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W. .<iU)Knicin:, l':«i., Manager Quebec Wtiler Worl^^, Quebec. I liiive. Ibc honor herewith to submit my rcjicnl '■ on the vnrious !i);(1 1 ^^iTjiler supply of wiitrr could be obluincd through the 1 li'if of pij'es'" as rlirected'in your letter of instructions of 21st rebruiuy Iso then requested " to rejiort on the ju;ietical>i!ily of jisi-lu'inr modes by Vvhich a g presen hist. J Wi'.s al.'v' .iiv 11 i> >^.. -i^v. .„ -.J , whieh wiis liiti'ly proposed ])y a certain Centleiiuui, ami ade])led by the City Council, whieh scheme, althoiigh it luid been in operation since the 20lh of .lanuary, had no! turned out toboaltegelher satisfactory." TJie scheme alluded to had been abandoned previous to iny arrival in Quebec—but as there liad been some! conii)laint made against the summary reirioval of tlie machinery by which it was attempted, I may still lie expecled to refer tu it. Tiic water having fallen away from the highest streets uilliin the City, some of v/liich a\ ere at least tv.o "hundred feet imder the source of supjily, it was sujipused that by forcing more \\ater into the jape at Loretfe, the diliicully could ho reniedied - and for this inn-jiuse a wheel was i>laced in tiie well of the Gate-1 louse (or chateau d'eau) v/hich wecl was driven Ijy a line of shtifliug from another \ heel turned by the fall of water over the dam, 'J'liis first v,hee! was in its action similar to the rotary or centrifugal iminps now generally apj.lied to co/ii'r-dams, wrecks, or jilacvs v.here a large quantity of v.ater is to be liCu d !i few feet in the shortest ])ussib!e ti'me and willuaif regiird to cost ul. motive; ]iower, I'liu water ])uv,-er by which this ]iunip Vv'as v.orhed was derived from the : luphis of the Viiver St. Charles, ilov/iiig over the dam b;:!!!: lor regulating the sujijily at Ijorelle. In estimating the value of tliis pinvcr it rue t be bnrne in mind that the greatest deficiency of A\aler in the City will be iu Hie dry summer and cold winter months when tin; flow of the f<t. Charles is a minimum, 'J'he lengfh of the dam is two hundred feet and the fdl four find a quarter feet, th(; depth of water flowing over the breast of tliis(l;;;.ii being reduced in dry .sea ■ to two inches. This would give a discharge of about fifty cubic feet per ; uid, or less than twenty horse jwwer on the whole fall oftlnidam. The 1 i wheels could not be dei>eudec! upon, under llu si; cir- cumstances, to furnidi mure than ubou'. fifteen horse power ibr the jiurpese of aidiu!; the (!(;livcry of the pijie. Kov,- if the water in the City fidls away freju Urn (iiaude. jMlee tn a point one hundred feet below it, the supply at .Lorettc must 1k' lifted at least a corres]H)nJin:' muaber of feet to counterbalance this depressieu. 'J'he wliole sujiplv, ther^ -re, .say three hundred cubic feet per 1 3Z.4' s) D. iiiimi;*', iir.i--! lli->t 1> ' lit'ii'd ji. 1 j'.'ii.1ii'iil:irly t'l'i' ]iuiii1i-,'J fr.i ;il l,i..,M.', im 0|H'iMli«<ii v.liicli wt'iilil iwll tin" !i j> >\vi'i- [it U'a.-t Tiiii' times f';ri.;itrr (Irm I'didil he iilhUi'i^l liy the SI. Cliiulis, nt. tlic i!:i!ii, in juid^iiiiiiiU'ruv nil-lu nitci', 'I'lii-^ slii'ws tliat it':>ll ill;' ii\ ,iil:iMt' \\;!ti'r in>\,-i'i- v.TU' ;i|'|ilii'il ii V. I'liM 1,1' ulinlv, iiiMili'k'ii'lit to lvrri> till' WiitiT mi tin C'liiu' ; Iml il is cviilciit tint iiil-,iiii'; tin: wad'T nt T.iiri'tlc will iic! ('!\ii-.r ii forn'siH'iidin;'; i'I('v;ilii>!i in tin' iiijirs in tl^' Ipii.T Ti'W n, so loi!:;- ;is ilif i!r;.n;'lit in I.hwim' Town iMiilinui'.-:,- ihhmu^c tlic nililitiiMi'il iir,'.s>mi' wouKl imi{-.i' ii ]M\'ii.irHi'::;iI incrcMSi' dC tlir cli-c1);ir!';r dnc to that ilian;lit. In ili->nii>siii<', this (jiu-stiou it i:iay lio ol'SiTVfil Ilia', no incfliod can bo juloptoil tor toroinLi; an ;n.Iililional (jirantity (.>!' Avator into tin- jn'r-sont line of jiijvs, wliii'li (lov's not involvo iin-rciisa? ^j-is.<ii/r in \\\v.<r jiijic ; exactly in jiro- iioi'tion to tl:c clicct jtiMiliua J- anil il'any aj'jirci'iablo cilict is to lie jiroilnccd in tlio City, lait only must larL',c .strain |iowc)- be juuviiled at lAirctfc, Imt tlio dangerous ONiHriiiU'nl til'tlirowiiu;- an additional pressure (if one liiuidrcd feet, VY more, niion the |ii|H's under the St. Chaiies (where they are already under a luad cl'l'oiir huudreil and ci^chty-six feet) must 1h- iiauh'. 'I'he main is I'.at only doing all it can do- luit it is aflordinj': what with some provision (or storage in the city ought to be an aliundaul sujiply for more llain the present population. Of the wliole quantity of water dt'liverod into the City not luori' tlian one fourth is used, tlu' remainder being wa.stcd — except iu so far as that which is alloweil to run into closets or is used to jirevent freezing in winter, may be considered ns iiseftdly, liowever extravagantly, cuijilo'ycd. Ifthe numb.'r ol'eonsunicrs can lie estimated from the number of service jiip'^s laid into the liouses, according to tlie well ascertained average of INloutreal and other cities upon botli sichs of the Atlantic, the jiopidatiou actually supplied liy tlie iiipe> in (>ue!iec should not exceed 80,000, in which case the coasnnijition of water averages about one lnmdred gallons jier diem to each individual ; — an unlieard of quantity even wliere tlie wa.ste is most profuse. It will be admitted that if the limited ]iopulation now having access to the pipes, consumes all the water intended for 100,000 jicoplc, — not only ,cxhansliug the capacity of the main but rendering it useless in the higher districts, and diminisliing its efliciiency fur live purposes at all ])oiiits, — some attempt shoidd be made to determine how fir this consumption is legitimate, before any cfibrl I'cyoiid that of storing the uiglit delivery is made to increase tlic sujiply. If t-itiua- from ignorance of the ctipacity of the works or from irocklessue^s, waste exists, v,-il| it not increase witli the additional jucans of exorcising it ] an<l what guarantee is there that the same deficiency wiU not .be f'lt in n very sliort time alter an additional supjiiy is obtained ? 'J1;e slow extension of the distributing ]ii]i's t]irou;!h narrow and roel^y ■streets, upon tlie first introdiiclion fif tlie water into the City, — t]ie abundant su|:p!y ajid ;n-eat pressure then enjoyed, together with the thorough drainage, ■(v.lii'.'ii a(i>'.U'!' i! ready means of r-etling rid I'f the Avater) Icve doubtless led to \U unre,-tri':-ted u--e lro;ii the commeiicement, while the manner of assessment for the water rate, which liears no relation to th'- quantity of wat'-r u-ed, and tho coirsequr-nt neglect of siqiervision in this res]icct, have brought about the ju-'-'.-ent aldise of the water. It will be no easy matter to malce head against a system which has taken sucli a deeji root in the habits of the Citizens, but when it is demonstrated that there is no alternative between increased taxation for the purpose of laying dov.'n anotlier main, and a general husbanding of tlie present sujiply, which is by no means a limited oni' for 60,000 inhabitan: •, it may be expected th.it tlic hitter cour.