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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d roite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images niicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CA.TALOGUE OF FETJIT TEEE8 CNDKB TEST AT THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT AGASSIZ, BKITTSH COLUMBIA BY Wm. SAUNDERS, LL.D., F.R.S.C, F.L.S., Director Experimental Farms, AND THOS. A. SHARPE, Superintendent of the Experimental Farm at Agatsix. BULLETIN No. 3, SECOND SERIES, JUNE, 190O. Bulletins of the Second Series treat of such subjects as are of interest to a limited class of readers and will be mailed oniy to those to whom the information is likely to be useful. Copies may, how- ever, be obtained by any one desiring them, as lonjj as the edition lasts, by application to the Director of Experimental Farms. [Published hy Direction of the Hon. Sydney A. Fiiher, Minister of AffricuUure] OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1900 CENTKAL EXPEUIMENTAL FARM, DErAUTMENT OF AdUICLLTURE C^A.T^T.00171i: OP FRUIT TEEES INIIKK TKST AT THK EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT AG A SS 1 Z, BRl T I SI I COLU.\ F W 1 A nv Wm. SAUNDERS. LL.D., F.K.S.C, F.L.S,, Director E.ijjerimental Farms, AND TH08. A. SHAUPE, Superintcndun/ of (he Experimetita/ Far>u id Ayassiz. BULI.KTIN No. -J, SKCONn SERIES. JUNE, 190,). I'ulli-tiii-i (if till' SfCdii.l S. rii's ti-fat nf suili siilij.'r;ts as ww ot iiitfifsr to a liiiiitcil cln* > if j readers and will lie mailed iiiily to those to xvlioiii the iueniiiation is likely to l.e iiseiul. ('o|iie> may, liow- ever, Ik olitaiiieil liy any one desiring tin ni, as lon^: as the edition lasts, liy apiilieatioii to the Director of I'lxperiuii nial Fannt-. [PiMislitd hii DinHiiin »/ the Hon. SjjiIih:;/ A. Fielii r, Miaiult r of A;iriruiliirc OTTAWA (;()Vf:HNMENT PKi\TiX(i r,r'i;i:.\r 1900 m To the Honourjil)k' The Minister of Agriculture. WiK, — I have the honour to submit for your approval ii catalogue of the fruit trees under trial at the bmnch experimental farm at Agassiz, B.C., prepared jointly by Mv. Thos. A. Sharpe, Superintendent of the Agassi/ farm and myself. In this list the varieties are arranged alphabetically for convenience of reference. It is hoped that the information presented in this catalogue will be helpful to fruit growers, not only in British Columbia, Ijut in all the fruit growing districts in Canada. It will also assist in giving to those interested in this subject both in Canada and abroad, some idea of the great work which has been done during the past ten years in bringin" together so large and valuable a collection, thus laying the foundation for an accurate and extensive ac(juaintanco with the large fruits of temperate climates throughout the world. The opportunity will thus be also afforded of testing the relative vigour of growth and productiveness of the trees, also the quality of the fruit as grown in the coast climAte of British Columbia. I have the honour to be Your obedient servant, WM. SAUNDERS, Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa, June 1 5, 1 900. 1* i (\\'i\\i.()<;ri-: in FRUIT TREES I .VI Kll TK.-I- AT THK EXPERIMENTAL FARM AT ACIASSIZ, \i. C. I5y NVm. Saundkus, LL.D., Diukctou ok ExPEUiME.MAf. Farms. And Tiios. A. Siiahpk, Supkiuntkndknt ok thk Expehimemai. I'aum at A(;assi/., H. C. Tho site for tlio cxperiinontal farm for Uritisli Ci)luiiil)ifi was chosen at Agassi?, in 18S>< and possession was had on September I'.l, 18S9. Agassi/ is located al)OUt 70 miles east (jf Vancouver and in a very central position in the valley of the Eraser in tlie oast climate. The land consists of about :52r> acres of valley land fronting on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Uailway and adjoining the station at Agassiz, with about 8IJ0 acrts of broken mountain land in the rear. Prior to purchase about ."{o acres of the vallty land had been partly cleared and was more or less under cultivation, including 3 acres of young orchard. About 30 acres of the land which had been partly under cultivation was thoroughly worked up in the autumn of 18811 and prepared for plantitig in the spring of lUOO. Additional land has been cleared from yeir to year and through the enei'getic action of the superintendent the clearing has been made to keep pace ni)t otily with the necessities for orchard planting, but also with the reiiuirenients for experimental work with farm crojis and tiie raising of supplies for farm animals. The cleared land in the valley at the present time is about IGO acres of which from GO to 65 acres are occupied by fruit trees. There are also over 1,000 friiit trees planted in clearings up the sides of the mountain at (-levations ranging from 150 to 1,100 feet in height. The work of selecting the" varieties and securing the trees has devolved mainly on the l>irector, while the planting and care, and the notes on their growth and productive- ness, with tlic descriptions of the fruits, are entirely the work of the Superintendent. A In-ight future lies before British Columbia as a fruit growing province, and the lai'ge collection of varieties now growing at the experimental farm, will provide the means for securing an amount of accurate information as to the relative (piality and pi'oductiveness of varieties which will he of untold value to the future fruit growers of this province. Ah'eady among the new sorts of foreign introduction which have fruited several have been found of superior character with good shipping qualities and highly productive. These promise to be of great value to the country. KXI'fjniMLWTM, I'MLM, AUASS!/., It.C. ,s«- 1 At the end of the oiitalogue a .select list (if oiiuli sort of fruit is given, prepiueil by Mr. Sliaipe, comiiriMiiig the best of tliiis(^ wliicji liavt! thus far fruited. Such listn, how- ever, can only .serv(! a present purpose anil will no douiit he greatly nio(ii('nMl as oilier \arieties reaeli a bearing ai;e. l'V)r convenience of reference in thi^ list of apples, all the diiVerc-nt varieties of Hussets liaTO been j{roupe(i togetliei" and the same has ijeen done w ith the Calvilles and Heinettes. Tlie collection of laii;e fruits here enumerated embraces the followinj; named sorts : Apple.s, I, "JIT ; Crab apples, 'M\ ; I'ears, ofjo ; I'luins, .'U 1 ; I'lierries, lol ; I'eaches, 'Jl.i ; Apricots, r»0 ; Nectarines, 25 ; (^uinc(!s, 8 ; Medlars,?; and Mulberiies 0, nuikin;,' a total of 'J, 582 varieties. In so larj^e a collection there will, no doulit, be many eirois in naming, instances will also occur where the same variety exists under ilitlerent names. The authors will esteem it a great favour should any apparent inaccuracies of any sorb be detected if the party observing them would kindly report them so that such errors may be recti lied. '4. ■^ ":ait *?1 cA'rALU(^.ui': OP AIPPLE TREES I Adam Pearmain. I'lmiiid spiini,' is!)!». Tnc ii stiiiii;.' ^niwiT. -•-Aiken. I'luiiud Spiinj,; IS!l(i. 'Vivv u ^^Il^pll;,' gniwcr. ■'{.-Alant. I'l.iiitf.l Spring is<»s. i'i..j » 4.-Ala8ka. I'linnccl Sprii.n '""• 'rf" a 5. — Alexander. I'lmitctl sprinji isiio. iv.i,- ii stiipiiL! Ill' I sprc.iilin;.' 1,'rowii-: pr'ilui ; ivc. Kniil \lii'r. <>■ Alexis Baldwin. In iiiir«tiy. 7. - Alfriston. In nm -try. •S. -Alice. I'lautcd spring IS'Mt. ' Trui: a strong growi'i-. !). -Allen's Choice. I" mnsiiy. Kt. Allen's Everlasjting. In mnHtry. II. AUington Pippin- In musiry. I-. "Almond Reinette. In mirseiy. !■■{.- Amassia. In nun-ciy. U. — Amelie. In imrstry. 15.— American Beauty. I'lanted Spring ih!)!). Tri'o a strong grower. Hi.— American Blush. In nmsiry. 1 7 —American Pippin. I'lantt'd spring ls!t(i. Tree .1 strong giower and prodnctive. Fruit of niedium si/c, ri'giiiar form, ohlati'. Skill dull gri'i'ii, witli a hioiizc! reddisii j L'licek. Flcsii « liilf. lirni, juicy, mildly . ai'id and of pheasant llavour. Season, late t Autumn. I «.- American Summer Peanrain. iManttd Spring IS!t4. 'I'rcu a moderate grower. Fruit of medium si/e, slightly eonical. Skin yellow, stn.'aked and spotte acid, c|uality poor. Sea.sosi, last of .Inly. •-'I Anis Rose. In inr.sery. Anisette. In nursery. -Anisovka. Planted Spring IS)).". Tree a strong upright grower, and a free pro- ducer. Fruit alio\e meiliuiM si/e, round isii, gloliular. Skin greenish golden, streaked and splasiieil w ith red. Flesh w hite, juiey, crisp, sprightly, acid, ipialily good. Sea- sun, Septeiiilier and October. Annie Elizabeth. In nursery. AntonOVka \l!l I'll). I'lanted spring ISili"). A vigorous upright grower, product ivu- Fruit aliove nicdiuin si/e, oMong, Skin ycllc.vv isli while, with a little russet, anil a pale lilash. I''lesli white, somew iiat coar.'-e, crisp, juicy, jjleasaiit, acid, c|ualily good. .Season, Octolier and Ndveuiher Api Noir. In nursery. ■Api Rose. In nursery. -AportOrell. Planted Spring ISJI.'J. Tree a vigorous grower Frtiit large rouiidish conical. .Skin greenish yellow, with con- siderahle hriglit red in tiie sun. Flesli white, crisp, teiidei , nioi, 'ately juicy, pleasant. .Sea."ov, t»ctolierand .Vovenilier. L'ii.—Aport (-•")-). Planted Spring l.S!l.->. Tree a strong grower, and iiioiierately pro- ductive. Fruit large to very large, ohlate t'onical. Skin whitisli yellow. Flesh white, coarse, crisp, ji'hy, mildly acid. .Sea.son, early .Septeinher. ;»().— Aport (-.'5). Planted Spring I.S!».">. Tree a strong grower, l-'riiit very large, conical. .Skin greeiiisli yellow . nearly covered witii streaks and sjilashes of bright red. Flesh yellowish w hite, crisp, tender, juicy, |)lea- sautly acid, (piality good. .Season, late Autumn. ;{|.— Apple of Commerce, in nursery. •27. •js. EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AG A SSI Z, H.C. 32.— Arabka i-'")7). I'lanted Spring 1 so."). Tree a vigorous grower, and jiroiluotive. Fruit large, t'onii.'al. Skin greeni.sli yellow, with y .'urplc I'lieek. i'"lesli white, erisp, teniler, inililly aeiil, ipiality good. .Season, late Autumn. 33.— Arabka (HiKi) & (iiisn). Planted Spring IS!),"). Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of nieiliuin size, (,hlong, sliglitly <;onieal. Skin gieen, nearly oo\ ered willi dull red. Flesh white, crisj), juicj-, sweet, and of pleasant flavour, (|uality good. Season, i- -IgUSt. 34. -Arabka Summer, i'lanted Spring isiio. Tree a sti'ong grower. 3.").— Arabka Winter. Planted spiing 1S9."). Tree a vigorous grower, and nujilerately productive. Fruit large to very large, oblong, eonieul. .Skin green, nearly cov- ered with ilark jjurple. with a whitish bloom. Flesh crisp, white, juicy, sub- acid. One of the liest of it.s season for cooking. .Season, l)ecend)er. 3(). — Arabskoe. Planted spring ISll-l. Tree a vigorous upriglit grower, and productive. Fruit large to very large, conicul, libbed. Skin green, with a dark purple clieek, a whitisli lilooui, and many small dots. Flesh white, coarse, juicy, mildly acid. Season, Oclolier and November. 37. —Archduchess Sophia. I" nursery. 3S. —Archduke Louis. In nursery. 30.— Arctic. Planted Spring 1S!)9. Tree a strong grower. 40. — Arkad Grell. Planted Spring is!»4. Tree a vigorous grower. 41.— Arkad Solovieff. Planted spring |S!I4. Tret! a \ i^'orous ;.'iower. l'"ruit of medium size, conical. Skin golden yellow . I'"lesh yellowish white, coarse, granidiir. juicy. nearly sweet. Season, larly August. 42.— Arkansas Beauty. Planted spring ls94. Tree m, vigorou.-- grower. I^'ruit of nu'diuui size, globular, -^kin green, with a dull red cheek, auii sprinkle 1 wiiii wiutish dots. l'"lesh whitish, crisp, niihlly acid. Seiisr)u, late .\utumu. 43.— Arkansas Black. Planted Spring l,s!)4. Tree a niodcriUe grower. 44.- Armorell. In nursery. 4.'). —Arnold's Beauty. Planted spring 1S9!I. Ti'ce a strong grower. 4(i.— Arthur. In nurs. ly. 47.— Ashmead's Kernel. Planted spring ls94. Ti'ce a uiodeiale growcl'. 48. —Atkinson, l" nursery. 49.— Atlanta, In nursery. •'■>•»■— August. In nursery. . >■-. — , .-.3. ."i4. ,-)9. lid. (il. (i4. «■"). 0(). 07. (is.- (>9. Aunt Ginnie. Plant<'d spring I S97. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruited js'.lil. Aushaulder. Plmted spring 1S9S. Tree a vigoi'ous grower. Australian Aphis Proof. Planted Spiing 1S97. Tree a vigorous grower. Autumn Bough. Plante.l spring 1S99. Tree a strong ginwer. Autumn Short Stem. Planted spring I.S97. Ti'ee a medium gl'ower. Autumn Strawberry. Pliinted .Spring 1S93. Tree a moderate gi'ower. Fruit of medium size, gloliular. .Skin green. stri|)ed and splashed with ]iule red, w ith a whitisli bloom. Flesh yellowish white, ciisp, tender, juicy, jdcasant, sub-acid, (|uality gootl. ,'>cason. List of Septe'iibcr. — AvenariUSlN'o. 1.")). Planted Spring 1S9."). Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, nearly round. .Skin yellow ish green, nearly covered with streaks of liirht red. Flesh white, cris]), veiy juicy and plea- sant, (|uality good. Season, August. —Avista. Planteil Spring 1S9S. Tree a vigorous grow er. —Azeroly Anise. In nursery. —Babbit. Planted Spring IS9I). Tree a \igorous growt'r. Bailey's Sweet. Planted Spring 1,S90. Tree a nioderate grow er. Fruit of medium .size, oblong, conical. Skin gree.dsh yellmv, nearly covered with dull red, and many small dots. Flesh w hite, temler, not jiacy, very sweet, (juality gooil. Season, early winter. Baldwin. Planted spring I Slid. Tree a \ igorous grower and free producer. Fruit large, roundisli olilong, nearly conical. Flesh yellowish white, cri.sp, juicy and l>leasant, (jualitv good. Season " early winter. -Banana. In nuisery. -Baraboo. Pliinted spring IS9.">. Tree a vigoroiH ur and itlnaHant, <|Uality good. Sea.son last of Augurit. :•-'. Bauman's German. I'lanted Spring isim. 'I'l'L'c a strong growui'. t:{. Bauman's Red Winter. In nursiM-y. 74. Baxter, i'lanted Sjiring 1S!C_>. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, ohlong, taper- ing to eye. .skin green, nearly covered with dark red. l-'Tesh yellowish, crisp, iiioderately juicy and pleasant, sulj-acid, (|Uality good. .Season No\end)er. Bayard. I" nursery. Bayard Williams Long Beach. 1" "uis- ery. Beaunoz- In nursery. Beautiful Arkad. Planted spring isii.-.. Tree a vigorous grouer. Beauty of Bath. I'lanted Spring ISlMi. Tret.' a moderate grower. Beauty of Kent. I'lanted spring isiC). Tree a \igorous grower. -Beauty of Nordhausen. In nmsery. Beauty of Pontoise. I'lanted spring lSi)(). '\'vrv a inodeiate grower. Bedford. I'lanted, Spring ISIIi). Tree a strong grower. Bedfordshire Foundling. In imrsery. -Beeche's sweet. I'lanted spring I sits. Tree a vigoion- grouer. Belle d'Angers. In nursery. Belle de Boskoop. I'lanted Spring ISiH). Tree a \igorous aiul .--i eading grower, unil very prodiu'tixe in alternate years. l'"ruit above medium si/e. .Skin gi eeinsli yellow, si)n;euliat russeted, aiul a lihish on sunny side. Flesh yellowish, lirni, erisi), juiey, aromatic, ijuality very good. Season midwniier. SN. - Belle des Buits. in nursery. Ml, Belle Dubois. In nmsery. ill'. Belle du Havre. In umseiy. ill. Belle et Bonne de Huy. In nursery. il-. Belmont. Planted spring is!).".. Tree a vii^ori.u.-- grower. il.'i. Belle Pippin. Planted spring ISil.-i. Tree a. \ig(ir.ins grou er. !I4. Ben Davis. Planted S]iring ISill). Tree a viuoiiius grower, and an early and eon- ••taiit hearer. Fruit large, r^uindish, con- ic il, colour gieen. ULarly '.'overed \\ itli light aiul dark led. Flesh white, mndeiatclv juicy, mildly sidi-acid, (pialily poir. Sea- son late w inter. /.I. 7(i. 711. S((. SI. s-J. s;!. S4, S,"). so. s7. !)■"). Benoni. Planted Spring 1S1I4. Tree a \ igorous grow er. Fruit small to meilinm, loundish, conical. Skin yelhw, striped and spotted with red and sprinkh'd with dots. Flesh yellow, lender, juicy, siil)- acid. ."eason Deeemlier and Jaiuuirv. 10.-.. ItM). 107. I OS, l(li)ring ISili). Tree a siriiug grower. Black Oxford. Planted Spring ISOli. Tree a \ iL'orous I'rou er. Black Twig. Plant( a strong grower. Spring IS!)!). Tree 111. Blackwood. In nur.sery. 11'-'. Blauschwanz. Planteil spring I sIKl. Tree a vigiJidUs growei'. II"'. Bledsoe. Planted Spring IS!),'). Tree a w eak grower. 114, -Blenheim Orange. Planted spring isiio. Tree a viv'orous and spri'ading glower, and only a moderate bearer. Fruit large, roiuidisli, conical, .Skin greenish yellow, with a dull red cheek. Flesl. yellowish, ? risp, breaking, moderately juicy, \ery ph'asant and ot higli tia\onr, i|uality \ery good. .Season ()ctol)er and November. II"'. BlOOmleSS. Planted Spiing ISIMl. 'I'ree a V i^urous grower. 10 ExrEniMES'iAL fah.m, a<;assix. r..c. nil. iHi- Blue Pearmain. I'laMt..! sijiing imio. I'lt'o .1 \ igiiiiiiis ^TiiwiT. I''riiit liirgi', nniiiclisli, sliLrlitly fimi'-iil. Skin uicuii, j iiftirlv LiiviTfil witli |)ur|ilf aiid a whitish liliiiiiii. V\^^^\\ _Vfili)\Msh, iiiiiilly fiu'iiu-iil, I slightly aidiuatic, i|iiiility gixiil. Soasoii nii(l« iiittr. II".— Blue Pearmain of Nevada. I'ianiiMl ; S|iiiiii; Is'.ls, '{'lira inrciiinii gniurr. | IIS. Blushed Calville. I'lam..! S|,iiiig iso.-,. i 'I'lci; a vigoioiin jii'ow i-r, .iml an early i bcai'tT. |-"iiiit al)iiVL' hu'iliuni si/.e, I'diiml- i isii. sligiitiy (•(Miiral. .^kiii golden yelhrw. Klesh M iiile, jiiiey, tciiilef, niiMly aeid ami ]iU'a.-ant, c|U:llity l;iiim1. Season August. Bode. In euiseiy. BogdanofF. I'ianle.l S|,iiiig ISIH. Tree a vigoiiius gfdWcT. l'"lTiit huge,, tlat. .Skin gietiiish yeildw , w ith a liiight feil tilnsh on sunny si(h>. I'"lesh yellowish white, eris|), (|uaiily good. .Season. .An- tunni. I I l-_' I. --Bohemian Favourite, i'lauted Si)iing| IMIIi. Ti'i'e a inediuui grower. | 1--. Bohn. I'lmted spring 1S!I(1. Tree a mo ; diuui grower. I 1 ■_';>. -Eoike. in nurseiy. j l'J4.~-Boiken. i'lanted Spiiug \^'M\. 'I'lee a vigor lus grower. 1-J."). -Bombshell. Planted Spring IMMt. Tree a vigorous and spreading urnwer, and ali early hearer. I'luit ot medium size, eon- ieal. .Skin Ljreenish yellow, w ith a little russet an.l a ]iale hhisli. Klesii wiiite, crisp, juii'y. and of pleasant tlavour, ipial- ; ity gooil. Season eaily w inter. i 1 ■_>(). -Bonne de Mai. In lunsery. 1-7. Borodovka tXii-.Mrr/i. rUmted spring j ISll."). Tree a vigorous grower. I l-js. Bqrovinka Koslov. I'lanted spiinj is!'4. ' Tri'e a vigorous gi'ower. !-!•. Borovinka Soloyieff. I'lanted spring 1S!I4. Tree a vigorous grower. I'ruir aliove medimu si/.e, roiiuilisii. Skin gi'een- ! ir-h yellow, striped with hri;:ht ltd. j-'lesh I white, erisp, lirm, juiev, spriglitly, ipiality ' good. .S(.ason .\ugust. I l.SO. BorOVitsky. In niu.seiy. i:- ai'id. ipialily L;o. I'lr't. ;i moderate gi'ower. Flllit small, ohlate. Skin green, with a reddish lirowii cheek, vi'iy liadly mark(vl witli hhtck scali and .lacke.l. {■'lesh white, not juicy, niildiv suli-acid, (pialily poor. Season W i tiler. l-t;{.-Brakefield Seedling. Planted spring IMI7. 1 lee a \ iL;oroiis grower. 1 44. —Bramley's Seedling. In nursery. 14.'). Bramtot. In nursery. I4(i. -Breskovka. In nursii>. I47.-Brierly Wood. I'lanted Siuiuu is!i!). Tree a si idUg grow el . US.- Bright Water. Planted spring is'.Mi. Tree a \ i^'oious growt.r. 1 4!i.- British Columbia. Plmted spihig isii:;. Tree ,1 \i:;orous grower. Identical with Canada iteinette. !.')(>.- Broad Cheek. In nursery. l.'tl. Broad Green. In nursery. 1">-. Broadleaf Hereford. Planted Spring ISilll. Tree a strong grower. |.');{. Brockville Beauty. In nursery. l.')4. Brouillard. In nursery. I.V). - Brownell's Fancy. In nursery. I.'>0.- Buckingham. Planted Spriiii: i sir.. Tree a vigorous grower. I'"ruii ahove nieiliuni sizi'. ohlate. conicLil. .Skin greenish yellow, nio-tK- covered with light and dark reil aii.l sprinkled with lirown ihits. I'Mc^sh yellowish, eoarse. Ineaking, juicy, inihlly sulp-acid, i|iiality very goml. Season Novendier and Ueceinher. I."i7. — Buda. Ill nursery. l.'i.S. Buncombe. Planted spring IslKl. Tree a s igoioiis L.'iower. !.")!».- Burlington. In nursery. Kid.- Byford Wonder. In nmserv. CATALoan-J OF FUL'IT TIIEFS, A/'l'L/JS. 11 Hil. Cabashea. I'lanl'sl Spiin- ISIIO. 'I'lrr a ^tniii^' iiliil spiCiiiliilL; txrowi'i-, lull ii jiiKir licarci'. i''i'iiit vui-y laiijfi', I'uimili.sli oliliitc, (■(iiiii'iil. Skill L.'rcfPiisli yclinw, sliuilod witli iliill red. l-'Icsli w liiic, ciiar.-ii', i-iisp, iiiil.lly uriil, i|uiility iiiciliiiiii. St/asoii Winu r. Hi-- -Cadeau du General. I'lantu-i Sininjf isll."i. Tict- a .-! roiii; l;iihmt. Fruit iin%'f, rniinilisli, ciiiical. Skin . {'"losli white, teiitlir. jiiii-y, iniliUy arirl. Sea-^iiii .laiiuiiry ro March. iS4. Kl.-i. Hi). Hill. ii;:. it;s, KiO. 170. 171. 171.'. 17.'!. 174. 1 7.V I7fl. 177. 17S 17!l. ISO. IM. 1 SL>. is:;. —Calumet. In imrs.iy. Calville Berlin. I'lamcl S|iriiiL; isiis. Ti<'c a vii;(]iMus i.'ri>\\ cr. -Calville Blanc. I'laiit!)S. Trei' a strong irrou el . Calville Red Winter. Planted spring ISil."). Tree a vigorous grower. I''riiit alio\c incdiiini si/c, conical, lililjcil. Skin green, w itii a red ciicek. I'dcsli white, juicy, mildly snliacid. ipialit^ good. Season early Winter. -Calville Rose. In nursery. Calville Rouge Pr^coce. In nursery. Calville Rouge Royal. Planted Spring ls!(."). Tree a \ igorous I'row er. Calville St. Sauveur. I'lanted spring I Ml."). Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit large, oblong, eoiiieal, rihlieil. Skin green, luoltlcd with spots of daiker green, and sprinkled u ilh whitish dots. I'"lesli white, tender, juicy, pleiisantly aromatic. .|iialitv goo(l. .Season Noveiiilier. IS.-), ISIi. Calville Yellow. In iiurscrv. 1S7. ISS, IS!I, l!in. I'll, HIL>, iim, I!I4, I! I.