a AA Why / * * J / , CCAP? , SIAM, t Sat me EIT Eo. ‘oer — ie. ¥ LYE PECRETES.: OF THE REVERENDE. MAYSTER ALEXIS OF PIEMOVNT. € enteinpng many extellẽt Remedies agaynſt dyuers diſeaſes, woundes, and orber accidentes, with the manner to make Dittillations, Partumes Confitures,dpinges,cor lours fuſtons and Peltynges A wozke wel approued ves rye profytable and ne⸗ ceſſary for eue⸗ rpman, Tranllated out of Frenche neo Engliſhe by Wi pilpans Marde -LONDINI. . Afiné 2 virginco partu. : M.D.LIX. Si. die Menf, Nouemb, ae, 3 — * oF ‘S 8* — *SSVW ‘TIIH LANISSHO ~~. AdVdai] 3937109 NOiSOg Cott ™ “4 “Ny OLLE [Bh Y 2250 Y24/2002 SAK ER eae ee ene mapper ac TO THE RYGHT HONGO. _ rable Lorde,the Lorde Ruffell, Erle — -of Bedforde:vvilliam vvarde vvi⸗ fheth health, long life, : vvith muche encreafe -of vertueand honour. way T IS NOT VNKNO- ESS Bas en bnto pou (ryghte Honoura- Cal Wes ble) that hen Gon by bis Dy⸗ —25 uyne power and myghte, creas acre ated and made all thpnges of no⸗ — thynge,. baupnge nepther frame no2 muulde, nor matertall fubttaunce to fas pon his woorke ty, buf onely bys woorde wylle, and eternall pꝛouydence, dydde net ons lye geue a beeynge and encreale vnto euerye fhpuge, but alſo a Mature and operation , foz tye commodytie and pzoufpte of Manne, to whome he bathe made all thynges™ublecte, confitutpnge hym Ruler af His tobole worke, wherein not enelye grotopnge on. the face of the Carthe , but alfe tn fhe bowelles of the fame, he bathe planted thpnges , falutiferoug and healthefull foz manne, as herbes Crees, Frutes, Stones, Rootes, Waters, F200, Cyn, Leade.pea and of the Dewe of the Ayre fethat hothpnge ts Dupzofptable , no not the berpe dungue of Beatles and Bprdes, but that it bathe fome wholeſome operation foz mannes A, il, bealth, The Epiftle healthe. In all thele thynges are certayne ſe⸗ crete vertues, wyyche bee manptette ſygnes of Goddes loue and fauourtowardes Man: fo2z be created thepm to the intent that men theuld bie them, glogitie bpm, and geue hym thankes kor thetin. Alnd becaute the bie and knowledge of theim, and their vertues is fo expedient to2 all creatures, God of bis mere gocdres bathe Hot onely geuen vnto the-apligente fearchers: thereot, the gptte of pertpte blage, and vnder ſtandynge ot theyz operation in this tpme of Chrilkfanitte : but alfo pato Infidelles before Chꝛelſte, beynge iguozaunt frome vobens that gytte came: who, not withſtandynge their ig⸗ noraunce dyd ſo reuerence the wonderfull ber: tues of thynges created tn the worlde, that thep thought that eche of thoſe thynges hadde hadde th it felfe acertapne diuine power, o2 els that there was of euery thynge a ſeueran God Reregtour. Nowe, tf they gare ſuche honoure bnto thyr ges created, not knowynge thecrea⸗ toute, toyat woulde they Hane doone, pf thep hadde knowen and confeled God to. haue bene: fhe onelp maker ok the toaglde, of man, and of all thynges therein, ofnothynge « Truely thep woulde net haue doone as ſome curious Chri⸗ ſtians amonge vs note adayes dooe whyche CAS. poureonour welle Huderlandeth) motte tinpisentely deſpyſe all mauer of Medicines, and ignorauntely aifpute agaynſte the vertues aud operation of herbes, ana. trees, } ſarenge ae | that 3 vaste : "Phe Epiftles that yt the ſycke man bee appopnted oF God to ope, all the Medicynes in the wozlde tan not - faue bis lyfe, Wherevnto it may ealplp be aunz ſwered thatenerpe man that ts vexed bopth a Difeate, is not appopnted of God fo dye of the faine but the intpamitte:is ſent hymas a pu⸗ nyſhement for bis offences, and pet hathe on created thynges to gpue hym cafe and remedye foz bis: dyſeale, whyche no chriſten man ought fo contemmone o2 deſpiſe: f62 be that deſpiſethe fhe woorke, ſemeth to contempne the wooeke⸗ Man, And agayne, becaule that the appoynt⸗ mente and Determinatton of God concernynge the lyfe and deathe of mat; is ſo ſetrete and fo. favre beyonde the vapaciti¢ of mannes reaton and bnderſtandynge, and that we knowe net when God hath pretired the terme of oure lyfe, we bie tn our infirniities any weakeneſſe thote remedies that God hathe créaten to bee receas ined af theyrhandes to whome Ye hathe gyuen the knoweledge howe to myniſter tym: onto. bss All thele thpnges ate abundantly pnoughe knowen Dnte pour honour, with a areate na. Hp more veafons then J ant hablete alledze and therfore Ido but bapng Oules to Athens tn declarynge this. bute. you, But thus much Imay weile fape, that motke madde are they, and voyde of ali reafon and Chꝛiſtianitie that wyll ſette fo Ilpght by the vooorkes of God: pew they are bupzoutptable memb2es of a Come mon wealth, not woorthy to beave the name o¢ ee Are Chat Gets The E pittle, Chapttians < foz by theyr fonde and trie per⸗ fwalpons te the ygnoraunt and ſymple ones in their dyleaſes, agaynſt the receauyng of any Medicines, many tymes it chaunceth, that thep folotapnge.thep2 foolyſche aduple in neglectyng Phyſike, they be caſte away and peryſhe vohich otherwyſe myghte haue bene faued, De thyn⸗ beth this ſhulde be (ufficient to perluade theym {6 embzace good and wholſome remedies : thep fee dayly that herbes oynctementes plapfters, mad of thynges growynge on the earthe, and fuche lyke, bp thep2 vertues doo cure and beale externall and outewarde woundes, fo2es, cut: tes, ſwellynges, and other infirmities of the bodye, and pet thep woylle not beleue that fuche vertues canne heale the internall and inwarde diſeaſes. Vtterly iqnozaunte bee they, thatfo — pinagine with thepm ſelues, fox thep that dels pple Phyſicke, delpile a heaucnly ſcience. But what bee thep thatthus contempne itz For fothe ignozant ana bulearned men, that barke Gf,ahd backebpte theym that take paynes fo2 the commoditie of all met. Sut it is commonip feene and. proued, Scientia non habet ini- micum preter ignorantem, Whyche fapeng CZ feare me) is berifpen moze tn fomme of bs Englythe menne, than in any other nation, J woulde Godit were not. And pee | thyucke there ts no man fo beftiall,fo rude; 02 fo blunte - of wyt but that he iscby acertayne inftincte of natural inclinationpgelirous to knowe ee no The Epiftle. not befoze knowen, fo heare newes tot before hearde, and fo bnderftand bokes tn bis mater⸗ nall tongue,wozitten fpatin a fozain language, fo the ende not to feeme altogyther ignozaunte in matters bothe of the liberall Spctences, and alſo of Hyſtories, let foorthe fo2 his rudimente inftruction,as in Cofmographic,in Aftrono mic, in philofophie,in Logike,in rhetorik, ana ſpecially in Phiſycke, vohereof toe had nes uer ſo muche neede as tn thefe our dayes, con⸗ fpderpng the fraunge and vnknowen difeates that fwarme amonge vs, and mo tn number then can bee founde remedp fo2, Therfore con⸗ ſyderynge boith my felfe (ryght bonozabledthat. Jcoulde not better declare mp bounden duetie vnto pou, 92 B00 mp countrep a greater plea fare, than fo put ſome thynge abzoade vnder youre honoures name, wherebp it myghte rez cepue fome commeditie: J baue taken in band fotranilate this Moble and ercellente tooozke Called, The Secretes of the Reuerende Ma- {ter Alexis of Picmont, fyaſte vorytten in the Italyane foungue , and after tourned inte Frenche, and-of late into Dutche , and nowe late of all into Englyſhe, bycauſe that as well Englyſſhe men, as Italyans, Frenchemenne 62 Dutchemen, map ſucke kno oledge and pro⸗ fyte berof: beyng a worke come out ef the bane des of fo famous a man ag Alexis is, and dedi⸗ cated fpatt to luch aneble prynce as the duke of Sanope ts, fo home ftrpfles o2 — not Ses SS Se — — oe — — —— — —— — — — ——— — —— f * — = : oy —— a ere a ee —— — = = —b == STE Sa a ORR ch RS arma EE nen — an ——— = — SS — OO — ——— not to bee prefented, noꝛ beynge & man, onder whoſe name and potection lyes 02 bayne in⸗ uentions oughte to be ſette foorthe. Therefore waptnge the aege; the learnynge, and fame of the quthor, aud the nobilitie of the fapd Pzince menne nape cafply tuage, that fuche intollera⸗ ble papacshaue not beene taken in the colle⸗ ction of thele {ecretes to blowe an vntruthe into mennes cares, but rather thar this booke bath been publpfhed and communicated to the wozlde by the fapde Alexis,fo2 the cate and good Seale that he had to the health of mens. bodies, and that menae of ali countrepes myght bane the knoweledge of that bith eale, ſyttynge at hone tu thetr udies whiche be got with great frauapic and laboure, wanderynge almoſte all the wozlde overs in bis Cpifle weve tothe reader he Declareth, | And owe right honourablelike as Chate ſtopher Plantine of Antwarpe, the Printer of this woozke tr Frenche, chale the. Prynce ef pPtemount, fo peotecte and adourne the fruic⸗ tes of bislaboures, vnder the hondure of His name: euen ſo F the Cranflatour hereof inte oure Cnglpihe tongue, haue theughte it mp duety (with your honours fauour) to preſente this my tranſtation vnto pou, and to putte tt korthe vnder pour honours name and protecti- Gt, deſyryng and humbly requirynge the fame, fo accepte mp posze good wplle, haupnge good hope that you chall fynde ſuche thynges in we U- * The Epiftle. diſconrle ofthe tobale booke that por boyll - Hot onelpe fake pleafure in the knoboledge of theim: but aife co mmodytye ytfit pleaſe you to putte in experience and proote,thole that ſeme moſte beſte vnto pou: whereotthere bee ſome as excellẽt and as eaſie as were ener fet forth in any toungue as by your honours boredom and iudgement in the readyng pou Hail eaſe⸗ ye perceyue. J am not able {ufficientelpe te praile the ercellencie of the booke,and the dps ligence of the aurcthour.mer fo ertoll the won⸗ -Derfull giftes of God in men which according to thete talente, tmparte to the toozide the ene create and fruicte of luche gyftes as he dyſtri· buteth vnto thé, Mf the vohiche gifts J thinke J ould not moche erre, pfZ fapde Phyſyke fo be the bet and the moft uecefary, Nam fi corporum noftrorum, & traquillitatis vi- tz (que fine fecunda valetudine vix effe poteft)rationem habere volumus} farebi- mur medicind excellentifsimam,mortali bus neceflatiam effe. ana eué fo Cornelius Celfus which wzote moſt excellẽt Bookes of Philſitk allirmeth ſaiyng. Alimẽta ſa nis cor poribus agricultura promittit:ſanitatẽ au tem ægris medicina et idcirco deo opti- mo maximo gratias habere debimus, ‘qui iy Vitam eer eens The Epiftle. “i vitam nobis tlargitus eft:deinde medico, quicam nobis coferuat, diuturnioreque facit. And all thys learnpnge and knowledge Do the Greke zuctors alticine to be moſt aun⸗ sien, alld molt necellary in a common welth. Foasitis deſyred oF al men to liue in health ofbopp, fe (8 it requiſite that medicines,bothe peſeruatiue and curating be badde and vſed amouge iter, whiche mot one lye com orteth the inuirme and dyſealed bodye, but alſo put⸗ teth the. ſoule tn. remembraunce of Goddes _ geeat power and might.that bath geuen fuche vertue bute hinges grawiug on “athe earth.foz niannes commoditie, ꝛeleruation and health:which health | pray. Godlongeto remaine with you, and all pour faintly, ie with suis encreale of vertue and he = neoure vnder the protection ofalinightie God, Bour bumble Seruaunt William Warde, Mon Alexisto'the reader. goa, Dep that hane knowenmeintpme patfe, hong! gore g, 02 tO fpeake plaine,baueblen me familiers pe lp allsup Ipfe tpme,can peraduenture,tell ren Dotwe Godby bps greate goodnes bath ee cay, Made ime tebe borne of anoble benle and bale bloube (accozbpige to the commune, FZ wyll not {ape bayne, perfivation ofthem, that fablitve nobylitie moze in the mevites of another man, that tn sure owne)and that beſydes thys J bans altwapes bad mypleaſures, and greate plentyeofrpcheiic, pea fare paftpnae thetinalues of nipbelettes . Iwoplllaye pet uioie (not to bsaſt oꝛ fo auaunce my lelfe , butte the endete reforme the gentil reader, and to gene thankes vnto Gob)that there be many whyche kuotwe , botve F beynge getien cuen frome my fpeite pouth bute Huy, haue gotten , not onelpe the knowledge of thet atine, -Greke, Ch2ue, Calvef,and Arabic tonge, and alle of piers other nations and countreis ; But absue all thynge baupngeby a natural inclination, cab er a lin⸗ -guler plealure in Philoſophy, and tithe fecretes of nas tute... bate wandered and trauayled abzeade in the Apoztae the fpace of rit. peares, tothe intent to ace -quatiite my felfe wpth all foztes of learned and diſcrete wen, Bpthe whyche diligence and curtolitte,3 haue learned many goodlye fecretes , not alonely of men of _ gteate Bnotwledge and piofoundelearnpige , and nos ble mé, but alfo of pooze wemen artificers, peplantes, and all (o2tes of men. Moreouer Jhaue benthzetpmes ‘fr Leuant, andfenday tymes bane trauaplen almotte all other partes of the wozlae 5 wychout reſtynge 92 ſe⸗ fournpig at anp tpme in one place aboue v monetbes. owe thys my ſtüdy and defire of knswledge, as tell ofthe vniuerſall ſclences, as of particuler lecretes, _ andaltboughe (t was geuen vnto me bp nature, as to the moff part of men (fo2 euerye man bp an infincte of ‘nature defp2eth te knotwe thinges) pet baue Jalwapyes hen noſeled bp bp & certaine ambition and sili ‘ 8 Tothe Reader to knowe that, whiche an other Haulee bee ignoraunt fs whpebe thynge hathe grafted (nime, a continuall npagarbirete o2 ſparynge, to oliribute.o2 commune cateanpol my fecretes, pea vnto my moſte yngular frenues that J had: (apengethat yf the ſecretes were knowen of enerp nian, thep Haulde no moze ve calles fecretes, but publike and common. jpolwe, it chaunced thele kewe bates pafe, beyng tw Mplan: In the fewer {coze and two peare, and feuen meethes of myne age, thata pooze artificer was mer uaplonielp taurmented with the fone, and hadde been tivoo Dapes without makynge bis brine. Lhe Cpzur⸗ glan that dreſſed hym, kno wynge well that 3 bad ma⸗ np lecretes and ſyngularlyfor che fone, cameto me, and requeſted mie that Iweuld teache hpi the receipt, 62 at the leaſt to gpue bpm the medicine compoſed and reap mane, fo2 the betth of the pactent, Wut Ipercey⸗ uyng thathe woulde dle other mens thpitges, fo2 bis o wne pofpte and honour, refuled to gyue it hym, but wylled hym to bꝛynge me buts the fycee mon and that a mp leit wold minſtter the medicine brite hym gratis. Zhe Philition, ether fearpug blame if ttthoulse bee io wen, thathe bas recourle tothe ayde st an other. __ man, baupnge peraduenture, boſted that be had the fe, ctete hymſelte oꝛr els in the meane tyme, tipit to matte Bis profite tn dilemblyng the matter, and dilferrynge it pet tooo Bapes ioe, with opuers excuſes and cos lours, vntyllhe bought me to the pactente, whois at stip Continpig A founde fonpabbisende, that after: be had a lytele lykted bp hts eves, caſtyng them pitesulely tewarde me, be patled front this into a better yfe: net hauynge any neede, nepther of my lecrete, nor any o⸗ fhevrecetpe to recouer bis helt). arith this cate JIWas Hioticd to ſuche a compafften aud fozoive, that wot ors ly J wylibes np lelfe eupll, but alfe J deſyrer co oye, ſeeyng zip ambition and vaynglorp, te have been the , eanfe that this poove man was notluccoured with che remiebpe aa.gptte that God the father, ane Wo2ve of S 4 Gs “To the Reader. esall bad gynen tne. therfore, fo greate was the tes moze of confcience in me, that deſprynge to feques rate mp felfe from the worlde, and not fpndpnge mp felfe of fucbe antlpolition of mynde, that ¥ conto liue ina Bonatllerp emong religious menne, better evifien than 3,4 was atlatte fullp refoined with my felfc, to chooſe a place ſeparate fromanp toune, where J haus alptiell lande, fone hookes, and a ttudp, fo2 ts anopde poelnefle. Bere Jipuealpfe, tobiche Icall a monkes ipfe, with one ſerugunt, whiche goeth tothe tonne,not te begge, but to ope my peoutiion, and other thpnges necellarp, fo2 to ſuſteyne bis poozelpfe and mpne, as fong as tt gall pleaſe Con, | j Wut pet net baupng the power to put out of my fans tafy, but that 9 as a very homicide and murtherer, fo2refufpng.to geue the Phiſition the receppt and ree snedpe, fo2 the healyng of this pooze man, 4 baue Bes termypned to publifve and communicate to the worlde, allebat 3 bane, bepnge allured that fewe sther menne bane ſo many as J. And myndyng te fet foozthe none, but ſuche as be moſte trewe and pꝛoued. Ihaue thele Dapes pale (taken partelp out of mp Wokes, and parts ipe oute of mp memoꝛye, all thofe that came to bande) made acclicction of ſuche as 4 am certayne be beritas ble, trur, and erperimentes, noc carynge if fomime of chem be weaitten 92 printed in any other Bokes thanne this. Foꝛ of thismp collection the reder,as touchpng thofe, maye at theleaffe take this vtilitie and p2oftte, that where as befoze he moughte have doubted, tubes ther Juckeremedies {ette foorthe by an other manne, were trewe og not, beallbenoweafured, onoer the aftirmaunce of myfapthe : For tretwelp, 4 would not fot mp felf(being tn the age and diſpoſition, both ot bs bp emipnd, (hat 3 am nowe ttt, to write fables 02 lpes, that houls continue alwayes. But of one popncte F wylladuertyſe the reader, andthat is, thathe yoo the chonges With goon diligence, and that in medieynes conceta Thee concernyng mans body, be ble the ayde ¢ helpe of Phi⸗ ſitions: Although in dede manp of thepi, moned with acertapne ruſtycke, and eupll grounded enuy, wyth a pation of Jalouſy, are wont te blame aitd contempue thynges that come not oſ them ſelues. Aheretore as well in this, as in euery other pointe, if be chat wyll bfe theſe, {Gould perchaunce fynde, that the thyng woulde not Cake effecte accezdpng to bys cone tentation,let him belware that be abule not bpnt felfe in the confection of them, and to begynne agapne with nioze dili⸗ gence. Aſſuryng bin lelfe,that (as % baue ſayd there (3 no⸗ thynge in chys booke butts true and ere pertmented. And geuynge zlwapes glorye and prayſe bnto Gon onclyp fod all, baue a good hope, that, bp meane o bps diuine grace, 3 wll confequentipe make poua pꝛeſent of the cefte ofali chat 3 ane gotteninfomanpetrausples , vopas ges, coſtes, and diligente ſudye. Fave well, PTE Secretes of the reuerende Mafter Alexis-of Piemont. ‘THE FIRST BOOKE, The maner and fecrete to coferue amannes youth, and to holde backe old age:to maintaiue aman al- vvayes in health and ftrengthe , as in the fayrefte floyver of hys age. J— = # Allthisis taken out ofthe longe fludy, and diuers ex- periences,that a gentleman made, by the {pace of many yeares,in the feruice of anoble Lady. Beyngea thynge moft certaine,that an olde man;of three {kore and tene yeres,al yvithered yvith age,of avery cuill complexion, and ſubiect to diuers kyndes of difeales, vvas altered and chaunged , as intothe ageof fixe oreyght and thyre tye yeares, ! 3 oa Cine oughte fpatte to haue A, ey allvapesin remembzaiice and bes loꝛe their ipes, that no grace gifte, Sci) poz commoditic, iste be hoped fo2, if f4\ yr but of God onelp. Gn whele greate Agen }) clemencte and gooonelle, the great ij) Vs peopbete, bepnge aflured, and fae coe) Wed tn contetéce, thaough bys pere — “fect faith,cried,faipng:R Renouabi⸗ tur,ficut aquilla,iuuentus mea. ind by the fame merep ¢ goodne fle, be paolonged,fo manye peares., thelpfe of Cyechias:¢ made Moiſes to linea hunded c. xx peres, 8nd mo2e,¢ not one of bps tecth,at anp tyme moupna: without any dimnes of light,o2 ache of bead. ie then, as a moſt myghty createur, and father of all,baupnge aligned vntd man,the terme of bis ipfe, ¢ leftebpmte the arbitrement of bis ctone wil:ond allo hauyng giué Dertue,ffrergth and properties vnto thynges and leas Gt -uptige THE FYRST BOKE. upng theim to erecute ordinarily, their moupnges and nãture, hath alſo left power vnto humaine creatures, to pꝛeſerue chein ſelues in health, vntil the tearme ano prefired ende of hur life, boty Oniuerfallp ¢ particulars tp. But, foꝛ aſmoch as we knowe not, howe to entploye thinges, accordyng as they are conuen oble ¢ meete for our ature, and our chaunces 02 neceſſities, our diſor⸗ dinate maner of lyfe maketh bs to lpuc, che moſt parte in difeales,to precipitate our poungth, ¢to abbecutate moch our life. hen, hauyng our thaught ¢ mynde, al⸗ Wwapes firnte and lure tn hym, and replete wpth fapth ¢ deuotion,faipug in the name of bis infinite goodneſſe, bute our flues; Longitudiné dierũ replebo ci, & ofté- dain illi falurare met. We will commece and begyn, as infpired with bim,and allured tobelpe our ſelues, with the vertue and ſtrẽgth of thynges, created tn the world by hp2 diuine power, onelp foz our benefite. and myn⸗ dyng fo2 a pablicke profite,to comunicatefome thing, as well ſearched and kounde out of nip felfe,by lang er- periẽce as ldately obtained ¢ gortenof a (peciall frende of mine, which alfo,bp great otligence ¢ erperiece,bath’ by the lpace of ſeuẽ peves,proued this maner of pꝛeſer⸗ uyng ¢ ſtabliſhyng the healty and pougth, J wiil firke giue psu the maner, bow to make a mit aculouslicour, coleruatine,¢ reſtoratiue of che natural beat,¢ radicall dhumour,in the which two thynges cõſiſtech princizal⸗ lp the health, the diggur,tge ſtregth, and the life of ma, To makea precious licour,and of ineftimable vertue: the vvhyche taken atthe mourh, ftrengthneth and aug. nẽteth the naturabheate,and radical humidite, purifieth the blood,and clenfeth che ſtomacke frõ all ſuperfluitie ofhumours: and by that meane conferueth the health end yougth, and prolongeth the life of him that vſeth it.’ #2 the moneth of Pape, at the Sanne rpfpnge, thau {halt take Bp in a peuter Difhc, 92 fome veſ⸗ fel of glaffe, bepng very cleane,the dewe that fs fallen bpon Koſemarie, Bazrage, ¢ other good herbes, OPFTSECRETES. 2 berbes, Sage onelp ercepted,fo2 ft is athyng moſt cers taine,that vnder Sage certaine benemens bealkes are wonte te aflemble,tcbprbhe infecte and poyſon it, with their breath: and thonah that the leaues , maye by was Hing be purified and clenfed, frõ foch erbalatia,¢g bzeas thpngespet neuertheleſſe, ifthe pete that falleth vpon the leaucs,cbatice to take ſoche benim and potion, tt is not poſſyble by anp meancs to purffie it: ¢ therfore por fhall not take bp the dewe of Sage. Then after having gathered as. moch delve, as pou thinke good, haue thze glafles ready,of fach greatneſſe as pou wil,the tubiche glaffes pou thal fil, fometobat moze then balfe fall; the one with Suger,the other with Manna, and the thyrde with bonny,the ret of the glafics remaining filemps tye and votde:and then fill them all bp, ful with theſaid dewe, oppyngthem fafte with white waxe, and couer thẽ with a linen cloth kepe theym alſo in a cup bo2de, o2 ſome other place ont of the Sonne,as longe as nede fhall be to ble of tt,as we will declare afterwarde. And the take (he (uice of quinces,¢ haue redt in a litle glaſſe, fon good A garic,baokenin pieces onely, not in poul⸗ perithe whyche pou Hall couer wyth thefaved tutce of Nuinces,in fochlort as pou haue doch With the fuger, ¢ other thinges tn the glafles,and kepe it well couered. Eben, take the Zutce of all thele thinges followpng,ef red Roſes oꝛ incarnat of Succozte,of Cnodtur, of Fue miterie, of Bugloſſe,of Bozage, of Mallowes, ot Hops pes, of pᷣ leaues ¢ flowers of gparch biclettes: € of eche of theſe iuices alike quãtitie:then mire them weltoge⸗ ther, That doen, take a pound o2 to of Aloes Epaticũ, 02 as much as pou tli: fo2 the moze there ts, the better it hal be, bicauſe p thefatd Aloe beyng ſo fteped, wate: red, ¢ prepared, as we wil ſhewe pou,ts aberpcrquifite € fasniliare medecine,to kepe inaboule, ¢ take of it bp ipttic lumpes 02 pplles,ones in the veke , oben a man gecth to bed: fo2 it kepeth the body frõ putrefactis, and fro all cutll bumours:and is very profitable and good agapnffe the ache 02 paine in the totnctes, ¢ allo for the Frenche Pockes,as hereafter we wil declare saderip. Ait, . Lake Xylob al ſamum. a LEE —— EYRST BOKE Mahe of he ſayed Aloe of the beſt ¢ the freſheſt, ſache aquantitie as pou wyll, and putitinacup of glaſſe, o⸗ cleane platter,as is avoue ſaid, and fet tein a a windawe o ſome octher place inthe Sonne, waeryng or ſtepyng inthe ſaid iuices mingled together, gyuyng it therof as often as (halbe lufficient to make it motit,¢ to make ofit as it were a thicke fivop, Lhenconer thecup with aclene linnen cloty,c2 paper,ta kepe tt onclp fram the put,¢leaucitfotithe Sonne. And vahen itis almoke waxren drie embibe o2 water ttagaine as before, ¢ lectt ftande inthe Sonne. This thall pou doe,fg ofcen,ontit pou haue made tt ſoke and drzinke dp as mache tutce,as the weyght of balfethe Aloc onelp:thatis to lape,tftbhe Aloe weighe twos pounde, make tt drinke bp atdpuers times, one poũd of the laid iuices. Chis doen, take thele thinges follawpnge, Curbit halke an bnce,fine Dinas mom, Spica Nardot, Fale fote, alias Aſtrabacca, Squis nantum , Catpodalfamum) Xylobalfamum:, Lignum - Aloes, Bdellium, Mirrhe, Palticke, of eche of them art. Thevvod nce, with balfe an Once of Savon: Alltheſe thynges naturall balme cometh. vvhereof beyng well beaten into poulder, and put into a cleane panne, you ſhall poure into theym/ fo muche common water, that it ſurmoũte theſayd matieres, a good band bzeadth letting cheim boyle with a {niall tire, the ſpace of an ho wer oꝛ moꝛe. Atter thys pou ſhallſtrayne the faid decoction, and bp little and little, water from time tafinie,thefapyed Aloe in the Sonne, as pou haue afoze doen:and this pau tyal doe fo long, vntiſthe Aloe baue dronke Up al the decoction. This doen, tae it out of the Sonne, and tt hal be a precious thpirg,to kepe tn pour houſe, as we haue alveadp veclares,whiche alfo maine taineth.the body in bealth, bepeth the heade cleane,and cauſeth tobaue a good colour/ and a quicke and lpucip fpirite,to them that ble of tt. Be that is not ofabilitie ta. make this mixtion, ta the maner aboueſaid, map make it in this wyſe Kepe diligẽtly the ſaid Aloe,inipttle ails ſhes of woode,to make this that we wil ſpeake of, bere foltowyng. Take Aqua vite,not to fyne, noz of the firſt diſtillvng, but Fplien tivile,oz thztle at the mole, And pur.” ‘OF SECRETES, 3 put in diuers lyttle violles af qlatte (the one bigger then ‘the other)all theſe thynges followyng, well beaten inte poulder,at the left thafe chat may be beaten, putting ale fo ineche of theim, aſmoch of the Aqua bite, as hall bee -theee fingers aboue them in the Aiolles, doyng as beres after followeth. Lake an vnce of fmal fine Perles, wel ivalthes thzee 02 fower tpmesincleare water:and then bepng bated, ¢ lapedin the tntceaf Lemons, 02-Cytros, wel frained,leane theim fo bp the (pace of thaee dapes: ¢ fo put the fated peries, that thepsnap be with theſayed {uice,rematnpng in the glafle, puttpng to thé Koſe twas ter,thze fingers bigho2 aboue the peries,as is afezemé tioned. Lhe take an vnce of fyne read Cozalland put it ‘dike tle tn the Juice of Lemons oꝛ Citrons, vſyng it in al poindes, {tke as pe did the perles, putting it in a glaſſs “bpit felfe toith rofe water, with fower vnces of biclv ble ‘triol wel burnedina clofe pot. Thys doen, take the flo⸗ Wwers ¢ tẽder falbes of Kolemarte, of Burrage, of Bu⸗ gleffe, of Sage, of Selandine, of Iſspe, of Scabiole, of Buc, ot laind Ihons woate,of pꝛimroſes,cogether with allthe tender leaues of the faid herbes: and then famps them fligbtlp,in a moter of fone 02 Wood, and put the altogether into one glaſſe, oↄ into diuers, wyth as moch Aqua bite, as wil be aboue them, thre 02 fo ver fingers, as we haue ſayd of the other chinges, and let them Hany ſo in the glaſſe, well topped with ware or bobafe, Lake after this, balfean bnee of Saftrd,well beaté tnto peuls ‘ber, ¢ put it in a glaſſe bp it (elfe, with Kole water, after . themanevofthe other thynges: then pnt to it fower vn⸗ ces of trfacie, wpth Kole wãter, in an other glafle, aftcr the fozelated maner:etake one vnce of fyne Cinamom, a quatter of andnce of Cloues, an vnce of Lignũ Aloe, an Dnee of Anifefeede,andanbnee of Fenel ſede, half an bnee of ſmallage ſeede, fine oz fire vnces of Jentper bers ties,balf en buce of Cheruell ſeede, of the ſeede ¢ barke ota Cedar trec,of eche of them tivo vnces, half an vnce of Ppyerbe, a quarter ofan brice of Stozay a2 Styrax Li- quida, an nee of Bengewine, an duce of Sandalt, of at. foztes of mirabolanes,of eche of the thee vnces, of Pine A. ttf, apple THE FYRST BOKE apple kernelles monditied thee buces , of peloty Ambre whiche the Apoticaries cal Carabe,two vnces thee bits ces of white Dittanie grene or d2p,the ryght part (o2.as litle ag pou till)ofan vnce of Mulse. Wet all theſe thyn⸗ ges be well Famped, and mixed together, and putte in a glaſſe with their Aqua vite. as is ſaied of the other. Bou. mutt chen ſtoppe well ali the fait bialies 02 gialles,o2 o⸗ ther veſteiles, with ware or bombale, and with parche⸗ J stent over it and fa fet them a day in the ſonne, and the \ night followpng, in theatre abedes he mozow after, i take fonvgreat velſel of glaſſe, as thicke as pou can get, . | haupng no couer,bicaule pou map alwatestoke into tt: ano thereinto pau thal potuze fatce ¢ {oftly the Kole war ter,thacts in al the glaſſes, eche ol them being coloured withtheir ſubſtaunce, in ſoch maner that no part of the {abEaunces, whicbeare in the bottom,be mirte with tt And after, bauttg put al the ſaid Aqua vite,tnte theſaid velſſel, as ts aboue fatd,pe fhall Cet tc in ſom place, where as io Sonne cain anp wiſe come vnto it. But beware thatthe thre kirlt glaſſes, that is to ſay, with the Suger, the Panna, ¢ the Honny tn the dewe, ought neuerto be fet inthe fonnesbut mud be kept vntill you put itin de, as we wil ew pau, Anvaftectbatpou haue poured the Aqua dite,eat of al the fated glalles, ye al putin otber frethe,and fet. the well Loppedinthe. Sonne, andin the - night inthe aire,as ts afore late Then put them all tos gether with the other, tn the laid veſſel of glaſſe, and put agapneineuerp biolle other Aqua vite,¢ doe as befoze: - and thus mutt pe doe eight or tenne times, oꝛ til pou ſee chat the Aqua vite, wil be no cnore coloured, 02 bane tas ken al the ſubſtaunce of the drooges, that arein the bicls les. A man can not chaunge thelatd Aqua bite to ofteit, bicaute pe mul paile al thefated waters ef life, thzough a bath called Balneũ Marie as we will hereafter Declare bp the whiche pe map p aſf⸗as wella great quantitic as a(mall,and bp this meane allo, pe fhalllofeno parte of the vertue, or ſubſt aũce of the ſaid thinges, hauyng dra⸗ iver and taken it all with the laid Aqua bite,of ths whts bp pe muſte fick haue mane prouiſion, of fo ne 02 fius : He : agons & TOF SECRETES: i" Nagũs. Lhe, ye muff take all the fatd Aqua bites, beyng -putinto one deffel,and mirte theim weil together, with ‘the thee fir biolles, where the Suger,the Manna, and thedonnyp, wyth the dewe,is:¢ then the biolle with the Agaric,and thꝛee vnces ef thefatd Aloes, prepared and Wwatred. After this,put all-thele thinges ina great diolle made of good and thick glafle, to thend it be not inpaie ger of beeaking,in bandelpngof it, And towe more oaſſu⸗ red, after ye haue wel mixed sltogetber,pe may divide al the fubttaunces, {nto d(uers fmall glatles,o2 diolles, to pale them thaough the ſaied Balneum Marie at fone Dap tpineso2 at ones in.diuersiprtle fournetles, in this maner. Vou fhatl fet ¢ trismme the Diolles wyth ſtrawe 02 Lowe, the bottom ot a panne o2 caud200, wherein there muft be water,and fet the ſaid caudzon bpd a fure natfe of pearth,and this is called fillpnge per Balneum Marie: hen fet onto the dislle, bist imbecke, with bis rectptent that the fublfatice take no winde 02 bent: then pou muff make pour fire fo,that thecaudzon map feeth 02 botle fatre ¢{oftip,and fo hail pou diftille and make come (nto the recipictall the Aqua bite as clere as Cris ‘fall,the whiche,bicaule it hath been palled thꝛough, bp Difillation diuers times, will bee better fo2 all thpnaes thé the other, and principally to be takenat the mouthe, bicauſe tt kepeth parte of the bertue and frength of the thinges,that it was put into. Alſo pou muff bnverftand . that of the fine partes.onelp,ofal the ſubſt aũce, whicbe thal bein the violleo2 violles thoe 02 fower partes mutt be diſtilled: and the reſt te renvaine in the bettont of the fated biolles. This doen, let the ouen oꝛ fornatle anathe caudzon coole, € in vndoyng the Limbecke. andthe res - ciptent,pe tall take alway the vislles,beppng well this diffilled water fos to lerue pou, as we haue afezelaped: and then put al the ſubſt aunce, whiche remainethin the laid vioiles not diftitled,into fome other. greate € thicke biolle 02 glafle, wei couered 02 bond inwickero2 ofiers, foppng tt well with ware o2 bembale, and aboue that, with adcoubleparchement , andlecke it he ndſomely in fome place, farte from the Sonne, and out of all heate "THE FYRST BOKE Chis licour hath not bis lyke in bertue,the whiche take enerp weke ones 07 ttile,the quatitie of a ſponeful pꝛe⸗ ferueth health, driueth away alleutl complertons front the body, maintatneth and ttrengthnerh fo the nafurall heate x ravicall moiſt neſſe and bpholocth a man inbis firength and vigoure of the heade, and of the witte, ma⸗ keth the bifage well coloured,the breath ftwete the body vong ¢lutp,that a mais not able wozthilp to efeme,o7 fudge the bertue thereof s anv leile able to expreſſe and pratte the great goodneſſe of God the creatour, that gp» eth foch vertae vita thpnges created, and epeneth the wyfte € buderfandpig of man to Kno we theym, and ta ble the te the pꝛoſfite atto commoditie of his creatures. Now the maner how to ble tt, fs this ; In the Spryng time, pe map tabe it alane,o2 with alitle bzoth of veale,.. Pigeons 02 Chichens,o7 els in Maluoilie, or font other good White wyne. An fommer, pe matt take it with was fer of IBuglole,o2 p decoctis of Boꝛrage, Buglole, dete tele, Succoric, Endiae,o; els lo me of thelates herbes:ę atall times it is good to take of itafponefull,putte inte balfe a glaffe ful of the milke of a womã, new brꝛought a bed of a mãchtid or of anurrice that gpueth ama child fucke,o2 els in Gates milke. And the quatitie ¢ oft bling -of te mutt be obſerued, accoꝛdyng top perlones, tivities © foi, vnto a weake andaged mã ans thoſe that haue vene latelp ſicke, o weabe of nature, ye mull gine it oftener, and a greater quantitie, then vnto a pong ¢ luitpe man. Ailo a man mape take of ttaftener, € mozein Winter, | ther in Sommer. Potwpe muſt vnderſtand, that althe flowers, berbes,¢ vorher thinges reherled, are not foũde together in one tpme¢leafon stwherefoze theſaid licour cannot be made at one tyme, but beginnyng the kirſt o2 feconde weeke of Map, it chall be at the leaſt, theende of September or Detober,befare pe ca make an ende: and therfore pou matt gather from tine to time,echethpng | {tt bis feafonjas pou mape get thé,and put them infome veſſel euery one bp theim felues,o2 With the otber thins ges that thep ought to be ioyned wyth/ after the mates. Mone ſaled: and ble to dreſſe trimme thelatd thynges, accoꝛs· OF SECRETES. ‘ aceozdyng to the tyme that pou map get the in. And pet” ffpou can not furniſhe pou felfe, with all ſuche typuges - as J haue declaren , tabethele that pou can get, ponte ded, that the ret whiche pour can not gette, be not of te great importaunce:but it Hould be moze expedient and fure;io haue ofall , ſeyng there is nothyng of anp qreat cof oꝛ charge,o2 to bard to be gotten, Pozeouer, tf pow will baue pour matter in good perfection , there reſtech but te make a naturall diſſolution of fine golde:; wher pou will take of it,take two partes of thelapedlicoure, — aud one parte of the diſſolution of the golde, whiche we will teache pou to make bereafter :altbough that inthis pꝛeſent booke, we will make ne mention of the perfited maner,of makyng foche a diffolution, wbpche we bane gotten by great fudp,and oblerustion,and by often ere perience of thethpnge,that we wyll doe, alwell for net beyng berp pollible to ſhewe it bp weiting, without mae kyng demonſtration thereof as foz other canfes, but we ‘Will put bere ſorne other maners and wayes, both good and true,and offocbe tmpoztaunce 5 that peraduenture . better bath not, onto this daye, been ſounde. A potion or drinke,tobe vied in fteade of Sirop, good for men of allages and céplexions , that vvillbe purged: - the vvhich,taBen vvhat day you vvill;driueth avvaye the euil humours;vvithout mouyng or troublyng the good, ordoyng any hurte: Andis alfo very'good for the greate Pockes,and all infirmittes,as vvell of the ſtomacke as of the heade:andis lykevvyfe profitable forthemtharbein health,to take tyvy {ein the yeare, in ſteade of an ordina- ry‘purgation,that is tofaye,inthe Spryngetyme, andin Septembers - 24: ; Ake Mallowes, and boyls them in Water , vntyll 5 be ſofte, that thep can almoſte be no ſofter: then ſtraine the decoctiõ, a take poulder of Sene/ and of the barke of Lignum fanctum,called Guatac, of eche of thenvbii.bnees, well beaten to poulder,¢clented — o2fifted, Salt Armoniack tine dragmes: in the meane time, let the decoction of aliowes vpon the fp2e, heel ‘ THE EYRST BOKE. balfe apound of Ponp,¢ let the fapd vecoction be akout tho common glafles in a quantitie, whereunto pe mult puthalfe a pounde of wine ties,¢ thenlet tt boile faire € feftly , the (pace ofbalfe an houre fkymmpng ivell the Pony. After this,pe muſte ſtrayne it, € puciit hotte as it fs into a pet by litle ¢ litle , where the fozefaped thynges be, that ts to lap, the Sene, the Oualac, and Aranoniack falte, Nowe in polwapng,pou multe alwayes furrethe fated thinges with a ſpone, or fome other thing. And the immediatly pe muſte couer the potte with bis couer, in fhuttpng it clofe,¢clofing ft bp with clap,round aboute the fines, ſo that nothpng map b2eath 02 relpire out,¢ fo fet the pot bppon the fire, bp the (pace of two Pater nov ffers,€ tio moze. hen take tt from the fire, ¢ weap it in a pyliowe of fethers, well warmed bypthefire , szina tubve-o2 barrell,full of bꝛanne well heated, 07 in fome cloth berp bote,to thende it may be wel nurriſhed ¢ kept warme xtIteane it fo bp the fpace of tenne o2 twelue hou⸗ res. Then afterward pe mult open the pat, ¢ ſtraine the fated fubfaunce, though a rater 02 thicke canueſſe, pou mute bauereadp before » balfea glaſſe of tubpte . Wwine,€ in the fame thee 02 fower vnces of Kubarbe,cul fnfmall pfeces,and that the Kubarbe baue ben in itzthe {pace of a daye 02 two before:the whyche wyne ye Hall powꝛe inte the decoction of the ſayd thpnges,as fone as itis ſtrained, as is afozefatd:¢ pul thereunto au buce of Aloe Epatici,paepared t o2dered 85 is aboue fatd; 02 at the left as the Apaticarics doe fel tt, and cal it Aloe Lo- cum, wyth the iuice of Koſes, o⸗ other wile,the which pe muite put in, well beaten to pouder⸗ with balfe an vnce of Cafsia Lignea,¢ kepe all thts copolition in a biolle,o2 other veſſel wel couered. Lhe maner of receyuyng it,ts to beate it a litle at the baeake of the dape,¢ to take balfe a glaffe ful e2 moze sf it accordyng to the exigent of the {pcbneffe,and the qualitte of the perfone, ¢ baupng take it he mud kepe bps bed a while, flepe,pf itbe poflible: ¢ then rpfe and walke aboute the boule, 02 els where at bis pleafure. Heuertheleſſe, it were better that he kepte the boufe,¢ ſpectally bicaule of the moupng ofibe ca 13 And thys maye be bled. bii.ir.o2.rimoznpnges:fo3 the: pluralitie cannot burt, Allo this potion o2 dzincke,{s of. fuche exquiſite bountie fo2 mannes boop , that we neve to ble none other maner of purgation,o2 medicine. A veryé eaſte and'good remedie,forto heale all maner of Pockes,vvhich is made vvith lyttle coft,and requireth: not that a manne kepe hysbedde or his houfe,but maye vfeirgoyngeintheftretes: Andiris‘allo verye good for all fortes of griefin the ioyntes,in vyhat parte ofthe bo- dye fo cuerit be. the Zuice of the flowers of an herbe called Molis gy Lung wozte,whiche bath bisteafe fomewhat longe, tat, oꝛ full of carnofite,ano ſomewhat white, bps flower Velowe, faſſyoned lybe a belle: and ſor lacke of theflowers » the Juice of the herbe: then take halfe a pound of Lignum fanctum, beaten inte pouder, and bas uͤpng let it boile in cõmon water,a good whple ye mutt son, firaine it, and put chelated iutce with the fated honnye into a pot , puttpng to it thꝛee vnces of Aloe Epaticum, ; o2dcred as is afoꝛeſaid, oꝛ ns the Apottcartes (elit wale . {hen with the Juice of Koſes. Andthen, bpon thefapen — 08'S Aloe beaten to-poutoer,pemmtte poure as moche ofthe | her faid water, whereinthe Guaiacumhath boiled, as will grovvc th mounte in the pot fower oꝛ fiuefingers high:then adds None in. thereunto twoo onces of Cinapger of Squilla, and let it England, botle faire and foftlp,bp the {pace of balfe an boure,o2 a and ther- iptle moze,fsumimpnge well alwayes the Honnye, and fore vve when it bath almoſt bopled inough put vnto tt thee vn⸗ aus ro: ces of fine Dinamd,wel beaten into pouder,let it again enolithe a while vpon the fire:then, hauynge taken (tof; andlets .. ~ * ten it bp to keepe, ye muſte beate oftcinthe-moznpnga _ , glaſſe full: after pou baue drꝛonken tt,eate a lytle plece ofa Quynce, 02-0f a fruyte called in Ratine Sorbum in Frenche Corme,o2 greene Grapes; ome Granade, 217! heit, oy of (ome other byndynge thynge, what ve wyll: ane and cal it Bepe pour bende, Neapyng aslong aspou teplbanatta ſeruis bes fer Hes. T Ake .iii. poundes of rave Honyp, and a pounde of Frenche it, fauyng ome En- THE FYRST BOOKE after pou be ryſen, bane doen your buſineſſe, pes,oute _ Of the boule, {Fit come foto paſſe. But(as we baue (ater) "to Kepe pour bende 07 heute, ts alwaies the belt fo2 pow, when pe ble Philicke. And this potion 02 d2inke, mutts _pou take from day to bape: but if the papne be notte bees bement,ft (hall ſuttice beyng taken twple in the weekes and this bopng, pou hall fee a wonderfull operation , € pe hall not nede to vſe Lignum ſanctum, nor any sther thpng. Chis remedy onely ts fufficiente foz al men, and bath been proued and experimented diuers tymes, and vbpon diuers perfones. #To diſſolue and reducte golde into a potable lycoure, vvhich conferueth the youth and health of a m4, as vvell taken by it felf,as mingled vvith the forefaid licour, ſpo- _Kenofin the fecond Chapter of this prefente booke,and vvyll heale euery difeafe that is thought curable , in the {pace of feuen dayes at the furtheft. Ake a qlatte full ofthe Juice of Limons , ¢ beate {toner the fyre, vntyll tt begyn almoſte to (cethe then take it frome the fire, and frapne tt thoes 02 foiver tpmesthzough a Linnen clothe, and afterwarde Diffille it thzough along gutter of Felte: thentaketivg pounds ofratve Honnype , and fet it on the fyzein a pot, miryng with it thefatd Juice of Lemons, and addpnge thereunte balfe apound of conmon falte,thatis clene, white and well beaten: mire well all rogetber, and lec te feeth faire and ſoftly, vntil therecemaine no mozefkume of the Honny Lhen take that rematneth tn the pot, and ditt ill it in a bzinal of glafle,makpng but a ſmall fyꝛe at the begpriupng,encreafpng it by litte ¢ lytle, and at the ende great ¢ harpesand whe alis a coclevagapn, open the biolle,and polvze the water sut of the recipient,inte an other biolle, ſtopyng tt fure for tabpnge. vente. This Doen,pe muſte beeake the bainall of glaſſe, and take the lies that (hall vemain in the bottom,ann put tt inte a co⸗ nered pet,the whiche pet pou mul couer ouer and ouer with clap oꝛ mozter, to the entente it map the better en⸗ u bute OMPECRETES IT 5 pure the fives after putte tt into fonte fourneite, where glaſſe is made, oꝛ into a potters fournefle 02 dLime bill, 02 fome other femblable thpnge,fo that it mapebe ina greate fire,bp the fpace of tino o2 thee dayes. And after. that the fato ſubſtance Hall be taken out again, Fampe it well, and fo2 a pound of thefame,putin tower vnces of Manna, and tive vnces of Sugercandie,andit there be moze 02 leſſe ofthe (ubSaunce,pe mull put in a good pozpoztion of the Manna,and Suger canbye, inequalt quantitie pth the ſubſt aunce. Then put ail into an o⸗ ther batnall of good glaſſe, well claied and powre vpon it tbe water, woychẽ pou kept befoze inthe violle, puts tyng thereunts iwile as moche fine Aqua bite,as was. in the Cato fir biolle. And hauyng trimmed and let the brinall of Glaſſe vpon the fournetle with bis limbeck,. - anid bis teciptent,and well cloſyng all tbetointes with - elate 93 mozter,pe thal make the miatter.ofitil fatre and. foftly, with a ſmall fire:foz it will eafelp dittitl: when ft wil AfHilno more, augment pour fee, lo that pemap. - Dil al that is potlible, But you mu leaue che water, {with the viole vpon the fournelle, without moupng it any whit, ontil pou wilt put it in erpertece, bis doen, take fine goloe fatle,thatis et rriit. Carates wel fined with Animoniũ:and take of (he ſaid foile, what quans - fitie pe will, in a cup of glafle, in minglyng thepm well - with Honny, oꝛ with Julep rofetoz Alolet, as men are {vont to deefie it to wate withal, voherot wil put parti⸗ rely all the maners and taſhions⸗ in the titt boke of this bolume. Aud after pou baue wel vnmtrxed, and purged itfromebefated Donnie wpth hote water, as {yall bee faied tn thefame place , pou hall put them to ffilleta a. ~ biolle of glaſſe:and then hauyng take ofthe veciplente, putthe lated. water into a long necked glaile, wel Tops ped With white ware, hauyng kirſte put vpon the faped - gold, whiche is tit the bioliz,toe beight of ſyue fingers of the faied water:and ther fet to the limbeckelwity bis recipiet oppyng well with clate the toutes, makpng .. the water, whiche Hall be bpon thefaicd gold, to dittill tuith.afmal fire, not augmẽtyng it at the endezto ies THE FYRST BOKE all to diſtill:and care not {f the gold remaine fometebat moiſt. This doen, take away the limbeck fro the violle, without takyng away or bntpeng the rectpient fro the faid Limbeck, not furrpng the water out of p rectpize. But take fem manta helpe pou, who, whples pou take the Limbech of from the Urinal, all powze bpon the fated golde,thefame water that pou kepte in the violle, fopped with white ware: x let him putin as mock gs at the firtt tpme,that is to ſay, the bepabt of liue fpngers: the immediatly fet the Limbeck bpo the Urinal again, cloſyng well with clay the feintes 02 fides a nelne, mas bong the diſtillation as afoze,¢ fo conf{cquentip, dntpil aithe water of the laid biolle,be diſtilled vpon the ſayd gold. dnd finallp,pe Gal pow ze p gold out of the biolic into a glafle.fomelobat greate,to holde the water that pou bane diſtylled into it at diuers tymes, as we haue laid inthe Chapter before:thẽ ſet to che Limbect with dis recipiẽt, and fee that by the ipace of.xv.o⸗. xx.daſes the water of the bath be hotte, without ſethyng, fo that etnothing map diftille hen after make the water ta eeth,andaittillal that may be d(filicd; and in the bote tom ofthe biolle,the gold will remaine diffelicd tuts a licour moff precious, whiche pou mut Keepe tn fom Its tle glafle el Hopped. And tf pon tiilbaue it pet ftenr, pau may make it without taking it out of p fait glaſſe in putting to it again the fafd water, and diſtillyng it a frefhe,not feppng (fos all that) the water fra ſeerthyng, as pou dyd befoze,but make ft ſeeth € diſtil all at ones, € this diſtilling map pou tefterate as often ag pou wil: foz the oftener it is diftilled,p better ft is. Thus doinge pe Halibaue a right, natural,and perfite potable gold, whereeflombbat taken alone, cuerp moneth ones 02 tinife,o2 at the leafte with the (ated liconr,whercof we haue ſpoken tn the fecond Chapter of this booke: ts bes rp ercellente to pelerue a mans pouth and health, and to beale in fewe dayes, snp diſeaſe rooted in man ,€ © thought incurable 2 be ſaid gold willbe alfo good and pestitable,fo2 diuers other operations and effectes:as goed Wrttes And dilfgente fearchers ofthe ſecretes of “natute, OF SECRETES. 