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Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmad beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartas, pUnches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre filmis A des taux da reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est filmi A psrtir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droits. et da haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mithoda. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 tJvboratory OVTHt INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 352 Evaporated Fruit and Vegetables 11296—1 '1 trf r- Ifl—BBW I U NOTES AND COMMENTS. Under this heacfing, as occasion arises, the Bulletins issued by this Depart- ment will contwn, as an appendix, such comment as may seem necessary or advisable upon matters relating to the work of the Department in connection with the administration of the Adulteration Act, the Fertilisers Act, the Feeding Stuffs Act or the Proprietary Medicines Act. It frequently happens that correspondents ask information regarding the above Acts, of such a nature that the matter in question possesses general interest, and comment upon it would prove acceptable and useful to others than the immediate questioner. In siich cases the reply may find a place in these columns. For convenience of reference these notes will be numbered in . •*"^* A. McGILL, C^ AmdytL 1129fr-2 LABORATORY OF THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA. CANADA BULLETIN No. 352 EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Ottawa, November 16, 1916. J. U. ViNCKNI, Esq., Deputy Minister of Inland Revenne. • T^ ^ ^'"'^ ''*'" ' '*•"*'* "P**" ^^ samples purchased by our inspectors in December, January and February last, as dried or evaporated Fruit and Vegetables. The object had in view in this inspection was tlie ascertainment of the content of gulphur-dioxide in this class of foods. An order in Council of 4th April, 1914, published as Circular G. 1111, limits the amount of sulphurous acid (sulphur-dioxide) which may be present in solid foods to 1 part in 2,000 parts (equivalent to 500 parts per luilliou). Sulphurous Acid is largely employed in the bleaching of those fruits and v^etables in whose ease it is desirable to have the product as light colouro<l as possible. There is, of dourse, a temptation to use excess of the bleaching agent; and as this is more or lesa poisonous, above very narrow limite, it is important that a strict watch be kept upon the articles treated with it Our inspectors have, unfortunately, included a large number of samples in whose case the employment of a bleaching agent is unnecessary ;■ such as prunes, raising, currants, etc. These samples, which of course, contain no sulphur-dioxide, I have relegated to Table II in this report, and have merely reported upon their general soundness and cleanliness. The samples included in this report may be grouped as follows : Table I. Sample in whose preparation sulphurous acid is likely to be employed as a bleacL Evaporati'd Apples 35 samples, ■' Apricots 18 " " Peaches 30 " " Pears 4 " Total 87 « TahaII. Sample, in whose pni>«.tbn .