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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPy RtSOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^ -jPPLIED IIVMGE Inc 16b3 EosI Horn Street Roctiesler New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fa, CATALOGUE y or* A Magnificent Collection of Valuable ^ books J 'l-t> l>e asold tay Public Auction AT THE UNDERSICWEP'S SALESROOMS. 1828 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. g:>'-SviS?tQ>^Si^S>iS>tS;{S^tS?:S>tc^-i f.®:^S;tSii~9 TUr Hi n\ m w mm, m. Commencing at 7.30 o'clock each Evening. g^;S?:S?tS;~e>i3?vS>tS>tSitS;;QrtS;t&;S?IS>f /W/. h-mmuh <.i 2 Adams (W. II. D.)— Heroes of the Cros.-, a Series of Biographical Studies ot bamts, Martyrs, and Christian Pioneers dnib 1.75) 1880 3 Songs of Society, from Anne to Victoria, with Copious Notes (pub 1.25); also Smith (L. A.) Through Homany Song-Land, a Collection of (jrypsy bongs (pub 1.25); together 2 vols 1880-89 •1 AnBOT (Captain James)— Narrative of a Journey from Herat to Khiva Moscow , and St Petersburg during the late Ku.=sian Invasion at Khiva' with map and portrait, 2 vols, 8vo (pub 6.00) ]884 .^.J '^t? r'""*^ 7'" """l" '■"P^y Pe'"»«'' 'J"l"c most intrinsically valuable portion is ncrhai.i hat which relates to th. writer's adventures in Klmurisin, and at the Court of Khiva • L it Sc^'-J'UX-.s'/"'''"'"'' " ''""'""'' '"'"'*' *° "'" "•'<=''=''•"' "'' I^""*'"" character' and 5 Agnew (Sir A.)~The Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, their 'l;orcbears and Friends, their Courts and Customs of their Times with Notes of the Early History, Ecclesiastical Legends, the Baronage and Place-Namcs of the Province, 2 fine photogravures and 21 wood engraving.?, 2 vols (pub 6.00) 1893 C AiNSWORTH (William Francis, Surgeon and Geologist to the Expedition)— A Personal Narrative of the Euplirates Expedition, with map 2 vo)= . 8vo (pub 8.00) '' 1888' ' Crammed with recondite learning.'— 5i James's Gazeltf. 7 AiTKEN (Prof Sir W.)— The Science and Practice of Medicine, enlarged edition, to a great extent rewritten, remodelled, and carefully revised with numerous engravings, 2 vols (pub 10.00) 1880 A standard work for Students and Practitioners. 8 Alison's History of Europe, from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the liestoration of. the Bourbons m 1815; the Favourite Cabinet Edition, with Marginal Notes and Cop' > Index and portrait of the Author, 20 vols ; including also the Atlas of -Joloured Maps and Plans, 4to, together 21 vols (pub 45.00) 1848-52 9 Alpine Travel- Conway (Sir William Martin)— The Alps from End to End [a 'Ihnlling Record of Travel, Adventure, and Sport in traversing the Alps from their Southern Extremity to Ankogl, the last snowy peak in the direction of Vienna], large paper edition, elegantly printed in large type on thick hand-made paper, with 100 full-page engravings, reproduced from drawings taken on the spot by A D M'Cormick, thick royal 8vo (420 pages), neatly bound in half vellum gilt, gilt top, edges untrimmed, (pub 20.00 net) 1895 10 Alps-Umlauft (Prof. F.)-Alps (The) : Their Topographical, Scientihc, Historical and Ethnological Features, translated by L. P^rough, with ;; Coiiipictc Index of riaoes. Mountains, Rivers, &e.i with 110 full-page and smaller engravings on wood of Alpine Scenery! and two geological maps of the entire range of the Alps, 8vo (pub 6.00) 1889 1-a 11 12 13 14 "^"TIUT' •;!;h'^;"?"'"^"tl'"'i<'K>n«>H.ip„tio„an,l the IVoRreH. of 'An intcroHiiiig and ingtructivo book.' -iificcUUor. voIh (pub 18Uti ^'TJIZr'^^^l^'''^ of Tobit, a Chuldee Text, fro.n A .miquc MS in Akotic V^oyaoes— Biu-iow (Si within tlie Arctic 16 17 18 19 20 21 •'9 24 25 iTow (&„• John), Voyages of Discovery and Research Kegu,n« Iron, 1818 tu mr>, portrait ind mapH, Svo 1H4G 1 780 --Franklin (Sir Join.), Voyage of the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas or tb. 1867 - Osborn ((.'apt S.), Discovery of the North- West Pissaee !„ H M « Invesfgator,' Captain M'CInre, 1850-54, illnstmted, Vv?^ "'S - - Richardson (Sir John), The Polar Regions, „,ap, 8vo, calf 1861 Arnold (Matthew) — Letters of 1848 ss r'^ii„ * i i • Georg^W.E.li_n.sell,2vd.s(pub3:62) '"'"' ""' ^-""g^j^^Jy 'These charming volumes.'— ?VmM. *■ "^ nnd Colouring, folio (pub 15.00) '"""P'M ol Decorative Dcsisn Change, „5 large and beautifnily execnle.l ColoLo ,ns ,e'eZ 'I' 1890 -Au-JS^Kr^e;!.? bf,r BSltet, tfc ^^ f^ ""^ tts'^^Si'or''' "■'■'" " '°'"^'* ^°"-"s wei!™;s 1882 --igS?f.,,?';?^fr^lbraoKTV™t,rt'i%'''-'»^^ over 250 M«„s nn^ nioL^^" :. °o p "'^ ^ "X«te Students, containing Introduction and "an "index of 12',OoVna;ue; ^bv f' f" R '"'"'^ '-•'''. "" 4to (pub 3 62) ' ^ ^■'- ^- Kavensteni, im)) 1894 36 c Piogreag of 0, 2 voIm (pub 18»G "■que MS. in 'rniiiHlatioiiJi, 1878 , witli a Dis- ^nto, and the d ApparatuH, 1881 «iJ Research d inapH, 8v() 184G made in the 178G Seas, or the npanions, by 1859 yngo of Dis- vo, ha!f-ca!f 1807 0. in H.M.S. 1857 1861 rranged by 1895 • Buildings gold, with ivc Design 1882 id Revised !, and other 2companied 3, half-mor 1890 f New and ■>•} -^G large idex, royal 1882 ecially de- containing is^ With an istein, imp 1894 26 fi*^^-;\,|'^j;'^)-An^Ac5""nt of his Life and Work., by K.lwin A. Abbot, ' l)r Abbot iH fair and thoroughly imp«rti«l.-r/,mrrfm,». 27 lUnKNocH (L N.)-Uomance of the Insect W.rhl, with a Glossary of c'r 8:o'(:.;;r..50) '^^'-"^ '"'-''' ^'"' ^ ^-"*'f"' --^ 28 Baily (F.)-Doctrino of Life Annuities and Assurances Analvtirallv S: iK) ""' ''■"''■""^ I-P>«i"ecl. edited by rFilipoSr8^o^ One of tho best books on the subject of Life A»Hnranco. r29 nANcnOFr (G. )_Hi8tory of the United Htntes, 7 vols, 1 2n.o 1 88:> ' lo my „,in,| tho mo.t instructivo book of hintory 1 have ever ren.l. --.Iohn Br.,.ht. 30 Han|,ki,lo (Matteo)--Twelve Stories, selected and .lone into Kngiish after th manner ot loccaccio with Memoir of ,ho Author by Po cy I in I I „ , . 189/J 1 welve novels oi this author havu been traiitlatud anrl «,!H, . i ■ , . oio„M bishop, given to the world in one of M N mmo's eLrv L^ good memoir of th« Inferior as these are to tiio talus of iioccacci tl «v aT^ If^ 7 ind appetising volumes, written with a great, .vn. anrvlVS^r native p" J '^^ 'ir'i^^'^iii-c""' ^fc^^^ tmnsluted, and constitute very agreeable reading. '-iVo^Ji ami QucrL ««ellently •n Baring-Gould (S.)-Lives of the Saints, Completo Set, ir, vols crown Hvo, a Handsome Set (pub 25.()(»; ' jgnj arduous task most successfully. '_ TheTimt accomplished a most ^'^ 0.87)'"''''"' "^ ^^^''' '''''"''■ ^'"'""^ '"'^= ^"'«^S^'^ ''Edition, (pub stu.;i^\rmS;::^£';:;:r^S^:«.^;;J;J ^r U..M ha. encountered in hi, ^S ;i3 — - In Troubadour Land: A Ramble in Provence and Langucdoc Illustrations of old Architecture, Scenery, Music, &c. (pub 3.0$^ 891 *o.,i:!"-"""" '""'- '"" "' "''• ••'""'>'' -■' "■^-"-'">". -d worthy of its subject, -l 34 Bbalk's Amateur's Guide to Architecture, illustrated with upwards of 450 Lngravings pub 0.87 ; .Igo Lethaby (W. R.), Load Work (Jld and Ornamental, with 76 ilhu:,. ons; tog^tlSer, 2 vils (pi 1 ()0)' '^ 3 S2 35 Hketon's Housewife\s Treasury of Domestic Information, comprising Com- plete and Practica Instructions on all Matters pertaining to the HousI lK,ld,^ profusely tllustratcd with folding engravings, \nd wooSs '^^ -~7,j'*™.^I'''"«gejnent and Country Life, a Complete Cyclopaedia of Rural Occupations and Amusements; with numerous full-page illLJra bns and hundred.s of wood engravings (pub 1.83) S 37 Besant (Sir W )-The Poor in Great Cities, their Problems, and what has been done to Solve them, by Sir W. Besant, Jacob A. R is, and othe^ numerous illustrations, 8vo (pub 3.00) mO ^^ "'V'coLlei mail; V.T'l SSt ^'"TtF '". ^^''"'^ ^'^ ^■""•«". -'»»• Pacific .uKi Ncw'^ou.' ; ,i ; ^(Lr; H^"r"^/"o "•;-'''"' ^^•"«'"' "'"•"»' '""P (puh 1.H3), together 2 vofg 1887-90 «J» Uini.K with Explanatory Notes Pr.Pflnni ni ginal lieforenc..« by^thc I v Tho ^ S ^U^'v""";?''- ^"»^'""^ *^"'- tional NoteH by the Uov V SvmTr. New E.htion, with ad,li- / uov. \>. bymmgtori, maps, 3 vols 4to, half calf I dp o 40 Billings (Robert W ) Arrh!>Prf,,rni m . ■ Description of Carlisle cSSaln*M/°"'' "^^'°7 ^"^ "c-cinutely drawn tu seule|.„.„^,r' 'I'i ''"f '^"'°' '''"'^'«» / a't, i«i{,e p„per coj)y, royal 4to (pub 20.00) ^o I. , . 1835-44 42 IJiRDs and thoir Habits- Parkhurgt'H (H K, n.V,!