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 » <^> « 
 A Brief Historic Sketch of their Manufac- 
 ture and Use. 
 MARCH 23, 1882, BY A. T. FREED. 
 It is oautomary to speak of the stone, the 
 bronze and the iron ages ef the world, as if 
 tbey were distinctly marked upoohs. It is a 
 mistake so to regard them, for whilst oar 
 fathers audoabtedly abandoned stone weapons 
 and implements for bronze, and bronze for 
 iron, the change took place at widely remote 
 periods in different countries, and the periods 
 in which the several materials were uoed in 
 the same country overlapped each other. 
 National intercourse was slow and restricted 
 in the early ages of the world, and one nation 
 voald be in full possession of an important 
 discovery long before another not distant 
 nation had heard of It. Tne bronze age had 
 oome and gone on the shores of the Meditor- 
 ranean, and iron was in general use while as 
 yet the Skandiuavians and Britons were rude- 
 ly carving deers' horns with flint knives and 
 destroying tneir enemies with bludgeons. In 
 the vast host which Xerxes led in to Greece 
 were warriors bearing stone weapons, while 
 the great majority w«re armed with bronze 
 and a fow nad advanced to the use of steel. 
 Bo that to speak of the ages of stune, of 
 bronze and of iron is ae indefinite as if we 
 shoald divide history into Htjes of absolat- 
 ismu limited monarchy ai.a republicanism. 
 The dawn of history found iron in hmited 
 use. Ohinese historians say that it has been 
 employed in their country for many thousands 
 of years. Piiny the elder, in the early days 
 of our own era wrote that, " as many kinds 
 of irrin Ag tharA \\a mnno Mholl Tno4;«aK in rwr*^A 
 nesB the stoel that oometh from the Seres, 
 for this commodity also, as hard ware as it is, 
 they send and sell with their soft silks and 
 fine furs. In a second degiee of goodness 
 may be placed the Parthian iron." India has 
 made steel of the finest quahty from times 
 immemorial ; and the method which was 
 in use in prehistoric times is observed 
 there to this day. A small clay crucible 
 is made in which not more than two or three 
 pounds of very fine soft iron are inclosed to- 
 gether with charcoal, and covered with leaves 
 of a certain plant, when the whole is subject- 
 ed to great heat till the iron is melted and 
 the result is a button of very fine and pare 
 steel which they call wootz. When Alexan- 
 der defeated Porus, the latter gave the con- 
 queror 30 pounds of this steel, which was 
 highly prized by him. Malleable iron was 
 also made in India in large quantities in very 
 early times. There is in the gate of a mosque 
 near Delhi a pillar of soft iron 60 feet high, 
 16 inches in diameter near the base, and es • 
 t^maied to weigh 17 tons. A Sanscrit inscrip- 
 tion is interpreted by some to affirm that tnis 
 pillar was erected in the tenth century before 
 our era, and by some it is understood to make 
 its date 14U0 years later. In the ruins of 
 very ancient Indian temples wrought iron 
 beams have been foand,and metallurgists are 
 puzzled to understand how these immense 
 masses could have been handled and wroaght 
 by means known to have been in existence in 
 those days. The Ohaijbians, a people in- 
 habiting the southern shores of the Euxine, 
 were famous among the ancients for theur 
 iron and steel. Herodotus speaks of them as 
 "a people of ironworkers," and from them 
 steel was named. 
 £ Fcqilcut uieutidu Is mado Ol ifOn and steSl 
 in the Hebrew scriptures, but it is to be 
 noted that when Solomon would build the 
 temple, a thousand years before our era, he 
 was obliged to send to the King of Tyre for 
 a man skilled to work '*m gold and silver, and 
 in brass and in iron." Ohaideaa i&soriptioBS 
 speak of iron as havinsrbeen in nee from time 
 imrafcmonal. Nebuchadnezzar in an inaorip- 
 tion telling of his worka of improvement in 
 Babylon Bays : '• With pillars and beams 
 plated with oepper and strengthened with 
 iron 1 built up its gates." His daughter 
 Nuooris built a bridge the stones of which 
 were held together by bands of iron fixed in 
 their places by molten lead. At Nineveh, 
 Lajard found numerous relics, iuolnding " a 
 perfect helmet of iron, inlaid wiih copper 
 bands, as well as many other articles of iron, 
 Two or three baskets were filled with these 
 lu Egypt iron was used in the earliest 
 times. In 1837 a piece of iron was taken 
 ftom an inner joint of the great pyramid at 
 Gizeh.and is now in the Biitish museum. 