8 wature, maye ealely iudge In thys fame maner(obler: uyng al thinges dillgently) aman maymake of ſyluer beaten inte foile to haue likewiſe a potable ſyluer of a merueilous bertue.vet not loch as the golde: And J ale fare pou,that Jiawe aboue.b,peres.ago, an Cngipihe man Have a water nrade of lilucr,paradurntire, tcime med and dreſſed after an other forte, accozopnge te di⸗ uers different wates, tendpng(notwithfanopna)all to one ende, with the whiche water theſaid Engliſh man bid many thynges, eſtemed as miraculous,in bealpug manp painfull otleates aud infirmities of matt, To healean excrefcens or grovvynge vp ofthe flefhe , vvithin the yarde of aman, albeit it yvere rooted in. ofa longetyme, baue loch, take Wonp, atid burne tt in a pot: and put the blacke leeſe that thallvemapn tn the bate fome,itife an otber pot,o2 inte an pon pan and lette it to burne 02 caleine in a berntihers fournefle,o2 [och o⸗ ther ina great fire.the (pace of. ift.02.tfif. dates, toberok pethal hauc.alubfatice as pelowe as gald, the whiche will be crcellent,to lap vppon al maner of woundes:fo⸗ it cateth away the ull flethe,monaifieth, ¢ bealeth the oad, without pain o2 gtief, which maketh to be mech fortes foz all woundes, then isthe Precipitatũ that the Sprurgens comonlyvſe abe ther of this poulder an brice,of Dogges turdes t. vVnces leeſe of wyne haite a dragme, whiche is the halle of thetght part of an Buce, — fine ſuger a dꝛagme, roche Alome burned adzagme,of Silla dzagme,let all hele chynges bee well beaten to - pouldec 5 and lifted theough a fpne (eeue,ana-chen take greneleaues ofan Dipue tree, and beate thé in mo2+ ter of fone, moiſting them a litte with white: wine,the tobiche bepng wel famped,ype mult ſtraine in a preſſe; 62 betivenc.ti.trenchours,fo2 to get out the Juice and putte to itas muche Plantaine Zutce: then ſet it tothe fp2e in a lpttie potte , and afterwarde putte in it bp pts theandlpttle she faped poulder, mpnglpnge — continu⸗ T Ake the lpes-of Hony Hittilled,oz, it pou can not THE FYRST BOOKE continually: And lat of al pe muſt adde vnto ff,5 littie grene ware, and a very lpttle Honie rofat , that it map bea liquide ofntmente,and fo kepe it, Chis ointiuente 4g beryp peecious,to conſume all maner of ercrefcence, o2 growyng bp of fleſhe, in any tender place of the bos by, as tu thelecrete members,o2 in the nole,wherunte aman dare not applicque anp Hronge o2 fnartpnge thyng How the pe mull ble it fo2 the carnoſite, with: in a mans parte,pou thalltakefirie of alla Squirte, and fpllit with whyte wine, tobereindrpe Roles , and Plantain leaues have ben fonden € botled, wherewith alfo pe ſhall mire a lyttle womans mplbe , othe milke of a Gote:then waſh wel themans parbe Within, with this Squirte: After this take a little Ware candel,foms what long, and of foch greatneſſe, as tt map enter tuts bis parde,at the poincte whereof pe tall puta little of the fated ofntement,warmyng it a lyttle, and thentt ic as farte into bis parde.as pou can, vutyll vou feele the Carnofite,¢ leaue the (ato ointement within the parde alittle while:thẽ take it out againe, and doc thus mor⸗ nyng and euenyng, liyng a bed bis bealp vpward, whe xe ſhall put itt the candeil with the ointement, and pow Hall fee a mexuetleus cfecte ; fo2 tt Hall heale hym thzoughlp, in kewe dayes, without anp daunger, | To heale all maner ofinflamation and caill difpo- fition of the lyuer, andby thys fame ſecrete haue been healed certaine perfones , vwhiche had theyr faces as it yvvere Leparteoreat {vvollé legges, their handes inflambed, and rough vvithin fyde- pe haliealilp finde at the Apoticaries,and ſeech | it halke an boure in common water: thé frapne it, and puttettinan other newe pot, that is cleane and Het, puttpuge to tt afewe Mallowes; Succorpe, Hop⸗ pes, Cndive,and Burrage: ¢ ſeeth ali thole together, vntill it be aiffolued,andadde to it an vnce of Sanaal: and then ſtraine al,and take in a linnen cloth as moch Caſſia ertracta,as will goe tn to twoe auttes,¢ * within oor Ake floter;o2 Amilum made of Warley, which es ae “QE SE CRETES. within the ſayde lynnen cloth with the Ca(sia, while the water be bette, preſſyng it fo harde betweene pour two fpngers, that all the ſubſtaunce of if, male go into the faped water: thenne putteit to the Sugar o2 Pent - desasmucheaspon wll. Df this o2pnke, whiche ts of a berp ampable fauoure, pe muſte take frome bape to dap; alpttle glaſſe fullin the moznpnge; tpenge ttt pout bedde, with poure brꝛeaſte vpwarde: that laperig fome | Iynnen clothe vppon poure ſtomacke, fleape if pou can, and take of italfo after pou be bp, and bane dgone pour necefaries, the whpcbe dooynge, pou ſhall fynde poure felfe berp wel bealevinfewesaies, Wut bere note,that this muſte be Doon in Sommer, and not in CA inter:and he that hathe bis Tomacke berate colde, maie Weare bes fore bis bꝛeaſte, ſome piece of fcarlette, 02 other cloathy and fomtpme annopnt bis fomacke with an ople, mabe foz the weakeneſſe of tt, the perfecte campofitign where of, we will put hereafter. To he alethe Emorhoides or Pyles in 4 nyghtys . ‘pare fecrete and verv excellent. ©” ae i div Ake the leaues of greene Elder, and boyle 3 - Si théepnrin tater, vntyll thep bee diſſolued: Pee) | bet take piece of redde cloathe 5 a lyt⸗ W.i. Alin⸗ THE FYRST BOKE A finguler oyatment,vvhish healeth al burninges vvith fire, not leauing any cicatrice or {\arre tohere it hath bene. aceresreE Ake the tobpte of tua. egges, two ounces: Fas, a] of Tutia Alexandrina,teo buces of quycke ats Eiceal line wathed in ir waters,an ounce of newe Seti Kez colare, wythas muche Dple Kolatte , as Pate Hall (uffice,ano make therof an oputement, tobiche pe (hal fpnd verte g908,fo2 this that we bane {poker of, Apeifede and proued remédie for them that he vveake.of Lamacke,aad can not kepe their meate,vvitkour vomiting itxp acaine. Aupirg taken twoo pounde of repde ware 5 and : made pꝛouiſion of a diſhefull of ople olpuc, take pe RNEces of Alablaffer,and beate them in the fire, and then quenche theim in the (apne Dptesheate them agatne and quenche them as befoze:and ſo three 02 folwer tymes. Thys done beate the Alablatter.topouder, and wipre tt wyth the ſayde ware and oyle, wherein it was quenched: thenne putteallto dyſtyll theougbeacrobed necked. bps ollie, lpkea a Bagge pppe claicd rounve aboute, faupnge the bottome, whpcbhe dyſtyllers beyonde fea dooe bie,the Frenche mene call crocce 92 Carnuc, and make ſuche a fire; as the Dple mate opfEpll,wpetb al the reſt that poſſy⸗ ble maye be dyſtylled:and thenkerpe it, puttpnge to it halfe an ounce of Mirrhe, beaten in pouder. And when pou wyll putte it in effecte. ye muſte take a lptlepanne of Bꝛealſſe, o2 Iron: and hauynge the toppes and leaues of Wormewoode, whyche is a bytter berbe,putthem in the ſayd Ople:and ſeeth a2 frp al together:then take it, hot as 4tis,and rubbe the patientes breſt with it, vp tothe thaote doynge thus alwayes at nyghte: when beis tn bps bedde, aud it halimane bys Fomacke fronge. be multe vſe tn hys meate,as muche Koſemarye as be canne, bee tt rawe 02 otherwile, and ſpectallye in bps dꝛvnke be mule ble ipkewpfe the moſte ercetlente Agua viz, whereoſf we wyll fpea ke bereafter, } g “OE SECRETES. : Anexcellent remedie vvhervvith a vvoman of xxxvi.yeares «vas healed,that had fo marred her ftomacd, that in the fpace oftvvao yeaies and a halfe fhe vvas ne- uer purged dovvnvvard and asfooueas fhe hade aten aay chyngfhe vomited irvp againe,{otharfhe became yclow aud as drieasa Ricke, ———— — of the order of ſayncte Auguſtyne, a manne of greateknoweledae, and full of mer⸗ usplaus ſecretes healed the ſayd omar, with ye4 ee “alibis remedy fololopng: and in the (pace of. x vii. — — Daves; made her as whole and founde, faye, and well coloured, as fhe was before ber ſyckneſſe. _ Fyrtke of all he bad mave a lpttell- suen, lyke onto fas the as menne bake breade in; the whpchebe dydde heate mith refemarpe: and the ſayde Duen was in facion lykt & Wakers Duen, wherein be baked ipttell preaty loaues aad cakes, whpcbe be gane ber atone, without any other thpnge to cate eyght o2 tenne dayes, ahd gave ber white wyne to drynke toithoute tater, Ae gave ber allo gen⸗ tyitimeates, with Spnamam and Suger:and cucrpinoss nynge gaue ber ita glaffe, aboute a fpnget heyghte of ‘water, made after this manier folo wynge Aqua vite, halfe a glatle full, wherein he putte the yealowe ppliz of balfea Citron oꝛ Dienge, cutte in pteces, the flowers of Molemarpe a hanvefull, fone Synamom an ounce, Sate ‘fron aquartet of adzagine, Bengewin a dragme, wyth a lyttell Bulke, and made her to bee waſhed duer and ouer, 02 bathed in the decoction of Relemarpe, and o⸗ ther ſweete herbes, ones a weeke: and euery nyghte an⸗ noynted her breaſte with the ſapde Oyle, diſtyſled and ‘fodder With Aormewoed. And aboue allthynges come maunded her to keepe a Cuſſhen vppon ber fomacke, (1 the npgbtetpme, and cauſed her talpe longe a bedde in the mornynge: he made her alfo eate the confection of . Diambre, dnd inthis wyple he mate Her in lenentene daps as whole andas fapze, as He was befoze, whome no phic {pcion conlde euer ynde remedye fo2, durpnge all the tyme of ber ſyckeneſſe. aad C. if. Thae ey fa THE EY RST “BORE Threciemedies very good again¥the vvormes ig ‘Vitle children. Ake the flower of fubeate well boulted, as muche CO willlpe Bpon theee crounes of golte,and puc it in a glaſſe,and powe b nto it well water, o2 foun: tain tater, {9 muche as will ſt iepe the {aid flower, and make ttlooke like as tt were milke, and no thinner: then gyue the chylde drinke of it,an d pon Mall {ee that wyth his fiege,the Mormes wyll come foozthe ſtarke deade, whiche is a berpe good remedpe. The fecond remedie. | Akea Citron or Orenge, aiid make in bin a bole as big as a peny, by the whyche bole luprh weyn⸗ gynge, ye hall make the lpcoure come outesand baupng madea bole into the middle, and more, pe thal potw2e inte tt eile of ay free 62 leanes the Juice of Kue the Juice of Cl ozmewood, Criacle, tlower, of akinde of poulle comne,called Lupiaum.o2 Lupinus in la tine, baupnge one italke, the leafetn fine dfullions.,. the odde creniled. aboute, bauing init fpue o2 fire grapes, harde, broade, and redde, They be common in raunce and Italie, but here vnneth knowen. And ſeeth althis a whyle: and then powe tt in a dyſhe and annoynte theres wyth the childes nauyl ſtomacke temples. noſethrilles, and the Dttermoft part of bis poulſes, and pe Gal imme⸗ diatly (ee a wonderful operation. Thethitd remedie, geaaear De chffozen that belo litle, that aman can not minitter the meoecine in at the mouth pou thal gifabeberp good Aqua vitz, wherewith pe Hall Wwalhe 62 Weate the fomacke,o2 the bzealf of the chilo;then pouder ouer the fatd places, with the pou der of fpne Mirrbe,and lap the chyld doune alptle whyle wyth bis breaſt bpluarde, and pou ſhali ſee incontinent, that wyth the dunge of the chplo,the worme Wall come eut dead, = Ta Orr's ECRE'TE &. To heale children of the Lunatixe difeafe vv hich happeneth voto them by reafon of a yorme vith tvvo hea- -des,that breedeth in their bodies, the yvhiche vvorme,com- mynge vnto the heart, caufeth them to haue ſuche a paflion, that ofren tymes it Rilleththeim, ; eons Abe the tender Lalkes of a Mildyng tree,and dere 20 theim in the (hadowe:then ampe ehetm well, and Se {ptte theym and take of the fapte ponder, andthe RXroote of Oentian, and oflonge Perne ofeche of theym a quarter ofan bnce and holfe aquatter of an vnce ofgspribe .. Ailthele thenges well beaten in pouder, pethall putte tna bplthe ,, 02 in ſomme other beffell, as pou thynke good : mopiie theym wyth alpttle was ter: then tate of it wyth poure too fyngers.and weate thelpppes andthe mouthe of the chploe . Dooe thys. theee or fower tymes, and pou thall fee the twozme come oute deade wyth hys ſiege. Thys haue often tymes ſeene by erperience, and manye chyldren, whyche, fo2 lacke of good helpe, haue dyed wyth ſuche maner of wor⸗ mes, the whyche afterwarde beyng opened, mente haue founde the Moorme ſtickynge bppon thepe beartes:; And fo2 the fame accpdente the other remedpes, whpche we haue wapttenbecloze, agapnite the Mooꝛmes, be alfa berpe good, : A remedie forthe fall yng fickeres. ees Ake Germander gatheredinDape , when pt ts €5| inbloffome: dapeit inthe havowe, and make ft ‘er fipouber . And when ponwpilblett, tabe the pelke of an Cage 02 twapne 5 and ſturrynge 02 beeas Rpnge tt wyth afponefull ofthe fapde pouder : thenne feeth it, andgpue it tothe paciente to eate. Dooe thys, VPornynge and Cuenpng.ecight dapes tong: butallebps Whple he muffe abflapne from wyne, and carnall compa: nye of women, from all fozte of poulfe,as Beanes, Pear fon, etches, Lares, and luche other, from Salades, falte Flethe,andfrom all other thynges, whyche are of — aa ae digellion. A very goodly ane nota⸗ crete. — B.iti. To THE FYRST BOKE To make oyle of Brimftone,to heale al maner of Cankers difeafes or fores,tphiche come of a putrified hu. . moure,and renne continuallye,commonly called Fiftules, and alfo to heale old and inueterate vroundes. Ce? Ake Weimſtone beaten in pouder, and haupnge $) Seepedand mollpfped it, wyth com mon ople,pue it in Gourde, apte to fplle oute of, fo that it bee —bzoughte as tt were lyke pate, the whiche pou hall oil theough the mouthe of the fapd Gourd: ana the ople that (all dzoppe out, ve hall puc into a biol, fil. lynge tt balfe full; and afterwarde fpil vp the layde bys olle with Plantapne water, and with the rupee of Car - dusbenedictus and ſo let it boyle perp whple. Thenne walſhe the wounde with Aqua vite, or whyte wine, and lape toitef the apse oyle, and in fewe dayes pou thall. beale itperfitely. To take avvay the venim or poyfon froma vvound, made by fome poyfoned yveapon or arrovve, Ake Affafetida, and a gumme called Galbanum, of eche of theim an ounce, and ſtiepe theim in inate __gte, the lpace of a nyght, then ſette it te the fyer to diſſolue, and ſtrayne it chzough alpnnen cloathe, mys Fptige with it twoo ounces of Voguentum diabafilicum, and late tt to the twounde,and incontinent the fapd opntment wylle drawe vnto it {elfe, andkplalthe benome, fo that the wounde mape afterwarde be bealed,as all otber mas ner of woundes bee: and in caſe pe lacke, o2 cannot get Galbanum, f¢ Mall fuffite onely to haue Alla ferida, to dzaw the venome out of the ſayde waunde. Agaynſtthe bityng of all venomous beaſtes. seen & {cone asthe perfonteeleth bymielfe bytten, yaya With anp venomous beaffe (02 at the leafte as na Ws fgane as is poſſible) take greene leaues ofa fpg mee sees (ree, and pelle the milbe of them, thze 02 feure tymes ints the wound, And fo2 this ſerueth alfo muſtard feede myngled with binciger, 4 fs) — OF SECRETES. fe To drafve an arrovy head or other yron,out of a yrounde. : ke the tupce of alertane, inthe tobiche pe thall Wweate a tent, and put {tinte the wound, lapeng the ſayde herbe Tamped bpon it, then make pour byn⸗ dynge 02 bande,as it appertapneth, and by this meanes pe {hall drawe out the pron. Ano after beale the wounde accordynge as it hal require, Againft.a vehement cough of yong children. Ake the Jupce of Perfely, powder of Cumnipn, womans myplke, and mpre all well togpther : then a gpue the chylde dapake thereof, and after, make this opntemente folowynge. Dake the {eede of Lyne 02 Flare, and Fenigreke., and feethe theim in commion water: then preſſe with pour bande, the ſubſtance of the - layde berbes, whyche pou hall mpngle with butter,ana i annoynte the chploes beealte with tt, heatyng tt often pines, For him that hath a bunche or %nobbein his heade,ortha . hath his head{vvollen wvith a fall, Beg, me! Ake an buice of Wate falte, rawe Ponp thee oun⸗ ces, Commyn thee ounces, Turpentyne two vn⸗ ces Aintermyngle all this wel vppon the ſyre then laye it abzoade vppoñ a ynnen cloathe, and make theres ef aplaiffer, the whyche pe thalllap whote to bis beade, and tt topll all togpther alwage the fivellpng, and beale bpm cleane and ete. A good remedy for onethatis deafe. ees Ake mpnte, Sage, Pennprofall, Kofemas <}.rpe, Slope, Mugworte 02 wotherworte, wyide Bpnte, Calanrpnte, Camomplle, UH Re Dillefople Parrowe,o2 Polebleede, herbe je ae ee faincte John, Mormewood⸗ Southerne⸗ — — wood, Eentorrpe of eche of theim a hande⸗ full; Seethe theym in a cleane pan, with ag muche good white wyne, as there bee herbes, and let it ſeethe ee : o bt, THE FYRST BOKE ther, vntyll the thyrde parte be dimitiplihed: then cauſe thefe oples folowynge to bee madeat the Apoticaries, olde Dyle two ourtces, ople of Leeke, oples of almons des, of eche of them an Bree, of the iuyce of Kue balfe an vnce, of Maluoilie an vnce and a balfe, put all theſe thinges tna long neckte glaſſe 02 violle, and lette it teeth with a mall fpze,vntypli the Juyce and the Maluopfie be almoaffe all confuiued : then take it frome the fpze,and putte inte it thele Deogues folotupnge, Well beaten in⸗ to pouder, that isto fape, Spibenaroe Coloquintiva, the ffone of aiBeuer,calles Caftoreum, Paltie, of eche ef theym a grape and a balfe: ſtoppe well the ſayd bps olle: that uothynge mape Cake vente: then put it in a pan full of water: and make tt ſeeth the fpace of thꝛee howers hen take it from the fyre, and powre the ſayde licours in ſomme platter, whyche you tall (et inthe lonne, and Jeane ft there vntylle it Gall become verie cleate,and bas upnge frapned it though fome fpnelinnen cloathe,and pꝛeſſed ivell the ſubſtaunce, pefgall putte a grapne and a halfe of Mulke traodplhe, and incorporzate tt well bp Ipttell and lyttell, with the ſayde Dyte, and thetine keepe it in a bpolle, well topped with ware and Parchement. After this, take the panne with the layde berbes , and beate theimbppon the fyre:then take, fo2 a couer 62 linde afonnell made.of white yron: and when pe go to bed, cos uer the panne with the fates fonnell, and fee that the pan bee good and hette: then bp the lpttell bole aboue,let the - pactent take the {moke into his care, by the {pace of balfe an bower. Chis done, beate the ſayde ople, vntillit bee luke warme, and lette tt dzoppe into bis sare two 02 the droppes: and ſtop his eare with a lpttell mul kes, bom * bafe,o2 Cotton, andlette bpm fleape therekpon, owe be muffe, tn receauynge the parfume o2 finoake nto bis eare, haue in His mouth (ome dope Beanes, and after he bath chetoct them, (pitte theim out agapn, to thende that tnchetwopuge be mape open the conduites of his cares, And with the grace of Goo, he hall fpnde bymlelfe heas led in fewe dats, pꝛouided, that the dtleale be tiv any wife curable. $f in cale this bealpe not,pe neve not ſeeke BHP other. OF SECRETES.:. other remedye in the worlde, If amanne haue alfo any hummynge 02 neple in bis eares, lette bpm ble the ſayde medicine, and pou all lee, with Gos belpea wonder⸗ full thynge: fo2 it wyll beale the oeafenefle of a manne, though be haue hadde (t.rry.peres,fo that he be not bozne deafe. Lette hym ble alfo to take pilleste purge bis bead, and to cate geod meate alivaies, To heale avvomanthathaththe Mattice our of her natural! place. CEN Ake a Flynte Kone that hathe been alwayes tn & /7 thecarthe, andnot taken the apze, and pur it in , ſomme bal kette, coucred in a greatte fp2e: and .- when itis verye hotte, putte it ina Iptteil tubbe ozbarrelle, and weete tt with Uineger caffe vppon te, and caule the womanne to ſtande ouer it, to recepue the fmoke o2 parfume of it, and than lette ber goe to bedde, fo2 this muſte beedoone at nyghte. Ve thall, after this, tate of the iupce of Kelve, and make a ipttell rounde balle of Cotton, wherevnto pe fhall type a thzeede: and thanne dippe the fapde balle inthe ſayde tupce of Rewe, and putte tt into the mouthe of the Watrice, the wyyche wyll incontinent take the ball, and drawe it in, andthan © it wylle retourne into bis naturall place agayne. But pou muſte bynd and tpe the ball (ure and well, leaſt per⸗ aduenture ithoulderemapne within. After thts, make an opntment as foloweth, wherivith pe tall annoynte the rapnes of her backe, Take an berbe called (n Grebe Ciclaminos,of the Latines Rapum,T uber tert z,03 V m- bilicus terre, of the Apothecaries Panis porcinus, of the J renche men Pain de porc,and Kewe, as muche of one as of the other, and ſtampe theim weil: and than fecthe it in a panne with olde ople, vntyll the whole be dimini⸗ ihed by the thirve parte, This boone, lette tt cooleagapn and hauyng preſſed cut allthe fubttance, pe hal poute it into an other neine panne, addpngero it a lpttell newe Ware, ane heatpnge ttalltogpther, vntyll it bee well tne corpoꝛated: than annoynte Her a haath all; a ; tap o¥o 9 & 0 vvound, he THE FYRST BOKE hatte towe vpon ft, and thanne ſwaddell ber as omen poo ponge infantes. And fo He muff be layde in ber bed, {with ber bealpe vpwarde, and ber heade lower thar ber puttockes, Thys muff pe dose from nyghte to nyghte, thee tpmes, and fhe ſhall be bealed. She muſte allo eate whote thynges in operation, as Pigeots,and hennes, wyth ſpyces and other lyke thpnges. She ſhal bee healed without any griefe, and il he had had it. xxx. yeres. To make avvomans milke to come and encreafe. Coy Ake the greene leanes of Fenell, and make thers of a decoction, bee it tn wine oↄꝛ water, whereof pe ) | fhal gene the woman dzinke,as well at ber meas les a8 otherwiſe, as often as may be and he hal be abonvant tn mplbe. Furthermoze, tthe woman haue Not o2binarpipe ber naturall purgatian called Floures, this will ferue ber ſor a good medecine. A Avery goodly {ecret forthe gommes orburgeons _ thatremaine of the great Pockes as vvell olde as nevy. Adcfefife : “ is made Ake Wole armeniche, Winagre,and.ople Koſette, \) whena fur | and make thereof a defentife,o2 opntemente, ane UM!) gies tral lay noyntinge the surgeons rounde aboute. ttf.o2. (tlt. |) any dravy- fpngers large:than take. ¥.partes of the ople of an berbe tug or Lea- called Euphorbium firft founde oute bp Juba the kynge of ling plaifter Libfa.d coke Rucllius, Lib,;.cap.53, andone parte of oyle YPoorto 2 Niolet:and mire them together, andannopnte the burs ( maked; Seonstoptbhail, baupnge firlt well walled theim wyth | come ovne- Redde wyne, verye hote. And whan pou bane thus ane N) métrettrain NOpnted thent, with the laide ople of Euphorbium lay vpen WU) sinebicaufe it ſome litie bande annopnted wyth Butter, leaupnge it Wy) ic Shall ſo three oꝛ faure houres: ozaslonge as pou wyll: than aot drayye vncouer the Burgeons, and yt you fynde no bladders, | |) orheale co po once agapue as beetore vntyi pau lee fome, And than fait, Sthat pou mayẽ petcke and beeake the ſayde bladders, or lette i iscalleda hem boeake of them felues:and than pe map beale them | i defenfife. © with fo me bealpng oyntment. Anothe OF SECRETES. «4 ‘An other remedy for the fame burgeons of the Pockes. tian: Alhe the burgess with Wyne, anv 7a ce; mabe the Defenltue abouelapne: then Eoad | Basra Fe take. iit, partes Sf Vnguentum aureum, A i eres ee ald one part of Sublimacum, fell broken ye) E. O2 beaten: myngle the fated Sublimatum, REG Ie vbith the laid opntment, and lap ft with sae e SI! g platter bpon the burgeons, leaupng tt therbpon, a day og mioze, tf poucan,and pe hal fpnde the burgeons or budbdes, and the flethe fatre and neate, wht: che will feme to be a miraculous thpnge,and if it woake not twellatthe kirſt, ye multe renewe tt agapne, twile 52 thatie,accozdpng as the burgeons fhalbbe harde and old, dowe, then thep be thorowly diſſolued and leufed,take utter waſhed with wyne, and lap it bppon a linen cloth, and put it bpon them, and fo. Hall pou heale theim perfes ctip. Pote allo that the {apd opntement, with the Sublt- mate; til d2atve vnto hym all the aquofite, and euyl bus yours of the arme ozlegge, wher vñto it fs lapde. Gal ber foze it wyll not onlp beale the place where pou lay it, but itil alfo purge the whole membze of all cupll humours, thatis in it, and therfoze there is a berp good water cens fecte made of it, foto beale fcabbes, as we wyil telle ee afterward. It healeth allo al other acctoentes, wher pony sumake any outetwarde application: and (as we haue {aped) draweth to hymfelfe all the watritvenes,and humour of the membze, wherbppon tt ts layde. Powe, when pou wyll lape tt bpon the burgeons, 02 bppon anp coztupte place, weete well thelynnencloathe, and the bande that pou wylle bynde it withall: weete well alfo Lounte aboute the tnfeme or foze place: fo2 the Tapde ines becine, will drawe ali the cogruption, thozowe the fapde places. And this is a berp worthye and erquifite fecrete, foz ali thynges, ſo that ft be well bled, made and applied. A very eafy and perfyte temedy for hym that hath any blovve vvith a (vvord, {ta ffe,orftone,or other lyBe thypg, yea,though he yvere greuoulely yyounded, Lake o THE EYRST BOK E Ake Taxus barbatus, ano ſtampe ff, and take the iuyce of it: and ft the wourde bleede, wype it, and make it cleane, walſhynge tt with whyte wyne, 02 water's thenne laye of the faye tupee vppon the wonnde, and the hetbe vppon it, of the whyche pou foke the tupee, and thenne make poute byndynge; and lette itbee onita wholie dape : and pou Mall lee awounder⸗ full effecte. Ler ae, - A yyatéerto heale all manner of yvoundesin fhorte {pace : wwhiche is athynge that euery man ought alvvayes to haue in his houfe, for the accidentes and chaunces that may fall, feyng itis eafy to be made, and vvith lyttell coft, and that it is of fo meruaylous an operation. peawa Ake a pounde of newe peslowe ware, 02 as SY muche as pou topl, and lette it melte vppon ria fyze in a cleane panne; and thenne potuze coe iit into an other panne, o2 dyſſhe, wherein Sie Geen mute bee Malmelep, Wulcadelle, 02 ether —wyhyte wpne that ts Derpe good: afterward take (toute of the wpne, and melte it agapn: then poure it agavne bppon the fapde wyne, doopKg fo ſeuen times, And then take the (apd ware and melte tt bpon the fper, mprpne with ita bandefull of brycke fynelp beaten into piffe : incozporate all well togyther, and putte ftinto a crooke necked vpoi of glatle,wbtcy diftillers cala Wage pppe, clated about bp to the myddes of the necke: and let i¢ Dpftille fpatte with a lpttell fyre, by the (pace of eyghte howers: and afterwarde make poure fer greatter, and at the ende berp greate. But pou mufte aboue alltbpng, clofe welle the ydes and topntes of the ſayde beflelle, and of the recipiente , whyche multe bee foimmewbhat greatte. After thatthe Ouen and allthe other thynges bee cole ayapne, pou Wall take the water out: of the ves cipiente, and Mall potw2e it into a bpolle welle Topped Wwith ware and cpzed cloathe, fo thatin no cafe it mays take dente: nepther fette it in a place, where anp beate of the Sunnenz fre maye comme to tt: fo2 it 19 of ſo fyne-a fubfantice , that tt woulde flpe and pepe awape OPro E.CIRBITEIS . atvate immedtately. Lhe fapde lpcoure is meruaylous good fo2 all zynde of woundes: and pe muſte weaie and mopite the wounde with it, and bynde it vpon apiece of iynnen cloathefieped inthe fapd water. And among all the experiences that bath. been lene, this was erperimen: ted and proued vppon a ſeruaunt of anoble manne cal led Leoncllo Pio de Carpe reſident in Genece, the yrare 154 8, the whiche ſeruaunt hauynge recepucd a ſtroke with a dagger vppon the inſteppe of the foote, whiche ts aplace berp daungerous, dyd nothynge but laythereto alpttell of thefayde water; whyche a gentilman of the fapd Senio2Leonrilobadin bis boule sand in the {pace of two dates be wes ſohealed, that ſcante coulze a man percepuethe ticatrice 02 ſkarre where the cutte was: it is alfo ercedpng good foz thzonben ſynewes. Andifthis fozeflapde water be well and naturallp made or difftlled the ſecon de tyme, itisof fo fyne and perfpng fubffance, that pf amanlapecfitbpoxthe palme ot bis bande, pe thail {ce ft perce thozo we tncontinent, andinamoment, ana leaue the place dope as thoughe tt badde neuer been layde there, Therefore they that haue anp know eledge may belpe dyuers difeates, in adding to it ſomme other ipbour 02 potuder, ſuche as they woulde bane enter in To make oyle of. S:fohns vvort,vvhich is calledin Ve nife and in diuers other places, redde oyle:andis of fuche *“yertue thara man cau {cantly expreffe it, as vvell to heale vyoundes,as other infinite difeafes.vvherofvve vvil fhevy the mofte notable aud thefe that have bene founde trey ve ‘by experience. Paths Du mulfe gatherin the moneth of Maye and _y Mune, the berbe called of the Oreekes Hype- VY ricon, Of the ating Perforata, of the French menne Millepertuis . and of bs in Cnglande : &, Johns wo2te, befoze it begpn to flozpihe 2 haue floures: and ſtampe itin a moꝛtar ofmarble, 62 af tocod berpe cleane,and puttett ſo ſtamped in a vhige " THE FYRST BORE orꝛ glaſſe: and thenne powre to it as muche vohyte wine as topll cover ft all ouer, and adde to tt of good oyle O⸗ lyue aboutethe hepghte of two ſyngers, leaupnge it ls in the ſayde glaſſe well Hopped, and after that pe muſte gather the ſayde herbe with his bleſſomes vppon Satine Johns dape in he mornynge after the Sunnets rpfen, and puttynge the blefomes aparte , pe mulſte ſtamps -Wwell the herbe with the talkes, and after pe haue cutte it berp. fmalle; take it oute of the mozter, and Lampe: te inthe Came mozter alſo a lyttell, the flowers 02 bloſſo⸗ mes whyche pou kepte a parte, and myngle theym with theyr herbe, whyche was ſtamped betore. But the bloſ⸗ ſomes muſte waygh koure tymes oꝛ very nyghe as mu⸗ che as all the herbe that pe gathered in the moneth of Mape, and before Sainct Johns dap, and was putte in the fayde bpolleo2 glaſſe, wyth the wyne and oyle os ipne Pou multe after thys myngle all theſe thynges together, and putte theimindommedpalleo2glate, 02 2 els in ſomme pan of carthe verye cleanc, wyth the: layde wyne and oyle elpue, and putte te ttagapne other wyne andople, vntyll all bee couered as beefore: and than lette ailthys in the Sonne in ſomme veſſell wel Tapped, And twelue o2 fvftene dayes after when the ſeede ot S. Ihons woꝛte ſhalbe rype, pou tulle gather ot it in the moznpnge afterthe Sunne is vp:and ſfampe ft well,and fe myngle ft wyth the ſayde herbe, andblefomes: but ou muſte putte ne wyne to ft, ſauynge onely the ople o⸗ pue. Andthelapoeleede mule in quantptie wep as muche as the fourth o2 thirde parte of tee ſayd berbe bes fore the wyne bee putte to it: alfotbeople mu tte bee of ſuche quantitic,as maye bee aboue all the ſubſtaunces a good handefull or twoo. After thys fet a caudron of twas ter on the kyre, wyth bep.o2 ſtrawe in the bottome: and put the ſayde violtinta it, fo that it be not in daunger of brꝛeakynge, whan the water begpnneth to ſeethe. bis manev-of lettynge the byolles 02 glaſſes in a caudzon of boylynge water,ts. called of our moderne Philoſophers Balnewm Maric, and itis dzeſſed and trymmed in this fozte,as welle fo2 te dpitille with a Lymdecke, as fo2 “a ma OF SECRETES. snake putrefaction, euapozation, 02 diffolution: of the whyche thynges Wwe wyli (peake afterwarde, when we comme to the matter of diſtyllynge. Thenne muſt pou make the water tithe ſayde caudz0n tofeethe, with the fubfaunce whyche ts tn tt, by the (pace of thze 02 foure houres, accoꝛdynge tothe quantitic of the ſayd ſubſtan⸗ ces, vntyll the wyne, o2.at the lealte the moſte part of it bee drunke and conſumed whyche pefhall knowe in thismaner. Take a lyttel of the ſubſt aunce on the end ofa ſtycke, and calte t in the fyre, andificburne wyth⸗ oute anpe noyſe, it is a ſygne that there is no more wyne lefte. The ſayde vyolle muſte bee vncouered whyle the water boyleth, becauſe the wyne maye euaporate and bꝛeathe oute. And if the layde ſubſtaunce bee fo greate in the bpolle,that it pate fyue 02 (pre pounde, pe thal putte to it thefe thpnges folowpng,accozdpnge to the weyght and meaſure that te wp! fhetwe pou,and kepe alivapes gost propoecton , accozdpnge to the quantptpe of the wepabte ofthe water 5 whyche Hallbe moore 02 leſſe then fpuepounde. Fyrſt take quycke brymſtone, or els. when it is made in to long canes oꝛ ſtickes balf apounds . commune whpte ſalte eyght vnces ofſmralla ge a dyſhe⸗ full well waſhed, fyrit in water, aud then in honnye ro⸗ lat, oꝛ other honnye (fo that it bee ſodden and ſkym med) toure vnces: ten vnces of Lurpentpne,wathed once o2 twile in Well, cpuer,o2 condupte water, ofthe Zupce of Taxus barbatus of the tutce of white oz black Didamum of eche of them foure buces,of Saffron thꝛee vnces roo⸗ tes of Dictamum,rostes of Oentian,the rootes of !mpe: ratoria, the rootes sf the berbe called Crocodilium, gg Car- lina the rootes of Walevian , and the rootes of Selans bpne,ofeche ofthemtwobnees . Andifthefapne res: tes begreene, pou muſte Lampe theint well: it they bee Bipespe tnesik beate them into pouder:an buce of: myare, twos vnces of redde ware, twobucesolfpne Lepacie,. an vnce ofthe feedes ofa Cedartrecsthzee- vnces of yvupß feesethozowetppe , foure duces of the ſeede of a bape tree thozowe tppe, ſyre vnces ofaquayite, an vnce of © — Sinamon, a THE FYRST BOKE Spnamom,balfan cunce of Lignum Aloe.· Let all thefe be well ſtamped, and put in a violle oꝛ brinall with the ſayde herbe, blefonies, and opie: pe muſte ſtoppe weil the ſayde byolle, that the fubftaunce bane no manner Lente ozeuapozation. Then make a fper vnder the caus D201, fo that the Water map be hatte without feethynge, and keepe (t fo the (pace of twoo 92 thzeedapes: and the longer the betters « Af incafethe fpze goe oute inthe npgbte, there ts 18 greattedaungier: pe mape make it agapne tn the mornynge, but pou multe Beepe ft fo mus che thelonger. Paupnge then taken the bpalle sute of the caudzon, and left ft in the Sunne alithe reſte of the Sommer, keepe tt in your howſe well couered sand the nloer ſuche opleWwareth, the better tt wyll bee. Wut t¢ fall bee good to putte to it euery yeare newe iuyce, of the ſayde herbe of Satnt Johns worte, and of the blot ſomes and ſeede welle Famped, and that the ſayde blofs ſomes/ herbe, or ſeedes bee ſodden, by the fpace of foure or ſyre houres in ople olxue: and then muſte pou poure all the oyle with the lubſtaunce into ſomme veſſell, and prꝛeſte welle all the bleſſomes and the herbe, and caſte theym awaye, and put in other: And pf pe ſhoulde doo foeuerp peare, the oyle woulde not bee the woorſe but rather better. Jf alltyele fozefayde thynges canne not bee gotten in one fealon oz tpme it is no matter: fo2 a mai mape put theym fitas be kyndeth theym: and tfpe cannot gette thepm all, pe map put in them that pe can fynde or gette. Lhe vertues of this ercellent ople ave in⸗ fuipte, of the whyche we wyll (peake onelp of the chtets fet; and thole that haue been proued by experfence, as Wwellof 0s, as of otber in oure peefence, and by sure ape popntentent and orderynge. F pre, it hath as muche o2 moze bertue, than the trucand ryghte baulme, anditis good forall colde gricfes, as well withinas without the bobp :f02 the Sciatica and colde goute,in heatyng it, and rubbyng the place wichall: fo2 a quartapne, tertian, 02 quotidian ague, when aman annoynteth thevapnes of the backeian boure befoze the aque conte, Allo it bealeth mernaplaas well Colicam pafsionem, when aman * etl OF SECRETES beth warmely his beet or fomacke withal, and when fe is putin lifters with other (ubGaunces, as we Wpll der clave in the chapter of Colicke paſſion. And tf pe annoint ‘the place about the priuie members of a mano2 woman. it wyll makethepm ta vrine 02 pple well. Ita woman haue ber fruite deade in her wombe, takynge theee 02 foure dragmes of the ſayde ople, the Mall bee delyuered . incontinente. It ts: lyke wyſe good for all greefes of the bꝛeeaſce o2 ſtomacke. It is a thynge aboue allather moſt excellente and myraculous foꝛ the plague, annoyntyng the raynes of the backe, and in depnkpng two dragmes oꝛtwo dragmes and a halle in good whyte wyne: but tore that it muſte bee dronke before the ſixte houre after the fiekenes.(s begunne and vubbe the place of the licks rele with (t, it beeynge heated. It healeth mozeouer all manner bicers, fozes, boples, kotches ,.and cogrupte matter within. the {kynne coucred with a. fcabbe, ag Wwell olde as newe, and alſo bauflpnges, 02 knockes. And geod faz other inſfynite thynges, as euery manne may dayly proue bperperience. And ſpecially it is bes «tp. goon fos the retraction oꝛ dꝛawyng agayne of woun⸗ Bes, 02 ſuche lyke. To makean oyle of a redde dogge, by the meane vvherof “(befyde otherinfinite vertues thatit hathe) I haue healed a fryer of 8. Onofres, ywho hadde by the {pace of. xii. yeres, a Jame and dry vvithered arme lyfe a ſtyck, ſo that nature gaue . ito more nouryfhemente. Cen Ake a ponge dogge of a readde beare, and keepe " hym thece dates inithout meate: and then fran | gle hym tuith a corde, and lette hym lpe deaded | “CN quatter of an hour, and inthe meane tyme boyle a kettle of ople vppon the fyer,and putte the dogge ttt Wwhole 02 in pieces, it maketh no matter how, fo that be bee all there with the fkinne and beare: and make him ſeeth ſo vntyll be bee almott ſodden to pieces, kepyng ale lates the kettle clofeconered. In the meane tyme take Scorpions to the noumber of foure ſcoꝛe 02 a hundzeth, and putte theym in a bafpn onthe fper, vntyll they bee : C.j. thorow⸗ 3] © THE FYRST BOKE throughly burned. Then put theim inte the ſayde kettle, aches cal: With the opleand the dog, puttynge to it a good dyſhefull led of thea Bf gveat grounde woormes, 02 ſmallage Well wathed, a poticaries good handefullof Sainete Johns woort, &bandefull of bifmalua or wylde orꝛ marſhe mallowes, anda handfull of walivoze, maluifcus with an vnce of Saffron. Secth al thele thinges wel togt⸗ andinLa- ther, vntyll the flethe of the dogge be bzobken, and fallen jsinchibi- in pieces. Ano bycanfe pe muile haue muche ople., pe i orA- mape atthe fpslke putte into the kettle twos partes of ye Water, and one parte of oyle: and in ſeethynge pe maye potwee in Water, vntyll the dogge bee all togyther bans én, as is all readye ſayde: thenne lette tt waxe colde. After thys pe ſhall take the bones ol hym and the bers bes, and when haue pzefſed and ſquiſſed theim welle, chat all tke ſubſtaunce remayne in the fapoe oyle, caſte theym awayo. This doone, pou: ſhall take onelp that; whiche is aboue bppon the waters that is to fap, the oyle aid the qreale, and caffe awaye the water, pf there bee muche: but pf-there bee but'a lpttell, fo that. pou came feante diſcerne the ople front the water, ye ſhall take all togyther, foz a lyttell water canne-not bee but good. han ſtrayne it: thorowe a ſtrayner ez canuale, fyrſte weated o2 ſtieped in whyte wyne:and take then Vngucn. tum Agrippe, feuen oz eyght ounces, of the mary of the gambon and bones of a bogge,-a. pounde ofthe marie, of the hynder thyghes of an aſſe a pounde, 02 as muche as pou maye gette. Putte all theſe thynges togyther, Wwith the fapde ople and greafe, and mabe tt {eeth vppon the fyze s thenne.adde to tt a dyſhefull 92 an balfe of.o Kolaͤt: and whenne it ſeetheth, pou thall putte to it thee vᷣnces of Pallike, two ounces of Gumme Elemi, eyght ounces of readde Ware ¢ Wutthe Maſticke and the Gumme uiuite bee well beaters into pouder, and (pfter. And whenne alithishathe bopled the {pace of halſe aw boure,lette(t cooleagapne, and lette it in the: Sunne tr fomme kynde of befell well couered bp the {pace-of cer⸗ tapnedapes, Thenne Hall pouhaue an ercellente ſub⸗ Haunce and matter fo2 all kynde of colde infpzmities, and for many other, And as J bane already (apd, 4 Soe : eene GE SECRETES. i 1 “we feette the experience of tt ina Fryer of Salncte Ono⸗ krey, that is ta laye: of theym that weare an babyte of Roan coloure: but(as hetapde) be dwelt natin the Mo⸗ nafferp; bycauſe of the fapne infirmitic of his left arme, whyche was as dope as the braunche of a wythered tree. Wozeouer, be lapes onto me, that he dydde not remem⸗ ber nor coulde telle whether that chaunced bute hym, ei⸗ ther bp ſyckeneſſe, 02 by ſomme wounde 02 hurte. Lhe ſayde arme was becommte (maller then the other almok bp balfe, fo that the ſayde arme bad almott no ſtrength at all, and coulde not bealpeitlelfe:in no wple . 3 caus fed hym thenne to hee annopnted with the fapde opie, (lobpcbe Z bande ſette inthe Sunnethe Sommer of the peate. 154.7.) bp the {pace of. if, Miferereyand made hym tarpein the Sunne vntylle the ſayde ople was cleane dryed dp, aiid hadde pearced thozow the fapde arme:and within. ib. Dapes, men dydde percepue and fee perfectes lp, that the bapnes gaue nourpihemente vnto the mem ber, Hyne dapes after, the arme was as fulle offletihe as che other, and with the pealpe of God, was as whole and ſounde, as thought hadde neuer been burte, his ſayde opntemente o2 ople ts a peectous thpng, and good faz all colde infirmities, and.fo2 the goute: and {pes clallpe.foz-all:contractions 02 hrynkynges togpther of ſynowes 62 members and wound es, albett,themannz were wounded in the myddes of the bodye, in puttynge inte it thys oyle, ſhal ampzaculous thynge be leenesand it is alfo good foꝛ the ſyno wes. As Jcame from Jerulas lem in the yeare 1918. inathpppe, ofthe whyche the maiſter was called Peter de Chioggia Wwe wer ſette vpon by kyue fapttes of Pirates, on this {poe Corphuc, and one ofthe Marpners ſo attapnted wyth the roke of a gonne that be badde bys arme bruſed and beoken,and wyth the fame blowe another hurte inthebsefe, Whe Philition Would bane cut of the arme. But amonge other thynges that 3 cared about trpth me, 3 foundea bore ef the laps opntinent,wheretopth Janoynted his arme, andinthe fpace of (pre o2 feuen dayes he was healed miraculonip Jhaue made many ss ———— * THE FYRST BOKE vpon others: and hauynge gyuen of it vnts dyuers men ta ayde ihem ſelues withall, thep-haue tolde ine that thep paue founde in ita a meruaylons pertue and operation. : It pou make this ople inthe tyme when tbe berbe of 8... Johns woeteis founde, pe Hall putte in the berbe, the. bloffome, and the fecdes bucit it bee in the tyme when it can tot be founde,after pe bane made the fyrſt decoction ef the Dogge, as Wwe bauclapde, pe hall bople the oyle and the greate ones agapne, pattpng to it theople of S... Johns woaate, whereof we hane {poken afore, or as ye mape gette it: that ts to laye, balfeas muche as all the ople anid greale is. And yt pe canne net fynde bifmalua - 2 wplde mallowes, pe map putin ffcede of it, the oynt⸗ mrenite called Dialtea, whpebe ts founde commonly at the GApoticaries, And when pe wylle bovle the dogge in the Kettle, tt Hall be good to put to it, thee to2tefes thatipue. on the lande and not onthe water, and fo fhall the fapee apntententbe berpe excellent fo2 the goute. A certapne. _. man of mpne acquaintaunce,of the ageof thirty peres, bered with the goute, whome J made take of this aples . and annopnt hym felfe alpttell in the place of the gticfe, and aboute tt, puttyng to it two partes of ople rolat, ons parte of ople byolet, and ting partes of the fapde ople of. the dogge, toloe me that he badoe founde a ameruaplous. gate and bealpe bp ft, And the layde gricte vetournpnge agapne folwer tymes at fundzp tymes, pet annopntpnge Hprafelfe therwith thre tymes (as is afo ꝛe ſayd the paine came vnto hym no ntoze tn the [pace of thzee peares that we Were in Kome togyther, whiche was the pere 15 1.4. And this nian was called Diego, 4 Poztugall, and dwelt atthe mounte Jovan, Sythe that tyme bepnge gone fe. Uenile, and fromthens into Lenannt, 3 baue berde nee thynge of hym To make anoyntemente moſte excellente in the vvorlde, Mole vertuesare infinite, as vve vvyll declare aftervvarde VVhiche, princes ought tocommaund to be made and Kept intheir common.vvealthes: and thatitfhoulde bee made in the prefence of phifitions, as Triacleis m ade,or atthe leafte ' oat — OF SECRETES, J euery man ought to haue itin his houſe, and fpeeially bycanfea manne may make a great quantitic of it: and the longer itis Bepte, the betrer it vvaxeth. — Gg Ake fpette opte Rolette, the ople of Wiolees | (esa tes, the ople of Nenuphar, ople of Spicke, Coy Ake an Apple, wbhicke fs called in 3talian Melo 5 appio,tnlarpne Malum appianum, and is pelowes. Melo appie Itaketo be alpomerial, “THE FYRST BOKE | tii. sꝛ. iiii.graynes of Frankenſence, ofthe male bpnde, otherwyle calied Olibanum: thanne couer agapne the fapoe hele, wyth the lptle peece that pou tooke of fp2 fe, and reffe it fo bppon the embers, ſo that (t burne not, but thatt¢mape Ware tender, Than take tt. frome the fy2e, and baeake tt into, iiii. partes, wyth alk the Frankenſence in it: and ſo gpue itthe patiente to cate 5 it wyll bp and bp, make the Apoſtume ta baeake,and beale bint cleaner, Lhe foreſayde Smyth, hadde all readpethutte bts teqth {o that menue Were fapne to open them wyth a ſpoone o2 | knyple, and ſo they putte of it into hys mouthe, as well J as they coulde, and frapghte waye be turned woych bps Hi breaſte, vppon the beddes (poe, and ſpytte oute a greate parte ofthe matter,that was come forth of the apoſtume H| _ baokens and therebpon flepte moze than.ix. houres, anv ‘i whan be waked, becalled fo2meate, andfounde hym 1 felfe thogotulpe whole, whpcbe Was athpnge worthie ta giue God thankes fo. Another fecrete, or remedieagainit the faide difeate F * 3 o ofthe Pleurefie. a Ake the flower , that ſtycketh on the bourdes Oy! . and walles ofa yplle , andinake thereof patte wyth water:and ſo make little cakes, of the byg⸗ | ~ nelle of a grote, oꝛ ſome what moze,ane haupng | baked 02 ftped them in an p2on ladle, or ta frying pars | Hi _ wpth the ople of Scoꝛpyons,lay one of them fo bpon the Mi place, where the pattente feeleth bys greefe:and that as bote as he mape endure, rubbynge, and annopntpnge ft | wyth the layde ople ef Scozpions: and whan one of the cakes is almoſt colde,lap to another berp bote,and-beate the fyrſte agapne in the ſayde ople,and fo conſequentelye fake awape one, and putte to another.y,02.r0. tines, and hortlys alter the Apoſtume thal breake, and in ſpyttyng we matter oute,the patient(iupth Ooddesapde) thallbe aled. ; A sothergood fecreteagainft che fame difeate. Open OFCSECRETES) i {im — — “‘Wape berryes, PBenhpropall , Geutyan, Calaminth» the floures of Elder, the owwzes of wpe andredde Roles, Spyckenarde, Lignum Aloes,topld Cubebes, Cardamomum, 92 grapnes, whyche the Apottcarpes calle Granum paradili, fine Cpnamome, Calamum Aromaticum;Sticados, Chamedrios, callea fn Englyche Germander, Camepitheos, Melligerta, Ma⸗ ſtycke, Cnlence,of the male kynde Aloe epaticun>, A⸗ nyſe feede,the fede of Mato2am,o2 Datozam gentle, deie fygges, dpe Raplins, Dates, ſwete Almondes, ker⸗ nelles of a Pyneapic, of eche of thefe anounce,whyte Honnye,fpre ounces, Chen take Suger waipng afmuch as all the fapde compofitpon, and myngle well allto⸗ gether, puttynge allo to it Aqua dite, wãyenge as mus che as all the fapve fubfaunce ,. but the fapoe Aqua bite muſte bee dyſtylled fpye tymes thozolwe a Lym⸗ becke, recepupnye altuapes the beffe: and myngle all thelapde thynges together in the fapde water: thenne putte all into a bpolle twelle fopped, leauynge it.fo the pace oftwoo dayes. Whenne afterwarre pou tal fette it Uppon the fornetle wyth bys Lpmbecke and recipient, dyſtyllynge ft wyth a imale fyer Inherent wyll.come a cleate ane precpens water, contpnue ſo the fpze,bntpll the water begpnne to chaunge bps coloure, and come fooztbe whyte: thenne chaunge the recipyente, and res veyue the ſayde wyyte water a parte ,. fez it is not good, but fo2 te blaunche and make whyte the face, and there is neyther ſpotte noz lynteil o⸗ꝛ anye kynde of redde burs geons in theface of aman, the whyche, beeyng wathed wyth thys water by the (pace. of fpftene daies wilnot ge out, and weare awayeleaupnge the face and che ſkynne whyte, ſhynynge, and welle ſauourynge. This is a verp rare kynde of wWaſhynge, and meete i great ladyes and pꝛynceſſes. Lou thall mpre the fyrite ater mbpcbe is clare: THE FYRST BOKE cleare, wyth Aqua bite of lyke quantitye, the whyche is called Melbalfami, Nowe haupnge putte and lefte all _thele thpnges tn a vpolle tell Topped, the (pace of tues Daves, lette it to dyſtil wyth a ſmal fpze,thenrecetue and put the kyrſte water bp it (elfe, whpcbe wyll dyſtyll berpe cieate,and odoriferous. WMWhenne pou lee that the water begynneth to conse foozthe lpke rapne Water, chaunge out recipfente, andrecepue that fame lpkewrle bp it elfe, vntyll pou fee the thyrde water come onte,whyche wyll bee of fanguyne coloure, the whpche pou thall pas wꝛe into a vpoſie, and feppe it welle wych wars:keepe it ditfgentelp as a pꝛecious thyngefo2 it bath manye nas fable and excellente vertues, of the whyche the bette bee thefe that folotve. Lhe fyrſte ts, that if pou laps a lytle of it bppon a frefthe wounde, there nede no other medycine to cure tt. The feconde is, tt ts geod fo2 all aloe woundes againſte the Canker, the wozmes,and againffe Noli me tangere and all otber diſeaſes growinge,pe multe weate the leare places wyth tt eucrpe fecande 02 thyrde days ones , andbp thys meanes , (nthe (pace of fpftene 02 twentye dayes he 07 they (ail bee healed. Che thprde. fs, that pfanpe manne bane a Carbuncle, o2 Saphete Antontes ppfeale, called commonlye in Italye and in Fraunce, SD. Antonyes fy2e,02 other pellilencpall ſycke⸗ nefle,and waſhe the place wyth the fapoe water, it wylle kpll it wythin an houre. The fourth is it is good agapnet the payne of the eyes, ſo that the eye bee not oute,o2 loftes pf pou putte alptele droppe of it ints the eve in the moz « nynge, and as muche at nyghte, it wylle beale the papne fufpitencdapes. And althoughe it bee ſamewhat pote kynge, pet the griele of it palleth ſoone awaye, ſo that it cat itot in anye wyle burtethespes. The fyfte ts, that il any manne baue the ſtone in the raynes of bps backe, aid in the bladder, and ozike thze Boppes 024 drzagme efit wyth alptle white wine, be halbe delyuered thereof in fete dayes. Lhe ſixte is, that ithealeth the Emerau⸗ des 62 Pyles, plthep hee waked wyth it euerye daye ance, he ſſeuentheis tbat tt healeth all manner of opt * caſẽ OF SECRETLES* 52 safe a2 patie ot the Patrice and the tolpcke, whenne a fpoonefull ts dronke of it wyth the broche afa Wenne,o3 of cabbeges. Lheepghteis, that iebenne amanne bas theth the ſhzonken and endured ſyno wes of the bedpe , thep ſtretche, andbealeinfewedapes. Zhe npnth is that it healethe runnpnge anv watrpe epes, twhennea droppe is putte into thepm inthe mozntuaqe. he tenth fs, that itis berpe good to beale all manner of {kabbe, fkurfe, andother ſyke thynges, waſhynge them wyth it olten tymes. The eleuenth is that pfa manne puta droppe ot it into bps eare at nyghte o2 in the mornynge, Wt taketh awaye all the grpefe and wormes that-engens derintheeare, The twellthe is, that tt healeth all vee nemous bptpige , twhenne pe wathe the’ venemous place wyth ft, and is farre better fo2 (ache an accivente thennethetrpacleis, Tho thirtenthis, that it kplleth all wormes inmannes boop, tf a manne rabbe bis neler frplles,o2 depnke a Yerpelpttle of it,” “And Eprratipe, (¢ is allo berpe good foꝛ venomous hurtes 02 woundes, and fo2 all woundes incurable. It healech the kynges e¢ upll, and the opfeale called the fallpnge fyckenefle, and all other infprinities {nthe ertertanre partes of the bos dpe: And with this Water a manne map wahehym felfe oꝛ elles drynke it. Bets alfo qoodfozeuerp cole ficks nelle, and reftozatiue for olde folkes; o2 thofe that are confumed and debplptate twith bunger , fyckeneffe , 03 ſoꝛowe oF mynde. It conierueth the ravical mopiture aid naturall heate, it mapntapneth bealth,and keeper — in longe lyle, who fo euer bleth it ag it oughts to bee bled, Pilles ofa Meruclous.operation and vertue, agaihfte: the Sciatica, vx hich vve promifed tof peale of in the chapi« rer of the Sciatica. Ake pylles Alephangines,ofIoeemodacill mates ris and minorts ot eche of them a fcrupule whpeb is the thyrde part ofa dzagme.fi.grapnes of Salt Gemn.a,b{ffolueand ae rhem with the tupce of roles, andmake of all thys ſubſtaunce fpue pplles, and at the beginning THE FYRST BOKE begynnynge, when the Sciaticats feruehteand greate pou ſchall take of the ſayde fyue pylles euery fo wer days and whenne it begynnethe to declyne and aliwage, pou ſhall take them onelp the fpfte pape, thanne, the (pete, the ſeuenthe, and the epghte bape; vntyll albboeaoones — ann take theym altwapes in the mornynge at the breake of the Bape, abſteynynge atthe leaſte fire oz ſeuen hous res frome meate. Nowe all thoughe thatthe ſayd pyle lesbeenot for amatine to keepe bis chaumbre, and that thep prouoke not to the foole, pet pe multe not agpnke anve whyte wyne, i102 Water, 1192 eate anp alte thyn⸗ ges, nor anye kynde of pulfe cozne, as beanes, and peas fon, wpth ſuche oder lyke, nop Oynyons, Garlpke, sz fache lyke, pf the opleafe bee inueterate, olde, 02 farre gonne. 1 Anotable ſecrete to heale a madde man, be it that the madnes came vnto hym by a yvhyrlynge;‘ or gyddineſſe of the head or brayne, or otherwy fe; — nt pean) D2 ite of all make hym folwer Glyſters, fn fo 4 gos er moznpuges, oneafter another. Lette the a ty2tte glpter bre ſymple: that ts to faye, made q with water wherein ye haue bopled or ſodden Wwheate branne, commune ople, and falte, Lee the fecande bee ot water ſodden wyth mallowes;mercu tpespellitoay ofthe wal, and violet leaues, wyth ople and 2 ei — ſalte Lette the thyrde be of water boyled wyth ople, ſalt, fodden wyne, and honnye. And iette the fourthe giyſter beef the tyke decoction that the thyede was, addᷣnge ta it endyue, buglaffe, and thetoppes of the beaunches of Malworte. And after that this decoction is ſtrayned, pe hail putteto it an vnce of Cacia ituia, and halfe a quars fet of an vnce of wetridate. Powe, hauyng gpuen him thele fower glitters folwze fundzp moznpnages.pou Hall gyue hym medicine: Polipodium of an Dke, welle amped, a handelulle or twayne, and weynge out the iupte oft, and put it in alate the quantitie of two fyn⸗ gers hygh puttyng to it tive ounces of bony roſet, and a quarter of an Bure of Cleduary roſet, and as mee ° ag) th cn * Ne ted dpates OF SECRETSES. 3 dyafenicon. All thefe thynges beprige well ineorporated tagpther, geue them vnto the pacient to drynke at npgbt whenne be goeth to bedde two-o2 thee howers after the ſonne fette, and gene it hym luke iwarine it in cate be wyll not take it, bynde hym, and holde hym parforce, make bpm open his mouthe put ſome leke bet wene bis teethe, and that potuze the medicine into his throte, as menne doo vnts horſes. And when he hathe taker all; yt it bee in Mynter, pou tall make hym ſytte ſo vppon bis bedde, balfe an howꝛe, well couered rounde aboute, | te the intente be take no colde after it: pf itheein Bois: inet, pe mape lette hym goe aboute the boule where he wyll, but fee that he goe not eute. WMhen the medicine bathe Doon his operation take this ointment felowprg? : that is to ſaye, a pounde and a balfe of the iuyce of the: rootes of Aalwoort, wherebnto pou halt adde as mu⸗ che butter: baplethis togyther a good: whyle vntyn all: the tupce bec almofte conlumed, channe putte to it oxle of Camompll, ople rofette, ople af Sata Johns wot;! of echeof theym an ounce. Inco2porate Welle all theſs thynges on the kyre, and make thereof an opnetement;! wherwith pou Hall annopnt the pacient fram the necks! vnto the feete, armes and legges and all: but the oynte⸗ mente muffe bee horte, and be muffe be fo tell annoyn⸗ ted and rubbed that the opntemente map penetrate and petce thorowe. Contynue doyng this the (pace of ames heth, antiopntpnge hym euery enenptig, and mornyng, or At the leaf ones a daye. The thyrde o2 fourthe vap at: tet pou haue begunne to annopnt hym, burne bpm with a whotte prombppon the ſeame o2 topnpuge togycher of the bead, ano at the kyrſt laye bppon the marke a Ipnnen Clothe with barrowes.greale, leauynge it ſo the {pace of bill.o2.r.dapes; and after wꝛappe agreate Cyche peale in puy leaues, and put vppon the ſayd pup leaues apece of the loale af a (hoe made ſyne and thyune, byndyng it bnder bisthaoate with fome bande,o) beneth bis beabe, fo that tt map bpde on, and chaungẽ it alwapes at upabt andinthe mornynge. $f tn cafe be paſſe fower trones ives, and receyue not bealth,oz — to his — Vel " Riles THE FYRST BOKE multe begynne agaprie to geue hym the fame glyſters he hadde befoze,and the fame medeepnes,aniiopntpnge hym as beefoze: an’ topthoute doubte (bp the grace of Sod)he Mall bee hole, he muſt eate at the begynnynge _ chpchen#,mutton,and roff beale; after,pou mape gyue bpm roffe end fords wyth pottage of Amylum,beetes, anv mallowes, andallo newe lapdeegges, pultpnge [pices in his meate, cauſynge hym ſometyme to eate, epther in his pottage oꝛ otherwyſe) betayne ſage, mais⸗ ram and mynt, not ſufferinge hym in any wyle to take ſalte, harpe, nor aygre thynges, pulſe cozne,Carlpke, Onyons noꝛ ſuch lpke:pe map geue hym whyte wyne With water: lette hym alſo carpe euer aboute bpm ſome good odoures, and heare melodye o2 muſyke: ſpeake eftentpines ſoberlye and wylelye vnto bpm, admony⸗ foyngebpmtobee wyſe and lage, rebuke hym of his fo⸗ ipes wheu be doothe or ſpeaketh any fonde thynges. And in iuche caſe the auctoritie of ſome fapre woman auay⸗ leth muche te telle hym all thele thypuges , fo2 good ad⸗ monitions ate of qreate vertue and. Krengthe, fo2 to far bipthe and fettle a beapne troubled oꝛ diſquieted with a up ſyckenes 02 paflion. ee | ee Pylles of matter Mychaell a Scotte, the vvhiche heale the. griefe or payne of the heade,bee it inueterate ox recente, pourgethe brayne, claryfye the yeh caufe aman to have a good memory, good colour in'face, aiid be alfo good for : many inhrimes⸗ pare Ghe of Atoe walſhed.