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An act to amend the charter of the city of Montreal, [Assented to 'And April, 1890 ] WHEREAS the corporation of the city of Montreabreambie. has, by its petition, represented that it is desi- rable that more ample powers be granted to it and it is expedient to grant its prayer ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. Every candidate for the office of mayor or alder- certificate of man siiall be obliged to deposit with the city clerk, S""*""' along with his nomination paper, a certificate of quali- '"""'"*'"^'' fication duly sworn to. 2. The vote of the council of the said city, granting a certain vote sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) in aid of the""""'' victims of the fire in St. Sauveur de Quebec, is ratified and confirmed. 3. The eaid city council, as soon as subways shall c.uncii may have been constructed, may, by by-law, compel tele- S."/ e't'c'.';' grapn, teleplione or electric light companies to nut p"' "'"^ •"">" 1 1 .!_ • Jt"'' ground and to unaer ground their wires which are in streets or lanes ""''""' ''°'*"' where the said subways shall have been completed, and cause the posts to be removed ; the whole within the sii months which shall follow the notice to be given by the corporation. It may likewise pass a by-law for the purpose of M«y doAne me- defining and prescribing the method by which elec- "dt'^tj'''' tricity shall be supplied and applied for lighting, the """""" """' i*<E«lt»J*WH««l.«l» -<*«iE Mjl^''^ Adopt meaBure for protecting lives, etc., of oUlzens, ajid ooDitruct Bub- terranean pipes or tubes for tele- graph wires, etc., and lease same to compa- nies for remu- neration. Arbitration in case companies do not agree as to amount. Companies may construct sub- ways, etc. Certain con- tracts not to be affected by tliis section. Power to con- tract certain loau for certain purposns. Chap. 67. Charter of the City of Montreal. 53 Vict. intensity and strength of the currents and the insulation of the wires. It may, generally, adopt any measure required for protecting the lives and property of citizens : amongst others, construct or cause to be constructed subter- ranean pipes or tubes in the streets and lanes of the city to receive the telegraph, telephone and electric wires of the different companies and other companies of the same kind, in consideration of such annual remuneration as the council max fix with the consent of the said companies, or, in default of an amicable ar- rangement, the remuneration shall be fixed by experts, one to be named by the city, another by the said companies, and, in case of difierence of opinion bet- ween them, the said experts shall name the third ; finally, if they do not agree upon such choice, the Superior Court shall appoint such third expert Any company may construct its own subways with the consent of the corporation and under the direction of the city inspector. Nothing in .his section shall affect the contract now existing between the city of Montreal and the Royal Electric Light Company. 4. The corporation of the city is authorized to effect a loan of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), which shall be employed, either for the continuation of St. Lawrence street from Notre-Dame street as far as Commissioners street, or in constructing a means of communications or tunnel from St. Paul street to Craig street in the said city and across the Cham p-de- Mars, with ramp along the wharves on Fullum street or near such street. Power to con- tract other loan ^^^^^^^ . *• "^^^ corporation of the city is further authorized p°ui^08er°' '" to effect a loan not exceeding the sum of one million dollars, ($1,000,000), the proceeds of which shall be exclusively employed in making drains and bridges in the streets of the city, laying sidewalks and in widen- ing, extending and paving the streets. 1 w:S&s. ■eal. 53 Vict. dthe insulation re required for izens : amongst tructed subter- ad lanes of the le and electric ther companies f such annual ith the consent in amicable ar- xed by experts, r by the said 'f opinion bet- ue the third; jh choice, the expert subways with ■ the direction ! contract now ind the Royal rized to effect ($200,000.00), i continuation ! street as far ig a means of treet to Craig amp-de-Mars, um street or 3r authorized f one million lich shall be id bridges in ad in widen- 1890. Charter of the City of Montreal. Chap. 67. The provisions of articles 4529, 4530 and 4531 of the HS-?;;":'AV 4i)iu} 4t>oO lit 4o31 Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec shall not{'h''etoan^'''^'° apply to such loan nor to that authorized by the pre- ceeding section. 8. The council of the city may promuljrate any Powers respeot- » 1 , , , 1 , , , . inB plumbing by-law to control and regulate the plumbing and'""i'''"''''"Ho»«- construction of drains or soil pipes in the houses and buildings in the said city. 7. The council shall from time to time, appoint by Appointment of resolution, the number of bailiffs of the Recorder's oS^courV Court which may be necessary, and may dismiss them at any time and appoint others in their place and stead. The bailiffs so appointed shall take the oath of office oatiiofoffloe of before the recorder. bailifTa. 8. Section 221 of the charter of the city ot Montreal 62 v., 0.79, a. 221 111 ., . , amended. IS amended by striking out the words " an extent not to exceed one third of the cost thereof," aud substi- tuting therefor the words " and which shall not be less than one fifth." ». Section 275 of the charter of the city of Montreal "•- ^^w, ^ amenaed. is amended by striking out all the words after the word "domicile," and substitutinjr therefor the fol- lowing words : " No action for such damajres or indem- Limitation of |~ <= suits for dama- nity shall he and no judgment shall be rendered unless 8"' such action has been instituted within six months after the day the accident happened." « 10. It is hereby declared that the expropriation Law governing required to widen St. Lawrence street, in the city of fofSt. Lawrence -Kir i 1 J 1 1 street widening. Montreal, and the rights arising therefrom or which have arisen owing to the said expropriation, have been and shall be governed, for all purposes whatsoever, by the act »l-52 Victoria, chapter 79, notwithstanding the act 52 Victoria, chapter 70 and as if the latter act had not been passed. Sm^I i;-; 11. This act shall come into force on the day of its coming • sanction. ^'"■"'' into ii il ^1l p w ; i W W»pwwipi^|yi^wff«"WlWi> W i<l l»i ii M | h. i W ?iB"^WW"TrSl3PstffStiifflte^v .'*mSS*^,f^ri } m ANNO QIINQUAGESIMO (iLAUTU. YICT; RLE l.!H(IL\J-. CAP. Lxxvrii. A.11 Act to amond the charter of the city of Montrwil (188!)). [Asse/ited to 80//j December, 1890 ] WHEKEAS it is expedient to extend the powers oftho Preamble '■ityoi Montreal, iiiid lo amend the aet r)2 Victoria chapter 79, the charier oiihe .said city ; Therefore, Htr Majesty, by and with the advice aiid consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. Article 91 of th- charter of the city of Montr<>al. (52-~' v..c. ri), V ictona. chapter 19,) is amended by addiu"- the follow^n'r^",'' '" """''"'■ words thereto : "' " That is to say. that they will lirst make a valuation ■"^'imau.vdh,- and distUK t roll ol the personal taxi ■. . > , , , X .„„.,. and water rates, i"''^""''! also lor each ward ; all such rolls shall be co? . I't d a i . d Iva u^ r"{L d:'i)osited in the hands of the city treasurer on t r before '"''•■•'"'''"•■""''. the^ lirst of August, in each year. i-H-i,o»iiuiere. Two of such assessors may assess the iuimoveables and I'^'^vcrs of aa- prepare the roll for each ward, and a single assessor may ■^' ■■"""'■ make the roll ot personal tuxes and water rates for each ward; but such roll shall be subject to revision by a licvi.i.mof majority of the assessors as herein prescribed. "''^■ At any time after such rolls an; made, the>ui shall make a supplementary roll, containing the names of'"" all persons omitted from the first rolls "or who have become liable to the payment of an assessment tax or other municipal dues what .soever." 2. The city of Montreal is authorized to make aud^-'^y "utho- execute the following improvements : "'"^^^ ^ • l<icijieii' roll. ■^*mmms:m^mvm^^--m:mimwsir^mJli^i l'I*»**«*tU«%-««.s«W*J»l«,., ,. Cap 78. Cttf/ of Montreal . 54 Vict. Da'-'e'r..: ,, i;i'"^iJ*HNotr..-Dainostr.>i.t IVom Lacroix .stm-t to from i.,u.r.,ix I I'P'n.'iiu A Vduu'. oil til.- north west Mdf, acrordino- fn ^rr;r: ^" h.>molo^at..a plan ol'th. ,.ity lo,- ^U. ^^C^^^^^ ^t Iam..« wards, and .„ ac.-ordn.,,;,. with thr lorinalitios pre! «(Tih('d by the said churl. t, ^ Thi-costulsiuh wid,iu.,0 8h.til he paid on.-hall' hv he cny and he other hnJi' hy the propt'iet.^s of inunov.^ cbJes Mluated on each Mdeol the said portion of Notre- liaine street to a depth otiilty ieet. on an apportionnu nt ItM-ied and paid in aceordanee with arti.le 04;. ^,^ .x' charter. "*^ The provisions of artieh' 24U of th,; eliart-'r shall apply xv, . „ *" he widetnno. of Notre-Dame str.-et as aloresuid ^^ Widen Bkiiry 2 To widen Uleiivi- >..<,. 4 1 * "-■> ''"'V^'"" ' «trcctfi„m \ - ^o wm. n lit, un Street, between Craio' jiiid Sher- sS?:^' nH! r^V" "^ aeeordmg ,o the lines ol the homologated ..urbroou ] , , ,, ^y, in ac...ordai,ee with the formalities" pre- scribed by the said charter. ^ The cost of such wi.lenino- (.hall be paid as follows- Jiirty-hve thousand dollars by the city and the balail" bv the proprieors designated by the expropriation eonimis^ bioners as deriving an advantage or benefit from such W IQClllll 1*' , tor's .truer ^ '^-J^l ^iden Inspector's street, from St. Stephen's church S™^!:,^/^,, oine iZt'io f':;; """f to continu,. the same Irom St. An- io St. .JanKs '""Y ^f "'^'t to Lagauchetiere street, according to the plan, and marked A one duplicate vvhereof is fih.d in the office- of the Licikol the Legislative Council of this Province and another m the office of the city surveyor in the City Hall by observing the formaliti..s prescribed by the charter' Ihecostoi such widrnmg shall be paid as follows: fifteen thousand doHars by the city and the n-mainder by the pro- prietors who shall hav.. been designated by the L.xi>ropria. tion commissioners as deriving an advantage or benefit irom such widening and continuation • « Jl' nV'^'". ^'«thedral str<>et, between St Antoine and and Osborne streets, according to the plan marked E, one duplicate whm>ofis deposited in the office of th<. Clerk of the Legislative Council of this Province and the other m the office^ of the city surveyor in the City Hall, by observing the formalities required by the charter ^ The cost of such widening shalfbe paid as follows: fifteen thousand dollars by the city, and the balan<-e by the proprietors designated by the expropriation commis- sioners as deriving an advantage or benefit from such widening. " The council may also widen the said street, from St Co.'-t l.y wlioin to be paid. Art. S4!» to apply. street. Cost by wh<iui to be paid. Widen hispee- street and from St. An tolne to l,n- ffaiKbetiere street. Cost bow to be paid. Widen Catbe dral sti'eet between St. Antoine and Osborue streets. Copt bow to be paid. Same street from St. An. . -"•" ^-" "-"._y ciiou wiuen me saitt Street, from St rt:im;r'"i''i°"-' '*Tn*? ^^- ^.'V^^^ ^^^-^^t. and the cost of such stre(.nr>:i ^'.^'""'IS «hal be paid as follows : fifteen thousand be paid. , ,, a ~~ ^.".v. „o iwnuvvo. mieen inousaiid dollars by the city and the balance by the proprietors who have been indicated by the commissioners as aforesaid ; 1890. I 54 Vict. )ix striM't to foordincr to ii'ic and St. malitit's pre- oiic-hall" |,y oi iininoA'e- 11 of Notre- [lortiojiim'iit 24;j ol the nIuiII apply isiiid ; iiii(l Shor- lomologatcd lalitits pre- a.s follows: balance by •11 cominis- I'l'oni such oil's church om St. An- te the plan office of the iviiice, and ^ City Hall, tie charter. )ws: lifteeu by the pro- ' oxpropria- or boiiefit ntoine aud ki'd B, one I' the Clerk I the other y Hall, by er. IS follows : balance by 1 conimis- from such , from St. )st of such thousand ietors who )resaid ; 1890. Cil)/ of Montreal. Cap. 78. 8 5. To widen Notre-Dame street. to the corner of Pretonlaine street, according to the plan f'','""' '^'"'^* from Frontenac street widen Notre I I'l'Mllte- marki'd C,one duplicate whereof is deposited in the office ",»e '^'•- '<> of the Clerk of the Legislative Council of this Province street.'^" "* and the othtir in the olfice of the caty surveyor in the City Hall, by obs<'rving the formalities prescribed by the charti^r. The total cost of such widening shall be paid by thMioithy proprietors who shall have been designated by the expro-p^l'/,""" **" priation commissioners as deriving an advantage or benefit therefrom ; G. To widen the same Notre-Uame stivf>t, from Desery widen Notro street to the eastern limits of the city, according to the pm',',',' i)'!,'^ry homologated plan of the said city for Hochelaga ward, l)y '''•'■«M'.' '^'*''- observing the formalities prescribed by the charter. eUy.""' " ' The total cost of such widening shall be paid by the cost by whom proprietors designated by the <'xpropriation commissioners *" ''" ''"''*• as deriving an advantage or benefit therefrom ; 7. To open Pantaleon street from Sherbrooke street to St opm Panta- Jeau-Baptiste stnu't, according to the plan D, on • duplicate {•ro","si,'cN whereof is deposited in the office of the Clerk of the iirookc street Legislative Council of this Provinci' andihe other in ujiptigte"" the olfice of the (Uty surveyor in the City Hall, bystruut. observing the formalities prescribed in the charter. The total cost of such improvtnnent shall be paid by Cost by the proprietors designated by the expropriation commis- p^jd"" *" *'* sioners as deriving a benefit or advantage therefrom. 8. To extend Vigor Square eastwardly as lar as Cam- Extend Via;er peau street, and westwardly as far as the south west fi!i''^'pu^^u^''"' line of the said square, as shown on thi; plan mark'd E, street. &c. one duplicate whereof is deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Council of this Province aud the other in the olficn of the city surveyor in the City Hall, by observing the formalities prescribed iu the charter. The cost of such improvemi>nt shall be paid as follows : Cost how to th" share of the city shall consist of all the land known''® p*'*^' under the nair.' .•;' the " Cattle market," estimutt^d at thirty five thoiisund dollars ; th ^ balance shall be paid by the proprietors designated by the expropriation com- missioners as deriving ,. benefit or advantage from such extensio'i ; 9. To widen St. .Tames street, from Cathedral street to the widen at. western limits of the city, according to the homologated 'tr',!mKit^fe- plan of the city for St. Autoine Ward, by observing the ''"'"i ^^'"'^V'.' '" !■ |.,- -1 1 1 ii 1 western li- tormalities prescribea by the cliarter. -nits of city. The cost of such widening shall be paid as follows : Cost bow to twenty-live thousand dollars by the city and the balance '^''P*''^" by the persons owning property on St. James street, from the west si<l(! of McXiill street to the westi'rn limits of the city, by moans of an apportionment made according to the charter. r'>^''*>*>mmmmmm<mmm- Cap. 78. City of Montreal. 54 VrcT. Proviso. When pro. TVi.. ^, i- <•.■,, linyni,, -in( piofccdino.s m expropriation shi.ll h«„r v '•xproprlallon COlIini.-ll, ,.