«lph«ro«. .oid i. ..ot r^mM m ||^bl«ck Tinned goodf " ^ « Prunee " U « Fig* '. '. a ** Datee 8 " RaJ»ini. > ■ 1 sample. Pineapple g tamplefc VcgeUble toupt I « ' Candied peel. ^ « CurranU. . ..' " ■' j Mmple. Dried carrota j « " peas , J « « potatoea , sampW " peachea ^ « " apricota " j « " apples ^ M " pears Total .' •' In the last «ve .inds .ulphurous ^f^^^^'^^:::'^'^^^^^^^^- Table n because, through oversight, xU determination waa no* maa six samples. So far as the 98 samples of Tabte I are concerned. I find a. i'>^^l^^ Contain no sulphurous acid. . .. • ^ „ «' no excess sulphurous acid. „ « slight excess sulphurons acid. „ " decided excess sulphurous acid _*_ -^^ ToUl ^ «' " Eight. . sample. oo..taini... above one and o-^. half (IB) parU of sulphurou. acid per 2 oO parts l>v w^ht, find:— . . . ,^gt • ,. 1 sample. Ountaimng i parts .,ww 5 wimples. 3 ;; B « " 9 4 « " 1^ thaii '■ «^^a. • • - " • . , under our standards for sulphur acid. A further ana more be made at as early a date as pu^ I beg to recommend publioat -a Bt.lletm No. 853. ■» the nour tp be, Sir, 'mis ufciedient servant, A. McOILL. Chief Analt/»t 1' M I I TABLE 1.— BULLFTIN No. 343— J i Mmvi* ol Bsaplt. J 6 Nmiiv •nd AiMrun u< VMtdar. Cum. I „ NMMMldAddlMlrf MMirfMlMw ur rmkiMr, MgiTMbjrilMVMdar. ManulMtunr. IMA. Dm. . ao » SI DISTRICT or HOVA flOOTIA- l0{Br»|Mir»*Hi PoMhtw A|jriootii. i> Pnachv* « Applca. tamb flowe 80867 I A. J. Kooii, N«w UIm- gow. 8. M. Lookhart k Co., Naw lilaciTuw, N.8. C. A. FnMr * Co., 8t»ll»rt<.n, N.8. \bnh«in Myotte, T»- omIm, X.8. It IK li .. It » It .. 0«UioniU Fruit Uportc MbHIb Cunmi At.B.. Ban rniMmoD J. K. Arawbr Oa, 8anFnuwiMu A. AM|uilh ft 8aa, Auburn, Ont. Unkaowa Ou., MaatTMl. Hum. New Olaa. Uakaowa. Juha Tobia A Ob- HaUbu. Dea 14 •. 14 » 1 » 1 • 17 DISTRICT OK PRINCK EDWARD ISLAND- Kvapontod " I 'laefae* ii Aprioou •• Peaobn . noiss a04M 60455 8«M36 CoiBn & Co., Charlotto- town, Bmii k Gaff. Charlotto- towd, P.K.I. •t It Mr. W. Walker. Charw lottetown. P.K.I. It lb. It It »i It Uriffin & 8k«Ui Oalifomia. J. K. Armaby a CaUfnrnia. OarTall Broe., Oharfettetowa. BraU Bna., UaU- Wm. A. Hteta * Cu. NawTork Dee. 16 •■ SO N » M n 1918. •In. 11 ■• 12 Feb. » GtraporaWd Aprioota Praebea •> Applua . . » Aprioota. •• Pnehee . M Peara.... •• Aprioota. 06373 6627S 86274 6837 663n 86278 66379 DISTUICT or WKW BRUNBWICK- Two Barken, ttd., St. John, N.B. M. E. Qntaa, St John, X.B. Henry L. Alexander, St. John, N.B. W. A. Putter, St. John, N.B. Peaohe*. 6C3t)0 A. E. F^rdley, Frederic ton, N.B. O. T. Whelpley, Fred- icton, N.B. J. T. Ryan, Moncton, N.B. It PhflBAi.. ) ■'ekicg Co., l^ii'Lumia. Oaliforoia Fruit Caaneia Aaa'i Ban Fianoiaoo. N»t Fruit PMkinff Co., Toronto. Calilomia Fratt Oaarera Aaa'n., San Franoiaoo. Oriffln k Skelly, Freeao, Cal. Roeraber^ Brae, ft Co., California. Jan. 10 rumme mliche;* .wan ± DISTRICT OF QUEBEC CITY- A. Dfulet, m St. Va)iei, IJ lb. tiunbec. 23 Unknown . Whitohead ft Tnr- ner. :4 FVAPORATED FRUIT aUD VEGETABLES IiupMtor'i lUfiotl, ioaoloiiiBiia.) W. A. PKTIPAS, TKMPOBAEY INSPICTOR. WM. A. WKRK8. IN8PKOTOR. Oodd.. Suand. Fair. Oood... CtoM.. Nob*.. 1-1 14 0'« 40 JOHN C. FBROUSON. INSPECTOR. Poor.... F»ir.... Mouldy . . - Good.. Snood Dirty. St 1-6 StaeeiUed on Ben. ConUim Salpbor Dioxide. Poor.. Mood. Fair.. Oood. Dirty Otean. Stifiitly dirty. CImui. None .. 18 1» SO SI 18 F. X. W. B. BELAN ', INSPECTOR. Good. Nona. MMSS 004M a04Sfi •otae 60457 No ralphunim aeid. Sulphnrooi acid ia Moewi II ■* Sulphuroiu aoid O. K SolphuMoa tM ■■ MOM*. Mara Sulphorona aoid in exoaa*. TflSTS Sulphurotw and IB •uma •«»■•. Ma74 No (ulpharooa aeid. 60176 Sttlpharotw aeid O. K 66377 Salphnrmu aoid fai 66378 66370 66S80 Salpbanxuaeid O. K 86660 No lulphdioiu aoid. 11296—3 TABLE 1— BULLETIN No. 352— , § Nature oF Sample. 4 -s 6 "A Name and Address of Vendor. Coat. Name and Addreas of Manufacturer or Pumiaher, as given by the Vendor. 1 3 1 Manufacturer. Fur.iiher. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE-J. K AUDET, O. BROCHU, 1915 Dec. 1916 ■Ian. 1915 Dec. 1916. Jan. Pommea seche, Applee Pommea sfehe. evaporA. Pommea anchea 3646 3651 3667 3674 3676 tiei 72205 72216 72218 72235 4913 4927 K. Halle, St. Helene. \\ lb. Brtakeyville. L. Lemieiix, St. Lambart J. Duaaault, St. Henedine J. A. Cloiitier, St. Odilon. F. X. Audet, St. Leon. . Arthur Fradette, Artuaeh. T. B. C Londreau, Mont maf^ny. Alphonse lietonrneau, St. Pierre. Delm Coidombe & Cie, St. Pierre. Romeo L' Eaperance, 379 Montmagn ;,Bi< J. E. Rioux, Bic Pelletier & Belanger, St. Fabien. Geo. E. Michand, St. Ale.xandr». li ^\ 14 li 14 14 14 14 14 14 Avilft Lawzon.St.l^ n Jerome. Carrier Fils, Levis. Ed. Couture, « J. B. Renaud, Que. The Graham Co. Ltd. .\. B. Dupuis, Turcotte Frere & Cie. lAiiglois & Paradia Whitehead * Tur- ner, Quebec Langkria h. Paradia Quebec N. Rioux, Quebec. Whitehead & Tur- ner, Quebec. Hudon ft Oraali. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS- 1915. Dec. 15 .. 1« .. 19 .. 18 Pommee evapore. Feacbes evapore, Applaa II 69192 69196 e92l0 69210 Nap. Charbcmneau, St. Idi Matha. I. P. A Boucher, St. Damien. J. O. Davianit, Berthirf- ville. L. A. Caiaae, Berthier- ville. lilb. 14 ,1 li „ U " Chevalier Pouliot, JoliMte. Ijijxwte Martin, Hontiaal. EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. RmuIU of Analrxi*- Inspector's Report. (Is not an expres- sion of opinion. ) T. GEXDREAU, A. Soundness. CleMilineM. o s i ReBurksMd inion of the- mf Ainlr*t. PKXLETIER. AND N. CAUIKUX. TEMPORARY INSPECTORa Poor. ...Slightly fermented. JGood ... Sound Very iFermented poor. Fsir.. Poor. •nd deeay- «d. Clean. Dirty. Fermented. Poor.. Good.. Fermented, Sound Dirty. Cleaa. None. 00S4 Trace. 154 OBS! None. 0-096 3646 8661 9667 3674 3676 No sulpburooi acid . 4461 raaoe 7S316 72n8 T2236 491S 4937 48«> Snlpharovis adA O.K. No sulphurooa acid'. S79SalpliurouR add 0. K. DR. V. P. LAVALLEE, INSPECTOR. 0076 0161 O'lSS Tralie... 69198 69196 09no Snlphntous add ti **' H •> em.6 ** « 't 1129&-3i 10 TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 362— 6 O s & Nature of Sample. Xanie and Addmw of Vendor. Coat. Name and A.ldreai of Manufacturer or Furrinher, aa given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS- 1916. Feb. 3 . 10 Peaches . 67519 67550 Geo. Bulduc, Lennox ville. t^otwelin &<Par:idi»t Ma- U lb. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL- Feb. !) .. 10 Apricots . Apples.. . Jan. Apples.. . Peaches . Apricots 67247 67250 H. Bt'noit, 310 Charron Bt., Montrfal. .1. .A Uionne. 118 Con- gregation St., Mon- li lb. Hadon, Hebert &Cie. Unknown DISTRICT OF VALLKYFIKLD- 62962 62963 62964 62965 J. A. Lalonde, Alex- andria. A. Markson, Alexandria V. Dorie, Longueuil. li lb. 20 li „ 18 li .. 30 20 DISTRICT OF OTTAWA- 1915. Dec 8 8 H 11 .. 13 .. 14 - 17 .. 20 .. 21 ., 2S 1916. ' Jun. 5 Apricots . Peaches . .Apples.. Peaches . Apples.. Apiioots . Apples.. Apricots . 70550 Wm. Jenkins, Carleton Place. 70560 Alex. Sibbett, Carleton Place. V0676 Bradtield Broe. & Co., Morrisbiicg. ■0581 A. K. Fairliaim, 1320 Bank xt., Ottawa. 70585 .Ian. MacPherson, Am- prior. 70607 .1 o»e pli Fit/.|>atrick, BrfH-kvill... 70617 LouisT. L .rtie, Welling- ■ tim Ht., Ottaw'a, 70620 H. Racine, Water and DalhfHif»ie fts., Ottawa 7Qfi34 Qr.i-snr! .% Clement, A! fr«l. 70660 F. A. Scott, Bank st., Ottawa. li lb. li .. U .. li ,. li .. 11 .. li „ li .. U .. li .. 