· (ff, (eruputes, the rootes of $] wylde gourdes, of all foztes of Mizabolancs of the we confection made with Scammonp, cailed Diagn- dion, Malik, Bape bearies, and Roles, of eche of them halfe-a drzagme, of Saftron a fcruple, Byparbe halfe a feruple : fampe all welle togpeher, and make thereat piles with the tuyce of Coletwoztes, and-take thee 03 foure of thetm whan pou goe te bende, euerye thyrde 02 fourthe bape ones. Agatnk OF SECRETES. id Agaiatt the payne of vvomens breftes, a very ex- cellentremedye. | Ake the pealkes of tives newe lapse Egges, the T weyght of two pence of newe Gilare, alptie ople rolet, alptle Ppt, called in latyne Tutia, prepared and trymmed in ole water, ſette all thys on the fyre to melte in a cleane panne, and whanne itis colde agapne, {preade it bpponalpnnen cloathe, andlape tt tothe ſore bieafes, but pou muffe baue fy2t waſhed the ſayd ſore places with whpte wyne, wherein bath been ſodden leas nes of Moles, Plantapne leaues, and theleaues of an Dipue tree, bothe greene and drye, and after hauynge wyped anid dryed tl agayne, lape the playſter to it, deel fed and prepared as Jhaue ſayde, and incontynente the foze Hall bee healed. © Torypea felon, Cartes heare,botche, byle, or other apoftumes or {vvellyngs, yvhich haue nede.of quick orfodayne rypynge. nf 3d , ; Ake crummes of breade, Kaiſyns dryed in au De T uen, oz otherwyſe, and than well ſtamped, But⸗ ter, Hogges ſewet, Leuein, cowe mylke, and a ipttell Saffron. Pake of all this an oyntment, and lape it vppon the fe2e , puttpnge fp2ite alpttell Saffron in pouloet bppon the berpe place where pou wyll baue tt bzeake, and vppon that the plapfer, leauynge ttle bus tpll nyght, and chaunge it mornynge and euenynge, fa fhall pou make it foone rppe and beeake, then dzetle it With ople rofct, and pelkes of egges one whole Daye, als ter that purge awaye the dedure and fplthe with ſomme drawynge opnte ment. Fynally pou Wall laye to it thé ophtinient of Aloc, and Tutia,eg Lome confolioatine 02 bea lynge oputementes. 3 To refolue a felon, Cattes heare,byle orborche atthe begynnyng. * E. fi, Rake THE PYRS re BOE meas Cike ai ption 02 Meenge, and parte hym in the €J| myndes, take a lpttell to wo (nadpihe,and pplte bs er" yon (t: after that preſſe o2 wapng ft in pour hand, and putts it alpttell conumune falte well beaten to pou⸗ per, and lape tt fo hatte vpon the faze, puttyng bppon the fapde towe balfethe Citron o2 Dyenge , and ſo bynde allebis with lome bande, chaungpnge tt euenynge and no nynge/ andincontinente the cozrupte matter wylle diſſolue. To make Emplaſtrum Aureum, vvhiche is of a vvonderfuil vertue for all ſortes of vvoundes. 1 Ake Pix greca,g2 Colophonia, Beymſtone, white En⸗ J cens, as muche of the one as of the ether. Let all thele thynges be well Ramped, and mypret with the wvhlite ot egges, than annoynte a piece of parchemente kec with this mirtion, and weynge the wounde well wich W But two fyngers to make the bloude come out, lay the ayde parchement vppon it, byndynge it with ſome lyt⸗ tell bande, and the wounde ſhall hoztely bee heated, his (ecrete hadde a Chyꝛurgeon of Paples, and wold telle it to no manne in the worlde, vntyll be hymſelle be⸗ ynge hurte, commaunded bis feloweto make this myr⸗ tion, and lap tt to the wounde, whiche was in his bande, fleume, tt bepngeth a good appetite,confozteth the bef, | conſumeth reumes and murres, and healeth the papne in OF USE CK EFE'S, 5 in the bealy. Che wyne of his decection, ana the water whiche ts difttllen of bpm, dayeth bp all caypll humours, and ptches, bealeth the (plene, andthe Rone: and when a Glyſter ts made of it, aud of vryne 02 ppile, it healvth all bentofitic, apottumes , and the plague, fo that pou drynke the lupce, or the po woer of (cimmiediately after . pe feele the griefe. Andpf aman laye of the whyte and rough cotton that it hath after (tis blafomes, vpon any wounde that is not meztall, ft wyll heale it in thze dayes without payne o2 griefe. he ſayd berbe cauleth a ſwete breathe, and when tt is eaten, it maketh a man to baue ood teethe and goumes, tt bealeth the otleate of the mas tvice, and cheereth the hearte: when amanne maketh a glylter of tt with the brine of amanne chyld/ it healeth the fallpngefpckeneffe : the Uytche 02 payne of the {poe whenne (tis drzonken with whyte wyne warmed, and With botte water ; it heateth all maner of feuers, when , aman taketh tt fotze boures befoze the fptte come, but | whple be (weateth he muſte be well covered, Ff the Nas . upllot ipttell chploerne falle, bople the ſayde berbe in wyne, snd Wwalthe the Paupll with it: tt ts allo berpe ; aoe agapnll all bptpnges of Serpentes, and other pop On. Agaynfteall manerof coughes, as Wellinueterate and olde; as recent and nevve, a certayne and fute remedy, fied Ae Gapmfone beaten inpouder balfe an ounce. C and put it in a newe layde egge; fofte roaſt, myn⸗ gle tt wel togither: than put to tt Bengewine, the bygneſſe of acpche peafe, lyghtly amped, and depiike it in the mornynge at pour breakefaſt: make as muche agayne at nyghte whenne pou goe to bevde , and pou fall bee whoie at the ſeconde or thpade tyme, Wut pt the cougbe baue holden pou longe, pou matte take tt lo mus che the oftener. An excellent eonferue agaynft the cough, and all an- guifhe of the breaſte, vvhyche mundifyeth and clen feth the ftomacke, and caufeth a good yoyce, and a Fayre colour in the face.: | C.tif, Labse “ THE FYRST BOKE ‘Akethereotes of wylde 02 marſhe mallowes cals led of the Apoticaries Bilmalua,o3 Maluanifeus, mat? Diffed and made cleane, and cutte in (malle pieces, Welle famped in amozter of. fare. Thenne take fome. greate potte o2 caudzon that holdeth fire 02 ſeuen greate bpolles fplled With water, and bople init thele thynges folowpnae: Liquozice, Slopes greene 02 dpe Dauge, Molemarpe, Carduus benediaus,fpgges, drye Kapling, Amylum,of arlepe,o2 Warlepe flower, ol eche of theſe thynges at psure diſcretion, and as muche of the ene ag of the other: and adde to it moze, abandefull of Succos rie; topth bys roctes, lette all thys feetbe in the fapde catod20n 97 bettpll, the {pace of an bower, 02 an bower and a balfe, and thenne lette it cosle agayne, fo that pou maye welle endure poure bande tn tt. Thenne take pute all the fapde ſubſtaunces, and putte theym in a cleane canuefle, anv wepnge oute all the ſubſtance ins tothe ſayde water inthe kettell: putte init alfo twoo 92. thee pounde of the ſayde veotes of Maluauifcus, fam ped, as beefore, thanne (ete tt to bople and feeth agapne theee bowers 02 morze: take it frome the fyer; and dooe as pou dydde at the fyrſte tyme: but pf it hadde fe mus che fedden, that allthe vootes were bzoken and conſu⸗ med, it thoulde not neede to haue reigned o2 wronge thepm thoroughe a canuaſſe. Chis doone, take the ves coction of it, and fette ti apotte bppon the fyre, with ag much Hony oꝛ litel leſſe, leauyng it to boile ſo fayre and foftelp, takynge awaye the ſcomme that Mall comme of the Ponnype, After it hath thus bopled a good ſpace, adde to ttan outice, 62 as muche as pou wpllof Sinamonme, and a quacteref an ounce 02 moze of Wengewine fame. ped, and a lyttell Mulbe: then take it immedtatlp frome the fpev, and couer it. tothetatent it take no bente, {pee ctalipe pf pou bane putte tn thenmnt ke, whiche woulde elics banplye aboay with the ſmoke, wherfoze pou map: putte in the mul be topen the water i¢ uke warme, after itis taken of : So Hall pou hane an ercellente conterne to bfe and occuple all the wpnter, as well at nygbt, as in the mornynge, and at all tymes when pou yſte, bus | pow OF SECRETE S, i you multe at euery tyms pou take, warme fe agapite, and take thereof two o2 thie ſpoonefulles at atpme. Sind pt pou wll haue it thycker, pute te tt pouder of Suger, 02 Penides: And pf pou wylle haue tt clearer, pe muſte putte to it alptrell maze of the faite pecoction, whiche we haue ſpoken of. This fecretets of luche ere ecllencie, that if aman vſe of it inthe wynter, as ato⸗e is fapbde, it is net poſſyble foz bpm te be bered or curmen⸗ ted With the coughe, reumes, murres, catarres,o2 anye other lyke diſeale· A — and pleaſaunt ſecrete to heale the coughe, in __ Tubbyng of the foales of the feete: and isa thynge very caſy and certayne. ; =f Abe two 02 theee Garlyke heades well mundified {_ and made cleane, Lampe thepm well, than put to them hogges fewet,and ſtampe them well ã new: and at nyghte whenne pou goe te bedde, warme well the foales of poure feete, and annopnte them well with the fapde confection, and then warme them agayne as hete as pou mape endure, rubbpnge theym Welle a preatye (pace : and bevng a bedde, let paure teete be hounde with ſome warme ipnnencloathe, and rubbe alla the ſmalle of pour legges with the fapde opntemente ; bp this meas nes pou hall be healed in thaee nygbtes, were the cough neuer fo bebement. If pou wyll at poure meales ble of the ſayde decoction in your wyne, or other wyſe, pou Hal ſynde pout ſelfe well at eaſe in pour ſtomacke and bead, and Hail the better dzpue awaye pour coughe, and all o⸗ ther euyll diſpoſitions of the bodye. : A very goodly and eafy remedy to healein a day ortvvayn, al maner of inueterate and ald vvoun des, vvherin is grovven deade and fuperfluous flefhe,and vvoundes that can not be cured by eny ether medicines, in commune Water, andthenne in Kole o2 Plane tayne wajer) and the polke of anegge » an ounce C.titt, ang T Ake thoee ounces of Zurpentpne (fprike walhed ” THE FYRST BOKE and abalfe of ople rofet, of Sublimate halfe a dꝛagme: myre allthele welle togyther, ana make thereof a play⸗ ffer, and laye it bppon ibe wounde. And bycaule tt dra⸗ Wweth fomewhat, make this defenttfe. Take two partes of ople rofat, balfe a part of vineiger, alptell Boale ars meniche at youre difcretion, mpngle all togyther, and rubbe within foure 02 fpue fyngers, 62 moze, rounde a⸗ boute the wounde. And holve not the tnfeded menthe tofarce frome the kyer, to the tntente that whylett the peade flefthe is conlumyng and eatynge awap,pou feele not fo greate apapne. After thatthe bead kleſhe ts cater awape, lape to it alpttell bande {with butter, and leauc it bppon the wounde a whole dap, and peu hall fee a mers naplous thynge. Agaynſt all maner of peſtilence or plague, be it neverfe., vehement, a mott certayn and proucd thynge.. Ake an Oinyon, aud cut hym ouerthwarte, then . make a lpttell bole in eche piece the whychs pou . , fhall fpll with tpne iryacle, and ſette the pieces togyther agapn as they were befoze: after this, weappe thepm ina weete lynnen cloathe, puttpnge tt ſo to roſts Zuered inthe embers 92 alſhes: and when tt ts roſte y nough, preſſe out the iupee of ft, and gyue the Pactente to azyitke thersof a ſpoonefulle: immediately he Mall ferlc hym ſelle better, and {hall without faple bee healed. A very goad perfume agaynit the plague: ‘Ake Maltiche, Cppses, Encence, Mace, Morm⸗ OG v0, Qpparbe, \ignum Aloe, Mulke, Ambergris, /Timiama, Mutmegges., Wystell tree, Baye tree, . Rolemarye, Sage, Noles, Glover, Cloues, Genyper, Rewe Pptche, and a kynde of rawe Ppytche caller tn Tatine Rafis. All thele thynges ſtamped and myrte togp⸗ ther, pou ſhall fetts vppon the. coales, and fo. parfume the chaumber. . “a nother remedy very good againft the plage ‘ : CTa a Ake the tppe Werries of a Baye tree, anv si pplleof theblacke ſkynne that is wppon thepm, beate thepm in poboder wyth a lyt⸗ reve tlefalte, and as ſoone asa manne percep: Ge! Grae ucthe hym lelfe infected, topth the plage, a aNd that be begynne tg baue a bote fee vet, be muffe take a fponefeill of the layde pouder,mprte lopth alpttle vyneaigre and water, beate.ttalprtle and drynke it, and thenne to couer bpm lelfe welle,and lespe ynough:ſo ſweatynge luſtily be Gal bee incontinente cu: red. But pf the fener comme wyth a coloein feede of vis nagre, he mute take wyne, and then dove all the rette as befozesa thinge experimented bpon manp. For hym thatis ficke of the plage. Saad ke whyte Dittanpye, Lurmentplle, whyte Ca. 25 vall, Gentian, Bolearmenicke, cerca fivillaca En⸗ We Oiue water, Kue water, Kole water, whyte Up: naigre, water of Scabiole(and the accivent cont mynge vppon bpm, pe muſte make thys foure houres.) Make of the ſayde thynges ſtamped eche one, bp tt felfe, and putte thepin fn fome glaſſe 02 other beffel,and make of allad2pnke at poure dilcretion, makpnge that the vy⸗ maygre mounte tn the glaſſe a lpttle abouẽ the other thin. ges,and lette the patpente take tt hote, and thenne couer hym felfe in bedde vntyll be ſweate well, andbe Hall be cured, A merucyious preferuatiue again{t the plage. me Ahe whyte Dictanium reunde Ariftolochia Cro ¢ c % codilium, called alla Cardina,o, Cardua, ers | uepne,Oentian, Zeduaris an berbe called in La: tine pes Milui of eche of them tivo vnces ſtampe alithps a lyttle, wyth a banodefull of Rue, than take a vis olle that holdech at the leaite thee quartes, and fpll tt wypth the beſt wyne that pou canne tpnde,whereinto pou ſhall putte all the fozefapde thynges, and leauc tt fo ſtan⸗ byngein pourehoule: Andin daungerous tpmes, take euerpe mornynge before pou gee out of pour aero a glafle "THE FYRST BOKE a glaife full of the the layde wyne:dut pou muſt haue ta ken fyzſt a Malnutte, a Fygge, and twoo o2 thee iptle braunñches of Kue Jf pou dooe thps in the morning, poy ſhall be allured foz that daye. | An oyntmentto make an apoftume breake,and the foore of the plage to fall of. t Ake. aquatte and abalfe of common ople, carer and lette it on the fpze in ſomme befell, cthanne putte to tt fetv2e ounces of Ces style 02 whpte leade welle amped, ly⸗ Saw ie ae cer ge of fpluer verye fpne and thynne, ‘teeter thee ounces , commen Gare, folvze — gDOunces,/ snd leaue tt fo longe bppon the fp2e , bntyll pen mape ſpreade it wyth-poure fyn⸗ get bppona marble fone. Thys dosne, take te front the fyre, and powre a lpttle bynapagre vppon it, but port mute holde it karre of, to the tntente ft leape not in pour face: thanne make of thys spntemente a platiter , as Greate as all the (ooze, and make a bele in the myd⸗ bes of it as bygge asa penye: after thps:makealpttle plapffer of fomme opntemente that moztpfpeth, ofthe | byggenefle, of the fapde bole:thanne make another plate fer of the fame byggeneſſe, the whpche you Halllape be pot the ſoore, ſo thatthe playſter wyth the moztpfpinge opntemente bee beetwene othe, andleaue tt vppon the fooze the ſpace of xxiiii.howres, thanne chaunge anelpe the myddle plapfer, that ts to fape: be that moztpfpeth, and pul another tn bps place, the which pou Hal allo let lye foure and twentye bow2es:and beefoze that the plays iter bee laped rounde abaute and ſtretched, annoynte the place berpe thycke wyth frethe Hogges ſuet, o2 Hennes greale,te mollpfpe tt, and ſo pou thall makett harde in the myddle, and rounde aboute pou {hall make acpacle, of tender fletbe, tn ſuche ſorte that the (ooze wyll breaks Gute and come foorthe. And the epght andfourtp houres once paſſed. after pou haue taken of the plaifter, laps bs pon tt another plaiffer made wyth freth Bogges greaſe: and iminedpatlpe wyll fall of from it a dean flethe in ma ner OF SECRETES i ner ofa round Pommell and there wyl remapne a hote the whyche pou muſte beale wyth Comme opnteme nt 02 elles pth Diaeulum magnum. and bohen thef leſhe bee: gpnnieth fa grewe,lapete it burned Alom, by the {pace of foure and twenty boures and thenne the ſayde opntes mente Dpon it, Another remedy againft the plage. gm Ake the toppe of Kue,a Garlyke heade, o3 balfe a i quarter of a Malnutte, and ã coꝛne of Salte: cate = thps euery mornynge, contynuing fo a moneth to; gether and bemerrp andiecunde, This recetpte ig alfa F000 Again wormes. Another very good remedye againft the plage, ww Ake Aqua bite,the water of wilde perceley called | tn OrekeMelliffophylon,Meliphy lon, and Meli- non,ant {nlatpne A piaftium any Plantayne wa⸗ ter of eche of them a pound, and than pou wyll vie of it, wohyche pou oughte to. bo daylye, yvou tyalltake as muche of thone as of thother, ſo that all together mounte to the quantttie of two fingers bigh in a glaſte, and than drynke it,fo Hall pou be preferuen and ſauite frome the piague Thys water ts allo. good foz fpitules,and wonndes,and i6 Well trped and experimented. abled a An other perfegte recept againit the plagues Abe a bpolle,o2 forme other glatle,and fpll it vn⸗ P| to the thpzbe parte full wpth fyne Ztpacte, and wo" one thpzdendeale,o2 thpebe parte topth Aqua bite, and the other thyrde parte twpth the vzpne of.a pounge manne chplde that is bprgpne,and healthfull: myxe all wells together, and gpuethe paticnte dapiike, thereot, thaee meznpnges, that ts to fape, cuerpe mornynge aglaficfuil. Thys bathe bene peoucd tn Genple the peates 5.4.0» * ch ss ‘Another againit'the: laoue, p An gainſt the plag ds THE FYRST BOKE soar 2 fone as the perfonne fealeth hym felfe tutes neva Woe, Cledalette hym take thebeſte Crpacle he canne Marne fpnbe, aud after hauynge ſwallowed downe vacvy © apatte of it, lette hym take of the fame the === bpgnette of a Cheftnutte,and laye it bpponthe fore that begpnneth to rple, rubbynge it welle ronnde a⸗ boute topth the fatd Lriable. Incontinentafter thys par niuſte takea Pygesn, and cut hym in the myddes quick kethers aud alt, laye bpm te the fo2e wacme as he is,anad let hym lye on it,brtpil that parte of the Pygeon bee twa: ren and beceme gree, and the Lrpacle redde: thet take it of,and pou thall (ce that out ofthe Pygesn wyll come agreene water, whpche ts all the benime that was in it. de muſte aftertward cure the place wych this plaifter fos lowynge. Lake twoo partes of frethe Barrowe greale, and one parte of wormewoode Well Famped, and lape it vpon the foze, : A thing oftentimes proued and experimented.againft the plague. 4 Ake MPaltic two vnces Euphorbium an vnce, Spike narde v Onces;beate thys into poulder, and gpue A it the patient to drynke Ff be be vnder r.veares of age, gyue hym a ſerupule of tt Ibe bee of peates frome y.to, re. balfe 8 dꝛagme:but pf he beabore tiwentp peared olde, pethall geue bpm a dragiue thannetake the herbe called in Greke Pencaphilon, (4 latyne Quinguefolium.and in Englyſhe Cinkfotie,and wrappe it lpke arounde aps ple in a plece oflpniten cloth, lapenge it ſo vnder whote timbers by the fpace of folwze Mitcrere, anid after baupnge taken it oute agapne,cut tt in thee piecesin tee mpoale, and lape tt bppon the ſore 02 griefe, whych psu thal caule to ceale immediately. | A preferuatiue againft che plague, oftentymes proued, Hadangerous tyme, take thzeelpttle braunches of Kue, a Walnutte anda fygge:eate all chys, and gat ta OF SECRETES 32 fhallbelafe.. Another, . Abe the dunge 02 ercremente of a poutge bope bes twene ten and.ril. peares of age, ann dele it,and at: ‘ter beate (t into poulder: his doon put of it at the mot tino {ponefulles in a glaſſe of white Wine, and gine it the patient to azinke at the leaffe fire hotwres ati fh griele taketh hym, and the feoner the better, bps bathe ben founde truein many men, An other, Ake theiupce of a whyte Onion, Hony, Binatgre, : the tupce of Kue, and of Saint Fohns.twost,of eche of thet. alike quantite,mire all together,and giue ‘the patient to drinkes therof two thirdendeales of a glaſſe kull, but let hym bane it whote,and before the firt boure, after the paine thall baue taken hym: Thys doone make bpm ſweate as much ashe map in bps bedde. Thys bath ben founde of great perfection, and experimented vppon divers men, — Ina fufpecte tyme of a plage. w Ske Pulliolle o2 penprotal,inlatpn Pulegium With T Suger rolet, and make an elecuarp,the which pou fhail bfe and eate, in a ſuſpecte tyme of a plague,at your bgeakefall the quantitie 02 bygneſſe of a Chefinut, this baue mien pꝛoued, and found good. , Another ¥vell tried aad proued agaynitthe'pelti- lence. / — T Ake Walnuttes whenne thep be greene, tender, and good to make conſitures oꝛ prelerues, put theym in Ainaigre the ſpace of, viti dayes, thanne take thepm out againe, and breake theym tn pieces, puttynge theym fo inte aLimbech withonte Ginaigre,and ylle the water of thepm,of the whych pou fall geue the patient drynke zuerye dape balfe a glatiefull,and whan be bathe — — THE FYRST BOKE t let hym ſweate well in his bedde. Avery perfyte ſecrete againſt the plague. of Myrrhe, halle an ounce of Saffron: beate into 4 poniderand ſikte the Aloc and the Byarbe togither, than beate the Saffronin poulder, ſtiepe, and ſo fore tt, 02 waſhe it wyth whyte topne berpe ſtronge, ſo chat tt be lyke a ſauce, than put the ether paulders to it, ane myre welle altogether, pf nede be pon mape put moze wyne to it, ſo muche that af all mape be made as it were a lumpe, and ſo pylles. Andpfpou wyll wake (t verye Tronge, fo2 euerye ounce put ta it halfe an ounce of Diagridium and balfean ounce ef Campbhpre. Water Fraunceſſe Alberte tooke three eyghte partes of the ſayde Pylles , wythoute Diagridium ſokynge and Keepprige thepm itt goed wyne, and gate theym te the patient as ſoone as he couloe : and ſo mads hym (weate muche in bys bedde, fo2 by ſweatyngethe venom dydde reſolue. —T Ake an ounce sf Aloc Epaticum, balfe an ounce Another very good fecrete. len? Ake the loivzes 02 blofomes of Malnuttes, and S| depethepmin the Maddewe , and whanne the Puttes be tn ſeaſon to confic,pou thall cut parte of thepm (nto (niall pieces, the whyche pou fhall _ putte tn ſtronge Upnaigre by the {pace of three dayes: thanne take theym oute, and mengle theym wyth the fapbe flowers dyſtyllynge theym thorowe a Lym becke _ Sf glaſſe, oꝛ of earthe ſeaded wythin: keepe thys water dylygentlye, and whanne anye manne fealeth bpm felfe taken o3 infected wyth the plage, geue hym of ft as foone aS is polpble twa onnees and a halfe, 92 thece ounces, and pou (hall ozpue awaye the dyſeaſe bp the courſe of the bellpe,o; bp bomytynge, or elles wyll makethe ſores oꝛ botch te cons forth, the which pou thal make ripe and b2eake, as we haue afore declared. . . Le OR SEGRETES (1c, To make a carbuncle,and al other botches apoftumes and plague foores'to breake,a prefentremedye and yery eaſy to mage, tke Bapye Salte well beaten into poulder and pften, incorpozate tt wpth the pelke of an Cage, | and lape ft bppoen the carbuncle 02 (o2e, and be als fured that wyth the grace of God)it wyl daa we to it felfe all the bentm and poyſon of the plague oz ſoore, fo that in ſhorte tyms be tall bee cured: a. remedye oftentpmes proud, A very good remedy againft the markes.ofthe plage com- monlye called Goddes markes, CN Abe frethe and grene Rhaponticumsvhich is the 7 berbe and roote called the moze and greate Cen⸗ tszie:it is named of PlinpecagRuellius wepterb) eer” Khacoma,the rostes of the berbe called Sanguina- tia Dactilo n of ſomme Dens canis, af Digfcozines Corono pus that s to faye, crowes foote, Somme take it to bee Dane delion. The vootes of Kurmentpll,whyte Didanium , ofeche of thele an ounce, fampe all well, and putte it in a potte o2 byolle,wpth well, rpuer,o2 condupte water,at pour dyſcretion, rather te muche thaune to lpttle,.ontyll it paſſe balfea bandefali aboue the other thynges inthe potte o2 moze, thennelette it boyle wyth alptiecleare ‘and flampnge fper Withoute ſmoke, bntpll it bee dimt⸗ nyſhed of the thyrde parte, thanne frapne it oute foftes Ip, and it wylle bee of the coloure.of wyne, beepe ft in fomme beficil of glafe, and when neceffitie requiceth, pou may gpue the paciente a glaflefull of it inthe mo2- nynge, and as muche at npghte, twoohowers beefore ſupper, and it muſte bee berpe botte: thenne coner hym welle in bis bedde, and make bpm ſweate. WMhan the matkes comme faorthe, be fhall become Ipke a Aazar 92 igapour, and fhall bee ſhortely cured. Againft the mortalitie of rhe peftilence,a very pers fitremedie, “at — i Hake ” THE EYRST BOKE Ake Gentian, Seduaria, tootes of Larmentilie, of eche of theym twoo ounces,redde Sandale, whpte and recent DiGanium,bartes hoꝛne burned, white pearles, Bole armenick, roun de Ariftolochia, ofeche of theym an vnee, Campher balfe an ounce, wohyte Suger twos aunces of all theſe thinges well heaten to powder pou ſhall take at euery tyme ã dr agme, wyth three oun ces of endiue water, 02 ſoꝛell water, myxe the Water and , the poulder wyth the byggeneſſe of a Malnutte of fone Tryacle. Poumufl mintifre this medecine before the fickeneffe bathe contynued wpth the perfon twelue hows tes,fo2 (tis than ſurer. It in cafe after the tweluehoures it worke not ſo Well ar pou Woulde haue it, yet muſt pou baue a geod hope. And tf the patiente be pet intheage of infancpe,you (gall geue bpm balfe a dꝛagme of ft, wyth a lyke quantitpe of Tryacle. The Cape drinke ts not fas lwsle 02 laxatyue, nor canleth no griefe to hym, but anes lpe kylleth the poyſon. $f any man bad dronken 02 eaten anye poplon,th ps is aberpe goon mesecpne for hym;: it is alfo good — a hote feuer oↄꝛ ague. Note aifo,that : yfit be poſſxbſe the patient muſte be ſette blende beefore be take the fapde medecyne: yt not, lette t bee done afters iwarde,that is to ſaye, en the fame ſpde that be fealech the grieke. To make litle rounde apples or balles agaynfte the plage. ped Ahe Laudanum halfe an vnce Storax calamita att Ay Vice, Diambre diamufci, ofeche ofthepm balfe. a “os” page, Campher twoo grapnes, Cloues fpftene graynes. Hutmegges, Dacre, of eche of theym bhalfe an epabtepatte, damaſkyne Mole a ſcrupule Synamom. balfeabdzagime, Spicknarde fpftene.graynes, Mul ke, Cetiet.ofeche oltheym eyghte grapnes, fyne Upolettes, halle a dragme li gnum aloes, feure graynes; Calami aro· marici the bigneſſe of a Beane, kine Amber foure graines Myrre the bygneſſe of Beane. Stampe firſtethe Lauda num, wyth a hote peſtell, then ſtampe well. the Storax ca- arriit2 QPOSECRETE SCT a jamirita, and all. the ather thynges eche one bp it feltes and than mpreall together, and ſtampe it ſtyll wyth a hote peſtell, addynge to {tat euery tyme Storax liquida, and Koſe water, vñtylle all the ſayed thynges bee welle incorpoꝛated: and than make poure rounde apples 97 bailes, —J—— Anoyntment to kyllthe plague. Ake Soape makers water, and bople it vntpllit ware 02 become. as it were an oputement, thanne ’ take of the woodde of iwyllotwe,o2 Beeche, and bourne it: after quenche the coales in binapger, and drye theim in the ſhaddowe, tn luche ſorte that a manne maye ttampe sno (pfte theim. Lake alſo quycke lyme at poure diſcretion, and myngle it with the ſayde Soape water: thenne take the fame powder bntpll pou haue pe noughe, andbalfe an ounce of freſſhe and fweete Hoge ges greale or ſeyme: mpre all togptier, after this done, take of lpttell greene woormes hpupnge with a glolle ipbeqolte, bredde in the toppe of Althes of Dipues, cals lea ttt Latyne Cantharidæ, 02 Cantharides, halfe a dpagmes, Beate thepm into powder and mpre them togyther with the reffe. makpnge an oyntemente ſommewhat harbde ¢ leaue ft Coin ſomme veſſell Welle clofed and Popped, and ged aryſe anpe ople vppon it, take it of fapze an’ 9 fe Do C ; ; Avery perfyte oyle agayatt the plazuc, and all poy{on. "ES the fpace ef an beure, and fo2 euery pounde of the = fapd ople, put in fifty (corpions,o2 as many as pou tan gette, put all this tua potte, vncouered, the whyche potte pou (all (ette in a Kettle 02 catvdzon of boplpnge Water , vntpll the thyrde parte of the sple oꝛ ſom ewhat leffe be conſumed. Thenne take out the Scorpions, and powꝛe the ople thozowea canueſſe into an ether potte 52 Hpollwelle fopped, whiche pou Walllettein the Sonne the (pace of two 02 thze —— pt it be not in Some f4. mer 1 Ake ople of the eldelt pou can fpnde, and bople ft THE FY RST BOKG mer, fette it vpon hot aſhes, bp the {pace of th2e o2foure dates. Wutbefoze pou ſet tt inthe Dunne, or to the fp2e, as is abouefapbe, pou Mall put te it thele thynges folo⸗ wynge, Khubarbe two ounces, Unicornes boone twoo ounces, Triacle an ounce, Aqua dite theee vnces: aud when any man keeleth hymſelle inſected with the plage, orꝛ any poyſon, let bpm bee annoynted with the ſayd oyle aboute the hearte, ana all the pulſes: and you Mall (ee a myzaculous thynge. A Meruaylous fecrete for to preſerue a man from the plagne: and hath been proued in Englande of ali the Phyfitions, in that greatand vehement plaguesin the yeare.1348.vvhiche crepte thorough all the vvorlde, andthere vvas neuer man that vſed this fecrete, but he vvas preferued from the plague. Ake Aloe epaticum,o2,Cicstrine, fine Spnamom | ana wyparbe, of eche of them thee dragmes, Clo- : ics; Mace, lignum aloe, Palticke, Woſe armenick ef-eche of them balfe a dpagme. ILet ali tyete thpnges be well Famped m acleane mozter, then myngle thetm to⸗ gptber, and after keepe theym in fome clofe veſſelle, and take of it cucrp mozgnpnge twoo penny weighte, in balfe a glaffefull of whpte wyne, With a lyttell water, and sinke it in the mornynge at the dawnynge of the daye. nd ſo maye pou (bp the grace of God) goe Hardelp inte alhinfedion of the apze and plague. A very fure and perfect remedy to curea man of the peftilence, and fomme there hathe bene, that haue ben cured ina night:the fayd remedy.is alſo good for goddes markes, carbuncles, boyles, or otches,and fuche lyke fycBneffes, as fainte An- thonies.fycr,and ſuche other. Ake the teede o2 bearies of pup; that groweth on OF, tees o2 alles, and notof that whyche ts founde "em lowe bp the grounde, and pou muſte gather the “4 ated layde bearies very rype, and towarde the Mozthe,: pF ft bee polfible, pf not, take theym as pou mape gette them, although thep bee tot berpe rype: Bape thems in the fae bowe, and kepe theim in a bore of woode, as a pꝛecious chynge. And it anye bee infected with the peſtilencc, take of the fapoe ‘herbes , and beate theym te poulder ina ‘cleane mopter, and gyue the pactent of the layd poulver, in halfe a glaſſefull of whttelupne; as much as a manne may laye Dppott a groate o2 moze: thanne couer bpm in his bed, and make bpm ſweate well, This done; change his chirte, heetes, and the other couerpnges of bis bed, if it may bees pf not, lette hym at the leate chaunge bis ‘pate ‘and Heetes. Somme haupnge taken. of the ſayd poulder ouer nyghte, founde thepm felucs in the mor⸗ npnge fo well, chat they rele bp, cloathes theym lelues, and walked abonte the howſe: and fpnallp thoroughly cited. Iſawe a Mylanoys, the peare.1523. in Aleppe, that babde the plaghe, and one foze vnder the thygh, and annother bnder the lefte arm; and baupnge taken of ' the fapde poulder inthe mornynge, and agapne at nyght ‘folowwpnge, be founde thatthe two fapde foares , baabe of theym ſelues, by the bertue of thts fo ercellente antes Diciie, fente by the qreate clemencpe Gf God the Lode almpabtpe. delbercfe2e Jwoulde counfayle that in all townes where amanne may haue the commiotvitieto do ff, te haue plantes ant fettes cf pupe, bee tt within the folwne o7 withoute, to the ende to bee alwayes prouy⸗ ded and furnpihed of the ſayde bearies, whyche mente may gather euery peate, and keepe dyligentelye forte ape them ſelues in all accidentes and chances that map happen and fall. eer _ Avety goodly and prefent remedye for to keale the petti lence, in dfavvynge out the yenym from the botehe or fore or otherlyge accident. Ake aquicke Penne, and placke the fethers from | bevarfe, and freme the place there at the lapeth ber Cages , andfetteber fo , that the {apne place mape bee bppon the griete, and a emap 8s it: ‘pte | 3 $500 . THE BYRST BOKE ſytte bponthe botche or foze, oꝛ the place of the plague, and holde ber fo a good whple. Zhen. pou hall {ee that thefapde Penne wylle haue drawen all (02 at the leaſte fomesof the poyſon and infection, and that Hogtely after fhe wyll dpe. It hall bee goed te dove this with twose2 — thece oz moe Hennes, (mmediately one after another, the whpcbe wyll drawe all the venome oute of the ſore. This doone, annoynt the place with good ALriacie, and lette not in the meane tyme to ble other renredies ‘by the nrouthe, whereof we bane ſpoken bere befoze, that is to fap, the Puye o2 Waye bearies; 02 ſome other vemedye, that you fpnde moſte ready, If the foze bee: ſo harde that it wyll notbzeake, poumtape ble the fareſayde remedies tomake it breake, to theintentthatal the benome maye come out, and bopas frome the bearte, An Adnertifement and vvarnyng of great importance - to prefernea mans ſelfe in tyme of peftilence, — Ecauſe the euyl humours that be in —1 mannes bodp, do eaſyly recepue the B7\ wey gee \\ cozruption and infection of the apze.. itis good to kepe the ftomacke, and Wp obs. the bead cleane purged, not to ouer⸗ Vai) jeca lade tt with eatpng and drinkynge, ’ A ay but to abliepne trom grolle meates, mesmo to purge hym ſelle as ofte: as ts pol fible, with fome-gentle and familiar purgation,as Cafsia files; asthe pilles of Maſtike, of Aloe, o2 of other ſuche phe thynges, and aboue all, te ble often of the lpes of - lopne, called Tartre, whpche pou mule beate welle in poulder, and ſtiepe it with hotte water, and than ſtraine it oꝛ decane tt fayre andfoftelp cute: Afterwarde drye it thozoughlp; as menne doo white lalt, then bepethe fame poulder, and put thee duces of it with apeand of ſugre rofet, and in the mornynge takes good fponefull therot bntill there be an vnce 02 moꝛe, and do this frome dap te Bap, fo2 it wyll kepe pour-boope.cleane,and putged; and. hethat can not doo it with Suger roſet, let gpm — — 2 — bt ‘ Ne UA ——— * OR SECRETES. 43, liefe famped, and Miepe o2 walſhe (tin the beoatbe of flefihe 02 sf coalewoetes, ſturrynge it vntyll all bee lens fed.and bndoone that map be leufed, then lette it ſtande a {wbple, and after poure foftelp the brꝛoathe inte a dyſhe: cate away the ſubſtaunces that goto the bottome, ana drynke the baoathe : deo this euery daye at the boures of pour meales, or at the leaſt euery fecandeday, 02 Whar you Wall thpnke good. It Mall bee good alle to eate tn pour pottage, thynges that pourge the bloutde, as Bu⸗ glalle, Borage, Suckory, Wettule, and ſuche lyke: and aboue all not to keepe poute ſtomacke ouercharged,noz to emptie: and in the mornynge betyme, to take ſomme of the foꝛeſayde pꝛeſeruatiues, as the poulder that was experimented tn Englande (as we bane recited) 92 (uche other Ipke, Chan two o2 theee howers befoze · dynner to take Commie of the fapde other preſeruatiues, as the Hus with a kygge, and wyth the Walnut, whych is a thyng berp good, 02 fomme ef the (apde confedions,'o2a piece of the pylleaf.a Cytron confide, 02 a ſpoonetull of the fupce of Citrons d2efled as we wyll declave hereafter, ana te bfe of (tat meales tn manner of a faluce, and af ter meales to ofe of the leedeof Citrons conficte in Sue gar, as they make the Coriander, and Almondes, why⸗ cheisa thpnae verye good agaynſte all manner of bes nonte and poplon, And lykewyſe at pour meales to eate the whpre and infpoe of a Cytron with a lpttell Sager pf pou wyil, aud to eate it with flelthe o2 bꝛe ade (as men cate Aymons in the mornynge, at noone, and at nyght whenne pou goto bedde. Ft ihoulve be alfa berp ganda bathe and waſſhe poure handes, pout temples, poute . poulfes, and your noſe with Aynayger rofet, oꝛ with o⸗ cher, wherebnes pou muſte puta lyttell Campher⸗ rofe water, Lignum Aloes, Xilobaifamum,ifpou can get it if not, a lpttell Synamom in ſtede of it. It is good alivaps tokepe ſuche manner of Vinaiger beſyde poutn fomine byoll, fo2 co ble of it whan tyme thal require: tor it 18 a berp good pzeſeruetiue: and pl pou cali net haue the bt neiger compounde, as is ſayde, bie Uyneyger of com⸗ mon wyne. Alfa it Mall bee good to carp about pou {ome THE (PVRS T ee ROKE parfume,o2 good odoure,cither in poure glouce,Gurte, handbercher,cappe, bearde o2 to hange tt aboute poure necke, 02 otherivple, Bcute Houle cughte to be kepte as cleane and ag neteas is potible, not lauoringe of pris 1192 other ordure, ye ought to kepe tt hat, wachynge of: ten the quitters and papupes. Be muſte allo bepe as fewe foule ana ſtynckyng clothes in pour boule as is poſſible. Miche men ought oftentymes toa parfume thep2 houſes wyth ſome notable parfume,wherof we wyil putin the bootze foleivpiig a good nombre. Poo2e men map make proutfion of leaues, and cf the woode ofa Baye tree, of Mole arp, fenepar,Cpp2es,and to ble tt as often as thep map, burnpuge itin the mpddes of thep2 chamber, 02 boufe,and papncppallp at night and inthe moznynge, Ipkeirple of Drenge and lemmion pilics, or2other ſwete ſmellynge thpnges.Scorax calamira,snd Labdanum bee good chepe and are very qocdfo2 thts putpole. As cons cernptige the Cplpalition of courage and minde,pe mutts conttder that ſorowe, ſadneſſe, oↄ melancolie, cozrupte the bloude and other humours, weaken the herte, and depraue EHurte nature, therfore ought aman to auopde them as much as ts pollible, Alloif ã man bee to merrpe G2 locounde, it dplatethe, an’ enlargeche the poares and paſſages of the feede of man ana the barte,fo that he ts the moe enciined to recetue the. cupll aper,and benim, whyche ave thinges,that penetrate an’ pearce ſore. Aifo a man muſt beware of dzinkinge tomuche wine, fo2 tt taketh mertp and cheretha mau outef meafure, Pow becauſe that intpme of a peſtilence euery man is afrato fo that he thinkeththata man can net etch the dtfeale, in being to merry (onles (tbe ſothat be be dronke as is fapd)but contrarpe in beinge to ſadde 92 ſorowfull fez fo20w ¢ fadnefle come of them ſetues, not fought after, Ebherfoze tt is good toble temperance, and moderatis, Wwalkinge and recreating hym lelfe honeſtiy, not bling to muche carnall companye o2 copulatyon. Gnd aboue all, aman muſte baue alwapes a (ure bape and confrs dence in God, euer to bee readpeand dyſpoſed to ope, vhen OF SECRETES, 44 whenne it Hall pleafe bym to call be, not eſte mynge fo muche this mundaine ltfe, 02 fearinge fo muche death, whyche ts none otber thynge thanne an iſſue 02 bepare tinge cute of this life full of calamities, and an entring — ay eternal lite repleniſhed wyth all fope, folace, and pſeaſure. To dreſſe and order the Iuyce of Cytrons ,for to vie-of it as is afore fayde. Cw Ake the tupce of Citronsas muche as pot wl, <3} and putitin apanne leaded wythin thanne adde Cit it twoo vnces of ſkimmed Honnye fo2 euerpe pounde of the ſayed Juyce, a lytie Sugre after . your diſcretion, a litle Synamom in pouloer, et thps bepleaberte litle whyle together, and thanne keepe it and take of it befoze poure meale, and at peure mecles in ſteede of fauce, whicheisaberve good remedye as. iwell foztopeelerue a man agaynt the infectan of the ayze, ag to deiue it awape alter be infeded topth ft, Fes alfo a berp good medicine fa2 fa take as ſoone as 4 man bonbteth te haue receyued ſome poploninte big booye, ¶ Lhe ende of the yrtte booke. — THE Seeretes of the reuerende Matter. Alexisof Piemont. THE SECONDE BOK*. To make oyle ymperiall to parfume the heare or beardeof a man, to rubbe his handes ‘or gloues vvith, and to put alfo intothe lye or tater yvherin princes or great mens - ¢loathesbee yvafhed,and this oyle maye aman make yvith colt ynough, and alfo vvith lytle charge and expence. = my. blij. ounces, the whyche alfo pou % Geets Wall cutte berpe-fmalle, and puttein a MEDS Higlle 02 glaile, with twoo pounve of Role water , too pounde of Ople of Damatlke Ro⸗ les, (pre Cloaues lyghtely or ſclenderlye beaten, balle aquarter of an ounce of fyne Spnamonm , thenne har upnge Well ſtopte the fayde deflelle with a lpttell ware, you (hall wrappe tt in ſomme lynnen clothe, and ſo laye it onder botte dunge, leauyng it there the ſpace of eyght dayes. Thanne alter pe {hall powze it into a veſſell leas Ded Within , maspnge ft ſeethe with a ſwalle fyre by the {pace of thee boures, and thenne takynge ft of, lette. - ft coole. Thps boone, pou Hal gather, and take v p with a golden or ſyluer fpoone, 02 with ſomme pleceof glafle,. all the ople that fhall ſwymmes aboue, ane hauynge put gnto the fame as mache Wulke and Cpuette as pou. wylle, pou muſte keeps (tin famine vyoll and ſette it ſo in the Sunne certayne dayes, hauynge fyrſte well Lope ped the fapde dpolle with ware any parchemente. Chen Mall pou haue a-peectous lpquo2 to fineile Dato, and te comfoztthe bꝛayñne, to withſtande the corruption. of the apze,anptherfoze herp good in tyne of petttience, OL, OF SEGRETES —~ 4 Andthe Ambze,Styrax, and other thynges that remapne in the bottome of the ſayde bellell,that pou bopled all in, wylle bee ercenpnge good to make mulbe o2 ſweete balles, tolape amonge clothes o2 lpnnen, tocarpe fa mennes handes, to make beades of ,. 02 to burne in a chaimb2e in feede of parfume, Pow be that would make the layde o yle wpthlefle cofte, mape make it wythoute Mulke,02 Ambregr iſe, o2 elles put leſſe init thenne we bane ſpoken. To mae oyle of Ben vvith {mal charge,the rvhich of it felf vvyll be odorferous or ſyvecte in fauoure,and verye excel- lente, vvhereof. parfumours do vſe aptly forto parfume glo- ues ovotherthynges vvithall. at whyche oute moderne and late parti * Jmours too call Ben are lptle nuttes which es the latyn men te call Nux vnguentatia, the i | Orekes Balanos Myrep{ca 93 Myrobalanos betes OND the Arabians Ben, OF thefe litle nuttes - 48 take atrople a8 of ſwete Almondes and other like thin ges, Motwe,this Ben bath two popertics, whpche ave of qreat (mpoztaunce,and neceſſary foz them that wyl pat fume, ihe one is that it hathe tn it telfe no odoure 02 fas uoureatall, wherefoze it chaungeth not,no2 dymynyſ⸗ Moeth the ſauour of the Hulke,o2 Amb2e, which tt would poo, fit bad anpe particuler odoure. Lhe otberts,that it tg ofalongecontpnuaunce, and co2zrupteth nét,o2 bee: -gontneth almoff neuer moulop 02 putrifped,as all other opyles daeoe in ſhorte ſpace. Lhe parfumerstempec the -Mulke,and the Ambre ostinarelp with thir aple, whan -thep wpl parfume glaues,o2 make other mprtions : but there ig one tnconuenpence, andthatis, thattbelapve ponlocrs tempered wyth the fapde ople, and tedacte tute patte are not fo pearcinge, nor doth the faueur contpnue {9 longe,as pf thep were moze penctratpue o2 pearcpng, Gaberfoze yf pou wyl mabe the ſapde compolitpan pere ofecter,tabe the fapd lpttle nuttes of Ben and whanne pou haue made thepm cleane, oeake thepm tn fowrze pieces, and lapthent vpon a cleane and fpne fiene 92 farce: hl ake THE SECONDEBOKE tke Mufke, Amber,and Ciuet as muche as pe wyll, in a bellcll fucbeas parfumours ble, and put to ft. fit.o2 titi. droppes of fapze Water: after this,tempze tt wpth a ipttle rofe water , vntyll tt bee Ipke tender and ſofte paffesthanne fette the veſſell fo2 to parfume and ſmoke bppon the fyre, lyke as.menne parfume chambers : and fee that all thefume and ſmoke be receyued thezowe the fapde nuttes. Thys dooen , pou thail take oute of ft the ople whyche wylle bee berpe erceliente,as welle te ble alone bp tt felfe, ag to parfume gloues, and al other thynges. Tomake an odoriferous and fyveete evater verye good, oe Ake tlueluc pounde of Damafke, Wale water, as E uander water, Clours, Spnamom, ofeche of S them a dzagme, Dace.great Cardamomum, Muſke Amber,of eche of theym halfe a ſcrupule, dꝛye P piles of Citrens,Sandalum citrinum,|reos of ech of them half a. dragme, Bengewin, Srorax calamita,ofeche a ſcrupule, ano of all thys make a compofition,the whiche pou hall putin a veſſel of glaſſe welle ſtopped/ leauynge it {o by the {pace of fpftene daves, Afterwarne let it bee dpititlen in the Ba'nco Maric, the maner wherof ts defcribed in the firfe booke,and the water that (hall iſtue oute of it, putte ina Byolle welle Topte inthe Sunne the (pace of fpftene bayes,and thanne Hall you bane a water of gveate excele iencie, The (econde odoriferous vvatet. Fae the leaucs of Dawiatke roles the fref}e icaues of Oplleflotwzes of eche of themapounde, the fles wres of rofemarp,the flowees of Lauander:the fla wres of Jaſemyn, Malszam, Sauourye, Serppne, o2 Serpille called wyloe Lpme.o2 running Time whiche groweth on olve walles, oucr Welles and pondes: and tn fome places it ſmelleth liknetpmie, and in fome places ipketo Sauourpe,it is called in 2 atpne Serpyllus,o2 Sex pillum,in Frenche du Serpolet of theſe the biices, Of bap Citrongs OF SHORETES <°" ge Citron pilles an Dunce, After thys Spnamom, Benge⸗ win, Srorax.calamita of eche of them five dragmes Put Megges;Macaleb, oreche of theym a dragmẽ: but pou muſte ſtampe well the herbes, and bray the fppces welle, then put all together in an earthen potte leaded: and at⸗ fer it bath Fanve inthe Sunne, by the {pace of two dayes dyſtylle it in Balneo Maric, And te the water that iſſueth sute,pulte afcrupule of ſyne Mulbe,lettinge tt and af termardein a bpolle of glaſſe welle Mepped bythe {pace of twentye o2 thpatpe dapes. Thenne Hall pou baue anes table water, The thyrd fvvere vvater, © ee Dice fire pounde of Damaſke Kole watera glaſſe fullof Falmeſey, thaee ppunde Damal ke Koſe leaues freſhe and newe, Lauender flowpzes, the MAowzres of greene Spyke, of eche of theym foure ounces the flow2es of Cherfople o2 Cheruille, owes of 4a (ez mpne, the flo wres 02 blefunies of Dipuetrees, of eche of theym a poundeandabalfe, the dapefowes 02 bloſ⸗ fomes of Deenge trees three ounces, cf the dape pylles of Cptrons foweedagmes, cloues adzagme anda balfe, Spnamom, Storey calamita, Wengewpne, ef eche of them two (crupules, Nutmegges a (crupule, Let all the fated ſpices, fp bee well beaten tuto ponlder, andthen putte all together into a vyolle well ſtopte by the {pace of ten sales,tban after lette all bee bp plled fn Balneo ma- rie. And fo the water that commeth out,adde dulke,and amber,ofeche of thein a ſcrupule anda balfe, Vou muſt __ Repe tt in che Sanne and in ſome neate place, The fourth {yvere vvater. Cow Abe Clones tuelle beaten in poulder twoo dra⸗ § ‘gies, the poulder of Sandalum citrinum. and Ma | caleb, of eche of theym a ſcrupule, ten pounde ef CU pamatke role Water ,and the water of the herbe that the Italians call Solcanclla,fowze pounde, Laven: der THE EBYRST BOKE per water a pounds. Lette all thys be lefte togyther bp the (pace of folwze Bayes, and then put tt ina L pmbecke, and dpi plle it, vnto thps water that commeth of ft, lette thele [ppces folowing bee putte welle beaten te poulder, thatis to ape, Clones, Synamom, Benge wyne, Storax calamita, of eche of them balfe a daagme:and then againe dyſtyll it in Balneo Maric. Fynallye pou Hall putte to te Mulke,and Amber, tn all, balfe a ſcrupule, and lette the ie bee kept ina bpalie,a2 other veſſell of glaſſe walle opte, The f fre fyvete vvater. Ake folver pound of Damalke vale water:auen⸗ per water, Spyke water, ofeche efthepm theee ounces, the water of bloffomes of Lymens, 92 O⸗ renges, the tater of the bloſſomes of a Qypetel tre, bloſto mes of Jaſemyn of Maioram, ofeche of theym halfe a : pounde, Bengewyne, Storax calamita, of eche adage, wulke halfe afcrupule, Myngle welle all together and and keepe it in bpolles weile ſtopte fpre dayes. Zhen dps tplle it in Balnco Maric,and keepe the water in a veſſell of glafle, bp the ſpace of fpftene dayes inthe Sunne, and after warde reſerue tt fo2 to ſerue youre toaurne whenne you wyll occupye ft, The fyxte odoriferous vvater Ake frethe klowres of Roſemarye twoo pounde, Amber alcrupole, theee pounde af the flowzes of Drenges Lemons and Citrans,all confulelpe to gether, abpcbe the Frenche menne calle candenaphe, leaue all toge ther in ſomme veffelle welle Fopte tenne dayes. Thenne the water beynge dyſtylled fn Balnco Ma 1 it bee kepte in a vpolle of glaſſe terpe clafe and op ped. + The fewenth fvveete vvater. Ake of che forelapd water of Maphe,foure pound, Damafke rote water, twoo pounde, wyth palfea “ferupuleof Amber. Al hele thynges beynge weil myrea -OF SEGRBTESAut 4 sepredtegptbher 5. and putte in a byslle of glatle well. Fopte, leaue theym tn the Sunne by the {pace of ames neth, and thenne keepe cheym to occupte at poure plea: Sure... Hors J Abe fotze pounde of Damarke role water, wyth T ſyre vnces of Lauender water the flowees of Jaſe minthre pound, with halt a ſcrupule of fitte Puſk Keepe tell ail this together ina befell well fopt, by the © {pate of tenhe apes; and after spp! it in Balneo Maric, vntyll al bee caine outs, Then kepe itina bpolieof glaile ‘foz poate dfe whenne pou Matloccupte te; . and vou Hall . finde itamerpeplous water. Taecyghtodoriferdus.yvater, >. ——— | “ "Phenynthfvveere vvarer, Fre Was of eet T Ake the Pplies of Deenges,andof greene Ctersis, 4 sfeche of theym balfe an ounce, Clones a fcrupule 5 he flotwzes of Spyke newelpe gatheres{yreouncesvall thele thvnges multe bee myrte together.as afozets fapde Ap pth (pre pound .of Damalke role. water and afterchey haue Fanvecertapne dapes in fonsme conerd deflel, pou - mutte gyll hepm in Balnco Marie. And the water that: all come obit wil be benp ercellanter x) - cai. sa iraeistish (iS The tenth odduiferoms ¥ytireni 1214 920) sG7 HE Ake twoo pounde of the leaues of Dainalke 2ta- ies, Macaleb halfe a dzagme,. halfe a (crupule of - good Amber:and hauyng fp2t beaten tbat tobich ‘isneedefull;; ſette all Sppnn bate ymbeus’ two 0211 zee imapesibut befeze vou diſtylle it; vou muſt let it feepe en dayes, in ten pounde ofthe water of Damaſke roſes and ſo than diſtillit in BalneoiMarie.: dhe water of it muſte atterivarbe bee keyte in the Sunne · the tzace of-fpftene APES, .