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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 S2,(^^ - J/vuJb^/^^f M In 1 \ V- o:, !! itfSStS i?Slf& oVXa 'jtXCi C^«trl(* irrs* w •> w BELCHER'S r i For the fiisscxtilc. or Leap Year I' { I 'i- ^ Being the latter part of the Third, and the beginning of the Fourth Year of the Reign of Har Majesty QUB^KT VICTORIA. ^?^iii lr&V9 i CALCULATED ^'Oa HALIFAX, Pin lal. 44° 3!)' 20'' North, aiul loiiir. 03=^ ^f.' 40'^ West |^ from Greenwich, and will bcrve for any part of the Province. SOLD BY a II. BELCHER, \ 2 PaRMRR S ALMANACK. 1840. EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS AND ABBREVIA TIOxNS USED IN THIS ALMANACK. (2) Sim C IVloon ^ Mercury 9 Venus 6 Tho Eirth (J Mars $ Ceres $ PalUg 2if Jupiter ^2 Saturn ^I Horschel 3 Conjunction n Quadrature ^ Opposition Q, Ascending node ^ Descending node N. North S. South ° Degreeu ' Minutes of Arc. " Seconds of Arc. h. Hours m. Minutos s. secondj?, m. Morning a. Afternoon SIGNS OP THE ZOniAO. "Y* Arie8g;overns the face^ y Taurus, - neck, [head - - arms n Geinini, £3 Cancer, - (^ Leo, • . ^ Virgo,- - £1- Libra, Til Scorpio, - t ^•■Sagittarius, yj Capricornus £:: Aquarius, K Pisces - - breast. - heart, b.owels. - leina. Eeciets. thighs. knees. legs. - Feet. COMMON NOTES FOR 1840. Donninical Letter for Jan. and Feb. E. remainder of the year D GoJden Number 17 Epact 26 Solar Cvclc l Ilonian Indiction 1,3 Julian Period 655o FIXED AND M0V]':AB[J-J FEASTS, ANNIVER- SARIES, &c. Restoration K. Chas. IL May 29 Pcnticost—li'liit-San. June 7 Trmity Sunday Epiphany _ _ - ^ Jan. 6 Martyrdom K. Cha.'les L 30 S'ptaagcsima Sunday Feb. 16 Sihrove tiunday - - Jrlarch 1 Sf. David - * - - Ash Wcdnesdmf - \si Sunday hi Lznt ^t. Patrick - - - Annunn. — Lady day Palm Srindaij - - Good, Friday - EaSTKR SuNDA)f - St. GoorfT-e - - - Low Sunday - - Roj^ation Sunday Corjjus Christi. ) 14 18 20 21 24 29 Fete Dieu Accession Q. Victoria Proclamation - - St.JohnBaptist— Mid summer day St. Peter - - - Q. Adelaide, b. 1792, Aug. 13 St. Michael— Michael- ) „ on , > Sep. 29 mas day. ^ ^ Gun})o\vder Plot ]st Sunday in Advent St. Andrew - - - St. Thomas - - - Christmas Day - - Nov. 25 29 30 Dec. 21 25 - May 24 Queen Victoria boru 1819 — 24 A^ccndon Dr.y,— ) o,r} Holy Thursday. ^ "^ , ^ Thj Jcwioh Year SHOO began Sept, 9, 1839. 5601 begins Sept. 28, 1840. Tho Year 12Q5 of the Hej-ira, or Flight of Mahomet, began March 17, 183I>— the vcar 1256 begins oa March 5 1840, and 1257 begins on Feb. 23, J 841. . ^' Ramadan (the month of fasting from sunrise to sunset) begins Oct. 27, 1840— and Sche-.vall, the morilh of rejoic ing o n N<^v. 26- I ■i , \ I I \ 1^ VARMER B ALMANACK. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. VnNns will be visible in the mornin}:, in the South cast, jr East, before sunrise until 24th July, the day of lier super «oi .conjunction wilh the Sun, and alterwHids in the Evening a'ter siinset, in the west, or south west. The rernain^ler ot the ^ ear Mars will be visible in the West after sunset until 1st May, tlw dav of his conjunctioii with the Sun, afterwards in the Morning in tiie East, the rcrni'indei- ol'the ye?ir. Durini; the whole of 1840 this ])lanftt will be very remote from the E.irlh and ^vill shine with little of the splendor of its appearance, when in opposition. His next opposition takes place April 17, 1841, tlie la?t took place March 11, 183J. Jupitkr will be in opposition to the Sun on 4th May, and in conjunction on 21st Nov. Saturn will be in opposition to the Sun on 8lh June, and in conjunction on Deer. 15. IIkrschkl, or Uranus will be in conjunction with the Sun on Gth March, and in opposition on lOth Sept. Mb:r CORY, the least of the old planets, is hut seldom aeeii by the naked eye, or it is never visible more than about two hours be fore the risincp or after the setting, of the Suru The following? will be the most favorable times in Halifax for viewing it in, 1840. It generally appears like a reddish star of the first mag nitude. ■Jan. 1st to 10th, in the morning- before isunrise, bearing E. S. E. March 13 to 25, in the evening after sunset •* West. July 1 to 7, in the eveni'^'T after sunset '* W. by N Augt. 25 to Sept. 7. in the naorning before sunrise " E. by N. Deer. 7 to 25, in the morning belore sunrise " E. fc>. E, Winter begins 1839, Deer. 22 Spring Summer Autumn Winter « t It 1840, March 2' June 21 Scptr. 22 Deer. 21 h. 7 8 4 7 m. 7 33 33 58 i< Lengt\ of Winter Season Spring Summer Autumn d. 89 93 89 8. A6 ra. 11 m. 21 m. 2 a. 3Ga. h. 1 20 15 17 Length of the year Average length of the tropical ye»r 3G5 365 5 5 m. 18 7 4 ^0 50 48 8. 25 10 41 34 34 48 ECLIPSES IN 1840. There will this year be Four Eclipses— two of the Sun, two of the Moon ; of which only one, that of the Moon, on the 13lli August, will be visible in Halifax. I. Monday Morning, I'eb, I7th. a partial eclipses of the moon, visible iu the Western part of North America, but not in Nova Scotia. FAKMKR 3 AKMAiNaCK. 1840. II. Tuesday and VVodncsdjiy, March 'Jrd. and 4th. an annular Eclipse ofliie Sun, visible IhroiJirhont Asia, Borneo and Suma- tra, in a part of the Indian 0(M>;in, and in the North Eastorn part of Africa and f']iir(ipc, hut central only in Asia — The path oC lUe central eclipse first loudics the KarUi, in the Arabian Sea near the Arabian Coast, tlienco passfs across Hi)>dostan, the northern part of Burmah and of (/liina. the eastern |)art of Tarlary to the north eastern part of Siberia w hen it leaves the Karlh. The Eclipse will he very large; in (jo:'-, (Calcutta and Pekin ; in Bom- bay it will probably be annular. No part of the eclipse wdl be visible in Amciica, Australia, the Western part of AlVica, or of Europe. III. A partial Kclipse of the Moon, visible in Halifax, Thursday morning, August 13lh, as follows, viz: — h. m. Beginnino; of the Ecii|>sc - - 1 43A ^ mean time Ciroatest Obscuration - - - 3 Sh> at End of the Eclipse - - - 4 iV]},^ Halifax. Digit.s eclipsed 7° 17' on the northern limb of the Moon. I'his eclipse will be visible throughout America, but ia no other continent. IV. August 2f)th .nd '27[\\ a total Eclipse of the Sun visible to the greater part of Africa, to the South eastern part of Arahi&.i the South eastern part of Anstmlia, in the Island of Madngas-jl car, and in a large part of the Indian Ocean, but wholly invisi-j| ble throughout America and Euro{)e. The path of the central Eclipse tir.^t touched the Earih near the Western Coast of Africa, about J 400 miles north of the Cape of (lood Hope ; it thence pas.ses in an easterly direction across that continent and the northern part oTthe Island of Madagascar to the Indian Ocean, jihence in a South easterly direction, over said Ocean about 5000 miles to lat. G4° South Ion. \2r time — since (on account oflhe inequality of the sohir days, jiiisin;:; I'rotn the unecpial niolion of the earth and th(« obliquity of the ecliptic to the cqua'or) a clock re;r'»la-j ted to a])pnrint solar litno i.MJst he IV(Mjii*,'nt!y adjusied. Mean time has ol liilo cyanic into \eiy ironeral use and h:is almost en- tirely superseded iho old mode of rockuring. To those howe- ver wlio still prefer, to keep a}if)ari'nf. time, the calculations in tliis almanack will bo rtjually useful, as mclow or fast of clock) and the Sun's declination are cotnputed for appamuL noon at Greenwich >ir for a quarter before 8 in the morniiiff at (hililax. The rising- viiid sottin;:^ of the sun, ai-o iiil, and are corrected for refr;iotion, a correction hitherto, almost alwiiys, very improperly ncj^lecled, .10 that those persons who have a jiood liorizon to the east or west, and wlio resi(ie not far to the north or south of Halifax, may by moans of these columns, rej2;ul;itc their time keepers itliin one or two minutes, an;! may thus by takinj; notice of the ilqual.ion of time, draw a meridian line with suiruient accuracy. The settinii; of the moon is given from new to full moon, and jiier risinir from full to her cli;in;^e. The time of hiu'h water, ol that tide which arrives imfnediatcly before the southinjr of the moon i'< «iiven for Halifax, Annapolis, ('iiarlotte Town, P. E. [., Windsor and St. John N. 13. The time of high water at the new and full moon beinjr, according to the best auihorities as io'.iows, viz: — at Halifax 7h. ]5m. at Annapolis lOh. 45m. at! Charlotte Town, KAi. lam. and at Windsor and Si. .Tohn, N. .B, 111), iilin. The hi::;h;;st sprinjr tides will this year be moder- jate — the highest of all, iinafTecLed by winJ, will be those ofj i^VIarch 4, April 3, May 2, Augt. 27, and Octr. II, and the nowest spring tides those of Jany, 4, April K), May IG, June 14, liuiY 14, Nov, 23, and Deer. 21 1 W! EXPLANATION OF TERMS. jApHKLiotv, is that part of a planet's orbit furthest trom the sun. jApoGEE, tlje moon is said to be in Apogee when furthest from the Earth. Declination, is the distance of a heavenly body from the equi- noxial line. Ecliptic, is the j)lane of the Earth's orbit extended to the starry I I^Mkl Rtm^piWHBa I 1840. (Option bfen jualily eailh Mnan st cn- liowe- oiis ill y con- rth co- ()\V of )V. the at r>h. of rho e have d set- 11(1 lli<- 'tiwicli risin^r if;roto- ;ietioii, lected, 'i ast or alifax ecpcrs oflhe uracy n, and ter, ol ol" the P. E. at the ies as 5in. at! in, N. nodor- [)se of ul the ine 14 e sun from 1840. FARMER H ALMANACK. Sphere; or the annual path which tho Bun apparenllj do scnbuii among ihc siais. Elo.\(;atio> ofa planet, is its distance from the Sun, as soon fioin the Ear;lt. liquiNoxiAi,, or J'iiiL'iNOxiAL Lr.NK, ij an imaginiry line, or cir- cle of ihu heavens contspouding with thu Equator of the Earth. Kt^uiNox. (Sec Right Ascension) iNouios are tiio-ic pt.inis m ihe orMls of the moon or planets whicii intcrsici ihe jdane ol ihe ecliptic. Pfuuiklio.n is that part of a planets orbit nearest the Sun. PEiUbEK, The ij»oun is said to be in perigee when nearest the Earth. iliGiir Ascension is the distance, eastward, reckoned on the e(jiiin(j\ial Iruin the tiidl point of Ari(;s; and is generally esiiniatcd in liniu ; liilecn degrees of the arc, bcintr equal to one iiiinnle of time, and so Oil. Tne Zero point, or lira I of, Aries is called the Equinox. The world may he compared to a mdl, which is perpetually grinding its gri^i; the gram that is put into the hopper soon dis-: aj.»peai.s, and more is require«l t(j till its place. The earth's revo-j lulion lor JcJoU has been made ; its catalogue of wars, earlh-] quakes, tires, famines, freshets, crimes, bnliis, marriag^es and deaths, is linished. its grist is ground, 'ihe world has entered upon a new course; a new grist is in the hopj)er — tiie great ma- chinery is at Avork, and ihis too will soon be linisiied. Jn this: jvast movement, an iiuiividual may seem but a single kernel of 'graJ!) ; — but, small as he is compared to the whole, each one seeiris of considerable importance to himself. Accordingly hej looks out for number one — and thus each kernel of the grist is' jtaken care of. And how can one get along without one of liel-j jcher's Almanacks 1 Not at all ! Every body must have an al- muiiacU at hand to regulate his alliurs ny , or lie may get into' some trouble. Without Almanacks, ihen, t,ot only individual jkernels in the great hopper of the year may be badly {jround, but the whole grist — may shew more bran ihun meal. LooKiNG-Gi-Ass FOK A DuLNuAKn. — A liruiikard is the an- noyance of modesty ; the trouble of civility ; tiie S[/Oil of wealth;' the destruction of reason. Ee is the brevNcr's agent; the ale- house benefactor; the beggar's companion; the constable's trou- jble. He is his wife's wo; his children's sorrow; ids ntighbors jSCofF; his own shame. In sum, a tub of swill; a spirit of sleep;: a picture of a beast; a monster of a man. j Many by drinking health to others, leave none to themselves.! Drunkenness is a flattering devil, a sweet poison,a delignlsome 8in,| which whoso hath in himself, hath not himself; and he iliat useth* it, is not himself in the concrete, but sinfulness ii.self in the ab-j jstract ; being a voluntary devil, the common shame of nature, and [the prcdi»;iou8 disgrace of mankind. !?40, JANUARY bcpina on Wkdnesdat, Ne\T Moot), 4th, day, 51i. (»m. nlternoon. First Quarter, J^ih dav, t}h. 43iu. yiorning. Full Moon, leth (lay, bh. 19m. ulternoon. Last Quarter, i2Glh (lay, 9li. '^Om. morning. 1) M T 2 i 5 7 8 9 lO I! 14 I.') IG 17 !R /.O ■70 H >ry ■IG 27 m 29 n D W F 8 Su M Tu W T.I 1 S M 'Aj W Til F S Su Tu VV Tri! F >S u W Til .supper limb rises.] sftts. 7 1S7 7\M 7 07 7 37 7 3? 7 .37 7 37 7 37 7 37 7 3f; 7 3() 7 3(; 7 35 7 35 7 34 7 34 7 33 4 30 4 3i 1 3'^ 4 3.} 4 31 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 40 4 41 4 43 4 4419 4 45 4 46 1 48 8 '53 8 54 8 55 8 50 8 8 8 59 9 9 ] 9 57 58 ©slw of clock dec. S. 3 37:23° 4'" C" 4 5 22 59 10 4 34|22 5:^, 47 5 ]j22 47 5!J 5 29122 41 38 5 50 22 34 53 | 22122 27 4! 7 9 9 II 9 13 7 3.:l4 49 4 50 7 3- 7 3i!4 5 J 22 20 3 22 11 58 22 3 27 21 54 31 21 45 21 21 21 35 25 7 30! 4 30 1 4 51 1^ 7 29 7 28 4 9 15 9 17 9 19 10 54 9 2lill 13 9 2.S 9 25 55 9 ..si 4 57 27 29 48 7 14 7 39 8 3 8 27 8 50 9 12 9 34 955I21 3 30 10 10,20 52 4 10 35120 40 15 20 28 2 20 15 20 20 2 28 19 49 7 8 21 8 14 31 ri.sc3. 5 () 7 4 sets. 5 12a. 23 7 34 8 45 9 57 M 10 20m, l'44 3 6 4 27 C south- ing_ 9 19m; /|10 10 ^ ! 1 1 2 V5|ll 55 Vy 48a. 1 38 2 20 3 12 K T □ p:^ 19 35 24 1 1 30 11 47 12 3 12 18 19 21 19 y 27'! 1 5819 31112 33 19 52 0I9 34112 40118 52 5 1:9 30112 59 18 30 50 2!9 38 13 11 18 21 28 5 42 ri?es 4 19 a. EB 5 41 58 8 12 9 22 iO 29 II 35 7 20!.' 7 2515 17 24 5 i7 23 5 21 4;9 4jll3 23;i8 Of 9 5 5i9 43 13 33 17 49 31 i5 719 4(5 13 4:';::? SI SI -TV. 4l!n.hil 1 47 2 52 3 4 55 V5 O 0/ 4 43 5 29 18 7 12 8 11 9 Li 10 18 11 22 22m. 1 17 2 7 2 53 3 30 4 17 9 41 5 5 25 JO 8 8 53 9 40 9 lO n 12 14 15 10 18 2o 22 24 20 28 30 32 34 30 38 40 42 45 47 49 52 54 57 Farmer's Calendar. — The complin^ents of tl.c Peason to all our pa- rous, nnd ihey are very many, and on llie increase every year — may |)t^ace, prosjU'rity, and contentment be with them all, throughout the ,e;ir. ^'.armcrs Icive plenty of leirure tliis mouth for forming plans and' 'doplini^', rneusurcii lo i e pursued throughout il-.e year, and also, for the. iducaiion of tlieir children — teach the boys the importar.ce of knowing! iow to earn their own hvehhood by the pweat of their brow, and the jcnefits of strict economy. Teach young ladies how to :-ew, knit, tpinj nend and to make their OAvn garments, and cultivaiinf^ kind dispoj^itions, ind the plcsant duty of knowing how to supei intend the cooking depart- i. U G 1- 9 lO Ij lo 14 ]5 IG 18 20 ;^i} 24 2(] 28 ;}o 3-2 'M 36 38 40 4y 45 47 49 52 54 57 our pa r — may lOut the ans and _ for the, r. owing! and thi^e' it, ;-pin,i )siiions,': ; depart- I and has 01 dnys. Winter. I) M I ii 3 4 E (i 7 8 9 10 ill 1 10 |l3 111 15 10 17 18 f: 20 •21 22 •23 •24 •25 L-: •27 2S •29 30 3! Sundays, Weather, Anniversuries, &c. Eaiih neiircst the Sui). 6 ^^' 6 J> ^ .com. tides. Appearance of a tlinw. '2d Sun. nf!. Cluistm.is. Ej/iphany.Middlinj? titles. Stormy y nt j;r. W. elonir- (^ ]) ^ U'j/// snow and kail. 1st Sun. nft. Epiphany. Low tides. J ]) Pk'iados, oc. Ai'^/t winds. J) perigee. and more. Very high tide?. 2(1 Snn. alt. Epiphany Occultation of Regulus. snow ($ 9 Iz* cominir to enable Ihc farmer to e;>^.t oat his Conv. of St. Paul. 3d. Sun. aft. Kpiph. 6 1>11- i) apogee, wood. Very low licies. c^ i>h- cj ])9 rnild Chas. I. Martyr. for some days. Hitrh Water at Halifax T 5 5din' 48 () 35 li) 53 30 8 9 42 10 24 11 5 Jl 41 28 a. 1 14 2 32 3 51 > 20 27 23 II 5 (I 7 8 8 9 35 10 J3 10 4(1 11 20 11 53 morn. 29 1 17 2 27 3 50 5 10 Anna- polis. 8"20TnT 9 18 1 5 10 4(; 11 23 a. 38 1 12 1 rA 2 35 i 14 3 58 4 44 o 29 Charlotte Town. P^E. I. 7 .507n.' 8 48 9 35 10 16 10 53 VVitulfior, &8tJohn N. H. 9 2t)m. 10 18 11 5 11 4G 23 a ''^O 7 S ;) 9 57 10 53 11 41 morn. I 25 5 43 IG 50 3 23 3 59 4 47 5 57 7 20 8 40 11 30 1 8a. 1 38 42 2 12 1 24 2 54 2 5 3 35 2 44 4 14 3 28 4 58 4,14 5 44 5 32 7 2 6 59 8 29 8 20 9 50 9 27 10 57 10 23 11 53 11 11 morn. 11 55 41 1 25 35m- 2 5 1 13 2 43 1 46 3 ]G 2 20 3 50 2 53 4 23 3 29 4 59 4 17 5 47 5 27 G 57 6 50 8 20 8 10 9 40 ment, appearin* always neat and in a dress of home inanufac'-ure. You will ^ave half \oar nnaferials for fodder, by cutiiiig your hay, straw, corn- stallcH, &c with Willis' or fome other straw cutter, then mix your cut fodder with Indian meal, bran, s^oaked or boiled corn, sliced potatoes, or other roots, cut so fine that there will be no danger of the animals' choking them-elves. Cattle well wintered are half summered. Agri culture of late has, like many other arts and bciences, undergone a great change, within a few years, the farming interest ha.n been mott as- tonishingly redeemed from the unjust humiliation into which il had sunk, When we reflect upon the entire dependance of every other profession, trade, or emplo3Tneat. on agriculture, we cannot but be sensible of its importance, aad of the respect and eideem to which its votariei are enti- led. J1840. FEBRUARY begins on Saturdat, I Now Moon, 3d day, 9h. 4-'tm. morning. First Quarter, JOlh day, llh. 50m. morning^. Full Moon, ]7th day, 9h. 39n». mcrninj?. Last Quarter, 25th day, fc'h. 36m. morning. D M D 1®'«" lini w pper b rises. |het». M -S ©slw of clock J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Su M Tu W Th F 19 18 16 15 14 13 7 12 711 8 9 10 12 13 Sa So M Tb W Th F Sa Su M lb W Th F S Su M T(j W 6 43 1^6 41 F 16 40 SAl6 3a 9 8 7 5 4 2 1 6 59 6 58 6 56 6 55 6 54 6 52 6 50 6 49 6 47 6 45 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 22 5 24 5 26 5 27 5 28 5 29 5 30 5 32 5 33 5 35 5 36 5 38 5 39 541 5 42 5 43 5 44 5 46 5 47 9 49113 02 9 9 9 I4|10 16il0 16110 I9|l0 21il0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 51 54 57 59 2 4 7 14 14 7 14 i;] 14 19 14 24 ]4ii8 1431 10;i4 33 13 14 341 16114 35, 19; 14 3^ 22 14 34 25 14 30 14 27 14 23 36 14 18 38 14 13 41 14 7 44 14 13 53, 13 45 13 37 13 28 13 18 3 13 8 6112 57 9(12 45 27 30 33 4' 50 54 57 7 48 53 Farmer*i Calendar. — A short month this, at best, and rather short days too; well, then, let us be the more delighted to improve them !j How go matters and things at the barn ? Will the hay hold out ? Finish! threshing and secure your grain from vermin. Have a watciiful eye,! also, to prevent the ravages of rats and mice in your cellars and pan-, teries. This is a go«d season to feed to your cattle the poorest fodder ; they will eat it belier now than in the spring or fall. Visit your baru early in the morning ; feed your cattle often but with little at a time.' Keep your forward cows and ewes in good heart, a little corn now and ithen, or a few potatoes or other roots, will not hurt them. Let your cattle be as comfortable as yourself, if you wiah them to thrive. See that the pigs have warm food three times a day. Cut scions for grafting.' on (TO 5i )m. la. 1 1 1 1 2 o 2 o > 9 2 5 J 8 1 10 1 la 1 15 1 18 121 1 24 1 27 1 30 IS*^ 1 36 1 38 1 41 1 44 147 49 52 55 58 1 5 8 n 14 2 17j 2 20 her short- re them !j ? Finish iiful eye,! and pan-j fodder ; our barn t a time.' low and Let your^ I'e. See gralling.' and has 29 days. Winter.! D Sundays, Weather, High Water at ] Charlotte Windsor, | Anniversaries, &c. Halifax. Anna- Town, ^ i M 1 polis P. E. I. St. John. 1 6 ))^. 