23 22 19 30 .1. K. ArnisbyCo. San Francisco. North Ont. Pack. Co., California. F. C. Whitcomb, VVarkworth, Ont. Griffin * Skelly, California. Urahaui Co., Ltd., Belleville. Giiggenhiuie, San Francisco. F. C. Whitcomb, Warkworth. Ont. Vf shier BroR, , For- est, Ont. •uggenhime. Free F. .1. Castle Co. Ottawa. Forbes Bros., Am- prior. H EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Inspector's Beport (la not an expression of opinion. Resulte o? Analysis. Soundness. 1 Cleanliness. (2* i I ■5 i Bamarka and Opinion of tlw Chief Analjrat. .1. .J. COHTIGAN. ACTING INSPECTOR. Eaxter Brand. G6« 174 67M9 67A50 Sulphuiuus acid. O.K. D. J. KEABNKY, INSPECTOR. 178 154 6724; 672B0 Sulphurous aoid. ulphu) O.K. .1. J. COSTIGAN, ACTING INSPECTOR. 0052 3282 0162 108 62962 6296S 62964 63965 t Solphnroua acid. oTk. J. A. RICKEY, INSPECTOR Sunkirt Brand. Pre- Mred with Sulphur Dioxide. 11 " / \ 0-308 460 0076 0830 Trace... 70650 70660 70676 70381 70686 70607 70617 70620 70634 7066< SuldiuTOUi acid. OK. n It II "■ Commandeer Brand. Prepared with Sul- phur Dioxide. II " Daisy Brand. .... II " Ea»tem Brand. Pr^ pared witl^ Sulphur Dioxide. 0076 0230 0-ioa Tnea.. ■ •* Daphne Brand. Pre- okred with Sulphur Dioxide- II n 1* 1* R »■ Prepared with SuV phur Dioxide. 0-lW •1 » IS TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 352— Nature of Sunpln. 3 6 N*me and Addrew of Vendor. CVjrt. I Xsmn and AddieM of Mtnutaoturer or Fumiiher i pven by the Vendor. Manufacturer. FumUber. DISTRICT OF KINGSTON- 1915. Dec. 9 » 10 Evaporated Apple*. 71771 71778 T. K Purdy, Kingston.. C. Saunders, li lb. SO U " 25 Ueo. Rohfitson & Son, Kingston. .. 13 M -It •< Apricot*. 71774 71775 a A. Fairfield, Belleville .1. H. P. Young, „ U .. 87 li .. 30 J. H:uanCo., Belle- V 13 ville. « 14 .. Pe*ofae*. 7173? The Fair, Trenton li H 15 Newman, Picton.. -. 15 It » M Apricota. 71778 71779 A. Pearson, Peterboro. . W. H. Hamilton It .. 16 U ,. 30 C. Rishor. Peter- M 15 boro. Perkins Ince Co., Peterborti. DISTRICT OF TORONTO- Dec. 2S Peaches . . . 70129The Robt. 3impM.n Ca, Ltd., tjueen and Yonxe sts., Toronto, 3pkg. 15 Grocery, Ltd. Toronto. DISTRICT OF WINDSOR— i: 1915. Dec. i :: 30 .. 30 i. SO 1916. Jan. 11 .. 12 .. 13 Aprioota.. .. Peaches Apple*. ...... Peaches 54535 5154:5 54662 64565 54570 W. T. O'Neil, iTlinton . O. C. Whitley, Goderich W.R. Smith, Seaforth. A. M. Smith & Son, Wood»tock, Ont E. W. Sage, Woodstock, Ont. H lb. 27 27 16 15 20 Pacific Friiu Pro- Hur«r8 Co., San "rancisco Pi.oenixPaoR Oo., Cal. Unknown r 1* M r . Dannfarook, .. 14 Woodstock, Ont. Geo. Watt, Brant- ford. DIvrRICT OF MANITOBA— Evaporated Apples. Apncot pncots. Pears. . . . Peaches.. 71977 H. Lucon, Minnedosa . . 71978 J. Ken ft Co., Xorpawa 71979 John Brown k Sons, Ncieiswa. 71380 J. A. Glare, Neepawa. li To. U .. li , li „ Richards i. Brown, Winnipeg, n McT^pan Co., Winnipeg. Campbell Bros , ft Wilson, Winnipeg Griffin k SkeUy. 18 EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Inipeotor's Baporl. HU not »D Mpre*- ■ion oi opinioa.) JAMES nOGAN, IN8PBCTOK H. J. DAGEB. INSPECTOR. JOHN TALBOT, INSPECTOR. King Brand. Santa Clan Bnnd. 0-410 0-aw Trace. 0-9 0-108 870 000 71771 71773 7in4 71775 71776 n778 7in9 Snlphnroiu aoid O.K. 154 701iiWSolpharoa« aoid O. K. Trace., 0-332 Trace. 0-333 546S6 B4543 54602 64665 64570 SolpburouH acid O.K. J. B. COSGROVE, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR No aulphnroiii acid . ISnlphnrona acid in e xeeea. __tj ,ntr '/IVid Sulpfanrouiiaeiu V. 1» 71980 Saiphurooa acid in di(hk exowx. u TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 362— Nature of Sample . E 'A Name ina A ! 