 Ihe almost universal opinion of the best 
 Egyptologists places the erection of that edi- 
 fice at about 4,000 years before our era, so 
 that this venerable bit of rusty metal is un- 
 doubtedly the oldest piece of manufactured 
 iron of which men have any knowledge. Wil- 
 kinson copies un engraving showing the process 
 of smelling iron by the aid of bellows 
 m the shape of leather bags, trodden 
 by a man who exhausts the air from 
 one while with it string he raises the other 
 and permits ii to be refilled. Butchers are 
 depicted on the monuments wearing steels 
 such as are used to-day. Sickles and other 
 weapons of steel are pictured in great num- 
 bers and colored blue to distinguish them 
 from the bronze weapons which are color- 
 ed red. Belzoni found an iron sickle under 
 the foot of a sphynx at Oarnao, and it ie now 
 in the British museum. Kenrick, in " An- 
 cient Egypt under the Pharaohs " copies an 
 aooonnt of a military expedition made by 
 Thothmes I., who reigned about 1700 years 
 before our era. From some of the Deltan 
 Kings this monarch received as tribute or 
 presents gold and silver, as well as " bars 
 of wrought metal, and vessels of copper, and 
 of bronze, and of iron." From the region of 
 Memphis he received wine, iron, lead, 
 wrought metal, animals, etc. When I read 
 that the same King in a successful foray 
 against " Chadasha " took muoh booty, in- 
 eluding " iron of the mountains, 40 cubes," 
 I was tempted to think that Jerusalem must 
 have been meant; but I believe the Chadasha 
 mentioned, is understood to be a city of the 
 Ehetae or Hitiites, and not JerusaUm, the 
 Khodesh or sacred city of the Jews, and El 
 Khuds of the modern Arab. 
 The dawn of history finds iron in use 
 among the Greeks. One legend, and the 
 most probable, says they derived a know- 
 ledge of it from the Piioeoicians, while an» 
 othtr says that the burning of the forests on 
 Mount Ida smelted the iron ore exposed to 
 the fames, and revealed the secret ol work- 
 ing in iron. That such could have been the 
 oiise IS next to impossible. 
 Homer speaks of iron and weapons of iron 
 and steel— rarely in the Iiiad, frequently ia 
 the Odyssey. I leave the Wolfian and other 
 Homeric scholars to decide whether any par- 
 ticular significance attaches to that fact. Nor 
 will 1 pretend to say whether or not Homer had 
 historic knowledge enabling him to decide 
 tnat iron implements ana weapons were used 
 auring the siege of Troy, say about 1,200 
 years before our era, or whether he simply 
 supposed conditions similar to those he saw 
 around him to have existed in the days of 
 wnich he wrote, just as Shakespeare sup- 
 pobed cannon to have been used in the days 
 when the Danes governed England. Homer 
 mentions axes of steel. Gladstone, m his 
 Homeric Synchronisms, says : " Iron is in 
 Homer, exceedingly rare and precious. He 
 mentions nothing massive that is made of 
 this material." Among the prizes offered at 
 the funeral games of Patrooius is " a mass 
 of shapeless iron from the forge," and Achilles 
 says : 
 Stand forth, whoever -will contend for this ■ *'■ 
 ■ •?. ',* ^'9^'^ ^®^'1» '"I'i 'icb be his. the mass 
 ^viU last bim many years. The man who tendb 
 Hi8 flocks or guiaes his plow need not be sent 
 To town for iron ; he wUl have it here. 
 We may infer from this that iron was very 
 valuable, for the mass in question was no 
 more than a man might lift ; and that it was 
 used in agriculture before it was utilized for 
 the manufacture of arms or armor. 
 An early as 700 years before Christ the 
 iron ores of Elba were worked by the 
 Greeks, who called the island Ethalia 
 •• from the blazes of the iron works." Strabo* 
 says .that at the beginning of our era the 
 Iron mines of Euboea were exhausted. Glau- 
 ous of Ohios made a silver cup, inlaid with 
 iron about 660 B. 0. Sophocles, 400 B 
 speaks of the tempering of iron in water' 
 and It is certain that steel swords 
 were made about the same time. The 
 father of Demosthenes made steel arms 
 When Xerxes invaded Greece, the Assyrians 
 who accompanied him were armed with 
 clubs, " knotted with iron." Daimachus a 
 Greek writer of Alexander's age, mentions 
 four kinds of steel, the Chalybdic and Synopic 
 from which ordinary tools were made. The 
 Laoedffimonian, from which were made files 
 augers, chisels and stone-cutting implements • 
 and theLjdian, which was used in the man- 
 ufacture of swords, razors, and other surgical 
 instruments. Iron sickles and other agri- 
 cultural implements were common in the 
 time of Alexander. 