- io SS Sere Mee aptienn Oyle of Orengesvéryexcellenriiny tun ity Ake a pounds of ſweete Almondes well pilles,the ; OL sswets of Limons 02 Drenges, aſmuche as pou - SS Foil, the whhich pow Hall deuide tito —— yes partes; — “ct THE’ SECONDE BOKE ‘partes: ‘After tops pouſhall laye the thyrde parte Of the | — abzdave bppon a very whyte lynnen cloth tit 4 Tieue, Trowpiige alis abroade vppon thoſe flowers balfe of the fapde Aimondes, the wyyche pou fhall tas, uer wyth another thyrde parte of the ſayde flowzes. And thanne the reſte of the ſayde Almondes, the whyche pou fall cover fynallye wth the reff of paute lowres. “fo thatthe Almondes may —— the myddle of the flo wres in the ſayd ſieue, and fo leaue them together by the ſpace — rene wynge and chaungynge euerpbdape the fio wres, and thanne the Almondes. Chis bone, pou thatt beate the Almondes en morter aud Prelſe theym in a tapze tobpte bynnen cloth, n a pzegour, vntpllthore ide outa berpe cleare oyle, wherevnto pon fhail adde alpttle Ciuet, Mulke, and Bengewyne. After Warde leaue tt inthe lonne epabtedapes, in ſome dellell Well Koppep, Oy feof lafemin and of Violes. a 4 Sim i Vy avis . peo Ake ſweete Almondes wel pylled and brayed the flowers of Jaſemin, as much as pou wil and lay⸗ oo Rae enge them ranke vpon ranke; pou thal leaue chem ‘4H ſome moyit place ten Bayes togpther 03 wo ze,thanne ‘take them awapesand prefic cute the pple in a preſſoure: the bertue of the whyche sple leructh fo2 dpuers thinges In the lyke maner maye pou haue ople of Violettes,and other flowꝛees. ame Fe «4, pOyle ok Nut megges very-partyt. · Ake Nutniegges: of the beſte pou canfpnde,and accoð ynge to the quantitpecof the! ople that pou Stwpll hãuẽ: and hauynge cutte cheym in ſmall pie⸗ ‘tes;pon hall putte to cheim as much: Malmſey as » {ppl cour theym ouer in fome befell of glaſſe 92 other, leanpnige theym fo the (pace of thzee Bayes. Lhanne take thepm out and ſet theym to drye in fome cleane place, by the (pace of tons dayes. Finallye heate them at the ſyre, fp2nhipnge theym wyth role water: Than preſſe hep as is becfoze mentloned, in a pꝛeſſour,and pou wider aute of theym an ercellente oyle good foz manye thyn⸗ ges.tubyche mute bee kepte in ſomme cleane veſſel well pte. ) Oyleof Bengevvin very excellent. . Ake fire ounces of Wenge wyne, wel beaten inte pouldersthe whyche pou thal let diſſolue a tobole day tn oyle of Lartre,and Kole water, of echea pounde:and thanne witha clofe pipe pethall apes —5** haze adlimbecke, and fo kepeasathing mat erce | lS . a " rake BD ; * * oy @yleofStorax very.excellent. men Ip like maner is made opleofStorax.. Dake Bye Storax liquida, what quantitpe yon wylle, and putte it in Mole water two 02 thece dayes, ther 2 Std bplyile tt as the KRengewyne was in the mas — alee Bibs toda) Fypalic there iſſueth out water and then a berpercellent and.peectous ople... NOyle vf Myrrhke, good fot them that haue theit fleſh “(fall ofhumouré,and catraine leane, fot to make it tracta ; Ble, quicke;narurall,and ftronge. sae! + . a Ake Cages harde roſted, and cut thent in the mid “€5)' des, talie awaye the pélke,and fpll theym vp wyth “Meer SS pirhe beaten into poulder and put them in forme moft place, tober the ſayd Pyrrrhe may diſſolue into oile hyp little and lpttle. bps ople maketh not onelpe the face 02 sther partes of the bodpe fofte and trattable,but allo taketh awaye all Cycatrices and ſkarres.. be waner to make that oyles f Hall heuer yvaxe Me ‘ J . * mopidy,nerputrific. Pine ddvad vey —— ~~ Ake kor euery peunde of oxle twos graynes of falte, T: ane grapne of the liling of copper 02 braſſe, as much roche Alom as ſalt, and dople all the apa thynges a lytle together in Balnco marie thanne ſtraine (font, andtette it fande oyght dayes inthe Sonne. And — 02 {t, wylle ie apleas longeas you wyll, and teare net, tog “SETHE SECONDE BOKE uer dtmintche, putritve, nor coptapte =>: Cae Abe leis electe, what quantitte pou wyll, atid af der half a dpagqme,Ligni Aloc,g quarter of an vnce. Beate eche thpng by tt (elfe groſſely, ¢ than myngle them toges ther, and deuide them {nto.four partes, wherot one part inne befette vpon the kornace ina veſſel witgin the tiene icaupng it there tpll it be all confumed,t 89 ſo v ich al the filf, partes, vntil al the pouder of the (afd parfame be bur ned. Wut pou muſte tabe bede that the pan, oie or other veſſell, wherein the ſayde pouloers wall; be put foz to be bgent,be fer vnder the ſieue, wher pour poulver is, and that the ſieue be well couered, that nothynge bent ont, fo that che poulder inthe ſieue map vecetue all the ſayde parfume. Than after tabean biuce ofthe fapdepoutder, and intermire witht bp lptle ano litle, fire graynes of Cpuet, and. xrvi.graines of fine Muſke, wel beaten to⸗ gether inpoulver. Lhts pouloer mutt be kept in a diols o2 other veſſell of glaſſe berp cloſe, to thentent tt tale no bent, and muſte alfo be fet in adgle place. This is the mait ercellent poulder that pe mancan make, It is mee ale rug — Di a ie Oe oes TEPTHE SECOND BOKE. true that oute of Cppes and the eaſt partes men brynge to Veniſe certapne rounse bailes of a pelowe coloure, whiche they call Burri,ofan Ile npgh onto Candi,calles Butra,and faye that (tis Ore bunge taken vppe in Mapes and diners times (pzinkles and watred wyth rofe water thanne dried, and finallpe made into rounde balles, the whyche the parfumers ba bape, and withoute anp moze parfuminge theim ina ſieue, thep adde vnto it Benge⸗ lopne, Mulke,and Cyuette, moze or leſſe,accordynge as they wyll make it good. J segiie MN hite muſked Sape. ay ite, Dope (craped 02 grated, as much as you will Gy the whiche when ve ane well ſtieped and tempe⸗ 2 ren it roſe water leaue it eight dais in the funne: Than vdu hal abde to tt au ounte ot the water az mylue Pie epee? fette'itchzee dapesin the Sunne: ‘And atter bar uynge bell braped it,pou Hail diſſolue tt in a ve Mell teas ded wythin, with a pounde of qood Kole Water, lettynge it bople wyth a ſmail fire,than pou tall putte to it of the roote of ns,called Ircos beaten into poulder. tly, ounces Amylum, fire ounces, Whpte Sandile tive Ounces, Storax /jquida an ounce Dyle of Spike an sunce,and gurrynge itallipapes wyth a fpcke,pe hall afterwarde let it coole agayne And finallpe make balies of it euen as pou wyl. “To'make Damafkin Sopemu fked. = Ake.a pounde ofthe belt Sope pou can gette, and Gi after hauyng grated 02 faraped it berp imal, take fone Spnamoin, Putmeggee, Storax calamita, of eche " Tom Pe eet OP SECRETE si! mae eceh of them an bnee lignum Alocs tine dragmes, Benge wyue perfiteand thorowely made two buces, the pans der Of Clelettcs an vnce Hauynge beaten weile ta pauls - dev all thele fore ſaxde thpnges,pon thal adde vnto them & dzagme Of the poulder Of Cppeesa lpttie Mulkey and Ctuctithen ſtiepe ano temper tt in Role water, and after leaue it fourtpe dayes tn the Sunne,in maupng and fur rynge ttoftentpmes. Than make balles of it, 02 ipttle round loues, the which pou mutte kepe (bores of wooe tithcotton,wolleozbombale, | To get garthe Mil2edf Macaleb —7caule the vle ofthe mylke of Paca lieb hath bene put in many compoti: AG: 4 #, \ tons, we haue fapd, we wil teach / pouthe maner bowe to gecte tr our, wyhych thall be this, Lake the aca fe 2 leb, whiche ave litle foote and opoats ENE gS ferous grapnes (0 callen,the whych — ou Tall ampe ina mtozrer, topth Kole other {weete water, vntyll thep bee ipke a faute,and hauyng putte theim ina pobe of lyñnen cloth, you ſhalpreſte chemilke dut of theim in a pꝛeſſour oꝛ betwene two lytle botivoes, Then braye agayne wych the ſayde Water, that whpche wall remayne in the poke, and prele it a new, vutpli there (fue no moore mple. But bere J mutte aduert ple pou,that thys mylke contp⸗ nueth not aboue twwoo ore three dapes; therfore pou mutte immediatlye put it in effecte andeccupielt, Pould er or Cc yucr yery cK quify te. ag | ya faim Abe Sugre canvpeinbat quantttie pou iiffe, anv efi Putitina bꝛaſen moztersand after pou haue welle beaten it, adde te (tas muy che. Ciuette as pou wyli and mabe thereof poulder,the ibiche pou mutts kepe als wapes clote A priacipall pouldeg: fz %) sy; Olt ‘Cake. cya soKE Ake Damafkene Roles , Cypre Alerandeine,. a Sandalum citrinum, of eche of them an vnce, Iris | halfe an ounce, Ligaum Aloes, Calamus Aromaticus, Galanea, Bengewine, of eche of theym a grapne - and a quatter, pou fyall make of all thys a verie fpne poulder, and tncogpozate it well, keepynge it in abpoll well Topped;:: _ A yvhyte odoriferous vvater. ered Ake Iris electethzee vnces, white Sandal twos a?! tnces, Damafke voles, Lignum Aloes, Wenge⸗ wyn, Cpp2e alerandeine , of eche of thepm twoo bices , Bulke:foure grapnes, Ciuet thee grapnes, beatethepm a parte, and fifte theym: then mcorporate them together inthe fame braſen mogter, that pou dyd beate them in,and keepe the poulder of them in a violle well ſtopped. — Aredde poulder- Ake Damatke roſes two bnces,Sandalium citrinum: an Duce, Lignum Alocs,Cppze alexandrin, ot eche sf _ = thepnra grapne ann balfe.a quarter, Iris, balfe a grayne 02 moze, Cloues a (crupule, ipne utke thee grapnes,Civet too gtaines, Amber two grates, zap them and mixe them togerber, and fo bepe them. A blactte poulder. Ake Cypri Alexandrini,Lignum Aloes, of eche of then balfe an ounce, Sandali citrini, Damal be roſes labdaniterreni, of echelof them a quarter, Cloues a grayne, and 4 iptteile moje, ul ke thaee grapnes, Cpuettetwao qrapnes , beate them tn poulder and Kepe thepnit.. Poalderof Cypet very exquifite. - Ahea pounde of the molſe of an Dke, and walihe T it tellin tapre water, dntplle the water remapne cleave; thennelapelt abrode vpppon a in the / unne 5 es OF SHERETES, ee Dunne, butpilit be dryed: after, fpapnble ito weter ft, - with rofe tater ; and hauynge leftzit fo coucred fn a dyſhe oꝛ platter, pou Hall lape tt abrode agapne in a bes rpe hotte Sunne, when tt is dpe pnough to beate,beate ft in powlder , and ſykte tt fpnelp almoaſte all: Bou {hall {papnble 02 waterthis poulder, with ul be rofe water, and lape ft abzoade bppona greate farce toure ned dowuewarde, good and thycke, and ſommewhat courfe, Bruder the whyche farce, pou hall make a pars fume as folowethe, couerynge it with a cloathe, whys che is thus ; Bengewyne twoo grapes and: a quare ter, Labdani balfe a grapne and more, Storax calamita, twoo carrettes, Ligonmaloe ,balfea grape and moze, fyne Pul ke halke a grapne. Weate all thefe thynges groſſely, and after mpre thepm togyther, then put bp Apttell andl pttelltbe potwloer vnder the farce tn iomme potte ſharde, tupth alitiefper in it, and caffe it in as pou woulde dade Frankencenſe, ſtaiyng at euerye tyme, vn⸗ tyllthe fprf parte,fprit caſt in, bee conlumed. Howe, all the faped perfume beynge dooen, pf pou wylle make the Maped poulver berpe fpne and erquifite,bnto euerye vnce adde thele thpnges followynge, Bengewyne a carrette, Wulke foure grapnes, Cluct twoo graynes, beate thele -byptbepm felues Serpe ſmall and fpne,and myngle them Avith the tapde ounce of pouloer , fo that allmape bee well incorpozated together? thanne keepe tt welle, ſor tt {s notable and ſinguler. Another vvayeto make it perfyte. Knge: Ghe the recente andfrelihe dungue of att Ore and deie it in the Dunne, o2 in an Ds Juen, thenne beate tt, and {pfte it, tpapnkle fF tt welle after wyth Role water , and leas Pee Gee upngeftfoina beflelic, the {pace of a dape, — dyye ttagapne inthe Sunne. And inbenne itis dzpe, bathe it agapne with Mole water, and drye it agapne, and doo fo theee o2 foure cymes, Zhe las tpme pou (all water it o2 bath it fommetobat moze thenne the other tymes, bycaule it mape iene to the bottome * ili. th v THE SECOND BOKE the veſlell, whyche multe bee welle leaned wythin, and ‘perpecleane, afterthys pou ſhall remoucand ſturre it welle and perfume it wyth ſomme perfunte, that the o⸗ ther forelayde poulder was perfumed wyth. Thenne hauynge perfumed tt dyners tymes, pouſhall lette tt dope in the ſayde veſſell takpnge heede allo that it take nobente. And alter it is welle doped ſampe tt,’ and ſyfte tt a newe agapne,and thenne keepe it in ſomme bps olle:and pf pou wylle make tt verye ſyne, take att ounce of the fapde poulder;thzec grapes of fyne Dulke, foure graynes and a halke of Bengeboyne, twoo graynes of Tyuet, braye and incorporate all welle together, and keepe tt. | 4 “i +4 A fevcetea nd odorif. rous poulder ,yerye excel- lenttolayein cheftes and cefers, — Ake the buddes of Koſes as manye as you wyll, | and deyetheym in the chaddow: than Cet theym as broade whanthe ſonne ts moſte hoteſt in a cleane veſſell, puttynge to theym ſuche a quantitye of Role Water as will bearethem vp, and ſturrynge theym welle leaue thepm tn the Sunne couered wyth a lynnen cloth vntyll it bee hote. And whan they be drye and haue deonke bp all the roſe water, take foz euerpe pounde of Roles, ten graynes of Multze, and a quarter of fyne vyo⸗ “‘lettes besten {mall inte poulder, in puttynge te them by litle andlitle of the fapde poulder,and mpringe Welle ale together, vntyll they begynne to bee incorporated: but beefoze pou putte inthe faive poulder,ozeane and powe oute the water ofthe ſayd beſſell, that there remayne not a droppe in the bottomte, Thys done, lape the fapd roles abroade itt a baſen of copper,o2 ef bate, whiche is bere fev, atid let the fapoe. baſyn be platne and even, not tine boſſed, and fer them in the Sunnie when tt hyneth moite _ hotell couerpuge theym duer, fo that nenerthelefe hep may d2te,than wake a ponloer of thent,and keene ft. ~ And pl you wyl geue a ſwete odour or fauour bute your garmentes, take the ſayd Moles fe depen before pou beat them in poulder, and pat thetm in Come lptle linen bag berp OF SECRETES, ye bery fine, the whyche pon maye laye tn poure coters,o2 where pour apparell lpcth, An odotferous and fyvete pouder. —Abke the buddes of redde Koſes and biate them in a>] amozter, as thoughe pou woulde haue the iuyce _” gut of them,than fette them in a hote Sunne,fp2in klynge thepm wpth Kole water,and fo water theim and Dope cheym agayneoftent ymes, and thanne make theim a poulder, thevbpcbe.pou al. parfume wyth the poul dev of Cypze, as the other atozelapoe,. andkeepeit ins byolle. +. oD ⸗ Oyle of Bengevvyne. omy Ake Bengebyne as muchas pou wyll, and lape.tt By Dnder a dungebillin a diolle 02 glatie weil ſtopped (co that it take no bente) bp the fpace of fpftene a2 twentpe apes: Then ſtrayne it, and keepe it in a vyolle; £2 it isa ſinguler and deintie oyle. ft 3 | Avery goodandodoriferous pouder} to carry about ("31d man Of te lay in offers; E2340 ® SOC EB eENG F Ane fourteneiouttces ohroſes newely depen, yn⸗ sees geue an odour vnto all rhyngeꝛ 2 1 May Bh are Ake Storax one part; Labdan’ one:parte 5 cloues ©,tf, ~~ Apatucelp THE SECOND BOKE ! A princely lyquour, Ake Mulke, Ambergrife, Ciuet, of eche okthem AP foure grapes, beap all togyther, aud tncozpozate “ee it tuith alptle of ſwete almondas, and make ther: of alpkeur, whyche pou ſhall kepe in a veſſell of yvuorr tell ffopped, and ble sf it as pou ble Ciuette. Liquide and fofte fope of Naples. Ake fronge ipe, with two partes of the althes of T—— of the tree called in latyn Cerrus which: : ‘ig a kynd of tre like to poplar, hauyng a freight: long? item bearinge a kinde of matte, rougbe withoute ipke a cheſtyn, and one patte of quycke lpme, and make. it ſo ſtronge that it map beare a news layde egge ſwim⸗ mynge betwene two waters. Take eyghte potfulles of this ſye very hotte, Apottullof deeres greaſe oꝛ ſuet wel ffrained cleane, myngle them and ſette them on the fy2e, butfee that they ſeethe not. Putte all ina great veſfelle leaded within hauynge a large botteme, leaupnge tt in. Sommer in the Sunne and ſtyrrynge tt foureo2 fyue tymes a daye with a ſtycke, and note that ye muſte ſet it in the daye tyme in thefunne, and the nyght tyme in the. avrze abreoade, fo that tt rapnenot; contyñuinge thus the: + {pace of cight dayes. Let it waxe as fpameand as harde as pou wpll,fo that tt remain neuertheleſſe it the forme. ef paſt, and the older it is,the better it wyll bee. Zhan af: terwarde take of this mafle 02 paſt, as much as pou wyll and put it in a befell beaded, parpnge tt well web a. ſtycke, and addeto thelameas muche fynewpulkte Kole. Water as pou wyll: kepe it eyght dapes in the Sunne, ſtyrringe it from tyme totpme,as ts aforeſayde: and it it waxe to harde, put Kole water to it, in ſuche quantytye that tt benepthertobarde nog to ſoſft, and fill. as manys: ditle boyes wythall, as pon wril,: To mage the fay defope mufked. J Abe fine Pulke as muche as pou lyfe, beate ft weil lita beaten moter, puttyng to {tole water ſome⸗ what vhat warme, and hauynge mired theim welle together, (ut them in the veſſell where poure Sope is, mynglynge heym welle together, and let theym ſtande a whyle, and than fill litle bores with it at pour pleaſure. A very excellent pafte and {vvete,madevvith Mufgk vrhich’caten eauſcth a fyvete breath. * Ake Gomme dragante ſtieped and tempered in Role water, vntillit be loft and whyte, make there of as it were paſt, and take of it the bignes of a ba fel nut, bray ft in a bꝛaſen mozter, puttinge to tt alpttie poulder of coed Sugre, and balfe a gratne of fine Muſk, feped and tempercd fn Kole Water, mire all Welle toges ther. And il you wyll bane tt better,puttett moze Muſke ‘and Sugre, and than as muche Pace beaten in poulder as will ſye vpon a pennpe, and mire it againe well toges ther, than put to (ta little of the meale 02 flower of Amy- lam beaten into poulder ; but it were better to putte in redde Sandal, wel beoken {fonder indifferenteipe, and fo put itin bp litie and lptle,foamucbe that a manne map. snake of tt conueniente pafte, the whyche pou thall cutte ‘after pour fantalpe, and drye tt inthe Hadvawe. And pf pow wylle baue it of diuers coloures, adde to it ſuche co⸗ loures Welle grounde as pou-pleale. Pꝛouided that t hey be coloures, wherein there is no poyſon oꝛ daungerspow: may alſo gylte oꝛ couer boyth ſyluer the ſayde pieces , as: men doo confitures, and chey wyll be berye good and of the bell makinge. , | Another very excellent. Ake Gomme Arabike fpue ounces, fpne Sugre, © tome ounces, Amylum thee ounces, and eche ounce of thele fazefapde thpuges tenne graynes of fpne Malkewhpchelwplle mounte inthe wholeto a: hundred and twentye grapnes, and thanne it wylle bee rfit. ——— He Dentifrices or rubbers for the teeth of great perfection, fer - somalte them cleanes: ere "THE SECOND BOKE weed Ake poulder of redde Cozall. tiff. bnees, of the Ehardes of Gallepe puttes two vnces , of cuttle bone an once, a Pumeple fone an Ynez 5. clo⸗ — Synamom, and Paiticke ofeche of them a dzagme, Perles ſtamped halte an nee, Dragons blud an vnce, tyne Dutke. tit, grapnes , Fampe well the whole ana (yft it thorow alarce, than. mengle ft well togetber and incorpszate it wyth Gomme dzagant tempered and ſtye⸗ ped in Kole water, make all into dowe 02 paaſte, and make thereof thynges to rubbe pour teeth with, to make them whyte, wherewith pou thall not onely make cheim very fap2e, but allo preſerue them frontputrifadion. - -Oyle of Bengevvya. REEVE Ake a pound of Bengewyn well beaten tn poulder,and put it inte fome fhozt and wide fe) beficil, (6 that pou map put in pourefande, 7a than put to it two pound of Role watersand. Oyleof Storax ca'amita. ake OF SHCRETES, gee T ke Storax calamita,as much as pou tpl, with ſuch _ oh agquantitie of Kole tog*gr as plealeth pou, and putte dnalarge potte, not clofpuge the tapnctes 03 (des, but ‘let the Limbecke bee a ipttle at one ſyde, to the intente tt may take apie, and alter not the fp2e, but keepe it acco dynge as pou Mall fee hall bee needefull. And when the oyle commeth, chaunge the recipient; and then make a greatter fpze, and recepue the ople, and keepe it, foz ft is Alingular and depntic thpuge, To make oyle of Labdanum. | With itas pou dpdde With the Bengewyn: Wut pe poulwplte baue tt: atherivpfe , pou mape take as muche as pou wyllof tf; aun hauyng beoken tt in fmall pieces; putte it weete into a beffelle of beatle, puttynge to ft a pounde of Roſe water, and balfe a pounde of theople of {tweets Almondes , coucr welle the beflelle wyth bps couer, and ſtoppe it with lynnen clotwtes * plapfered ouer with clape 92 other mattier , ſettynge it ſo to dape: thanne afterinarve fette tt vppon a lpttell fpet that it maye bople fayre and foftelp twoo 02 thzee bawers. Thys done, pou Hall take tt frome the fp2e 5 and lette it coole beefoze pou vnconer it, thanne take ft quyckelye oute, and putteitina vyolle. Aud (to the end to prelerue tt the better) putte to te ae Roche Alom bourned, or elles a lyttell Ambergryſe. And when pou wypll putte ttinthe vyolle, pou mũſte putte (tin as clere as is poſſyble. Tin fyne Labdanum, and mundifye it well, and dos Oyle of Nutmegges... : : Ake tobat quantitie of Hutmegges you wyll, the 1 whyche welle broken to pieces in a morter, pou A lhall putte it in a large 03 wyde veſſelle, powryng ‘bp pon theim a lyttle Aqua bite; ſo chat the Nutmegges mapye be thozougbipe wette. Let them ſtande ſo two or chze daxes, in ſtyzringe them ſometyme, and — them "HMMPTIE SECOND BOKE = theym vbppeſyde downe, and fee thatthe fapde veſſell bee welle fopped,thenne adde tait as muche Kole water as wylle bee absue the Putmegges, twoo o2 theee ſyngers bpabe,and coner thetm wyth the Lymbecke, cloſynge tt well, Difpll theym at the fire wyth a (mall fpze,ontpit alltbe water be come oute:than chaunge the recippent, and augnient theifpze,fo muche, tyll you caule the ople to apitpile out, and whan pou fee that allfs almoth come fozoth,'make poure fpze berpe greate, and kepe the ſayde ople in a violle. Anrother maner. Akea pounde of Putinegges, the whyche beynge well brokenin ———— muſfe put ina newe veſ⸗ lell of earth tell leaded wythin, than powre vppon theym Dalmlep.oz ſome other wyne, vntplll they ve all couered, and that the wyne bee aboue the Nuttes twoo ſyngers bygh: After thys pou ſhall putte to it at che leaſt twoo poundesffrethe butter, aud myngle all together, . fapppnge 02 coucrpnge welle the befell, and leaue tt in the beate of the Sunne in ſomme panne,o2 in ſome other Hote place, by the (pace of faure oꝛ fpuedapes, than batle -{tb20n the hote coles with a ſmalle fyre, vntyil the wpne be confumed, than powre it thozowe a newe courſe lpn: nen cloth befoze it be cooled. Thys doen, ſet the ople cere tayne dapes in the Sanne, inabpolle of glale, vntpll the thycke ſubſtaunce be defcended to the bottome : Fi⸗ nallye potoze it ſo agapne thozougbe a newe courle pry nen cloathe ,.and putte it in an nother bpolle , and ſo keepe it. Avery exquifyte fope made of dyuersthynges. Ake Aluminis carini, theeebnees.quicke lyme one part frong lye that tpl beare an egge ſwymming betwene two waters the pottels,a pot of common oyle, myngle all well togyther, puttyng to tt rhe white of an Gage welle beaten,and a dyſſhe full of the meale 02 flower of Amylum,and an ounce of Romayn vytriolle, aba * a9 redde leade welle beaten inte poulder ; and myre it continuallpefo2 the ſpace f th2ee boures,thenne lecte it ffande,by the (pace of a dape, and tt wylle bee rpghte ann perfyte. Finallye, take it aute, and cutte tt in piecessal s ter (ette it ta Deve twoodapes,. in the wynde, but notin the ſunne. Decupie alwayes of this fope, when pou wyli wafhe poure heave, fo2 itis verpe hollome, andmaketh fap2e heare. Sope vvith Cyuet. s Ake o€the faite Sope as muche as you wylle, and T fet it a whyle tn the Sunns tn Roſe water, putting to it the poulder of Ciuet, and mixinge tt wel, And. pf powadnde to it allo Spulke, it wylle bee better, foo that the sulke haue bene befoze Teeped and tempered in role Sope vvith divers {¥veete and excellentioyles. (Siew? Abe af the lorelayde Sope whyche bath Tandea wyhyle in the Sunne in Hole water, and putte ts \it alptle of the ople of Bengewyne, o2 of fomme sther odoziferous ople, and mire ft well: bat pou mufte putte inef the oples realonablpe, neptber to mus che noz te lpttle but wyth atferetion, accogdpnge to the quantitie of the Sope. Sope rofat, Ake frethe and recente roles well Famiped and in⸗ corpozate theim with the (apd Sope,as befoze, the whyche pou: mape alfo doo at pour pleaſure af all other {oztes of Floures.. ee } _ VVhite Sope of a good fauour and odour. Auynge cutte after the manner of Damafeo, tn . (malle pieces the oldeſte Sope that ts poſſyble te ? bee founde,' pou ſhall lape tt abzoave vppon a tas fle ina place where it maps dzpe, than baupnge Hee it ere t bere, the ſpace of eyghte or tenne dayes, pou muſte afterwarde ſtampe it lightigso2 ſſenderlye and make therof poulder: and the fame beeing ſyfted, pou ſhalle adde (0 it. foure oun ces of lreos vppon fenne pounde of the faped poulder, white Sandal thre buces , two vnces of wWacaleb,an Once of the meale oꝛ ſtowze of Amylum, and all Well beaten into poulser,pou Hall mire it toy th tenne pounde of the poulecr of the afozefatcd Sov esther all beinge ioyned togetber,pou ihall putte (t in a moter, wyth an vnce of Storax liquida, and a walnutte fell full of the ople of Spyke, and hauinge well famped tt altoge⸗ eber,tt hall bee made. Thenne alterwarde make bailes oz ſquare cakes of{t, as pou tupll, wyth the meale o2 fintoze ofA mylum:thenne defe them fn the ſhadowe, and keepe them, for (tis athinge verie ercellent. Perfect ſope. geod Ake ſyxe graynes of Mulke tempered and ifees a, ped in good Kole water.foure graines of Cpuet, Y repuceds and beaten in te powlder, and myngle them wyth the faped Sope,but the tenrpered o2 Leeped Huſtze, mutte bee betes ann bp thys meanes pou Mall cc haue a verie perfect Dope, ~ VVhole and ma Ty blacke ſope. Co Ake terme poundeot the faped pouloer of Sope \ welle {pfted, clsues fowꝛe vnces, ef good Dace twoo vices, damaſke ac aieb, Cy perus wtehe the Apoticaries call uncus odoratus Sandali Ci- trini, Srotax liquida, of eche of cheym an ounce weete ovle as muche as ſhall (ufipfe: and hauyng artiped that whyche oughte to bee amped, make of tt as is aboue faved. But ik pou wyli baue tt moze finguler, putte to ft *utke tempered in Kole water, as afoze, wpth a,iprle Ciuet, alter. incorpoꝛate welle all together, and mabe thetof balies , oz iquare.cakes,o2 bartes, 02 {uche other (Somes, as pouluite fo. make poure lelfe: then dep then in the hade wer and to (all pow fpune them np ſyngu⸗ er goon OF SECRETES | oe | let good adaur and faucur, Damafze parfume sone Ahe tprie Muſke foure gaynes, Cyuet tive gray⸗ ip} nes, Ambergeps, fine lugresof eche of them toure _ =” grapnes, Bengewine a grapne,of fatte Storax cs- Tamita theee grapnes;Lignum Aloe twoo grapnes; beate them weil into poulder, and putte all together in a lytle parfumpnge panne, pole inte itas muche Kole war ter502 the water of the floures of Orenges Citrons, and Lemons,alltogetber,as wyll bee tinoo fyngers hyghe aboue the other nzooges, in makynge vnder ita mall fper thatit mape not bople,and when the water is cons fumed, pou hall powze tn other:and baupng contpnuea thus dapnge a certapne number ofoapes,pou ali haue anercellent Dope, Another parfume of Daniaf ae. * Ake Storax calamita, koure ounces, Bengewyne & foure vnces, Labdanum, Lignum Aloes- Synamon, of eche of them an vnce, Sperma Ceti, agagme, Muſke foure (crupules, clones, adzagme, Kole water eyghte sunces; fampe them, and putte them tn the parfaming panne. ——— Anexcellent Pommander: — Du nay take.xbi.o⸗.xx.Pepins 02 o⸗ = ther fweete and melowe apples, the = iebich beyng pared and cut in quar⸗ sur ters,. pou fhall adde to euerye quarts 4G if tev Folw2e 02 fire Cloues, thenne put Etheim tn fome befell of ear the welle — 9 leaded wythin wyth as muche Kole not AN@# GRORETES AT ss nat onfe tnto the fame veſſell (but inte anather). fox fe woulde be ſomewhat red. Let it ſo coole Outil the neve morninge, and whan ft is ſolide, harde, and mally, de: uide it into foure partes, and put tt into a round veiſeil leaded,yrrynge tt well with a pelle, addpnge to it by iptle andlitie good and fpne Muikte rofe water, and fo Hpere it vntyll (tbe well incozpozated,: Nowe, tf in cafe pou le that tt noth not tell incorporate togerber, fet it a iptle vpon the fyre, and whan it is bote, powee role wa⸗ ter vpon it, ſturringe tt well about, bnitill it ware verye fpne and thinne, but take good hede to the fyre And fe Kepeitin newe and cleane deffels. ; 44 An other pommander. a Ake Pyppyns o2 other ipke melowe Apples, ‘and I lape them bpon a tple fo2 to bake in att Duen, than = take out the coe and the kernels, and make thepm cleane wythin, bgapenge and breakynge the rete, and ſtrayne tt thoroughe afyne canuefle 02 trapnour, Thys done,take as muche fat oꝛ greaſe of a kydde as pou hang Apples and trapne it ipketople, voplinge ft all together ina newe beffel! well leaved, vntyll the role water bee conſumed: then adde to tt Pulse, Cloues, Putmegges and ſuch tyke ſubſtances of a reaſonable quantitye acs sozding to your diſcretion: pꝛouided alwayes that thep be Well brayed and broken in pyeces asis ‘aboue ſayed and bople them in the like maner afozefaped,then ftraine them and bepe thent. | . — Another Pomaunder. arias , — wy Uke freſh barowes greaſe and put it in anew veſ⸗ — fel, pth role water vnderneth and whyles it mel tethin the fame, pou thall take, out that whych ts snelted, Co thend it ſmel not of the fpze, then putit in colo water the {pace of.r. dapes, rapfinge and lyfting it ep euery day. ix. oꝛ x. tymes, and ſtyrrynge tt at eche tyme chaungynge alwayes the water. Chen take ot the ſayed Apples, and purifie them — — iti a a iy) f Cit THE SECOND BOKE chent in quarters not paved: thps doen, lape thent thzee dayes to fpepe tn Muſtt vole water : take alfo fpftene Cloues ſtieped a dape in colde water often tpmes renee rs, and puttyng them after in a ſyne tinnen cloth, bots ipnge them tn role water With a lmall five, the (pace of an houre: then hauinge well (commend away all the 032 dureandfilthe, putin thze vnces of white Ware, aud mabett ſeeth alpttte, and after ftrayneit inte anewe befell wellleaded, leaning it fe alka night:Zbis done, - yon hall take outal the white Pomander, and hecauſe there willremaine a litle ogdure inthe bottom, pou ſhall put it in a moꝛter with role water ¢ ſtyrre it: the moze pou do ſeuer it a ſonder in ſtyrringe tt, and put roſe was ter fo it,the moze ſhall pou fine it: but pou muff fe that: the moter be cleane. Than tabe the tallowe o2 greace of apsunge barrowwe, and fiepe tt tn colde water, lea⸗ uynge it loathe (pace of fotwze dates, but pou muite oftert - chaunge the water, and purtfte thelapde greace wellot - all the Ipteelli binnes that is in ft, veynes, and griftelles. ake lpieiwple twenty of the fozelapoe Apples, and for eche apple putte in two orthee Cloucs, and baupnge dec uided the Apples in foure quarters,cozes and ali,ftamps them a {pitell, Dhan take the (apd tallowe 02 greace and. putitintpne Koſe water, batpil the fapd water be cone funted, and. after pou haue boyled it fayre and foftelp, putin the ſayde Apples Mamped, and make them bopie, addynge fo it a Apttell fpne Spnamame, Sptkenard.: . Nutmegges, and other ſpices, luchas pou thpnke gosd. And whan tt bath boyled pnough, ſtrayne it thoroughe a lynnen cloathe tanto fome cleane veſſell. Jt Hulve be well. . doone to put to it a lyttell calues tallowe weil purificr in the maner aforeſapde. And toben it is ſodden and traps ned, myre al togythers, and puticin a cleane ve fel, (tis avery crquiltte chyng | Excellent Ipactas. » Ake an bce of Spnamom,of Ginger-tidzagmes # welligetta thaee Deagmes, Cloucs two deniers, a Munneg ges, Oalatiga; of che of than adcnicr, i ſtampe OF SECRETES. ” * Lampe all, and putte it in a ielley bagge or ſtrainer, than take a pynte ef the beſte redde o whpte wyne pou canne gette,02 a pynt of good Dalmeley o2 othet ſtrong wine, myxe ivelle all togethers, then: take a pounde of Suger fyned, and hauynge ſtamped it, putte it {nto the other tupne, anid fo powee it vpon the Frapnour, wherein pou dydde put the ſayde wyne with the: ſpyces, than hauyng taken it dute, pou mult poze it on agayne, fo often brie tyll it become as cleare as it was befoze, ſyꝛring itiſom⸗ tyme tithe ſtrayner or bagge: and berenote that this ts to make but a flagen full. Mhertore, pf pow wylle haue moꝛe, pou muſte take a greatter quantitie of the ſayde thynges. And for tomake it berpe ercellente, pou maye bynve alpttell Mulbe ina fpne lynnen cloathe at the end of the frapner, ſo that all the fubfannce map paſſe ouer and bpon it, the whiche by thatmeane wyll tecepue the odour and fentof the ſayd soul be, To makelidle cufhions of parfumedrofes. cae, Ske budbes of reande Roles, thepr heades Rand toppes cutte awaye, depe therm inthe ſhadowe bppen atable, o2alpnnen cloath; water and ſprynkle the fapde buddes wpth = Mole Water, and lette theym drzye, dooynge Se this fine 02 {tr tymes, turnyng themaiwats to the ende thep ware not binewes 02 monldp : than take the powlder cf Cypze, Dulbe, and Aumber, made inte poulder,accazdpng as pou would.make then excellent, fo2 the moze pe put in-ef.it,the betterthep thall bee, putte to it alſo Lignum A loes, wel beaten into pauder. Let the fait pouder be put with the budves wete with rele water muſkt, myryng well the buddes togptber with the poul⸗ der, to thend that al map be wel incorporated, and fo thal peu leaue then ſo all a night,couering thé with fom line nen cloth 02 Laffeta, thatthe Bul ke map not bzeathe 92 tife out. Lhe whyche thpnge doone, take fpnallp ipttell bagges of Daffeta,of what bygneſſe pou wil,and accog ding to the quantitte of the buddes that pou wanlde put H · ij. among SETI et we’ THE SECOND BOKE & * gmonge alſthe poulder. Than cloſe vp [tbe bagged, and fo2 to ſtoppe bp the frames; pou moſt haue poure m'rtie on of Puſfke Amber, ane Cpuette, made as te were ta ceate ith; wherewith pow tall rubbe alla lange the ieames, to toppe the bales made wyth the néevie in foe wpnge, Meu mape allo fowelome ribande(of geloe, ‘93 {pthe, 02 of what poutwpll)ouer the faped feames.Zhele be the beſt cthat a man can make sand as J Hane layed) the moze Muſke, Amber; Ciuet and Aloe pou putin, the betterthep willbe. Jf you wyll mabe thent wpth lelle cofte, take fuche buddes as are {pokenof before, prepa bed. and ordered tn thefame fo2t, andin ſteede of Duke aud Amber, putinthe pouloer of Cioues, Synamom, Lios, and a lytle Wace, obſeruinge ſuche a maner of par⸗ faminge the buddes, as beſoree. AN SO) 4G Matches Bride lightes ofa very good odour: *' Akeof Campher an vnce, of white encens twoo buces, beate them into poulder, and make thereof utle rounde Apples; 02 balies with a lptle ware, - than put them in a veſſell with rote water, ana ipgbhte them With acanbdell, and thep wyll geue a fapze ipabte, audaverp good ſauour. A compoſition of muſke, ciuet, and am bergriſe Ake a dragme anda halt of good Amber and beat T it bppon a Poꝛphyre ttone with ople of Jaſemyn yzlt alone,and than alitle with Muſke as muche as Hall (uftifr, Chis doen, avde to it Damalke, voles, and Wenge win, sf eche of theman vnce, irios adzagme and abaltes 2 ibthele thynges beaten tn poulder, and ſtrayned or fpfted, pou Hall brape witha dragme of Cte uette, vntil they be bought inte the fourme and mane’ ofan opndment, Z his Bone, kepeit in Wogne, 02 bef ſelloſ glaſſe well cloſed. ee 4 A parfume fora Chaumber very exceell. igs ee ea Keke Abe Scorax Calamita,WBengetoiue, Light Alocs,of ; eche of themanbnce,coales of WMillaw ‘well bear ten into poulder.b. ourices. hele thpnges mpred wyth Aquanite, as muche as wyll (uffile to make pate, make theref lytie cakes? other kormmes that pou wyll and fo kepe them. And whan pou wll ble or occuppe of Ut, put tt into the fpte, fo2 in conſumyng, litle and litle, At wyll make a fonguler goad sour in the place where pou burnett. Sope of Naples. Ake Deares greate,o2 the Lalla ofa Cowe, a7 | ose Calfe,02.0f a Ridde apounde, put itin a veſ tell of earth well leaded:and after. pou haue welle ftrayned it, put vpon it, wich diſcretion to much no3te ‘Utle, of Sope makers lie the firſt, be, and trougeſt of 20e lortes that thep ble, callen the matffer lie, and kepe the fated greale tnthebeate of the Sunne, mirpnge it iwell there, and like wiſe in the night abrode in the aper: but take hedo that there come id twater to it. Mhan pou fe thatit ts fomelwbat drie purtoit againe as muche as Mall neete of the ſeconde and thirde lie, mired together which Sope makers ble:kubbe alittle spon pent hana berynge cleane, and if it make a frothe,tt is ã token it is Parfume fora Lampe. _ Ake LigniAlocs, g quarter, Wengetwtn ai ounces OL scr calamita, half an vnce, Mule a ſcruple, Am bergveelebalfe a.fcruple, Kole water inougbe. ° Pou Hall putte all. hele thpuges well beaten to pout der into the Lampe — A fhorte parfume. 39 Ake a gladefull of Koſe water, Cloues well bea⸗ Gin in poulder, a penny weight: than take thefire. panne and mabe it redde hote inthe fite, and: put theron of the fated Kale Water with the fapen poulder of wi 4,1. Clques, THE SECOND BOKE Clouss, makinge (t fo conſume, bp litle and licle/ hut the tole water multe be muſt, ang ſo xon thall make a pars fume of erellent good odour. : An odoriferous patfume.for chambers. Storax cala mita theee ounces, blabdanum an vnce coales of Millow and Tracagentom aſmuch as pou wylle:but ttiepe or temper the poulder of the coales,and the Tracagentamslupth rofe water, and lette (t lps fo theee ayes Aiilepe tn the fame Water, and then make thereof pa: eg, : T Ake Thymiama,a pounte, Storax liquida t woo vnces A verye good parfume for to trimme gloues vvyym yitle coſt, and yet vvill continue longe. wean Dele lette the gloucs bee greate, and of good ad KAN (Dpcke leather, tothe whyche pou thal! gyue j FRAG a lpetle Cyuet alla longe the ſeames:Thanne Sores athe theym in vole water: twyſe or thapte, -. pretpnge theym harde:thys dooen,take toca artes of Koſe warer, ‘one parte of the water of the bloſ⸗ Ims of Ppetell tree,mpngle them together addynge to it twoo partes Of the water ofthe ow2es of Drenges, A emong,and Cittons;called of the Frenchmen Can de- nafe,and watbe them fo longe thertotth,that thep ſauour mooie of the leathersthenne lap theiminaplatter; and leane them there couered with the fatoe inater,and poul⸗ Bered ouer wyth thepoulder of Cypees, byp the lpace.cf: a dape oꝛ tivapne. Thys docen,take them out,and prefle thepmialptle, and fe dzicthepminthethadowe WMhen they be balfe drre, geue them alptle Ciuet in thys wyſe. potte almuche Citiet as-pou hall thinke geod ta dyſhe wyth alptte oyle of Zaicmpne,thatis not olde,the thy. abe poutyall make to dyſſolue before the fiersthanne an: hopnt therewpth the gloues wythin ſyde, and rub theim⸗ ell Setwiene poet rhanoes chafing them at the fyre, vn⸗ tyll pou thynke that the ciuet be percedand gone thorow rhem and leaue thrvimioa whyle. Then after rub theim fell. wyth acloths,to the ende che Cyuet maye —— —— bee ter.. OF SECRETES. "en better and the gloucs ware foft:then saw and Fretch them dut abzove,leauinge them fo the (pace ofa dap, atin when pou yall thinks thep be humyde and moptite, ene large. them, and blowe thent, and puse thym bp, leaue them fo vntil they bee baife dried. Shanne take good pare fame toburne, € holde them oner the ſmoke of the ſayed parsume, to the ende that tt mape perce and gointo the inner partes of the gloucs, and parfunte them wythin fide. Chis Hall pou dooe thriſe a daye, che {pace of.rr. dates, weating them at echetpine twieh a litle parſumed water, Weappinge them with fome white linen cleth. than take Muſke, and Amber as much as pou wpil, and put it in a tinne platter iofthaple of Jafemine, oꝛ Ben⸗ gebine, or fome other oyle: let them weil diſſolue at the fier, with a litle parfume water, than annopnte theym with a penſell on the out ſide, and not within: annoynt allo the (eames with Cinec, and lapthem certein dapes among d2ied roles, Fi{nallp,lap:them fo2 the fpace of .tlt 62. {iil.dapes betwene tive matrefles: than wil they bee ercellent,as iftt were to pzefent an emperour wythall. A veryeexquifite Ciuet to parfume gloues,andte zannoynta mans handes vvith, en” Ake thee pounde of white twine, the tallowe o3 greale of a Gote foepe,o2 kidde apound: bople - all together with a tmatie fier vpon the embzes “~~ 62 coales,in a:couered panne, thanne take theput froin the fier,and when tt is coole againe,putte heym in & platter with cleave water, and wache thepm teell fine 62 fire tymes: and put. them agayne in cleave Water alla night, This dooen, take.a pounde of role water: twoo pounde of white wine: ¢ with this bole the greale vpon the ceales with a ſmal fier: bneflone half be confanted: then take ſwete Mauewes, ¢ rok them vnder the athes, but burne them not. And fozeche pound of greale, take balfe a pound ofthe inner white of the fapet Hauewes and bople it in role water, the pace of halte an boure, H.iiti. than then ſtrayne it, andputit into a mozter With spleok Ia⸗ fentpit, 02 of Citrons 02 fuchelpke, oꝛels with alpttell: Campber: After this pou thal take a dyſhe or the bottom 92 foote of aglaile,wette within with Kolewater, whers in pou ſhall make the forme and faction of the Ciuet, ads: dyng to it fyrzſte of allthece onnces.of Cerule well bea⸗ ten in poulder fo2 euery pounde of tallowe 62 greale,and: it wyll bean ercellent and printely thynge. Oyle of Roſes and flowvers very perfyte. : Ake the feene of Millons welle mundifped ans ſtamped/ and lape thepni bp rankes 02 bp beddes,, with the flewees of Woles, by thefpace of eyghte dayes, therine take alpttell lynnen bagge wette tn Kole water, or in the water. of other flow2es, inthe whyche bagge pou hall putte the ſeede: and hauyng well bound ft, put it in prefour, and pacile oute the oyle, whyche wyll bee berp precious, and the wyyche pou muſte keepe alwapes-clole, * Oyle of Cloues very noble. Ake Almondes mundikied and made cleane with: a knyke, and beoken tn pieces, ſtiepe them or tem⸗ per theym in Mole water, than dreſſe them in this mater. Lake. Cloues Famped, and. temper.o2lap them tn Mole water, and couer the veſſell dilpgentlp,leanpng theym folntpll-the tater haue taken the bertue of the. Cloucs : put allo the almondes in the fapde water ,.and. deaue them therin vntyl thep be ſwollen with the water. And after you haue taben theim out, and deyed theim tn che ſonne, tave theym in the water agapne ta ſwell, and afterwarde lette them Dope well as before, contynuynge thus fyue or ſyre tymes: Then put them in a preſſe, and ꝓꝛeſte out the opie, whyche pou ſhall kepe in a cleane veſ⸗ fell well ſtopped In this maner maye vou make oyle of Sulke,cf Amber,of Bengewyn, of Storaxcalamita, of Aloe, of Spnamoine, of Mace, and of HNutmegges. ou mape make theym allo.indpuers foztes, and putte fo theim Aqua vite. To OR SECRETES::, or" vay To makean -excellente parfume to parttime Ghani- , «, >) bersszarmentes, Conerletres,Lacetes and alorherthinggs Selonginge to any Princes: 6 gaye yoo mes ppou can nstgette of Cptrons,tabe ofdLempua, 62 Orenges oa pf pou cai get none of thele, aoe pylles of Cytrons doped in the Hadowe,ans. — the leaues of Roles epther greene 02 daped.,; at? co2dpngeto the ſeaſon of the yeare: and whatſoeuer is of al theſe chinges aboueſaied, pou muſt occupy it whole 92 byſmall pieces and not in poulder. And whanne pow: will make theparfume,take of the ſayde pieces as much oꝛ as many as vou wyll, and annoyncte cthem well pid Ciuette oñ euerye {pde,after lape them bponfomecoles in the myddes of the Chanrber.o2 fomme corner, as vou tpite,this wylle geue a verye piefaunte and. precpous o⸗ doure thoroughsute allthe Chauinber, $f pou wylle pet: hiabe it better pou maye putte with the € inette, Mulbe and Ambergrife, as muche as pau wylle: and pf powder fire fo. mabe tt pth ret colle, andpet neuerthelelſſe Ser rp qood,take ix6le water, of the floivzes of D2enges,02 fuch other opo2tferous and ſweete water, wyth Ople of Jaſemin, o2 of claues, 02 ſuche lyke at poure pleature, With the whiche pow Mall teitper and lepe Storax cala- _mita,and a litle Lignum Aloes pf you bate anpe,pf not, pou halt do well pnough wythoute it: adde to it as much Duet as pos Wyll, and make a licoute thereof as chicke as faulce, woͤhere wyth pou ſhall annevnte the Cptron a2 Oꝛenge pilles:thanne laye cheim fe vppon the coles and it wyllo be an excellente hynge; and contpnuc twyſe as longe as it wode dos pi pou hurned the odours wych⸗ sar the pylles and beſydes that it makech the parfunic to. dure longer, hep make allo the compoſityon farre bet⸗ ter and perfecter. $f wyth the ſayde parfume pou would parfirme lynnen clothes, Sheetes, 02 other lyke thyn⸗ ges, make it in this maner. Put the linnen,and thpnges that pou wylle haue parfumed, ta cofter;that bathe no ebhittches,clpftes,chappes,creffes, boles, 07 is bꝛoken, H. v. whereby THE SECONDE BOKE whereby the fmoke may bane iſſue out. Aou mak range aud laye youre lynnen anv other thynges on eche ſyde of the coffcr,leaupnge a place in the mydole to ſette a i pttte panne,oꝛ other beilell wyth ſyze in it, and the fapd pilles to parfume thepm vou mape alle lape clothes bppon the ydde of the cofer. This done, pon mutt ſet in the myddie thelpttell veſſell pth caates, andalfothepylies: and Hauplge Hutte he coffer,pou muſt lette all the parfume burne sit tet openpnge the cofer eflonge tyme after. ‘Mud haupnge thus tarped, open the cofer, “and tourne poure lynnen and other thynges, tothe endeto parfume heym on the other {pee that is not parfumed anv put in newwe partume,doinge as before, you fhall fynde thys of & Greate srcelleicie, ſo that the coffer it felfe thall bee fo Welle parfumed wyth it, that all'that pow putte afters Warde (itt, Hail ſauoure of it, And yk pon wrllepou maye alfo parfume in thelayhe cofer other ipttle coffers fo2 handkerchers, and other thynges, as lpetle cuſſhyns and bagges of Koles, whyche are parfumed alfa topthe outefpde,beprge keeptetizthe coffers, fo2 they geuc alls wayes an odogre and ſauoure to thynges that pou putts nthem ‘és Sage . — KRounde apples or balles to take oute ſpottes of oyle oes or greale, Nia’. et om Conte purgin Sope,o2 foft Hope, andincezporate | it wyth the althes of dines finelfe ſifted as much 7 |. ot the one as of the other,thanne put amonge the See faicd poulder Koche Alomeburned,and the bape leele of wone welle beaten {nto pouloer., Ancazpozate Well all cogether,and make therot lpttleronnde Apples 67 balles: tobpche pou mape ble te take oute fpattes of ae nye garmente, : . Tomakea paſt for fyvecte Beades of * Beadeſtonos. ene Fach? is Mahe ONG Abe apounde and'a halfe- of blacke eartbe “oe Welle beaten into poulder; fowꝛe ounces of Has bye Comme dragante and lape ft a ftiepe, 02 Have eee ccinper tt (Ha moꝛter, wyth as muche Uole ve water as wylle couer the earthe wych the fapbe Gomme dzagante, and ſtampe it well bp-the (pace of balfe an howꝛe, with thele {weete thinges folowpnae, hat is to fape:Scorax calamita ,4n Dace, poulder of Clo ues balfe an outice,Labdanum,halfe an duce, Spnamom halfe an ounce, Sandalum citrinum, balfe an vnce: beate allinto poulder bery fynelye, and mpre all together with the foreſaide pate, thantate it'out of the mozrer and beap {¢ welle beettwene poure bandes,bp thefpace of balfe an —— than pou maie make theroſ Beades or Bead⸗ ones. | bee 7 . Cx he enveot the feconds- Tyo Sk Boake, The oo ‘THE Secretes ofthe reucrende Maſter 3 Alexis of Piémont. eas Ou Hall take Cytrons, oꝛ o⸗ cvcher fruites, and cut them tu pieces as you wylle, takpuge oute of thent v2We the tupce 03 ſubſt aunce that is with⸗ Einſtheym: thanne boyle theym tn. creche water aboute balfc an howe x ge, Ontpil thep bee tender, and as fofte as pou woulde bate theym. And _ fwbanne pou bane taken theym oute cate theym in colde water, leuynge them fo vntil night. After this pou thal lette theim agapneto the fire in otber frethe water, and do but onelp beat it ia that water with a ſmall fp2e,foz it muit not ſeeth, noz be to ote: but lette it onelp ſymper alitle,pon tall contpnue thus, sti. dais together heatynge thent euerpe daye in hote water, and ee them agapne at nighte in colue water. >omme eate the water bat ence a dap, to thend not to make the citrons to tender,but chaungs the frefhe water at nyght fo take out all the bytterneſſe of the pylles, the tebich bes inge taken alway,pou muft take {ugre,o2 clarified hony and prepared (as we wyll declare afterward) wherin pou muff put the eitrons, hauyng firk well azped them from the water. In winter pou muſt kepe them from the froft, leauing them two 02 thzce houres in a place mete fo2 the purpolesand in Ssmmer pou fhall leausithem thers alla ight, and a daye, and a night in bonnpe. han beple the hony 92 ae againe bp tt telfe, without the Deenges 02 Cytrons by the (pace sf halfe an boiwze 02 fommembat leſſe, wyth a (mails fyre, and beynge cooled, fetit agapne to the fire keith the Citrons, continuing (0, fi, mozninges to ö— e e— — — — — — — — — — — HP UYRTS RCIRIBTREE f11T 63 to the ende to brynge the honnye to his perfectio n accor⸗ dynge as neede Hall requyre. If pou wylle putte hone nye in the water, and not Sugte, pou maye claryfye it twyſe, and ſtrayne it thorowẽ a ſtrayner accordyñge to the arte and manner,that hereafter J will teache pou,ta the ende pou mape bane perfitelpe the ble ane facion of makpnge alltuche thynges. Polvebaupngethus war⸗ med and clarificd it, you hal frapne tt,aud fet tt againe ‘onthe kyre, wyth the Citrons onelpe, makynge it doyle lopth a imal fyre the (pace of a quarter of anboure:than tabeit frome the fpze, and let ttttande tn reſte at euerye tyme pou deoelt,adape and a nyghte. The nerte moz? nynge pou Hal bople tt agayne together, the (pace of hat an houre, and dose lo twoo mornynges / to the ende that the Honnye 02 Sugre maye welle and perfptelpe bee in⸗ cozpozated wyih the Cptrons. All the arte and connyng conlpfcth in beplpnge thys fproppe together wych the Cptrons,and allo the cpreppe bpitlelfe, Wibherefore be that hathe no ſkyll in the boplpnge of it, wylle quyckeip lette tt take the ſmoke, fo that tt halt fauoure of the fpze: but be that canne trymme tt welle, itis an erquilpte and plealaunte thynge. In thys maner maye all otijer fruites bee dzefledsastppe Peaches with the tn {ide and fkynne, Lemons, Denges, Appelles, greene WH alnuttes , Let⸗ tuſe, welle made cleane,and bopdes of their greate leas ues, and other thpnges lyke, all the whyche pon muve bople,as is afszefapd:but ſome mo2e,feme-lefle, after ag tiede hall bee, aud accordynge to the natureof the trufte,. So fhall pou maye alwayes a good perfite, and durable thinge. Rieke ‘Themaner hovv to purifye and oe honnye and fugre for ta confyte Cytrens and al other fruires.: Ps "Pe euerytyme tenne pound of bonny. the whyte of twelue newe lapde eqges,and take atvape the froch of theym, beatyng them wel together, wych aftpcke,and Give gloſſes of fater and freſhe waterzthen putte thepm in £0 the Honnye,and bople theym ina potte wyth amodes vate tpeesthe (pace of aquarter sf an houre, o⸗ oT ha: eile, THE THYRDE BOKE leffe, than take theym fapze and foftelpe frome the fpre ſcummong theim well,and patle them fo hote thazowe a fratner:foz tt thall be the fairer, and the cleaver,fo2 anpe thynge that pou wyll occuppe oꝛ blett aboute. Hauynge thus o2zdered it,take fo (pre pounde of Citrons, tivelue pounde of Bennye. Lhe Sugre ts allo ordered and dzefs fed in lyke fozte as the Honnye ts: but pf pou wil confite Cptrous wyth Sugre, pou mulſte note this difference, that fo2 {pre pounde of Cptrons, pon thall put but nyne of Sugre, foztoconfpte thepm, fo that thep maye bee kepte all the peace. Thys is, becauſe the honnye maketh a greate deale moze ſcumme and frothe,thennethe fugre dooeth, .and therefoze pou muſte putte the thyrde parte moze of Honnie. Ankeppnge this propsztion,pou cat not faple to dooe ft well, Toconfite Peches afrer the Spanifhe facjon, Ake greateand fapze Peaches, whyche pou halt: pylland make cleane, and cutte thepm in pieces, and ſo lape thepm abroade bppon a table faire and cleane inthe Sunne by the (pace af twoo dDayes , tont- nynge theym euer at nyghte, and in the morninge, and putte theym hote into a Juleppe of Sugre, welle ſodden and prepared as is afoze fapde, And after pou baue tas ken thepin aute,fette thepm agapne in the Sunne,tours npnge theym often vntyll thep bee welle Depend. bps doven putte thepnt agapne nto the Juleppe,and thenne m mhe Sunne, onepll they haue gotten a fapze barke or crufte as pou wylle haue theym, and thys fall you dooe thzee or fow2e tymes: thenne beynge thus prepared, pow mape Beepe theym in bores fo2 wpnter, fozitisa ſo ue⸗ raygne thynge. To make Conſerue or Confiture of Quinces cal- led in Latyne Cotoneatum, Cidoniatum or Cidonites, as they dooce in Valence, vvhyche all the Geneuoyes dooe vie. ~~ Ake Quinces, and putty thent,and when pou haus [ taken oute the kernelles, ſeeth theym in faire — Water, OF SECRETES ~——&4 toater,fo much, vntill thep open and breake then ſtrayn them thozough acleane frainerthat there remapne no- thpnge in the ya ſtrayner, but onelpe the hardneſſe of them,that is te lape:the ſkynne, the Boze, and ſuch lyke. Foz epght pounde of the fapd ſtrayned fubaunces,pou mate putte three pounde of fayre and fine Sugre: and takyng a veſſell of tinne fayre andlargein the botteme, poudgali mpngle the Nupnees wyth the Sugre: and thennefette thepm te bople wyth a lpttle fp2e, Turrpng theym wyth a broade ſklyſe of woodde, bneill all be well fodden whyche pEpon wll knowe,loke whenne al! Gall lenfe tt felfe,and cleaue nomioze te the fapde veſſell, tor thenne it is ſodden to bis perfecttan,and thall be tyme ta take it of. And ik you puttete ft anpe Dufke; Tampe it wyth alptle Sugre,as much as pou tepl ana calf it inte the layde beflell, Turring tt alwapes with pour fhlpfe of wosde. Jf peu wyl adde (pyres to tt,putte in Sinamom Cloues, Hutmegges, and@Opnger, asmuche as po wyll beplpnge the Pulke, wpth alpttle Upnagre. This doden, wpth the beoade (elple lape of thps confection sf Quinces bpon atable, where fyrſte pou mutte haue {pfs ted and frowsd Suagre,and fo nrake rounde, broade, 02 long pieces,as pou poyl with the circle of abore, ofthat | greatenefle pou lyſte:then fet thepm inthe Sunne vntpll tyep bee thazowedzpe, And whanne they haue fanda whple,tourne thepin op pe do wne:makynge thepm al wales a beddde of [pfted Sugre bothe onder and aboue. Then tourne theym ſtyll in che ſayde Sugre, and dave theym in che Sunne, ſo longe vntyll theÿ haue gotten a faire whyte crus of Sugre. Better comtkytes of Qupnu⸗ cep fivecter,o2 hartier than this a a man canne not make. In lyke maner maye pou deelle and trpmme Peaches, Beares, and other kyndes of fruttes; A thynge of greate ſingularitie. To mase a paſte of ſugre, xvhereofa man maye make all mancroffruites,and orher fyne thynges, vvith theyr formejas plateers,dyfhes,glafles, cuppes ane _ THE THYRDE* BOKE ..) and fuch lyke hinges, vyhereyvith you may furhifhe ats Ble:and vvhen you hauedoen,eatethem vp. A pleafaurite thing for them that fit atthe cable, qq, the gomme dzagante, as muche as pou wylle, and ttiepe it in Role water,bntpll it be mollifped. And fo2 loure ences of fugre,take of it the bignes ofa Beane, the tupce of Lemons a walnut hell full, and alitie of the whpte ot an egge: but pou mufte firfte take the gomme, and beate tt fo muche wyth a peftel ina moy ter of wdpte marble, 02 of braſte butpil it beecame lyke water, thenne putte te it the iupre wyth the whpte of the egge tiico2zporatpnge wellealltogetber., Ths dooen tase foluze ounces of fyne whyte (ugre , welle beatente pouldcr,and cat it into the morter bp iptie and lytle, eis tpil all bee tourned into the fozme of pate. han take it ute of the fapde mozter, and bape it bppon the poul⸗ der of fugre,as it were meale 02 flowze, vntyll all be lpke fofte patte, tothe ende pon maye tonrne it and facton tt whyche waye pou wylleẽ. AWbanne pou haue broughte poure paſte to thys forme, ſpreade tt abroade With Syna wom vppon greate or ſmalle leaues, as pou all thyne it good:and fe pou ſhall fozme and make what thynges pou wylle, as is alszꝛeſayde. Wipth ſuche fpne. knaches as maye ſerue a table, takynge beede that there and no bote thpnge nygh vnto it. Ae the ende of the bankette they may eate all,and beeake the platters, dyſhes glaſſes cuppes,and all thynges:for thps paſte is verye delpcate and faugurous, FF pou wylle niake a thynge of mooze fi- tiefle thanne thys, make atarte of Aimondes ſtamped woyth ſugre, and roſe water ot lxke ſorte that marchepai⸗ nes be made of. Thys all pou lap betwene twoo pailes of fuche vellelles 03 fruttes, 02 fomuic other thynge as pou thinke good. To make a confection of Melons or Po mpons. Aare abe that quantitic of Melons you wyl, and take | them befoze they be full vipe, but let theim be goon Rand make as many cuttes tn thé as thet be es 9 OF SECRETES. 