-ie will be chosen. While thus alluding to tlie excessive consumption of Avater in (Jueliec, I would not wish it to be under.-tood that there is nu means of " obtaining a greater sujjply through the jirescnt line of pipes ;"--for,— -while the pipe is .s <! ¥ t!il;iii" ii!l ill-' w atcr \\ liifli it imm (;i!.c, lU'iuIy llic wIkjIc tif tli:it (Icv.'iii;: in llio lii'ilil. i . lu I ill •!<:mI (iC Ii>iii;j stone!, ns nm^ Ii • (Imir, fn iii:il i' iiji Ilic i!i'||iciriir.y of its (! I y (!'li\ I'ly. In tlii' I itii i [.nt ul'^Aiiril, v, Inn ilio,' v.; no in-ci ^.siry wa.stf In pri \ciil (Vc'iv.iiif;, it WHS limiul tlial all iii;,lil luii!;astc. 'y (i"\, cifcivi'i' (i)ir liiDifhrd Ih'ii'H'uiiJ r.iil'diis jnr liaur |ia>-'.(l into tlu^ jiipL' at li<pi\'l|i.' • miil lis .sfiirccly aii_\ of llii^ cuiild liavc Ihim (lia\. ii nfi", tlii-. |iic.siiiii|'!i<>ii is lliil it v.'as niiiniii:'; to wiisti' llii(iii;'.Ii nearly all ofllic llircc llioiisrnul ;; rvicr j ip-.^liy uliic'h llu'. lioiiM'.s iiri' SMjii)!!! >!. 'I'lio lowest avfj'aj;r ni.'jjil (K'lix^iy of tlii' piiic. \vas ci;;:!ity-iii':li1. jitT cent cif lIu' liifdicst avciaj!,i' day dilivi'iy, so lliat ai'l'r inaj-.iiif; all iiroju'r allow aia-cs fur nij^lil conMuii|itiou and loakago il wtinlcl stjilicar llial not nioro than twi-nty-fivo jht cent of llic water taken into the pipo nl lioretle is required flir ctiii,siiiii|ili(iii in ()ue|i;'e. Of coiir>e, in nio.-,t cjiir::! under tln^ constant .sini)ily system, there is as nnieh iC not mure Neater wasted than consumed, Inil in none that 1 am iiware of is then^ M) litth; cnnlroJ exercised oser the consumers. 'J'his lias proliaMy arisen JVom the inode of assessment, and the fad of its lieiug a new (|iiestioii ; also from the belief that the siiii]ily was inexhaiistilile- and Iherefiire when il failed, — that there was somethinj;- wroiiy with tlu; v/urks ; niid hence invcstiijations and contri- vances to increase the siijijily in prof'rencc to Inishaiuling it. With this general stalement of the case. J will proceed to descrioe the conditir)ti in which 1 found the works and then make sonic suggestions as lo their principal rcquircnienls holh in construction and management. CONDITION OF Till-] WOlJvS. Upon iriy arrival in (Jiiehee, after prepaiing a ]>];in of the ]iipcs as laid in the city, from infurmation ohlaiiieil in tin; I'higiiiei'rs ofiiee, J ])roceeded to as- certain the actual quantity of water sup[i!ieil liy the pipe, from Loreltc during each hour of the twciily-fliur ; and to test the pressure at difii'rent jioints by means of gnages wliicli my assistant had luiiiight with hiui, and upon which ho could rely. The results of the gii:iginii,s and cxju'riments are ap[)eiided to this rcj)ort ; — but to niake them iulelligible ] will explain lh;i.t, \\itli regard to the first, the actual quantity of water flowing into the pipe withina given lime was easily ascertained by means of the well in the gatt; house at Lorede, tho dimensions of which were known, as to tho second a correct .steam pressure guago was connected with the cap of a hydrant at difiereul points, and the pressure upon the guagv. in })ouuds indicated the height to whieli th.e water, if free, would rise at that point. For example when all the stop gates of tho jiipes were fully op.^ned, at half past nine ou the morning of the 'JSth Aju'il, the guagc indicated a pressure of only eight pounds at jMount Pleasant or a loss of head at this point ol' two hundred and thirty feet. This proved that il' a Silinid pipe twenty feet high had been inserted in the pipc^ at that jioint, the water would not have flowed out ofit, so great was the velocity with which it Avas rushing over the pijio .summit at this point to its outlets in the city. If all tho gates had Ijcen shut the gnage of Ahiuii! Pleasant would have indicated a prt'ssun; of one hundred and six pounds instead of eigh' jioiinds ; as this jioint is two hundred and forty-four feet below the head level at [joretle. As it \\ as, ■when, according to custom, the gate on the fourteen inch pi[)C was shut, from five to seven )). m., and the water ibrced round by Grande Alice to g.ve the daily sujijily to the high district, the gauge at Mount Pleasant rose to a jiressure of seventy five pounds (equal to a head of one hundred and seventy three feet of water); the diflercnccof seventy-one feet head, or ihirly-one pounds pressure, being the loss of head caused by friction. Ujion ajijilying the guage in .St. Piochs the j)ressure did not exceed thirty- five jiounds, eijiial to a head of eighty-one feet of water ; whereas if the full pressure from Lorette were on, the head would be four lumdredand sixly-uinc 1* I I I 1 fcft, !n;tl llic j',ll;i;;i' vmild slirw (wf !miu1iii1 :(inl (I'lu jhiui,.!: im p. .'.• , ».i l.M.l ot't!uily-ii\»''. 'I'ltis WHS «.m' *'(' tlic lii"st iiii|"Ml;.ii» rrMlUs of llio |;»!i(,''i In!- HI'-' it slu'WA'll llllll 111-' I'-i l'l\Ml1r» lit ()i(.'1kv ii iMit ttiic tnr V,-. ii v«' |.r.-i mi." luul I'uii-i'qu.i.l K'.iUnjy n\u\ wir-lc, in l,'>\vi-» 'r..\vii fs iiii;',lil I- Mil.] I. On I'lu- I'lmliiiiv. tlir I'li'ssmr iil lln' rniiuT nl'l'iiiu'' llilwiinl ihmU'i,,.;- >.tn''!.-, in SI ni'i'lis, \v;is f.Mmd Ic lu- !iliiM".t iil.iilic il \s itli (h M ii» 111- ci.mrr ..f I'ort mul f.ua.U' slivi't, in Ipivr 'Vow w, tin- |',.i;i;'v iii.lir;,liii; Il,lil v-ll.i. .• j.'Mni.l |.(. Loth iHo'iiis. (uMniiincii. m.. !»' loin- p. in., tiiul llic v:.t.T wi.iil.llii.vr ris.-ii t.. :in iMii'il lu'i-lil i.fs vt iilv-si\ (■.■.! iilH.Vf tin- stir.t in t iicli |.I;i<t j iiltli'.ii;-!, t ic first' I'oinf ist.no Innul.vd i.u.l tl.iily-si\ fci'l lowi-r linn llw (.(Iht, Jl nlso • . .. a' - 1 i ...1 • .1. .I.. 1 ...... /.,.iil/l 1... /..iiiiliVi.il III- <-licr'I.lllfr tlio IIO H fust I'oinI IS tmiMnnuUi'd iinu nim>-M.N nii n'uii n.i.i •'.- ...,,,-....,> slu'woiltlio extiMit to wliiili tbo lurssnr.' conld In- fmi;ili/.<l liy clicrl.nij': llu How of tlH' w;itrn,t tho didl'ivnt i'A\rs. ll \uis fvid.-nt tliul Uic Kn-mccnvnf. jinkiii'-tlu- liuM ofllio uiitrr,inu!,l.y dividin;, up the iwssmo uu<\ ciurh]})' nMndathi'' the • iitrswas l.i'opini', it up t..!i I'^int n(;n1y oik li li.d (.•ct h\>h',n- lli'un it wonld )i;ivo ri-^.n t(«, iClho j;,itos liiid lui'u oj^.-n imd llu- v.iitrr li-ll lo liiul its (m u K'Vi'l, ) Anotlicr fiU't cstiiMislu'd l.y llic {^nii;>c Vii'! Dnl llif ddi- Licnisfotuuis. > ^.^,^.^. j„ j]„, ,„.,i„ ^viis jiot elicrl.cd or diininislu'd l.y nn jrro- .nd'irdi-a(V-tlu' tlo\v ov.'i' Mount Plpiisant boinj^- con.stiint, i.nd tliu pm^Mim tlicro ivniiilnin"- iniili'mi from iiini' oVIork !.. jm., nntil fiv.- oVI..<-I; i.. in,, »i Y.likdi time tlio water was Inrncd up npon Crando Alloc Also, Unit tlio jiicim.s- I'ltions known to cNist in tliopiiv, could not Ikj inoroa.sod or (i.strivd ,y miy 0- -asional .slacknoss or im-nlarily in tlio niotinn oflko wat.r (liron;^ i llu'i-ipo. Witli resinH-t lollifsc incni-tations it )iiay licrc bo oI).-crvcd ll.itt tJK'y liave ni-iH aic'd in othrv cities, wlino tl.e watc is paitl.