 The BomuiB were not workera in iron, 
 thongh they encouraged the indastrv among 
 the peoples whom they oonqaered. The 
 mines of Elba, which had snooeasively been 
 worked by the PhoenioiaQB, the Greeks and 
 the Etrurians, oontinued their operations 
 under Homan rule ; but we do not learn that 
 any improvements in prooeBses of manufacture 
 were introduced. The bellows were aubstanx 
 tially the same as the blacksmith's bellows in 
 use in our day, and the first reduction of the 
 ore produced a email loop or bloom of spongy 
 malleable iron, which was beaten on an anvil 
 into the shape most suitable for the transport- 
 ation to market or for the blacksmith's uae. 
 That iron weapons were in use at an early day 
 is proved by the tact that king Porsenna, 500 
 years before our era, imposed upon the 
 Bomans as a condition of peace that they 
 should use iron only for agricul- 
 tural implements. Tne best iron brought 
 to Rome at thebeginniuKof our era oame from 
 Noricum, corresponding to parts of Styria 
 and Garinthia, and it is believed that the 
 mmes now worked at Erzberg and Hutten- 
 berg are the same that were worked twenty 
 centuries ago. The (juadi who lived north of 
 Noricum in what is now Moravia, uere then 
 spoken of as a nation of iron workers ; and 
 it was from Moravia, that fifteen centuries 
 later one of the most valuable discoveries in 
 connection with iron— that of coating it with 
 tin — was derived. 
 The Spanish iron industry flourished during 
 the Oartbagioian occupation, and probably be- 
 fore. The Bomans attributed Hannibal's 
 success at OannsB in part to the fact that his 
 troops were.avmed with Spanish swords of 
 superior quality. Diodorus Siculus speaks 
 of Spanish two-edged swords "exactly 
 tempered with steel," made from 
 iron which had been buried in the 
 ground "to eat out all the weaker particles of 
 the metal, and leave only the strongest and 
 purest." The notion is not yet quite extinct 
 that rust first attacks and destroys the poorer 
 and baser parts of ihe iron, leaving the finest 
 and the best. The manufacture of Toledo 
 blades, begun in prehistoric times, has conn 
 tinned till our day, attaining its greatest 
 proportions, as the weapons attained their 
 greatest celebrity, in the fifteenth and six- 
 teentb centuries. 
 Wben Csaaar invaded Britain, 55 years be- 
 fore our era, he found iron in use there. 
 Most accounts represent that the natives who 
 met the BomsDS e!i!"lQ?ed chariots armed 
 with iron scythes. I have looked carefully 
 through Cffidar for confirmation of that state- 
 ment; but, though I find mmy references to 
 the chariots, I find no account of the iron 
 scythes. It is certain, however, that the 
 Britons had iron. Some writers think they 
 did not make it, but obtained what they had 
 from the Belgas, with whom they had consid- 
 erable intercourse, and who certainly manu- 
 factured iron. Others maintain that the 
 Britons themselves made iron. Casaar says 
 of them : " They use either brass or iron 
 rings, determined at a certain weight, as their 
 money. Tin is produced in the midland re- 
 gions ; in the maritime iron ; but the quantity 
 of it is small : they employ brass, wtiiob is 
 imported." Caesar's stay on the island was 
 brief, and his knowledge of it far from exten>< 
 sive or accurate. My own belief is that at the 
 time of Caaair's visits iron had been made in 
 Britain for centuries, and in considerable 
 quantities. At various places in England, 
 but chiefly in the weald of Kent, the weald of 
 Su»sez,aDd in the Forest of Dean in Glouces- 
 tershire, have beeu found vast beds of cinder 
 or slag, the remains f iron works which ex- 
 isted there in very early times. Ttiat these 
 operations were carried on during the Roman 
 occnpatiun or later is evidenced by the fact 
 that Roman coins and pottery have been 
 found in the cinder. But 1 believe they were 
 also carried on before the arrival of the Bo- 
 mans. The smelting operations were to a 
 large extent conducted in wind bloomaries, 
 wittiout any artificial blast. These bloom- 
 aries were built on the tops of hills, 
 with openings in the direction of 
 the prevailing winds. The ore, 
 mined with infinite patience and toil, was oar-* 
 ried up to the^e furnaces on men's backs, and 
 the operation was wasteful of metal as of 
 labor ; for so little of it was extracted from 
 the ore that in late years the slag has been 
 remelted in modern furnaces, and the opera- 
 tion found remunerative. Now, the Bomans 
 had for centuries been accustomed to the use 
 of the bellows in smelting iron ; and if they 
 had introduced tbe industry into Britain they 
 certainly would have adopted the methods 
 known to them and not have reverted to a 
 rnder, more waatefnl and more laborious 
 one. I am therefore compelled to believe 
 that when the Bomans invaded Britain they 
 found the wind bloomary in use. The hearths 
 of more modern bloomaries have been found, 
 with Boman coins and remains among the 
 ashes ; and these are pretty good evidences 
 that during the Boman occupation, improve- 
 ment!), based up m Bomau knowledge, were 
 introduced. Andrew Yarranton says that 
 " within a hundred yards of the walls of the 
 eity of Worcester there was duM' up on© of the 
 hearths of the Boman foot blast, it being then 
 firm an^ in order, and was seven foot deep in 
 the earth ; and by the side of the work there 
 was found a pot of Boman coin to the quan- 
 tity of a peck." St^bg says that in his day 
 non WM exported from Britain in ♦».- 
 121 a great Roman m"i tarvTr J *H\^." 
