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'S For oh, I thought of other days, When one, wlio mu-t not hoar again The song my siuiple chords mi<;,ht raise, Had listened to that strain. 1 4 And wildly then 1 sought to walte The silouce of my slinnbeiing Liilc, And lorced my trcmhling lips to break Tlic spell which held them mute : ^ liut the light spirit of those chords I found, too soon, had died away; And Lo-re's own pure and sparkling words Were changed lo Sorrow's lay. As if my Lute but knew to(» well How much that loved one had deceived; As if my lips refused lo tell What She no more believed. As if they both had deemed it wrong That other ears should hear a tone, A word of that impassioned song, They breathed for hers ah)ne. rt 5 WHY DOTH THE BULBUL. Wn\ (loth the Biilhul to the rose Rcj)oat his nightly hiy, Yet cease at morn ? Ik'cause lie knows Thou'tlst shame his mehjdv. \ Why <lo those bright seraphic eyes That roimtl ns nightly shine, Retire when morning bids tliee lise ? liecause thev viehl to thine. r twined a wreath at matin hour, y\nd hound it in thy hair : The dew was dripping iVom the Ihiwer That blushed in beauty there: But look — even now, ere close of day, TTow pale the wreath I wove! The ilowers have died of jealousy, While 1 expire of love. '1 THE WARRIOR-CHIEF. Good-bye, my love, good-bye, I dare no longer stay ; The tear is starting in my eye, And sorrow must have way. And yet no tear should flow. Though sadly thus wo part ; I would not have another know The weakness of ray heart. When the Paynim foe is driven Before our Christian band, And we've reared again the Cross of Heaven Within the Holy-Land ; Ohj then to thee and bliss Thy Chief will homeward hie, And that hour shall heal the pangs of this — My Isabel, good-bye. The Warrior-Chief is gone To tlio piiiins of Palestine, And his liUdy-Lovo is left alone In her distant bower to pino. And years rolled on, long years Of sulTering and grief; Of cheri'^hod hopes and maddening fears For him, her Warrior-Chief. From morn till night she gazed, His coming sail to mark ; From nigiit till morn her watch-fire blazed To guide his welcome bark. But still no tidings came Of him she loved so well — How could he in the field of Fame Forget his Isabel ! More pallid grew her cheek, Her eye became more dim ; Her heart was broke, so purely meek, And all for love of him. He came at last, but Death Had claimed the mastery ; He only caught her parting breath — Good-bye, my love, good-bye. ^ OH, DO NOT I mil SI I Till'. Tl UtS AWAY. On, do not ]»nisli the tcai-s uwny Whioli tliMs at nn'oliiii; riso ; But let thoin lieniblc M'liilc they may, Ami glitter in thino cyos. And 1 will tliiiik tho drops that wot Those lids, are drops of dew, And each sweet orb a violet, So softly shining through. More dear tlian smiles such oavs to rnj. And yet 1 could not bear That even these, though sweet they be, Too long sliould linger there. They look so liko the dro])s ot'pain I cannot ask their stay ; J5at thus— and thus— and thus again— I kiss them all away. ▼-■ WIIERl-; ARE TIIK FLOWERS. WiiKiiE riro tlio ilowcrs, tlio bloomiiifj ilowcrs Tlifxt (illcd witli fragraiico our summer bowors ; And w/icve arc the birds that on tuneful wing RouTj'l tbostj summer bowers were fluttering T Tlio flowers lie withered upon their stem, And the song of th,^ l)irds expired with them. Where arc the friends of our early years, Companion alike in their smiles and tears ; And where is the one loved, faithful 1)reast, Truer and dearer than all the rest ? Our youth, like the summer, is gone, and they Like the birds and the flowers have passed away. Yet not like them — for again in Spring The flowers will bloom, and the birds will sing ; But where is the power that can restore The friends of our youth, whom we valued more Than the bloom of the flowers, or the birds' soft strain Oh, who can bring us those friends again ! s WHEN I LOOK ON THAT BEAUTIFUL CHEEK. When I look on that beautiful check, Which an Anchorite's hosom might move ; And that eye through M'hose dark hibhes break The soft, chastened sunbeams of love : Can I deem that the spirit within Riots wildly and wantonly there ? Can I think that the worship of sin Hath polluted a temple so fair .'' Oh no, they must slander thy name, Who say that thy heart is untrue ; That thy love's like the vapour-lamp's flame, As impure and as? wandering too. Oil no— the warm blushes which dye That cheek, ne'er to falsehood were given ; And the light which illumines that eye Must be light which is borrowed from Heaven. LOVE'S EMBLEM. 