- r- i , a Vear'a ObservationH, with 2 Vx cedinilTlrt f n''''"''"r;, « ^^''^T "f and Paton (Fred Noiill-IJarl nnd ?ri{- ^ /l'' -^ •Hustrations; fl.c WofkH of our most Celcbmte^d Po'° ^ !' C''?"=^ V"ot«tio„s from li.ll-page iUustrafons of itdTifo f L ' ', '"".""•"'r' ^'''' '<' ^•'"""""8 burn and Hubert Paton ; t^^^^ ^^ .f^Z fc^^^^^^l^^ | '' ""^iing.;^;h7d'M;n':;;f W^^^^^^^^ ' .r-^g-P^'-l sketches of Music'with 6 fine Portraits7Z (Jub Y 't '^""^'"'■^' *''•' ^^--« J"J the Origin and DeroloL«u of tS I ' f%^''?""' ?" ^"''g««' ^eing Wood Jliocksof St. cCitoplU in .ol^:'"'''^;/'''''" *''^' ''"'"'''^t Beautiful Facsimile., &c., 4to (pub 3 37) ■■''"" '^'■"^^'' ^"'' or ridings J^^c ::^n i^^.t'iss;';;; "z '"" ■'"^t^ •'^ "---'^ ^^^ "''- gMly.'-Athenc^in. «PPrtciatt, or place upon Im shelves otherwi«e Tan with a Rhythmical Translation of tL r ^r ^^*'' Centuries, BI.8,i„gto„ 1879-184*1, NovelTt and W, 1 u ""?,«"". f«»ntMa or Modern Di.covoVy »nd Crki™' bv t"!..? '^'°l'°u 'S? "" S"*"'" »f volume., 4to (pub 20.00) ' ^ ""■ ''■ "■ '*'"»'■ ""■• 3 large Literature. '-^"ua;^/;;;;;" "^"^ *^^ Apocryplm i« . real and much needed service to Hiblical I New (luiiion, with H.l— Tlio Western vols l«87-90 nnd CopioiiH Mur- I'^ilitioii, with athli- t 4to, half calf 1862 ns, History and nge (Steol PhitoH, ' (pub 20.0(1) 1810 fi UaptiMm, on the iiith, I voIm 12ino, 1835-44 lendnr, a Dinry of 'ago illustrations; e Quotations from ^'itli 10 cimrriiiiii' Vlrs Hugh nil. k- > 2.50) 1894-95 ihical Sketches of *, the Drama and 189fl Wni. Cdxton ')— II Judges, being roni the ;sent 'J'inie, with 1891 nowinp Mr HI,i,los, 'KB otherwiHe tlian itled, 'Depcsltio 18th Centurie.'* 5rsion of 1618,' 4to (pub 1.83) i88r) cellence wiiich the The most Gor- et, Countess of zgerald Molloy, vols or 8vo, 1896 original smirccs— heso volumes are r Savnge Landor, a Household he Resnits of t, D.D., 3 large 1891 lervice to Biblical ..nj' (ta„ii ii.rr™!,r8S;;ii;i',|;'"Ti j"''V'='v,"'' ►>*■■»> "^a.,, .,,,,1. «n. .„„. „f a,,., A.te. VF::;ara o.„'.;.:i' v'.K'r' ""'mIi coloured ,„ °,?([„°i; "i^, '"' '^'"'"" »"■' ^'"1*. "i"' «°Piou. indc, ■I'h. Ml .„d „.l, „„oI.. l,i,„,j, „, chi„. a„i„, ,„„ j,^ ""' BOHNS VARIOUS LIBRARIES ''"''-w„tlVSr.7i;iiit';;^l:''''ror^'^ Svoli / ^'oioii iviiKm. Uomplcte, with index, portrsit, 55 BoBKi! (Edmund, tho Great Statesman 1730 17971 vv i, ■ i ',*'''' '«. Speeclie. „id Letter,, wit,, i2x;'L'/?,-}-l';°'pli':tv,",f " "TntUS.^.M- ''°™" -^ ™» (E"g«.h T„,„.«i„,,„ !■!' « , ,. 1850-54 58 — Autob.ography and Travels, with portrait, 2 vols 1 349 fii T , ^ . 1846-57 61 Jvsrvs Celebrated Letters. Complete Edition, by Wade. 2 vols 1850 63 Locke (John)— Philosonhical Wortc m.,^,^ rr,,, portrait, 2 vols ' -.-" Undcracanaing, &c.), CA \T , ,^. 1854 64 M.Nz.. s H.story of Germany, with portraits, 3 vols I849.71 6 65 M,.ro.'. P..0.. Wo>-k,s, complete, with index, portraits, 5 vols 1848-53 66 N..v„.n's Life of Ohri.t; and, Me.onal. of Cin-istian Life, 2 vols a- n . 1851-52 ».a u, He;„,..ot" ill; iiKr,L::.f,;r;:;;v -• ;.«ih7™z 1847-54 68 Ranke's Celebi-ated History of the Pooes with th^ A„ .• portraits. 3 vols ^ ' ^ *"® Appendix complete, 69 RoscoK^s^L.ves of Lorenzo de Medici and Jienvenuto Cellini, portraits, 7n t, 1846-50 71 ^ , 1847-53 '°T»:^::';s™i",?:r'" ^" -^ ■^■'"•'"-^ ...a, ,.,,ii„»p,„ 1846-47 1848 " "ToS'/vot- "-'"'"'"^ ^' ''■"■^' ■""■ ■'■°™"'« No.cs.nd ,„octnneofAnnihilatio„rtogether3 ' '^'^°' ^^■'•^- ""-^ ""- (pub 3.00) 1881-88 , 5 vols 1848-53 tian Life, 2 vols 18.51-52 [ahommed and his '■ ; and Hungaiy ; together, 3 vols 1817-54 ppendix coinplote, 1847-50 Coilini, portraits, 1846-50 Carlos ; Revolt of I into Engligh), 1847-53 and, Pliilosopliy 1846-47 >ika. Edited by 1852-53 1, and Forensic 1848 Fotesand Index, 1848-53 licus. English 1853-G7 ;e, with general 1849-50 Best English 1849-69 Manyat's The 1850-64 and Man ; and vols 1852-59 vols 1854-55 f Europe and jlates, contain- 1880 ant work. . . bed, and that bv rterly Record from its coin 1852-71 3, its Reality, fe; and. The 1881-88 84 BucKLAND (A. W )-AnthropoIogical Studies, and Our Viands, whence S P°T ''''VT ^..T ^"7 '°*'''^'^' ^''^ " '^""'i'e "* Old Receipts t.,^ i'nm""^ °°''' °^ *''" ^*'* ^""'"'■y : t°g«t'^«'". 2 vols crown 8vo ^puo 6.W) 1891-93 ,h ' 1^°! °!'^^'^\ *""" l'^*^" '" *" P»P»'ari8e her subjects as ti induce her readers to mirmw '' ''"^weirj^nb1.00) ^"'^^'°''^' ''''''' '-'"^ "^''^^ ^^«.«- ^>^ ^;«f 1 u Jo 86 CuuLEiioii (l^ennet. War Correspondent to the Daili, Teleoraph)-Two Campaigns : Madagascar and Ashantee, 1895-96, being the Author's lersonal Expeniences during the Military Operations of the French If n't t n ^^'^'''S^^y ^']^ the British against the Ashantees, illustrated with 50 tull-page cngravnigs and maps, 8vo (pub 4.00) 1896 "J'here is scarcely a dry page in iC—Oraphic 87 Burn {R.)-lloman Literature in Relation to Roman Art, by the Rev. Robert Burn, M.A, LL.D., author of 'Rome and the Campagna,' with ? K . «7f '""" "^ ^'''''""■>'' ''""'°'^' Bas-reliefs, Capitals, &c. 8vo, (pub 3.37) ^^^^ ^^ ^""Colilt^^""^' . ^^^"r ""'. ^'i'^^''^' '^' distinguished Diarist and fvJfi t^ FI-.T' l'.'7"J-S«lfct i^assages from her Diary and other (pub 0.?7) ' ^"'"'' ^y ^- '^- ^''^'y' ^^■^■' fi"^ Portrait .V«,IS;™'"^ ^"'"'""'' "'■ ""''■'^'■^ '"'" '"""'"" '^"*' ^'•"•'•' li'" at Windsor. '-S ^^ ^"hvl?.//.^^-^"?^^'"""^?/ y°>'^ ^"^ Wool-combing, illustrated HL^ r'r^'""' "^ ^^I«^'"^»i'^'^» Diagrams; also portraits engraved on steel and photogravures, royal 8vo (pub 5 00) iggg 90 BuKNs' Works, with Dr Currie's Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay on his Genms and Character by Prof. Wilson ('Christopher North'), and w'Tfin. ?*;' Annotations and Appendices, beautifully illustrated by 81 hue steel portraits and landscapes, 2 vols, roy 8vo, iialf-calf 1843 91 Burns' Clarinda : Brief Papers concerning the Poet's Renowned Corre- spondent including Burns' Letters to Clarinda, compiled from various 0=1^^1.87^ '''-' '-'' ''' ''''''''-' ^'"'°-- ^-^ 92 BvKON (Lord)-Life Letters, and Journals by Thomas Moore, collected and arranged with Notes by Sir Walter Scott and others; fine steel portraits and vignettes, roy 8vo ' [ggg THE GREAT SCOTTISH CLAN AND FAMILY •J3 Campbell (Lord Archibald) -Records of Argyll, Legends r 'if'^!*^^ «^"1 Recollections of Argyllshire Highlander!' to lected chiefly from the Gaelic, with No?/s on the rntTquify of S Dress Clan Colours or Tartans of the Highlanders, printed in a Mimptous style on hand-made paper, and illustrated wi h 19 exqui ite etchmgs by Charles Laurie, including nortrait.s. vip.w« nf ....ilr ! ,' Geuejuogicai trees, a handsome 4to volume (issued to subscribm at 1885 'So handsome a volume as this is not often i.ssued from the nre^^ Kv.M.^f i has been spared in getting it iip.'- Atheno'wn. ^ Evidently no expense / il 94 Campbell fProf D FT \ Ti,» o*. ^ many figures ^ '^"" "lustrations embracing mteresting articles relating to the Piifvincp^ I, I T^-"'"^ numerous J «.at . H is cer.„, ... J^^^^tfi -^.S'^ S Sili^^ ^S^^ '^Tati'feYL^enL^te^S?^^^^^^^ '" L-'' the Special Committee o the [W of A? kV''" ^f *)' ^^P""-* ^^ Duties raised under uS eoy^rui U^^^^^^^^^^ Report of a Special Com3 of ti " S^ 'r. ' "m'^ ''''' Imperial Statutes of the 3rd Geor^^o TV . 110*^''^^'^ °" the rV,cap59 (in English and Fre„dn82p /^/ ^'-''1 .^*'' ^'""f^' Assemy. Togetlfer 3 vols 8vrhalf-bou„d "'' ^""^^^ '^ ^gt^f 97 Canning (Right Hon. Georsp M P ^ q, i • ■ , Bkst LrnRARv Edit o^prlnted^^ ?' ""*'' \ ^^''^'''' °^ '"« ^ife. vols 8vo (pub 18.00) ^ ''"»' *^P'' ""'' ^^ifh a Portrait, 6 Reigns of Henry III and Edwrd"hT lltt'Slcd ^109 1 " ""'"' ^''^ ings, comprisinsj upwards of 2000; , ^ ^^^ ''^''S® engrav- half c„m,„„ „„,„cc„, ,„p edge, gi|,'(p„^ ^^'^J'"' ■» '. roy«I fol.o^ m ^r<«/«, 6 vols ^"^ ^'^^"''•^ ""^^^-^er ce/e6m P^ ^. 1833-39 Vmcl, Titian, kub'en. ra;tSSccrirS'.Sf,K"l.,?J "^tsMll— t WW 103 Voyage of H.^^.S. ' Challenge 'dm ;^^^^^^^^^^ J^tsT ^'"'/.J:?'"'^"',^ part of the year 1876 bv Si,- C \v -ii U ^'^ ""^ ^^^ ^arly portrait of the author 'enl!:. ?;„ Wy-lle Thon.son, F.R.S., with i temperature charts, and nfustrationr m.Kl'l^r"^' T"^ ™i«u'ed maps, Lords OommWonek, „f thc'SS.