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Laa diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thoda. rrata o )elure. 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •f- [l-) r.U TAKl'.N' IIOMki r.Y M.t .] t^tiei e^wrc^ t^t^iivat C ">< centennial .Services t)iiiKla\, 1511 Dec. 1889. S .\.M. — Holv Communion. II A.M. — Morning Service and Clioral Couiinuiiion. Hymns 166, 215, 47, 3^3 (A, ^: M.;. 1 'roper Psalms 84 and 87. Pro[)«"r Lessons, Isaiah 25, Heb. 10, ry 25. Preacher, Rev. E. Waljjole Warren, M.A.. Rector of the Churcli of the Holy Trinity, New V<>rk, ^^.^^o P.M. — Children's Service. Choral I, itany. Hymns, 391, 51, 339. Preacher, Rev. E. Wal[)ole Warren. .\[.A. 7.05 P.M. — Evening Service. Hynnis, 240, 302. 379. Proi)er Psalm, 103. Proper Lessons, Hag. 2, 4-9. I-'.ph. 2. '13. .\nthem, "O how amiahle arc thy dwelliiiLis." Preacher, Rev. E. Walpole W^arren, M..-V. OFFERTORIES for the DEBT on the Cathedra/ Rectory and adjoining House. HKS ■i\li.s. i ►H fl* EXTRACT FROM SEJJ3I0N Pveaclu'd Tkctnihci- 8, 1889. BY TUB \\ i:V. J. 0. N OK TON, I). 1).. i!i;( tOh of the cATHKimAi. ciiLncn. " And now a word as to our own Cluircli, whose centen- nial we bhall,, God willing, celebrate on Sunday next. I would remind you that from 1766 till 1789, the few Protes- tants of various denominations then in Montreal worshipped as one small con<,ncgation, and were ministeied to by the Rev. David C. Delisle, a Church of England clergyman, in the Recollet Chapel, which was most kindly lent to them by the Roman Catholics, at hours when it was not re(iuired for Mass. In 17S9, the Governor, Lord Dorchester, granted to the Cluu-ch of England the use of a Church which had become Crown p^roperly. On the suggestion of the Bishop of Nova Scotia, it was called 'Christ Church,' and was ' dedicated on December 2olh, 1789. It was destroyed by fire in 1803 ; from which year, till the new Christ Church in Notre Dame street was opened in 1814, the congregation worshipped in St. Gabriel Ciuirch, which was generously lent to them by the Presbyterians. In 1820, Christ Church was duly constituted a Statutory Parish Church (on the English model), for the Anglican Parish and Rectory of Montreal. In 1S50, the Church was raised to the dignity of a Cathedral, by a Royal Patent, which fixed in it the Episoopal Cathedra or throne. By the same -Patent, the Diocese of Montreal was created, and the town of Montreal i was advanced to ibe rank of a City of tho Drilish lunpiro. In December, 1856. Christ Church Cathedral in Notre Dame street was burned down, and the present beautiful Church was opened in 1859. Upwards of ninety-five per cent, of the total outlay had to be met by the Cathedral congregation and their friends, and the result has been that lor 30 years tl;e congrcgalion has been heavily pressed with the c(.st of building and maintaining a Church worthy of its position as the Cathedral and Mother Church of the greatest City in the Dominion of Canada, and of a Diocese with nearly a hundred Parishes and Missions. In the old country, this cost, so largely incurred for the good of all, would not have been thrown so exclusively upon the congregation of the Mother Church. However, the Cathedral congregation have made noble efforts, and the result is, that there is now no debt in connection with the Cathedral, except a Mortgage for $10,000 on the Rectory and the adjoining house. Your centennial Offerings will be for the reduction of this debt, which is tlie only blemish on the fair fame of a Church of which our City and Diocese are justly proud. i rejoice to say that the Centennial finds us with a most united and devoted congregation, with beautiful and true Church of England Services, and with nourishing Sunday Schools and other Parochial organizations, wlwch are not only admirable and etftcient, but full of Christian love and devotion. May this Centennial be a time of much special prayer for a large outpouring of the Holy Si)iril's Uncuon ujion our Church and Diocese."