'Tis said Love's emblem is the rose Wliich blooms so fair at morn, But withers away ere evening's close And leaves behind its thorn. Believe it not — 'mid winter's snow The laurel rears its head, Its leaf as fresh as in Summer's glow Though all around be dead ; In this, in this tlio emblem sure Of heart-felt Love is seen ; As the virgin snow of heaven pure, As the laurel ever green. IS> FIDDLE-DE-DEE. As 1 lay on ray bed t'other iiiglit I idoalizetl Thus to myself in Ji whimsical mood ; Wishes are vain when they cannot be realized, That which is evil will seldom prove good. What is impossible, though it be plausible, Never can happen, as sages agree ; Then let us be merry all until our burial, Sorrow and care being— Fiddle-de-dee. What are the Muses and all those Divinities, Hyads and Dryads, but humbugs or tools ? The Fates and the Fuvies are quizzical Trinities, Pan and Pandora a couple of fools. Even Jupiter Akamon is nothing but gammon, And Juno, his wife, little better than he ; So let us be merry all until our burial. Sorrow and care being— Fiddle-de-dee. i In the (lavs of our Fathers — it warms one to think of it — Topers fared better than now by long odds ; For they'd Nectar, as much as they ever could drink of it, Nectar distilled from the grape of the Gods. But who, in this era, would spurn at Madeira, Because no receipt for such liquor have we ! Oh, let us be merry all until our burial, Sorrow and care being — Fiddle-de-dee. Such were the wise cogitations with which I, 'Twixt sleeping and waking, exerted my brain ; And even to this hour, had the skies remained pitchy, I might have continued the sensible strain. But morning, then beaming, dispelled all my dreaming. And I sprang from my couch, most determined to be F^uimy and merry all until my burial. Sorrow and care being — Fiddle-de-dee. FILL TO THE BRIM. Fill to the brim, for tliis bowl so bricht Was meant as a bahu to sorrow ; To-morrow may lower iC it will, but, to-night, We'll think not of to-morrow. 4 Few and brief arc the summer flowers With whieli old Time supplies us ; Then let us enjoy their bloom while ours, Nor murmur at what he denies us. So fill to the brim — from this bowl so bright Its cheering influence borrow ; To-morrow may lower as it Avill, but, to-night, We care not for to-morrow. The lanjTiiisliing plant will tlroop its head When the sun shines fiercely o'er it ; But soon as the dews of eve are shed, Oh, look how their drops restore it ! I ] And thus it is with the drooping soul — Affliction may dim its brightness ; But the drops which arc shod from a sparkling bowl 1 1 Can restore all its former lightness. So fill to the brim, for this bowl so bright Was meant as a balm to sorrow ; To-morrow may lower if it will, but, to-night. What care we for to-morrow ! 10 FAREWELL, FAREWELL. Fareweli,, farewell — 'tis more than time to part, All false, and yet all lovely as thou art ; When peace and hope have fled the troubled breast, Where shall the weary spirit turn to rest ! There was a time Avhen every look was deai*, And every word was music to mine ear ; Nor thought I then that I should e'er awaken From dreams so sweet, to find myself forsaken. Yet still thy mouth is circled by its smiles, As if no heart had bled beneath their guiles ; And still thy cheek is fair, and bright thine eye, As if no breast had felt their perfidy. So ocean's billows, when their rage is o'er And the whelmed bark lias sunk to rise no more, Sport in their dimples round the fatal spot. And smile above the ruin