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Las diagrammas suivants lllustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 € BR B PRl A, ^\i^u iilntanac6^ f < ANI> 9 / BRITISH AMERICAN ROYAL rm KALENDAR, FOR THE YEAR "l I BEING THE SECOND AFTER LEAP YEAR. |t North latitude, 46® 55\ West Longitude from Greenwich, 71® 10*. * QUEBEC: PRINTED AND SOLD BY J. NEILltt)N, No. 3, MOUN. TAIN STREET. « * * 4plR For] Oftl OftI Since! .1 a: Afit ■ J 4^0 # OfthI Since I Since Of th Cb Domii Golde Epaa, Solar < Romai Septua Quin. A(h-V Mid-L PalmS EAST SPRIK SUMM AUTD Jj r^ /^ f".' Blf' ALMANACK, 1822. EPOCHS AND COMMON NOTES, ¥w the Tear 1822, being the lecortd after Leaf year . Of the Julian Period Of the Mundane iGBra Since the birth of Chrifty according to Chro- nologers* Of the t/a/^tff Chriftian iEra Since the Difcovery of America - Since the foundation of Quebec by Champlain or the reign of His Majefty GEQRGE IV. 653; 5825 1826. 1822 330 214 3 Cbronologicai Cycletm- Dominical Letter F Golden Number 18 i Epaa, 7 I Solar Cycle 11 Roman Indi^ion i^ Ember Days* Feb. 27, and Mar. 1 & 2. Miy 29j 31, & June i. September 18, 20> & 2t* December, 18, 20, & 21. d S *■ I 1 1 '' I •1 jj MOVEABLE FEASTS. Septuaga* Sund* Feby* 3 Quin.orSh.Sun. Feb. 17 Aih-Wednefday, Feb. 20 Mid-Lent Sun* Mar. 17 Palm Sunday, Mar. 31 EASTER DAY, Apr»7 Low Sunday, April 14 Rogation Sun* May iz Afcen. H. Thw. May 16 Whit Sunday, May z6 Trinity Sunday, June % Advent Sunday, Dect i Commencement of the SEASONS. Spring Sun enters cy^, March 20, iih 19m night. Summer Sun enters SS> June 21, 8h 3cm evening* Autumn Sun enters^, Sept. 23^ loh 28m morningfi.- Winter Sun enters l^P Decr«22, 3h 36m morning. A2 * f- \ m- ECLIPSES. February 5.— Moon eclipsed and vihible at Q«ebcr ; be<]jinning llh. 5(iim. P. M. middle llih. 44^m. and end at lb. 52^m. A. M. digits eclipsed 4®. 34' on the moon's sonthi-rn limb. llLesC February 21. — Sun eclipsed and visible at Quebec ; 1 beginning 3h. 18m. P. M. middle 4h. 20m. and ondl i\ CJ)L*Ec 5h.lGm. digits eclipsed, 5® 31* onthesnn's S. W.limb. I 511'e L Augusts. — Moon eclipsed, partly visible at Quebec; ) HJJLa V beginning 6h. eij^m. P. M. moon's rising at 7H. '2Qm, , middle Tli. 40!n. digits eclipsud 9*^ . 3! on tlie moon's A "~ northern limb. m August 16. — Sun eclipsed, invisible at Quebec. The Tcansit of Venus over the disk of the Sun, will take place on the 4th Nov. invisible at Quebec ; its be- ginning 8h. 32m. and end lib. 18m. P. M» At foui and ( I at nij 5 - 7 atr p»>rpofe Le 5 Fev. Eclipse de Lnnr , visible a Qncbcc. Cornmencment a Uh. 3<Im. | du soir : miUeu le ti, a minuit 44ni. | ; fin a ]h- 52m. i. Grandeur de r£clips>c 4doigts 34in.^ daiifi la partie siuj du Dfsfiiiede la Lune. Le 21 Fev. Eclipse do Soleil, viBible d Qu€bcc. Coinmri>cr. xnent a oh. ISm. da solr,. milieu a 4h. 20m. fin d 5h. 16u:. Grandeur .5 doigts 4.^. dans la partie Sud Ouest du Soleil. Le 2 Aoftt, Ficlipse de l<une, visible en partie a Quebec. Com- mencement d6h. 6m. 1 du soir. Lever de ]a Lune a7h.20in. milieu deTEclipse k 7n. 40m. fin a Oh. 12nL Graruleur 9'doig;(s | iight evi Sm. dans la partie nordde la Lune. ' Le IG Aout, Eclipse de Soleil, invisible a Quebec. Explanation of the Calendar. The nrft Column contains the days of the Montk, the fecond the days of the Week, the third the Ho- lidays, &c. and the fourth rifmg and fetting of the &un- Explicatlon du Calendrier, m {| La premure colonne cortietit les join-s du mohy la Jff- I conde les jours de la Jemaine \ la troi/ilme Us Fetes ^ at U I quatrume le lever et le coucher du SoJeiU Le SoL«iL avtc i«s Sept Planites. O I'C Soleil g Mcrcurc J Venus e LaTerre i Marb % Jupiter 1^ Saturnc ^t^ Georgian I Many tween o 44 niin full or half or> iiot fine lefpond i'l the ncceJlai iityof iremelv it mufl it Quebcf ; 44^nn. and 34' on the It Quebec ; i and ondt ^ 8. W. limb. I atQuebw; ; it7h. *20m. , lie moon's . •ucbcc. ^ ic Sun, will ec J its be- . mtnencpniMt ; > lapattie sud , ] Commencp- m II a 5h. I6ui,f Am Soleil. ^ Quebec, t'om- inea7h.af)m. ? ^deur 9"doigls ^| Lis Douze Szgnks du ZopiAq^rz* «\rLe Belier, ^nVs. ^Le TnurcJu, Taurus, liLesGemeaux, Ccnuni. £5»L*Ecrivifl"e, Cancer. 51 Le Lion, Leo. WJjLa Vierge, Virgo, !£bLa Balance, J.tbia* ir^Lc Scin-pion, ^corpic* J^ L« »Sagitiaiie, Sagitarius', kf LeCapricorne Caprkornui ^ » e Verfcau, Aquarius* XLpbPoiflbns, Pijces* MOON'S RISING and SETTING. IS. at full, itrifes about 6 in the evening. i6 - at J after - 7 >7 - at i after - 8 iS - about - • 10 19 . about - • 1 1 20 . about - - 12 ?r. :he Mootb, rd the Ho' of chcS^jn- m FeJes^ it iii er ne gian At four days old it lets at, and ihincs till, about 10 at night. 5 • about • II 6 ' about - 12 7 at near 1 in the morn- ing. xV. B. This Table is fufficlently accurate for ths pnrpofc it is wanted for— that of afccrtaining moon- ligtit evenings. Of the Changes of the Moon. Many j>crfons, underftanding that the mean tinrie be- tween one new Moon and another is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 nrtinutes and a fraction, imagine that, to find the full or qu;*rtersof the Moon, they have only to add a half or»fourth part of that time j and when they do iiot find the changes marked in the Calendar to cor- lefpond with this method, they impute it to iiiiftake in the calculation of thofc changes. It is therefore, nccell'ary to put them in mind, that the great inequa- iity of tic Moon*s motions renders the above rule ex- tremely inaccurate, fo that nineteen times in twenty* it mud fall in i^ivin^ the true conjun£lionor char^f* A i h li i i \l 'I ALMANACH, 1822. EPOQWES ET Notes COMMUNES PourVAnn/e 1821, De la Periode Julienne^ • De l*£rc du monde, • Depuis la naiiTance denotreS. Jefus-Chrifty fuivant les Chronologiftes, - • De PEre vulgaire, • . • 'Depuis la decouvertede rAmerique, Depuis la fondationde Quebec par Champlain Du regne de Sa Majefte GEORGE IV. 6535 5825 1826 jS21 330 ii4 Ccmpttt EccUJiafit^ue* Nombre d'Or, 18 Cycle Solaire, i\ Epa£le?, 7 Indidlion^ 90 Lettre Dominicale F do.du Martyrotoige g i^aatte Terns, Pevrier, 27, Mars, i,2« Mai* 29, 31. juin, i. Septem^re, 18, 10% 21* Dccembre, i8> 20, 2i* FETES MOBILES. Septuagefime, 3 Fcvrier, Les Ccndres, 20 Frvrier. Paques, 7 Avril. ^Rogations, 13,14)15 Mai* Afrenfion, 16 Mai. PentecotCy 26 Mai* Trinite, 2 Ju n. Fete-Dieuy 6 Juin. Aventy ler. Decembre. Commencement Jes quatre Saifons de VAnnee* LePrintems le Oentreau cy^le 20 Mars a iih 19m S. L*£te le O entre a 05, le 2: Juin a 8h 36m S. •L*Automne le O entre a la^le23 Sept* a ioh28m M VH'^vtt ie O entre au ^ le tz Dec. a 3h 3601. S i FiGURIS DIS LUNAISONSI IBS llfl emst 653$ 5825 1826 jS22 2l4 [ars, 1, 2* juin, f. \f ZOt 21* t> 20, 21* 26 Mai* 2 Ju n. 6 Juin. ^ecembre. nnte* ih i9nn S. h 36m S. >h28m M h 36m, S n ^Noavelle Lune. J) Premier Quartier. QPleine Lune. 4 Dernier Qiiartien LEVER et COUCHER de la LUNE. Au quatrieme jour de fon age die eclaire jufqu'a vers 10 heurei. Au 5e. vers 11 6e, vers tninuit ?«• vers ih, du matin* Au 156. elle eft pleine et fe leve a 6h. du soir i6e. vers i\ 1 7e. vers 8f i8e. veri 10 ipe. vers 11 2oe. vers minuit. Cette Table eft alTez exalte pour faire favoir Ics nuits que la Lune eclaire. Fetes d'Obligation dans Ic Oiocefe dc Quebec. Tous les Dimanches de Tannec. La Circoncifion de N. S. ler Janvier. X'Epiphanie de N, S. 6 janvier. L'Annonciationdcla B. V. M. 25 Mars.* L'Afcenfion de K. S. La Fete du S. Sacrement ou Fete.Dieu. LaFetedesApotresS. Pierre etS. Paul, 29 Juin. La Touffaint — — i Nov. La Conception de la B. V. M. 8 Dec. Noel,3ulaNativiiedeN. S. 25 Dec. ♦ Quand la F8te de rAnnonciation eft transferee ^ un autre jour que Ic 25 Macs, cUe ccfTc d'etre d'Obligation. A4 |- ,i i «l A JANUARY O enters s: 20th 8h, 20m. M. Full Moon the 7th, iih. im. morning. Laft Quarter the MSthf oh. 53m. rooming* New Moon the 23d, oh. 41111. morning. Fjrft Quarter the 30th, 2h. 5m, morning. Dt ws. fu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun X4|M I a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Xft 13 ENGLISH Calendar. Circumcifiottt Epiphany i Lucian* «5 16 17 x8 19 20 %i 2ft »3 26 27 28 29 30 SI Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. i/f $«#f. aft* Epiphany* Hilary Bp. R O^' Prisca. zd Sunday after Epiphany, Fabian« Agnes. Vincent M. Conversion of St, PauU $d Sun. after Epiphany. Duke of [SuiTex born, 1773. King Charles I. Martyr. i€49. 44 44 43 4* 4» 4« 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 II 3» 3« 30 29 a? 26 »S a4 23 21 20 »9 17 16 >3 )m. M • ing* ing. R O^- 7 44 5 7 44 5 7 43 5 7 4» 5 7 4» 5 7 4« 5 7 40 5 7 40 5 * 39 5 7 38 5 7 37 5 7 36 5 7 3S 5 7 34 5 7 33 5 7 31 5 7 31 1 7 30 ? 7 a9 S 7 V S 7 a6 5 7 as 5 7 a4 S 7 a3 5 7 21 5 7 20 5 ' 7 19 5 7 »7 S 7 i^ s 7 14 5 7 13 5 « I ■J S'- -r i -'' '^■. . .; ' '• m'^' ^^i ;i i I*- t J 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 II 12 J4 ^5 l6 17 iS J9 xo 21 22 *3 24 as s6 a? ^9 ■50 I JANVIER le O cnt. xr Ic 20 a 8h 20m. M. Le 7 a iih. 2m« Matin. H Le 15 a oh. 53m. Matin. Le 23 a oh. 41m. Matin, 2) Le 30 a 2h. 5m. Matin. Jo Scmaine. 1 Mardi 2 Mercredi 3 Jcudi 4 Veodredi 5 Samedi 6 DiMAN. 7 Lundi S Mardi 9 Mercredi io Jeudi 1 1 Vendredi 12 Samedi 13 DiMAN. J4 I Lundi J 5 Mardi 16 Mercredi 17 jeudi iS Vendredi 19 Samedi %0 D I M A N , 21 Lundi 22 Mardi 23 Mercredi £4 jeud' 251 Ven redi 26 Sa .'i,edi 27 DiMAN. 2.^ Lundi 29 Mard) ;o 1 Mcicrcdi eudi FETES. CIRCOJS/CISION. 06t. de St. Etienne 2M Odave de st. Jean. M Oftave des ss Innocens 1. Vigile dc r£piphani«. M l^acau EPIPHANIE. OSt. LQC Octave. M • 4 < Du Dimanchcdans rOct. Odave del'Epiphanie. s. Hilaire. M s. Paul, Hermite. M s. Marcel* s, Anioine. Chaire St. Pierre a Rome 2M (>. Canut. M 2. NOM DE j£SUS M bte. Agnes. s. Vincent, &c. s. Raimond, M s. Timothec. Con. S.Paul, Ann,Con,Ev. M s. Policarpe. 3. s. Jean Chryfoftome. M ss. Fabien, &c. M s. Francois de Sales. ste. Martine. s. Pierre Nolafqvic, A c 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 44 44 43 42 42 41 40 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 3» 3' 30 29 a? 26 25 24 *3 21 20 19 17 16 J4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 I ',t ri / . i 1 iill i FKERUARY enters K 1 8th i ih 5m M, Full Moon the 6th, oh. 36m. .norning. Lail Quarter, the 13th, loh 21m. night. New Moon, the2isr, ih. 50111. afternoon. Firft Qnarter the 28th, gh, 28m. morning* Di ws. ENGLISH CALENDAR. J F*. 2 Sa. Pur, B. V, Mary, 3 ^«» Sepiaagesima Sunday, Blasiui* 4 M. 5 Tu. Agatha V. 4> W. 7 Th. 8 F. 9 Sa. ■io Sun Sexageiima Sunday, II M. i2 Tu.- >3 \v. 54 Th. Valentine* 15 F. J6 Sa. «7 Sun ^inquagejima Sunday* 18 IM. R.QS- «9 20 Tu. w. 21 Th. 22 F. a3 24 as Sa. Sun M. 26 Tu. 27 28 W. Th. Shrove - Tuejday . Ajb'lVcdnejday. \it Sunday in Lent, St. Mathias* [D, Cambridge born. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 10 9 7 6 4 3 I o 58 57 55 53 5* 48 47 45 44 4^ 40 39 37 36 34 3* 30 a7 5 5 5 5 S 5 S 5 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 mM. la 5 lo 5 9 5 7 S 6 5 4 5 3 S ' 5 / o s 6 58 6 6 57 6 6 SS € 53 fi 6 52 6 6 50 6 6 48 6 6 47 * 6 45 6 6 44 6 6 42 6 40 6 39 6 37 ^ 36 6 34 6 32 6 30 6 27 6 '<*: ' iil I FE VRIER le Q entre KlciSaiihsmM. Le 6 a oh* 36m. Matin« ( Le 13 a loht iim. So'ir* 9 Le 21 a 2h. 50m. Soir. } Le 28 a 9h. 28fn. Matin» ii'i' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 '7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ^5 26 ^7 28 Sema'ine. Vendredi Samed'i DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi FETES. LQC s. Ignace;. Purification. 4. Septuages. Sol.Burif. M s, Andre Corsin. ste. Agathe. ste. Uorothee* s« Romualde. s. Jean de Matha* De la Ste. Vierge. M Sexagefime. ste. Scholaftique. s. Valentin, ss. Fauftin, Sec* De la Ste. Vierge* QuiB(|uagefime. s* Simeon Les Cendres. Chaire s. Pierre a Ant. 2M Mem* Vigile a la Messe. r. du Careme* Sol*Mathias* 8* MathiaS) apotre* M I 4 Terns, 7 12 5 7 10 5 7 9 5 7 7 5 765 7 4 5 7' 3 5 7 I 5 705 6 58 6 6 57 6 6556 6 S3 6 6 52 6 6 50 6 6 48 6 6 47 6 6 45 6 6 44 6 6 42 6 6 40 6 6 39 6 6 37 6 6 36 6 6 34 6 6 32 6 6 30 6 6 27 f^ m '■■« i 1 I i' . il A 6 I I :!■ MARCH O enters *f 20tb> i ih. 19m. Etr Full Moon, the ytb, 3h. 50m. afternoon. Laft Quarter the 1 5thy 6h. 34in« evening* New Moon the 13(19 2h 24111. morning. Firft Quarter the 29thi 5h. 20m. afternoon. R. O S» Ds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 xo XI X2 13 14 15 x6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ws« F. Sa. Sufi M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. M. Tu. W.l Th. F. Sa. ENGLISH CALENDAR. St. David Abp. Chadwick. td Sufi, in Lent, Perpetua. 3J Sunday in Lent* Gregory, M, SunVifh Sunday in Lent* Mid Lent, S, M. I[St. Patrick. Ed. K. W. Sax, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Stfn M. Benedlfi. 6tb Sunday in Lent, Annun, of B.V, Mary, Tu. AT^ Sunday in Leut, Paint Sundayi W. Th. F. Sa. 6 24 6 6 22 6 6 20 6 6 19 6 6 17 6 6 ■S 6 6 13 6 6 12 6 6 . 10 6 6 9 6 6. 7 6 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 3 6 6 2 6 6 2 S 6 I 6 6 x 6 6 6 6 6 6 59 7 57 7 54 7 5* 7 50 7 47 7 ^ 43 7 37 7 35 7 34 7 MARS Ic O cntFcau t lezo^ iih 19m S, 5 Le 7 a 3h. 50in. Soir. ([ Le 15 a Sh« 34m. Soir. # Le 23 a 2h. 24m. Matin* ]) Le 29 a 5h. 2om. Soir* 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 % 9 10 II 12 «3 14 ^5 16 17 iS 19 zo 21 22 23 24 as 26 Semaine, 1 FETES. Vcndrcdi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndrcdi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndrcdi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vcndrcdi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Veadredi. Samedi DiMAN* 4 Terns. 4 Terns, 2. s* Casimirc* s* Thomas d^Aquin* s. Jean deDieu. ste* Fran^oife* 3- 39. 40 Martyrs. s. Gregoire* 4. Sol* Jofeph* s* Patrice. , Jofeph* s. Benoic. De la Paflion* ANNONCIATION. N. D. dcPitie, Rameaux. 2M 2M M M M M M M L]QC 6 24 6 22 20 19 17 15 13 12 10 9 7 5 4 3 M M 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 I I o o o 59 57 54 5* 50 47 43 37 35 34 ti^ 1^:1 J 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 II •(I APRIL O enters ^ 20th, iih. 49m. M, Full Moon the 6ch, yh. 5gm. morning. Firft Quarter the 14th, iih. 5801* morning. New Moon the zisr, iih. 33ni, morning. Lail Quarter the 28thy 2h. 33m. morning. Ds I ft 3 4 7 S 9 10 II 12 J3 *4 ^5 s6 17 18 J9 ao SI 22 »3 »4 »5 ft6 ft7 28 29 30 ws.) ENGLISH CALENDAR. M. Tu. W. Th. r\ Sz» Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa . Sun M Tu. W. Th. F' Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. Richard B. Sr. Ambrofe. Good Friday* EASTER DAY. Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday 9 R. OS. jji Sund, aft* Easter* Low Sunday* Alphcge. 2</ Sund* after Easter, St. George. King*s b.d. kept. St. Mark. Ds. Gloucefter b* 1776. 3 J Sunday aft* Easter* 5 3» 7 5 30 7 5 a8 7 5 a7 7 5 ^5 7 5 a4 7 5 »» 7 5 »o 7 5 »9 7 5 »7 7 5 15 7 5 14 7 5 la 7 5 Ji 7 5 9 7 5 7 7 5 6 7 5 4 7 5 3 7 5 I 7 S 7 4 58 8 4 57 8 4 55 8 4 54 8 4 5^ 8 4 5" 8 4 49 8 4 48 8 4 46 8 ;l .11" Ds. a 7 o 7 t8 7 fc7 7 ^5 7 14 7 22 7 20 7 19 7 17 7 15 7 14 7 12 7 II 7 9 7 7 7 6 7 4 7 3 7 I 7 7 58 8 57 ? 55 ! 54 8 52 8 5, 8 49 8 48 8 46 8 • i f:\ ! td Rll M Mi 3 1 ( Sema ^9 Lund '»M Mard ?,€ Mere .;# jcudi t§ Vend |# Same || Dim ^sLund tS Mard pl Merc ||| jeud III Vend {fk Same fMOtM. IS Lund ^AMart 'ilm Merc W J^^^ XVenc 4f ^^'"^ I^KDxm ^^^■LUTK ijMarc pB^crc -3jeud |MVen( yw ^^^ PI|div p|ttLun( »Mar ^RIL le O cntre au b Ic 20 a i ih 49m M Q Le 6 a yh. 58m. Matin. (I Le 14 a iih. 5Sm* Matin. 9 Le 21 a iih. 33m* Matin. ]) Le 28 a ah. 3301. Matlot v^. Scmainc. Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi jeudi Vendrecii Samedi DlMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi jeudi Vendrcdi. Samedi DtMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi jeudi Vendrcdi. Samedi . DXMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi jeudi Vendrcdi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi F E T E 5. Jeudi Saint. Vendrcdi Saint. Samedi Saint. PAQUES. r* Quasimodo. Si Francois de Paale* s. Ifidore. s. Vincent Ferricr. s. Lcoo. s. Hermenegilde. De ia ste. Vicrge. 2. s. Anfelme. ss. Sotere, Scq» s« George. 8. Maic. abfi, prcceiim. ss. Cletf &c. Del a St:. Vierge. 3. STE. FAMILLE. s. Pierre, Martyr. ste. Catherine de Sienne« M M M M L 0^ 5 3» 7 5 30 7 5 *8 7 5 »7 7 5 as 7 S a4 7 5 22 7 5 20 7 5 >9 7 5 17 7 5 '5 7 5 H 7 5 12 7 5 »« 7 5 9 7 5 7 7 567 5 4 7 5 3 7 5 » 7 507 458 8 4 57 8 455 8 4 54 8 4 52 8 4 51 5 4 49 8 4 48 8 4 46 8 f } -> I , .IJ fi. I MAY O enters n 2tft, xih.jrti. Night Full Muon the 6th, oh. 8m* moining* La(t Quarter the I4th| ih* 38m, morning. New Moon the 20th, 6h. 58m^ evening. Firll Quarter the lych, ih. 36m* afternoon, ws. 2 w 2 Th. 3 F. 4 Sa. 5 Sun 6 M. 7 Tu. 8 W. 9 Th. 10 F. 11 Sa. 22 Sun 13 M. ENGLISH CALENDAR. St, Philip and St, James. Invention of the Crofs* ^tb Sun, after E after. John Evan. Ant. Port. Lat. Siege' [raifcd, '76 14 Tu. >5 16 17 18 19 W. Th. F. Sa. SUK 20|M. ai Tu. 22 23 24 as 26 28 29 30 3' 5/i> Suft, aft. East, Rog. Sun J, yifcenfton iay^ or Holy Thurfday, Sund, aft. Ajc, Dunrftan. W. Prs. of Heffe-HombouTg b. 1770. Th. F. Sa. Sun^ Whit-Sunday, Auguftinc* M. \Whit. Monday, Ven. Bede. Tu. Whit.7ue%day, W, King Charles II, rcftored^ l660i Th. F. R.Qi K' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 43 4i 41 40 3S 37 35 34 33 3' 30, 39; 2S 2: 24 23 2: 21 20 7m. Night ning.^ 1 morning. vening. afternoon. R-OJ ^ 45 4 43' 4 42 4 41 4 4oi Siege 4 jS i . "T*- 4 37 i 4 35 i 4 34 1 4 33 4 31 nd. 4 30 4 39 4 2S 4 27 1 ay. 4 251 4 ^41 4 ^31 4 2.:* 4 2ii 4 2o| 770. 4 '91 4 i8| 4 !7| 4 i6i 4 ^m 4 15I 4 iJ u 4 iJ |4 n| I4 12I .yi J." Se I M< 2 Ic. 3 Ve 4 Sa 5 Di 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 14 ^5 i6 17 i8 i< 20 21 22 23 24 *5 26 27 28 29 30 31 MAI Ic Oentrc aux n Ic 21 a I2h. 7m. S. Q he 6 a oh. 8m. Matin. ([ Le 14 a ih. 38m. Matin. 9 ^'^ 20 a 6h. 58m. Soir. D Le 27 a ih. 36m. Soir. i I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 14 ^5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 H 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Semaine« Mercredi [eudi Vcndrcdi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeud', Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi FETE S. M is. Philippe &c« 1* Athanafe. Invention Stc. Croix. '>te. Monique* 4. Pie V. Sol, Philippe Sfc.M s. Jean, Porte Latine, 8. Staniflas. Apparition s. Michel. s. Gregoire Nazianze. s. Antonin. Dc la Ste. Vierge. Rogat, ss. Neree, &c; Rogat, s. Bonifice* Rogat^ De la Vigile. ASCENSION. Oa. s. Ubaide. s. Venant. s. Pierre Celeftin* 's, Bernardin. OSiave de TAfcenilionA yeune» De la Vigile. PENTECOTE. Oa. Jeune 4 Temt* jfeune 4 Tern*, M M M M 2M M Lp C 4 45 8 4 43 8 4 42 8 4 41 8 4 40 8 4 38 8 4 37 8 4 35 8 4 34 8 4 33 « 4 31 8 4 30 8 4 29 8 4 28 8 4 27 8 4 25 8 4 24 8 23 8 22 8 21 8 20 8 9 8 8 M M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 7 8 6 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 iirV 7k' I mi H !■ U I I :! r JUNE Q enters gs 2ift, 8h. 36m. Aft, Full Moon the 4th, 3h. Sgm, afternoon. Lail Quarter the 12th, iih* 31111. afternooni New Moon the 19th, ih» 49m. mornirg. Firft Quarter the 26th, 2h. 44m. morning. Dsiws. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu W. Th. Fr. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa, Sun M. Tu W. Th. F. Sa. I 2 3 4j 5 6 7 8 9 lO! II 12 13 '41 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -.7 28 ENGLISH CALENDAR. Nicomede. Trinity Sunday, £)• of Cumb, b» Boniface. ifi Sun, after trinity » St, Barnabas* 2d Sund. aft, trinity* St. Alban. Trans, of Edw. K. W, S. Longeft day. Sd Sund, aft, trinity, N, St. John Baptift. R. O S. St, Peter, ^tb. Sun, after trinity 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 II % 10 8 10 S 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^1 n. Aft. »on. :rnoon« »irg. ling • s. . R. o 4 II 8 • 4 10 8 4 lO 8 4 9 8 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 7 8 4 6 8 4 6 8. 4 6 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 ? f 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 5 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 . 4 7 8| 4 7 g| 4 8 81 li'4:1 •:' Vti V:'1 ■ 1 HNIc( ^■1 11 o >einaine. umedi IJMAN. <undi iardi llcrcredl peudi ''endrcdi bmedi 'IMAN. .undi llardi lercredi ieudi ^''endrcdi iamedi >IMAN. fidi iMardi IMercredi ieudi '^cndred >amcdi [IN le O en^rc a 25 le «i a 8h 36m. soir Le 4 a jh. 39m. Soir. ([ Le 12 a lih. 31m. Matin. Le 19 a ih. 48m. Matin. ]) Le 26 a 2h. 44m. Matin. >einaine. FETE S. LO^ jfcune 4 Terns, r. TRINITE*. 2M s. Gregoire Vll. s. Philippe de Neri. Ste. Ma^ddeine de Pazzis. FETE-DIEU. Oa. 2. F recession* 8. Bjrnabe. s. Jean deFacondo. OSiave Fetc«Dieu» s. Bafile. s. Norb&rU Antoine de Fade* ste. Marguerite* >te,Julienne. St. Silvere. 2M JVI 2M M M M Jeune* De la Vigile. M 4. Sol. s. Jean Bapti ste. . Jean Baptiftc. O^U've* »s. Jean et Paul* M Jeune, s. Leon. 2M >s. PIERRE et PAUL. Oif. j.Comincmor. de St. Paul.M 4 u 8 4 10 'i 4 10 iJ 4 9^ 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 7 i5 4 7 » 4 7 ii 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 55 4 5 « 4 5» 4 5^ 4 5 » 4 5 » 4 5 » 4 5 ii 4 5 8 4 58 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 S 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 7 i5 4 7 ^ 4 % % ■(■( 1 Vi JULY O enters SI 23d, yh. 22m. M. Full Moon the 4th, 6h. lom. morning. Lail (Quarter the iiih, 6h. 23m. evening. New \ioon the i8ch, 9h. 17m, morning. Firft Quarter the 25th, 6h. 3m. evening. D Wr M. Tu. W. Th 9lTu. W. Th. ic II 12 I3!S KNGLISH CALENDAR. ris'u. of B.V, Mary, Quebec founded, 1608. Tranll. of St. Martin B, ^th Sun. aftct Trin* . '5 16 «7 »9 20 21 22 24 ^5 26 27 28 29 30 3» M. Tu W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M, W. Th. oun M. Tu. W. 6tb Sunday after l^rintty, Swithln. Margaret V. jtb Sun* after Trinity, Magdalen* St. James. St. Anne. ?)tb Sum. aft. Trinity, R.Ol 4 n 4 2C 4 2° 4 ^H 4 231 4 24 4 25 4 2^ 4 *7 4 2SI 4 ^5 4 3o| 4 32 4 sr 4 34i 4 3^ I 1- 11 2m. M. ^.^ ing. tvenin g- Irni ng. lening. R.O! 4 9 4 9 4 10 4 M 4 ii| 4 12 4 '1 4 «3 4 14 4 15 4 i( 4 r 4 iS 4 iS 4 2C 4 20 4 22 4 2] 4 24 4 2; 4 2& 4 27 4 2S 4 29 4 30 4 3^ 4 31 4 34 4 3^ U 37 ■'* / iLLET I ;■'!?■ l! It >cmainc. iundi [ardi iMercred'i [eudi ^endredi famed i Lundi Mardi Mercrcdi Jeudi Vendredi ISamedi fDlMAN* Lundl Mardi Mercred Jeudi Vcndred Samcdi DiMAN Lundi Mardi Mercred Jeudi Vendrec Samedi DlMAN uundi M aid \ Mercrc M [LLET IcO ^n* au SI le 23 a yh 2zm. M G Le 4 a 6h. lom. Matin. ^ Le II a 6h, 23m. Soir. • Le ig^a 9h. 17m. Matin. ]) Le 25 a 6h. 3m. Soir. >emaine. iLundi Mardi IMercredi eudi endredi amedi DlMA^• Lundl Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi S amedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi M aid \ Mercredi I FETES. OdJ. s. Jean Baptiltef Vifitation* M 2M Octave des Apotres. 6. ste. Elizabeth* 8S« VII Frercs> Martyrs* s. Jean Gualbert.' M s. Anaclet. 7, DEDICACE. 0c7. M s, Henri . M N. D. du Mont CarmeL M s. Alexis. M s. Bonaventure* 2M s. Vincent de Paule. M 3. Oc/.Dedicace.Sol.Jacq. 2M ste. Magdeleine. 8. Apollinairc. De la Vigile. s. Jacques, ste. Anne. De la Ste. Vierge. 9. Sol. ste. Anne, ste. Marthe. ss. Nazaire, &c. s. Ignace de Loyala. M M M M M M LQC 4 8 S 4 9 8 498 4 10 8 4 10 8 4 II 8 4 12 8 4 13 8 4 »3 8 4 14 8 4 15 8 4 16 8 4 17 8 4 18 8 .4 18 8 4 20 8 4 20 8 4 22 8 4 23 8 4 24 8 4 25 8 4 26 8 4 27 8 4 28 8 4 29 8 4 30 8 4 32 8 4 33 8 4 34 8 4 36 8 4 37 8 ''■ i^>; .H . I: ;'H fU x /ir ; AUGUST O enters iiR 23d, ih. 4901. M /( ^ .'■ Full Moon the 2d, yh. 33in, evening* Lad Quaitcr the 9th, ilh. 35m. evening) New Mooi the i6th, 6h. 33m. evening. Firft Quarter,' the 24th, iih. Iznri. morning. Ds ws. fh, F. Sa. Sun IVf. I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ro II iz 14 Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W- i5|Th. 16F, 17 Sat. jS Sun »9 20 M. Tu. 21 W. 22 Th. 24; 2S F. Sa. Sun 26} M. 271 Tu. ENGLISH CALENDAR. 2S 29 3^1 W. Th. F, Sa* Lammas day. qtb Sun Jay after Trinity, Transfiguration or our Lord* Mame of Jefus. St. Lawrence. lOtb Sund, af. Trinity, K. Geo.lV.b. 1762. Aflumption of the V. Mary. Duke of York born, 1763, litb Sun, of* Trin, i^oke of Clarsnce born 1765. St» Bartbolome*iv» ittb Sun, after Trinity* St« Auguftinc. St. john Bapt. beheaded. R.O. 4 3^ 4 40 4 4' 4 42 4 44 4 45 4 4 47 42 4 49 4 5« 4 52 4 54 4 S5 4 57 4 59 5 5 I 5 3 5 5 5 5 6 8 S 9 5 XI 5 12 S s 14 16 5 17 5 19 5 21 22 5 24 f9^* ^ ^ ing. veiling, ling. niornin;. R.O. 4 3!^ 4 40 4 4« 4 42 4 44 4 45^ 4 47I 4 42 4 49 4 5' 4 52 4 54 4 55 4 57 4 59 5 5 n 5 3« 5 5| 5 6| 5 H S 91 5 "1 5 "1 s h| 5 «4 5 ^7| 5 i9ir 5 2' f 5 22^ 5 24| mi ^ lOUT > I » ^■ ' 'f Semai jeudi Vcndrl Samcc Dim Lundll Mardi Merer jeudi Vendr Samed DiMA Lundi MarJi Merer jcudi Vendr Samed DiMA Lundi Mardi Mcrcn jeudj Vendi Samc< DlM<< Lundi Mard Merci jeudi Vead ji Same 1 3 4 6 s 9 11 o II \i% 13 14 '5 1 6 !»■; ji8 19 20 III 22 N 24 2q 26 a? [29 [30 iOUT le Qcntrc a la hr Ic 23 a ih 40m S. Le 2 a 7h. 33m. So!r, ([ Le 9 a iih. 3^m. bolr. # Le 16 a 6h. 33m. Soir. > Le 24 a iih. 22iin. Matin. Semaine. r. jeudi 1* Vendredi 13 Samedi 4 Dim AN. 5 Lundi 1 6 Mardi n Mcrcredi 8 jeudi 9 Vendredi 10 Samedi II DiMAN J2 Lundi 13 Mardi •M n Mcrcredi IS jcudi 16 Vendredi i; Samedi 18 Dim AN. 19 Lundi 20 Mardi 21 Mcrcredi 22 jeudi 43 Vendredi 24 Samcdi 2q OlMAN. 26 Lundi 27 Mardi 28 Mcrcredi 29 jeudi 30 Veadrcdi 2' Samcdi FETES. 5. Pierre aux Liens. s. Elienne, Pape. Invent, de St. Erienr.e, I0« s. Dominique. N. D. dcs Nei^es. Transfiguration de N. S. s. Cajetan. ss. Cyriac, &:c. Jeune* De la Vigile, s. Laurent. Ociave, II. sol. 9. Laurent* ste. Claire, De rOctave. De rOctavtf. DePOctave. s. Hyi'clnthe. yeune. Octave s. Lauren^. 12 ASSOMPT.C?<f?. S.Bart. M M M M M 2M M M| M M M s. Joachim. S( Bernard. DeTOctave. I De rOctave. M s. Philippe de Beniti. zM s. Barthelemi. \l,Oct. As3omp.Sol.Loui^. M s. Louis. M — iiQf 2M 4 38 8 4 40 8 441 8 4 42 8 4 44 8 4 45 8 4 47 8 448 8 4 49 8 4 51 8 4 52 8 4 54 8 4 55 8 4 57 8 4 ^9 8 507 I 3 5 6 8 M M St. Auguftin, M Decollation s^ j. Biptifte. M ste. Rose de Lima. M 3. Raimoad N-tnnaU 9 1 1 12 14 5 16 5 17 5 19 5 21 5 22 7 S24 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ^'4 ,^ i 1$ ■n ■iii':i ft I'' SEPTEMBER Q enters £}: 23d, loh zymU ^ Full Moon the 1st, yh. 42m. morning. Lall Qu^arter the 8th, 4h. 38m. morning. New Moon the 15th, 6h. i8m. morning* Firil Quarter the 23d, 6h. 6m. morning. Full Moon the 30th, 6h. 43m. evening. S"r.«j Ds I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xo II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as 26 27 2b 29 30 ws ENGLISH CALENDAR. Sun iitb Sunday after Trinity, Giles, M. London burnt, i666, O. S Tu. W, Th. F. Sa. Enurchus. Sun i7 ih Sunday after Trinity, Natlvl. M. [ty of B. V. Mary, Tu. W. Th. F. Sa* Sun M. Tu. Lambert Bp W. Capitulation of Quebec, 1759 Th. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Su Holy Crofs. I ^tb S«». af, Trlnn St. Matthew. i6tb Sunday after Trinity, St. Cyprian. n ijtb Sun, after Tr^ Q.. of Wirt. b. M. iSc* Jer^mci [5r. MicbeL R. OS.! 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 I 25 7 27 71 28 7 30 71 3* 71 33 7 35 7 37 71 38 7 40 7 42 7 43 7 45 7 47 7 48 7 50 7 52 7 53 7 55 7 57 7 587 59 7 2 6 6ri 3«^ 5 ^ 7 6 8 6 6 10 6 6 12 i Jo, Sem li Dim 2 Lun 3 Mar 4 Mer «; Jeuc 6 Ven 7 Sam 8 UlA f) Lun 10 Ma Ji Mei 12 feu ^3 Ver H San 15 Di 16 Lui 17 Mai 18 Me! 19 Jei] 20 Ve 21 Sar 22 Di 13 Lu 24. M2 It; M( 26 Jei 27 Vc 28 Sa 2(; 1 Di M i/mM**! ^EPTEMBREleO en ^ le 23 ^ loh zSnv M ing. ing. ^ R. OS. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ^S 7 27 / 28 7 30 1 33 7k 35 7^.: 37 7l;' 4* 71 43 7; 45 71 47 71 48 7i 50 71 52 7I 53 7| 55 7^- 57 7r^3 58 Ik o 6[ 1 2 61 3 «^ 6i 5 7 8 6 10 6 12 6 G D O Le I Le 8 Le 15 Le 23 Le 3o a a N. a a N a yh. 42m Matin. 4h. sSm. Matin. 6I1. i8ti. Matin* 6h. 611. Matin. 6h. 43111. Soir. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 Ji 12 ^3| 141 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ^3 24 2«; 26 27 28 29 6'ennaine. DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dim AN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DlMAN, Lundi FETES. 14. s. Etienne. 2M .a» arACERDocE de N. S. &c. De la Ste. Vierge. 15. Nativite. Oclanjc* 2M M s. Nicolas Tolentin. M M Exaltat. Ste. Croix. M 16. s.Nom de Marie. 2M ss. Corncille, &c. M Stigmatesde s. Franjois. J. 4r. S.Thomas dsVilie.M s, Janvier &c. yeunt 4 T. ss. Eudache, &r. ^, 4T. s. Mathieu. M 17. SoL s. Mathieu. M s. Lin. M N. D. dela Mercl. s. Cyprien, &c. ss. CoTie, &c. 5. VincesJai. s. Michel. M 5. ferome. B LQC 5 25 5 27 5 28 5 30 5 32 33 35 V 38 40 5 42 5 43 5 45 5 47 5 43 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 :5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 T / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 50 52 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 o 6 6 6 6 53 55 57 59 o o 2 3 5 7 3 10 11 i.^ if'. \ ■■ 4' " ■!;■' ^ "I ! '■-* ■m OCTOBER O enters rri zjd, 6h. jgm. Ev.BoCTOiE 1 Lail Quarter the 7th, iih. om. morning. New Moon the 14th, 8h. 48m. evening. Firi^ Quarter the 23(19 ih* 4m. morning* lull Moon the 30th, 4h. 57m* morning. V6 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XI 32 13 14 "5 26 *7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as 26 27 28 29 30 1' ws. W. Th. F. Sa. Sun M. T W. Th. F. Sa* Sun M. Tu. W- Th. F. sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th. F. Sa. Si^;2 M. Tu. W. Th. ENGLISH CALENDAR. Rcniiglus Bp* I Ztb Sufi, after Trln, Faith. St. Denys Bp. ic^th Sun, af. *Tnn, Tranfl. of K. [EJward Conf. Dark Sunday at Quebec, 178 5. Etheldred. St. Luke. 20/-6 Sun» after Trin, Crispin. Hit Sun^ after Trinity* St. Simon and St% Jud^ R. S. 6 15 6 6 17 6 6 18 6 6 20 6 6 2« ( 6 23 6 6 ^5 6 6 27 6 6 28 6 6 30 ^ 6 32 6 6 33 6 6 35 6 6 36 6 '6 38 6 6 40 6 6 41 i 6 43 ^ 6 44 ^ 6 46 6 6 48 6 6 49 6 6 SI 6 6 52 6 6 54 ^' 6 566? 6 57 6^ 6 59 ^ 7 5' 7 a S ^7 3 5 ti Sema A Mard 2 Merci ^ 3 jcudi 4 Vend 5 Same 6 DiMi 7 Lund 8 Marc 9 Merc 10 jeuai II Vend 12 Same J 3 Dim 14 Lunc ^S \ Mar. 16 j Men ^7 jeud 18 VcRi 19 sam< 20 Dim 21 i Lun 22 ! Mart 23 Mer 24 jeuc a*; !Ven 26 Sanr 27 DI^ 28 ;Lur 29 ' Mar 30 Mei 3J ijeu >m. Ev, ■pJCTOBRE le Qe^t. ni \e 23 a 6h. 39m Soir \s* o s, ([ Le 7 a iih. om. Mrttiii. 9 Le 14 a 8h. 48m. Soir, j) Le 23 a jh, 4m. Matin. O Le 30 a 4h. 57m. Matin. Semaine. Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendrcdi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vcndredi Samedi Diman; Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vcndredi samedi Diman* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vcndredi Samedi Diman* Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi FETES. s. Remi. ss. Anges Gardiens* s. Franjois d'Aflfife- Dc la Ste. Vierge, 19. Suiem. Rofaire.. s. Bruno. ste. Brigitte. ss« Denis, &c« &. Francois de Borgia. De la Ste. Vierge* zo. s. Callixte. ste. Thereie* ?. Edouard. ste. Hedwige. s. Luc. s. Pierre d*Alcantara. 21. N, D.de Vidoire. s. Hiiarlon* ss. Chrysantc, &c. jfeune. De ia Vi^jile, 22. SoL s .Simon ctju ss. Simon et Jade. Jcuii. De la Vigile* 13 a M M aM U M de. M 6 16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 15 17 18 2C 22 23 ^7 28 30 32 33 ?/» 38 40 41 43 44 46 48 49 51 5^ 54 S^ 57 59 o '3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 d 6 6 6 6 6 .6 6 6 6 6 5 S 5 fl t :-fl i I ' ^ NOVEMBER O enters 4^ zad, 3h. 5m Af. - — ^ ^^.^.^.^^^ Lalt Quarter the 5th, yh. 52m. evening. New Moon the 13th, ih. 52111. afternoon. FJrft Quarter the 2 ist, 6h. 40m. evening. Full Moon the 25th, 2h. 58m. atteinoon. NOVE Di ws. ^fT 2jsa* 4!m. Tu. w. , Th. 8jF. 9|Sa. II 32 H x6 ^7 18 M. Tu. W. Th. Fr. Sat. sun. M. i9|Tu. 20 W. 21 Th. 22 F. as Sa. 24 Sun 25 M. 26 Tu. 27 W. 28 Th. 29 F. ENGLISH CALENDAR. R. O S, /^// Saints* A/I Souls, ^d Sunday after Trln, Prs, Sophia [ born, 1777 Powder Plot, 16O5. Leonard Con. Prs. Augufta Sophia born, 1768. i^d Sun» after Tr'm* St. Martin Bp. Britius Bp. St. Machutus. z^tb Sund, aft, Trin, Edmund K. & Martyr* Cecilia, St. Clement. iSth Sun. af, 1'rir.m Catherine V. HughBp. o [Lincoln. 3o;Sa St. Andke\\\ 7 7 7 7 7 ■7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 5 6 8 9 II 12 13 1 5 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 ^5 26 27 28 30 30 3^ 33 34 35 36 36 37 33 39 J« Sem I Ven 2 Sam 3 Dim 4 Lunc 5 Marc 6 Merc 7 jeud 8 Venc 9 Sam( 10 Dim II Lund 12 Mard n Merc 14 jeud 15 Venc 16 Sam< 17 Dim 18 Lunc 19 Mard 20 Merc 21 jeud 22, Venc ^3 Sami H Dim »5 Lunc 26 Marc 27 Merc 28 Jeud 29 Vfn( 30 same NOVEMBREIeQent. 4^ le 22 ash 5ms, o s, 6 8 9 II 12. ^5 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 ^5 26 27 28 30 30 3^ 33 34 ([ Le 5 a 7h. 52 m. Soil Le 13 a ih. 52 m. >ojr. J) L zz a. 6h. 4oai. Soir. O Le 28 a 2h. 58m. Soifi Semaine. Vendredi Samedi DlMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN* Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi 22 j Vendredi 23 I Samedi 241 DiMAN. 25 I Lundi 26 I Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi 3amedi F G T E S, TOUSSAINT. O^i. Trepa(]cs._y[.„,,,- 23. Mes. du patron. s. Charles. — I LQC Oa, delaTouaaini. Oedic. BafiU <>'auvear. 24. 3. Martin, s. Martin, Pape. s. Didace* s. Andre Aveilin. ste, Gertrude. De la ste. Vieige. Dedic. BafiL Apotres. ste. Elizabeth,. s. Felix de Valois, Prefentation. ste, C^cile. Jcufte, s, Clements 26. Sol. Andre. ste. Catherine. s. Gregoire Thaumaturge. s« jean de la Croix. De la Vigilc, s. Andre. 7 5 ^ 7 6 5 2M 7 8 5 2M 795 7 II 5 7 12 5 7 13 ^ M 7 15 5 M 7 16 5 M 7 17 5 M^ 7 19 5 7 20 5 7 21 5 7 22 5 7 24 5 7 25 5 7 26 5 7 27 5 M 7 28 5 7 30 5 7 30 5 7 32 5 Mjy 33 5 M j 7 34 5 7 35 5 . M 7 36 5 7 36 5 7 37 5 M 7 38 5 7 39 5 r>:i B t ■1 r L'' ; } ' ii DECEMBER O enters Vf 2 zd, 311.36m. M ^ DECK Lall Quarter the 5th, yh. 58111. morning. New Moon the 13th, Sh. 4601. rnornin> Firlt Quarter the 2 ill, gh. 32m, morning. Full Moon the 28th, ih. 20m« morning. DsWs.| ENGLISH CALENDAR. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ic I] 12 »3 M 15 16 >7 M. Tu. W. rh. F. Sa. Sun M. Tu. W. Th F. Sa. Advent Hundiiy, Sun M. Tu. iSlW. ic^jTh. 201 f. 2i(Sa. ZZiSun 23IM. 24!Tu. 25iW. 26iTh. 27 F. Sa* Su:: M. Nicholas 6p« 2d Sun, in AdvenU Conception of [V. M. St. Lucy. id Sunday h: Ad-vent, O Sapientia# St. Thvonfias, ^th iSun. in Advent, Cbnjlmai Day, St. Stephen. New Conftitution, St. John. [179I' Innocents, \Ji Sunday after Chnjlmai, 28 29 ji-Tu.'Silveder. Americans delcatcd, '75. R. S. 7 40 5 7 40 5 7 41 5 7 ^* 5 7 42 5 7 43 5 7 43 5 7 44 S 7 44 5 7 45 3 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 46 5 7 4(^^ 5 7 46 5 \ 7 46 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 45 5 7 44 S 17 44 ^ J" Sem J Diw 2 Lun 3 Mar 4 Mer 5 jeuc^ 6 Ven 7 Sam S Dim 9 Lun ID Mar II Mer '^ jeud Hi Ven 14 Sam 15 Dim 16 Luiii 171 Mar 18! Mer I9j Jeuc 20 1 Ven 21 Sam 22 Din ^3 Lun H, Ma: *5 Mei 26 Jeu( 27 Ven 28 f San 29^ Din 30 r.ur 31 Ma; 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 ) 44 5 44 i DECEMBREleOentre-<fle 22 a 3h 36m. M ([ Le 5 a 7h. 58m, Matin. H Le 13 a Sh, 46m. Matin. ]) LC 21 a 9h. 32m. Matin. O l-<i 28 a ih. 20m, Matin. •]''*', D 4 5 6 jo I Semaine. J I DiMAN. Lundi Mardi Mercredi jeudi Vend red i 7 ; Samedi 8 j Dim AN, 9 Lundi 10 j Mardi II I Mercredi 12' jeudi 13 1 Vendredi 141 Samedi ISJDlMAN. 16 j Lundi 17 I Mardi 18 I Mercredi FETES. 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dim AN. Lundi 24 i Mardi 25 Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi DiMAN, 30' r.undi 31 'Mardi I. derAvent.Sol.Frs. Xavier. bte. Bibianc. s. Franjois Xavier. s. Pierre Chrifologue. M M 2M M M M s. Nicolas. s. Ambroife. 2. CONCEPTION. 0.7. M M 2M is. Damafe. 2M M ste. Luce. 2M M M M s. Eusebe. L O C jfeune, 4 Terns, Jeune ^Tems, M a la Messe. "Jtune^ 4 Terns, s. Tiiomas.M 4. Sol. s. Thomas. Jeune, Dela VIgile. NOEL. Onavc. \ Etif.nne, 0<^ai/<?» Ml s. Jean. OSia've, 2^^i ss. Innocens. OEia'v^* 3Mi Ou Dimanche dans TOdtt 4M! s. Thomas, 4M s. i'ilveftre. 41M 7 7 I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 44 44 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 r '■'! ( g2 ) r ,. ■■ t ■• : > !. ,'! ?51 ^ Co o 2 V ^ .2 •- O gOoOOCiCig O SOOiOOOO o c C^ '^ c S^ O'cifJlOtMOOx'c 00 3 l>. Ol 01 3 » .• »0 <M -»ir< ;o O -^ • "^ a • . -C o i2 « u 3 •-• '^m S O P-* tfTTt-^OiWiCMO !f 00 C O Wi Oi -^ B 10 -g ^ v^O^^ 3 <M 0< 3 O^vitOOt^tOQO CiOO^O^OOODOQ VO (M Ol 0^ 01 O ^ O >> c 11 O i5 *j Hou in il orbi V«*»*h««k«««H »k*» OiOoOOJifJCiOJ^O O 00 <o »o 01 o> ^ »j'sO OO^O^co rnal tion its is. ^ C ^ Tt< ic ^ c • VO OOOOOIOOO o 3 nj c >< S2°" a 01 3 Ol Ol a a> • ioi>OOt-oo;oO X Ol -^ -H Pi Q £ Ol Ol --^ ^ 01 Annual period ound Ih Sun. n i^ -< Ol 00 tf» •• XJ • « • 00 <o O a ;o O O O C ^ a ^ Qi ^o 00 Q ^ r- to ^ V ^ C »— Oi •— 1 CM -^ ^ lO Tfi O ^ Ol V Qi 1^ -^ C^, i-O -^ 0000— coao^o^ C G TS C "5 '^ C rj C3 ^ C C C" -1 CO 00 to .ti ^O rt< t^ ^ kO O Oi T3 -*! C^ O '^ ^ £ w 2 O 2 w •-( TP C5 00 • G ^ tS OQtoOOOOQt- 1 e li OOOl-'OOOQO-^ OOCiCi — Tj^OOOl •» •>»K»M«>».», O»0l''r-OliOrt*00'*' Q ^'H'^ Ci C5 r- to 00 1 C|- S 4J 1 £-5 § C3 "H- A'hon 2 3 4 5 6 c o o a; 7 i> 9 10 II J 2 13 14 Rule top of eac lumn oftl then in tl new mooi time whe Tiines Oj full Si. L At Sevc At Caoi Manico ijctfiam Port N( Tadouil y - ( 5^ ) A Tide Table for the Harbour of ^ebec. Ai^e of tbi » «- >» «j *i h. V V o "^ J« > ** c *^ a ^J c o 3 3 „ O V C «• C — c ^ <« 3 •» <« > 'e ^ i; <u *• •" «» krf ^ 3 ^ -^ O _ o -« t^ '^ . q- .- . _ *^ - «' -- c «> w 2 -o . - ** ctt **- - S ?i u u at c c o S £ « w c r^ (0 CU 1,^ c^\ i^t b^^ t^ t^ c^ i^ i^t (^« Rule. Having found the age of the moon at the top of each month in the Calendar, look in the left co- lumn ofthe table for the day from new to the fullmOon then in the right column the day from the full to the new moon, and in the middlecolumn you will find th; time when it is high water afhore. Times of High Water y on the days of Nezv & full Moon, at different places of the Ri'ver St. Lanvrence* At Seven Ifles ih At Caouy Manicouagan iietfiamices Fort Ncuf adoulTac 2{ 4 J •A 4 ^^ Pota I'eau de vie34h Malbaic 4 Baie St. Paul. 4! Cap Tourmente 5-f Quebec 6^ I I » •tot' t ■ t' -; } i 'I , r ( 34 ) A concifeEojaATioN Table, (hewing to the neareft full Minute, how much a Clock fliould be falter 01 flower than the Sun. Table abregee du terns moyen au midi vrat, montrant, k unc demi-minutc ores, combicn une Horloge <le- I pres, ^ ▼roit etrc en avant ou en arriere du Soieii. Sc C/1 15 ^^ Mi* Nov, 9'*^ Dec. 16 21 2g '5 14 12^ _ II o 3 1 5 % 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 # 26 28 30 O til J C 4? 