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BUDGET SPEECH DELIVERED BY HONORABLE JOHN S. HALL, TREASURER OF Till- I»RO\'INXE, IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEBEC, ON FRIDAY, MAY 20th, J 892. QUEBEC : TRINTZD AT THE " MORNIXO CIIROXICLE " OFFICE. 1892. BUDGET SPEECH DELIVERED BY HONORABLE JOHN S. HALL, TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE, * IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEBEC ON FRIDAY, MAY 20th, 1802. QUEBEC : PRINTED AT THE "MORNING CHRONICLE" OPPICE 1892. i^dlljd^ I % -1(^81 90G364 I Mr. itsi'li state has I hono: appre tende occuj I Provii but, a BUDGET SPEECH DELIVERED BV HONORABLE JOHN S. HALL, TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE, IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEBEC, ON FRIDAY, MAY 20th. 1892. Mr. Speaker, _ In proposing, as I now do, the usual motion that the House do resolve Us.lf into Committee of Supply, it becomes necessary for me to Zhmit 1 statement of the financial situation of the Province. I have at the outset. Sir. to say that I fully appreciate the honor that has been conferred upon me by my political friends in confiding to me the honorable and responsible position of Treasurer of this Province and I appreciate fully more the consideration and confidence that has been ex- tended to me by those who differ from me politically and by those wh. occupy seats on the opposite side of the House. I can assure you, the task of enquiring into th« financai no-i^- -' fU Province, and putting it before you in a clear light, has b;en'n;7asy"one but, as m all like positions of burden, or even of despair, I have been en-' i» ;/ Ohaleurs Baihvay, LanWa" T,rl,h "'*"•"" ■' k.iom, as the Bale de. at the time 48 .upporTel" '„ H„lt t^r l"' ■"" '"^'■'"-'"-'-» had decidod on an ap«al to the coun y wWch Ll'",'"""^ '°."'''"'' ' '•«'™'''' ««a. .» a resmt, we find 0^07™™*? K™ °'' '""^ !'''<'' *'"'=''• administration had, or amaiori^t7.h^, "uppo.tod hy more than the late tion, fought out at'the ger'allotiolr '""" i'""^^-""-' '"« -l™- There is no donbt these qaestious were those Af l,„, . ... economic administration, a restoration of on e«dU i,T ' "• ',°"'' *""' »aqn.l.lied condemnation of corruption areZtaUcl """ .u«s. there is not only n^rrtti^ra^ rh^i^^t Er' ■"'- w.thi«r-r[;ry.^n--r^ to examine th; situati:' andlotrt ro'c^TeC m^ "' ""' of this my na- \ and inspired the country. 1 now rolievo « rosult olmy ition. 1887, when he *k which I urn and deliciite t." ■• for him may you iattr oa. ■smissiil of thu ^e scandalous 1 tho Baio des istration had lich I belona^, Hh of March, hm the late re, the ques- latriotic and ^5 ''olute and ut is serious ictical mea- ure. and fairly, stand. '. to suggest i)ers of this le. ato power, All/1 noc«ii<M. ances of economic a.lmi.iistration and g.neral wolfaro for the country that It IS «s.le«. to n.all. and it wil' only be for n.e to give you the result of the aUuunistration to shew how disasirous it has ho.'u. Before going into details. I may SUV thai <Iuring the elections, on th. 10th February last m my olU.ial position as Treasurer, f a speech at the W.ndsor Hall, Montreal, where I gave many particular, which w H be reheved oi repealing to-day. All the honorable n.embor. have had a points '"'* "'"''' '"""'"•• ^^ '"' ^'"^ '' ^^'- '» ""-1 "-- Ist. Our linancial year is IVo.n Ist July to :50th Juno in each year and vyhen I w.ll Hpeak of a year it will m.-an that ending on the .'iu.h Jnne. 2nd; I will take the public accounts as prepared by my pred^-cessor and give you the hgures as they appear there. 9 I do not admit his classilication of expenditure into that of ordinary and special. Th.s latter is absurd and dangerous, and whatever classilica io there may be. the public must understand we have to provide m.-ans or what we pay or undertake to pay. If our ordiiniry revenue is insufHcicit an<l we borrow money, we must not only repay ,t. but also the interest, and all this has to.ouxe out of eaZ. power and our revenue. ^-uuiuio The statements in d.^tail in my speech of K!th FeJn-uary. and as seen from the Pubhc Accounts of each year, show that this "Special Expend ture was grossly used by the Treasurer to hide ordinary expenditure and to try and show a surplus of ordinary receipts. lie also used Trust Funds and large amounts of Guarantee Deposits from Railway Companies in the ordmary cash, which we are now called upon to repay. For the future this heading of Special Expenditure will disappear. p ,llt' ^/ P^'^dff^^ disclaims any responsibility for the expenditure forl887 and started fresh on the 1st July with all he asked for and whll we call HI English, a clean slate. I presume, Sir, the House desires to know where the Province stands and for thi« "UTnose I will fpll —-. ^,-,^ » r *• ■„ , s«"inus, J "l89o *" ^^ ^"'^ °^^ position at it will be on the aoth . "^^ '^'l/i!' \ *"'*«* ff»^'« y°" • "^^o""* history, aiid lor clearnvsH ol cIIhcus- 81011, I Will divide my remarks into five heads : i«o/" 'r,^««»**»«P«'"«"on« between Ist July. 1887. and 17th IWmhor. 1891. and the estimated position on the SOtl. June, 1892. or. how my prede- cessor dealt with all the cash received by him and what position ll Ui lor ine. 2. Our Liabilities and Assets. 3. The Meroior Administration. 4. The Legacy left the Province. •'). The Year l892-9;i niid the lutuiv. I CXmi OPER.VTIONS, IsT JULY. 1887, TO 17tH DECKMHER, 18!tl, .XXI) EMTI.MATKD RESULT ON OOtH JUNE, 1892. Budget Speech criticized more than severely his predecessors and my friend the Hon. J G. Robertson. He complained of extravagance u„<l incompoten.v' and asked lor a smal loan of #3.500.000. If he got this he stated (a.s a b«si- TZZi h« would put the Province right, wipe out all delicit^ to 30th June. 1887. and march us on to progress and that (page (54 of hi« Speech) he vrould gire us a surplus of «19.G98 20. He went «till further and declared on account of the increase in the timber dues made only five days ^It'lo '^^''^' ^" '""'P^"' '^^"^^ ^^ «»* '^'««^ #157.927.00 Ibr the year He complained, too, that his predecessors had so mismanaged affairs hat as a l«?*«y/or him there was. when he took office on the 31st January,' 1887. a floating debt of $3,888,434.22 (page 42 of his speech), but this wis to he disposed of through the proceeds of the #3,500,000 loan. He obtained romis "'*^ '' ""''" ""^"^ '^"'*'" *° ^^ *''''" ^°''' ^^ ^"'^^^^^ hi. ♦K i\r ^ ?