-), Ii)(). I!I7. I!)S, l!Mt. •_'()(), L'OI, •-'01.', - Canada Baldwin. I'lanteil Spiin- isiid. Tree a \igiiriiiis and iipriLrlit grower, nut a free hearer. T'lilit of mcdiiiui size, oliliite. Skin yellowish, fn ely sprinkled with red. I''lesh white, tender, juicy, mildly acid, with a pleasant llaMiur, ijiialily \ery LTood, Season Ueeeinlier, Canada Red. Planted spring ISilu. lice a \ igorous and spreading grower. Fruit of medium si/e, conical. .skin i,;ieeii, nearly coveri'd with dark red, |-"les|i white, firm, cris)), nearly sweet, ipiality very good. Season Winter. Cantil Sinap. P'antc.l Sprmg IVUl. Tree a \ igorous grower and early hearer. Fruit long, slender, tapering to eye. ('olour greenish yellow, slightly russeted. ,iiid having a reddish lilii-h. l-'lcsh white, crisp, juicy and pleasant, i|UalitN l' i. Season \\ infer. Cardinal. In nursery, -Carolina Red June. Planted sprinj; imiu, I rei' a \igorous and upright grow er. and a tree producer. I'riiit helow medium si/c, somewhat I'oiiical. liirgest in the niidillc. Skill almost wholly covered with red, darker on the sunny side, with a thin hlooni. Flesh w hite, lirisk, tender, jniey, pleasant, ipiality very good. .Season .Inly. -Carolina Watson. In uurser.\ , -Caroline Augusta, in nursery. Carter's Blue. Planted spring Islio. T:-'.J :■ slow gio\v er, -Castle Major. In nursery, -CarthoUSe. Planted Spriim IS!):), Trie a vigorous grower. I''ruit larue, conical, .Skin pale yellow, splashed and striMkid willi two shades of red. Flesh white, crisj), juicy, ))leasaiit, suh-acid, ijiiality good. Season l''el)ruary and .^larch. Cathead. In nursery, Celestia. Planted spring ISilll. Tie.,, a niedinni grower. Cellini. Planted Spring ISOS. Tree a moderate grower. Charlemolf. Planted spring |s<).-,. Tree a moderate grower. -Charlottenthaler. Planted sprin..' isiiii. Tree a vigorous grower. Chatley's Kernel. 1 nursery. Chelibi (N'lf.Mi-.T/.K Planted Spriiiii 1 S9!). Tree a strong groui'r. 12 i:.\i'i:/:iMi:xr.ii. iwinr, alass//. ii.i . -'ii:i. Chelmsford Wonder, riumtvl s-.i-ing -••4. - Chenango Strawberry- l';.'"i'''l ^'I'lir.Lr Is'.Mi. Tree a \i;:iiriius ^mwer .mil ii umid lifuriT. I''i\iit iif iiu'ilimii ^m\ uldniiu. !•( miral. slight Iviillii'il. Skinwliiti'. slindfil iiiiii s|iliislii-(l with iliiik 1 riiMMiii "Vfi- niDst (if tlif Mirfarc. l-'lcsh « hiti.-. tfinliT. juiL'V, si>icy, i|iiiility j;i"i(l. Suismi August. •J(i.". — ( herry Pearmain- In nuisiiy. L'liii.- Cheshunt Pippin- In nni>ii y. -iC- Chippin- III iiuiMiy. 20S.- Christmas- I' s<^,vv.i- ismi. Tnc I, iiu'diuin L'liiw i-r. -"!'-— Christmas Pearraain- In nur-s(.-i>. -'!<'.-C H- R- Starr, in iuusi-i>. -11- Cinnamon- I'lanuil >|)iii]i.' \^\\'i. Tn.'^ ; il \ i>,'or(iiis Liiducr iuiil an early aiiil fn'f ! priichictT. Fiiiit iaij.')' im'(liiiiii, olilatc ! -*kiij lU'ar yi^llnw. | i'losli yellow ish white, riisp. teiidei. juicy, ijf very line ; vimr, iieaily --iweet, i|iiality : ^iiiiil. .'Nea.^iiij .■>e|iteliihiT aim t )ctipl>e|-. -I'!- Clarke's Pearmain lu nuiMry. •JU.- Claygate Pcarmain In niu.Mry, •_'l.". Clayton- I'l-mti'l >iiiiuL' l^!i:i- Tree a llMiiJi-Mlr -MiW i-r. -I''- Claudius- I'lanted .^laiii;,; |s!lli. Tree a \ iu'iriiu> uMiw 1-1 . -17- Clyman Pippin. I'h.uteii sprini; isiici. 1 I II- a \ i^nriiii- -1 iiw I-r. ■-'1^ Cobham. In iiui-i\. Cockle Pippin. I'lmti-ii .^|iiin- ls!i4- I'ee a sliiiuu -^lovn-i- and |ilipi|llrti\e- i"riiit lit riiediiiiii -i/e. niuiidish nmieal- '^kiii k'lei-nisli. w.ili a lirnuiiish russet. lir,ill\ iiM'i till wlm!, -.iirtai-e. j-Mesh yellnw , liriii, jiii'-w iris|i,ari'iiriti;M|iiality L'liiid. -SeaMiii .laliiiaiy aiel I'eliruary. Coffelt Beauty. I'lantnl S|iiiMLr l!""i. 1 ri-e a iiii'uiiiiii _i iiwir. Colander, in niii>rr\. Coles Quince. In niir.-i ry. Colfax. I'l,iiit.-.i >|iriii- iNll^. Tree a l.''_'(l. •-'•_'s. •Jl'!). •J-JI. •_':{o. •_':ii. •j.s-.'. •_'.■):), •j:!.'i. •_'.".s. •_>.S!!. •_'4ll. •J4 I . •.'4:;. •2\\. •J4."i. •_'4ti. •-•47- •Jls. -4.- Col- Vaughn. In inii>eiy. •_M!I. Colvert. rhlliteil Spriiii; l-SOIt. Tin a \i;^iiriius and spreailini; j;ro\M'r and tne priidiU'er. I'"riiil larye, nlilate, riinieal. .'^kiii j;reeliish yellow, with a litlli- dull ivil ill the sun. Flesh yellnvi . ni grained, juiiy, nearly sweet, witli -i |)leasaiil llavniir, i|iiality j^hdiI. -Se.i.-mi Oetiilier and Niivenilier. Colton. I'liinted S|)rini; IS!I(1, Tree a vi^'iiidus grower. Cook's Seedling. In nursery. Cooper's Early White. In nursery. Cooper's Market. Planted .siuini; isimi. Tiee a viyornus grower and ]produiti\e. Fruit of nieiliuni si/e. eonieal- -^kill yi I lowish, shaded with light and dark led. i-'lesh white, juiey. erisp, suli acid. i|uality good. .Season .January and Feh riiary. Cooper's Seedling, i'lanted spring im's. Tree a \ii.'iiriius grower. Coos River Beauty. I'lanted spring ivis, I ree a \ iuoious grower. Cornish Aromatic. In nursery. Cornish Gilliflower. I'lanted spiing ISK.S. Tree a \ igornus grower. Cornell's Fancy. In nursery- Costard Greening. In nursery. Costard Sca'let. In nursery. Cossenza. l'hinle-1 Spriu,' ls:ni. Tree a luediuiil urouer. Oouchine. ^n nui-ery. Counsillor Niemetz. I'lanted spring IS'.Mi. I I re a \ i_iil nils gi .iw er. Court of Wick. In nursery. Court Pendu Plat, ri.inti-d spiin- I'^'ti; Tl ri' :i ilinderale ul ow rl . Court Pendu Royal, i'lanted spniu Is'.l^. Tii-e.i \ iL:nroii> M|i.w cr- Cousinot Purple Red. I'laniid sprin. \S\V.\, 'I II-, ,, - ,_iiriiiis g'liw el Cove. I'laiili d Spidig IMMi. Treeavigol- oi.s '^rnw er. Cowarne Greonint'. In iiui-.-iiy Cowarne Queenitiji. In nursery. .Hod. In nursery. Cox'h Orange Pippin. I'liuited spriir^ l^'-'l. I'll I- a iiiiiili-iali' :;riiwer and a frei- prodlieel- I'Viiil lielnw niedluin ill si/e. olilitte eiieir;-!. Skin yt-How ish.sliiided iilld .sphished w ilh eriiiisnii. |-'lesh yellowish. eiis|). Juiex . hrisk. rieli.suli arid.'iironuitir. i|U;ilit\ \eiy guild. Season ( )e|iilier. Cox'sPomona. I'lautidSpiiuu ISHIi. Tree il vigorous n rower. Fruit almve inediulii si/e. olilite eonieal. Skill russet green, \i itii ,1 faint shiule of v,-<\. I'lesh white, erisp, juiey. hrisk siili-iu-id. ipiidity good. ■Season ( letolier. ison. Ti(c a nwv aii'l till' iltC, Sdllll'W tv, with a lit ill- ll VI'IIdM. Ill ivcft, \\itli ,1 ;iioil. SiM>ijii C.I TMJVirE OF FRUIT TUFFS, AI'l'LF.^. 13 s'lll. Tr, rv. 1 uursfiy S|llilli;- il |ii'iiiliii ill. Skii ami liuik ri.>*iv siil> lary ami ■tivc. ir.i. aci.l. ImIi li S|iriii- IM's. ll Spriiiu l^'.l"^.'l'V. mli'il > MT. IlillU ry . sei-y. vy. l^:Mi. !■ ce a ailtrd S|ivill'. \ IT. ll .^|iiiiiu l'>'"i- iUltl'il Sjiiilij vor. laiili'il .'>|irirr^ Ml Tn-f a '. iyMi ii>iiy iisi'iy. laiiti'il .SiiriM.: \\ iM' ami a (fw L'lliuiii ill si/f, sli.sliaiU'il .ili'l i-sli yi'llowisli, hill, aiiiiiuitii'. ( (itiilnT. in.- isiMi. 'I'liv lIlilVl' IMfiliulll nissi't v''^'*'"' I'liwll wliitr. i|iiality goixl. •_'.".:!. •_':.(. •>-.-, •-'.■)S. •-'.".(I. Cranberry Winter. Tlantc.l sprin-j; is!»7. 'I'lci; a \ii,'iiriiu.s ^'iiiwt'r. •-'.".1. Crawford Pippin. I'lantnl .■^i.ring IWh;. 'I'lrr a vi;,'iiri)iis i^riiwcr. I'luit almvc iinjdiiiin ill si/.i', gloliulai-. Skin ycllnw, with a ffw foil s|ilaslics mi .•;iiiiiiy siilu. FK'sh wliitf, iii.f|). juiry, m'arly swuut, « ith a ])li'i.siiiit liavimr. ,~-'. Crerae de Samogitie. I'lantiMl spring Isll'l. 'I'liT a stniiii; grower. Crimson Costard. In nui-iiy. Crimson Queening, in innsiiy. Crown Prince Rudoli)h of Austria. I'laiiloil Spiiiig ISilS. 'I'r.'i' a vnj-orou.s i;ri)\M'l'. Cullens Keeper. In nursery. Gusset. Ill iiiiisfiy. Dantzic Kant, i'laninl spring is!)s. 'I'l cr a innih.|atc grnwcr. Danver's Winter Sweet. I'hiniiil spring l.sii."). 'rrci.' a \igiii'im.s grnwor. I''riiil iiliovi' inciliiini si/u, oUlniig, cnliical. Skin simiolh, gri'iiiii.''li yellow, with a iliill lilusli. Flesh yellow, (inn, rich, sw.-et, i|Uality very gnoil. Season iniilwinler. D'.^rcy's Spice, in nuisery. D'lle. Ill nursery. Davis' Seedling. In nursery. Day. rianteil spring 1S'.I4. Trei' a vigomus uiowfr. I'liiit large', rouml eonieal. .'^kiii greeiiisli yellow, with streaks ami .s])lashes of liriglil reil, ami many ainall while dots. |-"lesh yellowish, oris)), juiev, suliaeiii, ipialily 'J.'«'il- .'"Reason late Aniuiim. Dean's Cooking. I'lante.l spring isiiti. 'I'lie a vigorous grow er. De Chataignier. I'lame.l Sprin- Is'.i.-,. Tree a \ igorous grower. I'Vuit small, rounili^li eonieal. Skin green, with many small ilots. I''lesh yellowish, tiriii, moder- ately juiey, with a jileasaiu tlavoiii . suli- aeiil, ipialitv good. Season Winter. ■Jiid. De Beauvoys. Innurseiv. •-'liT. De Cantorbery. In nursery. •-'tis. De Citron. In nursery. •J()!l. De Geai. in nursery. •-'7<> De Hoffinger. In nursery. -71. De Jaune. In nur.sery. -7-. De Lait. in nm-ery. -7;i. De La Eouairie. In nursery -71. De Lestre. In nursery -7-"i. De Moisson. In uuiseiv. -7t>. De Sermoise, In nuisery. 'J77. De Vendue Lciveque. In nursery. -7S.- De Vigiie. In uurMiy. •_'(i(l. •_'(ll. ■Jil--', ■_'(i:!. IM. •_'(.,.. •-'7». - Dery's Baldwin. I'lanted Spring isiio. 'Tree a strong grower. •_'so. ^-Delaware Red. iManted spring iMis. 'I'rei- a meiliuin grower. •_'sl. Delaware Winter. I'lante.l Sprin- |s!k. Tree a weak grower. •JS'i. Delicious. In nursery. •_'s;{. Devor shire Quarrenden. I'lanied spline- is!!;!. Tree a vigorous grow-i'i'. Fruit of mediiini si/e, roundish tlatteneil. Skin nearly erimson, with many greenish ilots. Flesh' white, crisp, juiey, suii aiid, with a pleasant tlavoiir, i|ualily good. Season August. •_'S4. Dickinson. I'lante.l ,s;pring IS!).'). Trei' a \ iL'oious grower. Fruit ahove iiH'diuin size, olilong eonieal. .'^kin greenish yel- low, with a lil;.sh on sunny side, and freely sprinkled with whitisli dots, i-'lesli white, juiey, erisji, pleasantly snliaeid, ipiality good. Season early \Vinter. •js.".. - Dr. Ipavic Bogatinkio. I'lanti'd spring ISiis, Tree a vigorous vi'ouer. -^•1. Dr. Seeligs Orange. Planted s;,„i„g S!IS. Tree a \ i'^^ofoj^ grow i ;■. •-'^7.- Dr. Walker. Planted spring |s'l<). Ti'ee a stroiiL;- grov\ er. •Jss. Domino. In nursery, •jso. Dor^e de Tournay. In nui.-iiy, •-•;">. Double Bon Pommier. Inuuis.iy. •Jid. Doucine. In nuiseiy. ■-'!)•_'. -^ DOUX d'Argent. Plaute.l .spring 1S!I,-). Tree a moderate Lrt'ower. I'"rnit of medium si/e. rouudish. llatteiied. .Skin greenish yellow , sprinkled with whitish dots. Flesh liini, juie>-, mildly suh acid, with a plea- sant llavoiir. ijuality good. ,_Seasoii Winter. Dove. Planted .spriii:,' isIMi. Tree a vigor- ous grower. Drap d'Or. Planted Spring lS!Mi. Tree a strong glower. Drufken. Planted spring IS!m;. Tree a moderate gl'ow er. Duchess' Favourite. In nursery. Duchess of Oldenburgh. Planted Spring ls!l(l. I'ri'e ,1 stroll:; upright grower. I'ruit of 1 Hum size, rouiilish, .skin smooth, yellow, waslied and splashed with red. Flesh w liite. juiev, erisp, sprii^litly, Ipiality good. .Season AiiL'tist and .Sep- tenilier. :2!)s. DuchoVOe. Plmtid spring Is!)."). 'J'ree a vigorous grow er. •_'Olt. Du Haider. In nursery. ;ii)u. Duke of Connaught. Phuited spring |S!I!I. Tree a strong grower. old, -Duke of Devonshire. In nursery. :>"•-. Duke of York. in iiurseiy. •»)■:,. ■_'!)."). L!i)(i. oir u l:SI'i:i;iMK.\T.\L I'AUM, A<;.\>»t/. II C. :in:i. :;iM. ;;(Hi. .■11 17. MM. -Duncan. I'lmitfil Sluing' |^!l^. Ticc n -Dutch Golden Pippin. I'l'iiu.i spriii'.' Dutch Mignonne. I'liuitcil sjiiiii- isiii. Tiyc a liiinliiaU' L'niuoi', l''l'iiit of iiii'ilillin sizf. slifilitlv I'liiiiciil. Skill idii^'li, ycllnw, ."tripeil with two slimics df ii/d. \'\i-A\ teiidi r. juicy, iiiililly ari.l. Si^a-mi .laiiiiiuy iiiid {•"i-ln'iiki-y. Dvinnoe Solovieff. I'lantd S|iiiii.: iv),'). Ti !■•• a \ ii'Miipii^ 'iri.w XT. Dwyer. I'lantcil Spiin:.' lMt4. Tifo a uimU :.'1ii\'. i-r , I'lllit iif UKMliiiili size, llati^li cdiiiial. Skin L'it-i'iii>li yi iinw, soinetiliiL-s witli ii pak' Ipjii-ii. j-'li-sji juicy, sul)-atiil. \vitli a pleasant l'a\.aii-, i|U ilitv '.'i"m1. SfaMiu \\'iiitci'. I Earl's Seedling. I'lauid Spiinu l^im. I'lct a -it idiij ;^iii\v cr. Early Almond, riantcil spiiui.' isiis. Till- a \ i_^:|nil- •.l-liUCr. •"■_'.'(, Early Sweet. I'lantcl S|,riiii.' lyi.".. iVcc a iMcdiuni uiuu vv. - Ecklinville Seedling. I'lantcil spiiua I'^ll^. 'I'rcc a uii'ilniui irKi^cr. Early Bogdanoff. in inn-i ly. -Early Golden Margaret, i'lauicl S|,iiii;.' ■'il--'. Early Harvest. I'laincil Spii:.;: isO(i. 'I'll'' a \igiiicius and .-in'. ■.wHil:' LTVowcr. i'luit (if luciliuu' ^izc. t' aiiiii.sli. Skill pale clear ycliin'\ wit'i ,1 tew w liitc ilnts. l-'lc>li wiiitc u-ialci-. cii>p. juiiy, .spriixhtly, i|';ality Liniiil. Suaxiu Aujiu^t. .'il.'f. -Early Joe. I'lautcd Spiim.' isiiii. Tie,. a Uiidiuui i:iip\MT. | .'<14. Early Julian. I'iantcd spiint; isim. ■{y.-c \ a uii'iliuiii i^mpWci'. :il.'i. Early May. I'lauti-a .spiin- iviii, 'I'lve a iiiwli rat(- i.'Mi\u-r-. I'r'uit Muall, nearly tilt. Skill yellow with a faint lilu.-li. Fjes'li cii.-.p, not juiey. iiifeiioi' in ipiality, Sea- sou Alienist. :^lti. Early Poach. In nuiMiy. :!17. Early Pennock. IManted spring' isiu. 1 I'-e ,1 nie'lilllii ;:louer. :ii^- Early Prolific. In inii>eiy. ■"i 111. Early Ripe. I'lanteil Spiiim imhj. Xieu a \i--.iioii> jKiue'-. l-'iuit al)0\e luediuni size, roiindi-li. olilate, colour pale yellow, with a taiiil reddish Mush and a feu i;niy ! ■ lots. Floh white. teiMler, juicy, sub- acid, cjuality _'ood. Si'ason .\ugust. S'.'O. Early Rivers. In nursery. 321.— Early Strawberry, i'lauteil Spiinir isot. Tree a vi.ioi.,iis;;io\UM'. l-'iuit . .'I'jii. .'i.'fo. :;:;i. .■i:f;!. .■!;u -Edeldorfer. Planted spiin- imk. Tiee a vi^'oioiis ^'rowfr. Edith. In nuiseiy. Eggle.ston Styre. lu nursery. Eiser. I'lanted Spril)'.' IMMI. jiee ;i iiHiliiiin L'rower. Elisa Rathke, In nuisery. Elkhorn. I'lanteil Sprin;.' Isfld. Tree a vi-i'idus L'liiU el . Elliot's Early. In nuisery. Empress. In nurs.iy. Enormous. I'L-mted spring |s;Mi. Tree a stron'.r tiiower. :!:!s. :i4(i. :ui. .•{(•J. Etoilsc. In nursery. Evagil. In nursery. Evening Par^-y. Planted spring |^!l^. 'I fee a stioii:,' i.'rower. -Ewalt. I'lanteil Sjirin',' l'^i)s. Tree a striiiii; ;_'rouer. ---Excelsior. Planlnl SprinL' Islltl. Ticca \i,L'oiiius Lii-ouer. |''ruil of niediuni si/e, roundish, olilon;:. Skin yellow with a hriLdit red eheek. l-'lesh '.iliite, crisp, juicy, mildly suli-acid, ipiality ^o'ld, Sea- son .\ul.'UsI. -Extra Solovieff. Planted Sprin- IM14. 1 I'ee a niediuiii L;row er. -Fairmount. Pkinted Sprinj,' IMtL'. Tree a \iL'iiious i^rowor. I''iuit under niediuin size, roundish, ta)ierini,' to eye. Skin greenish yellow with a red cheek. Flesl white, tiriii, iiiiiderutely juicy, mildly suli- acid, ijuality gooil. Season "Octolie'r. Fallawater. I'lanteil Spring Isilll. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, Lilulnilar. .somewhat coiural. Skin i:reenish vellou, witha dull red cheek, and si.rinklcd with grayish dots. Flesh greenish w liite, juiev, crisp, ple.isaut, snli-.-icid, ijualitv ^ooii. Season, early Winter. - Fa,ll Jenetting. Phinied Spring isfio. I ree a strong grower, and a free hearer. ]''riiit inediuin to large, ohlate e(u:ical, soinetiines 1 ilihed. Skin greenish yellow, with a dull l.lush. Flesh whitish," brisk, tender, juicy, sub-acid, (pialitv trood. Season October and Xoveniiier. Fall Orange. Planted S|.ring ISii.'i. Tree a strong grower and a free bearer. I"ruil above inediiim size, oblong, eoiiieal. Skin yeUow. Flcsii white, tender, jiiicv. sjiriglitly, almost acid, but jileasant, ipial- ity good. .Sea.son September. i iL' lyi.'i. iic( r. 1MI■^. Tit, "1. lie.' ;i ^'.M1. Tri'v 11 I^IH). Till- Is. 'I'lVC ,1 Mill. 'I'lt'i' ,1 lU'iliuin >\/i\ low with .1 .iiitc, (■ri>ii, \' i_'o'ii|. .>^(a- iriii:; IMlt. IMi-J. Tr.v Icl' lIU'ilillMI (•\f. skill iiiilillv .-^iili- tnl„.i', IMKI. Tifc f. L'liilHiliir. ii>li yvlliiu. iiiUlcil « itii lite, jiiii> . iility ;^)• In nui.^iiy. :Ut~. Forest 'Nil. It. In nmstry. .'{(IS, Forest I Nil- •'>). In nur.
  • 'oo'l. .sea-on Oetolier. •'ill. Francois Joseph. In nui-i-i --Fall Winesap. I'lanteil S|)iin.r is!)4. I „_. ■„,,.„ . ,„ T,eea..t,o„/^.rou,,-. 1 :!,... Franklin Sweet. IMantd ,1 li'i' a liKiilelMlt' [SViiw iv, -FanieUSe. I'lanted Sniiiii.' ISilll. Tnc aj v ■ t vi-oions -rowel. Fruit of Mie.liuni si/e, ' •''''■ Fraser ( N''- I ). In nur>ery. rountlisli, a little llatleiied. Skin L'reeni.'*li vellow , nearly eoveifd with t wo .^liailes of led. Mesli white, juiiv, tinder, (|UaIity viiv :;(iod. Season Oetolu'ruiid Noveniher. IS!).-). Fraser River Beauty. I'lanted S|nini; iS!);i. Tree a niiclinin L'lovver. l-'iuit ideiitiral with striiied Astraehan. :!47. .•{4S. .•!4!l. ;ui. .-rii. •a:,4. :{.-)S. Family. I'lanted S|iriiiu IS'.IS. Tree a slionu L.']d\M-r. -Family Favourite. In nuis.iy. Farmer's Seedling, In nursery. -Ferdinand. In nur.sery. Fearn's Pippin. In nursery. Fenouillet Gris. In nur.sery. FenOUillet GrOS. lu nur.sery. — Figue. In nursery. — Filippa. I'lantetl S|iiiiig IS!I!S. Tree a strong grower. —Fink, riaiited Sin ing IS!)4. Tree a strong '.'lower. .".TS. Friandise. In nursery. .'i7!i.- Frogmore Prolific. IManteil Sprinc isiiii. Tree a vigorous griover. .SSO. — Fulton. lu nursery. .'!Sl.- Galloway Pippin. In nurseiy. .•^S±--Gan0. Planted S|)iing IsHT. Tree a mo- derate grower. :K-).— Garfield. Planted spring lS!i;i. 'I'lee a strong grower. :W4. Gascoigne's Scarlet Seedling. In nur- sery. .•is.-..- German Skrute. In imr.seiy. .'iSli.-- Ghent. In nursery :?S7. G. H. Wright, in inn.seiy. ;<.-)! I. ;{ii(i. .Wl. -Flanders' Pippin. In nursery. T,, . ,-r , 1.1 . 1 V ■ lun- ' ;WS. -Gideon. Planted Sprin:.' I.s!).-.. 'JVee a Fat Voronesh. Planted spring IS!),.. ; ^„,.,„._, ,„„{ ,,,, ,^,,,.1 I ree a grower and a free producer. | ,,^.,,,,,,,. ,..,,„j^ ^,,,„^^^ ,„^„, -,,,,_ ■^. •ruit atiove ineduini size. Skin i „ „ • ,,i ^i.-, .i,,.,. i,; i .. . n -.i ' ,1 11 ■ 1 1 •. I 11 -.1 conical. Slviii clear l.ngiit Neldw, with a smooth yellowisli white, si.laslied with > ,,, ,, ,„, ,i .'; • .., ,' . ---■' ' I . . . liliish on the sunny side. I'lesh white, ■jris|), juicy, pleasantly acid, fruit often water-cored soon after ripeiiiii'i. .Season late .Autumn. reil. Klesli white, juicy, spiightly, siih- aciil, (|Uality good. Season, -Fleiner du Roi. In nursery . - Flintinge, Planted Spring iSild. Tree a ;is!).- -Gideon's (N'o. H). In nursery. \ ii^oioiis grower. — Flora Belle. Planted Spiing ISi)4. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit al.ove nieilinm size, ol.long, slightly conical. .Skin a rich clear yellow, with small russet s)iots, and russet dots. Flesh white, tender, juicy, snlt-acid, (piality gooil. Season .Septeiiilier and :«)•_'. •M\-A. •M\4. -Florence. Planted Spiing ISOO. Tree a vigorous growfir. I''ruil final' ol.hite. Skin dull yellow, with a dull red Flesh white, not juicy, suh-acid, quulity ])oor. .Season autumn. -Flushing Spitzenburg. In nursery. -Forest. Planted Spring ISiKj. Tree a moderate urower. .■i!M). Gideon's (X>i. III). In nursery. :«)1.- -Gideon's (X'l. -'IM. Planted Spring lS!t(i. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of meiiiniu size, olilong, conical. Skin greenish yellow. Flesh yellowish, I'risp, juicy, sul.acid, with a ])leasint tlavoiir, iiuality good. .Season late Autumn. .•i!l-'.— Gideon's (Xo. ;tll). Planted spring 1896. Tree a vigorous grower. .•ii):5. -Gipsy Girl (Xo. y2-27]. i'lanted Spring lS!l."i. Tree a vigorons grower. Fruit large, ol.long, conical. Skin green, nearly covered with red. Flesh white, juicy, s). rightly, sub-acid, (piality good. Season August. i 16 /;.v ; 'intiMES r. i /. / •. i ftM. - 1 ' '- 1 "^'^V/^. /<' '-'■ :t!M. Oill's Beauty. I'liiiitflspiin;: isdii. Tit-o ;«t.-. Gloria Mundi. VU\ spiii.i: IMW. I :!!Mi, Glowing Coal. In huimtn. [ :v.<:. Golden Ball. I'liuu'-i >i.iint.' ivif.. Tree : .1 ^tlllliL' ;.'ii>Wfi'. I'luit siimll. ifiiiiiil, ■ tliitii iR>i .a ••>>;. Skill i(iuary. :\'Mt. Golden Merienwerder. i'lanuil >i)riii'; |xli*. 'I'liM a -trnii;.' ;.'ikiii ^li. Skin Miioolii, pall- yellow . I-'le>li yelliAsi.sJi, ' tender, xveet, witl. a lieli tl:.\oui-. (juaiitv '^'ood, Se.iMJli Al'.iill.-^t. -m.'i. Golden Beauty I'lauied spijii^; isitji. T; I e ^1. ■. i„"i: mu- _|i i.u'er. 4.ry. 1 4II!I. Gold Prince. I'lanled Spnng ISOi;, ■|-,ce ii \ i.i/i oii> grower. 41". Gold Ridge Seedling. In mn-ery. 411. Goode. Ill iiinsei" 41-J. -Good Peasant I'l.uifd' spring is'i,-,. Tree ^1 .-tlniij ;;iou er. I'rilit Miiali, oblong, i'onl..-al. Skill green, marly eovued uith red. Fle-li white, juiey. ."jirightly. with a pjeayalit tiavour, iiuality '_'ooii. 'Seii>ioii ( (clol.ei .iinl Nov(-iidier. 41,S. Goo.seberry. In nunnery. I 414. Gospatrick. In inii>ery. 4l.'i. -Goute d'or do Coe. In mii»;iy. 41li.— Oracie. I'lantei] Spring iMMi. Tree a \ iL'oir,,! grower. Fruit large, round a litthMlattiMied. Skinureen. Flesh whi'te, not juiey,, .juality poor. Sea-son August. 41s. 4 111 4-.>it 4--'l 4'.'L' 4u':i 4'J4. 4-'.".. 4-_'ti 4l':. 4'.N. 4l".'. 4. 'id. 4:il. a:\-2. 4:i;<. 4:«. 4:;."i 4:}(). - 417.- Grafint'sRed. I II iMll^l'IV. Graham's RoyalJubilee. Planted siuni^ l^'.ti;. Tire ,1 vi.'iinus glower. Kniit lait'e. j.dol)iiIai, in - ln'iiig to .onieal. >kin yellowish green, w illi a dull ri'chlish lilush. I'le-h white, iiisp. juicy. Stason Wii.i.r. Graham. In nur-ery. Grainges Pearmain. In nursery. Grande Breitache. In nursery. Grand Duke Michael. In luusery. Grandmother. I'lanted spring I mh;. Tiii> a \ iL'oiiiiis Liiower. Fruit ,>i 10 ve ineiliiiiii si/e. ■il.late. conical. Skill L'reenish « hiic, splasheil and streaked with ligl-.t r> .1. Flesh white and juiiv, sweet, (Hiality niediuin. Season Auirust. Grand Richard. In nui.serv. Grand Sultan. I'l.nii.ed S|,iiiiL' i'^!'