-nlaily j.nro (an.) lliorcforo ix-'scssiu" tlio lii'd.osl .solv.nl powers) and wlnro tln^ ).ipcs liavc ).n(, lu-cn milodto'protcot tlHMni-l.ul that llioy do not i^.p"'"- to p,;or.....l iMyoi.d a certain point. At (Jnel.cc lliey diniinisli tlie diameter o( tlie pipe at. last liall tin ineli and its deliverv fonio what more in luoi.orlion, froni the ronj;)! nilerior snrfaee they pre.sent j—init, it is not prohuhle that tills evil will inorctasc. CAPACITV Ol' 'iMIJ': i\]AlN. With rcsjipcllo tli( thill the orii'inal c;'leiila1ioiis nnist bi lelnal eajofilv ol'the )nain ih.i fXpc riincnts jirovccl Vonsiderahly liiodifiecf, 'Die niani was " T- ct Ih'il the ori"iiiai c;Me\uaiioiiN laiiM \n- ■, i.ii.-i.i. i.n'.jr ■• - -_ inlendc^d lo'deliNcr, in Iwenty-fhur hours, 3,000,000 iinperiaU'alioir, into a yes- vr,irat1hef:rahcle Alice, under tlio. pres.Mire of a head ahout (n,ly-live, Jc lower tlian tliat now wvd ;■ the da',) havin-heen plaeed hioheriip upon tlio St. Charles afler 11m- iaelinuu;.ryrei,nrl was i-nblislied, Jl.n-e indlions of -al- fons'daily require a delivery of three hundred and th.riy-(o;,r and a three tenths cnhie fut nerininute,and,aeeordi,i!Mothefurinnla. le. d for ralcnlatin;; t.io flow efwater in pij-s,- an ci^^hteen imd, pipe, with a fall of_ fifteen feet ].CT ii.i'e fvhiehwasahoul the fidl hehavn theoriginal r.servoir M.rfafe.at .1 roe- nans Tannery Daiu,a. ' the (.'rand. Allee) should deliv.r that, .juantdy J ho uddilionr.l head of fori, :,vc f- . f, afierv.ards oLlamed, should have, addedal .it fidv cubie h ' t VI' ininnte to the deliv.ry ofth.' \nv i^ .so that, if the for. ' t. could be ],lie.loi-tl,e ,na in should deli v.r ihiee hundred iuid eijdil y foiir e .c fV.eti.rnminle. 'Jhe ona.Mn;';s shewed that at no lime in tli- twenly-f-ur hours did the delivery over the Crando Alice rcaeh Ihrco Iniiidird cubic lect per minute :uul that the delivery into ii Ite.servoir there, upon Die suiniail, would not eNcecd two huiidred and sixty-two cubic r<-et,or one hundred and twenty-one cubic feet less than the calculation. This fireat dr./ie,ei.cy is to hc, accounted for by the fact thai the summit of the Crande A\U.: is some hvcnty fret hi'd.er than the ori-inal sit- of I'.r : ervoiiy'iid al,.o by ob;.trM'd;on'; common to all similar mains, and l.ei: htened in your cas., by lh<; manner in whieli th- pipe is carried under the river., on itscour-.e. JONj-nm-iits were recently liiMle K u\h.u N..1. ini.!.lii..(\ riti .i,.ni iMMic. ..nliirly-MXiiiMl ts.i.ts m-H. .(liu- nict.i';- ll!i«rn>l,1\vu)iul<'s,tni(i tl.rMv.,iMl,Ki\ IIUICM 111 1-1,; • , 111.' .I.W-.'y ci(N iiiiiiiM.;.v(.iihV.'Ii;it .siiiiil;ir ill siz-'iiiii! Iruj.lhlu lliul IM «>i 1. •.',• Liil llio .li'liil t'l'dlll! . 111! lilii! \\ir. 'inl (l'.Ii\i'i-y lliiiii 111 ■ ci'.li'iilatctl iicl \\, re, •' lull T- M'lriiri'il (li '•liiil'V V..IS 1111(1. I- u ]l'';nl nl'mil) lil'Oiit hVi'llly ffd, iMiii.lri'il iMi.l lilly',' wliiclii. thcdililiviicc i.ncvcl lielwcni L- ClJiidc AlIiM'. II WHS rmiul liDWrvrr, ill h>\h (••,.,•.■,;, Iliiil 111'' i t.f llir pipe was (V.nii lliiity U> (liirly-tliri'c per rrul lcs< lli (liv-lmn-c. liy ('i'jlil ofllic in'sUnliinili.'.iUHl llii' (■MU..'Si.--.i;; _ riiliir ci.nosi.Mi,'' (iiin-ii^latiniis slhiihr In lln-sr lit (»ih'l..r), 111- (•..Il^rlinii ohur „l hioh puiuls, ami anw .si'iliiiinihiry (U-posilsia li.w .jin's. Iwas U)l..rmv.l i-y Your iOii-iiuTi- lliat liis uvu lliou-lil smiK-stniirs w.m-o ni tlu' l-ip^'. I lu- amniiuL orol.slnu'ti.iii caused hy lli-sr ciM.iH.t l.r rcaclir.l j.y any f..n,m ar.- iui. imu- 1 r,'iiiaiiiimuiiUno\viMiiia.itily,lmlcunxTtiii.i tlio cak-iilalr.! dr-diarK.' o llnvo l,uii<livdan.l.a>;].lY-(i'nriMil.k-,r'ot jaT luliinic I.y tli«' urUi.d r.-siilts I'l ^^•v.' Yol■k ami .Insry Cily, llir ivd.uvd ipiaiilily i.irivi's nearly cnou-li wil i vur cnaPin<Muslie\\Mhaliioinipunaiilt.lisliuetio!irnmiNt..ii(,sraiirxistal(.^ielu.e, - uulexs iudeed a porlicu c.niu; rediieed diseliai-r m the Auancaii Ciliis is diiu to siuiilav (.tl.sU-ucIioiis in tlieir pipes. Unoii aMeeilaiiiiii- ll.c fael that nearly as imadi water passed lhr..iu.h tho Vipeal ni'dilasiuthe day, and that the water could not get lime tu rise to iupply thV hi^h lovels, ill consHpieuee of its hei.i- rapidly and cons aiitly drawn ofr throu-h su uniuy waste pip.s, at and below ihr lev.; of . loui, Pl.-asaiit, 1 examined the Water ^\'orts Act to .see what pn.visirms it coulamec for coulrollin- this waste. F iiulin- that there was no power of visilation and iuspeclion ui^ide the houses, I reeuiiiniended that sueii •dmuhl l.« at onee. ohtiiined, while the Legislature was in session,- -which J helieve has I.eeii done. Tiiis question of waste has l.eeii tho oraislant theme of cumplaml in the annual reports of other cities, and is duo to the fael that water hu 1; for bulk, is less vulnahle (and also more readily fro/.eu) than {jas, and therefore a ceneral system of supplying it by measure cannot be adorded. It isi.ossi!.!o that some luirtion of the loss may bo due tu Icaka-e in the street pi|a's,-whieh is more dillieult of deteeti<.U in (>uebee than in other cities, m consc.pieliee of tlie pipe boins laid in the same trei.eh with the se ver.and in rock <'Xc";v>'ti AA'heiv a piiK^is imhedde,! in soli.l -rroaud every I k of nuynyUiuro \vi I loive its \vay ti' the surliice, and so be discovered i-but liere H is ma trench hlled in with stone, and near to a sewc^r, a lai-e, leak may ...n.sI and d,.rhai-e itself into the sewer without detection. 1' rem the readir.ess wmIi winch lue pivs-urc was br..u-ht up in the several streets and districts when the pales were closed T do not. ti.iuk there is much loss nnde; this head ;-d,nl the fact c.v.i be only as.erh.ined by takinu- each pipe by itself, and shutlmi.- off all the huasc services for an hour oi two;--a process which wetdd re.pnre months uith the ordmar> iiiree emji'oyed. WASTE. Besides the ordiuarv waste in liousr.,, from leavin- the laps open and mruntainii."- a constant .slivam in bath r.Km.s.closets .V^. a most, serums one is^ the simply ofmaimtaetories-sneh asTaiinenes, Hivweries ^c. J lese p 'c^eV equire 1 ku-e q^.-ntity of water for a few hours daily, and f. .save fino ^nnnolM.irvats\i.id tanks the teuautscaU lor the ai-eslsi.edsep-.ce^ 1 a' in.."obt .iued th'., large pipe it is too ufle.i allow-d to discharge ,ts (nil capu- c V u'n the time, whether tho w.iter i> used or not. '1 hm-e is but t-ue moue of d.l'iwifl: these cases, which is to ascertain the I'lvatest quun ity t.iey r q i e d V, nd (as the pilK-s are already k.ul) ihrot.le th • stopcocks s„ t at ../more than' ths ( u antity can be obt:uned m the ^^^'I^YT'^^'^'JZ pellin- the eslablishmenls to have a cistern or tank eivclel whici. vili colUcl, ,, , ■, ,- , . ■ in... iIm. V :it, 1 in.uirvJ lo K'TJ' tli.-iii [it.iii;, V illi-iit '!:.•,:!, :;i;:;:.^'un:, M..lh.r.-..vlu..M,lunJ..l^vjn..H.r..,uu..h...; iI v.il. ur;Mi;uirii".ul'lu.,!l in.N h:.v!.i;.: i'l tiiur. It. H'nly ..( l.iM' .•!.■. Intl.. V i u. V i'..!h1.1u. UiuUr ,,e.,;.lty in nll.rr riti. . hut 1-^ jr tin. n.-c-t s.rM.;., ... us. lu. most ,M<'-mI n«u] c-NriiM.!.!. M-ura. u rNvusi- >s 1,.. "'"V".'; •' ; • . rn! .V in;: ll. w.lrr to r.n. to i'..vri.l IV.. xin;^ it. cul.I ^.i.tl-r, ,.. xv . u u.lv 'fNv.'rrviu.l. xv.s ,.l!ov,ol t. Nv;..t- tn ir.ui.t ,.,..>:„,.:. o n ; u. Tl... nuu.la r .