^^''^ '''' *^^ ^^^ February, 1892. I have given (as taken from nth DecLberr^^ '" '^^**"' ^'' operations from Ist July, 1887, down to i«R7^J''''^ r^n'i^^^''"*'* ' statement marked 1, a summary from Ist July 1887 down to 30th June. 1891. to show, according to Hon Mr. Shehyn'J classification, how the cash was spent, and how it was obtained to m«.t th^ expenses, it wiii be seen my predecessor was travelling on borroweTand trust moneys every year. riicsii of didcut* 7th IX'combor, tiow lay prutle- ositioii lit' Ivi'i 18!ll, AND S7, in hi.s /iivst md luy Irit'iul, incompottMicy ted (as a hiisi- t'licits to 30th f his Spooch) further and anly five days lor the year naged alFairs, 31st January, but this was He obtained ; lullilled hifs 8 taken from S7, down to •cm 1st July, [r, Shehyu's to meet the )rrowed and This 8tatoment shows that during this period my predo* cessoc borrowed 16,445,926 88 The proceeds ot the permanent loan were 8,378,382 60 Balance of liorrowed money through temiK>rary loans and the UHe of Railway Guarantee Deposits and Trust Funds 3,067,698 88 I take the end of the year 1891, because the figures are absolute and cannot bo disputed, and they will prove that my forecast as on the 80th June, 1892, which T will give later on, will not be far astray. To make a long story short, there was, on 80th June, 1891, as follows : Cashonhand $ 471,852 69 Less required to pay outstanding warrants 285,602 68 ± 236.249 9G And the Province owed : Temporary Loans 2,223,333 83 Railway Guarantee Deposits , 1,973,108 67 Trust Deposits 262,262 47 f4J68,674J[7 In other words there was a cash deficit of 14,222,441.41. To some this may seem startling, but it is easily verified by 'he speech of r.:/ predecessor on the 9th December, 1890, before this House, and by the Public Accounts for 1890-91. In that speech (page 7), selecting from his figures, he gives us as the result for 1889-90, as follows : Total payments $5,812,907 65 Total receipts including Trust Funds 8,688.920 50 Excess of Expenditure over Receipts 11,723,987 15 This was rather a bad showing, but my predec .>i6or got over it, and this excess was paid from the following sources : Lt'«s ontstandin^r M'arrants 1880 Excess Expeiulituro as above. '$ 2,210,019 79 7a,259 6fi «2,136,7t;0 13 1,723,987 15 The Public Accounts show : Cash on hand 30th June, 1890... Deduct the outstanding warrants'. $ 412,772 98 $ 52.5,344 43 112,571 45 $ 412,772 98 the c^ orzi ^TT'^trtrf^' r ^" ^--^-^-^ ^-o Funds and Deposits from Railways Lnd?h '['""^''^^y <^°«»Posed of Trust above amount of cash on hanTh; t^^ 7^ ""^ predecessor showed the date as follows • " ^'^ ''''^ "^ '""^ ^^'« °^ved on the same Railway Guarantee Deposits Trust Deposits 01,916,685 98 261,361 27 $2,178,047 25 1st July. 1890. statement as to the floatmg debt on the pay this off and started clean on the lit July 1887 ' ^ ^'" ""' '""" *" in December, 1890 (pages 24a"d 25) '^" ' """"'P' """^ ""^ »™ ^P^"* Whai 1887, to t: WeR! lave been i) 2,210,01!) 79 7a,259 t)f] *2,136,7t;o 13 1,723,987 15 $ 412,772 98 •• $ 525,344 43 • 112,571 45 $ 412,772 98 examining into iposed of Trust isor showed the ed on the same tl,916,685 98 261,361 27 $2,178,047 25 1 addition, the h June, 1890, debt on the having been ot his loan to '^ord for word own speech FLOATING DEBT ON IST JULY, 1890. Temporary deposits Railway Companies' guamntee" deposits ^ ^^^"^^^ 27 Railway Subsidies not earned u'^a.'nV;''" ^'^^''^^'^ ^^ Land Subsidies converted, but noi ea^n^d'- "••*''''' '' rirat 35 cents per acre Unconverted land Subsidies.Z. !tti^^. !f 665,3d0 00 Loss ott Etch.nge Bank deposit "*"'" 122,364 00 62,961 0. 912,183 00 g.8tjmated Special Expenditure 1890-91 Supplementary estimate of Special Expenditure l«Qn qV estimated Special Expenditure 1891-92 | 838 T.. on -ess re- votes * 838,555 00 280,000 00 558,555 00 ?ash on hand on 1st July, 1890 .ess warrants outstanding to bTpaid out'of tms amount $ 525,344 43 # 6,874,806 84 112,571 45 9 412,772 98 year! on 1 '^' '!!^^''''' ^t 3-X per cent, during 10 years on three millions of dollars worth of bonds which may be issued by any company regujy formed Law '^''T' '' '""^^•^^ ^ bridge\v:r the Vver St Lawrence at or near Quebec 300,000 00 I 6.762.033 86 ^ot iii:;i;.^;-.r^^^^' ^^^^^ ^^*^ ^^-^^^^^-^o. f^m ^ j^y, ing #2,178.047.25 for Trust Money.., which 887, to the 1st July, 1890 We start the year 1890-91 ow .«e baea dhrerted fron. their trost ^dbeea.;:;* t ; ( L' M'i. I ; 10 A permanent loan of «8,600,000.00 has b^en effected for special Dnr- poses, t ,s all gone, and if membm will refer to my Windsor HaUspeLT to the statement at the end, they will see we still oJe over momTtlt debts for whi.h It was obtained. ■ ^^;'^^''«-J"J* «ho^'»» yo« what a bad position we were in, and it seems YeTsIr r^ '.t;^'*^ '''''' administration were not aware of the sUuatr let, bir, how did they act ? "o-tiuu. sessio^heldin^'^'"''^^^^^ session held in Novemoer and December, 1890. authority for a $10,000,000 00 loan, based on the following statement : . "^."uu.uu (54 Vic, Cap. 2.) Outstanding warrants Temporary deposits ^'/'Z.'.Z'.'.".'." . ^^ Railway guarantee deposits l^l'lll T Railway subsidies granted, but not yet earned.'.'. ■':.■.■. o'wofi 347 Z Debts Q. M. O. & O. Ry -,898,247 88 Loss Exchange Bank deposit...!!. ^^7*^^* ^^ Protestant settlement Jesuits' Estates..'.'.".'.'.. f'll, ^^ Estimated Special Expenditure 1890-91 g^lH ^ mil Ore Spe( Toti excel Rail here Trus Tem] Cash Dedu Cash I Temp ForE Trust Less cash on hand 1st July, 1890 « 6,313,374 58 525,344 43 Special Expenditure Supplementary 1890-91 ^ '^f.lfJi !? I ^' Railway Subsidies voted November, J 890. 4,400,320 00 fallows $ 10,862,353 00 Coming on down to 1st Julr m^i tha p^'i- a „.„. ^ist jmy, is^i, the Paohc Accouuts show us as I details how se 17th D( of the i Bbt of $6, 762,033.86, t yet come to the ration, but which I (1 for special pur- indsor Hall speech, rer $600,000 of the 11 mi.ul;t tL\rsr,[ "'"' *" """ *' "^^^ '^'" ™ - -■ Ordinary expenses. '* revenue . H.095,o20 45 3,457,144 32 DeHcit Special Expenses and Rail e in, and it seems are of the situation. illy obtained at the or a $10,000,000.00 ^-y^^^^^^^-^ 1,775,874 41 Total Expenditure ovor Total Revt '^"'^^ 2,414,250 54 However, the late administration wer. not to be outdone to meet th" 18 receive ash and 112,571 45 261,361 27 1,916,685 98 2,898,247 88 122,364 00 27,000 00 62,961 00 912,183 00 ..ees, of E,po„d,ture. How did they do it /of coa ^wL 'It Trust Funds (Temporary Loans ^ 14,394 19 Cash on hand 30th Jun'p i«qn w''"*r.""'j" 2,223,333 33 uu 5utn June, 1890, less outstanding warrants 412,772 98 Deduct 2,650,500 50 2,414,250 54 Cash Ist July, 1891 236,249 96 on hand, there was owint ig $ 6,313,374 58 525,344 43 $ ,6,788,030 16 115,488 71 558,556 00 4,400,320 00 But while there thus appeared to be this Temporary Loans For Railway Guarantee Deposits 