6 Jim. 9 41m. 9 11m. 10 4!m. ,* E 4th Sun. after Epiph. 6 57 10 27 9 57 11 27 ^ 3 Tides rather high. 7 38 11 8 10 38 8d. 4 ^ -^ $. ^noio 8 14 11 44 11 14 44 5 2 1>'^- «^^^^ 8 51 21a. 11 51 1 21 G □ ^ 0. some 9 24 54 24 a. 1 54 7 Mnplcsant JO 22 1 33 1 2 2 32 ■ 8 \csather. 10 36 2 6 1 36 3 6 E 5th Sun. aft, Epiph. 11 10. 2 40 2 10 3 40 10 ^j > Pleiades. 11 59 3 29 2 59 4 29 11 Low Tides. 51 a. 4 21 3 51 5 21 12 j) perigee. blustry 2 7 5 37 5 7 6 37 13 and cold. 3 45 7 15 6 45 8 15 14 Valentine's Day. 5 15 8 45 8 15 9 45 15 I6th 6 $ W ^ near ap- 6 22 9 52 9 22 10 52 E Septuajresima S. [proach. 7 15 10 45 10 15 11 45 17 D eclipsed invis. 7 57 11 27 10 57 morn. 18,High Tides. 8 35 sriorn. 11 35 27 J9 becomes finer. 9 7 5 morn. 1 5 20 hail and 9 41 37 7 1 37 21 rain with 10 8 111 41 2 n 4 22 high 10 3/ 1 38 1 8 2 38 ^ E Sexar^esima Snn. li 7 2 7 I 37 3 7 24 St. Matthias. Sup. (^ >^ . 11 49 2 37 2 7 3 37 25 ^ apogee. loinds. morn. 3 19 2 49 4 19 26 Very low tides. 33 4 3 3 33 5 3 27 chan^eahle 1 3G 5 6 4 36 6 6 28 with rain. 2 58 6 28 5 58 7 28 29 (^ }) 9- (5 ^ ¥' 4 29 7 59 9 29 8 59 Increase your -wnod pile. The pleasures and gratifications which flow from \hcjirc side, may be considered as almo-t peculiar to our region. In warmer climates the aid of fire is demanded for lii:]j else than culin- ary purposes — to the enlivening blaze, and the clean swept hearth, and to all the numerous comforts, which, in this country, so usually wait up- , on their junction, thsy are perfect strangers. Delightful as is the aspect of nature, under the warmth, and splendor of a sunimer sun, most per- sons look forv.'ard with plea'jure to those Bensons, when the falling leaf or drifting snow draws closer the family circle, and ushers in that social and intellectual intercourse which constitutes the dearest charm, and next to religion, the highest privilege of human existen-e. When all without is wrapped in darkness, and the freezing blast howls eager for entrance round your dwelling, with what enjoyment do \\^ inmates crowd to the cheerful hearth, and, as the flame grows brighter on their cheeks. listen , with a sensation of self gratulating security, to the Btorm that ihaketi their lolid roof. — 1 tu in 184a MARCH bet ;ins on S m. a UNDAY, New Moon, 3d day, lU k.51 ''ternoor 1. First Quarter, lOih dav , Oh . 54n». afiernoon. Full Moon, 18th day, Oh. 1 7in. niorninir. Last Quarter, 2(ith day , 2h . 28m. inorninjr. D Mj D .3) 'supper limb. of .1 i s. a id south- W liises.l >eis. pjj clock ^' ec. 1 "26' se^s. })l. innr. I, sl^ (J 3/ 5 48, TTir 12 34 7« 5' '^ :.v 10 11m. 2 22| 2M a 3!j 5 49; 11 14 12 21 7 3 12 4 14 11 2 25 3Tl 34 5 50 11 Hi 12 9 () 40 12 5 .29 X 11 48 2 27: 4 W 6 33 5 52 11 19 1 1 55 6 17 7 (5 44 K 35 a. 2 30 5Tii 6 31 5 53 1122 11 42 5 53 57 8 T 1 22 2 33 6Fr 6 29 5 54 11 25:11 27 5 30 43 9 18 T 2 11 2 36 7;s i]28 5 55 11 28ill 13 5 7 22 10 39 8 3 3 2 39 8Su 6 26 5 57 11 31 10 5e 4 43 59 morn. § 3 59 2 42 9 M 6 24 5 59|n 35 10 43 4 20 32 8 4 58 2 46 10 Tu 6 22 6 11 38 10 27 3 57 3 1 19 D G 2 49' 11 W 6 20 6 1 11 4i;io n 3 33 30 2 29 D 7 2 2 52 12 Th 6 18'6 2 11 44 9 54 3 9 55 3 26 07; 8 2 2 55 13 F 6 16 6 3 11 47 9 37 2 46 iS 4 9 "0 8 58 2 58^ 14 S 6 15 6 5 n 50 921 •^ 22 ;>9 4 22 SI 9 49 3 1 15 So 6 13 6 11 53 9 3 1 59 rises. SI 10 37 3 4 16 M 6 11 6 7 11 56 S4G 1 35 19 4 43a ^ 11 21 3 7 17 Tu 6 9 6 9:12 8 28 1 11 37 5 5! n s 3 11 18 W 6 7 6 10 l*i 3 6 11 12 6 8 10 47 56 7 -rv 4m. 3 14 19 Til 6 5 7 5-2 24 14 8 7 j^ 46 3 17, •20 Fr (5 3 6 12 ]•? 9 7 34 33 9 14 £h 1 29 3 20 •31 S 6 2'6 14 12 12 7 16 ./V 23 7 10 23 nt 2 12 :J 23' '22,80 6 6 15 12 15 6 58 46 47 11 27 m 2 57 3 26 22 M 5 5i) 6 16 \'2 18 6 39 I 10 25 morn. f 3 45 3 29 24 11- 5 57 6 17 12 21 6 21 1 34 1 30 t 4 35 3 32 251 W 5 55 6 10' 12 24 6 5 I 57 — o.'> 1 27 t 5 26 3 35I 2GTn 5 53 (120 12 27 5 43 21 7 2 16 \5 6 18 3 33 27, Fr 5 51 6 22; 12 30 5 25 2 44 36 2 57 ^ 7 10 3 41 28 S 5 50 6 23 12 33 5 6 3 8 2 3 29 *•* 8 3 44 29 Su 5 48 {} 24 12 3(i 4 48 3 31 24 3 57 8 49 3 47 30 M 5 46 6 25 12 39 4 30 3 54 42 4 21 9 36 3 50 31 Tu 5 44^6 27 12 42 4 11 4 17 5l) 4 41 ^ 10 23 3 53 Farmer'' 8 Calendar. — "The borrower is the serv ant of the lender." 1 Every one who is master of his busines » has his farmi ig Tools in readi- ness, and is not obliged to borrow, Farmers awake- — the spring is upon you — are your plans for tlie season all matured? Ke ep the cattle from| the fruit trees that they may not injure them by brows sing. House your. fileds, sleighs, &c. as soon as you have done with th»- m. Attend to your fences! — drive your business before you, and it will g( 3 on easily ; suflFer, it to lag behind, and it soon becomes a brrd; n too ] ponderous to bear.' The season to. tilhng the earth ha« now arrived, but •" the sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold \he Mhall therefo re beg in harteitt} ■ th- Jin. T22 •2 25 18 2 27, {5 a. 2 30 12 2 33 1 2 3G 3 2 39 VJ 2 42 )8 2 46 2 49' 2 2 52 2 2 55 )8 2 58^ 19 3 I J7 3 4 }1 3 7 > 3 11 4m. 3 14 G 3 17, !9 3 20 2 3 23' 7 3 2G D 3 29 5 3 32 :6 3 35' 8 3 33 3 41 3 44 1) 3 47 G 3 50 3 3 53 e lender." in readi- ng is upon altle from' ouse your id to your ly ; suffer i to bear. gar d will harvettt s Rnd has 31 days. Spring. D M D 2 3 4 5 G 7 D 9 10 11 12 13 14 D 16 17 18 19 20 21 D 23 24 25 26 27 28 D 130 Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. Hi?h Water at Halifax . Shrove Sun. St. David hlustry eclipsed invisible. Ash Wednesday. Very 6l>^ [high tides. (^ ¥ and 5 perigee cold, 1st Sun. in Lent. ^^ J. $47'N. with snotv n0>2. and Low tides. hail. 15th Oc. of Regulue. 2nd Sun. in Lent. moderates. St. Patrick. Tides quite high. high winds Spring begins. ^ gr. E. elong. and 3d. Sun. in Lent. PalmSun d ^ h' [) apogee. Annunciation- Lady day. Very low tides. cold rains. cha?i^eable, Lent. but mildnr. 39m. 32 13 51 26 37 12 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 53 11 44 A. 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 41 7 46 9 14 39 11 41 10 38 10 41 20 Anna- polis. 2 43 21 56 Charlotte Windsor, Town P. E. I. St. John. 10 10 11 11 A. 1 1 2 3 30 7 42 23 14 11 37 16 39 44 30 9 41 morn. 2 4th Sun in |31_^^_¥__ 2 3 5 5 58 22 46 5 57 5 7 8 9 10 11 il morn. 11 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 40 8 40 11 50 32 28 52 16 35 27 8 9 10 10 11 A. 1 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 10 11 11 39m 32 13 51 2(; 37 12 53 44 41 7 46 9 14 39 11 41 morn. 10 1 1 2 3 3 5 6 8 8 38 10 41 20 o 58 22 4() 57 10 11 11 A. 1 2 2 3 4 5 i> 8 9 10 II morn. 9 9m. 2 43 21 56 30 7 42 23 14 11 37 16 39 44 30 1 1 <) 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 'J JO 41 11 40 8 40 11 50 32 28 52 16 85 27 : and have nothing.^' You may esow grass ifcod either a8 eoon as the snow is off the ground, or, as Bome say, in Augt. or Sept. You may Hee tlie time for this purpose discussed in " Fessenden's Complete Farm-j er," p^^ges 22, 24. Be sure to use seed enough, say about 121bs ofi clover and one peck of herd's (timothy) grass tp the acre. Have your wood cut up and piled away for summer use, it ia very bad economy to !><» obliged to leave your work in haying or harvesting, to draw .ind cut' up every now and then, a little green v/ood to cook with. In this month |the sheep will begin to bring forth their lambs — the utmost care and at-J jtention are requisite to preserve the lamb:<. It is said that more than half the human race die before they are two years old ; and it is very pro- ^bable that half the lambs die before they .'^^ee two weeks — this mortality is Iprobably produce 9 12 15 18 I 11 \. 53 1 48 2 48 3 52 4 55 5 57 4 55 4 21 7 47|4 24 8 35,4 27i 9 19:4 30 2 4 33 iO 43 II 25 8 \l 8 53 1 39 2 29 3 20 4 11 5 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5215 G 40'5 7 27 >5 8 13 8 59 9 47 BO 38 4 30; 4 39 4 42i 4 44; 47i 50' 53 5? 59 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 earuesst, see ind to save, :horough re-l whole and ;h. Procure! be put 'nto. link prcper.j re is an ein- -the literary! overdone ; Ht in a uew; and has 30 days. Spring- Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. "^ "J Fool 's dayT „ C ^ (?. milder, Very high tides. ]) pori<]:eo. with .■)th Sun. in Lent. <$ O IJJ occasionul D M T- 2 3 1 D f) / 8 9 10 11 D 13 14 15 16 Middling tides. 17 Good Friday. 18 6 3 J/. D Easter Sun. 20Oc.of tau r\. 21 22 St. George. Very low tides, High Water at Halifax. Inf. c^ ^ 0. Low Tides. (5 ]> Regulus. Falni Sunday. 23 24 25 D 27 |28 |29 ;3o Shoivers. Bpcomes wanner. Cloudy with fog and rain. Clears up D apogee. beautifully fine. Low Sun. pleasant and clear, a little tvarm rain. () 44ni. 7 15 7 54 8 34 9 15 !) 58 10 45 11 38 42a. 2 2 3 34 4 51 5 53 6 S3 7 9 7 42 8 10 8 39 9 12 9 47 10 17 10 54 |ll 43 morn. 33 1 45 3 G 4 10 5 11 5 58 Anna- polis. 10 CtiarlotielWindsor. Town, P.E.I. & 14m. 45 24 4 a. 45 28 15 8 12 32 4 21 23 3 39 12 40 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 morn. 9 42 1 17 1 47 2 24 3 13 4 3 5 15 T) 36 7 46 8 41 9 28 9 44m. 10 15 10 54 11 34 15 a. 58 1 45 2 38 3 42 5 2 6 34 7 51 8 53 9 33 10 9 10 42 11 10 11 39 morn. 12 47 1 17 1 54 2 43 3 33 4 45 6 6 7 16 St^ohn^ m4aT 11 45 24m. 1 4 45 28 15 8 12 6 32 8 4 9 21 10 23 11 3 11 39 morn. 12 40 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 9 42 17 47 24 13 3 11 58 6 15 7 36 8 46 9 41 10 28 and fertile country like this, every one who industriously and skilfully itills the ground, while he adds to the public good, secures his own inde jpendence. If the income of the Farmer is not so abundant as that of the jprofessional man, or the merchant, it is also not so precarious ; if great- ;er bodily exertion and fatigue attaches to his employment, he has far lesa janxiety and perplexity of mind ; if he has not an equal access to the luxu-| ries and superfluities of life, he is more certain of its necessaries and comforts. Industry and economy combined, form the true philosopher's stone, which turns all into gold^they generally exist together ; and are both so indispensably necessary to success in any pursuit of life, that rwhereone is wanting, the other, for all practical purposes, may be ab- sent. Without industry, economy will be of no avail ; and without eco-! inomy, the fruits of industry will soon be wasted. It is the "want of the.«!e [that prevents the success of so many in the various situations of life. He iwho has It should draw the strings as frugality directs, and he will be sure always to find a useful penny at the bottom of it. ' m I'' I 1840. MAY begins on Fridat, New Moon, 1st day, 7h. 52rn. afternoon. First Quarter, 8tii day, lOh. Slim, mornin S' Full Moon, 16th day, 7h. llJm. morning. Last Quarter, 24th day, 9h. lOm, morning ' New Moon, 31st day, 3h. 1 m. morning. 1 D M D W ^'supper limb. ©last ,^ of ^-^ clock, dec. N. C sets. pi. 8 C south- ing. 11 32' on ro Q c 5 ^6 rises 1 sets. T Fr4 ftUi 7 4 14 15 3 5 15-11' 6" ■"7 13 2 Sa 4 48 7 6 14 18 3 12 15 29 2 8 40 8 a 32 5 29 3 Su 4 47 7 7 14 20 3 19 15 46 44 10 1 D 1 35 5 31 4 M 4 45 7 8 14 23 3 25 16 4 10 11 10 D 2 41 5 34 5 TV 4 44 7 9 14 25 3 30 IG 21 19 morn. CTR 3 47 5 36 6 W 4 43 7 10 14 27 3 35 16 38 13 5 2.0 4 48 5 38 Ta 4 42 7 11 14 29 3 39 IG 54 50 46 SI 5 43 5 41 \s Fr 4 41 7 12 14 32 3 43 17 11 9 1 15 SI 6 33 5 4li 1 9 Sa 4 39 7 13 14 34 3 47 17 27 12 1 40 SI 7 19 5 45 ilO So 4 38 7 14 14 36 3 49 17 42 57 2 ^ 8 2 5 47 111 M 4 37 7 15 14 39 3 51 17 58 24 2 18 »K 8 43 5 50 12 Tu 4 3G 7 16 14 41 3 53 18 13 33 2 34 ■Ti. 9 24 5 52 il3 W 4 35 7 17 14 43 3 54 18 28 24 2 47 -n. 10 7 5 54 14 TVi 4 34 7 18 14 45 3 55 18 42 56 rises. m 10 51 5 56f 15 Fr 4 33 7 19 14 47 3 54 18 57 9 7 6a m 11 36 5 58 Ifi Sa 4 32 7 20 14 49 3 54 19 11 3 8 10 m S 6 17 So 4 31 7 22 14 51 3 53;i9 24 38 9 10 t m, 24 6 a 18 M 4 30 7 23 14 53 3 5jjl9 37 53 10 5 f J 14 6 4 19 Tu 4 29|'7 24 14 55 3 48 19 50 48 10 52 VJ 2 6 6 ^^i 6 8 •20 W 4 23 7 25il4 57 3 46 20 3 23 11 29 V5 2 57 21 Ta 4 27 7 2(]!]4 59 3 42 20 15 38 morn. VJ 3 47 6 lOi 6 12 6 14, 122 Fr 4 2() 7 27 Ki 1 3 38,20 27 32 4 35 J2;i Sa 4 ^,v^28 15 3 3 34 'iO 39 5 25 5 21 124 Su 4 24 7 29 15 5 3 ^S\20 50 37 46 •5^ 6 6 6 16 2.5 M 4 23 7 30 15 7 3 23121 1 3 1 r-- 6 51 6 I8ji ;2i) Tu 4 22 7 31 15 9 3 17 11 11 36 i 25 K 7 ;i6 6 2()|| 27 W 4 21 7 32 15 11 3 10 21 21 43 1 45 T 8 24 16 22]| 28 Th 4 20 7 33 1.5 13 3 3 21 31 28 2 7 o^ 9 15 6 24 29 Fr 4 197 3! !;■) 15 2 55,21 40 51 2 .'r> 8 10 12 6 26 30|Sa 4 19 7:{5 15 17 2 47 21 49 51 3 9 8 11 13 6 28 •n Si; 14 18 7 30 ].> 19 2 39 21 58 28 3 51 a a 19 6 30 Farmers Calendar.— -If a man means to make any 1 thing by farmingj lie muat attend to it personally, and not trutst to other.s- in it through thick and thin, and not be afraid of getting -he must engage- I dirty hands, or a smutty face. Now is the time to lee the ctttle step into the field and plough tip that fine piece of soil. Plant potaiot.--, corn , peas, and beans; .sow all the wheat and oats you can, for these bring the ready money. Be particular to have the butter made nice and chan, < lon't let any sluts or slovens go near the churn. Give the cows small p* jtatoes night and. morning ; only treat them well, and they will smile a t you every timei 32 32 35 41 47 48 43 33 19 2 43 24 7 51 36 i? 24 14 Q c 5'^G 5 29 5 31 5 34 5 36 5 38 5 41 5 4Ji| 5 45 5 47 5 50 5 52 5 54 5 56 5 58 6 6 % 6 4 6 16 ^^i 57 6 8| 47 35 21 G 51 6 10, 6 14{ 6 16 () I8i 3() ;<) 20', 24 !() 22| 15 S 24 12 13 19 6 26 6 28 6 301 and has 31 days. Spring' D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, ^c. High Water at Halifax. 1 St. Philip & St. James. | 6 40 2 ($ ]) Pleiades. }) perigee.' 7 26 D 2d Sun. lift. Easter, Voryi 8 12 4 (5 ^0. :ii showers. Cleats up and becomes 9 44 8 U) 8 49 9 25 9 59 10 37 11 23 morn. 2/ DIRog. Sun. Q. Vietoria b. 25jVerv low tides. [1819. 261 6 J)^ tvarm and (5^9 pleasant. Ascen. Day. Holy Thurs. ^ ]) Pleiades. 5 ]>?.^and(^. [11. tides. bun. aft. Asc. C perigee 28 29 30 (3 1 2 3 4 5 14 10 1(] 33 26 18 6 14 7 10 ( L'harlotte Windsor, A.Lna- Town, & polis. P. E I. St. John. 10 10 9 40 11 10 10 ,50 10 26 11 56 11 42 11 V2 A. 42 A. 32 A. 2 1 1 32 1 18 48 2 18 2 9 1 39 3 9 3 4 2 34 4 4 4 3 3 33 5 3 5 15 4 45 6 15 6 30 6 7 30 7 41 7 11 8 41 8 42 8 12 9 42 9 27 8 57 10 27 ilO 1 9 31 11 1 10 39 10 9 11 39 11 14 10 44 morn. 11 46 11 16 14 morn. 11 49 46 19 morn. 1 19 55 25 1 55 I 29 59 2 29 2 7 I 37 3 7 2 53 2 23 3 53 3 44 3 14 4 44 4 40 4 10 5 40 5 46 5 16 6 46 6 53 6 23 7 53 7 5() 7 2() 8 56 8 48 8 18 9 48 9 44 9 14 10 44 10 40 10 10 11 40 y farming, ust engage 7 bands, or \e field and and beana; »dy moneyJ et any slutsj I night and. every timet you go to the barn. A good cow is almost as profitable as a good wife ; you cannot have a good wife without she is economical and good natured when her husband goes into the house — a smile, a look, a word, an act' of tenderness and ec^teem from a wite may add more to the real happiness of the weary husband when he returns from his toil, that all the wealth ;the world can bestow. Gardening is too much neglected in our country.! if half the time was employed in cultivating a kitchen garden, that is spent doing nothing, or what is woi'se, our farmers would live much cheaper than they now do, and far more to their comfort. Put your corn jrround in readiness ; there will be no danger of ploughing it too much.' If your spring grain is not all sown, lose no time in getting it into the ground. Continue to plant potatoe?-, peas, beans, raddishes, &c. Plant cucumbers for early use. Caterpillarss should be seen too, otherwise they may do much mischief, j ««BKM>inauM m i.^1 I' ' i ■■■ il 1840. JUNE begins on Monday, D M D W P^irat Quarter, ()th day, IHa. 2m. afYernnon. Full Moon, lltli (lny, I Oh. 'i'ni\. al'tenioon. Last Quarter, 2'M 1 1 1 1 '*! ' 4 l(i!7 40 15 24 1 5 25 15 2() 15 27 15 28 15 29 15 'iO 15 :U I5;J2 l4lSu'4 I4 7 4r)il5']2 ot (4(ick. 2 ;j() 2 11 dec. N. sets. south- in ir. OB W) CO U I iQ a •i Sa 4 15 7 41 7 Su 4 15 7 41 8 M 4 15 l7 42 9 Tb 4 15 7 4.3 10 VV 4 14 7 44 il Tfi 4 14 7 44 12 F 414 7 45 i;^ Sa 4 14 7 4(i I 51 40 29 18 () 55 I5!M IClTi, 4 14 4 14 171 VV 4 14 7 47 7 47 7 47 ]5;3i3 15 38 i5:i'i !!isi'rii|4 14:7 47 15 '33 1 1 1 1 1 4.3 U 31 KS () slow 7 19 32 >»)0 •)0 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 2.3 23 C>> 42' 14 34 29 i\ 35 47 42 4 47 57 5.3 2() 5H 31 3 12 7 29 11 21 14 49 17 52 '>0 30 23 22 44 23 24 34 9 52a D 1 2/a.:t) 31 ili> '120 45 ,2.3 25 58 F {4 1417 47115 34' 58 123 SaI4 14j7 48; 15 341 1 11 |23 21 ,Su'4 14 7 48{15 34: I 24 i23 122. M 4 15 7 48 15 34: 1 37 23 ;23;Ttj|4 1517 48 15 34 1 49 23 1124 !W !25'Tn i:2l) 127 F 2(] 58 27 33 27 il 27 29 2() 50 4 1517 48 15 34 i 2 2 |23 25 45 4 10 7 48'15 33 2 15 23 24 10 ■J8 Su |29 30 M Tu 4 IC 4 17 4 \7 4 18 4 \^. 7 48;i5 33, 2 28 7 49,15 32i 2 40 2 53 49 15 32! 7 49:15 3113 5 7 49115 3]' 3 17 23 23 23 23 23 22 23 20 4 17 21 14 13 10 41 10 39 il 15 \\ 42 morn. 4 22 39 57 1 10 1 38 2 3 rises. 8 2a 8 51 9 32 10 4 10 29 10 51 11 10 II 29 11 48 morn 7 31 1 1 1 42 seis. 8 28a 9 11 SI SI, -r\. 2 33 3 32 4 2r» 5 15 35 3'^ 33 34; t t t V? 3C K T a 42 7 24 8 8 48 9 34 10 21 Jl 11 2m, 54 1 44 2 33 3 19 4 4 4 47 5 31 10 7 4 7 50 8 54 9 57 U^\ 4 S lla «; 30, 371 (> 38 39i 40| 4l! 42| 43 43 44| 441 44l 44| 45 45 45i! deer. 1 1 15 1: 1 2 3 3 t j Farmer's Calendar. — You must not expect many leisure days this ;nionth ; the induEtiious farmer will so employ the rainy weather of June !io '' make hay while the s^un shines" in Ju'y, plant more cucumbers, seti lout cabba}:;:e plants, keep the hoe in motion to destroy weeds in your gar-; ^den. See that all your seeds are in the ground before the first of June.! IClear out the cellars, and thiow away every thing in and around, or a-' jbout the premises that is not useful or necessary. The trees being now jnj jfuU blossom, you may expect many visiters, who cannot but acknow-i jledge that the country is the very place for comfort and contentment,! being surrounded with pure air and good water — birds ringing at yourj windows by sunrise — the little chickens singing sweat meal and water,' surrounded with fowls saying good morning, and the pigs calling out, || l L J I i "^ I OB W jth- ! «' " 1U^ P C > 33 32 2^) 15 42 24 fi 4S 34 21 11 5" 2m, 54 44 33 10 4 47 31 16 4 50 54 57 4 lla 15 (J 3'i n 33 G 34 ♦; 35 i] 30 37 (> 38 39 40 411 42! 