(1 Clirrirrl oiH .,.,,1 ' '"'"V" «"'\"' now.'vcr, bo toLromn,,.,, lu.n tk "'*''""/' "I "IKl <oriipl<"tr(l dur lliT the vcnr VViU'd, )V ol)st'rx'inii' +K.. r i- • ■' ■"' •^"'OlUt? chnrt;.r.- ''"■'^':^"= ^^^^ ionaului..s proscribed by tho Iht' oI'kucH vvidfiiimr ■^'.ill K . i p ,, i;n.-.v..iv,. „.„„„„„, „„„,:':r,; I .'i v" ;,:l " i"" ■■ by ih.. ,„T«„„s oiviii,,^, prop,.,iv „„ thV. i,l i 1 '""" M,M„,(ai„ „,,„,,, l„ ih.. ,.itv )i„,ik ''' '•-"■'• *'™ 111.' proiJiietiirs from Mf'Hiihiin stn.i.t fn n, . ,-. t- ■. fiba Kot co'iti-ilml,^ 1/ .u'.r J'"' ^'" '*''V limits 1 . roop,.u M.itoi, »t,.,.,.t, from U„iv,.|.» tv' Ktr „. ob«.vi?;, ti„. f.,r,„.u'i",': pittib^Vbrr;:;.,;;;;;*' ^^ lh« total ,05t of Mi,.h improT. m..iit s h , 1 l! , , ■ i . vviui u dua extend fet. Lawreuce stre-t so t< fn v,.., ,k po«e»,„„ brfore the tirst of May, 18S,8, au'd the ;aymS C!(l. liii'Ms to l)f k'vi(.il. Wl<l(.ii St. All toliip sin.pi from Criii ('ost liow t lie piiicl, When pro. t'L'tdllif.Sto 1,(1 coninieiiri'ci Will Ml of street. Proviso n.s to propriittors from ^[(iiin- liiiii .''Ircet west f>peii Mill,,!, slrcci I'riiiii I'liivrr^itv f^trect to St. J.nuiviifu street. (-'ost hy wliom to be piiid. Wlien ])!•,). eefdiiii..,s iju eoiiiiiiL'ii(.|.(l and (.Idsed, Widen St. Lawr(!iice .street niid ex. 'end it so us to rcueli wliar vtis. 54 Vict. howt'vcr, bt' 'iiig thv year uIno bi' iNta- y be jxiyablo iiicntN i'l.r the It'vit'd and bo ut its loiiotJi, lily, iiccoi'd- " >St Anioino bed by thi! as follows : the biiliiiicc >**t. Aiitoine to the char- iwevcr, not Y fet't, I'rom i«ft, from '•ity limits Miinir from •r lorty five ivid.'d and i propertv str.'ct to ihI i,lan of wards, by iter. I' paid by n coxnmis- ■oct. vvcver, be -ly, 1892 ; ween the authoriz- s to reach. lau murk- fiotiof'the ■' and the r hall, by charter ; ke place n which ■ ; I'xcept ■rt'gafion not laku payment 18!I0. Cih/ of Montreal. Qix\. <o. of which Hhall hi' made by the ,ity only at that date the ii8K.-Hsinent lor the iMu poses of th<- said improvement beini; made, nevertheless, and I he part of the assessment due by th.' Ladl.'s oi the CoimTejiatioti shell l),e(in.e exiojble only when they shall n-eeiv. th.- ai... ol their urdeni- nity. And lurther to open an undevoToand passa-e b 'tween Open „n M. l^raneis and ( raiy street, with a hiyh levd road aloi'f '""''■'-'■'"""' niesan undergnmncl passage f- ni St. Francis street to iw^eJfs; Fran- xsotre-j^aiiie street as shown on the plan marked ( i . one du- 'I" "',"' ^''■'"- plicate whereof IS deposited in the olli.'e „l the Cli rk of th.. Lejrislative Coniieil of this I>rovince and the other in the otli.e „| (lie .'ity surveyor in the ,iiy hall, by observ- mii- the lorinahtu's prescribed by the charter The homologated plan of the eity shall be altered and MoaULatlon morlUied t,y the city surveyor in accordance with the said"'i'".;""'',"-"i- plans F and G; and the said city is also auth..rixed tor'nafi/t'-l.e. makeand enter into any affiveinent with the Canadian 1'.",';' " '.',''<'• Ricihc Kailway ('ompany whi^^h may be necessarv Ibr'i-i." "'- ♦he purposes of the improv.-ment hereinabove seco'ndlv mentioned. ■> «mnnnl""r?'^'l^' the city was authon. .d to HfeC, ,c. t he A„p,i..,i„„of amount oi two hundred thousand dolhrs, by the .,ct -,3 i"»i">>"i<'r.^3 Vhtoria, chapier 07, section 4, -shall b. applied to the''"" '^ "'' "• *■ extensiouandwKh'ninj.- of St. Lawrence street as far as mewharve.s as aforesaid and to the construct ion of an under-round passai-v and hia'h level road in Berrv street- but the .siud amount rd the loan shall l)e divi.I. d b .tweeii the said two improvements in pro-portion to the e.,st of each respective'y. and the balance of the cost of su.'h im- provements shall be b(,rne and pai.l uceordin"- to an an- portumment which .hal- be made upon the inrniovcal/ki which shall be designated by the exiuoprial ion commis- sioners as f)enehtino. by th." said improvements, to the exclusion, however, ol the immoveables whi<-h h :ve l)e<.i,' assessed for the widenino. of S(. Lawrence street, betw-'en Craig and Mierbrooke streets seeing the heavy amounts a heady levied upon su.-h immoveables for the widonin-r of St Lawrence street between the said two noi nts • " ]d. io widen ISotre Dame street, from Chaboilley Snn..r-. w,, ^ to the south-westeni limits of the'eitv, to a wldJi;^^?;^ ^e^i^;:!^ t^et, according to the lines shown on"the plan m.irk.-d H w"'',V,"';!'"J'"' cno duphcat,e whereof is deposited in the oliiee olX^e^ -•"' "-t!" in the olhce of the city surveyor in the city hall, by ob- •^erv-ing the formalities prescribed bv the charter ^ Ihe cost of such widening shall be paid one hail bvthe r ♦ , CI y and the other half'by the propr,et!>rs of immo -I^U^ "^^^X be situated on each side of the said Pm-Hoi, of NWr • n,. l""''- street betwin^n Chaboille.Squar,- ami the said south-wesJ" <3rn limits of the city, by an apportionment, to be levied •6 Cap. 7d. City of Montreal. o4 Vict. Anielcs 34!» unci 'I'l", of i'liiirtci- to apjily to wiilt'iiirii; of Btreetti iiiuu upon th;,- said imuiov,-able,s, to a d.^pth of fifty feet bv the codun-'""'^'"" '''""'"''•'''*"'''■■"' '^y 1','llowiu^Mhe usual pro- The provisions of artich^s 249 and 253 of th,^ charter with respect to the widening of St. Lawrence and Notre- Dame streets, ram M.-dill street to ChaboiUez Square, tio„«d:,uhi. h„t Ih''^^^ **' ^V' ^•"^^^'''"'^'yt goveriied by this section, section. ■ ^^"t the proceedinffs ior such improvement .shall not b>- commenced before the year 18!);J. umk'r "<! \k ill •*• "^y "ght to A-eto or to oppose, granted to the intorest- 3l^'M!;t«p.!''^^'Y T^^""''"''^*'^'^""''' I'^'^'i'l^l. of article 21:5' of piv to above tne Charter, does not m any way apply to the improve- .;;;_;;-- ments abov.- mentione<l and to those whi<di may hi made nor to those under anich' 222 of the said charter umier articlu Compensa. ■*• Tenants affected by the procee.!in"-s in exnronri'iiion uont,..e..,,u., which may be had for the imVrovemen^s above dTdbed m cases m which the leases are dat<-d after the date upon which the Road Comraitte(^ adopted the reports respect- ing the improvements authorized by this act, shall be com- pensat^'d only for the year for which the expropriation is carried out. orXa,;;:";:':, ,, ^- .^"*^" the interests of public health shall require, jmb/^t^uh • ''^^ ^""^ '''^'''' *^*' "^onstruction of sewers or drains it>, whK^h shall be bound to pay its share of the cost of such sevvers or drains, in the same manner as proprietors vnthia the limits of the city. ^'ln'iy'^.""^.^'• ''^^'\ '''^ ''\ Victoria, chapter 47, does not apply to anli^'n^Vr'^ . Souvenir and " Pacific " streets, nor to " Woodstock " "" • and Brandon squar-s, marked and designated on the p an mark.-d l%oue duplicate wheivof is d-posit^'d in ifie (>lh<-e of t^he Clerk of the Leu-islative Council of thi. Pro- vince and the other in the office of the city surveyor in Ai-l. M-i-Xui eliarler re- plaeeil. When e\pr jiriullons m take plaee. 7. Article 222 of the ..barter of the city is repealed and replaced by the following : ;' '^^. Every year after JSOO, and at any time deter- m ned by the council by by-htw, th.- expropriation shall akepfae(> of the immoveables or parts of immoveables belonging to proprietors who, after the homologation of the general plan of the city or of the plan of one of the wards th.reoi. shall oft-r to cede and shall cede to the citv such i.nmoveable.s and parts of immoveables comprised between the former hues of streets and squares and ■ new lines as indicated on the said plan. \ o4 Vict. 18!)0. Cilu of Montrenl. Cap. 78. I The proceedings in .xproi.riution shall be in aocordauco kv u„„, .«„• witii tile lornialities prescribed by the charter. n^nyriwX. lluvyever, sueh proprietors shall not be indemnified by \vh,.„ p,o the city, on iiccount of sueh immoveables or parts ofi"'''"'" '" ''^ immoveables so e.'ded to the city, until the city shall hav ""''""''"'^''■ levied and received the amount of the indemnity by means ot an api-ortionment mad.- bv the commissioters 111 the maniu'r prescribed by the charter ; and the deposit, h-, . which the (uty trc.asurer is bound to make in such -^ Tnll^jr" cases 111 the hin.ds of the prothonotary, shall only be so made as the assessment levied upon the proprietors b ■iie- hted by the improvements, is collected by the (ntv Pro- v ■ vided always that the said indemnity be paid at least w'Su" '" wfthiii the two years after the expropriation or the cissiouHn.',''" '■"'"''° to the city." '-• H. In order to remove all doubts, it is hereby declared ^,,. .-5^ of that uotwithslandinjr the repeal of section 32 of the act-'Y- '• '- 2o Victoria^,Jiapter 72, by articl.. 241 of the act of this -Hm^lluicu Province, d< VictonM. chapter 51, the said section 32 htis '"-''='"■"'• uot ceased to be u fee and shall continue to be in force. ». The city council is authorized to grant the follow- (Vrtain bon- ing bonuses or indemnities. iisu.s author- L .' \.'^'f^''':''' thousand dollars, to William Pattou, formerlv ""'' chiet of the Fire Brigade ; '' 2. One thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars to Dame Llizabeth Boyd, widow of the late cUy treasurer, James t. ]J. Black ; 3. One thousand s(iven hundred and fifty dollars, to Dame Elizabeth Troutbeck, widow of the late supininten- dent ot the (uty water-works, Louis Lesage ; 4 Eight hundred dollars, to Dame Rosalie Desiirdins widow ot the late deputy chief of police, C. P. Naan-le • ' 5 Nine hundred dollars, to Dame Mary Muir, wido'w oi the late city assessor, A. Hamilton : 6 Three hundred and iifty dollars, to Dame Josephine JNorinandm dit Beausoleil, widow of the late superin- tendent of tSt. Helen's Island Park. D. Soupras ; 7. Three hundred and fifty dollars, to Dame Mathilda Kacine. widow of the late clerk of Papineau Market, C Daunais But the said city council is forbidden to grant any None to be such bonuses hereafter, under any consideration. K^ranted in future. 10. Paragraph 45 of article 140 of the charter is § 35 of art. i40 reidaced by the following : ropiacua. "45. To regulate the width of wheel tires of waggons, wuiti, .f drays and other vehicles carrviujj heavv loads, .and t-^ «ii«''it»fi« of or prohibit the use of such vehicles iu 'such otreets oriT,'.TT t"'l'y sections of streets as the council may see fit " iw, "^ '''^''' Ciff/ v.f Montreal. 54 Vict. be tiilu'u l]y sluiiii;;r;ij)li'y. Parties imiy appear Ijv at. toriiey, »ve Eaeli einiiii to he pro- ilDiiiued upon. 8 Cap. 78. «^'eeth!r„:^>- " ' lu oascs of oxpi'opriatiou for th e wideninrr of streets be iu writinic. ^ '"' .^^^^ paitics shall hav." a no-ht to produce belbre the witnesses to (''^ ^ '^^'^•^Po^itious of the wituosses shall bo tak(>u bv . hMio^raphy and Iranscribed if the commissioners n-lire It or It the case is tak<-u into review (r) Th- parties shall have a ri-ht to be represeiitc>d bv e^wS .'':"""!"' the witnesses and to io^^K^miS f je uitn.vvsses produc-ed by the other party. ^ubmiUed ^=^;""^''^-7^V,'^f «hall upon .aeh claim . 1 ; r 'r^, ^V'^ ^^^'"''' '"^J ^vi^i'^Ji they reject h^'Xir ^' ' "''^''^' '^" indemnity to be puid L eL5a I>eposUionsto^"V> a^u J^-™ '%la^ Jttn ir'^'^rT' '^"^^ ^'"""^ to their report the Uai. IS piodu.'ed, the depositions of the witnesses a-id 'ill Appeal a„ou-. ' ^^ ^^^^^^ produced before them. ' ^ '^^ f/i Ihe parties may appeal to the Court oflic'view ^vl hin the days after the homok,^atiou by the H i^I nor Court ol the ,x-port of the commis,sioners, by a simple uiscription (with the usual ; which oourt shtll ZT^r'''^ '''''''''' :K.cid;;upon IhT^li-its^ ^ bm ji tipp''al. Such eases shall have precedence iu the Court of Review. Ih :^ ijf l"^;,^' ^''"•''^" ^^'*^^" ^I^P^^^'- the amount of whiehl!!llf^^^ •''"'"'? /u^ '^''' ^■''''^' «^' t'^^' corporation cent '^' interest thereon of the rat.' of ibur per The city may, however, take possession of the immove- s loners has been hom<-'Iogated. ihlt\ :1'T '^f i'l-^^JJ^''^'^-"* with this act is repealed, and ihis act shall not atiect p.mding cases. oil 1(1 court review PreeeUeiiee of sueli eases. Peiiiliii"'- IV. view, aiiioiiiit of awiiril til remain witii city. ProiKtrty may be tulven pos. session of. Iticoiisi stent acts repealed anil jieiuliny <"ases not at', iei'teil. ■■-oniing into force. ' W S«- This act shall come into force sanction. on the day of its 54 Vict. iig of streets tt'd that : i before the 1 as a state- ! taken by lers require 'seiiti'd by ss-exiirniue each claim they reject id for each report the es, and all r Review, the riupe- 7 a simple 3urt shall merits ol f'lleview. imouiit of rpo ratio Ji four per immove- oomrnis- aled, aud V of its ANNO QUINQUA(iE,SIMO-gUINTO ET yUIN(^>rAfiESIMO-SEXT<) VICTORI/E REGIN.E. C A r . X L I X An Act to amend the charter of the city of Montreal. [Assented to 2Ath June, 1892.] WHEREAS it is expedient to deline and increase the Preamble. powers conferred upon the city of Montreal by its charter, 52 Vic.-toria, chapter 79, as amended by the acts 53 Victoria, chapter t>7, aud 54 Victoria, chapter 78 ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : I. The subscription ol Hve thousand dollars voted by the Cctain sub- council of the city of Montreal, on the ninth March, 1891,s"|i;i'o" in aid of the unfortunate victims of the disaster atconfimie^'^ Springhill, in the Province of Nova Scotia, is ratified and confirmed. 2. Section 34 of the act replaced by the following 52 Victoria, chapter 79, IS .i2 v., c. 7l», 8. .'M, replaced: " 34. In preparing the voters' list, the assessors shall Division of subdivide each ward into as many electoral districts as they ^erfo,,;,"*",; may deem convenient, each of the said districts to contain two trkts!' " '"*" hundred voters or thereabout, shall make a report in duplicate of such subdivision, shall sign the same and retain one duplicate thereof, and transmit the other to the city clerk ; they shall make out, for each such electoral Ai,.baiieticai district, an alphabetical list of voters, which they shall sign,"'*"' ''""'• certifying that it is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief, and shall deliver the same to the city clerk prior to the first day of December ; and, at any election ^eld under this act, each of such electoral districts shall constitute a polling district for such election; but the board of Union of such revisers may unite several of such districts in one poll, f;,^*;'^'=,^'j^ provided the number of qualified voters in such united event. ' districts does not exceed three hundred." Cap. 49, Cily of Montreal. 55-56 Vict. mg stoik. said council to withdraw fr^^v, ^/ T .• ^^wlul ior the the three per cen conSdated loT^^^'"" '""^ P°^'^i«» «f sold, by means of debentu^^^^^^^^ "^'^^ f ^^l^^^'^ ^eeu,. 52 Victoria, chapter 711 firi„!!.r . ''"?.>31 of the act "■"""- stock at three per cent ',Jw? k ',"". "' ""'™' °n «ivic interest vvhfch mav here i-.r,^''''"'" '7 '>'S''" ^tc of four per cent, S t^C^.tSXX^^J^l^''^' "' Section 12.3 of the charter is replaced by the follow fluatfcf com3ea1"S''n Sr,r * '" '"'"^'y- «"» otth:i=-;:rt:eSS™^^ ■shall make an appropriaSon of tt/ ^!^' *^'' ^"""^'^ the city, and for suoh «!nm nc ei,„ii u • "^^^ '*>' year for the sinking fund " ^' ''^^"""^^ ^^"'"'^ ^'^^ streets, pavin- LhLI "/ =' ■^''**'".^^"= ^'' «P«»i'^- statement wre°r;ofshalSd^S"''°'!, ''^ ^^'^^tor- works, a an estimate by the heads of fhe T'^'f T^ '^''''^'^'^^ '''^^^ the probable Jost oftt olsth^tSe r ^'^^ ^'^'^^ to meet unforeseen wanS^ ° ^ ' ""^^^ exclusively I<i-,sec. 123, icplaced. Interim np- riropi'iation f'oi- cunent ex- penses to lie made p.nil when. Annual ap- propriation f'ore.