65 {with quarters on enerp fpoe,-and hauynge mundykyed theim, taken out their kernelles, and pylled of the viter tine, ſtiepe theim in good vinaigre, leaupnge theym fo by the (pace of tenne dapes: aud when pou haue taken theim out, take other Ginstgre, and fiepe themanewe agapne, aber tenne dayes, remoupnge and fperpnge theym euerp day: than oben tyme hall bee, take rhepm out, and put them in a courfe lpnenciothe, ozpenge and wypynge them well. Fynally fette them in the ayre the ſpace of a daye aud a nyghte, than boyle theim in the bos nye, and by the (pace of tenne Dapes geue theym euerye dap alpéteil bubblpnge o2 boplpnge, leauynge them al ways ire hony: and tet theym bopleat eche tyme but onely one waume. Then take thelapde pleces,and putte ‘thentin whatfkkynde of veſſelle pou wyll, and take cheſe ſpices folowynge, the poulder of Cloues, of ginger, of Nutmegges, and of Synamom, wherof pou thall make (pices, this done, make one bedde o2 ranke of the pieces “of melons and an other of the {pices sthenne take, fyne ‘white honny and poure it vpon thein in thelapd veſſell. To make Melons and'Pomponcs {vvecteandwerys delicate. : bare Ake fine fuger, and diſſolue it in tater, than take ] the feedesof a Melon, and cleaue thema litie on the fyde,that ficketh to the melonsand put them in the ſugred water,addinge to them a lptle Kote water, leaue ‘the layde ſeedes fo by the {pace of thre o2 foure houres, And then take them out, and pau ſhall {ee that as foone 88 Che ſayde feene is nape, tt wyll clole bp agapne, Plant 44nd there wyll come of tt ſuche Pelons as the lyke bath nec bene ſeene. And tf pou wyll gene them the las uonre of Dulse, pre in the layde Water a lyttle Mulke, and fpne Spnamom, and this. map pou do allo with the ſeedes of Pampones and Coucombers. | | Toconfyte orenge pilles,vvhiche may be done at all ‘times ofthey-eare-anchiefd lyin Maye, becaufetyan the fayd ‘io pilles be greaterand thieBer. io pilles be greater and thi at. Cake THE THYRDE BORE erase Ake thycke Orenges pplles cut in foure 92. 01.pies WL res, and fiepe them in water the ſpaceof ten oꝛrxii ee" Dapes.i20u mave know whanne they be ſtiepedy⸗ nough pr pou hoide themvp in the ſunne and fe cherowe them for than thep be flieped-pnougb:and pf poucan noe fee thorowe theym lette them pet ctiepe vntyll pou map: _ than after warde lap them to bzpebpon a rable,and than betivene tivo Depelinnenclethes, Moreouer put them in a bettle,o2 Vettell leaded, adding to it as muche hope as wil balfe couer the ſayde pylles, more 02 lefe as pou thal - thpnke goood. Bople them a litle, fparpng them alwats, ~ ano than take them from the ficesteatte the honnve feeth to niuche,fo2 pfitthoulne boile buta litle moze thenne tt ongbte to bople,tt woulde be chycke and maſſife dettett then frand and reſt foure dates in the ſaid hony, ſtirringe > and mynglynge well euery dape thet honye together. For, bycauſe there ts not honye incughe to'couer onet althe orenge pplies,pou muſt itp are them Wel and oftentimes;tothend thep map alequalip receiue - ofthe honnye. Thys Hall pou doo theeetpines.geupnge: thepm one bublynge 02 boplpnge at eche tyme, and io lee © them rett and fande. iii. dayes as Wwe haue ſayd. Finally pou ſhall frapne 02 dreane chem fromthe fapde honnye⸗ and bople theym in as muche other honnye as pou thall thynke wylle kuffyte, and after you haue let thepm boyle the ſpace of a Oredo take them from the fire,and beſtow hem in vellels, puttyng to th: pm ofthe beffefpyces pou - can fpnde,as Oinger, Cloues,and Snnamom:myre all Welle together , and you ſhall haue mabe an excellente thynge. And note,that the houy that hall remapne wyil “be ſtyÿll good foz to decile and trimme other D2enmges,92 - other thynges withall>:. ‘To confite vvalnuttess Ea. with che pylleo2 huſze and all, and make tn thent ~ ZF «litle holes 02 mo then ftiepthein water xi.dals on; moze 07 leſſe: make theym cleane and boyle sa in BS re suite (1 coabbsnas i onp « apbe D2enges and F take wwalnuttes wheuther ve litle and grene, OF! SECRMTES 7: * honye, as the forꝛelayde Drenges,but mabe theym ſeeth foute tymes as muche. And note that the hounpeisal {apes good, but pou muſte oftentpmes put in freche be canfe ft confumeth: Finallye pou hall deeſſe chem wyth ſpyces as the Orenges, but putte not manye cloucs to then, fo2 thep wyl make them to bytter, 3 Toconfie Gourdes. open Ake the necke of the Gourde, and cutte it inlonge pits as pou thpnke goob,and powee bpon then boylynge water, and do00c fo nyne mornynges but pou muſte haue pylled theym fpnelpe, and taken as. wave the inner parte that ſerueth fo2notbynge .. This doone ſeeththem in a kettle Oneill thep-be neyther to mu che nor to lyttle boyled, but euen hole and maſſyue not broken: than drye theim vppon a table (the ſchado w the fpace of (won dayes, and after wype theym cleane piece by piece, wyth a liſmen clorh,and do with theym as with athe Ozenges. Ah ' Toconfite cheries.. (Theo? Abe cherries and leanethem adapinthe Sanne, Bertue, fo méeke pour ſkynne and fleſhe fapze and natu⸗ , valle,and to tonſerue and keepe tt lange pounge, gape, » Epethe, and neste, Pag Phan | by A. verye goodly vvarerto vvathe the face, necke,’ _ and the breatte, vvherof aman maye mae a greate quantitie for the more there is ofit,the better itis ? Jemaketh the ſuyn and ſteſhe of the face fayer, not hurtinge or deftroying J tecth and ſhall ſemo chat the face is nothinge at all holpec vith aay coloure, bui that itis cuen fo by natures : awe Ake two fatte Bygeons , five pounde of. Weale,. Gy) feeves of Spurge, pplicd, three vnces of Pyne ape “a pie kernelles,finete Alm ondes, bytter Almondes, the rootes of iwbpte and yelo we floure delyce, Beanes Pꝛoken it pieces and mondyſfied, the gall ofan Dre, the roote ct VBragons, the roote of a xttle ponge Aſſhe a2 xcomon Diptum,a lytle lemon, the pelow pitaben aways and cut in pieces, the cromme of a white loſewet in mil, gomme dragant ſtieped in wyne, gemme Armontac Tice pᷣed in Umaygre, and lette there de oſ all theſe thynges a reaſonable quantytye. Than putte therevnto flowres a7 bloſſams efLiguitrum, whichis a tre hauyng leaucs like An ling tre, but thep be bzobe and ſe gir and moze — Ltt, ji THE FOVRTH BOKE of colotire, toh iche doth beate whyte flowers and fete, - Suberof (s made an otle called Oleum cipiaum, And this tree dothe qrowe in watrie places,as AMillowes and fae lowes bo, and beave th ablacke frnitelpbe vnto an elder éree,and dyſtyl al thele wyth a ſmall fyre, hauyng bound O2tted a lynnen cloathe with Dulbe,and-white Wenge « wyne, at the beck of the Lymbecke: thanne kepe the war terin aglafle well fopped,fo2 it will be berpe excellente to make a whyte and natural ſtkynne oz ficthe, wpthoute burtpnge the teeth o2 any other rhinge, To make a very excellentredde colourforthe face yvhich is naturall,and continueth long vppon the face,ma- Ringe it alyvaies gaier and fairer, Cos Ake the whites of rxb. barde Cages.and putte a 7 glatlefull of the mylke of greene kfygges amonge | them yf pou can get none of it, take ipttle figges thacbe notrppe, and cutte them tn ſmall pieces, whyche pou Hal myngle wyth the (aide egges:and than dyſtyll theym, and the water hat hal come thereof, ma⸗ Beth of it elfe the fleſſhe whyte: but pf peu wylle make it Vebde take foz cuery glallefulle of the fapde Water,tiwos -. Ohices of Alonte Sciflile 02 plume, beaten in poulpersbalis . an vnce of the grape called iu latpn Coccumy tober pth ſcarlet is dped, and two ounees of the graynes that men bie to dpe Crimſon filke with, Lette all this be putte in a Dpole wellitopped,that tttake no bent,then ſette the vy⸗ oleinakettieofbhote water not boplpngebote): by the «: pace of eyghte dayes. histone, frapne oute well the ſubſtaunce of the fayde colentes, and take the water{s. roloured and dyed: and putte ta it as muche moze of the: fame Alome and graynes as beeſore and fette it agayne altogether in hote water, bythe ſpace of eyghte tapes: tharine ſtrayne ontethe water, and adde to it the thyrde tyme, ſome Alom, and graines with a litle gomme Ara bick, that ts to ſay, tor euerp glaſſefull of water,balf aw “Bruce of gomme, letting it aggine in bare Water pate , apes: OF sd CREPES, * wapes,as before: and after pou haue taken it dut, ſtraine it ann pon ſhall haue the fayreſte rerde, chat ts pedpale to tupige for. Thanne weate ſomme lpttle piece of Scarlatte 02 Crpmfon fplketat, ans rubbe poure face there wych fo long vntyl the del) beginne to ware {antes what chafes,anp the redde welle perced thorowe. Pou mape alfo ade to it what odoure o2 ſauoure pou wyll. And pf pe wyll not fette the vyollein hote water, 4516 a+ fozelappe,fette it beefere alpttle ſyre net ſufferynge tt to feeth , and that kor the {pace ofadapeoz moze: thanne ®rapne tt,and pou Wall (ce all thynges come te paſſe, as Jhaue Capde, | | Another Kinde of redde,very good forthe face, ea- fyerro make, and vyith leffe. cofte. med Ake twocounces.of Filthe glewe very cleave, and iepe it in wyte wyne, thefpace of yue or {pre papes, Snipll ut bee berpe (oftesthan tabe Bꝛaſſell that is good and ofa geod coloure, welle fcraped 02 cutte ‘uf{mallepteces, thanne ſtiepe tt in welle water, fo that the water bee aboue it more thane a bande bgeadthe » anv abalfe, thps dooen, boyle it together pth a ſmalle kpre, aſſatynge euermore the coloure vppon apaper, vit? tyll it bee to paure fantatpe . And beekore pot take (6 frame the fp2e, puttetoit, faz cuctpe glaffefulle ofthe sfapbde coldure, an ounce oftalwe Roche Alome beaten in poulder, and Gamme arabycke, as muche as theee or ſowze branes Thanne take tt frome the kyre, and kepe ot (ra vyoiie cloſe Ropped:and fe Hal pou bane an exqui⸗ Aptetbpnge. Wlemenofbate pegree,are wonte to (ect) gonelye the Braſylle in wyne 02 water, puttynge to its Ipttle Roche Alome,and Oomnte, jettynge it vople pie tpll the calonre bee to thep2 mynde· Other take redde Sandalle 02 Saunders, the whych thep putte in wyne; o2attheleattein Aquabpte, and not boplett at all, but Keepe it ſo the (pace ofanpabte « Thanneo in taurnyng the water, heyputte moze Sandalle to tf, and alpttie moore Aleme, acco denge as they lve the — — THE FOVRTH BOKE An exeellentvyhite aboue all other. Ake haved Talchum and bourned tynne beaters. inte pouſder wyth a wodden peffel thanne waſhe theym and myngle them together and putte them in ſamme manner of platter, oꝛ other greate and large veſſell, couered wyth ſuche another, and fo ſette ft tn a. glaſſemakers fornayſe, the ſpace ofthree 02 foure dates. And hauynge taken it oute,tt wyll be as white as ſnow. Thanne braye tt fynelye wyth the water ekyounge fyg⸗ ges, 02 wyth the mylke of greene fygges, 02 wpth dps Tene Dpnapgte , .o2 ſomme other Harpe aud clammye chynge. To make heare as yclovy as golde. ‘Abe the rpne o2 the (crappnge of Kubarbe, -and OF siese it in white wine, o2 cleave lye: and after pou 3 pave wathed pour ben with tt,pou thal wete pour beares wyth alponge a2 lome other linnei cloth,and iet them drye by the fire,o2 tn the Sunne: After thys weate then and d2pe them agapue,fo2 the oftner pou 000 tt, the Satrerthey wyll bee wythoute burtinge pour beade anye thyng at al. To-make lye to vvaſhe the héade,wwhiche (beſyde that .it comforteth the braine,and the memory)malieth the heare long, faire,and yelovy,lyke golde. monlp make it to Wah their headessand make.ag - ‘muche of it in a bettlesas wpll ſerue pou tenke wa - ſhynges puttpnge te tt this falolwpnge. The pplles of fen Deenges,o2 of ſweete Lemous,pi pou haue anye, pf not,take folvze ones, the ppiles of Cytrons, as manye as poucanne gette, bee they greene 02 deye tt is all one, the bleffomes of Camomell, Baye leanes.a bandefull of the berbe called @atdenbeare balfe a handeful of Agri⸗ mopne, twoo orthree bandefulles sfigatleve Krawe ANE, ether b B choppst ive lye that {s not to fronge but as women cant: OF SECRETES. * chopped in pferes, halke a dyſhefull ota kynde of pull” torne, called in Latyne Lupinus and in Frenche Lupius baupig one ſtalke, the leate in kyut deuyſtons, the code creauelyd aboute, hauyng init fyue or (pre graines hard -Hr0ade, aiid redde,thep bee commonlye in Fraunce ans in Italye, but here in Englande vnneth znowen, and therefore thep haue no Cuglyſſhe namesthep muſte bee p2ped,a dyſhlull of sfennpareeke,balfe a pounde of wine lers, oꝛ tiooe 03 theec npfihefulles of Bꝛome blofomies 5 whereof it (s good alivates to haue ſomme bape tn poure houle to make ſuche thynges wythall. Butte all chys that Ihaue named tna greate vellell wpth the ſayde ye, leaupngett altwapesfo , to take thereof and occupye, whenne you wyll. And the longer the ſayde lpethal be compounde wyth the foreſayde thynges , the better it wil bee. The ſayde compoſition wile bee good for fyue or ſpre monethes 02. more:and pou map renewe it at peure pleafure. But whenne pou wpll pat it in ble,take it bana fomelp and cleanelp bp, wythout tou chinge in anp wyſe the ſayde drooges putte in it: and in heatynge it agayne pou map put ti ita lyttle Myrre and a lyttle Synamom: anv thus thall pou make it verye good, as welle fo2-the health of the head, and epe ſyghte, as foro beautiſy and make the heare faire, ‘Lyeto make heare blache. of the leanes of Beete, three 02 foure bandefulles of Sage leaucs,epther grene D2 b2p,and as much Vyrrẽ as pou wyll wyth Wape teaties,and a fees leanes o outeward ppiles ofa Gualnutte. ul whenne pou wylle ble of thole lpes that m ake pellowe 62 blacke 5 tubbe not pone face,o2 poure necke wyth tf, icaffe they beecome blacke, or pellotwe, although (hep dye not the Ckynne (oloone asthepdoocthebcare · AND after bas uynge thus waſhed poure beare,pou muſts waſhe poure face with commen lye, oꝛ cleare watecoe els. with white — | | ‘ 2,8. q | 9 ake Gomme lye, and bople it wyth a banvefull THEEOV.R £hz BOKE An oyleforto annoyntthe heare,yvhich maketh is yclovve lykegolde, longe and glyſtrynge live burnyfhed golde, * obxeaglaſſetulle of the nple ef Scfamum, \ pbecbe is. a whyte grayne gropynge in In⸗ —2—— Aa wheresf ople is made, whyche is called A very goodly-vva yor waner hoyvto make yclovy aberne heare,vvirhout ftanding longe ot nothingeaz allin ghe Sunne,2rate and veric excellent fecretes Maks. ae es Of SEGREWES!( T1145 Cait Ake halfe a paund of Antimonium, half a pound YS) af wyne leele, nyne ounces of ſalte Peter, all “Sc thele thynges beynge fpnelp beaped and incor⸗ , posted , tabe an earthen pot o2 parte, aud patts fe in the middle of a five, thatthefire map be boty avoue {sand buderneth ft, vntyll it bee redde hatte: than catte in the ſayde poulaers, bp little and lyttle with a fpane, rarying alitle (pace betwene euery ſponeful caſtyng in, vntyllthe fyrſte be all baurned, and continue fo caſtynge one ſpoonetfull after another, vntyllall bee in. But this site be doone in a chymney, 02 in ant oper place, bes cauſe there topil ryſe ſuche aboundaunce of imoke that itisnot pollible faz pou to-enduve it, thanne hauyngs Retten it coole, breake the ſayde panne, andin the bots tome pou (all fynde as it were a maner ofa thicke cake 52 bio wne lofe. Zhan breake the ſayde matter and ſub⸗ ſtaunce tit dyuers pieces vpon the grounde, or in fome tleane place, and pou Hall fynde in che myddle, certayne little graynes like vnto tyne ſiluer: but they bee brittle ana eaſy to be broken. And this is it that the ſearchers oute of the (eccetes of nature do call the kinge or chiefe of Antimonum, whiche in operation belongynge to - moettall ſerueth foz manye thpnacs , as tue wyll after peclate. Bat thts wyll aot ſerue anp thpng at ali fo2 ta make beate white, not wythſtandinge pou mule kepe,it byit felfe. Thanne take the reite, and the blacke Cubs {Faunce and pellowe,and al that pou finde in the bottom anid othe fines. of the fapde pains. All the which thyn⸗ ges (becauſe thep wyll incontinent ware moyſt pou Hal ftampe grofelp and quicklp , addinge to tt fo2 cuerp pourive, ar vnce sf Vicrioli, rnbified a2 made vende, as we topli Helwe pou hereafter. Chis doone, put all thele shpnges together in lye, notte ſtronge, andl ette (t Lieps vntyll it beromme as it were a fauice, puttpitg to it twos pices of the opleofpelkes of Egges, yt pou haus anpe, ifnot, take Dple Dipuc. Powe, pou mule Keepe this ipesuve thycke a8 it is inſome velſſell, vntyl it bee hard, and pou Galle finde tt alwayes good. WMhanyou wil put it in eſtecte, take. common lie,and put inte it tine 02 thes Sunted THE FOVRTH BOKE it (neffect,take cominon lye and put (nto it twoo or three bices of rawe Koche Alome amped, ard wale youre heade wich it as pou ste wentto dooe. And after pou haue loathed it, wythout dryenge tt anye otherwiſe than at it lelfe, annoynte all poure heare topth the ſayed lps coure heated, and beyngethus annopnucted, wWerappte them in a hote lynnen clothe, reſting youre felfe a tbile, S his dooen, pou Mall take of thetaped annotnctpnae, wafthpnge youre beade with bote lye, bſynge and dpe fingethe Sope as poutgalle thpnke good. And fpnalipe walſhe poute heade and heave agapne wyth a ipttelle warme whyte wyne, and wrappe them wpth.a hore lpr nen clothe, 02 drye thepm in the Sunne, or bp the fpre, as pou wyll, andlaffe of all pou fhalle annepnte peare ſelle wyth dure fapoe ople, o2 with the Dple of Jalempn, 02 ſome othet.ovo2pferous ana ſwete Dple, whpch map conferue the beares that thep beeake not, and maye.geug them aluftre tomake them glyſter and ſhyne, bſyng this maner of annoynctynge euerie.rd. Dapes oz euerye mos neth, as pou lpife poure lelfe. By this meane pou Hall baue faper beare and glpferinge lyke golte. Wut res member to ble in altbpnges a dyſcretion and dylygence, at the fyrſte whan pou vſe any recep pte, as for anerams ple in this confetpon, youmufte take beede that the Ipe be not todtronge, leatie wyth the fapoe opnetment whl⸗ ches teil pouis betp fronge(it eate and confume poure Beate. Allo pou multe well confpder the quantptie, and Hewelonge it: mutte lpe on poure beade, beefo2e pou. walſhe tt awaye, as isdeclared: and foo , accozdpiige to theerperpence that pou, Malt hate inthe vffecte, pou halle ble and gouerne poure ſelle in allithyuges , for there ts no rule ſo cerrayne, but leaueth alwayes ſome place fo2 tbe dar etyon, diligente, and Judgemente of oe perſonne (at wyll followett, and putte it in bee o2 eftecte, An oyntmentto make the heares fall from any place ofthe body, : ake OF SECRETES 78 Ake the whytes of three newe laped egges welle ‘| ~ beaten,evabt buces of qupck lpme, an vnce of or⸗ ppitent, and the whole beynge beaten in paul: “oper, let itbe pat among the tobptes of the egges anb adde to tt after a lithe ipe, fo much that it mape make {ta lycour thycke lyke fanice. Channe wyth a penfpll o2 fome other thynge, annopnte the place from the whiche pou wyll haue the beares fall, and leane the opntemente fo Dppon tt the (pace of aquatter of an boure, 02a littell i028, (han waibe the place with warme water, andall the beave wyll falle of, 021 net, pou. muſte annoynte tt agape, and hauyng Fated a whple, wathe it as befoze, and the beares wyll fall of without doubte. Finally pou muſte annoynt the fapd place with ople Kolette, 02 with the ople of biolettes, and the ſkynne wyll remapne berp fap2e,and without hurte. An oyle orlicoureto make the heare fallofand may - be kepte as longe as amanne vyyll: It ĩs alfo goodferall occaſons Ake an bree of Soda, whyche is aſſhes made of grate, wyereot glaflemakers dooe ble to make ee thett Coziffall, ten ounces of quicke lyme, epght vnces of Drppinente,and make thereof afpne poulder, whyche pou Hal putte in a anne, wyth as much fweete and cleate lye as wylle bee aboue the poulver a pander fulle:thante boyle tt together agoodhewee., and after hauynge lette tt fande bp the fpace of fowre and twenty boivzes,pou multe ſtrayne {t,and take thee ounces of ft, and putte thereto an ounce of Oyle Olyue, andlette tt bople together Snitpil the water bee confunted and banps then atuape,twbpeh pou thal knowe caſtyng a droppe 02 twos into the ſyre:wyth a lyttle ycko and pf it make ns noplſe, it is alpgue therets no moze water lefte. Ifyou wil make it odorikerous and ſwete, put ta tt Muſk/ oꝛ Cw set and ſo kepe it and whan pou will make the heares to. fal of, walhe kirſt the place wel with hote water than an⸗ noint it with the ſaid oyle and leaue tt fe a cextaine sors | an THE -FOVRTH'BOKE and than waſſhe it againe with bote water, and all the * ll falle away. Finallye annoynte the place wyth aple Keſet, 03 violet oyle. An aduertiſement or leſſon for them that veill maxe the heare fall of. oS regs Atte, pou mule note thatthe beare wyll noe g Ayes falle a way, but whanne the moone decrealeth, Avid that is to ape, in the quarter of the wane, and it Aattstoss 16 far bettet to mabe them fall of wyth the oin⸗ cimente,o2 wyth ople, thanne to-plucke theym ont woch apayp2e of pincers,as fone gentle wemen do bie in france becaule it doth biolence bute the fleſh moueth the blond, and enlargeth the poares, and allomaketh thebearete growe agapne greater. hevefoze tn ali ſortes itis good to annoynt by and bp the place wyth fome coolynge 02 refreſhyng ople,as ople roſet, oↄ of Upolettes, 1 phetvile, ou mute vnderſtande that oftentpmes the opnetment bavaae mypred wyth Dappmente, bourneth the ſkynne, and (hat commeth by the naughtye or to ſtronge compos fition of tt, 02 when a manne letteth it drye to longe bpe on the place, 62 without fyrſte waſhyng the place with ofte Water, 62 whanne aman annopnteth not the place bp and bp after the beares bee fallen, as we haue layne befozr. ‘ "To caufetharthe heare f hallgrovveno more, or to make them come oute thinne and fyne like the ſirſte foft heaae or mo fines of the face, / py an Catt (cance kynde a remedye that the heare yagi Stowe no morze, bycaule that manpe whanne EN? tbey wyll dooe it, they make certayne oyncte⸗ hi ay thentes verve colde and drye, wherewith thep — Saumnoynte the place a qood whple, not dooynge any good at all bp reaſon ef the power of nature which bathe al wayes bis courte, and cafteth ont ber fuperfint. ties with thebeare. Lherfoze thep bourne the Chpn, anv: dose but marre tt. WW herefoze pou muffe note that thep - maf make them fall of in the latt quarter of the wane tye OP SECRETES:. 2152 ehe Moone and thenne incontynent annopucte the place wyth ople rolat,o2 of Vyolettes: thys dosen/ the beare gtoweth agape weaker, otter, and fyner, and Racket} ãt euery tyme moore aud mooze in comm yng fo2th. But f pou wyll thattt neuer growe moze, vie theſe re⸗ medyes folowpnge;whypcbe are berp good and certapne bperperpence, Lake thelptle fones of Dipues burned;. the outwardecoddrs of beanes, defed;the ſeede ol Hens bapne,Lptargest golde and ſyluer the Helles offyſhes called in Latyne Tellina; burned and the iuyce of blacke Poppp,as muche of the one as of the other,and haltfe as muchẽ Orpyment as of one of thole thpnges. All this bes prige beater to poulder,bapleitin as muche oplle Dipus rofat as wyll couer them (pre fpngers heyght, ſtyrringe it contynually by the (pace of twos 02 thrꝛee houres:than let itcoole, and frapne the ſayed ople, and foo keepe ft, puttyng to it the fourth parte of the oylle of Selandyne. And whenne the heares bee fallen, take a lyttle lynnen cloth, wette in the ſayde oylle luke warme,and lay it vp⸗ pan the faped place leaupng it ſo bounde on alla npgbte. In the mornyng tase of the lynnen cloth, ans annoynt the place with oylle roſate:and at nyghe laye the lynnen cloth en agayne wetted as beefozesand this do vi.oꝛ bit. npgbtes, but let it bee inthe wane atthe Moone And pe pou percepuc thatthe heares grow agapne, make theym fallatwapeagapne at the nerte wane of the Moone, voor pug inal poyntes as beefozes pou fhall not oft doe tt, but- you chall make that ths beares (hall never grow moze. To make a kinde of clorhior plaifterto take the heave from the face, neck and handes, orfrom any patt of thebodyes'! pe tar ert mee Ae twoo vrices of Turpentyne, halte an buce of : white ware broken (mail, oꝛ fome what inooze 02 SL. elle, accazdpugeas necae thall requyrey Wenge⸗ ‘Wyte, Storax calamita,atponve diſcretyon. sfpalte meite the warea Ipttic’, wpth alpttle fier, andthanne the” Bengewyne and Storax safter this, putin the urpens — “FHE FOVRTH BOKE - {pse,addprige ta it alpttle Ceruſe elle brayed, and fete tynge it to the fyre, putte intoitalperie Maitycke, and gnake thereof a myrtion neyther to thyxcke nor te cieare 03 thinne, Thanne take a piece of lynnen cioſhe of what vhᷣyg neſſe pou wyll, and lay it abzaade vpon a tables(prea dynge afterwarde the ſayde compolption bpon it wyth a f{pone.d2 ſomme other chynge as it were in manner of a platter, tbanne let it coole,andbeepe it ſo the one pppon the other open, wythoute foldynge bp the lpnnen clothe, for tobenne the ſayde mirtion is colditis barbe. Ityou will putte it in profe and occupye, dooe ag foloweth, At nighte tobenne pou goto besde, waſhe pour face and -fecke wyth :iube warme water, rubbpnge it welle “lopeh a lynnen cloth,o2 wyth pout hande: and when it (s Dope O72 whenne pou haue wyped it, take a piece of (hs ſayde plapſter, 02 cyred cloihe, and heate it by the fyje3 yntyllthe ſayd mixtion bee liquide and ſofte thenne ints medyatly bynde it Oppon poureface,o2 bppon tbe place, _ Some tubence pou woulbe bane the beare to falle 5. and preke it bsrdeon., leanpngettioailnupghte . Inthe MOPNPUge Gose fo yvoure lokynge glaſſe, and plucking of ene ende ofthe ſayde ipnnen clothe, pou thall plucke bWwave wpth it all the beare pf youre face, and fo Mall pou leguea.berpefapre Skpnue , Saapfincatetbers eentalne pet anpe of the tapde mistion bpponthe fletthe, tafe it wyth whote water, and wyth wheare bꝛenne, rabbpngett ſo longe wth ſomme piece oflinnen cloths epile pou male it faile of, channe wate poure face with Aquaupte, 2 whyte wyne, 62 wpth ſomme otbet bye piles water verng not to Fronge, but lette it be GE See ons, OF COULDEg, 63 of fuche other lphe,and bie afiere sare Waters mecte for thefsee, ax pou tpie,and thus thall pou Kerpe and mapntapne poure face os cleave as z * latte, A merielous fecrcte,wvhychethe great Lordes of che Mose rot do viewvhereby they mate that theicchildcen hauc ne hegre viet their armes,orother place vvhere they wvill,. > pGeschis fecrere founde Lin Syria,thic yeare 52 s.by the mes ——— aAe; OF SECRETES 3 1i'8o. nes of a lorde ofthe ccuntr ey,yvhofe doughter? healed, » amo & loone as the chila is borne, they make readie bp % 4 andby a piece of fpne golde, oꝛ a Ducat,o2 elles a a, tprige 03 ome ipke thinge, and bepe tt in the fyre, oo * Ontpll tt redde hote not meltyngeit, thanne thep carrye tt wyth a payre of tonges: and laye it vppon the _ place, tobere they toplle no heareſhal growe, and (mimes dyatlye annoynete it wyth oyle Koſatte, or the oyle of Upolettes:thanive after. rritii, boures,thep da the lpke as gayne, and by thys meanes there groweth neuer beare intbar place, Jhaue aften tymes made the heare falle from pounge gentle womennes bro wes and foreheades with thys medycynec, and they haue founde it wonderful, - but the golde muſte bee verye fyne, whpche ſuffereth no token, marke, or (harre to remayne where the burnynge was, as other metals do. Jhaue kept thys ſecrete hyoden a long tyme, and alrhough that divers times, men would haue gyuen me great gyktes, yet J would not publyſhe ft pbenap antl nowoe that Jhaue doone it,tn thts prelente BOO : > — To mabe a kind of cloth,calked eloth of Leuant,vwher Y¥it LyvVoimen do vie to colour their face MEOW’ ke the chearynge ot tkarlate,and bople ft Hoe (irate, where quycke Wyme bath beene bopled: and after pou haue boyled it a good Zee (pace, pou thall ſtrayne itz and tabe a potte (eee ful of it,and put into it twoo ounces of 1B2a¢ . fpllentte fry iptie pieces, addinge to it an ounce of Roche the fapd mixtiõ coole by the (pace of a Dap, and after pau bane taken it oute, depe ttin the ſhado we, and ae 4 ome THE FOVRTH BOKE tn ſome beffell, among adozpferous and, ſoote thpnged,, fozto belpe pou, The Gmeansthervvaie. . - i Aue a glatefallof Aqua site , a quarter of ar P :Coccum ,balfe an vnce of ib2afpl, pall an vnce of > guinime armonyacke, ‘put all thele thynges toge⸗ ther, fit ehe glatle where the Aqua bptets, thenne Teppe it cloſe foz feare tt take vente; and the fapde glafle mult bee fall, After this ſette it vpon a ſmalle fper, makvng it feeth faire and foftlpe, oz elles fetteitin the Sunne, bp the (pace of t woo oꝛ theee Dapes. This dooen, ſtrayne it ‘and putte in it pieces of olde iynnen cloutes, as we bane faped beefore. Ai pou thynke, in ſtrayninge this water, thatthe coloure fs not-redde, to ponr mynde, peu mays pit in morze of thefaped grapne ana bafell. aah ‘ubncesf the grapne that Iſpake of beefore, calle . Todyeayvhyte bearde or heare of the heade in. to a faire blacke ; them in oyle, but let them not burne: than ſtam pe T Ake goon galles of Leuant, oꝛ ſuche lyke, and frie them, and (itt thent once 02 tiple. Take alſo Ferre tung, Spaniſh blacke, wyych the Frenckentenne call Atrament dE fpaigne, the whyche ipke wife pou ſhall ſfampe and beate well to poulder Zhan take a panne fal of lpe,and pat inte it the pylles oz rpnes of Pomegranas des; Walnut pyliss, incapples, Wpere, Sage leaues, as mucbe as pou will ,detall this bople together, bi * till it bee broughte onto thetbirne parte, . Vou mutte Dane init al{o two partes of qalle,' andone of. Ferretum, ‘fentpering anv incorporating all well together, datill the blacke calont content pou. wherewith pou mape die poure bearbe, and beare, inthis maner. Maſhe voure bearde with lye notte Kronge, leak it burte pau s and whiles poure beaw o2 beard te pet bote, annoynt it with the faped confection: but tt mute beeluke warme, tothe entetite if mape penetrate and perce the better, io {sg sauce * OF SECRETES. 81 eaue it acertayne fpace . Than wathe youre heade 07 bearde fyrſte with hye, and than with hote water and pou fhall baste pour beade and bearde fapze and blacke Thys hurteth not, nor fmarteth anp thynge at all, nepther bat geth any inconuentence to the beade, 7 FA noble and excellent poulder to make cleane the seeth,to make them faſt and vyvhite,and to conferue the gome mes.A betterthynge-can notbe founde, and it vyere to gcue ‘or prefeatto a Quene or Princeſſe. Cow Ake Lacca of grapne,{fpotican get tt, it not taue Lacea de . of the grayne it felfe thatis berpe good.r. partes, grayne,isa feuen partes of barlep cakes 02 bꝛe ade ſo burned ceriaine cõ hat they be brꝛought to coales , Lignum aloc qj, fectios oF partes (ptie pommepte Fone tcouted ann mave cleane in ™ 20°" embers, and ſtieped 02 tempered in whyte wyne 5 0210 | aine,and Ghrdpare epabe partes: 5 dragons bioude thret partes Teche Alome hurned fonre partes, honnye buried ita ,ounde red Panne bntyllit be fyrſte blacke and than velowechzee palles-Lac- partes (aud thys mape pou Bo ofthe tees of honnye that cais a Tur Temapneth whan it 1s dyſt ylled puttynge it in a paniie, with vrord, and ſettynge it in a glalke makers: fouriee the {pace bt and not v- & daye oꝛ two)coales of the wood of roſemarye cthece par/ 4 io tes, fpne Spnamom two partes pBengewpiie ‘erie parte, ** > ae. Bole Armenyck o2pentall,nyne partes white wpe lees —— two partes; Aicblatter one partesfinall pearles one part, che ſcrapynge of yusrye twoo partes lyttle Quinces not tpps , ofthe byggenelle of a WH alnutte,o2 aiyttie more fpre partes.’ Polve the beffe be choſe that be not cometo perfection vppon the tree , the whyche pou mutte burne itt the fyre euen vnto coales Matttr eyghte partes Lette ail thele thynges be well ſtamped and patted thozough a fpnelarce,adopnge thereto alpttle Mufke , and fome Wolde a2 Spluet foyle, Thys boone, pou Wall beepe the fapde pouloer in fonie bore well Popped. 3! awd {oo Teall pou haue a precyous thynge Ane Whan yon wyl otcu⸗ pie of tt, walthe pour mouthe well fyre weh cleauetna tet, 02 tupne 5 than rubbe ir ei wyth youre tpliger, — oly 03 THE FOVRTH BOKE 83 ſome lynnen cloth, takynge of the faped poulder vpon t,and after wathe poure mouth well, Thus ofte dopnge, pou ſhall alwayes bane poure teeth berpe whyte, fake in pour bead, fronge and not hollowe. 20 To male averye excellent conferue to ſcoute the teerh,tocoforte the gummes, and to mabe a ſyvete and good breath. : - Ecaule the ble of the poulver te ——— Ao {conve teeih, leemeth leſſe commodi⸗ — 1 dus than ſome licoure 02 confertiz, —— tohpche agreethe better inpthe the NE emer — mouth,therfoze Wwe wyll weyte bere a el yi 2 aberps excellent one, whyche bath : Vs not bps lyke in the worlde, and mult xe. Kee be mane as folaweth. Gabe one part ef {pop rolet,tive partes of the ſyrop of Wyeztell,o2 of the §woode called dentifcus, oute ot the whyche commeth a gomme called Maite >: putte thys togetber ita cleane panne, than putte to it ot the ſayed pouider fo2 the teeth, twherof we haue (poker inthe Chapter. befoze , ſo that ail > mape be broughte into fofte patte 02% give, than fette the iptle panne span acbafpnge dyſhe, wherin mull be fome -* Hore athes, With a kewe embers, elics at the leaſte [ctu ' farre frome the fyre, and make tt bople fayrs and foftlpe, fipwpngett alwayes, vntylbit be 4s thycke as. bonny 02 thycherithars take it fromthe ſyre, and put to fome golde fofle aa muſtze, what quantitie pou will and fo Hal pou Dane afinguler thing for to do this that 3 haue poken of, 9:1) gAn aduertifementior leflon concernyng the makyng jess pfpouldess.and conferucs forthe secth. F pou wil maka the (ated thinges as excellẽt as is poftpble , vou muſte take of the faped thynges as tae muchas pou may —5 ifyoucan not baue them ols ail,tabeat theleait the mot ercetlent,as grayne. peatles 5. Cozall, yellows Amber,Ligaom apes nate on ti TIRES é R 28 ey f oe r 2 psi Ge OF SRGRIBTES. CHT ee Avineniche , alfothecoales of Barley Cakes or loues whan thep are burned, and all the other thpnges be berpe goobinit . And pf pou woulde geue ittafome greate pꝛince oꝛ Lorde, whyche badde rather haue it of ã good calont , oꝛ woulde knowe the thynges in it, pou mape make it as is ſayed, of fewe thynges, wyth golnefoticant Pulke. And he that wyll make it wyth leſte coſte and a greater quantytye, maye (wyth the thynges: mentioned tit the chapter wyth the pouloer)adde pouloer of bryckes poulder of nvavble.’, Creuiſe or lopſters fyelles burned, and a lyttle white ſalte the lees that remapneth tn the bottome when men make fronge water called Aqua fortis, is allso berpe ggode, eyther by it ſelke, or myngied with ſome otherthpnge 5 and ſo all you haue a greate deale of ſubſtaunce wyth {mall coffe. And yfa man wyll make a conſerue of lyttle charge,and wythout muche fas boure,he muſte take rawe bonnpe 5 og honnye roſet; and wpnglett with the ſayed poulders, and fo rubbe bis teeth ther wyth,wyth bps fynger, or wych a lynnen cloche; and waſhe bps month well atter it. Doynge thys euery eyght bapes, be Hall make bps teeth verye fayre and whpte. Athynge verpe good, and metefoz cuctyman. | An/excedynge vvhyte and good poulder to feoure the tecth,vvhicheis meeserfor Lordesiand greate men 5 than’ any of the other before, ‘4 B2fte here (6 to be neted.a goodly and notable ſecrete F of greate bettuc,fo2 to ſcaure and make white teeth, . whpcbets.the Pommetfe fone alone/ ſo that it be of that fyne and whyte fone... whyche hoemakers do bile to whyten white leather Shoes, and well beaten in pauls dev 3. Foz intubbpnge psure tecth wyth the lame ponte. der At ſcoureth and maseth them cleane ., and taketh ae wapeall the roughneſſe of theym, as men ſee bp expert⸗ ence, that the Pomineple ſtone is bſed to polyſſhe bones marble, and other lyke chvnges. Jhaue ſene sf mpfren⸗ des, men of greate iudgemente and. knowledge, whyche gaue nothyng vnto greate men — LOMDD pda ce: * lt, ap “ THEFOVRTH BOKE =| fapd poulder, whan ft is well beaten in poulder, amanne cannottell whatitts + alle you mave geue tt a Iptle fas, sure; laxinge it amonge bagges of Mulke and Amber; of whomie tt taketh atrodoure 5 and 9 bauc ſeene men ef eftpmatyon , that helde it for thpiige of greate impor⸗ taunce, when they ſawe the bertue and speratian obit. Solwe,pfpon wyll make atwbptepoulver 5 moze noble and moze profptable fo2 the teeth, and gomimes 5: take ſmall pearles amped alpttle, egeiles whole, and putte them in a dyſſhe, e⸗ in a wyde glaſſe: thantake the tupee: oflemons orꝛ oꝛenges, ſtrayned thorꝛough a lynen clethes at the leaſte ſyre oↄ ſenen tymes and poure it bpponthe ſayed Pearles, vntyll it couerchem ouer three or foure kyngers hygh, and pou ſhall fee that in ſhorte ſpace it witk begpnne to boyle, and than couer ft with ſome paper or⸗ Ipnnen clothe leauynge it fo chree 92 foure dayes, and ag the ende pou thall fpnde the ſayed peartes dyſſolued ana molten in the fapdetupce , andtourned into. a paſte as whyte asMowe , marpe there wyll be alpttle pellowe fkpnite bppon it, engendred of the faped iupce .. Thys doen, take cleere well water, othe waterof Leatifcus: difplled,andpoure it vppon the taped. pate, thee.c2 foure fyngersbepgbteaboue. Than take a lpttle forke, 02 the feale ofa Spluer ſpone oꝛ fome thinne fipcke, and ft pare the patte well aboute in che ſayed Water. 5. lettynge tt fos ande, and fpnalipe caſte oute she water and pf pou fee pet anye of the pellowe, remapne bppon che fapes patfe, waflthe tt agayne as befo2e , and couer it wyth a paper, lettpnge tt fo depe Of it felfe,nthe (nine. Atter thys you hall take thzee partes of thefaped paſte 02 whyte pouls der,foure partes of wbpte Pommieple Tone, as ts afoze- faped, twoo partes of twbpte Wengewpie ; one parte of Roche Alome-well burned. ; “one parte sfwhpte Cozall, halte a parte of tubpte puowpe',balfe aparte of Aleblas Her verpe tobpte. : Breake and boule all thele well vppon . atableofmarble, o2 ira Spluer cuppe , puttynge fſo it fome Spluer fople,andthus Gall peu baue averp whyte and excellents ſubhſtannce o2 matter to make poure teeth dees . re as. OF SEGRETES, Osurs, a aeA diftilled vvater,excellente forto make the teethe vvhite immediatly and co preferue them vvonderfully. | ie he: ONE Ake a pounde of the firife water dittillep of honny,the whiche is white:thanne put it in a bpolle, wyth an ounce of commune poutndo y THE FOVRTH BOKE _ odour, pou Hall put in rawe honnye, makpnye tt ot falue iit the beste of the Sunne: fo2 itis a thypnge good fox the gummes, and geueth a good laudur of the was ter. Keepe this welle, as anercellente thynge, and it Were foza Queene, And when pou wyll occupy of tr, waſhe well pour moutbe fp2e, and wype pour: teethe with alpttetl piece of whyte lynnen sleathe, anv than pyke theim with a tooth pyker made ct the woove Len tifcus, o2 ſome other thpnge wette itt the fayde water, 92 witha lpttell cloathe, rubbe theym a lpttell,and ine contiuente pau all percepue and feele tt kaſten and bynde youre gammes, and comfiozte poure teethe mae kynge theym kayre and whyte. And be that loueth bets ter ce whyte thenne the redde, let hym putte no Syna⸗ mom, Woale armonicke,no; Lignum Aloes, into tt,afs ter it is diſtilled, but lette hym put it into aigplle wyth the other hinge, puttpnge ofecke of thepm as much as there is of Matticke, andit halbee euen as ercellente ans as whpteas otherwyſe. Three aduertifementes or lefons ofim portance: toBepe the tecth yvhice and vncorrupt, and alfo a {yveete, breathe. De firlkets he that lech net to walthe tell hys mouth ener when be bath eaten bis meales, thal haue altoaies pelow tecth.anva ttinkink beeath Ebe feconde is he that lepeth wyth bps mouth tlofe,bath likewite an euyũ bzeath,and koule teeth. The thirde is that korto maintayne and kepe the teeth fapre and whyte, and a cweete breathe, whenamanis faped (s bys bende, and whenne he wakerh in the moꝛr⸗ Npiige,ttts good to purge welle che breafte and theote, ippttpng out alithat isaathered together that npabte: whyche alfa is good faz the Komackeand heave. Ano hauynge poure teeth and bzeath warme,takea lynnen cloth 02 the cooner ef the fheete,and rubbe poure teethe well wychin ang wichoute, to take alpape the fumofie teat the meate, and the pelosonielte of the teech gathe⸗ red OF SECRETES. * red together inthe nyghte: for it is that, that maketh pour teeth pelowe,and gommes redde,and corruptech paure bꝛeath. Thys is a verpe neceſſarye thynge to bee knowen, and ough! well to be obſerued: It ts alfo good to cate enetpe mozupnge ſomme grapnes of Daiticke, te A decoction to vvafhe and {koure the mouth to fatten lofeteeth,to confolidats and make founde the gommes:andto make the fle(h grovve agayne if it yvere decayed or fallen avvaye. Ake balfe a glafleful of Winafgre,and as much OF water of Aentiſcus, of Roſemary, Bprrhe, Was ſtick, Boale Armonicke,the motiture that diſti leth oute of Dzagons bloude, Roche alome burned, of eche of them an an bnce,fpne Spnamonnbalf an duce, inel riuer, oꝛ fountaine water,thzee glafietulles,mpne gle all Well together, andlet it hoyle wyth aſmal fe, addinge to it halfe a pounde of honnp,takpnge alwape the fcumme of (¢,than put ina lyttle Bengewyne. ano whan tt bath bopled a quarter ofan boure,take it front the fyre, and keepe ft ina cleane bpole,and waſhe pour teeth often times withall,as wel before as after meats, and boloinge ft a whyle in pour mouth, itis berp goon fo2 the heade, anid maketh a ſweete boeath,A thpnge of Great ercellencie. The ende of the fourth | booke. J THE Secretes ofthereuerende Aaſter Alexis of Piemount. THE FIFTE BOQOKRE, To make perfyt Afure,fuch as commeth from _ beyond the fas. "2 GSV 4G pis Lafuli,fvottea lpke Marble, and 72) Na lommetwbat of the coloure of Ae ſure, wyth ſomme bapnes of Gold 2192 greene, of the whyche pou ſhal _ wove mate thps p2oofe folowpage. ase alittle piece of tt, and putte. DEA it bppon whete caales, blo wynge — tt iupth a pape of belloives 5 the fpace of an boww2e, than lette it coole agapne,and touch ft wyth pour Hande,pfit beeake,and vndooe lpke earth tt is nothynge worthe, but pf it abyde fpame and hacde together, and keepe bps coloure of Alure, itis good. Thanne take a pounde of the fame,and bꝛe ake tt into ſmall pieces. ,. whyche pou hall melte in the fyre the {pace of a good bow2e,blowpuge tt continuallp Thys doen, take good Vyneygre diſtũled, in ſlomme kynde of beffell wherein pou ſhall quenche the ſayd pieces, and let them d2p:than take water made as folo weth. ake a pane leaded, and putte in it a quarte of cleere water, and alpttte rawe whyte honnye. Bople it and ſtymms it well bntyll there be no moze ſaumme, and fo let itcoole. Than take of Dragons bloude wel ſtam⸗ ped,the quantytye ofa Wialnutte,.. and wette it lyttle and little with the ſayde water, and it beynge wel dipt, rayne it thorowe a linnen cloth,into ſome veſſell leas ded. And pou muſt note,that the water may not bee ta redde, nor to cleere, but betwene both, that ts te fape, beetwene cleere and redde, to the ende that the Aſure man “OFSECRETES. may take a Miolette coloure. After thys, braye well the fapde Lapis lafali, fo molten and burned, wyth the ſayed iwater(as bermilleon is commonly beaped)bp the fpace of an hour oꝛmoꝛe:thã aſſemble tt together in a glaſſe o2fome other befell icaded, ample ano large, drivng tt in the ſhadowe, and not in the Sunue: fo2 it would lofe bis coloure.And whan it is d2pe,beate it welle to paul: Der and keepe tt in fome cleanelpnen cloth wel bound: than make this pail folowynge. Lake two vnces of the rofino2 gomme of a whpte ppnetree,two buces of Pix greca two vnces of Mallick, two vnces of f ofle of line tio bnees of Lurpentine,two buces of mewe Ware: ſtampe well that multe be Fansped,and cutte the ware. {nto {mall pieces, thanne put all in netwe panne, and - bopie it tyll tt comme to bis perfection, whiche map be knotven,bp call png a dzoppe of tt inte cold water/ and {fin takpnge it wyth pour wette hande, tet cleaue not to pourbande,tt is partecte:and therfore pou hal ſtraine st thozowe ſome cleane cloth, into a beffell full of colde Water, but this mute pou. do whyle it is pet bote, fo2 if {tbe colo, ft will not ſtraine, and leaue it fo longe in the water, vntyll tt be harde ,than take it and fet (t to depe. Howe, whan pou will incozpozate it with the poulver, bo thus: Cut the ſaide coafectton in ſmal pteces, which u ſhall put into ſome kettle tinned wythin, and ſet it oon the fyre, and whan it beginneth to bubble op, put toitan ounce of the ople of bptter Aimondes,letttig it ſo botle the {pace of two Mifercre, and inthe meane time make reabdp pour poulder of Lapis lafuli in a befel, fupth. famme lptle fpcke made fo2 the purpoſe: than take the keftle, and potv2e tt bp lyttle and lyttle, into the veſſel vppon the ſayde poulder, not ceaſſynge ta ſturre it ale wapes wyth the lyttle ſtycke, vntillit be all well incor⸗ pozated with the ſayd poulder of Lapis laſuli. Thys doen fet it coole,tha annoinct pour handes with ople Oliue aud take the ſayd ſubſtance, and toſſe it vp and dotwne, - wyth pour bandes.to thende to incorporate it welle tos get ber, And after pou. haue bzoughte tt to the ag & THE FIFTH BOKE and fathion of bꝛeade 2 patie put ft in a veſſell leaded, and beepe it ſo the (pace of tenne dayes at the leafte, And whan pou will take out of tt the Alure, make fprſt cleare lye, twith the aſſhes of bynes, of the whiche pou ſhall feta kettle full to the fp2e , ſetthynge ttas boteas pou map endure pout bande in it:than after 5 putte the fated confection oꝛ pate in a beſſell leaded, and adde ta {tas muche of the ſayed lye as pou hall thpnbe goon. Whan Epare the fated fubaunce fapze and loftlpe, vn⸗ tpll you fee the Afure come out, and whan pou lee tt if {ued out,poure the ſayed lye with the Afure into abel fell leaded, of the which veſſelles pou muſt bane a good nontber,than put to ttagapne ofthe otber bete ite, dae ynge as before, puttyng tt afterward agapne {nto ano⸗ ther veſſell, and do thus vntill there be no moze Aſure. And here pou muſte note, that of a pound of Lapis laſuli ff it be fine, there fs loſte but an vnce, and is bad out ef it inthe whole, eleuen buces,that iste lay; fyue vnces of good and fine,thace vnces of amean fozte, and three vnces of courier. The fyne is woth at the leaite twoo crownes and a balfe the buce,the meane , a crone an buce,and the other balfeacrowne . Nowe, after pou haue gotten out all the Alure,loke well whiche fs ipke the one the other,fo2 to putte eche of them by them fels ties (nto theee partes,as we haue ſayed. Than walthe it well with fapze and clere lpe,pourpnge it oute of one befell into another, vntyll tt be come to a geod colour, and purifier frome all ozdure andfplthe . And whan pou thynke (tis cleane pnough, d2pe ttin the ſhadowe ina chaumbcrjand whan (tts bape, take a glaffefull of fyne Aqua bite,and ſtiepe in ita ipttle good beafili,and thatt trimme and dele poure Afure wyth thefame As qua bite,andilette itdape, continupnge fo the {pace of thoce dayes, vntyll the Alure be participant, and bane taken parte of fachelpcoure, and than it tall be of an ercellentfpnecoloure . Keepe eche ſorte bp tt felfe in bagges of leather Well (owed and bounde, To OFSECRETESS .° 86> geTo male afyne confection of grayné, called Lacca of grayne. eevee, Ake a pounne of the Hhearpng of (carlette, Rees * put it in a newe pannetullofipe that + is notte ſtronge, and boyle it vntyll the lie take the coulour of it. Thys doen, take a — bagge, large and wpdeaboue 5 and nar⸗ : “role potnded beneth, whereinto pen Hal poiwse the faped ſhearynge of ſcarlette, and the lpe, ſet⸗ tynge a veſſell vnderneth, than weynge and prefle the barge barde,that all the ſubſtannce, and altthe colour sap Traine and d2eane out, atter that wathethe theas ryng and the bagge, in the befell where the colour ts, And tf pou thinke that the hearpnge hath pet moze cas lout init,boplett agayne With other lye , ordryng it as befsre. This done; pou fall beate the apes couloured ipe vpon the fire, but let it nét botle, and pou mull bane readp vponthe fyre ſome cleane pan, wyth cleane was fer, {nto the whiche beinge hote, you Hall put.b. vnces of Koche Alome,beatentopoulver . Andas ſone as pou ſee it viffolue,take a bagge,like onto the fps, anv whan the coloure ts hote, take it from thetpze, and put into it Alome, and caffe all fo together tnte the bagge, fettpnge buder it ſome veel leaded, and loke pf vnder⸗ net the conloure come out reddze,than tabe but water and poureit into the bagge, with all the reſte that was Arained out of it,into the fated vetlel buder the bagge, and poure that fe often, whiche hall Traine and renne out baderneth vntyll thelicour that ſhall iſſue gute/ be no mozeredde,but cleere as lye: hauinge thus ſtratned all the water , the coloure wyll remaine in the bagge, whiche pou thall vndoe and lever a fonder with a (clple of wend, putting it downe to the bottome of the bagge, and bopnge tt al inte a maſſe, oꝛ lumpe, oꝛ into little ta⸗ biettes,o2 (nte what fourme pou wyll, and than deie tt bpon a newe cleane paupnge tplesin the fhavow, withs in pour boule ,02 els abzoade where no ſunne ſhineth. Ard fe hall pou haue an excellent thynge ef ft, te To dye bones into a greene colour, ry it a good great piece of quickelyme, leaupnge itfothe(paceofadape . Whe nerte dape moze nynge myngle tt welletogptber wyth a ſtycke, and ſo lette it reſfe, andat noone ſtyrre it agapne,and Ipkelvpfe at npghte . The nerte moznpnge folow⸗ pnge , pouthall ſtrayne it cleane oute and keepe it, in the meane tyme haue the bones that pou wylle dye in a readyneſſe, and boyle theym welle in other common water, wherein Koche Alome hathe beene diſſolued, and whanne it hath boyled a good ſpace, vou fhall take theym out, and let them drye, thanne ſcrape them well lwpth aknpfe,and put them inte the ſayde lpme water, and addpnge to tt ſome erdegrife,pou Hall let cheim ſeeth well,and than taketbem out. And after pou haus lopped snd depend cheym, do wyth them what pe wylle, foz they wll be berpe fapze:: And in ſteede ofthe fapos lyme tater pou map ble pple, which wyl be of theliks operation. Another manner hovveto dye bones, orluorye, intothe colour of an Emeraude. : T Ake A qua fortis ſe paratiua, and putte therein te Ge a panne kull of cleave water, and putte inte fret.and diſſolue, as muche copper oz bialle, as the water is bable with ber force ta diſſolue, and lenfe: thys dooen, putte in what peece of woorke pow wyll, bepuge fpatte cutte in the fourme that yon wylle haue it, as beftes fo knyues, penneknyues, yncke hor⸗ nes ymages, or onye other thynge to poure fantalpe, leaue theym in it the ſpace of a nyghte, and they ſhaſbe ofthe coloure ofan Cmeraude., Nowe, yt in ſteede of copper 02 bzafle,pou dydde put in Syluer, it woulde be the betfer. To dye bonesredde,blewve or of any colour youvyyll. 