43 43 6 44 44 44 44 45 i(> 45 45 (leer. I " u i 1 o 2 3 3 re days this ther of JinjCi numbers, seti I i» your gar-; rst of June.' ound, or a-' )eing now inj )ut acknow-i lontentmentj ing at your and water, calling out, and ha' 30 days. SummerJ 1) M Sundays, Weathnr, Anniversaries, &c. Hiph Water aT Halifax. Anna- polis. j Charlotte Town, I P.E.I. Windbor, & St. John. 1 2 3 4! D 8 10 11 J2 i:. D 15 10 17 18 19 20 D i22 |23 124 125 '20 27 D 29 30 High tides. Low tides. Whit 8un. Sup. ^^Q DOiit. ]) apogee. Warm and pleasant tveathcr. Pentecost. dull and cloudy, appearance I Trinity Sunday. 6l>\' Very low Spring tides. ^ rain. [ 9 c? • Corpus Chris. F6te Dieu. [Bat. of Waterloo, 2815. Accea. Q.. Victoria 1837. 1st Sun aft Trin. Summer Highertides (j ;D l^ [begins St John Baptist, Midsum [merday. fVarm and 3 9 • c? pleasant. 2d Sun. aft Trin, i perigee High tides. St. Peter. Occul. of ^ . rain. 8 8 9 10 11 a. 1 2 3 4 5 7 Mm. 53 42 32 2» 10 / 5 9 11 10 1 44 23 7 59 8 35 10 40 24 51 morn. 30 1 27 2 27 41 9 9 10 11 11 o O 4 () 7 7 50 1 3 58 1 1 3:^iMj 23 . 1 12 2 2 2 55 3 40 4 37 5 35 39 7 41 8 40 9 31 10 14 10 53 11 29 morn. 5 40 1 10 1 54 2 3i] 3 21 4 (5 4 57 5 57 7 11 8 2i; 1 9 31 10 33 11 28 IL 11 1 2 3 I 2m. 53 42 32 25 10 7 5 5 () 9 7 11 8 10 9 1 9 44 10 23 10 59 11 35 morn. 10 40 1 24 2 (> 2 51 3 30 4 27 5 27 41 7 50 9 1 10 3 JO 58 U 32a. 1 23 ^l 12 3 2 3 55 4 40 5 37 35 7 39 8 41 9 40 10 31 11 14 11 53 morn. 29 1 1 2 2 5 40 10 54 30 21 57 57 8 11 9 26 10 31 11 33 28 5 5 come, come, hurry along my breakfast, and the fine cows asking the girls jto take the milk and let ihern go to grass ; and even the horse says I will jtake a little fresh hay, but none of your driving me quite so hard to 'day. Hoeing is a business by no means to be neglected ; and unless at- tended to, no one must expect a crop. Some, however, after taking jmuch pains to deposit their seed, leave tlie rest to providence, Weed^ and brambles of course come up and choke the tender plants ; and the field once so fair and promising, becomes a stigma and a disgrace to the idle! possessor. Hoe deep and hoe often, and your land will retain more' moisture for it. Your crops of course will find more nourishment and better bear the drought. Set cabbages, and be sure they are hoed about every other morning. You must likewise attend to the bugs and destroy them early in the morning, if you would not have your labour lost. Half hill your corn. Keep your temper both in doors and out. I.,et peace be within thy dwelling. 1840. JULY begins on Wkdwrsday, First Quarter, fJfh d.iy, 9h. 4!)m. morning. Full Moon, 1 itii day, Ih. lOm. afternoon. Last Quarter, ^Snd day, 2h. 3'2m. morning. New Moon, 28th day, 5h. 14ni. afternoon. D M D W ;|)'8upper| oi-p limb. ri«es.l i-ets. 1 VV '3 Til 4Sa 5Su (IM 7 1u w;4 Th 4 F Sa Su M Tu 8 1) 10 11 12 13 15! w IOTh il7 18 11) 20 21 22 23 24 25 2l) |27 j28 |2i; 30 31 F Sa Su INI Tu W Tu F Sa Su M Tlt W 18 18 1!) 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' of clock 7 49 15 3 1 13 29 7 / / 7 ©'s dec. N. sets. 5 Id. D so X south- ing-. 4!)il5 48 15 15 48 7 47 7 47 7 47 7 4(; 7 4() 45 45 44 43 43 29 7 42 7 41 7 40 7 3!> 7 39 7 38 7 37 7 3() 7 35 7 34 7 33 7 31 7 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 4 37 38 39 40 42 30 1 3 40 51 2 13 23 33 42 51 8 29 28 15 27 4 15 26 '4 15 25 1 4 15 24|4 15 23 15 22 15 21 15 19 15 18 15 16 15 15 15 13 15 11 15 9 15 15 15 15 15 23° 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 d' 45" 2 24 !) iv 22 22 22 I5i2l 21 23 29 36 41 47 51 21 21 21 21 20 43,7 29 Th|4 44 7 28 14 44 7 6 4 2 14 58 14 55'6 6 () o 6 (> 55 20 59'20 14 53 14 51 14 48 14 46 2 5 7 8 9 10 9 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 9118 7il8 18 F 14 45 7 27114 4216 2 18 13 57 52 3f' 4() 58 41 1 34 41 27 57 20 51 13 2 5 28 57 13 48 35 39 35 30 13 20 28 10 22 59 55 49 6 37 56 26 25 14 33 2 21 41 49 36 5(] 23 45 10 13 56 23 14 47 1 42 9 41a. a 10 7 ^l 10 28 ^ 10 45 i\JZ II 2 £X 11 20 -TV U 42 £h morn. ^l 6m. m 35 t I 12 t rises t 7 31a. V? 8 5 '6 8 33 *•* 8 56 9 16 9 35 K 9 52 X 10 11 T 10 34 CO 11 1 H 11 36 s morn. u 21 °i 1 22 <^ 2 34 '^o sets a 8 la. '■l, 8 28 a. 8 48 fty! 2 3 3 4 12a. 5 53 37 5 20 (> 3 6 46 7 8 9 9 10 11 1 2 2 3 4 .5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 9 30 17 7 57 49 40 29,n. 17 2 47 30 14 49 43 42 45 51 55 3 4 5' t> 7 8" 9 10 56 51a. 42 29 Oil 12 13 15 16 18: 19' 21 23, 25 27: 29 o3i: 33 351 37! 39: 0411 43 46 48: 50 52! Fariner''s Calendar. — It is a matter of much importance that the far-' mer should take time by the forelock during the season of bay-making — \ 'he muat drive his business instead of being driven by it. Indolence or improper management in hay-time will s:oon give a sorry complexion to a^ |farmer's affairs — a day or two lost or misemployed while the sun shines,' and your gratss suffers for lack of the scytJie and the rake, or your grain is ^.oin^ hack into the ground while the sickle is ru.sting on a peg behind the door, and its owner is asleep or gone on a journey, may be the means' of introducing Mr. Deputy Sheriff on your premise.-;, wh6 will do more; harm tlian a crop of tliistles or a lostof hessian flies. Look into yonder % T ._... ■ il a 39 00 th- rr Q i: 'a l-^a. 3 r. 4 ui 5' Gj M m 7 w 8* IG i> 50 10* 17 11 7 oia 57 13 11) 15 JO IG ? 18! i9m. lO' i7 21 2 23, 47 25 iO 271 14 21)' o3i: 33 4U 43 351 42 37i 30! 15 51 0411 55 43 5(3 4(J 51a. 48 13 50' if. 52! at th( ; far- 1 -maki ilg— 1 -lolen ce or lexio! 1 to a un sL ines,' rour grain' pegb ehind the n leans' Ido morei itO Y( Duder and has 31 da] ITS. Summer D Sundays, Weather, Hiirh Water at C;harIotte WindHor, ft m Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, Anna- Town, & M 1 N. S. poli!» P. i:. I. St. John. Earth furthest from Sun, 8 4()m. IGa. 11 4Gm. 1 IGa. alMiddlinp tides. ^ ]) Re^r. 9 35 1 5 35a. 2 5 n [Vis. B. V.Mary. 10 20 1 50 1 20 2 50 4' some, thunder 11 2 2 32 2 2 3 32 D 3dSunaftTrinity. 7 7 37 10 Occ, of tau rr\. very 4 25 7 55 7 25 8 55 11 ]) apogee. (5 ])>j. 5 30 9 8 30 10 D 4th Sun aft Trin. G 22 9 52 9 22 10 52 13 warm and 7 G 10 3G 10 G 11 36 ,Low sprinjf tides. 7 4G 11 16 10 A{\ morn. > St. Swithin. aultrtf. 8 22 11 52 11 22 16 ^ © ? • appearance 8 5G morn. 11 5G 59 7 5 at greatest E elong. 9 31 2G morn. 1 26 iS 6DW' of rain. 10 7 1 1 31 2 1 D 5th Sun. aft. Trin. 10 44 1 37 1 7 2 37 20 clear and 11 21 2 14 1 44 3 14 21 cloudless. morn. 2 51 2 21 3 51 22 Low tides. 1 3 31 3 1 4 31 23 Occult, of Pleiades. 44 4 14 3 44 5 14 24 Sup. (^ 9 Jine 1 50 5 20 4 50 G 20 25 St. James. season, 3 13 6 43 G 13 7 43 D GthSun. aft. Trin. 4 45 8 15 7 45 9 15 27 61>S t^^<^ 5 48 9 28 8 58 10 28 28 (5 ©Juno. High tides. 7 10 30 10 11 30 21) dl>^ 7 53 41 23 10 53 23a. JO occasional 8 37 7a. 11 37 1 7 31 refreshing shower^. , y \(\ 4G IGa. 2 46 field; see how the mowers sweep along ; men, women, boys, and girls, ill busily engaged, the sun is hardly two hours hijj;h, and yet each has nearly completed their half day's work — this is the true way to manage,^ cut your grass while the dew is on, if you would have your scythe go smoothly. Cut your grain early, the flour is better, the straw is better, and there is less waste — be sure to fini'«h hoeing your corn before it be- gins to silk or tassel ; nature should then be left to herself or your crop will be injured. You will a! o be a gainer by finishing 3 our hoeing be- fore the hurry of haying commences. Pay your hands well. " The labourer is worthy of his hire.^* On the 5th of July commence the Dog days, which are a number of days preceding and following the rising of Sirius, or the dog star. There were formerly many superstitions con- cerning the dog star. The heat of the weather during the dog days is very great. ■ ' II!' 1840. AlUiUST lH';;in8 on Saturpat, First Quarter, rnh day, Ih. Om Full Moon, i;5tl» diiv, :^li. liu. Last Unart(M-, 2()tlj (iav, ^li. -U New Moon, ii7t!j day, '^h, "^Um. morning. morning n morning mornmg. D M D VV v^'« upper liinl) rise-*. I »o.\H. a Q 1 Sa mi 4'Tu 5W G Tu 7|Fr 8'Sa yisu 10 1 M lliTu 12,W 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 Th F Sa Su M Tu W Fr 22 S A 23: Su 241M 25|'Ib 2(>W 27 'Ri 28 29 30 31 Fr Sa Su M 4 4()l 4 47| 4 48 i i 4!) I 4 r>o, I r)i| 4 53 4 54 4 55 4 5(1 4 58 4 59 1 2 3 4 5 r> 5 8 5 9 5 10 5 II 5 12 5 14 5 15 5 IG 5 17 5 18 5 20 5 21 / '45 7 24 7 23 7 21 7 20 7 19 17 IG 15 13 12 11 9 8 G 5 3 2 G 58 G 56 G 55 G 53 G 51 G 50 G 48 G 4(5 (J 44 G 42 G 40 G 39 14 40 14 37 14 35 14 32 14 30 14 27 14 24 14 22 14 19 5 (i)sl\v "of clock dec. N. 14 17 14 14 14 11 14 9 14 14 14 13 58 13 56 13 53 13 50 13 47 13 44 13 41 13 38 13 35 13 32 13 29 13 2G 13 23 13 20 13 17 55 51 4G 40 34 27 19 11 2 53 43 33 22 10 58 4(5 33 19 5 51 5(] 21 5 49 32 15 53 41 23 4 17 17 17 17 IG IG IG IG ]') 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 57' 42 2G II 54 38 21 4 47 29 12 54 35 17 57' 3G 58 3 51 22 38 38 23 52 7 7 53 24 58 43 39 47 20 1 41 21 o 41 21 39 18 44 58 51 30 59 10 40 ]} 10 19 24 9 58 22 37 10 15 49 54 19 32 41 SCtH. 9 9 9 4a. 23 44 10 7 10 35 11 b i! 50 morn. 41 1 40 rises. Pl C south- injr 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 9 9 8 8 la. 23 42 19 39 3 35 17 11 morn. 17 2 54 sets. 6 51a. 7 8 7 27 7 47 8 10 TtJJ -TV t t X 8 8 D D I IB SI £\. 3 13a. 3 57 4 40 5 25 G 12 7 7 50 8 42 9 33 10 24 11 13 Om. 45 1 29 2 13 2 59 3 46 4 38 5 25 oo 7 38 8 41 9 43 10 39 11 31 21 4 1 1 2 3 19a. 5 49 33 18 54 57 59 1 I 1 7 1 10 1 12 1 15 1 17 120j 123^ 125^ 128 131 133 136 138 141 1 44 147 15f^ 15a I 56*1 1 59t 2 2 2 5 2 8 211 2 14 2 17 Farmer^ 8 Calendar. — The farmer who has it in his power to drive his business instead of being driven by it, will do well to sow his winter rye some time between the middle of Augt. and the middle of Septr. If, it be sowed so early, it will be less apt to winter-kill, will require lesf^ seed, tlie growth will be stouter, and the produce greater, other things being equal, than if the sowing was deferred i ill late in Autumn. Rye is capable of being cultivated on most kinds of land, but the light sandy! soils, where wheat will not thrive, are the sorts of soil on whfch it will,' generally speaking, be found most profitable to raise this kind of pro-j duce. When rye is sown upon light land it ripens much earlier than on; a cold, stiff ground, and it is said by some writers that, by continuing tol c ». « llh- H.!i Q^ n? 40 25 12 50 42 an 24 la Oin. 45 29 13 ► 51) \ 4G I 38 > 25 ■» «»p' r 38 ^ 41 ) 43 [) 39 I 31 19a. 1 5 49 33 18 54 57 59 1 2 I 4 I 7l 1 10 1 12 1 15 1 17 120i 1 23*, 1 2q 1 28| 131 1 33 1361 138 141 144 147 I5f^ 153 156*1 1 59 2 2 i2 5 2 8 211 2 141 2 17 D Sundays, Weatlior, Anniversaries, &c. and has 31 days. Summer. High Water al wann with 1 ll^ammas. I)i7th Sun. aft. Triu. 5i Very low tules. l);Tn«"'*- of ^iT Lord. 7 d (C h- C apogee. 8 refreshing D 8th Sun. aft. Tiin. WiudHor, & St John N,_R 2"2fia 2 59 3 34 4 5 10 <^ ^ 9- n 12 13 Low S. tidff.s Inf. 4 i^ 0. 14 15 D showers. appearance. of ruin. C fclipsed [invis. 6 a ^- As.s. B.V. Mary. 9th Sun. aft. Trin. 17 Duchess Kent horn '86. Ifr 191 20|L(.w tides. 21 122 D 24 25 2() cloudy, but warm. 10 49 11 31 morn. verjf warm' 24 a, id dry.' 1 37 14 (Ver to drive 3w his winter of Septr. If require lessj other things; utumn. Rye ne hght sandyj whfch it will,; kind of prO'j arlier than oa continuing to. 10th Sun. aft. Trin. C per. o (L ^ . St. Bartlioloniew. (^ C ^ ■ rain. eclipsed, invis. High tides. (^ C 9 • >8 St. Augustin. 10 nth Sun. aft. Trin. D ^ at gr. VV. eiong. 11 8omethinf^ cooler. ^3w on such a goiJ for 2 or 3 years, it -will be forwarded bo much as to jripeu a month earlier than that which has been raised upon strong cold ground — tho'^o who sow their rye late will do well to provide ^hemselves with this early seed. If is asserted as a general rule, that the proper time to reap wheat or rye is when the straw begins to frhrink and become white about half an inch beloAV the ear — this appear- lance is a sure indication that the grain haf* ceased to receive nourishment Ifrom the rootb of the plant. Bj cutting early it will yield more and whit- er flour; the harvesting will be expedited, so as to prevent waste in shel- |ling, by having the last cuttings become too ripe, and the etraw will be more valuable by its retainuig a part of the natural juices. Improve eve- ry opportunity for collecting into your barn yards and hog pens materials for making manure. At this dry season, tee that the cattle have enough water to drink — See that they are changed into a fresh pasture If you *iave any leisure it will be a good time to white wash. f 'i! W It: |i m- 1840. SEPTEMBER begins on Tuesday, First Quarter, 3d day, 6h. 23m. afternoon. Full Moon, llth day, 3h. 33m. afternoon. Last Quarter, 18th day, Ih. 17m. afternoon. New Moon, 25th day, 2h. 13m. afternoon. D M D W (2)'5 upper limb irises.! sets. J3 (/J >, bO h- Very low tides, ]) apogee. Changeable 12th Sun. after Trin. n i2 0- "^^^ Nat. B. V. Mary. cloudy. 5 ¥ O 6 D W- I^^ff'i ^'<'^^- I 2 3 4 5 D 7 8 10 11 1-2 1) 1 1 3th Sun. aft. Trin. B'ttle [of Ciuebec 17.39. Cooler and cloudy. jvfirm aQ;ain. i\j :^;iiu. 10 58 11 39 2(; a. 1 33 2 57 4 24 5 31 {) 20 6 51.) 3<;; 10 40 7 J3 2-2 24 14| [of Uuebec 17.39.^ 9 15; Cooler and cloudy. 1) 47 Kijf^ :> Pleiades. 10 2J,> 7i J) perijxee. St. Lambert. 11 18 morn. 14 1 *>' accompanied 14th Sun. aft. Trin. '18 Low Tides. rain. !49 121 St. Matthew. Autumn begins. J "]) $• wifit Itiirh winds and cold. 25illigh tidos. clears up 2(iiSu|). (5 (^ 0. fine. ^DjlothSun aft. Trin. c^ .D 9 'i8 Jewish Year 5(H)1 bej^ins'. 2!)'St. Michael.^ ]) 2/. 30i [Michaelrna.^ day. ' > 4 5 11 o9 45 (J i\H 7 1!) 7 52 8 23 8 51 9 18 i) 5;i 1 5oa, 2 28 3 1) 3 56 5 3 6 27 7 54 9 1 U 50 10 29 11 (' 11 ^0 morn. 10 43 1 17 1 5i) 2 48 3 44 5 7 6 41 8 9 9 15 10 8 10 49 11 22 11 53 1 2.^ A. 1 58 2 39 3 2(; 4 33 5 57 7 24 8 31 9 20 9 59 10 3() 11 10 11 40 morn. 9 13 47 1 29 2 18 3 14 4 37 (5 II 7 39 8 45 9 38 10 19 10 52 11 23 2 iy'-hi. 3 28 4 9 4 5r> ;i U7 54 1 50 29 7 8 10 10 11 inon/. 5 37 1 6 2 5 36 6 3 5 34 6 4 5 32 6 5 5 30 6 () 5 28 6 8 5 26 6 9 5 24 6 10 5 22 6 11 5 20 6 13 5 19 () 14 5 17 6 15 5 15 6 16 5 14 >> bC « C 11 43 11 40 n 37 11 34 11 II 11 P U II 11 II 11 11 11 ©fast of clock dec S. pi. ?!! l8|Sij 9 M •■iOT.j 21 W 22 Th 23 IF [25 IS 'J 126 M 127 Tu |-28|W 29 Tn i30 |31 F 6 18 6 19 6 20 6 22 6 23 6 24 6 26 6 27 6 29 () 30 6 31 6 33 6 31 6 35 (5 .37 5 12 5 10 5 8 5 7 5 5 5 3 5 9 5 i 59 4 i)/ 4 5() 4 55 4 53 4 52 4 51 31 28 25 22 18 15 12 9 6 3 10 57 10 .54 10 51 10 48 10 4r; 10 42 10 39 10 37 10 .34 10 31 10 28| M) 25' 10 22| 10 19; 10 17; \0 14 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 25 44: 3 1 211 39 56 13 12 30 12 46 13 2; 13 17! 13 32i 13 46 14 14 13 14 26 14 38 14 49 15 15 10 15 20 15 29 15 37 15 44 15 51| 15 57 1 16 2; 16 6! 16 10! 16 .3° 18' 57 3 42 15 5 28 51 14 37 23 15 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 30 43 52 57 58 54 46 46 33 9 14 31 54 16 38 I 23 45 6 28 49 11 32 53 13 34 54 15 35 54 14 50 19 42 58 7 8 o 46 23 49 7 14 11 56 31 54 4 ^J| 48; 191 sets. 8 26a 9 19 10 20 11 25 morn. 33m 1 43 2 52 rises. 4 48a 5 11 5 40 6 16 7 2 8 2 9 13 10 29 n 48 ,g\, inorn. Q^ 1 3m ^ 2 16 jni^ t 4 25a t 5 16 6 7 6 56 7 44 8 30 9 15 3£ 10 X 10 46 D n S3 3 25 4 36 5 46 sets. .'1 ()a 5 40 6 22 7 12 8 9 9 12 c south - ing [ 2i > 1( ) 5( ' 4^ I 3( ) \i ) ( ) 4( 11 34 § 26m 1 21 2 21 3 24 4 28 5 29 6 27 7 20 8 8 8 54 9 38 10 22 t t II 11 10 1 2 3 4 51 38a 27 18 9 3 isi 3 54 3 57 4 3 () 9 12 4 16 i 19 4 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 4 49 4 57 1 5 1 5 3 i 5 6) 1 5 9 5 12 5 15 5 17 5 20 1 i 3 ! Farmer's Calendar. — Winter Apples should be gathered nfterthey are fully ripe, in a clear day ; 'hey should then be spread on a tloor in a dry, lairy plaee, and remain till in danger of frost, then removed in ti-^ht casks 'or boxes to the cellar, and they \vill keep much better than if n)anaged in \ jthe common way. To make good Cider, tlie first requisite is suitable ;fr;nt ; it is equally neceasary that the fruit should be not merely mellow,' but thoroughlt/ mature^ TOtien apples being excluded; and ripe if possi-] ble at tiifj suitable peri >d, or about the Ist of November, or fiom the first' .0 the middle, after the exce.s.-ive heat of the season is past, and v^^hile l^nflTicient warm'h yet remains to cuabiethe fermentation to progress slow-'s i I Days Incr's 3 51 3 54 •3 57 4 4 3 4 () 4 9 4 12 1 K) i 19 4 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 4 46 4 4 4 4 49 52 55 57 3 () 5 9 5 12 5 15 5 ]7 5 20 fter they are oor in a dryj 1 ti'^ht casks ; Wiinaged in ( J is suitable ;ly mellow,' ipe if po8i?i-{ oni l};e first' and while agresy slow-' ** and has 31 days. Autumn. D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, ^c High Water at J ^fjppearance 2 ]) apogee. of 3 Very low tides, frost. Dil()th Suifc. alt. Trin. (5 ^ Rcgulus. cold rain, and dull weather. clears up Trin. High [tides. Occ. of Pleiades. J) perigee. 5i (ii 7| «!(^ J)¥ 9 St. Denys. 10 DJnthSun. aft 12 13 14 15 16 17 D 19 20 21 22 23 124 D 26 fine. cold high winds. Low tides. 18th Sun. aft. Trin. (5 T) Regulus. (^ D ^ . becomes Bat. Trafalgar, 1805. ^ 9 ^' warmer with clear fine weather. 10th Sun. aft. Trin. Low J) apogee, [spring tides. 6 D 9 28 ^i>yi-9^2/' 29 pleasant, 30 St. Simon and St. Jude. 31 but cooler. Halifax. N. S. 10 28 m. il 7 11 51 50a. 2 12 3 34 4 5 6 7 7 8 50 4i 26 1 35 10 8 48 9 34 10 18 11 11 morn. 9 27 18 28 10 50 24 52 8 24 8 57 9 30 10 4 10 42 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 Anna- polis. 1 58a. 2 37 3 21 4 20 5 42 7 4 8 20 5) 14 9 5() 10 31 11 5 11 40 morn. 18 1 4 1 48 2 41 3 39 4 57 6 30 7 48 8 58 9 40 10 20 10 54 11 22 11 54 27a. 1 1 34 2 12 2 «) o 5 Charlotte Town, P. E I. i 2fa. 7 51 50 12 6 34 7 50 8 44 9 2() 10 1 10 35 11 10 11 48 morn. ;m 1 18 2 11 3 9 27 18 8 28 9 10 9 50 10 24 10 52 11 24 11 57 30a. 1 4 1 42 I Windsor, & St. John. 58a. 37 21 20 42 4 4 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 20 10 14 10 56 11 31 morn. 5 40 1 2 Q 3 5 18 4 48 41 39 57 8 30 48 9 58 10 40 11 20 11 54 22a. 51 1 27 2 2 •> 34 12 ly as it ought. Newark in New .ler.sey is reputed one of the most fa- mous places in America for its cider — the cider apple most celebrated (here is the Harrison apple, a native fruit ; and cider made from this fruit, when fined and fit for bottling, frequently brings Ten Dollars per barrel. -Mr. Bellamy, a gentleman of Herefordshire, England, lias by skill pro- duced cider from an apple called Haglae Crab, which, for richness, flavor, aud price on the spot, exceeds perhaps every other liquor which nature <^ art has produced. He has been offered sixty guineas for a hogshead ml I J gallons of this li(iuor. Why can't our farmers produce the s:uiie kinds of cider .'' When a man gets a gooil farm, and is able to carry it on, let him think himself well olf. Should he have a little cash on hand, it wiil be convenient enough ; but it is unfortunate if he gives heed to e\ ervi: speculation story that is told, and is willing to be flattered into a belief'; tihat he is to be enriched by every stone that is turned, and by every new! project and plan that may be started. I ■I 1840. NOVEMBER begins on Sunday, First Quarter, '2fl day, £h. 50m. morning. Full jMuon, l)th day, Ih. Ii7in. afternoon. Last Quarter, KJth day, 4h. n!