\-penili- ture for tisual j'ear to be made for : Payment of interest ami (Sinking fund ; Ord;aary expcndltiiro ; Cost of con- tomplatod mi proveruwits. rnfore- soen expen- ses. «. Section 124 of the charter is replaced by the following Id., .sec. 121, re))liiciHi. -Appropriation n |>k« v< ' '-' of such receipt. r;S&eSS'':fd'°to'','i. *"""■? ableamonntof anv loon u lh„riJI.^ k !?■ ° ""' "''"'- ameudtncnts; but ' .rStrtar 'ai '" P^Z^^ 55-56 Vict. may, at the ^d perpetual, ? sections 128 iwfiil Jbr the ch portion of lot have been be made in charter and nond the by- 1 of the act ^rest on civic igher rate of the limit of id act. the follow- lanuary, the piiation lor g the period ■"■y and the '\ ided for ; have force Hide. And, he council ecessary to providing: bt due by during the )f the city ; ts for the >!' opening T-worlcs, a :ified, with nts, giving it on the xclusively 1892. Cil^ of Montreal. Cap. 4d. bllov ■vnig : ^e amo-int e balance he avail- t or by its emporary Bonds " the amount of the proprietors' shares of such im- 'ssueofteni- provenients, until such time as the special assessment levied C^Zl!ail'^' i i^ l\\ \ L-i £-4 ^ l\^ j.iv.) miKill.-i, iiiiiu Blll^il LHUe its ll.tJ therefor shall have been collected. imrposes. «. Section 90 of the said charter is replaced by the fol- r.i., .sc. 9«, lowing: replucf.l. " »«. Upon the completion of the assessment roll of any x^tice of ward or wards, the assessors shall give notice of such com- louipiption of pletion by advertisements in the newspapers specifying in i'^'n"'""""' such notice the delay for examining such assessment l-oll, which shall not be less than eight days from the date of the last insertion of such advertisement, and fixing the days on which such assessment rolls will be revised respectively. Sucli revision shall not be made later than the twentieth wi.en r.-visio.. ot August in each year for the water-rates and personal '» Ijc made, taxes, nor than the twentieth of September for the assess- ment roll of immoveables. Ill, sec 97, replutt'd. Hearing of coinplnmfs iigniiJt^t a.s- se.ssinoat roll iind (lufisiim thereon. T. Section !>T of the said charter is replaced by the fol- lowing : " »7. On the day lixed by such notice, the assessors shall meet in their oflice, in the city hall, and shall hear and examine all complaints that may be brought before them, m oonformity with such notice, respecting any entry in such assessment roll ; they shall make an entry of each ot such complaints in the register, and may adjourn, from time to time, as may be necessary to hear audi determine such complaints ; and it shall be the duty of the assessors to hear and examine on oath, such person and any wit- nesses appearing before them ; and they shall consider all evidence adduced touching such entry, and, as the case may be, may confirm or amend it, and they shall notify the complainant thereof, by causing a written or printed notice to that eilect to be mailed to him through the post office. Each of the assessors is authorized to administer the oath or affirmation, as the case may be, to the interested parties and their witnesses. No complaint as to any entry in any assessment roll shall be received after the day fixed for the examination and revision of such roll. The assessors shall keep a summary record of their pro- ceedings upon all complaints made to them, 8. Section- 1 of the act 54 Victoria, chapter 78, is replaced 5^ v.. c rs, by the following : b. l, replneed. " 1, Section 91 of the charter of the city of Montreal, (52 52 v,, c. 7i», Victoria, chapter 79), is amended, by addim? the followinc'-,^'' "™'^"'*- words thereto ; ^ s k ed. " That is to say, that they will first make a valuation roll ""'y "''«8- of all the immoveables for each ward, and a separate and STng' a.- By whom oath may he lulministercd. Complaints not to he received after ciicli time. Record of pro- ceedings to be kept. 4 Oap. 49, City of Montreal. 55-56 VlC!T. ^e^samen, aistmct roll ofthe personal taxes and water rates also Y.r W„ea,.on. to;;«ch ward; the roll of personal taxes an? wate rVei sha^ ....o.p,etH be completed ami deposited in the hands of he trtsure on the hrst ol Sei)tember in each venr n.wl iuJ » I =:-l;!:i^;pr4::.^h:'Sire"h w^^ *'•' innuo^^ables and 'V'l''^'''''^''''-mavmaketI,P vnn t- ', ."^ ^"*' ot such assessors»,i '"^V make the roil ot personal taxes and water rite^ Tor war..,. ,,„.. each ward ; but such roll shall be subject t. revision bv a majority o the said assessors, as herein\,re^; ibed ^ At any tune alter such roils are made the assessors shall rso'ns' o3 Tr'"^."",'. ^""^^•"•"' the "an's o a nhlw . T ^ ^'''"' .*^'' ^"'"^ '■«" or Who have become imSuHM,! •*• It ^^hall be lawful for the city treasurer to make entrie<, rl[!i;">'%tE'"^« -• --dits on the/marginofVhe sad^o tr<.«su«^r. ^^ ^°"*' however, in any way altering or chandno- the «,«i/l Decision of rolls ; but the decision of the assess or? Z Mo i -^ assessors mav bv the rifp r> i. ^"« ^ssesfcors on the claims made be mention..,! ""^ /^^ rate-payers, n accordance with the precedino. pro- 1892. water rates. I'e vision liy njajority. Supplement ar_\ roll. lie mentioned •■ ■ - i -j ■■ , -— iwvuiuuiuu \\ iin me preCCf on rolls. A isious, may be brielly mentioned on the said rolls 52 v., c. rn. s. 92, aniendcd School tn.ves may be in- eluded in legister. Revision of panels by treasurer. Certain im- provementa, notwithstand- ing 54 v., c. 78, s. 2, § 12, to be com- pleted by cer tain time. Application of certain loan. Payment of surpUis cost. and with the same formalities; the treasurer m^y7sore^S the panels ol such school roll in the same maniiei and fo the same eHect as if they were in a separate booHr roU. sec*tL^?S*^'l'^"'^'o= !¥u P^-°^''«>ons contained in sub- section 12 of section 2 of the act 54 Victoria, chapter 78 the proceedm-s m expropriation, and the construction ■stre:?sha?rbf ' ^^^'. ^^^ an' elevatef road in B ^y street, shall be commenced immediately after the nresent «ioof f fet^Lambert and the opening of St. Lawrence eic^ to^The :^uV'o? & ooV by' tS acttstct i^^ chapter 67, section 4 shall be SeXu ^oVe ^^^t rnent hrst mentioned, and the balance shall be apSfed to the improrement mentioned in the second place -^^hesur! plus of the cost will be paid by the whole c?ty by means J27 ofThf'";'-^o vT^""^.^^"«^t«d according ?o^ sSn 1^7 ol the act o2 \ictoria, chapter 79. I I ^^m^AmSSSSB^ 55-5»3 Viof. • rates, also lor .'ater rates shall t'lhe treasurer, the assessment moveables and such assessors 'ator rates tor > revision by a ribed. assessors shall 3 names of all 3 have become 'r other muiii- make entries the said rolls ; ngiug the said i claims made >receding pro- rolls. hapter 79, is hereof. :luded in the immoveables, lay also revise inner and to 3ok or roll. ined in sub- chapter 78, construction cad in Berry the present >r the widen- St. Lawrence finished by ithorized to 53 Victoria, he improve- ■ applied to ce ; the sur- , by means ? to section 1892/ Citt/ of Montreal. Cap. 49. I». When a proprietor cedes gratuitously to the city any Exeu-ption of land for a street traversing his property, the remainder of '^'''■'"'" ''"'i'- . the property, fronting on the new street, mav, by re.solution ■iSonK,',','. ot the council, be exemi)ted, whollv or in part, from (ho ""■"'"'''■'^'^■ apportionment necessitated by the opening of such street ;i"'i,',',!'u provided that the part so exempted has a depth of not "»■"■'' iTi .ir- more than one hundred and fifty fcL., '"'" "'"'■ It. The agreemtnt entered into between the city and (Vrtnin Horrnidas Laporte, Jean Baptiste Manin andJo.seph Octave "!<"'"'iient3 Boucher, importers and grocers, of the city of Montreal, on'"'''"'' the 13th February, 1891, and executed the same day before Mtre Onesime Marin, notary, is hereby ratified aiid con- firmed ; as well as the agreement come to under the same conditions respecting a lot of land situate on Mountain street, known as the " Boys' Home.'' Ifi. Sub-section 9 of section 2 of the act 5 4 Victoria, chapter 78, is amended by substituting a sum equal to one half of the cost of the expropriation as the (Uty's contri- bution towards defraying the cost of widening St. James street, for that of twenty-five thousand dollars, in consequence of the damages which mt^y have been caused to the interested parties by the delays which have hitherto prevented the accomplishment of the proceedings in expropriation; provided that no damages can be claimed from the corporation by reason of the delays incurred in the expropriation ; and the city is authorized to resume and continue such proceedings by and through the commissioners already appointed for such expropriation, or M'ho may be lawfully appointed in the cases provided for by the charter. The first section, from the city limits to Motuitain street, shall be completed on or before the first day of May, 1893* and the second section, from Mountain to Cathedral' streets' on or before first of May, 1893 ; but the cost of the improve- ment of the second section shall not be paid for by the citv until first of May, 1895 ; provided always that the said city annually pays the interest upon the indemnity allowed up to the payment thereof. The city is empowered to take possession of the land and buildings expropriated, immediately after the horn legation of the award of the commissioners, 16. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section 13 54 V., c. 78. of section;2 of the last mentioned act, the city is authorized '^ 2, § i;f, to commence proceedings in expropriation for widening dt^'authoWz- JNotre-Dame street, frora Chaboillez square to the south- e<i to oom- western limits of the city, immediately after the present ^/pTopSa at once. i>\ v., c. ■'?, s. 2, § !i, amended lef^pcctinir ciU' 's I'onti-i- luitioii to e.\. Jicnse of uideiiiiig St. .(iimt's streel. Proviso. Continuation of procced- itips. When first section to lie completed. Second sec- tion. I'ayment of costs on second sec- tion by city. Proviso. When city may take" pos- session of land. 6 I Cap. 40. I'ily of Montreal. So-fifJ > .<:'T. 1 gtli of siltiii^s of, 1111(1 ffCS luiyaljle to i'ominis:«ioii- fi's ill cxpm- liriatioii. !), 52 v., (■ 8. i;!(l. re- Iiiaced. Applictitioii or remain- ilcr of issue to certain purposes. Power rfinnt- ed to city to l^iass ti3--li(\vs tor : Ordinary ne- cessary work to be done on private streets, &c. ; Prohibiting drivers from soliciting; Prohibiting soliciting pas- sengers,, itc. ; Levying taxes on telegraph, telephone and Bleotric light poles, &c. ; Regulating, &c.| construe tion of build- ings, session of tho Legislature of the Provinee of Quebec and to ir»ed" ""'" '''^^''"^ iMtenuption lull/"!,! IT. Ill view of the Ion- delay,swhirh have in the proceedin...s in the expropriation, to the gnvtl detriment ot the part.e,s interested, and the dilio.onee and pro,n,.tness required o effect unprovement.s when once ordered bv th," competent authorities, the commissioners in expropriation .hall, to have a right to their tees,hereafter be bound to .sit at least four hours a day until they have sio-ned their report and hav.. a Iso completed the roll of apportionment ; provided that the interested parlies are ready to proceed. I«. Section ISO of the act .52 Victoria, chapter 79, is replaced by the following; • , <« " 1J««. The reraaind.'r of the is.sue, hereby authorized, .shall e used for permanent and other work.s, L at presen pro- Mded under existing statutes, that is to say : (1) Mater- works, (2) drainage (3) street opening or widening. 4) street paving and sidewalks. (5) fire and police station^ (6) public markets, (7).permanent works to prevent inundations, (S) hospitas for epidemic diseases, (9) levelling and finishi ,- Fl«f r^°'7-^' £,"!« .^^-^n'le. Cedar avenue, St. Catherine Mst, Champlam, Plessis, up the sum of seventy thousand dollars, (10) and the establishment of incinerators.' I». In addition to the objects for which the city council IS already authorized to pass by-laws, power is herebv granted it to adopt by-laws for the following purposes • 1 . To oi-der necessary work to be done in private streets and have the expense thereof paid by ownei4 of properties therein, when the majority of such proprietors apply for the same ; ' 1 1 '/ 2. To prohibit drivers of public vehicles from solicitiu"- passengers outside of their stands ; i'^'nii^ 3. To prohibit any person from soliciting passen<rers for licensed carters or hotels, or from acting as lunners oi- agents for any licensed carter within the city limits • nlv ^''}''''y^ ^ax on each telegraph, telephone and electric fight pole, and on the wires attached thereto, provided that the said tax does not exceed twenty-five cents per Dole andone per cent of the value of the wires attached the- reto, and to collect the amount annually from the proprie- tors thereof. Nothing m this subsection shall afllct the rights required by the contract entered into between the oiij of Montreal and the Royal Electric Company ■ I Ja^lZt^J ^''\ ^«J«""i"l the materials, dimensions j muklingo to be crcc ed on either side of streets which may be widened or lengthened. ^ 1892.- 20. ' of thcl chapter " To Craig st tho hoir , street, ii I Mounta western Thee half by rains) al portioni The ] limits o widenin in the sj street, si Mountai The I lini.shed Craig tc first of IV i tho west ofSt.'Ca ; Hochela; city, the street, to that part one quar the said i ward, as Lawronc with the But su five feet street. ; The CO authorize force tho other roll The CO Xotre-Da avenue, i the other Notre-lJai square to ^^^«W^t>«>^^-.»^H 5/)-i5(5 X.CT. jf Quebec, and to iiiilil lullv (oiii- [ivft ocruirocl ill ' groat doliinu'iit and pioni])(ni'S8 !e urdcivdby thr in exi>ropri"ation e bound lo sit at ;'ned their report iraent ; provided ceed. , chai)ter 79, is authorized, shall at present pro- ly : (1) water- lening-. (4) street ittions, (6) public nundations, (H) and finishin^r le, St. Catherine venty thousand a-ators." the city couneil wer is hereby J purposes : private streets, rs of prop(>rties stors apply for I'rom solicitiu"- passengers for nners or agents >ue and electric provided that ents per pole attached the- n the proprie- lall affect the between the pany : ) Is, dimensions | id adopted for | ts which luay »M-&jm^ms:- 1802; Citi/ of Montreal. Cap. 49. 20. The word " also, " in the fourth line of section 108 i.i., scr los ' of the English version of the said charter, is struck out. 'imomicd. ' t ? ai. Sub-.section 10 of section 2 of the act 54 Victoria, ^-i v., c. 78, (;hai)ter 78, is repealed and replaced by the Ibllovving ; ' ';, ;|\* '"- ^ "To widen St. Antoine street throughout its length, from u'i'ien'i „f Craig street to the western limits of the city, accordiu"- to"^' Amoin,! , the homologated plan of the city for St. Antoine ward. Such Urai^ siZi, I street, in luture, to be eighty feet widi' between Craig and '^"'' '"■'"'■ / Mountain streets, and sixty feet from the latter street to the "*"" """'"'"' western limits of the city. ^ The cost of such widening shall be paid as follows : one 5 half by the city and the other half by the proprietors (rive- rains) along the said St. Antoine street by means of an ap- portionment made according to the charter. The i^roprietors, from Mountain street to the western limits of the city, shall not contribute to the cost of the widening from Craig street to the said Mountain street, and, in the same manner, those, from Craig street to Mountain street, shall not contribute to the cost of the widenino- from Mountain street to the limits of the city. ° The proceedings in expropriation, however, shall bewii.n,,,,,- iini.shed betore the first of May, 1895, for the section from "'"'""-^ '" Craig to Mountain street, and shall be finished before the to ''c'^i,;;^!;:^. Just ot May, 1896, for the section from Mountain street to the western limits of the city. I !