2,223,333 33 Trust Funds 1,973,108 57 • •• 262,252 47 This year is started by hav owing cash for above purposes to the amount of $4,458,694.37 1891-1892. i4,458,694 37 laving Cash on hand $236,248.26, and vet to the amount of m n^a aoA qt ^ $ 10,862,353 00 >uut8 show us as iJ^fofZ^ZI'^rt'- ™f '"" ■»-' 'i^^-eW and 17th December, 189, Id this ad. """ '^'^'--'-^^ion went out on the ministration came into power on the 22nd of the same month, and a retnrn h., b en;ub-.i T I- ™ "" ^'"^ det«ls of the Eeoeipts and Paymel Imtv^i: t,"""''' «--<f L ! I iff ,) >e operations for the current vear M fk . ^ . n 1 • ^ *^*' ^**« were as follows • Ordinary Expenditure . ' do lleceipts.. t2,083,015 47 1,534,938 35 ., Deficit ►Special Expenditure... $548,077 V Railway Subsidies «143,n8 40 Repayment Trust Poinds 325,855 00 wl Ou hat ad( 10,221 28 Excess of EKpenditoe over koeipt 578,478 451 late] l>er, 1891.... ""^^^'P'^ «P *« 17th Decem- This was paid from the folio w^^ sources'- *''''''''' '^' on^hand 30th June, 1891. less out- ' if it Cash standing warrants... Proceeds Loan, 1891 '."is 707 iVn *nn LessrepaymentTempora;y '^^'''''^ ^'^"^ 2.073,333 33 ^236,249 96 1891, authc 1.634,196 67 I for 2C p , , ^ ■ $1,870,446 esr^i'^' ^ash on hand 17th Decemhor 7« — -— -.^ I redeei ii^ff warrants... .!'." " "''^'''''^ foroutstand- ^ ( attach Of this amount there werrspeckld^^^^^^^ 1743,891 oA^onds Deposits to secure adva;;;ri;;'Banl«;-;; railway companies. Available C^sl, 17tl^ Depeiflber, 1891......... $387,563 67 64,130 QO 75,000 00 theBa Provir expeng 20,000,1 526,693 67 1 Sold at $217,197 891 19,210,( 18 were as J,015 47 t,938 35 ,118 40 ,855 00 383 40 342 93 S99 73 521 28 $548,077 p«. of the loaaof ,10.000 00. ~eai»^890":/™''''1^^^^ '""'°"»'"^- has been received and spent, and .nrc„nnt„f hi V""""^ *'■'"•'»''■'''' added to onr interest charges. ""'-'' '"''S" "°°"'" P«^ ye" We also owed on 17th December, 1891 : For Temporary Loans » ,,. For Railway Guarantee D^^osits::::.: *. I'^Z OS For Trust Deposits :; '-'^If^H 578,478 45 ecem- #1,126,555 57 ^9 96 5 67 md- 67 00 00 $1,870,446 63 $743,891 06 12,276,143 63 latert:' '""'" "" ""^ """ *"- °" "-«■« l^bt o, which I will speak ifitLlVttfrrtoatatn"'"''"^""™"™ ""^^ «*~i - THE LOAN OF $4,000,000.00. ^^^ J will digress a little to give you a history of this loan, eifeeted in July, for 20.000,OoJ franc 'o^T* 000 ror'n^' T '7" i""^' "'"« '°*'' "- bonds of the Proviuce tor SOoTr^ I '" ^''™- *''''"»0 «g»'«' redeemable in Parir.;!:^:!',^ r.t'wir/alf '" Y" '"'^' ^''"- •""» attached at the rate of Jour per Tnt „„! ""'f-yearly interest coupons bonds were placed on the maX. 'rfrZTach Tat a"" '^™^'- "'"' francs and 7.5 centimes on each bond wa TaS rthe r * .™'"""^'°» »f » the Banqne de Paris et des Pav« n. , /" "" *^'^" Lyonnais and Province' 480 francs 25 crnHX ^ ' W W^:'?' Tb"^ '^'' i" '-' expenses have been as follows .- ^° proceeds and PKOOEEDS OF LOAN : 20,000,000 francs at 19 ,» c per frann ^S^^ Sold at Kr. 480.2. per .oi Frrn;st;5p;r;.;i-;-;,;: 16th August, 1217.197 89j 19,210,000 francs at credit of Province in Paris $3,860,000 00 152.470 00 1891 't,ff $3,707,530 00 :t I I ! rH.| 14 EXPENHES ; Stamps on Bonds Printing and Engraving* i'ond;' * '^'^^O 00 insuvanco and Freight on Bond^ ^^^ 00 l8 Loss in Exchange to date. 96 60 Iravelhng Expenses H016 72 8,802 24 The Province also d ' «29,670 4^ ment of the coupons an7! * ''°'"'"'«*''''^i of one half per cpnf f *i. redemption of theTrnellifrr^^^^^ ^' '^"^ ^-rte'r pe^Lt; f'' ^^ part Of the balance'of^^OoV.oJo^O^ ^^ "^^ ^^^^^^ ^"^0 a^J rdl t'S . ^ Ji^e loan cannot he said to he advantageo., hnt is onero. for th J- There can be no anps*in« c^ u i To avoid too many figures I h«^. • t^^^ «ou8e and are annexed jMr S ^•^^^''*°'«U While l«t C i?9lTl7!I"n ^'^"^ y^" *h« Receipts and F .- ' " fnnt ffi ' ^*^ December, 1891 and th Expenditures from . took office, and to this I will refe; later on ''""'''"'' "' "^'^""^ when^ jShowi «8-foll< 15 •'J.TPO 00 9(J5 00 96 60 4,016 72 8,802 24 $29,670 4 »If per cent for the pav ^^^ No. 3 give, y„„ i„f„™,«„„ „ ^ .^^ „^,.„^^^ ^^^^^.^^^ -^^ My predecessor's estimate was To 17th December Receipts have'w3'u^a59 oii Estimated for balance of yoar i^g^^^j^g ., $'i,(i02,SS5 70 $3,412,327 99 ^a«er per cent for thJ - ^ "ito and made to formf'' * «^o^tage or deficiency of ~ ] $ 190,507 71 It will be SfiPn tlna rrf^^i- J^ti.-. ■ . „ •"t is onerous for the' •iolation^f* ;«,:!'; „"j;;;»^^^^^^ EeckIes.Ja„^ .,e of . . f «»e official under the eye of .110 ^^""^ "' *"•* ""^ -"i""' r ^' ''"""^^ "SuJarL. J. B. Charleson the CWef nf.t n f °"™™'' ""' "P'^»' ™vthi»g keftormce loses „„ii,o„.„ha„d;wi2*auol^^^^^^^ and everything eise, by -tra:Xi±^ <•- heen obtained l" '>'««"»^^ 'I— «riod of tin,e. """h^'nher. and the amoonts reqni JdTo ^th jle Z7 "'""''' '" "* «-t of the reoeiptiach year'by Speefr^l" aSXTntt eT'T "I ''''■'"™^^ Uily verify thi. by examining the Jonrnrifthe K /"^ """ '^" ' -d are anne.e^JM, Shehyn's total estimate for the expenditure (not including I repayments of Temporary Loans and Trust FrdTfof a synopsis of the I *^^ J"®*^ 1891-92, was,... i^«nasj tor J«iy. 1887, to Ist Lu-. u $5,385,476 17 I wnfbe!!'"^^!!:"*'*" '''" *'^^ ''''' *°^^^ -P-^'t-e 6,479,068 10 xpenditures from I >f affairs when I I Showing an increase for the same service of. as" follows: 1,093,591 93 (Service). ORDINARY. Estimates. Public Debt.... ESTIAfATE.S. l-egislation ZZZZZ tl,239.oo6 82 ^»nl Gorernment Administration of T.VoV; * , -dReror™:tlHer^'"-'"d^^^^ public Instruction... Agriculture.... Colonization anri V.^ • Public Wo^k! "*"^''^^^"'>»- Lunatic Asylums....';;;. 104.474 76 'Miscellaneous 52,825 00 280,650 00 • 216,797 70 251,938 00 •500.355 00 "^10,610 00 126,200 00 1«5.487 50 Revised Estimates. *1.391,627 82 292,115 20 272,140 50 695,878 08 416,656 98 1**6,459 35 165.487 50 159,360 45 '^^69,987 05 52,825 00 474,369 57 nd Railway Subsidies and Q M j^ n . ^'''''"''' '' «^'43^^^ CLAIMS " "^^ ^^- fj' & 0. Ry. W„k«,E;-— ^--— ^^. 