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Un dee symbolea suivanta appareftra sur la demidre image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: la symboia — *• signifie "A SUIVRE". le symboia ▼ signifie "FIN". Mapa, piatea, charta, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaura ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framee aa required. The following diagrama illuatrata the method: Lea cartea, pianchee. tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimte A dee taux de rMuction diff fronts. Lorsque le document eat trop grand pour 4tre reproduit en un seui slich4. ii est film* A partir da I'angia aupAriaur gauche, de gauclie h droite, et de haut en bee, en prenant le nombre d'imegea nAcassaira. Las diagrammes suivanta illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m 'Sf^A^Sekf^S&vSithaSKbiMvSXk'^^^^ z^^^- ^^zl or THK Township of Raleigh PA88RD & From g%h flarch, 1S96, to /larch ist, 1897. WITH" AUDITORy REPORT FOR 1896 A. H. WHITE, REEVE. J Q. STEWART, CLERK. \(» CHATHAM: THE BANNKR PRINTIHO COMPANY. 1897 S? 4 JV'^'s" '■.'T. '•"•'(■■ ■" ••' «»'".'"< ''■^' ' '' Ffty^f^f^ .a^skmm, -syg!^fyiBf^-,™;i*^ '""^^jg^^l '^" ' ' ■i-i'' '■■ ;■ ■''':"''V"»'r>7"i>r«'''<V'^w'i??'if'HW'W'SHp .?■» i. or THB Township of Raleigli PA8SKD From 9th Harch, 1896, to flarch i5t, 1897. WITH AUDITOR^' REPORT FOR 1896 A. H. WHITE, J. a. STEWART. CLERK. 81 f -A - CHATHAM: ?■! BAH^TIft niiKTuro OOMFAinr, . ; 1' .1* V 4ai^;M'.»fer^". ■■- ;^ ^S^. , ,'IC *>' 1^ > >»i p^« ^^f^"v^ 'i^a^^m:-. J-*- ' . f w »&t .» *-»*«'!< w. r '• J" r^ ^'^ , it t8»4— Mad Mid Indian Creek Drain M— Government Drain No 2 666— To levy ratea W— To appoint engineer to receive R. P. drab " 06a--Depnty Returning Offlceia " •5»-Chfnn&k Drain JW^To amend No 668 661— ^Jlnnieipal officers ... » 662---Bepaira on Pike Pnmp '• 6g-^To repeal Na 606 (Dog By-Law) .. « n64 — Req[>eottng office of Clerk * " 666— MunicipafOfficera , .V.."..*/ •• 666— Appropriations •• 667— To amend No. 666 Gov. Drain No. 2 . . ! ! " * 20th April. iSdil 16th June, ** 20th July. " 10th Aug.. » 7th Sept., *' 30th Nov.. » 80th Dec, 11th Jan., •« 1st Mar.. 1897 M W ■ ;'* I •■ ^)^; 7 ^•'A. YU^ li B7-MWS0F im TOWSSSIP OF RdLElQS. No. 668— A BY-LAW To proTtile for the formation of » new 8ohool Section in the Towmhip of BaMsh, end to alter the bounderiet of School Seotiooi Noe. 7 end 9, end Union School Section No. 5. WHBRBA8 certain ratepayers of the locality hereinafter dcteribed, have petitioned the Municipal Oonnoil of the said Township of Raleigh, to form a new School, Section, to be composed of parts of existing SehMl Sections Nos. SeTon, Nine and Union School Section No. Five. And whereas, it has been made to appear that all persons to be aftct* ed by the proposed formation of a new section, or by the elteration or dividon of existing sections, have been duly hotified in manner provided hr the resolution of Council in that behalf passed on the Sixth day of AprU, 189d| and that all the requiremerl of the Public School Act hare been duly complied with. Therefore, the Af unicipal Council of the Corporation of the said Town- ship of Raleigh, enacts as follows : — 1. A new School Section shall be formed to be composed of tiie tots or parts of lots hereinafter described, that is lo say : — S | of s hf of lot six, - B hf of lot seven, in the twelfth concession, s hf lot three, lots four, five, six, seven, s hf eight, s hf nine, and s hf ten in the Thirteenth concession, lots three, four, five, six, seven, n 100 acres eight, n 100 acres nine and n 100 acres ten in the Fourteenth Concession. 2. The lots or parts of lots described in the next preceding seotion are hereby detached from School Sections Numbers Seven, Nine and Union School Section No. Five respeotively, and the boundaries of the said School Sections are hereby altered to conform with the said next preceding section. 3. The said new School Section shall be known as School Seotioa No> lifteen. 4. Charles Dunbrook is hereby appointed to call the first sdMX)! meet- ing, and give the Statutory notices therefor, 6. All By-laws or parts thereof, heretofore passed, which are insonsist' ent with this By-law are hereby repealed. 6. This By-law shall take effect on, from and aiter the Twenty-fifth day Of December, A.D. 1896. Read a third time and finally passed this Twentieth day of April A> P. 1896. gr. Q. STEWART, CBerk. (Seal.) R. J. MORRISON, R«pve, ^ No. 664— A BY-LAW To provide for the repair, improvement and maintenano* o£ drainage works in the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, known aa Mud Greek Drain and Indian Creek Drain, and for borrowing on ttoe credit of the municipality the sum of $1243 09, being the proportion to be contributed by the said municipality for completing the same. Provisionally Adopted the 20th day of January, 1896. Wherkas, Mud Creek drain and Indian Creek drain are Drainage Works originally constructed under the provisions of Acts then ifl force respecting drainage by local assessment. And Whereas, certain owners ^f lands assessed for the said Drainage Works have given notice that their lands are injuriously affected by over- flows from Mud Creek drain, which has its outlet in the lower part of In- dian Creek drain : And Whereas, it was deemed expedient for the better maintenance of said drains, and to prevent damage to lands and roads, to enlarge or other- wise improve the said drains, and with that object the council of the Township of Raleigh appointed W. G. McGeorge, 0. L. S., (being a person competent for such purpose), to examine and report upon the same, which appointment has been confirmed by by-law of the said Township of Raleigh. And Whereas, the s.aid council has procured an examination to be made by the said W, G. McGeorge of the said drains, and of the area affected by the proposed work and of the lands and roads liable to assess- ment under the Drainage Act, 1894, and has procured plans, specifications and estimates of the said Drainage work to be made by the said McGeorge, and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitt- ed by such Drainage work, and of other lands and roads liable for contribu- tion thereto, stating as nearly as he can the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or in- curred in consequence of such Drainage work, by every road and lot or portion of lot ; the said assessment so made, being the assessment hereinaf* ter set forth as part of the report of the said engineer, together with that hereinafter by this by-law enacted to be assessed and levied upon the roads and lotis or parts of lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described, the description, extent and estimated cost of the work to be done and the amount to be contributed therefor by each municipality affected by the Drainage work, beina: fully set forth in the report of the said W. G. McGeorge, hereinafter set forth, and the said report of the said W. G. McGeorge in respect thereof and of the said Drainage works being as follows : Chatham, 26th December, 1895. To the Reevfe and Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh ; Gentlemen, — Having received your appointment to examine and re« port on Mud Creek drain, and also on Indian Greek drain and any neces* sary cutlets, extensions, alteration or other improvement t may consider m: S» 1 1 &606BMry therein, with power to make an examination 6f the area to be drained and the water courses to he improved, and prepare a report, plans, Bpeoifioations ,and estimates of such drainage works as I may propose or recommend, and to make an assessment of all lauds, roads, parties and mu- nioipalities assessable therefor in any way under the Drainage ^ct, 1894, I beg to report that I have made such examination. I find the Mud Creek Drain very much out of repair and inefficient, and that it will be necessary to repair it and enlarge it to accord to the data furnished on the profile and plan accompanying this, my report, and to the epecifications herein, the branch drain being diverted at the west side of Mr. Frederick's lane on N | lot 22, in the Second con. of Raleigh, to the let and 2nd concession's road and along the south side of this road to the main drain, thereby taking the drain into firmer ground for its better main> tenance, and at a very slight increase in cost, A change of course ia also made in the main drain between stations of my survey 25 and 28, where the drain is very crooked and nearly filled up, this is to give the water a better run. I also find the Indian Greek Drain very much out of repair, and that it will be necessary to enlarge and improve it to conform to the data fur- nished on the profile of the Indian Creek Drain accompanying this, my re- port, and to the plan and specifications for the draining of the lands in the -vicinity and to afford an outlet for the Mud Creek Drain, and such im- provement will necessarily afford an improved outlet for other drains flow- ing into it. The Indian Creek Drain ia a continuation of the Gregory Drain into which a large area of land in Raleigh and Harwich is drained, and the Mud Creek Drain enters it from the \\' est, where the land is low and the fall is slight. Lands adjoining the Indian Creek Drain are serious- ly flooded at times, and the flooding extends along the Mud Creek Drain. The Indian Creek Drain as required to be improved, extends, as shown upon the "plan, and as now on the ground, on lot 24, in the 3rd concession of R^pleigh, and across the line between Raleigh and the City of Chatham, ;' through lot 24, in 2nd concession, City of Chatham, formerly in Raleigh, and across Queen street in said City, and on the 2nd and 3rd concessions road, formerly in Harwich, now in said City, and through lot 1, in said 2nd concession, now in said City, formerly in Harwich, and through lots 2 and \ in the 2nd concession of Harwich, and on through part of 3, in the 3rd concession of Harwich, to McGregor's Creek. Concessions are in the River Thames survey. I estimate the cost of the work as follows : Mud Creek Drain and Branch, from stake to st«ke 10, a distance of eOrods, at$1.25per rod $ 75 00 ; Prom stake 10 to stake 28^, a distance of 110 rods, at $1.00 per rod. . 110 00 Mod Creek Main Drain, from stake to stake 10, a distance of 60 rods, at $140 per rod.. $ 84 00 iFrom atake 10 to stake 20, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.25 per rod. . , . 75 00 'From stake 20 to stake 30, a distance of 60 rods, at $1.40 per rod ... . 84 00 'From stake 30 co stake 40, a distance of 60 rods, &t $1.50 per rod 90 00 ll^Q) Stake 40 tostak* 50, a distauQe of 60 rods, at $1.60 per rod ... . 96 00 -$ 185 00 A. ,.f. 8 VNm itake 00 to itok* 60, a dlttenoe of 90 rodi, at $1.60 par rod ... . From stake 00 to stake 70, a distanoe of 60 rode, at 91.70 per rod FroM stake 70 to stake 80, a distsuoe of 80 rods, at 92.25 per rod From stake 80 to stake 86|, a distance of 40 rods, at 92.00 per rod .. . MOO 102 00 135 00 80 00 •9 842 00 -9 179 00 For repair of bridge on street at line of lots 23 and 24, in the 2nd ooncession 9 5 00 Repair ef bridge at Kendall street 5 00 B#pair of bridge at Houston street 6 00 Repair of bridge at O'Neill street 5 00 Repair of bridge at Berry street 5 00 Repair of bridge on let and 2nd concessions road, 4/5 assessed against munioipality of Raleigh, 1/6 against drain 30 00 9 66 00 Add for survey, plans, report, etc .9 40 00 Assistants in survey 9 00 Proportion for by-law for Raleigh 45 00 Proportion for by-law for City of Chatham 36 00 Proportion for By-law for Harwich 2 00 dene's fees, Raleigh, all assessed against Raleigh 12 00 Letting and superintending 40 00 Registering By-law, and l^bentures, R. all assessed against Raleigh . 8 00 Publishing notice of Hegistration, all against Raleigh 2 00 Makingatotal 91280 00 imiAS omuK. From stake to stake 10, a distance of 60 rods, at 93.50 per red. .. .9 210 00 From stake 10 to stake 20, a distance of 60 rods: at 94.00 per rod 240 00 From stake 20 to stake 30, a distance of 60 rods, at 94.00 per rod 240 00 From stake 30 to stake 40, a distance of 60 rods, at 94.00 per rod 240 00 From stake 40 to stake 50, a distance of 60 rods, at 93.50 per rod 210 OU From stake 50 to stake 60, a distance of 60 rods, at 93.50 per rod 210 00 From stake 80 to stake 70, a distance of 60 rods, nt 93.00 per rod 180 00 From stake 70 to stake 80, a distance of 60 rods, at 93.00 per rod 180 00 From stake 80 to stake 89, a distance of 54 rods, at f2.50 per rod. . . . 186 00 91846 00 For the repair of the Queen street bridge, | assessed against City of Chatham, i against the drain 9 100.00 For a bridge on lot 24, in the 2nd con., City of Chatham, formerly in Raleigh 30 00 For a l>ridge on sub-division 18, pt S. of Tisbiman avenue, of lot 1, in 8nd con., City of Chatham, formerly Harwich 25 00 For a bridge on park lot 17, of lot 1, in 2d con., City of Chatham, formerly in Harwich 25 00 9 180 00 For a bridge on park lot 16, of lot 12, in 2nd eon.. City of Chatham, iormerly in Harwich 9 26 00 For the repair of the bridge on Mr. Bymonton's 8. pt E. pt lot 2, in 2ndoon.,W. B. L, Harwich 26 00 For the repair of the bridge on iir. Sheldon's, G. pt W. pt S. pt 2, in 2nd oon , W. B. L, Harwich 26 00 Fot the oonstruotion of a bridge on Mr. King's, B. pt 8. pt lot 2, in 2nd oon., W. B. L , Harwich 26 00 For tiie repair of the bridge at the lane on the If . hf lot 3, in the Srd oon., W. B. L., Harwich >. 90 OO — 9 ISO 00 Add for survey, plans, report, etc 9 97 06 AsMstants in survey ., ,,,...,,, 9 00 w^Simms "Mi . ftlUjinlAw P^' By-j»ir lor Bi^jiigh t • •? Pllfi ' ®wSiw&ja^|j«;Sty?^ &* »rti«i of By-lav for Harwioh. -^i''^ i,t^w^».W tlui aMMMd agftiiut Raleigh 80 00 tf9f-MmMxi' DebentaroB, and publiibing notioM of regit- ' Sni tlMn^r ^oiffh* »U thii Mseased agalnBt Raleigh 6 00 Making a total...., |S7M 05 Tho^projU^ 9liMi^M|d-»p««iAoatiena-to..boi tfad-a a dooarid w di ai pariAf- tl^ iqr IMporti Cort of work in M«4Creok in Raleigh . . , .<,||jBMiOO OoitoC workinMudCreokinO^ofOkatkain............ flSOO Ckiat of work-in Indiaii-ihwokiitiBal^h. 68 00 QMtbf workin£9dianCk«ekinCityoiC!hat)iam ........1310 00 Coetof workittIniiiaaQRMk.inBaiwi9k. -VI^W -'■'W^ jTbe ivork of txoayatiiog ^o.^ndn shall bedone.fo MUkMtjfi^H^iM >projeotioBi left in the original eemMirootion, and this to be done nndiNrthe Idireotionavof the Commissioner in (Aiairgt of the. works. . The.bennwill be ^hree feet. The excavated earth m^1< be- spread to a width of 80 f^t on ^he landsi jid joining) MdBhall' .be« lev^Ued ^uffioiently for jeasy oultivp|lion. lI'hetTomnsissioner pan reqwro-tbe^^oaarth to jbe cjist^bAtedtoh botib sti^ of 1)he draimor eitber side^ a8,be:i)9qt|ireB>U> bring '^e ground; to a propeif^ani* •forntity^ f«oepting that where the drain . is . along oc , oa a ,road,the Cofnmis- |iion«r majy, with die ponsent^iaf the muuii^palitry; opntrpUii^ . i;he roN|^, re- quiro'theficoavated ^avth to be? placed, on^/liho road to improve the ^"^gon* way. Any fenoe tnken down^in carrying out thowork 9ball,,be plaoad up pgainina^good a sttiteas b^^lore by the: contoraotor at ▼hose workfjitis. ^ru^oBiiimber in. tb'twork ihall be gpt «id of by. the.eontxaotor wi^out llamfige fcokianyoiie. Inaasessingfoi^ benefit, I have wufeBsed thotaAds. for Jibe net liiliiieftt to and fr^ tho work having in view traiporary inoonvenienoes tha^may luisefiimn^he oarrybag out ci the ^ork aftd baving^in view that land^may ••till be flooded' in iiaies of ireshet. Thov works, wfai^n ^vmijji^^ to-M keptt in-Kipair aad> maintained as follows : The iMttd Creek 'Br^injind.tbei Indian. Greek Brain, now report^ otti sha'ty alter oompletionj be i9ainti»in«d. at t|ho>«xpen8e4>£.tl)o.variou&<i|!iuni* iOipalit4l9«iMiid l^ds a^d roads ;therein,inTta|iy .way assessed, for th«,7rork berein- reported on and' in the same velative proportions as for said w(m^. t liNiive tho^ heinor to be, f|en%|ement TAur db«dlMit 4Mrvai|t| . ^'Wyf^mm^^m l\: . '\ 10 BOHIDVIiB ol AMemunt impnrmnant of the IndiMi Onok. nton lutda, tCiM and rtiMto In the City of ClwtiMn, tor th« rtpaif and Mud CrMk Dnln and Br«aoh, Mid for th« wp»ig rad tmprovtmMt ol tlio OoBoowlon. lit or Fk oonoonloa BobuftMD rabdlTiaioB oMot at, formerly in Biadgh.. ...:. do do do .W6«.ol lot botweon Id oon. for. in R«l«iarb Sd oon. formerly In Barwioli. rob-dinsion a lot i,B of Queen It ookB do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Id oon., Hundoh, m tWmerly in suImUv sion of lot 1, nock B,wof Fine ataraet do do ■ttwpineat Pw lot mSSktm^.T, Lot or Pert of Lot. Lot : «a Bhf eo Whf ......w Bhf 61 Whf... 61 62 .68 OTR&CPR as a« 1 .a Lot ••■•oeeeeae* .10 .11 .la .18 .14 .16 .16 M .18 .19 :8 .aa .88 .ai .as .» .a? .88 .» .80 .81 .88 .88 .84 .86 .re .87 .88 .38 .40 .41 .48 .48 .44 .46 .40 .47 .41 Lot. .10 .10 ••••••••«i«i«itiii,.<« ...6 .800 .46/11 it i«t««i Aawawd Owner. JO Waolew do RoberteoB Eetkte. do Ohilatian Granger . do do Bobertaoi Eetate. . do O JDonUe^.. do Smeline Bailie . do JnoPerUne..., do JwEnKlieh... do I do . do do do do do do ' .... do do do do do do do do do Emma MoKitday. do Smeline Bollia... do QJDunUey do • •«i«i*it»»«««»ti«vi *ii»i* 180 09 II 00 60 60 60 60 100 100 60 00 70 00 80 «0 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 •0 80 80 SO 80 80 SO 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 K 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 880 ss .8 8 160 cor 87 8010 8 i 8 8 8 8 8 8 U '>".■ 11 ttM f tpair Mid ivtmrntol 111* CkmecHhw. i-i 1001 BhUhHrklotS Pwkiott yP«fklot4. PMrtrlotS Con. tormtrlr in 3arwieh. wlKlivlaloii fliiotl. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Lot or P«rt of Lot. lot. Lot.. QttMBitrott .... noa rthMt Mapio strMti. . . . BugeBeBtrMt... Mercer ktreok . . . TiaeinwD avena* Mwd 8rd Con. totd AgGd.pt lot 10. 0.8, 7 LoeaAfflGdiwrtlot? 8 Park lot....... 6 NbfDbtpkltallftU Shfnht .IMS Nhf «M IMV Lev DalaMoe plot, • hfptfklota 11-1! L J Delmage 15/100 TTr. 11 14 u .16 1« 17 N6»..... 18 BIq>ethMUler'a4MA00 aoree 18.. ...... E8a.sMa.n5lk ....10 V7ia.siia. n6a....l0 N6a ..lOJEM • hn5a 20 Ed Halt'* to.. 10 &; 20 Mary Soleleather's ISa 19-SO ::::5 ...81 . ...» . '. 8i ..8V ....10 AwiMtrl Owner A«rr!oultural Rootety JHOlaiitod 4 85/100 16/100 A Andrewi MoPheraon HI J Kent aSeUy LJ Oelmag* 4 68/100 10 8 Knott .10 .10 .10 .10 .16 •«4 flail aMeasmn't on 1st and 8d oon roads at lot 88, the other half •ss'd against Baleigh Total. .16 8 Knott jjDymlngton do llios Longmore AnnLonginore Blspeth Miller Mary Soleleather Oldershaw WHOoUes A Oldershaw EHaU Muy Soleleather, |68 25|80e&088108;«4 4 Total for benefit $874 46 Total (or outlet 868 00 Roads and streets of MuaicipaUty....... 89 10 Total , 1706 64 k a k • * * 4 • • S * a« t • 1 • 1 • ■ a a • • « ■ 8 t 8 •.?••• 1 e »• * ■ 8 • •••« ^_ 8 %«*•• 8 • t e^t [:::. i 1 »t«8 u ' ^ *% 1 il l'Sd^tjlWI»:fet,.. ?n'^ '*-:'i ' I .;«:';' (hV j^:i. n m a-Tii,Ti- r RT* • •»« UlfwPwialJAl, ii '%j Wil^luJtxt « • ifeC^R^-^ « «« U •« • • > • ••• • ••'• j.mopDikviM'Mr. t...J i^ '^-nWTl^WWnll! .....I M Ultf^Unltf. .1 to wurnht ii m ?.?f;::::;::-::::::::;::::l« , ,M ....ill *^.... ..1 ....»* 100 ;...! w ...4. ............1 [m •jIWJv/"* •"••••••••••••••■'••• L. — . iMc^.^<r«: «< t« <• 11 «i •« tt It « .... 8til>4tviiiouo(pt tMWOi^it ^SSffi?:.:::.::::::-:r:::f wSh... ..M •iTnitiiw ....... .rr. M ,«.... a4 IWWfWM u PfiOtUMl'M ttf iWy M|7 . . xi 8#60i'«u. 7:.. ...It nv oiiMiM: wtrta. IS rowy»iR^,BWi..ii tt ti tadOoii.,WOR-. tt tt tt tt It <f <i tt f QnlMl mm; ^rnrhf it ,nw«0»swici«|iU _- of|lti!