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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent 6tre film6s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 & partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'tmages ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants ihustrent la mdthode. 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 / KARATS AND BUSINESS MORALITY THIS PAMPHLET JS RESJ^PXrrFULLY DEDICATED TO THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS AND ALL INTERESTED IN THE PROSPERITY OF CANADA. BY TUE TRADER'S ''DEAR DOLL." ^■:m ^% i'«ii ^^9^ *>■-, .K mmtmiasmm^iiiMa'i»-«i,3 MaiMMEt ^■^^^^^^^w^iP^»W«l"ppppiip mmmm'" T •1$ 4 J «) «» ^ tfl o t/3 05 is -73 a be ■ rH u . ^ o t3 o o d a o u o O C3 d o d d a ■M CA ■ »-» (U d O 0) rt o d d ^ d d o o o d o ;=3 d ■M ^ o a d ^ .. td »H 2i d -4-1 o d d d o (LI d o x> J' bo rt i-i d o u d ^ a Oh 4J ES ^ _« 2 ^-^ a - > « K W tn w Pi m ^ O (U o d o o d Oi o rt d o d d O V rd « g 71 rt •Si a "T^ ,13 '^ 5 t: tn w d ^ o •-(-I d d a d o p (U b d w -^ .2i Si a d o o o d d =1 (U (U a "^ d «5 > Ih o d o d o o o d ^M ^ rt o c\} a c4 i2 ►^ o O Jh ^ V J3 ^ <4H "« O "^ d o o •< Oh P »H ^ r- ( * (A •T3 O O biO •2 t: )h d d d Oh O rd a •ti o ^ <^ o (U w > •T: rH < o ^ .2 -'-' u a a o •ti o o n3 o o be ^^ O "Si (/I 1) c t- o 2 e s IP 5^ S ^3 I a rt ^, •a I p o ■<-> ci c o 'S .-in V^ (LI n3 t/5 aj o o o l-c pa ^ e u o u o > ■M a rrt ^- ^ <*i Oh ^JTf .■<.t;Jfev.«"r.,. ' g'^.' . KARATS AND Business Morality This Pamphlet is kespectfiilly Dedicated to the Canadian Jewellers and all those In' r- ESTED in the PROSPERITY OF CaNADA. BY THE Trader's "dear Doll." J p 357. :> / 'IX. ! r 5S «ijn f 7 TO KARATS AND BUSINESS MORALITY. The Cana(Maii jewelers will easily remeniber an article in the October niuuber of the Trader under the head "A Modern Daniel Come to Judgment." The writer ot'the article, Mr. W. K. McNaught, editor of that jouriud, but perhaps better known as tlie "modern ANANIAS," who, under the garb of a Christian disciple of BUSINESS MORALITY, SO frequently instructs the readers of the Trader on how to do business honestly — tlie amount of profit they should add to the cost of their goods, etc., (see his articles in last July, August and September numbers of the Trader) devotes two columns of his paper to villan- ous falsehoods and slanderous abuse of me. Now, for sixteen years, or since I commenced business for myself, Mr. MclSTaught has known me personally, and year after year lie has favorably referred to me in his papei-. In the Trader of Dec. 1890 for instance, Mr. McNaught de- votes two pages oft ■ ..aper to a gratuitous eulogy of myself, showing my photo and a cut of my business block on Main street. He winds up this eulogy as follows : — " From the foregoing sketch of his career it will readily be seen that Mr. Doll has more than the ordiiuiry amount of persever- ance and ability, and that his success is not the result of chance, but of a steadfast determination to overcome every obstacle and reach the goal of his youthful ambition. That he has single-handed, and uiKler such disadvantageous cir- cumstances succeeded in becoming one of the most pros- perous of our Canadian Wholesale Jewelers is greatly to his CREDIT, and furnishes an example for others in the CRAFT, which MAY RE STUDIED WITH PROFIT." 2liJd02 As evidence of Mr. .Nf.'Xaiiglit'.s pkokesskd opiniuu aiul regard tor me as a buHinesri man, I give t\w. most repent, of liis many friendly lottern to r .e, viz : The Tradkh and Canadian .Ikwi^leh. Toronto, Deo. -JOtli, 1801. Wmmi»eg Jewelry Co., My dear Doll — In response to yours discontinuing yon r "r/^/," while we are very sorry to lose yon, we have done as you retinost, we trust, however, that you will reconsider this matter 'and continue it, as the cost is small, and there is no doubt in the minds of those who have tried all kinds of advertisino- that the pages of a first class trade journal is the best of them all. If the Tvnler is to be kept up to its present high V'i'e standard it wants all the support it can get, and we trust that you will bear in mind these claims to your patronage when you form your plans for the New Year. We trust you will like our January issue. We have given' Yoy the MOST prominent place in the whole inside and if it suited you would guarantee it to yon every month, the " Polar Bear " design T had engrossed specialbi for' your firm. " •' J J Trusting that this will find you closing up a very suc- cessful year's business and wishing you idl the compliments ot tlie season, I am Yours truly, W. K. McNAUGHT, for Trader Pub. Co. P. S.