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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. errata I to t » palure, on A D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^Ir t^riV Co\o¥\\aV OWirt d) »*7 COLONIAL BILLS. NORTH AMEIUCA. RETURN to an Addrem of tbe Honourable 'Hie Iloiiiu of Comraonf , ditted 37 Mu}- 1864;— :/ur, "The Titles and Dates of Bii.i.s passetl by the Legislatures of Canadu, Suva Scotia, Ntw Brunswick, Xeu/ound/aiu/, aiul I'rince Kdraird's Island .-.iiice the Year 183G, which have been Reserved by tlie (iovernors of those Colonies respectively for Reference to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, and of the Titles and Dates of Bills so referred to which the Royal Assent was ultimately Refused ; anil Copy or Extracts of the Terms in which such Refusal was conveyed." Colonial Office,! 35 July 1S64. J FREDERIC ROGERS. {Viscount Bury.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, t\) he Printed, 26 July 1864. 539- fi% :.iv/. )> -iMT:iJJ m; S C U E D i; L K. I-AGK UrpEB Canada -- 3 LowEB Canada ...---.--.. fi Canada « Nova Scotia - !> New Brunmwick ----..--.--h Newfoundland -.----.--_. 16 Prince Edward Island - ----..--.17 CopiEH OK Extracts of Despatches in which the Royal Assent was REFUSED to CERTAIN RESERVED BiLI.S CONTAINED IN THE FOREGOINfi Schedule .------.----20 Appendix. No. 1. — Table shewing the ntiiiiber of Laws " rc8crvec Ciiloiiioit rc:'i)Cotively for Rcfcrenoe to Her Majc?tyV Secretary of State for the Cohmics, iintl of the Titleit ami Dates of Killn no referred to which the Uport of the Provincial Penitentiary, and for oilier purposes therein mentioned. An Act fjrantinst to His Majesty a Sum of Money for the Support of l.i!,'Iitliouses in this Province. An Act jimntinf: .loo/, towards the Completion of a Li A— < un/mu. rrCiiiiiiilii, iinil to Alter inul Aticml tlic Chiirler thcri-of. An Act t." -M't-urc tin- In'Ii'pcinli'iici' nf th" Conifnntii lloiixc of A»-<'iiitily cil' tlii-i I', and (or other |iar|>o»cii tlicrcin riirnlioncd. All Act (or IiK ii i-iiiu' the (-'iiliiiiil Slock of tlic Com- iiicrcini Bank oC the Midland Dinlrict. An Act to Kxtalilish a Dank at Brockvillc, in the Diitrict of Johnitown. An Act to Iiicor|ioratc certain Persons under the styh; of "The Upjier Canada Ix>an and Trust Company.'' .An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style iind title of " The President, Directors, and Com- pany of the Bank of the Ntwenstle District." .An Act to Incoriiorate sundry Persons under the style and title or "The President and Directors of the Upper Canada Life Insurance and Truit Com- pany. An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President, Directors, and Company of the Erie and Ontario Bank of the Niafjara District." An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President,. Directors, and Com- pany of the Prcscott Bank," An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President, Directors, and Com- pany of the Prince Edward District Bank." An Act Incorporating a Joint Siock Company under the style and title of "The President, Directors, and Company of the London District Bank. An Act to Amend the Charter and Increase the Capital Stock of tlie Gore Bank. An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President, Directors, and Com- pany of the Western District Bank." An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of <* The Xia^ra' District Bank." An Act erecting certain parts of the Counties of Hal- ton and Simcoe into a new District by the name of " The District of Wellington." An Act to Naturalise certain Persons therein named. An Act to Authorise the Erection of certain Townships and other Territory heretofore forming part of the Newcastle District into a new District by the name of " The District of Colborne," with Peterborough for the District Town. An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President, Directors, and Com- pany of the Freeholders' Bank of Upper Canada." An Act to Dispose of the Lands commonly called " Clergy Reserves," and for other purposes therein mentioned." An Act to Appropriate the Casual and Territorial Revenue, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Act to Regulate the Value at which Gold and Silver Coins shall pass current within this Province. ; Assent refused by Despatch, No. 20, of the 12th October 1830, page 30. \ Assent refused by Despatch, No. 49, J 9th December 1839, page 23. i^i COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMERICA). «h, No. 20, of ', page 20. atch, No. 40, ge 23. No. Date of I'aftinK' 1,1 SO 1,lul 1.152 1,1)3 I.IS^ 1,155 1,308 1,290 1,300 1,301 l,n02 II May 1 830 II Mnjr „ II Mav II May „ II May „ II May „ 10 Feb. 1840 10 Feb. „ 10 Feb. „ III Feb. „ 10 Feb. „ I IM'KR 1 AN A DA-/. .«/„«««. TiTi.t >ir Bill.. l.nO.T 10 Feb. 1,31)4 I 10 I'll). i,ai).-. 10 Foil. 1,:)00 1(1 Fob. J, 307 10 Feb. 1,108 10 Feb. l,.30n 10 Feb. l.nio 10 Feb. An .\i't to iiwtTlalii iiml |iri)viil<< fur iIm- I'mmPiit nt' III! jiigt t'lHiiiii" i(ri«iiii^ from lln' liilr Hotifllion niid Invii»i(iii» of llii* I'r.n iiii-r'. ,\n Act til auilinri«e ihc i--iiii' ot liill* of Croilil - An Act toniitliori«c ibi' I'lin Ii;i>m' of tbi> l»riv;iti' Sioik in tbi' WtHutMi Ciiiiiil iin tlif |i!irl of tliin I'loviiicr, nnil for otIiiT |itirpiis('» tlipreiii tornlioiiril. An Act to nfl'oni fiirlbe- l-'nciliticK to nc^otiutp Debcn- benture^ for tlic Com|ilt'tioii of crrtiiiii NVoi-k>. An Avt to ninko Pi'ovi>ion for tlir Diviximi of tlip interule Coiiii. tief. All .Act to ('liable Hill .Mnjigtv to iniikc n (irniit of Land to ,Jiiini"« FitzOibbon, Vmi. An Act to impoM Duties on certain Articleit imported into this Province from the United States of .Anicricn. I An Act to iDikc Provision for the Miiiin<;t'incnt of xhc I Temporalities of the Uiiitod Church of Kiiglnnd and j Ireland in thiH Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned. I An Act to niiicertaiii and girovido for tho Puvnioiit of ull just CIniinH arising from the l.ito Rclicflioii anil I Iiivaeions of this Province. An Act to make Provision to indemnify Persons from I.os8('8 occasionei' by tlie nets of Iiiceiidiiiries, lie- twecn the 4th'',. nt December in the year of oiir Lord 183^, am 1: Ut day of January I h to. An Act to iiniend nn .ict passed in the 0th Year of the Rci<;n of Kinp Gcorjje 4, c. 2, intituled, " An .\nt for the Relief of Religious Societies therein." RtMARKH. Asiiont refiiKcd bv Di iipatrh, No. 20, of the 12th Octulx-r IM.11I, |iagr 20. .An Act for the Relief of John Stewart. An .\(t to enable Her Mnjcsty to make a Grant of Land to James ritzGibbon, ICsq. Assent refuseil bv Desputoh, No. 31, of the 27th October, paije 21. All Act to Naturalise Elijah Ncllis. An Act for iilterinp; and amcndlii>; the Charter of the President, Directors, and Coni|iaiiy of the Bank of Upper Caiiailii, and for increa-'iii^ the Number of Shares to be iiekl in the Capital Stuck of th<; s:iid Conijiany, An Act to increase the Capiu^l i«cock of the Gore Bank, and the Number of Shares to be held therein. An Act for altering and amending; the Charter of the President, Director^-, and Company of the Com- inercinl Bank of the Midland District, and for in- creasing the Nunibtr of Shares to lie held in the Capital Stock of the Company. An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons under the style and title of " The President, Directors, and Company of the Prince Edwiir' District Bank." An Act to Incorporate the I'armers' Joint Stock Bank- ingCompany, under the style and title of '' The Pre- sident, Directors, and Company of the Farmers' Bank." Assent refused by De»|i!itili, Ne 22d July 1840, page 2J. 184. .Assent refused by Despatch, No. 4o:, loth July 1841, page 2.>. .)29. A. 3 RKTinX RRLXTINT. TO LOWKK CAN A l» A. l>ut<' III' I'nsitinK. •1 April IR!I)) Tiri.K 111 liii.L. Rkmahk*. .. na An OrdiiiHiicc to rr'/ii!nlc tlir ( 'iirmii'v oft' M'rm iiiic Asiviit rrfuaed hy I)i'»|»«ttli, No. .10. of No. ■J04 C A N A D A. HH , in S<'|it. IH4I I M( IX Sojil. „ uo 18 Srjit. If )tl 18 Sept. »» U-' It* Sept. i» tli) IH Sept. II 01 18 Stpt. '1 U) IH 1' DM IH Sept. II It? 1 H Sept. II 1)« IN Sept. II u:* 1 H Sept. II loo 101 13:) |:ll SUI IK Sept. „ I H Sept. „ inj KsScpt. „ I J Oct. 1842 li Oct. ,, !) Doc. 1843 1) Dec. „ I) Dec. „ 20i I Dec. „ An Act to rcuulute llie iM'pectiuii of Flour iiiid Meal. An Act to rxlend tlic CImrler of llip"City Biink," and to incrcaHC the C'npital Stock thereof. All Act to Incor|>orale sundry IVmcinti under the Htyle and title of •' The i'rui-idinl. UirectorH, and Coni- piiny of the Hunk oCthe Niiipiru District." An Act to provide for tiie Freedom of Election throu(;lioiil this Province, and for other purpose^ therein iiientioind. An Act to Incor|iorii>e the Quebec Hoard of Trade. All Act 10 rcffulatc the Iiispeclion of Ueef and Pork. An Act to esliihliHli ii C'linipiiiiy, to he culled " The Hal- diiiieiid (jiaHHWorks C'oiiip.iiy." An Act to rem w the Charter of the Hiiiik of Montreal, and to iiieivii«e itn Ciipitiil Stock. All Act tor tiie Ditiposiil of Puhlic Laiidn. " An Act to Incorporate the Montreal Board of Trade. .\ii Act to extend llii' Cliarlcr of the Quebec Bank. .An Act to rcjriilHlc llie Takiii); of SccurilicM in all OHiees ill reiipcct of uhich Security ought to he ^iveii, and for avoiding the Grant of all such OiP.ceH ill the event of «iieh Security not being given within n Time hinited aftei llie Grant of hucIi Office. An Act to regulate the Currency of thi:* Province. An Act to permit the Business of the Bank of Upper C'aiiada to ho can icd on in Toronto as usual, An Act to aiitliorisc the Banks heretofore chartered Ity Acts of the laic Province of Upper or Lower Caimila to cany on their Business throughout this Province. An Act to make Provision for tho Management of the Tenipoiaiitich of the DiiiieJ Cliurch of England and Irehiiul in the DiocCM' of Qiielici; in this Province, and for other purposes tlicreiii mentioned. An Act to impose ii Duty upon Foreign Wheat im- ported into this Province. An Act for the Discoui-agcincnt of Secret Societies - An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to Illlike Better Provision respecting the Admission of Land Surveyors anil the Survey of Lands in Upper Canada. An Act for better securing the Independence of the Legislative Assembly of this Province. An Act tj amend the Act incorporating the Bank of the Niagara District, by providing for the Extension of the Time limited for the Paying-up of the Stock of the said Bank. I)' ' „ !.1 Assent refused by Despatch, No. 180, of 27 March 1844, page 37. 906 300 207 314 aio 316 •»1^ ( OLONIAL BILLS (NOUTII AMEIMCA). < ANADA — ronfiMHn/. No. I, No. 49, i){ 2.1. ao4 306 aoo 207 314 319 316 317 DbU of Puiinif. Deu. 1843 Dec. „ Dec. , Dec. „ Dec. „ eO Mar. 1845 SO Mar. „ S9 Mur. „ 20 Mar. ,, 318 !;o Mar. „ 810 ' 20 Mar. „ 320 I 28 Mar. ., 420 427 June 1846 9 June „ No. 180, 423 I June „ 420 430 431 June 9 June June TlTL* i>P UlLL. IUll4K«l. An .\i.'t to liltcr nnil nmi'iul rrrtnin p«rl> ni' an Art therein mentioned rilulin^ i<> (In- NHviunimn l .5 29- An Art for the better neourini; the Independence of I Ativnt refu^ril l>r IV-palcli, N<> -Jul the Le(;i->lutive CouDcil of thi« I'lovincr. Ibtii Apiil IN44, |ii-t' .';. An Aft to Incorporate the Chiircli Sociftii« of ihe United Church of Knirlind nnd Irelnnd in the Diocroeo of Quebec and Toronto. An Act to Incorporate certain i'. r»on» ca^^J■in^; on the bunines* of Hankin;; in the Citv of Montrcui, under the name of" Ui Uanque du I'euple." An Act to (lisfolvc the Murriu|;(> of llenrv WilliHro /Vx'ent rcfimrd liy l)f>jiiitili. V .. jm*; IlnrriH, Km|., with Kli/u Wulkcr, iillicr«i»e I'Blled I 18th Novcinlii-r I -4.), |iiij;i- i-. HIi/a Luck Walker, \u» now wilip, u'ld to fiial>lo liim '. t'l iniirrv iipiin, and lor other purposes therein * nientioni' >v m «Mi t: <■';; ' i .' RETIKN RELATING TO CANADA— ronlioK'rf. No. Date of PuuiiK. Trrti or Bill. RniAM*. 4a3 June 1N4II An Act to Inrnrpuralti llic PvlfilKtraugli •ml Port Ilopn Rail«*y (nnipany. 433 June tt An Act to liiL'urponite l.a RiimiUf d(*< .Mnrrlmnda. 414 U June I* An Act to liicorpontta tliu Moiitrr«l itnil Kinifoton Kitilrunil CoiniMnjr. 43.) June I* An Ai't lor (iriiniinK a Cifil Liit to Hi r .Mtjptty. 490 9H July 1847 An Act to fiu'illlnir ('oinniiiliition of lhi> Tonurr of Iiitnili* nil Riitiiri' in thr Qucen'n Dumnin into tb*t oC Free iiinl ('oiiiiiinii Sihtuhp, auil to nvoiil the un- nacTMRry Dflnyii unil Kxpente horelofure incidental to iiui'li CoinniiilHtiunii. 047 38 July i> All Art to I'xtrnil tlie Time for takiiit; llieOatli and iiinkini; tli« Drcliinitlon rivinircil of FiTsonK nniunl- iai'il in llii' Province. 438 ■2% July » An Art In iiiiT('ii'<(' tlic t'lipiiiil .''lurk of iho f^iii'boc liniik, mill lo iinicnil in part tlir Act to cxtcnil the Clmitrr nf llic i>iiiil Hunk. •ini) •JS July n An Acl to ciinlilc tlic Hunk of Monhviil lo iiicrcniic ilH C'apitiil .Slock. 440 3d July »» An Act to initlilu tliiCity Uuiik lo incrcii^o hi Capital Stock. 441 38 July >» An Act to Incor lornlc llic Wooilmock iinJ I-«ko Erie Railwiiy nnJ lurliour Conipiiny. 442 •JS July ti An Act lo Incorporulo tlic Uylowii iiiiil Britannia Hailway Company. 443 38 July l» An -Act to Iiicorporiile the Carillow and Grcnvillc Railway Company. 4t4 28 July >» An Act to Iiicorpot'Htc the I^kc St. Louis niiil Pro- vince Line Ruilwiiy Company. 440 28 July »i An Act to Incorponitc the Montreal and Priivincc Line Jiniclion Riiilwiiy Company. 44U 28 July » An Act lo Inuorporate the Cnnailii, New Brunswick, and Novn Scotia Railway Company. 447 38 July »i An Act for Inrorporatinf^ the Toronto and Goderich Railway Company. 448 28 July ft An Act to Incorporate the District Bank of Quebec. o78 25 April 1840 An Act to iiiisc an Income of 100,000/. out of the Public Lnndi> of Canada for Common School Edu- cation. 670 36 April » An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and make Better Provision for ihc Naturalisation of Aliens. S8U 36 A])ril 19 An Act to Incor|>ornte the Queenston Suspension Briagc Company. 681 26 April If An Act to amend the Act relative to Savings Banks. C8i 35 April !