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 Hospital for. Sick CfiiLDREU, 
 St ■ ■. V 
 A Letter to the Well Children of Canada, who helped 
 to make Christmas a happy time for their 
 little Sick Friends 
 ♦ ♦ 
 » ♦ »- 
 TDRDNTD, Xmas, 1687. 
 ** Twas the night before Christ- 
 mas " — no ! 'twas the day before Christmas, and the 
 door-bell had gone mad ; usually a well-behaved bell, 
 seldom ringing in the morning, while the nurses were busy 
 with their little folks, or the maids with their work, but 
 this day it considered no one, but kept on ringing hardly 
 allowing time for the maid to reach the first room, where 
 there was a table, and empty her arms of the parcels handed 
 in at the door^ 
 What made all this commotion i It was the loving hearts 
 of the well children of our city, and all over the Province, 
 sending their gifts to-the little sick ones, who are unable to 
 <yo out themselves or even see a toy save that sent into them. 
 Gift after gift came pouring in from so many kind hearts 
 till our matron's sitting-room looked like a very disorderly 
 toy shop, v/ith a large department devoted to fruit and con- 
It was one woman's work, and she kept very busy, to open 
 the door and take in the parcels, some coming long distances 
 by expresSj that our little folks might have them by Christ- 
 mas day. One package came all the way from Bermuda. 
 One of our nurses, who was *' off duty " (invalided), sat at a 
 desk and had her hands and head quite occu})ied making 
 entries of all that came, and as far as practical, dropping 
 notes of thanks to the kind donors. 
 Parents came with little gifts " from home " to be put in 
 the stockings; something for "under their pillows," and as 
 each requested, so we did, on the foot of each little cot, 
 "nurse" tied a borrowed stocking, no child considering its 
 own large enough for Santa Glaus to fill. The next day, 
 Monday, the same lady who for the past few years had 
 given the Christmas dinner, sent it as usual, and for sick 
 children, it was astonishing what an amount disappeared. 
 But the day of all da\s in the Children's Hospital is 
 held this year on Thursday, the 29th. The tree was planted 
 in the girls' ward, first because it was the largest, and second, 
 because the boys were in a better state to be moved tu ^n 
 than the girls to be moved up. While we were decorating 
 it the little folks would stretch their necks and exclaim, as 
 a doll of larger size than usual or more gorgeously apparelled 
 appeared from the huge basket on the floor and try in vain 
 to catch a glimpse of tha name attached to the slip. We 

 hung pretty fairy dolls on the tops and tips of branches, 
 oranges prettily decorated with gay ribbons on heavier 
 boughs, strapped dollies to the main stem, put marble bags 
 and candy boxes in eveiy available spot, nearly overbalanced 
 ourselves in trying to tie flags on the top that seemed " so 
 near and yet so far," placed the larger boxes of toys around 
 the base of the tree, and finally hung a tin toy horse, or 
 elephant, marked for the doctors, and dishes and dolls for 
 the ladies of the committee, should any be present. 
 At a quarter to three the boys came down, most of them 
 being able to walk with the aid of crutches. Their eyes 
 grew very large, as they were allowed to walk round and 
 round the tree, but not to touch or look at any of the names 
 on the things. 
 At three sharp all joined in singing, *' Hark! The Herald 
 Angels Sing." At the last line of the last verse sleigh bells 
 were heard in the distance coming nearer and nearer, and as 
 the last notes died away (which they did very suddenly), old 
 Santa Claus himself came rushing in. He greeted the child- 
 ren all round, said he could not go to every house on Christ- 
 mas Day, so had to have *'Their Tree*' on Thursday, 29th, and 
 was in a great hurry to get oflT to other trees for {Sunday 
 School children, so all must pa^ attention and answei* to 
 their names when called. 
 Miss Cody, our matron, and the writer began at once to cut 
 down and hand to old Santa, who in turn handed to each 
child. At first there was a slight fear over them at coming 
 so near so I'evered a personage, and all dressed in fur, but as 
 he could call them by name and ask after their various ills ' 
 with a tender sympathy, they soon began to feel more at 
 home with the funny old man. 
 Round and round he ran, first with dolls for the girls, 
 tlien hoi'ses and reins, with bells attached for the boys, then 
 candies all round. Next came books and boxes of larorer and 
 more expensive toys and games. Every child had all he or 
 she could manage to hold with the assistance of laps as well 
 as both hands. The children enjoyed it exceedingly when 
 Santa Claus called out Miss Buchan, the treasurer, and 
 gave her a doll about three inches long. Next, Mrs. Donald, 
 the secretary, and presented her with a set of tiny dishes ; 
 but the fun reached its climax when he took a wooden * 
 dancing doll from the tree and read off my name. He 
 stoutly maintained there was no such name on the Hospital 
 books among the patients, that it was a hospital for sick / 
 children and there could not be a Mrs. in it. I was on the 
 top of the ladder at the time and dozens of little fingers were 
 pointed at me, crying out: "There she is, Santa Claus! 
 there she is ! " After searching every cot, he found me at 
 last and looking me carefully over, told me he thought I was 
 well enough to be ciismissed, therefore he would not provide ^ 
 for me next Christmas. 
 After all was over, and Santa Claus had gone away, the 
 girls were told to invite the boy a to have tea in their ward. 
 Tables were brought in and set for them, and a happier lot 
 of children could not be found. 
 Can you imagine the scene! All around the room were 
 ranged the green cots, each holding a little child, some sit- 
 ting up, some too ill for that, even on " Tree Day." 
 In the centre of the room, the tree, robbed of all its glory 
 save a few flags at the top, then three tables where the boys 
 were seated. Against the wall were stacked, like rifles, a 
 group of crutches of various sizes, telling how few of those 
 happy fellows could move without their aid. Attention ! 
 All eyes closed, all heads bowed that could bow, hands were 
 placed together, and boys and girls bound together by the 
 sad heritage of suffering, united their voices in the hymn : — 
 Be present at our table, Lord ; 
 Be here and everywhere adored ; 
 These mercies bless, and grant that we 
 May feast in Paradise with Thee. 
 And then at once began their meal. How we wished thaf 
 you all could have seen them. Some of the smaller boys 
 hardly dare trust their treasures out of their own keeping 
 even while they ate their meal, but the extra dainties pro- 
 vided for so extra an occasion prevailed, and hearty justice 
 was done. Once more eves closed, hands as well as voices 
 were uplifted in their song of Thanksgiving, — 
 We thank Thee, Lord, for this our food. 
 The bovs remained " to visit " a little while, till the dishes 
 were cleared away. Then '* Good nights " were exchanged, 
 and they returned to their wai'ds upstaii-s very tired, but 
 very, vei*y happy. 
 The usual routine of preparing the little folks and their 
 sores for the night was attended to, and the day containing 
 HO much excitement as well as joy for the sick little folks, 
 came to an end, and when night nurse came on duty at seven, 
 the greater number were fast asleep, each holding one or 
 more of the treasures gleaned that day from the tree. 
 May the same Saviour who took the little ones in his 
 arms, put his hands upon them and blessed them, pour his 
 best blessing on every little child who sent one gift, however 
 small, to the suffering flock in the Toronto Hospital for Sick 
 Believe me ever the friend of all children. 
 L. Mc Master, 
 PreMdent Hospital for Sick Children, 