IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 If iil IIIIIM ~ 1^ 12.2 us , ^° IIM 1= U 111.6 V] <^ /} ^> em o>. ^'^ c*y oS r ^ Photographic Sciences Corporation iV »K PUINTINO CnMPAN> W* 2h IvI.Va 8T., TORONTO. ^'^i^^- _ ! — . — j;^ . / TOUOMO A<;KI( I Ul ItAI M \ltKllOI sf llliistratpii Catalopp. (FIFTH EDITION.) "vVZLLI^l^ lE^EISrn^IE IMroilTKi;, JIAXrFAfTUKF.i;, AND DEAr.KR IN' .M.I, KlNTi.s (j|.- AGRICULTURAL MACHINES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS. inj.n AXD CAKDEX SF.F.nS. FRUIT TREES. FERTILIZERS, &r., &c,. Uo. 132 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TOItO-»fTO. OXTARIO, CANADA K)itiTnlu,roiaiii^iito Art ,.f Piiilianiuntor Caua4,., I" III" y.M.' On,. Tl,o„s;ni,l Ki^^ht ]r,u„liv.l ,n,4 Sevrnty'tw.. hj ^VIl.I.IA.M IJKXNii;, 4 GL0151.: ntivnxa lt-miunv, ,, .vxn ,, king btukkt. T;^ TO. 7 / / 5 r: INTRODUCTIOX. I my c:;:;;!:::";"!'' ''? ^;«--'^"-i ^"— i^y this now diti,.,. ., my tfttul..gut. I Ufsin. tn have it ,i,„iorsto.,.|, a!th„uKh tul,.,..a,Iv -.nplcto, yet it cntains only a ,,art .,f th. aHiclcs i have f.' s d ' "^ c'.'tn at all times siq.j.Iy any Ma.hinki:v, iMrri'MiMN ..r Tools that arc ..e,„i,.e,l ,.,. a fain, an.l if the sa ..e e i ^ i 't, " t^:::;;:;^ "'vt'"^ : ^ '"'''' ^'"•>- - ■" ^^^ i-— < ^-^ ^^ ■ • t tlie usual Alanufafturei-'s i.rices. i. .'■ ^ '<-^ ^itTi? "" i'^""'' ': ^"'"' '' *''^' '"■'' ^••••^''™ "-- "^ the pros., t tun. an. can sn,,,,ly all,,.,. that are .,f ..stahli.he.l n.-H M> SeeWs will he f.,„,„l nf s„i,eri..rM,ia!ity. Th.. inipurte.l vanities -nt(.| State. hey ean theref.-re he relie.l on as heini,' Yv.^h an-l <-;".HS an,l of the same goo.l quality as those uliieh Ikuv ■ iv , Hi.Kh satisfaction to n.y cnston.ers in f.,nner seasuns -My of Fruit an.l ( )rnan.ental Tives an.I Shruhs contains all that are su.ta .!e to our climate. Givat care .iH he taken to sen-l , -I iMit wliat are s.ain.l an.l Iiealtliy. Farms rented an.l sohi on eommi.-siiin Intending imrchasers of Farms and L.'.ts are invited i„ lo.k at my W, wluch .ndudes son.e very .iesirah'e places, and -thers at LZ ^^J>..ors for all Kinds of Tn,,r,,ve, Live St,^ _ iVvs,,nsata,li.tance. con.municating hy Vnnf, may .legend upon After shipping, /. .j / .,,/„,, „.j. ,c.p.,nsihility ceases, and any chinns for .lamages, Ac., must he ma.Ie to the carriers Terms, X,ff ( '„.!,, unless hy special agreement. In regard to prices, it must he tliat I ou crmclu.^e t.. ..nlc's please ,lo so in go.,.l time ; you will thereby not run .ny nsk of n,,t having them in 1, .t tl:o n,;nk,, ,,!.„.l.s; l,„t an,.,,,, „,, n,ul,i,,!idtv of nnulu. C.W. 1 , „,.,! to ,.ulvanta,^u l.y thun. f.„- wl,,,,,, tlu.y an, in.H,.l..,| My WardiuuHo, No. l;;,. A-idai,!. Stivut Ea«t, is tillt.l witl. fl, . o, , a .,1 a cnnha ,M.,t,t„.,. i, ..xton,!.,! t.. fan,a..n an.l all .UI.cts ^^_^^.l|nMn... c,„.„„„,.ica.,i.„M a„.l will ..c.ivo ,,n,n„,t at- nMcnu.,no. „ho>. , have u„ e.tal.ii.h.l a,e„cie., a,. n.Kctfuli; 1 als. solicit tl.. a,i.|,vs.,os „f i„tol]i;^c,.t, i,.,l„.„tial a,wl o„f,.n„isi„., «ST;;;i',;:;tH;,';:,:;;,;:" " '-"-"■ » ^<^=^ In conohision, [ sliall ],,. ..i, ...-.„ i * i ,. AiMross (with care tn avui.l .lulays), WILLIAM REXXIP:, jSV 132 Ailolahlo Stmt fJast, Tonntu, Ont., Caiia.,. i , . 1 , alway. sent .,...,, (. .el. . a ..,e ^..^n..;;!":', ! ^ ^ ^ ^.^ ^I^ - ,1 ..1 ,.nien, un,l to this .le,,:ntn,ent, which ha 1.^^':^ l.ugdy n.creuse.I, I aga.n cull the attention of ,uy ' My stock of seeds of foreign growth is selected from the relia- Me sources n. Europe and the luited States, while those of .Ion ^ ie growth are generally raised expressly for me and are un.ler n.v ,.e o d Hyrv.s.n until harvested, hy which n.eans I can secu:<; Z v^ - tomers absolute ceitamty of the kinds arid qualiry of n.y stock ' My stock of agricultural and fann seeds and grain Is verv complete and IS the largest in this department. " ' My E^UaEaA^ l\a is one of the earliest, and believed to bo the best g.-own y.ehhng well, and being very suitable for both farn. .Z ^nlens, .vnd . h.ghly reco,„.„ended by all market gardeners who l"e All tho cli..ico variotiuM of Potatous. ".M;::;:;;'n'tr::;^::rw;;;;:^;'V"r;"' ■■"/■ ■-"■ tinuM..,,. ^ '^ 1"'"' "'" ''^'I'voiy at tlidr ,lcs- TllKEs AXD SHJtlljS. -..:::S:::;:*;r;,!;^r;S:;:;;;;!;;*;i -j;:rt:::r:^;:::s,;:;:'T:-i:r »l"lVn:,' at ,,„ early , after tl.o tr,n,.si,lantiny .ea.ou oj cn«. FERTILIZERS. rtUOl'NI) IJONK. All oroi).s are benefited hy it. Fr,„u ten to t«enty hushds per acre k the usual clres.sin^ thou^^h .0 ,r a hrst-class dressing i,. Letter, as it re,uires several ^.l fuIly_.Kv.npose ., and the etiect of a lar,e application .iU be ^^ W It should be sown broadcast on -rass land. On plou-died land W,w ,t „. with tho seed, or apply it d.rectly tu tho en,, 1 il '^^ (Inlls, y-Mt i)revions to planting. I I live IiMllllll.i CHcll. ^ Tun _(im,lfH nf this Futili/.T ar. ..uul.. Tl.o llalf-i.,..). fir,.,...,! ...a., wh,ch,HVurycnnm.,un.ltl.f Fino iJuuo l)„,sf, ,h, Uu.v„:< till.' must and l.riuli.;i,il. Si l'Klil'l|n,>|'il All; ni I. I mi:. n III! _ .Vs a I-cTtil.z.r, tlif Sn|,i.r|.l,u,H,,hatu -f Mi.u- is )n..l,Iv c,.i,nnrM,l..,|, nice It ..u.MH al.MMst ..nivcmlly ai.i.liml.K., an,l, „„liko ;„ thon, it '•ay 1,0 apHio-l in varyin.i,' pi-upurtiuiH, with.,„t any ri.k .,f injury. Full .liroctions f.,,- ai.plyin.,. it t„ |„.,t a.lvanta-o Nvi!! I,., funii.l,..,! t'l ai! inirdia.sorH. fM-s,shi,,i,c..lial.uxos.,f l.)i,„„„,l, ,,,,,),. i,. |,^„,,,, ,,f ,^,„,,,; ^,,,„ l'i>uii'l,s each ; al.s'i Iuum; in any innntiiv. Ammuni \ii:h I;. si; Fi;i'T!i.izi:i', 1- ■!• pivHlncing early crops ainl It.-o yi.|,is, this Fortiii/.ur will 1.. ..un, very honchcal. It will a.hl vory to the fortility of thu for tlirco or four years after it h.s l.een fr.ely uso^l, I.^M.lei .'iviir' a'iinnlant eropn the (irst .season. i' is .shipi,e,l in San-els of •Jo., ]!,.. ,,^,,,, ,^,.,1 ;„ ,,,^, „r -„ j,,^ ^„^,,,,^ . ■•> No charife for l.;,-.s or l.,-,rrel,s with this Fertilize!'. Pi:i 1 \ I w Clano. This is the most concvntr,ate,l .u.l valuaMe manure, l.ein.' .leriveJ rnneipally fron. the excrements of suLusting entirely on tish, Avuch yiel. even rieher .leposits than those of our aallinaeeous fowls, wlucli are the In-ngest ..f all our animal manures. The other original cunstituents of Peruvian (iuano arc the uncon- Bun.od remams of Hsh and birds that have perLshod, and remains and excrements have, l.y .slow decay in an intensely warm climate, >vhorc no ram ever fall.s, thrown off most of their moisture and car- bonaceous matters and left only the highly concentrated salts, all of which are very essential to vegetable growth. For grass .sow broadcast just before a rain. One to three Imn.lred pounds per acre is usually sown in drills or broadcast, covering lightly with a harr.nv, and i-lanting the seed directly over it. ' '' PilOSI'llO GfAXO. This_ valuable manure is imported in its r,iw state from in the Pacitac Ocean. It contains about 40 per cent. Soluble Guaiiu Pho.sphates, and other valuable elements. PLOUGHS. Fk. 3.-IMPP.,VED CHAMi>lOX BuVBLE-FVlilln^X TLoUGH (COMBIXIXG .KAY'S AM. i.^hik's iur^vr.). These PI., ugl,s have become desorv- f"Iy popular, owing to (],e .saving elioctecl in draught, manual labour, ^^■t■ar and tear. The .leniand for them is rapidly iiiid steadily increasing. They are uholly carrie.l on large ""plur rimn.ed wheels, whicli not "»ly farry their weight, but also , resist the pres.sure exertcl in lifting' I and turning the furn.w. They Inve Jieither side nor sole plates, and lience are free from all friction caused by the rubbing .action of tlie same ; the cutting juirt of the Coul- ters and Shares are so constructed and arranged that they make room f"^'r the rest of Plough, and no ,,art of it touches the soil or mould-board. % this arrangement the iomep KEQiiREi. to work the Plough is f.k' KICED FILLY A THIRD. The Double-Furrow Plough can be « rawn on heavy soil ,vith ease by three horses, and on light soil by two; Anumg the advantages these' 1 loughs possess are the foll It h the .,pi„i„„ „f tH,„, ,,^.^^ ,^^, wl.„ ],..vo c^eon ,M1 > '""'^■'•'-'^•^'•y variety „f cimnnstance., tli.t the .n,,litv It i« a strong, efHcient an.l .lurahle i.npleu.eut, sriru^n- v.v ur KIM.S OK rr.oc-.Hix.,., and wiJI also nin f. r;. 1« i.v.'hks iv v,V„.n, J- locK} land tliree h-uses can he used with safety justed to plough any re.piired widtli „f furrow. The skifes or heads also nre strong, and of the hest wrought iron. The most ckookkd fi-rko\vs nv ,■^• i.. . ,,,. I" I.I...,sI,i„5 Lilly l,„„|, (,,„ ,,„i„,„ f,„„,„.„, f„„-|i,,„„ ,,,„ C'";.:, "" T„'r:'"1:""" "■ "'""^•" ""« ""-^ •■■■ "■' ^ •». Triple-Tkkks, Of a c 10 -t- w "^^ rt D * ^ ^ yj -w P t!r -r /! _ i:^ i* ■J > Z 'r> 'T' ^ r^ 5 S".^ I "^ _^ * -^1 ~^ ""^ I— < U rf •" "^ r^ r*' r' — i - a = - ;4 '•^ "S, = y iD c: .2 2 « S -:= v^ a" ■^ i ;lw ^ "<- ;p o m b "^ — irii-*^"— i-S'^i"^ rt aj 4 11 4 Fi.i. 5. -c; hay's CiiAMi'iox .SiN,;,.K-FrKj;.,u- Vi,,v,;i< > ,.uat stungth, h^^litnuss of drauylu, anW tl.o perfect ,uam,.r in wiiich It duos the work m uvory doscnptiou „f I.,,,,! TlK.y can l,o ,na.lo to cut at any v.pmv.l angle of furrow, in a way _^^^^^_-Vn extra co„]t.r an,l share for .tuM.le work roconu.en.l.l wi.h ead. Fr,;. c— Ghay'.s Liout Canada P^^i^j,. <:?