 WHB estabJiehed at Ba h tL ^ °'' i^^""^ 
 being obtained i?thePo;ett of ZnAf'J* 
 S lo^^L^r fd ^ -:?e«iot*i ^ 
 that., i^and beS the S of wllfr. T 
 Gonqaerer th« nJ.,o# ° j'*" °' "iHip.m the 
 none bot K SS .£ "• °° "°''' "' >"^ 
 andtodoleUrtasneeiWt ^^^^^ '«« 
 ing employed to ml^r m^kVSe n? ''^ '" 
 0' loop, ox won of mailable iron A f.„ ; 
 kepi open nnlil ,h, ft„n„, ^J £t;;''_™ 
 an,*:Mhrkin7Sh"hr'!,'° 'r 'y 
 produced." The deL^fJf "°°^ "^^^ 
 lb. top»..ib°l?i, 0,7,™, S" '','"'''''?,"' "» 
 invented by Hans, • ^ ^"'°^> ''^^ 
 1560. From tZ t^if'T^ '".^""""y'" 
 the hearthToa ?° oS"'' As L' ^' '°"°"' °* 
 Btill larger the ore ^hail^ ''"■°*°« «"" 
 from thd fuel till t^f« ™uT''*/ ""^ »"bon 
 The old furnLeUJ^J^^^^^ i»wa« melted, 
 as a etuckofen and he hfah 7° '" Germany 
 ofen or flussofen thaf- 1*^ ^""'*°® » ''laa- 
 bellows, or a flowiL fnrnf"'" '^* ''"P^^^'^ 
 duct was withdrrwn^in t^ ''u'"°*°'° ^''^ P"" 
 Of molten iron Tn F„ f '^"^u^ °* "^ '*'«»«> 
 lows of wood on the old nin* *"'''''"'"' '^'• 
 great size and operated htr» """" "'"'« °* 
 these supplied a bla« «f ^ ""'^^ P"''^'' «"»d 
 Bo'Sets: ra^hrtr"'"'*'^^^'' 
 sumption of oharooal th-^ ^'^'" ''°°" 
 were passed and?h« nr 5'\"P'^'"'« ^^^s 
 greatly lessened and «.«'*"°i'"° °^ "°° ''»« 
 less than^he?n"e%°rA°^^4V,°3lf.-to" no 
 whioh Have to England the r,L «!' r" °'^" 
 iron manufacture which Jtl Preeminence m 
 highly iniportSinvenLn ;:Xat of-'"f.- ^ 
 f«r converging bloods into^d" b'a^S ° r p£ 
 inBtosd of porformiDg that work by the slow 
 and laboriouB manipnlation of the hammer. 