3 1 1 o * a) 2 * J- S'l ( 35 ) A BRIEF CHRONOLOGY OF THE MOST REMARKA. BLF- itRAS AND HISTORICAL EPOCHS OF THE WORLD. The CREATION before Chrif The Flood - • The dispersion of Noah's poderity The foundation of the Assyrian Monarchy by Ninus The Covenant with Abraham The departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt The rape of Helen • • . The dedication of the Temple by Solomon The JEKA of the OLYMPIADES The i£RA of the BUILDING of ROME Cyrus, Brst King of Persia - • The defeat of the Pcrfians at Salamis • The Peloponesian War began Overthrow of the Athenian power by Lysander The vifclory of Arbcla - - The dcftrufiion of Carthage • • The battle of Pharfalia - - • The battle of Aftium - - - The fliutting of the Temple of Janus, by Anguftus The Birth of THE SAVIOUR of THE WORLD The VULGAR JE.RA H' 4008 aao7 2177 ^555 1204 1008 776 753 559 480 4JI 405 331 146 48 II S 5 I Conftantine removed the feat of Empire to Byzantium 328 The end of the Weflern Empire - - 476 JuiUnian publi(hed the Inftitutes - • 529 The iCRA of the HEGIRA . • 622 The race of Abbas, encouragers of Arabic learning and Caliphs of the Saracens, - • 749 Charlemagne began the Empire of Germany • 8o9 The Turks took Bagdat, and overturned the Empire of the Saracens « J • ^055 The firft Crufade . . • 1096 Magna Charta, figned in England • • 1215 Henry V. of England, battle of Agincoart • ^4^5 Invention of Printing . • • 1440 End of the Eaftern Empire . - 1453 Lorenzo de Medicis, the Auguftan age of modern Italy ... . 1478 Difcovery of America, - • 149* Charles V. Age of Louie XIV. and of Queen Anne 1519.56 1643- »7M H'i, J^ fl^ - ,f an 'h::rA I ' ( 36 ) REMARKABLE EVENTS OF OUR OWN TIMES'. The French Revolution, • • War between France nml A 11 fir h, . England and all Europe at War witl» Frr^nre • and insiirrcflions, monUrs anil executions, tluoiighout that country. Lord Howe's Victory, Peace between France ;ind Prussia and Spain, The Battle of tlie Nile, War between France and Aullria. The Russians in Italy, Switzerland and Holland, . . • Peace between France and Russia, Battles of Marengo and Hoheniinden, Battle of Copenhafrcn ; and Peace between France, England and Aultria, and all Europe, War between France and For, threatened Invafion. War between Aullria and France. Battles of Tra. falgar, Ulm and Auflcrlitz. Peace between Aus- tria and France, War between Krance and Prussia 8c Russia; Battles of Jena and Eylau, Battle of Friedland ; Peace between Russia, Prussia and France'; Attack on Copenhagen, Revolution in Spain, War between France 8c and Wag ram. Peace War between Russia 8c France. The French in Mos cow. The English in Madrid, America declared War againft Enpjand, All the Continental Powers at War with France. Bonaparte defeated at Leipsig. The English in France, . . - The Russians, Austrians aiid Prussians in Paris. The English in Bordeaux and Toulouse, (ieneral Peace in Europe. Bonaparte Sovereign of Elba, The English a» Washington ; Capitol and P Buildings destroyed. Peace with America ratified 18th February, Bonaparte returned from Elba. Battle of Waterloo. Lord Wellington and the Allies in Paris. Bona> parte at Si. Helena, a prisoner dead. Ravolution in Italy. Ceorgc IV acccsiion Corronation. Austria. Battles of Essling X between Anflria and France, ) •ublic j 178* '79) '94-) 1798.9 18CD 180J.4 180; 1806 180: i8:ii 183.J i8ij 18): .81; 181; i8i' CIVIL LIST n OF THE PROVINCE OF LOWER-CANADA. 1822. *'^* It may be necefTary to obferve that the Quebec Al. manack is not an oflicial publication ; and therefore the ar* rangement of the different oflicers or public bodies in that ^'^Mication, cannot in any wif.; affc£t any precedence, which cither of them refpeflively ma/ be entitled to. The Printer will however be always ready to make any alteration in the arrangement, which may be fuggefted upon good authority. LISTE CIVILE D£ LA PROVINCE DU BAS-CANADA, 1822. *«* On croit ncceflaire dc dire, que I'Almanach de Que* bee n'eft pas, ni n'a jamais cte, une publication Officielle ; et que I'arrangement des differens Ofiiciers, ou corps, dsA* cette publication, ne doit pas titer a confequence quant 4 leurs rangs, ou prcfeancp refpeftive. L'Imprimeur fe fera, cependant, toujours un ptaifir de faire tout changemcot qui paroitr4 devoir etre fait, fur des bonnes autorites. ':^'m M It II I GOVERNOR, Ills Excellency GEORGE, EARL OF DALHOU. SIE, (Baron Dalhousie, of Daihousie Casile,) Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Mili. tary Order of the Bath, Captain General and Co. vcrnc!: in Chief in and over the Provirces of Low. ;cr-Canada^ Upper-Canada,vNova. Scotia, and New. Brunswick, and th'^lr seveial dependencies, Vice- Admiral of ihe same, Lieutenant-General and Com. mander of all His Majesty's Forces in the said Pro. vinces, and their several dependencies, and in ths Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Ber. muda. Sec, Sec, &;c. John Ready, Esq. Say. to His Excellency the Govr^ Louis Montizambert, Esq. AsiUtant do, ♦Honourable FRANCIS NATHANIEL BURTON, Lieut. Gov. of the Province of Lower Canada. *Alexr. Forbes, Efq. i-ieut. Governor of Gafpe, o '%II. A. DeGafpe, l"- n H. W. Ryland, ' ! James Cuthberr, The Honble. the Legislative Council. The Honourable Jonathan Sewell, Speaker, %4J Rt. Rcvd. Jacob, Lord^Bifhop of Quebec. *SirG. PownalUkr. i/ReV. J. O. Plessis, Bl. ♦William Ofgcod, T shopof the Roman C\i. '^^* James Monk, [ iholic Church of Q^ue- *>^ Sir J.Johnftori, TBart.J oec. J ^ • Charles De St. Ours, T/J^mes kvinr, ^ I ^ohn Hale, ^MMichael Henry Percev.i), JLKa. L. J. Duchcftiay, «>Pylivier Perrault, 3lT John Richardson,, '^•4a-ouis De Salaberry, / - "^rjohn Caldwell, •- .William Burn?, J .'Thornas Cotiin, % •^-^T. P. J, Ta fcheieau> ^Roderick Mackeniiic, Charles Wm. Granf,*i^'L. R. C. De Lcry, William M*Gillivray^ 'Louis Turgcon, Pre. Dom. Debartzch, '^Louis Gugy, l^ .C/| Charles Dc Salaberry. • Abfent from the Province. William Chas. E Andrew ^james V Mr. Wn Mr. Wil Charles ] HughM The Tlic figurt Membe whofe I ^ z-^. Joseph France France ♦''jobn V Lou] m w lerre J ( 3lp ) William Smith, Efq.C/^r* of the Parifament. Chas. Et. Dc Lery, Efq. Clerk Affiftant. Andrc\rWm. Cochran, Esq. Law Clerk. j /|ame3 Voyer, Efq. CUrk of the Journals, L/Mr. Wm. Boutillier, G^«/. UJher of the Black Rod. Mr. William Ginger, Sftrjeant at jirmi, Charles Bellouin, Mefftnger^ Hugh M*Donell, Ddorktieper. The Hon. the HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Elected 1820. I-, jii; \ Tlie figures after the names, denote the number of times these Members had served previous to the last Election. Those whofe names are marked thn« + were not of the laft Affembly, Speaker, L. J. Fapineau, esq. ^ Gaspe*, «/ Jean Thomas Taschereau, esq. (7) /'"^ CORNWALLIS, / Joseph Robhallle, esq. (6) J. B. Tache, esq. (i) Devon, Franjois Fourmer, esq. (3)iv J. B. Fortin, esq. (5) Hertporc, Franjols Blanchet, esq. (5)^ F. X. Parre, esq. (i) / DoRCHE^'tER, ♦ John Davidson, esq, (3)t^'Louis Lagueux^ esq. (i) Buckinghamshire, L-' Louis Bourda^es, esq. (5) ^ fj. B* Proulx, esq. / Wm. Hejiry, i j Robert JoTies, esq^ ^3) RXCHELIJTV, Jean Dessaulles, esq. (ij^'Frs. St. Onge, esq. (i) Bedford, Surrey, '^Icrre Amior, esq. (4)i^iienne Duchesnois, fsn, (3) j Kent, ♦' D. B. Vjger, esq. (6) "IF. A* Quesnel, esq. fn M f 'I ■in ( 40 ) HuNT>N6noN JP: •^ Austin CuvIHIer, esq. (3/ Michael 0*Sul|Ivan, esq, (3) ;'i» {v^^g l y^- I:-* ' nil I m ; I !'•• ^AST WarDj 5 rnugues Heney, esq. (i) -f-Thomas Thain> esq We^t Ward, H ] L. J. Papineau, esq^ (6) Gep* Garden, esq. (1) I OUNTY^ g 'LJoseph Perrault, esq. ( 1 ) t^jos. Valois, esq. (i) York, / E.^. L. Dumont, esq. (4) Aug. Pcrrault, esq. (i) / EFFINGfTAM, |f Jacob Oldham, esq. (i) /Francois Tass6, esq. (i) LziNSTERy Jean M. Rochon, esq. (2) fMichei Prevostj esq. Warwick, ^ tJacquesDeiigny, esq. (2) Alexis Mousseau, esq. (i) St* Mauitice, Pierre Bureau, esq. (^)0Lo^l\i Picotte, esq. (1) / Three-Rivers. ^ C. R. Ogden, esq. (3)^tJo5*P^ Badeaux^ esq. (a' <• ' HAMP>in^i, I^Franjot^ Huot, esq. (8) 'Charles Langcvin, esq. (i. r' Upper Town, C J ValllcrcsdeSt.Rei ,eiq. (a) t A. Stuart, esq. (i J3 ; / Lower Town, 5 WtJ*^** Beianger, esq,»<f James M'Callum, esq. c/ j' CouN-rjff ^4.^ou'is Gauvreau, esq. (4)e/John Neilson, esq. (2' North u MB erl/lI^d, Etienne C. La^ueux^ esq, (3)* Ph. Panet, esq. (2} / Orleans, / ^- t Francois Quirouet, esq. (1) t/ /VlWVum Lindfay, Efquire, Clerk, 1/ ,P. £• Desbarats, Efquire, Ckrk Affijlant, I / Robert Chriftie, Esq. Law Clerk, kj Charle? Fremont, ? ^r • V«r / * «/ ii:-« r^ ' > Efquires, <Transiat6rs^ ti Ant. Pai Augultus Mrs. Lai Jacques \ Ktienne 1 Jean Flu* Thomas TheKii 5f U c c o Jot Jar A. Jar Ro h Hon. H W. D. 1 Edwarl _Li OF * rho. > j. Read Hon. V ter. Hon. H jointly Hon. J Hon, j( Hon. V o/P, Joieph i/iim' 1^ ( 4' Cierhi of Commlttep.jind P^/r; 5. (5. B. Faribault, asper Brewer, B. Lindfay, Ant. Vixtntf Serjeant at Arms •^^ Auguftus Welling, Deputy do ^^y^^ y^ Mrs. Labadie, Houje keeper, $/ y^ Jacques Langlois^ Mejj'tnger Ji/ Ktienrie Drolette, 1 Jean Fluet, KDoor-Kcipen Thomas La France, i 1 ■: k J. 'Ar 'i'lie King's Houble. Executive Councii. The Honble. the Chief Justice. V^ / Rt. Revd. Jacob Lord Biihop of Qacbec^^C-/^^^^*^-^ >Jannes Monk^i«^Yf^ M. H, Perceval, — ^ John Richardfon,.^ ' *John Mure, James Irvine, ^^\ Olivier Perrault, A. L. j. Duchefnay,>j^ Wm. B. Coltman, u I Janrics Kv-rr, ^jC^X^ William Smith, ^ ^ LRofs Cutli,be!t, Hon. H. W. F land, Registrar and Clerk, W, D. Ryand, £sq. Anhtant do, Edwarl Bo wen, Esq. French "Trar.jlatcf and Sec, ]. King, Mejleti^er. J. Murphy, Door-keeper* OFFICKR> OF DIFFERENT I)F:P ARTMRNTS. * rho. Arnyot, Efq. Sec^t^ & Regijirar of the Prui'ince J. Ready, Elq. Acting Deputy do, ^ Hon. Wm. Sinith & C. £* C. De Lery, Esqr. Hiai' ten in Chancery, Hon. H. W. Ryland^nd Thomas Douglass, Esquire, jointly and severally C/erks of the Croivn m Cb&vury* Hon. Joht) Caldwell, Recei'vcr-general, Hun. Jorin Hal««, Auditor and In i. Gen. of Accounts, Hon. \V. B. Coltman, Chairman of the Board of Audit of Public AcCGUKtS, Joieph Boucbette, Efq. Surr'eyor General. * Absent. C 5 I '^^1 ill JIL.*- Uj. I 4 / ^ +' ^ :&'"^^^3c5TepVi PUntc, Efqr. Inspefior General of the King* i Domain^ and Greffier du Papier Terrier, 'f Andrew Wm. Cochran, Esq. ^^uditor of Land Patents. W9,€Ci^/ Fred. Ball, Efqulre, Naval Officer, 'l §. Louis Bourdages, Eiq, Superwtendant Poft Houses* J, r. Taschereau, Esq. InfpeSior of Police^ S^uibec, Hon. Thos. Coffin, Injpector of Police.^ Three Rivers. J. Ready, Efq. Clerk cf the Prerogatiie Court, Wm. Hackft, M. D. Health Officer Port of ^uehec. John Lanibly, Harbour Majier^ ^uehec, J^^^ieoh Fenwick, Assistant do. J. btc. D'EflinnauvHie, Efq. Grand Vo^er ^ebec. [• Bte* D'Eftimauviile, junr. Esq. Deputy do, E» W. R, Antrobus, Elq. Grand Foyer 1 hree-Ri'ven, Hoiu Louis Rene ChaulTegros Dc Lery, do. Montreal. /^William Lemaitre, Efq. Grand Voyer Gafpe, Paul Lacioixy Surveyor of Highways ahove the long Sault on the Ottawa Ri'ver, Mr. Jean Btc. Larur, Surveyor of Highways, S^uebei, Mr» Jacques Viger, ditto at Montreal. -Mr. Lewis Aub.Th mas. King" s Auclioneer at Quebec. Mr, Alexander Henry, ditto at Montreal, James ^Long, infpeElor of P ot ^ Pearl Afhes at ^tbrc, ean Bouthillier, J. Bouthillier, jun« George J. Holt, John Jones, Charie^rfmont, and James Allison^ Infpe&ors of ditto at Montreal. Xevi Bigelow, do. do. for the Difiri^l of do. Edouard M. Leprohon, ditto at Chambly. David See, ditto at ^Villiam Henry • vC. P. CushiugS) do. at Three -Ri'veru Wm. Hy. Hardie, do. at dc. Wm. Phillips^ Ififpeclcr of Flour at S^uebec. George Hobbs, JEptiraim Sanfou.. - , ^ ,. _. , 'ditto of ditto at Monireal, Il George Hobbs, "J JEptiraim Sanford, / Nahum Hall, C Robert Watson, J ',11 1 '^•»'3 *' 1 ^' ^at' Wi' *" 1 Wm. Eoutillier and Anthony Anderfon, InspeSiorscj Beef& Pork for the Diftria of Quebec, Joh.a C. Turner, frs. Tison, Hiram Gilbcrt,Joscph ( 43 ) I Lamontagne, and Wm. Moore, Inspectors of Beef and Fork for the Dijiriii of Montreal* Wm. Dal ton, Ir.spector of Scoius, Rafts of Timber ^ and other Lumber y as also of Fire IVood, at Montreal* Geo ge Chapman, Clerk of the Market at Quebec, and ftampe* of weights and meajures, Wm, JOS. Mechtler, InjpeElot of the Hay Market and pamper of Weights and Meajures at Montreal, Ls, M. Marchand and Ben ard Leon Leprohon> Clerks of the Markets at Montreal, P. De Boucherville, Esq, Infp. of Chimniesat Montreal* Mr. John Grout, InfpeBor of do, at Quebec, Mr. Alex. Thomson, do at Three- Rivers, and Clerk of the Market i andfiamper offVeigbts and MeafureSm Bartholomew Tierney, Guagtr at St* yohn, Wm. Hamilton, Esq. Preventive Officer at the Town* ship of Stan stead. Charles Tafchereau, Efq. do. do. at Nouv, Beauce, John M'Rif, Alex. M'Rae, John Duthie, Hcaw Morrifon, (oho Cruger, Benj. Le Blanc, Andrew Caldwell, David Connachcr, and Peter Lynd, Cullers and Injpectors of Fifh for the Distri£i of Gafpe\ . • - .. CULLERS of TIMBER, Appointed under Prov Joseph Dorval, Jumes Russell, George Wood, Joseph Marmette, William Holdeii, Francis Henri, Louis Vidal, Andre Gaudrie, Olivier Corbin, William M'Lean, Jean Bte. Jarnac, STAVES, PLANK, &c, . Stat, 59th Geo, IIL Fran9ois Gagoe, .Joseph Darche, V Joseph Mann, Louis Proulx, Andrew Allen, James Burray, George Steer, Alexander McDonald, Pierre Beaupre, Patrick Fleming, Thomas Jenkins, C4 f ! -I r-:-! ( 44 ) u m ' ■ .T.'' Thomas M5irphy» Etienne L*Esperance, Jean Garneau, Ph. Adolphus Barker, Charles Renaiid, Louis Bezeau, John P. Robinson, Daniel M*Phce, Andre Lacroix, Frs. X. Paradis» Michel Corneau, James Miller, Pierre Plamondon, Michel Renaud, Francois Rouillard, Barthelemy Chartier, Pierre Letourneau, Charles Cazeau, John H. Wagner, Jean Bte. Therien, Alexander Grant, Daniel 0*Sullivan, Pierre Filion, Charles M'Kinnon, John S. Waterson, Thomas Jameison, William Barnet, L. S. Levey, Amasa Gilbert, William Grant, Gregory Mellis, Felix Ward, • William Ross, James Cook, Leonard Windsor, Charles RochetteA William Gay. James Barnes, Samuel Nichols, Richd. Beard, Leond. Windsor, Edwd. Clarke, Wm. OBryan, John Powell, Hugh Douglass, Louis Barslow, Geo. Langlev, Allan R. M'Donell. Commiirioners appointed by dedimus poteBatem^ to ad- m\n\i\tx Oatbi tQ any perron being in office with' in the Province of Lower ^Canada* Hon. H. W. Ryland," John Ready, E. C. De Lcry, jobn Reidy David Rofs, Fras« Defrivieres, Hon. Thomas Coffin, Hon. Louis Gugy, Jofeph Badeaux, Efq. \ Ryland,! r, Esq. >;£^ ery, Esq. J 1 ::l Commrffi mini Loui Wm. 1 Misi'm son. D Lalani Cull, Jfcmmi Simpso Efqrs. Montreal » ■ H n. ■ Ph'ilii 1 H Sa IT. u yTlree-Riversm ■ M'K ( 45 ) Hugh Munro, Daniel M'Pherfon, Thcophilus Fcx> ] Efqrs. Gafpe\ Comiriiirioners to aJminifter the Oaths to the Mem* /"^ bers of the Legiflaturc. ^ v.^'l^uis Duniere. "^ i// Louis Monti zambertf | # David Monro. jf^j»-^>- ]^Efquirc8, 'J. Wm. Woolscy, ^' Jofeph Plantc. J CcmmhiionLri appointed by Dedimus Potestotem ioadmi* viJitT the Oaths to jfujiues of the Peace at Montteal, ../Thus. M*Cord and J. M. Mondelet, Efqrs, Commrffionen appointed hy Dedimus Potestatem to Ad' minister the Oaths to Applicants for Cro'wn Lands* r- Louis Montiz^mbert, iiluebtc Hon. Louis Gugy, Clias, Thomas, Three Rivers. J, G. Be k, Montreal, Wm. L;ndfay, St^rjfohns, Philip Luke, Calvin May, Miss'iikoui Bay. cJelie Pen noyer, Com/jrow. vWm. Gib- son; Dr«wwowf/i/i//*. -» jo -eph Baker, Dunham, Leon Lalann«*, St. Armand, P. Hubbard, Stanstead, Henry Cuil, Hatlcy, C, Whiccher, A^cot^ John Manning, Jfcmmingford, Jouah Sawers, £arjff. Charles Menut, Simpson. Philemon Wright, Httll, L. Smith, St. Ann, 'Justices cf the Peace appointed to administer Oaths to Half Pay Officers. ^- DistriEl cf ^aebec-^Uon, Louis De Salaberry/'' Diitriti of Montreal.—The Hon. John Richardson, Hrn. Wm.M'GiUivray,'*Pacrick Murray, Calvin May, Philip Luke, John Whitlock, Hon. James Cuthbert, Samud Willard, I. W.Clarke, Frs. Dcsrivicres, Henry M*Kenzie, Esquires. cs t^ "'^■ '4" ( 46 ) Diitr't5i of Three- Rivers»^-^Hoa, Thos. Coffin, Dd- via Monro, Hon. Lewis Gugy,*Jc(rc Fennoyer, Pierre ^/ Igiiace Dailkbout, Seaton Grant, Jean Bte. Lozeau, C Menur, and R. Steiger, Esquires. Jtiferici' Diuriil of Gafpc. — Philip Robin, Efqulre. Commijf aires pour executer le pouvoir defaire reparer Us Eglifes, ^c, &c, DISTRICT DE QUEBEC. f/ Hon.^Jamcs Irvine, *"■ I- ll '.*'. 3 ■■' Vt . k i: :'-'4- .i^ f/ Hon.^Jamcs Irvine, ^ / 9/ Anu L. ). Duchesnay, I /F. Vaflal dcMcmvici. V (j^'' Alexis Caron, f Michel L. J. Duchesnay, J Esquires. DISTRICT DE MONTREAL, J. M. Mondclet, // J. M. IViondclet, "\ Davjo Rols, f Louis Guy, J* Thomis M<Cord, I Jofeph Bedard, J Esquires. Esquires. DISTRICT DEs TRCiS-RIVIERES. J Hon. Thomas Coffin, |r Charles Thomar, ^/ J. M. De Tonnancoui Jofeph Badeaux, DISTRICT DE CASPE*. Robt. Sherar, "> Henry J©hnftone, I -pr • Ifaac Duchcfne, J Hypoiite Landry, J ] f/r Com mi here Hon. F lion. \ TruJIeei the I Gr.' t/ Hon Joie ifaa- Lou '■ T." S\. ( 47 ) fomni!ni;>ners for the exfcution of An A£t of the 40th. Geo. 111. for the rclier uf InfanePcrfons, and for the fupport of Foundling?. /George Selby, t/ L. C. Poacher, Frs. Desrivieres, Esquires, Louis Ciugy, #r' Cha«. Thomas, Eltienne Le Bianc, Rene Kimberr, Cha:lc:s Foitier, Esquires, Thomas Wilfon, r C. Dc'ncchau, #' /'Ls. Mont'Z.^mbert, 1/ AViiliarn Holme"^, ^/ Fran^nis Durette, ft'Jean Bclanger, Enquires, MONTREAL. TKREE-RlVERSi >Qi. EBEC. J Conr/fiissioncrs Jbr the Adminidration of the Estates heretofore bcloiigutg to the late Order of Jcsuita. Hon. H. W. Ryland, J/-^^ Steward, E.>q, rHon. W. B. Coitnnan, if >hn Ready, Es], iion. William Smith, ,^Lewis Foy, Esq. Truflees for Impro'v'ing^ Ordering and KeejAri^^ in Repair the R^adfrcm the City of Montreal to Lachine, thrj"* thf JVcod, appointed under the FrO'uincld Ati, 46, CEO. IlLi. Cap, XL t Hon. John Richardfon, ' ' ' ip Jofeph Papmeaii, ifaac W. Clark, Louis Guy, Jean Marie Mondelet, George Garden, R.ibert GHiefpie, F. A. Laroque, Esqrs. r C 6 if i »,M I If : i ■i\. C 48 ) Comminioneri (or the exccut'ion of An A£lto remove the old Walls that furround the City of Montreal. 4/ John Richardfon, ) p^ . Jean Marie Mondclet, { ^ Henry Griffin, Secretary and Treafurer. Under the Provincial Adl, 47 Geo. 111. Chap. XII* Thomas Mann, Overfeer of the Salmon and other Fifheries in ihe Diftri^t oi Gafpe, to the weft ward 0^ Point Mackarel. Commiishners for erecting a Gaol at Three •Rivers, Thomas Coffin, f /^ i |. DcNormanvillc, > Esquires. / t' Edward Sill?, 3 ^ Edward Sills. Efq. Treafurer and Cleik. Commissioners for the enction of a Gaol and Court Hall at Neiv Carltiie* James Day, James Shcrar. Amasa Bebee, Treafurer & Clerk. I Efqui res. For the erection of a Gaol and Court Hall at*Perce\ Thecphilus Fox, Efquire. Wm Driscotr, Treasurer & Clerk. Commijfioners appointed to Superintend thi Houfe of CorreSiion for DiJiriSi of ^ehc. Rofs Cuthbert, ^ Claude Denechau, > Efquites* Benjamin Tremain.) At Montreal. JeAii Philip Leprohon, 1 • Paul Lacroix, >£fquiret» Thomas M*Cord. 3 ( 49 ) At Three-River«. Thomas Cotiin, Rene Kimbert. > ETqui reSi Commissioners appointed to open a Road between Up^er and Lower. Canada, under A£t passed 15th Feb. 1813, 53d Geo. III. Chap. 4. Alext McMillan, Esq/-, Allan M'Donell, Esqu Rev. Alex. M*Donell. CommiflTioners appointed for the purpofe of determin- ing who are the perl'ons enticied co the indemnitica- tions granted by an A<5lof the 55th Geo. Hi. Cap. x. Frs. Vaffal de Monviel, 1 Charles Et. De Lery, >Esquires. James Voyer, J Trustees fo' dcmoiifhing the Market Houfe of the Upper-Town o( Quebec, appointt;d under an A£t of the 55th Geo. III. Cap. vii. «/jofepi» Plante, John KeiKon, f/ John M'Nider, /Michel Clouet, */ Josias Wurtele, J Efquires. Commissioners appointed for Repairing, Improving and Incloiing, the Court Houfe in the City of Que" bee, under an At\ of the 55th Geo. Ill, Cap. ix. Andrew Stuart, 1 I- Felix Tetu, SEfquireb. ^ Francois Bellet^ j Commissioners appointed for the Improvement of the In^ land Navigation betwuen La Cbine and Montfeal, Andrew Turner, I t- Robert Armour, J ^^1"""- r " . < .1 I ^ • ■ > ii t' ( 50 ) '} A"tl W liivLiT the Act of the 51th Ceo. III. Cap. 15. P^ I 7^ •'* '^'* T;i.s«h(.'n.'aii, Jolin Davidson, C. E. Dc Lery, . f ,11 tr riern; Va\. DesbaratsJ^V/alter Davidson, Louis Lejxen- drc, and \Vm, Mall, Esquirrs, for the County of Dor- cljc.'.stt.'r, and that part of the County of Buckingham- shire? dependant on the District of Quebec. Felix Tetu, Charles Smith, and*iJohn Goudie, Es- qjircs, for the County of Quebec. Hon. Jamtrs (aithbert, Jacques Dcliijn^', and Joseph D. JJoiuly, J'ls(juires, for the County of VVarwick. Joseph Badeaux, F. G. Heriot, and W. B. Felton, l''s(piirfi, for tliat part of the County of Buckin^ham- •siiiii' in the District of Three- Rivers. I'^rancois lV)U('her, Suetou Grant, and Et. Mavrand, J*!,8quiri\s, for the County of St. Maurice, and tliat part of the County of 1 l:\mpsliire in the District of Threc- Kivcrs. 1^. B.MUpre, B. Panet, and J. E. Faribault, Esqr?. for \\\^ County of Leinstcr. Ilodericlv i\I'Iven/ie, Joseph Malbncuf, and C. Koy, Esquires, for iht; County of EfTmgham. James iM'Cunnnin;^-, J. B. Raymond, and I.ouis Gi- ^ rardiu, Esquires, for tiie County of Huntingdon. Hon. Charles Wni. Grant, L. U. C. De I^ery, and CIks. De Salaberry, Esquires, for the County of Kent. 1 Jos. Cv')uillard Despres, N. G. Boif^scai:, and Siiuon Eraser, Esquires, iox the County of Devon. E. N. L. Dumont, Joseph Papineau, and Philemon Wright, Esquires, for the County of York. CJeo. W. Allsopp, Edward Hale, and J. Lanouett'^, Esquires, for that part of the County of Hampshire dependant on the District of Quebec. Alexander Eraser, ,,iAu{;uslin Trudelle, and Pierre Sirois, Bsquire5. for the Coun.y of Ccrmvaliis. LiMiis Belaire, Charles Huot, and E. C. Lagucu!^? Esquires, for tiie County of Ncrth'.!Tr.bcrltt"d. X ( 51 ) tj'lhm. Louis Tiirgeon, Claude Dencdiau, and Jos. I'ra^cr Hsq-uircs, for the County oF Hertford. hum Lalanne .and Win. Yule, Esqrs. for the Coun- rv ot Hcclfordi. Ji>;in Dcssaullcs, Pierre Gueront, and Samuel Wil- kuil, Ksquires, for the County of Hiclielieu ♦ 'I'hotnas M'Cord, Louis Guy, and J. M. Mondelct, Jls(jL»ircs, for the County of Montreal. lieiiry O'llara, Robert Sheriar, and Edward Isaac 3rann, Ksfjuire*, for the Inferior District of Gaspe. Commissioners for erecting a Court House at Three- Rivers, Louis Gugy, Tf Charles Richard Ogden, > Esquires. J'. G. De Tonnancour, j Aug. B. C. Gugy, Esq. Treasurer and Clerk. Bn.'iid of Ejoamincrs for the appointment of persons Jhr tlic Inspection of Flour and MeaU under the Frov'uicud Aet of the 5bth Geo* III* John Davidson, /Edward Hale, ^ J.tmes M'Calluin, ^Esquires, Quebec. Joseph Roy, / Pilchard lilliott, • Jloiatio Gates, T. A. Turner, J. C. bush, Thoir.as Busby, Robt-rt WatsoHt Louis Gugy, Joseph Badeau:s, B, l\ Wagner, I ^ Esquires, Montreal. Esquires, TnREE-RivERb. ^ ■ I ■■■ t .'SI. ( 5? ) Vommissioners appointed on the part of this Province^ fo meet those irf Upper- Canadoi Jor the Water Communication between the two Provinces^ under the Jet 58tk Geo, III. George Garden, J. Papineau, ^ Esquires. Geo. Hamilton, Wardens of the House of Industry at Montreal, ap' miintcd under the Provipwl Act 58th Geo. III. */ Stephen Sewell, John Molsoi /D. ArnoWi, •^ J. Lamotte, f/ Thomas M'Cord, J, M. Mondelet, Louis Guv, J. P. Ltprohon, Commissioners appointed to superintend the Repairs of the dmrt House in the City nf Montreal. 4^'Thomas ISPCord, "^ * J. M. Mcndelet, > Esquires. David Ross, Commissioners to superintend the building and repair- ing additional Wards to the General Hospital ypjar the Qity of Quebec. ^l Joseph Plante, Thomas Wilson, /Claiide Deiiechau, ^//IVilliam Hohiies, </ Francois Durette, Esquires. Commissioners appointed to superintend the Repuin to the Common Gaol of the City of Montreal. #/ Stephen Sewell, T , Pred. Wm. Ermatinger, > Esquires. ^ ,' Tiionias M'Cord, j Commi befoi Cull Tin- the . 1 •/ Hor i ^^ Pete Johi 1 Pete Comm s pers und 1 r' u ; ■ ( 53 ) Commissioners appointed to be a Board of Examiners, before which all persons applying Jor Licences Jor Culling and Measuring of Boards, Planks Staves^ Timber^ Masts, Spars, ^c, shall be examined^ under the Provincial Act of the 59th Geo, III. %J Hon. W. B. Coltman, J^ PetfT Paterson, John Davidson, Peter Burnett, yiHiomas Wilson, •'Andrew Moir, Robert Ilamiiton, Esquires. Commissio'^iers appointed to determine the claims (f persons to Lands in the Inferior District of Gaspe, undeirProvincial Act 59th Geo. Ill, ^' J. T. Taschereau, "J _ M. L. J. Duchesnay, > Esquires. / Geo. Waters Allsopp, j V Robert Christie, Esq. Registrar to ditto, — ^ ► Commissioners appointed for taking into consideration the claims of the possessors of Lands in the Sei* gniory of La Salle, and neighbouring Seigniories, /ilon. P. D. Debartzcb, "J c/ Hon. L R. C. De Lery, v Esquires. Felix Tetu, 3 Commis doners apjmintedfor the Iriul of Small CauS' es in the Country Parishes of this Province, Aug. Trudell, Rimouski & Trois Pistoles, CoxnwHlis, Alexr. Eraser. River du Loup & Ste. Anne, do. F. Letellier de St. Juste & Chs. Chapores,jr. Uiver Quelle, Remy Pieuze, Ste. Anne, do. Araable Morin, St. Roc, do. David narrower & Simon Eraser, St. Jean Port Joly, Devon, Germain A. Verrcault Tlslette, do. Abraham Larue, Cap St. Ignacc, do. 51. ) (i '^'' ¥ If I Louis Boucher, A. J. Couiliard J. G. Boissaau, St. Thomas, JJ^^ron. Jose]>h Frascr jmd F. X. Pare, St. Pierre St. Fran- cois, Hertford. Au<:ustin Laruo, St. Vanier& Belle Chassc, do. Claude Denechau, Berthier, do. J. B. Tasche, Amable Dionne and Joseph Deguise, Ka m oura hk a . Co rmvallis. Et. Ffreol lloi, St. Michel, Hertford. .lohn Davidson, T. M. Bernierand Robert Hamilton, Pointe Levi, Dorchester. liouis Turffeon, /lis, St. Charles, Hertford* Abraham Turgeon, St. Gervais, do. Frs. X. Lefevre. St. Henry, Dorchester. Kdward Pyke, Tow nship of Frampton, do. Newman fiambridgo, St Nicholas, do. Waller Davidson and Jocelyn Waller, St. Giles and Craig's Uoad, do. .T. B. T. Noel, St. Antoine, Buckinghamshire, .Tulien Demers, Ste. Croix, do. A. de la Chevrotit-'re and Louis Leg endre, Lotbi- niere, do. Hon. T P. J. Taschereau, J. T. Taschereau, F'rs. Lehoullier and John WaUh, Ste. Marie, N. Bcauce, Dorchester. O. de la Gor.'^MuIiere, Deschambault, Hampski'ire. F>s. X. Larue, Poiiite aux Trembles, do. Henry Lemoip.e, I'Angc Gardien, Xorthumbedand. Louis Bernior, C'hateau Richer, do. Augiistin Carron, Ste. Anne. do. Jean M. Pouliu, St. Joachim, do. Ls. Belair and Chs. Huot, Baie St. Paul, do. l*ascal Lateniere, Kbouk'nicns, do. Wni. Fraser niul Ls. B. David, Malbay, do. (lerniain <les Gagni', Isle aux Coudres, do. Datiiel M'Pliorson, Crane Island, do. Louis Bertraiid, Green Inland, do. David Andeiso:!, Island of Orleans, Orleans, P. F. Callbtck, -Vlagdeleine Islands. Pierre Gucrour, Sr. Doni , Uii'/ulicu* A, D. Pambi:un, \'audreuil, York, 'tJ ( 55 ) Manning, Towaship of ncirmirngfofd, i/ww- tingdon. Joseph Bnkcr. Dunham, Bedford. Augustin Triidel, Ste. Anne,' IlnnipsJiirc. Geo W. Alisoppt and Edw Hale, Cai) Sante, do. j.Tiirtytvn, F. U. iSegiiin aiul J. M*Kenzie, 'Jerre- bonne, or Parish of St. Louis, Efjlnghain. M. 'J'urgeon and B. Panet, St. Charles, Lachenaye, G. II. Monk and J. Bruriell, St. Henry, Masconche Lachenayo, do. J. Whitford and P. J. raribault, St. Thercsc, Blain- villc, Ef]inu:hani' J. Bont'htr dc hi Bro(|iU'ric, Ili-ne Delabru€»rc, P. AVilhronncr and Jos. Vigneau, Boucherville, KenU K. N. Ji. Diimont, liivcr du Chcno, York. i^amiicl Hott, St. JovSt'ph of Chanibly, Kent* Barthelciny Kochcr, St. Hoch, Lcinsln\ K. Farrihault and Ak'x. IMabbut, St. Pierre Aw Por- tai^c de TAssomption, do. Jean Dosaules, Aniable Dechambaiilt a«d Louis Pi* card, St. Hyacinthe. liichelieu. The l4on. J;imcs Ciulibert, and Jos. D Bondy, Ber- th! er, Warwick. Olivior Tremblay, C^onfrecaHir, SurVi.'?/. J. P). ('onstantin and llene James, St. Vincent de Piul, F.ffiu<ih(im. Frs St. Onge, St. Ours, BichcUeu. Charles Kilboru and Sehih Poniroy, Township of Sian- ^tcad. K. C. ('handler, Nicolet, Jiiickinghamshir.'. Iknry Cull, Chs. \VitehiMand Moses Nichols, Town- ships of Hat ley aud Aseott. P. Canoe dit Marquis, St. Andre, Corniocdlh. Fredl:. Wy.ss, liivieie du Lou]) and Cacona, do. Pierre (Tagnon, Island of Orleans, Orleans. Sueton Grant and F4t. Meyrand, lliv. du LoupThr«e Rivers St. Mnnrict: Alexis Carme and Le Noblct Duplessis, Conticca'.ur. Surny. Daniel "U, Hcrtel, Uigxid, YcrL f I ■'vi I, ® ( 56 W'nn, (/, lilanrhard and H. Caldwell, Argenteiiil, St. Ar»<ir«"*, do. JKrw, Oiftri 11, La TJaie du FeJ/vrc, Tiudin^hnmahire. AutttiuH I'.lion, .V. .f<^>M{ih de Souiarges }'«r4:. Win. Macrar, St. Johns Parish of St. Luc, Keiit. Ip(ii;i<'<' iO^ixctnicaiid J. J. Gerouard, St. Bi.'noit, do. l^«ji/» f^PM;oi;:n(fS, Ste. .Marguerite de Blairlindie. do, Dominique Uucharmc, Lake of the Two Mountains, YurL Dcrick A«trom and Solomon French, Township of Chatham, do. Kli><ha 'ITiomJiH and Samuel ClilTord, Township of , llarnHton, Jlichdieu. Ilichd. I^VoHt, Township of ShefTord, do. Koht. .Jones, Henry Crebassa and Kwd. W. Carter, Wm. Henry, do. Comtnissiovcrs appointed to treat rritk Cu?nmhsio?icr,< appointed bu the Province of Upper Canada, llonble. L. J. tapineaUt Austin (Aivillier, Austin (.uvilher, "1 Jclin I)avi(ls()n, ( .John Neilson, and f Ueorj^e (iarden. J Estjrs. I « Commis.Hottrrs for (he J.achinc CanaU under the A \$t (,Vo, IV, Ilonhle. John lliehaidson, C. W, Grant, & John ^ Ueuds, and 'i'hoinas I'ortoous, Hohcrt (nllespie, Tonwjiinl Poth»^*r DrtvitI Uoss, I'Vs. Dfsrivieres, (uH». Ci.irdon and 'i'hi>s. Thillips, rrodorick CiriiVm, !Lsq. Secretary tJthcCommissionci 1 \ Esqui ires. J ( 57 ) Trustees of the Uoval Institution ybr the advance^ merU of Learning in this Province. The Lieut. Govr. of Upp«r- Canada for the time being. - The Lord Bishop of Quebec. (Principal.) The Chief Justice of Lower-Canada for the time being. The Chief Justice of Montreal for the time being. The Chief Justice of Upper-Canada for the time being. The Speaker of the Legislative Council of L. Canada 'fhe Speaker of the House of Assembly of ditto. %/The Hon. John Kichardson. The Hon. Ross Cuthbert. ) Tho Hon. and Revd. John Strachan, D. D. 9/ 'J'he Hon. James Irvine. ^' ^rhe Revd. George Jehosaphat Mountain, D. D, /The Hon. and Revd. Charles Stewart, D. D. I /The Hon. Chartier De Lotbin*;ere. The Hon. Charles De St. Ours. The Hon. John Caldwell, j /The Hon. Herman Witsius Ryland. i/The Hon. Lou/s De Salaberry. •^/Ch^jrlf's Marshall, Esq. - J The H^n. A. L. J. Duchesnay, J. Stewart, Esq. Secretary^ The Revd. J. L. Mills. Messenger, Mr. Thomas Paine. 'if y / ^t. • f^ ( 53 ) CO'jKS L)t JUSTICE bANS LA FROViNC£. COVR i^ROVlNCIALE d'ApPEX Lf Gouvor'vur, .le Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou 'a Prrl'onnc ayint i^Adminiftration do Gouvernemcnr, ks Mf.'^Hrey du Confoil Executif, !e Grand Juge de la Frovincr, ct Ic JageenChet de laCour du Banc du Rol pour le i^irtricl de M'onirtal, ou cinq d'cntr'eux (les lugcb de l;i Courdu Diklridt dans laquelle le jo^emenf dotit e(t Appel, a cte rendu, excepces) Louis Montizambertj EcuVcr, Greffier* COUR DU BANC DU ROI POUR LES CAUSES* CRIMINELES. A Qu E B E C . L'Honorablc Jonathan Seweil, Ecuier, Grand Jugedc )a l*rovince, ct Juge en Chef de la Courdu Bancdu / Rni pourle Diftridtde Quebec* • N, F. Uniackc, Ecuier, Frocureur Gine^aL • Charles M>»r-hali, Ecuier, Solliciteur General^ George Vanfelson, Eco'icr, A'vocat Genet aU ^ Gilbert Ainsl e, Ecuier, CUrc de la Couronne, %' Chevalier Rjbcrt D'Estimauvillr, Intcrprke- ^ >' A Montreal. fl 1,'Honorable James Monk, Ecuier, Juge en Chef <le / la Cour du Banc du Roi pour leDiftridt de Montreal,^ 0f Gilbrrt Ainslir, Ecuier, Clerc de la Courorne, • John Mackay, E^q. French Trjmlatcr and Inttr^reter.t Court of Vice-Admiralty. \ ^Hon. James Kerr, Jud^g, J. B. D'Ettlmauville, Esq. and H. L. H* Tremaln, Esqr. R^rlstrjrs. Mr. Th.^mjs Wahh, MarthaU ^ Jjtnt-s H uViT^s K.:rr, Esq. Deputy Reui'vtr 9/ Dr: J*''d Fc'^uiiitsi, r J C 59 ) G^UR Du Banc du Roi pour U D'ljlriei dt S^ueBec. / Le Grand Juge de la I'lovince. / James Kerr, "J y OlUi^f-EgrtaviHy SEc Edward Bowen, j , ,J, F. Perrault c£Ju / Ph. A, De Gaspe, Ecuier, She'rif, C-^ |/ H. Blackftone and J. G. Thompson, Joint Coroners, George Henderson, Geolier, ^OUR DU Banc dv Roi pour h Dhtrkt de MontreaU I Le Juge en Chef pour ie Diftricl de Montreal, /j^aac Ogdenj ols, Ecuiers, Cfxeffiers, ^ <c. i// James Reid, SEcuiers, Juges. Louis Chatles Foucher, George Pylce^ ^]ohn Reid,/Louis Levesque, et Samuel Wentworth Monk, Ecuyers, Greffiets, / Fredfc. Geortick, Traducteur Fran^:U, w Fred. Wm. Ermatinger, Ecuier, Sb^rlff, Jean Marie Mondelet, Ecuier, Coronaire. Gwyn Owen Radford, Geolirr. CouR Provincial E pcur U DiftriSf dei Iron. Ri'vieres, Pierre Bcdard, Ecuier, un des Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour Ic Diftridt des Trois- Riviere?, er Juge Provincial. ^/Charlej Thomas & Hugh Frafer, Ecuiers, Greffurs . f/Gilbcrt Ainslie, Ecuier, C/erc de la Couronre, 1^' .Hugh Fraser, Esq. French Trar.slator and Interpreter^ j Louis Gugy, Ecuier, Ske'rif. " Hugh Frafer, Coronaire. • Richard Johnilon, GeoUcr, CouR, Provincial E pour U Dijlrir; Infeneur de Gaspe*. m^' Alexis Carron, Ecuier, Juge Pro- incial. Amafa Bebee, Greffier, Thomas Mann, Ecuier, Shcrlf, Robt. Shcrwcodj Ccronvaire. i / m * v^ !^i / f^u ( 60 ) JUGES a PAiX pour li District dx QUEBEC. Les Mcinbres du Confcil Lcgiflatif ct Exccutif, lesjugetdv; la Cour du Uanc du Rui pour les Dtftri6ts de Quebec, Men* trcal, Trois Rivieres et Gafpc, fj JOHN FLETCHER, et J . T. TASCHEREAU Ecuycrs, President de la Co ur de Session dc Quartier. 'VA'homas Naiers, ^ 'Joseph Plante, ^ '^m. Holmes, elder, ^rv. Q^iirouet, /Thos. Fargues, t'^/john Macnider, e/ P. D. S. Laterricr?, l^yj^hn Rofs, ^ 'f rs. Durette, t Wm. Hacketf. fj Noah Freer, u. Geo, Taylor, /Wm. Phillips, t peter Burnett, ' Frs. T. Thomas, james Coffin, ,Wm. Price, Jos. F. Perrault, |/Danl. Sutherland. t//Thomas M'ConI •yVJcan Marie Monucle %/ Pascal TdchS /Thomas Willbn, d^ Thomas Alii Ion, Benj. Tremain, John Neilfon% John Stewart, John Davidfon, yjacques Voy;r, 4/ Gilbert Ainslie, f/ J. T. Taschereau, I^YFcs-V. De Monviel, ^ Jean Belanger, Charles De Lerv, ¥ fy. Ed. Desbarats, 4/ ,' Francois Blanchet, ^^ Mat hew Lymbumer, V Mathew Bell, J. W. Woolfey, /• Charles Riverln, Lauchlin Smith, Nicolas Hnisieaii, Claude Denechau, Ls. de la Gorgendiere G. *V. Allfopp, Louis Belair, Pierre Cafgrain, Jean Bte, Tremble, J. B. T. Noel, Louis Boucher, Daniel MTherfoJi, David Harrower, John M'Pherfon, jr. Jofcph FraCer, John WalA, Abraham Turgeon, Germain dc3 Gagne^ ( 6^ y gdward Hal?, M. L. J Dudicsnay, [. B. Tasch Charles Taf <e,' '- -*' •^"' A O. DeLai audlere, Auguftin" jde!'-,ys) A C, Del -he\ otiere; iv Leri Hirrower, Amable Dionn?, « 01. DclaGorgendlcre, A. B. DeBeaumonCy Lou's Bernier, Frs. X. Larue, louis Legend re, A. G, Couiliard, J% G. Bo Ifcau, John Racey> Frs. Xa icr Lcfc bvre^ Julien Ucmers^ William Frafer, Louis Batile David, Alexis Cote, i Abraham Larue, Itemy Puize, Pierre Gagnon, Louis Ruei, Germ. Alcxr. Verre^, F.Letellicrdc St. Julie. Jacques Paner, Jofeph Oullcr, Alexr. Frafer, P. Canac dit Marquis, Jof. Deguife,. //> Charles Chapais, jr. Amable Morin, Simon Frafer, Jofeph D. Defprcs, Jacques Oliva, Frs. X. Pare, Auguftin Larue, E. F. Roy, John Davidfoi', Fr-^. ivi, Bernitr, Kobt. Hamilton, Charles- Four r-r, - L. Turgeon, fils, Laurent Ruelle, Cc A. TifchcTeau, y J. B. BonneviiJe, /C^ F. X. Lacombe, Frs. Lehoullier, Edward Pylce, Geo. Pozer, Newman Bambr'dges Walter Davidlon, Jocclyn Waller, , , Aug.TruJelle, („;; Rene Trottier, J . L. Vezina, Thomas Wthite,, Loui* Moni^zambert, Arnbroife Trudelle, Moses Campbell, — — Harvey, VVm. Lindsay, Peter Patterson, Narcisse Duchesnay, Henry Lemoine,: George Chaperon, Amos Hall, Aiigustin Carroo, Jean iMarie Poulin, Chas. Huot, Bonav Dufour, Paschal Laterriere,. Peter M*Nichol, James iVl'Kenzie, r I. i j> ll f ( 62 ) David Anderson, I P. F. CiilbecL, i.ouis Bertrand, | Thoi. Cazeault, Ecn. Wiiljam Gtecn ct Fr%X, Pcrrauli, Ecrs. Grep-fi df la Paix. JUCiES a I'AIX Pour U Diflria de Montreal. Les Membrrs des ConfeiU Legidatif eC Exccutir Les Juges de la Cowr du Banc du Roi pour ies D.f ^trifts de Quebec, Montreal, Trois Rivieres, k / Gafpc. # Thomas M'Cord et [can Marie Mondelet, Prefidents d« la Cour de SefTion de Quartier* . ^\ Du Quorurn^. ^/faS^.^Tafchereau, John Fletcher, Ifaac );,. '' W. Clarke, Louis Guy, Francois Defrivicres, Jean Bouthillier, J. Philipe Leprohon, /^ — V Tatr ick Murray, t.