- Tlii.s plough supplies a want long felt in Canada, vi.., that of a ^A ^ "^ ^ and cheap general puq.ose Iron I'lougli. ° Being ma.le of wrought iron, it is durable, and cannot get out of order by warping or rotting. " '^'■ It lias a cast iron head, steel mould hoard and steel shares (an extra one given with each plongli). ^ '^^''^ The shares are so easily constructed and keep sliarp so lo,, . that the «::':,;, iii»::""'^' *"° '■"- ■■'—■• '■■« «-f ».«.;'.^: . The coulter fastener used on this plougli is a simple and in^^oliioua ot tui ow. It can be moved liackward or forward, and enables th , Plough to do good work in l)otli sod and stu]>ble " The coulter can be move.l to either side of the b.ani and i, held firmly by two set screws. "^' ' No farmer slumhl be without this'di. ]2 ;IN;:i« C^.,T ];i.;am I'f,or,;H. ^- /^ Tl,i,.;i,!,.„,la].(i.,Itna!).s-■ Mul,I,I,. sI.aR. works For f.dJow groM n. I use the ui,!c .slmr... COMHINED U-U,.rmfT HEAAr l.Ln,Y;ir TJiw IS tho same ].attern of pi,,,,.], ■,« fi, v.Tought iro„ Loan., is ra„i,ll, ,• ' '"■^■^•'•''"'- '"" ^vith a The . o,,M hoar. i. st.e^ a., i.«u., Without or ...;,,:,;., Fi.^ «.-T«-o-H,)KsK Wu..:. Bka M Pl,or(;if. The above i, a pn-,',.,.f ,. , , ^ ■ ^ ~ ^6 v -^ c/ ^- --be., are now h :::;^' -l--ntauon of :hfs M.„,h, „f .hi.h h,rgo ^ It is a ,h.„, I, ,;:„„.^, ,, 1 13 ? K>n and t Iiand witJi a beam, yi". '■'.--.Wi:-l'ii '" "'.X Wm:,;;, i>,.,, I I.J'. The snj,,n..nly .,f a r.liin,^ f. a «!"'i"U' ii.ntion iM the cousrn.fti,,,, .,f l'!"ii;:;h.i IS easily uiidui'stn,,,!, us socur- '"= I'ylitiiess „f drau^dit and ea.e vl lihuiaLjunifnt. 'I'lif Anti-frictir.n WJuol Ilnu-.l, is f'llly a tl.ird less draii-l.t than ti:L. "I'-liiiaiy single-fuiTow i,l,,n-I). h can hu uorked in any .s.,ii wit'i two horses the san.e depth as ean he ''""^^^-'tli three horses, hcsidesn,al^-n- ri,||, more re.,'nlar ucj-k. III ,\ ""^ ]';""^li is easily a.jjusted to any ■•'-"i'Hved si/, of f„rro.,v nr stvle of ,l,| I'l'-nghu.-, and when so adjusted is self-aetin-, following the horses with- 'Jiit the yuidanee of the plon-hman. Wiien the ridges are strnek out l,y a S^ competent j^longhnnin, the work ean ^ "-' ^'"•»^"l "H l.y a hoy, the stilts or -^ Jiandles henii. nsed merely for tnrnin,^ ^ ;'t the ends and f,,r passing obstrncti.,ni ni the .Soil. 1 They are fitted with mouM (,f tlie most ajiproved ].atteni. /'6 6 -> , I>;.or,.H. (^' -' ^ C (, ^ .if o-iy held, aiid ti f ;:;:^'^„::^"^ '^"^ '-'-'''' ^- '- ^--^ ^ Wherever introduced, this plongh n,eets a rea,ly ..', Tim mould b.,ar land share are made of east ircm. " 14 ^v'Ji:.:;tM;;\;r!::;;;:r;;:t';::r'f^'-''- „no !u,n,irc.,l i-u,,,.,!. . ''""^ ' rt-!uci„. the weight t,. ]o.s. 7 ■Ijie bkifu ur Head is ini,) t ''"=" Mi l'i. loss i: any fitto.J no For — < ir ■; ^l li r .»- ■/" -r ^ ^ — o is ~ o Li^' ''"'• '--i^"^'='-:->ror,,,. OK l:^„:,^. p,,,.,:;;;,,; Thmi'lough is inten,le.l f,.,- niouMi,,- ,u. „„f.,f ' , "Irnli it is .,|„, a-lapte.!. ' ^^ater-f„, f.,r ,li „f Tho oi)umti..n is su)„otimu.i l'erf..r n.,! l,v , • i VU^.K .iHcl. Las to ,0 „, ,u.,l .1, un t he 1, • ,; ■^"''''v";""'^'-'-'-^ ->rk as tl.i. ,.1,.„,1, effects in o„o j.mrnov. "-""'I''-'' the sa.uo i... potatoes an.l othe. .^ts 1 ^^ kj" ^uT;? 'l'"""" '"'' 1"''^"^- -'ivi.ling the hu.,1, as the j,!„„,-h »v i t , ' I '^ ' ^'^ -oasunng ur =1 course for the next. ' ""'^"'^' ""*' f'"''"""-. i-^ ".arkin.,- I!y reu.ovi,,- tlie hoanl.i and marker it in.r 1 ™..C;;:::;'!:'",r;,r:M!: '-"■—*''.» .i. „„..,,. .Several sizes are made, with various i.^itt,.,.. • r "■"f ; - -»n,„„,.,u.,,, „,,„, „,., :,'„'■ ,;,„';;::"''■' • ■ I furnish a verv superior stvie v !,i,.h w , , "■."""^'■^• I'eani and wood Jiandlei. ' ' ' '' ^*''^'' "ron-ht-iro,, Flo. 14.— DoiKLK-Lj-yvii C, sr [' ,, - ^- -'t^^ ::;s:inr "''^"^"^ '"• ^'■-''-'^-^'^-'i'^ thistly an,, - -'. ' ^::> --.s I f ,, , \"",' ' '"^ ''"i "11 wi'"uti'l tint h.ii hoen J ill i'l"iiglio.|, far aiiiumor L. ■. ; py^is, A'C. Til.. .Iriv.T. I,y Whn,.^ nv luwcrii.if tli.. left Innl k-ver, rai.os .,.■ l-w- iiM th. |,l.,u.-h witl„M,t ftct.n.^ on tho ri^ht Jmn-l levor nt all. while v.ith 'rom'f " "" '■'""■''' '' ''''"''"' '"''"'■"'' *" *■•"' ""^'^^■" Tho lovcn ,uv \vuy> .,„ tl,,. ,v! . ; ., . ; , ^ ,>, ,,,i^,^^^^^ „,. ,,„,kvoku8 nro (lisiionst'il witli. ^ >.».>< '^^.s ItUca:al.!o„f tiin,m.f..vorfi-.,:„ f„„r t - iv n. .v. ,„.,■ .l;.v uith.-no teaia. Fhi. 1.-.. — I -Mrnovrn (; v>;,; P(,, 'X-<.}1. ; a/ iUul short 1 'iv;.ivse:itsaiii.ui,r..vo.l Gan; PL.^jh. ^vith won. han.ll - '^6^3^ >0,'llll. es It 13 extensively ust-a, ami is well adu-u I f. nig to put hi seel, un.l to cultivate the lana. It cuts th l.iml, tlio sliuvs l;it)i)ing past each other. r spriii','or fid! .lou^h- e whole (if tho A t( him lies. iii'ue will ho put ia (who:i so orlerel) iusteaJ of short beam and Steel ui. .uM-boanls arc use.l. an.l the ,1 I'.ires are cliille 1. 18 M(JULD-BOARD«, SHARES, .to. IS Fill. 10. -Xo. 40 MouLD-BoAKi). fl, Jl"' '''''"r ^T'"''^" ""' ''^ *''" ^'"•""^•ite styles of mould-boarcls ; it tJie longest of ull uiy patterns, measuring forty-tliree inches in length. Fh.. 17.— Xo. 53 MouLD-BoAEn. This is similar to the Xo. 40 ^r,,aM, Init shorter and ,leeper7 '" ' It measures forty inches in lengtli. Xo. 54, or BAr.ROWMAN- Impkov.-:,, Movld-Boak,., i,s most gene- rally used, at the present time, f„r general purpose vrork. e.cll^f^^^f'^"'''"-^^' "'^^^'^ ^^"'^ ^'^=^ n.ould-board no. 8iUREs.-^o lit nearly all ploughs n„w in use, and are made of tvrought or cast iron. lc.p/f" '^"Pply «teel shares which are so cheaply constructed, and keep harp so long tliat the whole cost of keeping them up does not exceed the cost of sharpening the ir.^n share. Also Landsides, Sole Shoes, Beams, Handles, etc., etc. 'I > 19 HAPj;0W8. t. n £ 'I > n -3 o c I'uw.s. -In tlic f' ll^iviii- j,;niuii;ars it wiil,;;. i'-i« • • '• I LvUy y.'j--/.;\'^ hiiVr V yr,i>v-Ai V to any oilier. \:^t.-~£ Fir.. ]'.). '.fJhv„.f-r, Th.. teeth are Hat, slr.r]>oiie,l at ),„i:, c.l-cs • h.ghly tempoiv-l, an.l cuvex inshai.e, (Soo Fi^. 1:») ; an.l uu.r.lJnn^ ciusc the luuTuw t,, run .iih .,Kc-].df t^>o „s>ul .li.u.yht .j.-.n the tcanK All tlio useless fnctmn is ]iiliti.>n. ec!n jiru lierLfi re i-iii coiuL'X sliai ^.rd .( ",( (/,, '/ I: } iriirihi tlu'n\igli Ini ii.uil cut aiul slic nn.i tlioir hjht tl. roi: int.- IK.sitioJl tllUV cut ll: •v:)i- s, runimigonto a hi, nj, like a sje,} tlityhol,! it f,st 111 pul • • - verize it thoruiiLih lumiis to one side instead of ].nlverizin" tl All ordiiiaiT teetl ! iisli :3rf t!ie f, urmer cost of 'j^^'T, Vw. 2;>.— Oaktku's (Ji'k.v Ditciik.'?, IIoad C.'kadkk, and Sihsoilki:. The m.-ichhio is of siini'L' con.stniction. The luaiii fixture is tiiat i;f a, plouyli, driven ami used in the ordinary manner. Attached U< this is ■•. large wheel, which lies on its side, and revolving as the plough passes iilong cutting a furrow, takes the earth from the plough and carrying it ruun.l the flange of rhe wheel, drops it in the middle of the road," a di-> tancc of 7 feet from it originally lay. Thus the machine cuts a ditch on each side of the road t.) any rciiuired deiith, and throws the earth into the middle, not in largo quantities, but eipially distributed across and along the r(jad.. In this ojieration the two machines, which are usually employed on such work aro com])ined in one, and the work done in the same time as any ordinary ph.'Ugh would take to cut the ditch. Ry tins machine work can be accomidished which would take fnl'y loo men to get tluujugh in the same time. This machino will n(.t (^nly be of great advantage for road work, but can l)e turne.l to extra bene- fit en farms, etc., for making ojien ditclie?, subsoiling, etc. Tiie e:irth as it iMsses througli the machine is completely pulvo- ii:ielanl drnpel s)ste.i;i!y and gradually, thit it goes through its Avork far more cmpletely iliaii a spade. Tiiii v ill be hi'.diiy 1 ■-•neMcial f ROLI.K5!. <^-H'lf-- This is an iu>i,„rt.ait in.plemout, and is n..,v in general use. rhey crush all an-l lunij-s tliat remain en the top of the crroun-I ■if.u It has been n,,T.v,-e,I, anl force ,lown small stones level with the surnice. They ren.ler th. lleM sn.,..tii for the reaper, mower, liay-te-hler, ■i-M horse-rake, an,l press the earth close about the see.l, thereby seon.nn- a more sure aii'! .piidc yeruiinatiop yx.^hS^^'^^^^::^^ i'^ ^" cases their .ni UK, lolei piesses i\.i mots an-l earth t..'a'ther t(. tle-'r i-roiior posiuon, an.l prevents what is tenue.l wint.r kilKn.- ^ ^ The box is attache.! t.. receive, etc., picke-I up on tl c fehl -n.l ^givmg weight to the r-ller, acco.ling to\he work ^^t ' ihey are made with c.'ist-iron braced ftte.l viib I can furnish t!:o:,> ..f ,..■• '. ■. i i,,,,,^.-!, . ,v ,,, i ■ and seven feet. " ' ' ■ '^"^-^^ . ^^'^ ^J^-ua! si;;es c-vcr six 2(1 hwy Fm.u llni.iy.H fiAlMii; ]l()AI) l;.)I,I.Ki;. engine... '"-" '"'" '■'"■•''• "'"' ■'* "■^"ally ,hawn hy a maJ ..povafi, ■;. ''• ""' "■"' "•'^'' '''^' '^^'-. '""' i^ vc.,y efiicicnt in it. tiy . _^^^_S,nce tho llan.l i^,^.,. was";,.;' in;;.:,.,,,, i, ,,, ,,,, ^,,^^, .lont/; .in ;r;:,.::;;;i:; s;;; ::;: -^i-;^; -^ i-n, rev.,,vi„, i„.,opon- "r giving greater wcigi.t uii:;;; ;e;;;;i;od ' "' ""^•"■^ "^""^'^' ^^• T1.C seeti.,u. are eael, .,no fn..t l.,ng an., twenty ind>es ,!i,nneter It can 1,0 easily w,,i.,.;o.I l.y .me man. POTATO DKHIEIIS. ^''''—'''~'-~^^-^'- ^yy>^^T Poryrn Di..yu. ^ ,,. , . .. this ;^„!;™ 'i I^';:s,;;'l;; j;;f ,5i'i;;- -"" "'""^ -"^ « '-' «•""' :.iou~J,':,;n!;Ji;,t's;;t;';;;'y:,i*t;!r'- "■ - """*—■'■' It worlvH M-ell /„.