>e......".iwiT/ro !!'.!!r.*.'!ii 10 ...o ...... .-...« .7 Mwhfnr bf «7 Sclitswhl...v a? SwM U NthI NwbfMht SthfMlif M Nwbfmrhr ^ M StUfwIit Si BwbfMM S3 HthtMht S8 Swhf SS Swhfnrhf SS u • ••• .4 U •« •« •• *' t u «< •4. M «' t< ■4 at 41 . «4 • • • • • • • • • ■ * • • • « • Swhf Nwhfnahf Se M ne hf . UlNMORy.twhf nirhf, LMaMORy,whfa«ht. N«lifuahr Swhf n MGRy.aahf 2 » IiOfiy«f iiwtitt....|» not MOBjrofnwht 1ft B«lif 1» Kwm; li ■•-0(<-^»^.r«'<'>-> .IB Nrm.. w tMnBI ' <»> ..lit lUrbf. • ¥A t»^»*»-«»-»t ^ ^,-_ Mm s»w u im Nwhl M Wnt B»hf IS im NwltfiM,hf ...14 S«ktiwht 14 Nwhtmbf 18 tohfiMU ........l» TS»,ht M J»4J« 11 N»hf... M 86 100 loa 100 im 100 M Ml so too 110 100 tffgftt .... ,t«gor. JiJUiun... ^8 Brook* LQStais JCawpIi ■^ /\ u OMDtMlOB. 4tliOoa.,WOR. Lot «r Part of Los. SatiMriuid'i6to tl DoroUiy Knott's U IS JOSlMplay'ahtMsrt tfl A Walker's qr msn tl UBImer'tl4» SI ABnith'ste SI RJBoyetKte SO mm! 81 I 60 68 IM Total Road batwMn lit and Snd Com , W R Boad botwaan Snd and Sid Oona., W o R. Road batwaon Bid and ith Cana., W C R lSaadlS8idaroad,WOR lSandl0S«daioad; WOR 8«f»dS6Sidoroad, WOR Stand tSSidaioad, WOR Road bctwaan 4th and 6th Oona., R T 8.. Roadbatw^n 8rd and 4th Cona., RT S... Road batwaanSndandSrdOona., RTS.. Half aaaaaamant afaintt lOrnlina of Barwloh and Ralaigh, tha other halfaitaaaad Kria aminatKalugh. and Huron Rdlway in Harwioh . Canada Southam Bailwajr in Harwioh J and W Tonng and B F Sutharlana B r Sntfaerland Dorothy Knott i Shepley A Walker H Blmar A Smith R J Boy.M on lands in Harwich. Total |46 00lMOO|18«8l TdtalforbenaUti 1186 00 Total tor outlet 1840 60 Boads of MunidpaUtjr 48 88 Total in Harwioh flfilO 88 SOKBDULE of Asaaasment on Landa and Roads and Streete in the Town of Bleuheim, for the vepai and improvement of the Indian Creek Drain. Concession or Street, Lot or part Lot. . 1 AasevMd Owner. Value of outlel labiUtT ft» thi repair and im provement of Ute Indian CrMl Dfain. Subdivision of pU\ Iotl0>oon.l,WOR/ Bof XUenst .;..... Lot 86 ....loot .... 8 ,•"•«• -V ...... . 88 II 41 8 II 48 .... 8 II 46 .... 9 II 48 .... 8 II 61 8 .1 61 i II 66 :::> 2 II V 60 .... a 11 60 .... 2 ii 88 " .«••... ...^ 2 II 84 .... s II 82 .... 2 i< 79 . .. 2 II " 78 2 •A . ••••I>«. ..M....... ....76 ••.. v't""'.'"' '^ i hi 140 00 • • • • • • • • « « u inooiuQo I40OO1M0O s II 8 1 1 1 1 81 81 S tuisi lutaeiin, for tb* ftp»i Value of outlei itbUitr (fit th( rei^r wd im nrovunent of ihe Indira Cret) Dntn. ....10 02 * • • .... 2 2 .... 2 a 8 .... 2 2 ....' 2 .... 2 .... 2 ...^ 2 .... f 2 ... 2 2 .-*» 2 IS . * 1 " joaotwion or StVMt. Lot or Put Lot 1 AatMMd Owiur. Value of outlet UabOi^ for ihe repair and im- Moreoient of Uie Indian Creek Drain. niMiitnkt ... T4 n ^ 70 «• i < 00 1 80 .........\..... » • ,,,,.. t ^^^ 18 II **** 17 • .X« r) .....M w 14 H !"!!!!"!!!!!. !;!"!'i8 M IS II u BDtB limit... 88 40 II 40 II • ••••.«• ; 64 'II ***' .• 67 II . !*"* 01 M *" ....08 II. ' ; 88 11 •••••• 84 II 06 • u 08 a il* ' ''.lllll' II II ....••«• I 8 8 8 II ' , i II II 6 . .. m nabotitdonw klO,ooii.lWOB 1 i 8 bi •1 8 ,,, 4 * . . B M ** II ......•• II ........ II II •1 ........ S 7 8 , 10 • •••.' • 4 . . . M m . . . ■ * * . . a ' . . . a II 11 II ., at II ' , , 18 • II '*** 14 16 m II * ** a II • • « 10 ■1 " ..,. 17 a II * , 18 8 •1 10 a II ao ' *' 9 1 ' * .,,, 21 II 88 a II 28 a II 24 It , 26 II 20 a tl '"" i 27 S •1 " . , .'....88 a '' .... 80 s' !:!::::: ».....w...... 80 '* • II. ,,...,. ..»,..,.,....*. 81 " * ' * * M ^'••'••« ......*..%.«..«.%. lk*M<k. . . . '«l a " «*«<««<< ^^«ltM»«l»l<l<>«<M «•«•«! klxM • Xlltll l«t«ll«l«|t«tl«««. ««(««! ( ••♦< 1 ■ i mwmm^^ H !t"'»"!T- i.,W • OB..; •. t « • it II • • • • ■ f II ' *■ ii M- '11 .. It II ...r...: n « ••••••? ' 11 ■• < ■ II ""* . 1 •I II • II •i * ' * II •II •1 ' II ' II * II II ■II 1,* >^ti *' II '"'. <i •• II II " " II •1 •I •1 II II :' ■' II II II • k • 1 •••••• II II u. *. ».« •1 II •1 It -; II • • ♦*"V WS?"*' #••• i^H • • •• i^B «• «••• I^^B 1 • •.♦• * i^H •! • •••. I^B M *•#• i^^V • ••• l^H f «•• s^^B • •#• I^^B • »t« I^^B • ••■ l^^B • •»• J^^K II .•ft.»4 ^^Br • ■«• l^^l • ■ t • I^^B • •.• t ^^B • • • • 1 ''^^B *••• ^^B • •,•« 1 ^^^1' .... if .... 11 fl • t » t ^^^K • ••#■' ^^^B, -•• fl^H • • • • ■■ 1 i^^^K • • • • "l !^^B- • ••• H Ah • ••• • ••• ^Hp(^i>^> < t»* t l^v An • •• • I^Be To« • ••* ^^Barwio! • «•• • •• a i^Hd wh4 • « •• • ••• • ••• • • •• ^H^ whio «•• • I ^Krauan ^H ~ 1. • »•• 1 • «•* 1 •«•• '1 «k»« j ^Heher^ ^p 2. ^Bt of « k t ■ ^^■ing.sc • 4* k ^^p>Tem( »%»• »«•• ««•« K?' «««! 1 ^^^^K EBLV ««r. ^M Pl °* ^Ci • ••• 1 • • •• '1 «••• 1 • l,*« •1 • • •■ 1 «••• 1 • ••• J • •«• i •••• 1 • •■• 1 1 •1 ••§-•* i •«• •• ^« • ••• • ■• • • ••» 1 . 1 !• « • • ■ • • • «•• ' ■••• A •V t] f ...... • ••• IN 1« • ••• • ••« ««•• • •••■" ••••••• • ••• -• *• 11 • t • t • «B • •M • !•• •(H - ••«• -•••• • ••• • ••• 1 • •«• I • ••• • »*• • ♦♦• t » t t • • ••• • •• • • « .» • ••• • •• t • «•• • •• • 1 . »' » • • • »»• • •« * ikkk • *•• • «»• • • t « it ilk • •tt • til J. ; t 17 • ' , " CaMMrfon or Lot or P*rt Lot 1 AiaciNd Ownar. Valut of outlet liabUity (or Um rtpair and in< provawant of Iho Indian CrMk Drain. He 1 f M.,WOR... 1 III!!!!! • 1 '" • '\ 1 « . ;;!..'" t *" u t 8 or MoOr«|or at ...7 ...8 ...9 ..10 ..11 .18 ..18 ..14 ..16 ..13 ..IS . 11 ..10 . .0 ...8 ...7 V Pt In Bleiiheimof Pukiot.. Ft in Blinhaim of Park lot. . Pt in BUnhaim of Park lot . Pt in Bl«iih«im of Park lot. . Pt in ilmihaim of Park lot. . Pt in Bi-iihatm of Park lot . Pt in Bletihaim of Park lot, . 1 Si » » » 8 8 .... 18 .... 40 .... 88 .... 88 .... 68 .... 61 .... n 818 08 Marlboreuclt alreat. Ulan atraat MoOrtgor itreat Huron atrocr... Sherman atrtet.. «•«••)•. it««f« ••••**••••••%««•« »*• ■•(•••etaiaataaaa tSV VU M . 87 .. lO- .. 07 Total for outlet Roada of Municipality , .81fi(>» . 188 81 88 Total 818 97 AxD WHBRBA8 the Said Council are of opinion that the said work ^f Ipair, enlargement and improvement is desirable. Ahd whbreas, the amount to be contributed towards said work by !• Town of Chatham is the sum of $705.54; and by the Township of rich is the sum of $1519.82 ; and by the Town of Blenheim is $16.97; |id whereas, the total estimated cost of said work is $3706.95, the balance which, namely, $1464.62, is to be contributed hy the Township of leigh. Therefore the skid Municipal Council of the said Township of Raleighi |(rauant to the provisions of the Drainage Act, 1894, enacts as follows : ^ 1. The said report, plans and specifications, assessment and estimates herciby adopted, and the draiiiage work as therein enacted and set forth, U be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township of R&leigh may borrow on the ere* of Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh the sum of $1243.09, ng said municipality's proportion of the funds necessary for the said im* >Vement, and may issue debentures of the corporation to that amount in 18 of not less than $50 each, and payable within five years from the date 3f, with interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, that is to r, lA five e<)ual i^nn^al payments, supli debentures tP be payable »t the OmmIImi Bank o! Ooinmero^, in the Citj of Ob*^^ m, )n th« Oountgr KMt 3. For pAyiog the lam of $409. 3^^ the Amount ob*rged Against thJ Mid land! for beneflt, and the sum of $8A'^.79, the amount chargecLigainsI the said IuiuIh fur uutlob liability,. ;;patt fiora roads belonging to or con] ttoUtid by th« muiiioifMliiy, and for covering interttit ihertsuu for five year at the ratf of Hve pet oeriium per annum, tbe following total upeoial cat uvff and liliovu ttll oihnr rates, shall he a8Be»i»ed, levied and oolleotejA (iJ the BaniH m •nnei- and at the same time as other taxes are levied ano ool lected) upou and from the undennentionrd lots uod larta of lots t,r\ roads in and under the jarisdioiion of the Coan .'1 ^ jh< township of Raj leigh) and tbe amount of the said total speoiui lat^s .. i interest agains each lot or part of lot respectively, Rhall be <'iv{rl«d into five equal part and one such part shall be assessed, levit i .iqg uoho .»ed asaforeflaid ineacd year for five years after tbe final pussi'i^j C this By-law duiing.wbioh thj said debentures have to run. •OBBDULI ot AaMwiBtitton Laada mkI Roada in tha Towndiip of Balaifh. fortharapait andlJ DNTtniiiit of ttia Mad Oraak Dnir and Braooh, and for tha raiif4r ana 4pitMrovamant ofu Indian Oipak Drain aaamandad by Court of {taviaioa and Judge, Lot or Part Lot, latBU or Front I Ana9tGTOaW...20 » hf 81 Alliof GTR t^ Shfof.tOaptnofOTRSa E60»ofptnofOTtv.i!2 Shfw i80aprn •' . " 2LPiWqrnJ ' r- f n 5 ' I EhfBhUht 2li Nhf 2i VVhfBhf Tl W2/6eMshf 22 B^/5ehf »hf 2/ Wl8an4/10 88 £8aw8lan4A0...2S BieawSSan 4/ 0..28 S9/lo&a17aote*7a of n 4-10 sn Nor-dsSubSS.BkA.. BladkA ■% A, 100 18 16 56 no l(-0 60 20 80 18 lit ■14;? Aaaa m d Ownar. JSimpaon ADolten J Qardinnr. . . . JB Kelly ■vtr.J.Uiohftids'n 'lis. A Bftir... < / Mnith iins Smith .... it-". McGulre.. ■I i'rerleriolc . . . J. Driiry I, Howard .... N. Coatea GH Shermau.. <* McCrae ■v; vVhlta.... Nhf. 8W,,. .,8 ..4 ..^ ..e ..7 ..8 .0 .1 .11 .18 .l!i .14 .16 .16 .17 • IT 1-8 1.3 1-S 1-8 1.8 1.8 1-8 1.8 1-8 l.« 1-8 1.8 1-8 1.8 1.8 1.8 N R •Ino Mahler . . . . Oeo Mahler H D Kersey . . . . N R .... Craddook Estate •lasAnnstrongr.. Jas Armstrong. Craddook Estate Craddook Estate Ju Ann-stTong.. Craddook Estate Groddock Estate Oroddook Estate NR M Houston.... NR , 16 00 68 oa 11 00 11 uo 20 10 10 60 9 00 10 CO iksEstoi. u 9' 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 6<> 60 60 60 60 fiO 50 26 25 ' !"i Id liArged «g»intt tU nti chargecLigAinsj 'oDging to or oonl MMUii tor five year total tipecial mt I and oolleot«|A (iJ are levied ana ooV larte of lot* ar^ij Towimhip of Ra ( interest againsj o five equal part/ A aforeflaid in eacll duiing.wbioh thl p I^torpl iui. 1% 8-Sii 1-88 l-!t 6-04 8-04 1-8 • 1-16 1-16 1-8 1-8 1-16 1-16 1-8 1-8 6-64 8^M 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-9 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-H 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-10 I'lO 1-10 MO MO 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 i-io 1-10 MO 1-10 1-10 I-IO 1-10 1-10 X-lo 1-^0 1-10 I'.lo 1-10 MO 1-10 MO - I-IO MO MQ AiMHed Owner u m 18 60 SI 18 60 Sb 85 00 eo S6 SO 60 60 88 18 60 60 60 00 OO 00 OO OO 60 00 01) 00 60 M> 00 00 00 00 00 40 40 4U 40 40 40 40 . 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ' 40 40 4U do iO i'' i- 40 40 40 40 40 40 111 i id • ** • 88 11 60 82 !■< 00 SO so tu 00 86 80 SO 00 88 18 OO 00 00 00 60 60 60 60 60 6a 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 OO 60 40 40 40 40 4" 40 4<.i 40 4(> ♦2 40 40 M 40 40 40 40 41. 40 III * e • ■ ek ..%•*. .V • • • • 1 • ♦ • '• • •*•••■ t . • • •••••• lii 1 ^ 2 2 2 2 2 2' u U\ OKI Mm* •Tj. 4 10 10 10 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10 10 6 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 10 16 16 16 16 IH 10 16 16 16 16 18 18 13 18 18 18 13 IS 18 18 18 18 18 IS 13 in 18 13 IS 13 IH 1^1 '1 (A 1" 1 l! R Bkxsk.. ..18 ..IB ..18 ..80 ..81 Isi ..18 ..ts ..84 ..80 ..86 ..86 .87 -..88 ..89 ..«» fH) J W White.... N R, 1 1 19 80 19 119 70 48 119 00 00 1 19 1 n OU 00 119 1 19 76 48 119 119 119 1 19 1 18 1 19 1 19 119 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 119 1 19 1 19 119 1 19 119 96 90 96 06 90 96 90 96 96 06 06 96 Oft 00 90 »« 00 96 95 95 ;)5 D.' 1)8 I'j .'6 06 H6 90 9ft M Its :: Ni SSI J £ firooki .... N R •• N| .'. .* jJ s;...:...::; J B Brooke..... J WWhlU.... NR lOS ^ ":::;;:;::: 086 S88 •• Nhf. 110 " 8 hf J B Brooke .... JWWhiU.... JWWWU.... NK ISO •••****. S88 SIS " Nhf....... im " 8bt J tt Brooke MBoueton.... MHoueton .... N R J B Brooke .... J W White.... CnuMookl^tMe do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •to JW 'hlte.... do do do do do JHWurren do CJMoore...... D Kerr ISO S88 S88 " Ni; ; " sf 16S 080 S88 ..81 ..82 ..88 ..84 ..80 .,80 ..»T ..88 ..80 ..40 ..41 ..42 ..4' . 4 ..46 ..46 ..47 ..48 ...1 ...a ...8 ..,4 ...6 ...6 ...7 ...8 ...0 ..10 ..11 ..18 ..18 .,14 ..16 ..18 ..17 ..18 ..19 ..20 ..2 ..92 .145 .i4e .28 ..24 ..86 .86 ..87 .88 .18 S S m 888 S88 aS8 888 888 S88 888 ,, 888 888 II 888 ;; !::::::"::: 888 888 888 888 SI8 •• 888 TafwUI Avenue. . . It WofBlsnyStriBet «i i« <• •( ■< 44 It !• «* tt 1* « <t tl II 41 41 II II 44 Luwill Avenue . . 190 190 190 190 190 100 190 190 190 19Q JdeFoun aln... do M Houston .... DKerr 190 190 190 100 do G Crober do do N R 180 190 IttO 190 190 do 40 1>> 40 .... - 190 do 100 do MO do 40 '> 1, ■r, IS •M 1ft ISO do do ^00 do do 4C 40 40 40 .. ., y' U\ 190 B. of Benry itteet. %%%%%% 2 ta! lOU Jee Wwrreo.... do do S s 1 18 18 18 It 100 180 190 190 M i .V, I'd Ml ti' • ^6 1 Lot or Part Lot. •0 Aseeoed Owner. |0 40 111 ^0 40 u nt • • • • ■ • • ...... b •'• • •• ••»e«^ ^J III 10 02 2 S > 2 S 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 8 2 1 S 8 8 2 2 2 2 a 2 h. .Sw>§ 10 18 18 1» 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1^ 18 18 18 18 18 \i 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 1« 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 18 18 IS 18 18 IS 19 ,1 1' I 1 II! 2 EB 80 1.10 MO 1.10 1-10 1.10 1-10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1-10 MO MO 1.10 1.10 MO 1.10 1.10 1.10 1-10 MO 1.10 MO 1.10 1.10 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 1-10 ision of 1-10 1-10 I-IO 1-10 1.10 1.10 MO 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 1-10 l-lO 1-10 l.'O 1-10 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 1-10 140 MO 1-10 MO 140 1-10 1-10 MO 1-10 l-X .!•« 1 10 Jaa Warren..,, do do Joe Fountain.... do NE Job Fountain.... M Houston do do Mrs B Anderson do Si Houston Jaa Warren... do NR • 96 96 96 96 96 £ 96 96 96 96 96 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 95 95 96 96 95 96 96 96 96 96 95 95 96 96 96 06 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 95 95 96 96 9» 06 95 96 96 96 96 96 96 95 96 96 96 86 180 81 ' 40 401 180 82 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 f 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4U 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4" 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4b 40 40 •0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 •40 40 40 40 40 . 40 40 40 ' 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 «0 40 40 10 190 88 190 84 100 35 190 ; 36 ISO 87 100 38 190 8^ ISO 40 190 41 190 42 190 ♦» 190 44 190 143 190 14» Larwill Avenue 45 46 W of O'NeU street.. 47 48 do •iCSoott...... FAuld 190 190 190 JCScott BRoyster do N E 1. 190 190 49 190 ..^ .50 190 61 do . do 190 62 68 ISO do 190 u do loo 66 do 19( 66 do 10( NTorthwood's subdiv W of O'Neil street.. 67 ••68 do .,\.. do 19( 10( 59 do 19( 60 61 do lfl( do IM 68 do la «8 do 19 64 65 do 19 L Lafranois do do do HOKersey Ed James do .Tense Bass IfM 66 IQ 141 1QI 142 101 Larwill avenue 67 (fS ]« la EofO'Neilat 60 70 19 18 71 18 72 18 78 i< 19 74 M Collins do do do NR 18 76 18 76 18 77 18 ..78 79 18 19 80 111 . 81 19 82 11 ■ ...88 11 84 It hi '1 ••» Ifl M 11 87 ...! 88 19 10 188 14<1 L Lafranois .... do NR.... 11 10 LarwUl av«nu« 88 <t to 8 18 U 2EB i -M 3BB 4BB 129 180 181 182 188 134 IKS 136 Whfehfshf..;;;,22 Ehfthfsnt 22 Ehfnhf. 22 WhfeM Shf 28 Whfnhf 28 Bhfnhf 28 N» 24 Shfshtsht 24 £hfnhf. 21 Wbtnnf 21 Bhfnhf .22 WhfBnf Shfnltf tSl 1 90 190 itu 288 2 88 288 288 2 88 888 Sl<£ 2 88 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 288 888 888 288 8 88 288 084 094 004 004 104 120 120 888 288 2 88 288 888 288 120 1 20 288 288 288 288 288 288 2 88 288 2 88 288 888 888 2 88 2 88 94 94 8 0S 8 08 8 74 8 74 634 18 48 200 1 87 187 18T 187 187 ^■fl'- V J,l "// ' \i v^ 1 1 Lot or Part Lot. J Assessed- Owner. 111 211 Val of outlet liaUt ity for the Mud Ck Drain and Braodi. Val <rf benefit for Drain. Value of ouflet lia- blliiy for the Indian Creek Drain. |& 11 26 1 8' 1 86 1 X6 1 26 1 s:. 126 80 80 1 26 125 66 1 2f S(i 1 26 1 r tile 680 9 86 9 8S 986 9 86 9 85 2 10 8 10 9 85 9 85 4 70 4 70 986 2 10 20 76 180 985 28 ■ 8s 88 28 29 29 29 29 89 29 89 SI 19 29 89 81 6 6 f> 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 S 6 6 6 6< u I 11! 4EB Bhf sbf .28 .28 .24 .24 .84 .24 .2( .24 .24 .24 .21 .25 .26 .86 .26 .26 .26 .26 .25 .26 .26 ..8 ..4 ..2 ..1 . 4 ..» ..2 ..1 ..4 .8 .2 ..1 ..4 ..8 . 2 ..1 ..1 ..8 R 60 60 60 50 60 50 60 10 25 26 60 60 26 26 60 25 S KJ 110 1 66-100 156-100 1 66-100 1 66-100 1 6-tO 1 6-10 1 6-10 I 7-10 1 6-10 1 6-10 1 e.io 1 7-10 1 6-10 1 6-10 16-10 I'7-IO 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1.5 1-6 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-5 1-6 1-5 1.6 1-6 1.6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-' 1-6 1-6 1-6 1J5 1-6 1-5 1-6 S Brown 18 10 600 8 10 8 10 «|10 8 10 8 10 1 80 180 8 10 8 10 4 06 4 0.S 8 10 1 80 1 1 87 1 16 Whfs hf. Thos Suitor Nbfnbf. IP 34*"*'*' • 1 87 Sbfnhf'. \S> Lane 1 87 Nhtsht M Hurst R Ball . . . 1 87 Shfahf Whfnbf. WhiBhf. Shfehfthf Nbtehfsbf Ehtnbf. 1 87 8 J Woods ..!' 1 87 :rLambe lioPberson fie SBarfoot. C McPhsnon struQk oft 48 48 J Howfttd I 87 Nh* C MoPherson. 1 87 Nbtshf. ;:;::: ...... 04 Sbf sbf S Barfeot .....> 94 9 N hf Mrs E Orejcory. Perrychase .... 1 87 N'26fa8bf 42 WHIiamt^SJa CRice'89ia 8 i6|a JT&CWlUlams Uhas Rioa 18 04 6!i 1 18 8 10 24 24 24 24 85 S!6 85 «6 25 25 26 26 15 R siade 86 10 J Strinirer •\"*" 1 87 11 8nbdivi*ion oflOt . . Nof lOtbat&lL ... BofCentrest/ ... NoflOthst&\ .. W of Gentlest/ .. SoflOtbst&l ... BofCentrest/ ... SoflOtbst& t.. W of Centre stf .. 8 of 9th st & Y . ■ ■ BofCentrest/ ... 8of9thst& \ .. W of Centre st/ .. 8of8thst& I... BofCentrest/ ... Sof8tb«t& \ .. )^ of Centres*/ .. S of 7th tt 1 Townline Baleigh/ A Maloohe 066 " II (» II li II II II II II (1 A Driver . . . , 050 066 066 066 068 058 068 0F3 068 068 068 A Melooho . 26 20 26 27 (1 068 010 (« <■ Jas Dillon . 010 010 010 010 .4 010 . .' !.6 010 6 II ALafferty..., 010 7 010 8 r. ^ AMeloche. OlO 010 .10 .1 ..2 II <i II II II 11 •f II If II K • 1 «l 41 11 (1 •€ fl • « 010 8of7th«tand>) ... E of Centre sty/ ... 010 010 010 4 010 6 010 6 010 Sof7tb»tand'N ... Eot Centre at; ... ..7 ..8 9 010 010 010 gfofTthitwdV^: W of Centre stj . .10 .1 ..2 8 010 010 010 010 4 010 6 010 6 010 7 010 8 010 9 ...... 010 S3 11 Xot or pwt of Lot. Sot 7th and '\ E of Centre st^ ....10 7 9 ....10 Sof7thstand\ } Eofline24-16/ 2 .8 .4 .6 .« N of 6th 8t and^ E of Centre et.^ N of Ath St Uid'\ EofUheM.:i6.y ...7 ...8 ...8 ..10 ...1 ...« ...8 ...4 ...6 ...fl Sofeth8tand\ ....7 E of Centre at^ 8 ..9 .10 ..1 ..« ..3 ..4 ..6 ..6 ..7 ..8 ..9 .10 S of 6th at and "^ £ of Une of 24.25; :T of Sth at and'\ E of Centre at ) N of eth at andA 1 Bofline24-2$.; 8 N of 6th at and "^ E of line of 24.25; Not 6thBtaDd\ ., E of Centre St..; . 8 of 6th at and ^ E of line of 24-25; ..4 ...6 ...6 ,..7 ...8 ...9 .10 ..1 ..% ...8 C S Ry Orounda. . . Townline, Range... 12 18 14 Subdivision of lot 26 Townline Range.... 15 do 16 17 18 . 10 20 21 22 23 24 >.;• 1-5 1.5 1.6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-S 1-6 1-6 1-5 1.5 1.5 1-6 1-6 1-6 \A 1-6 \* 1.5 \Jb 1.5 1-6 1.5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1.6 1-6 1.5 1-5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1-6 1-6 1.6 1.6 1.6 l.> 1-6 1.5 1.6 ].& 1.6 1.6 1.6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-6 1-5 1-6 1.5 Aaacaaed Owner Jas Dillon., A Maloohe . • ■ M R Oo. 8 8 White. NR, SSWWte , 2 2 I hi Hie u. • a 01 1. 