'thbc o( Vendo . Cmt. Name and Addran of Manuftoturer or Fumiiher, a« givni by th« Vendor. Manufacturer . Fomiiher. DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- 1916. Jan. h^'a|H>rut<>d Apricota. .. Pears... 71981 71982 .. Peaches.. 71988 .. Apples . . 71U&4 .. Peaches.. 71986 M .. 71986 White Zei^ler, Souris. . . K. M. McKenzie, Souris P. F. Bridgr^n, Brandon. A. Keid, Brandr>n Lowden & McCor&iack, Virden. Scalen A CarMmdden, Virden. U lb 14 U U Codville Co., Bran- don. No. Vary Co., Brandon. Codville Co., Bran- dun. Unknown Brandon Grocery Brandon. Campbell Bros., & Wilson, Winnipeg DISTRICT OF SASKATCHEWAN- 191A. Dec. 14 .. 15 " 16 •■ 16 It 17 Kvnjioratad Fruit. 71502 71506 71510 3'1513 71525 T. A. EasHun. .Vvonlea.. Avnnlea Mercantile Co., Avunlea. E. P. Mullens, Yellow GrasH. Hector Hay, Yellow Grass. Uallonquist Bros., Wey burn. li lb. 25 IJ „ 20 14 " 20 IS .. 30 14 M 25 No Van Products, Minneapolis. RoseaberK Bros. Co., California. HooseGroceryCo., Moos-i Jaw. McDonald Craw- ford, Moose Jaw . Campbell Wilfon & Strathdee, Keg> ina. Weyburn Grocery, Weybum. DISTRICT OF NOVA SCOTIA— 1916. Feb. 18 „ 23 ., 23 Evaporated Fruit. 64331 64S32 643.33 64334 Wm. Moore, Halifa.\ . . . Weatzwell Ltd., Halifax M II Jas. Scott* Co., Halifax 14 lb. 14 ., 14 II 15 15 15 0. E. Robertson & Co., Ingersoll, Ont. K. C. Raisin ft Fruit Co.. Cal. Forsyth Bros., Greenwich, N.S. J. K. Armsby & Co., California. .. 23 K. B.SeatoniCo., Halifax. TABLE II-DISTRICT OF PRINCE EDWARD I8LAND- 1915. Dec. 17 .1 24 Evaporated Prunes. 60468 W. W. Walker, Chart, ottetown, P.E.I. 60459 J. A. Cronin, Charlotte- town, P.E.L U lb. 14.1 Bauld Bios., Hali- fax. is 15 EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. In»pector'« Rei»rt. (It not »n exiires- »ion of opinion). RwaltR of Anklynii. 1 Soundn«M. CleuilineM. ConelutUd. Fair.... Coed... Fair. . . . Gocl.. Sound. Cleoa. Fair. Fair. Sound Clean I^ H. HALL, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR. Apple*. . P»ache» . Apples . Pear»... Good... Fair. . . . Good... Poor... Peaches . . . Sound . . Fair Sound . . . Wormy. Poor . . . Clean . Fair... Clean. Dirty R. J. W/'^GH, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR. Apples Peaches . . Apples. . . Apricots. Good.. Poor... Sound. Decayed.... . . Fennehted Good.. .Sound Clean.. Diity. Clean. WM. A. WEEKS, INSPECTOR Good.. . Hound. Clean. i 9 I I Remarluand Opioion of thb Chief Analyst. 2984 2003 2 1&2 None 2 180 1-660 71982 71988 71984 71985 7198« Sulphurous acid in excees. No sulphurous acid . Sulphurous acid in excess. None.. 2348 None 1 064 1 702 10 66 18 1 9T 14-8 150 71602 71606 71510 71513 No sulphurous acid . Sulphurous acid in excess. No sulphurous acid Sulphurous acid O, K 71526|8nlphurous acid in excess. None. 6 [None.. 1-8 J4S31 64382 64833 64834 No sulphurous add . • Sulphurous acid O. K No sulphurous acid . Sulphurous acid in I some excess. 60468 60469 16 TABLE II— BULLETIN No. 3W- ! • Nature o( 8sin|ile. 6 Name and AddraM of Vendor. Omt. Name and Addraai of Mannfaoturar or Fumialwr aa given by the Vandor. Manufacturer. Fuiniaiiar. DISTRICT OF NEW BBUNSWICK- lUl.- Dec. 15 .. 21 Ev . |X)rat«d Pnineti. 66371 U6276 Two Barkers, Ltd., St. .John,N.B. James Collins, St. John, N.B. U lb Phoenix Paok Co. California. California Fruit Ciinners .Vssn., San Francisco. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC CITY- 1916. Jan. 5 5 fi B 6 10 Soupe caux tomatoa. Sou|)e raux pois. Souiw juliennv Currants . . . PrunM. . . Kcnrce de citron. lOjEoorce de orange. Figues Dattes. 56648 66644 S6646 56646 66647 66648 96649 56651 A. Drolet, 714 St. Valier, Quebec. 3paq. 15 3 „ 16 3 .. 