„///,;,„/.,. ..,y,,„;/^ " ' r. simplicity an,, cl.eiipnels specially recmnmn.i it -t'lg. 2< shuw.s the attachu.ont f-r mm!,lin". foi-ty- 1 on ii hoxos nictdl I ruaii in it;'! ■catly ojion- 1, l^'O. ^ 1/ Jc^ ] rith out uM rt "^ C li C ^ -w ; > :- ^r ■• * P -= - = — -C w ic -£ ^ ,' - ~ ':5 " « , ^ ^ =^ .: 5 .^ 5=t:i<^i:^ = ii 2 -£ " is S «■ :« ^ .^ 3 .2^-V 3 2 -J > "iH-i-s ^-?s i ^ i? .5 i 3 ■£ T- tB :i ij j; T" ~ m C u •- -" „ . 3 i 1= - - ti -3 i .s" >IAND CULTIVATOR. Fl,i. ;!(»,_Jf^v..„ CII.TIVATUI!. Fi!,'. ;j(.' rciausL'iits an iiin,r,,v(.,l iini,I..iH..,.f- f, .. .; n . "; '^ - -:..^^.uons, tunnp. .. .„... ,.,,..1 en,., an,I f.. ,lat cuhivuti,,,; ^^^ „^^. -P'""'^ f-'u 8 to 14 inches, i. ,i,I.t, stn.n,, .hn.a^;. ., a.! It will clo tho work of six nvm witJi hoes. [f 1 "If I '^S'v Fi... ;JI.-I.HPRovf:i. ExpAxniN-.; Hoksk Hoe. This is 11 useful inipleniont f.,r workiii- an.] clciufn-. ,. f hot ween the drilLs. " cltanni- r,.,,t ci'ops It is c..nstructec'Ots, iiti'iii easy '0238 suit iciit the tis, ro- l.I After wlii.'Ii .— JIokc an "s Two-Honsi; CrLTiVATOR. The levers are very cnnveni..nt, and casilv oj.crnto.l Vei^di^''^l!v"'T ^' i'^n^' "fl'}''' ^""'"''^ satisfaction. Weight, three hundred and thirty i.nunds. Patknt Two-IIoksk Cn/nvATou „u Gri-dber brac^;:,S,;'S:!^^r:^;;£-iL;';.!;-;: ■•-' ^-^^"^ ^-^^ ^« «tro„,iy cnJi'T^:rir^X^:tC'' ^'^''--^ -"^'^t iron, each se- revurm- t'xtend- ml ; go :n ">* -1 limn I wlii( h !• I II Illy ilo\I''ll ) U :• J iiig a irila, the se- It has largo w.iolojMvhool.nMlt,,,.,,,,. I' ll<. iiti. — I A ()-il() "i'Kl. largo nu,;j,cT«lKvvn'c4^sI.l!r. ^"'^'^•^^•"- ^^•'*'' "■„. uhouls, .,f Tho foot uro la-aoo.l froi,, „,,ir tl„. I„,if,,,u wit), ,,. , Tho Htc.'l IiLulos or cuttcr.s aro lioU.-d ,,>. 'm, or shear, is lai'l with i>teel, .-.n'l the shank, or shin-jiiece, aliove the foot, hronght in so as to pre.sent a small surface in front ami very little resistance in passing,' through (he !-;roiinil. The omission of wheels allows it to nm clr-f to irecs ami honndnries. HAND SEED DRILLS Fio. ?3. — Paidxt PtEorL.vTon Seed D;:ilt,. n i.j Regulator Hanut the C'juntry. It is light, durable and easy to operate, makes its own drill, dn>p:5 the seeil, covers and rolls ir. The inner surface of the seed conductor iieing enamelled white, the operator caii, at a glance, see how the seed is being droi)ped and thereby lireveut any mistake or failure in sowing, a niacter of great importance. The new Hingeil Slarkers mark the row straight at any dist;ri;c3 apart, so that they are much easier tendeil with a cultivator. All springs, slides, reeds, and brushes being dispensed with, the machine is not liable to get out of order. Full directions for using attached t':i each machine. Fig. 3f».-\V£TIIKK.SFIKLD SkEI. BlllLL. ^ ^ !cL eartli upon tl.e see. , , ' r' '"'''"'' ""'^ ^'^'"^y '''^^' "^^ 1 lilt .sct.l, age, Lettuce, Osai^e t)range, inir.sery seeds in sand, Bronni Cdrn, 8<>rgliuni, corn fur fodder, ttc. Nos. 1 and Ih, ample in size fdr ordinary use, lioldin',' three pint.s, yet working perfectly witli ] (,z., the \ery thing for all who need ;i cheap, handy, efficient drill. Weight 18 pounds. No. 2, twice the ordinary [capacity, holding four ((uarts, yet ope- rating perfectly with i oz. of^seed, particularly desiralile for market gardeners, nurserymen and farmers sowing seeds on a large scale. Light running and durable, with convenient markei'. AVeight, 35 Ihs. Fk;. 43. — Plaxkt Xo. 3, ok FKitm-izEii Dkili.. In \ising guano and other fertilizers it is important to ti w them with regularit}', .and in the jiroper quantity and place. In their ajiidication for row crops, from a bucket or liag, it is im- possible to obtain the most desirable results, and it is a most disagreeable, slow and xincertain process. The No. 3 Planet Drill 'is esj ccially dcvi.scd to meet all thefe ob- jections. It holds half a bushel, ami the arrangement of buckets and holes, being similar to Xof, 1 and 2, already described, has the sraue btnc- ticial effect, sowing fertilizers with great regularity and in any[ quantity, also spreading them [over the breadth of the fum w in the mcst desir- able manner. Put in any i'i:, willi a "\tlien in operation tlie "rain f'.T ■ tl„. , i Snuluatedas to tl.e onantitv ^ *™ "l'^'"'"^' t^^'^t can bo H Ranged n..^^ I^^"^^ ^'^'^r^' "'' " '^'''^^^ ^''^"^''^ Tiie n^otion i Z^^^Z 7^^^''^^^ ''^ t--"^ the cra,^. the spout. ° ^ "'"'''' ^'^' *'^" ^''''^""i? connecting it with TJie seed is thrown in front and fr side vi the operator ■on- eight to twenty feet on each Fio. 45.— Grass Seed Sower. This consists of a long box divisioned off into sectLs of tw-^'f t and IS operated by a snuUl lever handh> wide if ''*' sow any .lesircd quantity wilh-ease ^^'"'^ ^' ^vgulated to carried t;:;:!::^!,;^:;"'^'^^-^^-^'^ ^''-^-^ '- «- ^^^^'-^er, and is 3G Fiirmcra having grass seel to Hn\v will muke u cuisidcrahlc saving by using this sower. I make three sizes, to sow resjiectively twelve, fourteen and fifteen feet. TURNIP A GRAIN DRILLS. i Fic. 40.— Improved Tukxii- Seko Drill. a The above figure represents the improved Turnip drill, which is giv- ing perfect satisfaction. The rollers arc made of cast iron and are liollowed to fit on the rows. They sliile along the axle and will themselves to any inequalitie.^i in the width of row.'S. Tile deiith of sowing is regulated by the hind rollers. Tlie seed boxes are concealed from the weather, and are operated by two friction wheels running on the front roller.s. By bearing on the handles sufiiciciit to the front rollers the sowing ceases, which is useful at the end of row.s. The (Muntity to be sown is giugod by a h;\\\A with holes of various .sizes perforated in it whicli fits securely around each of the seed boxes. ■\Voou RoLLEii Triixir Diull. This style Is intende'"- more especially for sowing on the level, the rollers not being grooved. The seed boxes are operated hj means of a chain aMachcd to back roller. In turning at the ends of rows, lift on the han.des sullicient to stop the sowing operation. It does not adjust itself to the rows, but can be changed by means of thumb screws which are also used to change the depth of sowing. The sowing l)oxe3 are the same as the preceding style. / <:i'}.t.±t:ii;tni.f: , UmSf :]8 ^ l.MJ'UKVKh f;];AiN Dku.i. -(.Suu Fig. 47). Every .■•oc this t,; - illillc, 'I'll!' Kac'k ].iirt ',f \\tv fraiiii' cirrN in-- tlir j-itinaii. aii'l ti> wliirli thu cMittfi'-liar i.s als.i uttaclifd, is liit.lir.l ii)„,ii thf asle <.f tlio ilriviii^ uiii'cls: tliis, witli a Iiiii;,'iMl i,v lIcviMc (.urici-liar, allows it to fullov; tIiu .surfauu nf Iho groiiii.I, ln-wuvfr uiirMii. ami kufiiiii',,' tlir tdiuu'ctiii-- \\"l always S(iiian,' witli tlic kiiivcM. ' ' Tliu L'littei'-liar is mado of steel, li-ht and stroii;^ ; it i.s .^uioiily raised liy a lu\ei' in order to i)a.s,s owr olistruution.s. Its leadiii!,' and jjecnliar feature is a'^ motion given to tlie eatter-liar, wliicli is regidated liy tlie liriver. it cuts a Hwatli 4 feet wide, and will ent fi'oni .seven to ten aeres jier Uay ffi'^t A,;";'V '■i'"'iil,ii!!rfiio---.-*^i''j> ir a' V'.- r c m ■ m S IIM- 1 t!..' iviiiu v tlu- .•klv fli l.or r c. 'lv, in'-^' '-« "" -'« ''-ft. Those requiring two single machines will fln.l thoir wants fullv supphod with a Spraguo Mower ami a JJunlick Reaper. ^ Johnston's Self-Rake Reaper. (See Fig. 54.) Tins Reaper is strongly ard durably built. The best materials are used in its construction. Its machinery is compact. The finger-bar is a cmbination of wood an<{ iron. The rake revolves ro.nd an axis ch-Ko to the driviii" wheel so fctm " "''""^' """'"' '^' '"''"'' "'■ '^'^ ^'"^'^ -ith.^ut; no 8idV"raugl ,1 '^'^''''''' *^"=^'"^ '" '"''^'"^^ grain rapidly, v, th little or This reaper has been in successful operation for six years. Its many points of excellence have won for it dnriixr ih»t +;,.,n ., multitmlo of, and a position never before/ S,e J bymn harvester 111 so sliort a time. F<,r the tir,t two or three yeai's ft S comparat.yely l.ttle known : but during the past three seisins t w'h widely intr,ducod throughout the principal wheat-growinc^ sedi Vr', f the land, and gained a popularity vnpieculentcd ::i th: Siv- f reaping machines. n-i t.^ T 45 ]^:f:m z Fio. 51.— JoH.vsTo.v'.s Self-Rake Reaper. ^^n(0 ^cs 17 KiKLv CuMBi.vKo Mow,:k ano Sklf-Rake Kkai'kk. (See Figs. 55, 50 & 57.) A Combined M..worau.I Reaper, to l.e sncce.ssful, u„rk .kt ^ayjnj..tophy w.uher. whether .,n ..„gh, sn.-lth, uliVl^ ::Sh::h:rr.^^^"' '" "^^ '^""'^ -' -'^^'-^ "^ ^-- -" .-- The Kirby works sucee-ssfully u„,ler any of tlie above couaiti..ns. o H o a; TlfK KiKUY MoWKK. _ The mai. parts of tlie Kirby Mower are, a strong cast-iron fran.e W 2 '^''^""^If !^'"^^ '^' --"' '- -J-J^ the gearin. is'ca..ied ; \ ) ^ ^ bar o wrought-iron, snch as to secure perfect stiffness and str n..h ^ I a knife or cutting-bar of steel. «"tn,tii, an.l drivin!r.;^!:r f*^'.