— Your " ad " regarding traveller and book-keeper shall have my best attention. Now he turns on Ijis " dear doll," as lie would on his own mother, and cries " stop thief!" making use of that old dodge which so many sneak thieves have employed, in order to distract attention from themselves. My crime, if wrong it was, consisted wholly and only in that I asked him, McNaught, (as editor of the Trader and as a pelf appointed disciple of business morality) to give the readers of his jounial the iinnio ofthc iDsmut'ac- turers of certain snide and fniiidiiK'nt watch cases. For McNaught'fi reply see his vilhinous al)nsc of inc continued in the December number of tlie Trader. In my article I referred to watch cases, made in style, stamp, etc., to imitate thegeiuiino solid g,.ld or honest gold tilled cases made l>y such reputable firms as the American Waltham Watch Co., Joseph Faliy's, and the Hrooklyn Watch Case Co. I refer to the Canadian case stamped ''Mohawk'' made in imitation of the well and favorably known '' Montaah:' to the ''Ea;/le" case, which contains not a I worth of gold, but which is stampc.l with an eagle and made to imitate the well-known lOK Solid Gold " Eagle Case " made by the lii-ooklyn Watch C^ase Co. I also refer to the case stamped " Warranted 14K U: S. Assay," which is only filled or plated and made to imitate in stamp and other particulars, the genuine Am- erican Waltham Watcli Co. 14K Case. Now, ALL tliese snide cases call Mr. W. K. McNaught, or the American Watch Case Co., -Father." Herein, I say, lies my crime. As Mr. McNaught is a watcli case manufacturer as well as editor of that great moral paper the Trader, which is published "only" in and for the interest of the jewelry trade, it is needless to remark that lie is also a conserva- tive, protectionist and patriot ; which he shows by con- stantly waving the old tiag, shouting for the old leaders, and manufacturing snide cases under the old protective policy of 35 per cent. A fair sample of the modern so-called Canadian patriot. in the January number of his journal Mr. McNaught in- forms us that he was the prime mover in forming the American Watch Case Co. of Toronto in 1885. After look- ing into the basement of the subject in question we cannot doubt his statement. 6 At the time reterred to, 1885, the American Waltham Watch Go. of Waltham, Mass., U.S.A., ha jonnml to further tl.eir interests as "ho.i csty'- hri.igs its own reM'ard. Blessed he Mr. MeNaught and the Amei-iean Watch Case Co. J3rother will lead in prayer and some other brother will please pass round the hat as the brethren will remember that we, the manu- taeturers are pledged to eontril)ute largely to the election tund ot tlie only "honest and i)atriotic party." Now, referring again to the "Trader's" honestv. When the Canadian Government tried to steal, not only ten thousand dollars' worth of watch cases, hut also the good name of Messrs. Smith & Patterson (Boston and Mont- i-ean the " moral " editor did not protest or utter one word agamst the disgraceful and uncalled for act. No simplv because he was a ",/;v>»,/" of the government and for the further reason that these cases Smith & Patterson were importing would come in direct competition with his '' Honest " cases. We understand the government received the assistance of Mr. MeNaught and that of a rival firm of Smith & Patterson, and at one time rivals of mine, and who complained to the customs officers here that I Avas selling goods at less than fluy (my would be rivals) could possibly sell them at. I, too, with every other importer, have suffered from the tliievish propensities of the customs officers, having had goods stolen out of more than one package and have asked in vain for the assistance of that moral journal to expose that Hellish combination of thieves existing under the name of the Customs Department of Canada and under whic'. every importer in Canada suffers more or less from the effect of a law which virtually stigmatizes every im- porter as a thief. In