^ Paul Lacroix, Alexander Henry, iufeph Lacroix, ouift Marchand, jamcs Hughes, Jofeph Turgcon, t/ William Lindfay, «/ Pierre Gucrout, %/ Fleury Deschambault Chriftophcr Carter, t Pierre Grise, Calvin M.iy, Francois Rolland, Ephraim Naih, l^^yp. St. Ct^, Dupre '^ Hugh Heney, Geo. Garden, Samuel Qi*rx%^^^ John Forfyth, Toussaint Pothicr^ John Grey. Alex, Wilson, Phillip Lulce, Barthelemy Roch<rr, ^ichel Turgson, '$1 Jacob Oldham, f/ E. N.L. Dumont, ]• de La Broquerie, J>E. Faribault, Sam. Willard, Antoine Filion, |onas Abbot, George Cook, William Kell, Jos. Douairc Bendy, Joel Ives, m i Sel Ro f La^ i P. Ar W 1 fie Js Li P. ( 63 ) ; i jDhn Savagf, josepbBAer, Richard Adams, Philemon Wright, William Bullock, ios. Whitman, >eon Lalanne, John M*Callum, Chai. Kilburn, Henry M'Kenzie* james Finiay, Henry Cull, £xra Ball, Ph. Byrne, Robert Jones. Rene de la Bruere^ F. X. Malhiot, John Chesser, J. Milne, Pierre Matte, Wm. Smith, John M'Ginnis, Samuel Pott&, Jofeph Richard fon, jenace RaUenne, Thonnas M*Vey, jean Defaulles, Timothy Rose, Selah Pomeroy, Robert Vincent, Lawrence Kid» P. De Boucherville, Arch. N. M*Leod, Wm. M'Crae, Bonaventure Panet, Js. Archambault, P. J. Pin^onnault, A* D. Pambrun, J08. St. Germain^ Jos. Porliefi John Yule, Paul Whitney, Aaron Mattindale, fofeph Cartier, jf. Win. Robertson, Richd. M<Ginnis« Frg. Doucct, Mi:ah Town send, Conrad Derrick, Frs. St. Ongc, Archd. McMillan, Wm* Bowron, Joseph Brunet, F H. Seguin, Dam. Ducharme, J. B. Fournier, Vincent Dufort, Ignace G. Gamelin, John Davidfon, Hen. H. Byng, Pierre Weilbrenncr. T. De BouchcrvlUe, Jos. Vign^ao, To.. Franchere, J. A. Dumont* Hanry Crebassa, James Brown, Thos. Portcous Frs. Larocque, Angus Shaw, ThomasThain, P. D. Rocheblave, R. Gillcfpie, Frs Badgley, D2 { H ) ■' X ) ■' 1 ! ■ m " Thos. Black wooJ, ;f^i, J. M. Lamothe, I'. A. Turner, Jdmes Millar, James Leslie, John Finlay, Alexis Berthelot, (ieorge Burk., Ci. J. Joy'tit, Crrprge Bradford, Hphraim Birch, Dt-rick A«»trom, A. C. Muir, Plugh CaMwell, Steph> Yarwuod, Wm. BLanchard, li. Ciiarlbois, fiU, R. M. Montgrain, ■•-^ — Heatley, N. Mantcht, James Whitford, Joseph Lenet, Loui» Raymond, 1>5. Archambunlt (;. H. Monk; Joseph Beaup;ioTir, Martclle Devienne, Protrfift Dorsonnens, M.S.ParktT, Jul. parrier, L. M B.Barbier, John Delisle, Esquire, Frs. Mercurc, Rodk. Morrison, M. G. Gaucher, Alexis Carme, / Le Noble Duplessii, ^^Dt. Ducheinois, H. L.de Montigny, Etienne Massue, Jacques Carrier, H. 3. Brewster, Jean Barbeaii, Joseph Cartier, pere, Elisha Guitin, Wm. Armstrong, J.T.Droler, Saml. Everton, Wni. Grannes, L. R. C. Delery, Saml. Hatt, Joseph Bresse, David Lukiti, Wm. Pardy, Wm. Woods, Alei. Brown , 'rhos. Russel, I[;nace Berrrand, N. Stuart, junr, -De Lurimier,GiS| Robert Hoyle, I Thos. Jobvson, Joseph LacroixtCfi. Clerh' of the Peace, . :l ff| i ' 1 kk: V, ^ ( 65 ) JUCES a PAIX ^out It DiftrUi det Imi.ltivUni. Lcs Mcmbrei dei ConfetU Lcgiflatif et Executif, les Juge« At la Cour du Banc du Roi pour lcs Diftrifis dc Quebec, Mont- real et TroU Rivicrcsi le Juge Provincial du Oiftri^ Infe- rjnir de Gafpe, et T. Coffin, Pr^fident de la Cour de SeiTion de Quartier* t/ Thomas M'Cord, v jean M. Mondelet, l/'Jli. T. Taschereau, i *^ John Fletcher, J'-^ /Nicolas St. Martin. i^ P. I. Daillfcbout, / k , /Joseph Badeaux, •^ Jesse Pennoycr, /? t ; \i Henry Cull, ^ J. Lanouette,^v V <- L. L. de Tonancour, J.A.C.deSt.Fran9ois, Pierre Jos. H^rouc, Antoine Gagnon, Moses Nichols, Wm. Barnard, Josiah Sawyers, \ij J. B«Lozeau, Frs. Boucher, Ren^ Kimbert, B. P. Wagner, Qaorutn. •«-i F. G. Heriot, Rodolph Steiger, / •^ Jacques Adhemar, /' Guy C. Colclough, J William Gibson, Francis Cottrell, I*- Joseph Lozeau, ( f; Michel Caron, Fran9oi8 Legendre, jy Jean Guillet, pdre. Sueton Grant, Elmer Gushing, Saniuel Brooks, sen. Amos Hall, sen. Pierre Bazil Pelissier, ^Xouis Duniere, ^ Chas. J. H. Goodhuei Daniel Thomas, /^brah. P. Selvin,/ 4>Edward Silli, ,J^> Emanuel Dumoulin, George Carter, Donald M*Lean, William Seacon, Peter Laberec, Christopher Menut, Hugh Heney. DJ W. B. Felton, Charles Whitcher, Edward Hale, K. Chandler, J. H. Kerr, Rufus Laberec, Etienne Cdtci •% > ,: ■ ^ ;. U . ;,•..■■{' '■: i ■• . ■.« • t I * •• : h ■ ■; -f n ^1 / ( 66 ) i-rcd. Rolette, Kdmd. Antrobus Edw. Cartwr ghf , P. J. Chevrefils, Autr, Trudell, Jos. Dury, Jos, Turcot, J. B. Hebert, Louis Landry, Jos. Dionne, Ecrt. S> Crrhomas & H. Fraser, Ecrs. Greffiers de la Pah, JUGES a PAIX pour le D'tftria Infeneur de Gaspu Ixs Membres des.Confcils Legillatif et Executif, les Juocsdc hi Conr du Banc dii Roi pour k'S Dillri£ls de Qinibec, Moiu. real ct Trois-Rivicrcs, rt William Crawford, Ecuyer, Jigc Provincial pour Ic Diftricl lnf<;rieui de Garpe* Jo>t Theophilus Fox, ' Mi'thew Stewatt, Wm. Le Maiftre, J. Bte. de la Fonca'inf, Thomas Sherar, Michel Lepage, Charles Cavenagh, Edward Ifaac Man, Jam 'S Stuart, James Sherar, Azarjah Pritchard, fen. John Gilker, Henry O'Hara, J^rpesDay, Alexander Brotherton, Amasa Bebee, Greffier. Robert Sherar, HenrY John(lon. Bt^niamin Hobfon, John Palerfon, Leonard MatTy, Amafa Bebee, Hilarion Du^aSy Gideon Ahier, Farqi^har M'Rae, ct John Beck, Isaac Dccheae, J. T, Taschercau, M. L. J. Duchesn^y, Esquire^)* Civii Magijtrateiy Indian Territorial ^/ Hon. W. B. Coliman, John Fletcher, Esqr, ^ It lEcrs. \ia Pah atK, |v Gaipu ()ec, Mom. lyer, Jijc ar, fton. bfon, n Us, jr. Kae, ct ercau, ichesn«iy, i. \ V ( 67 ) USTE DE.s AVOCATS bans la PROVINCE. Norinau Fitzgerald Uniacke, Attorney Gen, Charles Marshall, Solicitor General. George Vanfelson, Advocaf^ General. Jean T. Tafchcreau, King's Cx>unsel in the Law. David Rofs, Acting Attorney General at Montreal, Chs, Rd. Ogderi, do. dp. c;t Three-Rivers. ^^ A Q^UEBEC. J Alexis CaronJ^ iz ck.4iC ]^' Oawler Thompfon,^<^^ joleph Leva(r?ur Borgia, , -^ Louis Binet, /2)^y*-'^^<- JeanThos. Tafchereaci^i)^ yJ Jos. Frs, X. Pcrrauit, John Rob, i>; e.C^i:>C^' Philippe Panet, ^tt^i^tto^ George Vanfelfon, And. Wm. Cochran, ^^^ Louis Lagucux, ol4.^i,i(^^ J. B. E. B. Lamontagne And. R. Hamel, / H. L, H. Tremain,^/ at) H. M, GirardjC^;^ ^^. Henry Black, Frs. X» Simon, . v/fohn S. Saunder!!, Th )mas Gugy, , M. Bruneau, ^Xi)^ i ^^L £dvv. Burroughs, , „ ^ ^ Louis Fiset, Louis Moquipi y^ i.«6f' I Pierre Le Droit. A Montreal. *i^ .\ » ) B. A. Pallet, Andrew 3tuart, * Jicques Leblond,CXjL^O^< William Green, ,;^« • Robert Chrifti*-, itj^^^^ ' john Fletcher, tMcC^^ G, B. Faribau f, Louis Pianoiidon,0 &a><; Fhi ip A, De Gafoe,^ ^ an J. R. V. De S:. ileal, j4.V^« Jaibn M'Carthy,, CA<#6^ PaulValle, Jp"cafii>, i^' Stephen Sewel],y^^ ^r < ) Charles Frpti. Hamelin, David Rols, r> J'ifeph Bedard,-^^^ ^<^ Denis B. Viger^ James Stuart, Janvier D. Lacroix, Benjamin Bcaubien, Fian^ois Xavier Bender, A itoine Ls, Levefque. Jean Roch RolUnd, rU> I'ierre Dom. Debartzcb, Louis Michel Vigcr, Fred. Aug. ^Qucfnel, _ »i' Samuel G«:le, J oho Boston, Louis JOS. Papineau, Michael O'SuUivan, Walter Davidlon, ^,^ i pf ^'' Hugues Heney, Alexis Bourret, Charles Porteous, jams. Chals. Grant, Dominique Benj« Rollin, Francis Wm. Defrivieres Samuel W. Monk, { 68 ) ¥m y ^■.' "/' Paul Lussier, ToufTaint Peltier, Franj^ois Roy, Alexr. McMillan, Samuel Sherwood, J. M'Gili Desrivieres, G. S. Henshaw, P. N. Rossiter, James Hallowell, Wm. L. Metchler, | Aux Trois- PIffrre Vczlna, A. Berthelot, P, J. Chevrefils, P. J. G, DcTonancour, Chas. Richard Oi^den, A. Buchanan, C. C. S. De Bleury, H« Blenneihaffett, P. H. D. Beaubien, Dominique Mondeiet. fohn M<DoneU, W. C, H. Coffin, Philippe BruneaU) Robt« Leiter Morrogh. Rivieres. Charles Lafrenaye, William Walker, David A. Boltwick, Chs. DeTonnancour. LISTE DES NOTAIRES, De la Province du Bas-Canada, \ Joseph Planre, Rog c P L e U ^ V r cv^ % relix Tetu, Barth. Faribiult, Pierre La force, Michel Berthelot, Jacques Voyer, Mich. Sauvageau, jean Belanger, Thomas Lee, Charles Huot, Louis T. Besscrer, DiSTR ICT Cote Chs. Pre. Huot, 7 franjois Sasscville, J Vilie de Quebec. Wm. Fisher Scott, Ad. Campbell, H, M. Nor. Am. A. Parent, Edward Glackemeyer, L. T. M'Pherson, Charles Dugal* ) Etienne Boudreault, ^ '■■ ' F. X. VailUncourt, Louis Panet, Pascal Dumaisy Michel Tessieri Regis Bergevin. DE QuBBECa DU NORD. Baie S(. Paul. 1; i -^9 i Isidore Levpsqwe, ) _, , :hjtIesChiniq.iy. pboulemens, • .ouis Bcrnier, ? p, , n- . -ouis Ranvoyze, J ^^-^tcau Richer. )omin. Le Fran9ois, Lorette. 'ran9ois Xavier Larue, 7 „ . ' )amase Larue, j Pointc aux Trcmblw. Paul Biguf, Port -Neuf, Cote du Sud. ^ohn Walsh, ") f ranjois VerrauU, f Ste. Marie,, Nouvellc J. Btc. Bonneville, r Beauc % ijoseph Remy, A Michel Debeloitc dit Doftie, ? c t i. ' .. iouis Ducio , J ^f* Joseph. U A. dc la Chevrotiere, J , ... julien DemcTs, C ^'Otomierq. Joseph C6te, ■? o, . . ,.. aouis Guay, J ^^- AiUomc. - ^ 'Jacques Boucher, "^ ^ Pierre ParaHls. ' ^^^Jt. Henry. ' 1 lacques Boucher, "^ 'rs. X. Lefebvre, / •ierre Paradis, ^ J^^ f. B. Morir?, ^ /j -ouis Turgeon, c/ 1 Louis Turecftn. fils. C^ IS 1 urgeon, C'' > ^-"c/*- is Turgeon, fils, J^^' ^harf^- .y__. aham Turgeon, St. Gervais, ./ ^'^Abraham ;rs. Marcel Bernier, Pointe Levi. Alexis Cc.te, Isle d'Oriani. Pierre Gagnon. do. Blais, St. Michel. .6 > «• „^uguftin Larue, 7 |.X, Lacon.be; | St. Vallier. -'uib Rucl, Bcrlhier. J. B. Morin, St. Franjois, Riv. du Sud. J' C, Letourneau, "> i Gafpard Boiireau, /„ _, G.BoifTeau, >St. TliQmaa, Mjrcel Kerouac;, J <icola Pgnace '"ran ^^'aham Larue, Cap St. Ignace, 'criii. Aivix. Verrcau, L'lslct. { 70 ) Simon Frafcr, St. Jean Port Jolu Amablc Morrin, St. Roch. Reiiy Puize, Ste. Anne. F. Le Tellier dc St. Jull, 7 J^J^J^ ^^ o^,^^^. Pierre Garon, y Auguilin Dionnc, "J Pafcal Tachc, I Jean Etc. Tache, >Kamoura5ka. Th« Casault, I Joseph Deguise, J Ignace Bernler, St. Andre. Louis Amloty IVivicrc des Caps* Joseph Ouellet, Trois Piftoics. ViLLE DE Montreal, J. Papineauj J. Gcrbrand Beek, J. M. Mondelet, H. M. Notary forDift. Motreal Thomas Barron, Charles Prevoft, Louis Guy, F. X. Dczery, foscph Roi, JO eph Desautelst Thomas Bedouin, Henry Griffin, Andre Jobin, Pierre Gamelin, Paul Ed* D'Avcluy, ChailesDes«ve Pierre Lukin. Pierre Ritchot, J. B. G.Peltier. Louis H. Latour, Avti-rou N, B. Doucet, I J. Marie Cadieux, | Cote* su noro Louis Thibaudcau, La Pointc Claire. Aug. pumou<:helle, 1 g^^^ Genevieve. Joseph Payemcnt, j J. B. Ccnftantin, St. Vincent dc Paul. Nicolas Manieilht, Ste. Rose. Ant. Alexis Dubois, 1 Lcuis Sarault, VSoulangcs, Joiech B. Mailloux, j Charles Ls. Nolin, Argenteuii. j.B.H,Desuirs J VaudrcuiL ( 7t ) Yrs. L. Bellefcuillc., ^ T, A. Berthelot, v c* u ^ l Eugene Fred, CtiobensKy^ r Stephen M*K-y, ^ ■V t ^1 i Ignace Raizenne, > „ - ird, S ^ Jean jos. Girouard, y Augurtm Chatellicr, > , , Pjerre F. Th:bault, J Joseph Turgeon, 1 Frs. H. Seguin, V Terrebonne. Toussaint Limoges, j Joseph Brunelie, Sc. Henry de la Mascoucher jean Bte. Seraphin Charland, St. Esprit, Franyoi, Allard, Jst.Roch. J, Bte. Archambault, y Thomas Bedard. > «^ ^ n */f • I- St. jacaucs. Pierre Meroer, y ' * jost Ed. Faribaultjr "I Louis Raymond, >L*Afroinption» Bartht Joliette, j 1. Bte. M'Bean, ) n^^.w^ G. R. D-Arminanlt J ^"''^'"' J. F« Mercure, St. Cuthbert. GOTE* DU SUD. Louis Demers, I Chate av Frs. George Lepailleur, J ° "* Paul Th. Finfonault, St. Gonftant. Louis Decolgne, 7 Til ' n ^• r, T ?- Blairnndic. rierre Lanctot, ^ Ldme Henry, "J Louis Barbeau, > Lapririe, Roger H. Dandurant, j Laurent Archambault, LongueuiL Pierre Gauthier, 1 F. L. DuTTiouUn, >Boucherviller Louia La Cofte, j Alexis Pi net, Varennes. J. G. Vaile, Veicheies, . I- ■I I ( -2 ) Alexis C. L. Duple(T\s, Contfecoeur. Ken? BoileaUy 1 Pierre Besse, VSt. Jofeph dr Chambiy. [ofcph D<jmer8,' j Frs. Med. Petrimoulx, 7 St. Mathias de Joseph Soupras, | Rouville. Chales H. Gauvreau, Ste. Marie de Montnolr. Theophilc Lemay, do, :tj Seraphim Primcau, St. Jean Bapliile dc Rou Ls, Benj. Delagrave, Be)(B4L rr''!^V%'"'"''Jst. Charles Charles Teti*, J Pierre AnU Gauthier, St. Antoine. Louis Bourdages, St. Denis* Louis Picu(d« "^ Louis Brunelle, (^^ vi'ile, Charles Lagorce, ( ' tu. J' Hyacinthe. TR'OIS'-RlVlEIttS. f/' jcan Frs. Ten Michel Gamelin Gaucher^ St. OurS. Henry Crebassa, William Hcnfy, Leon Laianne, St. Armand. District des Trois-Riviire;. Jofeph Badeaux, • Emanuel Dumouliii,! Etiennc Ranvoyze, Luc Michel CfClTc. CoTl DU NORD. Auguftin Trudelle, ? c. a i j 1 r^ • • r% A Ste. Aant Laperide. los. Lasimir Dury, ) '^ Louis Guillet, Batiscan. •^ « Jean Bte Chalut, Yamachiche* Antoine Gagnon, Riviere du Loup. Pierre Bazin, da. Edouard Gagnon. do. COTI DU SuD. Daniel Thomas, Melbourne. Pierre Joseph Chevrefils, St Michel d'Yamaska Antoine Robin, Bayc du Fcvre. Michel Sf^uin, do. ( 73 ) ], M. C. Duvernay, Nicolet. Laurent Geneft, Gentilly. t ^v^^f • ? St. Pierre. Frs. X. lilaiF, J UJIo/Lakd Svkveyors for t/?e Pro'vince^ Jofeph Bouchette, Esqu'ue, Surveyor General ^ William Sax, First Clerk in the Surveyor GeneraVi Office^ Dep, Prov. Surveyor. Robert Smith, %d-0u^-in4}M-OfiM* ;i, , ]e(Te Pennoyer/*^'^>'^*<^^'^ownihip of Compton. Theodor^ de P^nclcr^^^' oorel. William t'ortune,^f^^i9 Abfent from the Province. Jean Bte. Demers, St. Nicolas. Charles Turgeon, /^ L'Aflbmption. Amable Dezery, v Ifle Perrot. Francois Le Gendre, Gentilly. H. leM. St. Germain, St. Euttache. Nathaniel Coffin, v/ Upper-Canada. Pierre Beaupre, i.-^ --*♦*<.<. Berthier, Dis. of Montreal Je^r. Bte. Larue, < Quebec. Jofeph Martel, ^ /H^^ ^^' Jeremiah M«CarthTi%/ ^^^Kamouraska, Henry O'Hara, Gaspe. Pierre Lambert, St. Antoine. H. Roi dit Dej.ar;lin| Kamouraska. Etienne Guy,' ^<.-^-c< Montreal. St. Jean Port Joli, Argenteuil. La Chenaie. Lotbiniere. Boucherville. Berthier, Dis, of ^fontreal» Town of Three-River«i O^ell Town, MonireaJ. Francois Fournier, 1 heodore Davis, Charles Lauricr, Louis Le Gendre, Peter Weilbrenner, ^ John Frederick Dame,c Modefte Pratte, jofeph Whitman, Joel Ackley, £ ( 74 ) 1 . / Jofepfi Senct, Pierre Oery, /"X^ Benjamin Ecuyer, - Jofeph Fr.ifcr, Ignace Piamondon, /'^ Jean Bte» C.)urval, > ,^e- Jean Gaudet, J fofeph Fortune, jean Ant. Bouthillier, R. Smith, D. P. S* John Dwyer, john >jUivan, Charles Fournier,- Henry dc Boisbrillant ) de la Durantaye, y David Thompfon, Alexander Stevenson, John Mackie, James Milne, Stephen Wert over, Jean i»te. Legendre, Charles Archambeault, John Harrifon, , William Norwood, %/ Chev, Rob, D*Eftimauvi Nahum Biker, />» John Adams, v/' ; J. Bte. Dubergcr, Louis Proulx, Emery Fere, Jean Barbeau, Alexander Gibbs,. Frederiak Weifs, '^N Lewis Foy, .^^^V Robert Moarhcad, Patrick Smith, , Joseph Bouchettr, jun. William Morris, l-' L*A(Tomption. Ancienne Lorette. St. Hyacinthc. Quebec. St. Anne, Dis. of Qufbjc St. Regis, Refidence not known, Ottowa River, UCanad^ Beauport. Q ebec. St. Hyacinthe. Town of Three-Rivers St. Charles, Dis. Quebec. Ramouraski. Terrebonne. Montreal. Dalllebout, Dis. Montreal, Be^uharnois. Sutton. Gentilly. Chateaugay. B^rthier, Dis. of Montieii Upper-Canada, lie, Quebec, Beauharnois. MontreaL Murray Bay. St. Thomas, St. Eurtache, Chambly. Townships. Riviere Ouelic. Quebec, do. do. * do, do. ( 75 ) Thomas Horan, Hamilton Leslie, David Bourdages, Donald Divingfton, John W. Quin, D. T. Jone?, Charles Majiuel, William Taylor, ames Gray, lean P. Proulx* ohn Burroughs, ean 0. Arcand, John M*Naughtun, Augus Cattariach, Wm. McDonald, Willfam Ware, Frs. Tetu, Montrral. do, St. Denis. Montieal. f >Resi dence not known. MEDECINS, CHlRURGiENS, &c. D^kt de Slucbec, £n Vill£. Wm. Holmes, M. D. ixaminateurs des Candidats deaiandent des Licea- 1* anjois Rianchet, P.OeS.Laterriere, MDlj Jolr-a I'aincliaud, Joseph Morrin^ Auguftja Mercicr, -' <■ \ iiouard Martineau, Wm. Edward Holmes, C.N. Perrault, M.C. Ant.Iffland, WiUiam Hail, | Jcflin Row'cy, Pierre Maclcay, John Blanchet, £, F. l^amoureux, Joseph Parent, J P. Gilroy, / John Kilvert, Frs. X. Tessier, John Clark, .^ ♦' E 2 1i ( 7» ) r Margir*t Paps, AccoBchtnsciy'*. faoe Johnilon, /ofcph KarlTi, Ant G. Couiilard, Thomas Koismaii, M. I\ de S. Laterriere, William Thu-ber, Patrick Donnelly, Francois Forticr, William Eraser, Henry Loedd, Daniel Arnoldiy Wm. Robertion George Selby, John Rowand, F. X. Bender, Jean Bte. HerigaiAit, Henry Munro, » Wm. D. Selby, M. D. £n Camp/^gne. ^C B. Macguirc, M Boudreauity George Lirrr, Ecienne P. Tache, Stephen Hicki« Robt. Hal), J. D. Nelfon, r John Steveoi'oa* DiftriSl dt Montreal. En Villi. Examinateurs des Candli« dats qui dcmandent del Licences. D, T. Kcnnelly, Rene Kimbert, Wm. Caldwell, A. J, Chriftic, Aiexr. Lusi^nan« M.^ P. Barsalow icaires* Samuel Newcomb, 1 . *l' Joseph Beckett, J '^P'"''" En Camfagne. Benj. Green, jean Claude Lehoulier, ) jean Bre. Lebourdais, tU George Stubinge r, George Meyer*", AiiguJl. Globen skynd, j. B. Cha nberl ain, Simon Fral'er, Aoguftin Leonard, John H Ferris, Henry Porter, lohn Morlcy, Frs. Chicou Duvert, L. M. R. Barbier, Ls, Albert Bender, Benjamin Traflc, Chas. Louis (.'ateau, S. Cleveland Biyth, Guftave Iserhoft, Alexander Talt.a;n( ( 77 ) I,' A. s. Srh'Ifer, Woses Nichols, IWoifreH NcLfon., ICalvin May^ Henry V. RogerJ^, Michai^l Andrews, Barnard M^-Galr, .'.Ths. Boutillier, N''il MtKcrnan, Razile Oharlfbols, (]?o, Gillec^y Will. I'aidey, Asa T. Al.tj)i«iiid<^r, JolVpli L-ifjgc,. District i>es Ccorge Carter, Pm-^ Robertfon,. ^ Hrnry Mount, R S. Bourdage?, J. Lr. Ouc, Jacq. JcanCh.de St. Felix, Al Aug. Dame, j. F. F». Lionois, John Wc!l:on, F«an. Doutcf, Peter C. Locdel, Hugh Caldwell, Sinr.on Z. Heniy, John Gray, J, G, Gaucher, L J. C. Cazfneuvc. Trois Rivieres. Thoma'5 Fortier, Joieph Fortier, Calvin Alexander, VACCINE BOARD. (Under Prov. Star. 57:h Geo. 111.) Tliomas Fargucs, M. D. President, William Hacker, M»D. FkeF resident. William Holmei, J )osepb Morrin, > Member s* ' Secretary* IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 Li|2£ 12.5 itt Uii 112.2 2? lift *^ S La 12.0 7] "> t /, ^>. ^.!>*' ^ 7 i!!^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSM (716)872-4S03 i 78 ) vi%t\-i!:f ifSi' TRINITY-HOUSE OF QUEBEC The Corporation efiabltjhed by an AEi of the Pn* vincial Parliament of the i^^tb Ceo. Ill, Caf» 12 George Symes, E<=q. Mafler* Thomas Wilfoiiy E^q. Deputy Mafter% Thomas White, William Grout Sheppard^ A. J, Raby, Superb of Filots^ John Lambly, Harbour Majier^ Francis Desrivieres, 7 «" f Thomas And, Turner, ^^\ fVardens at MontreaU Jlobcrt Armou<-, J**^ /. Officers at Quebec. William Lindfay, Elquirc, Regiftrar and Treafurer, Mr. Jofeph FenvNick, Astiitant Harbour •Ma&et^ and Super Intendant of the Cul -de-Sac* Mr, Jacques Langlois, iVater Bailiff* Jean Fluel, Meffenger, Officers. AT Montreal. Mr. John ©ellfle, juur. Clerk to the ff^ardent* Mr. Gabriel Franchere, Harbour Mafier^ Mr. Claude. Thibcaut, IVater Bailiff. Branch Pilots for and below the Harbour of ii>uebec, according to feniority, with the num- bers prefixed to each, which they are obliged by Law to have painted on the fore and main fails, and on the bow and Hern, of their rel'peftivc Boats, under a penalty of ten pounds currency. 1 BarthelemyLaChance, 2 L. M. Lavoie, 3 Antoine Petit, 4 Joseph Langlois, .5 William Pettigrew, i Daniel Rofs, 7 Charles Doiron, 8 Pierre Rouleau, 9 Jean Bte. Chaloux, 10 James Forbes, 11 jofeph Pouillot, 12 Jeaa Duraas, ( 79 ) .13 X-ouis Dem<}rS} 14 Jean Lavoiey 15 Barthelemy Pouillot, 16 Antoine RoulTely 17 Ambroife Dumas, 18 Noel Chouinardy i9 Gabriel La Chance, I ft 20 Laurent Tremblay, 21 Bar.'La Chance, jun* 2S Jofeph Tivwrgc, 23 Louis Delifle, 24 Francois Desnoyer, 25 Edward Gourdeau, 26 Jean Bce. Morency, 27 Antoine Turgcon, 28 Frederick Dorren, 29 Angus M^Niel, 30 James Slhith, 31 Chrysostome Dumas, 32 Charles Dumas, 33 Daniel M'Millan, 34 Michel Chamard, 35 Jacques La Pierre, 36 James Englifh, 37 P«Audet,ditLapointe, 38 Francis Forbes^ 39 J'^'cph Morency, 40 Charles Pilcha, 41 John Kelly, 42 Benjamin Fjrticr, 43 Pierre Crepeau, 44 Joseph Jean, 45 Benjamm Pineau, 46 Michael Forbes, 4; Amable .Lavoie. 48 Prifque Meteiller, 49 Pierre La Montagne, 50 George Sc« Armand, 51 Antoine Lapointe,] ift 52 Pierre Curodeai^, 53 Francois Morency, 54 Charks Fortin, 55 Regis Chamard, 56 Antoine Boucher, 57 Antoine Lapointe, 2d 58 Auguftin Doiron, 59 Picne Touffaint, 60 Amable Paquet, 61 Jofeph Desjardins, 62 Clement Chas&ee, 63 Francois Leder, 64 Jean Langlois, 65 Gabriel La Chance, 2d 66 J. A. Dick, 67 D. 'Charelt, 68 Jacques Fournier, 69 Germain Soucie, 70 Zacharie Coce, 71 Fraq9ois Paquet, 72 Fran9ois La Chance, 73 Guillme, La Chance, 74 Louis Baillerjcron, 75 Hcd^or Ross, 76 Pierre Boneau, ' 77 Louis Canuel, 78 Joseph Royer, 79 Frs, Pineau, 80 Frs, Bourgette. m ^'i ■■; I ■ t ri E4 .-J mhi^ifa' mK ( 3o ) Branch Pilots for (^ above the Harbour of Sluehec. jiiiUtant Examiner of Piiott for and above the Harbour of Sluebec, I Michel Belleille, Pierre Perrault^ Michel Mahiety Francois Page, Olivier Parant, Michel LeMieux, Alexis Marchand, Jofeph Gauthier, ean BCt>» Gauthier^ Jean Bte. Eiron^ Joseph Morin^ Antoine Belleifle, i ft Ambroife Mayrand, Joseph Belieisle, Pierre Page, Aotoine Mayrand, Jacques Pampalon, Jean Bte. Duval, Aug. Blais, Joseph God in. Pierre Page^ junr. Francois Mercure, Francois Hamclin. Joseph Bougie, Thomas Everell, Ambroise LaHeur, Antoine Belleisle, id Louis Baribault, Ambroise Paquet^ Jean Belleisle, Flavien Hamelint Ambroise Nau, J . Bte* Dusault, Antoine Bellecour, Amand Casey, Charles R'^ymond, Jos. Isa'i Boudieau. Rates of Pilotage for the River 8t* Lawrenct. From Bk to S^uebec. Per Foot* From the id to rhe jorh April, inclu. £^ 6 From the ift May to the loth November, inclu live, . - - - o i8 From the nth co the 19th November, in. i 3 From the loth Nov. to the ift March, in. i 8 From Quebec to Blc* From the 2d to the 30th April, inclu. ^o 18 ^ From the ift May to the loth Nov. in, o i5 9 From the nth to the 19th Nov. inclufive, i o 9 From the 20th Nov. to the ift March, in* i 5 9 PiJoti irbour ft inr. urcy tlin* II, sur, slcy 2d t, > it, :our, reaut ' Foot* 6 i8 8 i8 i5 3 9 S 9 9 Rates of Pilot Water and Poundage on Pilot Money are payable at the Naval. Office, by Matters and Com- manders of vefTels. For every foot of water for which matters or com- manders ot vettels are bound to pay their pilots, from Bic to Quebec, and from Quebec to Bicj a/6, cur- rency pr« foot. For vcfTels going to Three-Rivers or Montreal, of lOO to 150 tons inclufive, |(^2 currency* of 151 to 200 tons inclufive,]^3 . of 201 t» 250 tons inclufive, j^4 • of 251 tons and upwards, £S ' On fettling with pilot;:, matters or commanders of velfels, or theconfignees of fuch vettels, are to dedu^ if, in the pound for the amount of the fums to be paid fur pilotage, which will be exaded by the Naval Of- ficer at clearing out, the fame being funded by law, under the direction of the Trinity Houfe, for the re- lief of decayed pilots, their widows and children. E. Sa £. ^ Si E. N. E. ^E. N. E. by E. I E. w. s. w. Red Island - White Island Brandy Pots • Apple Island Basque Island - - ,..„.... ^ .. - The Shoal at the N. E. end of Gr. Lland, S. W. -JS. The Shea! at the Wett end of Green Island, N* £• JE. E5 W. S. W. i W: Light-House on Green Island, in the River St. Lawrence. Keeper^ Mr. Charles Hambelton. tCl).' -^ * '" The Lantern of the Light-House on Green Island shows a Light erery Evening, from Sun Set to Sun Rise the next Morning, from the Fifteenth day of April to the Tenth day of December, inclusive; and the follow- ing are the Bearings of it, by Compass, from the respective places, hereunder mentioned, videlicet: ■^li :\ ' I 'I IS .*' 1' '4 ( 82 ) REGULATIONS 2 or the payment qf Pilotage above £ic to Quebec, At or above the Anchorage of the Brandy Pots - - Jds of the present rate for for a full Pilotage. Above the Point of St. Roc Jd or above the Point aux Pins, on the Isle aux Grues, and below Pa^- trick's Hole - - - - - And at and above Patrick's Hole . - do. do. j[th do. do. • - The Rates already esta« blished by law for shift- ing a vessel from one place to another in the Harbour of Quebec, viz. ^13 4. Hates above the Harbour of Quebec. I'rom Quebec, To Port-Neuf, 4I. Currency. 5I. 61. To Three-Rivcr«, or above Port-Neuf, 61. Currency. For Vcneli of Register Meafureinent, not ex- ceeding 200 Tons, If above 200 and not exceeding 150 do. If above 250 Tons, /I* •• •••• vl* •••••• To Montreal, and above 3 Rivers, III. Currency. I3I. 16:. • • For Vessels not exceed ing 200 do. If above 20O and not exceeding 250 do. If above 250 Tons, To Quebec, From Port Neuf, 2l. 10$. Cur'y. 3I. 10s 4I From 3 Rivers, & above Portneuf, 4I. Currency. 4K 10 5I. tos From Montreal, & above 3 Rivers, 7I. lOs. Cur'y. I'or Vessels not exceed ing 200 do. If above 200 and not exceeding 250 do. If above 250 Tons, Pilots are at liberty to leave Vessels forty- eight liDurs after they arrive at the place of their destination. 81. lol. 15s. 15s. ( 83 ) Officers of the Customs iathe Province* Hon, M. H. PiscivALy Coliedor* Thomas AinsUeYoung, £sq. Comptroller. William Wilson, Efq. Waiter and Searcher. Charles Gray Stewart, Efq. Waiter and Searcher* Auguftus Welling and Hugh M'Donell, Tidesnten* Mr. JohnGerbrandBeek, Superintendant at Montreal* Mr. William Hall, Waiter and Searcher at ditto. J. H. Rerr, Esq. Waiter & Searcher at Thtee-RVvers. William Lindfay, Efqr. Collector Port of St. Johns. Wm. M'Crae, Esqr. Comptroller at ditto. Bartholomew Tierney, Gauger at do. J. Milne, Esq. Colle£lor at the Port of Chateaugay. Alex. Wilson, Esq. Do. at the Port of Coteau du Lac* Henry Johnfton, Efq. Deputy Colle(^or ,& Preventive Officer at Gafpj. t^ •11 '■■ ■ i t ^ i F6 'J w\ 1 ^1 m '4 , 1.,,' -K' 14 it m pwl i 1 1 if ''' 1 M Ekim.'^ t^^- y ||Ki P p i-K 1 it-. V 1^ '-■ ( 84 ) Cy /i6* General Poji-Office in the Provinces and JJlaxdi of Britijh North America, Daniel Sutherland, Esq. Deputy Poft-Mader. General for Biitiih North America* CQuebec - - - Cap Sifite^ - Pi>rtoeury ^ . . St. Anne, • Three Rivers Henry Cowan. Francois Garneau. Andre Gaudrie. Charles Dorion* Edward Sills. La Baie St. Antoine, Pierre Gouin« 4 Drummondvilley Richmond, . . . Shcrbrooke, - - - Hattey^ . . . . StansteaJ, . . . River du Loup, - . Berthier - - - - Wm. Henry, • - St. Denis, . « . St. Hyacinthe, - - Montreal . . « Chambiy^ . . . St. Johns, . . . Philipaburg, . . Caldwell Manor, Coteau du Lac, - - Terrebonne, - - - Sl* Euftache, - - St. Andrews, - - Grenville, - - - Hull, - . - - St. Thomas, - - River Quelle, - - Kamouraska, • - James Millar. Stephen Barnard* Charles Whitcher. Robert Vincent. Marcus Child. A. A. Dame. Hercule Olivier* / George Graves* v Louis Guerout. Willi<im Boutillier* James Williams. John Sexton. Louis Marchand. Joseph H. Munson. William Bowron. D. M*Dermid. Edward Lane, jean Bte. Routicr. Guy Richards. Archibild M'Millan. Ruglfs Wright, John M*Phcr9on. Letellier De St. Juste* I. B. Tache* ■ir=.i ( I Gaspe Bay, - • l^Chaleurs Bay, - ^Lancaster, - - Cornwall, • . Hawkesbury, Matilda, - - Prcscott, - - Brockville, - - Ba(tard, ... Perth, ... Richmond, - . Gananoque, Kingilon, - - Bath, . . • Napanee Mills, • Belleville, - - Cramahe, - - Hamilton, - . Port Hope, - - Murray, - - - Hallowell, - - York, . - . Dundas, . « - Grimsby, . - St. Catherine, - Niagara, - • - Queenston, - - Vittoria, - . Poit Talbot, Burford, - . - Delaware, > » Amherftburg, - ^Sandwich, - - • ^Halifax, - - - •^ I Windsor, - - 4 vHorton, - - ^- ^ "^ Annapolis, - « J I Digby, - . - N ^Liverpool, - - 1 I 8S ) . Henry Johnstone. - Edward Isaac Mann* - J. J. Dunlop. - Guy C. Wood. ' - Thomas Mears* . Paul Glasford. . Alpheus Jones. - Henry Jones. . J. K.Harlwell. . Josiah Taylor. - Henry Whitmarsh. • Ephraim Webster. • John Macaulay. > James Ranken. - A. Mcpherson, - Thomas Parker. - Joseph A. Kecler. . James G« Bethune. - John D. Smith, . Charles Biggar. - Ebenr. Wa^hbuin. - William Allan. - W. H. Coulson. • William Crooks. - W. H. Merritt, • John Crooks. . Alexr. Hamilton. • Daniel Ross. - M. Burwell. - Wm. Van Al!en. - Daniel Springer. • John Wilson. • William Hands. - John Howe, janr* - T. M. Rudolph. . Eliiha Dewolph, • Alexander Burkett. . J. Snodgrass. . E. Calking. fy •i I . ■:.<; :f ■I 'R m ■^■^:rii Is- ^ if 1 i ( 86 ) •ti r<>t. Johnf, - . ^ g I Frederickton, 3 S 1 St. Andrews, ^ 2 (. Weftmorelaad, - Prince Edward Island, Benjamin ChappelU J. C, T, Brcmner. Andiew Phair. James Campbell* James Watson. Tlie Mails from Quebec to the several Post Office' on the route to Montreal, are made up and forwarded every day, Sundays and Fridays excepted, at 4 P. M. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in Upper* Canada, are made up and forwarded every Tuesday and Saturday, at 4 P. M. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in the Eastern Townships, are made up and forwarded every Monday, at 4 P. M. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices on the Ottawa River,.are made up and forwarded every Saturday, at 4 P. M. The Mails from Quebec to the Forts Chambly and St. Johns, are made up and forwarded every Tuesday aiul Saturday, at 4 H. M. The Mails from Quebec to the several Post Offices in Nova-Scotia and New-Brunswick, are made up and forwarded every Thursday, at 1 1 A. M. > . . > MILICES DU BAS-CANADA. t]^ Etat Major de la Miltce active et seden- taire de la Province du Bas Canada. MiLicn AcTjvn. I.t, Col. Frs. Vassal de Monviel, Attj, GenMral, Lt..Col. J. T. Taschereau, Depute Adj, GenCJ^^^K. At sis t ant Adj. Gen, i Lt.-Col. Geo. Taylor, C. B. Aidede Camp Provincial Ca., <v. Lieut.-Col.J. B. Chevalier Duchetnay, diUo ditto^^cJLcA Canitaine L. A. Thomas, Clerc an Bureau, J. G. Primeau, Mejsager ditto, t^ ( Z X^., MlLlCR SSDEVZAtRK, ' Lt.-Col. F. Deschambault, Qr. Mattre Genl, i/c/^/^l^, Lt.-Col. C. Chaussegros De L^ry, Dep Qr, Mr, Gen, Capit. Janies Milnes, Assistant Qt, Mr. Gen, Capit. John Stewart, Depute Paye Mattre General, Capit, Louis Plamondon, Juge Avocat, f"^ .c^i'^CzC^..^ Francois Blanchet, Surintendant des Hopitaux.^^*^*^*-^ Marc Paschal de Sales Laterri^re, Chirurgieru Messire Ponlm de Courval, "J Mes«ire Michel Noel, C Auntoniers, Mewire Fran9oi8 Robitaille, j Js><^*~*--^^ Etat Major pour toute la Province* Jean Bte. D'Estimauville, p^re, Colonel. /ycCtt-^ Piirre de Boucherville, 1 y > Jlon. M. H. Perceval, . I ^ ^^ ^^ *^^ Hod. Charles de Salaberry^^^Jeut.-CoIonels. Hon. Olivier Perrau1ty>^ '^ ^V y Hon. Ls. R^ne C. De L^ry, J //Lac^ Pierre de Rocheblave, Major. . Hon. James Irvine, do. i i^-^Cli^Ljt^ Hon. John Mure, do. tyC^l^^^^^ Hon. Edward Bowen, Capitaine. Hon. George Pyke, do. f \ :i> i t\ ■^1 iff m U ( 88 ) Oijtrict dc \luebcc9 comprcnant 17 Di'vifion:^ Premier Bataillon de la VtlU dt Sljiihtc. I J. F. Perrault, Lieut^Coiomi Commandant, i^ > Barthelemy Faribaulty "1 J^XtAJ^ J^^" ^^^* Sorbin* >Majors» I Augadin Germain^ j i'^i^C'C^ ^ Pierre Laforcr, 1 , •9 J JOS. F* X* Feirault CAPITAINEt. >• turnum* V¥A^ Franjiiis Balllairge, Thomas Lee, fils, Robert Chriftie, sum, J >feph DorioDy John Fletcher, sum. C. H. Gauvreju, sum. /^^ju.)Fran9 >is Durettc, J. B. Larue, Charles Hu >t, I Jos. Levaifcur Borgia, jf^tja£i3iCpir^ Maliue, . LIEUTENANTS* / Benjamin Lemoine, Ji^j Charles N. Perraulr, Hi j Louis MaO'ue, ,^i /Uggjtjji^ic^h Lcblond, fits, Nicolas Mailue, ]ean Huot, L., Charles Turgeon, Francois Beianger, / Pierre Rochet, 4^f/£»/^aul Vaile, XN8EIGNES. i I r' Chs. PelifTon, I / Jacques Gif ard^ IjAjJP'itfreyoycvy fils, K- George Qui n. Edouard Bacquet, \ Nicolas Boiffonneau, Pierre Deguife, Lieut, tt Adjudant. Fran9ois Remain, Lieut, et ^uartier Mattre* J asper B rewer, Lieut, Aide . Major, P. De Sales Laterriere, Cbirurgien, iofeph M, Meroiette, Sergent Major, ouis Hianvcux, Sergent ^artier. Maitre* Louis Lagueux, fils, Edouard Larue, surn. Frs« Delagrave, do* Augt. Amiot, Michel Borne, J as. Prendergaft, sura, Germain Fiuet, do* Nicolas Viliire, Joleph Deblois, Auguilin Vexcler. jUoiC ( 89 ) Steond Batatllon it la ViUe de Slu/hec. Felix Tecu, Liiut, CoL Commandant, Louis de Montizamberty } j^ • Michel Berthelot, J ^''•^^ mu CAPITAINBS. 'Michel SauvageaUy Philippe Panet, \ iean Beianger, /^UU ouisB. Pinguet, Ls. Theodore Be(Terer^ George B. Faribault, fofeph Languedoc, Pierre Doucet, Francois Quirouet, Charles Langevint^ Louis Moquiiiy <J? J. '..'*■ *■ LIZOTENANTS* Charles Jourdaln, j.R.ValieresdeSc.Real Etienne C6te, Fran9oit Laurent^ Pierre Chauveauy Joseph Roi* Jos. Martin Chinic, John Goudie, Ignace Gagnon, Paschal Quin, / Louis Panetf y Louis Binet* Jt-'^ f...4n* y George Ryland, A. R6mi Hamel* Olivier Quirouet, JElzear Bedard, DarleyWooliey. J Joftfph Bouchette, jun. Pierre Peltier, Charles Bouchard, JE. R. Roy, INSZIGNC8. Richard Fortier> jofeph Lagueux, Theophile Bruneaiu J. Thomas DougUfs, Lieut, et Pate Maitre* Frs« Languedoc, Lieut, et Adjudant. Jofeph Painchaiid, Chirurgien» Pran^ois Corneau, Lieut, et Quartier Maitre, Charles Panet, Lieut^-Aide.Major. Oenis Bruneau, do, do, Peter Brchautt Ens, do. t. B. Lindsay, do, do, Samuel Bouchette, do, ih, Roger Sasseville, Sergent Major, Jofeph Lcgare, senior, Sergehl ^uartier Maitre, cjti^.L^ ^ W\ '^ m I i 90 ) 'Troisihte Bataillonde la Vdlece S^uihtc Hon. William Smith, LUut^-CoL CpmmandanU William Lindsay, I Majoru \%] ^.i-fti^^ J* ^^«' D'Eftimaui .-> CAPITAINES. Archibald Fergufon^ I Francis Hunter^ iL ^^''(foGilberc Ainslic, GeQrge Symes^ / James Rofs, ^ ?Henry Cowan, John Siewart, iU Robert Melvin. Jofeph Cary, John Rofs, John D. Hamiltoiu ul '-^ f'^li'';:j.i John Macnidefy Thomas Wilfon, Benjar^in Jremain, r\ Chs. Gray Stswarr, ;>4 U^ Robert D^nn, Thomas Aylwin, *> james Mitchel, Andrew Stuart, ] Peter Patter Ion, LIEU TEN AKS. / Jofeph Jones, Thomas White, WitUam Hunter^ M. M'Kenzie, John jones, Andrew Patsrson, James L« Marett* E-NS EIGNE S« Andrew Mdir, W. Burns Lindsay, jun. W, Smith SewelU Thomas Pyke, James Heath. John Neilfon, Henry Black, Andrew W. Cochran, John Cannon, •Francis Coulfon, 7* fn, i^eter Burnet, /^Thomas Cary, Lieut, et Adjudant, /Francis Coulsoii, Ens. et Qr. Maitre* .'^*;^ William A. Hall, Chirurgien, «.^/^ V-'^ jofeph Stilfon, Sergent Major. , Sergent C^uartier MiiJtreu ■ h\ ( 91 ) Troupe de Cavaierh de Quehec Capit. Matthew Bell, Major. William Sheppard, Capitaine, Hamniond Oowen, Lieutenant* William Henderson, Cornette. S^uatrieme Divifion de S^uebec* \ ■ jliJi^^^'?}^ Piante, Lieut, Colonel Commandawt, David Monro, abi'ent, } -^ . V „ _ . _ » ' t Majors* CAPITAINES. ancienne iorette* Frs. Baby, fils. f) |.^Iichel Alair, Atr.broife TrudcL Jofeph L'Hero, Antoine Routiery Ar^i-Jean Btc. Legare, J* Louis Vezinaj s% ambroife. do. &te. foii ancienne lorette* St. auguftin* do. X.IEXJTXK.ANS* ^^M/J^^^l^ Alain, Louis Daiveauy Louis Gciboury, Michel Hamel, jean Robitaille« Louis jobin, Francois Bedard, ancienne Iorette« St. ambroife* &t. augullin, see. foi« ancienne lorette* St. auguftin. St. ambioise* ENSEIGNtS* Jacques Falardeauj st. ambroife* / ntoineDorre, ijacques Legare, .; »seph Valio, Philip Drolct, Charles Trudel, Pierre Drolet, Michel Girard, John ilnderson. St* augultin. ste* foii St. augultin* ancienne lorette,. st« ambroife. ancienne lorette* do. ^jut'bec. 1 If ;:^ '■: *■■■ i 9* I Adjudant: *floTnain Yallieres, Lieut, et Aide f lajor, at. auguftin. Joseph Delifle^ Lieut, do. ite. foi. ^ / j Jacques Fluet, Lieut. do« ancienne lorette* ^^ M t ^Charles Denis Plantey fils» do* quebec. '-.'J Jofeph Baby> Lieut, do. do. DivUion du Cap Sant/m It F« de Lagorgendiere, L» CoU Conmandant, George Waters Allfoppy Lieut, CohneU Frs. Xavier Larue, 7 m, • Olivier de la Gorgendiere^ J ^^^^ * GAPITAINES. ■*' Rene Trottier, grondines. L. Jofeph Prouixy pointe aux trembles. Frs. D. Berrrandy cip sante* J. Baptifte Marcott^^ do. Ls. Garriepy, defchambautt. Pierre Perrauity 'do. Jacques Marcotte, cap sante* JBapti(teDufl*aulty ccnreuils* LIEUTENANS* Antoine Garneau, pointe aux trembles* Frs. Germain, jofeph Paquin, Charles Pcrrault, Louls Mongrin, Hyacinthe Denis, cap sante. deschambault« cap sante. cap 8ant^« ecureuils* ENSEIGNXS. LOUIS Tapin, pointe aux trembles. "Nic. PerrauUy jofeph Pari, R. Trottier, fils, J. Bte. de Romme, jofeph Marcotte« Alexis Germain, deschambault* c<ip sante. grondines* 2ap sante. deschambault* cap sanie« ( 93 ) jofcph Larue, pointc aux trembles^ FUvien Page, ecureuils. Pierre MoriiTet, Lieut, et Adjudant. Pierre Gendron, Znseigne Aide Major. Louis G. Beliflr, do. do. Francois Ange, do. do. Mathurin MorifTeti do. do. Divtfion de Beauport* .>^.z«fciC^ Hon. A. L. J. Duchesnayy. Lt. Col, Command. Majors* ^j^^AIexis Caroiiy .^^. Juch. Duchesnay, ^jGeerge Vanfdson. , John W. Woolfey, CAFIT/ ilNBI* Gabriel Hwot, range gardien. Pierre Girouxy charlesbourg. Louis Boacher, St. fereol. Jacques Jobin, charlesbourg. Louis Cazeauy chateau richer. Michel MarcouXy beauport* Ignace Giguere> ste. anne. Paul Bolducy St. Joachim: Pierre Marcoux, beauport. Alexis Gravelle, canardiere. LIXUTINANS* Henry Lemoine, chateau richer. Francois Simaf d. St. fereol. Benjamin Ritche, beauporty Paul Rinville, do. Jean D^ry, range gardien. Gabriel Magnan, Charles bourg» '«> Franjois Rancour t. •t. Joachim. Louis Racine, ste. anne. Antbooy Aaderioni beauport. canardiere* 'A ■ Ml 'hi •J ,» w^ It' IfT. r ' 1 II : 1 r' i ( 9* ) INSEIGNES. lean Macie Renauld^ charlesbourg Jean Marie Beianger* Michel Parent, Paul Bilodeau, Ambroise Bedard, Paul Philion, Charles Guimond,- John M<Callum, chateau richer* beauport. do. St. ferc)!. charlesbourg, St, jo£chifn« see. anne* beauport* f^ canardiere. Adjudant. Ths. Young, Carit. et Aide Majt>r,^ Quebec. Antoine Parent, Lieut, et Quartier M^tre» do, Frs. Remain, fils, Enseigne Aide Major, do. Auguftin Deguise, do. do. Jean Bte* Kenaud, do, do. Louis Lemoine,.- do. do.- Division de la Bate Si, Paul» Jfofeph Dufour, LieuU Col, Commandant, J. Etc; Tremblay, > ^ . ne, S ^ oru James M^iCenzi CAFITMNCS. Frs. Tremblay, eboulemcns. / Marc Gagnoni Louis Belair, J//U'ui Thomas Lee, pcrc, George Chaperon, Louis Tremblay, Isidore Lsvesquf, Louis Hervey, *^ Pierre Laberge, >w,/c> Ant. Riv^jrin,. Bonaventure Dufour, J. Bte. Dupere,. >k iile auxcoudres* baie st, pauU do. do. eboulemens. do. murray bay. do^ do. petite' riviere* bale St* pauh < \ ^1 ( 95 y LIIUTENANS. itienne Gagnr, baie st. paul, Abraham Fortiily Zacharie Peitony Pierre TrembUy, Barthelemi Lapointe^ Bernard Pilote^ Pierre jh. NIcol, Francois Boulhiamy A. B. Bouchard, Claude Gauthier, Henry Tremblay, Etienne Rousseau, Charleft Huot, do. ifle aux coudres,' eboulemens,. do« do. malbaie, do. petite riviere, baie st, paul, do, eboulemens. M : .1 ENSEIGNES* AuguOin Gauthier, baie St. paul, Anthise Ohtse, Etienne Desgagnes, Etienne Rouf, do. ebdulemens, Etienne Tremblay, Etiertne Tremblay, David Tremblay, Pierre Dufour, Michel Desgagnes, jofcph Boilie, jean Tremblay, eboulemensj malbaie, do. do. ifle aux coudre%. bale St. paul, petite riviere. I Jofeph Perron, Capit. et Adjudant. L. P. Seguin, Capit. et Aide Major, Quebec< William Fraser, Capit. do, Francois Cagnon, Ens. Aide Major. ¥ / Division de Rimousky* Alexander Frafer, Lieut. Col.Commandantr ■<> 4*i> Auguitin Trudel, 7 n^ . ^^ c*^^ Charles Tache, jun. J ^ orsi CAFITAINES. Pierre Slrois, cacona, Jean Marie Michaud, st* andre, -i^ ( 96 ) will! ■•'it li: "' ■ ^r'fi '■ ^mm u 1^- ft'' in ' '^^ ' Joseph Pinciiu, Joseph SassevillCi Paul C6te« Andre Souciy Alexis Morin^ Frfdk. Wyss, J B. Rioux, Paul RiouX) LIEUTENANS. BazU Cote 9 Benony Nadeau, Ignace Beaulieu, Germain Lepage, Louis Bertrand, jofeph Slroy, Pierre Monier, jofeph Ouellety ENSZIGNKS. rimoudcy,' cap chaty Mie verte, St. and re. cacona, riviere du loup, St. andrcy rimou/ky, rifle vcrte, st« andre. Abraham Cote, jean Siroy^ jean Baptifte Rioux, Pierre Fraser, Pierre Canotte, rimouiky) caconay trois pi doles, rifle verte, St. andre, Adjudant. jofeph Robichaud, Enfeigne aide major* Louis Amioty do. do. Louis Naindon, do. doi Paul Rioux, filsy do* do. Division de Kamouraska. Paschal Tache, Lieut.