^^-'*v'"' "''^'^' ^" ^ ^^'^■"'- «-^' ^^^ '-^^^ -^^ -f luZi.:;;;::' "^ ''" ^^^^^^^ ■"'"' ^-"^"^ -^'^"^ ^--'-teiy The frame and inner end of t!ie linger-bar are balanced and raised .y tlie weight of the driver alone ; a slight lifting by the ri-dit fo, , the stu-rnp bemg all that is necessary to effect this By a lever at the right hand the outer end of the bar is easily raised In he Ku-by Mower the finger-bar has no joint whatever it a.vays stnught, and, therefore, the knives and cuUing gear a e alM^ HI hne, and work freely and sniootldy. ^ But the independent action (joi"nt) which every mower must have oalWi to pass flexibly and easily over elevauons and obstruct on M n he frame of the Kirby, or rather in connection betwe" . e rame and t!ie dnve-wheol, and this joint answers tlie purpose eflectually and economically. ^ '"posc A light, convenient reel is sent out with eacli machine, tliat is of the greatest advantage in mowing. When properly managed^it never fails to give satisfaction. I. -5 E.i Fio. 50.-Ti.E Krunv Mowkr at Woi;k (wirnon T TlIK IlKKI,). 48 ^o •rj I M Ed i/2 b3 O ■-N' Q -l;ER AND CinrXDSTOXES. Fig. DS.-Mowino Machine Knife Grinder. £ - /ai^^Joj This Machine can be attached to any «rindstonp ,.i,.^i , small. "'.y oiinusione, Mnotjitr liu-ge or It is easily adjusted, does excellent work, is easilv or,m..,+< ] i very durable. ' t.isuy ojierated, and By it, the knife is helil firmly to the stone in,! +i,„ v. ■, ahke on every section, so that iCl^yefZihTl^SS,^^^^^ nniformly and readily frround cutter-bar are ^^ ,^^^ with it can grind much quicker and better than two can Farm^Grindstones. ally sT,W.''"" ''''^^''- ''^ ^^P^^^^^^« *'- Farm grindstone most gener- It is hung on rollers and ready for use. An attachment for working by foot is easily attached I also supi^ly the stones and fixtures separately. Family Grindstone. A V -.y convenient and useful article in the kitchen Tne frame is made of cast-iron secured to a wooden bottom dianJJr'""'' """ "'''^' "^ *^' ^''' ^'''^ ^^' ^"^ ^^'•^^"re ten inches Large Mill Stones. These are supplied tr order, and are made of all sizes and qualities. 51 HAY TEDDERS. ■ge or and lineil r are anie. foot fset aiife can ner- lies es. ■■-tf^ -Tjii; Ami;ui( ax Hay Tei.i.i:k. a » ^^ The draft of this Tedder is light and easy for one liorse anai^?;;;:^;;.s^s.u^^^^^" '^^'^^^^^ "' -' ^-" -^ «r-i raise??Ulor:!^!:;-^ieS;:;i^:?l^'' ^'^^ ^''•^-'•' "- ^-'^^ -" '>" maciS.^:t^::;kt"iSfieM;h]u't7"r^!,^^'^^ ^^^-^ --^ ^'-- tion;ieStub!;\;;d.'"'^'^ *" *^^"^' ""^'^'"^"^ «I^"- HORSE HAY RAKES. t'V n Fig. go.— The Ithaca Wheel Rake. ,. be^t^sar^h^lfotet'^ .»..,e .tro,,,. „„„ doable, ''a.I/o'?^.,,'/^ imiMmu. It haa 20 teeth, winch are spniig-steel, oil-temperej 52 i iltii>s ou 11,0 seal ' "*■ ' «"»"1''» "i" il^fK.t,,,- whiK,. sitting Oil tlio soat. will cut it closoly. ^ ° ^ ' ^"' ^^''^^ *^'^' ""^wing macliino This rake has paid for itself i„ one «ca,s.,n, in rakia.g .stubl.le alone re,ui;vS£;;^e^Sir,:::.;f'^' '" ''™^ ^•y-i^.lo bolt, any U does not thresh the grain n..r collect dirt ^,^^Jn uU respects it has prove.l to he a really lirst-class hay and stuhblo sentod l.y Flo! 48. ^ '"^^ "' ''^^" '"^'y cAicient), as repre- Taylok',s Sulky Hay Rake. the IdifiSed iS"'"' "^ '''^''^' "'•' "^ «-- -«l-ts resembles heinJK"SS^S.^^ "^ *'^° ''-''^ ^' ^^- teeth and a spring lu those respects it is by son.e co„si,lere,l preferable to the Ithaca. liG. 61.— Sulky Wood Hokse Rake t'U. ^ IB ' < ■ > . actul:"^ t-th are n.ade of wood and have an entirely independ'ent In raking grain stnbble it does not thresh tlie grain easilJdSSeS: " '"^^^ "^' ''' ""^^"^ "^ ^ ^^-^^ J-"- the load is It rakes heavy eqnally as well as light hay or stubble, xhe teeth are strong and durable. e-/oG/^^ e 'fo(* ^ 53 Fit;, r.2.— Ri;v.,i/,i.v,; JIoiisK Hay Raki;. This Rjiko is hukIo ' cf the first 'iniility timber in a vury siihstnntial iiianuL'r, with sijuaro teeth sliarp- onei.1 at the pointa. This is the hest ami .siiuplcst I'iiftern of revolviii-,' rakes ; but I would rcconiiuoiKl the wlieel rakes f . lr\L itl n. • , . *° ^^^^^'^ ^^'^° ^"-^ ^*^i''l it) fiii'l who I' 'tJi/ fiave su.f'.cient rukiu- t(j .h, to justify tlio expenditure. The teeth of this rake differ inden^^th, but not so inuch as shown in the above representation. /o6^ns are instantly overcome. It will take more hay in a singlsj forkful than any horse can elevate ove.' single tackle blocks, and tv,-o horses have taken a ton at one tlrauflfht. Pulleys and Rope supplied. 5} TlIHEsmxc; MACHINES. ii Fio. fiJ.-IMn:„^^;„TM.,.:sH^:u.^^,. S,,,,H^,o,, Iii'lhe construction nf UiJH macliino ,„. „ • «l'are- imney.s, they ^vill be put on ° ^' ^'''"•'^'-^'•> Pi'efor wooden I furnish it with Eyer's Patent Sieve in it, without extra char.. VlliKATOK TllUKSHINo MacIUXE. otherSnSn^Sg;^' ''''''^' "^ ^'- ^^''-'- -HilVrs fron. all No grain belt or canvas apron is used. obstructiuu or packin-' ^ ^ ^ *^'' '*''"^' ^" l'''^' «»-^^'^o'!i without < m * f 55 9 lecn i on ivo- ecl ick ] t Hiv iS!" i'T''''' ''"■' "^" ^''"^ «^'l''ii''*"i' i'-i >"a'lo ill two .sections, uacli about 1 . .J]^"" lowx'i- M-d-'ti'-n lia:s a ti-ht bottom to l,„l,l tho grain after it livs ^ v^^wW V-"'^'" *''m'*^'^^V , ^* I'^'-J^'^*^ "■'^'-»- tl^o concave a trw ^f 1 if ''""' ^^-'T^' ^''" ^"•"'■'■'^■^' "'^^''">'t its goin., into tlio t v' .' n :i1. f ■^'■"' l'^-"Ji:',^'t'' -v"'' the sieve, and is pcrforateJ so th.t tiiu gKun tails througii on the sieve, u-itl/^l!'/."- '^'f '''■"^'"" I'''' " '";"'""' ^"'■"'^"' "f snbstantial \vo,„len slats, u imuS-iTT •^'''t7^''tl|o>'i to periait the grain to fall thnnigh , 1 f i'^" H"*'"- h^^'^i'-^ ,'" "^icli, reaching from .me bar to the other nearly the untu-o length of tlie separator or ■u^n?].',"'^ '"'"/"'" fl^l'*''""''^,'! "» «^v-ing ro,ls, and are n.a.le to vibrate 01 Mung baekwarl an.l forwar,! by means of a crank shaft an.l i.itmans. „ ,i„,!r;.rv'l T 'T"^ *'"''; *'^"^' '""''^ "^ ^Pl-'^it*^ .Urections, one e' '1^. er u.'T " "*^'^^; ^:'^''''^ I'ackjvanl, tlms perfectly cunterbalancing Wuiing ' " '" "" " ' l'"''^"'^"^' «^i'l ^^i^l^""t bracing or t1.n .^'r ''"-'^'':-'''^i'? ^■i;'^ connected to tlie out-si,le framew.,rk, s,. that, as mvn wuh .;::n!''i '""h""' ^"■*''' -^ ^^^"^^-^ ^^^^ ^'""-'^ ^o th;.o«- .,; ,; (town with a (jnick siulden motion indi.rtti:VT^i"M' '""^^If^- '^* tl';; l^'^'^l^ end than in front, ami this slightest stoi)i)iiig or clogging. The deck back of the cylinder is made circular, so that the straw is a once deHected to the lingers, and prevented from shooting by !.] :;^::^!;;" ?EwSn" '"^^^' ^^^-^^ ^^^^^ ■'-' '^^''^ -^^-^ ^-^ ^- Tub Littlk Giaxt Thuksukr and Sepauatou. (>Soo Fig. 05). \Vh, Jf^'ov !iV?rl''/^'''nn i' ^?;P;^^'l';^! threshing from 200 to 300 busliels of and iarle " ' "'' 1'"'' ''''^' ^'^ ''"'^^ ''^'" *'""*^-^l^ ^''^''^^ It threshes clean, and is not liable to throw grain over, havin^^ peculiarly constructed shoo and shak.^rs. Canvas elevators and sieves are disi)onsed with IJie straw and chaff are taken from tlie cylinders by rakers ; the w X?l ' 'r"\""i* ^'^ ^'^" "'^^^'^"^'^ '^y an ingenioni contrivance worked by cranks, which serves to give the straw an additional shake, t^i 1 ■''"/ «h*/^'\ f'^'"' ''>' '' ^^'^'^ ^^"I'^'i-' which also riddles SieJta^is;;^ "'"" *'" "'^^* '^'"'^ ^'^'^ ^'"^ «^"^- *^- -'-' - - Tile cyliniler measures 28 inches long, by 1.3.^ inches diameter hiuS!'^' "^'''' '^ '"'' '"''^^ *^ ^^''' *'°'^^^ "^ °^'"^'y ^^"•' ""'"'^ t^^'*^ ^'^"tr.; The length of the machine over all is nearly 12 feet, without ton^^ue whichcan be taken off if desired. ^lou^ lon^uc, It is intended to Ije driven by six horses, although only four are Sometimes used. ^ w,V w'*" n-'' "^^^'^1 "^ 1'".'?''' «P°cially adapte.l f.jr tliis machine, works floor *" "l "'°-'" '-l^ I " ^*'^' ?'"■"' '^"""^«t«^l ^"th a jack on barn fl 01, and driving with a short belt inside of barn, A-hich will cover any objection to the ohl style of havin- driving belts exposed to the weather drive it^ '*^" ^"^*' ^'^S'*-'!'"""""'! h'>rse-power has sufficient power to ^J (Continued.) Steam Machixk unloading s neces arv Z\Z1 "'" ""•"•?*''^'' ^'^ ^^ thresh^^ l^n "!?' ;^^ ""•^"''' !? «^^"io.l than ' /C threshers. Full paiticuhir.s on applic ;iti( 11. oil tJie horse-jjower Fi((. 57 0(J.-1:y.;u's Patknt Sikvk i-.k Thkkshin,; .Mv.hini:s. Tliis Si.'vo iiiH ^'iiiiicMl till) fiMidliiiticn (f iho fanntTH • thrt-'slHis whtrtvcr it ]lilH IfCll illtl(illl CL'I. iJiiek 7)1 f It C(.:mi>*f.'i of ji wikhIcii friiii.i) i.f whiituvtr sizo dc- ^iu•^;ll (u (it liny iiiiicliiiu', C(.vuie(l witli will! or zinc in ♦ ho uauiil iiininicr, witli llireo falls of two iiielus encli. A ,vifi. J*. • 1 '" • ■■'" '^''-'^'" '^* tlio two lowtjr fulls is iiisurtcil uith stn.n- HpikeH. „ver wliicli tlio stnuv is oarrio,! is taking pj;;ii;''"""* ''""'''* ''^'^ ^^""' ^''^^ '^'^<^<>«^ "•'''''^t tho sqiaratiun I)ioco (it wodil ;icni>s U. ,Ioo3 n-.t chuko up „r cln^r, an.l is vorv .Inral.le. 1 will furiusli It ..u any tlirosliing luachiao witliuii itlioiit extra chai''o. C ' fc(fi'i^f Fio. C7.-LAPriN's Patent Movable Gear for Threshing Maohi.ves. This gear enables tho h.,rse-power or throshiiK. machin.. bTh^, Descriptive circulars fiimished on application. Machixe Jacks. Suitable for driving all kinds of machines. frorv, • * ^-"'^ ^'f ',''■"'"'= '*'■'''''' '^"t*°''«' ^^■<'- : has a strong cast-iron frame, in one piece, bolte, to a wo,..len frame to stand on-a knuckle a" speed" '" ' ^''^' '"""^^'-■'^ ^""'^ ^^'^^^^ =^* *1'« "ther, with increased useful! ^'^''^ "^ ^'*"*' "'''""' •''"'^ ''■'" ''^ '"'^"'^•' ^'^^ convenient "ana UniSK I'OWKKs. -I'HT\ It) H')i!si; I>.n\Kit. «ttol, till, uhcrls clr.soly lUto.l, nn.l |,v J i|" '"x.nLf ,,s linc.l with Uabbitt motul, .111.1 CUVOIV,! with .lust Hhifl.lM. cj .Hs tho at ..uch un.l .,f thu ll. .'" '"111,^, twiste.l.mtof i...