 It is onatomary to say that Oort invented rolle 
 m 1783 ; but I found in the library of the 
 Frankhn Institute at Philadelphia a copy of a 
 patent granted to John Payne nearly half a 
 century earliar. This patent is dated Nov. 21, 
 1728. The first part iti for the oonvereion of 
 oaet into malleable iron by the application of 
 aahea, salt, etc., to pig or sow iron while in 
 the refinery fire, "which," the patent says, 
 "will render the same into a state of mallea 
 bility as to bear the stroke of the hammer, to 
 draw it into barrs, or other forms at the pleas 
 ure of the workman, and those or other barrs 
 being treated in the said melted ingredients 
 in a long hot arch or cavern, as hereafter 
 described; and those or other barrs are to 
 pass between two large mettallrowlers (which 
 have proper notches or furrows 
 upon their surfass) by the force of 
 my entiine hereafter decsribed, or 
 other power, into such shapes and forms 
 as shall be required." In this document we 
 have a faithful description of grooved rolls, 
 and also an acconnt of the decarbonization of 
 oast iron in a reverberatory f urnoce - that is 
 a process of puddHng iron, instead of reduc- 
 ing it to nature by the slow and expensive 
 process of repeated heatings and hammerings, 
 as had theretofore been practiced. 
 Another candidate for the honor of having 
 invented rolls was Major John Hanbury, who 
 professed to have made the discovery in 1729, 
 a year after Payne's patent was granted.' 
 About 1680 Andrew Yarranton was sent into 
 Saxony to learn the art of coating iron with 
 tin. ^ho knowledge of that process is said 
 to L. w been carried into Saxony from 
 Bohemit by a clergyman, but its origin is 
 lost. Tarranton succeeded m his mission, 
 and brought the art into England, where the 
 manufaoture of tinned plates soon assumed 
 considerable proportions, not only for home 
 use, bnt for export. After the introduction of 
 rolls the English plates were considered 
 superior to those made on the continent, be- 
 cause they were rolled and not hammered, 
 and were consequently of equal thickness 
 A great impetus was given to the iron 
 trade in England by the labors of Henry 
 Oort toward the close of the 18cb century. 
 He greatly improved the rolls and 
 brought them into general use ; and 
 he perfected the process of pud- 
 dling, bringing it g.,Ki,.antial!y to 
 its present perfection. It will be remembered 
 that the product of the low bloomary wa? 
 malleable iron, the carbon in the fuel was all 
 burned away by a strong blast of air directed 
 through the tngeres upon the bloom as it form- 
 ed. The process was slow and expensive 
 though it is to be noted that bloomaries only 
 slightly improved a.e in use to-day and pro- 
 duce high grade malleable iron of first rate 
 quality in competition with modern iurnaoes. 
 When the high furnace was introduced it 
 made the first production of iron much cheap- 
 er, bnt the iron was oast iron, and tno ex- 
 pense of converting it into malleable iron in 
 the finery was tgdious and costly. Oort by 
 the puddling furnace made the operation 
 simple and vary much cheaper. 
 Another highly important improvement 
 introduced into England about the middle of 
 the eighteenth century was the substitution 
 of mineral fuel for charcoal. The attempt 
 had been made a century earlier by Dud 
 Dudley, a cousin I believe of the unfortunate 
 husband of Lady Jane Grey, but though he 
 demonstrated the practicability of it, he 
 achieved for himself only ridicule, disappoints 
 ment and great pecuniary loss. Revived in 
 1735 by Abraham Darby at Ooalbrookdale in 
 Shropshire, it proved immediately successful 
 and restored to Britain her iron industry' 
 which had fallen into a great decline through 
 want of fuel. The first iron cylinders for 
 supplying a blast to the furnace were con- 
 structed by John Smeaton at the Oarron Iron 
 works in Scotland, and steam was first used 
 at the same works to furnish the power 
 through the influence of Dr. Roebuck. 
 Since then the only important improve- 
 ments introduced in the productive iron in- 
 dustry have been the application of the hot 
 blast, first employed by Nwlson in Scotland 
 in 1728, and the withdrawal of unconsnmed 
 gases from the top of the furnace, and their 
 utilization for the production of heat. I 
 think Franco is entitled to credit for that dis- 
 Iron is of two kinds ; cast iron containing 
 from 2 to 6 per cent of carbon, which la 
 brittle and granular in its construction ; and 
 malleable or wrought iron, which is ductile 
 and fibrous, and contains little or no carbon. 
 Between the two lies steel, containing from a 
 quarter of 1 pe'- cent to 2 per cent of carbon. 
 If you ask me for a technical definition of 
 the word steel, I shall tell you frankly that I 
 cannot give it, and I have heard some very ex- 
 pert metallurgists express a dislike to be put 
 to the same test. A few years ago you would 
 be told off hand that steel was an article 
 wliich would forge, temper and weld ; but if 
 you demand these qualities to day yon will 
 relegate io the iron heHp a great many arti- 
 cles which the world calls steel, including all 
 metal produced by the pneumatic process, and 
 I shall be compelled to tell you that there are 
 not a thousand tons of steel rails in ex- 
 istence. I beUeve the article produced in the 
 Beisemer converter, however, to be « 
 trae Hteel, bat it will not weld. 