( by.I.unts Ivin;; on.' l.u.ul.v. ....! s,xty...j>!a tlim s . .!!:ilylr-.I^.I-ntSO,000^:a!p.,s,Nvlnrl, isM,;nul.I... sni^ Ln" .U Irast tv.c it . In mtsinv HH^ (lillinnl ,.1:,.., 1 .na of .piinou tl,. ycm'.s C|n, W v-.sto in v.intci-, its inii-ortanec may \n- ju.l:.v(l of I "i i ^''^V''; '"■"',. ; lity . v.at.r as.Nhil.it.d at tl.c JVlin- ()lli.-..,v, nrl, ^Yf'V"}:;:v'a^ ? . V n^-, is n.or. lian halCu f^alln,, prr nmiut. ,..■ nj 1.1 l..nKlrc.c1 and •^'^'.^;f- r llo ,s'7,( r Civ for ci.rl, srivi a-. A", tlu iv a>v uvor tlnv. tl.unsand sc-rviors n S d^ I rU >'^ ."-.v xvatcr tlu.n tl,. main ccuhl deliver at tl,. .ra.a.. A!,. I-'mI'I V l.i.waslo, and 11kt..1;.,v in cold Nv.atluM' (par undavly v, .tl. U . utWr s . . c. s c.r vast.; in nK.nnnK.1nri..s and ds..xvhc.r0..l is ,mi.ussd. . lu lew tor to ri- t.. tl.r Cape. Or conr>o tl.is ciuantity is ive or s.x times ^ -^m^ Ln iJlrr...;7/ to invvent Avoxinrr ;-l.ut xvh.u. t „• In ..t "X-^S '.ny ?;;yM^.'' adjusUa.nl J ihr tap. can only be cNi-cct. d ul.er. tl,Mc ,s In.gc con.sciontioiisn('.s'-. , 7.Vrr-/;-' f>niic ) Tin re arc sc.nu- cir.Mnnstanccs i.coulan- to IIh' iiiou,. m ^rirrPj!^ M'h vour service J.i,n s ar. laid ^yl,iH, may ^'ndor hem m.l fr..»-,-lIi<'ir cl<.|,il, m.,U.r f'"""'^ '"'".'E -'■;■'" ',';';. , ' ! ,„ , , t^^n Ir . J d ■ ve l.rM. l..kru at f)u-l..c-., 1 would adviso , s l.nn. done, lion 11.'^ II". J ''. '.' >>. 1' ■■ " » , ,.ni,.- (lir.\- 'ivi. iii';i[!o 'J'l.rT.. is vtill 11, .. rasf. of tl.e i.i)..' ■ 1.' n.;'- o.xi.-.,-. d I., fn.sl alio Ihc) a,.^ n uc ri u H .- Ifanv (-):sid. ration w.n- -mv.u t- tins napoitaul .iu.^-.tiou by Li! n^rl..! , and ,,lund,..r., tln^ro an. Aav houses ,u Avh.rh tl.<' I'lpcs m ' 1 , :.t' A Viae d as to be secure from Irost : but ^^'^^^^^^'^^^^^^''^.^^ or UTS. tbo ,.ii,..s aro brought u). in close contact witb the ontsld.^^ alls K c a c.! by , !ast.r-or /.^rcd int.. cold cormrs and out-bndc.nos,,n:.1. ad ^•bch:"!;;;;:;!.;'^ i- ti.o c-mrc ^ body v^'''J''"'^^'"v'i;;;;;;i;;j^; c walls ^-c. ;or instead of boin- kdl c.Ni...Md I.. tl,c '.n'^nml ^^;""!" ;''/"; 1 , i lm.^ V here the pipes ar.. so placd that tl,. y n.u.t Iree/e at ....d.t tlo^y Sdb; emptied by^.^apin tlil. cellar, in I- '':--''; !<' ---I^^t ^^ street s.MVice cocl waste all ni<'bt l..).,". The' manner in v.liieli yui .^^ ;5uc!ii;'.U.ell us ti;^ obstruction n-om m.ov,- and ice n, yonr clnnate pus ent I I,:,, ! M your flniMiii:? nff Ihe v.atrr (V.na tin' Ikiiiso;^, (-lliciw isi- it, iiiislil ]>r foiiiid ^m'Tfralilc lis n Jn.sl U'.soiiirc Id j^i to (lie ir(.ii1)lc mul tNii^:iis- ; . slmflii;;' (.(rHie KCi s !'•( ^. J.cih rally, iil iil;:lil, niid ooiii)i(.'I!lii;>; ctMisiiiiuis \o I'lC'. mIc tin in i.'Ivcs Willi ci.-Mrih:., tis llii' rc.^uicjils (,ii llic Ciii"/ jiiii' t innv do- latlier ;li:.ii kiy <!'>v. ii n new liiaiii (Voiii Lnittlc. SdiiK-. ct^iili.'] sliCMiId tlitivfoiT In: cxfivisi'd iiisiili' (ifllii' li(iii.;( s, and, as a lucre iiiadcr tif c'Cdiioniy, it would U- clicai'fr for tlii' Curjxnalii.r. to j.ay for scciiri II,",- til.' ii!|>c.s from frost, inside tlio li(>iiscs, (if tli' y an- not inei.arrd to coinii-.rilio water lomuits to do so)— and tlnis .sa\i' tlie waste, tiuni to rcplaoe it by an iiiercascd supply, Jf nofliin^i Irke a cornet inilijic opiriioii can be formed 1)> exliiliitin:,' tiie conseqiieiiersofunueeessary waste, so liiat something like criminality will'attacli its(df to tlie (jlienee— fin- wliieli purpose it would ke jiistiliakk; to ]iiiMisli the names of nil parlies ofl'eiiding liereaHer,- the oidy resoiiivo in tlR' liaiulsof tiie. city uiitlioiiiirs, sliorl of further taxation for an Ciiliirgcmcni of the works, 1. to apj'ly to consumers, ^'cnerally, the iirineii>]e vccoinmcndcd in dealing witii maimfaetorles,— that is to throttle all tlie street service cocks so that the pijics would only deliver a fit ir domestic supply for Iweiily-four hours-aud let the tenants conslniet cislmis for stnnnn- at ni'-ht any surplus required durJm^- the day. It is the serious detect of all \\ ater Works systinis that from exciisahlc ignoranee in the first place, inattention or recklessness afterwards, plamhiii'^ is so done, or houses so constructed, that the water (which ncvi'r free/(>s until it reaches the buildings) must then lie nllowi'd to waste to an extent which so reduces the pressure as to lay dry the high le^el.and, in your case, reiuler the liydrants valueless in case o( fre, iiiiiess by closing va"lves and depiiviiig certain districts of water while the lire lasts. Ik'sides flie injury to the valves from this constant wear, there is more or less delay in case of fire in certain districts and the chance of mistake or omission in opening siiid closing tlieiii. 'J'hus, after hundreds of thousands have been expended for water,— for the sake of a, little trouole and u Ivw dollars expended by the consnnier in the first inslauee, the efheicucy of the whole system is imiKiiied." Tor the future the city aulluuities should prescribe the manner in which houses should be i.Iunibed, so fai as protection from frost is concerned ;••- ".nd the walir shoi'Ul not be turned on to any new consumer, until his pipes nrc inspected and found satisfactory. i\iODi': OF i.\ci;i':Ash\(; the supi-ly. 1th supply has already been stated that there is little indueemeit to increase the unless tin; unnecessary waste which now prevails can be chcckid. .1.5y "liie'piibiication and enforcement of llules and I'.egulations, such as are eslab- Wished for all similar works (and which have jn-obably been negh'cted in ''^'chc-c for reasons alre:;dy nienlioned.) this evil may be very nineh reduced;— but there is a great denieieiiey in the presml syste-u from the want of a reser- voir which formed i)art of the original ;.!aii. In consequence of the premaliue deficiencv ofthe siipplv,— or rather the great excess of cons.inip'uon (some tliree huridri'd percent) ovir the ivstiniated quantity recjuired, it has lie^ n \no- iioscd to adopt a system of Reservoirs, at difli'ient levels, in order to obtain the lijohest possible discharge from the pipe. As this is a most iini.orfaet question, an°l one upon which opinions may be divided, I will endeavour to explain it as cloarl- as 1 can ;-"loi whili', theoretically, it promises advantages, there are iPiaeli.-aUliilicuUies in working it out. 'ihe capacity of the prrsrnt iMaiii is in Jiroportini t.ithe head under which it discharges ; thus while it can deliver sometliiii" less than i wo and half millions of gallons, m twenty-four hours, at at the \r\'r\ of th(< Criui-lo Alice near the Hiding llousr, (which is abent^one liuudred and forty-five Jeet belov. J.oretle head levii,) i1 could deini.r a tiiree and tiirei' quarter millions at a p' buUl lint two hundred feet lower — which 8 1 HMlU iHMul v,o!il.1 st'.l! !'-■ >'w IniM liv.l :ui>! Unity H'rl iil'xvi- Si. r.o.li. It ; ['jcnU-'.X V.Ksil.li^ ilrlivovv v.i'uM Iv in tlir r.ivn SI. ClinvKs wIkmv il r(.iiia ili rlinrj^c ii, little iiK'iv th'.uriiv.' iiiilliu.r. or-al'i-iis jm-v »1icui, bill f'H jiIl llu' -.'lul il wuiil.l do 1!UM-1' 111.' NVmU'I- 1,i;.",1iI M-' Vrll !•.- IMllllil I'V llu' I'itlls Cf .Lnr.'lU-, lis CM.IllC tlmni'^li lli>" I'ii' ■. 