06 111 % 260 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 OlQ 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 62^ 010 010 010 010 010 010 OlQ 010 010 010 010 010 010 910 ■ ' t' ' ^■■ u 11 Lot or P«rt of Lot. B«nge But oiS .. <}ueen tt ) .. ..27 ..88 ..12 ..IS ..14 ..16 ..Ifl ..17 ..18 ..19 .20 ..21 ..82 ..88 ..84 ..20 ..86 87 North of 4th it. Sot 4th 8t, NotSrd St. JjiOuMTIltMld \1 N ot Middle Row!.; 8 « > ■ V ...4 ...S ...6 ...7 ...8 ...0 . 10 ..11 ., ..10 ..11 ...0 ..10 ..11 ...9 ..10 ..11 ...9 ..10 ..11 .. A ..10 ..11 ...9 ..10 ..11 ...9 ..10 .11 ...9 ..10 .11 ..iO 21 .22 .26 SofSrd St. N of 2nd St. 8 ot 2nd St N of 1st St. 8 ot Ist St. Kot Prince St. .27 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-0 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-5 1-B 1.6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1.6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1<6 1^6 1<6 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 1.6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1.0 14S 1.6 T.i> 1.6 IJS 1.6 1-6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 16 1.6 1.6 1-6 1.6 14 1-6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Assessed Owner. 88White.... R Boyes 8 8 White... II John Hunter , •I 11 A Driver as White. John Hunter. JM 8hepley. John Hunter. •« A Driver . SV/hite. •I hi ■5.SI «a ••««« t^t*' Totta on |M>d«. .,,.... II 8^ 10 48g 20 iM 09361 69198 701186 88| 2S7 87 6 5 fi 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 S 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 A h 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 010 010 O.d 010 010 00 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 OlO 010 010 010 010 010 010 .010 010 OlQ 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 ''J 28 AflsiMiD ON Roam fob iivo Cbhui Dbaim . CJonoeMion or Street. srr 7^ street I'NeU itreet. [ootton Itreet [endal street Street at E Line Ut and 2nd ConoeBaion R<>ad at.. Lota 22. 21 and E hf -20, . . . . id and 3rd Uonoession Road at. LoU 2.% 22 and 21 Ut and 2nd Concession iload at ■ Lot 23 half assessment the other half assesp" 1 against City of Cbainam Acres. it It? 2-*. .5 >3- 113 15 15 14 8 00 CO 00 00 50 1$ 7 I 7 7 3 54 00 5 00 3 25 o o ^ •J S 00 00 00 00 50 15 14 5 00 00 ■A <o Fs7 — ^ -^ • ^ o *; s « S K b O .C = 2 S -J OJ'^ 08 % 29 {22 20 29 29 29 14 1 22 'i*46 AssissuD ox KoAM roa Indian Creek Dratit. Kueen street itre street north of railway B&th street iinth street ighth street »venth street Sixth street ^'ith street |treet north of railway grounds It half of Fourth street , let half of Third street st half of Second street Bast half of First street ... East half of Minnie street Ilast half of Prince street toad between Con. 2nd and 3rd between Con. 3rd and 4th toad between Con. 4th and 8th ftad between Con. 8th and 9th . ., load between Con. 9th and lOtli lA between Con. 10th and 11th lalf assessment against Townline nf Har- wich nnd Raleigh, the other half being afcsessed against Harwich Dotal on roads . ... 129 85 67 64 Total for benefit 9409 SO Total for outlet 833 79 Roads of Municipality 221 F>9 Total fl464 62 24 2 25 1 44 22 29 22 29 21 39 12 14 70 36 ii'46 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 •72 7 -J 72 72 72 44 80 89 18 18 18 9 49 225 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 1 44 72 72 72 72 7 78 72 72 44 80 89 18 18 18 7 78 34 04221 53 S 1186 88| 2S7 S7 4. The sum of $221.53, the amount assessed against the said roads of bhe Municipality of the Township of Raleigh, shall be paid by the Treas- ir^r oi ^bis U^lunicipalit^ out of the general funds of the Municipality, WV-Wja^'-VAf^f 26 5. This By-lAW shall be printed «nd published in thtOfasthsm Smrm Newapiiper for four weeks previous to the final passing thereof, and copies of the same shall be served upon the heads of the other municipalities liable to contribute towards the cost of the said work ; and shall come into force upon and after the final passing thereof and may be cited the " Mud and Indian Creek Drains Riepair Byilaw No. 654 Passed 15th June, A. D. 1896. J. O. STEWART, Clerk. al.) R. J, MORRISON, «eeve, BYLAW No. 655, of the Township of Raleigh. A BY-LAW to provide for the repair, improvement and maiateaanoe of Drainage Woiks in the Towcahip of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, kaofrn o« Qovernilteat Driain No. Two, and for borrowing on the credit of the Miinicipality the '«am of $6775.51, being the proportion to be contributed by the said Municipality for com* pleting the same. Pnovisioif AixT AnoFran the 16th day of Febnusry, 1886. Wberbas, Govuniment Drain No. Two is ft drainitge work originally constructed axider the provisions of Acts then in force reepeotiog drainage by local asMasmtnt . Akd WttRfiiAS, certain owners of lands aMessed for the said Drainage Works have given notice that their lands are inlurioualy aiffected by overflows from juiid drain . AMD WaaasAS, it was deemea expedient for the better maintenance of said drain, and to prevent damage to lands ana rcMuls, to enlarge or otherwise improve the said drain, and with that object the council of the Township of Raleigh appointed W. G. MeOeorge, O.L.S., (being a person competent for such purpose,) to examine and report | upon the same. And Wbbrsas, the said council has procured such examination to be made by ^e said W. Q. McGeorge of the said drain, and of the area to be affectrd by the proposed work, and of the lauds and ronds liable to assessment under the Drainage Act, 1894, and has procured plans and speoificatious and estimates of the said drainage work to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge, and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and mwds to be benefitted by snch Drainage work, and of other lands and roods liable for contributiim thereto, stating as nearly as he onn the proportion of liendit, outlet | liability and^injuriag liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in con- sequence of such Drtiiuage work, by every lot or portion of lot ; the said sssehsment so made, being the assessment hereinafter set forth as part of the report of the said etrgi- neer, together with that hereinafter by thi^ by-law enacted to be assessed and levied] tipon the roads and lots or parts of lots hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described, the description, extent and estimated cost of the work to be done and the i #mount to be contributed therefore by each nmnicipallly hffected by the Drainage - work, being fully set forth in the report of the said VV. G. {McGeorge hereinafter set forth, tind the said rep4->rt of the said W. G. McGeorge iu tespeut tbeieof, and of the j •said Drainage vork being as follows : ' Chatham, 30th Dec, 1895. To Tins RsEVE AND Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh. Grntijemrn, -Having been appointed by your Honorable Bo<ly to examine and I report on the Number Two Goverinneut Drain, in the Township of Raleigh, or any part thereof which it may be the duty of the municipality to maintain, and of the lands affected thereby, and of the repairs or other improvements which, in my opiniMi, will be required for the proper or betDter mai tenancc of the works and the reUef of any { lands aSTeirted thereby, and to make plans, sptcificatioss and estimates of the wor|( r«- RISOK, «iwT*. or rtMnmended by me, and to make an aMeument therefoieniKm ftU ]«d4«'«|mI It and manioipaliiiai in any way liable to oentribate for the completion, thereof, I J, to renprt that I have made such examination, and I respectfully mbm^.t this my •port thereof. The Government Drain Number Two extends along the 6th and 7th conoessions in Raleigh, from a point near the 18 and 19 sideroad to a point at lot 7, thence it brosses said concession road, and passes through lot 7, in the 6th concession, to the ~M road, thence across the Drake road to tue west side thereof, then northwesterly lon^. the westerly side of the Drake road to the Raleigh Plains Drain, and 1 purpose curving the end into lot '6, in the 4th concession, to unite the current flow of the two Iraiu. The (lovemment drain is now separated into three distinct sections^ one having iti rotflbw in the Raleigh Plains drain, at lot 13, one in the Bell draiti, and one ab the [Drake road. This last is the section now requiring to be dealt with under the oom- iplaint of Oeorge Linnen and others, and is that with which this report has to do, and I^Ktends from the Kersey drain near ><) middle of the front of lot to its outfall into I the Raleigh Plains d.<*m. This part receives as its tributaries the Kersey, Cooper or Hiokey, Kice, Stewart and Dyke drains— the Kersey aud Cooper or Hiokey being'much I thftlacgest, and landing their waters at the 6ih and 7th conoesuona road, and loavintr the lands along the government drain to suffer The Qovernment Drain is not now nearly equal to the task of leading these waters away, and the complaints of overflow •re fully justified, and I recommend that it be repaired and improved to the data fur* nishod in the specifications herein, and in the accompanying plan and profile, which are to be taken as forming part of this- ray report. The Cooper or Hiokey has a top. width of 25 feet, and a bottom width of 12 feet at some distance abov<) the juuctiou, and extends from the Talbot road lots in Tilbury East with a rapid fall, and has been repaired and enlarged to the Government drain, without improving this last named drain. From sta. I to sta. 23, a distance of 192 rods, at $6 per rod f [ From sta. 23 to sta. 69, a distance of 216 rods, at $7 per rod From sta. 69 to sta. 130, a diabance of S6ii rods, at $6 per rod From sta. 130 to sta. 150, a distance of 120 rods, at $7 per rod For ^treading, earth to widen road from sta 1 tc sta. 34^, a dis- tance of 201 rods, at 50 cents per rod For sprpbding earth to make road from sta. 69 to sta. 149, a dis> tance of 480 rods, at 50 cents per rod To acq'iire land for the deposit of the excavated earth and widen out the 6th and 7th concession road and Drake Road, and moving fence, eto. , and for spoil bank as per list Shields to divert curruit at the Raleigh Plains drain For the construction and enlargement of bridges i:n afford aocese from the lands of owners to the travelled part of the pablio highway under sub-section 2 of section of the Drainage Act, as per list For tbe construction and enlargement of bridges, and to be paid to the respective owners entitled thereto under sub-seotion 3, of Section 9, of the Drainage Act, as per list For 4 highway bridges, one at the 5bh and 6th concession road, and one at the 4tn and 5th concession road, and one at the 6th ftnd 7th con session road, and one on the Drake road crossing, half charged to the Municipality of Raleigh, and half to the Drainage Work . . . i To these add for survey, plans, report, etc., in duplicate Assistants in survey Publishing by-law, Raleigh Publishing by law, Tilbury East LeMiBg and saperiniaDding and oUier oommia.^' je'fe wonk 1152 00 1512 00 2193 00 840 00-5700 00 100 50 240 00- 340 60 669 00 75 00 110 00 12 75 100 00 30 00 150 00 «>00 no 00 70 00 500 00 M ■ ■ f 1 5?*aS^ w Clerk^i j(ee, tilliury iSatt 10 CO R«giitering By-law and Deb<>nture«, and publishing notice of wnie, Raleigh 5 0« ♦ Regiitering By-law and Debentures and publishing notice of same, Tilbury East..... 5 00-1468 76 Making a total of 17087 95 Where the drain runs along the 6th and 7th concession road and along the Drake road, the placias of the bulk of the excavated earth on the landti across the drain from the travoUr . com. would be a serious daniaore and iuoonveuiehce tc the owners, and as it is these roads are too narrow and are unsafe for public travel, o'vins to this, and I provide for acquiring a strip of land 40 links wide along the side oi! the road opposite to that on whiuh tlic drain lies, on which to deposit the excavated earth, and for spread- ing it out to widen the wagon way. I append a list of these lands and of lands for the spoil bank, and of bridges under sub-sections 2 and 3 of Section 0, of the Drainsgc Aot. In the annexed schedules I assess the coat of the work against the lands, roads and municipalities liable therefore. The drain, when completed, to be kept in repair and maintained at the expense of the lands, road and municipalities assessed for the work herein reported on. Said lands, roads and municipalities paying in the same relative proportion as for said work. f250 of the assassment on the 6th and 7th concessions road, Baleigh, and 9700 of the assessment on the Drake road in this report, to be omitted in the consideration for re* pair as not pertaining to the drainage work proper. I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obediettt servant, ■ {Signed) W. G. MoGBORGE. List of lands required to widen road for deposrt of earth at Govern* ment Drain Number Two, of Kaleisih, being a strip forty links wide along the north side of the 6th and 7th concessions road and the east side of'the Drake road. Also, a list of the lands to be taken in improving the drain, and for injury by the spoil bank, and an estimate of ooropensation for the same, including moving of fences : 6th Con , on H hf lot 9 Jas Suitor $42 00 " on e hf lot 8 H. Black 44 00 '♦ on w hf 8 hf lot 8 Jane Rhue 70 00 •• on s hf 8 hf lot 7 P. Kearna 54 00 " on n hf 8 hf lot 7 S. Zebbs 40 00 " on w hf n hf lot 7 A. B. Patterson 95 00 5th Con., on w hf 8 hf lot 7 J. Park 95 00 " onnhflot7 J. BIythe 114 00 4th Con., 8 hf lot 7 A Meyers 90 00 •* on lot 6 W. Ferguson and land for curved out't 25 00 1669 00 List of briflges to be consriructed or enlarged under Sub-Section 2 of Section \), of the Drainage Act : Bridge at w hf n hf lot 9, 7th con., to be constructed, Box. Webb. .$25 00 Bridge at e 3-10 n hf lot 8, in 7th con., to be enlarged, Ji Suitor .... 26 00 6 00-9462 76 the lands, roadi loGBORGE. I bridge at w t-10 n hf lot 8, in Tvh ooq., to be enlftrged, O. Linneal. . dO 06 [Bridge at 8 b' n h^ lot 6, in 5th ooc , to be enlarged, J. Kearnn SO 00 Bridge at s hf n hf n hf lot 6, in i con., to be enlarged, P. Keams 30 00 ' Bridge at e hf s hf lot G, in 5th oon., to be constructed, J. Blythe. . . 30 00 $170 00 List of bridges . to be constructed or enlarged under Sub-section 3 of Section 9, of the Drainage Act, and amount to be paid to the respective owners entitled thereto : Bridge on n hf s hf lot 7, in 6th con., enlarged, 9. Zebbs $35 00 Bridge on s hf s hf lot 7, in 9th con., P. Keams 35 00 $70 00 SPECIFICATIONS. The bottom width of the drain will be not less than is given in the profile. The top width shall be not less than would be derived by giving the i sides a slope of 1 to 1 with the given bottom width. The bottom elevation sli^ll not rise above that given in the profile, and the sides of the drain shall not intrude into the cut beyond the line of slopes of 1 to 1 derived from said bottom width and given depth. The excavated earth shall be cast four feet clear of the drain, and where the drain is along a road it shall be uniformly levelled to make a wagon way of at least 30 feet on the side of the drain of the present wagon way, excepting that- from Station 148 to Station 150, it shall be placed where the Commissioner may direct to form the road, and to form the back- ing of the diverting shield to guide the current of the Government Drain to properly unite with thnt of the Raleigh Plains drain. tt is provided, however, that where the drain runs along the Drake Road, about one-third of the earth excavated at any point may be placed to form an embankment on the land at the west side of the drain, if the owner of the land on that side so desires and makes requisition to that effect in writing to the Commissioner in charge of the work, and prepares the ground to receive the earth by the removal of fences and other obstructions. Where the drain is not along the road the earth shall be cast on either or both sides of the cut with a berm of not less than four feet, and shall be suitably levelled for travel on any farm crossing or lane, and all public or private drains shall be kept clear unless under other directions from the Commissioner in charge of the works. All timber or brush removed in the work shall be got rid of without dainage to anyone. m ■■' A .iJ^ti.:."'.#,PBl«. H ICBIDULP.OF ▲SSBiaiflNT ob Undt ud Rondt ia tht ToinitliiB el TUbujT SMt for the repatr Md linprovemrat of Obvenuntnt Praia No. 9, in too Township dfRdeigfa. Vain* of Ontlol LUbility OonoeMioD Talbot R'd Raog* 18th •I 16th M Lot or Part Lot. Aorei. 14th S of M R If. Ehflot 165 W hf ....16& Ebf 186 Whf 188 Bhf .187 Whf 187 ^ IQg N *2Si*a ohfV.V.V.V.V.V. 169 S 78 a e bf 169 Whf 169 Lot 1 2 n Part a of givea road 4 J. Wett'ila 4 Leas West's la & Gray's 7 a.4 S<SOa NfiOaslOOa 1 N66 Shf 2 EhfnM 2 Wbfnhl... 2 Shfs hf 3 Nbfshf 3 Shfnhf 3 Shfnhfnhf 3 Nhfnhfnhf 3 fihfsof 4 Nhfshf 4 Shfnhf 4 N hf n hf 4 Lot 2 E19a h W26ae44a 3 W61a.... 8 R. Jones' 26 a 4 W. Mooihonse 76 a 4 G. K. Hadley's70a 4 Lot A ESOaslOOa B N 50a s 100a B J SmiUi^s 47 a less ry . . . . B A. 8mith'850a B T. aod H. Smith's 4 a . . . .B Less ryG. Sales 19 a .. ..B C. B. Olirer'sf a 1 ft ti 0. BelL'sli^, 1 T. 3iBi*h^s.4|> 1 W. H. Howe's 75 a n hf . . 1 Less ry e { s hf 1 lisaary w^ahf .....1 IlissiTfthf 8|96-14 'a9 t..'* A tAA '^Shl 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 22 78 100 03 70 44 7 1 11 ^ 50 66 100 60 60 60 60 60 26 26 50 60 60 60 28 10 26 61 25 76 70 60 60 60 41-lS 6 4 19 I :? 73-63 24-22 100 F Taokaberry » W Russell D McDonald... J McDonald . . . J Tompkins ... W Russell Seth Barr Geo Peters T W Willan . . . W Willan J E Teskey . . . . Martha Russell. Sol Gray S Gray f West P Smart T Smith W Gutteridge . CQray W Hiokey WH^Conley .. 4. MoAvthur . . . hoB L Askew . A Mifflin B Broadbent... A MoArthur... Lethwaita ... Dent E Mifflin . ... 9 Mifflin J Lethwaite . . . 8 Randall R Jones R Tones JConley R Jones W Moosehouie. C Thorne W Tompkins... W Gutteridn , WHall ....... J Smith A Smith J and H Smith. G Sales OB Oliver. ... J e Boll Jacob Smith . . . WH Howe ... W H How« . . . J Jogee ... A RnoU WDoyla 28 40 88 40 23M SS40 88 40 88 40 48 80 7W 16 48 23 40 88 48 86 80 16 84 263 88 896 18 00 18 00 10 80 36 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 000 000 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 10 08 8 84 000 18 86 000 27 00 25 80 18 00 18 00 18 00 14 82 1 80 1 44 684 27 000 163 87 00 88 14 8 78 84 81 MOO «1 OoftOMMdon 8«fMR. «< NofM^. •I Lol or Pftvt Lot. LMsryefafebfthf.. .. S Leu ry w bf e hf I h{ 3 Ihfwhfihf 3 Whfwhithf a Nhf 8 W HftU*. 