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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed begirming in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s A des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants lliustrent ia mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 .■4 ^ THE CANADIAN ATLANTIC TELEQRAPH. ^ From Le Hegoeiant Canadien. We referred at 8omo luogth ia our last nnaiber to the neccsBity of an iDdepondent tul> graph line between Cauadii aud ISnropu. We then stated that under prevent arrange- nientn, the pt!ople of Ciinada had no right to land a wire on Newfoundland, or it8 di pen at Iceland and Blanu Sablon in the htrait« of Belle I.-Ie, or at Oaspe. This will however, be the bhortent of all the exi^tiDg lines, a» well as of all the contemplated li es. Tre distance from Iceland to Blanc iSnbloti, is 132 > miles, while the cable of 1865, from Vulenlia in Irelnn6 1,852 miles; dency of Labrador, that the whole business I French cible to St. Pierre, 2 584 miles. of tell graphy between Europe and this Con- tinent, was now contriilltd tiy a monopoly in the Uiiittd States, and thai Csnada was de pendent, for all Eiiroptan intelhg tiice, on telegraphic lines controlled by foreigners. We alluded to the effurts that have been miide bv enterprising Canadians, with par- ^^7/-7y This is one of those public and nationaV measures which deservrs the supp rt of tbe P'Opli- and goveiniuent of Cana(la,an(l there should be no hi silation in granting every HSsistrttice that may be in thi ir power. Ti?-.: Dini»h Oovernimnt, during this year ordered a Dtnish rn»n- d wur, " The ties in Europe, til change this xtate of things, j Kyiha," to exaudne the proposed lau'ling by tho construction of n line from tiie Northern part of Seotland to tho Faroe Islands, thence to Iceland, thence to Green- land, or Bla-'c Saiilon, in the Stmts of B 111- Ide, and thence to Oaspe, Quebec and Montrial We bef)re stated that there are now three telni-pliic cat'lis laid a:io8s tho Atlantic The Anglo Am rican have two connecting with N.wfoundland, while there is anothir from France to the Island of St Pierr.', an I that all three are now merged into one com- pany and controlled by one Huard of D.- Tectors. A company has lately been ori;aniz 'd in Eiiglaiid to lay down a catde from Milford nr Siiultiainpion to Bermuda, to cotineet willi St Thoma'i, and tbe other West lu'ti'i l-lands ar.d N w Y.rrk, by direct lims, and it i* pro balile that a line mav be extendeii from B r- niu1« to H"it Wi-stern" Iti» capital sto k is $6 5(10 0(10 mid the eabte fur •his I ne i> now hi my miiu/'i turrd, and will be laid wilh'n the n^it lii-o yiiiTf The (JieKt Northern Telegraph Compiny of C'pehhaL'an, who i)o^s••ss the sole right to lay (town wires in the D lni^h Iiilaiid.'', and who are denirous of coiinectiug their tele- grsph lin' H -..ith Canada, have »n ng eenient with the Great Western 0>nipan) f'ormu'uil bu-ioi ss Tills Great Northern Company Is, we understand, the ni"st successful teleg-apliie organliiition in Europe They havi- eiieriietically t»nd successtiilly extend ed their lines not only throus»hout the North of Europe, but also to China and Jdpiii It has been sided i)y the Go Vernments of Uiissi*, S-vedin and Den- nark, and they have aiqiiind tlie almost exclii-ive possession of telegraphii! tra fli: i).tween Great Britain, D nmnrk, Sweden, B'l-isi 1, and liy m^aus of the RuH^i'lu land lin' H aeioss Siberia with China aiid .THpan It is tills powertui organii'. iiion, which hh< rii Atlantic line to B rmiida and Now YoiU.liut who are satirtied that one line will b- insidii lent to compete with the tbiee Aiiglo-Aiiieriiau Hues, and therefore defire i\ connection in a direct line by the Bt Lawrence to Canada, and the Pacifle. Ii is p'issible lb it Irora moliv. s of econo mv, the line may not touch at Greenland, oi the Faroe I-i|ands In this case there would only bii two immediate stations between Bi'otlaud aud the Oulf of St Lawreuoe, say places, and to take the mcessary soiiiidings. The business of telegraphy b tween the Continent of Auji'rii^a and Europe is con- stantly on th ! icKTeiise, a;id there oiigiit to be the utmost conflilenci! in the success of Ibis Canadian liu", extended as It w.i4l be to B'itii-h Columbia iiid tln-nce to China. Jiipan and S lieria, where it sliall lu-i t and conneit witli tlie lines of the Great N.irlhern Tele- gfHoh Company, giving every gimrntee of iininterupted telegrilph commuKntiun from Its being connected with such strontf organi- /iilions as the Great Western aud the Great Noithern Compar-ics. Thi; i>Ucing of a statlidn at Blaue Salilon in the Siraits of B Jleisle is of ureat impoit- 'iuce tor the navig ition of the St Liwrem'e as well as for ihe fisheries This must lie evidi-nt to all, and is too plaia for any argument. The lino al.,:ig the southern co:iSt of the St Liwrencn from 0 the future (lev- lopm nt of tbe Dominion, that we ajain repent lh>it every • ffort siiould be m'lde to secure the construc- lioii of tile proposed Canadian ocean tele> graph. It will be the means of bringing Can ida into fnq'ienl and intimate reliilions with the countries of the North of Rurop- hk h as I) nmark, N irwiy, Sweden, the N inh of Germany and Russia, and be of gnat a-sist- inco in the effort we are now makinir to in- §nce eniiKralion from these conntii s t<* Can- ada It will nnavoidalily lend to the < xten- sion of the inland teletjfrnph system across tlie continent to Biilish Columbia, and tlience to China, Japan and Russia, and the Dominion will thus, in the cour-e of a U w years, become an important link in the shoiteat and straightest telegraphic line around tbe Globe. A> ^. ysos-^^y'