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Tha following diagrams illuatrata tha mathod: Laa cartas, planchas, tablaaux. ate pauvant dtre fiimte i daa taux da rMuction diffirents. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour dtra raproduit an un saul cllchi. il ast fiim^ d partir da I'angla sup4riaur gaucha, da gaucha i droita. 0tt da haut an baa. 9n pranant la nombrc/ d'Imagas nteassaira. Las diagrammas suivants iiluatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 OFFICIAL RETURNS FOR WEST MIDDLESEX. 18 8 3. CARADOC. Johnston. Waterwoith, Division No. 1 ,...103 47 •• 2 75 5C " " 3 90 76 " " 4 45 80 " " 5 64 101 " " 6 50 60 417 430 ekfr; X Division No. 1 54 78 2 40 50 " 3 40 61 " " 4 60 76 '• " 5 4S ■ 40 287 305 tfOSA. Division No. 1 46 38 2 33 85 " " 3 .59 45 •• " 4 .55 69 192 237 DELAWARE. Division No. 1 44 53 2 55 51 " •' 3 53 43 " •• 4 48 27 200 173 METCALFE. Division No. 1 137 24 2 78 63 " " 3 77 77 292 164 fTRATHROY. Division No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Joh nston. . 46 . 66 . 68 . 64 . 67 . 29 Watterworth 64 69 6fi 47 8S 48 810 298 GLENCOE. Division No 1.. . 91 78 WAKDSVrLLE. Division No. 1 43 NEWBURY. Division No. 1 63 RECAPITULATION. C>«radoc 417 ..;u'-\d 237 Mosa, 192 Delaware 20(i Metcalfe 292 Strathroy 310 Glencoe, . ." 91 Wardsville 43 Newbury, 53 1835 1718 Johnston's majority, 87 84 84 430 305 237 173 164 298 73 34 34 1748 BEAU SIR, I send you the Returns in both of last Elections, and you can see what is required of you to do in order to gain this election. Yours truly, J, M. CAMPBELL.