> An Acl lo Incorporate the Toronto, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Union Railroad Company. 683 26 April '» An Act to Kccnre Titles lo Ileal Estate to certain Per- sons Hiituralised under the Statute of Lower Canada, 1 Will. 4, c. 53. 0<.)4 30 Aug. 1851 An Act to provide for the Establishment of a Church Society of the United Church of England and Ire- land ill each Dioceso of that Church in Lower Canada, and for other purposes connected with the recent Division uf the Diocese of Quebec. 0D& 30 Aug. >• An Act to make Provision lor the Management of the Temporalities of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned. . ' »^^' COLONIAI. BILLS NOHril AMF.RICA). CASAnA-fimimtttJ. No. MNI l,l7-.> 1,7J9 '.',413 IHtcofl'MiiiiK, 80 Autf. IHOI 097 30 Att((. »» 098 30 Auk- 1' OOO 30 Auk- »» 10 June 1807 18 May I HO I June 1803 TitiK or Dill. I .Vii Act to ri'iM-iil •<> iiiiii'li iif lli« Arlof llir i>Mrlisiii«nl ofdrinl Hrituiii |ui»c'i| in tliclltl Ycnr »)' l)ir Kriirii ■ •I' Kinu fii'iirL't' till' Tliiril, uml ctinpliTril 31, an rpluti't Id Kcctnrico mill Oif i'ri'Tritiillnn ol Iihmiiii- (n'mIi Io ilir miini'. ami I'ur nllirr |iur|MHrii rdiiiirrliHl willi nucll l{c<-liiri">. All Act to lnriir|mmtr llii- Fnit Krir nii'l lliitTiilii Sii»« |i('ii-il, ami to Fix till! tialurirH of the Siii'iiUrrx of tlie I.ii|., to (li'pnHC of curtain Liinilx liy .Vllotiinnt, notwith- Htnniliii)^ Cliiiptcr Oo uf the ('nii^olidiili'il SliituicK of Cttniiiln. An Act to Iiicorporiitc the New Kiliiibur;;h and Water- loo M:iini Ferry Company. NOVA SCOTIA. 1,051 Feb. 1830 All Ac'l relating to the Fishcrleg, and for the Prevention of Illicit Trade in the Province of Nova Scotia and the Coasts and Harbours thereof. 1,704 •.>0 Mar. » An Act to authorise the Lieutenant (jovemor t« appoint Commisxioners to run out the Boundary Line between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 1,729 20 Mar. »i An Act to divide the County of Sydney, and to regulate the Represeiiiation thereof. 1,737 13 Mar. ,, An Act to Incorporate the General .Mining; Aissociation. 1,738 29 Mar. j» An Act to erect the Coiiniy of Shelbournc into two separate and distinct Counties, and to regulate the Representation thereof. 1,743 12 Mar. » An Act for Deepening tlie East River of Pictou Assent refused by Despatch, Nu. t>f 3l8t August 1636, pa^c 28. 1,808 31 Apr. 1837 An Act to enable Members of the I louse of Assembly about to leave the Province, or unable from indis- position to attend their duty, to resign their Seats therein. 1,833 21 Apr. » An Act to divide the County of Annajiolig, and to Regulate the Representation thereof. 1,837 21 Apr. >» An Act for the quiet of the Subjects in their Pos- session of Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments within this Province. 1,881 17 Apr. 1838 An Act for attesting the Repretenlation in General Assemblyr, as respects the County of Inverness. 529- B !*! A^ lO KKilKN KKLATINCJ TO NOVA SCOTIA— Oi«'/f«i(.-/. 1- li* i 1. . m li' No. I)ataofI>ug»iiig. TiTIE or Hll.L. Uemarks. 1,S83 17 April 1H38 An Act tor rrf(ulutiti<; tliu Intrrnai Fo^tatre nf thin Provinrr. t.UflO 30 Mi.t. 1839 An Act ailditioniil tu, and in furtlu'r AnienUinunt u(, the Al'I concerning Ccuielcriis ot ISuriul Gruum'' Axscnt refilled by DfHpatch, No. of mil NoTcnibir !«:)!», page 31). 12, 1,907 30 Mar, „ An Act to proviilc for lli'> I'clci'iiiiti iim) iijipoitit i:ont of Tnisttcs of l.andi>. urantfil, rcwrvcd. or ollier- wisc allotted, lui Sclioul l.andH, ur t'ur Si'IiduU in ilm Province. A^grnl ('fused" by D(-patc!i, No. 4 ■J3d SeptemlW IHJIU, pige 21t. of i,WH 30 Mar. „ An Art for ncltlinjr Titles i" a certain Tract of Lanil in Cupc Breton, culled " Tlic Mire (irMiit." S,OOB 4 April ,, An Act to provide for the Settleinri.t of li^juitable Claims upon Heal Etitaie in certuiii caM-s. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 11th November 183!), page 30. 12, S.Ot-J 27 Mar. 1840 An Act for Incorporating the Trnsteeg of the Queen'* College lit i(ortoii. 2,043 97 Mar. „ An Act to repeal ilie Tenth CInugc of llic Act tor scttlint; Titles in u certain Tract of Lind in (^ape Bretoii, called " The Mire Grant." 9.0^4 27 Mar. „ An Act fur limiting the Duration cr Continuance of the General Atusetublieit. 3,046 27 Mar. „ An Act to i^riint a Drawback on Foreii;n Wheat Flour in certain cases. 3,040 27 Mar. „ An Act to ap|ioint a new Board of Governors for DaU housie College. 3,168 2,179 10 April 1841 20 Mar. „ An Act for facilitating the Recovery of Seamen's Wajjes An Act to Incorporate the General Mining Association. Assent refused by Despatch, No. of 30th August 1841, page 31. 71. 3,191 99 Mar. „ An Act to amend an Act for In(;orporating the TruB- teea of the Queen's College at Horton. 2,197 29 Mar. „ An Act for Incorporating the Trustees of the St. Mary's College at Halifax. 2,274 19 Mar. 1843 An Act for regulating the Currency of the Province. 3,268 19 Mar. „ An Act relating tu the Courts of Probate, and to the Settlement and Distribution of the Estates of De- ceased Persons. 3,309 29 Mar. 1843 An Act to repeal the Act for settling Titles, in a cer- tain Tract of Land in Cape Breton, called "The Mire Grant," and to substitute other provisions in lieu thereof. 2,370 29 Mar. „ An Act to amend the Act for regulating Elections of Mem'iers to serve in General Assembly. 3,461 29 Mar. 1844 An Act for granting a Colonial Duty of Impost for the support of Her Majesty's Government with- in this Province, on Flour and Moliisses in certain cases. 2,607 19 April 1844 An Act concerning the Registrars of Deeds in the County of Halifax, and the other Counties of the Province. 3,714 2,715 30 Mar. 1847 80 Mar. „ An Act relating to the Crown Land Department of this Province An Act in addition to, and alteration of, the Acts for establishing Regalalions for the Disposal of Crown Lands within this Province - - - . . AsBsent refused by Despatch, No. of 80th September 1847, page 31 38, 2,797 30 Mar. „ An Act to amend the Act relating to Marriage Licenses. 2,813 11 April 1848 An Act to provide for the more accurate Audit and Iiispuction of Public Accounts in this Province, and for the appointment of certain Public Officers there- in. No. 2,91 2,Hl 2,81 2,87 COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMERICA). ^^7 II NOVA SCOTIA— rominitt-f/. No. Date of Pnming. '.',8 IS 3 April 1848 3,816 11 April „ 3,817 11 April „ 2,878 8 Mar. 1841) ' 1 2,808 31 Mar. „ 3,U09 31 Mar. „ 2,986 28 Mar. 1850 3,U3I 28 Mar. „ 3,126 .11 Mar. 1853 3,127 31 Mar. „ 3,128 31 Mar. „ 3,101 4 April 185 »,53H 24 Mar. 1868 3,679 7 May „ 3,867 15 April 18RI 4,017 20 April 1863 Title or Bill. An Act II) riiidpr the JtidgCH of thendent of the Crown, and to provide for tlicir rt^moval. An Act relating; to ilir Crown Land Uepartniont of tills I'rovinci'. .^n Act to coniniiite tlie Ciowii Ucvrni|p« of Nova Scotiii, and to provide for the Civil List thereof. .\n Act for trnnsferrinjj the Crown Hevenian of Nova Scotia, and providing; tor the Civil List thereof. An Act to incorporate the Itoinan Catholic Bishop in Halifax. An Act to uuthoritc the Sale of the Court HouM and Jail Grounds at Shelhounie, and the of a new Mtc therefor. An Act concorniri<^ Refjistmrs of Deeds. An Act to divide the County of Cane Bre'.oD, and to regulate the Keprejentatioii tkcreor. An Act to Incorporate the Nova Scotia Railway Com- pany. An Act to authorize the construction of certain Rail- ways in this Province. An Act to authorise a Loan for the Construction of certain Public Works within thin Province. An * "t to Incorporate the Governor.-' of Kiii!;V College, Windsor, and to repeal the Act for founilinf;, esla- blishin::, and maintaining a Collefre in this I'rovince. An Act to extend the Operation of eertain Grants of Land. An Act to extcnre8en- tatives to serve in General Assembly in this Province. B 2 '^'^ ii '* 1 I i; 12 RETURN RELATING TO »' ( NEW BRL'.NSWICK— Md/muz-rf. No. 1 DHtcofFaHing. __ 1 Mar. 1H37 TiTi.f OP Bi:.L. 1 Kbmihks. 1,0*1 An Act for coiitiiiuini; the General Awcmbly in this Province i'l caiv o( the ileniiite of tlic Crown. 1,082 1 Mar. „ An Act to erect part of the County of Gloucester into u soparute 'tiiil distinct County. 1,166 1,167 Mar. 1 83R Mar. „ An Act to incurpomte sundry Persons by the name of the PreiiidenI, Dirccturs nud Company of the Mimmichi Bank. An Act to increase the Capital Stuck of the Chartered County Bank, and to amend the Act incorporatin^r the same. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 132, 3d January 1830, page 33. 1,1 5H 1» Mar. „ An Act to amend the Laws relating to the .Solem- nization of .Marria^^e. l.JOO '23 Mar. 1830 An Act to make perpetual " An Act for the support of the Civil Government in this Province." 1,301 23 Mar. „ An Act to incorporate Sundry Persons by the name of " The President, Directors and Company of the Provincial Bank." 1,3A8 31 Mar. 1840 An Act further to provide for a limited time for the Support of the Civil Government of the Province. 1,386 !>0 Mar. 1843 An Act to limit the Duration of the Assembly, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 1,387 30 Mar. ., An Act to increase the Representation of the County of Restigoiiche. l,3HH 30 Mar. „ An Act relating to the Mines and Minerals in the County of Gloucester. 1,380 31 Mar. „ An Act to incorporate the Grand Falls Company. 1,300 1,431 4 April „ 37 Mar. 1843 An Act relating to Bankruptcy in this Province. An Act to facilitate the Negociation of n Loan to pay off the Public Debt. 1,433 1,431 11 April „ 11 April „ An Act relating to the Collection of Duty on Timber and other Lumber. An Act to establish Regulations for ihe future Disposal of Timber and other Lumber cut on Crown Lands. issent refused by Despatch, Na 184, 4th September 1643, page 33. 1,434 l,43r> 11 April „ 1 1 April „ An Act to improve the Law relating to the Election of Representatives to serve in tne General As- sembly, An Act to repeal the several Acts now in force for establishin^r a Legal Tender in all Payments to be made in this Province, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 107, of 14th October 1843, page 34. 1,47H 13 April 1844 An Act to regulate the Management and Disposal of the Indian Reserves in this Province. l,'i70 i;i April „ An Act for the Division of the County of Carleton into two Counties, and to provide for the Govern- ment and Representation of the new County. l,4H0 I,4»<1 l,4H-2 13 April „ 13 April „ 13 April „ An Act to enable Her Majesty's Government to carry into effect, within the Province, the Provisions of the 4th Article of the Treaty oi Washington. An Act to Incorporate the Ari8l.,'ak Boom Company. An Act for the Relief of the Rev. Samuel P. Rice. • 1,530 37 Mar. 1845 An Act to facilitate the Settlement of the Crown Lands on the Military Road from Nova Scotia to the Canada Line. 1,531 27 Mnr. „ An Act to increase tlie Representation of King's County. < 'it'll 1.1 1, I, 1. I «tcll, No. 133, ge 33. cli, No. 184, age .13. Ii, No. 197, age 34. COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMERICA). ^Vi 13 NEW URUN8WICK— ro..r,«i«-,/. No. DateofPaMJng. 1,633 1,534 l,S3S 1,636 1,637 1,538 TiTLK OF Dill. 37 Mar. IR4.'> 97 Mar. 27 Mar. „ 14 April „ 14 April „ 14 April ., 14 April „ 1,639 37 Mar. »i 1,640 14 April »» 1,641 7 .Mar. 1840 1,642 11 April »» a, 043 11 April It 1,044 14 April II '1,64J 14 April II 1,040 1,047 1,718 1,719 1,700 1,721 1,722 1,733 14 April „ 14 April „ 33 Mar. 1847 14 April „ 14 April „ 14 April „ 14 Ai)ril „ 14 April „ All .\ct to divide tiie Coiinty of WevtniorelHiul into two Coiiiities and Im nrovidr fur tlio UoTeriiraeiit and l{epre«riitation of tin' ni'W County. .\n Ac*, rt-lutiii); to certain Fee*. .\ii An to HiniMid uii Act to fucilituttf the NegociatioD ofii Loiiii to pay ort'thf PiiMic DeliL An .'Vut til autliorisH a Return of DuticM in rrriain Case*. An Act to increase the Repreaentatioii of the County of Northumberland. All Act to autlioriiie the Sale of certain Lands in the County of York, commonly called "The Hermitage," lately lielonging to the Fionournblc William Odd I, deceased, and to regulate the Disposal of the Pro- ceeds thereof. All Act relating to the Election of Representatives to serve in the General Atsembly. An Act to amend the Charter of King's College. An Act to revise and continue an Act for the Naturali- sation of .MiciiH in this Province. An Act to incrcasjc the Representation of the County at Albert. An Act to Incorporate the Roman Catholic Bishops in New Brunswick. An Act for the better Prevention of Illicit Trade. An Act to Incorporate the New Brunswick Railway Company. All Act to facilitate the making of a Railway from the City of Saint John through Frederictoii and Wood- stock to the Grand Falls of the River St. John, and from thence to the Boundary Line at the Province of Canada by the New Brunswick Railway Com- pany. An Act to aineiid an .Vet, intituled, " An Act to amend the Charter of King's College." An Act relating to an Exchange of Land^ in Frederic- ton with the Ordnance Department. An Act to tiicilitate the i.iaking of a Railroad from St. Andrew's, in the County of Charlotte, to Wood- stock, in the County of Carleton, and Branches thereof. An Act in relation to the Trade between the British North American Possessions. An Act to repeal the Duties imposed upon Articles Imported into this Province, under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, intituled, "An Act to v(ukD, nm! to ProlccI llif liritJKli Author. An Act Id ixifnd the Provisions of nri Ac', iiitinili'fk, in tlio (.'uuntv of Carlvion, and DruiiclicH thereof." An Act for the l>etlcr Pri-veiilioii of Illicit Trade. An Act rcluliiif; to Iniinit;ration and the Care and Safe Keeping of the C liildren aiitl I'ropcrty of Deceased Kmif(rantH. An Art to vacate ihr Srats of Meiubeni of the Assembly in uertmiii caM». An Avt for the Redaction of Judicial Salarie* in this ProTince. An Act in aniundiiient nf and in addition to an Act, intituled, '* An .