they have v/rought. iV Farewell, farewell — I meant not thus to blame ; Nor, from tliis moment, ever shall thy name Escape my lips, save in my prayers to Heaven, And then to ask that thou raayst be forgiven. To pray that never may thy bosom feel. As mine does now, the pangs no time can heal ; But that the current of thy days may be Tr .ujuil as mine was, ere disturbed by thee. ":1 I- '*■ 18 WOMAN. Woman, tliy chains, for a day, Promise us lots of joy ; But the gilding soon wears away, And leaves behind the alloy. Thou compound of glee and strife, Nonsense, wit, and oddity ; Pest and comfort of life — • Oh, what a queer commodity ! He that would stoop to merit Thy fovour's scanty pittance, Poor as it is, must share it With Monkeys, Parrots, and Ki'^'ens : But he that would rank as wise, Should laugh at sighs,, smiles, and tears ; When you ogle, should close his eyes, When you flatter, should stop his ears. 10 For the smile, so brightly beaming, Is transient, alas, as the sigh ; And the tear, so purely streaming, But wets the cheek, and is dry ; And the flattery, though so itching, Is much too free for jealousy ; And the ogling glance, so witching. Every one shares as well as he. !'^- Yet cold were our hearts, if those sighs And those tears could fail to win them ; And who could resist those eyes When the light of love is in them ! Not I — who, 1 blush to say. Like a fool have still bowed before you ; And, though cursing you every day, Have ne'er ceased all the time to adore you. m LINES WHiTTKN nENEATii A roiiriiArr. Sweet Portrait, thus with powerful art reveal injr Those features which I never can forget, I gaze upon thee with a mingled feeling Of pain and pleasure, rapture and regret. Methinks I sec that form again before me. As when 1 saw it first in beauty's prime ; And boyhood's di earns come rushing warmly o'er me. And thoughts that had but slumbered for a time. I If Those ringlets, straying in their auburn brightness Around thy brow, and those sweet smiles, whose glow Sued a soft radiance o'er that forehead's whiteness, Like morning's blush upon a wreath of snow : Those lips, whose every tone was mirth and gladness, Whose every word was pure as Vestal's vow ; Those eyes, unclouded then by care or sadness— Methinks I sec them all before me now. •I Alas, (Iiat fnow l>y sorrow lias hecMi Nliadod, Thoso auburn ringlets clianfrod to locks of grey ; The rose that bloomed upon that cheek has faded, And all the smiles of youth have passed away. But what though Time those beauties has been stealing- In thee, sweet Portrait, I behold them yet; And ga/e upon thee with a mingled feeling Ot pain and pleasure, rapture and regret. .1 .1 4 r-i -1 22 OH, WELL 1 REMEMBER THE HOUR. Ou, well I remember tlic hour When first, in the freshness of youth, Wc met in that eglantine bower, And pledged to each other our truth. When our eyes spoke sueh eloquent things, And we felt such a glow tin oi. h our frame ; While Love, in delight, buook iiit, wings O'er our lieurts till tliey biu-st into ilame. We parted, and parted in tears — But the flame which that urchin had nursf, Was burning ih rough long after-years, As bright and as warm as at first : Till age shed its snows on my liead, And my thoughts to new objects could turn And my heart grew so cold and so dea(I, That I wondered it ever coidd burn. i But now th.'it wo mcot as of yore, And (him! eyes their old lustre impart, I fool little Love, an before, Rekindle Iuh lljiine in my heart. And if of that fire, onco so bright, But a spark in thy bosom remain, May ho flutter his pinions of light. And wako up the embers again ! t m THOU WAST NOT THERE. I STOOD witliin a brilliant hall, Among the young and gay ; And joyous was the festival, And loud the revelry. Why was my spirit dark and dull, Where all seemed free from care ' Why was my heart so sorrowful ? — Thou wast not there. m Another sang that simple song I oft had heard from thee ; And merry voices, 'mid the throng. Recalled thy notes of glee. I could not listen to that strain. That mirth I could