756.956 25 ,,,65,686 64 Special Erpendilure ™ 231,070,4 23,070,4 •__^55^0 645,458 82 during the ye., "rt:! '"' '°"»-"? amount., whicrctri' X»f^f;; Pariiament Buildings I^val Normal s„i. i ''--its^Ze^tlh: ;;;;; ^ yoo oo Montreal Gaol ^"'"^ ^^'^^'^ ^0 Stoninff Counf;r^**'y ^^'^00 00 Court LC H^uif'^^ :::::■; ^^^-^^^ oo ' ™^ 9.968 05 10,000 00 $0^0,971 65 ] latei :tur( 'elici fxces 'ailw 'epaj ^otal or or It ^'as su In pt inci calle( Co] |>orue ii Into the f33.3? [891, an i^hiob il Mates. \(io6 82 .797 70 ,938 00 355 00 no 00 too 00 87 r.o 74 76 00 00 25 00 •0 00 '4 78 « 3 25 ' 14 00 Revised Estimates. ^1.391.627 82 292,115 20 272,140 50 «95,878 08 416,656 98 ^6,459 35 J«5,487 50 I59.3b*0 45 •'^«f>,987 05 52,825 00 id increased by 1880,870.47. viz ; Paid under contracts, and for which there w^ n. pnation or vote, though my .rZlsir Z^IZ known the money would have been wanting: Montreal Court House extension.... Jacques Cartier Normal School 1180,000 00 McGill Normal School.... ^'^^<^^^ 62 6,580 00 «d for Commission Culture Beet Root ^"^^'^^^ ^2 Royal Commissions 14,909 85 ► 18,000 00 1T:1^':1^ farther and taking Statement 1380,870 47 17 474,309 57 latement gathered f^o„reS^^^ ^'" ^^ ^--^ - 1.165,636 64 Railway Subsidies and ell" of r^ and (^1^ ^"'"- ''-''' '' 281,070 U P^y°»«»t Railway Guarantee Deposits ^ ^'^^''^^^ ^^ 645,453 82 L i .• ^'^^'^^O 14 «6.479,068 10 [« I have shown you above, the similar on 1. St July, 1890, was, excess 3creased by $523 . anot be expended ■ $ 20,000 00 74,147 60 10,000 00 399,856 00 9,968 05 10,000 00 to^o,971 65 on 1st July, 1891, was #1,723,987 15 J. .„, '2,414,250 14 'assurTLtra'id.'''™"''^^' »"""'^ '' '^^ ^-oier administration <>^inVl!t:^^^^ the-eipts from loans are ^ called in the Publi^ A^o^r '^ R^^ ^^^^"'^^ ^"^ ^'^^ o^r^rt^::^^:^:!!^^-!^--.^- ^^^y. ^392, it must be ig the year 1891-1892 there 5,707,530.00. Out lS«.,andtheba,a„.eoffh:Vo:rwX°: »to the general fund, tshVm'o'o 'TrnZM'^'^u "''^ "^'""^ ""'' ?»' i'hioh it g on the 1st July. was contracted went infn fK. 7- **"^ ""^^f ** *** ^''^ purposes for ^ ccea, y, ent mto the ordmary cash to meet all wants. ; 11 Ml 1 1 1 "1 nia This, of course, relieved tho P..« • ===== Ordinary Expenditure Special « 2,353,892 S 4 (I 502,335 lo ill p ., « Ji,353, railways and Q M o c^ n r> "",' rno ^ "*' ^"''«'«y Guarantee Deposits 839.781 ^ , 119,667 J*"*^ i^eceipts from 17th December to 30th June ^-^6^^,^; 3.867,168 it' Cash 17th December ISQi T7 1 Cash tobenrovirlow r t " " 536,699 51^*"= S2-93, PI.OATING DEBT ler IVLY. 1892. - *"* •"-'^1,1892. •>ntrea I will not go into much 0]«k i- Imisco >• met immediate. * °''"'°™"'>» »>«»«' ft« b„t wi|, jj,, ^^^ ^^ lebec , C«h defloienoy above '•""'°°' Bai way ^oney Subsidies... ] 741097 «1 3,833,300 Oflr™^^°<*" 18,53038^ 19 Ming wants and ordii.a expenditure. "»ent No. 4 annexed, ources including the h ber, 1891. We had th.i lary shows the estimati 'lows, and includino- I and resolute action. ^"''' *^^ ""'^"««'^y o^ «ome 191 27 91 68 • « 2,353,892 <] 502,335 839,781 119,6(J7 * •%8l5,676l 3.867,168 3 ^ i, 948,508" 536,699 5j 1892.TT;jli;^8lj o» and it h evideni (2) Ofthisthereis * ^.^^S.QTS 67 .:«sh doflciency comprising ,he"ab;;o';hre'e'ii;'m, ''''"•'""' '" lual Kevenue of about |1,000,000. reauctions, a deficiency in •poses. =» unenea and used for ordinary J2-98. will * * ■ • lid. • • • ■ oil ■ «• • Ureal and Lake Maskinong6 Railway Company jmiscouata Railway Company No 1 ^' give you whar^'' ^""^ ^^^^ ®*- "^^^^ ^^'^^ay Company Imiscouata Railway Company No 2 |93-94. ^ 1,411,808 9c ^50,000 Oi 1.741,097 Sd 2,629,296 si mtreal and Lake Maskinonge Railway Company 765,295 oJ'"'^^^^^** Railway Company No 1 ^' Jebec and Lake St. John Railway Company.'" _2'833,300 0o|"*»8co«ata Railway Company No. 2. 18,53038*67 5,000 00 78,840 00 189,800 00 34,066 66 $ 307,706 66 •* 5,000 00 78,840 00 189,800 00 34,066 66 ♦ 807,706 66 •irzi£, ■<Ai- f.^"-^. 20 J 894-95. Montreal and Ukc Ma«kinong6 Railway Company..: | 5 qoo 00 TomiBcouata Railway Company No. 1.. '. ^ ' -,'«J^ ^^ Qaebec and Lake .St John Railway (Company...:..;:::.:" 189 800 00 Tom.Hcouata Railway Company No. 2 ZZ a^ioOG II • 307,700 00 1895-90. . Montroal and Uke Maskinongfe Railway Company | 2500 00 Temiscouata Railway Compdny No. 1 ^ ' lAZll Quobeo and Lake St John Railway Companv......... i«n unn no Temiscouata Railway Company No. 2.J.,.L:Z:,ZZ fioll H ^ 305,206 66 1896-97, Temiscouata Railway Company No. 1 « oa s.n nn Quebec and LakeSt John Railway Company :::.:;::"•* isl'soo 00 Temiscouata Railway Company No. 2 I f^^ll ^ $ f 02,706 66 1897-98. Temiscouata Railway Company No. 1 * ..... ^^ Quebec & Lake St John Railway Company Zr^ igo 'o 00 Temiscouata Railway Company No. 2........^ ;::...:: ^g^;^^^ ^ ♦ 302,706 66 1898-99. : Quel>ec & Lake St John Railway Company g n. ... «. Temiscouata Railway Company No. 2... ....^ ::;::.:::: l,%l 66 • 128,966 66 1899-1900. -T-r— Temiscouata Railway Company No. 2........ | g^^gg ^^ fh« ff^^^P^y^"^,*^^ ^b°^e ^n^ounts. in the Public Accounts, the interest on the Guarantee Deposits is charged against the Public Debt as ntres on deposits and the repayment of the Prinninal i« ento-ed nn- 1. - V Repayment of Railway Guarantee Deposits'. " '^*^^^^ ^"--^« ^e*<i oi tt 5,000 00 78,840 00 ^a,800 00 34,006 (iU )7,700 m 2,500 00 '8.840 00 !9,800 00 !4,066 06 '5,206 66 8,840 00 9,800 00 4,066 66 2,706 66 8,840 00 3,800 00 4,066 66 2,706 66 1,900 00 1,066 66 !,966 66 ,066 66 Brest on Jrest on e^d of li MABILITIBS . \n AHNfiLS. ('omit.a: now to th.. LUbilitiHs and A^ ^ts of th« P.. uct or the latn «„j.*-..*:_. " **' *°® Proviuco, th.j reckless mor- marked " .d the new burd.M.s condii imposed oji the Province the lato administration is are easily s> aud. I am Oa 31st January, 1887, m\ predec sor.y tosay, being Cell. I have h vd these made un for qn^k • .or.* the details. ^ ' ^^*^ " ' ■^^' ^^^^' ^^^ Statement 7 shews Statemenl S shews them as at 17th D. ember, 1891. A summarj is as follows :— 30th January, 1887 : Liabilities As«ETS Net Debt. $22,143,447 65 • 10,754,280 64 •111,389,167 11 30th June, 1891 : Liabilities.. Assets Net Debt. •33,581,877 34 11,139,553 30 .,442,324 04 17th December, 1891 Liabilities Assets ♦36.849,230 18 11.561,191 98 ^^''^««^ 124.288. 038 20 Increase in 4 years. .112,898.871 09 As the Assets and Liabilitie the same as onTrC~^-''^''$- '''^' ""^ •» W^xim.tely A.aets „„ this latter daMn fti '""' * *'" "'" »™ '^'- '''''''"- ^ giTfe these Liabilities and ii 22 APPBOXIMATE STATEMEVT ^ZTl^- " " Province of Qaebec at the 17(hn. u ''"'''■litles aiid Assets of the famished by thedSr^ent Delfr? r-/'*'' ^'^ "P™ »»»»' -Port ofdisp„ted;iaia.s.„o™'^Sro*:i r,""'»°l»*»S " '-»- ™»«». th.s date, nor amoanta due to the Prolf ';««"■•» °fC«dit or Acts prior to nor from municipalities for other JZZZ ''""'"P"' ^""' ""'"'• LUBIJ4TIES. Funded Debt outstanding Temporary Loans !...'.""! •i25,209,873 33 Trust Deposits 150,000 00 ^Z^^':Z'EE*°'^'^''^^ '»ie-t on- "''■'*' '' Outstanding AYarrants. //........ 1,860,765 64 Estimated deficiency of ordin«rVr 11 1 H.O.GOO 21 expenditure. beLeernl n TT ' ""* "'^"^^^ June. 1892. .. ^''''"^^''' ^^^1' ^"^ 30th Railway money SubsidWs authorized but not 496,723 67 yet earned.... Railway land SubsWies'-^'oii^^M- /^fo* '•'*^''"' ''■> money Subsidies, authorized but not done . .■.