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THE COLLECTION INCLUDES aUEBEC MERCURY, First 5 Vols., 1805. CHRISTY'S CANADA. CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, First 21 Vols. SCRAPS AND SKETCHES OF A LITERARY LOUNGER. HAWLEY'S LAYS OF THE FOREST, &c., &c. THK SALP: will TAKK PJ.A(1K ■^AT OUR SALESROOMS, + H) & 248 ST. JAMES STREET, o,\ Saturday Afternoon I Evening. Dec. 19th, At 2 ANH TIJO o'ci-ocK. THOMSON & GOWDEY, .iuctioneers. Hart 6-^ Sun, rrinters. 241 St. James Street, Montreal. CATALOGUE. No. 1- a— I'lic lliddc'ii Sin. riu' Voiiii!;- Stepniotlu'!-, 2 v.»ls. llor.-ieo Teiii[)lol(/;i. The L;.\v and (he Lady. E^;laii(inc. Biich CaHo. ■A Roric iii Jimo. Ijalvoville. Tlie Slave Power, An Open Veidicl. Xed Fortesqne Welsli and Hn,<^lish Te.stanient. ■JJ'Aubij^'no's IJotbi nuti ion. Constance. ■A Tale of \ho Sea and other Poems. ■Life and Literature in the Fatherland, Hurst. ■Wild Jiife amoiiii," the Knords, Millingen. Paranui and Soulli American EeeoUections. Hubert b^llis, F. Davcnant. Travels in tlie Ue^ii,ion.s of the Upper and Lower Amoor, T. W. Atkins,m. Kistorj of the Rebellion, Giddings. ■Gladstone's Financial Statements. TM.e Voyages of the Pandora, 1875-6. ■Distinguisheti Women, Mrs. Hale. ■Notes on I'ari^, Tainte. ■Things as they are in America, Chambers. ■Lite and Times of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Macdonald. ■Moore's Poetical VVoi-ks Complete. •Life of Viscount Palmerstoii, 2 vols. ■Mirror of Parliament, Canada. •Society in Amoi'ica, 2 vols., rai-e. fjife and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. -l^]dinburgh and its Neighbourhood, Hugh Miller. ■Sj)ortsma!i's Friend in ;i Foi'est, Hieover. -Ii-ving's Life ot Columbus. ■Shooting and Fishing in North America, 2 vols. 37 — The Attache, or Sam Slick in England. 0- G- i- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 1()- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 2t)- V27- 28- 29- \^30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- I No. 38- 3t)- 41- 42- 43- V— 14- 45- 46- 47- V-48- 40- 50- 51- 52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 60- -s^l— 62- v^33- 64- ()(]- 67- 68- 69- s^70- V^71- \^72- v73- 74- 75- 76- 77- 78- 79- — 3 — Life of Samuel J. Tildcii, VV. M. Cuincll, I-L.l>. Frank FonastiM-'s Fish and Fishinir. L'Fclio (,\iiia;la. Knlretien.^ ^Ul' la (iiainmairc, L. Saiivoui'. Cramp's Texl Book of Popei-y. The Fi.-^hii.g TouriM, Hal lock. Saykatelu^vvan and llio Jvorky Moaiiiaiii.