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Tous las autras axempiairas originaux sont fllmte an commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'lllustration et en terminant par la darnlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboies sulvants apparaftra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — ► signifle A SUIVRE", le symbols y signifle "FIN". Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre flimte i des taux de riduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est fllmA A partir da i'angle aupAriaur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut an baa, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaira. Las diagrammes sulvants iliuatrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 X .^I^-^'^'^^^'^^^ An .;- ;;::r:-::.,:' ACT' ■ FOR TAKING THE €E]¥SIJS OF THE OHABITAl^TS //M./ or LOWER CANADA, AND FOR OBTAINING CERTAIN STATISTICAL INFORMATION THEREIN MENTIONED. CAP, XXIV. 7 VICTORliE, 1843. git €. tt. iSleUalfe, Baronet, ®. €. B.. ©iniCTttOT-^eneral, Set, S^t, S^t. ;.:f ■■ Kingston: PRINTED BY 8. DERBISHIRE St G. DESBARATS, Printer to Uie Gtuetn'a Mo«t Excellent Majesty. 1843. m. ■ WW P W t^i-WjJiwft^^^gWg--- .i Cid) v\ CAP. XXIV. An Act far taking the Census of the Ifihabitants of Lower Canada, and for obtaining ccrtaio statistical inlbrmatiou therein mentioned. [9/^ Ikccmber, 1 943.1 i>xean6te. XTTTHEREAS tfie Census of ihe Inhabitants of jy/ Lower Canada, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, as required by an Act of this CLm 4a Legislature, passed in the fourth and fifth years of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, Jin Act to repeal certain imrls of an Act therein mentioned, and to provide for taking a periodical Census of the Inhabitants of this Province, and for obtaining th^. other statistical irj formation therein mentioned, hath not been duly taken, ilor the other statistical information thereby also, required, duly obtained ; and whereas it is of the greatest importance that such Census should be taken, and such statistical information obtained as early as possible ; Be it there- fore enacted, by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Gorernment of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing of this Act, it shall be lawful for the Governor of this Province, with the consent and •%: ^ttitf 1843 7" VicTORiJE, Cap. 24. odvice of the Executive Council thereof, to nominate end appoint one or more competent per.sons, residing within each of the Counties of Lower Canada, to be Commissioners for the execution of this Act. II. And be it enacted, that the Commissioners so ^'j"^ f*'J^»^'l« appointed, and each of them, shall be furnished without thwATro'i.., delay, by the Provincial Secretary for Lower Canada, [SJ^^^li^" «vith a sufficient number of Copies of this Act, and of r Minister ot Mitntei- pal Cteric, ^n with Ihefietiidr Mill^a OAcer therein, tobe by hinij theDa k^d their ittccei^nr in oiBc», tiuh V •-v^ 1843. 7'* VicTORiiE, Cap. 24. ■•-v^ pcctively, kept for the use and inspection of all persons concerned. VII. And be it enacted, that oil or before the fi"*st Jf„2tcd b* day of June next, the said Commissioners shall trans- tommiUon-^ mit under their signature and in triplicate, and in the J[^j;'''^'J5od. form of the said Schedule, the returns to be made by '"^ them under this Act, to the (Governor of this Province, and one copy of every such Return shall be laid before each of the Branches of the Legislature within fifteen days after the opening of the then next Session, and the remaining copy shall be deposited in the Archives of this Province. VIII. And be it enacted, that the said Commissioners CommiB«on- shall, respectively, on the receipt of their Returns as p2j'°* *** ^ aforesaid, receive out of any unappropriated monies in the hands of the Receiver General, by warrant under the hand of the Governor, as a remuneration for their respective services, the following sums, that is to say : for every inhabited house mentioned in the return, and situate in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, or in the Towns of Three Rivers and Sherbrooke, or in any Village containing upwards of thirtv houses, five pence currency ; for every such house in the Country Parishes or Townships, ten pence currency ; and the said Com- Asgistanta . . \ w ^ X /• xi • • 1 A how to Ui paid. missioners shall pay out of the monies so received to *^ any person who shall have assisted personally in making the Returns for any Parish, extra-Parochial Place or Township, Ward or division of a City or Town, one third of the sum so received for every house mentioned in such return, and to any person w^ho shall, unassisted by any Commissioner, have made and certified the re- turns of any Parish, extra-Parochial Place, or Town- ship, Ward or division of a Town or City, two-thirds of the sum so received for every inhabited house men- tioned in such return : Provided always, that any such person employed by any Commissioner, for the purposes () 7" VicTORiJE, Cap. i4. 