\cl in addition to an Act, intituled, an Act to extend the I'rivileue of »oleinnizin(; Marria(>e to all Ministers and Teachers of llie several Reli^jioui Dcnoiniiiatioris in this Province." An Act for the Adjustment of Claims of certain I'ur- cliBsers of Crown Latidw. An Act furthei- to fucilitate the niukin;; of a Railroad from St Andrew's to Womlstock, with a Branch to St. Stephen. An Act ill further Aniciidnient of the Charter of the City of St. John. An Act to Incorporate the St. John and Shediac Rail- way CJonipHny. An Act to Incorporate the St John Suspension Bridge Company. An Act for the Relief of the Rev. Edward D. Very. An Act for the more efTectivc Auditing of the Public Accdunfs. An Act to fiiuilitiite the making of a Railway from the Harbour of Shediac to the Bend of Petitcodiac. An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws establishing the Value of Coins and a lefjal Tender within this Province. An Act to Incorporate the Grand Fails Railway Com- pany. An Act fur the Kstablishiiieiit and Regulation of In- land Posts within this Province- .'\n Act to facilitate the Construction of the European and North American Railway. An Act to facilitate the Construction of a Railway from St. Aiidrew'.s to Quebec. An Act further to facilitate the Construction of the Eurojicaii and North American Railway. An Act ill addition to and declaratory of the Meaning of the .\cl8 now in force establishing a Legal Tender in this Province. An Act to provide for the Establishment of Municipal Authorities in this Province. i/Ol COLONIAL HILLS (NOUTII AMLRK A). tS N L\V UUr.NsW ll K— . oni4„u,,l. No. Dateof Pasfiing. 3,067 30 April 1861 2,068 30 April „ «,ortO 30 April „ 2,070 30 April „ 2,141) 7 April 1852 Tnui OF Biki. 4,144 2,14(1 2,170 3,227 2,2-28 3,230 2,231 2,232 12,290 2,440 2,497 2,458 2,620 2,621 2,707 2,863 2,035 2,082 529- 7 April „ 7 April „ 30 Mitrcli „ 29 Oct. 29 Oct. „ 14 April 1853 14 April „ 3 May „ 1 May 1854 12 April 1856 12 April 1860 12 April „ I May „ 1 May „ 13 April 1850 12 April 1801 23 April 1802 30 April 1803 An Act til Hii«|icii>l till' Operalion nf cvrluiii ^ovitiont of llic Militm Ijiwh. All Act to cxlt'iiil llw Priviline of Sulciniiiiint; Mnr- ria(;e to all Minidm ami Tenchpni of ihi: xrvoral Religious Congrpf(ationR in tlii* Province. An Act in Amrndinriit of an Act, inlitalcd " An Act for the liiMlcr I'rcvenlidri iif llliiit Triulc." An Act to iiliolish the Vior;ile the .Vlbert Mining Coni|mny. An Act to I'oiiHiilidale nml nineml tli>> 1 aws relating to the Collect ion and i'mtection of thi.' Hcvenueot' tliig Province. An Act til rijieal certain Acts of ABgembly for facili* tutiiii; the Cnnstruction of the Huropenn and North American Itailway; and to make other Provisions for tlie Con-'truution of the same, with Branches and Extensions. An Act in adilition to and in further amendment of the Act to incorporate the European and North American Itailway Company. An Act tn continue the Act suspending the Operation of certain Provisions of the .Militia Laws. An Act relating to the Coast Fisheries, and for the Prevciiliori of Illicit Trade. An Act to confirm the Conveyance of certain Land in the City of St John, belonging to the Estate of a Lunatic. An Act to nmrnd the Acts relating to the European and North American Railway (Company. An Act relating to Mines and Minerals. An Act for further facilitating the Making of Part of the St. Andrew s and Quebec liailway. An Act in addition to and in amendment of the .^ct rcluling to the St. Andrew's and Quebec Railroad Company. An Act relating to certain Exemptions from Duly An Act ill adilition to Chapter 23, Title II L, of the Revised (statutes of Charlotte County Exemptions from Duties. An Act to establish! the University of New Brunswick. An Act relating to the Naturalization of .Aliens. An Act relating to the Office of Commander in Chief. A Bill relating to certain Exemptions from Duty at the Port of St. Stephen. . _ B4 ItlMABKS. Assent refused by Uesp.itch, So. 1 1, 24th June l».'ri, page ;l.i. Assent refused by Despntrh, No. 70, 22d Noveiiibor IHjO, page iiS. i i .«.> i6 RETURN RELATING TO N E W F O I N D L A N D. f ■' > I i^^!;J.||j'i No. 71 96 20 43 C'fi 71 lOo 131 126 lUU IdO 184 3U4 248 Date of Passing. May 183S 35 Oct. 1838 33 May 1843 30 April 1844 i\i April „ 33 April 1845 33 June 1846 23 April 1840 30 April 1850 31 May 1851 31 May 14 June 1853 15 June 185S 4 Aug. 1855 li May 1850 10 May 1858 Title or Bill. An Act lor prcrcntliiK the MiK-liielii aritini; from the Printinf; and Publiihini; Bookii, NcwspaperH, nnd I'aper* of a liko Nature, by Perionii unknown, and to re);ulatc the Printing and Puliliihing the same. An Act doclarutory of the Vninc of the Dollar in this Colony, and to remove oil Doubts of the same licing a Legal Tender in certain Cases. An Act to aholi»h the Oaths now by Law taken by MrmberH of the Legislature of this Colour, and to snhMitutc the Outh of AUegiancc instead thereof An Act to provide for the Establishment of an Academy at St. John's. An Act to prevent the Iinporlation and Clrcnlution of Spurious Copjicr Coin within this Colony nnd its De|)cndencios, and to niiike Provision for a t;ood and sufficient Copper Coinage therein. An Act to continur and ai<«.id nn Act psisscd in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act to regulate the Packing and Inspection of Pickled Fish for Exportation from this Colony." An Act to rai'^e by Loan a sum of Money for the Rebuilding and Improvement of the Town of St. John's. An Act to repeal certain Duties of Customs. An Ant to provide for the Vacation of Seats of Mem- bers of the House of Assembly in certain oases, and for the Election of Members in their stead. An Act to improve the Copper Currency of this Island. An Act to authorise the issue of Treasury Notes, and for the Reduction of the Public Debt of the Colony. An Act to amend the Act for the Establishment and Regulation of Inland Post!;. An Act for regulating' the Appropriation of Packet Postage in this Colony. An Act to repeal and amend certain Parts of an Act passed in the Fourteenth Year of the Reigo of Her ijesty, intituled " An Act to authorise the Issue of Treasury Notes, and for the Reduction of the Public Debt of the Colony." An Act for establishing the Legal Value of certain British nnd other Coins in this Colony. An Act to provide for the Appointment of Surveyors of Shipping in this • ' ' ' " ' ^ ' connected tnerewith. of Shipping in this Island, and for other Purposes ' th( Remarks, Assent refused by Despatch, No. 15^'. 2&th March 1844, page 36. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 301, 8th February 1845, page 36. .Assent refused by Despatch, No. 7. 27th July 1846,'pagc 37. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 41, 6th January 1854, page 37< fe«^ COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMERICA). »7 N i:\VrOl .\l)I,.\ND—«u;ir.nii.|i(>snl uml Siilc of ( 'iii;ninl(d :inil rii(>i'(Mi|iie(l Crown LiniU witliiii tlii' 1 .laiiil of Newfound land and iu ni-|M'iirovi(ii' for tlic IVotoction of Property wrecked on llic Cou-t of Ncwfoundliiiid. 27 Mar. 18(12 An Aet for tlie belter setuvins; tlie Indcpendenee of • lie House of .Assembly of tills Colony, by diaaliliiif; certain Persons from lieiiij; eleetod lliercto, or of i> 556 20 April 1841 683 16 April 1842 684 10 April » 15 April 1843 15 April „ i: 529- An Act for levying an Assessment on all Lat'.ds in thia Island. An Act to enable the Proprietors or Shareholders of a Company, called " The Dank of British North America," to sue and be sued in tho Nama of any one of the Local Directors, or of the Mamiger or Agent for the Time being of the said Company in this Island. An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Keign of His late Majesty, intituled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Election Law." An Act for the Relief of certain of the Amciican Loyalists and Disbanded Provincial Troops, and their Representatives. An Act to authorise the Appointment of Coroners in King's and Prince Counties. An Act to authorise the Erection of a Building near Charlotte Town, as an Asylum for Insane Persons, and other Objects of Charity, and to provide for the future Maintenance of the same. An Act to authorise the Appointment of Coroners in Prince and King's Counties. An Act to authorise the Issue of a Copper Coinage in this Colony, and to prohibit the Circulation oi^baso Coppers. An Act to alter, and in addition to, an Act made and passed in the Tenth Year and Ucign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, relatinf^ to the laying out and altering of Hiirhways, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. An Act relating to the Fisherie.=, and for the Preven- tiim of Illicit Trade in Prince Edward Island, and the Coasts and Harbours thereof. An Act in further Amendment of an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, intituled '' An Act to regulate the laying out and altering of Highway.s, and to p Dvide a Mode for obtaining a Corapeniation fur those who may thereby be injured, and to cause those who are benefited thereby to contribute towards their Formation." c Assent refused by Despatch, No. 9, 3 lit October 1830, page 38. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 08, 31st December 1842, page S^. I Hi u^* !M m ^1 !'?!' ^' nn ■ 11 II y ^i^ n n, ■. i^ IK RETI'RN HFJ.ATiNf: TO I'UIN( i: i:i)\VAUU I.>I.AM)-n..i, in rer'ain C'im"<. An Act for r(4i«itiir ;i Fuml tlir the Kncoiirn^cni.nt of \l.'ri( iiltnrc, to lie cxpi'iitii il In tlir iTectiun of Lini*' Kilns, ani] tlie Imrninffof Linn". An All to luiipfnil mrrtain C'lauacin ilie Lund AueM- nicnt Act rcliilln); lo tliu canci'llin); of Trcadiry Notes, An Ai't to n (« al certain DulicH nnil Customs net forth in a ccrlain \c'l na^'ed in the Si-«ion of Parliament lioldin in llic IjtJMtli iinu N'inili Years of Hi r present MMJesly- 111 ijjiJ, inliliileil " An Art to ri'miliite llie Trade of the liriliili I'osM'ssionii Aliroad, solar as llie same relate to ibis Colony." An Act to entrml the Provisions of tlic Act relating to till- Siitlrnuiit ol' Town«lii|i Uoundary Lines. An Aet fi>r layini; further an Asse-sment on all Lands in tills f'lilipny, and (or llie Eucinirageinent ot Ivliiea- lion. An All to repeal so niiieli of the Land Assessment Aet now in force, as relates to the cnncellintr of Treasury Notes. An Act to incorporate ii Mnlual Tire Insurance Com- |iany. An Act 10 jirovide for the I'aynient of the Civil List, and to niter the Appropriation of u certain Sum of Money raised liy the present Land Assessment Act. An Aet for shorteninf; liic Laiii^uai.'; used in Atls of the General Assembly. An Act foreslalilishin(f the I'ale'i in Currency at whiili Rents reserved in Sterlini; shall henceforth be jtaid in this Island. An Act providinji for the Payment of the Civil List of Prince Edward Island, and for commuting the Crown Revenues thereof. An Act for the Encournjiemont of Education, and to raise PiimU for that Pu rpose by imposint; an additional Assessment on Land in this Island, and on Real Estate in Cliarloitetown and Common, and Georgetown and Comnum. An Act relalinfrlo certain Lease and Monetary Obliga- tions entered into beforu the passing of the Currency Act. All Act to incorporate sundry Persons by the Name of " The President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Prince Edward Island." An Act relating to certain Lease and Monetary Obliga- tions entered into before the passing of the Currency Act. An Act to impose a Rate or Duty on the Rent Rolls of the Proprietorg of certain rented Towriship Lands in Prince Edward Island, in order to defray the Expenses of any Armed Force which may be re- quired on Account of the Withdrawal of the Troops, and for the farther EncourBgement of Education. A««ent refnwd by Despatch, No. SO, 4tli Deeenilier 1843, pajje .lU. Asient refused by Despatrh, Xo. 11.",, IHlh .September 1844, page .10. .Awent refuM'd by Despatches, Nos, 1.14 ond l:iit of the 1st and 18lh Au- gust 1845, page 40. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 3.'), 26th November 18.'>l, page 41. Assent refused by Despatch, No, 13, 17th November 1855, page 41. Ill 6«v* COLONIAL MILLS (NOHTH AMKKH \' 10 Jtcli, No. «o, 4i!i iat-. All Art relating to the i-'ialiurv Kfiitrvc!< iii this Island. An Act to onahle the Controller of Navigation Lawn in lliij Ulund to );mnt and issue Fi.-hcry LiieiiMS to Citizen* of the I'liitid States, for Ves'sels liullt in Prince Edward Inland and owned hy them. An Aft lo niituralize Uucliel Niehol.i Gihson. Ati Act to repeal certain Parts of the Act consolidalin;^ the Election Laws, and to mnkt other Provisions in lieu thereof An Act to give Effect to the Report of rhi Coniniis- sioners on tbe Land Qiieetion. An Act to facilitate the Operation in certain Particu- lars of the Award or Refiort made by certain Com- missioners, to settle and adjust Differences respectinj; some uf the Township Lands of this Colony - An Act for the Naturalization of .Aliens ... An Act to Incorporate the Union Bank of Prince Edward Island. An Act to Incorooratc the Grand Orange Lodge of Prince Edwara Island, and the subordinate Lodges in connection therewith. An Act to authorise the Government toseU the Military Barracks in Charlottetown. An Act to Incorporate sundry Persons by the Name of " The President, Directors, and Company of the Farmer's Bank of Ruslico." An Act for settling the Differences between Ia,adlord and Tenant, and to enable Tenants on certain Townships to purchase the Fee-simple of their Farms. C 2 RrM ARKS. Afseiil rifii-id liy Denpali li, Nn, 13, ITtli NofenilKT 1K45, page 41. A'sent refused bv Despatch, No 15, ■-'otii October }•<&», page 4,1. Assent refused by Despatch, No. 120. 