Min efpeciall Note’ of | atic To preferve Piopsms- ved. om Ake your be coin % loured Pippins, nie NA pare them ; thei m take a-piercer, ang A bore aholethnros ‘| ta Ee them 3 ‘then =f | Brum & firup for chem a3 I much as will cover them , andfo lee! them boyl in a broad preferviag pany | put into them a piece of Cinamony i} Rick, andfo let them boule Cae CO: | i| vered very leifurely , tu roing therm? very often: for, if you turnie tl. $m not) A very 2 RoR SaaS as cama S i — mata | 5 aOR ETD NR ep WFetchany tang all; night, and the next ‘weaker.’ cheui-b oyle the firup againe and on iron of the Chymicall oyle | met Of al Ro uphy and that wall hiked we yess “Herd ~ segs semoenreennge CE ee ee ipetmcrncrrc pe | eh ney eect ao (nl eg Ciefet io Ladies >| ate é 46 t be like (as other, I hus voyle untilt they / | : then take them up, é and you may keepe Shem all the -yeare. Teo preferve Pippins white. P Ake fire large P: ‘Pits and af] “ter Candlemas pare them, and| ae a hole therow-them, as you did}: for the red ones : then make a weake | ae for:them,and fo let them boley ptul they -betender., then take them) iup, and boyle.your ftrup a litele highs ee. then purthem up ina Gally- pote Hmorntegebe crip will be fomewhat .y fall. thickacfie ,and fo put them and'youmay keep themall che yeat, | Tf, you pleafe. to haye-them faite. a] ‘pleafane safte., more than theenau tral Pippia;pat incone grain-of musk | HBreE Pai A ie es os ea pina arenectlenasnmene ate neces tetera TERE Sa | and Gentlemomen. them tafte amore plealanttalte. 4 Ts pre[erve Pippins greens yr Ake Pippins when they be fmall | i and green of the tree, ‘and pare.) | three or foure of the worlt; aridsy h Icut them all in peéces 2 then boylep likem ia.a quait of faire waret ae they be pap, then det the liquor comes from them, asyou doe front your) Quddiniacke ifito.a Bafon ? then put i { }) into them one pound of Sugar clari- f | fied,and put into this 4s many greene | Pippins uripared as that liquor «wall Pj cover, and fo lerthem boyle fofdye . F | and when you fee. they be -boyled as |) } | tender as a quodling, then take them, Ei 8? , and pil! off the overmoft white | | | skin, and then your: Pipping will bee.j I green : then boyle them in your firup | p | again til the firup be thicke : and fo | b. you may keepshem all the year, | | : | Ae 3, Te re nt nee ne reat terme ! A Cloftt for-Ladies | Re e 7 é 4 YUE. LAPT. CRF. a 0 preferve Apricocks, PApticocks take 4 pound, and “S Pound of fugar, and clarefe py eeesigar with a pint of waters and Finto a preferving pan, and put by 8 pricocks inte it, and ilo--let pet Poyle cently: and when they SILP 7 tiBe J

) bee Doyled encugh, and your firup EE 5 pot them, and fo keep them. 4, ab = Mafacr you may preferve a teplum, SOC EEE SF: i i Mualacadonians, - . i 4 . 3 } Fee your Malacadonians : ftone oe ahem. and perboile thenpin wa- pee then pill off: the outward skin Peikem : they will boyle as long asa Meete of becfe, and therefore you Piece tor feare the breaking of them; gaad ben they bee boyled tender, Mae firup bf them, and preferve them Ae preferve Mirabolans ov. | il i re Sn eee ee a | and Gentlememtn. \ = cape ithem as you doe any other thing, |& jand{o yourmay keepe them all ‘the | . | yeare. |. Topreferve Pemestrons. i Fy" Pomcitrons take one) 7 ' ponnd and a halfe,. and cut them . | fome in halves, fome in quarters,and | [| take the meat out of them, and boyle. * \ cher tender in faire water; then take | } | twe pound of hoppers clatified , | | and make firnp for them , and’ let | | them boyle in firup a quarter of an hourevery. gently ; then take chem | up, and let your Grup boyle till it bee thickesand then put it into your Pem= } | citrons, and you may keep-them all the yeare if you pleafe,you may pare, fome of them; for, fome delight} | chemin the skit; and fome,pared. * | | Fopreferve (Cherries. | | E:the beft and fairett Chesties | take ome two pound» and with | wpaire of fheers clip off the Ratkese } A .a- be ft;:themwsth them cleanj and beware:you bri:(ethem notsthen | take of fine Barbary Sugar, andfet itover the fire, witha quart of faire water 5 °in the brozdedt Ye'Ae| | you can getjand lec itfeethill ic be fom what thicke , then putin your Chers | Kies, and ftirre them together witha filver fpooge, and fo let them boyle , alwayes {cumming and tursing them very gently, thatthe one G de-may be Tike the other untill they be enough: the which to know,you muff take up fome. of the firup with one Cherry, and fo: lets goles and if it will {catce run our,icis eno ughsand thus, being cold, you may put them: up, |: and keep them all the yeare. Fo-preferve Red-rofe leaves, OF the leaves of the faireft buds take halfe a pound : fift: chem cleane from feeds; thentake a qoart OF Fairs Ater,and putut in an earthen pipki:, Rea nrc cpeeesersereeererieapencnseneere wae OY a soot Dba etter Ember ae ane a Ae SAE ESTOE TS EOE and Gentlewomes. \ pret NIECES, pipkin,and fet it over the fire uneill it ibe fealding hot ;» and then-take: a | < SERDISARUNO HE oe eee | and put them into: the foalding wa- ter, untill they begin to look white, and then ftraine them>+t.and thus do Huntill che water looke very:red. Then tale a: pound: of refined Sugar, and jbear it fine , and put itinto the li Vquor, with halfe a pound of Rofe- - leaves, and let them feeth together till they beeenough : the which to | know, vis by taking fome of them up cold put them up, and keepe them very clafe. (To preferve Oranges and Lem- IONS vpAk your Oranges aud Lemmons large and well coloured,and take aralpe of fteele , and rafpe the out: watd rinde from them = then: lay themin water three dayes and ‘three nights: then boyle: theny ten@sy ee mn eineiniata tana lin afpoone, asyou doe your Cher- | lries 5 and fo; when they be thorow :| ‘good many of otherred rofe leaves, 7 | Teh abitcmeenncnn my pee Bye err A § wf and ee ee A C lofet for Ladies and fhift them in the boyling;to take away their"bitternefle : and. when : they be boyled tenderly, take two pound of fugar clarified with a pint nae of water $ and when your firup is] — made, and betwixt-hot and cold, put } — ia your Lemmons and Orenges, and | there lecthem be infufed all. night: she next morning, let them boyl two j or three walms in your firup:let them: aor boil too long in the fugar,becaule the rinds will bee tough: takeyour | Lemonsout, and boyle your firup thicker , and fo whenut iscold, put them up,and keep them all the year. Lo preferve D winces. ; | ce | QF your Quinces take a pound; Oo them, and then per boyle . ‘them jand pul off the outermoft white skin, and then weigh them; &-purins, to them clarified fugax on e pound, & then boil-them clofely covered: upon avery centle fire,putting unte them 4 Ricke a 2 es Rice - iiabcusstuccaimtalliacehe Og ASPENS eect eRe Eee and Gentlemomen. fticke or two of good Cinamon Guay into {mall peeces, and fo ftirre them cofttinually ; that-they. may be well coloured on every fide; and when the firup is come to the height of a pet- | fed gelly,take chem eff the fire, and | fo keep thems, for the higher your fi- rupis , the bercer will your Quinces keep. Topreferve Peaches | F your faireft and beft coloured | Peaches, take 2 pound, and with |2 wet liugen cloath wipe off the white hoare of thems then perboyle | them in halfe a pint of white Wine, | janda pine and a halfe of running water. and being perboyled, pill off | the whiteskiane of them , and then} weigh them ¢ take to your pound of Peaches, three quarters of a poundof | refined Sugar, and diffolve ix inas quarter of a pint of whice Wilts, ana boylei¢ almoft'to the height OF a) Gree apy es ee ee ee Sa) a lofes for Ladies «=Saeetean PePs ane then pur in yeur Peaches, enGterthem boylin the firup.a quar- ter of an houre or more.s: if. need fhould require: and then put them | {4pand keep them all the year. ize: gecomw LALO OID Lo SP A RAI To preferve Erimgo roots, SPOS pak your Erinzo roots, fair and Nor knotty, one pound,and wath4 them clean 3 ° and when they bee | wathed, fetthem onthe fire, and boyle them very tender ;_ pill ofthe Surermoft skin of them , but fee you breake. them nor; andas you pare | f jthem, pur them into cold water,and| . | let them all remaine there till all bee | | Hnithed ; and then youmuft take to | | €very pound of roors, three quarters | of a pound of clarified Sugar,& boil | at almoft unto the height of .a firup, | aed then putin your roots, but looke ithapthey boyle very gently together, pwith as liccle Rirring as may, be, for : i feare of oreaking, untill they. bee | | ud enough: , | 0. oo ttiesteeneteecaee a ne oat Te eA or ii in Der ari ce peng eS Ess I ana Gentlewomen. enough and when they be cald, par them, up,and fo kegpthem, | To preferve Barberriess °\" | ‘Ake your Barberries very" faite and well coloured, and picke out | every [tone of them , and then | weigh them’: and to every ounce of} Barberries, youn muft take shree oun: / ces of hard Sugars and with halfean |. ounce of the pu! pe of Barberries,and | _one ounce of red- rofe water,you muft diffolve your Sugar,and thea boyle it} to a firmp$ being fo boyled-5 put in | your B arberries, and let themi bo yle aquarter of anhoure, and-thentake them up; ands fone as they begin re'wax coole, put.them up,.2nd they : will keep their colourall the year, | eb oo - ra | | | i : | To preferve Goofeberrics. | you muft take your latge Bets j ties, but Hor'thorowly ripe ang picke of all the’ ftalkes from! tems aig { prea 8 pad eae) bar A Clofet for Ladies | 7 iy | and wefhthem-cleane : takes pound ofthem, and fet them on-the fre till | they be hot, and then take them off, | and let the | quoriuane from them | then take.ten ounces of hard Sugar, |. | and foure ounces of Sugar candy,and clarifieit wich a pine of ivater y-and | | the white of an Egee, arid bayleit to}. a athick firup; . and then put in your} “Goofeberries , and let-thém boyle.a | walme or two aud fo bitwixe hot and cold purthensup , and keepe. | | them all the-yeare; Le preferve Dawsfons, » 4 ‘| | Ake of your Damfons large and | ™ well colored, but not thorow ripes for then they will breake,; ang picke them clean, &wipe them one by one; then weigh themyand to every paund of Damfons, you muft take a pound’ of Batbary Sugar, white & good, difs mived iahalf ¢pint or. more of water Day! te Almoft torhe height of a Sitisp and} ig feet beeen PERS STEEN ees, ne a 28 EARNEST ag and Geatlewomen. | and then put in your Damfons, keep: | ing chem with continuall fcumming | | and Rirring , and that with a Glver| \fpoone; and fo lerthem boyle untill | they be enough,, upona gentle fre : | and when they-be enough,take shem up, and keepthem all the yeare, | i To preferve Ruppices. T Ak of your: faireft and well co- loured Rafpices , and picke off | cheix ftalkes very cleane; then wath | rthem, burin any cafe fee that you | bruifechem net; then weigh them, | | | and to everypound of Rafpices 5 you} | | muft rake fix.ounces of: hard Sugar,|, | | | and fix ounces of Sugar-candy , and || i clarifie it with half a pint of fair wa- |) | ter,and foure ounces of juice of Raf. pices being -clarifiedsboil it'to a weck | Grup, andthen put in your Rafpices.) irring them up and dowfe, and let them boile untill they Geenoual "tha TRIO TT IRIE IIE ES PN ks ry pec ng TLE ON ING SH Sin fLAI OEEN i soe ee De ace nae tee ay i (Yi rare eg | AGlofetfor-Ladies. | ————_ pthatis, uling chem as. yourCherries, | andfo-you may kéepe them all. the} year, | Lopreferve Enula Campana | | T00tS. |W ‘Ake of your Enula Campana | Roots , and wath them :: fcrape' them -yery-cléane , .and cut’'them | thin tothe pith, che length of your | little foger: and asyou cut them, put | hem in'water , and let them lye in | waterthitty dayes, fhifting them | | twice every day , to take away their | bitternefle; weigh them;and’to'every | pound of roots, you mult take twelve | otinces of clarified Sugar, tft boy. { ling your roots as tender asa ‘Chick. in, and then putthem into your cla. rihédSugar,and ler them boyl upon 2 | gentle'fire untill they be enough:and | folét them ftand off the fire good | hileparid ‘betwixt hot and cold put Chem Wp 20 your ule. rT a | | | ; 4&4 1 i SRR OR RR ey er dnd Geuslewomen. | | Topreferve Sarerionw'roets . | Ake your Saterion roots, and pick | out the faire ones,and keep then | by themfelves: shen wath them,and | boyle them upon a gentle fire as cen. : der asa Quodliathen take them off; and paire'off the blackelt skinne of them,and put them as. you pate: them inte faire water, and (o let theme: Imaine one night, and then weigh | ithem,and co every pound of pots yeu lnuft take eleven. ounces of clarified Sugar ..and boyle it almoft to the Height of. a firisp,and then pur in your | roots, but cake heed they boyle not | ltoo long , for then they will grow | \hard and tough : and therefere when » they be boyled enough,take them off, | | land (et them a cooling, and ( keepe: | | [them according to the reff. | Here end the Prefervatives. | . A Clofet for Ladies { J 0 make (Mawes Chrifti. OF refined fugar take halfia poutid {-~ and fome Rofe- water, and boyle | them together till it come to fugar 4: gaine: then Rtirre it about while it be fomewhat cold: then take your leaf. gold, and mingle with its thencaf it according to art, that is, in’round gobbets, and fo keep them, Z @ candy Ginger. TAke very faire and large Ginger, } ~ and pare it, and then lay it in wa- |; { ter aday and.a night; then take your j double refined fugar, and boyle it to ithe height of fugar again: then when} | Your fugar beginneth to be cold,cake |Your Ginger , and fir it well abou i while your fugar is hard to the pan: then take it our race byrace, and lay }) fat by the Gre foure houres i then take 2 pot,and warme it,and pur the Gin pte fe es ger i ] aeration tency ae ee oa cerca ae aannranniaann } y 2 . | and Gentlewome?. ger in if: then tye it very clofe, and | Fevery (ccend broundly,and 1 : bin a yery fhor norning ftirre it about | wilt be rocke candied } t {paces To candy Rofe-leaves a natwe rally as if they grew upon | the tree. ~ @ t " r stent T Ake of the faireft Rofe-leaves, | red or damaske , andona Sun- fhine day fprinkle them with Rofe. water, and lay them one by one, up- on faire paper:then take fome double}. refined fugar, and beat it very fine, and putic ina fine lawn fearce;when | you have laid abroad all the Rofe- leaves in rhe hortelt of the fun,fearce fugar thinly all over them; then.anon the fun will candy the fugar;then turn | the leaves,and fearce the fugat-on the other fidesand turn them often in the | Sun fomtimes fprinkling Rofe water | &. fometimes fearcing ugar on them | untill chey-bee-enoughy and come £0 | your | — ~———: a ee Se SOY rai artis sige teat Si ene neg” LQ ite - Fics aight: de Sesipc sd Och, es A Clofetfor Ladies - | \yourlking : and being. thus done, fy )youmsykeepthem } | 0 candy Marigolds in wedges,| | the Spanifh fafbion, : 'T dike of the fair yellow Marigold Owers twoounces, and fhred them , and-dry them before the fre: then take foure ounces of Sugar, and boyl it to the height of Manusl brifii then powre it upon a wet Pieplate, and, betwixt hot and cold, cut it into _ | wedges: chen lay them.on a theet of | "| White paper,and put chem in a Stoye, sect i | | Zocandy all manner of flowers| | su their natural colours, j Take the flowers with the falks, and wath them over with 4 litde Role water, wherein Gum atabecke b) (Sdiffolved ; thent ke fine fearced Siigar, anid duft-over them , and fer | them | and Gentlewomen. | : them adrying on the bo:rome of aj Geve in an Oven, and they wall elie | fer as if.it were Sugarecandys | ) To cawdy all masner of Flowers, | Ernits, and Spicessthe cleer | rock: candy. | TAtk two pound of Barbary Sugar | great grained, clarified avith the | | whites of twoEgges , and boyle it almoft as high as, for afanwe Chrifti: | lchen putit into 2 pipkin that is not, |very rough,then put in your Flowers, | \Fruie’ and Spices, and fo put your | | Pipkin into aStilly and make afmall | | lite of fmall coles under-it5..and, in I. Ithe (pace of ewelve dayes, it will bee lrock candied. To candy Eringerootss. yak yourEringo.roots ready:to be | > preferved,and weigh them,and to levery pound of your roots, you mul irake of the purcft fugaryou can. Set . two catenins as ee Soren selena ee whites of Egoes-exceeding well that | it may'be as cleare as‘Chryftall , for thea ic will be very commendable: it being clarified, you muft boyle it to jthe height