>m. morning. New Moon, 28d day, J>h, o/m. afternoon. D|D MiVV ^)'6up})er liiijb. riser».| sets llSuiirWrlli) '-21 :U \(] 3914 48 OjTi-jtJ 4014 47 4|wi(> 42I4 45 5|Tii|() 4;^|4 44 (ilF 7iS 8 8u :^ ':^ (:i)last 1— 1 of clock. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 ilO 20 •21 () 45 () 4f) G 4/ M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S 4 4'^ 4 41 4 40 6 4914 38 r>2 Su !;23]M 24 '25 (> 50 G 52 G 53 6 54 G 56 G 57 6 58 7 Tu \V 2G Tu 27iF 28 jS / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7. 7 4 37 4 3G 4 35 4 84 4 33 4 32 4 3l 4 30 4 29 4 28 4 t?8 4 27 4 m 7 14 25 8i4 25 10 4 24 11 1 23 12 4 23 13 4 22 dec. S. iOll IG 17114^33^37 f^cts. pi. r>S)|Su!7 15'4 22 i:}0 M 17 1G4 21 10 9 10 G 10 3 10 D 57 J> 55 9 53 9 50 1)47 9 45 9 42 9 40 9 37 9 35 9 33 9 30 !)28 9 2G 9 24 9 22 IG 17114 52 41 IG 17 15 11 30 l(;iG15 30 4 IG 14115 48 22 l(M2ilG (i25 IG 8'IG 24 11 16 4}l;) 41 41 15 59;1(; 58 54 15 53117 1550 15 4Gil7 32 28 15 38 15 30 15 21 15 10 17 48 47 18 4 49 18 2031 id 35 54 10 l/a.'V^ 14 5:' 18 50 58 14 47 19 5 41 14 34 19 19 20 4 14 21 19 34 G 14 G|19 4747 13 5l|20 I () 9 20i 13 35120 14 3 9 18: 13 18J20 2g3s 9 1G 13 20 38 50 9 14112 4220 5039 9 12112 23 21 2 4 J) HI 12 3 21 13 G 9 9i ! ! 4-' 21 9 7JU 21 '6i 9 5 10 5921 4345 •'3 43 33 5G 11 24 morn. 32 1 43 2 55 risfiti. 3 35f 4 9 4 52 5 48 G 58 8 IG 9 3G 10 53 morn. 7 1 18 2 28 3 3G 4 44 5 50 sots. 4 5 () 7 8 X X T 00 8 8 D D E5 E5 Si SI -TV. in- in 18a.' jr G t V? 2 15 G VJ 9 13 10 J8 south- if iuff. 5 3tja. G 22 7 G 7 50 8 35 9 21 10 10 11 5 s 5m. 1 8 2 14 3 19 4 20 5 15 () G G 53 7 37 8 20 9 3 9 47 10 33 11 21 11a. 1 2 1 53 2 43 3 31 4 IG 5 1 I—I £ i5'23 5 25 5 28 5 31 5 34 37 39 41 44 5 47 5 49 5 52 5 54 5 57 5 59 I 4 8; G lOi G 12 G 34 G If; G 18 G 20 G 22! G 23; () 25i G 27; G 29: Farjjier^s Calendar. — Bnnk up yonr cellars and have every square of| glass mended in the house. Make haste while the day lasts, and have every thing ready for winter — that chilly intiuder Jack Frost, now; be.oins to poke his nose throuiih the cracks and broken panes of gl;iss, some endeavour to prevent h?s entrance by Ptuffing in old rags: when; such things are f-een, you may conclude that matters do not go exactly' ^right eith.er in or cm of the house. Plou;ihing previous to winter setting in is of great use '.o clays, or stitriaads, exposing the surfice to the frost which mellows ;»tui reduces it in a n)anner infiiately superior to wliati could be accomplished by all the operaions o'f man — expo^ing the sur-' f.'ce of sliiT soils to tho fro-t is of great advantage, the more surface there MMTX I uth-- l.fT'. 2-2 i'> 50 21 10 5 I? 8 J4 19 20 15 6 J^7 2() .3 47 21 11a. 2 53 43 31 IG 1 5"23 25 28 31 5 34 5 37 5 m 5 4l| 5 44! 5 47 5 49 5 52 54 57 59 I 5 5 5 (J G (J 4 6 8: n loi 6 12 (J 14 <> Ifjl G 181 G 20! G 22! G 23i a 25j G 27; fi 2i)' •y square of , and have Fro«t, now: "i of glass, •ags : when; go exactly' nter setting^! to the fro?t ;• to wliatj ig the sur-'j irface there 1 I and has 30 days. J Autumn. D M D 2 3 4 5 6 7 D 9 10 11 12 13 14 D IG 17 :18 1 19 20 ,21 |D j23 ;24 ;25 !26 27 ,28 !'D 30 Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, ^ic. High Water at Halifax, N, S. 20th Sun. aft. Trin. All Very low tides. [saints. [All souls. Clear cold frosty d D^. Gunpowder Plot. J ^ Antares. nights. 21st Sun. aft. Trin. High tides. some 0CC. of the Pleiades, ^at gr.E.elong. J)perigee. [St. Martin. (5 9 12 rain, appearance 22d Sun. aft. Trin. of syioiv. Very low tides. 6 D S clouds up, and snotcs, rains d 210 ^*^<^ /mi/5. 23d Sun. aft, Trin. Low spring tides, o C ^ . changeable. (5 ]) I2 . colder 2l>9' ]) apogee. but pleasant. Advent Sunday. St. Andrew. Low tides. 11 18m. 17 1. 29 42 51 49 3G 19 4 49 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 7 8 35 9 25 10 14 11 7 morn. 9 1 13 2 24 3 33 4 40 33 JG 54 31 5 5 G G 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 38 13 48 24 7 Anna- polis ~2~58a. 3 47 4 59 G 12 7 21 8 19 9 G 9 49 10 34 11 19 morn. 5 55 1 44 2 37 3 39 4 43 5 54 7 3 Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Windsor, & St.. John 8 9 9 10 3 4G 10 24 11 1 II 35 8 43a. 1 1 o 2 28a. 3 17 4 29 5 42 G 51 7 49 8 3G 9 19 10 4 10 49 11 35 morn. 25 1 14 2 7 3 58a. 4 47 5 59 7 12 8 21 9 19 10 G 10 49 11 34 morn. 19 3 4 18 54 7 9 13 5 24 () 33 7 40 8 33 9 IG 9 54 10 31 11 5 II 38 13a. 18 24 7 1 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 G 8 9 10 10 11 1 1 2 2 3 5 55 44 37 39 43 54 3 10 3 4G 24 la 35 8 43 18 54 is exposed the greater the advantage; and if the furrow slices are set partly or entirely on their edges there ivill be more surface exposed than there would be if they were laid perfectly flat. And if they were turned in such a manner as to form an angle of forty-five degrees the oui^,. edge of the furrow resting on the inner edge of that which immediately pre- ceded it, there would be but little chance for the weeds or grass to «row up between the furrows, which may be the case when the slices are set perpendicidarly, or nearly ^o, on thoir edges. Tiiere will likewise be a cavity under the edges of the furrow slices, containing stagnant and some- limes putrescent air, which will enrich the soil. Dry sandy soils, such as ought not to be ploughed in ridges, should be turned over completely, and be laid and kept level as possible. A competency is all we want for ourselves and our families while we Jive — let those who come after us look out for themselves — they wij; do well enough, if we take proper pains to instruct them. V ilP .1 I -1., ! • • I 1840. DECl'LMiJKR be^rius on Ttehday, First Quarter, Qd day, 3h. Am. mf>rn;n;r. Full Moon, Dlh day, Oh. '.^ni. inoriiitvA Last Quarter, Intii day, 4h. I!>n). afternoon. New AFoon, ^^M day. Tjh. inm. aitornooij. First Quiirter, -M^t day, tlh. -'JliMi. afternoon. Full Moon, Jany. 7, 1841, K'h. 4ini. morning. j_) l(2)'6uppcr limb. ** in- OS. I .-ets. Days length. C2)last Of' clock. l,Ta,7 174 -^1,!) 2 VV|7 i!)4 -^1 ;3Til7 -20 4 21 1 •>! 4F i7:>l 5 S\\7 2'1 I 1 4 -^o 8 ne 4 20,8 ')? 4 20 8 5(] 4 20 (> Su7 2.3 7ivr7 24 s;iu'7 25 4 :-;uo :)j\y;7 2j;'4 20 8 UlTii 7 2r;4 20 8 4.1 JF ,7 28|4 20 8 |I2,Sa 7 2iM4 20:8 jl3{Sui7 2i) 4 20i8 jU'M |7 :^0 '4 20 8 !15 1V:7 :il|4 2118 nO IG \V|7:52!4 21 '8 4l) \7iT.i 7 1]%A: 21 '8 4:) 7 iVVi 2ll8 48 7ai|l 22'8 48 >0 Ht::7 :Mi-I 22;8 48 55 51 53 52 51 51 50 ■ jji.p Ir . '25iF |7 :17 4 25 ,2()'S,v 7 :]7 4 2:> 27iSu|7:i7 4 2i; \\>.\'},l 7 :]5i4 2:i'8 48 ;22Tir 7 :l5l4 2:J;8' 48 :2:^i\V 7:}G4 2418 48 .24iTni7 m\ 24!8 48 slnw3 t0 dec. S. 10 :;(Jj2l'^ 5r 8'' 10 F4i22 2 (> i) 40122 10 no y 25 22 18 45 1) 22 20 2() 8 :l4i22 m 40 8 fl22 40 28 7 4-i|22 4(5 5;) 7 15 22 52 4 1 i; 48 22 i G 20 2:j ;i 1 1 5 52 2:? 7 5 2:i 2:J 1 1 4 552:} 15 sets. I I 2V]a morn. :}5 1 4(; ;] 4 17 ri'^es. ;^ 9 >.'.., { 552:} 4 28 2:? I'i 58 2:3 44 10 27 18 ;3<> 21 i>^ ■ v,» O'i -J] 9- j:5 2() ;j 27 2 57 2 27 I 1 27 57i2:j 27 lU 27 2:3 26 58 2:} 25 5:3 57 1 2:'? •^'} 27 22 27 42 8 .J8. 3:^123 24 20 4 'J 40 |28!M |7 37i4 27i8 50 |20ra'7:J7i4 28;8 51 :^^iW7 38'4 20|8 5! 3liTH 7 3-^14 3018 52 I 3i23 1 33:23 2 3 23 o 30 3 I 3 30 •23 23 23 22 10 10 40 IT) 51 13 25 32 10 5 4 :]:] 5 50 7 12 8 i](] 54 II morn. 18 1 27 2 3f) 3 44 4 50 5 54 () 53 sets. 4 55a 5 58 7 4 8 15 10 22 10 30 I'l X r 8 L] n a nv -TV ■»"4 D south- in ij. 5 44a. (> 2(i 7 10 7 57 8 47 1) 4:} 10 45 11 51 S 58m 2 3 3 4 :) .50 4 40 5 35 (J 10 7 2 7 43 8 32 9 18 10 7 !0 58 11 40 30a. 1 28 9 14 2 .50 3 41 4 23 V) v: Q G 5 5 5 49 30' 32i 33'' 34! 3(i| 37iS 38 3 .30 4(1 41 42 48,1 43: 44;. 44'! 45 45 4(ir n -.ecsji 4 ■■ •i 1' 3 4'! — - I "3 j Furmer''s Co/^^Jt^/ar— We have now reached the lr.:-t of the twelve t moiuh.-. S}irinfr, Kujnmor, and Auluinn have departed, and gray haired' Winter, ha-* come And Jiow let us look over the pr\^:,er, of meirioryjj and f-ee how we have spent onr time— have we stored our minds welii with knowledge, or are we as ignorant as when the year began ? Are we|] kiiiler of heart to ad around u.s ? Are we more charitable to the fauitsli a rhi frailties of our fellow beings ? Do Ave now really feel the beauty ofj (*i.at glorious ina.xnn, do to anothir as you would have another do foli D south- ill. tr. 5 44-d. r> 2(> 7 10 7 57 8 47 [) 4'.] 10 45 11 51 ' 4 3 50 4 49 5 35 (J ii) 7 2 7 4.) 8 3-2 9 IS 7 51^ 1 4i) 3'!a. 1 -ifJ 3 14 2 59 3 41 4 23 6 42!| ()43i| , 043: G 44:| 45; 45' a 4(1 4(il m G 4(',; decsjl 5 5 49 D T High Waier al Sundays, Weather, Anuiver.saries, &c. j iTrt7~($~i^ 0. milder r$ C ^. accompanied 3. Low tides. 4 hy a snow 5 1 storm. D'rid Sun. in Advent. n W O- [St. Nicholas. d perigee, fligh tides. [Concep. JJ.V. Mary. / 8 9 10 II 12 1) 14 15 k; 17 18 19 I) clear and cold. 3d Sun. in Advent. Halifax. _N. S.__ Tr55ui. 44a. 1 42 2 45 3 48 4 50 5 50 n 45 7 38 8 31 9 19 10 9 10 57 Anna- po]i^>. 7r2.5aT 4 5 Charlotte ^Vind^or, Town & P,_E. I.St. John 2 55a. 4 25a. 7 8 milder { I 50 h 0, with C ^. Very low tides. ^ 21' appearance of mors snow. [gr. W. eloniT. 4th Sun. in Adveiii. J^ at 21 i Winter bci^ins.Sr. Thomas. P~-V cc I2. [6 a Jl. 1 01 0! I 1 2 «) 't 411 the twelve 1 gray haired of meinory, minds well m ? Are we o the faults; e beauty ofi otlier do to\ [23; C apogee. L. springtides. i24j moderates ,25 Christmas Day. St. Stephen, (j C 9 • ^'^^l^ Isl Sun. aft. Christraa.s. Innocents. rSi.John Evan. L (5 C ^I. S!jmptoinr, Low tidci!'. of rain. Earth nearest the Sun. ,0(1 30 31 morn. 38 1 29 2 30 37 51 47 33 14 52 2«] 9 34 10 10 10 47 11 2) 5a. 14 !2 15 18 20 9 20 10 15 11 8 morn. I 49 1 39 2 27 3 20 o 5 7 7 8 9 4 4 G 7 8 59 7 8 21 9 17 lO 3 10 44 U 22 U 5G 30a. 1 4 1 40 2 17 2 55 3 35 3 44 4 42 5 45 G 48 7 50 8 50 9 45 10 38 11 31 morn. 19 1 9 I ;-; 2 50 3 38 4 29 5 30 G 37 7 51 8 47 9 33 10 14 10 52 11 2G Oa. 34 14 12 15 18 1 1 2 3 10 47 5 (> / 8 9 20 10 20 11 15 morn. 8 1 1 1 49 2 39 3 27 4 20 5 8 5 59 7 8 7 9 20 10 17 11 3 11 44 22a. 5(; 1 30 2 4 2 40 3 17 3 55 4 35 [you ? Do we act in all things according to this rule ? Let us think deep jly of these mattejy, and it we have erred, let us try to err no more ; and, as man i ; feeb'e in all hi^ efforts, to overcome the force of bad habits, and; become Vv'i^-e, when he has been wedded to folly, let us ask the aid of one' Who has stren-gtii suflicient to overcome our weakness. If you cut woodj jWith a wish that the stumps should sprout, let it he after the fall of the ;leaf and before the buds swell in the sprin);. When bushy ground, full, of strong roots is to be ditched, begin tliedirch in winter when the gro!!nd;| lis frozen two or tjjree inches deep. The surface may be chopped into pieces by a broad axe with a Jong helve, and the ditch comph;ted in warm iweather. Tl;e farmer uiay, probably, hit on a good time for this work iin December, when there iiappens to be no snow, and when it will not interfere with other fiirmir.g business. tamvce tiMt ' i Timvmnr jf ajaitt tntieuJH- i I 32 farmer's almanack. 1840. PROVINOS OF NOVA SOOTZA. His ■* Members of the Legislative Councii. t Members of tlie Executive Council. Excellency Lieutenant General SIR COLIN CAMPBELL, Knight Commander of the most Honourable Military| Order of the Bath, Lieutenant-Governor and Coinman der in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia. EXECUTIVE COUJYCIL. Honourable Thomas Nickleson Jeffery. lion. Enos Collins. * Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie. Hon. Samuel Cunard. Hon. Henry Hezekiah Cogswell. * Hon, Joseph Allison. Hon. Sir Rupert Dennis George, Baronet. * Hon. James William Johnston. Hon. James Boyle Uniacke, M. P. P. Hon. Edmund Murray Dodd, M. P. P. Hon. Thos. Andrew Strange Dewolf, M. P. P. Hon. Michael Tobin, Senior. legislative' COUNCIL. Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Nova-Scotia, f Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie, President. Hon. Peter McNab. t Hon. Joseph Allison. Hon. Norman Fitzgerald Uniacke. f Hon. James William Johnston. Hon. William Lawson. Hon. George Smith. Hon. Alexander Stewart. Hon. William Rudolf. Hon. Lewis Morris Wilkins, jr. Hon. James Shannon Morse. Hon. William Ousely. Hon. Robert MoUison Cutler. Hon. Alexander Campbell. Hon. James Ratchford. Hon. Joseph Fitz Randolph. Hon. William Bruce Almon, M. D. Chaplain, Rev. Robert Willis, D. D. Clerk, John C. Halliburton, Bsq Law Clerk, John W. Ritchie, Esq. Gentleman Ussher of die Black Rod, J. J. Sawyer, Esq. Messenger, Mr. Joseph Skallish. • I 1840.: 1 1840 UIPBELL, le Military 1 Coinman- a-Scolia, farmer's almanack. m awyer, Esq. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Speaker, S. G. W. Archibald, Esq. L. L. D. COUjVTIKS. Halifax .Joseph Howe and Wm. Annand, Esqrs. Colchester f S. G. W. Archiliald, Esq. Speaker. Cumberland . . .Gaius Lewis, and Andre^v McKirii, Esqrs. PiCTOu Jno Holmes, and f Thomas Dickson, Esqrs H .^NTS Henry Goudge and Benjamin Smith, Esqrs King's f Sam! Chipman, Esq. and Hon T A S Dewolf, Annapolis... . . F. A. Robichau and Wm Holland, Esqrs. Yarmouth f Herbert Huntington. Sheliujrnk Winthrop Sargent, Esqr. Qi'ken's t Siml P. Fairbanks, and Zenas Waterman, Esqrs, Li nenburg Garret Miller, and fJno. Creighton, Esqrs. SvDNEv Alex. McDougall, and Richard J Forrestall, Esqrs. GursBOROuGH Wm F. DesBarres, and H. McDonald, Esqrs. Cafe-Bretoin .. t Lawrence Kavanagh, Esq. Richmond f //on. James B. Uniacke. Inverness William Young, Esq. TOfVNSHIPS. Halifax f Hugh Bell and Thomas Forrester, Esqrs. Truro f Alex. Archibald, Esq. Onslow Alex M. Upham, Esq. Londonderry ,. .G. N. McLennan, Esq. Amherst Robt. McG. Dickey, Esq. PiCTOu Henry Hatton, Esq. f^^EwpoRT James Allison, Esq. Windsor Richard A. McHatfey, Esq. Falmouth John Elder, Esq. Horton Perez M. Benjamin, Esq. Corn WAi Lis f John Morton, Esq. Gra\ville .... S S Tbornc, Esq. Annapolis Elnathan Whitman, Esq. DiGBY James Holds worth, Esq. Bahrington ... .Jo!in Sargent, Esq. Yar:\io('TH f Reul)en Cleiiients, Esq. Argyle Simon D'Entreniont, Esq. Sheluurne Peter Spearwaler, Esq. LivEin'OOL W. B Taylor, Esq. LiNKMiuRG f John Heckman, Esq. IArichat, f I^iau. O'C. Doyle, Esq. t lYDNET, ...jHon. E. M. Dodd. OFFICERS. Clerk, John Whidden, Esq ; Assist. Clerk, J, F. Gray, Esq ; Jergeant at Arms, Mr. Matthew Forrester , Assist Sergt at ,rms, Mr. John Jennino? ; Messoni':.;., Mr -Tohn Gibbs. f Members of the f'jrnier House. ■'' 13 ii ' \V1 \ 1 I i ! I !■ i 34 FARMER. S ALMANACK. 1840, Treasurer, Char, W. Wallace, Esq. Surveyor-General of Lands,.. . Commissionci- of'CrowM Lands, f , , ts nr ■ -n />i 11 4 n^ i o 4 > .John Spry Morns, Esq. Collector ol Quit Rents, C ' ^ ' " i Surrogate General, ^ Secretary of the Province, f Hon. 8irR. D. George, Bt. Registrar of Deeds, J Deputy, Thos W James, Esq. Postmaster General, for Nova- ^ r u n ir« CI i- 1 XT ij • 1 ? .lohn Howe, Lso. Scotia and iScvi^-BrunswicK .. ^ ' * Agbvts for tKe G(;neral Mining ) Hon. Samuel Cunard. Association, London, ^ Ricliard Brown, Esq. United States Consul for Nova-Scotia, John Morrow, Esq' Hulitax. Brazilian Vice-Consul, Michael Tohin, jr. Esq. Halifax. Spanish Vice-Consul, J. G. A. Creighton, Esq. Court of Clianccry Chancellor, The Lieut. Governor. Master of the Rolls, Charles R. Fairbanks, Esq. Masters, Lewis M. Wilkins, Jno. G Marshall, and J W Nutting, Esqrs. Masters Extraordinary,} Hon. Jas S Morse, J T Hill, Thos Dickson, Jon Marsters, Jno. Creigliton, JnoVVhidden, W H Keating and HonE M Dodd,Esqrs.! Registrar, N. W. White, Esq. Counsellors and Solicitors,' the Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court. j Supreme Court of Judicature, Chief Justice, Hon. Brenton Halliburton. \ ^^sst.Judires, Lewis Morris Wilkins, William Hill and William Blowers Bliss, Esqrs. Attorney-General, S. G. W. Archibald, Esq. L L D. Solicitor- General, Hon Jas W Johnston. Clerk of the Crown and P rothonotary , James W. Nutting, Esq. , Court of Vice Admiralty. \ Judge and Commissary, Charles R Fairbanks, Esq. Surros;ate^ NathW White, Esq.* Advocate General, S G W Archibald,; Esqr. Solicitor-General, Hon James W Johnston. Registrar,^ J P Hood, Esq. Dep, Regr. James Scott Tremain, Esq. Marshall, Stephen W Deblois, Esq. Dep Marshalls, Halifax, ; Liverpool, S P Freeman, Esqrs. Advocates &C Proctors, The Barristers and Attornies of the Supreme Court,' Court of Error; ) ^^^ Majesty's Council. I Court oj Marriage and Divorce, S | Advocates and Proctors, The Barristers and Attornies of the jSupreme Court. Court of Escheats and Forfeitures. Commissioner, James W Nutting, Esq. Registrar, Hon Sir R D George, Bt. Dep. Reg^r. Thomas W. James, Esq. j Nova- Scotia Barrister^ s Society. j Patrons— The Ciiancellor, and The Chief Justice — Honorary Members, The Judges of the Supreme Court. Treasurer, Librarian and Secretary, J W Nutting, Esq. J840.1 «840. FARMKH 8 ALMANACK. 5, Esq. , Esq. eorgc, Bt. Fames, Esq. lard. Ksq. rrow, Esq'l [ ill i fax. the Rolls, ilkins, Jno. traordinary, irsters, Jno. [)odd,Esqrs. I Solicitors, and William . Archibald, Uon. Clerk i^sq. ! . Surros;ate, ' Archibald. Registrar, cmain, FiSq.j ills, Halifax,! !. ^"idvocates ireme Court, ouncil. I )rnies of the rar, Hon Sir^ Ssq. I J — Honorary Treasurer, ROLL OF liARRTSTERS AND ATTORNIES RESIDENT IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Names. Admitted Attomies. Admitted BarristerH Ion. H. H* Cogswell,.. S. Clarke, .(i.W. Archibald, At.Geri liion. Jatues S. Morse, • • VV. iVmting, fohnTl'osHill, Vm Sterns, Thomas Dickson, Ton. J VV Johnston, S.G. ^ohii Creighton, D. Stewart, lamuel P Fairbanks •••. Tat. W.White, JeorgeT Solomon, .... Jonathan Marsters, Hohn Whidden, {on. Edm M Dodd, • • • . Vm F DesBarres, Jcami;>li Murdoch, •••.•« {on. Alexander Stewart, {on. LcAvis M Wilkins, lex Primrose, m. C. Delaney, has.D. Roach, as. S. Tremain, on. James B. Uniacke, harles Twining, John James Sawyer, . . • . tiitn. E. B. Chandler,"" Henry Blackadar, jfieorge R. Grassie, •••• James F. Gray, John C Hall. . . . • Alex. McDoLigall, ..•••• ames S. Clarke, m. Yonn-j;, • •• iharles B. Owen, •••••• has. T. C. MacCoUa,.. ames A. Dennison, •••« obert K. Uickson,.... ames Stewart, X W.H.Harris, ilas C. Morse, lex. H. Winniett, • • •. ugh HartHhorne, •• • ... Idw. H. Harrington,. « lOOctr lt> Octr. 16 April 1 1 Octr. '23 Octr. '23 Octr. 14 April 14 April •28 Octr. 18 April 18 April 15 April 16 April 19 April ^25 July •25 July 1 5 Jany. 17 April |14 July 14 July 1 OJidy llOJidy 10 July 9 Octr. 18 Octr. 5 April ; 5 April 28 Jany. 1 9Ap.il ' 1 3 April !l 3 April 20 July il9 Jany. i 1 9 Jany. 25 Octr. !25 0ctr. : 24 Jany. 24 Octr. 24 Octr. 24 Octr 24 Octr. 1 23 Jany. ,23 April 124 July 24 July 23 Octr. 1798; 10 Octr. I8(>'2jl2 Octr. 1805 10 April 1810 11 Octr. 1810 23 Octr. 18l0i23 Octr. 18l3il4 April 1813;14 April 1813 "3 Octr. 1815 18 April 1815 18 April 1817 15 April 1818 16 April 1820 19 April 1820 '25 July 18^0 1 25 July 1821115 Jany. 1821 17 April 1821 14 July 1821 14 July 1.