(,iti,,|,. Iho" un.l fnction rullur.i ,ii-o f;ico.| ,m,l thc-ir le, tunuMl. Tho s„ H wu;,!'tlr''n^"'",''"^^'>'"'""I'"''-«talH';:- twuuii tlio Mills .ir lieiuns. Jiein;,' ul.nut f.,ur times larj/er tlnn «l«'wly .Hn.! u..iir much loss. For lightiiuMs .,f .Iriui-ht, .lurahilitv '"»'! I'owor, tho TittH has nT. sJiporior/ ^ Two-HouME Power. f 1;"h1s ..f farm uso whoro tho wu rk is iu,t (I'o hoiivy, '^ It is iim.lo to run with twD h.irses. an.l witli a ,,ick if roquiro.1 t.. drive, l,yK ' ].,,,,,f '"'•^''"■'^/'•^■'i''' '''/.'/'''■'''•/.-'•" l.y. mo- F.-r .Iriving Grain Crushors, ^'cc iargiT p.-wors aro prof oral )le. ' " ^Ay^//. gonorally s..l,l f,,. aSmSe^^-^^^Jli^^^'^-^'i'-'-i-^. -''-h facti^r'"" "'"^*"'^ ■" i'""-^^ ^^'^ -»y "^'^ -"I'-c HuiteU to tl:oir satis- i . Fi.i. (;;•.— Tkeai. I owi:u. /Ct/?* i .l.t . "I5,' .1 M, 11, III tlllVslllli;^ llllt'lllIR', JVu sizw aro nmdu t» Ik ilnuai l)y,,.:o an.l twn horsos rosiioctivcly. M^. T Fid. 70-Dn(; PowKir. - ^ ^ ^ '' S ^ An olliduiit nnil -log „r shoep j„,\vor, whicli c:in l,u mod to uJ:™t":i;;: t;zj;;;"'' "•'•"-'"^■""■- '^■*"'""""'. '^'- ^-^ " v„il£ cn-ssu-i.-ic, ii].-,ii wlucli the auiiiiHl travels. The; i.s i.iv.yiaod with a heavy ImIuuco wlieul, also an aaiust- c.nuii 111' tlic Hi'/.tj (jt thc! uiuiual. whidi' li™ 'i ,?"",!1';""""'S »ttid„„..„t «J,.,„ 11,0 mMont tl,o fnino, thr.,„»l, .;rti"r;,ut *,',?;i:i,'r'" "•'■"""»' "" "■'-«"■" "-■■-»• ■■■■ ■■■■*-« liijy aro uttc.l w.tli pulloy^ to .Irhe thu Dlauchanl Churn. satisf^JSr'l ,r V -'^ l'"^vcr have hoon sol.l, and ure giving entire b.iti,,iatu. .n. I also f urnisli several .style;, with circular i>latferin8. T. .T.MAX Dkau Sawixg MA"I.rnve,l tlie past .ea.s-m '; the oh- vif ? 'i^tf""'" /"!• the hrirscs tu walk over lia. l.een di^pen.sed MitJi, a tunibhng rod lleln^' suhstituted. ^ reauuS J:: w;;rk ^ '"'^ '''''-•'' ^'^'^' *•• ''^ ^'-"'^ -^ '^ ^-•"" - '^" that is The whole machine is easily manage.], and. gives goo.l sati.sfaction. ].} lem.iving the saw and pitman and attiuhin- a .shaft and Dullev this power can be applie-l, by means of a belt, to a circu r sawim' maclnne, small thresher, grain crusher or other li'-ht n.vchiiie--y ° t ig. , 1 represents this power aj.plied to a .straw cutter four l™r ''' ^'"**''"' '"' *''' ''^"" I'""'^il'l^. t" '■"-' worked by CO ! ll i^. 'J M -<) «2 i| Eh ^1 Ui 1 1 o w to '■( O r (4 1 o H O d ^ /o(^ f ^ ^ Yu\. 7J.— Caxadiax Sifter Fax>-i\g I\Iii.i,. The scrouii i.s worked uj) uinl (l,.\vi. 'i]w shako ciiu bu easily chaiigoil. lMi'i:ovi;i) Dorj5T,K-ArTi,j.\ jrij.. w].oiSS- oxhiSr""'"^ '"'* 1'"^" '^^ ^''^ ^'^•'^^•"''^'^^' l^xhlbiti-.n, ana th" ^j^-;;s'u!!f';;":V'f "'f f"'"^'? ^^ ''\ ''"^''''^ "^^''^"' ^viudi ouabio. li "r' f , l\ 1 T 1 *" ■m''-'*' ""l''^P"»'lent of cich other. Jt can bo ioji..ate,l so that either will have a heavy or li-l.t sh-ik^. <.,. t),.,f i i siev.;s uu.l scroou will work cx.u. in anv grain ^ ■^'''^'— •^" ^'''^t both ;. ]■• i "•' '""^ «q>:uMte. -ram porfeetlv at a siu-io oi.eraMon m^"'' '""'""^ '""' '^"^^^'''^ ^'-'^^ -'t-- satisfaction 'in t;^::;; It is furnishea with the latest iiui.roveuicnts. Patkxt C. S. Fannin,; Mill. The j.lan of constrnction of this mill .litters very niatcri illv fro „ n,„ precemng patterns, whioli is l.rieHy state.l as follow! ^^ '"" ^'^" ch m ^''"ft^^}^ «-'^"l« ]vhich are dolivore.l at a spout on s ile of n n of ti^ Jin^s:is'S2r ''''' ''-'' --^^'^- '- ''- i-- rjio nnproveil (piadrant motion will -ai,iax Chief Cokn Sheller. adapted for either hand or UepS ^' "'™ ^" ^^''^ "^"-t-, and is. The r ''" 'V*""""^ '^'" '^ f™"<^- " com and cobs then fall ol L int^l.; e 'vvi e ^ie'^ ^ ,"' ^^^^""'^'- ^he 7,;K-r '"''''^"^*'' ^^'i^ awarded first i.rizp Mf Tr'«1^''T ^'-'Parates it. iHbztion, „, comi>etition with In^vL^Z^^ir!^^'^'' International Ex- 03 ?C']i;iratr,rs ii« .seasi .11 'lino t!iat lay, wiih- tiie hull lino. ^Iion the II li\f to fC ^ r the iron, d is- ited rhe Ex- /(1 ;•(/ It takes up very little .si,,ce, .■n,.l is cheaply cn„,stn.cte,l .dthou-.l. strong and servicoablo. '•''CiuctLd, although ORAIN CRUSHERS. ^ Fi.:. 75,-Patext Wood Fhame Gkai.v Crcshfp Fig. 7G.-IR0X Frame Graik Crusher. This figure represents a now pattern of grain crusher hav- ing been recently improved in .ill its parts. The advantages of bruising oats, &c., before giving them to horses and cattle are too well known to need any notice here. Suffice it to say, that with horses in their 2>rime their is a saving of 25 per cent, by feeding them with oats crushed by these mills ; with horses too young or too old to masticate properly, the saving is considerably more. These mills are use for cattle. r crushing corn, t.afs, peas, and other grain. e^/bi^f%if - i oM.e'''5ieir,I *;;'" ''"^'^' ^^•""^■-' -^l--- -e running faster than the ' a ., uhidx,, tho crnshmg, w:iica can bo s.t to yviua c.^ir^e or fine l-y means of ft^ljnstinu' screws ^ ' ^^t::^^'^ '-Mtlje roller l.,.e. in,, lace arc let into the ^!]^^' ^^^"■^:'"' '^'''"""''' ^^^■^"^^'' ^vithont a possibility nM .to«;'";;'f ^""'Tr''^ f-rthei,nr,ose, gives the rollers a-i -Pi, u.anyof spnngn.g Lack enough to let a, nail through without mat enally 111 nu'ing the rollers. ° "ujiou: This n.ill is capable of gvi„,liug fnun HO to (X. bushels of grain per I-ur, and wdl do xt better than it ean be .lone in any other waVAsY^ does not licnt ni grimling, it will not heat or snur in the bin It will also l)reak up tlie small seedx. They re.pnre fr,.m tliree to six hordes to drive them, aecordin- to the kmd (,f gram, amouni fed in, v^cc. "^ STKAW CUTTEKS. Fio. 7r.-MANeUKsTi:u Stiiaw Cittkr. (See Figs. 77 A 78.) The l)est straw cutter in cve]y respect. It isdesignei .wer an.l t wo handles for '...nii use. M knives are ll^o^■iile.l ^' xth several set screws each, ^^■hich enable the knives to be set AvitJi accuracy. They ^feed themselves in the mo.s't ^perfect manner. ^ It is very substantially ^_ made, and capable of cittin- ^ It . so .rang^ that by a chan^, of g J^ li^l^;;^;;- IJ^^ t^u^o;^;^;;.^™;;^ -, ;l:^: "'^''' - ^^^^ ^---^^ --I can be h.stan- ^^^^ J'he knive. are circular in shape, and fastened to the arms of the fly It has an adjustable throat to suit heavy c • ■ n , r from ))oth sidei. ^ -'* ' '''"^S, i i f ii ^ with carriers (which l1ur i^h o ^ il "'"'■u ''''"'' '''' ^*^^^'""^ it performs admirably, l^^^^^ 2 n^'l " ' >"' '^^""*"" '''''''' siblo manner for feed. ^ '^'"^'^"-'^^ "^^ '" ^^'^ ^^'^^ P««- Four sizci are mile — "Vos i o o i-. « •., , , from 9 to 12 inches in width Tl 1 V '" 1 . ' T "^y^'^^'"' ''^'^'^'S jur ., iieues in wi.(ti). Hie Iv o. 4 st.uids on three lei's rntc Kv ^ ditferent lengths, an i is intended for ha;,d use only. ' I r C'fol^L fio < I y C'fol,n Iiy. 78 shows tlic Manchester .Straw Critter witJiuut the s^ieM ;j..cstiou the value au,M;;;:s;i;;;,;t;vtfr%'' ''^ r ^^■''' led to cattle and lioises <^"ttmj Jiaj and straw before it is S.un^S^;!ot%^;:^i^Sr^-" '''■^'' •" *'- --".of fodderalonethe goud'Sl"' ''"" "'' "'^^'^^^^ '^^^'' '--^1 -'^^ '- f-"ul to n>ake very TJiis is bey.nd doul,t tlie best straw cutter in use. .Straw Cl'ttki!. ^ This cut represents a .Straw Cutter which has given i,'ood satisfaction. ° It can be worked by liorse- ]H.wer. i'.nd is very light work tor one luan to turn it. Tile shaj"3 of the knives en- ables the straw to he cut vS cleanly. A lifting feed coiupresser, worked b_v a spring, is situated between tJie feed roller and kim-cs, M-hich keei)s tJ- ,. ^ion 01 the knives from dr,..'!'.g it through, and is now mauc with ii protector to iire^-ent tlie oi)er- knives bv accident or +l„. „ i , ^^"^''^ '^'"^^'^ getth.g into tlie rn, -^ 'iccKient or tJirougli carelessness. 1 hree sizes are luatle tt'sLJriiJf:^ "::!!?'!^?^!'/-L^-y-' ^.-i-'^i^i^: -'jn^ted t,> cut the straw into any one of hve adapted for horse-p(jwer No. ■" ' ' ■ ditt'jivnt hjngchs. and is specially No" 'i I'''' J2-in. mouthpiece, Mvo k-nives, and is chi^Sv" w'l f T^ ,"> 'n^hpieee, two knives, ou r , . •^ "•^'^'^ f"^' li'iiid-power. 1 Ilia ni ir.l.;..,x ,..:il 1. r I ,. . cuts three lengths. Uts three lengths, and 1 Ins m ichine will b. found veiy emdent and satisfactory for hand use. W?.M CG Th; .1 ^''■' "'t^^'"'"'^ Gxaxt Stkaw Clttlp C - I hL iQi, nusj,tyle lamtuiK UhI f,,r thoso wli,. i • ,' ' ^'^'"•> to tnc n-auu>. " i>n(''-!aiitc's, sccurciy uttachcl the uul",n?"l.^;!^^,:;:;,f -" '^^^ ^eann,,an.l a-lju.t th«.seh.s t. JSte to :;i^^ ^'"^^-' '-^ ^''^-o out one .f the kaive. Ci-.MMi.v;'.s Feed Cittki!. by a horse-power, as well as Sel^gl J'if SuS^;^^^.^' "" '^ ''""' ThlSl3aManelestt■r8tr•nv^^^f,,..„lr• ■ ,^- / w^y ,' J>««- ^vliicJi makes it more ccan^^" ^2 he^ S''^'^^ ' ^'"'^'^^»- 'J^ «'^e fi'-me. two single machines. ^ ' ^^'^ '^"'* ^' " ~ ' -- ^J^al less than The frame is made sufficiently heavy -ij ;. , It gives good satisfaction. ' ' "■'-'-'• -■i?*®'^ C7 c]:ine to i'", v.ith ittacliu'l I to the ^Ives to Little diiven G fS^ me, lian CoArniNEn (imsm.n am. ,Sin\\v Ci-itfi; to .irivo .