1.2i» 1 Lmi W HaU'a l-2« 1 B'lOO* KUO» Et«M 8 Wlthf 8 NW 3 Bhf 4 Itth Ut 1 LK« D R R^ «tt lots B t. 2, 8,8 MRd •I « •I AoNt. 24'tn 2432 2fi 8S 100 4i 100 flO 75 23 100 100 120 P Taakor . . W Talker . JTmUot... R TMktr. . J ScnU.... \VH»U ... J?oweU... J Powell... W BidMT. RMitobell. A Mmod . W Hickey. J Mamii . . . P lAhy . . . BMmmmmmimt of Tilbcny But ud RaUigh townline, the oUier ImH ed againat Raleish Rotd in rear of Talbot Itoad Range Road between Conoeaaiona 16th and lOth Roftd between Oonoeasiona 14tb and 15th Road aoath of Middle Road Iota .. Middle RMid iRokd north of Adiddte Road lota iMdertown Road , LUblHty B «9 S75 • 00 • 00 18 00 18 17 82 HM M40 27 00 9 00 saw 28 80 48 80 5 00 •117184 6 4 4 3 6 8 1 f 30 60 60 60 40 60 80 70 Total for outlet lUbUity 81179 84 Roadt of Municipality 82 iO 81311 74 1 8240 And Whereas the tiaid Council are of opinion that the said work of repair, enlargement and improvement is desirable. And Whereas the amount to be contributed towards said work by the Township of Tilbury East, is the sum of $121174, and whcrreas the total estimated cost of said work is $7987.28, the balance of which, namely $6775.51 ia to be contributed by the Township of Baleigh. Thbrefore the said Municipal Council of the snid Township of Raleigh, pursuant to the provisions of the Drainage Act, 16H, «nacts as follows : 1. The said report, pUns and specifications, Assessment and estimates are hereby adopted, and the drainage work as therein enacted and set forth, shall be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2. The Reeve of the said Township of Raleigh may borrow on the credit of tht) Corporation of the said Township of Raleigh the sum of $6776.51,' being said municipality's proportion of the funds necessary for the said im- provement, and may issun dobentures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than $50 each, and payable within fifteen yeai*s from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of 4| per centutm per annum, that is to oay, in ffteen ec^vtal ai^ntial instalments, wieh debentures to be vtHMh pay- IswiFTf^^ "T^ ■, r- «»-»V «-■■■»: N-V" -i -"H,. 8i able at the OanadUn Bank of Oommeree, in tha Olty of Ohatham, in the Ck>unt7 of Kent. 9. For paying the Bum of $783 00, the amount charged against the said lands tor benefit, and the sum of 94^08 96, the amount charged against the said land for outlet liability, apart from roads belonging to or controller' by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for fifteen years at the rate of 4^ per centum per annum, the following total special rates over and above all other rates, shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and roads in and under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Township of Raleigh, and the amount of said total special rate and interest against each lot or part of lot respect* ively, shall be divided into fifteen equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed, levied and cullected as aforesaid in each year for fifteen years after the final passing of this By-law during which the said debentures have to run. SOHEDULB of aiMuinent on Linds and Roadt in ih« Townahip ot Raleigh (or tha r«p»ir ftnd Improvk* ment o( Goveimnent Drain No. 2 in laid Townahip. Lot or Part Lot, PtBolRPDrain....4 PtwhfaofRPDa..6 PtahfaofRP Dn..6 Ptao(RPDrain....« Ptai'RP Drain....: PtaofRPDrain >- WW i NWahf 4 HMabf 4 W7ea.n78a 6 Bna.u 78a R «4(»a.n ISHa 6 NUa.a«»a. A Bhfthfaht 6 Whfahfahr ft Nhfnhtnhf 6 Sht&htnhf f Shf nhC .6 Shf...., 6 Nhf 7 Wh»»>M 7 Whfahfaht 7 Bhfahfsht 7 Whfahfnhf S Ehfehfnhf.., S Bhfahf. 2 M hf 8 WfaM s Rhfehfshr. S Whfwhfnhf 4 Ehfwhfnhf 4 KhfnM 4 Shf 4 W«-10nhf 6 B7-10nh( 6 WbfaM 6 »W»W.., 6 116 45 8S 7s 80 A 100 60 60 76 11 48 16 26 25 2.'> 2) 60 ion 100 (It 2 2 2 60 1<0 7 2C 8f. 26 60 100 80 70 60 60 AiiMatd Ownar. D. W Crow C. Phippa ... P. Fifguaon., A. Myera. . . . , C. B, Moora , D. W.Crow., O. Roiell D. W. Crow , M. McKav... J. Bell W. Poindezler. II V. A. Shteave . M. Ksama. ... P. Kearna r. Kearna . . . . 3. Bhtbe <i P. Porlc A, Tbnbera G. Curtar H. W. Vinoe O. Crummell, . . . J. O. Stewart . . . , J. T. Fletcher..., O. Crummell. — P. T. Barry J. T. Fletcher.... A HiffhgaU F. F. Ishreeve . . . P. T. Barrv .... F. P. Shreeve . . . . A.8hadd D. Muridiy M. Kearna.,.,..., 00 00 10 00 600 2 60 2 60 8 60 6 es 8 00 22 f 16 68 6 6» h 6< A 6a 11 2- 22 60 6 n 16 75 11 2 11 26 600 6 00 too 80 10 10 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 800 10 00 ifO 00 20 00 40 00 40 88 26 12 7 R« 7 60 M «!( 8 76 88 02 17 06 6 76 8 26 8 2S 16 6) 28 Qi 91 23 11 11 61 11 61 I* iSsI 2 06 2 16 2 06 11 86 8 96 85 806 2 06 2 06 175 86 806 ^6 1 20 1 20 8 95 8 96 7 OO 16 80 10 02 998 2 94 294 1 48 8 64 18 08 694 2 84 8 eo » 29 6 69 9 08 8 89 9 14 4 64 4 E4 7 06 7 0S 7 Ou 4186 18 96 1 7 06 7 06 706 76 1 86 7 06 8 b6 4 20 4 80 18 96 18 96 27 90 65 KO 66 26 86 10 10 60 10 fO 6 10 12 110 46 06 24 00 8 10 11 66 11 66 2a 10 82 10 15 8'i 8! 26 16 06 16 P5 47 47 47 79 9-< (9 47 47 47 66 09 47 19 84 28 98 08 86 11 76 84 70 70 84 82 8 07 1 00 64 77 77 164 2 14 98 2 16 107 »«7 ^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^w'^^r^^^SPpP^^^^ mthun, in the 38 rtpair and improvt. Lot or P»rt Lot. Nhrnnf 6 Bhfnnf 6 ?b(nhftbf 6 hfnhfi hf « nhtuM 6 Whfnh! 7 Ithfnhf T Nhfth! T 8b(ihf 7 NhfwM fi SWwhf 8 Khf P Nhf ft hf 9 Winhf 10 EInht 10 ~ht 10 PtnofOS RlMt Mhoolplot...S SotaooUplot 8 Wbl«hffthilptiCSU.8 KM •hfihfleMr.v.S Whfnhr 4 Whfehtnht « Bhfehtnhf 4 ShflenCSRy « Whfnh! B Ehtnht f> ShfleMOSRy 6 Lot fl Nhfnhf 7 Shfnhf 7 Shf 7 WMOnhf 8 B8-I0nhf » Ehfshf a Whtshf 8 WhfnW ft Ehtn tat 9 W8-5ihf 9 R?-''Bhf 9 Eht 2 Lot 3 W8|a 4 Eliealcsa(a) 4 Elaal.lO(a) 4 W7-12 6 B6.121»K«rPRv... 6 WbtleR8CSRy&(a).e EhflMsrSRv 6 SlaDorCSRy(a)..A WhfnW 7 Harris 6 a of whf nhf.? Stcver'a ^a of wbf 8hf . 7 KhflewCRy 7 WB^nhf a Knhf « Sbt lessCSRy 8 Whf ....9 Bhf 9 W 4.finhr..... 1 Wfel-Bnhf 1 £6an hf 1 Whfahf t Ehfahf 1 Nhf..,.. 2 WbftW,,,.. ? I 60 ftO 26 20 60 (.0 10 60 flO H> ftO 100 ICO 100 381 eejl 100 1 28 24 M> 26 $S 97 60 60 97 200 60 60 loo 70 80 60 AMMsad OwDtr. C JMoort M Wllaon RO Morris laoRoMll S T MarUn A B Patterson. A 8 BhrMva H Trsbbs ... P Kearns E 8 Dyke.. Jane Rhus. . HBlaok J Suitor «C J Wa-ren "T^ox Webb THrady .. OORox Webb 401T Brady... 60' J UcOsrt 120 ,'* 116 1 70 4nj 61 68 1 80 6 '8 6 60 10 68 fO {•Si fO 16 5 60 60 100 W W A Shadd J W Lecocq Mrs M James .1 Patterson J FsTBons P Forhan A Coopei A Rbire H Webb J Harris P Stover D Fluke Ada Shodd T Clark... B Brown T Clark .< a Blaok.. M Eajran J Donohue B Crosby W Phclan Q Lewis M MoCarte Jas Gu^ J and T Lee OP Suitor A UlcPadden Mimiolpalily NR. N Newkirk A MoFaddan P F Bartlett D Murphy L Leoooq. M Bartlet D Dale ... W A Shadd A B Patteroon M Kearns ... . NKearns J Patterson O Linnen J Suitor. , F Ruitor 34 w»m*rp"^iiww?^ Lot or Part Lot. Eisht N hf.... 10 Ehftht 2 N hf , 8 Hhf. ....8 Whfnhf ...A Whtehfn hf. 4 u: hf e hf n hf Whf whf aht 4 4 6 S W 6 W hfnhf a Ehfnhf e Shf. 6 Whf whfnhf 7 Ehfwhfnhf. 7 W hf e h{ n hf. 7 8-5 t hfehfn hf..7 E8-^ehf ehfn hf .7 Wl-7iht 7 Ee-Twhfihf 7 Wfr>S«hfshf 7 El-6sbf 7 Whfnhf ...8 Ehfnhfl«i»0SBy..8 Whfshf... 8 Ehfahf 8 JIh«nhf Shfnhf Shf Nhf E i less Ch plot f hf w } 8 hf ... Whfw9i hf 2 Church plot ... 2 and S N hf H W.<<-6 s hf less oh plots E2.6shf 8 N hf 4 Shf ...4 Nhf : ...5 Nhfwhfs hf 5 IBhfBht 6 Shfwhf shf .6 Whfnhf 6 Ehfnhf 6 Whfshf 6 Bhf shf Whfshf 7 Whfwhf nhf 7 Ehfwhfnhf. 7 N hf 1 Shf 1 N hf lem aohool plot .8 School plot 8 Shf 2 Whfnhf...... Ehfnhf 8 shf 8 Whfnhf 4 Ehfn hf 4 Shf. 4 Nhf 6 Nhfshf 6 Shfihf. 6 Whfnhf « Shfehfnhf 6 NMtbfn bf,' fl Aiseswd Owner, SOP Doyle lOON R lOOM Flaherty 60 Oraddook Estate. 85FMartin «4 25MPhelan , 7 Jao Dillon , tOOT Clark lot WTlickey 60 P Forhan 60 ARobbins 100 J D Houston 85Allobbins 86 J Pierce.. 26ALewis 16 A Williams... . lOMSoott 14 A Scott 86C Willivins 80 J Houston 80MR 60iN R 48:P Milne 60|C JMoore 60|j Wilson eOMrsWDrew. ... 60 W Barry .... lOOjJlfoKeon.... .. 100 J MoKeou DiUon TaKgart Dillon I 6 100 67* 40 00 00 94 244 60 iU 60 6< 60 e< 60 86 26 106 100 1 100 60 60 IOC 60 40 VO 90 4! Municipality MPhelan.. . M Dillon..... TBrady M Di.ton.... Marv Dillon Ed Dillon... .TaaFinlin... D Houston. , S Barfoot . . , NR A H White , M Finn .., . vv Dillon MHiokey Mui'icipality,. PuilhuTy. .. Mrs W Drew . J Dillon M Flaherty... J McKeon .... S McKeon . . . . PHick.y Mrs «■ Drew.. JFlnlinl WPinlln 6d| John Lee SB •" 8fWP»*tt,.,,.. ^1 18 00 86 QO 86 00 1(1 00 900 8 64 900 96 64 86 00 86 00 18 00 18 00 46 00{ II 25; 11 Sfti 11 80' 6 7fti 4 fiO 6 8<i 16 80 18 60 900 88 60 8160 28 60 88 18 00 18 00 86 0) 86 00 8 10 18 60 13 60 1 80 36 00 8S00 16 35 80 0) 44 65 11 00 22 60 U 00 82 6 84 60 22 fO 88 60 22 60 1126 11 26 86 00 86 00 86 6> 8« 46 00 28 6C 22 60 46 00 22 60 22 00 46 00 44 46 22 88 82 28 28 1^0 11 76 1175 18 41 86 83 86 8i 18 41 920 8>>8 27 26 86 08 86 86 18 41 18 41 46 11 60 1160 U 60 600 460 644 16 67 18 80 980 28 08 11 86 88 08 28 02 ^8 41 18 41 asM 86 84 8 28 18 80 18 80 1 84 86 8S 2» 62 16 »« £6 46 80 80 46 f.? II 26 2.< 02 11 26 28 02 23 02 28 02 28 02 Struck 11 60 11 60 86 hS 8« 83 86 4« 87 4fl0S 23 02 23 02 46 08 28 03 22 60 46 03 46 47 23 78 28 78 28 02 12 01 l«Qi 7 89 14 68 14 68 7 8«0 8 47 8 40 10 86 H 68 14 62 7 89 7 15 ^2 4 66 4 66 4 66 8 70 18S 866 608 &65 870 908 4 79 908 OOS 739 7 11 41 14 62 8 27 6 66 6 66 71 14 62 88 6 44 14 66 15 01 18 09 4 60 908 * 60 008 9 08 08 eoii off 4 66 4 56 14 68 14 68 14 64 14 18 88 008 . 9 0s 18 88 03 900 18 82 18 18 908 08 908 4 79 47» 86 80 6146 61 4B 86 80 18 60 U80 18 60 88 10 61 46 61 46 86 80 86 80 64 86 16 06 16 05 leott 9 6 46 90Q 88 66 19 85 12 80 8110 16 65 88 10 88 10 86 80 86 80 40 06 61 46 1166 19 86 19 86 2 66 61 45 32 86 22 80 M 00 66 80 68 60 16 76 83 10 16 76 82 10 88 10 82 10 88 10 16 06 10 06 6146 61 46 61 00 61 64 86 88 Ifl 8210 64 86 82 10 81 60 64 86 68 60 81 CO 81 80 82 10 16 80 16«0« S14 U 14 14 72 72 8 67 8 43 77 1 20 1 29 17 8 43 2 19 1 62 8 40 8 72 4 24 l06 a 14 105 8 14 8 14 8 14 a 14 107 1 07 8 43 8 43 8 40 084 4 29 14 14 29 14 10 29 24 2 12 8 14 1 12 U8 IW w h ! llj 4ls B* ^■MMM-MIW 10 86 80 172 n 6146 8 48 ta 6141 848 19 a68a 172 18 60 hi 17 12 60 88 to I8 60 84 )S 88 10 864 )8 61 46 8 48 12 61 46 8 48 to 8680 173 » 86 80 178 -2 64 86 429 >5 16 06 1 07 )6 16 05 107 »6 16 ()& 107 70 8 60 64 35 646 48 M 000 60 M 8866 161 S6 18 86 180 70 18 00 86 18 88 10 8 14 70 16 66 111 98 88 10 814 « 88 10 8 14 » 8680 17< SO 86 80 172 41 40 06 8 67 68 61 46 8 48 27 11 66 77 iS 10 86 1 29 S6 10 86 1 29 71 2 66 17 62 61 45 8 43 88 S8 86 2 19 44 22 80 1 62 » M 00 8 40 n 66 80 8 72 M 6360 4 24 RO 16 76 l06 OH 83 10 8 14 SO 16 76 lOS 08 82 10 8 14 » 88 10 8 14 m 82 10 8 14 Od 88 10 8 14 1^5 16 06 107 SR 16 06 1 07 }8 61 46 8 43 US 61 46 8 4!l 64 61 00 8 40 14 61 084 n 64 85 4 29 OS 88 10 8 14 \)n 82 10 8 14 n 64 86 429 )3 82 10 a 14 M 81 60 8 10 (2 64 86 429 18 68 60 4 24 IS 81 i>0 a 2 18 81 80 112 M 82 10 8 14 ro 16 80 1 18 r» leiS U« 10 11 Lot at Part Lot "^l Wbfshf. 6 (l)nl.6whf8 ht....l )8 hf n 2-6 w ht s hf 1 )Bhtn8-6wbtihfl J w 6ft n I 8 a^e I hf . 1 leSia wlta nj(i2-6sMl ) n faf»wl{ftii 1-8 • 848ht 1 (7) 8 law i»nl-8s M8hf..... 1 (8)ehruwlianhf8 8^ah( I (9)alaw»an 1-8 a 84ahf...... 1 wla8l-6 8h(...l ll>ehtawiiaal-68hft 18)8 or a wlia 8l-68hfl eMaw8iaal-68tain e4iaw(i|Ml-6 8hfl '^aw4ta8l-68hfl hlaw6ia8M0shtl • law&faaMOshtl eiawOa'Bl-lOBtafi e htw6anhfsl.eahf I fshflea8(A&B).l School plot (A) 1 Charoh plot (B)l and 2 LotlfM8(B) 2 NM....... 8 8ht Nhf 4 S hf NhfnM .6 Shfnht 6 Nhfshf 5 8h8hf 6 Shf. 12(A)Oora8 0fBy.... .B}OorenotRy 1 p)imi8ltawhl....1 D) Ryan's hfaowhfl WhfnhtleasABUD ^Wdr-y E hf n ht 1888 r'y ....1 '1) Oallaffher'aattlMlivl 2) ~« 1 « " 1 .*) " 1 Shf 1 Nhtlessry a W8.108ht 8 W2-8e7-10Bhf ....2 B1.8e.7-10BW 8 Nhfleaary 8 Shf 8 Lotleasry 4 W 8-1'j less rj- & EhtwS-61e8Bry....6 Wle2-6nhf 6 fi i-lOnhf-.... .... 6 Whfea-iehfleasrye E 1.6 8 hf leaa ry 6 W2.6nhf 6 B84ahf 6 Nhfnhfthf.... 6 ehtibtIeMry....;e Mlltftltf»hf...el J B Simpson. . John Begn . . . NR ..":... . EHoUey R Mason 6C Marahah. ABBBBfled Owner. A Curtis W Theobald .. JNHaUiday.. GC Marshall.. WWHaUiday BSales T Salas NR a C Marshall .. iHBailah. ... JNHnmdoy... J Conley Parsonage aCMarshaU... 1 Munidpality. J Foxton POleason S Griffith J Moore . . . , WCarter S L M ellwood TTy hurst.... J Randall.... C£ Smith .. JE Simpson. WBym B Oallatther -. L B Marshall B Oallagher.. 11 SHall TBrady SHall B Kearney .. D Eraser L B Uarshall. J Marshall... RB Carter . W B Randall. G LethbridRe. S Lethbridge. Jas King S Lethbridge. Jas King ... JaaKing Wm King . . . i •8 ABlfhgAta 600 86U 8 78 886 180 1 18 27 18 86 86 18 09 18 1 62 18 18 14 14 18 17 46 86 14 89 86 46 00 45 00 44 66 44 66 22 28 22 28 82 28 22 28 10 00 18 18 27 9 16 88 21 ti8 18 18 9 9 88 26 48 65 18 60 21 00 10 60 43 66 46 00 90 00 26 66 26 65 18 60 4 60 8 78 8 78 18 00 27 00 1126 8188 808 10 19 87 87 19 10 10 1 60 19 19 16 16 17 S 87 16 Pl 03 46 08 46 03 46 67 46 67 1168 1168 ii68 22 78 10 22 10 10 28 10 16 75 18 40 19 19 10 10 80 18 44 66 18 80 21 48 10 78 44 f6 46 08 92 07 27 16 27 16 13 80 4 60 8 97 8 97 18 41 struck 1160 88 81 8n 11 8 14 14 8 2 8 68 8 8 6 6 8 704 14 6 86 47 18 82 18 82 18 08 18 08 4 >2 4 61 4 52 9 02 4 08 8 8 11 8 6 66 7 81 8 8 2 2 16 47 17 76 6 66 8 62 4 27 17 76 18 82 86 48 lO 79 lO 79 6 ■■ 1 S oil S6 8b0 848 27 27 61 61 27 12! 27 2 84 2. 27 21 21 27 24 00 61 21 128 40 64 86 64 86 68 60 63 60 16 Of) 16 06 16 OS 81 80 14 25 27 27 89 12 88 40 20 80 87 27 12 12 54 60 62 10 19 86 80 00 16 00 62 40 64 85 128 65 87 96 87 9r> 19 85 12 4f> 12 45 25 80 16 06 8190 8 70 018 026 018 084 084 018 008 018 166 018 018 014 04 018 1 660 0j4 014 866 20 29 24 24 07 07 07 2 18 96 018 018 026 008 660 720 018 018 008 008 8 64 4 16 1 29 2 00 1 00 4 16 4 8 6' 2 53 2 58 1 29 ti 88 88 172 107 808 d6> •i Lot or Part Lot. < 10 100 60 60 f.0 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 liO 50 60 1 26 26 60 6 10 34 25 25 60 25 25 77 94 50 50 11 60 Assessed Owner. 1 •s g ^1 \l •sa II. ess 1 86 14 62 789 7 89 908 908 4 88 9 08 08 9 08 9o8 908 18 82 9r8 9 08 18 82 4 66 4 55 18 1 14 1 86 6 26 4 65 4 66 08 4 66 4 56 11 26 15 04 9 01 9 08 1 90 908 9 08 4 83 9 08 08 8 10 20 88 4 08 3 22 2099 00 4 PS 821 60 1 26 34 13 81. 62 155 16 4 -8 4 83 3 22 3 22 8 22 8 22 8 22 8 82 1 81 2 66 688 84 i{ III IS W8.68ta(sh(8 hf..6 Nhf 1 G Butler 4 60 86 00 18 00 18 00 22 60 82 60 12 00 22 60 22 60 22 60 ti 60 22 60 46 00 82 50 22 60 45 00 11 26 11 26 ii 60 2 70 4 60 16 80 11 26 11 25 22 60 11 26 11 26 27 72 87 20 22 60 22 50 4 06 22 60 22 60 12 15 2J 60 22 60 10 80 72 45 10 00 8 00 14510 40 12 00 15 00 1 50 I 00 8 00 11 00 10 00 12 0<' 8 CO 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 6 30 123 80 4069 80 4 60 86 88 18 41 18 41 2i 02 S!8 02 12 27 28 02 28 02 2t Qi 28 02 23 02 46 08 28 02 23 02 46 08 11 60 11 60 ti 02 2 76 4 60 16 65 11 60 11 60 23 02 11 50 1160 28 86 3H 06 23 02 23 02 6 06 23 02 28 02 12 42 21 28 02 20 26 74 12 10 22 8 18 6291 96 12 27 810 16 8 25 86 02 99 68 390 03 10 n 12 27 8 18 8 IC H 18 8 1' 8 fS 8 18 4 00 6 44 1488 56 6776 61 6 46 61 46 86 80 86 80 82 10 82 10 17 10 82 10 82 10 88 10 82 10 82 10 64 86 88 10 88 10 64 85 16 05 16 88 10 800 6 45 81 00 16 06 16 06 38 10 16 or. 16 06 89 60 68 10 32 10 82 10 7 05 82 10 82 10 17 26 32 10 32 10 28 36 103 60 14 86 11 40 48 18 8 Hall 8 48 WhfBht I W Russell 1 78 8hfahf. 1 J Mason 1 72 Whtnhf ... .2 C Watts, sr 8 14 Ehfnhf s 2 Whtshf 2 G Butler 2 14 H Watts sr. . . . 1 14 Bhfahf 2 W hi nhf..... 8 C Watts sr 8 14 OOMatshaU .... J Marshall 2 14 Ehfnhf 8 2 It Whf sht 8 WGutteridge... F Suitor .... 8 14 Bhfsht 8 2 14 Nhl 4 Whtshf. 4 L B Marshall .... 4 20 E Kearney W H Brown 2 14 Bhtshf 4 2 14 N hf 6 J W Marshall .... 4 20 vhlwhfsht 6 Ehfwhfshf 6 Bhtshf 6 HLarabec 1 07 HMarlatt 1 07 W Marlatt 2 14 Weanhfnhf 6 R10awl6Bnhfnhf.e W84anhfnht 6 Nhtshtnhf 6 Bntshfn ht.. 6 Nhfshf.. 6 Whfshfshf 6 Bhtshfsht 6 Gore lot 1 W H Trott 26 C Lethbridtre 48 H Marlatt C Dunbrook.. •..."• 146 1 07 JHPirer 1 07 A Linnen 8 14 (t 1 07 J Simms 1 07 14 C Dairs 2 64 Qorelot 2 WhtnlOOa 8 EhfnlOOa 8 Gores of n 100a 8 WhfnJOOa 4 BhtnlOOa 4 I Clifford ... .... 8 64 A Coatsworth .... 2 14 J Elliott 2 14 NR 47 R Welsh 2 14 D Perriu 2 14 GtoresoflOOa 4* 27 Cath Doyle 1 1ft Whf nlOOa 6 Ehfn 100a 6 fO 50 44 161 Hint T Mason 2 14 R Mason 2 14 Gore 8 of n 100a ... 5 Lot 6 Can. South'n R'v acres TL Paido 1 89 8 3 to 9 inclusive. . . 690 OS L. Erie & Det. R. R'y aorc Total on lands. 4 and 6 sideroad all ss lots 1 to 6 inol. . . . ,1 .. , ,' 788.00 76 7890 06 17 10 1181 76 46 120 16 180 20 646 26 14 25 17 10 11 40 11 40 n iO 11 40 11 40 11 40 6 70 9 00 8078 40 498 78 V 1 14 6 and 7 sideroad s of R P d 9 and 10 sideroad across ooi 4 and 6 con road from lots 4 5 and -6 con road from lots i 6 and 7 con road from lots i 7 and A con road from lots A and 8 con road from lots » and 9 oon road from lots 1 9 and 10 oon road from lois 10 and 11 con road from loti 11 and 12 con road from lot 12 and is con road from lot 18 and 14 con rood from lot Road in rear of Talbot road 6 inclusive rain 706 00 1 78 85 00 (!l 50 360 00 75 46 1 6 80 toSincl itollincl . to e hf 9 incl 2toehf Sine! 8 01 028 86 86 05 1 too incl 1 14 ^ to 9 inol 76 t lto6incl ilto6 incl si to 6 incl Jl toOinpl •-•■■• 76 78 76 P'- il to 6 inol 7b 1: lots from lots 1 to 36 60 188 16 ♦ SCatofthe assm't against townline between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the other half being charged against Tilbury East Total on roads isi23 22 if>-: " Totftt on lands , 8100 23 8687 84 ^86 660 88 sol 86 40 48 8 M 172 1 72 2 14 12 14 1 14 2 14 ^ 14 2 11 2 14 2 14 4 89 2 14 2 14 4 29 1 07 107 2 14 26 48 1 4fl 1 07 1 07 8 14 107 1 07 204 8 64 2 14 2 14 47 2 14 2 14 1 16 2 14 2 14 1 89 690 96 76 492 78 114 78 46 )16 8 01 )20 9 28 5 26 86 86 I 25 95 r 10 1 14 1 40 76 L 40 76 t vO 78 t 40 76 I 40 •!'K 1 40 7tt 38 60 188 16 680 80 4. For paying the sum of $1483.56, the amount assesseci against tlie said roads of the said Municipality of Raleigh, and for covering interest thereon for 15 years at the rate of 4| per centum per annum, a Upecial rate on the dollar suflBcienti to produce the required yearly amount thereof, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied and collected), upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Raleigh in each year for 15 years after the final passing of this By-law during which the said debentures have to run. 5. This By-law shall be printed and published in the Chatham Banner Newspaper for four weeks previous to the final passing thereof, and a copy of the same shall be served upon the head of the other Municipality liable to contribute towards the cost of the said work ; and shall come into force upon and after the final passing thereof and may be cited "The Government Drain No. Two Repair By-Law 1896." Read a third time and finally passed 20th July, 1896. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) R. J. MORRISON, Reeve » I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of a By-law provision- ally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, on the Tenth day of February, A. D., 1896. J. G. STEWART, Clerk of the said Municipality. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision on '• The Government Drain No. 2 Repair By-Law, 1896, will be held in the Town Hall, in the Township of Raleigh, on Monday, the 6th ofi April, 1896, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon in the manner provided by the Drainage Act, 1894, for the hearing and trial of complaints made in pursuance of said i\ot, against the assessment on lands and roads or any part of them in the Township of Raleigh in said By-la iv ; written notice of appeal in each case as directed by said Act to be served on the Clerk of the Municipality at least ten days prior to the fir.3t sitting of the said Court of Revision. And Further Notick is hereby given that anyone, intending to apply to have the said 1 -y Law or any part thereof quashed, must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof, serve notice in writing upon the Reeve or other head officer and upon the Clerk of the said Township of Raleigh, of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court of Justice at Toronto during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of said By-law. Dated at Raleigh this tenth day February, A. D., 1896. First published 11th March, 1896. R. J. MORRISON, Rbkvb. J. G. STEWART, Olirk. m ■81, ■. 