-Col. Ccmmandaat* PeterFrafer, "jr Benoit Roi, > Majors, Pierre Cafgrain, 3 CAPITAINES. Mo'ise Hudon, ste. anne. Nicolas Bouchard, riviere ouelle. ( 97 ■) kamouraAia* do. riviere oueile^ jofeph Dionne, J. B. Tache, F. X.Boucher, Zacharie OuelleC, ate. anne, Pierre Thos. Cafgrain, riviere ouellc, Thomas Caaeau, kamouraika, Joseph Delaurier, ste, anne, Ignace Roi, kamourafka, Charles Chapais, riviere ouelle> LXZUTXNANS. Alexandre Dionne, Clement Hudon, Isaac Ueschene, Benjamin Dionne, Pierre Dxonne, Andre Gagnon, Vincent Dube> Andre Boucher, Honorc Roy, kamoura/ka, 8te. anncy karpouraika, do* ste; anne, riviere ouelle, ste. anne, riviere ouelle, kamouraska. ENSEIGNES. Ciriac Manseau, kimouraska. Antoine Roy, Beiiony Martin, jofeph Bouchard, jofeph Deguife, Germain Hudon* Abraham Martin, Alexis Gagnon, Felix Gauvreau, Philip Beaulieu, Charles Tetu, Paschal Beaulieu, 00. do; rivere ouelte, kamouraska, ste. anne, do« riviere ouelle, ste. anne, kamouraski, riviere ouelle, kamuuraska, Jean Bte. HauiTeman, Capit. et Adjudant, Fafchal Tache, fils, ) ^> .^ a;j^ m-, T »* TT IV < y Capjt. Aide Maj. J. M. Hauileman, \ ^ "* Frs. Fortier, Ecuyer, Chirurgien, M ■I ■J iv>. F i if I n '•'■Mi'i's'**'' \f' ■ ( 98 ) / IMvisioft dt St, Jean Port Jolt. i^L^^on. Ignacc Aubert Dc Gafpe, Col. Com. ^l^?{^^^harlcs Riverin> Lieutenant Colonel. ^' A. Ov. Terricu De Lanaudicrc, 1 ^ < 4c^'' Jofep*» Couiilard Defpres, >Majors. Simon Fraser, j CAPITAINIS* J. Btc. Couiilard, pere, Tiflet, Jofcph BofTe, capst.ignacfy do. St. rocby St. jean portjoli. s:« roch, do. riflet, st.jean port jolly Paul Bernier, Francois Morin, Francois Fournier, JLouis Busse, jean Bte. Morin, J'. Bte. Couiilard, fils, Jean Frs* Caron, Pr. Coullard. LIEVTENAKS. Joseph Miviile, sC. roch, Teomas De Gaspe. fils, St. jean port joli, Auguftin Simoneau, cap st. ignace,. J. Bte. Grenier, st, roch, J. Bte. Pelthier, do. Piosper Ccuillard, Tiflet,. cap St. ignacc, Bonavanture Couiilard, Tiflet, Encher Tremblay, st. jean port jolI, jean Marie seilanger, do. J. Bte. Couiilard, ENSEICNES- Charles Fortin, Tiflet, jofeph Liffotte, st. roch, Pierre Gagn6, cap st. ignace, Agapit Duval, at)sent, st. jean port jolI^ P. Mercier, abbent, Francois Bernier, Henry Harowaid, J. M* Morin dit Valcour, St. roch, cap St. ignace, St. roch. rv, :i ( 99 ) Antoinc Verrault, st. jean port joll, Charles Fournier, do, AntoineChenette, Lieut* et Adjudant. Amable Morin, Ens. Aide Major. Francois Soulard, do* do. Divifion de St, Thomas* \ Louis Duniere, Lieutenant Colonel. w'^.<^fV Jofeph Frafer, Lieut.. Col. Commandv it. Ant. G, Couillard, 7^ . Louis Blaisy 3 ^ CAPITAINES Agapit Lavoif, Tille aux grues^ Joseph Beaudouin, . Bte. MarCiniau, Francois Tetu, Antoine Talbor, Louis Cazeau, Louis Biais, Hh, LIEUTENANS* Pierre Martineau^ st. fran^oii. lors. berthier, St. fran^ois^ St. thomas* St. pierrc, St. thomas, St. pierre, Joseph Nicole, J. Bte. Dupuis, Auguftin Biais, Joseph 'Blaisy Alexis Boulette, Prudent Blais, Andre Leblanc* 8\ thomas^ do. herthier, 6t. picrre^ St. thomas, St. Pierre, i*ifle aux grues^ ENSKIGNES. Joseph Buteau, J. Bte. Blais, Antoine Picard, Louis Ruelle <^harles Painchaud, Louis Pepin, Francois Cote, Capit. et Adjudant Jofeph Frafer, Enseigne Aide Major Hubert Frafer, do. do. St. franco! 89 St. pierre, do. berthier, I'illeaux grues, 8t. thonaas. Mmi 1 ■- .1 IM F Si Mnii k;i. ( lOO ) I 'I' r V' t ^ 4 ff^J> f 1 15 t; ,1 f ,' / Premihe Division dt St* Valiern i^i< «^Charles Fremont| Lieut •mCoiofiil, absent. t <' ^ Hon. Louis Turgeon, Lt. Col* Commandant. ^\.. P. E. Dcsbarats, Major. CAPITAINBS* Etienne Carrier^ Francois Roy, j. Bte. Lemieux, Modefte Bourafla, Lazare Bulteauy joleph GofTelin, St. chtrles, St. gervais, do. St. charlesy St. gervaiSy st« charlesy LIIUTIMANS* AmbroiseCoulombcy stt charlesy Charles Dierce^ Prisque fielangery ran GosseliOy ean Laindse^ Laurent Genest. Charles Guulet, Louis Prevosty 1 Joseph Audet» Etienne Rouillardy Ignace Ruelle» Jacques Godbou, Alexis Paquet, Jerome Bscbard, St. gervais^ do* do. do. St* charlesy St.. gervaisy St. cb»r!?8, 2NSEIGNES. St* gervais, do. St. Charles, St. gervatSy St. charlesy do. Abraham Turgeon, Capit. et Adjudant. Louis Turgeon, Ens. et Aide Major. Seconde Division de St, Valier, /Et. Fereol Roi, Lieut.-Col. Commandant. U Jean Langevin, Major. CAPITAlNlSs Germain Blondeau^ &c. valier, Charles Fouchet, st. michel) ( JO' ) r Jofeph Girard, Antoine Pare^ jacquet Mor'niy Joseph Roiy Frs. Lcfebvre, J. Francois Blais, beaumonr, St. valier, do* 8C. micbely St. valier, St. micheiy LIZUTENANS* jofeph Martineau, st. michel, P'erre Bouchard, Etienne Remil lardy Basil Bonneau, Louis Boislardi LOuis Cotin Duga), Guillaume RoulTeiUy jofeph Lemieux, Auguftin Morin« at, valier, do. do, beaumont, St. michel, St. valier« do. St. michel. ENSZXGNES. Antoine Marceau, Pierre Turgeon, jofeph Lavoie, Michel Forguesy Paul MartineaUy jofeph Roy, Euftache Letellier, Etienne Laverdure, St. valier, beaumont, St, valier, St. michel, do. St. valiery do. St. michel, V Geo. de Tonnancour, Capit. ct Adjudant. .^Ct.^t\ , H.C.de Beaumont, Capit* Aide Major* 4 Hilaire Girard, Capit. Aide Major. , CCf<. J Alexis Gosselin, Lieut. Aide Major* Thomas Fraser, Enseigne do. Nicslas BoiiTonault* do. do* L. St. Jufle Letellier, do* do» M.St. JufteLeteUier^do* do. 'I • F 3 m ?se;; ^ C/ ft! ( »02 ) DMiioH dt rJtli d'OrUuns. Jacques Voyer, Lituttnant Col, Commandant, /'«C4.'^ Jofeph Bouchettey Lieut, Col, J^^2 Hon. John Mure, (absent.)? %a • *^A/ Hon. J.me. Irvine, (.b..) \ ^'J'"' CAPITAINBS. Francois Guerard^ ste. families Chs, Blouini St. jean, St: laurent) St. franco! Sy 8t« laurenty St* Pierre* sie* familley St. franjoisy St. Pierre. St. fran^ois, St jean. £c. Couillard Desprcs, Charles Maranda, Edouard Goudreau, LIXUTZNAMS. J. Bte. Genelly st.jean, JBtienne Drouiny Jean Plante, Barthelemi Lachancf, Ambroife Cantin, ZNSIIGNKS. Antoine Drouin, ste. families Jos. Marie Dompierrey J. Bte. Lachance, Nicolas DumaSy Pierre Ferlandy Antoine Canaque» ^^. Jacques Leblondy fiis, Capitaine et Adjudant. James G. Hanna, Lieutenant Aide Major. Uonald Frafer, Enseigne do. Wm. Finlay, do. do. Olivier Brunety do. do. Charles Smith, Ens. et Quartier Maitre. ^ Robert Smith, Ens. Aide Major^ ^, , Wm. Ryland, do. iie% v*"^ C. C. Dc Lery, do. do. «K J. C. DeLcry, do. do* tndant. ( '03 ) Division de Ste» Marie Nouvtilg Beauce* Hon. T. P. J. Tafchereau, Lt. Col, Commandant, Mama) J. T. Tafchereauy Litut, CoUntl^ itaff% Francois Verrault, senr. I ^^'^ C-c^^ Fraejois Verrault, junr, { ^^i"'''* CAPITAINE8* Francois Bonneville, ste. marie, Louis Mathieu, st. fraajoii, Pierre Veilleui, do, iean Marie Roi, st. jofeph, ean Charles Bedard, ste. claire, Louis Gregoire, 8te« marie^ Jean Poulin, st. jofepby William Hali, broughton, Cbs* Rine, ste* marie^ JOS. Ant. Phillppon, do. VH (^tc<< J ■i 1 ■■.■1 LIBUTINANS. Charles Dpyon, 8t» franjoiSf Pierre Jacques, do« Pierre Vachoo, St. jofeph, Adguftin Routhier, ste* marie, Jofeph Turcot, ste. claire, J. Bee. Boucher, ste. marie. Auguftin Plante, St. jofeph. tidant. ■ John McLean, Ireland, H VNSIIGN£fi. ^H Jofeph Boisvin, ste. marie, Nicolas Mathurin, St. franfois. jean Poulin, St. jofeph. ^H |. Bte. Chabot, ste. claire. Michel Verrault, ate. marie, Jofeph fionnevillc) do. J. Bte* L^Heureuz, do. Francois Lr<gueax, St. jofeph. £• D. Desbaruts, fils. framptoq, :.! Vi < »o4 ) ■i if ' k'K^'^^ii '•I I ^"^ • 'Til ' \' ; ■ ■ I u 1 , G^riel Belanger, Charles Hall, filsi broughcon, Adjudant* ^ John Walih} Capit. eC Aide Major* Charles Taschereau, do. do. Jacques Camire^ Enseigne do. Premiere Division de Lotbiniere* Hon* John Caldwell, Lieut, Col, Commandant. ]ohn DavidfoHy Major m CAFITAJNES* ]• Bte. Demersy st. nicoUs^ Pierre Bussiere, Jean BoufFard> Charles Payer^ Ambroife Gagne, Auguftin Labadie, St. henry, do. St. gillesy St. henry, pointe leviy LIEUTENANS. Antoine Filteau^ st« nicoYas. B. Lamothe, Charles Talbot, Louis Rouleau, Charles Uemers, A. Nadeauy St. giUes, St. henry, do. pointe levi, St* henry. ENSXIGNES. J. Lamothe, st. nicolas, Louis Lambert, LOuis GolTelin, Charles Beaurivage, A* Felteau, J. Loulecte, pointe levi, St. henry, St. nicolas, st* henry, St. gilles. I Wm. Phillips, Capit. et Adjudant A. Gibfon, Ens. Aide Major, touis DemerSt do. do. J* Bte* Beaudouin, do* do. Vraogois Gagne, do* do* ( »oS ) ieconde Division de Lotbiniere^ ^^^jZiL-^' J* Duche«nay, hitut, CqI, Commandant* \ George Hamilton, (absent) Major, i ' . F« Xavier Adam, Pierre Leclerc, Jofeph Duquety Louis Guay, Louis Legendre^ • CAPITAINES. St. jean re^halUoni Intbiniere. ste. crolx* / st« antoine. lotbiniere, i^ /^' »o I i LI1|'UTENANS« Pierre L*Hero, Michel Chandonnay, Michel Leclerc> Charles Garneau} Michel Ange, Louis Metotte, Michel Metotte, St. antoioe, stt jean Pechaillon, lotbiniere^ ste. Croix, St. antoinCy ste* croix, St. antoincy EN8EIONE8. Francois Ange, st. jean Pechaillony Chril'cophe Lecler, ste. croix, Francois X. Bergeron, st. antoine, J. Bte. Ange, lotbiniere, J Louis Aubert Thomas, Capit.'ct Adjudant. Ifa'i Noel, Capit. Aide Major. LeonNoei, Lieutenant ditto. :• |:' ^;l iU M^ ■^ . p^ ( 106 ) Itfr, Divmon du Premier Bataillon de la Vtllt de Montreal, Daniel Sutherland, Lieut.-Colonel Commandant* Francois Desrivieres, Lieut; ColoaeL Francis Badgley. ? .* . „ David David/ J ''*»J'"'- CAPITAINE8. Samael Gerrard« 1 Jus. Shu^ery George Garden, | Auftin Cuvillicr, David Ross, ] William Hunter, Wm. Hallowell, James Woolrich, Stephen Seweil, Ths. Blackwood, Ths. Thain, tlEUTENANTS. james Millar, Samuel Bridge, Adam l. M<Nider, John Aird, james jamieson* William Stephens, John M'KenzIe, Thomas Molson, John Porteous, William Walker. CNSEIGNES. H. G. Forsyth, Charles Hoofstetter, Richard Gerrard, William Wilson, junr. Henry Griffin, Enseigne ct Adjudant. James Hettrick, do. Quarticr Maitre, George Selby, Chirurgien, Charles Gathings, Thomas B. Anderson^ Isaac Jones, james Fleming. Seconde Division du Premier Bataillon de Montrealt Robert Griffin, Lieut. ColaneU John Forsyth, 7 Majors. Samuel Gerrard, y ^ Vi .;. Robert Armour, A. Porteous, T. A, Turner. Arthur Webster, james Leslie, CAPITAINES. Thomas Busby, George Auldjo, W. Molfon, Norman Bethune^ George Moffat* ':'■' if ( "7 y j» Torrance, J. Fleming, james Young, T. Penn, A. Shaw, K. Dowiej J. Baston, LI£UT£NANS. Wm. Porter, Robert jones, J. Armour, J. Brown, G. Davies, J. Logan, J. HallowelL SKSEIGNES* J. Douglass, P. M. Roticer, A* Bumbury, W. Peddle, Mt Scott, R. Taylor, F. Griffin, james Young, Lieut* et Adjudant. Willi<am Lamb, do. Quartier.Maitre* And. T* Holmes, Chirurgien. Second BataUlon de la Ville de Montreal Jacques Hervieux, Lieut*-Col. Commandant. Louis Guy, Lieut* Colonel* Benj. Beaubien, Im* J* Guillaume Mechtler, J ^ * CAPITAINES. J. B. Delifle, y. Aug. Qucsnel,, L, J. Papineau, J. R. Jlolland, Felix Soyligny, L. M. Viger, Pierre Charles Dubois^ Augudin Dumas, Joseph Perraulc. J. F. Bouthillier,. LIEUTENANTS* jules Quesnel, Jos« Robreau Duplessis, Frs. Defrivieres, Toufl'ainc Pothier,jun. T. Bouthellier, Ch. Lamontagne, Charles Fleuri Roi, Louis Lamontagne, Jacques Cartier, Louis Partenais, Luc Racine, John Jesse Reeves, J. C. Grant, < io8 ) ',^Sl trV M 1> > i n i t 7 w '*>* ."i^ ENSIIGNES* Louis Franchcrp, i Hyp. Guy, J. Dominique Btdard, J J. B. Franchere> Gregoirc Ferre, Pierre A. Dubois, Louis Lukin, Lieut, et Adjudanc. Richard Dillon, Ens. Aide Major. Ch. Sera* Rodier, Ens. Quartier^Maicre. Daniel Arnoldi, Chirurgien, J. A. Delifle, F. Bruneau, Oi. Berthelet, J08, Guy. Troiiieme Batatllon de la VilU de Montreal, <^<-^ OHyp. St. George Dupre, Lieut. -Coi. Jean Bouthillier, Lieut*. Colonel. Com. Pierre Hervieux, Lieut.-Colonei. Louis Dulongpr ^y'^* I Maj IX, S •' ors* J. D. LacroiX] CAPITAINES* L. Huguet Latour, Jacques Viger, J. Robreau Dupleilis, Denis Beojainin Viger, Nicolas Meneclier, LIEUTINANTS, Charles Racicor, D. B. Rolland, Francois Roi, Alexis Laframboise, Jean Marie Cadieux, Antoine Perrault, Samuel Gale, Charles Prevoft, Pierre Huguet Latcur, Joseph Roi, H. Heney. Hen. Pierre. Jofeph Herfe, Michel BibeaiK, J. B. Naureau, Charles b. Pafteur, Paul Lussier, Ed. Daveluy, Pierre Beaudri, Aug. Tullock, Aug. Frechette, jean Roy, XNSEIGNKS. William Reeves, F. Meneclier de Moro. chon, P. L. Dupuis, Isidore Dell'autelles. ( »<»9 ) Charles SabrevoydeBleury, Eni.et Adjudant* Pierre Auge, Ens. Aide Major. Alexia Bourret, Lieut, et Quartier Maicre« J. Bce« Herigaulc> Cbirurgicn* Troupe de CavaUrie de Montreal, Robert Gillespie, Capitaine, John Molson, junior, Lieutenant, Thomas Torrance, Cornette, Diwsion de la Longue Pointe* J. P. Leprohon, Lieut. mColonel Commandant, */ Etienne Guy, Lieutenant Colonel, Samuel David, Major, CAPITAIKES* . J. B. Monatque, riviere despralriesj Auguftin Richer, St. laurent, Emmanuel Vidrecaire, la longue pointe^ J« M. Janotte, do« Ambroife Moran, pointe aux trembles, do* riviere des prairies, St. laurent^ do* jean Bte. Millard, Pierre Monarque^ Gabriel Roi, }. B* Lecavalier, G. Re yard ditLanouete, LIEUTENANS* Francois Tarte, Joathim Berthetet, Antoinc Lepage, Prudent Vinet^ Moris Bizinet, j. Bee, Bricaud, Em. Vidretaire, Paul C6te, J« Bte. Lepinp, Gabriel Ccrr6, Jofeph Prevoft, J. Bte. Goyettc, St. laurent, do* do* la longue pointe, pointe aux trembles, do. la longue pointe, riviere des prairies, dot St. laurent;^ do. G ■■^S ?'''(1 \'in>i mm' 4 l''1* ->tv ( "o y la tongue pointe, polnte aux tremble?y do. St. laurfint) la longue pointe,. St, laurenty do. riviere desprairiesi do* ZNSZXGN£S* Luc Crevier, st. laurent^ Pierre Bazinet^ N. Archambault, Francois Bcaudryy Gabriel Lanouettfy Alexis Lebeauy TouflaiiU Roy, X. LeprohoD, J« Bte. MonarquCy Francois Armand, Michel St. Aubin, Ch. Vaifeur, Capit. et Adjudant. Ch. F.^Grece, Lieut, et Quartier Maitre. Louis Gravelle, Ens. Aide Major. J. M. Graveire^ SergentMajor. Division de la Po.nte Claife, Jean Marie Mondelet, Lieut, Col* Commandant, Louis Levesque, Lieut. ColoneU Dominiqne Mondelet, Major, CAPITAINES* Louis Goudreaux, Michel Demersy Andre Legault, [ofeph Berthe, jofeph Payement, Charles Giroux, Pierre Valois, Hyacinthe Brunety saulf au recollety ste. genevieve, pointe clairey ste* anne, iile bizare, sault au recolety pointe claire, ste. genevieve^ lachine> Jofeph AUard, Hyacinthe Lefebvrf) pointe claire, Venant Roy, la chine* LIEUTXNANS. Louis Boudreauy ste. genevieve* Louis Creviery ste. anne, Ant. Proux, I'ifle bizare« ]• Bte. David, sault au recoletv ( in } Dominique Duchaime, la chlnc^ Laurent Ducharme, do. Arcenc Charlebols^ Bazil Vanier, Pierre Leblanc, Charles Marcille, Stephen Finchley, Jean Samuel Haimond, pointe claire. ENSEIGNKS. ^■it pointe c^alre^ saulc au recoieU pointe claire, ste. genevieve^ la chine. IgnaceDetrer?, Touflaint Cire, £uilache Ma&'jn^ Paschal Le^auit, Isidore Pilette, Charles Valois, Pierre Vanier, j« Bte. Lacomb?, J. Bte. Heurichon, ste, geneviewc, sCe. anne, l*iflsbizare, pointe claire, ste. genevieve, pointe claire, sault au recolet, pointe claire, la chine, sault au recoUet^ ■■ ( Thelesphore Giroux, .Tohn Samuel M*Card, Lieut* et Adj. £• N. St* Dizier, Capit. Aide Major. HypoiiteSt. George Dupre, Lieut. Aide Maj. Louis Deschambault, Ens. do* J^mes Genevay, do. Qiiariier Maitre* Robert Wilfon, Chirurgien. Division d^ Argent euil^ ,■ > K Patrick Murray, Colonel Commandant*^ > < *-*- cA^ William Ketl, Lieutenant Colonel. Archibald McMillan, Major* CAPITAINE8. Ifland Noble, Philemon Wright, Thomas Hyde, Philip Byrne, Daniel de Hertel, Phineas Hutchinj, Judah Center^ Chatham, bull, Argenteuil, do. do. do. do. 0» ( n» ) I'j, r ,1 '.' * \ ' :< 1! Charles Bradford, Win. Kelt, junior, Guideon Oims'.ead, P. L. St, Germain, LIEUT! Johnson Smith, Ephtaim Fuller, Henry Chapman^ Jonathan Burch, Charks Benedict, William Cameron, John M'Martin, Ph. Wright, Ch* Howard. ENSEIGNES. Derick Auftrimy argenteofify Richard Deary, Martin Albright, Adolphus Hooker, Lane M< Arthur, james Baron, Stephan purwasb^ jean Allen, Archibald Richard| jas* Mieuxville. Thomas Barron, Capit. et Adjudant. Benjamin Waller, Lieut, et QuarCier Maitre* Dhfifion de Vaudreuil^ Antoine Filion, Lieut. Col. CommandanU Thetard de Montigny, Major* CAFITAINK8. Michel Ant. Leduc, ksle perrault, Charles Lalonde, vaadreuVl, Joseph Monpetit, nouvellclonguei', Aacoiae BiiTonnety do* Chatham f argenteuily huily NANS. Chatham^ do* do. do* do* do* argenCeuily hull. argenteuiiy do. do. do* do. d<K ( ««3 ) J. Bapt. Lefebvre> vaudreni}| Michel .St. Julien, do. Jos. Chevrier, rigaud» J. Bapt. Fournicr, do. Ths. Hervc), do. Hyacintbe Monpetity soulangff, I.IBUTENANS, Hubert Leroux jofeph Huneau, joachim liflbnet, Dominique Parent, J. Bte. tcgault, WiHiam Schneider, l.outs Coutle^ Pierre Monpetit, Pierre Marcoux, John Manning, tNSlIGMEO* Pierre Huneau, Tiflc peraule Pierre Aff-iin, l»uc Lalonde, Vincent Belanger, Kegis Lorangfy Benjamin Gameliny Charles Schneidet, Louis Bourbonnais^ Paul Lerouxy Francois Marcoux, Anu Biflbnnet, His, Ant. St. julien soulanges. rifle perault, nouvellelongucuii, do« Yaudreuil, do. souiangest do« do* do* nouveile lorgueuil, vaudreuily rigaud) do. sc^langcs, rigiaud, soulanges, do« do. nou\eUeIongueu!l» vaudreuil, ;- ^■ 4«-^ ,-. , .\ [. _ I};' . I ;'•■ ' ' '. And. Dom. Pairibrun, Capt. et Adjudant. I^ene M, Mongrain, L'Cutcnant Aide Major^ Ant. Amede Filion, rils, Ens. Aide Major. DivhUtt dt la Riviere Ducherte, Eui8. N; L. Dumont, Lieut-Col. Conamandant. Ignace Rai tense. Major. G 3 ( »H ) mm. <-f I'f Ef .; •- \ftr 'n CATITAINIS. Louis Dumouchelle, it. benoit, NicoU* St. Onge, do* Stephen M'Kay, tt. euftiche, Francois Bellefeuilley do. J. Bte. Dumuuchelie^ St. benoit. Louis Ma(r.)n, Pierre Gatien» J. Bapt, Ferri, Jofeph Hcticr, Ambroife Bertheloty Joseph Seguin, £c. Bellefeui le, jean Girouurd« William Smith, do* do, St. eudache, do. do. 8t. benoity St. euftachcy do. do. LIEUTENAN8. Charles Dorre, St. eudache. Charles Perraulr, J. Bte. Cherrier^ jofeph Labrode, Euftache James, J. Bte. Maifany Antoine Seguin, Kudache M^Kay, Maxilien Giobeo^ky^ Francois Desvoyeaux, Sebadien Legsult, lilsy st. beno^ty Gabriel Lefebvre> st. eudache, Pierre Breyer, St. benoic^ James Gentle^ ENSEIGNES. do. 8t. benoiCj do% do. St, eustache^ do. do. do. do. Alexis Laurent, Henry Lebrun, P. N. St. On^e, Hyacinthe James, Emery Fc!re» Cltaries DorioHj St. eudache^ St. benolt, do. do. stv eudache« do« i i'5 ) } . Bte. Bllanger, st. euftache. Jofeph RochoDy do. Philip Mallet, st. benoit, Joseph Robin, st. euftache, Uyaclnthe St. Germain, Capt. cC AdjudanU Dhishn de BlainvUle, Michel Turgeon, Lieut, Col. Commandant* M ' ' !' Thomas Porteous, abfcnt, ? ■- • Bonaventure Panet, ^ ^ on* CAPITAINES. Jofeph Gagnon, ste. anne des pUines, 8te. thetefe de bUinvilUy do. do. do. ste. anne d«s plaiaeSf Ignace Guimond, J. B. .Leguerxieo Paul Lacroix, Nic. Manthet«filSy Pierre Raby, Charles Montigny, do. . L1EUT£NANS. Jos. Arcbambaulc, ste« anne des plalnes, Jos. Charbonneau, ste. therefe de blainville, Pierre Berthiaume, ste. anne des plaines^ Benjamin Mailloux. ste. therefe de blainvillcy jofeph Whiceford, do. ste. anoe des plainesy do. ste. therefe deblainville^ ste. anne des plaines^ AntoineOuimette, ste. therefe de blainvillcy . £N9EIGNES. Jofeph Forgete, ste. therefe dc blainville^ LeandreLeguercier, dq. P. Thibauit, do. Seraphim Bone, ste. anne des plaineSy Ambroife Prevoft, do. fCharies Tremblay, ste. therefe de blalnvillfy G 4 J, Bte. Latour, Charles Sauilier^ AntoineCharety J. Bte«Prevoit, r. i,^ '.lO'.'V I ¥ '! I W^l ■ k ,'. •^'•i ti I ■;'■>'>»•» i ♦•j :. ... ..y,;. ( 116 ) Ignaee Robitailley Capit. et Adjudant* Charles Porteous, Capit. Aide Major* Division de I'hU Jitutm ^, / Colonel Commai^dant. C^'^'jKob OldhiiDt Major* CAPITAINll' St* Martin. Joseph Lacasse) St. Vincent de Paul. Pierre Dase» St. Francois. Antoine Charet, Ste. Rose de Lima. Joseph Pefiii) St. Vincent de Paul, Charles Daxe, do* Joieph Gauthier^ do* Joi. Maifon, St, Francois. Jos. Filiatreauy Jos* Ouimety Ste. Rofe. do* . Anti D'Amour^ do* Henry bescotes. ^t* Martin* Pierre DuboisheuXy do. Louis Charon> do. LIEUTENANS. Jofeph Cantin, St. Martini Antoine Papineaa, do/ jofeph VandandaiguCj y St. Vincent de Paul| Shnon Hogue^ do. jean Lacalfe, do« Pierre Grarelle, do* J. Bte. Bennet, Pierre Chartrand, St. Francois* Ste. Rofe de Lima. Ambroife Desjardins, do. Pranjois Dutrifl'ac, do. Antoine D*Amour, do* T. Bte.Prevoft, Jofeph Corbeille, St. Martin* do* ENSSIGN£S. Jofeph Cravcllc, St. Martin* < 117 ) St. Vinceftt, do* do. St. FranjoiSy (io« Fraiifoii Licafle, J Bie leUnger, Kenc St. Jameii Louii Turgeojiy Charles Maifoiineuvf> Ste« Rofe. Pirrre Giroui^ St. Martin J. ste. Laurln^ ^o, JoCepk Hogucy St. Vincent* J» Bte* Filiatrean, Sie. Rore« Jofeph Franjoii Lacroix,Capit.etAdjttdanl» Nic. Marchand, Lieut. Aide Major* Nicolas Gauthier, Ens. Aide Major. Augullio Daxci do. do. DivhieM de Terrehemu Hon. Rod. M'Kenzie, LfV«f..Co/. Commamiane, Henry M^Kenzie, LUut-'CoIortti* Simon Fraser. 7 a^ • Jofeph Turgeon, J ^''■'«"' CAFITAINI8* Jean Marie Mathieu* St. Charles la Chenaie Joseph Bourgeois^ St. Henry Mafcouche. jean Viennc, Pierre Delfaucc, Daniel Wymao, jofeph Brunei} John M'Kensie, fits, Terrebonne LIBUTEKANS. Nicolas Carron^ St. Charles la Cheraie J. Bte. CharbonneaUy St. Henry Mafcnucht St. Charles la Chenaie St. Henry Mafcouche Cote de Grace St. Henry Ma(couche Fraa^ois Seguin» Pierre Cuviliooy J. ste» Roy, Ettftacbe Viennfy Pierre RenauH, St. Louis Terrebonne do. do. St. Charles la Chenaie St. Henry Mafcouche ■M ^ f I s ■I ^-# ill' $"> 1^ Pierre A nge, St. Louis Terreboime Jofeph Perrault, St. Charles la Chenait Haran Wyman, Cote de Grace ENSEIONE8. Dom. Charb >nneau, St. Charles la Chenaie Charles Mathieu, do. jofeph Clement, fiis, St. Louis Tertebonne do. St Henry Mafcouche Cote de Grace Teriebonne Terrebonne Joseph Lepage, J. Bce. rag^, Antoine Lecas^y OvidcTurgeon, Kyacinthe protoft, Francois Coiteux, Seraphim Limogue« jofeph Tuze« Jacob Wm« Oldham, Philip Mount, Touflaint Limog«, Capitaine et Adjudant. John Hettrich, Qh^'^^'^'' Maitre. yfm, Porteoos, Capit* et Aide Major* DivffioK de Pjffomjftiottm ^arthrlemy Rocher, Lt— Col .Commandant. Laurent Leroux, 7 ^'^,^ ?Ch.. de St. Ours, J '^'J°"- CAPITAINE* Louis Chaput, St Roch Michel Prevail, Loufs Piquette, Jean Btc. Henaulr, Charles Migneroii, Jean Mirau^ M, Bruguier, Francois Payet, Frs. Archambaiilty Joseph Senet, Ignace Roi^ St Jacques do, L*A(romptioii do. St Jacques t'Aifomptioii Repentigny St Efprit St jacquei do* ( il9 ) Joseph Rivet, St Efprit Louis DeschampSy •Racquet Archambault, <^hD. Bru^erey ' LIEUTENANS* Piftrrc Viennc, AiTomption jofeph Chapety St Eiprit J.Bte. Senettey Ad'oxnption Firmin 'bupuUy do. Laurent Dorvaly Aflfomption jofeph DemaraiSy 8t Jacques jofeph NoifeuXy Repentigny Pierre Chaput» sc Roch Antoine Mariony St Jacques Francois Couteau, St Roch Gabriel FaucaSy stEfprit J. Bts. Bianchardy A (Tomption Michel Chaput, Chs. Archambauity Pieri-e Archambaulty jjofcph Lefanche, .ENSEIGNC5. john»Guildry, St jacquss Francois Aumond, St Esprit J. M. Talon, AiTomption Antoine payettc, Repentigny Charles LebUnc, St Jacques Clement Laadryy St Jacques Benjamirv Beauprey Alfoonption Pierre Rechard, 6t Jacques Raimqnd Chaput, St Ructi Louis Archambault, do. J. B(e* Lebeau, do* j« Bte. Vezioa, St Efprlt Francuis ProuXy Ph. Juaran, AfTomptioa . G 6 mr' '-...mi I- ,.•' iliv. ■• Ai^ T 11; S' 3 „'. :t,f.. g ( 120 ) D. Archtmbault* Charles Courtreau, jacquei Archainbault9 CapiU et Adjudant* Frs. Medard Lacoinbe;^ Lieut. Aide Major. Medard Hervieux» do. do. Franfoii AUard, Enceigne Aide Major. Patrick Multoye^ do. do* £d. Lacombe, Peter Charles Loedel^ Chirurgien* Divt/hn de la J^altrie* Jofeph Edouard Faribault, Lieut. Col. Conu CAriTAIVlS. Pierre Laroche, Lanoraye Pierre Mondore, Lavaltrie; Etienne Partenait> st Paul Joseph Beaupre, st Sulpice Bona venture Lemire, AiTomptioa . }os. Peltier, do* ofeph Bte. Perrault, do* jean Hanchausse, Amb. Archambault, Joseph Paquety Pierre Dofoar, Michel Perrault, Frs. Pichette» St Stt'lpice AiTomption l^anoraye Lavaltrie St Paul do* LIEUTENANS. Alexis River, J. Bte. Marion, jofeph Penault, Amable Laviolette* J. Bte. Laporte* Louii Brien) Sulpice Hanchauiic, j.ste* Perrault> St Paul Lanauraye >et*Sulpict i^avaltrie AiTomption do 6o 8t Sulp^ee . ( I" ) 7* Bte. Champagne, st Pau! Frangois Bourdon, Lanauraye Francois Archambault, Lavaltrie jofeph aeaupre* st Paul BirSKIGNES. jofeph Foreff, Antoine jetfey Pierre Beauregarrfy Pierre Payette, Francois Sauvagesy Andre Bouthillier, A. Perraiilty Nicolas Brouflct jofeph Devosy Francois Bonniji« Jeremy Laportey jofeph Rivet, J. Bte. Etre, Adjudant do st Paul Lanauraye AiTomptioa do* at Sulpice io A0binptioa do Lanauraye Lavaltrie st Paul Lavaltrie Pierre De Lanaudiere, Capit* Aide Majtr Karciffe Faribaulty Ens* Aide Major* Jacques Lacombe> fils, do* do* ♦ Division de Bertbier* Hon* James Cuthbert, Lieut* Col« Comi Pierre Martin Pelland, Major* CA/ITAINX8. Jofeph Rocky Berthier P« Ferlandy do jean Bte* Guilbaulty Berthier Alexis Duteauy do Louis Cramerey Daillebout Pierre Pellandy filiy Berthier Pierre Crcpcau, Ifle du ft! Bapt. Oliviery st Cuthhcrt Jacques Deiignyy Berthier n:-:? n . < 122 ) .>^. Is Pnf(§uc Paquet. st Cuthbert Norbert Hen^ulr, do LIEUTENANS. Antoine Rock> Jean Revaly jofephRondeauy Francois Olivier, Antoine Guiibauty B* Geoffroi, Louis Bonnin> Alexis Moufleaui jofcph Dery. BazM Leclsrcy jofeph Remillardy Francois Prudhomme Francois Mercure, R. Moiiffon, ENSEIGMES. Pierre CouIombe« Berthier sazil Gervaisy J. Guerard, jofeph Duteau, J. Bte. Goulety jofeph Goulety Alexis Ferriene, J. Bte. Lafreniere, Thomas Hunt, A. B« Farly, Berthier do ite Elizabeth Berthier St Cuthbert ste Eiizabetk do Berthier IHedu Pas Berthier St Cuthbrrt do do Berthier Louis Grroux 'K Antoine Corbin^ |. Paquette, Bapt. Cheaevefj C« Morilfony Antoine Eno, Capita^ne Aide Major , Adjudant* $• Bte* Filteao^ Enseigac Aide Majoff ste Elizabeth Berthier St Cuthbert see Elizabeth do St Cuthbert ^erthier Daillebout Ifle du Pa^ Berthier do St Cuthbert do Berthier I «25 ) Bivtfiojt de St. Ourts Bon. Charles De St. Ours, Colonel Com, Franfois Xivier Malhiot, Lieut. CoioneU Robert Jones, Major* ^ CAPITA.IWE5. Athanafe Fredette^ Wjdtn^ois Renoi, £ti«nne Pa^uet, Ch« Payan, Fr* Lamoureuxy Alexis Cardin, J. B. Lincourty lofeph Levitre, lofeph Comeau^ Agapit Duval, J. B. St. Martin, Louis Tremblay, sc Ours Sorel Contrecoeur stOurs do Sorel do do •■ St Ours Contrecceur Sorel Contrecoeur LIEUTENANS. x,ott)8 Valentin, }• Bte. Milett&, "Francois Ouelette, Charles Valcrien, touis Bernard, jofegh Connoyer, George Trembifty. yran^ois Duffaulr, }. Bte. St. Germain, LOUIS Milotte, Benjamin teroux, Francois Ricbard, St Ours Sorel St Ours do Sorel do do Contreceor St Ours Sorel Coatrecoeur do 1. Lamoureuir, Ant. Connoycr, H. Chapdelanie, j» Chapdelante, Auguftin Gardia> i.»P.Hue, ENSEIGNES. St Ours £orel St Ours do Sorel da li ■S n;- f m r-^' \ :i^^ ! 1. 1^ I i ' ( 124? ) Pierre Fifctte, Antoiii« Dttiiaulty D. Mandavilie* J. Bte* Lincour^ Ambroife Aubry^ Auguftin Guenon, Contrecoe«ir •t Ourt Sorel do Contreceeur do Michel Gamelin Gaucher^ Capit. & Adjuda'nt. George Graves, Lieut, et Quartier Maicre* L. M. R. Barbier, Chirurgien^ Frs. ViAoire Malhiot» Capitaine Aide Major* R. F. de St. Ours, Lieut, do. Jos. Poulin, Enfeigne Aide Major* Jacob Dorge, do do Division de St, Hyaclntbe^ JeanDessaullesy Lieut. Colonel Commandant. Jofeph Cartier, pere, Major« CAPITAINE8. Joseph Coeteux, Louis Gaudreau, jean Bte. Langelier, Pierre Chapdeleine, Jofeph Palardie, Pierre Frichrty jofeph Porlier, john Dwyer, Pascal Bourbonniery Jacques Robitaiile, Pierre Sene, jean sarbeau, 8t Hyacinthc do do i^refentatioa do do St Hyacinths do do do do do do Basil Olivier, LIEUTENANf. jofeph jaraisy st Hyaciatlie J. Bte. {.ucier^ Fnn9ois Dubourg, J. Bte. Talon, Antoine Mounfet, Francois Vals, do do Prefentation sr Hyacinthe do ,-4! 'ii ( ^25 ) Pierre Chapol, PrcfentatioB louis Poulin, 81 Hyacinthe J. Bte. Covin, do Tf'feph Chapedelainc, Piefentation Pierre Fontaine, st Hyacinihc Alexii Bacham, do £NS£IjGNES. SI Hyacinthe do do do dp Prefentation Aniabie Benoit, Simon Chartier, Michel God»;t, J. Marie Germaioj jor^ph Biftodeauy jifeph Chaboty Jean Bte. Chapdelair.e^do LOUIS Demarais, st Hyacinthe joftph Dufrene, Prefentation jean I'etrcau, st Hyacinthe Paul Dubois, do LOUIS Bfien, do J. Bte. Lucier, do Ambroife Archambault, Capit. et Adjudant* EufebeCartier, Enfeigne Aide Major. 'i"'^' Divisioti de Sf, D£ms» <r^:^ Louis Bourdages, Lieut,.Col. Commandant, Jofeph Charles Drolet, Major. CAPITAINES. Antoine Benoit, st Charles jean Bte. Cadieu, st Denis Charles Gariepy, do J. Bte. Phenix, pere, st Charles Picrrre Cheval, st Antoine jean Bte. Bougret, st Marc Jofeph Gariepy, st Denis Augt. MarcheiTeau, st Antoine J OS. Archambault, do mm ( 12S ) 1 ['•^I'-T f J LIEUTiilNANI. L Courtemanche» tils, st Denis Fran9ois Coui Hardy st Charley Charles Choquettey st Denis Pierre Doyon, st antoine Louis Brodeury it charles Antoine Franchere^ st antoine Faul MouflTeau, st denis Olivier Durocher, st antoine Jean Archambault» do J. Bte. Archamba*!^ty st denis O.ivier Durocher, st antoine ENSEIONES. st denis st charles st denis do «t charles st deni^ st marc st denis do do do 8C marc do st charles st antoine do do st m^rc st marc st antojine do , t-^ ~ ^ a Louis Gazaille, Pierre Fontaine, Chrift* Lucier, £tienne Migeau, J. Bte* Phoenix, tils^ LOuis Lebiancy ToulTaint Tetreau, jofeph Anger, J* Bte. Lucier, Jt>fcph Meunier, Hubert Lapare, J" Bte, Guyon, J* Bte« Hogue, Francois Cote, Chri(i. Marcheifeau, xouis Cheval, LOuis cazavanr, jofeph jannoi, fils, Auguftin Paradis, charles Bianchard, Godefroy Plamondon^ Louis C. Duvert, Lieut, ct Adjudant. Louis Coursolles, Capit. Aide Major* JOS, Bcfle, Lieut* Aide Major. ( "7 ) Ralmoni Bourdage*, Ens, Aide Mjjor* Davird Bourd»ges, da. do* '^tft Dittishn de Cbamh!y» Pierre Guerout, Lieut.-Coionel Commandant* P»erre Griscy Lieat..ColoReL G«ibrlei Marcband, Major, CAPITAINES. TouiTaint Ferrier, chambly A, Vandandaigue> belcetl 8t iuc chambly beloeil chambly P. Vandimds'gaey !Noel BreuXy loicph Courtemancbcy do Etienne Frichette^ st tuc BcHJam^'m Holme Sy do jac^aes Vincelete, chambly LiEVTENANS J^an Manie^ sc Iuc Pierre Bernard^ bcleeil Jofeph Renavhd> do f. M* Derome, chambly N» Bromllette, do BapU Manfeau, pere^ st lut; J* Bte. Laroque, chambly ENSEIGNES. Pierre BraflTeau, st !ue AntotneLeducy chambly Joleph Dufrene, belceil Jiraiifots Aichambault^do janies White, chambly J. B.Courtemanche, do B»[.t. Lereaux, Francois Marchand, Jofeph Cbiquette, Michel Lamoureux, Caaimire PredalcuXi do st Iuc do chambly da ( 128 ) •i,'(. I »^, >* \: t»' David Lukin, Capic. et Adjudtnt* Ls. Guerout, fils^ Lieut. Aide Major* D'tvifion dt Rouvilie^ kS*^^- T^ B. Rene Herte) De Rouville^Lt«-CoLCuni. Joseph Bresse, Lieut. Colonel* Alphonfe Dumoit, 7 ^^ . Jos. Franchere, \ ^ CAPITA1NF.S* Charles Masse, it mathlat J. Bie. Deir.ers, Gabriel L^Hcureuvy Andre de la Grave, Louis Bianchardj jofeph Davegnon^ Joseph Lacaile, Simon Fxafer, F. Oiligny, Honore Larreau, pere. Seraphim Primeau, JOS. Monaft dit jolicceury I.IEUTENAN8. lors* do St hilaire rouville stjeaa baptifte do 8t ihathias 8t jean bapUfte ruuvll!e St mathiat jofeph Lepine, Alexis Leblancy Pierre Pratte, Edouard Viacelet^ Francois Franpicr, Francois Domingue« Franjois Anthier, Andre Tctreau, Andre Pratte, Pierre ChVcouaine^ £u{l« SoupraSf J. M* T. Ducharme, Antoine BaifTe, Jean Vigcant, Honore Larreau, JFrs. Bei, 8t jean baptifte rou?ille fit mathias St hilaire rouville St mathias x)o do St hilaire rouville do St jean baptifte rouville do do St hilaire rouville «t jean baptifte louvilie ( »29 ) :fofeph Prattfe, Pierre P'-'mers, ♦ Chrifl^opheBertrand. CNSE1GNE3. Charles Touchett^, St hliaire rouvIi<e G. Plamondon, do Antoine champeau. do Ambfoife Tram pie, St mathlas Francois Beque, do Pierre Dcmers, St hilaire rouvUie Andre Pratte, do Jean Bte Beaudry, Benjamin de Liigrave, do Etienne Bertrand, C.Labonte d. Bodriau, St hilaire rouville St jean baptifte rouville^ St mathias Jofeph Pratte, Alex.' NadeaU) Manuel Vadenoisy Antoine Artois, Clement Goflelin, j.B.DemerSy Frs.Nadeau, ' Ambroife DelTautelsi Timothe Francherc, Capit. Adjudant, L* B» Delagrave, Quartier-Maitte. }• B> De Labroquerie, Lieut. Aide Major* William Pardy, Chirurglen. Division de l'*Acaditm Touflaint Pothicr, Lieut.-Col. Commajidant*- Major. CAPITAINZS* Jacques Robert, Conftant Cartier, jofeph Larau, Charles Rivals, Pierre Hcbert, F^ Pinsonneau, St philippe ste Marguerite do St philippe do do f I ■ ' ■ n h' W: 'CK in » l^*Ut fi .,. ., . ( «3o ) Michel BifTonrty ste margUfiSte Au^udin Peladeau, stphilippe Oiivirr Hcbcit, ste marguerite Pierre DroITin LeblarK^ do Fran« RoberCy st pWilippe Jofeph Bran, ste marguerite LlEUTCNANf. Jofeph Giierin, Theodore Bechardy Andre Beaulieu, jean Ca(Vanty J. B. Cagne* Chrift. Fortin, Antoine Trudeau, J acques Robert^ tils, Pierre Boycr, Francois Lafaye, Laurent Roy, ste marguerite do St phillppe do ste marguerite <)o St philippe do do ste marguerite do ENSCIGNES. Noel Lareauxy Louis Beaudin, Nicolas Bourgeois, Amabie Bourgeois, jofeph Hebert, Fran9o1s Robert, jofeph Robert, Franjois Scnechal, Pierre Bouthillier, Denis Trembiay, ste marguerite st philippe ste marguerite do do st philippe do do . ste marguerite do Adjudant, Antoine Robert, Aide Major. PauiHebert, do do / / Dtfitpon de Beaubantois* ^Hon. Charles Wm. Grant, Lieut. CoLCom, Xdmond Henry, 7 »#,-,- .. 'h - » |vi ( «3» ) w CAPITA! KE8. Aicxls Lftndto, 8t conftane Louis 0emerS| Alexis SauvageaUy JOS. Marie Longtifiy jcan Bie. Brugulery Etienne Hunau, James Milne^ Charles Arcbambaulty do Antoine Dupi»i,;, do Bazilc Lamarque, stconftant IIZUTENANS. chateaugay do stcondant chateaugay do do Franyois Hsbert, Pierre Bergevin, jofeph Dumoucnellc^ vean Baptifte Bro, Adrien Heberf, Antoine Lancto, John Grant, JOS. Dupui»y ENSEIGNES. chateaugay do do do do 8C conftant chateaugay do do St cnnftant chateaugay do L'^uis jullen, J. Louis Caron, Pierre Bro, Nicolas Bureau, Jean Touchettf, J« Louis Ceres, D. M*Can«on, Louis Moquin, james HoofFdetter, Lieut, et Aide Major.^ L. Delery, £ns. et Aide Major* D'yvipon de BoucberviUe* Rene Boucher de la Bruere, Lieutt«C«(« GoXtta J. Moyse Raimond, 1 . - . Pi«re Weilbrenner) J "^'J""' f 'I ( *32 ) la prairie do do bouchervllle longue»il boucherville longueuil la prairie do longueuil CAPITAtNIS* Aug. WCilbrenner, bouchervllle Francois BiofTeaUy B* jcurdain^ jofeph HiSbert, Ghs. D. Dumuy, A* L, Deneau, Bte* Charbonneau, A. J. Prti Fontaine f B. Broireaui Michel Boucher^ J. Surptenant, Frani^ois Trudeau, fils, do Jacques Laporte, LIE0T£NAN8^. J* Bouthillirr, la prairie jofeph Lacombey boucherville Francois Demersy longueil jofeph Royj Pafcal Trudel, Charles Racicot, Jofeph DObuc, Antoine Boocher^ Jofeph NorcheroDy Fran^oiu Denault, Charles OefautelSy Pierre Boucher, Jofeph RoutTel, Joseph MiirinRi;, .^NSEIONES. Ignace Hubert, la prairie C» Degnau, longueuiii Antoine Ste.Marse, do Hypolithe Gendron, do D.M. M«Kilip, la prairie Charles Birde, boucherville A. Quintal, do Charles Trudeau> longueuil boucherville do do longueuit la prairie do do longueuil la prairie longueuil lltv< ^ ■■' ? ( »33 ) G.Leclerc, laprairlc A. F. Lavoie, boucherville A. Marcille, longucuil Louis Dupuis, la prairie Louis LocollC} Bonaventure Viger, fiis,, Adjudant. Th. De Bouchcrvil'tf, Capt. Aide Majof Paul Lacroix, fits, do. do. Dom« Mondelety fils^ do, do. Pierre Marasse, Lieut. Aide Ma}or» Charles Mondelet, do, do. Frs. Viger, £rs. Aide Major. Division de Vercberes* J, L. De Martigny, Lieut. Coi. Commandant. Jacques Cartier, Major. CAPITAINES. Fierre Amiot, Vercheres. P. Chagnon, pere, Pasca! Chagnoni fits, Paul Luflieri Charles Duchesnois, Jos. Ainse. Aime MafTue, Pierre Chi coiney J.M. de Martigny, fi!s, Varcnnes. An. Decellcf do. Ch. Mongeant, ills* do. J. Bte. Quintal, do. IIEUTENANS. I .■ Vercheres* do V^J•ennc8. do do do Vercheres. j«an Bte. Quinta', Charles Pa«|uette, M. Senechale, jofeph Pouiio, Vercheres. do Varennea. Vercheres. Varenncs. t !