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Ne* York 14609 uSA I ' I ^ i 4M,' /"I ^' ill - p^^,-- first J\mm\ exhibition ....of the... J\m and Crafts }l$$ociation in the Cbeatre Royal September istb, 26tb and %V^ \m Uancouver, * « B* C- Officers, • * 1900-1901. Tatron — His l^\i ki.i.kncv tiii. Cjovkrnor Gknkkai.. Frusidcnt-R. M. Fkh'I'. Es(j., F. R. I. B. A- \'ict,'-Presi(k'nts — Mr. S. M. EvKi.Kic.H, Mrs. S. Bai.four-Kkr. Hon. Secictary-TreasurerMR. C. E. Bi.oo.mi iKi.n. Executive — Mr>. Marcus Lucas. Mr. M. D. Campkkm. Mr. Ja>. Bi.ooMiiKi.u. ^^^- Hkrman Ai.i-en. Mr. Rowland Brutain. Mk. W. Ferris. Mr. H. J. DkForkst. Rooms— The Molsons Bank Building. ♦♦ .Catalogue of exhibits... OIL eOLORS, s. I). It). I I . I 2. 14- l.s- l(). 17- iS. ")• JO. -• I . -'(> 28. -'<)• .V'- .^7' ,!«• 40. 41- 42. 4.1- 44. 45' 46. 47' By Mrs. Marcus Lucas. A XaiMiit l..n. I?a\oiiiu-, r. S. A. { .\\>l lof sali-) $. SiTiu- troiii ail Old Sliark 011 Seymour I'lvok Simsi'l. I'ai.nlisli liav riu' Closo oi'tlu- Hay Ciailu'iins.;- .Mi->ts •, A IVii oI'SmIiu'v Harbor (not \\->v sak-.) A ii-plii-a will hi- pamU-il it ik il. (Not tor VI k') (Not tor sak').. \ Fknvi'ry Sk^po I-'.n^lisli Hay in Siiinnu'i-. I'roin Ji-riilio l>fai.-h Ow 1"1k' Iniot A Soutlu-rly wind and a I'loudy Sky Di'adinan's Iskmd. ( I^l't'oit In-loro rain) I'.otany Hay, \. S. \V B.y Mp. H. J. DeFopest. \ anionviM', tVoni Slank;y Park I.o\wr Full, KooU-nay RivtM". (Not tor sak-) Cirav llav in tin.' Frasor Canyon Sixt'v-Oni" .Milr Chasm on Caiilxio Road. (Not tor saU^)... Slill' Lilo. (.Not lor sak-) From I lie Shore of Stanii-y I'ark Fvonini;" in tho F"ras(.-r Canyon At thi- Nairow s, Slank-y Park l'",ntran<. I- to l-'iasor C'anyoii. Snnsi-I, tVom Stanli-y I'ark \'aio Croi-k Falls . .' Wilson's Ha\ , Howi-n l-^lan\ l-"raiiklin Roi-k, ^■ak■. Konnin^ion l-'alls, Kootonay Rivor riu- I, ions, I'rom Capilano l")ani.. \. KooU-nay l.ako. from No. I .^^nu•. (Not \or sa By Mp. Wm. Feppis. To Si-ioml Hi-aoli Ciro\- Day, Soroiid Uoaoh Arioss tlu' Ink-t I.ow 'I'ido, l'",n_;;lisii Hay Raiiu- W'l-athor, Hovvon Island Autiinni Morning-. lM\i;lisli Hay. To Rocroation Ciroinuls, Slank-v Park Tlu- HlulV Huiraril Ink-t Capilano Rivor . . ...... Siwash Roi'k Cirav Mornint^-, l-'iii^lish Hay Hit;- Troos, Slanloy Park HroL-kton I'oinI, looking- north A Cosy Xook A Hig- Cedar • • ■ Low Tide, .Siwash Roek . . Second Beaeh . To F.ntjlish 1-iay Brockton Point I.