16 U lb. 34 li M 27 1^ II 38 tg M 38 u .. 38 IJm 36 Lemoo Co. Ma.'gie, Ltd Unknown Manufacturer . Rioux C.e Langluis Paradis Joseph Co Whitehead ft Turner. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE-T. UENDREAU, 1916. r Dec. 30 • 23 .. 33 " 38 1916. Jan, R 1915. Dec. 33 " 23 .. 33 " 33 Prunen Annanas. , I'onini«... Peche Pummes . 72231 4907 4919 366 378 4443 440nil 44<)1 4463 Delas H. k A. Talbot, Montmagny. Louis O. Aubre, Bic. . . P. E. Osnjous & Fils, Bic. Mde. F. D. Hall, Ste. Agathe des Montt. L. C. Taillon, St Jerome 1. E. Lemieux, St. Michel. >Rme Ed. Dion, St. (v^rvais. Arthur Arsenaolt, St Gervats. 3 bxB. 3 „ U lb. li„ 14.. 3 bxs. Sboita 3 . 3 . Roaenberc Bros, ft Co., California. Standards Imports Co., Montrml. Carrier Fils, Levis L. E.Dostoa,Sher- bnwke. S. J. Carter J. C. Carter, Mon- treal. W.Clark Turcotte Frme I 17 l!iVArv»*wi*«^'-' ^^==^:=r RmoIU oI AniJyM*. ! s i •A Remark* and Innpector". Report. " (Iiinot»nexpr«- ■iun of opinion. ) j. Soundnn*. ClMknlimi-- 1 1 Opinion oi the Chief Analyet. JOHN C. FERGUSON. INSPECTOR. __ ■ 08371 6finr« I '•ir .... }ood...a loond . C lein. — ■ V X W. E. BKLAND. INSPECTOR. i found ... ( H tt .... II ..... :dmd 1 .. Mfi ve Pea .. {eUblek S4643 S6644 B6646 S6646 xmn S6648 56649 S66n • VeoeUb oitive. e extra- Good... It . . • ■ S6ffi3 \ . PKM^l^IER. N. CAHIEUX. AND O. BBOCHIT. TEMPORARY INSPE.U^.~«. Sound *( .... . SliRhtly dtKxyec . Sound II n e apple. . 723S 490 . 491 36 I (rood.. II . Poor . . C;ood. . P r 9 6 » 8 Canned. .. 44- .. 44 .. 44 .. 44 IS 50 Are canned goods. 51 53 n 1 1 1 1 18 TABLE II— BULLETIN No, 382— Nkturr ol Sample. i I s •A N«ii»' and AddrrM 111 Vendnr. Coat. NMn« mhI AddrcM i>f Manufacturer or KumiBhcr, a* )(iv»ii by th« Vandor. Manufacturer. Kumiahcr. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS- 1916. , Dm. 19 „ 19 Evaiioratpd Raisinit. ., FiguM. . . 6920S .1. O. Daviault, Berthier- ville. li lb. 27 27 „ 19 .. Prune* . B92n ., 14 M 27 ., 1« „ 18 PninoK. Raiiina. .. . 89214 fi921« L. A. Caisse, Berthier- ville. 14 » 23 20 Laporte Martin, Montreal. DISTRICT OF EASTERN TOWNSHIP8- 1916. I Feb. lOlFigb. ti7&51 J. O. Donig>tn, Mafpig. \\ lb. 15 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL— I I; Fab. Prune*.. 9 9 Dates. Prunes.. Jan. 4 .. 20 Pruned.. Figs. . . . 67241 J. StetMon, 264 Hibemia St., Montreal. 67242 P. Blait, 288 Liverpool St., Muntreal. 67248 N. Fortin, 80 Coleraine St., Montreal. 67244 R. Kleins, (iOl Welling- ton St.. Montreal. 67245 A. O. (ialameau, 624 Wellington St., Mont- real. 67246 S. Whitehew), 2!)1 Char ron St., Montreal. 67248 S. K. Stone, 627 Charron St., Montreal. 67249 Win. Monteith, 157 Con- gregation St., Mont real. \\ lb. 20 u .. 30 li » 18 IJ .. 18 14 .. \S 14 „ 20 14 ., 27 \ " 20 Lapijrte Martin Co. Hudon Hebert Ca Laporte Martin Ca Unknown L. Chaput Fila & Cie. Hudon Heltert Co. Unknown , DISTRICT OF VALLEYFIELD- 62961 62966 Jo*. Sabourin, Alexand- ria. W. J. Martin, Bucking- ham. 19 EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. tiupMtor'a Kr|iort. (U not Ml cxpiM iion of ot>inioa). KmbIu o( AmlyiM. aoundn***- CtcMiUiww. DR. V. P. LAVALLEE. INSPECTOK. Oood... Sound. Ct<-«n. .1. J. COSTir.AN, ACTINC; INSPECTOR. Good... 3oand Clwn. D. J. KEARNEY, INSPECTOR. Good... Sound Clean. .1. J. C09TIGAN, ACTING INSPECTOR JGood... Sound laean. h 6 •<6 RmumIu, ud Opinion ol the Chief Analyit. mi* S7K4 J i A7346 I e724HJ 672^1 62061 6396S TABLE II— BULLETIN No. 853— Nkture of Bainpl*. I Nsruv *Dd Addn ()< Vmtrtor. 