^ fv^slo Ut°o7 °18n" nent of the Mosses irations embracing 1895 iew and Maga- taining numerous History of Canada, itreal, Poems, &c., azette Office, 1826 le is a very important 1, 2, 3, and 5. He lislied in Canada.' ioulties in Lower 1824); Report of Appropriation of d French) 1826; Assembly on the and 6th George nted by order of 1824-26 5moir of his Life, ith a Portrait, 6 1836 ling the Orders - also under the 39 large engrav- plan, elevation, I, royal folio, in 1887 ^ James Grant, r- Subscription 'eel and other celebrated War 1894 e American JStrative of the of the wildest 3me vols, royal 1895 3 not recommend J Church ; and 1833-39 of Beautiful r Raphael, Da alUto 1866 hallenger ' : li« Exploring ■nd the early .R.S., with a floured maps, ^lority of the ' .00) 1877 Hri^va 'S Ll^T'^ T'e), containing the PragSa, ParamitA, Mutr ;n1 J' '"• M Uslmisha-V.gaya-Dharani, edited by F. Max Muller and "J-mym Nanj.o, with an Appendix by Prof Buhler (pub ■ '' 1884 105 __ Carles (\^ ij., H.M. Vice-Co.isul in Corea)-Life in Corea with illustrations and map (pub 3.00) ' ' j^gg CLARK'S FOREIGN THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY '"' ^rX^tam™2^r'^^'°"' ^"^^^"""^'« ^^^^^-^ ^''^'^Ve^To 107 Baumgarten's History of the Church in the Apostolic Age, 3 vols 1854 103 Delitzsch (Prof.)-Hiblical Commentary on the Psalms, 3 vols 1871 109 Delitzsch's Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah, 2 vols 1867 110 Ebkar,,'s Gospel History (Critical Investigations) ; and, Commentary on the Epistle of St John, 2 vols 1860-63 111 Hengstknibhrg- (Prof)-Christology of the Old Testament, and a Com- mentary on the Messianic Predictions, 4 vols 1854-58 112 Hengstenberg's History of the Kingdom under the Old Testament, 2 '''^' 1871-72 113 Ke.l's Commentaries on Books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, 3 vols 1872-73 ^1* ' Commentary on Jeremiah, 2 vols 1873-74 115 Commentary on Prophecies of Ezekiel, 2 vols 1876 116 and Delitzsch's Commentary on the Pentateuch, 3 vols 1864-65 117 Delitzsch's System of Biblical Psychology, and Commeatary on the Canticles and Ecclesiastes, 2 vols 1867-77 118 Ko^rz (ProfO-History of the Old Covenant, 3 vols; and Sacrificial Worship ot the Old Testament ; together, 4 vols 1859-63 119 Lange's Commentary on the Gospels of St Matthew and St Mark, 3 vols 1861-63 120 SriEK (Dr Rudolf)-Words of the Lord Jesus, Complete, with General Index, 8 vols 1855.58 121 Stieu's Words of the Risen Saviour and Commentary on St James : and Words of the Apostles, 2 vols I859 122 Ullmanx (Dr C.)— Reformers before the Reformation, principally in Ger- many and the Netherlands, depicted by Dr C. Ullmann, 2 vols 1855 123 Coal: Its History and its Uses, by Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Rucker, and Marshall. Edited by Professor Thorpe, with Figures, 8vo (pub 3.00) ^ ^ \g78 10 All invaluable work -tlio oiilv one of ifa H« i • j • ^^^^ practical, popular dictionary of commerce n a it« hlnnl"'^ /"^ '""'™?- ^ thoroughly radars, manufacturorH, barikors, .shipowners &. «n f? ^'"'' '" '" °°"«"lted by merchants, knowledge of commerce which oSrw;rlilV /n '^ ^."-."^ '"""'"'*'=''"''•«*''''» ««""« successful career in their pariicular fines of tS^ contribute to securing for them a 1881-96 ' '°SS™T(°;f o'l^r" """"•''"• "y K«^'>' «"d,ah, cdU,d b, H. J. ■ ^ 1882 the day, edited by Waltei F p 'n; ^ ' u /" '^'"^'"^ Authorities of departments of kL A Cooke rl^'s^Ki''- ^f^^ *" «P-ial Walter Garsta.ig, F.Z.8. ; cS'He^f;, 'K^^Scha Jp^'St ' FRM« ' , •^■; Weymouth; and B. B. Woodward PGS 129 CONFKDERATE States Navy— History of tliP fmm if a n • .• Sun , nder of its last VpsrpI i^/.f i ''^ Organisation to the Nayy of the United StaebV J ^,*"Pf ""^""^ ,f "gg'e with the Great and fsketches, roy 8yo (pub 3^60)' ' ^'^' ^^^^-^rateA, with Portraits 8 vols Ijy 1. b. (•.•imshaw, lau/i plates, 1836 ''' Tub'i V ''""^'^ ''^"^''^' '""^^-^''-'^ -''> 21 full-page plate, 8vo ^n^lJ^^^X^Z^^^'^'^''''''''^^^^^^'^'^ than has been drawn^Sy 134 Ckawkohd (Oswald, H.M. Consul at Oporto)_PortueaI Old ..A xr with maps and illustrations ^ ^o»tugal, Old and New, 1882 ''' ^t'tf o^'d^ Srrie|°?e^^>' ''^ l-^-' ^«"-'- extant of 8 medallion portraits, 3 vols sl%^ki; ^^tnt^'ol] "•'""^^•-"^'j-^ rce : the American al Law and Financs, the text ; 2 vols 4to, 1881 meriea. A thoroughly consulted by merchantH, II to acquire that general o securing tor them a rmation of a Manly )rality, and Religion. Lectures on Shakc- ;ether, 2 vols 12nio 1881-96 ah, edited by H. J. 1882 )n AH the Karaite, »0) 1889 if Conchology and ding Authorities of ssistance in special 'olloge, Cambridge : harfF, Ph.D., B.Sc, Art, Dublin ; E. R, ^''oodward, F.G.S., 1891 to September 1891-95 Organisation to the gle with the Great ited, with Portraits 1888 enia Cornubiie ') ianity in Cornwall, 8vo 1893 ppreeiation of, by 1884 , with his Private .shaw, with plates, 1836 1-page plates, 8vo 1892 has been drawn by il, Old and New, 1882 llection extant of ■h 8/ liumorous Cruikshank, and 1886 11 n"r^ ^^^^^^ ILLUSfRATED HISTORY OF IRELAND tioiis represent u" Irish Ar* TrimK.. w "■'< "^ • ■'"'tes ana Ukistra- 1876™ted: while reforeuce a.^ g vou wo ks intl ''! ^f/"")' «.''P''^"'e' No LiBHARY Edition ov DirKi.v«' VV.,,,,.- .. ,m 1880 lasti^iL^i - -" --^ -: - :: ^=ti;rrLf;-:-. t,. i ourteenth Century to the Present. Collected and Edit d by R Vllt nard Leonard, Copious Notes and an Index of First Lines (pub 87) 189a tl.P Ftbn.'^Pa/'i •■;•'••" ""-^V -^ Critical and Historical Introduction to he Ethnogiaphy of Ancient Italy and to the Philological Study of the i^^ngiisJi Verse by F. A. Palcy (pub 1.S3) ; together, 2 vols 1860-68 12 Audmncoi. Will, fi,,, „„„„,•', '° Y' "" '^?»;' ' ''«'»'»- AutCors, hm.hedwo„dengr.vhgi^J™ ' °b'/j'"«"« *«"'"'' «»J M highly-' S?U^ro%'u.f?Sf^„„-j"?,„W^^ Uccd of illujlraled with map, a„d plan, 13 fnll , ,'"" '"J", "Kmivoly !■*» Drama— Dibdin fTamf^e r . a . , po.tiaiis „,d iBosimSS L ifck ? ?°f'^° Edinburgh Staee , 'In p,„Jud„s "Tie A„n.. of' ""'.'v f ^«'' '"'"''"8 (?"'' ^"0 "«) & of ..cling ,„„„'i„.| ,1*'.':!S„;; "'• '■^I'.ta'Sl. Stag.,- Mr Dibdi. 1,„ ...iied . ..,' Appendice, by Oeorg^ Saint bu™ S.„'"f i'"';?''"'' ."ole" and td,nb„rgl, Univoraity. U.,o. P^Sn Sr»;,7v2tb Sr " a- -^ S« - s "^s S' ^ S'S «»c:£EHS Fine libr.,-y edition, be.uifn y pSd „t' tlir ''^ ^''"" ^""^ "'"'■ ».«. e.,„,site pb<>'og™vn„,iPd7.„r«:i;rnifT';oM^^^^^ 1895-96 '" ""i'it^.Jt J- M?«l.e.^ The Mortality of Childbed and Mater„itv ™ Ireat,™ on Peri™,,,,-,!, .„a lt« tS^ Hospitals; and riactic«i together, 2 vols (pub 3.25) 1869-70 152 DvEK (T. H.)-The History of the Kin^s of R D.ssertat.o„ .. the So Jes and E^Ee^^of^S^ttn^SS:? 1 -o ]-v . 1868 "' 'TEiri S^SlS*L^'t'« ^.7^"» Preparation!, accedunt Franc Vigeil versTo 7!?'' f '"'' ^™^- ^'homas Gaisford diatribe aristobulorfvl 8v?(pub 7.00) ""'" '* "^^ ''• ^^'^kenaerti ire CI 1843 jgg . 1853* (pub slSr' "''*''^'^^='^^^^ Historia, edited by Prof. Hussey, 3 vols 8vo 1860 mal8 of the English '«: Actors, Authors, liwn and 80 highly. 1897 h-amatic Neio.i. ndia, a Kccord of '" India, extensively togravurcs, collotype 100 illustrations in 1893 aracters and subjects, stitute no unimportant dinburgh Stage, ' 5.00 net) 1888 lin lias supplied a work '•ical, Critical, and -edited Notes and glish Literature at Is (pub 45.00) 1882 rlucted and forgotten ally grow upon us as 'owded and bustling iy Ci)urt.'_^tj;„,.^(y me de Bragelonnc, 'ears After, 2 vols. er, and illustrated vols (pub 7.58) 1895-96 d and Maternity nd iVametritis; 1869-70 ^ith a Prefatory Roman History 1868 ■eece at Certain 1891 iic insight into the Prffiparationis, tiomas Gaisford, C. Valckenaerii 1843 fof. R. Hussey, 1853* sey, 3 vols 8vo 1860 18 iiMti'sr """"" "'"■ '■'"""»' "'^ "■if- M.STi:? ■srTbSSc'-ai rs^ra ■'",'"■■ 'if'^^ ';•■'""" "• ■' Harrington and Ormond, '''*"'""'' "^ l 'tury,, Almeria, Vivian, Helen, 158 Electric Lighting-Hedges (Killingworth, M Inst CE^ t.ini!f '^ " " "r"''" «"g'"^i"g« ; '^Jso 20 large folding plates In taming numerous figures of Buildines Mafl.inpri. aJ^ a i- ' Instruments, Diagram's, and Plans, ic"fL 4to ("S'sS) ^'''T£ r,W J"^ '*"-'^«- ''-J^. f"» "f novel ..„„,„„ee, founded on a sound historical basls^.^! ^^^ ^'Svrl r'^'-'? ^^'Ir^'Sy, abridged from Foxe, 2 vols ; Bieker- steth^s The Fathers, and Testimony of the Reformers; 'together. 1836-37 161 Emfkson (Ralph Waldo)-Men.oir and Life, by James Elliot Cabot, 2 vols bury (pub 1.25) ; together, 3 vols • Mr Cabot has really done a good work. '— florid. 1887-90 in half-red morocco, g,lt extra, marbled edges (pub 42 00) ^ 1889 ' A work ofimmenso utility, both an encyclopedia and a dictionary. --r/^,.,. 163 Emin Pa.sha Expedition— Werner (J RV A VJc.