not share ; riie song, the glee alike were vain— Thou wast not there. m Around mo Hittcd mauv n form, In gniccfnl movnmont lii^lil ; Their clicoks with youth's pun; hhislios warm, Their eyes witli rapture bright. I thought of one as liglit as thoy, As exquisitely fair ; And turned in bitterness away — Thou wast not there. Can splendour, to the aehing heart, For distant friends atone ? Can pleasure charm us, when we part From those we loved alone ? Oh no — the humblest eot on earth With thee I'd rather share. Than dwell in eourts, if, 'mid their mirtli, Thou wast not there. I i6 UNIVERSAL LOVE SONG. "J'AIMEllAIS TOUT LE MONDE." Some love the Hashing eye of jet, And some the languishing orb of blue ; Some choose the Blonde and some the Brunette, Some are for old loves and some for new. But black or blue, or old or new, Dark or fair^ I can love every soul of them ; Foolish and wise, of every size. Here, in ray heart, there is room for the whole of them. Some but those passive souls admire Who, simpering, never can say you nay ; While some prefer those spirits of fire Who spurn at whatever you do or say. To nie is sweet whichever I meet, The haughty pride, or the rigmarole of them ; Wild or tame, it is all the same. Here, in my heart, there is room for the whole of them. m Some cannot fancy a flaming licad, Some cannot relish a grizzly pate ; And some hold in dread a nose of red, Or a stocking of blue abominate. But, by hook or by crook, still I lind some nook In which to cram dozens, cheek by jole, of them ; None I deny, but ever cry Here, in my heart, there is room for the whole of them. Ye who are pestered with scolding Wives, Gadding Daughters, or flirting Nieces ; Ye who are worried out of your lives With Sisters' whims, or Cousins' caprices : Lame or blind, crabbed or kind. Pouting, flouting — call o'er the roll of them — Send them to me, wherever they be, Here, in my heart, there is room for the whole of them. 29 1 1: '4 WE MET. We met — but oh, Low cold, the while, Was every trausicnt ghmee slio throw ! IJow much uulikc the happy smile That welcomed me when love was now ! And yet I could not deem untrue That heart, once free from every guile, But thought she laboured to subdue Each fond regard with Woman's wile. But now we part without a tear, How much unlike our last farewell ! And all that 1 have held so dear Has left me in desjiair to dwell. Her love was round me like a spell, 'Twas joy alone while she was near ; Oh, who the bitter grief can tell Of hearts, like mine, thus lone and drear ! I m % It was not thus we bhould luivc met, It is not thus that we should part; Has absence tauglit her to forget ? Has pride estranged her wayward heart ? Or was slie still a thing of art, Wiiose loss 'twere folly to regret? It matters not — those tears that start But tell how much I love her yet. Ji so THE BEAUTIFUL STAR. I'm in love, I'm in love with no cliild of the earth, I'm in love with a maiden of heavenly birth; With one of those sweet little Peris, whose eye Shines forth, like a gem, from the depths of the sky. Never tell me of Woman — the Daughters of Eve But warble to wreck us — but smile to deceive ; More true is my Mistress, more brilliant by far— I'm in love, I'm in love with a Beautiful Star. When the eye of the world is sealed up in repose. And the wretch, for a time, has forgotten his woes ; When hushed is the rancorous tongue that might rail At our innocent vigils, and blazon the tale ; She steals through the gloom, upon tiptoe so light That she leaves not a trace on the cold dew of night, And, robed in a silvery cloud, her cymar, She peeps in at my window, my Beautiful Star. 31 Then wc roam lorth together by valley and mount, And so calmly she listens, the while I recount All the doubts, ant' ihe hopes, itnd the 'cars of my heart. Until Tflorning, in envy, commands us to part. Oh, sweet is the smile which she throws round me then, As if she would whisper we soon meet again ; While, trembling, she flies through the ether afar, And melts into heaven, my Beautiful