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IMaps, piatea, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Thoaa too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to r^ MORE DiSCOVEttlBS ! ! ! Fraud, Fear and Forgery ! The Halifax Know Nothings in a flatter And the Dark Plotters knocked into tho . middle of next week ! The " Protestant Alliance" that libel on tho Protestant name used up I Some holy Sleepers opening their eyes and finding themselves in strange company ! Military Chaplains buckling on their armour and preparing for tear I ! The BiBLE turned into a sword and tho meek Chaplain of the House of ABsombly Twining his fetters round the necks of the Romanists ! Btoppage of the pay of the twelve Catholic Members in both Houses, acQording tot(the new Protestant Programme of the Chaplain ! Change of Daily Prayers in tho House of Assembly, and All ** Popish " Members excluded from the new ioTva. in which Peace, Brotherly Love and Charity arc omitted, and some Vials of Heavculy , Vinegar are poured out with a good mixture of fire and brimstone ! WilHnm Young's Manifesto of last March renewed, and his dear friend the Rnv'd. Nimrod, snceessor in bigotry to the notorious Fobbestxh, Convicted of forging peoples nomctf and privately circulating through tho country Secret Documents, with false names subscribed ! ! Rev'd. Mi. Jarvtine and others giving tho lie to the KevM. John Hunter and Master Anderson tht twin Secretaries of tho Plotters ! " Wto is Who r* and « Which is Which 7'" A Dialogue between JamtB Thomson^ Barrister^at-Law and his Namesake ! The rcp.l Jeremiah not yet identified^ uud no one willing to answer to th« name of Jemmy Thomson ! Dissolving visions of Roverend Dupes from tho Committee, and P. McGregor whispering to T. Martin that one sicallow makes no Summer ! All honest Protestants Holding their sides. And looking on with humorous faces at the furious fluttering of the Owls and Bats Turned out from their Rookeries in broad Daylight before a laughing pubffc ! 4 Important Telegraphic Despatch from Hong Kong ! Sir Joe, Ho WE ! ? ! The greatest Statesman and Holiest Christian in Nova Scotia, Appoint at last Governor of the Island of Pcrim, In the Persian Gulf ! ! ! But whilst tho Government Palace there ifl building, This wonderful Saint . just Canonised by I Mr. Pot Chambers, Is engaged by Buch of the Managing Committee of the Sham '* Holy Alliance" > As are now left. To employ his talents, Zeal, and powerful lungs n In the«Converaion of •' the Heathen," Amongst the Shanties on tho New Line Between Shubenacadio I and Truro ! ! ! Resiitdxiox of FiFXT DoUnrs To the Pogtraaster General, By Benjamin Wkr, ' for Circulars of the " Alliance,'* Fraudulently Franked Throughout the Province ! ! Ditto, ditto, of 415 DoUais to the Provincial Treasury, Being the Full Amount r^.- of Mr. Hoynes' Bill for " Refreshments • f to Joseph Howe and Friends," p.t the Grarul O^x-niu': of 4 .!/ 1 f (The Foundation of) The Lunatic Asylum ; With 100 Dollars additional from tho Ex-Chairman of Tho Board of Worka, Being the Balance of Expenditure on that Glorious Day, When all pesent Went Mftd with Jay At tho Good Cheer So Cheaply fUrnished By the orders cf Nobody ! TiT>('i. :hii(l ad* baf. Foreman of th6' Bbgs, GratleS and Swamps, Pcrchiod on a Bank of Mud I And his Father on a Moveable Bank of Five Powiders, Preparing to Assist ■. • The Foremost Man in the Land To trample out the " ftomaniata " From Nova Scotia In Seven Days ! Great Consumption Of Lane's Liniment, •• Tlic Wonder bt the Age," In rubbing down the Lower Limbs Of a Greater " Wonder," (Joe,) To prepare him well For the Trampling ! Presentation of a Splendid Piece of Plato, (Judas Pattern,) to the late Attorney General, By his admiring Constituents In Inverness, - For hJH faithfiil Tiepresentation oi t\ieji opinions, 'h And hiH warm praised of thoir Religion In every part of the County of Cinnberland. Axso.— -A small Brass CVadlo in Hammered Work, To' preserve from decay 'rhatKttln**AcoTiw" Which Lawyer Thomscra has -planted, (Sec the CbunscUor^a Letter in the Chronicle,) And under which 'Oiif descendants are To erqoy the Shade of The • iSpreading^ Oak ! ! ! 