-*-^. The cost of the expropriation for the prolongation oi St. Catherine street from Havre street to De l.,ery street Hochelaga ward, shall be paid as follows : one half by the city, the balance by all the proprietors {riverains) along the street, to wit: one quarter l)y the proprietors (riverains) alono- that part of the said prolonged street in Hochelaga ward and one quarter by the proprietors (riverains) along that part of the said street situated in the remaining part of Hochelao-a ward, as well as in St. Mary's, St. James, St. Louis and St. Liwyrence wards, by means of an assessment in accordance with the charter. But such assessment shall be made on a depth of seven ty- hve feet on each immoveable situated on each side of the street. _ The commissioners, named for the said expropriation, are ^ authorized to make special assessment rolls to put- into Jorce the provisions of the present section and to cancel any other roll made for that purpose. The cost of the expropriation made for the widenino- of Aotre-Dame street, between Lacroix street and Papineau avenue, shall be paid as follows : one half by the city and the other half by the pronrietors (rinerain'^^ alnu"- -aid Nolro-lJame street to a depth of fifty feet from balhousie square to In-ontenac street. (Just, of ox- propi'iiUioii ibi' (iroloiiifii- tioii ot St. Catlieriiie street, from Havre street to I)e la''ry street, liow to be piiiJ. Asgessraent to lie updii certain depth. Commission- ers mitliorizcj to make special assess- ment rolls, &e. Coat for widciiiiifj Notre-Daiiio street, be- tween Lairoii street antl Papineau avenne, 8 Cap. 49. Cil}/ of Monti-enl. .5")-")6 Vict. Id., sec. I.'t replaied. oy the loJlowiiig : ' t^iKiTr''"" ,'' ■'*,/'''»''/'l^''^^ion of mayor and aldermen shall b.- held on Ihe hrst day ot F.dmiarv every second year. «ld:;n„:;rLv . ^^ n^^yor and aldormon are elected by the general vote whom..|..ctc.,).of the municipal electors. ^ "i \oie c'tril'the Hnn;;...!^' ^'^- ^f^"*" ^^^'^^'^^''y. one thousand eight r..nowed„n huuthed aud niuety-fonr, thc^ city council of the citv ol corta.n day. Montreal shall be renewed in loto, each ward bein.^ cali.x upon to elect three aldermen." ^ 1(1., nor. lit, replaced. Qiialifieatioii of iiiavor. Id., .Bce. 20, replaced. Qiialilieatjdii of aldermen. Id., gee. 2.), replaced. Causes of dis qualiticatioii. 24. Section 19 is replaced by the following : •' 1«». No person is capable of being nominated and elected mayor unless he has been resident in the city for one year mmediately preceding the election, and unless he, durhw the SIX months precedmg the day of his nomination, 1 is been seized and possessed of immoveable property m thr cityofthevalue of ten thousand dollars, after pa men or deduction of all charges imposed thereon.- ^ th^followli;^?' '' *'' "^^ ''' '' ''^^'^^'^ -^ -P^-«l by "20. No person shall be capable of being nominated -id elected alderman unless he has been a resident of he ci l tor one year immediately preceding the election. ^ 10 be eligible as alderman, it is necessary to have been seized and possessed, as proprietor, during the six months next preceding the day of his nomination, of real esTate n the city ot the value of I ^vo thousand dolkrs, afterpayment or deduction of all charges whatever imposed thereon." a«. Section 25 of the said act is replaced by the following : 'nlrf f^r^Tu^T ^''^^^"" ^^« «^«« of mayororaldlr- man IS declared bankrupt, or becomes insolvent, or applies total thebenehtofany act for the relief of insolvent debt.MS, or compounds with his creditors, or fakes or enters into holy orders, or becomes a minister or teache of any religious sect, ajudge or clerk of any court or ■ member of Her Majesty's privy council or of the executive council of the I^wince of Quebec, or becomL accori abl' n any way for the city revenue, or enters into the emplov ^ of the city, or is absent from the city more than twomZ hs ■ con inuously, or from the meetings of the council fo?^ more ' than two months consecutively (unless in case of illness or with lea^-e of the council), or directly or, indirectly be- wTh th?cif!'V^r ""r '^ '''' ^''y '^^^t-^* -• 5-em^ t with the city for the performance of any work or duty or aenves any interest, profit or advantage from guch contract 1892. or agree ' has bet practice charter case, sv di.squali alderma :' 27. J! ■ 3.S. S ing: " 3». a.s many action ol may be i 2«». S ing : •' 31. and for stituting when an one ware the same ! he may i I the ward i inscribet I that for 1 ^ in the w I vote, eitf »0. S( , lowing: " 230. shall be nineteent Statutes.' »1. Se repealed. »2. Tl the said i 1 ;' 227a said act, ( ' 227, both 1 sary to gi ' 1. The tion for t] .').')-.')6 Vict. lied and replaced iiien shall be held d year. y the geiioral vote e thou.sand ejo-ht icil of the I'ity ol ivard being called winy : inuted and elected city for one year unless he, duriny i nomination, has 3 property in the rs, after ]>aymont on."' »■*•■*• ■>«»' lAtwa'-A tF^C!*'- 1892. Cilff of Montrrnl. Cap. 49. 9 !or agreement, to the extent of one hundred dollars, or if he ' has been declared guilty of any fraudulent or corrupt practiees in the municipal elections, as provided in ihu charter and its anuMidments, then, and in every such case, such person shall thereupon immediately become disqualified, and shall cease to hold such oliioe of mayor, or alderman, as the rase may be. " I -7. ^Section 27 of the said act is repealed. Id, aec.2r, rppoiilfd. 2.H. Section 29 of the said act is replaced by the follow- '*' • ^'f" -'9. ' jng . •' replactd. " 2!>. The council may appoint from among its members Committees, as many committees m it may deem necessary, for the trans- action of business, iind for the discharge of su<-h duties as may be assigned to them by by-law." a«. Section 31 of the said act is replaced by the follow- u, sec. 3i, ing : Ifjiiueed. •' »l. Persons entitled to vote, as afore jaid, shall vote in wiien- eicct- d and replaced by 'I'ul for the particular vvard in which the property con- "'^ "'*>' ^"te. stituliiig their qualification to vote shall be situated ; but when any such person is qualified as owner in more than one ward, or as the tenant or occupant in one ward, and at the same time as owner or householder in any other ward, j he may vote for the election of aldermen in any or all of ; the wards wherein he is qualilied so to do, and he shall be \ inscribed in the voters' list ibi each of such wards ; provided i-rovwo. \ that ibr the election of a mayor such person shall vote only . \n the ward, or one of the wards, wherein he is qualified to vote, either as owner or as tenant." ng nominated ;;Md ident of the city ection. ary to have been g the .six months of real estate in irs, afterpayment »sed thereon." by the followiuir • )f mayor or alder- olvent, or applies J lief of insolvent | jvs, or fakes or inister or teacher any court, or a of the executive mes accountable into the employ than two months ;ouncil for more case of illness, I •, indirectly, be- i ict or agreement | ork or duty, or I 'm isuch contract i 5*0. Section 220 of the said act is replaced by the Ibl- '•'- s"- 220, lowinjr: replaced. "230. The deposits mentioned in the preceding section ''eposits to be shall be judicial deposits within the meaning of section i''Sl! hi „ nineteenth of chapter fifth of title fourth of the Revised meaning o" Statutes." (Articles 1192 and following.) IVo"^ '^V ?■;'• » ' 1192 and fol- , lowing. 31. Section 221 of the said act and its amendments are id sec 221 repealed. repealed. ' section 227 of Seo. added after id., sec. 227. »2. The following section is added after the said act : "227a. All the provisions contained in title 18 of the Title is of act, said act, comprising the sections from section 213 to section '*'"e'"i''d 227, both inclusive, are amended in so far as may be neces- sary to give full and entire effect to the following provisions : 1. The city shall not have recourse to forced expropria- city not to lion for the opening of any new street, or for the prolonga- '"'^'-' fconrHe 10 to forceil t'l Cnp. 49. City of Mnnttcal .')')- ')C VroT pm|Xtionf,',r!'°" '^f f^'iy s^r.'ot already in oxistonro uiil..<«i «h„ »„„• ■* -r »r, &<^ m nmnb.T and in vnliio r>f .k1 !! • . • " "majority \Vlio to lie ilei'incd a,< ini(.'r«9ti'(i iij »urh iin- pruTiinipiits. r.fivying of I (Kit a ill ccr- tuiii I'ligcg .(.^.-reH.ex-suchimnrnv.. mM.V.KoTi u /• prop"etor8 intercstod in c.,,. M.<.r(M/,, ;" ™I"0V''"i<'i't .shall have hrst ask.'d for Ih.- sanu' • mul place in V ^'^'.^t'-«*'J«xpropriaHon shall have taken certain ^'".^'^L'^n of old Street^ Whenever uch U'-J^ '"'^ '"' or tenements The tot f t ofTh'7''^' '^y>«^'-^. ^"-r«« ])aid. one hal rbv the c tv nd o. h'S' K^''u''°" '^''^ ^" whose properties .re t^m-hJ K lu *'*• ^^' '^"^ P''opri«tors tioiistowiiicti ,- ^uouiy snail not have recourse to i,. ....^1 n^..- • 0. straighten <io» loF the widenluir or Ntr.,io-M:«» '';-^*'« expropria- 01,1 .,tret.ta except on the dernan?! c ^*''"ffhten ng- of any old street, Z\..:r.:r.:: interested and a The pro! uLrrh^'^^'lV ^^^^"'^^-^ haifbyX^d^atir \:irrrh"" ^''^".-^^ r^^- -« on the entire street ^ Properties bordering 4. Neither properties belonginff to the cifv ,.nr ti, beloncrinc to the Kurlt^ral n«,. ° ^ y- ^^^^ those Govemmi I shall be i^i^nf™'"^' "^' ^° ^^'^ Provincial ari.-s whe her the maioH v ^1 .r^"^""*-^*^'^" thequestion "umber S in v-xhr-^rri{ t\« P'*'P"'^^''« interested in improvement bi;lL''''T^'^'*'""'^^'«'-a^l« to any neitral. ' "* '^''" I^^^P^^ies shall be considered as '" '"'^''^"'"to malf>"" '^' '^^ ^°""«" d««i^<^«. i» the public interest provcments *o "lake an improvement whirh sWall « J u (. ""^^est, n.<« n8i<e.i for. for by the maioritv of f hi rT • . • "°* ^^^'^^ ^««» asked pi'pt upon Cfrtiiiii rtppli- riUioii. I'njini'iit of coatg. • federal and .'roviiiuial Govciiiinent property not to lie taken into aopoimt. Proviso. Art. 221 it not to nppJT to certain expro- priation.s. Alining into fori ■>. •' -♦ - r 5 tho majority 8 iiifprt'Htod in Iht^ same ; and itago upon, or ftroets or suoh shall bo coii- ncnts ; ill havo taken I, upon lands, e vacant, tho ied upon tho by such L'd exproi)rj;i. than ono half ioiii:;r3, fi tores tior sh,"" h(! propii«!to)» ments; 'd expropria- ny old strnot, e proprietors for its whole such works. 56 paid, one iJs bordoring , nor those e Provincial the question ntorested in ible to any )nsidered as lie interest, been asked as provided II, it shiill by buying- ties, a part out, or by >f the city ; ing of lew whifh is ropriations y charter. of its sane- AMENDMENTS TO THB iRTER OFTHE CITY OF MONTREAL M 67 ViotoPi^ 1884. ^ 1 -1 *" •— !^ 2:jl^1!^iss& w •.=^iiS^mb>,4£mmmiuMmm£ ANNO-QUINQUAGESIMO-SEPTIMO vicTORLE mmM. CAP. LV. An Act to amend the charter of the city of Montreal, 1889, and its amendments. [Assented to Sih January, ISOl.] WHEREAS the city of Montreal has, by its petition, preamble, represented that it is expedient to amend its charter and the acts amending the same, and to grant it more ample powers, and it is expedient to grant its prayer ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1 . The deeds or agreements entered into between the city of Montreal and the Canadian Paciiic Railway Company on the nineteenth of December, eighteen hundred and ninety -three, copies whereof are annexed to this act as schedules A and B, and all the conditions and stipulations therein contained, are ratified and confirmed, and the contracting parties are authorized to fulfil and carry out the conditions thereof according to their terms and tenor ; and power is granted to the said parties to do all things necessary to carry out the said deeds or agreements according to the intention of the contracting parties. Ncthing in the said deeds or agreements shall be consider- ed as derognting in any way from the rights already existing in favor of the city, or the obligations of the said company in favor of the city, which shall continue in force as if the feaid deeds or agreements had never been executed. The i^ower to borrow, limited to fifteen per cent of the assessed amount, not exceeding one hundred and sixty mil- Jion dollars, stipulated by chapter 56 of these statutes, ^intituled : " An Act to amend the charter of the city oi' Certain agree- ments with Canadian Pa- cific Railway Company con* firmed. Power to car- ry out agree- ment. Rights, kc, preserved. Interpretatiota of limit of power to bor- row under chapter i6. 2 Cap. 55. City of Monlrenl. 57 Vict i894. 62 V , c. 79, s. 65, replaced. Montroal, shall b.> interpreted as not iiiclndin- the special He ;= loan of one million dollars for the improvements of th. for all harbour of the city of Montreal, authorized by the act 5L I„a Victoria, chapter 7l», section lao • • u give h 2. Section 55 of the act 52 Victoria, chapter 79, {, repla(,ed by the following : . i < . , is Election to be •liT;,-? All «l<,i' i> '••>. All elections fcr mayor or alderman in the said citv bv ballot, and fhu Mtliw^i.^l.. ^r+u,> r»„.,i \?^^^l-^ by ballot. Quebec Klee tion Actio apply, with ceitnin ex- ceptions. 4. 1 sioners virtue 'chapte; ,:of ther constit -third, ^ cedure ceedinj ties air to bear cVioii I,. I f- ,, 7—' -•• '"^v"' "' iuuurman in ine saia city shall be by ballot, and the principle of the Quebec Electioi Act, as con tamed in articles numbered from -98 to 416 of he Keyised .Matute.s, inclusive, together with the forms q,f"'??o ^^'^''"";- ''•'l^ ^"''^ ^^^^*^Pt ^'-ticl^^s numbered if fu ' ?•' ' ^"^^«^.'«" ^°- - ol' article 318, and the form formr ?^,^'«t^''« "V'n''^" ^^^^ ''^''^ ^''^^^ *^« ^'^ the plL^inn ^l 'if' '^''''^' T'^"^'' mutandk, apply to such elections, and shall govern the same and all mattcis relating thereto not expressly provided for by this act. J^ut the council shall have power, by by-laws, duly made, Irom time to time, to alter the details of the procedure m he conduct ol the election, and in the taking of the ballots, provided that in so doing they do not make pro- Msions conflicting with the principle .♦' the said articles. («) J llie council may also em bod v' iu such by-laws any ments. =lents b^Le'-i-ll",!:^^^ PasseJ ofthei, to law. 7 7.® l-egislatuie ; and, in all qu(\stio}3s arisin<r in respect of allow tl eections under this act, the said articles amended, altered 1 ages si 01 added as aforesaid, shall be read as forming part of, and {b) T Power of council to alter details by by-law. Proviso. Power, by by-law, to embody 5. II ed to tl to pass purpos( («) T Interpretation of words shall form part of this act. In applying the said articles to elections to be held under this act, the words: ••returning officer," in any of such articles, shall mean the chairman of the board ol' revisors the words : " deputy returning ofHcer," shall mean the person having charge of any poll." ^ Id., s. 68, re- placed. shall be «. Se amende 1. By clause : All Duty of clerk on receiving returns. A 11 3. Section 58 of the act 52 Victoria, chapter 79, as replaced tales an bv lf?V^'^^ ^'' '^ V^^^^"'^' «h«Pter 49, 'is replaced »"ate of by the following : ^ erty and the r!h; v« * f ^^ ""^T ''^ *^' 1'°"^' *^^« «i^y ''l^^k ^^hall receive - ' 6^ I estaW sh the tZ/^' deputy-returning officers, and shall tion or establish the fotal nurnber ol votes registered for each can- lUisten OmcialrepottfttLlSL'^S h 1??K ^^^T"^' '''''''' ^^-- ^i Ay d tobemadeS,y^"^Y,™f"iffthe ballot boxes. make an official report, Llue ol which shall become part of the municipal records ; and, afte; J; ^ted n^ fh W?