-f *„ (j* i . t. terest buildiL^Tl ? ""^ ^^'''i'' representing sce„es%f historic mteiest, buildnigs closely associated with the crowth of the nation palaces cashes, cathedrals, halls, &e., &c., thief voll° ob Lng 4t ' boafdrgiu'idgt''^"^^^ ^"' -^^""^^^ '^^""'^ - <■"" "— . l>-e£d ^^^ ^' cSrv^R^1?7^°Tr^ ^ Chancer to Burns; Lyrics of the XIX th Oentuiy; mllads anf^ Tlnmanooc n..^^-'^:^ ol. •' , v ^vx^vm 1890 14 167 EuAsjius — Life and Th J 1 r M . '^'"^.'S' and Iv. Giob. from Vni. • ^, ' •'• '^'"lencz v f»1.0, l,.lf „„„,,„„ ,,„^ („„b 2",K, '*'""« '■)' "■ LwiS Hi,,,,, 3 s valunhio ™„.i. ._. . . '°0t>, 4to "0 PA,T„a of He Wo,« ■ , "'""" ''''■■''•■■- England, royal 4lo f"™'!""' ''"Sb/ «nJ Aasocialion Tea,M of I7i Farbab (E. L.)-Slorie« fr„,„ tl,. BIM •, '89? Unspeakable VaUie of Earlv Le'.. "' T^ " '^'■>P'«r entitled ' Tl 174 ^A^cETT (Rt. Hon. Henry, MP) qJ u 1885 175 F- r "''^^"^P"^2.50) ^■^•^-Speeehes on some Current Political of f hp E-i J'!^ .f- ^T^'.HF'es, as above. nnmn,:„„ au . _ / , 7 S« Q o . . 'Jev. Arthur Robert portrait, crown 8vo 1875 S and freedom owcg go rravings, by p. a "'t'", n. Valentin" '^t'l-, ./. Jinienoz y ;>' J. L. Gerdme, Hoff, G. Boldoni, plate printed on letterpress deseri,,. Lewis Hi„d, roval 1888 B. >, Stiatigraphicnlly . comprising tb,. Permian Species, eml of 1886, 4to 1888 gfit to possess, as it "• Bntish fossils. '_ 's and Religious I, compiled from 1 beautiful steel 1866 «, Secretary to Secretary to the lent full-length »e, Rugby and ■ notice of each, •ation Teams of 1897 entitled 'The "er Father, the '^'•ge type and ^ard, 4to (pub 189C »k of Judges ; '" Undesigned infirming and 1885 Tent Political 1873 '"•■y on Pisb 'fley, Francis . Houghton, 'jects. The • u , t.. ei.h.i..,.„dc„,rtTb.Di:i4Ttie%t,f";S !%■''"?•" 184 Gaelic Dictionary-MacUod and D«w,r'» DM„„„y „f ,,,, o,.,,. '86 MacCallum (Dr A K ofn ^ ^ '^^^ 1892 187 Geikie (James, author of 'Tim r ., '^^^ v.,„M. .„.„.„. „„„,„ ,„.,, ,„ )^^,^^^^^^^ ,,3 1H8 fir n "^"minuter 1«9 Gill (Richard)— Free Trn.u j ^ " hearfly commend Mr Gill'H works to the notice or ^887-89 Study in the\>o£n 7;fe wr^ -<« Employee • a and Index (pub ].8;5) *^'' ^^"g^« System, with a BibHography 191 Gloaq (Peter J, nni r„. , . 1892 Wright's Bible wlTdBook ''r'.'' *^^ Johannine Writings , 193 Gordon (J E H n* 1887 194 Grant (General, U S 1— Ppr«n„ i »f . 189l' pwtraits, ^ vols (pub 3.62j 196 Gray (William C.)-Camn F,V« iw • ^^^^ wood engravings (pub 1.50) ^ '^""■P"g« ""^ 28 highly fi„X] 197 Greenwood (F)— Iov<.r'o t • 1894 Royal Celtic Soc.BTv ^^■^^) 1892 8 and Spiritual Sones ; Ancient and Modern- celJaiicous Poems (pub 1894 .tc)-Fragments of '^^nl and tioographical ; i893 or SantilJ„„„, t,a„g. 0, and Notes, beauti- '' tl'o eJmnning series auze, 4 vols foap 8vo 189G nnHterpicco, the prayJou, r A History of the also Free Trade, an r 8vo (pub 3.60) 1887-89 ^er».' -Scottish Mios. rand Employee; a ^'th a Bibliography 1892 -line Writings, and rchaic Words and 9 and the Book of 1884-91 '"itory of Chinese 1887 eer to the Metro- itise on Electricity la text engravings, 189l' himself; maps and lumbus, edited by 1894 nists)— Letters of ^ols (pub 3.62j 1893 )od Times in the fe, by the Side of n Search of Sport S highly finished 1894 Novelists, PJay. ' for the Enam- 1893 Times, 17 198 Greqo (Joseph)— a Histoid nf P i- ing.-;; the'^oil I)ayr2,:ngteTt:»P ';•:•'"'; V"'^ *^'-»--- Wt..»are at the ir„Hti„gH and i the n , f"!^'*''"*''' "'"l ^'arty Stuarts *o Queen Victoria 10 m y'°. """«« of Commons the Squibs, il:>oons,^r^;^LTs irt'd rui''V^^"«'""' '•"'■■"■'^ I'me (pub 1.83) ^*' ""'^ lopular Caricatures of the 199 GUILLKMIN (A \ Flno. • •. . 1892 iiy Professor Sijvanus P Tll,^,„^ ,7. ". ^^'"' Additions and Notna " 7^Sinr:i;7fetr^-l«:fS| r^^em, Histo^ of Money towards their solution (pub 2 50) ' ""^ *" "'^■^•- ^ ^"""tribuSm -'01 Harvey (William, M.D, Discoverer of fUP- ', • ^^^^ Anatomical Disser atiSToln t^. ^j;^"^ °f the ni«od)-An ■ and Blood in Animp « l^^ .. ^ Movement of the HMrf Circulation of'"he''S%eprX3^^^^ cly ^^^n^^l^S^ ^:-^l^-:^Z^^- 202 Havilani) (Alfred M R P Q p . 1894 JUo iiAWFis ^T-T P \ H/T • lo92 204 Headley (P. W 1— Tli« ^» X , 1893 MA F z S., i..i^„. mS"; in-iilil^Ltt »t "^ "■ "'• """"y. tions (pub 1.83) "alley bury College, with 78 illustra- 205 Hearne (Thomas^ Dmr;,., u ,• . ^895 -06 Heath ni'mtmla p„ . f"-" "/ '«"0"ous learnme. Winter out-of-doors, iHusfratrd with 70 HW r" '^''"^'^''^^ ^'^^'^ of by Frederick Golden Short (pub ^37^ '""«t'-«t'0"s, mostly full-page. anr ''' "bSS:^ tt.:i ^--/' ^---Ptive and ' Letteipress, by Prof;ssoTcarrSe?;:mann' 'K'^f ' ^^ ^DescHptive by Louis Heitzmann, royal 8vo (pubToO) ' ^^'"^ ^^'^•°" ^^''^d A valuable Anatc.ical Atlas for Studenti and Practitioners '^'' 1 — It ^OH IfBN„v rr „f Knglun,I-Eyton (U VV U-Tl n 5J10 Hehscmk,.,, (Sir J'..h„^ p , r ^' • -^ IH8(,.9< coloured plate«, 2 vol« ([".b ^ (lo? ' "' ''^'''^' ^>' "°" ^^h VVard,' 21-^n...(Georgi„«. Author of. T. „■ ""' "" '^"^'-"•' ^' -'« ^«^^.^-44 KngliHi. l5fe hl"!M;dtv„V;: Mor^ T-^"^"«^ Dre«« ";_ Women i„ of .Consciousness, Genesis of Moralifv (' '• ^'i"^^'" "^ Life, Genesis Sc.'nce, &c., &c. (pub 1.70) "^' ^""'''' °' Religion, G;nesi8 of ^11 Hodder (Edwin)-Conquests of fh. r ^"^^ reln" '^f ''""/ P'''P«''^d full-page nor raiti l^f ''""'''"'' ''"uBtration.s rep.oduccd m photogravure, and 22 malsTr'n "'"'r'" •"''^'^io'-aries, g'lt edges (pub 11,00) ™*i"* '" '^o'our, G vols 4to cloth f .i^rtt^t S^S^tfr'^, Wa.e, and Other Ingraha.. Prince of the HousJlTSdtfvSr^^^^^^^^ 216 Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Wnri, „ 1-iition, eon-pris^g^fC "V^rks^to tlT'p"' ^""P^^^^ «--side volume completely and finally revised bvtl J a "'Z''^' ^ ^°'«- Each annotations to the poems, andVnevv teLp? ^"^^"^'•',«itl» additional with several portraits reuresentinrthe ll" ? f".''' ^°'"'"''' '""strated penods of his life, 13 vols ero^lvo !uf ""^ ^"*°^^^^^ '^' ^"ff°-nt volume of the pJtry ' ^"'" ^"^' ' "'d "" "'dex of iirsUi^r ^nd works, .fth "y- ■'■• ' '" I", nems in the last Ch u man, with Nnt<.« h„ *.,L r. n^?o»-ding to the Greek hv a<.,»-. ■-", and fr.r,;spiec";, l'voIs (Willi's sor"" """P"'"' P'^-'fait'of Gha],! ' 1888 l''i Ml 1 1, a j/o« ib pUOllH 221 ] 222 I 22.3 H Horn iiiforiiia( 224 H, ' III t wiser an( fancy. ' 225 Hu( c t b 226 Hui h I 227 Hun th. tat I 228 HuNi of anc ' -'20 Indij am of] [230 India- Sha Crit ^"•Tf. HouichoW, and ploiiiHcy, and StniteKy, I.S78 er than ■, ,„eru itinerary account of „vcr> event of cuini'ntMrv or otlior trust- I. — •It/ifiiii 11,11, Armi<,a and Modern, ^•32) IS8<.;.97 'itific 8ubjcctH, 1895; I' I'y Hon. MfH Ward, Milncr, J)r Hiichanan ftils, r. vols 18;J5-44 DrcHH ";-- Women in 1 '■i fine steel pottrnifs )' iJevoiisliiru, ? ,..]l, 189G Rochester, N.Y.) liapters, conriprisine • PsiH of Life, Genesis neiigion, (Jenesis of 1893 Kecord of Mission- undred illustrations iinont missionaries •, 6 vols 4to, cloth, 1892 deodfl, and tho martvr 'ever known.- ' Wake, and Other wo Guthries; and b2.00) 'i888 :omplete Riverside y. 3 vols. Each >r. with additional ''oluine, illustrated 5crat' at different 1891 poetical works, ifh • 'ems in the last ^o'k, Travel, and 1883 and adventure, and with a Comment Ireek hy Gfior^s »ortrait 'of Chap- 1888 19 . ,ii"V'/"' *'''T"""' l."O.H),u The ,!,« , 1«97 220 IIomkk'm K » I "'""» x'-nnot n. itH praise. vvof an^'i^:;i^K::Strol^s'i':a r" ,^'"^--' "-^^^'^ translated hy George Chamnan T p •''•""' ''"^"""''h ^'ifth Hati.o Notes by l4. Iii<^mrdX"r(inU T25?'''"''^'''' '"'-*-»'■- -d 5i2l HoMEK. Siinilofl nf. 'I< i_. . . L>»"l'. by Professor A. h! Keenesm folio ^^«««''Pt've I-etterprlss e^dited 226 Hume and Smollet's Historv of Pn„J j . ^^^'^ tat.on and Analytical Index.T^ols 8^; (p' ^ ^^o ' '''°'''''^ ^'««^'- ! 228 Huntkr (John, Secretary of British Bee K« - 1 ^^^^ of Beekeepin, ; Doyle'^and D on's^t^Jt'SraS t;^°'='"'!«")-Manual another, together, 3 vols ^ ^'''^ ^"""J' Farming; and N.D '-'■' 'trD!S&»f ffi ^^ on the Histo^, Po,,.^;;:- of India. Ecl.w by Johu £e"l,°':,*1.';'°.'?*-West ProvincS DiA-Kafvnv«,..'. Sarvankramani " " [230 Cmical Notes ,ud A,™rdi„i')„, 1 , \r"'"'"''.'Pil'iL Edite,l. wi,,, App»di»;, b, .a. Mszirfptb 4.00) 188P 30 231 India— Tavernier ti r\ t T^enner Baron' oV'Afb Le^'S fate'? /"^'^ '' -^-^ fi^Pt^^to '» 2 vols royal 8vo (pub loloo) ' ^ ^ ' ""*'' '""strations and maps, 232 iNnusTRiA. SeIf-l„,str„ctor (The) and Too. • , t ^^^^ InH ructions :„ the LJu^BTaLl 171 /'"'r''o ^«"*«""'"e Industrial Arts and Processes rnn ■■ L ^.