• H ( ^^4 > f ' lofeph Martin, Varcnncsv Charles Decelb, ua joachim PaiilTsaUy do J. Bte. LoiscAti, do Xavier Chagnon, Vercheres* Bat, Robert, do TouHalnt Brodeur, do Euftache Lucier, do Joseph Amiot, Varenne9*« ENSEIGNES^ Jofeph Anr^iot, VerchercSt Amabie Deipe, Varcnnes. Bazil B.)ndy, Vcrcheres. ToulTaint Robert, io Jofeph Decelie, Varenfies* George Laurent, do Francois Maleau,. do Antuine Decelle^ do J L. Courfole, Vercheres. Antoine Vegiard, do AntoineDecelfc, Varennesr Antoine Brodeur, do £t. Duchesnoy, do Frs. Charron, do Alexis Pinet, Cap't. et Adjudant, Varennes, Henry D. Beaubien, Capit,, Aide Mijor. Chs. Boucher de Grosbois, Ens. Aide Major. John Moriey, Chtrurgien. Bataillon de la Villc des Troh Rivihes, Hon. Thomas Coffin, Colonel Conimundant. Ant. Foulln de Courval, > ^i^^t. colonels. Hon. Louis Gugy, ^ Major. Capita ines, Joseph Badeaux, ;TroA Rivieres*. Ren^ KimberC, do. Uuj>h Fraser„ - ^ dOb, ( 135 ) George Lonval, ^zekiel Harr, P. J. Heroux, Ant. St. Louis, J. L. Bellefeuiile, Charles Lesieur, Michel Guay, Wiiiiam Anderson, Lisutenans, Banlieue. Trois Rivieres. Machiche. do« Poiiite du Lac« Machiche. do^ Trois Rivieres Edouard Kimbert, Charles Fortier, Pierre Gouin, Francois L*Amy, Jacques Bellerive, Jean Bte. Pothier, Antoine Laprise, William Hardy, Bazile Doucet, Henry M*AuIay, C 8. Lessieur, J. B^Duchene, Trois Rivieres* do. do. Campagne* do. do, ' • do. Trois Rivieres. do. Trois Rivieres* do« dcu JEnsetgnes Alexis Rivard, J. M. Caron, Jean Bte. Ducharme^ Horatio Montour, Joseph Rocheleau, Charles Laf enay , Jean Deffose, Augustin Bostwick, James Bell, Ant. St. Louis, fils, Chs. L. Lapierre, ,f k. Bellerive, Ph. Burn!, Lieut, et Adjudant* Ed. Grelve, Qr. Maiire. peorge Caiter, Chirurgien. Trois Rividret, Campagne. do. do. do. Trois Rivieres* do, do. do« do. H % S;**. ; ' i; i-i .. ■=' Af' , m .36 ) Division de Ste. Anne* Hon. John Hale, Lieut. Col. Commandant. J. G* de Tonnancour,7 ii>r • Edward Hale, 'J Majprs. Ccpitaines, Hyacinthe Marchand, Batiscan. Aug, J. Boisvert, Joseph Quessy, Louis Leiebvre, Josepii Chartier, Pierre Trepannier, Joseph Lanouette, fils, Ste. Anne. Nicolas Dury, Lieuienani, Ste. Anne. Forges Batiscan* Ste, Genevieve. Champlain. St. Stanislaus. Joseph Leblanc, Louis Guiliec. Michel Bordcleau, Pierre Lafleche, Frs. Massicotte, Enseignes, Joachim Marchand, | P. L. Trepannier. Louis Jc Boisv^rt, | Antoine Charet, Casiniire Dery, j Antoine Gouin. David Trudel, | JEdouard GuilleC, Ens^ do. Division de la Riviere du Loup* Nicolas St. Martin, Lieut. Col. Commandant. Francois Boucher, Major. Capitaines, J. Bte. L. Aug^, Emanrel Desmarais, J. Bte* St. Martin, Augustin Harnois, C. L. Auge, J. Bte. Lupien, Louis Duchesny, Michel Doucet, Riviere du Loup. do. St. L^on. Riviere du Loup. do. do. Maskinonge* do. f ( >37 ) Timothe Chalon, Riviere du Loup. Benjamin Schiller, (}o. Lieutenans, Pierre Rivard, St. L^on Legrtnd. F. Caron, L. Lebrun, Riv. du Loup. Maskinonge. Joachim Tellier, Riv. du Loup. P. Fortier, do. Alexandre Desaulnier, do. Ambroise Lupien, Maskinong^. Enseign€i» B. Rivard, St. L^on Legrand. L. Voh'gny, Maskinonge. C. Sicard, do. A. L, Aug^» C. Dugas, D. L. Aug^, j[iOuis Gonzague Enos, Antoine Coulombe, Riviere du Loup. do. do. Maskinonge. Riviere du Lpup. J. Bte. L. Auge, Charles Ed. Gagnon, dp. do. L. Leprohon, Charles Bazin, do. do. Fran9oi9 Trepannier, do. Etienne Mayrand, Capit. et AdjudanC. Pierre Bazin, Knseigne Aide Major. v\* <> Division de Becancour, i J'ran,9ois Legendre, Lieut. Col. Commandant. A. C. de la Chevrotiere, 7 j^a;^^. Jacques Raimond Baby, J Capitaines, L Bte. Hebert, St. Gr^goire. Joseph Prince, do. tgnace Deshais, Becancour. loseph Turcotte, Gentilly, H % ■■V V. 1f ( \ 138 ) 1;.:., Ri»'-f v .' AiTtoine Leblanc, Antoine Malhiot, Pierre Hubert, J. Bee. D^cormier, Michel Malhiot, Alexis ReauZ} Lieutenans* Antoine Reaux, B^cancour. Joseph Hubert, Alexis Beaudette, Joseph L. Heon, Joseph Provaoch^, Jean Turcotte, Jean Demerd, Joseph Bellefeuille, Augustin Richard, Benjamin Morasse, B^cancouf. St. Pierre. St, Gr^goirc, Gentilly, St. Pierre, Secancour. St. Gri^goire. Gentilly. St. Gr^goire, B^cancour. Gentilly. St. Pi\MTe. B^cancour. St. Gtegoire, St. Pierre ins Alexis Leblanc, /. Bte. Panton, Pierre Pratte, Louis Landry, Paul Heon, J. Bte. Legfendre, Eustache Morasse, Magloire Gingras, Fran9oi9 Genest, Joseph Prince, eignes B^cancour. Gentilly. Sf. Gregoire. B^cancour. St. Gregoire. Gentilly. St. Pierre. do. Becancour. Stc Gregoire. Laurent Genest, Enseigne et Adjudant. Joseph Rousseau, Capit. et Aide Major. Michel Lamothe, Enseigne do. Jean Cress^, do. do. Division de Niattet, Joseph Carmel, Lieut. Col. Commandant. Jean Bte. LozeaUi Major. ( «39 ) Cu^itainest * Bale du Fevre, J. Bte. P. de Courval, Nicobt. Joseph Lozeau, Baie du Fevre. Charles Cdt^, Nicoiet, H. J. Bellerose, do. Joseph Charpentier, Baie du Fsvre. Lieutenam, I.ouis Gouin, Baie du Fevre. I. Bee. Proux^ Nicolet. J. Bte. Proux, do. Autoine Picard, do. Joseph Manseau, do. Pierre Gouin, Baie du Fevre. Enseigncs» Pierre Brassard, Adolphe Lozeau, Joseph Trudel, Joseph Douiltot, Charles Cresse, Joseph Proux. C. J. Dumourm, Lieut, ec Adjudant. ^ Pierre Cressd, Lieut, et Aide Major. Jean Bte. Beaubien, do. do. Joseph Beaubien, Enseigne do. Division d'Tamasia, J. M. De Tonnancour, Lt. Col. Commandant. J, A. C. de St. Francois, Lieut. Col. Capitaines. Pierre Bazil Pelissier, Yamaska. F, C. Descheneau, St, Fran9ois, Regis Pelissier, Yamaska. Bazile Carticr, St. FrangoiwS. J. Bte. Drolet, Yamaska. Lieutenans, Joseph Forquin, Yamaska. Th^^phile Pelissier, do. I i ' ^ % -aM i r^-i \:j t h i '. ( HO ) F. L. M. Duchesnay, St, Fran^oi?* Fran9ois Despin, do. J. J. de Tonnancour, Yaniaska, Jacques Forquin, do. h, G. de Tonnancour, do, Enseignes, Jeafl Bte. Cartier, St. Fran9ois. J. A. C. de St. Francois, * do. R^gia Pdlissier, Yamaska. M. J. de Tonnancour, Capit, et AdjudanU Premier Bataillon acs Tcivmkips, ( Hon. Sir John Johnson, Ba-c. Colonel Command2ii£ les 7 Bataillons. / Thomas M^Vey, Lieut. Col. Commandant. ( LoaisMarchand,7 j^ . ^ Robert Hoyle, $ ^^J°"- Cavitaines. / Caldyirell Manor. do. Odell Town. Burtonville, La Cole. Edward Brown, George Clarke, Louis Odell, Isaac Blodget, Thomas Boyd, James Cheeseman, Charles Ames, La Cole. Joseph Vaughan, Thomas Russell, ab^snt. Daniel M*Callum, Caldwell Manor, Lieut ENANs. Stephen Williams, Lacole. William V/allace, H. Emerick, James Whitman^ Uriah Fraser, Daniel Cotter, George Lay, do, Caldwell Manor. Odeli Town. Caldwell Manor. ( 14' ) f ReuSen Cutting, I John Denton. J. CUrke, | Duncan Dewar, Ensej^nes. Caldwell Manor. St. Jeaii. Xia Cole. Joseph Vaughan, Adcviphus Hibbard^ James Gordon , John Cotter, Christopher Stern, Joseph Wheeler, Oliver Odell, Jospph Ballery, William Odell, Jacob Uerick, Isaac Hoyle, John Griggs, John Wood, jun. Ens. & Adjudant. Conrad Deriak, Quartier Maitre. Robert Wood, Enseigne Aide Major- Fisher Ames, do. do, Austin Leonard, Chirurgien. Caldwell Manor. Odell Town. Odell Town. Secohd Bataillon des Torunshipt, John Jones, Lieut. Col. Commandant. Jonas Abbot, Major. CAFITiVlNEa, John Savage, Moses Elkins, Ezekiel Lewis, Clarke Hall, Mark Spenny, John Biill, Lymaa Knoulton, Shefford. Potton. Sheffur-d. Farnhani. I^olton. do. Stukely. LlEUTENANS. John Savage, I Thomas Shepherd, Hphraim Haw ley, | Samuel Olest, ( '4* ) r%-". Pi-*' .■ ''r :'■ V. ; ■ ;t P;»' T u.i tl. I 4' John Wadlcy, S. Comstock. Abraham Ruiter, Jonathan Pi jrson, Joseph Frost, Enseignes. Horace Hibb^t, John Smith, David Heath, Richard Frost, Enseigne & Adjudanc. Stephen Westover, Ens. & Qr. Maitre, David Blanchard, Nathaniel Parker, Whipple Weils. Troisieme Bataillon des Torumhips, Henry Gull, Lieu?. Col. Commandant, Charles Kilbourn, Major. Capitaines, David Curtis, Simon Kezar, Thimothy Rose, And. Young, Selah Pomeroy, John Heath, Isaac Norton, William Graanis, Stanstead. ^lat^y. Israel Wood, ThesphJIus Brown, Dudley Davis, Bd. Boynton, Abejah Mapk, John Brown, James Lock, Pleury Hibbard, John Ruiter, junr. William Bullock, John 'I'applin, Jatnes Pea^lie^ LIEUTENANS. Alex. Kilbourn, Daniel Spragiier, William Oliver, Paul Hitchcock, Taylor Wadleigh, Abraham Blake, Enseignes. Stanstead. ( 143 ) Thadeus Bullock, Alex. Henry Cull, John M*Cormel, Herman Bangs, Lieut, et Adjt, W. Chamberlain, Qr. Maitre. Isaac Whitcher, Chirurgien. Quatriet^e Bataillon des Townships, Philip Luke, Lieuf. Colonel Commandatit. Christian Wher, M.ijor. Capitaines. George Sax, James Pell, Stanbridge^ Dunham. J<ma8 Abbott, Benjamin Reynoidsi Gilbert Jennis, Compton. do. St. Armand. John Chase, Dunham. J. H. Powell, do. Charles Miller, St. Armand. F.lkanaii Philips, David Geer, Stanbridge. Dunham. Lindan Corey, Nathaniel Hibbard, Stanbridge. St. Armand. LlEUTENANS. Geddes Hibbard, St. Armand. Wm. H. Hall, do. Taplin oniith, John Clement, do. Dunham. William Pear, St. Armand. K. L. Camp, Caleb Corey, Nathaniel Stevens, Stanbridge, Jacob Becker, Jacob Cook, St. AruKindr ( >44 ) A i-- ■Ic, . s'». ■ t . p-':'^* I ' : k M- Ensbiqnes. Nicholas Martin, St. Arniand. IMariin Sornberger, do. Jacob Brill, do. Peleg Thomas, do. Asa VVestovery Dunham. John Saule, do. Jacob Hilliker, do. George Strice, Eleazer Lendert, Henry Snyder, Christopher Rouse, R. James £ele. Philip Luke, juD. Lieut et Adjudaiuv CtnquietTte Bataillon des Totvnshi^s* W. B. Felton, Lieut, Colonel. Chs Witcher, Major. Capitaines. Joseph Perkins, Nathaniel Bishop, Cornelius Hyaf, Luther Hibbard, Gordon Lawrence, Ptter Y. Sawyer, Samuel Pieri:e, John Stimpson, Joseph Willcox, John Pope, Jason Wright, Ste))hen Barnard, William Sexton, Shipton. Dudswell. Ascot. Herford. Shipton. Eaton. Brompton. Melbourn. Orford. Newport. Afcot. Shipton. C. B. Felt OP, LlEUTENANS. Levi Leet, Shipton, Truman Andrews, Dudbwell. ( 145 ) Btnjfamin Sleeper, Amasa Thomas, John Liberveau, Francis Willcoi, David White, Lot Wetherall, William Rankin, David Ball, Charles Pope, Adam Warner, Benjamin Heath, John IHob-inion, Thomas Bowie, Enseignes. Compton. do. Eaton, Asqot. Heribrd. do. Brompton, Orford. Newport. Ascot. Shipton, Abel Stevens, Isaac Stone, Jacob Adams, Thomas Lancaster, William B. Willard, Ezra Dorman, ComptoD, Ascot. Shipton. MelboufHr Orford. Shipton. Robert B. Hudson, Adjudaut. Sixleme Bataillon des Toiun^hips, John Johnson, jua. Lieut. Col. Conunandant* Edward Gle^n, Major; Capitaines, Joseph Careau, Ste. Marie. Alexis Desbleds, do. Pierre Nolan, St. Athana§e4 Antoine Meunier, Ste. Marie. Norman M'Leod, Ste. Marif« Ambroise Bedard, do. Jacques Samoze, do. Joseph Higgans, Faruham. Theophilus Lcmay, Ste. Marie. i t A ( »46 ) Mi' T' LXEUTENANS. Andre Rouss?], S;e. Marie. Francois Alloire, - do. Louis Meunier, do« Augustin ?^6t\€re^ do. Donald Finlayson, do» Andr^ BisaiHon, do. Cornelius Harley, do. Charles Donaldson, do. Benjamin Francb^e, do. Abraham Fartiham. Charles Nolk., St. Athanase'^ Enseignes, Joseph Careau, fils. Ste. Marie. Francois Rainville, do. Fran9ois Leclerc, do. Louis Goyette, St. Athanase. Th^ophile Lcmay, Ste. Marie. Jean Bte. D'Avignon, , do. Alexander M^Leod, do; George Harris, dd«. Treffli Franchdre, do. Duncan M^Gillivray, do. Benjamin Sander«, Famham. F. M. Petrimoulx, Li«ut. et Adjud< Septiemt BataiUon des Townthips, / Frek. G. Heriot, Lieut. Colonel. John Floyard, Major. Capitaine. Christopher Mentrt, Simpson. Rodk.Steiger, Guy. Colclough, ,-N. ni Jacq.. Adh^mar, <t-.«»/^ LlEUTENAWS. Robert Moore, King«ey. ii::«-': ( 1*7 ) William Menut, Simpson:. D. M'Clean, W. D. Lindsay, Wm. HortoD, £n9-eignes. Henry Menut, Simpson, John Cossey, John Millard, Lieut, et Adjuda:>it. Premier SataiUon du District de Gaspe. Henry Johnstone, Lieut. Col. Commandinc. J. & de U Fontaine,7 .^ . John Boyle, J ^i""- Capitaines. Philip Colbeck, Ilea de la Magdeleine. George Boyle, George Annet, Thomas Hunt, Isaac Deschene, John Seek, tIEUTXNANS. Benoit Boudreau, lies dt la Magdelelne. Thonas Dl. Johnston, Samuel Ray, Ph. Langlois, Peter Stewart, Henry Johnston, Thomas Morhirty, John Tuzo, Enseignf.s. Kdouard No'd, lies de \^ Magdeleine^ Windham Johnston, William Ascah, Benjamin Coffin, Isaac Kennedy, William Baker, Hugh OHara, 1% ■i v- i 1 w, ' }» :.r^ a- X ( U8 ) John L. P. Johnston, Lieut, et Adjudant* frek. A. Johnston, Ens. ef Aide- Major. Secord Butaillon du D'ntricf de 'Casp?, Henry 0*Hara, Lieut. Col> Comnsaiidant, Isaac Mann, 7 «* . f r^ ?■ Maiors. James Day, J ■' Cupkaines* Thomas Bustead, I K. M^Rae, Hilarion Dugas, | William Truing, Lieutenans^ Fi-ek. Louber, I F. GaUie, John Adams, | Duncan M^Rae. .Ensetgnes. James Day, junr, William Ross. Samuel Clark, Step. T.Stewart, F. Dugas, Corps des Vo^ageurs Canadiens* Lieut. Colonel Wm. M'Gillivray, Major Angus Shaw, Major Archibald N. M'LeoJ. Ci\PlTAlNES. Alex. M*Kenzie, Wm. M»Kay, bt. m. John M*Donell, LiLUTKNANS. James Goddard, Wm. Hall, Joseph M^GilUvray, Enseignes. John M'GilHvray, Pierre Perras, James Maxwell, Pay- Master, jErieas Cameron. Adjurarr, Edward Cartwrighr. Qr. Ma.ter, James E. CampL.ll. Surgeon, Henry Munro. P. deRocheblave,b.ni. James Hughes. John M'Kenzie, Peter Grant. Louis J. Gauthier. Andre BaroQ« < U9 ) OFFICIERS SURNUMERAIRES ^iont serifidansla Milice cC Elite ct IncerporSe. Louis Duniere, "^ Bernard A. Paner, > Majors. Kicola«B. Dnucetjj CAriTAlNRS. I.oiiis BosicFier, Ig. Gaspard Boisseau^ Samuel M'Kay, Jo&eph Vigneau, pSre, JeanEt. Faribault, Etienne Ranvoyze^ Pefrus Noiseux, Willlaoi Aird, Robert Tanswell, Antoiiie Joliette, Thomas Fortier, l.s. F. Dufrtsne, J. M. I.eprohon, Philippe Vigpcau, Jaaiea Peregreut\ P. de Tonnancour^ Remy Quirouet, los. Ls. Noreao, Etienne Tach^, ioseph Gagnon^ Jos«»pK Savage, Rkhard Savage, Charles Galerneao, Hiigh M» Quarters, Inrivifcr Playfair, Pierre Paul Lacroix, Andre Terrien, Alpbonse Dame, Hercule Olivier, John M'OilHvray, Joseph Blaiichet, Frederick Dame, Laurent Rolette, Louis Barbeau, Joseph Leblanc, I F. X. Parr^. ENANTS. Hypolite Rolttte, Amb. Marchand, Edouard Vigneau, Toussaint Goduc, Alexander Steel, Joseph Voyer, Charles Burke, Henry Beaulitu, J. P. Carter, . Antoine Gris^, Georg:e Johnson, Louis Dulongpre, 1. P. LafoDtaine, Alexia Champion, A. O. Burke, P. L. St. Germain, M. H. St. Germail^; I William Morrin, f Stanislaus Globen?ky» I D. P. Leprohon, ' 1.3 V ' ■ ' 1 » . 1- ^ i i 150 ) £nSBIGNE6« I ul*. IhTarcisse Faribault, William Larue, James Harvey, 1.. D. Besserer, Pierre Verrault, Thomas Kimbert, Juste Miville, Pierre Weilbreiuier, James Graves, Andr^ H^rigaulc, Luc Vigneau, — Demount, Nicolas Bourgnon, Gr^goire Ferr^, David Lukin, Pierre Rottot, Charle« Low, Fran9oi8 Ma^hurin, Pierre Dutiias, Henry Harwood, John Kay, Ph. Adolphus Barker^ Pierre Guy, J. H. Willis. Gamelin Gaucher, Patrick Adhem?r, Lieut^ Quartier Maitre, Etienne Laviolette, do, do. Jacques Labrie, "J Samuel Doty, \ Cbirurgiens. Rene Kimbert, 3 J. Fr6. Lionais, 7 *..:_..„. j^ Ed, Martineau, $ A*"^**"* <^- Officiers qui ont obtenu des Retrctites dair la Milke d^ Elite et Incorpordcy Major Sabrevois de Bleury, Capitaines, Pierre Vd-zina, Hon. D. Dcoartzch., P. de la Brtti&r£, F. X. Bender, Antoine St. Loui«, J. R. Rowland, — Hatsell, Isai'e Boudreau, John Gray, Philip Byrne, John Richardson, Frs. Ant* Larocque, LlEUTENANS. Joachim C. Primeauz, peter Sheppsrd, Felix Brunet, Ignace Bcrnier, Olivier Boudreau, Jdm MiUcr, ( »5« ) ll Antoine St. Germain, J«an Barbeau, Pierre Marass^, Enseignes. Antoine Parant, Charles Bellefeuille, Augustin Mercure, Joseph Hamman, J. Ryand, Duncan McDonald, John Ldbson, Paye Maitrc. Chas. ReifFen8teuj,7 * •• . Cartwright, i A<*J"<'*''»- William Mechtler,^ Rdne Boileau, ( Quariier Maitres. John M'Lean, j A. T. Valham, Louts Provendier, Wm. Wildgrove. J. Rivard, H. B. Jean, Joseph P. LavignCi^ M. D. Dostie, J, JBte. Bonenfant* ■,? William Selby, t cm.- OMStave Uerhoff, ^ eh'^-fg'*"'- H. ,N. Munro, j Officiers qviont obtenu leur rctraite dans Vnnn^e li^21, iViajor Jesse Pennoyer, 5e. Bataillon des Townships. — — — Bedouin, Division de la Pointe Claire. Capit. Jacques Leblond, ler. Bataillon de Quebec. — — Fran9ois GermaiD, 2e. Bataillon de Quebec. — — Francois Fortier, 2e. do. do. — — Nicolas Geoffroy, Division de Berthier. • Pasr?tl Goulette, do. do. ■■ Julien Depeltcaur do. de Chanibly. ■ Julien Piedaloue, do, do. Jacques Morin, do. de St. I^yacinthe. Pierre Demers, do. de la Lohgufi Pointe. Ant. Deschamps, do. de I'Assomptijn. Antoine Enos, do. do. J. B. Chevalier, do. de la liivieredu Chene. Sebasticn LegauU, dq. do. Louis Perrault, do.de St. Anne, 14 S;: ( 152 ) . I;+ i! '^■Ji li- -T Iiieut» Louis Fortier, ■ JosCrepeau, Eiiseigne Cantin, I DL Fisher, — Charles Brookes, 2e. Bat. deQu6bcf. Div.de riled'Orleans. do. do. 2e. Div. ler. Bat. Montreal, do. do. '■ Offxiers morts daiis Vann4e 1821. Col. Jos. Lacroix, Division de Tile J/^sjs. lit Col. J.B. Frobisher, Aidede Camp Provincial — Etienne Guy, Division de la Pointe Claire. Lit. Col. Charles Pinguet, 2e. Bataillon de Quebec. " ' J. Bte. Noel, 2e. Division de Lotbinicre. Honble. Lt. Col. Wm. Crawford, Division de Gaspe. Majok, C. Chevalier de Tonnancour, A. Adj. General. Major, L. B. Bruyere, Division de 1' Assoraption. — — A. Couillard de Beaumont, 2e. Div. StValier. — — Jacques Lacombe, Div. de Lavaltrie. — — Z. M*Cauley, Bat des Trois- Rivieres. Capit. John M*Kay, ler. Bat. de Milice E. et I. ■ ■ Fran. Pinguet, ler. do.de Qii^bcc. — Augustin Thibault, 4e. Div. de Quebec. ■ Alexander A lliflon,iirst Bat. of Montreal. '* ' ' ■ Julien Leblanc, Div. de Tile Jesus. •T— R« F. Dandurant, Division derAssomptioii. ■ J. B. Hervieux, do. de T Assomption. — — Alexis Coulombe, do. de Tile d'Orleans. ' J. B. Lafond, do. de Nicolet. — — F. Proult, Division de TAssomption. ' Pierre Auge, do. du Cap Sant^. ' Ol. Durocher, do. de St. Denis. Lieut. Olivier Faribault, ler. Bat Milice E. ctL ' J. C. Antrobus, 3e. do. do. - Pierre Pratte, 4e. do. do. ' . H. E. Benoit, Division de Verchercs. • r J. B. Duberger, Div. de St. Thomas. -'^— — Francois Girard, ler. Bat de Quebec. lEnseigne Alexandre Vezina, do. do. Ignace Gravcjle, Division de Bcauport Chs. Leduc, do. de VajudreuiU ( l53 ) lioot. Lotjfs Chaboiller, Div, de la Pointc CI«aire, -. . Philemon Wright, junior, do. d'Argentcuil, Capit. G. Leroux, DlYision de Vaiidreuik M Pb. Bougie^ do. de do. Lr€Ut. Leduc, eio. de do. >'rs. II. Seguin, Paie-Maitre, Terrebonne. Sergent Major, Paul Morin, 2e. 15at.de Quebec. . Quartier Maitre Shea, 5e. Bat. de Quebec. Nota Bene — Si la Liste qui cant" poserJ les Officiers des Milices de cette Province^ n^est pas aiissi cor- vee te qu^elle devroit retre, c*est que les Rapports Generaujf^ qui, conjor-^ mementd la Loi, doivent etre trans-^ mis annuellemeiit ait Bureau de VAdjudant GeneraU n^oiit pas ete pour la plus gra7ide partie enroj/cs a ce Bureau* \ 15 E ECCLESIASTICAL STATE OF CANADA. } t ■ 16 ( 156 ) M ^ ,;( ' ■ ^ LIST of the CLE KG Yof i he Es- tablished CIIURCIIy in the Provin'> ces of Upper and LofVER'CANADA* The Right Reverend Jacob Lord Bi- shop of Quebec. Archdeacon of Quebec, The Rev. G.J. Mountain, D.D Archdeacon of York, the Rev. G. 0. Stuart, A. M. Visiting Missionary in the Diocese, The Hon. & Rev. C- Stewart, D D. (Chaplain to the Lord Bishop.) PAROCHIAL CLERGY, . Lower- Can ADA. District of Quebec. "The Re\'. G.J. Mountain, D. i). Rector; (Chap- lain and Secretary to the Lord Bishop.) 2 <^ The Rev. J. L. Mills, A. Vi. Evening Lecturer. Qf The Rev. L. C. Jenkins, Assistant "^ insr. and PreachertoProtestant settlers in parts adjacent St. Joseph, P. Levi, The Rev. R. R. Burrage. District of Three Rivers. Three- Rivers, The Rev. R. Q. Short. Riviere du Loup, The Rev. C. S. Williams, A. B. Drumniondville, The Rev. S. S* Wood, A. B. Eaton, The Rev. J.Taylor. Diftrict of Montreal* The Rev. J. Bethune. Rector. Montreal, \ The Rev. B. B. Stevens, A. M, Evening Lecturer. ■•[ ( »57 ) w rr^««, 5 The Kcv. J. Jaclison, (Giaplaitito tJi€ •^ c Lord Bishop.) Chambly, The Rev. E. Parkin. " St. Johns, The llev. W. D. Baldwyn. PK^ '^i*-'' ^rl f The Rev. M. Townshend. Christie Manors, \ St. Armancl, The Rev. J. Reid. Dunham, The Rev. C C Cotton, Shefford, The Rev. Richd. WhitwelU Hatl< y, The Rev, T. Johnston. Terrebonne, The Rev. J. E. Burtom St. Andrews, The Rev, J. Abbot. District of Gaspe. Gafjpe Bay, The Re/. J. Suddard. New Carlisle^ The Rev. R. Knagj. PAROCHIAL CLERGY, Upper-Canada, Home District. York, the Honble. and Rev. J. Strachan, D. D, Ancaster, The Rev. R. Leoming. Grimsby, The Rev. W. Sampson, A. B. District of Niagara, Niagara, The Rev. R. Addison. <iueenston, the Rev. W. Cockayne Frith, L. L, D. Chippawa & Fort Erie, '1 he Rev. W. Leeming. Western District. Amherstburg, The Rev. R. Rolph. Sandwich, The Rev. R. Pollard. Newcastle District. Hamilton, The Rev. W. Macauiay, Cavau, The Rev. J. Thomson. |. !♦■■"' W:' i; m \ I,,' m i ! ( »S8 ) Midland District* Kingston, The Rev. G. O. Stuart. &FXiIk8hurg,? '^^^ ^*^- J- Stoughton. Belleville & Carrying Place. The Rev. T. Ca mpbell. Johnstown District. Brockville and? ^^^ , j Augusta, y Perth, The Rev. M. Harria, A. M. Fort Wellington & 7 «,. -n -n i . m i y XT T u * f *"e Rev Robt. Blakey. New Johnstown, J -^ F astern District. Matilda, The Rev. F. Myers. Williamsburgh, The Rev. J. G. Weagant. r II V A'he Rev. S. J. Mountain, (Chaplain to Cornwall, ^ ^^^ ^^^^ Bishop.) Chaplains to the Forces in the Canadas* Quebec, The Rev. J. L. Mills, A. M. Montreal, The Rev. B. B. Stevens, A. M. Kingston, vacant. Fort George, The Rev. W. Cokayne Frith, L. L.D. Chaplain to the Naval Es'l ry« -rv -r xxt\ «« ^ if L * ^ £- 1 f The Rev. J. Wilson. tablishment at Atngstonf^ Corporation ybr Managing tlie Cinergy RESER-vism Lower- Canada . Members of the Coqioration — The Lord Bishop of Quebec, and ail the benefieed Clergy within the Diocese, Frincipalf The liOrd Bishop. ' Directors, The Rev. G.J. Mountain, J. Bethune, R. Q. Q. Short, J. Jackson, £:cretart/) A. W. Cochran, Esq. The Rev. S. S. Wood^ - E. Parkin, - W.D.Baldwyn, - R. R. Burrag^. IlK/i-:: ( »59 ) ) • Ieser-ves in ETAT ECCLESIASTiaUE DU CANADA / CATHOLIQUE. / Monfeigneur JOSEPH OCTAVE PLESSIS, nc lej Mars 1763, C3nsacre fous le titre deCanache en Pa- iMnt le 25 Janvier iSoiy Eveque de Quebec depuis k 1 5 Janvier x8o6. Mgr. Bkrnard Claude Panbt» £v« de Salde, en Mauritanie^ contacre le 19 Avril 18071 Coad- jttteur. lA\Sr^ Alexandre Macdrnell, Et. de Rhrsine en Mifopotamie, confaci^ le 31 Decembre 1820^ SuA'ragant* Auxiiiairc et Vicaire-Gcneral pour la Fioviuce du Haul- Canada. r. Jean Jacqves LartigvE) Ev« de TeU meQe en Lycie, confacre le 21 Janvier iSaia Suf« fragaot^ Sec, pour le Diftrictde Montreal. r. Bernard Angus M^EacherN) T-^, de Rose en Syrie, confacre le 17 Ju.n i82I> Su£fra- ^2nt} &c* pour rile du PriiiCe Edouard, VicAXKK s-Genexaux. ( Mr. Roux, « Mr^ Noifeux^ / Mr, Roijue, t) Mi» Descbenaux* A^ Mr. Robert, Mr. Provencher, Mr. Degulse« )U I Pro-Secretaire, Mr. Fortler, < «6o ) m '. ' 1 i \ts\ Au Seminaire de Quebec* Mr. Ant. Parant, Supcricur, ct Profcsscur de Thco- logic. y Mr. Robert, Profeffeur de Thcologie, Mr. Demers, Procurcur. ivlr. Turgcon, DiredVeur du Petit Seminaire« Mr. BefTerer, Profeffeur de Phyfiquc, ct Dircctcurdu Orand S6ininaire. Au Petit Seminaire* Mr. Baillargeon, Profeffeur de Rhetoriquc* Mr* Baillarge, ^^l' P/"^"'' .. . VRcgens dcs Humanitci. Mr. ir. ijaiiiargeony r [r* Baillarge, "% [r. Drolet, I [r, Monimlny, f [r. Bel and, J Montagnesi Au Seminaire i>£ Montreal. Ml. Roux, Superieur. Mr. Ciquard, Mr. LefauJnier, Cure d^OfBce. Mr. Malard, 7 Miffionnaircs au Lac des d€« Mr^ Humbert, > Mr. Roupe, j Mr. Sauvage. Mr. Lami Hubert- Mr. Charles Bedard, Mr. Satin, Mr. Bouffin. Mr. Richards, Mr. Conte, Procureur, Mr. Beliefeuille, senior, Mr, Gabouri, Ml Mi Mr. Roque, Diredeur du petit Seminairci Mr» Houdet, ? „ e ir Mr. Bonin, J ^"'^''^" r. cciieicuiuc, senior, ir. Gabouri, ^ fr. St, Pierre, > Vicaires. [r. Begin, junr. ) ;urs« ( 161 ) ^Ir. Angus Macdonell,*) vir, Rocher, I Mr. Giroux, | Mr. Durocher, Mr. Garneau, Mr, Weilburner, Mr. Girouard, Mr, Viaa, ^Regens* J Seminaire DE N!C0LET« Mr. Raimbault; Superleur. Mr. Lcprohon, Direileur. Mr. John Holmes, Profcffeur de Philosophic. Mr. MacdonelJ, '^ Regens des Humanltes* Mr. Quintal, Mr* BraiTard, Mr. Porlier, Mr. Goilelin, ^ Mr. Thos. Carron, Econome* COLLECE DE St. HvAcInTHI. Mr. Bellanger, Directeur. Mr. Mercure, "J Mr. Label, f r> ' Mr. M«Mahon, r^Sens. Mr.Brai, J I < 162 ) Cures et Miflionaires du Diocelc. District de Queb^ecj Mr. Signay, Cure dt Quebec. ( i^ofA^^' Mr, Lefebvrff, "^ / Mr. Jacques, fVicaires. Mr. M*K.€agncy, j Chapelain dc rHopital-Gencral, Mr. Thomas Bedard, Chapelain des UrfulineSi Mr. Daule. Chapelain dePHoleUDicu, Mr. Desjardins €hapelains de TEglise de St. Roch, | JJ^; "^"^^^^^ubry. Chapelain de la Congregation, Mr. Ml. Dufresne, des* servant Sie. Foi. Isle d^Orleams: Mr. Berthcbt, St. Pierre. Mr. Fortin, ^t. Jeanet Sx., Laurent. Mr^ Gagnon, 5t. Francois et la iSte. Famllle. * ■ cCte du Nord. Mr. Hot, les Grondines. Mr. Denechaud, Dcfchambault. Mr. Gatien, le Cap iSante. Mr. Poulin de Courval, NeuviMc etlcs EcureuiU* Mr. Lefran9ois^ senr. St. Auguftin. Mr. Dcfchenaux, TAnciennc Lorette. Mr. A. Bedard, la Jeune Lorette et SU Ambroife. Mr. De Bouchcrville, Charleibourg. * Mr. Bruncau, Beauport. Mr. Oliv. Germain, PAnge Gardien, et le Chateau Riche, Mr. Ranvoyze, iSte. Anne et St. Joachim, Mr Le Lievre, Bale St. Paul, et la Petite Riviere. Mr. Duguai, Plfle aux Coudres. Mr, Label, les Eboulcmens, Mr, Le Courtois, la M.ilbaie. Nouvelk Beaucc* i i«3 ) CoTi Du 5ur). Mr. Davelai, Lotbiniere ct Stc. Croix, Mr. Jean, ancien Cure. Mr. Raby, Ste* Antoine. Mr. Viau, St. Nicolas, ct St. Gillcs. Mr, Malic, Pointe Levi. Mt, Laca-se, St, Henry HcLauzon, Mr, Villade, Ste. A/arie, Mr, Arstnault, St, Jofcph, Mr. Primcau, St. Francois, Mr. Paquet, ^t. Gervais. Mr. Bi<;nchci, junr. Vicairc. Afr. Pcrras, St. Charles. Mr. L(tang, Beaumonr. Mr. Maguire, ^t. MichcL Mr. OrlV-i, St. Vallier et Bellechaire. Mr. Vallr, St, Pierre et St. Franjois. Mr. Beaubien, st Thomas. Mr. Aug. Parent, st. Ignacc ct Plfle aux Crues, Mr. Jacques Panct, riOet. Mr. Boilfonault, jurtior, St, Jean Port-joli. Mr. Brodeur, st. Roch des Aulnets. Mr. Verreau, ancieti Cure. Mr. Painchaad, stc. Anne dc la Grande- Anff. Mgr. le Coadjuteur, la Rivkre Oueile, Mr. Afrelin, Vicaiie. Mr. Varin, Kansourafka. Mr. J, B. Morin, Vic aire. Mr. Fiavien Lcclerc, St. Andt^. Mr. Noel, Riv. da Loup^ Cacouna et l*Is'e Verre, Mr. Piosp. Cia^non, lc3 Trois Piftoles et Rirnoufliy. District de Montr eai,» JjJi! de Montreal. Mr. Ign. Lec^erc, st. Laurent. Wr. Oumyuchtlic, ste. Genevieve. ( »64 ) t»^F* Du'anscau, la Chine, Mr. Foriin, Junior, la Hointe Claire ct 6te. Anne, Mr. Diiroch&r, Poiiite aux Trembles^ eC la Longue Pointe. Mr. Huot.jle Sault au Recollet. Mr, Boillonnaulr, senior, Riviere des Prairies. Mr. Toupin., Ifle PerroU Isle Jesus. Mr. Mich. Brunet, st. Martin. Mr. Belair, st^, Rofe. Mr. Begin, senior, st. Vincent dc Paul* Cote du Nobd* ^Ir. Louis Lam3tte, Berthier. Mr, Serrand, Vicaire. Mr. Francois Marcoux, St. Cuthbert» Mr. Keller, st&. Elizabeth. Mr. Bc'zeau^ La Valtrie et Lanorjue* Mr. Beilenger, St. Paul. Mr. Martin, &U Sulpice. Mr. Amiot, senior, Repcntlgny. Mr. Royj st. Pierre du Portage. Mr. Belleteuille, junior, Vicaire* Mr. Pare, St. Jacques. Mr. Raizennc^ st. Roch. Mr. Odelin, 6t. Efprit. Mr. L. Parent, st. Henri de Mafkoucke* Mr, Ant. Lamocte, Lachesnaie. Mr. St, Germain, Terrebonne* Mr. Grenier, sfe. Anne des Plainest Mr. Ducharme, Blainville. Mr. Felix, st Benoit. M*-- r*aquien, junioi, St. Euftache. 'vir- Arc lambauir, Vaudreuil. ivL. D'llabroquerie, Rigaud. Mr. >^i( cau, So'ilj^gc. l\lj* Lcilac, senior, St. Polycarpc» m-^^ ^^ ( >«5 > CoTB DU SUD. Mr. Nic. Dufrefne, MiiTionaire a St. Rcgb. Mr* Bourget, Chateaugay, Mr. Clement, St. Clement de Beauh{<rnois» Mr. Jos. Marcoux, le SauU St. Louis* Mr. Pigeon, st. Philippe. Mr. ^rouiller, Vicaire* Mr. Clievrefils, st. Conftant. Mr. Poirier, St. Luc. Mr. Paquin, Senior, Blairfindle* Mr. Decoigne, Vicaire. ♦♦ Mr. Boucher, Prairie de la Madeleine* Mr. Chaboillez, LongueulU Mr. Tabeau, Bouchervilie. Mr. Deguife, Varennes. Mr. Cbauvin, Vicaire. Mr. Kimbert, Vercheres. Mr* Aubry, Contre-cceur. Riviere Chambly* Mr. MignauU, St. Jofeph. Mr. C.'agnc, St. Jean de RouvlUe. Mr. Configny, St^ Matthias. Mr. Lajus, 5te. Marie de Monnoir. Mr. Robit^aille, St, Charles et St, Marc. Mr. Lagarde, Beloeil et St. Hilaire* Mr. Alinotte, St. Antoine. Mr. J. B. Bedardy St. Denis. Mr, Girouard, St. Hyacinte d*Yamaika« Mr. Deliile, / ,r. . Mr. Leduc,junr. ^ Mr. Bardy, la Prefentation. Mr. Hebert, St. Ours. Mr. Kelly, William Henry et Tlflc du Past. Mr. Culfon, Vicaire* I •*i ( He ) ft' m '■: :^ Hi District des Trois Rivieres. La Villk* Mr. Nolzeux, dfsservantle Cap de la Madeleine* Mr. Cadirfix, Cure. Mr. Dc Calunne, Chapelain des Urrulines. CoTl DU NORD. Mr. L«. Marcoux, Maflcinongc. Mr. Lebourdais, Riviere du Loup, jl/r. Delaunaisy S. Leon, Mr. Joyer, Fointc du Lac. Mr.Rivard, Champlain er Batlfcan* Mr. C6tc,.Ste. Genev. deirervant St. Scanifi»3^, Mr. Gauvreau, Ste. Anne de la Perade. Mr. Morin^ ancien Cuf^. Cote du Sud, Mr. Giberty St, Michel d*Yamaska. Mr. Amiot, junr. MiHionaire <ies Abenakis, desscr- vant St. Franjois. Mr. Fournier, Baie du Febvre. Ni » Raimbaulc, Nicolet. Mr. Frs. Demeis, St. Gregolre; Mr. Lejamtel^ Bekancour. Mr. Courtain, Gentj4iy. Mr. Alex. Leclerc, St, Pierre et St, Jean* District de Gaspx*. Mr. Jean Fran9ois Gagnon, Riftigouche et Carlcton. Mr. Lefran^ois, junioi, Bonaveniuie. Mr. Clement Aubry, Feres. ,, MUilon du Haul Canada, Mgr. TEvcquedc Rhesine, St. Kaphacl et St*- Andrt-.- MT- j.ein Macdoneli,. Vicairc, ( «67 ) u'l'f'',, Uingfton, Mr. Delamotte, y ^ * . Mr> Marchand, Sandwich. Mr. Crevicr, Maiden et Riv, a la Tranche, I/g du Frlrfce Edouard*. Mgr. rBveque de Rose, St. Andre* MfrCecile, Railicot. lie du Cap Breton-.' Mr. Gaulini Arishat. Mr. Dullard, Labrador* Mr. Moll, Cheticart. Mr, Al« Macdonell, judique. Mr. Madran* ■ lies de la Magdele'ine New . Bru mivtch • Mr. Cooke, Carsquet. Mr, Blanchet, senior, Richibouctou. Mr. Gingras, Memramkoucq. Mr. Anoine Gagnon, GedaVc. ' Mr-MoiifTet, Cite de St, Jean. Mr. Rinrguet, M'adawaska. Mtjjion de la Kivicre Rcuge, Mr. Provsncher, Mr. Dumoulin. Mr. Destroiiiavairons* M0RT8 DEPUIS LE OERNItR TaBVB^U. Mr, P^rinault, Cure du S/. Efprit. Mr. Gaticn, Cart deSf^Euftach?^ H. 1 ' , ' ( i68 ) C0UV£NS OE RelIGIEUSES fiT Com munaute's. HoTEL-DlEU DE QuEBEC. Fomlc par Me. la Ducheire d^Aiguillon en 1637 pourlcs pauvres malades. La Re. Me. St. Gabriel, (Dlle. Normanville,) Supe* rieure depuis 1819, Religieufes profeiles, 32 Novices, 6 Poftnlanie, li En tout 36 Uffuli/iei de ^ebec* Fondees par Mde. dc la Peltrie en 1639, pour rinftrudtion des petites filles. La Re. Me. St. Henry, (Marie Louise. M*LOUghlin,j Supcrieure depuis i8iS. Religieuies profelies, 47 Novices, ^ Poitulante, t £n tout 5» Hopital.Ge'ne'ral DE Quebec* Fonde par M. de St. Vallier Eveque de Quebec, en 1693 pour les pauvres invalides. La Rde. Me. St. jofeph, (Dlle. EllerChalau,) Supe- rieure depuis 1819. Religteuses Frofeiles, 41 Novices, 6 Poftulantes, % £n tout 5^ ( «69 ) HoTlt-DlEU DKMoNTRtAl^k Foadc par Madame de Bullion en 1644, pour les pauvres malades. La Sceur Devoisy, Superieure en 1821, Religieufek Prot'efles% 33 Poftulanics, 3 En tout 36 Congr/gation de Notre Dame a MontreaU Fondee pav Dl4e. Marguerite Bourgeois,. vers 1650 pour rinitruftion des potites fillea. I,a Sceur La Nativitc, (Dllc, IXrouU'elle,) Superieure (kpuis iSi9* Profeflfes Novices, J Poftulantes^ 6 "En tout 77 Urjuii^-s J<s "IroiS'Rl'visres* Fondees par M.d« St. Vallier Evcque de Quebec, en 1677 pour riaftru<ilionet pour les pauvres malades. la Re. Me. St. Pierre, (Dlle. BourafJ'a,) Superieure depuis I $20% Religieufes Professes, 26 Novices, 2 Pd^^ulantes, o En lotit 28 Hopital-Oe'ne'ral de Montreal/ FonJe par Madame veuve Youviile en 1753 pour let pauTfcs inHrmes et invalides. Mile Marie Marguerite Lencaire, Superieurecn 1821* Proi-'eHes, 23 Novice, I Po.'lulantes, * £n tout t^ K l*> it«i ■, ' t ■ ( '70 ) XGLfSB CATHOLIQ^UE DIS ETATS-UNIS. Les Rcvcicndjssimes. Illgr. Ambroiff.' Mareschal, Archeveque dc Baltimore. Mgr. Jean Cheverus, Eveque dc Bofton. Mgr. Henry Conwel), Eveque de Fhiladelphie. Mgr. Ls. Guillaume Dubourg, Eveque de St. Louis, Mgr. Benoir Jofeph Flagft. Eveque de Bardstown. Mgr. -^ David, Eveque Coadjuteur. Mgr, Jean Coinolly, Eveque dc New- York. Mgr* l^atrice f .elly, Eveque de Richmond. Mgr, Jean England, Sveque de Chadeslon. Clergy or the Church of Scotland. The Rev. Dr. James Harkness, Quebec. ■ James Somerville, Montreal. — Henry Essen, do. School-Masters at Quebec Rev.. Mr. Wilkic. Mr. Miller.- Mr, Thorn, Mr. Sprat. Mr. Johnson. . Mr. Doyle. Ecoles Elementaires a Quebec. Haute Ville— RueSje. Urfuie. Ecole Franjoise Catholique d*ensej^jiement ffrutuel. Mr. Kirouaque, 90 ecoliers, Fauxhourg St, Jeariy Mr, Deschesne, 70 ecoliers. Au Fauxbourg 3y. Roch, Mr. Gitfard, 60 ecoliers. Sur Us Ramparts, Mr. Jacques Vallerand, 40 tcolirrSi Fres iU yUUy. Mr. Jofejjh VaUerand, 30 ecoliers. t 171 i.coi.E Anglo-Cathc!.iq^ui de ST. Rocti. Mr. Macdonell, 50 Ecoliers. Mr. Read, Haui:e-Ville, So Ecoliers. N. 13. On donne trois lejons de Grammaire An- gUise par semaine, au Seminaiire de C^atbec, La Langue Anglnise est de plus enscignee grammatl- calement dani) l^s Seminiirtsde Monire^l, de Nicoiet ct dans le College de St, Hyacinthc. Ecolti Paroiisiaks ious la Direction des Curtu District de C^£B£C. LUaet. — — St. Pierre. ■ St. Michel. _— — Saint Charles^ • Si. Henry. > St. Vallier. Ste. Ciox. - Ancienne Lorette* — — — — Saint Ambroise. Beauport. -— ^- La Malbaie. District oes troii kivi'eesj* - Riviere du Loup, . Si. Giegoire. Mafkinonge. Baie du Fcbvre. District de Montrkai*. — — - St. Hyacinthc, ' St. Denis. ■ Vcrcheres, ■ Varcnnes. ■ St. Philippe, — Blairfindic. ■■■ Boucherville* - — — St. Charles. . ' Presentation. K % ^, ^ ^ ^?^^^-< IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ ^/^.^^!^ ^ 1.0 I.I IM 115 ^ m ■ 22 us ■is u I' i L° 12.0 IL25 III 1.4 V] 7 4V^ 7 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145S0 (716) 172-4503 ( •/* ) Pi iy r\f "fl 'f:^ l'^ ' P.^ <jt .VtlMhtt irl i* til. Ste. Marie. Longueil. Soulange. St. Vincent. Ste» Rose. St« Roch de TAchigan. Berthier. St. Cuthbert. j^COLES DE FILJLES TEKUES EK CAMPAGNS PAR LCSbceURS OE LA CONGREGATION Dt K, 0* DISTRICT RE MONTREAL. ■ ■ Pointe aux Trembles. — — St. Laurent. ■ Pointe Claire. ■ La Prairie. ' Bouchervilie. -i— ...i—. St. Denis. I St. Hyacinthe* DISTRICT DE QiCEBEC* Pointe aux Trembles. »i Ste* Famille, Isle d'Orl. ■ St. Francois Riv. du Sud* ..,_—.-— Riv. Quelle* School-Masters under A6t 4iil GeOc3d. H. C. Fleming, S^ehec, Wm. Nelfon, WtHiam Henry ^ John Dewar^ Chatham^ Pierre Romain, Pointe Levi* Norman M*Leod, Manoir, M* Perrauir, iJap St, Ignace, Ant. Coti & D. T. Joncj, St. Tbomau Auguftus Wolf, Bertblr^ ^d. Von K.'ien,g, hUttt^ { 173 ) ■' ii AGNE PAR A. Campbell, Andrew Glen, Robert Dupont^ William B:ker9 Joseph Pbillipon, Donald M^Dermid, Selby Burns, Daniel Thomas, Clement Cazeau, Daniel Johnson, Thonias Ansbrow, Wm* G. Holmes, John Skimming, Wm. Power, Charles Harper, 6. Hobfon, Ignace McDonald, Auguftin Verva's, Isaac Whitcher, Charles Desrochee, Uriah LaAin, Thomas RulFel, Felix Viaor, J. Campbell, Alexander McNeil, Robert Charabeis^ DorcbeJIer, Terrebonne, Ste* Anne du Sud Durham, St. Marie N,Beauce* Coteau du Lac* Three Rivers, Melbourne. Saint Rockt Kamourajka, do, St, Armand, Monti eal, ha Chine. Drummondvilie* Cap Santif, New Car/isle. St, Nicolas m Terrebonttf, Stanttead, Portneuf, Stanbridge, do, St* Antoine* Pbiilipsbur^, Dougiai Town, Eaton* K 3 If ( 17* ) i M p. 4 VK •■*i ■■;i Pi > y ft' PUBLIC AND CHARITABLE INSTITVTIOXS, QV^EC FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. y president^ John Macnider. ♦ Vtce-Presidentt Michel Berthelot. I'reasureri Charles Smith. * Secretary f William Henderson, jun. Asst, Seci/» ^' JUook Keeper, W. B. Lavers,* Clerk to the Secy* L. G. Berthelot. Messenger^ — Porter, Thomas Williamson. ^ Counsellor, J. R. Vallieres de St. Real. 'Notary, Archibald Campbell. f^' Translator, Francois Komain. Directors* In the rotation they retire from Office. ty/Jacob Pozcr, 4/ ,Jas. M^Calltim, sen. I/'' John Anderson, Thomas Wilson, /Benjamin Lemoine, t/ Louis Gauvreauy •Toseph J ones, James Hunt, I^ouis Massuc, Anthony Anderson. ^ 01 J. Macnider, Pro£>dt Chas Smith, Tr. M. Beitbelot, v. Pt. ^ * Charles Hunter, \/ 00 §• Francois Blanchet, i'' Montreal Agency. For rcceiTing and forwarding Proposals for Insurance, jigent, A. L. Macnider. Clerk, Andrew Robertson. * Members qf ike Committee of Organisation, in 1^16. ' ' 4 ■* ( 175 ) BANK OF MONTREAL. (Capital 9^:950,000.) Samud Gerrard, President, George Garden, Vice-President, Directors, Austin Cuvillier, David David, y, W. Ermadnger, /John Gray, ^ Horatio Gates, James Leslie, Robert Griffin, Cashier^ J as. Jackson, 1st Teller. Benj. Holmes, 2d Teller* Hil Dupui'j», Accountant, F. A. La Roc(}ue, Thomas Portuous^ James Millar, Thomas Thain, Alexr. Tbaiu, Thomas Torrance. William Radenhurst, Dis- count Clerk. Law. Castle, jisst, ditto. James Finlay, Messenger. Alexr. Macnuier, Porter, QUEBEC BRANCH. W. B. Coltmin, President. Directors* John Davidson, llobert Hamilton, Andrew Moir, Andrew Paterson, l*eter Burnett, Dan. Sutherland, Cashier. ^Vm. B. Lindsay, Teller. George Symea^ James lloss, Francois Quirouet« John Stewart. Jas. Bolton, Book Keeper^ T. M*Ginnis, Messenger, BANK OF CANADA. (Capital £300,000.) Thomas Andrew Turner, President, Robert Armour, Casluer. G. Kittson, Book Keeper, J. Bigelow, First Teuer, J« F^ssenden, 2d do. S. Armour, J)is, Clerk, "W. Reeves, Asst» ditto, John Daly, Mcssefige^, I •. ( 176 ) :i»?Jr ■\i] ii; til. •A i J u ■J QUEBEC BANK. John William Woolsey, PresidenU Chs. Smithy Vice^Fresident, Directors*,^ Thomas White, /' K. C. Lagueux, ^ John Goudie, ;'J. O. Brunet, / Louis Massue, V Jacob Pozer, , Noah Freer, Cashier. f/ Kd. Cartier, Bk, Keeper. ^y J. D'Estimauville, 1st Tel. J. T. WUson, 2d Teller. ^' Frangois Durette, John Jones, jun. Martin Chinic. Joseph Jones, James Black. Thos. Barwis, Dts. Clerk. A. Campbell, Not. Pub. D. Germain, Messenger. PHOENIX FIRE OFFICE. George Garden, 1 ^ ^ .„ George Auldjo^,) -*«"«'*• AccomptanU James Tennant. Afessenger, Louis Asselin. urgent at QuebeCj Andrew Moir. iQUEBEC AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Patron, Earl of Dalhousie, Governor in Chief. Joseph Plante, PresideiU. John Goudie^ John Macnider, 1 Vice Jean B^langer, John Neilson, J Prests. Anthony Anderson, Thos. Wilson, Treasurer, And. Patterson, •Wm. Shepherd, Secretary. Jean Laneevin, Committee. William Hall, Rev. Mr. Demers, Hamd. Gowen, Rev. Mr. Ptrant, John Anderson^ fc,' Rev.Mr.DeBoucherville, J. W. Woolsey, Rev. M. Turgeon, M. Berthelot, *> !Hon. A. L.J. Duchesnay James Voyer, fL ' Jacob t'ozer, Br > Ik ' }■ 1 ' { 177 ) CUEBEC riKE SOCIETT. ; Ant. Parant, President, Jos. Iloi, Treasr. Jos. M. Chime, Secretari/, Committee, Chs. Bouchard, J, li. Grenier, sen. Win. Molson, James George, Jos. Languedoc, Adolphus Sarrony, Alexr. Morrison, J. B. Mathurin, Jacques Menard, Joseph Gabouri, £t. Boudreault,) James Clearihuc, J. B. Marcoux, Pierre V^ocelle, senr. Aug. Defoi, Pierre Tourangeau, Ilebert Lecotnte, Wm. Parry, Michel Tcssier, Joseph Lebel> M. Bardy, John Philh'ps, John Douglas, J. G. Clapnam, James Black, Eugene Trudeau, — Welling, jr. Benj. Corriveau« Hobt. Symes, B. Horan, Hanid. Gowen» £d. Bequet. QUEBEC BENEVOLENT SOCIET*. Instituted 25th April, 1789. Authorized by Provincial Statute assented to by His Majesty hi His Privy Council, 3()th March, 1808. Frs. Quiroueft, President, I Frs. ttomain, Treasurer. .1 Martin Chinic> Vice-Pres, \ E. Glackmeyer, Secretari^, QUEBEC FRIENDLY SOCIETY. Established in 1810. Robert Cairns, President I Wm. Burke, Vice-Prest, and Treasurer, \ Jeremiah Wright, Secy, DIOCESAN SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Quebec, President, John Davidson, Esq. Treasurer, Rev. J. L. Mills, Secretary. AVra. Rvland, Esq. Asst. Secy, Hon. H. W. 