^'^ ^'V^"" ^'''^'' ^^'^^ti^'^ A<^t for recount- Jatfon s( Dec,ar.tioncrp^a^eet th casemav'^r'T't Jf?","^ ^'1^" ^^^'« *«^- ^^^^ candidates S^t^^ ol I ^- b'"' h»-' sh'dl declare elected such can- olfer.s to ?^:rthere- for ^ach uumbeT T.'lV^' «7^^f """^^^^ '^ ^'^^es rounn ''■ theS; immediately give public notice the comr by it : if. i R,,i!B*,,, •iiii 57 Vict ; i894. City of Montreal. Cap. 55. 3 iicluding the special nprovements of th< orized by the act Si 1 ilia, chapter 70, is man in the said city the Quebec Election iVom 1^98 to 416 of er with the forms articles numbered ! 318, and the form ii'h sliall be in the nc/is, apply to such . all matters relating is act. by by-laws, duly lils of the procedure the taking of the !y do not make pro- the said articles, .such by-laws any e hereafter passed irisingin respect of 3 amended, altered Mining part of, and as to be held under in any of such board of revisors ; ill mean the person He shall, as returning officer, replace the board of revisors Replaces for all other proceedings not inconsistent with this section. re"visors!^ In all cases when the votes are equal, the city clerk shall Casting vote give his casting vote." ' of city clerk. 4. The proceedings in expropriation had by the commis- Certain pro- sioners appointed for the widening of St. James street, in feedings in virtue of the acts 54 Victoria, chapter 78, and 55-56 Victoria, ratS'*^'"" chapter 48, are ratified and confirmed, including the report of the majority of the commissioners ; and the commissioners Proceedings constituting the said majority are authorized to act with a f ""'"''''■■^'*^<' *third, who shall be appointed in accordance with the pro- '""'''"""''''^* cedure indicated in the city charter, to continue the pro- ceedings and make the roll of apportionment on the proper- ties already designated by the said commissioners as having to bear their share of the cost of the improvement. a. If one or more neighboring municipalities are annex- Power of ed to the city, it shall be lawful for the council of the city f"-'".!'' "^^^^ to pass a by-law, in the ordinary form, for the following municipam^es purposes : ire annexed, nv bv*lflw * {a) Ty establish a system of differential duties or assess- To establish ments. which shall take into account the special situation f'S''*'"'',!'! . ot the immoveables comprised m such municipalities, and to allow the council to determine what privileges and advan- tages shall be allowed to the said annexed municipalities ; (b) To regulate the manner in which such municipalities To regulate shall be represented in the council. tmn?n "mm- cil. «. Section 32 of the act 55-56 Victoria, chapter 49, isss-SBV., c.49, amended : s- •''2. amend- ed. pter 79, as replaced er 49, is replaced clerk shall receive officers, and shall ered for each can- 11. He shall then, an official report, records ; and, after n Act for recount- shall have taken I elected such can- number of votes jive public notice 1. By adding, after paragraph 1 thereof, the following Clause added «^a"^«- . . graph 1. " All persons, requiring an improvement which necessi- What tobe tales an expropriation, shall annex to their petition an esti- petluon'^for mate of the value of their property or portion of their prop-fmprov"-*"^ erty and all claims for damages and compensation.'" ments. 2. By adding, after paragraph 5, the following : Pir. added "6. In all cases of expropriation, whether there is a peti- NoticeTo be tion or not, the council shall, by public notice, and by g'Ten hj Registered letter, call upon all the parties to produce, within casw of «-" fhirty days from the date of such notice, an estimate of the propriation talue of the property or portion of property to be expro- contain Uc° priated, and in general all claims for damages and compen- ' ' sat ion, so as to be in a position to enter into arrangements and make oilers ; the city itself shall be obliged to make City to make offers to each of the persons to be indemnified ; if the "''''^'■'• amount so offered is exceeded by the decision or award of Payment of the commissioners, the costs of expropriation shall be borne b^gover'^,'! by it ; if, however, at the same time, the proprietor's demand mryjn—~ — Cap. 55. City of Mnnlre il. 67 Vict Qualification of L'ommis- Biont'is. Proviso as to certain ex- propriations prayed tor. Cost tliereof.' exceeds, by twenty-five per cent, the amount definitively allowed him, each "party shall pay their own co.sts. The qualilicatiou ot the expropriation commissioners is hereby raised to ten thousand dollars. Upon the petition ol a majority in number and value of the proprietors on a part of a street, situated between two cross streets and shown on the homologated plan as having to be widened or opened, it shall be lawful lor the council to order the expropriation of such parts of streets ; and the cost of such wideniuir or improvement shall be paid as follows, to wit : half by the city and half by the proprietors whose property is situate on both sides of such portion of street situated between the nearest cross streets, loilovving' an apportionment which shall be prepared and completed accordins? to the usual formalities." Level and '' • The said council may, by by-law, establish the level alignment of l^^^ alignment of the streets of the said city, and shall, upon cci'tilicX* demand, deliver to each proprietor, who shall j^ay the cost there f, a copy of such cenilicate of level ; and such level and alignment shall be binding upon the proprietors ijiterested ; but the city shall be responsible for the levels which it shall have given, without prejudice to the acquired rights of the proprietors. It may likewise, by resolution, establish £yid locate carters' stands or change them, upon a report of the police committee. Carters' stands. 52 V., c. 79, •**• Sections 107, 117 and 118 of the act 52 Victoria, (IS. 107, 117' chapter 79, shall be amended in so iar as they are hereby amended for declared to apply to the special assessments or apportion- certain pur- poses. meuts which have been omitted through a clerical error. Widening of portion of St. Lambert street. Cost thereof. When pro- ceedings to be commenced and com- pleted, llniforms similar to that of police and tire bri(;ade not to be used, Ac. 1>. St. Lambert street, in the said city, shall be widened and prolonged from St. James street to Commissioners' street, according to the plan designated under thi^ letter " F," mentioned in the act 54 Victoria, chapter 78, section 2, paragraph 12. The cost of the said improvement shall be defrayed by the city. The proceedings in expropriation shall be commenced at once, and shall be completed with all possible diligence. 10. No person or company shall wear or cause to be worn any costume or uniform similar to that of the city police or the city lire brigade ; and every offender shall be liable to the penalty enacted by section 141 of the act 52 Victoria, chapter 79. Amendments U. The amendments to the plan, homologated on the to plan for elerenth of Mav, 1892, of the widening of Notre-Dame i«IWW«*#*»«<.«>»Si«i*H» Kte*t*»s«*teasgi^dS&<ii-i1^<.''S:' '^ ■. 1854. dity of Montreal. Cap. 55. street, from Fronteiiac street to Moreau street, and from wMeiunK^r«rt Desire street to the eastern limits of Hochelai^a ward, are "u'eet.'^'coH-"'^ ratified ; and the said plans, as amended, shall be the homo- firmed, logated plans of the said parts of Notre-Dame street, in Hochelaffa ward. (-.78, a. 12. Section 2 of the act 54 Victoria, chapter 78, is amend- '^^J^^^jj^,, ed by adding thereto the following paragraphs : ' !4. To widen Guy street, from Dorchester street to ^viii.MimKof William street, as shown njion the homologated plan of St. ^"..'pei' ' ^ Antoine and 8te. Anne wards and upon the plan thereto annexed, upon the south-west side of the said street, fol- lowing the formalities prescribed by the act 62 Victoria, chapter 79, as to the method of expropriation. The cost of such improvement shall be borne and P^id [^^"sj^^'.'''^'' 'o as follows : half by the city and half by the bordering ^'" '"'" ' proprietors. The proceedings in expropriation for the said street shall Jejj",^g'tu i,e be commenced within a reasonable delay after the sanction- fommenced, ing of this act, and shall be carried on and completed '!*''• with all possible diligence." 13. The plan for the widening of St. Lawrence street, ||J;.'f|ifi^dj.ian from Sherbrooke street to the north<^rn limits of the city, mrtofst. as amended by the council on the 11th July, 1892, is '"a- gj^g",'''^'",! tified, and shall be considered as the one and only homolo- proved!''' gated plan of the said section of St. Lawrence street. 14. The following section is added to the said act 52 ^f,^^;';^",'^')''^ Victoria, chapter 79, after seclion 224 : &2V., c.79.' " 234a. The city shall pay one half of the cost of the ex- |>v/»^; opriations made in virtue of the three preceding articles." expropi ■mpnl of ost of ia- tions. 15. This act shall come into force on the day of its sane- Coming into , . •' force. tion. SCHEDULE A. On this nineteenth day of the month of December, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three, Before me, Oncsime Marin, the uiulersigned notary public for the Province of Quebec, in Canada, residing and practis- ing in the city and district of Montreal, in the said Province, Came and appeared : The city of Montreal, a body politic and corporate, having their office and principal place of business at the city hall, in the East ward of the said city, hereto repre- sented and acting by His Worf^hip the Mayor of the .said T" a Cap. 55. City of Montreal. 67 Viof. city, the Honorable Alphonse Desjardins, Senator, residing in the said city of Montreal ; hereinafter styled " the corpo- ration," Parties hereto of the first part. And The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, a body politic and corporate having their oflice and principal place of business in the said city of Montreal, hereto represented and acting by Thomas G. Shaughnessy, of the said city of Montreal, Esquire, the vice-president of the said company, and by Charles Drinkwater, ol the same place, the secretary of the said company, in their said qualities duly authorized, for the purposes hereof, by a resolution of the executive comraitt(>e of the board of directors of the said company, bearing the date hereof, a copy whereof shall remain here- unto annexed, after being signed by theundersioued notary, ne varietur; hereinafter styled " the company," P&rties hereto of the second part ; Which parties hereto of both parts have declared to the undersigned notary as follows, to wit : Whereas it is in the interest of the corporation that the company should provide, construct and equip the buildings and terminal accommodation in the eastern portion of the city of Montreal, as hereinafter described, and it has been agreed between the said parties that the company shall do so on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned ; Now these presents witness : that each of the parties to these presents doth hereby for itself and its successors cov- enant with the other and its successors and assigns as follows, that is to say 1. The corporation covenant that they will acquire (in so far as they have not already acquired the same), and will, within the time hereinafter mentioned for that purpose, convey to the company an area of land in the city of Montreal, bounded on the North by Craig street, on the East by Lacroix street, on the South by Notre-Dame street, and on the West by Berri street, including the streets within that area as shown on the plan attached hereto and form- ing part of these presents— and also that part of Parthenais Square (about 4000 feet), which is now in the possession of the company by a simple permission of the corporation ; 2. The company covenant that, the corporation having conveyed to the company the said areaof land as aforesaid, the company will provide, construct and equip thereon, and fronting on Craig street, a building suitable for station purposes, and with good and sufficient accommodation lor the passenger business of the company in that locality, at a cost of not less (bun three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, (f 350,000) including its appurtenances^ and will forever maintain the same, the same to be according to plans, speci- fications, etc., to be mutually agreed upon by the parties 1894. City of Montreal. Cap. 55. and to be of stone or pressed brick or such other similar material as may be approved, or part oi'oue and part of the other, and to be not less than four stories high, with a front- aj?e on Craig- street of not loss than three hundred feet in length and a depth of not less than sixty-six feet ; 3. The company will also erect and maintain freight sheds and other yard accommodation, substantially the same as. or equivalent to those indicated on the plan hereto attached and marked '• A "; 4. The company will also construct and maintain an overhead passage at least twenty feet wide, from Notre- Dame street to the said station on Craig street for the con- venience of foot passengers desiring to reach it from the level of Notre-Dame street ; 5. The corporation covenant that they will construct and maintain a bridge for highway purposes along Notre-Dame street, from Bcrri street to Lacroix street, as shown on the said plan, of such a height as to make the laud below it available for railway purposes, but the upper level of the said bridge must not be higher than the level of Notre-Dame street, and to give the company the right to use the land below the said structure, as they may require for railway purposes ; 6. The company covenant that they will convey, with legal warranty, to the corporation, the following properties, clear of all incumbrances, belonging to them and known as "Bellerivo Park," " Macdonald property," "Military Stores' property," and a lot at the corner of Berri and St. Franpois streets, known as part of lot cadastral number twenty-nine (29) in the East ward, and containing about three thousand two htindred and sixty-five [3,20o) square feet ; and also such title as they have, if any, to the follow- ing lots of land situated at the corner of Poupart and Mignonne streets, being the lots numbers twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine and forty (27, 2«, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40) of the subdivision of the lot number one thousand three hundred and sixty-four (1,304) of the official plan and book of reference of St. Mary's ward ; and the amount of the award that maj' be made for any of these properties before they are duly conveyed to the corporation as aforesaid, shall be due and payable to the corporation atid not to the company ; 7. The corporation covenant that they will contribute and pay to the company, in aid of the providing, construct- ing and equipping the said building hy the company as aforesaid, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; 8. The company covenant that they will, at all times, giv^e to other railway comi>auies reasonable station facilities ou the said premises and within the building to be so erected i dati. SS. ^ily bf MonUiiil 5t VieH. as aforesaid, on being secured proper compensation there- for ; and, in case the parties cannot agree as to compensa- tion, the railway committee of the Privy Council shall fix and