^.1 i^Ln^;:;; i::;^::;^: ;::ir-' ^''''^ '- '^-"^^ ^"'«^-* fran Ji!' °"""'^' "^^ ''^^ i''''*-'^"' ^^ -'V "f ^i.e Manchester «tmw cutter K.;comnien.lo.l for farmers an.l raisers. Cjiampiox G'ia.n-t Strvw Cutter. ThUh tho largest an.l fastest cutting straw cutter ^J''::nlZ::^::tti'^'' ^'"'^ ^*^""^^^ ^"•'^'^'^•^ - "^-''y -Fare, an,[ is p J^nt^thi Ssiirit ^;;.!;:^ia^ •;j^'-''^"^ ''^^^-^ ^'- ^^- on.,s :^,fcf !:; fe;;:\:'tr^hT^^'^ '" ''- '-' '-'^ -^^ ^^'^^h cutting. ■' ^'''' ''-'-' ""'> •T' luov/, wluh? ]tcut.sfroHi ];[, to 2 ton.i per hui:r. ROOT CI"rTER,-\ Fio. 8-— Gardner's Patent Root Cutter. C ^/o^ /// Tliis style of Roofc Cutter is the best in use It 13 niaile very strong, witJi reversil.lo knives so arrin^e.! +1,.+ 1„ tumn:g the cyhnder in one direction the routs a^rsu'e/ro^a^si^ pr *r^^ r,s f: "I'c.u,:,., ulijio l.v I T'l-si ii-'r]i an 1 Clll 'ovti'Muii' th VC.J. O llllili tin-' ir.i'lo ai!l)ioiuii;!y ti 110 Th fall thr.inL'l ^'l•,lto .,f (lio 1) I'l-oviilod iii a latt and u fiiitli i'l'CTa!!'.u-.i fliu ,li,.t r c.iiMj,u f.,r t!if T Crr rui iJp.s stvle ».f j; ditto It .s^■lnll,^ (,n foiii' wroii'^ht !• if extensively in Groat 1 jrrumi. siuiplo and dunl-l "■""' li'ys .strongly Lraced, and IS \cry T ] roots w over, a si iie operation is performed 1 Hg.o pre,i,>nro on tJio Jover 'y .-i flo.sely-iitting I.joek In.lted t o tlie iiiioiit scatter in'' tlioin. cutting the entire hopi.or full of ^wo sizes are nnulo, witJi U'on or w <'od lover Fiii. bo. I-'Mni!.; Root CrTTj.i; (Patknted). (•Soo Fio. 8;j.) f o, t hoard, winch ]kis a pn.joclin- kmte the entire length. ° The operation is performed ))v .orking a lever up and down, cutting 'otwoon one and two busliels per niin' uto suitable for cattle. When required for sheep, i)ut the roots twice through. ^ .It takes up little room ; can bo c:irned in one hand. Face Plate Root Cutter. ami by c„>,„.tni„,, i„l„ s,,;;! ilK^i,::' Jii;':",,':''' "'" ■•»'» i" tim, sli °oa CO hL'h Common- Cvr.iNui:it nmyv Cvrn.H. iouving the pieces i sVicurf S '"'? r" '""^' '''^ '^ '■^■^*'1^'^«. 1 M.CL.S u,i ccittlf. 1 he Size of Hlicen cannot lie chaiigeil. R(JOT PULPEllS. Fig. 84.— Bextall'.s Patext Root Pclpek. Ho, I!':S^t^.S'^ ^;:^^^J ^^- -f -0.1 for feeding cat- pulp ]^as roaJhed t lo sta o of W, ^ ^ ^-^"'H ^'"'^"'"*' ''^"'f ^^'J^^^" ^ho 1^ a peculiar arrangement of tlie 1,-inv-,.., +i, . fivm jumping up or hiding enl^ys ' " '""*' ''^^■''^ prevented It ha. two handles fur liand power, and a pulley for lu^r^c-no-ver Extensively used in tlie manufacture of sugar-beet. '" ' " t^/aO /9j/ i'i':i-: i' ^■n'-\.Mi.:Rs t-h I'j S.J. — \ . ;il L I.Tli.'AL ,Stka .Miii; A; Ij •ii-h.j; This useful on tlio i 13 IV ci : rC0(,kJll>r fn 1: ^' /6^;^=> It U-U!, !111<1 Clsuwlicl l', f, IS m:ii!u in l.v 10 ii;vi)er ouo tlio st_,. U'.,'e barrol tliat st.unl. o fjecfiDiis,—' i!0 eaui attac!iiu,t, which hai 'I'lii^iiiy other |,urposo3 "XT Olio bcii]" I y stoiuii, th(ui,r|j 3 il T) iio ctn !(!)•, ,i; piI>o taut loads hdi ■uiii ^T.^i-itely from or cunj,,: • v i- ho ^f , ' ''^""^ ^^^-'^io^'^'^l to be n3e.! ••'•3 It 13 pcrfootiy secure,] , • ■,;':' f". ' ''^ ''^' ^''.""I'l very valuable, |.f exj, osion. Tiie furnace is urn e ier imi,-,t /w,oi,. /7„, c.„,,r,.v, .7,, f , , food, Ac, cVc. ^.i'.KoM/./ of cod-ed o^■er uiie, oked • lol^i^l iiio II 1130(1 I, ].y T]ic Mith per t-loU,io ••'"•• M. l'\Ti:\T Ci,,;;): :M,r,i,. '''''';'";." 'i';^t outs ,uul the,, i,T„.,lu.s '''' Iwni(.vi:t) ('ihr.i! Mirr, 'Ins IS an improvement .m the iM-eecliii - -It lew a cuiitei' sh -ft, Avith tlv wh-.'l f,i .l,'.- .,.,,.1 F'T h.i-i:| (.)■ ]i >i')e-iM)uvr. Fi.j. 87. Fio. 8-^. 0^ io(^in This Vy /'"■ f'T^'""' ''""■' "'^ ^\■'^^^ I'UK... wind, ,t ,lnes t,. pcrfoefinr. "^"^ < "n', ('la,.,,,., Henu.., Ac It I"' m>S Chucso l.y puttin- rl„.,l It liiwiui irriii „,,|„ ,.,,,1 ,.,,., , ";" """ 'f. f'lvy thrc.Ml ciif nn if, "'" *"'""'''^ i'"^' '^^•''-•w (not, AI-'yca„u-„rkituitl.o,,.soI.y„,iM..-,!„.| v An..tRa. stylo i.s nu.Io uiH. .-,„,; '"' \V eight 2(H) Ihs. ' ''"'t"i;'. ciist) with a fl^V, ,^,.., j'ltESSE^. -"• " ^^tai^sm£S Sf£~^ ^'"' «^-^^^''^^'■ Lkv.k Ham, Ph,:... (! «- / 06 O'l h!;!?! l^JK"' ' '"'^ -'vcuicnt, su).«ta„tiaJ, a„.l easily ,, er.t- i- Jetly level at ail tje " nl hii:;:. iS'fc,/;!- ^^-^ tl- FoHotlj \ a.lW so as to a.ljust tl.enj • -e^ j ^' • •''"'%^'' ''^ '^tt'^^'I'^.l to the twese Presses will recomiise tiiis i. -m • ""' "''"' '"'« faim!i,,i. with ni ;] '•iiviiii,' ail Nt) with a '■'' I'lVSS. I'erat- fr< lu ' bo.v. • wJat.s main urate ckle- oMor ) tlio with l>a,ss ■ tho iee], '. tho )Wei' the n< wcu?'; i,M,;^,r, ;:,r;::;;;:i,,:„';,'' ':tTV'- " '"'"'""< »" '■nlii-o l..,s f„r ii||:,," ■- ' " " ■" "'" " """"»» »■' »■' t" luiii- til.. Sizo of Half, U'li-th ;{ fcii Id inchf.s tjo. wi-lfhL'ffut I iiH'h. \\ fight of l;,i]i., ir.o to L'0(» Ih.s,la.v, fr,„n 4 t..r,. Ut'ight of PresH, HOO |lw Pn..ssnrooxcTto.l l.y Haucl I'mwct, i:. T. .... IJq.tli (,f n,,x to 1.0 tilloil, 5 foot. «,,■ ,:";u.,'i!':":j.''il;;;;";,"«'.:f," »"-"■• >■»■■""» ■■"-• •-» «."> ^yi,.. With tho priiitcil (Hroctidns I furiiisli tJw.u ,..,„ i opcrato.1 hy an iiioxperioncea pors-m. ' "^ '"'' ''" *^^^ 'ft up anjw..a 1 .* ■■.■•Ua>: C- ;o^ /7 in tir^uJa "SeSr""' ^"'^^"^^ " -'i'^"3-l - tho h.a.o p.e.s as Tho hnver ends of +ho I<.v,.v . , , .. . i , nub, which in turn dot:i!;:^l^^:iZ::£'^''' ^^^^"'^ "^" '^"» " T " 01- lovol without guiclos oriegs. '^ 'Ic-^crihucl, thus hohUng tlio Folhnv- riio FdlJowcr conios dn^ > small anil 1 'Wi! entir ow i^ress m i-roi^urtiun U, its c 0^.7"! track, thus niakii ipi'.city. As tho lovers ig a very move ""«H;';;;i;:;:;-:,>lt,i;ri?!'S"^ "'«'-" i—< i-eases in liko ratio, •^'^o r tliis is tlio stvl ^^"'1 styles fnr .liff.rcnt „.se.s ' ' ' ''''''^"^- ^ f''^'''''^'' ^-iH * '■"'^^^'^ 'mist be co„si,lere.l as ai>i,roxi ^^^^^^^TJ:eul,ove,iin,en.ioi,san,luei I for sizes CIIAXES. ~-^^i^~-fc--:&-C^4r:^-^~~r-- — '"'" Fi(is. f)j ()■} jT ""-"- ^^,^,,^i-;.le of Crane .i,,K.a..^^ ^'^au,l not liable tu yet out of onler l....Lsho„.,,,et.onoftheuin,l„,,a:.paratn. ' /.> m r Co.mbim; . Ji..,.M) AM. hM;.'.M D;;;:i;i. K <-'ii.VNi:. nek Crane, ptTf.^nm,,.- a bu-f ai,in, t f w ti" ^ i li^'"«lfi'sous Dei- WV.U steaia i. uU u^, t].o cnnie can be workel by l.u.l-power ^, ^^^ a take3 up vcxy httle rn„n, an,l i. n.ade wit. the ru„...ed Safety yw. 'J3.~Vxn:si Uevla Fax Foiioi se ni geneS':i"°' " ^'"*'''^' "''' ^'"^— '"-^- -l-nta,e3 over tl cpen Ih' 0^2;^ ^^'^' '""' '"^^' ^" ''""^^'^ -ith ciual facility il. thJ rirel^^5iJec;i;-r;t/;i;ir^'-^^^-^'- /73 :>n i(i, and the //'_y//r or wind L-nient f.-r ]i(,iii:tinir^li- . Imvo sizes are made m itli Foro-e and Fm r-, •„, w i .^.e...f .„oF,,. ,,,.„,, w.,.,,i^,4;.^'".';,u;;i.;s;t2."F:^™ (-'Hritx,-^. C 't- _ Ti. . ii.i. lof^fy Fl.;. fJ4.-THK ]J,.AX..HAKD CuVKX. .^^ Tins Chum is intend.! f.a-duu.nn.., S"'*'^^"''j»y, working an»otio„ ..f the c^-ank: U'us te .iuantfty „f salt ? e l^ ove -if anV\''''/™'t^'"'' ^'^''^^ tJ^" I'o- tae butter as ahuve menti..Sl fi« li2 !T '"','^"'-' '""^ y'^tJiering and evenly worke.l ]:, "-" ^""^■•^' ^^'^' «'^lt will be thurouolily ;-t SiirrSS;;^ th!;'?,S:4;'" S ^" *'- "•-'^' ^'- -l-her "nitter. Jieplaci,?. the ! ^ ,.',• ^"^•'^'^'^'^'.^^•""ve"'^'"^" ^^r roiuovino- th- manshii.. "^' ''"'' ''''''' ^"'"^^' ^'^ '^-tter material and work- It has no cog wheels „r gearin;. „t ,v v 1- :pd *; has no zuic about if ' ^ - '" '• ^iio irons are tinned to i,reveur rn.tiu.. n.oti^!^.:r;^;:"j;-!;;f ^^^z;t:;::!^zr: n t "-''- ^^-^ -- ifces no re,,,iii.c to be tnriied oui.k Iv J ,7 "^ '''" "■'''"'^■' «'^ that it t.* the churi,. Fkr. ur. gnes a i et^ u", p!l^' i , ^•^i''-^^^"*^ the extei'ior interK.r of the ch.irii. Ti„: ' "' , ''^ ?'"r.''"«lier and the form „f the the crank should be turi.^^ '"..tu:d;:'''H;;f-/J- ''"•octi..n in wld^h dn'ectionoftheerankinw„rkin.'a l^fe,,,/!" "^;:f urruw gives the U3 end of the dasher. JJ U is ^.e erm^' '^ ''^ '"'"'^^- ^ i. u view <,f are the a.ovablo Float., whiol^m.:"^ .'it";- """^' ^^ ^he dasher. J"y to the cream, and to ove^f';;,"' >"'"'-'. "Pining in churn- H-orknig the butter «,. as to risint ' "' '''''"'"'"' '"^'l ^'l^'^ii'^,' in «ie butter is pressed agaiiLt le baton l-Vh'!"?" ^"rfaco, by which m a thm sheet through the stnuil .^aS'h^U^ l^ ^^ll.^f l-^-lo"* C-fi I I rrnnol Wiroctinn.s for using uccumpMnv ( acli c-luivi, ri(i. ill;.— iJAi-jMoi, Cjrriix. 'J'Jh--' i.^;ui,l slylo „f diuni in i,.. f ,. luaiiy yuar.s. l.iuiu iU t.;r „^„,^,^._ .uc „.n.lly auu,Ic. ; any ..lior si.c will bo funmhecl to the,^ti;tlfi;:::i',S£^^ ..>ne e.n ,.W. to the i^^jinS orcS'aa:'.^' '"'' "^ "'''"' ""'^ "^' ^^"'^ ^^-""i. an,l .itl. .na,lJI;'t:;o^£:;,^ "'""■' ^'^ "'^^^^^ "-'-^^- tl^- t,,,, the duun hciu. Fi,. "^^^""^^ ^="' '- '^^'i''-^ to any cf the .s„al, as .h„.n 1 y LATXDJIY MACHINES. Fro. ;c.-lMny acliiiu\ ill box, or teai- cr ana I tlm ■0 th,3 Kn(;L:s!( Ci.O iin:.s ^Fanllk. S^it:jio;rj;.r;;;;:^';;F\;::/r;r' "^'7'^* ^^•^^v^ ^'-'^■- other. ui.t.icot u,„„l places hnm-ntally , ..e a) -no the Tlie best for .lurubility aii-l ciipacity. .Sl'IK.U. Sl'KI.V,; MAX(iLE. To fasten on tlie Kitchen Table pou JL" ^''^^-^^^^'^^""g -^'^ I'ortubi;, weiglung only about twenty-eight The Rnllor. are twenty-three inches h.n-. K "sj Vi.-rnp.iA .Si',; W'ny.r.T.. Ai*., R„H swif,,' To * '""" ™'"--'""' '■' "'" '■'*■•■ .lyi-, 60 FLOKEXCE SEWIXG MACIILVE. (See Figs. 00, 100, 101, &. 102). The i.s ti.o only Sew- '?^' Maehme that makes four ;,., 00), three" ^ Jucli are ii.ade .