'Two Tiii Cradles of small 817^ To protect from the severity of the climate A pair of other "Acorns," ^Vhich are too young and Wtcr-drawn in their fibres ' . For this cold country, All th» gift of A generous Posterityy '■ That their Descendants may not only lie down under the shade •of the future Oaks, But that these Monarchs 'of the Forest, May Supply Oaken Towels To the Grand Children of those great men To rub, down the llomanists J And prevent thorn from getting too saucy. Terrific Explosion At the Gas Works On the Manifosto Getting into th© Pipes, And Busting Mr. Buisl Into a Thousand Fragments ! ! ! Brought to the KnowlL-dgo ■ of the TruHi, Ahd takuii to Bqnk ■ Uy Bohhii Bodk. ,;) "/oc Bdl, , (A TljikUn«< Cymbal,) t With. his tynjjfuo at tlio wrong side of his mouth: .; And Cracked ■jjAsif he were made r •' of Tallow, By a Blow of a Hatchet t.-,From IVoop, thu Hardware Merchant ! ! ! [ A fine Specimen of ' In a Broken Cabinet, Repaired by Marten, For an elderly Gentleman, , , Just retumod. From Russia ! Whore he had a narrow FiScape of his life,. / . By his Wig taking fire At "the Conflragation of Moscow ! • " A thrilling Picture bf'T. i'etierlij Raking up the ashes of his Father • • • At Midnight, • -''•'•^ In St. Mary's Church Yard, Whilst a Watchman With a Dark Lantern Is peering over the Fence I Barra, Barrs, Barrs, Going, Going, Gone I Like the poor old grievance of Mines and Minerals ! « Mines and Minerals ! * Mines and MinOrala ■^■piMaaa zBBingBH 6 A largo Tape Worm Five y«rd» long With a Spool of Cotton in his mouth, and his Body filled with Blood as Block a« the Ink of the Witne$i, Extmctcd from Robson't Bilious body, By Surgeon Bamett BameM, Bama, with the help of One of his own D'ls. A Travelling Pulpit Made by M'Even, For the New MiHsionary, On the Shubenacadie liinc. With a Whining Sounding Board, and Mock Velvet Cushions and Scats, Manufactured by C. t). Hunter \ ! ! And well secured by some of Joseph Seetou's •' Patent Weights !" Tfho Puloit to be moved As "Roiling Stock" From, Shanty to Shanty, • on a nc w Wheel-barrow Invented by P. Rosiy And used with great success For carrying home ut night Such unfortunatca As drop in the streets From the falling sickness ! ! The whole of the abovo Rolling Stock To be insuired in The " Alliance," By G. C. Whiddcn ! Oh ! Churchill, Churchill^ Sleek, solemn, and sly Degenerate son of tho Pious Wesley ! You did nut blow AVhitfield's Trumpet When you roared havock, And let slip Such Dogs of War As Gregcr and Twining ! ! And the rest of the Pack, On your poor Neighbours ! ! Will the Ranter, Having now shui up the "Winders" of the Blind Bard of Avon, Must try his hand on Peter Gregor ! Peter—Peter ! Jock's shears aro sharp, (And the Bill [Jos] being taken oft your neck,) Won't leave a lock of wool Oi^ your sheeps clothing ! The wolf's skin- Ears and all. Will bo then visible ! ! ! O Peter, Those cars of yours Want three crows of a , Rooster I To touch your heart ! You and Twining ; will convert the Romanistn By making thcra feel That your Religion Teaches you to rob them of all their rights and privileges ! ! ! What stupid Papist can resist swh a Version of tho Bible as that ! ! ! ^ Lay ^c Corner-stono of » new Temple pet kvock, ar f t Pack, }urs ! ! up )i f Avon, md )r! t • harp, ing taken oft of wool lothing ! n — ie 1 ! ! rours r3 of a leart ! ining. / omaAistH tn feel leligion rob them rights Papist }t As largo as Nauvoo, To liold all your Converts From Romanism I ! ! .Vnd Hunter, Lyall, England, Kng, l\[artin, and the other amall fry, will shout aloud With Captain Churchill, " Down with the Man of Sin >" New Music ! John Anderson my Joe, Sung as a Duet by the Ex-Ghaimuin of the Railway Board, And the son of One of the Commissioners I Also The unco sad ditty f Annie (Jamie r) Laurie I aa a Solo, By Joe himself, Assisted in the more sorrowful parts by T. 11. Forman Seville, o EyoiNEER I I t Stop Press ! Melancholy Intelligence ! ! Devout and Sudden ^•ignaiicn Of Iho Chaplain of the House of Assembly ! In consequence of An alaiming attack of Remorse and Shivers, Caught yesterday whilst Rociting the usual Prayera in the House. At the moment when he came To these words of 'J'he Lord's Prayer, " Forgive us our trespasses, us we forgive them who " His voice faltered ; And he fell into a Heavenly Swoon ! ! ! He was gently lifted Ky Messrs. Howe, Yomg, Wier, and Annand, And carried into the open air. When a draught being administered hy Chambers ? From his inner Waist-coai pocket, He soon revived ! But declared on opening 'his eves That he could never pray ' In that nasty House again The Romanists smell so strongly of Brimstone .' ! lO Bible ! ! !t-»tono mple