'V, No. 666—A BYL4W 'to asMBs and Itivy rates for Oountj,' Township and School purposes, for the year 1896. ' BS IT BNAOTED by the Munieipal C3ouncil of the Corporation cf the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent : — 1. Ihat the following sums shall be levied and collected upon and from all the rateable property of the Township of Raleigh, in the year of our Lord 1896. (1.) The sum of $6048 86 for the generil purposes of the County of Kenl^ by a rate of 2 1-10 mills in the dollar. (2 ) The sum of $5000 for the general purposes of the Township of Raleigh, as per schedule "A" hereunto annexed, by a rate of 2 mills in the dollar. (3.) The sum of $2278 50, being the amount required to be raised for each Scliool Section by general rate, as provided in Section 66 of The [Public Schools Act 1896, exclusive of the property of certain supporters of Separate Schools, by a rate of 1 1-10 mill in the dollar. 2. That the Clerk of this Corporation is hereby required to levy a special rate (over and above all other rates) upon, and which shall be col- lected from all the rateable property included in each and every School Section, the trustees of which shall furnish him, on or before the 24th day of August, with a written statement signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and certified by the seal thereof, of the amount required for Public or Separate School purposes respectively in each School Section (less the amount re- quired to be raised, as aforesaid, by (general rate) such a rate pro rata as will amount to the sum so required as near as may be ', and the Treasurer of this Corporation is hereby authorized and instructed to pay to the order of the Secretary-Treasurer or Trustees of each School Section all moneys eo levied and credited to each School Section. 3. That the rates so imposed by this By-law shall be collected by the Collector of Rates for the said Township of RaHjorh, and paid over to the Treasurer of this Corporation in bankable funds on or btfore the Fourteenth day of December, A. D. 1896, in so far as the law will enable him so to do, unlest) otherwise ordered by this Council. 4. That Harvey Jenner be, and he is hereby appointed Collector of Rates for the said Township of Raleigh during the current year, and until the said rates are all collected and a dus return made to the Treasurer of this Corporation, (the amount so collected to be paid over to the Treasurer at least every two weeks) conditionally upon bis furnishing bonds duly executed by himself, and good and sufficient sureties to be approved by this Council, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars. And for the due perfor- mMwoo of these aud all duties of OoUeotor as provided by the staltutieB of 39 Ontario and the By-laws of this Municipality, he shall be paid the sum o! one hundred and twenty dollars inclusive of all duties that do or nwy per- tain thereto. j r~ Finally passed this tenth day of August, 18^6. J. G STEWART, Clerk. Seal R. J. MORRISON, Reeve. SCHEDULE "A." Pike Pumping Schedule "A" $ 8 16 Simpson Drain 258 84 Burns Drain 42 30 Raleigh Plains Drain 640 95 Government Drain No. 2 138 16 Mud and Indian Greek Drain 2J«1 53 Ohinnick Drain 47 00 Election Expenses 145 00 Charity 418 86 Salaries 1006 80 Law Expenses 400 00 Roads and Bridges 1160 50 Miscellaneous 621 91 $500» 00 No. 667--A BY-LAW To appoint an Engineer to receive the Raleigh Plains Drain from the . Contractors. WHEREAS it is expedient to appoint an Engineer for the purpose of ex- amining the work performed by the Chatham Dredging Company on the Raleigh Plains Drain, and to report the completion of the same when per- formed according^ to the specifications. And whereas Angus Smith, 0. L. S , of the Town of Ridgetown, ^s a £t and competent person for such purpose. Therefore the said Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh enacts as follows : — 1. That Angus Smith, O. L. S., be, and he is hereby appointed Engi- neer to examine and report from time to time as the Raleigh Plains Drain is completed according to the specifications thereof, as shown in the con- tract with the said Company and the By-law of the (Jorporation authorizing the work. Read a third time and passed this Se\enth day of September, A. D., 1896. J, G. STEWART, Olvk, 9e^l R. ^^ MORRJSOI^, Reevt, ^IW" 40 No. 658 .. ■ ' As Amended by By-Law No. 660. A By-Law to appoint Deputy Return- ing 0£Scer8 and to Provide Polling Places for holding elections in tbe Township of Raleigh during the year 1897. Also to appoint a place for holding nominations therefore. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh enacts as follows : 1. Tn case a poll be demanded by any candidate or elector at the nomi- nation of candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Oouncillors of the Municipality during the year 1897, the elections shall take place and be held in the several polling sub-divisions of the Municipality as provided by law, and at the following pL jes, that is to say : — In Polling Sub-divisiou No. One— At the School House in Union School Section No. Six. In Polling Sub division No, Two — At the School House in School Sec- tion No. Three. lu Polling Sub-division No. Three — At the South School House in School Section No. Four. In Polling Sub-divnion No. Four — At the School House in School Sec- tion No. Thirteen. t In Polling Sub-division No. Five — .\t the Separate School House in School Section No. Five. In Polling Sub-division No. Six — At the Cheese Factory inthe Yillage of Merlin. In Polling Sub-division No. Seven — At tne Foresters' Hall in the Village of Buxton. In Polling Sub-division No. Eight — At the School House in School Section^No. Eight. In Polling Sub-division No. Nine — At the School House in School Section No. Nine. In Polling Sub-division No. Ten — At the School House in School Sec- tion No Ten. f* *?. The following named persons are hereby appointed Deputy-Return- ing Officers to hold any Municipal election required to take place in the several polling sub-divisions as aforep'^'d during the year 1897, viz.: — In Polling Sub-division No. One — Donald McPherson. In Polling Sub-division No. Two — Joseph J. Payne. r- In PoUyig Subdivision No. Three— Elbert S. Dyke. In Polling Sub-division Np. Four — George B, Shr^eve, In Polling In Polling Tn Polling In Polling In Polling In Polling SnlMiivision No. SuD-division Ne. Sub^division No. Sub-division No. Isub-division No. Sub-division No. 41 Five—Michael Doyle. Six— Matthew Dillon. Seven — James Hancock . Eight — John E. Harvey. Nine — Jaroes Goulet. Ten— Wm. H. Pardo, Jr. 3. The public meeting required to take place at noon on the last Men- day in December for the purpose of nominating officers as aforesaid, shall take place and be held in the Township Hall in the said Township of Raleigh, at noon on Monday, the Twenty-eighth day of December, A.D. 1896. Read a third time and finally passed this 30th day of November, 1896 J. G. STEWART, Clerk. (Seal.) . H. J. MORRISON, Reeve , No. 659.— A BY-LAW To provide for the construction of the Chinnick Drain in the Township o^ Raleigh, in the County of Kent, g,nd for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $2,311. 70 for completing the same. Pro isionally adopted the Twentieth day of April, 1896. • WHERE/ S tjhe uiiijority in number of the resident and non-resident owners (exclusive of farmers' sons not actual owners), as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth to be benefitted by the proposed draiuage woik, have petitioned the Coun'^il of the said Township of Raleigh, praying that the area of land described in the said petition, and including the north halves of lots 13 to 18 in the Fifth Con- cession, and lots VA to 21 in the Sixth Concession be drained by means of a drain, following as near as may be the natural watercourse running through said lots in the Sixth Concession. And whereas, thereupon, the said Council has procured an exauunuliou to be mode by W. G. McUeorge, 0. L. S., being a person competent fur such purpose, of the said area proposed to be drained, and the means suggested for the drainage thereof, and of other lands and luads liable to assessment therefore, and has also procured plans, specifications and estioiates of the drainage work to be made by the said W. G. McGeorge, and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefitted by such drainage work, and of other lanrts and roaHs Habh for contribution thereto, stating as nearly as he v an, the proportion of benefit, outlet linbility and injuring liability which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in consequeucia of such drainage work by every road and lot, or portion of lot, the said assess- ment so made, being the assessment hereinafter by this by -law, enacted to be assessed and levied upon the >'oads and lots, or parts of lots, hereinafttr in that behalf specialK set forth and desciibed, and the report of the said W. G McGeorge in respect thereof, and of the said drainage work, being as 42 Chatham, March 25th, 1896. Having been instructed, under a resolution of your Honorable Body, to nake an examination of the area proposed to be drained under the peti- tion of James Chinnick and others, nnd to report as to the means suggested for the drainnge thereof, with plans, specifications and estimates of the drainage work so reported on, and to make an assessment therefor of the lands and roads benefitted by such drainage work, and of other lands and roada liable for contribution thereto under the Drainage Act. I bei{ to re- port that I have made such examination and a survey of the drain asked for in the petition, and have planted stakes and taken levels to guide in its construction. The petition asks for the deepening and clearing out of the watercourne known as the Indian Greek from lot 21 in the 3rd Concession on E. B. L. to the road between Concessions 5th and 6th, thence along said road to the Raleigh Plains Drain, and according to Mr. Coad's plans, excepting that the drain shall be two f<2jt or thereby of less dep'/hs. I have endeavored to work as closely as possible to the views of the petitioners, and would say that the drain as now planned, while not so def>i) as I would like to see it made, will weU repay the expenditure involved and will remove the stagnant waters of the creek, which is what is chiefly de- sired, and will form the basis for a further deepening which can be easily made when the muck of the creek bed has settled down from this initiatory work. This work will benefit lands assessed and afibrd an outlet for numerous farm drains in this locality. Aside from this it would be justified on the SGore of health alone. It will begin at the line of lota 20 and 21 in the 3rd Concession, E B. L., in the bed of the Indian Creek, and will thenCB run, as shown on the plan accompanying this luy report, through said lot 20 and through lots 1 9, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 and 12 in the 6th Concesbion, following the course of Indian Creek, thence along the southerly side of the 5tl] and 6th Concessions Road to the 12 and 13 Side hoad at the jog, thence southeasterly in Gov- ernment Drain No. 1, the dept'li of the jog, then crossing the 12 and 13 Road and along the southerly side of the 5th and 6th Concessions Road to the new cut of 'the Kaleigh Plains Drain. The excavated earth will be cast three fpet cl( ar of the drain, and where the drain runs through the lands of owners, the earth will be spread sufiioiently for easy cultivation. Where it crosses a puWlio road it will be spread suitably for easy public travel, and where the drain runs a'ong a public road it will, with the consent of the council, Ite spread on the road suitably for public travel, and to a width of twenty feet; all opening thcough the road to the north to be filled to a uniform level with the road afe each side of the opening, and all old timbers of the culverts at these opeaings to be removed and. carefully piled up for future use by the Council (uid as directed by the Commissioner in charge of the work. 48 fey the words "side of the road" is meant, sido of the travelled part of the road. . The ■ »-.m to be made to accord with the data furnished on the profil accompaii/ing this, my report. My estimate of the cost of the work is as follows : — 7rom Station to Station 10, a distance of 60 rods, at 80o. per rod. $48 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 169 ti (I (( <c 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 169, 211, 11 II II II II II 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 54 252 II II II II II II 80o. per ro< i.$48 00 80o. . 48 00 $1.10 . 66 00 1.10 . 66 00 1.60 • 90 00 1.60 . 90 00 1.25 . 76 00 1.60 . 96 00 1.80 .108 00 1.60 . 96 00 1.60 . 96 00 1.60 . 96 00 1.20 . 72 00 1.00 . 60 00 1.00 . 60 00 1.00 . 60 00 80 . 43 20 2.50 . to include grading earth on road, removing old culverts and bridges at old Baleigh Plains Drain, at Government Drain, at 12 and 13 Road in 6th Concession, and at Indian Creek, and filling up and grading these openings, moving the excavated earth forward or back for these purposes 680 Culvert at 19 and 20 road, repair to be paid by municipality 15 Culvert at 18 and 19 road, repair to be paid by municipality 20 Culvert at 12 & 13 Sideroad,to be constructed and paid for by mun'y SO Bridges under Sub-section 2 of section 9: — 1 at lot 11, in 6th Concession $15 1 at n hf'n hf 1 2, in 6th Concession 15 1 at w hf n 72 acres, lot 13 in 6th Concession 15 1 at e hf A 72 acres, 13 in 6tih Concession 16 Bridges (allowance for) to be paid to the respective owners under Sub-section 3, of Section 9 — 1 on n hf lot 14, in 6th Concession, 100 acres 10 1 on w hf n hf 15, in 6th Conaeasion, 50 acress. ..... 10 1 on w 4-5 e hf n ^lf 15, in 6bh Concession, 40 acres . . 10 1 on w hf 8 hf 16, in 6th Concession, 50 aci-es 10 1 on e hf s hf 16, in 6th Concession, 50 acres 10 1 on s L. 17, in 6th Concession, 100 acres 10 1 oa w hf 8 hf 1 8, in 6th Concession, 60 acres ... 10 1 on 6 hf 8 hf 18, in 6th Concession, 50 acres 10 00 00 * 00 00-60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "•% 'J '4, 1 on w 130 acres 19, in 6th Concession, 130 ac 10 00 viiy v.h>;,'.Kt3i 44 1 on e 135 acres 1 9, in 6th Concession, 135 ac 10 00 1 oA w hf n hf 20, (less Mrs. Doherty's 10 acres) in 3d Con. E. B L, 40 acres 10 00-110 00 To this add for survey, plans, estirtates, report, etc 41 60 Assistants in survey 12 00 Publishing By-law 40 00 Letting and Superintending 60 00 Clerk's fees say 20 00 Registering By-law and Debentures 3 00-176 60 Making a total of ^2311 70 This sum I assess as in the annexed Schedule against th^ lands and roads benefibted and using the drain as an outlet. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, W. G. McQEORGE. And Whereas tliA said council are of opini'^n that the drainage of the area described is desirable : — Therefore the said Municipal Council of the said Township of Raloigh, pursuant to the provision? of "Ihe Drainage Act 1894," enacts as follows : 1st. The said report, plans, spcciGcalions, assessments and estimates are hereby adopted and the drainage work as therein indicated and set forth shall be made and constructed in accordance therewith. 2nd. The Reeve of the said Township may borrow on the credit of the Corporation of the said Township of Kaleigh, the sum of $2,311.70, being the funds necessary for the work not otherwise provided for, and may issue debentures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than $50 each, and payable within ten years from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of five per centum pei- annum, that is to say, in ten consecutive equal annual payments, such debentures to include principal and interest without coupons, and to be payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the City of Chatham. 3rd. For paying the sum of |1503 34, the amounts charged against the said lands for benefit, and the sum of $433.13 the amounts charged against the said lands for outlet liability, apart from lands or roads belonging to or controlled by the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for ten yt^ars at the rate of five per centum per annum, the i^ollowing total special rates, over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the-same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned lots and parts of lots and roads, and the amount of the said total sfdcial rate and interest against each lot or part of lots, respectively, shall be divided into ten equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed, levied ar.d collected, as aforesaid, in each year for ten years after the final passing of the By-law, during which the said debentures have to run. .iA^'Z..M.£LJSiL 1.110 00 ) ) [) )-176 60 i2311 70 hnds and t, RGE. ;e of «he : Raloigh, follows : [mates are set forth idit of the 70, being mny issue \ than $50 [iterest at ansecutive d interest nmerce in gainst the ed against ging to or )n for ten bal special I collected levied and f lots and l^ainsteach parts, ani d, in each which the ■48 .. Sfii^fcOUiE of AMCMiMnt on Lands and Uoads In the Township of Rkleigh for tht oonstruotlon of ttia Ohlnnlok Drain for baneflt and for outlet. Lot or Part Lot. 8E B 4£:b ht 18 Bhfaht. 16 Whfiht IS 8bf 18 8hl V. 17 Shtwbtahf 18 Shfehfahf Id Shfwht 18 BhiBhf 11 Shfnht 12 Nhfnht 12 8hf ....: 18 Bhfn72a 18 828an hf li Whfn72n 18 8hf 14 Nhf. 1* W|aht 16 Eqrshf 16 Whfnhf ...16 W4-6ehtnhf 16 £l-»ehfnh( 16 Whfahf 16 Ehtabt 16 Whfnhf 10 Bhfnhf 16 Wl-lOahf 17 BMOahf 17 N hf 17 Whfshf 18 Bhfahf 18 Nhf 18 W hf 19 Ehf 19 N2.5 19 Sl^SnS-t 19 Nhf nhf 12.6,. 19 Nhf 18 N hf e hf lesR Doberty'a 10 ac.20 Dohp;tv'alua 20 ShiBhf 20 Whf. 20 Whtahf 21 Ehfsbf 21 Whfnhf 21 Whfnhf 20 Ehfnhf 20 Whfnhf 21 AneMed Owner. 100 60 60 100 100 26 26 60 60 60 60 loo 86 28 86 loo loo 76 26 60 40 10 60 Jas Weir GHltnhcock.. ElleQDowllDg. SBullis ;, John Smith... H WlUoox . . . T Granbols . . . A J Doliea. . , . RC Rosa .... JThaokerav... MraW Brown. N Irwin JDowlIng 60 60 10 9U 100 60 60 100 180 186 100 60 60 100 40 10 60 100 60 60 60 60 60 60 W J Morrison. N Irwin....;... WH Irwin .... PSultor J Suitor G Sewell J Thackeray . . . Mrs W Brown. J Suitor. 60 F Suitor Mis W Brown... Wm Lee P Suitor T Montgomery . . T Montgomery... John Lee ThoB Lee T Montgomery. Jos Ohlnnlok John Chinnlck... J Symngton.... Mrs M Davidson A Askina Thos Irwin Geo Shaw . . . Geo Shaw ... R Lane L How ard . . M O'Rourke I O'Rourke . H Drury.. P Ferguson . L Howard... a u I 78 00 7 00 2 00 900 13 00 62 00 18 00 62 00 16 00 166 00 66 00 18 00 66 00 85 00 8 00 66 00 60 00 86 00 30 00 16 CO 140 00 26 00 78 00 78 00 26 00 103 00 104 10 13 00 7 00 800 10 00 6 00 1 00 1 03 800 1 00 8 00 800 17 00 11 00 600 1100 9 00 200 11 or 11 00 11 00 11 00 2 60 19 60 22 00 11 00 11 00 8 60 22 03 2i 00 26 OU 18 00 82 00 2 60 £2 00 20 00 26 00 2 60 13 00 13 00 13 00 Total on lands Road between ConB> 6 and 6 Koad'between Cons. 6 and 7 Road between Cons. 2 and 3 E B. . . . Road between Cons, 3 and 4 E B. ;. 18 and 19 Sideroad 19 and SO Sideroad 12 abd IS Sideroad Total on roada. 