'I'Ih^" <|iiostiuii llicu i.s liuw iiiiifli I'iiii) i-ini I"' «M;inu'<I l.y llio iisi' i-riav.,) iv^v,voii> iiml still is^ul tli<' turcs-^:iry siijiply ni' 1^' (^n-'ulo M\cc I l-'nuiJi:/'/!.''' I 1;. lias luvii siii>ih.s.a1 lift il'lu-u w tlnvc laiil;-. were coii- jfl'r<,TiW;>', J.-^tnu'U'el -Mn] i-iil in i-cniici-tiim with \hv main ly n .Mlfarliii-; rppivaliis, (the distrilmtiii- iuik'S iiUaclunUo car), tank Ikmu-; ilivconmH-lrd fA'in each cHum) eaeli distnel weiiM'tako llu- supply il rc(iunv<l, uiid llius tlio lar-vst (liilv U' i.'i.laiiu'cl n-eni llie main, 'i'liis view \va^ based ui-.m 1 he .Mili- iHMlion that the Cull piessmv due lu Leivtte exisled in Lower 'I'ewii.and tlieie- iv eiused an oxlni waste, ^vhiell would he iivoid-d under nn eqiializiiif;- system ohaiiks. ]!ut it has heeii shewn that tin- ineysiire in Lower 'J own has been neco-sarilv so relii'ved, by re;-alalin;'- llie slej. co(d:s, that il does not exeeec llvt in some parts of the I'pper Town. Therefl.re, so Ion- as the i.re.s<-n1, ivlat^veeoiisumptioii exists, the v/ater would alMind its way mlu the lower tanks, loaviio'- the upper distriet uiisiipplied as at present. 'J'lie llianks then would not be'seir aelin-, for il would be necessary to shut of! the sui^'ly in>m the lower ones while Ihe upper one was l<einj; lilled. biaeli tank lli(;relorc inns! be lar-e eiiou-h to maintain tla- supply to its own dislriel whilo the other two were bein^- lilled and tlierefov miisl be CAtensive and eNjiensivi', in .short, reservoirs instcLtd of lanhs. Ao-aiu, Ihe present sysiein ofpipes is oaleiilaled (or the full head ofa •lleser-ou-r on the Cape. ]f a lower head is ns,.d their capaeitv is reduced, itud, in the cas,. of a U v.'er reservoir below .Mount rieasant, the dislanee from Ihc^ s'liall pipe in C;hamplain street would be 6^0 great as to cause a great loss ot head which would render the hydrants there useless in case of tire. ]'or tlii.s reason two reservoirs onlv and two systems of distribution could lie n<('d ; ami i-i order the whole of ihe'dislrict iitlaehed to the lower one nn;dit enjoy V.vi benefit of a fne lo-essure, this reservoir must be j.la.ced about tn.^ level ol -Moi. it ine-is.iii - alihoiedi the dislribul iiii; ).iiKS aliar-hed to il v.-.Uild connivise oi.^y those'lvim'- one hm.dred h rl and nmr..- below thai level. This wouM give ,<. the upiVr reserveii- on the Claude Alice a di.-lrict evtendin-about one huiuln ! and ei'hiv feet l.lew it :-and to ihe one at Mount J'leasant,-1he "v.'^'-^b: - trie! — on'whieh the eMivme pr. ssiire would ran-e from Iwohimdred andlorty to twohuudr.d and/iriv-fi'et. This ditrerenee of ].ressure. ui favour o he. ].o,..,- Avcaild I..' ! .luired'oii aer.nml ..f tlm [iT-al. r dista.nc it lias to send tiie v-aiev rnui^l tnv,;n- Is Wolfe's Cov<>. Other eiieiimsfa.nces won d delerniinc ?douiil I'ha'.aiit as Ihe jm-per site for the con..n-u<-,li.«n of a s"Co!id reserve .• iJ sr.ch he requind, vi/. : thai tle-i.' is no praHi.-abln sit.-, for Ih" c.,-'vu<'li..ii o one at "a miieh lowr level, .wilh-.Ml cxees-.i\ o co-1. Thy mos' ecoiiouiiea r.>s,.rvoirs are made upon level -round - and th- m'-.; ].r.'cii.itous the irroniul tlie more e. p/ie-ive and dinicidl of cnstriielinii lley brc<aiie. Til- number of s-,rvie;> in lie- lewer dl-triet b-in- abml dnubU. ll'".^',' »" Iheuniierone, it.mu-b'.snppnsed thai doid,le the (juaidity of v.afer wdl be rc.iuired fnr the firmer, in which case the main would dis-har-e about four- teen hours into the lower rcsc^rvoir out of the twenly-four,^-aiid len mfo tic siijiply. 'i'li;' ?•">! whi'-h would ]"■ oli- v.niifd then fore lie tin- c.Ncess of the iijiper one, to alilini Ihe prnjidrlioiiati tained bv Ih • u- e »i lv.». rv< rvoir liourlv d.'livery of the main iid^ Hie h.wer om-, over that iidn the upp( r one, forl!nn,u„!,.?orhr,urs only, h-u-.vr, in which H was nnl diM.harjm.jr into ll.c. Pt.p.rniH-; thatissixlhne-.aud one hmalred and ei-hly cubic leet pe huiir'lor fnirt-eu hours, say n.'UV.HiO ..allonsdaily, or about Iweidy-lnie.. p.r cent \^ l;;i>n lllllll ii' 111'' V.ll iij-i.ly llUCIl lis llR' n-.-lTWUrs C!tlllli> V. I )>.■ t In' )i (It liv(Vil I'll ^li''' Clriiiido AVrv. But h ■till!;',' iiiid it will th'Tclliri j'dinhl in'('i'-s,i llii- 4 IV to .slm; ( iH'tli tU-Minil ;i rises vhV iif 1<'1 T ^ujiply f 1(111 111 cr OIK' f(ir 1")i hoiiis (l;iil\- (U ctU' )■(•) 111" tii.l (:i1, K-ust fiir llu' ia"('sciit) :iml fill Un'iipi ill llio rcsci-vtii li r fill ill!" lower (li: M' I'lM'VViiii'iliiriiiJ' 1 - iii''lil I 111 lis WHY (jiisisfi'ii I, v.illi llio cfl'i! ;■ nf. .siiiijily o "I'pjicr Town, v.ill lie ( (lllC'l K^si-rvoi w;i r is filliii;',- llio T'Owcv 1. 'I'lic o1/n diou to lUi'j is tliiit wlii'c Uh; u\yi^ Town may 1k' wholly or ii'.irtially ilci" ' invct 1 of 1,.,-^ — wliifli (li'iuivalioii laiiy t^hould be no cliniL'iiitv in iiiainlaiiiin- all nccfssar io\\o\H'r 11 lie confiiiccl to llic iiiu'lit. Tlicic y iiip,lil c'onsuiuiitiuu t-itlicr from tlio upper ics('rvoir,--or \>y Icaviiu tlic funrtecn inch valve on John i;trcot partially open ]f, as llu re is every reason 1o helii.'vo i^an ai \ v.ill he (lone, Ihe Avaslo is u_ so c hecked thai tlui additioiuil twenty V-thri the construction ol a s^eco lit an end, — aiu" d reservoir will not lie nee jier cenl. of wute? to be l!,auie( 1 bv ded, then the dinicuUy is \ the. whole supi>!y can be furnished by Voir upon lheC:rande Alh'e, and the expense ol the seco means of the one reser- md one b-e s'.ived. -At ft 11 events the trial of this should first he. ina( lo, for if the waste cam Uli b so chocked that this extra (inautity will not 1 le net tied, there is little hope that if Ci ven, (at the expense ol a sccoiu 1 reservoir) il will prove jf nnieh value >1rictly siieaking there wi be all thiscaiii and even )nore,— both in (piaiility of water aiu I in pr cssnre. bv feediiui- directly from T.orelte to the low('r district, instead of from a .seconc lower reservoir, ai d the latter would be more a a convenience to V irevcn t the total or partial shutlii i"o flTroni the lower districi durin" as many hours of the night as it ^voll Id take to refill the upper reservoir I3ul as jt IS jiri district will no bablc that even a partial shutting o t be needed after some inspection over tlic wa ff of water from the lower istc is fairly esta- bli-^hed, the ja-opi isi tioii of a second reservoir )iec d not nou' be cnter'a ined, but Ih e simple j)rincii)ie on A\hieh ihe works were origin illy 1 came d out, VI / The delivery o The lelivery voir ujioii the Caj rane per head of the jiopulation u in America or in f the whole supply from a I this level will adiud ilanned should bo bi'j:h level rcser- siiu'-tlie water, lliaii is giV( [I greater daily aye- u ill aiiv other city Crcat Britain. It will s ecun- steady supply, at all hour; in ever V hoi!; 11 10 Cl tV, and will put a stop to the injmious oi.ening an< in case o ry in shuniing the watc riire'-^wheii i't'is always attended with nu closing- of valves, now necessa r roniu ire or less r 1 Ihecity daily an dd ;iiii ela\, ]f a secon d reservoir is const nu eurred in re-a.rraugi th II"- the • ,uu>,M.ted,a considerable expense Jim^d be in- lislribnlion for Uu- lower distnct as all the largt pipes are now in the ujii'er om One imporlant obj eel ion (o tv. o re ivoirs fed by the sanii jiipe, is that, as