of Manus-Chrifti,and then dip in your: roots: two or three at once, till they be all candied, and fo Aput them ina Stove , and'keep them pall the yeare, i pound , and clarifie ie with the| Tocandy Enula CampAatite Ake of yonr faireft Enula| Campana roots, and take them | | cleane from the firup, and | iwath the fugar off them,and dry them | again with a linnen cloth;thea weigh chem, and to every pound of roots you mmuft take apound and three quarters lof fagar : clarifie it well, and boy) ic to the height of Manus Chrifti, and et whea itis fo boyled, dip in your} roots,three or foure at once,and they them, A Clofes for Ladies 4 nwill candy very well; and fo ftove}, : —_— : { ee and Gentlewomen, them, and keep them all ‘che yeare, Dime atet somes Te candy Violet flowers. ee news. Ake of your Violet flowers | thae are good and and new, and well coloured, and weigh thems toevery ounce of your Violet flowers you muft take foure ounces of refined {ugar , which is very white and faire grained,and diflolve it in two ounces } of faire running water, and fo boyle it till it come to fugar againe;but you muft {cum it often, left it be not clear enough ; and whenie is boyled to} | fugar againe, then take it off, and let i | it cool, and then put in your violet Rowers , ftirring them together til? the fugar grow hard tothe pan : this | done, pur them into a box, and keep | e }them-in a ftove, A Clofer far Ladies Jo candy Goosberries. |W Ake of your faireft bérries, , but ) they muft not. berooripe, for ; then they will nor be fogeod , and | with a linnen cloth wipe them. very clean,ind pick off all che ftalks from them, and weigh them : and to every ounce of Berrics,. you muft take two ounces of Sugar,and-halfe an ounce | of Sugar-candy, anddiflolye them in an ounce or two of Rofe-water, and} | fo boyle. themaup to the height of | | Manus Chrifti;and when icts come to} | his perfect height, Jeeitcoole, and {putin your Berries, for if you put them in hot,they will fhrinke,and fo ftir them in round’ with a wodden Spatter.cill they bee candied s and s put themup and keep them, . — oar pions ac lap iia eine Sie ate zm ” AAR a eR ERA gent AORN NSN TE OE SDE. Fuh at OAR Do BRIS Dy mca Sa x, * 7 Sy i we ea ocandy Rofemary flowers. *2*Ake of your Rofemrary flowers ~ beady pickt, and weighthem; to pet sana ana Gent! CwWIne?., every ou two ounces of ounce them in femary flower water,and tboyle ther yme tofu: gaine: which-done, put in your Rofe- mary flowers wi 1en your {ugar is al- mott cold, and { oftirthem: together till they bee enough 1 then take them out, and pat a box and rule in your ftoye. keep th To candy Borage F lowers. very clcane, and wel; ule chem in every ref} your Rofemary Hlamenhs when they: be candie dy y them ina fill, and fo ke cep chemi pe a theet of white paper, puttin a a le indifh of Be into | CYE CBR bE fOFES Of { A Clofet + for L Ladies a ~~ canihtieee [To make Pafte of Pip pins, the Geneva fathio n, fome with leaves, fome like Plums , with flalks and frones i iM thews. Ake your Pippins, and pare them, and cut them in quarters: thea boile them in faire water } til] they be tender;t then ftraine ‘them, dry the pul p upon a chafingdith of coles: them weigh it,and take as much Aer, ‘bi ai 4 fafhi aye ; f d put ic into an Over b bei Aeightly he at + ¢ may turme ir, and put them off th plates upon 3 fheets of ee ane c put $- eae int » ai: Bis, No gle 1 slat pene ere mane Ra S NA TIL E ‘4 every day a Chaff the Oven: and dry, you a ay b them all the yea hig make pafte of Eglants ine of sie colowr of the r q se Coral, .: “Ake Eglantine Berries, O= ther wife called Hips, and flampe $5 2 i themina Mo rtar Wi o oie ) Sagant and Rofe. water ; hen ane Itthorow 3 a ftr ainers then ke halfe 2 pound of refined fugar t beaten, and fearced , and worke it up into Pafte With this robots bones int i¢ with | your molds :' chen ftove it, and thep 5600 Sf puts 3 B ticie Morter, with an ounce c cides pagine fteeped in Role wa ya 6 Clofit for Ladies ter: and if you fee your Pafte be tao weake, put in more fugars if too dry, caoetewer et | deceive your felf,¢0 ftand upon quan | tities : beat it into perfe& pafte, and | then. you: may print it. with yout moulds; «.and.when it is dry, gild it, and fo keep them. To make Pafte Royall in Spices. Ake of €Cinamon and Gingety) of each a like quantity being finely fearced : mingle ic with your fearced fugar, and Gumdraga- gant fteeped in Rofewater, and work i¢ into pafte,as you may turn it upon ftickssmade of peeces of Arrows,and make ‘hem hollow like Cinamon | Ricks ¢ in like fort you may make it eafte of what {pices you'pleafe, more Canine swith a drop or two. of] } oyle of Cinamon , fothac you never | | ; Romer nee | and Gentlewomen. | | | awe ielamenineenings awe | T'o make Pafte of Genua the GL are ; srve Way rm Ake two pound of the pulp ae Quinces , and as much. of Pea- ches, and ftraineit, anddryitina | [pewter platter: upom a chafindith of | Coles : then weigh it, and take as | much fugar‘as it weigheth,and boile it eothe heightof Manus Chriftiand then put them together, and fo fafhi- on it upon a Pie plate, and dry it in an Oven with a Chafindith of coles, untill it be chorow dry: and then if it pleafe you ; you may fpot them with’ cold. 2 t ‘ | To make Pafte of Violets. | } | ‘} eens. ee you tnuft take of your Violets | + thatare ready picked, and btuife them in an Alablafter or: Marble jmortar,& wring the juice from them | linto a Porringer , and put as mueh gery 4 B 32 hard ! 4} een eenemmnmmneninnmmnenerisinns Ra a eR yo 5: i it with your m moulds, and ie di ‘je 4é$ . oo for Ladies abi h ard fuga rin fine powder, ast thatjnice I will cover: dryit, & powder ir ag 2s and thentake as much Gumd: raga. gant fteeped in Rofe water , ag will | bring this f iugarinto perfe Pafte when ic is perfe@,take it up,and print it your ilove, and not bythe fire, for feare of danger, and when it isd Si Idicdcisa ‘five | banque eting concelt, ie make Pafte of Goofe COEYT LES, "FAke of you'r Goofeberries » and i cut them one by one, and wring the juice from them , till you have gotten ae much as you thi will ferye your turn+ boy] a little, thaeit my be thick take as much double refined fugar a6 your juice will thar pen, and dry it as you did for Violets = and being dry, beat it very fine, 2 Bumdrags igant liee ter,as will fervese eo ary y/ x eee re 2 cements {erenrrmenaeen oceneneio te peor Ata ASR es ETTORE ~ and Gentlemomen; meme ees nee See. \ EA ae Ipafte in an Alablafler Mortar: aad then take it up,and print it with your molds,ufingit in every re(pe& as your pafte of violets, This is excellent good for one that hatha mf ~ weals Romacke. “=e = CSCLARIBALOINIOT | ga } a Se jo) ye | J 4 A ha ‘TT 07: Ladies | | Flere begin Banque | ting Conceits,as Mar- melades, Qusdiniakes and fuch like. 3 Le make Muskadine Comfits, W *Ake halfe a pound: of Musk. fugar beaten and fearced: then ’ take Gumdragig ine {teeped in |) ¢ | Rofe water, and two graines: of | Muske, and {o beat chemin an Alas | blafter Mortar till ic come to perfe@ | Pafte : then drive it very thin with | arowling pin, andthen cut it into | 4 | fnall peeces Like diamonds; fome cut |) ] | | j with ] ana Gentlewomen. CD a with a rowle fpoon on the fides: be- ing thus cut, ftove them, and fo keep them all the yeare. To make Diocitoninm finplex of Q uinces. J "Ake of your Quinces, and pare them, and cut them in peeces, and boilea pound of thefe peeces in .a quart of faire water till they be very fofts then let the li. quor run from them, take a pound of fugar Candy, and beat it fine,and put it into thar liquor,and Jet it feeth till you fee it ftand like gelly; then take it from the fire,and put therein foure drops of oyle of Cinamon and Nut- megs,and then putin five and swenty leaves of fine gold, and ftirre it toge- ther; and fo: put it in fine Chryftall Glafles, and keep ic all the yeate. ot ae : P PS RR LE At REI AA OE a a ee Since te ao RS Ties ncn agg ANC NE and mixed with a } little ofite fearced Cinamon, which will brieg you pafte in.a Walnut thell | See ee ny eaweemetnes eeeeeinpeee eee 4 re penis Lad: les “ ASN acento a eevee 7 4 Un, ifid | cut it into two peece s.and 1 put the one | peece ev one halfe> of your | mould, and the other into rhe othe q pas oy =) ct o — es er, ; | then pur what you pleafe j into the.nut j { and clofethe mould togeth er, and | make three or foure Walnuts, : (Zo make 9 Lmodiniack of them in to a Pot , | Take two pour Br él Pethneet chen ta ie | itoff;| put unte ica handfull ’of. La- vender Howers,two ounces of Orris,a | Dramme of Musk,the weight.of four | peace of Amber greece, as much Ci- | vet, foure. drops of oyle of Cloves ; Rtop thisclole, and fetitinthe Sunne | i a fort= Seal bien inn Pe 1 a, hi rere he 2S eek. pares i t A Clofet for Ladies periceaillet ces a fortnight: put-one fpoonfull of this water into a bafon of common wa- ter, and patitintéo aglafle, and fo {prinkle your clothes therewith in » Sia folding ; the dregs left in ne } bottgme (when the water is {pent )] ; make as much more, if you keepe ‘ c ~x, 7 v rf i them, and put freth Rofe water to ir, 1 — Ye Tomake Mole powde + | Sei eas eat: hs, = "> ia] ct > ac ta} Se o ea ru a re. we YQ = Be od 7 2. ae fa) 8 ween the two. Lady dayes ,.and in| ifule itina guare of Damaske roles | water, foure and twenty loures: thea take it out,and dry it in an oven upon fa Sives bettomye, and beat it to pow- — =r FP apr ssaaaee: | | | der : put to ican ounce of Lignum | | | { \loes beaten and {earced,two ounces | of Orris, a dramme of Muske,halfea | dram of Ambergreece, a quarter of adram of Civet: put allthefe intoa hoe Mortar. and peftle,and beat them Sree eae i, together: then fearce them thorows coorfe j Tomake Aromaticum Lozenges. / PMAke of fine { fugar halfe a pound 3 | cill i¢ come ta the height of Lozen- | | gess and. in the.cooling, putin of the} foure drams, with a little ConfeGig ecestaentecer ere _ ~ SAR ES SE ana G Geatl CWOMLER coorfe haire fearce , “and putit into a bag, and lay is among your clothes. 4 : - bole it with red rofe water, un-4 of aia wee Rofarum, Alchermes , and fo make them into | Lozenges,gil ilding them firf ft,andthen ut chem (quar e with a knife for that | | purpotes and'when you gild-them, if} your gilding. will net fticke on, wet | them gent ly with a little rofe water ; but not toomuch, in any cafe. { j q j y 70 mare a wAvCD pane; to 1¢é ity and garnifo it after the Art * Comfit~makings “1 Ake two poutid of fmall Almonds | \ ! : | blanched, and beatenintoe perfea, pafte, OSS SSE RD Rr a NE ae A Clofet far Ladies Salle. witha pound of agar fil nely | fearced., putting in now-and then a | fpoenfull or two ) of Rofe- water, to keep it from oyling ;~and-when itis beaten to perfea patte, rowle icthin, and cut.it round by a Charger : then | | fet an edge onit,as youdo ona Tartt | ao dey it in an Oven-or a bakin g Pansthen ice it with:Rofle-water and | fug: ar > made.as thicke’ as batter for Fritters : when itis iced, garnifh it | with conceits, and fticke long Com-| fits in it, and fo gild it,and ferve ir 3 iy tr ecemeneenidiiedemeneetemen esse i Conceits of March pone ftuffe, fome like Pies ,Birds,B as~ kets .- ana fuch like. | and [ome to print with moulds. : SecGen NANO DOLE Ti dS NO ania lz 7-2 make all forts of banqueting. | Akea pound of Almond Pafte} | made for the Marchpane , ‘and dryitona chafindith ef coles, ei) till you foe ew ax white.:. then you may SS = aay “a gi” : end acinomae na Sah ODE and Gentlewomen. may printfome with moulds,& make fome with hands, and fo gild them; then ftove them, and you may keepe them allthe yeare. They be excel tent good to pleafe children. To make all kinde of birds ana| beafts to fland ox their legs in cafting worke . | rm Ake Barbary-{tgar, clarify it, | and boyle it to the height off ~~ Manus Chrifts :then poure it} into your molds, they being feafoned as for your Quodiniack:: lee them } ftand a quarter. of an houre, and} they will be cold, and then you may | take them out and gild rhem To caft all manner of frutage bol- | lowin turned work, and put | thew in their colours, as Oven ) ges, Lemans, and the like. i , nT ean % Sense, t KE WW BY “Ake your fugar being boyled to] ~ the height of adanus ( brifti, 2 Pp ee Ro comms iain i a hurdle of W | one of your I< ooo Toa nea i , or - ‘ 1 A Clofet for Ladies | — ace ere OE } Puritinte your Alablafter moulds 5] being made of three peeces 5 turne it) round about in your hand, while itis) | hots and when it is cold, take it out, and put them intotheir naturall cos| tour. | Le make Prince bisket bread T Ake a poutid of very fiie Flower, | > as much fugar thorewly fearced, One ounce of Annifeeds cleane pickt, take eight Egges, anda {poonfull of Muskadine , and beat all into batter as thick as for Fritters :. beat it thus | ina Bowle one howte : then put it into your coffins of plate, or frames of wood, and fet it in an Oven, and let it remaine there one houre-: you may flice fome of them when ¢l aday old, anddrie them 392 ick er:you may alfo take ves, and wath it ovet with the yolk ofan Boge beaten with alittle Rofewater, and whileit is | green, caft Bisisets and Garrowaies | I g H en } SUAIPRGUIIY eestor eens compe ere A eS LET I, saree Silas and Gentlemomen. omit, and. littly white Candy, and | it will thew as if itdid haile on it 34 then {pot itwith gold, and give igto | at Consfit makers. “Ake a Pecke of flower, and foute ounces of Coriander feed’. one ounce of Annifced,take three Egges, three fpoonfull of ale-yeaft, and as much warm water as will make it as thicke as Paftefor Manchets, make it ina long Rowle,and bake it in an Oven one houre 3 and when itisa day old, pare it, and fice it, fugar it with fearced fugar, and put it againe | intothe Oven ; and when it is dry, take i¢our, and new fugar i¢ againe , | and {o box.it, and-keep it. whom you pleafe. To make the vfuall Bisket fold | a A yt EEN ced RE roe i cee , Sr ER OO NT a OL IIE ON 5 ee TSN cer yuner? wa or, at i tt vet : pp A Clofet for Ladies | | | To make an efpeciall fweet Powel | der for fweet Bags. Ake of the pureft Orris - ont] potigg , of Red and Damaske} Rofe-leaves, of each twooun- ces, of Cloves three drams, Corian} |jder feed one dram,Cyprus and Cala. ‘mus of each halfe an ounce, Benzoin ,and Storax of each three drams, beat them: all {ave the. Benzoin and’ Sto: | tax, and powder them by themfelves, j and mix it with the ref of the pow- | ders then take of Musk and Civet, of | €ach twenty graines, Amber greece j ten graines mix thefe with a little of | the forefaid powder witha warme Peftle, and fo by little and little you } May mix it with all the reft | and fo j | with Rofe- leaves dried you may put | ‘ . s | 7 | st into your fweet Bags, and fo keepe them feven years Recmera To make an excellent. Adarme= lade , which was given to Queene Mary. for 4 ; Newyears gift. Ake a.pound and a halfe of fw gar, boile it witha pint of faire water,till ic come to the height of Manua (briffi : then take three or foure [mall Quinces,one. good oringe | pill, both very well preferved and | finely beaten, and three ounces of | Almonds blanched, and beaten by | themfelves , Eringo roots preferved two ounces.anda halfe, ftirre thefe with the Sugar till ie will nor fticke 5 } and then at the Jaft,put in of Musk& | Amber diffolved in Rofewater , of | each foure graines,of Cinamon,Gin- | ger, Cloves.and Macey of each three drams,of oi! of Cinamon two.drops: this being done, put it into your | Marmelade boxes , and fo prefent it j to.whom you pleafe, Mie! fi ) oy SSS pe AE STG NR LT STALEY ee ap =a i A Clofes Vp Leédie eg ter ree: Se Ey lro wake BBO ther fo ert of. Martite | lade wery consfort table for Any 4. Lerdor Li ay Ghanem: Ake of the | pureft A aes Ginger : IX drammes; of Eringo and Sates l rion roots A of each: aneunce anda | halfe; beat th 1efe very finely, and draw them qwith‘a fil Iver {poone thorow 4 | haire fearce ; take of Nut- kernelg and Almonds blanched > ofeach an ounce, Cocks ftones | halfe an Ounces all fteeped in honey twelve houres,& then boiled in milke, and beaten and mixed with the reft: then powder , the feeds of red Nettles, of Rocks | of each one.drag: Planearie feeds, pete a dtamm ifs of the belly ¢ and Gentlewomen. i | tingle the powder and all the reft of | the chings,putting in of leafe gold fix | leaves,of pearle prepared two drams, Oyle of Cinaman fix drops3 and be- ing thus done, and well dried, putit Upin your Marmelade boxes, and | gildir, and foufe icat-your pleafure. | , | Water, and boiled in Sugar againe, | (| Domake a blanch for any | Ladies face. Ake of white Fartarewo drams, } Gamphire one dramme , Gope- rashalfea dramme, the whites of foure Egges, juice of two Lemmons, oyle of Tartar foure ounces, Plantane water as much, whire Mercury 4 pe~ | jniworth, bitter Almonds two ounces; | all muft be powdred and mixed }\with the oyle and water, and then | | | boyled wpon.a gentle fire,and ftraine F/itand fo keep,ie: the party muft rub | | her face with a fearter cloath, ad | then A Clofet for Ladies $$ }tHea over night wath her with it, and jin the morning wath itof with bran and white wine, |Z 0 make printed 2 uodiniacks of | Quinces, a ruby colour. | ae two pound of Quinces pa-} red, and cut in {naal] peeces,and put them into a Pofner with | three pints of faire water, and fo let them boile till they-be tender: then | Put into them a pound offugar, and fet it boil cill che fruit fall to the bot come of the Pan ; let the liquor run PS | thorow a ftrainer into a Bafon » and | pat it into a faire Pofner, and letit : boile till it come to its colour and | thicknefle : then prine it with your | moulds : and you fhall know whenit isteady to print, by rolling a little} | upon the backe of the {poone, and if} } YOu Lee it will ffand ,’ and not runne lowne print it. In like fore you may make your Quodiniack of Pippins 5 | Your Pippins will hold all the year. oni F pate ‘sai teathionauidiaemnasenaennitiidiiedat and Gentlewonen. il | To make 9 nodiniacks of Raj> | | pices, or Englifo Corants. iL Ake Rafpicesripe and well co- loured, and put them ina difh, »~ and putto them foure fpoonfull | of Rofewater,and. mix them together | with the back of a fpoonexthen wring | the liquid fubfance thorow a linnen | cloth : feafon it by your mouth with | fugar till.icbe fweet enough 5 then | boyle.it on a°C hafindith of coales in } adith, tillit beready.to print : then | princ ic in your moulds, and bex it, | and fo keepthem, Your Moulds muft lye in wacer | one night before you ule thems and} an houre before you print with them, take them out of the water. A Clofet for Ladie es | sBaetaeeer hs, S. 2.8, | BBMOSC ARO 08 ICORDIALL VVATERS. alent anal Aqua Caleftis, Ake of Cynamion fix ounces} Cloves one dram, Nurmegs one dram and a halfe , of Gine ger two drammes and a halfe , of Gallingale one dramme and a Halle, Cubebs two.drams, Calamus roots one dram, all brufed amd kept ina | papers then take of Bettony and fage | Bowers, of each a handfull; Marjo: rum, Peniniriall of each halfa hand: full, bruifed likewife : then take of thefe’ powders, of Aromaticum Ro faryot —— ene ENR DE OVALE a and Gentlewoneen, i | farum three drams ; ‘Diambre, Dia- | |) margariton frigidum, Diamofcum | dulce,of each a dram and a halfe:you | muft pur all thefe into a galion of fpi- | rit of wine,and fteep them three daies and three nights, fhaking them well every day, and then diftill it.in your + | Limbeckss ‘and when itis diftilled., you muft hang halfe an ounce of yel- low Sanders, and twenty-graines of | Musk and Amber in it, To make Cinamon water, | "Ake one pound of the beft Cina, | mon you can get: brwife ie well, | and put it intoa gallon of the bef Sack, and infufe it three dayes and} Yj three nights,and then diftil it as your Aqua Co-leftis. Temake Dottor Stevens watér. "Ake of Rofe leaves one dram,Bo-= rage, Buglofice, Violets,and Rofe-| Set 4 Clofer for Ladies mary flowers,of each a dram &a half, Spikenard a dram,cinamon 2 ounces, “Ginger an ounce,Cloves &N urmegs. of each halfe an ounce,Cardamons a dram and a half,Gallingale a drams, Cubebs s dram, Pepper three drams, Annifeeds, Carrowayfeeds,and Fen | nell,of each an ounce,Lignum Aloes half adram,Corall and Pearle in fine powder of each one dram;bruife theft | and pur them in a potele of Aquavite and a quart of Sack, ufing it in every refpe& as your Aqua Ceeleftis, To make Balme water. Tas Balme., dry three. ouncesy| a _® Time, Penniriall ,: of eachai ounce,.Cinamon four ounces, 4 dram of Cardomus, Graines halfaa “Pounce, {weet fennell feeds an ounce, Nutmegs & Ginger,of each a dram; Gallingale one ounce, Calamus,afid| | Cyprus, Cubebs and Pepper, of each t wo drams, of Caper roars halfea dtam, of Diptamus one dram, Re thefe Oe a | thefe things ,and put them to 2 portle of Sacke and fteep them 24 houres , and Gentlememen. eAngelica waters \ + and then ufe it asthe former waters, | T Ake Cardus dry a handfull, An- gclica roots three ounces, of” Myrrh one dram, Nutmegs halfe an ounce, Cinamon, Ginger,of each foure ounces, Saffron one dram and ahalfe, Cardamons, Cubebs, Gal- lingale and peppery of each a quarter ef an ounce, Mace two drams,Graing one dram, Lignum Aloes,Spikenard, Juncus Odoratus, of each a dramme; Sage, Borage, Bugloffe, Violets and | Rofemary flowers of each halfe a handfullsbruife theléjand fteep them | in a potrle of Sack twelve howres,and | diftill ie as the reft, Rofa folit, Ake Liquorice eight ounces, An- nifeeds, Carroway , of cach an | ounce, Raifons ftoned,Dates,of each 3 ounces, nurmegs.ginger, cinamon, + \ { > EE Mace, 1 SWRI art trachea a A Clofet fer Ladies Mace,of each halfe an ounce,Gallin- galea quarter of anounce, Cubebs one dram ,. Figs two ounces 9. Sugar foure ounces: bruife thefe,and diftill it with.a gallon of Aqua: vita, as the refisbut when it is diftilled,you mutt colour it with the herbe Rofa. folis, or elf Alkanet root. Borusmood water. ‘TAke of Wormwood two outices and a halfe: Sage,Bittony & Rue, of each half handfull,Rofemary cops thandfall, Cinamon 3 ounces, Nut- megs half an ounce, Cloves & Ma2ee5 of each halfe a dram > Ginger an GHnce $ Gallingale, Cubebs and Sp:kenard,of eacha dram anda half, of Scordium halfe a handfull: bruife thefe , and put them into a pottle of ‘Sacke, and a pint of Aqua- vitae, and fteep them fou re and twenty houtes, and diftill them as che reft, HERE} | and Gentlewomen. | eee ern en ON Nt CET LLE TE Conferves. Quintes. Ake your Quinces.,. afd boyle B chem tender 3 then pare them and cut them te the core then | draw the pulp, that is, the Quince , thorow a haire fearce, and weigh its | 20 every pound of pulp, take a pound of clarihed Sugar, and boyle them | | together till they. come toa perfect colour , purting to them imthe boy- \ ling a little Oyle of Cinamon 3 and | when it is boyled. enough that it-| | will not: fickeo the pan, putic | | into your: Marmelade- Boxes, But’ | your Conlerve mult not. be boyled ; | = MEE 4 foi { { To make Marmelade of | } 1 4 en | Ae i \ ‘ ta renee ee ree | AClofer for Ladies fohigh in any cafe, for then it will net be fo good, Lo make Conferve of Red aud - Damashe Rofes. Ake ofthe pureft and beft co lored buds you can ger, and clip of the whites from them sand fo every pound of leaves, you muft take three pound of Barbary fugar, and beat them together rill they bee, very fine ;' and then with 4 wodden platter take it up, and fet it on the fire till ic be thorow hot, and it will be of an excellent colour, To make Conferve of Violet, T Ake of your Violet Flowers,and | pick off all the blew flowers,and keep them, and weigh them,and take to every ounce of flowers three ounces of refined Sugar, & beatthem inan Alablafter Mortar, till they be | very fine,&. then take them up, & put them } eos pies al pncit ik Lrecccmns Memeo aes ees ee TED eae ee a amas and Gentlewomen. i ‘| hem into an earthen pipkins and fet | them upon the fire till fuch time as | they be thorowly hor,& then take thé off, and put them vp and keep them, To make Pectorall yowls fo the cough. Aké Liquorice powder finely fearced 1 ounce,of the {pices of | Diadragaganthum frigidum 2 | drams, of Gum Arabeck and Draga- gant in fine powder, ofeacha dram, white ftarch halfe a dram, Annifeeds: | in fine powder one ounce, mingle it with the reft : then take of Sugar fix ounces, of Pennits, one ounce and a halfe, Sugar-candy one once pow dered and mingled with the former | powder = then take Gumdragagant | ftéeped in Rofewarer,and beat itinte pafte,and fo make:1t into long rouls, and fo dry them and keep them, i ) | Tomake Conferve of Borage furmers, | Ate of your Borage flowers well coloured, & pick the blacks.from | Cs them neo ee —_— 2 § 2 i Ps 3 & 3 a rene treenesprsnceneeepctetinas oh * 4 Glofet for Ladies Se them : then weigh them : to cvery j ounce of flowers,you muft take three | Ounces of Sugar,and beat them toge- therin an Alablafter Mortar witha wodden Peftle till they be very fine, fo, that you cannot difcerne any fugat fin lumps ; then take themout 5 and | Put the Conferve into a Pipkin, and heat ic thorow hot: and baying thus | done, put them up,and keep them all | the yeare. | To make Conferve of Rofemary flowers, | ! ! *T Ake your Rofémary flowers, fresh and good,and pick them from the Steen tuske: weigh them,and take.to { &very ounce of flowers, three ounces Of fugar Candy, and beat them very fine, ufing them in every refpe@ as you did your other Conferves, | ‘T0 make Conferve of Buglolfe- Sowers, | TAke your Bugloffe. Sowers 9 and _ f, Picke themas you did your Bo- a be sage heey . ' Dae ES and Gentlemomen. a ae nT rage Rowers, and then weigh them, land to every ounce of flowers, you +} muft take two ounces ef bard Sugar | and an ounce of Sugar Candy, and beat them together rill they be ex. ceeding fine,and then fet them on the fire to diffolve the Sugar; and when it is difldtved, and the conferve hor, puc it up and keep it all the yeare. To make a ‘Pomander,: Ake of Beazon one dram anda halfe, of Storax halfe a dram, of Eigoum Aloes ia fine powder halfe a feruple, of Labdanum halfe an ounce: powder all thefe very fine,and fearce them-thorow -Lawne 3 and then take of Muske'a dram, Amber ee erred meee gem certs eer —— i . an areas greece ten praines, Civet ten orains, | and diflolve themina hor Mortar} with alittle Rofe water, and fo make theni into a Pomander, purting into it fix graines of Civet, q ee kad SEP nA la ae ee ame eer meter ARNE seems. aes A Clofet for Ladies oo eer | Fe make Conferve of Barberries, Ake of your Barbersies which are very red and ripe, and pické them from the ftalks, and chen wath them, and put urito thema pretty deale of faire water, and fet them.on the fire in an earchen pin, | and fo fcald them;and being thorow: ‘ly fealded, pulpe chem thorow a fine take a pound of powder Sugar, and | boile chem eill it be enough, that is, till it will cur like Marmelade. paren t ; | Ze make Conferve of Cichory flowers. | f toge- | fearce , and to evéry pound of “Pulp, Ake of Cichory flowers news peered for.if you ler chemlie | > Pa i ‘i 1 ere Atemeeennaaeee an eee ee NN 5 een 8 ana Gcntlewomen: ees lay ene ie together in a Mortarof Alablafter & a wodden peftle,till (uch time as they | ‘be thoro wl bearen:for,the better the | flowers and (ugar be beaten, the ber. | ter.will your:con(erve bes let this'al- | waies be for a general rule:and being | very well braied, you mutt take them | pp, and purit into achafer cleane | {coured,and fer it on the fire till ie be | thorowly hot : then take it off, andj put it up, and keep.ic all the year, To keep Cacumbers ts pickle all the, year... “Ak four.gallons of Conduit wa- tet, and put into it three quarts of bay Salt, ewohandfuls.of Sage, one handfull of fweet Marjoram , and foure handfuls of Dill: lee chefe boil till ixcome-to three gallons,and then take ir off;and when it is almoft cold) | put an hundred of Cucumbers into the Liquor, into a Butter barrelijand: keép them allithe -yeare , butlooke | that alwayes: the hearbes lye upon them: NR SS I | into an earthen Pot,& fprinkle foure Bh fuls,{ | ee. aaa = ; eG a I AClefet for Ladies | i ee them:and-thus done, it will’ be a moft excellence Salet with Oyle; Vinegar and Pepper. | a exceeding fine Pik ufed for the Gowt. Take of Aloés two ounces, Ma j “Rick three dreams, Agrick half an | ounce, Ginger half'a dram : let thele | be powdred very fine: themtake of the extraGion: of Rubarb. three drams,and with white wine let them e| be incorporated into-a miaffe of pils, adding untothem a drop of oile of Cloves, and as much of Nutmegs, || A medicine for the Gowt. | | | | PAke of the Slips of Searres to the: | ~~ number of foure, and then rake to’ | f every flip foure (nailes; and put then j oF five handfuls of Sale upon them, & ) then put to chem Sage,Rue, Worme- od and Hylop, of each four hands ney ese SE ree werent tn me dintbecapaiicdegn Se IS ana Gcntlewomen. } ‘f ak ae fuls, and fo diftill them ;.and when } you have diftilled them, puto them | aquart of Wine Vinegar, wherein an} ounce of white Mercury is diffolved, | and fo bathe the place infeed with | the Gowt,and it will eafe them pre=; fently. i To make firup of Pomcstrons. : ‘Ake Pomcitrons, and cut them in | halves, andjuicethem , burbe-| ware you wring them notroo. hatd 4! left it be flimy; and then take to eve-| ry pint of juice three quarters of a pound of refined fugar, and boyle it} in anearthen’ Pipkin till it come to the height of a frup, and cake.heed in any cafe that you ‘boyle it-not on: roo hot a fire, leit it burne: and then; when it is boiled enough, putitwp, and keep it all:the year, | to. \ scene s A Clofet for Ladies. Lomake firup of Violets. Ake your Violets, and picke the |” Flowers and weigh them, and then put them into a quart of water; and ftcep them upom hotembers un- till fuch time as the flowers be turned |) white, and che warec as:blue as any Violet: then take tothat a quart of | infufion,and foure pound of clarified fugar, and boile 1¢ till ic cometo a ficup , {cumming and boyling them upon a gentle fire, left itturne his co- four: and:being boyled,put the firup | up, and keep it. BR De ROLE EI YOR) AIEEE ORR DE = SN aE 7 | || Lo make firnp of Liquorss, } | | Goines your Liquoris eight owtices, | *& & (crape it very clean, and bruife | Jo dit very well; and maiden haire | | one ounce, Annifeed & Fennell feed’ | | ofeach halfe an ounce : fteepethefe | | in foure pints of Rain-warer halfe a | | | daysand then boile it toa rompige: | take ee ee aaa a eae 'Calamine, of each two drams, of hi. ‘QUoris one Onrice and a halfe,of Figs and Raifons of theSunne, of each, ‘Weeds, of each. quarter of an ounce: {elarifie thar liquor, and fo boyle it to ana: Gentlewomen. on take a pound and a halfe of clarified | fugar , -and baile ie with that liquor | till it come to afirup, and then put it up, and keepic. To make frup of Hove-hownd. ° oa ‘ ‘ i { Ake of Hore-hound rwo Rand: | fulls, of Colts.foot a hand-} full, of Time , Penniriall and two ounces, Piony. kernels a quarter of an‘ounce, Annifeeds and Fennel!) boile thefe in a gallon of faire water tillie come to a pottle or-three pints, and then ftraine ie, and take three pound of {ugar, and three Egges,and afirup, and fo keepe it all the year. To, nA ANC PONS TING TE Sage tI eT Sit tn ta aoe i x; Pane) tf endbuaahees semen biiniiaiy * awe 2 oo —- ao A Clofes for Ladies en ; | | Tomake frupof Maiden-haires / | "F°Ake of Maiden-hair fix ounces, ) "of Liquoris one ounce , fcraped | and fliced :-Reep'thele twenty foute { houres in four pines of Conduit was | ter, and then boyle themto a quatt, and then take two pound of clarified fugar, and boyl it with that liquor up. on.a gentle fre of Charcoles, tillit Come to 3 Sirup,fcumming it very of: fen, that it may be.the clearer ; for the clearer it is, the better it ig, and being boyled enough, put it up. | « Lomake frup of Hyfop. Take of Hyfop one handfull , oF Figs, Raifons, Dates, of each aA ounee,of Calamint halfe a handfull, of Freneh Barley one ounce : boyle thefe in three ‘pints of water: to: @ quart, and then ftraine it, and then} clorifie it with the whites of cwo Egs and two pound of fugar, and fo bail them se Saipan Ae tein yap oer eagienn | and Gentlemomen. | 4 i To keep Chervies all the year, to bave thens at Chriftraas, Ake of the faireft Cherries you can get, but befurethacthey bee | not brinfed, and take them, andrub| them with binnen cloth,& put them into a barrell of hay, and lay them in tanks , fict laying hay in the bot: | tome. 1en cherries. and then hay againe : and then ftop thtaru; clofe,.thatno aire may come neare Ithem, and Jay them under a feather- bed: where one lyeth.comtinually: for the warmer they-are the better’, yet) neare nofire : and thus doing, you may have Cherries at anytime of the | year, : 5 A Clofes for Ladies nent en rmnnne mnw erated To make firsep of Mulberrieh, Ake your Mulberries which are very ripe , ~preffe our che: juice from them thorow a linnen cloth between two fticks,and then every pint of juice,take a pound of fit gar,and boile it to'the height of a A up,and then keep it all che year longs andif it wax any thing thinner, 7] | moneth after you pur it up, boile againe, and then pur it up. 20 make firap of Lewsons, Os bs ke your Lemons, and cut them inhalves ,. and betwixe your fim gets juice them, and the liquor that runs from them will be very cleareé then take to a pint of juice, a pound. } and a quarterne of hard fugar, which is very white, and boile it to a firup and it will keep excellent well. and Gentlewomen. Re ES } 5 To make firnp of Rofes folutive, | Ake of Damaske- Rofes, and pull them,then take a gallon of | water, and when the water is hot,put in a. good many Damask rofe leaves, and cake them out when they |look white, and dofo ten times,and then the water willlooke red: and then, to every pint of that liquor, pur | awhite of an Egge, and a pound of fugar, and clarifie it, and beil irto a i} |} Grup, and keep ir all the yeare. The thicker the firupis, the better it will | keep. To make firup of drée Rofes. Ake of red: Rofes:dryed: foure ounces ,~ and infale them in a, quart of faire water upon hot embers till the Rofes have loft their)} joolour : then take a pound and -a) | Vhalfe of fugar, and clarifie your fi-/' Nin in RPT LIES Sek aaa ae . 