^'^''n'cal Science an^ J) and (^^onstructior "1^^ 3 i '"''""? "'"^ *'««han":i Manu actures, ChenMcal Indust^T Aw If ' ^'^' ""'^ S'^'^'-ces, iecluucal Drawing and DeS ^^iH ^'"."" «cturc8, Rural Work Notes, Facts, and Fig.'es foSaJv ir'*'™''. "'*^''"'' ^"'^ t«^>^»i al Wnters and Tecl.nictl Experts nr. A r^M*. ^^ ""'"«™"« l^'"ctica <'-.ngs, designs, and diagr^Cs JoL^'^^llL^roof ''''' ""^''^^^ '--^ ■" ^-.0 type .; good^^4;;ttb 'xj;:'^,x'd^ ''' ^ a£: S 2 £^& «-«^7 Crayon Edition, Z paper, with 7 iHustrations'to (^ubTdof "*'' '" ^"'^^ *^P« - tEJ ''' ''7'tiont;tSi:'"Sg:.'l:7{i- °^ ^J^e Naval Battles, Single Shi! •n the days of Howe' IIo d S uS ^sf'"?"^"' Expedition! fo„^gK Ca.perdown, Ex.nouth, Ouek^S^-/^:^;^;^^^^!; 239 Jamieson's Etymoloe-irai n,vf ^^^'^ with . DissertSoroftifi(wi°?f^!?°^«*'^^ Scottish Language Revved and CoHated. with .llf'tl " AddUioS°W ''w'""^r-"''' Sly' Incorporated, and their most ponnJar^? •«•'"'''' '" *''« Supplement John Johnstone, L' vols 4to (puRo o" ) ^'«""^*-'«*'°"« briefly gUen, l!} loll) 'I'lio erudition, rp,|. . '-''""' 'iio (put) iJU 00) 240 jAPAN—JJuddhists 'J'nvf« e ■ r 248 249 1 250 I 241 _ -Mpuou.«/j •-• W"r-fe!!'";-" ^-ient Collection or ....,„., ^ /'' I 1.83) • - ••••••'•■•■ -"-«"'". Max M„„e., and"n: "^^^^^f'g ]885f 251 K M2 Kl t 1 ■1 253 Kit r £ India, by Jean Baptistc from the Original French vith illustrations and maps, 1889 nical Journal, containing iechnicnl Science anil iiyMmg and Mechanical " the Arts and Sciences. 'I'lfrtctures, Kural Work *;al, useful, and technical e, by numerous Practical ' N.D. \ I'y Pierre M. Jrving latest and final Revision portrait, 8vo (pub 3.00) 1881 7. Crayon Edition, with I m laige type on thick 1881 38 of Views, from Draw- it, Leitch, Brockedon. enes by Camillo Mapei! 1864 n ,^«"^*^«. Single Ship Uut Expeditions, fought «cnt, Bridport, Nelson, Mney Smith (pub 1.25) 1888 Edition, U vols in 7, 1883 le I-uropeang, Jladam.. de 'll« <> Letters. j;i«,v J'^ * ''^- J^«'sy Jliller. Four ror), The Chronicle of a" by John Forstor' &c., by Pascual do' 1883 cottish Language, 1 Language, carefully ^tls in the Supplement 0"s briefly given, I,y 1810 ''s'uod. The erudition, loJika the Diamond 1881 i-nddhjst TocLiiical ■ J II. Wenzel (pub 1885 31 Pl"tes in colours and S,^" n,; 8t'(pubVaooT*"'^ ^^ °'^''^""'' ^"'^•' 244 JKNNiNas (Hargrave, author of ' Tho Un ■ ■ ^^^^ Mysteries,' &c.)-The Indian Religion rT^'u '' '^T "'''«« '^'"l Buddhism, concerning that al7o wh pI- 7 ^'f' °^ *''" Mysterious Divimty of Fire (pub 1.83) " *° ''" ""^crstood in the il to and if last ity of Fire (pub 1.83) Soc-.„d'i:jLI;"a™lfr '(pub's 00)"'' ''''°^'°"' '"""■'y J"!'!-". «>y Cliarles Stewart. The IlarmnnLr i i "' ^"to^oteach Hong, Notations by Meri;iees:ry ^ (pub fo-»P---ts in both' 536 wood engravings, 4 volf, ") 8vo (pub 7'25;' "'' '''^'•^'""'^' /jL"' ''' "" wU^^.'olr^S'^-?^^^^^^^^ Architecture and An: Gennany, Belgiu^, and Kanc^Xl 'rtuib nl'sc f'^ ^f '^ '" Measurement, to which are added lllus ration nf """^ "«,f'0"' Actual Cups, Ironwork, Stained Glass To, hs I- fh"'"''"*''^ ^''"*'''cf'8. our thousand subjects, eng a ved i^ loo fl.n""" ''''^"^" ''"-'^^ '^"^ Descriptions by U. J. Hillftho - huo, on r "^^^^ «'>PP«, with 4to, half morocco, top edges gilt (pul. 80 00 " ' ^'*^"' * ^"''' ''"P«"*' 253 KnWs Cyclopaedia of Biblical Li.„.„ „ ... .._, , ^ , . ^^^^ j^i' VV Lindsay Alexander andDrVamnTToT "'r '^'."""' '"^'^"'^ ^Y «opo...r. Of Biwi„, .-uc™.„;.!:;[z:L\"';tw'=;f?pSt4 1893 iim \i r Types of NHtive.s;&c&c:(pub'3^)°' ''"^'""^* ^"^«*« -wi„g Founder of the Botanical System bv m" 't^'^'^^ Naturalist and engravings and 2 maps, 2 voMpub^OOr^^^"'^ ^'^^^' ""'"^ ^ >j<40 7 1887 "Sm^^tSSiii^ft £1 ^^^^f ?^^le-Translations of the S. Basil ; The Holy Easte^^^ Chuicl a p' n.' f "TV^" ^hrysostom, and Doctrines, Liturgies, and Vestmen '« ^°f 'f/ ,^"t''ne of its History, Catechism of the Orthodox EastenrCh, r f ■?.". If"' (Nicolas)-Holy Original Greek by the Rev W E Sni'ef.' f'''': ""^^'"'^"•^'^'^d ^o™ the / t-v. w. B;. Daniel ; together, 3 vols (pub 3.00) 1873-93 1894 Sixty Years' Personal Recollects il,?,M? f'^fP"'''' '^'"' "^^^ly ful steel engravings, roy 8vo, hdTcalf (,S^^ ' '''''' '^ \'£ "'" '^^^^S:^:::^::^^^:,^^^ Luthe, the Great Refbi!^ w th descriptions by J)r J H J ere^D'if r"""^' •'T^-^' ^abouchere of the Reformation? imp 4tf cloth ^^"'' '""'°' '^ ^^' '"'^'^'T Alexander H. Jan., r „.."?:, ^^'' .'''"'''!' .^"t-'oduction and Nofps Iw illustrated with^med^ui^I p^f^li^^P^;' J'''^ ' ^''''' «f '^^ ' ^^'''''"^ 5.00) poitiaits, ci 8vo, ornamental covers (pub Impression on large paper ,i,„He.l tu 1.6 eopie, „.ch numbered. ^^"^^ ii 24 ''' "^PaliVMidlCaldf; (E^b^^^^^^^^^^ f "^ Antiquities of the Sources, Local and NatZ "m^k nte^^lthTfi. '""' 'f ^"'s'"^' ;->g of the l^trisl. Cliurch as it was n 8^0 fm '^"^'^°I'P'"•P^/^te engrav- Penny, 49 original engraving, on wood of i/ a" Z" '^™'""^' ^^ ^'"''^'" logical remains, from draw L Lth. Antiquarian and Arch.-eo- R.S.A., map of the l4S W tJ) author and James Drummond, SandilandsofCaldei%to;PbSoo) ' "^'^''' °^ *''^ ^^'"''y <^f Edition limited to 250 copies ^^^'^ m Psychology of the Cognitive Powers (pub 1.50) ]T1 -'"9 Macgkeoor (Colonel C P ti t \ xt .• Province if Krorassln'and^-'^tr'i'V'K 'T'"'''- ^'^''^^^'^ ''^ - 1875, with n.ap and numl:: ill" tr!;.I '^1^'. " ;^'^]^^^-^ i-a.5, With m^-r;..— .llStS,-^-^^^^^^ 1879 '" "^^JklK^^^^^ 1 North America, Bio- comprising Biogra hL and g nil" Liairm t ''"' J^'^T^"^^' vols, uniformly bound in npw lllf • History; together 4 150.00) ^ " "^'' ''^'^ """«0" morocco, cloth sides (pub . A truly national work. The life-like cxn,-,..,.,; e , Pl'Hadelphia ongmala and the beauty and accuracy <'f 11^112' "^ '" P?'""''''^' their fidelity to the securing for the work its woll-deTerved luLHnn ''??.' ^T" ''''"'« "° «nimporta„[part in "ngmals greatly enhances the valnStKE£l!;i«,-ti.s"'"*'= ciesiructio?:;'t,;^ 281 Maloney (Joseph A )— With Panfo- q. • illustrations, Ld clu^f ^.^J^^^Tb t.OoJ '° ''^''^"^^' ^'"' P-^™'^ ^ 282 Masse Y (Gerald)— A Book of tl,» n • • '^^^^ to Recover and R eco'stitut tlfe'T'os^ff' -""^l"'"^ ^" ^^^-P* Mysteries, Types and SySlsrietio; and r'^^'"' °^ *''^ ^^^<^''« -"d ^e^ Mouthpiece and A-ica '^tZ^^^f^^:^^^ Also the Continuation of above. ^^^^ 283 —-. The Natural Genesis, or Second Part , Begmnmgs,' 2 vols imp Sv^ (pub 7 sS of 'A Book of the 1883 and'ioSXf S ''7S i^"?«' "- ^-' -'-tit, writes :- Tinnks for v ^''^ ■'N.«bers..anAai^^f:^--n^S^^:S^^J'^^^^^^^ 284 Mathematics — Bvrne's Art ..,i,i a • ,- t> Onfin.. . <•■■.;«:..'- ^^*' yPtics ana J^lgures, Illustrative of ft«^„,„*„:„- ■ Rigi, 1848 25 to Brew It, being the Eadv ml ^!!''' >'^*^ ^^'^^^ ^''° ''^Iped portraits of bougl!sJenildL?ir'^ °lr'''? '^"^^on Ckari.ari, with trations (pub 1.25) ^'^ '''^'''''' ^'''^ numerous lllus- l>o.non. GUbert A'iJeckett, Albert Smith. &c&i^' "«"' ' '^>»1 Horace Mayhew, Mark 287 M^.^.^ ^ , ^,^,, ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ _ Herbert (pub 1.83) ^ ^^°"««'g««"r Besson, translated by Lady ''' ""IffhTn^ i'nd^^^raSn^T'^ ^^^f'-^-^ Collection'of this Artist, Etched bSn^nn,.r'''r °* ^-^^ r^^"''''^ ^^^^^^^^S^ by with Descriptive LeftiSess' fo o Tlf ^"■^""' ^°"««"''"*' ^^^ey, &cf (pub 5.0-) ^ -"^-^"^'Pess, foho, half morocco, gilt top, edges uncul 'A beautiful artistic souvemr of tJm cr..oof„ t- t u i , 1893 • ; A good selection, giving"" ?air 'id! .''o -"he "on^der; I '"' Vr'^'^y '^^'^^ f-" ^ ^ Daily Ncw.s. ° " m^.i oi nie -wonderful versatility of the painter.'— 289 Meyrick (Edward, B.A F Z S V T a \ u ji. , doptera, with illustrations (pub 2 Jot t'/~^'"'^^°'^^ '^ ^"^'«'> ^«P'- An important contribution to Enton>ologieal Literature. ^^^^ and fine portrait (pub 3.62) '^'"vvings Dy j. M. W. Turner ; 292 MoLLOY (Gerald D D n ^n ^. ^ r^, • ^^^^ Populal Lect^S-S; ^^^^^5^:^'^ il^LslpSH^- inustrated with 8 portraits, including two onVIoUkT^to'^^^^^^^^ Marshals Macmahon and Bazaine W rr^aZ j"T' .°^ Bismarck, battlefields, 8vo (pub 5 qO) ' °-' "'^P' ^"'^ P^'-^''^ °f the principal 7 illustrations, including portrits and vtwsttvoKoTpu^b'S? "'"' Mary Henn,,, Svo (^ub 2 50) ' '""^ "*^'''' "•*"«''^'«d ^y ''' "^E-dSi^I^^TalSa^^^^^ Life' paper, and superWy inustS SS^^^^^ smaller illustrations, S d n tinTs 4to\l?/ v^i?^^ ^!1^ '37 (pub 15.00 net) ' *"' "*" vellum, silk sides Impression on .Tnnanooo »»!■.,„ .,-.- ,..,,.. 1894 "igned-by tbe authoV."^ ' ''"^"' "'""^^ ''""''•'J *» 100 copies, numbered and archLtSt?fi^^u?e?u'£:t •I'^S'^ "^'"'' '^^^ ^'-^ '« Particularly displayed in ;,';! 