IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4^0 1.0 1.1 11.25 ■^ Uii 12.2 Its m ■ 4.0 IIUu ^1^ 6" Photographic Sciences Corporation m \ ;V \\ ^^ 33 WEST MAIN STREET VtfEftSTER,N.Y. 14580 (716)173-4503 Cs 4s THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST The Canada North-West Land Co. Limited OFFER FOR SALE WITHOUT CULTIVATION OR SEHLEMENT RESTRICTJORS 5,000,000 ACHES OF CHOICE FARMING LANDS INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING FAVORITE FARMING DISTRICTS SOUTHERN MANITOBA REOINA DI8TRI0T QU'APPELLE DI8TRI0T 80URI8 D18TRI0T M008E MOUNTAIN Town Lots in ihe Rising Towns and Cities on the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway HKAD OPFIOC - 76 Loenbard Str««t, London, K.O., England NfAD OPfiei FOR OANADA ^ •« Klnf Stroot Caot, Toronto THE MAIL PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, TOMNTB CANADA A. L. COLVILLE, Agent, CAMPBELLPORD ALL THIS COMPANY'S SECTIONS ARE SELECT The Canadian North- West, indnditifi^ Manitoba, is now recognized as the Great Wheat and Grain Producins: Country of the World. The Lands of the CANADA NORTH-WEST LAND COMPANY are situated in the most desirable parts of this fertile Country, and are offered at Low Prices, without Settlement or CultiTation Conditions. INTENDING SETTLERS Shoald examine the Hst of Lands for Sale by the CANADA NOBTH-WEST LAND CO. Limited COMPRISING 5,000,000 ACRES Dl«trlbirt«d throHgh fh« Most Fertila and D«sirabla parts off Manitoba and tho Canadian North-Weat THE RAILWAY BELT The Company offer for sale choice sections throughout the Canadian Pacific Railway Main Line Belt, and in the vicinity of all the Towns and Cities on the line west of Portage la Prairie. These include all the following numbers undis- posed of: 1, 9, 13, 21, 25, 33, and in the neighbourhood of Regina and Moosomin, all odd numbered sections except School Sections. SOUTHERN MANITOBA-. SOURIS. -MOOSE MOUNTAIN All Canadian Pacific Railway Lands south of the Railway belt have been acquired by this Company. This tract includes Southern Manitoba and the well- known Souris and Moose Mountain Districts. AN ADVANTAGEOUS SELECTION The Company's lands extend over such an immense area of excellent country, and include such a great diversity of the best agricultural land, that an almost unlimited selection is offered, which cannot fail to meet the requirements of all settlers, whether they intend to follow stock, grain, or mixed farming. FAVOURABLE TERMS The lands are offered without conditions as to settlement or cultivation. Usual Terms are : One-sixth Cash ; balance in five equal annual instal- ments. Interest at Six per cent, per annum, payable in advance. Canadian Pacific Railway Land Grant Bonds taken at ten per cent, premium and accrued interest A Farm in the North 'IT" /"/f/^ 3 /^ riONS ARE SELECTED AGRICULTURAL LANDS -\> ^ir' The Towns and Cities on the Main Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the distributing points for the adjacent country, which is rapidly fiUlngf up with sattlers, offer an inviUnff field for capital, enterprise, and mechanical sldlL Merchants, Meclianics, Tradesmeii And all who Intond maklnf thalr homes in the pregrennivs Trade Oantraa of tho North-Woaf Should consider the advantages of the Railway Towns and Cities, with thatr conveniences of communication and prospects of rapid growth and development \ The Company offer Lots for sale at all stations along the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Brandon west to British Columbia, including the following places REGINA QUAPFELLE MOOSEJAW BROADVIEW M0030MIN VIRDEN ALEXANDER . OAK LAKE GRENFELL WHITEWOOD USUAL TERMS One-third Cash ; balance in six and twelve months. Interest at eight per cent [)er annum on unpaid principle A LIBERAL REBATE ALLOWED FOR BUiLOIHG 1 - Why toil against overwhelming odds to restore the lost vitality of Impoverished Farms, when millions of acres Of virgin soil of inexhanstible fertility lie ready for immediate cultivation, in the Lands offered at Low Prices by the CANADA NORTH- WEST LAND COMPANY? '.!L;;i'' ^ CANADA NORTH-WEST LAND CO.liinitBil , * 5,000,000 ACRES Tlie Most Productive Agricultural Land XZflT MAWTOBA AND THE CANADIAS HORTH-WEST Town Lots In th« rapidly growing Towns and Oltlos on tho lino of tho CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE ORCAT TRANS-OONTINCNTAI. ROUTE OF AMERIOA For Mapo« Priooo and full partioulara oonooming all Lands and Town Lots offorod by tho Company, apply to tholr Agonts as follows ALEX. BAIN, 360 Main Street, WINNIPEG, Man. J. p. FRAME, Virden, Man. A. G. THORBURN, Broadview, N.W.T. ' SALTER M. JARVIS, Qu'Appelle Station, N. W.T.. Troy P.0.% N.W.T. ALEX. L. LUNAN, Regina, N.W.T. M. H. WHITE ERASER, Moos^aw, N.W.T. ^ OLIVER. NEFF. Moosomin, N.W.T. oxi. fro ^r: Heed Office for Canada, 05 King Street East, Toronto E. B. OSLER, ) M «* ni . W. B. SCARTHJ ; ■ ""**fi^°» Directors F. J. COSLINC, Secretary