7 A Cloferfer Ladies | quor and fugar with two Egees, and | then boile it to the heightof a fimpi| fet not your firup upon too hot | but take heed in any cafe,that you afire: for then it will lofe | hiscolour, and bee worth no- thing, ana Geutlewomen. ee ed ‘|ehaehsebsete Baba hs | A Medicine to give 4 womanin Travel, to make ber have Throwes. i Ake corall, amber date Roneés, Pearle, Piony feeds ,. Saffton, - Commine,: beat .all:thefe in Powder, and put it.into Malmefie , / and take Unicornes horhe,and put it } into a {poon with a little Malmefie, and give it to her , and prefently let, {her drink a draught of the Malmefie, with the powders aforefaid warming Of ic a lisles RF MM bg ONE Fl a SLID aN ELAS POR 3 EOE ee en cae ana re | ACh. et fer Ladies | Pe A Medicine fer the falling down) | of the Adatrice tothe bearing place. Ake €hickweed., and feeth-it'in} } ~ an earthen por:ehen lay of it upon) apeece of fcarler, as hor as the patty) } may fuffer it :lether take ito the privy place,and as one plaifter coals; | fo lay another and ufe ic, Navill , and to the backe, right againft the Navill, Sor the fame, tenders then take of Allyfander | difh, and‘mingle the Onion andthe | bruifed feeds togerber, and lay itup||\ jon a peece of linnen cloth : fo layit)) to the Navill a little warme : rowle}/ _ 4 that on, and let ic lye on twenty fout |i houres,'} | Asosher for to be taken to tl : 4 | TA ared Onion,and roft ic vety| | | feeds, and bruife them in a woodden || i ; i i and Gentlewomen. eae CEE ES frac fours: then change ir,and take a new | ‘One till ic be whole. _|_Ic is good for the Mid-wife to hold. | Musk below (tyed ima little Lawn),| to draw down the childe. . : x eee errs | AChfit for Ladies | 4 osedicine for thews that are | given to bleeding. Ake a pofiet, and take of the | curd , and take Liverwort,, and| beat it,and put the juice thereof into | the poflec-drick , and drink ic mor ning and evening warm, For the heat sx the Kiduias. To Ake Houfleck and Plantane; and | “noe wath them , but wipe chem | with acioth, and beat them, aad firaine then, and put to the juice thereof Red Rofe water, and Wine | Vinegar,and womans milke and cake the herbs and put them into clothes, | andeye the clothes with chred like 4 | couple of bals, and you moft (when | you doe ufe it) have one eo doe it for | youinthe morning when you age in | your bed; and the party mu cake | the bals, and dip them in this liquor, | and fo bathe your Kidnies , and ag tee eS 4 and Geitlewsmen. foone as one of the bala eense with | doing of them, take the other, and fo | | ufe ican houre every morning. : | A medicine for the frone. lowes, Tanfie and Saxifrage , ofeach a handfull : chop the m fmall | arid-quite them in a little linnen bag: then take three pints of créam, halfe . apint of Malmefie,a quarter of a pint | of ruaning helene ferthem on the fire; and when it.doth {eethsthen:put | the bag of herbs into the por, and when the bag is throughly hat, wring it between two trenchers over the bag to the griefe as hot as you may fuffer it ; and as foon asit cao oleth, | make itor again in the fame liquor, | and fo apply it to the griefe. D 3 : For Ake Pelliwory of the wall, : Es Small age, Hollihockes, Mal | pot to favethe liquor: then lay the | | AcClofet for Ladies , For the Wormes. | ty | WFP Ake a handfull of Bafill mintgal | | Sede of Layender Cotton 4] as much of wormwood, Peach faves as much, Featherfue a hands | full, of unfet leeksahandfull: boil | them together in three {poonfulls of | Wine- vinegar, and of his own watet as much, and quilt themina bag, } and fo lay it warm between his Nae vill and his Romack, | | Lo weale a fore breaft that comes with the infettion of the milk. mee? Ake Mallows and Saffron. and feeth them in milk, and when at hath foddena good while, put in fome cruims of leayen bread, & i. boilthem-well togethers anda little | | before you take it up, pur fome fallet | |) oyle into ies you muttlerit beil til} /) itcomes to a Poultis , and {o lay it | I) warme to your breft : if you perceive | 4 ve that} at Bre | So aete oTR ' } that this wil nothelp your breft witb- out it be broke,you muft rofta Lilly ‘root, and layitto your breft where | | you will have it break;and when it is ‘broken, you muft tent it with leayen and milke fodden thick together,and make a plaifter thereof, and lay it to the place where it is broken:you mutt drefle it ewice a day, laying the poul- tis -all about your breit, fitring the place thatthe plaifter lyeson = you mutt drefle it both with new poultis anda new plaifter: twice every day, till ic begin ro heal, and shen once aday is {uficiente | To franch bleeding at the Noes | T Ake Bolerminack, and the white \ of anEgge, and Vinegar, and \ beatthem rogether, and -makeplai- | Temples. | and Gentlewenen. | Sete | | ers thereof, .and lay them co-your | cciiiamsimnenminnmes eeemenree A Clofet for Ladies winds Tike of unfee Hylop ,. and bruile at a little,and take the powderef) the bone that is to be found ina } Capers head, and ftrew- the faine the wound, Toft anch the bleeding sf a. | | ae | Powder on the Hyfop, and lay it to} | Another for to fanch the. blese ding of a wound, § J Ake Hogs dung hoe from the Hog | with fug ar,& lay it to the wound, | |p) Per the weaknelfe in the back, L111 Wake Clary and Dates ; and the . ™ pith of an Oxe, and put them to- | | sether, & rhen put them ¢o your | |) | &Fam, and Bepes, and grated bread, | and fiy chem togecher, and flrew ge On it,and eat it in the morning fatting, and you muft puc fom white Sate. ; i reece seta eememmnrqmnembeee cen } i | For the wormes. TAk Mares milk, and drink it a9 hot as you can have it from the | | Mare, in the morning faftiog. | ; | Te kwow wheeber a childe Lath the wormes or 40. Ake apeece of white Leather, | and peck it full of holes with | your knife , and ‘rub it with Worm-wood, and fpread hony on it, and &rew: the powder of Alcacka- | trina , andlay it on the Childs Na- vill.when he goeth co bed, and ifhe | have the Worms, the plaifter wil flick fat, and if he baye them not, it will falloff. + Foy | ) & gos Se = ¢ H ; | Bor one that zs brusfed with a i j # eRe i fal. | i i - [ | “ET Ak ce ftone pitch and.beat it, : Hi | | 7 ari ik it with white wine ot 2 fack, or M almefie ; and if you (have none, chen take {ome other li lee: then melt Parmacity , anda i noint the place where the bruife is, = gS SS ae a OM Paiiiee For. the ¥7ind Colick. Baie Par ily- feeds,and.! brnile chem, and feeth them i in fack, and drink ae warm when you have your pin, | For the Gowt that 3 aS newly Core. ‘Ake Rubard, and graceit and} mingle it with Conferve of red] Rofes , and eat thereof every mor ning fafting a pretty quantity, RRR ES RS ee SEO and Gentlemomen. =: j C Dat Spy *A a TZ, a S$ 0 i CAL WALCY 10. WAjO B QOL, fe ke of Plantane,and Wood- bine eaves, and white Refes, and fill bhem tos gether, sand when the water is | | filled, “put a quantity of Camphire linto it, and fo let it lye in the water continually, For the jars iakene of she finewss £ and the crops of Elders, and as much of Sage, and chop them toge- thersand boil them in the Marrow land then ftrain out the herbs,and put to the liquor one fpoonfull of hony, two fpoonfuls of Aqua- compofita ; anda quantity of Pepper, and boil it againyand keep it for your ule, Se] a For the Piles. "rAke the quantity of Ragwort,and “ aquantity of ground _Ivie, and the i | | j { { | Ake the Marrow of a horle bone, | i jan . & j A Clofes for Ladies i _ighe marrow of the hinder leg of a Bullocke, and beat the marrow and fhe kerbs together , and boyle-them jon a foft fre, and ftraine them, and [keep it foryour -ufe, see | ef falve to take dead fefo ow. of afore. , : ‘TF Akea fpoonfull of Vinegar, and r = 4 {poontall of Hony,and a qian | tity of Verdi-greace,and as much Pie rt a | and keep ie for your ufe. zB ° ESSE PR ¥ * Foy the f aying of the Fivsx., Pree, Fr Akea new layd Eg, and take of alittle of the top of ie, and Pouse ouga little of the white, | and fill up the Eg with Agua Com: | poGta, and ftir itcogether. and rok it, and {up up the Eg in the morning i a ee ere } felting : cill you be well ule this. if ae At SSIS emer me neg Allome,and boile all chefe | ¥ | | ciiaeupescommnnatinitia en deoated niictiet, Aeametenmnnemememarnen ee | and Gentlewomen. | Ansther for the fame. | | MiAke Rice porcage with Almond-| | “""milke : you mutt not blanch the | | Almonds, and make Jittle. bals of | ‘Vitgin wax : make them Ieffe than} Peale , and when you doe eat of the ‘ ‘Pottage , take-three ar. four of the | Bals,and put them in every {poonfull | > i as you doe eat it. i For the Gowt.. ; ™ Ake an earthen pot,and put ia. tO itaquartof Aqua Compo- | fica, and take two handfuls of | Henbane, and break it, & put it into | Lit, and {ee the pot'in theearth all che | | moneth of May, and it will come to! an Oyl ; and arthe end of May, you | | muftcakeit up, and-keep it for your | ufes you mult cover-the por very-clofe | | | when you-(et it inthe grounds and | | when you anoint the grief therewith. | { you muft dee ic againit the fire, a or 1 eed SS SR TTR re ep arc eee creat ndeovtsnovmre rie, erecta essere tema antes A Clofet for Ladies a | oe eee For the Piles. ST NR eee | Take Martlemaffe beefe , and déy} | it,and beat it to powder, and then | i put it into a chafinedith of coals, sand | i fet itina chair, and fit over it. | | For ae cAcue. Fit befor a childe staket poons| fulsof good Ale, and feeth i it, and} fcum it, ‘and i fpoonfull of the firup of Rofes, and let him drink ic lukee} warer; ifforan old body,then take | three fj sdonfits of good Ale 53nd two | Spoon uls of the Glug of Rof e¢ f } \ t i i To make a frefa C "er e. |The a quantity efnew Milk, and fecit on the fire, and let it boyle, and take halfe adozen yolks of Egs, and bearthém, and ftir themin the milkor the fire: then take it off the fire,and keep ic {tired till ie beduke- } | | | Ne EE I a Tt AL At OR ne a lw warm, and then put Ruanet into it, land ftir it, and let.it-ftand ill it bea. lgathered together , and take up the ‘ IC c urd, and putinto it Cinamon and Ginger, and ftir ic about and make difhés of it, as you think good; ' ‘ \ cA medicine for a peftilent Ague, or $0 drive any thing from the heart. =a ‘ i / Ake a Poflet with white wine,& } 4 ake away ‘the curd, and take | | horfe dung of, a ttone harte » as hor | as you.can get it from the horfe, and | ) ftrain it with the Pofiet drinke, and | put a little Mithridate , and Cardus i Benedi@us water, and Unicornes | horne: and if you have no Unicorns’ horne , chen put, Ivory or Seashorfe’} cooth, and give itto the fick c@drink | | fatting i in the mortling; warming it, {and you muft put the Unicornes | horne. into.thefpoone 5: and take ie | with fome ofthe poffee- -drinke ; an ~ EE eee ee et eee i t } { | | : iat arr ana Gentlewomen. a | A Clofet for Ladies | and fo'drink the Poffer prefently after | | it, & ule this two or three mornings, i | A smedicine for the Sorencfe ws the threat that. commeth with the Rhame. Ake -halfe a pint of Hony-fuckle | Tet and bos Jewes ee , oF j}._ Plantane’ and: Sickfield halfe a ; handfull, & a few Columbine leaves: thefe muft be fod with as much white | Sugar-Candy as will bring the fie i | quer to a Grup: youmuf® put in a lig; t | the Howell, Cinawon, and fo take it} I | in the morning, and in the evening; | | | Scat fuch times as your throat is dry. i, i Asither for the faking of whe fe c . Exaleys, or other pasne ix | Can the threat, i 5 Vit i. Wo Te 2 handfull of sed'Sage; 3 _ | | fpoonfull of Dil-feed, n'peece oh} 8 en eae | 1g) apelin gee a saree fat | | ACloferfor Ladies (Jeaven + boyle thefe ina little new: i milkerill.ic be thick: then lay ion | ! foure fine.clothes, and fay one.cloth, to the nape of the neck, and another| tothe throar,and to each temple one, | and binde theclothes,and do this as | often as need {ual sequire:for it hath | been proved. Afalve for a green wolnd. | Take pound of Rofin,, halfea | | 4 pound of Wax, foure ounces of | ». old Swines greafe, one ounce of | | Verdigreafe: boile them all together | | upon a fof fire, and {train them. j | A water to heale all fores 0s legs, | 1 Ath uleer so i Ake a pound of Roch-Allome, 4 ounces of green Coperas : beat | them fomewhatfmall, and put them | in.apan on the fire, ever ftirring | . shemill they be molten.and dryed | | agaifas - ee Simian. -coicaaen A Clofes fer Ladies | Pe pears sce Se tL es S| SBT againe ready:to be powdred,ind beat! - ; them againe in fine pawder,and keep) i them so your ufe: When you willl _ make your water,fet a pottle of fairel | Conduit water over the fire, tillit] boilech falt:then take ic away,andas foon as it leaveth boiling,caft abroad! | your powder on the water,the whieh | will make ic to boil : as long as your | water riferh;folong caft your powder } ins and when it leaveth rifig,andis black in rhe bortome, then it is pers fect: then, if you fee a dangerous fore leg, Grft cat your powder prefendy | thereon, and lay thereto three or fout fold of linnen cloth wer in water,and roul it up,do fo sill the Ulcer be clean ed very good water for afore moonth. Ake of Conduit water.a pint,one | ~ handfull of Hyfop,of white wine, | and of Almonds a pound, of Rofes| | three ounces:feeth them all rogethet | till) Sarre. tec ene recent rerny centers a ntl | ana Gestlewomen, | *9 | till the herbs be render: then take it ifrom the fire and: ftrain ir, and keep iit for.your fe; you muft alwayes | wath your mouth, dnd rub is after | imeat, and in the morning, | | ef Caftle to breake any /webing shat i ready 20 break: Ake of Commine, of Hyfop,and 1 # of quicke lime alike quantity: | bray them together in a Mortar, till it be very fine-: when you would Open an Impoftume, lay it as big as an hafe]! Nut upon thenext place , t land binde it very hard, and let it re: {Maine there 4 houres > then take it off, for-it will make the place dead , | and then you may let our the matter | Without priefe to the patient. oA Carities Plaiper: | Lia Ake of Littage of goldpowdred| 9 | very fine,common oil,hogs grease | ; a ETI? oun SA re cy ec gre sawp | and Geatlewomen, ci eR: = Fi hes f a pound.white Coperas four ounces | | Put them alrogetherin a brazenpan.