26 (pub 3.37) ' •"■' '"'''' ""^I^ «°d 20o illustrations, 8vo written documents. '""'''y' "^ ''^ '''»* t«™ " meant only what clepemls upon « 1«i.t oamni „f humour. .4 "jagnifi- by William Gibb, illustrator of SlfeltoK ' Mary 8tul;t ' w";. t"'"^^ tive Notes by Richard R Holmes F S . ^^^^ j'^'^'^'^'' ^itli Descrip- Field-MarshafLord Wolseiey cSa^de A cjlt '." ^•S"'!"'^'^" "^^ m rod and black, on thick hand-made Zera.nLl ^'""'''^f ^ P^'^'ted 4to (pub 35.00 net) ^^ ' * ^"'"P'^ous volume, royal A Great Military and ^aval Work, with Magnificent Coloured Plates ^^^^ 1874 30G NKjDLEvvouK-Designs for Ohurch Embroidery and (^rewel W.,1. < Old Examples in EarJv Hhur"!!"- --^ n..i._. ^ ana^icwel Work, from h' E. «. Hartshorne, is'laree foldiny'nla7.« "' f ."^'^^'^^^ ^» It IS pleasantly written, nml affords useful hints as to \o<^\h\J:-Atllm '^' ■ 333 PR^MCarl du, Ph D^-The Philosophy of Mysticism, Translated from the German by C. C. Massey, 2 vols, 8vo (pub 6.00) 1889 , ,,,, . ■ ,, , ^" important work on Mystical Philosophy. 334 PRmoLE (Mrs M. A.)-Towards the Mountains of the Moon, a Journey (pub 3 Oot ' "^^ ^ "^ * ''^' *^'P'' ^'^^ ^°''^'"g '-''" 8vo An-ENmx I. A Continued History of th^ Universities Mission. II. Freedom^nd III. Captain O'Neill on Portuguese Slavery as we found them among the Native Tribe« Heiresses and Indian Traders. 33o Proverbs of Ind.a-Christian (J.)_Behar Proverbs, Classified and ^rranged according to their Subject-Matter, and Translated into i^nglish, wiji Note^5 illustrating the Social Customs, Popular Super- stition, and Every-Day Life of the People (pub 2.50) 189 j ^^^ ^""T. ivr-^?f''V^~^'''"i'"^'*'' ^^ * ^''■^"'' ^«*^««° ^^^ Noble Edifices of the Middle Ages and Corresnondine Bnildinrrs nf tha P.o«e.,i' '"'— showing the Present Decay of Taste', illustrated with finely" engrlv^,! title-page and 20 coloured plates and woodcuts, accompanied by appropriate text, 4to (pub 7.58) ^ jj^gj so rising young artists, :, vds lT(Xh Jeaf """"•^°"'=«' ""^ "^^^ -JX t^t e„g..av!ii^" tti^^' ;: r'^i:;;:'^'i^r"^f """* ^'"*" ^"'^ Windsor Ca«tlo and JJucki.r-l.LKn^^^^;^ '^'°'" ?"=*"''«« "^ Uniform with SkeLn's \ rrv StL ^ ' JT.*^'",' '"7''^PP«'-. «« i^nucd. <)ueen FJi^abeth (pub 15 Oo7 ' ""'' ^''"'"'"^ ^' ""-^ Creighton'« A.r,-„.>H,.SK.. A.N,. AuTi.KNTIC P.RHO.NA,. J.,K,, OF T„K OnKKV nv U H ^^^^ 'A finely-printod .,uart.. enriched wIM, „ I , " ^'"'''''■'' L'»«ahun. by Ccurbould and o.he, ICninent Ar.tait '/voirrto fpS' {om)'" A beautiful work for presentation ^^^8 they would not otlierwise possess ' ^'-*'^ ^''^'" ^'"' '"' inter.-t which appeals Z;!^:^'^;:;!^!"^'^"^ " -"- -^ 'J«%»'tlV.l ro„,ances, in which truth often •UO Railways— Our Railways- Thoir nr;„;« n i Romance, by John S;ton Ilh?/t S'l ^^.yf'^P":^"*' Jn'^idents, and 1'. Vnm famous Pic i e o?"'t ituwi's V' ^^i^^^^'"''"«" o'' W. and^^nearly 300 wood engravii^ t^^^lf ^ t^^C^ ^^^l^'S J41 Ramsay (Allan)— The Ever (Jreen • A Pnllo^f .■ c by the Ingenious before 1600 Fa"csknik. I ' J,''l^ ^°«'"^ "'^^t" of 1724, beautifully printed on Xi 1?'''"V'' ^''^ Original E T^'". ^"?^'" ^^P^^' °f burghe binding (pub 10 00) ' "" ' '^'°' '" "*^"t ^^o'^" o.o ' ^^7G TheTea-Table Miscellany: A Collection of Pi ■ c. and English, reprinted frou, the fourteen! ahe besS .Tf" ^""T' ^'"'^ prmted on ribbed irnper Large Pflnpr ^ •^^''t) ed,t,on, beautifully number were printidf 2 VolX^pTblaS^ "' "''"' ^"'^ "^ ^-'4 o 1875 Geikie,Oireetor-Oeneral'oAhi'Sfc^r:;;^.iS^,^'^ 'The memoir is worthy both of Ramsay and his biographer. ■-A.V, Mu. ^^^' translated and edited by i'rofessors E C l' ^''f.^^''T' '""^ A"'«"ca, and A. H. Keane, illustrated S nn *^''^^"«'<^"'. -F-K-G-S., F.S.S. 700 beautiful ful - gfe 'LTt, and oS^^^nn'^'^ '" ^°'''"^«' "«-^y woodcuts in the textt co rpS ^'I'o'^ ' ^^'^ Subscribers, 95.00) ^ "^ '^'*^' ""P ^^° (original price to The only Complete PictoHdl nn-lfteoffrApW.-! I- - . ^•"'^• The Last ICdition of this Monn.nenfU m,^ T s^T'^''"'' "' '^^ ^°'''"- January of the present ;""■■ "''" ^"""°"'' "^" '"^^'"S >^ecn Kevised so late as :«», ill which truth often the Earth nnd its 3l;i .riti ;547 coloiifH, comj 11 Thrf.^Unay Thnr JHvUums of the Work ,o h.- soM ^pnrateh, Reclus (Elisee)-America (North and South), edited by P.ofc«s.,r L i", ' """ V '""''" '"■""'-"' '" '•'>'°"'«. "''1 "early ^..Sril us Asia, edited by Professor A. II Kluiic with o. „ •.,'.* M'kto ,„ .1 vol., i,„|,„,i„| 8v„ (|,„t, 20.00 1„ S,,b'S,"r » n' ■'"■« ' ■■" "» -«. "hIKv'o (;:„V5:ooi„\^iiE.™r,' '""""•;■;;' ?? rsr:;v;„r't:s S tail's S^B-'k ■'■"''-*•■ !- .ntrmsic value, but aids materially in {,opulari.i,\g k '"'"''*"""" «''"'"" ""' '>»ly "'Ids to itn ;:;^c»t.T;i' '^"" •^'' illustrations throughoui ' The plates and other illustrations are beautiful «n,i .v„* ^- , ^894 worthy of thtm.'-Spectator. "'^"' *"'^ 'nstruotivo, and the author's work ''' 'f rofi^a^ss:^ie:sr:^trf-t^t i^^ii^'^ .'^^ ^^-^ J. Jusserand, illustrated witl^'o fine i^gT^tte p Z^'^*"'; 'r'l by Oudry, 2 vols 8vo (pub 5.00 net) 'S'avuie plates from design.s j < n ki- I 1 • . , L''"'*'-''' to 1000 copies, and numhprn/l ^^^■'' 'Published in a handsome form with every luiurv of ^^n»„; consists in the designs by (Judry. the fanious -110.^1^,: .^/^^'V '^T''- ^^ *P"''*' '"«'>'"•" i -leces of spirit and tnste. . . . To the knowfcU el ewWrn L ' ■ J'"""'"' "'««««■'• Look, M. Jusserand now adds a brilliant account of the auTho,' •-'"'''" ^"""^'-'ing this 365 SCHUCHHARDT (0.)-Schliemann'8 Excavations ' an'TT" , • ' Hrstorical Study, by Dr C. SchuchharS Cectt of't"';'^ ""'' Museum in Hanover, translated from the German bvP° o'n'""" with an Appendix on the Recent DiscoveS at T^^ '^•f .'"'"' Schh^mann and Dr Dorpfeld, and an Int^oTt.'.l ^^^^i'.^ ""l ^^ ^^^^■"■•rs4:j;;:^t)^°'-*™^^^' ^^p^' p^-«. -dnu^e;;^niiu^ takir will, beac 371 372 373 I 374 < 375 - Coir Widow, I Two Dr 376 - 377 - tions, 8vo (pub 4.50 net) 1891 of a Nortli-West I'nssaL'.' , '<■ With the Appendix, ?s. Large Paper Copy, nn account of the I'nothia.n. yoynffc. Hi ifain, with n Preface l.y i ). Ilorbertson (pub 3.00) .,, , , 189(1 will 1)0 iiiHtrtictivo to p:nj?IiHli. Pictoiinlly represented In ;•'« ,';''''V« •■500 engravin^; Jtull-page plates, of whirl, riptivc text, based „„ the ' 1881 ndscHjie nnd in tlio sncini lit,. itpnge.s/— r/,< irorlil. > Wild nensts of fndia' rvations, with nn account Elophaiit.M, with 21 full- direct from the originni 189(1 ato of Britain during tlir 8 Life and Times, 103;; 188;i f, we cannot but admire tlic It. — i>atiirdny Hirinr. to Books, giving sound 111 each Department ot 1891 iru acquainted. '—O/oi^, the Author's Kecollec- Habits, and Religions 1820 ■Japan, with an Intro, ictorial Arts of Japan; in colours, executed iji llustrations throughoui 1894 vo, and tlie auUior's work into English by Tom 1 an Introduction by J, ire plates from designs 189:' I paper. A special featme j • .,."'^^« "le master. I accessible concerning tliis 1 Archseological and •ector of the Kestner n by Eugenie Sellers, at Hissarlik by J)y ■inn K*T 1I7"_i4 t ■--- -v TTttitcr Leal, nd numerous illustra- 1891 :m .13 of Violo, H„„o, 1. S,„W,''N.:r; "" 'V'"' ""'"" I* "■• Ni.™ togstlior, 3 voIk (p„b ii.ou, Aiidemonville PrLon ; 1838 ch,pn 8vo (p„l, 5.00) ° '*""'"'■ '')' """8" «™l>. ICQ r 1885 ■ ~r An":." lirc^niS' 'K''?" " "': '-"" °' "- ""^-j- plate, (,„,l, .1.501 ' ■ '"""'»»"l'. million, l„||.pag<, 1 IJUQ Ke™.c.„. : We„ the, C„ij";:,eL:' Ti'o',, (X IST ''liT/Sj 17T « /« ,. 1890-94 ' ^„i?J:::o,^pi,^a'ffo^AtirL'"'f '-^f ^f; ^''^-^ «---"- of all who haVbeen7voft ols vnn^^^^^^^^ ^'"t " "g.'-''Ph^c«l Notices tion with the 'Old yUts ' 15^, Z °'" ?'■*^^^''""^»•« '» =«"nec- umi^gnts, 1 -J lull-page engravings (pub 4.00) lygc A valuable work of mud, research. 375 fully illustrated, 25 vols'r 8vo (pulf 9^Mr' "" ^""'^ P"P^'' ^"^^ ^ff " tl^n^alfdOrotrf ZS'wtlf a';^^^^ ^°*^^ «"^ J"-*- by VV. H. Li.ars.'^rom dra nl by Eh f!"' ^'l^f ^t^'g^^ttes Stanfield, Stone, 16 vols 18mo ^ ' "'"' ^"*'"' ^ulready, Iwo Drovers, and Surgeon's Daughter! Kobert ol Pans, Castle Dangerous, i 376 — Poetical Works, complete, with Notes, complete in 3 vols (pub 1.83) ''' l^oS^cT'Ss^'^^^r^LSiS"^^^'^- s"-'^^ drawings by J. M. W. Turner, A W dl o tT'l "tI"" "f u°'" J. Thomson and othpr« on„ '.a i..\- ^r<=°4'. ^- Nasmyth, liev. day. includine- W VXr^A^Ji'^^v'^l "l "'« nrst line engravers of the W includ Miller and others; a re-issue fr «oxburghe binding, gilt top (nub 30.00) Keux, George Cooke, J. C. Allen •om the original copperplates, 4to l- 1892 34 .