^'' ^''" ^'^'^^' *^ ^°^^ i« 1,759,800 00 Balance of land and other debts Q.M O & oT^i ~ ^ 6,052,036 89 Special Expenditure authorized b/the Act '^ ^'''^^O 12 54 Victoria, chapter 1. schedule B... goo », .V LEss-paid to 17th December.1891..;.:: 128 sog 55 Additional amounts estimated to be required ^^^'^^e 45 for the following public works • Parliament Buildings'l'to'^omplet; w'aii '''''' '' enclosing grounds.,. ■"""""r 1(5,000 00 ♦.^ iMx 2B 3ts of the al reports B amount -8 prior to an Fund, )9,873 33 10,000 00 '8,243 25 0,765 64 9,600 21 3,723 67 036 89 380 12 46 45 Montred Court House-to complete contract . clelirered Jacq„e,.Ca«ier ■scho;i-fo;'f„;„-t;;; ''''" "" deJivered . Iron Bria^es-nnai^--^-;;;;;;; i^Ms. 62 Loss on Exchange Bank Deposit. 675,460 62 <^uebec Court House Bonds 25,500 00 200,000 00 in ASSETS. ^"''Ba'nkl"' '^' '^- ""• ^ ""• '^'' ^^P°^^*«d PartofpriceQ.M O i^^np""' ^ ^'^'^'^^^ ^<^ «9G nnn p o "^^ ' ^"^ested in $-9 000 Province of Quebec Bonds, Loan of 18 8. bought at 109 percent «, .,^ ^^ PartofpnceQ. M. O &0 R,r • 1 V'V 31,610 00 n. k /V ^*y ' invested in Quebec Court House Bonds Part of price Q. M. 0. & ^ '■• ^^^'^^'^ ^^ $35,849,230 18 City of Quebec Bonds Ky-, invested in ,000 00 Balance of price Q. M. O. & 0:%:;„;paid;:::^^^i„o 00 # 7,600.000 00 2,394,000 00 Claim against Hon. Thomas McGreevv ^^^'^^^ 27 Cost of Jacques-Cartier School Mn^JST'i ^^^'^"^^ ^0 sale of property ' ' ^°'^^'^«*'' ^o be repaid from Advances to various parties 138,348 02 Estimated amount due as Quebee'sX'"'*' 7*'": U5,352 69 • Common School Fund by Ontario "''''''' '"^ Quebec Court Hoa- Tax, under 45 Vic:chap:26; ''^''' '' Vic, chap. 15 vxccnap. 26, and 48 200,000 00 Exce ss of Liabilities orer Assets at iitu n l #11.561,191 .98 Assets at 17th December. 1891 249««nQa on 24,288.038 20 t35,849,230 18 ^4 The uet debt has more than doubled. Funded Debt 30th Jan., 1887. 17th Dec, 1891. Temporary Loa'nra^dD^^ite.::.:.:.;:::;: fnZ I *'''l'f' '' Estimated Deheit current year I?''L, 1 If '^'^ ^^ Railway money Subsidies V,^.^ I- o '^'•^'^ " do lands do ^^ i ;> 579,732 2.> 8,147,910 99 do do t nZ rr- "■<'«''>538 60 1,144,325 90 Railway Company Zr^^^Z ^.^^^I"" ^ J;« 00 $21,383,243 7o iSl.OSWrTS The most of these items shew at 17th D.-^ isqi .• ., burden in these fe. years on our Puhliirbra'nlttr St: ''"''' in^erS^W^^t nrjdtr^^Jo'^o'oT"''' ™,1 """^^'^"''""^ "" on our ordinary revenue, whichLfopay if '' " """" '"'"' in. THE ADMINBTBATION OP THE L.ITE OOVBBNMENT. You cau see at a glance the extraordinary wav in whioh ,u tares went on increasing year by year and ho JhL . ^^ ^''^'''^" respect to the revenue *"^ '^^*'^ ^*« ^*d with |g?^^ ijfcriSt.1 25 increased. .indi(jat.^s •ec, 1891. )9,873 33 18,243 25 )6,723 67 7,910 99 L4,325 90 i9,800 00 i0,76.5 64 7,642 78 marked d\y our i inroad ew the on this ire and r state- brecast pendi- l with in Public W„,to, and J his ft Lf t T T t^ '"'' P'''''''^^-" expenditure in this Department IZ, "r,""''''' '*^'"- McShane, the I'y Mr. Shehyn thatTIwtuld h 7-°™ '^ ^"'' ""' '™''* »»<•« vigilance." "«■ would hale "an opportunity to ejcercise his Works, those of his succjor and th! Z O "''«'."".^'-«<'» "'- of Pablic better or any business appheatiot ''"'"""""'''■'"" 0° -t show any W78™rodTto «M,oo'rd'ts' • I'th' /"'"?•-"-» "- -n „p from let me give you his o v„ w" d ', '. frim t^' "'• "'"'''^'''^ P''^"'-' »<1 plained of enormous expense in 18SP ''"^ '^'"'"'^ ^P^ech when he com- • ''WendthorremierSrM'Krif '.'■"'' 7'^ ^ " My honorable ; tant question, and 1 am satilh^J^tXlZot"?" 'rtV" ""^™P"'- " ivth it when he shall have the necLtLr " H v "' ^""^'""'orily " session." necessary time at his disposal after the The same thing was said about Agriculture ,„.! n yet, see the humiliating position in whilTh pL"1 ^s ieTto d^^ " ™' ,vii, ju^!! ''- ""' ™^ -- <l»°-ion from his speel Ind IHrt^Uo "pr;.t:m^;T,:te't1hrst''.^:^r°'*^^™^^^^ ^-'"- of „„ ■• of the public money trcloselwh th'^"™?" "^^ "•" '^"'""""^ •■ expenses, and to coukuet he b'^^.^Tnet „ 'he'p^ ^'' '" T'™' "" «>« " our best managed financial in,tit , , . ^''O'-moe as the business of " conducted, a„5 accordtag „ the ^I a'nd tf"' T""'T' "'"- - " institutions. ^* •""* ""' Practice observed in those " This is the end we have in view T„ »i. ■ -^ , " necessarily take time to seriouslv and .1, , ,'" ' ^'"^<^''^'. we must " our administrative or^anSon so "'"'•"S 'ly study all the details of " not be in keeping ^TTZZl ^T"^ ^"'"^ ""S'"''"? t^at may •• lasting results.' fam uite' ^'^ edfhat b "".' ""' ""^'^ '"''' ""^ " and in accordance with the prSes „f „ » " '^. -^ ^^ ^'''"nment •■ we shall succeed in materfa rin 1 administrative economy, ■■ and controllable expenses '^ ^ Permanently reducing our oixlinary Now I give you the statement. ' 26 <V ^ Cm O s <a> Cm O •M IM •^ o eS 00 j2 00 S3 a> a >». (in Cm O H is H H QQ a 00 ^^m^ y IN i* ■*d 00 u « 9 E-i ^ 1-^ «^M' X t C: »H W M I 2? IN S 2 2 i= "^ :s ^ «^ ^ ^ "-I M ,-( J^ Tj* X X X X 00 eo eo Tf MCO o < ^ tji M (N f^ c: ap O M O iH tC Ssi 3 ^^Mt'.x^^ M i>:S iS8SSg8;SS§5 ^ ^ JO Jg .ft M ■^w:i-(OOtji«oqo Of& S^.^' ig'iii-'s^'^' 10 10' s m 3 o in X o C5 X X X X |S8^^8§SS§ S^ 22 fer ? 'o i-i t^ S® ;5 2S *» « » •<)' a& "-^ *l ''i 'I * o t>. ^ 1^ o cT ff^*" ^^r — j^ CC < M_©_ rH S CO o M~ X X CO CO co' ss ■ 10 X X o X CO o tc CO oo" CO !.>. ■* « c o X eo_^ X CO CO' o 10 8 :3§? t- ■* ■^ •OCO »>. £1 :^oi K X .MCO IN . CO «■- 1—1 .^0 CO : M (N (N P M •*© ■* ■* i>. Js CO CO (N M ni (M 95 CO o M I lO" 25? u • o •c .■jo' • !P . IN CO c: CO 'N !M 0^ «r iH in c; <N r-l c: coo: oi o't>l" o< at in O p M O © 1 J" w © C-. o S CO X X (NO <N (M i-H •<)< ■31 in o CO t-^X 0_© CO M t^f" 3' in m" cT yT c ci -^ ■* eo C. X (N IN IN CO CO IN oT o IN in IN IN !0 iCOOi xco IN M :^8 Sf8 TtfCO IM c IN ! — '"^ cToo" X » 'SMoeeo icjooei ino ?£ CO 1>0 M o lO C CO © rfeo'cT^f 5^ C^ I in -gcoi-.-*ot>.x-^^S5 I ■* §Si{®S?3'Nin-tie'«o t- X 00 t- m 1^ K 16 « t^ 06 •M © xeo IN 1>.X CO «* IN CO N CO © in' CO co' X t- © x" X 00' IN m in © CO 8 in IN of © la' ■'1' s in M © {:: 8 IN in © 10' © © © ^888 Xi CO X © © 'S in |^J CO © co' C4 ".2 a> . : g . • bo ^ : a • '■'s 1-0 ■ ■ a -i^ *4H W ceo ■ '■a • 2 - ■« ■ c • ESS : « «• 5 tc ^ M fc! !S ■« «S^>. . 5 .2 1 C (N t» X IM © IN 1^ t © !>■ IN IN CO C'J in CO CO © 1-© ©© M© in o 28 2 ® 55' © T X I • © CO •© li ■ 2 © M * © in . © x' .in © .(N 00 lO <M !>. ©' © in r i © © IN M CO in" © © CO (N W in H M © 1^© © © © s^ CO in CO © in © © in © K O ^ 00 ^^ '^ '^ ^ c3 -Fi^ 43 rs s ■^ .2 ~ «^ * ■? ^ .3 =< c _= 3 j2 -S ao ^ H I 91 £kKjgi<J|l^<!50fcJgS so "3 H * -. w - ^ !