'R\\BXi(i'\Membcrs of the Select C£>m'' Iieut,-Col Hari^ey, J niittec. i :\ 14 >'■ ? t •■■ 'ii ii* ( Its ) QUEBEC EMIGRANTS' SOCIETY. Patron, The Earl of Dalhousie. Right Revd. The Lord Bishop of Quebec, 1 Vict Hon. The Chief Justice, J Pu(Ct^ Noah Freer, Esq. Treasurer, Capt. Thomas, Secretary, Committee of Management. Hamd. Gowen, Wm. Henderson, Rev. L. Jenkins, Rev. J. L. Mills, Lieut. Morgan, R. A. Archdeacon Mountain, John Saunders, J. R. N. Symes. Anthy. Anderson, Capt. Arabin, R. A. Dy. A. C. ,G. Bowers, John Black, James Hlcek, Asst. C G. Coffin, h. p. Lt. Col. Durnford, R. E. Asst. C. G. Dobrec, Committee Andrew Cochran, I Lt. Smyth, R. E. Lt. Col. Durnford, R. E, | Benjamin Tremuin. [QUEBEC SAVINGS' BANK. (Instituted 26th March 1821.) President, Hon, John Hele, Escy Vice Presidents. of Work, Lt. James Green, Joseph Plants, Anthony Anderson, Jean Belanser, Frangois Bllanger^ Jean O. Brunette, Martin Chinic, John Davidson, Fras. Durette, Wm. Finlay, John Goudie, Robert Hamilton, Wm. Henderson, Jr. Chs. Jourdain, J'ierre Laforce, I John Macnidcr, Frs. Quirouet, Esqrs. Directors, 6hs. Laneevfn, Thomas M ♦ Roberts, J. L. Marette, Wm. Meiklejohn, Andrew Moir, v Jacob Pozer, L. p. Seguin, Wm. Sheppard, W. G. Sheppard, Felix Tetu,1 Andw. Weir, Thomas White, Thomas Wilson, Esqr*. Mr. K. Sargeant, Secretary, C 1T9 ) Hours of Attendance every Monday from 11 to I o'clock. The OfTiCDrs appointed for the management of the affairs pf the Bank are chosen annually, on the last Monday of March. SOClKTYTor iMiOMOTlNG EDUCATION. J. Perrault, Esq. President, Vice Prusidenls, Messire J. Demorsj Pretrcr Joseph Plante, Esq, c '[ . Louis Lagueux, fits. "Eaq, Secretaryf £t. C. Lagueux, Esa(, Treasurer, ^ CommUtee, Jean Belanger, m *' ,>^ Philippe Panet, Martin Chinic p^r£, \ Louis Plamondon, Mr. ie Cure de Quebec, Frs. Quirouet, Messire Hudon, ptrc. Frs. Romain, Lefebvrc, ptre. Messire Maguire, ptre. / Louis Moquin, 6^<.^<V^ l)r. Mercier, > '■ ■* ' Jbim NeiLson, J. R.VallicresdeSt.liea], A. 11. Hamel, Jos. Boucbette. -i- -■ t^mf^ a !*- , \t HI*.! v.. I" ( ^S^ ) OFFICERS OF THE GRAND LODGE Qf' the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of United Free and Atcepted Masons, of England. in and for the Province of IjOwer- Canada, and MasorUc Jurisdiction thereunto belonging* R. \V. The Hon. Claude Dcnechaut Member of Lodge No. 77, Grand Master, R. W. Win. Alexr. Thompson, (P. M. Lodge 77,) Deputy Grand Master. R. W. Valliee»de St. Real, Master of Lodge 2.\ Se- nior Grand Warden. R. C. D'Estimauville, (Member of 23,) Junu Grand Wardeih V. W. The Rev. Jas. Soroerville, 1 n ^ ^ m r • V. W. The Rev. Dr. Harkness, ) ^'•°«'' ^^'«^'^«^'^^' V. W. John D'Estimauville, (Member of Lodge 23.) Grand Secrelary. V. W. Keable Sargeant, (Master of Lodge 77,) Grand Secretary. V. W. Germam Feluet, (Member of 77,) Grand lie- gist mr V. W. John Phillips, (Member of 22,) Grand Svper^ inic}idaut of Works. V. W. Richd. Coates, (do. of 22,) Grand Director of Ceremonies. V. W.J. G. Thompson, (do. of 23,) Seiiior Grand Deacon. V. W. Geo. Morrison, (do. of 77,) Junior Graml Dea- con. V. W. Thos. Burns, (do. of 77.) Grajid Sword Beanr. Brother Joshua Whitney, (do. of 22>) ") 4 Brother A. Rich, (do. of 17,) ("I s Brother Pierre Loforce, (do. of 23,) i » Brother P. H. Smith, (do. of 22,) Brother Wm» M»Kay, (do. of 77. Inner Guard, Brother Ls* Harper, Grand Tyler. PAST GRAND OFFICERS. R. W. Francig Coulson, (Member of Lodge 77,) P. D. 0. M, R. W. W. H. SneUing, (Member of IxKlge 77,) P. D- G. M R. W. J F. X. PerrauU, (Member o, Lodge 23,) P. PJ^- «'• R. W. JoBoph Stilson, (P. M. Locige 22,^ P. b. G. \v. R. W. WiUiam M'Cance, (Member ot Lodge it,) P.S. G. vn . R. W. Robert Ciibb, (Member of IxHige 302,) P. S. G. W V. W. Pierre Doucet, (Member of i^dge 77,) P. G. i r. V \V. WiUiaiu Kow> (Meniber of Lodge 2V,) P, G. i^ecy. 63o .OUGE 'ratcrnity of }f England, ANADA) and iber of Lodge rand Master, . Lodge 77,) rand Master. iOdge 25, Si- aud Warden. Junu Grand Wardeih ttrf Chaplaim. of Lodge 25.) nid Secretary. ge 77,) Grand Secretari/. ',) Grand Re- g'lslrnr Grand 6'j//>tT- laut of Works. nd Director of Ceremonies. Senior Grand Deacon. r Graiul Deo- con. Sword Beanr, } 6k er Guard* ,) 77,) P.D.O.M, P.D.G.M. V. D. O. M. P. S. G. NV P.S.Cr.\V. P.S.G.\V. P. G. i'r- P.CSecy^ ( "I ) Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Gaakd Lodok of Lower-Canada. On the Registry or England. No. 17, (late 9,) in the 4th Batt. Royal An^lery, at Quebec. f2d I^riday.) 'Jit (late 40,) Merchants' Lodge, at Queb^^:. (2d Monday*} 502, (late 241,) St. John's Lodge, at Quebec. (2d Wednesday,} On the Registry of Lower-Canada. No.l. 2. 5. Dorchester Lodge, at St. Johns, Dis.MontreaL 4. 5. 6. Richelieu Lodge, at Wm. Henry, Dist* 3 Riv. 7. 8. Union Lodge, at Montreal. 9. Prevost Lo^e, at St. Armand. 10. 11. 12. St. PauFs Lodge, at Montreal. 13. 14. Nelson Lodge, at Caldwell Manor, L. Champ» 15. Rural Lodge, at Ascot, Eastern Townships. 16. St. George s Lodge, at Three- Rivers. 17. Murray Lodge, at Saint Andrews. 18 19. Golden Rule Lodge, at Stanstead. 20. Wellington Persevering Lodge, at MontreaL 21. Pythagorean Lodge, at Chambly. 22. Sussex Lodge, at Quebec, (2d Thursday,} 23. Freres du Canada, at do. (1st Thursday.} 24. Waterloo Lodge, at Three- Rivers. 25. Columbian L^ge, at Hull. S6. Ode 11 Lodge, at Odell Town. • .' m U( ¥:'%} >' i 4 1< '^i ; 1 J 1 >^ ':^>, ^ ». cutr^r M r K^ ii%^i^.;^^ Jj • > f/li uam*¥/i.. f. T- I- 1. FOR THE >PR9VI]»CES • i IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 1821. V i«MBi*MB*i !'■ i.« £ 18* ) M, r^ Ia'shH"' i''. r/ ji List of His Majestf/s Forces serving in Upper and Lower ^Canada* General and Staff Officer*. Lieutenanf-General His Excellency The EARL OF DALHOUSIE, G. C. B. Commander of His Ma- jesty's Forces in North America, &c 3cc. &c. Military SecretP-y, Colonel Henry C. Darlinp, h.p. Assistant ditto, Lt, Col. Charles R. Forrest, h. p. .., J,, CLt. Col. C. R. Forrcft. Aides-de-Camp, |^^ ^ ^ay, 1 2th R. Lancer«. Extra ditto, Ensign Fox Maule, 79th Regt, Adjutant General's Department. Dep.-Adj.-Gen. Lieut.-Col. John Harvey ,f l03dR. Asst.-Adjt.-Gen. Lieut.-Coi. L. L. Foster, h. p. Quarter Master Gens. De^'artment. Dep. Qr. Mr. Gen. Lt.-Col. F. Cockburn, h. p. Asst. Qr. Mr. Gen. Lt. CoL Lightfoot,t h. p. Dr Aes Or Ms Gl J^^P^' ^^°- Fowler, h. p. Dy.AS8.yr.Ms.c^i. ^^^^^^ William Dickson, h. p. Maj. of Brigade, Maj. C. D. Shekleton,h. p, Quebec. Brigade Maj . R. R. Lpring, h. p. Montreal. rRev. George Jenkins, B. D. Chaplains to the YRev. Joseph L. Mills, A. M. Forces, "/Rev. B. B. Stevens, A. M. CRev. W. C. Frith, L. L. D. Staff of the Garrisox of Quebec. Governor Major-Gen. Gooday Strutt. Lieut.-Governor Lieut.-Col. D, Paterson. Barrack Master Thomas Trij^ge. Town Major Ralph RossLewtn. t Dep. Provost Marshall. ..John Boyd. Town Serjeant ^James KelsalJ. ( 185 ) c ■ ,<j < ORDNANCE ESTABLISHMENT AT QUEBE^C, Respective Officers, , Com. Royal Engineers. lieut.-CoIonel E. Durnfoid, Licut.-Colonel Henry Fhillott, Richard Fleming, Esq. . , Ri'^hard Fenn, Esq. . . . , mtm-^-mm Sinith,£tq. • . « Mr. J. B. Smith, .... f Armourer, Master ^Carpeate^, Artificers j Cooper, i metier. . Com. Royal Artillery' • Storekeeper. . Clerk ci' Survey. . . Clerk of Cheque. . . Clerk. William Boyd, Charles Wiggs. Alfred Rich. Ordnance Department at Montreal, Francis Sisson» Esq* Storekeeper and Paymasttf^ i. C. Frith, Clerk of Cheque, Hy. Ince, Clerk, Ordnance Department at Kingston, James Wilkie, £»q. Storekeeper and Poymasier. J. Lamprey, Clerk of Cheque, Hv. Bcnham. Clerh» Commissariat Department. Commtisar^ Generui Gabriel Wood, Esq. Beputtf Cotftmissariis Cenl, Assistant Com nissaries Gen. CIsaacW. Clarke, I Edwd. Pine Coffin. rj. Saumarez Dobrie, < John Coffin, (Hugh Hill. Defuf J Assistant Commissaries General, Joshua Gillespie, Richard Green, James Thompson, Robert AUsopp, T. H. Thomson, J. L. SdimJuer^ L3 W. A. Thompson, T. A. Stayner, Wm. Thomson, ^ William Stanton, Michael Bailty, John Fiiilay, ( 186 ) i/? '\ ' ,i X)eputy Assistant lohn Leggat, William Bailey, K James Wickens, Andrew Chalmers, Wm, Isuac Greig, Thomas Arnold, >ohn Ashworth, v Charles Graham, F. T. Billings, . William Ross, JLouis Donatci, Thomas Scobel, Coramismriej GeneraL Samuel Tubby, * Thomas Rae, Henry Bowers, Colin Miller, Henry George Grey, William Greig, T. R. Mitchison, Robert H. Dee, George Maclean, William Howe, Thomas Stickneyi William Dilke. Department of Accounts* Deputy Corny, General, J. H. Adams. Assistant Com, General, W. H. Snelling. ") William Jennings, I VVm. Coatw, Dep, Asst, Corns, Genl. ^ John Lane, I John Mason, l^Charles Tidmarsh. Medical Department, Inspector of Hospitals, John Wright, M. D. Physician, James Arthur, M. D. Surgeons totheForce,.5H^;7„°^:tee. Apothecary, Geo. Montgomery, M.D. AvSsisr.Surg. to the Forces, John J. Bigsby, M. D. As8t. Surgeon, John F. Piflk. ?M. Neil, P. Lamond, M.D, J. Geddes, - M. White, absent. J.Duncanson, MD J. L. Tighe, J. Tennent, F, O'Brien. Clerks, M. Palmer, | S. W. H. Leslie. Barrack Departm P. Van Cortlandt, Esq. Dep James M. Prior, Ijuehec^ Thomas Tri^jje, Wm. Henry ^ John Kent Welles^, Montreal^ Daniel Grant, La Chine^ Robert Willis, Chamhly^ Peter Murta, 5/. Johns^ William Monk, Isle (lux Noix^ Thomas Jobson, Coteaudu Lacy Henry Evatt, Ft»lVeHingtony Andrew P>tton, «.. . S Francis Raynes, ^ ' i Vv . H. Gray, Fori GeorgCy Alexr. Garrett, Tork^ Patrick Hartney, Amherttburgy William DufF, Drummond 1 r> , „ // d r Sentlow Rawson, EN'T. . Bar, Mr. GL Chief Clerk. Barrack Mr^ Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr* Asst, Bk' Mr. Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, As if. do. Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Barrack Mr, Department /or Settlers m Upper-Canada. Per ell, on the River Ridcau, Secretary and Storekeeper'^ Major J. Powell, h. p. Ric/unond, on the River Rideau, Secy and Storekeeper^ George T. Burke, Esq. At Lanark. Sec'y and Storekeeper^ Lt. Col. Wm. Marbhall, . ( M. ' r ^|.;i.. L4 Wi: ( i88 ) INDIAN DEPARTMENT. LOWER-CANADA. Sir John Johnson, Bart. Superintendant GttieraU G, K. Johnson, Esq* W. W. Hoyle, W':¥" •'IC ¥• Deschambault, Esq. I. M. La Mothe, Esq. a /^|. B.C. DeLorimier* Esq. Frs. Annance, /<^ Louis Vincent, Kev. L. Amioty N. Dufresne, J. Marcoux, J, F. Gagnon, Ai Bedard, Ls. De Salaberry, Esq. a J. Btc. D'Eftimauvillc, Joseph Nivcrville, i D* Ducharme, P* Hubert, Secretary t Clerk to the Supt, CenU Deputy Agent, Rtttdent^ ditto* Interpreter ^ Scboeimatter» Schoolmaster at LoretU* Missionarym ditto. ditto, ditto, ditto. Deputy Superintendant* Interpreter* Interpreter* do* Indian Dtpartment of Upper-Canada* William Claus, Esq. Depy Superintendant GenU Robert Kerr, Esq. Alexr. M^Donell, Esq. Joseph B. Clench, George Martin, . Benjamin Fairchild, Alex. Fergufon, George Chapman, James Givans^ Esq. William Hands, William Gruett, Bernard St. Germain, Thomas Morris, ^rgeon* Assistant Secretary, ^ Storekeeper and Clerk, Interpreted, ditto, ditto. Blacksmith* Superintendant, Clerk, Interpreter, ditto, BUfksmitbm ^■. ^ ScbooimaUer* It Loretu* ( 189 > John Ferguson^ Interpreter^ Edward M^Laughlan, Sthcolmaster, George Ifonside, Esq. Superintendant, Robert Richardfon» Escj, Surgeon, Geofge Rappy J\.Bte. Cadotte^ Alexis T, Lemay, WMaan M<Kay, Es(|. r* G. Anderson, L. Johnson, Jo«epb St. Germain, ■ Assigenach, David Mitchell, Eiq. ' James FaEling, Jfiterptetir* ditto. Blacksmith* Superintend ant Clerk and JnterpnttWm Lieutenants Interpreterm ditto^ Surgeon, BlacksmJtK ^..*i' ■t •rl : • ■. .!i. t ^ < «77 ) OFFICERS Of the several Regiments serving in Canada^ One Company of the 1st. Battalion — One of the 4th One of the 5th— One pf the 7th and one of the 9lh. Total Five Companies. >. .'iJ. J IT, 1 5f y H' 4 ' mc^ ." 4 ^,-t 1' J'* ' '^ ■• it- t ' r"^ '4 ^''" Royal Artillery* 4th Batt. Lieut.'Colonel Phillotj Commandlngi Captains* 9/h. A. Bred'in, /. (.com- mandingy U, C • 5th* Fran. Power, /. e, (leave in England. Second Captains. 4th. S. Maxwell, -J- «, do. ift. John Chpfler,iw. do. yth. Hy. Light, m, do* 9th. T* G. Brown, do, 5th* Wm. D. Jones, id. Frederick Arabia, 7th. P. W. Walkrr, 4(jj p. ^ruttenden,F.M. First Lieutenants. 9th* G. H.Mainwaring, (Ajt. & Qr M. Kingston 5th. D. Patullo, 7th. J. R. Horn9hy,q. m. (Quebtrc. 9th. G. B. Willis, leave (in England. 4th. R. Litch/ield, do. 4th. I. Trotter, ift. Wm. Furneaux, leave (in England. I a. Hugh Morgan, adjt. (Quebec. 7th G. James, le^ve in (England. 5th. H* A. Picard. Second lieutenants, 4th. George M. Glasgow, 7th» J* Tylden, leave in (England. Medical Staff* Surgeon^ Thomas Lloyd, ^ ^ e C Charles Inglis, Aut. Surgon,, ^j^^^^ c^noD, M. D. 9th. Ebenezer jones, ift. Henry 0*Brien, leal « (in England* { 191 ) Royal Enginkers/ Lcut.Xol. £• Durnford, Commanding ^ Captains. H. Henderson> m» abfent. I Samuel RomiDyy Henry Vavasour^ | William Payne* SicoNO Captain* Wm. P. Haigh. Lieutenants* James P. Catty, John Smyth, J. £.Portlock« Henry P. Bruyeres* Geo. Phillpots, Philip O. Skine, I Henry Briscoe^ Second Lieutenant. Henry Servan/e. Civil Draftsman, Thos* G, W* Eastsfaff. r T :» l»i''i\ 1;^ ' .'■'.; 'I L6 K ( «92 ) 37/^ (or North Hampshire) Regiments Colonel, SirQ, Green, B/. /,^. Lt.-Col. Gabriel Burer^ ; Edward Barwick, Williaai Bruce. Majors, H. O. Wood, M. Worcefter, m» John Coftlcy, T. Valiant, John Goldie, CAPTAINS. J, Perry • J Hinton .East, J. Barrallier, ^ J.Stainton, ^ lieutenants: Dillon Masseyj J. S. Fenton, J« A. Wilkinfon, Henry Dyer, Francis Herrick, Richard fCer, Henry Sadlier, William Long) R. Gardiner, Arthur Guinnes, lienry Coghlan, Pay-Majier^ Adjutant^ garter - Mr, Surgeon, Aiit. Surg. jigent, Thomas Plunkett, William Johnfon, J, Lang, adj. J( B. Hamilton, Isaac Moses, Thom?iS Vincent. ENSIGNS. R. N. Lee, Geo. GolTelifl, Hon* A. C.J.Browne J. Half hide. J. Lang, //• J. Holmes* K. Franklin. J. Robertson, M. D« Greenwood & Co* . I H 4~. { »93 ) 1st or Rifle Battn. 60th Regiment. Colonely N. C. Burton, gen* Lieut. -Coloneli A, Andrews* CAPTAINt. Lewis Im Thurn, i»« Adam KKieln> m» }. Schoedde, m« Anthony Stampa, C. Jif^stkenzie, /. c» LIEUTENANTS* Robert K^My, *RAielvilie lilenme, Henry Muller, ^vJt/^^ WiTiiam Pearce. Chs. Leslie* Colin Campbell^ R. S. Redman, J. H. Adair;^ John Car)osS| Al. Furst, Richard Pasley^ John^Hearn, P* itennedy^ John Kelly, Alexr. Patterson, R« A. Andrews, P. 0*Brien, W. M. Collings, Paymafter, Adjutant, Qr« Master, Surgeon, Ast, Surgeon^ A^ents^ M. Cottman^ Peter Eason, H. Baron AltensteiO^ R. P. Pack, Tho8. Keal, F* G. Bartlet, Amb. Spong* ENSIGNS* W. B. Caldwell, D. Dickson, Wm. Sleator, J. 0*Gorman* George Read* W. Maxwell* J. Faries* Alexr* Melvln* Greenwoodi Cox Sn Con *''il':> h '^-^i '■■i' i>J*'J I 1 1 li ^'] i *> .r ( 194 ) Ca^'^Regt. (Light Infantry.) Celonel, Sir H. Wardc, iT. C. B. l.g. Lieut. Col. William Johnston )| cot, _- . C J. P. Hawkins,* Le, M»JO". i James WinoettV W. Gough, w. John Reed, N. Gledstanes, m, "WiHiam North, S. Kennedy, Captains. Robert Melville, G. McDonald, G. Elliott, M. J. Parker. John Hewett« Lieutenants. J. Menzies, I Wni. Gibson, William Smith, | James Mitchell, J. Hinds, adj. Robert Jackson, Wm. Mendham, James Carson, D. Macdonald, J. Blood, George Carson, J. Harvey, Thomas Black, D. J. Skene, S. Stretton^ E. R. Hill. Ensigns. George Nason, Arthur Mair, W. Bennett, P. Maitland. Jas. Clarke. Paymaster Henry Read, It, Adjutant J. Hinds, U. Or. Master G. Macbcath. burgeon James Rcid. Asst. Surgeon R. Williams, M. D. AgeQt,MM(«t«MM«*M«M«M**MGreeuwood fli Co 'I- sip, S\'t +• ' ( »95 ) 70M Regiment* CoU K. A. Lord Howard of Effingham, K,C.B, m*g. Lieut. Col. B, W. Ottley, col. Majors S Charles M'Gregor, /. c. Thomas Evans,-!* /• c. CAPTAINS. Richard Green;^ w, Thomas Fiuxit-y, w, John Ttedennick, Donald M^Kay, Joseph Kelsally Jannes F. Sweeny, J. De la Hay. Thos. Ried, LIEUTENANTS. J. O. Creighton, Edward J. White, Edward Stephenson, George Goldfrap, Edward Smith, J. Browne, John Dalgety, Henry Jelf. • Pay Mafter, Adjutant, Qr. Matter, Surgeon, Assc. Surgeon, Agpnr, J. Samson, adj* William Taylor. Jas, Hunter, Saml. White. J. Gallon. ENSIGNS. J. L.Clarke. R. Wiliiarosoa. Thomas Scott. James Samson, //. Thomas Norman. George Garrett. J. Farnden. Greenwood & Co» t »96 ) 16th (or Hindostan) RegimenU Colonel, Chriftopher Chowne, Lt» Gtn» Lieut.-Col« John Wardlaw, coU CAFTAINS. Thomas Vilett, w. John Gafff m. Harry Powell^ i«. R* H. Hamilton^ £(iward Hetherington, J. Clarke, LIIUTINANTS. <jcorge Ogilvify Francis Austin, Jo. Clarke, P. Coultman, £. R. Stevenson, John Gould, £, K* Championi S« B. Ross, J. H. Grubbe« Paymafter, Adjutant, Qr. Mafter, Surgeon, Asst. iSurgeon, Agents, B* Rooth, adj^ J. Farncombe, Henry Wood» J* Burton, Charles Eliot, ENSlGNfj W* Lingmeade, W. Bowen, W. F, Flannagan. Herman Lott. Benjamin Rooth, !t% G* Step&ens. v. J* Flannagan. A. Ferguson* S Greenwood & Co. J ^ >';i entm Lu Gift* amilton, riethcringtoni it adj. ombe, ood% Eliot, imeade, en, ^Unnagan. ( «?7 ) Royal Staff Coups* Captarns ? ": ^"^''"''' •^ J W. Dumarei(}« Lieutanams H. Pierji, . Longmore^ Boyd, Pardey* i7«a:«n. CJ. O. Geddcf, ^"*'e"»-- I R. A. Scott. Act. Paymaster....Henry Piers, //• Act. Adjutant J. Pardey, U» Qr, Master • As8t. SurgeoD..M.. h, /r. 0. { 198 ) 11 ' ■ ^ :-— " • ■■ ■:j ; STAFF OF THE ARMY, In the Provinces of NoVA-ScoTlA, New-Bruns- WICK, and their Dependencies » including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton, Prjnce Edwa'ID and Bermuda, under the Command of His Excellency Lieut.-General SIR JAMiiS KEMPT G. C.B. Actg. Military Secretarj/^ D. R, U. Howe, H. P. lidiilitari^ Secretarj/^ A'l J n ^ ? B. Major i7o/i. Charles Gore, 85 F. ^''^'^"i<^'(^^^P^\ Ensign Lord F. Lennox, 62 F. lit. Col. Harris, Dep, Adjutant General, JL.ieut.-CoI. Wni. Berresford, h. p. 31 bt Ft. Depui^ Quarter Master General, Maj. J, Bazalgette, 98th Foot, Major of Brigade, I)ep. Commissary Genl, F. W, Haden. Atst, Commissary Genl. George Head. "L. Pennell, Charles Blackadar, Oliver Golds lith, Ddp. Aisiit. Com, Gen»^ W. Milliken, B. Robinson, J.G. Eyl, William Low. Adolph. Vieth, George Fisher, Alexander Grant. Jo9. Charliu. Dcp. Storekeeper Gen, George Child. Asst, Sir. Kr, Geiu Thos. T. Murta. Dep, Barrack Mr. Gen. Capt. Godard. Dtp. Inspec, Hospitals^ James Strachan. Apothecary to the Forces ^ John Carter. Staff Surgeon y Thomas Duncan. Hospital Assistants, J. F. Gschwindt. Andrew Gibson, Dd. W. Gibbon. A^ C. Genl. Dep, As, Cy. Gl. Accts. tK 1 ( >99 ) Garrison of Halifax, Town Major ^ Lieut. John M*Colla. }f arrack Master Major Blair. Officiating Chaplain^ Rev. J. T. Twining. Dtp. Provost Marshai^ J. H. Flohr. Annapolis. Barrack Master^ Thomas H. Baily. Dep. Aist. Com, Gl» William Welhuman, Officiating Chaplain^ Rev. John Milledge. Windsor. Officiating Chaplainy Rev. W. C. King. NEW BRUNSWICK. His Excellency Major General G. S. Smyth. Aide-de-Camp^ Capt. Shore, H. P. ^taffi Surgeon, Alexander Bo) le. Hospital Mates f R. liCslie, , \ J. Mitchell, CW. H. Burrel!. Aifist. Com, Gen, Thomas Price. Chs.A. Clarice, Dtp, Assist, Com, Gen, 5- F. M. Richardson, •J Chs.A. Clarke, V F. M. Richards 3 H. C. Darling. Asst. Storekeeper Gen, T. M. Marter. As. Bcr. Mr. Gent. Andrew Phair. ToruH Major^ Frederickton^ Lieut. Callahpr. h. p. Gar. Chap. Offictg. St. Johns, Rev. Robt. Willis. Frederickton, Rev. James Milne. ,....M St, Andrews, Rev. Jtroiue Alley. f-r 1 ] ' -t, i s :i » f ;• *.. ' i' ■* f •1 ■>" n)> ■*} ■ '; 1 1, -,. ¥> h M i\ •It ^ ' ;<ili. ^r" IN* ': Ni 4 '\M ( 200 ) NEWFOUNDLAND. liieut. Col. R. Manners,f 74 F. Lt. Gov. of St. Johns^ Lieut. Gen. Koollis. Do. of Placentia^ Lifcut.-Col. G. J. Reeves. f Assist, Com, Csn. William Lane. rC. Beverly, Dy. Asst. Cy. CI. < Robert Lee, CWilliani Stevens. Commanding Royal Engeneers, Capt. Faddy. Fort Major^ St. Johns, Ensign Green. "OJJictg, Garrison Chaplain, ■■ CAPE BRETON. His Excellency Major General AinsKe. Dep. Asst. Com. Gi. Charles Bonomi. Barrack Master, William Cox. Toivn Adjutant, Lieut. Otto Schwartz. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. His Excellency Lieut. Governor Chas. D. Smith. Barrack Master, John F. Holland. Toivn Major, Lieut. Lane, h. p^ Hospital Mate, Benj. St. Croix. Offictg, Garr, Champlain^ Rev. Theop. Desbrisay. BERMUDAS. Governor, Lieut.-Genl. the Hon.Sir Wm» Lumlet, K. C. B. Asst. Commissary Genl, T. F. Winter. J)y Asst. Cy. Gen. Wm. Fletcher. Commanding Royal Engineers, Capt. Mercer. Gartison Surgeon, Joseph Hutchison, Esq. Toivn Adjutant, Ensign Wilson, h. p. "Officiatg. Garr, Chajflain^ Rev. John Lough. Wm. LUMLET, ( 201 ) OFFICERS 01 the several Regiments serving in Nova* Scotia, New-Brunswick, &c. Royal Artillery. Captains, Captains, r Major ^H. M. CG. Cra Major Forster, Farrington, m, Crawford, m. r Charles Mosse,' 3 «_« Gilniour^ J. ^ C Faddy, # Mosse, •% rilniour,. C addy, y T • * * S Charlton, 7 Lieutenants, jTorriano, $ ?4. Lieutenants .1 fRaynes, Duncan, Slater, Runnacles, IColIington, Grant. Bermuda, Surgeon Scratchley. Assc. do ..Morice, Newfoundland, Royal Engineers. Lieut. Col. Captain, 2d Captains, Lieutenants, < J. R. Arnold. — Lewis. 5 Archibald Walker. Philip Barry. '"William Gregory, adj* —Tin ling, —Forbes, .— .Slechelin, ^Henry Pooley. n ( 202 ) Detachments in Nova-Scotia, Head Quarters at Bermuda. Ill r'f 'fi*' • B.* i ft I ■) I •? 'I if kl^ ^n ^ ' ),. A J 15*" Regiment. Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, Majors, T. ConoHy, w. W. Gr'ierson, m» George Barrow, w. D. Wright, G. Quill, LIEUTENANTS. 5/V M. Disney, K.C, B, l,gt A« Djvidson. SJ, R. Meadows, /. c. J. Maxwell. CAPTAINS. F. Carpent'r, R. C. Harlcer, G. H. Smith, m, Hanry Temple, G. D. Colmaa. J.T.King, William Forde, R, W. Maxwell^ A. Barnetson, J, Humphreys, adj* ThOriias Coleman, biimuel Grayson, H. B. Barnham, A. Wisharr, Alan Finey, Joseph Arm^^trong, T. A. Drouglif^ Thomas Bon nor. William Galway, Thomas Allen, ThofTias Bannister, J. O- Gage, Thomas Maunsell, Pay-Mafter, Adjutant, Quarter Mafter> Surgeon, AfVt. Surgeon, ENSIGNS. Frederick IL^pe, J. D. Cooke, R. Ba^tersb), John Blair. William Wood, J. Humphreys, J G. Clare. W. Richatd:, R. Graham, Avicnt, Mr. Diin* ( '■?■'■'! '1 ( 203 ) 2d Bat m. 60ih Regt. Cblonel IIon« E. Phipps, gen* Lieut. Col G. Mackie,f cot, 5 John Galiffe, iH. Fitz Gerald. Captains. Majors, Fred. Im Thurn, W. H. Seweil, /. c, s. E. Purdon, m, Henry Petrie, Fra. Beritze, F. Holmes, J. Franchini, J. Strongitharm', A. de Dumas. C. Barringtoa Lieutenants. And. Lacho?', Jul. Von Boeck, Andrew Ellison, R. B. Hislop, Leopold de Froger, Ensigns. Matthew Furstj Ant. A. Evans, J. Redriian, 1'hos, Williams, Ch. Chichester. R. Stapleton, John Robin son,' John Day. Sas. Sweeny, Arthur Smith, C. \V . Von Jiriiger, 0\r. Kafzniann, W. Heurman, Pay Master Henry Biggs. Adjutant .-..J. A. Wieburg, it. Or. Master ;..Alexr. Johnston. Surgeon W. B. Morle. Asst. Surgeon. .....Peter Smith, Agents, Greenwood & Co. t ■ **:■' ,1 ■ I M i-i I' ''■ ,. 'L : 1: 'ill ( 204 ) 62d (or Wiltshire) Regt. Colonel) Lieut. Col. Majors, K. Roberts, /. c. Eyre Smyth, iw. William Hull, m. \V. Riddall, m. J. Sweeney, m. Samuel Hulse, g, George Gauntlett. C D. Ximines, /. c, 2, J* F. Goodridge, /• c,. Caftains. W. Hartley, W. Johnstone, John Walter, John Reed, Wm. L. Peard. Lieutenants. Sack. H. Eaton, Edward Parker, John Keith, James Butler, A. Stewart, James Dennis, Ferdinand Spiller, John Man sell, L. H. W^hitney, R. B. Wilson, E. P. Brooke, Paymaster, Adjutant, L. H. de Ruvyne, John O'Grady, E. M*Goldrick. John Godfree, Henry Mitchell, J. F. Macdonell, J. Singleton. Ensigns. Charles H. Lane, Geo. G. Warden, Lord F. Lennox. Richd. Power, H. Darley. Edward Parker, //. Quarter Master, G. Robertson. Surgeon, J. Mackesy. Asst. Surgeon, J. J. Fawcett.- Agents, Greenwood & Co- mi ' ■ ^ ( 205 ) 74'^ Regiment* Colonel, Lleut.-CoU Majors, James Montjomerle, /. g^ Hen. Sir R. Trench, KX.B^ c» R. Manners, f /. c% Mt:ln« CR. M 2 J. A. W. Moore, m, D. Macqueen, Oavid Stewart, John Ovens, George Hilller, in CAPTAINS. Eyre j, Crabb, Francis An^ell, Joshua Wilson, Thomas Jones. Thos. Manniii. LIEUTENANTS, A. H. Pattisnn, ja?on Hassard, john Alves, Charles King, VVm. Grahifn, Sam. Heron, A. Atkinson, L. Mcpherson, J. M'eiintock, C. A. Campbell, T. C. Vyvyan, Paymifter, Adjutanr, Qr, Mafter, Surgeon, Asst, Surgeon, james Fleetwood, Robert Barker, R. Davies, William Black, Ro s Flood, J. Taylor, ENSIGNS. Georje Core, Hon, M. Arbuthnotr, Annesley Eyre. Thos. Gordoa.. y. Hassard. R. Flood, iu Don. Fraser, C. Grant. R. Rankin* 61- Agent, Mr. Macdonald, M if iK* I*' •J* (i^. *.% li- % '. ^V APPENDIX, 1 1 > M 2 111^ ( 2=8 ) "^r? I 1 1 A Geographical Description op THE World. EUROPE extends in its grt^ateft breadth from 9':h degrea Welt to 6i Eaft longitude ftoin L )i\don, and in its gr-atelt length, from 3s*^ 55' to 71*^ 20' N. latitude, and contains thefe Countries, Gcrrnany, i'wedt-n, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, RmIIij, H'jnijary, France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, N)rwdy and Greece, the moft eminent: Illands are thcfe : Great*Bricain, Ireland, Sicily, Sardinia, Ccn- riia, Negropont and Carfica. Tfte greateft lengtn of this part oi the Woild is 3000 miles, the breadth 900. ASI-i, extends in its greateft breadth, from 61 degree Ealt, to 163 E. longitude, from London, and in its greateft length, from 10 South, to 75 N. la itude, and is the iirll known part of the World, it ttoncaip'j thefe principal Regions and Iflands, viz. ^rm'^Ja, Anatolia, Perfia, Ailyria, China, Syria, Arabia, Mefopotamia, India, Japan, Parthia, Ms- aia, Falcftiiie, Chald:a, and Tartary. AFRICA, extends in its greateft breadth, fro:Ti 15 degree Weft to 50 Eaft longitude, from Londoa and in its greateft length from 35 Weft to 40 I'outh latitude, in it are thefe Countries, viz. Egyp':, Barba- ry, Bileduigerid, Ethiopia, Nubia, Congo, AbylTinia, Monomotopa, Guinea, Sec, The Illands, Midagafcar, St. Thomas, lilands of Cape Verde, Can?ry lllandsj Madeira. ?T10N OP s, the breadth ( 209 ) AMERICA. This great Weftern Continent, fre- quently denonninated the New World, extends from the 80th Degree North to the 56th of fouth latitude ; and, where its breadth is known, from the 56th to the 136th degree of W. Long, from London, ftretching from between 8 and 9000 miles in length, and its greateft breadth 3690. It fees both Hemifpheres, has two fummersand a double winter, and enjoys all the variety of climates which the Earth affords. It is waihM by the two great Oceans j to the Eaftward it has the Atlantic, which devides it from Europe and Africa; to the Well the Pacific, or great South 5ea, by which it is feparated from Afia : by thefe feas it may, and does carry a diredt commerce with the other three parts of the World. This great Continent is divided into two parts, one on the North, the other on the ^'outhj which are join- ed by the Kingdom of Mexico, forming a fort of Irth- mus 1500 mi^es long, and in one pari, at Darien, fo extremely n arrow, as to make the communication be- tween the two Oceans by no means difficult, being only 60 miles. In the great Gulph which is formed betwean the Ifthmus and the northern and fouthern grand Divifions of this Continent, lie an inrinite multi- tude of Iflands, many of them large, moll: of them fertile, and denominated, the Weft-Indies, in contra- didVion to the Countries and Iflands of Afia, beyond the Cape of Good Hope, which arc callM, the Ea{l- Indies, h ft M 2 'i-ik IP-- -I A i 1>M .f'' ""i ; Irv -Jii ^1 1! ( 2:0 ) UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT.BRITAW AND IRELAND. This kingdom formerly England, Wales, .Jcotland and lreU;.d is fituatcd between 49° 50 'and 50° 25' of N'orth latitude, and between 7« 40' Weft, and p 50' of Eaft: longitude ani contains about 15,000,000 inhibitants, according to the laft Cenfus, The United Kingdom is a limited monarchy, and hereditary to both fexes. The King muft be of the Proieftant religion, as eftablifhed. The King pofclL's the eicecutivc power of government, and, with the Par- liament, (hares in the legiilative. Parliament is com- pofed of the three eftates, the 6'overeign, the Houfeof Peers and the Houfe of Commons. The climate is miW, the foil for the mart part na- turally good, yielding every ufeful produdlion, wlne» oil and filk excepted. The genius and induftry of the people, in the arts of agriculture and gardening, in the mode of feeding cattle, breeding horfcs and flieep, have placed this beyond every other European country in this point.— The woollen manufactures of Eng- land, and the produce of their ipines, &c« are inex> hauftible fources of riches* The perfevcring induftry and grcu: mechanical in- genuity of its inhabitants, have given Gre.it-Britain decidedly the iirft place in Europe as a commercial and manufadluring country. The advantage of her infular iltuation, many excellent harbours, and vail; extent of Tea line, have highly contributed to her fu. periority j but her prodigious improvements in every manufadurc and mechanical art, joined to her wife laws for the protedtion of trade, and the high refpeft in which her mercantile character is held, have advan- ced hei yet more. Next to manufactures, tne fifheries are of the greatcft importance. The total of the com- merce, import and export, employs above two millions of tons of (hipping j and the balance in favour of Gr«at-Brltain is above three millions on the average* iT-BRlTAW Vales, "kotland ;o' and 50° 25' ' Weft, and P out 15,000,000 us« monarchy, and muft be of the E King pofc(f;;$ d,\vith thel^ai- liamcnc is com- jn, the Houfeof ;ie tnoft part na- roJudtion, wine, i induftry of the d gardening, in lorlcs and fheep, aropean country dluics of Eng. &c« are inex- mechanical in- ;n Great-Britain A comnmercial [vantage of \mx >our3, and vaft )Uted to her fu. Iments in every led to her wife le high refpeft lid, have advan- ]es, me filheriss cal of the com- >ve two millions in favour of in the avcrajj«« ( 2»« ) 1 1ST OF ins MAJESTY'S MINISTERS. Earl of Liverpool, Fir:t Lord of the Treasury y (Prime Minister J — Lord Eidon, Lord High Chan* celior, — Earl of Westmoreland, Lord Privj/ Seal, — Earl of Harrowby, Lord Fraidcnt of the Council.'-^ Viscount Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home Department. — Viscount Castiereagh, Secy, of State for Foreign Affairs, — Earl Bat hurst, Secretary of State for the Department of War aud Colonies, — Rij»lu Hon. Nicholas Vansittarr, Chancellor of the Exchequer,—^ Viscount Melville, First Lord of the Adf.iiralty.^-^ Duke of Wellington, Master General of the Otdiiance, Right Hon. George Canning, President of the Board of Control. — Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, Chancel' lor of the Duchy of Lancaster, — Ri^ht Hon. William Wellesley Pole, Master of the il///j/.— Ri^ht Hon, Frederick John Robinson, Treasurer of the Navy^ President of the Board of Trade. ThQ above form the Cabin^et. Marquis of Cholmondeley, Lord Steivard — Mar- quis of Hertford, Lord Chamberlain. — Duke of Mon- trose, Master of the Horse. — Viftcourit Paliiierston, Secretary at IVar. — Right Hon. Charles Long, Pay* master of the Forces. — Right Hon. Thomas Wallace, Vice President of the Board of Trade.-— -Sir Samuel Shepherd, knt. Attorney General. — Sir Robert Gif- ford, knt. Solicitor General. — Earl of Chichester and Marquis of Salisbury, Postmasters General.-^Sir HiU debrand Oakes, hart. Lieutenant-General of the Ord- nance. "-^Kight Hon. William Hubkis&on, First Com" missioner of Land Reven te, PERSONS OF THE MINISTRY OF IRELAND. Earl Talbot, Lord Lieutenant. — Right Hon. Gen. Sir G. Beckwith, G. C. B. Commander of the Forces, Lord Manners, Lord Chancellor. — Rt. Hon. Charles Grant, Chief Secretary. — Rt. Hon. Sir G. Fitzgerald Uill, bart. Vice TrL'asurcr, f Wf:') ma- ?^ if' 'i I I ^ ., in ■> ' « ( 212 ) TABLE Of the Kings and Queens of England and Great-Britain, with the time they feverally began to reign. King's Namts Began their Reigns^ Saxon Line. ■■ 8oi Reigned^ Y. M. D. Egbert Ethelwolf £t.ielbaid EthelberC Ethel red Alfred the Great Edward !• Saxon EtheUian Edmond I* Edrcd Edwin Edgar EdwardII.5JXow Ethelred Edmond JI* Knute I* JUrold I. Knute II. Edward Confejfot Harold II. 38 58 60 66 72 900 as 41 48 55 59 75 79 1016 I Danish. 1017 36 39 41 65 37 20 2 6 6 28 25 16 7 7 4 16 4 37 I 19 — — William I ^ II Henry I £cephen Norman Line. OEi, 14, 1066 Sept. 9, 1087 Aug, 2, 1100 D^c» I, 1135 20 12 35 18 10 10 3 10 26 23 i 213 ) The Saxon Line Restored. Kind's Namer* Began their Reigns, Henry II Richard I John Henry III Edward I II Ill Richard II Henry IV V VI Edward IV V Richard III Henry VII VIII Edward VI Q^Mary (^Elizabeth Oil. 25, 1 154 July 6, 1 1 89 Af'ril tiy 1199 0^. 19, 1216 No'v, 16, 1272 July 7,1307 Jan. 25, 1327 Junezif i^yy The Line of Luncajler, Sept, 29, 1399 March 20, 1413 The Line of Tork, March 4, 1 42 1 April 9, 1483 June 22, 1483 The Families united. Aug, 22, 1485 April 22, 1509 Jan. 28, 1547 July 6, 1553 Nov. 17, 1558 Reigned. Y. M, 34 9 17 56 34 19 50 22 13 9 3S 22 o 2 23 37 6 5 44 Union of the Tvno Crowns, james Charles I I II I James Will, and Mary March 24, 1603 March 27, 1625 Jan. 30, 1649 Feb. 6, 1685 Feb. 13, 16S9 22 36 4 13 Q^ Anne Ceorge I Ceorge II Gejrge III Union of the Two ICingdoms. Mach 8, 1702 Aug, I, 1714 June II, 1727 Oci. 25, 1760 12 I2 34 S 9 6 o 7 6 4 3 5 5 6 I z 2 8 9 5 4 4 o 10 o o o 4 10 I D II O 13 28 21 18 a? 8 20 II 4 5 13 o .0 6 8 II 7 3 3 7 7 23 23 10 »4 Wi6ow Gcdpreiertu, ^^■•' I piiiiii j in'' { 'II,. m ( 214 ) The Royal Family of Great-Britain. King George I V« born - - « 12 Aug. 1762 Duke of York, 6p. of Ofnaburgh, b. 16 Aug. 1763 Duke of Clarence, born Queen of Wirremberg, born Princess Augusta Sophia, born Princess Elizabeth, born Duke of Cumberland) born Duke of Sussex, born Duke of Cambridge, born - Princess Mary, born ai Aug. 1765 29 Sept. 1766 8 Nov. 1768 22 May, 1770 5 J"«e 1771 27 Jan. 1773 24 Feb, 1774 25 April 1776 3 Nov, 1777 Princess Sophia, born Nieee & Nephew y children of the late D, of Gloucefitr, Sophia Mnilda, born May 29^ X773' Wm. Frederick, D. of Gloucefter, b. jan 15, 1776, Married, July 22, 1826, his cousin, Princess Mary; gi' att ( 2»5 ) " ^_;|ailf.2 A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF CANADA. Written in l8ll. To which is added a Sketch of the late American War* THE name of Canada was originally applied, by Europeans, to the land on the I'outh-weftern fhores of the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and on both fides of that River, from its mouth to fome diftanc« above Quebec. The River St, Lawrence, iifelf, was cilled la Grande JRiviere du CatJada, The name was afterwards extended to all the countries which were! explored by adveiturers from the fettlements along the River. The whole of the French poffeflions in North America were, latterly, comprehended un- der the name of New France. Canada^ as it is generally underflood at the pre- fcnt day, is bounded to the eaft by the Gi.ilph of St* Lawrence and the country on the Labrador Coaft annexed in 1809 to the government of Newfound- land ; to the north, by the territory of the Hudfon's Bay Company ; to the weft, by undefined bounda- ries, but which may be fuppofed to extend, by vir* tue of occupation by the Fur Traders, and the dis- coveries cf M'Kenzie, to the Pacific Ocean ; to the fouth, it is bounded by unexplored countries Sc the United States of America, to wit : the north- weft territory, the Michigan territory* the States of Ohio, Pennfylvauia, New-York, Vermont, New-Hampihire, the Diftridt of Maine, and by the Britifti Province of New-Brunfwick, The diviiion line on the fouth, from the Grand Portage on Lake Superior, runs through the Great Lakes and down the St. Lawrence to latitude 45, and thence along that line to Connedicut River, from thence it fol- lows the highlands which feparate the wittrs run- ning into the Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic, till it reach due north of the st, Croix River, the boun- dary between the United States &Ncw-Brunfwick» ., •■ ,i. I i The whole of this extent of country, as far as it was then explored, was, from 1774 to 1791, under the Government of the Province of Quebec. In 1791 it was divided into Upper and Lower-Canada, by a boundary commencing at Pointe au Bodet, on Lake saint Francis, about 55 miles above Montreal, and running northerly to the Ottawa River, and up that River to its fource in Lake Tomiscaming, and thence due north to the Hudfon's Bay boundary. Loiver-Canada lies between the 45th and 50th dc- grees of north latitude, and ihe 62d and 82d degrees of weft longitude, from Greenwich. The eaftern halt of the country is mountainous, and generally unculti- vable. On the fouth (bore of the faint Lawrence, the mountains do not recede confiderably from the River, till within about 60 mi es below Quebec ; they then run in a fouth-wefterly and fouthern djtedlion till ihey reach ihe Green Mountains ; on the weftern fide of lake Champlain they extend north-wellerly, in the diredlion of the great rapids of the St. Lawrence, On the north fhore, they can hardly be faid to leave the river till they yeach Quebec, from which they extend in a weftern and fouthern diredlion, till ihey again appear in fightofthe mountains on the fouth fliore, towards the above ra- pids. The country lying between thefe mountains, com- prifing an extent of about two hundred miles from eaft to weft, and 180 from north to fouth, at the broadcil; part, is level, with the exceptions cf the insulated moun. tains of Montreal, Beloeil and Chambly. Nearly in the middle of this trail of country, flows the St, Law- rence, varying from a mile to upwards of twenty miles in breadth, navigable for veflelsof 300 tons 600 miles from the fea, and receiving on the north the waters ff the Ottawa, TAchigan, tke St. Maurice, the Batifcsn, the fainte Anne, and the Jacques Cariier, and on the fouth, the Chambly, the Yamalka, the. faint Francis the Nicolet, the Bccanccur, and the Chaudier", all t^*^ which, in ^uioye^ would be ranked aa rivers cfsi''^i^ I'; ( 217 ) magnitude. The fources of all ttiefe rivers, excepting the Otcowa and the Chambly, lie, confidsrabty, to the tait o( their embouchures* They have> gener* ally, high banks, along which the foil and growth of timber is inferior to that of the coun ry further back* All of them, excepting where chey are nearly on a level with the faint Lawrence, have a fecond bank aC fomc diftance from that which now contains their waters ; the fame thing is obfervable of the faint Lawrence.