^. Tir,- a -t! "llL' _'roucr. -Gravenstein is. »v W.) I'lanttd spiim; Is'.lll. Tree a Vlgoi'ous grower. Fnir. aliove iiiciliuni si/e, a little riatlein.l. .Skin clear yellou, streaked and s|)laslied wiili (.range and red. Flesh tender, .risp, juicy and of high l!u\(Uir, (jiiality v^vy good. Very suhject to lilack spot. .Season .Septeiidier and ( )ctolicr. •Gravenstein 'Sivnn. I'lanied sprin- 1^'.M1. Tree ,i stinng urower. Gravenstein Gundestnips. Planted Spiiii- IS'.MI. Tree a st:on_' Lrrowtr. Gravenstein of Gravenstein. Planted spill!:: I>'.ili. Tree a \ igoi oils u'ruw er. Gravenstein Red. Planted spring l>'!Mi. Trei' a ~lron_ arow er. Great Mogul. Jn nnrsciy. Greaves' Pippin. In imrseiy. -Green Crimean. Planted S|iriiig K'.'>. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of niediiiiii size, conical. Skin greenish white, with a small lilush. Flesh white, cris]), ,)uicy, pleasantly aciil, juality uooil. Season t Jctolier, " "Green Harvest. I'lante.l spiiug l^!lli. 'I'ree a xigoioii.- grower. F'niit lielou niediuin size, olilong conical, .skin grei'ii, mottled with russet, riesh lirm, crisp, moderatidy juicy, a pleasant suli-acid, (|Ualily good. Season late Autiiiiiii. -Greening R. I. Plamed spring isim. Tree a vigorous hut spreading grower. Fruit large, roundish, a little jlatteiied. Skin greenish yellow, soiiietinie.s with a dull llusli. I'lesh yellow ish, line ixraiued, tender, crisp, juiey, with a pleasant fla- vour, ipiality good. Sca.soii early Winter. Green Stripe. Planted spring 1,S95. Tree a stroll;.' glower. {''ruit large, conical. Skin greenish white, striped with liright red, ami sprinkled with white |)Ml|;; \><\\vr. Vvnn .(iiii./al. >kin ri-ii(Iisli l.lii,!i. filSI'll Wll.ti I-. iirsery. ^^'|■y. iiui~fry. iiL' lS!Hi. Till- i^piive iiifiiiiini iifiiisli whiro, h liL'l-.t r.,i. iVfft, (|Uality Hi.' IMts. Tire anted Spring owei'. Fruit :lf riiitteui.l. iuvl sj)la>lH'.l toii'U'r, iri.-|i, i|lilllity \r;y ']Mlt. Sl'Um'II iiileil Sprinu' . I'lantel i.'rii\vei'. in. Plaiitfil IS gruwLT. Spiing |s!l(l. "<))riiig I"*!!."!. t of iiifdiiuii wliite, with crisp, niii\, in!. Stasim ■<|iiiiig WM'<. Fruit lu'liiu Skill gitfi!, tiiiii, crisp, lit suli-aciil, iitimiii. Spring iNiH'. lint: j-'ioui-r. le llattinieil. iiiits with a line uraint'il, pleasant tla- arly WititL-r. glSOj. Tree ■ge. conical, witli hriglit • ilots. Flesh ill, jileasaiit, -Vucust. •?»i^ « CtT. ■t:i;i. IK I. III. -I IJ. 1 \:\. 411. 44.".. 44(). 447. 44S Green Sweet. In nuiaery. GrOniUch. I'ianteil Spring |S!l."i. Tree ii \igor'>iis grower, Finii very large, con- ical, lililiiil. Skill green, w itii a few dark red stripes, j-'jcsli white, coarse, not juicy, iprility p'>i)r. Season Septonilier. Grenadier, in nursery. Grillot. In nursery. Grimes' Golden. I'laniid Spring isiio. Tiee a vig'iriiiis Iml spreading grow er, and very prnductiw. l-'niit nf luediiini si/o. ri'iindish oliiong. Skin ricli golden yellow, .-■pi inkl'.'d uith siiiall gray dots. Fle.sli yellow . crisp, linn, juicy, with a rich jilea- saiit llavoiir. ipiality very good. .Season Dcccinlpcr to Nl.irch. Grindstone, i'lantel spring l.s!»,'.. Tree a yigormis grower. Grosse Franche. In nursery. Grosse Locarde. In imr-ery . Spring IS!).'), Tree 441). 4.-10. 4.-1 1. 4.-.-_'. 4.-.;!. 4.-1 1. 4.-..-.. 4."i(i. 4.-17. 4.-.S. 4,-.!). Gruschovka. I'lanti a si long grower. Guelton. In niii.sery. -Guildford Red. Li nursery. -GulPembe. I'lanted Spring ISO,-.. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit I.elow incdiiini si/e, oliloiig, conical. .Skin greenish yellow", with slrtNiks iiinl s|)lashes of dull red. Idcsli wliite, not juicy, or tender, (pialit >• poor. .Sea.-,(in .Viigust. Haas. I'laiiteil Spring FSlll). Treeastrong and s|>rcadihg grower. l'"ruit above nie- diuin .si/e, conical. .Skin yellow, lu^arly covered with light ami dark red. I'Te.sli white, juicy, not tender, suli-acid. ipiality iiiediuin. .Season .Sejiteiiiher and October. -Haida. In nursery. Hamblings Seedling. In nursery. Hanwell Souring. In nursery. -Hardisty. In nursery. -Hardisty (.X.) In nur.sery. Hamilton. In nursery. Hardy. In nursery. 4(11.- -Hastings. I'lanted spring I.SiM). Tree ii Nliiiiig grower. Fruit small tn inediuin, oblate. .Skill green, spla-h'-d willi red. Flesji white, crisp, tender, sprightly, sub- ncid. Se.i.son .lannarv and I'ebruarv. 4(i-_'. 4(i:i. 4114. 4(1,-.. -Hare Pipka. Ilanted Spring l.S!),"). Tree a vigorous grower. -HaVrison of California, rianted Spring ISOS. Tree a vigorous grower. -Haskell's Sweet. Planted Spring 1S94. Tree a vigorou.s grower. Fruit above nie- diiiiii size, oblate. .Skin greenish yellow, with a browiiisii red blush. FTesh yellow- i.-,li, cris|), juicy, very .sweet, and .slightly aromatic, ipiality very good. .Sen.son Sep- tember ami October. 4(i( I.— Hartshorn. In nursery. 4li(i. 4117. 4 (IS. 4(i!). 47(1. 471. 471*. 47:{.- 474. 47.-.. 47(1. 477. 47.S. 47!). 4S(). 4S1. 4S-2. 4S.S. 4.S4. 4S.-.. -Hatcher's Seedling. I'lanted Spring isDj. Tree a vigoroiiM grower. Hall's Red. In nuiseiy. Hawley. I'lanted spring isilil. Tree a vii.'iiriMis (iiid uprigiil growci and constant bearer. I-'ruit l.irgc, roiindisli, oblong. .Skin greenish yellow. I'"lesli whitish, juicy, crisji. tender, rirh, mildly sub-acid, ijualily very good. .Season .September. -Headly. I'lanted Spring I.S!).->. Tree a vigorous gi-owt^r. Fruit iibo\e medium si/c, roundish, oblong. .Skin greenish yel- low, striped and s|)lashi.d w ith bright red. Flesh while, juicy, linn, sprightly, acid, Ipiality good. SeaMiii last nf .Vugust. -Herren (|), mildly miIi aiid, (|iial- ity v!i)i)(l. Sea^Dii niiilwintci'. 4!)l>. -Hurlbut. Planted .Spring ls!»(l. Tree a viiidiims ;,'tc)\\er, lint veiy luittle in the wiKid and apt tn lucak. l''iiiit laiue, iililate, eoiiieal. Skin ;.'reeiiisli yellow . witli red Ntli)ies, and dark red splashes, sprinkled illsii witll « llite dots. I'Mesli while, elisp, tender, jnii-y. ndldly siili aeid, (|Uality j.'(i(id. .Seasiiii ()etcil?er to Iteeendier. 4!M -Hydes' King of the West. P'.ite.l Sprinu lS!i;i. Tree a strciiig griiwer. 4!»'_' HyfiU. I'lanteil Spring ISJHi. Tree a inedliuu grower. 4!K>. -Idol. In nur.-iury. 1!'4. -Ildrod Pigeon. Planted Sprini,' ISiMi, Tree a vij,'iirims grower. 4!).'). - • Imperiale. In nnrsery. 4!)(».— Improved Bellflower. In nursery. 407. -Indian. Planted spring ISll.'i. 'I'ro. a vigcirniis grower. I''rait of iiiediiiiii size, roundish, eonieul. '.Skin nearly eoveii'il with dark red, and spiiid;led with whit- ish dots. Flesh white, jniey, tender, pleasant, mildly ueid, (|Mality good. .Sea- son .laniiary and Felirnary. 4!)8. --Ingram. Planted S|ning |S!M. Tree a vigorous i,'r(iwer. Fruit lielow inedinm si/e, rounilish. (dilate. Skin green, nearly eovereil with splashes of reil,and sprinkled with whitish dots. I'"iesh yellow ish white, crisi), jniey, a jileasant suli aeid, (piality good, ,'^eason iindw inter. 4!)!t.—Inke.Tnan Greening. In nursery. .'ilMI. — Iowa EeiUty. l" imisery. 5 tl. Iowa Blush. Planted Sprini; ISll.'i. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, (dilate, eoiiiial. Skin hrighl yellow, wilh a w arm lilush on sunny side. Flesh white, eiisp, tender, juiey. ndldly sulcaeid. Sea- son Deeembei- ,ind .laniuuy. .'i(V2. —Irish Peach. In nursery. .')(«.— Isham'S Sweet. Planted SprinL' lSil4 Ti'ee a strong L'rower. Fruit large, eonieal. Skin green, neaidy eovered with reddish rus.set. Flesh eoarse, white, n()t juicy, sweet, ([uality medium. Season Sep- tenda'r. .■■)()4. -Isherwood. In luir.sery. 50."). Ivanhoe. In mirsory. 5(M1.- Jacob Sweet. Planted .Sprlnn |M!I.-|, live a vigorous grower. Fruit ver^ l.ii:,'i', roundish, eoiiieal. .Skin green w ith a didl red liliish. I''lesh wliile, erisp, moderately jniey. lender, sweil, (|iialily good. .Sm. .son Meeeiiilier and •laiiiiary. ."i<>7. Jacques Lebel. In niiiseiy. .">"H. Jacquin. In nursery. .'ill!!. - James Grieve. In nursery. .")lll. James Welsh. In nursery. .'ill. Jefferson. In nursery. .''1-. Jefferis. Planted Spring PXM). Tree ,i meilium L'roM cr. .'il.'l. Jennie. In nursery. ■''14. Jersey Sweet. Planiel spi'ing immi. Tret' a medium grower. Frnit of ineiliiuii size, loimdish la[iering to the eye. Skin greenish yellow, nearly eovcied with dull red. I'lesh white, tender, line griiiiied, very jniey and pleasant, sweet, (pialiiv very good. Sea.son .Seplendier and ( ir- toiler. .'il.'i. Jonathan. Planted Spring ISllll. Tree a moilcr.ile yrower. and regular lieaiei. I'luii sm.'ill to medinni, roundish, eoniiid. Skin eleui' yellow, often nearly "(ivcred wilh dark red. I''lesh white, tender, juirv. w ilh a mild spi ightly vinous llavonr, (jual ity verv good. Season Novcmlier to -M'areh. ' ' -Jones' Seedling. Planted Spring IMi.'i. Tree a \ igorous grower. Josephine. In nmseiy. Josephine Kreuter. In nursery. Juneating Red. Planted spri'.ig imm. .V medium grower. Frnit liidovv inedima size, eoiiieal. .Skin green, nearly Kivered with splashes of liright red. h'lesh while, crisp, juiey, sprightly, aeid, i|Uality good. Season !a>it of .Inly and early August. June Market. Planted Spring ISli:!. Tree a medium grower. Justine. In nursery. Kaiser William. Planted spring isiis. I lee ,1 medium grower. Kantil Sinap. Planted spring ism;. Tree a vigoiinis grower and an early hearer. F'ruit of meilium size, olilong, tajiering io eye. Skin greenish yellow^ witii a lillle riisset, a faint lilnsh'and a few grayish ddts. Flesh white, crisp, jniey, snliaeid. (|Ualily iiiedium. Season early Winter. 1-4.- Karabovka. Planted Spring lS!t4. Tree a vigoicius grower. I''ruit helow medium size, llattish conical. Skin green, .-iplashed with red. Flesh whitish, eiisp, juicy, jileasantly aeid, i|nality goo.l. Season .August. '-•''• Karabovka I -Mm). I'hmted Spring 181Ui. Tree a strong grower. .■ll(i. .-.17. .-.IS. .■)l!), .V.'l). .V.'l. .■i'_';i. - lAl \ CATAI.OHVK OF FIIUIT THKHS, A/'I'I.KS. 19 « iHii:.. T,,. M'l'i 1. 11 .'I', II with It. lull , model, ihjy liiHiil. >, ,|. I II I. Ti. Iiiinu Isiill. it of iiii'iliuiii (• eve. Skill ccrwitli (lull liiii' uriiiiic'il, ICct, l|lllllilv IplT li, I'oniriii. irl\' '.'ovficil riiilcr, jiiii-v, livotir, ijiiiil ovciiilicr to IMt.'). •^IH'int,' I SIM. 'low ini'iiiiiiii 'ally lovi'i'c'il l'"li'.-
  • ii> L'lowiT. Fruit of iiK'iliiini Hi/.f, iiii'^iiiai ly llat coiiii'al. .Skill gii'i'li, fi'i'cly >|ihishi'c| ami slrcaki'il with red. l''liTih latlitr I'oai'M', yidhtw, I'lisp, jiiiuy and pltasaiil, (|iiality j{o(m1. ScaNuii All- ;,'I1M. Kara Synap B. I'lantnl spiing iHiio. I'l't'f 'I VJKnrou.'* glower. Keddlestone Pippin. I'lauted Spring IIHMI. 'I'lee,! >l roiig grower. Kennedy Seedling. I'lante.i spring ih!»h. Tree a \ igol oils gl MV\ er. Kent. Filbasket. In nursery. Codlin. I'lautid spring ism;. Tree a vigorous •.'rower. Kerry Pippin. In llul.^ely. Keswick Codlin. IManted Spring IM'io. Tree a iiiediiiin giiiwer anil an early and eonslaiit liearer. l''ri'U aliove medium si/.e, oliloi'.g, eonieal, often rililied. .Skin greenish yellow, with a faint lilush. Mesli yellowish white. eris|), jnioy and ])leas- aiitly aeiil, quality good. A tine apjile for cooking. .Season-August. King. Planted Spring IS'.IO. Tree a strong ami sjireading grower. Fruit large glo- bular, eonieal. .Skin yellow .nearly eovereil with deep red. Flesh yellowish, a little eoarse. juiey, tender, with a very agree- alilt: (deasant liavoui. i|uality very good. Season N'oveiiiliv'r and Deeeiuher. -King Harry. In nui-.sery. King of Pippins, in nursery. Kingston Black. In nursery. -Kinnaird's choice. In nursery. -Kirkbridge. I'lauted spring I.S'KI. Tree a vigorous grower. Knevskoe. Planted .spring l. so.'.. Tree ii strong grower. l'"ruit of mediuni roumlisli, lililied. .skin yellowish w reddish lilu.sii. l'"lesli whitish, linn, j lirisk aeiii, i|iiality good. .Season ,\ -Knight's Greening. In nursery. -Knight's No. 1. In nursery. Knight's No. 3. In nursery. Kohl's Early. In nursery. Kossuth. Planted S]M'ing IS'JO. Tiee a vigorous grower. -Koursk Anis. Plauti-J spring ISO.'). 'I'ree a vigoious growei'. Fruit of mediuni size, roundish, flat, rilihed. Skin yellowish gieeii, nearly covered with 'lull purple. Flesh white, crisp, juicy, jileasant, (piality medium. .Season end of August. -Krausser. Planted Spring 1S08. Tree a vigoriuis grower. 2h size, ith a iuicy, early .■.4S. .-.40. .-..-. 1. Kromer Olass. Planted Sprinij; '^'♦7. Tree a \ igoroi',.-. grow er. Kronish Rosy, in nuiseiy. Kruder. Planted Sjiring ISO.-,. Tree a iiieilium groW(.|. ..... Kursstiol Winter. Planted spring \h\)h. Tree a \ igoiou-. glower. -• Laboukey Sweet. In nursery. t- Lady. Pl.mle.l.Npiing ISOli. Treeastiong grower. •V. I. Lady Derby, in nui.seiy. .->.-).-i. Lady Finger. Planted sprinu' isoti. 'iVeo a \ igorous gro\\ i r. .">■><). Lady Henniker. In nursery. .-).')7. Lady Sudely, In nursery. .-..-.S. Lady Sweet. Planted Spring ISOC. Tree a \ igoioiis grower. .->-)0. Lady Washington. In iiuiseiy .-.tiO. Langtons. Planted spring ISOS. Tree a medinin grower. .■)(»l.- Lane's Sweet. Planted Spring 1,S04. Tree a iiiodei'iile );rower. I''i'uit of medium si/c, roundish eonieal. Skin clear yellow, splashed with luight red, with a few light dots. Flesh white, i.risp, tender, juicy, sweet, (|Uality good. .Season early .Sip. tenilier. .-.til.'. Lansingburgh. Planted spring |S04. Tree a vigorous glower. I'"ruit ahoxe medium size, roundish ol.late. Skin greenish yel- low , nearly covered with clull grayish red. Flesh white, crisp, liini. iijildly suli-acid, ipiality good. .Season Winter. -LapoUgh KosloV. Piantci spring 1S04. Tree a niedium grow er. —Large Anis. Planted spring is'l.-.. Tree a \ igorous grower. Fruit aliove medium si>,c, oljlate. conical. Skin yellow, mottl(,.d and streak(.il with liiill red. and with a few white dots. I'Mesli w liite, juiey, mildly siiliaeid, ipiality medium. Season .Sep- tenilier. ,51),-.. —Late Duchess. Planted Spring ISOli. Tree a moderate grower. -)Oli. —Late Winter, in nursery. 507.— LaWVer. Planteii Spring ISitS, Tree a vigorous grower. .-.68. — Lead. In nursery. 5()9.--Lebedka. Planted Spring IS04. Tree n medium grower. 570.— Lednetz«iiiiH). Planted Spring 1890. Tree a vigorous grower. 571.— Lemon Pippin. In nursery. 57'2. — Lewellyn. In nursery. 57;{. -Lichtenwalder. Planted Spring 1898. Tree a vigorous grower. 503. 504. 20 ESrEltlMES'TM. l'M!.M. A'.ASSSl/.. 11. C. ",\. Lincoln, ri.inif.i S|piiiij; imi^. iVrc u .-70. r.Ts. ."iSo. •.SI. r.s'i. .•is;!. :.S4,- ."S.-i. ."SO. .'ST. ."i.SS. .">S!). ."90. .■>!)!. .■>!)•_>. .■.!)4. .■)!),j. r)!)6.. -Lincolnshire Red Coat. i'Luunl S|iiiii^' |N!>7. 'I'lrc II \ ij^oroii.M gnivM I'. Lindsay. I'lamcl Spiihu isii;!. 'I'lct. h nIiiW i;|(l\\rr, -LittloIIat. I'laiilr.l Siiiiii;,' ISII.'i. 'I'lVO II \ ij^Mioiis ;4fii\M'r. I''niii lar.i.'i', .ililniii;, riiiiicid. .Skill j;iT('ii, .H|)lii«licil all. I siii|M'il witli (■rinisiiii. I'Mcsli yi'Unu . a little Mift, juicy, lu'iil, cjii.ilitv iiic'liuiii. Scmmhi last nf All'.'list. -Little Red Romanite. i'laiitci S|.iiii,u' I.Silli. 'I'lvc a iiinilci'iilc j^rcwci. P'riiil siiiali, iililniij.', Mliil llatlciircl at ralyx. .Skill ^'Iffli, iK'aily i'(i\i|f(i with pill [lie ami spiiiiklcd witli ^.'lay ildls. I'lc^li wliilc, linn, riisp, jiiicy, ini.lly iU'lil. Siii- .Hdii .laiiuiiiv til Maicli. -Little Red Winter, riauicl Spiinir ismi. Ti 11! a iMciilfratf i^niwci'. - Liveland Raspberry. In nuisiiy. - Lodington. In hium r\. Logan Sweet. In nnrsory. •London Pippin, rianii.j spiiii;,r isik;. Trc( i' \ ivMioiis m'du cr. Londesboro. In ninsirv. I -Long Arcade. I'lantiMJ spiin.^ isic. Tivc ' a vi.mir.Mis Hidwrr. Imuji lai-j^^. i|-|',.^||. j laily oonical. Skin pwii willi a l-cildTsh I l)lu>li oil .^iiiiny siilf, 1111,1 iiiiiiiy wliltish (lilts. Fli..s|i whitf, ciisp, not v'ci-v juicy, mildly aciil. A gond cdnUiim' apple. Sea- son SepteiuUcr. -Longfield. I'ianted Spline; |S!M). Tree a weak grower, l.iit an early and constant bc.irer. Fruit of ihediuin' .-i/e, conical. .Skin yt'llowisli will, ;, pale lilush ,,1, siiimv side, and ;i little nissot. I'lesli wiiitc. juicy, mildly siili-acid, ideasanl, i|u;ilitv ^'00,1. Season In Deivmlicr. -Longneil. In nnr-eiy. -Looker Winter. In nllr^ery. -Lord Burleigh. In nursery. -Lord Derby, In nm.-dy. -Lord 6ro.svenor. In muscry. -Lord Hindlip. In nuisery. -Lord Nelson. I'ianted Spi in- isiiii. 'iKe a \ iLtornii,-, LTiiiU cr. -LordSuffield. i'ianted Spring KSIIS. Tree a strong grower. -Louise. Ill nursery. -Lowell, rianled SpriiiM ISO.".. Tree a vigoi'ous grower and productive. Kiui't urge, ol.long, oval. Skin yellow and oils-. I'lesliyellowi.sli, crisp, l.Hsk, rich, .sli.dit'lv Hcid with a pUasant, .nmlit'v good. Seasrin Septemher and October ' .I!!,. ."ills. (ilNI. i;(ii. liOl.'. t!(i;t. mil. III). (ii)ii. 11117. (KI.S. (i((!l. (ild. (ill. (iii;. c.i;;. (ill. (ii.-..- OK). - Loy. I'laiiteil Spring I 'Hi. Ti.en », oil- L'rii\( er. Lub.skQucen. I'lanied spii.ig |si|,-,. |, 11 \ i.'omus grow er. Lyman's Pumpkin Sweet. I' I am >priiig |s!(s;, j'^ ,. ;i innd.'iMii. _ii,\(| . Mabbof s I'.^annalii. In nur-.;\, Madame C-falopin. In nmseis. Mademoi;..:lle Jeanne Hardy. In 1 ser,\ . Magnum Bonnm. ri.micd ^piing ivin, I I cc ,i ~- I , ,11, .low er. Magog Red Streak, riant. .1 spii,,, IMH). 'I'ree a strong and upright gniHo" Ipiit II light liearer. l-'niit of meilium ,»i„,' roundish, iililoiig. shin greenish velli.v. neiiiiy covered with reil. Flesh iK.iniv white, juicy, mildly sul)-acid, i|nu!;;\ llieiliutii, ,S(.a.son |)eceliil)er. -Maiden's Blush. I'l.inted .Npiing ism, I lee a strong and spreailing grower, nth a regular ami lie.ivy lieartr. Iwuit ,,i moliiiin si/e, ohlate, a little tapuriii.- t' the lyc. .Skin a Miinoth WiiN,ii yellow, with a l.righl led cheek. Klch white, leiiiler, sprightly Hiiliaeid. ipiiilitv goo,! Siasiiii S|.p|,'iiilier and Oi'loliij-. Malcolm Dunn. In nursery. Maltstar. In muscry. -Mains Edulis. I'lanii,! >pring isn*^ Ti,r a str.iii:^- gr.,\\,r. Mamma. I'lantcd .•spring IMIS. Tie,,; \iuoroiis uiMwcr. Mammoth Black Twig, I'lantc.l .spiii,. '■■!'*^. Tier ;, tl,.,,;^ gr.iWcr. Mammoth Pippin of Arkansas, li mn-cry. Mammoth Pippin, riamd sprint' IVK I le,' a vi;;'iriais grower. Magnolia. i'lant.V. Spring IsilO. Tnr,i Hic iiiiiii ^lou, r. Mank's Codlin, Planted siuing i^ini. I fee ii \iiroi-,,iis grower imd an iiiily licarer. Fruit of medium .size, i,l,l,,nii, '•"Uical. Skin clear light yell.iw, wiili \, dull r, ildi.wl, check. Flesh' white. , Ti-|,, juics. pleasantly sul)-aeid, (|uality ■ii««\. Season Scptenilier and Octohcr. -Mann. i'lantcd spring IS!)(). Ti.,' ,1 strong ami spren, ling grower, aii.l a in.i'l- erate hearer. Fruit" *'<■ Tliriivi.., Sweet, riaiii, iiiiML>niic i.i,i«,,,. ,m> In liui>ii\. <1H. II iim-.i.| \ , Hardy. In i , ^0. 681). l.iiiic-.l >|.iiiii^» hiii; «SI. I'liuilr.l Sjiiii «2>.>. '"".1 iipfi^'lu p'M«,,' mil (if nic(liiiiii,i„ • ill i.'ri'1'iiiNli vrll,.v 623. "■■I. Kl->ii 11,.,,, ,, MlllMl, i,l. ,||,,,'., 624. rl|il,|.r, 625. illl'il Nplill;; iMH, ■iiiliiis.' ;,'i-«.\\,r, „„,; 626. I'Clllir. IViiit ,; . " litllc l,l|llTi|l. 627. II :i i-llhllltll Hiix,|, It'll I'lit'fk. |''|,.,i, 1 . 1 • 1 628. l\ '|iriii.L.' iMi- T,,, i-iiij; l,s!is. Ti(r ,1 g, i'l.lllt,^! S|i|i|;.' ri>\\» T. 631. r Arkansas, h 682. 1 1 , • . 68S. Iiintfil >|inni: hlh, .'iS iriiiL;- |s!i!). Ti.r itiil Siiiiiiu' l>>!itl. <•!• and ;iii iMily iimi Kiy.f, ,ili|,iiig. lit yi'lliiw, with a It'.-li \\liiti', iiisp, i'iil, (|u;ility - I. )cl(p|ii'r. g ISIMI. Tlr,' ,1 <>";,iciii. 'nmry. n. Ill mir.scrv. Margil. I'lant.',! »«j(iiii- |H!l|. Tiff a ■lilliliT ;;ilP\V(l'. I'lllit lillnw 111,'llilllM mI/.c, roiiinlinli, iililiii'. .'>>kiii ycliiiNt, Htii|M'il witli iTil. FIi'hIi yi'liiiw. III III, rii'|i, iiniiii.itii'. ,|iiaiity \ ciy uciml. *>i'aMiii Nnvcinlii'r iiiiii I Icii'iiilit'i'. Mario. I'lanlnl >i)iiii'.' I *•''!■'. I'ri'"' a V ii." I'l'ii- .'low I r. Marion County Rod. li. nur-i ly. Marseilles Summer, riiuitnl S|.riiiu I>>!IH. ri,,'ii >niiii'_' ;.'! ii\\ cr. Marshall's Red. In iiui-,i \. -Marshall's Seedling. I'lani.Ml S|.iiiiu Martha Washington. I'lantnl siuin;,' iNdil. Tici' .1 \ i.'iirniis ■,'i(i'.M'i . Mason's Orange. In mn-'iy. Matron. I'laniiMl siiiiiiL.- is'ii;. True a \iUnll|i|-< ;^rnN\l'r. Maverack's Sweet. inimiMiy. - Maxey. I'linii.l >|piiii- isHT. 'i'lfi' a \ JLinrillls L'lllW IT. Max Pepper. I'lantcil >)iiiii.; ivk. 'i'l-, ;i V iL'iil'iill> l.:lil\M'l'. May Quee' III )iiii>irv. 63.-). 630. ',6SS. Mayne Island, l'lanti,| S|iiiii:.' i ,(». 'I'm. ,1 \ it,'iii,iii^ Miiil .-|ni/i,iliii:.' iiinucr lnit a .■(ii|. SiMMiii N'livuinlif rail'! I •iMi'iiilur. McAfee, rianld S|iiiii- IMi;. 'r,.,.t. a \ i^m mis ;.'i',i\\ rr. — McCalluni's I N". I'. In m.rsfiy. -McEwen's Sweet. I'l.muil ^\>ni\i^ is'is. 'I'l I'f .1 slinnL' L;r,i\MT. -Mcintosh Red. I'lanu.; >|iiiiii.' IsIMI. Tiee a vitiori Ills ami sprc-iliiij,' uniwci-. Iiiit not vi'iy |iio,liK'ti\c. {•'iiiit it niciliinn sl/e, liilliiilisli. iiMatf, skill iilffliisli yellow, ncarU' covfi'i'il witli piiiplc icil anj spriiiklfil witli small ^M-ayis'i ,'ols. l'!f.^li white, tine, teniler. juiey. with a pleasant aciility, ipiality \ery i^'noil. .Season .Vovem- lier ainl l)e.'eiiil)er. McKinley. I'lanteil Spiin_' l-^'.IT. .\ viiior- nils U|-o\\ er. McMahan White. I'lanteil spiin- imki. Tree a strong' .iml spieailiiij; uiower ami pioiliKtive. Fruit iaiyi', olilate, eonical, skin white, with a hainlonio lilnsli ami a few whitish (lots. Flesh white. \ei'v ten- iler, jiiii-'y. inihlls' aciil. A lirst-elasscook- i "apple. Season < tetolier lilld Noveinlier. -Me lie d'Or. In miiseiy. M .a de Norcia. IManicl spiin- usoo. 'I'leu a vigorous i;ro\ier. . Meliuda, X. F. I'lmited Sprlnu iHllii. 'IK e a \ ii.'oroii'^ Hiiie idin;; t'l"***"' and a i()^iilar hearer. Friii' iiitdiiiiii to aliiisf lliediiini ill si/e, irreuiil.irly rililied. Skill ureeiii.>*li yellow, iieiily (■o\cre(l wU'a ,1 thill rU)ei(Moii (■arl\ Winter, till. Melonen. I'lanled spring' I.S!I.-.. 'riee.l V k.'i. rolls jiiowcr. {■'niit lar;;e, roundish, conical. Skin yidlow, uilliapink liliish on the siiiiny side. l"lesli a little c(par.