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THE ATTENTION OF — _ IS INVITED BY THE C.IjYADA COMFJJrV TO THE . - — HURON DISTRICT, CONTAIMXG AROUT s IN ONE BLOCK, Extending Westward from tlic Coro and Welltiigton Districts to the Shores of Lake Huron, which boundii it for sixty miles. Tlic Land ill iho Fluroii DistricM is of the liiicsl clinrnctfr, niiJ of llio description best adapted to the cultivation of Wheat. This Ilistrict possesses :idvnntnges which render it jieciiiinrly eligible to every class of Settler: scarcely a bad Farm is to bo found upon it: it is well wiitored by living Streams, and the climate is most heiilthy. The principal Port is Goderich, the District Town, which has a jNtpiilution of about 91)0. Then! are here many ^ooj Stores or Shops, Alechanics, a considerable Grist.Mill, a Fulling and Carding Mill, (■luci'S of Religious Worship, resident Clergymen, good SchouKs, where the higher branches of the Classics arc taught, &c. iic. The Harbour of (ju<lcrich, situuteJ at the euiillucnce of the River .Maiilaiid with Lake Huron, is a safe and commodious one, and capable of adinilling any vesMil nnvignting [jnkcH Oiiturio, Erie and Huron; and wlien llic \Vurks now in pronrcsa forllie improvomnnt ol' ihu Navigation ol' tlic St. Lawrence are complelcd, produce moy be 8liip[>i:d from (itidcricli lu (luulioc in vussulii cupublo of nttvigaling tlie ocean. Thn Huron District is intersected by good Rooda in various directions. Tlierc are two great loading RoniU ; one extending Eastward towords Hamilton, at tlie head of Laliv Ontario, about sixtv miles ; the oilier Ftuutln'rly, luwnrdN Ijonilon, about forty-seven miiea, where it will bo mot by tlio Plank Road between Hamilton and I'ort Sariiin, now in pnigieisi. And in connection with the lioatN on Lake Ontario — thu .Steam-bout Emerald from Cliippawa — Kknt from itufl'ulu — and Huiiom from Suiidwiuh, form n weekly water cummuni. cation between Uodurich and Quebec. . This District is admirably situated for securing the future prosperity of the Settler, from the advantages it pos<<cflscs over more inland situations, through its water communication with the oceun, us I'roduce can he coiiveyvd from Uuduriuh to Mnnlrcal and t|ucbec for nearly the same charge as from places within thirty or forty miles land carriage of the .Sliip|iing Ports at the foot of Lake Ontario. To the British Emigrant the Huron District possesses peculiar attroclinns, since the population is nlmosl exclusively British ; and an Emigrant from Great Britain or Ireland can hardly full of meeting old neighbours already estiihlislied in some part of the District ; and tlic result of a natural feeling on the part of persons emigrating, is, that certain localities in this mnniier hiivo here assumed a Nationol character, one old neighbour or countryman inducing another to follow him; and thus are found in the Huron Diitrict, Selttenicnts in which Highlanders, Lowland Scotch, English and Irish, each prevail : there is also a nourishing (iermnn Sctileiiic:iit. One great inducement which the Huron District holds out to Old Settlers, is the nmnufacture of POTASH, and for which no land in ih* Provincn is soMoU adapted, as it is entirely timborcd with the best kind«-af maud wouii. ' The Populatit/n of the Huron Tract for the year 1S42, as shown by the OfTiciul (iuvernmcnt Returns, «ns 9,177 ; being nn increase on the previous year of 2,200 souls ; and during the past year, the Lands disposed of by the Conipuiiy exceeding 71,700 acres, hiive fur. thsr increased it about 2,500 souls; which makes the present population, independent of nuluinl increase, upwards of ll,(iOO. And it is worthy of remark, as confirmatory of ihc advantages whieli the Huron District otK:i's to the fanner, thnt jpwnrds of one half uf that in. ercose consists of Old Settlers in the country, who have moved in from townships that were populous before the Huron District wiiscveii surveyed. The Terms on which the Canada Company nro now disposing of their Lands, are peculiarly favorable to the poorer classes, as they are offered on a credit of five years on payment of one.iil'lh of the purchase money down — the balincc being then payable in live equal annual instalments, with Interest; or on a Lease of Ten years. By this new plan, the Company DISPOSE OF THRIIl LANVS B\ WA\ OF LEASE, FOR A TERM OF T£A' YEAltS—JiO .MONKY BEING REQl DIED DOWN. The Rents payable Riiniinlly being less than the Interest upon the price of the Lands — thus, for exumpUr, the price of 100 Acres, at 12s. (Id. per Acre, being £62 10s., the Interest thereon will lie £3, which hitler sutii, and no mitre, is the amount of Rent to be paid on the fiisi of February in each year — full power being reserved to the Settler to purchase the Freehold, and take his Deed for the Land Ik; occupies, at any lime during the Lease, when most convenient to himsell', at the pric« named in ilie Lease ; and, of course, thereby save all future payment uf Rents. The Company will, however, make u liberal deduction upon the price, if the Settler retpiires to purehaso the Land before entering the tenth year of the Lease. Upon 100 Acres, the price lH;ing Ss. Od. per Acre, the whole Yearly Rent would bo. . . . Jtl lOs.Od 2 Us. 3d 2 12s. 6d ;j 133. 