1630 60 260 00 4 00 8 00 30 00 80 00 30 00 6 60 300 6 00 6 00 418 60 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 70 1 00 862 00 10 70 78 00 80 00 laoo 26 00 600 atruok atruok atruok 100 200 8 00 80 00 60 OO 17 00 67 00 21 CO 142 00 67 00 28 00 76 00 44 00 10 00 61 00 71 00 46 00 41 00 10 0, 183 ^0 48 00 81 00 81 00 84 60 116 00 118 60 69 00 28 00 6 00 80 00 78 00 6 00 23 00 108 00 23 00 28 00 26 60 600 6 00 600 1 struck 20 70 10 86 86 88 6 18 off off off 1 04 9 07 8 28 20 70 61 76 17 60 69 00 21 74 146 97 69 36 28 81 78 66 46 64 10 36 68 14 78 40 47 61 42 44 10 36 138 17 40 68 8a 84 88 84 36 71 119 02 122 65 71 42 28 81 6 19 31 06 80 78 6 18 28 81 HI 78 23 81 88 81 27 40 6 10 6,19 6 19 1949 00 254 Oi 6 00 9 00 1 00 SI 00 3, 70 81 00 96 08 8 42 6 10 16 86 6 80 17 40 46 48 88 20 4ft 6 OS 23 14 13 46 8 06 18 06 21 71 14 00 12 66 3 06 40 73 14 62 24 76 24 7ti 10 49 86 OS 36 15 21 08 7 00 181 9 16 88 77 1 62 709 82 92 709 709 800 1 81 181 1 81 19S6 47 671 23 2507 70 I Judge 20 80 18 40 88 60 6 70 180 2 70 10 70 20 80 67 00 22 80 70 40 ii 20 190 80 80 80 80 80 101 80 60 00 ^f 40 81 80 06 20 61 70 66 00 18 40 178 00 64 80 108 60 108 60 46 20 164 10 168 80 92 60 80 90 800 40 20 104 60 6 70 80 00 144 70 80 90 80 80 86 40 8 00 800 SOU 18 9/ 07 08 70 29 04 82 362 70 Total Ottlanda and roada 1882 60 429 20 2811 70 Total for benefit 91608 84 Total for outlet liability 488 18 I BoikUtfMunioipaHty 876 28 I8U170 262 79 6 17 9 SO 1 03 32 07 32 80 32 07 876 28 2311 TO 77 71 1 68 2 60 27 9 63 9 70 063 110 87 840 50 6 70 11 00 1 yQ 41 42 60 41 60 486 10 682 10 8098 80 899 SI 19 08 888 8 08 10 18 6 90 1 84 8 18 9 69 6 17 6 60 1 84 17 89 6 48 10 86 10 86 4 68 16 41 16 88 9 26 809 80 409 10 45 67 809 14 47 809 809 8 64 80 80 80 260 77 34 06 67 1 19 18 4 18 4 96 4 16 48 61 It 4i 4th. ^o pay the sum of 6375.23, the amount assessei against the Raia roads and lands of the municipality, and for covering interest thereon for teQ years, at the rate of five per centum per annum, a special rate on the dollar sufficient to produce the required yearly amount thereof, shall (over and above all other rates) be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied and collected, upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Raleigh, in each year for ten yean after the passing of the By-law, during which the said debentures have to run. 0th. Janlbs Chinniok is 'hereby appointed Commissioner to let the con- tract or contracts for the said drainage work and works connected there- with, by public sale to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate); but every such contractor, with one good and sufficient surety, shall be acquired forthwith to enter into bonds for the due performance and completion of •ttoh contract according to said plans and specifications, and within the time mentioned in such bond (unless otherwise ordered by the Oouncil), and it shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to cause the said works to be made and completed in accordance with such plans and specifications, and to grant orders on the Treasurer to each conjbractor, less twenty-five per cent, of the amount due, until the contract is fully completed and duly apcepted by a competent engineer ; and for the due performance of these and all duties of Commissioner, he, the said Commissioner, shall be paid the sum of fifty dollars., , 6th. This By-law shall be published as provided in Section 22 of the Drainage Act, 1894, and shall not come into force upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited " The Chinnick Drain By-law." Read a third time and passed this Thirtieth day of November, A. D. Seal R. J. MORRISON, Reeve. 1806 J. G. STEWART, Clerk. No. 660— A BY-LAW To amend By-law No. 658, which see as amp-ded. No. 661— A BY-LAW To appoint certain Municipal Officers. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, enacts as follows : 1. The following named persons are hereby appointed Commissioners rf 'Hural Road Divisions and Watercourses, viz : In the First RuraJrlload Division, Janes Qhinnicik. In the Second Rural Road Division, Albert H. White. the Micl reon for e on the all (over mer and lA whole ,en years I have to the con- ed there- late); but acquired iletion of ithin the Oouncil), bid works ifications, venty-five and duly B of these \\ be paid 22 of the r the final ber, A. D. !^, Reeve. County of amissioners 47 In the Third Rural Road Divibion, George MoKay. In the Fourth Rural Road Division, Letson A. PanK In the Fifth Rural Road Division, James Olayton. 2. The following named persons are hereby appointed^a Local Boaid of Health, under the provisions of the Pubtie Health Act and amendment! thereto, vi« : — Albert H. White, chairman, (exofficio). J. O. Stewart, Secretary, (ex-officio.) 8. N. Young, M. D., Medic&l Health Officer. Jkmes Ohinniok, one year ; Nelson H. Shepley, two years ; Letson A. Pardo, three years. The said Medical Health Officer nnd Secretary shall each be paid a salary of Fifteen Dollars per annum, and each member of the Board shall be prid Two Dollars per day for each dny he is called upon to act. &. The following named persons are hereby appointed Auditors, vis : James N. Halliday, nominated by the Reeve, and Albert E. Robinson, nominated by the Oouncil, who, in oorsideration of the sum of Twelve Dollars each p«r annum nhall perform aM the duties required by Section 263 of the Oonsolidated Municipal Act 189i\ 4. James R. Irving is hereby appointed Assessor, who, in addition to the duties required under the provisions of the Assessment Act, shall per- form all the duties required under Section 11, of the Truancy Act, and equalizing of Union School rates, and the said Assessor, for such dutiea duly performed, shall be paid the sum of Ninety Dollars. Passed in open Council this Eleventh day of January, A. D. 1897. A. H. WHITE, Reeve. , Seal J. 0. STEWART, Clebk No. 662^"" BY-LAW To appoint a Commissioner to superintend the work of repairing the ma- chinery of the Pike Pump, and to operate and maintain the same. Whereas, the wheel and machinery operating the pimp of the Pike Draianage Works are in need of repair so as to Ve able to perform the work it was intended to perform. Therefore it is enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, that Oharles Crow be appointed Commis- sioner with power to make all necessary contracts, and purchase all neces- sary material, and employ all necessary labor that may be required to mike . such temporary repairs as may be necessary to provide for the drainage of the lands included in the I'ike Drainage Scheme, until a permanent scheme he decided upon, and to roport to this Council all accounts in connection with the said work, which shall I e passed upon by this Council. Read a third time and passed this Eleventh day of January, A. D, 1897. J, Q. STEWART, CtBRR. Seal. A, H. WHITE, Rbrvk WK 48 No. 66S--A BYLAW To repeal By-law No. 606, intituled "A By-law to regulate the keeping aad running «t large of dogs." Finally passed Ist March, 1897, The Municipal Council of the Township of Baleigh, in the County ef Kent, enacts as follows : — • By-law No. 505, intituled ••'A By-law to regulate the keeping and run- ning at large of dogs is hereby repealed. 2. The Act, Chapter 214, R. S. O. 1887, and amendments thereto, is hereby declared to be in force in this municipality from and after the pass- ing of this By-law. 3. All By-laws or parts of By-laws hitherto passed by this Council and inconsistent with this By-law is hereby repealed. J. G. STEWART, Cibbk. Seal. A. H. WHITE, Rebtb. No. 664— A BY-LAW Respecting the Oifice of Clerk. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, enacts as follows ': 1. Johp G. Stewart is hereby reappointed Cleric of the Municipality of the Township of Raleigh. .2. The said John G. Stewart shall truly record in a book, without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions, and other proceedings of the Council and if required by any member present shall record the name and vote of evei^ member voting on any matter submitted, and shall keep the bocks records and accounts of^the Council, and shall preserve and file all accounts acted upon by the Couttcil, and also the originals or certified copies of all by-laws and of all minutes of the proceedings of the Council, all of which he shall so keep in his office or in the p ace appointed by By-law of the Council. 3 The said John G. Stewart shall be paid for his services the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars per annum, to be paid by four equal quar- terly instalments of $137.50 each, which sum shall include all duties re- quired to be performed by the Clerk under the Municipal Act; the Assess- ment Act, the Drainage Act, the Ditches and Watercourses Act, the Tile Drainage Act, the Voter's Lists Act, the Public Schools Act, the Separate Schools Act, and by any By-law or resolution of Council for this municipali- ty. The said Clerk to be repaid all disbursements necessarily incurred by him in the discharge of his duties. 4, The said Clerk shall hold o^ce during the pleasure o| the P9UiicU. S. this B^ P« J. G. i TOApp< Th Kent ei 1. Highwe fpljowB 1 Jose 2 Ales 3 Geoi • 4 Geor 6 Jami 6 Obas 7 Adol 8 Isaa^ Abn 10 Wm. 11 Geo. 12 Luou 13 John 14 Albe 15 Willi 16 Antl 17 Alex 18 Patri 19 Milt< 20 Wm. 21 Wm. 22 Coler 23 Oeori 24 Thon 25 Jame 26 Willi 27 Dani« 28 Josep 29 Rich. 30 Oscar 3 1 Davir 33 Pavjc 4a 8. All J^yMyii or pwta of By-lawa heretofore passed i^jonsUtpnt wi^h this By-law are hereby repealed. Passed in open Council this First day of March, 1897. J, G. STEWART, Cwps. Seal. A. H. WHITE, li«EVB. No. 66fl--A ey-LAw To appoint certain Municipal Officers, The Municipal Council of the Township of Baleigh in the County of Kent enacts as follows ;-<.• 1, The following named persons are hereby appointed Overseers of Highways in each of the respective Statute Labor Divisions, numbered as follows !— 1 Joseph Thomas ^ Alex. Feck 3 George Bruette • 4 Qeorge Bailey 5 James Orr 6 Obas Phipps 7 Adolph Myers 8 Isaac Qreen 9 Abrani t> Shreeve 10 Wm. McFadden 11 Geo. P. Suitor 12 Lucus Leoocq IS John T. Dean 14 Albert Forhan 15 William Clark 16 Anthony Shupe, Sr 17 Alex. S. Hoberu'^m 18 Patrick Kahler 19 Milton Backus 20 Wm. Dolson 21 Wm. Drury 22 Toleman Roe 23 George Hi'ohcock 24 Thomas Smith 25 James Armstrons; 26 William Grice 27 Daniel Payne 28 Joseph Whitsel', jr 29 llich. Lane 30 Oscar Noack 31 David Ball 33 David Hurst 33 George Lewis 34 Hiram Morris 35 Matthew Uillon 36 Samuel Givens 37 Patrick Gilhuly 38 John E. Bennett 39 James King 40 Albert A. Broadbeat 41 David Hall 42 Fred. Pepper 43 Robert Welsh 44 Ed. Bloom Held 45 Andrew King 46 'Isaac E, Simpson 47 William Barry 48 Marshall Tornplsins 49 Patrick B'rrona 50 Michael Ritchie 51 Thomas E^ves 52 John Banks 53 Daniel Haskell 54 Arthur Fennings 55 John Goulet 56 Thomas Jenner 57 William Miller 58 David Walker 59 George Thomas eO Frank Woods 61 John Hunter 62 Charles E. Williams 63 George Drury 64 Arthur Ooatsworth -« 50 65 Thos.01a7ibn 6$ CiW:«noe Jonner 67 William Oill 68 J. W. Stover 69 T^os. Doey, jr 70 Thos. Hcjitheringtor 71 Edward Guyette 72 William H. Pardo, sr 73 George, Oolby 74 A. F. Elliott. 2. The following named persons are hereby appointed Founkeepers, vis : Im the First Rural Road Division — David Smith, Arthur A Mum- mory, Thomas Smith Farmer Bennett. In the Second Rurcl Road Division — Fred. Williahis, John W. Le^ oocq, Isaac Green, John R. Travis, George E. Orummell. In the Third Rural Road Division — Joseph Symons, John H. Ballah' Samuel Hitchcock, sr., William Finlin, George Lewis. In the Fourth Rural Road Division — Fred. Stover, Riley Pardo, Jcs, Calhoun, Duncan Ritchie, Sidney S. White. In the Fifth Rural Road Division— Malcolm Toll, James Miller, Wm. BonEOQ. S. The following named r/ersons are hereby appointed FencevieM .J In the First Rural Read Division— James. R. Rhodes, George R. Grice, John Cameron. • In the Second Rural Road Division— Elbert S. Dyke, Henry Parson, Fred. Williams. In the Third Rural Road Division— William Randall, William Pratt, Matthew Dillon. »■ ■ In the Fourth Rural Road Division — Thos. Jenner, Lawrence Hig- gins, Paul Russell. In the Fifth Rural Road Division— William H. Taylor, Samuel J. Pardo, Ej ward Murdot^k. 4. Each of thd said herein appointed officers shall forthwith comply with the conditions, and perform tlie duties pertaining to the several offices as defined in the By-laws of this Municipality and the Statutes of Ontario in that behalf, subject to the penalties in the said By laws and Statutes contained. , Read a third time and passed this First day of March, A. D 1897. J. a STEWART, Clerk. Seal. A. H WHITE, Rbevb. . Mum- L W. Le. . Ballah> rdo, Jcs, ler, \ym. R. Grice, J Parson, im Pratt, ace Hig- Samuel J. ih comply ral offices £ Ontario 1 Statutes 1897. S, Besvb. s hi ,Na 666— A BY-LAW To appropriate certain sums of money for the improvement of the Eoadi tgsd Bridges in the Township of Raleigh. The Municipal Council of the Township of Raleigh, in the County of Kent, enacts as foUdws : — 1. The following sums are hereby appropriated for the improrement of the Roads and Bridges in the Township of Raleigh, that is to say : In the First R R. Division, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. In the Second R. R. Division, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, la the Thiixi R. R. Division, the su'm of Two Hundred Dollars. In the Fourth R. R. Division, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. In the Fifth R. R. Division, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. The Commissioners of the said R. R. Divisions respectively shall ex- pend the same. On the TownUne between Raleigh and Harwich, the sum of One Hun- dred Dollars. A. H. White to be Commissioner to expend the same. On the To wnlines between Chatham and Raleigh the sum of Twenty- five Dollars, Jas. Chinnick to be Commissioner to expend the same. On the Townline north between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the sum of Fifty Dollars. A. H. White to be Commissioner to expend the same. On the Townline south between Raleigh and Tilbury East, the sum of Fifty Dollars. Geo. ^cKay to be Commissioner to expend the same. Provided that the said sums so appropriated are conditional on equal mts being appropriated for the said -purposes respectively by the ad- amounts Deing appropr joining municipalities 2. The following sums accruing due from Statute Labor tax, shall bo expended in the several statute labor divisions from which they were col- lected, as reported by the Clerk, that is to say : — In the first R. R Div., the sum of $56.16. In the second R. R. Div., the sum of $30.60. In the third R. R. Div., the sum of $27.50. In the fourth R. R. Div., the sum of $31.24. , ' In the fifth R. R. Div., the sum of $31.35. The Commissioners of the said R. R. Divisions shall superintend the expenditure of the same within their respective divisions. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners to expend the sums hereinbefore appropriated for the purposes and in the manner herein pro- vided, and they are hereby authorized to grant order? on the Treasurer of this Corporation to persons filling contracts thereon, not exceeding the amounts so appropriated for such purposes respectively, less the amounts hereinafter specified as overdrawn by the respective Commissioners of th« previous year, stating on each order the nat(ire oif the work clone and where it was performed. Provided always, that no Coinmissioner shall exceed the amount^ hereinhetore appropriated, without Brsft having obtained tt^e con* sent of the Council and the Treasurer notified thereof by the Clerk. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to charge the respective ftc« counts with the fcilowing sums shovjrn, by the Auditor's report, to be oyer- driwii", vjs : - , In R. ^, Division No. 5 the sum 6t $316.81. Passed in open Council thia first day of March, 1897. J. G. StEWART, Clerk. Seal A. ft. WHITE, Reeve. No. 667— A BY-LAW To amend By*law No. 655 intituled "A By-law to provide for the repair, improvement and maintenance of Drainage Works in the Township of Kalaigh, known as Government Drain No. 2 Whereas R. J. Morrison was appointed OoMmissioner oti Government DraiL No. 2. Ai^d whereas the said R. J. Morrison has since been elected a County Councillor. And whereas it is therefore necessary to appoint another Commissioner in his place. Therefore the Mu licipal Council of the Township of Raleigh enacts as follows ; . 1 That Albert H. White be, and he is hereby appointed Commissioner on Government Drain No. 2 In place of the said R. J. Morrison, and that the said By-law No. 655 be amended accordingly. Read a third time and passed this First day of March, A. D., 1897. J. G. STEWART, Clerk. Seal. A. H. WHITE, Reeve. L wher6 eed the ^e oon* iive AC- >e over- , Reeve. e repair, rnship of rerhmcnt a County missioner enacts as imissioner and that p., 1897. I, Reeve. 1$^ S. J. KARVEY, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH. E66eiptB and Expenditures during A. D., 1896. 1896. Tan. 1 ^ 18 .31 Mch. 5 Aprilie 23 May 20 June 1 May 30 June 1 16 20 22 July 9 20 26 Aug. 10 21 Sei>t. 2S gBt. 6 ov. 30 Dec. 12 31 Receipts Aoeount, 1888. , To bklkncd from 1896, including $496.00 balance from School Granti. $47396 26 " Cash from Co. Treas. arrears and land sold to Dec. 31, '96. ..... . 63 65 Harvey Jenner, )oll , 8043 96 " " bal. taxes 1895. -2725 18 Twp Tilbury East, asa't R. P. drain 1120 00 Geo. Early, a8sesB0<* per N. H. 8. dog tax 115 00 " dog tax 6100 50 00 C Kk. Commerce, int. 6 mos. to date , 693 2U 1 50 62 00 10 00 31 00 88 67 1 05 489 00 787 33 23 02 2449 55 40 00 6 60 3 00 2 95 <i II «i It (( II II II II II II It II II II It II II (I II II II II II II 11 i< II II II II II II II II If II Jas. Warren, per ]. G. S. money paid as charity ref'd.. J. 6. Stewart, dog tax N. H.Shepley, " R, J, Morrison, ^ from ferry between Raleigh & Dover. I. Evans, license fund lat dis. $88, 2nd dis. 67 cts Dun. Ritchie,P.K.,nver expenses from colt sold June ^ County Tieas. , gov't school grant . " arrears taxes to July Ist Wm. Guttridge, per N. H. S., ass't on Gov't drainNo.2 Wilson, P^nkin & Co., on assm't R.P.*d'n Tp. Harwich Geo. Early dog tax $35.00, J. G. S. dog tax $5.00 J. R. Travis, I'.K., per J. G. S., 3 calves sold over exp. T. B. Harvey, P.M. div. 59 W. H. Pardo S L tax .... Joseph Simon, P.K., hogs sold over expenses Proceeds deb. N<is. 451 to 455 M and I Ck. drain 1297 09 •♦ " 456 to 470 Gov. drain No. 2 7108 49 J. G. Stewart, dog tax 4 00 iieo. larly, bal. doa; tax , , . 104 00 C. Bk. Commerce, mt. 6 mos to da4» 488 03 " Harvey Jenner, coll. to date 4333 39 «i ««^ «« «' 7596 87 •• John Goiilet, for Twp. hall Dom. election, etc 8 00 '•■-■'■"■-—* $85201 78 Expenditure in Abstpaot, 1806. Dee 26 l*ald County Treasurer Co. PAte . 31 By Election account Chanty " Law " Salary " Sheep and Dogs Account Miscellaneouo " Spieoial School Rate Account ... atwU to 8ohools " 15048 86 145 00 328 98 612 46 1022 40 100 88 488 CM* B194 ao 986 00 fe4 Sohool Debt. Redeemud Account |54S. 01 Road Division No. 1 " f 168 19 •« '« 2 " 234 63 •• " 8 •• 129 00 «• / «• * 166 65 6 " 572 06-1267 43 Raleigh and Tilbury Townline Account 94 60 " •• Harwich " " •.... 67 45 •• Chatham " " 8 90-170 95 L. E. 4 D. Ry account '. 