| j and feeth it overa very foft fitot coles, and try-it continually untillit | come to abody; and in the-boyling! PRD ER Dei IELY, you muft caftinto ic one oungeot good Rofe. water, or two, andaow | and then a {poonfuils and whenitis) jcome to a ‘good body , take if off i the fire, and fir it till it be coldjand) jteady to be madeup in a rowl ,and ; then make ic wp. / Z orgnke Populier, ee Tare ges SA ER NTE be ee 8 1 oe <, || {| thenr both togecher a quarter of am tet houre, and then take iz offjand fitaip ittif ic be too thin, put in a lite wax) Bafilicon. i | "Fike Pitch, Rofin, Was, Sheepet i j ~ fuer, common Oyle, a like quan: TH Siege” € cuy’ ty a main’ ie echoes asta BINGO Ra Sy EEN ate ES I \ ' j i 4 $ | creme nrg soeneieneneeea a and Gestlewomen. tity: beat thofe {mall, and puc them | \ia brazen Pan, and medechem all topecher: then take them off the fire, and {train chem thorow a coorfe lin- nen cloth, forthe Pitch will not be Molten : this is good forall manner offores ; and when you will put ina ent,mixe ic with ths yolk of an Eg, Meaturacuus Poniktss. ek Onions, Garlick, Dow, Lilly \ toocsa like quanticp : roait them | all in a wet cloch under athes, and [then put them ina Mortar, and beat them fmail: this 1s good for all Im- ens ro brexk them owe. et medicine to beal old fores, Pate Plantane, Bramble tops, | Orpin, Bercony,: Egremony, of Gach 3 baridfull::firainthem 2nd pat ‘thereto Rofin and Wax, of: cach a ‘Quarees of a peugd 3) freth: Hogges Steale and dheeps {uet, of each foure ouncess | RR RON EE 2S SOLES enn ee enero, ® A Clofet fer Ladies a —- $a tree. | / ounces: boil them all cogerher till the| juice be confirmed:then ficain it,and | tkeep itto raife flefh, and keal old | fores. j 1 | MA plaifter tobealold foves after | they be made clean, and file | led with flefo. { | | il } | i i i? v | i iit i ‘ { {| “prAke fallet oylehalf a pint, Head | aquarter of apound: boil thele till they be black, and keep chemat! 4 your ufe. ; i i otltanfe afore, asd take AAY | | the dead flefh. gfe iT? ke. Woad-binde flowers, white |; b>. os ry ? x | | ® Roles, Planrane, and ft!) chem | + togethers and whenir is filled, |take fix penniworth of Camphireand {Pubit into a) quare of the-water and ifec icin the {unne for ten or 2welve daies, and fo wath the fore withall. —— : aa | and Geutlewomen. ee ne ene womens AA NMedscine for a fore throat. TA ke apint of milk, halfe ahand- full ot-Collumbine leaves, half a | handfull of Gafell, and halfe a-fcore-| leaves of finkfield, to Jews ears, and | fo the party muft ufe it evening and | Morning,and gargafe it in his throat. LA Medicine that will heale any wound or fore, and keep it without proud flefi,or dé aa ‘flefe. Ake halfa pound of wax, aquar- | ter of a pound of theeps fuer, a? t quarter of a pound of ‘rofin, andad j}| uareer of 2 pound of Turpentine, | di) half a pint of fallee oyl,two handfuls | || Of Bugle which grows in the Wood, 4 handfull of Simallage,2 handfull of | Mallowes, ‘ahandfull of Valerin, a. j)| handfall of Granfell,; andahand- | fall of Balme: fampandiftraine the} | f herbs, 1. figs ytetescehenencninnssissmoisltassihta igs (Er) | AClofes for Ladies [berbs,and put the juice into the fore- iCaid things, being a while boiled:then ifeech them cogether a quarter of an |houre: then take ic from che fire,and iles it ftand till it be coldsthen takea- | way the {mallage from the borcome: then cake (ome of your Balm-wattf, and put into it,fo much as will make i¢geeen, and lee boil it together half | a quarter of an bour, and lo take ifto i your ule. | FP Ake Camomile , Bettony , Dill} | Pellitory of the wall, Hyfop| \the broch of a fheeps head , ill ae broth bee very flippery : hen lake a pint ef the broth itrained, and put two of the Pils of Drabes, iofeach 3 crowne weight and a half Diacatholice, Diaphenicon, of each halfe am ounce; Oyle of Camomile, Oyle of Dill, ofeach an ounce, 4), lictie '@ne, ofeach alandfulls boile chele| | | : : | | | a ed and Gentlewomen. | Hittle falr, and aglifter : if you will | | have it breake winde, putinto the forcfaid Commine feed sFennel feed, | | Annifeed, of each bruiled two good | handfulls, and boile all rogether,and Rrain itjand make it as aforefaid. sand pur in the glifter, | To take away the beat of a burw, or out of afcald. | fake egs and roaft them as hard asa ftone: then cake omt the yolks of them: then take a frying | ae and put inthe yolks of the hardi ‘egees,and fo ler it fry till ic come to an Oy!e : then ftraine it, and an. Lnoint the burne withall: then take a (bladder, and annoint it with Sallet- oyle, and lay it co the burne, T's make another Gisfer: 4 [TA ike running water,two handfuls | r™2fCarmon, a handfull of mal-} e s, 2 handfull of Worme- wood 2 EB hand- A Cleft for Ladies | ph EE ERENCE | handfull of Mercury, an ounce of | Commine , twoounces of Fennell feeds,two.ounces of Annifeeds: beat all yout feeds , and fet your herbsa ; oyling, and ftraime them, } A Mediasne for one that i broken, | | { q | Tt a quantity of Comfrey, 4 : | guantity of Knchome, a quantity] | | of knotted graff, a quantity of | Riberuorum, and a quantity of Poo] | ] lipody: ftamp them all rogether,and} | ftraine them in Ale, andthen give) | the patient the fame to drinke cold; | and trade him up with fome bolfter,| | and let his diet be bue competent, efchewing all flippery meats, as bute f cer,and {uch like s provided alwaies, | ehat te patient keep his bed fix or] | feyen daies, lying upon his backe,and b fometimes hold his belly with his { [ | { } hind. | and Gentlewonsen. | --— To make a Poultis for {welling . TT Ake the crum of Manche, and | > Ccethe it in milke till it be thicke: then put in a peece of new Butter a» bout the quantity.of a Walnut , or fomewhat more, ; For the Rheum, T Ake a little quantity of Mattick, / and as much Pellitoryof Spaine, |) ‘eur in {mall peeces:few them ina lit- tle bag of linnen cloth: keepthe bag | tin your mouth till che Pellisory and | the Maftick be confumed;and {per in | the meane.time.as much as you.can, For the Teoth-ache-and the | Rheum. Ake a quantity of Gumof Ivie: ee it ‘ aide bag of linnemthen wet your bag in Aqua vite or Vine. | gar,and keep it in your moush till the | Gam ofIvwebe confumed : bold the ‘ 5 z : bag “¢ age rN pring ogee es mm a SS A Clofs et for Ladies |. bagge over or upon the hc hollow tooth, A water for the eyes. : Ake a pint of white wine : then heat a ftone called Lapis Cala: minaris, red hot, nine or tenme times in the fire, and ‘quench it evety time in the wine :. the laft time you quench your fone, ftir tt about in the wine : then keepe your water ina) | cleane glafle , and let it Rand, ule to put it in your eye one drop or two; | morning and evening: fara —— E or the eye 6S 6 Ha 5 yas pele Joufleek, red | Fennell, and roaft.an Eger, and take out the yolke.: bear thele] || ‘| herbs together and Rraine them, For she paine in the head. i T Ake of the beft (alee oy] you can get,and the flowers of wild prim- ask | ofe the oyl to your Head. “e+ Ake’ the oyle comp2éted of the ana. Gentlewomen. a ener rofes, and put them into the oyl, and | then fet iconthe fire, andlec it boil | halfe an houre very foftly : then put | it ina glaffe and fet it inthe Sunne | three weeks, and then rub your tem- | ples evening and morning. E.C. 4 it i A Gargas for to purge the head . | ed =m Ale a pinrand 3 halfof Wine- | inegar, Muftard feeds, Ginggr,)| tives | ont 3 Vi: Cloves, Nutmegs , pete oe ‘roots, about the quantity of one |; TOO ounce ; when they are beaten, put it:| into theliquor , and ftir them toge- ther forthe fpace of a weeke sepgen| garoafle it every morning before you! For apinana a webs | = bone of a Gooles wing y and rub it inthe palm of yout hand, ‘that no | | fhivers of the bone do ftick imit, and | E 3 puts cnet Ann TCT ST eer eae A Cloftt for Ladies Putit in withthe point ofa pin : for the bigneffe of a pins head is enough fat once. “Ake Btrrows greal e,and fothern- wood, and AGU. vitz, and hoil and when you have bok ledit, &raine icin 2 pan, togethers ir tooger er | | | is gee yh om | For A [welling. | | : For a bone ache, "F Ake two or three handfuls of Ca Momile , a quarter of a pound of theeps fuet chope finall > and a peece of fone pitch of the quantity of a | 4 Walnut,and a peece ef leavened bread } Nit crumbled very (mall: boile it in your own water, till it be very thick, that you may Spread it upon a cloth like a plaifter,and lay it on the place where the ache-is for four and twen- ty hours,and fo dreffe it three times: 4f you do, it will cake away the ache, ee eee d ase omeemnsneeninenr TE Ee ‘ 4 | and Gentlewonstn. | | | A medicine to keal an old fore “| OF ANEW yp Ake aquarter of a pound of Ro- fin,and mele it in a pant lia have Jefe cracking, and then toke halfe as | much wax, anda litle Turpentine | and fheeps fuet chopt mall, and a’| fpoonfull of oyl Olive,and boil tem | all together,and when you have done | | fo,ftrain them in a pail of water,and | make it up even as you wilk occupy | jt, and draw your plailters thin, aud dreffe it three times a day, thar isto fay, at morning,noon,and eveninng, ill it be alaxoft whole : chen drefle ic but twice a day, morning and eve= | | ning; bucif there beany core that | | hinders the healing of it, take a Jittle | Mercury, and put icin two fpoonfuls of water 3 and when the Mercury is |) | melted in the water and congealed } | rogether, take a feather, and drop in | | ewo or three drops, and lay-a plaifter | upon the wound , and it will brings | forth the core, acca i neath the falve a ae ae ne Pala L A Chofet for Ladies: For ax eAndcome, Ake halfe a dozen knots of a young Ozke, and put themina i) & 7 and 2 i CO Ys ] j fuer, and «wo or three corns of falt , { ry tine, and io 4 es | ifte pk: A-sfir A d Make apiaiter oF itsanair it do draw -and heale too fat, lay line under > you mult drefie it twice inthe Winter dayes, and thrice fan che Summer dayes, The copy of D; Stevens water, ‘Ake a gallon of the beft Gafcoin wine: then:take Ginger, Gallins gale,Cinamon, Nutmegs, Graines, Cloves, Annifeeds, Fennell-{ceds, Catroway-feeds , of each of them a dram weight: then rake wilde Time, Hyfop, Lavender, Sage, Mints, red | Roles, Garden-Time , Pellitory of |i | the wall, and Rofemary, of each of them | b | a? gp er Se st eas } ana Gernstlewomen. pa PIS them one good handfull, ‘and bray , the herbs very fmall, and fampe'the | fpices all together very {mall : put | all together into the wine, and clofe | it faft ewelve howrs, and ftir it divers | times : then ftillit ina Limbecke, - and keep the firft'water , for itis the bef : and then keepe the fecond, for it is good, . but not fo good asthe ; firft. &. C. : A drammie weight of the feed of Collumbine, bruifed with halfe a pe= ny weight of faffron drunken with | wine, i#good forthe Janders: then} goe to bed and provoke fweat > the’ flowers diftilled axe good for the fame purpofe,and againft fwownings, § Psmpiseks His herbe is good againit'the Pe- -” Rtilence, to be taken fafting in a morsing,and good againit the itone: the roots fodden , condited in fugar, E 3 may | eC ean Clofet for Ladies cere rn }may profit them that haye.cold fio. 5 |} Macks, and are troubled wish too nuch fleame,the collicke and ftane:. this root any way taken, is good a- | gainft poifon, Moufeare,'s hot and dry: fome-ule tO give the: juice of this common 4 Moufeare, to hinder shecold of a quartan Agug:fome ule to gather the | | roots in May,and dry it,and give itto them that are breken ¢ it is good for | the bloody Flix,-the great fcowxing | of the mother, for wormes both out-| | Ward and inward,common flixes,fo,| | }yomiting of choler , and fpetting o¢ | | bloud, and burfting,and {pecially for | i) | _~ breaking of she-brain pan. Thejuice of Caftemary drunken, | killeth both fmall and great Worms | '{ in the belly;it is good foracold Mo>] | 4 ther;it firengihens the ftomack, whe- | if ther it be drunken or laid to,and ftai-,} | | |) eth vomiring:che herb of this nature, | |p whether it be Arewed,or elfe perfume f | made *” ana Gentlewomen. eee gt made thereof, drives away: Serpents, and is. good againft their poyfons , and it helpeth and frengthacth the head, ne al To take out the beat-of & burs.’ | Bey the fat of Hogs guts and | fheeps trittles, and beyle them , and pat them in a pot 3 this will healethe party,and take out the fire, and will keep good awhole yeare: this hath been proved. Totake the-heat otof she face. ifs running water and Elder- | flowers, Plantane,white Dayfies : roots,and herb Robert:put them in the running water,and wath your : face morning and eveping there- with. A Clofet for Ladies eT | ul Medicine for a Canker in onesmouth, proved. Ake running water, a handfall .of Wood binde leav es, a hand- i full of Bramble leaves, a hand- iE full of Columbine leaves, a litrle i Roft ire and boyle them together | . 1 till halfe che water bewafted: then : put in two or three fpoonfuls of briny, / a peece of Roch- Allome,thtee or four i | fpoonfuls of wine- vinegar, and wall your mouth with thefodden herbes i therof three or four times every day, er The Diet drinke. (| Blk buy a dyet pot of che common fort. fuch aonevas will coft eight Be pence or tenpence.: then put inco it| j | halfe a pound of Liquorice {craped | || \ and bruifed, halfe a pound of Anni feeds bruifed , three quarters of a | pound of Lignum vite bought at the | || Pathers,and one ounce of the barke — ‘and @entlewomen. of thefame wood, whichis to be} bought at the Apothecaries , halfe a | pound of Raifins of the Sunne a the fiones take out, a good handfull of | Scabias , an ounce ‘of Chiny , two ounces of SolypriJla, aquantity of | white wine: then fill up your pot with | fair water, faving apint 3 then.cover your pot withhis cover,.and clefe it | round about the brim with paftesthen fet irona foft fire of coals , and let | it boyl three hours, gill the fourth art be wafted: then put the cleareft into bottles; and drink morning aiid | fourteen or fifteene dayes. Tf you puta little of the wood ine to. the fire,and there fry out of ir like oyle,then you shall be fare itis good, evening a good draught , and fo doe 1 | LESS SES ee tig A Clofet for deadies | ; | For the head-ache. | ; Ake two handfuls of Vervine,Be- ; | “ tony, Camomile roots, Lettuce , Checmete,of each fort two handfuls, | dried Rofes ; put them to powder of | Nutmegs; boyle this in white wine; | i then take out the herbs and fry them | in Oyle-clive, and &raine them ina | | cloth, and make an ointment there- | | of,and therewith anoine the head: os | To make she Rhenmeomedicine. "Ake five quarts of Hyfop water: ~ ac moft be filled when the Hyfop beareth flowers and one pound of Englith Liquorice clean fcraped, and cut in litele peeces: bruife them, and then put it to the water,& boil chem till halfe be confumed sway : chen fraine it in fhallow pans, and fet itin-the Sunne,and ftirré it now and then, & fometimes fet it over the fire till youfee ic wax black, bur do noe arse = ——~ ~— 0 ersege and Gentlewowen. { } EF boile ic: and-4e-will wandlelie seins | ftanding in the Sunne, that you may | makeit in little cakes, A falve for acnt. 3 t ‘ PF Ak fix-ounces of Deere fuer, | foure ounces of Wax, four oun) ces of Rofin ; ftampe and Brain Ve- lerian, andtake the juice as much as | you thinke will make the falve look } greene, and boyle them together til} | it come to a falve. Rg A medicinefor the flopping of th Liver, very goodfor them that have the-Faunders. Ake Paifly-roots, Fennell- roots, | ” Afperigon-roots,knecham- roots, | Succory,roots, of each the weight of halfe a crown in filves;of dock. roots | the weight of twelve-pence a little Liquoriee,half a handfull of Raifins | of the Sun ftoned: boil this in three }) i pints i — np ae ACh fe for Ladies pints of water to a quart, and make Almond milke with the liquor, and | take two parts of {weet Almonds, y and one partof bitter : {weetenit t : | with fugar, or elfe with firup of Suc- : | cory, and drink adraught three mor- | | nings together ; fafting three houres | after it, ufe-thisevery moneth; you may put in Barly husked , .and Saxi- { frage, Maiden hair and Liverword. i 1 For the Worms. i TH E powder of Coralina, tothe | ' | weight of three pence in Giver, 2 Gis | i}. fp venan the water of Couchgrafie, AA Medicine for a quartan: or a tertian Ague. > | Si ; . . Ak the Herbes and roots called | : it Harts-horn,Plantane and 1 Orpin, bo | & beat them with a litle white wine | | & alittle bay fale, and fo lay it‘on a F cloth upen your wrift , bur be fure ie } a || { lye onthe places on both arms,chan- hy | ging |. —_ see ——— and Gentlemomen. : at ging it every four and twenty-hours: be fure alfo,that’you lay it two hours ! before the fit commeth , and hang | | Nine roots of the Harts horn about | Lyourneck ina filk bag,fo that it may | lye upon the hollow of yourftomack | and letic hang till your Ague bee | gone, Youmuft nor wath neither herbsnorroots 3 and yoamay take the roots when you cannot get the herbs,and ufe them fo. For the Canker in the mouth,or rawnes,or in the lower part of the woe. TA ke red Fennell,red Sage, Hyfop, Herbe grace, Rofemary , Hony- | fuckle leaves, Fetherfue, and Daye leaves, of each a litele quantity,in all two handfuls ; boyle thefe in a quart} of running water to a pint; firain it and let it fand