>(e, white, juicy, sill, acid, with a pleaMitiit liavoiir, (pialily good. .Season last of Alliillht. '>>■-■ Menag^rc. li rsery. lii.'i. Mere de Menage, liiniiisiiy, I'll. Mickleham Pearmain. Innui-dv. lil">. Milam. In nmsi ry. tilli. - Milden. I'lanted Sprin;.' IMfJ. 'I'leda V i;;,iroiis grower, only a iiioih r.tte hearer. Fruit huge, oliliite. Skin liudit yellow, nearl.v coveicl with twn shades of red. FleHli yellowish, tender, jiii'.v, crisp, pleasant, mildly acid.i(llalil ygood. Season Xoxiiiilpcr ami heceliiiper. 1)17. Millar's Bellfiower. In nuisity. lilS. Milwaukee. In nuiseiy. (Illl.-Minkler. I'lanted sprite,' \x'M. Tree a liiedilllil urower. {>:,{).- Minister. I'l;;iil(d Sprine IMIS. Tree a strong crower. t).-)l. Minr.etonka. In nui-ciy. flo^. -Miron Grer. I'lmted spring IS'.iJ. Tnu a vigorous ;:row I'r. O.")."!. -Miron Solovieff. I'lauied spiin- isim. Tree a vigorous grower. . - Monstreuse de Nikita. I'liuuiil .■>|irinj; : (isd. Isi'!l. I'r'cr' ,L sti'ong trrowiT. -Montalivet. In luirsny. -Morden. In nursery. Mosher Sweet. In nuisciy. -Moscow. 1'IuiUimI SpiiiiL.' 1S!)(1. TiVf ii -Mother. I'lantcd Spring 1S!)4. 'I'loe a niddoiiite grower. Fruit iiliove nieiliuni si/e, oliloug anil tii))ering to eye. .Skin yellow, lU'arly cov ereil witli elear red, there are also a few small clots. Flesh yeP AY, tender, rieli, juiey, aroniatie, i|Uality very good. Season Noveiiilier and l)eeeinl)er. -Mowbray's iNo. .")i. in nursery. -Mrs. Barron, fn nuiseiy. -Mrs. Niemets. I'lanted S|Miug \sm. Tree a vigiu'ons grower. Munson's Sweet. I'l.mted spring isiu. Tree a medium grower. I'"nnt of medium size, fiatish, eonical. Skin i)ale yellow. Flesh yellowish, jiiiey. sweet. Season Xovemlier and Dei-endier. (17(J. (177. (i7S (17!l. liSd. OSl. (iSL>. (is:i. ()S4. (IS.-). -Murfitt's Seedling. In um-.sery. My Desire. I'lanteil spring ISIIs. Tree a weak ginwer. Naliv Ansjntin. Planted spring isiu. 'IVee a ninderato giouer. l-"ruit of inediiim size, ohlong, nearly eoideal. Skin elear yellow. Flesh yellow isii, erisp, juiey and pleasantly aeid, lieeoines dry and grantilar very .soon after maturity. (|uality medium. Sea-ou last of duly. -Nancy Jackson. Planted Spring is!i7. Tree a vigoicjus grower and an early hearer. Fruit ahove medium in si/J, llatish, eonieai. Skin yellowish. \viti> a little ru'^srt ahout the .stem, and splasheil and streaked with hri<;ht red. Flesh white, jui.'v, tender, mildly aeid. .Season lleremlier. Nansemond Beauty, I'lantej sprin.' \^'.>'-l. 'I'r.r a strong grower. Nelson Codlin. in mirs.iy. Nelson Sweet. Planted spring IS!t7. Tree a >tinng grower. Nero, In nursery. New Berner Rose. Pl„uted Sprin- isas. Tree a weak gi-ower. New Bess Poole. In nursery. New English Pigeon. I'lasaed spring i>i'.»^. I ree ,1 \i:;Mrouv grower. New Hawthornden. In nursery. New Northern Greening, In nmsiry. (ISi). ((!)(). dill. (i!l± (i!)4. (19.-.. Newton, Pl.tnte.l spring ISII.'i. Tivc , vigoious gi'ower. l''ruit of medii.iiisi/r roundisli, eonieai. .skin greenish whit,., near!;, eovered with stripes and snliislu, of hright red. Mesh w hite, juiry. crisi), sligiitly aeiil,(|nality gcjoil. .Seascju.UiuiiM. Newton Wonder. In nursery. Newton Pippin. Planted S))ring Isfu, Tree a >lende|- gidWer. I''ruit of Ineiliuii, si/e. roundish. .Skin russet green, uith , didl reddish hlusli and many ■^imdl i;iiiv ilol~. Flesh greenish white, erisp, juiiv, ))k'asantly suli-aeid, with a higli llivoii!-, .piality very •.'oijiI. .Season T'ehnrnv unl Maieli. Newell's Winter. In nursery. Nez Plat. In nur.-ery. Nils Juels. I 'lamed Spring FSIIS. In, a moderate grower. Niton House. In nursery. NodheadofWa l.S'.IS. Tree a s Noble Sovarie. Nodhead of Washington. Planted spnn- Is'.is. Tree a stroni;' '.grower. (('.111. (>!t7. (iOS. (111! I. 700. 701. 702, In nursery. Nonpareil. Pl.mted spring is!i4. Tiir a \ i-ormis grower ami prodiietive. i'"niit helow medium ill size, roumlish, Ikit, skin greeidsh yeUow, with a thin lus.sot. over nearly the whole surfaee. I'losh yellowish, erisp, juiey, sprightly, ipiality \ ery t;o(id, S,.a.s(iii 1 )eeendiel' .iliil .lanuuiv. North Carolina Limbertwig. Plante.l spring ls!l(i. Ti'ee ,1 vigorous grnun-, Norcia. PlaiUeil Spring ISIIS, Tree ,i medium irrower. Norfolk Beefing. In nursery. -Northampton. In nur>eiv. Northern Dumpling, in nursery. Northern Greening. In nursery. Northern Spy. Plante.l spring Isiin, 1 rei- ,1 vi'.'orou.s growei- and a fair hearer when well grown. Fruit large, roundisli. e' in lea I skin greenisii yellow. JKl. 7tM. 7o.V 70(1. 707. splashes of ri'd in two sliadfs. I'K-li white, hue, leiidel , jiiiey. mildly suhacid. with a good llavotir, (piality very good. Season l>i'iem)ier and .lanuary. North Star, in nursi ly. Nor-Western Greening, Planted Spiinj iNlis. 'i'l'-c a -troug grower. -No. 181 illi lUii. Planted Spring 1S!M. Tree a vig(irc)ii.s grower, and an early hearer. Fruit huge, llatish, eonieai. Skm hriglit ileir yellow, wiili a faint hlusii. Fles.i white, a little eoarse. juiey, siih- aeid. A good eooking a)ppk'. .Season Sej)teml>er. No. 196 illnmi. Planted Spring ISIII. Tree a vigoriuis grower. -No. 379 (Ih Dill. In mir.''ery. t' \ * — CATALOi.UK OF FRUIT TREES, APPLES. y LSI I.-,, -iv,,, _ "f iiii'',. .-'I'wii.vii whit,' '"<;• Ji'i'V. fn,|i, nr --ci'v. f'l N|)ni|,_; ly,^ '■'"I'l "f innliiiii, '"'I'l.V Miiall gruv ''''■• •.■lisp, jimv, ■I liif-'li tiavoii'r. HI l'"i'liriiai\ aii^l llstTV. ■ni,U IS! Is. 'lY,, . I'lanlol Spring vcr. I'.V. iii,i: Is'.ll. T,v,, "lui-ti\r. I'Viiit i'"iiiiiii.s|i, tlat. Ii ii thin nis.sot, ■■i'iiij; jNlitl. 1 ii fiiir lirarcr ii'gc, roiijidisli, ,\fll()w, i\iih IlhI.'s. I'loli iMiy suli-ai'i.l, iry. 'laiued Si ■■^lililii; |,S!)(. I'll! an early i-'i)iiical. Skin faint hjiisji. '■ jiiii'y, siili- pll-'. Sfilsnll ■^i'linj,' isiM. TOS. 71 111. Till. No. 413 (l'.t'i)i)). Plantei". .>))ring 1894. 'I'rcL' a \ii;()ri>u.s i;i'ii\vi'r. No. 447 (i!ilii>K I'lantccl SnrinL; IS! 14. 1 rcc a \ i^'iiidiLs ifi-dwi-r. 711. 71--', 714. 71.-.. 7111. 71S, 71!l. 7-'n. 7--'4. 7iV>. 7-'il. 7->s. No. 457 (l>ii>i>i. i'liiiiii'd spiiiiLi lsi)4. Tii't a vi^'iiioiis LTi'DUfr. j-'niil of nu-iliiiiii si-.e, olilon^-, .•). I'lar d Spring 1S04. 'ri'c.'i' a \ iynroiis i.'r'i\\'i r. I''niit .'|. Planted Spring,' IS L;iower. Okera. lu nursiiy. Old Winter Nonpareil, In nurseiy. -Olive. Planted Spiiiiii lsil7. Tree a \ igoroiis grower. Onondaiglia. Planted Spiing ISH:!. Tree a wt'ak .nidWi'r. l''ruit ot' medium .si/e, roundish, lonieal. skin gii'en with a dull red eheek. Plesli greenish while, tirin, not juiey, mildly suhaoid, qnality poof. Season \\'inler. 7;i(). 7:ii. 7:«. -,x\. 7;i4. 7:!r). -Ontario. In nniseiy. Opetien. In nursery. Orange. L'lanted spring IS!)('i. Tree a \ igorous irrower. Orange Pippin. Planted Spring ISDS. Tree a vigorous grower Oregon ,Red Cheek. I'l.mte.! S|)ring IS!)S. 'I'ree a \ igi>i 'iii> glow er. Orel (Nil. I ). Plant, d Spring I. Sil.'i. Tree a vigor(iUs grower. Fruit large, llatisll cnnieal. .Skin greenish yellow, splashed over lU'arly the whole, surfaee with red. Flesh white, eoarsi\ juiey. > li-aeid. A good eooking apple, .sieasoii August. 7."fi;. - Orel iN'o. •">*. I'lanteil Spring IS!I."(. Tree a vigorous grower. Fiuit very large, llat, fonml. skin tcreeuish yidlow, splashed with red. l-'lesl; white, juicy, mildly aeid, cpiality uiediun;. Season early August. 7.'^7. Orel (N'". 111. Planted Sjiring ISlC. Tree a vigorous gi-owei-. Fruit l;ir;;e to ver.v large, roundish eonii'.il. .skin greenish yellov., with streaks and splashes ot' wi\. Flesli white, ••oarse. li!0(l(.rately juiey, mildly a( id. .\ goo.i eooking apple. .Sea- son (letohe,' and Ndvemlier. 7.'iS.- Orel (Nil. -7». Planted spring !s!).">. Tree a vigMr.'ins grower. I'"ruil nci >■ l.irgv, oliloUL', taiiering to ey■•^ .Skin yellowish white, with a faint hlusii on .-unii.y side. Flesh white, liiiii, juiey, ]>leasant, mildl.y aeid, nuality goo.l. .Se.ison .Septeinlier. 7:!II. Orel (ns(h. Planted >piinL' ls!i."). Tree a vigorous growei'. Iruii aiiove medium .si/e, olilong. taperiiu: slightly to .Skin gret'ii with light and dark red on the sunny siiU> FIlsI, wiiite. tendir, crisp and juie;:, with a pleasant iLivonr, ipt.iliiy good, .'reason last of .August. 740. Ornament de Table. Planted spring isils. Tri'e a vigorous ^'rowi'f. 741. ■ Ortley. Plant«Ml spring;- IS'Kl. Tree a vigorous grower. 74-J. Osceola. Planted •^pr.iiu I'ttMl, Tree a siidiig grower. 74.'i. 0,strakoflf '47-. P.kmuii. PI, tnlcd spring IS'.I,'), I'ree a .stiong grower. Fruit of inediuui size, ohlong, eonieal. .'Skiti pale yellow, with .sometimes a faint l)h,sh. Flesh white. eris[), moderately juicy, with a pleasant tl.'Uour, cmalily good. Season last of August. 744.-Os'Win. In nurseiy. 74."). O'Wen Jones, i'lantcd spring Is'MI. Tree a strong grower. 74(1. Oxford Peach. Planted Spiing ISOO. Tree a iioderate grovser, 747.- Ozark. Planted Spring ISIK;. Tree a strong growei'. 24 EXI EIU MENTAL FARM, AUASSIZ, li.C. TOO. 7(i7. 7G8. 7G9. 748. -Painted Lady. I'l.uitLMl .spring' isiui. I 70.').- I'l '■(-■ a \ iLtiii'iiiis growiT. 7-W.- Palmer. I'liHiteil Spiin;.' ISII,'). 'I'lce a 7.")0. - Pa,lmer Greening. I'lunicd .sining i^iis. TitL' a vigiiiDus gruwer. 751. — PaloUSe. I'lantcd .'^iMiiig 1S!»4. 'I'lvt' a iiii)(li'i-,i tt' giowei'. Fniit aliDvo iia'diiiin .-i/t', oliloiig, tapoiim,' to t'vi'. Skin gnon- isli yolliiw, s|)laslif(i aii'l strcaUuil witli i leil. Flosli VL-llowish, a littlu Loarse, jiii'-V, ii(4. iVec a \■ign^on:^ grower. I'^'uit large, roundish, olilate. .'■■•kin yellow with : a pale lilush and sprinkled with whitish : dots. Flesh yellowish, tender, juiey, aeid, with a j.leasaut llavour, in;alit\' good. : Season Oetolier. ' ''^'— 701.— Peck's Pleasant. I'lanted spring isiio. \ Ti'ie a \ iu.':on.~ grower, hut a liu'lit liearer. Fruit alio\e nie(iiuin size, rouudi-h. Skin yellow ish with a hright hlush on the sunny side. Flifh yellowLsh. tem'er, juiey, ! mildly aeiil. with a tine aromatie !!av;uir. 78;^,- (|uality Very good, .'^^■a.son Xovemher and |)eeen\lier, ! 70:2. Petfer. lu nursery. I 70;?.- Pennsylvania Red Streak, lu nursery. I 704.--Perled'Angleterre. I'lante 1 spiing ls!i."<. ' Trei a sir.pug iirnwe'-. Fruit helow nie- 7S4. dium size, roiuiiiish. eouieal. ."-kiii .reeri- isli yellow, with a little red and sprinkleil with hrowii dt)ts. Flesii whitish, tender, juiey, hrisk .'ulineid, with ,1 tine tlavour, j i(Uality gooil. Season Xoveniliir. 7tl. 71. 7± 7->. 74. 75. 70. 78. 70. "80. 781. Persian Bogdanoff. I'lanteil spi ing 1 8!)5. Tree a \ igorous grower, l-'niit of medium size, olilong, eouieal. .skin yellow ish green, with a faint hlusli (ui the sunny side. Flesli yellowish, eris|), juiey, pleasantly aeld, .Season .August, -Peter. 1" nursery. -Peter Smith. In nursery. -Petersons, lu nursery. Pewaukee. Planted .Spring 18110. Tree a vigorous grower and a regular hearer. Fruit alMj\e medium size, roundish, oiiiate. Skin gri'enish yellow, stri]ied and spotted with dull led. F'lesh white, eris)). juiey. .Slightly aeid, ((uality good. .Season early winter. Picard'S Reserve. Planted spring 18110. Tree a strong gro^^■er. -Pickering Seedling. In nursery. Pigeon Blanc de Mayer. Ju nurseiy. Pigeon Gris. 1" nnrseiy. Pigeon Jerusalem. lu nui-.sery. Pine Golden Pippin. lu nur.sery. Pioneer. Planted Si)riug lSlt8. Tree a \ igorous uiou el'. Pippin d'CElkofen. Pitmaston Pine, iu mir.sery. -Plikanoff. Planted Spring Isil,-,. Tree a \ igorous grower. Plodovitka Koslov. Planted Spring ISII4. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of nieditim size, round. .Skin green, splashed with red. Flesii w hite, juiey, mildly suVi-aeid, ijiiality medium. .Season Oetoher. Plodovitka Soiovieff. Planted spring IM14. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, oMate, tiat. .Skin greenish white, s|plashed wilh erimson. Flesh white, tnoilerately juiey, mildly aeid, with a plea.-iant tlavour, i|Uality <;oorl. Season Seiilemlier and Oelober, Plum's Cider. Planted spring 1MI;{. Tree a \ igorous grower. Fruit of njedium size, roundish. oMoiig. Skin gohlen yellow, freely spiiukleil with grayish dots Flesh firm, rieli. juiey, sulp-aei^. Ti'ce a si long grower. SOO. Pryor's Red. In nursery. 807. Professor Barral. In nursery. 80S.- Pumpkin Sweet. Plante.i Spring l!S!)4. 'I'ree a viLTolous grower. Fruit vei'V large, roundish." .skin green, w ith a few whitish dots. Flesh whitish, crisp, juicy, sweet, jileasant, (|uality good. Season lieeemlnr. SiiO. — Piitim (<''ivr. or TciiKKMiaiv>. I'lanted Spriii;; IS'.ll. Tree a ii;cery. Rambour Pippin. Planted spring looo. Tree a slroiiy grower. Ramsays ' No. I l. In nursery. -Ramsays iN'^- -'■ I" nursery. Ramsdall's Sweet. In mu>cry. Rainbow. I'lanted spring P.MMl. Tree a medium u'luNver. Raspbeny. I'lanted Sprimr IS!)ti. 'i'ree ii \ i.iiiri'iis grower. -Rebel. Planted Sprim;- IM»4. Tree :i \igor- oii- 'jrower. -Red Aberdeen. Plant e. Tri'e ■••- \i'.;oiou-i grower. isns. -Red Astrachan. Planted spring 1890. Tree a viiiorims grower, an I proiluctive. Fruit aliove medium size, roundish. Skin green, nearl.y overspi(Nid with ih ej) crim- son. Flesh white, crisp, juiey, with ii rich ilavoiir. ipiidity good. Season August. EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AdASSIZ, B.C. n s;u. S3.-.. S.-JC. s:h7. s.Ss. S.S!). S4II. - s;i-'. Red Autumn Calville. I'ijum.l ^\nu\^ IS!).-). I'l-oc a \i^orous grower-. I'rtiit alKive iiiediuiii size, roiimlisli conieiil, ribheil. Skin greenish yellow, nearly ovcrspreiid witli pale red. Flesh while, teiuler, juicy, pleiisantly aeid, slightly aroniatie, ■nuility good. Season Octoljer. s.s:r- -Red Bietigheimer. F'lanted Spring isito. T'er a viiioidu-; and .•spreading grower. Fruit very large, ohlale eonieal. .Skin ] whiti.-ili yellow, shaded with light and dark red. Fiosii wliite, firni. brisk suh-acid. .\ good cooking apple. Sea.Sfin ()ctol)er. Red Belleflower. Planted spring isim, 'I'rei' a \ ijnrous grower. -Red Cider. In nursery. Red Detroit. In nur.»ery. -Red Duck. In nursery. -Red Eiser. I'lanteil Spring ls!H>. Tree a vigoroii.s growi-r. -Red Gravenstein. I'lanted Sprinj is'io. Tree ii vigor. H|., i.'roiver. Red Juneating. I'laiitepriiig IsDS. Tree ,1 xJL'orcu^ :.'rowor. S.-)(i.-Red Streak. Planted spring 1S!C>. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size,] oiilong conical. Skin green, with pale j reddish streaks, and s|ilashes over nearly I the whole surface. Flesh white, crisp, moderately juicy, subacid, (juality me ilium. Smusoii August. : iM'in sfli;. irih'' l^ilCi (i'll. -RedSubluck. Planted Spring ISO."). Tree a medium grower. s.-.'i. Red Summer Peach. Planted Spring ISlKi. Tree a vigorous grower. S.V3. Red Wine. Planted S]>ring 18!M). Tiee a vigorous grower. s.-)4.- Rjd Winter Pearmain. Planted Spring IMI4. Tree a vigorims glower. Fruit of medinni size, oblong, conical, .skin pale yellow, nearly covered with red, ami sprinkled with whitish dots. Flesh whit- ish, tender, m(jderately juicy, nearly sweet, (puility good Sea.son .January anil February. s.-..-..--Red' Winter Pigeon. Planted Spring ISdS. Tree (', moderate grow ei'. s.-.(;.- Red Winter Sweet. Planted Spring isim. Tree a \ igiuous grower. s.->7.-Reine des Pommes. lu nur.sery. s.-)S.— Reine des Reinettes. In nursery. s."i!i. - Reinette Ananas. Planted Spring isos. Tree a molashes of red. Flesh yellowish, tender, juicy, pleasant. Season December to ■ lannary. ^74. Reinette de Chine. Inimi.sery. s7.'). -Reinette de Cuzy. In nursery. CATALOGUE OF FRUIT Tl EES, APPLES. 27 87(i.— Reinette de Damason. i" iniistry. ^77. -Reinette d'Etlin. 1m umstiy. s7s. - Reinette de Gomont. In nursery. S7!).~-Reinette de Lettre. I'liuitcil Spring 1895. 'I'rce a st i'oiil; urnuci'. SSI).- -Reinette de Madere. In nursery. SSI,— Reinette de la Pentecote. In nur.sL'iy. ss-J. -Reinette de Willy. In uursiiy. ss;).- -Reinette Diel. In nuisiry. ss4. -Reinette doree de Hoya. In imisLTy. ss."i. -Reinette doree de Versailles. In nur- sery. ssd. -Reinette Dutch Golden. I'liiutid Spriug ISi)S. 'I'rci' ii vigorous grower. 887. "Reinette English. I'liiuted S|.rinu ism;. 'I'ri'u a uK'iiiuui grower. Fruit of uKMliuui size, nearly conical. .Skin liriglit ytiHow, with ilee)) reil nearly over tiie wliole sur- face. Fle.sli yellowish, ciisp, tirni, juiev. aci.— Reinette Grise. Planted Spring isii.-., a vigorous grower. Fruit .small,, Hat. Skin grayisii russet. FTesh yellow, : jnicy, )ileasant, snb-ai'id, (piality medium. . .Season Xoveinber. s!i.'). -Reinette Grise d'Automne. In nursery. : siiT- Reinette Grise d'Hiver. In nui.seiy. S!i."). -Reinette Grise du Portugal. 1 n nm sery . Sill). -Reinette Grise deSaintonge. Innmsery. i s! 17. --Reinette Grise Parmentier. In nursery. SOS.- Reinette Grise E.oyale In nursery. sfl!).— Reinette Harberts. I'lanid Spring isos. Tree a strong grower. mti I. -Reinette Harvest. I i.uu.M spring 1898. Tree a vigoi'ous grower. !)oi.- Reinette Kieve. in nur.sery. mi. 9(1.'?, 904. 905.- 90li, ■ 9117. 9I)S,- 9119, 910. 911. 9 1-.'. 9 1 :!. 914. 91.1. 91li. 917. 9 IS. 919. 9-J(). 9l*1. '.)-2-2. 9-_',M, 924. 925, -Reinette Kursk tS«. 2it mi. I'lante.l Spring 1S95, 'I'ree a vigorous grower. Fruit above medium si/e. oblong, a little tapering to eye. Skin yellowish white, with a few patches of russet. Flesh yellow- ish, cris)i. a little, juicy, slightly, aroniiltie, sub-aciil. (piality good. Season Septeinlier and Oetolier. Reinette Landsburg. Planted .=<|niiig ISiKi. Tree a vigcu'ons grower. Reinette k la long queue. In nursery. -Reinette Luisante. In nursery. Reinette Luxembourg. Planted Spring _ ISlKi, Tree a strong grower, Reinette Muscat. Planted Sjiring ls98. I'ree a slow grower. -Reinette Musqu^e. I" nnrseiy. Reinette Oberdicks, Planted Springis98. Tiee I! medium glower. - Reinette Orleans. Planted spring ls9C> Tree a vigorous grower. -Reinette Peasgoods Golden. Planted Sprinu 1S9S. Trei> a vigorous grower. Reinette Plate de Champagne. In nursery. Reinette Rarabour. Plant.'.l Spring is9.-i. 4'reea vigoroiisgrower and an early liearer. I''riiit lartre, irregularly riblied. conical. Skin yellow, witli a .slight blush. Flesh whitish, tirm, .juicy, sub aeiil, quality good. .Se:ison .August. -Reinette Red. Plante. Tree a vig(U-i us grower. bruit lariie. oblate, a littie conical. Skin greenish yellow . .splashed and streaked with bright red. Flesh white, coarse, juicy and nnldlyacid. .\ good cooking apjph', S(.ason October. - Reinette Zuccalmaglio's. Plant.d Spring lS9li. 4'l'ee a luediuui grower. — Renard's Seedling. Planted spring lsfl5. Tree a vigorous Ltrower. Frtiit of inediuin size, oblate conical. Skin greenish, nearly eovere.l with duil red. Flesh whitish, crisp, juicy, mildly acid, (piality good. Season October anil November. mimmm 28 EXI-KIUMEXTAL IWIiM. A<;ASSI/. /I.e. !i;u. it;;". 'j;;:. !>-"i-- Repolovka M. I'limK^l Spring IsiC. Trcu ,1 \iL;iii-iiii.> 4i-.i\vrr. I''ruit iif ini'iliiiiii size, riiiuiili.sli, ril))]i'il. Skin wliiiisli, witli a (lull reilili.sli lihisli. FU'sli white, tirni, juicy, of a luisk suli-,uiil eliaructer, (|iuil- ity i."'<>'l. SeiisMii Auitust. !>-7.- Revel Glass, in niiiseiy. !»l's.- Eevel Pear, lu nvn-^eiy. !•-'!'. -Ribston Pippin. IMnnte.l Spring 1S!)((. 'I'irr a \ i;;iii(.u-- liiU sprcaiUiij^ yfowi-i', and pi'(ichicti\ e. I'l uit (if MKMliuiii size, ronnd- isl). Skin greenish yellow, with a little insset, an(l a dull red hlnsli. Flesh golden yellow, tinii, (lis]), laoderately juicy, with a lieli aromatic llavoiir, (pialily vciy g(.od. Season .\'o\enilier to .huiuary. —Richland Winter, li' nursery. —Ridge Pippin. I'lauled Spring' ISO."). True a sironi; grow er. —Ringer. In nursery. —Rivers' Early Peach. In nursery. —Riviere. In nursery. — Roberson. I'lanted spring ISU."). Tree a vigorous growei'. -Rogers' Hillcentre. In nursery. — Rolfe. ri,(nte(l >pring ISIIO. Tree a vig- orous gi'ower and productive. Fruit of medium size, ohlate. Skin yidlow , sliaded and stiijied with red. Flesh white, tender, tine L'rained, suli-aeid, (juality good. Sea- son \o\eml)er. O;)-.— Romanite. I'lanted Spring ISIIO. Treea \iuorous grower. O:;;'. — Roman Stem. I'iantcd spring ISli:!, Tree a iiiodclate groWel . !l4i>.— Ron:'? Beauty. I'iantcd spring IS!i;!. Tree a \ igorous grower. lUI.-Ronienskoe. I'lanted Spring IS'.Hi. Tree a vigorous growci'. I'"ruit aliove medium size, ol)laie. conical. ,Skin green with a leddisli l)iusii. l''lesli white, crisp, juicy, mildly acid, (piality good. Season ( )ctoIjer and Novenilrer. !l !■-'.- -Rorana (<;iiih1. Planted Spi'ing ls!»,'). Tree i ;i MicdiiilK grower. i't.S.- Ross Nonpai'eil. In nursery. M44. - Rosy Repka. I'laulcl Spring IS!)."). Tree ^ \igor(JUs grower. I''r\ii', l.irge. oblong, (onical. Skin green, with stiijies and splashes of rod, over nearly the wlnde su.r- face, and a thin whitish Idoom. I*'lesli white, juiey, tender, mildly acid, ipiali'v L'ood. Season .Vuyiist. S)4.'>.— Rosy Voronesh ii'-'-T lit.M.i.ic). Planted Spring ISliri. Tree a vigorous grower. Fi'uit idiove niedimn size, ohlong. ta()ering totlu^eye. Skin yellow, s|)lashe(l witli lirighl red. f''lesh white, erisj), juiey. a little coarse, mildly acid, « ith a pleasant Havour, (piality good. Season last (if .Inly and lii'st of .\unust. !M(i. Rouge Bruyere. In nursery. !H7. Round Borsdorf. Planted Spring lso.'>. Ti'cc a vigorous gi-owei'. Fi'uit sm(dl, roundish llattencd. Skin greenish y(dlow, with a red cheek. I''le;h ureeliisli white, lilin, not juicy, (pialily |)oor. Season .lanuary. !i4s. Roundway Magnum Bonum. In nur- !)4l). !).■>;!. Royal d'Angleterre. In nuisery. Royal Late. In nmscry. Royal Pearmain. In nurnry. Royal Table. Planted Spring I Sll.