9d 3 lOs. 3d 3 17». 6d 4 ^ SETTLERS' SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT. In order to offord every assistance to industrious and provident Settlers, the CANADA COMPANY Mill receive any sum, no mat. ter how small the amount may be, for which their Lessee Siittlers may nut have immediate want, ON DEPOSIT — allowing Interest at the rate of Six per cent, per annum for the same ; but it is clearly understood, that the lull amount, wi;h Interest accrued, shuil at all times be at the disposal of the Settler, without notice. For this purpose the Company have opened nn Account, which is termed "SETTLERS' PROVIDENT OR SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT,"— thus airording to the prudent S..tller every facility for accu. mulating sutlicient money to purchase the Freehold of the Land which he lbases, whenever he chooses to do so, within the term of Ten Years ; but should bad Harvests, or any other unforeseen misfortunes visit him, he has always the aiiiuunt deposited, with Interest accrued, at his disposal to meet them. The advantages of this Account are confined to the Company's actual Lessee Settlers, during the continuance of their Leases ; but with a view to the nccomiiKxIalion of Emigrants generally, they will allow Interest at the rate of Four per cent, per annum for money left with them fur any period not less than ninety days ; but the amount thus deposited, with the Interest accrued upon it, is always at the Emigrant's disposal, without notice. The prices of the Company's Lands vary from 8s. to 15s. per acre. Some, from particular local advantages, are charged from 16s. 3d. to 20s. ; but the average may be taken at 12s. 6d. per acre. TABLE OF DISTANCES FROM HAMILTON TO GODERICH. Via VViLMOT, Miles, 17s. Od. n and no more. l'» II 7 ir> 2 Via London, Miles. Ila.'nilton to Rranlford, , 20 " toOxfoid 30 " to London 30 " toGodcrich, 59 I Hamilton to Dundas,, " to Preston, 17 ** to Haysville, in Wilmot, 17 •' to Stratford, in Easthope, 17 « to Mitchell, in Logan, 12^ « to Godcrich 33 101.i 145 Wagon-hire, with pair of Horses, carrying 18 cwt., per day, £0 15 * Do. Oxen, do. do 7 Stage-hire, for Passengers, about, perinile, eacl 3 (f^ The centre of the Huron District is ninety miles South from the new Government Settlement in Owen's Bay. The Huron District is fifty.five miles from Hamilton, at the head of Lake Ontario, and is twelve miles from f A>ndon. Steamers ply daily from Lcwiston and Niagara to Hamilton and Toronto, forty miles ; and the distanco by Railway Irom ButTaln to Lewiston, is 20 miles. There are also Steamers constantly passing from Rochester and i>swego to Toronto and Hamilton. The British steamboat Kent leaves BufTulo twice a.week for Port Stanley, on Lake Erie, distant 120 miles: London, by the plank road, is thence 24 miles. Otr The Canada Company have also about ONF^ MILLION of acres of Land, in Blocks containing from Three Thousand to Nine Thousand acres each, in the Western District ; and in One and Two Hundred acre Lots scattered throu;j;hout almost every Township in Canada West. 0^ Every information, and LISTS OF LANDS, may be obtained, free of charge, by applying (if by letter. Post-paid) to cither of the COMPANY'S OFFICES, or to RICHARD BIRDSALL, Esq., Asphodel, Colborne District, Canudu West. Canada CoMrAwt's Offices, > Frederick-Street, Toronto, and Godcrich, 21sl May, 1844. \ < I'llNTtD AT TUl PaTSIOT OmCB, TOSONTO. improvpmcnt of iiitvigaling ing EttHtwnrd niiluji, wlicro ijatN on Lttkn :er communi. r morn inland d (tucl)uc for Dnturiu. iiisli : and an DiNlrin ; and ;d n National KJttlunicnts in id) no land in g nn increase :r(!s, hnvv. fur. lU. And it is luh'urtliat in. tricl wiiscvcii cr cinssos, ns nyable in five OF THEIR OWN. Tlio !9, at 12a. (III. id (in tliR fust d li(! occii|iic>x, urcby SHvu all ;s to |)Ui<-liaso i » i f ■\ sunii no mat- injj; Interest ut >d, sliull at all cli is termed ilily fur accii- in tho term of , with Interest 3rs, durin); the e rate of Four th the Interest ciiarged from Miles. 26 30 30 09 145 •is Steamers ply jcwiston, is 20 iteamboat Kent milca. lusand to Nine ry I'ownship in lid) to cither of