untill it be clear,and put therein a fpoonfull of Englih | Hony, andasmuch Roch Allome 3 bea-| EAT gad peek BERN ere a eer PCN SSO Se { } \ ACloferfor Ladies | | beaten,as the bigneffe of a Bean,and | | i | boile it cogether : yon muft take off | ithe fcum as it doth arife when itis i | boyledeput it into a glafle, and keep lit for your ule $ youmult warmeii | | when you take tt, A good medicine fer an Ante Come, or abotch, or afore breaft,or Car buucle, to ripe or break thers. Sn enn 7 Ake a quantity of Herb grace, a quantity of: leavened bread well He, jcrummed , halfe a {poonfell of Sal ' i lec oyle or Capons-greafes boil thefe t Jn good Ale grounds, and kcepeit rwith Rirring till ig be thick ; and |} | Jwhen you ule, lay it upon a cloth ||) ywarme tothe griefe. This medicine 4 will defolve a breaft: without brea t king it,unlefleir need breaking: you mutt change ir every day once, / and Gentlewomen. eA good falve to heale st wher- | it # broken. Ake a quantity of Boars greafe of Wax &Rofin,of each a like quantity; you muftfcrape the wox,and bear the Refin,& boil them: together till they be melted; then take Lapis Calaminaris and Roch- Allome,as much as a beane of each, and beat, them together; then takea | {poontull'of Englifh Hony , and put tifem together, and beyle thenr-a- giine, and when it is well boyled, powre it into cold water,aad make ir up in rowls,and keep it for your ufe, | Amedicine for a breife. eT Ake 2 quantity of ftone- pitch, as much gray fope,and beat the pitch finely to powder, and boyl them to- gether with: ftirring till ir be, boy- led : then take it off the fire, and lee: Oe Aes | | | } y; Clofet for Ladies ' | ; t ee \ lev it coole, andthen fpread it uponay. | cloth, and lay i itto the griefe : it mult not be thorow cold , for then it will not {pread: and ifone do not heal it, then lay on another cloth {pread with | the fame. An yntment foran A gue fore, or other fores and for /welings WAke a Bryome root , and cus off the out fide thin : { fome do call it wild vine. flice it, and lay it al Latigit |in a pint of Salter oyland chen'Boile | it, Brain ie, and keep i¢ for your ules | | for this isgoodto annoinr any Ague| | eat Hforesor any other (welling, Then cake] | i || Phalfa pint of fal.oyl,and as much red | 1) - | Lead as you can buy for two peace, & | boy! them tog rether, and keep it Air. dt jting« ill ir look black : then take am fj}, - | manycloaths as-you think will drink i Hi: | up the oyle and the Lead , and thet yy hcoole i it, and keepit for your uie, . This oyle and Lead is good for Ague- ee SP SIN tip arya eon werabore ae ee oo and: Gentlewomen. ———E ———— Aguc forges and other fores. Remem, i) ber-to anoine the fores with the oint- ment aforefaid firft, and then lay on | the Sear. cloth,doing this twice a day H till the fore be whole. And for fwel- ling , you muftufethe Bryemeroots and the Oyle only, without che Oyle and the Lead. es approved good medicine for | the tooth-ache. Tak Rofe-water.either red or da- | maskes take yellow wax-a quan- | tity, atid frefh butter, of either an e+ } guall quantity,and minglethem toge- ther in adith upon the coaisjand then | take a linnen cloth,and dip ie-therin, | and lay it to that fide of your. jaw where you are grieved , as hot as you} can (ufferit; the hotter,the better, oA medicine for the bloody flix. Ake two toftes of cheat-breads& | & coite chem 5 and two Beges,-and | role | ityand mingle is.with fome Boars | AClofer for Ladies | iyrofte theth hard, andtake the yolks | ofthem,and the liver af a chick, and | peat all this cogether fmall:then put jallthis into a pint of Charn milk; then take half an ounce of cinamont beat it fmal, & put it inthe medicine andthen take of it evening and mor- ning fafting, for fo it moft availeth you: but if your ftomack be weake, then putin fome fugar to fweereniit, ns, | Forthe pin er web in the eye. Ake the juice of Parfly., and | halfas much Hony, and witha | feather drop it inthe eye and | after it,you muft pucin ome pow of whitedugar candy:you mutt dreffe at thus very often, & be take the Ague ont of any | ‘place where it doth fal, ‘| F Ake Succory, a preery quantity of 4 reales ec | cn iz and Geutlewomen. gai 2D ‘ Iereafe, and fpread upon the cloth, and warm it againft the fire, and lay itto the place. A medicine for a green wound. | Ake aquantity of Venice turpen~ tine,and wafh it in fair water till ie bs white, then take a plaifter thereof, and lay it co the wound till itbe drawne: then take the yolk of a new laidegge , and adde theretoa fmal! quantity of fine wheat flower, and a little freth butter, and min le them. together , and lay 2 plailter | thereof unto the wound after it 38 | drawn, with the Turpentine, Aeothey Medicine to be taken inwardly for agreen wourd, £0 be :akex in Ale gy lieere: it is likewife good for ibe flat ring of a bone broken or CHE, either for 14 an oF Beat. a juice’ of an herlcalled Bon - wort, to the quantity of 3 or four | ___fpeon- ITT i "| {poonfuls or more , according to the| iftomack of the party chat is hurt take the fame quantity and deinke it either in the milke,or as before is written, Ithree or four feverall morhings. faff: | Jing, or oftner if you will, and it will | we the. party; when the herbe is ney | jto begotten, then you may ule the root,and it will avail as much. - If che wound be bur little , either this drinke, orthe medicine before} written will help it;but if ic be great, |you muft ufe both rogezher. | : For to heal wounds and fores. | acai |p Ake Rofin and Frankincenfe, of | | each foure ounces, of white Wax Land Olibinum, of each three ounces} iia| jof Harts fuet,of Mafticke,of each an |, jounce; Venice turpentine halfe an ee ounce; whice Wine a pint; mele the |! + dRofin, the Frankincenfe, and the | . (Harts fuer togethers chen ftraineit ie in 2 pan,and put therto all che white ¥ i Wax, | and Gentlewomen: Wax, the Ol:binum,andthe Mattick ‘made into powder, andthe white wine: boy! le all cogether till the wine | be confumed: then take it from the jfre, and ftir-it till ic be almoft cold : ther: puc in the Turpentine , and make it inarowle, and keepe it in Parchment ‘or Leather. Another. T Ake C alamint,Peniryall jofea che a like quantity, Nigella-romana- feed alitcle bruifed,a French crowns weight:boy! all thefe in poffct-drink made of white Wine and Ale3a gaod draught evening and morning you muft drinke. A medicine for the head- burning shat long tsme hath been. T Ak a quantity of the Gaule of a Hare, and as much Hony:mingle itrogether a good while, till it curne ted,and withit aneint the fore- head, F and see A ADORE A Clofet for Ladies and all the aking fhall be taken this is a precious cyntment, ere: away: | i For to fet a bone,ar beal a broken | bone in Man or Beak, | { (“Ake the juice of Comfrey roots, | and wilde Daifie roots, and boil them with Turpentine and yellow | wax,and make a fiat plaifter thereof, | and lay it to the griefe, and fet fpline| ters about it, and rowle it to keepit| | fife, once in five dayes, untill it bee ) whole : you muft drinke the juice of | | the roots nine dayes in fome li@uor »| eithet to manor beaft, when you ule | the plaifter, ‘ ed For the Piles. Ake new milke, and thicken it | ~ with. Qatemeale finely fifced tho. | tow a fieve, and letit feetke cill you | make it up like Suppofitaries + then | it up, and cut off the outfide ofa, min- =e — —— and Gentlewomern. {mingle it together, and fomeef it make into a plaifter, and the reft make like Suppofitaries,and pute them Upas you doe Suppofiraries ; then Isy aplaifter on the place, and ufe this cill you be:whole. | AA medicine fora Rupture in ed | or youNg. { wm Ake Knotwort, Ribwort and | Comfry, of each a like quaniti< ty; wafh them,and dry them,& | et them in the oven when the bread is drawne,thatfo they may. dry: chen | beat them to powder 5 then fearce hem finely thorow a fearce or fieves | land looke what quantity you take | the herbs when they be dryed, take half fo much Annifeeds*, and beat ithem with the powder of the herbes, rand fearce them: and thus having made the powder ready, when you will ufe it,take as much of the pow. der as you can lay, or take upon a | Good broad fixpence, and four-| teene mornings together sive ir EF 2 to is oe pee a Clofet for Ladies tothe. party to drinke with a. hutle Malmfie, fafting , and anoint the place with oyle of Spjke mingled with any other thing: and alfo take fuch herbs as you make your powder of, and feethe them in faire running | water untill they be render, wringing the water out of them, and apply them to the place.as hat.as the party | can fuffer it, and lee aot the trufle be too ftrait, left ic force the place to -| rent further. Take the herbs to make | the powder within May, whenthe | chiefe firength is in them the Knot. | wort.beares a little watchet.flowen This hath. beene proved.on children | fo borne,and on old folkes thac.have been foure and twenty yeares bro ken, and dothhelpe all forts , that] with good ufagedo nor. abufe them- felves,through the grace of Gad, ee and Gentlemensen: A Medicine to be ufed during all the time of the Plagues good againft Lnfe ttion. - and halfe a pint of Jene Trekle; | and aquantity of Bole Armoniacke, | otherwife called Bollesverus, and | ftirre’all this together,and take three | fpoonfuls inthe morning fafting,and fait an houre after it, and take three fpoonfuls an heure-after fupper. eAnother Medicine for paine in Ake a pint of white wine vinegar ! the head. CEeth leaves of Agrimony with: OHony, and give them to arinke,, | draw it tHorow.a cloth, and keep | litina box, and therewith anoint lyour head,and. wath your head in the water that.Celandine is fodden in." \ E 3 For ed I, -and thea lake Rue and em together in } >with the head. H F, Ie leth the head of Aman : ana R & that bef ‘ore written a fe jor the hace ; Or a fekon 6; of the head thz At [wele, ie Arenas, seein diniaacmmatam iO tet = x cr bese “? Ss =| e o me : =| oO p a) ° oa anal “and ( G Gentlewemen. | sae La ~ ../. For the Carbuncle or the Pepe | une in the bead. " Ake Wormwood, Origanum, yron, by « even portion, an fea hice infweet' wine,and af: [ter that wring out the juice, and lay it to the ears of the fick with two {pone ges,as hét ashe ‘may 4 fufter itjule this or 3 times, and he fhall be waated incite toe q ) | she Megriss,P oftume drops | aking is the beats eeget Ake a penny weight of the ront of Pellitory of Soaine, Gx.peny weight of Spicardy, and grinde them toge ther, sp feeth ‘Kem in sO0d ‘at ne t take a S: aucet ¢ full of Han LY - iy: five at Muftard ; and I when the liquor that is boyle d, | | . { Id, putt thereto the Hony and | ithe mu tard, 3 and ftirre-th em well to- | | and let the ficke ule't thereof k alf | i oe Fever, , aud all manner of | | | lg Sacra nn eter | AClftfer Ladies | ee halfe a fpoonfullat once, and hold it Rillin his mouth the {pace of twa creeds, faying and the n fpec it out in- | to. a veflell, and doe fo ten or twelve times ; a-good while after hee hath j €2tem at noone , and a Jittle before ven ten or twelve times : and when he goes to bed, take and wath cleane his mouth,and drinke a draught,and gee to bed : ufle'the medicine three ddsyes:and he thal} be whole, For the Head ache, J Ax and feethe Vervine and Be- tony,S; fles,and Wormwood;wafh the parties head with the water thrice in the week, and take the herbs, and make a plaifter , and lay it upon the upper part of the head on this wife, Take the herbs aforefaid when they are well fodden , and wring out the juice of them, and then ftamp them | | iN 4 mortar, & temper them with the Water wherewith they were fodden, & é pur ana Gentlewoner. ee We ad LE and put thereto the bran of wheat for to hold the juice of the herbs, that it | go nocoat, and make a garland of | | Tinnen that may goe about the head, | and bind the plaifter under it as hot. | ag the: ficke moay {uffer it: doe this three times, and he fhall be whole. Anethers | r Loves comfort the Romack, liver , | and heart, they helpe difgeftion, | and ftop the belly: they quicken | the eye-fighr, and fcowre away the clouds and hawes ef the eyes = they are good againft all cold difeafes,and they are hoe in the third degree, The oyle of cloves is verygood fora cold | fomack,and fos any other place thar. hath need of warming , 2s athuma- tick braine. Another.” Ake-oflitrage of lead fouroune’ ces; of Vinegar, common oyle, a F likeit "eS ey ete oe ee ere { 4 Clofes for Ladies as = ike quantity:put the | itrage ina mor- paged puta little of the vinegar,and |: Tittle of the oyl, and beat them to- | eethersand fo put in bya litele anda | little all-your oyle and vi inegar: you muft beat them two houres cogethers | muft-be-as thick as your green falve, eAnot her. Ake ke Camphory, hearts-eafe, Pri- Vita ‘Plantane, of Peck: of thea a { handfull lls bruife thele in a Mortar, and put thereto Harts fuet fine Sallet oyle, ofeach dim.li.mingle them well] together, ard let them ftand foure and twenty houres 3 then put tii into a pan or brafle pot, & ioe there to’ Wax and Rafin broken in {mall} peeces, of each dim. lb.ler thefe bot all together over a fire : the juice of the herbs be confur and the oynhtment giten the it thorow acanvafe cloth into fome ; ype that you will keep it ingand when ‘ | |itbepins vo be cold, then put thereto H foure seosencemeeray nn sa A rie, a ers Weekes een wena ne —— 33 } | | ee eae hn eos oe neon acacia ha acc, s and Gensleworsen. | four spieetidteeyc of Vihite: tnkpentines | ftir all together untill ic be thorow | cold, and keep it clofe covered. Anos ber. | "THEI Wineof Eye bright is made | D> fo, the eyes, by putting the herbs: } | into the Muiterll #¢ be per fea Wine; | | whofe ufe make the eyes of oldmen | | looke young : for it.ishot and drye g | | a ad the powder of i it beaten. with ‘ha | ye olke ofanegoe, worketh the fame | eftedt: the powder received in Wine, if the Wine be too flrong, putin Fe- | nell water or Sugar. | A medicine agaiv|t the ane inthe back . | or bladder, or for the weakneffe of the bak kw hith 3 4% called the running of the veines. | “gv Ake Venice curpentine, and wath x it in Rofe water, either red or da- ske,untill it looke white: then dis ide icinto {mall bals, asyou may _eafily ee ACG lofet for Ladies tafily {wallow to the full quantity of ithree hafell-nurs or thereabout: then jtoule them in (ugar, to make them jthe more eafieto be taken ; then {wallow them>in the morning fa- ting, and faft four hours after them: take thefe three or foure. feverall | mornings together,and in your water you fhall finde much gravell, 70 take away the pock-boles, or} any (pot in-the face. F Ake white Rofe-water 9 and wet a fine cloth therein, and fet it all night to freeze, and then lay it upon your face till it be dry :. alfo take {thre poppies , the reddeft you can get, and quarter them, taking out the. garbage : then fill them in a quart of new milke of ared cow,and with. the water thereof wath your face, eaten nn nr nt a aitd Gentlewomen. ee aE eae To make Snow. Ake the whites of.five or fix egs, | a handfull.of fine Sugar, and.as } much Rofewater,ind put them in | a pottle ef creamof the thickeft you | ean get : beatthem all togethers as | the Snow rifeth sake it off with a| fpoone: you muft beac it with a ftick | cloven in foure ¢ then muft you take | alorfe of bread, and cut away the| craft, and fer it. uprightan a platter : | then fet a faire Rofemary branch in the loafe,and caft yoar Snow upon | it with alpoon, A medicine for the Piles, ¥ Ake the herbe called Torchworte| it.groweth high, bearing a yellow \ flower, blowing out of the ftalk, the leavesleokehoare. Take the juice | and boyle it with freth butter a little | while, and keep it clofe, and ufe it.e- i Bee vening nee Sitti putin Lie ae _ Aclfis for Ladies | | vening and morning if a Cows uddie be Rung or bit witha Snake or be ) like take Lavender and wath it clean | and feethe it in chamber lye a a i | while,and wath it evening and mor- | ning wa arm: you may put a little e frelf| i butt er in it;and milke out he mi lke | i | when you doit. } } | 4 medicine for a cold, er a burt; | or 4 fore, 2 Approved, i t t § | } | . 