^79 ;wo .T.8 Skton (Alexaiulor, Earl of Dunforml-ae, Chancellor of Ruotland ir)55- 1022) Memoir of, with an Appendix containing a List of the various 1 residents of the Court, and Cleneulo^ical Tables of (he Legal Families of Er.skinc Hope, Dal.ymple, and -Dinidas, by George Seton, with portraits and facsiniilos, sm 4to (pub ri.OO) I8g2 Shakespeare's Complete Works— Revised from the Original Edi- tions, with Ili.stoiiciil and Anidytical Litroductions to each Play also tr".v'' ,V-^l''""'it^^'y "'"I t'ritical, and a Life of the I'oet by J () Halliwcll, bcaiitilully illustrated with line steel portraits of Famous Actors and Actresses, ;{ vols imp Svo, half nior 18GG —-Dramatic and Poetical Works, with an Account of his Life and and Copious Notes, Knight's Favourite Cabinet Edition, portrait, 10 vols, l"2mo jy^g .381 Romeo and Juliet, beautifully printed in large typo on fine paper, and diustrated with 9 exquisite full-page photogravures from designs by F. IJmdley, 4to (pub 5.0U) i^gg ;i82 —Dyer (T. F. Thistleton) - Folk-Lore of Shakespeare; (Jrindon W,' ■"•)— feliakcspeare Flora, with numerous engravings; Timon a lay edited by A. Dyce ; Henry the j.'ifth ; and Titus Andronic'us, Hooths I'acsimile. Reprints from the folio of 1623: tojjether Tj vols (pub 10.00) *= mo.sii 383 SnAKESPKAKiANA-IIalliwell-rhillips (J. ().)- Visits of Shakespeare's Con.pany of Actors to the Provincial Cities and Towns of England ; White (1 W.)-Our Knglisii ITomcr, or Shakespeare Historically Considered; Stearns VV.)~Thc Shakespeare Treasury of Wisdoiii and Knowledge; an I'hipson's Animal Lore of Shakespeare's Time • together, 4 vols (pub 5.00) 1883-y-->' 384 Smakksi.kakk- Wordsworth (Hishop)-Shake8peaie's Historical Plays", Konian and English, with Revised Texts, Introductions, and Notes Clossariiil, Critical, and Historical, 3 vols crown Svo ([, 25) ia9'i sponio. . . I lie introductions arc nnifoimlv oxcollcnt. . . The cxnlttiu.toVv notes are Mio.t, clear, and always to ti.e point. '-//7nV,7m// J!n,inr. i-xplanatory 38r, Shaw (Henry, FSA.)_Encyclopffidia of Ornament, a Selection o the 1 iircst ami JScst Specimens of Ornaments of all Kinds and of a 1 Ages, o9 plates beautifully coloured, exhibiting numerous examples ot Hat and Sculptured Ornament in Various Stylos, royal 4to (originallv published at 2.00) ISO" ' Mr -siiiuv 1ms ulrcady eonfoned iniitcilHl bonofit on the artists of KiiKJnnd bv Ills laith in! engravniRs t,o,„ aneiont works ou senlpture and V>^'>^t\»g:~(,na/e^!:;^1lZHne ^^*^ ~";;Tth^?.f i'"f^^°^ f^f °^*^"? °*' Elizabethan Architecture, Mth 00 highly l,ni.shcd copperplate engravings, of which three are beautifully printed in colours, exhibiting numerous examples, with descnptions of the plates by J. Moule. 4to (originally published at ' 1897 exa;S'if!;:::;tX:ili -/i^'t::.:/ Sr'' '"'«"^' '"" •"^"'"«'' ^^^ --p"'--'/ 387 Sheridan (Richard Brinsley) - The School for Scandal, a Yomedy, with Illustrations by Lucius Rossi, a most beautiful Edition- de-Luxe. e egantly printed, and embellished with a charming series ot coloured illustrations depicting memorable scenes in this favourite IS: Sr"'.!.! ""?""-'' .^'^'■' ''I'V'" .'"■'■''."'' .*■"'"'. >^''"g'v>'tly hound in '■ ' ' '"'" "■"" iniMid eoioured miniatures of 1894 c.oth, gi.t edges, the iVc-iit board haviiij the chaiactors in the piece (pub G.OO) ?88 Sii.i,!ma\ (nenjamin) -Tour to (^)uebec in 1819, 8vo, half calf 1822 35 ;!8n Sinclair s Hawaiian Flowers: Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands, 44 full-piv-o plates, coloured from Nature, in the liin;hest style of chroino-lithography, witl. letterpress, by Mrs Sinclair, iinporial 4to, a .siii)i|.tuou.s volume (pub T.nO) 1885 •rhls magniliccnt volunu. comprises lorly.l'our lai-jro plates, painted and (losonbc'd l,v b« Mneluir, ami roproducu.l on ti.ick plato paper by Messrs Leiphton Itroil.ers, with ,i dolicaey a nclniess at eoloiinnfr and a niinuleness of detail which woidd render it lumarkablo were it only as a specimen of the poifection to which tlio Art ofcolonr-printinir ?«kI "/"" '" . '""n''v-^''xr ''''" '""'^ '"' ''^'™"ver, a contribution to botanical science u( no siiglit interest,' — Diiiuj Niii's. 390 Smith (D. M.)— Arctic Expeditions from British and Foreign Shores, from the Earliest to the Kxi)editiou of 187:), with numerous lull-pago plates, coloured and plain, 3 vols 4to 1875 o'Jl Smith (A. M.)— Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Gold and Silver Coins ot all the dillerent Countri(?s and States of the World, illustrat- ing the jModorn, Ancient, Ourront, and Curious, from .\.i>. 1885 back to it.c. 700 ; full descriptions of Fineness, Weight, Kace Value, and Metal Work, illustrated with exact facsimiles of over GOOO coins, numerous name lists, statistics, historical data, tables for calculations', roduction, comparison, &e., with full Index, royal 8vo (pub 5,00) 188(5 392 Smith (I)r K, Angus, IMi.S.)— Loch Etivo and the Sous of I'isuach, an Exhaustive Treatise on the Arclnvologieal Kcmainaof the Dalriad Scots around Loch Etive, second edition, 20 full -page illustrations of cairns, urns, crosses, lake dwellings, and other autiiiuarian sculpturings, 8vo (pub 2.50) ^'l885 3!};i Smith (Laura Alexandrine)— Music of the Waters, a Collection of the Sailors' Chanties, or W%)rkiug Songs of the Sea, of all Maritime Nations, Boatmen's, Eishernicn's, and Rowing Songs, and ^Vater Legends, with the air of each song set to music, 8vo (pub 3.00) 1888 • A very cntortainiiig book.' — Acadcmij. ;)04 Smith (J., A.L,S.)— Ferns : British and Foreign, fourth edition, revised and greatly enlarged, with many illustratioiis, crown 8vo (pub l.S.J) ,,„, . . 1896 Has 18 a iiuw and cnbirgod edition of ono of the boat extant works on Uritwh and loreign forna.'— A'ltm/ IForld. 395 Smith (Albert)— Struggles and Adventures of Christopher Tadpole at Home and Abroad, illustrated by John Leech (pub 0.87); and Hugh Barvel, a Novel (pub 0,50) ; together, 2 vols 1893 396 SoNG.s and HiUad of Scotland, Romantic and Historical, Chronologically Arranged, with Introduction and Notes by J. 1). Ross, 2 voKs, cr 8vo (pub 2..50) 189;j 3'.'7 Spenser's Kalender of Shepherds (The), in Three Parts, com- prising— I. The Original English Edition, printed in 1503, at Paris, reproduced in Photographic Facsimile, in Black Letter, con- taining the (')() very curious rough wood blocks. 11. The English Editiou by Richard Pynsoii of London, 1506, faithfully reprinted. III. The Prolegomena, containing a Critical Treatise on all known Freiieli and English Editions, the .sources of the French Edition, its relation to the lOditioiis, some account of the WoodcuLs, an Index, and a Glo.ssary, by H. Oskar Soiunar, Pii.l). Beautifully printed •'•ii iiaiid-iuade paper, nnp Hvo (ptib 10.00 net) ISui,' Impression liinitod to ;iOO copies and nninberod. .V luDst niugnilieunt work, proiUicod in tho manner and with that perfect aoctiracv and I'liUifuhiOH, to detail similar to those works issued by William Morris nt the Kclii'iscot L ircss. 36 1882 n«mru:^aS!;lL{:Tat^;S"SJ^^^^^ ^"' ^^''^^'^'^ -'•'--d f-- the 399 Spinoza (Benedict, tl.o Celebrated Philo.sopher)-His Life Torr*. 'A clever and vivacious voIumc.'-..//!/,(;naw». But'ifwrpts^rWy'aSt^^^ "-; difflemties i„ tho path of a cL!!o^ its own ovg/nic diLses, LZtZttlt" SlZT:^ can„ t .-e^ist the progress of be regarded us hopdes,.' -A/civcastlc Chronidc •^'°'""»'' '^<'^'"<"' » »"l>lo life cannot *"' ~FeWgS?v„'(pTl''l3) "'""■ *^™" <^»»^'«»". Social Life, ^ I he impression of this book was sh-if.H« i;.v.-* J ^ ^^^ . 1880 numbered. » «ook was st.ictly hmited to 350 copies, each one of which is di«.-,m„gly lll„a„tecl w 1,° ,S Zratri i" ' "'' P"""' .•»" (pub 12.00) ' ' "' ""' "el'Uni, edges uncut ket and t.f,o v„^ J.,„ .n?™?'"'-? Notices of the Habitues of New.nar- tcnu,orary prints, ,Vc, 3 vols 8vo (pub 9.00) ^ '""°"' ^^'^^ attr 37 cncli Pronouncing 1 Academy, that of iglish Dictionaries liglith Edition. 