0th August 1863, page 44, Asiient refused by Despatch, No. 134, 20th September 1862, page 4i!. Assent refused hy Despatch, No. 33, 21st September' 1863, page 4(>. ,m m Ico'* 30 RETURN KELVTINO TO p 3 't * COPIES or EXTRACTS of PKSPATrHRs convpjitig the DiMillowuncr of certain KeMTved Uills!) cMiitaiued in the foregoing Schedule. Upper Caatdt. ?: Ii UPPER CANADA. Lord John Jtunnell to Sir Gioiyc Arthur. (Extract.) (No. 20.) Downing-street, 12 October 1839. Your Despatches, No. 1 10, No. 133, and " Separate," relate to the Bill passed by the Provincial Legislature, intituled (No. 1 117), " An Act to dispose of the Lands commonly called the ' Clergy Reserve?.' " As Her Majesty has, for the reasons which I shall hereafter state to you, been advised to withhold Her assent from this Bill, it is unnecessary that I should further advert to the very clear and detailed statement which accompanies it, than to thank you for the exertions you have made to place Her Majesty's Government in possession of all the information which could be required for the full consideration of this important question. The delay which accidentally occurred in the transmission of the Address from the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, contained in your des- ])atch of the 27tli July last, would have prevented a compliance, before the termination of the last Session, with the provision of the Constitutional Act of 1/91, which requires that the Bill should be laid before Parliament for 30 days before the Royal Assent is given. But another and more fatal difficulty has been found to present itself to the confirmation of this Bill by the Crown. The Bill proposes, under the authority of the 4 1st and 42d sections of the 31 Geo. 3, c. 31, to repeal the clauses of tiiat Act relating to the clergy reserves, and to the making provision for the Protestant clergy, and to provide that the land shall be sold, and the purchase-money be paid into the hands of the Receiver General of the province, to be approj>riated by the Imperial Parliament for religious purposes. The effect of the Bill is, therefore, to refer to the Imf)erial Parliament the solution of the question relating to the clerjiy reserves. It appeared to Her Majesty's Government that very strong objections existed to this delegation to Parliament by a subordinate authority of the power of legis- lation, and that the more proper mode of attaining the object in view would have been, not by Bill as is proposed, but by an Address from the Lefj,is.!ature of the province to the three estates of the realm, praying them to undertake the decision of the question. In the correctness of this view of the case, Her Majesty's Government are confirmed by the opinion of the law officers of the Crown, who have reported that, although the Bill passed does not exceed the legal competency of the Provincial Legislature, yet that Her Majesty ought not to assent to such a Bill, the principle which it involves being quite novel, and one which might lead to very inconvenient consequences. Under these circumstances, Her Majesty's Government have had no course open to them but to advise Her Majesty to withhold Her assent from this Bill. I need hardly state that it is with regret Her Majesty's Government have wit- nessed the failure of this attempt to effect a settlement of this important matter. They trust, however, that this failure is but temporary, and that the opportunity will, at no distant period, be found for arriving at a wise and satis- factory if) tOLOMAh BILLS (NOIITII AMKIlK A). (hvinry atijtistment of a qurntion which, from circ uniHtmirfH hryond thrir Vpj^r C»n»d». cuntrul, haH been unfortunately ho long tielnyrd. The next reten-ed Bill tu vrhidi I have to advert is that intituled (No. II4H), " .\n Act to appropriate the Casual and Territorial Mevenue, and for other Purposes therein mentioned." Your DeHpateh, No. MH, of the iHth of May, antiripates the objection which Her .Majesty's Government have to urjce n|* III 'RUN UI.I.MIN ilHMIt){ «'OliMli«'r«-ii llir uiiulc of till* t\ rn •(• io nil 1" >t • liiicfliiriit, I liiivi felt it |||\ (liiiv to lulvix' tl ll«T .MMJf«.|y III- In (11 j»|ca».(| to witliliuld I In usm nt fr'iiu tin Mill inn«-«*tf(l with thin til roiitiriii it, niwl Hir (J Artliiir. *tl'. &.!•. \C. (No. 1^4.) Sir. iici-oriliiii;!), I hnvr tiv. (fItfiH'il) J. Itumell. Ddwiiiim-tri'ft, 2*J .liilv IH40 I fiAVK lin«l nmlcr iny roii-.i(!iTati(>ii a risirvcd Hill parsed liy tli • iVi^islativo Comifil ami .\>M'iiihly of I '|i|Mr Canada, diiiiiitt tlic la.»t St^siiin (NO. i;jo-l) intitidnl, " An Act In cnablr Hrr Majesty tn mak*' a (iiiint f Ijtnd tci J.tini-8 Fitztji'dxiii, KmiuIh'," wliicli, with otlnT Acts and rcstrved Hil!- vns traiHniittid t(i nic in yonr l>f>|)atcli, No. 'J, of "Jd .Mnrcli last. 'I'liis Hill is Milistantiidly the smic as .No. Il.'i.'i. wliicli \\;i> passed in \H'M\, and npi>n uliicli, in my dc>|ii'tcli of the '_>7ili (Mohcr last, I .-iiinouneed Her .Majcst\'s decision that, eon»isteiitly with tiie terms of the Act of I Dper Canada for tlie alienation of waste latidH of the Crown, and with the priiieipies on which thut All imu'ccchd, Her Majesty could not tlie i)ro]»osei| «omp an tffectiial rtcurity ajiiunst im])rovident grants, which is wanting when »ueh remunerations are mach* not in n.oney hut in land. Sir (leorge Arthur, &e. ike. &c. I hnv( (signed) &e. J. Russell. * >.io6, 1.107, • .Vi8, 1309, 1310. Lord ./(///// Rusi.ll to Lord Sydenham. (E.stract.) (No. .40;.) Downing-street, 1 9 July 1 84 L I UKCKiVKi) your Lordship's desjiateli of the 27th May 1840, marked " Confidential,"' on the 17th of June in that year, and on the 20tli of the ?ame month I referred for the consideration of the Lords Connnissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury the various resencd Rills alluded to in that despatch, of which a list* is snhjoined. They are the Bills for increasing the capital stock of the Bank of Upper ( anada, of the Gore Bank, and of the Commercial Bank of the Midland Di.;trict ; and the Bills for incorporating the Prince Edward District Bank and the I'armers' Bank. It was not till the 18th of .May in the present yeor that I was in possession of the opinion of the Lords Commissioners on the suliject of these Bills. Her Majesty has heen advised not to confirm the Bills in question, because three v)f them authorise the banks to continue and extend their issues of notes for sunif- under the value of 1 /., and because the Bills for establishing new companies have been framed without regard to the precautionary conditions for which it has appeared to Her Majesty's Government to be expedient to stipulate, with a view to the protection of the public and the proper regulation of banks in all charters or acts of incorporation for banking cum])anies in the colonies. (DLONIAl. mi.l> (NOIITM AMIUHA). ^tn-( t. •» Dt'ci-nilMr i)*:i<). With rt'ftTcn''<' fri ni\ n(-|i!itcli. Nn. 'Jh. uI" tlic •.»miIi ( ictdlM-r iu-t. I liiv«' iiiiw tlir limiour to idiivt \ to Mill till' tlrti-ioii ol llir Maj»»ty'ts|Mirli. riii> ( •idinaiKc tor llir r«';:iilatl(iii of tlir riirrcinN of i!ic |(ro\inff, lias Imcu under tlic coii^iiltriition of tlir Lords ('otiiiiii>sioiit'r'' of tin- IrcaMiry, toKctlifr with im .\( t |)a»«"d tor a oiniilar ol,j»Mt liy tin- Coiiiuil and \s.riiiiily of Ipiti r I'liiiada. .Ill I rc'crxcd li\ tin- I iciitt n.uit (iovt-riior for tin- ^iiriutnation ol I It i- Miiji^ty « |ilfa>nr<'. 1 i-ni'loT for Nour infoiiiiat'mii and liuidamf aiuMract of a Minute pa-s»(l liy thi'ir liind'hijis m\ tlic 'JvJd iiltiiiio. Matiiifi that, fur tlir ri'aMMin tlu-n-in Klvrn, tlu'v could not advise tlie routirmalioii of lliC'i' la\v>. Ilavinc >iilaidtted iliis n jtort to tin- (tiieen, I am cuiiiniandeil l>y ller Miijoty to eoniiiinnicate it to the >|ieeial ( oiineil, a-< e\])i,iii:itorv of tiie r, a>ilvcr C'liin -hall jiass current within the I'roviiice," which cnartiiients haviiij; liecn rcservc .riions of the Ordinance. My Lords h.ue much satisfaction in remarking, that the attention of the Ici .itive authoriticB in the Canadian provinces has been thus turned to the state of the 1' f cur- rency, and that the tendency of both the meoijures now before them is the intrc .^ tion of a .sound, and intrinsically valuabit circulating medium and standard of value, and the assimilation of the currency to that ipf this country, without depriving tJie inhabitants of the provinces of the accommodation and convenience that may attend the use of foreign coins of ascertained value. My Lords, however, observe, that the rates assigned by these enactmentc to the different coins to which it is projiosed to give currency in the respective provinces are not accurately fixed with reference to the comparative values of the corns, aud are consequently such aa would, in both cases, defeat the objects of the enactments. On this ground, therefore, my Lords are of opinion that it would be inexpedlen t that either the Ordinance of the Lower ,529. c 4 Province, 'M IlETl RN REI ATINfJ TO LoncT Canada. 1 1 !!'l ''«! ' ruMiKf-. i.r tlir Act ni ilic rpiirr J'ruviiii-c ^lll)ul^l lie |M'rinitliiI tu ( onio intu i)]icraticin. In iidilitiiin uImi tii tlii.- <•llllr■lll^iM• rciiKoii tm- witlilioldiiij; IUt .Miijotv'.s (iinfirtiialiiin ot' liiitli llit'M- cmiiliiuiil-, lln' Ac I of tlif I'l'iitT l'rii\iiirc uuiilil lie liiihic til (ilijniii.ii a« rc;.'!iiil- tlii-^'i-ciit viiriflv nl' ruin- niiii|i)i-lc lliat tlir l^ that the |lro^-|lcetivc limitation of the di;ration of an enactment of thii* do.-criiition woidd he ine.\|iedient. The clau-e al.-o, in tin- Ordinance of the (iovcrnor and Coiineil of Lower Canada, which jiiiriiort.- to cmiiower I lor Majesty tn direct that coins current under iircviuux jtnn incial enactmcntti, Imt to which no cnrrcnf value is assii;ncd hv the Ordinance, may he called in and re-coined into Itritisli ifold and silver coins, with a iir(i\iso that the Hctnal e\|ieiise only of sncli rr-ciiinai;o shall hv horne liy the province, would he ob- jectionahle, as the niudn of etlectinj; any Mich rc-eoinai;e must he regulated bv the e.xistinjj laws of this country relatinj; to the subject. Adverlin;,' to these several considerations, my Lords conceive it will be proper to cause a copy of tlii.s Minute to be forwarded to I^ord .rolin Kusscll, in order that liis Lordship, d he does not see reason to dissent from the opinions of this Board, inav con- vey instriu'tions to the officers a micli iDifis f\ni\\ not want iiiort! tlmii two jjraiiiH of tlic «ii);lit litTtliy aysi^iiu'il to tin m, liciliu'tinj: one liall- poiiiiy currcticy tor pui'li (jiiartor ot' a fii-aiii any t^ncli coin .--liiill uant of i-nili v.ti;;lit, anil nhall 111- in any rufc. a It'jral tcnilcr hy \M'i;;lit in i*uins cMTcdin^' I'd/, cunvncy ; ami in niiv pavincnt altovc that mini, tlir paytr may pay or the ri'ci'ixT insist on n'Ct'i\inj; e'oiiis hywoijrht, at thi< followinj; rates : — IJritich jjold coins. I'liitoil Stat(■^t };oUl ooin-i coined hct'ore tTiilv 1834 - !>» s. per oz. Ditto euincd sinec July ]K)i .-..-- s. ') il. „ Lowtr Canada. COtl- Thc Ordinance then enai-t.'' that the Spani.-h inilh'd dollar, the dollar of the I'nitcd .Stale- andof the several States of Sonth America an to those nhovo-meiitioned or referred to respectively. It is fill her enacted that all silver coins of follovvini; rales: the L'liited Kin;_'doin .-iiaU past! n! the ./. - C Britisli crown -----.. British lialf-crovvn - - - - - - -;J- Itritisli !ihilliii(r .-..-- - 1 .'i British .sixpence - - - - - - --7 British <;roat -- .-. .. -_,j and that the silver itoin.s ot for the crown, .'! .v. for the iiid 5 (/. for the fonrpenny- The The crowns and half-crowns to he a lej;al tender to any ainoiint : hut the shilliiifis. .-ix- pences, and jjroats to he a lej^al tender to the amount oi" ,)().«. currency, and no more. The cop])er jiennv of the I'nited Kin{;dom, or any other which Her .Majesty inav to he coined, of not less than five-sixths of the weight of such copper penny, shall pass for one ]ienny eurreiiey, and the halves and quarters thereof for prii|portionate sums, and such copper money to he a le^al tender to the amount of 1 .■■■. currency, and no more. Ill the preainlile of this Ordinandi it is dir.ctecl that it is desirahif that the currency of the provinces should he a.ssimilatcd, as far as cireumstances will permit, and without injuriously atleetinj; existing contracts, to that of the mother einiiitry. With this intention it is also enacted that the British sovereign shall he rated at and pass current for 1/. 4 a-. 4 f/. cnrrcney ; and the gold coins of the United .States of America, of France, and of the several States of Mexico and .South America are ratcil according to their res|K'ctive weights and fineness In exact proportion to the sovereign. In so far as relates to the relative value of the g