 In former timea ateei was aometimes ob- 
 tainad as part of the pronnot of the bloomary 
 united in certain proportiona with soft iron in 
 the bloom or loop. Bat when it waa desired 
 to produce steel from iron, very fine bar iron 
 was arranged in layers in a fire-briok ovnn, 
 each layer of iron being overlaid with char- 
 coal. All openings were then oarefnlly closed 
 with clay and the whole oven was heated to 
 redness and kept at that temperature for 
 from seven to ten days. This process is slill 
 employed, and the product is variously known 
 aa cement or blister steel, or, if the bars are 
 rolled tORether to secure homogeneity, as 
 shear steel. Reaumur described this process 
 in 1722 ; and it is not known how long be- 
 fore his time it was employed or wkere, when 
 or by whom it was introduced. About the 
 middle of last century Benjamin Huntnman, 
 in England iutroduoed the modern method of 
 making crucible cast steel Bubetantially as it 
 is practiced to •day. 
 Steel was also aomotimea made by dipping 
 bare of soft iron into molten oast iron, from 
 which they absorbed a portion of the carbon 
 and were converted into steel ; and some- 
 times malleable and cast iron were fused to' 
 gether in a close chamber producing steel of 
 inferior quality. 
 Siemens Martin steel is made by the de- 
 carbonization of cast iron in a reverber- 
 atory furnace heated with gas, the flame of 
 which asRista the reaction ; and the subse- 
 quent recarbonization of the bath by the ad- 
 dition at the close of the process of white 
 iron, apiegileisen, or ferro manganese. The 
 operation requires from four to eight hours. 
 The Thomap Gilchrist proceaa ia simply an 
 improvement upon the Bessemer or pneu- 
 matic process. A chemical lining is put into 
 the converter, which absorbs phosphorus 
 and other objectionable minerals from the 
 melted metal, and permita the use of a lower 
 grade of iron than ia possible in the Bessemer 
 Puddled steel ia made in much the same 
 way as wrought iron ia made from cast iron. 
 That ia, the iron is melted in a reverberatory 
 furnace exposed to a strong draft of atmos- 
 pheric air, and is kept stirred or puddled 
 until the oxygen of air uniies with the carbon 
 in the iron and burcs it cut. If steel is de- 
 aired the metal is withdrawn before all the 
 carbon is oonanmed ; if iron is desired the 
 process ia continued till the carbon is 
 consumed, when the metal is brought to a 
 spongy, pasty condition, is rolled into' balls 
 or blooma, and ia lifted to the 
 squeezer, where the slag and other 
 imparities are squeezed out. Paddled, 
 or open hearth'ateel, as it is generaUy called 
 18 growing in favor, and in England ita prox 
 duotion la increasing more rapidly than that 
 of Bessemer or pneumatic steol. 
 The modt important metallurpioal discovery 
 of the age was that of making steel from oast 
 iron by the pneumatic prooeas. This was the 
 invention of Sir Henry Besaemer, and waa 
 made about 30 years ago. Besaemer'a first 
 idea waa to produce wrought iron by forcing 
 a strong blant of atmospheric air through the 
 melted iron by which the carbon would be 
 burned away and the iron reduced to nature. 
 Hia earlier experimenta were disastrous fail- 
 ures. The iron produced waa so brittle as to 
 be almost worthless, and no steel werthy of 
 the name could be made. At length Mr. 
 Robert Mushet anageated that if mangenese 
 were added to the iron good steel cauld be 
 maae. This was done and proved highly 
 aucoeasful. Some improvements were also 
 made in the lining of the converters by which 
 the amount of silicon in tha iron waa re- 
 duced. The Besaemer prooeaa requires a good 
 quahty of pig iron, reasonably free from 
 phosphorus, sulphur and arsenic, and not 
 containing a superabundance of ailicon or 
 t'tanenm. Thia la melted in an ordinary 
 furnace and conveyed to the converter, which 
 somewhat resembles an immense soda water 
 bottle with the neck wrenched to one aide. 
