless the church shall otherwise direct. In his absence a Moderator shall be chosen by the church. The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the church, pay all bills which are authorized by the church or the Finance Com- mittee, and make a report of the state of the treas- ury at the regular quarterly business meetings of the church. The Clerk shall keep an exact record 'II 8 t)f all business meetings, also a list of cliurcli mem- bers, and shall couduci/ the correspondence of the church. Article 3. — In the election of Pastor and other •oflicers and Trustees of the church, it shall be the "duty of the Deacons to cause public notice of the time, ]>lace and purpose thereof, to be given from the pul])it on tlie Sabbath before the election. Article 4. — Every member of the church, both male and female, ^vllo regularly communes with the churcli and contributes regularly to tlie church sup- port, shall have the right to vote on all matters, and M'here unanimity cannot be obtained, a majority of those present shall determine all questions, save in cases otherwise specially provided for. Article 5. — The churcli shall meet for the trans- action of business on the Thursday evening after the hrst Sunday in January, April, July and October of each year. Article G. — The Pastor and olhcers shall take into consideration the general welfare of the church, act in her behalf during the interval between the busi- ness meetings of the church, and shall call special church meetings when necesraiy. Article 7. — Seven members of the churcli and congregation shall be elected at the regular annual churcli meeting in January in each year, who shall be a body corporate, called *' The Trustees of the BriLisels Street Baptist Church, of St. John," and li i ^ ♦:J 9 who shall hold in trust all property, &c., for the benefit of the church. The acts of the Trustees to be valid only when ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the members and pew-holder» present at a regu- larly convened meeting of the church. 8P:CTI0N II. M AD^nssiox or members. Article 1. — Persons desiring to become members shall apply to the Pastor, who, with one or more of the oi^ticers, shall make tne necessary investigation, when, upon th.eir recommendation, the candidate shall appear before the church and make request for admission. Article 2. — In the admission of members the vote shall be unanimous. Should any objection be made, the case shall be postponed and the objection in- quired into. If tlie church on inquiry shall regard the objection as unscriptural, it may be overruled. SECTION III. • DISMISSION OF MEMBERS. Article 1. — Mimbers when about to remove from lis, are expected and desired to take letters of com- mendation or dismission, as the case may require. 10 Article 2, — A letter of ("israission is only granted to members iu full fellowship on making personal application, where practicable, and to a regular Bap- tist church, specified by name. When notified of the member's reception in said chuich, the name will be dropped from our roll. A letter is good only for six months. SECTION IV. DISCIPLINE. tA f Article 1. — In case of disagreement between members it shall be the duty of the offended party first to tell the offending brother or sister his or her fault, and endeavor by mild and gentle means to effect a reconciliation ; should this course fail, then to go in company with one or two more brethren, or sisters, who shall by kind persuasion seek to recon- cile the disagreeing ; and if these efforts fail, the case shall be brought before the officers of the church, to be by them submitted to the church if not settled. Article 2. — Tn case of continued delinquency, irregular w-alk or unbecoming deportment, coming to vhe knowledge of any member, it shall be the duty of such member, in the exercise of all proper measures, to endeavor to reclaim the offender and preserve the purity of the church, or failing in this 9^ </f ; 11 to report the same to tlie officers cf the church, whose duty it shall be, in case they cannot reclaim the offender, to cite him to appear before the church to answer the charges. Article 3. — In ca.se of gross and flagrant violation of Christian conduct and character, such as the Scriptures forbid us to sanction by any act of clem- ency, the offender shall be immediately excluded from the fellowship of the church. Article 4. — In case of the continued absence of members, and in such other cases as may be deemed proper, the church at any regular, special, or ad- journed meeting, may, by a two-thirds vote, v/ith-' draw the hand of church feilow^ship from such mem- bers, without citing them to appear before the church. SECTION V. I AMENDMENTS. Article 1. — This form of church government may be altered or amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members pres'^.nt at any regular business meet- ing, provided that notice of such alteration or amendment shall have been given at a previous meeting. SECTION YI. Article 1. — The business meetings of the church shall be governed by parliamentary usage, so called. 12 ORGANIZATION. DEACONS. The Deacons are the Pastor's special helpers and counsellors in the Mvatchcare of the church They shall endeavor to keep informed as to the spiritual welfare of the niomhcrs and do all that may be practicable to stimulate them to love and !?ood works. Ihey shall have the special care of the poor, and shall disburse the poor fund, COMMITTEES. At the regular business meeting of the church in January the following committees shall be elected all save the Sunday School, otherwise provided for! Committee on Finance, I'cws, I'slicrs, Sick, Music, Sunday Schools, Membership and Strangers, _ These committees shall report their work, in writ- ing, at each quarterly business meeting of the church, " ^d for greater efTicieney it is desirable that a meet ^^ of these committees be held once a month lor verbal reports, social and religious conversation « <( it tt ic a <i t( <( 4 'T^. mvumiMjMM t w m tm m m miu ' j \ in 13 and prayer, under the direction of the Pastor or an elected chairman. The cliairmau of each committee shall call a meeting of the conmiittee, immediately after appointment, for organization and work. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. COMMITTEE ON FINAXCE. 1.— -To carry out the plans adopted by the churcli for raising the regular expenses thereof, and to sug- gest such measures as they deem advisible for secur- ing a sufficient income for the church to meet its obligations. 2. — To attend to the collection of any debts to the church which the Treasurer, or any one author- ized, may turn over to them. 3.— It shall be the duty of the Finance Com- mittee to keep an accurate record of tlie nanu-s of contributors, and of the sums thus paid. 4. — The Treasurer of the Finance Committee shall take charge of all the church collections, and make proper entries of such, and turn the money so- collected over to the Treasurer of the churcli as, promptly as possible. com:^[ittee on pews. 1. — To attend to the renting of the pews accord- ing to the terms and conditions provided, and keep a correct list of all who rent pews or seats. 14 2 —To see each new member of the church at Hip earhest suitable opportunity, and invite such men ber to select a seat in the church. COMMITTEE OF USHERS. 1.— To meet, welcome and conduct to seats all persons who may need this attention on S mr and to do what may be in their power to iS strangers and members feel at home^in the cZ'h 2._To aid as far as they can the Committees on Pews, and on Membership and Strangers COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. inJ;7t?,ur!'^'? °!'g^'^i«t ^"d leader of the sing- Q iu i, ", assistants as they may need for thp Sabbath and week day services of tlfe church sS mitting their selection for the approval of thrchurch andStilt ^Z^'t^tS :i^£St rn th^sSSr^^ '' '-'^''- ^° -i" -- COMMITTEE OX SICK. mmihlL7V^^' l' "^'T''^^^ ^^^^ none of the inembeis of the church, when sick, shall lack for I .1 J ^ > - 15 attention, and to discover as far as can he done, ^vho are sick in the congregation. 2. — To try to determine just what att3ntion sucli persons need, and to secure others, if need be, to aid them in rendering this attention. 3, — To report, when they deem proper, any s])ecial cases of sickness to the Pastor or Deacons. COMMITTEE OX MEMBERBIIIP AND STRANGERS. J 1. — To make the acquaintance of the members of the church and congregation ; to assist in cultivating a friendly feeling among them and when possible to aid in increasing the membership and income of the church. 2. — To find out as far as possible all persons com- ing to the city wdio have no church connection here, and endeavor to persuade them to attend our church regularly. 3. — To urge persons w^ho may worship with us, and who are members of churches elsewhere, to unite with the church. 4. — To keep in correspondence with all the mem- bers of the church who live at too great a distance from us to attend services. To urge them to take letters of dismission and unite with sister churches in their neighborhood, if any, and otherwise to urge them to send reports of their Christian progress, and donations for the support of tlie church and its benevolent work. 16 COMMITTEE ON SUNDAY SCHOOLS. 1.— The Sunday School shall have the right to elect, subject to the approval of the church, the members of this committee, who shall all be active workers in the school, and shall associate with them- selves any whom they may require as teachers and officers. This committee, thus enlarged, shall con- duct the school so as to secure, in their judgment, its highest efficiency. The Superintendent of the Church Sunday School shall ]je the chairman of this committee. 4 THE LADIES' ASSOCIATION. The Ladies' Association is composed of the female members of the church and congregation. Its duty is to oversee all work coming specially within woman's sphere, such as w^omen's and girls' prayer meetings. Foreign Mission Circle, and Foreign Mis- sion Band, and Dorcas Society, &c. This associa- tion also has in charge the raising of funds for church improvement, and adopts its own plans to secure them. Its officers are a President, Vice- Fresident, Secretary and Treasurer, who, with three others, form an executive committee, and are elected semi-annuallv. <' CHURCH FINANCES. 4 T 1. — It IS expected tl)at every member of lliis cliurchj ^vllo is not debarred by absolute poverty, will consider it a privilege and a duty tu contribute to its maintenance. 2. — The weekly offering, having the sanction of apostolic injunction with the renting of pews or seats, is the method adopted by this church to secure funds to r^arrv on its work. 3. — Each contributor is requested to seal up in an envelope his or her contribution and write the name npon it, and drop it in the collection plate. 4. — If Providence shall at any time prevent the attendance of any member, such member is expected to send the contribution for that day, or bring it when next attending:. 