658 72 Ditches and WatorcourseB account 82 60 TileDrainage " 98 18 '^^ Pike Drainage Works " 2162 01 Pike Pump " 323 00 Raleigh Plains Drain " 49996 68 Toll and Center Road Dn. " 365 20 Bums drain " 496 28 Goulet drain " 626 22 Mud and Indian Creek dn. • 1705 37 Gov't No. 2 drain " 636 71 Chinnick drain " 187 30 Simpson drain " 1178 24 Brush drain " 11142 Millar drain " 199 68 Crowdrain " 107 87 Deechan drain " 73 Gov't drain Na 1 " ^..: 104 75 Backxis drain " 148 38 Coutts drain «' 23 Bobbins drain " 68 VaU drain " 89 Ferguson Ex. drain " 31 Webb drain » " 34 Hinton draia " • 7 26 Simon drain *' 35 00 Irwin drain *• 25 00*58267.24 Total amount expended $76908 90 Balance in Treas. hands and in Bank 9292 88 M^-^a ^^MM» .MiHM* MMMM.M 186201 78 — -- - — — -fa- - - Election Aooount 1896. Jan. 18 Paid J. G. Stewart, Ret. 0. Fees .% $ 20 00 Michael Doyle, D. R. 0. Fees 8 60 Jas. Goulet, " 8 60 Matthew Dillon, " 8 60 E. S. Dyke, " 8 50 LH. Harvey, " 8 60 wrence Waddick, S. S. house, Polling 4 00 Alex Goulet, S. house No. 9, '• 4 00 J. H. Gilhuly, Foresters Hall, " 4 00 L. B. Marshall, R. T. of T. Hall, " ,... 4 00 31 Jno. Johnson, S. House No. 6, " 4 00 Milton Backus, " 3, " '. ; 4 00 A. S. Shreeve, " 4, *• 4 00 G. B.Shreeve, «' 13, " 4 00 " D. R. O.^fees 8 60 J.J.Payne, •• ♦' .-.,., 8 60 Feb. Wai. Apr., June Aug 20 00 8 60 8 60 8 60 8 6d 8 60 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 400 400 4 00 8 60 860 88 iftn SI John Johnkon, D. R. 0„ fcM , ,,. 1 feb 8 J. Hanooek, ** u 20 S. P. White, S. i. um No. 8, Polling ','.','.'.,'.,.,','.'.,,',' Moh 5 8. J, Pardo, •• 10, •• Apl 80 W, H Pardo, jr., D. R. On few ['.','.'.'.[]'.'.'.'.]".',". a 60 8 60 4 00 4 00 8 60 1147 00 Jan It: 31 Feb 10 Moh 9 Apl 6 30 May 11 June 30 July 30 Aug 1 10 Sept 1 7 16 Oct. 1 6 Nov 6 Dec. 8 30 31 Charity Aeoount, 1896. Paid Mrs. Eeuinirton, per U. James | SiBters St. Jomph'a, oare Jane Hardy, an in4igent C. H. Shupe, goods to S. Newby C. T. Shupe, •« «« Mre. Henington, per C. Jamea C. H. Shupe, goods to S. Newby James Suitor, half 12 mos. care O. McLeod, Home of Friendless .... Mrs. Henington, per R. J. Morrison G. B. Shreeve, goods to T. Tyrell , 0. H. Shupe. goods to G. Berkly G.B. Shreeve " T. Tyrell C.H.Shupe, •• S.Newby Mrs. Henington J. P. Sivewright, M.D., att. G. Bunbridge C. H. Shupe, goods to S. Newby Thos. Clark, per S. Bartlett. P. G. Hospital, 9 weeks care Geo. Bundridge Mrs. Frank SheflF for Mrs. Labute Mrs. Henington 6. B. Shreeve, goods to T. Tyrell Mrs. F. "^heff, care Mrs. Labute Mrs. Herrington C. H. Shupe, goods to S. >' ewby . G. B. Shreeve, " T. ryrell . Mrs. F. Sheff, care Mrs. Labute 7 80 8 00 16 U 6 00 10 60 7 62 60 00 6 00 14 21 6 00 6 05 8 83 22 60 20 00 13 93 10 00 22 60 3 00 900 6 26 eoo 600 12 00 20 OS 6 15 12 00 .$ 328 98 Total paid . . . . .'. ^ . ..... Law Aooount 1896. Apr. 1 Paid Atkinson & Atkinson balance coats of appeal Raleigh and Har^ , wich and taxing of costs $326 93 30 Wilson, Remkin &. Co., services as per acot lU 53 '• •• Party and Party costs Raleigh and Harwich, also arbitrators' tees 1892 175 00 $ 512 46 Salary Account 1896. Feb. 10 Paid J. N. Halliday, auditor .$ 12 00 Albert Robinson, " 12 00 Mak. 5 Harvey Jenner, collector 1895 120 00 Apr. 30 J G. Stewart, en account 60 00 June 15 "R. J. Morrison, wages and mileage . . . 27 00 J. G. Stewart, on account 80 00 N. H. Shepley, wages and mileage 20 70 L. B. Marshall, " 22 Jas. Chinnick, " 23 L.A.Pardo, " 18 10 J G Stewart, on account / 50 Aug Sep M M I « « 1 1 • 1 ti»»i«»«i»»"»i<t»"'»t'*''''' 50 40 00 00 80 OQ -1 h * liTov aO " SelectiuB Jury 7 00 gJMorriBon, •' 880, eo.E»rly, ♦ 3 80 " A weMori Salary 80 00 Dm 30 Jno Goulet, janitor f. 8 00 N H Shepley, wagM and mileage 16 10 LBMarshall, " 17 80 BJ Morrison, " 8100 JasChinniok, •« ... 18 20 I.APardo, ♦• laOO S.T. Harvej.Treasuxer ... MO 00 J. G. Stewart. Clerk, bafanoe 60 00 Dm so J. G. Stewart, Salary, fi'd of Health I 18 00 Dr. S. N.Young, M,H.O.,.. 1800 Totalpaid f 1022 40 MIfloellaneous Aooount, 1906. Jau 18 Paid Michael Doylr for cotton for curtaina FoUiOdr Booth 9 OSjO Thoa, Bennett, 3 cords wood ..'. 4 OO 31 Planet Printing Co., Ass't Rolls, &o 16 09 'Banner Printing Co-, general printing , 36 SIQ F»b 1 ry Milins, P K fees, uncovered, in full 1 6C 4 wHPardo,8r.,S L tax refunded 8 60 10 J G Stewart, reg bu ths, marriages and deaths 16 10 Jno Banks, S L tax refunded 6 80 , JnoFoxton, •« 4 00 Harvey Jenner, Collector, postage and advert' ilng. ... 2 69 15 Thos Niehols, rep Treas safe. . . .• \ . . . ' 7 00 Jaa Holmes, Stationery 2 40 Apl 1 Planet Printing Co., Blank for Treas 7 60 .30 Banner Printing Co , gen'l printing .,;... 18 78 Jas Stewart, share costs of Div Court 8 78 June 1 Joseph Randall, error in School Rate ref d 2 46 Planet Printing Co., general advertising ... 14 90 Banner Printing Co., Auditor's Rep S86 ; adv meetings and en v., $4 89 OO 15 Mrs A Irwin, S L tax refunded 2 00 J G Stewart, postage 10 88 R J Morrison, postage , 1 70 •« Committee work : .'. '6 00 NHShepley, •« 9 00 July 95 Wm Stokes, asst survey 2nd and .3rd cons road 6 J36 22 Riley Pardo, P K, uncollected fees 1 80 Ang 1 Banner Printing Co., Voters' List, &o . . : 61 96 W G McGeorge, aurvey 2 and 3 CQU road ........ 80 00 Jno Halwell, asst survey " 3 00 IP Ji A Pardo, Com fees W H Calhouse's S L 1 00 212 R Cooper, stationery 6 80 Sept 7 J G Stewart, postage .^ . . . . 7 44 John Robinson, surplus P K sales , .* 6 78 Oct 1 Ranner Printing Co, general pt'g . 18 37 6 Thos Brady, SL tax refunded. 6 00^ 31 Abram Huff, water trough East T. line 10 (K) Banner Printing Co., seneral printing 12 95 Nov. .30 W. R. Baxter, rep rubber stamp 1 25 Duncan Houston, S. L. tax refunded 3 00 T. G. Crowe, " " 6 46 N. H. Shepley, com. fee N. White's S. labor 1 00 Geo. Earlyi postage as assessor 6 01 Dpc 6 Planet Printing Co., general advertising 8 00 16 {8»a« •impsqn, wror j» taws refd. ...,...,,.,.,,,.,,,, ,,,,..,,,. 4 ^ Dm |«tt ifi Moh 9 Mfcyll Jon 1 15 Aug 10 Aept 7 Ofit « |f«4r30 J Dm 81 J 1806 Oot 5 1 70 "5 00 aoo 5 25 1 BO 61 95 SO 00 3 00 1 00 6 80 7 44 5 76 13 37 600^ 10 (M) 12 9S 1 25 300 6 45 .1 00 5 01 8 00 4eQ P«o 18 Waltar H»ll, oobcUbU Ami QttMB VI Film I 4 01 19 John Drnry, error iu whool u/ratuod .....^ ,., 8 M M U A. Pirdo, time w gnevttnee D. C. Clark 1 M - - ^ 00 00 M «< 14 Jii RhodM , . , , 2 LBMinhiU. " •• Jamei Rh«dei 9 J O Stewart, lehotol (toMtii . , 4 •• peat^tfe 4- B T Harvey, peitme 9 09 Rj Morriioii, eoihfeei.l6'RourkeSlab«>r 100 ai ROoeper, itnlieB^ry 7 75 TotaJpald ..tlSSQO 8he«p and Dogs Aooount, 18M^ JUk 18 itHh Ukf 11 Ion 1 15 JtityiO Aug lO 8ept 7 Oct ft K««rS0 I)m81 Paid Jno l)ean, 1 i^eep killed by dogs ..,«.,,«.. ...i Wellington Wallace, 1 •• Jai Borrv, 3 sheep killed, 1 injured ..,..«« Jai. Marriott, 1 •« S " Phtriok Kahalor, 1 sheep killed ..,,,... Herbert SuUivan, dog tax refunded , ,. , RiohaAl Allen, 6 sheep killed , JaiLittle, 1 •< ToMphRyan, 9^ " ..,,..,,,,.. Jno liongmore, nog tax refunded , «...««,,..... Jno Patterson, 2 lambs killed Jno Ruiror, 7 sheep killed, '. injured , . , < Jamei O'Neill, 1 iheep killed Tom Clavton, 8 sheep killed. Jos Webb, " ,tno Alkinsan, 1 *' Jno. CUrkson, costs dog prosecutors. >«•••••••• *:«t« • ••« «.•.« « •« •,•• • 9 « • • aviq* .888 900 10 00 800 9M 100 16 00 888 800 1 00 460 9. 00 lis 9 DO «^ 8M Total 1100 88 Spatial Sohool Rate Aooount, 1890. 1806 Qot S By amt. levied on S. S. «« , ♦• t( No. S. S. No. 3... 4... S... 7... 8... 10... 12... 13 . 14... 1 . 2.. 2J .. »..., 4.... " R. C. S. 8. Na <• R.U 4 ft 6. Chatham . <i Rates. Am't p'd Ttuataea. .,..2iS 887 80 ....10 710 19 ....2.5 806 74 ....1.6 386 52 ....1.3 400 36 ... 0.6 230 61 ...1.8 41183 ....1.3 364 68 ... 24 455 72 ...3.3 335 69 ...8.04 833 18 2. 68 20 . .2 87 237 88 ...194 26142 ...1.76 224 66 ...0.64 176 44 ...2.55 386 03 ...3.5 166 40 .. 2.8 262 12 ... .3. 306 51 ... 3.4 80 «7 Qili.Rat« 160 00 800 00 160 00 160 CO 150(0 160 00 150 00 160 00 160 00 160 00 160 60 3000 62 60 78 00 84 00 106 00 116 00 T«V*l nM" «ti?f6788 80 B8 DIU, Dm 16PftldjMGnhal7,8«eTrt»iSohoolRAU8BNo. 7 • SSe 01 SLlCrdo, •• " 10 411 tt ASShrMrt, «' «' 4 710 19 LADilloD, «« N06RCS 80601 HEdMurdock, «« Nc 4 Un 224 66 96 Uwrmo* WAddiok. «• NoCRCS 269 19 98 Altx Qonlet, '* S8N0O 230 61 81 Miltoo BMkua, ** '* 8 887 86 Thai Brown, " " 6 606 74 SFWhlte, •• " 8 40086 JnoChinDlok, " " 12 864 68 Q«oB8hrMr«, " " 18 466 79 OUrcDCtJeoMr, «' <' 14 886 60 JohnORuMeU, *< •* Un9 68 80 John Hunter, " . •• k| 287 88 Johnjohnaon, •• " 6 886 08 JNHalUday. " " 6 176 44 MiohMl 01«aMn, «' No4RC8 166 40 Truttaw Cbktham R 8 80 07 ToUl 1619420 Baluioe due Un 8 8 No* 1 Md 3 604 60 86788 80 Qranta to SohooUi Aoeount. 1806 Jm 1 By bftliAM Iron 1806 from old book ., | 406 00 Jnlj County troM goTemmMit grant 480 00 Pfa 14 llnnidpftl grant 480 00 Total...;:...;.......:.. 8147400 DR. Jan 26 Pkid Geo. B. Shreeve, Municipal Grant 8. S. No. 13 8 64 60 27 Edward Weill, » Un S S 6 18 80 28 Addie Maina .• .. 8 38 36 SO '.ydiaJenner * 1. 2} 18 20 JnoChinniok ,. 8 8 No 12 82 80 81 A 8 Shreevo u ' "4, two orders 46 45 Fab 8JCBkok .. .. 6 6176 Clarence Jenner n h 14 96 lOWmSparke ., USSNo. 3 17 16 20JaBGilhuly ., SSNo7 6170 JohnCRuMell .. U8SNd2 160 Mch 6 Jno A Campbell .. 8 8 No 10 30 25 18 Laurie Hamill n „ 8 82 80 Jean Murdoch .. USSNo 4 8 15 28 Arthur T Walker .. // 5 48 00 Apl 1 Flora CampbeU „ 8SN0O 26 86 AJahnke.Jr ' ,. U 8 8 No 1 6 80 July 8 John Hunter, Legislative Grant U 8 8 No 2^ 16 20 4GB8hreeve „ SSNo13 56 45 7A88hreeve n // 4, two orders......... 48 IS 8 JnoChinniok ., ,. 12 86 30 Aug 1 A Jahnkie .. U // 1 4 20 Edward Wells t. ,, 6 20 05 11 OR Tenner .. 8 S No 14 '. 14 60 27 8 F White ., „ 8 t& 60 39JNHaUiday „ U .. 6 89 70 Oot Apl 20 June 15 July 20 Aug 1 Out 1 6 81 Nov 30 Deo 1 15 19 ' wfS'"*' ' ■• 0i 8MM 4Utt 710 !• 808 61 224 M 289 IS 239 61 M7 M 806 74 400 SO 864 68 466 79 886 09 68 80 237 88 886 08 176 44 1A6 40 80 07 .69460 86788 80 1400 00 . 480 00 489 00 . IU74 00 64 60 18 80 88 86 18 20 82 80 46 46 61 76 06 17 16 61 70 1 60 80 26 82 80 8 18 48 00 , 26 36 680 . 16 20 . 50 46 . 48 15 . 8030 .420 . 90 05 . 14 60 . 8980 ,. 8970 Oet 1 ThM Brown 7 MiN B Fftttonon 11 Jtimie Ifardook 10 Wm Sparks Addie Maim 8 Flora OAmpbell 8 Jno A Campbell 97 J C RoiMlI L«giaIatiT«Qrmnt 8 8We6 ......| 40 II •I N 7 M 80 n U H 4 090 •• H 8 17 80 « S8N08 8880 If f. 9 9006 10 8040 U I 86 Total 8986 00 Balaoof 4 480 00 I 8 NO. 3 ACOOUHT, 1896 0147% 00 CR. Jaa 1 Bj balaoca from 1896 1989 01 Ool 1 Ami IttTiod to moat dab S89 01 Total 061809 DB. JomSO PldddabNe839 358 01' Balance 869 01 fi 610 08 V 8 8 KO 6 ACCOUNT, 1896. CR. an 1 Bybala&oefrom 1895 889 00 dt 6 Amt levied to meet deb Raleigh 888 49 ToUl 618 49 DR ApriiaO Paid deb No 384 '. 289 03 Balance 223 40 612 49 ROAD DITIBION NO 1, 1896. CR Jan 1 By balance from 1803 ! 160 80 Mob 23 Appro'n 800 00 8Mtuie labor tax 29 48 Deo 30 Raleigh and Chatham line to balance acote , 7 00 Total DR. Apl 20 Tune 15 July 20 Aug 1 Out 1 6 81 Nov 30 Deo 1 15 19 Paid Geo Hart, filling washout Chinnick creek bridge Richard Hill, repairing culvert, con 6 Oscar Noacic, repairing bridges line 7 and 8 and 18 and 19 Bideroad. . J &' J Oldersbaw, sewer pipe, 12 and 13 S rd , Geo Davison, culvert, con 0, 18 and 19 S rd . . . . II rep bridge, 12 & 13 S rd, con 6 . . Oscar Noaok m Line 8. D \V Grice n* road con 2 David Lague, culvert con 4 Warren Huff, rep bridges con 6 and con 3, ifi B Jno Fleming, culvert 1 9 and 20 S rd Joseph Payne, rep bridge con 3, B B . . Jai ComhUl, tile J Oldershaw, eewerpipe 898 79 1 00 800 18 00 8 10 25 37 11 00 17 00 800 800 1 60 . 500 471 ^ 000 6 76 800 •..^:- ♦ Sbt tt 0«e BitohoMk, rtp eol «oii 5 I *M M Tm Wood*, rep bridge uon 8 0S Gm> RoblntoD, r«p bridg* oon A 1 AO Jm Cbinnlok, Com'n (6m 9 88 II CkM 8t«phaiM. wire for River rm() per A H Whit* ISO TotU .Tl«« 19 Balanoe 227 60 1892 79 BOAD PIVniON HO. 2 AOeOIT5T, OB, U» J-BybftUBeefroml890 1298 46 IKh 91 AppropriAtioB 2U0 00 StatQte Labor Tm 68 28 Dec 28 Jbo O'Ronrlie, cutting thittlei 8 rd paid in old plank 1 80 •668 19 tM DB. «lan 31 Paid J ft J Oldenhaw, aewar pipe 12 and 18 aide road oon 8. I 8 08 J Piggott, plank and poatii aidewalk Fletcher 17 44 Feb 10 J E Steele, tep bridge line 2 and 8 100 'Api 6 ttiigb Black, rep bridg* River rd 12 and 13 aideroad. 1 00 80 EraatM Hitchcock, hauling manure filling waahout 12 and 13 aideroad 2 00 Chaa Phippa, acraping line 4 and 6 weat q and 7 aideroad A 00 June 1 John Deaa, haaling aewer pipe line 7 and A 100 G S Hodgae, planting wiHowa on river bank 4 87 E S Dyke, 'moving obatructiona on ro<Ml 60 Geo Boley, 300 pea willow to plant on river bank 1 60 10 FeQx Sbreevct rep bridge lot 8 line 4 and 1 00 Sol 2^bba, rep bridse 6 and 7 aideroad 00 VVm Wilaon. removing obatructiona Gov drain 1 00 80 W J Shreeve, filling culvert, laying aewer pipe line 5 and 6 lot 8 00 W J FIemiBg,rep bridse 18 and 13 a r 80,and filling waak't ar oon 5 99 14 00 Chaa MoFheraon, hauRnr and putting in culvert Front con. 12 8 00 Aug 1 J & J Oldershaw, aewer pipe 18 42 10 T £6loele, rep bridae line A and 8 lot 12 6 40 fiept I Geo Shreeve, r«p bridge and 7Srdcon0 600 7 Clarke R Pork, cleaning road of fallen tree 1 00 Oett 1 Sol Zebba, rep bridge and naila line 6 and 7 D rd 4 70 J ft J Olderahaw, aewer pipe per Allen ft StcM'art 14 90 J Piggott ft Sona, plank and posta 18 67 J L Piper, bridge 6 and 7 aideroad con 8 24 00 D R MoOarvin, S68 ft elm plank for bridgea * 60 .0 Isaac Green, rep bridge line 5 and 6 D rd 1 60 ^ JKTravia, rep bridge 81, J Webb rep bridge Drd 200 120 Felix Shreeve, removing obatructiona Dyke dr 2 00 Alex Coutts, rep two aorapera , 1 2 20 ))eO 1 Nicholaa Keama, grading 6 and 7 aideroad 2 06 Rrvlney Home, rep bridge line 6 and 7 Bell dr 8 00 3D R J Morriaou, com feea 11 67 31 Geo Stephens, sundries in 1802, 1893 and 1804. 38 John I'isgott ft Sona, posts and fencing line A and 8 R P dr 27 00 Wui. WMiren, bal c1(>aning and burning line 4 and 1 60 Iaa«c Hreen, rap bridge line 0«n4 6, DBd 100 D«MeGarvln,15J28ieet plank 14 68 B 2S4 83 ■Mm tt Mm O'ftWM^k*, attttiof tkistlM wkk old pl'k aa ored to Div abovo . . 1 SO 1286 18 INI19 Jan Moll May Jnna July Aug Sep Oct :^;av Do* 1806 Jan Mch ▲ngl May I June 1 ▲ng 1 2 2 2 Sept I Oct 2 3 Nov i i h 13 23 000 068 I AG 88 1 00 fl5 19 g7 00 I0S70 1608 10 I 284 08 1 SO tsso li 8S7 00 WAP DIVIUOH M. 9 AdOOVOT. Qi. J»m 1 By UlMM from 189ft I lOB 40 Moh 28 AppropiUtion tOO 00 SUiolM Labor tut 09 00 DR. 1974 40 May 11 JOIM 1 1 Jttlf 99 Aag Sap 10 1 Oct 6 10 KOT 14 80 Da* 18 80 Paid foaapK EUIi« rep brldga tndy d'aaad «■ 4 * 5 B rd. oon 11....9 10 00 Jiio TompkiBti rap aorapar 1 80 Orlanda Bcmtatt, Bciaping Caa^r r«»d 00 Wm Ryan, dltobiag and grading 40 roda 4ft8Srd, oonU WaUington Wallaoa, ditobiog And gmdlng 194 roda 4 ft 6 S rd oen 10 RobtMcKa^, rapbrldgaOat7Sid;aMiri J L Piper, ditching and grading 120 roda 12 ft 18 8 rd oon 11 joMph Ryan, i. 40.'oda, ''ftftflrd con 11 ft repbridge J L riper, oovei-ing bridge lota Oft 10, oon 14 %. r U Oilhaly, rep brid. <>, oon 19, lotlO Wm Qrabam, box oulv ft 7 S rd, <K>n 12 JaaGuy, rep bridge, eon 0, lot 8... Cbaa 0. Halley, ditobing and grading 20 roda, oon II, lot 1 Wellington Wallace, " 00 roda. eon ! 0, lot 4 Paul Thebo, " 18 roda. tn 13, lot 7 ft 8 ft rep br Hiram Uorria, ditching and grading l20 rr 12 ft 18 S rd, cob lU . . L B Marshall, Com fees 18 90 ■'1 10 40 , V '1 700 ■ 'H 000 ■1 900 400 , V 800 ■'r 900 Total . Balano<; 1806 ttOAD DIVISION 90 4 AOOOUVT .1120 00 . 84540 1874 40 OS. Jan 1 By balance from 1S05 » . .$ 49 28 Mch 23 Appropriation ' 800 00 Statute labor tax 84 82 ▲nglO TUHanrey, PM, N H Pardons 8 L tax div SO . 8 00 DR. tday 10 Pd J M Shepley, rep large scraper ;| June 10 Tboa Haeket, rep bridge 8imon dr line 10 futd 11 Thos Irving, brio/ 4 rod road con 12 Attg 4 John O'Phee, cov - i>r oridge line 1 1 and 12 lot 10 , 10 Geo Bump, burnitig utee and other rubbish 4 Rod rd 20 Herbert Sullivau, rep bridge line 18 and 14 lot 19 25 Thos Haokett, bridge line 10 and 11 lot 21 29 J M Shepley, .ep bridge line 10 and 11 lot 24 , Sept 12 Geo Pepper; rep bridRO •••••••, Oct 6 J M D' yl J, rep 2 bridges line 8 and 9 lots 20 and 21 Thos Hackett, rep 2 bridges, line 10 and 11, lot IS Newton White, rep bridge line 8 and 9 lot 25 Uwrence Doyle, " ,"..*!; ' 28 Thos Irving, " 10andlllot25 81 Andrew Broadbent, burning obat'ns Gov t dr , Not 8 Geo Graham, ditching line 18 and 14 lots IS and 18 6 Dan Broadbent, rep bridge line 12 and !S lot 20 14 Goo Graham, bal grading Uo« 13 and 14 lot 10 17 JohnBarks, repSbridgeaoonlO ••.•••••; 27 JGRuaa*U,repbridgelinal8an414lot25........ »Wm«haw, liMl8aadl98Tdaidi«plarfaaevap«r..,, • 987 10 • 888 .1100 15 00 8 75 160 19 00 800 000 525 550 50 50 400 too 20 00 too : IZ I 00 960 Nov Deo 6k 30 N is Robinion, one plank bridge line 9 uui 10 lot 23 ... $ 6 66 JasComhill, tile ^,.. ; I9 60 10 \Vm Davidaon, 2 ulank in 2 bridges lines 9 and 10 . . ' 1 00 15 /OS Sales, rep bridge Middle rd 2 00 . Jas Ross, ditching line 13 and 14 15 60 19 J & T Oldershaw, sewer pipe : . . 4 88 23 Jas Tye, rep bridge IS and 19 sideroad 1-60 28 Jno Houston, removing tree froth road .... 60 Oscar Home, plank in bridge line 8 and 9 50 29 TLPatdo, 112feet bridge plank 1 12 30 NHShsQley, Com. fees 40 Total "^imM Balance 120 66 t287 10 1896. , noAD wv. sro. 5 account. cb. ian 1 By balance from 1895 ;.^ f 5 40 lob 23 Appropriation 200 00 ' Statute Labor tax 40 85 Deo 31 Overdrawn 316 81 $672 08 'Apl 6 Paid las Heatherington to pay shoveling snow, Talbot rd f 30 00 Jnn 18 Jos Ryan, grading con IG S3 20 23 Wm. Calhoun, grading con 15 9 20 26 Jno Hamlet, tile culvert, .18 and 19 S rd, con 16 6 00 July 17 Tbos Clayton, scraping Ceptnr road 3 00 Aug 10 Wm Cox, rep. bridge, con 16 66 Sep 19 Thos Clayton, drawing tile 3 00 Oct 17 Jas Webb, cutting thistles, con 16 2 60 Thos Clayton, culv. Centre road. . . > , 2 60 29 Gardner Bros., 150 feet tile 6 00 30 GHPardo, bridge Talbocrd..., 460 00 Nov 30 Geo Gray, tile, culvert 12 and l4 ii^ rd 3 CO Dee 30 L A Pardo, Com. fees 33 16 1672 06 1896 RALEIGH AND TILBURT TOWN LINE ACCOUNT. OR Jan 1 By balance from 1895 | 29 3S Idch 23 Appropriation, north, $25 ; south, $2b .. 60 00 Dec 31 Overdrawn 15 27 194 60 US. Feb 29 Paid Sol. Zebbs, half for bridge, line 3 and 4 f 50 00 June 1 Thos Mason, scraping con 8 to Luke Shore 6 00 13 Sol Zebbs, filling in culv. Diverted Line 8 00 July 20 Jno Dent, plank, sideroad, Merlin 14 W Aug 1 Wm Hickey, half for scraping , «... 8 00 10 Robt Kains, rep bridge 180 Sep 25 .1 L Piper, ditching 47 rods, con 12 9 16 Oot 1 Warren Crackle, cutting weeds Diverted road .... 2 50 pee SO L B Marshall, Com. fees 174 H J Morrison, Com. fees 8 60 Total ,...| 9460 2d32( 50 00 16 27 194 60 60 00 6 00 8 00 uno 3 00 1 60 9 10 2 60 1 74 S 60 OiW 6S 1896. RiLLsiaa and Harwich town linb aocm>ukt. on. Mch 23 By apprbpriation I 100 00 DR. Jan 31 Paid Twp Harwich, to bal account south end f 7 82 June 1 Jamas Hogan, scraping line north 16 60 80 Alex Forbes, scraping line south 17 00 July 2l» The S Hadley Co. , plank and posts. Charing Cross sidewalk 16 20 Oct 19 Wm Somerfield, rep. bridge . 100 23 Thos Irving, rep bridce, south Charing Cross 6 00 Nov 13 Wm Davison, rep bridges ; 76 20 Albert Humphrey rep bridge, Howard drain 75 Pec 30 N H Shepley, Com. fees •... 3 43 167 46 Overdrawn in 1895 18 07 . Balance 14 48 '■'' ■''■ '''" ' ■ * ^— . $100 00 1896 RALEIOB k CHATHAM TOTVNLINB ACCOUKT. CR. Tan 1 By balance from 1895 960 84 Mch 23 Appropriation 25 00 Total isTii ■...:- ■ .. . DR. . . ^ May 11 Pd R D ?ayne, rep bridge ......* $ 8 00 Deo 30 N H She|,ley, com fees 90 iT90 To balance accts with Road Div Xo 1 7 00 Balance ;,... 69 94 *f $85 84 1896 LAKE BRIE <& DETROIT RIVER RT. ACO'T. CR, Jan 1 By balance from 1895 .