-.. Tree a \igirous (_'ro\\('r. Fruit of medium size, oblong, slightly obli(|iu'. .Skin nieenish, with a dull red cheek, and sprinkled with wldrishdots. Flesh w hitish, juicy, mildly acid, with a pleasant flavour, ([uality good. Season ()ctol)er and November. -Ruby Gem. Planted Sj.ring I.Sil4. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, olilale. I'onieal. Skin green, nearly over- s|)read with dull red, and sjirinklcd with whitish dots. i-'lesh white, tine trained, crisp, juicy, with a |)lea-ant tiavour, (pial- ity good. Scitson .Scptendier. -Ruby Pearmain. In nuisery. Rudolph's Borsdorfer. Planted Spring ISIK). 'I'rcv a vigorous grower. -Russian Preserve. Planted Spring isiHi. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, roundish, conical. .Skin greenish \\h''.e. Flesii white, not juicy, sweet, (pui'ity ])ooi'. Se])teinbei'. Ru?Set Allen's. Planted Spring lS!)(i. 'i'lec a vigorous growei-. -Russet American Golden. Planted spring ISIIO. Tree a vigorous grower. I''r(iit below nu'(lium size, rouiKlish, tajier- ing slightly to the eye. Skin greenish yellow, with a little russet. Flesh yel- lowisli, tender, juicy, with a udld rich llavdur, (piality \eiy good. Seiison Xo- vcmli( r to .M.irch. E-iisset Aromatic. Planted spring isOT. Tree p. sironu grower. RuSSat Brownlee's. Planted Spring |S(IS. Tree a \iL;(iroiis grower, Russet E^remont. In niirt 111 Sc|)ti'nilM.T iuid Oc'tolifi-. •Mifi. Russet Pitmaston Nonparoil. In nur. SI rv. 07<». -Russet Pewaukee. I'luitid S|.iiii" ls!):>. 'i'n-L' a \i^(iiiui.s ;,'ro\M'i-, :ii.,; an cufly lifiucr. I'niit (if iiii'tliiiu, sizi . llatisli foiiiciii. Skin j;ri'eii, iifiirly ovec.s|)iviul with liulit im7'i. Russet S\7-3et. in nnisery. !l7(i.- Russet Wheeler's. In nui^ery. !I77. Russet Whiti3. In iiui's<'ry. 1I7.S. -Russet William's, in nursery. 070. - -Russian Tyrol. Planted S|jiing ISll-k Tree a. \igoious grower, raid an earls' liearer. l-'ruir of medium size, oliloiig, conical. Skin greenish yellow, with a dull red lilush on the sunny side. anlashed with dark red, over most of the surface, and sprinkled with lij:lit yellowish dots. yellowish, liiie graincii, tender, juicy, niililly suli-acid, slightly aromatic, ipiaiity \erv u'ood. Season .January to Mav. ■ OO-J. oo:{. 004. 00.".. 1l!)(i. !!07. OOH. OilO. Sjiring JsOii. Tree a anted .Spring hSdO. Tree 10(10. IttOl. 100-_'. um. 1004. lOU."). lOOti. 1007. loos, 1000. lOlo. 1011. loi-.'. -Sambo. I'lanu.l feel. I.- gl'iivvcr. Sandringham. i' a slii'iii.' grouei'. Sans Pepin. In nurs'n-y. Sanspareil. In nursery. -Sara Synap. I'lanted Spring 1S07. Tree a \ iL;oj'ous grower. Saxton. In nursery. Saxon Priest. In nursery. Scarlet Cranberry. Planted Spring iso-j. Tree a \ 1 .'oroiis grower. Fi'uit lielow medium size, olilati!, conical. .Skin green, nearly covered w ilh splashes tif dark reilj and sprinkled with grayish dots. Flesh white, tirui, not juicy, but of jileasant llavour. neai ly sweet. Season Fehruary to May. -Scar .let Nonpareil. In nursery. Schoolmaster. -In imrsery. "Scinde Oentre. In nursjrv . -Scott's Winter. Planle.l spring IS'.M). Tree a vigorous grower, and an early and cmistant lieai'i-r. F'riiit below medium size, oblate, tapering to the eye. Skin green, almost covered with two sluides of red whit(\ cris]i, juicy, siirightly, plea.santly acid, (pi.-ility good to very goo nursery. Senator. In nursery. Shackleford. Planted spring IsOt. Tree a medium ^q-fiwer. Shannon. Planted S|)ring ISOO. Tree a \ igoiiius grower, and an early and rcL'iilar hearer. I''ruit above medium size, roundish, oblate, skin yellow, with souirtiiiies a faint lilush. Flesh yellowish, juicy, a little coarse, hut of a iileasant, .sprightly acid chariicter, (|uality good. Season Xoveinher anil Deeemher. ^0 EXPEIilMENTAL FAUM, AdASSIZ, li.C. itii:}.- Shannon Pippin. I'lL'ite.l spring 1894. Tief a viyonms grower, lltl4.- Shirk. Pliinte.l Spring IHOH. Tree a \ ii.'1.'4. 1025. —Simbirsk (No. 5). Planted .Sprhig 1895. Tree a vigorous grower. l'"ruit of medium size, oblate, conical. Skin greenisii yellow, with a small red check. Flesh crisj), yel- lowish, juicy, nnldly acid, witii a pleu.saiit ilavoui'. (|uality good. Season Octoher. -Simbirsk iNo. lO). Planted Sprin,' 1895. Tree a vigorous grower. —Simbirsk (No. l l). Planted Spring 189.5. T'ec a vigorous grower. J''ruit of medium size, flat, slightly conical, .skin green, witii a dull red cheek. F'lesii white, crisp, juicy, of a pleasant ^ull-aoid cliaractei', (piality good. Season last of Sejjtendier. -Sir Oliver. In mu-isery. -Skinner's Pippin. In nur.scry. -Sklanka. Planted Sjiring 1894.';. Tree a vigorous grower. 1029. — Skirsch iruoss, voi<). Planted Spring 1S95. Tree a vigorous grower. M"'ruit lielow medium size, roundish, conical. Skin p:dc yellow. Flesh wliitish, not juiey, mildly .suii-acid, (pudity poor. Season .\uL'Ust. I02r>. 1027. 1028. io:?o. 1031. 1032.- 1033.- ■ Skirschapfel. In uurseiy. -Skrosnina ((Jkei.i.). Planteil Sjiring 1895. 'I'rce a \ igorous grower. Fruit of medium size, ohiate. Skin green, with a dull reddish cheek. Flesh white, juicy, cri.sp, nearly sweet, (piality good. Season [last of July. -Small's Admirable, in nursery. -Smart's Prince Arthur. In nursery. 10;i4. Skrutt (J CATALOGUE Of FRUIT TREES, AJ'PLE!^. 31 l(i."i4.— Steven's Winter. I'inntoil S|,iiiiL,' 180S. Tn.'i' a slow j,'r(i\vi'i'. 1(),V).- Steward. I'IuhUmI Spiing l^S'.l,-). Tree a iiR'diiiiii j^i'owei'. 1 (),')(). -Stewarts (N"- -l- I" niirm'iy. lo.'iT.— Stirling Castle. l" iimserv. lu.-.s. -Stone Antonovka. I'lantiMi .spiinj; isit-t. I True 11 viudfiHis ;;i'(i\vcr. Ffiiit uliove | iiiediiuu size, (ililoiii;, liliUcd. Skin green- i ictli white. V\vfi]\ wliitisli, ii little ooiirse, mildly snli-:ieid, i|iiidit y ^ood. .Seusoii iiist ' of .\ugUMt. I I (t,')9. -Stone's Eureka. rLuited .spiing isho. : Tree ii vigoious grow er. | lOCiO.— Strawberry Hereford. In nnrsery. | lU6l.-Striefling. I'liUiled Sjuing ISiMi. Tree a vigoroii.s grower. 1 >/-'.- Striped Anis. riant(Ml Spring 1S!)4, Tree u vigordnw grower. Fi'nit of niedi\ini size, ohlate. Skin yellow, \\ illi stripes of red. , Flesh yellowish, jniey. a of a I pleasant suh-aeid cliaracti^r, (piality good. I Season last of ,luly. [ lOtW.— Striped Beaufin. In nur.sery j 1(104.— striped July. Planted spring ISIIO. Tree' a vigorons grower. llKi,").— Striped Winter. In nnrsery. j liHil).- Stuart's Golden. Planted Spring isnC). j Tree a vigorous grower. KIUT.— Steednicne. Planted spring ISIMI. Tree' a vigorous grower. 10(18.— Sturmer Pippin, li' nnrsery. 1009.— Sugar. Ill nursery. lilTO. — Sugar Loaf Pippin. Planted S|)ring 1S07. Tree a \ igoroiis grower. 1071.- Summer Pearmain. I'lanted Spring 1898- 'i'ree a medium growei. 107'-'.— Summer King. In nur.sery. 1073. Summer Nonpareil. In nursery. 1074. Summer Queen. I'lanted Spring 180.\ Tree a strong LTVower. Print large, broad and tapering to the eye. Skin yellow with red streaks. Klesli yellow, erisp, juiey, aromatie. Sea.son August. l"7.'>. -Summer Eed Streak. Planted Spring 1S!)4. Tree a medium gi'ower. Pruit of medium size, ol)late, eonieal. Skin yellow, streaked with red. Flesh white, crisp, juiey, (jf a brisk subacid character, very liable to seal), ijtiality jmor. Season A ugust. i07(>.- Summer Rose. Planted Spring 1898. Tree a medium L'l'ower. K»77.-Summer Spice. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a vigoroiLS grower and an early bearer. Fruit of medium si/e, globular, taiiering to the eye. Skin yellow. Flesh M-hite, not jni<:y, mildly suli-aeitl, slightly aromatic, (juality good. Season early August. 1079, 1080, 1078. Surprise. I'lanted Spring 1897. Tree a \ igorous grower. Suzanne. In nursery. Sutton Beauty, Planted spring 1890. Tree a strong and upright grower, l)Ut a sliy bearer. Fruit of meditun size, round- ish, oblate, conical. Skin golden yellow, shaded and splashed witii briglit rod. I'lesh y(diowish, cri.sf), jincy, tender, mildiy sid)-aeid, nr.ality very good. .Season Deeendier and .lanuary. 1081.- Swaar. Planteil spring 1.S90. Tree a vigorous grower, but not very productive. P'ruit above mediiuii si/e, roiunlish. .Skin golden yt How, witii brown liots. Flesh yellowish, teiidci , juicy, with a rich aromatic flavour, (|Uality very good. Season Deceiv.ber and .bimiary. 108'J.— Swayzie Pomme Gris. Planted spring 1899. Tree a mediiini glower. 108;}. — Sweet Borovinka i874 Huhd). In nur.seiy. 10S4.-Sweet Bough. Planted spring 1 890. Tree a vigorous grower, and a regular be.irer. I'rnit large, cblong, tajiering to the eye. .Skin pfde yellow. Flesh yellow isli, teniler, juicy, cris|), with a rich sweet llavour, i|uality good. .Season August. 10.S.->. Sweet Pipka. In nur.seiy. I08(i. -Sweet Spitzenberg. Planted Spring 189;i. 'i'rec a st ron- grower. 10N7. -Swinsovka. In nursery. 108S.— Switzer. Planted Spring 1S9:{. Tree a nicdimn gioweiand an early bearer. Fruit of inedinin size, oblate. Skin yellow, nearly covered with deep red. Flesh white, juii-y, ))leasiuitly sub-acid, (piality L'ood. Season .lauuai'y and February. 1089.- Sylvan Sweet. In nursery. 1090. -Taarenborg. Planted Sjjring ISOO. Tree a vigorous gri>v,er. I091.-Taffet's White. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a vii.'orous grower. 109'_'.— Taffet's Y/inter. Planted spring 189,-). Tree u vigorous grower. Fruit small, round, tlat. .Skin greenish, witli a faint blush. Flesh greenish white, tirm. moder- ately juiey, witli a ]ilcasant llavonr, ijuality good. Sei.son early Winter. I09S.--Talman's Sweet. Planted spring 1890. Tree a vigorons grower and (troductive. Fruit nearly glolndar. Skin whitish yel- low, with sometimes a soft blush, with, a distinct line running frf)in stem to calyx. l''lesli white, tirm, tine grained, witli a rich sweet flavour, quality good. Season Xovember to March. 1094. — Teint Frais. lu nursery. 109.\- Ten Shillings. Planted spring I897. Tree a vigorous grower. EXI'KIHMKXTAI. FAHM. AdASSI/, llC. inn(l.--Tetof8ky. I'lnntcil Sinin^r ISIIO, Titc II iiKiiUriiir j.'i(iw. -'•>). I'liinitil Spiiiii^ Isils. 'I'rcL' it vigorous growiM'. 11 02. -Thompson's Seedling (X". :«). niniK.i SjiriML' l^ils. Tree a vi;;i irons growtr. 1 WX- Thompson's Seedling (No. 40). IMuntid Spi-iiiL.' 1S!»S, 'I'lci' a \i^'orouti growir. 1 104.- Thompson's Seedling (X<>. fi(i). I'lantcd spring; ISils. Trui' a vijiorotiH yrowi-r. I Id.").— Thomas Rivers. Fn uuisciy. 1100.— Throne. Jn nin-iiy. 1 107. — Tibbet's Pearraain. In nnisiry. 1108.— Thaler. In nuisciy. 1109.— Tiesenhauser. In niiisery. 1110.— TitOVka KOSIOV. I'huHtd S|,ring is!i.-,. Tive a vigoroii.s gi'ow cr. I I 1 1. -TitOVka Solovieff. I'iantod Spring IS!).-). Tree a \igi)iMiis grower. I''riiit aliovc ineiliinii size, nliloiig, .sligjitly I'lniiciil. .Skin gfccnisli yfllou, with Nlri'aks of l)riglit red on the sunny .'^idc. Flesii white, crisp, jniey and s|iriglitly, (juality good. Season ,Se])teinl)er. 1 1 12.— Tobias Black. In nursery. 1 1 13.— Tom Putt. In nursery. 11 14.— ToskinS iXo. 4). Planted Spring ISil."). Tree a vigorous grower. 1 11 .'). — Tessie. In nursery. I I Hi- Tower of Glammis. In nursery. 11 17.— Transparent de Croncels. In nursery. ins.— Transpa:ent de Croncelles. I'lanted Si)ring ISIIS. 'Tree a vigorous grower. I I I U).— Tranekjaer. I'lanled Sj.ring I.SOS. Tree i a St rout; yrowtr. llL'O.— Trenton. Planted .Spring 180."). Tive a vigorous glower. Fruit of niediiiui size, coniral. Skin gi'eenisli yello\\-, willi dull red over nearly the w hole surface. Mesli •white, not juicy, tender, mildly suli-acid, nearly sweet, (piality medium. Season August and early September. 1121.— Tridka. Planted Spring 1S5I8. Tree a iliedi'.uii gi-owiT. 1122.— Tuft's Baldv,in. Planted Spring 1,S!)S. Tree a \igoious grower. il2:i. Tyler's Kernel. Planted Spring 1 804. Tree a \ itiiiidiis grower. Fruit of nicdiiini or iiliove luidiiini si/e, olilong, conical. .Skin greenish yellow, nearly coveicd \\itli dull led. Flesh yellowish, crisp, juicy, mildly suliaeid, with a jilea.sant rich aioiiiatie lla\'oiir. i|iialit_\ vi'iy good. .Sea- son Scpteiiilier. 1124. — Tyrrestrup. Planted spring 1807. Tree a medium grower. 1 12").— Twenty ounce. I'lnnttd spring immi. 'I'ree a \ igoi oii.s growfr and proiUu'ti\e. Fruit large, rimndish. Skin giciidsh ytdlow, splashed uiid liiiirked with red. I'lesli coarse, s|>riglitly, acid, ovmlity giod. Season Xovendicr and Dei cinlier. I 1 2(i.-" Ukraine. Planteil Sjiiing ISll."). Trie a \igoious glower. Fruit alio\e medium size, olilong. .Skin pali' yellow, with patches of russet. Flesh whitish, (oarse, iiiiii, juicy, and of a ]ileasant acid ciia- racter, i|ualily good. .Season Oitolicr. I127.-Utter's Large Red. Plantid Spiing imh. 'J'lee a vigorous grower. l'"ruit of mi-ilium size, olilale. .Skin whitish yellow, with a lew stieaks of light red, and sprinkh d with grayish dots. Flesh white, teudcr, juicy, mildly -uli acid, i|uality good. .Season Xo\enil er. 112S.— Vargul In nursery. ] 129.- VarfcUlek("'."i Vol!.). Planted Spring IMKi 'i'l I 1- a vigorous grower. I I SO. - Van Demail. In nursery. 1 l'"l!.- Vandevere. Planted spring IMk; Tree a, \ igorous grower. l'"ruit of medium si/c, olilate. Skin greenish yellow, with a little russet, and some red Idiish. Flesh yel- lowish, solid, juicy, tender, rii'li, siih-acid, with a pleasant lla\oiir, ipiality good. .Season Oetolier and Xo\emlier. I I.'i2.- Vandevere Pippin. Planted S]iiing 1804. Trie a \ii;or.)us glower. l''ruit large round, llat ish, conical, .skiii greenish yel- low, with streaks of luiglit red on the sunny sid'^. I'lesh white, crisj), of a brisk sul) acid character, ijnality good. .Season .lanuaiv. ii;w. ii.-u.- li:!.-).- llSli. ii:)7.- n;w.- ii;!9.- Vcrdin d'Automne. In nursery. Verdin d'Hiver. in nursery. Vielchen. Planted Spring ls<),s. Tree a strong grower. Violet. Planted Spring 1807. Tree a vigorous grower. Virginia Greening. Planted spring 1800. Tree a vigorous grow er. -Virginia Queen. Planted .spiing isoo. Tree a vigorous grower. -Virginia Summer. Planted Spiing 1S98. Tree a slow grower. l.-)l (•ATA/.O) ;(■/■: OF I'ltUIT TUlJh'S, ATI'LES 33 11411. 'rice lUI. 114L'. il4:t. 1144. 114.-.. ii;i. 1141). 1147. 114.S. 114!). ll.'.o. ll,-.l. 11. -.1'. Volga Anis. I'liint.d S|innt< IM'U. Trc'i II.-)<». II sijididiiH ni'iiwcr. Kiiiit liii't,'!', uIpIhii;,'. .skill ^'icM'ii witli M liu'lit pink lijii.sli dii tin- Miimiy w\i'. Klcsii wliiii.sli, iiis|), iikicIit- atcly jiiioy, (if a |)lcii.sniil, iiiililiy auiil I'JiaractiT. Simlshh AiiiiUMt, Voronesh tN". ill- I'laiiini S|.iiii^' i,s!)."i. iiti".- 'rit'i' a vij.;(in>ii.s grower. -Voronesh ll-"i',l. Season NovL'iiilier and DeL'eiiihur. -Walbridge. I'lante.l Sprinj; ISO-J. Tree a vigorous grower, liut not \ciy produelive. Fruit of medilllii si/e, olilate, eonieal, .Skin pale yellow, sliadi'd with red. I''le.ili Hrin, jniey, white, s|)righlly, li, -lightlv eniiieal. .Skill yellow, with a few dots. I'Mesh w hit- lull, erisp, jniey, H|)riglitly, i|Uality good. Season Nnveiidier. -Waxy Juicy. PiniUed sp-ing ls!i:t. I'ree a liiediiim gmwei. I''rnit of nieiliui!i si/u, oblate, eonieul. Skin greenish, v.itli a little russet, and a ilull reildish bUisli. Flesh yidlow, erisp, a little Loarse. sub- acid with an aromatic llavour, ijuahty viM'V good. Season ( Ictobcr and November. Wealthy. I'lanted spring ISIIO. IV c a vigorous grower and a regulai I. ■\.vv. Fruit of medium si/e, roundish, • b!.i*e. .Skin whitish yellow, iicarlv covcrc-il svitli rich crimson. I'li'sh while, crisp, line graineil, tender, juicy, sub-acid, i|i:i'lity good. .Season Oetobei and .\o\einb ,■. Welch Seedling. Planted sprinj I . d. Tree a vigorous grower. Wellington, Plantid Sprii.g IMMi. Tiee a vigorous growi-raiid |iroclucti\e. Truit of medium si/e or above meili inn. re mi. li-li. Skin yellow, with a pale blush, and spiinUled with brown (lot.'-. I''K-sb y -l- Idw, crisp, jniey, liriskly acid, i|' ality good. Season .laiiuary lo .\biich. - Western Beauty. Planted .spring !s;)4. Tree a vicoious grow (. I'. l'"rtnt .'I'liO, roundish, oblate. .Skill yellow . spl -I. cd with light and dark r»l, and spriu'ulcd witli gray dots. Flesh \vhitish, 'lisp, aromatic, mildly acid, (piality (good. Soa- son Sept( mber. Whennery's Late Red. PlMiited .': ring ls!i.'{. 'I'ree a slow grower. Fruit ( t me- dium size or lielow inedimii. roundish, I'onical. .Skin nearly cove; ed with crim- son. Flesh white, firm, not juicy, i ■ dly sub-acid, (piality good. .Season .liu;r ry to March. White Cardinal. I'lanted spring i\:)(i. Tre(! a vigorous grower. I''ruit larg ■ lat- i.sli. tajiering to eye. skin yel! -■. ish white. Flesh white, coarse, erisp. spri '-'ly, a(-i(l, (piality medium. Sca-son Augi '. White Juneating. lu nursery. White Nonpareil, lu nmsery. Whitman. Planted spring ISIIS T.-ee ii medium grower. White Winter Pearmain. I'lanted spring lS9."i. Tree a medium crower. -White Pigeon. Plant, i sprin^ is<,.,.. Tree a strong grower. II7'.'. White Plikanoff. In nursery. 1173.- White Rosemary. Planted Spriim isDs. Tree a medium grower. 1174. -White Transparent. Planted spring 1S!),S. Tree a vigorous grower. Il7.'i. William Penn. Innnrseiy. m IKi.'i 1 34 KXPKltlMKSTM. FMIM, AHASSIX, It.C. 1176. 1177. l-Jil. II7S. 1170. 11 HO. I'-ICJ. IIHI. 1182. 1183. US'*. IIS.-), list). 1IS7. 11 SH. 1189. 1190. 1191. 119-J. 1193. 1194. 119.'). 1190. William's Early, i'lum.a s\m\\g I8»7. Williams' Favourite, I'liiutr.l sniing JNUI. 'I'lcc ,1 vif^oroiiH giowiT. r'fiiit aliovc iiii'iliiiiii si/.e, (ilildiii;, I'oiiiial. .*«kiii liriiihl led, «itli stii'iikx iiinl splii.'difx of ilt'i;|) ifd. |''li',sli wliitf, ci'is|), pli'iiHiint Mu))-ii('iil, i|imlity uooii. .Scumoii i\\i^ii«t. William Gladstone. In nursci >. William Anderson. In mll^^l^^. -Willow Twig. I'lantcil Spring ISll'J. Tree a vinDnius 1ml slcmlci- gi-owci. Kruit «l)ip\ f iiii'iliiini si/c, i-i)iiii(li.s|\. oiPiiiiMil. Skin jL;iffni>li Vfilnw, sliailcd «itliilalk led and .sprinkled with gra_vi«li duts. l'"li'.'ctc)ll(.'l . I '.!.- Brown Crab. I'linitcd .spring lM!t!>. 'Ircc ' ii vivonuis i;i(i\U'r. •">• Chase's Jelly. iMiiDtcd sinjug isiiii. rrc.. ' H viii'iioiis yidwi^r. I'"niit "f iiHMliiin. si/.i-. skill gr<'i'iii«li yellow , with ii iliill hlusli on , till- sunny hIiIo. Suiison I'iiily Scptfiiiliur. ' 4. Burgess. In mnMery. .'). Chickasaw. I'lmittMl Sprimr ISlHl. Tree •i \ igorou.-i grower. Kniit xiuiiU, gloljiihir. .Skill green, neiiily eovered wkli ilull red. Season .Septeinlier. (). —Dartmouth. I'lanted Spring ISII-J. Tree ii \ igoroiis grower. 7. — Florence, I'liinled Sjiring 1^^)1(1. Tree a vigorous grower. s. -General Grant. I'liuiteil Spring IsiMi. Tret a strong grower. l''riiit of niediiiiii size, roiiiidisli. Skin diirk green, splaslie([ iind striped with diuk red. Sea.son .Sep- teiiiher. !t.--Golden Beauty. I'lunted Sjniiig isoo. Tree ,i strong grower. 1 Id. - Hyslop. I'liinted Sjiring ISDO. Tree a strong grower and jiroihutive. I''ruit large, • roundish, ovate. .SkiH dark rich red, with a lilue lilooin. .Season Septeinlier. j II- Hagloe. Ill nursery. i I--*. Kentucky Red. Planted spring isim. | 'I'ree a niediuni grower. IS.— Lady Elgin. Planted Spring ]S!Hi. Tree a strong grower. Fruit small. .Skin yel- low, nearly covered with pale red. .Season Septeniher. ' l-l. Marengo. Planted .Spring ls!)4. Tree a i moderate grower. Fruit medium to large, j roundish. Skin yellowish green, with j red nearly over the whole .surface. Season i Deceinlier. | H 35 It) IS I"). •-•(). •2n. Martha. Planted SpriiiL,' ISlt.'i. Tree ii strong grower. I''rilit aliove iiie.try. —America, in mn-sfiy. - Andr^ Desportes. I'lanti'd .spring is!).'). 'i'leu u vigdnuis gi'dWfi-. — Angleterre. I'lanti'il Spiing is!(7. Tifu a iiiD.'erati' growci-. —Angleterre d'Hiver. In nmsiM y. — Anna AudisSOn. In nnrseiy. "Anne de Bretagne. In musiiy. Anna Nelis. I'lanteii spring 1S!)7. 'I'fee a nu'diuni grower. — Ansault. riantfil .Sjning 1S!(4. Tree a vig7. Tree a viiroiiii; Lirower. Aspasia d'Ancourt. in n\irsery. -Aston Town. I'lanted spring lMt;<. Tree a nieclium grower iin I prodnetive. Fruit small, roundish, turliinate. SUin greenish VpUow, witli r.isset and many laown ilots. I'lesh while, moderately juicy, swi et, not high Havoured. Seasmi Seitteniher. 87 •21. •Si. •-'4. •2(1. •27. 2S, •2!).- :i(i. .•!4. .•m. ■M. .•t!l. Auguste Eoyer. In nursery. Augustus Dana, i'lanted Spiing ISflf). Tree a vigorous -Avocat Tonnelier. In nursery. "Baba. In nursery. Barillet. i'lanted Spiing 1897. Tree a, medium growei-. Baron. Planted Spring 1S<)7. Tree a me- iliuiii grower. Baron de Caters. In nursery. Baronne de Mello. I'lanted Sprinu 1,^97. Tree a medium grower. -Baronne Leroy. In nursery. Bartlett. Planted Spring I.S!)(). Tree a thrifty grower and moderately productive. Fruit large, oblong, pyriform. Skin smooth clear yellow, with, ii^ blush on the sunny side. Flesh whi. 44. 4,-). 4(5. 47. 4S. 4!). —Belle Lucrative Planted Spring 1893. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, obtuse, pyriforin. Skin yellowish green, with a little russet. I'lesh soft, moderately juicy, not very high flavoured. .Season September. — Bellissime d'Hiver. In nursery. Bergamot d'Esperen. Planted Spring 1H!(.'). Tree a vigorous grower. Bergamot d'Ete. In nursery. Bergamot Hertrich. In nmsory. —Bergamot La Gantoise. In nursery. Bergamot Liabaud. In nursery. - Bergamot Philippot. In nursery. "Besi Cesarine. In nursery. -Besi de Saint Waast. In nur.sery. —Besi de La Motte. Planted Spring 1S97. Tree a vigorous jirower. 6o. "> I ■ - Besi des veterans. In y. .">•_». Bessemianka. I'lumcl Spring isno. Tree H Strung grower and proihu'tivc. F'ruit liolow iiiediuni size, obtu.-'f. oviite. .Skin yellowisii green, freely sprinkled with gray dots. Flesh soft, not juiey, tine grained, sweet, but not high flavoured. .Season .Septenibei'. -Beurre Amande. Planted spring isn;. Tiee a vigorous grower. -Beurre Baciielier. I'lanteil Spring IM17. Trci- a vigoi-iius j^row ci-. Beurre Baltet Pere. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a poor grower. Beurre Benois* I'hmted spring ls!i4. 'i'ree a slnw grri„fr. Beurre Beucke. Planted spiing isiMi. 'I'ree a vigorous grower. -Beurre BOSC. I'lantcd S|)ring ISOl'. Tree a n ediiiiii grown'. -Beune Browr. I'ianted spiing ismj. 'I'ree 1 pooi' gro\iei. 53. o4 5."). ."))). •u. - 58.- (il.- l.SiKi. . - 7(i. 7S. 79. so. SI. s-_'. S3. S4. 8.'). ^ S().- 87.- S8. 89. 90. 91. 9",- — Beurre d'Amanlis. Planted Spring 1898. Tree a medium grower. Frnit of medium size, obovate. Skin yjllowisli green, with a bronze red cheek an nursery. Beurre de BoUwiller. in nursery. - Beurre de Capiaumont. Planted Sprii-g IS93. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of niediuin size, pyriforin. Skin yellow with a reddish cheek. Flesh tine i.'raiiicd, but- tery, slightly astringt'iit. Soiisfm Se]i- teinber and October. -Beurre de Courtrai. In nins.ry. -Be'irre d'Hardenpont Panache. In nur- sery. -Beurre de Johnge. In mirseiy. -Beurre de La Cour. In iiur.seiy. Beurre de Livonie. Planteii '■ a;. - .. I'ree a stroiiu' glower. -Beurre de Lucon. In nui.-eiy. -Beu.'-re de Nivelles. In nui.-ety. -Beurre de Rouan. "lanted spring is99. Tree a strong grower. -Beurre de Wetteren. In nnisery. -Beurre Diel. Planted Spring 1S90. Tree a strong Minwcr. Fruit large, obtuse, py- riforin. Skin yellow. Flesh yeHowixJi.'a little course, juicy, sweet an'.l plcas^int. Scison October and .\oveinl' -Beurre Di«. p.i' xhe. Ii. ;i-i spring isos. 'I'ree a strong giower. -Beurre GiflFard. I'liuite.l^ Spiing 1S9.S. Tree a nuMleratu growur. Fniit of niediuiii size, pyiiforui, tapeiiug to stem. .Sjiiii greenisii yellow, with ])ati.'lu's of red on tlie .suiniy .side. Flesii white, juiey, melt- ing, with a i)kasant vinous tlavour. ^Sea8on August. -Beurre Gilles. In n.iiseiy. -Beurre Goubault. In nursery. - Beurre Gris d'Hiver. Planted .Spring IS9(i. Tree a vigorous grower. Beurre Gris d'Hiver Nouveau. In nur- sei-y. Beurre Hardy. I'lanted spring lso(». Treo a vigoious ginwel'. Fruit large, ol(, ;>vriforiu. .Skin greenish, witii light russet, and a dull red elieeli. Flesh l)Uttery, juiey. with a hrisk. pleasant flavour, slightly astringjut, quality good. .Season Oetoln'r. Beurre Jean Van Geert. In nursery. Beurre Lad^. I'lanted Spring iso;. Tree a vigorous grower. Beurre Lebrun. In nursery. -Beurre Lenzen. Planted spring isiis. Tree a strong grower. Beurre Leon Rey. In nursery. -Beurre Luizet. In nurs. ry. -Beurre Millet. In nursery. Beurre Montica. In nursery. -Beurre Mortillet. Pluiiteil Spring IsiiT. Tree .1 niedioiu grow er. Bnirre Oudinot. In nursery. Beurre Perpetual. Planted spring is99. Tree a t long glower. -Beurre Perrault. In ni!i>ery. Beurre Quetier. in nursery. Beurre Ranee. Spring lS9-». Tree a poor grower. Beurre Rorriain. I'lantiil Spring Isii:, Ti I e .1 \ juoro i^ grow er. Beurre Rome G^Miyard. In nursery. -Beurre Six. Plauie.i >priug im:7. Tre.' a .-troir.; gicwi r. Beurre Sterkmans. In nui>ery. Beurre Suddall. Plant..! spring isiio. Trci' ,1 1 leiMli' L:ro\Mr. Beurre Superfln. Planted spring 1S9I. Tree 1 mo.tcMMle growi'i'. Beurre Ulmer. Planted spring 1n97. Tree a strong grower. P-''-'. Beurre Van Driessche. Planted spiiuL- 101. 1 (>•_'. 104. 10,-). 10(i. 107. los. 109. 11(1. 111. IP.'. ll.T 114. 1 I ."). III). 117. lis. llii. PJii. I-'I. 124. vi:,. pjti. P27. 12H. 129. 130. LSI. I :!•_'. i:i;{. i;u. 13.-). VM\. VM. i;w. 139. 140. 141. Ml'. 143. 144. 1 MIT >lrnng _|nuel'. 1 4.-). I4(i. 117 14.S. 149. I. Ml. I.V2 -Beurre Vital. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a strong grower. -Beurre Von Kratisb. Planted Spring l!S97. Tree a strong grower. — Blakeny Red. In nursery. Blanquet. In nursery. Boisbunel's Flask. Planted sp-ing 1897. Tree a strong grower. -Bon Chr6tien d'Espagne. In nursery. —Bon Chretien A'txL In nur-sery. —Bon Chretien d'Hiver. In nuriiery. Bon Chretien Fred. Beaudry. Planted spring IMI."). Tree a strong grower. —Bon Chretien (N'"- l'))- Planted .Spring ISO."). Tree a strong grower. Bonne d'Ezee. Planteil spring 1897. Tree a strong gruwjr. -Bonneserrb de Saint Denis. In nursery Bordeaux. Planted spring IS9.-). Tree 11 \ igorous grower. —Borland. In mnsery. - BoutOC. In nursery. — Brandywine. P...nted spring 1,S9I. Tree a strong giower. l''rnit of medium .size, pyriforni. .Skin yellowish green, spiinkled with rus.set. Flesh white, juiey, aromatic and of tine tla.voui'. Season last of August. — Bretonneau. In nursery. Briffaut. Planted Spiing IS97. Tf'je a strong grower. Brockv/orth Park. Planted Spring 1897. Ti-'. e a strolls: grower. --Bronze Duchess. Planted spring 1897. Tree a strong grower. -B. S. Fox. Planted Spring 1.S94. Tree a vigorous grower. Buffum. Planted Sjiring ISIIO. Tree a stro'ig grower, hut a shy heart'r. I''ruit of medii'i size, ohovate. Skin gieenish yelloM , with a reddish eheek .ind sprinkled with hrown ilots. Flesh white, liuttery, not juiey, (piality medium. .Season Sep- teiiilier. Butt. In liur-^(.>r\. Calebasse Abbe Fetel. In nursery. Calebasse Oberdieck. In nursery. Calebasse Tou.gard. Phmtcd Spring Is'.lT. Ti< !■ ;■ si roll- grower. -Calebasse BOSC. Planted spring 1,S97. Tree a si rniig grower. Calixte Mignot. Plant..l .•spring 1''-, Trie a si mug grow er. Calouet. In nui-'iy. Calvin. Planted Spring ISIKI. Tree a strong growei. 40 EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AdASSlX, 11. C. 1. ->:'.. ir)4. 15.-). i.-)(i. l.)7. i.->s. l.-)!>. HiO. Kil. iti;{. 1(14. Km. Hid. KiT. His. 1( ■.'.». Til. 71. 7;i. 1711. Castelil.e. In nursery. Catillac. I'lanted .S|)riiig \s'Xi. Ticeii] line u'lnwir. Kniit veiy largo, tur))iiiiite. Skill pall' vlHow. wirli Iiidwu (lots and a | ri'iMish iihuk. Flcsli lianl and giitty, a I nioUiii^ |)iiir. .SeaxoM XovtMidiiT to Marcli. Cavalier de La Salle. In nursery. Certeaii. d'Auton?ne. In nuiseiy. Charles Cogn^e. Planted .spring IS!t7. I'lic a :uediuin glower. Charles Ernest. Planted .Spriiu' isjin. 'I'rei- a :nediinn growei'. -CharnoaU. Planted .spring lS!)(i. Tree a vigMi. i',i> grower. Chaumontel. I'lanteil .Spring IS!»;-i. Tree a .>' .1 striiUg i;io\\fi-. Citron des Carmes. In nursery. Clapp's Favourite. Planted Spring IS'IO. I Tree a strong grower and produetive. ! Fruit large, ol)tuse, pyriform. Skin yellow, I with a faint blush ami sp?'inkled with br-owii dot>. I'"lesh whito, line graineer. Clapp's Seedling. Planted Spring 1S!M). Tiec a >t I'oiii: grower. Claude Blanchet. Planted spring iMKi. Tree a poor grow er. Cole's Seedless. Planted Spring IS!),'!. Tree a strong m'ower. Colmar d'Aremberg, Planted Spring js'.l.'!. iiiea medium gi'owi'r. Colmar d'Ete. Planted Spring l.Sli;?. Tree a medium grower. I'ruit of medium si/e, ronndisli, i)yriforin. Skin greenish yellow, sprinkled with giMyi.^'i dots and sometimes with a reddish l)lush ni the sun. Flesh wiiite, rather co', quality medium. iSeasfin Sipteniber. Colmar de Marnix. In nursery. Colmar Dumortier. Planted spring isiiii. Tiee a st Iuwj: urow er. Colmar Nelis. In nursery. Col. Wilder. Planted Spring ls!i:{. Tree a \ igor(,ii> I'rower. Color^e de Juillet. In nurMiy. Comet. Planted Spring |.S<)4. Tree a moderate ..Touer. Comte de Chambord. In nursery. Comte de Flandre. In nursery. 17: 17S. 179. 180. ISl. 182.- 183. 184.- 18,-). l,S(i.- 1.87.- IS.S. - 1 8!). - l!tO. 1111. 1!)2. loa 1!)4. I !-.-). MM). I!t7. 1!)S. lit!). Comte deLamy. Plai. i Sjirinu is!i8. Tree a strong growei. |'"i nit below me ditun si/.e. .skin yellow with a reddish elieek and small iiatelies of russet. Flesh white, tine yraineil, liuttery, sweet, (]ua- lity good, .Si.jison Septenliei. Comte de Lambertye. In nurseiy. Comte Lelieur. In mnseiy. -Conference (l> I VI. lis ). in nursery. -Counseiller de la Cour. I'lante 1 spring IS!i;{. Tree a strong grow oi-. Fruit large, ol)long. pyriform. I'lesh ytdlowish. juiey, melting, sweet. .Season .September. -Constante Lesueur. In nursery. Court queue d'Hiver. In nuisery. Cowsfoot. Planteil Spring ISlHi. Tree a strong grower. Crassane. in nmseiy. Crassane d'Automne. Planted spring 18!((1. TiTe a niediuiii grower. Dan? S Hovey. Pumted spring 1S!)4. Tree a strong gri',\(.r. -D'Amour. In .misery. -Dearborn's fjeedling. Planted spring ISIHI. Tree a strong glower and a regular bearer. Fruit sm.dl, roundish, pyriform. Skin suKJoth, ligiit yellow. Flesh w h.ite, jllii'V, melting, sweet, ;|uality good. .Sea- son last of August. -De Cure. In nnr.-ieiy. -Delices Cuvelier- In nursery. -Delices de Huy. In nnrseiy. -Delices de Jodoigne. Planted spring ISIHI I ree a stronu growi'r. 20(1. 201. 202.- 2(i:i. - Delices de Lowenyoul. Planted S|iiiiig 18!H. Tice a medium growt.r. Delices Everard. In mnsery. Delisse. In nurser\-. -De Livro. ';. n\i|sery. De Spoelberg. In mnsery. "De Tongres. Planted Spring IS!i:{. Tiee a St long glower ami an early and eonstant liearer. I'luit above medium size, iiyri- forni. Skin greenish yellow, nearly eov- ered with cinnamon russet ami with a red- dish cheek on the sunny side. I'lesh w liite, juicy, line, rjeji, sweet. Season October. De Torpes. In iiui.sery. Dempsey. Pl.inleil spring I.S'.IO. Tree u vigorous and upright grower, liiit a shy ))rodueei. Fruit large, olilo: ;. iiyriforni. Skill greenish yellow. Flesh white, juicy, melting, s«eet, of tine inialitv. .Season October. -Dempsey's 100. !n nuiNery. -I)ewey's Premium. I'lanid spring 1804. Tree a stioii:^ ;;iouer. CATAUXICE OF FRUIT TREES, PEARS. 41 •204. •2(l(i. L'o:. L'OS. 210. '211. •212. 2i:i. 214. <)i 21 (i. 217. 218. 210.— •220. •221. 224. -Diel's August. i'liiiitr,iS|jiiM<.' isiKi. iVee -Directeur Alphanda. I'liinted Spring ISOS. 'I'll-,, II \in(ir(i:'s gi'owfr. Fruit hugi.-, 'ilaiiM' |i\iit',)nii. .skjji lirei'ni.sli ^ \fll.)W. .s|,iiiil7. Tree a striuig grower. Ellis. In nur.sery. Emile d'Heyst. Planted spring IMI4. 'J'ree a meilium grower. I'"ruit large, oblong, pyriforni. Skin greenish yellow, with many russet dots. Flesh yellowish white, line grained, juit'V. sweet ami of pleasant tlavour, (|Uality good. .Season Xo\ euiber. , 42 EXPEIilMEXTAL FA/IM, AU.lS^I/i, B.C. ■_'.is. •2r,n. ■M;\. -47. Enfant Nantais. I" nursery. •J4S. — Epargne. l" imisfi\ •_'4!t. — Epine d'Et6. Planted spring 1«!)4. Tree a niediiini grower. 'J.'io. - Epine Dumas. In nursery. •_'."> I.— Espdrine. I'lanted .S|)iing ISilfi. Tree a stroritr grower. •2'>± -Eugene, rianteil Spring ISft.S. Tree a niciliuui grower. l.V).'{. — Exeglovka. Planted Spring 1S1I4. Tree a strong grower. L'.")l.-^ Exeter. In nuisury. •J.V), Favourite Morel, in nursery. •->.">ii. Ferdinand Gaillard. In nursery. -•">7.— Fertility. Planted Spiing ISfU. Tree a grower and a free liearei'. I''rnit of Miediuni size, olioviite. |iyi'iforui. Skin yellow, with a hlusli on sunny side. I'le^li wlntish, juiry, nieltiiij:. with a ))leasiiul llaviiur. .Suason last of .September. Figue d'Alengon. Planted spring IS!».-). Tree a niediuni gronca'. -FitZWater. Planted Sjjring ISllli. Tree a vigorous grower Flat Bergamot. In nursery. Flemish Beauty. Planted Spring isiio. Tr(('a strong i^iower, hut not a free iiearer. Fruit large, obtuse, pyriforin. Skin pale yellow. Mith patches of russet. Flesh yellowish white, a little eoarse, juiey, .sweet and rich. Season October. -Fondaute de Bihore. Plmied Spiiu;.' ISlMi. Tree a strouL; '.'''owcp. -Fondante de Ledeberg. In luu.sery. -Fondante de Noel, in luir scry. -Fondante du Panisel. In ntnseiy, Fondante Fougere. In nursery. | Forelle. Planted Spiiug |S!(."i. Tree a ' strong grower. I Fortun^e. Inmuseiy. I Fortunee Boisselot. In nnisery. -Franc-r^al. In unis< ly. Frangois Binot. in umsery. -Frederick Clapp. Planted spring Isn-J. Trei- ii nic. L'll.S. •Jd-l. l>t).-). lidli. 317. L'tiS. •_'7ti. -'7 I . •-'74. •-'7.-.. 279. 2S(). I'SI. L'Sl'. •js:i. 278. -Oansel's Bergamot. Planted Spring 18<)3. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, round- ish, obovate, flattened. Skin yellowish brown and .sprinkled with ru.sset. I'Tesli white, melting, juiey, sweet and rich. .Sea.son .September. -Qansel's Seckel. In nursery. - Oarber. Planted spring ISO'J, Tree a strong grower. Gaston du Puis. Planteil spiing 189«. Tree a mediuin grower. Gendron. In nursery. General Totleben. Plante.l spring isit.s. 'i're( a strong grower. Fruit laiiie, obovate, |)yriforni. Skin greenish yellow, with iniiiiy russet dots, stem "J to 'J^ in. long. F'lesli yellowish, ratiier coarse, moderately .juicy, but not hiL'h llavoured. .Season Dtceniber to .lannary. -S4. German Bergamot. P'.iuted spring IsiXi. Tlet' ii St rung grower. •J.s.-.. Gliva Kurskaya. Planted spring I s!)(t. Tree a strong grower, iinli soft, (piality poor. .Season .\iignst. •_N(p. Glou Morceau. Phmteil Sjuin-- I.S!i:!. Tree a niediuni grower. -•^7. Goat-herd. Planied Spring IslHI. Tree a strong growei-. •_NS. Goodale. Pl.mteil Sprin- |s!lll. Tree a .-li'.'Ui; grciWi. r. Fruit :ilio\i. icedium si/.e, oblong, ])yiiforni. .skin pale yellow, with a little red intlie.suil. Flesh white, juicy, sweet, riuher gritty. S|.as(.n ( iciober. -^'.1. Graslin. In mir.sery. ■-"•"I. Gratioii of Jersey. Planted Spring iso;{. Tiee a .strong grower. Fruit of niediuni size, obovate, ))yriforin. skin yellowish green, with patches of ru.-set. Flesh white, juicy, nielting, with a [ileastint llavour. Si'iison .Sejiteinbcr. '!M. Green Magdalen. Planted spring isiiti. Tree a ineilium grower. -!J-. Green Table. Planted spiin.r isiiii. Tree ;i luediuiii grower. ■_*!I.S. Gregoire. In mirseiy. -!'4. Gregoire Boindillon. In nnisery. L'll.'i. Grumkower. Planted Spiim; ISIMi. Tree a St roiig grower. -!'b. Hacon's Incomparable. Pl.inted spring l^'I.S. Ti le ii I liiiiii uiiiW''! . -!i7. Hellman's Melon. Plunted spring isDii. Trei- ii si iniig m'ow cr. ■2!is.— Henri Courcelles. "lant.u s,p,.i,,„ jsiKi. Tree a iiiediniri jrower. ■-"Ml. Henri de Bourbon. Innm-eiy. .'itMi. Henri Ledocte. In nursery. :il'l. - Henzener. Planted Spi-lnL' 1ut- tery, .sweet. .Sea.soii Se|)tend)er. -Heyst d'Angers. In nursery. -Holland Fig. Planted Sprln^,' ISIKI. Tree a strong gi'ower. -Honey. Planted Spring lM!l-t. Tree a strong grower. -Hohensaten. Planted Spring IMMi. Tree a nieiliuHi gi-ower. -HoOSie. Planted Spring I Sill. Tree a vigorous grower. -Howell. Planted .Sprini: IS!M), Tree a strong grower and a eoi-staiit hearer. Fiuit large, roundish, pyrifomi. Skin light yellow, with a leddisii cheek and sprinkled with russet dots. Flesh white, juiey, mtdting and hriskly vinous. Season ()c- toher. -HutcherSOn. i'iante;! Spring ISiHI. Tree a strong gi-ower. 32-2. 32.-!. 324. 32.->. -Huyshe's Bergamot. Planted Spring |S!)3. 'i'l'ee a. Mroui.' grower. i 312. 3 1 ;'..— Hyacinth. P'uUed spring ISllli. Tree a strong grower. 314.— Idaho. Planted Spring 1S!!1. Tree a strong grower. Frnit medium t(j large, roundisii, Sivin green. Flesii woody, ipiality |)ooi'. .Season .Septendier. 31.-|.— Inconnue. In nur.sery. 310. - -I. X. L. (I!iiui). Planteii Spring 1S04. Tree a strong grower. 317. - Jacobs' Beurre. Planted S])ring I.SOl). Tree a mediuni giowcr. h'ruit of ini'(lium si/.o, olilong. pyritorm. Skin orange yellow , with a red eiieek and many gray dots. \ Flesh white, not juiey, eoarse, (|uality ' medium. .Season .\ugust. \ 31S. -Jalousie de Fontenay. In nursery. 3I!I. -Jaminette. In nui>eiy. 320. -Japan Golden Russet. Planted spring , I Ml.'!. Tree a \ igorous arid upright glower. I''ruit helow mediuni size, o\al. Skin j gieenish russet, with many gray dots. ! i'"lesli white, juiey, tirui, iLivonr peculiar, • not specially [ileasant. Seascju Octoher anil Xovendier. 3. '1.— Jargonelle. Planted Spring 1S03, Tree | a strong grower. I'"ruit of meiliuiu size, j long, pyiiforiii Skin greenish yellow, with j a little ilull red on the suiniy side. Flesh j yellowish whiti', juiey, not tine grained, | is apt to rot at the core. Season August. | -Jean de Witte. Planted Spring 1899. Tree ii striuig grower. Jones' Seedling. Planted spring 1S94. Tree a strfnig grower. Josephine de Binche. In nurseiy. -Josephine de Malines. Planted Sprintr 1S!)2. Tree a medium grower. Fruit of medium size, roundish, olilate. .Skin greenisli yellow, with a little russet and many brown dots. Flesh white, juiey, melting, sweet, (luality very good. .Season .)anuar\. 320.— Jules d'Airoles. In nurserj. 327. July Doyenne. Planted spring 1S!)(). Trt'c a strong grower. 32S. Justine. In nursery. .■{2il. -Katzinkop. Planted spring ISllCi. Tree a strong grower. 330. Keiffer. Planted Spring ISOO. Tree a strong gi-ower and an early ami regular hearer. Fruit of medium size, oval, tajier- ing to hoth ends. Skin yellow and with mauv lirown dots. l'"lesli white, eoarse, juii'V. not liigh tlavHired. (piality medium oi' liclow medium. .Season Octoher. 331. King Charles ofWurtemburg, ^'lanted ■Spring I, SOU. Tree a strong gro\- er. .332. King Edward. In nursery. 333. King Sobieski. Plante.l Spring IfSOO. Ti'ee a strong growei'. 3:U. Kipp's Seedling. Planted spring ISOO. Tree a strong grower. .'!3.'i. KnauS. I'lunted Spring ISOO. Tree a strong grower. 330. Knight's Harvest. Phmted Spring isoo. Tiitc a meilium i.'rower. 337. —Knight's Monarch. Planted sjiring 1S!)3. Tree a medium grower and pro(hietive. I''ruit of medium sizi'. Skin yellowish green. Mesh white, juicy, liuttery, sweet. .Season l)ec(,'nd)er to Mafh. 33S. KoolstOCk. I'l.mted Spring ISOi). Tree a strong grower. 3:{'.l. Koonce. In nurseiy. 3+0. KopertSCher. Plauteil SpiluL:- IsilO. Treo a stroiiii' Lirowcr. 3-11. Kratish. Planted '-;priii.' i>!Mi. Tree a stroiiL;' grower. .342.- Lp Belle Ruth. Planted Spring lV.).->. Tree a st I'oiig '/rower. 34.3. -Lady Clapp. Planted spring 1S1I4. Tree a strong grower. 344. -La France, i'lanted Spring ISO."). Tree ,1 sill iicj grower. Fruit cif medium -lize, oliliise, pyritorm. Skin green, sprinkled w ith smail g|-ay dots. Flesh white, juicy, Imiterv, sw eet, and of tine tlavoiii . Season Septemher. I 44 kxi'EHImesta l fa i?m, a <;Assiy., n c. :u:>. HMi. ;u7. ;us. ;u!». .•V>(t. ;r>i. .S.")2. 354. :<.-),-). a-)(i.- .s.->7. - .s:)S. - X)!l. 3(i(», 301?.- 3()3. ;{(i4. - 30.-). 300.- 307.- 30S. 30! I. 37(t. Late Crassane. I'liintci s\,vU\g isiio. Late Green. l'liiuti'l)tu.sf, iiyiifiiriii. Skill yellow, with ))nti'lit'.s rif I'li.ssct and iiiiuiy I'Lisset dots. Klesli « liitisli, jiiioy. ineltiiig, sweet, with ' ii ple'isuut H.iviiiir. Seusoii Novemlier. -Le Conte. IMmited .spring I.S90. Tree ii vigDiciiiH gii)\M'r and free heaver. Fridt of nieiliiun size, hell hijuiped. Skin pale yellow. A iiandsonie eoiiking pear. Le Czar. In mn-sery. L^On Gregoire. Planted spring 19(KJ. Tree a strong gr0.— Panna (X'>- •■!•'<)• Planted Spring 1894. Tree a stro4ig grower 4-1 Parrot. In nursery. 4-'-'. Passe Colmar. Phinled Spring |S9n. Tree a vigorous grower. 423.--Passe Crassane. Phmted spring ls90. Tree a \ igorous grower. 4-'4. - Pastor. Planted Spring IMKi. Tree a strong grower. 4'-'."). P.Barry. Planted S;iing l*«!(4. Tree a st roiig gi'ower. 4-(). 4,-.:. 4r)S. 450. 4()(i. 4(11. 4(i'.'. 4(i:i. 4()4. 4(m. 47H.. 47!t. 480. 4H1. 4SL'. 4S.S. 4H4. 48."). 48(1. 487.- 488. 48!). 4()(i. 407. 4()S 4t)i(. 4711. 471. 47-'. 47:f. 474. 47.-.. 47(1. 477.- Princess No. 3. I'lantccl spring 1894. 'I'll-c ii sti'llllj,' UlilW (■!■. Professor Delaville. in mnHery. Queen. I'limtcil .Spilny 1S!I(1, 'I'lou a stiiiiiL' griiwii . Red Bergamot. I'liuiicd spring 18 PlO. I'lanted S|)ring I8!I4. Tree a strong grower. -Riha's Seedless. Planted Spiing i8!»(). Tree a nioclerate grower. RitSOn. I'lanted Spring 1S!I(1. Tree a iiiediiiNi grower, Imt a .siiy hearer. Friiil small, (jliloiig, |)yrit'on]i. .Skin yellow, ' 4()() spla.slied with rn.sset. l'"lesli white, jiiiey, imttery, with a j)leasaiit thivonr. .Season last of .August. River's Princess. Planted Spring I89(). Tree a strong and tipi ight grower and a free hearer. Fruit laige, olilong. pyriforni. .•^kin greenLsh yellow. Flesh yellowisii vhite, jniey, luittery, with, a jilea.'fHnt tla\ oiir. Season .Se|)leniher and Oetoher. Rostiezer. Planted spring I.SIHI. Tree a inedinm grower. Fruit helow medium in si/e. oljlong, ])yriforni. Skin ytUowisli green, with dull reil on the sunny side. \ Flesh juicy, melting, sugary, with a very ] 4',).'}. tine flavour. Season last of Augu.>it. ,,, , " 494. Rousselet de Reims. In mnsery. I -Royale Vendee. I'hmted Spring isiid. 49.'). Tree a weak grower. Saccharine. In nursery. St. Edmund, in nursery. St. Germain d'Hiver. In nur.sery. St. Joachim. I" nur.sery. St. Luke. Ill nui.sery. St. Michael Archangel. In nur.sery. St. Swithins. Planted Spring l.siW. Tree | ^,)- a strcaig grower. Fruit small, ohovate, i ))yriform. Skin green, with a few russet' 498.- dotfc. Flesh white, juicy, Imttery, with a fine flavour. Season last of August. Sannier[s Bergamot. Planted Spring I8!l(i. Tree a medium grower. -Sannier P6re. In ursery. -Santa Anna, l" m -ery. Sapieganka. Planted Spring 189(1. Tree a vigorous grower and free hearer. Fruit of medium si/e, jtyriform. .Skin green. i'"lesh greenish white, juicy, astringent, ipiality (locu'. .Season .Septendier. Sarah. Planted spring 1898. Tree a strong grower. Salviate. Planted .Si)riiig 1891. 'Free a strong gro'Ver and free liearer. Fruit of mediun; size, ohovate, prriforni. Skin greeni-ih yellow. Floph dry, granular, (juality poor. .Season August. 491. 49-_'.- 49(1.- 4!)9. 300.- .-)()1.- Sarrasin, In nursery. Seckel. Planted Spring 189(1. Tree a er)nipa(:t and upright glow er. Fruit siniill, ohovate. Skin hrownish green. I'Mesh white, Imttery, juiey, with a rich sugary aromatic llavour. .Season Oetoher. Secretary Alfred Vigneau. In nur.sery. Seigneur. In nursery. - S^nateur Belle. In nursery. S^nateur Vaisse. in musery. Seneca. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a medimn grow er. Sheldon. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit ahove nu'dium size, roundish, ohtuse, ohovate. .Skin greenisli yellow, with a thin russet, nearly over the whole surface. Flesii whitish, juicy, Imt- tery, sweet ami rich. .Season ()etol)er. Sivenicher. I'lanted Spring 18!l(>. Tree a strong grower. Smith's Hybrid. I'lante.l Spring 189.'j. Tree a strong grower. Fruit aliove medium size, hell shape. Skin whitish yellow, a cooking pear. Season August and .Sep- tember. Soeur Gr^goire. In nur.sery. Soldat Laboreur. Planted spring 189."). Tree a moderate grower. Souvenir du Congress. Tree a strong grower. Fniit very large, ohlong, ohtuse, pyriform. Skin smooth yellow, with liright red on the sunny side. Flesh juicy, liuitery, sliglitly musky, of very pleasant tla\ our. .Season .September. Souvenir d'Esperen. Planted spring 1.890. Tree a vigorous giower. Fruit above mediun) size, ohlong, pyriform. Flesh Neliowish, juicy, aromatic. .Season Oc- tober. Souvenir de Leroux Durand. In nur.sery. Souvenir du V^n^rable de la Salle. In nursery. Spar. Pkmted Spring 189(1. Tree a strong grower. Steven's Genesee. Planted Spring l8l)s. Tree a strong giower. -Sugar. In mirseiy. VATALOUUE OF FRUIT TItEKS, PEA IIS. 47 .■.(•2. .■)().'{. .")(I4, .")()7. Summer Belle. I'liiuU'.l Spring iMito. 'I'li-u a sticim mdwcr. Kniil liiige, Ix-ll hIih|)i'i1. Skill yfllnwicli liiwii. V\v«,\\ jiiiuy. soft, iistriiiKi'Ml, i|imlity poor. Sea- son AllL'tl-'t. Summer Muscatelle. I'lantfii spring IMMi. 'I'lcT a iiKiilciatf giowrr. Summer Thorn, i'lantoil Spiing isiiii. Tlfi' a nifiliiiiu urnwcr. Sutton's Great Britain. I'iantod Spring I Mill. 'I'lcf a ninliiiiii growi-i-. Suzette de Bavay. In nui.sciy. Swan's Egg. in nmsi'iy. -Tavernier de BouUongne. in lausiry. -Taynton Squash, in nnrsery. Tessie. in iini.sfry. The Marquis. In nursery. Thirriot. i'lantd spring JSlUi. Tifc a strong grower, Thompson. I'iantcil Spring Is!).'!. Tree a stimig ami npiiglil gi'ouer. i''rnit of iiifiiiiini •^i/.e, olioviite, pyriforin. Sliin gi'ci-nisli yellow, with patches of rnxsiet. I'lesh white, juicy, huttery, sweet and oF fine ilavour. Season of October. -TonkOVietka. 'I'leo a .strong giower. Fiuil of nieiliuin size. Skin yellow. Flesh coarse, dry, quality ])oor. Season .Sep- tcnilicr. Tournay d'Hiver. In nursery. -Tressorier. Planted Si)ring lS!)(i. Tree a weak grower. -Triomphe de Jodoigne. In nursery. -Triomphe de Lorraine. In nursery. -Trioiiiphe de Tournay. In nursery. Triomphe de Vienne. Plai.'.ed Sjuing 1MI."{. Tree a niediuiii grower. Two Sisters. I'lant-nl Spring IWIti. Tree u nieiliuni grower. -Tyson. I'lamed Spring 1S!I(). Tree a strong grower. l''ruit helow niediuni size, acute pyriforni. Skin yellow, with a red cluck, anil many lnowii dot.s. I''lesh tin< grained, juicy, huttery, sweet, and of go •' tiavour. Season August. ■Ulm. I'lanted Spring lS!t(i. Tice a me- dium gl'oW'M'. -Urbaniste. Planted Spring 1S94. Tree a moderate growei'. 5-i."). — Valflore de Fontenelle. In nursery. .')'2(i. Van Mons. Planted Spring ISlCi. Tiee a moilerate t;rower. Fruit of niediuni size, ohovat'!, pyriforni. .Skin greenish yellow, with patches of russet and many small dots. Flesh white, juicy, .sweet and tine grained. .Season iSeptemher. nil. .-) I .'). .■)l(i. ol7. ,-)lS. ,-.l!». 520. 521. 522. 52;{. 524. !)•_',. -Vauquelin. In nursery. 52S. —Vermont Beauty. I'lanteii Spring iwu. Tree a strong grower. 52!). Verte Longue Panach4e. In nnr.sery. .').■{(». Verulam. In nursery. WM. Vicar of Winkfleld. Planted .Spring iSllO. Tree a strong growei' anil a regular liearei. I'"niit large, long pvrifoi m. Skin smooth, pale yellow, often with a reddish cheek. Flesh whitish, juicy, Imtterv, with a pleasant Ilavour. .Srason Ueceinlier. Vice President Decayo. in nnr.sery. Vice President Delehaye. In nuriery, Victor. In nursery. Victor Hugo. In nursery. Victoriana. In nursery. -Vidovka. Planted Spring IslHi. Tree a strong grower. VirgOUleuse. Planted spring IS'Jti. Tree a strong grower. Voronesh X". is iP.iiid). In nursery. Voronesh No. 1(I2 iIIidi.). Planted Spriiif.' I.Si)4. Tree a strong grower. Voronesh No. 2S (liri.D). Planted Spring IS!(4. Tree a strong grower. Waterloo. I'lanted Sjuing ISO!). Tree a medium grower. White Autumn. Planted Spring ISfll). Tree a moderate grower. White Doyenne. Planted Spring isno. Tree a sti-ong growe'r. Fruit of medium size, ohovate. Skin smooth, pale yellow , sprinkled with small dots, l"'lesli' whiti;, huttery, line graiiu'd, with a fine rich tiavour. Season Scpteniher and Octolier .54."). Whitmore Coreless. Planted Spring l!MH). Tree a vigorous growe'r. .")4(). Wilder. Plained Spring ISO). Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, ])yriforni. .Skin clear yellow, with a liriuht red cheek in the sun. I'Mcsh yellow ish, juicy, huttery, sweet. .Season early .\ugust. 547.- Williams' Victoria. In nursery. ">4S. Williams' Winter. In nursery. /4!). Winter Bartlett. Planted Spring isitti. Tl".'e a \igorous grower. .V)0. Winter Forelle. Planted spriuo isih; Tree a strong grower. .V)l. Winter Jonah. Planted spring isoii. Tree a strong growei. .").')2. -Winter Nelis. Planted spring I Slid. Tree a vigorous hut slender grow er. Fruit small, roundish, ohovate. Skin yellowish green. Flesh whitish, juicy, huttery, melting, sweet and of high Ilavour. Sea- .son December and January. 55.S.— Winter Thorn. Planted spring 1S9I). 1'ree a strong grower. 5.S2. 5:t;{. 5;u. 5,S5. .■).'!( i. .-.;{7. 5.SS. 5;{!). .■)4(t. .541. 542. 54;{. .544. \ ! ^ EXl'KltlMEXT. I /. FA AM/, . I '-•. I ».7/, /;. < ,■.,".-». Yat. I'laiitu.l Si)niigl8!M;. 'l'r.'<' a vin;nr- .V>li. Zoe. I'liiiitfd S|ni'.i>< IS!I(I. 'I'lte ii vigorou'* mis f,'iii\M'i'. j ^'i'ii\M'r. r).v>. Zephirin Oregoire. I'linnoil spiing isiio- , .V)7. Zucherbirn (l''ri>i'). I 'luntfa . spring 1hi)(J. 'I m- u iiiiMliiiin giowiT. | 'I'lff n stmiig grower. / X 1:1 1 porous g I SOU. CATALOG UR OP PLUM TREES 1.— Abundance. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a moderate and spreading grower hut a poor l)earer. Frnit large, round, almost pointed. Skin ))riglit reil. Fleah yellow, juicy. Season August. 2.— American Eagle. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a poor grower. 3.— American Violet. T'lantcd Spring isflo. Tree a moderate grower uid an early and profuse hearer. Fruit i ige, light purple with a hluish hlooni. l'"lesh yellowish, sweet, juicy, with a pleasant flavour. Season last of August. 4. —Angelina Burdette. Planted Spring 189.3. Tree a strong grower and free producer. Fruit above medium size, nearly round, with a deep suture, one side enlarged. Skin dark purple witii brown dots and a bluisii bloom. Flesii greenish yellow, juicy, witli a s])rightly flavour, free stone. Season early August. 5. — Anna Spath. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, oval witli a siiallow suture. .Skin reddish purple witli a bluisii l)loom. Flesli green- ish yellow, juicy, sprightly, pleasant. Sea- son hist of August. 6, — Arch Duke (Hi\ kks). In nursery. 7.— Arkansas Lombard. Planted Spring 189.'). 'I'ree a moderate grower. 8. —Baker Prune, in nursery. 9.— Bally's Japan. Planted Spring 189.-). Tree a ajireading l)ut irregular grower. Fruit very uneven in si/e ranging from large to very small, nearly globular. Skin ligiit red. Flesh yellow ish, juicy, with a tine flavour. Season August. 10.— Beauty of Lowen. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a vigorous grower. 1 1 • —Beauty of Naples. Planted Spring 1 89 1 . Tree a poor grow or. 12.— Belgian Purple. Planted Spring 189.S. Tree a strong grower and productive. Fruit large, roundish oval. Skin deep purple, with a blue bloom. Flesh greenish, juicy, rich and sugary. Season last of August, 4 49 13.— Belle de Louvain. Planted Spring 189.3. 'J'ree a strong and upright grower. Fruit large, long oval with a deep suture. Skin reddish purple, with a thin bloom. Flesh yellow, a little coarse, juicy. Season last of August. 14.— Belle de Paris. In nursery. 13.— Belle de Septembre. Tree a strong grower but not pioductive. Fruit large, roundisli with a deep suture. Skin light red, with a thin bloom. Flesh yellow, juicy, sweet. Season September. 10.— Berckman's. Planted Spring 189.'). Tree a strong grower. 17.— Bijonnier. I'lanted Spring !."";>. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, globular. Skin yellow. Flesh yellow, juicy, sweet. Season last of 18.— Birchland. Planted Spring 189.3. Tree a moderate grower. 19.— Bittern. Planted Si)ri-g 189.3. Tree a strong grower anil inoductive. Fruit above medium size, oval. Skin purple, with a iieavy blue l)loom Flei^ii yellowish, firm, juicy, w ith a tine flavour. Season September. •20. -Black Hawk. In nursery. Black Kentish Diamond. uited In nursery. -Bleeckers Gage. P Tree a strong grower size, roundish, oval, wiiite specks and a ■Spring 1890. Fruit of medium .Skin yellow, with thin liloom. Flesh 23. 24. 25. yellow, sweet, rich, and lu.scious. Season September. -Blue Apricot. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a .strong grower. -Blue Egg. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong groW'Cr. -Blue Impera+rice. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a stroi.j, grower. Fruit of medium size, oval, tapering towards the stalk. Skin deej) jnirplo with a liluish bloom. Flesh firm, not very juicy, rich and sugary. Season late September. so EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AG A SSI Z, B.C. 26— Biue prolific Qage. In mnse-y. 27. — Blue Rock. In nursery. 28.— Boddaert's Beine Claude. Planted Spring l.S!)(i. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of ir.ediuni size. .Sum greenish yellow. Flesh greenish, rich, sweet, luscious, Sea- son Sejiteniher. 29.- ?otan. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a .spreading grower. Fruit )f medium size, pointed heart siiajte. Skin liright red, sprinkled witli gra/ish dots, and covered with a thin wliite bloom. Flesh yellow, juicy, and of pleasant tiavour. Sca&ot' early August. 30.— Botankio. Planted Spring 1S95. Tree a stror.g grower. 31.— Bonne Bouche. In nur.sery. 32. -Bonne de Bry. Planted Spring '90(1. Tice a strong gi'ower. 33.--Boulouf. In nursery. .34.--Bradsliaw. I 'h<- ted Spring 1,S90. Tree a strong I'rouei. uit l-.r;;e, oval, tajiering towaTils tlic stem. .Skin reihlish ))urple, with a light hlue ))ioom. Mesh yellowisii, coarse, juit'y. with •; pleasant tiavour. Season August. Si).— Brauman. Plantfd Spring 1S9(). Tree a strong growt'r. 30.— Brignol. in nn scry. 37.-Britzer llgg. . Wanted Spring 1896. Tree a stMin;; growei'. 38. —Brunswick. Planted Si)ring 1S94. Tree a stroi g gro',\er. 39.— Bryars-'cn's Gage. Planted Sfirlng l S94. 'I'icc a st.onggrower. l-'ruit above medium size, gloliular, with a suture. Skin yel low, with red dots about stem. I'lesh yellow, juicy, sweet, and rich, Season last of September. 40.— Buhler's Early Prune. Planted Spring 1S9'.>. 'I'rci' a strong grower. 41. - BuUman. I'lanted Spring bsnti. Tree a strong L'l'ower. 42.— Burbank. Planted spring 1S94. Tree a spieading irregular grower. Fruit large, ronndisli, cr,, ileal, uneven it\ size. Skin yellowish red. Flesh yellow , moderately juicy, sweet Season middle of August. 43.— Bush Plum of K-Jnt. In nurstry. 44.— Caddo Chief. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a mo. It rate grower. 45. -Catharine, i'lanted Spring 1896. Tree a strong gi'ower. 46. — Centralia. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a moderate grower. 47.— Chabol. Planted Spring 1S94. Tree a strong grower. 4S.— Charles Downing. Planted Spring 1897. 'J'ree a ntoderate grower. Tree a ited Spring 1898. Tree a 49.— Cheney. Planted .Spring 1897 weak grower. 50.— Chester. strong grower. 51.— City. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a strong grower. 52. —Cleveland. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a moderate grower. 53.— Clyman. Phmteil spring 1892. Tree a strong grower Fruit altove medium size, oval siui])e. Skin reddish yellow, with a bluish bloom. Flesh yellowish, juicy, sweet, rich. Season early August. ,^)4.— Cochet. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a modei'atc grower. Fruit large, oblong, with a shallow suture. Skin yellow, with many reildish dots. Flesh yellowish, moderately \\w\, firm, sweet, a freestone variety. Season August. 55.— Coe's Violet. In nursery. .")0. -Coe's Golden Drop. Planted Spring 1800 Tree a moderate grow(M-. I'"rint large, oval, with a medium suture. .Skin yello.'- with a few red dots. Flesh yellow ,ci', swcel, w'th a jdea.sant lla\ our. Season September. -Col. Wilder. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a weak Lriower. ,")8. 59.- 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. -Colorado Queen. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a moderate grower. Columbia. I'lanted Spring IMK), Tree a vigorous grow er. l''iMiit very ! uge, nearly globular. Skin brownish purple, sprinklell with yellowish ilots, and covered with a lihiisii bloom. Flesh deep yjllow, not very juicy, sweet and of plea.s'ant tiavour. Season .Vugust. -Corato de Altheme Gage. In mirsery. -Cottreli. Plai.tcd Spring l,S9(i. Tree a jioor i'.roiver. Cox's Emperor. Plantea spring bS9.3. Tree a vigorous gi.iwer. ]>'i-iiit Ihi'l'o, rouiid, with a shallow snlnre. Skin light reddish purple. Flesh (iitp, sweet, and . icii, ,1 free stone variety. Season earlv Se|,t'»nlu'r. -Crescent City. Planted Spring 1M)7. 'i'ree a moderate grower. -Curlew. Plaiite.l Spring IS!);?. T,.,,i. a vigorous grower and produi'tive. Fruit of medium size, roundish, oval. Skin purple, with a heavy bhiish bloom. Flesh greenish yellow , juicy, moderately sweet, firm. Sea.^on .Viigust. -Damas dc Tours. In mirsery. Damas HStif. in nmsery. -Damson. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a vigorous grower and a free bearer. ?'rnit small, oval. Skin purple, with a thick blir; bloom. Flesli greenish yellow, juicy 1. Season September. and ■what J SI 82 CATALOa^^E OF FRUIT TREES, PLUMS. Tree a Fniit a thick law, jiiioy eptember. 68.— Damson, Bazalicza's. Planted Spring 18!Mi. Tree a strong i;rf)-.\c'r and productive. Fruit large, for a damson. Skin reddisii purple, with a wlutish bloom. j'lesli greenish, sweet mclerately juicy. Season August. 69.— Damson^ .^luberthal's. Planted Spring 18!M). Tree a vigorou.s grower. Fruit one of the largest of t lie damsons, lie'irt shaped. Skin deep j)urple, with a thick blue l)loom, Flesh green, juicy, sprightly. .Season August. 70.— Damson, Cluster. Planted .Spring isring 1890. 'I'ree a vigorous grower ami free bearer. Fruit above medium size, oval. .Skin ])urple, co\ered with a liluisli blocnn, and dott(Ml with yellow specks. Flesh amber coloured, juicy, moderately sweet, with a pleasant flavour. .Season early August. 92.— Dunlap. Ph.nted Spring 1,S94. Tree a \igoriais gr">vcr. Fruit of mcdiimi size, |-l>l)). Planted Spring 189.3. Tree a poor grower. Fruit small, ovil. Skin dark |iur ole with a heavy blui; bloom. Flesh greenish w hite, not juicy, granular, acid. .Season ea.dy .August. 97.— Early Reine Clande. Planted Spring 1896. Tice a strong grower. 98.— Early Tours. I'lanted Spring 1896. Tree a mediuiii grower. 99. —Early T.ran8parent Gage. Planted spring 1893. Tree a strong growei. Fruit of medium size, round. .Skin greenihh yellow. Flesh yellowish, sweet, juicy. Season August. EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AGASSIZ, B.C. 100.— Ella. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong g 'ower. 101.— Father. Planted Sjiriiig 18!)(j. Tree a n:o.— Jaune tardive. In nursery. 141. -Jefferson. Planted spring ismi. Tree a vigorous grower and productive. I''ruit aliove medium size. Skin golden \ eihjw, Mith a blush, and a thin wliite iiloom. Flesh orange, juicy, lueiou- -wcel. Season AutruBt. 14-2 143. 144. spring 'itti. Tree | Jerusalem. Planted a strong grower. -John A. In nursery. -July Green Gage. Planted spring 1893. Tree a medium grow er. Fruit of medium size, globular, with a dee)) suture. Skin ligiit yellowish green. Flesh greenisii, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant flavour. Season August. Kelsey's Japan. Planted spring 1S90. Tree a straggling grower. Kentish Diamond. lu nursery. -Kennedy Red. lu nursery. -Kirke's. Planted Spring IS93. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, oblong. .Skin ])ale reddish purple, witii a few golden dots. Flesh yellow ish white, juicy, sweet, firm, rich. Season Sep- tember. 149.— Lafayette. Phmtcd spring 1.894. Tree a vigorous grower. Piiiit aliove medium size. .Skin purple. Flesh yellow, juicy, pleasant. .Season Sej)teinber. 15(». Lambert's Red. In nursery. 145.- 14ti. 147 14S. 151.— Large Golden Prolific. Phmted Spring 1890. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit above medium size, oblong. Skin golden yellow. Flesh yellow, juicy, sweet, pleasant. Season August. 152.— Large Red Sweet. In nursery. 1,53.— Large Reine Claude. Planted Spring 189t). Tree a medium grower. 154.— Late Black Orleans 155 In nur.sery. Late Muscatel. Planted spring 1896. Tree a vigorous growei'. 156. — Late Orange. In nursery. 157.— Late Transparent. Planted Spri-g 1893. Tree a vigoi'ous growei'. Fruit of i.iediuin size, round. Skin greenish yellow, with small redilish dots and a thin white liloom. Flesh yellowish, sweet, juicy, and of tine flavour. Season August. 158. — Leonard. In nursery. 159 -Lepine, Planted moderate grower. Spring 1896. Tree a 160. — Lincoln. Planted S|)ring 1891. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, oval. Skin reddish purple, with numy whitish dots, and a thin whitish bloom. Flesh yello' , juicy, sweet, pleasant. Season e ij' August. 161.- Lombard. Planted Spring 1 890. Tree a strong grower and a free bearer. Fruit above medium size, roundish, oval. Skin reddish purple, with a few reddish dots and a thin liluish bloom. Flesh yellow, juicy, pleasant. .Season August. I()2.- Lone star. Planted Spring 1895. Tree a medium growet. 163. - Lucombt^'s Nonesuch, Planted Spring IS93. "f a strciig grower. Fruit iibove medium size, globular, with a -^utuie. .Skin pale greenish yellow. Flesh yellow, juicy, swiet : d ricli. .Season August. 164.— Lyon's Apricot. Planted Spring 1896. 'T I- .1 St long grower. 165.— Madame NicoUe. In nursery. 166.— Magnum '^onum Red. Planted Spring lS9;i a poor gi'owei'. 167.— Magi ..iiBonum White. Planted spring 1893. Tree a strong grower. Fruit very large. Fgg sha()ed with a w ell marked suture. .Skin golden yellow, with a few white l!)om. Flesh greenish, sweet and juicy. .Season August. 201.- OuUin's Golden Gage. Plautcd Spring ISIIO. Tree a .-.trong grower. Fruit above Uiedium size, roun',\er. 217.— Prune, Buhler's Early. Planted Spring 189!). Tree a stroig grower. 218.— Prune, Bulgarian. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong growe.'. 219.— Prune d'Agen. Planted Spring 1S90. Tree a medium gi'ower. l''riiit of mciliuui size, oval, suture .siiallow. Skin violet purple, with many small grey dots and a thick bluish bloom. Flesh greenish yellow, juicy, sweet and rich. Season Septend)ei-. 220.— Prune de D^lices. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a slow grower. 221.— PrunUS Simoni. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a free grower but a very shy bearer. Fruit large, globular, flattened at both ends. Skin bright red, with a th"i bloom. Flesh yellow, juicy. Season Aug vst. 222. —Purple Gage. Planted Spring 189;y. Tree a medium grower. 223.— Purple Yosemite. Planted Spring 1898. Tree a slow grower. 224. — Quackenboss. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a moderate grower. 225.— Quaker. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a weak grower. Fruit small. Skin yel- lowish red. Flesh deep orange, juicy and sprightly. .Season August. 226.— Queen of Mirabelles. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong grower. 227.— Quetsche d'AUemagne. I" nursery. 228.— QuetSChe de Dorell. In nursery. 229.— Quetsche hS,tive. In nursery. 230.— Rachel. In nursery. 231.— Rademakers. Planted Spring 1800. Tree a poor grower. 232.— Red Imperial, "^n nurseiy. 233.— Red Negate. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a moderate l)ut spreading grower. Fruit of meilium size, pointed heart shape. Skin clear red, witli a thin white bloom. Flesh yellow, moderately juicy and sweet- ish. .Season August. •j34.— Reine Claude d'Althan. In nursery. 2.35.— Reine Claude Davion. In nursery. 236.— Reine Claude de Chambourcy. In nur- sery. 237 —Reine Claude d'EcuUy. In nui-sery. 238. —Reine Claude de I'Echoisier. In nursery. 239. —Reine Claude de Mezel. Planted^ Spring 1896. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, globular, with a shallow suture. Skin greenish yellow, with a whitish bloom. Flesh yellow, juicy and sweet. Season early August. 240.— Reine Claude de Montmorency. In nursery. 241.— Reine Claude de Woolston. In nursery. 242.— Reine Claude de Wazon. In nursery. 243.— Reine Claude d'OuUins. In nursery. 244.— Reine Claude de Razaimbaut. Planted Sjjring 1895. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit snuxll, roundisii. Skin green. Flesh green, juicy and rich. Season September. 245.— Reine Claude Rouge. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a uiodeiate grower. Fruit of medium size, round, with a shallow suture. .Skin reddish purple, with a thin bloom. Flesh greenish yellow, juicy, sweat, with a pleasant flavour. .Season August. 56 EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AOASSIZ, B.C. 246.— Reine Claude SagOt. In nursery. 247.