the supply won Id be intermlllt nt, tnele (.f water, u idess the reservoirs were ul( 1 to "real flu very large, would l,e suiyee lo gi;.. .. daily nearly to bol'om level and lil ec eaia auaiii. tions. the water being drawn dov. u • 'file elfeel of this, in v ry cold weather wouU 1 be to conver t the whole reservoir M-.idiudly in a comiei ol ice eavmi an insuilieu nit space flir wa •(I mass lh(! single reser- voir winch is sulij hject to the least finetnalion i ter. J'^or this reason the best; and with far k>ss sixc aiK 1 cost will be more ifncient An aecoan t of tl lis nsiiii aiu 1 fall llUi' o fthc ice, it will be necessa j|iK'tiiation,slion "' rv that the walls o f tho reservoir between the lines of Id be substantial,— being 1 ili'in-ei^n-rnvtoflat paved slopes as are common in inimer deiiral.le thai every V'servoir should have a good dep h. do of solid masonry with a batter, elimati s. His ir should have a good depth, in some portion o ISO fit tle.isl, not for winter jnirposes only. a i>illllllier n Olnei le. Iv but 1o prevent heating of the water m •' • to the extent of the water •1-; it-; value i-^ m pi'^'!' sur lUce wherebv it feeds the largest (piaiitily with irtioii tlu lea ilk .ss ol heail ns 10 S/-C of ) ^Vilh iviv:n-.l to tl.r si/..- oflliis ivs'.-i voir, ul.irl, i:. llu; mny ■R:r,v^'-r. s,uv..l-it.c.;is, llu>n-a,vs.vrv..l cmsidm.tinKs 1,, 1,.- uu|a1i.'|1. As I'lnoiv Ku'aus or.v;^uIatin|; tlu- supply it .ui;;lil Ik' suI um.uI >l it av.iv on.y b .:.nu',u:l. tulu.M on. day's cl.Iiv.iy uf tlu- pip., , l>n;vuK>! ^1- ;-'-;;^i: ;[ liriu.t lUuMi ain <lav OX0..ul tlral .l.liv.ay. lail as tluiv v ,11 ■«• pailu'Ul, l 1 i 1 ;:\:i.'u1lns ^iK,y nris. it sluudd. .a .his a...un, alou., 1^ i.> lioUl s.vrnl clav^ sui>p!v. Airain, W^x tlu- purposes (.( a rrsonc, i m,im ol ^0 ao r tin! ooiiutry l,lain, i, . ouM W d^siral,!. ,l,a. ll,. ^'-ip' ^-; ' ^l^ nnrlolo maintain ll o suj^lv >'"til tli. ilifl.rulty uas uv.r. Ilau au Ixxo P .i ti.i in Avl.iohan aciidc^ut lo tl.is main uo;,1.1 ]..u1 to unu.ual dolays^--- ,.;' e if if o.ourr..l oill.or uiul.v tl.o llivcr |^. (1^=;^'^' ^'^ 7''^*; ,,J ; I! narJ's stables. In 111. first cas. tli. pi,., is i.nlu.acl.a ... ti.ub.r j:"' - ' ^ ^' r. f. 1 ipM.r JoxvAvat.v, anel tw.lv. r..t niul.r Ini-.l. v/ai.r of spi ni;; lulcs, ! na m V ^^ta, I ;;;snr. of over Uvo lu...clr.a pou.uls i,p.a. th. s,.,aro h i a u u doubU- the ordinary pressure iu a lo.o,..ot.ve ho. .r^ ^^''jy^U J- ^;o &iiahle lo he increased at a,,y mo.nei.t hy the --;' ;-;^'"^';:[;,:^Va,n w 1^.:::;^ u;:; t^i thE:ti;r';.;;ve ':;e,f;;s ^^^^y^ ^'^i-^:^ S £t n>s^^^i!nl;;::^'.^ i i^'l dia duplieat. oni (whieh would havccost liut u few -'"';;;;' P^^ ex ra) was not laid down at th. sa...e time, o g>vo secvuity n ^. of acc^^ mmmmmm ]lKSj;ilVOiU SJTK. W litarylrap.it station-is nearly f,/'^^^' 1^ , '"; 1l c ,, lum' 'ver, he easily situat.d witl, r.spoct to the presc.i "^C" o P s , , ;' ; ^ ^ -:, ,,, !,,,>, made availahleifthu other cannot be ^ ;"" ^ ] : ^: j,,., „ ]u,,prvoir, is laid ofiUhe ei^htc.ea inch pipe en [^^'^ ^^'^ ;J' \, !, ,, ;:^, lower than the near the eorner of Desaluberry «'',';'-^'"V' '.';..,, V id b. placed on that summit at the llidin^r School. Of ;:"^;^''^,,^^', ,,*,'; ^ . , , Janse th. pipe, .,;„,, of the Corporat.on property Irontni,;; on .m .( ■ A , ^ ^i^ ^ J'l ' . a .r,... over the sumuiit at the 11 .tin- b:h-ol, ^^ '-'..Id ..c a. ni^n -r ^. here it goes over the sum u! it lnv.rrsti.iiK>'l"U.Uli.lway.s lu' ui.-n ll e 1 ' '| i,,' site mv.r n.r Military fur'niuvu c.xpc-nsivc lliun u dui>lica1c lui latter course ,1 a.laik.l c^tiuKite ofulU:s.vvuir,sl>rnN-u,^ the ^vlnc•h is tu l-c .ccn in other piuts o( tin Lnj . • DISTUIBUTJON. There is very little alteration. or ^.hlit ion re.uh^ ^^.X^'^lfZ^!^ connection ^^•ith a sun.nut Kesj;rvo ^ , '^ f^^, "^llj^l^.e street. A en- to the Avails at the corner ^'^ ^^\' ;/, ' .'./'"f,,,,. Artillery stre.t, Avith the section of the s.xjneh m ^ - , U ^ .^^^,,. ^ ^^, ^ ,, IK ineh in the luuei mih^ i' — - ;■■ -• •■ . fourteen inch m Jolm stuci J "_'^_ / .,, ,_ ^,,,_, ^^,5.^,, ;,^,, eighteen inch, I.15...VV.. -■-- , ~ civf.f.f 'I Ins lonrieeii men v.imlh .....-, - • fourteen inch i" Jolm stuct ^ '''J ^ shut od'at Meant IMeasant, originally intendec for ^'-^^'^iV/ tne , liere o 't^ he supersede.! ; hut it ^^ iU froin the eighteen inch, aial ^^^ IJ; '' ;..^^;',^^^^^^^^^^ thi main above Mount prove vaUuihie, in case of any rei n s ^^^'^}^^:^_ ^,^, ,i,a f,, the purpose of hoasant,ortothelleservoir,orNvh etl^^HH^^^^^ ^^^,^^ -^^^ \,f u.e inahing connections. ^ '"-^ ^V^''^^-' J" , ^^ ;, Ja^.nv ^^tKvti vhirh Avould lburte.^1 inch hetween Clane ^^ J^^ ^^^X,/ ,,' , ,^u J he necessary to bring be supcrsedod, lor ^^'^^ 1^"'^^'^^^.^^ l^^^^^^' j^J^ nuale AlKe, to hed th.. John a fouiteen inch dov/n the ^^'^'l^' ''''^'^'^"''^^^ ,vould give kit a portion street inain; because the smalp.l^.u^^^^^J^ -IJ^ j,,^,^^,^,,, ,,,,,t ,„d of the delivery from J.orette. 1 ^^ \\''^,,''^i'J ii,,,,,K. t.. ih, highest pnintou Grande Alice, a lour inch pu.eshmUlUc.a Kd.tl>^^^^ St. Denis street, either through ^^ ^''^Jy^ ^'^ ^'^1^,^. ,,i,,eofthe same si/c without being connected ^'^^^ ^^^^ ^,^\^ ^ ;,,,t C^ he head of:Sle.Gc- shouldbelaiainthes;uaercn,ch^andinh^ ^^^ ,^^,,^^ ^^^ nevieve street. ^ ""^''f ^"^!,) f f-J',/: 1 j^], the eighteen inch pipe, there connecting thes. I'-y^'^'^^l'^;'" ,.^ ^ ,t^ ,r uJ^otection of ll'- Valuable would be a constant sui-ply U. the b>'' ; "N ^''l ,'/;,.,,,, voir would be nearly .,,,,.„,. otherwise, so exposed m case o( k . ^^ . -,' ' t v add be easy lo eas ulir conn( I the termination of the pipe 1 :cl with it whenever it was found necessary 1". ^so^lM W ,nl\\-\cu\ t- r.lvv tlu- ^^ho]c drhvrry from J.oivHe. ASsi:ssMi.::s'r. vlu.l. Iras a "y>^ ;.",;, '^^'.uon hx ihc aua.oritlcs. vVu luulonu water »'^V' ■ nfoie of tlio n-ivatrsl beuofHr. cHizcn.s i-iijoy. I Ins miuu-ancc loaci^ lo iinu..ini , n: . ,,. Thn cili/L'ii bv reasou olliis ai.o,a.l on,.. pinion. n. ;^;::;L?t i;;t;:,!;: : ua v .^s t^^; en^in.. .^ .. p. . .so nty . . di^.ctly into tl.c f-'^n-na.on uv Comnut o,.uu k. nm^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^.^ six. of plp.^ ho has doHKUuk-a, ^^V- ' , , ,.d' In ' - neor, fuuln,^ his voieo "^•-i'^:'':;:;l;;i h '1?:;::::' r r ilinnel.;-:! 7;:u^payc>-, i, d^co.a,od^ Es'lH;u.r;;:;';n4nu,in,t,.ono.^ ^vhioh makos u tuo inch pipo m ti uohe , ^^ ! /, ^^ 'j'^;,,, ,,,vice pii>es to real, YOU have given fil^y l^.v ^^''!A'"?^^,,^ ^ ^^^' C^tm e sy.lcMn of control yen- tenants than is done ov.n ,n :\ onti 1 >h c |1' ;' ^.> ^,,,^1 ,,f ,i,,, Obtain, (and ^vh re there are three ^''^'^'V; ^' >„;^^ae,; j^.^^s ^^ hich have un,u..a.^ary in any eity. ^"^■'•^'''J"^ ;!, • h, ipo ild probably Au- ./;..• /..■/..servieepu'.sk.r any o,.e^^^^^ nishall t'''^^-'^^■'^'•T;^^'''*!,V '""^,5;", invNverks. anil one a ca!,ii.et lac- mostofthnnarevnbhcbuddn.j^, J^^;';^ '•;;,,„'„: u.c same si/e as that toryThn. single c.taM;n>euts^ S; ; " ' or Sn "u ^.^"^^ which there are nearly one hundred stTvie.s. ,i,,v.r,.a in Ixventykmr liours fVoni the The rolalive qua.a.tK.s of ^Y^ ' .'