$ 691 42 Oct 6 Amt levied 646 74 Total , $1337 16 DR. Feby 2b Paid deb No 6 $ 650 63 Oct 8 J G Stewart, com fees 3 20 Total paid 663 72 Balance 683 44 1337 16 1896. DITCHES AND WATERCOURSE ACCOUNT. CR. Jan 6 By amount levied on lands, including $6.16 interest I .$ 100 82 «• " roads 8 76 Total .T.$109 07 Deo 31 Overdrawn.... • • 15 9 3 $125 00 DR. Jan 18 Paid Matthew Dillon, to pay ass. survey, Dillon-Beggs ditch $ 2 26 J G Stewart, fees Dilloa-Beggs ditch 6 00 31 W G McGeorge, survey, &c., Dillon-Beggs ditch 13 00 Xnf ram Taylor, assisting Taylor ^i WiUiamson ditch < ^ • TJk 1 ■ ■■ - . . i K ;.""/' k" H JalyttJ attow«l»fMt.8iMAl«0b...,.^^^^ I 9' *' " .. Lo'wjrie ditch.., ................. .... 8 pO Oct 1^ MoOeorge, rarwy Mid Award Shea ditch IB <^ Id Jas CKii^loh, to ^i imm^ Shiaiditoh 12 00 B S SI W G M6Gibiit6, Mair^y lo#ri6 ditoh 15 00 1 J G Stewiurt, I«6i, XA>Wri« diloh Ill 00 "TTT" YotalTHfld. ........t tf «D Ovwihrairai ttiui (89S. . ... ...... . 4ft VO 189« TILB Miitkti AtC(#K^. fill •00 6it. I By halance from 1805.... I SS 74 5 i^oimt levied o» landa.. 103 04 •■m.' ■ TDK. Siiu ll ?d registrar Kent reg by-law 9 140 June 1 1st coupon Mb NM 10 #13 11 14 98 1 «• 12. 7 S6 6 TG Stewart, eeaileee ......:....... 8 40 IMb 81 2 eoupons deb Noa S and : 14 7'2 TUta 93 18 Balance ;.; .... 43 60 ii V * W78 1896 PIKB O&^NAGX WOBKO A(te't. CK. tm 1 By balance from 189-^ 170 44 «)^ 6 Amt levied on landa No 1 . . . . .....................;. 1607 52 iire2repaira 205 81 IfoS " 146 06 ToUl T 8219 83 Setit 1 PddebNeSOS.. 205 80 IStt^ 7 " 188 and 2 coupons $85.77, $00.22, and 60 ot» 1606 28 Oct 5 J G Stewart, com fees No 1 $8.04, No 2 $1.48. No 3 73 ots 10 2S Dee 1 Deb No 528 U6 24 15 Wm Stoke>, ass't survey 6 00 IttESDvke, •• ....: 8 00 81 W G McQeerge, survey and ass't (Holwell) 80 60 Total $2162 01 Balance 67 82 $2219 83 1896 TOLL AND CENTRE ROAD ORAIM ACCOUNT. CR. tib 1 By balance frmn 1805 $365 20 DR. I9i^ 1 Paid Debenture Ntt. 463 $365 20 II 11 t«96. PIKB PUMP ACCOUNT. CR Obt i By amount levied on lands $ 202 00 ** "• Extentiott ,;.. tS 00 '' •• Bfadd Extentitqi 8 16 Feb Apl June It msw F«b DR. Moh Apl 81 PWd K Atkinion, insurance Pamp house, &o , , | 4 Wm Stokes time and supplies 29 Wm Stokes, work ...!....!!'.!.!,,.,*.. i . Charles Crow, Com. fees .....!... ..'.''.! 9 Wm Stokes, 22 days work, $27.50 ; extra help, $3.75 '. . '. . . ". '. '. '. '.'.'. '. . 20 " 20 days work and assistance 80 " timeandhelp ',,',, Chas Crow, for Wm Trudell, fixing wheel .'.'..... " Lumber and rep sill, floodgate ! . ! ! i . .. , _ " 19f cords wood, paid Labuto and Bourdeau .*. May 11 Wm Stokes, 14 days work ', June 1 Morton ft Adam, supplies '...','..■'.. 15 Wm Stokes, work and supplies !,.....,..*,..... 30 MoKeough ft Trotter, supplies ' July 20 Wm Stokes, 6 days work ; Aug 10 •' * 3 •• .....'. Sept 7 " 6 . «' '.!'...*.'.!!!.*,",*.'."'.'. .'.".iii Oct 5 J G Stewart, Com. fees 82 92 ; Extension, 98o , . , . '.''.'., . '. . " *. ' '. Not 30 Wm Stokei, work Pw 80 " 8day« ".,.,;;; SO 06 20 )3 18 75 15 00 31 25 28 00 42 oa 4 "« 7 00 32 00 17 50 SO 89 8 25 4 00 6 25 3 75 7 flO 8 85 8 75 8fi0 Totalpaid ...$323 00 Overdrawn 1896 44 98 Balance , 25 18 1896 RALBIOH PLAINS PRAIN ACCOUNT. .8308 IQ CB. Jan 1 By balance from 1895 $4803)6 80 Oct 5 Amt levied on lands , 3360 38 •• roads 640 05 Apl 16 Tp Tilbury East, assessment in full 1120 00 July 25 Tp Harwich, per Wilson, Rankin & Co. , on assm't 2449 55 $55607 68 DR. Jan 18 Paid Morgan Mills for strip of land, 1.29, ao for drain $ 71 00 Geo Black delivering sewerpipe , . . .' 6 00 31 Registrar Kent, reg Debs ; 4 65 Chatham Loan and Savings Co., right way lot w hf 10, uon 17 110 60 Glenn Bros., sewerpipe 93 50 Alex Longmore, drawing dlwerpipe 10 00 Geo and Mrs Geo Shreeves, 83/100, ao land to widen drain 41 50 6 T Martin, man'gr Chatham Dredging Co , on contract 5000 00 Feb 29 " " " " • IBOOOO G B Moore. 1 23/25, ac. land se hf lot 8, to widen drain 100 00 10 J G Stewart, services 5 00 Apl I Wilson, Rankin ft Co., 5 2/5 ac. lot 11, con 5, to widen drain ' 324 00 80 S T Martin, m'gr 0. D. Co., on contract 4000 00 , W G McGkorge, work re bridges, &c 65 00 " relevelling 6 30 Registrar Kent, reg 3 Deeds, right of way 4 60 Wilson. Rankin ft Co 8 00 'June 16 N H Sheplev, hf day in Chatham re Dn 1 86 L B Marshall, time Com work 1 75 J G Stewart, 1 day in Chatham 2 60 L A Pardo, half day in Chatham 1 60 James Chinnick, half day in Chatham re bridge tenders 1 00 30 Chatham Dredging Co. , on contract 6000 00 Ag'l Saving's and ItOtktx Co., 1,66 ac land re C Phipps and wife 92 00 '^'SP Vr^^ "I T " 5lSt!5«?fS&<4SiS " lug 8<K 06 1 Sol Zebbii,^rt on_bridge, line ft Mi^ 7 1 ' ^.^.•:^ t> »< Qov W»T. HamU^n Bridge Co , pavi «« & bfMcfl > . N E Gibb, oon tractor, paprt on 5 briagei. . S "i Martin, mgr C D Co on opntraot Sol Zebbs, bal on bridge line 6 and 7 .lames Pool, putting in eewir pipe Bell dr Deb No 531 y |r H SheE|ley, pn of>m fee*. ^, V jOfliomsoDi 11 •*••>••■• ••• •«•••,■»••*•••• ••••••••,4 • .• " ..nies Rhodes, dw'g tile oon 8 .,....^. 1 John Pisgott k Sons, p^ts Mid lumber foe njfp, \a Him, bridges J ft J Oldershaw, sewer pipe , 8am Hoyles, laying pipe mouth Bell d; James Pool, " Crow dr Alex Longmore, hauling tile Irwin dv '. . . Eraetus Hitohoock " mouth old B P dr *' land for bridge rfoutb end lot 11 con 6.* N E Gibb, part pay on iron brieves, ii orders Hamilton bridge Co., on oontraot iron bridgei Jm Fleming, 15 days grading at bridges 2 orders ST Martin, on contract dredj^ng^ ....\ Registrar Kent, reg debs Feus Shreeve, hauling and laying se^er pipe Crow dr James Fleming, grading ap]^ ft iriuBi bridMi • Hamiltpn BriqgeCo^ on opntraot iroj|[ l^i^^lge . 91 S 3 G Stewart, com fees. M Geo Graham, inlet at 6 and 7 S rd and Bell dr fJasComhill, tile...... cr. •.<••■.•• •% Angus Smith, en exambin^ drain Jas Fleming, grading at bridges 8 *£ Martin, cu contract dredgiag 80 N H Shenley, com fees 81 Geo Stephens ft Co, wire nails and snikes N E Gibb, part on contract iron briaea 8 T Martin, pt on contract dredging Jno Soutar, land to widen drain Angus Smith, inspecting B J Morrison, Com fees J a« Pool, cutting embankment B P Do, for Gov No S da Balance 15 00 3«0 00 0000 00 12 M 4 00 4000^48 25 00 25 00 1 50 12 03 tIB 10 4 00 500 300 I 50 98 50 50000 2300 00 4500 40Q000 1 TO 2 00 87 50 60000 16 80 12 00 , 420 10 00 111 00 , SOOQiOO 55 50 5 78 eoooo . 9000 OO . 1?T 00 8i 00 . 01 00 140006 53 .. 5611 15 $65607 68 BURNS PBJlIS AGOT. CR. O^t Ji^ F^b July 1 By balance from 1805 .8352 20 Int. on $256.47 surplus, 14 mo., 3 per cent 8 5 Amount levied on umds.. 104 67 07 10 roads 42 30 Total ....$608 08 DR. 18 Pd S J Toll, refund $ 38 50 Taylor ft Williamson, refund 45 51 Wheeler DcClute, ., , 68 88 Thos Moore, n 27 88 31 J Bums, f : . . 86 50 1 Sidney Hughson, work M*o 0, 1805 3 75 27 DMakey. • «•• 18 00 7 E J Toll, rep drain 16 $0 ^w^ 06t 04« Jan Ott < Deo 8 Fib ii Get s Dee 31 1896 Dec 31 May 11 Jdne Aag I 8«p 7 '^ct Oct J Nov 8v Deo SO «1 189 as 281 f A Om> 31 C Feb 10 F 20 V .*,* 15 Ob t9ftOO )00 00 12 80 4 00 006^48 26 00 36 00 1 60 12 92 ^10 4 00 600 SOO 160 92 f^ 600 00 2300 00 46 00 4000 00 170 200 37 60 600 00 16 80 12 00 4 80 10 00 lUOO 60oaoo 66 so 6 78 20000 gooo 00 1?7 00 I 3i 00 »! 00 1 800 •^80063 .. 5611 16 966607.68 GR. $352 57 807 ; 1«4.19 42 30 $698 03 ..$36 60 45 61 •; §88 .. 2788 .. 3650 ,.. 3 76 ... 18 00 ,,... 1650 t) VUm Butter, work See 2, 1896 k^ UDaTidTolU " 9, " 4 OO OM» 6 J G Stewart, Com feet 91 DM 1 Deb. No. 604 286 49 30 L A Pardo, Ck>m. fees .;.. , 100 Totalpaid ...."FiwM Befnnded to Roads 16 T8 Balance ..;;.. ».;{ 67 88 9698 08 OOULBT DRAIN ACCOUNT. tiB. 1896 Tao 1 By balance from 1895 *......,.. $ 46 79 ttet 6 Amt levied on lands 463^20 Dm 81 Amt not refunded to non-R. Land, 1896 ,... 84 80 Total '. 954879 ' . DR. Fib lOPdDAClark.refand.... $ 7 60 JSHnghson, •• 17 40 Oet 6 J G Stewart, Com. fees 2 32 DM il J W White, refund by order Jno Williams 34 80 Deb. No 496 tf .S 20 , - Totalpaid «6 22 Balance 18 57 r 543 70 OR. 1896 DM CHlKmCK DRAIN ACCOUNT. 81 By Overdrawn 9l57'30 DR. I^i^ .11 Paid J Q Stewart, serving By-law and Appeals 9 37 50 Jas Chinnick to pay assisting survey 12 00 Jtine i W 6 MoQeorge, survey ,. 41 80 Ang 1 Banner Printing Co. , printing notices of appeaji 1 60 8«SP 7 J <* Stewart, postage 2 40 " Appeals to Judge 3 00 Oct 1 W McGeorge Nov 8v J G Stewart, attending adjonrned appeal to Judge. Deo 80 j Chinnick aih. adj. ap. to Judge and wit. re Weir's appeal to Judge. * 7 31 A Bell, hearing Weirs appecl 21 W G McGeorge, inspecting , 5 00 00 80 40 2 50 9137 80 Overdrawn in 1895 20 00 1896. MUD AND INDIAN CREEK DRAIN ACCOUNi". $167 80 OR. Sep 28 By pro Deb. Nos 451 to 455| including f64 premium 91^97 09 0^ • Amt levied on lands 287 63 «« roads 22163 Dec 31 Overdrawn, 171 ft 91977 37 ilil DR. Feb 10 Pd JG Stewart, services .... 9 2 60 29 W G McGeorge, bal survey 77 00 M«li 9 JO Stewart, ••rvingeflpiMjMpert«,»o., and BetvioM.. 10 99 .'rm( il \i \ tl %^' ^i^m Apl 80 Jua 15 27 Atig 1 Sep 1 -■:C ::^ Oct 1 J7 H^'P" p^' m t 31 Noir 14 28 te;- Baisaer Printing Co., printing By-law . . . < V7i:3on, Rankin &, Co., ootts for servioM N H Sliepley, hf day in Chatham L B Marnhal], time, Committee work L A Farlo, half day in Chatham J Stewart, att'g appeal to Judge ,..,... / 2eU, hearing appeal ............ V\ Q MoGeorge, att'g appeal « , . ,......,.. P .o MoKellar, reg %-law , i. » ; j W White, witnetia fees in appei < J Stewart, Boncbj, &o J L Piper, bri. Ige Boiiner Printing (Jo., adv. .uile Jas Poc]> work Inciian Cre'ik J... Jerry F trby, wt rk Mud and iudian Creek W >} lI.iGeorge, r-^s taking and aas lidian Creek . Jfcify Farby, work Sec. b, Indi».^ Ceoek, 2ordp.« • - C, I , M'..d Creek Brau . '; ,. ■. . 6, Indisvu CretSi, 2 orvlon*. 7, 8, " 1 " 6, " 1 " I f/« • • • >••• *••» • MCB • • • ■ • r 30 D(Bc r 15 ' 26 30 31 /as. Siuin Jea Pool, " Louis LaFrancis " James .Simmons ' Jnc Crouchmau " Jpf I? Farby " .Jas Pool " J G Stewart, com fees 'John Simington, 2 bridges lot 16 and lot 2 con 2 W D Sheldon, bridge centre part lot 2 Jerry Farby, sec 4 $35, sec 8^15 Indian Creek 2 orders. . . . Jas Summers, seo 6 and extra '.<n sec 8 Indian Creek 2 orders Jas Pool, " 5 •• Jno Crouchman, 7 << ■ 2 ordeie Jas Summers, 6 " Jas Pool, " 6 •« .Louis LaFrancis, Mud Creek branch Neil McGeachy, work section 9 Indian Creek " bridge on lane . .'. Plmct Printing Co., advt Jerry Farby, sec 4 Indian Creek 2 orders Jas Pool, Alex Findlay, * Jat Summers, Alex Findley, Jerry Farby, Jas Summers, Alex Findlay, R J Morrison, com fees JasCinnick, " John Longraore, bridge part lot 17 Chatam Neil MoGeachy, work sec 9 5 2 3 2 4 3 2 1896 Total paid Overdrawn from 1805 BIMOK DBAIN AOO'V. • •»*«**• ■»••••••• 258 06 40 47 1 26 4 26 1 60 800 7 40 600 200 11 60 SOO 18 6Q 2 41> 16 00 80 00 8 UO 70 00 2600 16 00 . 77 00 6600 . 110 00 20 00 16 00 8 62 . 6000 26 00 50 00 16 00 . 2000 63 00 60 00 4000 10 00 5000 20 00 . S 02 80 00 . 60 00 . 15 00 2600 16 00 6000 .60 00 26 00 12 00 10 00 25 00 20 00 .11705 37 . 27^ 60 11077 87 i Dec 31 Overdrawtt ........,, , ,.^ i , . 35 00 DR. Dm .31 Pd thos Wallace, part pay on ditching 3 seotions ...*...... .| 66 dO m Oct Dm Jan .11705 37 27^ BO $1977 87 35 00 .1 35 00 1896 (GIOVB&NMINT NO. 2, DBAIIT ACOOVllt. <au Sep 28 By pro. Deb. Noi. 406 to 470, inolading 9.356 premiuui 97106 49 Oct 5 Amt levied oo lands 490 79 " roede 188 16 $7787 U OR. jMi 81 Pftld W Q MoQeorge, part survey $ 60 00 Feb 20 " balanee survey 60 00 Apl 80 Banner Printing Co., printing By-law 190 86 i G Stewart, services ." 8 76 Oet 81 Banner Printing Co., adv. sales 4 20 W MoOeorge, survey, land to widen road 16 00 Sol Zebbs, asst'g •• " 8 00 Registrar Kent, reg Deed 2 00 » 5 J Q Stewart, Com fees 89 41 Nov 30 " makingBonds 2 00 Deo 1 Horace Black, strip land to widen road 44 00 Planet Printing Co., advertising 8 00 90 R J Morrison, Com fees 16 00 31 Sol Zebbs, land pt lot 7, con 6, to widen dr 40 00 J W White, land, pt se half 8, eon 6, to widen dr * 70 00 A B Patterson, land, pt west side lot 7, con 6, to widen dr . . 96 00 , Totalpaid $636 71 Overdrawn 1895 i 412 76 oalance •^.•.... •■...•.••. fiOB7 Vo $77W"44 1896. ' HINTON DRAIN ACCOUNT. * CR Deo 31 By overdrawn $ 85 99 DR. Sep 7 Paid N H Shepley, to pay assisting survey $ 7 26 Higgins and Hihton dn. overdrawn 1805 28 74 $35 99 1896 }!* Oot SIMPSON DRAIN ACCOUNT. 1 By balance from 1805 $ 43 68 6 Amt levied od lands ^ 914 88 " roads 268 84 Total ' $121735 DR. Ool 6 Pd J G Stewart, oem fees $ 4 57 Dm I DebNo875, 1178 67 - Totalpaid $117$ 94 Balaaoe 89 11 18»6 Jan " I By {fealanoe from 1895. BRU8A DRAIN AOC'T' $1217 86 OR. $ 9 89 ^' .^ 'i'^l^i^^ S*», 6ot 6 Amt UTiea on lMi4i iol# " " roads 40 Total ..$11142 Otit 6 M J O Stewart, com fM8 06 Dte I i»bNo468 110 87 Total paid.. ....(>...<..<....• Ill «i lM6 MittAti DRAIH AOCi't. ■ ' oh. Till 1 Bjr MUaioe tMm 1895 i J 89 Oti 6 AiHt loyied on laiidg » « ■ 198 46 . ;. Total.... » .f 199 80 DR. Obt 6 itaid J G Stewart, com feet .^ ^ Dm 1 DebNo46S Ji98 69 Totalpaid §199 68 Ref tinaed to roada 17 * I 199 85 I4M OKEOHAN DRAIN ACOObiiT. i CR. Jan^ 1 fiy balance from 1895 100 (m • Amt levied on lands.......... 146 74 * ■ Total ..:. $147 74 DR. Oct 5 l*aid J Stewart, com fees 73 Balance (debs not in) ....; 147 01 147 74 1896 COUTTS DRAIN AOC'T Jib 1 By balance team 1895 I 22 48 C»«t 5 Amt levied on lands 46 29 Total I 68 77 DR. Ott 5 Paid J O Stewart, com fees 23 Balance (deb not in) 68 04 r 68^77 1896 ROBBiNr: drain account. or. Jan 1 By balance from 1895 #....$ 6 82 Oct 6 Amount levied on lands 115 94 Total..... .$181 76 DR. OH $1'aJ69MW*«t,CoM.fees $ 58 Babhoe(I>sb.nOt ifi)..... 121 18 ,) $12176 1896 VAtL DiiAfN Aoeomtt. OB. - 0^ 6 B^ aittoiml( levied on Iands>.k.... >.«.... ,......•.•■.»>; .....f-f ...:.. $ 176 1$^ 4 Deo 77 82 04 W 58 18 n ^1 n • OR, 0«( fi P»ldJ Stewart. Com. feet '. '.,... 88 Bftlanoe (Deb. not in) 177 98 1896. FERGUSON BXTBNSIOM DBAIN ACCOVIiT. OR, SIB I By UUnoe from 1895 . I 146 89 ot 5 Am't levied on laodt 0188 Totel ., .....fSCttSl DB. 0«tv ~ 6 Paid T G Stewart, Com. feea 8 81 Balance (OonpoM not in) 207 90 8 208 21 1896. WBBB DRAIN ACCOUNT. OR. Jan 1 By balance from 1896.... 8 4 89 Oct 5 Amount levied on landt , 67 88 Total 7248 Odt 6 Paid J G Stewart, Com. feea 84 1^;^; Balance (Deb. not in) 72 11 879 40 1896 BACEU8 DRAIN AOOOUNT. OB, jMi 1 By balance from 1895 8 84 26 Oct 5 Amount levied on lends 146 08 Total 8 280 29 DR. Oot 5 Pd J G Stewart, Com. feea 78 Deo 81 Deb. No 527 147 68 Total paid 8148 88 Balance 8191 . 8230 89 1896. GROW DRAIN ACCOUNT. OB. Ten 1 By Ulanoe from 1895 8107 87 DR. Deo 1 Pfcid Deb. No. 458 f 107 87 1896 GOYBRNMENT DRAIN NO. 1 ACCOUNT. Die 31 By overdrawn 8 823 17 DR. Dee 31 Pd W G McQeorge, survey and asat 12.25 .92 00 Jno Rhodea, asst 8 7S Adolph fiawkina " 2 25 TasCrRourke, " S 00 15 Key Shannon, " :8 75 Totalpaid 8 »04 75 Overdrawn from 1895...... , 718 42 1888 17 5 '■:- J - - ^ l-'-L It IgOA ' nWIir DBAIH JLOOOUHT. * . 86 00 Dm 81 Ovtrdnkwn °*' s OD D»« 81 P*id B 8 Dyke, Mtf g •urv.y * JJ 80Q«oHoro, " 4 oq 00 81 W O Mcp«orf«, romy, etc " i S 00 AlMtpaotof OoUMtor^a RoU. 1888. ToUl Mount of ooUectort rolHor 18M I 80068 68 Tmm coUocted ud entered in reoeipte wot 1805 . . . . . • • IJJJJ «[ Anount Itruck off by oonnoU 16.26, etatue kbor wfiiidid fjo/w . . 84 7J ASSSuncolleotfdwdret«raed*toCiVrw.'.'. 8 8^^ .•«» f / i V 8UkMBI«llt Of B«1«BQ«« 73 and Amounts OvordrawB Doe. ai.'ee I s 18 IS D«o 81 SpMial flohool lUtei Woot.$ 004 00 Oimnto to School* 489 00 SSNo 3 D 269 01 U SB No 6 D 223 40 Rokd Diy. No 1 227 60 " " 2 327 06 " •• 3 248 40 " " 4 120 66 Rftleigh Mtd Harwich T L 14 48 lUloigfa and Chatham T L 69 94 L B ft D R Ry D 683 44 Tile drainage D 43 60 Pike Drainage Works . D 67 82 nke Pump 26 18 Raleigh Plains Dr D 6611 16 Ooulet 18 57 Bums 67 08 j Gov't No. 2 drain D 6687 98 X Simpson " 39 11 ^ Deeohan " D 147 01 Coutts " ...D 68 54 Robbins " I) 121 18 .,, Vail '• D 177 93 Fergiwu Ex " D 207 90 Webb «• D 72 11 Backus " 81 91 Ball " .40 91 Dalrymple " 13 5S Howard " 22 35 Larabee " 3 61 MaGuigan '< 90 Tilbnry Gov " 58 44 Rite " 93 Simmons " 26 10 BelU " 24 R P Outlet •• 20 81 Flook " 116 65 Moodie " 18 29 Pike ext '* 1 18 $18996 50 AmouMt OvsnlvAWB. RoaddivNo6 ..........< $. 816 81 Raleigh and Tilbury T line .... 16 27 Ditehes and Watorooursea 16 98 M&iICkdr 171 62 Hinton dr 36 99 Chinniok dr 167 30 Simondr 86 00 Gov't dr 9I 03 GovtNoldr 823 17 Irwin dr. 26 00 Cftrterdr 13 62 Kersey dr 6 16 Waddick dr 1 08 Snell dr 10 Gregory dr 693 42 Cooper dr 66 Bavin dr 4 38 Sandison Brush 1 26 8 2408 68 Twp account overdrawn . . . Bal in bank and treas hands . .. 6294 13 .. 9292 88 816995 59 R«Mni; 74 and UAblUUMi b* '^. aist, 1806. BUOOBOH. D«o 81 IUImim oMh in bank and TreM hftoda Aoo«untii overdrawn M shown .. Unoolleottd taxea resident roll " non resident roll Taxes arreas Co treas Township real estate . . . . of DoTer, portion to meet deb US8 No 6 of Uarwioh, assn't M ft I Ok dr Chatham City " •• Blenheim town " *' Tp TUbury East assm't Govt No2dr Drainage assm't to meet debs School Mo •• •• Railway •' •• Tile drainage " " Tilbury Gov aasmt to meet payments 0293 88 M08 08 16777 07 277 66 01 01 1000 00 720 24 lfil9 82 700 54 16 07 1211 74 71302 98 2550 63 8976 16 1328 18 536 60 ToUl $117783 86 LIABILITIES. Appropriations as per statement balances $ 16096 60 Salary of collector 120 00 Drainage indebtedness ^ 71352 08 Sehool section " 2660 63 Railway " 8076 16 Tile drainage " i . 1328 18 Other municipalities to be credited M ft I Ok dr 2242 33 GovNoldr 121174 Tilbury GU>Tt indebtedness includinr interest 536 50 ToUl liabilities 105322 11 Net Twp resources 12461 75 < $117783 86 IX W^mr^T^ ♦. v 88 68 07 66 91 00 24 82 54 I 97 , 74 I 98 ) 63 } 16 i 18 5 50 » 86 16 69 » 00 i2 98 i9 63 rO 16 28 18 12 33 11 74 36 50 Deo ^ \ .76 l>«b«itui.. Ind#bUdi,.«, D.O. at.t 1806. 81 niw Dr»iB.ge worka No 1 ^**' "' '^^ i>^jm»n% Vrinciv^l :; •• 2 JSE • JWflSl „, " •• 8 !** 888940 SimMon dr »898 27193 V^lfdr 1899 319624 FwBUion Ex dr. '^W 382 41 Robjin, »ad Coutti dr ■.;. 12®Z 267 66 Webb drain ... 1897 301 83 Deeohan dr . '807 136 68 Gouletdr 1898 399 18 Burin dr.... ,....1898 860 80 Bftokai dr.... '913 2666 26 R»leigh PlftiM dr .1899 402 99 Mud and Indian Ok dr f®**^ *0878 60 Gov dr No 2... »901 1243 09 1911 6762 56 • 1906 1854 29 L E 4 D Ry indebt«ine8« . . ««on isMSols 8920 8076 16 Interei ' f 90 91 910 82 90 55 324 77 25 15 28 76 28 73 9 49 40 62 165 60 1354 07 40 86 25629 57 192 51 2678 69 $31532 60 71 69 546 76 I 618 45 6636 32 i : H ,.rt 22 11 r61 75 r83 86 Hi 76 No of Deb 1. 2 3,4,6 6 7 8,9 10 11 12 13, 14 Ami Borr'd 200 300 100 100 200 100 100 100 200 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Tile Dpalnaflre Debenture Indebtedneae 1886 Amt duo each Xmoo. Albert Williams Gteo W Brown . , Fred Williams. Jessie Williams. . <i <i * J J Payne Albert Williams. RD Payne Alex Groulet .... Desoription of Property w4-61ot 1 Front range w hf lot 10 •' E 1-5 lot 7 ehflot II ehflot 11 whf nhf22EBL 3. 'T74-6lot 7 Front range e hf n hf 232 EBL 3 ehf llot54 Talbot rd Total ' When due. Sept 1895 to 1914 Dec 2g May81890tol915 May 2H " .luly 8 Not 11 year 14 72 22 08 7 7 14 36 36 72 36 36 36 14 72 Princi- pal. 8186 28 279 42 93 14 93^14 186 28 96 64 96 64 96 64 200 00 Inter- est. $78 68 118 02 39 34 39 34 78 68 43 20 43 20 43 20 94 40 1328 18 578 06 We have examined the foregoing acoounts with the vouchers and find them correct. Raleigh, Jan. 28th. 1897. J. N.HALLTDAYl . ,.. ^ A. E. ROBINSON f^"**"""- } ^■t&W ppi^iir'""'"-'»r'TT' Inter- est. $78 68 118 02 39 34 39 34 78 68 43 20 43 2D 43 20 I 94 40 1578 06 correct. )ors.