3 Hye OF SECRETES , > 7 Ya popes sot lfe bople paur bones in Alome tater, thate yy Fake quypche U pme water,o2 pyſſe, and in this a — water or pyſſe, pou ſhall putte Braſyll, Azur ꝛan herbe called Rubia, whyche the Apotica ries calle Rubra maior,and Rubratin@orum, 92 Rubeca tinctonim, tberetepth they coloure wolle o2{binnes,tn Englyſſhe Chpcbeweeds , 62 what other coloure pou inplic,and thanne feeth poure bones o2 Juorye therein, ‘ and (hep wyll take ſuche coloure as pou put in. A very goodlyefecrete to dye or colourevveode, of vvhat coloure g man vvyll vwhychefome loyners doo vfe that make tables and other thinges of diners. colourés,and doo efteme it amonge theym felues to bee of ſuche excellencie,that one brother wville not teache itanother. ‘Ake carlp in the mornynge, newe and frefhe horſe T donge, made that nyght, and take of the moyſteſte pe cant gette, wych the ſtrawe or lytter and all, and laye vppon ſomme little ſtyckes layde a croſſe one ouer⸗ thwart another, and ſet ſomme veſſell vnderneth, foz tc receaue that ſhall droppe or fall from the ſayde donge. And pf pou can not haue vnsugh in one moꝛnynge dooe thelpbetive o2 three tymes oꝛ as ofte as pou toplle:tban whan pou baue wel dreaned oute the water of this Dong poufhallput inte euery potte of the ſayde water, the byg neſſe af a beane ef Roche Alome, andasmuche gomme Arabicke. Chan ſtiepe what colour pou wil in it vſynge dyuers velels,pf pon wyll haue dyuers colours and put. in what pieces of wood pau will holdynge theym at the ſyre or in the Sunne:and at eche tyme plucke oute fome pieces and laye theym aparte, leauynge the otber in, fo2 the longer ye letts chem lye tn the water, the Coze wylle ihe coloure alter... And in thys manner vou ſhall haue a greate quantitie ofdpuers coloures, the one clecrer,the atbher barber, . and niave dle it to paure asian ~ THE FOVRTH BOKE what ble pou lpife 5 for they tall bee coloured ba⸗ the wythin. , and wythoute, fe that they wylle neuer iofe thep2 coloute » nepther bp water, 02 anpe other thynge, ; 5 « To counterfeyte the’blacge vvoode'ealled Hebenus, ot Hebenum, andto mageiras fayre as the naturalle Hcbene,vvhyche gro vveth no vvhere but in India. ores) ILI kpnde of vonn that is lyke bnto the vm Hebene maye be dyed blacke: but the barvelle i uw andthe maulxueſte (as bere and otheripke)ate — Teg meeteſts fo2it, and wylle bee bayghter, and abou all the woodde of a Wulberye tree, as weile the whyte as the blacke,is the beſte to bee conloured, albe⸗ it the blacke bee muche mooze forthe purpole . ake hanne the fapde woode, and lette it lpe the {pace of thres Japesin Alomme tater, epther (nthe Sunne, oꝛ a pres ‘pe waye of frome the fyre, vvntyll the water ware fome what warme, thannetake Dple Dipne , 02 Dple of lyne ſeede, and putte it in a lpttle panne, wherein fs the byggeneſſe of anutte, of Romapne Gptrpolle, ano as muche Brymſtone Thys oone,feeth pour wood fn the layde Dple a certayne ſpace, and fo fhall pou haue a thynge verye darke of coloure , And the longer pou lette it boyle, the blacker it wylle ware, but to muche boplynge burnethe it, and mãketh it bryttle, therefore both in thone and other pou muſte be circumſpecte, ans ble diſcretion. To dic fginues blevve,or of the coloure of A. fure, | Auynge kyrit welle wathed theſkynne, and that wronge ym take the berries of walwozt and el ber berries, and ſeethe theym in water, wherein Koche Alomms was dyſſolued paſſe hym once thozowe wate o OF SECRETES 11 igs water, and lette hym dey, than palle hym agayne thozeto the ſame water,and bepng topped and O2ped again, Wath hym wyth cleere water, thanne ſcrape oute that water wyth the backe of a knpfe,and once agayne pate it over wyththe famecoloure, ond lette it d2pe,fo hal (tbe of a betp bleweo; Alure coleure. ¶ To die fginnesin chickvveede,calledin latyne Rubra maiore,or Rubratin@orum,into a redde coloure.. broade the ſkynne, as ts aforeſayd weete it wych 5 Aapng annopncted, walihed, w2onge,and layd av , water that white wyne lees‘and bape falte bathe beene boyled in, and thanne wrynge hym. ake thanne | creupſes or crabbe ſhelles bee thep of the ſea o⸗ ofthe ry uer oᷣourned inte aſhes, the whych pou thal temper with the {apo water of the lees ¢ falte,g rubbe well che tkynne therewith, channe wahe him well with clere water, and wrynge bpm. Thys deone, take ruddle tempered in twas ter of Ices,anv-rcubbe thel kyn welle oner and suer with if, ana. thanne wpth the loreſayde athes,wathpnge, and wryngynge it thee times. Finallye, after you haue was fhed hym and wronge hym yt you thynke ft be not welle pnougbe,vou Wall gpuc hym one dyenge wyth Bralſpll. The palteo2 maiſe of Kubratinctorum, muite bee made wyth water that lees 07 tartre bath ben boiled in, and the fafo water muff be luke. warme, whan pon make the pat of ruddle, than leaue tt fo the (pace of a npabt.Giterthps putbppor the ſayd Rubra tinctorum,a iptle Alome drag ges, oꝛ lees, oꝛ Alom catinu w, ſtleped in water. Bou map alſo adde tq ft the coloure of the ſhearyng of ſcarlet; whi⸗ che bathe beens taken oute boylynge inlpe,whiche is 8 goodly lecrete. se To dye feinnes Greene... : Nnointe the ſkynne and wah him bel with cold A than in hote water, and fo wipt and dey WY him, This doen, take ofthe graines apie Sap greene made with the berries ofa Dogge bery tree. “S'THE FOVRTH BOKE the fappe(the becodion whereot Hall bee putte in the end ofthys booke, wyth thepm ofall other necefarpe thpne : ges ) andthe layde graynes or berries mute bee berps rppe,thanne putte theym in cleare water, conered a fpr ger heygth, putte therein allo Koche Alome, and gene theym onelpe one waulme on the fyre · Thys doone ſtrayne theym oute into ſomme velſſell, thanne take the fkpune,and foloe bpm in the myddle, rubbynge bine wel: on bothe (pdes, wpth the ſayde ſodden grapnes, 02 bers ties, whyche remapne tn the pan, and atter wpth rate Qo lome poulder. Thys doen, take the ates of hepes donge burned, and werte it wyth the ſayde colour that pou frat ned inte the layde dellell, and tubbe the ſkynne tvelle da euerye ſyde, thanne cleere hym agapne of the (apne grate nes, and waſhe hym wpth cleare water, and lette h pin tg d2pe wythoute wypynge hym. Fynally cal on hym two glalſetfulles ol the lapde colonre,and it wyll be a perfede ‘greene, | Another vvay to:dy e ſtinnes greene. Ette the lkynne bee annopneten, welle waiter, wronge, aid Fretched oute as beelore thanne take ofthe ſame graynes and berries ye take beelore, whyche pou Hall ttampe and (eeth in Roche Alome tas tet,and.gpuc the ſkynne tone tuppes aver wyth thps cor loure,and ſo let it Bay. After this pou Hall gene hym one dyinge oz coloutpnge of peliowwe, made wyth the graps nes, oꝛ berries of Necprum,fonden in water and Alome, anda lyttle Saffron; “anv pon halt haue an excellente greene. Ar ——— To dye the fayd ſainne⸗ greene another y yay. Cha? Ake the ſkynne, beynge annoincted, waſched, and ppꝛedde abzoade, ‘dpe and coloure hym wwpth the coloure made of fappe Greene, and put te it fewe 7 alſhes wette in water and fa xubbe the thynne lg col OMA 8°: 5. ema Mili all allabente . And bohenne pou bene waſſhed and top: ped hym agayne, geue bpm one wype curr wyth an3 Indian coloure ſodden in Koshe Alome. And woanne itis dape, lave on it of thefozelapte pellowe, and pou Mal haue a fapze and liuely gtcene, aa Another vvayeto dye ſſknnes of Aſure colour and fayre. _ kv the Rinnes of blacke graves and rub #lomMagea purple vvhiche is 4 coloure vvhete⸗ _ | + ““with men vfe to make a coloure lyke golde for to.paint oe ad veryce vith, , 9 Olt a poundeof tp: tynne, and melred ag ie is take tt from the fire and put into it epg ste 02 ten buces of quicke Silacr, myngle welle “i altogether bntpli it belpbe as tt were dow: thanne take a pounde of Biymttone, and a pounde of Armoniacke ſalte welle-b2aped, - Inco por ate a ie Rad San evox ith all thys with the ſayde dowe of the Tinne and Quicke Syluer and braye theym weltogether in a mozter,o2 other veſſell of wood oꝛ fone,and nat of i afle. han put al this compolition into fome dioll,twhpch mutt be wel lated 03 claped about the mouth, o2 fe emplatffred that the clapinge or lutinge be hygher thanthe biolle a fynger height setiwapne. Than afterwarde fet it fo be pon the faurnets,mabkinge to tt a flow fpe at the firſt, and after alittle bpgger,and fe pou thal matntepne (t, ſtyrrynge at times With alittle ſticke that whiche isin the giafle. And whan pou lee that tt wil make a yellow colour, take it from the fyre and let it coole, and ſo thal pou baue a vderp fatre purple coloure lpke the colour.ef geloe:dfierwarde braye tt wyth lic,and waſhe itwyth ille, aꝛ lpe,addprige fo it alpttle Saffron,and fiepe tt th gommed water, as pou Mall (ee hereafter moose plapnetp. To makeLaccaofBrafyll. Goose “he tivo paples fulle of ſtronge lye, and Poem pons) putte tit tt a pound of (he fheat: nge of fine aby ees (carlette,andlette tt bople bntpiikbe ſayde Re? Peon thearpnge bee all together vpHolned and Jconlumed inte watersthanne after poze Sse" (t inte fomste befell of wood 02 fone,and caffe into it by lyttle and little, ponnde of Koch Alom minglynge it wel with a ſclyſer of wood, and poure als fo to (t,bp little and little, twopaples fulll of colde wa⸗ ter. And after putte it in a ſtrainyng bagge, and lette ft dreane and trickle sut, then put that remayneth in the bagge (nto fome belfcll of glafle. bps doen vou fhall fette on the fyre a pound of Verzine 02 zalpi cutee in pieces in to a paple full of lpe,and let it feeth butil it be diminithen the thicknes ofa finger,than ſtraine ft in a⸗ nother bagge,anv let the water that commeth ont, bee fet againe on the fpze,with an vnte of gomime Arabick mate in poulder, and let it ba untelt it be — ee ee alfe ‘OF MSEGRETES,. aaa ‘baile afprger,then poweze tt vpon the ſayde eompoſiti⸗ On;that pou dio put into the belfel of glafle, minglpnge {weltalltogetber wyth a wodden (cipier, than put it in abagge, and ſrraine it well. Che dowe of Verzine wyl remayne in the bagge, whereof pou map make rounde apples or balles,and deve theym in the ſhado we, and tt will he parfite. oe ee: To make wvhite tables to vvtite inv, vith the point, ofa wvyre,fach as come out of Germanye, mee Ase platter called Gipſum, cribled ana ſyfted and Hicpe it, ans temper tt wyth hartes glue, 02 other, aid gene ysur parchment leafe one touch Ww pth it, and whanne tt is Dape,(crape tt that it mape be euen and bepghts, andcouct it ouer agapne wych the fapse platiter,catled Gypſum, and ſcrape tt as beefores than take Cerufe, well brayed and ſyfted, and ſtiepe it with the Dple of line ſeedſodden: Annoint your tabies wyth thps myrtion, and let tt drye inthe hadowe, the Space of fpue oꝛ lixe dayes Thys doen, take a cloute,og linnen eloth wete in water, wherewith pou tall {licag and make ſmoeth the fapoetables,but the clorhe mae fpr ite be wzonge para, aid the water preſſed oute then leane tt fo the (pace of ru.oz.rr. apes, vntpllit bee thos rowe Oppe,than applic it to pour oie, To make roſet or rule. Axe an vnce ot Bꝛaſyll broken ſmall a quarter ofan vice of Ceruſe: and a quarter of anounce of Roche Alone, mire all thele chpnaes wel! ras gether, and tampe thepurwelie, thane paure ppffe bpon thems, ditil thep be al coucred pth it, leaupiig (et fo the {pace of.iii.dayos, and mizing it.iii.oꝛ tit. epmes adap, Afterward ſtraine it thors vc a linnen clothana put it in a pan not leaded,o2 in a martes of white Fone And let it dzye fit a place where there commeth neyther Sunns kepe (t,anb whan pou wyll weyto wptball , Tepe it tre gommed water. To gyle ouer parchement leather,or other fuche vvorke , v che men vic in fteade of hangynges, ortapiftry. | graca, of erbe a pound halle an tnce of Saftron poulder. Wople allthis in panne featca , fo ttiuche,and fotonge, that puttyng into it bennes fea ther,and takyng tt bp and bp out agaptic.it fecine as ft were burned. han take tt frome the fpre, andtake a pound of Aloe E paticum of the vel, toel made m pom⸗ der, and cate it in bp lothje and little, Cyrryng tt incon⸗ tinent well together with a fronge ſtycke: fo2 ‘others Oi thre pounde ofthe Ople oflpne,Vernix,Pix wile it woulde fweli and rpfe bp alofte. And pfincate fo2 all ebe ſtyrryng it ryſe bp, take ft of the fyze andlet it ſtande a while and than tet tt on the fyre againe, mas kynge it bople a newe ſtyrryng (t alwapes diligently, And than all ts Well incorporated together ‘takeit frome the fpze,anbd lette it rette a while, than drape tt thozowe a linnen cloth nto fome ether befell tubercit pou wyll kepe it,anditis made, Motive, ifin eade of Salfron, pe dpd put to ofthe pellowe feed tubpehcis ‘inthe flowzes of Lillies,pouthall make it mach better and fapzer. aban pou tspil qplte the parchemens pou (Hall geue tt a grounde o2 fituation wyth the whtte of an Egge, or Comme, wherebpon pon Hall taye filuer 62 tynne leaues , But tt Hail net be fo fap ‘x pth the leaues oftinne,as with ſyluer. Than lap the fatde Vcrs nix, bote Dpon the parchement,oz leather ſiluered anv pou Wallice immedtatlp a coloure of golde berp fayre Let it dope well in the Sunnesand prynt it,than payne ft with what colour pou Wplkees 2. 0s we qn, To dye Crimfon Sylke, 3 9D. ttt, Fyetks — OF 8 ECREIES. _— sal Sunne 102 dape ivebt:than crape the ſaied roſet, ant THE FIFTH BOKE gamma Atle chitte in fonver, 63 (crave hare Sape Jſmall and melteitin common water, than cake poure Splieinalpnnenbagge , 02 of Aſvne canuelfe and thynne, and putte it inte — qf kettle wyth the fapde water and Dope, bette it boyle balfe an Howe, fperpe tt that it cleaue not to the bettle,then tabe it out, and walthe ttin ſalte water, and after in frefthe water, Lake aifo fo2 enerp pounve of Sylke, a pounde o2 moze of Koche Alome alapde fa colde water, and ſee there be Water pnough, fate the whyche pou hall putte the fapoe Sylke woth: oute any bagge, and wpthoute ſettynge it on thefyre, leauynge it ſo thelpaceofepabte houres: than tabe tt oute and walſhe ttinfrelhe water , andafter in falte water then agapnetufceithe water, and letteit not. Dope but put it wete asitis tia kettle wyth.the Crim⸗ fen, well ſtamped analptted , that is to ape, three vn⸗ ces fo2euerpe poundeof Sylke Jf pou wyill bane the. Sylke ofa hygher colouve,take foure vnces of it, ans bople tt in as muche water as wyll couer the Splke, . and that the water be aboue tt foure 02 fpue fyngers bpabe, and for.eche pounde ofthe ſayde Crimfeit, pou. hail putte in, theee vnces.of ſmal galles of Iſtria, well. beaten into poulder:or in eve of them,peu map putte.. in halle an vnce ol Arſenycke Crpitalpne, fo2euerpe ꝓpounde, whpcbe wyll make the coloure fayrer but tt is daungerdus becaule of the ſmoke, and all. inconue⸗ nlences that mape bappen , where ſuche water maye fall. And whan it begynneth te bople,putte inte ft pour Spike, prepared and ordered as is. atozelaped. and let {sboplca quarter ofan houre, Finallye tabettof,and - lette it oppein the Gavoiwe:., añd vxou hall haue an ex⸗ excellent thynge rah Te prepate and trymmeBrafyll,for tomaké-ofir Four diucrs colouts. : © Baye. “TOF SECRETES. |: aye - Se Bt Wealtll in as muche cleare water as ye will and feeth tt vntpll it be diminiſhed of the thyrde patte,o2 at the leat vntill the colour pleaſe pou, that is to fape,that tt beberpe redde, then deupae thps eslour tutefenrepartes : and pfofone ofthe partcs pou wyll makesolet,putte nothprge to it, fo2 the co louv lopli be ſuthe of it telfe. If pou wyll make the o⸗ ther parte blewe, putte to a lyttle Upme water , and pou Mall bane berpefapze biclwe ¢ marpy the Bralyll muffe be luke warme, If pou wyll make it Wpoletre, — to it:but yf taway, pouthall putte to it;Alu- man reciSe To make rofer of Braſyll another vvaye. ofa Wlalnutee of vnſſeaked Z pme , leanpnge it B fathe (pace of a nyght, then take as muche 12a fyil, bꝛuſed andbzoken 4 as lopli fpll the beffell, that pou wyll bople it in, balfe full: than poure into it the faped water wyth thea pute well Lrapned, and lette it - fo fiepe in the faped twater,the (pace of foure botwzes, . miabpng it atterwarde bopte bnitpll it be come ta baife, than bowe downe fayze and foftelp the velſell that pou bopled it in, and drawe ute the coloure into ſome os cher cleane velſſell, puttynge to it the quantitie ofa Cy⸗ che Peale of Roche Alome, well brayed, and putte it tn wyhan tt is berpe hotesthan fhail pou haue a goodips thpnaete do withall what pon wyll. Ff pou ill wepre wyth it, adde to it alpttle Gomme water, Jf pou topll - mate it Blewe,putte te it thaee bnees of pe , mere | 93 leffe,tnito a befell ,andpou hall haus a verye fapze - dlewe. Tete a potte of water, and pat in ft the bpggenefe To make beyonde {ea-Afure,vvithout Lapis , Dalal | | Rabe ; o Ake an bree of Siluer,caleinedoz burned with ' Agua fortis,and an bnce and a hatfe of faite Ars imonpacke., mire all well together with vynap⸗ ger and jette it clarifiea lpttle. If the bpnayger be moze than thefapte thynges, take Alwape thatis ta muche, and putte the rete ina veſſell ell leaded, and well Popte, that the ſubſt aunce haue ndvente ont, leas uynge itforrd. dayes,andat the ende you Mail fynde berye fayrze Aſure. “a 4Ts make a grene colour to write or paint yvith, bape all this together With the pile ofa paunge chylde:and than weyte 02 paynte wyth ft , and poufgall (ce an excellente coloure,as tt were an Eme⸗ raulde. : ie “To braye Fyne Golde, vyherevvitha man maye Yvrite,or paynt vvith a penfyl), | apa golde leaues beatett,and foure droppes of boy Any mixe it well together, and putee (tin a glaffe. And whan you wyll eccuppe tt, jepe and temper te in Coninted toater,and it wyll be goon. : T Gke Gerdegrife, Litarge, Quicke Spluer, and > Thefame-another vvaye. Ake as mucheas pou wyll of theleaues of golde i) Be 102 Spluer beaten, and lays it abroade in atarge - o > Cuppe 02 glafle,as euen as pou can, and wette it wpth cleare water, than beape it wyth poure fpngar, wetynge ſometyme pour fyngar, but ſpreade tt not 16 mucbe abzoabde in brayinge tt , and continue thus des prige dntil it be well bzoken,puttpnge vnto it alwayes mater. And whan pou thynke wis boken and brayed pnoughe,fpll tbe cuppe wyth cleane freſhe water, and ffpare tt well,than lette it repoſe balfe an boure: After this Rrapne the water,and pou Hall fpnoe the golae sh . toe oe @ am & OF SECRETES. | ee the bott ome of the cuppe 5 the whyche pou mape dzpe at poure pleafure. dapat pou wll pntte (tin experts erice ſtiepe and temper it wyth Commend water: alfo pou multe hepe tt well couered, that it tabe no fpith, Thys isthe bete waye thatis , to make beaped os polwiuned Golde, © + Another vvaye vvith Purpurine. pat Ake Burpurpne , whyche pou thall fpnde.to be AP| {olde , 02 that pou have made poute lelfe tn the manner afozefapde,than put tt in aopthe , with pple s2ipe, and dpppe it well wyth pour fprgar lperlc and lyttle; alterwarde fpll the Dpthe wprb pyife 9 Ipe, and lecte atl (etle downs into the bottome, Thys doen, ſtyrre tt agapne, chaungpnge often the ſayd lye, bntill all be as pou wouide bauc it, and finelye beynge bz Ken and pownned/ and that the laſte pyſſe 02 ipe be as cleate as wha pow dydde pur it in; and after pou haue ſtrayned it cute,pou (hall pnt to tt a little Saffron,and temper it wyth Gommed water, Than mape por inp pte, paynt, oꝛ do any thynge elles with it To make a grounde to gylee vppon vith burn ſhed Golde. Ake Gipſum, the quantitie of a a Malnut, Boale T Armenicke the byggenelle of a Beane, Aloe bee paticke, Sugre candp,of eche of theim the quas tithe of a Beane, ſtampe them by them ſelues aud put, tprig the one vpon the other, pou hall put toitlate af alla lpetell Ciuette, oꝛ bonny, Tolayeor fettle golde vvithafingle grounds, niche of eche lpke quantitie,¢ temper it withche whites of nel lated egges, which pou haue ſtrat eed thorow a linen cloth, ¢ if pour ground be to rong : poy T Ake kine Gipſum, Aloe Epaticum Boale Arme⸗ ". THE-FYETH °BORKE roumaye temper it wyth water. é@w Another vveyetolaye on Golde, Ake Gommed water, and wyth the fame onelxe pur Golde, andthe faped grounde voyll be goob bppon parchemente,o2 vppon (opines, the lyke may pou make with the whites of news layed Cages, and with the milke of fygges alone, « To malic colours of all kynde ofmetalles. with the white ofan Cage, and than weapte with it, and whan tt is bape, rubbe the wzitynge wyth golde,o2 any other metall,aud pou Mall bane the fame coloure that the metaltis of. T Ake Crittall oꝛ paragon ttone, and braye tt well Tolaye Golde onablacke bottome or grounde, | ke the ſmoke ofa Lampe, and potone 2 bape it well with the Dple eflpne, 03 of Wialnuttes, And than pou wylllape the golde bpon the. fatp ground, ſe that it be nepther te moiſffe 02 to drye. 20 To make letters of the colour of golde ,wvith- out Golde. ike an vnce ot Orpimente, and an vnce of yne Thoit al and braye theim eche one by hym ſeile, “Sy than mingle theym together wyth the wbites.of Egges and wapte with tt. To make ſyluer letters vvithout fyluer. a4 Os, an orice of Lpnne,two vnces of quicke (pls tier and melee theim togetber,than bape theym with Sommed Water, end weyte with (6, CPOSE CREMES. gp To make greenc letters. Ake the tupce of Kue, Werdeqrile, and Satfrom braye them well alltogether, and weyte theres = With with) Gommed water, To make white letters ina blacke Ficlas. | | Ake the pure mylke ofa S page tree, in a glaſſe, | and fet itin the ſunne the {pace of balfe an boure: “#& than alape ft,02 temper it with Gommed water; whan pou will occupiett and wh sn pou haue weitten twprh it, blacke the paper with incke as muche as pou Yopll ff tbe paper be greate: and ban itisozpe, rubbe ft well with a lynnen cloth. Chan.theletters that-pou mede with the mylke of the fpgge tree, wyll go of all tgs gether, and the paper tupil remapne Witten whyte, be cauife tt was kept and prelerucd bp the famiemilk;from the yncke, where theletters weve, The lyke maye po Snake wpth the pelie ofan Cage, temperep in water, wyth che whyche pou maype weptealfo: And whan the weitynge ls drye, rubbe wellthe paperoucr with nck; Ag before. And whantt is drye rubbe the ſayde letter made weyth the yelke of an Egge, wyth ſomme lynnen clothe a2 knyfe, and thep' tpt goe of,and leaue a-white Space, whereby pou Mall baucfapze whyte letters in d blacke paper. ———— oe To Makic.a creenc colour for toy srite and paint vyithal, 2 Ahe greene bpfeand ſtiepe iC alone in Uinaigre ] and paſſe it,thozowe alppnenclothe,and beape tt welle bpona Pozpoire Lone, with cleare Water, and putte itin bꝛayenge it, a lyttle honnye, and lecte it Bape well, than braye tt agayne wel with Gommed wa ter,and it wil be perfecte. : by ~ "0. Torimmeand drefle Afore= evens «MNſure, THE EFYEFTH BOKE Zure (s brated with bony.as greene, bat pe neve A not purge it other wyſe: temper it with the tot, tes of Cages beatett,o2 with the water of gielw, and Ketel Semntie. Lhe water of glew, is made {with parchement glew,cleare and mollified,and trate ned as Gomme ts. To dreff¢ or trimme Cinabrium, for to vvryte or payatyvith, ert Rape toell the Cinabriom bppon a Rss Dorphpredtone,wpth cleare cun⸗ BW dite water, than lette it dpe, and sj putitin an pnckebozne, 02 glafe, Bet but tt is better in an pncbhezne in winter, After this poure pile inta an emitiigtinge it well together, and ins mr leaupnae lt ſo vntill nyght, dutyll allt goue to the bottame:than channge the ppffe,and do as befose 5 leanpnge ft ſo vntyll the nexie mornyng, chaungynge ſo the baine 02 ppils ſoute oz fyue dayes vntyll all be well purger. X han take the Wwhiteofan Cage well beaten, vntin it be brought tute cleare water, whiche you fhall poure bpon the Cinabria, ſo that it be moze fhanafingarabous.tt :, Aftermire wellalltogetber. with fomeficke of a Walnutte tree, 02 elles with (ome lpttle bene , than lette the Cinabrium, pefcende downe to (hebotteme , anddo with thys as befoze wyth the pyſſe, the (pace of two 07 thyee Dapes, awd this wyll take awape all the fauoure of theppite. his doen ve hall put anather whyte of an Cgge and méngle all well togecher, and than it wyll beperfptes pou nial kepe it well fopped. At everpe tyme that pou lwpil occuppe of it. yzre it well sand whan the whyte ached Cygeis fo dreſſed, as is declared, (t nenct corru⸗ ptetgs : : “iy * —— or 04 gtounde to faye golde vpom anyemettall 7 ocyroa OF SECRETES. Jee Ake Verixliquida,gpounde, Turpentine, Oyle of lyne, ef eche of theym an vnce: mpre Wwellall logether, and it is made. ep To gylte the edges of Bookes. nicke, the byggenefle of a Cyche peale of Sugre Candye:braye them drie the one with the other, and put to italpttle ofthe white of an Cage well beas ten, ihan mingle well all togetber. This doen, take the booke that pou will gpite,whicke muffe be wel boune, well glewed, euen cutte, ard well poliſhed, ſet hym fal in the pzelle,and that as euen aud as righte as ꝛou can potible . shen with a penſyll gene hym a wype over Fic the quantitte ofa a Malnut of Boale Arme⸗ with the white of an Cage well beaten, andlet tt drye, than geuebim allo another with the fapd compofition, Ano whairit is well dryed, ſcr ape tt,aud polihe it wel, LTaſt or all wheitpou wylllaye onthe Golds, wette the fapae edges with a lpttle cleare water, with a penſyll, and than incontinent put on the goloe leaues cuttein that byggenetle thep ought to be, and whan itis ozpe, pollpthe it with a dogges tothe. Thys deck, you mape make what woske pou wyll vpon it. #1 kepe vvhites ofegges as longeas aman vvill vvithout cortuptyng,and yvithout purtyng Arfe- nicke to it. A fecrete notmucheBnoyven.. any tofe,and pat te them as muche white vyne⸗ apgre as (hall (uftife,chat {6 to fape, areafonable guantitie, teaue tt fo the {pace of t woo daves,thsn patfe ig thorow ſome ſinnen cleth,twithout beeabpng 02 beas spnige the whyte of the Cages, leauynge tt fo the {pace afepabtdayes,than ſtrayne it agapie, and put itin a Hoole toell lopped, fo2to accupp Wha pou haue — Te che bites af Egges, not brrakyng them fy THE FIFTH BOKE The manet hovve to makethe grounde ot four- dationjfor Indieume f mod Ake Gomme Armontacke thee partes, Gomme 69; Avabick one pacte,Serepnum, a fourth part,Atep “Ses thefle in Apnapgre vntpll hep be berp ſott, than niire them Wel,and fraine them thozowe a linen clorb * wyll be berye good to occupy Whanne pou pause heede, | a Another perfyt gtouade forthe fame thing, bicke ehae vnces, and fiepe itin Uyneaygre the fpace of adap and anighte,than tebe the bygge⸗ nefle ofa Wdalnutteofaeobprtowe Honhpe , anda ‘Garlpke beade, well pplicd and made cleane,and welle ftamped, Wople al thele thynges together in ſtrongs Upnaigre,puttinge te it a lyttle Aloc Epatie, and let it bople.a good while than fratne it thorow a linen cloth and-twapnge out wel all the ſubſtaunce of tt. And il you thinke ube liquide o2foft,o2 te cleare,botle ft agapne, vntyl you thincke tc is.thicke ynoughe, than kepe ttina glaliec,o2 beffell of earthe leaded, 02 of bone. Au ban por woyl gilt any thinge, anoint tt fic with bys compoſiti⸗ on, with a penſill, and rub it wel, lo that the in grauing be not filled, ¢ leaue it {o as long as pou wilthan wha pouwilllap onthe leaues of gold, bloweaipttlepoure bzeath bpon the fatde foundation o2 qround,and fet or the fat-te leaucs.of gold, diſ poſing and orderinge them as is requilite,prcfling them weſdowne witha pent, 92 with alitic wel oz bombale,ant than Hal pou haue aberpercellent giltpng, ) #A gooily vvay hovvto make Golde and Siluer in paulder, athynee eafye to bee done; and there vvyil comme ofrfan excellent coloute This is a very rare fe . ‘ycete, Yvhiche hathe not bene yfed Her Baovyer vary)! this preſent. Habe T Ake Gomme Armonigek au vnce, Gomme Ara OF SECRETES. —_ Beg) Ske leaues of golde a crotane weighte,o2 Man} a8 muche ae pou will,and fet it to the fp2c — Je fome little cleane pane2 pppkin, andin OSE RE another veſſel pon thal put foure times as pee ber muche in weyghte of quicke filuer,a good = wape Of from the fpze, fo thaticmaye but onely warme alpttle,fo2 otherwiſe it mpghte vanyche awape. Let not the leaues of golde take fo much beate, that hep melt,butlet them ware almoffreave, Z bys noen,take the from the fyre, and the quicke (pluer ltkes wyle whpche pouthall pourebote bppon the leanes of golde, and incontinentaningle them wel together with a little ft tche;tbe ſpace ofa Parcr nolter, anv poure {tafe ter warde inte a dyſhe full of cleare water and pou fal haue a dowe of the faped golde and quycke {pluer , bat the coloute of the golde toil be fo barkned and obfcure, that aman ſhall perceaue and fee nethynge at all. And this is the dowe that the Goldſmyches call Amalgama, and the learned men Malagma, which is a greke two2b, and bepnge corrupted of the Arabtans wãs chaunged into Amalgama. Aife pou may make this cald,in bray⸗ inge the leaues a goon while with the quicke liluer vp⸗ pon a Pazphpre tone, vñtyll all be myred and io pned together. And bzaping it alfo with fronge Ginagte,o2 the fupce of Lemons, ite will foner be made, and wel (ne corporate and come together the better,than mu pon walhe tt toile o2 theiſe with cleare water. Potwe,bow foguer poubhaue made thps powe , 02 Amalgama per muff Traine it thozoughe alpnnen cloch,fpne ¢€ thicke, to the intente that a parte of the quicke ipluet mape ge thozolwe ; 02 viles ftrapne tt choroughe a wylde goates ſkynne, orꝛ a lambes ſkinne, whiche ts farre better, and preſſe tt harde, to chintent there may come out.as much quiche fpluer as {s poflible. Chan take that remapneth in the cloth 03 fkpnne, and put te tt balfe as much faire qupche Wepmitone citrine . I p2le ampe weil the Wepmifone,and mingle tt with the faped patt 07 owe: and bepnge fo mpnaled, fer ft 9 kyze in a dyſſhe o2 Rut. pon THE FYRDAeBYEKE pronladle, leauynge it ſo vntyll all the Beymſtone be burned, and all the reſte yelowe Than let tt coole,and put it in othe wathpng it fe often with cleare water, tpll pou baue a fayre colour of Colac, Than kepe tt in ſome glalſe or earthen veſſel leaded.as pou do the ober punned aid brayed Golde, and whan poydvvll putte it in expertence, pepe it in dole water, o2 others wher⸗ in pou Hall haue molipfped.o2 diſolued ſomme cleare gomme Arab cke. Zhan dzelle and order it to wzpieo2 paynte with, aid youtball pane an erceilente thpuge. Mhan pou baue weytten o2 painted, bepng once deye, pou mape burnyſhe it with a dogges coeth whiche you can not 00 tothe other brayed og punnes Golde chat Scriue ners and Papaters nows a oapes do ble, Thys fectece bath bene ppactpled.of the olde and auncpent Ww2pters,as we les in ſome oftheyr bookes. Buc nowe pouimute ofc the practiſe ta buruiſhe it taping a white paper vppon the golde, and rubbpugefpatte vppon the. taped paper with the dogges toeih. And it poucbpnie. that it is not pec burnithed yndughe yxou may burnihe once agapne,twith the tooth vpon the Golde without the papet. betwprte, ¥ a “STO makea verye fayre Vernix to vernyfhe the dayed Golde,and all other, yvorsemanthy ppv ae Ake Bengewyne, and beaveitthebete pou can bettprte ting papers,than put itin ſome bfolle, and poure Sppon tt good Aqua bite, chat tt be as boue the Bengewone thiec.o2 foure fingars bpgh, ans leaue elo a daye o2 ttuapresthan putte coit,fo2 halte a bigtle gf {uch Aqua bite, fyxue or five blades ef Saffcoi flenderlp Fantp2d,o2 elles whale. Thys doen; ſtrapne it and with a penfpll Jernyſche therewyth any thynge gylted that pou wyll, whichẽ wyll berome bapayt, ana kaper dryenge it ſelle immediatelye, and will continue many peates, Mowe, tf pou will dꝛeſſe Spluec in ſuche ~ Manel, do even wyth the Spluer leaues as pou dyd with the Golde, il not in ſteede of WapmiFone you Hatt take. . OF SECRETES. © 99™ take white common (alte, then dieile the berniſh in the fozelated manner, puttyng te tt the Almondof Beuge⸗ wpne,that ts to ſay, the white that is feund th the mide nes of engewpne,and putte in no Saffron af ail. And the fapcd Clernpth of Bengewine, and Aqua bite, Ioptbotite any other thpnge, ts verpe good to bernpthe _ ali thpnges , as well papnted as net paynted, and alis te make tables and coffers of Wialnutte tree, and Ber “bene ts glyſter and ſhyne, snd of all orber thpnges: x phew ple tuozkes of Copper gpited, and not gylted: fo ꝛ it maketh baight,peelerneth,apdeth the cotour,and dzpeth mcontinent, without takyng any duſt oz fylth, but thou sou mape make tt clene with a ynnen clothe, o2 with a fores tatle, whyche ts better, as it it were not vernyſhed at ail, | Tobraye or breake golde or fyluer eafely. #fter the cõmon maner thatthe beft yvorkmalters do vie. * them tuelin acuppe of glafle, wyth qulep rofer, ſtyrrynge tt well with pour middle finger, little and little. and when alts incozpozated together, beape it well bpon a Pozpbyze fone, than poure bplittieand ipttlecleare water vpon the fapde ſtone mixynge tt al⸗ fwapes: After ſtrayne the iapde golde and Julep into a Dyihe,o2 cuppe of qlaffe,and Wathe weil che ſtone that there remapne nothyng Lan ſtyrre all with pourtins ger inthe faied diſh, and let tt fo repoleratterpoure the water cut ane putin other freſhe cleare and warme, and athe it lo, vntil all the Julep be waſhed and clen⸗ fed sut,and thet the water (puttpng iti pour mouth) be in no wyſe ſweete, than let tt d2pe. Thys docn,veu fhall put it in a cuype of cle ane glafle, and rake dute a kewe hote embers a good waye frome the fpze, that che glaſſe breake not wherevpon pou thal fet the ſaied cup, vntyll the Coloe vere berpe Hote , andberetournee to bis naturall coloure. Jtinallp temper with gommed water, kor to put it inerperience. | | Plt, La 3 T Ake what gold leaues pou til, and ineo porate — x x THE FIFTH BOKE See To make alycoure,that maketh agolden coloure vvythout golde, | kreſſhe bpon the plante,and pf pou can get none, take Saffron dryed, well made in poulder , ¢ put to ft as inuche pellotve and gliſteringe Orpiment, that is {calp, and not earthp:than , wyth the gall ofa Ware, 62 of a Pyke (whyche is better) bape thent well toge⸗ ther. This dogn,put thems itt (ome violle birder a dongs hyll certapne dapes,thentake it out and Keepe it, and whan pou wyll wente with.cbis licoure, pou Hatl haue alap2e coloure of Golde. Te the iupee of Satfren lowres, whan thepare Another licoureof the coloure of Golde., for to #. , Wvryte and to gylte yron, vvode, glaffe, bone, and - other lye thynges... ae Ake an egge laped the fame dap that pou begyn to make this,the whyche egge pou hall open at one eitde take take onte all the whyte, than taks two partes of quicke ſyluer, and one parte of {alte Ars montacke,thatis cleane, and well beaten; and of theſe tivo thynges, pou fall putas muche Dppon the yelke of theeggethat remapneth in the thell ,..as wpil fyllit vpagayns:than myngle well all togetber with alpttle pce. After, foppe the ſayed egge wyth the piece that pou tooke of, clofprge it well with a piece of ware,that nothpngemtapenterintatt,no2 any thynge iſſue out. Than tape tt vader horſe donge, tight vp, che open end bywarde,this doen,take another halfe egge hell, ans makeas it Were a couer oꝛ a cappe vponthe ſayed bro⸗ ken ende, couerynge tf wyth dunge, aud leaue it ſo the ſpace of twenty or fyue and twentye dayes, and ſo ſhal pou haue a verp fapze colour of goloe, foꝛ to waite, ana todo what por will withall.And if the ſayed ſubſtance befoabardenz to thycke, pou maye bacake it, or temper tt wyth gommed Water... Another ¢ Another goodly licour,to make a golden colour vith lyttle coft,andisathyngeeafyeto be doen, pelotve, and cleare the well of the whypte that ts within ſyde, chan ſtampe them well ina eee offene » 62 woode, well made cleane, and take good pelawe Brymſtone, cleare and bryght, and wel beaten dn poulder,whiche pou Hall mingle with the faped pils les ſtamped, ſtampynge well all together. Thys doen, pou fhall put ail this into a Bolle, and bepe it in a depe fellay 02 caue,o2 in {cme moyſt place , bp the {pace ef bitj.ozr.dapes. Finallpe,pou thall heate (tagapne bp the fp2e,and then wapte o2 paint wyth it, and pen thall ipnee ita verye ercelient coloure ef Golde. Ors the pplles of Cptrons , 02 Dyenges berye | To make yncke, oracolourto vvryte vvyth,in a verye good perfection. foure pieces, that ts to fap, fampe them ſleyght⸗ lye, and put them in afrpings panne, oꝛ fome o- ther yron panne, wyth a lyttle Dple , frpingethema ipttie,then take a pounde ofthem, and putte it in ſome veſſel leaded, pourynge into it as muche whyte wyne as wyll couer tt ouer, moze then a good bande bzeadth. After, take apounde of Gomme Arabycke, well ſtam⸗ ped, and eyghte vnces of Gitriole weil made in poul⸗ ber: mpre all well together, and fet ttinthe lunne cers tapne dDapes.ferpng tt as often as pou map: then boils it alitele tf pou fe that peu bane nede, snd after ſtrayne {t,and ft will be perfect. An’ vpon the lees that ſhall re⸗ mayne in the botteme,pou may poure other wine. and bople tt a tittle, and fraine tt. You map put wyne bpon the fame lees as often as pou will:thatis te fap, vntyll pou fe that the topne whyche pou put in, wil fapne o2 be coloured no more. hen, mingle all the fated wpne, wyerinto pou Mail put other Galles, Gomme, and Ue triole,ag at the begpnning then kepyng it in the funnie, : you | T Ake good Galles, and breake theym in three or Fe Sly THE PY¥PTH BORE pot (pall baue a better incke then the fp2ike, and do fo e rerp dap,fo2 the oftener pou do tt,the better pon tall haue it, and with lee co! And it pow finde tt fo thicke, G2 that tt ze not flowiug pngugh,p at to it alittle cleave ipe,wubiche will make tc liguide and chynne ynoughe. fit be tocleare,adve ta tt alpttle ganime Arabicke. Whe gailes muſte be {mall curled and maine within, ifthepbegood, Che goed vitriolle ts alwayes twityin ofa colour lyae vnto theelement. Lhe bek gamme,ts cleare and bapttle,that in ſtampynge it , tt beconmmeth poulber eaſely, without cleauynge tagetber. A good vvay and maner hovve to make incke for to carry aboute a manina a drye poulder, vvhyche (vvhan he vvyllvvrite vvith) he muſt temper vvith a little vvyne, vvater,or vy vaiger,or vvith ſome o- therlicour, and than he may incontinent putitin experience. V Vith the fayd poulder afl other incke may be amended, be it neuer fo euill, Ake Beches2 Abzycot ones wyth theyr kur⸗ nels,(wete Alinondes,o2 bitter, ſo that they has ue their elles harde, and thatthe Almondes be ~ within them. And ifin cafe pou can gette but thelaped ffones without thep2 kurnels,u all be good pnough, but pet nat fo good. as With the kurnels. Lake then all the taped chynges together , 02 thoſe that peu-can get, and burne thein bpon the coales: and whan thep be ves rp redde and entlamed, tase them aut, and thus beyng redacte and made into verye blacke coales, kepe theym mapanne. Take pkewpſe Kalin ofa Piste tree, and putte it in a panne, ind make it fants and burne: than fake another lyttle ſſkillette, or elles alpttle bagge bol- pen open with lyttle ſtickes layde a croſſe ouer tt, 62 ov thorwils,as pou hHallthinke good, and hold che mouth ofthe bigge do wnewarde ousr the flamds, lo that the fnroke of tye ſaped Kalin nave qatber together , aud pcke rounde asoute the ſaped panne or bagge 5 and whan alltbe Koſin is burned;, andall colde agapae, “es caufle “OR SPORETES. 1 Tan caufe all the {sped ſmoke to fall bpona paper, 07 table, or fome other thynge, and kepe tt, butifpou wyll not. take the pepnes to make this fmoke,bpe it of chem that make printers incke. DEthis blacke 52 ſmoke vou thal take one patt,o2 what quantitie pen fill, of the coales of the ſayed ffones another parte of Witriole one part, of fried calles,as ts afozefated,tiuo partes,of Gemite Arabycke foure partes.Z ette all thefe chpnges be weil famped,fifted,¢ myngled together, and then kepe tel thys poulder in a lynnen bagge, o2ofleathber , forthe olteritis,the better it wyll ke, Wiban pou wyll occu⸗ pye it,fo2 ro make yncke therof,take a lyttie ofit, and - temper it wyth wyne, water, or Aynayger, the whiche beynge putte into it watme , the yncke thall be the bets ter, neuertheleſſe, beynge puttetn colde, it maketh ne greate matter, and pou ſhall haue immediately berpe good yncke, whyche pou maye carrpe where pou wyll wythoute ſpyllynge 02 ſheradynge. It pou haue naugh⸗ tye yncke, putte to it alpttle of thefapen poulder, and it wyll becom me immediatelye verye good blacke, and haue a geod gloſſe. * To make a greate deale ofyncke quyckly, and vvythlyttle coſto. blacke their (bins with, kor peu map batie-much fo2 monepesthan take of a fee calleda Cuttic, whiche coſteth almoſt nothpnge,cnd chiefipe in places nygh to the ſea ſyde, and in eatynge the faped fyſhe at diuerferpmes,pou mape krepe the galles together, han mpngle the faped galles wpth the Lanners ces isur,and withoute anye other thynge, pou hall baue a perfit Incke. To make tt pet better, pou maye putte te it ofthefaped poulder made of the coales of Witriete, of galles, and of gomme,and thefapd Incke ſhalbe bes rp good fo print in copper, putting to ita little bernir, ¢ alittle ople of line,to that it map be liquide and flitting ofittelfe , fo2 topeacce the better into all manner of Pitt, engra⸗ T Abe ofthe blacke that Currters 2 tanners dos THE FIFTH BOKE eligraupnges, and that it map abpoe well bpon the pa: per, without rennynge abroade. To make Prynters Incke. of Koſyne, as ts abouelaped, and is tempered: aw with may Vernyſhe, you matte feeth tt a littic, fomabe ttliquide o2thyche, as pou ſhall neede. Wut in Wpnter mopier then in Sonumner:and always the thycker maketh the letter fayrer, blacker, clearer, and bapgbter. Wut tit what maner fo ever it be,(¢ muſte be euer well mpred wyth the fmoke . Andto make it lps quide,as ts (aied,pou mut put to tt moze Dyple ofline,. 02 of Malnuttes to the Uernyſhe. Ff pou wyll make te thicker,put leſſe Dple,and moze ſmoke lettyng it ſeeth moze, If pou wyll Prynte redde, tn ſteade of the faped ſmoke, myngle Germilion well brayed, with tbe layed Vernyſhe. It pou wyll Pepnte greene, putte tn greene Byce. Ifyou wyll make tt Biewe(as men haue done ſomtyme beretofaze)take Asure of Almaine/ or of that of glaſſe, whiche ts nowe made at Veniſe, doyng in all popntes as we haue ſpoken of the-blacke Incke. P Rynters Incke is made onely wyth the ſmoke 4To make Vncke ſo vvhyte, that although a man vvryte vvith itvpon vvhite paper, it maye eafelye and perfytelye be redde. A verye goodly thyngs. mow) ave the Helles ofnewelapedenges, herp Sy tubpte,and weil walked, then braye them well vpon a cleane marble fone , wpth yicleare water. Put themina -cleane dyſhe, vntil the poulder deſcende to thebottome: — Sagtſter deeane oute the water lyghtlye, ane lette the poulder ape of it ſelfe, oꝛ {nthe Sunue,and ſo Shall pou baue an ercelient white, that neither Ceruſe {ke 102... OF SECRETES. 10m nor Atty other whyte in the worlde maye be compared Onto tt,if peu dzeſſe it, and kepe it cleane . Andwbhan pou wyll occupye it, take Gomme Armontacke well inated, and mollifien of that yellowe ſtynne that ig as boute it: than ſtiepe it the ſpace ofa nyghte tn diſtylled Apnagre, and in the mornyng pou (hall kynde tt diſſol⸗ ued, and the Winager all become whiter than milke, che whyche pou thall frapne thorowe a cleane lynnen cloth, and wyth a lyttle of thys white licoure pou tall temper the ſayed poulder, and than weyte 02 paynte with it, and pou ſhall bane a tobite,ercellente aboue all other ſortes. A noble woman of Italye vſed no other thyngeto blaunche ber face: and kepte ber felfe verye white with al,and pet it appeared not that (he bled anp fuche thpnge, Allo the faped poulder burteth nothynge at all che face, nor the (kpnne,noe pet the teeth, as the fublpme, the Cerule,¢ other lyke thyugesdo, whpche gentplivomen ofte ble, to thep2 qreate detvimente and burte, But ifpou will ble the faped white made of egge ſhelles bpon poure face, pou mutte braye and confume ft verye kyne, and that it haue almoffe no palpabie tubs aunce,and that it maye be penetratiue and pearlpng, to thyntent it mapecontinue, Inthe whyche thynge euerye man maye pone and aſſaye what bys wytte is abletods. Wut aboue all thynges, whan pou wpll vſe it fo2 the face, it is neceſſary that pou put to ft the thyzd parte of calcined and burned Lalchum:, as we wyll {hewe pou in the beoke folowynge. To make a poulderto take of blottes of yncke, fallen vpon the paper, orels the letters and vvry = tyng fromthe paper, vvhicheisarare fecrete, but yet profytable. - bes Abe Cerule Well brapes , andmakethercofa - dowe With the mylke of a fygge tree, then lette it drye, afterwarde bzape it agape, and dzps it as before, and fe ſeuen tymes:then keepe it ſo in goulder. And whan pou wyll ble it to take out biottes, op letters out of paper, take alpttle lxnnen cloth wette in THE FIFTH BOKE in water, preſſinge and wipnaprg the Water out, ther fp2cadett abzoade vppon the place tobere pou woulde bane it,and leaue it therespon vntillthe paper andthe vncke be more wpthall ; than take awapethe werte cloth.and bpon the blotte o2 letters that pou wpll baue taken atwape put a lpttic of the ſaid poulder of Cexuſe, leaupnge it fo the {pace ofa nyghte. Inthe moznpnge, pou {hall take alpnnen cloth cleane and drey/ wherwairh pou fhall rubbe of foftipe and finelpe the ſated poulder, and the paper will rematne erceding white fo2 to tw2ite bpon agapne,as well as before, andbetter. Andifait be not well rubbed of at the fyrſte tyme, pou map dott once agayne, and pou tall not fapte, To makea bynde of vernifhe, but muche fayrer, and better than that vvhich Scriuenars do vſc, and is of lefle cofte,and ftynBeth not as other vernyfhe doeth. He Cernypthe whyche Scryueners commonlye bfe,ts nothynge elles but the gomme of Jeniper mabe in poulder,and-of the fame is liquide bers npthe made, boplynge the ſayed gomme tn the Dple of lpne,and of this peulder de Scriueners dblets cauſe that the pncke runne net abzoade, and that theletter be the fatrer and cleaner. owe fo2 te make a poulder cf ipke effecre,and berpe fayre, wyth leſſe coffe, and with⸗ suteanpeutlt faneur,take Cage Helles what quantis tie pou wll, tabpnae awape thelpttle (hpnne wpthin ſyde: and whan pou baue groflelp ſtamped theym , put theym ina panne that wpllendure the fpe, couerpnge it with fome couer,then lette it in fome glaliers.o2 ports ters furncts,o2 ina bepcke,tple,o2lpme makers kplile, leauynge tt there vntyll all the thelics become intoa berpe white poulder, ohyche ts called Cggelpmesfifte . it, and kepe it. And whan pon wylloccupye it, caſte a ipttle of it vpon the paper, oꝛ parchement, and ſpreade the poulder well vpon it,rubbyng tt well with a bares foote , 02 otherwyſe then takpnge awaye that isto muche OF SECRETES, = muche , wuapte bpan it, and you tall fpnde tt of b effecte then the Vernix. Mhan the ——— is beet pou tapi take atvape the faped poulver , pea the com: mon diernyſhe, fo2feare tealte men Moule whyre thepebandes 5 rubbe the paper o2 parchement topth crommes of tubpte beeabe,fo2 it topil bawe to it felfe, ab a atwape all the Uernylhe o2 poulder that is bps To make ynckero rule paper for to wvryre by, vvhereof the vvrytynge beynge drye ,thelynes maye fo be taken oute, thatit {hall feeme ye haue vyrytten v¥ithoutlynes, mera she Paragon fone, ſtampe and braye it J vehthen take the bpgneffe of a lpttle nut, Boe Fie Of the fapelf tartre oꝛ lees of white wine, — ey calcined and burned, fettpnge it to ctiepe and diſſolue in a dyſhfull of cleave water, — and than frapneitoute. And with thps water pou Hall temper the blacke poulder of the Pas ragon fone, butpil it become lyke pneke 5 wyth the whyche pou Hall rule pour paper,o2 parcbement: and weyte bpon tholelpnes tobat pou wyll wyth common yncke. And whan the weytynge ts d2pe,fo2 to take out the ſayed lynes,pou (hal take barde cromines of white . b2eade,and rubbe poure paper ouer with them, and the ipnes that poubanerules , wyll go oute, as cleane as thougbetbcre bad never baue but ſyne atall, Thys is & goonlyp ſecrete, and verye rare. ¶ The ende of the fpfte WBooke. ~ Gecretes ofthe reuerende Mafter . 7 Alexis of Piemont. THE SIXTE BOOKE. &To fublime Guycke Syluer, that isto faye,to make common fublyme,that Goldefmythes, Al- chemiftes , and Gentylyvomen do vfe, and that men vſe in many thynges concernyng Phyficke, Ou Chall take a pounde of On Ss ee q EA ee ay Le 7 Ny Pre Nupcke Splucr, and putte it in 4 uy = fome veſſell of woode with alittle Les () ye Upnatgre,and Salte Peter, that & 4 (Ae we b2ape it,and moꝛtifie it well mith 3 d Pes yh * a tondden peſtell. Zhan take balfe errs Wt Ag 4 pountde of common falte, foure Sas _——-- eS Diices of falte Peter, andlerte all thps be well bzaped,and putte bpponthe Nuicke Spl⸗ uer in the Came veſſell of woote, ſtyzrynge weil all tes gether , puttynge to it twoo pounde of Roche Alome burned. {ucozpozate well all thps together, and put it tna digile, oz (cme potte , lutedand clapeda fynger bygber then the fubffaunce within is. Then putte tt, and dilpone tt, in a panne 02 (hillet,oppon {tfted afbes: than (ette the faped panne on the furnes, ſettynge the a pmbecke bpon the biolle 02 potte luted, and then the reciplent,te receaue that diffiticth oute, as men so in al maner of aiffillations. Make to tt at the fyrſt aflowe fyre, vntyllall the moyſture be dꝛawen onte, whyche pou Gall take oute of the recipient, and kepe well, for it wyll be good fo2 many thpnges, and (peciallp for co moꝛtifie other Quicke Spluer,te make other fublime, Thys doen, make poure fpze greater, and continue it fo, vntyll pou fee Mercurye o2 Quycke Spluer, to be ſublimed thozowlp whyte,tbat is to (ape, that tt be tps en OF SECRETES. | a fen aboue al the ſubſta ice and made as it were a white cake, And tf pou will make it higher, that ts to ſaye, vn⸗ to the necke and bzimme of the violleg2 pot , then take a ſheete of paper, and w2appe it round about the bislle- @2 potte,that ts to fape,aboute the bony of it that is vn⸗ couered aboue the furnets: ; then encreale poure fp2e, anv make it greater, andthps whyte cake will rple bp lyttle and lyttle, and wyll cleaue te the bꝛymme of the stte,remapnpnge there lyke a lpttle belle sfiwhite tus fme,then let it cosle, Than take of the recipient, and. ipfte bp the Limbecke,makpng the pot cleane without: fpbde,to the intent that whan pou breake it,there fall no fpith amonge the faped (ublime, Thys done, breake the biolle oꝛ potte and in takynge of the fublime,pou muſt kepe tt frome the fmoke 5 andin thys ſorte pou mape- make a loafe ez cake of abundzed , 02 twabundzed " pounbe,o2 as much as pou wyll, kepynge alwayes the. proportion of the quantitie of the thpnges, accozdpnge to the weyghte bere aboue wrytten. The lees that re⸗ maynech in the bottome of the ſayde potte o2 bioll,map- be amped and diſſolued in bopipnge water, and chan ſtraine it,and lette tt (eerh, and. chan depe thoro welye: there will remapne tn tye battome a ſalte, whiche wyll he of the nature af the falte Peter, ol the common falt, and of the Alome that pou dyd puttein. Anothelapde _... faite wyll be berpe good to make other newe fublpme, topth other quycke Syluer, and vinayger: 02 elles in ſteade of bpnapger pou mape tabe the fozefaped twater that diltilleth in the fublimation, and ſo chal poumake - ft herp perfptte.And pou muſte note, that the ſayed ſu⸗ blime, made wyth Roche: Alome, 1s better foz.gentpls women, that wyll papnt thep2 faces wyth fublpme. Wut Icdunlaile theyim, that in ſteade ot fublime, they ble ſomme of the waters that 3 baue ſpoken of tn the bokes befoze, Foꝛ Golvelnupthes, Alkempites,and for many thpnges requiredin Phpliche, it ts better to put in raws Gttriole, in ſteade of burned Alome:but thys {s bery ent! and burtful fe2 gentlewomen:fo2,the moet part ot thent that make ſublime, make ittwith ane 4 * cathe becanfeitismade wyth leſſe coffe, and partelp ecaufe ft is peofitabler foz many thynges, then made wyth Aiome 5 twhyche is almoſte fo2 nothpnge but for gentlewomen, here befome naughty perſonnes that put Arſenyck Criffalipne to viftilie wyth quycke Spl⸗ uer, a thynge practiſed ofto many men. Wiberfsze ic is goodand profytable to admonyſhe euerye man thas be tabe heede for certaynly, in reſpect of alittle gapne, they make them ſelues worthyto be burned quicke:fo2 beſydes that ment feoftentpmes,that bp ſuche ſublyme women haue they? faces ſwollen teythall, lyke a blad⸗ der blowen, aiſo it maye happen that in Phiſycke they burteo2kplimens The fapde ſublyme made wyth a⸗ lome and Aitriole map ealelp be ſublpmed a ne w, that is to fape;fo2 euerpepounde of thys ſublyme , te putte to it halfe pounde of common tub pte faite,.o2 burned Alome,o2 bufleaked lpme,tnfettunge this te fublime, as befoze:the whyche will ſublime it lelfe much foner, and wyll ware fapaer,the oftener pou ſublime it. Zhe Aichemyſtes, folowpnge.the preceptes of Ceberjof Saynte Thomas, and other Phyloſophers, go aboute and ſpende time to ſublime it divers times fe2 to make ft fpame,amonge whem there be that ſublime it a hun⸗ beth tpmeszand other fome twoo hundzeth tpmes, and pet at thende brynge it to none effect:aud that cometh, becauſe that alwayes they putte in, in ſublymynge the fapedlees 5 thatts tu (aye,the ſalte, alome, oꝛ Gittiole, as we haue ſaped And ſeynge that the nature of the fp2e is to fyre and make firme thynges that (one flit ae wape the oftener the fayed fublime cometh to the fp2e, the moze doth it faſten at everp time, but that part that is faftened 5 is.alwayes myngled wych the fapedlees, and fo (¢ loſt: Therfore thep whiche made the faped ſu⸗ blimation not conſyderynge the teafons and cauſes whp (ache a thyng happeneth,founde that by little and ipttie thep2 fablpme was dimynyſhed, and(peraduens ture)tboughs tt hadde flowen atvape , 02 els conlumcs in the fyre, rather than to beicue thst it temapned tr the faped lees, frome the whyche it can in no rat hi be : eparae * OF SECRETES. || fo4 feparated: Powe myndynge 2D bplofophpcally to pro⸗ cede in the faſtenynge 02 tprpnge the taped (ublpme, pou mutte fyreſte ſublyme it thzee 02 fouretpmes; with contaren falte,bavied Alomejlyme,o2 Caichum, ag is faped,to the tatent that tn this wyſe it mape be mons Difped and clenfed frome all earthy and oncieane ſub⸗ itaunce that it contepneth,and frome the ſuperfluous nop Ture; whereoltt ts full, It is mondiſted and made cleane ofthe earthy fubfaunce, becaule the earth tubs lymeth not,but remayneth ta the bottome of the violle ppatte,cleaupnge with the grounes , whpchers the Salte, Alome,o2 Citciole thatis pucintt, the whyche thynges we call beve lees 02 Dzegges 5 becaule thep ree myne in the bottome , as thelees of wyneso2 of Dple deety. Allott ts pourged of the aquolttie, o2 (uperfius ous moyſture two maner of wayes. Lhe fprite is, bes cauſe that with the fame,o2 diſtilled water, whertopth it was watered,as we haue ſayed befoze,the moyſturt 02 watrineſſe af the ſayed Quicke Siluer diſtilleth out in a vapoure Whe otheris,becauleot the ofte ſubly⸗ mpiigeit 5 the nature ofthe fyre is annexed vnto tt, whiche diminiſheth it, the whiche thingesare the prin⸗ cipail cauſe whpitfalteneth. And ſo are thep the ones lye partes that make the pevfpte fprpon 02 faltenpnge, accezopnge as thep are lufficpentipe ioyned wyth tbe thynges that pou wyll fatten or fyre 9 And here we iteane no other chyũge by the thyngefpree or faſte⸗ ned, but that the pre path made ſuche adetoction, that it vanyſheth not awape 5 o2(s lpghtlpe carped alvape wyth the wpnde 5 and that all the fubffaunce temtape nech inthe bottsme--, and confumethnomoze, . Therefore , after pou haue ſublymed it three o⸗ foure. tpines and ‘that icis Swell pourged of the earthpe (ube fratince,and af che fuperfluous moyſture; ass akoze⸗ layed 5 por thalllette irta ſublyme a parte bp ut felfe, withouteany grownes o2iees,t Gall ſublyme tito ofe ten, brtilt al remayne fired to the bottome 8i the Diolle 22 potte,and that tt flpe not aw aye noz dimynyſhe fog anpe greate fpze that you mabe, sue SPPTHE SYXTE BOKE Sut pf pou wyll make it in leſſe fpace,andeatter , obs ferue thys rule, whyche fs certayne and infalipble, Wiban pou haue ſublymed tt three 92 fourerpmes ,.o3 oftener,pou fal adde to it the fourth part of tine filuer calcined and burned ,'as we wyll afterwarde declare: than alter pou bane mired tt wel together, fet tt to fubs Ipmesand whan (tis fublimed, mpngle that whiche is rpfen bp, with that that remainethin the bottome,then ſublime tt agapne,¢ fo,fo often that tt rife bp no moze, but remapne inthe bottome for all the bebemence of the fyre, and fo fhall it be perfit, very whyte, cleane,fus fible,and penetratiue o2 pearfpnge. And he that would rake a good quantitie of it, and is not hable to put to it asmuche fpne filuer,as the fourth parte of it, be mape make ttin thys maner folow ynge. After be bath ſubli⸗ med (t th2ee 02 foure tpmes, With the grobones 02 ices, as is afo2relayed, let bpm kepe it bpit (elfe, and take a; ipttle of it, thatistofape, as muche as fo2 to ioyne 92 put topth the faurth parte of ſyne ſyluer, that be Heuld put to it, as in erample. If he haue butibalfean vnce of Spluer, let bpm take an vnce of the ſayde ſublime, and whan be hath mixed ft together, let hym ſublime it as, often as befoze 5 vntyllall remayne fpredinebe bot⸗ tome, and be ſhall haue two vnces, oꝛ lyttle leſſe of ſub⸗ lyme fpred:foz the fyre in dapenge tt, and makynge the pecoctpon , eateth and confumeth ſome parte of (t,bee fpde that confumeth in ſtampynge, and inthe vyole o2 potte, Chan let hym take thele two vnces fpred,o2 ag muche as ts ofit, topth thzee tpines asmuche of lube ipme not fpred, that twas kepte, and then let hym mite gle all together,and fublime it as ofte as befoze,bnepi{ all be fpred. Andi be wyll make moze of it, lette hym take agapne thace partes of the other ſublyme, and fo fhall be make it as often and as much as be wil, which ig muche better then to make it all at once, foz by thys meanes (8 Volatile fixum and fixum volatile ,'oftener nade whyche is that,that the Philoſophers efeme mooe, andis-alfomoze fulpbic , mozepeatipngs, and of greater bertue, In thps operation conſiſteth - DX te 2905 SECRETES.: 7 Toy allthe ſecrete and the greateſt maiſtry of the Phyloſo⸗ phers and chteflye ot Geber, wo maketh the molt pare Oot his wozke in chis maner of ſublimyng and firpng of “fen times and onelykepeth the thyng ſecrete that mult be fublimed,the whiehe ching becaule be- will bide te fra theim thatbe net wozthp to kno Wwe it(as hym felfe aftirs meth he catleth it quicke filuer,but be meaneth.another | « Lhing although te efiecte the fame chyng declarech chat itts but quick (plucr.but brought from bis nature bute “@ perfecter degre, as fozevample:D olwe,is mealesnet in bps fpatt eflence s beprg bugis redact esmade of the bas “Ror, into amoze climablenature, ¢ nerer to perfraten. o man ought te hope toattapne to thys byab knows edge, by bis owne wytte but onelpe bp the qrace and gifte of God, who(asall the Philoſophers fay) Cui vult largitur, & fubtrahity, ie To make Ginabrium,andtherofto. make loaues ofa hundreth or tyvo hundreth poundes;as great as amã liſt as thoſe are that come oute of Almayne, vvhiche fecrete hath not before this time ben knovven ofan yin Iraly. : Ll thofe that delyght in fécretes , and principally tn thinges belongpng to metalles, knowe bow to dzreſſe Cinabrit,butin a finall qnatitie,as a ppũde 02 tuo at a tyme, and not pate. In Germany, and fome partes of Fraunce there bethatmake it in greate lom⸗ -pes,02 maſſes, and fend it fo inte Italy, and duer alithe Wold, and.pet kepe it merueleus fecretto them (clues, without publyſt yng it vnto many men. Wherefore we will alſo communicate this ſecrete (although ft confitte ina finall thynge)tothe gtozpe of Cod, and the profpte ofthe.common welth,teachpng here in a beetfemaner, fo make (ttn és greate aquantitic as a mon will Dake | of Quicke Stuer npne partes, Wapmfone citrine tive pattes.petmanp men putthee partes of B2imetene, fo2 the npne partes of quicke ſiluer, other fowre, and fome as much of the one as of the other Fut whan it is fozte papnte wyth, there cannot be to muche Brymſt ene, for there commeth the lyuelier coloure of it, andfo2 other ane O.i. thynges ~ THE S¥XTE BOKE chinges (fs better that kor one pound of qnicke Siluer. there be but thee-o2 fouls vnces of rim Tone. Put then the Brimſtsne in fame large panne; meltynge it with a flotve o2fntall fpze:¢ whan ft is molten take the quicke Spluer in a linnen cloth in pour lefte hand, and weyng tt little and litele (nto the ſaid Brimſtone (whiche murs kirſt he taken from tic fyre) and myngle If with a Tick, tothende the quicke (pluer mtap incorpozate tt ſeife well With the Beimſtone, not cealing to ſtyrre tt,andte Leake it alwapes fromthe panne, Oneill al be well cooles, and pou thall baue ablacke mipiure, whiche all be neither ltke the Brimſtone, nor quicke ſiluer. Stampe this wir, tion, and bap it wel, and (ifte it, and of this poulder pou map make what quantitie ysu wil, putryng it in a great panne, Powe tf you will dreſſe the Cinabtium, vou fal take a biolleof glaſſe as greate as pou wyll, pet ſee not with Tanopng that pe fpll the ſayed violle but a quarter full wity the fubſtaunce that pou Mall put init. dndats ter hauyng wel lated. and claped the viile, witha clape oz pat made with white clay, and the thearpng ofclath (whiche men cal Lutum ſapientiæ, as we will hewe psu hereafter howe to ntake it perfedlp) and whan itis weil Daped, put in as mach of the fated poulder, as will fpll a quarter of the ſaped vbtolle, or leffe, and without clofpag bp the mouth of che ſayed belicll of glaſſe, pe tall fer ic bpon a great furneis,if pou haue muche ſubſtaunce, thã miake vnder it a ſlighte and ſlo we fp2e, the (pace ott wo orthree houres and after warde fomipbat greater. But forto make a greate quantitte efit, pau muſte euer and anone, putte i of chelaped poulder leauynge fo {til the faped veſſell of glaſſe vpon the fpze to ſablime:than take afficke made meete forthe purpole, that map reache te the bottome of the layd veſſtell, and be moze then a hand: full wptbeute., ans haue alſo bppon the ſtycke a rounde iuaipe of. tye faped. Lutum fapientiz,to the tntente that rhefave? ſtycae fo beyng put into the violle,tt map clofe the mouth ofit,andryat whan che ſtycke ryſeth vo ,the piece of Lutum ſapientiæ, maye alfa ryſe wychall, ana openthe mouthe ofthe fapea vyxolle Bou mute bane aifa OF SECRETES.. 