^22i 9 July 1S22I10 July 1822ll0 .July 1822 9 Octr. 1822 IS Octr. 1823 5 April 1823 5 April 1824, '28 Jany. 18241 9 Apdl 1824:13 April 1S24 13 April 1824 20 July 1825 24 Jany. 1825 24 Jany ] 825124 Octr. 1825 24 Octr. 1826,23 Jany. 1826 23 Octr. 1826 23 Octr. ]826i23 0ctr. 1826:23 Octr. 1827123 Jany. 1827 18-27 1827 1S27 27 Jany. 24 July 28 Octr. 798 Hal i la A. Ditto Ditto Amherst. 8l0lHalifax. 802 805 810 8 84 8M 8l4 8l6 Antigonish. Liverpool. Pictou. Halifax. Lunenburg. 8l6|Newpon. 8 '8j Liverpool. 818 Halifax. 821 j Lunenburg. 8'^^ 1'^ Jan. Jah. .1. Bilchie I'» Jan. He;i. C'. I). Twiniti}.' •• I May Edward A. Pyk. 21 July William B Black I^J July James Turid)ull. • Geo. A Hlimchani ^<» O^t- Rc-lit. K (lill.ert •{»> Oct. 8 Lconird Shannon ..•• !♦> J-'>ii Jas 1^ Fra-or 30 April Jas Kola. Pre:icoit :{() April 1837 1837 1W37 I 1 1838' I r> 1H38 I.) 183S 1.') lS3«f', 30 lH3.«^:'J3 1838' May Mav July Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. April Julv » • • • • lh3S 18331 1839!|(J Jany 183!)| .*. 1839 30April 1838| Annapolis 1838' Varmnnth 1838 1 Pictou 183S Sy«lnfy,C.B. Ih37 llalilix I83f)| Di to 183jM AnduTst. I83f)| IVuro 183s Ili-Iifax 1838 Annjipoli;* 183!)in:tlil.ix (&3})|I)rit';^eto\vn > • • • • IIIall.a\ . ... 'Arichat, CB. 'ricio.i • • • • j .\mliorst 1839 ! lalifax • •• j\Viiid>or Iooi> (.'oijnvalliij Roads to the fn'inclpal Towns in (he Province, and thv route to St. John and Frcdcridon, A'. IL Halifax to Dighy. ■ Wiiichcster'tf EdH'ard'w Valky Birch Cove Go-V's Fujiz's Hamilton'i Hiltz's Fitzmauricc'B Lynch's .Lakolandtf eel's rfry's, Newport lload (35) Wind:or (45^ Bishop's Gaspereanx river Wolfville Kentville (08) Sharp's Crrinc's Morton's Gibbon's ]Leonard'9 Bridgetown Annapolis Towa Dilmar's 2i L^'g'-'y 3i 5 Kendrick'i- Barring- 1 ton 12^ ■j"j^glNicker-on"f«, Beaver DctMl Mclnto- burnt- Shel- ls 2s M B'Halifnr to Yarmouth 1 i and Shelbunie f;Annapoli-« 128 f Biigfiles', Di^by 20 -; ;— "^•^ SeeJy's, St. Mary's I //x. to Cumbtrlan I Bay ^ Everett's, We\ mouth road ** Jones', Scissiboo '' Terrean'ff, Biilevous "I Cove ^;Molonson's, Clare '^ I Tucker's Montagan Covp 7 via Dartmouth. I Across the Ferrv ^> iShullz's «j Key's * Pennv's fiay's } 5 River > 7 Siblev's Hill's 9 Truro (63i) Ih lU ]J! Philip.*', Bear River 15 Gourley's Onslow 8 u. * AtGay'sRiverthc 'Parry's, Yarmouth 10| Lakes 7 ijRichan's, Yarmouth (i'''«afi ♦">■"« ^^ ^" ^l'*^" \2^. (luodoboil & to Shi;b» r.- 11 1 215 acadie, from Penny's to 5, Porters, Eel brook 13|jMrs Colhccks in Mus- 15|Spinney's, Argyle 9,quodoboit, is 10 lailes. 1 8. J-Kirkin'a, PubJiico f}\\ \ ^M i'O ;w FARMER S ALMANACK, 1840. .V: 1 k '■ Sit.' I 4 Yew ill's M Foot of Cobq. Mnts 6 Purdy's, top of do 6 Hew son's lliver Pliiiip 9 Stcv.arl'a 10 Amherst 10 Fort Cuniberland 7 Tiol To Ci'mberlond via. Windi^or. Wind -or Parrsboro' by water (Webster-s) Fullertori's Jenks' Macan River Pugsley's, Napan 45 30 IJ A J'ent's, Amherst Fort Cumberland 118 Halifax to Pictott. To Truro 63^ Archibald's, Salmon River 13 Irvine's, Mount Tom 6 West River 10 PictOLi 10 Fraser's Across the harbour to Court Hous-'^ 1 95.'. Halifax loAnti Putnam's farm 5 Hart's 5 McKocn'i 11 Leckie's 13 Archibald's 4 Gcddes' 4 Heney's 4 We-t Branch, East River, Pictou, 26 M'Kay'M 8 Halifax to Guysboro\ Anti;: >nish Boyle's Anderson's Miller's WfLber s Hill* Middle River bridge Barkhouse'b Ernst's Mrs./^^vicker s, Ma- honc Ray I.unenburg MOl 5) Jno.Pernette's Ferry at JLahave river Across the ferry Mrs. Manning's, 1 Retire Riviere ) Teals, Broad Cove Mack's xMill Village 9 Liverpool (13.'^) ' 83 Halifax I oShcrbroolie, I \st. Mary's. Antigodish 144 12 10 Port Mouton Port Jolly S.ible River Jon'on Rivei Slieiburne 12 178 Lochaber Lake Archibald's forks Sherbrooke 141 11 . 12 10 5 10 8 7 178 * A little beyond _^ Webber'stheroad fiirns [Z'ofi to the right, aA oid- — ^ in,"j Chester ; at Middle ^21^1 River Bridge the road TT j-r , TT^w X hK«iJn I'leets that leading 4 HahJaxtoU.lmot, from Chester Town,- A Cape Canso. c^ »» ap Guysboro' Crow Harbour Wilmot ^^iFrcm Webber s Hill to CljeslerTown i*(i miles 178 16 _16 209! I 1840. ibenacadie. 35 4 Rawdon LimcnhiiTii: ' and SIi el- Windsor. 45 20 lili (ii rlill* ;er bridge 5 4 7 6 ;er s, Ma- y no! A) te's Ferry :* river ferr}- iii!i,'"s > ero 5 d Covo 1 Villflge 9 10 6 10 8 7 : )n r cr 178 lie beyond le road turns if; lit, a-\o id- Ill Middle 2;e the road tli.it loading r Town.— ;er y Hill to \ a i» U miles Jiixter't^ (finger 1810. Wrom St. John, JV. B to Halifax, JV. S Hciiiiigars I'Vptrriore's Ketchii Ill's Hampton Ferry IjB board) Koaclie'.s Coiigle"^, Siipsex Vale {46) Wjdier'ir, foot of the inount&in 'Leeks* 'Hoii^tead's RusscITh Lewis', bend of thf I Petticodiac (f)^) 15 Weldon's, Dorches- ter 8 Bass', Westoock 9 [Wells', Tantamar 8 FARMI r's almanack. 30 9 3 ■» 7 5h 41. 10 l.-J .5 7 10 Ficdericlon to Qucbei: 16 Bt-nt's, Auiherst (14G) ^^>jRurgcyneV^ Fsrry H al i fax 1?^ i Wot-dst ock I'"*;', ry 269i Kearney's, Kiver — I dcChate ToFred.ridon, A: B. llcs.ook Jiiver Bent s, Amher,st 123A i^yaa's, Threat falls Dorchc-ter 28 I (l^-) , ^ ^5 h'end of the Pelti- ! Madawaska Cnapd 34 23 1 Entrance to the Ala- 41 42 18 Petti- codiac River Jacques' 15 iBlakeney's lOA fPiltfieid^s 10^ Sussex Vale ISa Finger Board at Baxter's 12 Waiihadomoak 13 JGimfjeg P''errv 6 iTiley's (Sheffield) 13 Widow PiirU-y s 8 Frct'.i>rictoa 1 2 2871 du'.vaska 4 Do. of Lake Tamis- quata 24 Do. of the Portage 14 River Sl Lawrence 30 Kamouraska 15 Quebec 90 349 nx.toFredericton287i 636* i The Western Stay;o Coacl.cs, (carrying II. M. Mnils,) dtiring' ■ snimor. loavc llriiilrtx for Windsor, every niorning, JSiinday J|repted,— ioi" Anr.apoii.s on Tuci^diiy and Saturday iriorninfis, — : ^Itd lor Kentville on Tiitjr.^day nioininq". — Li.avc Windbi'»r lor Halilax every movninof, tiunday e.xtej)tc'd. L^ave Annapolis for iKcntvillc, Windsor and Halifax on Tuesday and Saturday nior-; lnin,:j,-3.— Some slight alterations take place in the time of run-' ning during the winter. j A!^ents, Halifax, R. M. Barratt ; Windsor, John Jordan; Kentville, John Hancock : Antiapoii^!, Law. Hall. i ! Tiie Eastern Stairc Coaches (carrying H. M. Mails,) run tlireej jtiinos in the week from Halifax to Pictou, and vice versa. Leave, 'Halifax and Pictou, ou Monday Wednesday and Friday morn-i ;»ng- ! I 'I'wo Stage Coaches run between St. John, N. B. and Dorches tei _ _ _„ 1 Ill ■!■■ II fa I 'i, ll- h FARMERS ALMANAf-K, ]840.i TliO Parrsl)oro' F.ukct runs to Windsor and Ilorton every! ■ot^k, iVoui tlio Isr of .\ pril till Christmas ; leaves Parrshoro' fori Windsor, on A?ondi\y, from tl-onre to Parrsboro' on Tuesday, I itrnofMiiatrly aft( r the firrival of ihe mail by the Royal Westrr.^j Mail Coacl) ; loaves Parrsl-oro' on 'IMim-^'-'y. *'" iiorton, and; from thonro f.or I'.u i .^l/uio' ihe nrsthi;j,h water at or after 8 o'clock. Friday mornin;^'. Passcngcrn who wish to crofffi from Parrsboro^ rshoukl be at, Pakihidge Isla.nu the evening previous to the r Packets sailing. j Two Stnainers nin:=i l)Ot\ve( n St, .lo!)n. N. B, and Annap(dis, touching,'' at Dioby oaeJi way. The " Maid of tlio jMist" leaves St. John on Monday mornings and Anuapfdis on Tuesday inorn- \np:, Tiie " Nova Scotia," leaves St. John on Wednesday morning': and Annnpoli'? on Wednesday ev(ninp-. The ''Nova Scotia," leaves St. John un Tuesday f veninir for Windj^or — loaves Windsor <)n her return on Wednesday nioining. A Steam Boat, leaves l'iciou,on Friday niorning at G o'clock, ! for ("harlolte Town P/iiiCe Edward Island, anc' xMiramichi ; and I returns tVoni Miramichi to Pictou, calling at Charlotte Town, on ^Tlnirj-day evenin-g. Tiie foregoing Stage Coach and Steam Boat arrangemeiita are those of the Summer of 1831.). Sc-nie alterations ahvay.-^ tako [)lacc during the winter. COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND CLERGY. J^Tmsf's College. Jfimlsor. Patron, His Grace the Lord Archbishop ofCanterbury. ' Vi^iitor, the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. j' Governors — flis Excellency the Lt. Ciovernor ; the Lord Bi- Vshop ; the Chief Justice ; ihu Judge of the Vice Admiralty Court; 5 the Speaker of the liouseof Assembly : tha Provincial Secre-i ,tary; the Attorney Ceneral : the Solicito* ics!, Rev. Alexander Romans, A. M. Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Pliih)io[)hy, Rev. James .Mackintosh, A.M. O.vE Term. — Commencing !;ilst October, and ending 3lst May. I, Qveen's Col'cgc, Wolfvillc. Rev. .Tohn Pryor, A. M. Professor of Classical languages; Rev. Edmiinil A. Crawley, A. M. Professor of Moral Philoso- phy, Logic and Rhetoric. First Tkr.m — commences 20tli .lunuary and cndsQOth June. Skco.nd Tku.m — commences ^Olh September and ends 20th December. Horton ,'lcadcnii/. Principal, Mr. Edward Bhmcliard; .Jissintanf, Mr. TJjomas Soi>-y. Two vacations of a jnontii eacli n^ Chri.^tmas and Midsummer.! Pictou ^'Icatlcnr/, Pirlou. TnusTKEs.— Rev. Thos. McCulloch, J). I).; Rt. Rev. Wm; Eraser, D. D. Ulsliop of 'I'anen, Rov. Jno. JMcKinlay, Rev. I). I A. Frasor,-Rev. J. Mc'lae, S. G. W. Archibald. L. E. D., !! .Mex. {.?ranr, TI>os. Dickson, and David Ciicluon, Escjrs. Pro- f'ssor, ^fr. M, Alcf'ulloch. Pudchtr of the Injerior 'Jranches, Mr. Rod!{. .McDonald. Tkr>'s — Fnst term commences bt April. Second Teru),^ commences 1st Octi. each term last:- four nmnths. ; Atiiiapcl''s jlcttdciv.i). I Tnip.Uios, Rev. Edwin Gdp;,i, J. W. Ruggles and Tho3.:| Ritchie, E.^qrs. Priiv.lpal, Mr. L'has. I\[. Forbes. . ; I Jxtntvill'' Grammar School, ', '• Principal, Mr. Thos. Iiiirdy. j I .Jlhi'Jii .h'adcmy, .Innapolls, : ' 7\'ustecs, H'y Hudson, t.tul H'y Gates, Esqrs. Principal, Mr. Aiulrcw Henderson. i I ] fall fir Grammar School, t i Principal, Rev. Jolin The*. Tv.ining, D. D, [ i\\ivional School, Halifax. Truslccsi, The Lord Bifihop. the Chief .Tistice, Rev. Robt., Willis, D. !>., and the Church Wardens of St. ?auEs. Principal,. Mr. James Maxwelb '\ ■•■:! ■J' 'li I'K I ;!1 ■\( ■■i'i 4 7' D f'rjiir'na!, \lo\- . John llo-s. Trustee:^, John Murvi^.y, 1'^. \V ,^ „ '. Mocily, i^iOuluM) Clciiiei.t.s (^Mrarlos Lew i-i au'l Sravlev Uiowii, I Ijl Clergy oflhr j:stalll-hcd CIrirch i.i y ^](!\v;l^•:l i.-'.hUid, [t^l iji 'i'-lijar, \', A.M.. KcctT and !iev. Jol.n ^ioiT, A 15. Cnvatv,.^ |,of" ^'t. (.iooruo':; ; ilcv. Jno. Tho!?. Twinin,'.;", i). 1). (lariiron ' ill J C'l'i'hiin • \l. oi' Kin^r's <.'ol- ■ v^ii"-. Hcv. Wi:-i. ('. Ki;.:-. A. ?d/R<;(t.;i- ol" Chii:^fs Chu.di: |p;i<'.'. Will. iJ. Kiii;r, A. M. I'li.irina! Colic::;ate School ; F„l-. I i''''''' " • ■^''*^ \l>it!n.i'; Mission:'!}', ]i<:v. John Stevenson, A. M. 4} ^i A". ■;,';. •;,■/, iiev. li. .! . IJiilackc). Oiu'tiij, ilov. Mil ^■Jnii'ijin!;.-;. l\cv. VaIwi'] i!.\\\.\n, A . H. L,'/-/('i;v'i'(*u'/;. licv. Jus. • S'' nirh -rtsnn, A. Ai. G'mar;'//^', llcv. J. .M. (Ja;n|)l)olI, .\. M. frci/-i! 'v,)-.'/', liov. W. M. Wnydr.;-, A. B. .?v/'#r,/. Ili-v. li. L. O.vcnJl 'a. ;-.i. ('"I rjriilfis (171 1 ti'fton, Ile^•. Thus. A. S7h7///t,v', Kev. Tlio-I; i.irn iJ. iU)ul,P,d, L li. 1>. and l{< v. Tlios. H. \V!.;t(\ A. 13.! ',Lirfirj,o>'. U(V. J. T. T. M'oody, A. M. I.nn' Jih^i;. \\rv..U\<.', \ iji'. Corlw.u!, A. M. and \\ 'v. ..'. V\'. Dishrow, A. M. J.fi IJcve,': ||:i?av. J. W. WooisS, A. J;. Clicslcr, Rev. .!as. i-hrc-.o, D. D.'j ! I ;;J(/ ;•/„>;.. ;//.'/, Ilov. A. I). Parker, A. M. S-uluille, (lev. Archibaid > I !''.Jray, A. B. ntnrdon, Rfiv. (ioo. \V . Morri:^, A. .M. .ir.ihcv.^f,] } g'llcv. (I. 'rown.-hond, A./]. Tniro, Rev,,lno. I5iirny- at, A. B. and' I 2;Vi^itin«i- .Missionary. Pulon, lv( v. (,'has\ Kllio:t, A. B. (»*.';/.s/;oro% ! I Kev.Cha.-^, J. b'hrcv(\ A. B. ^7. Jidio-areVa Ba>i. liev. Jno. Stan- ■ \ i I na| AVI ' Ji .in r, Bi lb Ivl.ickintosh. Durhr.oulh, lUiv. A.lex. R(jnuins, .V INL j^ j Conui'tilli.'^, Rev. Win. Torsyth, (rctireil), and Rev (reo Stnith-' er.s. ]»crrtiiuli!y Rev. .Fa.s Morrison. fjHimnrc T(nv7i, Rev. Yannoiilh, Rev. Jno. Hoc-;. Luncihurg, Rev. Den. i \. Frascr. Shelhtn-nn, Pvcv. Win T Wi.-i'iarl. CUrh, Rev.- Alex. Romans, A. M. Piu:snvTi-:!iv of Pictou. — llasl Illirr, Rev. .Ino .MeRac. Sf. iMarji's add /^ochahcr, Rev. Don. Mac^ onnachie. .'^ff/^(nnan's^\ yMi)iiiilniii, Rev. Alex. iMcCiillis fay. .;Iirii;;(>ini>-h, ii? \. .|- l'Ne(cGl'fS!j^oH\ Rev.Je.o. Stewart, AAJ. t^hiou. Rev. . l>\dlnrc^y. «[!»i!{cv. Hu<.'.!i ?JcKen/ie. V/cst and .Middle. Rivers, Rev. LV»n. iMackintosh. Ctrl:, Rev. Don. AJacknilosh, "' PiiF..snvT,"Uv OF P. f>. Island. — Bclfasl, Rev. Jno ATcLen-J naiL ^rhri'*. lilvcri and Miirni'i JIarhour, Rev. Rodk. AIcAulay (Jharlollt; Totcn, Rev. . Clerk, Rev. Jno. McJiCnnan.;) ii \ iS PlVFf' rYTEPvY OF Ca v Pi'.-R RFTO .V. — Ihjulardi'rir hland, Rev [' Jas. Eraser. Middle liivir, Rev. Ale\. Earcjuharson. liivcr '»«■ .-—.....->-,.....—-.—.,. ^-_, I . .-.__._^. L. [r Ir- fV'' l^l t r 11 F V U M K R S AT. M A iN A C K . ]81{). hihahititnl.?, Kov. Rov. ])usial(l M( Kichan. .S7. Gcorirt's Channrl^ 'J'raveHiiii; Miasi'f.uin/f Rev. Jiio. Cijun. C7e/7i Rev DujzaM Mac Kichan. j 'I'hc .Synod dhh'Is iUis year at Halifax, on the first Wednesday in J Lily. JVova-Srotia t'hixiliitry Coloninl Socielj/. i Prrsidcuf, The Rev, llio Moderator of the .Synod of Nova.' Scotia, lire Pn-siilcnls, Clnrles W. Wallace, I'^sij. and Rev. I). A Fraser. Connnilt'-c of Mrnaa-nmnt. All Clcriryincn con- ■f;oeled with the Synod. Lclifux. Thomas Forrester, James V \ (iray, William Youiur, R. lluiiie, M. 1>., Alexander Keith, .1 is ' Lei>ihnian, (J. X. Russell, Alex. Mel.fod, Robert Romans.; and MiL\ James Fraser. il"'*t River, Jolin 11 ilrnes'. Ari-},^ chat, Win. I'riehton and J.is i) Tuiidjall. .Mar^-ai-ee, Thomas | Taylor. Si/(Jn(>/, (\ //., S. G. Arehihald. .S7. GVor.ge'.j Channel,] DoMir.dd K('n;iod\-. C irniciih's', .l.'hn Morton. Vormoiilh, ll^^h. 15 Kelly. h'.tU'trc, Dim McFarl.uic ; Idvcr Inhnhi/ants, Jnoi •McLeod, Esijrj. Tn'asturet , Jdww.s Lei^hnian, Es(j. Secrttaries llov. John Stewart, and i Prcsht/fcriaii Church of Noca-Srotid. ■ PiiKsn vti:rv ok Tiiruo. — I.^on'IawJi rrij., Rev. J. Broun, Tniro, Rev. Wm. Met.'nllueh, (htsloiv. Rev. J. RaxUM* JJou- o7a^\ lle\. T. S. Crowe. J/u.s'iy//o'/o6o//, Rev. Jno Sprolt. Kro- \/}oin>/, Rev. A. Kerr. Srwiar!:c, Rev. J. Smith. Windsor, llcv. ■ I J. Muidoeh. (jlinj's River, Uov. R. Biaekwt^od. PiiKsnYrKiiv OF PirT,.r. — pAist Rivi r,Ilc\'. D. Rf)y. ff'osl Rii'cr. Rev.. las Ross. River John, Re\ . .1. ?.litehell. 3Jrrigomish, ilev \V. Patri(d<. .7/(^Vo:!/s//, Rev. Thos TroMer. Aiubou, Rev. Wm. Miller. Pictoii Town, Rev. J. McXinlay, A. M. Uf/itcr S(lll( menL [E. R.) Rev. A. McGillivrny. Tntaniao-ouche, Rev. H. Ross. Miramivhi, ilev. J. JMeCurdy. St. Mari/s, Rev.^ Jno. Camid)ell. Pne.SHvn.iii' ok P. E. Ist>a?ci) — Princrtown, Rev .;no Keir. .S7 P.7r/-.'?,Rev Roht Douglas. Richnond IJa /,Ro.\ Wm McG ri- gor. Bi'dcquc. RevR S Patterson. N(iK'Lo,idon,lloA\ Jno.GGfhlie.:! Prciichets. Rev. Dan!. xMcCurdy, Rev. Jas. Ueid and Rev, Jno. C Sinclair. The Synod meets at Pictou on the last T'lcsday of July, Synod Clerk, Rev Jas Uoss. I j Cliray of the Roman Catholic Church. I Rin-ht Rev. W.lliain Fraser. T) I). Bishop of Tancn, and Vicar /\postolie of Nova-SeoUa, residinu- at AuiiiionisJ!. i Jlalifiix, Very Rev. Jno. Lau^hlin, Vicar (Jencral ; Parish Priest, Rev. li. J Dca^:o ; Curates, Rev. R. O'Rncti, and Kov. Clerk \ i (Incsday r Nova. 1(1 Uov. icii cori- aincs F il!i, .las Jonians, Jricliloii '. Ari'^ riioinas Ih, K:.l>. i/,9, J no cntories Brown, J Don . Km- >?', Rev. :;omiftk, \ A. M.;] s, Rev. o Ko'ir. McGri-J LJcdtli':*. <1 Rev. Synod i\ Vicar i P.T-ish. 1 Rov. i \ 1810. r All Vim's ALMANACK. Richard Milian. Darhnoulh and Chczetrnok, Rev ff'.ndsor, Rov. Byrne. Liverpool, [lev 4') Dennis Oearj. O'Reilev. riclon ((ml M^rhsotnisli Rev. Jas. Doyle. I'lanidie, Rev. Join Quinan, and Kev.Fras. Qucreau. St/dncy, Hcv. llfiiry Mc Keag- iicy. JMuinadicu., Rev. .fas. Drunirnond. Conntij C((j)f Breloiiy llev. Neil McLeod, Rev. Michael McKeagnoy, and Rev. Jno. (irant. ^'Iri-haf, Rev. J. 13. Miranda. Chetirump, Rev. rjourleau. Jitdlfjue, Rev. Alex. McDonell. liroad Ci>vi\ Rfv. Alex. McLeod. L'Ardoisc^ Rev. Patrick McKean"ncy. .SY. .//n- drews, Sijdyiey C'lj. Rev. Colin McKinnon. Arisaii^, Rev. VVm. McLeod. Jf^csler/an Methodist Mif'f.ionarir.'^. Halifax, Rev. Jno. Marshall,' Rev. Cha.s. Churchill, and Rev. Jas. Knowlan, su})ernunierary. Lvw-nburf!;, Rev. \Vm. Webb. Liverpool, Rev. Rich. Kni(,^ht, (chairman.) Barrinn'yai:cTOai— " •■ iinna ■•ii«wn»Hiii»< ■i mmmmmms^^^mim^mimmti^ .hi HI U] I A R M E 11 'S A 1. M A N \ f K , 1840/ r:7^r. Kcv J Cha'^o. Lower (hnnvillc, Rev J B Coijrpwoll. CU- vunh, Uov 1 Pottor. Srnr. Krv I I\)tter, .ir.an.lltev 11 feaun- hiiiiiick. Tii.'^Lcl (tnd ^lii^iih, Kov .f L(:nt. Port AhdicaijAloyi T [{ Poit^r. Liverpool, Tun S T iJaii.l. BruokfeH, llov Ti l)e!')i(<;. Jii-itl:.';cicir(tr, l*,ov M I'aik^ir. TVi^.s^rr, Rev J D -nock.' !.in'.hrr.\t, ]li\ (,'ii;is TiipiKU', ({.cv SainiK'l M''Ciilly. ^Z/i/.'-^ow/s//, I»'"v J Whiddcn. (int/shnronirh, Hcv H liull JcdtUtri'., RovJ .1 Skerry. Prinra Kiiicnnl Llaiu', Rev J Shaw. Jjuntnbunr,^ ikov M i^arkor. Biver Philip (ind Parr':horo\ Rev J E Cogs- V, ell. Fi'!in'>uih, Uv.\ J SUplicns. " I ^ Lirruilat'x, Alessr.- ^ J Woodwoilh, J E Delap, ari'.l D W Ci iJiinock. i The Association for tliis year will be held at Liverpool on ihcl first Monday after Wtli June. JVova-Scolit Baptist Educatiin Society. Board of Directors. i Rev. Edw Manning, Pre.si/ent ; Rev ( y, Jos Dimock, (Jeo Diniock, T S Harding, Harris Harding, Jas'Lent, R McLcarn, E Marsters, F W Miles, Israel Potter, Jno Pryor, Jno Cliaso, Silas T Rand, VVni Burton, \V Jackson, R N Viditoi?, J E Cogswell, J H Cogswell, A y Ditnoek, T 11 Porter, JI Hull, Jno Shaw, Jas Skerry, Ebtn Stronach. Thos Delong, I^iael Poller, Jr. Sarnl McCulley, M Parker, C R Bill, and C Randall ;— Win A Cliipman. Jno Cun-^ ninehan^, tr'inson Fitcli, Jv's 1) Harris, E F Harding, M D.' Lewis Johnslon, M D. Hon. Jas W Johaston, VV B. Kinncar,' Jas rl Lovotl. Thos Pellingall, CIki.s Twining, Zcch. Ciiipman. Major Clii[>matN Homes i'liipinai;, Jno Ferguson, Wni Johnson,' VV B Lyiids, M I). Sicphen Cliipiiian, Gnius Lewis, Sai.jl ('h';> ' man, A McKini, mid Alex M L[)h;un. Eson^^. P> c I'.unr, Si- I mon Fitch. Esq. S^i-'ys. Rev VVni Chipiiian and J W Nuttinn-,! Es(jr Mii:Hiii;ii}-:^ Cominillce, Rev. E. A. Crawley, Rev \Vn»' I Chipman, Rev Jno Pryor, Rev Chas Tuppcr, Rev I E Bill and 8 Rov R McLearn, Lewis Johnstoii, Jas W Nulling, Hon. Jas| I W Johnston, \V Johnson and Sinjon Fitch, Es(jrs. Board /'or Forcii^'n and Domestic Mi'^.'^ions. V.Qy. Messrs Edw Manning, T S Harding, W Chipman, David j Harris, Jno Pryor, I E ]3ill, W Burton, R McLcarn, and E A Crawley ;— J W Nutting, Wni A Chipman, Simon Fitc!i.;i E F Harding, Honies Chi[)man, \V. Cogswell, Waller Reed, antl'i .lohn Fero-uson, Escjrs. Treasurer, W A ( 'hipnian, Esq. Secys.