determine the amount of compensation and the man- ner of the payment thereof; and that, whenever and as soon as the railway communication through the city shall be made between the present Windsor station of the company and the said new station, the company undertakes that every through passenger train leaving Montreal shall either start from or pass through the said new station, and shall also start from or pass through Windsor street station : 9. The corporation is to convey the said properties as aforesaid on or before the first day of September next, (1894) or such other date as the parties may agree upon, and the company is to complete the said building as aforesaid on or before the thirtieth day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, or such other date as the parties hereto may agree upon ; 10. All the preceding clauses of this agreement are to come into effect and be binding on the said parties, respect- ively, as soon as this agreement is confirmed by an Act of the Parliament of the Province of Quebec, and the company has been enabled by the Parliament of Quebec to convey the properties which, under the terms of this agreement, they are to convey to the city free of all incumbrances, and each of the parties hereto doth hereby covenant to join with and assist the other in procuring the necessary legislation to carry out and give effect to the present agree- ment. Thus done and passed at the said city of Montreal, on the day, month and year first above written, under the number seventeen thousand, two hundred and thirty-seven of the repertory of Mr. O. Marin, the undersigned notary. And, alter due reading, the parties hereto have signed, and Alphonse Grosselin, Esquire, Assistant Clerk oflhesaid city, residing in the said city of Montreal, has countersign- ed them and has affixed thereto the seal of the corporation of the said city, the whole in the presence of the said notary who has also signed. (Signed), " Alph. Desjardins, Mayor." " " A. GossELiN, Asst. City Clerk." " " The Canadian Pacific Kail way Co'y., by Thos. G. Shauohnessy, Vice-President." •' " C. Drinkwater, Secretary." " " O. Marin, N.P." True copy of the original hereof remaining of record in the office of the undersigned notary. (Signed), 0. Marin, N. P. \ u i894. // dip of MonttenL SCHEDULE B. Cap. 66. § On this nineteenth day of the month of December, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-three, Before me, One!^ime Marin, the undersigned notary pubhc for the I'rovince of (Quebec, in Canada, residing and practising in the city and district of Montreal, in the said Province, Came and appeared : The city of Montreal, a body politic and corporate, having th»"ir offii e and principal place of business at the City Hall, in the East waid ol the said city, hereto repre- sented and acting by His Worship the Mayor of the said city, the Honorable Alphonse Desjardins, Senator, residing in the said city of Montreal ; hereinafter styled " the city," Parties hereto of the lirst part, And The Canadian Pacific J{ail\vay Company, a body politic and (orporale. having their office and principal place of business in the said city of Montreal, hereto repre- sented and acting by Thomas G. Shaughnessy. of the said city of Montreal, inquire, the vice-president of the said com- pany, and by Charles J)rinkwater, of the same place, Esquire, the secretary of the said tompany. in their said qualities duly authorized for the purposes hereof l)y a resolution of the executive committee of the board of directors of the said company, bearing the date hereof, a copy whereof shall remain hereunto annexed, after being signed by the under- signed notary, «e varietur; hereinafter styled "the com- pany." Parties hereto of the second part. Which parties hereto of both parts have declared to the undersigned notary as follows, to wit : That The Canadian Pacific Railway Company afore- said is held and firmly bound to the said city of Montreal in the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, to be paid to the city or their attorney, successors or assigns, for which payment, to be w^ell and truly made, the company do here- by bind themselves and their sucC(>ssors lirmly by these presents, sealed with their seal and signed by their vice- president and secretary. Whereas the city and the company have entered into a mutual agreement dated this day, respecting the erection by the company of a large railway station and freight faci- lities and appurtenances in the eastern part of the city of Montreal, and the payment by the city of certain sums of money in aid thereof, as well as the conveyance by each of them to the other of certain lands as therein specified ; the whole on the terms and conditions set out in the said agreement, which agreement is to be binding on the parties, respectively, as soon as the requisite legislation to that effect shall be obtained ; 10 Cap. 56. Cily of Montreal. 57 Vld?. Now, the condition of the above written obhgation is Buch that, if the said requisite legislation be obtained, and inhereaf er the company fail in the fulfilment of any ot therobligations under L said agreement, then the above written obligation shall be and remain in lull force and effect, otherwise it shall be null and void. Thus done and passed at the said city o Montreal, on thedav month and year lirst above written tmder the numbe^r seventeen thousand, two hundr-3cl and thirty-eight oX repertory of Mr. O. Marin, the undersigned notary And after due reading, the said parties, represented and acting as aforesaid, ha "e signed, and Alphonse aosselin Esqu^e assistant-clerk of the said city, resuling ni tht^sa d city of Montreal, has countersigned them and has affixed thereto the seal of the corporation of the eaid city, the whole in the presence of the said notary, who has also signed. (Signed,) " Alph. Des.iardins, Mayor." ^^ ^ .. " A. GossEUN, Asst. City Clea.. _ " The Canadian Taciffc Railway Co y , by ThOS. G. ^y UOHNESriY, V^ice-President." ti " C. Drinkwater, Secretary." .. " 0. Maiun, N. p." True copy of the original hereof remaining of record in the office ot the undersigned notary. (Signed), 0. Marin. N. P. Preamble. 52V.,c.79, F. 12, replaced. CAP. LVI. An Act to amend the charter of the city of Montreal. [Asacnted to Sth January, 1894.] Al/HEKEAS numerous complaints have been made with \V respfct to the workintr of the various articles of th^ charter of Montreal ; where^as application has been m.-'^ oy several rate-puyers of the city to have changes me:.e m such charter, and'^it' is expedient to grant their prayer, in the interest of the proper administration ot the city 'Thei^?ore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- Bent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows . 1. Section 12 of the act 52 Victoria, chaptef 19, is replaced by the following : 12. The council of the city shall be composed of the * ^. „ 11 c „„„V. i,.ov/1 • and shall ex- Composition " 12. The council ot the city snau .le ^"-^"f^. Y, ^^ and powers of ^ ^f two aldermen for each ward and shall ex """" Seise alUhe powers granted to. and imposed by this act upon the said city." 1894. Oily of Montreal. cap. 50. 11 2. Section IG of the said act is replaced by the followiii''' : id . a. I'l, re- ' placed. " 10. The several wards of the city shall be each repre- Represcnta- sented in the council by two aldermen, who shall uotjl^'*;^,;;^'^^''}';;';'^ continue in office without heing re-elected for a i)eri()d of term ot otii.o over two years, and who shall severally be justices of the"' "''^'-'""''"• peace for the city." 8. Section 20 of tht? said act, as replaced by the act .)5-5G M, 9. 20, Victoria, chapter 49, section 2,'>, is asniu replaci'd by the ''''''''""■''*■ following : "20, No i)erson sliall be callable of bein-; either noini- Qi<n'i''''at".'"i nated or elected alderman, unless he has been a resident ofn",.,'i'„"(Ii"["^j the city for one year immediately preceding the election, ividinneii. To be eligible as alderman, it is necessary to have been QnulifRatioii seized and possessed as jnoprietor, during the si.K months"'"''''^''''"*"- next preceding the day of his nomination, of real estate in the city of the value of t\ > thousand dollars, after pay- ment or deduction of all oha 'S whatever imposed tiiereon; the total value of such real eiitate shall be established by the amount mentioned as the valuation thereof in the existing valuation roll." 4. Paragraph 2 of section 30 of the act 52 Victoria, J^/i^- ej"' ^^ ^' chapter 79, is replaced by the following : " 2. Every male person, not being a guest, or lodger, in a |^,"'[,''||j|^°^'y" hotel, boarding-house or private dwelling, and being an tiectora. inhabitant householder in the city, whose name is entered on the last assessment roll in force, as the tenant of a dweUing-house or part of a dwelling-house in the ward for which such list is made, such (twelling-house or part thereof, if the tenancy be of a part, being of the assi^ssed value of three hundred dollars or upwards, or of the es- timated yearly value of thirty dollars or upwards." 5. Section 30 of the said act is amended by adding the w , s. 30, following paragraph at the end thereof: '""'^" ^ ' 4. But, to be entitled to be entered on th(! electors' list J^'ectora to bo and to be entitled to vote, he must be a I3ritish subject. Briiish sub- juets. O. Section 33 of the said act is replaced by the following : '''^'^pj'^^' '^®" •'3». Before the first day of December in each year, the 1;^^;^,"^°;;^^^;^^* assessors shall make, from the last assessment roll then in contuin. force, an alphabetical list of the persons qualified to vote at elections under this act, to be called : " The electors' list," wherein they shall insert the names and surnames of the electors, their occupation and the street and number of the property in respect of which they are qualified to vote ; and i^ dap. 66. VAhj of Montreil. 67 Viot. they shall also indicate in a separate column, the nature of the qualification of such electors, whether as owners, occu- pants or tenants. Who are to be It shall be the duty of the assessors, in making up the theletvoi alphabetical list aforesaid, to strike therefrom the names of persons who are dead, and also, in cases of property re- puted as belonging to an estate or to several heirs, to exclude the names of any minors." T. Section 38 of the said act is replaced by the following : "»». Within the first fifteen days of December in each year, the city, alter a public notice ol eight days has been given in at least two city newspapers, one in the French and the other in the English language, shall, by petition to the Superior Court or to one of the judges of the said Court, apply for the appointment of three persons, who shall compose the board of revisors of the city and shall be neither aldermen nor employees of the city. The said revisors, before entering on their duties, shall make oath to fulfil their duties faithfully. They shall perfoim the duties of the revisors, and shall^ receive for their services five dollars per diem for a term of twenty days. Any term required to complete their duties exceeding twenty days shall be gratuitous. Two members shall form a quorum. This section shall apply only to elections subsequent to the 1st of February, 1894." S. Section 53 of the said act, as amended by the act 66 Victoria, chapter 49, section 10, is replaced by the fol- lowing : " 5». When a poll has been granted for the election of the mayor, the voting shall take place in all the wards, and when a poll is granted for the election of an alderman, the voting shall take place in the ward for which the poll has been granted ; the voting for the election of the mayor and aldermen shall take place on one and the same day, that is to say : on the first day of February, at the places and before the deputy returning officers appointed as hereinbefore provided, "and the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock in the morning and closed at five o'clock in the afternoon. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to station at each poll, during any civic election, two constables for the puriwse of aiding in the preservation of order and a-:resting any person voting or attempting to vote in the name of another. If the police force of the city is insufficient in number for this purpose, the chief of police shall appoint and swear in special constables, who shall be entitled to Id., 8. .18, re- placed. Koard of re- vioora how, by whom, when and upon what petitioQ appointed. Revisors to be sworn. Payment, &c., of revisors. Quorum. Application of section. Id., 8. 53, re- placed. Polling. Voting to be on same day for mayor and aldermen. When polls to be opened and closed. Constables at polls to maintain order. Special con- stables if tjolice force in 1894. City of Mvntrenl. Cap. 56. 18 two dollars per diem for such services, which sum shall be sufficient mnd paid l»y l\w city treasurer upon the order of the chief oi\^l^^p^ police. Kor neglectin .- ^^^ observe the provisions of this eectioii, the chief of p .ice .shall be liable to a penalty of penalty on twenty-five dollars for each poU not provided with con- chief neglect, stables as aforesaid. Such penalty to be recovered by any '"^ ^'^' person suing for the same." ReooTery * thereof. Id., B. 5(1, re- placed. Articles R. S., aa to corrupt practlceg, to apply. What are corrupt practices. Arrest of persons at- tempting to personate or personating a voter, &c. ». Section 56 of the act 52 Victoria, chapter 79, is re- placed by the following : "Stt. Arti(;les 408 to 425. both inclusive, and 431 to 4.?5, both inclusive, of the Revised Statutes, having reference to corrupt practices at elections, the punishment thereof, and matters incidental thereto, shall apply to all elections under this act. Any act or otlence punishable under any ofthe provisions of article 408, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 41»j, 417, 418, 419, 420 and 421 ofthe said Revised Statutes, shall be corrupt practices within the meaning of this act. Every person whc, at any election for mayor or alder- man for the said city or for any ward thereof, shall illegally endeavor to Aote or who shall vote for and instead of another elector, may be arrested on view by the returning officer or by any justice of the peace, in the said city, or by any other i)eace officer or constable present at such election, or on warrant issixed by any justice of the peace ; and the person so arrested shall be taken to the police station and kept in safe-keeping, or confined in the common gaol of the district of Montreal, until the end or close of the election, and until good and sufficient security be given that such person so arrested shall appear and answer to the charge to be preferred against him in that respect before the Record- er's Court ; and every such person, upon conviction of the offisnce aforesaid, shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, and in default of immediate payment, shall be liable to an imprisonment of three months in the common gaol for each and every such oti'ence. " lO. Paragraph 1 of section 81 of the said act is replaced [^ '. ^^ ^^ ^ *» by the following : "1. An assessment on immoveable property liable to Assessments taxation in the city net exceeding one per cent of assessed value of such pioperty, for which assessment the owner thereof shall be personally liable." Penalty. +U^ on iromoTe- '^"^ ables. II. The following section is added after section 121 of Section added the said act : ^^l'' -' " Vila. The owner of a.!) immoveable property, sold in Redemption virtue of the provisions of title twelve of this act, shall be aLid for\axe». 