vain, I say, did I appeal to the Trader to expose and ask for the repeal of the law as it now stands and under which a customs ofHcer not only draws a good salary, 9 but receives in addition one half of all seizures or hlood money obtained from the importer. If goods are seized from any individual, which he can- not prove to have paid duty, they become the property of Her Majesty les,s the one half which falls into the lai. oV the officer or officers making the seizure ; what would he thought of a city council which allowed its police officers one half of all cash, or property which thev, the police, find in the possession of a citizen and for whidi he (tlie citizen) could not or refused to give ■an account. And yet that is precisely what the Dominion Govern- ment is doing— o«e of its officers made over S20,000, another over 612,000, last year in Blood money, ovei'' and' above their salaries (of; from S3000 to $5000 per annum) : mucli of this money is sucked from the vitals ot honest importers. J^oAv, these men have neither the time nor the indi i a- tion, Just cause though they have, to fight ; they pay up as the Dominion treasury is behind and supports every officer whether he does right or wrong. The law also is all in favor of the officer, as I will show. 1st. The majority of customs oificers, like Dominion Government officials, are sheritt" proof, their wages caniu)t be garnisheed like those of any other employee. 2nd. In order to bring suit against a custon)s oflicer it is necessary to deposit $200.00, and this must be done within two months from the time the cause for action arose, but the government has the right to bring action against you at any time within three years. Should you succeed in securing judgment before a provincial judge for damages of $10,000 (more or less) the government official appeals to Ottawa, whicl) means the loss of weeks or perhaps months of valuable time to the importer, with but little prospect of obtaining satisfaction, as the following ex- tract from our Canadian Laws will show. I quote No. 10 148 of the Revised Customs Act which reads as follows • IM.iany such action, suit or procee.lings the court or judge before whom the case is tried, certifies that the defendant (the customs officer) in such action acted upon pMde cause, the plaintiff (or importer) in such action shall not be entitled to more than 20 cents ls of our country. Now, should tho"^/6Y/;- brother" or his friends desire «atisftiction in a libel suit, they will find (hat W. R Dol 1 12 has not only the thne, but the inclination to accommodate them, w,th nails ,n reserve, if more are necessary, for tlie cofhn o that "prince of montehanks," who to 'lie jewel- lery IS kmnvn as Mr. W. K. McNaught, Editor ^f the ChH h' , ''^^"''^:''''" P^'^"-^ Conservative champion. Christian JJ.scipIo ot nu.rality," the gentleman who is en- ;^vonng to teach the trade that his '' bogus" guarantees Kirscld.erg & Landsbcre' O" rece,pt of fids order, not having the goods in stock «d' "Ot doing a,o- manufacturing ourselves, I sent to tho manu- I foumi ,1, oases worejust sueh as the American Watch Ca e Go. of Toronto are making every day. we siraplv ".odourpro«tofl6 per cent, (the same margin as ■ jobbers have on all Mr. McNaughfs cases) to tho goods and WIed our customers order. When we invoiood fhegoods we I 13 gave tlioni the proper name and called tlieni snide or lom carat goods (as has been my custom when invoicing xMr. Mc- Xanght cases). As soon as Kirschberg k Landesberg re- ceived the shipment they acknowledged receipt of same stating that the goods were very satisfactory, etc., and sent an order for other lines. Now, it appears that shortlv after they received that lot of low carat watches, etc., which we invoiced and sold them at from §5.00 to §7.00 each, they sold one of them to a customerfor $40.00, but the customer was not very long in finding out that he haly .oneu„;:an:d , i eZ:;.:''::;r "■" ;r'"' "-" i-ead aloud his own n,.d compelled him to eamt goods ."!' "' ?f°" '■'• '""-Iff"'- the low aeb,„wiedgem'e,;t';a ; : rhe;r:d'..f • "r ,"^"^" "*• »i.U >ve,.e satisHed with tin' ""' "'° 8°°''-' Butter. I replied tli-it tl.p ! I Oleon^u-garine, ^ /^or, ana my solicitor quoted from tlw. n t Statutes showin- de'irlv tr..,f. ; <^anadian •1 • ""» <-i<-,ir]\ that our law ma /,rr