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Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour 6Ue reproduit en un seul clichd, ii est filmi d partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d"images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I.OWF.R CANADA. ORDINANCE to provide Cor tl.c more spcoriy AxTAJNDEit of ri:usoNS indicted for liuiH Tbeason wIk) iiiive fled from tiie Piovinrp, or r'eiiiiiin concealed iherein, to escape from Justice, [I'rciiiitcd kii Her Dhijfslii'n ( Kiiiinaiitl ] (hitiiid, hi/ 'I'lic Il<ii!bL'<il {,'^lllllnlm^, /(I /.-i- I'lmnd, 13 Ajjiil 1840. 2,31. / lid cr LOWER CANADA. ANNO SECUNDO VlCTORIyE RECilN.E, Cap, 27. AN ORDINANCE to provide for the more speedy Attaindf.u of Pkrsons indicted for Iluiii Treason who Iiave fled from tlie Provinee, or reniaiii conceak'd therein, to esc.ijje from Justice. WHEREAS a wicked and unnat\iral rebellion agiiinst Her Majesty Jiath ' een raised and carried oa within this Province, siiici' the Isf day of November, now last ])ast ; and whereas divers j)ersons, who were concerned in such rebellion, or in measures calculated and intended to bring about, promote, and furtluM- tiie said rebellion, ])revious to tlie raising and carrying on the same, have fled from this Province, or remained concealed therein, in order to escape from justice ; and whereas it is ex])edient and necessary to provide for the speedy attainchn- of such ])ersons, in order to deter others from tlie like high crimes and ofl'ences : Be it therefore ordained and enacted, by his Excellency the Governor of the Province of Lower Canada, by and with the advic(! and consent of tlie Spicial Council for tlie affairs of the said Province, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act of the ]\irliament of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the flr^t year of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled, " An Act to make temporary Provision for the (Government of Lower Canada," and it is hereby ordained and enacted, by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of tiiis Ordinance, in case any indictment shall be found by i grand jury, at and before any court of competent jurisdiction in this Province, against any person or persons, for high treason, misprision of high treason, or treasonable practices, and when the slun-iflshall make return to any warrant, or capias that may issue thereupon, that such persons, or any of them, is or are not to be found in his district, it shall and may be lawful for tlie Governor of this Province, or the person administering tlu; government thereof, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, immedi- ately upon the making of such return, to issue a proclamation, to be published not less than six weeks in the Quebec Gazette, by authority, calling upon and requiring the person or persons against whom any such indictment shall have been found, to surrender himself or themselves to the custody of the sheriff' of the district within wliich the court before whom such indictment or indictments were found was held, ])y a day to be within the said proclamation named, such day not to l)e less than three calendar months from the first publication of such proclamation in the gazette ; and if such person or persons shall not, by the day in such proclamation named, surrender themselves to the custody aforesaid, and submit to justice, then, and in such case, they and every of them, after the day in sucli proclamation named, shall stand and be adjudged attainted of the crime expressed and set forth in such indictment or indictments, and shall sutter and forfeit as a person attainted of such crime ought to suffer and forfeit, by and according to the laws of this Province. 2. And be it further ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the .lustices of all and every Court of Oyer and Terminer, at which every such indict- ment shall be found as aforesaid, shall, upon the return of the sheriff', that the per- son or persons named in such indictment is or are not to be found within the district of such sheriff', certify the said indictment, and the proceedings thereon^ into the Court of King's Bench for the district in wliich such Court of Oyer and Terminer shall be held, or shall have been holden ; and it shall he the duty of every such sheriff', at the expiration of the time limited in such proclamation, to make a return to the Court of King's Bencii for the district of which he is sheriff" of the names of all and every such person or persons who, being named in any such proclamation as aforesaid, shall not have surrendered themselves to the custody of .lie said sheriff pursuant to the exigency of such proclamation ; and such Court of King's Bench shall, during the ternrin or before which such last-mentioned return siiall be made, direct judgment of attainder against all and every such person or persons to be entered on record. ^3>- 3. Provided ORDINANCE RESPECTING HIGH TREASON. :{. Provided always, and l)e it fiirtlicr ordained and enacted, hy tlie antlioritv aforesaid, tliat if any jjerson, a<jjainst whom any snch jiidynient of'affainder shall have been entered, shall, within three calendar months next after tin; day of • iitry of such jiidument, surrender himself to tlie custody of the sheritl" of the district in which such judomeiit of tiic; Court of King's Heneli had been entered up, and by the oath of two credible witnesses shall establish, to the satisfaction of the Court of Kin<2:'s l?ench, that such person was actually and hoiia fide pre- vented from surrendering' himself pursuant to the exigency of such proclamation, by reason of absence beyond seas, sickness, or other inevitable nece-sity, then and in such case it shall and may hv. lawful for the Court of King's Bench of such district in which such judgment has been entered uj), to reverse the said judgment of attainder, and to transmit tin- iudictnu.'ut or imlictments to any Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held in and ior the district wherein such indictment or imlictments was or were found, aiid such persons so surrenderin" shall be tried for the oH'ence charged in such indictment in like manner as if no such judgment of attainder liad been entered. (signe(') J. Colbonn-. Ordained and enacted by the authority aforesaid, aid passed in Special Council^, under the great seal of the Province, at the Govevnment House, iu the city of Montreal, the lOtli day of March, in the second year of the resign of o Sovereign Lady \'ict()ria, by du' grace of (lod of (ireat Britain and Irelai Queen, Defender of the J'aith, and so forth, and in the year of our Lord 18:$!). F3y his Excellency's command, (signed) W. li. JJndsai/, Clerk Special Council. ur md