0<at. ■a 1 Xmo* mmI AddriH of MMrafaeturar ur Fuiulihnr M gixB by th* Vtador. Maaufaetunsr. KofBiilMr. DISTRICT OK KIN(}8TON- 191S. • PruBM. H. M. 8tov«r, Kinp- ton. A. Fife, Peterboro' Tim tvm n7«0 J. M. HoB'J, Petwboro'. \\ lb. W. a. Cni* Co., Kiaciton. P c r k i o • Inm, Petwboro'. C. Rubor, Peter- bom'. DISTRICT OF TOBONTO- Uoc 14 ' ,. 15 .. IS ., 16 .. 17 » ao Fig... Okten. Pig».. aojFi 20 S3 Comnti . Raiaina. iw Prunea . . Fip 70121 Tho..MfCiuin, Whitby. 70132 J. F. McCtintock, Port 'Oia C. K. Jon*!, Uxbridge. 70124-1. .T. Sheir, Caniiinff- tun. 70ia& W. H. Fwr, Beaverton. 70126 E. Hank*, 197 Wilton Ave., Toronto. 70127 F. Glnek, «S6 Qneen St. E., Toronto. 70128 LobUw Storea, 229 Qttcwn St. E., Torocto. 70130 The T. Eeton Co., Ltd.. Quoen uid Yonge Sta., Torunto. i\ lb Spkga \\ lb \\ .. li .. 3pltg» S 3 3 Hill Hn* Co., New York. Ehv, BUin, Ltd., Torunlu. Unkainm •t ........ Grooen, I<ul., To- ronto F. W. Humphrey, Toronto. Unknown Mid1uMlBraa.,To- rcmto. Araiationg k Vtl- ford, ToroDto. DISTRICT OF WINDSOR— 1916. ■Un. 12 .. IS » 14 ProBos . 64060 6457i &4&12.0. C. Whitley .Uoderich. Caidno Broa., Senforth. |J. A. Smith, Wood- atock, Ont. I U lb 14 .. Griffin ft Skelly, California. 16 KUiot, Karr Co., London. T. a Eaeott k Son, London. SI EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Inapaetor'i lUport. (limrtMiMpn*- ■ionofopinibn.) IUmIu <jI Analjni*- BcMMdn'M* CiMaliB I 1« RmmtIm uKt UfiiBkai «< lb* ChMABttlytt i 'A JAMIW HOOAN. iwPwrroR. o<aB<l Olcu. am 71777 71710 H. J. DAGEB, XN8PECTOK. 3ouiKi .... M .... 1 H . . . • 70131 Llood... H ... H ■ • . II ... N . • iota 70113 70194 701» • 701M 70117 7«ia 701H - ■ JOHN TALBOT, INSPECTOR. Suitt ''*■*!». . Isoand Olaaa . .._j. 6454S 84M6 6«6}a Nitture of Sample. "3 d TABLE II— BULLETIN No. 352— Name and Addreu of Vendor. Coat. Nam« and Addrwa of Manufacturer or Fumiaher, as ifiven by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Fumiaber. DISTRICT OF ALBERTA— 1916. Feb. 10 „ 10 ,. 11 ,. 11 „ lb „ IC ,. 21 ., 22 ., 22 H 23 Evaporated Apricots. Peaches t. Peart*. . . . .. PlumH. . » Apples . . If Pears . . •I Peaches t> Aprici.ts .• Prunes . .. Pears . . . 52361 &33U2 52363 r.2314 5236iJ .52366 52;«>i 52368 52369 .52370 J. H. Morris 4 Co., Ed- monton. J. .V. Hallier, Edmonton Johnstone Walker, Ltd., Edmonton. Hudson's Bay Co., Ed- monton. Younge Bros., Camrose. Pride, Nash & Co., Stet- tler. .S. (t. Freeze, Cal(fary .lohn Irwin Co., Ltd., Cal(ra-y. J. A. Nolan, Calgary.,. (Jeo. J. Wood, Calgary H lb. U „ 14 .. U " H .. U ., 14 ., li .. u .. li „ W. H. Malkin ft Co., Vancouver. The J. K. Armsby Co., San Fran- cisco. Revillon. Whole sale, Ltd., Ed' moriton. Maodonald C<x>per Co., Edmonton. E. F. Merner, Bay field, Ont. The X. Macdonald Co.. Edmonton. W. H. Malkin Co. Vancouver. Louis Petrie Co. Calgary. J. K. Armsby Co., California. Griffin & Skelly, San Francisco. DISTRICT OF ROCKY MOUNTAINS— 191.' 1. Dec 14 „ 14 .. 14 1916! Jan. t „ 7 .. 17 •• 17 „ 17 " 17 Evaporated Apricots. 681221 <• Peaches . 68123 ( II Primes . . 68124 II 1, 68146 1. Peaches . fi8147 •1 Apricots . 68148 II Apples . . 68172 II Prunes 68173 M Peaches . 68174 .1 Apricots. 68175 Union Cash Grocery, Nelson. Citizen's Co-Op. Assn., Nelson, J. Manning, Cranbrook. W. R. Braden, Rosaland U I, IJ .1 li I. U II U I, IJ II IJ I, li II li ,1 .