^ Rov. Wm Chipman and Rev R McLcarn. Treasurer for Fornfxn Missi-nfi, J W Nulling, Esq. Sec^y.Jor Foreign Jliasions, Rev. E A Crawley. jlfrican Baptist C/Vurc// — Tfalifax, Rev. Richard Preston, ttstatemMb 1 — li lii*> M ' « l| Ml id > . n i- 1840. ]• akmi:k s al.mana( k. Free Chrisfiun Baptist J'ini. 'era. Biirrinf^ton and Cape Sahlo,\\v.v Asa McCiray and Rev Albert Swiin. The Main, llov Tiios Crowoll. . ir'j^f/h , Rry Jacol) B ■Norton. ffti/ifiLV, llcv Thoinas Tirady. Ynrrnoiifi . Kcv Cliarlrs Knou'lcs. . ln/Kipi)lis', Rov Asa Ijeiil Lircnli'dt^, ..lossrs. Josh, Nickcrson aiul Stephen Steel. , , Nova SroUd lilhlc Soriely. ! Prci^idcnl, His Excelloiu'y Sir Colin Carupbeli. I'lnr-J^rrsi- \lents, Hon. H H Cc^t^^swell, and Coituniliee, Ivov E A Crawlev, Rov Jno Martin. Ucv Jas Morrison, Rev Jno. Scott, lf.ov R F LTniacU ', Rev W Cogswell, Rev .las Mackin- tosh, M R Almon, IJuLdi Rcll, David Haro, Lewis Jolinston, m. d. Hon Jas W Johnston. Jno. McNeil, Geo N Russell, Jas N Siian non and Win Pryor, jr. Estp'S, Treasurer and Depository, M. G. Black, Esq. Scr'}i. J. VV. Nnttinir, Esq ' COUNTY OF HALIFAX. \\'\^q. Inferior Court sits at Halifax, '?d Tucs. of March, June, Sept. ond Dec. — Jlook, Jas Eornian, Esqr. Comiuissioncr'a Court held at, IJalif;ix, on the 1st Monday of I every month. Cominrs. Jns Forman, Jno Liddoll, I). S. Clarke, Jno tlowc and Alex Keith, Esqrs. Clerk, Jas S. Clarke, ]]sq. Ses.^ions ol'thc Peace iieid at IJalifus, 1st Tuesday ofMareli, Juiu^, Scptemhor "ul l)ccemhi:!r, CV(/-A*, J S Clarke, Esq. I'olice OlTico op'.^n every day throuphout the yeir (Stmdavs and Ifoly days excepted.) JusHees. Wm Q Sawf • s, Jno Liddell, ,ind J. [iCander Starr, Hsqrs. Clerk, D.S. Clarke, Esq. Conslahl s, Geo G'.azebrook, Jas ll;im, and Win. Mills. Justieis ofthc Peace for ihe Toirit or Toicnship of Halifax. — sVilliam Q. Sawers, [Cusios); J(din Liddtll, Richard Tremain, Coo. N.Russell, J. Leandcr Starr, 'I'hos. llosterman, Chas. W . Wallace, Law. Hartshonic, Win. A. Black, Jas. Trctnain, ImIvv Cunard,Senr. Wm. Stairs, Stephen Finney, V/m. F Dlack, Edw Allison, Wm Saltus, and Wm T R Piers,' Escps I Jnslire,^' of the Pence for the County yf Halifax. — Samuel Albro,' Adams Archihald, Henry Y. Mott, Edw. H. Loue, Geo. B. Ih' I I FAIIMF.U'S ALMANACK. Ir4() Crcighton, Tho-;. B. Dt-^lnisay, M. I). II'-iiryA. Gladwin, Win.' Anniwid, .(<»■<. Koit, Win. K. lIcvnoMs, Win. Lo<(an, Juscpli (iroen, 'I'lios. lloihuid. Jno. .Smith, Win. Andoi-.-on, Andw. Mclnncs, Colin Milclioll. Senr .'no. Cooper, Jno. Sliclnul, Ceo. Sliolnul, Jno. nc.long, and Win. Hull, Ks(jr8. Clerk of the Pvarr. Jus Sl(>\vait ( 'larko, \vu\ — Town and Conn- \hl Treasurer, Law. llarlshnmc, Ms(]. — I'oiru Clfrh. Thos. f'yko, ;ES(1. — Chrk of I.irenre., (jcorg.' Hill, i^scj. — Iliallh fJjHrry, Hon. Will. 11. AInion, M. I). — J)"p. Land Siirvcfjors, Halifax, Mos.srs J. (/. M(Xon/ic and 'J'ilus yinitl.; Cay's Rivor, Mr. Wiu.i Logan ; IMusciuodoboit, Jas. Kent, Es(}. OJf'icers of Her Af ijesiy^s Customs. Collirtor, Hon. 'i'lioiiKis Xicklo^'on JoHory ; Lnmlini:: Survfyor^ Jno. Walhu'o, \]<([. Landinsc J'allrrs and ^'larclicrs, Jno. Black-| more, aiul Alox. Forsoyclh, E^^cjrs. l^aiullni^ ft'nilrrs, Searcfurs and Tide Surveijors, R()l»t. Closliorn an 1 Jas. G Ho;jri:s, Espted. Noto.'^ I'or Discount to be left tiie day previous, bet'ore ojie o'clock, with tiie Cashier. I Bank of Brillsli North Jhnerica. \ Established in Londoa. Capital One Million Slerlin^j. Halifax Branch- -.Mnnaii:er, Stephen N. Binney, Es(|. I)irc(l<>rs, Hon. Samuel Cnnar-I. Wm A. Black, Jns. McNab, J. Learakr Starr, and S. W. l)o!)lois, Es(\rs. Slani/ing Coitnscl^ S. (r. \V , \Arclii!)-ild, Esq. L.Ij.D. Solicitors and.YotarLe, I'ilols for tin Port of Halif'a.r, 'E(1w ('im.iril, Jill) Willi.iinsoii, Jno K Fnirhaiilcs, .las AIcNal), and (ifo P Lawson, ]l«i!l«)Uay, Henry (i Hill, (jieorL'e (iauld, Thos Wilson, iVnios I'cdlcr, Don. Siithcrl:uul, 11. FrostJ John Ervin, Win. Moriis, John Sinithers, Sam. Marshall and! Robt. MoUon. I No. 5, Enjiino, Station, Grind f'.irade — Hen Spike, Lieut.;' Tos. McGill, .Andw Oswald, Jno \V ills, .Tno Robertson, llobtj Janiicson, Thos Harrison, Jno Harrison and Jas Reaves. j i Honorary iMenibcrs, James Smith, Michael ijyran and James! jDechirian, Senr. j Axt Firn Company . \ Robert Richardson, Captain: Matthew Lounds, Lt ; Errol Boyd, sec'y. ; Win Marvin, James Grant, Pat. Mahor.cy, Cha.s. Marvin, Eph. Lawlor, Neisrm Marvin, Peter Thoronglij^ood, Robt Graham, Jno. Mnhlijr, Wm. Lunn, Roland Lustace, Geo Dravis, Peter Art/, Wm Wisdom, Jno Small, G«m). Wills, Win jWiley, Jno Whi.^lon, Henry Smiih, Thos Harrison,^ Jno Uoija, Alex Taylor, Richd Room and J Ross. {J^/^ The Fire Kn^/ine Company and Axe Fire-Men are exempt from Militia duty and from servin;/ a.s Jurors. INSURANCE (JOMPANiES. Halifax Fire Infuirance Company. — Directors, ffon. W. B. Alinon, M. D. Pres.; Chas. Twininsr, Esq. V. P.', Alex. Koith, Edw. Wallace, T.J Sawyer, Alex. Wallace, and Lewis Jiliss,- Esqrs. Sec'y. and Treasurer, Rich. Tremain, Esq. | I Albion Life and Fire fnsuranre Comram/.— Directors, Hon. !H. H. Coirswell, Prts. : M Ci. Black, Jas. Tremain, Jtio. .^nrv Morria, and Cha?. W. Wi'.'lace, Esqrs. Sol'cit«)r, flon. Jas. T>. lUniacke. Sec'y. and Troa: urer, Henry Pryor, E-q. ] Hart ford Fire. Ir.suranrK Company. cn!s for Nova Scotia and I'nuco Edward Island^ A'»'illiain and Gci>r;.^e R. Voung-, Esqrs. IfaKfax; (.'Irarlcs Youni,'', Es(|r Clu.rluUc Tcj'.vii. P. E. I. l'l)vsiiian«, 11. Ilurue, M. D. and .lauies F. Aveiv, M. D. Esqrs! llalilux. JVova Scotia Marino. Insurance Company. — (Capital £ 10,(iOO) Pres. Wnj. Pryor, Esq. Diroctors, Win. A. Hla.-k, Jas. A. f .rciiililoii, J. ( .11 I'on, VV. J)eh!ois,J no. W liiianison L flartsiionio, F>d\v. Cuu; •/' Sriir. Win. l^mvfjcn, jr. V» in. Saltiis. 'Thos. Willia-iison aiidlu ')t Nobl*^. Iv^qrs. Soli- ''or, Ja:^. F.Gray I-: s(ir B ro!v«M .s. \; •rs. H. Ye on J' id A G. FrasT, Esqrs OlTicc, Hcdfbrci -liow, op{;(i;;ito the ( '<)n'!!n^•.sai•iat, 7 ,r Aiartai I) roc.tois^. M. B. Ahnon. Pn's. itranre Com/y/,-??//.— (Cnpilal C!"-,CO()). Di- }] rl>anKs, .f.io. Dun'us, Thoi?. C Kinn ar, .In.). Edw. Si.irr, God. P. Lawson, W. .1. Starr, R. M. lirown. .lap. Trcniain, E. Cunarvi, Jr., A. M. Uni-j acko, Alex. Keith, and Wn). Al. Allan, E.s(]rs. Solicitor, Wni. Youn^;, Esqr. Auditors, Edw. Kt'nny and Clias. J. Hill, Esjjrn.' Sec'y. and Broker, .T, Leander Starr, Esijr. Ollico, Granville: Street, in the Building recently occupied l»y the Bank of Nova Scotia. ' Union Marine Insurance Compony of Nova Scotia. — (Tajnta! XlOjOOO). Pres. Jos. Starr, Esfj. Directors. Jas. A. Moren, Jos. Fairbanks, Jno. Strachan, W'ni. Stairs, Daniel Starr, S. B.' U. I toss Smith, J 'l\ Wainwri^ht, .?as. II. Reynolds, Jno. jDavid Allison, Jluuh Lyle, and Win. Roclio, E^^^rs. Solicitor, Jno. \VIildd(;n, E.S(j. Anditors, Win.]). Ilunlcr, and Geo. II. IStarr, Esijrs. Broker, Geo. 0. Whiddcn, j':.s(;. Oilice, Bed-' librd Rovv', opi)o:iite the Commissariat Otlico. | Untied F(i trcdom IJft- ,'lssurnnct Companif, iVo H. Vf'uftrloo Place. Pitlh.Mall, /.o/u/o».— (Capital i: I, (lO( ),()(')()). A! VIdven, , S. B. Ross,' licilor: (.. 11. Bed-' 'afivloo v: . F. r, I.sq. or No- a ! i t a X . Ill ONF. a Ha- ;;!iilal (i Now, I 'rrjf !ip-' P pointed by the Court of Diroctirs, vi/. Manrtfcing Director (ir.dj \ .'lu;e7it, J. L«'aiulur Starr, lOsq. J. oral Dircrtors, (loo. P, Law?on,'! f TIkis. ]l. G^n^si«^ and .loo. Ivhs. Starr, Kscjr:-. J-Inj.sicir}}, Wni. : ^ Johnston Ahrion, Es(i. :M. 1). & A.B. Soilcilor, Jno. C. liallibiu-_! ton, 1>{1. — OiHce ia (j'r.in\ illo-Strcct. jlgrnis Jor L/a?/(/.v.— Halifax, Messrs. J. & M. Tobin. Pic-i (Oil, J as. Dawson, Esq. Capo Breton, P. H. Chirke, Esq.'! \'aniioulh, E. VV. 13. Moody, Es(|. MASONIC The most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free Masonry. (iritnd Mapicr of Eivj^l awl. His Royal Jli'^'hncss thuB.iUc of Sussex., (J nin J Master of Ireland, the Duke of Ldncestcr. Grand .Master of Scotland, Sir Jas. Forrest, Bt. Officers of the 11 If (Jrand Lodist of Nova Scotia. R. Jy. Prov!nci;il (niiiul Ma.ster; i^ fV. Alex. Keith, Es^q. D^'p. (jfrand Mister: R. IV. Jus. Fornvn, .Ir. P^^cj. Senior (Jrand Warden; R. ff. R. F. I! irf. Ei:q. .lunicr (h-and Warden; K //'. j. 'J\ Twinii:?, 1) I). (m-mkI Cha])lai)' ; i r. //'. A. (i. Blair, E.<(]. Grand Sncrrt;iry : /'. //'. R(d)t. Downs, (iranil 'i'rc'.^uror ; fV. ^Ir. .Ino. Ui(di;ir(is()ii, Grand Marshall; /?' , (Jra): i Sword JJearcr ; Ji'. Mr. .Ino Oal, Senr. I (Jrand Deaei.n ; If. Mr. Wni. i»oi;»'rs. Junr. (irand Dcaion; ! ll\ Mr. Geo. Anderso::, Senr. Gianil rursui\ant; //'.Mr. Geo. i Aiidorson, Junr. Grand Tyler. RoVA;. IJ.MoN ClIAPTF.U, ; Hi'ld undf.r a Wariiint lVon\ ;]ie Most Excellent Grar.d Cluipter of I Enj^ldnd. I Three Chufs-M. E. C. Rev. J. T. Twinin, ('. H.,* Win. J. Uodiirrs, R. A.C; B, Bow ns. C. 3 j i. ; Win. Aiillar, C. ',> V. ; J. Fo^o, C. J V. ' f .'IVO Nova-Scotia Pint. a. nth ho pic So( il.tv. — Prcs'd'7:t. Tlios, Forres'er, Esq. V. P. Mr. W. A McA.-y. ./.sv-V. T. I'rcst.^;' Messrs. H. A. lii-^hv and Chas. 1). Hunter. Treasorcr, Mr.' Wuu Cnldwell. >Jfir> Mi. H. M P.a'rall. .List. Sc.-'y. Mr.' Samuel Caldwell. Slcirard, Mr. W. B. SlephensfMi. Com- mittee of Churi'.ij, Messrs. B. Uichardson, J. B-'unelt., M. Lowndj' .losliua TiCe, and B. JMurdoeh. j ; St. Gr.oui.-ii's ^ovikvy. —Prf.(|. luisfi f^oc.\v.-y\.-- President, lif)n..ltis. I>. ! i;i:.cko. V.PA^^w O'C. Doyle, Esq. ,S'ec\v. IMr. j! Fitzgcrnlcl. Treasurer, Mr. Win. | Skeny. Ili(^ai iwvxn SocJF.Tv o;- .\ov,\ ^'( oti\. — Piilron, 'li-i E^c*!!-; lency Sir ('n. Mnrdo li, and .Areo. .Mi Don;. id, Ks(jr.s. [ Scrij\'i. Rev. ,Fa ; Mackinto^ii and .Fno i\rcGrc;ri)r, ll?.(\. Trcfu-iircr, \ Cha.^, W' . Vralh.ce, Esq. " i CAUT'K,\rEii'.s SfK^FTV. — Pr' .';!('( nf . Mr. Geo. Cullic r. P.. Mr. Edw. liuller. »'•'//. Mr. Amos JjO\i.:(i. Trcnsitrcr, Mr. Iloht.; liieliardson. :| IjAi.irw DrsiM-.NS Auv. — Pttfron, Sir • "oiin Ciunpljol!, K.C. U't Prrs. 'I'lio Lord Bishop. T. /'/v.f/.s. Her Majesty's Council.; (ioi'ernor--, Rev. Dr. \\'il!i.s, Rev. II. J*\ Uniaeko. Rev. Jno. I Seoll, Rev. .fohn l..riti • hiiii, //i-n. SaiMOid C'lniM'd, J[o)i. H. ; 11. Couswcil, S. (;. W. Archibald, M. (i. lilack, .las. For- j man J,-\\v. Ilai Is'iorne, .1. \V. Nnttin'. For- 1 joan. jr. lisq. Curalar, IMr. Jno. .McT'^ouald. .SVr'j/. Mr. .!no. S. ^ 'I'iio' npsoM. C.iri'.ini.'frf, ^Jessrs. (i. T .. O'lJiien, Jno. ?.icLean,| .> Black, J. I.oaiuior Starr, Henry Pryor, r.nd Hon. J. \V. John- ston. I'^sqrs. Treasurer, Lihrdrian, Mr '^.itn!. J-jOO-^a. HALfKAX LriF.UAKY A .\ SciKNTIFIC A S « f i C I ATI 0.\ , rcsi- (frnt, M-. \V. C. Silver. /'. /Vr.?/.9. Messrs. .J. A. Bell, and ('\u\<. liohson. Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Leisluiian. Sec'j/. My. VV. H. Ros«. yl.s.s7. Scr'tj. Mr. Richd. Rolsinson. Halifax Ac'.in i/itum, Socir.rv. — Prcsidnit, Win. Vonnir, ivsq. rVce Pres'.i. Win. A. Black, and (ieo. R. Y»>nntr, Lscjrs. Trcaaiircr^ Mr. Hen. VVrijjilif. S'-nr. Sir\)/. A. ►Sinclair, li.s(]. Coinmiilcv^ Mcr^sr.^. .Ino. Art/, Chuirnmn • Andw. Sinitli, Jno. Longard. Jno. AVinteis. Jno. llornc, Win. MilclicU. and Arcli. .McCnlioch. HoirriciLTuiiAi, SocirTV. — Patron, Sir ('i)lin r'ani)»l)ell, K. ^ O. B. PnsUknt, //on. T. N. JciVcry. Vict Prcs. Hon. Chas. 11. Prescott. yreasnrcr, Henry Piyor, I'jS(.. Sec'}/. ('. II. I Went won h, Esq. R. E. - • . j Halifax Ri:APix\fi Room. — Connnit^ee, Danl. Starr, Esq., I (Cliuirinnn.) Jno. Dnft'us, Edvv. Kenny, .los. I'iiii iianki*. Jas.A.; \ Moren, and P. Fnrlono", Esqrs. Soc'y. Wni. B. liamillon, lOsq. Siipcrintendant, Afr. .inc. Cooper. Keeflkr's RKAitiNir Room. — Opjxvsite Mte Exrliann-e Codec : House, conducted by the Proprieter, Mr. Chas. Iveefler. | POST orriGx: | ' J\1oils made vp nt IlnlifiT. 0\ Moxn AY Afternoon, at four o'clock, for Newport, Windsor, Wolfvillc, K(Mit\ilh, IJialu^etov.n. Annapoli-, Yarnionili, Oi^iiy,' St. John, N- B., United Stafr-q, Chester, ijuncnbnrnf, J.,iverp(ji»l. ' Shelbnrne, li;irr!np;ton, and «■ linu' tho Suinincr tor Prurshoro'. ii On Wi i).\Ksi> VV, at one o^lotli, lor Ciay's River, Muscpiodo-; boit, Truro, Pictoii, Prince Edwanl i-!an 1, CumiIh', land, .\nii:o- ; nish. Cjnysboro', Cape-Breton, Ncw-Biuuswick, tlie Canadas and j United State.--, and during the winter for Parrsboro.' ' On' Frioai' alternoon r?/ 1 o'clock, lor Windsor, Kertville.i WoUN ille, I^ridg-ctown and Annapolis. j 0.\ Sa'i TiutAv, nt i) o'tlock.i'ov'Vvwvo, Cuiid)crland, Dt)rchcs- S ler, St. .lohn, Frcdericton, i^wd the Canadas. '| i Mails Arrive nt llulifd.r. Ox MoxDAv Eveninir (Voni Sh( Ibnrne. Ijivoroool, Tjunenbur:'-, Chester, Annapolis, Kcntville, WollVille, Wind.(pi<;(l<)boit, Truro, Pictou, Prince Edward Island, Cumberlandj NntinfonislK E Guyslioro', Cape Breton, New Brunswick, tlie Canadas, and the I United States, and durinnr the winter tVoni Parrsboro'. | Lama—— anjg ■ niMtn i a^t^ffmmmm %l if) .'■ r if - J: 5 i i In in i ;>:> K A H M K R 3 ALMANACK. iHio: 6 do 7 do 8 do f) do Kxplanntion of Sip^nals maie at Citadel Hill, Halifax, when Vcifi^ls are coming up the Harbour. <.3uubill close, a square riii^ed vessel; A Pendant ii.idor a ball One do. half lici^led X.' doiDo. over a ball li:df hoisted- • j|T\vo do. clo a ;J do Do under 2 do clOi^e JTwo do. sep;ir;ited 1 o s will osscl. fiiner. de- Slll]) llOU 1(1 lo ll iO, i • 5' « it I! I'i J >■ '158 FAIIMKK S ALMANACK. ■aawwn I— I 1 840.' Win. Slaii'S, ilo. centre a l»Iu(? sciuarc. H. Cm/ou, ilo. ciossed rod. Jiun<>s A. .Moron, do. bordorod rod. H. Fay. do. contio a thistle. Fairl)anks ic McNal), do. crossed blue. Tlios. ('. Iviiinear, do. cei)tro n rod blar, bordered red at, top i .Uld l>OtloMl. John r. llo.ss, d(». oeiilre a bhie Maltese cross, nilh a blue borih'r. Win. Straclian, a white, rod. and white do. white next the mast. Geo ITand'ov, white, liUieand \vhite (U). while iipportnost . .los. FairbaiiUs, white and l)lno do. the idue meeting- in the (M'ntre at a point iVcm lh(? lour corners. T. i'icrs, a l»bie anil uiiile do. bbio indented from the outer C(ly;o. J. A. Bauer, a whito and red (b). di\icb'd diaL'onally. Jno. Strachan, a white, red and white ilo. white npi>crtnost. .1. & D. Starr, a white Bnriree. .1 II. IleynoUls iij>reiiie Court, Jus. Skinner, Esq. Inferior ('ourt and Sessions of the Peace, held at Pictou first Tues. of Jan'y. and first Tues. of July. Asst. Judj^os, Hon (ieo Smith, Robt Louden, and Abraliani Patterson, Esqrs. Justices^ of the Peace, VVm. Q. Siwers (Gustos), Robt Louden, Hon (ieo Smith, Jno Eraser, Abr Patterson, Win Matthowson, David McLean. Robt McKay, Jas ('armichael, Jno Oldiiitr, <»oo McLeod, Henry Hatton, Dav Cricliton, Jno iLdmcs, Ken McLean, Adam Carr, Jas Eraser, Jos R Smith. Robt ^Murray, Edw Smith, Geo ('ainpbeli, Peter Ross and Alex McKenzie, Esqrs. Judiro ;ijid lleg^'r. Court ofProl.ateSj Hon (Jeo Smith. Dep. Rog'r of Deeds, Peter Crerar, Esc]. Dep. Pos1-n:a.^tf r, Alex P Ross, Esq. Coll'r of Customs, Hen l)avenj)ort. TiSq. Coll'r of Co- lonial Duties, Tatainagouche, Jas Cam[)bell ; Pictou, Thos Di»;k son, Esqrs. Coll'r of Liirht Duty, Win Corbett, Esq. Harbour master, Mr Jno McKay. Light House Kee))er, Mi Oav liOuden. Pilots, Win Adamson, Ano-us McDonald, J Powel, W I'owel, RPowei,Chas ONoil, and W Powel, jr. County ^J'reasurcr, Mr Mat'i. Patterson. Comm'rs. of Streets, Pictou, Jno Taylor, Peter Crerar, Danl Hockins. Adam D Gordon and Jas D. 15. Fr:is>'r ; New Glasgow, Alex Frascr, Jno McKay, and Rodk McGregor,! I'^sfjrs. Fire. VV\ardens, J. McKay, Jno Taylor, (jeo McKay, Jas Dawson, Jos Trcnaman, Jas Primrose, H. Blackad;:r, Witi. Pliair, Fras Beattie, Thos Renton and N H INL-irtin, Esqrs. Fire En- g'nic Comp'y. Win Corbett, C-ipt ; Adam 1) Gordon, 1st. lA. ; Wm Murdoch, 2d Lt. ; Fire Axe Company, Capt. J D B Eraser Coin'rs of Schools, Rev Chas Elliott, A Patterson, H Hatton,j and Jas Crichton, Esqrs. U. S. (Consul, Pictou, Jas Prim- rose, Esq. Dep. Land Surveyors, Peter Crerar a^d Jno Holmes, Esqrs. Agent for Lloyds, Jas Davvsoji, Esq. Clerk of License,' Edw Roach, Esqr. Errik^ I I n'lMnw . ■! »i »;o F\KI\ir.U S ALMANACK. 1^10. h\ 11 1 i '-■ Pictou Auxiliary Bible Soci'ity, Pres. Hon. (^ino Siiiilli, Trca swrcr, Mr J no Patterson. Sec'ij. las D.iwson, l\,s(\. Bank of l>i-ili-!i Nortli A tnorica, Pictou l>ranf'li. — Diiorlor.--. H(ni (ioo Sniill). and J;vs Piiivt^«, Ei\. Mafi:iL'"t'r, Win II Hop- per, Esq. Discount day, Tin'Siluy. Notes for Discount to ho jelt Willi the ni:in;ijrer before Pi o'clock tlie previous day. Ollicu liOiirsiVoMi h) to Pi o'clock. Hunk ol Nova-Scol la— Pictou A|renry. — ^'lijrcnf, Jas Primrose, Escj. (JJlice hours Ironi 10 to 1 o'( lock. ! » OLNTV OF SVn.M. Y. ifii^fi ^^hcr'ijf] Edward II. Harrington, Esq. Coroner, Alex Jvlc- nouoall, Esij. j Siq)renio Court sits at Dorcliestor, on tbo'J'iici*. next after the 1th Tuns. ot'Soi*!. Dip. Protiri/. ; (ind Coniin'r. for titkiag S/)e-\ <'lal fiail^ on .Irtions depiCir jn Ike Sunremc Courl^ Alex. Mc nnnald, Esq. M J). Inferior Court, and Sessions of tiio l*eace, held nt Dorchcs Icr, on the lastTues. of Jun*', an« Henry, Esfj. Judge &L Rejof'r. Court of Probates : Alex .McDonald, Esqr. M. I). Dep. Re^rr. Deeds, Jno Cunningham, Esq. Coll. of Colo- nial and of Ijju-ht D'lties, Allan McDonald, Esqr. Soiziriir Of- licer, J G Hicillhy, Es(j. Dep. Postmasters ; Antigonish, Robt N Jlenry ; Tracadie, , Es(jrs. Cominr's of Schools, Rev Thos Trotter. Rev Thos C Leaver, Alex McDonald, }Iugh McDonald and Richd J Forrestall, Esqrs. (>oinmr's. of Streets, Alex 'I'hompson, and A D Harrington, Esqrs. Dep. Land Sur- veyor, Alex. Thonq)son, Esq. Surveyor & Admcasnrcr ol Ship-' ping, Mr Allen McDonell. i COLNTY OF OL" VSliOROL GH. | Ui^'h Sitftrijf, M. McLean, Esq. Coroner, Stewart Camp- bell, Esq. Suprenif^ Court sits at CJuyshoro' on the 4th Tues. ofSeptr. Dep. Prothy, and Comm'r fur taking Special Rail on ;ictions de- pending in the Supreme Court, Wentworth 'J'aylor, Es(i. j Inferi »r C.'ourt and Sessions of the Peace, held at Guysboro', on the Tues. next preceding the lastTues. of June, and on the Tues. next preceding the lastTues. of Dec. Asst. Judges, Jo.s.' Marshall, Robt Hnrt-horne and Francis Cook, Esqrs. j Justices of tlie Peace, Wm.Q,. Sawers (Cnstos), Jos Marshall, Hon. R M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Chas Archibald. Wm McKeen, Roblllartshornc, Jno Newton, Hugh McDonaldv,Tho.>; Glcncross, I color.', I llop- t to 1)0 Ollice ijnroie, ex .\Ic- ftcr tlic Spe- cs. Mc- i^S lorchcs Doer. — uniiin, J'roth'i/, SiJa.s H Morse, Esq. Inlerior Court and Sessions' of the Peace, held at Amherst, '2d Tuof. ol" Jrin'y nnd 3d Tnes. of .Fuly. A.sst Jndi^cs, Danl McFarlnn(>, Robt McG Dickey, and M. Gordon, Esfird. I Justice;! of the Peace, Win Q Sawer.s. (Custns.) Dunl. McFar-* liiiie, (i:nu.s Lewis, Jno Morse, Geo Ber<]i;uian, Jus McNab, Ste- I»ii(!n 0\by, Uobt McG. Dickey, Jno Johnstf^, Wni JSmitli, Mich (jordon, Luther Lnsby, Wm Fowler, Josh Huesti.s, H (J Pineo, Jacob (iPurdv. C Bfiker. Rph Pier:', J Bent, Gill>ert Liiwrence, A. I Bhick, J<>s N B Kerr, W W Bent, Win Wanirh, and Peter Tidd, ! lOscirs. ('lerk of the Peace, Silas C Morse, Es(|. Judge »S:. Rotr'r. 