106 alfomabde readye, and fettled,afonnell (fucbeastbep fpilbsages beades of wyne withall whiche mute bane alwayes the necke of it within the mouthe of the bielic, sand that the ſtyeke mape go thoroughthe myddle of the furnell,tbat bp that meanes, it maye foppe the Frapte ofthe funnell,wpth the mouthe ofthe biolle, , Alltheſe thynges thus letino2zder,pousnufts keepe the faped poulter nyghe vnto the fp2e.yto the intente chat it mape be boate:fo2 pf pou ſhoulde putte tt in colde,bpou ‘the boate that is in the Giotle,pou thoulde make coloc, and lette the fublyanation ef the Cinabrium. _JSpowe , whan the fyrſte poulser hah bene on the fyze, the (pace of fyue beureszand ihatit tetbozcugblye 5,02 partelpe ſublymed, lyfte dp the ſtycke alpttle, chat is 1M the potte, and ſo open the mouth of it,inlpitpnge bp the rounde plece of clape that f opped it, and pattein thece .. 02 foure fponefulles ofthe faped poulder that you bepte | wartime. thenletdowne the ſycke, wyth the rounde burs tonne of clape,that (t map clofe the biolle,as before, And pou muffe vnderſtande, that the faped ſtycke is not put into the diolie fo2 anpe other cauſe, but to keepe that the ſayed poulder whyche is inthe bottome, begyn⸗ npnge te ſublime, houlde not cleaue rounde aboute the mouthe ofthe diolle,fo2 than it woulde ſtoppe it ſo, that pou coulde put none other poulder inte it,no2z make the loanes fo. greate,asislaped ; and herein conlyiesh the {whole Secrete to make the leaues greate. Foꝛ pf pou woulde putte in allthe fubfaunce at eure, | thatistofape,abundzeth , o2two bundzeth pounde of fubfaunce, youſhoulde make the mafle , 02 lumpe fo gteate, that it woulde neuer be boughte to perfection, and muſt make fo great a fp2e to ft, that rather it would melte othe the veſſell and allo marre the furnets, than the niattct 02 ſubſfaunce weulse (ublpme. Watin pute tyng tt in thus by lyttle and little the ſticke bepng inthe | midbdie,al the fubfaunce ſublimeth, baketh, and wareth redde,t by little and little, ſtictzeih to the bighelt part of the veſſel, then, in putting te it egaine new pouder,it de⸗ fcendeth ta the bettom,¢ there fintinge al thinges bote, ' @.v, with wet THEISYXTE BOOKE With that that itis hote it ſelke and bia ſmall quantitte it ſublimeth baketh a) wareth ved incontinent; incoz⸗ poratyng it lelle with the ſyrſt. So in puttyng in by litle and licle ne we hote pouderjand keping alwayes the fite in one Tate:, pou ſhall make as greate quancitie of it as pou wyll,and ſhall bane erp great loaues of fapze'Ci- nabriuin, the which will have onelp a hole in the midole, whiche ts the (pace Where the tp the went thozowe, Fie. naily,potrnap put to ft newe poulder in cazyng awape- the fticke alltogetber, and cloſyng the mouth, and than make a fire:forthis laf pouder will ipketwife fublpme, ‘and will make a bottam to the tafe of Cinabrium. Mage ouer Nate and vitderfande, that the great fpre;that sto fapjlong continued atid kept hurteth not and now and ‘then pou matte moue and lpfte bp and do wne the fapen Ficke,to the intent that the Cinabrium ,cleaue not toit, “and Goppe fo the mouth of the vetlel that pou cã putno ntoze teeth poulder to it,as{s (apd. Chis is toc ture and perfect waye and meane het to make Cinabrium ines *qtéatisaues as pou til, whiche bptherte bath not bene Anowen in Italp. Vou may vo the lphe in pottes of pote ‘ters clap white ſo that thep be well inten & claped ouer, .. that thep map ensure the fyre and Not beeske,. - “te Do fync and renevve Borax, eran say Was called of the aunciente aia Veavat witters Chrifocolla’ and was both. race) Jee \ynatuvall and arcifictall jas Dlint, — ——————— other wryte and nen Dvd Lie ofit tin Phrcte and, fe ‘aj alfa to ſowder Golde and Spiuer, Vee Acasa Other metatles, as men vie pet: ITO Prime HOW! & BAIS tfo2 the nature Of itis samtelte, and to reſolue quickely any ſonderyng. Itis #Sfea in worke allofosto make a boop, that is to ſaye to gather together the tylynge of Golde and nuer ang in + alkotherthpriges wherein a nan hath neve ofa quiche gnd lodapnefounspag or nteltyage, Doreouer, centles wemen belpe cheym felues allo muche wth it to make theim kaire: lor it ataberh the ſkynne verye whyte, fyne ang anecleanesinithent dauger of any poiſon, 92 of hurting the teeth,o2 flethe, The auneient men of aloe tyme pad efit grenesuberof nowe a dayes is none found, no pet Anpmanmaketh it, Parpeswe haue that ig berp whites and alſo ſomwhat blacke,whpebeperaduenture a mat map fap is like thepagrene.Z be whitets in little lange pieces; wyth cerfaine (pnewes 02 veynes all alonge, fo like bite Roche Alomesthatswmany are oecepued; 02 ver cepue other With it: For whan a man fetteth the ſayed Boꝛax bppon the fy2e,tt bepleth, and fivellerh kp in ali pointes. like Alome, ana forematneth bite, and full of boalesipke a ſponge, andealp tobe boeken wyth poure bandes euch astioche Alome burned But ſu bdtyle and craftye marcheites knots Bo zax fiom Alomethze mae ner of wayes. Lhe fyrſte isgthat Alome putin a mans mouth isepgreand harpe of taſt, and reffrapnitfe, but Bozar hath no maner of tale, butadead and bulanerp guffe,as a meane betwene the ſauour of Dyple,¢ vohaye of Bylke. Therefore they that wyll deceaue other, e fal⸗ lifpethe true Borax, take little pieces of rae Koche As lame and bepe them in Dple of Almondes, in whap,.02 in mylke Some other put toitalfe benny, o2 fugre, fog to moderate the epgernefie of the Alome, with the {wets nefle-of it..Deber there be;that melee all the faped thyn⸗ ges onthe fyre, and than let theym to coole in ſom colde place, vntill ail be waren tuto yce, oꝛ lyttle fiones,¢ pute ting tedt (alte eter, Sal alcali, Tartre, Alome De fece, and ſuch lyke thynges and make little fones ſomwhat like vnto Borar: but fyrſte they niffer in fournie and fas yon , foz the tine Forax ts altwapes longe in feurme, € the Tones where Alome te among, are nenet beought into sup fourme, but into lyttle fquare ffones . Suthers snOze ,thep differ in the ſeconde ſorte, ond that is thys: Thet Alome beynge burned, makethagreater lumpe then when itis rawesbutthe true Borax is brꝛought ana reduced into a verye ſmallquantitie, and thys is an eui⸗ bente figne to knowe it. be thyrde, whpebe is of moſte importaunce and the ſureſte is, that the matter wherin the Alome is, wyll not ſouder in nomaner of wyſe, ane Dig, wpl \ ™ THE SYXTE BORE. wyll not melte neptherjfo wel asthe Borax toil, ¥ fap, °. it wyll not melte io weil, becauſe chat where anp Salee 43 eter, Lartre , and Sal alcali is, there the matter wpll melte at the leaſte tn fom partesfo2 allthe ſaied chyages belpe ta the foundyng of metalles. Lye ſalt Peter, wha there is a good quanſptye of it,ts zao wen incontinente⸗ vopon the fyre, koꝛt maketh the boylyng wateryſhe, ans caſtech aboute, as it were lyttle ſparkes of fyre | The other thinges made wyth the fozelaped myrtions, dyuers tymes, in whape, milke, or in water, and conge⸗ led into lpttle pebbles , make certayne ſtones, but chey bealwapes Salte, to brzyghte, and to biolente to meite, for whan a manne wyll ſouder anye worke of Golde, o⸗ thonne Spluer mith tt, it cauſeth the worke to melte tos gether, and whereas there is Sugre, it leauechthe gold and Syluer ſpotted. Ben make other myrtures, whiche ave verye good for to ſouoer, oꝛ to melte, wyhyche neuer⸗ theletle ave diſferente from the azar in fourme and ſa⸗ uoute,of tye whicke we will make mention bercatter, Powe, foz to retourne tothe true Bo ar of our tpnre, men bryng vs certaine barrels full,ofakpnd of greale,.. ful of certapne lpttic pebbles, whiche is catlea the dowe a2 paſte of Boꝛax . Unte thys pape men haue bꝛoughte itoute of Alexandria, were tt was alſo of olde tyme meade 3 and therefore ta tt that the auncpente-Arabian Authones , whycyebaue wepttenofthbpnges concers nynge mettalles , called cthe Borar Nicrum Alexandri. num. And wythin theſe lewe peares,thep bauc beg onns to brynge it frome the Meſte partes, pet Jcan not teil whether it be made there , ozelles paraducnture tt be brꝛoughte latelpe oute of the Indes. Where was withs in thele fewe peares(o greatelacke of itin Italye, that it was Colne at the leaſte, fo2 acrewneanbuce, of that, that was made into ſtones. Mid no we, wythin thys two peare , there fs come ſuche haboundaunce ont ofthe Weſte partes, that the pound is worthbut a crowne and a halte, and leſſe. Che waye howe to make it( whiche ts bled in the ſayd WMelte partes)is thus... In Mynes, where Golde and i Sypluer, “OF'SECRETES, 108 - Spluer.o2 Copperts gotten; tsfounde a kynde of wa⸗ fer, Whpche(as Imy telfe haue ſeene and proued by ere pertence) ts of -ttfelfe verye ticate andercellente fozta fouder 02 to founde irpth. And allo Iknowe a place in ®ermanye, where there ts a geeate veyne of fuche was ter, whyche not wythſtandynge the papfauntes bnowe — mot of. Nowe,thep take thys water, wyth the carth that As Dnderneath it, oꝛ on the ſydes, and bople ita certayne tpme, and than frapne it,and{o leauynge tts. ftconges .dcth intolpttle pebbies,cuen lpke vnto Salte Peter. Gud therefoze.plamanihoulbe keepe theym longe ſo, they would netcentinue,but would refoluc by litle and Aittie:Alſo fo2 to mabe them better, and to peelerue the, and noryſhe them in cheir owne nature and kynde, thep take the groundes or dregges that is left of the ſayd was fer,¢ earth, puttyng to it barrowes grealſe, or the greale of fom other beaſt:than they go to thempne, where they make a greate hoie in the grounde/ in the bottom wher⸗ ef they lay arancke ofthe ſayed greaſe, and vpon that a rancke of the ſayed lyttle pebble ſtones, and than agayn another of greale, and foronlequentipasmuch as they wyl but ſo that thelatte rancke-be of greaſe or ef the faped dowe 02 paſte, and fo thep leaue it open and vnco⸗ nered,the (pace of certayne moneths: pet many et them do all thps wptbhinthep2 houlessin the earth, 02 in great beficlles. Whar, whanthep wyll tell it,02 ſende it cute ofthe countrepstbhey take the fated pall o2 bom. with the fenes end all, teith afpze panne o2femlpkethpnasend Alexis fyi bareties andtonnes.ofit, Lhis isthe fame thatcomy ſpaheih mety bnto vs, whiche we-call dowe 02 paſte oſ Boꝛcx. 1 1, I Fris fent allo from thecountvep where Wozarismade, 7? dz ipttle fones of the (aped pate, fo renewed and fpned " on 26% wylifhetwe pou, Aboute thyztp peare ago thep fent (Pe rant muche moze of thpsWBozar,fpnedandrenewed , than latour of thep bpd ofthe pafte , becauſe that in Italye thep coulde Engiad. not dreſſe nor make it; noz brynge it into lpttle fenes, . Inberefoze tt was not putin bze,but ofcertaine bomen ſm dittiuations, for to paint the {elues-with. Since there hath ben onein Gentle that broad to ogee it, after bine — O. liitj. 8 woe THE SYXTE BOOKE gwoman whom he bad taught. Theſe two gat a greate forte of money, and the ſayd ſecrete was longe betwene thenrtiss onelp, although it was deſpred of ruery man long befoze. Finally it is nowe come ſo farrefo2mard, that many nein Uenple can dreſſe it, but one maketh - tt farre better,thé another, and peraduenture very fewe haue the perfection of dzeſſyng tt,wyth ſuche aduantage that he lole nathpnge ofthe fubfaunce, andto make as muche of it as is poſſible perfectlp,as F iwpliithewe pau hereafter folowyng Powe, pou mule take fyrſte of the fayd pat sthatis not mouldy vine wed or putriſped fo2 tha tt is a ligne that it ſhauld be olde, ¢ ofmany peaces, and therebythe little ſtones ſhoulde be diminiſhed lof, OpdeCaped, Vet neuertheleſte chys is olno great impor⸗ taunce:for itis better to aſſay with pour fynger wychin the paſt to ſe if it be ful of the fatd pebbles; forthe world being all together geuen to gayne and full of oeception and fratde,thep that nake it, put ſometyme verpe fewe ꝓebbles in the ſayd greale,fo2 to haue more ſubffaunce: and beſyde this they that bye tt to ſellagain, takeout al⸗ ſo a good quantitie of theſaid pebbles:woherſfore it is ne⸗ celfarp tobe circumſpecte; tothe intente that diligence map ſurmounte, oꝛ atthe leaſt diſcouer the gyle and de⸗ ceate. FFpnally,if pou will fineand renewe the ſayd Bo⸗ var, frontfuche palt.o2 dowe, da thus. ake water luke Wwarme,that (sto (ape, fer twoopounde ofpatte, halle a piplefall, whiche pou Hall put into ſom earthen veficl, Huttpag the pak into tt than wech vour hande frapeana Eyrre it in ſonder, as pou woolde temper leanen forto kneade, alter this, ſrayne out the ſayed water welltho⸗ rougie.a frapaoure , and takethe lyttle ones that res mayne in the faped veſſell chat is te fap, thoſe that beof the bygneſſe ofa Mainut orbeane and put theman a veſſell ſprin lyng them with Ople Olyxue asthougheit were a lalate,but the Oule muſte be wyyte and vf pou haue none good takecomnion ople tet it in che ſunne, pꝓurgyngit weill and anndinteche ſayed fones wythit, minglynge them wel together with pour hande. After: warde put them in a little bagge, and mixe them wel * \ Nether. (OF! SECRETESAT 09 gether agapne,as mendo contitures thysideen; putte theinrinlpttlebotes ant kepe theim, and thus Hall pou haue the bell Wozar that can be poſſtble If pow wyll re: newe ¢ multiplicit.vo thus, -alake the ſame water that was ſtrayned outand put it in a kettle vpõ afmall fp2e, kepynge the fyre alwayes in one eſtate, chan ſcymme it pth an yron ladle, and put alle voyth the lbummmesthe ezttite and fylth chat ſhall bet the bottome: but take good heede, that in leechyng tt fic notawape Continue chus doynge vntillit be wellſſodden, whyche is knowen chus:put a little vppon your nayle and ifitrenne not, it is pnough ſooden, oꝛ els you may prone tt ppon a paper, as men do Sprops⁊ it it byde till it is ſodden, oꝛ wette a ffrynge tithe ſayed water, and holde it betwyrte your fingers than plucke it oute bp the ende and ikyouteele ttroughé, it is ſodden. Abe take che kettle from the fyze, and couerit wyth ſome coucr fptte for it,.that there fall no orzdure or fplthe twitsthps doen yburpe the kettle tn. wheate bzanne,andcloleicwelbroundabvegt, couering At wyth clothes 02 otherthynges / ſo chat tt be well. top, ped. ou may bury it,o2 bptewtin a hote dungehyll avo dpaue (tthere thelpace ofevgbt 02 ten daies, afterward. vncouer tt,andponthallfpnde crust bpomit,thewhiche you all take and put in on one ſyde, and pen thal finde in the faped kettle, as tt were little pieces. of pre, whiche : pou ſhall take out,and putin another beell, walhpnge . then with cole ana freige twater than drye them vppon a tableinthe Papowes ana let thoſe Tones, which at the fir tymeremayned mtee frapnourjbe myngled with the fated pieces of yce Than take Qlome Defecs, thatis witte,foure pounde,intheee paples full of water, thece. vnces of Salte Peter,than bople this with almalfpee, aro ihymme itz as you dyd the other, in proouing it ppon xour naples? bpon paper· it it bee ſodden, as before.· Chis. vocn,tabe it from tha fyre, and let it reſt, and w it is cleare,tabe a little payle ful and a halfe of it, and ſet ton the fyre in another cleane kettle. And whan pou lee -.- that it wyll boyle, put in the ſayed cruſt, and that it be of ten vouude, and make it ſeeth as tho other dyd, eſaying hit "© Dpeit.-- THE SYXTE BOKE vpon pour nayle oz paperj;aapawnpd befoze Than gue it ma lyttle birkinjand lape tive ſtyckes a croſſe, wyth foure coꝛdes, wherevnto pou ſhalbtie a litle leade,to the intent they maye ſtretche well; and without touchynge the bottome, by foure ſyngers, and that to the ende the Boꝛar mapdipebe snd ciraue to it, ane than burpe it as before. This muſte net be put in the bagge, but anoynte . the ſame thatysufpnd fickpng vpon the cordes wyth a featherjanotheother thatremapneth fill in the veſſell, pou fhat (peinkle as it were a falade. Lhe clere that, you {hali take ont of ft, mufte be of the byggeneſſe ofa haſell nut oꝛ beane:and the other wyll belefle:; pou Halipuc santo the water that remaineth, whyche water vouſhall Aet on tye fire, makynge it ſeeth, and depnge as befoze, and ſo contynue bntpll sil the water beconuerted and tourned into Bozdr,fe that nothynge beloffe, And remember (attoe begynnynge whan pou diſſolue in luke warme tester, as we haue ſayed befoze) to put to it the bygut uie of a cyche peaſe of therucn ofa Pare, fod. that wyll make all the other partes of the Borax te eaue and take together. * A good and eaſye vvaye to make Aqua fortis, 1 berterthen any other Ake KRoche Alome and UWitriole, o2falte Peter, GF} 02 elles all thace together ,of eche of theym Ipke quantytye that is well calcined and burned, and Wellbiaped . And yf you wyll haue it ironger. pat as muche ſalte Peter a parte, as of Alome and Vitriole to⸗ gether:put all thys tn ſome pot oꝛ biolle, well luted ana tlayed ouer, and inthe tecippent o2 receptorye two brs res of well water, forenerpe pounte of the faved fabs ffautices Netthe recetptozpe be in freſhe water, and als {rapes wette aboue with font wette linnen cieth,fo that it be neviet Dape. And bp thys meanes the erhclations og fumes will better mingle them ſelues with thee water, and wil not ſticke o2 cleane to the recipient. This doen, ‘fake the potte 02 Diollcluted, and trymme tt ſo thatthe ee mouth OP SECRETES)) uo month hange Votwnewarde ioynynge tt wyth the reet⸗· pient, without a Limbecke,tutpig and clatpng ‘welthe. topnetes ¢ lites with Howe; and the whites of Cages: aad diſpoſe Eozdet it in ſuche maner;that theifp2e come net tothe recipiente. And at the begynnynge puta fewe hote coales vnder the bottome sfthe violle ez pot,vntul: : the matter loofeand diſſolue te lelfe,and pale bis fyrſte furpe. his vaen,couer tt with coales and the fire mutt beberpe hyghe:and forte do befte;there mufte be tytile © walizs of bꝛycke to holde Dp tie greate coales,in greate quantitte vopon the ſayed pot· Ahan pon haue made this great kyre the (pace of the oꝛ faurec oꝛ (pre houres, - all wyll be made. Lohan let tt cooie,sndtake aut the wa⸗ ter , whpcbets verye good and perfpt, and kepe ttina veſſell of glaſſe weil ſtopped with. ware. 29.) 0 le ,: The true’and perfyte practyſe to cafte medalles and allocher vvorkemanfhyppe, as vvellimbrafle, . as in Golde , Syluer,:Copper; Leade, T ynnejas‘of Gry ftall, Glafle and Marbles ¢ — — earth oꝛ ſande ready, wherein you wyll fale 2 a be —J bere be dyners lortes and cuerpe man deei⸗ makynge it, we wyll put bere Come of the ſureſte and moſte parfoteit, and of druers kpndes, tothende that if & manne can not get or makothe one, be map euermoze haue recourſe to the other. Aud vnderſtande⸗·chat att theſe that we bayll put here,maye be ſet a woꝛke eth: of. - chem bythem felues,oz myxed one wyth another; or all — Irſte of all, pou muſte haue allvapes the ſhyon and fourme poure worue: but becauſe Aſeth it as he can get it, and as he yath (spittin together, fo2 they are good euerye wmaye. The bountye and perfectyon ot eche ot theſe earthes for to caſte anye mettall in, conſyſteth in thele chynges that is to wytte: that firſt and chiellie it be fine ana imall, and in no wiſe roughe,o2fullofgrommels, tothe intent that all tyyn⸗ gos mape ealely take payne, Secondly, that ——— J 188 —e ae c THE SYXTE BOKE the mettal tell; anathattbey nepthercleaue-,. beeake,,: chappeso2 waye iuto a cruſte hep mult allo be tempes red witha water called: Magifira, of the vohiche we will ſpeake afterwarde)to theintentethatbepnacdzpe, thep . map be harder, and holde fatter together, Lhpealp,that they maycontinue and ſerue atdiuersfouminges and meltprgess tothe intentethat whan yvou wyll cate mas ny metalles, or otberthpngesalt ot one lorte, pe neede notat euery tyme make ne we mouldes. Alſo pou mutte Onderanve,that for metailes that are ſoſte, as Leave, and Lpnneall earth, (o it be goons intl futile: 2outden alwapes,that it be fyne and fmatle, and well tempered with the faped Magiſtta as J wyll declared hereafter. The Eprite ect to caſte in a moulde all mancr.of fufible mater, She Cmerpil,that men burnyſhe ſwmordes or ar⸗ mourewith,and braye it very (mall, in flamyng Nit as we wyll ſhewe pou.alterwarde, and tem⸗ per it,o2 reduce ft inte dow ornaſt, with the ſaied Magi- fira,as J twill tell pou beveafter,and ſo dreſſynge it, pou ſhallmake a very good earth, whyche Will continue fog many foundynges and meltinges/ fo that it be well go⸗ uerned and fentperedse the more it is accupped, the bets tev it wyll Ware: Pꝛouyded/ that it be alwayes brayed gq new, aAthan watered and tempere with the Magiſtez. Theſccondearth or fande, Ake piecesiof thofe Ueſſelles, o2ꝛ pottes of carthe . Osu are made in Galenttain Stalpe 502-0tbex * thatgloffe makers vſe to kepe their molten glaſſe in the furneſſe and pf pou maponelpe get the botteme, . othe plecesfrome the mpadletatheloiwer motte parte of them it chall he the better, tn takpng awape the glaſte thatis rounde aboute them, yf not, take them aspou mape. Chan take Goldſmythes crolettes, o2 melipnge potteg, newe, and breake theym in pieces 4 ana that we at weyght OFSECREPES. ; nt weight of the land crefetics be as much as the pieces of the ſavd Veficlies before, All thels. thpnges being tothe beatenrand ſtamped in a mozter,let them be wel beapen after vpon a2 ozpbive fone, with water, as men baye colourgsand baupynge mace theim very fine and ſmall bp feetbpug.tbem agayne on the fire,as we ttl afterde- iclare,beepe them in lyttle goates leather bagges oꝛ tn ſame cloſe boxes, to the ende that becauſe of theyz fyne⸗ neſſe they fipe noc, and vaniſhe awaye in che are·e· The thirde earth, or ſande. (rt the fplpng ol xron, ſande, o⸗ꝛ vꝛon oore oꝛ the’ ſparkes that flye from hoate yzon whan it is bea⸗ “a cenj,o2elsaltogetber;but-that it be pure without anpe earth o2 fylth:than put it in an yꝛ2on panne , orin ſome other veſteill cthat wyll endure the fyre, (painblyng . it with aͤronge Uinaiger,and kepynge it on the fyre the ſpace ot eyghte houres, after thys temper it agayne tt. AUinaiger; and chẽ incenſe, and beate it in cthe fyre brar⸗ singe and rene wyng it diuers tymes, As the other. And kepe it in leather baggesso2 in boxes wellſt apped. The fourth earth or fand, «: ered Ake pieces of a pominetle tone made hote inthe ay - fp2e,and quenched in Uinayger foure tymes ee" Za take.ii. partes of the (pares of pzon beaped —~ sand ftampedjand one parte ofthe pommeiſe fone,mine ale all together, and put it inthe fire, and bgapett gtten cymes añd fo kepe tt as the other. — BRE ey ft easthyand the matic pastyt, a Ake mutton bones: buepfpoutabe thole ofthe heade they wil be bettcr,{fnat,tabe of what part.” ? ‘feeder tt be,and burne chem vppon the coaleso2 ~ in ſom furneis, vntill thep Ware very white: thã ſtampe “ghent,andtisce them, Chis doen you ſhall put the. a | ⸗ - - THE SYXTE BOKE, — ner fit few pron panne o⸗ other thpiig, amionge the eos⸗ les ſo chat it hrapburne wel than put fo it good: hand⸗ full oftallove ſtyrryng it with ſome pron,in ſueh wile, that all the tallowe map be burned with the ſayed poule der leauynge tt fo on the fpre pet balfe an boure. Lean takeitoutand bap it, and burne it ag ayne, lprinklyng and braymge it often tymes as youdyd the ocher, vntyll ft be berp fyne and ſmall aud than Hail tt be perfyt and will feruc fo? many forndprges 9p meltynges. The fyxte earth, batt thep be berp white, and vſe themin all.thins ges as pou dyd the mutton bones, andthantepe (tas afoze, Finallp,thete is aifo earth made of the aſhes of Upnes of ſtrawe of burned paper ,.ofbozle dunge, dried and burned sof brycke Tamped,of sate, 02 ofred earth 5 o2 ether ipke chynges chat remapne in the fyre iopthout meltpnge, wherein men prynte berpe well all maner of metall,the whiche alſo nepther brꝛeake, cleaug in fonder,no2 chappe,asis afozelaped. T Ake Cuttle bones, and burne them inthe fpze, # A goodlye vvaye andmaner hovveto make all thefe carthes verye fyne, and {mall , and almofte impalpable, Ake whyche of thefe fozelaped earthes pou wyil, T or anye other, and alttr pou haue well ſtamped it, and ſyfted it, drye {tin a bettle by the fyre, oꝛ in afcpengepanne , orꝛ other veſſell, ontpll it be verye iwhoate:than take it frome the fypre, and ſtampe it weil, as befoze, wyth water 02 Wpnapger , heate it agapne, and beape it fplle wyth water,o2 Upnapger, andneuer drye:doynge fo fpue 02 fpretpmes. Fpnalipe pou Hall put ttina befell of tubpte carth,welileaded, and powre into {tas ‘muche cleare water as wyll furmounte te ~ foure fyngars hygh: chan Uyzre it with a lyttle pene DURES OOF m fipchesanplette ie reſt the fpace ofan Ane arian Alters wards poure the ſayed water ſynelye and topielp ints ſome other veſſell that focleane ¢ . Andbpon the fapen. earth thatremapneth in the.fp2te.bellell. ,. you ſhall powers other wacer, and ſtyzre it as before: than powee the fame wyth the other fpzite poluzed out, and thus do fo often; Dntpll that wyth ibe water, pou haue poured. sur all the fpack and ſmalleſt parte ofthe fame earth, Ana.t€there cemapue pet inthe Cpelk veſtell anp parte of grote earth, bꝛaye ita newe,and than putit with the a⸗ ther. This doen, pou (halletall the fame fyne and ſmall eartp, which pow poured lito the otber bellel, go. dotwne tothe boctome:and than pow2e out faper and fottelp the water and ict the poulder drye that allay WU the betromsthe whiche afterwarde vou Mall bzay wel once agatne,ana paſſe it thorow a fpnelieur o2 farce at fithe,. if pou thynke good and vyou Mall haue a poulder, ſuche as there is tot the lyke, whyche you muſfe keepe, as the other befoze,inteather bagges,o2 tn bores o wode well fanped, pallpnge or glewpage the [pes 5 te the intente thatebe pouloer flpe notawape,to2 if ts a ſubſtaunce ale motte as fpneandaslubtpleasthe apre.- #Tomattea vvater called Magiftra, vvhete vvith the layed earthes tomate mouldes is tempered, and moyttedagayneatcuctye caltynge and foun. dyage. af a 4 coy Oeaule that the. ſayed earth be fatke and. fyzme; Gx that bepnge fatbioned anddzpeste map holde “rogcther, and not failagapne intopoulder, pou mude make thys water , whyche is called La Magiltra, wyptheisa worse, not bnowen frome whence it is Der ducted, as the Philoſophers haue forged and geuen nae mes ta certayne waters, accordynge to the eftecte that tyepleruefo2.as they haue doenolthys water, Ana it leemeth chat thep meante bp this the lame thpny that we vnderſtande by the meane 62 Wape , 02 fuche a thprge, that is ameane 02 waye to Beepe together 03 £0: DiGolueso2to.9 fone lpke thynge: chus it is ADE THE IS ¥X'TE 2B OKE ‘hey tabe rommon ſalt the which hep wraß in a lin⸗ righ cloth wette in water,o2 other Ucour and beynge fo Tapped dp it is layd in the middle of the embers tira furs hicis,o2 in ſome other like placeto the intente that with a papre of bellowes they maye geue it alwayes a greate ſyze ox els they put ſt in ſome crofet,o2 other ſmaſie veſ⸗ felLluten'¢ claped, blowyng tt welthe ſpace of an houre ethan they let it coole. And be that wyll not blowe te ais wapes,as is afozefaped,let him lape tt fit the myddes of hote coales,and-pet couer it well with: ſyre, and whan te »€8 coole agapnie.be multe ſtampe it, and putitin aper well leaded and putts (tas mache Water ss will cover tt,foure 02 {pre fingers bab: thai mute be ſet tron the fp2e, and parpne it, be Hall make all the lard fale to dic⸗ folue, Thys doen, tt mutt coole agayne and be ſfreyned 62 pated thozoughbe a feite twiſe:and thys is pone for to moi 63 batne the fapd earthes, and to make them holde togetbher,as tue will declare after Warde. Alſo you map inake this Maviftra, wyth the whytes of Cages, beaten With a Picke of a figge tree, vntilthey be converter and tourne’ tt a froth o2 (cumme,then let the ref the face of a night,and (nthe mornyng poure out the water hae is founde onder the froth. With thys water ts the faped earth moths ¢ batted, and tt appeareth that it is better then sther:fo2 it maketh tt fatter and firmer, ecteaner, no? cleaueth fo fone vnto the chynges catte in the moul⸗ des: therefore fome put alitie of this water of whites of Ciges, With the other Magifira, made of ſalt. Other put fo if a litte Water of Comme Arabick, adding inal thine ges iudgement, experience and induſtry. To make Lutum ſapientiæ very parfyte. —7 Ake ofthe belt white potters earth that vou cã get, . 4. fez in one place there ts better than in another, that ts to ſay, ofthat whiche can bet endure the fyre as tuck as they make pottes of in Padua, aud lykewyſe in Ger⸗ mien; faa itis of {ach perfection,that the pattes mbiche be mate of it and wherin thep dzelle thep2 meate mape alfo (ertie fo founds metalles tn. Lake then of the bette, bud fpectallp fit mueterue fora thyng thathath neede ee to be OF SECRETES. oa: tobe long bpon a grest kyre other wiſe take tach ey pou can get. There is founbe otit that is afagvape colour, as the common ſort is, and allo there is white,that men ‘Ble in fom place of Vicence, which is like loaues of Gip- ſum, oꝛ plaiſter, and is callen afthe Italians Floretre de Chio. Me herein Cngland vpon the ole thereof, mape gene tt what name we will. Potters le ef itin Genife, fo2 te white the difhes,¢ other thynges, bekore thep vere Mihe o2 polliſhe them, There ts alfo fsunde of te ther ts red,as tn A pulia, where there fs greate quantttic, ¢ that thep call Boale, and ts theberp laͤme that fom Apoticas ics do fell for Woale Armentch, andthe Genttians vſe of (t,fo2 to papnt red fozefrontes of their benfes, with lime, bricke, Germillion,couering itafterwarde with Mple of line. This red earth fs the fattelt, and the clam: mielt of allthe rede, and therfoze tt cleaueth foonett by the fpre,tfitbe net tempered with fom other ſubſtaũco. Sind becaufe that allthe ſayed earthes be to fat, the one moze tha the other, therfore men put to them fom icane fubaunce. Pow, if pou take of p of athe coleur,whiche is mot common , and the ie fatty,poumap compoſe ¢ ‘make itin this mancr. Lake of the fate earth foure pars tes, of cloth makers flore 02 fhearinge, one parte, aihes that bane ferucd in a buck,o2 otber,balfa part, dry horſe donge,oz the dong of an Afle,one part. Hf pousvtl make it parfiter,put to tt a fewe ſtamped beickes, and (parkes ef yzon:let all theſe thinges be well amped, end lifted, thatis to ſaye: the earth,the albes, the horſe donge the -bziches,¢ the ſparkes of pzonzthan mingle all together, and mase it into earth , aud make a bed theral vpon the whiche pou Mall catt by liftle ¢ litle, the fore, as equate lp as pou can, Thys doen, pobore to it water ,fparpng tt weil firit with a ficke,and than with a pallet bzoad ath ende. And wha ellis well incorporated together.as pou ivoudoe baue ft,lapit bpon fom great borde and beate it tweil, and that a good {pace with ſome great faffe.o3 o⸗ ther infirnment ot peon mingling andffearing it well, foz the lenger pou beatit,the better it is.Wy this meane - you fhal bauc a derp good clay fo2 to lute 92 clap,t foine P.l. violles, . THE Siolles Aagons of glaſſe to fill with; bottels of gour⸗ Des for Lillpng ann other greateth pages, as furneſſes audluch ltise,as ive will declare atier mara. Wut he that will make tt with moze ease,let him put the earth onip, the flore,ana the horſe donge, with a fewe afbes,Some put no horſe donge to it,and lomo flere accozdpng ta the purpote that thep makeit fo2. For to ſtop a clofe sp the mouthes afttilipngeglaGes, 02 violles to thintent they take na bent oñ the fyre, the ſaied clap will be berp geod: neuer tbheleile men put to it two partes of quiche litte, and the bites sf Egges, and then tt will be ſurer tolet nothing ventout but the glaſſe it felfAll kynde of clay or earth would be kent matte, and redy dreſed fog him that wpileccappetcontinually, but it muſt not be kepte to watery, norz vet leſte to depe,foz than it woulde lerue for nothyng, ſeyng that after it is once hardened, a man ca not dreſſe it any moꝛe to do any good withal. And whan you put water to ic, it is molliſted by little < litle aboue, and ts as it were a fauce, but baithin remap⸗ het) harde, cif you put to muche water to it, yx ou marre it btterip, Theretore, wyan pou lec that it beginnety ra Wware bap, keede it a new little ans litic with water, p24 xyng it cullit be well,aird fo hall pou make it perfecce, aa) Cerrayne thynges , vvhiche he that vvill rake in hande any. foundyng orcattyng of métalles; mufte alvvayes haue ready ,andin ordre, eee Ccaule that inſtrumentes anv meanes, be thole yy atbat make allthinges come out of the wozkimans ~~ bande with a perfection, therfore , tothe intente whã thetpmets come ta begyn a wore, pou be nor vn⸗ furniſhed, oꝛ ſuſtayne domage fo2 lacke of thynges ne⸗ ceſſary: Fyeſt, let pour coales be of trong woode, pong and der, pour croſettes oꝛ meltyng pottes without clef⸗ tes 02 chappes, and of grap coloure, whiche csmmonip ave better than the blacke, 02 white ,.pou muſte haue a ittsle burde ta gene it vent ouerthe mouth afthe crates, which ts bncouer ed fo certapne cauſes:a cane carecde to blawe atnape the ordure and fplth cut ofthe croſet, a thynge OF SECRETES. soi shonge caller then wyth a peyre otf bellswes: an pon wyth a hoke, fo2 to take the cosles onte af the croſet 02 meltpng potte,and Ipke wyſe a papre of tonges sa peeſſe gat woode to kepe fall and ſure the fourmes 02 mouldes ‘firpoutpnge in the mettall:two lottletabies 02 nore oc walnut tree Woodc, 62 bore 03 ef feme other harde and malſſlue woode, oz elles of copper made verye euen and equall oncuerpe ſyde, korto tout. the mouldes and ta ‘Reepethepin ſteddye: tivo pyeces o wolle, 02 more to the intentee, that pfinfattenpage themoulocs tn the pete, thep be notequall and euen wpth cute fpde, thele precesinape fyl vpthe empty place: a campaſſe anda rulefoz tapatte and deuyde the caſtyng boles and pipe Anbertnthemettalinuieranne : anpeonimadelphea f{crappng bniie 02 raleure,Garpe atthe ende, and edged atthe fpves,tuch as giltcrs bo ble to make enen the cas fpng holes, cz pipes. of mould: s the which wil feructa mabe the breathyng hooles and pppes that the vapoure geeth vut at whan the worke is maze, and hauynge ro ſuche inſtrument, yon may make them with aknpfe,as hendeſomely ac pon can. Vou wmuſte alfo bane readpa Ipfttieople,and.turpentpne in a dyihe, pth alptile pas per orꝛſome piece of lynnen clothe fo wette inthe fapen ople end.turpentpne,andtoburneit ,~fo2 to partime the fourmes and mouldes ban they be well wyped “tothe intente the metaltinape runne the better, And beraufe that fometpme fucbe parfume fplleth bp ‘the holowneſſe and engrauyng of the wozke, pon malt have a bares foote to ype awape the (uperfiuitie of ir, and alfo fo2 to ſwepe together the duff, to thyntente it fall not whan pou will caſt enp thinge th the mouldes. And than muſte yen baue a bꝛulſhe oꝛ rubberof latin Wwper and one of ſylke, uche as men make cleane come “bes tepth,fo2 torakbe ant pollpthethe twoeke 5, befo2e it is fourmed and fahponcd 5 tothe tiitente to pollyſte it and dreſſe a neive,as neede Halibe, whanthe wozke he | ° The maner ofderthata manne oughtto Keepe, —— 22,0,” re J ef Vvvhan THE SYXTE BOOKE vvhan he vvyllcafte or founde medalles, or any o⸗· thet thynge . Aes ache , pow Hall lapethemedalle 02 other woake gg. that pou wil cad,tra diſhe with frong vinaiger eer Salte,and burned Erato: than rubbe tt wel with pour hande vntiltt he cleane;libewtle with arabber,o3 bruſhe. Chis doen, waihe tt in frethe water, and wipe tt with alnnen cloth. Atter this,lape vpon a table of hard. oode oꝛ of copper well pallpihes , halfe the mouloe 02 fourme,thatis tolape,thefemale. And let the myddie part, thatts to lap that whiche is ioyned to the other, be- lapen vpwarde bpon the table,in whyche thynges thus. laped,pau ſhalt lay pour menalles,o2 the thinge pou wil fourme o2 ftaſhion, and letit be cleane,as te haue fapd,. oderyng icin uch fozte, there be butone,p tt be talk = picectly agapnt the condupte 92 pppe,and as low in the frante as tt map to the tntente that the pppe o2 cundite may be the longer, and chat tt map haue mettal ynough Bf chere be nvoze than one, pot Mall order ana Cet rhe ors the (poes of the foutme o2 frante , and leaue place (athe middle fo2 to ntake the bole 02 pipe, ta potwze the metall in. Aidit there be moꝛe then ftwo,pou mult beware that one receaue NOt Che mettal of another, but make to cues by one bis little pipe o2 condite, whiche map aunlivere came (ulllp te tye pype 92 bole in the myanle. Then take one of the layed fine earthes, well fitted chorough a fine farce, and whan pou haue wel brayed it, put itiaa plats tev,02 great diſhe to the intent that in handlyng tt,there go nothyng out,and pou Mall mopite itlitcle aun litele, with the water called Maziftra,miring tt wel with pour bandes, and rabbpug itt loge bettwene pour bandes, that weyngynge tt with pour fit, it holde and cleane tos gether,but pou muſt note that ¥ (peake of moiſtyng {t, and not of thorowe wettyng it, kor it may not wete vour bandit preſtyngit, nor cleane vnto pour hand like pal, but chat tt onelp bolve cagether alittle maze oz leffe ther Dep Aower or meale, and beyng [oe wrong in pour hand, ie may breake in pieces whan pou touche tt tmetd ponte ngar,. ‘OF SECRETES, ts Wagar. And hauyng thus brought it to a fourme, apie handſomly vpon the medals inthe fearme oz moulde, with thendesiof pour fingars,and than with peur hand Weimgg it and pectic it hard gowne, not [paring to poeſſe ‘ft well in puttyng vpponit the ocher little table, e preſ⸗ ling itdotun With pant handes as hard as pou can, vca with all yoar might. Than with a cuttyng yron witha tight and euen edge, and with aruler made (ul ¢ even sby line the faied fourmes with the earth, cuttprig away bandlomly, the earth that padeth ouer the ſayed moul⸗ bes,and fe lap thes hyd ene of the preces of Wolle, and then the litle flat table, thé pou Gal take with both peur handes the tive lyttietables, aboue ¢ beneth,¢ holdyng thei fait tegetber.tarne bandlemlp vᷣ mouldes vpſtdo down, € taking of the table,pou thal (e vnder p medals, th lifttng tt bp.ifabere be anp carth entred in, tfther be, poumnil take it away with the bares fote. Lhe, letting the esther parte ofthe faurme o2 mould in bis place,pou Apal filtt with He ſame earth, pee ſſing tt wel, as before, and makyng it euen z equall with the yzon Afterward, with the peynt of the pron, pou (all litte bp a litele, at gue ofthe coaners, balfe themould 02 faurme and take = {tet faper and lofilp with peur hande, and take out the smesalsnimbly,teuchpnge then a lyttle rounde about, with the poynt of afmall penne 02 quyll,pfatthe fire they wyli not come oute turnynge bolwnewarde thal part of the mould Dberinthep bid ſticke wyan pou ope⸗ ned it And it pet thep wll not come out, Erp ae them & crefle with thepoint of a knife, butt,» turning sotones ward the mauldes, chey come out. And ifin cate hep be not well painted, accozding {8 pour mpnd,pou msp put -thetm agapne inte thep2 place, and pecile cheim againe: and bauprige (ef on both fives the tive pieces of wolle,¢ fhetablesclole theym inthe peeſſe Finallye; with he {nid haue,c2 harp paonsmake.thefapa pypes 0) condi tes Loloto,compalling theim inith peurcopedie, rule, n ſuch ſorte that they come tufhandequalipsthan tail pou trimme chem ſo again > ſyre ſor te. Baptournpng eben formctime, battll thep.be well dered. Then with a aa. eee matche THE SYXTE BOKE matche or wike tempered 02 wette in Oyle, Lurperv: tine, ¢ bepig fet on fire, ſmoke tt, and tf there remapns anp fuperfuous thynge, vype it awaye with the bares foot, Then iovne them together againe, bantng tapde to them the wolle, and tables, tring them a little inthe preile,¢ inthe meane tyme baaynge mane ready € mole fen the metal (fit be Ciluer,e2 white copper, tt is knowẽ bp the Hinpng of it,and clearneffs tn the melting pote tit be tinne,bpcattpug into it a tone, 02 ſome paper.€ that it burneit)pou thall cat it and the thynge thall go Well, topthoute any other belpe oz apde, fo2.t0 make it bunite,laupnge that after the tynne ts molten, put in a little,that is to ſay a twentich parte of Sublimatũ, in ree ſpect of the whole quatitic,¢ one eight partof Antimo- _ nit: fo3 beſyde $ thele thpnges make terunne well:they harden tte make it fownde wel. Chen ov¶ moulde⸗ being colde,take out handſomly the medatasg whan vou will cat other, pou muſte parfume ¢ ſmoke the mouloes as gape then prelle the,z ſo call pour chines as before, and dott as often.as pouthinke good Ava tf pon ſe that the mouldes be not boken,¢ tbat pon lopli kepe the faz another cime,pou map lap them in aozy place,and toep wyll kepe well, Finallp,tie ſayd earth caken ont of the niouldes,b2aped ¢ lifted, wil be alwapes better to ferue pout tourne, Che medals ſo catt, are fandew againe ate teriward, and waxe white, ſo that they be not of Tinne. Allo pou mape geue to all thele medalies what colours pou ivill,as we will declare moze atlarge boveafter. 2) To make a vvhite,to blaunche and make vvhite medalles orother thinges nevvly molten,andalfo- fortoxrenevve medalles ofoldefylucr, ; Mike the medaiies,e2 other thynges newly ſoun⸗ ded or molten, oz els the olde ones that pou topll renewe, and lap them vpon the coales turnyng theim often, batyll chey ware of a graye coloure, than rubbe them with a bath of copper Wer, puttyng ther aſterwarde in this white caloare folowing. Lake (aite Wates COR SECRETES. ne ‘water ofthe fea,02 comnion water falted with abants full of bay falte, wherein powthall pnt the lees of vhyte wine, and Roche Glome raw. Bopyle all this twa panne leadeb:¢ pf the worke be of copper, made whyte by any fopbiRicall ſubſtaunce, you tail put te tt thefe thinges folosoing, that is to (ap, Siluer beaten, aꝛ Siluerfoite, the weight ofa Spantt Ryall,fal Armio niack, waying thare tymes as much, Dalte Peter the wepghte of fine Realles. Ail the ſayed thinges beynge put in fom pat of earth wih a couer baupng a bole in the m(soes,fet the in the middle of the fire, conertng it with ates ¢ coales bp te the necke,¢ leaue tt there fo,bnttl al the humeurs be beeathed aut, then let al coole again, and beate tt inte poulder terp (mal. 2 bis dcen,take an vute of this hike Mautice,o2 ſomewhat moze oſz leſſe, andbsyple tt inthe fated white confection ofthe Sait water ,onely halfe a quartet of an howre, puttyng in the medalles,.o2 other ivozkes. Then poure out taps tater with the meddals into cleete and luke warme Water, and after cubbe the medalles wrth the Lartreozlees, and other thynges that remapne tn the pot:and hauyng waſhed theim wel with frethe Water, wppe them deve, To gylte yron vvith vvater.. pownbe of the fame,take tivo of Roche Alome,an vnce of Komayne Aitriolle, the weyght ofa pen⸗ ny ef Clerdegrefe , thee duces of Sal gemma, an once of D2pimente,and let all botie together:and whanpou fe itbsyple,pntinlees called Zartre,¢ bap falte, of eche of them balfe an vnce, whan it hath fonden a litle while, take it from the fire,¢ paint pzon with all,than hauyng (et it in the fpze-to heate, butniſhe it,and it is doen. | "T gesutestteanetane root aed fo2 th3ce pa The!yke another vvaye. —T Ople ofline faure vnces Tartre orꝛ wyne less Atwo vnces, bᷣ pelkes of egges harde roſted ¢ tãped Vnu. eng THEISYXTE° BOKE two vnces, Alco cicotrinum an bce, Sat d's quarter of adr age, Batle all thele thinges together in a nei: earthen potte a goad ſpace, and (£168 oyle of line couer not all the ſazed ſubttaunces Pur in morꝛe water vntyll tyeve be fuffictet, hen anoint pone yron With thys mix⸗ tion, baving fy2t burniſhed t,and fo all you make tt st ihe colour et golde. | , | To gilte yron vvith goldefoile,and vvatet, or elles: vvith goldemixte vvith GQ wicke Siluer,as goldf{mis thes are vvontto gilte filuer. AbkeKomain bitriole an vnce roch Alome tips: bnces ſalt Atmoniack an vnce:altheſe thinges ges being well beaten ta poulder,¢ boiled in cos mon water, take pour pom Wel burniſhed, and wette it with the laid water rubbing tt well:than lape on paure goldefoile, and let it dy bp the fyre. This doen, burniſh t with Tore ematite, as men are wart ta doo and tt wil be very fayre. Sf pou teil gilt with golde mixt wich quicke ſiluer, as goldſcaithes vſe to gilt ſuuer xou Hat ands to the ſaide water,a dragme of Uerdigreeſe, halle an vnce sf Sublimatum, and let it boile altogether, thã put pour pronto boile in the ſaide water:but if it bee fe gteatthatit cannot go in rub tt with the (ato boylyng mater, € beate ti,that it map receaus the Amalgamaof the quick ſiluer ¢ the gold, the tobich Aimacama we bane taught pou to stake in vᷣ fift boke in he chapter of min gling 02 miring gold. And wha pon bans beaten then ron gilt te with the fame gold fe mired with bqaick fits ner, fmoke o2 fame it at the fier with alenipesoz with Wemone,as goldſmithes cõmonlydo:or vather wich are, wycrof we intl hereafter Howe pou a berpe coop maner and wap, better then thatts bled in Germanp $2. in anx place where tt bath hitherto bene vſed. To die or coloure into the colour of brafle,or alfo to gilt Siluet,yvhich fhevveth better, and contiau. MUTOH ree eS . x “OF SEGRETES.6 1 17 Me 1s athmge mote certain et hat qolde.fetoppe "iy tobite pon o7 muer Hetveth not fofapee se *7 Abꝛolle: koz as fone asitbeginneth te weate ther, shen mapelerthe whytenelle of the pron o2fpiner whi⸗ che ts not fo fooneteettc bpon anye redde colours Ther⸗ fore menye practtoferts 3° whanne they wyll gylte onye wodode oꝛ other thinge, laye the bottome Dag round(net afredde,as the nioft pat do but of peloty, to the intent. that the golde hall noc ſo ſoone appeate worne, as Bye soni the redde,and moze bpon the white. The faped pels low can not be laide vppon pen ozfyluersbuticaning all thts alive, whan pou til gilt liluer, oꝛ geue a colony: atbrrite vnto yron you alae atter this maner. Take werdet,o2 Aerdegrile Aitriol of Almaine and ſalt Ars smoniacte,at pour difcretion,but let the Atriole be of agreater quantitie than the other thinges:put all thys {nell beater in poulder mto fronge Ginaiger.tettpnge: seboile halfe an houre Aid wher poubauetaben tt fro; the fpze, wbileitbe ſubltaunces be petbsilinge,pou hal putin pany pret that pou will colourescousringe well: rhe pot with bis coster,ans with cloth DpH it that it dete nat sut,aud (oletit’ coolejans pou fal haue pour pore: fell colenred,of a beaten coleute, andthus mapeyow gpite (t withquicke ſilner as peit were battle, Chem thisas agooslp ſecrete, and alfa profitable) bo tn A vvater or colour tolaye vrider Diamonides;; as vveltrucas counterfeite,thatis to fay,mad2 | ofvwhyte Saphyres, as vvevv) li declare after- yvarde. Gabe & pas Ase the ſmoke ofa candel,qathered together in che bottsme st a balen and mane it ints a dos Sie? Eich alittle oyle of Maticke:tban put tbe, fapos - aairtion onder the Diamonde in the rpinge, wobere pom wyll fet it. 6 #To counterfayto a Diamon deyvith awvhite Saphyte.:’.