5. — Any member of the church in the city neglect- ing to contribute, or refusing to do so, fur a longer period than six months on any other ground than that of inability, shall be reported to the oilicers of the church for investigation of the case. 6. — A subscription card shall be given every member of the church and congregation, on which they are urged to state the amount they propose tp give, 18 il ! RENTAL OF PEWS. Each member not owninp: ii pew is requested to secure a permanent seat, and \vlien unable to pay for It the Committee on Pews will make the neces- sary provision. Pew rents are due and payable quarterly to the Treasurer of the Finance Committee. Every pew holder and occupant of sitting, tlirco months in arrears, shall have a notice from the Fmance Committee ; and any one who shall be at any time six months in arrears, and shall fail to pay shall forfeit his or her pew or seat, immediately after notification — mitioatincr circumstances of course being taken into account. CHURCH MEETINGS. Public worship is held every Lord's day mornin^^ at 11 o'clock, and evening at 7 o'clock, ° The Lord's Supper is observed the 'first Sunday evening in each mouth. Eegular Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. *^ Young People's Meeting every Friday evening Covenant Meeting Friday evening before the first bunday in the month. ^ Eegular Business Meeting on the Thursday even- ing after the first Sunday in the months of January Apnl, Juljr and Ogtoher, ^ • 19 Tho Pastor may, on tlie advice of tlie oflicers of the church, or on the request of ten members, in writing, convene a special meeting of the church. MEETINGS OF OFFICERS _ The Pastor, Deacons, Finance Committee, Clfrlr Treasurer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Pres^ ulent of the Young People's Union, and llie Suii^r- iiitendent of the Sunday School shall constitute the J>oard of Management, and shall meet once a montii to consider any matters pertaining to the interests to the church, and to them must be submitted all other than ordinary collections and expenditure. MEETINGS OF SOCIETIES OR COMMITTEES, The various societies or committees enfrarred in the work of the church will meet at times and'places to suit the convenience of members, so arrangin.r all appointments as not to conflict with the refular'ser- vices of the church. 20 Constitution of the Young People's Union. 1.— The namo of tliis organization sliaU be the Baptist Yoiin^r l»eo} le's Union of Cliristian En- cU'avor of the Jjrassels Street liaptist Churcli. 2. — The o})jcct of this Union shaU be to secure the increased s[iirituality of our Baptist young peo- ple ; their stinuihition in Christian service, their edification in Scripture knowledge, their instruction in Baptist doctrine and history and their enlistment in missionary activity. 3. — The membership may consist of three classes: Active, Associate and Honorary. 4. — The active nunnbcrship shall consist of per- sons who are members of a J^aptist church, elected upon the recommendation of the Eexcutive Com- mittee, and wlio liave signed the constitution. 5. — The associate membership shall consist of persons, who, though not members of a Baptist church, are of good moral character ; elected upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Such associate members shall be welcome to all tlie privileges of tlie society, except voting and holdinrr onice. 6.— Honorary members may bo elected at the pleasure of the society. T I :« 21 OFFICERS. The officers shall be a President, a Vice-Presi- dent, a Secretjuy, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall lie chosen annually or semi-annuully, and shall perfoini the duties usually appertaining to such oilices. TT ^ 4 % 4 COMMITTEES. The Pastor and President are ex-officio members of all Commiltcos, iiiid their aj)provai should accom- ])any the [dans and roconimendalions made by the Committees. Tlio Ct)mmittees and their duties shall be as follows : Memhershlp.^To have charge of the distribution of invitation cards ; to bring in new members ; to introduce them ; to encourage attendance upon all incetings ; and to interest all young people of the church and congregation in the work of the Union. Devotional. — To arrange, in connection with the Pastor and President, for all prayer meetings ; pro- vide topics, and seek in every way to promote the interest of the meetinos. Instruction. — To arrange for P>ible study, lectures on religious topics, courses of general, denomina- tional and missionary reading and instruction ; to develop and promote all that belongs to this feature of the work, and have charge of the library, 22 Social. — To call upon and welcome strangers ; to provide for sociables ; to extend acquaintance among the membgrs, and to increase the interest of all meetings of. the Union. Calling. — It shall be the duty of this committee to have a special care for those among the young people wlio do not feel at heme in the church, to call on them, and to remind others where calls should be made. Music. — It shall be the duty of this committee to provide for the singing at the young people's meeting, and also to turn the musical ability of the society into account, when necessary, at public religious meetings. Floivev. — It shall be tlie duty of this committee to provide flowers for the pulpit and to distribute them lo the sick at the close of tlie Sabbatli services. Executive. — To consist of the Pastor and officers, to meet once a month, also at the call of the Pastor or Fresident ; to consider all matters of business and make recommendations to the Union, and to report to the church annually the progress of the work of the young peoide. Th^ Executive Com- mittee may make recommendations at any regular meeting and all other committees shall renort their work to the society at least every two months, at a regular w^eekly meeting to be designated by the Executive Committee. • i % ' ' 1 ^ i I 23 ELECTIONS. The rre?ident shall be elected by the Union, subject to the approval of the church. All other (officers and committees shall be nominated by a committee of five, and be elected by the society. 4 . ,' t MEETINGS. Devotional meetings shall be held weekly. Meet- ings for Bible study shall be held at sucli times as may be determined by the Union. Tlie annual meeting shall occur at least one week before the annual meeting of the church. Business meetings shall be held at the call of the Executive Com- mittee. I 11 ■ I AMENDMENTS. This constitution may be amended at any regular business meeting by ji two-tliirds vote, provided notice of the amendment shall have been given at a previous regular meeting,