„, no ctlier nia- l^hme, and are stronyei. ana more i-i.i.stio than any other. ' r,„l^ '■^•*''" ""'^' luachmo tliat '^^' ^'"1 «'f ^' m liiore than one direc- ^^ tioii, having a reversible feed. W^^'u.J^ ^"" '"' i'."l>iv'ved hemmer, ■ C^ '! k"-' ""'^- ';^''ti^ .'f hem, and J wPl f '^"' ^^Vr"'^*^ Company. liciieet corner.s. It Jiems, fells, cord.s la-.,;,], '"•'•H qnilt.s, hinds, gatWs etc ;t .nahcs a gather and se.Vit to :f'"T^^^'^^- It is the only machine h.J '''T ^* ^n*^ operation perfectly. fmu the wirti^C'ljjSS^i;;^^^ '"•"'^•"'"'S ■"■->«'l i« . f»n,il,v, • -"t IS ca.silv mana"pd t> • The 2dato of the sJm+fl,. + ;' «P"ag upon tiie surface f t!'"^ '^" 1'"'"*^' and is pressed l.v Its motions are all positi^■e. the -;p'^.:psii^!^.sn; 4r;':5 ^"^' ^^^ ^^^^y ^^^^^ The needJe is easily adjuste.l. I .uns exceedingly light and qnietly. ii-y( M ivn- Fii;. 1(X» C'Ibi Pla I"i..'. 1()() yu-. 101. c i\[iikf,sji]ltliff(;nr.stitr]ic... foi, 7 ^aovos backward an.l f„nvar.l. ins e^.u/S, L.'cknnaKiK.t.StitclK.s -M.ikcs J,o r,.-^.":'^-~^"'l<^;i'iniut Case. Si!vu•llH.lln+.^ : fnushodiuBlad. Walnut, and hH - !n' JHcnte-l. Makes all tlie stitela- ^ ^ l4-e'"""^' Maeluue. f, ., FIAXOS, :\rEL01)E0XS, A-r. Fig. 103. -The Mathushek Pi,^""*^ d - /^^ ilie great ami of nianiifncturers of tl,P Pi,,, f . ■ . Jm been to increase the quality juritv h1 1 '■**"' "' *""^^ I'^^s^ other words, t<) gain power S.', J I'l ^'"l''''Jcy of tone, or, i, tone without mlSi^Xt^ a^^ hrSSt^ S T'' ""'' ^"""^^"^^ " over|L^:;S"SiS— ^ an other, a.d Ss;ir^^ di.ribut>on Af «. .tS^ri^f s:t^.;;^r;;;:^^^;/;s: oond for specuU circular of Pianos, Organs and Mel.leon.. rS IJKLI.S. F'"- 104. -Amalcam Bells. Fig lo', crank hhiyta5'i;r";!^,i!;:i^r<^ --"- si^osYlaccl o„ a yoke and Fig. 105 rZ^se s 1 fon " ^^*''" *" ^''=^'*^^^" and a half inches LAWN moavi:r.s. Fia. 100. -Thk Pir„,AnKu.|„v Lawx 3Iowkk, Xo 1 ^ ' /^^^''<^ / yiMss j.l.itH, and aavu given ni the past sndi ml Farms, nioderato ties, sucli take tlio V"ko and If inches. , \aiyiiig- ' loi,/(f^ , 'n-y l>orf..nn the 0,....,;,.,. „f .,.. "'" '" ""' "'"■'""^• •e well >uMvu witli a -scy ho u, eS 1^"""!^' "" '"'^ y''^^"'''' that can iHiproved condition. ^ ' "' ''^"'y- ""■' '^''ive tJie suar.l i„ a iiind, '-elillt? S^;;: rSf 'SJr;^- f""«'win« a.lvanta,e. : the pushed str.ii-ht {„v:viv,l 'n . "i-'i'ng a shcrt crner ms w1, , l-er knife, (thustlsS^'it ^ "a ^l- S " *'" «^'^""« i^t,/^ if? t e of pressmy it ,lun„. Th^ inatJ Z 1 ■ ^ •"? "'"^'^*-'" yi''""id,) inste'id m.mber of parts i. reduS^ h^! Ij/'^'lijf ^'''^^^ yeared,1j.. fri^ i! ^^ :''"o-., instead of forward tn\J\i J '? ^''"'' '"^ ^^"•^'^^■" M'-^'l f>c '^ .-^^ 1-i^aIuo as a hand t. ,ci S f:; ■? "';'' T^''' '^-'^'"- 'l'''o n,add,'o very stron,^', and are thn. n.'.t li hf I'f *« /'^'"'« nsed, they au- each render th. .machine very dn I. ''^ '" '"'^^'^'^ "^' «"^ -"fof „rder, an rite ucli lus machine is cnialinovn-v «.,>„„..„.,.. „ '-'/Oit/iy The gearing is effectnallv concealed fh« i-, • cast steel. The niachine is vlTcTp^ctilHZl" '"'" T'^'' «^ *'^« i'««t by a boy. ^ eoi..pact and strong, and easily worked "J^lS^tainilf l5J?\if ^;^^^^ this machine has Parks of tJrs city. -^ uncipai rubhc Gardens, Avenues, and No Lss?n owner sliuuld be witliont tlieiu. Nt UK -i&» 57 -59^ _ riiiH very cuiilv. ^ ~ !• Fio. 10,-: This littk TlIK W> C - )oU//^ ■■■^.y Cllf "thor TiTE PHiL.u.!:u.^r.v Lv.v.v r-Fcui k H) iiiulic.s. 14 3« (I.,. • I.-. do. do. df). 28 ll).c: 37 do. o;} <|o. 42 d,, 7."> fill. 275 dtv. 315 do. 500 do. -\ Lfidy, A Yon'tJi, Ono Mail, Olio Mail, Olio or (avo JMen, Aliglit lIor.^o(Draft lV,]o), . ,,, '^''- „ (^"vi-'i-'a fc'fut it .Shafts), I ua d.rectxons for .orkin,, ^e., arc sonM;^h^-;;,;;^i^ GARDEN ENGINES A rU.MPS Oreexhocse EN-,axK.-.Seo Fi.i. 101), u 85 Pail, ^;it,;:Si;;^4S;^,,;f ^P;-'J i- l^^^e ..., CaIvai.i.o.i Iron the engine steady while workJi " ^^"'•'*"' ^'^"^"^''^ ^""^ foottoliold thatitcanboused w,e:"oot^o\SiS.^'f'/^ 'T"' «^ I^-'t'^We The diffuser will throw lim d n .. •; " '^'l '»'""«'it to lioar. trees and slu-nbs. '' ^"^""^ compositions fur destroying insects on Weight twenty pounds. '^"'"'^ '*^""^"" ^^'^^1^^'"^ spreading. ^ ^"^>^C!i,sTKiixPo„,_Seeri«. no p 85 "^- i.iiu Oh n jilpo. c Of', aii'I ntlior iiao 11 large i')so whoso oxiiensivc 'vcr three kvith -ithor Much inc. I \N''ki«ht 28 ll..«. 37 do. (i3 d... 42 d... :."» do. 275 (K . 315 d.,. 500 do. zed Ir()ii •t to hold portable isects on r can bo 'oadiiii'. is fur- C - / O (^ , , Fio. l(if». Fi(f. no. c- /oG / J o '6 4 / 5p ' r>« ^Mi IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) h ■% ,!^ < % % ,^ c ip. \? y < «:/. \ 1.0 I.I ■so ""'^■' U 114 IL25 1 1.4 — 6" 2.5 2.2 1.6 V <^ /a ''c^l s- , v.. .^G f'Ai:i'i;.v K.-' :.NK. Mi Ins engmying i. a rei.ivsu.tatio,. of . .nj.uriur fianl.n Engine It, tlmnys ,, stroan, .,f vvnttT T.O feet perpondicnlarly. Hone Sjainkler f.nnerly nsc.,i greater distance tlian the Mule f ,r at^acluM.^ Suction lf.,se when ko ,,r,lert.I. iMviv. ^ . /^6r /J i- ^ ^"'''"'^^'^=^~—- ■^^-•■'- ''""•"" ' l' '•7' I--' •r'y-?' Fi<;. JlL>.— Tiiii Co.NK Lift I'l m, Tlio above (i-mv represents tJie PMn.p Tc IS a new thin., for wlucli Letters Patent have l.een m-anted ti.i4-^j;:l ;;? i;i::s>^" 'Ih r!i^;^' 'Iff' ^^^•^' "^^'^"•^ = '-^-^ small St .nes into it i uhTo 1 K' f'^'^'V' '^•^"""t I-nt nails cr /o^> 1 Kiiginc. •in the 1)1 'X, !-! the water ith lio water ^^^iS?^--^^ f -^ci Tir.. n;>. -The Con;: Fouri-; I'i-mp. Tills cut reproseuts tlie Cone Ynvw Piuui), ''ein^' ahvays roadv t » throw a .stream ..f water .m_er over l.nil.iin-s in case ,. , 1 - , ■isu..enor,u,,mer:- 1 "' "" ''' *''" '^^'^^ "'atemls, an.l tinishe. C -/^6 ^^ 5 Flo. 118. r*<>nTAHLi; S( ALLS. C -/^^/<<4 Fk;. 119. lever, with or w:thout >;o. II.— Will, or ^^:ith"7'W■l "T'"" ^'^I'^^ity, 1000 lbs. Fro. 120. iigs. ni.s and .slml- iiio iiriiicijilo tllL' IISU.S (if !i .stream df i»g Ijuggios, aiiic uses i\r, giiarMiteed, snal W(i(i(]y li-'ii Puinji.s Mil tinisliod ,^:) ! -yct^/;^/^ ■ w.'thout Country )0 lbs. a f..S:J;;7 •"" '"'- """^^ ^" ^'-i-- l", an.l is n,a,U. with VVtughs from on. ].alf ounce io tI.irty-tw..i,„uK,l,. hundtS^^i^ttr;',;;;:;;'*''''''-^'^---^^-^-- ^- I'aif .unc. *,. t... '-^.^;:.Jl-n^3^ I" I';. 122. -Even- Dalanvk SrAi.Ks. Threo pattorns aro madu as follows-- A No 1, nith si.le Brass Uoam, Wfidis fr„M, one ha f „unce t.. eight i„mnd«. No J- ^;:^''^'''«.^''•^• •':-'^'"^-, with n.tsi.lo , lly of l.lacc.lin^tho il.,nr..f tho DeiM't buiM l"so til witJi uir iuiju.stiiieiit \,y n-<t'ann;,',s not liahlo to w le liL'aiii i.s.siipiM.ituduiM.n in oar ( r '11 pillarf lavo suvemi nize.s, t. tiiylit tliousanil ix.un.l lu ••^iiiullest Wfiv'l nil'' fi'f.i T] n < ne half immiii,1 {, 'eyareii. .,x.noraI,isel.yi;,.u]r,,;„lc "in]>anic3. Fji.. :l2.-y. — II ^^ a - ) ou f i2. 'I'lir fii;:;...? aru n fil'tchvel Th "c, \.ciyliiii- tlirce, f.air, f ivc, aiiil six I I 'US, re- inipiMvuuieii oy a.v v.ith imn ]L\x.r aihl Irasfj I 1 1'i.aiii, with all the latest tl •"^Jtt'cial arrangement leniselvcs Cattle Scales, ami nia.le vit] 1 parties who get the Scales put III) ;uiy tulier f(,n:i, can 1. made in short notice. WAr;f;ox.s and CAUT; t ' fOG f^l Fit;. ] J(;.-.Fa];m AV.v,,,,,,>. fill ' 01 '< •'iii'l is c^ii- !o to woar or ii'"!! 2)illars, ilf I><>niiil to toll!*, rc- tlie latest S put lin stice. will I >c cat C.\i!i:i.\i;i;s, Dkmockat.s, Ac. I\Ianuf;a'tun;.i iiiii iiii'.tiTial.s. J'ATEXT STEP LADDi]];. orhoui;"^'' ^''^' ^"^''"■' "'■■■■"oU-l.'acc.l, suitable fo.use iu thoorcl.u-,1 ■ Various size, arc nvvh, the „s.,al l.n^ths Ivhv^h-nrn «ix to t.n foot. WHEEL HARROWS. Faum IJaiihow. TJiis stylo i.s made of good materials, and stroiii^dy liracud. Tiiu ulieui i.siimduof heavy Its sides are statiuiiary. F[(;. 128. C' I0(, /35 (jui feiae.-, to htt out when lie.sirahle. Caxai, I3ai;i;o\v. cu-aSc:,:^;^''£;;;;i£^''^!--- '"\ -^-^^ --■'. l--yoly n.ed in ex. of be..^in.her, hrilced hy^tn^i iron l,:;,;!!? '^^'^ '''"'^ '' -""'' ^^^ ^->- VAN-nuOtKUx'.s COMBIXED LaO-IIoLDKU ANi. Sa- K EAunow, Th FAltM TjCC-i K. prevent the lillel/hatZ,!; 'S.J^'S; '"' ^^ "^" ^'"^'^^ '^""""-^ ^"* t" on it. ^::r^ '-" "^^^^ ""^^' '^^''' ^-^' ^-^ '^ ^o^ ^--'l '>y ar:>^i:i..g then. 92 l'!'-.. l-l.-S,,„:,-rKr, K. OiiL. ,..f (1,1,. small s.Vs „f iJa. ••'-'lc...sattnK■ku.,.,!t•„^m.' '''li,,yaix.,,„f;;o.„h„,,r(r;aI, ViU'K.ii.s sizes aii.l ht\).-, ^ - /^6 / 3 (, Fx,; 12!,; 'Mltliu latest aii.l i„,.v a'.rn.v- ^■1 l'HUm,.s. inulii.iin.,' ili.. ', ,■,],•,.. j-^"<^N' a..| J>,„l,!.-)!„ar,i.;( i;-ral!].ur,„,.s<..s flu. latter i.s the 'j^-t Hv,..|„„I,k..l,„ar,|e,|, ''"'""•"•^"'•■^f<'n„o.lulIar.,u„.! '"- ''^''-'■V '"^''<"'^' th,. int..ii..r ^^'""ler u, u inter ai.-l e'„.ler i-, Ktiiiiiuer. UK' They are ImnHlcss to tlio ani,ua! wearing tho.n. Wllti; Fl-.N-rix,;. Ho :vmental Wire Fencing, furnished to % I • Tl;frK. W.VH (,f till' |"l iii.ift rial, '■!•, (111.) ,f ' ill'' < r.!n:- i.L-|!(i;ii',|,_.,! '■•l^UTistlJO 1c-Ij( (allied, uU iirdTuni f' iiitfiii.r I CM. .I,..!, in 9? /o(, /3y ivveiit- slicd to (!/• i^nnT^fi rmmffx/^rr. Fi... l;;i._j.-,,,, |. ,„ ■. I ;; "i (IKS uc, n very valiial.lf. Vav;,.K.M;,„, an.I sJylos an, f„rni>h- ■ ' ■ ■ ■ i'l'^'ct ii!l rc-iniruui.iif.^. d - / o :* v' f sjuatiVjutf 1 Jiavo Vai i ills .s(v!i>^- \'.,. i v. .> ■ i i"g and ..I. Justin. Scriw ' ' " ' '^ "' ""^' ^''^' ^''^t-'»t L-,. ifeel h,^.,,,. 