ix|i<'n('Ci> ami tourpeniiy iiicpeo, xhall he a legal tomlcr milv t<> the extent (' >.roUl <-nini>, tlollnrn, crnHUH nno!'e. It would he the intiTeiani;>h, Mexicau, Cohnnbian and United StatcH ilollar - - .'> - Ilrilisli crown ------ ----6- llriti;"!! half-crow ,-.-------.'!- Hriti^li ^.hiilin;: 1 .1 Uriti-Ii sixpence ------- ---7J French crown - - - - - - - - - 4HJ|"| The rates and value iis,-ij;nccl to the gold coii.s of (ireiit Itritain, France, the Ignited States, Mexico, and South .\nierica, hy the Act, arc very nearly the same as those adopted in the Act passed hy the Leirislntnre of Lower Canada. The rates anear^ th:it if the Bill were confirmed by Her Majesty the courts of law in this kinj;(loni wo\ild not consider such an Act as a valid divorce, but that Mr. and Mrs. Harris wouM still retain, in point of law, tlieir conjugal relation towards each other witiiin this kin^d(mi, and ■;\hiresoever else beyond the limits of Canada the law of Knglaud prevails. I'nder such circumstances, it will, of course, be impossible that Her .Majesty ill (-'ouncii could be advised to confirm and finally enact this Bill. I linve, &c. Lord Metcalfe, (signed) Stanlvj. &c. &c. &c. Nova Scntia. NOVA SCOTIA. Upti ;\cS"t^ Lord Glciidg to Sir (,'. Campbell. (E.xtract.) (No. .52.) Downing-strect, 31 August 1836. The Act, No. 17-43, for deepening the East River of Pictou, has been brought under the consideration of tlu; Lords of the Treasury. I transmit for your information a copy of the correspondence that has ])assed between this department and the Treasury', from which you will learn the grounds on which their Lordships are of opinion thnt the Act cannot properly be confirmed, and the course of jjroceeding which they think advisalile, in order to obviate the inconvenience of which the withholding of Her Majesty's assent might other- wise be productive. Concurring in and adopting the views of their Lord.ships, I have humbly advised His Majesty to withhold His assent from the Act in question, and 1 have to desire that you would suggest to the Council and Assembly the re-enactment of it witli the alteration and omissions suggested by their Lordships. Enclosure 1. James Stephen, Esq. to A. V. Spearman, Esq. (E.xtract.) Downing-street, 6 August 18.36, TiiK Act for deepening tlio East Eivcr of Pictou, contains a clause of which the fol- lowing is a copy : " Provided always, and be it further enacted, that nothing in this Act contained shall ex- tend, or be construed to extend, to sanction the original grant or letters patent of the said mines, minerals, ores, seams or veins of ores, minerals or mineral substances to His Eoyal Highness the Duke of York and Albany, or to operate as an assent to the validity of such grant on the part of the General Assembly of tliis province, or to give any force, validity or etteet whatever to the said grants or letters patent ; but the right of the inhabitants therein, or any of them, either collectively or individually, shall be and remain in force, anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding." The grant to the late Duke of York having been made on the advice of a former Board of the Treasury, Lord Glenclg wishes that their Lordships should consider how I'ar the confirmation of this Act by His Majesty in Council would be consistent with the authority which their Lordships may attribute to that grant. 6«^ COLONIAL BILLS (NOHTH AMERICA) KiK'losun- ■-». A. }'. S/iriirmtiii, Ks(|. to Jnmi.t Sti/ilini, Knq. ao (Kxtract.^ Trpnsnrv ("Imiiiliorj. •.'.' .\iiv;ih! Is.'lfi. 1 AM (•uinnmiuliMl to ili'iiiro tliiit Villi will .-l:it(' to lionl (ilcnclj: with loi-iioi I to tlic Alt '■ lor (lci'|iotiiii^ tlif K;ist l{ivi'i' cit' I'ictim." lliiit tlic rct'iri nrc liicri'iii to tlic ijrnnt to Ilis laic Uoyiil Ilifihiioss the Diikc ot' York, !»|i[icar.'i to my Lcnls to lie wholly mlll(M•^■^^a^v lis ri'irardj llii' iiiiriin-t- i'onli'iii].l:itiil liy ll.c Ait, i-iiiro it would m'imii to lip y tho Miiiin-; A>soi'ialioii of tiic coal mines on the hanks of the river: ami mv Lords (oneeivc that it would he incx]iedieiit on various con>idcnitions that thi" Act >hould be assented to in its jiresent fhiijie. In order, however, to prevent any unneecsy.iry delay in tlie uttiiinment of the iisel'iil object for which the Act is intended to jirovide, my Lords would suii-xest tin in ?i;inify- inj; the disallowance ol" it to the Lieutenant (ioMriior of Nova Scotia, he ini;ilit be a])i)rised, that if the Act were altered by the recital in the jireamble. of the occupation of the mines by the Company, without udvertm^ specilieally to the lease from His late Koyai llifjhness the Duke ol' York, the f;rant to wliom \~, us Lord (ileueli; is aware, at jiresent the Mubject of liti^^ation in this country, and by the mnission oi' the siibse(|ueiit clause rc'latinif to that {{rant, the objection to it in its present I'miu would be removed, and that if the local Le;,'islature should .-ee lit to pass a new Act thus amendi'd. the l/ieiitenaiit (iover- uor inii^ht be authorised to assent to its bcinpr cariicd into inunediati' etlici. Npva Scotia. (No. 4.) Sir, Downing-strei t, 2.1 September IH.'lf). Among the subjects whieh have come under my review since I received tlie charf^e of this department, my attention hits been esi)eeiiilly directed to the pendini!i: (pirstion relatinc; to the scliool lands in Nova Scotia. Vtiriotis circum- stances liave prevented Her Majesty's (iovenimciit arriving at a decision on this important sulijcct at an earlier moment. The Act (No. l!»(>r) passed ))y the Assembly durinjj; their last Session for the appointment of trustees for school lands, was only received on the .')th ultimo, and much time has necessarily been occupied in weighins;; the representations against the confirmation of that Act, which have been submitted by the Bishop of Nova Scotia, and in obtaining the opinions of the law officers of the Crown on tiiose points of law in which the question wiis involved. Those representations and opinions have been fuUv considered ; I am now enabled to communicate to you the views of Her Majt'sty's Ciovernmcnt on this subject. The real ])oints which Her Majesty's Cioverninent have had to determine have been the value and extent of the claims which hiive been preferred by the Bishop of Nova Scotia, on behalf of tlie Society for tiie Propagationof the(ios- pel, to the jjossession of these lands for the use of schoolmasters of the Established Church. The decision of the Crown as to the confirmation or disallowance of the Actrecently passed by the provincial Legislature has neces- sarily been dependent, in a great degree, on the success or ftiilure of that claim ; and 1 shall proceed, therefore, in the first place, to explain to you the opinions which have been formed on those ])oints by Her Majesty's Government, after a most careful examination of the whole subject. The claim advanced by the Bishop of Nova Scotia extends to the whole of the lands set apart for educational objects, whether ah*eady appropriated to those purposes, or already vested by the Provincial Act of 1 r ;;i:iiit('(l. rcscrvcil or oMitTwise allottt (I a> School l.iinds, or for Sclr/ol> in this Province." Tiic Ici;!il opinions wliii'li iiavc l)ccn tal\cn on tliis Ad, • .»nfinn the douhl wiiich was I'litcitaincd 1)V tlic (iovcnuncnt as to the coinpcteni'v of tiie h)cal Ij'gi>hitiirc to exercise this jurisdiction over the hauls in (lue^tion. 'I'he Ai-t p;i>-ed i> open to tlio titron^j ohjection tiint it «\tends to all lands oriLrinally reserve*! or i;ranted for the pur|)oses of schools, which must he plaiidy improper, .so far ;is relates to lands vested in trustees iii))i;.inted from tinu- to time hy the (Jovernor. Kvcii if tiie claim of the Society had hciii altoj;etlier rejected, still the p'roperty not having ijcen found to lie with ihem, would devolve on the Orown, and l)e di.s- posahlc by the Crown, and not hy the local Legislature. MiU independently of what I have already stated, it api>ear.-> to me that tlie Act is liable to this other Rra\c ohjection. that it seeks h\' a direct exercise of power to enforce a settle- ment of a cpu'stion emhodyimr many iiiiportant points of pro])rietary ri;^ht and c(piitaldc consideration, which lould only he s,iii>faetnrily arranged, ..f'ter a full c'xa:iiinati()n of the jiroumis on which the chiims of the parties were Ibuiuh'd ; nt the •-ame tinu' 1 slioidd wi.-h it to he (li>tiiictly umler-tood tliat Her Majesty's Goveniinent do not exjircss any di.ssenl from tlie »s which the Legis- lature a])pear to entertain, were they to l)e a|)plied to a matti r on whi(;h they could h«' .allowed to operate, with justice to the ("rown and fairness to other parties. Should the provincial Lepslat arc undertake the settlement of rules for the ajtplieation of future jrrants. Her .Majesty's (Jovernment will readily concur in the provisions of this .Act fur th;' mana!t, fur on tin- I Ith of that niontli tln-v luUlii-ssnl a coMininnicati'in to my pn'tliu-cssur. statin:,' tht- conditions upon wliich tln-v were willin:; to accfdc to tin- pmposid cxclianitt' ; and I tinii liint liis Lnrdship tran>niitti'd a coin- of tliat ronununication to vou for Aoiir jinidancc in his Hcspafch of thi- Md Nlarcli la*t. [laving rcfi-rrcd tlic Act. No. I'.MtO.tu th<' consideration of thi- Master ( itmnil an 1 Bo!>rd of ( )rdiiance, they have informed me tliey eoiij-idi-r it neees-arv timt it >l:(>iild emiiraec tlte terms specified in their lettrr of tlie 1 Itli l"elirnar\-.' 'I'lu- Act in (piestiun. whieli lias a su^pendini; elanse, will, ihereture, not receive llcr .Nhij( sty's continnati .11 until it sliall have heen amended in the manner pointed out. Tlie .\er. No. "JOdS, jirovidinir for 'In- settleiuent of cfjuitahle claims upon real estate in certain ca>es. has formed tin- snltject of a protest hy parties who are i ntitled to estates in reversion or remainder, hut who would, inider the operation of tlrs Hill, he deprived of their interest in property, on account of the tenant fo- life not havini; actively interfered to jirevent the unlawCul occupation of the land hy tnspitsser-, it heiiii; imi)ossil)le lor persons so entitled in reversion or remainder to take any etteetual steps aiiaiiist such trespassers until tiicy shouUl hecome entitled to the actual possession. Having consulted the law officer- of the Crowu on the validity of this ohjec- tion, anil they having reported it to he insuperable, and ihat the ihll contains many other oljjectiunahle clauses, I cannot advise Her .Majesty to allow it to pass into a law by the Koyal confirmation. Nora SrotU. Lord John RusspU to Viscount Falldand. (Extract.) (No. 71.) Downing-street, .30 August 1841. I HAVK received your Lordship's Despatch (No. .'>(>) of the I2tli .Vpril last, trausiuitting an Act passed by the Legislature ol Nova Scotia, with a suspend- ing clause, oil the 10th of that month (No. 2158\ " for facilitating the llecovery of Seamen's Wages." Your Lordshii)'s Despatch iilso enclosed two addresses to the Uui'(n from the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, praying Her Majesty's assent to this Act, aiul likewise the draft of a Bill proposed hy the Judge of the Vice Admiralty Court on the same subject. I have had the honour of laying these addresses bcifore Her .\l.ajesty, when Her Majesty was pleased to command that the subject should be referred to the ( onsidcration of iler Majesty's legal advisers. * * ******** 7\fter receiving that rc])ort I have found it impossible to advise the tlueen tc allow this .\ct, and Her Majesty does not therefore propose to confirm it. \f\ (No. 38.) Sir, Downing-street, 30 September 181/. I HAVE had under my consideration the two under-mentioned .Acts ])assed by the Legislature of Nova Scotia in the montli of .March last, intituled No. 2r !•'>), " An Act in addition to and altering the Acts for establishing Regulations for the disposal of Crown Lands within the Province," and (No. 27H), " An Act relating to the Crown Land Department of this Province." I have not failed to lay before the Queen the address transmitt( d in your Despatch, No. 23 of the 1st April, from the House of Assembly rf Nova Scotia, praying Her Majesty to pass the former of these laws ; but it has not been in my power to advise Her Majesty to comply with that address of tiie Assembly, for the following reasons. It is proposed by this Act to reduce the price to be |)aid for ungranted or escheated and wilderness lands in Nova Scotia from \ s.Q I s. st' ling per acre, the former price having been fixed as the maximum upset price by an Act passed in the Session of 1843, and continued for three years by an Act passed in the course of last year. 1 have reason to believe that much incon- 529. D 4 venience ft J t ^\ 32 RETIIUN RELATING TO «: ■ v! ■fl I Nov* ScotiR. vciiicricp lia? rcsiiltod from fr('(|ueiit ch.'iiiin's in the ])rict' of Crown Iiiiuls in the North Aincrlciin oolonit;*, and I coiiNidcr tliat it woiihl not hv advi-ialiic to sanction tlii' rt'iHul of a law passed !-o rrccntly us hist year, to coiitinui* provi- sions uliich thf present Aet would necessarily alter ; hut independently of those ohjections, I am far from lieinu; satisfied that any reduction in the price of Crown lani(!ered l)y Her Majesty's (Government that tiie rate of I .v. 9 cluai) " ''""*• \\ hat is re(|uisitc for the heiietit of purchasers of waste land, and more esj)ccially of emiirraiits who v\i>h to mUIc upon the hitherto unoccupied territory of the ])r()vincc. is not that land slmuld he sold at a lower jjrice, i)ut that the ]iricc ])iiu\ for it should he so laid out iis to facilitate its protitahle occu- pation. U])on this point 1 have to call your attention to the following observations which I had lately occasion to make to the (Jovernor General of Hriti-h North America in reyiard to a ])lan of systematic colonization which was projected in Canad.'i. I stated, that ** What seems to he most re(|uire(l, is, to carrv further than lias yet been done the ))rinciple of making ;dl who ohtain land i)ay for it such a price as at once to afford the means of eliecting those improvements, by the construction of roads and bridges, and by erecting schools and other public buildings which are neci ssary for its regular and systematic occupation. If no jmblic lands were idienatcd but at ■\ ])rice sufficient to ])ay for such improve- ments, and if the money obtained from their sale were so cxixuded, land would only be purchased wliere the ini])rovements were already in progress, while the settler, receiving in return for the enhanced jjrice he paid for land, not only the land, but the advantage of those works by waich its profitable occupation is faci'itattd. would not in reality pay more, perhaps not so much, for the mere land, as when it is disposed of at a very low and almost nominal rate. With regard to the Act making alterati'jus in the Crown L.-'.nd department in Kova Scotia, I have to state that I have no reason to suppose that the measure which the Legislature has thought proper to pass on this subject is defective in point of detail. But it is open to the objection that it makes provision for the regulation of offices which cannot at present bt? regarded as other than |)ro- visional, whilst the question relating to the surrender of the Crown revenues of Nova Scotia, in exchange for a civil list, continues unadjusted. Until that questit)n he determined on a complete and satisfactory basis, it would be premature to sanction such arrangements as are provided for in this Act. You will communicate this Despatch to the House of Assembly in answer to their addresses to you of the SOtli and 31st March, at the same time assuring tliem of Her Majesty's readiness to assent to any measures which may appear to be really calculated to promote the settlement of the ter;itory of Nova Scotia, and place so important a department of the provincial administration as the management of the waste lands upon a permanent and economical footing. I have, &c. Sir John Harvey, (signed) Grei/. &c. &c. &c. COLONIAL BILLS (NOP"'" AMEllKA). 