« O * ^ f-i :os .. a c /; " * s s s •9 « rt .a 3 Ph 3^ n 3 3 £,0 «> •e c ci .E§1 j: a KO ,: 0:= MS c « DO'S OC © op in X X 34 > -3 11 t^ ■^ s a> to o JO « I CO 5,312,907 5,124,136 79 S8 1 i-T 6,216,743 25 ■0 D H o 5 i 4,141,066 50 0) § . 1 1 e H ¥> it j= s W o o x - 9 do o — 1 c M j» f t< fi c < -D J3 h 01-0 ■ XI H H ml sl n I SI 28 all propriety, „ns u.mlTheso'fl t? ' " ''"" ""' P'<'<le.>«„r, vi„l..,,„„ country and to ihuZlLTJ^lr ''r'""''" "'"' '"'''''"'' »»' '<• "- IV THE LEGACY LEFT TO THF PPOvrvnc t,,. THE TLOALNCE BY THE MEUnVAl ADMINKSTRATIOX. To summarize, ^ho leo-acv ]oU i,« «,. i • follows : = ^ ^'" "' ^"^ ^™1^°^^<1 "Pon the rrovinco, is as 1. Net Debt 17th December, 1891 " •' 30th January, 1887 ^-2^,288^20 ^ ' 11,389,107 11 o HA- $12,898,871 09 - wdinary expenses, I880-8G... . " " 1890-91 '53,032,77140 J891.90 4,095,520 45 _„ . ^ " 4,436,907 50 -5. Special expenditure fexoIiisJvo «f d -i by my predecessor, averaged dri""i888^;^8^^^^^^^^ "^ '''^ ^^^^^^ sum of $668,560.95 per year or tot ,1 VSl^*^^ ^"^ ^^^^ *^« enormous v-ill be 1645,453.82 '^ ^^ ^2.674.243.82, and for 1891-92 it 4. During the Mercier regime there wp-^ also th. k p. . • unexpected receipts and additional revenue as follows '"''"^' '""^ Arrears Commercial Corporation Tax • Annual collection «« „ foSS.SOS 00 Increase ground rents on Timber licenses vea;'!; ^'^^'^^^ ^^ Increase one vear from licenses '""'"' ^'^^^^y 140.000 00 150,000 00 Guarantee Deposite and tJ^^^„ ?J . ^^ ""^ '^°' I«^"™y which seem to be, in IhTnL fSL 7^ ""^ "f"'^ "P"" *° f""!'. and olaim.,ofaco„,e table charter "P-t from a largo „„„berof ministration 1", violating- '^ out to the J pnulontly TRATIOX, vinco, is as !88,038 20 !8D,107 11 98,871 09 32,771 4o 95,520 45 ?6,n07 50 n created iiiormous 801-92 it ed fr om 5,393 00 >,000 00 •,000 00 ,000 00 indicat- laihvay t least li, and nber of 29 rcvoi.ue to face, <lU,c,«,cya„d ex.oss of ,.xp,.„.!„ure over 7 Wo havo to provide on ICih I„l,, ism p ., loan oi 1801 of 1-0,000,000 francs, 'S"^. f"' Hw n.,lt.mplion of the V. ^^^^^_Tho,.ti™at,. Of expenditures „a.. „ p,.. ,,„,„ ,,„,,,,.„ ^,^^„ canj::^:;:ilt\:&^ Act, .e,.. „2, 30 Vic! cap So'tTd Z%Vt' "'" '""" o'' "'» ^- N. A amount to about «1,278,952.80 In J.a ' T''' ' *^'""'"^"' •'""' "o»' price of tlxo Q. M. O. & () R„il„a, „f ' "■° '"'" "'° ""«-' <>" <l.e a total of $1,640,800.87. ' '' '""™"""S lo .{.307.908.07, or Ibrmin.. Then, we have our Crown In,,,]. u- , way, a further source of revenue JmmT ? P™'*- ^ '^ ''"ve, on thi» ■ merdal Corporations, from Law S amp, fro^TI; ''"^°' '"«^ "» t-om. and from Casual revenue. Howe™X'sor„ ^e Common School Fund, . very rapidly, and I will give yonas an i ° .'"'■^'''''' too nscal year 1890-01 as'thesrrX;:re"^„r :^,*-°^ -ipts for RECEIPTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ,8.,0.91. • Dominion of Canada Crown Lands ['"" • $ 1,278,962 80 Administration of Justice... 742,544 62 Percentage on fees of Public Offirers 236,094 48 Licenses 10,473 J2 586,206 14 ii I «0 luuiiicipalities and Legislation Lunatic Asylums-Contributions' froln paying patients Oflficial Gazette Public Buildings— Rents Casual Revenue Civil Seryice-^ContribulLs'lbrren;^^^ I roviinciai Insurance CN>mpanios--Contributi;;;;' to'^xp;';;.* ot inspection ^.M'Lns,ts Industrial Schools.. Direct Taxes on Commercial' Corp'ora'ti'on's PrZ "" ^^P°^'*« '" Banks and on Advanced Premium, Discount and Exchano-e Interest on the price of the sale of Q. m'(x'& aiy 5,440 08 Total Ordinary Receipts. 8,1.38 00 24,351 26 762 17 1,991 10 8,309 21 440 86 11 40 139,430 30 32,357 11 2,884 44 307,908 07 10,841 91 3,457,144 32 TRU.ST FUiNDS. Teachers' Pension Fund City of Hull Sinking Fund.".'. * ^^^^ f Marriage License Fund '^ Public Officers' Security Dep;>;i;: ::::;::: So 00 ''";:iciri:rc ;\:::-:-: h-^^^ ^" ^^'^^^^ Railway Guarantee Deposit Temporary Loans ' "■ Total Receipts from all 12,049 02 2,500 00 278,520 00 2,223,333 33 '°"^^^« i 5,974,140 67 anneLdThetcttf^^^^^^^^^ ''^ ""'""7° "^ ''^''"^'^^^^ -^^^'^ -e 92. amounting toXlS 32m '" '"^^ """^*" ^^^'^^^ ^^ ^^^l- I now give you in detail what year 1892-93. are the Estimates of our receipts for the 81 5,440 08 8,138 GO 24,3 -)1 26 702 17 1,991 10 8,309 21 440 80 11 40 !»,430 30 2,357 11 2,884 44 7,008 07 0,841 91 7,144 32 ,049 02 500 00 520 00 333 33 140 67 ch are • 1891- or the $ 1.278,952 80 395,000 00 Dominion of Canada: ^'^^^^^^^ "^ceipts 1802-93. Subsidy under B. N. A. Act * 950 0.9 wn Interest on Tru.t Funds * ~ ^ .Special Subsidy under 47 Vic, chap. 4.:! 127 460 68 Interest on Railway Subsidies under 47 Victoria, chapter 8 119.700 00 Interest : — Interest on price of sale Q. M. 0. & 0. Ry. 370.000 00 do on loans and deposits .. 25,000 00 Administration of Justice : Law Stamps | ^^qq^^q ^^ ^"!;V 6,000 00 Building and Jury Fund... lo.OOO 00 Municipalities, for mainten- ance of prisoners 10,000 00 traol Oruards— Montreal and ^.. ^"^'^^« 4,000 00 ll'''l"'" 600 00 Montrea Gaol 8,000 00 Montreal Court House 3,500 00 High Constable's Fees, Que- ^^^ 500 00 Registration Stamps.. . 11"^^ ^^ Licenses (Net revenue) ,, !'"^^ ^^ Crown Lands ^ 500,000 00 Taxes on Commercial Corpon;. ^^^'^""^ ^^ tions (Net revenue) Percentage on Fees of Public' Officer's i;:."; IZl on do on renewals of hypothecs 30000 Legislation... '^^" ^^ Official Gazette''.".'.".;; /'^^^ ^^ Maintenance of Insane....' f/JH! ^^ Rents of Public Buildings.." ' ^^2 rl Contributions to Pension Fund.'.'.".'."; IvJn Z Casual Revenue 7,o00 00 2,000 00 • 1,694,750 00 I 3,368,7or80 82 Lo,,,,™:;:;:,';:;;:, qX" f-:: T:»"',:„!'r^-""""^ i, ''--'^ ^'-"-p^ .•Htimulo or „„„ that Juid 1 rel Jd 1 ''/'"P-^f ''« "> f- "ny UoHnile and tho futuro. remarks, and that is lor next year EXPENDITUIIE 1892-03. SU.UM.nv O... ESTIMATED -X-ENmTBKE rOH 1802.03 AX» OOMP.„„o,. „„„ r„biiodobt'. ' „''f-^8. LogWation *1,690,433 12 ,,|°,, „ 198,389 60 Civil Orovermneiit .,.„ ,. ^ Administration of Justice..... '.■■'■■■■ d-t 1 J ;!„ rabhc Instruction gg^'^g^ ^^^ Agriculture, Colonization and Emigration 222ioi9 25 Public Works : ^f"'^7. S 106.720 36 Extraordinary 375^00 oo 1891-92. $1,470,626 96 292,115 20 272,140 50 695,355 00 415,656 98 311,946 85 482,320 36 355,725 00 Lunatic Asylums and Charities Miscellaneous on in ^^pecial expenditure!!'!' !;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '^^^ ^'^ Railway subsidies and Q. M. (). & O. %! for letters and acts To provide for settlements prior to 17th December, 1891 159,360 45 422,812 05 384,457 68 1,180,915 62 1,052,821 19 1,165,636 64 72,831 89 15.582,178 06 16,843,855 82 88 >??• WITH An examination of this statement will show you to a certain PTf««f ♦», work energetically, ,u.d with the few mo„.h» at our diaposall have !o doubt the public will appreciate our labours A« » .IT ahow to you «»d to the public a redact 17.11 ™»">"'»<=''">™t we of «I 'fli «77 7,1 ... 