6 /3f Fl.i. 134. (ilUI.N CKA1JLE.S. p.,. ,.,- The ar n ' v""'V. "\*^ "'• -i*'-»t the Scythe " ' lao tjrrai)e vine Cridii« tv\ , 1'm\ • ^"-j "-"l. 3Ior,Ma, h dt Mulley, full '^i^y ¥?' ^' S-enorally preferrcl. Ala., the Or:v..lI. Fiu^vr, in ,' "' V, Fi.;.s. IM, 1:J7, lJ«,,K}y.-S. vtmks. ^ ' ^ ^^ ^'^'^ _T1h. alH.vo styles ..f .Scythes cuiiii-risc those in onliir^v ,i<... -r,! .,il .'iro hiiished in a sui.erior manner. ""in..i} nst., ,a:il a!l _ C (Fiy i;W) rei)re.sents the usufil iN-ittern of Orms >.Vvn„. ,., ' r various .nnilities of Geriuun, Cast and Siivr Sh . 1 ' -^ I "'",'"'' "' to fi^'wo'hiXs' "' '"'"" '''"'*'"' ""^ •^^'^"y lengthfrcm f,.ty-tun Fig. 140.— Haxd Raki:s. The cut represents a rake for nse on hiuns. They are made with Woo.l or Iron l]«w« curved or straight handles, „iled or plain and fron- eight to tea or more teeth. js ^/^^ /vV Fj(;. 141.— SwA-nr IIaki:. entirJfid.1 "''' ^'' '''^"^ ''''' '''' ^'"^o''"' ^'^ '^'^ ^oing over the The toeth nre strong, and U.e Ic.t timlcr is usedin lis construction. !j:» iif-f, ;ii:il all fri luthirty- 'refcriLMl fol' lie <,i:a!itic-s it any .stylo 111 fi.ity-two 2 fn 111 tlie lities, ajul 1 lawns. 'Oil Eowsj, plain, and ever the st ruction. . ^ A large a-^-rtnieiit of two :,:i,: tinv.! tilled forks, of the best tempered, .steel, and roun.I. oval or balloon .shaped ; with plain or .siiajiped and capped ferrules. The balloon tine has the oval feature "n the und.;r .side of the prong, which gives it the.sup( ri.,r lifting .strength of the°.val shape, wliile, being rounded on or bearing side .,f tlie prong, it has the easy delivery of the ro\md tine. The good .pialities of, tlie round ■0(,/"ljiiie'l in tlie balloon tine, v.hijo their separate faults (jr deficiencies are completely overcome. The Patent Cajiped Ferrule hohls the tool at the shouhler with the whole Fig. 142. Fig. 143. strength of the handle, fits closely rorn-l the shank, covering the end ..f tlie wo.j.l and plating the greatest stren-th where the most strain will be in using it. ° Manvre Forks.— jv. 90. Fig. 144, -The Manure Forks are made <,i four or si.x cast steel prongs,, round, oval, or balloon shaj.ed, with plain or strapped and capped ferrules, and with the shoil D handles or with long straijrht handles. * Spading Forks.— p. 90. Fig. 145.— The Spading Forks are usually made with four or six prongs, having j^lain or strapped ferrules, and D or L handles. All havo -i^.-- I ^..lei.e, \\... v,W: <.\\ the iuve, ami the lack cf a aiiimen<{ shaiie. 00 C - /o^ /Sii'nKf,.s. Fu:. 15;;. '•""n.l'Sm Shovels"' "^ '"' ronre..nt s„a.. of the fav.ito style, o nan.]^;%Hrf .~^;S-:J:- ^^^ tUi...., .,, , ... Fit;. l.5-t. — Scooi' Suovi;!.. Liylit (.r heavy. P-li-i!iecl, lialt pnli.she.l ..r l-lack. (^ ' /Ol^ / OS DK.\[NIX<; SI>ADKS, CRfMMEUS, .'Lr. F/'. I.V..-E.v„,.,.H Dka.nkn,; S,.a,„;. ^ ' / OC. / c/ -J Tliis i« ,nade very strong, l,eavily straj.pc.l ..n tl.e l.ainllo. llic.bla.los are CM„cavc(l, aiul vary in length an-l width. S';!: am. CdNcAVKi. Ditchin,; Siv\i,i;s. <-'i:i\iMi;iis. .vhhoiua h^nlir""""' ""■ '"'*'"'" ■■^'"'>- ^•■'' *'- *''- ^-'-'-^l IM.;. l."i(J.-P,,sT-H(.T.K Sioor. ^ ~ ^ 0^ ■ '-/^ ■TonnaViJil'^nT'"' ^''"l', '' l"'^t-'^"'^- ">■ «i"'il"i- ^xcavatiun, after the aUmiKl lias I.een hxtseiieil hy a ed..c"^lHl"r,'" "^f ^'7' "' *''' ^';'''" "^ '^ "1' ' •''""^"1 ""^ '^t *''^ '">ttom ■'-ahle. '"^'^""'^'-"' ''•^' '^ "•^•'■"y''t nmi strap, making it very .strong and Extensively n.,.! for making tlie h.,les f.,r Tcdegraph poles, the ;ti beuig entirely .liscai'.le.l in this .seetion f„r that .mr -use. Fi.;. 1.-.7, J'oTATi) H( IOa. C- /OG rs.:ful fnrraUin- p,,tatn,.s, an,l f„r unloading harn vard mannr. It IS made With iMiir and six teetli, or prongs. l'oT\To ANO A'i:,;i:TAni.K Scooi'. deepJr!'' '' """""''"'' '" "'" f'"'"' "f '' ^^ "'I' !^i'"vel, in,t lunger and The l,ott..n. is formed entirely of wr.mght ir..n l.ars ..f .sulliei Mt strength, plaee.l at equal distanee.s apart. Theso bar.s are rivetted at one end to a strong wrou-ht-irou frame Miueh forms the outside of the seoop, and at the other to a m.mth- i^e, Ills urraugen.ent enables the roots to be pieke.l up the same as with the^ordmary shovel, and the openings between the bars allow the dirt to AiTi.i; I!ai:i:i;l Hkaoi.m: J'kkss. Exten.sively used by Apple Shippers, Packers and Deahr.s, They hook to eaeh side of the- barrel at the bottom, come xyp the barrel and have > 'Ttr, r; ' '1'' ,"'"-'"\"-">-. -^•'^-'- I'.e.s.singtlioheadof the ba ml t- Its place and holding ir n, p, s,ti.,„ ujpile it i, ]>eing nailed np /0(r /iek.s, fceythe Stones, Harvest CJhjves, <^e., ite. HollTfCULTUIlAL IMPLEMENTS, .^.. Fro. l."»!t. — 1mi'K()\ Kii T!;iMMi;ii i\:- 1'i;im;i;. This pattern is operated by a i.ers.,n standing,' on the j^found for tlio purpose of trimming trees and shrnbs, an operation whieli it performs iidmirably without jarring or pulling in the least. The handles, represented in the engi-aving as lirc.ken o(i', are of suf- ficient length to reach ordinary In-anches of trees. \i is also very much usetl by Telegraph Surveyors, Ac. Excelsior Pjuwku. ning witli this patter; Branches of one inch or more in diameter can be easily cut oft". The operati(jn of pruning witli this pattern is pei-fonued by iJuUiii' on a single liandle. ^ Flo. 100. — tiAKUKN ShKARS. -/o(^ /5z. These are used for trimndug liedges, shrul j- 1 y, Ac. I have vaiiuus patterns with long and sliui a, handles, and alt are very substantial and durable. !| 100 Fi(i. TCI, Vui. l(il.---f;,!As.s EiM.i.N,; Shi:a!;s. riioso are iimdo of various siz^s, witli and without tho Wheel. They are iiriiicipallyu.scd f.,r trim- Hiing the horders of U,k and ^ras.s edgings. -^ The operator .stands neailv uori'dit ■>^ iiUe using it. ' "" -/06, /Si i 'K'y jiave four or six teeth. ^ ' >ons.I'a,,,r;;,',',;;,';::.,: '-'fc«"' «"..,' ".i „„„,,,,,„ ,,.., „,,;„, i„ Ji(,'. Kia.— Din Ji H(,K. It IS pushed before the operator. . . L.VDIE.S' Hoi:. This is made (A same shai>e as fho Fi,.l,! vt ••"Hi .vith either long or short hamlle "' "•''""'"•^■••■•^•"l Okass-Edoek. For paring the edges of taass borders, cte It IS htted with a D handle. HORTJOULTURAL HAliDM'AKE. made of lighter, Branch Pruning Slide Sh. Heavy Branch Pi-uning Sh «hde Topping Shears. (Tarden Trowels. Bill Hooks. Garden Reels. rs. Pointed Scissors. <^«arden Saws. Pruning Knives. Jiuddhig Knives. Sj-ringes, ^ 9 i ^ ^ 1 I X D i: X . 1 !'l .. til .... 18 . ... it2 .... 82 ..05-;^ it .... !)1 -AiiiTDiil ]'>, I'Aiii: ! . 82 (Irass Serd Sowe ■ !'-' Grill. l.'r an. liilln Gi-in.Ist()ii,vs i (iruMii-r { Ciiards, et.. ., ; Hand Drills ' Haiidle.s I HaiKl Si.e.l i;o.\,^s Diirdware JIarrciws Harvest (; loves.... Harvesting Imij ila\' Knives... H.iv I'resscs iIavT,-.l,l,.rs...' Jfoes Hopjii-i H(jrse Forks Huise Hoes... I i orse J 'owers liukes . .. 'J.), tiO Coiii- i'll 77 72 7.S 7.' 77 02 (J:i ;t.3 7') Straw-C'iittei, r.i) SO 49 •!2-nj l.S flit 19-21 "lit '■', ^oo .Deinoerats m ir ' V ' (>2 i)erriek Cranes ... f, i\ Hu.skm, Corn ^^ it;^„o.... i>,.t.... ' *' '•■• Jiitrodiietion o . Diggers, I'otaio. ... Dog Power Double ]Mouldi'rs Jtouble-Wheel Jloe. J)raining 3Iaehines Drills lUimping Cart Hngines i'an Forges Fanning Mills ... Feed JI ills Feed Steaineis Fencing, "Wiie Fertilizer Drill i'V'rtilizers Fire I'roof Sate. .... Forks, ]Ian J'otfltfiM ",. I'f'tiifo Jiooks,. .!.!!!!!!'■;;"■"■;" ,,^ JVWCIS, DnfT ...,,..'. .Vl I'uVVf-m, }I(ii>c .'.'.'.'.'. 'Z.. '...'. 'is I'liWiTS 'rcillll.'UI ;/'i ,";,, rowcis, Ti,a.l ,'■;■ -,s' .-,, I'K'^'S .\);],1,. |ia,,,.l J I ciMliii;,'. ."."...' us Vvvsi', llin- -., -J I'ress, f.,,i',l, (■;,!,.,■, iVr. ,.',■.'.' ;]" f., l'n'->, Tiiirfiiiv -i' -.7 1 •>••••■... I 1 , f ^ "l')(;ls ,,,, I'ulk'vs, ito ..'..'.''. :,:) rill|ifl's, l.'oiii '..'..........[ oil I'lliiiiK, Irr.ii ' .'. ' Sf s"") I'llTlllK, AVond _ y (.,;. i.Jj '■I'aiDii;,' .Aliicliiiirs. . l;.'(;N, Swifts, &,•. . I Vets, ct. Iniail (■indcr. l.\i)c.'s. Jlaifl l.'aki's, Horse, i.'.iki's, Swiiiii ;;,' ]; -• -• ■• * .''''■ll-KJ.v l;,„i„.|. 4;!-4!i Scwui,;; Mihliiii,-.,... C(, i,i Sliiil"S I'luu-h '.'.'.'.'.■.'.'.'.'.'.,..' IS Slicai-i, (;iiriliii :iiii| riiiiiiii",.'.!.!." SlidVcIs ...'.'.'.'.."...'. ^llIlll)^ .....', ••^icvc. Kvrr's J'.itcTit.... Sniitli-! Soil. Sl„,,s ^V-"^''^ '..'.'. Z'^^.'^.'./i'i}, ^\>ni]\'w^ Wl 1 SicilllliTs, ]■'(•(■(! Stcillll 'I'llIVsIlinn; .Macliiiiei Step J.iidilcr, I'lifiiit .'. ' !i{ StolM'S, Faiui Fiiiiiily ;iiiil ,\ii!i'7 f,0 Stdlics, Scylhi' r,() Straw Ciiticr-; . Stump Mai-liiii, I!) ; Suliscil,,- 7!»i Tc.Mrrs. jjav,. .."/. ~r,-i •l!i TlircsliMs. ('lover '.',' (";o -1 Tlirrsliiiiir .M, • • 1(MI !'7 •; r>7 '.<:', ]X !»7 7!» 7ii r■* \\ lietd llalces ri ;; !;!• ^Vire F,.uring ".'.'.■■.■■.■.'■.■.'.■.■.■.■..■.'.' 92 -"'--"ij '\\ii;m1 Sawini; .Maehiiies f.p ^^ N'!(-nniding JJarV(-1er jj ' " ■Sections, ete Seed Boxes Seed Drills and S'e('d? ... P.I', 00 2S 01 iWers. HSroaMOE: .vni'^H^ infringement on the Copyrieht of this Catalogue will be duly pro.?ecutecl. '-niwaiie 1 / 1 \s ■"ii.v- ■ I'Aci; 4:J-l'.i SO, s: IS (;•_' !'r t ; ^. ... .--.J !i:! ].«< .. I'l), i)7 ... 7!> 7 CO ...1%, f.9 t! p<) :) .... .".tj .... PO .... 7.-? .... 2S .... !^1 .... 92 ..'■■9, fiO .... 77 i-iMm^^ ♦ ♦ *Iif:*** • • • -riV*!^;^ ^ ■! H .4!!-? ^ ^ ^ irurrm i t M iJ u lTu iTJlj'lJ U a u [r???^ l T OI^ o nsTT- o. J