'Court Probato.9, C InLfJis Halliburton, Esq. Dcj). Retr'r of Deeds, Gilbert Piirdy, Esq. Coinm'rs for takin^r Special Bail on Actions (iep'nf in the Sup. (Jourt. S H .Morse, and 1) McFrirlane, Es(]rs, i('ollr. ot' Cufltouis, Michael Cioi-don. Esq. Coirr.Coloni.il and |Liirht Duties, Ainheist, Jo.sh. Chandier; Puowa-h, Ja.s McNab, !Es(]rs. Dep. Postniastcrs. Amherst, J no SmitJi ; Puj.^wash, Geo Bergman, Esips. Comnir's of S.chools. Rev G Towiishcnd. Hon Jas S jMoiso, Danl .McF;irl;nie. R 3Ic(jf Dickey and Jos Oxiey, E^iirs. Dep. Laud Surveyors, Andw N Stevens, Jas ]\rciNab,- ;t!ui W.'u P.MoiVat, E-(pfi. " U S Conijular Agont. Silas H Morse, iy-'i. Supervisor of thu Griudstono (iuarries. Josh Chandler, ;Es4. mK i; /*'' fii ' 1 H 1 11 I i I' ma^^tmm 181U' MIDDLE niFlSlOX. This Division incliulo.^ tiic CoiintioH ofHant", King's, Queen't and LmK'iihurir. (.'Iiiol' Jiistiro of the Int'crior Courts of C'oin- nion Plcay and President oftho C(>urts oflScssion, Thomas C. IIaluu.uton, Esquire. COl.NTT OF IIA.NTS. Hlf^h Sheriffs Charles J Wilkins, Esqr. Corc.urB, Nathaniel Jenkins and .1 Smitli, J'^S(jrs I Supreme Court sits at Windsor last Tucs. of Mav, and •llh; Tues. of Sept. JJcp. rrollry. vS" CUrkofthe Peace, K T liard;iig, Esq. M I). li Inferior Court and 8<'.^-'ion^i of the peace, ludd nt Windsor.- !:ist'rues of Jan'y and Ist Tucs of July. Asit Judges, W II r^hcy. ami .Ino l-'ldor, E>qrs. i Justices of the I'eacc — Thomas C ITaliburlon (Ct!5/os). Shuba»'l DimocU, W il Shey, J Smith. HenJ Douoll', Jos ^^miell, Jacoh "AVithrow, Jno J)imock, Jno i'lder, Uicli Smith, D.-'.nl Wier. Wm 'O'Brien, Jno Alliscm, Patrick W^viaiit, 'J'hos Kinir, ijenini Smith. ■Jno Cochran, Sand Denni.son, Jno Utis Kinir, Rich. A -MclIeiVey,- Eras. Parker, Wm Mumford, Jno N Crair, Chas Po^n;.-?, David Clow, A? a T(MTey, Nat. Jeidcin-, Joscpli Dill, S;iml Palrnor. Ja« Songster, M Salter, setir. 'i'iios.Moxon, and Ciias Trcmain. Ii~qrs. .ludj^c and Reir'r (,'onri of I'rohates, lion. Lewis iM Wilkins,' (jommr's for takini]- S}>ecial i?ail on Actions dcpd"'^ in the Sup. 'jourt, Patrick NVrij.";!!! and llunh Jenkins, Esqrs. Dcp. Re^'r of Deeds ; Coll'r. of Colonial ;uul of Lii.''i;t duties, Asa Torrey, Esq Collr. (.■'■ Cunoms, i'at Wrioht. Esq. Dcp. Puift-, masters, Windsor, J;: ; Jj. JJewnlf; Petite, V Parker: Paw-don.' 1 VVitlirow, J'lsqrs. Coii.m'r.s of Streets, Wiu'isor. Ilarrv Kiiis". Thos. Timlin, and Asa Torrev; Falmouth, N Davidson. "E Fav'- zaU. C Wilson, Jno Anar-lron!::, Thos Cuirv, ^\\^•h I'aker aijd P Walker, E;jq:s. CommVs of Schools, lloV W C Kin::. Hon., Lewis M Wilkins, V.'ns II Shey, E. F. Jlnrdin- :.I."Dan<^ .Ino Alli-on, I'^qis. Dop. Land vSurvcyors, Ivlcssrs. A Arm- strong. Wm OT»!it;.i, Jacob Withroiv, and Andw Harvey.- -■ 'V S Consular Ao-cnt, //on. L M \nikins. Avon liridge; iiCoinpany, Dinclors. T C Malihurton, Prcs.; B Dcwoll", W U •Slioy, flon. 1... iM. Wilkins, and IJcn. (loudgo, Fsqrs. »SVr'_jy.t \'\^iu\ Trcusurcr. Ilarrv Kin-j:, Esq. Clerk of l^ic;jncc, Mr Jno' «lark. - - I COU.NVY OF KIXGS. | ; Hlixh Sfu,:jf, W. C. Camphell, Esq. Coron.-^rs, Wm C Mooic' Jas Allison, Abraham Van lUiskirk, an*4 Ji.o Fisher, E Whij)plc, ami C Pjit-j terson, l^'^cirs. Coinm'r.-. of Soliool:;, Rev. N. A, Coster, Jas Allison and Caleb II Hand. E.^qrs. COUNTY Of QULKNS. High SlipnfT, Robt. Roberts, E.-^q. Coroner, Freeman Tapper. Esq. " I Supreme Court sits at Liverpo(d 1st Tues. of July. — Dep.j iProth'y.: Clerk of the Peace, cial Bail' on Actions depd'g". in the Sup. Court, Jus N. Knaut, Essqr. i ! Inferior C'oiu't and Se.Si-ion.-^ of the Peace, held at Liverj)ool. 4tJi Tuos of April and od Tu'.s oi'Oct. A-. Taylor, Nath. Sniitli, Jno' Campbell, Freeman Tupper, Whitman Frec.'nan, Caleb Seeley,; and Elisha Freeman, Es|) L;iii(l SiirVi-yors .M.'>si.-j \\'liitrii;iii Fn.'O- mun jui'l (ico WiLflitiinn. Tru^T^tOL-sj of I'lihlic l'r(Ji)(.'rly, S P FairbunUn, Win U Tiiylor niul Jno Canj|jl>ell, Esciis, j I COir.NTV OF I.UNF.MU'RO. j TIIg/iSlirr!l]\ (I"'iiryK:iiill);ick.K>ti. Corom-r, Jno (' 1} luloIf.Ksq.' yiiprfUH! ('((i.rtsits at Lniiciihiir^' last 'I'iil'h of .luiiu. Dip. \Prolh'i/. IIciiiv Miii-1, !'ls(j. ('(»miii'r«! fur takin^u" Spcrinl H.-iil oil Actions (l<'|»*n- ill tliw' Sup. ('oiiii, and tor taking I'^Nainmaliona Danl Oucn. and IN n KrnstKs(jrs. i Inferior Court mid Scsyion.s ot'tlicPeaco /old at I.unonbnr:: 'Jd TuC3 of April and 'id Tnos of Oft. As.^L. .Iii(l;r<-^, .' I'oinoltc, (Jarrot Miller, l) .fanu^s, .Iiio C liiidolf, and .Ino Ilniit. iv'^ip's. Jnstict^s of tlin I'oaco, 'I'lios (j 1 laliburlon, lM\v.lanif:~.( (.'(/. Rudolf, (l.-irrot .Miller. Wni Alex- ander, Jno liCckniMU, .las S Wolis, Jolin Hunt, iluii Win l{udolf, !(Jeo Alitcliell, Witi S .Morris, \V (ireuvcs. Caiob A Slircvc. Joseph P Miller jinil Kdw J lloss, E.scjr:!. Clerk of the Peace, ('has 13 Owen, Ks([. I Court of Probates, Judi^'-e, J Pernelt.' ; IlenV, Coo T Solo- mon. Ii^sqrs. Di'p. Reu-'r. of Deed.s, .fno Hunt. Mscj. Coll'r. of 'Cu.^totns, J 11 Mo} le, l^sci. Coil's, of Colonial Duty, Lnn('ni)urji Chas n Owen ; Chester and St. Marg-arei'^ liay, Caleb A Shrove !Es(|rs. (^:>irry. of Lio-ht duty, Chester, (^ A. Slireve ; Lunenburj.^ Daniel Owen, Ks<[rs. Dep. Post-masters. Lunenburg'", Jno (JJlu- dolf; Chester, Jus S Wells, Kscp-s. Coiunrrs. of Streets, "Lu- tienburv DrShr-'vc, Rev Chas L Cos.s- inaiin, C Miller, and Jno lli;ckman, Ksijrs. Di'j). Land Surveyors, W S Morris and T Holland, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, C R Owen, Esq. JjunenburL'' Crown Fire Company. — Ptrsidoif, (jco T Solomon, Esq. VP MrCh.is T Rudolf, i^ec'ij ^- Trtaaurer, J)anl Owen, Es(]. Jl nS TK RX niFLSl ON. \ This Division includes the Counties ot Annapolis, Dio-by. Shelburne, and Varmoulli. Chief Justice of the [nferior Courts of Common I'leas nnd President of the Courts of Session. Thomas Ritchie, Esciuire. cou :t' r Y o r a n .n a i'o i, i s . High Sheriff, Edw H Culler, Escj. Coroners, Jas R liovett, David Hall, Edw J Young, Sil Snow, Peter Bennett and Jno; Sanders, Esqrs. i Supreme Court sits at Annapolis 2d Tues of June, and 2d; Tuos ofSeptr. Dep. Proth'y.; Clerk of the Peace ; and Comm'r.; riUUMBUflMM b«H:4*^h«WMMli^U '\ .w v: S P r. risq.' Ik p. 1 n.-iii i iK'ite, Alcx- tidolf, lUH'VC. 'oace, Solo- I'r. of hrovf iil)iiran, Ceo Vrooni. and Win Harris, |]'^(jrs. } I Juduro and ll'-i^'V. Conrt of l'rohatc^^ and J)op U«."j'r of Doodi^J K II Ciill'T, K.-'i. ColTr olTii.t.oiiis, and CrdTr of Colonial and' Li;,rJ,t Dii',!.'-;. If. Coldsiulth, T^sq. KL'izinilrial T)j<('iy C'A Tnes of Juno and 1st Tiies cd'| ►Sept. I)ej) Pi< th'y and Cnmrn'r for taking- ►Spt uial Rail on^ Actions dep'dji in Sup Court, Piiinf.'as Lo\flf, Esqr. ■ Inferior Coui't and S">.-i'-n.s f»r tho Peacr-, held at r)iul)y Ist^^ Tuesorjuly. and .'M Tnc--of Dec. .\.--i.it. Judg-es, lOikanah Mor- fton and Ccreno 1; Jonc?-'. Ej-Jir^". ^ Ju-ticns ol'tho Peace. Thos Ritcliie, ( Cia.';,'.v,9.) Ellcanah Moitonj[ Phinc'.^; Tx;vc;t. Ciia.- Rndd. Jno Uuhii'.(;n. ( 'ercno I.' Jone.s, '^anil. (.'amp!' 11, Ccdin Canipbell,' Cliarlc .s Jon-: . Eiinha Payson, Jno| i Al Se}roi<..n(', Saml I)o;icetl. iJerij Pi.'t' -r, Ciiurleu MeCarlliy.j i Jno Ward, .Ino iMeXe.l. Froik A Rohi'dieau and Jaa Harris, EtiqrL-i. Clerk of the Peace, Ilen Stewart, E^qr. | JudiiC antl ile;r'i Court ol Probates, ElJcanali Morton, rNqr.! Df'p Re;r"r of Deeds, Guy (J Jones. Es(;r. Collectors Cu:itenis,! Diirby, Wm Sim' ; New Ed:nl»urirli, Saml Campb-ll, EM]r.s. iCoTl'i-.s of Cutl(l, ruid Jiio Robinson, Esqr.s. Dej» Land g 'Surveyor.'^, Thos Snialle, TIioh Rnngles and Jacob !too}», lOsqr':. i? jCoun ,' Treasurer, Clias L>udd, Es«ji- Comnirs. of Streets, Jnc .Uobinson, and cor; v TV o F "^ 1 1 1: f.nvii n i: . ' Hii:;h SJicriff. C(, melius Wljilo, Msq. Coroner, T. J. Crowe!!,' .Es' Sjjoeial {Jail on < Action.- (Irpd'g in liir Siqj. C(jiii-t, and (Jierk -^f ]^ic»^nco, Isaac G llOnslow, r>(]. Ii;!"(Mior CoMit, ;ind Sessions of the Pfficc, held at ."-'helbn -no, ■id Tnos. of :.i .y and 2d 'I'nL-.s. of S(q)L A6^:tJndo-cs, Tlios Ooncdl, and W ii K!:irL'"ent, J-is^irs. \ I Jn>tic*.js of liii' i'f';o'i\ 'V\i liiias Il'itdiio, {C:isto9,) Thomas <'ro\v(dl, R:>''i CNiTic, Iv-os (.'iuwciiill, Corntdm.-; W'liite, Jas (it'dde.^. \Vi;i B S;;r;^-(Mit. 'TIio.s Jo!iri;-ifon, G.-o il I)cin-!adt,' ni;;i('.i;di NVilsoii. Jr., Vv'iiiihioj) SiiruPnl. Jo.-iali Collin. Sain! ' Iveynohl- Daviil S'\;\ino, >'iiuil Doain, \Vni .S:;r.:^i;nt .!as Smiili. Jr.. and Jas Sar;teti!, E-sijis'. , Ji;d;4'e :nid Ko'^'r. Court ot'Prob.'i'o^. ;uul Oip llegr. of l^oeds., ' ."•(io.Hi Whitn. |-].-i:j. Dot). P()si-mai:-tL'r, R. S. T!io!iq).-on, ivsfi • ^'.'l'!-; of (."ii .toi;)<, »d!. iI,u:T!0, P A !'^^r!K"^ ; B.:;"iin!rton, Ji SCi'e-.v, f;.%:,r.s. Coil'rs. of (.\dor!;:i] und Li'dii P liie.-:, t'hf.lljnrnc. ' i' ' )i:i '.ir.r- W'.i'o : !>;!i rii»'^'t.on, Pr;is Ilomci-. {'l-{]is. Co'ionr's. :.r Sriio,.: ., i: .V. 1).. iloaland. Ilov. ^rii^.s! ! 1 W'iii^', Tbo:^ O i('dd:'s, W M',!i ■ji.-oii, and j> ~'i Sn'i.v. }:.;.ir.-j. P. i *. Coi!i.!n!;!r .\g;';it, .P, > l\i)i..;'i tson, P^q. Pi q-. !.a.,d ;Surv<.\vor, A I) Har- iinylon, i! -ir. fj roi \'rv or VAr: m ot."iii. [| Hiu:'i :'hi njT, .sio'.i"r f>.r t;tl-. ,,. In.' :-iij.|-. in ■ •'•'iri. H -rf it ! i uiif in'jM.ni, jv-(i. j iiirc>i i or Co:,rt :i\]i\ ^'(^-1. Jnl'io;.-. P. !iry (I Parish, and Ahr. Pont, ('.xps. .In^iicy: of liM i''"ar(>. 'J'hr..-. Rii.d.i'.. IP !ii;, G Fari.^h. fia- lvw\ I> Van N(M-d(Mi. P Mij 13 noMy, Jad iJ'nid. Ronb' n < I fnnr; nt.s \nios Pi'-:')-. .Pio {Jidi'-.iv, Jno .Ni r P iniion. D;-vid Van Xortien, Vi'!'. Ppnt. .;;:o Uydcr, Simon P'Ei.lromont, Tho.-^ iviiiam. und i no Sand '. s, P-;ji\s. Ci' r.'i oj'l/'i.': P.ttrf, aud CV^'.'- nfL>c:l of ProhnUs. Ju(Jir'\ Tlionns V. P), lihi'-'ia'; R(.<>:'i* Ponry If. (rrantliani, ]'1s(k.;. ih ;.vf>i Jli::^:-!' >- <,f IJ. ^ I^^ and /'•sfpiKsiii-, lo-ui-y (I. Pari,-h. i;<;. C,.l!.-!(..s of Cw^lomH, j > rT-rt a ^TB ii ~g --i- f. » m i mtxn a atitMrwieut:-: r.amsiM^'Txsmicna.vamfKJisLjn . .T'lT* tumr itatimm m I'i. 1840. iimmmmmmmmmmammmimmmmmmm FAPMER's AL>fANACK. 07, ff'archousc Keeper, Landin<^ Haitrr and Srarrhrr, Jno /I Lane, Ks(\. Surveyor of ^Vavii^'atioii^ and Broker^ IkMijrn. JJnrnar^l, Esq. 6rU(.'a-''r, Jos Fi B mJ, Esq. CoUra of Colonial iJiUiej, Y'armouth, H. G. Fari.sli : ^'insjjlr, I). Vnn Nordeii. Esqrs. — ; CoU'rs of Lii>;ht l)ul>/, Yarmouth, So^ W IJo-.u! ; Jlrij;ij!t', [>' Van NurdcMi, Esqrs. Connn'rs of Srhools\ Rov A 1 Trod Gil- pin, n G l'\'iriHJi, .lolii! Miirriiy, J no Bin(j;;iy, jukI .las Lont. jEs(ir.s, United States Consular .isj^ent, Ilonry A. Gruiithain. \FjA(\. Land Surveyor, H. Hnuliu^tdu, p]s(|r. Coinrn''rH Sew- ers, Arisijlc, S. D'Entromnnt, Jas Blngay, Doin. Bttudrot, and jC!rirlcin;if:nc P'ltior. l'-s(|rs. .l^^ent for Llmjih, E \V li ■Moody, E:5(j. lure fVardfus. Ijcnjni Eillani. H (i [•';iii>h, la- ,;-aoi K'liy, Chas Toolier, Ei)on Scotf. and 'I'lios flilf.on. Es([rs, IFire, Ki^-xinc Conijfuni/, Cajit Clias Tookcr; [..icnts, (jco W'J Bond and Iluhl S E ikiMS. Yarmoulli .Mi.rine Insurance , Issetci- nlion, Pres. llolil Kt'lly : Dircrtor<, Staylcy I'rowii, Thos Ki!- laiii, CiO.o A!1l':i, E W B .Moody, Bcnjiii Roircrs. Jno Moody, Jno liinpay, am! E ion Scott, lls(|rs.: Uroh.r, Brnjin. li.uiuud, iEs(j. Vnrmoulh Liti'rnnj and Seientijlr Soriifi/, /*rcs. ,)iio Mur- jray ; '■^ery, 8t.ayloy JiJrow n ; Treasurer, Alex Lawson, E'nit)L M(f:ft> ."dclviiino!!. CIku Iv W ard.aiiii C. ]•]. fiOoivird, E ^qrs. ('oiii;ni.-:s!0!i('r.'^ C!ourf held at Sydiwy, on tli'* !.st Mon fiy of Jan. Miirch, ?d:iv. .fnlv, rti.'pt. Nov. Comniif^f^ioncrf;, Clias E l\co- lU-d, P II Chiik'c, tho.s H Bowi). Clia. B iiiin'!!..ii. (um! Jno E,' Hill, Es(ii-rf Clerk, Jiit^tii.'os of rhc l\':i(:o, Jno (^-o !\r;ir;-!ia!l. { r*i".s\''>v) TIk^,-: ( 'rau- )f\V; (.'Ins il Eooinrd, Pi.'t^T il. Ciirl:!.'. Unlit G-innMoil Ju'ob S. InyiMliain, Jno Mv-Jvinnoi), Jno Mcltinry. f'iias Dai riiiffton, C'husi ivic Alpint.', Hon. Win Oui'dcy, Jno E LiiU, TIjoh fS IJown, C. Dap I'rotJiij I a-:-.«t.. iM'>*CJirwi »gi,ijr jar>vfx:2a< riKf ii<.»vjmrji if ^ 'I !i ti !)^ ^ ■ I ' i ;h FAaMKU':^ ALMANACK. 1840. R Ward, Jiio Clarke, Murdo McAskill, Ken Cllj^-lJnlll), Ken. !McLcod,'r<.)bt K M.iibtors, l)..ii Mcl.co.l Jas II Dodd, Philij) O'.dd. Ruut IMcXub, Coo IliU. WmWanon, Frus Carr, .liio Hou- iiiMot,. J. :J'-Lcud, C. B.irri!il'l*robat(;s, T Crawlov.Esq. D.'pReg'r.| j = K^"ds, C 11 \V ud. E.i(\. C>d!'rs of CiHt(;ins, Sy'dney. J \V Ucnn ; 'IJridi^^cp'iil, C 1'. LMonard. l']s;({rs. Tidi; rfurvoyor, C liarrin^ton, \'i'-(\- <.'. l\.sun;i-'l(.'r. Sydney. N II. lUarlin, K<(\. Sra\ c) (n* Cjen. i.>r Land-, Tlio.^ C'ran!(.'y, K.i(\. CViunii'r of r.roNv'u Ij;ind.:-,| lud As:-L. Siir'.oyor Cen. II W Cravv!'\v, {']s(|. Dep I>;ni(H ; .Miivcyoi. I*. C.).s.'-:t, Escj, Co.nnir's of Srfiouls, Rev. Clja.s Injj^lc.s, I I{,(n'. (ivo .M. IvriiriK-y, Rev Alex MeOonnel, J. G. Mnrsliall,! it W Crau lev. :ind Clia.^ V. Leonard, L.^.ir.;. Unitey(\\\"y. V i I Clarke; Bndo-eport. Tho = S Hown. Lsijrs. ./i,'.'/// (nr IJoyds^ V 11 Clarke, W-i\. Fin ii;ardqr.^. Clerk, .!>! lii'cs lit" the Pev.'e, Jno Oro .Marshall, ( Ct/fY').?) Cleiaont ■LilxMt, ,lno ,ft an, \n(l\v /daddon, ('has McNal), i)ou;iald iJ, MeNal), Jno. ..ian\rin, Wni (' v litori, Peter de Carteret, .Iih>.' i>;:ilaini% IJ m; '.aid K'liinedy, (ieo E' ;st't(, .'• rthur Hryiner, Jno -'i.iilh, lle.'ii-y .\Iarft.d!e, and Diyti. .deLcud, Esqrs, ( 'leric ol' the ir\\'.i'e, J. 'i'cinl.'Ull, Esij. j • Jnd-e ;in I R ii'r. C;'i. L oi" Probates, Wni C Delaney, Es(]. :Oep. Ri'.-'r Derd;, .1.,) rurn»>nll, E.-ij. C!rt-inasti\\'A. 1/. S. Con.-'i-: VAV \'j.^ nt, Will. C. J)( lap: y, !'>«]. Trnsloes of tin; Academy at| |Vri;h;.!, llev. J I! .Miraml.i, Rev. Pal, McKcagiicy, ;>ndw.j iVladde.n, and Pclei d .' Carter»;t, Esijrs. >i!ti; i^-(irA'. . Mo- Hon. \lltl\V. :'htoii, I'laoiit , }\\u: •, Jtio olthc 1640. parmf.r's almanack. 61> ! COUMTY or I.\ V'KR5f:*S. I His:h Sheriffs Ooo C Lawronco, Esq. Coroner, Diinsitr Tre- miiin, Esq. 1 Sii promt' Conrr. hold nt Pjvt Hood, o i Inferior Court ami S<;ssion.s of ihf Peace, IumI .-it Port Hood, •2<1 Tne^orAi»ril, Jind 0.1 Tiios of N.^v. A.v->:.. J'.itl-es, Jno Wutis, I Win .Ale Keen, Ken Chi^liojni and An:hv Mc Donald, Esijrs. \ ' Commissioners (.'onrt, liel'l ;it Port Tloud, «>ti t;.c I hi Mondny ('fJiin, Mrircli. M;iy, July, Sept. and Nov. Comtniiisifmers, Jno L. Treniain, .Fno Campbell. Irad Hart, .Mutt. Ilawley, and Henry Taylor, Esqrs. Clerk. Jijsliees of the Peaeo. Jn(. Goo. .Ar.irshall. (Cuslo'f) Wni !\lc- Kcen, .Tno fi Tromain, Irad Hart, Nat ClouLrii, Hii;t1i Slviniier, Henry T;tylor, Audw .McDonald, Matt. Hawloy, Ken Cliisholm, Jn()Cam|d)ell, P'r<;dk. Bown. \Vm. Iluci;, I'l lor J JJronard, Don McLo:in, Geo C Lawrome, Doji Camcroi.. Patk. Dtdaney, .Ins !la\\h'y, .liio Carnpl)'!!. Thos i'.tliorid'jo jr., .Ino ?»lc fiOod, Jtu) D, Treiaaiji, Jno MeLennuii, Anirus McLenr-.an, Jii } binith, and Dun Grav, Hs(|rs. \ j JndL,^^ and Rc;i*r. Court of Probates ; I)oj). Ron'r. of Deeds : and Collector of Colotiial nnd Lij-ht Otitic^. Jno f, 'i'retnam, Ksq.' , — Doj.iuty Po.it-masters, Port Hood, Diiu.'i'^r 'I'rcniain ; Lake|| Ainslie. Anr.-us .McLellan : Judi(|m\ A. Mr Donald ; Plaistcr' Covr-, Nat CloiiL''h ; IMahoii River, W^rn .Mo Keen, Esqrs. i)ep. Land Surveyors', Messrs. W^m Rovell and Jms. McKenzie. I Coniui'rs. of School-!, W'm Walls, J L TremaiM, Wm M«- Keen, and Nat CAow^h, E.--([rs. I S'PAi'l' OE 1 HE AilMY. In Nora-Scotia, und'i tlio Command of IIi«- Cxcellcnry Lieut. 1 General \Sin, Colin C.\m i'Bf.i.l, K. C. E. I I, , , ., f Cant. // ri. U C. Grev. iVhid Lt. Ii..^:ntrv. ' ! JidcM-de-Camp J j^^ ,^^,^^ ^ j ^^ \'iiriers-:^3c5 Roy.j W .Pu.iher.. Jlsst. Military Stc't/. — Li. \. W. CatHpboll, 1 Ith Foui. I Drpufi/ Qu'irttr Mnghr Gen — I.t. (?ul. 'J. Jas. Snodgrass, hp. I Alajor of Jhii'^ade — Ll. "^t Town ./(////rc/n/~Sydnpy, C. R. , El E. Sutlicrlan.i, h. p. liar rack ./Va.s/t rs— Halifa.v, Lt Alex Child ; Annapolis, Jofloph Nor man ; S>dney, C. B., S Ri^by, Esqrs. ^ I *ro FARMKn « ALMANACK. 1S40J Chtuflainf — ILiMax, R»v. J. T. Twining D- D ; Annapoli*, Ilev. J], rjilpin; yj(Ji;ey, C H , Kev Chan la^rles. M Town Sergeant— lliihi^x^ '^V»i. C'ahili. L!non, Mr Win MrDowell. Master Smith, 'Mr ^V^n Gossip. Forrmnii of Labourers, Mr G Hamilton. Ojjlee Kefpcr iind .MeescUi^tr, Mr Win Pickle.-:. Ordnance Department. Start keeper. John VV T;trP» Es(i. Di jt Storekeeper, II, Ince, E«ynlEn^inecrs the 2S il Went worth Lieuts. Chas E Ford J W Gordon A P G Ro«3 the Kin;;V Gv- ^ F^^ ^^ ^'^^ pherandC'Own '^ < npadose The Sr hi^i'^. ^''^^f'"^'' "^ ^^alet «'E-»pt" "Martinique" "Ni^f-'ara" Co I. S»V Hen Bayly, Gt'H. It.^in. Lt. Col. Tiio Ger Rail .Mf^or.f. Simcoe Baynetj C St Lo Malet Capts Jno Hi tide M P Steward F I) Lumley C Holder Ilu-rh Hill Ernest Lavie J L Marsdea Ensii^ns. R F Turner W M G McMuf. do Thos(,'lowei Scarlet- blue. -facings II W Hartley, m W Seymour Tho3 Kenyon C F B G l)icken-i Jas Byron J Eongfield W Chearnley II W Roper D Gardiner fL son P .\ Iremonper Arthur Ijeslia Jas Johnston Paij. W R Lucai* MM 'mo7 ■ JLL ' y. FA KM p. K a AlMAi^ACK. 7J '^ci/.FS Holmes •' Wr.tfrloo" Col A J Campbell jFras. Kkelly //onFJ R VillifirsjWtM Elliott \Q. M J Aklrulge ?ir J W fioraoii. ThosEilisof// t?i«.|G B Wlialley Stir. Pc'.cr Fraser J« J CG Tice I A Blake Facings — blue i?/. Ct C B aiul,I>urigai\-*-MaJor, St<'i.hcn Binncy. ■ff irnwrimt-ii 172 * . rAKMK.n 8 ALMANACK. 1840. Judge Jhlvoraie General — A mire w M. Uniacke, L'fq. iSurgeun General — VOLUNTEER AI^TILLERY. Int Company — FA Co}. Richard Trtmain. Captain. Jump* rojTHwell. \»t fAiuts. ^('^^h\\n. JiCe and RicliardTiomain, jr 2(1 Unit. J Foi:non, jr. 2J Conii).iny — .TAz/'f);-, J.iinos Troni.iin, Ctipt. Alfx ra-'^tiliarhoo. \st Lieut. .lasMcNab. iS't/r^v.i?/, IVfaUijiaa llollhiun, M, D. I'Jue« • • "iHti;!};^ rod — lace }ro!d. J.7j.WMlioirinan It \ \$l JIX. Ucirt. I A Col. I A Ilicfiardsoa ! Jfitjnr^ 'Jarrri.McXab [John Slaytf r j C (tilt (linn |Ja» 15 lack iTho.i Lydiitrd 'Tho:^ AdaiiiK jA iJ RicharJr'on I P M Robt Ivjman?! iThosC Kiiuu-ar lA. Col. FaUv B'ltmvy.C^ in Hon S Cuntird Ed 'All Law so a I .Mujor.'i. jCliariJ Hill .G li Crfi^'hton f Capti I A (i Fra-^er J r.iilor (> E Mortnn ''Josf>j)li Saltt'f ,Ii M I?arratt (^ Jl Etlw Rinnt'v ^i A F Lir'.nn iioht (.'ruber ( ■..; ' .Tlios r Tidi.-.rs]! C .f Doyle jy i> ;./'?/ n Fiyoi-,^ lUiwk.'Q 'i^ t^' Kc(il( r Win Scott \l jj \^nrfr Hon \V li Bino-'"faciii;is ] Ahnon, M i) red— lace t>cia -'^ '^ Chas Cogs- — well, ^1/7; I 2^/, or <^ue(/i's Scaric? — facinj^s iiiilifax ^igt. blue — lace silver 'Jtt Lit^tB Chas II Iligby A II Taylor H Wicr, Q .!/■ Sand n Siiiilh Win Ciopsip II I) S F Mh Jno II Cro-ki!l i\V (. Fin.' !ArcIi SiiicUiir ^W G Anderson l,s^ Ltfi. \ndw McKinlaylM Tobiii, jr ,^ S nSmi li Win Roche Geo Lowes Geo .Mildull Tho>WC<)J^».):l)aniL'l Starr i(ico II Starr TiiOb A ijaiur \st Uh F R LcCain J A Rau«-r ChasAVri;:ht S L Shannon Jno Tiios Lane Pcler Archibald Thus Archibahl Jas Cogswell 'U Us Jas Mitchell Wm Clark« jIFy Harvey Wni J Starr CH Rchdier^f/;. R I) ClaiUe Jno L<'>lif' Adam Reid EDuckett.jrPJ/ Jas A Moren I 'i'hos Kenny Fred'.: R Starr \)>t Lis Jr.o Gaiiiinon Martin Nilorlh W Anderson J A Find lay A Taylor, jr Green — facings black 'Uhllx HcgU Lt Col Wm A Rlack .Majors Edwd Pr}or, jr J(j1iu Parker Capt.^ j F Dauiihiney AVniM Allan lTho< P\ho Jas llearn 1 Peter Power ; M Veomans |^V^ Donaldsoo IA/.or Steven* |j"o Dauphin.iy r |i IMC- i ;non, jr. oo. lat ratt iber IS-K). I ARM'-. K S A I M A.NA( K. haw rs t >ita lor q M inith 'P ;ith Molitor H JJcI- ckon Nrp. in C'liiikn, \V I{ H fiiiili...! IIcii E Hiiick,;/.///. A;