-^ The waters of none of thefe rivers are clear, excepting the saint Lawrence itfeify which, before its jundlion with the Ottawa^ confifts of the moft tranfparent wa- ter in the world* The Soil on both fides of the faint Lawrence, in the weftern portion of the tra£t of country above defcribed^ is, for the moft part, clayey, without ftones, excepting here and there globular malTes of granite, lying on the furface. Newly cleared land is, invariably^ coveredwith a dark mould, produced by ditfolved vegetable fubftan- ces. As you approach the mountains, the foil is more light and loamy } thefe lands are the eafieft to be clear, ed, and are at firft very produdliye ; towards Quebec the foil ':» poorer, frequently ftony or fliinglyy and there ate large trads of fandy foil, covered with only a very flight coating of the vegetable mould. The moun- tains, generally, confift of granite } though there are» throughout the country, extenfive (Irata of limeftone, and not unfreuqently ftones having the appearance of volanic pordudlion. The part of the country in culti- vation, confifts of from one to five leagues back, on both banks of the St. Lawrence, and of the rivers which empty into it ; there are alfo fetttements along the boun- dary of the United States from the Connecticut River to the faint Lawrence, at St. Regis. The reft of the coun- try, to the very tops of the mountains, is covered with timber of a fpecies and growth congenial to the foil* The Climate of Canada, refcmbles that of the coun- tries on the continent of hurope fituated from lo to 15 N i • i • \H^ .:; f r( ^^^ ) • degrees t'urther northr The temperature upon Fih. renbeit*s fcale, varies at prefent from about 30 below Eero> to between 90 and loo above it* In common years the cold does not exceed 20 below zeroy and the heat from 80 to 90. About 60 or 70 years ago, the extreme of cold ufed to be dated at 30 degrees below freeaing, of Reamur» or 36 below o of Fahrenheit.—. The variation, in a few minutes, in the winter fcafon, has been known to be upwards of fifty degrees. It is frequent))-, in a few hours, 30 degrees* A remarkable initance of variation happened on the i8th Jan. iSio, when the thermometer ftood a few degrees below tem- perate, and was aimofl inftantaneouAy down to bciotv jtero. The change of temperature in the fummer fea- fon, U alfo frequently very abrupt. Thefe changes are generally accompanied with a change of wind ; only two of which can be faid to prevail along the river, the eafterly and wefterly. In all (lorms of eafterly wind^ and almoft at every other time, the upper ftrata of clouds, when vifible, is moved by a weilcriy wind, in winter, the eai^erly wind inclines more to the north. ea(l» and the wefterly to the north.weft* Throughout the whole extent of Lower-Canada, a flight degree of frofl fometimes happens in the fummer months.— There is a material difference of temperature between the eaflern and wellern divifions of the country. This difference is difcernible at between 20 to 30 leagues (60 to 9a miles] above Quebec \ beyond that, to the weflward, agricultural labour may be profecuted, and vegetation is a^ive, during nearly ieven months in the yearf round Qiiebec, it is rarely practicable for more than fix months, at the expiration of whxh, the foil is frosen, or covered with fnow, and vegetation dor- mant. This period, for the weflern divilion, is from the 15th November to the 15th April j for the eaftern, from the ift Nov. to the ilt May. About a month from the renewal of vegetation, the apple trees are in full bloffom, and the verdure of the wheat fields and meadows wave in the wind. All forts of grain are ( 219 ) fown in the fprlng, the wheat tirrt, and ihen peas and' oats. The fori of wheat moft generally Town, is ripe in four months from the time of fowing j there is, howevcft another fpecifs, a bearded wheal, which ri- pens in three months, the time oats require. Fair and foul weather were tormerly more diilinft than they are at prefent ; col<l and warm weather were lefs intermixed^ and the winds lefs variabk. This alteration is not con. fideredy in Canada, as an improvement of the climate. AH the vegetable FroduSikm which thrive in the same latitudes in Europe, profper in Canada, whenever they have been introduced, and cultivated with judg- ment and care» The excefsof heatin fummer, makes up for the deficiency of time. Melons are brought to maturity in the open air, without the aid of artiHciai heat* Wheat is the chief agricultural production of Lower-Canada* It affords the principal vegetable food of the inhabitants* Hitherto, it has been cultivated more in that view, than a^ an article of foreign trade* The many accidents to which this grain is liable, re- quire that a quantity fufficient to afford a fupply in the event of a bad year, be fown every year* When a good year happens, there is then a great furplus ; and it is of the produce of fuch years, that the moft exten • five exportations have been made. There is befides na certainty of an extenfive foreign demand. Spain and Portugal and the Weil Indies, were the mod fleady mar- kets 'y but the natural difadvantages which Canada la- bours under, prevent her from (landing a competition* in thofe markets with the United States. It muft be obferved, however, that the quantity of wheat fown by each farmer, is, generally, to the ejttent of his pre- fent means. Thefe can only be increafed by more en- larged views, which would lead to greater efforts, and judicious improvements in his fyitem, or rather rou- tine, of cultivation. The greateft quantity of wheat ever exported from Canada, was in iSoz. It amount- ed to 1,010,033 bufliels* Thcic were befi^des exported N2 ( "o ) en t that year, 28,301 barrels of flour, anH 21,051 cwt, of bifcuit. Animal food has generally been furniihed in abundance in Lower-Canada ; the price havin^^ generally been much lower here than in any other part of North America. But, for four or ftve yean back, the demand for lumber from Canada, the conl'e. quent h<gh price of labour, the increafe of confumeis, and the ftagnatipn of the American trade, has effediM a gr^at rife in th; price of this article, as well as of vegetable food, and enabled foreigners to enter into competition with the inhabitants of Canada, even in their own markets* The value of the exportation! from the St. Lawrence in 1810, has been eftimated by mercantile men, at 1,200,000 pounds fterling, includ. ing dilburfements of (hips employed in the trade, the numberof which was 661, men 6578, tonnage 143S93, and alfo the value of 5896 tons of new (hips built in the Province* A confivierable proportion of the pro- duce of the United States, and all the Furs obtained in the Indian Countries, are included in the general a- mount. The price oi labour, in the towns, for four years pail, may be ellimated at 4/* (four-tifths of 1 dollar) per day , t hrou^hout the year ; one half of which fum has been paid for board atd lodging. Bread hu been at about 2|d. per lb. and beef 5d. Canadri was DUco^ered in the y^ar 1535, ^X J^^quei Cartier, a native of St. Malo, in France. He had ex« plored the Gulph of St. Lawrence the preceding year, and carried off from Gafpe (Gachepe) two of the na- tives of the country round Quebec. The next year they ferved him as interpreters. On the 8th Septem- tc"** '535» ^^ arrived in his boars at Quebec, in fearch of a place to lay up his velVeU for the winter, and he fixed Apon the River St Charles. On the 14th, hU velfels, the Grande Hermine, of 1 20 tons, the Petite Herminef of 60, and the Entet'tlloriy of 4.0 ^ons, arrived from the lower end of the idand of Orleans, where he had left them. On the i6ch he laid up the &wo largest 1; ( "' ) to winter, and on the 19th proceeded in the Emerilloi towaroj* Momrealj but left her at the upper end of* Lake St. Peter, and arrived at Hocbelagaf the name of the Indian town then at Montreal, on the »d October. On Tuefday the 5th he left it, and arrived on Monday the I ith at the Harbour of St, Creix^ the name he had given to the mouih ot the River St. Ch^riek, in honour of I he Holy Crofs the anniversary of which is celebrated on the day his veflelsfirft arrived theie. On the 15th Nov his /hips were (r »en in, and the whole river, foon after was frozen over tu above Montrta . About the aid Feb. 1536, it was again navigable for canoes. On the I5tn April his veflels were difengaged rrom the ice» On the 3d May, he feized on the two natives whom he had taken with him the former year, and alfo the Chief of the Indian Villaj^e at Quebec, wh ch was then called Stathcon/y and on the 6 h May he Tailed for France, leaving one of his vcflTel dilniantled in the Little River, for want of hand?, twenty live of them having peri/h- ed duting the winter, by an unknown m?lady« He Tailed from Cape Raze, in Newfoundland, on the 19th June, and on the 16th July he arrived at St. MaJo. All the foregoing dates, it ihoutd be obferved, are Old Stile, and require ten days to be added to each, to cor- refpond with the fame dates at prelenr. In 1 540 a Governor (Roberval) was appointed for Canada, and fcttW;ts fent out* Cartier was made Captain-General and Filot of the veilels employed on the occafion j but Roberval fixed upon Cape Breton for a fettlement.— • There Cartier remained feventeen nonths, and thT ;'e- turned to France wirh a ruined fortune, and died foon afterwards. In 158S, hit nephews, Pelalaunaye Cha- ton, and Jacques Noel, obtained an cxclutivc privilege to trade (o Canida for 12 year:-, as an indemniiication for the lolTes their uncle had lufiained ^ but this pr'i- vilege was revoked four months after it was granted. in 1598 a Sieur de la Roche, Marquis de Cottenmea', obtained a cotcn^iiiion to conquer and fettle the coun.- N 3 m |. .1^ ¥ a ] ■ .iim-.h- •-r ■i^' , !«''■■■ .••?1 ' I ( 222 ) try : he landed fixty fettlcrs at the ifle aux Sables, anil Toon got baclc to Fra.ice, whcrt he was thrown into pri- i^T\ at a private fuT* At the end of five years, twelve of them, all that furvived, were taken off the ifland. In i6oj, Pierre Dugua, Sieur De M. nts, obtained, for himfeU and aHbciates, an cxcluiive privilege to trade from Cape Raze to lat. 40. He made a fettlement at Port Royal, (Annapolis) in the Bay of Fundy j but in 1607 his privilege w^s revoked, and his fettlers re- turned to France. De Monts, however, obtained a con- tinuation of hfs privilege for another year, on condition of (ettling up the Saint Lawrence : and on the 3d July, l6o8| Samuel de Champlain^ a Geograpbe du Roi, and commilfioned by De Monts, founded Quebec. Cham- plaint fectlement foon after obtained powerful protec- tors in the French Court, and he was continued at the head of it till his death in 1635- The country, however, continued under the government of excluf^e companies till 1663, when it fell under the Royal Government. In 1667 ^^^^ trade was allowed, excepting in the expor- tation of Beaver Skins. From thofe periods the colony began to profper. In 1679 the population was 8500 ibuls ; bat it foon afterwards came to the btinlc of deftrud:ion : Champlain had early engaged in war, in favor of tlie St. Lawrence Indians, a^ainft thofe in- ^i-abiting the countries to the fouth-wcft, with whom the former had been at war even before Cartier*s arri- val in is^'y* His objedl was to ingratiate hira(clf with the Indians, and obtain a knowledge of the coun- try. After the Dutch and Englifli had fettled at New- Vork and in New-England, the fouth-weftern Indians, or Iroquois, got; arms from them, and foon proved an overmatch for the French and their allies 5 many of the latter they almott totally extirpated. In 1689 they exterminatei nearly all the inhabitants en the Ifland of Montreal. Throughout the country, the French were only faved by their fartification*. The irruptioni ( "3 ) nf the Iroquois often extended even below Quebci . Succours, however, arrived from France j the Jcfuits, who had beeu introduced into the country as early at 1615, availed themfelves of every interval of hoftili- ties, to ftrengthen the influence of France with the friendly Indians, and bring over, or neutralize, the hodile. In 1714, the population of Canada did not much exceed 20,000 fouls* The Colony had, howe- ver, then become, and long continued, a terrible fcourge to the Engliih fettlements. In 1629 it was in the pos- session of the Engliih, but was reftored by treaty, in 1652, neither party then fetting any vak'e on it. lit 1690 a formidable Engliih expedition made an attempt upon QuebejC, but it failed, after landing the troops at the Canardiere, near the city. Another was frudrated by (hipwrectc, at the Seven Iflands, near the mouth of theRiver, in lyii. Nova Sco*ia was, however, wreft- ed from the French, and ceded by the Treaty of Uirechtj in 1713. All the wars in Europe, between England and France, were carried on with great rancour in the Colonies. The war of 1756, had its origin in difputec about the limits of Canada* The French, by their connexions with the Indians, had overrun, at an early period, the whole of the country lying between the Al- legany Mountains, the Great Lakes and the Mississippi* They claimed the whole by right of difcovery, and ceso sion by the Indians j thus conBning the Engli/h Colo- nics to a ftrip of land on the Sea Coail. The animo* sicies had come to fuch a h>;ad, that hoflitities were commenced, in thofe parts, about a year before war was declared in Europe. The efforts of Grt at Britain and her Colonies, in this war, were proportionate to the dangers with which the latter were threatened. The outfet was unfavourable. An Englifli army perifhed with Braddock, in 1 7 56. Another was defeated at Ticonderoga, (Carillon) in 1758. The Briti/h Navy, however, acquired an acfcendancy, and a great States- man took the helm of aifairs in Engbjd. A coiXiw N4 1 , W I,' ■i ■ ( a*4 ) bined attack from the Sea, by Lake Champlaini and from Lake Ontario, was planned for 17599 which was ultimately crowned with fuccefs. The glory of the achievement was acquired by Gen* Wolfe, who com. manded the eipedition from the fea« When all feemed to be loft, by one of thofs apparently hazardous at- tempts, through which men of fuperior mind, alonr, can difcern fuccefs, he brought the principal French army in the country to a battle on the Plains of Abram* There he died like a true foldierj and h''« vidlory de- cided the fate of Canada. No event ever excited greater joy in Englanc^, than the vidory of Quebec, and the hnal redudtiun of Canada. The former was, indeed, an event glo. rious to the national chara£ter ; but the latter was foon followed by greater evils than thofe it had re- moved. The war of I7S6, had been undertaken for the benefit of the Colonies. It was thought that they ought to contribute to alleviate the bur. thens which it occaiioned. An attempt to this ef. fe£t, was followed by a general reiiftance on the part of the Colonics, to which they were, no doubt, en. couraged by the profpe£t of being no longer in want of BritiOi alfiftance. About the clofe of the fummerof 1775, they invaded Canada by Lake Champlain, & from the fources of the Kennebec River. Before thofe employed on the latter expedition, could reach Quebec, through the extendve forefts which then feparated New- England and Canada, thofe from Lake Champlain had nearly fucceeded in capturing Chambly, St. John and Montreal. The few regu- lar troops in the Province were loft in thofe places, and on board the river craft which furrendered be- tween Sorel and Montreal. On the 3d Nov. after being 32 days in the woods, Arnold's party came out at the fettlements on the Chaudiere River, without artillery, half naked, half armed, periihing with hunger, and more like beggars than invaders. I hampUini anij 59» which wai e glory of the M'Cf who com. /hen allfeemed hazardout at- »r mind, alonr, 'incipal French aim of Abram* h'* vidory de- y in Englanc^, iinal redudtiun >, an event glo. the latter was hofe it had rc- en ui^dertaken it was thought cviate the bur- mpt to this cf- incc on the part , no doubt, en. longer in want the fummerof Champlain, & liver. Before n, could reach s which then , thofe from d in capturing The few regu. n thofe places, urrendered be- 3d Nov. after 's party came audicre River, mcd, perilhing than invaders- ( ^25 ) On the 9th he reached Point Levi. On the I2ih Col. M'Lean, who had retired from Sore) on hear- ing of Arnold's approach, reached ^urbcc with about 150 recruits. On the I4th, Arnold, who had palTed the River in the night, appeared on the plains, wherj he paraded for a few days, in the hope that his friends in the town might procure the furrcnder of the City; but M'Lean threatening to attack him, he thought itadvifeabletoretire to Point« aux Trembles, and watt for Montgomery, the com- mander in chief, who was to come from Montreal. On the I9th, General Carleton, who had eicaped from on board the craft below Montreal, before their furrcnder, arrived. On the 5th Dec. Montgomery and Arnold made their appearance at Sainte Foy. (*en. Carleton had fuflfered every body to leave the town that WAsfodiipoled. He, norihofe that remain- ed, would hold no communica'on with rebels.— Montgomery was therefore reduced to open his fix gun battery on the town; but the weather loon for. ced him to defut. On the 31t^ Dec. before day light in the morning, he attempted an afl'ault, by Fres de y'ttie and the Sault au Mateloty the fouihern and northern extremities of the Lower-Town He and two of his otBcers were killed by the firll can- non difcharged ?i\. the former place ; the reit retir- ed. At the Sault au Matelot, Arnold forced cne barrier, at which he was wounded, aid afterwards retired to the General Hofpital. All attempts to foice the lecond, wrre fruitlels ; the Americans re- liitrd into the houles, aitd hred from the windows. A lally troin Palace Gate, attacked them in the rear, and at about 10 o'clock in the torenopn, all that remained of thole ^yho had penetrat. d beyond the hitt barrier, fuvrendercd, in number abuut SSO. -About 60 had been killed during the conieft. The garrtfon had $ killed, and 13 wounded. After this affauli, which Montgomery was partly induced to f»..ke| by the api)roachiiig expiialtou of the term ot N > ,il f: m ( "6 ) i *■■■ i' ■ ' ■ ^'*'. enl'iftment of a number of his men, and which he gained the men over to attempt, by the hope of plunder,* the energy coiihned himl'elf to tiring a tew ihots, in the fpring, at the town, from Pointc i.evi, and an attempt to burn the Ihipping in the CuUde-Sac. On the 6lh May, three (hips of war arrived, with two companies of the 29th regiment, which^ with iome marines, about 200 in all, were immediately landed, and marched out with the gar« rifon. The enemy was found to be en the retreat, having left every thing which could not be carried off on men's (houlders. He made no halt till he reached Sore!, where he received reinforcements, 6c. detached 2000 men, with an intention of furprifing the part of the Britifli forces which had reached Three-Rivers. This detachment was defeated with great iofs ; their commander, and about 200 men, remained prifoners. On tlie 27th May, 474 of the enemy Lid iurrendered at the Cedars. On the I6th June, Montreal was evacuated ; and at the end of the month, the whole Province. At ihe time of the invaiion, there were not more than eight or nine hundred regular troops in the Province. Almoil the whole of theie lurrendered In Fort Chambly and Saint John, and in the Craft retiring from Montreal, There was no militia in exiitence. It was only on the lOch Sept. that the Canadian mili« tia officers of Quebec received ccmmilTiOiis. The Americans, including Arnold') force, did not exceed 4000 men. They had calcub.ted on adive ailiftance from the people of the Province, amongft whom their partifans and emiifaries had long been circu« lating falfehoods intended to operate on their pre. judices, and lying circulars from the Congrefs.— ' About 300 men were, i-^deed, raifed on the River Chambly, by a Mr. Livingston^ who had refidcd for AianbaW'i Life of JVaibtngton, ( 227 ) a<:on(iderabIe time in that (quarter. In other partSy they had no lucceTs ; and it is to this mifcalculationy that they owed their failure. The garril'on of Que- bec, during the iiege, conlilled of about 300 recruits and marines, 400 Teamen, and 800 militiamen, in all, 1500. The befiegers, till the 31ft Dec. confifted of about the fame number. From that time, to the 111 of March, they did not exceed 700 cfFedivc men. In March they had about 1800, in April 2000. At the time of the evacuation of the Province, they had about 8000 men ; but the Britilh army then amounted to 13,000. Since that time, to the pre- lent, Canada ha^ not witneifed the luefence of an enemy. On the I Sth June, 1 8 1 2> the United Stales of Ame- rica, after feverai years of complaints and negociatlons, declared war againil Great Britain. The moment feem- ed to be favorable ; the great and then deemed invin* cible enemy of England, vias preparing to ftrike the blow which was to lay the continent of Europe at his fe~^t, Offender it entirely fubfervienttohis views againft the only power which had always refifted him. The BritiAi armies were occupied in a war for the indepen- dence of Spain ; the treafuresof Bi'.tain werelaviHied in fupport of her allies. Upper-Canada was partly peopled by emigrants from the United States, who might be fup- poled unwilling to ihed the biood of their kindred ; the people of Lower-Canada had but recently been repre- fented by authorty as feditious, or fo eafily turned away from their allegiance as to endanger the Govern- ment. There were but about 4000 Biitifli troops in both Provinces, fcattered along a frontier of 1 300 miles j the St. Lawrence, an immenfe military highway, open to the United Stat;<!; and leading into the heart of Ca- nada, undefended, and thus endangering th(^ exiftence of the Britiih forces ftationed on its borders. In the view of keepii-i^ up the price of Bills of Exchange, of which the military government was the chief vender, N6 ■^^^ I li i V M 1%' ' , ( "8 ) the fpecie of the country had been fufFerfd to be carried into the United States. Since the war o^ 1775* '^^^c had exifted in the Canadas a militia merely in name, ferving chiefly to drains annually, a few thoufand dul. lars from the public coffers. Accordingly, on the ar. rival of the news of the declaration of war, at Montreal and Quebec, the flrft thought of many individuals in thofe Cities, wji that of packing up. The Governor, Sir Geokgb PREV0ST9 and the people at large, thought differently. It was determined to defend both Provin. ces $ the Legiflature was aflfembled j Government Pa. per, bearing intereft, and payable in Bills of Exchange on England, was fubftituced for fpecie. Two satta. lions arriving in the country to relieve two others under orders for their departure, addr^d to the regular force. At the inltance of the Goverr ment, a law had pailed during the preceding winter, for drafting the nniliti.;; for adtive fervice, and four weak Battalions had been a(rea bled before, the war. Every <<;ifcription of force was now put into activity j the Citade) of Quebec was guarded by the inhabitants of the Town, proud of the duty, and of the confidence of the Government, and extending the fame feelings throughout the poitntry, In a month after the declaration of war, the Lower Province feemed to be prepared to become the aHTailant, The Americans had collected, in the fummer of 181 1, their principal regular force on their ncrth-wes- tern frontier, againftthe Indians, whom they attacked. This force, joine4 by militia and volunteers, had fet out on its march for Upper-Canada, long before the declaration of war* |t made roads through immenfe foreftS| depending on thefe roads for its coqtimunipa- tions and fupplies, and arrived at Detroit, on the S^h Juiy« about 2500 ftrong. The sritiih force on that frontier was merely nominal. On the nth July, the enemy^s Qeneral palled over into Upper-Canaia, and iflfued a Proclamation to the apparently defenceless in- habitants, inviting them to join his ilandard, or at iea(^ to remain ina^ive, afluring them of the protection q( ( 229 ) the United States, After fome trifling affairs with the handful of Britiih troops ftationed at Amhcr^tbur^, and hearing of the furrcnder of Michjiimacinack, on the 17th Ju y, to a few foldiers, voyageura and Indians, he becam. alarcred for his own fafe y, and returned to Detroit on the 7th Auguft, Sir George Frevuit had entruded the government and command of Upper. (a- nada to General Brock, a downright politician, an able, adtive and fpiriied faldier j he had infufed an etcrlitnt fpirit into the loyal inhabitants. The command of Lake Erie ftill remained with the Britiih, On the 5th Auguft, Brock prorogued hi« Parliament at York, on the I2ch he was at Amherstburg, and on the i6th, General Htiii) and his whole army, furrendered to a force of 3130 regaarf, 400 militia, and 600 Indians* People could hardly believe their own eyes, when they faw fo confiderabte a pan of the American regutar force, marched captive into Montreal and Quebec, within two months atier they heard of the war. This pleating i*ght, however, produced fame mifchievous ef. fedts the enemy was undervalued* Men who never had heard the whiffling of a mufket baT, >r had a bayonet pointed at their bre^^lU, dared to fpeak of the Ameri. cans as cowards, thtir army co itemptibie. Th"fe who are excefTively brave at the comers oi ihe ibeets, and over their wine, now contemplaiei and public'y announ. ced projedts and opinions, as ill digefted and ill founded, as thofe which fo recently had led to the furrender of Hull J projeds and opinions which, however, produced many of our future difaders. Within Icfs than two months after the furrender of Huii^ the enemy had co^ledled a large force on the Nia gara frontier. On the 13th Odober, this forcf croflTed over into Upper-Caiada, at Qupenfton, wverpowcring the fmall detachment Italioned there. Brock was <iC Fort George, His ardor halVened him to the fpot be- fore his army. He put himfelf at the head of a fmall party which was ilill reliiUng che enemy, and hi^ coun* Mi '$1 p'^'tM '■^- ■• -'" ■•'t- will- -^ ■ .'f \ -"mi- ■'*' * !* i- '■ if 1 ( fl'- "' ^ ' •r-i , M • \ \ r ,■ ■ ' V 1; 5 ( 230 ) try was too early deprived ot his talents and his fcrvi- ces. The enemy obtained pofiertjon of the heights, but was Tion difloJged, and in great part made prifo. ners, by Geneial Sheaft'e, on whom the command bad devolved. A temporary truce enfued in this quarter, till it was interrupted by a ridiculous gafconade and im- potent attempt at invalion, on the aoth and 18th Nov. near Fort Erie, by the j^merican Gen. Smyth. Ano- ther nearly parallel attempt was made about the fame time by the Britifh naval iforceon Lake Ontario, againil Sacket's Harbour. The reft of the winter palled away without ar;y military event, excepting on the 2zi Jan. Gencnl IVodtor, after a fmart adtion^ captured 495 prifoners, with the American General Winchefter, on the Detroit frontier, and an attack on Ogdeniburg, which in reality meant nothing, unlefs it had been a prelude to an attack on Sacket's Harbour. Fiom the time of the funenderof Hull, the Ame- ricans, however much they chufed to blame that offi- cer, feem to have been fully aware of the true caufe of his difafter ; they ftraineJ every nerve to obtain the maftcry of the Lakes. The ice no fooner dif^ppeared oa Lake Ontario, than they were out with a (uperior naval force from S.^ckci's Haibcur. On the 27th April, they landed and took poflelfion of York, the capital of Upper-Canada, dellroyed the public building?, ■wreaked their vengeance on a printing prefs, and de- ftroyed the frame of a (hip building for the Btitifli fer- vice on the Lake, General Sheaffe retiring, after fomc refinance, towards Kingfton. The enemy's flef-t pro- ceeded to Niagara, where it landed troops, and then re- turned to Sacket's Harbour, from whence it conveyed additional forces to the fame quarter. On the aSth May, General Vincent was driven from the polition of Fort George, and the place captured ; the Britiih re- tiring along the Lake towards Burlington Bay, leaving the whole Niagara frontier, containing a very large proportion of the whole population of Upper-Canada, in the power of the enemy. General ProAor was at and his ferv}, the heighrs, rt made prifo. command had 1 this quarter, >nade and im« nd iSih Nov. myth. Ano- bout the fame ntario, againft :er palled away 1 the 2zd Jan. captured 495 ^inchefter, on I Ogdeniburg, I it had been a • ill, the Ame- ame that ofB« e true caufe of to obtain the ler difappeared /ith a lupericr On the 27th of York, the btic buildingtj rets, and de- e Britiih fer- g, after lomc ly's fle^'t pro- and then re- e it conveyed On the 2Sth he polition of le Britifli re- Bay, leaving a very large per-Canada, odtor was at ( 2j' ) this lime returned from the rapids of the Miami, where joe had captured 467 American foldicrs, and killed or woutided as many more j but the enemy was iVill coU keeling, and his communications threatened. From Fort George, the American army proceeded in purfult of General Vincent, depending on the Lake for its fup* pliei^, aid detei mined to take poHeHion of Burlington heights^ which would have left no communication for General l^roOor. General Vinctnt wjs at Burlington heights. 1 he enemy had advanced to Stoney Creek^ conHciing on his (uy>rriority, and his diiiance from the Britiih. Lieut, Col. Harvty, Dep. Adjt. Gen. con- ceived a»d chiefly executed the project of furprifing the enemy in the night. Before day on the 6th June, be entered the enemy's camp, contilliiig of about 3000 j»cn, with 704 bayonets, ki.ling and wounding a great fiumher of the enemy, and retired cairying off z Ge. jDCrals a-w-d 120 ^rifoners. Thi» affair fa tffe^ually disconcerted the Americans, that they returned haftily to Foit George, opening to the British the communica- tion with part of the Niagara frontier, and in fact fav.- iwg for the time the whole upper part of the Province. The ftarrender of 541 of the enemy, under Boerftlcr, (!> the Indians and a few Briii&h Soldiers, conEoted the Cflemy to FortGeoige. W hlle the Amt lican troops and their navaf force weiet abfent i-t the head of the Lake, an attempt was nude on Socket's Harbour. Col. Baynes, Adjt. Gen, hn4 ntomin^-ly the command, but Sir (ieorgs Frcvoft, ilJ5« Conoraander in Chiefs was prefent. He called oft* tibe troops after they had reached the defences of the pi: re, a-nd ha3 fulhinevi confiderable lofs. This aOfair, 'iy the opporuunity vhicfe it afi'oraed to Sir George's ]?<5kitica! enemies to Idlen ih^ eltimatinn in which he waa h«Id^ and by the mifunderlUnding, of which it liaid the foundation, between him and the naval fer- »Tce, proved very unfortunate to the Britifli intereft iu thi CanAd«i3 du-iing. the remainder of the war. 1: t '^m 4 m^-y' ( 232 ) . The campaign iconcinued ror lome time without any ^vent ar much moment. On the 3vi June, two Ame- ric^n armed vetl'els cairying 2Z guns Were gallantly captuicd by the I3riti(h troops at Ille aux Noix, ondcr the command of Lt. Co). George Taylor^ Major lOQ h Ke^it. afttr a well contcHed action of three hours, which a moPt annihilated the £oemy'£ Navai Power oa LiikeChamplain. On the nth July« there was an attack on fi aclc Rock, and on the 30th oi that montii, Col. Murray deftroyed the ^mericm Barracksat Ptatt burg. On the loth Sept. C>m>i)Ocloie Perry, with a na>ai force long blockaded at Erie, captured the whuleor the Biitih force on Lake Erie* General Proifl >r could no to* ger be fuppUed on the Detroit frontier) his uniy reii>ainin| communicauon was by land feveral hundred miles through f<»re(ls. His fituat on was n^^w become that of Hull at Detroit : he had one advantage, howe- ver, whi< h Hull had not ; the fiiendflitp of the in. dians. He unaccountably dehyed his retreat for a fortnight after the lofs •/ the fleet, and till th^ near approach of a fuperior force of the enemy* On the 5th October, he was only three days march (56 miles) f oin Detro t, purfuing his retreat along the tnnche. His force confil^ed i;f lefs thsin a thoufand BritiHi and milit a, and about izOO Indians; the Americans were upwards of 3000. A fudden charge of mounted riil:'. men, broke the Britifli line \ the whoie was thrown into c >nfufion, and ihe greater part of the Britifh be. came ptifoners. The Indians in another pare of (he iieldy fought bravely, but the Americans flnaliy prevoit- ed. They returned immediately after the adion to Detroit, with their prifoners, and Prodlor, with a tew ftraglers and a number of Indians, afTembied at Ancas< ter, on the 17th Oct. A targe proportion of the American forces on the Niagara frontier, proceeded down the L^^ke early in Oi>ober, and were foUow-'d by Und by pa t of the B(i« tiihf>rces. The dt mini Ibed numbers of the iemaintng part of the Brki^ ^rtny» i^c diUiter on Lake Lri , a d ( 233 ) th« ftatc of affairs on • he Detroit frontier, aga«n compel- led iti commander to fall back on Burlington heigtcs. The American foices were gradually collected at the lower ends of Lalccs Ontario and Champlatn, under Generals Willcinfon and Hampton, with the intrntioti of making a combined attack on MonCieai, while the' chief part of the Britiih regular fierce was in Upper- Canada. It was evident that if this attack fliould have fucrteded, and the comma d of that City and the fur- round'Ag country been retained by the Americans, Up* per-Canada was conquered, and every Britiih foidier in ic a prisoner, or torced 1 1 fight his way to ^^ebec. There was nothing to prevent Wilkinfon, with fuitable boats, and able pilots for the rapids, to land on the ifland of Montreal, with an army completely equipped, in thiee or four days after his leaving Lake Ontario. Hampton was only a couple of days march from the St. Law- rence. Sir George Prevolt, who had returned to the Lovver Province, called upon ihe p ople of Lower-Ca- nida to defend their country, and never was the call of a commander, under timilarcircumilance", mtre cheer* fully obeyed. The fighting, h )wever, ftill to the lot of the embodied militia and regular forces. There feem- ed to have been fome mifunderftanding or misinform <- tion with r^ffpcft to time, between the enemy's com- manders. Hampton feems to have employed himfelf from the 20th of Sept. to tt^e 20th Oct. in ca ling out and collecting the forces of Lower-Canada, by the time of General Wilkinfon*s arrival On the aid of Oct. the former entered the Province, with a force vaiioufly ftated at from 3000 to 7000 men,* apparently with the intention of penetrating 'o the St. Lawrence by the River Chateauguay. Onthc26tb, hecam«upon Col. De Salaberry's pofition on tliat river, about 30 miles from the frontier. This officer, a nat ve of Canada, bslonging to one of its dd and motl d ilinguiihed lami- lies, had ferved with the Britiih army in var oas parts of the world. To great aciivity anH pe'fina* "Otr*;- *i^ome American oiScial accounts say 5500. l! ^1 i r rr. i . ■ ■V" ( 234 ) p'ldity, hf united military fcience and experience, and polltiu'4 the entire coniidcnce of his little force, the advance of the army, confilting of aboat 300 meti, al- moit enlireiy natives of Lower Canada, and compoftd of Fenciblos, VoUigeurs, Militia and Indians. The onemr, consisting chicHy of new levies, seemed to think that the battle was to be won by field mancsuvres and jyiatoon iiring. Col. De Salaberry took advantage of all the protection to his men, that time, and the facili- ties afforded by a woody coi ntr^s permit ; and poured in p deadly fire, every man making sure of his object, the Colonel setting the example. The enerp.y*s loss was consideraiile, but has neve*- been correctly ascertain- ed ; that of Col. De Salaberr) s force, was 2 killed, and IG v;^ounded. Hampton retired to the frontier, rnd thence to Plattsborg, where he remained in a state of inactivity, his army dwindling away by sickness and des Mtion. General Wilkinson, with his armv. left Grenadier Island on the 5ih Nov. in boats and other craft. It consisted of between eight and nine thousand men, completely equipped and provided. He passed the Bri- tish Tort at Prescott on the night of the 6 th. It was a beautiful moon-light : he might have been the next evening at the island of Montreal, as soon as General Prevost could receive the account of his approach. The militia called to oppose Ilam))ton, had just been sent to their homes. Wilkinson, however, landed part of his troops to pass Prescott ; he again landed :he gre?!tc!f'. part of them on the British j,ide, above the Long Sriiilt, in quest of obstacles which did not exist. 7'hese tleliiys gave time to detachments from the garrisons of King- ston and Prescott, to overtake him, nnd to Sir George Prevost again to call out the militia, about twenty thou- sand of whom v;ere assembling from various parts of tlie country. On the lltli Nov. the Anu^iican General p>oyd, with about 2000 men, of the elite of the Amc- ■' Tf S ( ^-r. ) Tirnn Jjrrny, niarchcd Jigniii^t Ci)l. ^fonison, who com- n)aiulcd the Ibrces i'nnn Ki»)jj;.sU)n uiul Prescott which hung on their rear, amounting to 800 men. The Ame- ricans were beaten, retired to theii boats, and alter em- barking a ibree of Si^OO men, under General Brown, which had proceeded to Cornwall, oppoiied only by the inhabitants of the country, the whole army crossed to Salmon Uiver, took up a position at the French Mills, from which, after destroying their boats, they ultimately proceeded to Plattsburg, on Lake Champlain, sending 2000 men to Sacket's Harbour. The American forces havinfi been chieflv withdrawn frciii the Niagara frontier, the British in that quarter prepared to act on the oflTensive. On the 12ih Deer, the enemv evacuated Fort Geor«»c and burnt the town of Newark, leaving the inhabitanlb, to all of whom they had promised protection, and many of them friendly to the Americans, ruined and houseless, in the mid.st ot winter. On the 19th, Colonel Murray took Fort Nia- gara by surjinse. On the 50th, Gen. lliall retaliated on the enemy, by destroying Black llock and BuHalo. Altiiough many projects of hostilities were entci tain- cd on both sides, during the remainder of the winter, nothing was done, of any importance, till the 5t)th March, when Wilkinson, at the head of upwards of 5000 men, entered Lower- Canada on the western shore of Lake Champlain, and attacked, unsuccessfully, La CoUe Mill, defended by Major llandcock, of the 15th Heg. and abovit ISO men. The Gen. then retired unmo- iested to the United States, and closed hit; miliary career, 'r\\e failure of the enemy's attempts against Lower- Canada, and the couri^e of I'ventsin Europe, began to give a new character to the war. Listead of having fur its object the wrrsting of Canada from Great Britain, it became, on the part of the United States, a war more of a defensive nature, or, at least, their oflensive mea sures were contined to a part of the Upper riovince. ™ J ¥■■• ih 'J ■ ' I ■■♦■ .' IP I tl '; 1:4; ^ " ., •e ( 236 ) Although the British naval force on Lake Ontari* had venturetl tnit i>f porl during tii^ preceding campaign, all the advaiitngi*.