33 i"l NEW BHUXSWICK. New nriiii>uirk> (No. \\2.) Sir. I)(nMiiiiy;-«)tre('t, 3 .I.iiiuary iMno. Tiu Lords ("ciiiiiiiif'ioiicis of Her Majcslv's Tna-iii v have liail iiiidcr tlu'ir coiisidiiatidii two Afts piisscd l>y tlic I>'L;i-latiiii' ot Nrw Hniiiswick liiirinu; tlicir lii"t. Session, intitiili'd " An Act to iiicor|ioiati' sundry l*i rsmis, liv tlif name of the President, Dircflor.-, and ( oni|aiivof tlit; Mir.miiclii liank.' (No. IL'tiil; and " .\n Act to increise tlie (aiital Stuck tf tlic ("liarlind ('( iinly Hank, and to amend llii' Ait incor|ioratini; the same,'' (No. 11. "i"). 'I'lie Liivd* (if tile Trea>nr\ are otdpiidon iliat in tlie clause i)roliii)ilinu: the i«-sue of notes loi' sums u-ider 1 /, or tlic making; of loans on niortijasic oi' on [liedues of land-, liousi s, ships, or jjfood*, uhetlier a.s din ct or collateral -eciiriiy, or jn-ovidinu- for tiie lorleiini'' of tlie pri\il u;es of tlie conijiiiiv on tlii'ir sns|)en-ion of payim lit- in specie, cir otiiei infractinn ot the nxirr nmiii ial eonditioMs of inc. rpnrafi'in. Their I.ord-ldps al-o con-ider as in-nf- ficicnt the provisions relauiiir to payincnf ol the iioti s that o ay be issied hy tlie conii)aiiy at the |)lare of is-ne. in specie on demand, to the paynu nt of divji'iiids to sliarclmiilers out of profits only, and to the preparation and p i)ii(:a- tion of statrirents showing the avera;j;o aiimutit of t'le as-ets am! ii.biliiie-, of the eompimy diiriii}! each hall-yearly perioil ; and tin} moreover disappmve the unneiessarily Ioul: period which appears to lie allowed for pa\ iny up the second moictv of till' capital. With respect to the Act n latin;,' to the Chart' red County Bank, the Lords of the 'IVi a-niy observe, that it not only autlmiises an increase of the capital of that e-t;il)li^hment, but hkewise i-xlends all the existini- ])o\vt rs and privileges of the company, which, under t!ie orii;inal Act of Incorporation, would expiie in the year Lsil.*), lo the 1st M;iy IHijo. Their I.oidships, therefore, consider that this Act nmst be held to he ojuivideiit lo a fresh Act of Incorporation, and oiijjht not theretore to be confirmed, iiidess acconijianied by the same couilitioiis and securities as it is thon;jht necessary to require in the case of the other luivvly proposed establishment. As these Acts contain clauses snspendiny^ their operation until Her .Majesty's ph asurt- shall lie declared nspectinuf them, 1 shall abstain from brin^iiii.;- th 'in underthe notice of Her Majestv in Council, until the Lei^ij-laMne of New |)iun<- wick shall have had an opportunity of considerinf; and of rermd'. iiiu; the olijeelions stated to them. 1 have therefore to rei|Uest that j-oii will comnnnieate the substance of this Despatch to the Legislative Council and Mouse of Assembly at their next meeting. I have, &e. Sir John Ilarvcy, (signed) Gleiidg. &c. &c, &c. (No. 1 84) Sir, Downing-stnt't, 4 September 1843. I HAVE lo acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 38, of the '.iOtli April last, transmitting certifii d copies of two Acts which had been passed by the Legislature of New Biuiiwick; the first. No. 1432, entitled " An Act le- latmji to the Collection of iJuty on Timber and other Lumber;" and the second. No. 1-133, entitled "An Act to establish indry Reguhitions for the futu.e disposal of Timber and other Lumber cut on Crown Jvinda." Each of these Acts contains a clause suspending the operation of it until Her Maje^ij'o pleasure shall have been signified. 1 transmit for your information the accompanying copy of the opinion of the Queen's Advocate and of Her Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General, in answer to questions proposed to them respecting the Act for the collection of duty on timber and other lumber. For the reasons assigned in that opinion, Her Majesty will abstain from con- firming the Act to which it refers. 529. E It t • 1/> '\i, I'h' •1.:' -M ''('-x i M RF/rrilN HFI.ATINn TO n Hriiii »wiiK. I, ^^j I ,1,,, ,1^^ ,,.(,,,•,. |,,|,,, (ti; ,, ,,rciiiii.' into djiiTiition a- ii hi w. 'I III' .\r liiiilii r aii'l oiiiir luMilirr til cut on ( rowii liiinK must, nt ccui'm-, I>i' iIi-|i<)I ><{' m tijc siiiiii' in niiicr ii" iiie first-inciitiiiii' <| Act, \tt «lii(h it \* ^ii|i|'lriiiciit.irv anil iiM\ili;iry. \,\f\\ wifioiit rrlrii iici' to iliis ci iic'iisi\c I'lijictinn tluTo wc.iilil liavi' Ih'i'd ilitlii iiify in cHinfinniiiL: tlii>< Art. \Vithi)iit miy iircvioiit iniiniatinn ol tlic Ilnal |iliM>iirc, it n|i(Ml-. ■.\ part i»l the Civil hi-i Act. It ;xrani'< «iili no siiHiiicnt r a-'Hi c xtcn- rivc |irivilr^)> t>> till' iivMici> (if inilU in artiml njciation, anil it i!< c> ii'it i('i|uii'<> flic paMnciil in n aiiy inoiu-v ot ilic tec rc(|nii°i'il Inr ilir tiiiiluT liccii-c Kriitn ill' ^tat< intMitK contained in ynnr l)cs|iatcli, and in the U 'inils acc<>in> pinyinn it, I, liowcvtr, conrlmlc tl. at the |ircwnf sytciii of tinlicr license* re- quires inoililicaiiiiii ; lliat it i-> ex|ieiisive in it:^ wurkiti;;; ; iiinl that iimlcr >heltc,' of it fraiuU arc t oniinitte I, which niltiot! the actual ier-!itri'ct, 14 Octohir 1«43. I iiAVK hid under my (onsideratinn an Act ija-sed hy liu- Leiii>l,it re of New IJruiiswick, with u suspendinj^ chiiise, on the 11 th April hist, for r> •:;u!atin^ the currciK^y of that pioviiun- (No. « j.iS). I have no ohjectioii to oflcr to lliis Act, except as ref^aids the valuations assigned for some of the coiu:? specified iu it ; ami, as the^e valuatimis are not correctly adjusted according to the intrinsic worth of the coins, «ith itfereuco to their contents iu pure metal and to the relative values of gold and silver, it appears that tlie object of the Act could not he attained without some inoditica tion of the comparative rates assigned for the coins. I observe that the values in the provincial currency of coins mentioned Alt are as follows ; viz. : £. The Enfjlish sovereign ..... i The I'leneh crown piece _.,.._ The I'.ngiish crown |)iece ---_._ Ihe Spanish South American or United States dollar The i;old eagle of the United States But, considering the dollar to have been the coin principally circulating in the Province, and to he pidperly rated at 5.s. currency, the Ibllowing should he the rates of the oiher coin'< ; viz. : in the 4 — 5 — C — 5 2 10 d. The sovereign ... The English crown The ea"le of the United States £. - 1 - 2 s. d. 4 - 6 - 3 I do not advert to the French crown piece, as this ci in is not now fabricated, and has con.seqiiently been omitted from the currency Acts, both of Canada and Nova Scotia. Under these eircnmstanees Her Majesty cannot be advised to confirm the present Act ; but you will avail yourself of an early opportunity of n commending the Le^'islativc Council and Assembly of New Brunswick to pass another Act, in which the proper rates mentioned in this Despatch should be assigned to the coins of the Province. Sir W. Colebrooke, &c. &c. &c. I have, &c. (signed) Stanley. \m 6o COLONIAL UILliS (N'OlUil .VMl^Kld). ^ (No. .}ii.) Sir, I>iiwiiiin;.«friit. IH A ii;ii*i Isi... 1 IIAVK Im nf N'i>w Bruii»«i. k in tlio itinntli of Miircli l.i«t (No. l.'i.l't, with a sii*|niiiliiit; claii-c, in aiitli<' ilic s.ilr cit' i;( I'titiii l.iuil-> in tlif countv ot° Vork l.i'loiiuin;r t<> tii<- iuii> Mr. W. r, O.Ml. . I. T... -.•,!. 5cc. I (l.f ind it ri^lit. Hi llir lii-i iii«t iiiii', lo roliT tliii Aft t'oriln' cuii'iclrr.iiioii of till' law tilHcirs (tf tilt' (jowii in thin co.itilrv. I triiiisinit licrwicli .i oijiv ol tile ri'|) It ^liii'li t1if\ have ina'li' to nic in ri'plv lo tliat ri't'i-ri'iirc. AilviTlihi; lu tliat ri I'lii't, I liivo tn u<'i|ii.iiiii vu it will im' Ik' m my pDWtT 10 ailvi>' llic Qiiti'ii ti iiiaki' a;is' orli-r li>v tlif i' riln in iii m m)' tlii-* Act. I have, ice. tSir W. (lolc'iruiikc. («if;n'(|) .Stmi/i'i/. &.C. wV..'. \c. N<» Driiiitwiik. (No. 14.) Ml', Dowiiiiin-stiVfl, 'it Jiiiii- Is.'i-i. I iiAVi; had iinilir iiiv conoid ration lii" Act pas-cil hy the Li"j;i»laturf of New Briinsv\iik in the 1110 ,th of Ai'r.l la-t, t'lititliMl " An Act to I'X' Uitlo i crt liii Pcr^oii^ from siuin-i' a- .Mciiilii'i> o the Lcifi-hii i vf Council of ihi- IVoxiucu" (No. 214 1). traiisiiiiltil in >ir Ldiiiiiud ilci.l's l)i>jiattli, .No. 17, of (he iuii of April. I conceive tlii.s A"t to he o|irii to XiTV grave ulijections, heciiiisf its film lions not oidv inteif 're directly uith the Itoyal i)reriig itivc, lint al-o havi t'le elle.t of removing- the l.ogi-Iativi' Coiineiilor fioiii his offiee, l»y diM|iialifviiin- thi' i;i-ho|j of the I'roviiice froiii i x rci-iii.; the [irivihi;.' coiiferre I irion him hv til' (.' of sitiiii^- ill tile Coniail. I have til i> fore considered it necessary to advi>e Her Majesty lo di~ail iw the Act, and I transmit iiciewitli the noeessary onlrr of the Q'lein in ('oii.icil lor that liUipose. I liavr, &e. The Olfici r iidiiii|ii-ieriiiir (si;^iicd) J. Pd/dii^loii. the (ioveniiiieiit. Right Honoiira' le Sir J')fiii Piilti)i'isiuture of New Drniiswick (with a sus- pending clause), "relatinif to certain exeiiiptions Ironi duty.' 2. By this Act certain special privileges ar; conferred upon the United States as regards the irade wit 1 the Pi.i .;'" St. Stepiiea's, viz. — l6t. Timber exported to the United Stttes trom the Port of St. .Stephen's is exempted from export liuty. 2(1. Vessels arriving at the Port of St. Stepiien's from tiie United States are exempted from lighiliouse, liarbour, and otlierdiies. 3. LoLiisl.itioii conferring exclusive privileges of coniinerce is opposed to tlie comniereial policy which this country has deliherately adopted; and, in the present case, besides the ohjection pointed out by yourself, arising from the dis- tinction cstalilished between the Ports of St. Stei)hen and other ports of tiie Colony, the exeinprions proposed to be established in favour of tlie United .States are inconsistent with many of 'the commercial treaties which have been entered 529. E 2 into 1 i ir ■ml stf uinruN uf:lating to % 'i ■■A Hi ■y New llnintwiii. into liv Diiliin Willi ('■triimi ^^t^tpn, aiii-.t t'.ivniiri'<| iiiitiiiii't rhinit) iiMiIrr wliirii a |iiirtici|iuti>iii m «iich tXfiii|)tiuii- toiilil jii-tl> li.' tliiiiintl liv tlm-' St.iir». 4. On iliiM! uroiXKl^ i' .i|)|H'tir'« lo 11' r Miiji>i\'» (invt rriiunt iliit hir Majesty citiiiiot li)> |iM)|inly mUi-cil to Mtiiiiioii tliit Ai!i As it coiit.iitm h !>ii»l c'iiiliii|^ claiix', it nmII tli< It Iuil' niniiiii uitlmut tfll'tct. NtwrciiiiKilnnil. ^ir. XMWKdl'XDI.AM). (No. 153.) I)uvviiiiii( Mtri'ot, -2.5 Miiivli 1H14. I iiAvi: itrciM'd yoiii |)r<|i;it('|i niiiiilx ri'd H, and ilatfd th<- :ilsl .laiiuiry lKt4, in ('X|i'anati<)ii (if ilic iiioii\i's '.Wiidi led to tijr t'liaeiiiii'iit liy liic l.r^islatiire of Ni'xvfoiiiidlaiid ot llio lociii Htaliitc id' not > ntor nil tlie (|iic9tioii wliitlicr it is or is not lij^iit that the oaths at [ir-.-sciit riciuiu'd Inmi tliK various ineiiilit'rs of the Li'n!.' annulled. If (as I rather iindt istaud the cise) that ol)li;:ation i-> iinjxwed liy the Queen, in the exercise of Her Majest.'s Itoyal |)rerojj;ativc, the proiier course of proieediiig wonUI bo that the Liwislature should address ihe (iuren to discontinue that exer- cise of iJer Maje.-ty's autlioiity. On either su|)|)ositioii, au /Vet of tlie loeal Legislature is an unlit method of introduoiu^ such a eliange. I have, &c. Governor Sir John liarvey, (signed) mtaidey, &c. S:c. &c. (No. 201.) Sir, Downiny-street, 8 February 1845. 1 HAVK received from you an Act, pass d by the Legislature of New found laud, in .April 1844 (No. 29), for the regulation of the copper coinage, with a sus- pendini: ciaui^e. As this is a subject the consideiation of which comes peculiarly within the province of the Lords Coinnii^sioners of the Treasury, I have thought it light to refer the Act to that Board, and I enclose for your information and guidance, a copy 01 the answer which I have riceived from their Lordships, stating the reasons for recommending that this Act should not receive Her Majesty's con- firmation. As I (|uile agree in tlie view taken by the Lords Commissioners, I cannot advise Her Majesty to allow this Act to become the law of tiie island. I have, &c. Governor Sir John Harvey, (signed) Stanley. &c. &c. &c. (Enclosure.) Sir, Treasury Chambers, 3 February 1845. With reference to your letter of the 18th October last, I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to request that you will state to Lord Stanley that my Lords having had under consideration the Act of the Legislature of Newfound- land (No. 29), relating to cojiner coinage, arc of opinion that the provisions of it are not sufficient for die attainment of^the objects contemplated by the local legislative authorities in Ux\ lOLOM.Vl. IHLLS iNUIlTIl AMI.UKA). S? in |Miii»inir it. nml timt iho iimtixinn r«latin({ t.. n nn;\n\ r;\wmr w,.ii|,| |„. iiiiwliiii«Ml-l<- hi Ni.«i„„n.l'i»nd. itit |ir('«i'iil •li!i|i<'. iiml iiiv l.'iriU iiiii. tlirri't'urr, only rt iiiiiiiii'l tliut im "iirh aixirnt on ' __ tllf imrl ■<( Hit Mllirnly i>l|uul Wiilllil if U r jt illri'l. \i.ii will nli-.Tvi- ti> Lurij Stiinlr\, lliiit it ii)>|ii'iir.x IVdiii tlir itilnriiiiitinii lirl'iiri' my LuimIk, lliiit till- rir'i'uliiliii;.Mnrrln<'i|Mll\ n| iliilliir*, ihi/<«- in^ Ht llir iiiiininiil \:iliii- nf fiM' •liilliii^'n IihiiI riirri'iii'V, niiil lliat tln' viiliii' nl'ilii' ijnllitr in * iitt'rliii^' Mioiiiv lirin;; ii-o I'liiir >hilliiii;'< iiiii iii'i, tlir iiar i>r i \rliiiiii;i> lii'twi'i'ii Ni'wI.iiiiiilliiiiil rmri'liiy iiiiil tlir llrili-li ^Irrliiij:. i« ruii-iiliiril in In- ll.'W. 7.. hi/, t'lirri'iiry tur Iliil/, uli'iliii^, Init tliiit llii' m tiiiil rxclian^r i- ii^iialU at a |>rili >ilM'r iir ciiiiiiiT riiiii!! ; lint nn aiKi'i'liii;,' in tin' riiiri'iny valurit is |ii'ii|ui'Ci| liy tlic Art iiiiw ill iiiii'-itiiiti III ^ivi- till" Ilritisli rliilliiij;, ii." riiiii|iiiri'i| with llu' riili" nf fiv • fliilliii;;.'! riiiTi'ni'V I'ur tin' dnllar wnrtli I'uur «iliillini{H und two |«'iirc Kti'tliii^, my 'inr kii|in'lii'iii| tliiit UritiKli ciiinit, l'IiIilt iiilvi>i- nr i'ii|i|H'r, wiuilii lio I'xi'ltuk'il In '• c'lri'iilatinii. '\'iiii will t'lirthor Ktnto to Loril Staiili'v, tliiit if tlic information almv vt reHlici'tiiif^ the rnrrciiry vuliiatinn of the (liillar at NcwCnnmllaiiil i-i I'lirri'ri, " a '.