-, Karl of Soul lirsk. Tho Ariionaui, Georgo (Jladstono. Manitoba and tho (Jroat Xorth-Wcst. Macoun. •Prose and Poetry of America. •Life of Sir William I.oaaii, TJarriiiiiton. •Tho Science and Art oi" Alidwiferv, 18S4, Lusk. A System of Instruction in Quantalive" Chemical Analy sis, FreKenius. •Flint on tho Respiratory Organs. Still^'s Thei-apeulics and Materia Medica. Newroses of the Skin, Damon. Stille on Epidemic Meningitis. Gregory on Fevers. Durlacher on Corns and Bunions, kc. The Human Lung, Waters. Todd's Anatomy of the Brain. Ireland Old and Ne\7, 3 vols. American Pomology, Warder. Eighty Years Proi. ress, British North America, Illus- trated, rare. •Memoral de Sainte Helene, 3 vols., rare. Buchanan on Industiial Politics of America. The Ciiitu'se and their Kel)ellions. with Fssay on Civili- zation, T. T. Meadows. Spoi't anti Sportsmen, Slretloii. ■Smart's Metaphisics. ■Goldsmith's Animated Nature, complete. 2 vol>. ■Life of General Grant, J. T. Iteadley. ■Yankee Hill and Cai-pct Bag of I'un. 2 vols, in 1. ■History of Canada, 2 vols. •Canada, Past, Present and Future. •Histoire du Canada. Garneau. ■The Eai'l of Durtoj'in's Administration in Canada. ■Alice, or Infidelity, and othei- tales, 5 \'ols. -The Dublin Univei'sity Maga/.ine, 1845. •SelfHelj). -Saul, a Drama. -Amei'ican Constitution. -Lavengro, the Scholar, the Gipsey, the Priest, by (ieogrc Borrow. I _4 — No. . 80— Amorican Histoiy from tlio earliest discovery to the ))i'eseiit day. 8l_Tlu' Li I'c of Christ. 82 — Woestun Giien-e D'Orient. 8;{— ('hathum, Burke, Erskino and Macintosh. 84_I,.ish lOldqiienee, Curran, Gratton, Kinmet, kc. 85_llist()ry of the War with Mexico. 8() OMiTespoiuhMicc of Piiiice Talleyrand and Louis XVllL, IS 14-1. 5. 87 — .lows Letters to Voltaire. 88— Canadian Illustrated News from 1st vol. to 21st, half- calt. 89— Grant's British Battles hy Land and Sea, complete, .-iO ]>ai'ts. 90— Bai'tlett's Canadian Scenery, London edition, 120 Steel Eui;" ravine's, 2 vols. \^91_Q„ol)ec Mercury, first 5 vols., 1805, very rare. N^92 — Christy's Canada, () vols., rare. V93 — (i vols' Piiinphlets, some very i-are. ^^94—1 Bundle Pami)hlets. 95_The Canada Gazette, 1850. vy^lG— Ti-aite sur les Sois Civiles du Bas Canada, 1832, 3 vols., rare. 97 — 1Miomas\s Eastei-n Townships. •^ 98— Day's 99__M('Vi-y's Historical Account of British America, 1839, 3 vols., I-are. Hall's Travels in Canada, &c., 181G-17, rare. P)oyd's Canadian History. •Moody's Backwoods of Canada. ( broil's Canadian History. Adventures of the Connaught Rangers. Scrai)s and Sketches of a Literary Lounger, &c., Montreal, 1831, rare. -Dixon's New America. -Montreal, Past and Present. -Volneys View of America, with maps and plates, 1804. -Quebec Almamiok, 1839, rare. -The Aquarium of America. -Monro's British North America. -l)Utlei-'s Lake George and Lake Champlain from their til si discovery to 1759. li;j — Myst(MMes of the Backwoods. 114 — IJanibles among the Blue Noses. 115 — L.KjKdition to the Source of St. Peter's Hiver, &c., &c. Iji; — jtiixlon's Life in the Far West. ^ \ \ 100- lOl- 102- 103- 104- 105- V 106 V107 108 V109 110 VIU V 112 V — 5 No. ii) >^1 17 — J'l'esent Condition of Unilod CaiKuhi. lis — Sceiios ill ;i Soldier's Lilb. Ill) — Messiiiiios, Protests, !31, rare. V 121— Clironiele of tlio War, 1812. 