  • t Us. Ani,M<^ I'r.iser .li.o Achiiiis C;ii;is M Clrjiry C'lias J.aw^on .hio Martin E(l\v(l All'io Chas Ilaniillon J R'U'li.'iiiaii I'at I'lircfli K(!\v Ky.m Jatties 'Adul ilea Lri>|).iit (ico (irOlK) Wm Carritt fico Miinroj?: Ja'^ Ricliani'on (.'lias (jicy 'Aiuhv Mitrlicl: Kob! Law.' on Jas Fi yor Jiio ^ coinaris J 10 Hortlorinnn I) B Clarke Jos Wur 8 1) S l!uvj;iiue Wm .1 SlaiiH Wiii liirliar'^on Pay U i: l!li''k. JhfjS Clarke/y /■,;/« T Ilosttiina:! Sjo A F Sa\. cs Jh Chas Cier.l (JippM — fat'iiijj;?' Ijlark i r.//t JJr flc-^t. I L/ Co/ II A (ilatUvin Jl'ijor Thos 11 (irassie Copts P Ogilvie A Lo^aii, iS I3raal. jDaxi.l Ardiib,.!, I Mai .Mclimt"^ 'Alf\ Mcl)ou-ai \\\ (iladw wi.ddjf \V S 1 Inff liiiii^oii Step] (Ml Ho.^gs 'Miles I.ogaa jSaiiil ffoi'on !.'7f// \V(.1,mI\vii:,/. ^Q.M R L<);:aii,«/, .S'./r \V J Alnud) M 1) y j, I>.,-^tcr' r^.UAbx Ivi.ifiM .M ^vau.-h .S//;- V» IJ L.M.('S x,v,„ Sr„!t A S P.enj Pa}M> J„o M<-Kav C'olclic.tdr fi I's. ' I.M KATT ! TJ Cnl J.inics Kcrif .yfdjors Alex Aiclubald Jas 1) niair \ liipls \.]o< Fidlon jJolin GariT'.Mll jW C; JOa'oii, atlj (ico Corbett \\ rn Rl.dr \Vin Phillips Aiidw Yuill \sl Us i'a'^ lliithciroid S Arc-hit aid \Vn\ I.o;,au ,};\^ Dm I )[> 10 P.rl^.r Jr:r) L Fislior M T Sr.itii 2(! PA IT j /./ Cul j Dios I Piown Jas p'lcinniiii'^ I Jas l,icLi-oii !,l)io Wicr Ji.o Crow |U Me], clan 'i{obf. Spciucr Jas i; P.aird AIc\ Vanco A rh()n\| ^oii \.a /.,'.v. Riifii,- McNnit l?olit SpoMccr nil Crijw Tlio-, (\irbefl J I'Kinliart Ja.s V\'il'')n Ji'.c'ob MarsJi Alex Pl.iir Jno Archiliai'l R..b|, (V,il>. !t ^^ in Flcl< ii< r 1) >.!cI..aiM',l inn J,«s M ^[iriir. Jmo R'air Jas P n ill ill .,M;10Ji(WIt;ck-Maf P..;iir,M.n son f'has Patfcri-on i^M V.' CuKon jb.vid Ro-s Sur-r iColin IMcKc /ie Ji ISiiiirav ' ^ '2d hs. lOdv.- I, an j: ill f- Jas ( 'anif^bcli :Jno J/mcilb- :lJoii.d«l Ko' « ;D McKay Adjr Jos. MrP ihc!:-oi^, mot (iM Ji;Da\i''-f-u j ' rittuii J\((^ls. ! It PATT. I /.,'. C,d. [Ton (-n; J*;,.i:h jRobt McKay ' C'tpts. GM( I)(.i:i''fi, adj { Jno xMcPfod \ ID ( 'aileron I An! bony Smith TVm Coil clt fico Can iib<;ll I J no Ta} Ur Abm PaMrrson ; M i'vlcCullocli ; \!i Us \ Y''' m C a I k ■Mai Panuil'''- G i 11 ' i FAIIMKR S A!,"MA.\A» K. 2d Lla J I Doujilas I 'U IJh \\\vv McLean [Geo iSfolt I 2r' IA$ U III M:ith('\v'^:on !y\icli FiastT |\^'iii Maitiii 1'" McDoi.i.M l{o(i Mc(irfj;or ilk-n 1':,1cIk11 J:.o (iraliam ' ':') («lM!it, Will Mmilocli 'Uobt V firant Alfx iMdvciizio A.<'\ I''i i>^»!r I Jas ('rirlitt)n i ii Madnnvsoii i Ja-; F'lrvis • Mio- (; Tavlor J no P'ra!«t'r Jas McPlnTson !F(; cr UoriH iKich C Morris I.o'l.'rdp Myers i'lios Kfalinu ■All!''!" M\ »;!•■> ;S'\le^ Iljirl \^\\n 'Taylor Skiiiiur I'riios M-Cahc Alc.v i'ias(.'r Jiio V -McKia^rr I).i;il J.i\vl(jr Jiio .McDonald ji .1' o VJ\\v.x N P OMinjj " Jiio M;.fr^ Wni Si'.iilh, jr .'/,///. llobi l^jltj ; ^.i!!.on McKay 1) M.'Lcnnan A lev Fra-cr TlioM Munio Simon Frast'r t A .McDonald f David Murray, ; *: AIc\ Grant k W W Davics f. i)o:i Hdbortion i. Jno Fnihes f '. has Ivcs L \st J Ay. !Aif ilM'^dl '\ldjl J ilo'.inc^ '^ .1/ A Fra^LT Snr — - i^oneJIy v7 A' •,?Kdi'>Arr. Lt Cnl 'Vni I*' DesHarre- I Major ("has Archibald i Capt", I ■ -, ■■ - . Jno ^^' Arcju , , ij .• , , .1 () IcIn.o?^li •' St \:\ 1 vi.ch I Ll Col :An:iU> Kirk Hon U M Ciiticr ^^ "> -^ -McKccn Jno A llnd'son ( Uv):}\ Fra'T-r {! Don Mi'Mro t IV, id F.)-M'r P Win Fra«cr Aje.v Fra^cr U .s Cojifland Don t'lii-holin Dav Di( k^ion i.Alex Dewar fc.Alex jMuji)r Ciipfs. |W O )l,.tlV,rnnn 'llol'i Moles, ailj I J no Fos'er ;D Alwafcr 'Jno Jaiiiioon iThos Peart iJos Martin |K J I'linnin^hani |VVm Hart lino J M.-irshJl ; \sf fjs \K C Vrhcaton I Wni S>il"!''|iriO!l jJa- Marshall F H Fr(.;c liviilc Don Mc(Jri}^or Spin ^\'hitnian ! I.s/ Lis iJiio W .McKocn i)a\ Archibald Dr. McK(,'on Sam Archibald Hall Foster 2n(l Us Jro ('anipbell \h' !i I lardinp; J)av Glencioss A rcli Jordan Jno !'i(o\vart Jno Archibald 1840. Syilneij Co u) ill/ liiii^imf iif.i. IM nATT. IJ Col John Monro 'Majo)- Ct/i fs. J n ' ■|iniiii)uhnin A J) llarrin^'ton Jas Wilkin H McLennan Augu'tn AO^rtlcn Win (' liierlihy Will Ja> Corbett \.st Us (ico lirennan Jas 'I'lioinson ('(.)( lli-lloljTl Jno (.'orhett Hngi, McDonald ' J;is Ko-^s ^VleN 'riiompsoii 2,1 Us Z Williams Jno V.'ilkie .1(/ l.t Z^ph ^^'illianl9 ' fjiid r,ATT. U Col 11 obi N I [enry Afojor Jo cph Symonds .h[jf. Alex llei• Henry KJlio! Klishn M Ilandal '3 jDon Mc Don ell iDon McDonald c « nis- \ ' h IH4(). /.) Allan ( 'jMiMMon 1 hjii Mi'Keii/iu C'l Doiionl ^N in A Henrv Jiiljf '\ !Si,in i{u>lil(»;i 'AVeiiw ^u•^^^h ,U!.ph;.tl CoiDmo I< -"^I' H(ir..-y iAii.x lilack ^•">' l-*.'!".'-^- '\\'in \V AVaiiu), 'I CioiJ(),< •A S IUi:iklioin ;Jas 1> Fra-.cr I i'npf-;. jWmS( l.jri-li 'j Soi>«.'stcr, av :M BATT. IJ Cvl. D;.!iel Witr KIi>}ia Sandford ' C'(}>tn '" Jno ( 'f)chran 'F'laiuis Parker jJas Sterling 'Felix (.'ochran iJabA Fitzmaiurce IG'.o Biiglitinan ■ 1.^; Ltg Fras Harvie iJ(j|iM Lockhart Aiithy Shaw Jno Cunnni-iham ...^.j, t-^^j^j^ A>m Bowman jj^i^.j, Mosher yldjt. J Songster j^jj,^ yUnin ' ^''^P' I 2nd L(i P M n Kins n Geo K Layers /^mEdwO'Bnen (. ^y Ua,i,b;.rn \^^ jJno Fii/mnurice ; iJob Ilarvis 2d BATT. iWmFish Lt Col Horatio N Oxley j3^.j^j f^^^^.^, Robt Donkin i Majur Jo«h B.bee j * '' Cha-I Halliburton i faptu Amos T Seameji j vrithrow adit Geo P Oxley !^^i,,x McPhee .■7r//7.TC'hapmun F/ Ltn Alex Ferguson J J Blackburn Ileiiry Blois Jno Sterling Ja^ K Nehou xMieh Salter J Ma< comber Wm Sterling Mi< h Sanilford Dan Cochran T F Wier, adj Jidj TFWierLf Q m S^ Geo Harvey, m d Hauls Couniij Riirimcnfs. 1st' BATT. Lt Col R A McHefTev I hi use's Cm Illy \ R(g}ni€7}ts j Is, BATT, I U Col iW C Mnor« MM MMAfeiMMiM : rh BBVSMHnpn VAKMRU\S ALMANACK. J <» »-»!■ I « J W H 1840. Jno Wnih* rim FVirruiljy ! CupL-i ' N W()f)f|\vortii S iifi (-'fiiiMirm iJoliti I}»'!( Ihu- ;Ji;i(ige J.i» P.iltnirtcr J.is 1{ illianni .fas T Davii on Aii}inytiis Brown J.k; SojiPUMi Cvus Divisoii ParrsJjoro^ Corj/s Lt Col /Ion J Ilatthford Afiijor Je.-sft Ii(;vvi . Caplti Ilo!)l Douii .^7 .*f i: I, i5.o,\ii JnoF Ilulchinson i \sf ru jRicIi St.irr jS.iiu r.o\v(len (.'has Fiiicli (* KocUwood, qm 'id LU h]).in Moort! r'Jas J^oclcwooii VAw Ijockwood I Jos Stanitt ■ |j!is liali jWin A ChipmanjThos VVidton ■Adjt II*ie*ner iWni Miller I i?'ipt A>mG Lock wood ! u ]S^ J Walton 3.1 HA rr, Lt Col IJiio MorAT r. Lt Col Tlios llitcliie jMajor ;Kich Win>ley jj.is D JJcnl (i a Wood worth 2.1 Us I Alex l\irki:f } Capls A Spinney I Win Davis Jno Paiterson, jr (i llobinson, adj I \V Morton jHani Cowling \rfh WalLer K Wiiilnian Fben Condon Sleph S 'i'horne Xalhan Parker ,Wni (' De'iui '(V. AVmi II Ljun-i , Aaron Bisliop j.7troiig Seth Leonard Chri^ Bai.:-:^ Jno H Chipiuoii Zeb Phii.ney Jno Sh.i flier Wm Banks Sam I J ( hipman Jno Dolj;e \st Ltif Caleb Maf*hail « 1 1840. FAUMF.n's ALMANACK. 2d ^^s II .Tnurneay Ji o K V'if'ts .Ino l^;inks »">;iin Morse Phm JicMt I'olix MrNo.il ji-oi'^iV,,,! \-ietd Mi W C'liip.n.n (. j^ KCrowly '!.,ulIoy hli,.lner!j„„ i,^^;,, n^Min McGec ,,, ,{ n ;^.ieg DO' n X'nrnelijs \\l;i;c Uliljt J Sar^ciit I <« |•^l^lo\V, <^/f///( --— - — A\'iMlIol,ydh Cty. Si,' J II Light fool/ 'ill'Cit .Mcl.iiinn' Hri^innntn. Chas St.'ilU\di 11 , „ >, .■ , |J McKiuiiOii Iju II Martin./?//// 1 .\ii;:'rt.Ms V'rrnon' Cifjifs Matt McKinna I> V Nordtn, (. Jj W \Vl,ilc|.(Vi....' .1 .T I) Kiiliciiiont JxCi^iiihlllls 1<\ ILViT. J J Col Tho3 Ru.!:>?.l('s Major Capf', J A Ti';:p /i;v ^"harlcs H.i.ia ,lnc McNeil 11)1.01! lo'-es JM > Tucker J no Parr\ l.s/ l.fa .1 T( Tin Ciriae l'fli\ o n Robich.-iii jlle.ij VVhiU; ' vprien Martin Jos' pb lUIivo Ji ; Aniiro < "a IS f!()'i'!io .IiiO Mc \').ii t* A'lij ^It i.i: son Aii-r-i r.iin 2./ Lfs 1) M.-iiiJifws I Ja-^ (jriirni I Tho^ J Crow til ' j.Inn M I).. II I il I fj Kii>io\v lira Pri.ie jJn-.'i S;.o\v, rniy^ IhlJ IG En.slowj^ D'EnlrciM.iit ,-f, , [S S 1) Entr.Tnotit Q ,n AlxKv r>a|viM''<-5<.y Mark Ainiio i'anl F Surrlte 'I'liro K Frosl Malt JcfVrry Abr.iin I'laiivflt l.s/ Lis rial MK Ii.iirkinso:i'-;^- \l\',"""' Clias C M(,o.!. ;-^"> ^^ \^ \^■:^in JiJ I 13 VNoi'lrn ' Cn^d (J }!} J V JS Hill ' in .1 Ni; G J l''ari'i n Pa-r.ir |Ja-= (' Smill. Cliiis Specitt IjClia^ EveriU 'iJno Cl.iile 11 EPav-on 2a RATT, .] Pin;iay ,S:j Hi; Uu„-ij.- I> Tif.nits jr ■.\d n-i. ')'ho« c'efVin J Kenny .Mil. r (<; IJV .n" Nor.lLMi'; ( 'ii}iU I.I'.o V. i )«!)«? G-4 -.'•.T-scwriMrK-UBii -*«.-« .J J n «'< » i>. i «t< «T .i ^ KAH.Mr. I\ .S A l.M A> ACK. IHIO., Iluui M;^l(jn'.Iii() II l''n.eiii:ui Jno 1 I \.sf i.ri jTllO- Fl(.r|Mf»ll 'Sim I''r<:cni ill i.lu* Kord IJi.o I '(.Kb 'j;..A T.ivlor i{\ y.uU'v Joliii Cook i: \v V, >r(.o(iy 'I' V I» Hiii^.iy Kcrh SiayU'v IjIuwij Jos Mi;i\V J;ic IlillOM K 1I.IC-! • J, (irh/ Is/ /./.-* 1 >.iv ^loweii J..C rilry Win |{' ilx-i (< ,,ii J Stoi.niian Iiio Fiiiit i iJ.iii ( 'hiiiiii..:i ( ifi) ( 'ana W II liollcy Aiid.v L()v()kt >• Id ty •Id U.% \ rmltr v'(;s-e iSlitiVv' S I'alN.'iijr '. .! ( 'oo'.v jr I 'I'iios Llikii).-« St. ph MiicU (jt<;h'rcnn:in \st I In Clus'llorn <-r'<'tick j I'(,tt'rK,iuII)iick jCicf) M F'iiiii'v !J;i((;|i Moscr J no Jf)r.t i Kdiii Zu irker I I.cwi^ ()\ii«r IJo>li K.iiilhiitk '-'(1 Us Ai;'lvv McroiioUl Cliiis J Hiulo'*' Siiiiili I{ol.. Its 'Jiio (' Hiidiill jr AliV.d Kiidoii' •■«■•- ; j V I'.iik !K<|-.v M' '|-;dn- (• i;:ir:.^ iJah F M(ir»;<' I 'Id /..'.-.• 'j(,-. |)(;M« r IJa. DfUoW {S I'lcriium 'F. II IUirii;diy :()\vons ('(lie I Jijo I) ^:()l^'0 Xicli Zwickir Tlio- I'orn Jiis Hunt 1'.' \\\ .Sirinn '2d LiH Diiv \V <;i;iiuitl J.'olit Scott Will S|'OiH»{^l*; ^^ III |{o^M J;is Si'lit Jos Z\\ ickiT Wf//i Hon Ernst 'Cnid (^ II) J }{ C'oinin^o Cap/ Sii John Hai k\> n S (iianl (i'.irreiTU Mil Cpt i"ho~ Mihoa ( ico rtrlVy Fdwin \»'t!M:ore-S:;- 1) fiiit;vt; (^ ill A Cowie Sir G Jacobs i''i jjos F Miller adjf^ iJao PiihiicovcM- i I f.t Col .hi^ Iv I).-.\()!f .Mnjors woi) Dewolf M.;t P.nk , Ciiids \\ I^"t<'iii;iii t, odjl. John SndlJi Jiio Zu irker jJos Fence 1st I As ^\'al Nevvcon.b 2d Lt^ iChtis Pcrnette !joiui Miller Hon AVu. Rudoll ''•^'^ ''^'"^^ (^li-jn r O.Mur C(il>t.-< Jiio Aiu!(!i>oa P AV Jatiies M Hu(l:)if Chas liii |,.I^ Pert, Cite Jld'jt J P Miller 'Cnpl I P.I/ Da 111 Owinlt j Sif l'!d\v I?oli' ail [A S J Steverniaa I I i ) I MO. FAKMKIi » ALMA.Wrif, / 4th MA IT, /./ In/ J;u> ('r«'l;;lilOll .Mr 1 I'cler Stiuin Il«l)i Mooiit'y J IK) X;i«s Cli.iilr?* Kvans Win l{r)*> \st Lis JMnjnrn S.mil Pliti't i hiM M \u><\ \ K«).I.l ( J Hiirf,n;;:oa i'lvor^i- Hi;:liv Mich I'lililicover' Will ri;tn.rne'l i:.l.v Hns:^ ••vniil Sill! foul "»./ Lh Hfi M;i-(ni .\l< \ .M( i: I y I'V.is !Mil!<»i Willni JloI,l. , \W' liii-(il 'no l'>:iil r»-t»'r Mf.or'- I i«'iiry Vooh' I hos .\r,\u\,.\.\ /jif'if.% ( h *•* I)'i:i.:iri[>oi. J McNmI f.nni )thnr;^ Jlr- lioh»Tt Rri(!ir«j tiill.,/. Ann Id Hohiit-f* .Majnr :le.i ! ,r . ' ,ll lj. riii'lo.i *■ .Minor 1-, , "^ Jas b 1 I onp-on ,, . • -, , • f> f I' Aicl.lhalil T, ^ /^' n'rl '^ '^ Mi'Q'ice Jr.o (i 1 lioiiir)-oii ,. ,, , . 1.9/ /./ „ , . lAllVf ! (iib' r* ,1'M'.% l'.':rrir'''Oji A:;(hv Wi,lki-r 'JJ />/.s- I Win .M,u\ i'l fi;o .Mflviii /t IJATT. i 2d II ATT. JJ Col I /./ C.f, ; (has E Lfonard Sam G Arrhibaltl I > il i illf«»il"l« ■ ■ " "' MrAli.ine I..0 M.-.il.li iJuii Cnn V j /./;• Tl">- 'low ll^t■!■.(l 1> >J(lJoi.:dd .Vr-d .^:<•^Md .'I'l.O' Hfd.! ro«d: ■ja.-^ Fain I l.ix .""'iiiitli P Mrli,f«re V M<-Lf "i !!. D'ii (.i:ii-< > i;;' ^!(■< J'iivel■V ?l^ \IcL(liran Thos I)ic!»^on Chat Lee J OH IM li t.dl U ,Mrl'r.;i.d«l Win (Jryer .Ino I'li^ii'li Uini M< DonaM ././// a Gt-nn /^ Is/ i^ir/'~" Ml 1; XT'l' /./ r,./ •Ino .Ml Kinnon . fnjor Don A'i'Leod I.Fjio Miiiuo |J:is IJunvn, aiiit ] lAU'X .McKiiinon \R Hiukma^trr |.l.- Fr;,>«-r 1 Rol't ."•'iiti.cilaiKi |Jmo M( J,(()d I .'no .Me I ( od 2 .I:.s Fr;: -<>r 5).ivi(l Corhftt • ]i IJolurtHon i \ M.-liifo'-h I 1.0:1 ,M( I.f'od l.'i i.i r Me Lend ,l;i< (.iiii.n Win \'> arr»'n n.or Power .Irj-sr,' J{oju'r .la^ .Mallif-^on i.laroh S F'.uin jAN'X (.'oil'f.t '/l,fj/ .1 111 own (J /n I on M'inro i ! 12,/ n>Tf. ' Ui HA IT. I J J lit C idiUMt Hnbcrl I .Mio;i .SiiJion IJal.'in lAlcx Mnrciiisoni'NTjit Iliuvley I l-(;*Ll- 1' 'I'tTliot \ I. .t.'V iMcolle S .liio .Mitt!i( ron IF lMcPIlM;.Oil In McMiiilen jDon Campbell |Jiio McDoiigrll j Jno Hiiuil.i , .1 Mnyii-on j.fhf) i'loctor JAfl McPhersoil Pc!er Lii!;al i.'S Proc'or L;.iiil)ert Smith Jno ( "anipbell I ly Williams Arch Cam(!r()n Mai iMcKay ^\'m Mclvi in Jiio McDotioM Alc.v McDonald .Tas Pinilh Si.rn lip lion ujeo Slrachan |P U el car .la. Hanks .'hilt 1) Pc'Ilier '(\ipt. .liljf J LTicmaiii Cant. q ;;? VVm Watts .S'^ Jno Noble I '2' Rr^rt. Li (%>f Ka va!tn';i» .■M(i;rr has :>:"i\icNab ',hl Rfgl. 2d HA IT. Lt Col IL>iiryTayloi- ALijor Cii,>ts i l.io ^.'aiicroii ' !?oi)p-.\!:l i\lcr\.ib Don ('amcTOn ! IKii! P(i;icr (Jiljl l);.n Cainpbt'll i.!!',.) «; MoNoill ^"aml Mci:<'(.'n 'M Rer:u 4//i RTvi."^ I St P,ATr /./ Col Nat ( lo!i_:;ii I Caiits Jno CampheM Don (\meron Andw McDonald JP J Hronaid liod (',imeif)ji LicHt$ Don Milken n Thos M( Donald Alex (I j liolm Hn. Malllicws. OlJircrs of Her ^Iiijc' I Fox, M D PursiT ' S K Slrcttlin€. \Lt. Tf'.'/t.- '-Jiio i\ D'l.'rban j2./ Master" I . '/.f ,s . Su r:,'- . • • A i (• y H a r r \Clerk C'iias Fisher IllECLA Steum l'fSf,ei\ \Lt.. C(ni. • • Jno If Crag^' \2d Ma-^(,r . . Jno J I'.all ' 'C-V;7. ^\' II DuUon i Cflunnander Ev.in Nereaii I LietUs • • • • Tlios .Snivlli J A A itiddoU Wfo'-trr.-" W J W Ijuriioy Suri^eoH' • - • r> P William'* Put .l>t 1? Mdier \Afustrr • • • • \V rn E II> ne I KITE, I ,s7ffr?/j rem/., y.<. Cotn ■ ■ '>>o :r^iu.H I 2d Marttr . . 'I'hns Walker »ai•^r ^r-M.r* ifc**^« r-w yrrmmvmn^'. I H I. I.*^' FAHMFR fl .\T,MANA(K. 1&-10. Cltrk • • • • . \\iM (>ir ■ Kifil (I'llhcrt PVKAMrS.fi Ptcv. Ship,' 1 1 a I i fii X i LAUK. -1 f^rhoonrr. IIACKMOUSR, I^' Slno;>. (-oiii.nattdcr ll"n K A J Hiiiriji LiiUi. l'r;:s. S rV< ft '' (Sm \ (.'\ in;; S'cr\ ice.) P /./ (^'(>//i. • • • • I'liOS Stiiuli 2(1 Must, r VAvt Orovf;* .MAGNiFICKXT, 72. K^r N/j-;). I i' 'niHIIlMil ii'f . LirUK )»«■ ^ .1 (' Fi'.-jicrald f.jri .IclVory Jhldtl IT. OS 11 l';..re Arlli S.iii ;nii ..Mi! sin • • • • Piir$t ? . • • • .f*'/ Siiiir. liu'ui <-.ur:i« JiKj Park 1) J SiinpHon Sail.. I'ijui'll A'./^rir la-. .If 'I'c! y Si/tii- •••••• .' I- . Tavloi J^io scr .Iiu). I'iirslcr Msf.Snr: ' ' • ' H()\)\ (JiJj.'or RACKU. !•; .S/oo/; i 'luin/iciiil r < ltd 15\ n;^ Lit at. Wm. ( liainbt rs Mir!i. DnCouriy Master Win. Korbts Siii'/r, ♦.,... llar\«< i^loiiii Pit rut r Jo>. 1'] Kry Jht.Surf; WalUr Traill PICKLIO. 5 Schjoncr.ni^dDOXE. IC Sloop Lt {.'oin- ' ' • 'Vvvi\. Ilfjllaiid III .Miisti T" IFrtiiy hornirr . .lit Sill ;y • • • •Jtio. ( 'aiiiiibell 8 ( 'In I; J as. Fiiilt'V l'lL(»'r, IC Brig. Commander (ioo. Ramsay Litut. 11 J LfiM Mciiuip .\fnstrr ^Vnl. Laii^dnij .S»/rf; A 1(1. L; oil Purser I'rrd 1 Iclh er .Ut.Sin-ii 11 U Turn"ljull,M.D, i'uptaiii' ' • * Edw noxcr Lit'Uls 1 >oii;j,la> Cuiry AIi.x IJuylc i T P Thompson .1 no MacdDii^all I a/ Lirii! A;.7/-.ln() 'l']\i)s Asl<--lt 2,1 l.iiul 1'" li IUu«'ti , .' .'antrr • ' »• Jiio K Marlyii < fill plain • • • • lit i" Jii«) .Marshall ^'i//V|/ ()//••• • \\ ni F(/lds Piir^i r Till/- Ki-rigan .h.-i Snr'jr Ja.s Al l)ru;r Thos Harris .^ Surtr . , , .Thus. Souu rvilla IIOVKR, 18 Shop. Commander T W (' Sjmondvi Lieut •'<-.. . .lack 11 Murray Hcnjiii. U '{line* .Hath r .... K(hn. P ( "'jIo Surtr. ...... J:,;*, IJooth I'lirsir Iliclid. V Keep Jlsl. Surg' • "Jiio. .Mallear ROYAL 0\K, 71. .Recv.Sliip, Ueriuiida. SAPPHO, hi. Sloop. Comniandtr TIki'. Fr.iser IJlut. 'I'liu .. ll(>pe •Ino lloilimvorth !.'/«,s/( f . . • • Sand L.'.rU \Snrir. - M riionison I /'t/'« • •• lldw F Polnrfs .fiss. Sur^. S Sproide. J/. 1) I'l'I'TO, I f^l'fim rtssiVfiATVAAATl), IS sloop. ff Com .....Inn I/,, nil Comman.l, f Juo Uohb *(l A/./,^7< (• .. Jas. \V Lawsoii I.ii ,il Kdw Halldsbjr .■1st. Sitr^ J,.,). Heleher, .M. D. Maslet"-' ('has(i;dian i I'ih Ino Ilriekwood |.S'«/i^. . « .« • .Thos (iibson ^If'i'smmtmmmmK.wmimmmmmiimmmmmm^m^m^t nmoMutijkiimm i^< I? 'JO. .S7: t 't \ !). Slot) warl }>• )\\ Sh top. Sh 'P. S7( 00 J) tr • I ss . Surs;. J (• Aildri^c C T S Kevern SKIUXiiAP ATAM, \i. Cillr .... .[ MO Lcilll Li(u!s. H M E Alien Artli M i\oi ' I'hos A Womyss apttiin Hi i\ (led Austen h i Pur .scr [.>•*• ■r^s. hidl. i ,1 W. !. R(id \W Ilensliflwooil .\n(|\v C'oiiie.^ .Ino ( ' ^;il)ben TH ?.IoI«.'f-\vorth,Ml)! Lfwi- (• Ui-fjnliiirf I l.inif. • • . • AC iNl.ty \jlf,sri Ciir,'- H "Dillon ^Suri^ .... .tno (i II.ii/iHOi \i*ur$er.'»- Tlios Walker ,vf:stal Cap/ . • • • • iLiculj' • • • omin) M>. Tlu.s W Cartw (jOO S Hand J II XorcdrU .J.r) () !'alliiir>t iFJlPF.NT, 1<; s: Comi.niindiT fli>n Rdhtd'orc /Jr'/r W W Keiiin.dy Mw^tfi' • • • ,\A. Lt Mar. ,1 II (; •••oi<'i,o ''Op.[Mu!,tir Robt H: «' a'lain Rev Henry S Slight irt^. Joseph llobb sprrFiKK, (I /./. ('am Ja-' Steam J'cssil. Shaiiibler Pur St r Snid Mackey ophcn Clar( s-'< .]his'trr Win Dntb-ll (Lv/i W in an\> i\r .hs. tiUTiT Rob' McCr.ia Wm McCrea N J Ha \don Henrv Peacock F 15 r':itchard ^w. C. i BOOK S-3XLI (.>I'ro->JTK i H ^ Uui 'o)t,stvi.\rB lii ii.i'ix; l.\i.[F.\X. N R an I d (i(fn\i for Salf nt tltr hnresi rat< n. j .N-!\l' A.SSOKTME.NT OT | I XT BOOKS, ol (>vc'!v v;'ric(v. aiiil iti \arious hiodinijs ; Blaiili B')(;ks f)i)Uiid and ruled to any p-itttrn. \ fif nil tliL- \ani IIS kinds u-fd in tin; I'rovinco. \ I^layiiii.!;, Yisitinii:, and rrinlinir Cards. Iiik Stninis. Iiiins ami liik I?u\V(ler, Sca'iiiir \v'a\, Wiitc'iK, Taper.-J, and Stands, DArivGAMM >N TAIJLKS. CIIHs.S IU..\?{I)S A?;i) MKN l]<>\;.»s Colours aiir/,s, f,-,-. F(Mk«'i B<.o!v«;, PocU.i I * «1! IS, I \>>i« and Slat. M t rn- \i <)o!;s. "i'.los and Sh'.tc Piwifils. C!II[J)PJ;N S IJOOKS L\ (illlvVT VAllIKTV liiblijs, Pi-alni Books, Pr^iyor Bool A iii'iK'-d ris-fuMnicnl of \? A h,\ CHAUTS. r.iisoiin' a^so'.nnci.t fff (Keck B.)ok9. nUl ijoc.k.', Bills KprcivaMc and I'avaL Law ;u)d otJicr Blank;*. llr'Dook Bniding of every description executed in the neatest nnmner. mojt »••""*-■• ^ '•rr-fv" . %?