1 r rettuotion in all expenditures n one year ";end:t:re '" '"™"' ">' '•™"" "»" J"""-""' <=<»"-' of the The following are the aerviees in which the decreaaes are ahown »'nt::i":r[re:""^^-'''^'"<'""'-»'''»' '-^ «„ laper. Legislation : The reduction here is $93,775.00, but of this there is about .$65,000.00 for general elections, so we should only claim credit for * «« Civil Government...... ^ ^^'^^^ 60 Administration of Justice ^^'^^^ ^^ Public Instruction .'; f'^<^^ ^^ Agriculture Colonization and 'immigration".: fo f? Ta Public Works, Ordinary .... f/^^ ^^ Lunatic Asylums and Charities. '.'.". ■.'.;■.. 1,^^, 2 Miscellaneous services ' ""•• ^^'^^^ ^^ •. 73,260 86 . '^°*'*^^e<i'^ction Ordinary Expenditure.. ..T"73762n4 As against this, however, we have a certain number of items y^rhinh yon an annual reduction of $681.62L00. »*^^.o^i.i4 above, we Bhow 6 84 all iL""""^ j-^P^f . Sir, that wo can «till fnrthor make honest reductions in v^unin about $18,000.00 <,t what it was in 188r,.lH8tJ. wo led wo can do waTlo he / " •' "^^""^^ *'" ^^"^ "'*^ *»^« ''^^^ servi-oAut it all anneL^d^o^«f.' ?'!^ '''" ^'"^ ^" *^° Miscellaneous Statements annexed to this, a detail of the payments estimated for the year 1891.1890 but now give you for general information a detail of the payments of the fiscal year 1890-1801. These are fixed and known and subject to no dispute dalT '"^ ^"""^ "*^ '°°'^"''' *""' P'"'^ "^'^^ ^ y^"^ '""'^^ known ■ This shews : Total Payments 1890-1891 , .'... . * rtlfiOfirtQ an '^ '^ ^«^-i«^3 \:zz::^^_^Z ^^^^^^on ^ J^^TJq will T'' ^P^r*'"*i^ "^^"^^ ^' ** ^"* ^^ unfavorable-comparison, but as will be seen from the estimates for 1892-1893, we have 'to pay for charirea on Public Debt and for Repayment Railway Guarantee D^sits impS by our predecessors, $202,829.38 more than in 1890-1891. For Q M & O. By. c aims, and Railway Subsidies, consequent upon the enormous grants n the fall session of 1890, we have to pay at least $100,000.00 more So that as regards 1890-1891 we show : Reduction as above ^ 668 49169 Charges for interest and Railway Guarantee Deposits".'. 202,829 38 *^^*^^ 100,000 00 » 871,821 07 To give you details, the expenditure of 1890-91 was as foUows : , PAYMENTS OP THE FISCAL YEAR 1890-91. Public Debt Legislation ::; 11.271.606 83 Civil Government .' ' TaZHt Administration of JusticeanciudingPdice^lZ^ZZ'"*"*' 670078 61 8i d action 8 in Legislation wo cull do . but it all liiioioncy of Statements 1891-1892, eats of the no dispute. ith known 160,069 69 582,178 00 568,491 69 >n, but as }r charges 3 imposed I M. O. & ous grants more. So 68,491 69 02,829 38 00,000 00 71,821 07 s : ri»506 83 11,078 74 >9,660 07 ^0,078 61 Reformatories and Industrial Schools * innnnn aa Inspection of Public Oflices... ™. *.'.". '.'.*.!*. 8 9°? 67 Public Instruction '*''''*'' siSUO 00 Literary and Scientific Institutions iq'o<;n nn Arts and Manufactures ,7;," ^^ Agri^^ulture ZZZZZ:::. mm 9 Colonization Roads and Societies I'>3'l50 00 Immigration '.!»."*!!".'.'.*.'.'. V041 so Repatriation '7^^ °^ Public Works and Buildings ZZ.ZZZZ: 1^;^ 83 Lunatic Asylums 209,148 38 Chanties ^^'^^^ ■ Miscellaneous .^^'^:j^ Agent in Franco 2*500 00 Municipahties Fund "'o^^ ^^ Crown Lands Department ' 287 876 00 Official Gazette ' '*"' jg'g^^ ^g Charges on Revenues, ^^tamps, Licenses, &c .* j/g^Y gg Inspection of Railways ""* j'q^q ^q Fraserville Hospital '500 00 Temiscaming Hospital Knn nn Hotel-Dieu, St. Hyacmtho ^qq qq Grey Nuns' Hospital, St. Jerome 500 00 St. Bemardiu's College, Waterloo ..Z... 250 00 General Hospital, Sorel I qqq qq House of Refuge, Ste. Cunegonde '5OO OO Sisters of Providence, L'AsHomption ^00 00 Transcription, binding, &c., of Registers, &c *.." 9990 04 Geneological Dictionary of Mgr. Tauguay .*...' o'gQO 00 Printing and distributing amendments to Municipal Code... "'500 00 Polytechnic School, Montreal 2 500 00 Annuity to Mrs. Gaspard Drolet *.......'......'. "'^00 00 Land grants to Head of Families of twelve living children.. 1,500 00 Manual, Justices of the Peace 2500 00 Biggar's Hand Book, Canada ZZ... " 625 00 St. Jean Baptiste School, Quebec * 2000 00 Church of England School, Quebec o OOO 00 Short-Wallick Monument...; ""' "'^qq qq Reformatory and Industrial School, Pointe-aux.Esquimaux... 750 00 Municipal Code, Manuel d'Hygiene and other publications... 24.224 85 86 Models and books of design, Temple's method. rensions Civil Service Jamaica Exhibition. 9 10,000 00 28,669 08 6,000 00 coirections.::.:...' ^"^' ""^ "' "'"'''''''" ""^^''^ ^^* °^ Licenses, paid by Re v^n^'e Officers" oui of cdiecUois*..:.::" ,1^11 !« Total Ordinary Expenditure. Special Expenditure : 45,183 42 $4,095,620 46 New Parliament Buildings, construction $ 13,495 34 New Court House, Quebec, to complete sur- rounding wall, &c g .,.. New Court House, Quebec, to settle balanc^ 01 all claims ' New Court House, Quebec/'cVestings' for roofs Spencer Wood; hot-house, cellar for' vege'. tables, &c Iron Bridges in MunicipalitiesTtowaids struction of con- New Vaults for Court Houses and Gaols" "in 155,000 00 800 00 1,000 00 100,000 00 new districts ^^^^ Night Schools •• ,W0 00 Montreal Court Hous'e'exten'si;;:::::::: .'Hoooo New Gaol, Montreal, construction .... r:." '37 263 44 Sherbrooke's Court House and Gaol, <;;«: struction of drains, &c Court Houses and Gaols, new distrkts,* "heat- ing apparatuses ; , ' Gasp6 Court House and Gaoi*,"new'roof aqueduct, &c ' Quebec Gaol, new drains, piumbere' woik . &c.,. ' Iberville Court House and 'Gaoi,*'surround- ing wall and outbuildings o nnn na Stoning country roads, to make a trial of **" 6 31 ? ol Exhibition Society. Montreal, to repair th^ ' Exhibition Buildings 25,000 00 3,000 00 8,000 00 2,286 00 3,890 00 10,000 00 28,669 08 6,000 00 8,582 99 45.138 42 95,520 45 87 Toronto University, in aid of reconstruction of buildings destroyed by fire, 4th Feb- ^ 'rj ^^^? $ 10,000 00 McGill Normal School, Montreal, repairs, alterations, &c 60,805 00 Colonization roads, explorations, inspections, ^ ^^° •••••• 50,000 00 Vjuebec Railway Bridge j 75Q qq Exhibition Grounds, Montreal, for commuta- tion and purchase 2872190 Towards damages caused by a wind storm ^ ' on 8th July, 1890, in the counties of " Beauharnois, Vaudreuil and Hunting- _ .