-Imer. Fruit Pro ducts Co., San Francisco. Wilson Bros., ViC' torik. W. H. .Malkin k Co., Vanc6uver. F. R. Lalor Co. Dunnville. Pacific Fniit Pro- ducts Co., Siin Francisco. Kelly, Douglas Co Vancouver. Kelly. DouglaaC?., Vancouver. ii 2S EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. ReoiarlH and Opinioc of the Chief Analyit RMnlU of An^fiii. 1 SoundneM. Cleanlinaw. K. W. R. MABKLEY, INSPECTOR. Victoria Crow Brand (Jreen Pliime Brand. l'rfl>»r«l withSul phur Dioxide. Sound. Silver Bar Brand . Peerleu Brand.. . Choice Pear«... . Victoria CroM Brand 3trii)ed Brand . . Clean. Fair Excrementitioun matter iveient Sound Clean.. .Fair. Larvae prewmt. THOii. PARKER, INSPECTOR. Sound. Clean. Fair. Sound Fair... Excrementitious matter present Clean. Excrementitious matter prennt I i Rnnarki and Opinion of the Chief Analytt 24-60 23-36 22-38 25-48 21 43 , 21 24 2& 22 52361 62363 -20 -50 -48 66 45 62384 52366 62364 62367 63368 62369 62370 23 68 23 82 21 87 22 26 22-52 26-12 20 06 94-66 2sao G8123 68134 68146 68117 681 lb 68172 68173 68174 26-66 68176 i] i ■ * i- 34 TABLE II— BULLETIN No. 352— a Nature of Sample. S Name and Addreu of Vendor. Coit. •S Name and Addreu of Manufacturer or Furnisher, a* Riven by the Vendor. Manufacturier. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- 1916. Jan. 19. .. 19 .. 19 „ 20 .. 30 ,. 20 ., 20 ,. 20 ,. 20 .. 22 EvaiKirated Apricots. >i Prunes. . . 5M58 55459 Peaches.. 55460 " Prunes.. . 65461 ., White Fiffs. i. Apricots. 55462 65463 .1 Potatoes. 55461 M Carrots .. 55465 M Peas 55466 .. Appll-a. .. r.5467 D. MctJregor, 1201 Pen der St. W., Vane. Slater Hroi... 131 Hast- ings St. E., Vancouver 8. Prichard, 950 Robson St., Vancouver. I. X. L. Grocery, 101.3 Robson St., Vancouver Hudson's Bay Co., Gran- ville St . , Vancouver. C. A. Welsh. Ltd., 681 Columbia St., New Westminster. U lb. II li "4 14 14 S tins, \i lb. 60 45 20 Unknown , Griffith ft Skelly Co., California. Kelly, Douglas & Co., Vancouver. W. H. Malkin Co. Vancouver. Cat. Cured Fruit Exchange Sacra- mento. Amer. Oehydrat ing Co., Waukes- hay. Wis. P. R. Lalor Co., Co., Ounnville, Ont. DISTl 1' OF VICTORIA- Feb. 21 21 22 22 24 21 24 25 2f. 28 Kv.l|)or:lte<l Fruit Peachef EvaiKirstetl Fruit Prunes, Gva]K)rated Apricots, " Apples.. , Figs. . . . Pears . . . Apples . Prunes . Figs. . . . Apricots. 66649 6<>6.'i0 06658 i;«i666 WW9 8fi<>80 66682 tuwso 66694 66699 Windsor (Jrocery Co., 817 Govt. .St.,Victoria, Ulxi H. Ko8s&Co.,1317 fiovt .St., Victtiria. The West-Knd Grocery Co., 1UU2 Govt. St. Vietoria. H. <». Kirkham & Co. 1109 Govt. St, Victoria.' Acton Bros., l.SlTDoug- las St., Victoria. Heuiy W. Driver, 866 Ystes St., WinnitJeg. Linden Grocery, Linden Ave. & May St., Vie toria. TboH. Lea, 1358 Glad- stone Ave., Victoria. U lb. U 14 14 14 14 14 14 >4 1* Cal. Fruit Canners Assn. San Fran GiiKgerhinie, San Francisco. Wilson Bros., Vic- toria. R. P. Rithet A. Ca, Victoria. W. H. Malkin * Co., Vancouver. Kelly, Douglas ft Co., Vancouver. W. U. Malkin ft Co., Vancouver . R. P. Rithet ft Co., Victoria. Simou Leiserft Co., Victoria. 35 EVAPORATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Inspector'! Report (Unotanexprea- nion of opinion.) Rwnlti of AnaljraU. I Soondnen. Cleulinen. i I i 6 Renurki and Opinion *>( the Chief Analjat. E. J. MORGAN. INSPECTOR Honnd .... Olwn p.a 34 99 23-89 23 93 23 20 23 60 2617 11 62 12 75 10 0.1 21 72 SMS8 6&4&» 55460 05461 56462 554C3 .'>54C4 55165 55466 55467 Columbia Brand... tt . t Blue Diamond Brand Box marked. Con- taiiisSnlphur Diox- ide. Dehydro Brand It - D. O-SULLIVAN, INSPECTOR. Honey Suckle Brand Delmonte Brand Sound.' II .... Fair Sound Fair 1. Sound Unaoond . . . Sound Clean. II 21-68 24-U 22 60 21 72 22-90 2413 20S9 2S-17 33-46 26-06 66649 66650 666S8 66679 66680 66682 66690 AAACU WWW* 66699 KxcrementitiouK Matter preaent. Clean Victoria Oro« Brand Victoria CroM Brand Clean tlouldy Clean 1