• ilc-^iralili', n* a liri'liminary Ktcii to tlii' iiitrmlni linn nl' a ImIIi r '-I'unlatt .1 inoilinin, tinit 11 locikl Ai't kIiihiIiI Iii> iiaH-i'il, ilrrlariii;.' ilial llrili-li ininx nl'^'oli . (•o|i|i('r uliall III' |Miid and ii-.'i'ivci'. in jtati^l'artinii of all li^il drmaniU i'X|iri'i" 1,, till' rurri'iii>y of till' I'rovinri', at tin- rotr ol 24(i. inniiny In tlii' mimti'I^'i fu. .1 |irii|iiirtionati.' ra'i'< fur Kilvcr and cinipcr roiiiri as tliu said mUvi and i'oji|ii.'i- ijwijis hi'ur to tlic I'livert'lun in cterli j; money. •lami'K Stephen, Knq., &c. &e. &c. • • • i have, i&i'. (tijfned) ('. A'. Trtrili/nii. Earl (ire^^ to Sir John Uarvei/. (Extract.) (No. 7.) Wowniiijj-stifet, 27 .July IHJil. The opiiiitiou of the Act, No. 58, is susiiemlctl for the sigiiificntioii of llcr Miiji'>.ty's pliMSiire. Her Miijesty's CJovrrnmont lime alreiuly given the most c(mcluiH, will not be corifiriiicd. (No. 4«.) Sir, Downingstreet, January 18j4. I HAVE had under my consideration the .Act (No. loO) |)i.ssed hy the Legi>l itiin; of Newfoundland on the 15th of June last, for regulating tlie appropriation of iiacket postage in that Colony, together with the address to the Queen from tin- iouse of Assembly, enclo.sed in your Despatch, No. 6r>, of the lOih September last, praying that the local post-office may be permitted to appropriate a si.tth part of tiie packet to the purpose of defraying the salary and incidental expanses of the Postmaster of St. John's. I have caused the address to hecoinnmnicated to the Postmaster General, and I now transmit, for your information, a copy of his Lordship's reply ; and I have to instruct you to acquaint the House of A-semhly, that, for the reasons therein stated, I regret that it is not in my power to advise Her Majesty to confirm the Act. I have, &c. Governor Hamilton, (signed) Newcastle. &c. &c. &c. 539» E3 Ct«. 38 REIIRN KhLAllN(i TO I'riiK'i; Kiluiinl Ulaiid. J»RL\CE EDVVAHJ) ISLAxND. ' h)r.l ./"/'" RiiSKellXn Sir Charles A. FitzUoif. fExtnict.) (No. .^) Ddwiiiiifj-stieeJ, ;U October ix.'lB. I itAVK 10 re(iu('>t your iitt( ntioii to tlie rolliiwin;.^ observations ou iho Act, No. 51!(, for tbc Ueliff of th<* Aiticritaii I^nalisis. 'I'll! prfuiiiiilf (it'tlii-* Art hcts fortb tbe circiiiiistanccs iinrliT whicii |)('iiril tbat tbc.'-o individuals or tbcir bcirs are not now \u possoj^sioii uf tbe laiuU so ^raiitfU. Tbe olijt CIS ol tbe |irtseul llill are to establish a commission for investi;; iting the el.iiiiis of these persons or tlieir desrendents, and to provide for ibe satisfac- tiiin (d'suib elaiiiisas may be e'«tal)lislu'd, partly l»y fjreint from the remainiiiif waste lands id' tlio Ci'owii, and partly liy the a])plic itioii for tli if [nirpose of thi' lands of the lirantei'S, or tiieir heirs, wiib whom the plan oriojiiati d in tbe var 1783, o( .iliiiratin^ |iart> id' ihiir estates for ibe benelil of tbiit class of persons. Tbe facts iiio tiio itripeifeetlv e.x|>laiiied in the prrainltle to admit of aiiv conlidi'iit 'httst iiitenlion of residing; on the land-, assiifneil to them. Tiie .Vmericiin lnvalisis were at iirst reganUd with o'reat i'avonr, btcaiise tlieir settlemenl in lb' island would increase tbe value of tbe estatis of tbe ahse it'es; and to lenipt theni tbiiber, tiie otFer was made of a surrender to them of cert;iiii parts of the wilderness, in tiie hope tbat till' les might thus become an available snm'ce of emolument. Tbe project was defeated l)y inisnnderstaii'ii:);' ami disputes. All this occurred 8(J years ago. Tiiat tbe loyalists may have hcen defrauded, disappointed, and oppressed, is but too probahle. That the laidt may b ive been tbeir ovvn, or jwrily so, is no extreme iinprohability ; but the whole rests on i;'.)njecture an I surmise. Assuming, however, as tbe local f.^'gislature have assumed, everything ag.iiiist the proprietors, an I in favour of the loyalists, I cainiot allow that even 011 tbat a-sumpti 11 tbii Actcaild be justified. For Iirst, alter a iapse of more tban half a ce; tiiry of undi-tnr'ied iiiissi->ion by tbe old pioprietors, there is a prescriptive title which I must advise the I'rown to respeci. Secondly. — The effect o' this Hill would be to transfer to the Cominissiimers to he iippniiiti d under it, not merely the proper fuuctiou of the tribunals, but tbe p iwer of reviviig (piestions on which these tiibunals may have already adjiiilicateii. Tliir.ily. — The Bill affords no protection to hnw't fide purchasers of these lands from ilie old proprietors, who acipiired them without notice of tbe remote and dormant claims of the loyal sts ; and, I'ourt!ily. — Tbe Legislature here assume a right to dispose of the waste lands of the Ciowu which the Crown has never yet surrendered to their coiitrul. For these reasons I should not feel myself justified in advising Her Majesty to confiria tiiis 13ill. (No. ,58.) Sir, Downiiig-street, 31 December 1842. T HAVK the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, Xo. 57, of the 11th ultimo, transmitting a report from the executive council of your Government, together with your own report in answer to the objections contained in my Despatch, No. 86, of the 20tb of August last, against the cmtirmation of an Act passed bv the legislature of P'-ince J'.dward Island, No. 582, entitled "A< G2^ COLOM/VL I11I.L8 NOltTIl AMKKK \V 39 An Aet to authoriM- tlif ls>iit' nf a (' i|>|ht Cuiiia-c in tins Colony, and to pro- Prince linwanl iiil)it ilic Cirt nliit of l^aso ('ii|i])' r- lla^•in^i, con^iilerctl tliise n.]) jrt«, 1 liavi' to .loiiuaint yon tliut llir M;ij(.'.sty'>* Govi rninriit liavc irsiolvcd not to !«ul)niii tlii* Ai-l to lUr M;iji>!y in * 'uun-sed liy llie Liicislature of Prince Eclward Isl^md to authmise tlie issue dc navo of certain writs uncU'r the Roads ( 'omi)en>aiion Aets in certain eases. I refined tiiese Acts to Her Majesty "s Attorney and Solicitor (Jineral. and they liave reported to me that, takinp; into consideration all the eiriMiMistanccs stated in the memoiial of Mr. C'unard, and tlie lett'-r of the .Attuniev (Jenrrai of the island, and nioie esp. cially the litiijatinn which takin place lutween the (iovernmcnt and the inoprietors of the lands in ipiestion r speetini; the validity of the charfje soiifjh' to he imposed upon tluin, they are ut o|iMii'Mi that it would not lie advisahle for Her Majesty li ;:;ive her sanction to iin .Act of the lefjisl.iture for the express pnrinse of making these particular lands liable to the charges. Under the-e cireunistaneis, therei'orr, I cannot advi-e Her Majesty to confirm the Act in question. 1 havi', &c. (signed) Stanley. Sir Henry V. Huntley, &c. &c. &c. ds to (No. 115.) Sir, Downing street, 18 September 181 1. I HAVE had under my consideration an Aet passed hy the I,ei;islatureof I'rinee Edward Island during their recent session, entitled (No. (i32), " An Aet for raismg a Fund for the Encouragement of Agriculture, to be expended in the erection of Limekilns and the burning of Lime." I have received two memorials objecting to the confirmatinn of this enact- ment, one from Mr. Cooper of Prince Edward lslanortiori of the land in Prince Edward Island consists either of barren wastes, which could never be profitably cultivated, or of land situate at such a distance from any harbour, or other place where limestone (duld be landiil, as not to be within the reach of profiting by the measure, and that to tax these lands for the sole benefit of the remainder would be partial and unjust. They further contend that the discrimination which the Aet makes betwein ( idtivated and uncultivated lands by the imposition of a double assessment on tiu latter, is liable to the same objection. Without pronouncing an opinion ou the validity of these objections, it u})pears to me tiiat the procuring and burning of lime is not a fit subject to be provided for by the imposition of a public tax, and that any enaetuient which might be 529. E 4 jiassed 1 ; 40 RETIRN RF.LATIXG TO :J| Prince Kdward piissid fur lliis purpose, lniwcver carefully framcil, cnuld not opcrati" otliurwise Maiitlv. For ili< asseiil to the j)assing of a law to authorise the i->ne of 10,000/. in Treasury notes, redremahle within 15 vejirs. I hive also received yonr Despatch, No. 65, of the iTth May, enclosing a nienioiiai from several of the inliahitants of Prince Edward Island, ohjecting to any >uch issjie of paper money. Ili'.viiijv laid the address of the Legislature hefore the Queen, I have to inform you that Her Maj(st\ was ]>!eased to receive the same very graciously. I reiiret, howevi r. that I have been unable to advise Her Majesty to acced<' to the prayer which it contnintd, for the following rea-ons, which you will communicate to the two H( uses at their ne.\t meeting: Having, on several former occasions, directed your attention to the unsatis- factory state of the finances of Prince Edward Island, I have looked for some explanation on that subject on receiving an application for an increase in its liabilities by the proposed issue of paper money. But I neither find in the aiidress, nor in your own Desjjatcli accompanying it, any explanation with resjiect to the finances of the Colony, nor any allusion to the fact, of which T am infornud by the memorial enclosed ui your second Despatch, that, independently of the sum of 11,800(. already existing in the shape of Treasury notes, there are Treasury warrants remaining unsatisfied to the extent of 20,223/. In addition to the objections I entertain to the issue of pajjcr currency not payable in specie on demand, I find that it is represented by the parties signing the memorial, whose opinion you consider to be entitled to great atteniion, that the currency of the Island i? depreciated 20 per cent, below that of the adjacent Colonies. On such a statement I cannot but apprehend that the issues of paper money have already been excessive, and that the depreciation above mentioned, and the absence of metallic circulating medium, ate principally attrilmtable to that excess. If ihi se impressions be correct, it a|)pears to me that they furnish substantial reasons against the issue of any further paper money ; but i shall be happy to receive from you more explicit information on this subject, especially with respect to the amount of debt now o itstanding, the actual exchangeable value of the Gov( rnment paper, or of the warrants bearing interest as compared with coin, and the arrangements that either have been made, or are proposed to be made, for rendering the revenue equal to meet the current expenditure of the Island, and ibr provii!i»ig for the redemption both of the existing debt and of the suggested addition to it. I have, &c. Sir H. Huntley, &c. &c. &c. (signed) Stanley. (No. 136.) Sir, Downing-street, 18 August 1845. With reference to my Despatch, No. 134, o; ihe 1st instant, I have to acquaint Sou, that Her Majesty's Government have had under consideration the Act, fo. 648, " to suspend a certain clause in the Land Assessment Act relating to the cancelling of Treasiirj- Notes," which accompanied youi' Despatch, No. 61, of tlie 12th May. In * t'l COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMF.UICA). 4« III my f )rnier Despatch I stated tlii' icjwons which prevented my advi^iti'j; Her Majesty lo accede to the wishes of the ( oiiiail hikI .\s«enil)ly for an i xieii>ion iifthe pjiper currency of the isl.uid. For tlio same re:isoiis it is dcsinihle iliat the present amount of the paper currency should be leduicil ; and as the ell' ci of the present Act, if permitteil to heionie law, woidd l)e to |iropiiaie.) (or th(! redemption ol the I leasuiv notes now in circulation, Her Majesty ciunot be advised tu cuntirin it. Sir H. Huntley, SiC. cS:c. &c. I have, S:c. (signed) S'ltnle^ i'riooG KdwarU Uland. (Extract ) Earl Grey to Sir A. lianncrman. (No. 3.5.") Dowuin'^-street, 20 November 1851. With regard to the .Act, No. 814, I liave to inform you that Her .Maje>ty'* (iovernment have carefully weiglidl both the reasons which have Ijcen adduced in iis favour, and tlie protest of the dissentient members of the Lei^islative Council, and other representations which have reached them ajjainst it. And, however unwilling to object to a meunui'e v»hich appears to have received the unanimous assent of the A«seml)ly, they have not felt, themselves justified in ad- vising Her Majesty to confirm an Act of v iiich the olijeet is to alter, by legis- lation, the terms of contrai ts voluntarily entered into by individuals. I am not ignorant that in consequence of the long depreciation of the currency of the island, and the practice which has obtained as t) tlie payment of rents, considerable hardship migiit be imposed on some parties by the strict enforce- ment of their legal oljligations. But, on tiie other hand, it would not be merely a hardsiiii), but a direct injustice to those who have leased their land on express agreements that certain payments should be made to them to set those agreements aside without their consent, by an Act of the Legislature, which v/ould nntiuestion- ably lie the effect of the present measure. I observe also that the provision of the Act is confined to cases in which the landlords iiave been already in the iiabit of receiving their rents on a calculation assuming less than the actual depreciation of the currency. This gives me reason for hoping tliat no serious practical inconvi'iiience will arise from its not being confirmed, since I am not aware of any good reason for sup- posing that landlords will in future siiow less indulgence than tluy have hitiierto done. If legislation should be required in order to facilitate voluntary arrange- ments between landlord and tenant, on the basis of making .'ents payable for the future in currency of the ish:nd at the rate at which it has been practically received, provided they are punctually paid, I think that such legislation would be botii proper in itself, ami likely to be attended with mucii advantage. There tnay also be special cases of hardship and injustice likely to arise from the state in which the law will be left from the non-confirmation of thia Act, for which it may be proper to afford a remedy ; but it has not been shown that this is the case, nor does it appear to me that so violent an interference with private rights ought to be resorted to, without much clearer proof of its necessity. I cannot but observe, in conclusion, that the difSculties which have arisen in this case afford a striking pioof of the injustice, and inconvenience which are inevitably inflicted on individuals by measures affecting the currency which involve a departure from sound principles. In (No. 13.) Sir, Downing-street, 17 November 18fc6. I HAVE to acknowledge your Despatches, of the numbers and dates notet.' in the margin, by which you transmit to me, for Her Majesty's sanction, two Acts passed by the Legislature of Prince Edward Island, in the month of April last, inti- 529. F tuleJ ill V^"* I It i ►li '*!' , ■'I 1 5! 