4 i Ake Waterfuck leaves , othere ’ ' | j wife called Raewatt caves, ( \ » Allyhoufe, Da yfie roots, leaves t : ‘| and all, and a lietle Re emary; wath ‘ i | them, ftamp them,and boyle them in re am till it is butter : then Rraine them,and apply it warm to the burn: prick the waterfuck leaves, and lay them upon it,dre fling ir twice a day, or three times, ifneed be. To heale a fore es Turpe nein, R ofin ; and | Wax in t,drefling j a Ss ——— | ana G ‘cnslewomen, F ov the fistch. Ake Stitehwort,B ay leaves, Hol: | ly without prickles,of eac ha hike} quantity, the juice, graines bea- | ten: ‘drinke ir in Ale warme. } For the fwellsng . | Ake the grounds of good Ale | Glovers " threds’, and white i bread crums and Sage ; boyle| them, lay icto warm ¢ it will fwage } | the (reins and the ach¢ : it hath | been proved For the Teeth ache, Ake Organy thae sroweth clofe | to the ground,and tafteth like A- # i | L pt \: quavita;bruife it,lay ic to the tooth; e burfa paltoris will doe the like. wee Clofet for Ladies aod For a Bite, or Felonjor fore leg. S Eeth a pinteof Ale to two {poonte fuls, like a firup ¢ prick a peece of} _ Teather with a pin: it will heal it’ withourbreaking , if iz be broken, take lint to thé hole with fome falves let it lye foure and cwenty houres, lay it too cold, soe For the Scratches of a borfe Lege aoc Vinegar, Moftar-feed, Gunpowder, boylethem : wath it hoe three’ or foure cimes 5 proyed, i Fer the Gowt. Ake Mallowes. and Sengrén? beat them , and boyle them in water: then Rraine them, put Oatmeal groats foked in Vinegar, and fheeps (uet untried : then boyle it to 2 poultis; proved. : | For For the eAgues oa aaneeoe Ake arsed Onioncut fall, fix & | fifty graincs of Pepper beaten | fmall; binde it to the wrift halfe an houre before the fir; proved. For the Gowt. TAke a fat Whelp of a Hound: {eald it like -a Pig : garbage it “in the fide : then take red Nettles ftamped with two ounces of Brim~ ftone, foure ounces of Terpentine foure yolkes of egges; fluffe the bel- ly, and few. isup: rofte it with afoft | fre; favethe dripping; anoint the places itis good for the fnewes and cramspe; it willdrive it aways for the like efe@, Oyle, Nettles, White wine,, boyle them, apply them hot,. For the Sciatica. Tete the gall of a Bull, aquart of | wort; boyle-it toa pint,’ shen put ink ed eigenen LO ? ‘clofet for J Ladies a 1 7 Lan 2 pint of Vinegar , Fankincenle P Fone ounce in powder of Hony halfg | | pound of Commine halfe a pound in | ; PSwaer : boile it thickes {pread iton | leather, lay it too hot two or three! j dayes: lay a linnen cloth between the| ! skin and the plaifter; stheplaifter will | ferve many times; proved, Tooth Ack. i | ALlom a as big asa Walnut, Gir ' } tick-an ha andfull:: twenty Beanes, | | anba idfoll of Bay f le, Peppers beat fit cogethers lay it to the waifts ewer} j ty foure houres, x. More, For te ItOD the bleeding of A wound, 1} of an tok >A s draconis i niack, andthe whites of egges \ laid on too, For\ ae ee ocent and Gentlemomen. For acon{umption either for ola | folks,yonng folks,or childrew | { | pate Longwort, Liverwort,Harts | | tongue, of each a handfull, red Mints, red Sage, Mother of Time,of feach a handfull,Parfley and Fennell xoots, the piths out ofeach, halfea handfull Liquorice an ounce, Anni- NM feeds an ounce, Sceny two OUNCES 5 Turbet an ounce, Capdates two. oun | ces, Cinamion an OUNCE » Nutimegs two ounces, white Sugercandy foure ounces, Rubarb aa ounce Wliced: | ftampe yeur foices > and your feeds .| 4fid bedt: your orhé® Apotnecary Auffe, and fhred your herbes fine s boyle it in three quarts of Reanifh wine to a pottle s fraine it; drinke Ss foure times a day a quartet ofa pint at adraught warm; putin a pe niworth vitae, and-as macs Sani | fine: after it is boyled, af he | ,ot Ac beaten Patient be laxative, ‘ave out your id Turbet, and] Rubard, . Sceeny, a0 : 8] vit anienovcnenesiont i araiaen are mee te }— CH ANOS TY ve ——— A Clofet for Ladies f | | enestieemeene | | | Doyle tc in wort; itis beft in wort for | H 7 e 7 : j ‘ | childrersfor aged folks thar be weak, | | boykint | boyrin the ftowe of a boar ora Raw, | Or ahorfe,is beftsone fone is enough } | for one times . you may take one to purge,and another-not to purges the fecond receit ig enough spurge firlt, t 4 Lo make one make water, i i ‘TP Ake the ftones and ‘kernels of i Peaches and Mediers; beat them | fine; fift them thorow afeatce ; put } | in Sugar, drinke it in white wine, Lo make a Sear- cloth, f Mrs 4 pound of Stonepitch , as much» Rofia as a great: Wal- nut, and twice as much cleane wax,a {poorful of freth {wines greate oyle all together till ic be well mixt, then cool itin waters then oyle your hands with Hogs ereafe, and labour It i your hands an houre and more ! | tilit will cleave to your hands, Fey _ AClofet for Ladies | ee. For the fame, and the beft for alt | manner of eAchess | | ppAke Rofiadim. lib. of Perrofon a | guarter of a pound, as-much Gum maitick,a quatter of a pound of Deer fuer, two ounces of Turpencine,one founce of Cloves and Mace , of Saf- | fron two ounces, the liquor mutt be | oyle of Rolcs. ot foveraigne, Medicine for a great efAche. of Oy! two d. of black Sope*halfe a pound , of burter without Sale as | much as agreat Walaut; boyleit on | la chafingdith of coals halfe an hour, iftirring it well from the bottome’; | fpread cron leather, asbroad and as | long ‘as your griefes lay-it too foure | or five dayes. tks Sparmacity eight peniworth, | } } | A Clofet for Ladies | | To make a good Oyntasent or | Salve for ay fore. | TAkea good handfull of fase, as | { muchof Plantane, as much of | q | i | Brounwort,as much of hony fuckles, ' jasmuch of Turfame, as much Vale- inion: boylall thee in May butter till jit be brown ; then ftrain it, and put’ ina quantity of Virgin wax; then ‘boile it again. | 4 goed Receipt for all manner of | ores, old or new, waned, The | Sift of God, praife be to hive. i [TAke Betony, Vervin, Pimpernel, | | Bugle,Smailage, Plantane, Sca- jeas water, Agrimony of each a likes |Rampe them together ; boyle them | | ftogether ina gallon of white wine i 0 the third pares then ftraine them, | i and putco them a quantity of theeps.| || Met, and halfe a pound,.of Wax, jéiinib.of Rofin. dim.lib, of pitch, ae tN Ea and Gentlewomen. one lib.of Olibinum, and boile ir a-: gain. i For Bags in the fundament. Ake the yolke of an hard Egge roafted, the oyle of Rofes, and | Marigold leaves: beat it toge- | ther, lay it coo hor. To kill a Tester. ke green broom : boyle trina quart of running water half aways bathe it with it. For the Peftilenct. | Tak the water of Berony, and) Pimpernell, Turmentill, or Sca- beas ; mix it cogether, drinke ic nine | | dayes fafting,and fear no PeRilences | and Gentlewemen. {- For one that ts taken within the body, or any place. Ak Rofe cakes, Aquavite, and Rofe water, hearicon a chifing- | dith ofcoalsslay it to the ftomacke; } they“fhall mend by Gods grace, For the Agus or Cold. TrAke green Alderftickes ; take the | ~ inner finde,ahandfull;beae them, eAnether for the Ague. Ake a fpoonfull of juice of Oren- ges, as much Aqua-vite,minglelt with a yolk of anew laidegge in the fhell, fup ie up fafting once of ewict, K. Henry the eight bis perfumes pAke fix fpoonfuls of compound water, asmuch of Rofe- water, a quarter PEP AE AREER DEST Sa Seneca Rema and Gentlewomen. nee nena pt quarter of .an ounce of fine Sugar , | two grainesof Muske,two graines of | Amber- greece, twoof Civer: boyle | itfoftly togethere all the houfe will | {mell of Cloves. | For the Strasgarion. > Ake Horehound one handful! and | “a halfe, red wine halfe apint,? oil-clive five fpoonfuls: boil is toge- ther , putit inalinnen cloth to the {mall of the backe,as hot as may be, | Tocleanfe a wound, | "f°Ake Beere, Wheat, Stone- dower, _ and Hony: boyl irthicke ; apply | it to, ; | For she Gow? | TAke Worme-wood, Wail. wort, Wheaten bran , Cow-dung , and {alt,boyle it in vinegar : plaifter iz co the gricfe. ee | Fora brasfe. 43 | "TAke halfe’ pint of Sallee-oyle, asf) | much oyle of Rofes,as much Aqua- (7 | G vitae core l¢ ur e€ or fo | ae bay te bo ement a much as os ae Ais BP, Hgts ey (a gp at Se RE ne ms { | 4 AClofet for Ladies dow 5 chen ftampthem well, and fift | roors 6f Gention,and of long Pyome | of each of them a quarter of an aunce | and a.quarcer of an aunce of myrh; | all thefe well beaten to powder, you | muft put in a dith, or fome other vel- | felfand moift them with a little wae teers then take of it with your two fine | gers, and wet the lipsand mouth of ithe childes doethisthree or foure times, and you fhail fee the. worme come forth dead with the excrements Ai remedy for the Falling fickne Ge. c i } } [Ake Germander gathered in May ~ when ic isin the bloffome; dry it jin the faadow , and make it in pow- ider,and when you will ofe ir,rake the | yolke of an egee or two, and ftir and | breake it with afpoonfull of the {aid powder; then fecth it, and give it |to the Patient toeat ; doe this.mor- 4 1 nin ¢, SS ree ese RSS ES ene sae ‘ RATE | | 1 / i them,and take of the faid powder and | See | ; | and Gentlemermen. | ning and evenitg eight dayesjabftay- | | ning front wine, carnall company ef,| | women, from all Pulfie,Beans,Peafe, | Fitchas, Lares, and fuch other, from Sallets, Salt-fith, and from all other | | things that are. hard of coneoGtion | | and digeftien :.a very good and.not- | able feeret. Bi any | sd medicine tocure the biting of | | all venomous beats. | AS foone as the party feeleth him- | “felfe bitten with any venomous | bea, or as foone after as may bee, 3 .) | | eake green leaves of a fig-tree, and | prefle the milke of them three or | | foure times into the wound : and for’ | this, ferverh alfo Muftard: feed min- } gled with Vinegar, . ' i \ To draw aw eArrow-head or 0 | | ther srow omt of 4 wound. | pAke the juice of Valerian, inthe } »” which wet a tent, and put inzo the ? } G 2 wound | I wponit our binder as 4 and by ieanes you uf] | draw forth the iron, and after 7 lling g and heal tne CvEet remedy ag Ait, 5 plas he. Pena whit te] loafe new b the middle, and foread i with good Treacle on both parts pp- onthe crummie fides, and heatit at thefite : ‘then Jay-one part upon the place of che difeafe » and the other | part | adit SSG OT PR PETE RT eR re RT a ana 6 enmslemomers : ier fide of hist body di- »inde them that they eave emfoaday and or untill the impoftume Lei take aw s sLAgan, bre nae | ; j | a ay basal / { i 5 | | i { 4 } Barbarus, 2 Ampe it, the juice ef its and if the eed, wipe st an d make it | , wathing it w ith white Wine | sr; then put the juice upon the | ind the herbs upon it, out of | which you tooke the jume: then | € up the wound, and in one day 1 faall feea worse nlt efted. ~ ; - G4 A? A Clofit for Ladies ——— Ane | eAcainft the difeae or viefe of the flank and the Colic palfia 02, exxpersmented and pre- a wed divers times. | "F Ake halfe'a glaffe or lcfle of the " Juice of Barbaries when they bee} very-ripe and ted, and putinto itas much red Corall'as will Jye Bpon two Stoats, well broken‘into powder, and give the Patient to drinke thereof Another perfect remedy for the fame dif. Gafé,and to make a man piffe within balf anboure, that hath net made watey - inthree or four dayes, axdwill breake the Rone within ten i . or ixpelve dayes. o ae gen A RTD RAE 2 Tyg Nero enue Take fine powder of Virga aurea, ae | ~ & put a fpoonfull of itinto a new ei laid eg fof; toalted, and give the Pa- | | {Bent thereof in the morning to his yt j breakfaft,and let him nor gat in four houre } i | — F { nana eran neesenene hg ‘ ap eee 4nd Gentlemomen. : { houres after, and then he fhall make | waterin leffe than kalfe an houre, | | and ler him ufe this forthe {pace of | | cen or twelve dayes as aforefaid; the Patient fhall void the flone without | any paine or gtiefe. | 4 remedy for the (petting of blood | eccafioned by the breach of Some veine in the breaf. } 1 | "T Ake Mice dung beaten in powder, / as much as will lye upon a great, | and put it into halfe a-glaffefull of juyce of Plantane with a little fugar, | and fo give the patient to drink there- | of in the morning and evening; can- | tinuing the fame he fhall be found, : | Apgainf che gricfe of rhe lungs,: | and (pitting of blood, aremedy ' experimentedand tried; - | "Ake an herbe called Furfara , @r’ | Tuffilago ar the Apothecaries , Ungula Caballina, ia Englith called we. 9 Colts! e : ings, i f a }¢ Pat de lien orn r 4 Cc rs er cine for wAtry C¥el. Ake a red cole leafe,and anoint | he leafe with the white OF am -g; when yougo te bed Jay the | r Ake a little ground Ivy , and | Rraine vit and womans>milke | together, and let it be fome- green of the Ivy,and then drop | a drop or two intot the ey¥ess De es ae bagae ene eAnorher for the [asses a Ake Fennell water ftilled, and. i hive Hony: mingle them to- i gether , and puta : drop or two e'eye.. Thefe are approved. hems — sant {IES ol SAILS L I ae 3 SOON Se seracia ca ear occemiadiaae aA a ie) oa , “Ss a3 a . » | A Clefes for Ladies re | lyre miake water for the eyes to ki the heat of any fore. )P Ake red Sage’, and boyle itin | * Smith water till the third part be conf{umed : then ftraine oucthe Sage very hard , and put into~it a | Quantity of the liquor 2 peniworth j of Allome, and as much of whice | Coperas, after you have taken it | fromebefire’,. arid anoint your°eyes TWO eee, f i cherewith. |) Aether for the fame. ) i T Ake the leaves of red Brambles,of | Plantane and Hony-fuckles, boile {them elf in running water froma | Guartto a pint, and of¢ itto the fore, I f {i | © medicine for the pin and web in the eye. “yp Ake the white of an Egge being ; hot, take out the yolke cleane,an _ EE ee en Sern tc et | ana Gentlewone } put thereto a good quantity of fugar-) candy 3 then &rain it hard thorow a | cloth, and therewith make a water, | | and evety.day two or three. times | dropit into the eyes, : | A Medicine to clear she fight. | | | l } at 4 = ; "Take Red-rofe water,clean myrrh ) | *as much as a nat: breake it into | powder, and binde ie in a linnen | ieloth, and let’ it lye in the water twelve hours:then take of this water, | and put ic in-your eyes , and it will | cleare yourfighs, For a pearls in the eye, ‘TAkered Fennell, and the leaves . and roots of white Dayfes': ufe | them without any liquor, and put | cogether three fpoonfuls of either of shem + then take one goad f{poonfull of clarified Hony , and twoor three | {poonfuls of wonaans milk, and drop |shis into your eye three or foure la times | ¢ dies La for er & “Say me t no Loa LOG. Dia hs Ls 1 Vy if A bee dla #4 int 3 PST pes mens Ana Genlewomen, pUNCes, an d diftil allt t 1. paine of the eyes. fofpread It Up Si AClofet for Ladies | cloths eadput it to your legge where | the heacts,and change it twice a.day, | and by Gods helpe ic will heale yeu | id three or foure dreflings, BY A Diet drinke for a Confgm- : pisos. ¢ | TAke a gallon of running wacer meafured by Ale meafure, and put thereto an ounce of Cinamon,an j ounce of Cloves, an ounce of Macc, | adram and a half of AGer roots, and | | boyle ietill it come ro three quarts $| | let this be your only drink till you dg! amend. ” ) { 5 PP 8 5 7 t A nitdscine fer the head aches | T Ake a handfull of Rofemary; ewe | || oi handfuls of Betony, and a {poon- t | full Of Hony: and {eech them all ja | Malenefc and wath your head there. with. ae eAwnother P PIS rant eagerness. ‘ and Gentlewomen. Aotker for the head ache. | SftAke five Nutmegs : grate them | 2 and feethe them in Malmfte cll | they be thicke: make a plaifter there- of, and Jay it to your temples. Fer winde and Soootsngs ix your bead. Ake Egremony and Cinamon: bray them , putthemin Ale and lay itto the teraples of the head; and if che paine remove, lay it where the paine remoyeth, | eAmother for the headache. ‘Ake a handfull of Camomile, a handfull of Penigiall , ahandfull of fage, a handfull of Wheat bran: chop them all together fmall ; boyle | them in a pint of fharpe Vinegar till i they be thick, and thereof make plaifter, and lay it to the temples a ig the) Ba Si ee Shp ar ACBL. & OY Ld fe OF ZY fe i Dae ae aA J lofe Sonat AL Roth Mp tt a0aey @ ) g\o* et oe \e be bi ® I 106 ti9 b » eS, S & ) = ae Ge# 0 peece of whea tf sles ina | AC fer for Ladies 7: | Marjoram, all dryed ; a quantity of | Cloves‘and Mace, gtofle bruifed ; a | Nurmeg,and a quantity of Dill feed, jall quilt in a eap; / A Porlsis te coole any place, ee! | ther face or any where elfe, that ts red and full of hot pimples. *t | # Ake Houfleek, Mallowes,Purle | ™ line, Water rofes,called Numova: |. beavall'thefe,: and take the juyee fof them, and pur a litele oyle of Ro- \ [fes to them, and wath the place. with| | jit or flampe the herbs till they bet fo (thick like.pap : then (eeth it with 4 Title Rofe oyle and Wax » and then |you may lay it on-as.a plaifter, | Againft red pimples of the fate [} ee) an ounce of Camphire, a8 much brimfton, beaten mirth, - PRI Fayed AREA NLL I yg} SOME A ee ee pecan zi Soe teigy eateaienere! rt : pas 7 ‘ 2 Pa Frankincenfe, of each foure | drathe,of Rofewater a pound; purall I thefe S809 gore peace 1 re DEE, PPE aS LAT ee ‘ “and Gewtlewomen. | pee ne thefe ina glaffe, and fer it in the Sun | cen daies,& then lay it on the places, eAnorber. 