^'^ri Wv ': d'= at\he pkee named are diffl.r.nl six., of pipe u. ^'^^^' "';;^;;^,^ « U "w I hi reduced by the h,rlh of frivrn in the apt,endix,-and " "':'"Sl j - S;^^^ ' ,^, ^,„,,,/ t,,, ^^bsu.dity, r lead sold. . ,.„,. ,i„^.;,.p on the imrt of A,ain the nnir^rm poundage -'^;^;;^j;-'V,- ,; ^^' ^'^^nde ayer, tl,e autlH.ritks to ascrla.n the j.RrJitio.Kit. . csuKipiKn,^ > , _^ _._,. vith a. viev.- to nia ke a proporlionatf! char*,! , what v.-a.s jroin;;; on inMd< of th existed, So the works wr course thnc on t vn liou.^es ;- tuallv iiha.ii id til id no 1 i(i\V(. kno\\ 11 of ■ r of iiscertainin;'; it piifi 1 (n the consumers, a' ],, ln;de..tJovels,--4h;n.i^]Mh; ln-.Y<-'. '■^;;;' 1 .-(■rs, ^'•ou.| d of be llie first l<> «;iir[;T.--'l'his is no ,t the fault of indivi Ilia I but of a >•)■ :!i'm. and it is fVK ^,uit that the )nnst p -rkct works may icm .lered compavativeiy 1 (1 flu' r 111'' )iur|ii'- ,t|;i- I(> 111'- q'li' line dl" my ;>• (.1 lllSinUMM'ii,. 1. .■■ t, ;'•■', ,, , ,. , ,.,,1 lillf (ill'!|H -<, I Vl'l I" >'" •!'" "''"'' „cro.siuj? (1.0 suitly, tlu..u.,l, '1" -; .^ly t lu'l .ny Unu;; . UAn- HUrlrd ^ -,.,,- m .» V fM liiu'. of|,ii,s oiJi contiimaucc IMANAC.'KMHN'l'. lure llio ^.■•■;itfr AVciks urc m tlu. i.vl.H.iial cilH.s oni.o ^ ' ;'[^ ;^'' , , \ ;,,,t cases impractica Mc the property oftl.e CcrponUuM.. ^t -s^ - u ^^.^^^^^ i,,, ,„„„.,„K.ut olau importaHll.yar.mlic wurk ^J.^;;^^' ^^ j"^,;' jj^, j^rs.uml resi.cn.sil.ilily exists control of all otlu-r civ.c aflaii.> -• "\' 'o • '„ ^,,.,. . year. I^or b it jiuit :; Uially if tUislKKly i-'^-f ^ ^ 1^! ^^^^ ^ ' ^S-hVeic^porhaps not^oloctea that a Corporation ^'^'>>^'^'^'' ^ '/ ^'^ "a ^ c^>"'^ ^'"^ '^"''" "''' "^'' "^'"' with a view to thcr scrv...^ '" ^j ^^J ^should be char^,.! ^vith the sup.r- scvcral other loss nnporlant ^ '^'^ l^^ ' ' ,„aua?cnu nt of a -M-ork, Avh.ch has ,i,sion, and he '''^^ '^^;'"''''y' . n.d \v icli n'4uires prompt and rej.ulav nvany specialities to ^1%^^;" ''.;',„ ^"i that the poweri of CoriKnat.on attention. The nra,n '^^j^"' , j^' . ' ' ,e econuneudlng, or otherw.se of Committees are gene ally 1^ ''^^^ ;' ^^l j^;^,,, ,,uieh luhe place rn f.dl avpointnicnts, cxpencl.tn es Vt.,--t k. | ^^'^ ^om.ortnnity of knoxvnu;- the. cinmcil, Tlris latter hody .^^-^ -^.^l '; ^/^'J;,,,^/^ therefore merits of cpiest bnsnpon ^\'\^l't^.;^'^Mkc, or ontside pressnre. Jf every more liahle to he m/luencca ^i^^'^-l^'^^J .,.,,, ,„d in.portanl ^^•orks heeomes administrative act m the i..; ' S^^ ^^^'^^^ ;^\^^^, ^^J^,, ,,e, either thai ),o the sul^ectof aeh.U. arn^nS t . - - -^^ J ^^,„^,^,,. ,, ^.j,, he arrived at as prompt action wdl he taken, ''\" ',',.. .^,i'^,„, i„ i]„. Cori.oration and Com- Iften -as the right one. 1 hese ^^^^^^^^^ ,ften in the employes of the mittecs leaa to changes m he nY,nge.^r^ ^^^^.^^^ ._,,.^. ,,^, ,,„,y ^vork. The latter not having h , ^; "^ .4,,^,, i,,,^ ^,,, <,, a certain extent uncertain of their position, ;;'^ ^^ ^ ^'^, ; ^I^^ ^vhich accompanies the freed from control dnr.ng he f " ' '^^ ^^ f^'/h", j,.,,,- Committee. 'I he nexv breaking up of the oW ana he ^ - ^^^ j^^^^.a time to become familiar m.cmhors postpone bnsmess ^l^^l^^^'X ,„,.^^„„,, . ,vhile rehiring members v/ilh the question, and this, m « "^/-•'i ' , In order not to a^snme any respon- absent tlK'mse,lves,postpc.ne or evade, d^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^.^..^ nihility, or (if they "- --';;;^^' ^^ . , £ suSS, oOentimes nlorc by inaction against them at the po Is. \' ^^ ^ '^^ ;;, ', ti,e,e can be neither ora.u" thair by any action ;;^-;^^,^ ;^^ , ^ ^ id mUive mnstbe given. ThereR.c m>r rc^>'"-^' ''''^i'-T "^"^ ^, tS oHValer Connnissioncrs, cither ebc ed by ilhasbecnfom.athatasniall > ^ ^ j, the nomination of the people, as s done .'"^^'^ "> ^^ i^ din' oHice (l-r u term of five years the Mayor, us is aone in ^^^^' ^."^ ^^i,^^' , ,„,„",,u of the Uatcr ^\-orks and forms the proper ]3oard t' ^^l^'^ '^^ '^J; 'J j,,., ,^ ,eial charge there is a -5;ro .■,, — Th.c cons ;1rnction of a summit reservoir, ami the dehvery whole sujii ,ly fust, into it,"^Vhon this proves insiilucie nt, thcsnniiait reiscrvoir 11 7M o.ni 1'.' ni!i'<1 t1;ii!y iUiil an ucin'v di.fri.M lu' aiiiHirliciiri] toil, by iicliul rxi'C- liiiU'iil, St> tli.it til'.' !;ii;',t'.--l tjiuiitil y lu;;) li/ i^ivi'ii, lo llu' ii'iii;ilinli,'i- iiCllii' cH) ; tlir> I'llv iVoiii l.iui ]v<] ii 1 culnici liim villi 'riiiKi'. Till' ailililldii til liu- tlistriliulit'ii iHH'diiuiU'iu tlu' lli'^^Tvcir at diaiuli' AlU'i-. ]'\»l iiiii.--A iliii'lii-ulo main at lli" imm-mu:'; nl' llu- S! . Cliailcs atnl j'l-o-- vision Tt ai'i'o>^. to it v, lioro Iniilt Kimii, at ,Moiiiil rha-mt. Willi l!u>.' jiiin iviiiu^, uliic'li I'an 1k' atlaini'i! at a total cu;4 of .-C^.'.^jOOO^ lo jC.'iO.iUH), I lliink tlif iifi-i -ity lov an aililil ioaal main ((in- v.liirli no jiinvision has liri'ii iir.idi' in llio hi-ail works at liUictlo) will he avoid(\l. I trii-;t yon will jkmJoii tlu' ni.\'oss:iry i>lainuo.--s wifli A\'liicli I Invc frit it liiv duly to*s|H'ak, and witlioiil wliirh tlic tnio .stati' of alliiir.s ctuiKl iiol Lc CNi'laini\l. '.riu' sam.o system in Montr. mI is rajiidly iiroJiicin^^; tlio same cllocls ;—lnit yours, liaviin'; li.'on loiigor in operation, has culniintitoil suoiur. 1 taki' this oopnsiou lo acknowlodgc llu! valiiablo iiid which has been fifi;<rdoil to my assistant, Kir. Kennedy, and myself, by your Engineer Mr. O'Doiiiiell, who has spari'd no pains to further our investigations, find who luis in my jndirmenl done all Ihal was possible, lo diminish the iiieouveiiiLncu ari^in<'•"fronl the cause meutioued in this report, I have the lienor lo be, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, Tiios. c. KJ:i:FErv. 1.) '.i';\ivi;i; I. 10 '\\\v.\, {( '•) / It ;•;;/.< (', //• (.'■ li'i'/r/- 'II <'/.'.••'• -.A;n7, l^'CO. 5 s'c y • E P, h-': ^M Aj I'^r-' !. S V^-^l c: 5 ^, O >' 1 £, e; ' i Jlh 3.W •l.?0 .00 u.oo 6. CO 6.30 6. -I") 7.W 7.10 !>.(iO 8.30 0.00 <>.:'■'< !io.;m) i 11.00 173 17-: 3.00 A. M. 30;1.00, 31 .PI 31: lbs. p, Mill' nt COilllT iC;U.91 31V 170 , ■:;i'5.'oV'31i.'l7C '•iM.Vs 'siii'iV: 3i>n.0o 31.;! 170. I I 31 1 173 ;;nt.07 oou i7i 37 31 " 3.i '1^1 il .00 30 I 17.1 Jo :^u.tj"^ O.i^.l."' ii:).ic 20 17 ( 2.) 1" 31 30 :;o7.so 2.1V 1- . ... 21 1^ '0'^. MC.M !l 1-0 i3: SiO..')^; .,1 Si. Itni'li s!io..'b 1(1 Chll! .vtU'l'I -Ic-l'oit uiul?;. IVtfi- Mivo'i.s. St. Swh. )-t. i'lUl 1(1 Si. I'liiil i.iivo;<. 1.1 St. r lllli .s'lVCis. .-■■i.(li.-r.t'vi("vi' \- Sl.Ui-iilo Uncts. • '.(.•-roitiiiulSt.IVto i'(.n-^ f?t.Goii ■,V Sl.l'i':iili.-s'.rc(.''. ]{ i; .M A I! K S T A ]; i. VlOM ■ Jci'iu .strcit Micncc'.nor.t cftiii'M.; "ani-Mi: >> till r..Oj J'. M. CM the 2!i;i, thj oay \vu> .siii.i ,!i(.cll. l.';i!i) .O IK I'> !'•■ .Ill, I CiK-l.s IcikI in li'.L' }i[\J, to iTu! i: III iiif iiii'i o!li- r lii^lK'-l li-vi Til!.-* is t!ie u.-'iiii Allcr " owcr .liiv. H I .1 .•!■ luviN. Fi>.i tlar .'^Iiut or \hrf\\'.' "."i.o'i ]'. M. to 7.31.1 r (^■■ ;,lii.'0!'l! :i .'^ciiJ il 0) tli''(-iinii'.l All I l>. M., tin.' w: i(_r %vi n:ct1iu'-l oJ .-iii'i''.yi:iS tl'c •■•'tj". «' im^) l-» oiul to ]. \'c.t .sir.ci' M;".y to tl .■.-(' 'i'o\\ a ii.-i t.'c:i.iC I'-.OD. i! j; S V J> T (ir 'J Ji 'J'iieiivcMti/.-d.liyoiy ofllKj n.:uii (liinii;; tl.i.' 2.11iuurs givf ■| Ai;J.. a ill llie 'J at.,i.;, l^; \'.Vl\f 11 ,') ci |.i;t |".i ^■111 I,:,: Ictl,";;!' 