14 Cap. 57. Cil/j of Montreal. 57 Vict. entitled purchas cent in addition to redeem it in two years, by repaying to the r the amount of the adjudication, with tea per Section added ntter s. 127 , said act. the !<aid act Yearly report toliepiililij-li by treiiHiiriM 1-. The following .section is added after section 127 of toiaMmiiii.'heu ' *-*'^ The i)ul)lication of the j^early report of the city by treiiHuriT treasurer shall he ohligatdry hereafter ; and, in such report, co'iuhi':'''" **^*' ^'''':^ treasurer shall indicate the items of receipts and expenditure, and classify them in such manner as to distinguish th(> ordinary receipts and expenditure from the extraordinary receipts and expenditure. " IS. The following s^'ction is added after section 139 of the said act : " i:$!>r/. The borrowing power of the city for the next four years is limited to lilleen per cent on an assessed value not exceeding the sum of one hitndred and sixty million dollars, and, therealter, the said power shall be limited to iifteen per cent on the assessed value of the taxable jirojn rty ; it being understood that one million dollars of the new borrowing power shall be used for existing eng»agements, and the balance in annual payments of three hundred and ninety-live thousand dollars, extending over a period of four years to come, for the carrying out of permanent imitrovements during that time. All aiTthorization to mak(> any special loan which has not yet been completed is cancelled ; and the city shall have no power to make any further special loan. Section'addud after s. l.'til of said act. Limit of loan- ing power of litv. Application of certain portion of loan. Authority for certain loans not ertectcd, cancelled. 12, Amended'' *'*• Section 12 of the art 56 Victoria, chapter 49, is amended by replacing the word " three" by the word " two," in the fourth line. ComiDR into force. I*». This act shall come into force on the day of its sanction. CAP. LVIl. An Act to amend the act 54 Victoria, chapter 78, respecting the charter of the city of Montreal. [Assented to 8th Janunry, 1894.] Preamble. fTTHERE AS the citizens of the city of Montreal prayed VV the Legislature at the session of 1892, that the following rule respecting the widening of the streets of the said city be established in an uniform manner, to wit : that the cost of the whole widening be defrayed one half by the nun O il 1894. Cily of Montreal . Cap. 57. 15 proprietors of the street widened and the other half by the city, and the charter of the said city was amended accordingly ; Whereas it is expedient to further amend the law with refjard to other expropriations ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent ol the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the cost Payment of ot widening each oi the iollowing streets namplv • pine '^''^'of »'den- tZtrt' ^^^l^'"7 'w^' ^^^\'''' '^''''^^ Inspector' 'street, Krlr to Lathedral street and LagauchetiOre street, shall be paid as '^'= """le- loiIow.s. namely : one half by the city and one half by the properties fronting on the lines of the said streets, assessed to a depth not exceeding one hundred feet. For the Iollowing streets : Ontario street, from Frontenac to eastern limits, Beaudiy street, Pantaleon street, Ste. Catherine street, from Desery street to the eastern limits, and Vi"-er square, the cost shall be paid as follows : one half by the city and one half by the proprietors interested as per existing rolls prepared by the commissioners in each case Jixinjr the limits. " „.^/ T^« fourth paragraph of section 22 of the act 55-56 "-'e v., c. 49, Victoria^ chapter 49, is replaced by the following : %ll'J ^' ■•«• r '^T*; '''^r^ "^"^^ ^^^^^^ expropriation made for th°e widening ^^o^'t'of wi- ot iNotre-Dame street, between Lacroix street and Tanineau i*'"'"^ "'" •="" Avenue, shall be paid as follows : five eighths by Se cSy "o?S°^e and the other three eighths bv the owners of property hl''''-^^ *° bordering on the said Notre-Dame street to a depth of htty ieet, irom Dalhousie square to Papineau Avenue." ». The commissioners named for each of the said expropri- Commission- ations are hereby empowered to act in order to eive effect to '''"^ authorized the present law. s »" <5"b^i lo to proceed. tion. 4. This act shall come into force on the day of its sane- Coming into force. M i -^^ - fi I ail If'IfWfWlifll' \f *s£:xi-^ ANNO QVmiVAGESmo OCTAVO "VICTORIA: REGIM CHAP. I -i-Acl to amend the charter of tK v ''«««' and it. a„e.a„er°''°'''°""^" '*°"*»'''*'2'" .'-»..., 1895., Preamble. WHEREAS John T McB.'. ^ I2- (Grafton meth f '' "^^^-^^^nt. Alfred ^^entie^a., all three'". tiri.T^^'r^^* ^^ ^^^ ' S' 1 '*^^^«' ^-^«. by "heir ^ :l'.^*^^^ «*'*^e said *i^at the provisions o thl laTJ T '"''' ''P'^^^nted *o i^sts of ejectors and ll . '^^'**^^' ^^th resne..f -de^uateand s^o:^^:;;^^^ f ^^^ ^^^":^ ^« the several particulars ^. ""^ ««PPlemented P-yed that the said^ ^ b:! "."^ ''''^' -^ Jo, as hereinafter set forth rn/u'''^'^ and added *o g^ant their prayer ; ' '^'^ ^^^^^ ^^ - e.ped.ent Therefore, Her Maiestv k a^d consent of the £ L^ ^^^ -^^^ the advice follow, : ^«.^«lature of Quebec, enacts as chaptorj??^^ ? of section 30 of the aof ^o ir- - "o-eX'Xrn "■""!" «""«- owner ' "•^- as a ,.o— 3-^- y*^^o, either individr.!!),- • th« ,/"'''' ^^^^ any other r./ ^ ^' '''■ J^^Utiy Persons ke.n. *^« ^-t assessment rol/i^'tcfr^ir ^"*^"^ -^^^^V;.: '^' *'' the tenant or""^"' I Proviaok Proviso. Chap. 60. Chafter of the CUy of Moniireal. 68 Vict . occupant of any warehouse, counting ^^ office, or place of business m the .xty V^^^^ vatue than tL amounts aforesaid xespeoUvely accord- Lg „ the a.s..»ed value thereof; and P-rfe* ^at ir/a":. C:ou:u.i.g ox hoMi.. th. P— to social, educational, phUanthxop.c or othe. Mmaax obiectB, nor to employees or agents of «*" P™°^ entitled, to be qualified as electors m respect ol the same premises." Z, Section 31 of the said -t 52 Victona chapt^^^ 79, as replaced by section 29 of the act 55-5. Victoria, chapter 49, is replaced by the foaowmg : w.e.e andia <' 31. Persons entitled to vote, as aforesaid shal -'^Vr- vote in and for the particular ward in which the pro ner electors vote in auu. iw i „„iifi„qtinn to vote shall be ^-y^-''^- perty constituting their qualification , !rtnated • but when any such person is qualified as ownei iu m ilthan one ward, or as the tenant or orcupanUrone ward, and at the same time as own :ruseholder in any other --d he may -t^^^fo the election of aldermen in any or al of the ™ -S^dtiS^?!!-^--^^^^^ pTvt d that, for the election of mayor, such person shall vote once only; said vote to be cast, if the Itor be qualified ^^^^^^ ^'^^^^J^ ,,,...„., polling Plr.T^^h:^th^ toselect twtdin ''''^'''^'- '^^r.tZX.oT^^^^^ -tifying the Tssels or revlors in writing of such selection on or before the fifth of January of each year. wi,pn the elector is not qualified m respea oi OrasseB^ors When tue eieoiu 1 determine where, in toaetermiue ^„^^,-ip,,pe the assessors shall deitrmiuc place ot rcbiaeui-<-, votiug. Idem, s. 31 replaced. Proviso. ■CSu^lM-, 1894. Charter of the CUy of Montreal. Chap. 50 their judgment, the said vote may be most conye- niently cast. 3. Section 34 of the said act 52 Victoria, chapter 79 M^"- « 34 as replaced by section 2 of the act 55-56 Victoria, chap- """'"'■ ter 49, is replaced by the followin"- • .bl'lf *' u^- P'fP*"^^ *^« li«t of electors, the assessors Di.uion r .hall subdivide each ward into as many electoral -"^ ''"- dis ricts as they may deem convenient, each of thetHer'""- said districts to contain two hundred voters or there- about ; make a report in duplicate of such subdivision • ^gn the same ; retain one duplicate thereof, and trans- mit the other to the city clerk. an^.Yltl^- "^'^^ "''*' ^"' '^'^ '""'^ ^I'^^to^^l di«t"<^t. List of .oters an alphabetical list of voters, which they shall sign ^icT^'"'''- certifying that it is correct to the best of their kno.": ledge and belief, and shall deliver the same to the city clerk prior to the first day of December .Cl^7^^TT \'^^ ''''^'' ^^'' ^«*' «^«h of such Each district el ctoral dis riots shall constitute a polling district r/ou""''"'^ for such election ; but the board of revisors may, for tTctslni^'T" '"i^' ""'*^ ^^"^^^^ '' --^ d--^^»'-o^ mctsin one poll, provided the number of qualified ?"'•' ^'^•"•'''»« hunTred.''"'' ""*'' '"*"^'^ '°^« ^«* exceed two-- ^'" oftJs'^d'aitTiT- r'*"\" ''''^' ''''' ^«^«°- 36Sectio„..,eC oi tne said act 52 Victoria, chapter 19 • a^er s. 36 of ,,„„ ■ said act. davs of "^ "''I "^""^ '^^" "^'"' ^^*^^^ *^« fi^^t twenty City Cerk to days of December, upon receiving the written off^er of .llrorcLVo- any resident elector of any ward to hold for public ^'* °°*'^ inspection, at some specified place within such ward a copy of the list of electors for the electoral districts' composing the ward until the final revi^on. accom- panied with the sum of twenty-five dollars for ex- penses, deliver to such resident elector, at the City J: all, a copy of the list of electors, as asked for. 5. Section 39 of the said act 52 Victoria, chapter 79 iden. . 39 IS replaced by the followino- • , P tr <y, ^^em, g.39 " 3». On or before the fourth day of Januarv Iti a ,• every year, any elector ^ ' ^ ^ ^ APP"-tion any ward may give uoti ce orrec how made. iSt Chap. 60. Charter of the City of Montreal. 68 ViOT. Oontpnt of ■aid notice, Applicants to appear. Idem, s. lO replaced. Hoard of re- visors to meet Their poweis defined. Correction after hearing evidence. Board may further en- quire. in writing to the board of revisers, — which notice shall be left at the office of the city clerk— that he will apply to have the list of electors for such w^rds amended, either by the addition thereto of names "df persons omitted, or by striking therefrom the names of persons improperly inserted, or by striking off or addinc: letters or words importing disqualification affixed under section 35. Such notice shall specify the qualification of the electors sought to be added, and the causes of disqua- lification of those sought to be struck off ; be, at the diligence of said applicant, on or before the fifth day of January, served upon every elector who is sought to be struck from the list of voters, by registered letter through the mail to the address given on the list, and be open to the inspection of any elector. On the day fixed for the revision of the voters' list, of the ward in which such applicant is qualified to vote, he shall appear, either personally or by his agent, or representative, before the said board, to make good his application." 6. Section 40 of the said act 52 Victoria, chapter 79, is replaced by the following : " 40. The board of revisers shall meet on the fifth day of January, at ten o'clok in the forenoon, and after electing one of their number to preside at their meetings, shall adjourn from day to day until all the applications and objections made in respect of the list of electors have been adjudicated upon ; and, after hearing such evidence as in view of the nature of the case shall be deemed sufficient and reasonable, all witnesses being first duly sworn before any mem- ber of th^ board and the parties interested, or their representatives if present, — they shall make the necessary additions or erasures to or from such list, and shall further correct all misnomers and all clerical or technical errors therein. Should the evidence adduced upon any application for amendment, without being conclusive, establish in the opinion of the board a presumption that the ''«*i™M£.TEl«^j|Pp5^ il. 68 VlCT. ria, chapter 79, 1895. Charter of the Citi/ of Montreal. CLap. 50 < name objected to should be struck out, the board shall make such further enquiry as they may deem neces- sary to iully ascertain the fact in issue, and thereupon either strike out or retain the name objected to • Provided that noti/-,g contained in the preceding Proviso as to section shall prevent the board from erasiuff from the '••"^^"'"f"'*- list the name of any tenant who may appear not to ^'"'"""' Have paid his taxes or water rates beibre the first day of December as aforesaid, or of any person who may appear to be dead at the time of the revision of the list, or whose name may have been included more than once in the list of any one ward ; provided, al- ways, that the list shall be finally revised before the nomination day. The list so revised and settled shall Wh.„ ,in be signed by the chairman of the board, countersigned I'^if^e'viL^d- by the city clerk, with his hand or by the use of a stamp by his representative or representatives, in the iorm C, and shall be filed of record in the office of the city clerk, for municipal purposes and for those of the Legislature ; and copies thereof, certified by him as above, shall be deemed authentic for all the purposes ot this act. .^^'J^^ ^''^^'''^'''S sections are added after section Secti „s ad- 40 of the said act 52 Victoria, chapter 79 • deJ ^ft!r ^ ■ s. 40, id. " 4o«. The board shall, before the said final revi- Dut, orboard sion, insert the words: "city officer," or " citv em- *«'°"'^'° Ployee," opposite the names of all officers or employees "''"' in the pay of the corporation, and of all members of the police force or fire brigade of the city. "406. The attendance of witnesses may be secured^ by summons issued under the hand of one of the -'*="" revisors. Ifany person, so summoned, neglects or refuses to i„ ease of appear at the time and place appointed by such sum- ""«'«'' «' mons, or if appearing, refuses to be examined on oath "app"«r. touching the said enquiry, or to obey any order to produce papers or documents mentioned in such sum- mons, in so far as he is able so to do, a return of the issue and service of such summons and of such defan If !i'y-i 'M •"•i To produce papers. Chop. 50. Charier of the City of Montreal. 68 ViCT. , or refufial may be made to the chairman or acting chairman of the board of revisore, who may thereupon compel the attendance of such person, and comper im to answer all lawfull questions by the like means as are used for such purposes in the ordinary courts oi civil jurisdiction in the Province. Every person so neglecting or refusing to appear, or refusing to produce papers or be examined as afore- said, shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder's Court, be subject to the penalties prescribed by section 141. Ohairmau The chairman or acting chairman of the board oi ?o uke oaAs. revisors is authorized to administer the oath to such witnesses. Chairman to " 40c The chairman or acting chairman of the bcird SrofS of revisors may require, at sessions of the board in the employees. ^.^.^ jj^jj^ ^^^ assistance of the clerks and officers oi the assessors' and treasurer's office for communication of the assessment rolls and other records." Section added S. The following section is added after section 46 fdem.'" '^ of the said act 52 Yictoria, chapter 79 : Nomination " 4««. No nomination paper shall be valid or acted ''nf Jn^dt npon ^Y ^^^ *^^*y '^^^'^^ unless a sum of two hundred pos[to"$200 dollars, in legal tender or in the bills of any chartered bank doing business in Canada, is deposited in the hands of the city clerk at the time the nomination Effect of re- paper is filed with him ; and the receipt of the city ck?k.°'"" clerk shall, in every case, be sufficient evidence of the payment herein mentioned. „ ae osit The sum so deposited by any candidate shall be re- en eposi ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^.