'T Ake the diftilled water of Ath- tree, Tamaredis oft eaten, wine of | firawberries laid upon the face. | Anosber. "T Ake the diftilled water of Mulline | and a little Camphire mixed t0- | gether and laid tothe face. A medicine for them that are deaf, fo that chey have hear | bef OTe» "TP Ake the juyee of Bittaine, womans milke that hath 3 sian childs min- j ple chem together, and dip a peecs of | blacke wooll in it, and put a peece of | je into your care, for the {pace of xen | or eleven dayes or more +.if it happen | ehae this will not take away the deat. neffe, then take che milke of spi ; aRG F T lees q be 4 ak peee ki rar catlewomen. day. with the far with your fing (aV€ M0BTH. nite Wine. @ iter, vapine of 5 wine vi- gar, agood quantity of red Sage,two | peniw orth of Mercury,half ‘Roch- Allome,a quantity | ater quantity of _and three {poon- t em together , mout neewih: | |: ) r and fore | ofemary croppes , Sage, a. Wogdains: leaves, Al- pny, Or pure Flony,boy- : Ww ates bh alf ch handf tHii the forefaid berbs boyled | ints of water, till they hay e Lied made 4U nNitGa part aw: y . i t A Clofet fer Ladies | a a | ae: ven See | Fer a Canker and foreneffe in : f the mouth, : j : TA two ouncesof fine Cope) | ™ ras beaten to powder , halfea) } pintof faire water, aridet the! {fame Coperas be diftilied og fteeped | iewo dayes andtwo Nights:then firain| ithe fame foftly thorow a linnen cloth, | [then take afpoonfull therof and wath ne mouth and throat-with it foftly, | lbloed-warme, but drinke nene.of ite| iThis “medicine will not continue igood above fourteen dayes:therefore / lyon muft make it freth .as occafion | Kervess you muft take jt morning and | evening. A medicine for the Mother that rifesh so amwemeans ide. i ws. iT Ake Agna-Compofita , and beat | | Bay-berricsin powder , and put i¢| -| fino thy Agua-Compofiea, and pur a : L se cclanet {pone} and Gentle. women- {poonfull or two ina draught of beer or ale,and fo drink it. A medicine for pricking of a needle or thorn in the joint. Ake fair boulred flower of wheat, and temper it with white orred | | wine, a little oyle olive, and a few rofe leaves 3. feethe them together till | they be plaifter thick, and lay it to | as hot as you can fuffer : ir will draw |, forth the needle, and eafe the ach. A medicine for a Canker that eateth - mans flefh, mr tAke wheat bran of the {malleft 4. powder,the juice of fmallage.the }7 | juice of woodbine, burnt allome beat ‘ .|| into powder,and a little hony ; min- | gle all thefe together, and make a 1 plaifter of it,and layieto the fore,and | it fhall deftroy the Canker. H AG lofet for Ladies For a bruise, Ake virgin wax, and commine feed well beaten; mix them to- | gether, and lay it to the fore plaifter-wife, Foy a white {call. | aoe fallet oyle beaten withthe |) | | di whites of egs till they be thorow- ly wrought together : cut away the haireand.franoint the head,and lay a bladder upon it. A medicine againft all pitches, Ale linfeed, and boil it. innew | mills: make'a plaifter thereof, } | and: lay it to the grieved-place, A vnedicinefor a fore bref. | Ake Groundfill, and chop it} fmall,thé grounds of {mall beers || aes ‘wheaten | ana Gentle. women. wheaten bran,and fheeps fuet beaten | inamortar, boil them all together, and lay it plaifter-wife to your breft, A medicine for {welled brefts. ‘Ake white wine, wheat-bran (ee bolted, Rofe leaves old and new 3 feethe them till they be thick s then lay it to the breft as hot as thee } | may fuffer it, from even to morning, | and fhift it again. ‘To break the fleamt of tbe bret Ake butter without falr, and hony, of each a quantity, faire bitter Almonds ; blanch them, | and beat them fine, and eata litrlee- § | very. day. A very good medicinaspimepmclor bre(t. Often prourn. Ake frankind@ater fie wrought wax, Boares; greafe, and rolin, 1 kt @ Ory A Clofet for Ladies of each of them a like quantity, and feethe them togecher toa cakes{pread it on acloth as broad as the fore ot pain is,and lay it to four and twenty houres,or twelve at the leaft. An approved medicine for a fore brefte. Ake an handfull of mallowes: feethe them very (oft in fair wae ter, and then let che water run away from the mallowes: then chop or fhred them 5 then put them in a dith with boars greafe, anid heat them ve- ty hot; and Jay on a plaifter of linnen \ cloth to your breft as hor as you ¢an 1 fuffer; three or four times a day hea- | ting it. This hath been approved ve- ry good, | £2027) hasan — Te fA ets ct gate Smeg a oe a Peeees EN ping ee 2 : A remedy for the pains of the bres. ae 6, pariley., and fage, them together, and lay ni breit, and it, will bee} Another and Geutle-women. Another for the flopping of the breft. Ake rue, and feethe it with alli- gant, and drink it three or foure timess ; A medicine for the bloudy flix. Ake as much fine linnemcloth as will make a Suppofitory, being wrapped together button wile: then wet the fame in the beft aqua vite, or aqua compofita, and let the patty grie- ved convey the fame into his funda= ment, and it will help him by the grace of God, within three or foure dreffings. This is approved,and hath holpen many that have been brought low,and thought paft cure, Doétor Smiths msedicene for the collick and ftone. "TAke poffer—ale made of Rennifh wine 3 boylecamomile, running time, parley, pellitory of the wall, H 3 with | AA Clofet for Ladies with a good {poonefull of Commin- feeds, till the third part and more be confumed: then ftraine them with Sugar fufficient.: drinke a good draught warme,and ule it as occafion ferves. A medicine for the chincough, for achild, 5 Bae Boares greafey and warme the foles of the feet to the fre : j then chafe them with that, and goce tobed, and keepe it warme,and lap clothes to it. To flay a Laske. ? oa halfe a quarter of a pound of Almonds, and parch th:m upon | two new tiles : beate them ina mor- tary and take.a quarter of faire water, and fet it on the fire, and put in halfe | | a handfull of knot-graffe; and halfe | a handfull of Plantane leaves, and let them feethe a good while: then take i TN a a ae M A Mn ER Se and Gentle-womer- take che watersind ftrain. the forefaid almonds therewith, and make an al- mond milk thereof,and put in a piece of fugar: then take date-ftones, and beat them to powder as fimall as may be, and put fome'of that pow det into the almond milke : fo drinke it lake- warme. An excellent Medicine ‘fora childe thut cannot part withhis water or urine. Ake three or foure hive-Bees: | kill them 5. then dry them upon hot flate : being thorow dry, bruife them to {mall powder 3 then put’ the powder into a quart of {mail Alejand give the ficke to drink, and hee fhall have prefent remedy. . SE cage cree deg Das A mediciae forthe pain of (welling inthe flomack. Seer ie ES voce i agood quantiry of rofemary flowers:boil them in white wine, H 4 and fee. Wes F i ) j | . A Clofet for Ladies and as hot as may be fuffercd, apply it to the ftomak. An approved medicine for the {pleen. i Ips a quart of claret wine,a pint of oyle of olive, two good hand- fuls of camomile being thred {malls | boyle the wine and camomile toge- ther froma quart to’a pint, and 2 noint the hardneffe of the {plcen morning and evening therewith, and it will diffolve. AA medicine for a felon or andcome, Ake rufty bacon, and colewort leaves, ftamp them together ; then take a piece of dogs leather prickt full of holes, and {pread it up- on the leather, laying itto the fore twiceaday 3 and whenit begins to heal but once a day. j | and Gentle-women. A medicine for the itth of the body. Ake (weet butter, unwrought wax,vinegar,brimftone,a little rofe water, red cloves whole 5 | boil them together till they be like a falve: shen anoint the fleth three fun- dry nights by.the fire therewith, and | no tore. A medicine for the canker imthe body. Ake Bollarmonack,Rochallome, and hony,seen beat them to pow= der 3 take twice as much of- the ale lome as of the Bollarmonack, and ftir chem together till they come toa falve,and fo anoint the fore. A ined cine for the beat or ach-in the body,or legs,or elfe-where. Ake red dock-rootss and take | Aout the over pith and feethe them | in running water, then draw. the AClofet for Ladies ; ass | water from them, and beat it with thick cream, and fo anoint the place | that is grieved,or with a cloth dipt in | the fame;and laid over the place. A medicine good ta clean{e the body. Ake balm,and lay it in white wine till it be well fteeped,' and then | diftill ic ; the water thereof is geod | for any difeafe that is in the body, | but you muft diftill the wine and all | together,drinking a {poonfull or two | in the morning. Proved. A inedicine for a Fistula. Ake Vervine,and dry it upena tile and make powder thereof,and i make cleane the fore with a linnen i cloth, and fill the hole full of the } | powder. | A remedy for one that vomsiteth too much. "Ake Coriander feeds fine beaten in powder,and dtink it with Mint water, sid Tot and Gentle- women. pint of oyle of Olives,and put there- to an handfull of fage,and-boil them cogether till they be half confumed.; then ufe it to: the fore, and it will dry it. A medicine for an ache that. comes again(t vain. | Ake the hotnes ofa Stag ; cut them in fmall pieces, and boile | them in water, tillic be con- | fumed from a gallon to.4 quart: then { } | powre the warer.from the bones, | and ic will gelly when it is cold, | and therewith anoint the gtieved place againft the fire evening and morning. : A medicine for a burnor fcaid, Ake mallows & fmallage: feethe them in waters. when: they bee tender take them forth, and wring out the water cleane ; chop them fmall,.and fet them on a chafingdifh of A Clofet for Ladies | i ofccals, and pur to ica little theeps fuet, and make of it a (alve,. and lay it to the fore-place thick, and laya cloth upon it,and tie ic on, A falve for an old fore. <7 Ake théinnerrinde of an Oke I tha O t is not very old and burn it acoale; then quench it,ind make thereof'a powder, and temper it'with the yolk of anegge,and make thereofa falve. To make a drink fora bur- ming ague, Ake a quart of running water, . halfe a pint of vinegar, halfea (| » quattet of a pint:of rofe water, || @ quarter of a pound of fugar, and one ftick of cinamon ; boy them all together, let it cools. and give it the fick to drink, and Gentle women, A medicine for the beat of the liver, Ake wort of the firft tap drink it every morning next your. heart for a moneth together, and it will help you. A medicine to make-a young childe goe tu the ftool. a one May butter, and chafe the | navill therewith againft the fire ¢ | then take fome black wooll that ) growes between ablack fheeps legs, dip it in May butter,and dry it; then lay- it co the navill. Iris good for an old manalfo thatcan take no inward medicine. An approved medicine far the navill, when it comes out with crying. Ake wax which js ufed no other j way but to take the hony from it, and when you have an occafion,melt | fome | RSE RORCEE > 0 ep an eR ope te ne | Ai lofet for Ladies | j fome of the wax in afawcer, and dip | black wooll in it ; lay it to the navel, and it will help it. ; A medicine for the fwelling of a | childs cods. ben red rofe leayes, bray them, and boyle them in red wine an hour ; then weta cloth in ir, and lay it to the childes nayell.as-hot as you |. can fuffer it. | A medicine to fianch the flix. co Wee a faweer full of the juice of | Milfoile, as much of the juice of Plantanesand wheat-flower 5 temper | the ower with the juice of the herbs, | and fo make a cake of it,and bake it, and eat it hot. For to ftanch bleud at the nofe, ov at 4 veime that is cut : proved. Ake feathers burned to powder, and lay it upon the veine that is oO & wt cur,and alfo take a wet cloth and lay it round about the members,anid wet the cloth three times, and lay it to cold every time, and it fhall ftanch wherefoever it be. Proved. For to help a drunken man or woe aman for ever Ive him a purgation; after that, give him a {wallow to drink in powder for the {pace of twelve dayes, | and for a moneths {pace give him e- | very day foure almonds to eat, with four leaves of woodbine beaten : you muft eat them in the morning next your heart. Proved. oa For Scabs. gee fnailes,and prick them, and take the water that comes out of them,andanoint the fcabs therewiths take vine leaves, & bind them to the | (cabs, and doe it every morning and evening, Sle ee lee ae eae ERE ls (og Sng mame were x ; : AC Yofer for Ladies SURI ae nnn evening,and youthall be whole, Pro= ved, Te dry feabs, ens gum arabeck, put it in fofe water till ic be confumed, and wath them therewith. Proved, For the patfie,or {baking in the hands, Ake Selland Eyfillfeethe them together, and wath thy hands therewith, and eat fage with muftard fafting. Toveftore a may to natuye that is in a confusmption. Ake theeldeft cock you can get, fcald him,draw him and cut bim all in pieces in a glaffe por, ftop him as faftas you-can, and put among thefe pieces cloyes, mace, (mall:raj- fins,and falt;then put this glaffe into agreat pot, and let all thefe fecthe together till theybe a gelly : then tain it. into.a clean veffell, and give Reever naoress ee cern eeccemmeennemmmem nme | ana Gentleewomen. ara nag give it to the-fick firft and lat bloud- warm. To veflore the brain. Ake powder of bittany, and ufe it in your pottage, it will reftore the brain,and deftroy the ftone. For a perilous Cough. iB tee Sage, Rue» and Commin ; ftamp them with pepper: feethe them together with honey, and there- of make an eleGtuary, and ufe theres | ' ofa {poonfull evening and morning, and by the help of God it thall doe you good. ; For thém that cannot fee; and ” bave red eyes. ‘Ake white vinegar; and rubupon a whetftone ina faire baton, take as much fale as powder,’ and grinde} them well together in a bafon, and temper ft Clofet for Ladies, ri | temper them with wines and let it ’ ftand a day and a night, and put it in } aviallof glaffe: you mutt take the thinneft that flandeth above in the bafon,and put it in your glaffe; and when the patient gocth tabed, take a featherand wet therein,and anoint his eyes. To anoint the face,and to make it white, Ake freth bacon: greafe, and the whites‘ofegs; flamp thems toge- ther,aridia little powder of bayes,and anoint your face: therewith, and it will make it white. amare For a fair face another way. Proved, _ [Ake Plantane:and white winegar, | ftill chem together;and wath your face therewith fifteen dayes, morning jand evening: 3 after this; drinke a draught of! vinegar inthe morning onetin three:dayes; Nn ee fen OE | | ana Gentle-women. | - To make the face white and faire. Ake Rofemary, and boile it in white wine, and wath thy face therewith, and thou fhalt be faire: | then take Erigan, and ftamp it, and | take the juice thereof, and put it all | together, and wath thy face there- “Pwith. Proved. To help the face with rea pimples. Ake Bay-berries, and: pluck off | the husks,and make fine powder: | thereof, and temper it with honey: | anoint your face therewith fix times, | and it will help you. To draw broken bones ont of the beat. 4 ip Betony, Vervine, and Rue, S&L ftampe them alli together very: fmall, and put thereto rie-meale or} wheat,and the white df an egge, and | make a plaifter,and lay it to the head. To} A Clofet for Ladies. To quench ones thirft. Ake the roots of Lovage, wath it clean, ftampt it, and temper it with water, drink a good draught of it five nights together, and drink not in two hours after ic. For one that {peaks in bis fleep. mwtAke Southernwood,and temper L it with wine, and let the difeafed drink thereof in. the. morning, and when he goes to bed. seen eterna eam nemen enter eeemmneememeieee meantime rte ; Fox a woman that bath too myth of the. flowers. Tx the footiof a Hare,burn it to | powder, and drink thereof with | red wine and cinamon firft and faft} | nine dayes,and it will help her. | | FINIS. ited Ging iC ID LIED A AT KATA AE RE TAR G OTN