Star. Still, still may she gladden my breast with that ray Which can chase even sorrows, like mine, far away ; Still, still let me look on those smiles as my own, And I'll envy not Monarchs their cares and their throne. Oh, give me a cot in some wild, secret glen, Apart from the strife and the tumults of men ; Where, with nothing of earth my devotion to mar, I may worship for ever my Beautiful Star ! ,rtt m IM OH, LOVE, LIKE THE SUN, CAN BRIGHTEN. Oil , Love, like the sun, can biij^htcu Whatever he sliinos upon ; Our present joys lie can. heighten, And bring back tliose that were gono. Whatever is fairest and sweetest, 'Tis Love makes it sweet and t\ ir ; Whatever of bliss thou meetest, 'Tis bliss, because Love is there. Oh, Love is a sun that brightens Wliatever he shines upon ; The joys of the present he heightens, And brings back those thai were gone. ^^m. :V^ i N. riio ll()\v«>r on its stom roposrs, LTnkiiown or itnnoticcMl its l)looin, Till Zcpliyi" its sweets dist'losos, And Willis all around its porl'umo. An»l Pleasure may bloom like the llowor. Hut u-e know not its sweetne^ss and worth, Till Love wakes it up with his power, And draws all its fraL^'aney forth, (^li. Love, like the sun, can brij^hten Whatever he shines iipcni : And lonjif may his beams enlighten Thy path, as they now have done ! M WHEN LAST I SAW THEE. When last I saw tlice, ne'or again I thought to taste a joy so swoet ; In tears of bliss we parted then, And now in tears of bliss we meet. But thougli so sweet was every tear That fell upon iny parting track, I feel that those are doubly dear Which bid me welcome back. p^ The smiles on Beauty's cheek that play Too oft but gild its surface o'er ; Like beams that o'er a glacier stray. Then leave it cold as 'twas before. But tears, like these, a language speak Truer than lover's warmest vow ; May sadder drops ne'er wet thy cheek Than those which trickle now ! :ir> A 11 YOUTH. y In Youth, dear Yontb, tlirough bowers of Miss I roved, with spirits tliut now are gone ; And my love's sweet smile or her sweeter kiss Was all the heaven I thought upon. Unf'elt, unheeded, my hours flew by ; For Time, while he sped like an arrow of light, So mullled his wings, that no passing sigh Escaped from their plumage to mark his flight. Those bowers only bloomed in my Youth's short spring, The smile and the kiss were too sweet to last ; And now every flap of Time's heavy wing Sounds the knell of some pleasure for ever past. Oh Youth, though the sun which illumed thee has set, Though thy blossoming hopes have long ceased to live, More preciously dear is thy memory yet, Tnan all that t'nis bleak world has left to give. Mi OH, HAD T A THOUSAND EYES. Oir, liad I }i thousand eyes, dear. On thee they should all be turned ; And no other orbs, though bright their ray, Should tempt for a moment my gaze away, While thine belore nie burned, dear, While thine bclbre mo burned. And had I a thousand tongues, dear, They all should speak thy praise ; Each prayer they uttered should breathe of thee, And of none but thee, and thy name should be The burthen of all their lays, dear, The burllien of all their lavs. »l oil, liiul I a thousniul cats, dear, They should listen to thoo aUuie ; Though sweetest voices were waiblitig "ear Their sweetest stiaius, I shouhl only hoar The soft notes of thine own, dear, The soft notes of thine own. And iiad I a thousand hearts, dear, They should every one be thine ; For I'd do with thcin all as I have done, In the temple of Love, with my present onc- I'd offer them at thy shrine, dear, I'd oH'er them at thy shrine. I 38 I ■I i WHEN THOU ART NEAlf. When thou art near, One smile of thine, one sunny ray Can chase the clouds that linger here ; Like morning mists they melt away When thou art near. When thou art near, The birds their softest notes resume, The streamlet flows more purely clear The flowers put forth their richest bloom When thou art near. When thou art near, My lute — whose chords, if touched alone, Breathe saddest music to my ear — How grateful is its altered tone Wlien thou art near ! H 39 When tliou art near, The sweetest joys still sweeter seem, The brighest hopes more bright appear And life is all one happy dream When thou art near. ^ 1 i, 'ii. !! 