122 — Scenes and A(l\entiireH as a Soldiei' and Settler. 12;]— The Far W«^sl, 2 vols., IH'iS. Vl2-t — Canada and her IJesoiirces. 125— The Indian Penal Code. ^ 12()— History of the Indians, 7 vols., 1777, rare. 127 — Wilson & J^onaparte's ()rnilholoo;y, 4 vols. r2.S — .lulitis Froohel's Travels in America. ?> vols, 12!» — Chefs de Oeiivre, gem set, 5 vols. 130 — Oeiivres do Moliere, 6 vols. 131 — Metaslasio Opera, 6 vols. 132 — .Johnson's llamhler, 2 vols. i;j;^ — Whylie's History of Protestantism, 3 vols., half m(»roceo. i;-i4._\Vitty ami Iluniouroiis Debates in Ireland. A curious old hook. 135— A Comjdete (collection of Historical Facts, kc, of Ire- land, 1782. 136 — San,i:;sier's Poems, piih. Montreal. 137 — Ascher's Poems, " 138 — Gi-ant's Poems, '• 13H— Baldwyn's Poems. " UO— Darnell's Poems, " v^l41 — McLachlan's Poems, pub. Toronto. V 142 — J. A. R. Poems, ])ub. Montreal, 143_Wilson's Pelew Islands, Illustrated, 1793. 144_(;^oodrich's America, with curious Kngraving9,lst,odition, 1825. 145_SteerH Niagara B'alls, with Engravings. 146 — Francis Pictures of New York. 147 — Irwin's Tour on the Praires, 1835. 148 — Indian Testament. 149 — Felton's American Life. 150 — Neal's North American Stories, 1828. 151— Neal's Down Easters, &c., 1833, 2 vols. 152 — llalihurton's Yankee Stoiies. 153 — Bowles' Journey to the Rocky Mountains, &c. 154 — Ned Fenton's Portfolio &c., pub. Quebec. 155 — American Humor, illustrated by John Leach and American Society. V^15()— A Yoyage to Quebec and Sir F. B. Head's fortnight in Ireland, &c. 157-~Marrvat's Diarv in America, ]mb. 1839. V No. 158- lf)!l- HiU- IGl- 103- 1G4- 105- IGO- V 167- IG8- 169- 170- 171- v^ 172- ^178 i'^ — V V 174- 175- 17(i- V 177— 17S- I71t- 180- 181- 182- 18;{- 184- 1 85- lS(i- 187- 188- 18JI- 1 90- 101- 192- 19:j- 194- Vl95- ^- 190- Sluvol^^< ('iiiC'imiati. HmlMtii Wwy ('oin)»aiiy i:&. I'ltilod St.•^U,'^. l/Aiiu' Klcvec, A Uiitii, juili. (^lu'hcc, 181 1. Kdits Ordjiiiii.Miict'.s and J)tH'lai'ati<)ii> , pul). l^uolx-r, i80;», 2 vols., Journals ol' iJouse Assenihly, «!tc'., 1807, 10 vols, rait! and very ditticidl to obtain. Maps and Plans, {{ivcr St. Lawrence, Hed I'ivor, kv. 4 vols. State Papers, collocled hy llic Kail of Claiondoii, li'(»iii wliicli Ills llistoiy oi t lie (iroal Heliellion was com- posed, pul>. 1768. 3 vols. State C'a'tinel olNalural llisloi-v, illustrated, 2 vols. Tiu'(^)ld Finder, W vols. Diary and Coj'resi)ondenee olAnios Lawi'enee. L'lnstruetion J*ul.»lique an Canada. Action.^ at Nisi Pjius, ]»ul). PInladelpliia. 