'I ' Ml 1 r^ 43 RETURN RELATING TO Princr Edirartl tuleil n'fijMctively, No 111 ;i, "An Ad to impose a Hale or Duty «>n the Rontrollsof Iiland. the I'roiirietnre ol certain Tiiwiisliiii LnriU in I'lirice Kdwiirti Ixland, in onler to defray I h«- Kx|i('iiS(> of aiiy Aiiiud Forcf whicli may be requiretl tor ilie with- dtawii) of tlic 'i roups, and for the further oncnuragcnient of E^huatlon ;" and No.fcl.'i, "An Aet to Hccuie tOniponsntion to Tenantt-in Piince Edward Island, aiid tliete the Crown to assent to any ine.isnre inflicting nianifisl wrong on any of Her snhjects. 1 regret to he obliged to inform you that Her Majestv's fiovernnieiit find themselves unable to advise Her Majesty to giv • Her assent to either the one or the other of these Acts. The Lieuteniint Gevrrnor and Legislature of Prince Edward Island must remember that nithough responsible Government has been estrtblished in that island, rt sponsible (iovernment exists also in Gnat Britain ; and Her .Majesty's Government cannot take njion themselves the responsiliility of advising the Crown to give its assent to Colonial Acts which are at vari.mco with the prin- ciples of justice, and invade those rights of property which are the foundation of social organisation ; and I have to observe that former Govt rnmenta liave on various < ccasions been obliged, with reference to Acts passed in Prince F.dward IslanrI, to uphold those principles and fo protect those rights by pirsiiing a course .similar to that whicli Her Majesty's present Advisers deem it their duty to pursue. The Act imposing a ti>x upon the reiitroll of a certain portion of the pro- prietors of land in Priice Edward Island, were it to receive Her Majesty's assent, would be a law passed by a majority, in order to impose a special burden upon an unr» presented minority, and would be an instanot' of oppressive class legisla- tion. If the Legislature of Prince Edward Island should find that the revenue of ihe island is not sufficient to defray the public expensis of the Colony, and if ihose expenser, cannot be diminished by any economical revision without detri- ment to the public service, a general tax, affecting alike all incomes, arising in any way from land, from houses, from trade, from manufactures, from salaries, or fn m any other source, might be a fair and proper mode of providing the requisite funds ; and if such an Act were passed (with sufficient reason shown for it) applying equally to landowners and tenants, to proprietors and occupiers, such a nieiisiire would be free from objection. The measure entitled an Act to secure compensation to tenants, is one to which Her Majesty's sanction must in like manner be refused, because its i)lain and direct tendency is to transfer property in land from the owner to the tenant. This Bill provides that where a tenant is unable or unwilling to fulfil the con- tract between him and the landowner by which the tenant has agreed to pay to the landowner a fixed annual rent, usually very small in amount, for the land which he holds, the landlord must either forego the rent, and thus let the land pass practically to the tenant, or he must pay to the tenant a sum equal to 20 years' purchase of what is termed the "annual profit to the landlord created by the tenant's or lessee's inipro'enients on the soil," tlu amount of which payment would in many cases be equal to the marketable val' e of the fee-simple of tlie land. In the one case he would make over to the tenant the land itself; in the other case he would make over to the tenant a sum which might even go beyond the value of the land. Such a measure of undisguised spoliation cannot be sanctioned by Her Ma- jesty ; it is needless to enumerate all the objections which apply to this measure, and the more so as they are ably stated in the memorial presented against it by some of the owners of land, and transmitted with your Despatch, No, 39, of the 2d July last ; but I cannot refrain from remarking that those lands in Prince Edward Island, on which any great improvements have been made by tenants, were let in a state of wilderness at the almost nominal rent of 9d. c Is. an ncre, on the express ur.derstanding that they were to be brought into culti- vation ilCi COLONIAL UILLS (NOHTll AMKIUCA). 4ft vntion by the t* iiuiit ; tliat to t^ccure the tenant the ei\juyineut and prolit ul' liu PruiM Edwwd impruMiiu-iits, Itiut-aol fxtiaonlinarv lorigtli were ^iveii, mul tliat a tenant, who by iiiist'urtiiiie or otiier iuu!-e is iiiial)le tu pay tiiut iimigiiitiraiit rent, is ul\\uv« at liberty lu i^cll liis Ica^o to tiie best bidder, and tlius tu realise iu tiie iiiurkit tlie value of the iinprove;iients he imty iiave made. With reyird to the rea!» f tenant, that dislike may furtiish good reason why those who entertain it siiould not become tenant;', ' .:t ic ciiiuui. 'i;r!;<^li any reason for arbitrarily transferring the property of the lamlowner to tV i«kMnl ; but in truth, tlie term for whicii leteees in Prince Edward Island liohl their .and is in t>eneral s> excesaively \i>u]i, tiiat such occnpiers are rather iu the conditkou of payers of quit rent tiian in that of tenants, us the term is generuliy uni er- stuoii . You ex|.re9- yonr opinion that if the measures now laid before Htr Mrfjtsiy's Government are not sanctiontd, rents will cease to be paid. lltr Majesty's Government have too good an opinion of the integrity i.nd of the sense of justice which prevail nmou^: the people of Prince Edward Island to believe that the tenants \\ill combine to break the engagements into which they have ei.tered, and to defraud those to whom they are bound by legal obligations; but it i.'> tlie duty of Her Majesty's Government to see that the law shall tjike its course, and be respected and obeyed in all parts of iler Oominions, and the proper loeans for doing so can uever be wanting'. I have, &c. Lieutenant Governor Daly, (signed) G. Gny. &c. &c, *ic. ( Mf (No. 15.) Sir, Downing-street, 20 October IHTiS. I HAVE received yonr Dosnatih enclosing authenticated copies of an Act passed by the Legislature of Piince Edw;ird Hand, intituleil : — No. 997. " An Act relating;; to the Fishing Reserves in this Island." After a ciirefnl consideration of the documents relatinij to that .Act, inclndioc the remonsiriinces to which (as my predecessor would seem to have anticipated) it has givcii occ3si(in, I find ii wiioliy itupossible to recommend that it slioiild receive Her .s ajesty's sanction. 'liio facts of the case I understand to ho the following: — by certain Orders in Cr'-icil of 1704 and 1707 tlie Guver'ior of Prince Edward Islaml was directed to grant the lands in tliat Colony to varioun per- sons, subject to a ri feiviition of "liherty to all His Majesty's subject-* in lioneial of currying on a fiee tislicry on the coa»ts .... and of erecting stages and oil.ei' noc;ssary hnildiiigs within the distance f 500 feet froin high uater- niark." In parts of the island the land was actually granted on these terms, hut in other parts the grants instead of reserving as right of entry for certain pur- poses to His Majesty's subjects, reserved the lanil itself (500 feet from liigli- watermark) " for the disposal of His Majesty," to erect " stages and other buildings for carrying on tlje fisheries " I understand, however, th;>.t lor a long series of years, I may almost say lor generations, no distinction was in fact made between these two classes of grants, the strip of 000 feet being in all cases alike treated as belonging to the grantee of the adjoinins; land, that the owners have leased it, improved it, incorporaled it into farms, built up m it, and, above all, that they have paid tax^s on it as on their own property, which taxes liie Government have received. Under these circumstances it appears to have been the opinion of the law officers of the Crou n in England, and of the Supreme Court in Prince Edward Island, that when "the disposal" of the tislury rese-.ves was secured to Her Majesty by the deed of g;rant, the actual property of the land reHUiined, and notwithstanding tl;» long adverse occupancy, still remains vested in the CiOvvii. ihe Act now forwarded is pissed in reliance wpun these ofiinions, aivcl while saving the existing rights of 'lie Crown provides 529. F 2 that (=v* 44 RETURN Ri: LATINO TO -:■] .P r 4 Prince Edwvd bland. that wlierevtT such reserves havr Iteeti leasid liv ihi; ri'|)utril owiitr l COLONIAL BILLS (NORTH AMERICA). 45 frcelioM intiTrsfs in tlieir lioldinns, wliicli wa^* tmnsniittid to vmi in niv Di-ipatcli of tlie 5tli oCApril liist, No. 103. I very much regret that it is not in my pnwtr to eoiunr in tli.' views Ny wliiih your Goveniinint have hien led to preimre these Bills, or to advise Her .Majesty to brinji them into optration hy givinjj Her aioners i>ro- fcssed themselses unal)le to come to any eonclusioti, and instead of deciding it they recomni'snded virtually that it should be deci* ■(! I>y thi; Leiiisluture of Priiicf Eii»ar(l Ultiul on the 17llt of April 1.S02, oil'' contaiiiin)? a susfM-ndin^; cIuutH', and iittituled (No. 11-27) " (;ap. XXIV. An Act fur tin; Naturalization ol Aliens," Your olijectiou to tlii.s Act was well fbuiitled ; its operation ttliould have been 8pi'cirK';!.'iy ciinHiicd witliiu Prince- Edward I^luuil, whioii inigiit have been effected bv inserting tiie words " within the island " after the word " entitled " in the 1st cLiuse, and after the word-, -'and shall" in the 4th clause. In ci(|nen('e of tlu; omission of such a restriction, Her Majesty's assent will he witlilield from the Act. 1 have to add, that the error in the New Brunswick Act did not escape my notice, and tliut tiie Licuti nunt Ciovernor wus instructed to procure its amend- ment. I have. &c. Lieutenant Governor Dundas, (signed) Ntwcnuk. kc. &c. &c. 1}. 'i ' (No. 33-) Sir, Downing-street, 21 September 1883. I HAVE the honour to acknowled^'e the receipt of the following Ait of the Legislature of Priiicu Edward Island, passed with a suspending clause, on the 22d Apiil 1863, and transmitted to me together with other .'\cts in your Despatch, No. 65, of t!ie 5tli ultimo (No. 1130) " Cap. VH. An Act 10 incor- porate the Grand Orange Lodge of Prince Edward Island, and the subordinate Lo«lges in connection therewith." I have had under my consideration as well tb<- Act itself as two petitions against it forwarded respectively with your Despatches No. 43 of the 27th of April last, and No. G6 of the 5th ultimo, the latter of which is stated to have been signed by upwards of 11,000 persons. I deeply regret that the Legislature of Prince Edward Island should have given its sanction to a class of institutions which all experience has ?hown to be calcu- lated (if not actiudly intended) to embitter religious and political diffei inces, and which thus usust i>e detiimental to the best interests of any colony in uhich they exist. Holding these views respecting the measure, I have felt it impossible to advise Her Majesty the Queen to signify Her Royal approbation of it, without which I am glad to observe it will not take effect. The Act therefore will remain inoperative. I have, &c. Lieutenant Governor Dundas^ (signed) Newcastle. &c. &c. &c. 4^^ COLONIAL BILLS (NOHTII AMr'.'.ur.W 47 A F P E N D I \. No. 1.— TABLE Khowinj,' tho NuiuIht of Laws '• nwrvi'il" liy iho G..virn<.r (or the |^i^'nificllti..n of Ih c MujcntyV IMciiHure, in ciuli Year \h:\V, to lH»i4 inclusive, ..r containing Chiu-CH " i.iis|.on(linf,' their Operatinn" utitii llcr MtycBty'u ripiwure Blioiihl I e made known. ;Upper Canada. Lower 1836 1837 1838 IBM* 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 l!;4U 1H50 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1806 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 16 19 U 13 Canada. 15 2 9 7 ll> 13 Nofii Si-otia. New Ncw- 1 nruniwitk. foundlnnd. Princa Kdwar.l Ulan.) 6 3 S I 5 5 5 11 7 6 4 9 5 9 6 3 1 - I Total. 25 30 7 17 21 20 II 20 10 2U 18 24 II 20 !4 20 •J u 3 5 I 4 I 4 4 7 C 1 341 AppfDilii. No. 2. — TABLE showing the Number of Laws to which the Royal Assent was refused, in each Year from 1836 to 1864 inclusive. Upper Canada. Lower Canada. Canada. Nova Scotia. New Bninawick, New- foundland. Prince Edward laUnd. Total. 1836 1837 1838 1839 - - - 1840 1841 1842 1843 . - - 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 - - - 1862 - - - 1853 1854 1855 1856 - - . 1867 - - - 1858 1859 1860 . - - 1861 - - - 1862 1863 1864 5 6 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 - > 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 10 6 1 1 7 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 I 3 1 47 5^9- F4 6^^ 1 ••. ' COLON I A I, BILLS. NdUTH AMLBICA. r HKTl'RN oftlio Tillei nnd Piii.Kof Hill* pntud lijr tlio LeKiiliiliirci of Canuiln, .\i)rn Sfolia, JVnr llrunncick, NtwftmndUitid, ami Priuee Jidii-anfi ItlanH iince tlitt Yrar 1H30, which hafs Wn Ileiervrd Ity the (ioTcriioM of those rdoniet refpoctiTely for UefiTrnoc tn Iler Mijcity'i SciTf-tary of Slate for vhr Colniiirii, ami of the Tillei anil DiitfS of Hills io referred to which the Rnyal Ai»eut was iiltiiniitely refiiKfd ; and Coi'V or ExTRACTii of the Tcriiin in which such Refusal was conveyed. '^ i'm\ \m (Viscount Bury.) Oritrti, ty The lloDse of Connnons, to t* Prinltd, 26 July l8()4. [Price 6d.] Under 8 oz. ■ I .1;! X. *i •(i'-c