^°^} 9,880 00 Kevised Statutes,— towards publishing Sup- plementary volume 6009 84 Arts and Manufactures Building, Quebec, to ^'o^Plete 5,532 00 Index General des Journaux de I'Assembl^e Legislative 6,000 00 Jacques-Cartier Normal School, Montreal, for demolition and reconstruction of facade, &c gO.OOO 00 M6moires du Chevalier de L6vis 3,150 00 Expenses connected with the last illness and funeral of the late Mgr. Labelle, Assis- tant-Commissioner of Agriculture and Colonization 2 942 30 Commission re Culture of Beet-root 6,206 00 Eailway Subsidies $885,255 99 Construction claims,— Q. M. 0. & 0. Ry.... 70,364 27 Trust Funds: ' Marriage Licence Fund $7,608 00 Aylmer Court House Fund I'^g.^g qq Security of public officers 4149 §2 " Advance to Protestant Hospital, Montreal.... $35,000 00 do to South Shore Turnpike Trust.... 8 760 00 820,254 15 955,620 26 18,417 42 48.760 00 88 Quebec and Lake St. John Eailway Com- pany— Repayment Guarantee Deposit.. $136,875 97 Temiscouata Railway Company— Repay- ment Guarantee Deposit No. 1 58,004 98 „ , /''.., ^*^ 2 23,*155 12 Montreal and Lake Maskinonge Railway Co.— Repayment Guarantee Deposit... 4,061 34 222,097 41 i 6,150,669 69 By giving you this, it will afford an opportunity of comparison between these payments and between those mentioned in the Miscellaneous State- ments annexed and with Expenditure set forth in the Estimates now before the House, to show in what way the present Government have redeemed the pledges they made before the electors and whibh they think absolutely necessary for the benefit and welfare of the Province. The serious point, however, is that on an examination of these expen- ditures m the Estimates just submitted to you for 1892-93, as compared with the Estimates of Receipts. I have put before you, the showing is as follows : Total Estimates 1892-93 in order to fulfil obligations. $ 5,582.178 00 Total Estimates, Receipts 3,400;000 00 Deficiency, or Excess of Expenditure $ 2,18217700 ^\^Tr^'' '""^ ^^^"^""^ ^*''°"' *^'"' ^^•^e^s the amount included for Rail- ways. .$1 000,000 00, it will be seen that the total deficiency for the res'ofonr Expenditure will be $1,182,178.00, in which is included .^375.600.00 of ex- iThTJrr^'''^'*'''' "^ ^^^^'' ^"^^^- T^^«' ^" ^ddit'«» to the floatincr lutile '' on 1st July, 1892. is what we have to meet in th^ «,«nf^Vp'*M'''^''n*^''*""''^'''^''''*^^*"''^ ^^^^^ P"Wic Debt and Repay- ment of Railway Guarantee Deposits, it will be seem that by adding these two together, we have, as a first charge on our revenue, the sum of |l,696 - 433.12 to meet next year. In taking the list of Railway Guarantee Deposits I have given above, it will also be seen this amount will not be much re^ duced on this account for at least six years to come. p„ JTu5 ^f ^ ^° *^' y'"' ^^^^"^^' *^" "^^^^^ i^ connection with our l?u.«c Jhht oniy amounted to 1977,760.32, so that we have in these past \ > 39 > >l^ four and a half years to meet an incronso of »718,072.80 in our fi«d ch.r<res Ordinary Revenue, say ^ Charges for interest and on Pabu; Debt;&o:im93:::;::: ^ f^^Ts n Wing a balance of fl^^eTis which IS a very small amount left for the ordinary services of the adm.mstrat.on, apart from onr obligations for Railway Subsidies There is but one course open, and that is to bring about eouilibrinm between our receipts and expenditure and avoid new obligations' To ari" at this we must for some years to oome increase our revenue and tts means mcreased taxation. It is useless and idle for us to thtok the Provmce can go along any further without taking means to pay our obW hons. My predecessor got over all his difficulties by making 10.^ and tZtfb P ' ^"•'^^»' *'■- we have now to stop, if for no other°re.Zth« that the Province should not resort to further borrowing. There can be no question that, since the elections, our credit has been InZZ T"'"^: """^ "''' ^'"^' ""'' '^' ^''^^'^ «^^^^«^ i^^v-e increased in value. We must maintain this position and make it still better, but we can on y do this by showing that we have resources and means of revenue o meet our obligations. There was a time when the public were aware IrnLw ^TT"" '^'^^ ^'^ ^°* "^'"'^ °^^* ^"*«^««* ^l^^rges. There was probably a feeling that no matter what our ultimate soi rces of revenue might be. as long as the Dominion was paying us a subsidy, they would not see our bonds or our credit fail, because the Dominion had enough in ite hands to pay our interest charges and save our credit. Under these cir- cumstances borrowing was easy. Now that time has gone, and we find that our interest charges more than exceed the amount of the subsidy payable by the Dominion. Let us now rely on our resources and meet the difficulties by our own means and energies. ' No doubt we can still make and will make further reductions in our expenses, and with oar Public Debt. The items on Legislation, Civil Government and others will decrease. We are now giving 155,725.00 in charities. Many people wiU be disappointed this year in not having their applications granted, bulthe 40 Government, m view of an increase in our bnrdens, had to cut down and refuse many, and those we have granted were only under special cir- cumstances and because they had relied on the grants. I may state, however hat the next Estimates will shew a reduction of most of these items, and there will only be allowed to remain those of a public or general character. Returning to the question of Ways and Means, and speaking in the bests mterests of the Province and our credit for some years, we must look tor an mcreased revenue in the neighborhood of $1,000,000.00 per annum It IS Idle and useless to hide the difficulty imposed by our predecessors Ti LlTnTu T ""' ^«^«tf ti«^«l existence. To meet it, it is but a little helpftomall. logo on at present we cannot. We must be practical and there is no doubt of the future. We have the finest Trovince in the Domi^ nion we are r,ch m lands and minerals. The St. Lawrence passes through- out Its entire length, and is the great highway of communication from fhe West not only of Canada but of the United States to Europe. The comme ce of the Dominion and the great railway systems are centered in our midst and what we have to do is to take advantage of all these. mo. ^V""*^ ^^ J^^* '"""^ °^ *^' '^'^'^''' ^^ ^^" ^^ve later on to suggest may throw a large amount of odium upon the Government, but. Sir with the examination that has been made, I feel that we are right aiHo matter what may take place to-day, history will sooner or later write upon Its pages that we have acted patriotically and wisely. With these explanations, somewhat tedious perhaps and lengthv I ask the cooperation of all the members of the House to examine the EsrimaTes and be prepared later on to meet the Government in the measures that wil be brought down to put our Province straight. r««nlLTir?n^'-^^'^^'';*^'* y°™ ^'^^' the Chair, and the House resolve itself into Committee of Supply -.■¥■} - iCfi,