 The ordinary converter containa from five to 
 ten tona of molten iron, but is then not more 
 than one fourth filled. A powerful blast of 
 air la now conveyed to the bottom of the con- 
 verter whence it riaes through the iron unit- 
 ing with the carbon and producing 
 combustion and intense heat. The blow 
 is usually continued for 16 to 20 minutes 
 and manganese is added during the process 
 generally in the shape of spiegileisen, but 
 sometimes as ferro-manganese. ^'■■:,. ^the 
 operation has continued a sufficin t time 
 which is determined by means of the speolro' 
 scope, the blast ia stopped, the converter is 
 tipped to one aide, the metal flows into 
 moulds.and the ingota ao formed are known a 
 Bessemer blooma. Sir Henry Beasemer'a 
 royalty amounts to only a shilling a ton, but 
 w 187 i Mr. J. S. Jeans, secretary of the 
 British Iron association, wrote that he had 
 *i oKnnnA'!'* ,-*™" his patent upward of 
 ;tl,UoO 000 sterling. 
 A description of the first iron works estab- 
 hshed in Canada will not, 1 hope, prove un- 
 ^Colbert, the great French financier and 
 i rime Miuiater to Louis XIV., was strongly 
 impresHed with the importance of the Cana-. 
 dian dominions of France, andjhe carried on a 
 long correspondence wtth M Talon, the 
 royal intendant, with a view to the discovery 
 and working of the mineral treasures of New 
 Franoe. Many of these letters are now in the 
 Parliamentary library at Ottawa. 
 In 1650 Father Drouillettes, a member of 
 that noble band of Jesuit missionaries who 
 did so muob to eiplore and devulop not dan- 
 ada alone, but the whole country as far as the 
 MiBsiPsippi. settled among and oonvt^ried to 
 Ghristianity a tribe of Indinns, tho Attikame- 
 gnes, living near Three Bivers, at the mouth 
 of the St. Maurion, on the north bank of the 
 St. Lawrence, about midway o( Htadaoona, 
 Quebec, and Hochelaga, Montreal. It is 
 probable, though not certain, that Father 
 Drouillettes reported the existenoe of iron 
 near that point, for in 1666, M. Talon, who 
 had been sent by Colbert to (iaspe to look for 
 silver and bad failed, sent the Sienr de la 
 Tetiserie to Bale St. Paul, near Trois Bivieres, 
 where he found iron ore which appeared to be 
 rich. M. La Portardiere was sent from Que- 
 bec to inspect the mine, but his report was 
 unfavorable, and nothing praotioal was done 
 for seventy years. 
 In 1681 the Marquis de Denonville reported 
 to his Majesty's Government that be was con- 
 vinced a very fine iron mine existed at Trois 
 Bivieres, where a forge could be profitably 
 worked. He said he had sent some of the 
 ore to M. Colbert, who tested it with favorable 
 results. In 1686 the same nobleman report- 
 ed that he bad sent a sample of the ore to 
 France, where the iron workers found it "of 
 good quality and percentage," and desired 
 fifteen or twenty "bariques" of it to give it a 
 thorough trial. In 1672 the Oonnt de Fron- 
 tenac reported that be bad begun to mine the 
 ore and that "there are six piles of ore now 
 lying at Gap Madelaine, which, according to 
 the annexed report of the miner, would last 
 for two uastini^s per day for four months." 
 He strongly urged the establishment of 
 "forges and a foundry." 
 In 1737 a firm known as Cugnet et Cie., 
 was formed by royal charter, which acquired 
 the mines and a tract of forest land, and at 
 once erected two furnaces, a foundry and 
 dwellings for the operatives. There was a 
 French garrison at Trois Bivieres, and the 
 soldiers weie the principal workmen. 'i,'he 
 operations appear to have been unprofitable, 
 for in a few years Ougnet et Cie. surrendered 
 their charter to the local Gover jment, and 
 the works were carried on for some time by 
 agents of the Crown. The fuel used was 
 charcoal, the product of the furnaces was pig 
 iron, and the greater part of this was cast 
 into stoves, pots, etc., for local nee ; but some 
 bar iron was made, though I jan find no des- 
 oriptioQ of tbe method employed. It prob- 
 ably was the old method of repeated heatings 
 and hammerings, as there was a trip hammer 
 operated by water power. 
 In 1752 M Bigot, who was at that tim In- 
 tendant of New France, resident at Quebec, 
 instruoled M. Franqn> o visit the St. Maur- 
 ice forges, and bio rip, . t is of great interest. 
 After describing the locality be says : " Tho 
 stream which drives the niHchinery of the es- 
 tablishment is dammed up in three places ; 
 the first dam driveo the wheel for tbe fur- 
 nace, tbe second and third each a trip ham- 
 mer. ... It is supposed that the 
 stream or water power is sufiiciently 
 strong to drive two other hammers. . . . 