10 IS IT SO. They liave told me that thou art Not vvliat tliiiie own li])s liave told, But a fickle thing, whose heart Is as vain as it is cold. They have told me that, in turn, Pride and Envy rule thy breast ; That, to-morrow, thou wilt spurn What, to-day, thou <;ovetest. Tell me, Lady, yes or no, Tell me truly, is it so ? They have said those eyes of thine, Which so fondly beam on me. Would with e(|ual fondness shine W^ere my rival near to thee : 41 That tliose clieeks, thus ovorsprcjul Willi tlieir bliislu's wliow wc meet, Would assume as deep a red Wen; an<>tlier at iliy feet. Tell me truly, yes or no. Tell me. Lady, is it so? Tliey have sworn tlint plaeid smile fs but meant to lead astray ; That those lips are lips of guile, And that hrow is false as tliey. That thou now eouldst bid farewell Without pain, without regret ; Siioh, alas, the tales they tell — Not that I believe them — yet Answer, Lady, yes or no, xVnswer Irulv, is it so? I 42 I ,ii ■';■ THE POET TO HIS MISTRESS, fN OLD ACK. When I look on sparKHng^ eyes Briglit as those which gem the skies, Memory still recalls the hour Ere thine own had lost their power ; And, though dim they now may be, Thine are far more dear to mo. When I gaze on cheeks that glow Like young flowers on beds of snow, Memory still recalls the day When thine own were fresh as they : And, though faded now they be, Thine are far more dear to me. 43 When I list to strains tiiat flout Softly as some Angel's note, Memory still recalls tlio time When thine own could sweetly chime ; And, though tuneless now they be, Thine arc I'ar more dear to me. ¥A On thy check is sorrow's blight, Care hath <juenched thine orbs ot" light. Age unstrung thy luneful \<>icc, Yet I glory in my choice : Though thy charms departed be, Thou art but more tlear to me. t 1! ! ■ a rilE DREAM. I HAD ;i passing dream of bliss, A dieani of bliss and Thou the theme 'Tis sad to wake from joy like this, To find it hut a dream. Methought, as on my couch 1 lay, And, touched with penitence, reviewed Life's precious moments sped away, Youth's passions unsubdue*! ; Thou stoodst before me, and the light Of happier liours aroiuid me beamed : And all aj)peared sd true and bright 1 knew not fhat I dreamed. 45 And, like a Spirit from tli^ Throne Of Morcy, bending o'er my rest, Tliou priiyedst that I might yet alone For errors, and be blest : That Youth's wild passions all forgot, Or but remembered with regret, Some gentle Star might gild my lot, And guide to Glory yet. And when I strove to speak thy name With love and reverence, a ray — The first faint tinge of morning — came And chased ray dream away. Oh, how 1 loathe the morn, whose beams Scattered t' e visions of the brain. And long for night ! — for tben, in dreams, Perchance we'll meet again. ' 46 y, THEY ARE ALL, THEY ARE ALL DEPARTED. They are all, tliey are all departed, One by one they've dropped away, The friends with whom 1 started In youth's unclouded day. Tiic true, the tender-hearted, The f^allant and the gay, They are all, they are all departed, One by one they've <lro|)ped away. Tti vain my ear is straining For each woU-rcmcmbcred tone; My joy has turned to paining, My early hoi»es have flown. The goal of life I'm gaining, A pilgrim and alone; And my ear in vain is straining For each well-romcmbcrod tone. 4>1 I would not wisli to linger When all I loved are jrone ; My spirit pants to wing her Glad lliglit to them anon. There needs no goading finger OF Tate, to urge me on ; For I would not wish to linger When all \ loved are goTie. V s 4» THE l^ENEDTCK'S LAMENT. What fools we .are to marry, If wo only knew our ^food ! 'Twero better far to tai /y In ease and solitudo. If comfort 'tis we're seeking for, We meet, alas, with none ; Oh, a Bachelor, a Bachelor, J 's-li that I were one ! My friends can journey to and fro, Where'er it ])leaseth them ; And some liavc sought Fernando Po, Aud some Jerusalem. And some are off to Labrador, To Chili some are gone ; Oh, a Bachelor, a Bachelor, I wish that I were one ! 