— Reine Claude Transparent. Planted .Spring 189"). Tree a mcdiiini grower. Fruit of medium size, globular, with a shallow suture. Skin purple, with a light bluish bloom. Fles-h pale yellow, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant flavour. Season September. 248.— Reine Claude Verte. Planted Spring 1805. Tree ii strong grower. Fruit small, I'oundish. Skin deep purple, with a heavy blue ' mn. Flesh greenish, juicy, sweet, with ii si' ? flavour. Season August. 249.— Rangheri's Mirabelle. Planted Spring 18U(i. Tree a strong grower. Fruit small, round, witli a shallow suture. Skin pale yellow. Flesh yellow, juicy and sweet. Season early September. 250.— Richland. Planted Si)ring 1892. Tree a weak grower. Fruit of Miedium size, oval, with a suture. Skin greenish purple, with a thin bloom. Flesh yellowish, juicy and sprightly. Season early August. 251.— Rivers Early. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a strong grower. Fruit small, roundish oval. Skin dark purple. Flesh greenish yellow, juicy, sweet, witli a pleasant flavour. Season August. 252.— Robinson. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a strong grower, not productive. Fruit small, oblong. Skin clear red. Flesh orange, moderately juicy, with a pleasant flavour. Season August. 253.— Rockford. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a medium grower. 254.— Roulette. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a weak grower. 255.— Royal Tours. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a free grower. 256.— Saint. Catherine. Planted Spring 1895. Tree a .strong growei'. Fruit below medium size, oblate. Skin pale yellow, with a thin white IdiKjm. Flesh yellow, juicy, firm, with a rich flavour. Season last of Sep- tember. 257.— Saint Etienne. In nursery. 258.— Saratoga. Plauted spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, oval, with a shallow suture. Skin reddish pur])le, with a thin bloom. Flesh yellowish, juicy and sweet. Season Septelnber. 259.— SatSUma Blood. PlanteSea8on June. 129.— Royal American. Planted Sprin^- isoo. Tree a Mtron({ f;ro\ver. Fruit large. Skin ligiit refl with ilaik red on tlit^ Hunny aiile. FleNli yellowi«li wiiite, liiiii, juicy, with a fine flavour. Season tluly. 130.— Royal Duke. Planted Spring 1893. Tree H Mtrong grower. Fruit inediuui to large, roundiftli iieart Hhaped, witii a suture. Skin yellouisii I'ed, mottled witii spots and dots of dark red. Flesii yellowiHh wliite, firm, juicy Hon late .lune. udldly .sul) acid. .Sea- -Schmellls. Planted Spring ISiMi. Tree a strong grower. -Schmidt's Bigarreau. Planted Spring 1S!(4. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, heart shaped. .Skin deep red. Flesh yel- lowish, firm, juicy and sweet. Season late June. Schmidt's Bigarreau (Xo- 'i). Planted Spring lS!t."). Tree u stiong grower. Fruit large, nearly romid. Skin very dark purple. Flesh red, tirni, juicy, sweet with a tine tlaxov.r. Season late ,june. -Shadow Amarelle. Plmted Spring 1892. 'I'ree a vigorous hut slender gi'ower. Fruit of medium size, r(Uind. .Skin yellowish red. Flesh yellowish, juicy, tender, sub- acid. Season July. -Spanish Black. Planted Spring 1H96' Tree a vigoinus grower. -Sparhawk's Honey. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a strong and U))riglit grower. Fruit of mediinn size, roundish, oblong. .Skin ))ale red. F^lesh yidlowish, juicy, and sweet. .Season last of June. -Strauss' Weichsel. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a vigoi'ous grower. Fruit of medium size, globular. .Skin deep red. Flesh reddish, juicy, sprightly, with a pleasant flavour. Season June. 138.— Suda Hardy. In nursery. 139.--Sylva de Palluau. In nursery. 140.— Thompson's Tartarian. In nursery. 141. — Toronto. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a strong grower. 142.— Tradescant's Black Heart. Planted Spring 189(5. Tree a strong grower. 131. 1.32. 133.- 1.34. 13.-).- 136.- 1.37.- 14.3. -Vaughn's Early. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a medium grower. 144.-Vilne's Sweet. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, round, obtusely heart shaned, with a suture. Skin yellow, Tuottled with pale red. Flesh whitish, tirm, juio/y, sweet with a pleasant flavour. Season .nine. 145. -Vladimir. Planted .Sprng 1890. Tree a vigorous but sUuider gntwer'. Fruit of mediinn size, round. Skin light red. Flesh juicy, tender, subaciil, slightly astringent until very lipe. .Season .July. 140.— Waterloo. Plante.l Spring lH9:i. Tree a strong and s|)readinggrf)wer. Fruit large, obtusely heart shajjeJ. .Skin dark red. Flesh reddish, tender, juicy, sweet. .Season last of June. 147.— Werder's Early Black Heart. Planted spring 189ti. Tree a strong groM .. 148.— White Heart. Planted .Spring 1893. Tree a strong grower. Fruit below uiediuni size, pointed, Iieart shajn-d. .Skin reddish yellow, mottled with red of a darker shade. Flesh yellowish whiio . firm, moderately juicy, with a pliisaut flavour. Season last of June. 149. -Willamette. Planted Snring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large. .Skin light red. Flesh whitish, firm, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant flavour. Season lat' lune. l.")0.— Will's Early. Planted .spring l -'»lea8ant flavour. Season early May, 1."}1.— Windsor. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, round. Skin \iring 1890, Tiee a stion,; grower. Fruit does not ripen here. •39. —Columbia. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a strong groA\er, but fi'uit does not ripe!) here. 40.— Condor. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a slow grower. 41.— Cooley's Mammoth. Planted Spring 1891. Tiec a nidderntc grower. Fruitof medium :'tly. Season late Septem'oc.". 42. — Cooledge'S Fa,V0Urite. Planted Spring ISiM), 'J'rce a sUong grower, i'ruir, of medium size, roundish. .Siiin white, witli a mottled red cheek. Fiesh wliii juicy. sweet, witii a rich llavrur. Season last of August. 43.- -Crane's Early Yollow. Planted Si)riug 1892. 'I ICC a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, rouml, with a shallow suture. Skin cieamy white, witli a red cheek. Fle-sii yellowish widtc, juicy, melting witli ii rich tlnMnir. Season midtllc of August. 44.— Crimson Galande. Planted Spring 1H93. Tice a w eak grower. 4-").- Crosby. l'lante. 80. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. \YX -George the Fourth. Planted Spring lS9l. Tree a moderate grower. Fiuit large, round, witli a deeii sutui - .Skin wiiitifh, dotted with liright red aid \Nith a liri<,dit red cheek. Flesh white, juicy, witii a rich lusci(uis flavour, (piality f;ood. Siason late .August. Globe. I'laiited Spring 1890. Tree a strong gi'ower. -Golden Drop. Planted Spring 1 891. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, roundish, with a deep suture and side-i une(|ual. Skin golden yellow. Flesh yel- low, sweet, tender, but not very juicy. Season last of September. -Gold Dust. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a v eak grower'. Golden Dwarf. Planted Spring 1 894. Tree a weak grower. Golden Eagle. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a moderate grower. -Golden Rare Ripe. Planted Spring I89i. Tree a strong grower. Fruit from me- dium to small, round, suture shallow. .Skin goldeii yellow, doited and spiashe(l witli reil. Flesh yellow, tender, juicy and sprightly. .Season early Se])teniber. -Good. Planted Sfiring I S9I. Tree a strong grower. Fruit too late, does not ri])en here. -Governor BriggS. Planted Spring IS92. Tree a strong grower. Governor Garland. I'lanteii Siniug 1899. 'I'rcc a fair grower. Grosse Mignonne. I'lanted Sjiring 1893. 'i'rei; a niodei"it(! gffiwcr. Gudgeon. Planted S|)riiig 1891. Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit of medium size, oval, w itli a shallow suture. Skin greenish yellow, streaked ami dotted with rod. Flesh white, tine grained, tender, juicy and s.vcet. .Season last of .September. Hale's Early. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit of medium size, round. Skin greenish, mottled and stieaked with red. Flesh white, juii-y and sweet. Season middle of August. -Hance'S Golden, i'lanted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. F'ruit small, suture shallow with sides une(|ual. Skin yellow with a light red cheek. Flesh yellow. yellow, flavour. 94. 9.-) firm an. Tree a medium grower. 66 EXJ'ERIMENTAL FARM, AGASSIZ, B.C. 97. — Hilbom. Planted Spring ISfM). Tree a vigorous grower. Fruit small, ylolmliir, wiih a .shallow .•Jiittiru. Skin creamy yi !- low, with a red cheek. Flesh whiti-h, jniey, tender and sprightly. Senaon middle of 98. "Hill's Chili. l'lanl<'d Spring ISltl. Tree a niediiiin grower. Fruit of medium .size, oval, with a shallow suture. Skin yeilow, with &pla.she8 of bright red. Fie.sii yellow, juicy and sweet. .Season last of Septendier. 99.— Hoover's Heath. Planted Spring 1S94. Tree a moderate grower. 100. Hughes I. X. L. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. Frniteil, Init is too late to ripen here. 101.— Husted's Early. IManted Spring 1S91. Tree a strong grower. Fruit al)o>o medium size, round, witli a suture and one .side enlarged. Skin greenish white, with a deep red cheek and pide red, )iearly cover- ing the whole surface. Flesli whitish, juicy, tender, with a pleasant flavour. .Season early August. 102.— Hyatt. I'lanted Spring 1891. Tree a slow grower. 103.— Hpes' Surprise. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong s.'rower. Fruit of medium size, roundish, with a shallow suture. Skin greenish white, splaslieil and mottled with red, nearly over the whole surface. Flesh white, melting and juicy, ijuality good. Season early August. 104. Indian Blood. Planted .Spring isri. Tree a strong grower and free hei re' hut the fruit is too liite to ripen here. 105. - Infant Wonder. Plauteil Spring 1892. Tree a nunlei ate grower. 106.— Ives' Blood Free. I'lanted Spiing IS!)4. Tree a moderate grower. 107.— Japan Blood. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a medium grower. 108.— Jaques' Rare Ripe. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a stroiig grower. Fruit small, nearly round, with a shallow suture. Skin golden yellow. Flesh yellow, sweet aiul tender, not very juicy. Season last of Septend)er. 109.— Jaxles' Late. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a nmderate grower. 110.— Jennie Worthen. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a medium grower. 111.— Jessie Kerr. Planted Spring 1S94. Tree a strong grower. Fitiit of medium size, roundish, with a well marked suture. Skin yellow, nearly ivei'S|)ri,ad with splashes and strijjes of hright red. F'lesh yellowish white, juicy, sweet and rich. Season early Angust. 112.— June Rose. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a weak grower. 113.— Kaloola. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. 1)4. -Keyport White. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. Fruit does not mature here. lla.-Keevit'S Cling. Planted Spring 1897. Tree a meilium grower. 1 1 «. - Large Early York. Planted Spring 1S90. Tree a stiong grower. Fruit above me- dium size, roundish. Skin white, with a clear red cheek. Flesh white, juicy, tender and rich. Season last of August. 117 - Late Crawford. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruited, but ripens too late to mature here. 1 18. —Lemon Cling. Planted S|)ring 1890. Tiee a strong grower. Fruited, but ri|)ens too Inte to matnie here. 119.— Lemon Free. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grr)wer and free jjroducer. Fruit does not ripen here. 120. Levy's Late. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a iw growei', and moderate beaier. F'ruit too late to ri()en here. 121. Lewis' Seedling. Planted Spring 1892. Treeasirong grower. Fruit of medium size, round, with a deep suture. Skin orange, nearly overspread with red. Flesh yellow, juicy, sweet and rich, .Season last of August. 122.- Longhurst. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a meilium grower. 123. Lonoke. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a moderate grower. Fruited, but fruit does not ripen here. 124. -Lord Palmerston. Planteil Spiing 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit large, lound- ish, with a broad suture, .'^kin whitish, with a pale i-ed cheek. Flesh whitish, juicy, melting and rich. Season last of .Septend)er. 1 -J."). Louise. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a medium grower. 126. Lovett's White. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a moderaie grower. Too late for this climate, fruit docs not ri))en. 1 27. Madame Pynaert. Planted Spring 1 899. Tree a weak grower. 128. Madelaine. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a moderate grower. I2t). Madelaine de Courson. Planted Sprmg 1890. Tree a moderate grower. 1.30. Magdala. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a strong growci'. 131. Malta. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower, 132.- Mamie Ross. Planted Spring 1892. Tree a incdiinn grower. 141. 142. CATALOGUE OF FRUIT TRFlES, PEACH. «r ls!)l. tliis K. Pratt. Planted Spring 1891. Treeastrong grower. Fruit of medium si/.e, roundisli, w ith a deep suture. .Skin yellow, nearly covereil with red. Flesh yellow, juicy anil sweet, with a ])leasant flavour. .Sea- son early .September. l.-)0. President Griepenkerl. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a medium grower. ir)7.-PrinceSS ofWaleS. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong glower. Fruit above niediuni size, roundish, with a shallow suture. Skill creamy white, with dots and splashes of reiit ;i .shy l)eiirer. Fi'iiit large, sliglitly oblong, witli a well marked .suture. .Skin a waini yellow with a red cheek. Flesh yellow, juicy, .sweet, with a fine flavour, (piality good. Seu.son last of duly. Spring IS'.IO. Tree al Krnit of niodiuin si/.e. -Alexis. I'lante strong grower, i i mt m iiiv.' a strong grower. Breda, Planted Spring 18!)(), Tree a strong grower. Fruit small, rmnidish, suture meiliun.. Skin (uange. I'lesh orange, juicy, rich, with a fine llavour. Season eaily August. Budd, Planted Spring 18(H). Tree a strfuig grower. Fruit small, roinidisli. Skin iliill yellow. Flesh yellow, .sweet and rich. Sea.son last of .lulv- 69 \-2. y.i 14. ir>. 17. 18, If). •JO. •2:i •24. '2.-). •2(1. •27, lJ8, -Catherine, Planted Spring 18})0. Tree a strong grower. Fruit small. Skin dull greenish yellow, with a bronze red cheek. Flesh greenish ytdlow, juicy, pleasantly sub-acid. Season last of July. Canino GrOSSO. Planted Spring 1890 Tree a strong grow er, De Coulonge. Planted Spring 18f)0. Tree a strong grower. -Dr, Evat. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a mediinn grower. Early Golden. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a medium grower. Early Montplaisir. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a weak grower. Early Muscat, Planted Spring 189{). Tree „ medimn grower. Early Orange, Planted S|)ring 189(1. Tree a str( ng grower. 'ElsaSSer. Planted Spring 189(). Tree a strong grower. Eureka. Planted Spring 1891, Tree a medium grower, Gibb, Planti'd Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Fruit snuill. Skin dull greenish yellow. Flesh yellow , not tender or juicy, sweet, with a pleasant flavour. .Season List of July. -Golden Drop, Planted spring 189(i. Tree a weak grower. Harris. Planted S|)ring 18!(,'{. Tree a medium grower. Holland, Planted Spring IS'Mi. Tree a w eak grower. Hubbard. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a strong grower, Hungarian. I'lanted S))ring 189(1. Tree ,1 \ ery weak grower. I. X. L. Plante.l Spring 189.'>. Tree a strong grower. ^6 EXPERIMENTAL FARM, AOASSIZ, B.C. 29.— Jaques. Plaiiteil Spring 1890. Troe a mud ill 111 grower. 30. —Koume. Finn ted Spring 189G. Tree a weaii grower. 31. —Large Early. Planted spring 1894. Tree a strong grower. 32. — Large Orange. ? mtcd Spring 1896. Tree a weak grower. ;«.— Large Red. Planted Spring 189(i. Tree a .>itrong grower. 34.- Longfellow. Plant. d Spring 1894. Tree a strong grower. 35. - Moorpark. Plapted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. 30. -Muscat. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a weak grower. 37. -Musch MllSCh. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a weak grower. 38. -Myers' Early. Planted Spring 1891. Tree a strong grower. 39. — Nicholas. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong glower. Fruit small, roundish. Skin dull yellow. Flesh yellow, sweet, with a pleasant flavour. Season early August. to. -OuUin's Early Feach. Planted Spring 1890. Tr ;e a strong grower. 41. -OuUin's Peach. Planted Spring 1890- Tree a stiong grower. 42.- 4.3.- 44 45.- 40.- 47.- 48.- 49.- .■)().- 51.- 52.- 53.-^ -Peach of Nancy. Planted Spring 189(i. Tree a medium grower. -Pourtal^S. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a w eak growei'. -Boberson. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a weak grower. -Royal. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Frnit of medium size, roundisii, flattened slightly. Skin dull yellow, with a red eheek. iHesh yellow, firm, juicy and rich. Season early August. -Roman. Planted Spring 1892. Tree u strong grower. St. Ambroise. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. -Smith. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a medium grower. Sweet Russian. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a strong grower. Syrian. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a weak grower. Tours. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. -Turkey. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong grower. Triumph. Planted Spring 1896. Tree a strong grower. 9, 10. CATALOGUE OP NECTARINE TREES. I —Albert Victor. Planted Spring 1893 I reo a strong giowcr. 2. -Ananas. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a niediiiin grower. 3-— Boston. Plimteil Spring 1890. Tree a, strong grower. of mediutn size loundish, oval. Skin bright yellow, with a red eheek. Flesh yellow, sweet, rich Season early September. 4. -De Croncells. Planted Spriuu 1899 Tree a [)oor grower. o.-Downton. Planted Spring 1890 Tree i strong grower. of M.odiuni size, roun.hsh oval. Skin pale green, with a led cheek. pale green, tender, with a rich flavour. Season last of August. 6.- Early Mornington. Plar.ed Spring 1890. I ree a strong grower. 7. -Early Newington. Planted Spring 1 89o 1 ree a free grower. «■ -Early Violet. Planted Spring 1890 Tree a strong grower. Fruil small, round, Hattene,! Skn> yellowish green, with a reddish cheek. Flesh pale green, melting and rich, with a hue llavour. Season last or August. -Oalopin. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a slow grower. -Hardwick. Planted Spring 1891 Tree a strong grower. Fr.ut krge, roundish, oval Skin pale green, with a .lull red cheek. Mesh pale green, juicy, pleasant! and rich. .Season last of August. 9. 10. II 12 V.i. 14. I.5. Hi. 17. 18.- 19. 20.- 21.- 22.- 2.1^ 24.- —Humboldt. Planted Spring 189.3. Tree a medium grower. -Hunt's Tawny, J'lanted Spring I89.S 1 ree a strong grower. — Jaune de Padoue. I'lanted Spring 1899 1 ree a weak grower. -Lord Napier. Planted Spring |891 Tree a strong grower. -Long Fruit. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a Weak grower. -Milton. Planted Spring 1890 'i'ree i strong grower. ' ' New White. Planted Spring 1894. Tree a medium grower. -Pineapple. Planted Spring 1893. Tree a weak glower. Pitmaston. Planted SpriiiK 1890 Tree a /rong grower. ■ ^'cc -Red Roman, Planted Spring 1890 Tree a strong grower. • ^ifc Spencer. Plant strong grower. 1«»0. Tree a Stanwick. Planted Spring 1891 Tree a medium grower. Victoria. Planted Spring 1890. Tree a strong glower. nee a -Violet. Planted Spring 1899. Tree a medium grower. White. Planted Spring 189!). Tree a moderate griAver. Jitt a 71 CATALOCiUE QUINOE TREES None of the quinces have proved of any value, as none liave fruited altliough several huve made a fair growth and have bloomed several years. 1. -Bourgeat. I'lanted Spring ISOS. Tree a nie. Tree a vigorous grower and tree producer. Fruit iiK'diiiin size. 4. -Kinglike. Plante Everbearing. I'la,,. spring .^•'... . ree a strong grow.T ,u, free pro ili'.-er. iTil.t very similar In.t not miite «'-> liii'ge as HIaek. ' 0. -New American. Plant e, I spring iM!m Iree,, .-trong yrovvcr anil free pm,liu.,.i' J'riut only nie,li„ni si/e, sweet and tine flavour. -White. Planted Spring IsjI.S. Tree i •strong grower ami fair prod. leer. Frni't Mnall, reddish pink, only fair ipialily. -Russian. Planted vigorous grower. S prill I «!'.'>. Tree a 74 SRLECT LISTS FRITIT TEEES SUITAIMJ* rOR CULTIV.AriON IN BUI riSil COLUMBI.-V 111^' iM!m. pIlHllll'lT. ami fine I ll'f H I'. Fniit "lily. 'I'ree a APPLES. PEARS. OHERRIES. 1.- -Yellow Transparent. 1 Dearborue Seedling. I. Elton. 2. Duchess of Oldenburg. 2 —Margaret. • > Royal Ann. .1. St. Lawrence. S -Bartlet. ;i. Black Tartarian. 4.- .5. li. -Keswick Codlin. Maiden's Blush. -Hawley. 4 (> I Dr. Jules Quyot. - Clapp's Favourite. -Boussock. Howell. 4. 5. (i. May Duke. Windsor. -Yellow Spanish. 7.- Wealthy. 8 Rivers Princess. 1.' Early Richmond. 8. - Mother. — Clairgeau. 8.- -Late Duke. 9. -Blenheim Orange. 10 —Rivers Monarch. !). Glaskirsche Doppelte. 1(1. -Palouse. 10. Kings Morello. 11.- - Ribston Pippin. PLUMS. 11.- -Brusseler Braun. I-J. Grimes Golden. 1 —Peach. 1.3. -Belle de Boskoop. 2 — Bradshaw. 14. 1.'). 10. 17. -Pewaukee. -Canada Eed. -Baldwin. -Jonothan. 4 5 6 7 -Mallard. —Grand Duke. —Monarch. —Coe's Golden Drop. —Goliath. 1. • > PEACHES. -Alexander. -Early Crawford. 18. -Sutton Beauty. 8 —Lincoln. ;?. Foster. lit. —Salome. !) — Spaulding. 4.- -Mountain Rose. 20. -Stark. 10 -Pond's Seedling. 5.- -Wheatland. 75