* nf uaval superiority were on the side of tiie Ameriians. F.arly in the season of 1814, Sir James L. Yeo, who, with naval ollieers, fieamen and shipwri<j[hts, had arrived from England early in 1813, Jaid claim to the coamiand of the Lake. Sir Gordon Druinniond, with troops from Kingston, aceoidingly embarked in the deet, and captured Oswego on the 6ih Way. The Atiierican fleet, however, soon seemed to have regained its former superiority. Tlie Ameriean army, now commanded by General Brown, well known in Lower-Canada before the war, as a plain fanner, and dealer in lumber and potash, the same who commanded at Sacket's Harbour when attack- ed by Sir George Prevost, assembled on the Niagara frontier. On the 3d July, this officer, at the head of between three and ftiur tho'.isand men, crossed over into Upper-Canada, at IJiack Rock, and obtained possession of Fort Krie, by capitulation. On the 5th. he was met by Gen. Uiall, with about 2000 regulars, militia and Indians, ut Chippawa. The British loss, in killed, wounded and missing, was 515, that of the Americans, 522. On the Sth, Gen. Rial! fell back on Fort George, and on the 9th, to the twenty mile creek, where he re- ceived reinforcements. The enemy proceeded to invest Fort George, and committed indiscriminate plunder on the inhabitants of the frontier. Tlie thriving village of St. Daviil was entirely destroyed. On the 23d, Gen. Brown fell back to Queeiiston, and Gen. Riall advan- ced. On the 25t]i, in the afternoon, the two armiei again met, near the falls. General Uiall, after sus- taining n severe loss, ordered a retreat. Gen. Drum- tnond, who arrived at Fort George that morning, from Vork, with reiuforoements, ordered an advance. The field was galluitly contested till midnight, when the enemy retirtd to his camp, and thence towards Fort Lnke Ontari* ( »37 ) Erie. The American force in this a*«tion, was about 4000, that of the British, as stated by General Druni- nionii, 2800. The total loss of the latter was 878, of tiio Americans, 854. The British army arrived Ixjfore Fort Eric on the 3d August, and invested the place. On the ] 1th, the American armed schooners Ohio and Somers, aiding in the defence of the place, were carried by 75 British seamen, under Capt. Dobbs. in boats, sonie of which had been carried on men's shoulders from Qucenston. On the mght of the 15th, the British assaulted the Fort and were repulsed with heavy loss, the gallant and amiable Col. Scott, of the 103d, and the intrepid Col. Drummond, of the 104 th, being among the killed. The total loss was 905 ; that of the enemy only 84. After this unfortunate affair, Gen. Drummond con- verted the siege into a blockade. On the ^6th June, transports arrived at Quebec from Bordeaux, with the 6th and 82d Regts. They were or- dered to the .^Jiagara frontier, where they arrived late in August, havt g had to march round Lake Ontario. The principal part of the remainder of the troops which arriv- ed from France, w .re assembled on the Richelieu River, where they were brigaded with the forces already in that quarter, under General De Rottenburg, for the pwrpose of carrying into eftect instructions from England for of- fensive operations against the United States. Great exertions hud for some time previuus, been making on both sides, to ensure a superiority on Lake Champlain. On tlie3d Sept, the British army, amounting to 1 1,000 men, under Sir George Prevost, passed the frontier by Odell Town, and reached Plattsburg with triHing oppo- sition on the 6'th, where the American Gen. Macomb occupied a fortified position with 1500 regulars, and as many of the inhabitaHts, all trained tu arms,, as could be mM4 i^ ( 2.?8 ) <\)l]eetril tVdtn bolli sides oi tlie Lake. Frotn the Glli i«» ilie 1 Ith, battering camioii wi^re bro't up t'rom the rear, and batteries ereeled by tl»e British. On tlie 1 1 th, the British llotii'a tVoin Isle aux Noix, canie up and attaek- fd the Aineric'aii naval force in the IJay ; tlie land bat- teries opened at the same time, and the troops moved to the assault. When they had reached the heights on which the American works were situated, victory dp- ciared itself in favor of the American naval force.* Sir (xeorge Prevost countermanded the orders for the at- tack ; the next morning the whole army retreated, and on the 13th re-entered the Provmce, with a total loss of *J35 men, exclusive of deserters, which on this, as oa every other occasion when the British soldiers entered the enemy*s country, was considerable. On the i7ih Sept. the American forces made a sortif? from Fort Erie, which was repulsed, but with severe loss. On the 2 1 st, the British broke up, and retired upon Chip- pawa. Fort George, and Burlington Heights. On tlm 17th Oct. Sir James Yeo appeared on the Lake, and brought reinforcements and supplies to General Drum- mond, ti»e American squadron, under Chauncey, remain- ing in Sacket's Harbour. On the 5th Nov, the Ame- ricans evacuated Fort Erie, the only military post whicii they held in the Canadas ; a predatory party which pro- ceeded from Detroit, and perietraled more than a hun- dred miles into Upper- Canada, plundering the property, and destroying the dwellings of the loyal inhabitants, having also retired on the approach of a British detach- ment from Burlington HcMglits. Michilimaeinack, which the Amerrcan superiority on Lake Erie and Lake Huron, enabled tijem to attack, hud been gallantly defended by Col. M'Oouall. The enetr.y burnt the esta!)iishment of tiie North West Compaiiy at Sault St. IMarie. Th^ Col. had, however, managrd tu iend parties of Voyageurs and Indians to the head of thr Missisippi, and captured the post of Prairio. du Chit^'' ■ \. retreated, ani ( 239 ) British naval officers aud seamen, sent overland from York, had also captured, in open boats, two American armed .schooners on Lake Huron, and preparations were making to secure the command of that Lake, and even recover that of Lake Krie, with which the former com- municates by Detroit. On the 24th December, 1814, a Treaty of Peaoe be- tween the United States and Great Britain, was signed at Ghent; on the 18th February, 1815, it was ratified and proclaimed at Washington, and on the 9ih March made known at Quebec, by Sir George Prcvost. Neither the close of the war, nor tlie Treaty, was considered in Canada as befittiag the character of Great Britain, a nation who had so recently acted the principal part in reducing the most formidable power that had been known in modern Europe. Men who had beaten the most celebrated troops m the world, in a series of bat- tles from Gibraltar to Bordeaux, were restrained front acting against an inferior force at Tlattsburg, and de- feated and destroyed in an attack on mud breast works at New-Orleans, defended by peasantry and raw levies. The whole conduct of the war, on the part of Great Britain, was considered as extraordinary. When Ca- nada was to be defended, there was a deficiency of the force in which England abounded, ships and seamen, jeopardizing the whole country, notwithstanding the zeal and loyalty of the people, the many mstances of distinguished military skill, and the general gallantry and persevering endurance of the army. When Britain could dispose of a force to act offensively against tlie United States, a few thousand soldiers were sent to an open and populous country, where an European army could operate to advantage, and a large force was sent against distant frontiers, where a regular force could neither act nor subs::c itself, where, in fact, it was infe.. rior to an equal number of militiamen and sharp-shoot- ers, of which description all the inhabitants of these if i ( 24o ) i frontiers con»isted. On the Ocean, Great Britain ex- posed the bravest of her sons to be butchered, or appa- rently disgraced, from an unpardonable ignorance of the superiority of the enemy's ships over those which were sent to contend against them ; and to complete the whole, the officer who had been chiofly instrumental in preserving two of her finest Provinces, was disgraced, and only a scanty reparation offered to his memory, after he had died broken hearted. The impartial and enlightened historian, is, however, alone competent to pronounce on these topics. It is from his judgment that there is no appeal. Its validity has no limit but that of the duration of civilized society . The Population of Canada, at the time of the con- queft, was about 60,000 fouls, including the whole pf the fculcmcnts to Detroit. Ak prefcnt, the po- pulation of Lower-Canada is eilimated at 400,000| about feven-eighths of which are of French defcent, and profefs the Roman Catholic Religion ; the other eighth is compofed of Englifh, Itifh, Scotch, Ger- mans, Americans, and their defcendants. Of thefe, the Americans are now the moft numerous ; the next the Scotch. Till recently, the latter have car- ried on nearly all the exterior trade of Canada. They ;row divide it with the Enelifh, Irifh Sc Americans. There is hardly an inflance of the French defcen- dants, who are, almoO. £xciuiively, called Canadians ■in the country, being engaged in the external trade ; ihey, however, ihare largely in the retail and in- ternal trade. There are, as yet, no manufadtories of note in Canada ; thole of leather, hats and paper, are, however, introduced, and the cloathing of the farmers is generally made in their families. There are two Iron Works in the vicinity of Three Rivers. The landholders are moftiy Canadians, or of Cana- dian connexions. The lands granted by the Crow lance 1796, aic chiefly held by Britiih and Amcr lIM h 'eat Britain ex- hered, or appa- gnorance of the lose which were o complete the instrumental in was disgraced, is memory, after ian, is, however, se topics. It is ^al. Its validity L'lvilized society • ime of the con- ding the whole irefent, the po- rted at 400,000, French defcent, gion ; the other h, Scotch, Ger- ints. Ofthcfe, numerous ; the latter have car- f Canada. They h Sc Americans. French defccn- alled Canadians external trade ; : retail and in- o manufactories hats and paper, cloathing of the imilics. There >f Three Rivers, ins, or of Cana- rd by the Crow itiih and Amer ( 241 ) cans,and fettled by the latter.* Though thefe land* are very cxtenfive, they are not, as yet, of great value, Almoft the whole of the la. mers are Canadi- ans. Very few of them hold upon leafe. They are the owners of the foil ; fubje<j;i only to a very incon- iiderable annual rent (o the Seigneur, or perfon hold- ing immediately from the Crown, and a fine of ai twelfth upon a change of proprietor by fale, or ad equivalent to a fale ; one-fourth of which twelfth is ufually deducted uporn fpcedy payment. The other conditions attached to the tenure, are in no wife burthenfome, according to the cxifting pradice. They chiefly confill in having their grain ground at the feigneurial mill, paying oriC-fourteenth for grinding, and in making and repairing the high- ways pairing through their land, and alfiiting in the bye-roads necelTary for thevfe thereof. Lands held by Roman Catholics, are alfo fubject to the payment of a Tythe of a twcnty-fixth part of all grain, for ihe ufe of the Curate, and to affefTmenls for the building and repair of Churches 8c Parfonage Hou- ses. The trades people, principally, conlill of Ca- nadian'^y and Bri'/ifh fettlers fiace the Conqueit, and their defcendants* Labourers ;^re almofl exclufivety Canadians. The mafs of the Canadian population may, however, be faid to be agriculturalists. There is no iidppier people in the world. Their labour af- fords them the neceffaries of life t no part of it is tak- en from thcm> but what they confider as being for their own ufe. Amon*ft them, ambition and vanity rarely * IJy Americans, is generally undcrltood, tf»e natives of ihe United States of America, whofe parents or themfelves, did not adhere to the Royal Cauff, durin;5 the American war, or who have resided in that country since the peace of 1783^ They are, however, cop-sidered as being permitted to set- tle in Canada, and become Britifti subjefls, under the Acl l^ (ieo. II. cap. 7. intituled, •• An Aft for naturalizing suf h «« Foreign Protestants, and others therein mentioned, a« are " settled, or «ha!I ifttlc, in any of His Majesty's Col«ni«ft ii* ♦♦ .\uiCfLca," O ill •I ( 242 ) I lU r.f it»: U.' t.lH creafc unreal wants, nor envy fours real enjoyments in the ordinary ilate of human happinefsi they are cheerful and lively. To evils beyond their controul, they fubmic with reiignation. They are (Irongly at- tached to their religion, their country, laws, culloms and manners ; and utterly averfe to all innovation. They partake of the French character, fomething in the fame way as the New-Englanders partake of that of Englifhmen. Both have been modified by circnm- ftances, and now differ from their origin. Where there Is plenty of land to cultivate, the man who lives by la- bour, depends only on the Almighcy and himfelf* la America, the independent fpirit of Englifhmen fome- times degenerates into licentious coarfenefs \ the fer- vility of Frenchmen difappears. The Canadian peafant acknowledges fuperiors ^ to them he is refpedlful, but he experts a correfponding attention ; an omiifion in this refpeft, is not eafily forgiven. To his equals he is polite and obliging j inferiors he knows of none : what he pofTelTeSy he owes to his labour, and every welU behaved perfon enjoys the fame means. If one of them ferves the other, he is as one of the family. The Ca- nadian farmer is focial, to a vice ; much of his time IS facrificed to this quality. It is this which prevents the young people from lemovingto a di(>ancs to occupy new lands ; it is this, alfo, which is the fource of that value fet upon the opinion of others, which frequently degenerates into vanity. In his perfon, he is of the middle (ize, firmly made, and active. There is no peo- ple capable of greater fatigue and privation. In thefe, the Canadian is Angularly fupported by the gaiety of his difpofition. His mind is unimproved ^ his ideas confined } his capacity excellent. In worldly concerns, he reafons and adts only from his own expe ience, his feelings, or fome long received maxims. He is ex- tremely mi/lruftful of what he reads or hears, particu- larly when it does not come from thofe of his own clafs. In fpiritual concerns, he is guided by his Curate ^ who. i ( ^43 ) if he wiflies to ftand well with hiniy mud meddle with nothing elfe* The Sovereign of Canada is the K.ing of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of which Cana- da \i a dependancy. His authority is limited by the Laws of Great Britain, and by the Capitulations of ihe Province. The sovereign legislative authority y is in His Majefty and the two Houiesof Parliament. Ths au- thority, is again li.nited, by the Capitulations, and its own Ads 5 the moft remaikable ct which is, the Adt x8th Geo. HI* cap. 12. confirmed by 31ft Geo. \il» cap. 31. which declares that no taxes ihall be impofed on the Colonies but for the regulation of trade, and ' 'lat the proceeds of fuch taxes, ihall be applied to and for the ufc of the Province, in fuch manner as ih.Ul be dU reeled by any law or laws which may be made by His Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, by and with the ad- vice and confentof theLrsiflative Council and AHem- bly of the Province. The Provincial Legislature^ e- rented by the aforefard Aft, 31ft Geo. \\\, cap. 31. {1791) confifts of His Majefty, adting by the Gover- nor, or perfon adminiftenng the Government of the Province for His Majefty ^ f a Legiflative Council, of not lefs than 15 members, appointed by His Majesty for life, under lome exceptions 5 of a Houfe of Alfem- bly, of not lefs than 50 members, elected for 4 years, by His Majefty's fubjetts refident within the Piovince, and poftefled, for their own uieand benefit, in the Coun« ties, of real property to the yearly value of 40/. flerling ; m the Towns, of the yearly value of ^5 fterling, or. paying rent to the amount of yf 10 fterling. It is em- powered to make laws for *' the peace, weUaie and good government'* of the Province, fuch laws not being repugnant to the above Adt. The Governor, in His Majefty*s name, afl'embles, prorogues, and diftblves^ the Twd Houfes. They muft be called together once in every twelve calendar months. All queftions arifing in either oi the two Houfes, are decided by the majoiiiy O z iff'' Jill." . ^1 ( 244 ) ©f the members preicnt. The Governor gives, with. h>ld^; and referves for the further (igniiicaiion of Ilia Maje(^y*s pleafure, the Royal Sandlion to Bills propoled by the two other Branches. La\^;s aiTented to by the Covernory may be difall>wed by His IVlajedy within two years. His Majelly cannot allent to any Atl or A£ls «i)'ed^ing the enjoyment of the Dues of the Clergy of the Church of R me, or affecting the eftabliihment of the Church of England within the Province. - the provilions made for the fam^, or the enjoyment or ex. ercife of any religious form or mode of worAiip, or ere- iiiiig penalties, burthens, difabilities or difquaiitications on that account, or granting or impoting any new Dues in favour of any Minsfters of any form of worfliip, or aliening the prerogative touching the granting of the wafte lands of the Crown, without fuch Adts having b«-n 30 days before both Houfes of the Briti/h Parlia. ment, and n'^ither of the Houfes having addreifed His Majefty not to fandlion the fame. The Laws in fores in Lower- Canada, are: ill. The A£ts of the British Parliament which extend to the Colonies. 2i. Capi. tulations and Treatie^. 3d. The Laws and Cuilums of Canada, founded principally on the Cudomof Parib, the Edicts of the French Kings, and their Colonial Au- thoritici, and the Roman Ci;il Law. 4th. The Cri- mmal Law of England, as it (lood in 17749 and <is ex- plained by fubfequent declaratory Statutes, ^th. The Ordinai;\ces of the Governor and Council, eftablifhcd by the Aft of that year ; and, 6th. the Adts of the Provincial Legiflature fincrt 1793. Thefc Laws are executed in His Majc.-y's name, s.nd, in virtue of his Comniis- sion and lullructions, by the Governor, or perfon adminiftcrinj tUe government, by the means of a number of inferior officers, all of whom, with a few ex( eptions, he appoints during pleasure* The Governor alfo polfclTes all other powers and prerogatives, generally, which Hii Majefty may legally enjoy, and delcj^atcs to him. The Judiciary confiUs of a Chief juHiccof the Pro- vince, and three TuisnC Juftices for the Diitrid of Quebec, a Chief jullicc anil thtce Puifnc Jufticcs for Montreal, a Provir. rial jiuigc for Thrce-Rivcrs, aud one for Gafpe. Th *: Puliac it <uii4<inilloicd by Julliccs of the Peace. ( 245 ) LIST OF GOVERNORS of Canada, since the Province wtut erected into a Royal Government^ in WCa, and the time v^hen they began to govern. ^1' I May 23 Sept \z Sept. 9 Od. . 3 Aug. 28 Nov. 14 Sept. 17 Sept. 2 Sept. 25 Sept. 16 /"ug. 7 Aug. 10 July, 21 Nov. 30 June Sieur de Mely . • Sieur de Courceiles Sieur de Frontenac Siieur de la Barre Sieur Marquis de Nonville Sieur de Frontenac Sieur Chevallier de Callieres Lc Sieur Marquis de Vaudreuil Le Sieur Marquis de Bsauharnois Sieur Comte de la Gaiiilioniere Sieur de la Jonquiere Sieur Marquis du Quel'ne deMenneville Sieur de Vaudreuil de Cavagnal James Murray Paulus Emilius kvine (Prrfident) Guy Carleton, Lt« Gov. & Com.inCh. 24 5ept, Guy Carleton, - - 26 Od.. Hedor T, Cramahe, (Prefident) 9th Aug. Guy Carleton, - - iithOd. Fudcricic Haldimand, Kenry Hamilton, Lt. Gov. ami Com. in Chi Henry Hope, Lt. Gov. and Com. in Ch. Lord Uorchefter, Governor Genl. Alured Clarke, Lt. Govr. and Com.inCh. Lord Dorrhcfter, - 24 6'ept. Robert Prefcott, - - Sir Robert S. Milnes, Bart. Lt. Gov. 31ft Ji»'y, Hon. Thomas Dunn, (PreliJent) 3iftji^ly> Sit J. H. Craig, K. B. Gov. Genl. 24th Odl. Hon. Thomas Dunn, (Prefident) igch june, Sir Geo»'ge Prevost, Bt. Govr. Genl. 14th Sept. Sir G. Drunimond, G.C.B. Ad.in Ch. 4th April, John Wilson, Adruinistrator, - - 22d May, Sir.!. C. Sherbrooke, G.C.B. Gov. Gl. 12th July. Duke of Richmond, K. G. Gov. Gl. 3uth July, Hon. James Monk, (President,) f20th Sept. EarlofDalhousie, G. C B. Gov. GL 18 June, 1820, O 3 663 665 672 682 68s 689 699 705 726 747 749 75* 755 763 766 766 768 770 774 / 784 ' 78s 786 791 793 796 799 805 8c7 811 811 815 816 816 818 819 V- ■■ %{ a- 3 CO n Q 3 RIv. o c Montreal Quebec, o P O " s -« ♦* P c ■ - §-^ O -2^" > a-'* 2. I I P o I • o n ff^ *T3 n • n a 3 n • Ol. >-* Cu A a 3 a O n n P o o 3 a TJ •n •^^ lb rt» 1 1 I • f S-^ o no :- OS <^ 3'> ^ a ™ o *• 3 a. 3 • Has "1 o o c n S ft 3 - -1 & 3 4 • I 2 ft] < a n« O 3 3 ;« O o * to — 1 I o »- • I to — to CO lO o o w rr : o ^ 3 P I CO K) : o : « I o I • o o ST to 5 I CO ^ : - CO : to lo : CO : S3 10 tr CO to o o 3 O 1 5 ft) at Oci o 2 la • • 3 •n CO - g r o p o 5 c «> ST IS. ft ^ *i • O CO o : CO I CO I lO i CO o lO o I CO to ►fa. ^ I I CO to o o A p IO~^ P 3 3 ? i s- ? 9 ? ^ 1 o I o to * CO n 2 _ "1 s< o- 55' 2 to I i CO •-* o o to ; i CO • O • I to o lO I CO o to o CO to o > o 3> en n ■ •^3 O to I CO o to ca 5? to «j c tart o H W ?« S w CO o W O Q ?^ CO O a CO O c. DO ' o io5 to CO ^ O - ai c Q ^ W ^. 1 o • • • > • « o • « tf> • « r* • * • to ; . cr> O . > (TJ • r->. « i O . r> • r» • • to < S M CO O CO O Q ?^ CO O c: CO I— » O 5 *^ fPh. Hooper, 2 c I J. B. Chevalier, B ;£ < Jean Robitaille, .25 «^ I Fin. Campbell, '-*^ I CI. F. Grenier, ^Germain Lepage, Joseph llobichau, Paschal Michau, Jos. April, Marc Ant. Souci, Abraham Martin, Pierre Dancosse, Hilaire Gagnon, J. B. Bonenfant, ^ Benjamin Dionne,' Jean Labrie, s o > o Demeures. Ville de ' Quebec. 247 Tableau general des Huissicrs de la Cour du Banc du Hoi pour le District de Quebec. Michel Landry, Huissier Audiencier, Joseph Plamondon, Assistant do. Etenduc de leur ressort. Jos. F. Pageot, Jos. Huot, Frs. Robitaille, Ths. Cookson, J. B.V. Arnoux,^ " Isle Vertc. Riviere des Caps. St. Andre* Louis Caron, "^ L. C". Gauvreau, f Kamoii* Frs. April, r raska. S. Chamberland,J Laurent Gagnon, \ Rividre J Quelle. Ste. Anne. , St. Rjc::. ^Joseph Dessaint dit St. Pierre, St. Roch. Jean Francois Caron, St. Jean Port Joli. Michel Morin, L' Islet. Frs. Boule et Ls. Riverint St. Thomas. Francois Malherbes, ( Cap St. Ignace. St. Valier, St. Gervais. St. Charies. St. Michel. Pointe htsi. ^< r Joseph Roy, (ruillaume Audet dit Laix)inte, Modeste Bourassa, ^ Louis Coutin, dit Dugal, f Michel Begin et Ls. Leblondt o j5 I iViJcnei joegin ei; 4 ^ a I Jean Bouimrd, tS 2 Ch. Couillard Hel Bourassa, 1 St. ^ I Ch. Couillard Hebert, | J Henri 2*5)^ Fran9ois Gagnon, St. Michel. § J I C. Parent etJ. B, Begin, Ste. Marie N. Beauce. Q ^ I Antoine Hamel, *^'' '-^ -= pq L Pierre Leclerc, , rRomain Valliere, ^^ 1 Joseph Thibodeau, §'■§ I Nicolas Perrault, S t, Francois Lefebvre, Louis Poulin, Elie Bouchard, Chrisostome Tremblay, _ Duis Claveau, Orleans— Franc, ois Dcmcule, IIJEl Ste. Croix. Lotbiniere. St. Augustin. Poruieuf. Deschambault. Grondines. Ste. Anne. Bale St. Paul. Lboulemens. Malbaie. St. Jeua. It; ' ' r.-^ . ' ■! , "*" . - I', •■'Hi V^'^.- rrf \ I '.I If.., i^' ■ •!> Sterling. 050 o o o 22 o 59 o 6 9 ( 248 ) DUTIES payable in this Province under feveral Afts of the Parliament of Great Britain, viz : 25th Char lbs II* chap 7. Sterlg. On Ginger - pr, cwt. Logwood - do* Fuilick and all dying wood 4<-* Tobacco pr *>• Indigo dfu Cocoa Nuts df>, 6th. Geo* II* «.i ip* 13. On foreign Sugars or Pannelles pr* cwr. 4th. Geo. III. chap* 15. On foreign white or clayed Sugars pr* cv/* Ditto Indigo. pr* lb* Ditto Coffee. do* cwt. Madeira 1 Fayal >Wine8* pr. Tun TenerifFe j From Great ^ Portugal Spa- ) -,,. , u * 1 -/L J ^1 t Wines* do* Britain* ( nifh and other J ' 6 Geo. Ill* chap* 52d« On Britifli plantation Coffee^ pr. cwt* MolaiTes - - - pr* Gal* British Pimento pr* lb* 14 Geo. III. chap. 88* For every gallon of Brandy or other Spirits of the manufacture of Great Britain - • For every gallon of Rum or other Spirits which (hall be imported or brought from any of his Majefly's Sugar Colonies in the Weft Indies — •?- I or every gallon of Rum or other Spirits which ihall be imported or brought from any other of his Majef^y*s Colonies or dominions n America •— — 009 o o o 10 o o o o 7 o o o I 003 o o ( «49 ) For every gallon of foreign Brandy, or other Spirits '■'' foreign mapuf^AUk • irnport.vJ or brough. Vom Great Er'taia — Tor every ^ allon of p um or Spirits of the ; ro- duce c mar ?*adture of any of the Colonies or Pla ^.atioi s in America, not in the p'jl"- feilion or und'^r thf. dciinion of his Majes- ty, imported from any otiicr place except Great Britain — — For every gallon of Molalfcs and Syrups which "hall be imported or brought into the Pro- vince in (hips or velTels belongmg to his M^et^y*s fubjedls in Great Britain or Ire- land, or to his Majeity's fubje£ts in ibis Province — — For "very gallon of MolaflTes and Syrups which fliall be impc»'ted or brou^jht into the Pro- vince, in any other (hips or vjflels, in which the fame may be legally imported O I o O I o 003 o o 003 ADDITIONAL DUTIES laid on by the Provincial Parliament ; Ads 33d Geo. III. Cap. 8, 35th. Geo. III. Cap. 9. and 41ft. Geo. III. Cap. 14. For every gallon foreign Brandy or other Spi- rits of foreign manufacture For every gallon Rum or other Spirits except Britifh manufa£*^'ired Spirits, imported from Great Britain or Ireland For every gallon of Molaffes and Syrups For every gallon Madeira Wine, by one A£t 4d, by another 2d — For every gallon other Wine, by one A£l 2d by another id Fox every pound Loaf or Lump 5ugar o o o o 3 3 o 6 o o o o 3 i U V M ^■'i^'l| «; i [5^|.i| I".?:' i ( 250 ) For every pound Mufcovado or CJaycd Su^ar For every pound Coffee For every pound Leaf Tobacco For every pack of Playing Cards For every minot of Salt On Snuff or flour of Tobacco p. lb. On Tobacco manufactured in any other vray than into Snuff or flower or powder, ... ] o o J o c 2 o o % O X o 4 o 4 o o o 003 DEDUCTION OF WEIGHT. On Coffee Bags or Bales, 3 pounds for every loolb. In Calks 12 ditto, fur every loolb. Mufcovado and 1 in Ca(ks or Boxes, 12 pounds for Clayed Sugar J every looib. Loaf and Ltjmp Sugar :n Calks or Boxes, tj pounds for every loolb. Leaf Tobacco in Calks — — — 12 pounds foi every loclb. Leakage on Wines y Spiritous Liquors and Mc* lajfes. Three Gallons on every Hundred Gallons. Wajit of Articles fubjcH to Duties by Weight. An allowance of three pounds on every hundred pounds On Salt—- an allowance of wafte of thiee Minots on every 100 Minots. Salt landed below the eafl Bank of the River Sague- nai, on the north fide of the St, Lawrence and below the ead Bank of the River of the Grand Mitts on the fouth fide is not fubjedl to duty. DRAWBACK. ^herejhall he allpnved by the ColleBor^ four pence on every Bulhel of Salt exported from th/^ Port of Quebes toany place beyond the above Limits Seven pence on every Tierce of Salmon, and four pence on every Barrel of falted Beef or Pork, or falted Fiih of any fort exported from this Province. it « 4J. ( 251 ) New and Additional Duties. New and adJit'iDnal Duties impofed by the ProvincU al Ad 45th Geo. 3d, cap. 13, intituled, <« An Adt to '< provide for the ereding of aCornmon Gaol in each <* of the Diilt-idts of Quebec and Montreai refpedive* « ly, and the means for defraying the Eypences there* << of." • On Bohea Tea, per lb. * Souchong or other B'.ack Teas, Hyfon Tea, All other Green Teas, Spirits, or other ftrong liquors per Engliih gallon, - - - $</• Wines, • • do. •)</• MolaHTes and Syrops, do. • 2</. * All Goods, Wares, Merchandifes and Effedli (vfith certain exceptions,) ^hat fhall be put up to Au&ion or Outcry, sj per cent on the V4« lue at which faid goods &c. ihali be (old or adjuged. • New Duties — Thofe on Spirits, Wines, Molaf« fes and Syrops, are in addition to what is aU ready impofed upon them The Duties impofed by the above Ad are to con* tlnue for fix years from the paflTing thereof, 'v'tx : the 25th March 1S05; and are to be raifed, levied and cotleded, and paid in the fame manner and form, ani under the fame Rules and Regulations, (Penalties ana Forfeitures, as are by Law now efiablifhed for the levy- ing and coileding of other Rates and Duties, with the fame allowance for leakage and forthe wafte of articles by weight, fubjed to the faid Duties. A Duty of tiuo and a half per cent, on the Invoice Value of ALL GOODS IMPORTED, not already fub« jed to duty, excepting Salted Beef and Pork, Salt Fiih, F^ih Oil, Wheat and Peafe, Furs and Skins. ^'M i.i 'tl h , ■ ii I'v "^1 ( 2Z2 ) WEIGHT md VALUE of COLD and SILVER COINS Current in the Province, in Curnncy, and Livres and SoU* GOLD. Coins. Englijh^ Portuguej'e C3 J met nun A Guinea A Half do, A Third do. A JohaniKs A Haf do. A Moidore An Eagle A Ha f do. Spanifr and French, A Doubloon A Hairdo, A Louis D'ofj co- ined before 179 A Fiftole, do. do. The 40 francs coined flnce The 20 francs ., Jo. ICS, I 1791 J vvei Km. dwtf •grs 5 6 1 »5 I 18 18 9 6 18 1 1 6 5 '5 17 8 12 5 4 4 4 8 6 4 3 SILVER Coins. A Crown An Engliik Shilling A Dollar A Piltareen AFr.Crowncoln- > ed before 1793. > AFr. pieceof4iiv ? lo sols Tournoist j The American Dollar The 6 francs French piece, CO Ded iince 17929 The 5 francs do. do. j 1 o o 4 2 I 2 I I. 3 1 1 7 o o 10 10 5 d. 4 8 9i o o o o o i7 2 18 16 18 6 3 8 3 2 o o o o o o 6 o o o 5 I 5 I S 6 4 2 5 o 5 6 4 8 OldC. jrrcncy. Lit/, «So/i, 28 14 9 <f 96 48 36 60 30 89 8 44 »4 *7 4 21 i& 6 12 I 6 6 T 4 6 12 S 6 ind SILVER Currtncyt and Old Currency, Lit/, Solst 28 H 9 <f 96 48 36 60 30 89 8 44 14 *7 4 21 18 6 12 I 6 I 6 5 6 6 o 4 12 o ( 253 ) All the different denominations of the ibove Coins pafs current. Two pence fart bwg is allowed for every grain underor over weight, on EngliHi, Portuguefe and American Gold ^ and Two pence and one fifth on Spa- nifli and French. — Payments in Gold above jC^^t <nsy be made in bulk; En^lijh, Portuguefe and American ac 891. per ox ; French and Spanijh at ^^fl^\ deducing half a grain for each piece. Rates of Foreign Coins and Currencies in the U* States Dollars. Cents. Pound Sterling of Great 13ritain, Livre tournois of France, Florin, or guilder, of the Netherlands, Marc banco of Hamburg, Rix dollar of Denmark, Rial of Plate of Spain, Do. of Bellon, Milree of Portugal, - - - Pound Sterling of Ireland, - Talc of China, - - - - Pagoda of India, . « . . Rupee of Bengal, 4 1 o 1 4 1 1 44 18^ 40 33i 10 5 24 10 48 94 55i A Table of the Weight and Valve of Foreign Coins, United Statci. English Guinea, French Louis, Johannes, - - Moidore, - - Doubloon, - - Spanish Pistole, French Pistole, French Crown, Spanish Dollar, English Shilling, Pistareeii^ « - dwt. gr. L. 6. d. 5 6 1 1 5 '■> 1 18 3 12 6 18 1 7 16 21 3 6 4 6 16 6 4 4 16 19 5 17 4 6 3 18. 10 3 11 xoj E. d. ct. ra 4 66 7 4 60 1 6 6 1 4 93 3 3 77 3 3 66 7 1 10 1 22 2 e 90 'i ( 254 ) W: .,■♦■. I. 1 w if ^■■*' . 'a t r r i k> ■ ^0 turn any given Currency Into any Currency required* Rule I* Let the value of the Spanifh Dollar be ex- prcflcd in Shillings, or Pence, in each of the Cur- rencies, writing them in form of a Fraction, and making the < '^^^^JJ^'^^ f Currency the T^ • ^ > o£ the Fraction. Denominator ^ Reduce this Fraftion to its leaft terms, and it will ferve as a conftant Multiplier, by which any fum of the given Currency being Multiplied, it will becon« verted into the Currency required. N. B. When the Fraction is not an improper one the Multiplier will become a Divifor. ExAMP. T9 form a rule for changing Sterling at 4/6. pr. Dollar into New- York at 8/. pr. Dollar. Here Sterling is given, and York required: The Dollar J York is 8/. or 96 Pence Numerator, \ Sterling 4/6. or 54 Pence Denominator. Therefore |^ is the Multiplier fought, which reduced to its leaft terms becomes '^ or i|.,therefore if Sterling be multiplied by 16 and divided by 9 the refult will be York, thus, ^y is the fame as 2 into |, but |. is the fame as i lefs \, therefore z into |- is equal to 2 into I lefs ^, which is that Rule, expref- fed fliorter thus, '•^==2x|-=:2xi^. rr . - A !• • 4.^ S Currency or Halifax, add Toturnfterhngintoj ^^^ ' ' Currency into 1 a"'"^1- ^ I Army pay, . • * S Sterling, Army pay mto ^ Currency, AHalfJocis^i 16 ofterl. a o ocur* A Guinea is i t o -^3 4 A Dollar is o 4 6 050 rax, add 11-9 add 1-27 dedua t-IO dedua -I*; dedu£l 1-28 add 1-14 X 17 4 army 1 I 9 048 tncy required* dollar be cx- ofthe Cur- Fraftian, icy the Sy and it will tl any fum of t will be con. •roper one the srling at 4/6. •liar. • The Dollar y itor. er fought, iccomea l^ itiplied by il be York, ut |. is the is equal to le, expref- • ax, add 11. 9 add i<.27 dedua deduct dedudl add I 17 4 I I 9 :> 4 8 t-io •15 X.2S 1-14 army ( 25s ) TABLE of Interest at 6 per Cent. TABLE d*Interets a 6 par Cent. iWeek j. </. q. Month s* d» q. 3 Mon. d* q» 6Mon. s </. q. I Year. s, d» q» I I 003 2 I 3 012 • 3 2 I 020 2 4 2 I I 023 M M 5 6 I I 3 1 * 3 2 032 •'4 I a 7 8 I 2 I I I I 22 ^ 3 050 052 9 2 I 2 300 61 10 2 I 3 3^ 070 I I I 3 2 7 120 ^ 2 2 I 7 I 2 240 • (It Q 30 40 5° 3 1 I 2 3 2t 4 3 6 I I 10 3 2 I 6 I 2 3 9 a 4 a 0; 3 7 490 600 P 60 I 3 2 7 8 I I 2 9 2 I 3 4 70 720 2 o| 840 8'o 100 2 I 2 2 3 I 9 2 10 3 2 2 3 4 3 8 ; 4 6 92970 4^ 1090 001200 /. i. ^. /. S. t/. /. . 20 006 2 a 30 g 40 t ^0 009 X 017 > 1 I 3 4 5 6 70 S 80 I 90 2 00 7 8 I X « 90 ^ 100 230 2 6|0 9 10 I X 1000 I 5 Oi 5 o| P 15 2 6 o 9 o 12 o 15 o 18 o I o 4 o 7 o 10 o o o ^.[/. o o I X I 2 2 2 3 30 5. d* 12 o 18 o 4 o 10 o 16 o 2 O 8 o 14 o o o o o /. s» d» X 4 o t 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6a 16 o 8 o o o 12 O 4 o 16 o 8 o o o o o ( 2s6 ) ■A. ■ ■ i >"■ Iv,.-' '»' milk i'''m H Roads and Dijiances From Quebec to Halifax. Miles From Point Levi to the Portage, - - - - no Acrofs the Portage to Lake Timiscouata, - - 36 From tlience to the Forks of Madawaska, - - 40 From thence to the Great Falls, - - - - 40 Fr.>m thence to Frcdcrickton, - - « - - 124 From tlKnce to St. John's, - - - - • - 79 Thence to Halifax, -------- 189 4 From Quebec to Mkbtltmacktnacb , To Montreal - - 180 To Coteau du Lac - 225 To Cornwall - - 266 To Matilda - - 301 To Au-ufta - - 335 To Kingfton - - 385 ^ To Niagara (or to York,) 525 To Fort Erie - - 560 To Detroit - - 790 To Michilimackinack - 1107 fr rom Q^uebcc to Boston, To St. Giles Ireland, Shi pton. St. Francois 501s, - Forks in Ascot, The Lines, - - ^helheld, Linden, Haverhill, - Dartmouth College, Bu(lon« • • 30 30 16 22 18 146 *3 35 III £i8 364 I ' |r>» ( ^n ) From ^ehtc to Albany t If rom Quebec to Montreal iPo Lapr^irie - St. John's Ifle aux Noix - •"%' Windmill Point^^-*^* ^ Savages Point • John Martin's - *w • Sandbar - " Burlington - • Dr. Smirh's Skeen(borough Fort Ann • * 4Sandy-HiII - /• Tort- Edward *• Dumont*s ferry En'ign*s Stillwater Waterford Flaf-ts Albany fSa y M 12 6 6 >4 14 t 12 10 1 1% 8 10 7 From Albany to Savannah , (Qeorgia*) To New- York, - - - fp Philadelphia, . . - - Annapolis (Maryland) Williamfburg, (Virginia) Cape-Fear River, (N. C.) Charlefton, (S. C.) - - - Savannah, (Georgia) . - - From Albany to Bofton, ToPittsfield, "Northampton, - . - Worcefter, » - - Bofton, . • • * 165 95 '*I40 ]6i 185 150 ^90 89 4iy 260 400 S6i 746 896 11S6 tf 37 43 44 77 177 7-; •*ij: |.::. |-V [ ■ 1« ■» IH COT^ENTS. mijt ^-^ OMMON Notes and Calendar, Diameter of the Pluiets, Tide Table, ... Equation Table, . . , ' Chronological Table,,* - - --^ - Remarkable Events <ff our owb time8,*i| ;^- ^ ClTIIr f.IST OF LOWER-(^l^ADA. Governor, tegiglature, executive Council, Public Officers and Q>nuni«iionenj^ - - , 't:^ Courts of Justice, ' - - . . Justices of the Peace, - ' - • \ ^" ,. Advocates, - - "* -* -,*'- " . Public Notaries, -, *;' . . Surveyors, - - - " - . ^ . Physicians and Surgeons, ^ - * . Trinity House, Pilots and Rates, &c* Officers of the Customs« - « . General Po?it Office, >- \i - -^ MILITIA OF L(TWER.CANA|>A. Stair and Offices, ■ - . - » . EjCCLEShASTICAL STATE OF CAMADA. Clergy Oft^JSfc(Mi«hed Church, . :/. . ■ I ■ Churcbl aMly roe and Convents, • . . . , II . iii t i Mia i ^Churcitlipeotland, . , . » Scho<nbiiijuitecit - -^ - Ic^ftnd C^aHUMe Institcitions, ~ %' 33 34 55 36 38-57 59 60 67 68 73 75 78 83 87-153 156 J' 159 ' 170 IT2 174.179 180 184 193 ♦^ p|^ ,„- .,. . .„. - • Ji^ITAltY REGISI^IL THeCanadiis, ^ - * - Nova S6otia9^Ne#p|runswick, and their dependencies, and the Bermildtts, &c. '- Governor and PiVbipal Officers of Nova-Scotia, New. Brunswick, Prince Edwitrd Island, pape Breton and Newfoundland, * - - * .,^ 4 19^ APPENDIX. Geographical Description of the "Wori^, - • 208 Account af Great Britaip, . a - • 210 List of His Mipsty's Ministers, - 21 1 Kings of England, -- . « . ^ . 2l2 An Account of Canada, '- .^ - • . S15 eovernors Rmco 1663, - - - * - 845 dm.^ terms, . - • . ^ . 246 li^ millfts, . * - *-% 247 Dutie - ; ^:<' 7 &^ additional Dutieii . - 848 Weight a < '^tei* of Current Coin, • 952 Rale t-* twrii one CitiiTency into another, - 254 Intv?r*:'j| !^'ab;^ • ' - , « ■- S'iS \ ■ :> DA." )Iic ^• ADA. ncies. New- »ni and 33 34 35 OS 38.57 59 60 67 68 73 75 78 83 87-1^3 156 J- 159 ' 170 172 174-179 180 184 198 ■- i*y 19^ 208 210 2U 212 215 245 246 247 S43 952 254 955 256 •%4 ^