49 My Wife (Iclifi^hts to soold me, Until I'm quite unnorvod ; And single folk liavc told lue 'Tis just wliut 1 deserved. I should have chosen l)etter, or Have done as they have done ; Oh, a Bachelor, a Bachelor, I wish that 1 were one ! I cannot ask a soul to dine But IMadain must look gruff; I cannot drink my ])int of wine But she cries " Hold, enough." She's still a teasing monitor. An everlasting Dun ; Oh, a Bachelor, a Bachelor, I wisli that I were one ! I hate to swallow Twanky, And gossip, tete a tete ; For Chess I would not thank ye, And Put I deprecate. A squalling Infant I abhor, A grumbling Spouse would shun ; Oh, a Bachelor, a Bachelor, I wish that I were one ! 50 Yet what's tlic use of whining thus ? Let sorrow bo lorgot ; I niiglit kick up a pretty fuss, But would it mend my lot ? No, no — I'm lettered to the oar, Ilowc'er the stream may run ; And a Bachelor, a Bachelor, I never can be one. r KKS.- 61 1 AM NO LONGER YOUNG, DEAR SoiMK five and twenty years ugo, What trouble Woman cost rae ! My breast would like a furnace glow If but her shadow crossed me. My band would tingle to her touch, As if by bees 'twere stung, dear ; But things have xiu'M very mucb— I am no longer young, dear. My eyes from out their sockets glared, To catcb each glimpse of Beauty ; My liiH, whene'er to speak they dared, Breathed only vows of duty. My cars sucked in each honied word That trickled from her tongue, dear ; But now all this appears absuru — I am no longer young, dear. 52 Of her I dreamed the livelong day, On her by night I pondered ; Even when at church I sought to pray, To her my fancy wandered. For her alone my Muse would sing, And gaily has she sung, dear ; But now 'tis quite a different thing — I am no longer young, dear. My cheek is pale, my pulse is low, My limbs begin to falter ; My sight is dim, my health so, so — How constitutions alter ! My mind has lost its wonted tone, My nerves are all unstrung, dear ; And something, every hour, makes known I am no longer young, dear. 'Tis strange, in sooth 'tis passing strange, That Time, upon ns stealing, Should work so wonderful a change In every thought and feeling. Why kneel I not, where once I knelt, Love's votaries among, dear? Wbv feel 1 not as once I felt? I am no h>nger young, dear. 53 And yet even now — to tell the truth — When all is gloom around me, Will sometimes gleam a flash of youth, To shew what once it found me. And then I turn me to the glass ; And then, by anguish rung, dear, I'm forced to own — alas, alas — I am no longer young, dear. I m i nil 54 HERE, THEN, WE PART FOR EVER. n » '. Herk, then, we part for ever ; Dear though tliou once might be, I would not now endeavour To win one smile from thee. Few eyes may shine so bright as thine. Few brows may be so fair ; But nor eye nor brow can move me now, For truth is wanting there. Here, then, we part for ever — Dear though thou once might be, I would not now endeavour To win one smile from thee. 55 The rose, when it is blighted, Lies withering from that hour ; And the fond heart, when slighted, Will with( : like the flower. No after sun that beams upon That rose, can bloom impart ; No after love can e'er remove The canker from that heart. Here, then, we part for ever — Dear though thou once might be, I would not now endeavour To win one smile from thee. i n 66 WHAT'S MY HEART. My Hcirt's a sort of riddle, which, How tliick soe'cr you strew it With Love's liglit grain, but needs a twitch, And all runs briskly through it. ■-' My Heart's a target formed of wax, Love's dullest shaft can score it ; But still the last fills up the tracks Of that which went before it. ■'i \ 'Tis like Love's own tough bow, my Heart — His slightest touch may make it Relax a while, but all his art Can ne'er suffice to break it. ii7 HOW 1 LAUGH, How I laugh, when Woman sings " Man 1)nt woos us to betray" ! Coase your foolisli