2,b-2<0i) ^fil'ons }■(^l■ ( li.'Ml. cuMc. R'c'. !■■. The /liy/'Cf V rcra^i'. (k'li\(-iy ocL-mn ■d bclwoin 11.50 A.M. 2.30 F.M. of till- 2itli, !ui .1 \\\ 300,1-1 fiibi-.- iVi't per riiiiiKtu, 21tli. '1 1,0 I iii'-cft (iri iLiyj' ll'. O.OO A. M. ol'llic O.'jlli, iiic!ii.'.ivo, i rv (win M fee-.l-iiig by f^t- Jt'lin .-tr If I \va 27;!,3i l;t), OCCIH i cubic R'i.'l I'L-; ;.l l.c'wxcii 10.30 ]'. W- of Ihi l:iir.iiti', or c^ i'l' ten!, of I'lM.-t iiven-it'e'liiriii; : il;iv. 'J'he ililllroiuc l.-;\\( tlie 1(-AVC->1 ni'iit (Irli'.eiy, I'l ll ; lI^U' il'-'liVl I Vj Wii.'s 3'i ei A-'^llllliii: bic iVct 1 ■ liiinnle licniiy. lliaUmi-l'.'iiilb of tiii.'* or ciibie fee! I'ei' tlMlllll'- ■WO', ll-l". Ill the ni: (w\ I lie- i.s c„n■^I:lt,tly ti-'.iuile'l t" ■r''l'l"J' S'' ■'' iJ about 211 ciibif,- feci p ;lil,n:Hllliat 50 eiibio ■r liiiiiulc, 01 iieuily 'tj p'ci e'.nl. of Ihc wliolij (luaiility of wuto: del ul inlu ll:e city, nnis' I have been \vti.-=;i IjOr.'prrimriitscH the Qi'drc Wottr Wnrl^a- Ajo-'tl, \^CA, c 'a Time. ■■-•-;■ '-P E .Sou C.SE-Si; 1 V. r. „ I '' y -■ l. . ?fi 15.00 1.00 2.00 2.30 3.00 4.00 fi.OO 5.30 (i.e.) G.M 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 9.00 SlS.l.'i 31.7.12 30:i.oo It II It 20 ; i!ii It II 317. .'pI 3i7.2l 303.00 2:iO.SS 273.01 2.7)..i';! 5biJA>\ 1 210. SO 207.01 2.iG.01 271. .10 100 II II « It 1 It 1 . . . (( (( , It <( From 12.00 M. to 5.00 P. M., the City wiis suppliiHl liy St. Joliu Slivct in the; same niaiincr ns on the 21lli iiiiil 2.')!h (Tiililo 1,) cxrojit ihnt tlic f-toi) cucks liMidiii^' to Lower Town Wtri- Ic^s lliiotllcil. , licUvicii o.OO uim! S.OO 1*. M. the wnlor wa-- liinioil iiji to Oiaiul Alico to ns to j;ivo a prf-suii.' on lla" MUMMiit. Aliir T.liii 1'. M., tlie .sloj) codes were boiri^' ;iri.iii£c(l to I'ccil over tiiu CJiaiHi Allcu willioul pressure on llic sninnilt. • The nvL-rage (lelivury of the mniti from 12.00 M. lo 5.00 P. M., was 3M cubic feel per minute. bSJi 1 <5.= ll' 27 C. 00 A.M. 2ni.5i 7.00 (( 270.31 8.00- (.' 2>7.S.7 9.00 it 2SS.-lt! 10.00 n 2!)0.S.S 10.0.5 It • • • • 10.15 it • • • • 10.30 tc 2S0.7S 10.60 (( 11.00 (( 2S0.7R 11.30 « 2S1.S2 12.00 (( 2S2.S0 12.30 : '.M. 2.«,G.03 1.00 It 2Mi.03 1.30 <i 2S1.1.S 2.00 (( 27 -1.26 3.00 (( 2S0.7S C lbs. pressure at corner of Grande AWvc niul St. y\u;,'u?!/ Ptr.:-;t. 7 do do St. Ainalilc and do do. No pressure at corner of \ f}' Am"b![.; and Lacheyroliete Street. ' I urande Alluc and do do, 35 lbs. pressure at Mount Pleasant. IS I 3 V 1 r , t (, ■Ic C l> n l) V E J": f; M. i( <> <i (.- (( <>' <. (; <( <. (I i: a ■ a is t; « « <( (( <I <( (C (•' (( (t It « « •j.oor C.(Hl ■7.00 S.W II. W n.:iO n.;'0 <• 10.0i> <•• 10.30 " 10. 'to '• lO.'H") « 11.00 «' 11.10 <■ 11.30 '• le.ro " 10.30 A. M iJ.l-i " 1.00 " i.i:- •' J, CO " 1.30 " 2.00 " 2.20 '•■ 2.-I') « 3.0!) <•' 4.00 " fi.OO " C.('0 " *.()() <' S.O') <•' 8.30 '■• 9.00 " p.ir> '- 9.2» '•• 9.3:. '• 9..'m '• 2>l.l>i 210.07 2111. IW 271. 1!* I SLiji CwU tlirotllol t.i i<I»Im >v.'t.>r Mi Oi.iiuV- Alli". .... 21 tlo sVi.'ei 30 do 2o't.( ; •11 (U> • • • • 21 tlo nj <lo 2*!K!.'p'l 12 3^1 (1.) • • • • d.) 270.fi!' 2»7.'>'> 2!>3.01 PS do 303 .00 .... n.'> do .... Oii do 2pa.ni 2V--.4.:) 1 , ,1... l.'ij lli-i. jiii'--im' (It ii'n\(' do do do do do do do IT f-'t. FVtrr 1111(1 Si. rmil ?'li'rt«, tit. I!ii, li iiii'l ]>■- I'l'-'S d... 8l UrMilc iiu.l ^;|. .l"l.ii to. do Oiiil Si. Aiiiic do, do kimI .»'i,(i<iicvi<Hi' Hiifi'lit. Si, IlmiuNhihI 1,11'iTtn do, JVM;mii;ii» niul ,\louiit Cormcl fUo'\», do Cia!-.; ni.il riiuci' Kdwrild Hlurtn. Iks rV.'-r:' \- Cnoj,', Si, NM'1ml<H>V St, Paid ><l- d.. mid Si, llo'li SiMi't. 2-0*23 3I.-..12 321.^1 3:i.Kl 330.31; 3;ui.!»i 3:ii;.oi 3:Ki.M i\\ do t) do do !\l Miiiiiit riciiTiiit, do Si. Ur.siili.- and St. (Il'muViCVC Slrt'ct*. C II,,, prc..Mro nl ccrmT St. -irsid,. >in-l S. Ann Str^nl*. ,.1 ,i,j ' ,!o Jupiter UiMM..'"!'" "«• 8 do do 1.1 Mount rk'UMUit. 9 do do do do. i;j;.maj;ks on tadi-t; 3. V'lvv..v.. 11.30 I', M, on ll,. 20h, ioM l-.oO ■;■,•;'■•..;;„.„. „1,. .,..• ,..„l.' .vn.Ul.li.- IlKSin/JS Ol- TJIi; TAHI-K Th.. average del,v..,y ./ ll.n.on ^l w. .n ,0 30 A U .;.. ;>.;- /V ^K ;';;,'^:: fll.J^^^^l Kriiiiniitc, nf.ff.^-..n-o. M'nin... Ai ■ ...,..!„,, „v-,.i- Monnt ri.,„-H.,l v.-.l:. >''• -'i- -'- i- ' i' '" V^.k pi i:,' li 1/1 villi: Wti' illxHil '•Ul per ci 1 (,!'lli:\l dilivcit'l ovVrMoiHit I'l (lit i:,L- k-.i'I ol tin; r!l'<'.) w (loliv.try ii.l" Ik'U-.'h would I'O I''., i man iii » pcrvico 111 I'ucli CP'O. isno. JllMl" 10 From Hy.linnt nt cornor Ft. Ki<;l.o!ns nnd ft. I'uul Strcft" IX, Dos Foss6s »m! St. Itocl.s Sticts. Jlo Cnig PiiJ rni"-'«' IMw!"-'l Siircis. J)o St. rctciPivl Iien(l'U Hall Slroet-, jja llimJo nr.J Du FortStroot Do St. rrsuleandSl. Ann Sti.ott. Do St. Donnis iuul l.iiioit f^trcct^. Do Dos I'u^f^c- nnJ Ciaif; Ptii'fts ■ • • J)o Jupiter :.mlSl,Jul-:?^livd- 8. t'?- On!Ii'iis, on, I CO -liJ.Hti (i:t,p.'ii 37,-iri iii,:m 71,010 37,o:i-' r:i,ii(; t>;i,bo 4;t.Mio 3(»,vil 1H.">,-'10 7U,iiM) 4.'<,iili0 31,011 IV!, Ml.) .si.nis 3:>,7:itj 2..,n:!o Oi.l naiy lif.isiirc tlif ktop ciKl,>tlii(.Hlcilii'^ l\su:\\. 1 Wilier Wii'^ nImiI ifl iKiiii ^'t- Korliv iiml l-.iwcr Town lo siipi ly llic t'!i[>c. 1 '|'iv>-iiro toil piiMl l.> nil iiMirc willi I i"i'''- Do Mount Pleiisant , iii,:'>-i hs,s70 tn.i.os 115,701 SS,^7'2 O^.IM) ■IH.IIU 11 7,701 i->y' I 50,H"0 31,011 13.7,21(1 63, bO 4 1.1? I 30,501 Al-iii 7.7 iitT fi-ui i.riull I'rc-s- Miii; 1111. Do Gramlc AllC.: I'.inl l.iK-licviolifu- Sir 1 1 1-2I,1IC J I 43. --OO I; 3l,.'>t;ii I I 2i,13-3 Uiiiitt ouliii;.ry inoxsuro. \Viiliriiiiiic<liJi^ uiuk'r ii''>iit 7;7 |,.T I. lit oIMk 'ill' I"'"*' MMC tilllt lOuM I'l.' l'l,'illl^'->' if r^'llul^itc. 20 UHiO. \]U' Vln\'s \vlu'll« MMVU'f.S JiijHS of IMU' l.u'l. inn! ilJ'U.uJ ■I'll il.lllt J J it Oiii'l' (^IVill ]<)■ Weil o*n. n.T I'MiU'lT To M'''n"ii"''* ''■"'•''''''> ' «' iil-'-t'l'!* fiMlullNi _ «< I'll.it.'iUl Si. I.«'s\i-t G •• St. YuIilt .'t.lSN ■ 1 ilU UllC 1 •' 1 H '< I'l.iii'irAiii ^^llt) 4 «< iltiti'l I'll 11 Ntiiiiitry, «< I'r.iiiliiii' Co'.ivr:)!. " CiK,! Micphcnil'i'in, Itu.hll' (-tll'i'') f< •» St. Visiilr'' jit, r> " I.:u'licMiitini ' i; " I'liin'l Mii'il, «Ar;-ia.Ti^^-i-" ■''--' I- :: ^'"";?"" «'H OU-t' f A SMlllJlI •' iSi'iniiuiiy, •' Viiivcrsity, «' Court lIoUM>, •' .l.iil, •< MA'alliini's Ir^wiry, " J.fpiK'rs Iri'wcryj « iJiu Ill's " ' ' C. «• JcMiitj' ]iiiiri»cl-> (iil'initViictuiy, C II ( Si. I (^11' ifOliTO I'WH' 4 « Suiui-h:U'- • r.uic V-m\ 14 " J'iibr!fi>i •iiVi'li I Es-n.uiv. cf tlif-- i"i'i 18C0. ,1„.v of "Water Tahor.s 111 Ouolwe, Vy I\li-. 0*])unnc)l, iMsi^i iicor fiui-l'C'C Wati-T AVoil; ]•;.!. 1 Ulr ill II Soulier.- Ill .tlM ii;-i l'"i wivi's r 1 1,0,11. In- ... nd cliitilren. Soiniii^iry, Univi.'isily Noilllil r^ihnti I'lii -IS i!ii!l pui' il l.ar.l. 1 S.' tl'iO Oriihnti Asyliini. f<t. l!;ii1i;ftNt' Sti>;ii:i i;n;:inr lloiMsiii rlly {^'^y) ■ 'iiiniiorics tlint ruv Mipi bhip-yards (om; ^U•;^||!< s (iiiiietL'cn) 'J ili.-(l ti'ii Kstirnalin;^ a II aviMii;'i: Water l.i}.-r> won :,fn Ml •„•, ir fioiii liOiL-c fcrvifcfl 1 -,\ ...••• I'fi) v.;l,er.nnstoe.chfunuly,totalmun1.^ 10 o! ClH) 100 40 '10 35 2no 5(1 :i '21 :.0D