-) (Ml :i(i (II) •in (Ml IS (Id 20 00 ?P 00 I 2 00 .p 00 y-y QO 12 00 20 00 -5 00 15 00 •25 00 -5 00 5.S 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 7 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 .S 00 7 50 10 00 20 00 '5 00 10 00 7 50 20 00 7 50 10 00 20 00 7 50 7 50 20 00 10 00 t I ( Oil eolors-.-Continued. oo 7 50 5 00 .S f>f> 5 00 5 00 5 00 7 50 10 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 7 50 20 00 7 50 10 00 20 00 7 50 7 50 20 00 10 00 t i i 4<). 5'- 54- 55- 57- 3«- 59- 60. 61. 62. 64. 68. >69. ^ 70. /-■ 7,v 79- 80. Si. 82. 84. 86. 87. 88. By Mrs. J. O. Boll. IriJi Mi-Uulv .V' 00 IXiwii .1" "" Tlio C\h|iic"1I.- .->""" Ilu- l.osi llomuls 3« 00 riu- C'.\ i)s\ ■-. Toik't 100 00 I'orliail. "(Nol lor sail') By mi's. J. G. Rankin. 'fliri'i- SistiMs, C'anmniv. (.Vol I'oi- sali-). A Sunburst. iN'ol for sak') By Miss Alice Bajus. Still l.ito, AppU's. (Not lor sail-) Skctfli o( I'oiiit Atkinson. (Not I'oi' salo) Sjiinnini;'. (Not for salo) By Mrs. A. Balfoup-Ker. TIk? Uoviny Sta.y; 45 "^o Stair's 1 Ii'ad -\S 00 Hanir. ( Not for sak-) |)v>os ^500 Sir.itforil on A\oii. C'tliinpso oi' StanU'v 'llu' N.airows Monntain V'iow .... Point Grav rk 15 00 20 00 33 00 2 50 10 00 Sunset, ICnirlisii Hav '.S 00 Still Lifo, Rosos :> 00 Lot for Sak' 45 00 Skotdi 300 By Mrs. Lillian Green. frai.n;- Millar Castk\ Si-otlanil 1000 5 00 7 00 15 00 25 00 7 00 I'oint C".n I'ro^jH'it i'oint . . A ^'aI■^.l ot' Rvisos. Irish IV'.isants. . . I'ark V'iows Still i.ilo, hv Msr. Watorfall. (Not for salo) ,\h i'"on,<, hV Miss .Marstraiul. (Not i'or salo) Skolcli, \'an Anda, by Miss Marslrand. I Not i'or salo).. . HReHITEeTURAL. By Mp. R. M. Fpipp, F. R. I B. A. Not lor ?<;ili.'. intorior oi' Pinini^ Room Hi'siirn for Wost Kiui Soliool Ci'dai- Mantlo i'or Libiary Hrawiniu;- IsoiMii Mantle 'linibor Cliniib in Now Zoaland Cottaiji'. Vernon, H. C 'I'aranaki C tub (Pri/.e Di-sigii) Office liuilding-, N'ieloiia architectural*ff(2ontiiiiied. By Mr. R M. FiMpp, F. R. I B. A. H(), Pi-tail. I'ri/i' l>i'--i»4i' ^t Sunk ICxi-liaii.m'. ()0. I' lloiiu', l\ainlt>ops 1)11,1. I •I'sinil tor C":tliiiu'l 1)1. Ko-,iaoiu-.> bv Mr. l':\.-K'iL;li PHOTOGRAPHY. 9.S- ()(). 97- Nol lor s;ilr. Colloilioii ot I'laliiuiUiv^. I\v Mi'ssis. W.ulils U\o-> Collt'i-tion of AinaU'ur I'liolo-,. I?\ Mr. KunsoII W ilsoii IVrtrail. l^v Mf. I■■.^■l•l^•i^•l^ / Copu-s of Oriiriual WaU'r lolors of .Mr C. K. !