 On entering tbe smelting forgo I was received 
 with a cuotomary ceremony : the workmen 
 moulded a pig of iron about 16 feet long, for 
 for my especial benefit. Tbe process is very 
 simple : it is done by plunging a large ladle 
 into tbe liquid boiling ore and emptying the 
 material into a gutter made in the sand. 
 After this ceremony, I was shown tbe process 
 of stone moulding, which is also a very simple 
 but rather intricate operation*. Each stone 
 is in six pioces, which are separately mould- 
 ed ; they are fitted into each other and form 
 a stone about three leet high. I tiien visited 
 a shed where the workmen were moulding 
 pots, kettles and other hollow ware. On 
 leaving this part of the forge we were taken 
 to the hammer forge, where bar iron of every 
 kind is hammered out. In each department 
 of the forges the workmen observed tbe old 
 ceremony of brushing the stranger's boots, 
 and in return tliey expect some money to buy 
 liquor to drink the visitor's health. The es« 
 tablishment is very extensive, employing up- 
 ward of 180 men. Nothing is consumed in 
 furnaces but clean coal, which is made in the 
 immediate vicinity of the post. The ore is 
 rich, good and tolerably clean. Formerly it 
 was found on tbe sj^ot : now the director has 
 to send some little distance for it . . . 
 This iron is preferred to tbe Spanish iron, 
 and is sold ofif in the King's stores in Quebec 
 at the rate of 25 or 30* per hundred pounds 
 In 1760, Quebec having been taken by 
 Wolfe, Canada was ceded to Great Britain, 
 and among tbe stipulations m the treaty was 
 one that the papers relating to the forges 
 should remain in tbe possession of M. Bigot, 
 tbe intendaut, and should be transmitted to 
 France without inspection of tbe British. 
 For seven years after that event the works 
 lay idle, but in 1767, Christopher Pehsier 
 formed a company which obtained a conces- 
 sion from Governor Carleton for tbe working 
 of the forges for 16 years, at an annual rental 
 of £26 lawful money of our said Province of 
 Quebec. An indication of the relations bo 
 soon established between the French and 
 BngliBb people of Oanada is fnrniahed by the 
 names of this company whiob embraced, 
 ChrietopLtr Pelisier, Alexander Dumafl, Tboa. 
 Dunn, Benjamin Price, Colin Drummond, 
 Dumaa St. Mar»in, CJeorge Alsopp, James 
 Johnston and Brooke Wats m. When this 
 lease expired Oonrad GuRy took the works at 
 an annual rental of £17 158. sterling. Various 
 persons conducted the business down to 1801, 
 when another firm took it at £B5 I sterling, 
 which rental was reduced in 1810 to tSOO cur- 
 In 1815 a visitor wrote : " The foundry it- 
 self is replete with convenience for carrying on 
 an extensive concern ; furnaces, forges, cast- 
 ing houses, workshops, etc., with the dwelling 
 houses and other builiings, have quite the 
 appearance of a tolerably large village. The 
 articles manufactured consist of stoves of all 
 descriptions that are used throughout the 
 Provinces, large caldrons of kettles, that are 
 used for making potashes, machinery for 
 mills, with oast or wrought iron-work of all 
 denominations. There are likewise large 
 quantities of pig and bar iron expoit-d. The 
 number of men employed is from 250 to 300. 
 The principal foreman, engaged ti. making 
 models, are jither English or Hootohmen ; 
 the workmen are gentrally Canadians." 
 The ownership remained in the Oovera- 
 ment till 184G. In the year named the pro- 
 perty was »old to Henry Stuart, who seriously 
 embarrasBed himself by large and ill advised 
 expenditures. He then rented it ; and it 
 Bubseqiieutljr fell into the hands of Andrew 
 Stuart and John Porter, of Quebec, who 
 workea on a limited scale till 1859, when the 
 fires were extinguished, 
 The only information, later than that in 
 the narrative which I have been able to get ia 
 contained in a report to Parliament made in 
 March, 1879. which says : " Thb St. 
 Maurice Foboes.— Owned by F. Macdougall 
 (& Son, Three Itivers ; using a bug ore ; mak- 
 ing a very fine iron with charcoal fuel. The 
 first fuinac9 was erected in 1737. Still run- 
 ning with same fuel ; capacity lour tons." 
 * Intricate simplicity was probably com- 
 mon in those days. 
 * The editor says "castors."— beaver akiuB.