1791. Cassell's History of Knsjfland, illii.strated by tiiousand,*. ot Kn^faviii^s, complete in 9 vols, half call'. Bible Illustrations, Seai's. (leolo^^y Reports of Canada lS5:>-4-5-«». La Canada, i)ai' Louis Strauss. La Province de Quebec. I'jsquisse .sur Le Canatla. .1. C. Tacbe. Zouaves Pontifical. Traveller's (iuide, Canada and United Stales. l.s:)4, witb old Steel Kni;ra villus. Tbe Sat unlay IJeader, pub. Montreal. 4 vols. -Younu' Amei'ica's Picture ])ook. -The Poyal Chatterbox. -Chatterbox (Quartette. -Chatterbox Book of Birds, -American Chatterliox. -Pinafore Pictures and IkMiynies. -Christmas Box, -Sunday Chatterbox. -The Little PraltlerV Picture Jiook. -Baby {, hatlerbox, -Wonder L)ay>. -Hajtpy rL>urs. -The Ivittle Polks" Paintinu' liook. -Jumbo .Men.'i^ei'ie. -Baby Land. -Folio ol' Ga-s]>are Possino Ftebing-'. -North American lieview. 24 l*a]'l>. -G Bundles Canakin and Truth is always hest, 2 books. -Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. -Tenants of Mai lory and The Governor of tlie Island of Oaeoiui, Monti'eal. 1853. -Kathleen, 2 vols. -Dred and the lioyalist Daughtei-, 2 books. -Howard's Beauties of Literature and Cui-iosities for the Ing'eiiious, Illustrated, 2 hooks. Hector O'Halloran and A Lady's Gift, 2 books. -Poi;- Woliini!,ton and the ('urate in Charge, 2 books. -Jesuit Executoi-shij) and Foul Play, 2 books. -Nicholas's Notes and Lavinia, 2 books. -The Sera]) Book of Literary Varieties, 70 Eui^ravings. -b]ncyclo|)edia, or Dictionary of Arts and Science and .Miscellaneous Ijiteralure, complete, 21 vols. -Morse's Present Situation of AtTierica, pub. 1792. -Craft's Soutliern Rebellion, illustrated, with Steel En- gravings, luilf calf, 2 vols. -Album. -Butler's Life of the Saints, illustrated, G vols. -Pe(d<'s Boss Book. No. 227- 2;{H- 231)- 240- 241- 242- 24^- 244- 245- 2Hi;- 247- 248- 24l» 25(1- 25 1 - 252- 254— 255- 256- 257- 258- 250- 200- 2fn- 262- 263- 264- 265- 266- 267- 268- 260- 270- — 8 — Sliaml_) Mc'iiiiii'. Foituiic'^ Vitio ninl IVkiii, illuN(ialu in I In- Ai'Ctic Rt'irioni-'. ■Welif Kvci} Man iii- <>\vii TiiH-'- {''niin JJook. ■TIu'TiinI (.1 iWv. C. Cl.-ii,!.. ■School (.I'Art, 2 vols. •Troatich and Conventions itctwcoti the I'nite'l htate* mikI other Powers, rare. •Tiic Prince oi' Wales in I?i(lia. -JManuiactuiv ol IJiitiwh and Koieign S|niit- •ThoCJi-cen Booiv. ■The Life of Pope Pius tlie I X . (nianninL;'s Works, 6 vols. Con (Jre'^an, tlie Ii-ish Cil IJhts. McC'ulloch (Mi tlie British I'lnijjii'e, 2 v<»i>. -Life of Kapoieon, 8cott. -Physical Perfection, J cques. -Sketchert of the Late Dopresrion — A Synoptical Hevievv of Leading Trades. History of Ireland, illuBti'ated, full calf, tine edition, hy Mitchell, 2 vols. My Bonnie Lass. Harry Lorrequer and his Confes^sions ■Domestic Explosives. ■London Banking Life. Pu!*dy. The Maid of Stndsund. Mystic Londoi^ Poems, Lovei'. " Dry den. " Leigh llunl, " FviHxc White. CaniphcU. Keats. -Hammond's Wiilinix- of Ohnrlo- DicUt;;'* -Ingoldsbv Iiei;-t'nd>«. -Doctor Syntax. -I '(terns, Poc.