^ .^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^is being elected or of his obtaining a number of votes at least equal to one- half the number of votes polled in favour of the can- didate elected, otherwise it shall belong to the city." ». Section 51 of the said act 52 Victoria, o.hapter 79, as amended by the act 56 Victoria, chapter 49, section 9, is replaced by the following : " 51. The board of revisors shall make the neces- sary arrangements for the election of mayor and alder- returned. Idem, 8. 51 replaced. Revisors to make arran- gements for election. 1«95. Chartef of tU City of Montreal. Chap. 50 men ; aud lor that purpose they shall meet between the filteeuth and twentieth days of January in each year to fix and determine the places where the polls are to be held m the several wards wherein the eleo- tion IS to take i)la<;e. , i to belld'i!rth"' '"f T°"'' ''' "'''' Po"ingplaee nep.n,-re- to beheld loi the said election-, a deputy-returnino- '"■•" "■^'««i- officer, who shall receive a commission under the han3 ol their chairman, in the Form F, and they shall also cause books to be prepared for each polling place in he lorm FF, m which shall be recorded t\i Im" ot the persons voting at such election. The board of revisors, before completing their la- Their ap- hours, shall appoint the deputy-returning officers for ''""'*'"«"'• the^ensuing election and assign them to their several tll^lfl'T^ " T "' ^'' ''''''''''' ^^V' before Citvcer. the day fixed lor voting, after having requested the "'^'^-^»''-- deputy-returning officers to assemble^ at a specified time and place to that end, instruct them ,J ' in the per ormance of their duties by explanation and actua Instruction, and shall give to each a copy ol the pnnted instructions regarding their duties aJdeputy! returning officers." ^ ^ of t^: l^iV^lZ^r'"'^^^^ 55aSec.o„ added the act 5b Victoria, chapter 49, section 13 : ■ "Sab. Any deputy-returning officer who delivers D«n„t to any person, presenting himself as an elector at ^-'^'A poll, a ballot paper upon the back of which the I id in-f^tf^ deputy-returning officer shall not have put his initials '''"" ''''"^• or shall have improperly placed his initials in contra^ vention of article 317 of the Revised Statutes, or upon which the said deputy-returning officer shlll h!ve . negligently placed any words or marks other than such as are required by the said article 317 or re^ 'aT si^llT of-ignation of a candidate, as afo - PenJltv ' .^'' '^ ''^"^^^^y conviction, to a penalty not exceeding tea dollars and costs for such 1 f Art. 330 R.S replaced. Delay to he •voided. Voter requi- red to retire. Chap. 50. Charter of the CUy of Montreal. 58 ViOT. offenoe, and in default of payment to imprisonment for six days." 11. Article 330 of the 8uid Revised Statutes, as made applicable to municipal elections in the said city, is replaced, for the purposes thereof, by the fol- lowing : " Every elector shall vote without undue delay, and shall quit the poll as soon as his ballot paper has been put into the ballot box. The deputy-returning officer shall compel elector to quit the poll forthwith after the depositing of his ballot, as aforesaid, and in default of so doing, shall himself be liable, upon summary conviction, to a penalty of twenty dollars." 18. Article 349 of the said Revised Statutes, as made applicable to municipal elections in the said city, is replaced, for the purposes thereof, by the following : " The depvty-returning officer, on being requested so to do, shall deliver gratis to each candidate, or to his agents, or, in their absence, to the electors repre- senting him, a certificate of the number of votes given for each candidate and of the number of rejected ballot papers, together with a list of the names of electors in respect of which a second ballot has been issued under article 308." t&"!if!^ *»• The following section is added after section 65 of the said act 52 Victoria, chapter 79 : " «5a. If it be proved, before any court or judge, at tht trial of any such pedtion, as aforesaid, that any corrupt practice has been committed, by or with the knowledge and consent of any candidate at an election, his election, if he has been declared elected, shall be void. Such candidate shall, during the seven years next after the date of such decision, be incapable of being Art. 349 id. replaced. Certificate of number of votes. Corrupt prac- tice by can- date. Candidate disqualified for 7 years. 68 ViOT. uprisonmeut Statutes, as in the said , by the fol- idue delay, )t paper has apel elector itiug of his doing, shall iction, to a or";™;"V95"""°'"°''''°''°™°'' ""> fi"' day <,■„,„,„„. ' " ■ ' rorco. iJtatutes, as in the said jof, by the \ requested idate, or to itors repre- rotes given of rejected S' names of >t has been section 65 or judge, d, that any r with the m election, d, shall be irears next [e of being- 1 60 VICTORIA. 1 9 Victoria, chapter 49, is replaced o9 v., c. 49, s. 3, reiilaced. CAP. LX. An Act to amend the charter of the city of Montreal and Its amendment.s Assented to 9lh Janvanj, 1807.] prayer ' ^nd ^vhereas it ,s expedient to grant its seJ/'of fh'o'f ^^'\'^l^^''^y: J^y '^'id with the advice and con- sent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows: 1. Section :) of the act by the following : "J«. The board of revisors shall meet on the fifth ,l.;„r ^p January, at the hour of ten in /l^^ L • ""^^*y of When board choosin'i^nno ^f/i. • u , mornnig, and, after "'' ^visors to cnoosmg one^ol their members as chairman it shall Jinn,, "."^^' '*"'i J«- from day to day until it has disno^P,! nf oil ^"^ ,'^" adjouin ties ti.ereaf- objectioiLin co?i„ection w h tlX ofeL tot? ^'Trt"' '"' previously sworn before one of the member, of tl^ K F s or whose name may be entered more than one" on he 'S^fXe'lfomSlf "^^' ""' '"» "^' "-"" - !» Cap. 60. City of Montreal. 60 Vw ft^> ^ v., c. 79, s. •II, amended. Entry to be ttiude by clerk. .^very certificate atRy^,} i " ^W, amended. '*• *t>ctloa 145 of ih.. ^ .^ Application ,% "' ^"^ Jollowmg para- 0' E3ctlon. ^ "IS Sectio)! shall l riitoriuela- tion. for private **• Ally law fn fh.. . l '■^Hfeatea'»fek» siKSWfi" 'Montreal. I 60 Vict. I^q-j 'i'^iuut oily „t *" i^hr'-'.'i --^a election, LTit ion ,n the certificates th^^ "t^ho names of the a^se?. or extracts ■^iJ'Ses.s- ;^«tonno. the ri, to vote 'aj the letters 'i' T'n„HI e^^UchnarnestheworS' the";to^''^ '^'""^^' °»^' of ces. specify the time when '<^ revjsors or .submitTheir nroof ' °' *? ""P^'^« ov ■ proof ;,,.j,,,,^ y- . ^ the cty clerk n, . iaid " assist- ed 0/ Montreal. Cap, GO. «. Besides the matters mentioned in section 140 of its charter, the city is empowered to make by-laws on the fol- lowing subjects : 1 'J^'' ^■«^."lt^t'' o»- prohibit mendicity, to regulate the circu- lation oi bicycles and other vehicles of that kind, and to prevent the exhibition of wounds and infirmities in the streets and public squares of the city • To protect morals in the streets, public squares and houses .<^f public entertainment and amusement in the city • Ln.i P7,'^*^"S<^h« throwij.o. iu the streets and public squares, ;and on the sidewalks, of anything whatevei- which mioh be dangerous or injurious, as well to the public as to horses, vehicles and bicycles ; To have the control of public scales. «frT.fJ" fwt!^'''' •"'' ^'^'^"P'^'iy or person shall open the fu ."i*^*" ''"^ ""'"'^ '''''■'^^ works to be done the'-ein without the previous consent in writing of the council of the city, saying as respects eomnanies which exist under previous statutes, which shall remain subject to heir ; natural interpretation. '' .AfMitional power to ninke bv-liiwa to: ftcf,Milate iiifnclicity,&c. I'lotcct mor- als ; I'll: vent tlirowiii;^ in- jurious things into struct.s, cScc. ; Control pub- lic scales. Streets, &c., not lie opened up without consent of council. ' VHoiin, chapter 79 j, <=l«k shall put opp„si(„ 'on, the words in ink". ' Good ictoria, chapter 79 oi" the foil is owing para- m^'iicipal lists, which ^regularities not aS its amendments, the '^i without any otW iiicipal list. ^ ' istanding,itisdeclar- iS'/i private butchers 'lf^« limited to a sura ,; P . ny light 01 privilege whatever, either annual or ^""'''i f^<^''"'^' , ^-u^uH-al, un'iss tenders have been called lor durino- one !;r'n:le3'iu'*'' cit'^ld th^ T' ^'n ^''\ "^"-papers published in th>;-- '" city and the city shall grant such right or privileoe to the tenderer engaging to pay to the citf the highestfum pe^ annum lor such right or privilege. ^ v.,vv ?^h'T' ^^'.'l^y °'' ^^^^'itreal should obtain tempo- vu,ntio„«i laiy rehel to meet its present liabilities and eno-aoenients i-^-^^^ ^^hlch may mature during the course of the yt^r com: mencnig on the 1st January, 1897, as hereinafter set forth obS?oT:/' """ ^''^' ^" "^^"^^ °f ™''^«""8- the s. ■• Whereas the failure to meet the same as they mature may entail additional expense, costs and liti-.a io "upon the city and the accumulation of interest char-el, ^ Whereas there are certain works which are 'necessary and whuh are urgent, and which it will be necessary to Sd '"■ '"""= ^'^* '''''' y^'^'- '^''^ - al,s?> hereinSt'r o.n. imto^^ ol Montmil is hereby authorized to effect r, .a„ author cans, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of .*•'!•> 440 '''''• !or the purpose of meeting the following present en-ur.: ^l^^^^^fndh.,ume.,^^■hich have been fncui^doverS shrbe2;!'/1f ^^^ borrowing power; and vvhnh oa shall be effected, from time to time, for the pavmeni of tho imlovying Items, as the same may mature,^and noiXr- Ito ^ Cap. 60. ^'iy of Montreal Harbor i^o* mTX'f,'''?.^ '")' ""> "'y for Total SX'J" /»'l <he said ci,y of „„ , , * -''3. KoadCommitf , """ai'l expend. Fire Commit/plf ■•'";• ^^^M Police cSn£!'A' '^'"'^»« ^^^^^^ ^-J^i^CoUitTeUTtrii^-esC^^^^^^^^^^^^ .^ ^>0.00( Contribution for !?,„?%'"" i^Mw™!™ p,',;:; ^"'""O '^-'"'""..on^BritisbSierri.S.;,- '.oo 0,000 Total "^"qTTTT >licat,-on T, ^ „ ■* ^'^'^0<> of sums bor- -■ Jt shall in nn ,-„ i , fcis" TTt-iS.Xs- -? -n« st:s £ teims maturing „ot | ^y of Montreal ,Hw« by the city for ^s, for tho amount now ;"f;«;^ by city to;S ^^j^on:-aS«;;„;i cityunder judgment 'rdun'iiyke ;;■•••••*• ^^^"^^^- C-eVy 0/ Montreal Cap. 60. ilKr^-^'^'^'r^^^y- ^^'^^ = «»d shall b,. effected at i'ff.'rent times, only as requirod in connootion with thp 7-> O'^IT^'^T ^"/P?^^^ «"^ '•^<'^«^ the same have been relolved ''>.(^ by a vote of the ma oritv of th« mo^K^.. "V .i.'^^''^"^'''^ '« Ln -1 .u »^«,'«aj""ty of the members of the en ,,-« ^^^^.^%:^^}^ «hall b. valid oX:^:;: anc h c mayor, the city clerk, and the city tn'asurer, ^^'i'^'fertified' by the ^ade in accordf ..«. oa.u uuiisraiions snail bb valid only when Mhe cty controller to the effect that they aTe T±"!!J?'^':V'^.^"': '^- object, tor /hich signed ^S.Sod^v'i^e andThrriT'^T'''.'''^'''''^"'''^ ^^'<^oxxxM, or other"^- ^■^vvise, ana snail boar mteri'.st at ihall be redeemable out of tht per cen^^er annum ; and any X.:.Tj^^^:^^ 20,000inji:anr"™^' tl '"^'^^ ^ave no power to place Co,.,.., not to ^^mV^^^^l\Z^^?:^l. ^', otherwise, or to borrow or expend [;'--'"" them, shall be 'On permanent works. during the year 1897, any sura of Isur"'"'''"^ 's%if,s-'-' -to eflectT,,/'- u ':-•»' 'hBcharliT, as ciiaoted l>v ehe art '," -Wch shall ;t£lTr,?^';.l"!i!«^ Proviso. f ovisions of this aVt ?'"'>' ^"d void. ^bedistributp/:l^i^»"»l?l 5. Notw e provisions of this section shall be ille-a and expended |v ^^streets and drains s, Pipe-Jaymg and ernes Committee. ,$ spitai..,.'.7.'. ^y works.'.".".' JenevoJentFu'nd f ot Widows of Association'.!.".'."."" rota].... %he 117.000 m 50,000 S0,000 20,000 5,000 7,000 10,000 Ition. This act shall come force on the day of its sane- Coming into force. 10,000 10,000 3,000 8,000 Quebec :—Pri.vteij uy U.S.SR.U. & i>AOF,AU, PUINTEUS TO THE Queen's Most Excellent IVIajestv. $ 375,000 "=» "aid objects shaU b" hall only be effected by I .Mmimis T^!^I^^^^PB|Si^^^^^^^?^S|^^^^P!'^^Pn sa!ssii>'»f feg^' . AXNO SEXAOESIMO I'RIMO VICTORIA eeginj: CAP. LIII An Act. to amend the (.•harter of the city of Montreal [Assented to I5f h Jaiiuary, ]S'i)8] !Tr'HER]<:AS tlie city of Montreal- has, by its petition, re- ivamMe TT presented that it is expedient to grant it a t(;mporary aid in order to enable it to meet its obligations and engage- ments, and carry out certain permanent works wJiich are urgently required in 1898 ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows : 1. The city of Montreal is hereby authorized to borrow City auti.or- and use, in 1898, the balance of the borrowing powers "-^''^ '" '""'■ granted to the city by the act 60 Victoria, chapter 60, irce'iniM'^' viz: the sum of 1187,824, lor the purposes mentioned in i>i"p<>^e^. the said act; less #50,000 for the Market Committee and #20,000 for the Police Committee, reducing the said sum to be borrowed to 1117, !"24. -*• The city of Montreal is also authorized to borrow the Certain <.tiui- sum of $375,000 to be used to pay the obligations and to **""' "^ *'^"'>- carry out the works hereinafter mentioned which may be uiil other'' required and approved of in virtue of this act, in 1 898, P^ip^'scs. viz : (1) Judgments of courts, expenses for vaccina- tion, subsciipliuns loi' the Queen's .J ubilee, for the ^''*y of Montreal (jf Markets;:::: '••■.■:::::; 75,, ^6) «t. Helen's r;;""; «-< <"Mo„,.,K"o.?j^J?nf;;.; r;:;;;;;; :::;;; 5,( 21 ■*^"age ^_y ^or ■'^'^croix Street 35,000 ^'1 ';|.t f. i,„ *• Jt shall ,•„ „ , «^ 310,000 eWvCi:" ^- The above ,«« .• ^"nes, only a^Vr^J'.'JS^f'; they shall hT 2^*"""? "ot Jater «^.the majoritv of f J ^"""^^ ^ave been rl i ^^ , ^'^''effoing- ■^^/*i «bligitioLl";,\'»«mbers of^e errJ'^ ^'^ ? ^'«^^ city comptrolW f ", ^"^ '''^lid onlv » i, "^^ counci ; the \ach caseSr'^ ^^-^ ^^« "Ejects fo^l^u^'l^ "^^^e ij le! *^« city-clerl^^'^^^edjiheyihaVr ^^^ the loan in *>ear interest at? f "'^ 'Account, or ofK • ^^ redeem- f«reg-oinff cond.-f!- "°* ^^ffected i,^ o" ^^^ ^^"^ Per an- -n a^dvoS''"™^. "'^-"'■°,';L'',^-*^«Jilh the (if Montreal ^«"; and other Jiabilf. r pavin,. Kotre-J>a^ ' ^'orks absolutely e ci81>8 C?7»/ of Montreal pla(;e Liniit of \,„i: expend '■""■'"« i'"wi' ' cvccpt by cor- 'e-Iav '"g". reservoirs," ''1 Vrc*-"- i,ny or J/ontreaf, Cap. 53 « on . . "'i ^^^ T""'''^ *''' ^^'^ ''^y «'^^J1 Ji«ve 110 power to * J0,O(i*ny loans, temporary or otherwise, or to ])orrow or e on pormunent works <liirin(r fhu ^r^,^„ lunu e inouey whatsoever, beyolIJ thetrLl^^.S,;;:;;".^: ^^ t^ fence wTtho ^ '" ,«»^i<^iP«ti"» of the revenue in accord- " IQ-in. w7 ^ '^^'^'''' provided, always, that the city '^^' Wl."''''' ^'T *''";! '^ ^'"'''' the presently outstanding bonds, representn.g the proprietors' shares iu street im- .otlhTr" '' ""^'' '^"'" ^^"^" ^' ^«t bj^ t'^« oolle c io X "f fi.OO^f "<; special assessments made therefor 2 50;lpr!;e;Sn!^"tl^" Ihi^r* ''"^r"'^ ^'^'^^ ^' interpreted as i,,.,,.-.,,. — ' he limi/ oP !t% ^ *'"' ""''•'"'= permanent loans up tne limit ot its borrowing powers. np to ti"" "fiu't. «375,00() buildin w«, th& East '^Prop'riai'io„;-- ^ I'S^'i^O 'W;'^^tiou cases .«ha'l perhaps be ■f-acroix Street 125,000 50,000 35,000 i! 310,000 ^ ■^^ io chang-e or ah^r- ^ ' ''»S purposes, so fW *^' *^«-idobiectrstlU: nelT^y be effected by he entire couacfj ;\t ^ "hen certified by the /hey a,, ^ 7 the for which the loa^i in tr^^.'liM*^«'"''^Wr ^rer sha 1 be redeem^ otherwise, and shall lem i'?rK^^'*h the J lem, shall be iiloc^.i I 8. tion. This act shall come into force on the day of its sane- Coining inm force.