- po BE IEGA SHA SS 4. ufHE SYXTE BOOKE ome His lecret is knotwen Wel ynaugh af the Jewel⸗ lars that bfe almoſt all one manner (ndificrente - geod : but we(after we haue deſcribed thep2 fac ion) wil Hew peu a way far better. They take a Das phiresfa good white colours fet it in the tive in a gole mithes crolet ameng the filing ofy2on,e2 of gold, thir king becanfett ts ef great balue, vᷣ itis better fo2 ſuche apurpote, but vet the fplynge of pron ts a greate oeale better. Chep let this filing o2 cubbity of pron becons ale mod red, withsut melting it, and call their Saphire tive fo tt,leauinge it therein a pꝛetye whyle. And atter thep ; haue taken it out, (tthe white coleur like a Diamõd da. not like thesthey tat (tinagapne,¢ ſo oſten, tyll they ſe it be to their fantaſte, thã hep ſetit in a rynge c colour it as befoꝛe Nol bere foloweth another way a greate deale better, Cake white ſmalt wel beaten 1 pealder,<¢ mingle it with the {aid filing of Oold,o2 p26, but fo that thetebe as much ſmalt as fplpnge, the take alitle orber malte without filpnge,¢ make tt inte dowe, with pour Epettie,g {n this dew weap pour Saphire, and let tt agp ivel at the five. This been, tie tt at p end of a ſmal ¢fpne twier,¢ leane the other ende fo long that pou may pluc ft out whan pou til. Afterwarde coner tt With che tayd filitiges, and lesue it fa an the fpae a cectaine (pace, bis tyll thefilinge be berp bote,as ts afozelatoe, but fo that in no cafe (t meit:than plucke out once poute Saphire, ta fe tf the colour pleale pou,pf not pat bpm fu agapne, brtiltt be faire to pour minde, | Toingroffethinne Ballefles to erin ringes. % 7 F pou baue Walletles as thynne as paper , dreſte Wem of what greatnes o2largenefle pou wylle and take a piece of ſyne Criſtall coloured ipke a Balles: thenne tabe a greate qrapue-of Maltpcke, the fobiche pou thalt ficke vppon the pointe of a knite and beate ft well agapne the fpze,anb (odapnipe it wil cate 8 ula littie droppe like the teare of amans epe,bautnge aluftre like a pearle, with the whiche droppe giewe on tbe laide Balles open the Criftall,and feare nor chat it elude. ee) 3 “OF SECRETES. = nd will gather tea lumpe or hinder the colour: Then pob⸗ the it, and geus it a luftre and fo ſet it in golde, and it Will be very fapze,and ſeme te be Derplya Balles. ; o make Rubies of tvvo pieces and Emeraudes as they make theurat Mylan. * Whe the droppe 02 teare of Mallicke, whereot tue Ad ‘bane f{poken tn the chapter befoze,and tf pau wil . te make Gmeraudes,pou ſhal colour it with Spas vith greene tempered and mingles with Dyle,putting to italtttie ware,tf neede be, and if it bee to thickesteme . porit with water: But if pow wylle make Rubies take eomitie Arabick, Alom ſuccarine, raw roch Alom, as much okthe one as of the otber,¢ let it bayle altogether fri cotnon water than put into the ſaid water ſome 23 iplt cutte ſmalle and lette it ſeethe puttynge ſomme As lom Catine ſo called, becauſe (tis bopled in acaudꝛan, of the hich the mozetber (s,the darker it wil bee: then “the drop of Spaltich abouetatd,¢ colour ft with the fap. “ted, Chis boen, tase twoo pieces of Criffal,defled and ’ trimmed with the whele, ol what faihion and qreatnes * pou wil,fo that the piece ivbich pou, wil lap bppermos be not lo greate ag the other buverticth,that ts to fapes - the one ozetled bpon the ather.as the natle bpon the tip "Ker, in on euery fine, After this lap at bnperneth, ws pon alttle fire panto2 Come other inttrumente ot y; a git the coales,that thsfatoe!Critall mtap be Derpe hole, and than touche it bpon with the faide redbe Dz0p Pe O32 seare,wwbicbe pou tyall take, vpponthe ende ota Tpcke; Put it mud be lo hate thattt map droppe do wone the bet ferratid Iban pou teethat the (apne picceot Crifallts caloured prougbe,pon halttake the otber leGer piece, sh at mute be fet aboue, whiche lphetoue mus be ete, ana (et it byon the layde droppe, and it wyll congiutys ‘mate and gle tegetber the two pieces of Criftal, with ent cauſyng arip thichenelle 02 let vnto the luſtre of the Kubie the whiche will be cleare and brights oncusrps ‘Sone, Aiterwwara let it in ponr ringe lettinge te gate — THE SYXTEBOORE ype ped lwatépethnegvecie tothe Emerauldes, as we witteach pouhereaſfter hotote make the fain leaues ig3 all kinde of ones as well fine, as artificiall. hug3 To make a paſto or dovve for préciousftones,as Emerauldes Rubies Saphits;and fachelyke,vvhi- _, che be but of one piece, vvell coloured vvithin and “*eyithoute! fag vue potters teat burned. fit. birces 5. € put tt in as “Gi much water as tott roner tea fingero2 tive high: . oben irre tt with pour finger,letting tt go do n £9 the bottonre, Sttertward potire onrebe water, twhiche Uill ferue fo2 Co Wrette terthin ep earthet pot leaded, ro rbintent thatthe matter cleatte noe ts the (pbes of tt, Iberia pou put all the fubGatice. Cha take other. tif, vn⸗ Kes.ot Ciermillion dztep,e mingle tt with the fatp leave, Then an dice of Crifalcalcinen and burned, 07 elles of a Calcidome fone, with. ritti:02. rbt carattes ach mek, ot Rubricke or (parkes of Copper. Sit thee thyniyes nell fariped.and witngtentoretger> you tall puttira potofesrth leaded, wel toe tte torehint with tha (apy was ter of the eadethen coner it, aud fet tt ine alate makers furiteis by the (pace of thea forre Bapes,any pou mal Have. aderp favre pall o2 dow, the tubich pou map caule to be d2elen with the whele,as pon wil. At Uentic mer bye the fone fo2 a grote o7 fire pence atthe moolte Ana Tz fo make pellote tones, pou Mall put cote the rit 03 cubbihe of yrnrt, Any to make Kubles put to tt Cyne. ple oz ren leaderand in thote that be of catours; por thal Agloto the order that we wil reache pou hereafter, ' ' ‘To make Enictauldes aad other ffones orlevvelles 5 Ae abe Sal alcali ehifolne tt in tater, oifiplipng it Sol, ,bozough a lelt and dep it, then difolue ttagatr, evi Sond Ropitlo theetpmes, alterWwarde beate it into wauldelsthen take fine Cuifal,s caulean.Apoticarp to Gave € lilt it fo2 potas thep do Criteal prepared, Chew take OF SECRETES 119 taketivg vices anda halfe of the fats Crifaltof Sal al. cali,two onces, Spanithe grene an brice,firll tempered and ſtieped in Uinaiger, and than ſtrayned. Lhelapea thzee pouloers , pou Hail put ina befell, asinansive gartvenpotlesved,the whiche pot pou fhalllute ¢ claps guer, and couer it thatit take no bent, then leaue it ſo claped and lutea the {pace of thzee dayes, the langar the better, vntill all be thorowe drye. Afterwarde,pou all put it in a potters furnets,the ipace of rriitt. boures, Chen take the layd compolition,and dzelle Cas men do fine Fones and pou ſhall haue them ercellét, And tf pou will haue rudfes,put Cinople to it,in ſteade of Spantlp grene.4f pou Wwylt bane Saphirs, puttett Lapis Lafuls, wat pou will kane Jacinthes,pou mak putin Cozall in ſteade of grene Uerderame, as ts before (aped, €To calcine or burne Criftall and the calcidoyne ftone,to put inthe faied miztions of precious ftones. toes Ake Lartre calcined ¢ burned an vnce, and dil [5] folue it in a diſhe ful of cleare water, then ſtraine it gut,¢ tabe the pieces of Criffall, 02 Calcidoine Gone,¢ beate them vpon the fyre in an yron ladle 02 fyre panne:tha quenche them in the water that is inp opthes. - take theym oute, and beate theim agapne,and quenche thetm as befoze inthe fame water, doyng fo {pre o2 ſeuẽ tymes, and they hall be very well calcined and burned, Chen beate them fynely into poulder and put it inte the fappimirtion. Heuertheles remember , that if pou. wyll make Gmerauldes,pou mutte beate the fated ſubſtaun⸗ res to pouloerina bzaten miogter : but if pou wyll make Rudies soother , pou mutte ſtampe theint in an vꝛon miozter,and beware that thep touche not the bealle, - A vvaterto harden thedaied ftones. gy Geaule that alt the ſayd artificial ones are coms Saych monly bapttle,foz to hardẽ thent, 00 as folotveth, paby Take \itrle pieces af Calamtta,and calcine soe THE SYXTE: BOKE ag pou dpb the Criſtall: then beate them inte ponloer; and put it in a mop place, bntillit be turned and diſſol⸗ ued into water, with the whieh pou al kuede Vitriole Almaine,o2 Remapne,raw, without makyng it redde: _ thenmake theveofalette pafie o2 dow, 07 elles a ſpꝛop, whiche youMeltſtillin aglaſſe oꝛ bicile with acrokea necke,o2 in an vaꝛinalhe withtbe water cthat commeth of it, you Hall knede barly flawer, makyng a hard paſt, {ii the which pou ſhall weap pour maſſe of Tones, made as is bcfsze (aid, 02 the ſtones ſelf, whan they be dreſſed and faſhtoned with the whele: thẽ put them fo wrapped in the ſame pate, tito an ouen wyth a bache of bzeane, and take them outwith the breade. And whan pou haue takenof the patt,pou Malfpnde pour Tones barde,astf thep were natural, If pou leit be neede,pou map cour theim with thefaped pall, and bake themagapne (nthe Ouch, and (han Hal pou haue them parfite and paride, To calcinefyne Syluer. cy. Cvuge that we are entered inte the matter of Bp calcinpng, we will ſhee pou the calcinattan o€ 7” fine liluer, and than cf Talcum as we baue pags mpien before. Chere be dyuers wayes ot caleinpng {pis uer, wherof toe will put bere thie of the hed. Cake fyne filuer beaten berptine ¢ chinne then cut ttin pieces as bigge as a Spanithe ryal o⸗moꝛe oꝛ teffe,fo2 it maketh mo gteat matter: then take a croſet, oz an earthen pot,€ lap inthe bottome of (ta rancke of common falte, not inbpte,no2 peepared oz trymm ed to cafe, butenen as it cometh out of the falines o2 falt pan,¢itamatt be taped beryp final. Gpon this fale pou that lap liketotle a rancke of the ſayd pieces of filuer,¢ then austher of alt, ¢anos ther of filucr,¢ fo cdfequentip as long as your filner las Eeth,in ſuch fo2t;p the tat rancke map be of falc, ¢ that geen ¢thicke:then couer all this with a paper,lutpng € ciaping wel the croſet, orz little earthen pot, ¢ leaupng a iitle bole ( the couering the biggenelle of a goofe quill, “ind whan it is d2p,coner tt ouer,¢ rourieeabour, infth coales € embers, ¢ leaue (tin {uch afire,at the lealt thee 82 foure bouressthen baupne taken tt out » Fall bepnge E =e ees OF'SECRETES. 120 enole,opert the crofet,¢ take out the pieces of ſyluer ane after another, making theim cieane that the faite ſticke not vpõ them And if pou perceiue that they be ſo batttle that pou may beak them with pour finger,lpbe a cunt of bread, it is done ¢ made:it not,put them agapne ints matte itpertptip , pou sughtto do thps thee tymes o2 moze. This Doe, make your filuer inito poulder· Wah fc in a dichtul of pote water,¢ let it ſincke to-the batte at. After, Gratne eutthe water fo handfomlp, that pou loſe no parrot) caid pouider:or to auoid all paagers palle it chorowe a felt, tis doen put other hote water to tt,and ftraine tt out as befoze,fo often till pou may know bpp tat of the water, that albthe ſalt is purged away. Than hal pour (pluec be well calcined, and dĩminiſhed of. the werght deled, become from his nature into amatlyt part,¢ fominbatlike vnto gold, gus wyll itferue peu fo2 diuvrs thpnges,tf yau can deeſſe it well, Lhe lyke is none With Talca,t ſteade of common lalt: but thapou nedenot iwath it in bat water · Som calcine tt with falt, oꝛ Talcũtwelue oꝛ xvp. times/⁊ mioze,top inient to baud ét moze matiiue ¢ ſounder⸗t moze commodious 0 take colour. It may be alio doen in this maner⸗vis to fap,ta multe p (tiner tia goldſmithes melting pot, qfozeuctp Dice of p fame,to put ih a pound o2 maze of Bꝛimſtone aped and p litte ¢ little. True it is,p lo it wil conſume moze tha bpp falt,o2T alch but it atbe farrebetter itp Prim lione be fpalt purged tit frig. lie(p isto fap, made wih ſtrong afges,qquicke lime, oe uch lpke thpnges.) Mow lets comeloy ofber maners of calcining ſiluer. Thefecondmanerof Calcinyng fyluer. Axe Aqua fortis ſepatatiua made wich lalt Peter ¢ “ Gleme,as we baue befoz2 aeelared, then tabe fpne -filuer,fpied 62 polliſhed.oe beaten into leaues, 02 made mſnall picses,92 graines chat is £9 fay, ot the layd ſyl⸗ yer one part,¢ ot Aqua-fortis ,th2e partes, and the apes water in a violle: then vut in the faped (pluer, and you Ghali fe it wyllincontinent begyn to bople, and thatthe Hottome of the biotis will be hote ifthe water be aut THE SYXTE BOKE Let it fo boyle neil (¢ bople nozeate no ig si Hill che bfolle in pour bande,o2 fettpng tt in ſeme plese farre from the fp2e. But if the Mater be not Nrong, per mull fet ita lyttle to the fpze,bolbpnge MT pil the viellein pour bande vpon theembers,o2 elles pou map let it ops pona fe we aſhes, oꝛ vpon fome little furncis. dnd wha it hath lefte bopling, and eaten all the ſyluer, pou thal fe the water tare grene,fe that there Hal tematne no {pls ver in the bottome,tf that the water Were well caleined and burned: fo2 than it woulte mate as ft were nhpre ipme.at thebottome,o2 ifthere Bere anp golde in the ‘ftlaer, ft would make it deſcende to the Bertome ix little rounde pieces like peatles ozipke fande, Powe, after that thelapen ſiluer fs diſſalued, and eaten of that ſayed Aqua fortis, you fhall take another biotle bigger 02 ats Hatnal,o2 earthen pot balfe full o2 moe of well oa riuer tuater, wherinte-pon bane diffoluet sand bane in areas bines a good hanvefull of cominon white falte: then ice the faped water be frapnicd tho 02 thzee tymes. Thys doen, you Mall poure the-A qua fortis, tobtche diſſolued the (pluct into the falte waicr,leaupng it ſo the [pace of fffi.o2 firboures:tben Hall pou ſynde at the bortome as it Were abcd of herbes 02 grene ruſhes, whiche ſhall be the ſyluer diſſolued, and the ſal Aqua fortis, trand alſo a part of the commou falt that pou did put in. Afterwara diſftill the fatd water by a felt,and take the (pluer that is fa diſcended to the bottome,and put icin a crofet, cence rynge it well,totbintent there fall na ordure nozfplep into it:than burpe¢ couer it auer and oucr in hete bur⸗ nynge embers, coueringe it well alſo with fyre, that it map burne the ſpace cf.itt.boures o2 moze, Finallp, lee tt coole well agapne,and-poure the ſiluer ont of the cree ſet, into a diſheful of hote water, ſtirring ita little toges ther with pour fingar,and than letttrett: € after poure out foyre ¢ lofttp the fate water, snd put in otber,toing as befoze,bnitill p water ware no moze falt, Chis doen, let the fpluer day, which hal be berp Wel calcined fo2 te ferne pour turne tn any thpng that peu will, The thirde maner of calcinyng ſyluct. Pou OFPCSECRETES, yu oy Dur hall mire together into dowe or poſte called - Ws) Amalgamaone part of filmer leaues, wych chree ng “Mei; fom parts of quick fituerjas we bane declared itt tha fift boke, in thethspter of the maner howe to bruvs goldethẽ beay this Amalgamasegpatt with cõmon ſait rlet igto thefine breil quitke Nuerbe baniſhed away, atterward Walkert nih hots water,famuch'¢ fo atten thatthe water ve ne moee (ale, chen Walpon haue ÿ ur ſiluer calined. Atter ihis if pou thinke poo pan map braye it againe with other fair, without other qquick fils uerrand cherrput it to the fieetwa crefer; chree o⸗ↄ oure houres, and waſhe it againe, as is aforeſayde. Sus Moraleine Talcumdui ok lyloduefthmdde: * ¶Ecraule that Talcunits athitigwetiogreatimyezs Ataunce t ſo much defited of al. good wittes/ men — banefound diuers mapes te caltineitsthe whych teach bsthat we muit put to it rwiſe as much ſalt peter as camonfalt,o2 raw Tarere with p Lalcũ, and tye unt al this in afurnets certain daies a then to e perat healt 2 Lartre;w bate Water: Other heate it vpõ the coaled; € quenche it in pyſſe and do it often times Other there be chat wrappeitein litle whitey teces of wollen clathe e pnt itinthemtddes afagreat tive, the ſpace of half an bour,e2 moze, €(thatheypfhinn it choro uly molten a al in alight piece;¢ ſulof hctemlike a iponge not moch dictec ving from vurned alam. Auus bbhich veves, to ſquche truch, are nothing worthenore do not perfertlxycaleine tt where they corrupt vᷣ vature ofthe Catre, and make it hbecoms like vnto qunck licae arꝛ Alome oz clies oflittte ” Atvencthi How for te eaiciueit autof hand ¢ perfectlx ꝓouſhaltake the Talcũraa nape into titieleanesjoz Raped as wel as is po ſſtie ichapot i raatroſec e in a lire pan amõg the hore cobes Sam whadtia verybhoce vꝛrather ted hate, pou cha lput to it ozop by oropobitil⸗ dep Unnigre wherein Tartre hath ben Difivines; cput therevnto v chird partaf teva vite, pourtagit bylitle e littlewpon ————— — i THECSY RTE BOOKE bices af Uinaigre for euery pound of Taleum thẽ take infcemthetivess you thal flirde it fatre¢ well calcined, Finallp,pou Hal walhe it with hote water, to thintent to ſeperate tyelees 2 Lartrefeo tt. ¥tts calcined allo; beynge made in leaues as thin as is poſſible, layimg the byrauckes or beddes, with little flat pieces of ſiluer in acroſet luted aclayed,thã put them in a furneis where glaſſe or brycke is made 5 bp the ſpace of foure orfrue daps. Che like is doen allo wich little pieces of Tpune peAn exeellene and veryeaſy vvaye toigilte yrofy; cop. per,and fylucr,to makeitfeemelyke maflyuegolde, : | cee Ici if you tril gilt lyluer, or iron, yvou mult gene: req itthecolour ofcopper,as we baue aforeſapochã al? take beaten Golde, whyche vou chall mire wych quicke ſyluer/ and make Amalgama,oz path thereof,as ts fala before/ and halput the ſaid Amalgama in a title diſhe, vpõ the whiche vou thal poure the tutce of a frate calles Cucumis aſi ninus ſuche aquãtitie that ftinap be aboue the ſaid ſubſtaũces a fingar high Kepe this cola. thus prepared and trymmed, and couerit, to thintens there fallsis filth nor ordure tuto it, which pou may vle. and occupy whan you wil, Afterward, the rhinges that pou Wwili git, mull be bory cleane, ¢ Wellpolithes then with a penſell peutball gene chem ofthe dated golde ſo prepared with quicke ſiluer, x as it were diſſolued, rubs vyng it well all about. Iſ you wyll not do fo, pou maye gylte after the common manerofgolo{niithes: pet not withſtandyng wich golde made into A malgamia or mi⸗ xed as is atoreſaved, chafynge the worke that pou wyll —— qua fortis as thepda: Then make the quick ſiluer baniſhe atwayjaspyalofmithes of Italy conto tpdasthat is. to ſay with a iampo of linefecs D ple, and with Wrimitone and make atterwarde a gyſt vpon the worke that is lpke Sattron. But JIcounſell pouto vſe this maner in the chapiter felowpny, whiche is partip she fame that the goldſmiches do die, in F raunce and piles where, butitismuch amended, and this a X iv 4 ae pera: OPIRECRETES. acs A Aparfyemaner and vvaye to gilteyand td make the quycke fyluer to vanyfhe avvay¢ frome the thynge gylted. ' — Vt tra panne the rubbiſhe oꝛ ſcumme of copper > andthe fplpnge of yron, then Lae maid BVapoute vpon it ſtronge Aynayger net die EvVvvrlledas muche as wyll concer tt tivo og Zi Fay eonstheee fpigars hygh. Lettett bople fo the 5d Lea (pace ofanhoure , then poure onte the — aqapred Upnapger, and putte in ether, lets tyng it bople as befo2ze,and to thus foure 02 (ire times. Afterwaree makethe ſayed Apnapgres put together, to euapozate 92 bape Dp,O2 elles make it dyſtill eute,fo2 to baue ove Uinaſgre ofit, whiche will be goed for mae nye thynges Thys doen vou Hall put bnto the ſayed poulder remaynynge atthe bottsme the eygbte parte of Almayne Mytryole and as muche of Ferretum, of Spaine and the halfe of an eyghte parte of ſalte Armo⸗ niacke, With a ipttle Brymſtone:then into a lyttle mole ten tare with alittle Dple of line,o2 Dple Olyue, pou shall putte lpttle and lpttle the (aped pouldets wel min⸗ gleb together. Finallpe take that whyche pou haue cos wered wwpth the faped Amalgama,of Goide and qupcke ſyluer, and wpth a penſyll couer and lape tt oner well lepth the faped.ware fo mpred, than putit,fo cyzed., 5 in the myddes ef bate burnpnge coales, and lette it bare and confumne allthe ware . Thys doen, you Hall haue luchs a gylte, that tt Hall belpke mallpug . , poloe, And at theende pan mape polipthe it a vwyth benthes ofcopper wyre and colde ) Water, 03 pou maye barnpihe & Ta bit aspoutopli, The ‘endeof the Secretes of Don ‘Alexis niente 2 Colney Piemme uit sus) ne3 9810 yp Bel oe Gy, ee Here folovveth the Table of albthe:fecte- tes conteyned in thps preſent Gstame. ‘The fyrite Booke. emorunee, De maner,and ſecrete to conſerue a mans “ae Evanal pouth,anatoholoedscke olocage , fo mamtaime a man alivapes in beleh and ſrength, as in the fayreſt floure afhps Mer}... PEAECS.. Been > FOU. 1. — Omabe a prectous litonre, and of inettts table vertue, the which take at the mouth, Erength⸗ . , Meth and augmenteth the natutal beate, 319 radicalt-. mopſture,purtfieth the biguoe, and clenfeth the ios meacke from all ſaperflattie ofgu mours:and vp that meane conſerueth the bealth ant poath; and proton geth the tife of him chat vletht. * “=Folier. Apotpon.og vpncke to be ben in hone ae Spiop,-gaod _ foznren of all ages ana complectpons, thatwpil be’ _ purged: the whiche tabeis whatoap par wilt oppurty- ,, avape toeeuill humdurs withont nouyng oz trois vblpngthte good a2 doprre snp Hart. And is alte bery good cerche aresr porches, and alinſir nittes as vel ofthe tomacke as otthe heade andis like wyſe pro⸗ Atable to2 them thar be in euch ta tane cwite in che peate of an zzdin zry purgation that is to faye at che DPA Te gird i penber. 6105. A bevy eaty And goed reinenp Faz'te beate-all meaner of pockes:whiche to nide with pitts celke, ad requys reth nat hat a mn zere bis besten? hy Houle , but max Die tt goyngein the ſtretes. And it is alio berpe good fo2 all fo2tes of greife inthe iopnctes,. in what parte ofthe boapfoeverit. ber... Folio To reſolue and reducte Golde into a potable licoure, {wbiche conſerueth the youth and health of a manite, , ,astvell taken bp it felfe,as mpred With the fozelapde ‘ Meoure ſpoken of tnthefecanve chaptter ef thys pee ſent The Table. fente bake’ 5 end wyll heals euerye dyfeale thar is thought incurable tn the (pace of ſeuen dayes at the PORE ics wrt taepe Aceselinic | Folis.s, To beale an ercrefcence 92 growynge bp ofthe ficthe, withinthe pathe of 8 man, albeit it were rooted (1 of GIST tyittes ne — Lobeale all maner of tnfammation,and éuill diſpoſi⸗ tion of the liuer, and bp thys ſecre te been healed cers taine perfones, which bad their kaces as it were Le⸗ “pete, greate ſwollen legges their handes inſamed, and rough within ſyde. ' Idem. To heale the Cmeraudes or Piles, in a nyghte arate ſecrete and verpexrcellent. Folio.9. A linguler oinctmente twbpche bealeth all burnpuges wich fyre, notleaupnge cicatrice o2 fkarre where tt “was, , Idem. A partite and proued remedie for cheim that hee weake of ſtomacke, and can not keepe cheir meate wythout -_ bomitpng it bp agayne. Idem. An ercellente remedte wherewith a woman of ihpetie and {pre peaves twas healed , that had lo marred ber ~ Momacke, that in thefpace of two peres andan balf, fhe as neuer naturatlp purged dounewarde : and as fone as the had eaten any thing, he vomited it dp agayne ſo thatthe became pellowwe, and as diye asa Axycke. Folio.io. Thꝛree remedyes verye good agaynſte the wormes tit Aiyttlechyldeen. Idem. The ſeconde remedye. eet Idem. “Mhethpaveremedpey. Idem. CTo beale children ofthe Lunatike dffeate, whiche bape peneth brite thetin, bp reafon of a wozme with tiyos Heddes, that beeadeth tn their bobpes -, the wbyche .. Lume comping bnito the hart, caulerh them to bane “< foch.a patlion,that often times it killeth chem. Jf 0.11, ‘Aremedpe fo2 the fallpnaeficknes....-. oem. Mo niake sple ol Bamttone io heale al maner of Cane _ Berg,dtleales b2 fozes , iobpcbe come of a putrpfped Humoure,and renne continuallp , commonip called RQ, til, Fiſtu⸗ FiTules,and alle to he ale inueterat and olde poun⸗ des. Idem. To take awaye the venime or potſon froma wounde, made by ſome potſoned weaponozarrowe, 4 dem. Agapnit the bytyng of all Denemons beatles. Idem. To drawe att arrowe heave, o2 any other yron out of a Wweunde, oD seb Aen west lie ae Bibealte Agatnt a bebenrent cough of poutg chitazen. Idem J 92 hym that hath a bunche ezisnobbe in his beade, 02 that bach bis beade fwollenwithafall. Idem. Agood remedy for one chat is deaffte Idem. Co heale a woman that bath the Matrice ont of her tas turall place. a Falto.33, To mabe a womans Pilke te come and encteale. foert A berpe good Secrete fo2 the Gommes o; Wurgeons, that remayne ef the greate Pockes, ag well oloeas newe. Idem. An other remedy for theſame hurgeons of pockes. toẽ Al berp eafte and parfiteremedp fo; bpm hat baty any blowe with a Sworde, Dtaffe,a? itone,o7 other lyke thyng, pea,though be were grewoudp Wounded. toe, Water to heale all mater of weaves tit horte {paces whyche is athpug that euevp mane Cught alivapes tobauctthpsvoule, for the accidentes and chaun⸗ ces that map fall, ſeeyng it is ealie ta bee ade, and with little coſte, and that it ts af fo inetucitions An os ‘poration, | WK bRDE LETTS aecrtgrcee:, AOSMs La make otieof Dainéte Ih ons worte, tubich ts calles _{ Lenile, and diuerſe other places,reade oile, and is Of fache vertue, that a manne can(Kante erpaedte tt, 4s Well to heale woundes,as other infinite ottcates, wherest we Willhewe the mole natable, ana thate that we bate tountdettne bp erperiente.’ solto.rs. Lo mase Dyle ofa rense Dsage,bp the moire Where ol beſide other tifinitebertues that it hath) Jhealed AFrler oF Saincte Onofres, wha hav 2 Up thetpace of Mocluc peares,alante and d2pearme , inptheren tyes pcse's Gochat nature Have tng more nou⸗ 7 MDE Raente,” FOG, 7, da & FR. The Table. Ma make an oinetment the mol excellẽt in the woride “whole vertues are infinite,as te wyll declare afters warde whyche princes oughte to cémmannde tobe made and bepte in their common wealthes: and that fethoulde be made fn the preſence of Philitions, as Eriakle is made, oz at the leaf euery man oughte to haue it in bps houſe, and ſpectallye becaufe a manne mayemake a greate quantitte of it, and the lengar it ts kepte the better ft wareth. Folto.19, A berp Crue and poucd temedpe agaynſte a quartaine ague. Folio 20. Mo heale wartes,a ſecrete very excellent and eaſy to be Hoge, proued and erpsrimented vppon dyuers per⸗ ſonnes. Iolio.ꝛi. A very profitable and eaſye remedyteo be mate againtt plurefies, tobpcbe in two dapes healeda Smith that ‘was altnoff dead, and had not flept tn. ti.npabtes. tte Another fecreteo2 remedy agapnite the fapd dtfeale of theplurefie. | | Idem. Another goodlyſecret againſt the ſame diſeaſe. Fo.22. Another agaynſt the lame difeale. Idem. Alo make a water good fo2 the breſt 92 Homacke,cf the wohiche men ble to geue them dzinke that be tormen⸗ “fed 02 grieued with the ſtitche in the fite,o2 pluretiek ~ apeffumes:the which water ts of a meruelous good lausure and mondifieth very well the bꝛeaſte 02 ſta⸗ Rishon’ Leh: a A eg s Idem. Agaynltall diſeaſes of the mouth, palate,thzote, gum⸗ mes and Jawes. Folio.ↄ3. Foꝛ all wouhdes 0} ſores of the legges be they recente oꝛ oldezalthough the legges were couered ouer with them, and eaten vnts che bone. Idem. go beale ſwollen knees or legges, redde and ful of hus mours:a ſerrete merueldus good, calpe to be made, and of ipttle charge.and often tpmes proued . Idem. A very (ure and partite remedpe_agapnie a Sciatica, oltentymes proued and erpetimented in dyuers pars tes ol the woꝛlde. Folio 14., A water fo2 to beale fb, dayes at he mooſt all mance ei ee DQ ttt, st The Table. ofgteatetcabbes 5 as well inwarde as outetparbde;. ano ts a water cleave and whyte, and of an onezifes ‘vous laugute , ſuche as 4 manne map prelentetes. FE HGM Brn ci siuvaich sestsiecead shits ii cazacl coe Agatnt che difeate o2 greit of the hankes, ¢ the colicke paſſion, experimented and proued diuers cunes Ade Another remedy agaynſt the faire... SQlio26. Another parfpt remeadp agapnite the ame difeate, ana to make a man pyſſe that bach ben the 02 four dayes wythoute makynge water, andthatin the {pace of. Dalfeanbhoure , and wyll breaks the Kone w-tetto2 twelue dayes. Ide Another remedye agaputke the Tene, audpapne of m. pe. repites. dem. The late aud mook excellent remedy ofall, agaputfe. the fone, be ftinthe repnes, 2 inche blaoper , of What qualitie o2 quantitie fo ener tt be, Folio.27. Foꝛ by that ſpittech blouse, bp hauvag ſome vene gf; his beealk basen, | Idem. Agapne the greike inthe lunges, and ſpyttyng of lous athynge exrperimented | 01.2.3; Agaputl toe papneof the hankes,of the reynes, ana all other greifes. * His 400 Bem, Agaput the Fpakpig of the breath. Idem. Agapnt the bytpng ofa madde dogge, and the vage.o2 —— —— that kols weth the manne afterbe.is byt» en. ~ dent, To takes wave the dead tleſhe chat cometh or gro weth in the noſe. 2 Idem. Foꝛ Otte which with falling from ſome bigh place) feas _ veth to bauelom thyng beokeninbis boop, Idem. Ahery geod andealp remedy againſt the diſeaſe caliea Ethe kynges eupll. pain nalia Idem. Angther remede agayntt the Came diſeaſe Fal.29, — wheecher aã woman Hall euer concepue 82 aainis ri Idem. a Devp rare remedye faz to take the kernelles oute of a , Wang cheote tn kytty vapes atthe furtbet, gvent, Angthes remedye ealier tobe made... Idem. A thpage The Table. ‘ Aebpngeerpertinenter any, meuer bee bere truesar gãvnit thefantedifeate; -. oent, La make se (spnite fxerche, and tetourne agaph into bisplacejaftet the kernellis healed; - 13> Soeur Aoerp erquilite remedy agapnie the dileate, called in Latine Augina,and in Greke Synanche, whpebe ts antatam mation of the Muſkle of the inner gargill the Frenche menne callie: — wx Engliſhe, Quinſey. #7 \igfoliage. Auotheragaynfthefame diſeaſe. Moen, Au other agaynite the licknefle: Idem. A verye good remedie againſt the kynges euyll. Idem. Co heale the: fame: dileate: ap a lubitaunce ta nen at the: Msuthe. Idem Aheauenly water whyche bath: ntanp ‘gaonly: and no⸗ table dertues, as we wyll hee vouatter. golto ʒi Pilles ofa merueilous operation and vertue, agaynite the Sciatica, wyiche toe promiſed te ſpeake of, in the Chapiter atthe Sciatieaa. 0. Foltogr, A notable (ecret to beale a madde manne, be it thatthe madnelſe cante vnto hym bya whirlynge oꝛ gydoer⸗ Helle in the heade o⸗ bzaine oꝛotheryſe. VDem· Piles of Matter Pichaellia Scotte; the — “ thegrieto2 paine of the heade, bett inueterate 02 re⸗ “cent, purge the bzaine,clarifie the fight, caulea a man to haue a good memoꝛie, good colouc in the face and be alſo verye goad foz manyinfirmities. Folio 33. a gapnt the papites of womens bꝛeaſtes,a betpe ercel⸗ NAentremedie Folic4 £0 rppea Fellon, Cattes:heete 5 Botche Boyle or a+: ther apottumes o ſwellynges, whiche haue needeo ‘quycke and ſodayne rvpppng. Idem. Za reſolue a Fellon, Cattes pestes Botie 38 Botche at the fyrſt vegynnuynge AIdem. tte widtie Binplattrinn: Aurcum) worcbe isof.a won⸗ derfull vertue, kor all ſortes of waundes; > «Avent. an other ercellent tetrete, whichewasibzaughtent of... India⸗t is bere goap Hip — en of mans bodre E h (Solo gga: Agatnke Another. n ‘The Table. Agatil¥ al maner of coghes as well (nueterate and old ae recent and new, a certain and ſure remedy. fo z5. An ercellente conſerue againſtethe coughe, and all an⸗ Furyſhe of the breaſte whyche alſo mondifilteth € clen⸗ feth the fomacke, cauſeth a good voyce anda faire: coloure in cheface. AIdem. Agoodly and pleaPlaunte Secrete to heale the cough, rubbyng the foales of the feete:and ia a thpnge verv eaſye and certaine. Folloʒ6. Aworye goodly and eaſy remedye to heale in a daye oy twaine, al maner of inusterat ¢ old wounds, wherin As growen deade and fuperfiiuons fiehe 5 ¢ woundes that can not be cured, by any other medicines. (went, Atz ainſt al maner of peſtilence o2 plague, be teneverfe vehemente a mote certain and proued thyng. dem A verye good parfume againit the plaque: Idem. An other remedie very gosd againit the plague, dem. Foꝛ hym that is ſycke ot the pfague. idem. An ointment to make an apoſtume breake, and the ſore “(ot tbe plague to fallf... Another remedie againit the plague. Folſo8. An other verye good remedie againit theplague.taem. An ocher perfite receipt againg the plague. idem. An other agaynſt the plague Adem. Athyng oftentymes pꝛoued and experimented againit athe plague. bay £133 31 idem. a pꝛeſeruatiue againg the plague oſtẽtimes pꝛoued. ide pest sate BHO 8 Sit ain atalpecte tyme of a plagues): 22)... ident, Another ivell tried epzoucd againſt the pettilence. (ve. A betye partite fecrete agaynũ the plague. ident, an orbet Serpe goon ferreses:ia 2 . 50)... Adem. emake atarbancie and abother botches;apottumes “1nd plague ſoꝛes to bꝛeake a pꝛeſente rvemedpe., and Werpe eaſye to make. ne Folio.40. a verye good remedpeagaint the markes 02 (pottes of Ache plague,connnanip called Goas markes Idem. agaynd the mogtalitte of the Pek flence,a verpe perfite eR Es, reme⸗ (des, MFolio 395 The Table? . "verted pe. MVS eT a0 ADORE Ho make lyttle rounde apples 02 balles agaynite the plague. 30 govt aden an oinctment to kyll the plague. y1a.2 sou Foltocaa; Avery perlite Dple againt the plague gal poilon. ioe; A meruefteus lecrete fo2 to preferuea manne from the “plague: and bath been proued in Gaglande of allthe Pbifitions , in that greate and bebement plague,tn: thepeare 13 48. whyche cerepte theoughoute all the worlde, and there was neuer man that bled this Ses crete, but be was pꝛeſerued fcome the plague; Idem. a verie lure and partite remedye to cure a manne of the Meſtilence, and Come therebath been, that haue been ‘i Cured in a nyghte:the ſayed remedye is ailo good for Goddes markes, and Carbuncles, Boiles, Botches⸗ Aand ſuche ltke ſyckneſſes, as ſainete Anthonies fy2e, and ſoche other. —8 6 Aden; avery goodlye aud preſent remedie for to healethe Pe⸗ . dilence atid drawyng our the venime frõ che botches ., egiieze,o2 ether ipke accident. Folio 4 an aduertiſement oꝛ warnyng of greate impo taunce Stopꝛeſerue a man in tyme of Beſtilence. Idem To dreſſe and order the Juice of Citrons, ſoꝛ the vſe of “ff, as is aloꝛe ſayed. cade to Follo · Ofthe foond Badia i re make oile Imperialle to perfume the heare o2- : > «beardeofaman,torubbe bis hands oꝛ gloues vwith and to patte alfe tute the 2 pe ez water; vherein Princes 03 greate mennes clothes are was Abed, and this Dple mape g marine Make wpih coite Amndugh and alfa with Uttte charge 02 expenſe fo Mo make Dile of Ben with tmral charge, the whyche of "Jet lfwit be sboziferqus 02 fostein lauant ano ore xcellente, whereof parfumouts doe bie aptty, to? re - parfame gloues or other — withann Je 45, Temekean onopiterons € fwete Water Berp good fom Hohe leconde ovozifercus water; aoe The Table. The wine ſwete Water. lio . The fowerth ſwete water, Idem. Thelift ſwete water, Rodent, The ſiyte ſwete water. Idem. The ſeuenth ſwete water. 9gem. Whe eyght ſwete water. Folio.47. Che ninth ſwete water. Idem. he tenth (were Water. Idem. Mple of MOꝛenges verye excellent. Idem. Ople of Jaſemine and of Violettes. Idem. Ople of Hutmegges verye perfyte Idem. Ople of Wengewin verye excellent. sl | Mypleof Storarverye erceliente. ade Dple of Mypiche goon for them that hane their ficth ful ofhumours,and carrapne leane , fo3 tomake tt tras « Stable quycke, naturall and ſtronge. Idem. he maner to make that oples fal * ware moul⸗ die noz putrifie. JHE Pde —* of Iris. TOS Idem. suldet of Visllettes. >. 2° Sdem,. “A white poulder to put inlittle bagges. Idem. Poulder of Cypres MNolto.49. Tuhite Muſked Sope. Idem An other unde of odoriferous wite Dope. Idem. To make Damaſkine Sope MPuſked. Bom, To getout themilke ot Sacaleb. Folio.5o. Poulder of Ciuetberpeerquifits, dent. A princtpall poulder. : Idem. Awhite odoriferous —5 Idem. Qredde poulder. Icdem. Ablacke poulder nein pe EE pve eT Poulder of Cppre verye éxquitite: Idem. Another wape to make tt verye perfite. ° FFelfo.s1, £4 ſwete and odszifereus.poulder, very ercellent to lap in cheites.and cofers. , Folfe,sx. Gaovoziferausand ſwete poulder, Folto.s2. Dyple of Bengewpne... Idem. a betp gaod and odoriferous poulder, to carp aboutea man, oꝛ fo Tape tn cofers, Idem. Balles The Table, alles agaynſte the peſtilence v2 plagne, rei alfa geue an odour Site all thinges. Idem. Apeincely lycour. Idem. Liquide and ſoft (ope of. Haples Ps Idem. Co hake the ſayd ſope muſſttt. Idem. A vetpe excellente patte and weece made with muſke obich saten cauſeth a ſwete bꝛeath. Folio 5. Andther very excellent. Idem. Dentrilices or rubbers fos the teeth of great perfectiũõ forte make them cleane. AIdem. Ople of Bengewine odoriferous. Idem. Doyle of Storax Calamita. Idem. la make oyle of Labdanum. Fol.4-5, Ople af Nutmegges. Idem. Aaother maner. Idem. A herp exquilite lope, made ol diuers chynges. Idem. Sope with Ciuet. Fol.55. Sope wich diners and ercellentoples.. Idem. S\sperolat, Idem. Mhite ſope of a good ſauour and odour, Idem. Pertectſope. —— ee TUhole aiid maltiue blacke fone, Idem. Damaltze parfume. Idem. Another parfſume of damaſke Idem. Aiiercetlent pommaunder. Idem. Another pommaunder. Iol.y. Exrcellent poctas. ~~ Spent, a oimake littie cuſſhins of pattumed rote, “2 pt38, Watches ozlitlelightes ot a very good odour. soem, A compolition of Puſtze, Cinct,and Amberactle. Idẽ. a. — achamber very Fratton. Idem. ope at Hapies. 7 " OLS. Perfume fezalampe. a FRC i ihe Rew RR: | 30° ae A ost perfurw . Idem. An o riferous —— fez etraniehbpa | pent, a betp gad perfume fo3 to trymme gloues {ith iptle “oft and peciwil continue long. Idem. i id t9 ata —— ee 4 J The Table... Mopiitea mans bandes twith. >: Fei, Oyple at roles and floure, bery parlpte, Idem. Dvle of Cloues very noble. : Nf Ho make an ercellent parfume teperfumte chambers, garmentes, Conerlettes, Sheetes, and other thyn⸗ ges, belenapngetoanp pince,. fol.s Rounde apples or balles ta take oute ſpottes of oyle a2 greale. Idem. To make a palte o2 bole fo2 ſweete beades or beade⸗ ones. eadem. Of the thirde Booke py Goodly lecrete kor to condite o2 cenfite oꝛenges/ ©: citrons, and all otber fruitesun ſyrop, whicbe ts anotable thynge. fo. s2 The maner howe fo purifye and pꝛepare hony and ſu⸗ get; ſor to confite Citcans and alother fruites 63, Eo confite peaches, after che ſpaniſhe facion. eoden Ilo make conſerue o2 confiture of Quinces calleb in latitt Cotoncatum, Cidoniatum, og Cidonites, ag thet ba in Helence: which alfo the Geneuops doo bie. To make a pall of ſuger, woerof anian map make all maner of fruttes,and otber fpne thinges, with thett fozme,as platters, opihes,glaffes cuppes, and ſuche like thynges, wherwith pou map furnpbe a Ladle: and then pou have done, eate them Op. A pleafannt thyng forthem that ſytte at the table. fol.64, To make a confection of Melons oz Pompons, Joe. SLo make Welons ¢ Pipories ſwete ¢ very delicate.os. aoa contite szenge pilles, whyche map be done at all tye ines of the peare and chieflpe in. Maye, bpcaule than _ the layde pillesjbe greater and thicher. vent. To confite Malnuttes. Folio.s. To contite Gourdes. eodem. Lo contite Cherries. . Folio.66. Ho mase little mezlelles as tzey vie in Paples anere guitite thpiig,foz thep be very fatrozetis,voe conforre the Komacke,and make a lwete bzeath, esdem. O — {The Table. ~~-Of the fovverth Booke,’ Cif P Odor(fcrous arid precious water , wherewlch A Ja a mantic map tweate o2 ‘bath any lynnen clothe, p te lwppeozrubbe bis face, tobtche wyli mak — bis fleſhe white and weil coloureo: the moze aman rubbeth bis face with ft, the fap2er itis, and alfocontinueth fire monethes, athynaserperimens ted and proued, pea, and it were fo2 a queene.fal.o>, Co maue a water that wptmakea whyte and pale pers fort, well coloured,. — idem A very good water, toma Bethe face appere of the age OF xxv peares: fol. 63, a water to beantifpe the face, and all ether partes of the body,” . Adem. A watertomake the fkpnnie whyte, and to take awape the Sunne burnynge. Adem, Au nother water ta beantific the face, andto make fe Appere of the ageof, rb.peres, Idem. an eaſy water fo⸗ ladies and Gentilivomen,.. Idem amake a gosvip luftre, oꝛ beautifipnge of the face, good fo} ladies and dames. fol.69, aa take outtpots,lentiiles, o3 pimples nthe face, tdé. A bevy good way, howe to geue a lutte o2 helwe,te all oitillenivater, au Eheh as idem. To make a water of whyte of Delans,: thar maketh a fapre ſſtynne. Idem. To mabe a very godd water of Gourdes, as well gars deyn gotirdes, as wylde Fo.70 An aputinent tor the kace, whiche beyng kepte an,o2 bs ed continuallp, the (pace of eight vaies altercth the - fRinie,and reneweth (tTinelp, ite. Horbpurthat hath natucally arendeface. Follo.71. aLomat g Aqua argentata,o2 ſyltier water, tebpche mae ket) a white, ruddie and gliſtryng face: and is made like awater,and not lpke an opntment,that the Das mies of Ftalpe, foathe motte parte doce ble,although : - hat tewe men make it as ft ought te be mads. Idem. Ao mabe mabe an omtment (03 the face, — * — The Table: Wo nake a rende.colonr-fo2 the face. Foltey2, Co make the face fatre. ’ aden, To make the face faire another waye Idem. qo chefece fateer Idem flo mskea Water,that maketh thefacetebtte, Went, “in other mater to mate the face faire. Idem. Lo take ſxottes incelles or redde pimples onte of the — rete cect eee ere Idem. To take of a ring ino2me o2 tetfer,that rermech al vuer amanscelteoin #rench,Lefeuvolant,. Folio 73 opipuc awape Life. Idem. To tuake a water that taketh awaye all Tapnpnge. . Dipnge, and fpottes frome the bandes of attificers, “that get them bp wozkynge, and maketh them verpe iwhite and faire ; ttis allo good fe2 the that be funne burnes. See Idem. £o wake a water chat make the leſhe and ſtzynne of a manne o2 Woman verye faire, and wyll be keptipke pꝛecious baumee. Idem. A berpe goodlye water to waſche the fate ,wecbe, and the brꝛeaſte whereofa manne mape inabe a greate quantitte, fez the moze there is of it, the better it ts: tinaketh the fkpnne ond the fete of the face. Fairey. +, Nothurtpnge.o2 deſtreiyng the teeth, and ſhall (cme _ that the face fe nothynge at alt hopen with anpe coe _ dour, bus thatit iseuenfobpnature, Folio 74. 479 make a verye ercellente redoe.coloure fg2 the faces lobiche fs naturall,and.continneth longe vppen the Tace,;mabpng tt alwayes gaper and frirer. “seen. Sun other kynde of redde berpe good for the face, eafier to make and with leffe cofte, ) Folio.. An excellent white aboue all ſthex Idem. alo matze heate as yellode as golde dent. bg make lpe to athe the beat. vhyrhe vbeſyde that it _. £ouiFosreth the baapne, and the mientozp) maketh the _, beexelonge,fap2e.and petigwwe Iphe golive,” Sbent. Zvetonrakebeare blacke, SF olfa.76. . eaople fo2 to angropue che beare whiche maketh tt pes doe ir be AIP RARISE AR RATE CHR ae OR ; f BELe SHEL iee egret Boge. F458: fs j ed The Table Hed golde. Idem. A verye gsodly waye or maner howe to make pellowe aberne beare,witheute andyng longe,o2 nothy ge : at * in the ſonne, a rare and a verpe ercellente les ae Idem. An oyntment to make the heaves fall frome any place ofthe body. Folte.77. i An Dple o7 lpcour te make the heare fall of, and maps be kepte as ionge as.a man wll: It is.alfo good fo2 alloccaffons. Folis 78. An aduertiſement 03 leiſon fo2 chem that wil make the heare fall of, Idem. Co caule that the heave ſhall grow tte moze, oꝛ to make them come oute thinne and fpne lyke the fyrſte fofte - beareozmofines sftbeface. - : Idem. To make a kynde af cloth o2 plaiſter to takethe heare from the face,necke,and bandes,o2 frome any parte of the bedp. Folis.79. A merueflous fecrete,whiche the greate Ao ᷣes of the Mooꝛes do die, wherby they make that their. chilozen haue no bear ender their armes,o2 other place wher thepiopll . Andchys lecrete founde J in Siria,the - peate 1521 by the meanes of aL 020 of the countrep, whoſe doughter Jhealed. Idem. Lo make a kynd of cloth,called cloth of Leuant,whers with women vle te colour their faces, 58.80, She faite anether waye. Idem. To ope a twbpte bearde 02 heare of the heade into a fapze blacke. Idem. A noble and ercellent poulder to make cleane the teeth to mabe them fatte and whyte , and to.conferne the gommes, abetter thynge can not be founde, and it were to prefenttoaQueneoe princefle. Fol.81, To make a verp ercellent conferuc to fcoure the teeth, to comfoztethe gomines , andto mabe aliwete ana good breath. Idem. Gn aduertiſement o2 leſſon concernynge the makpnge of psulders, and conferues foz the teeth. Idem. An ercedynge whyte and gaod poulder te ſcoure the Rei, teeth The Tabla teeth whyche is meterfo2 Lordes and qreate inet; © than anp of the other before. Folte,.8z. AdiFilled water,ercellent foz to make the teeth whyte iimmteniatip.g to pꝛeſerue chem wounserfallp.fo. 33, Abreaduerttlententes 02 leſſonnes of importaunceto kepethe teeth white and vncorzrupte and alſo a ſwece breath. Idem. Adecoction to waſſhe and ſcoure the mouthe, to faſten loſe teeth, to conſolidate and make ſounde cthe gom⸗ mes and te make the fleſhe growe agayne it it were decayed or fallen awaye. Folio 84. The fyfte Booke. O make parfpt Alure, ſluche as cometh from be⸗ vonde the ſeas. Folio.84. ao make a fyne confection sf grapne , called Lacca of grapne. Folio.86. To dye benes in a grene colour. Idem. An other maner howe to dye bones, 02 Juoꝛp, into the colour ofan Emeraude. dent, To ope bones red, blew,o2 of any colour pon will. Zor. @ berp goodly fecrete to dpe 92 colour woode,of what colour a man wll, hyche ſometyme ioyners dao⸗ bie that make tabies; andother thpnges of dyuers coleurs, and doo eſteme ft among themfelues to be of fuchs ercellencp, that one bꝛother twill not teache {Can other. : Fol.87. To countertait the black wood calted hebenus 97 Be benũ, and to make it as faire as the natural hebene, whiche groweth no wherebutin gnvias: Idem. Lo dpe (kines bletw,o2 of the colour of aſure Idem. Lo dye ſkynnes in Chicketwede, called in latin Rubra maior,o2? Rubratinctorum, into ared colour. 36.83, To dye ſkynnes greene. Idem. Co dpe the ſaid Skinnes’ an other wap. Idem. ——— wayre te dye ſkynnes of alure colaure, and *85 Folia.go, Gunther maner to dye Skynnes grene. vem. ' "The Table. % ver 4 ECEo dye neates leather into a greene colour, as weltin gail as in leaues. Idem. To dye ſkinnes grene, with the floure of Ireos fo.90. To dye bones (a turkiſhe o2 redde colour, Idem. opps hogges briſtles, and other thynges, {02 to mas ke rubbers and bruſhes. bent, To dpe the ſayde bryſtelles pellowwe; greene, 02 beg o2 arp other colour, dent, go make Purple, whiche is a colour, wherwith men vle to make a coloure lyke golde, fozte papnte anv waite with. | art, fre make acca of W2alpll, Fol,9 To make white tables to writein; with the popnet of a wyre, ſuche as comeoutof Germany. Idem. Co make roſet oꝛ ruddle. Idem. Xo gylte over parchemente, leather, 02 other fuche woorke, whiche menne bfe | in ſterde of hangynges, 02 Tapiſtrie Fol. _ Co dye crimoſyn ſylke. Ide Co prepare and trimme bzafpit,foz to make of tt fouve npuers colours. Idem. oa mabe Koſet of bꝛaſyll another way, fo. 93. Cao make beyond fea alure, without Lapis laſuli. Idem. flo make agrene colour to weite o2 patne with, Idem. Co beate fpnegolee, wherewith amanne map Weites 92 painte with a penfill. Idem. Khe (ame an other waye. — An other way with purpurine, Fol. er mete a grounde to gplte vppon, with weit olay os lettle gold with a tpngle grounds, Idem. Another way te lap on golde ~ ident, Homakecoloursof all kindesf metalles, Arent, {olay golde on ablacke ground. Idem. Mo mane letters ofthe colour of gold without gold. Id owe to make ſyluer letters without ſyluer. Idem. To make greene letters. fol 95. Co make white letters in a blacke fielde. Idem. Eo make a grene coloure fo3 to me and paynt rr The Table: ' aii a trimme and dreffe Aare, Idem. Lo dreſſe or trimme Cinabrſum,toꝛ to wꝛyte oꝛ patnte. with. Idem. Aground to lay golde vpon anpmetall 02 pron. Idem. To gylte the edges of bookes. Folis.96: | To licepe and preferue whites of Egges as longe asa man will without csrruptyng, am⸗ without puttyng Arlenick to it. A ſecrete not muche growen, Idem. The maner howe to make the grounde 03 foundation: fo2 Indicum. Idem. Another perfpt grounde forthe fame thynge. Idem. A goodlye wãye howe to make golde and Spluer inte poulder,a thpng eaſy to. be doñne, anb there will come of i¢ an ercellent coleur.Chisisa berp rare fecrete, . lwbpche bath not ben blen. nee knowen Dutpll thps . - preſente. Folio.ↄ96. To make a berye fayze Werntr 5 to bernpihe the fapen golde,and all other-wozkemanthpp, Folio 97. Lo b2ap or bꝛean gold 03 filuer ealelp, after the coment manet that the bet workmaſters do die, Folio. 98. La make a lyxour that maketh a golden coloure withs out golde. Idem. Another lycoure of che colouro of Galoe;foz to twepte, and Co gplte pon, wore, giaife bone, and otheripke thynges. Folio 9s. Another goodly licour, to makea golden colõure with little coſt, añd ts a thyngeealp to bedone, Folto.99, To make pneke,o2acoloure to wapte with, tna berpe §000 perfection, . Idem. Agood waye and maner howe to make yncke fo2 ta cary abouteamanina dapepoulder,whpche (whan be wyll wryte wyth he mutte temper wyth a lyttie pitc, Water, 02 Upnapger , 07 wyth ſome other ips. coure, and than he mape {neontinentput it in erpes Flence. Myth the faped poulder all other pncke nap be amended be ft neuer fe eupil. Idem, Ko make a greate deale of pucke quyckelye, and wych Ipttle cole, . Folio, 100, - Lo: "The Table. Tomake Printers pueke, | dem. . Semake vncke ſo whpte, thataithoughe aman wepte with it vpon white paper,itmapealelp andperfitipe be redde. A berp goodly thypnge, 3 Idem. Momake a pouldec to take of blottes o pucke , tallen bppenthe paper , 92 elles the letters and wꝛptynge from the paper: whiche is a rare ſecrete, but pet pros fitable. Folio aoi. Lomakea kynde of Uernyſhe, but muche taperer, ano better than that whiche Scryueners da ble, and fsoflefle coffe, and Nynaech not as other VUernyſhs⸗ doeth. Idem. Co maue vncke to rule paper forto weyte bp, wereot the weytynge beynge drye, the lynes maye be takers oute that it ſhallſſeme pe bane weytten wythoute ipnes.. . : Folio.ioꝛ. The Syxte Booke. — ſublime quickſyluer, that is to laye, to make 4 common ſublyme, that Goldeſmythes, Ale chempſtes, and gentylwemen do Bile, and Dthat men vlein manp thynges concernpnge © Phiſicke. | Folig.102,. - Comake Canabrium,and thereof te make loaues ofa - hundzeth o2 two hundreth poundes » a9 greate asa æ· man iptte : as thole ave that come oute of Almapnes whicbe fecrete hath not befoze this tyme ben knotwe of any in Italye. : Folio.ios. Cofpneand renewe Borer. rcoulo· ··7. Agood and eaſy way to make Aqua fortis better. than any other. Folio.uio. he tcue and parfptepractple to caſte medalles >And allotber workemanihyp, as well in braſſe, as in Soilde Spluer, Coppar, Leade, Tyn, as of Crittall,. - laffe, and marble. glio.110, be fypite earth to catte ina moulde all mance of Cull, bie matter. — 03 ſande Che ſeconde carth oꝛ ſands. Che: The Table: “Che thprve earthe o2 fande. AIdem. be lourche earthe o2 ſande. Idem. The kyfthe earthe o2 ſande motte perfite, Idem. The ſyrxte earthe. Fol, A goodly Wape and maner howe to make all thele cars thes berpfineand ſmall, ¢ almoſt impalpable, Idem To make a water called magiſtra, wherwith the ape f earthes to make mouldes is tempered, aiid t1opiked agapne at enerp caſtyng o2 foundpiig Idem. To make Lutum fapientiz very perfite. . fol, 03. Certayne thynges, whiche be that wyll take in bande _ anpfoundpng 92 caſtyng of mettalies, mut alwais haue ready, and in order. fol. 114. J be maner 02 oꝛder that aman oughte te keene, whan be wylle caffe 92 founde. medalies , 02 anpe other thynges. Folio.iię. To make a white, te blaunche or make white medal⸗ Jes, oꝛ other thynges newely molten, and alfo fo2 te renew anedalles vof slo ſyluer. Fol.ue, ‘Zo gylte pen with water, fglfo, 11-7, The lyke an otber wate. Idem. To gylte yron with golde foyle, and water, or els with gold mpre with quicke ſiluer, as goldſmiths ar wont. te gplte ſyluer. Idem· To Ope or coloure into the coleure of bꝛaſſe, oꝛ alſo to gylte ſyluer, whyche Hewerh the better; and conti⸗ nueth longer. Idem. A water o2 colour to laye vnder Diamondes as welle trie as counterfapte, that is to ſaye, made of whyte Sapbires, Fo uus. To counterfayte a Diamonde, with a whyte Sac yhypze. Idem. To ingrolle thynne Waleffes to ſette in rynges. Idem. els make rubyes of ting pieces, and Cimeraudes, as ‘thep make them at Mylan. Fo ai9. To wake a paſte o2 dowᷣe for precious fones,as Cres raudes, rubies, ſaphirs, and ſuche lyke, whiche bee but of ane peece welle coloured within and wich⸗ eute, Adem. te MOT he Table: om To make Emerauldes, and other Hones, 02 felvels les. Fol,120, CEo calcine 02 bourne Ch2iffalle, and the Calcidopne fione, to putte in the fapdemprtion of peectous foe nes. Idem. Awater to harden the ſayde Tones, Idem. io calcine fyne ſyluer. dem. he ſeconde maner of ene ſyluer. Ffolt.122, the thyrde maner of calcinpng ſyluer Fol.i22. fo calcine talchum quickely and dut of hande. Idem. Anercellent and.berp eaſy waye te gylte peo, copper, and ſpluer, to mabe it ſeeme lpke maſſiue gold.ſo. 123. A perfpte maner and * to gylte, and to make the. quycke ſpluer to vanyſſhe awaye frome the thpnge © gylted. Foe,” ‘Here endeth the table of this pres av ſente Booke. it IMPRINTED AT LON- DON BY--HENRY SVT. | ton, dvvellyng in Pater nofter rovve, atthe figne of the blacke Moryans Anno avirgineo pattu. 1§§ 2