2 1882 evidenced from the [is Life, Corre- ry Edition, 8vo 1870 I .Spinoza," by D. R. I Thrcc-Cornered 1881 Modern Russia, 1896 path of a cause, isist the progreHS of 1 noble life cannot iiocial Life, and 1894 63 of Sixty-Three her Kemains of rbs, and Leith, lected by John 'homas George i to subscribers) 1880 I one of which is Jturesfjiie scenery III pen than Edin- Customs of tiie The Higliland ither, 2 vols 1885-97 lunting Camps, llustrations by ■s. Large 8vo 1893 !i record of sport, of Scotland, ^ paper, and JgrHvure from , edges uncut 189G o make the book ! of the Turf, 3 of Newiiiar- o tile End of curious con- 188G 407 SPOHT-Seton Karr's Bear Hunting in the White Mountains, map : also Hopkin 8 Fishing Experiences of H. i a Century, illustrated, together 2 vols (pub 2.50) ' 1893 ■^^^ --J^**^°"WSjcetches of British Fishes (pub 0.87); and Moddart (Thos. T.) Angling Songs, edited with a Memoir by his l>aughter, hne portrait (pub 1.83), together, 2 vols 1889-93 409 Stanley (H^ M., the distinguished African travcller)-The Congo and ■ ?M °"''^j"^ °^ '*' f "^^ ^*^*^' ^ ^*°''y °f ^^'o^-k and Exploration, Best Library Edition witli 122 full-page and smaller illustrations, two large maps and several smaller ones, 2 vols (pub 10.00) 1885 ' The book of the asMon.'— Standard. 410 — The ^min Pasha Expedition, by A. J. Wauters, numerous illustra- tions (pub 1.50) jggp 411 Stoddard (C. A.)-.Cruising among the Caribbees, with 10 full-page illus- trations ; and Collens's Guide to Trinidad, with numerous engravings ; together, 2 vols (pub 4.75) ^ ISeidi 412 Swift (Dean)-Lifc of, by Henry Craik, portraits, 2 vols cr 8vo (pub "' ' 1894 413 SwiTZBELAND Illustrated in a Series of Vieivs, upwards of 120 hi-lily- finished Engravings from Drawings by Bartlett, with Descriptive Text by Wm. Beattie, 4to, half mor 1836 ^^^ ^T,m iL^-^7v?°'v i^^^^r'^.^'""'". '^' Restoration to the Revolution, 8vo%T(|,rbl50?''^'^^ '^^^ ^^ ^°°'^ ^"'^ ^ ^-^ ^"'^-)' 7- Frame and Decoratively De.signed Frontispiece, executed in tl S • Jighest style of photogravure, from the negatives of Mrs Julia Margaret Cameron, and H. H. Cameron, with Reminiscences by Anno l^^:^^^^^'-'^''^^ 'y "• "• H^>' ^'--4 folio, fbr S: iisr.;j;^'''^s^cS;tnZ.i2"^ '' ''' ^°^"^^' '' ^^•-" -'^ ^^^ -- 416 Thackeray (W. M) -Works. Complete, the Pocket Edition ElOOm^ ""''^ '''"'■ *^P' "^ '^"^ P^P^"-' P'^'-''-'^'*' 2' vols 16mo ^1 "" i-^-v^) 1895-96 'A perfect and marvellously cheap edition. '-Arr/^fo,.. Neat, handy, and pretty little books. '-b'atun'.ay Review. 417 Sultan Stork, and other Sketches and Studies. 1829-41 Now firsf collected, to which .s added the Bibliography of Thackeray, revised and considerably enlarged, 8vo (pub 2.50) ^' -[ggj • Admirers of Thackeray may be grateful for a reprint of Sultan ^toTk.-Athnucum. 418 — - The Orphan of Pimlico : A Moral Tale of Belgravian Life and other Sketches, Fragments, and Drawings, with Notes by £ Ihackeray illustrated with numerous Sketches by the Author Genuine Original Edition, royal 4to ^"uioi, I in nil.' j.HACSEi:AY 1876 1 -1 , S'^\' .-^^O -pGven Iliiijioious Etciiing.s, drawn by Thackerav at Cambridge, depicting Scenes and Incidents of Univer.s tfl' f? reproduced from the Original Copperplates, and not to be found anv whcrc else, never having boon published 1896 38 "' Ir^^e-pSSr^f SV^S.1^^ D-a, Music. . and a scries of splendid Si 1 1 Wr'ap hs 'oH^^ \ '\ ^^-"-^' Actresses, complete from September l^o/ / ^'^y°"''te Actors and l^ts as origin'ally issued r.tatj Jo A ?l f''"',. '"' ^ "°'« """^ ^ i'^nnnent Actors and Singers (p b sljO) '" ^ '"^*»S'-^Ph« of the 'l^l Thomson (Sir C Wvtiiio i ^^94-97 \^^^^^^^V?^i^^^^^ Staff of the the General Results of t le DiS^Kn.l '?^„ ?r^^ = "" ^■^^■'^"""t of L'gl.tuing ' during the Summer! o^f IsS rP ^n^'^'S' ^"^'■'^"1^''"« ' -" TUKKKY~C0X fSamnnl *< \ • .1. ' 1887 a Diplomat iu^ S t";;.-; ^oSdt^ir'"" '° '^;;"-^<^^)-'^-ersions of plans (pub 3.50) ^' ■^°'"^'*' "^^'ne^ous illustratious, maps, and m Tv.avii.TT ,'Rp'v '«''''« '"r" f"" "' '"'«°"' »»^-'ver.'-AW/o„. ^^^^ on Lands^ca;:- t^ wJl^ Authorl^.^ R^ ^^"> ^■^"<=- ^^^ Studies and Woodcuts in iWe soTr^S lif ^''^/^'/V? °^ the Lessons wood engravings (pub 1 83) '""'"*' °^ ^''^^"'8 ' ^'th 37 i-7 Uzanne (Octave)~The Book »,,ni:. - « • 1^6 among the Bookstalls of the Ouu'swm^^ }n Pa„s, being Studies Bu-rell, beautifully printed ^.^fi^'ro Z^^t"" '^' ^"S"«''- trations interspersed in the text r,£,Ts ' / \ fi characteristic illus- •1-38 Vaughan (Prof. H HalLdT ''^X^l ^^'""^ '"'^^^ ^^93 ump8vo -^ "US rated with full-page engravings, 6 vols 97, 5 vols and 4 F.R.H., and Sir 39 433 Wmkku (Genera] Francis A.)- The Making of the Nation, 1783-1817 a 17? 'hT o ?r A^"°""* °^ *'"' ^.'"'*^'^ '^'■''^^ ''■°'» tl^e'Confed m ion! 1783-87, to the Admunstration of President Madison, 1817, with a Exhaustive mbhography of Works relating to the History of America 8v7(ti ^l^'^''^''''- ^-•-'•' -P-- -dex and 2 foldin,^ nm^ ™' ^^ '' 189G 434 Wau. (VVilHam)-The History of Infant Baptisn,, together with Mr Gal s ReHeefcions and Dr Walls' Defence, edited 'by the ev Henry Cotton, Best Library Edition, 2 vols 8vo (pub 5.00) ml 435 Wallace (Robert, Professor of Agriculture in Edinburgh University)- Zeflfn"/^- i^?°?Ty-^"1 Agriculture of Australia and N^w ■ iHS^;s,'roa;:;;5^oo) ^ ''"''' '' '^■^'^^ ^^^^^-'-^^ ■'%§ 436 Wallack (Lester, the Celebrated Actor)- Memories of Fifty Years with an Introduction by Laurence Hutton, portrait, cr 8vo (pub l}<3)' 1889 437 Walpouc (Horace, the celebrated Earl of Orford) and his World-Select Passages from Ins Letters, edited, with Copious Notes, by LB Seeley c^tn Tvf ^'uroS7 ' '''-'' '''' '"^ ^"'■''•^^^ ^''' '■' ''■ L---I > We do not often meet with a more entertaining voIume.'-7'a« Mall Ga-Mte. 438 WA^^nuRTOv (T.)-Conquest of Canada, Library Edition, portraits, 2 vols 184!) 439 Wenckstern (Fr. Von)-A Bibliography of the Jaoanese Empire, bong a Classified List of all Book^ Essays^ and Saps In Eu oT'Amr^"^'%''''"l'^^° ^i ^''>°" ^^'^^' '^^P-)' P»bli bed in Ei.rope, America and in the East, from 1859 to 1893. To which i added a facsmnle-reprint of: Leon PagSs-Bibliographie jZnaise depuis le XV^ si^cle jusqu'^ 1859, royal 8vo ^ 189? 440 Weld (Isaac)-Travels through the States of North America and tl,e Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada from ?7^95 to "^7 1^ plates and mans, 2 vols 8vo, half russia ' ig"fj 441 Wheelkr (J. Talboys, autiior of 'History of India from the Earliest tftTJ~^•'^^^'•'°"'' °l'.^"*'"^'' 1"^''^= ^ History of the EngS d 'iW li'" ^"'''?' ?, '°'i "• '''^ Government Recoils, the Wo ks o Old Iravellers, and o her Contemporary Documents, from the Eailies (pubte'r'" '° '' '" '"""' '''"" ^" India! ?oyal8v.; 442 Whewell (WmD.D, the distinguished Philosopher)-An Account If his Life and Writings, with Selections from his Literary nd Scientific Sv"; (pJbtoor '" '• '°'"""^"' ''^^ ^'"'"'^"^ Mathen4icil'"rvoi: 443 W..E (Wif )pSrrr^T-e^^rrtommons Edited 40 445. Whitman AValt^ a «» i . . 1881-94 illustrated with a largefo d 1 fafZ^'^^ ^^' ^"tf'O'-'s drawings, nearly 100 woodcuts, 2 vlVo(ifub 6 O^r ''' ^"S'-'^vings, and as the nntuiuary for Lis eriual lore '-^rj. /iS^ "" '""°'' *■"■■ '^^ '^•^"='''''" '^^^''"^"ce O^n and Changes o. .^V^^^^^:^, ^^rs^ci . 1867 WODROW SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. Ti,.„„„„, .s vofs 8v„, ;lw2; ;?;.2/ ""'"""' "^ ""■ «»"• ti>»»«. I'i- I-ife by the J(ev. fwoio"* |S"r'\"'*. Collection, for Melville'., Logical Analvl of , ° P ■■.,^ ™''J "'» f«™» «'id together, 3 vols, y„«Si:^i°w' ^■"'"'° '° ""' ""'"""l/ '»'■ w. F.e„,., ., .. K. .„„vsit« KSt!;si'-srt,.'to°'(*£ 452 Wood-Enokaving— Linton av r ^ u- . ,. ^^^^ A.nerica, iUustrated w! h Zj:i~^:Zlit'''''f ^"^™-"g '" cuts in the text, by Anderson TonS ^l'^''^'""S? ^"^ numerous wood- half mor (pub 7.50) ' ^^'^' ^""'"' ^'"t^"' Kruell, &c., 4to, Edition limited to 1000 copies ''^^^ ''' "^oTlt ^^m^^!!^^^^^^^ ^ ^opul. Description and Customs of the Human Familv bv 1 ^^Z"'T^'''' ^*"""«. 1 i-own, with upwards of 60 fu7pL Lal7"' ^"^^''' '""^ ^"^^'^ t e text, .nd coloured maps, lotSp^ ;^r(;ur27oO) ^"^™^''"f^i" cyilisatioiV of- tu; tn^X peoples "oMhe'V",^ ^'^'^^^^^^m'^ins'^r^^'t relations toother nations n„a tribe? &c "''' "■■' '''•''*'''<='' '" «^'' 'he>r interesth,J iteiaturo from [atthews (pub e (pub 1.12), 1881-94 ^8, with fine 1893 ) learning than I the Olden d Antiquities e Alterations )r's drawings, 3f Edinburgh [ravings, and 1891 ''■' — Scotsman. Hal excellence ing a Survey se, and the Is 8vo (pub 1867 i from the ev. Thomas 1842 by Robert lections for igham; to- 1842-4;3 3ct Works, ?erme and ins, 1 vol, 1849-50 3 Familiar ist of the 8vo (pub 1891 raving in us wood- i&c.,4to, 1882 iscription Vlanners, I Robert aving£ in 1886 gro under 'ofore the iteresting Walter M. Keabns, . A UC XI O 2VB; EJ Hf i^«>i- tiie as