■ lipid's, A. K. i' by -Mr. 1". W. \'npp- C'ollootioii o\' I'hoto-.. H\ Mis. S. C. Taylor CoUoi-lioii by Mr. I'. I.. OKaimira of^ Now Woslmmstor . . Iiroiuitlo I'jilaiXi'iiuMits, by I'Mw.-u^ls Hros \V. S. / loo. lOl . ^lOJ. lo.v "H. \ 1 05. X IO(). ' 107. loS. IO(). : 10. III. I I 2. ' '3- 114. 1 lb. 117. 118. 119. 120. I _' I . I i2. 7' WATER COLORS, By MP. T. W^. Fpipp. Choain Poak Mt, Hakor, Sunset. . . . . Soiitliwokl, Liiicohisliirt Iuii;Tish Sooiio Hat;- L 'I'lio Not Moiuk-r. Siinsot on tho Th.-uiios I lat/.io I'raiiio ... .Vulumn Suiisol, llat/io. (Without franu By Mp. Wm. Feppis. Tho I^oavor Tho Roof, Knt-iisli Bay To Falsi- Crook . Rooks, Point Atkinson Ink'l, from Drydook English Hay By Mp. J. E. Parr. C. P. R. Station." (N' Do.nlinMn's Islam! " By Mp Mowep-Maptin, R. C. A. Sunsot, Mt. Sir. I")onald Lako Loiiiso Rocks noar \'iotoria. Mt. Rogor, from Lako Marion UKv illo'waot Glaoior .'uid River .S\oainoros, Los Angolos Siwasli C.'inoe 6 00 6 00 7 .so -5 00 20 00 b 00 10 00 JO 00 _'0 00 JO 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 ' 5 00 JO 00 .15 00 I 2 00 7 SO 15 00 JO 00 '7 50 7 00 Water eolors»»eontinued. • By Mrs. McCraney. IJ4. ni-ailm.m's IsIiiikI I J3. Still I. ill-, Kosi-s I 2b. l\>itrail I J7. Still'i', iii>si"> 1 28, t'lial 1 larbiir 1 Jt). noailmaii '^ Islainl ijqa. On C'maril I ^o. Stiiih , (."oli'iis i\i. Still "i.ilV-, I'i-ai-lu-. iV;. Still I.HV-, Kosi's KU- H^-'^vor I ^4. StaiiU-v Park !35- l^'-''^'-'- 1,^5 1-. l'"all of Muii'li, Siotlaiid !_((,. Ai-n'^s tin- C'.ulf. Hy 1 1. M. Alinn. (Xot for SaU'). By Miss McClung-. r^7. I'iiik Kiisi's 138. Califoi-iiia V'ioK'ts .... i_V). Kosfs (in oboiiy frame) 140. California PoppiMN 141. Ski-lili, .Moriiini,' BLACK and WHITE. •! .so ' 7.S J 00 7 00 6 50 4 00 2 50 6 so irj on 7 00 10 o() () 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 < 6 00 () 00 7 .SO -,S 00 20 00 b on 10 no JO 00 _'o 00 20 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 i.S 00 20 00 .5.S 00 1 2 00 7 5'> 15 00 .'CI no 17 50 7 00 14.'. '43- 144. '43- 146. '47- I .sn. '.SI- '.S4- 1 50. Portrait by Miss .Marstrand. (Not for salo) B.V Mp. a. J. Davis. \iM-o PersiH-utin^- till- Christians. (Not tor salo.) X'ii-torv of Caiulahar Tlu' Hull I-"i,i,-lit ( I)ra\vin;.,s by H. .1- IX'ForoM. (Xot for sale).. 40 00 50 00 Carved Panel bv Mr. K. \V. Cauliekl. (.Vol lor sale) Carved Panel bv Mr. J. U. Suter. (Xot for sale) . ■ ■ • Somersetshire. 