1843- Prnalty for faixe ItiHurrm aiitl nC|»li- gejice, Notico lo be givcfk. of this Act, shall have been furnished by such Com* niissioncr, with n copy of this Act, and of tlie Schedules A. and 13. hereunto annexed, and with a certificate in the form of the Schedule C. hereunto annexed, dis- tincily describing the limits of the place for which he is to make such return, unassisted by such Commis* sioner. - ,? , IX. And be it enacted, that any Commissioner ap- pointed under this Act, or any person employed by such Commissioner for the purposes of this Act, who shall be convicted uponlndictment before any Court of Q,uar* ter Sessions of having wilfully neglected to make any Return by this Act required, or of having made negli*- gently or wilfully a false Return, shall be liable to pay a fine to Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, not exceeding twenty-five pounds, currency, and shall for- feit any remuneration to which he might otherwise have been entitled under this Act, and shall be further liable to imprisonment in the Common Gaol or Pri»on of the District in which the said Census ought to have been taken, or in which the same shall be so falsely taken, for a space of time not exceeding three Calendar months ; and if the person incurring such penalty be a Commissioner appointed under this Act, it shall then be lawful for the Governor of this Province to appoint another Commissioner in his stead and place, and such other Commissioner shall forthwith proceed to make a true Return, according to the provisions of this Act. X. And be it enacted, that the Commissioners ap- pointed under this Act, shall, fifteen days at least before they proceed to take the Census and to procure the statistical information hereby required, canse a notice in the form of the Schedule B. hereunto annexed, in the English and French languages, to be publicly read im* mediately after Divine Service in the foren(H)n, on two successive Sundays, at the Church door of the Parish f -k^ iai3. T" Victoria, Cap. 24. or other plncc in wliicli sucli Census is to be taken, and to be posted tliereon during tl»c said time, and in case there whall be no Church ilierein, llien tlic said Com- inissioners shall posi such written notice at the must public place in such I'arish or other place. XI. And be it enacted, that the due application of the A""""*'^'*- monies heieby appiopria'.ed shall be accounted for to ' ^ Her Majesty, Her H^urs and Successors, through the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for the time being,in such manner and form ai Her Majesty, . Her Heirs and Successors shall direct ; and thai an account of the expenditure of the said monies shall bo laid before the Provincial Legislature, within the first fifteen davs of the then next Session thereof. XIL And be it enacted, that the words " Governor inurprrtAtion cf this Province " vvherever they occur in the foregoing '^''^'"*' enactments, are to be understood as meaning and com- prehending the Governor, or the person authorized to execute the Commission of Governor within this Province, for the time being ; and that the words ** Lower Canada," wherever they occur in the said enactments, are to be understood as meaning and com- prehending that part of this Province of Canada which formerly constituted the Province of Lower Canada.* I, A. B., do swear that the above Return is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I have not wilfully made any false Statement therein, and that I have used my best diligence and endeavour to obtain true information on all matters to which it relates. —So HELPME God. •. •-«, , . • ;. >\ : , (Signature) A. B. Commissioner or Assistant Com- missioner for the of Sworn before me, one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for the of at this ' day of ' 1# (Signature) C. D., J. P. t For Schedule A., see accompanying form. ■ *.■■ J 8 1 7o VictoRut, Cap. 9^, SCHEDULE (B.) FORM OF NOTICE. 1#43. Public Notice is hereby gi?eo, that the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, under an Act passed by the Provincial Legislature, in the seventh year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, (insert the TUk of thit Jet) will, on the day of proceed to take the Census of the population of the * {inaert the name <^ the place ufithm vmch the party gvoing notice » axUhoriged to act) and to require within . the said place the information necessary to enable him (or them) to fill up the Schedules hereunto annexed, according to the provisions and requirements of the said Act, and all persons are hereby required to govern themselves accordingly, under the penalties by the said Act imposed. Dated at this da^ of (Signature.) SCHEDULE ^(C.) Fonfn of Certificate to be given by the Commissioners, to the persons by them employed to make the return of any particular place within the Counties for which such Commissioners shall have teen real|>ectively ap- pointed. Itnow all men whom it may concern, that I, {or Wi) have appointed {inaeH name^ quality and place qf reei' dence) , being Militia Officer or Church-warden or pro- fessional ^n {as the case nwy he) within the limits ^Wf cribed, to make the Return for the {de>tcribe thepiace, its [, limits and boundaries,) conformably to the provisions of ' an Act passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, {insert the lUk of this Aa) of which ^ Act and the Schedules thereunto annexed, I {or we) have furnished him with copies for the information and > guidance of all whom the same ilnay concern. Dated at this day of 184 . [Signature of the Commissioner.] .v