murmurings — Can it bo a sin to stray ? Wliy was Cupiu blest with wings, If 'twere not to fly away ? Ever prompt at Pleasure's call, If we're fickle who can blame ; Still to dwell in constant thrall Even the proudest heart would tame Better never love at all, Than for ever love the same. Vain and trifling every one, Woman flies if you pursue ; But if once you seek to shun, Then, in turn, she follows you. Win, but leave her soon as won — Love is only sweet while new. 58 MY WILD DAYS ARE OVER. My wild days are over Of frolic and joy ; I'm no Ioniser a rover, A sensitive )»oy. The fires tliatonee maddened My pulses, arc dead : And tlie ])leasures wliicli gladdened, ' Now lire me instead. Oh, my wild days are over Of frolic and joy; I'm no longer a rover, A sensitive boy. 59 I'm an altered, a lunv man. A creatur(3 reborn ; Thoui^li tlic slave long of Woman, llcr eliarras I can scorn. All compact between us As lolly I treat ; I could gaze upon Venus, Nor kneel at ber I'eet. Ob, my wild days are over Of frolic and joy ; I'm no longer a rover, A sensitive boy. In vain Love's view-bolla Around me may sweep ; I care not to I'ollow, I look ere I leaj). Hark-forward ! tantivy ! Let otbers pursue ; Hut to all tbe gay bevy I've bit! an adieu. Ob, my wild days are over Of frolic and joy ; I'm no longer a rover, A sensitive boy. flO OH, PITY MY LOT. Oil, pity my lot, untimely born In an age so dull as this is ! lusteatl of honour, repaid with scorn ; Instead of applause, with hisses ! If I dare against Folly to wield my pen, However just the tirade is, I'm hooted by all the Gcnitlemen, And snubbed by all the Ladies. If Envy and Hatred I expose. Or to jNIalice [ireaeh repentance, The Gentlemen threaten to pull my nose, The Ladies to cut my acquaintance. From the surly mood of a world so ruch' Who would not fly that could do so ! Who would not prefer the solitude Of the late Mr Robinson Crusoe ! ni ODE TO WOxAIAN. "TECUM VIVERE AMEM, TECUM OBEAM LIliENS. Oh Thou — Heaven's gift, last, dearest, best- To whom my vows have been addressed From youth to manhood's hour, Why shouldst thou think if, for a time, I've played the truant in my rhyme, That I could mock thy power ? Why that my once-devoted heart. Though wild, could act so base a part As now lo spurn aside The allegiance it had fondly sworn, The yoke which it had ever borne With pleasure, and with pride ? I «'2 Perhaps, when all is bright and fair, Too oft we may (lespiso thy care And styh; thee lii^ht and vain ; But well we feel, when clouds deform Our skies, 'tis thou canst quell the slorni, And brini^ us jicace again. •j 'Tis thine a sacred charm to throw Alike around the hicfh and low, Tiic cottage and tlic! llirone ; To sooth our woes, or calm our fears, To share our joys, or mingle tears Of sorrow with our own. The Soldier's cliecring battle- word Amid the diu of war is heard, Prompting to deeds of Fame ; What is that potent spell which stirs His spirit to the <|uick ? — 'tis hers, 'Tis Woman's magic name. The Seaman, on the troubled <leep. Tastes the delights of tran«juil sleep, Though wild winds rave above ; (JM Ho Jic'c'tis tlicin n(»t, but droanis, tlie wliilo- OF what ? — ot* WoiTiaii'H poiitlo smilo, And Woman's constant lov<!. And I — who, all unskilled to claim Auj^ht that pertains to Poet's name, Have sometimes touched the lyre — Oh, I have over purely thought On Woman's virtues, when T souc;ht To w.nkc poetic fire. And who could inark those virtues bloom. Nor turn to thco, as one to wlioni His homage should bo given ! The beacon placed on ])erirs brink To guide him on his course, the link Uniting Earth with Heaven ! Then deem not, thougli my wayward INTuse May often, in her ])ride, refuse To worship at thy shrine, Oh, deem not that my heart is free ; In secret still I bend the knee, And own thy power divine. (M I never muniimod at thy will, Which was my sovoreijfu law, but still A ready 8(M*vic« gavw ; And would 1 now unbiiul the chain ? No — were I born again, again I should become thy SLAVE ! PRINTF.n BY J. AND T. A. STAllKL'.