'Court Table made by Mr. J. Bowman, from des.i,^! In Mr. R. M. l-rlpp Petleslal by Mr. J. C. Uishop. Without Statue ini.'ild Table' bv' Mr. .M. D. Campbell. (Xot for sale). . . . Kxhibit of I. ithoi^raphv, slunvini,' evolution ot same, by H. Alpen. . . l':xhibit of Sl.iin^Hl Class, by H. Bloomlield iV Son 8 00 10 00 OEeORATED eHIMA. By Mrs. R. B. Ellis. 200. 201. 202. 204. 205. /• 2r Puneh Howl, drapes Wise, PiMsian • • Honbon Ho\, I'ersian lewel Box Plate Whiskey Jug, pine cones. /.I 10 00 10 00 ,s 00 6 on 10 00 Decorated China Continued. By Mlas M. J^oui lo Cohen, of Toronto. jod. 7--n7. / JoH. >MO. 'rr;iy,('iia|iis ■|';ink;iri|, IJl.uUhci liis. \';isi', Ni'llow l^OM'-, .. . ■\ I'll. 1 >> Oil 1 S OO 1 -' OO S (III ,; "" S (1.1 '1 r.i\ , Small Kosi--. SmoUiTs' Trav V'.lsi', I\ihI Ivo'scs .lllll 1 ll I 'I II ■ • ■ Kt'si' J 1 4. -' ' S- Ji(), .•17. JiS. J 1 < I. -•JO. J » I 22 J 2. '4. j_'(). JjS, j,^o. -'3 ' • -35- J36. By MPS. John B. Youhr. Tiay, Minis of l'araill-,i- C". .-mil H. 'I'lay, Minis I''i'nu'iy V'.'isi', small X'aso, ill lirt'i'ii X'.'isi", laij4-i\ l''ii;-urfaiul Koscs N.'l l'.>r s,-il -37- 240. 241. 242. 244. -•45- 246. 247. I.ari^i' I'aiu'l. I'lTi'i-ian l''it;nfi'^ I..irt;i> \'asi\ W'luis ami C'upiil I.ari;i' l'lai-(|iii'. I'MowiT C'liil i'mu-li liowl. .MiM-niiij4- tlUnios I'ortion of K-i> fivam S.>i, or i?>>iiy SiM. (.'n-am jut,'- ami Sii>;ar;-o Pisli ami l'"oiii- I'latfs '. 'I'l-ay. Spanish Haiu'i'is By Miss rviabel Southcott. Rosi- I'lalo JafiliniiMV ... . Mai-inalaili' [af By Miss M. McClungr. \'asi>. [ris \ aso. RamliJ.T Roses \ asc, I''is4iii-i', "Spriiiy" \ aso. C'liinsoii Roses C'liu'k. Dresili'ii 'I'lay. n!ai-kl)i-n"i>.vs 'I'l-ay. ("iiapi's HonlnMi. llcad .MoiuhIiioiiu'. liiHihoii. I'oppii's l>onlion. Rosi's RaiU'l. I'r.iycr \'a-M'. .\aslui-|ium C'lari't Jiii;-. C'uriaiits Taiikar-.l. Monks Stein. Hoail Ornament. I'uiple Asloi's P.-inel. Roses Panel. Small Roses Jarilinieri'. Roses ami X'iolets. ,!", 00 I S 00 -',s 00 10 00 i.S 00 45 00 1 1 S 00 i JO 00 1 2 00 i 7 00 :! 1 2 00 ( 1 J 00 iS 00 i 7 00 6 00 *, 5 00 12 00 7 00 to GO 30 00 8 00 6 00 20 00 15 00 16 00 > 248. Miniatures, by Miss K. [. Ritehie, Xew WestminsttT. (Xol lor sale) ^ Decorated ehina ([Continued. By Miss Dralnie. -'5'. •i.S.V'. -5 t- -'5<>. •-■.=i7- 2bo. 261. 26.'. 26,. .'64. J65. 266. 67. j()8. 2<)r). > ^ Vaso _ V'-- ■;.. Sliaviii)^ Mufi ^ ''■'••' ^^'l. r I'i^'iV', V ■ ' ■'.■■.'.■.■,■ ',V.".V.V,".V.'. .'.V.v ,n I'lair ■' I'l.iti- MIoltlT IVii Tray I?oiilii>n Cup and Saiui-r Lartj^i' Tray. 'I'rav with i-'iniit JuK I.aix'' \'asf Jii^: witli Horrios. . I'laqiH? with I-'ij^'iiri's Stfin Wliislu-y Jiij;- I'lali w'ith l-'lowiMs " Srotio I-fiitonaiK' Jm,--. (Not for saK- I'cni 1\)|. " " (K) <. 00 00 or) 00 00 75 75 75 00 75 00 00 00 00 00 <. 00 00 00 00 00 -'6<)li. Mroaci Clato PYROGRAPHY. J70. iMrc Si-riHMi, In- .Mrs. R. H. Ellis. Di'si^ru-d by ja^. HKunntu'ld.. . . 30 00 By Miss C. J. McClung-. 27 r. Ci'dar Clu-st.. '- 00 •^'7-'. Lt'itt-r i)r I'hoto. I loldor i 00 /.'7,V I'hoto. Fraino 2 e,o 274. Li-atluM- Cushion (ivoln-rts) 10 00 >75- " " (IVaKon) '.;■.'.■.■.■.■.;;■.; ooo /^276. " I'anol (Indian) ,^00 •^77- " CiMitro Pii-oo (Tulips) ,00 ^7«- ,, ;' c;ov..r(iris)... '....'::.'.:.'"::. -^oo 270. Music l-olio '' . ^280. Lcathor Caso (Groon) '. ' .'.\'.\'.'.'.'.\\\\\,\\\ ■, 00 281. Book Cover , „. 2^2) , 7.1 >^,j^^^- Two Leather Rook Covers each 1 7s ^284! .,, ^285f ^ ''■" ^■'"■^^ ^'^■'^'''^ each i 00 i^286. Handkerchief Case 2 00 j^ 2«7- t-iiair !!;;;;!;;;;;;:;:: 14 oo w L ■ EMBROIDERY. By Wps. Balfoup-Ker. .'<S8. Orioiital Ci-iiliMpii-fi- 2S9. Cushion Top. Swi'i't I' " >2c)o. Mosaic- C .ishioii To]) '"^ •^ 291. Xowspapcr UoKlcr, t^ricntal.. . . \ y2C)2. I'am-I, I'oppios ■'^ 7294. iJaiKJkoiviiii't' ^ ' 29.S- Table Clotli / 296. Table Cloth, Roses l'- 297- Cenlerpieee, Roses ^C 29S. Centerpieee, Delft ;■? 29(). Head Rest, Persian '. T^ 300. Tea Cosy 301. Cushion Top. ... ^2,02. " " ::::::;:.:::;::;.;: '° 303. Pineushion .>04- Hafc ..'.W ' 305. Whisk Holder \\\\ -^ 306. Frame ' 307. Table Seart^ ...■.^........ ...... ...'.'.'..'. (^ 308. Case Cotton Embroieeiy , Viog. Silk Doy ley " By Miss Bajus. 310. Centerpiece 311. P.iyley T,\2. Point Laee (Xot for sale). ...... ....^. .........:. ........'.. \\\\ Purchases may be made from the Secretary, Mr. C. E. Bloomfield. The .\rt L'nion drawini,' will take plaee on Thursday evening-, the 27th. 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 75 00 75 50 00 00 50 Prize Winners in Scliool Children's Competition. CLASS A. 1. Xo Entrv. 2, Alberta Richard, 3. Xo Entry. 4. Xo Entrv. CLAf iS B. 1. Blossom Hanah. 3. Maud Trej-cnt. 2. Hester Barker and Maud Tregent. 4. Helen Bajus. 5. Kathleen Ellis. 6. Bertie Faol. CLASS C. 1. Gracie Gare. 2. .May Town. 3. Rutli Purdy and Mabel Tregent. 1. Winnie Talkson. SPECIAL PRIZES. 3. No PIntry. 4. No Competition. 5. Harold Ferguson. 6. Xo Entry. 2. G. Gibbins.